#my universal horror marathon
Reflections on my Universal Horror marathon
It is November 1st, 2023. As anyone can tell after being around me for, I don't know, five minutes, I am a huge horror queen. For my birthday this year, I got a big book on Universal horror, filled with production photos, background, trivia, actor bios, etc. I decided to use this book as a sort of guided reading list, where I would marathon all of the movies discussed in the book and read along. When I was first seriously doing a deep dive into horror in 2018, the classic 30s horror franchises were some of the first that I chose to get into, and so it had been five years or so since I had seen some of my old monster friends. (And many of the movies on this list I had not seen before!) I was excited for this project and decided to start it at 99 days until Halloween; I had found a Sam (1) "Countdown to Halloween" clock that counted from 99 days to 0 days last year, at the Spirit Halloween clearence sale. (2) So, 99 days to do a book's worth of movies—how hard could it be?
(1) from Trick r Treat, 2007
(2) He's currently sitting on my bedside table, at 0 days left!
Turns out, it was rather difficult! I hadn't expected the book to have so many entries in it.
The entire list of films that I did is as follows, broken down by chapter:
Silent Era (5 films): The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923, The Phantom of the Opera 1925, The Phantom of the Opera 1943, The Cat and the Canary 1927, The Man Who Laughs 1928
Dracula (5 films): Dracula 1931, Drácula 1931, Dracula's Daughter 1936, Son of Dracula 1943, House of Dracula 1945
Frankenstein (4): Frankenstein 1931, Bride of Frankenstein 1935, Son of Frankenstein 1939, Ghost of Frankenstein 1942
The Wolf Man (5): Werewolf of London 1935, The Wolf Man 1941, Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man 1943, House of Frankenstein 1944, She-Wolf of London 1946
The Mummy (5): The Mummy, The Mummy's Hand, The Mummy's Tomb, The Mummy's Ghost, The Mummy's Curse
The Invisible Man (5): The Invisible Man 1933, The Invisible Man Returns 1940, The Invisible Woman 1941, Invisible Agent 1942, The Invisible Man's Revenge 1944
The Gill Man (3): Creature From the Black Lagoon 1954, Revenge of the Creature 1955, The Creature Walks Among Us 1955
"Universal's Lesser Known Monsters" (3+3+6): Paula the Ape Woman—Captive Wild Woman 1943, Jungle Woman 1944, The Jungle Captive 1945; The Creeper—Pearl of Death 1944, House of Horrors 1946, The Brute Man 1946; The Inner Sanctum Mystery Series—Calling Dr Death 1943, Weird Woman 1944, Dead Man's Eyes 1944, The Frozen Ghost 1944, Strange Confession 1945, Pillow of Death 1945
Non-serial horror (14): The Old Dark House 1932, Murders in the Rue Morgue 1932, The Black Cat 1934, The Raven 1935, Black Friday 1940, Man-Made Monster 1941, Horror Island 1941, Night Monster 1942, The Mad Ghoul 1943, The Strange Door 1951, The Black Castle 1952, Tarantula 1955, The Mole People 1956, Monster on the Campus 1958
That's 68 movies in 99 days by my reckoning. I also only did these on the nights that Mack worked or was dancing, which further tightened the number of days that I had. Good thing they were each about 60 minutes. I could never do this in the modern era where everyone bloats their movies to an absurd degree.
See, I thought it would be something small, with like... 30 movies in 99 days. I didn't expect all of this! Maybe I should have checked how many movies that would be before solidly deciding to do this challenge, eh? And it's not even allll of the Universal horror movies—Lugosi and Karloff did like six "duet" movies like The Raven and The Black Cat, but the book only focused on two and briefly name-dropped the others. By the mid-October, when I was in the final chapter, I was doing two or three movies per night, and it was quite a stressful thing, not knowing how I'd get it all to line up before Mack took his Halloweek vacation!
But I did it. I'm extremely proud that I stuck to it. And also, I will absolutely not do it again! Perhaps in another five years I'll have a craving for the Universal horror movies again, and I'll do my favourite 30 or so, but this insanity will not be repeated, or at least not with this time scale.
Anyway. Here are some things I wish to talk about:
Appreciating Silent Film
The silent era has always been one that I've wanted to get into, but I've never known how exactly to break into it. I've done a few silent movies before—if you're looking for a rec, Häxan from 1923 is a very disturbing and deeply effective look at medieval witchcraft—but I never felt like I had a sure footing in it.
And, well, the book starts at 1923 with Hunchback, no easing into it. And, turns out, it was mostly fine!
The 1925 Phantom was stunning. I love the tinted vibes of the silent era, and this film had a rare Technicolor sequence during the Masquerade bit where all the costumes were in colour, and it was amazing to see. There's a 19...29, I think?, scored version, which is what I watched, and the score pops off.
The 1927 Cat and the Canary ended up as one of my favourites of the whole marathon—there's no scoring option for this, but it's so fun I didn't care. The story revolves around a will reading on a dark and stormy night, a will reading, and a sudden heiress who has to prove her sanity as a condition of the will, all while an antagonistic family and a killer are loose in the mansion. It's a horror-comedy, and it is such a good time. I had rated it 5/5 on letterboxd years ago, but I had forgotten why, and I quickly rediscovered the reason!
So yeah, I got a couple silents to add to my résumé, next to stuff like Häxan and the typical Dr Caligari.
2. The Evolution of What Horror Is
One of my favourite things to think about and consider is what society's horror fixation is in a given era and how it all ties together in a sort of greater historiography.
This marathon covers the 20s through the late 50s, with most of it happening in the 30s and 40s. There's a pretty clear chain of where the focus goes in these—in the 20s, it's a lot of classic adaptations that have a gruesome element but which may not be yknow categorical Genre Horror as we recognise it and label it on a dvd box. The 30s explore the more typical folk myths and superstitions, such as vampires and werewolves; if there is science, it is either rather crude or primitive (Frankenstein using lightning bolts and sewing pieces of body together) or even has a mystical connection (Werewolf of London's Tibetan miracle flower—often this mysticism can unfortunately veer into Orientalist tropes :/). The 40s, and particularly around 1945 with the atomic bomb, the old superstitions lose steam and modern science begins to catch up, to the point that the 50s horror movies are, essentially, all a world away in terms of science—I mean, they try behavioural therapy on the Creature from the Black Lagoon in Revenge of the Creature! The later "Monster Mash" movies where all of the classic monsters join up have them turning to modern science to solve their problems—I believe it's in House of Dracula where the Wolf Man is legitimately ""cured"" by a cranial surgery based on some science, and Dracula gets cured by looking at the particulates in his blood and stuff. Anyway, continuing in the 50s, There's all this talk of atoms and radiation and such, and it's such a strong blend of science fiction and horror, such that the two genres are practically constant bedmates for this era. (Contrary to a popular tumblr post comparing Godzilla to 50s superhero comics, radiation actually did inspire a lot of monsters in America too; you just needed to know where to look, and it's here, in the giant Creature Features, where Godzilla would fit right in.)
I remember shortly after House of Dracula, I was talking to Mack, and I essentially launched into a ten minute lecture about this stuff, how it all ties into what was happening in society and whatnot. I have so much to say, but I won't word vomit it here.
3. These Movies Said, Continuity WHO?
One of the recurrent jokes I had while watching these movies is that the writers were clearly not interested in keeping continuity between films. There are two instances that I internally screamed at because of how insane they were—(1) In House of Frankenstein, Dracula is destroyed in the sunlight, The Wolf Man is shot by a silver bullet and dies, and the Frankenstein creature sinks into quicksand and disappears. Most of the plot of House of Frankenstein is quickly retold by the mad scientist character of House of Dracula; he leaves out the Wolf Man's death, probably because it would upset the Wolf Man, to whom he is speaking. Dracula is also back without explanation. (2) The Mummy's Ghost is set in Connecticut; they are very emphatic that they are in Connecticut. It is said over and over. At the end, the Mummy is chased into the swamp of Connecticut (yknow, the famous swamps of Connecticut) —at the very beginning of The Mummy's Curse, they point to a stretch of swampland, say that THIS is where Kharis sank all those years ago (it was 6 months in real time btw), and that he should still be there. This movie is set in the bayou of Louisiana, with a cheerful barkeep woman singing in French to evoke the whole "Cajun French" world. How Kharis went from Connecticut to "this is the exact spot where he fell" in Louisiana? Never mentioned.
Additionally, in one of the later Frankensteins, Ygor has his brain transplanted into the Frankenstein Monster in a scheme; Ygor-Frankenstein Monster triumphantly turns to the assembled characters and speaks to them, telling them how he tricked them and won. In the next movie, which I believe is Meets The Wolf Man, the Frankenstein Monster is a mute brute once more, and Ygor does not exist anymore. Now, the wildest thing is that this is not the writers cherrypicking what is canon and what is not—no, in the script the Frankenstein Monster-Ygor was to have deep conversations with the Wolf Man, and this was recorded. It was only in post-production that all of this was struck; all those scenes were either tossed or edited down. Apparently there are visuals of those scenes in the movie where you can watch the FM's mouth move, but the audio has been replaced with music or sound effects. Wild stuff.
There's more, plenty more, but you get the picture. I suppose in a world without home video, where your audience may not have seen the previous films or may not remember them well, you can convince them of anything and continuity matters less.
4. Some of these movies destroyed my will to go on (with the marathon)
Overall, I greatly enjoyed my time with this marathon. I found most of these movies to be very interesting and illuminating.
But there are two series in this that just crushed my spirit—The Mummy and Paula the Ape Woman. They were so awful that it made me not want to keep going.
The Mummy is just such a confused mess; the worst time I had was with The Mummy's Tomb. Tomb is the third movie in the series, so of course there's some catch-up that has to be done to get the audience up to speed. (They all do it, it's normal.) Now, this is a 60 minute movie. Tomb begins with a TWELVE MINUTE "recap" of the first two movies, using a flashback to show scenes from the old movies—all the while narrating them to construct a new story of what supposedly happened and wildly making up new stuff that directly contradicts what is visible on screen. TWELVE MINUTES out of SIXTY, one fifth of the movie, is just incredibly out of context scenes to do whatever the writers want.
And that's not even getting into the cultural sensitivity discussions around these movies, because girl........... girl. It's rough on that front, to say the least. (They reuse an Incan temple, if I remember right, as an Egyptian tomb in the last one, I think it was, and you can clearly see Mesoamerican imagery all over the walls, but they're yelling about pharoahs and stuff. And that's the tip of the iceberg.)
Paula the Ape Woman is about an ape who gets a brain and blood transplant and becomes a real woman, or at least temporarily. Now, audience, given that this an early 40s movie... do you think this uncontrollable, animalistic beast of a woman is going to be white or no? :////
The Paula movies just need to be forgotten. Not every Universal horror movie is a lost gem in the sands of time. Let's just say that.
5. James Whale, Lon Chaney Jr, and thoughts on recurring names and faces
With the studio system firmly in place for most of this marathon's concerned eras, there are many repeating names throughout the movies. It became something of a scavenger hunt to find "Gowns by Vera West" in the title credits of most movies—according to letterboxd, I think I hit 37 movies with her credited on wardrobe.
Some of these repeating names I grew to really like. James Whale really is among the greats, isn't he? Bride of Frankenstein is nothing short of a masterpiece, and his other work (especially The Old Dark House) is great. I would love to do a deeper dive just into his other works. He seems so fascinating! And he was gay, and apparently very very open about it.
A name I came to dislike, unexpectedly really, was Lon Chaney Jr, most known for The Wolf Man. I went in with a higher opinion of him, only knowing him from The Wolf Man; he eventually became a bit of a golden boy on the Universal horror sets, and so he got into a ton of different projects. And boy, did he ever only play one character across everything! He's extremely good at it, but he only ever played a sad, pathetic little man who is overwhelmed by the weight of the world! We get it, dude. Play a different character!
6. Conclusions
This is getting away from me, so I'll wrap this up. Thank you if you even skimmed this far!
I really did enjoy this marathon. It was stressful, a little, but a fun stress, all things considered.
Rapidshot overall favs: The Bride of Frankenstein, the Cat and the Canary, Revenge of the Creature, Dracula, The Old Dark House, Tarantula, 1925's Phantom of the Opera, the Raven.
Rapid boots: The Mummy franchise, Paula the Ape Woman series, She-Wolf of London, the Black Cat, Ghost of Frankenstein.
I love this era of horror: It's almost a cosy horror to me, with giant fog machines, goofy big analog science contraptions, and painted backdrops (you can see the painted backdrops and their flatness during the early 30s ones especially). I like that there are fewer cuts compared to the modern day: They hold the camera on the actors, and often the camera is not on a close-up, giving plenty of time for interesting physicality. It almost feels staged or traditionally theatrical in a way that modern movies do not. (Which makes sense, as the earlier writers and directors and actors all came from and routinely did theatre. Lugosi got Dracula after he did the stage version of it.) Many of them are very comfortable feeling, and they're short too!
I don't think I could do another grand tour like this again for years, at mininum,—and I won't revisit Paula and probably not The Mummy—but I do want to revisit it more than I have in the last few years. These monsters are my FRIENDS!
Anyway. Stan Boris Karloff, James Whale, and especially Elsa Lanchester
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imawholeassmood · 2 months
What's in a Name
"Oh rao, I can't believe it." Kara works to contain her excitement as she nears the tiny shadowy figure stalking her in the unkempt grass outside her apartment. "This is really happening," she squeaks, "the cat distribution system has finally picked me."
The little void peers up at her with mischievous green eyes, it's backside wriggling with anticipation. Kara crouches and waits for the impending attack.
It comes with a burst of energy that burns hot and fast, then fizzles just as quickly as the black cat halts it's attack and stares at Kara with all the regret and panic of a teenage girl who just told her best friend she's in love with her. Not wanting to scare the cat, Kara hesitates, but the thought of this little cutie spending another minute on the streets compels her to scoop it into her arms and promptly rub her nose into its face.
"Right," she says and holds the cat at arms length, a quizzical gaze on its face. "Bath first."
Kara takes care to get the water temperature just right. Scratchy does not appreciate the effort. Claws scrape against her skin as Shadow fights against her, desperate to escape the soapy water. Kara hadn't actually found any fleas on Toothless during her physical exam to evaluate the cat's condition, and for that, she was grateful. She couldn't stand the idea of this baby being in any worse condition. A little prick digs into her finger and she mumbles, "ok, not Toothless."
She rinses the last of the suds and begins to wipe Bones with a towel. While the fight may have ended, Kara can't help but think it's a temporary reprieve, if the look on Merlin's face tells her anything. Those green eyes bite through her, clearly plotting revenge. Kara thinks it might be a good night for an all night movie marathon.
She wraps a dry towel around the still scowling cat and a tiny paw pokes out of the opening near its head, trapped like it got stuck mid escape. A disappointed huff let's out from the wet nose and Kara giggles at the adorableness.
"Here," she says," let me help you with that." She works to tuck the paw in the towel but not before dropping a kiss on the pink toe beans. "Beans," she tests the name. The cat throws a scowl at her. "Well if you have a name you prefer, feel free to share it."
The cat meows at her, and it draws a laugh from Kara whose whole body relaxes and swells with love. She drops a kiss on the furry forehead.
"I'll work on my pronunciation."
With Noodle cleaned and dried and now hiding under Kara's bed, licking herself to perfection, Kara works on preparing what amounts to a small buffet for each of them. She sets the takeout boxes on the table for herself and a plate of various wet and dry cat foods on the floor for Zephyr.
"Dinner's ready," she calls out, then wonders if she should take the plate to the bedroom instead. Building trust with cats sent by the universe can take time, and Kara's mind spirals with thoughts of what horrors Anubis might have endured while living on the streets. She's halfway to planning Calypso's catio to ease the transition from rugged outdoor cat to spoiled house cat when she spots the dark figure lurking along the wall. Kara freezes.
She debates her best course of action - does she offer her hand with a pspsps or do nothing? They stare at each other. After a moment where nothing happens, Kara averts her eyes, sending her gaze to the ceiling where she spots a spider in the corner. Great she thinks, let's hope Raven doesn't have an appetite for arachnids.
Kara's pulled from her thoughts by crunching near her feet. She sneaks a peak and sees Shuri ferociously air chomping a mouthful of dry food. A face-splitting grin splashes across her face.
After watching Potsticker test each of the offerings, finishing all but two samples, Kara once again attempts to build rapport.
"You don't have any allergies do you?"
Xena cocks her head and looks at her. Kara swears if this cat were human, there'd be a quirked brow to go along with that look.
"You're very expressive," she muses. "I wonder what you're thinking."
Unice meows at her, and Kara wishes she spoke cat.
She's struggling to stay focused on the movie with Ripley hiding away somewhere in her apartment. Kara hasn't seen the cat for hours and worries the progress she thought she made at dinner might have just been her hopeful imagination.
By the time breakfast rolls around, Kara's convinced Peony is plotting to kill her. Neither of them slept. Kara kept an eye out with her x-ray vision and noticed Nala spent the entire night exploring, poking and prodding with her pink-toed mitts at every window, door, latch, hatch, or moving part that might lead to a way out of the apartment. Every few hours, Jynx would check on Kara, looking almost annoyed to find her awake and looking back.
Kahlua's nowhere to be found when Kara's ready to head out to CatCo. She unlocks the door and calls out, "I'll be back soon, Calliope."
A flash of black streaks across the room and knocks into Kara's legs as soon as the door cracks open. Kara catches herself and stumbles into the hallway. Mittens is running around the hall, knocking into door after door. At the end of the hall, she stops in front of the elevator, looks it up and down, then turns back to Kara.
Little Yoda's ribs vibrate with heavy puffs and her eyes are wide. Kara approaches her slowly.
"It's ok, Izzy," she purrs. "I'm not going to hurt you."
Green eyes dart around. As if realizing there's nowhere to go, the fight leaves her.
"I know you're scared," Kara says, "this is a new place and we're still getting to know each other. But, if you'll give me a chance," she swallows, "I promise you will never again know a day without love."
The look on Dotty's face softens and it melts Kara's heart. The cat looks back at the elevator one more time before walking towards Kara. Grace, with all her regal elegance, brushes against Kara's ankle. It's the greatest moment of Kara's life.
"What is that?" Alex asks when Kara arrives at the DEO.
"This," Kara says, straightening herself and hooking her thumbs behind the shoulder straps at her chest, "is Griffin." The name is met with an immediate meow of objection. Kara looks down at the cat strapped to her chest then looks back up to Alex. "We're still deciding on a name."
It goes like that for a week with Kara toting the cat around with her. Bumblebee tries to run away at least once a day and continues to deny Kara's ideas for names. The day Dino curls up with Kara while an episode of Golden Girls plays on television is the day Kara thinks her heart might explode out of her chest.
With Athena's head buried in the crook of her neck, Kara strokes gently along her side.
"I love you, Tess," she breathes into black fur. A soft thrum purrs against her.
Kara enters the DEO panicked and sick with fear.
"She's gone, Alex," she manages to say through garbled, teary heaves. "I have to find her."
"Who?" Alex says and squeezes Kara's arms both to steady her and calm her.
"Ma'am's," Vasquez interrupts, "you might want to see this." She holds out a remote and turns on a television.
A news report shows an aerial view of a glass skyscraper with a large "L" emblazoned on the face. The ticker reads "Missing CEO found safe."
Before Alex or Kara can ask, a commotion stirs near the door. Agents scurry and someone yells, "you can't go in there."
Alex straightens herself to face the approaching party and sets a hand on her hip holster.
Kara wipes tears from her soaked cheeks.
A woman with alabaster skin, jet black hair, and deep red lips marches straight towards her. The tailored black suit commands the attention of every pair of eyes. Pale pink heels clack against the linoleum. Kara swallows the lump in her throat.
The woman stops inches before Kara, uncaring of the weapons pointed at her. Green eyes bore into Kara.
At long last, red lips curl into a smirk and a strong eyebrow quirks. She moves her head next to Kara's, so close Kara can feel the warmth of her breath against her ear when she purrs the words, "my name is Lena."
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Save a horse, ride a cowboy | Chad Meeks Martin x Reader
Summary: You make a move on Chad and end up in an empty bedroom with his cowboy hat on, riding another kind of horse
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: smut, p + v action,
Request: Can you write Chad in his little cowboy costume and reader riding him? Maybe she can wear his hat while doing so?
my taglists are here + you can requests here at any time
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You met Chad through his sister Mindy. She and you had classes together at Blackmore university and became friends through your passion for horror movies.
One evening, you were in her dorm, catching up on the latest horror releases, when Chad stopped by and asked for five dollars. Mindy had mentioned having a twin brother before, but you didn’t expect him to be the tall and handsome type.
Unfortunately for him, Mindy didn’t have five dollars to give him — but you did.
‘’I can’t take that,’’ Chad said with a short shake of his head, refusing your money. He had no problem taking it from Mindy, but his sister’s friend who he didn’t know? He couldn’t. ‘’It’s your money. You might need it.’’
‘’I don’t need it. You do.’’ You held the folded dollar bill between your fingers, insisting. ‘’Take it.’’
Chad sighed and finally accepted. ‘’I’ll pay you back next week,’’ he promised.
You slipped the money in his jacket’s pocket, then looked up at him with a flirtatious smile. ‘’Let’s make another deal. You keep the money, but you give me your number?’’
His mouth curled into a soft smile, eyebrows rising, getting on the same page as you. ‘’Alright. Deal.’’ He took your phone and typed his number as you bit your lower lip, failing to suppress a smirk. ‘’Text me later?’’
When you returned to the couch to get back to the movie, Mindy made a gagging sound, recognizing the flirty look in her brother’s eyes.
A few weeks — and several late night conversations and R-rated pics — later, you ran into Chad at a Halloween party on campus. He was dressed as a cowboy, with only a bandana around his neck and stupid straw cowboy hat for accessories. Your breath caught in your throat. Fuck, he looked hot.
‘’I can’t believe we’re sitting here on fucking Halloween,’’ Mindy complained, taking a sip of her beer. ‘’We should be having a horror movie marathon and stuffing our faces in candies. That’s what Halloween is about. Not some frat party where everyone is dressed as a sexy version of generic costumes.’’
Although you were sitting right beside her, you weren't listening much. Your attention and eyes were drawn to her brother, watching intently as he played beer-pong with some frat boys — and easily kicked their asses. Every time he threw the ball, his bicep would flex and he would bite his lip in concentration before.
‘’Y/N? Are you listening to me?’’ Mindy’s eyes followed your line of vision, confirming that you were in fact not listening, and snapped you out. ‘’Please stop ogling my brother. I can feel the beer I drank coming up my throat.’’
You brought your red cup to your lips, averting your eyes from Chad. ‘’I’m not—’’
Mindy rolled her eyes. ‘’Oh, please. He’s been asking me all week if you would be coming to the frat party.’’
You heard cheering coming from the beer pong table and saw that Chad had — again — won. You smiled, but it fell shortly after when you saw a blonde in a sexy nurse costume clinging to his side, tapping him on the upper arm and no-so-subtly feeling his bicep. She leaned closer, her back turned to the other boys, and whispered something to Chad.
You were boiling with jealousy.
‘’I’m gonna get another drink,’’ you declared, standing from the couch. ‘’Be right back.’’
Mindy scoffed, watching you striding in her brother’s direction. ‘’No you won’t!’’
She was right.
When you started college, you vowed to yourself to never start a fight over a boy, but tonight, nothing was gonna stop you. This fake nurse was playing in your lane and you couldn't lose.
You quickly schemed, letting strategy set the scene, and casually walked by Chad, making sure to brush his arm when passing by, laying the groundwork. And then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line.
His attention shifted away from the blonde, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. ‘’Hey. I didn’t know you were coming.’’ His body was inclined toward you, a sign that the other girl was forgotten.
You brushed a finger along the seam of his turquoise bandana. ‘’Nice costume. Were you on a tight budget?’’
Chad laughed, not at all offended by your quip at his financial situation.
The blonde girl grabbed Chad’s arm again, rudely interrupting your exchange. ‘’Are we gonna go upstairs?’’ she asked, leaning forward in an attempt to flash more of her cleavage.
Unfortunately for her, Chad brushed her off, having only eyes for you. He put an arm behind your shoulder and led you away. You ended up in the kitchen, sitting on the counter while Chad was mixing drinks. From this new height, you had a better close up of his face; the perfectness of his eyebrows, the two scars on his cheek and over top lip. Those lips — you wanted to kiss him.
‘’Cherry or orange?’’ he asked, holding two liquor bottles.
‘’Cherry.’’ Always cherry.
Chad put down the orange one and poured the other one into cups. While he was doing so, you took advantage of his inattention to steal his hat and put it on your head.
In rodeo, there was a few rules and superstitions about cowboy hats. One of them was: never let someone wear your hat unless you plan on taking them home.
He looked up, his expression lustful at the sight of you in his cowboy hat. ‘’You’re gonna be my cowgirl tonight?’’ he asked, a finger under your chin to look you in the eyes.
The moment between leaving the kitchen and getting to an empty bedroom upstairs was a blur to you. All you knew was that Chad’s mouth crashed on yours the second the bedroom door shut, backing you against it. He would've taken you to his dorm, but he didn’t want to risk Ethan coming in and ruining the moment. Having a roommate fucking sucked.
His hands were on your hips and face, pulling you closer and kissing you with a reciprocated burning passion. You could feel the pulse of his heartbeat as his bare chest was pressed against you, warm and hard. Muscles were usually not your thing, but Chad made you want to trail your tongue over his abs and pecs.
If Mindy were to hear you, she would vomit.
A slight squeak left your lips as your feet left the floor and Chad’s hands grabbed your thighs. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck, breaking the kiss for half a second. He chuckled and your back left the door as Chad carried you to the bed, sitting down with you over his lap.
You could feel his hard cock straining against his pants, right under your ass. Arousal dampened your panties and your core tightened.
Chad cursed under his breath as you rolled your hips down, his eyes fluttered slightly at the pressure.
His mouth trailed to your neck, pressing open mouthed kisses as you ran your hands over his chest, feeling the slopes of his muscles. You’ve been wanting to do that since he sent you that shirtless selfie taken in a bathroom mirror, towel very low on his hips. Good thing your roommate was not home, you had never fetched your vibrator faster.
The room was getting hot, figuratively and factually. Your hands left Chad’s body and moved to unbutton your shirt. Chad pressed a last kiss to your jaw and pulled back, his eyes following the movement hungrily. He took a sharp inhale when you revealed your bra, then reclaimed your lips as you reached for the clasp in the back and let both garments fall.
Without disconnecting your mouths, one of his hands came up to cup your breast, palming the soft flesh. His touch was gentle, and the smile etched on his lips boy-ish. He couldn’t wait to watch them bounce and jiggle when you’ll be riding his cock. Chad grunted at the idea. His erection was pulsing beneath his jeans, desperately wanting free.
As if you had read his thoughts, you reached to undo his belt and unzip his pants, pulling his cock out and making Chad moan when you brushed your thumb over the tip.
‘’Ah, fuck.’’ He was so sensitive and needy.
You wanted to take him into your mouth all the way down and swallowing it whole until the tip hit the back of your throat, flick your tongue at the tip and lick all the pre-cum leaking like it was birthday cake icing, but whoever’s room this was would come banging on the door at some point and you’d really hate to not have gotten to the fun part yet.
Standing, you rid yourself of your clothes as Chad did the same.
Ignoring your body insecurities, you shifted your gaze to him, taking him in in all his naked glory, and he tapped his lap in invitation. ‘’Ready for the rodeo, babydoll?’’
You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh to run out of the room. Why did a good looking man like Chad have to have a dad-like sense of humor? You really can’t have it all, uh?
Ignoring the terrible joke, you pushed him down on his back and clambered onto his lap. His mouth turned up at the corner, his eyes raking over your breasts as they rose and fell. Your nipples were pointed proudly towards him, begging for attention. Chad took one of the buds between his fingers and pinched lightly, eliciting a moan from you.
He had priorly gotten a condom from his wallet and put it on to save time. Smart thinking.
You took his hard cock into your hand and brushed the tip against your pussy from your entrance to your clit, smearing your wetness.
Chad‘s eyes fluttered closed at your teasing. You did it again and the boy beneath you had to hold his hands down to not push you down on his cock. ‘’Fuck, you’re gonna kill me.’’
‘’That would be unfortunate, would it?’’ you said, lining Chad’s erection and lowering yourself on his cock under his watchful eyes.
He groaned as he felt your walls wrap around him, warm and snug. One of his hands trailed down the plane of your back, coming down to cup the flesh of your ass and thighs, grabbing at anything he could get. You raised your hips and slowly sunk back down, feeling so full.
You had fantasized about this moment before, alone in your bed. You had imagined how good Chad would feel inside you, how full he would make you feel. A mix of your fingers and your imagination had to be used to mimic the sensation — and even then, it didn’t compare to this.
Chad moved his hips involuntarily and you both moaned, the cowboy hat almost falling off when you tipped your head back. ‘’Shit, sorry. I didn’t—’’
You shook your head and told him to do it again.
A rush of pleasure shot through your body as you began to move your hips at a faster pace. The room quickly became a mess of panting, moanings, skin slapping and various other sounds.
One of Chad’s hands had glided to your clit and started to play with it, adding to your pleasure every time you were meeting his thrusts. You could feel your orgasm coming, spasming around his cock. Soon enough, a wave of intense pleasure flowed through your body, this time losing your hat as you threw your head back. 
Chad followed, joining you in your orgasm and filling the condom, his thighs clenching and fingers squeezing your cheek hard enough to leave marks. 
You took a minute to recover, both of you panting heavily on the bed.
‘’I don’t know much about rodeo, but cowboys lose points if their hat falls off,’’ Chad said, earning a hard slap on his chest.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny 
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silkscream · 2 years
𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩
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ੈ✩ pairing: steve harrington x reader
ੈ✩ summary: you and steve settle your differences when he drives you home.
ੈ✩ warnings: smut (18+), dom!steve, fingering, unprotected sex, drug use, not edited
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steve harrington is good at being patient. he knows this — and he’s taken pride in it, too. from surviving getting beaten by russian spies with robin to following dustin around as both a bodyguard and a surrogate father.
steve harrington isn’t good at biting his tongue, though. he says what’s on his mind at all times, doesn’t care (or register) if anything that comes out of his mouth is particularly stupid. but it’s earnest and it’s real, which is all that matters. 
with you, at the moment, however, he’s wary about what he says to you and he is absolutely less than patient with you. you’re frustrating to him to no end, actually, and he’s starting to let things slip that he might regret later. he feels like his blood is actually warming up from the mere feeling of your eyes searing into him during this useless argument.
he doesn’t even know what you’re arguing about, but he knows that you’ve pissed him off since the moment he met you. dealing with eddie munson was enough, but steve had gotten around to the metalhead after having him aboard the crew. but you, eddie’s best friend — god, you were a fuckin’ piece of work. it was like the universe created you just to push steve’s buttons. 
the situation at hand isn’t high stakes. not at all. it just so happened that eddie could drive himself back to his place on his own after the horror movie marathon at robin’s, robin fell asleep early on, nancy had just been dropped off by steve, and now you were the last one left on the way to steve’s house. and sometimes your teasing went a bit too far, you got under his skin too easily. he doesn’t want to admit how easy it is for you to get under his skin with just one look from you.
“god, you are so fucking insufferable sometimes,” steve mumbles under his breath.
“gee, thanks.”
he clenches his jaw in anger, but he feels a twinge of guilt assaulting his chest at the moment from the way your voice sounds so small, so despondent. silence ensues for about a minute and a half of “drive” by the cars.
real silence permeates the space when you pettily turn the radio knob down until the sound of ric ocasek’s voice fades to black. 
“what the fuck was that for?” steve demands, shooting you a glare.
“the cars are annoying.”
“this is my car, morticia addams. so i play the fucking music!”
ah, that nickname again. it was a rough attempt to criticize your style, which was mostly you wearing all black and having a love for eyeliner, but you consider it a compliment at this point. 
“then pull over and i’ll get out of it since you seem to abhor me this much!” you huff, hand clutching the door next to you. the action makes steve slow down to a stop rather abruptly because he thinks you’re actually about to jump out of his moving car. the adrenaline nearly strikes his heart.
once the car stops, he’s quick to shove his body into your space, arm outstretched to block you from opening the passenger door. you glare at him through heavy lashes. 
“no one uses the word ‘abhor’ in everyday conversation, you freak,” he murmurs. 
and to his surprise, you laugh. it’s a sound he doesn’t hear very often, and when he does, it’s not like the reason is ever him.
“i’m surprised you know what that word means, harrington,” you chide. 
steve wants to retaliate, wants to one-up you in any way he can, but the reality is that it’s nearly one in the morning and he’d be tired to death if you weren’t there to rile him up. and while he’s trapped you in the passenger seat of his car while it’s parked, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, didn’t think about what would happen after this. he knows he should make nice with you, just for eight more minutes until he can drop you off at your place. but the tension between you is as thick as fog. so he releases all of his inhibitions instead.
it’s like whiplash, the way his mouth sews itself onto yours like it belongs there. you surprise yourself as well for kissing back, for finally clutching steve fucking harrington’s full locks. you don’t even have time to hate yourself for it because of how good his mouth feels on yours. you realize how badly you want to crawl into his lap.
“to the back,” you croak meekly, but he takes it as a command. it’s funnier when it happens seconds later — you climb out of the car to get into the back while steve reorganizes his long limbs through the middle instead, nearly falling to the floor from his lack of coordination while you laugh in response.
“you’re so fuckin’ stupid, come here,” you roll your eyes, pulling him up so that he can sit in the backseat properly so you can straddle him. 
steve’s never felt this kind of elation in intimacy — not with heidi or lydia or even nancy. no, you were as unprecedented as it came, and kissing you felt like a leap between two fucking mountains. now that he’d taken that leap, he thinks he’s fine with dying considering how much this felt like heaven.
“you want this, harrington?” you whisper breathlessly into his mouth as you grind into his lap. “been awful quiet lately.”
“oh, don’t get all fuckin’ cocky like i didn’t kiss you first,” he gruffs, his voice low. the sound of it makes your core heat up, not to mention the way he snakes his hand up your body and onto the base of your throat. “my car, my rules. still stands, sweetheart.”
you picked the wrong night to underestimate steve harrington. from all that taunting, he feels the need to put you in your place, which he can do perfectly fine even if you happen to be on top of him. he grins at the way your breath hitches when his teeth are on your throat, when he clutches your wrists and keeps them in place inside of his bigger hands just so you can’t move. 
“tell me to stop and i will. i’ll take you home and we can pretend this never happened–”
“shut up,” you mumble. “just shut up and keep going.”
“okay. you wanna lay down for me on the seat, then?”
“no,” you whisper. embarrassingly, you can feel your wetness seeping through your panties. steve must be able to feel it too considering you’re wearing a skirt. you hated how wet you got from the moment he kissed you, and now you’ve fallen completely under his spell, the haze of lust exacerbated by the edible that eddie had given you an hour prior. 
“what do you want?” steve says with caution. he’s let go of your hands now, instead grabbing your waist gently.
“don’t make me say it,” you whine.
“you’re already on my fuckin’ lap, now you wanna be ashamed?” he scoffs. “tell me. or i’m driving you home.”
“want you to fuck me.”
“huh? what was that?” he taunts. “use your big girl voice for me.”
“i want you to fuck me!”
“atta girl.”
it surprises you how quick he is to discard your underwear for you, how fast he gets his fingers circling your wet folds in a way that makes your skin burn.
“steve, don’t tease me.”
he doesn’t respond, only smirks at you and gives your ass a smack. you whimper. steve doesn’t want to admit he’s on a power trip, he really doesn’t, but it’s the first time you’ve ever been desperate for him. for fuck’s sake, it’s the first time he’s known you really wanted him at all, but he still wants the upper hand for the fact that you’d pissed him off for the entirety of the night. he deserves a little compensation.
and you give it to him, you fold so quickly that maybe the edible flooding your senses is what’s making everything feel like a fucking movie. steve harrington fucks into you like his life depends on it and his strong hands are making bruises on the small of your back. 
his cock feels so good – so deep – that you’re moaning in ecstasy from the feeling of being split open. steve likes it when you bury your face into his neck, loves it actually, because then he can smell the scent of your hippie-dippy all-natural shampoo and hear every single sound you make right it in his ear. you’re too high to be embarrassed about how you sound. he thinks you sound angelic.
grinding on his cock makes your thighs burn, makes your entire body quiver when you realize the hilt of your position and how the piercing feeling of your g-spot means you’re about to tip over the edge.
“breathe for me, okay?” steve coos into your ear, a saccharine softness that confounds you. “you’re doing so good.”
when you mewl for him once more, he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls backward just so he can see your face in all its glory, mouth ajar and widening from the impact of his cock inside your walls. he attacks your throat with small lovebites, kisses sinking into flesh until the skin bruises incarnadine-red.
you don’t recognize your own voice, how it’s so high and fawning and submissive. not you. the girl that most boys in hawkins high would be afraid of. steve has never been afraid of you – he merely saw you as a challenge. at the moment, this was a challenge he seemed to be winning.
“s-steve, fuck,” you hum, hot air surrounding your bodies. you’re titillating towards something as intense as the big bang, you think. at least that’s what your inebriated brain is telling you.
“what is it, huh? not falling apart on me so soon, are ya?” steve quips as he thrusts into you.
“feels too good,” you rasp. “i’m… i’m gonna–”
“that’s a good girl. that’s a good fuckin’ girl, huh?”
if he speaks any more, you’ll probably fucking explode. you’re too exhausted, too overwhelmed to ride him as he fucks you dumb, but he continues anyway. steve hands hold you in place with an iron grip, your body still as your figure drapes over his with arms wrapped around his neck while he fucks into you. 
“oh, oh my god,” you cry out. 
“gonna cum for me, you little slut?”
you can barely respond, instead moaning into his ear with an intensity that’s borderline obscene. 
“you can do it, i’ve got you.”
he groans at the way your body shakes, tears pricking slightly from your eyes and coaxing out streaks of black eyeliner to smudge around your waterline. the sight alone nearly makes him come undone, so he has to pull out of you before he loses himself completely. 
“fuck, fuck, so pretty,” he gasps. “all for me?”
“yeah,” you whine, breathing heavily from your recovery but still grinding against steve’s thigh in anticipation of his orgasm. you watch in excitement as he stares at you starry-eyed, jaw slack while his hand pumps his thick cock. you take pride in the way he whines and grunts, the way he bites his lip to hold back his moans even though he can’t.
it doesn’t take long for him to cum all over your skirt. it’s funny, the way he’d been eyeing it the entire movie night and covering up his attraction with insults and banter. you pushed him over the edge much too often. this happened to be the one time there were consequences about it.
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, more cheating, a bit of angst, jacob, and i think thats all Words: 4.3k A/N: for my lovely kneeling non, i think ur going to like this chapter...
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Jenna stood at the sink washing the dishes you used from earlier, a small smile on her face. Her smile widened as you appeared behind her, wrapping your arms around her frame. She leaned back against you, her body melting into yours.
You kissed her neck softly and she sighed contentedly before remembering the time. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" She asks, turning off the faucet and flickering her hands over the sink.
You let out a dramatic groan as she turns around wrapping her arms around your neck. She smiles up at you pecking your lips for a quick kiss. "What if... I didn't go?" You say, pecking her lips back.
"And have your parents kill both of us? No." You tighten your grip, trailing kisses down her neck. "Just call the school and tell them I'm sick."
She looks up at you, her eyes softening. Her eyes begin glancing at your own. That's actually not such a horrible idea. It's just one day, right? She takes a deep breath, her lips pursing. After a few moments of silence, she nods in agreement.
"Okay," she says, "I'll call them." You release the breath you had been holding, happy. She smiles at you before picking up the phone and dialling the number. You listen as she talks to the person on the other end, informing you that you were too sick to make it to school.
She hangs up the phone and looks at you. You give her a small smile that she can't help but return. "You look so good in this robe," you tell her, pulling her back into your arms.
Your fingers begin rubbing against the silky fabric, and she relaxes into your embrace, her eyes half-closed in contentment. You press a kiss to the top of her head, feeling the comfort between you. She turns her head, her lips meeting yours in a tender kiss.
"It's still early what do you wanna do?" She whispers.
"I don't care," you murmur, "as long as I'm with you." Yeah, cheesy but very true. You felt so damn happy in this moment. Having her in your arms, being able to kiss her without any worries.
You were content with the world, with the universe. Nothing else mattered, not even the future, not even the past. Just that moment, that single moment, was enough to make you feel complete.
The two of you ended up enjoying each other's embrace and talking about random things that came to your mind. You were so content that you forgot about the passing of time. Eventually, you both were cuddled up in the living room as a horror movie played on the screen.
It wasn't too scary, it was just the first Scream movie. A classic to start off with your horror movie marathon.
"Dewey is honestly my favourite character in this movie." She laughs at you, leaning more into your chest. "What?" You say confused about the fact she was laughing.
She smiles and shakes her head. "It's just that you seem like Dewey would be your favourite character." You give her a look, and she laughs again. "Is that a good or a bad thing?"
She shrugs and smiles. "I guess it's a good thing. He's a pretty cool character." You smile and nod. "Yeah, I guess I do like him a lot." You pause, then ask, "So, what does that mean?" She laughs and shakes her head again. "Nothing, I just think you two have a lot in common."
You smile, feeling a little embarrassed. "Really? I guess I never thought about it like that." She grins, "He's cute don't worry." You pout your lips and look back at the screen, not really knowing how to respond to that. Jenna notices the pout on your lips, smiling.
"You're so cute." She then cups your face in her palms, bringing your face down to kiss her. You feel your cheeks heat up, and you lean into the kiss. When the kiss ends, you both smile, and you look into her eyes. She smiles back and gives you a small peck on the nose before letting go.
But that's short-lived as she pulls you into another kiss, this time longer and more passionate. She begins sitting up and your hands subconsciously find her waist, helping her straddle you better. You run your hands up her back, pulling her closer and lengthening the kiss.
An adrenaline rush comes over you when you feel her body temperature radiating through her clothes. You break the kiss and look into her eyes, a mix of desire and contentment on her face. She leans in and kisses your neck softly, sending shivers down your spine.
You bite down on your lips, trying your best to hold back a moan. It fails horribly when her lips attach to your pressure point. "Jenna..." She pulls back and looks at you with an amused smirk.
You can't help but blush at your own reaction. She runs her hand through your hair and kisses you again, this time more fiercely. Your hands travel up her sides, tracing her curves, and she shivers in response.
You pull away for a breath, panting a bit. Jenna has a cocky smile on her lips, obviously amused that you can't keep up with her. She leans in to whisper in your ear, "You can't handle me." She pulls away and her face is mischievous.
You can't help but smile, "Yes I can." She grins wider and she moves to the floor, kneeling in front of you.
Her hands run up your thighs before resting on the waistband of your shorts. "Let's see." You take a deep breath and she pulls down your shorts along with your underwear, your cock slapping against your clothed stomach.
She takes it in her hands, admiring it for a moment before leaning in to give it a gentle kiss. After the kiss, she looks up at you with a mischievous smile before guiding it to her mouth.
She hums as she takes it in, her tongue running circles around it. She wraps her lips around it, bobbing her head up and down as she takes it deeper and deeper into her throat. Okay, maybe you couldn't handle her.
"Fuckkkkk...you're so good at that Jen." She releases it with a pop and licks her lips, a smug smile on her face. "Are you already about to tap out?" You quickly shake your head, gripping the armrest of the couch tighter.
She laughs, taking you back in her mouth. You groan in pleasure, your eyes rolling back. You feel her tongue swirl around your shaft as she takes you even deeper than before.
She starts to bob her head up and down, her hand moving up and down in sync. You feel your pleasure building and you know you won't last much longer until your phone begins ringing nearly causing your heart to jump out of your chest. You reach for it on the couch, "It's Olivia," you say, glancing at Jenna.
She strokes you and with that smile on her face, you knew she was up to no good. "Answer it." You swallow hard and pick up the phone. "Hello?" Jenna's smile grows wider as she watches you, knowing the game she is playing.
"Y/N, are you at school today?" You shut your eyes in pleasure feeling Jenna's lips move up and down, the suction growing in intensity with each stroke.
Your back arches from the couch. "Uh? What?" You rasp out into the phone, almost forgetting you were in the middle of a conversation.
"I said are you at school?" Olivia repeats. You push your body closer to Jenna's as the pleasure builds. You moan softly, your body trembling with anticipation. You whisper a quiet, "yes," as the intensity of the moment overwhelms you. "You're at school?"
Your hand grips Jenna's hair, pushing yourself deeper into her throat. "N-noo... M', fuck." You mutter out, lost in the pleasure of the moment. Jenna's tongue swirls around you, pushing you closer to the edge. You feel yourself getting closer to the brink, your breath becoming more and more ragged.
"I'm about to cum." You whine, squeezing Jenna's hair tightly. She hums in response, "You're on your way?" Olivia asks, still oblivious to the sinful acts you were committing.
Jenna's grip tightens as she swallows your length, making you gasp. You can feel yourself about to reach the peak of pleasure and you let out a long, low moan. "I'm cumming—, you pull the phone away, a shaky thumb hitting the decline button.
"Shit, shit, shiit!" You come, feeling the waves of pleasure wash over you as Jenna takes it all in. Jenna slowly releases you, a satisfied smirk on her lips. She licks her lips, savouring the aftertaste as she rubs your thighs in a gentle massage.
You catch your breath and reach for her, pulling her close to you. "You're so crazy." You mutter into her neck, placing a few kisses on it. Jenna giggles into your shoulder, her breath hot against your skin. "Crazy for you," she whispers, her lips brushing against yours.
You pull her in for a deeper kiss, closing your eyes and savouring the moment. Your hand starts to untie her robe, her skin warm and soft against your fingertips. She pulls back and looks into your eyes, a smile playing on her lips.
She grabs your hand in hers and leads you to the bedroom, her robe billowing behind her. You follow, your heart pounding with anticipation of what is to come. She turns to face you, a smirk on her lips.
She takes your hands and places them on her hips, her skin warm beneath your palms. She leans forward, her lips brushing against yours. She pulls back, a spark of desire in her eyes. You were about to fuck her so good.
"I'm going to fuck you," she whispers. Or she was going to fuck you.
She pushes you onto the bed, straddling you. Her hands find yours, pinning them above your head. She grins down at you and leans in for a kiss. The kiss deepens, and she pulls away.
Her lips curl up in a knowing smirk, and she whispers, "I can feel you wanting to touch me." She raises herself to sit on your stomach, irritated at the shirt she's sitting on she lets go of one of your hands, pushing it up your body.
Helping her take it off, you raise your body slightly, and she grabs hold once again, gasping at the feeling of her clit striking your abs. "Mmm, fuck." She gasps out, biting her lip. "How badly do you want to touch me?" she asks, holding that powerful gaze of hers.
You smile, and reply, "Very badly." She smiles in response, "Mhm. And where would you touch?" You smile wider, "Everywhere." She giggles and begins rocking her hips against your core. "I could get off just like this," she mutters, her hold on your hands tightening.
You can feel the warmth radiating off of her and the vibrations of her voice as she speaks. She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of pleasure, "I'll let you touch me if you keep eye contact with me. Don't drift off."
You meet her gaze and keep it, taking in her beauty as she moves against you. Your breathing speeds up as she continues to move, her pleasure increasing with each passing moment. "Y/N," she moans.
You couldn't believe the scene in front of you. Jenna was getting herself off by just grinding against your abs, her hips moving and grinding perfectly. You decide to spice things up and flex your abs. Jenna moaned, her eyes fluttering shut in pleasure.
She moved faster, her breathing becoming shallow and erratic. Finally, she let out a loud moan as her body shuddered in pleasure. "Y/NNNNN! Oh my god!!"
She collapsed against your chest, her breathing still coming out in short gasps. She looked up at you with a satisfied smile and said "Good girl." You felt yourself twitch at the praise, your heart pounding in your chest.
You flip Jenna over on her stomach and start running your hands over her back, tracing the outline of her body. You could feel her muscles relax as you touched her, her breathing evening out.
You enter her from behind, gasping at the feeling. You move slowly, allowing her to adjust to your size. "Fuck, Jen." She begins to meet your thrusts, pushing back with each stroke.
Jen moans into the pillow as you move inside her, the pleasure overwhelming, sending waves of sensations through her body. "I wanna hear you," you whisper, picking up your pace. She cries out as you drive into her, the pleasure too much to bear.
You wrap an arm around her torso, pushing her back against your chest. She turns and looks into your eyes, her expression soft and filled with affection. She kisses you deeply, barely able to keep up with the kiss as she moans inside your mouth, "I'm so fucking close."
She holds your gaze as she tightens around you, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. You nod, feeling yourself getting closer as well. You can both feel the intensity of the moment as your bodies move in sync, pleasure rolling through you with each thrust.
You can see it in her eyes, your own desire mirrored in hers. She whispers your name, her voice filled with emotion. You feel the same emotion, your heart pounding in your chest. Everything felt so good.
You thrust into her harder, sending her over the edge. She shudders and screams out your name as she comes, her orgasm radiating through her body. You follow soon after, your own pleasure washing over you. "Ahhhh!!"
You collapse onto her, your breathing heavy. She wraps her arms around you, her body still trembling from the pleasure. You smile and pull her close, relishing in the afterglow of your shared intimacy.
"That was way better than school." She laughs, at you, her breath tickling your neck. You kiss her gently and hold her close. The world outside fades away, and for a moment, nothing else matters.
"Eli's asking me where I'm at." You say to Jenna, putting your wallet back in your pocket. Jenna smiles and shakes her head. "He's probably worried since you weren't at school or practice."
The cashier hands Jenna the brown bag. "Have a great day." Jenna smiles in response as you both begin walking toward the exit. "I've burned enough calories for today."
Jenna's face heats up at your comment. She quickly smiles and laughs and you join in, finding the sound contagious. "Here, let me send him a photo." You pull out your phone, aiming it at Jenna. She's confused for a second but smiles at the camera regardless.
you -
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eli -
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eli - do u want my heart to shatter????
eli - i thought we were best friends
eli - ask her if we can go on a double date
you - who would be ur date
eli - emma ofc duh
You snicker at the message, following Jenna outside the shop's exit door. "Eli said if he could go on a double date with Emma as his plus one." Jenna laughs, "The fact that she would be up for it is kind of unbelievable!" She shakes her head. "It'll be interesting to see how that turns out."
You smile, considering. "I can't tell if he's serious or not. I mean, he obviously likes her but I'm not sure if he would really want to date her." Jenna shrugs in acknowledgement, wrapping an arm around yours. "If he really does they'll be kind of cute." You both laugh, and Jenna gives you a knowing look. You nod in agreement, and the two of you walk off, still discussing the possibility of the two of them dating.
As you reach the end of the street Jenna's phone begins ringing. You could feel her tense up against you. "It's Jacob," she tells you, her voice barely above a whisper. She takes a deep breath and hesitates for a moment before finally answering the call. "Hi Jacob," she says, her voice steady and controlled. You watch her as she listens, her face unreadable.
She nods her head and looks away, her eyes distant. Jacob's voice seems to go on forever, and you can see Jenna's knuckles turning white as she clenches the phone tightly. Finally, she responds with a short "Okay" and hangs up. She takes a deep breath and turns to you, her face still unreadable.
"He said he talked to your parents and he's flying in tonight." You look at Jenna, not quite sure what to say. She stares back, her face still blank. You clench your jaw, "He's staying? Like at home?" Home. Jenna nods, her face still expressionless. You take a deep breath and try to keep your anger in check. "It's not like there are hotels nearby or anything," you mutter.
Jenna looks away, her eyes betraying a hint of guilt. You look away, feeling your anger rising. You can't believe he's just showing up like this. "I'm sorry," she whispers, grabbing your hand.
You turn back to her, your expression softening at the sight of her face. "It's not your fault." You let out a deep breath and with it, your anger. You pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead. "Let's just go," you say, and you both walk away.
You couldn't believe you were going to be under a roof with Jenna and her dickhead of a husband. You both get into the car and drive off in silence. You can feel the tension in the air. She knowsyou're upset. Jenna looks at you and apologizes again. You nod and look away, not wanting to start a fight. You drive in silence until you reach your destination.
When you enter the kitchen Jenna quickly stops you from leaving and heading off to your room. "Y/N, wait." She takes your hands into hers and looks into your eyes. "I'm sorry, I know this just complicates everything but there's nothing I can do right now." She takes a deep breath and continues, "I just want you to know... you've make me happier than he ever has. Okay?"
You can only nod in agreement, not sure what to say. You smile softly and say, "I'm glad you feel that way." Jenna smiles back and releases your hands, stepping aside to let you pass. You give her a small nod before heading off to your room.
You take a minute to process what just happened before continuing on your way. You feel a warmth in your chest and a feeling of contentment. You know that you have made a real connection with Jenna, and you are determined to make it last. Jacob will interrupt that.
An hour passes and you're getting a FaceTime call from your parents. The screen is grey as it loads before showing your mother and father sitting down at a desk, the phone propped up on something.
Your mother is the first to speak, her voice a little muffled but still audible. "Hey, honey!" She smiles, waving at the screen.
You smile back, "Hey, ma...how's the trip?" She beams, obviously proud of the question. "It's great! We've been a bit busy with meetings but all is going well." She pauses, looking at your father for a moment before continuing. "We miss you!" You nod and smile. "I miss you too."
"How are things with Jenna?" Your father asks, peeking his head further into the screen. "They're good," you reply. "We've been spending more time together, and I'm really enjoying it." "That's wonderful," your mother says, her eyes sparkling. "We're glad you two are getting along." If only they knew...
You feel guilty for not telling them the truth. But you also know they'd freak out about the fact that Jenna cheated on her fiancé/husband with you, and you don't want to cause any trouble. You just want to enjoy the time you have together and hope that your relationship will last.
"Did she tell you?" Your father speaks again, you squint your eyes a bit, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. "About Jacob?" Your parents accidentally nod in sync, "Yeah, she did." You look away, trying to hide your disappointment.
"We know you enjoy your space but Jacob was telling us about how things weren't looking too well with their marriage, so we just wanted to help out a bit. Linda," who was Eli's mom,"—said that you're always welcome at her place."
You nod in response, feeling a mix of emotions. "Okay." Your parents send you a sympathetic smile before continuing to talk about their trip and ask about how things were going back home.
You try to keep smiling and nodding along, but all you can think about is how much you miss them already. You mumble a few words of agreement before they give say their goodbyes and hang up.
Your phone dings, notifying you of a message.
eli - broooo i have no more gatorade
eli - can u bring one for me tomorrow for practice
you - idk if i got some
eli - go fucking check
You get up from your bed with a huff, muttering words under your breath as you make your way downstairs to your kitchen. You open the fridge to find a full pack of Gatorade. You send Eli a photo, typing, "nope all gone bitch." And before you could even press send a deep voice is heard behind you.
"Hey, kid." Your clench your jaw, turning around and seeing Jacob standing beside Jenna. She holds his luggage while an arm wraps around her shoulder. The ring is back on.
"Hey, Jacob." You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you take in the sight of them. You walk up to him with a fake smile. "How was your flight?"
He wasn't that taller than you, but he was indeed taller. He looks down at you with a grin, "It was fine. I just wanted to rush over back to my wife." He smiles at Jenna, pressing a kiss onto her temple.
Jenna gives him a fake smile, turning her head to you with a soft expression. "Oh my. Where are my manners?" He quickly turns to you and extends his hand in a handshake. "Thank you for agreeing to let me come on such short notice. I'm sorry for the rudeness."
You grip his hand tightly, staring him down the entire time. "Of course." His gaze shifted away from yours for a brief second, then he cleared his throat. You can't believe this is the guy who's holding off on marrying Jenna.
You felt your blood boil, but instead of speaking you just tightened your grip on his hand. He winced and you let go, before turning and stalking away without another word.
"So, where's the room?" He asks Jenna, turning to her and leaving you as a forgotten presence. He had made it clear he didn't want to deal with you any longer. You sighed and watched as he and Jenna walked away, leaving you behind.
"I think she likes you." Jacob laughs as Jenna walks into the bedroom after him, pulling his luggage behind you. "Really?" She asks, trying to sound oblivious as possible. Jacob chuckles and nods his head. "Definitely. I can tell by the way she looks at you." Jenna hums in response, shrugging. "I never really noticed."
Jacob smirks. "Trust me, I know. Just keep an eye on her, you'll see it too." He gives her a wink before wrapping an arm around her. "But she doesn't know you only have eyes for me..." God, please save me from this, she thinks. Jenna forces out a laugh, nodding her head. "That I do."
Jacob places a kiss on Jenna's lips, gripping her hips and pulling her even deeper into it. Jenna tries her best to fight the disgust building up inside of her. She wanted this to be you, not him. Jenna pulls away, her heart aching with pain and regret. "I missed you so much," he whispers, rubbing Jenna's back, her lips trembling.
She swallows, her throat feeling dry. "I missed you too," she says, her voice barely a whisper. She takes a deep breath, quickly wiping her lips when Jacob turns to pick up his suitcase, placing it on the bed.
She watches him unpack his things, the silence between them heavy with unsaid words. Jenna takes a shaky breath, wishing she could take back the last few minutes. She looks away, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She wants you right now more than ever.
When nighttime comes you can't bring it to yourself to fall asleep. Especially not when Jacob's in the bed with Jenna and not you. You feel a deep ache in your chest that won't go away.
You can't help but miss him and feel jealous of the moments he's sharing with Jenna instead of you. You can't help but wish you were there with him instead.
You try to distract yourself, but it's hard. You eventually succumb to the ache and tears start streaming down your face. You can't help but feel lonely and lost in the darkness of the night.
Jenna glances at her sleeping husband, checking if he's fully asleep before exiting the room and entering yours. Jenna kneels next to you, pulling you into a tight embrace. She whispers comforting words to you as she rubs your back, trying to ease your pain. "Baby, it's okay."
Fuck, this was so embarrassing.
She wipes away your tears and kisses your forehead. You feel a little bit better, but still embarrassed and ashamed. You don't ever want to think of this moment again.
She lays down on your bed, pulling you to rest on her chest. She softly runs her fingers through your hair, whispering comforting words to you, telling you it's all going to be alright. You start to feel calm and secure, and eventually drift off to sleep in her arms.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months
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Curses, Potions, and Spells (Oh my)
shape me something new by perilously (E, 24k, WangXian, Sharing a Body, set in CQL canon but inspired by the novel, Non-Penetrative Sex, Masturbation, (kind of), Slight Canon Divergence, some horror-adjacent imagery)
come home to my heart by occultings (microcomets) (M, 29k, WangXian, Bodyswap, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Canon Divergence, First Time, Getting Together, Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Misunderstandings, and a little bit of hurt/comfort as a treat)
See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, WangXian, POV WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX’s Abyssmal Self-Esteem, Emotional Healing, Angst, The Juniors love their Senior Wei, Curses, WWX is an Unreliable Narrator, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling)
Turn Left by kianspo (M, 204k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters,  Neurodivergent LWJ, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, lwj-centric, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies)
You'd Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 32k, WangXian, soulbonding, First Time, Case Fic if You Squint, Fools in Love, soul boning, soft fools in love, Pining while fucking)
This Lantern Shines For You by apollonie (M, 10k, WangXian, Hanahaki Disease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post-Canon, Pining WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, LWJ is a Disaster Gay)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, lesbian wq rights, Music, Orchestra, platonic and romantic pining)
pastel by antebunny (G, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Soulmates, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, but not actually, no courtesy names)
Stainless by Fahye (E, 6k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, Yuletide Treat)
as amber of ember glows by occultings (microcomets) (E, 11k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, Marathon Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Mutual Pining, First Time, Miscommunication, Aphrodisiacs, pining for the person you're fucking, Getting Together, mostly)
miss me once the thrill expires by idrilka (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern With Cultivation, Getting Together, Pining while fucking, Curses, Sex Pollen, Rimming, Multiple Orgasms, first time barebacking, Face-Fucking)
Say So by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 15k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, Fucking Your Best Friend, Light Dom/sub, extreme orgasm denial wanxgian edition, Dirty Talk, Love Confessions)
🔒Embers by xantissa (E, 38k, WangXian, XiXian, WangXianXi, Jadecest, Angst, drama, Fluff, Falling In Love, sex pollen trope (curse), dub con, Comfort, Grief, Forgiveness, Happy Ending, Sibling Incest, Switching, Flirting, Learning to live again, Magic, Curses, Everyone is Badass, lwj has a sense of humor, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Threesome - M/M/M, Slow Burn, Angst and Hurt/Comfort)
a safe pair of hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 11k, WangXian, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Body Worship, Post-Canon, Case Fic, Sharing a Bed, Getting Together, First Time, Curses, Intimacy, Touch-Starved, Touch-Starved LWJ)
So Why Not Crack Your Skull When the Mind Swells by greenteafiend (E, 13k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Curses, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Confessions, Drunkenness)
❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, soulmates, chronic illness, hanahaki disease as a curse, feelings realization, angst, fluff, smut)
🔒How to Seduce the Yiling Patriarch by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 8k, wangxian, post-canon, temporary amnesia, case fic, fluff & humor, crack treated seriously, angst, jealous WWX, YLLZ WWX, gusu lan junior dynamics, mild gore)
Your Hand in Mine by cerbykerby (T, 20k, WangXian, Humor, Comedy, Pining, cursed to hold hands, Light Angst, Sharing a Bed, First Dates, Embarrassment, Fluff, bathing together, wwx is a menace to society, and lwj Suffers A Lot, Canon Compliant)
with such a suffering, such a deadly life by cqlorphan (T, 7k, wangxian, post-canon, curses, curse breaking, getting together, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, hurt/comfort, affection, touch-starved LWJ, LWJ whump, cuddling & snuggling, love confessions)
in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 56k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, cloud recesses, NHS & LWJ friendship, developing relationship, LWJ pov, minor injuries, autistic LWJ, implied/referenced child abuse, aka YZY warning, genius WWX, light angst, hurt/comfort, WWX protection squad)
Of Curses and Cottontails by Alliandra (T, 15k, wangxian, canon divergence, burial mounds settlement days, curses, animal transformation, rabbit LWJ, angry bunji, fluff & humor, fix-it, golden core reveal)
🧡 Discarded by teawater (E, 169k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dying Lan children, Hurt/Comfort, YL WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, and it's not always dark, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ)
Under every sky, in every way by naqaashi (M, 13k, wangxian, curses, curse breaking, mermaids, fix-it of sorts, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, secrets, confessions, hurt/comfort, golden core transfer fix-it, genius WWX)
Lover's Curse by littlesystems (E, 15k, WangXian, Fuck Or Die, Dubcon implicit in fuck or die, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Cultivation Sect Politics, Brotherly Meddling, WWX Has a Rape/Non-Con Kink, Bruising, Overstimulation)
The Heart Always Remembers by thelamespaceace (G, 45k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Deaged LSZ, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Fluff, Angst)
🧡 moonlight caught in mutton fat by Raitelzen (T, 45k, WangXian, Case Fic, Curses, Curse Breaking, Transformation, mild body horror, Hurt LWJ, Ghosts)
A Curse of a Different Color by nickel710 (G, 35k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Curses, Curse Breaking, Asexual polyamory, Repressed LWJ, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drunk LWJ, Falling In Love, WWX Being an Idiot, Non-explicit vomit, just a tiny reference to it, Anxiety)
🔒 the cow says moo, the chicken says squawk, and the demon beast of yiling says by Dragonskye (T, 57k, wangxian, Ensemble Cast, Animal Transformation, Angst with a Happy Ending, kind of a glucose guardian vibe actually, Fairy Tale Elements, Beauty and the Beast Fusion, Falling In Love, Hurt/Comfort, they're soft, Secret Identity, Canon Divergence, Mutual Pining)
The Sun Will Rise series by vespertineflora (E, 129k, wangxian, Fantasy, Fairy Tale Elements, Human/Monster Romance, Tentacle Monsters, Plant Monsters, Tentacle Sex, vine sex, Vines, Monster LWJ, Human WWX, Mildly Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Eventual Romance, Slow Romance, Happy Ending, Groping, Edgeplay, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Prostate Massage, First Time, Multiple Orgasms, The Cloud Recesses Rabbits, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Homesickness, Angst, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Loneliness, Canon-Typical Violence, WWX Has a Rape/Non-Con Kink, Light Bondage, Light Masochism, Overstimulation, BAMF WWX, Stabbing, Near Death, Poisoning, Protective LWJ, Seduction, Aphrodisiacs, Snow and Ice, ,Snowball Fight, Lost Love, Falling In Love, Drunken Kissing, Sex Pollen, Submission, Subspace, Multiple Penetration, Love Confessions, full body restraint, Emotional Sex, Reincarnation, Sounding, Urethral Play, Prostate Massage, Multiple Orgasms, Shameless Smut)
🧡 Kitty-cat by canis_lupus (E, 78k, WIP, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, dom LWJ, Sub WWX, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Jiang Family Dynamics, Abusive Jiang Family, POV Multiple, WWX Has ADHD, Autistic LWJ, Masturbation)
Potions (includes poisons)
Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Protective JC, JC drinks a potion that lets him hear people's lustful thoughts, Teenage LWJ has a lot of feelings, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses study arc)
🔒Truths Laid Bare For All by Preludian_Staves (T, 42k, wangxian, arranged marriage, not Jiang friendly, truth serum, love confessions, golden core reveal, implied referenced abuse, getting to know each other, genius WWX, falling in love, courting, WIP)
pomegranates for the softest parts of you by AvoOwO (M, 24k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Fluff and Angst, LWJ Has a Crush, POV LWJ, Protective LWJ, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, Courting Rituals, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Poisoning, Dorks in Love, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Mind Manipulation, Manipulation, JC and LWJ Dislike Each Other, Good Sibling JC, Angst and Feels, Emotional Hurt, Supportive LXC, Supportive Sibling LXC, Good Uncle LQR, LQR Metaphorically Qì-Deviates, Mentioned Madam Lán, Blood, Fainting, Soft WangXian, Cute WangXian, Dubious Consent, Feelings Realization)
Truth to Tell by SequoiaSempervirens (M, 3k, WangXian, Getting Together, First Kiss, Fluff, silliness, Truth Serum, Kidnapping, Worried LWJ, Protective LWJ)
🔒After Truth Lies the Honest Path by Vrishchika (M, 10k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Truth Serum, Angry WWX, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Mild Angst, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Getting Together)
Potion by UglyBeautiful (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, College/University, Witchcraft, Love Potion/Spell, Idiots in Love, LWJ Has a Big Dick, LWJ has a very dirty mind, Anal Sex, Rimming, Compulsory Heterosexuality, licking vegan marshmallow paste off a naked body, Happy Ending, Scheming NHS, Ghost familiar with many guises NHS)
Love potion and a remedy for the heart. by satans_dolly_boy666 (G, 2k, XiXian, WangXian, Love Potion/Spell, Misunderstandings, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Brotherly Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Declarations Of Love, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Jealous LWJ, Protective LXC, Oblivious WWX, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Supportive Sibling LXC, Soft LXC, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Eventual WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Crack, Attempt at Humor)
scope and limitations by mercurials (T, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, chemistry major wwx, Love Potion/Spell, Fluff, Mutual Pining)
At the bottom of the bottle, you're the poison in the wine by KatAnni (T, 11k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, WWX & WQ, Fainting, Angst, Poisoning, JZN is an asshole, Golden Core Reveal, Fix-It, a little poisoning will solve all your problems!, Hurt/Comfort, POV Multiple, Attempted Murder, Everyone Lives AU, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence)
Spells (includes talismans/arrays)
The Way It Wasn't by KouriArashi (T, 72k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fix-It, (eventually haha), Slow Build, Family Feels, Moral Ambiguity, Eventual Happy Ending)
Wearing Down Every Bone by CSHfic, VSfic (E, 30k, WangXian, Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Case Fic, Curses, Pining, Getting Together, Time Travel, Night Hunts, Hurt wwx, Mystery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Use Your Words, Mutual Pining, Depression and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, gratuitous use of empathy)
hope dangling by a string by KouriArashi (M, 70k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, everyone lives, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, psychic bond, telepathy, communication, emotional/psychological abuse, jiang family feels, lan family feels, canon-typical violence, canon-typical politics, improper use of sacred forehead ribbons, gratuitous hair washing)
🔒I am sorry for taking your voice by misterfish (G, 8k, WIP, WWX/OMC, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt WWX, Remorse LWJ, Mute WWX, Jiāng Family Bashing, Past Child Abuse)
Couldn't Scream Couldn't Shout by mermorgie (T, 42k, WIP, WangXian, Not for jc stans, Muteness, Sign Language, references to selective mutism, Homophobic JC, canon jc characteristics, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Anxiety Attacks, Pining, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Supportive Sibling LXC, JZX Tries, LQR Tries, Protective JZX, Scheming NHS, Bisexual JZX, LWJ is Bad at Communicating, WWX Has ADHD, Autistic LWJ, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Jiāng Family Bashing)
Quartet series by WithBroomBefore (T, 69k wangxian, JZX & JC & WWX & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, WWX's canonical comfort with the prospect of his own death, Hurt/Comfort, JZX makes friends, Eventual Happy Ending, some unhappiness along the way, Canon-Typical Violence, JC keeps his golden core, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Minor Character Death, Kissing, WWX Lives, no golden core transfer, JZX Lives, Fix-It, WN Lives, Weeping, temporary major character death, Murder Road Trip, Implied Sexual Content, Sunshot Campaign, Nonbinary NHS, Telepathy, platonic group soulbonding, Family, Found Family, POV WWX, Podfic Available, Siblings Sworn Brothers, aroace JZX, Happy Ending, all the Wen remnants live, POV JZX, JGY is less murdery, Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, JZX's social awkwardness, Poison)
on his best bee-haviour (pun very much intended) by HeavenlySkyfarer (T, 4k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Modern With Cultivation, Humor, Fluff, Good Uncle LQR, Gremlin WWX, Bees, Established WangXian)
all the broken things that I made by ilip13 (E, 43k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Lovers To Enemies, (then back to lovers I'm not a monster), Dubcon Kissing, Dubious Consent, But mostly not in the way you might expect - see notes for details, Explicit Sexual Content, Bondage, Flirting, Competence Kink)
159 notes · View notes
see-arcane · 2 years
Jonathan Harker and the ‘Brain Fever’
Because I can’t just let it be a nice update, I want to put the situation of Jonathan’s ‘brain fever’ under a magnifying glass. Then turn it into a period-accurate knife and twist it.
Because while I don’t doubt Jonathan might have gotten sick/addled during his nonstop Get the Hell Out of Transylvania Marathon, I think it’s important to mention that Sister Agatha brings up the horrors he was apparently raving about in what we’ll assume was his early time at the hospital. He was absolutely ranting and rambling about what had happened to him, what threat there was in Castle Dracula, the other now en route to England.
A tidbit that ties into the fact that he got off the train and went straight to a hospital and not, say, onto another lap towards the shore, a boat, and Mina, which was undoubtedly the only thing on Jonathan’s mind. Why is he there instead?
At a guess, he was not allowed an option. The same people who sold him the ‘Please Get Far Away from Us, Crazy Englishman’ ticket likely sent word ahead that, hey, there’s a crazy sick dude on this train, you might want to get somebody on that. That or he was clocked the moment he got off the train. Maybe he collapsed. Maybe it was just his behavior. Either way, Jonathan being Jonathan, you know this man would have dragged himself half-dead onto a boat home if he could.
But no. He was ‘helped’ to the hospital’s care—his physical needs and diagnosis of brain fever likely being the only buffer between him and a permanent stay in the sanitorium.
“He’s speaking madness, but it is a temporary symptom! Poor man. We must make him well!”
And Jonathan had to catch onto that quick and play into it. If he hadn’t? Kind as his new keepers are, benevolent as they are, once his physical maladies subsided, there would be a very real threat of them helping him into a padded room.
Assuming he didn’t miraculously overcome his ‘fever’ and shut right up about all that monster talk. Instead, let’s talk about how much better he’s doing. Let’s talk about his boss, who he simply must report back to. Let’s talk about Mina, his fiancée who he means to marry soon. Let’s send letters out to them to get confirmation that he is, in fact, missed, that these people exist and can vouch for him* (*bring him home to England). He will be a good patient. He was terribly sick, but he is on the mend. He is good. All is well.
(Please don’t lock me in my room again, Count.)
(Please let me go home.)
In a grimmer universe, I imagine Jonathan does get sent back to England, if not in the way he’d hoped.
And Mina visits him whenever she can in Seward’s asylum.
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haladrielficxch · 3 months
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Author Reveals are here! Read below the cut to see who wrote your favorite fics!
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don't let it in with no intention to keep it by alicuntisms for @nuclearnik
galadriel is in need of a human - halbrand is in need of a warm place to sleep. a bargain is struck. if only galadriel knew who she was striking a bargain with....
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A Lust for Light by cozy_ships for @liminal-zone
The magic is always just there on the periphery of his lands, threatening to spill over. Sometimes he swears he can feel it in the earth beneath his feet, taste it in the water, clear and bright and so utterly unlike his own. The flowing currents of it had drawn him to these lands, led him to stake his own claim and build his fortress along the borders of the Golden Wood. He knows who resides within, hiding herself away amidst the forest’s glittering bowers.
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Tempered by eye_of_a_cat for @cozy_ships on Twitter
She focuses instead on smaller things. She notices the edges of him: the sewed seams of his bracers, the way they press against the skin of his hands; the shadow at his neck where the cloth of his collar falls loosely; the way the fuzz of hair on his arms glows a little in reflected firelight. He is all edges and joins, scars and soldered seams. There will be a way to break him apart.
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at the dawn of our folly, we took from the tree that was rotting by ichabodcranemills for @lisenberry
Stranded togehter in the middle of nowehere, political rivals Galadriel and Halbrand learn they have more in common than they could've possibly imagined.
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Love is heavy and light, bright and dark by lisenberry for @softlighter
There was a time in Lady Galadriel Artanis Noldor’s life when all she had to worry about was keeping her face out of the sun and her feet out of the mud. Her nose in her embroidery and her hands soft as lambskin. Her brain empty and her mouth shut.
Many things had changed since then.
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and I feel like I just got home by Lizzen for @eye_of_a_cat on Twitter
A third age haunting of a sort; an alternate version of life as seen through the looking glass, and the impact resonate.
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She is Everything You Want by MyrsineMezzo for @alicuntisms
As he looked at that tight braid with the light reflecting in her hair, Halbrand realized he knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. Galadriel Noldor. She was the best and the brightest; the pride of the university who had been profiled in the recent campus magazine because she was on a sure ride through the NCAA fencing tournament system even as a sophomore. He realized Mel had followed his gaze when he heard a low scoff.
“Noldor. A loner who thinks she’s above it all. Now there’s a challenge worthy of the highest of prizes.”
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the only song i want to hear by MyrsineMezzo for @ichabodcranemills
5 times Halbrand kissed Galadriel in exchange for a secret, and one time he did not.
Set throughout the first season of Rings of Power.
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Deeper, Darker Things Than You by nuclearnik for @formerlyIR on Twitter
He is effortlessly charming—and everyone besides Galadriel seems to eat it right up—but something hiding just below the surface, coiled and restless, calls to her.
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don't answer me (i'm calling just to hear you scream" by poeticmemory for @the-sweet-hibiscus
One year after her eldest brother‘s murder, Galadriel and her friends find themselves in the sights of a horror-film obsessed killer.
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everything (except what it is) by softlight for @myrsinemezzo
“And what are you going to say?” “That I can be civil if you can."
Rival teachers Galadriel and Halbrand sign up to run the school show. Things do not go as expected.
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the Curse of Linhir by TheSweetHibiscus for @justatinycollector
The morning of October 28th I, along with my unwilling companion, managed to flea the decrepit town of Linhir. I had ran, cloaked in nothing more than a t-shirt and the threadbare soles of my brother's old hiking boots, nearly twenty miles to the Regent's port home in Númenor. Each step was agony – the ill-timed impromptu marathon more than enough to cause my lungs and thighs to burn like coal cinders. Yet it was nothing compared to the sinking dread — a fear I hadn't gotten far enough away.
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By the Moonlight by justatinycollector for @wyrd-syster
It would seem to Galadriel, in their first few encounters, that Halbrand would always leave her with something. Later, she’d come to learn that he never left a place empty-handed.
The Highwayman AU.
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stones that move (and trees that speak) by Wyrd_Syster for @bad-surprise
Halbrand wants power and Galadriel wants her inheritance. There is no cost too high, no price too steep, to stop them from taking what they want.
A Macbeth AU with a dash of Sleep No More.
43 notes · View notes
luwritesomething · 1 year
Randy Meeks Heacanons: Dating Randy would include.
Warnings: Swearing lol, probably typos or bad constructed english
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Dating Randy headcanons!!
Author's note: RANDYYYYYYYYYYYY not enough works for him, so i gotta keep up with his requests. also kudos to alex for requesting constantly with great ideas :) i had so much fun making these.
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas. in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko and laura crane.
a lot of forehead kisses
cheek kisses too
he just looks like the type. he's gotta go to class? have a cheek kiss. you're meeting up? cheek kiss. you made him laugh? cheek kiss. going to sleep? cheek kiss. whatever, cheek kiss.
him being rather shy at the beginning of your relationship, but growing bolder as the time passes.
holding hands!!!! he loves holding hands. he actually blushed the first time you guys held hands, he's that cute.
getting along with his little sister martha!!! even teaming up against him with her lmao.
lots of dates, and a lot around getting food/eating/cooking/going to restaurants.
but i'm also not gonna lie, movies and dates are a big deal.
movie marathons! movie nights! going to the theater!
cuddling with randy (headcanons here)
you better not like guilty pleasure movies too much because if he has to cinematically roast you HE WILL.
learning a lot about movies and cinematography because he doesn't shut the fuck up.
but it's not like you want him to shut up like, ever.
competing to see who can insult people more 'culturally'
(like homo-repressed mama's boy, creepy tarantino film student, leatherface, pussy ass-wet-rag)
he likes dancing with you and will do so with absolutely every excuse he can think of.
the kind to get drunk, flirt with you and get really sad when you tell him you have a very loving boyfriend (he doesn't realize that's him)
really sweet
if he ever meets your parents, he'll most probably win them over. he's still walking on eggshells around them.
compliments you/what you're wearing every single day.
even if it's just your socks, he always says something nice to you.
he's so greatful to have you.
the type to walk out of arguments when things get heated, before any of you can say anything you'd regret.
he adores you, he could listen to every single thing you say for the rest of his life.
randy doesn't care if you're just talking about your favorite type of pen, he'll listen like you're trusting him with the secrets of the universe.
he remembers a lot of little details because of this.
call him 'pretty boy' and he'll be yours forever.
not a cheater :) (THE BARE MINIMUM---)
he rarely ever lies to you. he'd let you go down to the basement with him in a horror movie, and that's a shit lot of trust.
quotes different romantic dialogues from different movies, but it's always at the most unexpected/worst timing.
he's so goofy i love him.
always making sure you're okay, no matter where you at. it doesn't have to be a frat party for him to worry about your well-being
randy walks you everywhere, no matter how impractical that can be.
especially at night. he doesn't want you to go out alone when it's dark.
overall, he's a really good boyfriend, although i'm not getting involved with the angsty stuff.
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Hm. I am in the mood to play TOTK again.
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riddle-me-ri · 7 months
a/n: Happy Halloween friendos!! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to whip this up in time cause I had work and to get ready for my sister's Halloween party BUT I was able to do a small little something something for y'all!! Sorry if this has way more mistakes than usual and if it seems rushed…it’s because it is lmao I hope you guys enjoy it!! Have fun, watch some spooky movies, gotcha some goodies just please stay safe 💚🧡
Word Count: 933
Content Warning: subtle mentions of masturbation, voyeurism, and mentions of stalking.
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General Scarecrow x Reader - Watching You
You smiled contently at the small group of children as you waved them good-bye off your doorstep. 
You stretched your limbs, your sweater's neckline sliding off, exposing your shoulder a little. You took a glance at your phone and realized it was probably time to call it a night. 
You closed the door and locked it and began your nightly routine. 
Meanwhile your mind drifted off to your colleague Jonathan. You couldn't help but ponder what he was up to, after all this was his holiday. 
You hoped he liked the card you slipped into his mailbox in the university's office. 
It was cheesy and dumb, but you saw the scarecrow on the front and couldn't resist…
Jonathan knew he shouldn't be here…he should leave you be, you've been nothing but kind to him and what does he give you in return?
Countless nights watching you live your life without a care in the world outside your window…
He couldn't help it. He adored you. 
Occasional small talk in the break room or catching up in the halls just wasn't enough. 
Jonathan wasn't nearly confident enough to genuinely approach you for an encounter outside the university…he felt this was the only option he had to learn more about you. 
Almost like you were one of his experiments…but instead of observing and taking note of your reactions to his fear toxin and what your greatest fears…he wanted to know the opposite. 
He wanted to know what pleased you. 
He wanted to know what your favorite meals were, what you did on a lazy afternoon, what books you read…
When you take baths or showers…when you stay up a little later than usual to sexually gratify yourself.
Then for him to notice how relaxed you are the next day at work, likely as a result of your nightly activity.
Here he thought you were so pure and innocent…he wonders if you think the same of him despite him actively stalking you.
Jonathan shook his head…he shouldn't be here. He shouldn't know these things, but he can't help but feel his curiosity being satiated every night learning even the tiniest new information about you. 
Like tonight, he took note of how you celebrated the holiday of Halloween, tonight anyway. He wondered if you'd go to a party if you were invited and if the night wasn't a work night. 
For tonight however he noticed that you stayed up longer than you normally did and you enjoyed a random horror movie marathon on the TV. 
The hair on the back of Jonathan's neck stood at attention as he noticed you leisurely entered your bedroom.
He gasped softly. 
You began lazily removing your clothes, almost as if you were teasing him with how slowly you revealed expanses of your skin. 
Jonathan gripped the windowsill, longing for it to be your skin instead. 
He bit his lip, he really shouldn't be here…
You also really shouldn't undress with your curtains cracked slightly. He’d be enraged if anyone else decided to take advantage of seeing you in this state.
However the moment of seeing your skin on display was cut short as you grabbed a large oversized shirt and slipped it on over your form. 
Perhaps tonight wasn’t going to be one of those nights.  
He noticed you grabbed your phone as you plopped down onto your bed. You began tapping away on the screen.
Jonathan almost jumped out of his skin when he felt his phone slightly vibrate–he thought he forgot it at home like he was supposed to. 
It was a text from you;
“Happy Halloween, Jonathan! I hope you liked the card…I know it was cheesy but…it made me think of you ^-^ I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night and I hope you had atleast some fun tonight! ”
Ah, yes…the card. For a second he almost had a heart attack thinking you knew of his…other alias, but he knew that wasn’t possible and that you were merely trying to comfort him into the moniker that was given to him from other staff and students. 
Jonathan took a peek at the time. It was ten minutes passed ten p.m. It wouldn’t be out of the question if he didn’t respond right away. He never truly was apt in the etiquette of text messaging, albeit he tried. It was easier to approach than face to face communication after all.
He quickly shoved the phone back inside and glanced back through the window. He was almost ready to depart, seeing as you were likely heading to bed. 
Until he saw you swiftly remove the blanket from on top of your form. You slowly pulled back the edge of your over-sized tee. 
Jonathan found himself clenching the windowsill again an almost pathetic, needy whimper seeped from between his lips as he tried to get closer to you. Sometimes he could swear that he can hear the soft pants and moans you drive yourself to make. 
It wasn’t long until he felt a suffocating pressure in his crotch. His cock aching for friction and release…
He looked around to make sure he was properly secluded from the remaining teens that were still running around and the families slowly walking home. 
It was a huge risk…
He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t do this. 
All those other instances…he waiting until he got home or he came undone without even unzipping his pants.
There was no telling when he’d ever share a moment like this with you again…
He can already see it now. Tomorrow morning you both would be sleepy, but somewhat more at ease and blissful. You wouldn’t have the faintest idea why he was that way, but he would know for the both of you. 
Jonathan couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of your message as he gripped the base of his cock. 
“I hope you had atleast some fun tonight!”
He would have some fun tonight, indeed.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
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There’s no going back now. Welcome to my stepcest verse. Here you’ll find all of my series, fics, blurbs/drabbles and wip tags for: stepdad, stepdad’s best friend, stepbrother(s), etc., and all thots, including single pairings and crossovers.
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【 fluff, smut, angst, dark, (c)ompleted, request 】
˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ | @onsunnysidelibrary | 𝐀𝐎𝟑 
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𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐬; series ⤜ d, f, s
✧࿐ Ari has spent too long protecting you from the big bad world and all the monsters who inhabit it—including himself—for you to belong to someone else. See the Rush Collection. [soft dark!stepbrother!Ari Levinson, frat boys!CEvans characters, innocent!reader, university au, stepcest, grey character undertones, fratboy!Ari, innocent/virgin!reader]
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬:
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩; one shot ⤜ s, r (c)
✧࿐ It’s the summer before your freshman college year, and your stepdad’s best friend has been teaching you about pleasure behind your stepdad’s back, or so you think. Based on this ask. [stepdad!Ari Levinson, stepdad’s best friend!Lloyd Hansen, stepcest, innocent!/inexperienced!reader]
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝?; one shot ⤜ f, s (c)
✧࿐ Curtis has always been your hero, and after a horror movie marathon, it’s no surprise you seek comfort in his bed. [Stepbrother!Curtis Everett x innocent!reader. Stepcest, somnophilia, corruption/ruined kink]
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𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬: [ faves | others ]
see each tag for asks/drabbles/blurbs.
bad boy stepbro!curtis
boyfriend!curtis and boyfriend’s stepdad!ari
bratty stepsis!reader x stepbro!ari 
dark mafia!stepbro!ari
golden boy!frat boy!stepbro!steve rogers
nerd stepbro!jake jensen
stepbro!andy x party girl!reader
stepbro!bryce langley
stepbro!ransom x camgirl!reader
stoner stepbro!ari
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬/𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: not tagged as wips.
smut = *
stepdad!Lloyd Hansen got with your family for business but wants to knock you up*
christmas with stepdad!Ari Levinson*
boyfriend’s stepdad!Lloyd Hansen (ft. boyfriend!Ransom Drysdale)*
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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t4tower-of-t4terror · 7 months
Twst horror movie taste hcs
A response to smthn in my ask box! I've actually had this in my drafts for over a year!
DEFINITELY was not allowed to watch horror movies
I feel like his dormmates have been easing him into the genre a little
He likes Carrie. He finds Carrie White relatable
I feel like Riddle would also like early horror. Universal monsters and maybe a little Hitchcock
But he can't do gore and he isnt a huge fan of slashers
Casual horror fan. Pretty decent taste
Like he's seen most of the big franchises (Halloween, NOES, Friday the 13th, Scream, Child's Play, etc.)
He seems like either a 70s horror kinda guy or a 90s-2000s horror kinda guy.
Maybe I'm projecting but. I feel like he'd enjoy Black Christmas
Probably secretly enjoys really fucked up insane movies. Curse of science club
LOVES schlocky slashers
Definitely watches Dead Meat. I feel it in my bones.
Cater likes campy stuff above all. He HAS done a Jennifer Check Halloween costume.
Probably loves The Lost Boys, The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Bride of Chucky, Rocky Horror, all of that fun stuff
Him and Trey have occasional marathons. Sometimes they invite Riddle
Has a tendency to get spooked by it, though
He absolutely loves the Friday the 13th movies.
Has probably done a Billy and Stu costume w Ace
He's such a wuss but he pretends he isn't
This fuck chooses the scariest shit during horror movie nights and almost pisses his pants
His fav is probably Fright Night. Idk why
He "doesn't watch movies"
I think he'd fw Chucky though
Black comedy lover
HUGE fan of b-movie franchises like Leprechaun, Gingerdead Man, Evil Bong, etc
I feel like he watches Troma
Avid $5 movie box enthusiast
I don't think he'd watch any
He gets too upset
Hes a coward
He really likes movies where the killer gets revenge on their bullies
Idk why but I think he'd fuck with paranormal horror
He likes The Shining. No clue why
He's an extreme horror fan
He's seen it ALL
like. Homie can watch the most fucked up shit with a straight face
He recommends Salo at parties. He also is no longer allowed to go to parties.
Like Jade.
Fucko will absolutely be like "we shld watch Slaughtered Vomit Dolls!!! I've heard it's really fun" so he doesn't get invited to Halloween parties.
Also doesn't watch horror
He gets emotional when certain characters die
He does fw hocus pocus though
Also a really graphic horror fan
He probably likes it as projection
He also likes complex psychological stuff. More of a casual fan but has a morbid curiosity with the genre
Really likes "descent into madness" movies
But I feel like Vil wld adore Black Swan specifically. It's a personal callout
Vil likes the darker, artsier vampire movies. They prioritize aesthetic above all else and WILL critique period-inaccurate costuming
But has one rlly campy guilty pleasure franchise. Idk why but I wanna say Sleepaway Camp. Pretends the ending of the first movie doesn't exist.
Rook made her watch Serial Mom and she kinda fucking loved it
I'm split here. Because this man is a fucking FREAKAZOID
Either he only watches deeply artsy pretentious horror films for the beauty in it
Or he has a collection of "horror" DVDs that are VERY VERY DUBIOUS. And probably real
Whatever. Rook Hunt I recommend The Hunger with David Bowie and Katherine Deneuve because it suits him. Also Hellraiser for graphic gore and also weird erotica.
Also he's a John Waters girlie. I believe it with my whole fucking soul.
Why do I wanna say Final Destination or Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Surprised by how much his dormmates actually enjoy bloody horror movies. Despite that, he handles mainstream horror better than he handles Vil's arthouse horror or Rook's whatever the fuck Rook watches
Category 5 autisms about Perfect Blue
Genuine diehard horror fan. This is canon btw
He has a canon niche horror franchise he made a detailed Halloween cosplay of. This is a fact.
Also. Re-Animator for obvious reasons
He is the horror, if you think about it.
Also he watched Videodrome because of the film club and got really into it
I can only imagine him watching black and white horror. And distinctly romantic vampire movies
Bride of Frankenstein girlie
All of em
Old weird bat man liked horror movies that only 5 people have ever seen. He has the most insane letterboxd page known to man
He doesn't have much interest in horror as a genre
But maybe Nightmare on Elm Street. Lilia made him watch it
He liked Dream Warriors.
Tried to sit through a horror movie because Lilia likes them but he couldn't do it
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msweebyness · 29 days
Akuma/Theater Kids Mother’s Day Plans
Howdy y’all! This is what I imagine the Akuma Class and the Theater Kids did for Mother’s Day! For background, you can look at my Akuma and Theater Class families! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Marinette sewed a beautiful new Hanfu for Sabine and they got dinner at her favorite restaurant. She also went on a motorcycle ride around Paris with Gina.
Alya, Nora and the twins spent all day in the kitchen cooking an entire Martiniquan banquet for Marlena. Alya also made a montage of photos and videos with her mom for her personal blog.
Nino made a mix of all Margie’s favorite songs and he and Chris made her favorite desert. Well, they tried to…
Chloe stole Audrey’s credit card and went on a shopping spree with Zoe.
Sabrina and Tanya went on a mother-daughter shopping trip and got dinner together.
Juleka and Luka treated Anarka (with help from the rest of Kitty Section) to a performance of a bombastic heavy metal version of Drunken Sailor, and they all slept on the deck under the stars.
Rose cleaned the entire house for Lily and arranged a beautifully decorated tea party for the two of them in the backyard.
Kim and his sisters took Mai to an indoor extreme sports facility…and she proceeded to completely kick her children’s asses.
With Markov’s help, Max made his mother an incredibly detailed digital holographic map of the known universe.
Alix and Salma went bungee-jumping before going to dinner and a pro-wrestling match.
Ivan (with help from his dad) made Galina a new bench for her garden, where she likes to sit and read. (it had the family’s names carved in Russian.)
Nathaniel painted a mural for Aya’s cafe of their whole family, and took his mother out for lunch.
Missy visited her mother’s grave and left flowers, sitting to talk to her for a while.
Jesse took Imelda to a local flower show, and they made dinner together. (Mylene also made a flower wreath and card for Imelda, because that woman is more of a mother to her than her own ever was.)
Ayesha made a hand-drawn animation for Megan as card outlining the reasons why she loved her.
Dot and Dolores spent the day helping Enid reorganize the house.
Petra and her godmother went to a pottery studio together, making gifts for each other and for Petra’s dads.
Roxie took Rydel to a concert for a band she loved, who happened to be performing in Paris.
Anthony bought Sylvie a basket of all her favorite teas and they had a horror movie marathon.
Candace and Sandra had a mother-daughter spa day.
Eri and Ryuji took Sasami to a showing of one of her childhood favorite plays, and after that they all gave each other makeovers.
Staci and Yumei just went out on a walk around Paris, doing whatever they felt like.
Margo and Dagny spent the entire day baking and doing crafts together.
Brecken and his sisters made a quilt with treasured family pictures for Rachel and spent the day helping Annie at the shelter.
Soo-Yeon, like Alya, spent all day making Mi Cha’s favorite foods, and after that, they played one-on-one basketball in the backyard.
Parker and Cissy did a mother-daughter obstacle course and went to the gym together.
Mona and Bindi had a movie night and bought all the junk food they could possibly eat.
Evie wrote and performed a song for Carolina, with parts for each of her siblings.
Eloise and Chet had a gaming session with Roerva, who’s actually better than both of them.
Anais took Olive out for dinner and got her a card. Their mother isn’t one for big gestures of affection.
Ondine and her brothers made the mistake of trying to make Haggis like Elsie’s mother would, but…they ended up just ordering a pizza and watching a movie.
Happy Mother’s Day, ya’ll! Shout out to my mom, who is the best! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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winter-dayz · 8 months
Movie Marathon
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff Words: 1141
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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Jimin smiled at me cheekily, holding up The Conjuring trilogy in his hands. Earlier today, he’d texted me about doing a movie night, but didn’t give any details on movie titles or genres. So when he’d turned up in his polka-dotted blue pajamas with a mischievous, little grin on his lips, I knew he was up to something.
“This is not a good idea, Chim.” I said, biting at my lip while considering the suggestion my boyfriend had just made.
“Aw, are you scared? I can protect you, don’t worry.” He smiled cheekily, but that wasn’t what was bothering me about the scenario. Regardless, I shrugged and nodded, finally agreeing to his idea. He brightened up and turned to go set up the TV, a smirk raising on his lips that I don’t think I was meant to see.
He insisted I go put on my matching set of pajamas, and when I returned he had already commandeered my living room. It was set up for “optimal movie-marathoning.” My ottoman had been moved to act as a footstool for the both of us, and he’d set up my small TV trays on either side for snacks and drinks.
“We can start with The Conjuring and go from there.” Jimin pulled up the movie while I grabbed a couple blankets and popped some popcorn. The thought crossed my mind to mention that I’d seen the entire Conjuring-verse already, but he seemed excited and I didn’t want to dampen his mood.
We’d only gotten through half of The Conjuring 2 before I realized I was faring far better than my boyfriend. I’d been so caught up in the storyline that I hadn’t realized the frequency at which he was jumping had increased.
He was not only jumping during the obvious jumpscares, but now also flinched when ambient sounds played. I had jumped once or twice during parts I’d forgotten about, but overall I was simply enjoying my salty snack and the captivating plot.
Another big scare ensued, and this time, I found my arms trapped as my entire body was encircled by Jimin’s arms and his face promptly shoved into the crook of my neck. As the scene dwindled down slightly, I freed one of my arms and patted gently at his head.
“You can look now, honey.” He pulled away pouting and glaring at me as though it was my fault for his woes.
“Why aren’t you scared? It was supposed to be the other way around.” I bursted out laughing at his admittance to why exactly he had wanted to do a horror movie marathon when he’d never shown much interest in the genre before. He was hoping to scare me into his arms.
“I’ve watched the entire Conjuring universe before. But also, most horror movies don’t scare me that badly. You gotta find the ones that play on my other fears.” He only huffed in response to my explanation, crossing his arms. “We can turn it off, if you’d like.”
But that seemed to add insult to injury and he scoffed, looking at me as though I’d cut up his favorite shirt.
“No, we’re finishing the series, and then we’re watching Barbie.” He stated with furrowed brows, leaving no room for argument. So, I nodded and opened my arms up for him to snuggle into. He eyed me for a moment before promptly diving in, nestling his head against my chest and wrapping his arms around my stomach.
By the end of the second movie, and the start of the third, Jimin had started getting handsier. One arm remained wrapped around my torso, but the other had slid its way down to my thigh. His face had moved from its comfortable position against my chest, and up to settle in the crook of my neck again.
Ten minutes into the third movie, he began pressing kisses to the skin below my ear. I paused the movie and turned to him with a tilted head and teasing smirk.
“Whatcha doin’?” I asked. His eyes roamed the room as he feigned innocence.
“Watching the movie and cuddling you,” he claimed, “why?” I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing at his obvious lie.
“Seemed to me that you’re trying to seduce me so you don’t have to watch the movies you insisted we watch. If you can’t behave then I’ll make you sit by yourself.” I playfully chided. He clicked his tongue at me, annoyed, and then pouted in annoyance.
“Fine, didn’t wanna kiss you anyway…” He grumbled, relaxing back into my embrace. I resumed the movie and, since I always let him get his way, began lightly threading my fingers through his hair.
 By the time the final installment was done, we were both thanking the gods. Jimin for the sake of his sanity and heart, and me for the sake of blood flow to my hand which he’d grabbed onto during an early jumpscare and gripped for his life for the next hour of the movie. He ran a hand over his face, looking utterly exhausted.
“You still wanna watch Barbie, Chim?” I asked softly, smoothing down his ruffled hair. His head dropped forward as he groaned. It was clear that the trilogy had taken his soul from him and he wanted nothing more than to collapse into a peaceful sleep, but I could also see the wheels turning as he remembered the haunting contents of the movies.
He nodded somberly, and I couldn’t help a sympathetic—but amused—as I put the next movie on.
The next morning—or more like afternoon—when Jimin stumbled into the kitchen to fix himself a mug of coffee, I cleared my throat and slid my phone across the table in his direction. He walked over, pecked a kiss to my cheek, and then picked up my phone to see what I wanted to show him.
On the screen was a list of five different movies that I hadn’t seen yet. A look of recognition lit up his face, and his arms dropped to his sides in despair.
“You wanted me to be scared didn’t you? Those ones will probably scare me, honey.” I teased, and he half-heartedly swatted at my arm.
“I’m never watching scary movies again, I can’t handle it.” I took my phone back from his hands and pulled up a different list I had compiled before putting it back in his hands.
“What about this list?” He eyed me with mock distrust before looking at the list. This time his face beamed with excitement, and he looked over and nodded.“I love classic Halloween movies!” Which of course, I already knew, and we spent the day debating which ones to watch, when, and in what order, deciding to start with Hocus Pocus and end with the Halloweentown series.
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