#neteyam x female original character
neqeyam · 1 year
another excerpt from this fic i’m writing LMAO brought to u by reflections by the neighborhood
Neteyam found her sitting on a log well past eclipse, whittling what looked like a child’s toy. silently, he crept up to her, trying his best not to disturb her. as he drew nearer, he saw her ears perk up, her shoulders tensed then. she stood quickly, hand reaching for her knife. neteyam walked into the light of the moon with his hands out in front of him, palms forward in surrender.
she hissed at him before turning her back to him.
“have i done something to upset you?” he asked, voicing the thought that had been plaguing him for weeks.
she scoffed. rolling her shoulders back she turned around to face him, a scowl on her face once more. she took a step forward and neteyam tensed, standing taller under her scrutinizing gaze. slowly, she circled him as if he were her prey and he let her. she picked up one of his arms, examining it. he made no move to stop her. neteyam felt her fingers ghost across his shoulder blades and he fought to suppress the shudder her touch caused him.
she rounded on him, eyes softening the tiniest bit when she found the star shaped scar on his chest. she reached for it, hesitating just before his skin. Neteyam wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pulling her hand the rest of the way to his chest. she brushed her fingers across the raised skin, frowning deeper.
“they did this to you.” it wasn’t a question.
neteyam answered anyway, “yes.”
she scowled at that, baring her fangs at no one.
“what did it feel like?” she asked.
“what did what feel like?”
“dying,” she clarified.
Neteyam thought for a moment, recalling the evening he almost became one with eywa.
“terrifying,” he said, deciding that was the only accurate way to describe it.
finally, she looked at him, eyes searching his. neteyam drowned in yellow-green, getting lost in her intense gaze. her eyes flicked back down to the wound still covered by her fingers. locking eyes with his hands wrapped around her wrist.
“i had nightmares,” she said, voice barely a whisper.
neteyam drew in a breath, unsure of what to say.
“of this exact thing… of you dying… somewhere far from me where i could not see it— could not help.”
“there is little to be done when shot through the heart.”
she hissed lowly at that, curling her fingers ever so slightly.
“they will pay for what they have done to you,” she announced, meeting his gaze again. there he saw many emotions swimming behind her eyes. too many stories he didn’t know, wasn’t there for. too many burdens she bore alone. neteyam wanted— needed to ease her suffering. somehow. someway.
“we will end this war… together,” neteyam responded.
“together,” she echoed, content with that.
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quest-for-pluto · 6 months
To The Moon and Back
Platonic!Sully Kids x Human!Female!Reader
Summary: What if the Sully kids were captured instead of Spider? (A long drabble/short prompt?)
"No!" Neteyam pounded against the glass, gritting his teeth. "Let us out!" When no one answered he growled, throwing himself against the wall. Expectedly, it didn't budge.
"Neteyam, stop it," Kiri wrapped a slender hand around his forearm, pulling him to face her. "You're scaring Tuk."
His eyes softened as they landed on his youngest sister, murmuring out a gentle 'sorry', before they hardened again as they landed on Lo'ak. His younger brother was silent as he sat curled in on himself, staring blankly at the wall with his head in his hands. Kiri couldn't stop him this time as he charged towards him, yanking him up forcefully by his necklace to sneer in his face. Lo'ak's eyes widened in shock.
"None of this would have happened if you had just used your fucking head!" He shouted, pupils dilated with aggression. "Are you happy now? We're all trapped here because of you!"
"Get off of me!" Lo'ak snarled, shoving harshly at his shoulders.
"Stop it!" Kiri cried, trying to step between them and coax them apart, but Neteyam refused to relinquish his hold or his glare.
"Cut it out," a foreign voice rang out in the white room, making them all pause. To their collective shock, the wall on the right lightened until it was completely transparent. The siblings warily huddled closer together as they saw two humans, a man and a woman, facing them on the other side of the window-like wall. Tuk wrapped her arms anxiously around Neteyam's waist.
The man clucked his tongue in annoyance, turning towards the woman. "See? This is why they should have been put in separate holding cells."
Neteyam felt Kiri's grip tighten on his bicep at their words.
"Would've been a waste of space," the woman huffed, quickly typing something on her laptop keyboard, before shutting it and giving them her full attention. Her stare was intense and very much unnerving.
"Where are we?" Surprisingly that had come from Lo'ak. His spine was rigid in an attempt at channeling their father's intimidating demeanor.
The man smirked, striding up closer to the glass barrier. "Far from home, kid. That's for sure."
"You can't keep us here," Kiri hissed, but Neteyam could feel her hands trembling against him. "Our clan will come for us and kill you all."
"That's what we're banking on," he chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he whistled lowly. "We really lucked out with these ones, didn't we doc?"
Neteyam cursed under his breath. They were planning to use them as bait to lure his parents here. He needed to find a way to get in contact with them, but all of their communication devices had been taken away when they were thrown in here. Fuck.
"Don't entertain them," she snipped, giving him an unimpressed stare. "We're not here to play games. I actually have a job to do, if you haven't noticed."
"Trying to get rid of me already?" He put a hand over his chest, a mock wounded look downturning his lips.
"Yes," she replied bluntly.
"Come on," he jeered, waving his arm at them like they were some sort of freak show. "Don't tell me you want to be alone with the savages?"
Neteyam and Lo'ak bristled at the insult, baring their teeth. Tuk whimpered behind Neteyam's leg.
The woman glanced at them, wrinkling her nose in disgust as if she was instead looking at a giant, steaming pile of ikran dung. "Of course I don't, but I also don't want to be homeless," she gave him a pointed look, jutting her chin towards the exit. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have some work to do. Alone."
The man raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine," he chuckled, striding leisurely towards the door. He was almost there when he paused, turning around with a raised brow. "Coffee later?"
"Get out," she said flatly.
The door opened and closed, leaving the room blanketed in a tense silence. It was also then that she started behaving weirdly.
She began frantically shuffling through the objects on her desk, lifting papers and shifting around devices. After a few minutes of this, she seemed to come across what she was looking for: a small, round dark object about the size of her pinky nail—which she promptly threw on the ground and crushed under the heel of her boot. It made a small crunching sound as it succumbed to the pressure.
"Fucking Madden," she hissed under her breath.
After kicking away the debris, she lifted her gaze, staring at them contemplatively. She slowly approached the glass barrier, her features becoming more distinguishable the closer she got. The siblings tensed, not able to tell what she was going to do next.
"Believe it or not, I'm not here to hurt you," she said finally, her stare heavy and unwavering. "In fact, I'd say I'm your best ticket out of here."
Neteyam narrowed his eyes. He knew how the sky people were, heard stories of their greed and destructive nature and even witnessed it firsthand. She couldn't be doing this out of her own good will. Why would she risk her livelihood and possibly her life for them? "What do you want?" He growled. She had to be after something.
"Your names," she said simply.
"What?" They all reeled back in disbelief.
"Well, more specifically, I'd like to get to know more about you," she elaborated, the harsh look in her eyes softening into something that looked suspiciously like curiosity.
"Why are you doing this?" Kiri's voice wavered from beside Neteyam, staring warily down at the small woman. Well, small to them, at least.
For the first time, a genuine smile crossed the woman's face, taking them all by surprise. "Didn't your father ever tell you," she said, something unreadable twinkling in her eyes. "That Sullys stick together?"
*Takes a deep breath*
—internal screaming—
Guys. I’ve been WANTING to read something like this for so long that my brain just vomited it out. This is just an idea I wanted to share cuz it wouldn’t leave me alone and won’t be continued at the moment.
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nilrilie · 1 year
A Spirit That Never Fades | pt. 2
The plot: is missing but all you need to know is that you were once a skyperson named Anilri that was somehow reborn as a Metkayina. Eywa loves you too much.
You can find this story on ao3
Warning: Mentions of drowning, that's all. This one is mostly warmhearted scenes.
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From the creatures that walk on land and water to the plants that surround the forest and seas, everything around you is connected with energy and the memories of the past. And as you glide around the ocean floor by yourself with nothing but a soft tune humming in your head, you are thankful to Eywa that she has given you the ability to still feel these connections in this new life. 
From time to time, you stop to graze the sand on the ocean floor in hopes to find a shell that was different from the others you regularly see scattered around the village. And when you eventually found one half hidden under a rock, you couldn't help but smile in approval. 
It was the bluest calico shell you've ever seen, covered in stripes that looked like waves from a stormy sea. 
You've never seen any seashells with this pattern before and that's saying something since you've been here at the reef for about a year.
Picking it up, your mind wandered to the Omaticaya clan. To the forest Na'vi's whose skin color was the same shade as the shell in your hands. 
Thinking of them never fails to warm your heart. They were your people, a family you never asked for but was given anyways. 
Of course, at first, the forest Na'vis treated you with harsh words and looks but as months passed — also adding Grace's name to your back, they warmed up to you much like how Neytiri was to Jake. 
As these fond memories came to you, you couldn't shake the troubled feeling in your heart that followed. 
You know full well that a war was brewing between the Omaticaya clan and the humans before you died. It wasn't a hushed conversation in Hell’s Gate, the RDA was planning something big and they didn't care if others out of their field found out. 
You wanted to stop them, to do something inside the facility that might help Jake in defending the Na’vis and their home, but you had no power or position to intervene with the RDA's plan. Not to mention you also had zero knowledge on how to handle a weapon — unless it's a SCAR-L gun or a hunting knife, and you know full well those will be useless against an AMP suit with their big ass guns and hard metal exoskeletons.
You want to go back to the forest, to fight and be useful. To see Jake, Norm, Grace, and Trudy alive and safe. But they didn't have anything here that could be used to communicate outside the reef. You could always ask Tonowari or Ronal as they’d probably know but every time you open your mouth to ask, you would always change it to a different subject. 
It was cowardly, you know this, but you were afraid. Afraid that the war had happened and had taken the lives of the people you spent your time with — getting to know and befriended. That the forest you fell in love with was no more because of the humans who did the same thing to their mother.  
But there was a part of you that was still hopeful. 
For all you know, the Na'vis and the sky people might have solved their differences and made an agreement where the two species can cooperate in peace together.
Deciding you've lingered enough at the bottom of the sea, you took one last look around the area before swimming up. The blue shell safely in your hands in a tight grip.  
Breaking the water's surface, you didn't expect to be so far away from land. The waves were far harsher than it was before you entered making it known that you’ve strayed too far from the safety of the village.
You were hesitant to leave even as the irregular waves hit your body you still wanted to explore outside the seawall, but you knew you needed to find Tsireya. She might be going crazy with worry since you both dived together, before losing each other to your own curiosity. 
Looking at the distance, you decided to call for your ilu and in under a minute Emma was beside you. Rubbing her head on yours as she chirped happily in greeting.
“Hey girl," you giggled, hand in her head as you gently pushed her away from drowning you with affection, "I know you love me but we need to go. Tsireya might just kill my ass if I stay longer here," you said, jumping on her back and connecting your queue. Emma chirped in understanding and effortlessly guided you both back into the water, moving as fast as she could to get you both back home safely. 
On the shallow end of the water, you see Tsireya watching the surface with a worried look that melted to relief when she saw you on your ilu. 
As you got closer, you knew you were in trouble when you saw the scowl on her face. “Anilri! Where have you been?!" The girl in front of you now fumed.
“Sorry,” you smiled slyly, getting off your ilu without a sound as the water went up to your waist. 
You patted Emma’s head as a gesture to thank her and to tell her she can go, which she did before bumping her head none too gently with yours. 
“Ow! Emma, you—! Ugh…I’m sorry, Tsireya. I got distracted. I didn't notice the time.” 
Signing, Tsireya looked at you closely, taking a hold of your shoulders and spinning you around to check if you had any injuries from your time in the water. When she didn't find any, she smiled at you before taking your arm and dragging you toward the sand. 
“Be glad Aonung or Kiloä were not here. They would have dived long ago, blind by worry from your long absence. It is worrying since you know how Aonung is, 
his inflated head would only drag him up causing him to be useless in the water.” she said, eyeing you with a teasing grin. 
Tsireya stopped her walking before you lightly smacked her arm in scolding. Seeing you glare at her only made the girl giggle. 
"That's mean, Reya." 
“Mean? You were the one who said those exact same words when Aonung tried to compete in hunting with you.” 
Shaking your head in amusement and rolling your eyes at the girl who was now laughing, it was clear as day that the memory of you bullying the bully was loved by Tsireya. 
With the movement of your eyes that led you to look at the sand below your feet, you smile at what you see. 
There on the sand were shells of different kinds, all ranging in different colors and shapes in one neat circle.
You squatted down to take a better look at them, Tsireya following you with a soft smile. 
At first, she had wondered why you didn't seem to know any skills that were needed to live on the reef, and even Aonung went to her to ask these questions with distress as he was the one who was supposed to look after the mysterious Metkayina girl.  
“How am I not supposed to worry, Tsireya? The girl can not even breathe properly underwater! She was behind me as we rode an ilu, then in an instant, lost her grip on me! When I looked back to see if she was alright, she was clutching her throat since she drank seawater from staying too long under. How was I supposed to know she needed air, she should have hit me or something to make me notice — !” 
“Aonung, Aunong stop it. Breath, brother.”
“She is Metkayina yet she does not know the basic things to survive in the water. 
She could have drowned, sister.” 
With his hands on his head and a pained expression on his face, Tsireya could only give him one piece of advice that she knows will work as she had experience in teaching the younger children of their clan. 
“Be patient with her, brother. She has lost her memories and that is probably why she has also forgotten the things we were all first taught as children.”
Aonung looked somber but nodded his head in agreement. “You know I am not Patient.” 
“Yes, but if you do not want a repeat of what happened, you must be. You must also talk to her and get to know her. Be her teacher and treat her as if she is a child, taking her first step in the water.” 
And as weeks passed, it was obvious you only needed a reminder. You were fast to learn, breaking records of warriors who could hold their breath underwater. You even rode an ilu with only one instruction to connect and hold on tight. 
You were someone that was connected with the water like no other. Tsireya couldn't stop the thought of telling her mother that the girl could be a future Tsahìk if only her mother would stop being suspicious of the girl. 
With your closeness to Aonung, Rotxo was there to see your growth. Furthermore, helping in teaching you anything you needed to know about hunting and making nets. And along with Rotxo, Tsireya was there to further assist you with breathing and riding the ilus.
The three teens could see your love for their home. And even till now, the love you showed towards the reef reminded them of its beauty. Something that they have almost forgotten as they were surrounded by it all their life. 
With the face you make, of awe and wonder, every time you see even the tiniest seashell on the sand, Tsireya was reminded to be thankful. And there was one thing she was extremely thankful for, and that was the day Eywa had given you to them. 
"Did you find all this?" you asked the younger girl, brushing your fingers on the shells to feel their textures.
"I did,” she replied, doing the same with the others that were near her. “When we got separated, I decided to look around and found them. I thought they would look good as decorations for clothing." 
"They would also look good as accessories for the hair. Would you like me to re-braid your hair and use some of it? These small ones are the perfect size."
"Yes, please! I would rather have you do it than my mother, she could sometimes be rough in handling hair." 
With a restrained laugh from what Tsireya told you, you looked back at the shells to distract yourself from laughing out loud. 
Sometimes, you still can't believe that everything that’s happening around you is true. 
Swimming and playing around in a body of water used to be a distant dream you had back on earth since the oceans and seas there were so polluted to the extent that none can be used to even water the nonexisting plants you had at home. 
Now here at Awa'atlu, you were living near the sea and breathing in the fresh air.
A very different place from where you started.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | ...
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thewalkingwillowtree · 11 months
Safe Haven - Part Listing
Neteyam x Original Female Na'vi Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Current word count: 154k
Note: Please be sure to read the warnings since this story includes smut, violence and other sensitive topics. Also, kindly note this fic has not been beta read, please excuse all errors for now (including the few times I mentioned Neteyam having a pinky finger lol) To Be Edited Once Completed.
Part 1 - Escape
Part 2 - Neteyam
Part 3 - Home Camp
Part 4 - Breakthrough
Part 5 - Poker Face
Part 6 - More
Part 7 - Leati
Part 8 - Misunderstandings
Part 9 - Delicious
Part 10 - Red
Part 11 - Iknimaya
Part 12 - The One After Iknimaya
Part 13 - Tea
Part 14 - Tea (2)
Part 15 - Mated Bliss
Part 16 - Li'ona
Part 17 - Vengeance
Part 18 - Healing
Part 19 - Awa’atlu
Part 20 - New Life
Part 21 - Epilogue
This Story Is Now Complete!
Note: This series is still ongoing. I reckon it will be about 13 parts long- give or take.
New Note: Yeah it’s going to be more than 13 parts for sure.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Title: Nihona (Endearing/Sweet)
Status: Prologue (0/3)
Parings: Neteyam x Reader (Step SiblingReader), Sully’s x Reader
Genre/Warnings: ANGST, Mentions of death, Pregnancy, Romance, Fluff, Jealously, Forbidden Love Troupe, Step-Siblings, suggestive content!!, NSFW/MDNI (later on? Maybe not, depending on the response) All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: Miréya and Neytiri have been best friends since birth. Miréya was always by her side, comforting her when she lost her sister and when the sky people attacked. Neytiri loved her as if she was her own sister. Loosing her was unbearable for her and Jake. What will happen when they take in what is left off her? Take care of her daughter who is completely alone in this world? How will she adapt to her new family?
Word Count: 2.4k
**IMPORTANT PLEASE READ** A/N: This is a TEST! I was originally going to scrap this entire idea but I wanna see if you guys would like this. Please comment if you’d like me to continue ! And please read the Author’s note at the end for further context.
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“Neytiri-“ Miréya whispers, her voice cracking.
She reaches out her shaky hand feeling for Neytiri. Her eyes squinting shut in pain as another whimper escapes her lips. Neytiri leans closer to her, her eyes brimming with tears watching her friend suffer.
Neytiri held her hand tightly within her gasp as the female Na’vi groans in pain. A thick layer of sweat covering her entire form as Mo’at sat in between her legs which were propped up for better access. Mo’at frowns deeply before turning to another female Na’vi in the tent.
“Get me more water!” She orders, her voice thick with emotion. Something she tried to hold down as she was Tsahik, she couldn’t show emotion. Even if she knew the terrible outcome the current situation would befall.
“I’m here, I’m here sister” Neytiri whispers soothingly, wiping her tears as Miréya forces her eyes open. Her eyes were droopy with fatigue as sweat ran down her face, desperate gasps escaping her as she struggles to breathe.
“You’re going to have to push, are you ready?” Mo’at says from her spot, placing cloth under the girl. Miréya nods shakily, turning to Neytiri fully.
“Neytiri-“ she calls again, her hand gripping her tightly,
“-if I don’t make it-“
“No! No sister, don’t say such things!” Neytiri begs unable to hold in her own sobs. Maybe it was due to the fact Neytiri knew the pain her friend was going through as a mother herself. Or was it the realization when Mo’at gave her a solemn look of defeat mid way through the birth. But she wouldn’t let Ewya take away her dear friend, she couldn’t allow that.
“Sister, my dear sister. Please listen to me” Miréya gasps, clenching her teeth as a surge of pain stings through her body. A paralyzingly pain running through her and rendering her immobile.
“P-please take care of her. Take care of my pr’rnen” (Baby) Miréya begs, fat tears sliding down her cheeks. Neytiri shakes her head in denial.
“No! You must be strong, you must be strong for your baby” she encourages her voice cracking in pain. Miréya manages to smile softly at her dear friend, someone she confided with when she felt lonely. Someone who held her as she mourned her mates death many moons ago. The very same friend who couldn’t be happier when she heard of her pregnancy. Neytiri was the first person Miréya relayed the news too.
“I-I can’t….he’s calling me” Miréya whispers, smiling as a certain someone voice catch her ears. A voice she had missed so much.
“Ro’até…..Ro’até is calling me. It’s my time” Miréya says softly, her eyes getting heavier. The numbness from the tips of her toes travelling upwards.
“Promise me-“ She gasps, using what little strength in her to lean towards her best friend.
“Promise me you’ll take care of her. Promise me” she begs. Her voice full of raw emotion, Neytiri closes her eyes, her locks falling past her shoulder as her body shakes.
“Yes, I swear I’ll protect her with my life”
Jake smiles to himself as Neteyam cooes in his arms, reaching up to grab his much larger finger. Jake chuckles to himself watching in awe how small his son was, even though it’s been a couple of months already.
His ears twitch in alert when he hears his mates familiar steps near their family tent. Carefully getting up while still holding Neteyam, Jake faces the door as Neytiri walks in her shoulders slumped.
Within a flash Jake is by her side, his eyes filled with concern as he takes in her disbelieved appearance. Tears stained her cheeks as fresh ones well once again. Her hair was in disarray, sweat dripping down her forehead as she huffs out.
“Ma’Jake” she whispers, as if assuring herself he was there with her. She looked at her mate with a broken expression causing Jake to frown. Carefully tucking Neteyam under one arm he reaches out for her pulling her in.
“Shhh my love. What wrong? What happened?” He asked softly, his tone held that ofconcern. He had bid Neytiri off earlier today with a smile when she had let him know that Miréya, their friend, had gone into labour.
“She…….. Miréya is with Ewya Ma’Jake…” Neytiri whimpers out fresh tears streaming down her cheeks. Jakes eyes go wide, his throat closing in with sadness as he tries to confirm what his mate had told him. He pulls Neytiri down to sit on the mat as she was visibly shaking.
Miréya was the only other Na’vi who had accepted Jake when he had come to their clan. She convinced Neytiri that Jake could become one with the clan. Immediately became close with the friendly Na’vi and her mate. Though Ro’até was a man of few words, he respected Jake when no other male had at the time. Jake felt great loss when he couldn’t protect him. And now, he lost Miréya.
“Wh-at…what do you mean” Jake asks, his voice cracking under his own despair. He focused on Neytiri, pushing down his own sadness. He felt himself slowly slip into his thoughts, but he forced himself to stay alert. He had to, for Neytiri’s sake.
“She was too weak. She knew this pregnancy would be difficult but she still chose to keep the baby….she…” Neytiri whispers, glancing down at the small bundle wrapped in her arms.
Jakes eyes widen, forgetting the tears that slide down his cheeks. He stares at the carefully wrapped bundle that seemed to stir in Neytiri’s carful grasp. He was so focused on Neytiri he didn’t seem to register that she was holding a baby.
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“She has no one Ma’Jake…I’m….we’re all she has left” Neytiri croaks, she gently removes the wrapping revealing a beautiful baby girl. Her e/c eyes shining brightly under the dimly lit tent. Her stripes and freckling glowing in the dark. She babbles quietly straining to open her eyes.
“We’ll take her” Jake responds without missing a beat. He stares at the girl in awe, she was significantly tinier and smaller than the boy in his arms, looking that much more delicate. Neytiri nods, her eyes locked on the girl in her arms. She smiles softly while wiping a tear.
“I want to name her Y/n…. Miréya would have liked that” Neytiri says, glancing at her mate who smiles warmly despite his own tears.
“What a beautiful name….Y/n, our baby girl” Jake agrees proudly, cuddling up next to his mourning mate. The sudden movement jolts the baby fully awake as she lets out a squeal of surprise followed by a cry.
“Oh, shhh. Shhh my dear” Neytiri coos trying to calm down the startled baby in her arms. At the sounds of her cries Neteyam peers over at her in question, his lower lip jutted out in a pout.
Jake notices his sons interest deciding to scoot closer to the baby. He smiles seeing how Neteyam reaches his chubby hand out to her.
“This is your sister, Y/n” Jake says softy wiping away the tears.
Neteyam reaches to grasp the baby’s hand, wrapping his chubby fingers around her tiny ones. The moment he grabbed on her cries immediately calm down. It was as if the mere touch caused her to relax.
Neytiri and Jake smiles amongst themselves at the sight. Neytiri leans down to place a soft kiss on her forehead as well as her son, who didn’t let go of Y/n’s hand.
“Protect your sister Neteyam, she is very special to us”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13 Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And protect her he did.
Neteyam and Y/n were stuck like glue. Always a few steps behind one another, even after Kiri got adopted into the family followed by Lo’ak and Tuk. They never seem to far away from one another.
Neteyam always watched out from her, carefully taking care of her as if she were made of glass. In a way, she was. To him. He treated her with nothing but love. Neteyam always admired his baby sister, his precious sister he couldn’t help but love with all his heart.
He helped her with wielding her first bow, helping her with her very first kill she was ecstatic about. He helped her train hard in preparation to tame an Ikran. And celebrated with a flight over the hallelujah mountains when she finally tamed her green Ikran she named in hoi out of her mother previous Ikran. Seze.
Neteyam never seemed to get tired of her either. When she would get into mischief with Lo’ak and Spider, Neteyam always took the blame. He would face his fathers wrath all over again so he wouldn’t have to see his baby sister upset.
He also kept teasing Na’vi boys away, far away. He was her personal bodyguard. He didn’t know what motivated him, but he always made sure no one attempted anything with her. She barley had any guy friends due to this. Not that she complained, she was satisfied with her older brother that meant the world to her.
As the children grew so did their bodies and their thoughts. Touches and kisses that were nothing but innocent seem to morph into something else. Something passionate. At least to Neteyam.
The first time Neteyam felt jealousy was when he saw a guy make a pass at Y/n. In front of him. Due to his baby sisters innocence she didn’t understand the vulgar meaning behind what the boy had said, but Neteyam did. He had the boy on the ground before he could finish his sentence, his feet pressing his face into the soil beneath him.
Even whilst getting lectured by Jake and Neytiri regarding his sudden aggressive behaviour Neteyam couldn’t help but replay the event over and over in his mind. He felt jealousy, jealousy that stung him deep. But he also felt his heart clench with a feeling he didn’t know. A feeling he couldn’t quite decipher.
The next couple of years Neteyam finally understood what he felt as Y/n grew to be a beautiful Na’vi. His beautiful baby sister he couldn’t help but love, love in a way he knew was forbidden.
Neteyam tried to distance himself at first but the pain he felt while avoiding her was unimaginable. It was when he caught Y/n sobbing hysterically at their sudden distance he realized how tough life would be. He couldn’t stay away from her, but he couldn’t change his feelings either. He would have to be her brother, all while loving her in a way that seemed to cause heartbreak.
“What’s wrong? You’re unusually quiet today” Neteyam claims as he scoots closer to Y/n. Their feet dangled below them as they sat perched on a branch high above the ground.
The small and adorable pout that Y/n tried to hide did not go unnoticed by Neteyam. Then again, nothing ever did. He was always watching her, always keeping her in a close distance to make sure she was ok. Make sure she was safe.
“I overheard some girls today” she sighs out knowing very well she couldn’t lie to her brother even if she wanted to. Neteyam hums in response urging her to continue.
“They were talking about…kisses. A lot of them-most of them have already had their first kiss!” Y/n blurts out throwing her hands in the air out of frustration. Neteyam’s eyes grow wide, his body stiffens at her words.
“And?” He asks after clearing his throat harshly. He forced himself to keep his eyes trained on her eyes, avoiding the idea of glancing down at her pillowy lips.
“This is embarrassing….I haven’t had my first kiss…I’m starting to feel left out!” Y/n admits, blowing a practise of hair that was loose out of her braid.
Neteyam coughs at her words. It was true he hasn’t had his first kiss either, but there was a reason for that. He was so in love with his own sister he couldn’t find it in his heart to move on. Let out make a move on some Na’vi he would never grow feelings for.
“Do you….want a kiss?” He asks, carefully wording his thoughts.
“Yes-of course!” Y/n quickly responds, turning to face her brother. Her ears twitch in excitement at the thought.
Neteyam feels his heart race against his chest, his mouth going dry as he utters the words his heart wanted to scream.
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“Do you want to k-kiss me?” He asks quietly. Y/n’s eyes growing wide at his words.
“-as a practice!!” He quickly adds as Y/n furrows her eyes in thought. It takes her a moment but she shyly nods. Her eyes twinkling with excitement.
Neteyam gulps loudly as he pulls her closer by grabbing her waist. It was slim and seem to fit perfectly around his arms, something that sent a shiver down his spine.
Neteyam felt guilt eat him alive. Knowing very well every fiber in his body wanted to kiss Y/n, for his own pleasure. Because he desperately wanted to feel her pressed against him. He desperately wanted her lips against his. He felt terrible for using this moment to his advantage in a way, but all that reasoning muffle out as he gazes down at her lips.
“Are you sure?” Neteyam asks one more time, wishing she would agree. Y/n nods back, pushing herself closer to him.
Neteyam gently reaches up cradling her neck with his large warm hand. He leans down watching how she closes her eyes in anticipation. Feeling her feathery breath tickle against him is the last straw as he places his lips over hers.
A shock of electricity runs through both of them at first contact. Their lips mold together heatedly as if they had kissed many times before. Neteyam pulls deeper into the kiss breathing through his nose, refusing to pull away. Now that he tasted her he couldn’t get enough. She tasted sweet, addicting. He didn’t know how he refrained from kissing her before.
Y/n pulls away gasping for air, her eyes blown wide. Neteyam desperately tried catching his breath knowing very well he looked just as flush at her.
“W-woah” Y/n whispers as the reality starts to sets in.
She kissed Neteyam. Her older brother….
And she loved it.
A/N: I just wanted see if you guys would actually be interested in this story. In no way is Reader related to Neteyam by blood but this is a step-sibling kinda situation. If I get positive reviews back I’ll continue with the 3 chapters I had planned (which will include a NSFW scene), if not I’ll delete it! I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable while reading this. So please let me know what you think! Thank you guys☺️☺️❤️
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sunofpandora · 3 months
Okay but can we normalize writing about female characters being just like, a total meathead in the relationship?
I say that for lack of a better word.
Now; don’t get me wrong, I love a good sexy fic where the girl has no idea what tf is going on and the guy is just the man with a plan, or a good fashioned (AGE APPROPRIATE) mentor x student dynamic, (I repeat, in a specific fic that will contain two consenting adults.)
What I’m talking about is more along the lines of tropes we’ve normalized.
Writing is such a broad subject. Specifically, writing your characters.
We would be here for the next 300 years (maybe all the avatar movies will be out by then?) and we still wouldn’t cover everything.
And no. I’m not talking about the generalized ‘big strong man comes along and rescues the helpless damsel’, as much as that tends to bother me, I’m going a bit smaller.
I’m talking making your male character cry like a Disney princess at a wishing well and still making him a loveable, sexy, strong protagonist that doesn’t have any kind of ‘loss of masculinity’ throughout the story.
In talking about a female character who punches the shit out of a tree like a Minecraft character for 30 minutes straight because she’s really pissed off.
I’m talking about a girl grabbing a guy by the waist and kissing him.
You know what else is so funny? We can do that all without having their dynamic of sexual encounters be ‘she’s into dudes who dress up in skirts for her’ or ‘he wants a girl who will boss him around’
And of course; there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with those things. I am not kink shaming anyone. What I’m trying to get at here is that some people may think certain traits that are displayed would stereotypically reflect their sexual preferences.
Like; ‘oh that guy cried over a movie? Yeah. He probably wears a dress and makeup for his wife in bed’
Yk? That’s just getting old at this point.
I love seeing writers, filmmakers, and artists who are running wild with this concept and creating characters and dynamics that reflect all types of personalities and ‘abnormal’ gender identifying traits.
And guess what? Your male protagonist can absolutely cry over a book or movie and still portray dominance.
Your female protagonist can absolutely be the type of girl who beats the shit out of a random object because she’s pissed and afterwards paint her nails because she feels like it!
I’m currently writing a Neteyam x Reader, and I’m experimenting with some of these ideas myself. Writing more ‘emotionally natured’ male characters without straying them away from their original canonical structure.
This is getting long and it’s 3:54 in the morning where I live and I don’t want to wake my partner so I’m gonna wrap it up with this,
Dudes can be 6’00, built like a rock, and cry like a Disney princess.
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theunfortunateplace · 5 months
Say you love me (Neteyam X OC!Na’vi) Chapter 18
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Read On Ao3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Pairing (Neteyam X Original Metkayina Female Character)
Synopsis: follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle. Disclaimer: All characters in this fic have been aged up for the convenience of storytelling and to match the aging system up with both Pandora and Earth
OC Luaewe-22 Neteyam-23 Kiri-23 Lo'ak-21 Ao'nung-23 Tsireya-21
Warnings: Smut, Thigh fucking, P in V, Marking, Heavy impreg talk, Breeding kink, Creampie (let me know if I missed anything else)
I awoke bright and early along with the Sully family. 'Teyam and I said goodbye to my mother with her of course not sparing me the kisses. Even Neteyam got smothered in some. This trip was originally supposed to be us two but it quickly turned into a family trip. Was Neteyam happy about that? Nope. Not one bit but he eventually got over it. I on the other hand was excited regardless I never traveled that far before.
Travels like that were only meant for the traders of the clan. “Are you sure you packed everything?” I heard Reya ask as we approached the others by the ikran. “Of course I did! I even packed extra for you.” Lo’ak answered back while giving his ikran a pet. She was tagging along too her mother insisted it was the right thing to do and Lo’ak didn’t want to leave her alone. 
“Why do I have the feeling they will be bickering the whole travel?” Neteyam whispered in my ear as we approached his ikran. I chuckled and looked up at him. “ because it’s highly likely that it’s going to happen, but I’m sure if you fly fast enough we won’t hear it.” I winked at him causing him to smirk at me. He leaned down and kissed my lips. 
I felt his hand caress my face as he deepened it. “Ma teyam did you drink the tea this morning?” I asked in between kisses. He pulled apart resting his forehead on mine. “Yeah…I did…maybe we should have made this trip sooner.” He said in a worried tone. 
I tossed the items my mom requested for me to bring on his ikran and cupped his face. “You'll be fine… if you feel like you need to take a break do it. Don’t push yourself harder than you need to.” He nodded his head placing one last kiss on my lips.
“OK, love birds, are you guys done sucking face so we can fly out?” I heard Jake call out as he finished loading everything up. I heard Neteyam groan pulling away fully reaching to secure the sack I placed on top. 
I chuckled and quickly placed my hand on his. gesturing for him to check if the saddle and everything else were secured. I looked over at Kiri as she talked with Spider who sat in front of her. I still have yet to have a proper conversation with him… every time I try to it’s like he avoids me as if I were ill.  I shook my head turning back to the ikran that was staring me down. I gave him a pat on the head only for him to blow air through his nose at me nudging while against my hand. “ you ready for the ride big guy?” His face changed making me raise a brow confused by his reaction, but he quickly licked a long strip on my cheek. I groaned and patted his head. 
“Yup-yup, I love you too.” I walked off wiping all the slobber away and shook my head that dude needs to work on expressing his feelings in another way. I climbed on top and sat towards the front in my normal spot. I can’t believe I would be going to the forest…. Let alone meeting his grandmother. I felt his eyes lingering from behind me causing me to look and sure enough he was. 
We didn’t have much time and every second we spent here the less time we had to make it there before his rut. “OK, is everyone ready?” I asked shaking the worriedness from my voice. I gestured to 'Teyam to get on and he followed. “All set!” Jake called out. Before I could even reply back I felt 'Teyam wrap his arm around me tightly inching closer to me. “You know the drill hold on tight.” I gripped the leather strap and he took flight. 
I gasped feeling the wind rush past my face as the ikran screeched out. No matter how many times I fly with him it never gets old. 
Jake took his position leading us in the front while Neteyam followed closely behind. Ever so often I could hear their voices communicating their next move or to ask questions. The technology was all new to me. Neteyam didn’t wear the device often but I guess since we are going to the forest it’s necessary.
I wonder if they use it because you can’t hear anyone when flying and it’s not like us, the Metkayina, where we have sign language….
My mind was filled with so many questions. Sure I’ve wondered how different clans lived their life but it just dawned upon me that the Omaticaya use many forms of human technology… 
My mind was like this for hours new thoughts popped in. Questioning many different things it wasn’t until I felt a drastic shift in our direction that I realized we were making our first stop. 
He landed the ikran and got off. Holding a hand out to assist me, I smiled and thanked him with a kiss causing him to smirk. 
“Gosh, I have to pee!” I hear Reya say as she practically runs off somewhere. I chuckled and looked over to Kiri and Spider. I locked eyes with Spider and I saw nothing but fear in his eyes. Even though I was waving and smiling at the pair. I bit my lip and turned back to Neteyam who was looking at me with a confused face. 
“What's wrong?” He asked I shook my head reaching for the snack bag and pulling out some dried fish. “It's nothing.” I looked up and smiled at him only for him to caress my cheek. He leaned down moving closer to my lips, when I suddenly I heard a crunch. I opened my eyes to find this man chewing on my damn fish. 
“You little-“ he abruptly kissed my lips and started running away. “ I’m gonna get you once we get to the forest, you fish thief!” I yelled out. I huffed and ate the remains fish in my hand and walked over to Lo’ak who was stretching his legs out. 
“How was the ride so far?” I asked he scoffed and smirked. “ I’m sure you can guess what it was like Luaewe.” I chuckled and shook my head. 
“Well, it’s almost eclipse she will go to sleep soon, and the crankiness will wear off.” He smiled slightly and looked away for a short moment. “ I don’t suppose you have something that will help with nausea?” I smiled and patted his shoulder. 
“And who would I be if I wasn’t prepared for everyone? Come I’ll give you a couple of things to give her.” He let out a sigh of relief and quickly walked over with me. 
I undid the knot on the satchel that held all my medicine and took out some candy I made. “These should help.” He raised a brow. “You sure, because it just looks like candy to me.” 
I chuckled. “It is candy, I made it. I figured we wouldn’t have time to sit and brew tea and all that extra stuff…well you guys might but Neteyam and I don’t.” 
He hummed.” You know that’s a really smart idea. I never seen something like this.” I smiled and thanked him. He looked off again and scratched the back of his head causing me to raise my brow. 
Is there something else wrong? Why is he acting like this? Normally he’s cracking jokes or goofing around or something. “OK, what's going on? This.” I moved my hands in a circular motion. “ is making me worried.” 
“ I- shit…. You know this is really awkward to talk about especially considering you’re my brother's mate and now my sister...” I huffed and placed my hands on my hips.  What the hell is he trying to say? And why is it so hard? “Lo'ak?” He looked at me directly. “ Just say it.”
I chuckled, causing him to smile. “How did you know you were in love… what did it feel like?” I blinked slowly, completely stunned by the question. 
“Wow ok, I wasn’t expecting that um…. Well ha….At first, I was extremely conflicted due to some stuff that happened in my past… I don’t think there was a specific incident that made me love him, it was really everything combined. Like sure when you like someone you feel a pull or whatever but every second I wasn’t with him felt emptiness… when he held me even at the most awkward times.” I chuckled and looked off into the distance. “ It's like this warmth engulfed me and I’m not talking about body heat. I could literally feel his love. I don’t know, it's hard to explain but when you know you know.” 
I looked back at him only to find him in a transfixed state. As if he were thinking really hard. It wasn’t until Reya called out to him that he snapped out of it. We don’t have deep conversations together but I could tell he was going through something.
I felt arms wrap around me from the back and I smiled leaning into his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead and hummed. “ Where did you run off to fish stealer?” He looked down and chuckled. 
“ I had to handle some business before we headed back out.” I raised a brow in confusion. I mean if he had to use the bathroom he could of ju- ooooooooh. I turned around and he tilted his head. 
“ Why didn’t you ask? I would've helped.” I said lowly. He smiled and gently grazed his thumb against my cheek. “Ma orae if I did that I definitely would have not been able to hold back and would have pushed myself into an early rut.” I pouted but accepted his words. That’s the last thing either of us want. “You're right.....well, did you at least get the satisfaction you needed?” He laughed out and gently ran his hands up and down my back only for him to firmly grasp my ass making me gasp out in shock. “‘'Teyam, your family is right there!” I whispered, yelled, looking around quickly to make sure no one was watching 
He lowered his face to my ear and playfully nipped it.“Shh, it's not like they would notice.” Of course they would you’re literally gripping my ass in broad daylight gosh I hope Tuk isn’t looking over here!
“It was enough, but I would have preferred that tight little pussy you have.” I playfully swatted his arm causing him to chuckle moving his head away. “You can be touchy all you want but you better keep that mouth in check!” I pointed my finger at him and furrowed my brows. 
“OK, I’ll keep it in check. Wouldn’t want to accidentally turn you on, or we would be stuck here for days and I probably would end up with a broken arm again.” 
Too late for that ‘'Teyam, and I’m sure he can tell because that damn smirk on his face is staying put. He leaned down kissing my lips. I felt his hands starting to grope my ass as he tried to deepen the kiss. I pulled away quickly and pushed his chest away. He looked at me as if I had betrayed him but quickly came back to his senses. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He pulled back fully and let out a frustrated sigh. 
I shook my head and gave his arm a squeeze. “It's okay, that’s why I’m here to keep you in check.” I said trying to lighten the mood, he let out a soft chuckle and nodded his head. “We should head back out. I’m not sure if everyone else is ready but we gotta go.” He said while looking around. 
He pressed his fingers on the device and spoke. “Me and Luaewe are gonna head out first.”  I watched as Jake popped his head up from whatever he was doing. “OK, we will meet at the third stop.” 
I reached back into the back and took out another piece of dried fish. I was just standing there watching them both communicate but I had no clue what they were saying. I felt Neteyam’s hand graze my lower back. 
I turn away from the bag making sure to close it and look up while taking a bite of the fish. He chuckled and leaned down. I instinctively moved away having a feeling he would take another bite from me but he held me in place and kissed my forehead.
“Come on, my pretty girl it’s time to go.” Heat suddenly rose to my face causing me to look away. But I quickly grabbed the saddle and hopped up. He positioned himself behind me swiftly connecting his kuru. He wrapped his arm around my midsection and before I knew it we were off in the air again. 
I have no clue when the next stop will be maybe hours from now well into Eclipse. I bit my lip feeling him reposition himself behind me as we leveled out in the air. Gosh, this was going to be a difficult ride. I mean I knew it was but shit his fucking dick is pressed up against my ass and it’s taking everything in me not to reach back and grab it. 
But the last thing I want is for us to crash into the ocean……this is gonna be a long trip. 
“OK, we will camp here for tonight leave out early morning and meet up with everyone at the third stop.” I hum as he helps me back off the ikran. 
“How many more stops till we get there?” He walked over to the bags and took some off. “maybe two more, it all depends on the weather really.” 
I smile and fold my hands together. That’s awesome we’ll I’m sure the weather won-“ the sound of thunder crashed interrupting me. “Well shit.” He chuckled as I looked up to see if there were any rain clouds. 
I quickly walked over to him and took some of the bags. “Will those be alright in the rain I’m not sure how your material holds up?” We moved under a tree and set everything down. “Yeah, it's made out of leather and we waterproofed it…. It would be ideal if we found a cave if it’s going to rain but we will have to make do with this tree.” He said fiddling with something in the bags. I tried to help but he told me to just sit so I did. 
If I knew one thing about Neteyam it’s that if he tells you he’s got it and doesn’t need help he doesn’t. Well until you hear cursing or a loud noise. I watched as he strung up the material that would keep us dry.  
I shook my head subtly walking back over to him and went into the bag taking out the blanket we would sleep on. I heard his playful scoff from behind me and I smiled. He should have known I wouldn’t stay put. I jolted up feeling a sudden wetness on my back. “Looks like we landed just in time.” He said while quietly moving the other bags under the material. I hummed and sat down watching the rain hit the sand. “ I should have known not to jinx the weather.” I lightly chuckle as I feel him pull me closer and wrap his arms around my waist. 
“It's fine, at least we get to enjoy the rain together…. You know I just realized this is the first time since mating  we will sleep alone.” I smiled and rested my head against his chest. 
“You're right… it’s weird not having Tuk trying to infiltrate our cuddle time or my mom waking us up.” I shook my head. I’ll never forget the day when Neteyam and I were about to have our afternoon nap. Anyone walking by would think we were about to have sex with how intense we kiss before we sleep. 
But that didn’t matter to Tuk. She ran into our area and jumped on us complaining how it was unfair we didn’t spend time with her as much as we do with each other. 
“Mhm, we are finally alone. Maybe when we get back our marui will be finished hopefully not though. It’s my duty- well back in my clan once mated the male or one who initiated creates the hammock or   marui as you guys call it.” 
I raised a brow confused do they not sleep in marui’s like us. “ wait so how do you guys sleep?” 
“ in hammocks. There are individual ones, then ones for couples, and lastly the family ones but after moving to the mountains because of the war… we had to set up tents you can still sleep in the hammocks inside or sleep on the floor…. It’s kinda complicated you’ll see when we get there.” I hummed and moved forward reaching for some fruit. 
“ I’m excited especially since you guys really talk up the forest.” He chuckled while placing a kiss on top of my head. 
“ because it deserves to be talked up!” He held his hand out and I placed some of the fruit in his hand willingly. “ you think Sa'nok will make some porridge for me?” He let out a laugh and I looked up with a serious face. “ I’m serious! You said it was better so now that I’ll be there I can’t leave without tasting it!”
“You'll get your porridge don’t worry… and the other delicious foods,” I closed my eyes and hummed. That’s another thing I had no clue about. The types of food they ate… 
I felt his face dip against my neck lightly nipping at my skin. “Why do you have to smell so good ma Orae?” He grunted against me. I bit my lip feeling his dick press against my back. “ I don’t know why this time around is so hard for me but shit!” I felt him squeeze my hips trying to lift me up but continued to restrain himself. 
“Let me help you-“ I said trying to turn around he lowly hissed warning me to stay put. “Luaewe, you know we can’t.” He strained. 
“But it’s hurting you! I can’t stand seeing you this way, 'Teyam. You don’t have to put it in. I can jerk you off or you can put it in between my legs.”  
He nipped my neck again as his hand slid around to the front forcefully cupping my pussy. My breath shuddered at his fingers grazing my clothed clit.
He let out a deep chuckle against the back of my neck but cursed as I touched his thigh. I was still wet from earlier. It’s probably what’s driving him to behave like this. Gosh, I feel so bad! And the fact that I can’t even help. “My hand isn’t even fully touching your pussy and I can feel how wet it is.” 
He playfully tapped against my clit causing me to jolt back in surprise. “What I would do to be inside you right now… feeling that tight hole squeeze me as I fill you up with my cum.”  I let out a whimper as he continued to speak in my ear. 
Fuck I don’t remember him talking this dirty before. I let a moan slip from my mouth and I could feel him smirk against me. “But this will have to do. Lay down for me sweetie.” He patted my thighs letting me know what he decided and I followed his instructions. 
I laid down on my side with my thighs pressed together looking back waiting for him to move closer to me. He looked at my ass hungrily grabbing it with his hand. Even with hands as big as his some of it flowed out between his fingers. 
He chuckled lowly moving his hands up my hips speedily undoing my tweng. His chest pressed up against my back causing me to lean into him. He dipped his face back into the crevice of my neck and let out a deep growl. “You smell so good.” His fingers found their way to my folds massaging my entrance. I let out an airy moan reaching back to hold his forearm. “So wet for me. Fuck I just want to be in you!” 
You and me both! “Please?” I let go of his arm reaching back further for his cock that was pressed between my ass. “ I don’t want your fingers. Put it between my legs ''Teyam.” I gave up trying not to sound desperate right now. I wanted my mate and I couldn’t even have him the way I wanted.
He moaned as I gripped the base of his cock as I lifted my leg up slightly. “mmmm.” I bit back my moan as I rolled my hips back into him. Setting him in place nestled snugly between my folds.  He forcefully grabbed my face detaching his lips from my now abused neck and latching them onto my lips. 
He started moving slowly at first. Almost antagonizingly slow. Even in his horny pre-rut filled brain he still had it in him to torture me. But that all came to an end very quickly. His hand caressed my body spending extra time on my breast. When suddenly he sped up out of nowhere causing me to jolt forward with the increase in stimulation. 
“ ssshit!” I moaned out while gripping his arm once again as he pulled me back holding me still. “I’m not even in you and you’re running?” He scoffed “How is my mate supposed to tend to me when she can’t even take my cock rubbing up against their tight little pussy huh?”
He lowered his hand to my clit rubbing it ferociously. I gasped, feeling an orgasm fast approaching but he switched up the pace on purpose. “Please please please please please-“ I choked out begging for him to make me cum but he refused. He pulled his hand away gripping my breast again. 
“Fuck, I love these! And your fucking ass. I wonder how big they’ll get when you swell with my child.”  It’s just his pre-rut talking. It’s just his pre-rut talking. I chanted to myself trying to rationalize his words. He leaned down kissing me once again quickly deepening it. “Please let me cum.” I begged against his lips. 
He smirked moving to my ear. “You wanna cum? Yet my cock isn’t in you? You think I’ll let you do that?” I whined getting frustrated with this game! “All you have to do is-“
“Just fuck me already damn it!”  I shouted out fed up with all this teasing and non fucking. Maybe I’m out of my mind maybe I’m just fucking horny but if he cheats me out of another orgasm I will lose it! 
I felt him smirk pulling back slightly and slowly pushing into me. “Yes yes yes yes!” I chanted as the swell of his cock stretched me. His lustful moans filled my ears as he settled deeply into me. I gasped, feeling our Kuru’s connection. I didn’t even feel him touch mine. 
He moved slowly trying not to hurt me but he could tell I was fine and quickly picked up pace. The sounds of our skin hitting and the sound of my squelching pussy overpowered the downpour that was upon us. Thank Eywa we were alone or else this would be an embarrassing thing to happen with everyone there.  Though his speed picked up his strokes were deep and with the curve of his cock it almost felt like it was intentional. 
“T- 'Teyam, you're too deep!”  His hand went back to my breast rolling my nipple in between his fingertips. I moaned out arching my back from the new stimulation. He chuckled sinisterly knowing exactly what he was doing. 
“You're mine.” He nipped my ear with his teeth “If your breasts are this sensitive now just imagine what they’d feel like full of milk.” His stroke grew deeper, more aggressive. I cried out feeling him grow larger. How is that even possible? “Fuck ‘'Teyam please you’re too-“ 
He growled tightening his hold on me refusing to let go. “ I’m gonna fucking breed you! I’m gonna get you pregnant muntxate.” My pussy clenched vigorously around him causing him to chuckle. “You like that huh? You like when I say I’m gonna get you pregnant hm?” 
His hand moved to my belly causing me to gasp. “ I’m gonna love watching you waddle around the village parading that round belly. Having it be a physical example of what I did to you.”  He said while caressing my belly as if a bump were already there 
He bit down onto my shoulder pushing me right over the edge. He held me tight as a scream of pure pleasure ripped through my throat. My body convulsed from how intense the orgasm hit me. But despite how forceful it was he continued to rut into me as his knot began to swell. I couldn't help but get turned on even more. Knowing the risk of us already performing tsaheylu. If he were to knot me, I would for sure get pregnant.  
He bit down harder as his cock twitched inside of me spurting his hot cum against my cervix. I can only imagine what it feels like to be stuffed with his knot. 
I reached placing my hand on his thigh and rubbing it as he came down from his high. His soft lips peppered my neck with kisses causing me to smile. “Fuck.” He breathed out, “I- I'm sorry, my love…… I got carried away shit.” I shook my head while attempting to look back. 
“It's okay, you're alright right?” 
“Mhm,” he said lowly while dipping his face in my neck still trying to calm his breathing.  I reached back brushing the braids out of his face. “Then everything is fine and you feel relieved no?” He nodded his head and I smiled. 
“Then there’s no need to worry ‘'Teyam.”I tried to pull away to fully check out his arm but instead, he tightened his hold around my waist. I chuckled while tapping his hand. 
“Alright big guy, let me go I need to properly check your arm.” He groaned and I couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his antics.  But my laughter was quickly replaced by a shudder of my breath as he pulled out of me causing the cum to rush out of me. 
“Gosh!” It felt almost erotic feeling the warmth of his seed run out of me and onto my inner thigh. I looked back to see his glistening cock slowly relax and knot fully deflate. I sat up with him following suit and reached for his arm. 
Unlike Ronal, I wouldn’t be able to tell the healing status when most of it had healed already but I can’t tell if it’s broken. I felt around for anything out of place and listened to him for any small sounds to slip from him. But there was nothing everything was fine. I looked up and smiled while letting his arm down, “Nothing is broken.” I said softly 
He reached up to caress my face and pulled me in for a kiss. “Thank you.” I giggled against his lips and patted his thigh. 
“It’s my duty.” I squealed as he pulled me into his lap and laid down. “ ‘Teyam! We have to wash up.” I whined only for him to shush me. 
I let out a groan and laid my head on his chest accepting defeat. His cum is gonna get all crusty! “You're gonna be the one scrubbing your cum off of me!” Laughter erupted from his chest 
He cupped my ass while sitting back up. Good because I didn’t want to deal with that in the morning. “You just won’t let me enjoy my muntxate huh?” He said while standing up still holding onto me. 
“You must want a crusted-up muntxate then if you thought I would just let you let me lay there! Skin as smooth as mine takes care!” He shook his head playfully and scoffed. 
 I felt him playfully tap my ass, “alright, let's make it quick then”. He looked out from under the material keeping us dry and hummed. “It looks like the rain slowed down but we should still make it quick. 
“Are you gonna put me down?” I asked while tilting my head he smirked. “No, this is payment for not letting me lay down with you.” I groaned playfully but I enjoyed it when he carried me. To him, I practically weighed nothing. I leaned that quickly from how many times he scooped me up and placed me in his lap. 
I smiled and shook my head as I pushed my face into his neck. “Nga yawne lu oer“ 
“ I love you too,” he says.  I tried to shove my face deeper and he chuckled. The rest of the night was spent with us bathing and playing around in the water longer than we should have but we eventually got out and went back to ‘camp’ as Neteyam called it. 
I was cuddled up against his warm chest with his arms wrapped around me. I listened to his heartbeat while the sounds of light rainfall could be heard in the back. I gasped while closing my eyes feeling the connection of our kurus. 
His hand grazed my back as he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Sleep Ma Oare, I’m not going anywhere.”  He said in a low tired voice. I continued to listen as the sound of his heart beating turned into a trance….
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pandoras-box0 · 1 year
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|| : Sage's Masterlist Key :
| ☁︎ - Fluff | ☾︎ - Angst | ♡︎ - Smut |
| ✉ - request | ★ - Dark Content |
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𝔸𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕣 𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕖
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Jake Sully - "all I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for."
|♡︎| ' pussy play ' w/ Jake Sully!
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Tsu'tey - "we will strike them in the heart!"
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Neteyam Sully - "who's the mighty warrior? Come on, say it."
|♡︎| 'golden touch ' - aged up! neteyam x Metkayina! reader | Body worshipping Teyam!
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Lo'ak Sully - "i trust you, you can trust me."
|♡︎| ' tasting you ' - aged up! lo'ak x omatikaya! reader | oral - fem receiving; lo'ak cums untouched!
|♡︎| ' budding passion ' - sub! lo'ak x dom! metkayina! reader | sex pollen; aged up characters; knotting; male sub x female dom! (Coming Soon)
|♡︎| : ' hush ' - lo'ak x na'vi! reader | orgasm denial; tail play; exhibitionism!
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Miles Quaritch - "why so blue?"
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Other Recom - "A Recon gyrene in an Avatar body. That's a potent mix."
|♡︎| ' coffee ' - recom! mansk x recom! reader | slight somnophilia; light dubcon because of ; pre-established lovers!
Other Na'vi - "I see you,"
|♡︎| ' all mine ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | possessive/possessive ralak; scenting; marking/biting! (Coming Soon) (@zestys-stuff 's oc)
|☁︎| ' comfort me ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | pure comfort; just ralak being the attentive man he is!
|♡︎| ' like candy ' - ao'nung x metkayinan! reader | oral fixation; switch! ao'nung - if you squint; tit play!
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Series Masterlists -
| ★ · ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Whisper to my soul ' - lo'ak sully x na'vi! reader | mentions of violence, war, death; eventual smut; the RDA stole na'vi| ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' tìyawn si tsam ' - ki'yhon sully x na'vi! reader | original characters; original clan; one-sided enemies to lovers - on Ki'yhon's behalf; arranged mates trope; hopeless romantic! reader; angst; mentions of war - includes violence, near death experience, and character death; eventual smut - switch! reader and Ki'yhon | ( masterlist ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' ego talking ' - kaalu x reef na'vi! reader | arranged mates trope; age gap; eventual smut; mentions of war, violence, death | ( masterlist coming soon ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' blended clans ' - tonowari and ronal x metkayina! reader x jake and neytiri | pre established poly relationship; rekindling; angst; blended family trope; the metkayina clan helped fight against the humans in 2150 | ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Pandora bound ' - spider socorro x recom! reader | ( tags and masterlist coming soon )
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2023 © Pandoras-Box — all rights reserved. Do not repost or recommend my works on any other site. Plagiarism will not be tolerated!
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tragedyslayer · 1 year
Neteyam x female reader! Part 1
In a universe where Spider has an older sister who happens to be on the wrong side.
Neteyam x female reader
Part 2
Characters are both 18
Warning I will use as vague descriptions as I can, however I expect throughout this fic there will be some specific mentions of hair length, body type, height, etc.
I'm new to writing fanfiction so I hope I don't write this horribly. Spider having a sister completely throws off the original plot of the movie so FYI I intend on straying pretty far from the movie as far as the story line goes. If anyone has recommendations for things to include in this fic I would absolutely love to hear them. This will be a slowwwww burn, or at least thats how i'm planning it. I hope at least one person can enjoy this lol, so enjoy!
It was time, The day I would return to the planet I was born on. The day I would return to my brother, my father, my planet. Only it was not a day to celebrate, because I was only returning to destroy it all. 
The inside of my cheek was raw, all I could do was gnaw on my own flesh as I waited for my father to be reborn into his new body. I wish I could say I missed him, but it was quite the opposite. He was the last person in the galaxy I wished would have the opportunity to live twice. He died when I was young, I grew into my own without his help. It was a weird feeling to suddenly have a father again. I wanted something to go wrong, maybe who he was before would be lost and he could start fresh. Perhaps our ship would depressurize and we would all die instantly, unfortunately all the hoping and wishing in the world could not prevent the inevitable.
I raised my head at the commotion taking place in the room behind me. He was awake, freaking out at the sudden transition from not existing in any form to now being an avatar. I sighed, glancing backwards, and sure enough, it was my father.
Two days had gone by since we landed back on Pandora, my father was spending his time catching up on everything he had missed over the past 15 years. While I spent my time doing less productive things. My entire life I was trained to be a soldier, to follow in my fathers footsteps. Though I always felt like I was fighting a war that wasn't mine.
 I was fortunate enough to also receive my very own avatar, however I wasnt willing to commit suicide in order to be Na’vi permanently. Besides, I always believed that it isn't right to claim a race that isnt my own. The Na’vi people were spiritual, sacred. I may not be able to stop the human race from colonizing their culture, but I could at least not take part. Well not any more than I was forced to.
My thoughts were cut short by a commanding voice through my door.
“Soldier, it's time.” I thought it was funny that my father refused to call me anything but soldier since he's been back. I suppose he missed out on too much to still recognize me as his little girl. I didn't feel a need to respond as I got off my bed, if you could even call it that, opening the door. “Yes sir”
I followed my dad and his team through the forest of Pandora. I had been in my avatar before, countless times actually. It was good for me to train in the same body as the enemy, so I could have even a chance to best them. But nothing could have ever prepared me for the feeling of being Na’vi in the thick of Pandora. In my avatar from all my senses were heightened, and all my physical abilities were multiplied, but getting to use this body in the environment it was originally adapted for is like nothing else I've ever experienced. 
I watched from a distance as my squad poked and prodded at my dads final resting place. Funnily enough I remember coming here as a kid, Grace and Jake, I was so young. Now I was meant to kill my childhood companions on sight if given the opportunity. I truly can't understand my dads thirst for murdering Jake Sully and everything he loves. You would think he'd learn to let things go after two decades, but I never knew him to be the forgiving type.
A twig snapped. It was far, but not out of reach for my heightened blue ears. Something about the sound forbade me to let it go. It was so slight and quick that it could have been a hundred different things. Though my heart was telling me something far different.
While the rest of my squad was still distracted, and my father was still caught up examining his own corpse I slipped through the tree line. I was thankful for my experience with the avatar, navigating quickly, and silently through the foliage was much easier for me than any of the other avatars team human still had.
I stopped as soon as I saw them. It was a group of kids, besides one that seemed to be closer to my age, and a human boy. My throat dried as I watched them. My baby brother, it had to be him. “Miles” I whispered to myself. Next my eyes focused on a toddler she looked to be no more than 7. These kids had no idea what the hell they were getting themselves into. How naive could they be, a pit in my stomach grew at the thought of my father finding them.
The anxiety I felt for my brother and his friends swelled in my chest as I looked back over to the abandoned shuttle to see if anyone had noticed my disappearance. I let out a shaky breath in relief seeing that none of their positions had changed. I turned my head towards the Na’vi children, seeing that the eldest had disappeared from the group. My ears lifted as I raised my guard. It could have been in my head, but I didn't feel unseen anymore.
“Take the bow off your back and throw it to the ground.”
My head shot in the direction of the voice. It was the older Na’vi boy. I almost wanted to smile, no one has ever been able to sneak up on me before. These warriors were nothing like American soldiers, the reality of that has only just set in. I raised my hands in submission looking the man in the eyes. I examined his body, he was holding a knife out to me but he wasn't in striking distance. 
“I don't want to hurt anybody.”
 I admitted reaching for the bow on my back. The boy narrowed his eyes at me, obviously not having it. I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, realizing that no one in their right mind would want to hear out a human.
 “Listen, if I wanted to I could draw an arrow before you would even realize I'm doing it, but I'm not.”
 I whispered slowly, taking the bow off my back. My reasoning only seemed to agitate the boy as he gripped his knife harder. I internally scolded myself for not being better with words, even when pleading for my life I seemed arrogant. 
Both of our attention was drawn away from the stand off at hand. My squad was currently capturing my brother's friends. The boy took no time to dart towards their direction, I grabbed him by the arm, pushing him behind a tree out of any wandering eye's line of sight. He glared at me, opening his mouth in protest and confusion. I muffled him with the palm of my hand, looking into his eyes. I gave him a pleading look, wordlessly begging him to trust me a second longer. His hard gaze softened and for a moment I felt a mutual understanding with him.
“I can help you”
 My voice was almost silent as I pulled my hand down from his mouth. I glanced over his shoulder to find my squad walking the Na’vi group towards the abandoned ruins. 
“Follow me”
 I picked up my bow off the ground and dashed toward the two groups. My stride came to an abrupt stop as my arm was tugged. I glared at the culprit, 
“what the hell are you-” 
The boy cut me off and I closed my mouth. I heard bird-like sounds in the distance, they were almost indistinguishable to the natural noises of the forest. I doubt I would have noticed them if they had not been pointed out.
I gave the boy a questioning look, hoping for some kind of explanation.
“We have to go”
He urged, turning to the other direction. I was still confused, and wanted to ask this boy a million questions, but I settled on following him blindly. Some feeling deep in my gut possessed me to stay close behind him. It may have gone against all the training I've ever done, but I trusted this Na’vi boy more than I trusted my father. I turned my head backward as we fled, wanting another look at both my father and brother together. I heard the whistle of an arrow cut through the air before it shot a man from my squad in the heart. The precision and distance was bone chilling, I was thankful the boy allowed me to come with him or else I could have suffered a similar fate.
After a short while of running through the forest we came to a clearing and he slowed, I stopped behind him. I took a moment to take in our surroundings. The forest canopy opened above us allowing gabs of sunlight through the clearing. I had never seen anything so breathtaking. Everything was so still, but I could feel the surge of life all around me. I looked back to the boy who was already staring back at me. 
“Why did you save me”
I questioned, If I was in his position I can't say I would have done the same. 
“You said you would help.”
I pressed my lips together, sliding my bow behind my back. 
“I meant I would help you and your friends not get killed, but it seems you didn't need my help.”
The boy shook his head, taking a step closer to me. He had a confident presence, but it didn't feel threatening.
“We do need your help.”
My face contorted in skepticism. Why would he want my help, why would he trust me so easily. Everything about the situation I found myself in was hard to wrap my head around.
“How could I possibly help you?”
He took in a frustrated breath, running his hand over his braided hair.
“You're a sky person mm? But you offered to help me. To help us. You aren't like them.”
I shook my head,
“You shouldn't assume things”
He continued,”I am not assuming. I know.” 
I mumbled in response “Skxawng (stupid)” 
His eyebrows raised in surprise after hearing a foreigner speak his native tongue. I didn't know what to do, it was unrealistic for me to agree to help him, before long they would figure out where I was and who I was with. It would be Jake Sully's betrayal all over again. And yet I found myself wanting to agree.
I gasped looking back from the direction we came from. 
“Miles” I whispered looking back to the Na’vi man, continuing before he could question what I was saying.
“The boy, the human boy. Who is he?” 
I urged, to think he had been here all this time. Living amongst the enemy, all he knew was this foreign world.
“Spider? He's our friend, our brother.”
I shook my head, impatiently continuing my interrogation. 
“But where did he come from?”
The boy looked at me with furrowed brows, making a shrugging gesture as he spoke,
“He is the old military commander's son, when he died Spider had nowhere else to go.”
I covered my mouth in shock. I was so sure it was him but hearing it confirmed, it made it so real.I really saw my brother, and he really lived a happy life here on Pandora. He really had a family, and I really wasn't a part of it.
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zowiesblog · 1 year
we all need… a place to call home
[Neteyam x Female OC]
Summary: Spider and Dalya are human twins, orphaned by the war. They grow up between Hell’s Gate and the Omatikaya village. Main events from the end of the first movie still occur, this prologue explains my version of it. The next chapters will take place between the two movies and eventually TWOW as they grow older.
⚠️ Disclaimer: I own nothing, just love the franchise and wanted to write an alternative universe with an original character! I saw the movies multiple times and documented myself on the lore, haven’t read the comics. I have a rough outline of where this fic is gonna go, so spoiler alert it’s going to be a long ass fic, soz. Main ideas will be siblings dynamics/shenanigans/silly minor mistakes/bickering/siblings being siblings; the mood will change when the Sky People return though 👀, a slow burn relationship between Neteyam & Dalya; Neytiri & Jake won’t be useless in the background, and a Tsireya/Lo’ak relationship when we reach that part of the story! Oh and Neteyam won’t die bc I said so! 😡 Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. Please tell me if you like it! xx
rest of the story on my ao3:
Dalya can’t remember the first time she felt hatred towards humans.
It’s not like she was taught to hate them. One day, she just heard about them and the terrible things they did, then decided to despise them ever since.
The ones she’s never known that is, the Sky People.
Norm, Max, Jamal, Anya, all the people at Hell’s Gate, they’re not like these humans, they’re scientists. They work for the good of Pandora, they never sought to destroy Her. But she does hear the stories growing up; a decaying planet, a desperate people, greedy corporations, dystopian nations…The Sky People quickly became the monsters under the bed for her and her twin brother Spider. So when they both realised they could have lived on that so called Earth, from parents that gladly believed Pandora should be theirs, they started to notice the weirdness around their presence here.
It manifested in small things, at first.
She was five when she first noticed how different her body was compared to the natives. She started comparing herself to the avatars at Hell’s Gate’s lab. Her blonde wavy hair which had never been cut since her birth (Anya loved her hair, Dalya couldn’t care less about it), her white tanned skin that was slightly lighter than her brother’s, her emerald green eyes and tiny body, her five fingers and toes. She also noticed how Na’vi kids would laugh at the sight of them; their mothers taking them away so as to not get in contact, Dalya and Spider not being allowed in certain places, hell, even the damn air wasn’t breathable. She didn’t like being in this body, and envied the Avatar drivers. She would dream of being able to go outside without her exopack, to jump and run and hunt and explore Pandora with a body that had a right to be there.
Things changed though, given time.
Jake Sully, the Olo’eyktan, vouched for the 20 humans that were allowed to stay after the war; he then slowly managed to include them among the Omatikaya and his efforts resulted in an amicable, but still vigilant relationship between the two people. Which also improved with time.
The twins love Jake. He is one of the many paternal figures they had growing up.
He first met them when they were babies and he followed their lives closely, made sure to teach them the Na’vi language very early on in the hope of making them bilingual, as well as all his ways of adapting and embracing the Omatikayan way of life before officially introducing them to the village when they were six. Neytiri wasn’t as eager as him. In fact, she wanted humans to be as far away from her as possible. Her mother, Mo’at, was more inclined to the idea of meeting the twins but still very reluctant to actually meet them. Jake convinced them though, with great effort. He also convinced his people, by telling them how sweet and harmless these kids were. How much of an opportunity it was to raise humans among the Na’vi, how important it was to see the sky people weren’t all vile and unredeemable. The people were scared and traumatised by the war, they lost so much because of humans, why should they ever trust them again? Eventually, their trust in their leader allowed them to open their minds and hearts to welcoming the orphans.
The day of their introduction is still so clear in Dalya’s mind.
Spider had ben ecstatic, he all but ran ahead of Jake when he told them. Dalya shared her brother’s enthusiasm but her wariness took over, so young but all too aware of what she was to the Na’vi. An outcast, a parasite even, like the ones that ate the pretty flowers she saw with Anya near the meadow.
Jake had laughed at Spider, shaking his head and yelling for him to wait up. He noticed Dalya trailing behind and bent all the way down to her level, he basically had to sit down to look her in the eyes.
He is so tall, Dalya thought, like a giant from the stories Max would read to her at bedtime. Even when I grow up, I’ll still need to look up to see him.
“What’s wrong kiddo? Come on, everyone is waiting for you two!”
Dalya looked into his familiar amber eyes and felt a lump in her throat starting to form. She felt safe with him but didn’t want to start crying, she just felt so silly.
Jake knew and understood them, he didn’t care that they were humans. But the Na’vi…
“I don’t think they will like us, Jake… We’re monsters just like the Sky people” she sniffled, rubbing her eyes, willing them not to spill her unshed tears.
Jake sighed and took her small hand. Behind him, Spider had come back for them, all impatient and sassy about their lack of speed.
“Okay, Spider come here with your sister, come on, stop sighing. And don’t roll your eyes at me, lil man.”
“Whaaaaat is it? We’re gonna be late!! Don’t you wanna go already ‘Lya?!” Spider exclaimed, before noticing his sister’s face and immediately stopping his complaining.
Jake motioned for him to sit down next to Dalya.
“So, I want you kids to know that you deserve to be here okay? You’re right where you’re supposed to be. The Omatikaya already know a lot about you and they chose to welcome you. You will earn your place because you were allowed to, you’re not stealing or destroying like the Sky people. You are nothing like them.”
You know what, let’s make a pact just the three of us heh? I want you to tell me every time you feel like Dalya is feeling right now okay? You can trust me to be here for you, no matter what.”
Dalya’s tears had stopped and she felt a sense of pride in how he was addressing them. He trusts us, she thought, glancing at her brother who was already looking at her. He nudged her shoulder and smiled at her. She knew he was also waiting for her to speak, because Dalya was just better at speaking anyway.
“Pinky promise?” Dalya offered with the brightest smile Jake had seen on her small face.
“Pinky promise it is.” Jake intertwined his pinkie with both of theirs and smiled when they shook it happily.
Dalya will remember that day forever.
Everything went better than she had anticipated, there were a few weird looks and some mean comments when they entered the village but all of this evaporated the minute she met the Sully kids.
They had been impatient for their father to finish his welcome speech, eager to show the village and its surroundings to the newcomers. The first kid to speak was Neteyam, the oldest, who was the same age as the twins. He had kind eyes.
He’s almost the same height as us, Dalya thought.
“Hi, I’m Neteyam, it’s very nice to meet you. This is my sister Kiri, and my brother Lo’ak.” He had said in perfect English, while Lo’ak and Kiri had greeted them excitedly.
“Hi I’m Spider and this is my twin Dalya! You know we can speak Na’vi right? We’re not fluent but once we are, you won’t have to speak ’Ìnglìsì to us.”
Dalya smiled and rolled her eyes at her brother’s confidence. They were nowhere near being fluent but she guessed that if they spent more time around the Na’vi they would learn faster.
Neteyam laughed softly while observing them and concluded “We’ll teach you everything we know don’t worry!!”
“And Dad said we will all train once we’re older! We’ll get to become mighty warriors together!” Lo’ak all but screeched and spoke fast with his hands all over the place, a single braid falling in front of his eyes.
“Yeah you wish, penis face” Kiri replied cheekily.
The twins burst out laughing at her bold insult and Lo’ak swatted his sister’s arm in response. Dalya noticed how embarrassed he looked and promptly stopped laughing.
“Well I’m sure you all will be great mighty warriors like Jake. We’ll cheer you on from the side though.” she amended.
“Why?” Neteyam asked, intrigued towards the more reserved twin. It was the first time he had heard her voice since the conversation began.
Dalya furrowed her brows at his question. Is he blind?
“We’re humans, we can’t be warriors” she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Human warriors are Na’vi killers…” she kept that to herself though.
Spider turned his head sharply at her.
“Stop it ‘Lya. Of course we can. Jake was a warrior on Earth before he became Na’vi.”
“Yeah, you can be whatever you want here Dalya.” Kiri said kindly, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was pretty, her hair in a style adorned with colourful beads Dalya wished she had. Maybe hair is important after all, she thought.
Dalya suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked around, her cheeks flushed. She smiled a little at Kiri’s kindness but started rubbing her thumb against the palm of her hand. That’s when Lo’ak and Neteyam both decided to start the tour.
Dalya was glad for the subject change, she wanted to say more but didn’t want to be the kill joy and she also remembered Jake’s words back at Hell’s Gate.
You’re right where you’re supposed to be.
She took a deep breath, the small group was starting to run to wherever Neteyam chose to take them. She watched them and her brother interact, laughing and bouncing from platform to platform. The Sully kids bombarding him with questions and Spider barely catching his breath after answering before asking them questions in return.
Yeah, we’re gonna be okay she thought, a hopeful smile spreading on her face.
“Wait for me!!” she shouted.
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quest-for-pluto · 1 year
G.O.A.T. Avatar Fic Recs:
One of us (Neteyam x Human/Avatar!Female!Reader) —Multi-chapter, eventual NSFW
Author: forever--darling
Status: Complete, 8/8
Summary: neteyam sully was the next olo'eyktan and for years had been focused on his training and his responsibilities only. he had never accounted for you to become one of them. when you got your avatar body and ended up in the forest alone, being brought to the village and offered to be taught the ways of the people wasn't what you expected. let alone it being neteyam, future olo'eyktan becoming your teacher.
In Love With The Enemy (Lo’ak x Female!Avatar!Reader) —Multi-chapter
Author: vandnana
Status: Ongoing, 3/?
Summary: during the time when jake became toruk makto, you were quaritch’s youngest and most valued soldier, the daughter he never had. but, pandora changed you and you died during the final battle, betraying quaritch and wishing that you had been able to do more. now, you have been reborn again, as a na’vi, tasked with quaritch’s new military avatar crew to kill Jake Sully. taking advantage of this second chance at life, you help the Sullys and fall in love along the way.
On this fateful night...two hearts danced (Neteyam x Human!Female!Reader) —One shot, NSFW
Author: arachine
Status: Complete, 1/1
Summary: in omaticayan culture, a young na’vi male does not yet become a full fledged adult until he passes one of two rites of passage: 1) choosing an ikran, and 2) carving a bow from the wood of Hometree (and/or choosing a woman). reader is now 20, and the only man she’s ever loved is expected to choose a wife soon. one day when she overhears a rumor concerning neteyam and the first woman in line to betroth him, reader is struck with grief, ultimately venturing off deep into the forest where she knows nobody will follow her—somewhere forbidden. however, unbeknownst to her, a certain someone follows her trail…
Fire Of Souls (Tsu’tey x Jake’s sister!Reader) —Multi-chapter
Author: pandorafairy
Status: Ongoing, 4/?
Summary: N/A. Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers.
Something sweet ~ (Human!Neteyam x Human!Female!Reader, Modern AU) —One shot, probable eventual NSFW
Author: maxlonz
Status: Potentially Ongoing, 1\?
Summary: basically Neteyam doesn’t like sweet things, but for you, he’ll make an exception <3. Enemies to Lovers, mature themes.
Tìtunu (Tsu’tey x Human!Female!Reader) —Multi-chapter, eventual NSFW
Author: hinataashoyos
Status: Complete, 4/4
Summary: Perhaps the Sky People had injured Tsu'tey beyond repair when they had hurt him and pushed him from their enormous metal bird. That is the only reason he can think of to explain why the one person who has captured his thoughts so wholly is you, the little human demon that is constantly lurking around the Omaticaya camp.
Tìsom (Tsu’tey x Human!Female!Reader) —One shot, NSFW
Author: hinataashoyos
Status: Complete, 1/1
Summary: Spin-off of Tìtunu, but can be read separately. Tsu'tey is a strong mate; he is cautious, considerate, and protective, and he always provides for you. And yet, human/Na'vi relationships come with a learning curve. That learning curve comes with surprises regarding certain biological urges.
Mountain Dweller (Kiri x Rotxo) —Two shot
Author: k-roi
Status: Ongoing, 1/2
Summary: A moment of distraction during a lesson with Rotxo leads to one of the best questions of her life. If only they could just be less awkward about it.
Tacenda (Neteyam x Metkayina!Female!Reader) —Multi-chapter
Author: cherrycxla
Status: Complete, 25/25
Summary: Tacenda - Things to be left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence. Or:
Tsa'tvayi gives Neteyam a purpose, while caring for his family as if they were her own.
The Sully’s in American Public School —Headcannons
Author: pandorafairy
Status: Complete, 1/1
Summary: N/A.
Lo’ak and Tsireya (Lo’ak x Tsireya) —One shot
“Tell her” (Lo’ak x Tsireya)—One shot
Author: pandorafairy
Status: Complete, 2/2
Summary: These are actually seperate posts but I suggest reading them together. The first one is Tsireya comforting Lo’ak after Neteyam’s death, and the second one takes place a little later on, when Lo’ak confesses his feelings to Tsireya.
Star Girl (Lo’ak x Avatar!Female!Reader) —Multi-chapter
Author: lovemyavatar
Status: Ongoing, 9/10 (with bonus scenes!)
Summary: Eywa isn’t supposed to choose sides. she maintains the balance of life. so, a question arises. are you worth saving?
Push (Neteyam x Female!Omaticaya!Reader) —One shot, NSFW
Author: lovemyavatar
Status: Complete, 1/1
Summary: you love teasing the Olo'eyktan's oldest son, but how much will he let you push before he snaps? Childhood friends to rivals to lovers. Enemies to lovers.
Will continue updating…
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nilrilie · 1 year
A Spirit That Never Fades | pt. 1
The plot: is missing but all you need to know is that you were once a skyperson named Anilri that was somehow reborn as a Metkayina. Eywa loves you too much.
You can find this story on ao3
Warning: Mentions of blood and death.
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The calming sound of the water surrounds you, its waves rock you back and forth like a mother's embrace as you lay on the back of your ilu.
You have no idea how long you've been here with your eyes closed just letting the rays of the sun hit your turquoise skin. 
Surrounded only by water and the sky made you feel serene. 
At Awa'atlu, there were numerous things to do. The tasks are exhausting but you're not complaining about your duties for the village or Tsahìk training, you were complaining about how you couldn't get enough alone time ever since the village found out that Eywa has given you a gift. 
A gift of sight, they say. 
The ability to See.  
Not that you weren't already a Na’vi whose standing was uncertain in the village, but adding this “power” made everything more confusing.
Night and day you were frequently asked what you See. Na’vi from all ages and forms couldn't help but touch you in wonder, wanting to know how your abilities work and if it'll work on them.
You're grateful that you weren't left unattended for long periods of time, always having someone there to divert attention from you. It’s not like you needed the rescuing, the people in the village know you could kick someone's butt with your eyes closed, but you just don't have the heart to tell the people to keep their hands to themselves especially when it's the children. 
This ability you had is new and unheard of, even Ronal the Tsahìk of the village was astounded by it. 
The Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina clan,Tonowari, and his mate Ronal took you around to every village in the reef trying to figure out what your abilities meant or if it had happened before. 
You all didn't figure out much. 
News went around the reef that you have a strong connection with Eywa. This made those from other villages come to Awa'atlu just for you to heal them, but those who are still doubtful of your presence will go to Ronal and avoid you like the plague. You can’t blame them, you would also be suspicious of yourself. 
One early morning, Rotxo and you were at the water hauling out your catch. Your mind wanders, asking yourself if your ability is seeing a glimpse of a person's faith or more on feeling...things. It was hard to explain. 
"Why can't it be both?" Rotxo answered, tying the net to his ilu and yours. 
You didn't notice you asked it out loud. 
"I know I'm not Ewya but I wouldn't put it past The Great Mother to give you as many gifts as she could. You've been given a second life, Anilri. That's already one gift from Her.`` 
That same day as you were following Rotxo toward your marui to store your catch, you accidentally brushed the arm of a female warrior as she and her group were about to go into the water for their hunt party. 
Instantly, you knew something wasn't right. 
You didn't see anything but still told the warrior to be extra careful at the reef. You could only hold her arm as you tried your best to See what that sudden feeling meant but it was no use.
With no explanation to give her, you let go. The female looked at you with a frown but nodded in acknowledgment of your request. 
That night, a commotion happened around the female warriors when they came back. With a sinking feeling, you ran towards the growing number of people and maneuvered your way to the front. They didn't stop you, some even moving out of your way without being asked. There you saw some of the warriors bruised and bloodied, wounds on their bodies but gladly alive. 
Ronal came straight to check their wounds with Tsireya behind. Both of them have the needed tools and ointments on their arms. 
You soon followed, kneeling in the sand as you tried to stop the bleeding from a Na’vi who was closest to you. 
The wounded were many but with you, Ronal, and Tsireya, you all were slowly but surely patching them up. 
Another party came and everyone instantly knew this one was different. Three Na’vis were carrying a body and as soon as you stood up to take her, you froze. It was the same female warrior you had told to be careful at the reef. 
The mate of the warrior cried in despair as his mate was quickly carried towards you. You tried your hardest with Ronal next to you to heal her open wounds but the warrior had lost too much blood in the water and breathed her last in your care. 
Everyone stood in silence, the cry of her mate was the only sound that broke it. Their daughter was there but she was far too young to understand that her mother could never again carry her on her back. 
When the time came to move the warrior's body, her mate screamed. Each step he takes gets faster as he makes his way towards you. 
Thinking of the worst possibilities that the Na’vi male might do in his current state, Ronal stood up and shouted for him to stop as Tsireya pushed you behind her to block his path from you. 
But before anything happened, he stopped. “Please, can you do something? Anything?” he begged. His voice breaking as he looked at you with desperation. 
Tsireya looked at you sadly and your heart broke for him. You know you could do so little being new to your connection with Eywa and you're not even sure if you could do anything in this situation. 
Putting a hand on Tsireya’s shoulder to tell her it's okay, you turned and kneeled down towards the body on the sand. 
Ronal and Tsireya moved back to give you space while another warrior took hold of mate’s arm to prevent any sudden movements from him. 
She was a beautiful warrior and a brave one at that. You wished you could have done more, maybe if you told her not to go to the hunt this wouldn't have happened but you knew if it wasn't her some other Na’vi would have had the same faith. 
So you did the only thing you know so far. 
You closed your eyes and laid your hand on hers, concentrating on your breathing and only on her. It didn't take long before you felt at peace. 
Everyone grew silent as you connected with the warrior's spirit. Your bioluminescent markings glowed bright orange, almost to the color of gold that had other Na’vi’s cover their gasps at its beauty. 
Much like the Spirit Tree where you connect with your queue; you saw the female Na’vi warrior but instead of seeing a memory, you saw her surrounded by soft light that glowed beautifully behind her. She smiled, curling her hands towards her forehead and moving it downwards in greeting. She didn't utter a word but you knew that she was safe, that she 
“–is with Eywa now.” you murmured, slowly taking your hands off as you opened your eyes. 
You looked towards the mate of the warrior as he got down to his knees and wept. You saw Aonung and Tonowari watching everything in silence with their faces in awe. You smiled at how much they look alike.
Standing up, you walked towards the grieving Na’vi. 
You didn't expect it and you don't think anyone did but as soon as you touched his shoulders to show support his emotions of grief, heartache, and acceptance felt like yours. Memories upon memories of their life were shown to you like flashing images on a screen. They were too fast to see properly but you felt his emotion in every memory that was shown. 
Your knees gave out and you clutched your head in agony. All the emotions you felt from the memories were so intense that your head started to hurt from it.  
You didn't notice the warmth of a body that engulfed your small stature until the pain in your head had subsided. Looking up, it was Aonung who had his arms around you, a frown on his face as he looked at you with worry. 
The mate, who you now know as Zìtwu, looked at you in shock and you were pretty sure you had the same expression on your face as you look at him too. 
It wasn't tsaheylu as your queues were far away from each other but, even if it were just for a short moment, it definitely felt like it. 
You told this to Ronal after everyone had gone and everything had settled down. Ronal didn't have an explanation to why this happened except for your connection with Eywa. 
“Eywa has given you these gifts, do not be afraid of it. She has chosen you for a reason.” Ronal said with her hands on your arm. The smile she gave you made your heartbeat a little slower. 
Why on Pandora, cause Earth is now a shit hole, were you chosen? And how does one properly control these abilities? Questions you ask the wind hoping that Eywa was listening.
Ewya has given you a second life, literally. She might as well put powers inside you for the fun of it. 
In the distance you hear laughter, two familiar ones that snapped you back to where you currently are.  
Blinking your eyes a couple of times to adjust to the brightness, you saw two male Na’vis on their ilus getting closer to you as they talked. You decided to focus on them and make your ears work, catching a little bit of their conversation at the end. 
"–wish I could see Kiloä’s face when he notices." The male voice said as the other one laughed. 
"Funniest thing is that he won’t have any proof it was me this time." 
As they got closer, their conversation gradually stopped. 
Aonung looked at you with a smirk and Rotxo waved his arms at you in greeting, a mischievous smile on his face as he looked at Aonung and back at you, "Anilri! You won't believe what Aonung did–" 
"You skxawng!" Said Aonung, hitting Rotxo on the arm, "You are such a snitch!" 
Rotxo hissed at Aonung with attitude. The other boy scoffed and pushed Rotxo off his ilu. But to Aonung’s surprise and disbelief, Rotxo was prepared and grabbed his arm, dragging the surprised boy with him into the water. 
Both boys were laughing, chasing each other as they swam around you. Their ilus chirped in amusement at their riders actions. 
"Babies," you chuckle. 
Sitting upright, you pat your ilu’s head as she wakes up from her nap.
Aonung and Rotxo continued with their antics, it was obvious that both boys wouldn't stop until someone gets caught. 
“Go Rotxo! Get his ass.” you couldn't help but join in. 
“You traitor! You're supposed to cheer for me!” Aonung stopped to look at you, causing Rotxo to catch up to him. 
Aonung’s face was hilarious when Rotxo practically jumped on Aonung’s upper body to plunge the both of them underwater. 
You laugh, having to hold on to your ilu so you wouldn't fall in the water too. 
These are times when you wish that you had a camera on you to record these moments. 
Having controlled your laughter, you saw Tsireya on her ilu making her way toward you. You waved your hand at her, making the younger Na’vi smile wider. 
"I see you." You said and gestured. 
"I see you, Anilri." She greeted you back. 
When both boys ascended from the water you saw Tsireya roll her eyes, “Aonung, Rotxo.” 
Seeing the younger Na’vi, Aonung and Rotxo’s bickering subsided. 
Their eyes widened as they remembered they were here to actually  bring you back to the village, that is before they got sidetracked. 
Tsireya’s glare made the boys smile sheepishly, causing you to hide a giggle behind your four fingers. The fact that Tsireya resembles her mother when she glares probably added to the scare level Aonung and Rotxo feel. 
“Sorry sis, we got side tracked.”
Aonung swam towards you and got on your ilu. He bumped his arms lightly to yours. "Where'd you go this time?" He asked, teasing you with a smile. 
You rolled your eyes without answering him. 
You sometimes forget the concept of time when you meditate or more so when you hyper focus on a certain thing. Your mind flying to who knows where making others tease you for it but also worried that you might get yourself hurt at some point.
"...I swear I know you would have smacked Aonung by now,” Rotxo said while floating in the water, his eyes on you with a small smile. 
“And why would I do that?” You asked him with confusion. 
“Rotxo, don’t–”
“He took Kiloä’s bow and exchanged it with Tswa'ew without their knowledge.”
Tsireya looked at Aonung with wide eyes, “Tswa'ew? Please tell me you're joking.” 
Now that was news. 
Tswa'ew is one of the female warriors in the village known for her rough demeanor and cold character. She is someone who Na’vi males fear and all Na’vi females look up to.
For many moon cycles now, Aonung has taken up a goal to get your brother in a relationship with any Na’vi in the village with random stunts like this. You don't have any clue how it started but you knew that Aonung’s antics always lead your brother to trouble. 
And with Tswa'ew, you were pretty sure she wasn't looking for a male mate. 
Shaking your head in amusement, you whack Aonung on the back of his head. “Why do you always have to get my brother in trouble, Aonung?”
"Hey! It’s just a bow, she’s not gonna kill him for it. And aren't you at all a little bit worried that he doesn't have a mate yet? I mean, he is getting old.`` 
Tsireya and Rotxo laughed, and you just glared at the boy next to you. 
Kiloä wasn't that older than you. 
You know Kiloä had already passed his Ikninaya and is now an adult in the eyes of the Metkayina, so his good-to-go in finding a mate to spend his life with. But you haven't really seen him taking interest in anyone as his only focus for now is bettering himself as a warrior. 
Smirking but afraid that you might hit him again, Aonung jumped off your ilu and swam straight towards his. 
You decided to let this one slide but noted in your head to tell Kiloä as soon as you set foot on land about what Aonung did before a spear strikes your brother's head. 
For some time, the four of you stayed in content silence, just listening to the water and the far sounds of children's laughter as they played at the shallow ends of the water. Taking this moment in memory before going back to the village. 
Peace and calmness surrounds you. 
And you pray to Eywa it will stay that way.  
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | ...
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thewalkingwillowtree · 3 months
Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 24.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 20 - New Life
From her spot around the crackling fire, Xilä felt as if she were being watched. She didn’t need to look up to know who it was though. 
Since their arrival at Awa’atlu, she’d gotten her fair share of stares and peaks and glances. She’d expected it really. 
Physically wise, Xilä was no Omaticaya, so she didn’t blame the Metkayina people for their curiosity. She herself was curious about them.  
So when the other clans had arrived- all in their varying physicality's, she wasn’t the only one of interest and it was nice if she were being honest.  
But Aonung however, well his stares were different. She didn’t think they had anything to do with her features, not really. It didn’t feel rude or inappropriate either. More… intrigued, perhaps? Confused? 
He always watched her as if he had a question right at the tip of his tongue, but he never asked. Instead he’d always pursue his lips and look away. 
Tonight, a large group of them- all mostly within the same age bracket, had escaped to a nearby little island, which was nothing more than a sandy beach with very little vegetation. 
Away from the rest of their families, they built an impressive bonfire and made themselves comfortable on woven mats whilst pouches and cups of strongly brewed spirits and fermented wine were shared around.
Xi politely declined any offers of the alcoholic beverages and was thankful that no one questioned her about it. 
Their large group was scattered along the shoreline, creating clusters of conversations and activities and attraction was heavy in the air. 
For those single- the women whispered and giggled amongst their groups, eyes darting over to whichever male had caught their attention. 
As for the men- well, their own peeks and glances weren’t as hidden either, not even the ones being silly and dumb by daring each other to do stupid things by the water’s edge. 
There were even couples- some mated like her and Neteyam who cuddled and spoke quietly as if they were in their own world, gazes locked and glistening with love. 
The vibe and atmosphere all reminded Xilä of the night she’d completed her rites. They were all so young and full of life. And the rare freedom to let go and be themselves- away from elders or younglings, it was refreshing. 
Unable to bear the feeling any longer, Xilä finally turned away from her mate and met Aonung’s intense stare. 
He was quite a sight to see- he always was really. Aonung had not one, but two gorgeous females under his arms. A flirty, bubbly thing- the daughter of an Anuri warrior who seemed to be animatedly talking his ear off. 
And the other- a sultry, vixen of a Metkayina woman whose lips appeared to be permanently attached to his skin- her mouth lavishing and sucking at his neck with gusto. The woman whispered something to him- something that made his lips quirk devilishly. 
“I’m beginning to think your friend has a staring problem,” Xilä murmured to her mate. 
“He’s asking for it now,” Neteyam replied through gritted teeth. “I won’t warn him a second time.”
She probably shouldn’t have said anything. “Ignore him. He’s probably doing it on purpose, trying to test your patience.”
Xilä tittered when he wrapped a possessive arm around her and allowed herself to be shifted out of view- face pushed into a hard chiselled chest. She didn’t need to glance up to know her mate was probably boring holes into Aonung’s head. 
Their bickering hot and cold, frenemy relationship never failed to amuse her. They were adults- men, but yet they behaved like boys around each other.
The Metkayina male gave him a knowing smirk before returning to the conversation with the group surrounding him- his voice so important that all eyes fell on him to hear what he was saying. 
Lo’ak’s laugh pulled Neteyam’s attention away- and Xilä’s. 
“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” she whispered, peeking out to observe the couple seated nearby. “He’s completely smitten.” 
Neteyam watched Lo’ak and Tsireya. His head was in her lap and their fingers were interlocked- they looked every bit in love. 
He’d never seen his brother so open with affection. Not with anyone really. Lo’ak was a heartbreaker- unknowingly to himself. Kiri didn’t joke about his fan club for no reason. His brother had charm and the moves to have any woman at his feet- something Neteyam had once upon a time been jealous of. 
But this? This open display of ‘this is my woman’- Neteyam had never seen this from him. 
“Oh yeah... He’s a goner. She’s good for him.” 
When the drums and bone flutes began with a deafening roar, Xilä was quick to find Kiri- both girls pulling a hesitant Tsireya along to dance amongst a growing crowd. 
And while she was busy, Neteyam enjoyed conversing with a spontaneously formed group of men he and Lo’ak had befriended during their stay. There were K’ayno and Astlu- cousins from the Tipiani clan, Ye’k- a warrior from Ta'unui and Cxian the son and next in line Olo'eyktan of the Sarentu clan. 
Neteyam of course couldn’t help himself and still kept careful watch on Xilä, lips quirking upwards every time his eyes landed on her. She was enchanting as she moved- standing out from everyone else. 
She and Tsireya eventually made their way to him and Lo’ak- Xilä begging him to dance with her- eyes dangerous and weaponized to make him weak, however could he say no? 
They danced for what felt like hours- yipping and  twirling on fast feet. Rhythmic music beats speeding up, Xi’s hips moved wildly in time with the drums. Neteyam followed, eyes heated and intense on the woman before him, hands greedy and unable to not touch her skin while he stole and planted kisses wherever he could. 
It was electrifying. 
There was no one else but her and him.
As the night wore on, almost everyone was on their feet, bodies moving carefree and minds loose as they gave in to the spirit of the music. 
Eventually needing a break, Neteyam left Xilä in the trusted hands of his brother, sister, and now soon to be sister-in-law. Xi loved dancing, she was not stopping any time soon, he knew. 
Returning from relieving himself in a secluded patch of shrubbery, he saw a lone figure near the water’s edge. 
“Not in a dancing mood, I see,” he teased, startling his friend who had been tossing pieces of his meal into the calm ocean, a sort of game with a few clustered ilu.
“Not really, no. Although I must say it was quite shocking to see you of all people out there with the rest of them. Last I remember from your previous visit, you turned down almost every teenage girl who’d dared muster the courage to ask you to dance.” 
Neteyam snorted. “Yeah well what can I say, Aonung? Those girls weren’t my wife.” 
Aonung's flickered to his, and the same curious expression he’d been staring at Xilä with was now directed at him. He stared as if wondering who the man in front of him was- as if seeing him for the first time.
“Alright, enough. Spit it out. What’s the matter? If I didn’t know you, with all the looks and staring you’ve been giving my mate lately, I’d think you were interested in her- but I do know you so I know you’re not stupid enough for it to be that. What’s going on Aonung?” 
Aonung’s gaze fell. Jaw clenched in irritation, he pretended to be far more interested in the rolling sea. 
Before Neteyam could speak again, they were interrupted. 
“Aonuuung, come dance with me,” a Metkayina woman crooned through slurred speech. She plastered herself to him, most likely unaware that Neteyam was standing right there since her fingers tried to creep into Aonung’s loincloth. “Or do you want to sneak any instead? I’ll do that thing with my tongue like last time and maybe we could-”
“Zers’i,” Aonung chided, although there was no real bite to it. “Go find someone else to warm your bed tonight. I’m sorry, but I’m not very good company right now.”
“Oh…” She pouted dramatically- huffing in disappointment when he pulled her hand away from groping him. “Well maybe next time then, yeah?”
“Next time,” he promised. 
Neteyam coughed and looked away when the woman promptly kissed him- practically sticking her tongue down his throat in goodbye before finally stumbling back to the dancing crowd. 
“Brother, don’t even.” 
But Neteyam couldn’t keep a straight face. 
Aonung scowled and flopped to the ground with a sigh when he heard his friend’s stifled titters turn into a full bellied laugh. 
“Right… no, because while I’m thoroughly traumatized, that- that was entirely too entertaining.”
“How’d you and Xilä happen?” 
“What?” Neteyam sobered up quickly at the sudden question. 
Aonung blew out a breath and hung his head, elbows digging into his propped thighs. “I need a mate. Soon.”
Understanding dawned upon Neteyam. He glanced over to the crowd in the distance and once he spotted Xilä who was squashed between Kiri, Tsireya and a few other familiar females, he slumped down onto the sand beside his friend. 
“A mate… You’ve been given a deadline I’m assuming?” 
“A year. One fucking year,” Aonung rasped. 
“Shit.” And Neteyam thought his six years were ridiculous. 
“I don’t know how you do it. I don’t think I’m cut out for all this. How do you deal with the pressure? We have to take over from our fathers, follow in their great and mighty footsteps- lead an entire clan of people who hold us with the highest of expectations. They expect us to find a woman and make sure we produce the future generation, they expect us to be the best examples and not step an inch out of line because when we mess up it’s-”
“Our responsibility and we should have known better… yeah.” Neteyam rubbed the back of his neck. He knew exactly where Aonung was coming from- from each and every side. “Believe me I get it- all of it.”
They sat quietly for a few long minutes- the drums and yips and hoots being the only thing they heard until Aonung broke the silence between them. 
“Your Xilä is great- amazing. I’m halfway not joking when I say sometimes that I’d steal her from you… but she baffles the shit out of me.”
“It what way?”
Aonung shrugged. “She’s as in love with you as you’re in love with her. Right?”
Well now Neteyam was straight up confused. “I’d say so, yeah.”
“And it’s not all an act?”
“Fuck no. What are you trying to get at?”
“The last time you were here, you said you’d probably never take a mate. You said- what was it again? Oh right, that you hated the pressure of being “the chief’s kid and wish you had the guts to do things your way.” Did I remember all of that right?”
“Impeccable memory there, brother. You should also note that I was sixteen and an idiot.” 
“Skxawng relax,” Aonung chuckled, amused by Neteyam’s sudden defensiveness. “I’m glad you found happiness, truly. I’m simply looking for it myself. You saw a couple of the others-” he jerked his chin towards a certain group of men- men like them who either followed in their father’s footsteps, or “married” into it. “Not everyone like us gets lucky like you.” 
Neteyam absorbed his words. He knew arranged matings were the norm for most clans. Some pairings eventually found love, while others tolerated the match. Neteyam knew he was blessed, this trip had solidified it as much. 
Of the many Na’vi who’d shown up to Awa’atlu, he and Aonung had met some of the unlucky ones- the ones who’d taken another out of duty and expectation. It wasn’t that they were out right miserable, but it was clear as day… They weren’t really happy. 
“I guess I should be grateful that my parents are allowing me to find my own mate and haven’t just thrown someone at me… K’ayno over there”- he pointed to the Tipani man- “his mate was picked out for him before he could even talk. They’ve been together for eight years already. They’ve got a kid and another on the way… does it seem like there’s an ounce of affection in that relationship to you?”
“Eight years? He’s only two years older than me..”
“Yeah. And I don’t want that. Couldn’t do it.”  
Neteyam distractedly nodded in agreement, mind whirling away. 
“How’d you choose her though? Xi? How did you decide to spend an eternity with that one woman?” 
“Eywa? That’s a given, ‘Teyam. I’m being serious here.”
“And so am I. Look, just like you I got a deadline, not only that but a blood-oathed yes from me, sealed the deal- I had no choice. At first I did try to make a connection. Nothing felt right. I fooled around with a couple women- though, not as openly as you, my friend,” he said, making them both chuckle. It eased the tension somewhat. “But it wasn’t until Xilä who practically landed in my arms, did I know. Eywa’s to thank for that.” 
After another quick glance to his woman, he continued. “She’s impossible not to love. It was fast. I didn’t even court her. I claimed her as mine without going through all the traditional bullshit, and pissed off our mothers and half the clan while at it… and I have no regrets. I’d do it all the same way in a heartbeat.” 
Aonung’s brows rose high at the admission of pissing off their mothers and made a playful jab that made the conversation veer off topic for a couple minutes. 
“Man, your story was sweet and all, but that tells me nothing. How’d you know it was Xi?” 
He considered the question. “I cared.” 
“You… cared? That’s it? It was that easy?” 
“She was the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the last before I slept. It might sound trivial, but I cared about whether she’d eaten dinner or what her plans were for the rest of the day. I wanted to know everything about her. What her favourite food was, what her past was like, what she wanted for her future. I wanted to know what her fears were and what I could do to make them all go away. I hated sharing her- wanted her all to myself all the fucking time. And… and I’d never felt an ounce of any of that with anyone. Ever.” 
Aonung had an indescribable look on his face as Neteyam spoke. He shook his head, brows furrowed in hopelessness. “I don’t even know where to begin looking for someone like that. Not that I even tried looking yet, that is.”
“So don’t.” Neteyam shrugged, “This might be shit advice, so take it at your own risk… but maybe you shouldn’t look. I had about given up until Xilä came along. Maybe it can work for you too. Eywa will hear your heart.” 
Aonung reluctantly nodded. “Thanks,” he said in a tight voice, and Neteyam knew his thanks weighed heavily- that it meant more. 
“Oh and by the way, if you tell anyone about this little conversation, I’ll deny it and kick your ass. I’m not giving up hope for round two with you and beating you this time around.” 
“I’d like to see you try.” Neteyam shoved him with a grin of his own. 
His friend's chin jerked forward to where Xilä stood a couple feet away, seeming unsure if she should interrupt. 
“I think your pretty mate misses you,” he pointed out, taking in the way her cheeks were flushed and hair was wild and askew from her dancing. There was no doubt she was gorgeous and although he was wholeheartedly happy for Neteyam, he still felt that subtle pang of jealousy. 
“I’ll see you bro,” Neteyam said, eyes drawn to his waiting wife. They both got to their feet and slapped arms in parting. 
Aonung watched Neteyam greet his mate, head ducking low to claim her lips, one palm cupping her cheek, the other pulling her close while Xilä tucked her fingers into his belt. 
“Hi baby,” he heard Neteyam murmur, “you ready to go?” 
Xilä whispered something that Aonung couldn’t make out, but it made Neteyam laugh and kiss her again, deeper as if he hadn’t seen her for ages. 
And when they broke apart- voices hushed and eyes intensely locked, Aonung didn’t miss the way his friend’s palm spread across the span of Xilä’s stomach… or the way they both looked down to where it rested, smiles matching in the moonlight.
The old device gave a loud whirring noise that made all three of them cringe and wince in discomfort. Xilä in particular slapped her palms to her ears to try and muffle the sound, while Neteyam himself clenched his teeth together- ears flat to his head. 
“Sorry! Sorry! Lemme just- oh don’t do this to me now.” Norm’s fingers moved furiously across the keyknobs and the instant the high pitched sound ended, he released a joyful WHOOP and raised his fist in the air. “It works! I am a fucking genius.” 
Neteyam chuckled and peered over the older man’s shoulder at the large, clear monitor screen. The glass had a slight crack on the top left corner, but then again the thing was most likely ancient after all. 
Xil watched too, fascinated by the numbers, letters and moving lines that flooded the “page” Norm had brought up.
“Alright then genius, lets see you get it up and running now.” 
They left him to it, and it took him another half hour filled with curses and threats at the poor device, but with a final few strokes of the keyboard, Norm was looking back at Stephan and Max- their background being the familiar scenery of the labs back at Home Camp. 
Between him and Stephan, they made a few more tweaks, and then- finally then, Xilä was staring back at her parents who were also awed by the technology like her.
“Xilä! Oh magnificent Eywa- Jxo, look, look it’s our Xilä!” Salveen was yelling at the top of her lungs. “Darling, can you see us too?! Can you hear me?!” the elder screeched while her face pressed up into the glass.
Norm, Xilä and Neteyam smothered their amusement while watching a very patient Max explain to her parents how the communication worked and that they could speak normally. 
“We’ll give you some time to catch up, but I’ll be back, okay?” Neteyam murmured before he and Norm quickly made their way out of the designated mauri used for communications- a makeshift lab of some sort. 
“Hi,” Xilä breathed, smiling wide at the sight of them after so long, fingertips gently pressed to the glass. 
“Oh I miss you, my sweet girl. Darling you’re glowing, you look so beautiful, doesn’t she, Jxo?” 
Jxo grunted in agreement. “When are you coming back?” was the first thing he said. 
Xilä’s smile faulted a little, she was going to have to tell them. “I miss you too. So much. Have you been taking care of yourselves?” 
“Bah, we’re fine. Just fine. Oh I have so much to tell you though. You’ll never guess who broke off their betrothal!” 
On and on Sal went, filling Xilä in on all the latest gossip of the Camp. Xilä awed and gasped and laughed throughout it all- giggling, especially when Sal would throw out a “right, Jxo?” to which the man would simply nod or grunt in agreement. 
Xilä loved them both so much. Right now all she longed for was to hug them, to physically see them in person. She missed them a ridiculous amount. 
She perked up when she heard a familiar shriek in the background. 
D’avi and Yalnïk appeared with their two babbling children. “Xilä!” 
L’eya was plonked onto her grandfather’s lap and then an overly excited D’avi invaded most of the space on the screen and started blubbering away- much like her mother had done before. 
There were many “I miss yous” and “look how shiny and long your hair has gotten!” and “when are you coming home?” 
Both sisters were momentarily in their own little world and Xi was saved from answering her sister’s last question when L’eo shrieked- the baby clearly needing some attention. 
Yalnïk and D’avi proudly filled her in on the twins' newest milestones. L’eo was even more a talker now, and Xilä had just about burst into tears when Yalnïk pointed to her and asked his son to say hi to his aunty Xilä- to which L’eo strung together a jumbled mess of words that sounded exactly like it. 
L’eya had finally taken her first steps and was now cautiously toddling around after her brother who’d Xi had had the joy witnessing his own first steps before she’d left. 
Jxo had gotten up to give Xilä a little demonstration by placing the baby down on shaky legs. She was still wobbly and didn’t want to let go of her grandfather’s fingers, but she managed to make a couple solid steps before falling on her bum. L’eya’s bottom lip wobbled in preparation to cry but still distractedly clapped her hands along with everyone else when they’d cheered her. 
Xilä had tears running down her cheeks by now. “Ah my babies, I miss you two so much,” she sobbed whilst smiling back at the toothy little grins of her chatty excited niece and nephew who blew her sloppy kisses. 
“Do you want me to come get you?” Jxo suddenly asked- voice gruff and no nonsense as ever. He kept staring at her as if trying to figure something out. “What’s that damn boy doing to you? You keep crying, darling. I don’t like it.” 
“Jxo!” Sal chided but her mate paid her no mind. 
He simply handed her L’eya and came closer to the screen, frown deepening. “Where’s he at, Xilä? I want to talk to him.” 
Xilä couldn’t help laughing while she frantically tried to remove the evidence from her under her eyes and cheeks. “I’m fine, father. I am. Neteyam is as wonderful as ever to me. I just really miss you all. Finally talking and seeing you,” she sniffled, “just makes me really happy.” 
Her father seemed to buy it after a couple more of her assurances. 
Her family asked about life at Awa’atlu- Yalnïk in particular was highly interested in the fishing techniques and gear- which Xilä suggested he ask her husband instead- she’d not really paid any attention to the job. 
D’avi told her that Leati and Ze’lu had finally started courting- much to Fe’ska’s displeasure and apparently there was a very public argument between the mother and daughter that was all the clan could talk about for days. 
They spent another half hour of bonding before Neteyam returned and quietly asked if she was ready for him to interrupt. Crouched beside her with a warm palm to her thigh, he greeted her family and caught up with them- marvelling over how much the twins had grown in the few months they’d been gone. 
And when the Sully family started trickling in- Spider included of course and when Mo’at appeared on the screen as well- it was like one big happy reunion. 
Mo’at had eyes for only her at first, ignoring everyone else in favour of asking about her health. The Tsahìk was not usually the fretting type, but with all the questions and attention, Xilä had a feeling that the grandmother knew.
Afterwards Lo’ak introduced them to his lovely future mate who shifted nervously under Mo’at’s assessing gaze. D’avi saved the awkward encounter by complementing Tsireya’s hair, and from there, the two became quite chatty. 
Finding the right moment, Neteyam stood, cleared his throat, calling for everyone’s attention. He squeezed the back of his mate’s neck in comfort when she leaned her head against his leg. 
“So, I’ll admit, I had a bit of an ulterior motive for making all this happen. We- Xilä and I have some news we’d like to share.” 
A soft gasp was heard through the computer- D’avi.
“Oh I knew-mpf!” 
Yalnïk covered his mate's mouth like he’d probably had to do a thousand times, and shot Neteyam a sheepish smile and nod to continue. 
“Right, um, baby?” He offered her his hands and helped her stand.
Xilä was nervous, but with an uncontrollable excited grin, she pushed down the bunchy material of her long slitted skirt which sat high up on her waist and revealed the little bump she’d been hiding for the last couple of weeks. 
“Surprise! I’m pregnant!” 
The noise that erupted was deafening- cheers and screams and cries of happiness which was mildly overwhelming. 
Neytiri was the first to wrap her up in a hug, pulling back to cup Xilä’s cheeks with a blinding smile before she was leaning over to do the same to her son. 
Sal was just about squeezing the life out of poor Jxo as she squealed and jabbered on and on. 
“I knew it!” D’avi was telling Kiri whilst taking a whining L’eo into her arms, and blindly pulling at her top so her baby could feed. “She’s got the glow- and the tears.” 
“Shit, you’re right, the tears! I knew something was up,” Spider laughed, “no regular sane person cries over fruit- Ow! Kiri!” 
Kiri rolled her eyes at him, then made her move to congratulate her brother and sister-in-law.
“XiXii!” Lo’ak shouted from across the room. “I’m really going to be an uncle? You- you’re not pranking, right? Because this is the best day everrrr! Babe, hold me,” he fake sobbed dramatically, throwing himself at Tsireya. 
A frowning Tuktirey had made her way to her eldest brother and patted his leg to get his attention. He’d been wrapped up in a hug by his father who was teasing him about his upcoming journey of fatherhood. 
“Hey there, baby sis.” He lifted her up with a dramatic groan and planted a kiss on her cheek. 
Tuk poked his nose and then frowned at Xilä who was chatting away with Mo’at and her family through the screen. “You’re still gonna love me the most right?” she pouted. “Even when the baby comes?”
“Aw, Tuk. Are you worried about that?” 
The little girl shrugged and played with the beads on his choker. “Täylley said when her sister had a baby, everyone forgot about her. She said they only ever wanted to play with the new baby. Just like everyone sometimes does with L’eo and L’eya.” 
Neteyam knew the feeling Tuk was experiencing all too well. He was the eldest of four after all. 
“I’m sorry your friend’s feeling that way but I’m sure that’s not the case at all. And it definitely won’t be the case for you. Who do you think is going to teach the baby how to build a fort or paint the best looking flowers I’ve ever seen?” 
“I can climb the best in my class. I bet they wouldn’t know how to do that either.”
“Nope. See, they’ll need an expert like you to show them.”
“Yeah, I can show them… but only when they get older. When they could talk- and walk,” Tuk said, hesitantly as if trying not to get too excited. 
“That’s right.. You know, the baby, and L’eo and L’eya are going to need someone they can look up to. Someone awesome, and brave and smart. Someone who can-”
Tuk’s eyes were wide as she absorbed her brother’s words. “Me. Me! I can be that person. I know I’m only seven, but I can do it! Almost- almost like a big sister, right?”
Neteyam kissed her cheek again and playfully tickled her side. “That’s right.” 
Xilä shook her head at her mother’s question. “I haven’t really been sick, mostly nauseous around certain scents.” 
“Oh you lucky bitch,” D’avi teased without heat. “These two had me constantly throwing up for the first four months straight, and then it was a constant fight or dance party inside me for the other eight.” 
“What has Ronal been giving you for your daily nutritional maintenance?” Mo’at asked with a slight frown. 
“A couple things I’m unfamiliar with. But I feel fine and my energy is good. Once I have a nap in the afternoon, I’m not overly tired for the rest of the day.” 
“What worries you mother?” Neytiri, who was at Xilä’s side, asked. 
“I know not about the Metkayina’s ways. I would be far more comfortable knowing Xilä was under my care. How far along are you, dear? Did Ronal confirm?” 
“I’m nearing the end of my fifth month,” Xilä admitted with a hand to her stomach. She knew where this was going. She knew it was time to share the other part of the news with her family- news she was dreading. 
“She- Ronal strongly advises against me returning home until a couple months after the birth.”
“What?!!” D’avi and Sal exclaimed together. Even Neytiri- and Kiri, who had just joined, glanced at her in alarm, Jxo’s lighthearted expression turned to stone. 
“We don’t leave here for another two and a half months and by then I’ll be too far along to risk the journey by ikran… I’m sorry mother, I-”
“No… No, Tsahìk, tell her it’s fine,” Sal gently demanded- though a hint of hysteria poked through.  
“I’m afraid Ronal is right. I was against you going on this trip in the first place. But it wasn’t for me to say at the time- and the risk was far lower. As much as you may not like it Xilä, the safest thing for you and the baby is to stay there.” 
Neteyam didn’t think he could ever tire of the beauty spanned before him. Even at night, Awa’atlu was a sight to behold. 
He and Xilä sat on the beach while calm waves rolled in, kissing the tips of his toes before fading back. His pretty mate sat between his propped up thighs, head and body molded to his chest while he cradled her bump. 
Since they’d found out she was expecting two months ago, her bump had grown- still small but prominent enough that she couldn’t hide it anymore. 
“You’re quiet tonight. Too quiet.”
“Just thinking.” 
“More like overthinking. I can hear your thoughts a mile away, sweetheart… Tell me.”  
She sighed. “I think it’s finally registered for me that we’re actually having a baby… a baby who’s going to be here in only a couple of months. Our baby, yours and mine… I- I’m going to be a mother.” 
At her tone, Neteyam’s fingers paused their gentle caressing on her bump. He said nothing, waiting for her to continue. 
“I know we’ve had conversations before and I agreed to all of this, and I’m not backing out- I’m not. But I’m scared, Neteyam. Eywa gave us a precious gift.”
Her hands came up to rest over his. “I’m scared that I’m going to mess this up somehow. I don’t know the first thing about being a good mother. I mean, look at last month- I completely freaked out when I felt our baby flutter inside of me for the first time.” 
Still listening, her mate hugged her closer, chin nudging her temple, propped thighs pressing into hers.
“My birth parents messed me up. Their own parents messed them up too. I want to break that cycle. I refuse to be like them. But it doesn't stop my worrying and I- Ugh… You probably think I’m being silly bringing this all up again.”
“Xilä…” Neteyam licked his lips and exhaled a breath. “You’re not alone in the way you’re feeling. You don’t think I worry about being a good father? Of course I do. But we’re in this together. You and me, baby. We’ll figure it all out together too. And you what? We’re going to mess up. We’re going to make mistakes. There’s no perfection in all of this.” 
He flipped the arrangement of their hands, his covering hers as they rested against her skin. “But you know what? The little one we created inside there? We’re going to try our damn hardest to be the best parents we could possibly be for them, and we’re going to love the heck out of our kid. ” 
“Yeah?” Her head tilted to meet his gaze. 
“Yeah, baby. You and me. Always...” He ducked and kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re going to be an amazing mother, Xilä. Our baby is lucky.” 
Just as Xilä was about to respond, a sharp gasp escaped her lips instead. 
Neteyam tensed. “What-”
“‘Teyam, I-” She grappled for his palm and moved it lower- just under her navel where she’d felt it.
He was going to ask her what was wrong when he felt it too- he felt the light pressure press into his hand, a small little first hello from his baby. 
“Was that-” And if he thought he’d imagined it he certainly didn’t, because he felt it again, and then again. 
“Oh Eywa,” he whispered, meeting her awed ecstatic expression. “Was that the first time? First kick?”
“Uh-huh. Oh! There it is again.” 
“Well hi there, little Sprout. Are you finally saying hello?” 
“Sprout?” Xilä chuckled. 
“Yeah, been calling them that in my head since your tiny bump first appeared.”
“Sprout. I like it- it’s a cute nickname… Hello, baby Sprout,” she sang to her tummy. 
“Speaking of names, we’re going to have to pick one ou-”
“‘Teyam.” Xilä suddenly sat up and turned to give him her full attention, finality set in her expression. It had been eating her alive and now she was more sure than ever. 
“I know Ronal said it’s not safe- but I really don’t want to have the baby here. I want to go home. I want us to go home.”
And without hesitation or worry over how he was even going to make it happen, Neteyam gave her a firm nod. “Okay. Then we’re going to go home.” 
“Are you going to get big like D’avi was? She was so huge! Bigger than Täylley’s sister when she was having her baby.”
“A-ha! Um, maybe. D’avi was having twins after all.”
“Oh right… Is it only Sprout then? They’ll be lonely inside of there don’t you think? Oh! Do you remember the christening grandmother Sal took us too? The one where her- her friend’s daughter had three babies?! You should do that Xi. 
You should grow three.”
“Three?” Xilä spluttered with a laugh. “Why three?”
“Three’s better. There’ll be one for me, one for L’eo and one for L’eya to play with,” the seven year old stated matter-of-factly. 
“I see… Well, I’m sorry I can’t make that happen. I don’t think it works like that. And anyway, Ronal confirmed there’s only one little one growing inside of me right now.”
“Oh. Mm that’s okay too, I guess. We’ll just have to share, but I’ll be the baby’s fav-”
Tuk stopped. Her brow wrinkled as she pondered in thought, fingers pausing their works on the pile of sand she and Xilä were constructing.
“Xilä? Do you think Sprout will like me? Täylley fights all the time with her sister’s baby- and he can’t even talk yet! She said he’s always pulling her hair or biting her finger! Can you believe that?”
Xilä tried her hardest not to laugh at the little girl’s theatrics. “I think the baby will love you, Tuk. Just like I do. I’m a little jealous that my baby will grow up having someone amazing like you in their life, honestly.”
“I am pretty amazing, huh?” Tuk nodded seriously, making Xilä smother another incoming chuckle. 
Tuktirey scooted over on her knees, sandy little hands reaching out to rest against Xilä’s bump. “I think you’d be a really great mommy.”
Xilä sucked in a surprised breath. “Yeah? What makes you say that?” she whispered. 
“Just because, and my mommy and daddy said so too last night,” Tuk shrugged while she continued to rub Xilä’s belly, rendering the pregnant woman slightly speechless. 
“Why’s the baby so quiet? Can you make Sprout do the kicking thing again?”
“Baby’s probably sleeping. Lately, they seem to like keeping me awake at night with all their stretching and kicking. Shall we see if we can wake them up?”
After a couple nudges and feeling around, they finally felt a small, almost barely there kick which made Tuktirey giggle then pout when the baby didn’t move again. 
“I think Sprout’s a bit grumpy today. Probably telling us off for disturbing their sleep.”
Tuk sighed dramatically, a sigh that reminded Xilä too much of Sal. “Okay, well let's get back to work then. I’ll finish the mountains and you dig the hole for the lake. Then we can fill it with water.”
“Hey, Tuk,” Xilä called when she caught sight of a lonely figure. Ronal and Tonowari’s youngest son was playing in the sand by himself a couple feet away. “This seems like a really big task. Why don’t you invite him to come help us?”
“Ohh, great idea!”
Once the trio completed their masterpiece and the kids decided to run off and play near where Neytiri was helping shell clams with a couple other women, Xilä stepped away and walked toward the shoreline. 
A cool breeze sent her hair flying. She shook out the thin shawl she’d been sitting on and wrapped it around her shoulders instead to combat the chill of the wind. 
Neteyam and Aonung were still where she’d left them since she’d come out here. They were further out- knee length deep in the crystal clear waters as they fished. 
Xilä bit her lip at the sight before her. She openly ogled her mate, appreciating the ripples of his back muscles and biceps while he worked the massive net in his hands. Aonung must've said something funny, because her husband's shoulders shook slightly. 
“Can you not look at my brother like that in public, Xilä?” Kiri complained with a dramatic groan, making the pregnant woman jump as she approached. “I get that your hormones are all over the place but sheesh. Every time I see you it’s the same damn look. No one needs to see your fuck me eyes in public. Bleh.” 
“Well hello to you too. I’ll remember this the next time you want to drag me to the training rings to spectate and find that Tasam’s the one who’s conveniently already there, mid-fight. I’ll remember to tell you the same thing when you’re shooting him your own fuck me eyes, as you call it.”
Kiri’s mouth flopped open to argue a retort, but she quickly shut it when nothing came out. “Shut up,” she seemed to come up with, failing at hiding her blush while Xi laughed. 
“Do you miss him?” 
“A lot honestly…” She made a face. “Is that weird?” 
“Not at all. You like him, it’s okay to miss him… Do you find it weird?”
“Yes. I find the entire thing strange. We went from never hanging out, to pretty much spending all of our free time together. And now I’m wondering, how’d I never noticed him before? It’s like one day he just appeared. And he’s so…” 
“He’s so what?”
“Unexpected.” Kiri settled on. She sighed. “Did you know he told me he’s liked me for years? Years, Xi. I didn’t even notice. It took your sister one afternoon to pick up on it and meddle her way into creating this thing between him and me.” 
Xi drew into the damp sand with her toes. The waters rolled in and covered her feet, erasing her artwork when it fell away. “Honestly? I’m not surprised you didn’t. I’m sure you’ve not even noticed your Awa’atlu admirer either.” 
“What? Who?!”
Xilä jerked her chin towards Rotxo’s direction. The quiet man seemed to always appear wherever her sister-in-law was. He was currently seated nearby, whittling a spear whilst shooting not so subtle glances in their direction. 
“Are you talking about Rotxo?!” 
“Mmhm. He’s definitely got a crush. Very sweet too, don’t you think?”
Kiri stared at him with a tilt of her head, brows furrowed in thought. “Huh.” 
Xi snickered.
A comfortable silence fell over them, where they both got lost in their own thoughts. Xi returned to appreciating her husband’s backside while Kiri pursed her lips as if forcefully trying to keep words in.
“Tasam said he’s going to ask me to court when we get back home.”
An audible click was heard when Xi flung her neck towards Kiri, mouth open in shock, then morphing into excitement. “And what did you say to that?”
“Nothing… and then I felt bad because there was a whole awkward silence moment happening while my brain went haywire. He told me not to say anything yet. He wanted me to take the time away to really think about it before making a decision.”  
“Aww Kiri. This is exciting. Do you know what you’re going to tell him?”
“Not yet,” her sister-in-law replied, but there was no hiding the blushing smile she tried to rein in. 
A splash had them both looking out at the sea again. 
“Oh look, here comes, your admirer, and I’m not talking about your husband,” Kiri deadpanned. 
“Hello beautiful,” Aonung called out, wading through the waters towards them with his and Neteyam’s catch for the morning. 
“Stop flirting with my wife, skxawng.” 
Aonung jogged ahead of him and sent Xilä a playful wink with his good eye as he passed. 
“Better get out of here before he gives you a matching black eye, you fool,” Kiri taunted. She followed after him then broke off and headed towards Rotxo who’d beckoned her over.   
“I really still can’t believe you punched him, ‘Teyam. You’re not boys anymore. You use your words, not your fists!”
“I did warn him though. He’s the one who decided to keep flirting with you,” her husband shrugged as he made his way closer. “He knew he had it coming.”
“Handsome! He only does it to piss you off. You could just ignore him. You know that right?” 
“I like my solution better.”
“Of course you do.” This man never ceased to amaze her. 
Like an insect to a flame, when he got in reach, Neteyam’s hands crept under her shawl and immediately found her belly, fingers trailing over the smooth firm skin. 
“Hi,” he whispered in greeting, ignoring her exasperated expression and kissing her anyway. “How’s my little Sprout doing today?” 
Sprout gave a big kick as if awakened by the sound of Neteyam’s voice- as if saying hello daddy!
“Quiet until now. Our baby always knows when it’s you.”
That made him happy. 
“What are you doing later? If you’re not busy tonight, do want to go on a date with me?” he asked with a wiggle of his brows.
Xilä pressed up onto her toes and looped her arms around his neck. Her bump prevented her from getting closer, but she made it work. 
“Always… Will there be sex at the end?” she teased quietly. 
“It’s on the list of activities, yeah.”
“Good. We haven’t done that in a while and I miss you.”
“It’s been only four days, Miss Greedy.”
“Exactly, it has been four days. I’m glad you’ve been keeping track. You’re the one who keeps putting off every one of my efforts.”
“Yeah, cause… baby, you’ve been so tired lately and- hey, don’t even,” he said, halting her objection. “Sprout’s been keeping you up a lot with all the kicking and you need to rest. So, I’m making sure that you do when you can. Even if it means, no sex sometimes.”  
Xilä stared up at him for a long minute- taking her time to roam over his facial features. “I love you. What did I do to deserve you? I must have done something right- something big.” 
“Stop.” He was trying so hard not to blush. “I hope you remember you love me the next time you want to rip my head off for simply breathing too loud.”
“That was one time.”
He raised an amused brow as if saying really, babe?
“To be fair you have been behaving ridiculous lately. Actually if we’re checking, pretty much since you found out we’re expecting.”
“When have I ever been ridiculous?”
“Are you kidding me? I have a whole list of instances, but if you want more recent- You tried to ban me from hanging out with Spider and Lo’ak just this morning at breakfast!”
“Because the idiots wanted you to go with them to explore Cx’ove Creek!” he hissed. “Who in their right mind invites a pregnant woman to go exploring a srakat infested water cave for fun?”
“I told you already, they were just being nice and simply offered. I wasn’t actually going to go! You didn’t have to be so bossy about it.”
“But I thought you liked it when I was bossy?”
She turned flustered. “Well yes, but-” 
Neteyam silenced her with a kiss. Then another when she was about to protest and one final one before she finally gave up trying to argue. “I love you too by the way. Are you hungry? Have you had your second breakfast yet?” 
She shook her head with a grumpy frown, eyes following him when he squatted in front of her. 
“I think your mama’s mad at me, Sprout,” he whispered to their baby, kissing right where felt a poke, “but don’t worry, I’m going to feed you both and then I think we should all take a nap, and that means you too. Can’t keep waking her up every night, alright?” 
They both grinned at their baby’s nudge. 
“Alright,” he said, getting up, “time for second breakfast.”
Second breakfast. It made her chuckle every time.  
When Jake had picked up on her habit of having another meal after breakfast and before her first lunch, he started calling it “second breakfast” which was some sort of inside joke between him and Norm. 
They tried to explain the movie where the joke came from. There was something about a quest and a ring and a creature called a hobbit? 
And although it went over her head, second breakfast stuck. 
Their final two months at Awa’atlu flew by, bringing many changes along with it. 
The majority of the other clan leaders and clan representatives had by now returned to their homes, but for the Sully company, they’d stayed the longest. Jake and his team’s roles were far too important for the massive project they’d started. 
What they had accomplished was far from simply great- it was incredible, completely world changing. They had gotten the clans of Pandora to come together. Uniting them in a way that was marked as historic. 
With Norm’s guidance, a temporary form of communication between all clans was successfully up and running. It also aided the new system they were trying to implement for the sharing of resources which was finally underway. 
And thanks to it, Neteyam was able to secure a safe solution for his wife to return home…
The moment he saw her, the man’s jaw dropped. His grin broadened at the sight of her midsection. “Well look at you, kiddo!” Stephan laughed as he gently hugged Xilä. “The bump suits you, doll. Congrats, darling.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, proudly, hand automatically running along said bump. “Nice hairstyle, it suits you,” she replied, taking in his new-do. The sides were shaved and the hair in the middle was short and spiky. 
“Much more me, right?” he winked, moving forward to their packed things to grab up three overstuffed satchels in one hand and a wrapped heavy net in the other. She’d gotten Aonung to organize the specially crafted gift for her last week- she couldn’t wait to give it to Yalnïk.
Neteyam and Lo’ak had just strolled into the marui when she awkwardly tried to bend to pick up a bag with the intention of following after Stephan. A belly bump made simple everyday tasks difficult sometimes, she was still adjusting. 
Her mate was quick to tell her off however, mildly scolding her for even attempting to lift anything. 
Xilä huffed. “We’ve talked about this, Neteyam. I’m not an invalid. At least let me help carry something out to the ship.” 
“Here.” He handed her a small pouch of seaglass stones she and Tuk had collected which made Lo’ak snort when Xilä shot her husband an unimpressed look. 
He took off with his own armfulls- the large case he’d brought his weapons in, a thick rolled up pelt and the last three satchels that held their belongings. 
“Four more months. Just four more months,” Xilä sang to herself. “Have I told you that your  brother is driving me crazy, Lo’ak?”
“Only two or three times a day since you told us you were expecting,” he teased. 
“Ugh! Everything is don’t lift that, don’t go there, that’s too dangerous, my baby shouldn’t be eating that, eat this instead, you should rest, you should sit, you should sleep! Eywa! If I didn’t love the man…” 
“Hey, don’t look at me for help. You’re the one who willingly chose him as your mate. You knew what you were getting yourself into…” His playful words fell away as he stared at her. “I’m going to miss you, XiXi.” 
“Don’t do that, Lo’. You’ll make me cry. Do we really have to do this now?” 
He clicked his tongue sympathetically. “Come on. I’ll walk you out.”
Xilä took one final glance at the now sparse marui before Lo’ak led them out onto the bouncing pathways. 
“I’m going to miss you too, you know. You’d better not hold any blessing celebrations over you and Tsireya without me.”
“Nah. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. After that stunt Neteyam pulled with you, mom would kill me in a heartbeat, and Tsi’s parents aren’t people I want to cross either. Even grandmother threatened me on our last call. She wants to meet Tsireya in person before I officially ask Ronal and Tonowari for their blessing.” 
“I get it. You’re bringing her on your visit in a couple of months right?”
“Yep. So you better not have that baby until we arrive.” 
“I still can’t believe you’re moving out here. I am so happy for you, though.”
Lo’ak stopped and pulled her in for a hug, being extra careful not to squish her belly. “Hey Xi? I don’t think I ever apologized… but I’m sorry I was such an asshole the first time we met. You’re hella awesome.”
Xi hugged him a little tighter. 
The beach was crowded that morning- much like it had been on the first first day they’d arrived. Many Metkayina surrounded Stephan’s ship, all awed and fascinated with the odd metal, bird-like aircraft. 
From Xilä’s viewpoint she could see the eccentric Avatar giving a couple of the younglings a tour through the wide glass windows at the front of the ship. 
This was it. It was time to return home. 
Her and the Sullys’ goodbyes were bittersweet.
Awa’atlu had been their home for the past six months. She had formed deep connections, friendships and had grown attached to the sea and all the beauty that came with it. 
“Take care of him for me, will you?” She overheard Neytiri asking Tsireya as they embraced. “He can be a handful sometimes- too stubborn for his own good, but he really is the sweetest boy.” 
“Are you sure that contraption is safe?” Ronal interrupted, to ask Jake who was chatting with Tonowari. “I don’t know if it’s any better than your tempered ikrans. It doesn’t look like it.”
“It’s safe,” Jake assured. “They did a lot of repairs on the ship in preparation for this trip. Xilä and the baby will be well protected.” 
She gave an unimpressed hum, but said nothing else on the matter. Her expression softened when Xilä approached to bid her goodbye. “You better bring that baby with you next time you visit. I can already sense your child will be destined for great things…”
Xi was finishing making her rounds when a voice called for her.  
“Are you not going to say goodbye to me, beautiful?” 
“Tsk. Aw come on Xi- I’m hurt, wounded,” he joked solemnly- palm over his heart. 
“Take care of yourself, okay? I mean it.” 
His smile fell a little. “I’m going to miss having you around. It was sure fun riling up your husband… I never did get to fight him again.”
A chest plastered against her back and she automatically leaned into it. “Yeah, cause you know you’d lose again, you skxawng,” Neteyam teased from over her head with a possessive palm to her round tummy. 
Xi shook her head, highly amused- there they went again. 
She was really going to miss this place. 
Xilä’s reunion with her family was a joyful one. Welcomed home with open arms and all the love they had to give, she knew she made the right decision to come home. 
Returning to the forest eased Xilä’s worries. It was safety, it was warmth and love. It was… home. 
And although they’d been gone for six months, she and Neteyam had settled back in quite quickly and were able to return to their routines just like before. 
She resumed her studies with Mo’at, eager to share all that she’d learned from the metkayina and Neteyam returned to his duties as a high ranker, along with all the other responsibilities he had under his belt. 
What was most exciting was catching up on how much she’d missed out on. 
Kah’lee and W’aote were on some sort of weird break where they weren’t talking but would still have the occasional “fuck session.” W’aote apparently was ready to settle down, but Kah’lee wasn’t- which was strange because before Xi left for Awa’atlu, it was the other way around. Kah’s hesitancy to officially court him sparked an argument between the two, thus creating the weird separation.  
Leati and Ze’lu however were going strong. The female warrior loathed public displays of affection but Ze’lu appeared to be a stage five clinger- Kiri’s words, not hers. The man was completely in love and would smother his woman in affection despite her grumpy, lackluster protests. 
Xilä personally thought they were a perfect couple. He calmed her bitchiness and temper tantrums and she brought him out of his shell. It was the perfect balance.
The twins' development, however, amazed Xi the most. They were toddling around everywhere now, and always chatting up a storm in a mixture of baby babbles and their ever growing learnt vocabulary. 
They were also both fascinated with her belly bump, especially whenever Neteyam was able to coax a big movement from Sprout- tiny little hands patting her with excited squeals. 
And speaking of babies. Xi and her husband had done a lot of preparing for their little one’s arrival. Xi had never sewed as much as she did before- Sal was a big help in that department. 
Meanwhile Jxo and Neteyam did a lot of upgrades and rearranging of their tent in their spare time. Jake had pitched in too, only he called it baby proofing. 
Her father had also built them the cutest little cot she’d ever seen… It was very similar to the ones he did for his first two grandbabies- and yes, she did cry when he gifted it to them. 
Since finding out that they were going to be parents, the mated pair were eager to absorb as much information and advice from those closest to them. And sure, they would have the support whenever they needed it, but they wanted to learn to do as much of it as possible on their own. 
As she neared the end of her pregnancy, Xi had grown increasingly miserable. She couldn’t move as fast as before. Her bump prevented her from certain tasks, her feet ached all the time, she could never find the right position to sleep in and quite frankly, she was just about ready for Sprout to move out. 
Neteyam was another matter entirely. 
Four weeks ago, Mo’at had instructed her that she was supposed to be taking it easy- an instruction her husband was all too eager and diligent in making happen… 
He’d become increasingly overbearing and overprotective of her throughout her pregnancy. It seemed as if as her baby bump grew, so did his possessiveness.
He snapped at anyone who so much as breathed too much in her direction. It was probably worse than his clinginess back when she’d been rescued from Li’ona.
Suffice to say because of said behaviour, it was no surprise when he and the women of their family butted heads a few times. 
Sal and Neytiri had to keep reminding him that pregnant women were tougher than they looked. He and D’avi also got into far too many bickering matches whenever he hovered and lingered during their “sisterly bonding dates”. 
Kiri and Mo’at simply found Neteyam’s behaviour amusing- Xi was sure she’d never seen the grandmother so entertained before. 
And when Xilä had finally met her twelve month mark- due date coming and going, there was no baby. She was a week overdue now and felt uncomfortably massive. 
“Why doesn’t the baby want to come out,” she whined. 
“You’ve made too good a home for your little one it seems,” Mo’at joked mildly as she ran her hands over the stretch of Xilä’s skin, fingers pressing down to feel the baby’s position. “We shall have to do some coaxing then, hm?”
“What kind of coaxing?” Neteyam asked quickly. 
“Have her take a walk. She can try some char’mille tea, heavily spiced herb broth, perhaps a warm bath and sex.” 
Xilä knew the list of suggestions, and yet even as the Tsahìk voiced the last one, her cheeks still tinged lightly. Her mate seemed unaffected though. He nodded seriously and asked his grandmother a couple other million questions- like he always did whenever they came in for a visit.  
Is it normal that her boobs are already leaking milk?
When will they know for sure she’s in labor?
Do they need to wait until her waters break or until the contractions start before coming in?
How painful will the birth be for her?
Was there anything he could do to ease it?
Fingers interlocked and propped up on her bump, Xilä relaxed as best as possible while her husband went on and on with question after question. 
Midway through their visit, he handed her a leaf wrapped snack that appeared from nowhere- some thinly sliced nectar coated meat placed between two sari cakes with mashed teylu and diced shrooms. Not the most appetizing thing to anyone else, but it was all she livid off of for the past week. 
Xilä smiled at her husband’s attentiveness and dug in without needing to be told. 
“And I know I’ve asked already, but are you sure there’s nothing else I can do for her during the birth?”
“Your role is to support her. The moment is all about her… and then all about her and the baby. She needs calm. You soothe and encourage her through it all. That’s it. If you can’t do that then you stay outside the birth room… Now, any other questions?”
“Yes. What-”
This boy! Mo’at huffed and shot Xilä a half amused, half frustrated expression. “Are you sure you want him to stay during the birth?” 
“What do you mean? Of course I’m-”
“I’m not asking you, ‘Teyam… Xilä?” 
“I wouldn’t want him anywhere else,” she smiled.
They’d tried almost everything. 
But no amount of tea, or broth, or walks or baths did anything to nudge their little Sprout out of her. 
She was too uncomfortable for sex, so only when nothing else on the list worked and she was just about at her wits end, did she finally decide to give lovemaking a go. 
“You’ll have to do all the work. I’m not moving a muscle,” she groaned. 
“We don’t have to do this, you know.” 
Xilä could cry. “Well we’re going to have to! I want the baby out already, ‘Teyam! I’m so uncomfortable. My skin feels stretched to its limit, my boobs feel like they’re about to explode. And there are parts of me that hurt, that I didn’t even know could hurt like this! I don’t want to do this anymore. Please- just please do something! And why are you standing so fucking far away?!” 
Shit! “Alright hey, hey. I’m here, baby.” He climbed into their hammock beside her, sensing a mental breakdown. “Sweetheart-”
“This is not sex,” she frowned when he cuddled her into his arms. 
He tried not to smile. “Let’s take a breather first, yeah?” 
She nodded and blew out a gush of air. “I’m sor-”
“Stop,” he whispered against her lips. “Just relax, sweetheart.”
He hummed the little tune he’d started singing to Sprout whenever he got too rowdy while his large palm soothingly ran over the curve of her belly. He prepared her with tiny kisses wherever he could reach from his position and sent silent prayers to Eywa to ease her discomfort. 
“I have to pee… again.” 
He kissed her forehead. “Okay. Let’s go.” 
After helping her to her feet, they probably only made it a couple steps before Xilä stopped with a gasp. A gush of liquid escaped her- it coated her inner thighs and rolled over her calves and ankles as it fell to the floor. 
“Was that-”
“My waters broke,” she said, staring dumbstruck at the puddle at her feet. 
The room was too crowded.
Neteyam was itching to throw them all out and with every passing second, every glance towards anyone who wasn’t his wife, his patience grew thinner. 
They were nearing the fifth hour since Xilä’s waters broke. Her contractions were slowly growing more frequent now, and it was killing him every time he saw another wave of pain hit her. 
Seated between his raised thighs, he felt her body tense up again. She moaned through gritted teeth and desperately squeezed his forearms while the pain consumed her for a couple seconds too long for him, before her shoulders slumped and head fell backwards as she panted. 
“You’re doing so good,” he whispered against her temple. 
She gave a shaky laugh in response. 
“Do you want me to take over, ‘Teyam? You can go stretch your legs for a bit and-”
“No.” He winced at his tone and shot his mother-in-law an apologetic half smile. “Sorry. But no, I’m good, Sal. I’m not going anywhere.”
Five minutes later, his mother came and asked the same damn question. 
Ten minutes after that, D’avi offered to sing Xilä a “calming song” she thought would help sooth her. 
Neteyam knew it was their custom to have a “village” present for a birth… but this? This was too much. 
Why couldn’t they wait outside with the men- as well as the shocking mass of clan members who’d shown up to give their support? 
That damn song made him reach his limit. 
The singing, combined with the not so soft chatter from Leati’ and Kah’lee seated in the corner of the tent, Sal and Neytiri’s bustling around the small private quarters Mo’at had set up for them as they made arrangements and Kiri and Mo’at’s ingredient tinkering- he’d had enough. 
“How mad at me would you be if I kicked them all out?”
Her head moved against his shoulder. 
“What? Who?” 
Even with sweat slicked hair and heated flushed cheeks, he thought she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
“All of them? Except grandmother of course.” 
Xi turned and took in the room’s activities. Her stifled anxiety quickened so she quickly glanced away again. 
“You can say no.” 
“Honestly? It’s crowded. I won’t be upset if you ask them to leave,” she admitted. “I love them all and I’m glad they’re here to support us… but it’s just…”
“Overwhelming right?” 
She nodded, feeling a wave of guilt consume her. 
Reading her all too well, he brushed her jaw with his thumb. “There’s nothing to feel bad- or be sorry about. They’ll understand.” 
Xi internally debated asking D’avi to stay. But if she was being honest with herself, she wanted this moment to be between her and mate. 
“Wait”- she stopped him before he could move- “do it nicely, okay? I don’t want any of them to think they’re a problem.”
He kissed her neck and promised to be nice about kicking out everyone before he got up. 
Sal looked ready to put up a fight with him but with one glance at her daughter who Mo’at was helping through another contraction, she relented. 
The women understood- thankfully. 
Both mothers showered Xilä with kisses before they left and assured they’d be a call away and just in the next room giving up prayers of their own. 
In the quiet dim space, Mo’at’s chats shifted in waves of highs and lows. Xilä’s wails however, overshadowed them. 
“No more. No I can’t. I CAN’T do thi-” Xilä broke off into another cry that Neteyam helplessly tried to sooth. 
“Xilä, breathe.” Mo’at patted her thigh and waved another round of spiced smoke from a lit herb bundle. 
“‘Teyam,” she whimpered through never-ending tears, breathing heavily in pants she fought to control.
“I know sweetheart, I know.” He brushed away the stubborn strands of hair that kept getting stuck to her forehead. “You’re doing so good. Almost there, baby.” 
Her chin wobbled and she licked her chapped lips. 
“Tell me what to do for you. What can I do?” We wished he had the power to take away her pain. 
“Tell me a story?” 
He couldn’t help the breathy chuckle that escaped him. It had been a while since she’d asked for one of those. Lips to her temple, he tasted salt. “What kind, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know. Any? I just need to hear your voice. Please?”
“Okay, I got you,” he soothed. “I’ll tell you about the one that changed my life, yeah?”
Her head fell forward when another contraction rolled in- back arching away from him. Her fingers bit into the flesh of his thighs that bracketed her own. His palms ran over her sweat slick skin- shoulders, arms and the backs of her hands whilst soft cooed words fell from his lips. 
Only when it was over and she sagged against him- fatigue dripping heavily with another plea for him to talk, did he start his story. 
“It all started on what I thought was a random day of the worst year of my life. Nothing was going right and so much was weighing heavily on me. I decided I needed to get away for a couple day, so I went on a solo hunting trip to blow off some steam.” 
He ducked to check on her. Her eyelids half closed while she stifled a whimper. 
“I caught nothing though, couldn’t focus- I kept missing my shots. On my last day, after catching nothing again, I was just about to head back home when a woodspirit distracted me. And then I heard a sudden scream- a gut wrenching and skin chilling one at that. So I followed it and I found this odd little cloaked thing running from a nantang. They tried to climb a tree to escape, but they slipped, and fell.”
Xilä’s heart thudded in her eardrums… She knew this story.
“Anyway, after I took care of the beast, I approached the hooded and masked stranger. They blinked up at me for a second, with- with the most incredible eyes I’d ever seen, before they blacked out. And when I pulled the mask away”- he made an approving pleased sound- “the stranger? Prettiest thing I’d ever laid my eyes on.”
Mo’at’s chants grew quieter as she continued to waft smoke in Xi’s direction- it helped her calm somewhat. 
“Anyway, I didn’t know it at the time, but I made the best decision of my life by taking her home with me… After an order from my dad, I had no choice but to spend time with this gorgeous creature every day, and you know what?”
Xi’s eyes closed. “What?”
“It was pure torture,” he whispered in her ear, making her snicker with a moaned wince. 
“So then what happened?”
Neteyam bent and nuzzled her cheek, palm coming to rest on her stomach. “So, then I fell in love with her… and by some miracle she loved me right back.”
“And then?”
“And then I claimed her as mine, and she claimed me as hers… can you believe that? She became my mate. Mine.”  
Xi peered up at him- pure love and adoration shining through her pain stricken face. “And then?”
He wiped the tear rolling down her cheekbone. “No… and now… and forever.”
“Xilä,” Mo’at called. “It’s time to push.”
“‘Teyam… can’t-” 
“Shhh. Come on baby, what am I always telling you? Hm? You’re strong- you can do anything.” 
“It hurts,” she whimpered. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. Lean on me, sweetheart, I got you.”
Their baby came into the world with a hearty cry. Wails almost deafening but Neteyam laughed in glee- eyes prickling at the sight of the tiny wrinkly blue creature Mo’at placed on Xilä’s bare chest. 
A boy. A son. 
“Neteyam- oh ‘Teyam, look at him. He’s-” Xi grinned through her tears- pain forgotten, “he’s perfect.” 
Neteyam couldn’t keep his eyes off of their little Sprout. “Holy shit.” He was here- their baby- their son.
Arms over Xi’s he gently cradled his baby’s head. “So much hair,” he marvelled. 
“It’s dark like yours, handsome.” Xi couldn’t move her eyes away- too busy trying to absorb every single detail. 
Index finger extended, Neteyam touched his son’s palm, and when his teeny tiny fingers closed over the digit, his heart melted. 
Their son’s cries turned to whimpers as Xi soothed him and he looked almost annoyed as he blinked up at them through half opened eyes before they closed again.
“Hi precious, I’m your mama. Hi, aren’t you the sweetest.”
“I think he’s got your eyes, baby. I caught a flash of silver.”
Xi took a damp cloth from Mo’at and began to clean their son- removing away as much of the waxy type substance that coated his skin. 
Mo’at eventually took over after ensuring Xi was taken care of. The elder handled their baby with expertise. He began to fuss while she checked him over- gums, tiny tail, pointed ears and queue. 
The grandmother failed to hide her sniffle and misty eyes, voice soft in her whispered prayers to Eywa. 
“He’s okay?” Neteyam was itching to have their baby back. 
“Perfect. A healthy baby boy.” She handed the crying infant back to his mother and he instantly quieted. She gently cupped Xi’s cheek. “You were amazing, darling. Congratulations to you two.”
“Thank you, grandmother. For everything. Thank you.” 
Little Sprout gave an unhappy coo, and like a natural, Xi arranged him in her arms and helped him find her nipple. It took a couple tries and whispered coaxing but the instant he latched, he was hungrily suckling. 
Neteyam stared at the two of them, entranced and amazed- unaware when his grandmother snuck out to share the news with the rest of their family. 
He kissed his wife’s temple, with whispered words of praise- telling her how proud he was of her. She met his lips with hers for a brief moment and with her own I love you’s.
After she shifted their baby to her other breast and he had his fill, she gently burped him, cooing a soft good job when he did. 
“Ready to hold him, handsome?” 
He nodded eagerly and shuffled out from behind Xilä, accepting hands comically larger in comparison to their infant. 
Was it possible to love someone wholeheartedly after knowing them for less than an hour? 
His mate was right, their son was perfect. 
Nestled in the crook of his arms, their baby yawned, tiny fists clenched against his cheeks, knees drawn up against his tummy. 
Neteyam’s heart could burst. Happiness consumed him. 
“He looks just like you. Just like his daddy.” 
The resemblance was startling, he thought. A mini him. 
Xi peered at the second love of her life, head resting against her husband's bicep. “I don’t think any of the names we picked out suits him, and as much as I think it’s a cute nickname, I’m not calling our son Sprout.”
“You’re right… we’ll figure it out though.” He kissed the top of her head. “How are you feeling, sweetheart? Do you ache?”
She nodded, fingers gently touching her son’s tiny toes, they twitched and Xi thought she’d just about burst into tears. “Yes, but I can bear it. I can’t believe our baby’s here with us now. I’m so happy, ‘Teyam, I don’t know what to do with myself.” 
“Me too.” 
Sprout shifted and made a soft noise in his sleep before settling- tail giving a slight flick against Neteyam’s hand. He truly couldn’t take his eyes off of him. 
“Our families’ are going to go crazy, they’re gonna love him. They’re probably going mad over waiting so long as well,” he joked. 
“Let them wait,” Xi sighed, the pad of her thumb tracing a delicately soft cheek. “Let’s just be together a little longer, yeah?”
Neteyam smiled in agreement. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” 
This chapter was soooo difficult to write & edit, I hope you all enjoyed it anyway!
First things first, yes, that was the last chapter- but WAIT. There will be a two-part epilogue. One- a slice of life after the birth of little Sprout and Two- a couple years after that.
PS. I still haven't settled 100% on a name for Sprout, so you can still send suggestions. Also, for girl names too (since they may or may not have another baby/babies in the epilogue).... (Who am I kidding, of course they will) LOL!
Okay, now cue the waterworks...
Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone of you who've followed me on this journey. Safe Haven is so special to me and I have enjoyed sharing it with you all.
Every read, every like, every comment, every suggestion and idea- just know I appreciate them all!
This community has been so welcoming and the response to a newbie writer like myself is profound.
As always, please share your thoughts :)
Tags:@jakesullyfatjuicypeen@granddearduck@riatesullironalite@strawberri-blonde@earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop@blkmystery@neteswife@luvteyams@isnt-itstrange@erenjaegerwifee@faatxma@ivysully@bakugouswaif@pinkpantheris @mntx666@ironcaptainnataliabarnes
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angelteyam · 5 years
**requests are CLOSED**
last updated 4/13/2023
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-> *Water Girl* (Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader) ☁️💜 🌟
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-> *Make Me, Unbreak Me* (Peter Parker x Super!OC) 🌟☁️💜🌸- in progress
-> *Rewrite the Stars* (Peter Parker x Super!OC) 🦋💜☁️- completed
-> *Right Here* (Peter Parker x Stark!OC) ☁️💜
-> *T-Shirt* (Peter Parker x Reader) 🦋☁️
-> *Broken Zipper* (Peter Parker x Reader) 🦋🌸💜🌟☁️
-> *Ghost of You* (Peter Parker x Reader) 💜🌸
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-> *Smooth Criminal* (Coffee Shop AU) 🦋☁️💜🌸🌟- complete
-> *Fine Line* (Tom Holland x Reader) 🦋☁️🌟💜🌸- on hiatus
-> *Like This* (Tom Holland x Reader)🦋💜☁️🌟🌸
-> *Mr. Brightside* (Tom Holland x Reader) 🌸💜☁️🌟
-> *There You Are* (Tom Holland x Reader/Unnamed Female) 🦋☁️
-> *Puppy Dog Eyes* (Tom Holland x Reader/Unnamed Female) 🦋☁️🌟
-> *Baseball Cap* (Tom Holland x Reader/Unnamed Female) 🦋☁️💜
-> *It’s You* (Tom Holland x Reader) 🦋☁️💜🌸
-> *Remember Me* (Tom Holland x Reader) 🦋🌸
-> *Breathe Life Into Me* (Tom Holland x Reader) 🦋💜🌟☁️
-> *Teeth* (Tom Holland x Reader) ☁️🌸
-> *Perfect* (Tom Holland x Reader)🦋☁️💜
-> *Gone Wild* (Tom Holland x P.A.! Reader)🦋💜☁️🌸
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-> *Perfect* (Harrison Osterfield x OC) ☁️
-> *Baby Blues* (Harrison Osterfield x Reader/Unnamed Female) ☁️
-> *Easier* (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) 🌸☁️💜
-> *Lie to Me* (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) ☁️💜
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-> *Color Me In* (Mike Wheeler x Eleven) ☁️
-> *Time After Time*(Mike Wheeler x Eleven) 🌟💜☁️
-> *Chocolate Pudding and Swear Words* (Mike Wheeler x Eleven) 🦋☁️
*disclaimer*: the above stories are written for entertainment purposes only. I do not own any of the characters/persons I write about except my original characters. Any stories featuring real people are written using their likeness/characteristics, and are not meant to reflect them as individual, real people.
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quest-for-pluto · 1 year
Human!Neteyam x Human!Female!Original Character.
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Summary: He stared at his hands as they hovered in front of his face, tremors running up and down his fingers. His five fingers, not four. And deep, warm brown skin. Not blue.
When Neteyam dies, instead of ending up in Eywa’s promised paradise, he wakes up on an apocalyptic earth, with a strange human girl as his only hope for survival.
Chapter 2: Fourth Point
Warnings: Mentions of r*pe and sex trafficking.
It felt like an explosion had gone off right next to his eardrums—they were ringing so loud he thought they were about to combust and melt out of his skull.
His heart was pounding out of his rib cage, he couldn't breathe—
The pressure on his chest was increasing unbearably, it now felt like an entire stampede of pa’lis were trampling over him.
"Hey! Snap out of it!"
Two gloved fingers snapped in front of his face, and the world suddenly rushed back into focus with startling clarity. Neteyam quickly blinked out of shock.
"Look at me," the girl said carefully. She was crouched in front of him, her slate grey eyes locked on him with unflinching intensity. "Breathe slowly. In—" she inhaled deeply and slowly. "And out. Do it with me," she exhaled.
Neteyam forced himself to copy her movements, his shaky breaths much less controlled than hers. With every exhale, he felt the buzzing in his head recede a little more, and his heart slowing to a more normal speed. She observed him silently.
"Good?" She asked him, once his breath was no longer audible.
When he nodded slowly, she pushed up off her knees, reaching down to offer him a hand. "Come on," she said. "Sitting around in this shithole is only going to get you killed."
For a moment he hesitated, remembering the cold and calculated way she'd threatened him at gunpoint—like she'd had practice, he thought, suppressing a shiver—but something about the way she was looking at him had changed. The blatant hostility and cold indifference from moments ago had softened slightly into a guarded wariness.
And she was right. If he stayed here, he'd probably end up in an even worse position than now. He was lucky she hadn't shot him the moment she saw him, like the humans back on Pandora would have.
Decision made, he grabbed her forearm, letting her pull him up to his feet. He teetered unsteadily for a moment, the rush of blood to his brain making him dizzy, but the girl's grip on his arm was firm and grounding.
As soon as he was stable, she abruptly let go of him, as if she didn't want to touch him any longer than necessary. He stumbled behind her, jogging a little to catch up to the brisk pace she set.
"Where are we going?" He asked, voice still a little hoarse from his earlier episode.
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, before her gaze shifted ahead of her again. "Civilization," she said vaguely, pronouncing it more like see-vee-lee-zay-sh-on. Her words were elegantly elongated with a very subtle, rolling accent that he was unfamiliar with. Some letters were emphasized, like i's, while others, he noticed, were staccato, like h's, almost like she had to force herself to pronounce them. "I'll drop you off somewhere where you actually have a chance at surviving, and then you're on your own."
You're on your own.
Neteyam looked down, folding his arms over his chest. The reality of the situation was starting to truly set in. He was helpless on this planet, much like he was when he and his family had first joined the Metkayina clan, but this was infinitely worse.
Earth was a very large place, according to his dad, with many different languages and cultures. English, his dad's language, was only one of thousands. Neteyam would be like a newborn baby trying to run a marathon while palulukans snapped hungrily at his heels, waiting for him to trip and fall. Vulnerable and useless, he thought dejectedly.
As they walked in silence, he couldn't help but observe the new and unfamiliar surroundings, a horrid feeling starting to pulse in his chest. The sky was a dark, red hue, muffled by thick clouds. All around them, grey and copper rubble lay discarded on the ground. Half-destroyed concrete and glass structures stood abandoned like stray hills in a desolate plain. Not a trace of green in sight.
"What happened here?" He whispered in disbelief. He somewhat knew that the situation was bad on Earth, but never to what extent. He never could have imagined this though. The area was nearly razed to the ground.
She gave him that look again, the one where she couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. "Same thing that's happening to most of the world," she said bitterly, batting a strand of hair out of her face in irritation. "War. Too many mouths to feed, not enough resources. You grow up under a rock or something?"
Neteyam glanced at her quickly. "Or something, yeah."
"Must've been nice."
Neteyam lowered his eyes, an intense wave of homesickness suddenly sucker punching him in the gut. He thought of fresh grass and gnarly tree bark, and even the colorful reefs of the Metkayina clan. "Yeah," he said softly. "It was."
She didn't answer, only looked at him calculatingly. She seemed to do that a lot—observe him carefully, as if she were constantly trying to figure out what he was thinking, his next move or motive. He noticed that her hand never strayed too far from her hostler either. It reminded him of his dad during the raids on the sky people. A wartime state of survival.
Out of one war, into another one, he chuckled humorlessly under his breath. How naive he was to look forward to paradise with Eywa for even a second.
They walked the rest of the way in silence, some two hours or so, before Neteyam began to spot larger structures in the distance. His jaw unhinged in pure, unadulterated shock. "Is that...?"
"Mmhm," she hummed in affirmation. "That's Fourth Point, it's run by a bunch of shitty, corrupt bastards but it's a far cry better than a lot of other places around here."
Fourth Point was massive, at least compared to the humble villages he was used to. Buildings made of metal and glass climbed high into the sky, the tips disappearing into the red clouds. Weirdly shaped structures he'd never seen before cruised easily through the air like a pack of ikran. And the lights. Eywa, everything shone with brilliant light, as if the entire city was powered by a star.
"Incredible," he whispered under his breath, a childlike wonder distracting him momentarily from his existential crisis.
"Yeah," she smirked sardonically like she knew something he didn't. "You'll change your mind. Come on," she waved him over, increasing her pace.
Neteyam grunted, still unused to walking without a tail. How the hell did humans do this all the time?
If he thought the city was captivating from afar, it was ten times as much from within.
The lights were even more magnificent now that he got to see them up close. They were everywhere, in every color imaginable. They lined the sides of buildings like beacons in the night, they flashed on the tops of skyscrapers like giant screens on the dark concrete and metal. The most fascinating by far though, were the humans made of light. They spoke like them and looked like them, but when he passed his hand through them he couldn't touch them, nor did they react. It was like a...lifelike, three dimensional video. Creepy, but undeniably fascinating. Lo'ak would've had a field day with this.
Even more fascinating though, were the strange machines humans used to fly. It didn't look like the ships back on Pandora, no, these looked more sophisticated, smaller, sleeker and less like they were designed as weapons of mass destruction. They cruised leisurely in an organized system he had yet to figure out, as they all knew how to fly to avoid crashing into each other.
And then there were the people. Surprisingly, they all looked different. With hair colors ranging from black to a light, platinum blonde, and skin colors ranging from a deep umber, to a peachy cream. Not a speck of blue though, he thought with disappointment. The path they were walking on was heavily populated, so he had to stick close to his guide to avoid getting pulled away and ending up hopelessly lost. He peered into the lit up windows they passed with wonder, taking in all the strange objects and people doing things he'd never seen before in his life.
"Stop staring at everything!" She nudged him harshly in the side. "You look like an overly excited toddler, it's going to attract attention."
He shook himself out of his trance, blinking as he instead focused his attention on the people around them. Like she had said, heads were starting to turn suspiciously in their direction.
His shoulders squared back a little out of instinct, the same way they always did when people would stare at him for being the Toruk Makto's eldest son and future Olo'eyktan in training. Right, how could he forget what he was taught? Warriors must always stay alert when entering unfamiliar territory.
And he was the first of his kind to set foot in this territory, so that rule was three times as important now.
You're on your own.
Neteyam pursed his lips, expression bleeding back into somber vigilance. The only person he could trust now was himself, so he had to be careful.
They walked for a little longer, before the girl jammed his ribs with her knuckle. "In here," she murmured, grabbing his arm firmly and pulling him in through a door.
He looked around in awe at the high ceilings and chandeliers, glowing brightly against crisp white walls. The only building he'd ever entered in his life was the lab on Pandora, but that wasn't even a quarter as grand as this. Racks of human clothing lined many, many aisles. The girl pulled him along, possessing no patience for his admiration.
She pulled him into a secluded corner, where they were mostly hidden by a rack of hanging pants. "Keep your head down," she said lowly. "When I say run, you run with me as fast as you can, okay?"
A sickly dread began to pool in his stomach. "Wait, what—?"
She tugged him back into the open before he could even finish his protest. Neteyam tensed, now a lot more on edge as she let go of his arm, walking leisurely towards a shelf of sunglasses. After a brief inspection, she grabbed a pair of darkly tinted square shaped ones, slipping them carefully onto his face.
"It's not even bright outside," he frowned, blinking in confusion. Curiously though, he found that his vision was not darkened in the slightest despite the tinted lenses. He could see just as well inside the store with the glasses as he could without them.
"They're not sunglasses," she smiled, confirming his thoughts. "They're privacy glasses. You've got some...well, let's just say I've never seen anyone who looks like you before, and there's a market for that around here."
"What do you mean?" He frowned. A market for his looks?
She glanced down at the floor, smiling wryly. "Just trust me, unless you want to end up drugged out of your mind, getting passed around like a cigarette. Remember when I told you you'd change your mind? Well, this is the real hub of the city. It's how the bastards on top make their money."
Neteyam's face paled as realization finally dawned on him. What she was talking about wasn't unheard of on Pandora, just very rare and frowned upon. Those who ever engaged in unwilling mating were damned to the fifth hell and outcasted.
"Wait," he said, mouth suddenly very dry. "I...I need to see."
He stepped carefully towards one of the mirrors with leaden feet, feeling his heart beating loudly in his throat as he pulled down the glasses. She stood silently behind him, watching him curiously.
His hair came into view first. Long, dark braided tresses that swayed gently as he shuffled his feet. Then his eyes. Wide and amber, with flecks of brown and gold, just like his old ones. Neteyam gasped, leaning closer as he gawked at the face staring back at him. Familiar, but very different all at once.
Dark, sepia-brown skin, much like the reddish-brown color of fresh tree bark, replaced his original cobalt blue coloring. White freckle-like markings were dotted over his nose, cheeks and chin, and—now he had eyebrows like his dad and siblings. He wiggled them experimentally. His nose was also much thinner now, small with a delicately slanting bridge, and his ears were placed lower, rounded at the tips.
"Woah," he breathed, reaching a hand up to palm gently at his cheek.
"If you're done admiring yourself, we should get what we came here for," she raised a brow, lips twitching slightly.
He frowned, but didn't turn away from the mirror, still weirded out by his new appearance. The boy in the mirror scrunched his nose, reflecting his actions. "What did we come here for?"
Several minutes and much debating later, they settled on a black sweatshirt looking thing that his guide called a hoodie. It had a high collar that rested just below his nose, and a deep hood that nearly folded over his eyes when he pulled it over his head. It was very warm and soft, which he definitely liked. He also got some dark brown pants of a rougher material that cinched snugly at his ankles (apparently called cargon pants—wait, no—cargo pants) and had deep nine inch pockets that held shut with sticky prickly things called velcros. Finally, he got new footwear of a dark leather material, called combat boots. They came up to his lower calf, still giving him enough flexibility to run while also protecting his feet from the roughly paved ground outside. His companion stuffed a few extra socks and undergarments into her satchel—the latter of which she refused to answer any questions about no matter how curiously he stared.
Apparently his tattered 'homeless man getup', as she called it, wasn't cutting it out in public. He needed to look established and invulnerable, not on the brink of starvation (her words).
Neteyam had hardly noticed the torn and dirty status of the mysterious clothes he'd woken up in, as he was used to wearing much, much less than what he was wearing now. The new human clothes felt extremely foreign and out of place against his skin, but not unwelcome.
"Okay, remember what I told you before," she ducked her head slightly, speaking silently so that only he could hear. "On my signal, we run, okay?"
His breath caught in his throat. "Are we in danger?" His brows furrowed somberly.
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, expression unreadable. "Yeah, you could say that."
Neteyam tensed, a new rush of adrenaline spiking in his veins as his fingers twitched around air. He desperately wished he still had his crossbow with him, at least then he'd stand a chance at defending himself. He felt incredibly vulnerable without the familiar curve of it in his palm.
She guided him back to the entrance of the store, keeping her gaze straight ahead. She looked remarkably unphased for the situation they were in. "Wait," she said quietly, keeping a steady pace.
His eyes flickered around them, scanning everyone and everything suspicious he could find. The sinewy muscles at his shoulder blades tensed in preparation.
They were two steps from the door when it finally happened.
“BEEP BEEP BEEP!” The frames around the entrance lit up an angry, flashing red as sirens whirled deafeningly loud around them. Neteyam jumped, hissing in confusion and slight fear.
“What the hell do you think you’re both doing?!” An angry voice echoed from behind them, making his breath hitch. “They’re trying to steal! Get them!”
“Now!” She yelled, sprinting ahead of him with a sudden burst of speed.
Pa’li = Direhorse
Palulukan = Thanator
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quest-for-pluto · 1 year
Human!Neteyam x Fem!Human!Original character.
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Summary: He stared at his hands as they hovered in front of his face, tremors running up and down his fingers. His five fingers, not four. And deep, warm brown skin. Not blue.
When Neteyam dies, instead of ending up in Eywa’s promised paradise, he wakes up on an apocalyptic earth, with a strange human girl as his only hope for survival.
Chapter 1: Falling Into
Neteyam was going to die. He was sure of it.
"No, great mother, no!" His mother wailed above him. "Oh my son!"
The bullet had gone through the top of his spine, a vital point, judging by the devastated look his dad was trying to hide.
He felt the darkness start to close in on the edges of his vision, and warmth—the warmth of his mother's tears as they spilled on his bloody chest.
Neteyam shut his eyes, visualizing the beautiful and tall towering trees, the fresh lakes and the crisp mountain air of his home.
I want to go home, he thought, before everything faded to nothing, only the lingering sounds of grief echoing in his head.
Neteyam, spoke a booming voice in his head. It was all at once soft and soothing and strong and mighty. Reverberating everywhere and whispered tenderly in his ear.
Warm, gentle hands embraced his cheeks, and he felt himself relax into the touch. He could not see who it was, but somehow he knew they were smiling at him.
My sweet boy, the voice spoke lovingly. A flame extinguished too early.
To his disappointment, the hands retreated from his face, leaving him feeling cold and empty.
May your second flame burn brighter, they whispered softly.
And then like a dream, they were gone.
He was lying on a rough, pointy surface. Something hard was digging into his shoulder blade.
Neteyam groaned, blearily opening his eyes to a red, gloomy sky. He frowned, sniffing the air for any scents of smoke, but the sheer thickness and pollution of it made him cough violently, rolling onto his side.
Something smooth and cold pressed firmly against the back of his head, a familiar click making his stomach plummet in dread.
"Don't move," a smooth voice instructed firmly.
Neteyam gritted his teeth in frustration, not daring to flinch as a hand patted him down, most likely checking for any weapons.
She wouldn't find anything, he'd lost his crossbow when—
"No, great mother, no!" Neytiri wailed above him. "Not my son!"
Warmth. His blood and his mother's tears.
Neteyam gasped deeply, spasming as the memory came back to him.
The gun pressed more insistently into his skull. "I told you not to move," she growled.
"What...?" He rasped hysterically, breathing starting to near hyperventilation. "What is going on?"
She stayed silent behind him, unnerving him further as he tried to make sense of his death. It was too vivid to be a dream, too real.
Ignoring her threats, he reached up to pat frantically at his chest, dragging his fingers over the place where he remembered the bullet piercing. His breath hitched as the pads of his fingers rubbed against a raised scar.
A blinding pain shot through his wrist. "Argh!" He screamed as she pushed a knee into the small of his back, twisting his arm behind him.
"Go on," she said calmly, dragging the butt of her gun down his neck. He shivered from the feeling of cold metal on his warm skin. "Test me again. See what happens."
Only the sounds of his heavy panting echoed in the desolate area as he struggled to tamper down his pain. Fuck, that hurt. She must have broken his wrist. When his breath finally evened out, he opened his eyes steadily.
"Fine," he snapped bitterly. "I won't move. Now let me go."
In one abrupt move, she kicked off of him, sending him face first into the hard rocks. He sputtered as the barrel came to rest at the back of his head again.
"What are you doing here?" She demanded, so close to his ear that he could feel her hot breath flutter against his skin.
"I don't know," he growled, forcing himself still even though he wished for nothing more than to feed her to his ikran. "I don't even know where I am or how I got here."
"Who are you?" She asked, not missing a beat.
His breath caught in his throat. If she found out he was Jake Sully's son, what would she do to him?
"Ra'nim," he ground out through clenched teeth.
To his horror, she cocked back her gun, firing a round not far from his head.
"Don't lie to me," she said unflinchingly as he shook in place, ears ringing from the blast. "I can tell."
Damnit! He clenched his fists, trembling in fear and anger. "N-Neteyam," he muttered lowly.
"What do you last remember, Neteyam?" She pressed him.
"I..." he flinched. "Getting shot. And then, waking up here."
There was a terrifying moment of pause, before she smoothly stepped back, the metal barrel leaving his head. "Well, you're not lying," she remarked tersely.
Neteyam didn't respond or move, not daring to make the same mistake again.
She sighed, stepping forward and grabbing him under his arm pit. He flinched as she forcefully pulled him up, steadying him as he stumbled a bit.
"You probably got mugged or something," she said lowly. "Tough luck, but it happens a lot. Just be happy you're alive."
She stepped in front of him, and Neteyam nearly choked on his own spit.
"Use this to bind your wrist and any other injuries you've got," she shoved a roll of bandages to his chest that fell to the floor. She narrowed her eyes at him as he gaped at her. "You hit your head too hard or something?"
He blinked at her in disbelief. "You...you're almost my height."
"What?" She scowled at him. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"You're human," he stressed, his panic levels starting to rise again because what the actual fuck was going on?
Now she was staring at him like he'd just lost his mind. Maybe he had.
"Look at me!" He gestured wildly at himself in desperation. "Can't you tell that I'm not—!"
He cut himself off, staring at his hands as they hovered in front of his face, tremors running up and down his fingers.
His five fingers, not four. And deep, warm brown skin. Not blue.
For a moment he just stared dumbly at them, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "What...?" He managed to squeak out, slowly raising his eyes in horror to come face to face with a now empty space.
Sometime during his mini mental breakdown,  the girl had managed to slip away, and was now hiking a fair distance from him.
"Wait!" He called, jogging after her and trying not to stumble on his weak human legs. He didn't have his tail either, which had once helped him balance on the thinnest of tree branches. "Wait, please!"
She didn't stop until he was panting right behind her.
"Just...please tell me where I am," he glanced up pleadingly at her turned back. "I don't—I don't know what happened to me, and I don't know where to go, or where my family is. Please."
She dropped her forehead in her palm, sighing deeply. "You're in Carson, Nevada. Or at least what it used to be."
At his blank stare, she squinted at him over her shoulder. "Are you serious? Nevada? How do you not know this? It’s one of the fifty states."
He frowned in confusion, lines furrowing between his brows. He's heard that before. Where has he heard that before?
"Holy shit, you really don't know." She stared at him in shock. "North America? Planet Earth?"
Neteyam froze. He remembered now. He knew where he'd heard that from.
"Dad, how come you can speak like the sky people?" Neteyam whispered, stumbling on short legs as he tried to climb up after his dad.
Jake looked down at him with a raised brow. "I'm not the only one who can speak English in the tribe, kiddo." His tail reached down and steadied his son on the branch he was wobbling on.
"Yeah," Neteyam huffed. "I know, but you speak different. Like, you sound more like the sky people than mom does."
Jake sighed, squatting down so that he was eye level with Neteyam. "Well, that’s because I was a sky person once too."
Neteyam gasped. "Really?" He whispered behind his raised palms.
"Yeah," Jake smiled. "I was born on Earth in a place called Detroit, Michigan."
"Was it as big as home?" Neteyam gaped with wide eyes.
"Well, not quite," Jake chuckled. "But you want to know something? The people living there were allied with forty-nine other tribes, all in one big group called the United States. And all of their land combined, was probably a hundred times the size of this forest."
"Woah!" Neteyam gasped. "That's so cool!"
"Careful," Jake scolded, grabbing his arm. "You almost fell off."
"Sorry dad," Neteyam giggled nervously.
His head spun.
He was on Earth. Home to the species that had destroyed his home and (repeatedly) tried to kill him.
Neteyam's knees buckled and finally gave out.
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