#my genshin otp
ereana · 8 months
Alhaitham x Cyno - You don't have to be strong all the time
Alhaitham pauses when he sees Cyno’s name written at the top of the paper, an odd occurrence for the Acting Grand Sage, but it quickly passes as he scans the rest of the document. One of his assistants mutters something about a budget request for a new joint project between the Vahumana and Kshahrewar darshans but Alhaitham pays him no mind. For one thing the project is still in the planning stage and lacks far too many details to make an accurate estimate for funding. For another Cyno has returned to the city which is far more important than anything the man nervously wringing his hands together — whose name is on the budget proposal Alhaitham plans to reject — has to say to him.
He reaches the end of the report and immediately rises from his chair.
“I’m heading out, I’ll be back in an hour and do not send anyone after me unless you want the next four weeks of research topic proposals to be rejected out of hand.” He says firmly, already heading for the elevator. Shocked protesting follows in his wake but he pays it no mind.
Speed had been sacrificed for safety when the elevator was built and while Alhaitham would usually understand the purpose of such a trade off, today he bristles with impatience at the sluggish descent.
There are a few murmurs at his appearance in the library when he strides towards the exit but no-one raises a hand or voice to stop him. Not that they would be successful in any case. They are inconsequential.
His feet start to walk a familiar path and he takes the time to run over the more concerning details of the report.
Cyno had returned to Sumeru City two hours ago — he hadn’t personally come to let Alhaitham know he was back.
The General Mahamatra had suffered a light injury and was advised to seek aid at the Bimarstan — advised was nor ordered and there was no accompanying admission note. Cyno hated going to the Bimarstan and would have chosen to tend to his own wounds if no-one had ordered him to go.
There had been casualties on the mission.
Alhaitham speeds up as he steps on to one of the thickest branches of the Divine Tree. With a few well placed flickers and teleports it doesn’t take him long to ascend high above the rest of the city. 
A dusk bird squawks in indignation when he lands perilously close to its nest but he ignores it, looking left and right for any sign of his lover.
Green. Brown. Yellow. But no flash of comforting purple.
Not until he reaches the very top. 
Cyno doesn’t move from his spot when Alhaitham lands next to him. One leg swings down off the branch while the other is bent at the knee and serves as a resting place for his hands. Alhaitham eyes the bandages around Cyno’s waist with obvious distaste but says nothing as he sits down beside Cyno.
Their shoulders press together and he feels the knot of worry in his chest unwind now that Cyno has returned home, returned to him.
“May I?” He asks, gesturing to the rolls of bandages by Cyno’s side.
Cyno says nothing, merely bites his lip and nods stiffly. 
Alhaitham gets to work. They’ve done this dance plenty of times before and his touch is steady as he checks Cyno’s wounds. He frowns at the signs of haste, they speak of a carelessness that makes his heart ache. Cyno refuses to treat himself as gently as he deserves so Alhaitham has taken it upon himself to do so instead.
“I read the report.” He says, carefully adjusting blood-soaked bandages. “And I know what you’re thinking.”
Cyno stays silent but his shoulders hitch high with tension.
Alhaitham kisses the side of his neck, breathing in the scent of ozone that clings to Cyno’s skin. He’d missed it these past few days. Cyno lets out a shuddering breath.
“Of course you do.” He mutters angrily, gaze still fixed on the horizon. 
Most people would take offense at the snappish tone but Alhaitham is not most people. He takes Cyno’s hand in his own and squeezes it tightly.
“You performed admirably, as usual. There was no fault in your method or your approach to the mission. What happened to the criminal was due to his own mistakes, not yours.” Alhaitham says, using their shared grip to maneuver Cyno onto his lap.
Cyno lets him, a good sign that speaks more to his true feelings than his sharp words. His General remains stiff for a few moments before collapsing back into Alhaitham’s chest.
“Maybe.” He admits quietly. “But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s dead. Whatever my own feelings on the matter—.”
Too kind. Alhaitham thinks. Too generous for a worthless scholar who had sunk so low as to kidnap children for his ‘great work’. 
—they’ll use this as an excuse to go after me, to go after you for supporting me so openly. I can’t be seen as weak.” 
There was no need to say who they were. Azar had been in power for many years and the rot he’d inflicted on the Akademiya was proving difficult to clean out.
“Is that why you didn’t go to the Bimarstan?” Alhaitham asks quietly, setting his chin on Cyno’s shoulder and holding him tightly. “To not appear weak?”
Cyno grunts, which is answer enough.
Alhaitham closes his eyes and not for the first time wishes that Lord Kusanali had been harsher in her punishment of the former sages.
“Listen to me.” He whispers against Cyno’s ear. “You are the best man I have ever known and there is nothing those fools can do that will harm you. I’d say what would happen if they dared try but I fear the General Mahamatra may need to take me into custody for threatening violence against a colleague.”
That earns him a weak chuckle as Cyno tilts his head to the side granting Alhaitham access to his neck once more. He duly obliges and presses another kiss to Cyno’s pulse.
“But you don’t have to be strong all the time.” He says decisively. Silencing Cyno’s protestations with a squeeze around his waist, soft enough to not disturb his injury. “Not with me. Not when it’s just the two of us. I don’t need you to be strong all the time. What I need is for you to come back to me no matter what state you’re in. So that I can hold you like this and know you’re alive and here with me and I can remind you that there is nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you.”
Cyno’s gasp fills Alhaitham’s ears, crumbling at last. But it’s fine because Alhaitham will hold all the pieces until Cyno is ready to put himself back together again.
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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obsessed with the fact that instead of going back to the akademiya to seek help from professional medics when injured on his cases, cyno canonically prefers making the trip to gandharva ville to have tighnari personally tend to his wounds
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captainharunanase · 11 months
Ah yes these lads look great together I def ship *checks crumpled note*
Nova Scotia & Worcestershire Sauce
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falsehero · 1 year
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cutecherryart · 8 months
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Doki doki 😳
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bdjkd-jdb · 1 month
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Based off of Forget Where We Were by Cheyalinn_of_Tafth I really enjoyed it idk if they have a tumbler if I find they do I'll @ or something if they don't like it I'll take it down ❤️ enjoy
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k-chips · 2 months
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Aaaaand last one!
“Fluff” with Wriollette ⛓️🌧️ again!
Ah yeah, remember when this was supposed to be for Valentine’s Day?
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kumaronoa · 7 months
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I'll make you fly again, little bird ~
🎃Happy Halloween!! 🎃
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karamipink · 4 months
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llocket · 2 months
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✧  jesse x furina matching graphics ⠀𓂃
f2u, only with credit! no need to reblog but very appreciated! ↳ㅤself indulgent!! ++ good in dark & light mode
otp ship (it's me and my girlfriend) (these are a joke please dont doxx me guys im just a fella)
still undercuts below!!
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ereana · 5 months
Alhaitham X Cyno - If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.
The first book arrives on Alhaitham’s desk two weeks after he finally steps down from the role of Acting Grand Sage. There is the possibility that it was left there earlier as he’s been on leave the past two weeks and it’s the first time he’s set foot in his old office. However, a quick glance shows no sign of dust, the pages are crisp leading him to conclude that the book has been dropped off in the past few hours.
Unfortunately, it is his first day back so he can’t spare the mystery too much thought; merely noting the title as one he’d been interested in purchasing for himself before turning his attention to other matters. Namely, untangling the bureaucratic mess his replacement had left for him. Alhaiham clicks his tongue in irritation, his handover file had been very clear and he’d even put aside a few hours to walk through some of the more difficult tasks of the job. 
He sets the apparent gift aside and gets to work, making a mental note to complete an evaluation of Bandi’s performance for Human Resources. Despite his annoyance it is a welcome relief to submerge himself in the dull, easy duties of the Grand Scribe after nearly eight months as the temporary head of Sumeru’s government. As he starts to restore order to his office Alhaitham can only think of three benefits to his tenure as Acting Grand Sage.
One, his opinion that becoming a sage would not contribute to a peaceful life has been proven true. There will be no need to wonder over what ifs in his old age.
Two, the increase to his salary.
Three, it had afforded him the rare opportunity to work with two individuals whose company he enjoyed. Lord Kusanali was fair, knowledgeable and ambitious in her plans to change Sumeru into a better country for all of its people, even the ones who did know accept her as their god. What she lacked in experience she more than made up for in her drive and wisdom.
Then there was Cyno.
Alhaitham flicks a glance over to the book sitting innocently amongst the stacks of paper. It’s a nonfiction text about the history of Watatsumi Island.
Cyno, he thinks with a degree of exasperation, is a conundrum. One which Alhaitham has yet to fully solve despite devoting many hours contemplating the subject.
The second book appears three days after the first.
This one is wrapped in plain brown paper and left on his doorstep. Alhaitham nearly steps on it in his sleepy early morning haze, but luckily he spots it in time to prevent such a travesty. There is no tag or other indication who it is for but as Kaveh is still trying to keep his current living situation secret Alhaitham assumes it is for him. Peeling off the wrapping reveals a collection of essays penned by several of Fontaine’s leading engineers centered on the subject of airship design.
The familiar pulse of intrigue makes him open it and, without sparing a glance to his surroundings, Alhaitham makes his way to work with his head buried in his new acquisition. If his headphones pick up the slight rustle of leaves as he walks down the street he gives no sign of it beyond the smallest curl to his mouth.
The third book takes longer to appear. Three weeks in fact.
Alhaitham is in a sour mood when he finds it. Despite his best attempts scholars are still tracking him down with an eagerness that matches some of the matra. They barge into his office, book up any and all appointment slots and accost him in the halls to plead their cases. No matter how firmly or how often he reiterates that the power of the Grand Sage now lies with someone else they still come to him. Complaints, please for advice, unsubtle offers of influence that he makes a record of to file a report on later; he can’t get away from them.
Even the replacement sages seek him out on the excuse that as one of Lord Kusanali’s trusted people his opinions are worth listening to. When he dry points out they could contact Lord Kusanali herself for such things they protest about bothering the archon with such minor issues. Privately Alhaitham thinks that Lord Kusanali would be happy to speak to her council of sages considering she hand-picked them herself but refrains from mentioning it. The last time he voiced a criticism to one of the new sages the woman had nearly resigned in a show of penance.
As a result it takes him a few moments to find the offering. Once again wrapped in brown paper it sits on a high shelf in a tucked away corner of the House of Daena, a little known spot that Alhaitham flees to when he needs some peace and quiet.
The book is a lengthy poem written in one of the lesser known languages of Liyue.
Alhaitham runs a finger over the title but does not open it. Instead he leaves his sanctuary, striding purposefully towards the exit.
He finds Cyno in the Razan Garden. The General is perched on one of the thick branches of the Divine Tree staring out across the first and Alhaitham uses his vision to teleport next to him. He drops the book in Cyno’s lap before sitting down beside him.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.” He states calmly as though his heart hasn’t been racing from the moment he found the newest gift.
Cyno peers up at him through thick white lashes feigning confusion for a second — a second which causes ice to form in Alhaitham’s veins at the thought that he’d miscalculated — before it melts into a grin. 
“When did you realize it was me?” 
“I had suspicions from the first and was sure after the second. You were one of few people with access to my office who would also be aware of when I was returning from leave. There aren’t many people in the Akademiya who could move about so stealthily that I wouldn’t be able to find any trace of them. That number becomes even smaller when it comes to knowing what I would enjoy and what books I don’t already have in my personal library or in the House of Daena. You were also away on a mission for three weeks which is the gap between the last book and this one.” Alhaitham lists off, neglecting to mention that he had counted every day of those three weeks until Cyno was back in the city. “And you let me hear you outside my house so if this was meant to be a surprise then you’ve failed.”
Cyno doesn’t deny it. If anything he looks satisfied about being caught.
“An impressive display of deduction.” He says and Alhaitham is helpless against the spark of warmth in his chest at the honest praise. “But of course since the scribe claims to know better than other mere mortals will he please enlighten me as to why he thinks I did this?” 
Alhaitham is not an idiot. He sees the mirth in ruby red eyes and hears the teasing note in Cyno’s voice as he leans forward, intruding on Alhaitham’s personal space. There has never been a more welcome invader.
“Undecided. There are several options and I need more evidence before settling on a definite answer.” He narrows his eyes and closes the distance between them even more, until he can see the wet sheen on Cyno’s lips. “But I would say if flirting had been the intention I would have expected the General to be more upfront about his intentions given his propensity for decisive action.”
A challenge. As it always is with them.
And Cyno rises to it beautifully, reaching out to pull Alhaitham into a kiss that steals the breath from his lungs.
The third book drops to the ground with a thud as Alhaitham’s hands are much too busy to catch it as it slides off Cyno’s lap.
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moonbiit-arts · 11 months
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sweets paradise! ❥𓂃𓏧
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takethelx3 · 2 months
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They're bathing they're chilling ☺️ sweet boys lovely boys ☺️ would never harm a soul ☺️
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
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It was kiss day this week and so I had to draw them. Head full of how tiny cyno waist is, perfect fit for alhaitham’s hands🥰
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stuffy-just-doodles · 6 months
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astro-can · 7 months
favourite ships (lets see how much you disagree)
soukoku (bsd)
tododeku (mha)
dekuraka (mha)
ranpoe (bsd)
akane x aoi (tbhk)
hananene (tbhk)
mitsukou (tbhk)
kagehina (haikyuu)
daisuga (haikyuu)
tsukkiyama (haikyuu)
bokuaka (haikyuu)
kuroken (haikyuu)
tanjiro x kanao (kny)
inosuke x aoi (kny)
eren x mikasa (aot)
ymir x historia (aot)
satosugu (jjk)
shinsokami (mha)
kiribaku (mha)
kaveh x althaitham (genshin)
renga (sk8)
joe x cherry (sk8)
obanai x mitsuri (kny)
cyno x tighnari (genshin)
xingqui x chongyun bc they remind me of mitsukou (genshin)
loid x yor (sxf)
yuri x nightfall not because i actually think of them as a couple, but because it'd be so damn funny
momojiro (mha)
miwa x mechamaru (jjk)
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