#need to cut back on that drinking boy XD
alexa-fika · 17 days
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Demonically obvious ( Whitebeard pirates x nezuko!reader)
Part 1
A/N HERE WE GO, Im sorry for the wait but finally we got part 2! and lemme tell you I COOKED, Im so exited for this one guys, I had a blast writing it and hope you guys like it as well, HERE YOU GO COSMO, YOU ONLY HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE MONTH XD
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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-He cared as much as he cared about Ace being Roger's son, aka he did not care.
He hummed after Ace finished confessing both his heritage and the true nature of Dokucha's current ailment.
"Roger, huh, Don't look much like the old bastard," he chuckled, taking another chug of his jar as he glanced at the small girl happily cuddling up to him.
"And a demon, who would have thought? Definitely something you don't see every day," he hummed. 
"I have just told you I am the child of your greatest enemy and that my sister is a dangerous being. Don't you want to kick us out?" 
He let out a bellowing laugh at his worries. 
"See, when I saw you come in with such a somber look on your face, I had thought you had important news to tell me, but I could not think of something more trivial," he exclaimed, laughing further at Ace's shocked expression.
" I could not care less about where you came from or what you are. At the end of the day, we are all children of the sea; your backgrounds do not change the fact that you are now my children."
Ace stares at him for a bit longer until he slumps down, a small smile breaking on his face.    
"you're something else pops."
"Gurararara Had me on my toes, boy. I thought I was going to lose my son and my only daughter."   
Dokucha frowned as he tilted the jar further, gulping more and more of the liquid until she had grown tired of it, and kicked the jar away from his grasp, much to the shock of both men.
Whitebeard frowned, glancing at at the wall she had kicked the jar to, watching as all that remained were small fragments littered throughout the floor. Glancing back at the child, who sat on the corner of the bed, kicking her feet as if nothing had occurred
"I already have the nurses and Marco on me for drinking, now you?"
Dokucha glanced his way, and he could notice a slight upward tilt of her lips wrapped around the bamboo and a mischievous glim in her eye.
"Cheeky Brat," He grumbled.
"Don't take your eyes off her boy. She is going to be a troublemaker; I can feel it."
He chuckled
"She already is. Hey pops?" he called, receiving a slight hum from the older male.
"Thank you."
"Don't you get sentimental on me, boy."
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He knew she wasn't human due to her lack of food intake and other peculiarities.
"I know," he stated as he continued cutting the kale on his cutting board, the rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the board filling their ears.
"What the hell do you mean, you know?"
"Din't know she was a demon, but I knew she wasn't human either, also." Thatch looks up at him, narrowing his eyes at him and pointing his knife his way
"Stop using those words around your sister; she's gonna end up cursing like us," he grumbled, glancing at Dokucha, who sat next to Ace, dewy eyes staring back at him.
"Hi, pumpkin; you hungry?" he questions, returning to his previous actions of cutting the vegetable, letting out a soft hum when she shakes her head.
"You think I wouldn't notice?" he asks, giving Ace a side glance.
"I'm the head chef of this ship, Ace; you think I wouldn't notice the fact that she never eats?" he questioned, raising a brow to the younger male.
"At first, I thought she was shy about eating in the mess hall. We ain't a quiet bunch after all, but she doesn't have any problem with hanging around the mess hall at all," he noted  
"Maybe I was just missing it, so I started looking more. I never saw her take any food, nor did I see you make any action to give her some; she always said no when anyone offered too," he listed
"What, are you a stalker? he scoffed
"I'm observant, ya nitwit," he snapped back.
"Not to mention the odd sensitivity to the sun, and the little bamboo piece she always carries around didn't help the case alone. They didn't mean much, but it kept stacking up."
He rolled his eyes at that, leaning his head on his hand as he stared at him, his sister looking up at the chef, waiting for his response.
"And you're okay with it?"
"Ace, we have fishmen, minks, mermaids and giants in our crew, not to mention most of the 'humans' in the crew aren't the spittin image of a human, have ya seen Marco? He's a walking chicken, or a pineapple.' He muses, grinning when he gets a choked laugh from the freckled man and a joyful laugh from the demon beside him
"She fits right in with us, and even if she didn't, we still would have made it work for the lil pumkin," he spoke, reaching over the counter separating them and ruffling her hair.
Ace smiles slightly at the interaction until a thought pops into his head.
"Marco is gonna kill you for saying that, y'know?" he snickered, remembering the commander's previous jabs.
"Eh, what he don know won't harm'em." 
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-Knew she wasn't human due to their first encounter, lack of injuries, regeneration, and discrepancies on her devil fruit. (also that is such a nice gift, look at that man < 3)
"Oh, Was that supposed to be a secret?"
"W- you also knew?!"
"Ah, you probably forgot since you were out of it back then, but the little miss was quite protective of you; lunged right at me," he said, looking down at the small girl who began trying to climb her way into his lap, eyes slightly teary as she did
"Ah, it's okay, Dokucha; I know you only meant to protect him; I'm not mad at you," he reassured her as she nuzzled into him.
He looked up, returning the attention to the fire-user
"Her strength wasn't anything to scoff at and at first I thought it was the Toshi-Toshi no mi, but that fruit was consumed by Jewelry Bonnie," he recalled
"Not to mention that The fruit wouldn't change your body the way it did to her; it would only age you up, so that wouldn't explain the teeth, the eyes and the horn," he said, petting her head as she slowly dozed off.
“Seriously, you guys need to lay off on the staring”
"The cherry on the cake to that was the fact that the injuries she got from our squabble and any other injuries she has ever received healed instantly, much like the Tori-tori no mi Moderu Fenniksu, but last I checked, I'm still alive, and kicking so she can't be the holder of that fruit" he listed, ignoring his previous statement
"She could have just had a different fruit that was capable of those things." Ace pointed out a frown on his face
"Hmm, I thought so too, but I found it weird how, despite her incredible regeneration, she seemed to be incredibly sensitive to the sun, getting quite the nasty burns when she left that umbrella of hers; those are the only injuries I have ever needed to treat on her, it was peculiar but a devil fruit still could have been to blame, until I saw her swimming in one of the islands we stopped in, no care in the world and definitely not weakened by it."
"Hah, I guess we weren't the best at hiding it," grumbled Ace
"You sucked at it," Marco affirmed
"Okay, now you're going too far," he glowered, the scowl on his face growing as the doctor simply threw a smile his way. 
"Do..do you know of a cure?" he asked tentatively.
" I do not." 
Ace sighed at that, slumping down in defeat.
"But I'm sure we will find something; I have gathered a good amount of journals and information over the last few years. I don't doubt that the solution is among one of the journals; we just need to look through them,"
"I have been looking through books and information for the last three years. What makes this any difference? "
"The Difference, Ace, is that you were alone, at most with your crew You had what, twenty people? On the other hand, we have more than a thousand in the main crew alone, and that is without taking into account the dozens of subordinate crews and affiliates."
"I see the humility runs deep here," he mutters sarcastically, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Watch it."
He rolled his eyes, waving him off.   
"Do you really think we can find something?"
"You guys may have just recently joined, but you are as much as our siblings as anyone else, not to mention that everyone would do anything for their only sister."
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WHAT DO YOU THINK? Again i loved writing this, Like i can just picture Ace dumfounded look as he realized that the crew did not give two craps about it almost everyone already knew, he thought he was being so sneaky. What we thinking of southern Thatch again?
Also cosmo, next request is also yours XD red pirate/whitebeard one. AND after that I have yours holo, second attempt
Fic specific taglist (Alarm bell for part 2)
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donnetellotheturtle · 9 months
You! I want you to rant to me about your favorite bmc song >:)
Oh no problem!
I really like the play. I like how it starts out with mostly talking and slowly ramps up into singing I love when musicals do that shit as well as the fact that it starts out with normal instruments like guitar and keyboard and then as soon as Jeremy realizes what’s going on the synthesizer takes over it’s a really good way to convey what’s going on just through the music not to mention the fact that it calls back to the opening theme of the musical.
Also I like how interesting it is that the squips had the Mountain Dew red, implying they’ve been around since before the 1990s which brings up a lot of questions but I digress I also love how when Jeremy realizes that’s exactly why the squip had him cut Michael off. It’s super subtle in the music but the way he starts panicking to call Michael is fantastic acting by both will Roland and will Connolly both versions are fantastic for different reasons. Personally I prefer the will Connolly version but both are really good.
Not to mention the fact that they used Michael in the bathroom but this time in a triumphant tone instead of the sad one for Michael makes an entrance. Mwah. Fantastic. Also it’s super cute how Jeremy is touched by Michael coming to see him in the play. The conversation that Jeremy and Michael have while fighting just feels super good cause it feels like something both boys needed to get off their chests. Its also super funny how Jake is chill with holding down Jeremy with no explanation. Honestly it sounds like a teenage boy. Not to mention the callback to upgrade, do you want a ride/do you want to hang. I like how creepy the actresses made it. Twins in the shining vibe. Not to mention both boys cringing when the two made up.
Then the callback to two player game is fantastic. And then the fact that Jenna is considered the final boss. Then the callback to the guy I’d kinda be into.
I also love the fact that Jeremy gives the drink to Christine and isn’t even sure it’ll shut down his own but wants to fix it for her since he brought her into this mess.
And my favorite part is probably Michael screaming with everyone else because who the hell wouldn’t? XD
The fact that the soundtrack also sounds a lot of synthesizer sounds when the squip is being shut down as well as adding the glitching and different sounds of it is amazing and really sells it for me.
Yeah that’s my rant hope you enjoyed XD
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yakdee · 10 months
Ramblings on Only Friends Ep. 1
Part 1/4
Table Keeper Gang WYA?!
Is that the same lounge/bathroom from Between Us? Gotta check that later
Love that the only thing Ray heard was that Sand was gonna pee on his head XD
Mew's first word to Top was "shit" and he's already locked in — he's gonna fall sooo hard lol
Open relationship and maybe poly rep? We love to see it
Idk how I feel about helping Mew lose his virginity being a group project
The intro is niceee and the vibe Mew is giving off is quite interesting
Ray's family got MONEY money — imagine having a spare house lying around to use for a school project lol
A lot talk about services I see *wiggles eyebrows*
Ray, sweetie ... your liver
Oof the tension between the boys at this table is something else and then we have our girl Chueam just vibing lol
Again with this "Mew needs to lose virginity " talk urghh
Love that Boson telling Top that Mew is a virgin backfired on his ass; that is none of Top's business until Mew wants it to be
How good is Top's dick game to have Boston low-key badmouthing Mew like this?
Ray, sweetie ... your life ... other people's lives
"What a burden to society" my new fave insult
Part 2/4
Oh, this is new — loving the honesty between Top and Mew
Mew may be a virgin, but he is far from a prude — love that they are showing us this side of him
Ray and Sand's relationship is gonna kill me
Again I say, DRAKE???!!!
Nick, baby ... what is you doing?
I was so happy when I found out that Samsung has a Repair Mode feature because this is my ultimate fear if I ever need to take my phone in for repair. Can you imagine???!
The cut to Top and Mew eating ice cream is sending me XDD
Again *clap clap* for the honesty and understanding
Top's game is indeed top tier but as I already said, he's gonna fall for Mew so so hard
Part 3/4
Ray, sweetie ... this is no way to thank your savior smh
Top seems genuinely intrigued by Mew, but we all know that he's just in it for the chase (for now, at least)
Imagine waking up in a strange place after blacking out, finding out the friend you have a crush on is on a date with some guy who's known by many as "Top Tier", and finally having your seatbelt decide not to work whe you're trying to go home ... I would need a drink tbh
I feel like that "1 year warranty" line between Nick and Boston will come back at some point
The chemistry between Neo and Mark is insane
Part 4/4
Boston and Ray side-eyeing Top and Mew during this montage, especially the shot in the photobooth is just lmaooo
I see that Chueam is the captain of the Top x Mew ship
Lighting cigarettes as a form of foreplay
So Top is genuinely interested in Mew
Again I ask, how good is Top's dick game to have Boston on his knees like this??? Stand up!!!
Ahhh public declarations/proposals my be-loathed
From table keeper to main character — we love to see it!
See y'all next week (if I have the time lol)
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Hi again! Thank you so much for doing my request. It was just 😍😍😍. Do you think we can get #45 for any VDL boy of your choice? Only thing is I want them drunk/buzzed while saying it!!
You’re so welcome! I’m glad you liked it Anon! I hope I do you proud for this one!💖 I hope Arthur is okay XD
Arthur comes back to camp drunk one night. It’s amusing until he has something to say to you.
#45 “I think I’m in love with you.”
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It was peaceful enough at camp. Sean was telling some jokes, Javier was playing his guitar around the fire with Uncle telling some stories, Micah was gone, and Dutch had some music going as well. You were sitting at one of the tables with Sean and Lenny, both slightly buzzed. It seemed like nothing could break the serenity here at camp.
Until Dutch’s golden boy showed up at camp...slightly drunk.
“Lenny! Where you at?” Rung through the camp, and there was no denying as to who it was. Lenny himself looked horrified at hearing those words as he placed a hand over his face.
“Oh come on...not again. It’s all coming back to me.” Lenny mumbled fearfully before quickly getting up and running to hide from Arthur. You knew all about the escapade he was talking about and couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Geezus, Arthur sure drank somethin’ strong.” Sean stated with a laugh as he watched the outlaw ride in, nearly run his horse into the hitching post, and when his horse hit the brakes on that, Arthur went flying.
Nearly everyone in camp laughed at that, except Arthur, but he was too drunk too care.
Instead, he just got to his feet and stumbled around camp. The events before he showed up continued, most paying no mind to the drunken cowboy. In fact, it was kind of entertaining. He was tripping over barrels, continued yelling for Lenny who was hiding in fear, and made fun of one of Uncle’s stories, the older man defending his words fiercely.
It was truly a show for everyone...and then he made his way over to you.
“Entertainment’s comin’ our way Y/N.” Sean said in a giddy fashion. However, while you were ready for whatever words Arthur’s drunken mind had in store, you really weren’t prepared for what he said.
“I think I’m in love with you.” His slightly slurred words stunned everyone, even to the point where Javier stopped playing his guitar. Everyone was staring at the two and you, and Sean decided that this was the right time to leave.
“Well thank you, Arthur. I suggest we get you to bed.” You said, trying to stop the blush that was creeping onto your face. You knew he was only saying that cause he’s had to much to drink.
“I mean it.” He pushed while you grabbed his arm and began to pull him towards the ammo wagon were he sleeps. Some whistles were in your direction, causing you to glare at the provokers.
“You...You do so much for me...I wouldn’t be here if not for you...” Arthur continued to say stuff that you considered nonsense. But no matter how much you tried to tell yourself that, you still found your heart melting at his words.
“He’s only drunk...” You thought to yourself as you helped him sit down.
“You must be mistaking me for someone else, Arthur.” You said to him. He merely shook his head, but that was enough to make him dizzy enough to collapse on his bed. Arthur wasn’t moving at that point (you quickly checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive).
After assuring that, you went off to find a quiet place to sit. You needed to think on what he said, drunk or not...
When morning came, you realized you had fallen asleep at said spot. Waking up, you noticed that camp was normal, and no one came to tease you about the night before. Well, you did notice a much more sober Arthur approaching you.
“Listen Y/N...I-I’m sorry for anything I said or did-” You cut him off with a wave of your hand when you noticed how embarrassed he looked.
“It’s all in the past. You didn’t start a fight and you weren’t rude to me, so all is well.” You said with a smile. Arthur smiled as well, letting out a sigh of relief. Although, you were a bit disappointed that apparently nothing he said last night mattered.
But just as he turned to leave, he turned back on his heel to say one more thing.
“By the way...I apparently let one thing slip that you need to hear from me right now, when I’m sober.” Arthur said and you felt your heartrate speed up at his words. It was then that you noticed he bit his lip in a nervous fashion before removing his hat.
“I do love you, Y/N. I truly do.” He confessed before quickly placing his hat back on his head and racing towards his horse before you could say anything. You were left sitting there dumbfounded as he raced off out of camp, nearly running over a returning Micah in the process.
“Oh my...” You were at a loss for words as you quickly went to get on your horse and pursue him. Again, nearly running over Micah in the process.
“What the hell happened when I was gone?” The blonde asked to no one in particular. A few of the men looked up, glancing at each other and silently asking what to say. It was Karen who answered him.
“The usual.” She simply said and Micah just waved her off. 
After all, only the best things happen when Micah isn’t in camp. And from what you had happen, it truly was one of the best things that could have happened.
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emoprincey · 1 year
Becoming Brothers chapter 2 - School and Scheming
Chapter 1 | This is chapter 2! 
Fic summary:  Everyone knew Roman and Remus were twins – at least, that was what they told anyone who’d listen. In fact, the only people who knew they weren’t related at all were Roman and Remus themselves, and of course their single dads, Logan and Virgil. But when the boys realise their dads are falling for each other, they might have a chance to become real brothers, if only the grown-ups would stop being so oblivious. It looks like some matchmaking is in order…
Relationships: Platonic/familial Creativitwins, romantic analogical. 
Also posted on my ao3: stormofstarlight 
Word count: 4019 
Taglist for this fic: @iclaimedtobethebetterbard @star-crossed-shipper @theblackcatscratchpost 
Author’s note: Hello again! It’s been exactly a year since I posted the first chapter of this fic, which wasn’t planned at all. This is kind of a beast of a chapter so it took a while, but I’m really happy with how it turned out XD 
“Dad, you can let go. I’ll be fine!” Remus insisted, trying to pull away from Virgil, who’d pulled him into a hug just as they got out of the car in the high school car park.
Virgil sighed, and gave him one last squeeze before he pulled away. “I know,” he said softly. “I know you will, really. Have fun, okay? High school is big, and it might seem scary, but I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Remus said, craning his neck to look around. He’d been here on the open day last year, but the school looked so different when it was full of people milling about. Most of them were bigger than him, and he could see groups of boys jostling each other, and gaggles of girls with identical haircuts and far more makeup than the rules on the website said was allowed. And now he was going to be one of them. In a black blazer and tie identical to everyone else, he was a high school kid now. And that wasn’t scary. At all.
The knot in his chest relaxed a little when he saw a familiar blue car pull into a nearby spot in the busy car park.
“Roman!” Remus called, waving when he saw Roman get out of one of the doors in the back.
“Remus!” Roman called back, dashing over to him with his backpack still hanging off one shoulder. He looked smart in his new blazer, and Logan must have done his hair this morning because his light brown locks were styled into a neat quiff. He probably looked smarter than Remus did with an untucked shirt – because even though Virgil had told him to tuck it in this morning he’d found that uncomfortable – and hair that got messed up the second the wind touched it.
“We’re in high school now!” Roman exclaimed, as if Remus didn’t already know that. “I can’t wait to start! I’m going to be in all the school plays, and I’m going to do guitar lessons – because they have those here – and maybe trumpet as well, and piano, and-”
“And before you do any of that, you need to go to assembly,” Logan cut in, with a fond smile. “You don’t want to be late on your first day, do you?”
He bent down to adjust Roman’s tie as he spoke, though Remus thought it already looked perfectly neat.
“Remember, you’re, getting the number fifteen bus home. The number will be on the front,” Virgil reminded the two of them, “and you’re both going to Logan’s house.”
“I know,” Remus said. “You’ve only told me fifty times today.”
“Just want to make sure you know,” Virgil chuckled, wrapping one arm around Remus’ shoulder in a little side hug, which Remus didn’t mind so much because it was just starting to sink in that he was going to be in a new place without his dad all day.
“You both have your water bottles, don’t you?” Logan asked, and the boys nodded. “Remember to actually drink from them, it’s a big day and you’ll need to stay hydrated.”
“I feel like we’re in class already,” Remus whispered to Roman, who giggled.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance, but Virgil elbowed him playfully and he seemed to relax.  
“You’ll never win against them,” Virgil said, with a small laugh.
“They are quite the double act,” Logan admitted. “Anyway, you two really should get to assembly now, I’ll see you both when I finish work.”
He patted Roman on the shoulder, kind of stiff and formal like he always was, but Roman surged forward and wrapped him in a tight hug.
“See you later, Dad,” Roman mumbled into the front of Logan’s shirt.
“Yes, I’ll… I’ll see you later, Roman.” Logan’s eyes glistened a little, and he wrapped his arms around Roman as well.
Virgil pulled Remus close again, and Remus didn’t try to pull away this time.
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” Virgil said quietly.  
“I know,” Remus said thickly, because he did. No matter what his teachers had said at parent’s evening in primary school, or how long it took Remus to do his homework, or how many times he said the wrong thing in the wrong situation, Virgil always made sure to tell Remus how proud he was of him, and how well he was doing by just being himself.
“Have a good day, kid,” Virgil said, and he ruffled Remus’ hair one final time, then tutted at how he’d messed it up and tried to smooth it down again.
For a moment, Remus considered asking Virgil not to make him go. Maybe if he begged enough, he’d be able to stay home instead of going to a school full of loud kids who would probably make fun of him, and teachers who would say he didn’t try hard enough. But he knew Virgil had work. He’d stick it out, just for one day. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as he was expecting.
So instead, he gave his dad the bravest smile he could, and nodded before he walked off with Roman.
“Remus, tuck your shirt in!” Virgil called after him.
Remus sighed – he’d been so close to getting away with it – but he did as he was told before he and Roman joined the busy crowd of people entering the building. The crowd was a lot bigger than Remus was used to. Even Roman looked a little apprehensive, and Roman always said he wasn’t scared of anything. Remus squeezed Roman’s hand as they walked through the doors, and Roman squeezed back.
The assembly hall wasn’t hard to find – it was just inside the main doors, and Remus had sat in there for a talk on the open day, so he remembered the way. It was already packed when they got there, and the first few rows of benches in front of the stage were already filled. Remus didn’t mind, though – he didn’t like sitting near the front anyway, because the teachers would always see him fidgeting and tell him off. He immediately made for the cool tiered seating at the back, but a teacher blocked his path and ushered him and Roman towards the fourth row back of benches.
“So, what are we going to do?” Remus asked Roman once they sat down. The hall was slowly filling with buzzing chatter as more students entered behind them.
“About our dads?”
Remus nodded.
“Well, we need to figure out how to set them up,” Roman said. “We can draw up a plan in the treehouse after school.”
Remus opened his mouth to say something else, but a teacher shushed him as a woman walked onto the stage. He recognised her as the headmistress from the pictures all over the website and the speech she’d given at the open day. She was definitely breaking the make-up rules, with bright red lipstick that matched her polka-dot blouse, but the rules never seemed to apply to teachers.
Remus tried to whisper to Roman throughout the assembly, but he kept getting looks from the teachers stood at the side of the hall. After a while, even Roman started to look annoyed with him, because the teachers probably thought he was being disruptive too, so Remus was quiet after that.
At the end of assembly, the headmistress called each student’s name, and directed them to a form tutor. Remus and Roman were both in 7C, and were pointed over to a smiley man called Dr Picani. Remus hadn’t thought that doctors could be teachers too, but Virgil had worked two jobs in the past, so he supposed it made sense.
Dr Picani made a show of counting the students’ heads before he led them down the corridor. The assembly hall was attached to what Remus vaguely remembered as the humanities building, and their form room was on the second floor. The walls were covered in brightly coloured displays, and graphics with cartoon characters – a few of which Remus recognised. He didn’t really understand what much of the writing in the displays meant, but there were a few diagrams of brains, which Remus thought were pretty cool. There was even a model brain on Dr Picani’s desk, cut open to show sections inside highlighted with different colours.
“This is a psychology classroom,” Dr Picani explained, when one of the students asked. “None of you will be able to take psychology until GSCE, but I do teach some history classes as well, so some of you might still have me as a teacher!”
Remus grabbed a seat at the front of the classroom right next to Roman – mostly so he could get a better look at the model brain, but also because Dr Picani actually seemed alright.
Dr Picani handed out the timetables, and Remus was relieved to see that his history teacher was listed as Dr E Picani.
“Hey, we have mostly the same classes,” Roman said, leaning over to compare his timetable to Remus’.
“You will do for this term at least,” Dr Picani told him, sitting down at his desk. “You’ll be in your form groups for all your classes, then after Christmas you might get split up into sets.”
Remus privately hoped that wouldn’t happen, but before he could voice that thought his attention was once again captured by the model brain. “If you’re a doctor, do you cut open people’s brains?” he asked.
He heard Roman make a grossed out noise beside him, but Dr Picani just chuckled.
“No, I’m not a surgeon. I have my Doctorate in psychology; I’m more interested in what people are thinking than how their brains physically work,” he said.
“I’d like to be a brain doctor when I grow up,” Remus declared.
Since form time had taken place during first period, their first actual lesson of the day was English. The school seemed difficult to navigate, but fortunately their English class was on the same floor as their form room.
Remus knew the teacher would be strict as soon as he saw her. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a tight bun, grey streaks in uniform lines as if even they had been placed there purposely. She surveyed the class from behind glasses that balanced halfway down her nose, her stony expression not shifting at all until a boy pulled out a chair from one of the desks.
“Ah-ah!” She called, her voice icy. “I don’t know how things worked at your primary schools, but in my classroom, we have a seating plan.”
And that was when Remus knew for certain that this class would be his worst nightmare.
The teacher picked up a sheet of paper from her desk, and began assigning students to their seats. The tables were set out in neat rows, with only room for two people at each desk. Remus hoped he’d get a seat next to Roman, but the teacher was clearly assigning the seating in alphabetical order, and their surnames were nowhere near each other in the register. It also meant that Remus’ name was one of the first ones to be called.
“Remus Blake; Remy Chen.” The teacher pointed to the desk right in front of hers.
That was just Remus’ luck. He had a sneaking suspicion that this teacher wouldn’t turn out to be as nice as Dr Picani.
“Miss, can’t I sit next to Roman?” Remus piped up hopefully. “We’re twins.”
The teacher pursed her lips, giving Remus a disapproving look. “That’s Ms Driscoll, to you. And surely if you’re twins, you’ll see enough of each other at home. It’ll be good for you to socialise with other people.”
“But we don’t live together!” Remus objected.
“I see,” Ms Driscoll pushed her glasses up her nose. “Mr Blake, are you and Mr Sanders over here really twins?”
Remus shrank back a little under her gaze. Nobody had ever called him Mr Blake – that title was for his dad. “Not yet...” he mumbled. “But we will be soon!”
Ms Driscoll laughed shortly, but she didn’t really sound amused. “Mr Blake, take your seat. You can stay behind at break for lying.”
Remus huffed as he sat down. Of course he’d gotten in trouble on his first day, and he’d really tried to behave himself.
The boy Ms Driscoll had reprimanded at the start of class – who must be Remy – sat down next to him.
“Is he really going to be your brother?” Remy whispered, leaning over to Remus with a curious expression.
“Yeah! We’re going to make our dads get married,” Remus answered proudly.
“That’s so cool!” Remy said, opening his backpack to take out a pencil case patterned with sunglasses. “I have a baby sister, but she mostly sleeps and cries. It would be cool to have a twin.”
“It will be,” Remus assured him.
“Mr Blake, Mr Chen,” Ms Driscoll snapped. “Did I give you permission to talk?”
Remus sucked in a breath. That was one of the questions teachers asked that he’d get into more trouble for answering out loud, so he shook his head.
Ms Driscoll nodded firmly. “Be quiet, both of you. Or you’ll be staying behind at lunch as well.”
Once Ms Driscoll had turned away from them again, Remy rolled his eyes towards Remus, and Remus suppressed a smirk at that.
The lesson dragged on, with Ms Driscoll scolding Remus every time he fidgeted. Roman ended up on the other side of the classroom, near the back, and when Remus turned around to meet his eyes Ms Driscoll tapped on his desk as if she was trying to draw his attention back to his worksheet.
His detention was just as boring as the lesson, perhaps even more so because he couldn’t listen to his classmates working, and all of Ms Driscoll’s attention was on him because he was the only one in the room. 
Remus hoped he’d be able to scheme with Roman later in the day, but the class after break was a double lesson of biology, which ended up being just as interesting as Remus hoped, and he it was all he wanted to talk about at lunch. And after lunch they had another assembly.
By the time they got on the bus after school, Remus was exhausted. He’d taken the bus before with Virgil, but he’d never used a bus pass. The driver showed him where to scan it, and he managed to get a seat near the back with Roman.
The whole way back, he watched for their stop, even though he knew it was about twenty minutes away.
Roman’s house had a neatly mowed lawn and a dark blue garage door. They walked down the empty driveway to the front door, and Roman got out his key. He’d been proud when he told Remus that he’d gotten his own key to the house, because Logan wouldn’t be back until half past four and Roman would need to let himself and Remus in. That meant they’d be alone for an hour, but it was better than Remus going back to his flat by himself and waiting for Virgil to get home. Virgil usually finished work at seven, but he’d switched around his shifts so he could take Remus to school this morning, and he wouldn’t be done until after eight.
When Roman opened the door, the two of them dumped their bags by the sofa and headed out to the treehouse in the back garden. This treehouse had been their favourite hangout spot since they were kids. It almost felt like they had their own house, away from the grown-ups, where they could make their own rules. It even had proper windows and a door with a latch, which opened onto the small fenced balcony that the sturdy wooden ladder led to.
“Race you!” Remus called as soon as he entered the back garden, already taking off across the lawn.
“No fair, you had a head-start!” Roman whined as he chased after him, though they both knew that Remus was the fastest out of the two of them anyway.
Remus stuck his tongue out, then he climbed the ladder and hauled himself onto the balcony, with Roman just behind him.
The walls inside the treehouse were covered in drawings that the two of them had done over the years, from indecipherable crayon scribbles to more recent pencil drawings of castles and dragons. The chalkboard was still filled with plans for one of their stories – which they’d been struggling with, because Roman wanted the main character, a prince, to go on a daring quest and save his kingdom, while Remus thought it should be taken over by dragons.
As soon as they were inside, Roman made straight for the toybox, shaped and decorated to look like a treasure chest. “We can’t write about this on the chalkboard, Dad would definitely see it,” he said as he pulled out a stack of notebooks. After a moment of consideration, he selected a thick book with a pretty marbled rainbow cover, which the two of them had been saving to write something special in.
Remus pulled his green chair out from the small table in the middle of the room, and reached for the box of pens in the middle.
“You do the writing, I’m no good at it,” he said, shoving a few gel pens in Roman’s direction.
Roman pulled a face at that, but he took the glittery pens anyway and uncapped a red one, securing the lid neatly on the back end of the pen. “Now, we need a plan to make them realise they like each other. I think we should get them to go on a date.”
Remus wrinkled his forehead. “Wait, don’t people need to realise they like each other before they go on a date?”
“Not if we’re clever about it,” Roman said, with a conspiratorial smile. “Trust me, I saw this on Disney Channel. We just need to get them to go somewhere that people go on dates, leave them alone, and boom! They’re on a date!”
“Huh,” Remus said, watching as Roman scribbled something down in the notebook.
“Now, we just need date ideas,” Roman said.
“Ooh, how’s about a haunted house?” Remus suggested immediately. “Dad likes haunted houses, and it’s Halloween soon.”
“Not for a date.” Roman wrinkled his nose. “Dates have to be somewhere romantic... like a restaurant, or a ball!”
“Where are we going to find a ball around here?” Remus asked.
Roman chewed on the end of the pen for a second. “Maybe we’ll leave that one for later,” he said, making a note of it in the book.
They spent a while jotting down more ideas in the notebook, until they heard the sound of the back door opening.
“Boys? Are you out here?” Logan called from the garden.
Roman shot up from his seat and raced out of the treehouse, Remus following quickly behind him.
“Dad!” Roman grinned, launching himself at Logan and wrapping his arms around his waist in a hug.
“Did you have a good day at school?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, but our English teacher is horrible,” Roman complained. “She wouldn’t let us sit together, and she’s given us homework already, even though we’ve only had one lesson!”
“Have you done the homework?” Logan asked.
Roman paused. “No...”
Logan sighed. “Go into the dining room and work on it while I make dinner. You too, Remus,” he said, then he led them into the house.
“I can’t believe you told him, now we have to do homework!” Remus grumbled, but he was glad Roman hadn’t let slip about his detention. There was no way Logan would keep that a secret from Virgil, and Remus really didn’t want Virgil to have to worry about him getting in trouble on his first day of school.
Roman was done with the homework in no time, since it was mostly things they’d learnt in year six, but Remus struggled with some of it. He hadn’t quite gotten the material when they’d covered it last year.
“How are you boys getting on?” Logan asked after about half an hour, coming out of the kitchen wearing a plain blue apron, with a tea towel slung over his shoulder that he seemed to have forgotten about.
“Done!” Roman announced proudly.
Remus hummed. “I’m stuck on question five.”
Logan came over to take a look at his worksheet, and Remus angled it towards him.
“I don’t get the difference between a simile and a metaphor. They’re both saying a thing is something it isn’t, aren’t they?” Remus asked.
Logan considered that for a moment, then he sat down next to Remus. “I suppose they are, but try to think of it this way...”
By the time Logan had explained that and a few other questions Remus couldn’t get the hang of, the lasagne was ready, but Remus felt like he understood a lot better.
Roman and Remus put their schoolwork away, and set the table while Logan got the lasagne out of the oven. Remus noticed that when he dished it up he left one portion to the side.
By the time Virgil arrived, it was almost nine o’clock. Remus tackled him with a hug as soon as he got through the door.
“Hey, kid,” Virgil said tiredly, and he squeezed Remus tightly. “Thanks so much for looking after him,” he said to Logan.
As Remus pulled away, he saw Logan smile. “Don’t worry about it. He was no bother at all, I even got him to do his homework,” he said, sounding mildly pleased with himself.
Virgil pulled a face. “What kind of teacher gives you homework on the first day of school?”
“That’s what I said!” Roman exclaimed, and Virgil ruffled his hair.
“Anyway, sorry to dash off so soon, but I need to get Remus home before bedtime, and get some tea,” Virgil said.
“Ah, I thought you might be hungry, so I left a portion of lasagne for you,” Logan said.
“What?” Virgil blinked, looking at Logan with something between surprise and awe. “Lo, you didn’t have to do that.”
Logan shrugged. “It was no trouble. The recipe serves four anyway, I’ll go and warm it up for you,” he said, and disappeared into the kitchen.
Virgil continued watching the doorway Logan had gone through, a distant look and a small smile on his face, until Remus tugged on his hand.
“Dad, I need to tell you about my day,” he said. Well, he’d tell Virgil almost everything. He didn’t want the detention brigning up.
They relocated to the sofa, so Remus and Roman could tell Virgil all about the big school. After a few minutes, Logan came through with a plate of lasagne which he passed to Virgil to balance on his knee. Virgil gave him a big grin, and he kept smiling when he looked down at his lasagne and Logan went to sit down himself.
Remus knew Logan didn’t usually let anyone eat meals in the living room, but maybe he’d seen how tired Virgil was and decided to make an exception.
“This is really good,” Virgil said through a mouthful of lasagne. “Thanks so much, Lo.”
Logan smiled, but he raised an eyebrow. “Virgil, table manners.”
“I’m not sat at a table. Checkmate,” Virgil smirked, but he didn’t talk with food in his mouth for the rest of the evening.
When it was finally time for them to leave, Remus gave Roman a big hug.
“See you tomorrow,” he said.
Virgil and Logan were standing a bit awkwardly by the door when Virgil cleared his throat.
“Thanks again. Um, you know, for dinner,” he said, rubbing his arm.
“I told you, it was no trouble,” Logan said. He patted Virgil’s arm and nodded.
Virgil nodded back, and put an arm around Remus. “Right then kid, let’s go.”
For the whole drive back to their flat, Remus thought about how nice it would be to never have to leave Roman for the evening.
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Ok. Here's take two! Wifi, please, do not let me down!
You sent me that AMAZING ask for the wolves. So now, I must return the favor! I don't have writing, but I have little headvannons I got from the.... Four minutes of screentime the boys got XD (and fangirling)
- First of all, PLEASE LOOK AT GRANNY'S EYES!!!!
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THEY'RE SO BLUE!!! AND BRIGHT!!! I LOVE THEM!!! And Big Bad and Kiddy! It was hard to tell since they didn't have as clear shots as Granny did here, but I think BB had gold/yellow eyes, while Kiddy had red/reddish brown eyes. Matching his collar!
- (Ok imma be honest, Granny got the most headcannons out of me by far. You can tell which one is my favorite XD) So, despite how beautiful his eyes look, I'm thinking Granny might be near sighted. During the chase scene, he completely missed the fact that Ella, Munt, and Mumbo hid from him despite being a few feet away. If this is true, it would explain why he goes after old people and little kids. Easy prey. (Though his aim is pretty good too. So maybe he's got a lot of practice throwing knives for some reason? Or his nose tells him where the target is?)
- Which leads to my second headcannon for him. He's the smartest out of the gang. He's the first to point out that something is up (even though everybody was looking at the castle), and the fact that he was asking Ricky what his deal was hints to this. I know that's not much evidence, but with less screen time than the Toon Patrol, what can you do? XD
- The fact that Granny looks out for Kiddy, told Ricky to have a drink with them, and didn't threaten him when he tried to 'go to work' hints to Granny being the 'nicest' out of all these fellas. However, with how confident he seems to be, it could also be a hint to him just not seeing any reason to throw his weight around. Which could be another point to him being the smart guy of the group.
- Opposite to Granny that I saw though, Big Bad not only seems to be the most manipulative with his interactions with Ricky, he also seems to be the most ready to jump to aggression. He was the first bad guy to run into the ballroom when they broke into the castle, and he seems to have a bad habit of getting into people's faces. This might be another reason why he and Granny have a rivalry; Big Bad feels the need to establish his dominance all the time unlike Granny.
- Despite that though, they seem to be able to work together. When Granny ran past the trio, we hear a different howl behind them. Maybe this is Big Bads or Kiddy's way of calling out to Hranny to tell him he needs to re-route himself. Or to find him if they think he's got lost (I bet you ten bucks Big Bad teases him about needing a guide XD)
- Finally, this is more like a possible, albeit dark, idea for why Kiddy seems the more unhinged member. In his story (if we're correct about which one it is), his ending is... Not pretty. (It involves him getting cut open, stones stuffed into him, sewed back up, and then he falls into a well and drowns because the stones weigh him down). And since it's made clear that this stories have played before and will continue to do so, what if Kiddy just... Snapped? And that's part of the reason Granny looks out for him?
But this could also be used in an x Reader context! Kiddy is having a nightmare about his ending, reader wakes him up and comforts him through the night. It hurts and heals my heart at the same time ^^
That's all I got so far. This is no where NEAR as good as your writing, but I hope you enjoy this either way! ^^
(Also, I I the tags on your last post. I'm sorry that lesson was difficult. I hope these, as well as internet hugs, help you feel better ^^ 💛💙❤️)
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I loveeeee the idea of Granny being near sighted! It adds dimensions that the wolves desperately need!! XD 😂😂 And this means his sweet S/O can look after him, a little XD And I'm also obsessed with his knife-throwing- that was pretty hot. (And I'm sure its a lot easier to see when the target is not moving like Ella, Monk and Mambo were). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! Imagine putting a blindfold on the wolves and seeing if any of them can find you- Granny gets to you in like 3 seconds flat. He's used to relying on his nose! Then he spends the rest of the time (Which to be fair is not long, cuz the other two are still wolves and have great noses) teasing the others.
And I could tooooootally believe that he's the smartest too- like, specifically, in that enquiring/nerdy way. Like, if he was in school he'd be asking the teacher so many questions (Imagine the Bell dings, Big Bad tries to get outta his seat and skedaddle, but Granny raises his arm to ask a heavy question- and everyone in class hates him for it XD), and he probably loves puzzles and chess and stuff like that! I can also seeing him be very observant; He notices shit.
And the nice thing!! Totally agree!! He has a little protective in him ^^ *cough* make him a dad.
Ohhhhhhhh yah. Big Bad definitely has a need to be Boss. I feel like Granny sees this and keeps an eye on him- he knows at once that he could never fully trust this guy. This is normal, though, in the world of villains; Its comfortable. So, no biggie. Also, its just fun to mess with the guy XD
Omg!! Big Bad and Kiddy going *sigh* he got lost again. Timeta go fetch 'em // yeah-yeah-yeah- Oh no, we're making them family. Its the Toon Patrol all over again 😂🤣.
AND THAT LAST ONE?? I don't even have anything to add. Its perfect. Truly brings Kiddy together. I wanna write it so bad XD
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Need funding for a new keyboard? How much we talking about ?
Don't really know to be honest what a new keyboard costs these days. My last was a gift from my father. I now know it doesn't like Coca Cola at all. My desk is so small and I don't really have the space for drinks on it, but I was lucky it never happened before. Guess it had to happen one day. My substiute keyboard is really small and the keys don't always respond which is why sometimes letters are missing and I have to reread my stuff more often. It's kinda working (as you can see right here) but writing is no fun with that thing, it's frustrating.
I just had a look at amazon and the cheapest keyboards start around 15-20€ and the better ones start at 80€, and then there's those things for up to 200€ and above (wtf). I saw one for 55 that seems to be the right one for me. It's ridiculous, it's not that much money but these days it kind of is for me.
Struggeling with things getting more and more expensive, rent was increased and I still have to pay some veterinarian bills. Thinking about what to eat at the end of the month is a real struggle sometimes, one I never thought I would go through, but here I'm.
I don't like to ask for money and I won't, just hope that I may be able to pay a new keyboard some day with the kind tips I get through Ko-Fi sometimes. I had to cut back on my work hours because my dog needs much more attention at his old age. which means less money in a time where I actually can't afford getting less money, but I will not abandon my old boy. He needs to go for walks more often, can't hold it for long, at the moment it varies between 3,5 to 5 hours. As you can imagine I don't sleep much these days. Things will get better at some point, but for now things are what they are, crappy.
I could cut back at writing these HC's and all, but it's a much needed retreat for mind and soul for me too so I don't really want to. Yeah you didn't really ask for all this information did you? ^^' I guess I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry.
Don't ask me how long it took to write this message XD
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flutteringfable · 5 months
so the 'get to know your character' questionnaire thingy... (cracking knuckles /lh)
1- fable & nagito
2- scara
4- kirishima/bakugou/kento
6- cael
8- venti
autism BLAST!! autism ATTACK!! >:D
1 - go-to drink order
fable ~ irl i really love sweet drinks! i think any of my self inserts’ go-to would be either honey milk tea with tapioca or warm vanilla black tea with lots of sugar and milk!
nagito ~ sharply contrasting me, he doesn’t like sweet stuff very much. he canonically likes anti-energy drinks (i guess thats what theyre called?) but i think he would like plain green tea a lot. maybe with a little honey?
2 - grooming routine
scara ~ i think even before he has a more chill domestic life as wanderer, he’s pretty neat and likes to stay clean. i always think of him with doll joints so i imagine he always has to scrub around his elbows, chest, knees, etc more than anywhere else because dirt probably gets built up there. this might just be me projecting but i think he tends to feel gross pretty quickly even after a thorough bath (like, the next day, if he ends up getting too hot during the night, etc). i don’t think his hair would get tangled easily, but he likes to brush it a lot. he’s constantly fighting static electricity to keep his hair flat lmaooo. he doesn’t rly need to sleep but he always feels more at ease when he has the chance for some self care after a long day.
4 - scars/tattoos?
ohhh boy. this one will defs be the longest one XD
all of them have scars from each other (bites, cuts, and burns respectively), and kiri and kento have stretch marks from their own quirks.
i don’t wanna drop manga spoilers so some of the headcanons for bakugou i can’t say quite yet lolz. i think he probably has burns from his own quirk, and ive always enjoyed the headcanon that he has a semi-permanent line over his nose where his mask sits. i think he would absolutely have some tattoos, as well. obvs he has an all might one, it’s probably something small on his shoulder or back, and i also really love the idea of him having tattoos of kiri and kento’s logos too (maybe near his heart because cute).
i have a headcanon that kiri’s skin breaks slightly in some places when he uses his unbreakable form for the first few times, so he has some almost invisible lines all over him where the breaks have healed. there’s obviously the canonical scar over his right eye, where he accidentally cut himself when his quirk first developed, too. his scars are fewer and less intense than bakugou’s and kento’s because of his quirk, but he has a major one on his shoulder where bakugou grabbed him during a spar. i don’t think he would have a lot of tattoos, but the idea of him with a crimson riot one is really cute to think about.
kento. where to begin with this guy. i think when he initially escapes the lab he has a lot of bruises that last a lengthy amount of time, but those do eventually heal. the fireballs he can summon with his quirk left burns on him when he was still getting used to the powers. he has a tattoo of the number ‘014’ on his right wrist (his experiment number), but later on i think he would have lots of pretty and intricate tattoos. he seems like the type to have the spiderweb neck/shoulder tattoo thing, and maybe a half sleeve of roses? idrk what specific ones i want him to have, but i think he would have a lot of really pretty ones.
6 - oldest/middle/youngest/only child?
cael is an only child with older child energy. i think it would be super sweet if he used his cafe as a safe space for others, where he meets other trans people and offers all the support he can. local trans guy takin care of his family yk <3
8 - place where they sleep
i think that most frequently, venti sleeps in the windrise tree. he brings blankets and pillows to the place in the center where the tree disperses into limbs, and makes a sort of nest. during naps he usually sleeps without all the cushioning, but he likes bundling up and being surrounded in soft things. the breeze is usually stronger around windrise, but the tree acts as a buffer so it doesn’t disturb him or make it too cold. he probably does have a house somewhere, but he much prefers to sleep in the open and feel the wind around him.
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ridearockox · 9 months
age difference is good. au is very good. i thought of this concept in different scenarios with different who boys being younger or older than the others as well its really. really. ghgn
Alright so I guess we are talking about the age gap John/Roger+Keith concept. I'm putting it under a cut for obvious reasons XD
In this AU, which takes place in early to mid 60's, Keith (19) and Roger (20) are friends who are really into the mod scene, and go out to drink, dance and more almost every week.
One night at a small dingy jazz club they cross paths with John (mid-40's) who's very mature and soft spoken. He buys them drinks and they have a nice conversation together. Keith is on to John though. After all he was the one to notice John stare at them.
Wouldn't be the first time he saw guys his age being approached by older guys in these clubs. And when John invites them to go to back to his hotel, Keith is quite willing to go.
Roger has a bit of common sense though. He's suspicious of John's intentions from the get go. But he's young. And drunk. And John is far too charming for his own good. And he also needs to keep an eye on Keith, right? He needs to be there so he's sure nothing bad happens to him.
So they both follow John to this big hotel room he's staying in. It's pretty clear he's loaded with cash. And it's even more clear when he offers them drugs like they are no big deal. Keith downs a purple heart almost immediately. Roger declines. He's trying to cling to some manner of sobriety, even though the room is spinning around him a bit.
Doesn't take long for Keith to be sitting next to John on the room's couch, making it with him heavily as Roger tries not to watch from his chair on the other side of the room. But it's hard to ignore Keith's persistent moaning.
Roger's resolve ends up dissolving after a bit, specially when he can't help himself and glances at Keith and John, and Keith is trembling and panting under John's touch, and John looks at him right in the eyes. And he can't look away.
And they fuck. And there are no strings attached.
Except, there are, because John nos knows he can play these boys like fiddles and both Roger and Keith are more than a little attracted to him. So it's not long before he begins buying them gifts, starts providing them with booze and drugs, take them to his lake side house that's isolated af so he can spend an entire holiday using them any way he pleases because they just become that devoted to him.
And while Roger and Keith begin as more friendly rivals for John's attention, their "competition" slowly becomes more jealously fueled, with a great dose of animosity.
Perhaps John didn't plan that as well as he thought...
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Hey Friendo it's me Hunter ^^ it has been some time hasn't it? I deeply apologize for not Being here and giving questions or any other stuff.. I have not been in a very good Place thus whole year and the events that happened Drained my energy and my motivation to read and alot of other stuff.. But! I am back now and caught up on the Fantasy mask AU and oh boy do I have questions! ^w^ be prepared for them! before we start just one thing. Did you eat and drink something? It's summer time and it can get hot so please Remember to drink and eat and rest
Now onto the questions!
Chapter 24:
- How did Henrik Got that Ilnees? Was he born with it
- Henrik will be okay right? Also please Jesus both Jackie and Henrik need sleep *puts blanket over them* if they ask who got them the blanket say a Timetraveler from a different Multiverse who's name is Hunter ^^
- For Chase it's a dream But for Jack it's real where he is Trapped in why is it different for Both.?
- who's king Samuel? Is that the king JJ 'serverd' or is that a different king?
Chapter 25:
Poor chase! You can't do this to me 😭😭 he found his family and now just poof!? :( also please tell me JJ is Fricking okay!! You don't know how fast my heart started beating as I did read what happened! Please tell me the little prince is okay 🥺
Questions for this chapter
- Draco Has magic!? Whoa how why when!!
- Why is Stacia going under a different name now and is she under a spell?
- Jair will be okay right? Please tell me he won't get hurt (even tho I love angst xD)
Chapter 26:
Okay you know what What is your power! My heart is beating very fast now and I am Hella scared for Jairsolas!! You can't do this to me. You made me cry! (I have Taken Jair so much in my heart now that he will always be special for me. And hey like I said once Me crying is not a bad thing it just means You really Have gotten me so much invested into that story) that's the first ever chapter where I am Hella scared for Jair srs! I You can't do this to me 😭😭 My boy! I will Travel through the god damn Multiverse and Beat the king up (which I probably Won't be able to because I'm to scared and 100% just would listen and do what he says)
Questions for this chapter:
- Why is the room covered in dusk?
- When will Henrik confess his love xD
- Will Jair be more traumatized now?
- Can I please give Jairsolas Hugs 🥺🥺 and tell him everything will be okay
With Greetings Your Good old Pal: Hunter
Hey Hunter good to see you again! I'm sorry you had a rough time but I'm happy you're better now ^-^ Yes, I have had food and water today. I drink a lot of water during summer cause I run hot naturally. I'd love to give more small talk but since you have a lot of questions I think it would be easier to cut to the chase.
How did Henrik get that illness? Was he born with it? Partly? The "false world curse" is inspired by real-world psychotic illnesses like schizophrenia, and there's a huge genetic factor in illnesses like those. Basically, if you have the potential to develop this illness running in your family, you could develop it when exposed to stress. That's what happened to Henrik in Fantasy Masks. There's a lot of stress that comes with running a rebel group, and he developed the illness over time.
Will Henrik be okay? Also he and Jackie need sleep. He will be okay... eventually. Also yeah everyone needs sleep XD I'll try to write a nice cozy sleep scene with a fluffy blanket in the upcoming chapters, just for you ^-^
For Chase it's a dream, but for Jack it's real where he's trapped, why is it different for both? It IS also a dream for Jack, it's just a VERY realistic one. The reason for that will be explained in future chapters!
Who's king Samuel? Is that the king JJ 'served' or is that a different king? King Samuel is not The King in the story. Samuel was the very first king of Glasúil, the one who united all the people and set up the government. The King is related to Samuel, but Samuel himself has been dead for hundreds of years.
Poor Chase! He found his family and now just poof? Yep, unfortunately :(
Draco has magic? How? Draco has always had magic! He's not a normal cat, he's a wizard's familiar. He can do all sorts of stuff. But, admittedly, this new trick is one that even Marvin wasn't expecting. It'll be explored more in later chapters :)
Why is Stacia going under a different name now and is she under a spell? Stacia wanted to leave her past life behind, so her name was changed. The same happened with everyone else from Chase's home village. As for if she's under a spell... Hmmm, what do you think? ;)
When will Henrik confess his love? The current plan is for him and Vsevna to have a nice chat some time in the next few chapters. But I'm not sure when exactly, since I have to figure out where it'll go in between all the rest of the plot that's going on.
Will Jair be more traumatized now? Can I give him hugs? Please tell me he'll be okay! Jameson is not gonna have a fun time for the next week or so. :( There's going to be some trauma reawakened, but he's stronger than he thinks! He'll be okay once this is all over. Hugs would be good hdjsakflh Unfortunately people can't interact with fictional characters to comfort them :( But I'll make sure he gets a big hug sooner or later. I'm so happy you're attached to Jair, by the way! I really like him as well :)
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Random posting with no context other then me being a dork.
So cause I am American born I do know spainsh I'm not the strongest with conversational spainsh but it dose pop up on my blog that muses I have do speak it to extents. And idk but that what this post is about for reasons. Under a cut cause I'm rambling let's be honest but enjoy some lore in there about ocs and my personal headcannons for the cannon charaters I rp.
RICHARD ROBUSTA EVANS- ALDER: My speical blue boy. He is a golden egeal for the fact its Mexicos national bird. Richard is fluent in spainsh but due to background he is very polite in his use so he dosent use a lot of the slang seeing as he dosent even do the same woth English. Ruchard is extermly proud of his latian roots and incorporates that even in his bussniess by items they sell like drink ir flavors and even treats like conchas. And with how successful his company is adds to his pride. His family wasnt the most connected with thier culture thoigh Richards father did insits his sons learn spainsh. Richard would connect himself with it more so as in adult. He mostly slips into spainsh when he's annoyed using slipping cruse words under his breath that way. Or when it comes to her pet names for loved ones, sometimes when Richard gets to emotional he sleeps fully into spainsh not meaning to so he has had moment of showering his husband in different loving terms all in spainish. Because his connection to his heritage is very important to him on a emotional level so when Bailey started to learn to speak it Richard felt turly seen by his husband even if its made for some inside jokes between them he can never turly express to Bailey why that means so much to him but Bailey has always tried to show that intrest so going that far with spainish has touches the grumpy heart the most. He definitely teaches it to Buddy as well even if they only use some terms here and there because to him it's pretty much part of Buddy as well (I think Richard kind of forgets Buddy was adopted xD)
NINA SHARA ROGERS: Nina grew up in the more rual areas of New York spainsh is her first language she slips into far mkre easily but it's heavily casual and full of slang when she speaks. Nina is latina herself, I like to think of here coming from cuban or columbia roots however. She is definitely the type to speak spainish to smack talk someone so they don't knkw what she is saying but knkw they are being talked about. Before Nina was put into the foster system, she was left with her grandmother a lot when her dad wasn't around. And she learned spainsh from them because it was the only language her grandma knew. It's Nina's connection to her late grandmother and her culture as well. The thing given to her by the only person who looked out for her back then.
I feel thats obvious considing they are my ocs. Rest I'll sepeatre from the series the follow charaters are from this isn't covering all my muses but at least MY more active ones.
Helluva Boss/ Habizn Hotel
VAGGIE "VAGATHA": Vaggie in cannon of the series speaks spainish so of course she dose here too. Seeing how she is Salvadoran meaning Vaggie dose use different idioms and such because of that. Mostly it comes out when she's angry very quick to utter insults under her breath lovingly and not.
STOLAS: so his VA Bryce Pinkham had spoken Spainsh in Stolas voice and I got emotional over it xD. But I image Stolas likely dose know a few languages I like to think he picked it up from watching telenovelas though. Havig liked them from a young age so he learned it from the shows he watched. Stolas mostly uses it towards partners since it a romantic language so he likes to use the terms of endearment and pets names and such to more express his love to them. He can converse in it if he needs to but he's very casual in the usage.
Bltizø: he knows some mostly the cussing words though. He dose understand it and love when people think he dosent.
Villainous: I feel this is obvious seeing how the show is from Latian America Cartoon Network but of course my muses from this series speak spainish.
TONY STARK: Tony dose bussniess from all around the world so he knows a bit from everywhere. Not fluent and he for sure dosen’t know any slang of course either
STEVE ROGERS: Steve has picked up a little bit of spainsh from Nina mostly just so he can get after her when she swears or tell her to be nice. So he understands it not so much speaks it.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: she knows Russian, Franch and Latin I has just decided she also knows Spanish do to her line of work as a spy. Because of how she needs to blend in she dose speak more casually and has picked up on the slang and such she's more likely to use Russian for her expressions of love but she'll throw in spainsh as well.
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idk what "podcast" means instead of "commentary" for "zero to murder in sixty seconds" but ok
Steve Franks, Jason Berger, Saladin Patterson
SP: Here is Shawn learning it's not about the bells & whistles, it's about putting your nose to the grindstone
Shoestring budges
SP: Shawn & Gus are, at any point, only seconds away from racing each other
SP: You can see my writing improves as the episode goes on
They really are too much like their current selves, & I kind of blame Gus's parents for that one. Let them look more 80s
School community centre that they let them use for filming. They have classes going on in there
You're right, shows DON'T have theme songs as much these days
Michael McMurray DP Mel Damski
Gave Tim & Maggie some good stuff to play
SP: I love writing for that car too
Woah they filmed in the kitchen of the river rock casino??
SP: I need to put Chelsea into every episode I write because that's my wife's name
JB: Sometimes you can look in the back & see a canadian flag SP: You can hear his canadian accent sometimes Me: isn't a canadian accent a lot like a typical american accent? (canadian as in, not maritime/east coast & american as in, not heavily new york or southern or east coast)
JB: Look at that shot right there, That's a sexy shot. SP: We don't see Shawn /moving/ on the motorcycle too often
Obscure Judd Nelson films Wheelie & the chopper bunch
JB: Drinking games, how many times do they say shop shop in the episode
It really was a warehouse by the train tracks JB: Not that I've ever been to a chop shop but this is exactly what a chop shop looks like
The dining room is the river rock dining room too
Yeah, that's true, actors need to be in each scene but they film out of order, & it's hard for the wardrobe & lighting people too
The boy cat episode!
"I call the big one Little Shawn"
Set design my beloved
"My writing is what got James & Maggie dating"
Wang Miranda!
Avion spray
SP: Shawn is on bugs bunny rules
This was somebody's house? spanish style house in canada? "they only let you use the guest bathroom by the garage" what XD
"their sense of massage is heightened"
what do you MEAN canadian accent? Newfoundland accent like irish? pei? nova scotia like toned down scottish? Do you mean cowboy-french in quebec? Real cowboy central canadian Alberta (the texas of canada)? Good rezzy talk? BC the california of Canada? canadians sound like americans to me, except americans say sh not st, shrawberry not strawberry, shtop not stop.
Gus without missing a beat just lands it
SP: Gus knows how to be uptight while also knowing how to be cool
JB: This is my car actually. I missed a counple of derbies.
The car was a funny bit
"fresh to death" actually fresh to def "the whitest park of wikipedia I could find"
They never want to do shows with animals or kids
"this police vest was taken from the set of Bad Boys II"
SP: I have a cavity & filling-free mouth, that's why Gus is based on me
Oh no yeah I heard it. Bin not been.
*arguing about what fish it is* SP: It smelled... JB: Caught by Corbin!
I had to do this for school. CB cut many of the fish himself, though some were by a double. A fish double.
*his shirt is the same colour as the tree behind him* & other times it matches the curtains XD
"Dule loves the "i'm about to vomit" look"
"always playing the dad"
Ok less commenting now bc I need to peel my bones
the frog has a name
*gambling between shots
"When I do smuggle drugs" XD
JB & SP *going out for a massage* "this is based on something that happened to you & I Me: What platonically going out for massages with a blind massage therapist & her only available slot is a couples session & one of you says yeah that's fine & the other says no thank you because the two of you are not in a romance?
Noooo they forgot some credits
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wistsandmagic · 10 months
Fair was good. Fair was not as crowded as traffic made it out to be, and the only time I started getting heart-poundy and super anxious was when we were standing near the back of the music tent waiting to get our drinks to go with our food (arepas, btw. Was so happy to see the vendor there again this year.)
Saw some very, very pretty mules that had to be crossed with either Clydesdales or Belgians, not sure which, but they were gorgeous boys. Saw a painted burro jack too, little guy was tiny. And there was one REALLY pretty (and REALLY FREAKIN' HUGE) palomino mule who was intensely curious about my crutches, and his head was bigger than my torso and head length combined. Just his head probably weighed 150 pounds at minimum.
Saw some nice goats, saw some milking pygmy goats (oh to have the space for a couple for milking purposes), saw some really pretty show pigeons and a couple of gorgeous bantam chickens, and one really pretty wyandotte laced hen whose owner had accidentally brought the wrong chicken. (I felt so bad.)
Beautiful quilts and some gorgeous thread and yarncraft. I am going to enter one of my crochet projects next year. If Amy will remind me when I have to submit it.
We wound up coming home with 4 jars of honey, a bag of honey candy, some fudge, and a Kuromi hat that I bought because I didn't want to squint all day. The hat is supposed to be for kids, but fits my head...somehow. As long as I mashed my hair down.
NOBODY RAN OVER ME this time, and in fact a lot of people apologised if they realized they cut in front of me as soon as they saw I was using forearm crutches. Was nice to have people give me a bit of space, it kept the anxiety down. Didn't need earplugs!
I am just reeeeally tired now and my legs hurt. XD;
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
My Highlights of ROH Death Before Dishonor 2023
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In spite of injuries and other companies borrowing talent, Honor is still real
Death Before Dishonor's card has been subject to a lot of change, in part to injuries and Eddie being in the G1, but there's still the potential of a lot of good matches, as well as a couple of storylines established by ROH tapings. So let's see if the show could exceed expectations
Positive stuff only though
Spoilers for the PPV
Zero Hour
Woods' springboard suplex was pretty cool
I never heard that Nese was in a car crash saving a dog, props to him then and glad he's healthy
Workhorsemen got a good pop-up powerbomb combo
Action landing on Drake's back and backflipping off of it to his feet is still mighty impressive
A good match against the Workhorsemen will help soften the blow of losing to Bullet Club Gold on Collision
Clever little trick with Leyla stepping on Trish's foot
Gotta give props to those kids in the crowd they are making the noise
It was a great idea to finish the Zero Hour with AR Fox having a hard hitting win over Shane Taylor, got the crowd pumped for the main card
And really this should be what a Pre-Show should do, each match led into further implications either for ROH feuds, building to title matches or to Collision
Main Card
Gravity with the spacewalk entrance XD and the Buzz Lightyear colours
Commentary did sell the conclusion well, because Gravity won because he was going for substance over style
Plus 'I'm sure Gravity has not forgotten PAC' is a great comment
Dalton Castle has IT, we need him on TV more, put him against Christian, MJF or Bullet Club Gold, see who is more manic between him and Juice
I do like how we're continuing this storyline of Joe bullying Stoke to his advantage
Mike sporting the DEM BOYS shirt
Even though it was put together quickly, all four of these teams should realistically be tag champions, but you can say that a lot about TK-brand tag teams, I still hold hope for Butcher & The Blade, Iron Savages, Dark Order, The Infantry, Top Flight, 2point0 and Santana & Ortiz
Chuck passing Maria's hug to hug Trent is a most Best Friends thing to do
Mark Davis' deadlift piledriver is a work of art
Fénix exuding catlike energy of 'blame the person nearest to you'
Surprised but not upset to see Aussie Open win either, I expected them to win the ladder match, maybe we'll use it to cross paths with FTR too
Stu with white paint for his allegiance is a good small detail
'I still don't know your name!' crowds can be funny sometimes
Abnormally Large William watching Brian Cage? They did have magic together as a team, but Swerve eliminated him at Royal Rampage...intrigue glands increased
I should try to watch more NJPW, because Master Wato's growth has impressed me. And that does feel unbelievable to say given that this is a bowl cut boy in blue working under a non-Gunn Ass man XD
Traded 619s from Cage and Taguchi
I said it on Forbidden Door I'll say it again; how Garcia got that stupid dance over needs to be studied
Also it needs to be studied on how it works as an assertion of dominance
'ARMBARR!' again, crowds can be funny sometimes
I snickered through the whole act of Garcia dancing around the 100% done Shibata
Almost spat my drink when he danced into a sitdown, fucking brilliant
Btw there has been a lot of good wrestling happening do not get it twisted, I've talked often about how I struggle to get into Pure rules matches but all of Shibata's matches have been winners
Garcia had one last dance in him but he proved himself in defeat, soon enough he has to accept he's a wrestler
Commentary has been stellar too throughout I just gotta drop it in there
Reynolds and Silver wearing their old Dark Order masks
Table spot in like the first couple of minutes!?
Dutch's tongue thing, he must be popular with his wife
Alongside Davis' piledriver, Dutch's Bossman Slam is a work of art, you can hang it either end of Dustin Rhodes' powerslam
Stu did well to cover for Vincent's missed swanton
A thumbtack shin pad!?
You know you're doing Extreme right when the crowd chant E-C-Dub
Dark Order got their killer edge back in this match, we could've had this intensity for Anarchy in the Arena or Blood and Guts, but honestly, now I want the Righteous to join the Dark Order. It sounds odd I know but, Stu left because they weren't vicious enough, now they proved him wrong, they can still be The Righteous but Dark Order can absorb them into their group, regain the numbers they lost and that way we get now 2 trios or 3 tag teams who can mix it up for both companies, we don't have to split Stu and Uno up, and then all there is left is what the Dark Order have needed for a while: the main event leader. Hangman was that guy in Brodie's stead, but now they need another who can be charismatic but also vicious; Miro, Athena, Christian, maybe even Lance Archer or Powerhouse Hobbs with enough build
Seeing PAC and Claudio made me happy, albeit physically conscious because these guys are chiseled, because it meant one thing: Willow/Athena main event!
The energy for the match was apt for the short build, it is heated like a fresh wound
Swing on the stage
Gravity did indeed not forget as he watched PAC on the tv screen
Also appreciate that it's not the WWE angle of watching tv monitors
Gorilla press into a table!
Flipping flapjack was cool too, especially to roll into a Gotch Neutralizer
Reminder these two put on a banger 2 days after Blood & Guts
Death Triangle vs BCC?
Death Triangle vs BCC vs Best Friends??
Riccaboni's Willow rap just works so well
Athena came out with proper wings too
There have been some solid nearfalls in this bout
It was a good finish as well, it took 2 O-Faces and a Crossface but Willow never submitted, never relented. It's a shame she didn't win because the crowd were ready for it, but Athena is the Ace of Khan's ROH, they earned that main event spot
If you were considering skipping this show because of the minimal build, reconsider.
TK delivered a great night of pro wrestling variety regardless; it was entertaining, brutal, funny and dramatic, even the weakest match on the card was still fun. We set up more stuff for the future too and it is definitely worth the price of admission.
Match of the Night: Difficult pick but I'm giving it to Willow vs Athena Best Attire: Dalton Castle is often hard to beat when he's on the card but dammit Gravity did it with Buzz Lightyear gear Best Performance: Athena and Willow again for the tie, Evil Uno and Daniel Garcia are close seconds though they brought it, commentary probably up there too they were great this evening Spot of the Night: I'm not even joking it's Daniel Garcia's aggressive dancing, Dark Order/Righteous had some extreme and creative spots for sure but Garcia's dancing is just an enigma that cannot be ignored.
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yukichouji · 2 years
(Actual) Work in Progress Wednesday!
Thank you so much for the tag @heniareth! I took so long to get to it that I actually made it to Wednesday! Will you look at that xD Ah, I am excited because I am like this close to finishing the first one-shot for this thing that is haunting me. Just need to figure out this one last tiny little scene and go over it one more time to make sure the characterization is what I want it to be. Though I have already shared so many snippets from this it was hard to find something new for the tag oh, no! But here we go :)
William makes short work of the fastenings and it doesn’t take long until William is gingerly lifting first the sheath holding Pero’s swords, then the leather cuirass, chainmail and all, up over Pero’s head and setting it down beside the cot. Pero almost protest – the blades need tending to and so does his armor, need to be cleaned of the mud and blood, the cuirass oiled to keep the leather smooth and the chainmail functional – but that’s when the healer finally finds him and he is distracted away from the thought as the healer gestures for William to make room and moves in to look Pero over.
“Your face and your shoulder, yes? Any other wounds?” The healer is a tall, almost waifishly thin man a good decade or so older than Pero with a graying mustache and severe eyes the same washed-out color as the overcast sky outside. His voice sounds faintly tired but his mannerisms leave no room for protest and Pero’s in no mood to get in the man’s way either, so he just shakes his head and then holds still as the healer leans in to tug at the tourniquet around Pero’s shoulder.
As soon as the man peels the cloth back form the wound it starts to leak again and Pero bites his tongue at the fresh hurt. The healer gives a displeased huff, then turns to wave one of the apprentices over, a young boy hardly older than ten summers. “Put some cauteries into the fire and bring them as soon as they are hot enough.”
Pero curses under his breath and grits his teeth until he can feel an ache spread through his jaw, the discomfort a small but welcome distraction. Out of the corner of his eye he can see William wince in sympathy. “You don’t happen to have any drink on you, eh?” Pero glances at William while the healer starts working on the cut on his face. The man dabs at the broken skin with a bit of linen dipped in a strong smelling tincture and Pero hisses in a breath at the sharp burn of it, the scent doing almost as much to make Pero’s eyes water as the pain. If he’s going to have his shoulder cauterized he’d much rather not be sober during.
I swear, no matter how much proofing I do every time I look at my writing I find some new mistake or thing to fix alsdkjflsk Anyway! I am tagging you right back @heniareth if you like :) And @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas as well, in case there is anything new you would like to share :)
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moonctzeny · 3 years
love to hate me
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request:  celebrity! jaehyun + enemies to lovers + “don’t you want to know how i feel?”
pairing: friends to enemies to lovers! jaehyun x female reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff... this fic has it all folks
word count:  7.514k
warnings: toxic behaviour, public sex, light restraining, jaehyun pulls a ‘white boy punching the wall’ at some point 
summary: “You and Jaehyun meet as SM trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you deicde to leave the company and pursue a solo career. When you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. Your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other”
a/n: this is the longest it has ever taken me to finish a fic.. I have a love-hate relationship with this (no pun intended XD). I hope whoever requested this likes it!
Of-fucking-course you had to bump into him out of all people at the vending machine. All you wanted was a drink to refresh you before you got up on stage, and now you have to deal with Mr. Too Good For This World and his relentless teasing. His eyes, lit up by an amusement that was also evident in his smirk, stayed glued on your body, raking up and down at it for a second too long. Not that you didn’t like it.
“Stare much?”, you bark at him in hopes of snapping him out of his trance, and push through him to punch in the code of your favorite drink. But alas, he always had a comeback ready on the edge of his lips.
“You look ridiculous”, he states and you have to admit that your outfit, though fitting for the Halloween special of today’s music show, was way different than anything else he had ever seen you in. Reincarnated as Dorothy Gale for the night, your stylists had chosen a short, light blue checkered dress, with red stilettos that gave a sexy twist to the character’s ruby slippers. Hair neatly braided in two pigtails, decorated by ribbons and topped off by glittery pink makeup. The image of innocence. Jaehyun had to laugh.
“Says the man dressed up as Woody”
It was unfair, you admitted, how good he looked in that stupid outfit. His hair was gelled back, a few strands framing his handsome face strategically. The yellow shirt fitted him like a glove, its bright colour lighting him up as well. And those jeans, tight in all the right places, just melted over the muscles of his thighs. The ones that you’ve come undone on one too many times.
“So”, he lilts, giving you a once over before lowering both the volume and pitch of his voice, “want a ride?”
You scoff, sparing him an incredulous look, “on what horse, cowboy?”
He doesn’t reply, only points with his eyes to his crotch that is undeniably sporting a visible tent, and you gasp when you see the outline of his dick twitching under your stare.
“Jesus Christ, Jaehyun”, you mutter with a disgusted look on your face before picking up the almost forgotten beverage that the vending machine had barfed out for you. The boy mentioned, however, was unfazed.
“They don’t call me Woody for nothing”
Almost choking at the drink that was supposed to calm you down, you catch his eyes rolling at you through your third cough. Well, that ruins one of your favourite childhood movies. “Don’t pretend to be a prude. Now are we going to fuck before you get on stage of not?”
You can clearly remember the first time you met Jung Jaehyun alone. You always spotted him somewhere in the SM buildings, joking around with his future bandmates, barely ever without company. As a fellow vocal trainee, he introduced himself to you as Yoonoh, filling up the awkward silence while your vocal teacher prepared the music sheets for the both of you to rehearse.
You were thankful the two of you always got paired up together. Jaehyun was charming, easy to be around, funny. He was a model SM trainee with the otherworldly looks he possessed, almost impossible for anyone’s eyes not to follow him when he entered a room. Radiant porcelain skin, soft brown locks, and a dimpled smile that made your heart melt in seconds.
You can also clearly remember the first time you had the privilege of hearing him sing. Jaehyun had a beautiful baritone voice, one that contradicted his flower boy image but matched his manly personality perfectly. The four walls of the small practice room resonated with his sound, that was stable and smooth like honey. The lessons were challenging but Jaehyun made them bearable through spending time with him. Maybe it was your shared struggles, or how you were always tired and vulnerable when you saw him. Maybe it was those damned dimples, but your heart always beat faster when you were around him.
“Sometimes I get discouraged”, he confides in you in that same room, hours later, early into the morning now. The vocal lesson stretched on longer than expected, leaving you two sitting on the floor, sharing a cup of lemon-honey tea to soothe your vocal chords. You let your head rest to the leather couch behind you as you stare into his handsome features one by one. What time was it? Shouldn’t you be back at your dorms by now? It didn’t matter, this was one of those moments when time seems to stop and life seems unreal. When the only thing that you care about is the person standing next to you, and whatever it is they have to tell you.
 “I fear that I will never get to debut. There’s handsome guys all over the company. I just don’t know if my skills are enough.”  
You thought he was crazy for thinking that way, wanted to scream at him that he’s just perfect and more than enough for the company, or for anything in this world for that matter. But Jaehyun was reserved, the type to always mask his true feelings behind a smile and you were more than glad that he finally opened up to you, that he saw you as someone trustworthy. You didn’t want to dismiss his feelings, so you just pet his hair while you listened to his concerns.
 As you mindlessly gaze at the rainy weather outside, a couple of droplets following their own path down the froggy window remind you that time does run by. Even if every day seemed the same, following the same routine, going to the same classes over and over again.
Jaehyun had this sad look that contorted his pretty face and you hated it, reaching up to massage away the wrinkles between his eyebrows. You don’t know which godly creature made the hourglass of time freeze this moment, nor did you know why Jaehyun leaned forward to capture your lips into a kiss. Maybe it was his way of saying thank you for keeping your ears and heart open for him, for listening to him when he needed it most.
It felt so lovely while it lasted, two young people leaning on each other during an uncertainty that anchored them far away from their emotional shoreline. But life as a trainee isn’t a fairytale and falling in love can have serious ramifications. So you promise to each other that this will be a one time thing, and then you never speak of this night ever again.
Unsurprisingly enough, Jaehyun got to successfully debut, yet you didn’t have the same luck. The company had plans of focusing on their new boy group, thus postponing your debut for an uncertain amount of time. It was hard for you to decide to switch labels, to throw away the years of hope and dedication you had pinned on this company but the faith you placed on yourself was stronger.
It’s years later when you finally get to promote as a solo artist in a different company, and you are happy to say that the decision you made all those years ago was the right one. The exposure you got wasn’t the same as being in a Big 3 company, however leaving SM entertainment has its pros. Flexible schedule, less scrutiny, great creative freedom over your work. 
This wasn’t the first time you have come across your old trainee buddy. Jaehyun had multiple comebacks in a year, so it was only natural that his group’s and your promotions would sometimes overlap. You were only a rookie, and NCT turned out to become pretty popular, so of course the wins were always tied to their names.
The first time you walked past him in the hallways, dark makeup and professional styling making you both almost unrecognizable, you expected a wave, small talk, maybe some reminiscing of the old times. Instead, you got a cold stare or at best, an arrogant smirk coupled with a “Do better next time”. It was shocking to you how much Yoonoh, the boy with the shy smile and awkward social skills, would turn into such a stranger.
How you always ended up sneaking out with him to have a quickie in one of the ready rooms, was beyond you. He rushed you inside before checking both sides of the hallway, cautious to hide from any curious eyes. The coast was clear and Jaehyun doesn’t like to waste time, so he pins you against the door he just closed behind him, face dipped in your neck. You can feel his fingers dancing on the skin of your thighs, eager to explore what is hidden under your frilly skirt, and their delicacy in contrast to his feverish kisses sends a shiver down your spine.
One pretty whine from your lips, then two, three and you can feel Jaehyun smile deviously against your neck. The softness is too enticing for him to resist, so he nips at it skillfully, trying to get a reaction out of you. He recognizes that you have plenty of talent as a singer, yet the symphonies you sing out for him in those little sessions seem to be his favorite.
“Jaehyun, cut it out. I’m going on stage in like, 20 minutes”
“Turn me on then”
Wasn’t he the one that basically flashed you in the middle of the cafeteria for just existing? Isn’t it his hard on that digs against your lower stomach? The demand made you mad, and you wanted nothing more than to entice him with a nice blowjob, only to take a big, strong bite off that cock of his. But see, you had a full face of makeup on and your career is way more important than a fuckboy, so you’ll have to get creative.
Flipping him around so that he’s the one trapped between you and the door, you start to suck on his collarbones , then nibble at the tender flesh. He seems distracted enough by it so that you open the button of his jeans and fully remove his belt from their loops with no objections. Palming him over his boxers to keep him entranced, you manage to bring his wrists together, wrapping the leather around them, then lastly fastening them in place.
His eyes widen in shock when he realizes that he’s too late, wiggling his hands in a futile attempt to free himself. Your laugh is sadistic, making the hairs on his arms stand on edge and you gloat in the effect you have on him. 
Giving your palm a good lick, you form a ring with your fingers, wrapping them around the base of his member. He hisses and drops his head back, thudding loudly against the wall. His cock enlarges and reddens as you move your hand up and down, changing the pressure according to his reactions. Jaehyun isn’t one to express himself freely but there is not much he can do to stop the low moans leaving his lips. Not when you rub circles over his tip with the soft skin of your palm.
He looks so fucking good, all squirmy and desperate and trying to hold himself from saying ‘please’. You almost want to keep going, squeeze him more until he whines and begs to cum, and admire the white beads dripping from his slit and covering your hand. Almost.
You halt your movements with a last strong stroke, crossing your arms over your chest as you stare back at him. Jaehyun tentatively opens one eye to see why you have stopped, only to come across that bratty smile that he loves as much as he hates.
“You should have dressed up as a siren. Seducing people before they realize you are a man eating bitch”
“If you want someone to jerk you off you can go ask one of your little fangirls. I want to get fucked.”
“Let me go then. And you’ll wish you never did”
You scoff at his cockiness, nonchalantly freeing him from his constraints, and the way he immediately has a hold of your jaw reminds you of a predator eyeing its prey. His eyes have a crazy look in them, moving frantically over every part of your body like he can’t decide what to grab onto first. He decides on your hips, bending you over a table full of snacks and makeup tools and flyers of today’s schedule.
“You think it’s funny to tease me like that?”, he asks you with a peremptory voice that signifies you’d better shut up.
You hear shuffling behind you and assume it’s him slipping on a condom, so you make yourself more comfortable on the wooden surface. A hard slap on your ass jolts you alert.
“I asked you a fucking question”, Jaehyun presses brusquely and flips your skirt fully over your ass, pulling your panties down until they’re bunched up right over your knees.
“It’s fun”, you moan out, breathless both from the pleasure and the stinging feeling on your right cheek, “What are you gonna do about it?”
Was the room occupied by one of the artists that have already been on stage? Or will they barge in at any moment to find you bent over and pussy dripping for Jaehyun to finally dive inside you? He chuckled at the sight of you, eyes feasting off your naked body, your ass up just the way he likes it. Not so innocent anymore, huh?
He doesn’t reply to you, aligning himself against your slit and bottoming out in one go instead. Involuntarily, you let out a small screech, the sudden stretch catching you off guard.
“You better stay quiet, siren. Or maybe you would like it if people found us like this? Saw how good you take my cock whenever I ask”
You wanted to bite back at him, but the only sound you could make was a guttural moan. It was embarrassingly loud, and you fall forward to bite your fist and force yourself to shut up. It was effective, yet Jaehyun had other plans for you, pulling your pigtails towards him in a strong grip that has you against his chest in seconds.
“Nuh, uh, uh, siren”, he hums in your ear, his panting making his voice sound huskier and smokier than ever, “How about trying to stay quiet by using your willpower alone? That way it’s more- how did you call it? Fun.” 
He slows down his pace momentarily, as if he’s giving you time to answer him. But the moment you open your mouth to talk back at him, he thrusts particularly hard inside you, forcing a whimper out of your lips.
“Fuck you, Jaehyun”
“As you wish”
Jaehyun was conceited and cocky and a dick, but he was also a good fuck. He kept at it with what seemed like all the energy in the world, fucking you against that table until you came all over him, and your legs gave out. It ended how it always did, with him moaning how fucking sexy you look and how much he hates you, and you swallowing your pride as you swallow his cum. You’d tell each other to fuck off and never bother the other again, until you meet up at the next comeback, to do this shit all over again.
And that’s how things would stay if it wasn’t for that goddamn phone call from your manager.
“...so we thought what better way to promote your new song by recording a duet with NCT’s Jaehyun?”
No, no, no this can’t be happening. No way. Anyone but him.
“Are you sure this is the only way we can promote me? Can’t I just go to variety programs like every other idol out there?”
“y/n, duets by different group members are one of the most efficient methods of promoting there is! And with NCT’s latest song topping the charts this will be a great opportunity for you. Taemin and Sunmi did it. Suzy and Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Punch-“
“Alright, okay, I get it”
“Besides, since you used to be an SM trainee they specifically asked for you. The directors made some pretty big compliments on your work”
Isn’t it a little too late now? Not like they didn’t have the chance to debut you, right? That being said, there isn’t much to oppose to decline SM’s offer; your manager is right and you know it. Saying no to Lee Sooman and giving up a popularity push like that is basically career suicide. Nor could you let your manager know about your and Jaehyun’s little adventures, minutes before you have to go on stage.
“Just send me the schedule. I don’t have to record with him, right?”
“Oh no, they’ll record his part first and then they’ll send it to us. But there will be a music video of course”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
There was this little monster of worriedness that was screaming inside your head, refusing to shut up. This collaboration isn’t going to be easy, but you didn’t want to let Jaehyun’s pettiness get in the way of your career. Fumbling with your phone in your hands, you kept removing and reinserting its case compulsively, over and over again, until you mustered the courage to take matters into your own hands.You knew his number was buried somewhere in your contacts.
you [16:35]: hey it’s me, y/n
Jung Yoonoh [16:50]: y/n who??
you [16:55]: y/n y/l/n? the girl whose guts you were inside in last week? we have a song coming up 😒
Jung Yoonoh [16:57]: oh y/n right
Jung Yoonoh [16:58]: thought you’d have deleted my number
Well you sure have deleted mine, you murmur with your blood boiling, regretting reaching out to him in the first place. 
you [16:59]: i always hoard peoples contacts
you [17:00]: old habits die hard i guess
Jung Yoonoh [17:00]: like the habit of me being inside your guts?
You gasp out after reading his last message, hands awkwardly juggling your phone until you’ve forced yourself to calm down. After waiting for a while, until your face has reached its previous temperature, you feel focused again, and type out your original intentions for this conversation.
you [17:05]: this isn’t what i texted you about.
you [17:07]: we have this project coming up and while I know we aren’t exactly on the best terms, this comeback is very important for me
you [17:08]: and i don’t want to fuck it up
Jung Yoonoh [17:10]: kitty cat, relax. maybe this is a brand new word for you but i know what professionalism is
you [17:10]: don’t you ever and i mean ever call me that again
you [17:11]: glad to see we are on the same page
You didn’t expect a message back, nor did you get one. All you could do from now on, was pray that the promotions would go smoothly and Jaehyun wouldn’t do anything stupid that would jeopardize your collaboration.
And the day you dreaded finally came. The first day of filming for the music video. 
You had already finished recording the song, a bittersweet balad about two lovers who lost their way, only for their paths to cross again. When you listened to the demo for the first time, it only took three notes from Jaehyun’s pre-recorded verse to spread goosebumps on your skin. His voice was deeper and even more developed than you remember. Long forgotten memories, shoved deep inside your brain so as not to leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, came flooding up again. But things have changed since then.
The sky was crying rain and lightning, fitting to the storm inside your head. Normally you'd be excited to film a music video, bubbling with energy and unable to contain a smile. Today, all you could do was let your teeth abuse the cuticles of your left thumb, until little drops of blood ruined the fresh manicure you got for the shoot. 
Following your manager inside the studio, you take a quick glance at all the props the creative directors have prepared. They were very intricate, filled with all different types of flowers everywhere. Some of the fake rooms looked like classrooms, two others were decorated like teenage bedrooms. It was a lot more than you have anticipated.
“The song will be part of a drama OST, that’s why the budget is higher than usual”, your manager tells you as if he was reading your mind. 
He leads you to the changing room, where you try on different outfits your stylist has chosen for you, while simultaneously being briefed on the concept of the music video. It’s kinda cheesy and cute, with you and Jaehyun posing as high-school students falling in love. Certain scenes of the drama, whose plot matches the music video’s, will intercept in between.
You’re seated on the makeup chair, sunk in the uneasiness caused by your co-star. Jaehyun had arrived a few minutes after you, his bare face more handsome than you’ve ever looked in your most glamorous state and you can’t help but stare at him. He is all polite smiles and bows to the staff, and even gives you a formal greeting. 
You’re not sure why you just can’t bring yourself to stop your legs from shaking as the makeup artist patiently tries to apply a rosy blush on your cheekbones. It’s like you’re scared that everyone will see right through the both of you, somehow enter your brain and find out that you’re replaying your last encounter with Jaehyun in the music show’s waiting room in your head. As you try to read through his expression, to see if he’s nearly as nervous as you are, you defeatedly can’t decode what’s going on inside his head. Not like you ever could.
You glance at both you and Jaehyun through the mirror, admiring the youthful makeup. Blushy cheeks and innocent eyes of two teenagers in love, masking the raw lust between two nemesi. It couldn’t stray any further from the truth.
A staff member leads both you and Jaehyun (who is refusing to spare even one look your way) back to the main set. The director is passionately explaining what he wants to see from you in your first scene, but you can barely focus with Jaehyun’s eyes burning holes through your school girl outfit. You block him out and walk inside the ‘classroom’, spotting the cameras and sitting on your designated seat, while you wait for your signal to start.
Of course, you had acted before. Yes, you had expected for the director to ask you for some more intimate moments with your co-star. But when Jaehyun passed you a “love note” from the desk in front of you, looking all blushy and shy and with his dimples showing, you felt that the role of crushing schoolgirl became a little too easy for you to act out. 
And maybe, just maybe he was feeling the same way too. He looked pretty flustered when he saw you dancing across class, shifting restlessly in his seat when you bent forward to tie your shoelaces. Whether you did it on purpose or not, was a question your ego didn’t allow you to answer truthfully.
Most of the individual shots would be handled at a different shoot, so all you had to do was get over this one day with him. That’s what you repeated yourself over and over again. And you did pretty well, smiling charmingly at the camera, with the director praising you for your “innocent look”. You didn’t miss the scoff slipping from Jaehyun’s lips but you were good at ignoring it, focusing on getting through the different scenes in one-shot. 
You were currently leaning your body against the wall, playing with your hair while Jaehyun glances down at you, like a boy that is ready to confess to his first love. 
“y/n, I need you to give me something more shy, more bashful”, the director yells eagerly, but you can barely hear him, too focused on regulating your breathing. The look your co-star is giving you right now might seem loving and pure to the staff, but you know all too well the motives hidden behind his facade. It’s the calm before the storm, the silence he purposefully keeps to make you squirm, right before he whispers the most sinful propositions in your ears. 
Reading him like an open book, you stand still as he leans closer, just enough so that no one besides you get to hear his words.
“Come on y/n, can’t you act bashful? Or is it impossible for you to get embarrassed after getting fucked against the window of a TV station’s building?”
Clearing your throat, you’re suddenly hyper aware of every single sound and movement in the room. Suffocating, even in the light clothes you were wearing, and desperately trying to mute out his words that bring you back to the day he was repenting.
“When you were pressed up against that glass, moaning my name, all exposed for anyone that simply looked up to see, you weren’t too shy, were you?”
You raise your palm to wipe a bead of sweat that has collected on your temple, and breathe deeply through your nose, as if a good pump of oxygen would cool off the sudden heat between your legs. 
“Shut up Jaehyun”, you simply hiss through your front teeth, but he isn’t done yet.
“You know I can’t hold myself when I see you in skirts. So pretty. And you love to tease me in them too, I’ve noticed. Flashing me again and again until you get to suckle on my dick”
You were sure his voice was barely louder than a whisper, but the thought of anyone accidentally prying into your conversation had your whole body raising in temperature. The heat didn’t take long to reach your cheeks and you couldn’t remember the last time your legs felt like jelly, as they do now.
“Perfect y/n, that’s exactly what I’m looking for!”
You blinked back at Jaehyun a couple times, your mind trying to process that the director is cheering you on instead of scolding you to focus. The trembling hands, the fast-paced heartbeat, your big doe eyes. Though involuntarily, you had nailed the scene.
“You’re welcome”, Jaehyun mouths at you just as the staff announces a break. He scurries off to his dressing room without a word, as if he hadn’t just spewed his dirtiest of thoughts on set. It was almost as if he was daring you to follow him, but it’s not like he had left you a choice. You were fuming.
“Jaehyun”, you called out to him strictly but he didn’t acknowledge you, only walked further inside the small room with his name written neatly on the door. He was removing some of the heavier jewellery, rubbing the red lines they had left on his neck and wrist, momentarily catching your eyes on the mirror's reflection. They were misty, unreadable, and with how unpredictable you knew he could be, you decided to close the door behind you.
“Closing the door?”, he muses and in just a few long strides he has managed to trap you between his body and the wooden surface. It is reminiscent of your last meeting at the music show, and the memory of you tying him up doesn’t help with the organizing of your thoughts. “What are you planning on doing to me in here?”
You point one finger against his chest, not enough to create any real distance between you, but it comforts you nonetheless.
“What the fuck was that out there? What happened to professionalism?”
“Relax, kitty cat. I was just helping you act better”. His eyes stayed glued on your hips, once again making you all wound up and jumpy under his stare, “And it worked. You should be thanking me”
“I. Told. You.”, you started, tapping your finger on his sternum to emphasize each word, “Never call me that again. Today’s already hard as it is, why do you have to make it harder?”
He takes one more step towards you, his chest now touching yours and your hand that separated you lands involuntarily on his right peck. As if his presence wasn’t overwhelming enough, you feel a hardness pressing against your thigh, and for a moment you worry he can feel how wet you really are under your skirt. His voice is a low, a deep rumble.
“I don’t know. Why do you have to make everything so hard?”
“You are unbelievable”, you scowl at him and free yourself from his trap. You turn to the big mirror to avoid looking at him anymore, and you come to the embarrassing realization of how fucked out you look right now. You had to get out of there as soon as possible, before you do anything stupid and lose any trace of self control left in you. But not before you gave Jaehyun an earful.
“What I meant was that I am out there, being paid to be all lovey-dovey with you. This is not something easy for me you know. It’s basically prostitution.”
You catch Jaehyun’s eyes in his reflection, and for a fleeting moment they turn a colour that you hadn’t seen them in for a long time. Hurt? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it was gone in a second, replaced by that smile that made him both irresistibly smackable and fuckable at the same time.
“Did it cross your tiny brain that maybe someone could hear you? Staff leaks information all the time! If they found out we were fucking…”
“Were? Past tense?”
“Are. Will be. Whatever.” You sigh, defeated, hiding your eyes with your palms as you face him once again. “Like I said, this is important to me. So no more dirty talk on set. Okay?”
Jaehyun avoided your glance, from embarrassment or uninterest maybe. “Okay”
You continue to sit there silently, but your head is so occupied with a million thoughts that you don’t notice. How you will get through the rest of the shooting, whether your manager is looking for you or not, the coldness of the glass Jaehyun had pressed you against that day. The only thing that snapped you out of it, was him suddenly taking off his shirt.
“What are you doing?”, you ask panicking, but you can’t dismiss the pool of excitement in your belly.
“We have a wardrobe change after the break, remember? And since you refuse to leave my changing room..”
You clear your throat, trying your hardest to rip your eyes away from his abdomen, that you’ve so keenly marked with love bites before. His naked skin must have monopolized your attention way more than you realized, as you can’t remember when he slithered his way closer to you, towering over your height.
“Stare much?”, he almost growls, arousal dripping from his voice.
Every fiber of your being wanted to lurch forward, glide your fingers through his hair and start nibbling at those pretty lips of his. The sexual tension, amplified by the argument you just had, was filling the room like a thick liquid would fill a cup. One more drop, one more second of his staring and it would overflow. It felt so real, that you could feel that drop landing on your forehead. Then another one on your cheek, and that’s when you realized that what you felt was real.
“What the-?”, Jaehyun mumbles as he stares up at the ceiling, a big wet spot staining it and allowing the water drops to slowly wet his styled locks. As you start to put two and two together, someone knocks loudly on the door, making you both jump one feet away from the other.
“Get undressed”, a high-pitched male voice that you recognize as Jaehyun’s manager calls through the door, “the rain is ruining the set. It’s a wrap for today”
A soft touch on your lower back, an even softer breath making your ears tingle. A tentative kiss on your neck that’s full of purpose and makes you shiver.
And then another touch, this time more south on your body. Fingertips grazing over your sensitive clit. Easily moving through your wetness and finally dipping inside of you. That baritone voice.
“This pussy is mine, isn’t it, kitty cat?”
You look up to meet the face of the familiar voice, only to meet Jaehyun’s baby brown eyes. The pleasure was enough to make you ignore the despised nickname, flowing intensely through your body. You let out a desperate moan, gripping his arms to keep your balance. His fingers are now dragging through your walls and you clench around them instinctively, confused but enamored by his touch. You are falling apart.
“Jaehyun? What are you doing?”
“I want to make love to you”
“Love? But you hate me”
He plants another kiss on the slope of your neck, his hands picking up in pace and making you feel like you’re floating on air.
“Love. Hate. Is there really any difference when I’m here, ready to please you? Willing to make you feel things you have never felt before?”
“You already do”, you admit, only seconds away from your orgasm. The bliss is so close you can almost taste it, but for now you choose to taste his lips. They are so soft and warm that you realize you haven’t kissed Jaehyun since that night at the practice room. How you miss him. Not the group visual, not the idol, not even Jaehyun. Yoonoh.
“Yoonoh”, you moan out against his lips as the pleasure overtakes you, a low buzz humming in your ears, “mmm yes, Yoonoh”
“Who the fuck is Yoonoh?”
You finally wake up, your manager shaking you awake being the first thing you see. The sun’s morning rays are peeking through your blinds, warming your skin in lines. Your phone’s ignored alarm clock is still buzzing on top of your nightstand.
“No one. I’m awake, thanks”
Fuck. That makes it what? The fourth night in a row you dreamt about him?
“Get, up. Quickly. We’re late”
You groaned at the banging of your head that was caused by you getting up so fast. It was early into the morning, as you had to get ready for the mv’s second shooting day. The heavy rainfall wouldn’t allow for the filming to continue for another week, yet aided your growing anxiety of having to encounter Yoon- Jaehyun again. 
You felt a little stupid, like a kid that goes to middle school for the first time, anxious but full of butterflies in your stomach in the thought of seeing him again. You weren’t sure who the anger, that came with the inability to control the fresh feelings bubbling from your dream, should be directed at. Your manager for booking you this job? Jaehyun for making it his goal to have you dripping wet on set? You, for letting it all affect you so much?
You decide on the former, giving your poor manager the cold shower for forcing you to deal with the problems you’ve caused yourself. Checking your phone, you realise that you are, indeed, late, and wonder how quick you’re going to have to make your morning shower.
“Is Jaehyun and his team there already?”, you ask your manager as nonchalantly as you could, feigning mildly interested in his answer.
“Oh, they didn’t tell you? The other team asked for the shootings to continue separately”. You felt your stomach drop all the way down to your condo’s basement. And the icing on the cake: “Jung Jaehyun’s request”
Maybe your manager wasn’t as clueless to your electricity, or maybe it was your sudden impulse to pluck every loose thread of the pyjama top you were wearing that made him sense the discomfort following what he’d just said. He plops next to you on your bed, boards creaking in the silent room and you feel his rough hands patting you on the back.
“I’m sure he had an overlap in schedules and needed a break, nothing to do with you”
But you knew better, and you knew your palms wouldn’t stop itching unless you picked up your fucking phone and sent him a message. 
you [06:30]: i heard you can’t make it to set today. everything ok?
You wish you never did. The radio silence from his number was way worse than any insult, any form of teasing he could give you on set. You even tried calling him, desperate for an answer, a closure even. Maybe he was busy. Maybe the shooting took longer than expected. Maybe he wasn’t avoiding you; one of his managers uploaded his latest story on his instagram, not him. Maybe at the end of the week he would get back to you.
Going to his dorm unannounced was not a good idea. Waiting for someone to open the door for you, you hope his members will recognise you from your trainee days, or those rare nights Jaehyun sneaked you in when you were both lonely and in need of a… well, whatever you two were.
You’re starting to worry that whoever saw you from the peephole thought you were a sasaeng and called security, when Mark opens the door. His eyes are wide open behind his glasses, clearly not expecting you and immediately yelling for his ‘Jaehyun hyung’.
Soon, the called male arrives at the apartment’s entrance, annoyed for being interrupted from whatever it was he was doing. “What is it, me and Jungwoo are watching the season fina-“
As if Mark suddenly turned invisible, Jaehyun walks right past him, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to his room without another word.
Jungwoo, engrossed with the aforementioned show’s season finale on his computer screen, tries to cover up his naked torso in panic when he notices you. 
“Get out.”, Jaehyun orders him, and the younger man knows that his tone is not one to be argued with. It triggers the cold sweat that makes your clothes stick closer to your skin and forces your heartbeat to quicken, pumping blood all over your body. The door closes, leaving you both alone with only the sound of Jungwoo’s laptop still playing in the background. A lighthearted scene that is too oxymoronic against the tension that is just palpable at this point. What the hell were you thinking coming here?
“What the hell were you thinking coming here?”, Jaehyun speaks your thoughts out loud, and you wince at how empty your head is with excuses.
“Are you ignoring me?”
“What?”, he asks dumbly, hoping you would avoid asking again.
“Was it that hard to text me back? Am I such a waste of your time?”
Jaehyun seems angry at your confrontation, his bad mood escalating with every word that is leaving your mouth. He still avoids to look at you, toying with some plushies and decorations next to his bedpost. You realize you never had time to really notice them, barely recognizing them. You always entered the room blindly, pressed up against Jaehyun’s body and with his lips all over your neck, then left as soon as the sex was over. His apathy was infuriating.
One by one, you start to remove all of your outerwear, dropping your clothes on the floor until you’re left in only your bra and jeans. Jaehyun stares at you incredulously, then at the pile of clothes on the floor, unable to make out the reasoning behind your impromptu stripping.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting naked. Seems to be the only time you can actually pay attention to me.”
You reach for the buttons of your jeans, only able to unzip it halfway before Jaehyun has you pinned against the wall behind you, his fingers cool and pressing lightly against your neck.
“I-I fucking hate you!”, he cries, punching the surface to release some of the steam, and lets go of the hold on your neck almost completely. How tempted he is, to just fuck your right against that wall, pour out his anger by pouring out his cum inside you, then ignore each other like you always do.
It’s the easy thing to do, keeping the toxic circle going. All barking and fucking and no real problem gets resolved in the end. He wouldn’t even call a cab for you, preferring to be hated for something he wasn’t than to be rejected for showing the real him. You would still have no idea about his feelings towards you, going around saying how awful he was while asking for a round two. But Jaehyun was tired.
“Can’t you tell that I am trying to distance myself from you?”, he sighs and it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him sound so emotionally exhausted.
“Why do you dislike me so much? We used to be friends and then one day you-“
“Friends? Just friends?”, he interrupts you with a chuckle and a sarcastic puff through his nose, and you shake your head.
“If you also think that what we had was more special than a common friendship then why act like you don’t know me?”
“You were the one who wanted to ‘forget about anything happening and never telling a soul about it’, remember?”
“I thought we came to a mutual agreement! I was just trying to save our careers and it worked Jaehyun, you got to debut and I-“
“And you just threw away everything we had like it was the easiest thing to do! Do you ever want to know how I feel, y/n? First you want nothing to do with me, left the company without even saying goodbye. Then I try to forget about you, become an asshole to keep you out of my life and suddenly you want to jump my bones. One day you just play blind to everything, asking for professionalism and now I’m the one ignoring you? What the fuck do you want? A fuck buddy? A professional? A friend?”
“I want you, Yoonoh. Fuck, I just want you”
You’re not sure which one of you initiates the kiss. His lips are as plump and kissed as hard as you recalled, a couple of tears staining your cheeks that you didn’t realize you were holding back. It felt so right, the way his head pushed and pulled away from yours, always inviting you back to him. One hand was situated over the dimples of your waist, the other lost between your hair, untangling it gently. You decided to lay yours over his heart, feeling its tempo and calming yourself down.
You kiss for what seems like an eternity, so drunk in bliss that you can’t remember how you made it through life without Jaehyun’s taste all over your tongue. When he pulls away from your lips, you almost whine, but his fingertips dabbing at the soft skin of your cheeks feel just as comforting.
“I don’t want us to be like this anymore”, you whisper to him and he nods encouragingly, holding you even closer. “I’m sorry for not reaching out to you all these years ago, I just thought ‘What would a brand new idol want to do with a failed trainee like me’-“
Jaehyun brings your fingers to his lips, kissing all your knuckles one by one and you think you’re gonna burst at the seams. “You weren’t a failure, you were the best thing to happen to me back then”. His voice is so sincere that you don’t dare question the veracity of what he’s saying and you let him continue. “When I saw you again I was so bitter, I decided to turn off my feelings. I think I get too comfortable in that role. I put it on for me, my members, my fans even”, he stops then, laughing sadly, “it’s how I finally got you”
It was your turn to open up his eyes to the truth, holding his face between your hands and admiring its beauty. 
“That’s not true. I kept staying because I knew what was hidden behind all that armor. I guess, the sex was the only way to get closer to you”
“Not because I’m good?”, he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows and you can feel his dimples forming under your fingers.
“Eh, you’re pretty good too”
He starts pecking your neck, his smile obvious in his kisses and you squeal when he lifts you to his bed. Bouncing on the hard mattress, you let him lay his body weight over yours as he gives you a million traces of his love. 
“So, I’m guessing this means we start over?”, he asks reluctantly as he emerges from your half naked body and you hold back from cooing at him.
“I thought you loved to hate me?”
“I think I hate it, but I love you”
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