#my grandma is lowkey homophobic
tuiyla · 1 year
What’s your favorite seasons for Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Rachel, Tina and Mercedes?
Ohh this is such a fun question! Thank you Anon xx There's such an urge to choose a different one for each because six seasons six girlies but I shan't. At least not with that intention.
Brittany - Season 6
Starting with her because it's sooooo easy to choose. Gosh, how I wish we could have had season 6 Brittany for longer. If only she could have always been here, blessing us with her confidence. I cannot overstate how much this is my favourite version of Brittany. I also think it's a good albeit brief season for her plot-wise, and though I hear the criticism that she set Santana up for failure by pulling that Alma shit, she meant well and goddam did she do it in a fun way. Don't tell me the Brittany who tells Santana's homophobic grandma that sex with her granddaughter is great isn't the best version of herself.
Tina - Season 5
It was that or season 4. Listen, listen, I know a lot of people prefer her in the earlier seasons but they're wrong because diva Tina who has stuff to do is superior. It felt like season 5 finally allowed her to not only be part of the club but honestly be the de facto female lead. And it's a bummer that she's but a guest star in season 5B but season 5A has some of her very best vocal moments and is generally when I think she gets her dues. There's Tina in the Sky With Diamonds, of course, but even beyond that. Frenemies, Trio! The girl is actually getting plot! So yeah I guess you could argue for season 4 but iirc she sings the most this season and is still sort of the butt of the joke but it feels less disrespectful because she is actually being featured. She's beloved.
Santana - Season 4
I swear I'm not doing the season countdown thing on purpose. Obviously I love Santana in every season and I'm a firm believer that if you don't love her at her season 3A you don't deserve her at her season 4. And I reject the notion that she peaked in season 4 in that she didn't continue to be beautiful breathtaking brilliant never been done before afterward. But with all that you don't love my fave like I do talk aside, yeah season 4 is probably my favourite for Santana. Ironic because she actually misses a lot of episodes but she just has such an Arc and goes through such a journey. I love how lost she feels and how vulnerable she is after the breakup and how hard she tries to be a good friend but how much she sucks at acting like a normal person. The writers should have gotten her to New York sooner and my god do I have other notes for improvement in terms of writing but Santana herself? Beautiful perfect baby girl. She goes through your bags and drawers and hugs and holds you while you cry. Season 2 is also a contender.
Mercedes - Season 3
Oh poor Mercedes gets such a chaotic season. Unfortunately I don't think she has a standout season because she never gets enough of a story but season 3 feels the closest to having an arc. There's a bit there in season 1 but it's lowkey and in B plots, and season 2 similarly feels like they mostly forget she's there. Now I very much do not appreciate the way season 3A frames her because season 3A SUCKS but she gets to take a stand and shine. She gets shit done, stands by her principles and herself, gets The Troubletones going, demands the respect she deserves. And then season 3B sees the love triangle thing with Sam which I'm not a huge fan of but it does give Mercedes character drama and even then she stays so principled. She ultimately gets many happy moments and her stardom gets kicked off. So yeah I just love to see her stand up for herself and work towards her goals while also not being left out of the romance drama, which on Glee equals screentime.
Quinn - Season 2 I guess
I simply refuse to consider season 1 her best. I think people who only like Quinn in that season must not like Quinn very much at all because she's constantly decentered during her own pregnancy and has so little agency in it all. It also feels, just, sadistic to say all that horrible shit happening to her was the best. Then again horrible things always do be happening when she's around. And I think my latest Quinn ask was exactly about the messiness of season 2 so clearly this season isn't perfect, either. But she has stuff to do, you know? It's fascinating to see her completely reject the pregnancy. She refuses to be the teen mom people want to perceive her as. She clings desperately to a sense of normalcy, nay, superiority, and it leads to tensions with Santana and a messy dating life and Quinn ultimately crumbling at the end of the season. So, you know, still sad shit, but my god at least it's not You're Having My Baby. My other choice would be season 4 but she's in the grand total of two and a half episodes and I just happen to project a lot into it.
Damn it's really hard to choose for Rachel. I'm going to sound like such a hypocrite because I explicitly said I won't just do the girl-a-season thing but here goes:
Rachel - Season 1
Like with Santana, I would once again like to note that if you don't love Rachel at her season 5 maybe you don't deserve her at her season 1. And I do really like season 6 for her, for example, but it's been so long since I've seen that season that it wouldn't feel right to say it's my fav for her. Season 1 Rachel is just such a delight. Again, I think there's good in her (and for her) in every season and it feels too mainstream to say season 1 but goddam. It's the popular answer for a reason. Rachel is so earnest and so over the top and so hilarious. But then she has these come-down-to-earth moments and especially when Shelby the devil comes around we see how she's just a lonely girl desperate for love. She's so so precious I just wanna wrap her in a blanket. And I hugely dislike the Finchel stuff but unfortunately, that is what it is. Lots of other great moments.
Again great question, hopefully good answers too.
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Hi!!. I just read your last, like, three fics and can I just say that Oliver is such a sweetheart🥺!!!!!!
Anyway, this isn't a fic request really. I was just wondering if you could maybe write backstories for your characters? I'm lowkey curious to know what some of your OCs lives were like tbh👀.
I’m glad you like Oliver!! It seems like he and Isaac are my 2 most liked OCs. Anyway, ask and you shall receive!
Isaac: He has a younger sister and a much older brother, both of whom he loves. They all lived with their grandma because their parents went missing while on a business trip, and no one knows where they went. Isaac’s sister was 2, he was 12, and his brother was already 16. Their grandma was possibly the coolest woman alive, and she loved and spoiled them. Isaac had struggled with the loss of his parents, but his brother suffered worse than him, and Isaac tried his best to comfort him. That’s how Isaac realized he enjoyed helping people feel better, and that’s why he wants to be a therapist.
Oliver: His childhood wasn’t that bad. His parents loved him and supported him when he came out, and he did struggle with people being homophobic towards him from time to time but his friends (*ahem* Isaac *cough cough*) were always there to stick up for him. But Oliver was also an overachiever, and would often spend hours obsessing over and worrying about school. But other than that, his life growing up was pretty great.
Jordan: Her and her brother came from a rich family that owned and partnered with a handful of successful tech companies in both America and Japan. Because their parents were both from Japan, they visited family there often but mainly lived in the states. Jordan loved her fancy lifestyle, and because she wore fancy clothes and owned expensive things, people judged her and called her a snob, but when she met Birdie and Spirit she finally had people who saw the real her. (Jordan and Keiko don’t really have bad backstories.)
Keiko: (I repeat: basically no trauma.) Even though he’s Jordan’s brother, he didn’t have the same rich tastes that she had. He wanted a simpler life, which is why instead of accepting an allowance or asking for money, he worked jobs and applied for a lot of scholarships in order to get to college and get his own apartment. His parents offered to get nice apartments for him and Jordan, but when though Jordan accepted hers, Keiko instead stuck to buying his own.
Spirit: She wasn’t always the “heavy-metal-badass” she is now. When she was a little girl, she was basically a girly tomboy whose dad would take her fishing, play her music on the guitar, and take care of her since her mom was always working. But he was also a marine and had to go to war for a few months. He died in war on Spirit’s sixth birthday, and Spirit’s mom didn’t even stop working or come home to take care of her. There was no extended family to take care of Spirit, but her mom was home for a couple of days every week (or even every other week) and was well off financially, so CPS never really got involved. Spirit would sometimes go hungry and got her own job at a young age to buy stuff like food and clothes for herself since her mom never bothered to. Spirit’s childhood made her the independent, short-tempered badass that she is.
Birdie: Her backstory is another one of the less bad ones. Her parents are married and sweet, and she is an only child (but Spirit is like a sister to her). But she was bullied a lot growing up and often called crazy. She was obsessed with nature and was basically a hippie since she could walk. And her ADHD was so bad that she had meltdowns and bad ticks often, and as a result had scabs on her hands from picking at her skin. She takes medication, and Spirit sometimes keeps some of Birdie’s pills in her own bag because she knows Birdie forgets to take it from time to time.
Amberlynn: Right after Amber’s birth, her mom became a drunk and drug addict. And she was once so intoxicated once that she tried to kill little baby Amberlynn, and Amberlynn has a faded scar on her stomach from that attempt. After that, Amberlynn’s bio-dad (Finnegan) got full custody of her and left. When Anberlynn was about 2 years old, Finnegan met Jackson and the two of them got married when Amberlynn was 4. Amberlynn never knew her mom until the woman tried to show back up when Amberlynn was 13, and when Amberlynn yelled at her to leave, the woman slapped her and started to beat her while screaming. Jackson was there though and managed to get the woman locked out of the house. She was arrested after that, and the experience traumatized Amberlynn a bit. Her dads were there to help her through it though.
Eliana: She lived in Virginia and came from a very religious and political family. On the outside, she was a nice and beautiful girl who everyone assumed had a great life. But her family was hard on her—especially her three sisters who were jealous of her looks and called her a slut—and her life went to hell after one of her sisters found out she had a crush on a girl and was lesbian. People at her Christian school began to call her disgusting, and her family abused her verbally and physically. She had a brother who tried to intervene when he could, but he was the oldest and the first to move out to get away from his crazy family. But after two years when he had a job and even his own apartment, he convinced his parents to let Eliana move in with him. They disowned her and did just that. Afterwards, Eliana’s life improved and art became her therapy. After a while though of living with her brother and finishing up her high school years, her parents apologized and tried to get back in contact, saying they don’t accept her sexuality but she is family and they love her no matter what. She and her brother didn’t fully believe it, but she still visited her family on holidays and vacations while giving them the cold shoulder, knowing she could never forgive them completely. (Boy, that’s a long one😭).
Aiden: His dad was a cop and nis mom was a nurse. His life was nice until his dad was shot by a criminal and paralyzed from the waist and down. He’d always wanted to be a cop like his dad, and was even more determined after his dad’s accident. He was a well-liked, straight-A student with plenty of friends, and he’s also an insanely caring soul. Basically, his parents raised him right👍!!
Atticus: His backstory is really the best and calmest of them all. He was raised in the countryside. He wasn’t the stereotypical cowboy with a funny hat and a southern accent, but he knew how to milk a cow. He was a bright kid in school, and was basically just a giant hunk of joy. The people around him were accepting to the fact he was bi and he never struggled to fit in. He loved helping people and making them smile. He did lots of school programs like gardening club, student government, fundraisers, pen-pal club, and more. (The pen-pal thing is important to remember btw.)
Felix: He was raised in Britain his whole life, but his dad was American and he was born in America so he had dual citizenship. His mom was basically his best friend, and his dad thought this was weird since he thought that his son would be into things like sports instead of shopping. He wasn’t happy when his son came out as gay, but he didn’t put his son down either. Rather, he just never commented on it. Felix wanted to become a fashion designer like his mom, and when he told his dad the man basically sighed and said, “Okay, yeah. Sure. I’ll buy you a sewing machine if it’ll make you happy. I love ya, kid, but please just keep your grades up and for the love of God, please don’t start watching James Charles.” (BTW, Felix doesn’t watch James Charles. It’s just not his thing). When Felix was in high school, he joined a pen-pal program and was paired with a guy name Atticus from the US. They were pen-pals for the rest of high school and had even planned to go to the same college in the US so that their close friendship could continue in real life. They started dating after their first month of college.
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https-chaos · 1 year
I just got into a huge fight with my mom because she's pushing the hell out of me to bring her to pride and there are so many reasons I will not be doing that but it really boils down to 4 things:
1. Pride isn't safe this year. It's an anti-cop protest at its core, and it's in a big city in a year where there's a lot of hate and violence against the queer community. Not only do I not want my family to be unsafe in the case of violence from extremists or police, but I don't think people who don't believe in ACAB should go to an anti-police protest. She has a few local cop friends and genuinely believes all police want is to help people because those 3 small town cops in their 50s don't seem THAT racist or homophobic.
2. She makes a lot of lowkey homophobic comments along the lines of "I don't hate gay people at all, I just don't want to see them kiss. But I don't want to see straight people kiss either!" But she only brings it up when she sees a gay couple kiss. Never when there's a 3 minute straight sex scene in a movie, only when there's a 30 second gay kiss. She has also told me about a hundred times that she "could see me marrying a man one day" because she thinks if I find a feminine enough man I'll stop being a lesbian. Specifically I believe her ideal situation for me would be a lavender marriage with a gay man. You know, like it's the 60s? She also has an incredibly childish outlook on life and often quotes Horton hears a who and says "a person is a person" but her actions don't back up that innocent facade at all.
3. I don't think she would be able to keep her mouth shut about the kink, leather, men in thongs, people kissing and groping, people on leashes, people in fur suits, etc. When I brought this up she literally said it was just like Mardi Gras; she doesn't approve of people taking their shirts off and she thinks anyone who does anything she considers 'weird' is asking to be gawked at. She said if she saw a man in a thong she would go 😧, like she made that exact face. When I told her she can't do that because if a man wears a thong to pride he's looking for attention from other gay men, not shock from 55 year old straight women, she said I was too naive to understand. I told her that not only can she not make a face, a side eye, or a comment to anything she sees at pride, but that she also couldn't talk about it on the way home, at home, or ever. If you go to pride you know what you're gonna see and I don't wanna hear her disgust.
4. Even if she could keep her mouth shut about the kink, and she for some reason wanted to go somewhere that would make her uncomfortable on purpose, I don't understand why she would want to go with me when I was very clear that I will be talking to women, going to a lesbian bar after, and might even (gasp) kiss someone I don't know. I told her she wouldn't have taken my grandma to a bar while she looked for a boyfriend, because having your mother with you is kind of a deterrent to talking to people your own age. By my age she was married with a kid. I have no local friends, at all, and I would like to change that at pride. Going to the parade, standing silently to watch with my mom, not acting proud at all for fear of being shamed by her, and then immediately going home isn't going to help me make queer friends.
I guess I don't really have a specific point to all of this, I'm just so confused about why she is so desperate for me to never be in a situation where I might make a friend or even meet someone I could love. I live in her house. She sees how desperately lonely I am. She sees how badly I want to have a friend, or a girlfriend, or literally anyone except her and my sister and my dad. I don't understand why she takes every opportunity to preach her weird childish nonsense. Everyone should just hold hands and love each other, love is love, a person's a person, but please don't talk about politics or anything scary or negative because she can't take it. I don't understand her aversion to pda and I don't understand why she feels the need to pester me about it. I don't understand what she doesn't understand about the fact that I grew up terrified to tell her anything, to the point where she thinks I had an incredibly happy childhood. I can't afford to leave this house, and how does she not realize that if she had given me the support I needed in school and allowed me to be medicated maybe I could have gone to college and made something of myself? How does she think none of this is her fault? I'm going to be 27 in a couple days and between her and the man that beat my confidence into the ground for the last five years, I'm almost too traumatized to even leave the house. I don't know what to tell her that'll get it into her head that her barely adequate tolerance of my lesbianism doesn't automatically mean I want her at pride.
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kiermasz · 16 days
throwback to when i got admitted and my mom outed me to the whole fam while explaining how i got there which is a whole other convo of how fucked up that was but regardless my aunt started insulting me and blaming my closest fam for the way i turned out and my lowkey homophobic grandma personally called her up and said that if she ever were to slander me again she'd personally come to kill her 😭😭😭 every now and then i remember it and kick my feet at how loving and protective that was even though she doesn't FULLY accept me either 😭
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freeziefoof · 4 years
My mom to my grandma: You know, statistically one of your grandkids is going to be LGBT+
Me, in my head: 
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hey-op-just-kill-me · 2 years
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lemememeringue · 3 years
maybe it's the time blindness but sometimes I'm rly floored by just how recent my very existence was deemed socially acceptable
#mine#I remember being lowkey homophobic in high school and we had discussion boards debating the right to marry#my stance at the time was ''well morally I have to say no but ethically I have to say yes bc of the separation of church and state''#and I was like.. cognitively trying to distance myself from my lived experience as a mixed child#bc at the time I lived on a military base and seeing mixed couples was normal but that was new to me#I remember dad going to church w us and stating his discomfort at everyone watching us#grandma often recounts a story I don't remember of me as a small child standing up to a racist white kid who was picking on my sister#the kid was friendly to me bc she thought I was white like her#mum still talks abt how I was bruised as an infant when the nurse who tended to me learned that my mother was black#and then in recent years... there was the salon lady who tried to ruin my hair bc she figured out I was black#and right across from me was my homophobic mother chatting along with the openly gay stylist telling her abt his husband and daughter#I remember mum telling me she wouldn't attend a gay friend's wedding bc she'd speak up when the preacher asks if anyone opposes the union#I remember after that discussion board closed I asked mum if we were interpreting the bible wrong the way white ppl did#I remember being told that's an unfair comparison. that ppl choose to Be gay.#that maybe smth was wrong in their brains but they didn't have to act on it. ''how is that different from CHOOSING to marry someone?''#time is a flat circle
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
just finished my final paper YIIISSSSSSSSS
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littlemusicfox25 · 2 years
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hotgluegunflower · 3 years
Just rewatched dead poets society with my mom and grandma. Got to Todd shouting Neils name in the snow and my lowkey homophobic mother went “were they lovers?”. I don’t think it’s possible for them to be more obvious if they tried
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stupidkaty · 5 years
🌙 witchy things 🌙
🕯drawing sigils all over your homework
🕯drinking tea 24/7
🕯feeling the magic in music
🕯laying in the sun to recharge yourself
🕯finding rocks under your pillows
🕯talking to the moon
🕯walking barefoot!!!!! feeling yourself on the earth and your place in the world
🕯foraging literally everywhere, my parents think im a crackhead
🕯loving house spiders like you love your own pets
🕯having a familliar
🕯that feeling after youve been laying in the sunlight for like 20 min and u feel so happy and refreshed. i love u apollo
🕯giving ur friends tarot readings
🕯lowkey draws pentagrams on everything but is terrified of someone seeing them and being like >:( SaTaN
🕯wearing black and feeling extremely witchy. thats the best feeling right there
🕯iced tea on a hot day
🕯walks on the beach
🕯visiting cemetaries
🕯that feeling when a spell works or a tarot reading is too fucking accurate
🕯accepting friends that let u ramble abt how much u love the moon
🕯friends that send u witchy memes or posts
🕯queue my one friend that wants me to make her a love spell
🕯and the friend that wants me to hex their homophobic grandma
🕯that first sip of tea and u can feel ilthe energy travelling into ur tummy
🕯grounding!!!!! and meditation!!!!!!
🕯having a commonly witchy pet (black cats, toads, rats, even mice! if you are a witch and you have pets, then that makes ur pets witchy too!)
🕯jotting down shit for ur spellbook out of nowhere
🕯having multiple spellbooks
🕯this is a hint for me to stop using so many different spellbooks
🕯ouija boards
🕯color coordinated outfits !!!!
🕯giving ur friends tarot readings in the middle of class
🕯feeling other peoples energy
🕯casually shoving crystals in every space possible
🕯candles everywhere
🕯room constantly smells of incense and sage
🕯finding the jar section at hobby lobby
🕯sitting outside and just enjoying everything about the world
🕯cute diys
🕯meeting other witches
feel free to add on 💘
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luvervinyl · 3 years
not me trying to have a conversation with my mother about the homophobia in the family. my parents, sibling, and cousins know, but my grandma and aunts don’t. my grandma and aunts are the homophobic ones and my dad and mom are slightly homophobic. also my they’re constantly radiating in biphobia as well. i lowkey hate them... i was trying to explain my fears of my family knowing and what could happen because of it. ALL THIS WOMEN GOT OUT OF IT was that i should be nicer to people..... rage, that’s what i have now...
omg that sucks 😶 some people just need to not be Homophobic then the world would be a slightly better place 🥱 
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I'm curious, so consider this an excuse to ramble about any of the topics you want to talk about.
hey babes! i had nothing to say to this the other night, but i am drunk AGAIN tn (just bc it's new years and I'm 21 now! i don't usually drink this frequently) and im not getting asks for some reason :(( so i will answer this now :)
first of all it's disgusting, homophobic, and bullshit that kevin isn't in heaven and John Winchester is. I've made that post like 10 times but GOD im so mad. um. um. hmm. am i a bad person for wanting to m*rry jack kline? 🥺🥺 i just.....he is so cute 😔😔 just look at his little face. if I told him my actual problems he would care and listen in a way No One ever has before bc he is so SPECIAL. god do u see the way he looked at that dying young witch?? the way he listened to her every word??! i just want 2018 me to meet him and tell him what she's going thru. i genuinely think it would have helped so many things. god i trust him so much. he's the only person i can picture myself actually saying "hey i have an e**ing d**ord*r" to and like. not feeling conflicted or like he's judging me. I KNOW that's lowkey toxic af but I just have so much love and trust for him and i can tell he has a healing presence and he just understands stuff. u know?? u know what I mean??????
i want to be kissed. and......i want it to be by jack kline. cue the anon hate telling me I'm gross but he's not a human 3 year old 😭😭
my cats are very cute :))
new years Eve is my FAVORITE holiday. i love it SO MUCH. but i haven't done anything fun since new years 2016 :((( 2017 and 18 i didn't have any friends, 2019 i got my wisdom teeth out, and 2020 i was in the psych ward :(( and this year we are In A Pandemic. but luckily we are doing mishapocalypse :) but i just so So badly wanna get to celebrate my fave holiday in a real way !! ummm really bad!!!!! just. every other holiday has some agenda. religious or nationalist or is controversial or irrelevant. but new years? new years is a party that everyone is invited to. celebrating the good of the past year and looking forward to moving past the bad. it's just a huge fucking party that EVERYONE gets to be part of. it's so SEXY. and i just !! wanna celebrate it in a real way 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but I haven't since 2016 when my grandma went out of town and let my older brother and i throw a party w our theatre friends at her house 😔😔 please i just wanna celebrate new years. Please 🥺🥺🥺
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
Yo would it be totally weird to ask you what your whole coming out was like? As in when you knew you liked girls? Because I don’t really have any funds that aren’t straight and I’m just always curious to hear about other people’s stories 😬🥰
I rhink ive told this story before but ive always known i liked girls, when i told my mom as a kid she said i just thought my friends were pretty and didn’t understand actual attraction and stupid shit like that so i suppressed all of it.
Also my family is either v catholic or v baptiste christian so the homophobia is IMPECCABLE, the FLAVOR. Anyways so i came out as “bisexual” in high school just for my mom to try and deem it as a phrase and then say aome shit like “at least youll marry a man and have kids” but then lol people in my supposed friend group outed me and my mother outed me to my family so the homophobia was so flavorfull and just delish. Like wow getting called the f slur but make it spanish, ugh the range they have 😩😩😩. I also had friends not fw me anymore bc they thought i was into them like bitch youre not my type go suck a dick bye.
Then i was honestly just rlly lowkey about like sex and shit. I dated a few dudes and fornicated and faked it. And one of my relationships w a guy was extremely traumaric for me but i also have a lot of trauma when it comes tommen so ppl tried to deem that as to why i “was fake gay” lol. Then my senior year of highschool i had a gf and our relationship was HELLA lowkey like nobody knew bc she was still in the closet but one person found out and outed me to that entire school (it was a new school for me and it was v conservative) so lol i fought a lot of ppl but we ended up breaking up bc of her family being literal racists.
Anyways flash forward to my freshman year of college when i was srill on my bisexual-pretend to like men to please your family and fight your internalized homophobia-shit but i was still getting freaky w girls bc its college snd i had the freedom to eat all the pussy and ass i wanted. But then i met the loml (shes still v much the loml but we have a lot to work on) and she rlly helped me realize that i was a raging homosexual and i hate men. So i started coming out slowly to a few v understanding and accepting people but not my family.
Then sophomore year was when I came out to more of my family including my mom-I came out AGAIN as a lesbian and she was more accepting but shes still homophobic. Shes on that “im okay with it if its not MY CHILD” bullshit. But then this bitch really outed me again-my oldest brother was rhe most accepting and my sperm donor aka my gene giver aka my father is v homophobic and wont acknowledge it and he even says shit like “when your sister gets married and has a husband one day” to my younger brothers, im slways like “i am the husband” bc i think im funny. But nah my family doesnt rlly rock w my gay shit but i really truly dont give a fuck anymore and im not out to all of them solely because i know ill end up cutting them off and probably sending my old ass grandma on my dads side into a heart attack and idk shes always been the homie so ima tell her ass on her desth bed.
Most of my college friends and my two best friends in the whole wide world are very accepting of me and some of them figured i was just a big ole lesbian bitch when we first met bc i wasnt one to talk about gobbling snd swallowing men but wheb theyd talk ab girls id be in that bitch like sugar in coca cola. But even now some people dont know that im gay bc i dont include that in my social media bios or feeds other than tumblr bc as an afro latinx woman i face enough discrimination as is when it comes to networking and job/volunteer opportunities. I just make gay jokes until they catch on and hesistate to ask me if im a lesbian then im like “me??? A lesbian?? Why would you ever think that. I love men *gag* i just love penis *agressive gagging*”
But yeah my coming out story isnt that positive. I have some accepting people in my life and some that arent. It wasnt a big ole “im proud of you for accepting who you are” type thing snd i didnt get a rainbow cake and shit but idk im comfortable in my sexuality and i love women so for me im happy. Like after coming out and accepting who I was and dealing w all of my internalized issues I really learned to love myself the most.
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 5 Love Victor live reaction:
- what do you mean you don’t understand a Madonna reference how old am I??
- girl they hate u bc u are cheater I think u are gonna have to at least try getting along with the in laws💀 like starting a fight over it is not it💀🌚
- I hate that Victor has to do shit he clearly doesn’t want to do to turn off the fires in his family. People (THE PARENTS) need to start actually listening to their kids and not just want they wanna hear
- she said piñata for a 16 year old😭 ma’am piñatas are until ur 14 year old bday and then never again until like 18 or up ONLY when everyone else is drunk at the party and the piñatas turn ironic. Thats the rule.
- omg Lake invited Benji!!! Let Victor have one break from his gay breakdown omg (but also yesss)
- “he’s a very macho boy” [squeals] ajdjdjdjd i loved that😭😭
-omg Pilar stfu???? Sjdjjddjdj i love the family drama but let it stay in the fam not with in laws that already hate ur mom
- ik they were gonna be homophobic but jesus christ💀 let the little kid play with the damn wand fuck
- Mia!!! Looks!!! So good with the hair half up and blue eyeliner!!!!!!!! Fuck it up girl!!!!!
- they need to stop watching soccer if the guests come
- omg Mia JUST arrived and i am now realizing grandpa could be racist too fuckkkkk
- omg they are not god bless
- aah :(((( that dad is so happy bc he had a girlfriend 😭😭
- omg the mom is gonna hate the girlfriend?? She’s been so rude what a boring cliché. Bitch you cheated and have a bad relationship bc grandma is a bitch. U planning on continuing the tradition?? Even if shit is bad bc if u?? THE LEAST U CAN DO IS BE NICE💀
- follow him around with google translate LMAOOOO
- 😭😭😭 i only like the kids in the family I don’t really like the parents or grandparents someone save Benji and his bf they aren’t there yet but I don’t want them there
- its been a sec and i hate the bf omg rip. Him and Benji have interacted so little but god the actors!!!!! They have this eye contact thats so good!!!! The actor who plays Victor totally has chemistry with Mia and has these cute ass looks but with Benji!!!!!! Is such a loaded look too!!!!!! This actor is killing it!!!!! Is like less dopey and more in trance whenever Benji is around😭 Benji too bitch got a bf but be staring at Victor.
- Victor noooo how u gonna introduce them like that. He should have let them know beforehand of his grandparents. For a friend i would be in a uncomfortable situation but only if they let me know beforehand. Being surprised at the moment and caught off guard is so much more disrespectful (at least in my opinion).
- Benji is pissed and he has every right to but also i wanna die
- I can’t with grandma saying devil music lmaooooo. Thank god my grandma didn’t give a shit about those things even tho she was religious af
- also where is victor going pls don’t make Benji feel worse
- in a way I understand if Benji’s bf is pissed at him for hiding it. On another, this is benji’s FRIEND’S house. Its his family. And he asked a very ride thing last min, but it is better to leave than to flatout make a scene when you were asked to avoid it. I respect Benji for that, bc he 100% didn’t have to but it was the nice thing to do. He would be justified to make a scene or to just leave. But i feel like that should be Benji’s call more than his bf’s and the bf shouldn’t be upset at it. The relationship that can be affected is Benji’s. Its his friend and coworker. While the bf is involved and is disrespectful to him too, the call here isn’t his. And he needs to stand by whatever Benji decides to do, whether that’s cause a scene, leave, or hide for the day.
- Felix is cute. He looks like the Benji from My Babysitter is a Vampire and WHO didn’t have a crush on THAT Benji growing up??? Get him Lake. The Stiles of this world are always worth it.
-Now i stand with the bf tho. If Derek wants to go Benji could talk to Victor and go. I do think is unfair to make Derek stay in a circumstance he wasn’t told beforehand. And Victor’s fam might not necessarily be physically violent, but Derek nor Benji know that. Derek could not only be extremely uncomfortable, possibly triggered, but also might feel in danger. Benji SHOULD understand that and tell Victor they can talk it out later and head out. He just won’t leave bc he is also lowkey crushing on Victor tho.
- shitshitshit they kissing and they saw it. Omg thank fucking god the grandpa didn’t make a scene.
- no omg don’t ask for a word for it?? Is not a big deal jesus fuck. Omg fuck this a “family party” nah just leave.
- yes omg confront them. Hell fucking yeah.
- i love the mom confronting them over her shit too but sjdjdjdj do they know there’s other people in this house💀💀 his girlfriend AND crush and crush’s bf are all there i would die
- not dad pretending like he’s standing up for his fam when he was talking about “is a family party” 3 mins ago. Nah son u blacklisted unfil further notice.
-i really thought Pilar was gonna fuck up and i was about to scream
- aaaaah that’s why shit they do is similar to me. They are colombiannnnn. Made me wonder bc the bendicion thing is something we venezuelans do but never heard cubans, mexicans, or any mainstream latinx family do before. Makes sense, venezuelans and colombians have a lot in common (more than other latinx cultures)
- where the fuck did the kids go to lmao. After all these speeches i would have lowkeu gone too💀💀
-Benji bitch im sorry too I can’t imagine being out into the position he was put on. Even if Victor stood up for him. Benji also most be so confused about Victor bc they def have had moments.
-omg the direct eye contact with the candles these kids are BOLD
- y’all Mia and Victor would have made a power couple if he hadn’t met Benji and salivated for him sjdjdjdj. Once they figure their shit out they are gonna be fucking power friends dude.
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 4 years
I hate meeting. Anyone. Family gatherings are pain. It doesn’t matter if it’s the side that I like - it just makes it a bit better. I could never meet my friends (irl) more than once a week. I just can’t. I know I’ll enjoy meeting them. But the prospect. It kills me.
Family gatherings are the worst. I’m barely a part of this family. “You have to go cuz it’s your grandma.” I know. I know. Still. I can know and still not enjoy it. Hours upon hours. Boring, wasted hours. And don’t tell me to engage in conversation. Conversation about what? My aunt is lowkey homophobic. I have nothing in common with my cousin - nothing. The other “youngest” person is my father. My father, who is thirty years older than me. Talk to them about what? About Supernatural? About games? About Hazbin? Criminal Minds? I could talk hours about Castiel, or Husk, or Inuyasha. But I can’t talk to them. I’m not boring, or being un-social.
I’m an introvert. And having to go out, meeting people, talking to them, is exhausting. “But it’s your f a m i l y!”
I don’t care. I have noth i n g in common with them. They mock me for it. They mock me for my silence.  My uncle once told me “If you’d be in a room only with copies of yourself, it’d be dead silence.” Fuck you, it wouldn’t be. I love to talk. Just not to you.
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