#moms for shittery
bearded-shepherd · 9 months
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Wowee who would have thunk... Desantis appointing a far right extremist group who quotes Hitler
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sephirajo · 10 months
Don’t you DARE call yourself a leftist if you seriously think the world is evil and cruel and all people are evil and cruel and you were naive to ever believe that people were otherwise or the world could be better.  Because if you think that, what the FUCK are you doing here.  Survival is a radical act, but it’s not enough. Kindness is a radical act.  The world may be fucked, but that doesn’t mean you have to be.
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turnstechgodhead · 4 months
I am looking with big curious eyes, please tell us about your beta!Hal
i have literally jut made him up within the last fucking ten minutes but like hear me out
with how fucked up bro is from direct lil cal influence for his entire life (RANCID vibes) i am thinking about a younger bro/beta!dirk convincing mom/beta!roxy to let him use some of her crazy science shit for whatever reason in like the 90s or whatever and beta!hal is still a ghost imprint
just like this branch-off of 14-15 year old bro is contained entirely within bro's stupid website
who is dirk when he *was* influenced for 15 years by satan but then is suddenly just completely clean and has sudden unlimited (looking) access to the internet (you KNOW bro is feeding him shit and he can SOMETIMES look at other websites but he's not allowed to interact or turn off the stupid puppet site in his mind. just the most convoluted shit bro can come up with to fuck with this AI. or maybe whatever he views is through some shitty filter)
slightly less fucked up at first (a Child) but quickly deteriorating by the internet poison and the constant puppet shittery and then atp of the start of homestuck i genuinely think hal is plotting to fucking kill him but the meteors get hal first (rip)
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You’re my mom now???
Joke��s on you, you’re a part of the pink shittery family now. @pink-sparkle-family I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!
(By the way, members tend to marry their parents a lot, so I’m asking you once and for all: 💍❓)
~ @actually-ao3
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msfbgraves · 2 months
Well, the Netflix password sharing ban has reached the Netherlands. Quick survey says that there are several workarounds, but my mom is not tech savvy enough for that level of trickery, so I'll advise her to change her subscription to only one screen.
Count that as two near instances of screaming rage at corporations in two days.
And no, that's not about being unable to live without Netflix. It's the relentless trickle of shittery they keep pulling.
My bank raising its fees just because, and I would have switched but I am on this family arrangement so I can't.
My bank app deciding my phone is too old for it.
Another price hike in the supermarket.
The fees for my building's upkeep have been raised by €5 a month for shits and giggles.
A tax hike of €2 a month for my car and don't get me started on paying more than €2 for a litre of petrol.
An insurance price hike and I can't switch because of a misunderstanding with the building upkeep company. Seriously it's the only way of beating constant price hikes, constantly switching.
The ticket prices for the train have been raised.
On and on it goes. And my main problem is that this could easily all be outlawed. But it isn't. Because higher prices on everything also means more tax revenue, as that is a percentage of the total, not a flat fee.
The Netherlands have already protest voted the Nazis in, and the party that calls itself "New Social Contract" means by that, that the whole country should function like the Dutch Bible Belt: with strong solidarity among neighbours instead of state intervention and also trans people are evil. If the government does not try to further the wellbeing of all its citizens, against exploitative corporations, who tf is it for? Like, I know who it's for, it insanely favours capital, but shouldn't there at least be a pretense of something else?
I find it fascinating that government always goes "This is fine" until there are physical mobs outside of their gates. They don't do anything an hour before.
I don't really understand why they keep pushing people to the brink of that. Whom does it help? Nobody. Every revolution simply ushers in a new elite, only that first, a lot of people die - some rich, most poor. The poor mostly stay poor. I'm not saying don't riot, because the revolutions, if survived, often cause a minor uptick for the starving, but not half as well as a government that ensures a high standard of living for everyone.
And make no mistake. They're literally having people starve. Because they can. Either on no food, or on food that is so substandard it causes disease.
It only took 40 years.
Why are they so stupid? People may not understand nft's, or substandard loans swaps, or whatever they come up with next to cheat pension funds, but they do understand being able to afford heating your house, being able to afford to keep a roof over your head, or "I can't afford dinner."
But what do I know. I simply studied humanities.
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freackthejester · 4 months
I have never had a job for a real coperation, this college job is my first job working for the public sector, as opposed the the mom and pop private and i really hped the coopreate sector would work out for me but so far it is NOT and it's not that i cant do it its just impossible and i need my comedy back and i dun wanna but i feel back for not being able to hack it
being able to smoke weed and drink with my coworkers and get decent hos is the trade off that you get for never getting helth insurance and i liked having dental coverage but i think
i prefered my shitterier life.
but there is a way to achevie a good echelon in Local Restaurant and be a little better than i was before.
But lets be real I peaked in 2021 and didn't even realize it was happening.
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smokedanced · 9 months
like a really quick and dirty summary of iris's mass effect verse so i can post a fucking interactions call-
grows up as a duct rat with her brother, on the citadel, meaning their mom dies much earlier in the timeline than usual. orphan kids trying to survive on the citadel kinda shittery.
when will (her big brother) is in his older teens, they have a better life, with him managing to find work here and there. never an apartment of their own, but often a room, and no immediate risk of starving. this continues into iris later managing to acquire odd jobs here and there as well, until they are in their twenties.
will dies, as usual, when iris is circa 22. in this verse, he's killed as the victim of a mugging. c-sec fails to properly conduct an investigation. there never is a sense of justice. no one gets arrested.
sometime later, cerberus recruits iris, using her grief as leverage. she's not important, but they want people in general, so someone gives it a shot with her.
she never aligns with cerberus's humanity first mindset but since she's been failed by law enforcement, it feels like she's doing something, working for someone who actually wants to get shit done. she's not involved in any anti-alien branches or any terribly unethical jobs, that she knows of, at least; she works as a laboratory assistant, and later as a security guard, cerberus giving her combat and tech training.
potential ME2 recruit. details can vary and be plotted to be specific, or she can be found at a random cerberus base of a shadier kind, where she goes against her own and begins fighting on shepard's team's side as combat begins, or possibly can be talked to/warns shepard's squad about something before combat. cerberus doing something definitely less ethical on a base she is assigned a security guard at, she wants out. she's good with pistols, several types of offensive and defensive tech, etc.
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did-you-reboot · 1 year
I had a very extreme emotional reaction to puppo’s teenage shittery yesterday and coincidentally saw a Reddit thread where people were talking about RSD and just gdi it all
I’ve just been disapproved at constantly by my mom my whole life and was suddenly fired by a shitty studio because the boss man is not a good person
And boy the feelings come on so so strong when I feel like I’ve fucked up because I’m just bracing myself to be criticized or disapproved at
Constantly worried I’m about to get fired even though my team would implode without me, “ah you didn’t help them fast enough with that thing, obviously you’re fired,” “your performance reviews have been glowing for 6 years but you failed to teach that one guy, you’re obviously fired,” “you did all that work to do that thing but now that it’s done, it’s obvious someone else can do it if you can do it, you will be removed at the next available opportunity”
I’m just in a perpetual state of waiting for the other shoe to drop because I’ve obviously done something and something bad is coming 😫
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Hello! Have some tinfoil nonsense from my brain! so, Elspeth presumably planeswalked with the exploding filagree sylex, right? What if the sylex goes off in the blind eternities? what if the energies relased combine with elspeth's mysterious connection to the capennan angels to form an entirely new plane of Halo-powered angels. just imagine in MoM if what defeats elesh norn is the rebellion from within and an army of anti-phyrexian angels without. bonus points if there's a more powerful elspeth at the head of the army but now she's an angel planeswalker too!
Alright this is cool as all hell and I'd be happy to see it but I've also seen like five other wildly different theories that seem just as plausible. As someone who grew up on stargate, startrek and all those crazy sci-fi channel shows I am well aware of how absolutely buck-wild writers can go when you put cosmic bull shittery on the table.
I remember watching Ureaka having the most absurd cosmic primordial deity trapped in their basement and then just never elaborating until they poked it with a drill and it jumped ship into some kid. So when I see writers put that kind of thing on the table, I just kind of resign myself to sitting back and waiting for whatever new way they can break their own world.
All that said I would be over the moon if they have some kind of follow-through with the halo. I'm not thrilled by it just being used as a potion of gas mask. Also I completely agree that Angel!Elspeth would be a bonus. She deserves a break after all she's been through.
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forlornmelody · 5 years
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hi Jen! I'm a young lesbian and every time my family comes together for lunch they say very upsetting things about lgbt people and it makes me feel a little bad (I don't wanna come out to them anytime soon because of that). But today they were talking about some other relatives that couldn't come to our meal and I found out one of my distant cousins is dating another girl, and it made me feel a little better. As an older lesbian, have you ever had a similar experience? Cheers from Brazil!
This is so common. Fairly average and otherwise decent people who show their true colors when they think no one of consequence is listening. Herd mentality kicks in. They all think the group agrees so they back each other up and no one would dare speak up and correct them and suddenly be the odd one out.
I have experienced this. My mom and dad were pretty sure I was "different" but they still said things probably not even realizing it was affecting me. Dad would say "queer as a 3 dollar bill" or "his kind" (meaning gay). He likely thought nothing of it. My older brother (23 years older) would say things like "gay is not natural in humans" (He was a BIOLOGIST!) but for a pot smoking hippy had a conservative bent.
Before I was out I once got into it with him because "i had gay friends". Which was true but the argument actually helped me to realize I can't fix willful ignorance or misguided disbelief systems. He inability to see "me" and other gay people as natural and normal was not my problem so why waste energy.
My other brother is "born again" and stayed pretty low key while mom and dad were alive. He is 17 years older than me so this is a big brother I really looked up to. But he would say "love the sinner, hate the sin" and other bull shittery that translated to "I am uncomfortable that you have sex with other women". After mom and dad passed he was emboldened to consistently remind me I was "going to hell" and I needed to "not act on my attraction". BUT without mom to temper us I was able to tell him exactly my thoughts where were (and are) "keep your opinions and shit to yourself.. no one, especially me, want to hear it".
I know when you are younger and sort of “stuck” because you rely on your family for support, financial and emotional, you can’t say much. And I suggest you don’t. If there is any chance of your safety or wellness being compromised just stay in the closet until you are independent. It is NOT your job to change their minds or put yourself at risk in hopes of changing them. 
Likely, if confronted, they will stop with the shitty talk but the fact is, you know it is there. When people don’t know they are being watched they let their worse side show. 
Your cousin being a lesbian (or bi) is a small but important reminder. You are not alone and there were other gay and lesbian people in your family before you and there will be after. Some day you will be that out cousin for the youngers to see and know they are not alone either. But no rush to get there. Be safe.  Perhaps reach out to that cousin.
I know it took time and experience (and finding lesbians and gay friends) to help be gain the self confidence about my sexuality so that I no longer cared what my brothers (my sister has always been great) thought or said. Their opinions were inconsequential to me once I embraced who I was and realized they were humans and not the big heroes I once looked up to. 
Being family does not mean they are exempt from being people you don’t like. 
I am sorry you have to put up with it. There will come a time when you won’t have to and will not. Then it is up to them to make the change to keep you in their life. Your time and energy need not be wasted trying to fix them. 
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Serial Adoption is Hereditary: Colin Crain
Hair: Red, shoulder length
Eyes: Green
Physique: Tall, lanky
Height: 6"
Powers: Can exude a gas similar to fear toxin from his skin (might change tho....).
Other: has a lot of tattoos and piercings and gives off "insomniac cryptid vibes"
So remember when I said that this guy was based off of Colin Wilkes? By that I meant he's ginger and has ties to Scarecrow.... but that's like... it.
He kinda just came into being on his own. The first few story drafts for this series did actually involve Colin Wilkes just with a different set of powers. But then his personality kept evolving and I eventually had to admit that this guy was an OC.
I don't usually do OCs but sometimes they happen without my consent.
Anywho, backstory:
Colin grew up with his mom (I'm calling her Sarah Wilkes as a nod to canon Colin) in the rougher parts of Gotham. Sarah was one of Jonathan Crain's various test subjects and through the power of Stockholm syndrome misguided obsession was born.
Their relationship didn't last long, thankfully. Crain got arrested and thrown back in Arkham and Sarah was freed. She didn't adjust well at first but she started actually putting in an effort to stay healthy and went to counciling once she knew she was pregnant.
During here years raising Colin alone, Sarah was terrified that Crain would find them. Making her extremely erratic and paranoid. She never left the house, she barely ate and sometimes she would lock Colin in his room to keep him "safe" for days without food or water. She just wanted to protect her son but her mental health wasn't the best...
She ended up dying when Colin was only thirteen, leading him to do what every poor orphaned Gotham kid does: live on the streets because it's better than their fucked to hell foster system.
Sadly there was no Batmobile for him to steal tires from so he basically raised himself until he was sixteen and got picked up by a Metahuman trafficking ring and was forced to participate in gladiator fights. Love it.
Colin was born with his powers btw. Whatever fuck-shittery Crain inflicted on Sarah made for a very interesting baby. Colin theorizes that his powers contributed to his mother's fear and paranoia.
It was at one of these gladiator fights that Colin met Damian! This is also the aforementioned undercover mission where Damian picked up smoking and got his ears pierced. Colin's suggestion to help him blend in better.
The two worked together to take down the organisation behind the whole thing, and afterwards Damian offered Colin one of his safe houses outside of Gotham (I think Imma base these guys in Detroit. Haven't decided tho. Might even base them in Canada. Who knows. Open to suggestions.) as a place to live. Turns out the "safe house" was basically an entire small apartment building but semantics.
Colin currently works at a tattoo parlour and he and Damian keep in touch. But mostly on a landlord/tenant-ish basis until the rest of the team starts showing up.
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p-artsypants · 3 years
I’ll Handle This (9)
In Which Plagg cuts the Umbilical Cord
Howdy folks! Thanks for the patience! I like to pretend I’m regular with uploads, but we all know that’s not true. And for a little while, it’s going to be worse. I had a gallbladder attack this week, and I have to wait about a month to get it out. In the meantime, I get sick pretty easily from most foods. So I’ve kind of put writing on the backburner. 
Oh, I’m also planning a wedding!
Thanks for understanding and not sending demands for updates!
FF.net | Ao3 
Adrien was feeling pretty darn good, all things considered. 
Ladybug, or Marinette rather, had been so adamant for so long that no one could know their identities. It was a mantra he stuck to, though he desperately wished to know her outside the mask. 
With Nino in on the secret, it felt more liberating than he expected. All night, he told Nino stories of his terrible excuses and narrow misses of getting caught. 
“I don’t know how I didn’t catch it sooner.” Nino had said, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. 
And Adrien admitted that he felt dumb for not realizing Nino was Carapace sooner. So Nino’s guilt was lessened a bit by that. 
While the boys talked, Plagg stayed rather neutral. He didn’t divulge any more of his plans or prepare them for what was to come. 
Because he couldn’t. Plagg was preparing for several different outcomes, all hindered on many overlapping factors. He just had to hope for the best for now and not stress Adrien out. 
The kid deserved to enjoy his first sleepover.
Being an ancient being, Plagg’s passive perception was relatively high. He noticed things and had an awareness that surpassed most other entities on the planet. 
Though, he rarely acted on anything he noticed, since he could phase out of most danger.  It mostly kept him from being seen by people who weren’t supposed to see him. 
However, alarm bells were currently going off like crazy inside his—or Adrien’s—head. 
Lila was hovering just a bit too closely for comfort. 
Though she was usually the main attraction in a conversation, she wasn’t very good at spying. She hovered, just at the edge of the circle, throwing out plenty of ‘oh, don’t mind me’s, but keeping her eye trained on him. She even followed them when they went out for lunch. Far enough away that no one would notice, mind you, but there none the less. 
Lila was not Gabriel’s muse. She was his stooge. His little puppet. His meat camera. 
As long as Lila was around, Gabriel was aware of every action he took. Who knew what kind of bull shittery she’d pull if he did something remotely different. 
But what exactly was she watching for? Just reporting his change in behavior? 
Had Gabriel suspected too much? 
It was high time Plagg put the next phase of his plan into action. 
But first, he needed to throw Lila off the trail. 
It was after class, and everyone was packing their stuff up and discussing how the weekend had gone. 
This seemed like the perfect opportunity. 
“Hey guys! I taught Lila how to play Magic at the last photoshoot! Anyone want to play with her?” 
The words were like fresh blood in a tank of sharks. Lila was grabbed and sat down at a desk, as she tried to come up with an excuse to leave. 
“Oh, I’d uhh...I’d love to play. But my mom has a doctor appointment after school and she wanted me home...” 
“Oh Lila, it’s okay,” said Plagg. “Don’t feel bad about skipping our study session. This is your chance to really bond with the boys in our class!” 
Lila just sent him a tight lipped smile. 
“Okay, Kim, let Lila use your deck.” 
“What? No! ‘Soul Sisters’ is perfectly crafted and only an expert can really unlock its true potential.” 
Alix swiped the deck from his hand. “Yeah, you build a deck with all the tig-bitty angel wifus. It’s great. Take a break, horn dog.” She slammed the deck down in front of a traumatized Lila. 
Max was her partner. “Don’t worry, we’ll go slow and I’ll explain everything as we go along.” 
Plagg smiled to himself, watching as the boys, and even some girls, crowded around to watch. 
He then caught Marinette’s eye and gestured out to the hall. There was no way Lila could stealthily maneuver her way over to him without drawing the attention of all their classmates. 
In the hall, Plagg took Marinette’s hand and led her away, into a secluded corner of the upper floor. Hopefully, Lila wouldn’t spot them if she tried to do something rash. 
“Is everything okay, Adrien?” Marinette asked, her face tinged pink. 
“Not...not completely. Lila was following and eavesdropping on me all day.” 
Marinette gasped, covering her mouth. “That’s sick!” 
“Yes, I agree. I’m not quite sure what she was looking for, but I’m fairly certain she’s spying for my father.” 
Marinette squeezed his arm. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. If I knew how to help...” 
“I should be the one apologizing.” He said, genuine sadness in his voice. He had hoped solving Adrien’s problems would have helped Marinette out, but he worried it would be the opposite. 
“What do you have to apologize for?”
He took her hands, holding them delicately in his own. “I told you that I made a deal with her to get you back into school. But…”
She whispered. “Adrien...” 
He touched her face, ever so gently, laying the charm on thick. “Marinette, I care about you so much, and if I could avoid this I would, but...” 
“But what?” 
“Lila’s made it clear that she’s taking this feud I’m having with my father personally. She’s going to take whatever chance she can get to go back on our agreement. She’s going to go after you again.” He shook his head, conjuring tears into his eyes. “I can’t bear to see you hurt by her!” 
“Oh Adrien!” She gasped, before throwing her arms around him. “Please don’t cry. I can handle her, honest.” 
“I have a plan in motion,” he clarified, squeezing her. “She won’t get away with her lies and harassment for much longer. I just need you to be strong.” 
“Whatever you need, just let me know. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I know. Thank you, Marinette. Now, I have to go before Lila escapes my trap.” 
Her smile was genuine and full of gratitude. “I’ll see you tomorrow then! Bye!” 
Eager to take what head way he could get, Plagg pressed a kiss to Marinette’s cheek before hurrying away. 
He missed her squealing and dancing after he turned his back. 
“I really dislike that sausage-haired cretin.” Plagg muttered as he walked home. “It’s one thing to lie to get attention, but for her to spy on us all day? Talk about creepy!”
“Thank you for warning Marinette,” Adrien said as he floated by his shoulder. “I agree that Lila is looking for any opportunity to go back to bullying her. I think with the warning, she’ll be able to come up with some way to protect herself.” 
“Nothing against your lady’s ability to find solutions, since that is her job as Ladybug, but I don’t know what kind of back up plan she can have against a compulsive liar. Why is every adult in Paris so gullible?” 
“I have a theory,” Adrien suggested. “They aren’t gullible. They just see a pretty young girl crying and they just go along with whatever she says to make it stop. They just assume she’s exaggerating or something.” 
“Good observation,” Plagg commended. “I agree.”  
“But I think we should put off worrying about Lila for a bit and focus on my father. He hasn’t seen you since Friday morning when you serenaded him. I can’t imagine he’s going to be happy to see you.” 
“Adrien, we’ve been over this. I can handle a grown ass adult throwing a temper tantrum. There’s only two things he hasn’t tried yet, and they’re both pretty extreme. I don’t know if he has it in him. I called his bluff before, anyways.” 
“What two things?” 
“Having me arrested...or getting violent. I dared him to hit me and he swore he never would. I just can’t imagine he was telling the truth.” 
“Are you trying to drive him to it?”
“I’m trying to drive him to a place of ‘I give up, what do you want’? Hopefully we can talk, and he’ll come to see you aren’t a child anymore. As much as I think your dear old dad is capable of being a butt head, I think he’s also capable of understanding. He is a successful businessman after all. Business doesn’t come without a little mercy.” 
“That’s a...way to look at it...” 
At that point, they reached the mansion, and Adrien returned to the pocket. 
Plagg decided not to ring the doorbell, and instead climbed the wall. 
He strolled very nonchalantly up to the front door, and entered, slamming the door shut behind him. 
Then he waited three seconds. 
“Adrien!” Gabriel rushed out of his office. “I didn’t expect you home already.” 
“Because Lila didn’t text you with my location?” 
Gabriel just stared, slightly wide-eyed and pale. 
Caught red handed. 
“She is spying on me for you, right? This isn’t just her stalking me on her own. She’s not smart enough for that.” 
“So what? You don’t know how to communicate with me so you go to the only person in my class that I not only dislike, but has a record of compulsive lying? Seriously? You thought that was your best option?” 
“You do not get to lecture me about my choices!” Gabriel barked. 
But Plagg just shook his head. “You make no sense to me.”
“My decisions and actions don’t have to make sense to you. You are my child, and you will obey me! Do you understand?” 
Plagg just gave him a patient smile. Arguing with him never went anywhere, because Gabriel always turned his ears off the second Adrien said something he didn’t want to hear. 
Which was anything that wasn’t “yes sir.”
“I understand what you want. But I can’t give it to you. You haven’t listened to what I’ve said. You’re so caught up in injustice, that you haven’t seen how your yelling has affected me. I’m just pulling farther and farther away. Do you want to lose me for good? Is that what you want? Because that’s the road you’re heading down. I’m 15 now. Three years of this, and I could easily move away and never speak to you again after how badly you’ve treated me.” 
“I do not treat you badly! Have you ever gone without food? Without a soft bed? Without clothes or showers? No! You have it better than most people in this city.” 
“You’re right, I should be without want or need. But you’ve severely neglected my heart. Gabriel, I’m lonely, and sad. I’m disappointed every time you break a promise. I can go anywhere and have food and shelter and whatever, but only you can give me the love of my father.” 
Gabriel was silent at this, staring at his son, his lips in a firm line. 
“So I’m going to go. I’m staying with some friends for a while. Just to give you a taste of what it’s like without me. If you like it, then, when I’m 18, I’ll leave, and never come back.” 
Gabriel looked to the ground, but found himself unable to say anything. Plagg ascended the stairs, and went into Adrien’s room. 
“I don’t want to leave…” Adrien said, quietly. “I’d rather stay and…” 
“And do nothing?”
Adrien looked away. 
“Look,” said Plagg, directing his chin up. “Your father is a hard nut to crack. We just have to push harder and harder. Do you still trust me?”
“What choice do I have?”
“It’s going to be okay, kid.” He rubbed his thumb over his whiskers. “I promise.” 
He packed up his duffel that he had taken for his sleepover, and came back down the stairs. 
Gabriel was right where he left him. “So, you’re going? Just like that?” 
“At this point, I think it’s for the best. Just for a little while. Give us both some perspective.” 
“You’ll regret it,” he warned. 
“Maybe. But what’s there to learn from if I don’t make mistakes?” 
Gabriel didn’t stop him as he walked out the door. 
After he left, Nathalie emerged from the office. “Your son is surprisingly mature for his age.” 
“No, he’s stubborn. Just like his mother. I give him three days before he comes crawling back.” 
“And if he doesn’t?” 
“Then I’ll make him come back.” 
Chat Noir bounded over rooftops at sunset. He had a destination in mind, and getting spotted by Lila or one of Gabriel’s other goons would ruin it all. 
After traveling in circles, he finally reached the Lahiffe house and stopped on the fire escape outside Nino’s room. 
Nino looked up at the sound. “Oh dude!” 
“Nino Lahiffe, the time has come.” Said Plagg in his ancient voice. “This is the Miraculous of the Dude.” He opened his hand to show a single Hersey’s kiss. “You will use it for the greater bro-kind, and let me crash here for the foreseeable future, as I have run away from home.” 
“Dude...” Nino took it reverently. “I will fulfill my sacred oath...but you should probably come in through the front door, and we should kind of explain this to my mom, or she’s going to wonder how you got in the house.” 
“True. Meet you downstairs in five!” 
Marinette laid in her bed, eyes trained to the sky through the sky-light, hands clutching a pillow tightly to her chest. 
She sighed.
The sound made Tikki roll her eyes. She knew Plagg was hamming it up, but did he have to be so…charming?! 
“Tikki…” Marinette announced, after mooning for over an hour. “I think…I think I can tell him tomorrow.” 
The words were music to her ears! Finally! “You can do it Marinette!” 
Then a shadow passed Marinette’s face as the worst past through her mind. “But what if he hasn’t been earnest? What if the way he’s been acting has just been to get back at his father or Lila?” 
Tikki almost groaned. “Marinette, Adrien loves you. He really really loves you! The way he pulled you aside today and warned you about what was going to happen with Lila? He didn’t do that for anyone but you. That was real care! The longer you beat around the bush, the more you’re putting off your own happiness. And you don’t want that, do you?”
Marinette sat up, resolve hardening. “Tomorrow then. I’ll tell him tomorrow, and get my happily ever after.”
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cecily-xyz · 3 years
4, 9, 37, and 48 :)
Thank you so much for the asks love! ❤️❤️
Questions about my apprentice Renea
4- What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
I mean besides the typical unforgivable actions such as like, actual crimes, something she does not easily forgive is when people lie. I don’t mean like if she caught you lying to get out of hanging out or something she’d hold it against you for the rest of time, but if you lie to her about like serious stuff multiple times, it would take A LOT to get her to trust you again.
9- What is your characters trigger point? What makes them angry, sad, or makes them go off?
I know this is like- super basic- but I’d say Renea’s biggest trigger point is if people do anything to remotely harm her friends or family. Renea is not one to go off very often, not saying she doesn’t get angry or anything, but she isn’t triggered easily, and is typically a very reserved person. But she’s worked very hard to keep her bubble of friends and family safe, and has also just worked very hard to gain the bonds she has with said friends and family (I have it that she reconnects with her mom, aunt, and brother post- the events of Asra’s route), so once you’re in her bubble, she’s loyal to you for life, and she’s also very protective, so yes I would say her biggest trigger is when people harm her friends and family because she’s worked very hard to get where she is and won’t let anything threaten that.
37- Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape?
Ooh this is a good but hard one haha. Now like I’ve mentioned, Renea is pretty shy, but she is also prone to getting into some trouble. To be fair, it’s mostly by accident, but I digress. But I’m mentioning this because I definitely think she would somehow get wrapped into some pirate related trouble with Julian and/or Pasha. I have it so that post-Asra’s route, Renea, Asra, Julian, and Portia go on a voyage together, visiting the places Renea used to live so she can reconnect with her past (she moved around a couple times during her childhood), and there’s no way that they wouldn’t run into pirate trouble on the way, especially when Julian and Portia are present. Julian would definitely pull some bull-shittery and get the group in trouble. Maybe they had stopped in some port and he bought something using his fake money, and they were chased down and taken hostage or something like that haha. And escape-wise I like to imagine she’d pull some fancy magic/sword trickery to wiggle her way out of it because she also has experience in using swords. I don’t know specifics, but overall, I think she’d be taken hostage in some pirate related incident and escape by being all cool with her magic and swordsmanship
48- Is your character easy to make cry? Or angry? Or annoyed?
Renea can definitely have her sensitive days where she’s feeling a bit more emotional than usual and can be easily upset, but definitely isn’t one of those people who would like, cry during movies unless they were REALLY REALLY sad yknow? However she is prone to happy crying and always gets super embarrassed whenever she does lol. And I wouldn’t say she gets annoyed super easily, but if someone is being just ridiculously annoying, she’ll eventually lose her patience.
Thank you so so much for the asks!! This was super fun :))
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𝐕𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 - Kalosian / French
Because of the nature of the muse, there is bound to be sentences and words from other languages on the blog, mainly french. Under is a small vocabulary section -- it mainly contains profanities. Enjoy.
Can be subject of various changes, such as adding ect.
pute / salope / cagole ► words used to say ‘bitch’. ‘sale’ (meaning dirty) or ‘grosse’ (big / fat) can be seen sometimes in front of it. batard ► male-related insult meaning ‘bastard’. con / connard ► male-related insults meaning ‘idiot’. j’ (dois / vais / other verbs) ► sometimes shortening of ‘Je’ meaning ‘I’. ta mère (la pute) ► ‘your mother’ and other mom-related insults. azy ► shortening of ‘vas-y’, used to say ‘come on’. merde / putain ► commonly used to say ‘shit’, can be combined as ‘putain de merde’ for maximum shittery. frère ► brother. ta gueule / ferme ta grosse gueule ► shut the fuck up, basically.
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smores100 · 4 years
i started watching htgawm again aftre finding out wes was alive. please for the love of god tell me frank being sams kid was a joke i cannot handle having to sit through this level of shittery
lol sorry anon, i'm afraid it's true. this latest ep was all about sam and his history with annalise and vivian (the woman he was with before annalise, gabriel's mom), and what made him become the pos he was. vivian made some allegations that got annalise thinking, annalise went digging and long story short - sam and his sister hannah had sex when they were teens (most likely he was a victim to her sexual abuse, hence why he understood abuse victims so well and knew exactly what to say - personal experience and all that), hanna gave birth to a baby, and that baby is apparently FRANK (annalise had a dna test done so it's a sure thing). yay incest! 😑
if you don't wanna sit through it then just skip all the flashbacks and all present talk about it, you'll finish the ep pretty fast and won't really miss anything important. but also know that since that glimpse of wes being alive before the hiatus there hasn't been another sighting of him yet, so if you're only watching for wes (or bc you're excited at the possibility of him still being alive), you're gonna be very disappointed! maybe he'll finally make an appearance again in the last couple of eps left....
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