#moon: get in gay baby jail! get in there!
kingprinceleo · 23 hours
Literally everything about Vampire Au since i irreversibly fucked everything up and im just so damn tired:
Early timeline stuff (google docs link)
everything else not on the doc-
eggman is around 100 years old and has been butting heads with gun for control of angel island the entire time
angel island is 1 main island (master emerald) and 7 smaller islands (1 chaos emerald each), GUN hid a chaos emerald on each island to keep them from being easily discoverable and to use their power to maintain the barrier, originally built by gerald as a safety feature
GUN has total control of 3 of the islands, they are more cyberpunk in terms of infrastructure, the further islands are called The Wilds, where mobians inhabit the old buildings from the flood. sonic fights to keep gun from expanding their reach further
Ghost, the head of gun, is an ancient vampire and one of the first Mobian vampires. scourned by what the mutations did to them, they want to kill the vampires of angel island to have their own peaceful domain far away from the surface world
shadow behaves differently depending on how close he is to GUN territory, before Ghost had lost shadow, his mind was altered to better fit Ghosts mission. he was meant to be used as a weapon to hunt and kill vampires, the closer he is to the city, the stronger Ghosts mind control over him is. though ghost isnt aware shadow is awake and running around yet, the mind control is a passive state shadow is in and doesnt realize. he only has a stronger drive to kill near the city.
first arc was meant to just be generally kinda silly, it wasnt meant to be super serious- hoax and shadow make their blood deal in order to get hoax to stop stealing shadows blood bags knukcles, defensive on shadows behalf, clocks hoax so hard he turns back into sonic, thus being the first person to learn about hoax being sonic (outside of amy and tails, who helped come up with hoax)
knuckles learns about the master emerald buried under his fucking pizza store. what the hell. and starts learning about his past as the last echidna from tikal, whos been haunting the pizza place until she was able to get knuckles attention
amy really wants to prove her devotion to sonic by making him a Light ring, a ring with magic infused strong enough to fully protect him from the sun. she is not a powerful enough witch to do it so she starts researching
tails is a shithead and cosmo tries to teach him about friendship
sonic starts learning about chaos emeralds while dealing with eggman etc etc
one of eggmans plots was to mess with the moon pull during a blood moon, driving up bloodlust in vampires and starting chaos
tails vampire reveal
rouge discovers sol and introduces mephiles and silver etc
eggman has a blood mining operation in sol (bc the planet is a living creature)
-arc 2 , generally
the chaotix send tails to gay baby jail , gets broken out by silver mephiles
amy starts getting real desperate bc she keep failing to make the ring, she starts checking out dark magic due to her own shortcomings, being suggested by eggman who is interested in the ring himself. she finds sol alongside sonic and starts researching more magic with blaze and other castle scholars. an attempt at dark magic goes wrong with blaze, the queen of sol. amy is exiled and back to square one, now even more desperate, she keeps trying with dark magic. unknowingly, poisoning her own magic and corrupting the gemstone embedded in sonics staff
shadow starts getting a teeny tiny bit comfortable with hoax, and also is informed about the master emerald by knuckles. tikal remembers him and he starts to realize something isnt quite right in his memories. time for a series of unfortunate events
he delivers pizza to the eggman himself, who talks remorse about what he put shadow through, but angles it in a way to spark further hatred for sonic in shadow, stating sonic influence is what made him have regrets
amys dark magic usage starts corrupting hoax himself, because he is a product of amys magic. the darkness slowly chews away at his mind, and if they dont fix him, sonic will become a mindless servant of dark gaia forever. this is the shadow hoax reveal. It takes all of the friends & shadow to be able to fight and wrangle hoax, once the gemstone is smashed, shadow gets to see hoaxs true form, sonic. shadow tries to KILL HIS ASS
mephiles, the shape shifter, has taken interest in shadow and his determined to make his life more miserable by shifting into rouge and biting him, exposing to shadow rouge has been hiding being a vampire from him the entire time theyve known each other shadow fucking snaps and fucks off to go work for GUN, all vampires are the same lying conniving bastards, and he wants to kill them very dead
shadow captures sonic and he gets held in the central GUN base. sonic finds out Ghost has been not only killing vampires, but draining their lifeforce to keep themselves alive bc theyre old as shit. rouge is also exposed as a vampire (the chaotix supervisor) and gets held in a cell as well. the chaotix think this whole thing is fucked up actually and bust their queen outta there. knuckles and Co come to save sonic, shadow and knuckles have a stand off about both being the protectors of the island and how their friendship has gone out the window if knuckles chooses sonic. Knuckles escapes with sonic
The realizations DO NOT STOP COMING. BOOM. GUN DOCUMENTS. maria was a vampire womp womp. gun killed her for it. Shadow is horrified and the memories start flooding back. Ghost doesnt like this. Get in the Suit Boy. we are gonna kill these heathens <3 ! mephiles takes control of shadows body but no one is aware bc hes inside the fnaf suit. terrible day for him mephiles is gonna use the eclispe canon to drill to the earths core and reunite with iblis ! the only reason he was in sol in the first place was bc he thought blaze was the iblis trigger
everyone is OBVIOUSLY trying to stop this including eggman what the hell shadow this isnt worth it what the fuck
mephiles casually tosses shadows body into the core of the earth once hes done with him and woah. silver and sonic solaris fight woahhhhh vine boom vine boom
arc 3 !
no more angel island barrier, sonic has left to pursue eggman on the surface since hes up to no good, leaving the protection of angel island to knuckles. amy has also left for the surface to spend time on her own and try to learn magic for herself
shadow , barely alive, is fighting his way tooth and nail from the core of the earth.
a year of time passes and during that year- sonic gets up to little adventures, shadow learns to live life on the surface knowing all of the truths about himself now. they both realize they kinda had a crush on the other guy.... damn thats unfortunate.
Ghost no longer has the chaos emeralds but has Created the phantom ruby as a replacement, and has raised infinite from the dead to be its bearer. they create a fake Sh4dow. infinite gets to live out his tormenting shadows life fanfic for fucking killing him !! smh . infinte also uses Sh4dow to infiltrate Sol, Ghost has just discovered the pocket dimension on Their island and wants it gone. This is Shadows sol apartment btw. the fake bought it and he just. took it.
things are gradually getting worse on angel island and both sonic and shadow return. shadow is informed of the fake and teams up with rouge and knuckles to get rid of it flower ball happens around here, Sh4dow trying to fuck up sol somehow and shadow has to stop him. amongus time sonics been flirting with the wrong guy for a while. :{ embarrassing.
something something this leads to infinite and Ghost fight and they both die whatever who cares
so thats what ive been doing for like 2 years !! i . really fucking hate it tbh. all of this work feels so wasted and i feel so stupid. sorry for wasting your time for so long
i like the characters and i like what they have going on but like man,,,, all of the surrounding context just feels so miserably hopeless, it was all for nothing and i just. i want to sleep forever
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What if Moon regressed after locking Sun in baby jail, but still in the room with him? 🦇
I feel like regressing may make the prison break due to him not being in the mindset to keep the magic up and Sun would take care of him.
But to angst it up, Moon drops fully into babyspace and literally can't leave and Sun is stuck in baby jail and can't help his little brother calm down since tiny Moon doesn't understand how to lower the barrier. It takes KC having to force control and take down the barrier to allow Moon his brother, which unfortunately scares tiny Moon even more. But thankfully he has his big brother snuggling him and making sure he's okay.
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secret-gallavich · 7 months
Shameless Whumptober Masterlist
just a list of all the shameless whump fics i wrote in october
Safety Net
tw suicidal thoughts
Mickey has always been there for Ian, even when he's in Mexico and Ian wants to jump off a bridge.
Solitary Confinement
tw mistreatment of mental illness
Ian’s meds were bound to get out of whack at some point in their prison stay.
Made To Watch
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced child abuse
Ian and Mickey go to a couple’s therapist once a month.
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con , implied/referenced underage sex , child abuse
Laura Milkovich is 19 years old when she gives birth to her third baby, Mikhailo. It’s the 10th of August in 1994, her husband is in jail and she’s a mother once again
You Said You'd Never Leave
tw suicidal thoughts
Ian comes home from the hospital and Mickey isn't there.
Mickey thought he was just having trouble adjusting to the new surroundings of living in the Westside. He’s not used to the quietness, he’s feeling homesick or the moon is too fucking bright.
Mickey’s never felt…normal when it comes to Ian. Ian makes him weird and do things he’d never normally do. Like get a tattoo of his name on his chest in prison.
Makeshift Bandages
Mickey hides an injury from Ian while working at the Kash 'N' Grab
Leave Me Alone
tw horror, mistreatment of mental illness, murder, dead dove: do not eat, paranormal, major character death
Ian's convinced something is haunting their apartment. Mickey realises he's telling the truth when it's too late.
tw drugged, date rape drug
Mickey’s started going to the club with Ian just to make sure no one takes advantage of him. He lets Ian do his thing, give out lapdances, sweet talk them for some extra cash but he’s always stepping in when they go too far.
Floral Bouquet
tw major character death
Ian passes by a flower shop every day on his morning runs but can't bring himself to go inside.
You Will Regret Touching Them
tw implied/referenced child abuse
S03E06 but it goes differently.
Mickey feels like he’s going to throw up at any second.
He’s got a boy spending the night with him. Not just any boy, Ian. Ian is staying the night and he’s trying to play it casual but he can’t stop glancing over at the red head just to make sure he’s really there.
Don't Move
Mickey is allergic to bees and fucking hates spring
Who's There?
tw thriller, horror
Mickey is home alone and starts hearing noises outside the house.
tw implied/referenced rape, child abuse, internalised homophobia
Mickey's feeling post S03E06.
The hooker is still here, looking just as scared as he is and putting her purple dress back on under Terry’s watchful eyes. He throws her a bag of coke and she fumbles to catch it. Terry won’t stop glaring at her and Mickey takes it as his chance to look at Ian’s empty spot. He’d taken his clothes, wasn’t sure if Ian was allowed to get changed here or if he left in his boxers.
You Look Awful
tw gay bashing, hatecrime
Ian laughs next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him close and Mickey laughs back and turns his body into Ian’s. Adrenaline is running through his body and he feels so fucking good right now, it’s the best high he’s ever had.
Mickey's feelings post coming out
Bloody Knife
Ian wasn’t expecting their little trip back to the Southside to end up like this.
‘This’ being the emergency room because Mickey somehow got himself stabbed.
Borrowed Clothes
tw suicidal thoughts, psych ward
The first 24 hours are the hardest.
It’s full of regret on his own behalf, self-loathing and running thoughts of ‘what if’. What if he had been paying more attention, what if he wasn’t so focused on work, what if Mickey had been a good husband?
Body Modifications
tw implied/referenced child abuse
Mickey's always had a love hate relationship with his knuckle tattoos
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Ok sea of stars/the messenger theory time!!!
Alright the timeline of sea of stars is messy because it incorporates two things that are a pain in the ass to wrap our heads around, time travel and a multiverse. We at least know about three multiverses that we follow in sea of stars
1. The gang get to the top of the big ass water tower and DON’T knock on the door which ends on the gang getting their ass kicked by the bad guys
2. The gang DOES knock on the door and meet Mr. Toxic gay relationship with the literal devil, Garl gets 360 no scoped by aprehoul DIES and then the gang + b’st go to serai world, they clap firegirl traitorous ass DIES & the lesbian god Valere and the aromantic king Zale become guardian gods and only return on Garl’s death anniversary,
3. Knock on door, find depressed gay wizard, Garl DIES and gets sent to the lobby, they go to small spoon (serai) world, they do the completionist thing without the charity fraud part, Garl respawns, Garl calls aprehoul a bitch and he gets sent to gay baby jail firegirl is ALIVE, Valere gets married to teaks and serai and Zale gets a cat becoming guardian gods and returning to their world on Garl’s birthday
So, after that which one of these multiverses does the messenger take place??, well the only possible answer is that it takes place on the Garl doesn’t respawn universe due to the absence of firegirl existence on the messenger.
Personally, I think we're in the third one.
I can't imagine Sabotage would have bothered to have Erlina survive Sea of Stars's "Good Ending" if they didn't plan on using her for something.
Picnic Panic concluded noncommittally, with Barma'thazel out there doing something of an ambiguous nature. That was in 2019. Four years later, Sea of Stars made a point to have Elysan'darelle live and be reunited with Barma'thazel.
The Barma'thazel of Picnic Panic is confirmed to be the same one from Ninja's timeline. How does that make sense? Quoth the Shopkeeper: It doesn't. Don't worry about it.
So that means that as of the current endpoint for The Messenger, Brugaves is alive and well. Since no clear timeframe is established for when he and Erlina reunited, that credits scene could easily take place after Picnic Panic.
In fact, there's something weird going on in that scene.
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It's so sweet that they're finally reunited! After all this time and--
Hold up, what the fuck is that? Why is there a whole-ass second planet in the sky? That's not the moon, because there's the moon right there in front of it, so what the fuck is that?
Also it appears to be nestled in the clouds. Like. There are clouds going behind it. It's in our atmosphere. What the fuck.
This, to me, feels like it's setting up something down the road.
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illdothehotvoice · 29 days
DOJGFDH Wait that one is so silly dshjgkndfhkshgdfh
As for your headcanon. Because your emoji was so silly to me I will give you a sillier headcanon. Small setup using other headcanons to make this make a little more sense just in case people are not aware of this cause I mentioned it like. Once. Mario and Luigi live together outside a little bit outside Toadtown. Not by a LOT but long enough to need a pipe to get there (like in Paper Mario. Also not important but they live in their Superstar Saga house). HOWEVER Luigi purchased the D Rank Mansion at the end of Luigi's Mansion (canon!) and he stays in Evershade Valley for a couple weeks on and off every now and then when E.gadd needs his help with things in his lab (Not necessarily ghost hunting). (Not canon)!
SO Beginning of Dark Moon Luigi is on one of these trips (Also Luigi doesn't know E.gadd put a pixelator in his house because thems just the breaks when you're working for E.gadd kid). and Mario is home alone just chilling, doing odd jobs around Toad Town living his best life. ANYWAYS one of my favorite things in Dark Moon is that you can literally see King Boo leave Evershade Valley in one of the levels and I like to think that he just went to the Bros. house and just. Yoinked him. Took his ass. Put him in gay baby jail (painting). POV: You are overworked and never allowed to take a break ever. You are reclined in your living room, you rarely ever get the house to yourself etc etc. And fucking King Boo breaks your window and ruins your entire night.
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mybelovedstarlings · 1 year
'"What would you do if you could save the world by sacrificing one person?"' oh dear
Gyeol considering everyone except Sung Hyunjae as his family lmao
Oh baby... you're lying to yourself when you say you only have one dad 😂
Apparently Yoojin grew beans in elementary school
Beans as a plot point?!? I never would have thought
He even demanded that she stop, I don't know why this is still a thing!!
And of course the narrative is going to brush it off!! Just because you're related to someone does not mean you have to forgive them omg
'My ass is smooth' I DON'T CARE HYUNJAE
😂😂😂 Yoojin is using the keyword on fruit
Is it gay to bake bread together?? According to Sung Hyunjae, yes it is.
Anyways why are they making food now what happened to the plot
Uhhhh... what's happening to Final Gratitude??? Help
It's time
Ah fuck. If giving Yoojin a chance at revival isn't a death flag, then I'm a duckling.
Oh no. Castles and monsters. That is bad.. [I'm looking at you, Kim Dokja]
'" I won't do anything that harms Honey's people. I promise this."' WHAT ABOUT HIM
Omg it's just like Dark Castle, there's a 'king' that has to ascend to a throne after defeating monsters... we're fucked
Myungwoo is working with the system ppl.. does he know??
All 50 S-Classes are here...
Bavar is here lol!! Yoohyun could probably hunt it alone
Yoojin no
Byeol and Seol are just doing their thing lmao
Yoojin and Hyunjae are both beat up 😂
Why is everyone losing an arm today sheesh
'"Han Yoohyun is crying!"' 😢 oh lord
"Being strong doesn't always mean being strong." AMEN
Oh WHAT we're meeting Crescent Moon before she became Crescent Moon??
(Also is Yoojin the Harmless King now??? It said he was but I'm not 100% sure lmao)
[You are □□□ love□ □□□□□.] ???
(Chapter 600s)
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nysocboy · 3 months
Gemstones Episode 2.8: Baby Billy sees a ghost, Judy becomes a mom, and Kelvin gets....
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This ain't the 1970s: In 1993 Memphis, Junior and his dad Glendon are watching midget wrestling featuring "heel" Chris Blanton.  Glendon thinks that it's the wave of the future, but Junior complains that it's old-fashioned.  He wants to liquidate their gambling operation to raise money for some big wrestling promotions:"This ain't the 1970s.  Wrestling has changed. You need big money to go after big talent." Glendon nixes the idea.
Next complaint: Glendon was going to leave Junior the business when he retired, but he never retires:  "Look at me, Daddy: I'm going gray with my dick in my hand."   Look at him, with his jaunty hand on hip, similar to after spending the night with Eli earlier this season.  He's got some femme mannerisms going on  I'm looking at a middle-aged gay man.
Glendon wants to know how he can retire when his idiot son has terrible ideas and does everything wrong?  "You hurt my feelings," Junior exclaims, starting to cry.  The boy gets hurt feelings a lot, doesn't he?   Glendon mocks him.  But he agrees that he's been holding on too long: let's liquidate the gambling operation.
We cut to Glendon being upset while Junior loads the slot machines into a truck for Mr. Dukare. Later, Junior counts the money, annoucing that they will triple it with their new wrestling promotions.  But Glendon has other ideas. Brandishing a gun, he orders: "Handcuff yourself to that inversion table and shut the fuck up."  He then moons Junior and leaves: "You ain't never going to see ths old ass again."  
Junior screams and cries. Glendon goes off to visit Eli and get murdered on Christmas Day, 1993.
They're just kids!: In the present, Martin visits the captured Cycle Ninjas in jail: a group of scruffy teenagers.  Sheriff Brenda tells him that they have fake ids, no fingerprints in the system, and they aren't talking.  Martin tries to use psychology: "We know who sent you. Now you tell us."  But it doesn't work; they just fart at him.
Cut to Baby Billy selling his health elixer in a nursing home. Afterwards the spirit of his sister Aimee-Leigh appears, and encourages him to visit his son Harmon, whom he abandoned in a shopping mall in 1993. "It's time," she tells him, and "You know I'm right."  He tells her to get lost.  Aimee-Leigh appears in the Seasons 1 and 3 finales, but doesn't interact with anyone.  I wonder if she is a hallucination here.
Eli's physical therapy:  Eli gathers the siblings, their partners, and Gideon to thank them for their role in his recovery.  Keefe is not present, but Eli tells Kelvin: "You and Queef have been such a help. I keep saying 'Go back to your house,' but you wouldn't hear it. You've stayed on, helping me get on my feet with physical therapy."  He gets Keefe's name wrong, but at least he acknowledges that Kelvin has a partner.  
Wait -- how could Kelvin administer physical therapy with his hand injury? I'm getting an image of Keefe being run ragged from caring for two invalids.  Surely there were nurses around, too. 
Of course, they had an ulterior motive for not going home: the God Squad has taken over their house.
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Cleansing the Temple: Later that day, Kelvin and Keefe spy on the God Squad as they dance, fight with sticks, run wild on a golf cart, and..um... masturbate into a watering can?   "It's time to cleanse the temple!" Kelvin exclaims.  How could the God Squad control the house for several weeks with no one noticing? There's a housekeeping crew and regular security patrols.  This must be another chronological mishap.
The guys burst into the gym, knocking over things.  "This was a house of prayer, but ye made it a den of thieves!" Kelvin exclaims. Torsten orders the men to put Keefe back in the tiger cage, but Keefe tries to fight back, Kelvin yells "No one re-cages Keefe," and they relent. 
Next he reminds them of all the good he's done. Before joining the God Squad, Torsten was "a little doughboy" who still lived with his parents. "I chiseled you into the sculpture you are today." 
When Cody had cramps, Kelvin "crawled into his yurt and massaged him until sunrise."  A sexual reference, of course.  The guys stare at Cody, who shakes his head -- that didn't happen.  In a cult based on homoerotic desire, why would anyone disapprove of Cody and Kelvin getting busy?  There appears to be a major misunderstanding here. Many of the God Squad musclemen are straight alphas, in it for the muscles, just tolerating the homoerotic activity of Kelvin, his boyfriend, and the guys he invites to the steam showers.
Torsten challenges "the Messiah of the Muscle Men" to another cross raising to determine leadership.
Whoa, there used to be twelve musclemen -- now there are 23.  The cross used to be about ten feet high.  Now it's over thirty!
As Kelvin grabs the base of the cross, the casts on his hands fly off -- a miracle!  Although he is much smaller than the musclemen, he is able to raise the cross -- another miracle!  Keefe drops to his knees, apparently in worship.  He needs to decide whether he wants a boyfriend or a Savior.
When he has achieved "a proper erection," Kelvin orders the God Squad to get out of his house, then pulls Keefe to his feet.  They hug and do their weird forehead press thing, but don't kiss.  I guess it's been decided for him: Kelvin is the strongest, but not the Messiah, and Keefe is an equal partner, not his disciple. 
No lions, no tigers, no bears: We cut to Eli and his children rehearsing for his welcome-back service. Notice that Kelvin's shirt and jacket display no roaring animals, and his pants display no club-bulge. His obsession with demonstrating his erotic potency is over.  He has a job, a house, and a partner: he is a man. 
Later, Eli tells Jesse that he's grown, healed his family, demonstrated his leadership ability, so he'll give him the money to invest in the Zion's Landing Resort after all.  
But what about Junior -- won't he keep on trying to kill them?  "I think it's time you know the truth," Eli says.
He brings his children to the amusement park, and tells them about Christmas 1993. about Glendon Marsh holding him at gunpoint and Daddy Roy coming to the rescue, or maybe just shooting.  Afterwards, Eli wanted to protect his family, and worried that the scandal of having a murdering Dad would destroy his empire, so he and Martin buried the body under the roller coaster. 
Eli determines that the only way to protect his family from Junior is to come clean, tell him everything. Gulp -- he's already trying to kill you because you rejected his friendship.  What will happen when you tell him about his daddy being murdered?   The end.
The full version of this review, with nude photos and explicit sexual discussions, is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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Idk how accurate this is, but I can see for the CSS and BTB crossover thing that @churchydraws posted about that CSS moon and basically all his other siblings are monitoring blaze so he doesn’t do something that will get him killed by an interdimensional god. They want their brother to live thank you very much, and if he’s going to be dangerous he’s going into gay baby jail
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
Moon has been locked inside gay baby jail for his refusal to sleep, and said gay baby jail is his sibling XD who knew that the whole sharing a body thing would turn into “forcing moon to deal with self care by switching him out for lunar”. This is gonna become the go to strategy at this point.
It’s hilariously effective, and also lowkey hilarious that he’s so annoyed.
if it’s an effective strategy to get their brother to have self care then hey why not!
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Blood Moon: *pops into existence inside Sun’s gay baby jail when the space is already cramped with just Sun*
Blood Moon: Listen, we hate this more than you.
Sun: This isn’t what I meant when I said ‘I’ll hug you’.
Sun: Well now we’re stuck hugging, get over it! I’m not happy about it either!
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scentedchildnacho · 7 months
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He asked me if I had been to mariners point so I said yes after watching thomas malthoutas on the evil eye and a progressive wave of migrant history....so I said yes fighters still go out there and women do still model uncommonly...like it's totally 1999
I at first couldn't believe they were that resilient to attack and they have fighters so they just keep going at it
I was in Florida about COVID so they at the first signs of anything all leave
I don't know what that is about other then I kept running away from confinement and they get more persistent I don't
The hospitals shelters all of it got sick if your locked in those places you will get really sick
Then I tried going to the Bethany church with the Africans and vaccine standards there also...i swear when people won't stop vaccine ing the africans for deportation I swear I think im going to have to really hurt someone in self defense
Poirot the French Satan I think they are black and white people their north americans they are not foreign people
Beguines beg the in crowd....I know my virginity has to be protected that's why no vaccines at my shelter no
Yeats....you can't make women less active and positive and then expect those outcomes
If they want virginity and ladies and decent marketing and strategy then women have to be active
I have moved on from baby to toddler so it's why a lot why do they want to kill us though why are they so dedicated to killing us
It started to rain at the Methodist church food line so I admitted their overly rigid need for Time was too satanic for me and the sign doesn't say church of Satan it says methodism.....and I admit it's because I'm tired of things not being what they are it's a church and I want to go to a civil event
No i wouldnt be treated better if I stripped also......it's a city like Ronnie Estes or John wayne gacy.....and it kills as many gays it called a crackhead as possible....at first they appeared like in crowds and now I'm not sure what terrifying jail ness a lot comes from
I don't think I want to know......
Bobiny is America he is actually from a small unknown country but saint Denis takes all of poor
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Stan came by and tried to apply the rule she wouldn't have it she said I'm not really here yet but I can get here and he knows no you're not and it says you're not having my dick and all this other stuff and she knows why not you gay and they started arguing outside and you heard it and finally she says give me the tape put the tape on it and runs around and touches stuff she touched and she says I'm going to figure out something they're too small baby and she used isopropyl or something close and she's doing it and you got a real mad so all Sunny else you're not telling the truth I really tell you the truth about anything that you want to know why or an address enemy combating to the United States you are a terrorist and I'm having people sleeping special ones person I have people going after you got really mad and said you can't blame me for that tricks doing I said no you can't you're the one doing it I said I get out of those things I said not really who kills you Jason you know why I think it is about hanky panky no so so Jason realizes what's happened and her son doesn't know that she posted the no trespass order on the door and they're going to come back for the gangn and remove everything.
And he could go check but he can't get up right now so it's a horrific pile of s*** here everything is topsy turvy they're all bunch of losers and they think it's crazy for us it is a little bit and it's too much so we're going to start hitting but they're doing a decent job of trying to get rid of them and he's a huge pain and right now they're setting up for Moonraker and there's a few more scenes of other James Bond films and goes into the night with jaws and then it goes up to the Moon now it goes up to the space station and Stan is not Roger Moore no and it's not a trumpster and it's not Tommy f it's a Mac and he wants Dan to stop and Dan says he won't so he's going to use lethal Force it's one of the first signs that the max are having a lot of trouble with Tommy f and are willing to apply themselves without having 100% math force them to and it's a good sign and it's a bad one but we're going to of course keep track of it it's going on today and huge forces are heading to the UK and Trump will have about 40,000 artillion 20,000 there and 20,000 in reserve it is a gigantic Force that's probably the largest Force ever assembled on Earth and a son knows that usually doesn't mean that much with Trump died and then as a force 20 octillion and yeah yelling doesn't make it any more or less clear it usually clouds people's minds so you're screaming each other and get nowhere and you guys did it for years you and your asinine father why can't I use some music you don't know and I said oh I do get this get him out of here or you'll pay CAA said and here I am paying and a whole bunch of people are going to pay because this nincompoop is a freaking nincomputer he's a loser and an a****** I'm going to make that damn movie from it because it goes against his stuff because Dan is a loser and an a****** break will probably do the movie says it's absolutely not necessary Garth has enough footage for a million years. I'm going to go ahead and produce that a****** and a loser and the two people who are imposters in the military and a screwing everything up and not spies from a foreign country so people don't get him in trouble and they don't Court mushroom and they don't put them in jail and they don't execute him so they just sit there screwing everything up it's from him and me okay cool it's Timothy McVeigh and Nichols and that's who they are that's what we're doing playing around with them
Tommy f says and yes about the last two paragraphs about Dan and then Trump
I got something to say this is a lot of work what he's doing here dictating giving orders figure out what to do this damn guy has been no help at all and Trump except the sun says I get it done DJ would be next then foreigners and then I still want to do anything which is great or Tommy f so we're going to keep abusing the Max and Tommy f until they're all dead keeps getting to me and my son keeps saying let's use it on them all of it so we had the Field of dreams and everybody's now catching on that's how they are that's what they're doing and that's the way they're going to do it it doesn't mean they're going to win anything it means they're just going to keep doing it that way they're old they're setting their ways and their farts these two harass our son religiously though and there's a whole bunch of trumpsters taking the role but they're doing it before and they suck so I'm going after them and we have a lawsuit in and it's serious and it's against all these idiots that bother him daily and we're pouring it on here too and we're going to get some money to him because it's ridiculous he's beholden to the Senate and Congress which are mostly Max it's about 90% in the Senate and 80% in the Congress and the president can't hold out against him now there's something wrong with it yeah nobody's really fighting them yet and they can't get here two things and the more locker is sitting back and losing and trying to take our son with him we thank her something and a bunch of losers now I'll get all my son can think of doing is getting rid of them and forcing the foreigners to do the job and getting the piece of s*** out of the way and it's starting to work this is going to be a big help Dan's going to stick his head right well substance well trumpsters because Trump is dead he died in a Manhattan and everybody knows it except for hamsters and trying to beat him with this and there's a huge line in West Palm to try and see the house and what they really want to do is break in and be the next Trump and to try and do it all the time matter of fact that's what the punisher scene is all about and he's not even there but one of them wants to break in and be him and it's one of the dance it's Dan it's a clone of Dan and happens later and he's an idiot so there's a lot of that happening all at the same time because Trump died and the banks are taking them down and this will be a huge hit believe in me so those 20,000 are moving in and this minor skirmishes mostly people evacuate and they kind of letting them leave and Tommy f is pissed off so our son said they wouldn't last. And Trump blows and you blow so think about it so he's rippling mad he says I did think about it and you're dead and so I'm putting a hit on you a Thor Freya you are, saying, and it's real coming out of the water now so f*** you yeah big mouth. Islamo going on with these little kids need to be killed tonight is Moonraker that will shut them up because following that almost immediately nice big handful of them die
No not many know this and we don't think Trump starters do but Trump evacuated now the trumpsters did and before Trump died and didn't say anything because he's a prick to everybody and everyone was dying the ones who stayed behind her dead in the ships are derelicts in the rings of Saturn. They're on Titan and they are up there trying to get ready to use the alien ships concert with a laser
There's a few things that are happening other than the blockade which is filled back up on both sides and bolstered is around a billion ships all of them are class A most of them are spaceships and it'll bleed into the space and yes it will bleed into space and the Mart need to go after and Max the common Empire ships especially the big one because they'll never get aboard the huge one if they don't well . There are several scenarios in her son is correct about one of them so far it's the only one who came up with and there are other ways to do things but really what he noted was what they usually do so they're going to go on it and after it hard and tell me if it's in trouble. Right now they're having a slow War it's about 50 million ships an hour from both sides meeting 25 million each which is not that many it's a sweltering blockade it's really hot and it's going to heat up the Earth and it's terrible and it's going to melt some sheets and break them loose dinosaurs.
Other actions occurring are punta Gorda Port Charlotte county Florida everybody's trying to get here it is a huge group and it's a mixed bag and people here should be concerned and they're sending units big ones very big ones and they're going to lose a lot of people constantly and keep calling them from other areas it's a huge pain
There are people from DC all over the place asking all sorts of questions and everyone says you know what's going on give us a break I need to say why is he saying should we build another one and show him the notes that Tommy f asking what to do and then it's like this who is he thinking you're talking to and they say he's getting dumbn and we need him and stuff and they say no.
I'm pretty sure that people don't want DC people here but there are a lot of them and around the perimeter there a lot there are 10 of them trying to get in it's only a matter of time before these people get brought in there's a lot of them.
Thor Freya
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👏 king 👏 squad 👏 represent 👏
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burnoutthebad · 6 years
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Also, the pre psijic/adventurer/fab Kiarash
Sure the psijics might not take a werewolf but I dont RP so! No one else really gets subjected to his horrible character but uh. I guess ya’ll. rip
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bsd characters except it's conversations/things me and my friends have said
Dazai: everybody attack Atsushi he's suppressing his emotions again
Junichiro: I mean?? same?? but yeah let's focus on Atsushi
Atsushi: Akutagawa is threatening me send help
Dazai: I mean what else is new-
Kunikida, from a distance: yeah not surprising
Yosano: shakespeare was bi, yes, but the bi was short for bitch.
Akutagawa, running in a hallway: aye you can't get rid of shit.
Atsushi, following him: it's me, I'm shit.
Ranpo: I just choked on ramen and felt it in my nose.
Dazai to Elise: why do you laugh like a child- oh wait.
Kenji: does british count as a language?
Kunikida: no one likes mushrooms until like college but they're really good.
Atsushi: I like mushrooms
Kunikida: so we do have someone with taste in this agency
Chuuya: yeah, it's not gay if you didn't see it
Gin: bruh the trump stans are taking it too far
Kyouka to Atsushi: I'm going to be honest with you right now I have no idea what the fuck it is that we're supposed to be doing but like hell I'm going to admit that
Fyodor: I wanna be Russia's big daddy
Q: I'll just pour apple juice in a shot glass and pretend it's tequila
Mori: children die everywhere!
Kouyou: there was this girl with a really hot voice but then she started talking about christianity so i just left.
Atsushi: she also said that I looked gay
Akutagawa: I mean
Akutagawa: she's right
Kyouka: I'm just gonna chill with my lego baby yoda and pretend i never saw that
Dazai: I have a ball of aluminium foil I might just choke myself on it
Chuuya about to use corruption: you've shawtied your last shawty bitch
Ranpo: *to the tune of money by abba* honey honey honey, where the fuck are you
Dazai: no. I am a vacuum.
Chuuya, in the distance: that's why you suck
Dazai: yeah well at least I don't swallow, whore
Hawthorne: God is shining through my window.
When the ADA watched the dragon prince
Kunikida: why are there so many same-sex couples on this show?
Ranpo: because gay people exist, Kunikida.
Yosano: yeah, don't be a bitch Kunikida.
Kouyou, drunk off her ass: fuck anxiety, be gay for women
Atsushi, with the voice of an excited child: iT'S A SQUIRREL AGAIN
Atsushi: I can see my hair and I look like a lesbian
Dazai: I knew you weren't straight since you were 2
Akutagawa: how?
Dazai: you were always a fucking fruit.
Elise: my cat is more gender neutral
Q: I kin that cat
Dazai: bc you're a dumb gay bitch
Atsushi: fair point
Dazai: fuck short people and not in the good way
Kenji: you drenched in pool water dorito
Naomi: smirks in simp
Kunikida, talking to the agency: let's face it, we're all just stupid gays
Ranpo: why do you car turns into lighting mcqueen
Yosano, not even looking up: kachow mamas
Steinbeck: hi hello I just found Cthulu x reader smut
Francis: who tf is cahtukl
Chuuya texting Dazai: I HAT =W YOU
Dazai: you hat =w me ok bet
Dazai: gay (dogatoty)
Atsushi: DOGATOTY??
Ranpo: dogatoty
Yosano: dogatoty
Dazai: NO
Dazai: hc that bald kurapika is a time traveler
Fukuzawa: what happened in this damn nightmare of a chat
Chuuya: Fyodor is definitely homophobic
Dazai: we should all be gay for a day then
Chuuya's closeted ass: yeah,,, haha
Dazai: "trickshot!" i say as i throw the (closed) lunch container. it in fact was not a trick shot because instead of going in the trashcan it hit my friends arm and exploded everywhere.
Ranpo: who's my sweet little pigchapm
Ranpo: pig-
Yosano: PIG
Yosano: CHAMP*
Ranpo: CHAMI
Yosano: pig-chan
Ranpo: NO
Ranpo: yknow what fuck it
Ranpo: "oh pig chan thou eyes shine bright like the mid summer moon and thy thighs are as fat as they come, now make love to me under the moonlight , this holy night before the sun arises and you have to depart for the future" whispered Shakespeare in pig-chans ear
Dazai: DAMN IT
Chuuya: shakespeare is my pogchamp
Dazai: PLS
Dazai: "snakspeare is me pogchamo umye lads
Chuuya: what if i pegged shakespeare
Dazai: jail
Dazai: horny jail
Chuuya: #brocken
Dazai: "ah yes shakesapee rhat beard is so hot" moans
Chuuya: write me a poem bitch
Dazai: "talk victorian english to me " moans harder
Ango who supervises the group chat and is the only adult awake: I hate it here.
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