#moths in sinks
joelletwo · 20 days
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[ID from alt: takaginzura redraw of the victorious cast ot3 meme of a couple kissing and reclined in another person's lap. first one is a tender ginzura gaze while gintoki lays on takasugi who doesn't care and is drinking yakult. second is a takagin wrestle while gintoki lays on an uncaring katsura eating a snack]
will you PLEASE. imagine a teen takazura + unphased gintoki version so i dont start drawing a third one kjsfg good lord. @defeateddetectives u suggested it and it did immediately light up my brain six ways and was a blast to do lol
original pic:
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pancake-moth · 9 months
take this horrid thing i drew while at my friend’s place
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
I keep musing about what would happen if Catherine went to Allerdale Hall from Crimson Peak:
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Because on paper, it's everything she wants, old, musty rooms. Gothic architecture, falling apart. etc. But then on the other hand, it is freaking TERRIFYING and I think Catherine actually only wants to be scared in the abstract.
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We have this passage about the storm at Northanger:
Yes, these were characteristic sounds; they brought to her recollection a countless variety of dreadful situations and horrid scenes, which such buildings had witnessed, and such storms ushered in; and most heartily did she rejoice in the happier circumstances attending her entrance within walls so solemn! She had nothing to dread from midnight assassins or drunken gallants. Henry had certainly been only in jest in what he had told her that morning. In a house so furnished, and so guarded, she could have nothing to explore or to suffer, and might go to her bedroom as securely as if it had been her own chamber at Fullerton. Thus wisely fortifying her mind, as she proceeded upstairs, she was enabled, especially on perceiving that Miss Tilney slept only two doors from her, to enter her room with a tolerably stout heart; and her spirits were immediately assisted by the cheerful blaze of a wood fire.
I think she would enjoy the first day at Allerdale, enjoy looking around all the rooms, and then run away after (or even during) the first night. Edith is made of sterner (and perhaps more stupid) stuff!
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leafwisp · 2 years
After finishing book 4, going back to the scene where Hua Cheng knocks “Ming Yi” a meter into the ground is even more hilarious after understanding their dynamic.
Because, yes, out of the two present, Hua Cheng would never hit Xie Lian (or his body in this case).
But now knowing who Earth Master is, of course Hua Cheng would hit his ally, Ship-Sinking Black Water, out of frustration for allowing the situation to involve Xie Lian so much. Especially since this was when the Reverend of Empty Words, who is in control by Ship-sinking Black Water (or technically a clone), was fighting Xie Lian and terrorizing him.
And it’s also funny how “Ming Yi” just accepted that attack as he crawled out of the body-shaped hole because he knew he totally deserved that after breaking the “Xie Lian is off limits” agreement.
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mothpawbs · 4 months
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so this is how the beginning of my week is going
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shiftedclouds · 5 months
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paranormalmythos · 2 months
Trilby elected that he couldn't stay in the duplicate of his office forever. Or in the portion of the ministry building that seemed to fade into nonexistence around it.
He had to find where he was and how to return. Before the evil triumphed. Before he failed.
It was a while of walking through the seemingly endless white expanse before he did find something.
Another person.
A tired looking man in a trenchcoat with brown hair and a fedora, holding a radio. As Trilby got closer he heard that the channels the man was flipping through seemed... More akin to overheard conversations than talk shows.
"So what? I'm supposed to sit back and let someone else handle this?"
"*Yes, Kyou, you are.* You're a child, and you almost died-"
"Who... Are you three? Anyway?"
"The Stickymen!"
"No-no we are not. Lynx that's an awful name."
"She was just kidding please don't call us that."
Suddenly the radio emitted an awful noise of piercing static, that felt less like that of a radio and more like a TV on max volume. It caused the other man to throw the radio in shock, and Trilby to clench his jaw so hard he could feel the intrusive sound reverberating in his *teeth*.
Underneath he could hear voices, just barely.
"Jesus Christ-Miles have you been shot?!"
"It doesn't matter just drive! We need to get out of here-"
Trilby couldn't stop himself from running over and grabbing the radio, just to switch it off and stop that awful noise. Looking at the other man up close he swore his eyes were glowing some. His stomach twisted as he realized his gun was out of ammo and the grolly was foolishly left in the office replica.
"Who are you?!" The man demanded, scrambling upright and grabbing-a *brick* out of his trenchcoat?!
"Why would I tell you?" Trilby backed up, holding the radio as if it could even be remotely useful as a makeshift weapon.
"Listen just- just put my radio down and step back, this doesn't have to get violent."
Trilby didn't want to, really. It'd leave him more vulnerable than he already was and there wasn't really anywhere to hide in an endless white expanse. But the alternative was bring a radio to a brick fight. So he did place the item on the ground, and slowly put distance between them, hands in the air.
The other grabbed the radio back, "So, once again, who are you?" He asked.
"... Terence Railby. What about you?" Better to go with the fake name for now.
"... Charles Reed. Do you got any clue where we are, Mr.Railby?"
"I was hoping you would." Great. So he's still as square one, only he's also being threatened with a brick.
"No idea. One minute I was in Oakwood, then I wake up here..." Charles put the brick away, and Trilby lowered his arms.
Trilby had no clue where or what Oakmont was.
"I was at Stonehenge, then I was... Falling." Nice to know Chzo could've dropped him in here closer to the ground. Damned eldritch asshat.
"Stonehenge? All the way in England?"
"Is Oakmont all the way in the US?"
"Yes, actually." Charles confirmed, "... Had. Anything... Otherworldly been going on where you were...?"
"Something to that effect." Well there's their first clue, this place is likely connected to other places via occult means.
"... Eldritch gods?"
"You too?"
"I think so. So... We've been sent here as. Some sort of punishment?" Charles had a good head on his shoulders. At least Trilby wasn't stuck here with an idiot.
"Or maybe to get us out of the way, I'm assuming since you know about whatever was happening in Oakmont that you were investigating it? Maybe trying to stop it?" Charles nodded. "Thought so... Did you have the radio before you ended up here?"
"No, it was nearby when I woke up." He turned the dial to get it off the static and clicked it on, the voice that came out was *jarringly* familiar. Ancients how Trilby had missed that voice. *He thought Chris had been killed by those creatures, why else would they have used his form against Trilby?*
"-I'm not sure how to fix what's going on on a wide scale, but that rift closing should help a lot of it, mate."
"We really can't thank you enough."
"Well... Maybe you can-"
"Spooky herself told me not to send anyone after Specimen 14. She's taken it upon herself to retrieve them."
"They're in the dollhouse, Bernard."
"... I am aware."
"They're getting close to the generator-"
"And Woormy Charles will tear them apart before they get past it if Spooky fails-"
"Wait!" Trilby exclaimed, "Go back one!" Charles gave him a confused look but obliged the request.
"His name is Terence Railby. Black hair, formalware, always has a Trilby on. I have reason to believe he would have come through here."
"Before the rift had opened, yes. He bought some supplies and stopped at the hospital."
"Did he mention where he was going?"
"He was writing in a notebook when he was in here, I think I saw Stonehenge in there a few times."
"That's what I thought... Well, I better head that way if I want any hope of catching him."
"I hope your friend's okay." The shopkeep's remark earned a chuckle full of uncharacteristic fear and anxiety from Chris.
"You and me both."
The signal faded into static, and the two were left there for a moment before Charles switched the radio back off.
"... A friend of yours?"
"... Yes." More than that. So much more. Not that Trilby would admit it, not that he hadn't already ruined it and now left Chris to face the shadow alone. And while Chris was capable and knowledgeable, and had far more experience with apocalyptic threats than anyone else in the ministry, he was still reckless and hardheaded and Trilby didn't know if he'd be able to face the threats ahead of him alone.
"Do you think he might be able to find us? And bring us back? We might not be stuck here." Charles sounded hopeful.
"Maybe." He hoped not. He hoped Chris won what he couldn't, stopped the shadow and sent Chzo's ugly face turned back to the realm of magick. Even if it meant dying in this endless expanse, at least the world would be safe. *At least Chris would be safe. Even if Trilby felt it was terribly likely he'd already lost everyone else he cared for. Maybe Chris could survive this.*
Trilby took a deep breath, shoved his emotions back down, and to distract himself from thoughts of Chris alone in that hell, focused on the dilemma in front of him, "But we can't count on that. Have you found anything besides the radio?"
"I... Haven't looked yet honestly."
"It'd be a good start, come on. Let's start moving."
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
Día 7: cosplay
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(Para los que no saben Dario es el gemelo mayor de Louise y Frans)
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No hay demasiado de que hablar sobre este dibujo,me gusta la dinámica que tienen estos 2 como ship,aparte por la paleta de colores que ambos tienen en realidad el cosplay les encajaba ysi,Charink como a los 17 se deja crecer el pelo xd ysi,este es el ship más ilegal que tengo(aunque la """""relación""""" de estos dos imbéciles empezó cuando Chari tenía 17 y el weon 23 aunque igual Chari de verdad se enamoró de Dario cuando ella tenía unos 18 maomeno)
Louise de @yueart(espero no molestar con el tag q q)
Charink es mía pero sus padres son de la señorita Alanita Pérez
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cryptidm0ths · 1 year
anyway hope you guys have a nice day :]
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milfsisyphus · 1 year
in the past 2 days an ant a spider and a moth have invaded my home. i am under attack by dark forces
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joelletwo · 15 days
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[ID from alt: postcanon gintama fanart of shouyou and takasugi sitting on gintoki's couch, sugi leaning his head on shouyou's shoulder to watch him play on a switch, gintoki leaning back in the background and saying "you guys need to move out, freeloaders."]
takasugi embezzled leftover kihetai money to pay for that switch hes never getting a job / mommmmm beat these shitty mario platforming levels for me 🥺 / gin has no intention of kicking anyone out
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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there was a creature.
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mothmonologue · 2 years
Sometimes I make poor decisions.
Today's poor decision was stumbling on the wikipedia page for the sinking of the titanic and reading the whole damn thing late into the night while I have to get up at 6 tomorrow. And now I kind of can't stop thinking about it.
I already love the 1910s, that short 4 year period before the war. It feels like a child who got bored during a long lecture, innocent in a little fantasy world. The silent films of Melies, the glowy black and white photos, all the art about the magic beyond mundane life repeated for centuries. Escaping, from the exposing rough work to fiction.
And that dreamy vibe plastered on this tragedy. Suits and dresses and formality mixed with the human instinct to survive. The band that plays a hymn instead of a happy score for a late dinner. The couple who decided to stay on board together because the husband wouldn't be let on the lifeboat. The riches looking at living hell as a minor inconvenience in their lives - first class closest to the deck, first to get a lifeboat, first to leave. The captain in the wheelroom. The radio operators sending distress signals until the electric system died off and all the neat morse dotwork turned into a jumbled mess. The engineers, not one of them made it. All the men who told the women and children "after you", but never followed.
I often wonder how humanity would be now without the trauma of the war, and I fear we might be the same. But Titanic was not the one to break us. We learned from it, and keep remembering, keep searching and creating. And that gives me a bit of hope.
We're not unsinkable. Right. But we can learn how to swim.
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r0bee · 9 months
Who up lapsing their re 😭🤣🤣
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modanon · 1 year
I need to live with another person I think
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zukkaoru · 2 years
wait just saw ur last rb and u made a comment about ur roommates not cleaning up whICH made me think. how are things on that front?? are u n corey getting more sleep? realized i haven’t seen any posts about this lately..
skhhjghfsh the sleep issue was mostly the upstairs neighbors and they have been surprisingly quiet lately? maybe their decision to not sleep for months on end finally caught up to them? idk i'm not holding my breath to see how long that'll last but it's nice for now
anyway personally my sleep has still been not great bc my body loooooves to wake me up early for no reason👍 but i'm used to that skdhjsk
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