#my brain also short-circuits
gaywario420 · 1 year
every time schaffrillas uses a hot humanisation of tamatoa in his videos an angel gets their wings
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catboyglover · 3 months
neil perry is stronger than me bc how on earth do you cope when your roommate is this pretty
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leolaroot · 2 years
three orions thursday....
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duhnova · 1 year
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who in svt 😵‍💫
- he’s pulling you impossibly closer as he helps guide you in his lap, grinding you harder as he tries to find more friction. he’s groaning lowly into your mouth before he’s shoving his tongue far down it (his hand tangling in your hair so you can’t pull away as he bruises your lips with his)
- he’s whining lowly as he chances your mouth as he bucks his hips up into yours only for you to laugh breathlessly at him before you’re trailing your lips down to his neck where his adams apple bobs as he bares it fully to you to allow you to mark him up however you want.
- he’s a breathless and moaning mess as you suck on his tongue, your arms wrapped around him to keep him close as he tries to grind up into you harder, his mind fuzzy as the only thing he can think about is your mouth as he gets needier with his hands, his whines getting louder the harder you suck on his tongue while making out.
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rvspecter · 2 months
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I'm not getting into the Bar if it means getting you kicked out.
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bloodbruise · 3 months
Evan fucking regulus on the bed and barty and James jerking each other off, watching entrances as their boyfriends fuck
every time i open my inbox its like that tiktok audio "what is it finna play.... WOAH"
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airenfolio · 5 months
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This was my last commission of 2023! (last art in general too!)
This past year has been an absolute blast, I've been learning SO much about how to work with people and create art for them, and I cant wait to do more this year!
Here's to 2024!
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mjshortformcjesus · 26 days
the perfect court was a love triangle and then they asked neil to join and make it a love square. but no he chose his psychotic midget. thats the real reason neil didnt want to join the perfect court by the way. if anyone cared
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
do you have any tips for leaving compliments on other people's art ?? your tags are always so well phrased !
oooo oooooooooooooo uuhhhhhhhh hmmm!
firstly, thank you!! i'm rather glad to hear that! i try quite hard to leave meaningful comments so it's nice when folks notice or appreciate it!
outside of commenting on the work, i first consider the tone of what i'm saying and who i'm saying it to.
i always try to make sure that what i'm saying will be appreciated by the person! that's the point. for the most part i leave comments to bring joy to the op, and thank them for their hard work, for being here and sharing art that made me happy! if i'm speaking to a mutual or friend, there's gonna be inside jokes and probably an amount of casual yelling. possibly even a little friendly roast, if i know them well enough. if i'm speaking with someone i don't know as well i try to keep it a little more professional, but i keep in mind that this is a fandom so an amount of yelling and screaming is expected. i tend to think about what i would like from someone else.
also if i notice that a caption or a blogs about is not in english i double check. if english is not the first language of the artist i make sure to construct tags that are easily translated and i use only and exclusively positive phrases. saying things like "delete this!!!! /pos" or "eating my own hands" can be totally lost in translation. i also keep in mind the age of the OP. don't tag as though you're Looking Disrespectfully at the art of a minor, even if that's your favourite blorbo.
as for how to comment on art or storytelling itself, this is indeed a learned skill, and it can be helped by training your eye to understand different things in artwork. but it's easy to start practicing! this is intuitive to me now, but an easy way to begin is to pick out one or two things that really stand out to you on a piece. (examples could be line quality; is it smooth? neat? textured? full of emotion?, shading: is it crisp? atmospheric? realistically rendered?, or colour choice: is it vibrant? is it moody? is it perfectly on model?) and draw attention to them and how the artist successfully used them to make the piece work.
if the piece includes design-work, pick something of that which you like as well. (clothes, colour choices, abilities, parallels to other characters, totally new or unique concepts that you haven't seen before. if you see your favourite colour combos or notions, let them know, but if it's a stranger remember they made the design for themselves, and you just share (good) tastes!) if you really want to make an artist/designer/storyteller's day, try to find the Little Thing that they've snuck into their art or design that ties into the story or lore that they are telling. even guesses to this end tend to be appreciated!
generally useful things you can also comment on are how well an artist has utilised a medium for its strengths, especially if the medium is a little unusual. if someone @'d me in particular i make sure to acknowledge that too because they probably read me for something and i should acknowledge the effort!
another thing i also always, always encourage, is to try to periodically share and comment on the work of people who are either less experienced or who have less visibility than you. especially if you have more of a platform! if you want to keep your blog clean of too many reblogs for aesthetic or professional reasons you can even go through and remove them later, but sharing the work of smaller accounts- even temporarily- makes such a huge difference! and encouraging + supporting younger or beginner artists is something we should be endeavouring to do as much as possible!
at the end of the day, i always just try to be very earnest in my tags.
there is generally no reason to withhold any praises i can think of, because it's usually nice to have your work perceived and appreciated! i personally loooovvve long rambling tags, screaming tags, stuff like "AAHH NOOOOOOO (THE BLORBO)" and so on. i try to leave the kind of thoughtful comments that i like (and am lucky enough) to receive, and i try to share artwork from a wide variety of people!
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So I just finished reading the first two volumes of VM origins, and like. I love this group of disasters so much. I especially love when the future-couples meet for the first time
(Minor spoilers under cut)
Keyleth: hi!
Vax, realizing that he is, in fact, not hallucinating due to blood loss, and this random half-elf girl is real and just saved his life:
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Scanlan: I should probably talk to them, you know, since we’re both gnomes and all
Pike: hi!
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And then there’s Vex, who’s like “who is this human we don’t have a human on our team gods dammit Keyleth stop picking up strays oh my gods”, and then she sees that Percy is actually not useless, and so she goes “I’m okay with this actually”
And don’t get me started on Grog and Nahla. Bro literally went up to her and went “me grog. You pretty girl” and she was like “alright” and literally gave him her heart. It’s so ridiculous I love it
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fighting-naturalist · 2 years
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idk i just thought he looked real cute in his hat 🤗 
(from “Serpent’s Song” 2.18)
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narsh-poptarts · 1 year
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The sun will rise, I swear it...
What we have of act 3 got me feelin a certain way man o|<
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buttercup-barf · 2 months
Well. Okay.
Under the cut are a couple Team Fortress 2 OC's and a lot of yapping related to them. Nothing particularly interesting related to the main game and its epic cast, sowwy.
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Some less-coherent doodles trying to figure out The guy that I'd imagine as the main- [embarrassed but accepting sigh] Self-insert for the game. This is Oleg! He's an obnoxiously superstitious/religious Russian on the run after taking part in several riots, stealing a bunch of gear from cops, and also The Goat Incident. Weird little man. Or, I guess, not little, he is pretty tall, and very much an adult, even though he has something of a baby face for some weird reason.
The man's mostly just kinda grimacing miserably most of the time - the job of a mercenary pays well, but it's the people he has to work with and fight against that make it rough on him. He's just so tired all the time, and anxious about everything, and just wants his Goddamn paycheck and to stay out of prison. He can still get pretty mean on the battlefield (both in terms of the average Domination line and in terms of how bloodthirsty he can get), but hey, which one of these people isn't.
I like to think he's sort of a complete third piece to the Doctor-Firefighter-Policeman trifecta. All based professions in theory, but the mercs mirroring these professions in practice are first of all insane, and apply their tools in the effectively opposite directions to their job descriptions. I've got more to say about him, but that's for if and when I make a proper reference image of him.
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Initially, instead of drawing up a proper Tenth Class[tm], I just made a fourth category. For shits and giggles. You may or may not recognise these faces, and if you did, I'm flattered! ... Although I'm kinda spoiling their actual names in the tags anyway. Oops.
Behold! Servando, the Messenger (Mexican, previously a postman, an easygoing but irritable nerd emoji of a man), Reina The Bouncer (Japanese, previously a bouncer at a bar, a reserved but kind-hearted gentlewoman with definitely no ties to the Japanese mafia), and Aidan the Odd-Job (Irish, previously a handyman, a friendly if a bit gullible gentle giant).
They're all functionally civilians that were way too good at their jobs, and drank just enough lead-poisoned water to be more functional than the average Teufort resident, but still deranged enough to sign up for the Gravel Wars. They all just want to help end this once and for all, because the commotion was making their previously comfy-cozy domestic three-way married life a bit challenging.
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daantaat · 2 years
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Bad Sisters / Eva Garvey + Smiling
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
But it would be hilarious for Wilbur to pop in to his team, Team Bolas, and just be flashbanged with Everything that has been driving everyone insane for the last week and the sheer craziness of all the members that were pretty normal (in comparison, like no one was okay then either) when he left them last
Not least the fact that his Dadza has once again joined a new server and adopted like 12 children simply by existing near them
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keepthetension · 5 months
glad things are happening for you, way, but
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can we get a better look at this tattooed bartender, please? because
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you can NOT show me a tattooed cutie in fucking SLEEVE GARTERS and expect me to be normal about it
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