#my daughter so i wouldn't be able to see anything i could betray to the GA anymore. so anyways i'm betraying them to the GA again after 16
maidragoste · 1 year
For her
Helaena Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra)
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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In the history books that talk about your family, they always tell of your love for the usurping king Aegon II. They always tell how you couldn't stop crying on Aegon and Helaena's wedding day, how furious you were with him when Princess Helaena got pregnant, how you had arguments because of your jealousy, how you rejected each of your commitments because you only loved to your uncle
The books say that your love for Aegon was so great that you swore allegiance to him instead of your own mother. You betrayed your family and sided with the greens.
But the books are wrong. Yes, you betrayed your family by swearing allegiance to Aegon, but it wasn't because you loved him. Everything you did was for Helaena. For your love for her.
You cried at your aunt and uncle's wedding because you wished you had been born a man to be the one to take Helaena as her wife. It ached your heart to see your beloved aunt marry someone else, especially Aegon. You knew that the two of you would be unhappy. You hated the king for forcing them to marry.
When the news of Helaena's pregnancy reached you, you didn't even think about it, you got on your dragon and flew off to King's Landing. The first thing you did when you got there was yell at Aegon. The servants and the court thought it was out of jealousy but the truth was you were afraid. Your dear Helaena was too young and you feared losing her in labor. So ignoring your mother's wishes you stayed in King's Landing, you stayed together with your beloved. You took care of her throughout her pregnancy, always attentive to her master's instructions, calming her when she had nightmares, secretly getting her sweets from the kitchens, and knitting together blankets for the baby.
When the twins were born to Alicent's chagrin her daughter wanted you to be by her side. So you stood by the princess and let her hold your hand the whole time. It hurt you to see her suffer from her but you refused to leave your love alone. She needed you and you weren't going to let her down. In the end, it was all worth it when you saw Helaena's look when she met her children. At that moment you decided that you would not return to Dragonstone. You loved your family but nothing compared to your love for Helaena.
You never got married. You didn't want or need a husband. You rejected every proposal your mother sent you. You knew that if you got married you would have to leave King's Landing, and you didn't want to leave Helaena and her children behind. You couldn't imagine going a day without seeing them. Walks in the garden with the twins while listening to Helaena ramble on about her new critters had become a fundamental part of your life. Sometimes you wanted to marry your beloved, you would like to be able to hold her hand as many times as you want without fearing the looks of others. But you were still happy. You settled for the kisses in the darkness of her room, with being able to spend the nights by her side.
The fights between you and Aegon had nothing to do with jealousy. Their arguments were always because you hated that he won't pay attention to his children and that he always seemed to be drunk. You only argued with him because it pained you to see the disappointment in Jaehaera and Jaehaerys' eyes every time you told them that Aegon was too busy to play with them.
He wouldn't do anything you wouldn't do for the twins. If Jaehaera wanted a sweet from the kitchen she just had to tell you. If Jaehaerys didn't want to go to the lessons with the maester, you would help him hide. They knew that no matter what happened, they could always count on you. You loved those children as much as if they were your own.
So when Blood and Cheese appeared you fought with all your might. You couldn't let your family get hurt. It didn't matter that you even had a weapon with you, a small dagger, your strength couldn't compare to those men. you ended up dead Your head fell before Jaehaerys's.
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Headcanons for Arthur Morgan finding out that the girl he’s been in a relationship with is the daughter of O’Driscoll? S/o was afraid to tell him (and her family) because she really loves Arthur?
12/09/2022: Today's the day I'm clearing out my inbox! I'm looking through these to see which one strikes my inspiration most and headcanons seem like the perfect place to start! Also, I made reader adopted because by having a blood related daughter, there's an implication that she'd be white; in the interest of inclusivity, I put adoption on the table instead, which probably has its own implications that we won't be able to get into 👍 /lh
Warnings: No beta we die like cowboys
Comments, reblogs, and feedback are really appreciated!
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader
"You're... an O'Driscoll?"
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"Tell me this ain't true."
Shocked, betrayed, shaken to his core? These were all accurate ways to describe the gymnastics in Arthur's chest.
"Arthur, please listen to me--"
"So, what? You were ready to lie to me? For the rest of our lives?!"
"That ain't right, Arthur, and you know it."
Tears wobbled before spilling over your cheeks, warming over the heat of your skin.
"What, then?" He turned and toed the dead O'Driscoll before him, claiming to be your brother, revolver loose in his fingers.
"I didn't want this, any of this. Everything I told you about that was true. I hated where I came from! I'm not truly his sister! I don't look anything like him!"
His eyes cast over his shoulder to catch you gesturing to the corpse. Upon closer inspection, Arthur found it hard to procure any similarities, if any, between the two of you.
"His father took me in and raised me as his own. But I hated who I grew up with. They're hateful, and disrespectful; conniving and evil, and..."
You had to take a deep breath to compose yourself.
Arthur's head lowered as he sighed, hat obscuring his face. Holstering his weapon, he walked towards you.
"Why didn't you tell me all this before?"
Oh, his sweet angel voice.
Gentle, caring, soft to your ears.
"Because I know how much this gang -- my family -- hates Colm. I didn't want to be linked to him in case I'd have to leave. I'd... have to live without them.
"Without... you."
His callused thumb stroked the shell of your ear before resting against your cheek.
"Now, I ain't angry because you came from where you came from. We can't control everything. I know this from experience," he chucked.
"I'm angry because you lied to me. Why?"
"Because... I just..."
Your heart exploded with adrenaline, affection, and guilt.
Your eyes searched his; waves of seaweed, golden coral, and concern.
Your breath hitched in your chest.
You, you, you, Arthur Morgan. Because of you,
"What?" he breathed, coaxing your soul to open.
"I love you. I really, madly, truly love you."
You've never said those words out loud before.
Neither has he.
"I need to stay with you because I can't live without you." The floodgates have opened, and you found yourself speaking your thoughts before you could stop them.
"I feel safe with you, I feel loved with you. I am everything with you and nothing without you."
"Now, that ain't true," he interjected. He pressed his lips together, expression unreadable.
"What?" you worried he would reject you, and your voice showed it.
"It ain't true, because... because I love you too. And that ain't about to change because of a family who didn't even treat you right.
"The truth is..." his eyes scanned the landscape erratically, as scattered as his thoughts. "I wouldn't be the man I was today without you, Y/n. I ain't that good with words, so I may just borrow yours and say that I am also... everything with you and nothing without you."
"I'm sorry, Arthur." Shame rose in your heart again at the thought of lying to the one you trusted most.
He said nothing, instead pulling you into a hug, safe and all-encompassing. "You can always tell me the truth, darlin'. Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together."
@alexj2539 // @le-nottibianche // @salty-thembo //@snowwvite // @timeless-tende //
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purefandomonium · 8 months
Welcome to my thesis about how Kane sees Red as more than just a convenient anti-Mike attack dog.
Warning: this is suuuuper long, will have many spoilers, and is really just me rambling about my thoughts and opinions more than anything "factual." I've been rewatching a few episodes of Motorcity and this has been eating at me.
So. To start this off, I wanna talk about Kane and Mike. We all know how Mike viewed Kane as a father-figure, how he trusted him with every fiber of his being, and how he really thought Deluxe was for the greater good. We know how Mike feels about it now that he's left Kane Co and started fighting for Motorcity. But what about Kane?
"You were like a son to me!" carries so much more weight than Mike's musings about believing in Kane. In the very first episode, Kane immediately jumps to how betrayed he was by Mike defecting. He makes it very clear that there's some personal vendetta behind his goal to crush Motorcity. I suspect if Mike hadn't created the Burners, regardless of whether or not he left Deluxe, Kane wouldn't be so diabolical in his efforts to gain control of the city. It seemed like up until that point, he was fine with having bots act as security and sending demolition crews to make way for his empire. None of the other gangs seem interested in stopping this.
Kane's the kind of guy that likes to personally dish out death. He'll only sit back and let his underlings and bots handle it until he feels certain he'll get what he wants. He shows up to the fight in the first episode when the others are out of commission and Mike's vulnerable. He wants to be there to watch the stolen cars burn in Like Father, Like Daughter. He stands at the top of his tower, unguarded, as Mike's about to be delivered to him in Off the Rack. And in A Better Tomorrow, he is both the one pretending to be Vega and the one to spearhead the destruction of Motorcity in his latest death-machine. Heck, Red even states to a captured Mike that Kane wanted to do Mike's execution himself. This is someone who wants to revel in victory, that's for sure. Moving on.
Then Mike Chilton left and became a threat. Not only did his best soldier betray him, but he outright turned against him. The kid he personally brought up to be the best, the one he put so much faith into, the son he never had, spat in his face and continues to do so.
Kane has a nasty temper. It's shown from the very first episode. When things don't go his way, he doesn't so much throw a tantrum, but he does have violent outbursts of rage. He may sick Tooley on the staff that angers him, but when it comes to Mike Chilton and the Burners, he's all too willing to go down there and dirty his hands if he's able.
While there's no official answer to how exactly Mike ended up in the whole cadet situation, my belief is this: He was born in Deluxe--or at least lived there as long as he could remember, depending on if I bring Capri into his backstory--and is an orphan. I like to think he got into Kane Co due to being childhood friends with Chuck, who was a gifted kid in some kind of intern program there, and he had an affinity for the military aspect. So he enlisted when he was old enough and blew everyone's socks off with his ability. This got the attention of Kane, who saw something in Mike the more he watched his skills grow. It lead to Kane personally raising him in a way, training him, seeing him as a potential successor of sorts. He'd never have made him head of Kane Co, that was always gonna be reserved for Julie, but I do think he'd have allowed Mike to be her second-in-command. The leader of the army and essentially her own version of Tooley, only with a brain.
It doesn't outwardly appear like much, and Kane certainly isn't one to let others see weakness, but it wasn't just about the loss of such a promising elite. It was about losing the kid he felt like he raised, the closest thing to a son he'd ever have. It's how Mike uses some of Kane's skills against him, like his combat skills, strategy, and even his charisma.
But enough about that. Let's talk about Red.
Red is, for all intents and purposes, a replacement for Mike. A better one, if Kane has anything to say about it. Red has the benefit of only being outwardly like Mike; he doesn't think like Mike. Red's ingenious and cunning, sure. He's got skills beyond even Mike's, as the latter has never been able to fairly defeat him in one-on-one combat. He's a competent driver to boot.
He's also blinded by anger, easily manipulated, and clearly not that bright, as anyone with common sense would see Kane as the enemy in his situation. All this is beneficial to the man in question. Kane sees that same ferocious determination that Mike has, only Red's not hindered by morals or justice. He's got a goal and he will see to it he succeeds, regardless of who he has to hurt or what lines he has to cross. Red clearly doesn't care that he's working with the enemy, his enemy, and Kane uses that to his advantage.
This is more my headcanon than anything, but I 100% believe that Kane's got some kind of failsafe inside Red's suit. I mean, come on. He's already proven he has no issue getting into Kane Co tower, and while one could argue that perhaps Kane knew Red would arrive and lowered security on purpose, I just don't see that as a risk he'd be willing to take. At the time, Kane only knew of Red's hatred for Mike. He didn't know why he hated him so much (and likely still doesn't know/doesn't care), and there's no way he knew Red didn't also have a grudge against him.
Red's powerful, skilled, and an excellent weapon against Mike, but Kane isn't one to trust people blindly. Not after the last time. He's not gonna make the same mistake twice. There's no telling when or if Red will snap and turn on him, or if he'll be convinced by Mike himself that's he's going after the wrong person. Heck, Red's basically feral and is just as likely to go after them both for any reason at all. He's... not entirely okay up there. So why wouldn't Kane have a way to stop him if he ever got out of control? If Red ever turned on Deluxe, Kane wouldn't hesitate to put him down like the rabid dog he sees him as. That fancy suit of his probably has a remote kill switch that will turn all that energy on himself, frying him like bacon.
As much as Kane tries to justify his use of Red, I do think it leaves him bitter. Not only is he risking his empire by letting the guy work for him (although that's pretty much bottom of the list because of the whole murder failsafe), but Red just isn't Mike. He has the traits Kane convinced himself were all that mattered to him, but he can't deny that having a violent, angsty Tooley that shoots lightning isn't really what he wanted. Red's only loyal to Deluxe because it gives him a means to get back at Mike. He's not there because he wants to be. He doesn't view Kane as anything other than the guy giving him missions and upgrades.
Red doesn't look up to him at all, and that leaves Kane with nothing more than a reminder of what he lost.
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revnah1406 · 6 months
For the ask game that goes to Abby Mason! 😊
Questions are: “Hate” and “Hide”
Let's start!
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Hate is a really strong word but if we have to talk about something that Abby hates are lies.
She has a really hard time trusting people. She does everything that it's in her hands to not be betrayed or get stabbed in the back. So something that she truly hates and hurts her are lies. Someone that she trusts and they lie to her. If you lie to her or hide something from her, you have to do the impossible to earn her trust again. Who knows maybe you would never earn it.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
Speaking of lies, there's something that Abby hides. A secret that it's really heavy on her shoulders.
When she was little (7 years old), her mother Alice was seven months pregnant with Abby's little sister. Abby was playing around the house, running everywhere, being a reckless and hyperactive kid. Her mom was asking her to slow down, that she would get hurt if she kept running around the house like that. Until suddenly Abby tripped and started falling down the stairs. Alice was quick, and in the last moment she grabbed Abby by the arm and hugged her, protecting her from the fall. They both fell, Abby didn't get hurt thanks to Alice. Alice started bleeding between her legs, everything started to look red.
"mom? Did I—?"
"Nono, sweetie. It's ok, it's ok. I... We need to get to the Hosp— AH!"
Alice started to have contractions. The bleeding wasn't stopping. Abby rushed the neighbours house and quickly asked for help. The little girl was terrified. It was her fault, mom wouldn't get hurt if she'd been more careful.
They rushed to the hospital and quickly the doctors took Alive to the operating room. The little Abby was so scared, she was alone with the neighbour that helped them in that waiting room, blaming herself over and over again. She cried and cried, until a doctor told her that she was able to see her mother. She rushed to Alice's arms, who was laying down on a medical bed, half awake due to anaesthesia. The doctor came back with a sad expression. He told them that the baby didn't make it, she was too small and the fall injured her badly.
When David finally arrived at the hospital, and the doctors explained the situation, he rushed to see his family. He checked that his wife and daughter were ok, and then asked Alice what happened.
Abby was shaking in fear but ready to take the blame, but suddenly Alice said that she tripped and fell down the stairs. She never mentioned Abby. Alice protected her daughter, and didn't say anything.
After what happened and the abortion, Alice fell in a deep depression for a couple of years. Losing a child was a really low punch. David did everything in his hands to help her, and poor Abby only could watch her mother's bright colours turning to grey.
She always blamed herself for what happened, she always felt like she had stolen her mom's happiness. She never confessed to her father what really happened, she was too scared that David would hate her for that.
(omg I want to hug Abby right now. My poor baby 😭❤️)
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 7 months
Spoilers... on the last two episodes. More under the cut.
Ok first I have talk about the whole Turner situation. When she walked up to the whole Russell's clan like she thought she own the place on the arm of Colonel Sanders. I was like oh no she didn't... but well she did. I didn't like watching the color drain from Bertha's face though. Too bad she doesn't have Evil Queen magic, because she could of conjured up a fireball and throw it at her!! 😈
Wtf is Turners issue anyway with Bertha? Was it because she fired her, throw her out on her ear. Or could be revenge because she couldn't seduce George? Which it's like please bitch he has Bertha why oh why would he want your sorry ass. When she showed up in his bed naked I remembered thinking wow pathetic and desperate move there.
I wonder if Bertha going release the information of Turners ture identity out and ruin her? I think she may if Turner keeps messing with her!! Why do people mess with Bertha she will make them sorry, idiots.
Does anyone think that this new woman Oscar interested in could possibly be a lesbian? The reason I think this is Aurora mentioned that she has a female companion that goes everywhere with her. Now why we haven't met this female companion is beyond me. But it made me think, also wouldn't that be the best solution.
I'm really liking Marian with Dashiell Montgomery. I wasn't sure at first but so far I really like him. Now his daughter on the other hand, well she seems creepy and has anger management issues.
I'm so happy Peggy's back working for Aunt Agnes. I really liked her being at the house all the time.
They need to find a really good man for Gladys. Like her perfect dude! I really like her and I don't want to see them do her wrong.
Oh Larry needs to stop fucking Melania Trump!! Omg I thought that was such a slutty move when they bearly know each other she's already going to sleep with him. Especially back then. When Bertha wants it stopped and ask George to talk to Larry. I hate it when George all with the bullshit "boys will be boys" line. I started thinking about that, I can only imagine how different the world might be if men, young men in particular hadn't been allow to get away with shit just because they happen to be men. If they had been held up to the same high standard as women and young women back then. Larry can have sex with as many women as he wants as long it does bring shame to the family name. But Gladys couldn't even sleep with one guy before she's married or she would be considered wholly unworthy of marriage. 🙄 I really think everyone really needs to sleep with the partner you're going to marry!!! Especially then when being married was forever! Bad sex life for decades... no thank you!
But back to Larry and that woman whatever her name is. She gotta go, she's annoying, possessive, I'm sorry gonna say it too old for him (he looks like he's with his mom when they stand next to her. Never a good look). I don't know I just don't like her.
I personally want to watch Bertha crush Mrs. Astor like a bug. Bitch thinks people should just do whatever she said. No, Bertha don't play that way!!
Ok seriously George needs to buy Bertha a huge bouquet of flowers or some super lux piece of jewelry. Because no he didn't do anything wrong but he should of told her sooner so she didn't caught out by that gold diggin bitch. Who wouldn't of been able to make it out to be something it wasn't! Dumb ass doesn't he know anything happy wife, happy life! Because I do not like seeing Bertha upset, crying, sad, feeling like her husband may of betrayed her trust in one of the worst ways!! Just breaks my heart seeing her cry. 💔 Just want to smack George upside the head. Dude you have more money than God, do sometimes super special for your wife!!!
Oh Aunt Ada and the Preach man is just too sweet!! 😍 Aunt Agnes better not mess it up. We all know he's not up to Aunt Agnes standards, but I don’t think he needs to be. It's not like with Marian where that need for money is so great. With Aunt Ada, a man that's not rich wouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure the Preacher man makes enough for the both of them. Aunt deserves a romantic love in her life. She's so kind, sweet, loving, she just wants happiness for everyone she loves. She'd be friends with everyone if Aunt Agnes would let her. See she'll be the perfect preachers wife. I wish i.had an Aunt Ada in my life!
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orinthered · 10 months
as someone who didn't mind shadowheart's ending but wasn't thrilled by it either I'm curious what your thoughts are on how it should've gone?
the problem i have with her quest isn't so much the ending as it is the establishing — or rather, in this case, the lack of establishing the game does to set her story up, not to mention some REALLY strange story decisions.
i've known about shadowheart being an unwilling follower of shar for a few months before, and i used to complain about the fact that it took away a lot of agency from her character (and selfishly, i wanted her to be someone who could see the value in shar's teachings in order to bring a bit of moral complexity to it, but the game is very adamant on beating it into your head that 'shar bad and everyone who follows her is bad too', which might be a symptom of dnd-isms but idk i wanted it to be different :/)
though in truth now, i think my main issue with her quest is the sheer... gratuitousness of it. it's kind of obvious once you have her reject shar that this is the way the writers explicitly intended for her quest to end, and they achieve this effect by having viconia be actually genuinely just the worst fucking person alive, and not even in the cool way that i enjoy for most villains. it's likely this is a holdover from how viconia might've acted in bg1-2, i wouldn't know because i haven't played, but when i say it's gratuitous, it's... Bad? shadowheart being forced to torture her own parents (to death, in the original script!) is such a cheap way of creating conflict towards her and the church, when the original conflict could've just ended at the fact that they Literally Kidnapped her and gave her false memories. that would've been enough! anything else past that is just a Bit Too Much!
otherwise, i kind of hoped they would've leaned into the religious fanaticism aspect. but i think that would've made her arc lean a bit too close to lae'zels, who i really fucking like (like seriously, i think lae'zel is unironically the best written character in the game even if she's not my favourite). shadowheart being betrayed by shar rather than Villain Kidnapped and having to do personal ruminations on why she ever followed shar to begin with would've been neat, but again: leans kind of too close to lae'zels arc, so... whatever, i guess. it is what it is.
things i liked about the quest: being able to talk to shar directly, shadowheart's internal conflict with the nightsong, jennifer english's fantastic voice directing holy fuck
things that could've improved the quest, if the story has to remain the same: remove the parent torture, but you could keep the quest to find her parents if you really wanted. i would've preferred if they weren't kept in sharran torture (because why did they do that for 10+ years give it up bro omfg), rather just living in baldur's gate coping with the loss of their daughter. if you kept shadowheart as a dark justiciar, you could have them reject her, which gives shadowheart a small regret to cling to, or perhaps she could finally decide to cut that part of her life off once and for all. WHY WAS SHADOWHEART IN SPECIFIC CHOSEN. if it was random, just say that. do more work to establish for players who are unfamiliar with forgotten realms that shar is petty enough to do something as cruel as torture random children. it's not really beaten into your head unless you choose to kill the nightsong, which most people don't do because shadowheart herself doesn't want to do it!
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Thoughts on a Silverusso Regency AU? I'm sorry I just want to see them waltzing in a crowded ballroom in front of jealous hoes 🥺
I've already said that TKK3 is essentially Les Liaisons Dangereuses set in The Valley with Terry as Valmont Kreese as the marquise de Merteuil and Daniel as madame de Tourvel, so you could do that only with Daniel as a single victim. Not regency, though, little earlier and I'm guessing you want omega Daniel? Or indeed not - Daniel, young and happily married to a sweet girl, or at least hoping to propose, getting introduced by Terry to the pleasures of, not gay sex (he's done that) but crossdressing (far more risqué!). Who is this belle on Silver's arm who he refuses to introduce yet flagrantly stands up with all night? The man has no shame!
If you need a Regency abo, Daniel is an impoverished omega after the loss of the estate through the death of his father. Indeed, his young cousin Louie is the heir and although Louie sr. graciously allows him and his mother to live at the estate until Daniel is married, that has more to do with all the money settled on them both having been tied up in the estate. Mr. LaRusso had hoped to save up the cash in the next ten years for a dowry, but he died unexpectedly, and the heir that would have secured Daniel and Lucille's place at home also didn't materialize. It's all very unfortunate since Uncle Louie sr also failed to make arrangements due to simply spending all the income and fuck Daniel's money, amirite, they're lucky to have a roof over their heads. Daniel wouldn't want his home sold now to have such a paltry sum? He'll get it when he gets it (never). So Daniel is sent far away to get married because he won't have his youth forever so chop chop get yourself wed and you and Lucille out of his hair and the county so people will forget he's still owed money.
And Daniel draws the eye of John Lawrence, ward of John Kreese, who are both poorer than they pretend to be. Johnny needs a good match but boy is smitten so Mr. Terry Silver, son of an Irish Earl's daughter who married a Jewish man for money, sans title but now with more money than God and a reputation black as sin is like, on it. I'll convince him to elope, John, send him back utterly ruined and your Johnny won't be able to marry him at all. And he gets very close. Except Johnny warns Daniel and Daniel is like "if I can't honourably marry, I will not marry at all", but nobody says no to Terry Silver, who by now is head over heels. But ah!, Oh no, sir, you would betray my confidence and ruin me and my poor mother! He cannot give in! And Terry is like "I want to marry you by special license in Westminster Abbey do not make me kidnap you!" And Daniel is like "I could not give my heart to a dishonest man!" And Terry is "Pray ask me anything and it's yours!"
"Simple peace, Sir..."
Cue the most insane and extended courtship the country has ever seen.
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fanficsforloki · 1 year
Bootstrap Paradox - oneshot
Wordcount: 10k
(this is only the first part, i know it gets weird but don't worry, it's not what you're thinking i promise ahah)
Warnings: mention of suicide, a bit of angst, daddy issues
What if Loki has a daughter...? And what if she gets in trouble?
Joceline is a not-so brillian physician who had a daughter with Loki. Unfortunately, he had died by the hands of Thanos, and their daughter grows up without knowing who her real father is.
But one day, Joceline decides to introduce her daughter to her father traveling through the time, but she's going to make a huge mess...
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Year 2027.
Joceline Finch was a down-to-earth woman with her head firmly planted on her shoulders.
With her biting cynicism, she always said that far too many people believe in eternal love. A tragedy of biblical dimensions, and her stance on the matter hardened when, ten years earlier, she couldn't even imagine what it felt like to be deeply and passionately obsessed with the man who would leave her forever.
-Sixteen years…
She murmured as she leaned over the sink in front of the bathroom mirror, rubbing the lip balm on her lips with the tip of her finger.
-If only you had seen the pandemic or the war in Ukraine… You would have laughed. Pervert.
Every now and then she spoke aloud to herself, hoping to be heard by the person implied.
Loki had died far from her, and she never saw him again...
Sometimes she found it hard to believe. She didn't even see his body, they didn't allow her to see it. He was in a terrible state, they said. But he's still my husband, she would've replied. The last memory she had of him at least, was one of the most tender.
She had met him sixteen years ago, when she was still a trainee for Stark Industries.
In theory she was an engineer, in practice she was an awkward, shy and absent-minded girl who did nothing but make troubles that Tony Stark himself always had to put his hand to. Perhaps it was precisely this tragicomic quality that attracted that wicked Loki.
When he was taken prisoner by the Avengers she was designated as his overseer; Tony figured that putting her sitting quietly for a few hours in front of a cage wouldn't make any mess.
You all can imagine how things went...
That man, no, that cultured, astute and manipulative god had in his hands the sweet beating heart of little Joceline; the two used to talk to each other a lot to pass the time, despite Loki’s initial resistance and his muteness, irascible. From the outside, the beginning of their story can be traced back to Beauty and the Beast, a fairy tale in short.
But then, Loki was taken aback to see that the girl’s kindness and optimism were genuine. And she was naive enough to amuse and upset him. Every time they looked at each other, separated by the glass of his cell, Loki was torn: he could have exploited her as he pleased, but on the other hand he didn’t want to betray her trust.
She managed to awaken in him feelings such as benevolence and compassion, and the young woman seems to sincerely appreciate him.
They fell in love, sharing weaknesses, imperfections and vulnerabilities, but never touching.
The first time she was able to hold him to her was only the day Thor brought him back to Asgard. She had to wait six years to see him again, hearing of him only from Thor.
Loki was certainly not a manageable partner, nor a shin of a saint, always ready to combine one of his own, but he never made her lack the love of the world and adoration, he even asked her to marry him.
From the mirror in the bathroom, at the end of the corridor, she saw the reflection of the wide-open door that led onto a small bedroom. Some clothes were scattered on the floor, at the end of the bed a pair of soft and pretty slippers, just like the little girl who was still sleeping blissfully, covered by the duvet up to her nose. She had pasted anything from magazine clippings to book pages to postcards of landscapes and animals to the walls, but she had the permission to do so. A row of LEDs ran along the entire perimeter of the room and seemed to change color according to the rhythm marked by the girl’s sleep.
Joceline spoiled her daughter, but she wouldn’t let her rest for much longer: although it was Sunday, the girl had to wake up, or her mother wouldn’t have had time to show her what she was working on…
She turned off the light in the bathroom and walked down the corridor, entering the bedroom without too many ceremonies.
-Phoebe, it’s already nine, you know dad doesn’t want you to stay in bed too long, plus with such a beautiful day.
She slalomed through the clothes on the carpet and opened the curtains, illuminating the pale face of her daughter who moaned half asleep.
But in that moment, Joceline's sweet companion returned home. His exaggerated enthusiasm always put the two girls in a good mood.
The little girl, Phoebe, seemed to forget the winter chill and leapt up from the bed, running down the corridor to jump on the neck of the man who still hadn’t taken off his jacket.
-Oh, dad! You’re finally back!
The man squeezed the girl, holding her with one arm without any effort as he arranged the breakfast on the table.
-Yeah, I’m sorry i was away these days, but in New Asgard they needed me.
He didn’t let go of the child, continuing to hold her in his arms and sway as if to cradle her. Joceline stopped in the small adjoining hall, tucking her brown hair behind her ears.
-Thor, welcome back.
That giant was all smiles and went to embrace the woman with the same enthusiasm of a golden retriever.
-Oh, Joceline, how I missed you, sooo much!
Though he was the god of thunder, renowned for bringing storms with him, he had the power to bring an almost golden, clear light to that house, like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm. That’s how Joceline saw it, like a big oxymoron.
The times when he called her Miss or Lady and were long gone.
Thor crushed both her and the child, leaving both short of breath from the heat of his affection. Joceline was sure that the more time Thor spent with Quill, the more neurons he lost.
Her and Thor had shared the same joys and pains that had united them in a relationship that was not much romantic, but more familiar.
The pain of Loki and Jane’s deaths had rearranged their hearts as best they could, keeping them together.
Thor looked after the child as much as he could (although Joceline had strong doubts as to which of the two was actually the child), and Phoebe herself admired and loved him. They were really best friends. He had never missed a play, a dance recital, a father’s day in class. He was always there, even when he was on some mission. And now that Thor had moved in with them, Phoebe didn’t give him a moment of break.
The three lived in a modest house, a wooden prefab, where they had only the essentials. They often traveled together to go to his old people in Norway, at other times they returned to the heart of New York to meet their old colleagues and friends.
In that house, nothing could be traced back to Joceline’s old husband.
She kept the memories in her mind, and for a lifetime she kept it hidden from her daughter, as if her black ringlets and ice-cold eyes weren’t a hint…
And Thor, oh, Thor… Thor loved the child as a last memory of his brother, and Joceline as a last memory of Jane. This was the explanation she had given herself for the continuous and warm presence of the god of thunder. It was a sincere affection, but bypassed by that for those who were no longer there.
No one had loved her like Loki, and if he had known how it was about to end, in a very selfish way, she wouldn’t have even wanted to experience that feeling.
Luckily she had a reason to live. Phoebe was a mature, brilliant, witty, clever, intriguing, sharp-tongued girl with a huge and pounding heart. He was like her father, his real father, as if it had been a trick (or a gift) of fate. She was her light, as the name suggested, pure and bright.
While she was lost in her thoughts, that good housekeeper that Thor was had already set the table, made the coffee and sat down with Phoebe to eat.
Joceline needed life and clung to it desperately.
Thor’s vitality was a panacea for the little girl who, otherwise, would be alone and silent reading, closed in her room, intrigued by tragedies, new to strong feelings and sensitive. Hot tempered, ardent and spiteful, she didn’t open up to anyone but her good old Thor.
Joceline smiled warmly to see Phoebe eating happily and trying to sweeten the coffee as much as possible by adding milk and sugar, while asking her stepfather a thousand questions about how the visit to Norway had gone, with a big smile on her lips.
She was growing up, and soon it would be time to introduce her to her father. The woman took her place at the table, pouring herself some coffee and watching the hot steam rise to the ceiling. She couldn’t leave her in the dark any longer.
She had devised a way for her to meet him directly. Joceline had thought of time travel as the Avengers had. She needed to use the Quantum Realm Time Vortexes, but what was she going to do without Jane?
Her calculations were always disastrous. She had checked Tony’s files, already suppressing her nervousness at the thought of his friend’s taunting. Wish he had been there too, to tease her and maybe give her a hand… Wish they had all been there, without having to resort to those extreme methods.
Alternate and parallel realities to avoid temporal paradoxes, she remembered that sentence well. She had to find a solution to not find herself like in Back to the Future. What if taking her daughter with her into the past changed the present? She had to be careful. Whatever they did, direct contact or some accident, the flow of time would form branches other than the main reality. Variants…
The woman looked up at her daughter laughing with Thor. She half smiled, taking a sip of her bitter coffee and then stood up, making the legs of the chair screech against the floor.
-Today I’m going to the lab, I have something in mind…
Thor held back a laugh.
-Yes, but don’t blow the roof off again.
Grinning, the big man got a newspaper on his head, making the girl laugh.
Her mother called her back and she raised her clear gaze at her, asserting herself instantly, as if to show herself innocent.
- I wish you could come too.
Phoebe snorted and got up from the table, slamming the door into her bedroom.
It was a yes, but he only did it to please his mother.
Along the highway, in a large and rather desolate space, Joceline had managed to reorganize an old shack with all its work tools. It was his scruffy workshop that she’s already had to pull out of the wreckage a couple of times with Thor. It was... bad… There she had reproduced a device for entering the quantum realm. To the past; she wanted to go there, in her own linear timeline, so that the past could not be changed. Like in that little book her daughter was reading, “Before the coffee gets cold”.
The past cannot be changed because it has already passed.
Among the dust that covered every corner of that ruin, Joceline shed light with a small torch while making small adjustments to the machine.
Phoebe stood a few paces behind her, sneezing impatiently from the dust.
-So, did you want to show me a tin can or does it actually do something?
As the little girl breathed in her impatient words, the machine lit up a deep blue.
-There we go!
Joceline exulted as she leapt to her feet, throwing her arms in the air as she still clutched the screwdriver. Phoebe didn’t look too convinced. Mom’s creations usually always turned out to be failures and yet she persisted in spending the nights in that place teeming with some kind of syphilis-like disease. Phoebe hid her nose in the collar of her jacket at that thought.
Her mother, however, this time seemed to be more convinced than usual of her success.
-Quick, Phoebe, come here and give me your hand. A space-time portal has just opened.
- You’re joking, aren’t you!? I don’t wanna go in there. Do you even know how to get back?
Phoebe jumped back, shrinking into her coat and glaring at her mother like crazy. To think of it, Mom couldn’t have been a totally cool girl. To be with Thor, she couldn’t have all the wheels working.
Joceline took her daughter’s hands, forcing her to come closer with her.
-I have to show you something very important.
As she spoke, the two were pulled into the portal, and Joceline gripped her daughter’s hands tighter and tighter.
-And what would that be???
Phoebe felt like vapor, dematerialized and glowing. Ahead, in a swirl of lights, she saw only her mother’s lips moving, but she couldn’t hear. Sh tried at all costs to get away to go back. She tried to scream, but she didn’t even hear her own voice. It was such a serene sensation that it terrified her. She closed his eyes, trying to get closer to her mother.
When she opened them again, she found that she was still intact, but her mother was not there. Phoebe looked around. The haze made the wasteland even more gloomy. Phoebe whirled as she walked across the barren, scrub-covered ground. The sky was gray, and there didn’t seem to be a soul alive. She stopped, heaving a sigh. It was hot, but there was rain in the air.
What did her mother want to show her, nuclear disasters? Because it looked just like a post apocalyptic land. She was short of air, but not so much that she couldn’t bellow in exasperation and walk briskly. She had to absolutely find shelter, quickly.
Joceline regained consciousness, leaping up with her heart in her mouth.
She was standing in what seemed to be a golden observatory, in front of which a huge rainbow path stretched out.
She did it, she had gone back to the past!
And the Bifrost was still there, which meant she was back in Asgard. Her excitement turned to terror when she saw that her daughter was missing. It wasn’t there anywhere. She had lost her in the quantum realm.
She screamed desperately, falling on the ground as if to pick up what was left of her daughter.
A little-known voice, but which she had already heard, reached her ears. When she turned around, she saw a dark warrior towering solemnly in front of a sword stuck in the center of the room like a keyhole.
Joceline thanked heaven, coming to kneel in front of him, even placing her hands on the ground. It had been so many years…
-Heimdall, is it really you…
He nearly moved.
-I know where you're from and why you're here.
Heimdall cut it short immediately, letting the woman formally bow before him.
-Please, I beg you, tell me where Phoebe is, my daughter.
Joceline clasped her hands in front of her chest.
Heimdall closed his eyes and seemed to roll them inside his skull. When he opened them again they had changed color in a living, divine gold.
He seemed to be in a distant place, he looked as if he saw and heard beyond the space that surrounded him, beyond time.
Statuary, with his hands gripping his sword, announced:
- She's s on Earth. Year 2052.
Joceline gasped for breath.
-Take me to her, Heimdall.
The guardian shook his head.
-I will send you home, but the girl is not alone.
With that, he swung his sword, and Joceline felt herself being dragged away.
-Wait, who is she with!?
-No need to rush, Mrs. Laufeyson.
Year 2027.
Joceline snapped her eyes back, looking up from the rickety table where she was working. At first she thought she had a bad dream, but the bluish pulsing light of her machine which had closed made her lose hope.
-…Phoebe is in trouble.
Gathering her things in a hurry, Joceline ran to her car and started calling Thor constantly, always getting voicemail.
Good heavens, she kept telling himself, this is the biggest shit I’ve ever done.
Year 2052.
Phoebe was a brave girl, there was no doubt about that. She had found refuge near a makeshift camp, behind a caravan. She had managed to scrape together some wood to light the fire. She was proud of herself, she wanted to show it to Thor. But the question was: how on earth would she turn it on?
She kicked the pile of branches, sitting up in frustration and huffing loudly.
She began to think: she was undecided whether to enter the passenger compartment to steal what she needed or not. A weapon, she needed a weapon. She was only thinking of daggers, but who knows what stuff the people in those parts were equipped with…
Phoebe snorted, squeezing even more into her jacket, sinking her face into the collar held up.
She had to get away, not only was she afraid, but she also had a bad feeling if she stayed there longer.
She stood up on shaking legs, steeling himself. She slapped his cheeks a couple of times and resumed her journey.
Walking on that steep ground was not easy, and every now and then she tripped over a few pebbles, because she paid too much attention to the surrounding place.
It looked like a cemetery, evidently there weren’t even any survivors left.
The wind blew weakly, bringing the heat with it, but she was so anxious that she shivered. There was no oxygen, the air was warm.
Not far away, she glimpsed two figures sitting in front of a camper. The discouragement led her to run, intent on going to ask for help from them.
-Hey, sorry, sorry!
She began to speak loudly, slowing down as she got closer.
-Can you tell me where am I-
They were two corpses in an advanced state of decomposition. Phoebe was petrified at that scene and started to back away. Choked with panic, she gasped for air to scream, but someone behind her covered her mouth and lifted her off the ground, making her turn around.
-Don't even try!
Year 2017.
-What do you think of us having a daughter?
That very specific question stopped Joceline’s frantic fingers tapping on the computer keyboard.
Thor, facing them, seemed to choke on the beer he was drinking.
Loki kept both elbows on the table, intent on looking over the laptop of his girlfriend who raised her frowning gaze at him.
-Loki, you know how I feel about having children…
Faced with Loki’s exuberance and his always intense gaze, she was sorry to have to repeat her harsh opinions to him.
-It no longer makes sense to have children, the world is going to ruin and they would only experience disasters. I don’t want to be cursed by a baby, it’s heartbreaking enough having you throwing tantrums.
Loki stretched out a hand to the pc, calmly pulling the screen down and moving it away, returning to look more seriously at the girl.
-We will have a daughter.
That tremendous austerity left Joceline speechless, causing her to burst into a thunderous laugh that infected even Thor; they were convinced he was joking, but he immediately got annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away, snorting through his nose.
-I said we will have a daughter.
-Of course, it’s already the third time you’ve said it, and who would have told you, sorry?
Loki looked at the two who continued to laugh sternly.
-You told me, Joceline.
The cold and melancholy tone of the man silenced the two, who resumed doing their things without saying a word.
-And we’ll call her Phoebe.
Two weeks later, Joceline discovered she was pregnant.
Year 2027.
Joceline hurried into her house, turning on the lights.
-Thor, where the heck are you, Thor!?
It was evident that he was not at home, so she tried again to call him on the phone, with no answer.
Joceline couldn’t hold back the tears and had no other choice.
At the height of desperation, she tried to scream Heimdall’s name, asking for help.
It was only by God’s good grace that she found herself sobbing again on the fine floor where the Bifrost’s sentinel triumphed.
Caught up in tears, Joceline hadn’t realized she’d made it into the Bifrost. She had no way of accessing it, or at least she believed so…
It must have been 2012 or 13, Earth year.
Joceline dried her tears and thanked Heimdall who motioned her to continue towards the kingdom.
The woman sniffed and nodded, running through the various changing colors of the rainbow as she saw more and more clearly the realm she had never managed to see before: Asgard.
Year 2052.
Phoebe was kicking with her legs and screaming at the palm of the hand of the man who was carrying her the other way from where she had come. She was tenacious, but this guy was much stronger than her. Blocked in that position, the little girl could not see who it was. He carried her under his arm as if she were a lamb.
-Calm down, I said, calm down, you silly!
He scolded her, but it was soothing and he spoke in a low voice. He didn’t seem bad from the tone, not at all. His timbre was quite hypnotic, but Phoebe had held on to her instincts and didn’t trust it.
After so much walking, that someone put her feet on the ground, letting go.
Mist covered the surrounding view, but to their right a huge concrete wall rose, as if a boundary had been drawn into it.
Before she could even think of running away, the man grabbed her by the wrist making her turn towards him.
He was wearing a tan suit, he looked like a stupid postal worker. A very stupid one. He was well built and very tall, probably as tall as Thor. When she raised her head, Phoebe gasped: she had no idea who he was, but he was looking at her with exasperation and curiosity, as if he were studying her.
In fact, he snorted annoyed, looking up at the sky and slapping his hand on his forehead.
-God, look where that idiot sent me to pick you up…
Phoebe frowned, trying again to free herself from his grip, expressing the effort of her attempts in almost savage noises.
- No no no. Calm down, tiger, I’m taking you home now.
The man bent down in front of her, a gesture so humble as to seem out of his own character. He was certainly not accustomed to those uses. Phoebe nearly growled, finding herself mirrored in the man’s frown. From the raven hair to the icy eyes and tight lips, both with furrowed brows. He couldn’t have been more than twenty, twenty-five years old, yet his gaze reflected an ancient, ancestral soul.
-Mom hasn’t told you anything yet, hasn't she?
Year 2012, maybe 13.
When Joceline entered the palace she was mesmerized. She remembered that heavenly place perfectly and her heart cried remembering that it would soon be destroyed. It was almost Ragnarok, less than five years.
She had to find Loki, but she knew very well that (if for once her calculations were correct) she would find him locked up in a dungeon cell. Maybe if she went to talk to him, she could save Phoebe. She no longer cared about distorting the present, her little girl was the priority.
The castle, however, seemed to be in an uproar. Joceline was confused to see so many guards scurrying up and down the stairs, in and out of the building, as if preparing for an attack.
At the center of the atrium was Frigga, as beautiful and seraphic as ever. Stern in her face, she looked disappointed. How could Frigga be there? Joceline knew very well that she was dead, that it had happened just before…?
Her doubts were resolved when she heard Odin’s mighty voice bouncing off every wall, even shaking the clear glass. The loud echo made her cover her ears.
-You better bring my scoundrel son back here! Dead or alive! This is already the second time he steals the Tesseract!
Joceline raised her eyebrows. How second? Wasn’t it enough for him once? Had he managed to escape and recover that cursed cube? Had he escaped to the Avengers?
-... I ended up in another timeline, haven't i?
Joceline was already ready to backtrack and apologize to Heimdall, since she had obviously called the wrong one. She must have ended up in an alternate reality and she had to find a way back to her own world.
When she turned around, a pair of guards in totally different attire stood behind her. They didn’t even look like they were from Asgard, they looked like normal agents. Only three letters stood out on their uniform.
They weren’t Asgardians at all, but Joceline didn’t have time to wonder what those people were doing there.
-Forgive me, I have to go.
Joceline tried to pass between the two women, but she couldn’t, being blocked by the bigger one.
-Joceline Finch, I’m placing you under arrest for violating the Sacred Timeline.
And having said that, she opened a portal beside them. On the other side there was a huge building that stood out against the boundlessness of space.
-Reset the timeline.
The second agent dropped a strange instrument on the ground that released a light that passed beyond all forms and people.
They went beyond that portal, without anyone having seen them.
-But where am I?
-Don’t say a word
-Can I have at least a lawyer?
-You better be quiet, Mrs. Finch.
-Yes, yes, anything you say can be used against you. If I told you cats, would you throw a kitten in my face? I want at least some explanations!
As she was escorted through these large offices that seemed frozen in the seventies, with their soft lights and sad colors, Joceline looked up at the various framed posters hanging on the walls.
It was a dark and gloomy place, but it was teeming with life, people hurrying and coming from all over the place. It looked like an old press office in a frenzy, or the highly improbable offices of corporate accountants. It was a vast place, but she had no idea what it could be. Joceline was under arrest for violating the sacred timeline.
But wasn’t it dumb?
Where has relativity gone?
Being arrested for something like that was trivial to say the least. Once past the lobby, the elevators and the various floors of the building, she found himself hearing only her own footsteps and those of the agents rumbling in the long corridor. Joceline swallowed.
-Looks like the hotel from The Shining. Don’t you think so? Have you ever seen it? Does Kubrick exist here?
A laugh in front of them made them stop. The agents weren’t surprised, on the contrary, they respectfully greeted the one who was sneering at it.
-It’s really something of the family that you can’t stop that tongue, huh!?
A blondish little man with a questionable mustache was laughing in front of the woman handcuffed and wrapped up in a prison overalls. She’d been turned inside out, run over machinery (making her wonder if she was a robot without her knowledge), yanked around and now that bastard was laughing in her face.
The woman’s expression was clear: she would have made him spit out all his teeth if he continued.
The man composed himself, clearing his throat with a couple of coughs, extending a hand to the lady to introduce himself.
-Mobius M. Mobius, I’m in charge of TVA Law Enforcement and Violation. I have to admit, I’m a great admirer of your husband.
Joceline thought she was going crazy. Whose admirer!? There was no respect, and then why the hell did he reach out a hand if she couldn’t shake it, was he really that stupid or was he just an asshole!? She was on the verge of an hysterical crysis.
-I’ll be repetitive, but where-the-fuck-am I.
-Well, Mrs. Laufeyson, you are now at the base of the TVA, an organization responsible for monitoring the multiverse, or rather the various timelines. Looks like you have altered your past and future, so you’ll have to go through her due process. But, there's a but: since yours is a delicate situation, I allow you to speak to your dear spouse. Be careful though, he doesn’t know you’re married. In fact, he knows nothing at all.
As he spoke he walked down a corridor so long it seemed circular, full of ups and downs that repeated themselves at regular intervals. When she saw the same door for the tenth time she realized she was trapped in a loop and felt tricked.
-It’s a huge joke, isn’t it?
Mobius shook his head and finally opened that door where she was slammed in without hesitation.
Once it closed, in the semi-darkness of the room, Joceline was able to recognize and retrace the contours of the man she had given up for good. Her lips quivered and her breath caught as the god of Mischief stood there, with his pale face and imposing stature. He smiled at her between please and amusement, nonchalantly keeping his hands in his pockets.
She only managed to whisper his name, she hadn’t heard or pronounced that harmonious word for years, overcome with emotion.
The other’s eyes were laughing as well as he barely shook his head, holding back a laugh between his thin lips.
-I was hoping that over time you would become less clumsy.
Year 2052.
-Mom hasn’t told you anything yet, hasn’t she?
The man released the girl’s slender wrist, getting up and starting to walk again. Hearing those words, Phoebe scrambled to keep up with him. Two of her steps were only one of that dude.
-she told me she had to show me something, but then I crashed here.
The man stopped, and she slammed into his strong back.
-Then, welcome to the future, Phoebe.
The man opened his arms as if to show her that vast desolation.
The little girl’s eyes widened. She was sure she was in the future, but she was surprised by the way he called her. Not only he did know her name, but he said it with such passion that her heart skipped a beat.
That man, that young man looked at her over his own shoulder, remaining serious. After observing the girl’s expression, in which he recognized her mother’s helpless one, he moved forward again.
-We need to hurry, no one has see you here.
Without any question, Phoebe followed the man. She purposely stood half a step behind him, watching him. He never turned to her, nor did he open his mouth. They were just moving away from that giant wall. Who knows what was behind it…
It was an indefinable place, they could be anywhere.
“As soon as I get the chance, I’ll knock him out, steal anything from him that might be of use to me, and flee,” she thought, keeping her eyes glued to him as they walked into a forest of conifers. At that precise moment, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.
-I know what you’re thinking, those tricks don’t work on me.
At his defiant display, Phoebe stopped, the soles of her shoes scuffing on the path. No one had ever dared to challenge her cunning like this, belittling her as if she were inept.
-So tell me why I should trust you and follow you.
Phoebe was already ready to run, one foot pointing in the direction they’d come from. She would wait for nightfall, dig a hole under that wall and find out what lay beyond.
The man turned completely towards her, not deigning to remove his hands from his pockets.
-I work, to my detriment and completely against my will, for the TVA, a sort of time police. Your mother has, as usual, made a mess and I must get you back to her, send you home and reset the timeline as soon as possible. Also because I have a lot of other things to think about…
She hadn’t understood much of it, but it seemed exhaustive. The conviction with which he spoke made her think of an old family friend, or one of those relatives you rarely see.
-How do you know my mother…?
The little girl scowled, stepping back half a step. All that confidence of his was absurd.
The man in front of her smiled for the first time, dare I say shy, just shrugging his shoulders.
-You see, Phoebe, apparently I’m your father.
Year 2027.
Thor was still tormenting Banner, now shaking him by the shoulders as well.
-I TOLD YOU THEY ARE DISAPPEARED INTO NOWHERE, I tried to look for them in that chamber of horrors that Joceline calls lab, but they weren’t there. I only found this little cube that fizzes furiously.
He pointed again to the thing his tender companion had created on the university laboratory table. Thing, he didn’t know how to define it better. Even Bruce seemed upset and embarrassed by that thing.
-…It’s all completely wrong.
-I KNEW IT! I mean, shit, I knew it. Is there a way to get them back?
Bruce adjusted his glasses on his nose, continuing to examine Joceline’s contraption.
-There are chances, but after this please tear that place down and tell her once and for all that science isn’t her field.
Seated facing each other on two small red chairs, the two were distant again, just like when Loki was under her surveillance. Looking at his immaculate little face, Joceline understood that this Loki (who evidently wasn’t hers, but from another timeline) had managed to escape to the Avengers, ignoring the exact passage of time and finding himself there, more or less in her same situation.
-Hell, I haven’t seen you in years…
Joceline let that line slip after Loki quickly explained her the situation. He had been forced to help the authorities of the time to stop a huge threat that was none other than himself. Mobius, however, had just implicated him in the arrest of his wife. Or rather, of her slightly aged friend. He had prevented her from being brought to court on her own, surely putting Loki to exam.
He felt like laughing, looking away.
-I haven’t seen you for a few days actually.
Joceline smiled, shaking her head slightly.
She felt a little silly, but looking at him she felt like she had sixteen years ago, a little hot and embarrassed. Shee tried to suppress those emotions, remembering the fights and how annoying and hostile how childish, fantastic... charming... idiot he was.
Loki sat with his arms folded and legs apart, rocking slightly in his chair.
-I won’t ask you how the future is, I already know I won’t be there, and I don’t want to hear it again.
Joceline looked at the ground, Loki at the screen where a while ago he had seen the entire film of his life scroll. It had been a pain for him, but somehow he had accepted it. After all, he was there now, he had no way of going back. And he never would, it was just a source of suffering.
-There are some things you don’t know…
Joceline said softly, keeping her knees together and still looking at the tiled floor. It felt like she was talking to a ghost. Every time she spoke to him alone, she would never have imagined seeing his serious face frowning at her, pursing his lips in a line.
Loki shifted a bit in his chair, looking around.
-And it has to do with why we’re both here now. It wouldn’t surprise me.
Joceline looked up at him, ready to ask him to pick up their little girl, wherever she was.
Year 2052.
The tension was tangible, thick as a loaf of stale bread, hard and difficult to chew and swallow.
Phoebe was shocked, watching that boy tell her in an almost bored and cynical tone that he was her father. She shook her head, mocking that ugly reptilian.
-Don’t fool me, my father is Thor, the god of thunder, the strongest of the Avengers, after the Hulk, but you don’t tell him i said so.
Loki looked at her even more confused than she was. He raised an eyebrow, laughing slightly and looking up at the sky.
-No, Thor your uncle at most, but what… the heck…?
That damn Thor had stolen away his girlfriend, no, his wife as soon as he had stepped aside, huh? How many snakes he would have make him swallow! Horizontally!!!
Phoebe rolled her gaze and back at him, angrier than before.
-Thor is my father.
Taken by anger and nervousness, Loki began to speak peevishly, approaching the girl with heavy steps.
-Oh yes? So tell me, what are your powers?
Overwhelmed by the man, Phoebe almost broke her neck to look at him. Her back was against the trunk of a fir tree, and the other gritted his teeth in front of her, as if to hold back.
-Yes, you are a demigoddess, aren’t you? Then show me what you can do.
The little girl was embarrassed.
-You should also be semi-immortal, right? What’s your weak point? Why are you ten years old and don't look like a baby like any celestial creature?
As Phoebe wrung her hands for an answer, he took her shoulders and shook her a little, looking her straight in the eyes.
-Your mother never even told you about me, did she?
Phobe shook her head slowly, watching as the man’s anger reached its climax and faded into displeasure which transmuted into contempt in seconds. His eyes were on fire, and he was squeezing her shoulders more vigorously.
-Your mother is just a liar.
He released her, standing up so quickly that Phoebe lost her support and staggered.
The man clenched his fists, turning his back to her.
-You, you are not Thor’s daughter. You have no powers, nor will you have eternal life, do you know why?
With every word he spoke, he grew more and more enraged.
The little girl watched in horror and fascination at the green energy that was being released from his fists.
She had seen a lot of powers and magic, but she was taken aback. Shedidn’t expect it, from someone dressed like a loser.
The other had slowly turned towards her.
-You are only a mere mortal because you are the daughter of a nonentity and a useless human.
From that light, the man materialized two daggers, making her jump, but when she realized that he was handing her one, she grabbed it, looking up again at the man.
Phoebe was speechless for a while. She had never seen anyone like him, someone who mirrored her.
She decided to believe him.
-…You are my father.
The man nodded.
-…But we don’t look alike at all!
The man raised his eyebrows and looked around.
-Uh, questionable.
He looked back at her, smiling slightly. She was a pretty little girl, beautiful like her mother, but she had all his characteristics that made her special, a real source of pride for him, narcissistic as he was. He certainly didn’t expect that she would jump in his arms, but neither would he have expected to immediately feel such affection for that nasty young girl. Maybe just because he was aware that he was her father, or maybe because he saw potential in her.
He resumed walking, followed by her.
-Yes, but Thor is still stronger.
-Ah, ah…I wouldn’t say so.
-He has the hammer and Stormbreaker and defeats everyone with it!
Loki gave her a push, making her slide to the ground.
-See? Who needs a hammer? I pushed you with my bare hands.
He waited for Phoebe to get up and they looked at each other defiantly, walking again.
-First of all it is unacceptable for you to leave the house dressed like this.
Again, the man cast some spell and placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder. When she looked at herself, her clothes had completely changed.
-Not only you have very bad taste, but you would have died of heat.
-Are you crazy?
Phoebe didn’t stop walking, but looked herself up and down. Now she wore a light, graceful, well-made shirt of brilliant emerald green. She was wearing a pair of tight black pants and a pair of combat boots.
-But like this I’m bitterly cold … um … you.
-Loki. My name is Loki.
The girl looked up at him, stepping over a log. Luckily she had a pair of boots on her feet, with her converse shoes she would have risked getting caught in some brambles.
She repeated to himself, looking down the path.
Suddenly she stopped, looking at him with wide eyes. She realized who he was and pointed at him, dumbfounded. So he was the dead brother that Mama and Thor never wanted to talk about. The one she’d read about in several volumes of Norse mythology and old New York Times articles.
This time she called him and he stopped to look at her again, waiting for her to speak again, not putting any pressure on her as she rushed over to him.
-How should I call you?
Loki shrugged, then he took off his jacket and leaving it to the girl, covering her shoulders.
-Call me whatever you prefer.
Phoebe put on the outrageously big jacket on her.
She smiled at him, giving him complete confidence.
-All right, Loki.
-Damn, didn’t Thor teach you anything at all? Nothing about magic, combat bases to protect you, nothing at all?
Loki had lit up a fire without any problem, thanks to his magic. The sun was now setting, and from dint of walking the little girl got hungry.
He had nothing to give her but a packet of candy he had in his pocket for another investigation he was carrying out with Mobius.
-No. I even asked Stephen Strange to teach me how to use magic, but he said he’s had enough of brats.
Loki nodded, but had no idea who she was talking about. They had come out of the woods, but he decided to give the young girl a break before taking her to the TVA.
Phoebe brought her hands to the fire, rubbing them together for warmth.
-I think I know why you’re always so cold…
The girl looked at him quizzically, returning her focus to her frozen hands.
-Do you know the story of the Nine Worlds?
Phoebe nodded.
-Do you know what Jotunheim is?
-More or less…
-Home of the Frost Giants, a barren and dark world, dictated by a perpetual winter.
Loki explained their origins to his daughter, while gesturing with his hands. Born on that land of ice, Loki was abandoned as a newborn, too frail and weak to have any hope of living. He was found by Odin who took him with him to Asgard.
Phoebe followed him closely, letting him tell the story without intervening. The discovery that he was adopted was still a raw nerve, he still hadn’t forgiven Odin for lying to him. The king of all gods had always neglected him, leaving him to his wife, Frigga, who not only gave him motherly affection but also taught him magic.
-I learned to master my powers thanks to my mother.
Phoebe had pulled her jacket over her head, almost using it as a blanket. She quietly chewed those strange blue candies. She realized that he was a stark contrast to Thor, in every sense: besides being like the Sun and the Moon in appearance, Loki looked imposing and frightening, but he was an emaciated, whiny and at times comical outcast. He was emotional, she recognized it from his gaze lost in the flames as he spoke to her. She could distinguish vividly anything he told her. He constantly danced on the thread of darkness and that of redemption. He really was a twisted individual.
Phoebe didn’t blame her mother… It was hard for her to think of him as her father, seeing him so young. At that moment he gave her more the idea of an older brother. Or a trendy uncle.
-My father, on the other hand, wanted to use me only as a tool to reconcile the kingdom of Asgardians and that of the Jotunheim.
-Rip. Sad story.
Loki looked up with annoyance at the little girl.
-what was that…?
She shrugged, not understanding where she had gone wrong.
-…What the hell does “rip, sad story” mean to you?
Phoebe found herself embarrassed.
-Language, Phoebe. Semiotics is fundamental. Never come up with Lol, Lmao, dude or any other crap or I swear I’ll cut your tongue out and make you eat it. And I am capable of it.
The girl nodded, shrugging.
-I meant I’m sorry…
Loki nodded, then looked up at the sky.
He thought of Joceline, of his Joceline… The current one, if only he had her in his hands, would have strangled her. She let his daughter leave the house disheveled, dressed like a homeless girl and let her talk like a stutterer.
Loki hadn’t made the decision to have a daughter, it had just happened to him, yet as he thought of all the things he would have done for her he couldn’t help but think: “Thor definitely did it better.”
Because as wild as she was, you could see that she was happy. The things he cared about were superficial, while Thor had been her father with all intents and purposes. He made her take her first steps, he held her bicycle seat, he braided her hair to go to school and he was the one who fell asleep in her bed after reading her fairy tales. He was in the photos of her birthday parties, he was the man that, when she grew up, little Phoebe wanted to marry.
He was a hero, Loki was not.
Phoebe’s hero was Thor, Phoebe’s lifelong love was Thor!
What did he want? To recover the admiration of a little girl who didn’t even know of his existence until an afternoon before? An existence above all questionable, given that in his reality he was dead and buried before she was born. Sitting together by that fire didn’t matter; as soon as he would have brought her and her mother back, this story will never have happened. He was jealous, his brother always got the better of him.
Phoebe, looking at him from the outside, thought he was just ruminating on his past.
She shrugged, tossing the candy wrapper into the fire.
-The past is now gone. And I think it should be left where it is.
Loki lowered his gaze to her. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, exasperated by her mother who had gotten her into all this mess.
-You are right.
Loki nodded harshly, watching the fire crackle.
What a nuisance, what a huge annoyance.
Phoebe took a deep breath, then stood up.
-Well at least this is the future.
She put the jacket back on, looking at the man who was still sitting on the ground giving him a warm smile.
-I’m pissed off as hell.
Loki chuckled and stood up.
-I’m glad I met you, but I don’t think I’ll ever speak to my mother again.
The god shrugged, looking at the darkening sky.
- It’s time to go.
Saying so, Loki started walking again, but he was stopped by the girl who grabbed his arm with both hands, pulling him back.
-No, wait, I still want to be with you!
Loki gently took her hands, making them let go.
-It is my job to bring you and your mother home, to your reality.
Phoebe put her hands on her chest and then pointed to the ground.
-But now this is my reality. Please Loki, I want to talk to you again, I want to know everything I don’t know.
Loki shook his head bitterly.
-You can’t miss what you never had, Phoebe.
-You are wrong!
The girl raised her voice so much that the man in front of her barely flinched.
-You know it too, don’t you, that what you just said is just nonsense?
-Phoebe, listen to me.
Loki dropped to one knee, taking the girl by the shoulders again.
-I have nothing to do with your life. I’m not your family, and I’m not the man you will always rely on. I’m not even the same man who gave you life, Phoebe, I’m the he from another universe, a Loki foolishly infatuated with your mother and that will abandon her. He will abandon her only to find her and marry her never to lose her again, but who then inevitably lost her. You have to go home, you have to go back to arguing with your mother, calling Thor dad and living your life.
Phoebe’s lips trembled, a couple of tears ran down her cheeks.
- But that’s not fair…
She protested in a faint voice, choked with tears.
-No, it’s not, nothing is right, the world, the universe will work against you, but you will carry on, Phoebe. You will carry on even without me, because you lack of nothing. You have everything with you.
Phoebe let out a sob, covering her face with both hands. Who knows how bad he must have felt at that moment. Phoebe was torn for him, and she didn’t want to be without him anymore.
Disappointed, angry, still shaken by that adventure, the little girl freed herself from Loki’s grip, going back to crying in front of the fire.
Loki looked at the ground, keeping his hands tightly in his pockets, still having the feeling of that child in his hands.
He searched for the words, looking around and taking a breath before approaching her again. He waited for her tears to subside, almost asking her permission to wipe away the tears that had become trapped between her eyelashes.
-Your mother is incapable of speaking to other people’s hearts. She wanted to protect you from a pain too great even for her to handle, just that. No one, not even the most evil in the world would like to see their children in tears.
-But then why did you bring me here? What did it cost her to tell me the truth from the beginning. And Thor? Thor made fun of me.
-No, Thor would never have done that, Thor really considers you his daughter.
Under that night sky, in that gloomy silence, Phoebe kept crying.
-I don’t want to go back.
She sniffled.
- I wish you were there too.
Loki shook his head again.
-I can’t, I’ve already created a time variant once and I’ve been pardoned. At the second they’ll kill me here too. Definitely.
From the back pocket of his pants, he took some kind of gameboy. Pressing a few keys, he opened a portal in front of them, like a door. On the other side, Joceline could see them and got up from her chair.
-Phoebe! Thank goodness you're fine!
After crossing that gap, the little girl found herself in her mother's arms who kissed her head and forehead.
She had heard a thousand stories: once papa had a brother, but he was terrible; that brother must never be mentioned, or papa will weep; you got your dark hair from your mother and your light eyes from your father.
Loki was bad.
We mustn't talk about him.
He shouldn't be named.
Her mother had made her believe she hated that entity, and now she felt hated herself.
Phoebe pulled away from her mother, looking at her sternly.
There was no need for explanations, it was clear that her daughter had discovered the truth.
-I am sorry…
Joceline mumbled her apologies, placing both hands over her mouth.
-You are right to be angry with me.
She became aware that Phoebe was holding a dagger and gripping it firmly.
In anger, she did nothing but cry, she didn't say a word as her mother kept calling her, but without approaching her.
Loki knew what the little girl was thinking: it was better if I had never been born.
In order not to hurt those around her, that little girl would have stabbed herself.
She had a pain all enveloping herself.
Thor, at least Thor could have talked to her, why had they been carrying on this charade for so long? He felt disappointed, and marveled at his brother's ignorance.
Leaning close to her, Loki took her dagger, making it disappear as he had made it appear.
Instead of a weapon, she now held Loki's hand in hers.
He left his timepad in her hands, stepping back a couple of steps.
-You choose, Phoebe. Choose whether to go back to your old life or if you prefer to embark on a new one.
Phoebe looked at him in disbelief, exchanging gazes between him and her mother.
-Loki, are you crazy!? These were not the agreements!
Joceline began to punch him in the chest until he stopped her.
Phoebe was still there watching them arguing and closed her eyes, studying the gimmick a bit and clearing a path of her own.
-Just move between the apocalypses, they won’t find you there.
Loki warned her.
With a smile on her lips, Phoebe disappeared through the gap, leaving her mother shocked and grieving.
-You let her go…
Loki nodded, then called the guards and Mobius, leaving the room.
The verdict had been concluded: Joceline was eliminated with her daughter’s name choked down her throat.
Loki walked down the corridor and down the stairs, then going into the office lobby.
In the waiting room, a rather gloomy girl with short hair and military clothes sat watching the TVA commercial for the hundredth time on the small television in front of her.
She kept her legs crossed and was constantly swinging her foot.
Loki went to sit next to her, putting himself in the same position as her with his legs crossed and his arms folded.
-Mobius warned me you were coming.
The girl let out a smile, turning to look at the man next to her.
-Hi Dad.
Loki let out a smile, letting affection overflow from his gaze.
-Hi, Phoebe.
A few years later
Phoebe walked through the portal with her favorite alligator in her arms, actually, AlligaLoki, as she called him.
-For fuck sake, you can't leave when you're ten and come back when you're as old as me!
Loki pounded his fists on the desk as he watched the girl rub her cheek on the alligator's scales on his back.
-I'm going to see how the Hulk beat you to the ground like a puppet. Alli-Loki is also coming with me.
-…It's the third time you go there this week.
-Yeah, and it's just Tuesday! Isn't that great?
Loki let his head fall on the desk.
-You're really too embarrassing.
-No, YOU are the embarrassing one, "qnd i'm not gonna be bullied by- UH!", but I still love you. Platonically, huh.
-Yes, yes, platonically. Make sure you don't get caught again: Mobius said he'd tie your ass to that chair over there if that happens again.
-Sounds like something you would have said.
-I may have given him some hints…
Phoebe opened the portal, already grinning with pleasure. New York in those days was magnificent.
-See you later, ugly rat!
-Jeez, a little respect every now and then!? Until…six seconds ago? You used to jump on my lap and now you call me that.
-You're right, sorry Diva of the Multiverse. Bye Byeee
As soon as big Phoebe left, little Phoebe returned, holding a frog.
-Oh my God, look how pretty she is, I found her on a way tooooooo beautiful planet.
Loki looked up at the ceiling.
-I think I'm seasick…
Year 2012
When Phoebe arrived in the past, she entered Stark Tower, passing the guards and slipping into the bathrooms on the ground floor. She opened a portal for AlligaLoki to go to his variant friends, then began to change.
She put on a pair of slacks, a jacket, and some smarter shoes. She arranged her black curls, reviving them with a little water and put on perfect make-up.
Well, she was identical to her mother.
She went outside, running to the elevator.
Arriving on the penultimate floor, she pretended to be out of breath, hurrying along the corridor.
-Captain Rogers.
She greeted Captain America with a typically military salute, making fun of him a bit.
She knocked on Bruce’s door and waved to him, then finding Natasha blowing her a kiss.
She came to Tony, feigning concern.
-Oh God Tony, I’m sorry, the bus was late!
-Don’t worry, Joceline, I didn’t see you locked yourself in the bathroom for twenty minutes before coming here. Look, starting today I’m entrusting you with a new assignment: you’ll just have to watch over Thor’s crazy little brother. You won’t be alone, however, and it won’t be full-time.
Joceline, or rather, Phoebe, blinked a couple of times.
-Are you sure you want to leave this task to me?
Well, it was time. She was fed up with making calculations for experiments and physics stuff, she didn’t understand anything of it.
Tony nodded, motioning her out.
-They will take you directly to the place.
Phoebe thanked him and left, breathing a sigh of relief.
It had been all too easy to replace her mother for the internship and pretend to be her, she was afraid of being discovered at any moment.
She followed the two agents along the dark corridor, arriving in front of a hyper-armored room.
They opened the door, and she was able to enter.
It was a rather dark place, only in that cell there was some light.
The one who was a prisoner was strolling placidly back and forth.
Phoebe’s eyes widened as she stood in front of the door which was closed behind her.
-Ansee how he growls…
She babbled to herself, walking towards him.
She looked up, but he turned his back directly to her.
-HI! I’m your new guard. Please do your meany stuff when I’m not around, I’m in enough trouble already.
The other walked with his hands behind his back and looked at her out of the corner of his eye.
She followed him with her eyes.
-Don’t you get seasick walking back and forth?
Phoebe sat down on the floor.
The image she had of Loki in her mind was completely different from the one she had in front of him.
She had butterflies in her stomach.
-My name is Joceline, but I’m sure you don’t care.
From that moment, Phoebe never stopped posing as her mother.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
So a few days ago @kohakuhime pointed out to me that the scene where we see Alister piloting that Kaiba Corp plane? Probably means this man has probably been employed by Kaiba Corp, since it'd be more difficult to just knock the pilot out and sneak on. Plus, if he worked for Kaiba Corp in any capacity, he could more easily get dirt on the man and slowly try to get closer for when the time was right.
This has been on my brain ever since because of what it means in terms for my OCs. Because I ship Iris with him.
Iris is someone that's just. Nice to the Kaiba Corp staff. She makes a point to at least say hi to everyone. It's very casual and half the time she just looks dead inside because ya know she kind of is, but she also knows who and what they're working for. And frankly somebody's gotta at least be polite. Kaiba absolutely pays well and gives great benefits but she knows her best friends people skills are Not The Best at times and also she knows exactly how the Big 5 are as people.
She meets Alister and they have a similar kind of humor to them and both love reading so they kind of pass off recommendations to each other or she'll bring coffee on her brief trips in to go grab something before she has to speed off to work.
Alister originally sees her as the perfect tool. She's Nesbitts daughter, illegitimate or not, and she's close with the Kaiba brothers. He'll do whatever it takes to get justice for his own brother, for his family.
But the two slowly become close. He starts to actually care about her and wishes in another life things were different.
The time comes for Paradius to execute their plans and take the God Cards. He goes to make his move on Kaiba and, while it takes him a minute after the mask is revealed to let it click, he knows that name and the red hair and he's calling Iris absolutely livid. At this point, he knows she wouldn't betray him, not like that, but did she know? Was he going to go after her too?
And Iris' heart absolutely shatters. Because it takes a lot for her to open up. She cares about people, she kinda has to in the career field she wants to go into, but placing her trust in people and really letting them into her heart and her life is a different story all rogether. And he was one of the few that managed to do that.
She gets and understands the reasonings when they come out. There's a sense of shame that resurfaces about what her deadbeat bastard of a father designed, how much damage it did to innocent lives...including to someone she considered her friend. And, as hurt as she is at his lies and using her, as angry as she wants to be and feels like she should be, she can't find it in herself to do so; and him disappearing from that hospital hurt more, feeling like she wouldn't get closure with him about if anything about them was real to him. And when she finds out that Dartz manipulated him into all of this, she wonders and questions if he regrets it; if he regrets hurting innocent people in it. If he would have done things differently had he known earlier that Dartz was using him just as much.
(And she can't exactly judge him either. She would have gone to hell and back if that had happened to River and or her Mom, the Kaiba Brothers and Roland. And she helped kill Nesbitt and the rest of the Big 5, twice, if you really think about it; it's not like her hands are clean.)
When Iris gets that chance post series, and they slowly begin to patch things up, there's a sense of relief she'll never fully be able to put into words. But she's just happy he got out of it alive and she's gonna do whatever it takes to help him heal.
To help them both heal.
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moonieshinesims · 2 days
Generation One - Chapter Forty Two
Michiko succeeds at finding the dirt she wanted in Damien's apartment. However, there are quite a few bombshells she must drop on her friends, and she's not sure how they're going to take the news.
A couple of days after their initial meeting Michiko asked if Reiko and Jun could come meet up in her and River's apartment.
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"This is all going to be big though, okay? I don't want to make any of you nervous, but I'd had my doubts about some people we all know for a while now..."
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"I've gone over the documents I stole from Damien. I've known for a long time that he wasn't someone that I could trust, so I was suspicious of him from the get-go."
"What makes you say that?" Reiko asked.
"Well, you see... Damien is my father. He has no idea that I know, because he has no idea that he has a daughter! My mom was just one of his mistresses or something, but yeah, we're related..."
River, Reiko, and Jun looked shocked.
"That's not what's important though. I just felt like you all needed to know that. I knew he had ties to Arakawa's Family, that's obviously why you got the internship that you got River, so that you can help spy on them, or whatever, for NITCA. But that's not all... He's been a triple agent this entire time! There's someone inside the Arakawa Family that's also working for 13G, and Damien knows all about it and hasn't done anything to stop the treachery!"
Michiko waited to see if there was any sort of reaction from her friends other than wide-eyed stares. When they said nothing, she continued.
"Ichiban isn't in Sulani with his mother right now, because according to Damien's notes, he was taken by 13G's forces to a place called Strangerville in Simlandia. He mentions something about him being the true target anyways, all those years ago when you were rescued from your kidnapper. 13G went through you to get to Ichiban... And the person who handed him over to 13G was the person Ichiban originally hired to save you all those years ago...!"
"...Toshiro?" River felt heat rise in her face. She knew that he was the one who saved her from 13G and didn't know if he'd recognize her or not, but she had no idea he was betraying Arakawa and Ichiban that whole time!
"Damien knew about all of this and still put you in harms way to come here and be around Toshiro again. He also knew that Ichiban was kidnapped and hasn't done shit about it, even though this whole time he's been working for Arakawa, pretending to be a loyal employee!"
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River couldn't get to sleep that night. Strangerville. Ichiban was back in her own home country the entire time, and yet she'd traveled across the world and started spying on a criminal enterprise for the Simlandia government just so she could try and get her boyfriend back!
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She knew she would have to leave soon and go to Strangerville before something awful happened to Ichiban. They were holding him prisoner there for now, but for how long? And what did 13G really want with him?
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It was going to be a bold move, but River would have to cut her internship off early for this... Thankfully it wouldn't necessarily stop her from graduating, but it might upset Arakawa-sama. Despite the fact that he was a crime boss, she'd grown to respect him. Plus, he was her boyfriend's dad. Hopefully, if she was able to save Ichiban, he would be able to forgive her for running out!
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River still had a hard time believing that Toshiro was the one responsible for Ichiban's disappearance. She'd grown to like him too, and she really had a soft spot for him, since he was the one who saved her from Joe.
She still had nightmares about what had happened, and nobody would ever be able to understand what she was feeling, but knowing that Ichiban had called upon his "family" to come save her, made her feel something she couldn't quite describe.
So, of course, it made her sick to think that the man Ichiban trusted to do this job, was the one who ended up betraying him.
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River just wanted to see him twitch before she left. Maybe if she left him with the slightest inkling of a hint, he'd get that she knew who he was and what he'd done.
She began a totally innocent conversation about travel and food. Toshiro was a worldly man, so River told him that she assumed he'd have a lot of good suggestions.
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"Strangerville?" Toshiro's eyes narrowed, "I, uh, no. I haven't done much traveling in Simlandia. Shouldn't you ask some of your friends back home about those sorts of places?"
River smiled, trying to keep her eyes from twitching nervously.
"You're right. I suppose I will. I've been planning on visiting there, and I just figured a well-traveled man such as yourself would know quite a bit about it. My apologies."
She stood up, bowed, and excused herself, leaving Toshiro with an uneasy feeling.
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0 notes
stories-poetry4all · 5 months
She was asked to replace her sister by marrying a disabled man who turned out to be a billionaire
Darkness fell.
The two Rivera sisters were about to get married at the same time.
Wearing a white lace dress, Natalie Rivera looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her makeup was delicate and her eyes shone with happiness.
Today, she was going to marry Rowley O'Brien.
They had been in love for a year now and were finally tying the knot.
"Natalie, you're so lucky. You're marrying into the O'Brien family, an aristocratic family in Bloridge."
Wearing the exact same wedding dress, Alisha Rivera walked in and spoke in a voice dripping with sarcasm.
Seeing how beautiful her sister looked, Alisha was green with envy. How she wished she could scratch Natalie's pretty face!
Natalie's expression hardened. "I also want to congratulate you, Alisha. You're going to be Jarvis Braxton's fourth wife soon. By the way, I heard that he was seriously injured in a car accident recently and that he couldn't walk and was dying in a couple of years. If you marry him, you'll be a widow soon."
"Natalie Rivera!"
Alisha was so angry that her face turned purple. At the thought that she was going to marry a disabled man while Natalie was going to marry into the O'Brien family, she clenched her fists fiercely.
"Natalie, you don't know what the future holds for us. Do you really think that you'll be Mrs. O'Brien forever?"
"Natalie, Alisha, you're here!" Carrying two cups of coffee in her hands, Flora Rivera strode in with a smile. "Have some caffeine in your system first. The grooms' cars are still on the way."
The hypocritical smile on her stepmother's face made Natalie frown. They had lived under the same roof for over a decade. How could she not know what kind of person Flora was?
Natalie took solace in the fact that she would be moving out of the house soon and wouldn't have to see Flora and her daughter anymore, so she took the cup of coffee, albeit hesitantly.
"Thanks." Natalie only took a sip.
"You're welcome, dear." Seeing that Natalie drank some, Flora breathed a sigh of relief. "Although you're not my biological daughter, I've always treated you as my own. I'm sad that you're going to be leaving us."
Flora's eyes welled up with tears as she spoke.
Natalie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. No wonder this woman had won the title of the Best Actress; she truly was talented in acting.
When Natalie was eight years old, her mother passed away. In less than a month, her father brought Flora and Alisha home. Alisha was only one month younger than Natalie.
Only then did Natalie realize that her father had long since betrayed her mother.
"Ma'am, the O'Brien family's car is here," a servant knocked on the door and updated Flora.
"Oh!" Flora grinned. She winked at the servant and ordered, "Elva, take Natalie to the car."
Hearing this, Natalie stood up but suddenly felt a little dizzy. Her vision was blurred, so she could only let the servant lead the way.
A black car was parked at the gate. The servant, Elva, put Natalie in the back seat.
From the balcony, Flora watched as the car pulled away. Her smile deepened.
"Mom, are you sure this is going to work? What if Natalie finds out that something's wrong?" Alisha asked, fidgeting with her dress anxiously.
"Don't worry, my dear. I've taken care of everything. She will take your place and marry into the Braxton family."
It turned out that the black car belonged to the Braxton family, not the O'Brien family.
Alisha was unconvinced. "But how will I deceive Rowley tonight?"
Flora reminded Alisha cautiously, "As long as you have sex with Rowley tonight, the O'Brien family won't be able to do anything about it. Remember, don't let them see your face."
"Okay, Mom." Then, Alisha's expression darkened, her eyes filled with jealousy and hatred. "Mom, I have to make Natalie's life a living hell. Then she'll know the consequences of stealing my man."
Flora sneered coldly. "I doubt that Natalie will survive tonight. Do you know what happened to Jarvis' ex-wives? They all disappeared mysteriously."
Sitting in the back seat of the car, Natalie still felt extremely dizzy. Her body temperature kept rising, and her cheeks were burning red.
She thought about the coffee Flora had given her and had a sinking feeling.
Only then did she realize that she had fallen right into Flora's trap.
Flora must've spiked her coffee with a drug.
Looking out the window, Natalie noticed that they weren't headed in the direction of the O'Brien family's residence. She immediately became vigilant and panicked.
"Stop the car! Stop the car right now!" Natalie shouted at the driver anxiously. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"
Hearing this, the driver looked at her in the rearview mirror with visible confusion. "Miss Rivera, I'm the Braxton family's driver. I was sent to pick up Mr. Braxton's bride."
"What? The Braxton family?"
It suddenly dawned on Natalie.
Flora's plan was to make her replace Alisha and marry Jarvis!
"Stop the car now! I'm going to marry into the O'Brien family! You've made a mistake!"
She didn't want to marry into the Braxton family. She refused to let Flora and Alisha succeed.
But the drug's effect on her body made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Clearly, Flora not only wanted her to marry into the Braxton family but also wanted to destroy her life completely.
"Stop the car now!" Natalie tried her best to stay sober and shouted in a low voice.
"Miss Rivera, we're almost there. What are you doing?"
The driver was shocked when Natalie suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the car.
She rolled on the ground several times before coming to a complete stop. The severe pain sobered her up immediately.
"Miss Rivera, please get back in the car!"
Seeing that the driver pulled over and jumped out to chase after her, Natalie gritted her teeth and limped away, enduring the searing pain.
The pain was what was keeping her mind clear.
Natalie was anxious. She knew the dire consequences if she was caught.
"Miss Rivera, please don't run! Come back with me!"
Hearing the driver's shouts from behind her, Natalie ran even faster. She was so anxious that she almost cried out loud. She didn't want to marry Jarvis.
It was late at night, enveloping the land in darkness. Natalie could tell that the driver was quickly closing the gap between them. Worse yet, the dizziness in her head was almost unbearable.
Natalie was so overcome with desperation that she didn't know where to run. Suddenly, she saw a black car parked not far away. A man in a casual suit was leaning against it, busy talking on the phone.
Just as the man was about to get in the car and leave, Natalie limped over with the last of her strength. She begged, "Help me, please. Help me..."
Stunned, the man looked at Natalie with his deep-set eyes.
At this time, the man on the other end of the line was shouting anxiously, "Your bride is about to arrive. Why aren't you here yet?"
"Shut up!" Without giving the caller a chance to retaliate, the man hung up the phone expressionlessly.
At the same time, the driver ran over. Natalie didn't have the time to think. She opened the door and got in the car. She pressed her palms together and pleaded, "Please help me! I'm begging you!"
The driver approached the car. "Miss Rivera, please come out of the car. We're running very late."
The driver was shocked when he saw the man's face clearly.
Before he could say anything more, the man cast a cold glance at the driver and barked, "Fuck off!"
The discomfort was so unbearable that Natalie felt as though her blood vessels were about to burst.
How cruel Flora was! Natalie had only taken a sip of the coffee yet the drug was already so potent. She hated to think what would've happened if she had drunk more than a sip.
Natalie felt as though her head was going to explode, yet at the same time, she felt a distinct numbness. Moreover, she felt an extremely unquenchable thirst, as though she had been walking in a dry desert for ages.
"Water... I need some water..."
Natalie managed to squeeze out a few more words. Her throat felt so dry and her body so hot that she wanted to drown herself in an ice bath.
"I'm taking you to the hospital right now."
The man knew what was going on with Natalie at a glance.
"Help me! Please! I'll do anything for you..." Natalie suddenly grabbed the man's hand in desperation. He was her last hope amidst this desolate, remote place.
"Just hold on a little longer."
The man frowned coldly. He had never meddled in other people's business. On any other day, he would've thrown her out of the car. However, for some reason, when he saw the desperation in Natalie's eyes, he felt pity for her.
"Thank you..."
Natalie expressed her gratitude sincerely. In fact, it never crossed her mind that the man in front of her would do anything bad to her.
The only thing that was keeping her awake was the sheer will to survive.
Natalie tightened her grip on the man's hand and sobbed pitifully. "I don't want to die!"
The man's eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth tilted upwards slightly. "You're a lucky woman. You're not dying today."
At this moment, Natalie was like a beautiful stranded mermaid. In a white lace dress, face flushed red, she looked fascinating.
The man stiffened. The helpless woman in the back seat was exceedingly tempting.
His voice suddenly turned hoarse. "My name is Jarvis Braxton. You owe me."
Natalie was swimming in and out of consciousness at that point and the man's words didn't register.
Jarvis slammed his foot on the gas and sped straight to the hospital under Braxton Group. Minutes later, he was handing Natalie over to the doctor.
That night, Natalie had an erotic dream. She dreamt of the fatal night a few years ago.
When she woke up, it was already noon of the next day.
The memories of the previous night flooded into her mind. When she realized where she was, a lump formed in her throat.
While she managed to survive, it was impossible for her to be with her beloved Rowley.
Natalie then noticed that there was a man lying prone on the edge of the bed, asleep. He was a very handsome man, and even she couldn't help but marvel at his dashing appearance.
His features were well-defined like a Greek god's.
Her gaze wandered to his strong arms.
Last night, she was in such a helpless situation, but this man didn't touch her. In fact, he even sent her to the hospital.
Natalie's cheeks flushed immediately.
What on earth was she thinking just now?
Was she hoping something happened?
She must've been out of her mind!
Seeing that the man hadn't woken up yet, Natalie carefully sat up in bed. The slight movement made the man stir.
"Trying to sneak away after I saved you?"
Jarvis stretched his arms lazily and glanced at Natalie with a faint smile.
She had woken him up.
If he had stayed asleep, she would've made a run for it.
"You owe me for last night. Were you going to sneak away just like that?"
"Huh? No, I...I didn't..." Natalie was at a loss for words. It was true that this man had saved her in her darkest hour, and hearing his pointed words, she felt guilty. "Thank you."
"That was my first time. Do you think a simple thank you is enough?" Jarvis looked at Natalie with piteous eyes.
"What first time?"
He made it sound like something had happened between the two of them.
"The first time I meddled in someone else's business."
Hearing this, Natalie secretly sighed in relief. Then, she regained her composure and explained, "My stepmother wanted to marry me to a dying, disabled man. I'd rather die than marry him. Anyway, thank you very much for saving me."
She'd rather die than marry that man?
Seeing the nervous expression on Natalie's face, Jarvis smiled playfully. "Yesterday was supposed to be my wedding day. However, after what happened, I'm afraid I won't be able to marry my bride anymore. You have to compensate me with a new bride."
"What? Oh, God! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were supposed to get married last night!" Natalie felt terrible. But how could she give him a new bride? Clearly, he was making things difficult for her.
"Forget it. You're so beautiful, and your wedding dress looks really expensive. You wouldn't like a poor man like me." Jarvis's clicked his tongue in disappointment.
When Natalie saw how upset he looked, she suddenly blurted, "It's not what you think."
Jarvis broke into a smile and took her hand. "Then come back with me to meet my parents."
"What? No, not now..." Natalie withdrew her hand awkwardly. "There's something I have to take care of first. I'll leave my phone number with you. We'll get in touch later."
First things first; she had to confront her stepmother now.
"All right." Jarvis nodded and stopped teasing her.
Natalie jotted down her number and left in a hurry. But unbeknownst to her, she had made a mistake and one of the numbers she wrote down was wrong.
Jarvis watched Natalie run off with great interest.
Then he glanced at the necklace she left on the bed and chuckled.
Just then, his rang.
"Jarvis, the bride ran away, and we don't know where she is. As for you, where the hell were you last night? What could be more important than your own wedding?"
"I was with the bride." A rare touch of tenderness softened Jarvis's eyes at the mention of Natalie.
He didn't expect that fate would have his bride run away from the wedding, only to bump into him, the groom.
Jarvis' simple statement shocked Lamont Henderson, the person on the other end of the line.
"Are you joking? I said, your bride ran away. Oh, and let me tell you something: the Rivera family is very bold. The bride you were supposed to marry was Alisha. But they sent over Natalie instead. Alisha has married into the O'Brien family!"
It was easy to figure out what was going on, and Jarvis quickly pieced it together.
Lamont added, "Your grandfather said he'd be waiting for you to deal with this matter."
"Then call off the engagement."
After a slight pause, Jarvis added, "There's no need to make things difficult for the Rivera family."
"What the hell are you talking about? They made a fool of you! Alisha married into the O'Brien family. How can you let this go so easily?"
Lamont was shell-shocked. It wasn't Jarvis' style to let go of those who offended him.
Jarvis should've held a deep grudge against the Rivera family for tricking him and marrying off his original bride.
"Do as I said," Jarvis ordered.
Lamont couldn't help but remind him, "Your three ex-wives are 'dead'. If you call off the engagement this time, those people in the Braxton family will find out something wrong. At that time, all our previous efforts will be wasted."
Jarvis mulled over this for a few seconds. Finally, he said, "I have another plan."
"What?" Confused, Lamont couldn't tell what was going on in Jarvis' head.
Instead of answering his question, Jarvis changed the topic. "Get me a cheap car."
"For what?"
"Chasing my wife."
When Natalie arrived at the gate of her home, she found her father, Garrett Rivera, and Flora respectfully sending a middle-aged man off.
This was the man sent by the Braxton family to break off the engagement.
Back then, the Braxton family wanted Garrett's daughter to marry into their family, but now, they suddenly broke off the engagement. The bride had run away, but the Braxton family did not make things difficult for the Rivera family. Garrett was shocked by their leniency.
After the man got in the car and left, Garrett wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. When he saw Natalie, he barked harshly, "Natalie, look what you've done! You still have the audacity to show your face here. If the Braxton family didn't show mercy on us this time, we would've gone bankrupt."
Looking at Garrett, Natalie retorted coldly, "Dad, do you know what happened last night?"
Although Natalie already knew Garrett's answer, she still wanted to ask him point-blank.
She couldn't believe that her own father would hurt her like this.
Hearing Natalie's pointed question, Garrett looked away due to the guilt.
Over the years, he had come to feel intimidated by his eldest daughter.
When he looked into her pair of clear eyes, he remembered Natalie's mother, which made him feel very uncomfortable.
"How dare you talk to me like this? Am I some sort of convict that needs interrogating? I'm your father!"
Natalie sneered. "Dad, you know you're my father yet you let your wife hurt me. You let Flora marry me into the Braxton family!"
Natalie knew that without Garrett's acquiescence, Flora wouldn't have the guts to do such a vicious thing.
Now that it was out in the air, Flora stopped feigning ignorance and snapped, "The Braxton family wanted one of my daughters to marry into their family, but they didn't pick which one specifically. Moreover, in Bloridge, the Braxton family is powerful and influential. You should thank us for choosing such a good marriage for you!"
"Then why didn't you let Alisha marry into the Braxton family?" Natalie's voice took on a dangerous tone.
She had been to the O'Brien family before she came home. They told her that Rowley and Alisha weren't home.
At that moment, Natalie felt as if her whole world had collapsed.
Rowley had abandoned her.
He already knew that he had been tricked and his bride had been replaced. Why didn't he come to her?
"Enough!" Garrett roared. "Alisha's in poor health. If she married into the Braxton family, she'd only suffer. You're her older sister. So what if you took her place and married into the Braxton family?"
Hearing this, Natalie glowered at Garrett, her heart pricked with bitterness. Over the years, she came to realize that Garrett was partial to Alisha. But this time, he had gone too far.
"Mom passed away years ago. It seems you've forgotten that I'm still your daughter. You didn't support my studies and turned a blind eye to the way Flora treated me."
Garrett scolded reproachfully, "Flora's your mother. How dare you disrespect her like that?"
"My mother died a long time ago."
Natalie's eyes were filled with pain and coldness. Ever since Flora and her daughter moved in, Natalie was never allowed to sit at the same table and share meals with them. Every day, she ate leftovers.
After high school, she had to work her way through college, paying for her tuition with part-time jobs.
Her family was rich, yet she lived a life worse than that of an ordinary girl.
Alisha was known as the pampered girl of the Rivera family. She only wore branded clothing, went to high-end clubs, and partied, whereas Natalie wore cheap clothes and commuted to work.
In all of Bloridge, nobody knew that Alisha had a half-sister.
Natalie thought that she could at least marry the one she loved and leave the Rivera family, but little did she know that her stepmother and sister would set her up.
Flora pretended to try to smooth things over, but her words only added fuel to the fire. "Garrett, don't make a fuss about it with Natalie. She's right. I'm not her biological mother, and I know how she feels about me. It's okay. I don't want you and Natalie to quarrel with each other because of me."
"Look, she still defends you, you ungrateful brat!" Garrett was even more disappointed in Natalie. "The Braxton family just came to call off the engagement, so you don't have to marry Jarvis anymore. This matter is settled. You'd better go back to your room and change your clothes. Quit making a fool of yourself here. There are more pressing matters to deal with in the company, so I have to go now."
After saying that, Garrett left without looking back.
Natalie smiled bitterly. Over a decade had passed, but Garrett never cared for her. She didn't bother to waste her breath on him anymore.
As soon as Garrett left, Flora dropped the kind stepmother act and scowled at Natalie. "You bitch, how dare you escape from the wedding? Where the hell have you been? Are you satisfied with my gift?"
Natalie turned to look at her icily. "Flora, you are so despicable. Aren't you scared of karma?"
Hearing this, Flora smiled complacently. "My daughter's the new Mrs. O'Brien. Who do you think you are? You don't deserve to compete with Alisha. Besides, I wonder if Rowley knows that you gave birth to a baby a few years ago. Do you think you can hide it from the O'Brien family forever?"
Natalie's expression darkened. Her deepest secret had been exposed, and Flora was dangling it in front of her smugly.
"Once again, it was you and Alisha who set me up that time."
Indeed, Natalie did give birth to a child five years ago. But the child died after it was born, and she still didn't know who the father of the child was.
She didn't have the courage to tell Rowley about it. It was a nightmare that she wanted to forget.
Flora sneered, "So what? Even if you tell your father, he won't believe you. Natalie, everything in the Rivera family belongs to my daughter, not you. By the way, there's one more thing. The child you gave birth to didn't die. He's grown up to be a very beautiful boy."
"What? Where's my son?" Natalie was caught off-guard. Thinking of the baby she carried for nine months, her heart ached.
"You'd like to know, wouldn't you?" Flora grinned viciously. "Kneel and beg me. Then I'll tell you."
"Flora Rivera!" Natalie hissed through gritted teeth, "One day, you'll pay for everything you've done."
In La Lune Bar, Natalie drank glass after glass of wine on an empty stomach. She didn't know how much she had drunk by the time her head started to spin.
Thinking about how her happiness had been stolen away by Flora and her daughter and how Rowley had abandoned her, she felt hopeless.
"Natalie, that's enough." Brinley Lauren snatched the half-empty glass of wine from Natalie. Seeing the sadness on Natalie's face, she felt sorry for her friend. "Only your stepmother and half-sister can do such a terrible thing. Well, at least you were able to escape the Braxton family."
Jarvis Braxton was a mysterious man and very few people had seen his face. There were all kinds of rumors about him in the city.
"Brinley, I feel so sad. My father ignores me and lets Flora and Alisha trample all over me."
How could Natalie not feel sad? To be abandoned and hurt by one's own family was a terrible thing.
Worse still, she hadn't been able to get through to Rowley yet.
"Rowley also abandoned me, Brinley. I have nothing." The sadness was too much to bear. Tears rolled down Natalie's cheeks.
"Don't say that, Natalie. You still have me. Come on now. Don't cry." Brinley rubbed Natalie's back in an effort to comfort her. "Rowley's a bastard. There's plenty of fish in the sea. I can find you a better man—a good man who's rich, handsome, and single..."
A good man...
All of a sudden, the man from last night came to Natalie's mind. Memories of last night flooded her brain, and her cheeks turned red.
But why did she think about that man all of a sudden?
"I'll find you someone right now. I just need to make a call. Wait for me here." Then, Brinley rushed outside to make a phone call.
Having drunk too much, Natalie lay prone over the table, reaching slowly for the wine. Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in the distance.
It was Rowley.
She immediately sobered up and stumbled to catch up with him.
"Rowley! Wait up, Rowley!" Natalie called out.
She needed an explanation.
What was Rowley doing here?
Why didn't he try to look for her?
At the entrance of the bar, Natalie stopped Rowley. Still a little tipsy from all the alcohol, she anxiously rambled about what had happened last night. "Flora and Alisha set me up. Come with me. Let's explain everything to your parents so that we can fix this and get married."
Looking at Natalie, Rowley said expressionlessly, "It's too late."
Natalie's blood ran cold. Wondering if she had misheard, she asked slowly, "What do you mean, Rowley? What's going on?"
Natalie had a sinking feeling that something bad happened. Flora must've prepared something in advance since she dared plot against her boldly.
Otherwise, Rowley would've come to her as soon as he found out that Alisha was his bride.
Rowley carefully looked around as if he was checking to see if anyone was watching them. Then he pulled Natalie to an isolated and quiet corner.
"Natalie, listen to me." Rowley wrapped his arms around Natalie. "I heard that you were sent to the Braxton family instead of Alisha. I've been worried about you all night. Are you okay?"
The memories from last night came flooding into her mind once more. "Rowley, I'm fine, but..."
Natalie bit her lip. She knew that Rowley would find out about her secrets sooner or later.
She was about to explain herself when Rowley suddenly interrupted her. "That's good. I'm sorry. After I straighten out the matter of my inheritance and take full control of the O'Brien family, I'll marry you. I promise."
"What do you mean?" Natalie felt both stunned and confused.
"Natalie, when I found out that the bride wasn't you, it was too late." Rowley lowered his head guiltily. "And then Alisha promised to help me become the heir of the O'Brien family. Don't worry. As long as my family issues are resolved, I'll divorce Alisha and marry you."
At that moment, Natalie felt that the man in front of her was a total stranger.
She was not a fool and didn't buy a word he said.
Rowley was an illegitimate son and had no right to compete for the position of heir.
It turned out that Alisha had convinced Rowley that she could help him seize the control over his family.
Natalie didn't know why Rowley was sure that Alisha could help him, nor did she want to think about it. Looking at Rowley's face, she felt as if he might as well have stabbed her in the heart with a knife.
"Is this the reason why you abandoned me? So that you can become an heir?"
"Natalie, I didn't abandon you. I just want to give you the best things in life in the future. I do love you, but you can't help me now. Alisha can help me." Rowley grasped Natalie's shoulders. "Give me one year—no, half a year. I'll marry you then."
Every word stabbed at Natalie's heart. This was the man she had loved for a year, but now, he was abandoning her for power and wealth.
"No, Rowley. It was stupid of me to fall in love with you," Natalie said coldly, shrugging off Rowley's hands.
Even though Natalie had already mentally prepared herself for this moment, she still felt empty inside when she found out that the reason why she was abandoned was that she could not help him.
"Natalie..." Rowley wanted to comfort Natalie, but when he saw Alisha approaching, he quickly distanced himself from Natalie and changed his attitude drastically. "Natalie, why are you so shameless? How dare you seduce your sister's husband?"
Hearing that, Natalie was stunned. Then she saw Alisha and understood what was happening.
She sneered and laughed at herself bitterly.
How blind she was!
"Rowley, there you are!" Alisha walked over with her head held high. She linked arms with Rowley naturally, provoking Natalie on purpose. "Natalie, you're here, too. Eww, you reek of alcohol. Why do you drink so much?"
Natalie didn't even look at Alisha. Her eyes were trained on Rowley, full of disappointment.
Rowley didn't dare to look at Natalie and turned his face away.
Natalie sneered, "Rowley, I hope you get what you want."
This simple statement was like a slap in Rowley's face.
"Enough, Natalie. Quit making a scene here!" Rowley concealed his shame with anger. "I'm glad I didn't marry you, or I'd have regretted it! How could I marry an alcoholic? Please remember that Alisha's my wife now. Know your place."
After saying that, Rowley turned around and stormed off.
Natalie watched him leave, her eyes welling up with tears.
Seeing the helpless look on Natalie's face, Alisha smiled complacently. "How dare you try to steal my man? You don't deserve him. You're perfect for that disabled, ugly, dying man from the Braxton family. It's a pity you didn't marry him in the end."
"Alisha Rivera." Natalie gritted her teeth. "How are you so arrogant in front of me? I'm the legitimate daughter. Your mother's just a mistress, and it seems you've followed in her footsteps. Oh, and Rowley's also an illegitimate son. You're right. I don't deserve him. But you two are a perfect match!"
In the past, even if Natalie was seething with rage, she never would've said such harsh words.
Alisha was so angry that her face turned purple. "Natalie, what the hell are you talking about? Your mother's the mistress! Dad fell in love with my mom first, and it was your mother who took him away from her. Both you and your mother are bitches, and you're nothing but a slut who tried to steal my man."
As if her insults weren't enough, Alisha raised her hand to hit Natalie.
At this point, Natalie had nothing to lose. She had already suffered injustice and abuse in the Rivera family for over a decade. And now, she was set up by Flora and Alisha. She could no longer hold back her anger.
Natalie rolled up her sleeves and gritted her teeth, ready to fight back.
Unbeknownst to the two girls, there was a man in a car parked nearby who saw everything that had happened.
Looking at Natalie, who was winning the fight, Jarvis smiled.
Natalie landed blow after blow. She was good at fighting, and Alisha was no match for her.
When Natalie was finally satisfied, she stood up, leaving Alisha sprawled on the ground. She sneered, "I doubt you'll be Rowley's wife forever. He doesn't take you seriously. Let's see how long you can hold on to the man you stole from me."
Alisha's face was beaten black and blue. Her hair was all messed up, and her clothed were torn and muddied.
Natalie, on the other hand, was unharmed and clean.
Eyes wide as saucers, the crazed Alisha went mad and shouted angrily, "Natalie, you're fucking crazy! I'll make you pay for this!"
"I'd like to see you try." Natalie patted the imaginary dirt off her clothes and smoothed her hair.
Her resentment towards Alisha had only grown over the past years. This matter only served to deepen her hatred.
And beating Alisha to a pulp made Natalie feel much better.
The scheme between Flora and Alisha wasn't the most painful thing she had experienced.
What happened last night was terrible, yes, but it didn't make her that angry. What hurt her the most was seeing Rowley's true colors.
The man she had wanted to marry was now her brother-in-law. He abandoned her for power, exposing his true self.
In Rowley's eyes, their love, which she cherished, was disposable.
Drunk and dizzy, Natalie sat on the ground while waiting for a taxi.
After a while, a car stopped beside her.
Natalie's reasoning was impaired by the alcohol. She thought the car was a taxi, so she got in without thinking and told the driver her destination.
After that, Natalie lay down in the back seat and passed out.
Jarvis took one look at Natalie. His deep-set eyes were filled with affection.
Along the way, Natalie muttered, "Stop the car. I'm going to throw up."
Jarvis quickly found a place to pull over and was about to help her get out of the car. However, she suddenly stared at him with watery eyes, muttering, "Men are trash."
Jarvis was speechless.
Seeing that she was drunk, Jarvis was about to say something, but she suddenly vomited—right in front of him.
His shirt was instantly soiled.
Jarvis, who was a neat freak, pulled a long face.
By the time Natalie woke up again, the sun had already risen.
It turned out she had slept in the back seat of a car.
Natalie sat up and found a man sleeping in the driver's seat. He was the man who saved her on her wedding day.
The man was sleeping soundly. But for some reason, he was shirtless.
What on earth happened last night?
Natalie winced and pressed her fingers against her temples. She had a splitting headache and barely any recollection of what had happened the previous night.
She got out of the car and found that there was no one around. It was very quiet. She found a boulder to sit on and stared blankly into space.
Even if Alisha and Flora hadn't set her up, Natalie knew that her marriage to Rowley wouldn't have lasted long.
She knew nothing about Rowley's ambition until last night. The man she thought she knew wasn't willing to be pegged a bastard all his life.
If Rowley found out that she had borne a child years ago, he would've been even harsher with her.
There was a bit of a silver lining to all this. Now that she knew Rowley's true colors, she felt relieved.
She no longer had to worry about her secrets being found out by him.
She didn't have to feel guilty anymore.
Still, she felt a little sad knowing that her father didn't give a damn about her. And she also mourned the sweet relationship she had with Rowley in the past year.
By now, Jarvis had already woken up. He got out of the car with two bottles of water and walked over.
"Drink some water. You cried so badly last night, I'm worried you'll get dehydrated."
Jarvis' sincere words made Natalie flush shyly.
Last night, after throwing up, Natalie had cried bitterly.
But Natalie was too drunk to remember anything about that.
Natalie took a deep breath to calm herself down. "How'd I end up in your car?"
As soon as she opened her mouth and spoke in a hoarse voice, she found that her throat was extremely dry.
Jarvis raised his eyebrows slightly. "I happened to pass by you last night. You got in my car all of a sudden. And..."
Before he could finish his sentence, Natalie interrupted him. "Oh, stop it, please. I drank too much last night. I'll take responsibility for what happened between us."
Hearing this, Jarvis frowned in confusion. He was pondering over what Natalie just said when he noticed her flushed cheeks. Then he glanced down at his half-nakedness and immediately understood that she thought that something happened between them last night.
The truth was that Natalie had vomited all over his shirt, so he had to throw it away.
But Jarvis decided to take advantage of this little misunderstanding. A playful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I tried to call you, but the number you gave me didn't exist. I know I'm just a poor man, but why'd you have to be so cruel? If you didn't want to see me, you could've just told me."
He sounded disappointed and pitiful again, just like the time they first met.
For some reason, Natalie found herself wanting to comfort this man.
"No, no, it's not what you think. The phone number I gave you is real!" After rambling a bit, Natalie took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind. "I'm Natalie Rivera. What's your name?"
The situation was quite bizarre. She had known this man for less than two days, yet she had woken up next to him twice now. And she still didn't know his name.
Jarvis smiled. "I'm Jarvis Braxton, 30 years old. I don't have much money. I'm a Uber driver and a delivery man. I'm healthy and pretty decent at sex. You can—"
He was going to tell Natalie that she would see it for herself in the future, but thinking about how she thought that they had already slept together, he changed courses. "You experienced it firsthand last night."
His words confirmed that something indeed happened between them last night.
"Ahem!" Hearing that last part, Natalie coughed awkwardly.
Jarvis Braxton?
Why did that name sound so familiar?
The man she almost married was also named Jarvis Braxton!
However, that Jarvis Braxton was supposedly disabled, disfigured, and dying. The man in front of her was handsome, healthy, and very much alive. And it seemed he was just an ordinary poor man.
Perhaps he just happened to have the exact same name as the man she was supposed to marry.
Jarvis observed the expression on Natalie's face and added, "I have no siblings. I was supposed to get married, but on my wedding day, I was late because of you. Now, the woman called off the engagement. So I'm single now."
Jarvis' eyes seemed sincere enough.
Natalie eyed Jarvis quietly for a moment. Then, she blurted out, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Hearing her question, Jarvis was stunned. Then, he broke into a smile and shook his head. "No, I don't want to be your boyfriend."
Being refused, Natalie felt somewhat embarrassed. When she was about to say something more, Jarvis added, "I want to be your husband."
Natalie's jaw dropped in shock. "This is all happening too fast!"
She wanted to take things slowly. Since they had slept together, maybe they could try to date.
If they weren't right for each other, they could always just break up.
Since Rowley was with Alisha now, it was time for her to move on.
And if she was being honest with herself, she wanted to make Rowley and Alisha seethe with anger, and getting a new boyfriend would do just that.
Seeing the shock on Natalie's face, Jarvis was worried that he might scare her away, so he compromised.
"Just kidding. I'll be your boyfriend first." Jarvis smiled gently. "We just met. We should get to know each other more."
Natalie tilted her head to the side and asked curiously, "Your fiancee just called off the wedding. Are your parents angry or something? Do you need any help from me?"
"Oh, they're devastated. They went on a trip yesterday to de-stress, so we can't contact them for the time being." Jarvis lied through his teeth with ease. "I'll take you to see them when they come back."
Natalie decided not to give it too much thought. There were more pressing matters at hand: her stomach was grumbling.
Jarvis smiled and held Natalie's hand naturally. "Let's go and find something to eat."
Jarvis's affection stunned Natalie.
She blushed again when she saw their clasped hands.
His palm was very warm, and the touch of his skin made her feel strange.
She felt that she was really out of her mind. She had met this man only twice, but now they were in a relationship.
But when she thought of the disgusting faces of Rowley and Alisha, the guilt and shame in her heart were dispelled.
Jarvis had been observing Natalie's reaction. He found himself smiling whenever he looked at her.
Jarvis promptly took Natalie to a nearby restaurant. It wasn't very high-end, but clean and quiet.
"What do you want? Order whatever you like." Jarvis handed the menu to Natalie like a gentleman.
Taking a look at the menu, Natalie found that it was not expensive. She ordered her food and then gave Jarvis the menu.
Frowning, Jarvis said, "Order some more."
"No, thanks. It's enough for me. Please order the food you like," Natalie refused. "And I know how hard it is to make money. We can't afford to waste it."
Was his new girlfriend saving him money?
Jarvis's brows relaxed and he broke into a smile. "Okay, sounds good."
Suddenly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bank card. "Here you go. It's not too much, just tens of thousands dollars. The password is the last six figures of the bank card numbers."
"Why're you giving this to me?" Natalie was confused.
"From now on, you'll be in charge of my money. My salary is not much. But I'll work harder to earn more money to provide for you."
Natalie was shocked. They had known each other for two days, yet he was already giving her all his money.
"No, no. You take it. I have a job. I don't need your money." Natalie shook her head profusely.
"You're my girlfriend now. It's normal for you to manage your partner's money." Jarvis pushed the bank card into Natalie's palm. "Isn't this the sense of security women want?"
Once again, Natalie was stunned. Was Jarvis trying to make her feel secure?
It was said that a woman who held the purse strings was the one who could control a man.
And Natalie couldn't deny the fact that she did feel a sense of security the moment she held the bank card in her hand.
This man might not be very rich, but he was very sincere.
Natalie had never dreamed of marrying into a rich family. What she wanted was a simple and fulfilling life.
She thought that Rowley could give it to her, but she didn't expect that he was too ambitious. He made it clear that he wasn't willing to live a peaceful and quiet life with her and wanted to fight for his right to the inheritance.
"Well, then I'll take good care of it. Tell me when you need money, okay?" Natalie didn't refuse him anymore.
"Okay!" Jarvis's grin widened. "Just give me some pocket money every month."
Just then, the food was served. Natalie was so hungry that she began to wolf down her food.
Jarvis, on the other hand, didn't eat much and kept putting more food onto Natalie's plate.
The two ate in the roadside restaurant like an ordinary couple. This scene came as a shock to Lamont, who happened to be passing by.
Was he imagining things?
The head of the Braxton family was dining with a woman at an ordinary restaurant?
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txciaz · 3 years
Hi!! So,
it's my ( literal ) first time writing fanfiction, so I'm pretty new at this stuff, but Lady Dimitrescu is all I was able to think about for weeks and I >needed< to do something about it.
( If you want some context, I wrote this thinking “what if Alcina survived?” - Alcina's pov )
The fall,
The end of everything you once loved
Ethan Winters.
You woke up... somehow, you woke up. The frigid air hitting your fresh wounds felt like a jolt send by reality, as if one says "you're still alive" -
- and oh how you were starting to hate that feeling.
Laying on the demolished floor of your castle, muscles twitching in pain, mouth open gasping for air... that's how you are, how you will remember yourself from now on. A defeated dragon, a crushed woman, a dead mother.
You should get up, you should let go of your carcass and crawl your way back into the warmth of your home, you should—
—you should be dead, actually. Resting on death's cold embrace along with your daughters.
God, your daughters.
The memories flood your mind with a painful, unbearable reminder; they're gone, dead, crystalized - gone. They're gone. Your lovely daughters, your pride and joy, the main reason you'd open up your eyes in the morning...
Their names are long cold, not yet forgotten - no, never forgotten - but somewhere else, as they don't belong here anymore; not on your arms, tucking them to bed. Not on your hands, caressing their faces. Not on your lips, kissing their foreheads. Not on your tongue, as you say them.
A raspy scream leaves your throat, it sounds disturbing.
You sob, hot tears trailing down your cheeks and neck, small cries for help find their way into the wind, disappearing with less importance then when they materialized.
You cannot recall for how long you stayed at that very same position, perhaps some hours, perhaps a day, but you are certain that at some point you were overcame by tiredness and collapsed - probably the best to do for now.
And so, rises the moon and the stars watch upon your limp body, the night howling a merciful wind and singing a melodic song. Grunting, you push yourself up with your elbows, sitting up and facing the sky through the hole you've made on the roof... and the levels above...
A huge carcass sits besides you, it's wings bended on itself and it's big mouth open to whoever would like to have a peek; you probably changed back into your normal body while unconscious... Now that you can see it clearly, you notice the damage that man-thing did to you... by heavens, how were you still alive and...
Oh. The castle. You look forward, taking in the horizon - the stars look exclusively shiny tonight - you breath in, the dusty air causes you to chough a few times. Stretching your neck a bit to see your whole house, you tell yourself it looks.. fine, actually, ignoring the broken windows. The broken windows.
It's cold. You shiver harshly, panting as the air meets your bare back and rumbles through your lungs, making you hug yourself, - you're naked, you just realized - the winter in Romania is truly kind to no one.
Your legs tremble with just the thought of trying to stand on your feet. You don't rush to do it either, let the wintry breeze take in your wounds, make it sting, burn it, freeze it; freeze your body along.
“To die. To die is to live. To live without them, that's torture. To live without their presence, absent of their scents, to not hear them, nor see their faces again, that's worse than death; far, far worse. How could I ever walk into that damned house without the heavenly sounds of their laughs, the tapping of their feet as they walk free, the steadiness of their heartbeats, reminding me that my own still beats.
Beats for them. For them only.
And they're gone.
So who shall my heart beat for? Myself? No, that wouldn't do. I will rip it out from my chest if I must, sacrifice it to any god who may hear me, all so I could spend five more minutes with them. Then I'd die in peace and find them at my arms again at whatever comes after this poor life.
But I'm here.”
You still hold yourself as you stare at a castle's - broken - window, new warm tears hanging the same trail the old and now dry ones did, a silent cry.
Your intrusive thoughts were abruptly cut by a loud noise from the inside of the castle, making you jump up, gathering all your last strengths to stand and walk a few shaky steps closer to home. The more you walked, the louder the noises got; a little rustle became a bang, and your tiptoing became a sprint, you hold yourself as tight as you can, ignoring the bleeding, the cold air spiking your lungs, how insanely fast you heartbeat was. You need to get there, protect the last remnant of them you still have.
The gates felt heavy now, even for you, who would open them with one hand. Where is your strength now? The fearless dragon who'd do anything to protect her house? Perhaps she died on that fall, and now all there's left is a shadow of what you were one day.
With much pain, you open the big doors, leading to the comfort of your house; you don't get in, you throw yourself in. The warm atmosphere engulfed you like a summer kiss on a winter storm, all you needed to ground yourself to reality for now. Grabbing some sheets laying over an old counter, you wrap yourself in it – oh, that's gonna get soaked in blood, but that's not of your concern now – moving incredibly fast for someone as hurt as yourself, you follow the continuous sounds that could not mean something good. The main doors are open, the cellar is unlocked as well, that idiotic man-thing couldn't even close the doors once he finished slaughtering your home? Imbecile.
You stand at the library's door now, suddenly frozen; you know what happened in there... do you really want to get in? Are you truly ready to face it again? Maybe you should take a step back and walk away, it would be the most logical decision to take now.
But what is logic when the heart screams? What is the brain for once your emotions take the best of you? You can't walk away. Put some honor on your name. Save the last bit of your daughter that fate is still conceiving you. Your chest rises and falls completely out of coordination, your fists close around the fabric involving your body; get ready, you're going in; gather the last bit of courage you have inside yourself and blast these doors.
And so you do.
You bring those pieces of wood to the ground, the only barrier between you and the reality you couldn't accept; a guttural growl forms in your chest as you see a lycan approach your child's crystalized body; you're blind with ire, sorrow, protectorship - you name it - and it makes you shout at the top of your lungs as you dilacerate the filthy beasts you'd bat your eye at. A bloody trail of corpses marks your way through the castle grounds, your claws dripping with fresh sanguine fluid - which you can't tell if it's from the creatures or from yourself - the crimson path follows you all the way to the other wing of mansion like a spirit who must haunt you for eternity.
You scream like a feral animal, blood soaking the once white cloth around your form; the scream becomes a shriek, which descends to a yelp, ending as a furious cry. You can feel the anger leaving you, like the waters of a waterfall; explosive, big portions of water falling into a numb, deaden lake. Hopefully those waters will carry you with them, you shall fall and sink at a anesthetizing lagoon.
You kneel, eyes closed, eyebrows frowned; a loud sigh fills the deafening silence in the air, your mind is blank – better, your mind is red, scarlet red mixed with black, ire and grief. Slowly, your head lower itself so you're facing the floor.
The big Lady Dimitrescu,
kneeling on a pool of blood, defeated.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”
Who..? The voice was so far yet so close, you try your best to focus on the direction of the calls but your nerves just won't cooperate.
Who would be calling for you? Is your mind playing tricks on you now? And since when you were laying on the floor? Too many questions for too little answers. You try to stand up, but a sharp pain on your side made you cry out and fall on your back, face knotted in pain – perhaps your adrenaline rush was keeping you from feeling what was really happening with your body, and now you feel like you're betraying yourself for that.
A small figure approaches you in a fast pace, causing you to unleash your claws one more time and snarl at the not-so-possible threat; you were hurt. Vulnerable. Letting someone close was the last thing you wanted now. The humanoid thing backs away a few steps with your aggressive reaction, hands on their chest, visibly afraid – even though your vision is quite blurry, you identify their expression: scared, desperate, sorrowful – they call out once more, almost shouting.
“Please, Lady Dimitrescu, let me help!”
Ah... Help... The now clearer feminine voice washes over you - a wave of compassion - as if hope has found its way to your house again. Well, it better go away again, or you'll drag it out yourself.
“Out.” was all that left your lips, your intense gaze locking with hers, a silent yet not so discrete warning; although you had only said one word, it was well understood by the woman, who stepped away, eyes still meeting yours, a dreadful cast hang on her face.
Still, she didn't left.
Is that girl testing her luck? It can only be. Once again you warn her: “Leave. I will not repeat myself.”
Her posture stiffens, after a moment of silence she looks at the door, truly wondering about leaving or not; her body turns around, her knuckles going white from how hard she was grabbing the fabric on her chest – she's conflicted. But why? Who is she, after all? – A long, defeated sigh leaves her, as if she knows there is no choice left.
“Allow me to help.” A failed effort on trying to sound confident; her voice is full of tears and her tone is oscillating – it makes you wonder if she has been crying – The human walks towards you, trying not to make any eye contact; you can't stand on your feet, you left hand is pressed on your injured side, the other is open and directing your now extended nails towards her.
Oh how funny it is, no?
The predator being cornered by the prey. The dragon being trapped by the rabbit. How ridiculous it is.
Her extremely shaky hands hang in front of her, trying to say she won't hurt you – oh if she only knew it's going to be the other way round. – One step closer.. Her lips and chin tremble; Another. Your claws grow bigger, eyes peering through her soul; another step, your eyebrows frown, her eyes are teary. The last step - your blood is boiling hot, your nerves on edge; you are still the predator. - a slicing sound and a half-scream saturate the air for a millisecond, just for silence to overfill it once more. Red splashes over the room again, on your face, on your chest, but mostly on the floor, where the girl was thrown at.
An agonizing scream leaves her throat - what a miracle, she remains alive - both of her hands cover her face, blood spilling all over her; what a sight, you would most definitely enjoy this very much on another situation. She cries out in despair, making you face the ceiling and close your eyes, a tired look on your face – you just want all this to end, you don't have any more patience for this. You want to crawl back into your bed and starve, you want to destroy this place, make it abandoned ruins of what one day was a home; you want to kill that damned sickening man-thing, kill this foolish girl for perturbing your grieving, and then yourself.
The woman captures your attention once again, she is kneeling, her body facing yours, her right hand presses her ripped face, the other makes its slow way up to you, although she is trembling, she manages to keep her hand steady enough to hand you a little green flask with a yellow-y label; You look closer, 'treatment disinfectant' it says... Oh you can only be joking. You feel like slaughtering the girl right this instant, but takes in a deep breath and holds the flask, her hand immediately falling along with her body. Is she dead? No, her slow yet consistent breathing exclaims that she is still alive – you honestly find it a bit offensive – You should, but you cannot bring yourself to finish the human; you should end her suffering, but now she caught your attention; and besides, she wants to help, doesn't she? then the price she'll pay is staying alive.
hahaaa I'm so nervous about posting this,,, ,
and yes! It is a alcina x maiden fic! I do plan it to be slow burn, and if some you liked it and read it till here, please like and/or reblog and I'll post chapter 2!
( posted on Ao3! Name: “The woman in your castle” )
( chapter 2 posted!! )
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU) - Chapter 7
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x f!OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: Thank you for all the reviews, follows and likes! It means a lot to me.
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Castle Dimitrescu, Guest Room - Present Days
Two days had passed and I was still trying to process what was happening. How could my life change so drastically again? I could no longer count on my twin brother, who I considered to be my best friend, the person I trusted the most in the entire world. I was filled by the same emptiness, the same sorrow I felt when my mother died. My life was in the palm of his hands and he was letting me go.
"Relax your shoulders, love," Bela whispered softly in my ear. "You're so tense."
Bela was the only person who still made me smile in the middle of all that chaos. She was helping me to find any clues in the diaries, about Miranda and about Auryk too. But for that, we had to work really fast.
We were sneaking back in the village everyday, it wasn't safe to bring those notes to the castle where Bela's mother and sisters could easily find. I prayed the weather wouldn't change and temperatures remained high. In another case, we wouldn't be able to go to my house again and my time with Lady Dimitrescu was running out.
Meanwhile, we were also working on overcoming my intimacy issues. Being intimate without having sex yet. First, we undressed each other completely. I had to know her body and allow her to know mine. I looked at the perfection of Bela's features for a second, before I was invaded by a mix of embarrassment and discomfort. It was the first time I was seeing a woman, completely naked, in front of me.
When I looked at her again, she was gazing at my body like if she was admiring a masterpiece in an art exhibit. At first, I was shy. I blushed and crossed my arms, as if I had any reasons to hide myself. Bela smiled. In that moment I knew she was appreciating me and that made me feel better.
"You're gorgeous, aren't you?" Bela lifted up my chin, forcing me to look at her, to see it in her eyes she was being truthful on her words.
"No more than you," I gathered some courage to move forward and extend my hand, touching a little bit of her soft skin, her arms, her chest, her stomach... then I stopped.
"This is okay," she assured me. But she understood that, in that moment, it was enough for me.
We both entered the bathtub, where I positioned myself in front of Bela and allowed her to take care of me. She gently rubbed my body with a sponge, starting by my back. Then, she moved to my front, rubbing my breasts, my stomach, my tights. Though we were in silence, she seemed to understand my limits, my barriers. Noticing how stressed I looked, she decided to give me a massage. I relaxed my shoulders as she told, focusing myself completely on our moment together.
"It's my turn," I told her. "Let me take care of you?"
Bela nodded and switched positions with me. I offered her the same treatment she gave me, but I wasn't so confident, so precise. My shaking hands would often betray me and I was unsure if I was being too gentle or too rough. Yet, she seemed to be enjoying it. I gave a special attention on washing her hair, it was so beautiful, so soft. The way it barely grew on the spot around her scar was a sin. I hated Miranda even more for that.
She rested her head against my chest as I continued to massage her scalp.
"Does it hurt?" I softly traced her scar with my finger.
"It stings sometimes," she sighed.
"I'm sorry."
"Does it hurt?" Bela repeated my gesture, tracing the scar on my forearm.
"No," she never asked, yet I felt I should tell her how it happened. "Adrian told me he found me in the basement cutting myself, right after my mom died. But I don't remember."
"Trauma can block some painful memories."
I knew that very well. I realized how little I remembered the days after my mother's death. My last memory was seeing her mangled body being carried inside our house. Nothing else. I didn't remember her burial or if I managed to say goodbye. I couldn't remember if we had people visiting us or if I was alone with my father. Everything about those terrible days was a blur.
Castle Dimitrescu, Office - Present Days
When Lady Dimitrescu called her daughters for a private meeting that morning, Bela couldn't help feeling anxious and scared. Her mother was usually a woman of her word, but when it came to her reputation with Mother Miranda, she'd become completely blind by rage. Alcina really believed her when she suggested Aleena's brother could be responsible for stealing the Lords and also for the attack to the castle, even when the evidences pointed to the opposite.
"I told you so," while they waited outside, Cassandra was smirking deviously. She was determined to do anything to annoy Bela right in the morning. "It won't well for you. Our mother can't betray Mother Miranda and the other Lords because you've fallen in love with a stupid human girl."
"Shut up," Bela decided she wouldn't give in to her provocations. It was Cassandra's favorite manner to extract information from her. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Do you think we're stupid?" Still, her sister wouldn't stop. "Everyone, except for our mother, has noticed already. Me, Daniela, even Mrs. Volkov. Tell me, Bela. Will you keep pretending when we serve her on a silver plate tonight?"
Bela advanced in her sister's direction. Cassandra quickly dissolved into flies, she did the same. The corridor was a mess of flying insects and buzzing for a few minutes, before they had to shape back into their bodies. Now, she'd finally have the chance to inflict her sister some pain. She pinned Cassandra against the wall.
"Stop, you two," Daniela tried to intervene. "What the hell are you doing?"
Cassandra tried to throw a punch, but Bela was a little faster on her reflects, she grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm.
"What's your problem, Cassandra?" Bela angered. "You can't stand the idea she wasn't one of your trophy maidens, isn't it? Just leave me alone. Leave her alone too."
In that moment, they heard the door opening. Lady Dimitrescu appeared in the corridor, with an ugly snarl on her face.
"What the hell is going on here?" She yelled. "I thought I had daughters, but then I come here and you two are fighting like animals."
Daniela sighed relieved. This time, she wasn't included.
"I'm sorry, mother," Cassandra straightened her dress. "It's Bela who's being a bitch."
"You started it," Bela tried to grab her hair, but she deflected. "You're insulting me from the moment I arrived."
"The three of you! In my office, now!"
Bela couldn't feel guilty this time. Something inside her had changed. She didn't care if her mother was disappointed at her behavior, absolutely no one would touch Aleena. Especially Cassandra.
"It's all about that girl, mother," the middle sister proceeded to tell Alcina. "Bela is in love with her. They've been making out around the castle all the time."
"And this is none of your goddamn business!"
"It is, when your actions are putting us all in danger! Her brother..."
"Stop!" Lady Dimitrescu shouted, making they both go silent. "Is it going to be like this anytime a new woman steps inside this castle?"
No. Not for Bela. She didn't care about other women. Cassandra could have them if she wanted, as long as she stayed away from her girlfriend.
"I agree," Cassandra continued. "It has to end. I vote that we drain her tonight."
"CASSANDRA!" Alcina punched the desk, making her stop instantly. "I didn't call you here to talk about this girl."
A part of Bela was relieved, but she when her eyes crossed with her mother's, the feeling of anxiety started growing inside her. Now she knew about her relationship with Aleena. And her sisters too. She couldn't predict how they'd react.
"I'm going to another meeting with Mother Miranda tonight. I expect to find this castle intact when I return. If I discover my daughters are fighting in my absence, I'll be truly disappointed."
"Yes, mother," Daniela said. "No one is going to fight anymore. Right?"
Cassandra rolled her eyes at the youngest sister. Bela only gave her an annoyed look.
So that was the reason of their visit to Lady Dimitrescu's office. For now, Aleena was safe. They still had a few days to gather information about Mother Miranda and whatever she was planning. Bela was about to leave after her sisters when her mother called her back. She froze.
"Bela, you stay. We need to talk."
"Yes, mother?" She sat in front of her mother again.
"What were you and Cassandra fighting about?"
"I-I... uh, it's true. I'm in love with Aleena."
Bela decided it was time to stop lying. After all her mother was the person she trusted the most in this world, besides Aleena. Lady Dimitrescu stared at her face emotionless. Bela couldn't figure out what she could be thinking. She looked down, avoiding her mother's intense gaze.
"It's different this time," she explained. Although Alcina never bothered when they got involved with women, she hated the mess it usually caused. Sometimes Cassandra would slaughter her partners in her bedroom or some other place too hard to be cleaned. Daniela fell in love too easily, always having her heart broken when she discovered the subject of her affection was only using her to escape the castle and the fate every servant usually had. In this process, a lot of other things would break too. Such as the castle's furniture and the servant's bones. "I'm doing things right. I even asked her to be my girlfriend."
Bela wouldn't get involved with women so often as her sisters, but when she did, it surely never ended well. They'd become disappointed when they found out she didn't reciprocate their feelings. There would be a lot of arguing, tears and some of them would even dare to call her mother for a talk. In the end, they always died anyways.
She had never been in love before. Until now.
"Girlfriend?!" Lady Dimitrescu eyes widened in surprise and she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Bela finally knew what what her mother should be thinking about. The woman she once loved. "Oh Bela..."
"She makes me happy, mother. Like I've never been before."
"And this is exactly what concerns me, daughter. You know how it ends."
"It doesn't have to end that way. I'm controlling my instincts very well and..."
"But she's human and young. She's going to study abroad, meet new people who are just like her. Then, she'll forget you ever existed."
That was the one thing Bela had accepted since the moment she decided to kiss Aleena. Soon, they'd be saying goodbye and there would be nothing left for her, only the memories. Yet, it was worthy. Every moment by Aleena's side was precious.
"I know that," she assured Lady Dimitrescu. "Mother, the only thing I want is your word you're letting her go by the end of this week. Whatever her brother did, Aleena's innocent."
"Okay, daughter," her mother's hand touched hers. The corners of her mouth curled up in a small smile. "I promise you. As long as you promise me you and Cassandra will stop fighting."
"Okay, I'll ignore her provocations. I promise."
"You know your sister, Bela. Cassandra is very attached to our family. She's only jealous most of your attention is being dedicated to Aleena."
"Yeah, I know."
Bela held her mother's hand and smiled back at her.
"Girlfriend..." she was still muttering to herself and shaking her head in denial as Bela stood up and started to walk away. "Well, I suppose there were worse options."
As she opened the office's door, ready to leave, Alcina spoke:
"Bela, take care."
"I will."
Castle Dimitrescu, Guest Room - Present Days
I asked my breakfast to be served in my room. Going to the dining room all by myself was pointless, as Bela and her sisters were reunited with their mother in her office. I wondered what they could be discussing. Was it about me or Auryk?
Anyways, our time was running out. I only had until the end of the week to prove my brother's innocence and expose Miranda's betrayal against the Four Lords. There was only one problem, if Auryk wasn't stealing from the Lords, he wasn't involved in something good either. The manner he spoke to me on the phone, it seemed dangerous and secretive.
And there was Bela. Everytime I remembered the page I ripped off from those diaries I'd feel my chest tightening a little bit. I wouldn't let my brother, and whoever he was working for, lay a finger on her. From the moment I arrived, she was nothing but sweet to me. She always did everything to protect me and I was willing to do the same.
Mrs. Volkov entered the room, bringing a tray of food. She locked the door behind her.
"Ms. Novak, I'd like to speak to you in private for a moment," she asked.
I nodded in agreement.
"I couldn't help noticing Ms. Bela coming and leaving this room very often lately."
"Yes," now I could understand why Cassandra was always threatening the staff with her knifes. Even if Mrs. Volkov was trying to protect me, what I did inside my room was none of her business. I feared she'd tell Alcina. "We're working on a personal issue of mine. And I'd appreciate if this information stays between us only."
"My mouth is shut, Ms. Novak. I only beg you to be careful, I've seen many girls like you going missing or being dragged to the dungeons after getting involved with the mistress' daughters."
Of course she had to remind me of the fact my girlfriend probably has had enough partners to fill both sides of a book page.
"Thank you for your concern."
And of course she had to run right into 'Ms. Bela' as she opened the door to leave.
"Mrs. Volkov," she greeted, polite as she always was. Sometimes I wondered if Bela was so well mannered even when she was killing her victims. "Is there anything wrong?"
"Everything's fine, Ms. Bela. I was only serving Ms. Novak her breakfast."
"Thank you. I suppose we're good for now. I call you if we need anything else."
Bela shut the door, immediately forcing the woman to go away. I asked her to lock it, just in case.
"Good morning, love," she sat by my side at the table and pressed a kiss on my cheek. "I hope you saved me some because I'm starving."
"Hey, didn't you just have breakfast with your mom?"
"Not actually, I refused it. I was waiting to have breakfast with you, like we do every morning."
She smiled, causing butterflies in my stomach.
"Aren't you sweet?" I was kinda expecting her to come. I even asked Mrs. Volkov for an extra cup and plate. I passed it to Bela. "I was hoping you'd come."
I retributed her kiss.
"So, what are doing today?" She wanted to know. "Are we coming back to your house? Or would you like to do something different?"
"I wish, but we have to finish reading the diaries. I only have a few days left before your mom decides what she wants to do to me."
"I spoke to her. She's letting you go by the end of the week."
"Is she?" I asked, to be sure.
Bela nodded in response.
I should be happy with the information, Lady Dimitrescu wasn't going to kill me after all. But I wasn't. I was expecting her to protest and keep me as a prisoner for weeks, months, maybe years as it seemed Auryk wasn't coming back. I wanted to be stuck in that castle for the rest of my life, as long as I had Bela by my side.
"She has a meeting with Mother Miranda tonight," she added. "She usually doesn't come back until the morning. We should do something special."
"Like what?"
"Like a date?"
The concept of having a date was a little bit difficult when you lived in a village that wasn't even in the maps Your options were very limited: going to the nearest town, going to the pub or do something at home. The first two options could not end well as we'd be going too far from the castle or if any villagers recognized Bela.
We could stay in my house and order some food, there was this restaurant in town that would deliver even in that hellhole of a place. We could also watch movies and make out on the couch.
Maybe more. I was desperate for more. Especially now I knew we'd be separated soon. I wanted to enjoy every second of your moments together. Yet, I was insecure. I couldn't help thinking of Mrs. Volkov comment regarding Bela's level of experience.
"I think I have something in mind," I grabbed Bela's hand. "Ready?"
Eastern Europe, Aleena's House - Present Days
We rod to the village as were doing every day. I was always concerned some other villager could see me and recognize me. At this point, everybody should know about what happened to me. They'd instantly connect the dots if they saw Bela. When we arrived to my house again, I was relieved. Almost. Until I saw the front door had been forced open.
"Oh fuck," I quickly took my daggers before taking another step into the house. "Somebody broke into my house. They may still be in there."
Bela took some kind of blade from her boots too.
"What? I have my tricks too, love." She asked, noticing I was surprised. "Cassandra isn't the only good hunter."
We carefully opened the door. Before I could even do anything, Bela grabbed me and covered my mouth. Her senses were probably detecting something nearby.
"Shhhh," she pointed to her ears. "I can hear something... in the basement."
"But not all of us are vampires," I muttered. When I noticed, Bela had already vanished, turning into flies. I followed her to the basement, after grabbing a rifle. Before I even got there, I already heard a male voice screaming.
"What the fuck?! What are you freaks even doing here?!"
I recognized it before I could even see the figure. But I waited until I was downstairs to confront him.
"Heisenberg. I could ask you the same," I spoke, pointing the rifle at him even if I knew it was useless. "What are you doing here?"
"You," he turned around from the hidden cabinet where the weapons were stored. "Weren't you trapped at Lady Super Sized Bitch's castle?"
"Have some respect talking about my mother," Bela shaped back into her body. "Not that she has any talking about you. So I guess you both are even."
"Oh great, and you brought one of the daughters with you. At least it's the decent one."
"Are you going to explain what you're doing in my house?" I angered. There was a good reason of why that man was there again. Coincidentally when he had a meeting with Miranda later that day. "Let me guess. You're searching for something to take to the Highest Bitch In Charge tonight. Am I right?"
"Wait, wait..." Heisenberg showed his hand as a sign of truce. I lowered the rifle. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Are you searching for something to take to Mother Miranda in the meeting tonight? Because many things are going missing, under mysterious circumstances that are strangely connected to her."
"Do you think Mother Miranda is the one stealing from the Lords?"
I told him about my conversation with Auryk and his suspicions about Miranda's involvement in the situation.
"I knew it!" Heisenberg kicked away an old wooden chair, shattering it to pieces. I shot Bela a confused glance but she also had no idea of what was going on. "I fucking knew it! She's been plotting against us. I always warned my siblings this day would come but they never believed me."
"We're searching for evidence against her," I explained. "To find out what's her plan. Do you have any ideas?"
"Are you sure you can trust her?" He pointed at Bela. "Her mother is the one who kisses Miranda's ass the most. After Moreau, of course."
"Absolutely," I told. "Bela's with me on the matter."
"Sit down, the two of you, and I'll tell you what I know."
We sat on the armchairs we had down the basement. Heisenberg pulled a bottle of whiskey from one of Adrian's secret hideouts. He was about to take a sip directly from the bottle, but I made him serve all of us. Something told me I'd need alcohol to deal with that conversation.
"All these years serving her and we're only her tests subjects, girl. We were all declared a failure upon bitch Miranda's eyes. Me, Lady Super Sized Bitch, the Moronic Freak, the Ugly-Ass Psycho Doll and even this..." Bela scowled at him, letting him know she wouldn't appreciate any offensive nicknames he could have for her, "this girl and her sisters. We're trapped in this village, being forced to decades of humiliation and servitude."
"Are you telling me you don't worship Miranda like your siblings and the villagers?" I tried to understand.
"No!" Heisenberg shouted. "Can't you see? She has taken everything from me. My humanity, my dignity! And now she has found the perfect vessel for her experiments, she's planning to get rid of us."
I drank the entire cup of whiskey in one sip. I looked at Bela, I could see that deep down she shared the same feelings for Miranda as Heisenberg. She tried to follow me, but judging by her face, she wasn't used to that kind of drink.
"I know what it feels like," she took off her helmet, showing the scar on her head and also the tattoo. "I also hate how she treats my mother and she's always too blind to see it. Whenever she returns from a meeting, I can read it on her face. She's disappointed at herself. She's miserable. She's always feeling she isn't enough for Mother Miranda's purposes."
"Fuck! This is what I'm talking about! Look what she's done to you. Don't you think it's time we end this?"
"Okay," I interrupted their moment of mutual pain. "She really fucked up with you guys, so we need to find a manner to stop whatever she's planning."
"Your father," Heisenberg pointed to me. "That bastard also shared my feelings of revenge and hate against that bitch, but for some reason he never accepted to join forces. I knew he had some diaries that contained some important information, do you happen to know where they are?"
Before I could answer, Bela stepped in and spoke for me.
"This is what we've been searching for," she lied. She looked at me, giving me a signal we shouldn't trust Heisenberg completely yet. "Apparently, Aleena's brother has taken it with him."
"And where's the little criminal?"
"I don't know," I said. "Last time we spoke he was acting shady as fuck. Whatever he's involved with, it's not good."
"Hmmm, drugs probably."
"No! I'm pretty sure my brother isn't... what's a vessel, by the way? You said Miranda has found a perfect one for her experiments."
"A person who can achieve a perfect mutation," it was Bela who answered my question. "One without any flaws, any side effects. Unlike me, the Lords or any person that has turned into a Lycan."
"Exactly," Heisenberg added. "One with a body that will be able to revive her daughter."
"What the fuck..." I always knew Miranda was crazy, but not at that point. All those years, she had been misleading the villagers, the Lords only for her personal uses. "And who's this person? Where are they?"
"I don't know, kid. This is what I'm trying to find. If I destroy the vessel, there will be no ritual. And with the right proof in hands I can lead a rebellion against Miranda."
"You can count on me," I extended my hand to Heisenberg. "If I discover anything, I let you know."
"Smart girl," he shook my hand. "You'll have my full support if you need to escape that demonic castle."
"She doesn't!" Bela angered. "Mother is letting her go."
"Okay. If you need anything else then..." Heisenberg shrugged. Then he looked at Bela. "What about you, little Dimitrescu girl? Can we count on you?"
"Of course," she also extended her hand. "But you can't comment a word about this meeting with my mother tonight. She trusts Miranda above anything, she's going to blow up our plans."
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Bedroom - Present Days
While Aleena was taking a shower, Bela caught herself reading the diaries they found. Such a skilled predator should be proud of her achievements. The reports about her family were gruesome, terrifying, tragic. They were called many things, 'witches', 'monsters', 'abominations'...
"Psychotic bitches," definitely the most creative, a name given by Adrian Novak. Bela never had a personal encounter with Aleena's father, but she had definitely heard nasty stories about him, through Lady Dimitrescu and through Aleena herself. She thought of an appropriate nickname for him too and smirked. "Stupid manthing."
She closed the diary and walked to the mirror. Aleena told her to wear one of her clothes. She looked like a normal girl, one of Aleena's age, maybe two or three years older.
If it wasn't for that scar. That damn scar. When she woke up after the transformation, one of the first things she did was asking her mother how she had gotten it. Was it the reason she died? Later, she found out it was the reason why she was still alive. Something had been implanted in her brain, to transform her into... that. What about that tattoo? Young people had tattoos everywhere but certainly not on their foreheads. She was marked as one of the Dimitrescu daughters. Wherever she went, people would recognize her by that. Especially in the village. Countless times she and her sisters had caused panic among those people.
This was why Aleena couldn't take her out for a date. She couldn't take her to the pub, to meet her friends and do other things couples usually did. Bela clenched her fists in rage and frustration.
"Hey," Aleena left the bathroom, wrapped around a towel. "Sorry for taking so long. You look amazing, by the way."
Before heading to her wardrobe, she passed through Bela and planted a small kiss on her lips. She could live like that forever.
In fact, if the weather suddenly changed and the temperature dropped by the next day, she'd be stuck with Aleena in that house for days, months or even years. She could cook and clean the house while she was out for work. She could even find a manner to earn some money herself. She could be an artist and sell paintings. Or maybe a writer, she was a good one. Maybe she even had money already, after all she was the Countess' eldest daughter.
The idea excited Bela a lot... until she looked at Aleena's desk. If she was stuck in that house with her, she'd be giving up on her dreams of living in California and study in that Art Institute. And Aleena deserved that. More than any person she ever met.
It wouldn't last and she knew it. She always knew it.
"Selfish psychotic bitch," she muttered to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Living Room - Present Days
I couldn't take my mind off my conversation with Heisenberg. I didn't even know how I was supposed to feel. I already hated Miranda before, but now I got the confirmation of the things Bela told me. She was nothing more than an experiment gone wrong and that woman was about to get rid of her and the others. I also thought about Alcina and Donna, who had no idea of what she was planning and trusted her blindly.
I also wondered, who was her perfect vessel? Was it someone from the village? Was it someone she had kidnapped? A million questions were going through my mind.
As soon as I finished getting dressed, Bela had sunk into one of her bad moods, where she became quiet and introspective, after acting normal all day. I already knew her enough to know something happened while I was in the shower and it was consuming her inside. Because as her own mother described, Bela felt everything very intensely.
"Would you like to go back to the castle?" We were in the living room, waiting for our dinner to be delivered. "We can go after dinner if you want."
"No," she said. I had turned on Auryk's video game console. Bela was quite curious about the game I was playing. Her eyes moved quickly as she observed every detail on the screen. "Not yet."
"Do you need to feed?"
"No, I'm okay."
I paused the game. Whatever happened, nothing seemed to distract Bela from it. She was quiet as in the morning she fought her mom or that night in her bedroom, before we kissed for the first time.
"Okay... why don't you tell me what happened? I left you alone in my room for some minutes and now you're upset."
Bela took a deep breath, as if she was trying to recompose herself and leave her emotions aside for the night.
"I'm not upset, love," she told me. "I'm focused."
"On what?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"If you don't move to the left side, like this," Bela took the controller from my hands, unpausing the game and making a move herself. "You're going to get yourself killed."
And she was right. Apparently her vampire senses worked for literally anything.
"Know what?" I turned off the console. "I'm done with this for the night. I already know I wouldn't be able to beat you if we played against each other anyways."
"What a sore loser," Bela finally let out a laugh. Mission accomplished, I was able to get her out of her bad mood.
"We'll see about that later."
"Will we?"
She lay on top of me, staring deeply into my eyes in an attempt to look dangerous. She pressed her lips against mine and I wrapped my arms around her body pulling her as closer as possible. Bela deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue inside my mouth. The way her tongue massaged mine, the way our bodies were moving together, the way my hands were exploring every inch of her perfect body... I was feeling things I had never experienced before. A heat that spread through every part of me. She finished her kiss biting my lower lip, leaving me stunned, breathless.
"I'm sorry, I got too carried away," she said, when we stopped. "We're almost setting ourselves on fire here."
"No, I want more," as I gazed into her beautiful golden yellow eyes, I couldn't be more sure. "I want us to burn."
Bela raised one eyebrow suggestively, as if she was trying to confirm what I had just told her. I let out a small laugh and nodded in confirmation.
"Then..." she pressed another kiss on my lips, "we should head back to your bedroom. Don't you think?"
I was about to give her an answer when the door bell rang. It was the delivery service bringing our dinner.
"Fuck, I had totally forgotten," I took a deep breath, trying to recompose myself.
"We can resume from where stopped later, if you want."
I wanted it. I definitely wanted it, but I was too nervous for my own sake. If I didn't calm down, I'd end up ruining things. I remembered the night I invited a girl I was dating to my house. Even after having a lot of alcohol to calm my nerves and get me in the mood, I panicked. I panicked and locked myself in the bathroom until she went away. Needless to say she never wanted to see me again.
To try to distract myself, after dinner I sat down on my desk, reading carefully a page of the diary in front of me. The calligraphy was barely readable. Apparently that one belonged to my grandfather, Erik Novak, during his teenage years.
"March 13, 1962
The Lycan attacks have intensified during these days. It's almost impossible to even leave the house. My poor sister, Astrid, has been attacked while she was outside tending for the animals. We don't expect her to survive. The infection has spread to her whole body. Father suggested we put an end to her misery. Mother is still hoping for a miracle. We called Mother Miranda for guidance."
I felt a shiver going down my spine. It was almost like I could watch that scene playing in my mind, like a movie. I held the picture of Astrid, her beautiful dark hair and soft facial features. Such a terrible fate she was victim of. Why did my family still insisted on living in that goddamn place for generations after such a tragedy?
"Okay, I finally picked one," Bela emerged in my bedroom. She was in the living room, too amazed by my Netflix account. With so many movie options in front of her, she didn't know where to start. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I closed the diary. "I was just reading an entry while you chose. My grandfather's sister, she was bitten by a Lycan."
"It seems to happen quite often in your family. One of the diaries I read also reported a Lycan attack."
"It's like a family curse. In my generation, it was my mom. But in her case, there was not even time to develop an infection."
Family drama. Nothing related to the clues we were searching for. I decided to not think about anything else related to that village, Auryk or even Miranda for the next few hours. I wanted to enjoy my time with Bela, exclusively.
"So, let's see what you chose, Ms. Dimitrescu."
For my surprise, Bela had picked a Disney movie. I thought it was extremely cute, I was kinda expecting her to choose something classical or even an horror movie.
"Do you like this one?" She asked.
"I love it," I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we sat down on the couch. "And I'll love it even more now it's the first movie we watch together."
I didn't make any interruptions as we watched the movie. Bela seemed so entertained, so genuinely happy. I remembered she probably had never seen a movie before. I didn't see any TVs inside the castle. If they even had one, they didn't have access to Netflix or any other modern features. I simply enjoyed the sensation of having her in my arms or the sensation of caressing her hair. I learned to appreciate the sound of her laugh more than anything in this world. When we met, I'd rarely hear it and now it was something she did often.
The world was easier when we were alone, just the two of us. Two lonely, misfit and traumatized individuals. Bela seemed to be the only person who understood my feelings, and I was this person for her too.
When the first movie ended, I asked if she wanted to see another one. She told me to choose this time and I picked a romance. With a happy ending.
God, we deserved to have a happy ending too. We both had gone through so much already. I had to stop Miranda. I couldn't let her take Bela from me.
Eastern Europe, Aleena's Bedroom - Present Days
It was already two in the morning when we returned to my bedroom.
"Are you sure your mother isn't going to freak out or anything?" I asked as we prepared the bed. "Cassandra is definitely going to tell her. If she gets mad the claws will come out to play and it's kinda scary."
"As long as the dragon remains inside, we're okay," the corners of Bela's mouth curled up in a smile.
"Nevermind, it's a joke. A myth the villagers invented. Don't worry, I don't think she's going to mind. I told her about us this morning and she took it very well."
"This is quite a surprise."
We lay on the bed and my heart started thundering inside my chest. I wasn't sure if she remembered what we started before dinner and that I had intentions of resuming later.
"I wish we could have this everyday," she spoke softly, when we were face to face. "This is the reason why I was upset."
"Why does it upsets you?" I asked.
"While I was here alone, I kinda wished the temperature would drop and I'd be stuck here with you for a while. Then I realized I was being selfish."
"You're not selfish. To be honest, I kinda wished the same. I don't wanna go away. I want to stay with you, forever."
Bela took my hand, holding it very tightly for a few seconds and then, she released.
"You can't, Aleena. You don't deserve this life, in this place. You deserve more. You deserve to go after your dreams, move to California, go to college, be with a girl that actually deserves you."
"I don't want another girl, Bela. I want you. I want you the way you are, with your virtues and also your flaws. That's what made me fall in love with you."
I'd usually let her take the lead, but this time I kissed her, hard and desperate. I didn't want to think about the idea of being away from her. Or being with somebody else. Even if we couldn't be outside most of the time. Even if I had to work on the pub for the rest of my life. Even if she needed to drink human blood. I didn't mind if my friends or my brother never accepted my relationship with her. In that moment, I had everything I ever wanted and I wouldn't waste it. I couldn't wish for anything else.
When I realized, I felt her hand going down my shirt, caressing my stomach.
"Do you still want to do this?" She asked.
"More than anything."
I knew Bela had probably done that a thousand times before, but I wondered if she was always so tender, so careful. She knew that was an important moment to me, I was letting down the last of my emotional barriers for her, so she acted cautiously on every move she made next.
First, she kissed me again for a very long time. I assumed she was giving me enough time to think if I was truly prepared. Then, her mouth placed a trail of kisses for all the way down to my neck.
We undressed each other, Bela lay on top of me and as she kissed me again, I couldn't stop thinking how good it was the feeling of having her naked body so close to mine. This time, I felt confident enough to explore parts of her I wasn't prepared the last time.
"What?" I asked when we parted and she gazed deeply into my eyes. "Am I doing it wrong?"
"I have something to confess, love," she opened a beautiful smile. "I'm a little nervous too."
"Come on. Mrs. Volkov was scolding me this morning, telling me I was only one of the many women she saw leaving your bedroom."
"Yes, but it's the first time I do it with a woman I'm in love with."
It was my turn to smile. With my hand on her chest, I sensed how quick her heart was beating too.
"Well," I whispered seductively in her ear, "she's very in love with you too. So you don't have to be nervous."
"Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"
I nodded in agreement and pulled her face for another kiss. As Bela's hands traveled through my body, caressing my inner tights, I was shivering in anticipation. By the time she touched me where I wanted her the most, my first reaction was to shudder.
"How does that feel?" She wanted to know. "Do you like it, love?"
"Yes!" I threw my head back as her fingers continued to stroke my center. "Oh my god, yes. Please don't stop."
"I don't plan to. We're only getting started."
I was still nervous. I didn't know how I was supposed to act. Should I do something to please her too? Should I be silent? Because I was fighting so hard against the wild impulses inside of me, that wanted to moan and scream Bela's name as loud as I could. I buried my mouth on her collarbone trying to muffle a moan.
"This is okay," she stopped for a second, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. "Just relax. You're being perfect."
I simply nodded in agreement. I just wanted her to continue what she was doing, but she had other plans in mind...
"What about now?" Bela inserted one finger inside me and started to move, slow and gentle. "Does it hurt?"
"N-No... this feels great..." I could barely form a coherent sentence anymore. In fact, I noticed I had stopped breathing. Yes, I could die right now and I'd die a happy woman. Was that what my father was trying to protect me from with his sick ritual? I couldn't be more happier to have broken his rules. I couldn't be more happier I waited and did exactly I was told to stay away from.
My heart was racing really fast. I felt all my muscles were starting to become tense. Bela inserted another finger inside me, moving a little bit faster and harder, but still making sure she wasn't causing me any pain.
And in that moment, I completely lost myself. My back arched and my whole body started to tremble under her body. Bela held me tightly. I relaxed too, wrapping my arms around her.
"Are you okay, love?"
"More than okay," I answered between pants. "To be honest, I think I've never felt so great before."
"Is there anything else you want me to do?"
"Yes, you can now show me how I can please you."
We switched positions and Bela guided my hand as I tried to follow the same path as she did. She also rocked her hips to meet my rhythm. I wasn't so confident as she was. I was afraid I could do anything that could hurt her. But she was a patient teacher and I was a quick learner. Soon, she was already trembling in my arms too and I knew I had done it right.
I thought we were done with the best part, but I was wrong. After pressing one final kiss on my lips, Bela rested her head on my chest and said words I'd never forget.
"I love you."
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
The Machinations of Machina
He has had very few appearences in person, we readers still haven't seen his face, but he has been a looming presence insofar in the manga, strangely caught up in many aspects of the series. Today's recap is about out mystery man, Marquis Machina!
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Machina is the host of the Bal Masqué in the early chapters of the series. He is introduced indirectly as someone very strange: he likes human technology, unlike other vampires.
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Not only that, he is positively obsessed by it, to the point of going around in nautical equipment. He is also rather chill, compared to Veronica, and takes an interest to Vanitas.
Few chapters later, we learn that he's actually a Beastia, a 'Fang of the Queen', a group that includes also Veronica and Loki. It's never actually clarified what a Beastia does, but given the impressive display of power Veronica makes shortly after, we can guess that they're essentially special forces. So, our eccentric nobleman is supposedly crazy strong, even if he doesn't show it.
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We get nothing else about him until chapter 32: here it's revealed that he has the dhampirs on his paybook: ha gave them tools, information about Chloé, and ordered them to: get Vanitas involved in Gevaudan, confirm the existence of Chloè's alteration device, and bring it to him if possible.
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In the same arc, we see him in Chloé's flashbacks. He appears in a bear suit, and he is there to relate news on Ruthven's part. Namely, the accident in which Jeanne's parents betrayed their own kind for reasons as of yet unknown, their execution, the sentence that turned Jeanne in a bourreau, and Ruthven being wounded and delirious. He opens the chat claiming that Ruthven is metaphorically dead, and in fact, next time we see him, he is drastically changed. Soon afterwards, Chloé is contacted by Naenia for the first time. Still, what we learn is that Machina is very old.
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Next time we see him, he's in Jeanne's flashbacks. Here, we learn that he is a member of the Senate, and that he made Carpe Diem, the weapon Jeanne uses to this day.
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Next thing we learn, in present time, is that the dhamps managed to find the core of the alteration device; they hoped to make the big money with it, but some chasseurs attacked them and stole it.
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Also, he's having sex with Veronica. Seems like he's quite good too, and likely doesn't look half bad under all these costumes. At least, good and hot enough to get past Veronica's misandry.
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Here is the last time, as of this writing, that we see him. He explains to Ruthven how he manipulated the events to distract Vanitas from some curse-bearer in Bretagne, and have him go to the device he needed; but here, we also learn the very important detail that whatever his plans are, he isn't in cahoots with Ruthven and the extremist faction of the Chausseurs.
Even better, he seems like he might be opposing them; or at least, be self-serving to the point of potentially make enemies out of them, as seen when Ruthven threatens him.
There is also some obscure reference to a 'sleeping lion' in the Carbunculus Castle, but it is not clear who this refers to. Ruthven? Or one of the Oriflamme siblings? Still, it's the metaphore Ruthven retorts back on him. I have really no idea what to make of this.
The only ones with whom Machina seems affiliated are the De Sades; at least, he's able to visit their mansion in the middle of the night to do their eldest daughter, so I wouldn't be too surprised if he's involved in their political plots; especially since he has been around from a long time.
The thing is, we don't really know anything about what the De Sades are up to. From what we have seen, they appear to be your run-of-the-mill Scheming Amoral Family, very willing to treat other people like pawns, hopeless slaves to PR to the point of horribly abusing their own blood who, for the flimsiest of reasons, don't come out as desired.
In all of this, Noé's Teacher, despite being the most powerful of the family and the closest to the Queen, seems to stand a bit aside. We have seen him interacting with his grandchildren and Noé, whom he treats half like protegés and half like guinea pigs, but we have never seen him meddling in politics or interacting with his adopted son, the father of Dominique and the others.
But we know that he is interested in the Book of Vanitas and keeping an eye on Noé. What does Machina know of this? The Shapeless One and Ruthven hate each other; could that mean that Machina is allied to the former? Or will he be in the future?
And I think my train of observations stops here. I hope this recap might be useful when future events will concern him.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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araviera · 3 years
Mermaid AU
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"My parents are coming tomorrow and how am I going to explain to my mom that there's a merman in my bathroom?"
"You can hadle it. I know this, Wisegirl."
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Annabeth helped Percy get to the bottom of the beach to free him. After he managed to fend for himself, the merman looked at her and said something that Annabeth could not hear thanks to the earplugs she wore. Considering the time they spent together in the bathroom and the endless conversations, she took off the earplugs, trusting him, and smiled.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," she joked.
Percy smiled back, and Annabeth soon regretted taking off the protector. She saw, through his eyes, lines of evil that told mermaids stories. He started to sing.
Annabeth struggled, fought, but failed to overcome the spell. Percy sang and called her deeper, further out to sea. He said that everything would be fine, that it wouldn't hurt, and she knew it was a lie. Annabeth's body obeyed without reluctance. Her mind watched everything without doing anything. Annabeth, the real one, panicked. It was sinking deeper and deeper. She felt algae and corals at her feet. The rising tide was pulling it harder and harder. She was no longer able to touch the floor when she took Percy's hand.
Annabeth cursed him with every possible name in her mind. She had been careful at all times, she hadn't trusted him right away, and yet she had failed. She had been foolish to think that even though she knew a little about him, he would not betray her.
Soon, the ground disappeared. Her body was no longer able to stay above water. Percy pulled her down from time to time.
Annabeth submerged.
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The pressure and suffocation of the water brought her down. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to avoid the salt water. Automatically, she held her breath, before the merman speak with her.
"Open your eyes, Chase. Look at me."
His melodious, sweet voice made her obey him. Annabeth exhaled and looked at him. Percy was beautiful, there was no way to disagree. His skin shone under the moonlight under the water. Her hair floated like black algae. The blue interior of his eyes, which in humans are red, shone brightly.
Annabeth was beginning to despair. "He's going to kill me. I'm going to die. I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry, dad. Forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Percy came over, ready to bite her, but she saw him hesitate. He looked at her, and before she lost consciousness, he looked away.
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He would never be able to say what exactly went through his head to give up the idea of ​​killing her. Of course, in addition to liking her, since they had spent a few days together and she had been a true friend (something he never had), Percy had the impression that there was something wrong.
But it was already too late.
Annabeth was dying, he knew. He had done this many times before. Her face was losing color, water was entering her lungs freely. There was not much to do for her. For a human.
Percy couldn't kill her, couldn't let her die after the last few days - he decided. He leaned over and pulled the blonde's head hard towards him and kissed her.
He had never done that before, but his studies at the Palace provided knowledge like that - which, honestly, Percy thought that all hybrids should know.
The girl's limp body shone brightly and stretched. Percy felt her skin turn into scales, sprout fins and thin her waist. He felt the girl's clothes disappear in his embrace, with nothing he could do.
When the metamorphosis passed, Annabeth was breathing weakly.
Percy lost his breath when he saw her.
"Gray?" He thought aloud.
Lines of magic, created by the brightness of the moon, descend from the eyes to the body. Her tail was encrusted with shiny stones.
Percy hoped she would turn into a random mermaid, but gray... Gray was an extremely rare color, and that was worrisome.
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Annabeth could sum up that week as a nightmare. The last thing she remembered was being under the spell of Percy's Singing. She was drowning and, then, darkness. Only darkness. Annabeth woke up with a tingle throughout her body. She looked everywhere, but didn't recognize where she was.
Then, she saw Percy.
Percy was standing on the end of the bed, watching her. He wore a robe that covered part of his body, as well as an alternative crown on his head.
At first she thought she was dreaming. Then, started to scream.
"Annabeth! Annabeth! Calm down!" he tried.
"Calm me down?! Get away from me! Monster! Treacherous! Traitor! I trusted you!" she screamed, but her voice was affected, and only then she realized that she was under water, that she was breathing, and that she was undressed.
She screamed even more.
"What did you do ?! Percy! What did you do?" Annabeth felt her throat tighten when she looked down.
Her legs weren't there. A tail stirred back and forth unconsciously.
"Annabeth, listen" he tried again. "I'm sorry-"
"NO, DON'T FEEL" she fumbled for the nightstand looking for something she could use for defense.
"-but I needed to do this. You were going to die" Percy approached.
"No!" she hid her fork behind her and asked for distance between them. "Don't talk to me! If you hadn't betrayed me, I wouldn't nearly have died!"
His shoulders withered.
"Wisegirl, I ..."
Then Annabeth decided that hitting the prince of the kingdom would be a good deal.
After that - Percy almost dying with a hit in his heart, the royal family locking her in her room, discovering she would never see her family again, crying, breaking furniture and other tantrums - Annabeth felt more alone than before. Percy, whenever he could, went to visit her, but she never let him in or talked about it. She was devastated.
Her mother must have been in tears thinking that her daughter had died.
She would never be able to see her family again...
Later, Percy appeared at her door and threatened her.
"Annabeth, I don't want to have to do this, but today there is dinner at the Herbal Garden and you will be my mate," he said. "A maid will leave your clothes here, and I will come and get you. If you aren't, you will be thrown to the sharks."
And left her alone, terrified at the thought of being killed.
Annabeth didn't trust him or his family, but she had to trust her enough not to fall.
And that was what she was doing at that party.
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"You see? I can swim on my back"
"Pff, look behind you, Percy"
And, thats it. Mermay finally ends :"(. It was so cool do a Percabeth au underwater. But maybe i should explain some points:
1- Percy is immortal bc he is Poseidon' son (duh) and he is the prince and heir of Throne (Sally is a mermaid too).
2- Percy has few friends, and, usually, Poseidon doesnt give him permission to hang out with them. There is all the pression at him, so Percy never can be himself.
3- Zeus was a merman from an important royal family, and Athena too (cause she is his daughter, duh/2), but they decided living on mortal realm and left all behind. Athena never told this to Annabeth, but she alwals said to her to stay away from sea.
4- Poseidon, Sally and Percy, first, didnt know who was she, but they "addopted" her because she was from an important family.
5- Annabeth finally talked with her mother. Athena said how worried she was, how happy she was to Ann was alive and how sad she was about Annabeth transfomation.
6- After this, Annabeth and Percy became friends. They hang out together and Poseidon let them hang out with Percy's friends.
7- Annabeth met Rachel and Grover, and she loved them.
8- Annabeth became known as Prince's Wife and as Princess before they know they like each other. The gray tail became famous in the "City that never sleeps"
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Okay so after YEARS of inactivity in the HM fandom, it is time to make some changes to some headcanons I had that aged badly (feel free to ask me for more details about stuff I will not talk about here because I didn't change them)
I had a Mary-Sue OC named Sally Meaker who was supposed to be the first wife and victim of Mr Meaker (an unused concept character I reused as a semi OC, he was an inspiration to both Ghost Host and Constance since he is a black widow who hung himself after he accidentally killed his beloved cat in one of his murders) who forever felt betrayed and sad as sweet as she was and she had a chatse crush on Ezra. Lmao bullshit. I'm keeping the origin story aspect but I think I am going to make her bitter and weary about everyone so that she won't have be "boohoohoo sweet" anymore as well as considering having her and @papabirdurskeks' Oswald have a relationship or at least feelings. The thing with Ezra : to the trash ! I see Ezra as a playboy so having him want to comit himself felt so off and they would have clashed too much in personalities, so to the bin with it. Also made her full name Salomea
Finally gave Mr Meaker a first name too, Beauregard
As I recently said, the Phantom Manor changes and the Disney Parade that goes with it now has me think Henry Ravenswood/the Phantom lusts over his own daughter hence his obsession in killing all men around her. As a mortal and as long as his wife Martha was around, he kept it bottled up oggling at their daughter in secret, but when he returned as a ghost and saw Martha had not returned, that was free real estate, nobody could judge him again and he was all powerful and unstoppable. He now wants to keep her "pure" until she would finally give in to him and stop being a waiting bride. Give her time, she will give up and he would finally be able to take her, he thinks. Wouldn't be surprised if in his folly he would want to marry her too since now it can't be a deadly sin anymore since they already are dead (I FEEL SO DIRTY WRITING THAT...). Plus reminder I HC he can shapeshift and is Mélanie in the end of both old and new ride
I don't remember if I ever wanted to do anything with Mélanie's heart necklace since it was given by her fiancé and according to a Disney parade beats like a real heart (and who knows maybe it was what beats in her tombstone) but now what if the whole time her fiancé's soul was locked in there by her fathee and she has no idea that all this her love was there with her because the Phantom knew she would no idea to look in there ? The heart beats when she has strong emotions as a result of her love and loneliness reacting to his presence inside without her to know what it means
Changed the meetcute between Emily and the Hatbox Ghost. It used to take place on a stormy night after he had to find shelter in the first building he would see aka the Gracey Mansion and bang at the door (since I HC she is a Gracey, daughter of Master Gracey who died young when she was a baby), and it would be a love at first sight and courting for some months or years I wasn't sure until proposal. Now, I go with her uncle and her aunt (the Ghost Host and Constance, siblings of the mate Master Gracey in my HC) being worried that at 21 she still had no suitpr and fearing she would end up as a spinster, so one day when a rich hat seller and hatter would come to bargain, they would find the occasion to push him to her hoping she would say yes with time (they didn't hate him yet, reminder for those who forgot my HCs they would hate him when they would find out he took her before marriage and the only reason they wouldn't have killed him was because they already were engaged at that point lol) Hattie/Randall Pace was very confused and awkward like that was not planned at all and he didn't want to force that stranger albeit beautiful woman and Emily was MAD because back then she and Little Leota (childhood friend) were fawning over some young and handsome but poor lumberjack who was interested in return, so she was grumpy and stubborn around Mr Pace. To the point of seeing the lumberjack in secret as superficial as he was like a sort of Gaston minus the evil, even speaking of eloping some day because the world so uuuunfaaair. After some weeks, Emily being a good person would apologize for being so rude to Randall telling her that she just is not interested and felt forced, Randall reassuring he doesn't plan to marry her either abd they could just start all over as good friends, pretending to be courting when her aunt and uncle are around but nothing concrete. And yet it would be after months of being friends and seeing they had a perfect chemistry and a lot in common or complementary they would actually fall in love no matter how ugly he was and even if that was technically arranged, hesitating (the time she realized what these feelings were) in eloping with the lumberjack or not and ending up refusing him at the very last moment when the departure was planned. Of course being superficial and just seeing her as pretty and having any pretty girl he wanted, he went "HMF. Frigid bitch bye" and left. So now she and Randall would truly court each other until he would propose 2 years later. If you remember my old posts you know how it ends up for them : wedding, murderered on their wedding night in the train that was leaving for their honeymoon by Mr Meaker who needed their wagon to hide after he had just killed his recent wife and needed to pass it not as his doing but a serial killer's (stabbed his bride and beheaded and hid his head a buttler with whom he switched clothes so that people would think it was him so he could run away from that state, stabbed Emily and beheaded Hattie whose head he hid in his hatbox), return as ghosts etc
Yeah I never decide myself on Emily's age lol now I see her as 23 when she dies
As for the Hatbox Ghost I used to imagine there was a big age gap like 40 and 50 and that he needed a cane making him look like an old man because he had ruined his back falling from a ladder one day he was carelessly organizing his hat shelves in his shop but I scrapped that. Now he is 30 only but just looks old and ugly. Hunchbacked ? He was boen with a hunch. Shrunken with age ? He is just short, the hunch gives an illusion of age shrink. The need for a cane ? He limps because he was birn with a leg longer than the other, not very visible to the eye but he sure feels it when he walks or stands (see how he slightly leans to a side). Balding ? The poor guy had no luck, RIGHT before his wedding the barber didn't ger his request right and shaved the top of his head which he horrifically hid with his hat reassuring it would grow back anyway but he died hours later and so is forever a bald ghost
Emily is au naturel for her wedding and as a ghost, used to HC because she wanted to but now I think it would make a cute and fun parralel she and Hattie would laugh off if she too had gotten unlucky right before the ceremony and her boudoir and all the products on and in it collapsed under the weight of a big crate Little Leota carelessly put on it "of course you need all these jewels" *bam* *CRASH* "..."
Always drew a face to Emily despite being in my HC the faceless Bright Eyes bride using the excuse the animatronic did have traits in the light of day. But I am actually starting to get very attached to her truly be faceless and considering it, tell me what I should do (and how kisses and eating would work)
Used to imagine Little Leota died by climbing a tree branch to see Emily's train departure better and falling down a river and drowning. Now I see her going up the attic and leaning too much over the window, slipping, falling and dying. Nobody would notice since all would be partying inside the house, only Madame Leota would realize right before dying herself overwhelmed by ghostly energies (all these tragic deaths coinciding in that small aera caused a sort of of paranormal short circuit in her magic ball that snatched her life away too, like in my old HC, but now in my old HC I leave it ambiguous if that truly was what killed her or the grieving shocking knowledge through her divination gift her daughter had died like all these deaths that same night and that caused the short circuit)
Also I read on TV Tropes Madame Pandora actually CAN materialize outside of her ball fullbody and all but just chooses to be inside it most of the time because it is her comfort zone. That's funny and cute and I did always see her super introverted especially with everything that happened to her so I accept it
Madame Leota and her daughter Little Leota randomly lived in the mansion in my old HC because she offered frequent divinations in exchange for being accomodated she and her baby daughter now she was freshly widowed and homeless. Now in my new HC inspired by a bit of one of the canon lores (again there are so many no wonder fans give up and just take pieces here and there to build their own fanon lol) she and her baby daughter had to run away from place to place for being "witches" until Master Gracey the Ghost Host/Vincent Gracey took pity and allowed them in against Constance's wish, and so it is a thanks Madame Leota offers divinations and helped the family that was starting to get low on money redo their wealth. Also stopped that weird idea I had of the Ghost Host being a creep on a grown Little Leota ew wtf was my younger self on
Used to imagine Emily's mother who died in childbirth would be named Elizabeth Henshaw like the bride in the movie but given how they had no common point married to a Gracey aside (and this time not even out of love at all but just arranged) and are not even of the same race, I scrapped it. I need to find her a name now
Used to imagine May and Victor were related to Phineas and that before himself died he was grieving his daughter and grandson who died in the swamp. That went nowhere so now I just see them as unrelated. Keeping him as the doctor of the town who already knew the Graceys before death though
I know Ezra is balding but using the excuse that his newest animatronic has more hair than before I will go with the "Dick Dastardly the 3rd" logic and have him have more hair he combs a bad way making him look like he's balding when he's not. Also enhances his attractiveness since I keep the HC he was a handsome lady's man in his lifetime
I used to imagine like a lot Master Gracey was the Master of the House, and thus despite being the middle child in my HC because I stupidly had their father prefer him over his own brother the Ghost Host. But not only was that forced family drama, I learnt "master" was just a title young upper men too young to be called sir since it does fit with I imagine him he was 18 when he died. So now the Ghost Host truly is the Master of the House from birthright after all, and not just because his brother died early
Speaking of Master Gracey, used to have him HC his ghost only looks like his final looks in his changing portrait without taking account of the middle looks. So now HC he actually shapeshifts too like the Phantom, or rather like Mélanie since it's only altering his OWN age and looks (young, old, corpse and skeleton) ; for indeed now Mélanie can do the same : young, old, corpse, skeleton. Maybe more age ranges too
Also hesitating in making him gay or bi
As you guys know I love to HC there are several Beating Heart Brides because I think every unique design is cool and reflects different personalities and that having to choose one would be a waste for me, and that Emily is the faceless Bright Eyes bride because she was one of the earliest if not THE earliest to some people who count that picture with an undetermined date as if it were a first or a concept and also because she's the one bride shown standing next to Hattie on the one piece of merchandise he is with a bride (COME ON SHE IS CANONICALLY HIS BRIDE ACCORDING TO A 1969 AUDIO WHY HAS THERE BEEN ONLY ONE FUCKING PIN SINCE 1969 THEN !?!). However I used not to count the Tokyo Bride and consider she looked too much like the middle Baby Face blue bride and that she just was her with her veil down. SUMIMASEN NANI THE FUCK How did I ever think they ever looked alike and could be one and only person !? Baby Face as her name says looks the youngest of the brides and innocent where the Tokyo Bride not only doesn't have the same face structure and hair at all she has a very mischievous smirk making her look everything but innocent. Given how the imagineers originally wanted the bride as evil until the following years made her tragical and sympathetic until Constance came along, I now officially adopt the Tokyo Bride as her own person in my fanon cast and make her a black widow just like Constance. Let us say she just arrived to the Haunted Mansion later like 1983, and that her name is Priscilla Emily Boogeyman Voodoo Gore Cavanaugh De Claire Meaker born Vampire, who lived inna similar lifestyle as the Addams Family (reminder I HC it's the same universe), 5 husbands she killed and one who actually killed because he was Mr Meaker (she was the one he killed before he ran away to that one train and killed Hattie and Emily in the process) which actually did break her heart since for the first time she was marrying out of love and willing to put her greed and murderous needs aside. But as betrayed as she was and resulting in her to travel to Tokyo to be depressed and alone there (being half Japanese she wanted to stay in the family home forever to be sad there far from America ; plus since it was a sort of Addams Family place they were okay with seeing her again as a ghost "aw sweetie look what happened to you you should have waited for them all to die out instead of offering them their ggist shapes so early as kind of you it was-" "shut up you mix up everythting"), she got better and decided to start anew by travelling back to that town back to her mischievous self and found shelter in that Haunted Mansion with other Beating Heart Brides like her. After all she, is evil only if you marry her and are a walking wallet to her eyes, she is not the friendliest and is creepy and sadistic in her humor and morals but she is an okay buddy, it's just she was raised into knowing murder and death are alright since well extreme goth aesthetic. When Emily's aunt Constance would have to move in with them in 2006 because her own house got destroyed to build a hotel, they both were cold at first to have to "live" with another black widow because it is THEIR gig, but they got better with time. And in faaaaaact I am tempted to ship them lol
Hesitating in making Constance a closetted lesbian hence why she could never ever get attached to any man and just see them as walking wallets whose access was unlocked through murder
If you guys remember my headcanon for the Spinster Bride, I had her be enthusiastic over finally getting married and she was killed by Mr Meaker on their wedding night because she was a rich cabaret owner and she was the one he killed before killing Emily and Hattie. Nope now in my new version of the story she never met Mr Meaker, and on the contrary she was a voluntary spinster because she always rejected her suitors her mother brought her because they were a rich family abd she only wanted to do sssssCANdalous business with her cabaret, therefore bringing shame to the family by getting old and not getting married and doing an unholy job ! So when she was in her late 40's someone, Mr Roberts, finally accepted to marry her again after years of suitor silence, her old mother grew hopeful again and seeing how old her mother was getting the Spinster Bride (reminder I also call her Victoria Ramsley or (H)Auntie Vicky) sighed and accepted. However her will for freedom during the ceremony took over and she said "I don't". That was the LAST straw for her mother who couldn't take any more rebellion and humiliation and grabbed a big candelabra and stabbed her here and there on the altar in a fit of madness
Also decided to rename the Corpse bride and the Baby Face bride I used to respectively call Emilia Cavanaugh and Alice Cavanaugh. Now I call them respectively Emily Sarah "Sal/Sally" (she never liked her first name and that helps since now she haunts with an Emily) Little and Emilia Alice "Millie" (that way I use her 2 fan names) Little. I give Sal's (new nickname she used to differentiate herself from Sally Meaker) boyfriend and fiancé the name John O'Hannon and her and Millie's cruel heartless father (reminder he didn't five a fuck about them, engaged Sal or back then "Emilia" to an old man but she eloped to marry her fiancé, upon finding out the father just decided he would marry Millie or back then "Alice" instead ; Millie commited suicide stabbing herself before the ceremony and meanwhile the old fiancé was mad the first girl would cheat him so he followed her to her secret ceremony shot her an arrow during it) Caleb Little, and the old fiancé and murderer Mr Gorelieu
Used to HC the changing portraits were ghosts of people who would look like a gorgon, a panther etc but nah now it's just the portraits changing out of alteration. Pluuus maybe instead of being ghosts they could be monsters, I hesitate in putting monsters and zombies (like the claustrophobic coffin man) on top or the 999 happy haunts since now I see it as the same universe as Petit Vampire and Addams Family where all these creatures exist
Used to headcanon there was Heaven and Hell. Now I leave it ambiguous, there just is an afterlife. Also had that it was just out of pure fate that some didn't join but remained in Earth as ghosts. Now since I make it fit the Petit Vampire movie continuity I apply its same lore that you become undead if you had gone through pain in all meanings of the term. And it does fit the HM ghosts too
Will see what I can do more but if you guys want more details, ask me !
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