#nausea vomiting poor sleep etc....
1d1195 · 2 months
Right Here Extra I
You can read the original story here: Right Here
This is just going to be a collection of little moments between them based on this ask from a sweet anon 💕 Hope you like it
~2.2k words
Warnings: vomiting, sick, nausea, etc. Otherwise it's going to be fluff, fluff, fluff.
“Cause you’re perfect, lovie.”
“I’m far from perfect.”
“Perfect for me,” he shrugged so casually. As if he said it to anyone that was worried about their self-worth.
As if he hadn’t just thawed the last bit of ice that was in her body.
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It was her annual physical. She was sure. The cacophony of sniffles that were in the doctor’s waiting room made her feel sick before any of the germs had a moment to really incubate in her system. She wished she had a mask in her purse, or they had offered/mandated it in the waiting room.
Because now she was laying in front of her toilet. A towel that was balled into a pillow and the cold tile her only relief from the flu symptoms that plagued her. She wasn’t sure she called out from work. She thought she did, but if she managed to actually call her boss in between vomiting she would have been genuinely surprised. But she hadn’t had the strength to lift herself off the floor in hours. Only long enough to heave into the toilet before falling back asleep.
It pained her to say it, because she would have died if Harry was to see her this way, but she longed for him. The way he would take care of her, the way he would dote on her. She could imagine his voice so clearly it was like he was actually rubbing her back soothingly.
“S’okay, lovie,” he whispered in her ear. “M’here. M’right here,” the figment of her imagination felt so real, his fingers cool on her clammy, damp skin. “Poor baby,” he murmured. She moaned softly, her stomach clenching and cramping even though there was long since anything to expel from her stomach.
The figment was nice. Like an imaginary oasis that she saw on TV shows when she was little. It let her drift to sleep.
After she managed to throw up again.
The tile was warm and soft now. The air smelled of eucalyptus and menthol. She groaned quietly. The pain in her stomach had stopped completely. In fact, she swore she was feeling hungry. Carefully she got out of bed taking slow steps because she felt weak and exhausted. There was no concept of time that she had spent while asleep.
She opened the fridge to get her water pitcher. “Kitten?” Harry’s voice asked, startling her so badly she dropped the pitched cracking and spilling it on the floor.
“Harry!” Her socks started to get wet. He grabbed her by the waist as gently as he could, mindful she wasn’t feeling well and didn't want to upset her stomach anymore than it already was. He lifted her as if she weighed as much as penny and settled her gently on the counter. “What are you doing here?” She grumbled feeling self-conscious. Her hair was off her face, pulled into a twist to the side of her head.
“Y’didn’t come t’work,” he bent to the floor with paper towels cleaning up the water.
“I have the flu or a stomach bug.”
“I know."
Her head was still pretty achy—maybe the hunger was doing her in but regardless Harry’s laissez-faire attitude about him being there was not helping. “What do you mean ‘you know’?”
“Y’didn’t come t’work,” he repeated. “I called you ‘bout ten times t’make sure you were okay,” he explained. “I was so worried, lovie. Then I saw y’on the floor—”
Her stomach rolled again—this time with uneasiness and embarrassment. “No you didn’t,” she whispered and covered her face. Harry didn’t understand her reaction. He tossed the paper towels in the trash and put the broken pitcher in the sink.
“S’matter, beautiful?”
“You saw me?” She croaked.
“Oh my God,” she groaned.
“Lovie, y’had me worried half t’death,” he repeated. “Why are you—”
“I am so disgusting and I can’t imagine—”
“Oh, for God’s sake,” he rolled his eyes and put his hands on her thighs. “Y’were sick. Nonetheless y’were still beautiful. Even sprawled on the bathroom floor...not that it even matters, lovie... I wish y’called me. I would have been over sooner,” he frowned.
Part of her believed him. That figment wasn’t her imagination after all. Harry really did come and take care of her and dote on her. Even though she didn’t call him, he still showed up. Her heart felt all kinds of confused because she was so embarrassed. Her hair was a wreck, and she was almost certain she smelled faintly of vomit. It was not a good day. “I thought I dreamt that you were here,” she mumbled.
“Yeah? S’that a good thing?” His smile had a smug quality to it. Like he was glad she missed him even if he was a bit distraught with worry over her.
She nodded. “I think I look terrible, but... I... I wanted you to take care of me,” she admitted. “That’s really hard for me to say out loud,” she added. But she didn’t need to. Harry already knew that.
“I know,” he assured her and cupped her face. His hand felt cool compared to her still damp skin. “Y’don’t look terrible. Y’look so much better than y’did when I found y’on the floor. Scared me half t’death,” he repeated, skimming the back of his hand along her face. He pouted ever so slightly. “Wish y’texted me, lovie. I was worried something happened t’you.”
“I didn’t want you to get sick,” she frowned. “You’re probably going to now,” she reminded him.
“No... I went to the company flu shot clinic like a good employee,” he joked.
She rolled her eyes. “Some of us had a budget meeting that paid for you to get that flu shot.”
“You’re mean when you’re sick,” he chuckled. Sighing, she pressed her face to the front of his shoulder.
“I smell like throw up, don’t I?” She mumbled.
He nodded against her. “S’okay. S’important part of the relationship.”
“To smell like throw up around you and look like I laid on the bathroom floor for a day?”
“In sickness and in health, lovie,” he shrugged. Her heart skipped a beat. Did he know how intense that sounded? Did he care that he was giving her a slight arrhythmia? That was a vow for people who got married and lived the rest of their lives together. They’d only been together a handful of months. He couldn’t possibly love her that much already. “Go shower, m’gonna make y’some soup.”
He paid no mind to her silent, internal spinning. She felt overwhelmed with love for him. It made her stomach ache all over again. A flutter that made her wonder if she had a stomach bug at all or if it was just the feeling of love for Harry with no place else to go.
As soon as she felt well enough to stand on her own for longer than ten minutes, she was going to kiss Harry until he couldn’t breathe and make him feel like he had the flu.
Harry thought if it was any colder her toes were going to fall off. The fireplace was on the maximum, full heat. He wondered why on earth she decided to walk to his apartment. “It was a ten-minute walk, Harry,” she rolled her eyes.
“I would have come get you, lovie,” he grumbled. Her stubbornness would never cease to amaze him. Her tenacity was one of his most favorite qualities she possessed. But the softness she allowed—like when he cared for her while she wasn’t feeling well—or right now, when her body was warming under the blankets, was when he swore he knew everything about her. Everything. It didn’t matter than she kept things from him. Little things or big. In the soft moments he knew her. When her guard went down he knew every inch of her. Every fiber of her.
He adored her.
“That would have been unnecessary.”
“It’s freezing outside, lovie. Y’could’ve gotten frostbite.”
She shrugged. “I didn’t want my car to get stuck here. This made more sense.”
Harry frowned and came out to her in the living room. Leaving the cookies on the sheet on top of the pre-heating oven. “Y’don’t want t’be stuck here?” He sat beside her freezing figure even though she was snuggled under three blankets. Harry made sure her face didn’t get accidentally covered and that she had movement of her arms as well.
“No, I want to be stuck here. I don’t want my car to be stuck here.”
His frown morphed into a grin. He tucked his face into the curve of her neck and shoulder. Feeling for if she tensed because he pressed to close to her or not. “I hope we’re trapped for days,” he murmured.
She smiled and turned her face to his and stole a kiss swiftly and sweetly. As cold as her lips were, Harry thought there was nothing on earth as warm as her kisses. His whole body reacted to the gesture. Part of him thought he was frostbitten—the way his fingers and toes tingled. All she did was brush her lips on his and it felt like heaven. Better than heaven.
“I love you,” she whispered. He stopped, pulled away and looked at her for several seconds. Harry willed his mouth to move but he couldn’t. The shock was so great. The feeling and excitement so immense he was speechless. “Oh,” she pulled her arms from the blankets. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t what I was—” she cleared her throat, completely embarrassed. Of course he didn’t love her. She was insane. She hated him for the better part of two decades. Why would that suddenly be fixed with a proclamation of love? “Please...just forget I said that,” she stood and paced away from him nerves plaguing her and now being trapped here seemed like a horrific idea.
“Whoa, lovie...stop,” he finally stood up and grabbed her hand. She refused to look at him. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips. “S’jus’... y’caught me off guard,” he admitted with a shy smile.
“Well, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it.”
He frowned. “Why’s that?”
“You obviously realized that me hating you for twenty years was not what you wanted in a relationship,” she looked at her fingers. “A claustrophobic baby is not what you want in a girlfriend and you definitely—”
“You didn’t hate me,” he smiled mischievously. Like it was a secret that only he knew. Maybe he did. Because there was no way she hated him all that time if she was suddenly in love with him now. Right?
“I guess not, but you obviously don’t feel the same way,” she refused to make eye contact with him and which made Harry unbelievably happy despite the fact she was so uneasy. As much as he hated to make her uncomfortable, something like this: an innocently mocking moment and still very sweet was one of his favorite past times. Like all the whispers he created at work.
“Kitten,” he chuckled. “I can’t believe y’said it before me,” his smile was so sweet. The kind of smile that made her chest hurt. The one that made her fall so hard for him—especially while they were away on business together. “I love you to pieces, beautiful,” he promised. “I jus’ never thought y’would say it before me,” he cupped her cheek and kissed her softly on the lips. All of her muscles relaxed, making Harry smile. “Y’thought I didn’t love you?”
“I don’t know why you would,” she murmured.
Her body was still chilled from the wintry air and he wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and make her warm in front of the fire in the most primal way. But she felt so perfect in his arms. It was indescribable. He didn’t want to move. He considered quitting his job and quitting her job on her behalf just so he never had to leave that spot.
She loved him. She said she loved him. “Cause you’re perfect, lovie.”
“I’m far from perfect.”
“Perfect for me,” he shrugged so casually. As if he said it to anyone that was worried about their self-worth.
As if he hadn’t just thawed the last bit of ice that was in her body.
Harry always sensed that she held back just the tiniest bit since they started dating, officially. It was the reason she was so obstinate with him. Never letting him fluster her at work in front of their colleagues, why she refused to move in (although he supposed asking her to move in on the first day of their real relationship was too much), and how there was always the littlest moment of hesitation whenever he complimented her—like she didn’t fully believe it.
All of that melted as much as the iciness of the outside air melted from her in his apartment. He watched the hesitation disappear in her eyes and he swore her body released the tension she had wound around her. Over twenty years of tension finally released from her muscles. Harry was surprised she didn’t collapse. “You really love me?” She whispered.
He nodded. “Course, lovie,” he smiled and kissed her forehead, melting her further. "Always have."
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl
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slayingfiction · 1 year
Writing Body Pain: Headaches
There are two types of headaches: primary and secondary. 
Primary headaches have no underlying cause. You may be able to figure out what is making it happen or get worse, but there’s no definitive answer as to why it’s happening, or why now. Meaning, it is the main medical issue. While there are hundreds of different types of headaches, here are the most common:
Tension headache: usually felt as a band around your head. Or can follow typical muscles trigger point patterns (as discussed in previous post). Often felt as a dull aching pain and is often accompanied by muscle soreness or stiffness.
Cluster headache: This type can also be a sole condition itself. Pain typically felt on or around the eye, usually only one side at a time and can be characterized not only by pain pattern, but also their occurence pattern. Additional symptoms can include tears, leaking nose/ congestion, face swelling, or redness and heat. Part of the most painful conditions known in medicine.
Hypnic headache: a full or throbbing pain during the night when sleeping. It often happens at the same time and can cause sensitivity to light and sounds or nausea.
TMJ: pain felt in jaw and/ or temples as dull and aching. These are sometimes caused by teeth grinding.
Hypertension: caused by a sudden rise in blood pressure and is typically felt at the back of your head. You should usually seek medical attention if you are experiencing one of these.
Sinus: caused by infection or congestion. Makes an X or ‘butterfly pattern’ around the bridge of your nose.
Migraine headache: Migraines are neurological conditions and are typically felt only on one side of the face and head. Can feel like a throbbing or pulsing sensation, and may be accompanied by headaches, irritation, extra sensitivity to sound or light, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea. Some migraines can be felt without head pain at all. Part of the most painful conditions known in medicine.
Some migraines present with auras. It’s not often, but not uncommon either. Auras are light based disturbances like seeing flashing lights or wavy lines. These can cause problems speaking, numbness and tingling or motor problem like weakness in arms and legs.
Possible causes: hormones, dehydration, muscle tension, infections, alcohol, some foods high in nitrates, nicotine, lack or poor sleep, poor posture, skipped meals, constant coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose, or crying and laughing, etc.
Secondary headaches are a symptom of an illness or condition.
Aneurism / Brain tumour / Meningitis / Injury 
These are all possible causes for secondary headaches. Often the symptoms include the following:
Pain came on without warning
Pain pattern is different than you’ve ever experienced
Worse headache pain you’ve ever felt in you life
Headache causes fainting or seizures
You feel very weak on one side of your body or have trouble walking
If you become dizzy, confused, feel numbness, or have trouble speaking or seeing
Any of these symptoms are medical emergencies and the person should be brought to a ER or call an ambulance. Use discretion when it comes to thinking if they should go to the hospital or not, but if it really is severe or worrisome, it’s best to be safe.
This is just an intro to headaches as body pain for writing purposes. If there is additional information you would like me to add, or see that someone is not true, please let me know and I will edit right away.
Follow so you don’t miss my next post on questions to ask your alpha/beta readers!
Happy Writing!
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tridentchiro · 10 months
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One of the primary ways we help treat fatigue is through our IV Hydration Therapy services.
IV Therapy allows us to feed your body with high volumes of key nutrients that your body needs to heal and restore muscles and tissues. With IV Therapy, we can bypass the guy and get more nutrients to directly to your body.
Our IV drips are specially designed to help give your body the boost it needs to feel great again.
Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:
fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
poor stress response and mood regulation
cognitive issues or “brain fog”
increased energy levels in the evenings 
cravings for salty and sweet foods 
unexplained body aches
overuse of caffeine and other stimulants 
a compromised immune system
low blood pressure
loss of body hair
Less common symptoms are could include:
frequent urination
loss of muscle tone
poor circulation
weight gain 
decreased libido
There are four primary triggers for HPA-D:
Perceived stress: Emotional and psychological stress.
Glycemic dysregulation: High and low blood sugar, or alternating between the two.
Circadian disruption: Sleep deprivation, too much light exposure at night, not enough exposure to daylight, shift work, and frequent travel between time zones.
Inflammatory signaling: Inflammation caused by poor diet, physical inactivity or overtraining, gut dysfunction (SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections, leaky gut, etc.), autoimmune disease, and many other modern sources of inflammation.
Some important things to note about adrenal fatigue:
Adrenal fatigue is not recognized the medical literature. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a myth. In our experiences, adrenal fatigue is definitely a real thing. Here’s data to back that up: Fatigue makes up more than 20% of all guest contacts in primary care or 18 million visits in the US. 75-90% of primary care visits have been reported to be stress related. Conventional medicine is often at a loss of how to care for these guests.
While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is not accepted by most doctors, adrenal insufficiency is a real medical condition that occurs when our adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is caused by damage to the adrenal glands or a problem with the pituitary gland—a pea-sized gland in the brain that tells the adrenals to produce cortisol.
A person with adrenal insufficiency may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight. He or she may feel weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure. Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, and can be treated with medications that replace the hormones the adrenals would normally make.
When your hormones are balanced correctly, you can see great benefits to your overall wellbeing:
More energy – less feelings of being tired all the time
Easier to get up the morning
Feeling more rested after sleeping
Less cravings of sugar
Less reliance on stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
Increased sex drive
Healthier thyroid
And more
Our chiropractor team here at Trident Health and Chiropractic is well equipped to help you identify if you’re experiencing Adrenal Fatigue and ready to help build a customized care plan to stabilize and balance your hormones again. Book your appointment today to speak with our doctors and how we can get you to optimal health.
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hudsonspinalchiro · 1 year
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Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:
fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
poor stress response and mood regulation
cognitive issues or “brain fog”
increased energy levels in the evenings 
cravings for salty and sweet foods 
unexplained body aches
overuse of caffeine and other stimulants 
a compromised immune system
low blood pressure
loss of body hair
Less common symptoms are could include:
frequent urination
loss of muscle tone
poor circulation
weight gain 
decreased libido
There are four primary triggers for HPA-D:
Perceived stress: Emotional and psychological stress.
Glycemic dysregulation: High and low blood sugar, or alternating between the two.
Circadian disruption: Sleep deprivation, too much light exposure at night, not enough exposure to daylight, shift work, and frequent travel between time zones.
Inflammatory signaling: Inflammation caused by poor diet, physical inactivity or overtraining, gut dysfunction (SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections, leaky gut, etc.), autoimmune disease, and many other modern sources of inflammation.
Some important things to note about adrenal fatigue:
Adrenal fatigue is not recognized the medical literature. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a myth. In our experiences, adrenal fatigue is definitely a real thing. Here’s data to back that up: Fatigue makes up more than 20% of all guest contacts in primary care or 18 million visits in the US. 75-90% of primary care visits have been reported to be stress related. Conventional medicine is often at a loss of how to care for these guests.
While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is not accepted by most doctors, adrenal insufficiency is a real medical condition that occurs when our adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is caused by damage to the adrenal glands or a problem with the pituitary gland—a pea-sized gland in the brain that tells the adrenals to produce cortisol.
A person with adrenal insufficiency may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight. He or she may feel weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure. Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, and can be treated with medications that replace the hormones the adrenals would normally make.
When your hormones are balanced correctly, you can see great benefits to your overall wellbeing:
More energy – less feelings of being tired all the time
Easier to get up the morning
Feeling more rested after sleeping
Less cravings of sugar
Less reliance on stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
Increased sex drive
Healthier thyroid
And more
Our chiropractic team here at Hudson Spinal Health & Wellness is well equipped to help you identify if you’re experiencing Adrenal Fatigue and ready to help build a customized care plan to stabilize and balance your hormones again. Book your appointment today to speak with our doctors and how we can get you to optimal health.
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livercaretreatment · 1 year
Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease
Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease
The liver is an important organ in the body that helps to filter toxins from the blood. When it becomes damaged or diseased, a number of signs and symptoms can occur. In this article, we will explore some of the common signs and symptoms associated with liver disease.
Common Signs & Symptoms:
Jaundice: This is when your skin and eyes start to take on a yellowish hue due to high levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream. It can also cause dark urine, light stools, itching all over the body, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain/swelling etc.
Abnormal Blood Tests: If you have any abnormal results on your blood tests (such as elevated ALT or AST) then this could be indicative of liver damage or disease.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Sudden weight loss without trying may be caused by poor appetite which is often seen in those suffering from liver diseases such as cirrhosis or hepatitis C.
Fatigue & Weakness: Those who suffer from chronic liver conditions may experience extreme tiredness even after restful sleep due to their bodies not being able to process nutrients properly anymore leading them feeling weak and fatigued throughout the day.
Nausea & Vomiting : People with advanced stages of liver failure may experience frequent bouts of nausea accompanied by vomiting which can lead to dehydration if left untreated for too long .
Conclusion Liver disease can range from mild cases where there are no noticeable symptoms at first but eventually progress into more severe forms requiring medical attention if left unchecked for too long . By understanding what some common signs and symptoms are , one can better identify potential problems early on before they become worse so that proper treatment measures can be taken quickly .
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Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are thought to include:
fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day
poor stress response and mood regulation
cognitive issues or “brain fog”
increased energy levels in the evenings 
cravings for salty and sweet foods 
unexplained body aches
overuse of caffeine and other stimulants 
a compromised immune system
low blood pressure
loss of body hair
Less common symptoms are could include:
frequent urination
loss of muscle tone
poor circulation
weight gain 
decreased libido
What causes Adrenal Fatigue?
There are four primary triggers for HPA-D:
Perceived stress: Emotional and psychological stress.
Glycemic dysregulation: High and low blood sugar, or alternating between the two.
Circadian disruption: Sleep deprivation, too much light exposure at night, not enough exposure to daylight, shift work, and frequent travel between time zones.
Inflammatory signaling: Inflammation caused by poor diet, physical inactivity or overtraining, gut dysfunction (SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections, leaky gut, etc.), autoimmune disease, and many other modern sources of inflammation.
Some important things to note about adrenal fatigue:
Adrenal fatigue is not recognized the medical literature. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a myth. In our experiences, adrenal fatigue is definitely a real thing. Here’s data to back that up: Fatigue makes up more than 20% of all guest contacts in primary care or 18 million visits in the US. 75-90% of primary care visits have been reported to be stress related. Conventional medicine is often at a loss of how to care for these guests.
What’s the difference between Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency?
While the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is not accepted by most doctors, adrenal insufficiency is a real medical condition that occurs when our adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is caused by damage to the adrenal glands or a problem with the pituitary gland—a pea-sized gland in the brain that tells the adrenals to produce cortisol.
A person with adrenal insufficiency may be dehydrated, confused, or losing weight. He or she may feel weak, tired, or dizzy, and have low blood pressure. Other symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, and can be treated with medications that replace the hormones the adrenals would normally make.
Benefits of Adrenal Fatigue Treatment in Fort Worth
When your hormones are balanced correctly, you can see great benefits to your overall wellbeing:
More energy – less feelings of being tired all the time
Easier to get up the morning
Feeling more rested after sleeping
Less cravings of sugar
Less reliance on stimulants like coffee or energy drinks
Increased sex drive
Healthier thyroid
And more
Getting Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue in Fort Worth
Our team here at Cityview Chiropractic is well equipped to help you identify if you’re experiencing Adrenal Fatigue and ready to help build a customized care plan to stabilize and balance your hormones again. Book your appointment today to speak with our doctors and how we can get you to optimal health.
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idigitizellp21 · 2 years
Tips To Reduce Exam Stress
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It is very normal to experience some pressure or even some kind of tummy jitters i.e. anxiety while an exam is around the corner. It is this sudden awareness boost that aids students in functioning and performing well in a class test. It can also be a result of fear and pressure. This kind of pressure not only builds students to get ready for more pressure situations in the future but also helps them perform even better in personal life tasks.
At Harshad Valia International School, we encourage both parents and teachers to be learned about the symptoms of heavy stress in children and how to help them cope with it. Additionally, we also believe in minimizing stress by adopting outdoor and enjoyable educational methods.
What to look for in a Student who is Stressed?
As we all know that each individual has a different experience with stress. Some binge eat, some sleep over it or some even remove it others. With this said, it has become essential to recognise an individual or a kid who is going through stress. Look out for these signs.
Physical Health Issues: Children who are experiencing a lot of stress about an upcoming exam often invite some health complications which are dangerous. Physical health downfall like vomiting or nausea, lack of appetite, lack of sleep or excessive fatigue, etc is observed in children who are stressed. Moody Nature: A child who is overly stressed about an upcoming exam may suddenly be volatile or irritable in his/her nature. This may also result in a lack of interest in some activities or hobbies which they loved weeks back. Academic Downfall: In many cases, it has been observed that stressed child loses confidence in themself resulting in performing poorly in academics from potential, children who experience anxiety about exams do not perform as well on them. A child who is typically a high achiever may be too stressed if they consistently underperform on their exams.
Additionally, Some signs you can watch out for are
a. Feeling confused and mentally cluttered b. Losing touch with friends and detaching from close family c. Feeling moody or lack of emotional management d. Making decisions seems to be a challenge e. Lack of motivation to do anything f. Trouble sleeping or getting out of bed g. Tense muscles with regular headaches h. Having an upset stomach or feeling sick regularly i. Fidgeting, nail-biting, teeth grinding
Here are some worthy Tips to Avoid Exam Stress:
To handle exam stress for a child effectively, parents need to partner with educators and children. Here is how they can help.
a. Help children create a learning technique that works best for them keeping in mind their favourable learning style. Assist your kid with becoming organised which will enable them to plan their studies well in advance. b. While teaching a child you initially ask questions that a child can answer. This not only boosts confidence but also gives them hope to learn more. Additionally, it slowly warms them or gears them up for more challenging questions. c. The surroundings in which a child learns are critically important. A calm, pleasant and supportive environment will aid them to grasp concepts quickly. d. As a parent do not make them workaholics. A break is needed for them too. Encourage them to take mini breaks in between chapters or revision time. This is also an opportunity for parents and teachers to connect and spend quality time with them as they rest their bodies and minds. e. Encourage them to be physically active alongside books. An exercise regime during exam time can help minimize stress hormones.
Lastly, a parent should never succumb to competitive pressure during examinations. We often think of comparing our child’s efforts to another. This can do more harm than good. This will only exaggerate the problem and will increase the likelihood of poor performance in the examination.
Managing the exam day efficiently
a. Work out what you need to take with you on exam day and organize it a day prior. b. Eat a healthy and light breakfast: this will help with energy and concentration. c. Visit the restroom before the exam starts. d. If you feel yourself getting worried before your exam – Sit in a quiet place and breadth. e. When you sit down to do your exam, take time to slow your breathing and relax. f. Read through the exam paper twice. Underline keywords and instructions so that they cannot be missed out. g. Keep a watch handy to estimate how much time you can give to each question or section. h. Always finish 15mins early. This allows you time to re-look, and re-read your answer sheet for any small changes or errors. i. We advise you to always attempt sections that you’re confident of. Leave the challenging Work for the latter half of the paper time.
Summing up:
You have to understand that if you’re a student and are feeling stressed about an upcoming examination, you’re not alone. Each and every student entering the examination hall is stressed, the difference is some look calm and some look annoyed. The difference here is how are able to handle this kind of stress and some just can’t.
It’s a matter of practice and support which won’t happen overnight. Try to follow these tips for every small test or exam so that your well prepared for the big ones.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
13, 12, 16, 8
Hoseok said at dinner his stomach had begun to bother him, but members believe he will be fine in the morning.
But his stomach is so audible, so active, bothered, and unwell he goes to sleep to the couch, he is nauseous all night so he couldn't sleep at all. Yoongi founds him in the middle of the night almost is morning, the poor boy had his arms on the stomach pressing hard. He is so in pain, he can't even talk that much.
Hoseok at the end didn't vomit or have diarrhea,but still his belly ended up bloated and painful all day long. Yoongi stays to care for him.
Thanks so much for requesting! I've been doing a lot of sope lately ( reading and writing =] )
13. “You slept here? That's rough...”
12. You didn't sleep a wink, huh?”
16. ”Can you talk?”
8. “How's the stomach?”
Sickie: Hosoek
Caretaker: Yoongi
Tw: fluffy, mentions of Nausea, scat, etc.
They were all called to the table. Jin Jungkook and yoongi had been cooking in the kitchen all afternoon. It was Friday, and they were celebrating a long week of hard work and progress toward their schedule. Yoongi and Jin decided that they would have a portion of everyone's favorite dinner. Which meant there was a lot of food and lots of different options. There were even things that didn't traditionally go together as side dishes. There was lots of kimchi. each member had lots of white rice plenty for each member. There was Samgyeopsal, bulgogi, and lots of other plates filled with meats and vegetables.
Taehyung pulled out plates and bowls from the cabnet. He placed them in each spot in which the members sat. Namjoon Sat in the place he always sits, placing the book he had with him down on the table. Hoseok sat beside him. Yoongi carrying a plate of steaming food placed it on the table and sat beside hoseok. JUngkook and Jin did the same. Jimin coming on last slowly walked to the table yawning and stretching as he walked. "Did you have a good nap?" namjoon asked Jimin adjusting his glasses as he smiled. Hobi giggled at namjoons teasing. Hoseok felt a sharp pain in his stomach and held on to it. He stopped smiling abruptly.
Yoongi who was sitting beside hoseok saw this but kept quiet. Yoongi took a spoon and served up a helping to each member's plate. Everyone passes around food and places it on plates. Hoseok still does not want to move because of his aching stomach. It had been hurting and he thought it is a good time to mention it so held got some help or advice from his hyungs. A part from the food that had already been placed on the plate he hadn't reached for any food. He wasn't sure he could stomach much at the moment.
Yoongi looks over to hoseok's almost empty plate and says," Hey hobi, why aren't you grabbing anything? he got your favorites'" yoongi pulls one of hoseok favorite dishes closer to hoseok could take some. Hoseok doesn't move. "I'm not really that hungry, My-my stomachs been bothering me all day today," Hoseok says sounding a bit down. " Have you eaten? Jin says, overhearing the conversation. Yoongi butts in." You should put something on your stomach, maybe that will help out. " Hoseok sighed. He took the large spoon from the dish yoongi passed and put food on his plate.
Hoseok took his chopsticks, picked up some food, and took a bite. His stomach swirled as he chewed the food. "maybe ..." namjoons voice coming from behind the book he was reading as he ate. "maybe it's just from the stress." Namjoon puts his book down and looks at hoseok. Hoseok looked at namjoon as he takes small bites off his food. " we've all had a long and hard week" Namjoon eats a spoon full of rice and then adds. " whatever it is I'm sure with a goods night's rest you'll be fine in the morning hobi."
The other members agreed and continued eating. Hoseok's stomach grew worse and worse and he forced more food into his stomach. after dinner the members dispersed. Jungkook, Jin and tae off to play video games, and Jimin and namjoon headed out. Yoongi went off to his room most likely for a nap. Hoseok not wanting to go back to his room decided to rest on the couch. He turned on his favorite show and tried to relax maybe even nap for a while. The entire time his stomach was audible and active. He'd shift around trying to find comfort. He did get comfortable even after shifting around. His stomach only felt worse as he played there on the couch.
He tried falling asleep but every time he did so nausea would swirl in his stomach and keep him awake. He wasn't sure if he need to go to the bathroom or not but when he tried to go nothing would happen. He tried sitting and waiting, and he tried hovering over it. Hoping maybe if he waited long enough it would activate something in his stomach. It didn't work each time he tried. He'd head back to the couch still in pain. unconsciously holding on tightly to his stomach. He didn'teven notices himself clawing into his stomach from the pain. He managed to fall back asleep for a while until he felt a shaking movement. He turned over trying to stay asleep. The shaking didn't stop. He opened his eyes, yoongi was standing over him with disheveled hair and squinted eyes.
"“You slept here? That's rough...” Yoongi says. Hoseok felt awful when he sat up. The pain traveled to his stomach and nausea hit him soon after. " You didn't sleep a wink, huh?” yoongi says giggling a bit. Hoseok didn't look too good he looked sick. The color drained from his face, and yoongi could tell the boy was sweating a lot. Hoseok was very groggy and in a lot of pain. He didn't speak the only shook his head to answer. hoseok was geting tired of the pain in his stomach building so he laid down. "can you talk? " yoongi asked. watching as the other laid down and closed his eyes, and held on to his stomach. Hoseok shook his head. and then took a deep breath. hoseok felt like he'd vomit if he spoke. So he didn't. He laid on the couch and clutched his aching middle.
Hoseoks stomach bubbles and he winced. His stomach was acting up again. Hoseok curls up on himself, pressing his hands into his stomach hard. Yoongi stops him in fear that he might hurt himself. Yoongi went to the kitchen, putting on some hot water to make tea for hobi. Once yoongi came back with tea he noticed that hobi was looking worse than before and looking a bit green around the gills. Yoongi hosed the boy up. hobi winched again the movement disturbing his stomach. Yoongi apologies for feeling bad that hobi is in so much pain. Yoongi guides the boy to the bathroom. They sat in there for hours. Hobi's stomach felt active and even loud enough for yoongi to hear but nothing came out.
He was nauseous enough to gag but nothing would come. Yoongi eventually helped the boy out of the bathroom and got him to rest on the couch. His stomach was extremely bloated now. The sun had risen and hoseok was back asleep. Cold tea sat on the table nearby. hoseok never got to it. Yoongi stayed by his side giving him medicine, water, and anything he needed. He still wasn't really talking much so he didn't ask for much. hoseok shifted in yoongi's arms the sun shining off soft hairs on hoseoks head. Yoongi and been gently rubbing hoseoks bloated stomach as he slept. Hosoek opened his
eyes. feeling warm and fussy in yoongi's arms. his stomach was still giving him a lot of trouble but it was much more manageable, plus, being with yoongi helped. Yoongi spoke his voice raspy from not speaking for a while. " how's your stomach?" he asked hobi whose eyes fluttered awake. " mhhh.. It's doing a bit better". Hosoek moaned .... Yoongi nestled the boy closer." good...."
This one is super short but I'm still trying to motivate myself back into writing. I hope you enjoy it and there will be more requests to come... thanks for requesting!
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The Butterfly Effect-Prologue 1.5 ~Katsuki Bakugo x fem!reader
Previous Parts: Prologue
Next parts: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Warning! ⚠️ Angst, Pregnancy, Lying, Jealousy, Vomit
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You groaned into the toilet bowl as you threw up the contents of your stomach.
You guessed morning sickness was something you were going to have to get used to. You got ready to throw up again when you heard a voice calling for you.
“Hello? Is everything okay in here?”
It was Ochaco, your best friend. You glanced down at your self. You were still wearing your clothes from last night. You didn’t have the energy to change out of them last night. Last night. The mere thought nauseated you. You threw up again while thinking about how you were going to explain yourself to her.
“Oh there you are,” she said as she peaked into the bathroom. She saw what was going on and moved to sit beside you to hold back your hair.
“Hey what’s wrong? I got worried because you weren’t answering my texts or my calls. So, I used the key you gave me to come check up on you,” she said in a worried tone.
You wiped bile from the side of your mouth with the back of your hand. You looked down sadly before telling her how Katsuki broke up with you last night.
“Oh Sweetie! That’s horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you,” she said while she hugged you.
You hugged back until you felt more bile rushing up in your throat. You quickly pushed her away. When you looked up from the toilet bowl, you saw Ochaco with a concerned expression on her face.
“Oh. Uh, last night after Katsuki.. you know.. I went to the bar down the street I guess I drank a little too much. I don’t even think I came home alone. God, what was I thinking?” Ochaco put her arm around you.
“Sweetie it wasn’t your fault,” she comforted you. You felt guilty, but you were relieved that she believed that lie you told. Lying wasn’t something you were all too familiar with. It sickened you. Even after he tossed you aside like trash, you were still protecting him.
Ochaco rubbed circles in your back before sending a quick text to who you assumed was Izuku and grabbing an empty trash can.
“Come on,” she said, “we’re going to have a lazy day together.”
She handed you the trash can and helped you to your feet. She lead you back to your bedroom and sat you on your bed. She grabbed a pair of comfy pajama pants and a large t-shirt. She left you to get dressed. You were a little paranoid that she would notice your stomach but you knew that it was still way too early to notice anything.
After you were dressed, you laid down on your left side to help with your nausea and Ochaco tucked you in. “I’m making us breakfast, eggs to help with your hangover,” she said with a smile before disappearing out of the room.
About ten minutes later, Ochaco returned with two plates of scrambled eggs and two glasses of water. She gave one of each to you and set hers down on your night stand. She then walked back out and came back in with your tv floating behind her. She plugged it in right in front of your bed and then climbed into the bed with you and her food. You both stayed there all day watching your favorite movies. You were thankful to have a best friend like Ochaco. You still felt bad for having to lie to her but you didn’t want to let your secret out just yet.
You decided to try to take your mind off of it by making some small talk with her. You started by asking her a few questions about the movies and what type of snack to get next. Eventually, the questions got bigger like how she was doing with Izuku and how was her hero work doing. Then you remembered why she came over in the first place and asked her about it. Ochaco became more nervous with each of the last three questions that you threw at her. But eventually she just came out with it.
“The reason I wanted to talk to you was because I kinda have to tell you something. But when I got over here, you told me what happened. Now, I’m not so sure it’s such a great idea,” she said while looking away so she wouldn’t meet your eyes. You laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Ochaco, you’re my best friend. You can tell me anything, always. No matter what’s going on in my life,” you told her, reassuring her. She was beating the bush and it was slightly irritating.
“Well, actually me and Izuku are doing really well, but I’m afraid that my hero work will have to be put on hold for a while,” she said while rubbing the back of her neck and hiding her face. You looked at her in confusion.
“Just tell me already!” You said exasperated. Ochaco sighed.
“I’m pregnant.”
Your mind went blank. Of all things, pregnancy was the last thing you would’ve expected from her and Izuku. But you quickly shook off your surprise in order to congratulate her. You pulled her in for a tight hug.
“Ochaco! This is great! I’m so happy for you!” Ochaco sighed in relief.
“I was nervous because I didn’t know how you’d react because of what happened to you. Heh heh,” she awkwardly chuckled. You looked at her.
“Ochaco you’re my bestfriend. You can always tell me anything. I don’t want to bring down your mood just because someone else decided to be a douchebag,” you said referring to Katsuki. She hugged you again.
“I’m so thankful to have you as my best friend,” Ochaco told you with a big smile on her face.
“I’m thankful for you too,” You told her as you returned her smile.
Over the next couple of months the two of you hung out even more. You guys basically lived together. Of course you eventually had tell her you were pregnant. You lied and said it had to be the nameless one night stand because you and Katsuki hadn’t done anything sexually in a long time, way before you broke up. But that didn’t really matter to Ochaco because she was just really excited to be pregnancy buddies with her best friend.
Poor Izuku had to deal with both of you being pregnant at the same time. Since you and Ochaco were together like all the time, he had to deal with double the mood swings, double the cravings, and etc. The worst part would be when you two would gang up on him. For instance, when Ochaco’s cravings would get really bad, Izuku would spew off some fact about not giving into the cravings and you both would just be done.
“Ochaco, you shouldn’t eat those chili peppers! You know how they give you heartburn!” Izuku worriedly chided. Ochaco rolled her eyes.
“Izuku, are you the one carrying that baby? No, I didn’t think so. You can’t tell her what she can and can’t eat,” you told him just as mad as Ochaco because Izuku started lecturing you about the things that you craved too.
“The baby gets what the baby wants,” Ochaco yelled while munching on raw chili peppers.
“You put this baby in me now suffer the consequences!” Izuku facepalmed.
Sometimes, this craving feud would get so bad that Izuku would hide all the things he deemed too dangerous for you two to eat. You and Ochaco would get so mad, that sometimes you both would lock your selves in the bedroom refusing to come out until he brought you two whatever strange concoctions you were craving. It was all fun and games until your water broke and you went into labor which of course put Ochaco under a lot of stress which then caused her to go into labor as well.
Over the next several hours you both had given birth to your newborns. You had given birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl named Miyoko. Ochaco had given birth to a handsome and healthy baby boy named Hiroyuki. Miyoko had inherited soft spikes of ash blonde hair and your eyes. Hiroyuki on the other hand had curly chocolate brown hair and big green eyes. You had brought Miyoko to visit Ochaco, Izuku and Hiroyuki after you were feeling a bit better.
“We make some pretty cute kids, huh Y/N?”
“Yeah. They’re beautiful aren’t they?”
You looked up from adoring your newborn’s features to see Ochaco nodding in response. You couldn’t help but envy her and Izuku’s relationship. The room felt a bit colder as Katsuki’s absence became more noticed. This wasn’t how you had mentally planned any of this at all. Your thoughts were interrupted by Miyoko making a small squeal-like noise in your arms.
“Y/N... are you sure that Miyoko isn’t Kacchan’s baby?” Izuku asked hesitantly. Your head snapped up from tending to your baby.
“Yes I’m sure,” you answered sharply. Izuku shrunk back.
“I’m sorry! It’s just that the hair is so similar..” he squeaked out.
“What can I say? I have a type,” you covered up as you looked back down to gently rock Miyoko back to sleep.
Ochaco put her hand on Izuku’s shoulder and gave him a soft look. You looked back up at them.
“I’m sorry Izuku. I guess even after everything, I’m still not over him completely,” you talk softly.
“No, I’m sorry. I should have been more considerate,” Izuku apologized.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. What does matter is that we have two very cute babies who are definitely going to be best friends just like their mamas,” you said to the other new parents in the room.
Despite the confidence in your voice, you knew this was only the beginning of a very long journey.
Miyoko- a beautiful child
Hiroyuki- a lot of happiness
Hey guys! I’m back with the next part of the series :) just a little insight on what is going on before we get into the real story ! Don’t be afraid to tell me what you think! If you would like to be added to the tag list, just let me know!
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gregglatz · 3 years
My permanent accessory
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Alcohol, my permanent accessory Alcohol, a party-time necessity Alcohol, alternative to feeling like yourself Oh alcohol, I still drink to your health [Chorus] I love you more Than I did the week before I discovered alcohol –– The Barenaked Ladies
Alcohol helps … until it doesn’t
Drinking problems are tricky. Most people with a drinking disorder (alcohol use disorder or AUD) do not fit the stereotype of a blackout drunk. They work, play, and live like everyone else. They are intelligent, conscientious, funny, and fun to be around, often unusually so. What sets them apart from people who don’t have AUD is that not drinking makes them feel terrible. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin just a few hours after the last drink and include anxiety, poor sleep/insomnia, headaches/migraines, nausea and vomiting, restlessness and agitation, rapid heartbeat, sweating, hallucinations, and tremors. Drinking alleviates the withdrawal symptoms and makes it easier to relax, be more comfortable around others, engage in intimacy, etc. So, from a short-term perspective it feels good to keep drinking. However, the cost of feeling good is dependence on a substance that will take its toll on a person’s physical and mental health and social and financial well being.
The cost of feeling good
In addition to the unpleasant short-term effects of alcohol withdrawal, the long-term consequences of AUD include liver damage/failure, atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrest, bone deterioration, cancer, diabetes, diseases related to vitamin B1 deficiency (including dementia), anxiety, depression, weight gain, job loss, financial insolvency, relationship failure, and increasing isolation from people who don’t join you in disordered drinking. If any of this sounds familiar, have an honest conversation with yourself and with a friend, therapist, or doctor about how much you’re drinking and (more importantly) why you’re drinking. AUD is not a moral failure, personal weakness, or problem you need to hide from others. It's a disorder. You need and deserve treatment and support.
How to stop drinking
AA can help. Need another approach? Check out ...
Allen Carr's EasyWay to quit drinking books, including The Easy Way for Women to Quit Drinking and The Illustrated Easy Way to Stop Drinking. Nikki Glaser (VIDEO) successfully used this approach.
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The Sinclair Method. Check out Roy Eskapa, The Cure for Alcoholism: The Medically Proven Way to Eliminate Alcohol Addiction. Claudia Christian (VIDEO) successfully used this approach.
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The Alcohol Experiment aka This Naked Mind. Developed by Annie Grace (VIDEO), This Naked Mind works by ending the conflict between your conscious desire to drink less, and your subconscious belief that alcohol is beneficial. At 35, Annie Grace was in a global C-level marketing role, responsible for 28 countries. Drinking close to two bottles of wine a night, her professional success came at a personal price she no longer wanted to pay. Grace preaches compassion, knowing its power over shame and blame is the best way to achieve lasting change.
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Please be careful
If you experience withdrawal symptoms (see above) when you don't drink, you have a physical dependence on alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe, and in some cases life-threatening, so unsupervised detox is dangerous. If you want to get past your physical dependence on alcohol, have an open and honest conversation with a qualified healthcare professional. Make sure you have the resources you need in place to detox safely.
AUD and in a relationship?
If you have AUD and you're in a relationship, be upfront with partners about your disorder. Do the same with family and friends that are important to you. Let them know if/how you're addressing your disorder. Let them know the impact your disorder will have on your relationship with them. Give them mental and emotional space to decide how and if they can cope with being in a relationship with someone with AUD. Build the supportive, judgement-free space you need by finding the people who accept you with AUD. Let go of the ones who don't. Do not feel shame, guilt, or anxiety if they can't accept your disorder. Do not make them feel shame, guilt, or anxiety if they can't accept your disorder. Some people will stick with you. Others, it’s better for you and them if they don’t.
Love/like someone with AUD?
If you love/like someone with AUD, start with a reality check. If the person you love/like is not addressing their AUD, they will either be intoxicated, hungover, in withdrawal, dealing with the mental and physical effects of long-term alcohol misuse, or experiencing several of these conditions simultaneously. You will play a secondary role to alcohol in that person’s life. Most/all activities you do with that person will involve drinking. If the drinking stops, the relationship will lose momentum. If you directly or indirectly make them feel their drinking is under scrutiny, the relationship will probably end, sometimes without warning or discussion.
A person with untreated AUD is mentally and physically dependent on alcohol. That dependency may cause the person to push away or run away from anyone (including you) they perceive as a threat to their drinking. This can create a codependency, where you become an enabler by ignoring their AUD in hopes of keeping the relationship intact, and the person with AUD deems you "safe" and intensifies the relationship with you. You may feel the rush of being needed/wanted by someone so much. However, insobriety does NOT provide a foundation for a healthy relationship, no matter how “intoxicating” the relationship feels. Things a person says or does under the influence may be regretted or not even remembered when that person is sober.
This may leave you feeling used and possibly abused. This is understandable, but if you develop a martyr complex, this is a clear sign you have a boundary problem. You have likely compromised your time and energy in hopes of an outcome that wasn't realistic, not discussed, and not agreed to. Put your concerns and expectations on the table. Have you even discussed concerns about alcohol use? Be prepared for the person with AUD to be in denial, or to feel you have completely misunderstood their reality. If you're convinced the problem is there, you may have to agree to disagree and part company. If you think you got it wrong, don't ignore further signs that say you got it right. If the person acknowledges AUD, do you expect the person to get sober ... immediately, eventually? Do you expect the person to be in recovery? Can you accept relapses? Can you accept how the person's withdrawal symptoms might negatively impact their behaviour towards you? Are you prepared to accept any disabilities or chronic illnesses that develop as a result of long-term AUD? Be honest with yourself. Be honest with the person with AUD. Be prepared to adjust your expectations to reflect what is reality for a person with AUD, rather than thinking that person can change reality to meet all your expectations. If you can’t live with adjusted expectations, leave the relationship. That is kinder than placing your unhelpful expectations on a person with AUD.
Another sign that you have a boundary problem is a Messiah complex: the erroneous belief that you can "fix" the person with AUD. You cannot cure them. You have no ability to make a person deal with their AUD. You have no right to make them feel shame, guilt, or anxiety for having AUD. Trying to be someone’s savior means you’re making their recovery about you, not them. This is not what a person with AUD needs.
Set healthy boundaries for yourself, respect the boundaries of the the person with AUD, and provide encouragement, a listening ear, and your presence when needed. Speak the truth in love. Be prepared to face the truth, even when it hurts. You may lose the person you love/like to alcohol, or not. Either way, the outcome is ultimately out of your hands and you need to be “okay” with this uncertainty if you stay in the relationship. (There are uncertainties in every relationship.)
If you struggle with setting boundaries, it might be helpful to explore treatment for Codependency or Dependent Personality Disorder.
Need support from others in your situation? Check out Al-Anon for help in maintaining your mental and emotional sobriety while in a relationship with someone with AUD.
Facts on Alcohol Use Disorder (Mayo Clinic).
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scripttorture · 4 years
I'm currently writing a character around the age of 13, who has been in solitary confinement since the age of 9, they were locked away by someone they saw as an older sibling figure (and were previously abused, physically and emotionally, between the ages of 5/6-9) by this person. They were taken out for “missions” (which involved having to hurt/kill people) by other people they considered their friends. They had previously existing mental health issues and were notably viewed as sadistic- (1-?)
by the people around them. Prior to being in the company of their abuser they were abused by their parents / people at a hospital they were sent to. During their time in confinement they had almost no contact with anyone for the first year (other than a guard sliding meals into their room), and then later contact every three months with one of their other abusers, then eventually contact to some of the people who took them out for missions. Otherwise they have had no contact with people (2/?)around their age, and have not had contact with anyone around their age since they were three. They had no way to see the outside world, and in their cell they only had very dim light. Later on they are severely traumatized by two people who torture them to use their fantasy-esque hallucination powers against a large amount of people. They hate this ability very much and really wish not to have it. I’m really sorry if this question makes you uncomfy or if it’s too long or specific,, (¾)but are there any tips you can give me for this character and their reactions to what they have been through? I really want to portray them in a more varied light even though they have both been through a lot of horrible things and done a lot of horrible things (hurting people willingly n such),,, I’m sorry if it comes off as insensitive as rude.
It’s not rude or too long or specific. And it takes quite a bit to make me uncomfortable. You are fine Anon. :)
 But this scenario isn’t realistic. I’m going to talk about what you’ve got wrong here, but try not to beat yourself up about it. I’m here because it’s difficult to find this information and a lot of people make these mistakes.
 First off if you’re using torture to ‘force’ a character to be violent then you’re buying into two very common apologist tropes: the idea that torture makes survivors obedient and the idea that it makes survivors violent/dangerous. These are not true. And they are used to justify barring real survivors from treatment and support.
 You can read about commonly used apologist tropes here.
 You’re massively underestimating the damage caused by solitary confinement, especially to children this young.
 For reference the ‘safe’ period of solitary confinement for adults is thought to be a week.
 You may want to have a look at the masterpost on solitary confinement, here.
 I’m not sure a child of nine would survive four years in solitary confinement. Some adults don’t and all the evidence we have suggests solitary is much more dangerous for children then adults.
 If they did survive they’d be even less use on violent missions then an ordinary child. Their physical and mental development would be severely impaired. They’d probably be able to talk but- they’d appear visibly mentally ill and would probably not be able to blend in around other people in any way.
 They’d be likely to have obvious, severe panic attacks and meltdowns when taken outside. They might not be able to walk down a normal street. They could also have pretty bad eye sight due to the dim lighting in their cell.
 Depending on how some of their symptoms manifest they could easily have problems related to starvation and sleep deprivation as well. At this sort of age that means a permanent drop in intellectual and physical ability/potential. It means an individual who is weaker, less intelligent, more prone to illness and has a slower reaction time. They also tend to have a shorter overall life.
 Insomnia is a common symptom of trauma generally. Depression, which is another common symptom, can cause nausea and sometimes vomiting. Over a long period of time that can mean a character isn’t eating enough and over this age range that is especially dangerous.
 You can find the masterpost on sleep deprivation here. And the masterpost on starvation here.
 This is without factoring in the other abuse this character is suffering throughout their childhood.
 Solitary confinement makes all tested mental health problems worse (and oh boy we have tested a lot of them thanks to the American prison system).
 The kind of familial abuse you’re describing makes it likely that the character would already have several severe mental health conditions before being put in solitary confinement.
 Keep in mind that the data set for children is almost entirely older then the character you’re writing (majority 15-18, I am aware of one 12 year old in the data sets I’ve seen). The trend suggests the effect is worse the younger the child. So I may be underestimating the damage.
 Honestly? Factoring all of it in I’m not sure a child this young would survive six months. Solitary confinement is dangerous and it’s especially dangerous for children.
 These are common mistakes. I run this blog because I know it’s really easy for authors to make these mistakes. Especially with ‘clean’ tortures like solitary confinement.
 So let’s move on from what’s wrong to ways you can try and fix it.
 Get rid of any suggestion that torture or abuse ‘made’ this character dangerous or bad.
 If you want the character to comply with their abusers think about why they might choose to do that, rather then assuming they will be forced to by pain. Provide a clear reason for compliance.
 Take a look at this ask which talks about slavery and compliance to get an idea of why a character might choose to comply and how they might resist.
 I think you need to massively scale back the abuse this character suffers. I think you’d be better off removing the physical abuse, neglect/poor living conditions and reducing solitary confinement to a maximum of a month.
 If you want to you could split the incidences of solitary confinement up. So for instance the character might be confined for a week at a stretch, but this might happen every two or three months. In an adult I don’t think this would necessarily cause permanent damage (although it would cause pain and distress). However since solitary has a bigger effect on children I think this would probably have a lasting effect on a young child.
 That’s if you’re sure you want to use solitary confinement. I think you need to decide whether solitary confinement or these successful violent missions are more important to the story. I don’t think you can have both unless you’re prepared to age the character up by about a decade. (Even then I would consider it extremely unlikely: trauma survivors do not make good soldiers).
 I can not tell you what the most important aspect of this story is. That decision is yours.
 But I don’t think solitary confinement in a child this young is compatible with learning or success in anything but the most basic tasks (ie menial labour, breaking rocks, making bricks etc). The sheer scale of health problems, mental and physical, would get in the way.
 Having the character fail, or be unable to do something, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. From what you’ve said I get the impression that what this character actually does isn’t necessarily the focus so much as what they feel they’re to blame for. And what other people blame them for.
 So if the character is sent ‘on missions’ which they can’t successfully complete, that would be possible. And I think that it could feed in to this idea of the character carrying a lot of guilt and self-blame.
 That could also fit very well with realistic memory problems as a long term symptom of solitary. I have a masterpost on that here.
 Inaccurate memories are very common in torture survivors. Usually this means that the basic details are correct but a lot of the other details of the memory are wrong. So for instance if a survivor says they remember being beaten that probably happened. But they may be wrong about the timing of the attack, the lay out of the room, the clothes the attacker was wearing and a dozen other things.
 Your character could remember being sent on these missions with other people, being told to attack people and honestly trying to do it. But they might be wrong about who actually killed the target and how useful they actually were on the mission.
 I think they’d be especially likely to over-estimate how dangerous they are if the people around them keep telling them they’re dangerous, violent etc.
 It’s possible to write that sort of scenario without falling into tropes about torture giving torturers complete control over their victims. Or suggesting that abuse has made torture survivors dangerous.
 But honestly? That’s hard.
 I think the better options (especially if you’re just starting and not confident writing survivors) are to either remove all kinds of physical abuse/neglect, keeping the missions and emotional manipulation/abuse or to remove the missions and keep a very scaled down version of the physical abuse/neglect.
 The masterpost on solitary, starvation and sleep deprivation linked above and the sources in those posts should help you if you feel the abuse is the more important part of the story.
 Remember that children are more vulnerable to the effects of solitary confinement and starvation, both have a greater negative effect at younger ages. Remember that my estimates and lists of effects assume the character is an adult.
 Remember that while long term psychological symptoms are unpredictable (making it perfectly fine for authors to pick and choose the psychological symptoms they want to write) the physical effects of starvation and lack of sleep are not unpredictable. If you want to commit to writing this sort of torture then you are committing to the character suffering from those physical effects. At this age range that means lifelong effects ranging from a higher cancer risk to stunted growth and weaker bones.
 For the other option it’s a lot simpler: show how awful emotional abuse can be.
 You’re talking about a nine year old child. Someone who is almost entirely dependant on the adults around them.
 Without other input if those people tell this child they are dangerous, they are bad the child will probably believe it. If they tell the child the only ‘good’ and valuable thing they can do, to please the adults, is these dangerous missions, then the child will probably do their best to complete these missions.
 A child who is raised to believe that no one outside their familial circle could ever love them is unlikely to try and leave. In fact they’d probably bend over backwards to stay in the family and prove their worth. Even though the environment is toxic. Even though that love is conditional and comes with a high price.
 We value our social circles incredibly highly. It takes a lot to make us go against them or leave them. Physical abuse and neglect is one of the things that can drive us to leave.
 I feel like one of the problems here is a lack of confidence, or may be conviction on your part. I get the impression that you don’t feel entirely confident in your ability to show this character is suffering. So you’re compensating by piling more on to the character.
 In my experience that approach just doesn’t work. It’s understandable but you have better options.
 First off, read what survivors say about their experiences and their lives. You can find quotes from survivors of solitary confinement in this sourcebook. You can find accounts of emotional manipulation and abuse by looking up accounts from people raised in cults.
 Secondly practice. Write different scenarios. Experiment and give yourself permission to fail, that’s part of how we learn.
 Remember that it isn’t what happens to the characters that effects readers. It is your words. It really is all in how you write.
 A good writer can make the loss of a sock emotional and a bad writer can make the loss of a limb seem dull.
 I hope that helps. :)
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Alright ya’ll, I’m feeling edumacational and honestly, documenting my experience with things helps me to remember and process things so I’m going to do that here. 
Let’s talk about PMDD. 
What is PMDD?
PMDD stands for premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and it is identified as a hormonal disorder that causes an extreme version of PMS. It is a “severe and chronic medical condition.” 
What are the symptoms? 
Symptoms of PMDD include, but are not limited to: 
Sudden and extreme mood swings
Depression or feelings of hopelessness, including suicidal thoughts or fantasies 
Intense anger and conflict with other people
Tension, anxiety, and irritability
Decreased interest in usual activities
Difficulty concentrating
Extreme fatigue and increased time sleeping
Change in appetite
Feeling out of control
Trouble falling or staying asleep
Cramps and bloating
Breast tenderness
Joint or muscle pain
Hot flashes
for 3-4 days each month prior to or during the menstrual cycle. Many also report vision changes, infections or illness, forgetfulness, fluid retention, swelling of joints, severe spinal pain, weight gain of 7-10 pounds, paranoia, vomiting, skin irritation or itchiness, bruising easily, decreased coordination, crying spells and/or poor self image. 
Who gets it? 
Approximately 5.5% of women, transgender men, and non-binary individuals of reproductive age who experience a menstrual cycle. However, roughly 90% go undiagnosed. 
I have PMDD and endometriosis. It affects me and my life, and changes the way I behave or respond to things for a few days each month. My mental health is currently the best it has been since I hit puberty, but for a few days each month I am struck by the worst of the depression symptoms: poor self esteem, frequent and uncontrollable crying, suicidal thoughts/apathy towards life and the future, etc. because of this disorder. 
In conjunction with the day or two of these feelings each month, I typically experience immense fatigue (for an example, between Friday and Saturday of this past week I slept 8-10 hours each night and an additional 4-5 hours on and off throughout the day, when I typically sleep 5-7 hours a night with no problems). This go around, I have found bruises all over my body with no discernible cause.  I spent roughly an hour on Friday crying, knowing perfectly well there was no real reason for it beyond a minor case of hurt feelings. And as many of you saw, I reacted dramatically to a situation that usually would have been only of minor annoyance. I usually have extreme sweet cravings, and I am one of the individuals who experiences 5-8 pounds of water weight gain once a month. 
For me, it usually looks like this: 
4 days before my cycle, my anxiety skyrockets. I catch myself worrying obsessively and have to actively work to maintain normal breathing patterns and trying to avoid an anxiety attack. I often have to use sleep aids to fall asleep at night because I can’t stop thinking and will work myself into a panic without assistance. 
3 days before my cycle, I have one day of extreme irritability. Every little thing puts me off, and I am almost eager to start an altercation with someone, nitpicking words and texts and taking great offense to things that I normally wouldn’t pay much mind to. 
2 days before my cycle, I usually get a migraine. Pain medication doesn’t help with it, and the only thing I can really do is try to sleep if I don’t have to work. 
1 day before my cycle, I hit an extreme low that ranges from general apathy towards existence to full blown existential crisis and passive suicidal ideation. I sleep a lot, thought I don’t intend to do so, and often don’t remember falling asleep afterward. 
The first day of my cycle, I am in immense pain. Cramps that limit my ability to breathe, and that have in the past caused sobbing, vomiting, and often the feeling that I’m going to pass out. I have found myself on the floor before with no memory of how I came to be there. At best, I will have shooting pain up and down my spine that makes sitting painful and moving impossible. Thankfully, pain medicine helps this to subside enough that I can function. 
The second day of my cycle, I typically fall into recovery. I’m wiped out by the previous 4-5 days and my productivity is low as I recuperate and try to give myself a rest. Sometimes, I wind up apologizing for things I said or did a few days before. Sometimes, I’m able to track the cycle and avoid interaction with others unless absolutely necessary. 
From there, I have typical cramps and bloating and nausea assorted with menstruation, compounded at times because of endometriosis. 
This is my life for 5-8 days every month. It can be exhausting, it is painful, and at times it’s overwhelming, and very few people know about this disorder. I did not know about it until last year, and each month I felt like I was going crazy because I couldn’t imagine that this was what everyone felt each time they had a period. I didn’t know what it was, and I didn’t realize these were predictable symptoms that I could track, manage, and treat. I’m still learning to do so. 
If any of this sounds like something you experience, please feel free to ask me questions and speak to your doctor about getting an official diagnosis. 
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lymerepair-blog · 4 years
Things about Medical Ozone You may not have known
You might have heard of medical ozone while visiting a hospital. Sometimes doctors say the Patient is on ozone at the moment. Not sure? Worry not! We’ve got things about Medical Ozone you may not know.  
Ozone or Medical Ozone is used as a therapy to extend or improve the intake of oxygen to activate the immune system in the body. In hospitals, medical ozone is used for disinfection inside the body and treatment of ailments by limiting the effects of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.
Use of Medical Ozone
·        Infected Wounds
·        Circulatory Issues
·        Geriatric Disorders
·        Viral Diseases
·        Cancer
·        SARS
·        AIDS
Since it is Gas, it can be used in several forms such as ozonated olive oil, insufflation, ozonated water, injections in dental science, autohemotherapy and Gas bath or Sauna.
Do you know there are critical side effects as well? While the use of medical ozone is consistent and safe, ozone actually is having a dangerous impact. When a victim is exposed to ozone, the risk of death is increased. A small amount of ozone can invite coughing, breathing issues, and damages to the lungs.
There are references where medical ozone is affected adversely, and some reports are shortness of breath and respiratory problems, enzymes inactivation, swelling of blood vessels, poor circulations, heart issues, damage to eardrums, death.
Side effects:
Ozone is a boon when it is used under supervision and carefully, but side effects can vary from person to person. Medical Ozone must not be inhaled no matter whatever the situation is, even a single dose into the mouth, nose; the eye can cause a burn, severe coughing, nausea, vomiting with headaches. More exposure can also invite to respiratory complications.
Positive Side Effects: Although exposure to medical ozone has severe side effects, it has some positive side effects too. Such as nails & hair grows more prolonged as well as more substantial. The skin of the Patient suddenly glows, The Patient feels more energetic, and it is easy to gain deep sleep.
Lyme Repair is the leading name in the industry and gained specialization in Ozone Generator at Low Price in the United States. Not only this, but we also offer Free Testing for Viral Infection with affordable Medical Ozone Therapy Machine. Reach out to us for Economical Home Therapies for Viral Infection and Photodynamic Therapy in the United States.
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scottstiles · 5 years
a little update: (under the cut for medical info and probably TMI)
i woke up this morning at 7:30 after a couple hours sleep (i knowshut up), sweating and shivering and freezing, and puked all over my bathroom. there was nothing much there, mainly because i hardly, BARELY, eat meals every day, and yesterday was especially bad because i didn’t eat anything but salad all day then i went to a movie and ate almost an entire bag of popcorn (along with the usual coffee and 2 cans of coke by the end of the day). so here i am. puking and heaving up my insides with almost nothing coming out. i don’t have a thermometer because i lent it to someone and never got it back, but i’m pretty sure i had fever. so after at least 3 hour of this, destroying my knees on the hard bathroom tile, destroying my laundry basket when i tried to use it as a chair to save my knees, destroying my esophagus and pyjamas with increasingly acidic and substance-less vomit, my sister finally came to take me to the hospital (she’s an emergency room physician but it was her one day off.. whoops). which is where i still sit at this moment. no rooms/beds available, so i’ve been sitting in this MOSt uncomfortable fake laz-e-boy (how the fuck do they spell that? i know it’s something weird.. anyway) chair since about 11am (that makes it around 7 hours), tryin not to puke more (there’s nothing left to puke so every time i take a sip of water i puke it right out). my mouth was SO FUCKING DRY i could barely talk but they didn’t want me to keep drinkin cuz they wanted to xray my tummy and also didn’t want me to keep puking. they had to give me more anti-nausea meds like 5 times because i just kept complaining cuz it WASN’T WORKING ds;flkgjdfklgjkdf,and then we did an xray. SO... some of you might know that i was diagnosed about a year ago with crohn’s disease (i believe it’s named after a person and not some poor stereotype of an old hook nosed mole faced witch). throughout the last year i’ve done tons of tests, xrays, mris, etc, which all have shown recently that my intestines are in much better shape than before we started the medicine. but theres still a major problem where my intestines meet- the opening is still inflamed and extremely small, so its hard to pass food properly. once they got the xray results today, the emerg doc told me i just have to walk around to get my bowels moving cuz he literally couldn’t hear ANYTHING when he listened to my tummy with the stethoscope. the xray showed almost no poop in there but lots of gas, which is what’s makin me so nauseous? I GUESSS???? after i walked around the hospital for like 10 minutes i DID feel a lot better, but still no farting or pooping (sorry i just got gross). then finally my gastro doc came to see me, and dropped one of the funniest bombshells i’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. APPARENTLY... POPCORN is a terrible terrible food. for me, anyway. he told me he’s even had other crohn’s patients who suffered for DAYs only to find out they were obstructed by popcorn. so this is what he thinks/hopes is the problem. i ate too much FUCKING POPCORN AT THE QUEEN MOVIE MY INTESTINE COULDN’T LET IT THROUGH SO IT PILED UP AND MADE ME PUKE ALL DAY. okay??? yea, exactly. then he told me i have to completely change my diet and eat only “low-residue” foods, which is basically like anything that dissolves/digests easily and quickly, like soups and non fibrous things like white bread and rice and pasta. i am NOt allowed to have things like broccoli (the oNLY vegetable i tolerate!!!), fruits with peels and seeds, nuts and seed things, milk, whole grains... basically anything you would assume is part of a GOOD diet XD what he’s now telling me is that im suppOSED to eat all the food i’ve been trying to quit for the last 30 years because i’m addicted (the “white” foods like bread and rice), and i’m NOT supposed to have all those healthy poop-making foods we’ve been taught are so important because they might cause this again. tbh i think this is probably the best outcome i could’ve hoped for because a virus woulda been the WORST theres literally nothing you can do but wait for it to be over. at least now i know a few things: DON’T EAT POPCORN, my bowels are actually pretty much empty and i don’t need to be taking laxatives anymore really, and fucking anti-nausea meds DO NOT WORK ON ME XD. anyway i’m still here at the hospital and just finally turned on my laptop cuz my sister refuses to pick me up until i’ve pooped or farted my way out of here. it could be awhile so lucky for me i just used up 40 minutes of it writing this post.
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drlaurynlax · 5 years
How to Cure Migraines & Headaches Naturally: 7 Essentials
Are you looking for natural ways to cure migraines and headaches naturally? Tired of popping Tylenol or Advil? You are not alone. Headaches and migraines are among the most common neurological disorders worldwide, affecting approximately 50% of all adults every month, with prevalence among women more than twice as high as among men.
Here’s all you need to know about why headaches happen plus 7 essential steps to kick headaches to the curb and cure migraines.
Headaches 101
A headache is a “pain felt in the head, characterized by common characteristics including: throbbing, squeezing, constant, unrelenting, or intermittent. 
Headaches are an inflammatory response in the body, most headaches happen in the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover a person’s head and neck. There are many different ways to cure migraines and headaches.
Although it may seem like it, a headache is not actually a pain in your brain. Instead, the brain tells you when other parts of your body hurt or are inflamed; your brain doesn’t necessarily physically experience the pain itself (it just feels like).
Different Types of Headaches
There are more than 150 different types of headaches. Some of the most common types include:
Tension Headaches (episodic or chronic)
Mild to moderate pain and come and go over time and usually have no other symptoms.
Often described as pounding, throbbing pain. Migraines can last from 4 hours to 3 days and usually happen one to four times per month and there are ways to cure migraines naturally. Along with the pain, people have other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light, noise, or smells; nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite; aura (seeing spots or a spinning room); and upset stomach or belly pain.
Cluster Headaches
Intense and feels like a burning or piercing pain behind or around one eye, either throbbing or constant. Called “cluster headaches” because they often occur in groups. You may get them one to three times per day during a cluster period, which may last 2 weeks to 3 months. Each headache attack last 15 mins to 3 hours and often wakens the patient from sleep.
The headaches may disappear completely (go into “remission”) for months or years, only to come back again. The pain can be so bad that most people with cluster headaches can’t sit still and will often pace during an attack. On the side of the pain, the eyelid droops, the eye reddens, pupil gets smaller or the eye tears.  The nostril on that side runs or stuffs. It is very important to cure migraines and headaches to feel better.
Sinus Headaches
Deep and constant pain in your cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of your nose. Sinus headaches happen when cavities in your head (sinuses) get inflamed. The pain usually comes along with other sinus symptoms, such as a runny nose, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, and swelling in your face. A true sinus headache is from a sinus infection so the nasal discharge is yellow or green, unlike the clear discharge in cluster or migraine.
Hormone Headaches
Women can get headaches from changing hormone levels during their periods, pregnancy, and menopause. The hormone changes from birth control pills also trigger headaches in some women. Fortunately, there are simple ways to cure migraines and headaches.
Exertion Headaches
Headaches brought on from the constriction of blood vessels in your body during exertion, such as intense exercise, heavy lifting or overtraining.  Exercise induces a stress response, accompanied by a spike in blood glucose. (Fun fact: People with blood glucose of 70 have reported upwards of 140 after exercising while fasted). What this means for your head? Elevated glucose and/or stress, elevates cortisol, which also elevates inflammation. 
Seasonal or “Allergy” Headaches
Inflammation in the brain and body brought on from a histamine (allergic or sensitivity) response to either allergens in the air or foods. 
Oral or Dental Headaches 
Connected to the dental work and oral health, such as tightening of braces, TMJ (lock jaw), or structural and chemical imbalances in the mouth (cavities, mercury fillings, need for a root canal). 
Secondary Headaches 
A secondary “side effect” due to trauma, infections, disorders, withdrawal from medications, drugs or alcohol, or structural imbalances in the body (such as spine, neck or other body parts connected to cranial nerves). 
For instance: A food intolerance in your gut may trigger a histamine response that in turn feels like a headache in your head. 
For others, sometimes people also get headaches when they are sick —such as a sinus headache when you get a cold, flu, or allergies (“pain” in the immune system).
Another example: Cortisol imbalances from stress (i.e. lack of sleep, overwork, overtraining, under-eating, inflammatory foods, etc.) can cause headaches, felt in your brain too–even though the pain is really somewhere else (your hormones).
And one more: People who drink a lot of caffeinated drinks might get caffeine-withdrawal headaches, and some headaches are the side effect of taking a particular medication–both signs of imbalance in the body and unwanted stress.
What Causes Headaches?
The pain you feel during a headache comes from a mix of signals between your brain, blood vessels, and nearby nerves. Specific nerves of the blood vessels and head muscles switch on and send pain signals to your brain. Good thing you can address this and cure migraines naturally.
Lots of different things can trigger headache signals, including:
Gut pathologies (SIBO, yeast, fungi)
HPA-Axis dysregulation (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal; chronic stress)
Hormone imbalances (PMS, menstruation, birth control)
Low stomach acid
Thyroid dysfunction
Too much screen time (Circadian rhythm stress)
Macronutrient imbalance (Low protein intake, low quality fat intake, low carb intake)
Toxic chemical exposure (plastics, dryer sheets, toxic cleaning/beauty supplies)
Mold exposure
Dental fillings or dental work
TMJ (lock jaw)
Mercury overload/heavy metals
Food intolerances
Environmental/pet allergens
Poor immune function
Gluten & Conventional dairy
Low serotonin (90% is produced in the gut) and/or low dopamine
Liver/gallbladder pathology
Eating out a lot (poor quality oils, gluten, fillers)
Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine
Long term medication use
Nootropic supplements or neurotransmitter supplement mis-use (5-HTP, Gaba, etc.)
Nutrient deficiencies [particularly Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Fatty Acids, Coenzyme Q10 and B2 (riboflavin)]
High caffeine or sugar intake (and/or withdrawal)
High carbohydrate intake, or low carb diets without enough fat or poor fat absorption
Low protein diets
Structural imbalances (head, neck, spine)
  One Root Cause
Although there are TONS of different triggers to headaches and the “mixed signals” in the brain and blood vessels, all headaches share one root cause: Inflammation, or stress, on your body. Not just mental stress, but physical stress too.
When your body experiences stress—be it stress on your immune system from allergens in the air, stress from a traumatic brain injury, or stress from hormone imbalance (like high cortisol)—your brain signals and neurotransmitters may send signals to your brain telling it, it’s under stress or “in pain.” You will need some remedies to cure migraines and headaches.
One of the top sources of this headache-causing stress? Your gut health.
Gut Health 101
Your gut is the gateway to your total body health and inflammatory processes. 
In fact, you have more than 100 trillion gut bacteria throughout your body (not just located in your GI tract, but relocated to other places too, like your mouth, skin, heart and endocrine glands)—that is 10 times more gut bacteria than actual human cells. 
Although the word “bacteria” may sound like a bad or dirty word, the vast majority of your gut bacteria are non-pathogenic (non-disease causing)—at least when your body is healthy.  
Every person different types and amounts of gut bacteria, and those people with “healthier strains” of gut bacteria and a “wider, more diverse variety” of gut bacteria (not just the same strains) are generally healthier as a whole—metabolism, hormones, immune function, weight, energy and lower amounts of headaches. 
What Do Gut Bacteria Do?!
The main role of your (healthy) gut bacteria is to keep all your body’s daily essential processes “healthy” and in running smoothly including:
Nutrient absorption (making the Vitamin C in your orange actually be used by your body)
Immune system function
Hormone balance
Maintaining a healthy weight and metabolism  
Maintenance of your intestinal lining (preventing “leaky gut” and digestive wors)
“Feeding” ALL of your cells and neurotransmitters to function properly (including your brain health)
Fighting off inflammation and protection against “pathogens” (bad guys, toxins, pesticides, illnesses)
In short: gut bacteria play an important role not only in digestive health, but in wider aspects of health, including weight, metabolic health, hormone health, immune function and…fending off headaches.  The role of gut bacteria in headaches, mental health and brain health is known as the “gut-brain” connection. 
The Gut-Brain Connection
The gut is often referred to as the “second brain” in the scientific literature. Get these brain-gut connection facts:
You have more than 100 million neurons in your gut—cells and signals that talk directly to the brain.
More than 90% of your serotonin (your “feel good” brain chemicals) that calms inflammation in the body is produced in your gut.
More than 30 hormones that govern “homeostasis” and balance in your brain and body are produced in your gut.
In addition, more than 80% of your immune fighting cells (Th1, Th2, Beta Cells, Th17) are produced and housed in your gut (the immune fighting cells that fight inflammation in your body)
Your liver (your body’s #1 anti-inflammatory and cleansing organ) detoxifies unwanted toxins in your body and metabolizes hormones, like cortisol (stress hormones) and all of your neurotransmitters (including serotonin), signaling them to properly “work” in your body. However if your liver is sluggish, congested or overworked (from toxins, pesticides, non-organic foods, artificial sweeteners, longterm medication use, environmental stressors, etc.), then your brain (and body) suffers, since your hormone balance (cortisol levels) and brain chemicals are unable to function properly.
Your vagus nerve, the nerve that governs your digestive process and your brain frontal lobe (“clear thinking”) function is directly connected from the top of your stomach to the top of your brain. 
The Bottom Line:
The “gut-brain” connection plays a BIG role in how your body experiences stress and inflammatory process experienced in your brain and body when headaches strike.
If your gut health is “out of whack” and you have lots of inflammation in your gut, guess where you may experience that inflammation? Your brain. 
The Result?
Your neurons are unable to fire properly.
Your cortisol (inflammation fighting hormone) is in “stressed out mode.” 
Also, your “feel good” anti-inflammatory brain chemicals are suppressed.
You get headaches.
How Does My Gut Get Unhealthy in the First Place?
Gut “problems” and bacterial imbalances don’t happen overnight, nor are they attributed to on thing. Instead a variety of stressors and triggers accumulate over time, causing a disruption in the balance of healthy gut bacteria, introducing more unhealthy or dysbiotic bacteria (overgrowth of certain strains), or spurring on a yeast overgrowth or pathogenic infection (like a parasite). 
Common gut bacteria disruptors include: 
Not chewing your food thoroughly
Being born as a C-section baby or formula fed (preventing the formation of early life healthy gut bacteria)
Low stomach acid or digestive enzymes
Nutrient deficiencies
Eating too fast or in a hurry (preventing proper food breakdown)
Lack of food diversity and variety
Low quality protein, low starchy tuber/prebiotic fiber and/or low healthy fatty acids in the diet
Eating gut-irritating ingredients and chemicals your body DOESN’T recognize as “food” or can’t easily digest (conventional meat with hormones and antibiotics, Quest Bars, Halo Top, Instant Oatmeal, sugary granola bars, Diet Coke, frozen dinners, hydrogenated oils)
Long-term use of medications or antibiotics
Environmental toxic exposures (hygiene, cleaning, beauty supplies)
NSAIDS, birth control pills & other long term medication use 
Low thyroid function
Mercury overload (fish, fillings, metals)
Mold exposure (house, environment)
Chronic stress (under-sleeping, overtraining, constant worry or anxiety, high alcohol or smoking exposure)
Food poisoning
Sedentary lifestyles or overtraining
Circadian rhythm disruption that throws off internal balance in your body (such as: “off” eating, sleeping or waking times; artificial light exposure at night)
Chronic infections (Lyme, Ebstein Barr, hepatitis) 
Disordered eating habits (binging, purging, restriction, etc.)
History of Infections or Illness (bacterial, virus, heavy metals, fungal overgrowth)
Lack of fermented foods and fibers (probiotics and pre-biotics)
Other digestive problems, like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), liver/gallbladder dysfunction, parasites, food intolerances, etc. 
  This list is not exhaustive, but as you can see, a variety of stressors on physical health can impact the health, variety and diversity of your gut bacteria. 
Headaches, Gut Bacteria & Stress 
While it may sound simplistic, a disruption of gut bacterial health in combination with stressors that influence your stress hormone balance (cortisol) provoke inflammation in the body. 
If your gut health is disrupted or your body is overburdened by stress (physical and mental), 
Your liver is unable to detoxify toxins and foods and metabolize hormones and neurotransmitters properly; 
Your gut is unable to break down and digest “inflammatory” foods in your diet (like gluten, sugar or hormone, antibiotic-rich dairy); 
And, your immune system is unable to fight off pathogens; 
Inflammation overtakes your body as a whole
…Leading to headaches for those who are most susceptible to them. 
Headache Treatment: Conventional Approach
Unfortunately, headaches (especially migraines) are hard to treat and very difficult to prevent with conventional approaches. There are many options when you are looking for ways to cure migraines.
The top go-to’s for headache treatments include NSAIDS (advil, tyelenol, ibuprofen), sometimes a recommendation for “more water,” and other prescription medications. These are popular to those who wish to cure migraines.
There are also a ton of preventive drugs prescribed to regular migraine sufferers— calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and more –all of which work poorly (if at all), and they also come with a host of by side effects (including purposeful paralyzation of the neck muscles just to make the headaches stop!). 
The problem with all these approaches is that we are simply seeking to treat (and mask) the symptoms, instead of first addressing the root cause of the headaches (to keep them from happening in the first place), leaving sufferers to “deal with headaches” (and pray they don’t happen) for most of their lives. 
Headache Treatment: Functional Approach
The functional approach to headaches takes a different path—seeking to figure out the root cause(s) behind headaches, and addressing inflammation and total body wellness (as a whole) in order to not only curb headaches (in the moment), but also prevent them from happening in the first place. 
7 Natural Hacks to Cure Migraines and Headaches
So how do you “heal” or cure migraines and headaches naturally?! 
Boost your body systems that curb and fight inflammation—namely your gut health! 
“Loving your gut,” along with the implementation of anti-inflammatory practices (through foods, lifestyle factors and smart supplementation) is the no-nonsense solution to kicking your headaches to the curb. This will be very helpful to cure migraines too.
Here are 7 do-now hacks:
1. Address Underlying Pathologies & Stressors
It’s crucial to figure out what triggers and stressor(s) are driving your headaches:
Are they “seasonal?” Food intolerances? Environmental related? Allergies? “That time of the month?” Medications? Caffeine? Diet?
Once you identify your trigger(s), then dig even deeper behind the trigger(s): “What is “pulling the trigger in the first place?”
For instance allergies are rooted in immune dysfunction (in your gut, where 80% of immune system cells are produced). High caffeine intake messes with both cortisol levels and sometimes gut bacteria. Medications thwart cortisol balance and affect liver function, causing inflammation in the body. You are always more susceptible to headaches if and when your gut health (including liver health) or HPA-Axis (hormone and cortisol balance) is off. This is a very important step to get the best remedies to cure migraines.
The top “underlying” stressors behind regular headaches, especially migraines include:
Gut Imbalances (Yeast, SIBO, infection, parasites)
Food Intolerance/Allergies (Especially gluten, corn, soy, sugar)
Chemical Triggers (nitrates in deli meats, sulfites in wine, pesticides in food—especially non-organic foods)
Heavy Metals (mercury in dental fillings, food exposure, steel braces and retainers)
Environmental Toxins (mold, chemicals in cleaning, beauty, chemical products)
Hormonal Imbalances (often from poor liver metabolism and clearance; or elevated cortisol—stress hormone)
Nutrient Deficiencies (especially Magnesium, Zinc & B-Vitamins—often from lack of them in the diet and poor gut health absorption)
Mitochondrial (cell function) Imbalances
If you get headaches frequently, consider partnering with a healthcare practitioner who digs deeper beyond symptoms to figure out root cause(s). A further customized treatment protocol and testing may  be necessary, such as: Adrenal-hormone testing; stool analysis; SIBO breath testing; heavy metals testing; comprehensive functional blood chemistry. 
2. Build a Healthy Gut Ecosystem 
Your gut is the gateway to health. Heal the gut and practically every other body system “domino” often falls into place (headaches included). Our gut bacteria dictate the physiological processes inside our bodies, so if your gut bacteria are unhealthy or out of whack, then other systems and processes (ie. metabolism, hormones, detox pathways, elimination, nutrient uptake, cardiorespiratory, blood sugar, etc.) may get out of whack too. Build a healthy gut ecosystem with gut-loving supports–particularly for your liver-gallbladder processing (your body’s filtration and recycling system).
Some basic essentials include:
Daily soil-based probiotic and fermented foods (1-2 condiment servings: sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, fermented yogurt, kefir)
Prebiotic supplement and foods (starchy tubers, soluble fibers and root veggies)
Boosting stomach acid with apple cider vinegar shots and/or HCL tablets and digestive enzymes
Cooking your own food, more than eating out
Chewing your food really well and not eating in a hurry or on the go
3. Hydrate 
Water is crucial for all life (to cure migraines and headache relief). A dehydration headache is a headache, caused by not having enough fluid in the body and inflammation mounting in the brain. The body requires the proper balance of fluid and electrolytes to function properly, and every day, the body loses water through daily activities, such as sweating and urination.
Typically, the amount of fluid lost is easily balanced through drinking or eating fluid-rich foods.
However, sometimes the body loses water faster than it can be replenished.When the body is dehydrated, the brain can temporarily contract or shrink from fluid loss. This causes the brain to pull away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a dehydration headache.  Once rehydrated, the brain plumps up and returns to its normal state, relieving the headache. The bottom line: Water does a body good. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. 
4. Eat a Nutrient Dense Diet
When we eat, we not only feed ourselves, but we also feed our gut bugs. What are you feeding yours? More and more research shows that certain foods can trigger headaches more than others—particularly the highest inflammatory offenders, like gluten, conventional dairy, eggs, nuts, 
Eat This:
organic, sustainable meats & poultry
wild-caught fish
fresh veggies and fruits
fermented foods (pickled veggies, sauerkraut, kefir)
starchy tubers & roots (sweet potatoes/potatoes, plantains, carrots, beets, squashes)
healthy plant and animal fats (coconut, avocado, olives, ghee, grass-fed butter, lard, tallow)
herbal tea
Bonus: magnesium-rich foods: dark leafy greens, avocado, bananas, raw soaked pumpkin seeds, soaked beans
eggs (especially egg whites)
alcohol (4-6 glasses per week)
coffee (more than 1 cup)
nightshades (chili powder, spices, vegetables)
legumes (unless you soak and dry to cook)
Dairy (fermented and grass-fed sources)
Pork (pastured, organic preferred)
sugar/artificial sweeteners
corn (including cornstarch in foods, high fructose corn syrup)
conventional dairy & meats (hormones, antibiotics)
processed and refined foods
industrial seed oils (canola oil, grape-seed oil)
instant coffee
any other foods you are intolerant to (such as FODMAPS)
  Try this approach for 30 days and see how you feel. This helps to cure migraines.
Take it to the Next Level: Consider a Low Histamine Diet
Histamine rich foods cause an “immune” response in the body that triggers inflammation—particularly headaches. If you’ve been eating the basic anti-inflammatory diet for more than 30-60 days, but still keep getting headaches, consider experimenting with a low-histamine diet for 30 days, and see how you feel. Note: A histamine intolerance is often a BIG sign that something in your gut is “off.” Many people find when they eat any histamine foods, some extra gut love during the day (digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid tablets with meals, and an extra dose of prebiotics and probiotics), along with immune boosting support supplements (like D-Hist by Orthomolecular or Trizomal Glutathione and Tumero Active by Apex Energetics) can be “game changers” for digesting those foods (and fending off histamine responses).
Histamine Rich Foods to Avoid on a Low Histamine Diet (30-60 Day Experiment) 
Food additives
Citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, pineapples
Cocoa (chocolate)
Eggs/egg whites
Slow cooked bone broth (for more than 48-72 hours)
5. Incorporate Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle Practices (Kick Stress)
Once you’ve identified potential triggers of your headaches, and commenced a gut-loving protocol, the last tier of kicking headaches to the curb is anti-inflammation–supporting healing of your headache through supplemental supports that gently calm down the pounding in your “head” (and body). While inflammation is NOT always a bad thing (inflammation is a natural response for healing), chronic (lingering) inflammation from ongoing stressors does more harm than good. Your body (and brain) needs some regular anti-inflammatory love to “cool down.”
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Practices: 
Sleeping (7-9 hours each night)
Regular daily exercise and lifestyle movement (but not overtraining)
Mindfulness Practices (yoga, tai chi, meditation, journaling)
Limiting over-screen exposure (taking regular breaks)
Stretching and massage/body work
For those who regularly fight headaches, consider “bio-hacking” techniques like: acupuncture, bio-feedback, mindfulness based stress reduction and neurological-feedback, hot-cold therapy, and ozone therapy. 
6. Love Your Liver
As a matter of fact, our liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as filtering and detoxing toxic chemicals and pathogens in the body. Ultimately, to fight inflammation and keep your body balanced. However, if your liver health is “off,” then you’re more likely to experience inflammation commonly associated with headaches. Especially, migraines—since serotonin production (calming, soothing neurotransmitter) is drastically reduced. With the right approach, you could cure migraines.
Regular headache suffers should pay special attention to loving their liver with these essentials:
Drink fresh, clean filtered water in a stainless steel or glass water bottle. Also use glassware containers and stainless steel food containers and pans. 
Ditch alcohol and coffee for 30 days to see how you feel without it in your system
Eat liver loving foods including: beets, fresh herbs, turmeric, garlic, oregano, apple cider vinegar, lemons, cruciferous veggies, dark leafy greens, organ meats, apples, carrots, grapefruit, green tea, cabbage/fermented sauerkraut
Gradually replace toxic products with natural products. Get rid of dryer sheets, Windex and other non-natural cleaning, hygiene and beauty supplies.
Do a 7-day gentle liver cleanse
After addressing the “basics” with your anti-inflammatory gut health and lifestyle practices, you may even consider a 7-day gentle cleanse. 
7-Day Liver Cleanse
Add in a “Liver Cleanse” Support
Days 1-4: Eat 1 organic apple or take a malic acid supplement according to its instructions. Just choose one method. During this time eat clean healthy meals that are simple like lean meats, whole vegetables, fresh fruit, 
Days 5-7: Drink a grapefruit or lemon juice mix once per day
2 chopped lemons or 1 small grapefruit (can keep peel on)
2.5 cups of pure water
1-2 tbsp. of virgin olive oil
Blend, then strain drink through a mesh, wire strainer. Add optional 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (alcohol free) and 2-3 drops stevia for flavor if desired. 
Continue to eat regular, balanced meals during the day. 
Eat 3 balanced meals of clean and light foods throughout the cleanse, including:
Lean proteins (pastured chicken, wild-caught fish, organic turkey; fermented tofu and soaked beans/lentils if vegetarian/vegan)
Dark leafy greens (cooked and/or raw)
Low starch veggies (cooked)
Healthy fats (avocado, coconut/coconut oil, olives/olive oil, ghee)
Fresh fruits: 1-2 servings (especially berries, grapes, melons)
Gut & liver boosting foods: Bone broth, apple cider vinegar, organic organ meats, beets, herbs, fermented foods.
Avoid: grains/gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, pork, red meat, coffee, alcohol, sweeteners, sugar, starches
Go “Natural” with Hygiene/Beauty & Cleaning Products:
Makeup free or natural products only
Fluoride free toothpaste or baking soda
Try coconut oil to moisturize, apple cider vinegar and essential oils for a face toner, salt and honey scrubs, yogurt hair masks and other and homemade cleansers
Use white vinegar and baking soda to clean kitchen
Buy a natural laundry detergent and dryer sheets if used (Seventh Generation, ecover, method) 
  Bonus Supplements*: Add in these supports consistently during your 7 day liver cleanse to support gut health.
Probiotic: 2-3 soil-based organism (like Megaspore), 3 times per day
Prebiotic: Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum, 1/2-1 tsp in water
Liver Cleanse Herbs:  Like Livotrit��or Gaia’s Liver Cleanse or Apex Energetic’s Metacrin DX or digestive bitters, like liposomal Biocidin (if you have “gut issues”)
Liposomal Curcumin, 1 tsp, 2-3 times per day
Liposomal Glutathione, 1 tsp, 2-3 times per day
Optional: Daily Hormone & Cortisol “Supports”
Female Support:  Such as FemGuard Balance or Progestaid. Contains compounds like DIM & vitex/chaste tree for hormonal-driven headaches
Adrenal Adaptogen Herbs (like ashwaganda, relora, or cordyceps) for high cortisol and general stressor driven headaches
*By using this information, you acknowledge you’re responsible for your own healthcare. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements. 
7. In the Moment Hacks
While most of these strategies are preventative action steps you can take to kick headaches and cure migraines, what to do when headaches strike?
Also, here are a few in-the-moment headache “coolers” and smart supplements to keep on hand: 
Hack 1: Better-Than Advil Supplement Combo
Fortunately, these supplements work together to support your liver, calm inflammation naturally and boost healthy neurotransmitter function and production. Great for the everyday tension or cluster headache, as well as migraines.This helps to cure migraines.
Beta TCP (Biotics Research), take 2-3, chew for best results (migraines: 6-8)
Livotrit Plus (Biotics Research), take 2-3 (migraines: 6-8)
Optional Add On: Intezyme Forte (Biotics Research) take 2-3 (migraines: 4-6) An anti-inflammatory digestive enzymes to boost your gut’s inflammatory fighting capacity) 
Hack 2: Immune Booster
A “triple threat” of immune boosting supports, particularly effective for those sinus and allergy related headaches. Use the following for up to 7 days to cure migraines and headaches. 
Trizomal Glutathione (Apex Energetics), 1-2 tsp, 2-3 times per day.
Liposomal Curcumin + Resveratrol, 1-2 tsp, 2-3 times per day.
Hack 3: Gut  & Immune Booster
Love your gut bugs up on the days headaches strike with:
Double dose soil-based probiotic (2-3, 3 times per day)
Short Chain Fatty Acids (like Sodium-Butyrate by Body Bio, 1 with meals)
Apple Cider Vinegar shots (1-2 tbsp in water with meals)
Lemon water and at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water during the day
Essential Oils: Peppermint Oil, Lavender, Rosemary, Ginger, Spearmint, Chamomile, Basil (on pulse points and in diffuser) 
Hack 4: “Windex” for Inflammation
CBD oil or hemp oil activates cannabidiols in your body to fight inflammation when your body needs it most. CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant and contains NO THC (associated with psychedelics).  But ALL the benefits of “calming” the bod in times of stress—headaches included. This hack will reall help you cure migraines.
Lastly, consider 1-3 pumps under your tongue of a high-quality CBD Oil like PrimeMyBody or Charlotte’s Web. 
*The information contained in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. If starting a new supplement or recommendation in this article, you acknowledge you’re responsible for your own health decisions. It is advised you consult with your healthcare practitioner concerning your health choices, as well as consult your provider for safety or interactions with any medications or other supplements you’re currently taking.  
  The post How to Cure Migraines & Headaches Naturally: 7 Essentials appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/cure-migraines-headaches-naturally/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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Cycle 11, day 9
So, writing on somethling on faith is kind like Brett Kavanagh lecturing on moderation. Having said that, I have made comparative theology and mytholoy something of hobby research subject for years. To all of my LDS, Catholic and/or annoying main-stream evengelical friends, you guys should be grateful that Vodoun and/or other West African religions didn’t make it across the Middle Passage on a permanent basis, because, frankly you guy have nothing on them. Possession (sort of), zombies (also sort of) are just the tip of the iceberg.  Large scale witch - burnings are not uncommon. Not that I agree with any of that, but it is slightly more honest than the current white patriarchy’s wink a nod while they quietly defund and deregulate reproductive health services.
But we’re onto faith, more as a philosphical concept, and less as a specific endoresement, because it will take unwvering faith to make through some of these things. One of fun facts of brain cancer is that all the treatment-related side-effects - nausea, fatigue, vomiting, etc, are all, also side-effects of... chemo.It’s even worse in me, because The Warlocks are trying prove  a negative (sort of; the success of this project will be if I go a year and change without change (or seeing a recurrence or metastasis).
Even though I have some conventional ways deal with those side effects, fatigue is still one that eludes me (well, with the experimenal application of very cool drugs I’ve read of, but I’m not sure my poor body could deal with that many substances in rapid succession.
Which is all rather round-about way of saying I was in bred before 9 pm, praying for death. Thanks to the CDB, I wasn’t in pain, but it is a horrifying sensation when you realize you’re too tired to sleep (also chronic fatigue is like narcolpsy -it’s even treated the same drugs). If, Gods Forbid, this does happen to you, relax and sleep it off. this happened to me once or twice before.
I thought they’d taken you to the maximal trial dosage. Why are you getting new side-effects
A. This isn’t new, it’s just not common for me. If I had to guess, it would be that mixing the temodar and marizomib is not a good idea. I didn’t finish the five doses of it until Monday evening, so rolled into the chemo ward with five-days’ build-up of Temodar
Q: What does all this have to do with faith?
Because of the way cancer and cancer treatments work. Usually,  patients have physical symptoms which are alleviated with treatment. Less usually, but more frequently anyone would like, patients get the initial treatment, then don’t follow through because post-initial treatment usually sucks. I know I’ve complained about it a lot, but, trust me, I’m being nearly-stoic, because I know once I start, I won’t stop. and soon after that, I’d fear going into the chemo ward. We all need some sort of faith that the longer-term, more aggressive treatment treatment plan is for the best, and to stick to it.
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