#murky was right
murkyike · 9 months
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No thoughts ... just Jel 🐛💜
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Even though I will be making fun of Wilbur for saying “psycho competitive” for the rest of time, I do want to emphasise that what he actually said was that c!tntduo were in a “psycho competitive relationship that can be construed to be romantic but it's not explicit.”
That’s not actually shutting down a romantic interpretation of their relationship. In fact that is acknowledging the romantic undertones. What I would interpret that as - and I agree with cc!Wilbur if this is the case - is that you can certainly read c!tntduo as romantic but that that is hardly the most interesting or rich angle to analyse them from.
Personally, what makes c!tntduo so engaging to me is how they have this incredibly complicated history with each other, hate each other, love each other, and still choose over and over again, to connect. They are irrevocably entwined as self made foils for each other. They have chosen again and again to deliberately mirror each other, in action, in dialogue, in theme, despite everything they both do and don’t agree on.
For me, c!tntduo is about them being all levels of fucked up together. Persuing a serious romantic relationship would be super bad for both of them actually. They’re not healthy together. But they do need each other. They can’t escape each other now.
That’s where the appeal of the duo lies. Which, at least to me, is a far more interesting character study and exploration of what people can mean to each other than whether they kiss or not.
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murky-tannin · 8 months
Bad really went "ok no one is trying very hard to look more into my character's age/species/past/etc. Time to just start sharing it to individuals who will hopefully spread parts of it and people will start to catch on"
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atqh16 · 1 year
I am obsessed with the idea of Naruto and Sasuke being married for at least a year before anyone finds out. Cause it happened way faster than they expected and also because they see Sasuke so rarely so they think he’s just always gone for missions when really he actually spends most of his time at his and Narutos secluded home, taking care of it while Naruto does his Hokage duties. Sure he does go on occasional missions but he’s never gone as long as people think he is. I want a worried Iruka taking out Naruto for dinner to ask him how’s his dating life is going with Sasuke and if he’s ok with his boyfriend being gone for such long periods of time and Naruto giving him such a confused look cause his husband is at home right now cooking dinner and Naruto really shouldn’t go with Iruka for ramen cause that’ll spoil his appetite.
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the-genius-az · 1 month
Headcanons for dominant and possessive Alpha!Azula with her omegas
Thanks for the idea, Amor!
Azula fills her Omegas with her pheromones, trying to possess them.
He can't help but want to mark them, so that his whole body is full of her.
He sometimes has thoughts of murdering anyone who touches his Omegas.
She tries with all her being not to get them pregnant, even though she really wants to.
She loves the idea of her Omegas being full of puppies, maybe then they'll never abandon her.
When her Omegas are in heat they immediately love and desire her, she looks forward to it every time.
She loves her Omegas, and she wants them to love her in the same way.
She will do everything possible so that they never abandon her, no matter if they stop loving her.
As her Omegas abandon her, her fire roars.
Only the spirits know why the world burned until only ashes remained, sometimes love transforms into obsession.
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murky-galaxy · 11 months
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car9723-t · 8 months
Personal Opinion about Once Upon a Studio.
Spoiler Alert!
Just watched Once Upon a Studio on Disney+. It was simple yet subtly moving when it reached its ending. It was about a bunch of Disney characters preparing a commemorate photo for the studio's centennial anniversary.
I expect many people would enjoy various characters, including something Disney wouldn't be that proud of - such as those who were from Chicken Little. Glad that they decided to allow such things referenced in their important commemorative shorts for themselves. It shows, if it was sincere or not is a different matter, that they're willing to embrace both goods and bads in their history, at least on the surface level.
The best part of the shorts? I think it was when some characters were helping Goofy -who made a significant mistake because of his usual clumsiness - to successfully shooting an anniversary photo in front the studio, partly uplifted by the chorus; When You Wish Upon a Star performed by several, which includes Princess Aurora I guess?
If what I remember was right, it was also animated by Disney in-house studio with their 2D animation techniques...if that's right, yet another meaningful accomplishment to commemorate with Disney's 100th anniversary itself. I was a bit rough at times, such as the close-up of Mickey watching Walt Disney's portrait, but it was enough for me to be entertained.
In short, I found it was worth my eight minutes. Simple, straightforward, calm, and even slightly moving as the story goes on. I think you can try this one on Disney+!
P.S. Since I enjoyed Wreck-it Ralph, it was glad to see Vanellope, Ralph, Taffyta, and such.
P.S.S. Was The Black Cauldron referenced in the movie? Because I was confused for a moment.
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doginprogress · 10 months
Let me tell you about Cici
TW: dog death
I got a message in early 2022 from a breeder in Canada asking for help. One of the dogs she bred needed foster placement after the owner’s wife gave birth very prematurely. They were going to be essentially living in the NICU for the next while and could not care for Cici at the moment. I lived just over an hour away, could I look after her at my house for the next few weeks?
Absolutely I could.
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Cici had no hesitations. She feel asleep in the car on the way home. She was giving me kisses and trying to play with Azula and Tansy almost immediately. She was big and exuberant and sweet as pie. She towered over Azula, but she was a gentle giant.
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She did everything with 110% enthusiasm. She wasn’t in the best condition when she came home here, but she was never perturbed by anything thrown her way. During her stay she got to be loved on by all kinds of people, try lure coursing for the first time (she wasn’t impressed and ran off to socialize), and play with all kinds of dog friends.
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But Cici couldn’t stay. Even though her owner had come to the hard decision to rehome her (his newborn daughter was likely to have a lifetime of lung issues, and doctors had recommended a pet free home) I knew I was not the right home for her. And I was expecting to bring home a puppy later that year. The good news was that a perfect home had been found for her. She would be flying there, she would be spayed, and she’d get the opportunity to run on acres and acres of land with other Ibizans.
I said goodbye to Cici on April 14th after she had been living with us for nearly four months. The plan was that she’d spend a few days saying goodbye to her owner, and then go off to new adventures in her new home. I was so excited for this sweet girl to go live the best life.
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On May 20th, Cici’s owner posted a brief status on his Facebook page stating she had passed away during her spay surgery. That’s all we know. He wasn’t willing to share any other information. I doubt a necropsy was performed, but if it was, no results were shared.
Cici deserved to live forever. She had so much life and so much love and I can only take solace in knowing I helped make a small part of her life joyful. I think about her often, and hope she’s somewhere running around free as can be. I wish sometimes I had chosen to keep her here and make this her home. But I know that had she gotten ten, eleven, twelve more years they would have been much better lived out in her new home.
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anthonycrowley · 10 months
okay but actually like. holy shit he's canonically in love with aziraphale for real. for six thousand years.
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strawberry-seal77 · 8 months
hey do you think the system of rebirth in the Ever After parallels penny coming back- like its new form, new purpose, plus Penny got a title! The Protector Of Mantle
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
How dysfunctional would a shadowpeach be that never broke up but also never communicated their issues
you know this still works canon-wise, right?
#tbh the dysfunctionality would just raise from the clouded/murky status in lmk canon to 'holy fuck yall need need an exorcism'#you get it?#also swk has the 'stiff upper lip' kinda vibe with how he deals with things#he will not tell you#bc frankly he isn't sure if the issue is minor or 'please jfc get help you could be irrevocably damaged' bc his concept of pain and issues#differs so much from the norm no thanks to his 7-fold immortality and longevity of life#then you have macky who has the issue of assumption#like....what i'm feeling and understanding must be CORRECT bc any other that contradicts or disturbs my reality of truth is wrong#for example: his abandonment issues with swk and his 'under the mountain' verbal spar w/ swk#like don't get me wrong. his emotions and hurt is very VERY valid#bc swk and macky still had communication issues in the past so he didn't really air out his issues UNTIL everything went to shit#not to mention macky for most of the lmk show believed that his version of his & swk's relationship was the only true version#he even tried to convince MK about it#therefore: if swk & macky were still together and the same shit happened? my god times their issues by 10#maybe 20#tbh the show keeps their relationship vague enough that you can interpret them as having a romantic relationship in the past#also who knows if they technically broke up#like not officially?#i mean after a guy dies that's the next assumption right?#unless they get resurrected so what's the truth?#swk had to have lived centuries believing their relationship was done#meanwhile macky woke up and thinks swk is being weird about it bc he still thinks of them as together#it's just a whole fucking mess#and i love it#lmk#shadowpeach#lmk sun wukong#lmk six eared macaque#asks
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murkyike · 6 months
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Anywho- I think this lil guy is neat ✨️
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lightdancer1 · 3 months
I also have one headcanon on the Anakin-Padme relationship:
More broadly I see it as a match made in Hell where they make each other worse and are massively codependent on each other because they are sheltered people who leaped into something without really understanding what they were doing. But in terms of things 9 in 10 of the faults originate with impulsive rabid golden retriever Anakin Skywalker. The 1 in 10 that didn't is that the Anakin of the Prequels and OT era is a dramatics specialist who is one of the most flamboyant people in a Galaxy of flamboyant people.
Does anyone believe this idiot could really be the brain trust behind keeping a secret? I think that the whole secrecy part, which is one of the big parts of how the garbage fire did its reverse Midas touch on both of them, was 100% Padme because there is zero evidence that Anakin Skywalker has the self-control for such secret-keeping or the ability to consistently stick to it.
As such I also think that a lot of this stems from what's been built up with Padme that the poor woman had very little in her life that was truly hers, and Anakin Skywalker was a lot of it, which tells you a lot about both of these people that it was so. It never comes up in canon because the canon is how Anakin copes, and that badly, with the prospect of things falling apart but if it somehow happened in reverse where he gets a sudden brick to the face of proportion, would Padme really accept that relationship falling apart easily and the loss of one of the very few things truly hers and not Queen or Senator Amidala's?
She doesn't have to be a villain or a bad person for any of that, either. This would be 100% hero antagonist aspect and specifically antagonist, not villain, because it'd be a very painful exercise in growing up for two people who never really did it and where in canon one of them balked and it went badly for everyone I can't see the other one managing it any better if it somehow went that way.
Naturally since most fanfic takes the easy road of making the rabid golden retriever the one whose issues come from clinging too much and go for either 'Palpatine/the Force decided the Jedi done gone the way of the dodo' or 'the Jedi were uWu innocents and not an established religious organization indoctrinating people from infancy and very clearly dogmatic with aspects of fundamentalism and real life tells you repeatedly how religious fundamentalists cope with nuance', well.....
I've decided since I haven't really seen this take done anywhere or a plausible route to it that I'm going to bite the bullet and once again do the 'nobody's really written this story where everyone involves are humans as opposed to shilling one or another faction instead of 'nuance where everyone's deeply flawed and some flaws come with a side dish of impulsive mass murder' it falls to me to at least try it.
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murky-tannin · 3 months
Where is your "its discourse" now? He is an abuser and everyone knows it. Go pander to your white boy abuser cc cunt
The situation is objectively current discourse?? I never said he wasn't an abuser. I never even mentioned anything about the situation. Hell from the start I suspected he was the abuser in the story, even though I wasn't gonna be yelling about it on the internet as if it was my business. Like I'm not even a wilbur soot or lovejoy fan💀
Do you think "discourse" means "false accusations of abuse" or "a person who is discoursing is wrong" or something along those lines? And why are you on anon still? feel free to send asks off anon or even dm me if the idea of speaking your Very Reasonable And Logical Accusations publicly is too scary
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charmac · 3 months
about the copyright stuff.. do you think if someone gave complete legal consent for approval of use in an episode (with legal documents giving them permission/ ownership of the material) do you think they could use fanfic/au ideas then? wouldn’t that work around the copyright protections or is that not possible because even then if the person tried to sue or wanted to they couldn’t since it would be in their ownership (rcg) technically.
I don't know enough about the intricacies of copyright and intellectual property law to really say I'm giving you a professional answer, but if a contract was involved relinquishing ownership and/or claims, I'm pretty sure, yes.
In all honestly, I would go as so far as to say just a blanket statement that you relinquish all your right, title, and interest to any original plot, ideas, and/or dialogue in your story would do it. Similar to how some studios or writers have had contests or promotional things fans can submit their fan works to, if you tick a box and say you read and agree to the terms and conditions (normally being you relinquish your right to any monetary claims if they use your work), that's all there is to it. So yeah, if RCG wanted to do some kind of "fan written" or fan-contributed episode they absolutely could.
Just to restate: the refusal of creators and writers engaging with fanfiction due to copyright issues is really when it's put upon them: a fan hands them something or DMs them. That, they basically straight up know/are trained to refuse and not to engage with. When it comes to something more organic, like imagining a creator looking through Ao3 or ff.net, the extremely low likelihood that they are going to do that is because they know it is a very murky area they can easily dupe or hurt themselves walking into. They're supposed to actively avoid it, and most do, but if you want to think (or even strongly believe) your guy is browsing fics when he's bored as hell flying back and forth from LA to Wales multiple times a month, slap a little release on your work, if you want (Sometimes you see release disclaimers on other people's fanfiction. Though a lot of the time it's just a rejection of ownership because people are paranoid they can get in trouble for publishing fanfiction...lmfao).
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
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One thing Khare's done to get money is something she's not proud of. One evening while walking along Gotham Bay, she witnessed a couple arguing upon which the woman threw her wedding ring into the waters, ending their relationship. She waited like a vulture for the coast to clear, jumping into those murky depths to find the ring so she could pawn it off for some much-needed cash.
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