#mithai and more
mithaiandmore · 2 years
Top 5 Health Benefits of Going Sugar-Free Sweets
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If you have been avoiding sugar and that of its refined products, then this blog is made for you. In this blog, we have discussed the benefits of opting for sugar-free sweets. Moreover, we will also see what are the options for customers who are selecting sugar-free sweets over their sugary counterparts.
5 Health Benefits of Going Sugar-Free Sweets
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shehzadi · 10 months
i am so easy to please just take me to the desi shop and buy me all the snacks i want. and aam
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shayyprasad · 21 days
family | tom holland
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a/n: erm idk how i feel abt this one there's like no active plot- wrote this a while back um i might take it down
summary: for the first time, tom meets your family.
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, indian aunties
pairing: indian!fem!reader x tom holland
word count: 2.2k+ words
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you shuffled through some more of your makeup, touching up your hair at the same time. diwali was held annually at your parents' home, where many relatives would take time off to see each other. during diwali, people would wear their finest clothes, illuminate the interior and exterior of their homes with saaki (earthen lamp), diyas (candles) and rangoli, perform worship ceremonies of Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth, light fireworks, and partake in family feasts, where mithai (sweets) and gifts are shared.
it was also the first time that tom would be attending with you, which may have been the reason you were nervous. every since a young age, your parents had kind of expected you to marry someone of your own nationality.
after all, your two sisters did that, as well as your brother. your parents had met tom a couple times, but seeing as he was busy filming, they hadn't gotten to know him that well, despite the fact it was almost a year that the two of you were together.
you stepped out of the bathroom, picking up your dress slightly to keep you from tripping. pulling open a draw in the cabinet, you picked up a nice kurta set for tom, one that you'd gotten him last week. it was a pretty navy blue, one you knew would complement his warm eyes.
"oh, hey, love, you all ready?"
you couldn't help but nod shyly, most of your attire consisted of sweatpants, so him seeing you dressed up made you blush a little.
"you look really pretty, y/n," he kissed your cheek. "i love the traditional look on you."
"thanks, tommy. now go put this on, i don't wanna be late. can't make a bad impression, now can we?"
he rolled his eyes playfully and took the items from you, before changing. in front of you, making you blush a bright red.
"what, darling? we literally have sex all the time," tom snickered.
"yes, yes, i-i know. shut up and hurry," you said, getting over your embarrassment and shamelessly checking him out. 
"you're not very subtle."
"i don't need to be. we're dating, 'member? you're my boyfrienddd. and we have 'sex all the time,'" you mimicked. not giving him time to respond, you walked over to him, making sure it fit right. "this isn't tight or anything?"
damn, was he hot in that.
"nope. snug as a bug in a rug," and you couldn't help but snort at his childishness and the silly rhyme.
"cool, now say 'croissant.'"
"ouch, babe. so mean."
"mhm," you kissed him, and he caught you off guard, his tongue slipping in your mouth. it got slightly heated before you pushed him away, remembering you had things to do.
"woah, there, keep your dick in your pants just a little while longer."
"nooooooo," tom drawled, groaning teasingly.
"i didn't take all this time getting ready for you to wreck it in five minutes. you wouldn't believe how difficult it was to get this dress on."
"i bet it'll be easier to take off," he wiggled his brows suggestively.
"you can test that out once we get back home."
he helped you downstairs and to the car, as you terribly struggled to walk in the heels. after sitting you in the car, he got in himself.
"okay, tommy, when we get there," you spoke as he turned on the engine, "don't drink, they'll ask you if you want vodka and you refuse, cause it's a trick, got that? and, um... stay away from my aunts, well, actually, greet them, but not too much. because if you start talking with them, they'll make you spill things you wouldn't have said otherwise, it's kinda manipulative, but... in a good way. ooh! be funny, but not too funny, because then they'll think you're too funny, and we don't want that. and don't curse too much, they don't like that. but don't be uptight, y'know?"
"wow, okay, first off, angel, breathe. why are you stressing out so much? it's just your family, right? i've met them before."
"this is different, though. because it's diwali. and before it was just casual, and it wasn't for long. plus, that was just my parents. this is everyone. why aren't you panicking? you went crazy the first time you were about to meet them."
"'cuz if i panic while you're panicking, we'll be a huge panicky mess. only one of us can panic at a time. that's the rule."
you laughed.
"besides, they'll love me," he started as he looked over to you at the red light, "i know you do," tom murmured, leaning in.
"the light's green."
"aw, come on, y/n, you totally ruined the moment!"
"it would have been ruined anyways, angry drivers honking at us isn't exactly romantic, babes."
"yeah, yeah."
soon enough, with some giggling and talking, time went by and you reached. getting out of the car, you straightened up and smoothed your hair. "tommy?" you asked, glanced at him as you stood in front of the front door.
"yes, my love?"
"my family, they, um, they can be a lot, okay? they want what's best for me, they just don't know that it's you," he took your hands in his and opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupted him. "promise me something," you murmured.
"they aren't going to break us apart. because i love you so, so, so, so, so much, and you mean the world to me."
"well, darling, you are my world, and i solemnly swear," he put one of your hands on his heart playfully, "that they won't break us apart. nothing will. and i love you, too," he leaned in to kiss you, but you heard laughing and shrieking inside as the door opened. it was your niece, raja, or your sister priya's son. he was 8 and the most chaotic gremlin you knew, aside from tom.
"ewwwwwwwwww! they were kissing!"
we weren't kissing, but we would have gotten around to it if you hadn't interrupted, butthole.
tom leaned down to greet the kid, ruffled his hair slightly. "hi, raja, i'm peter," he said, changing his accent. you were slightly surprised that he remembered, last night you'd showed him pictures of your entire family, explaining who was who (you had a big family).
"shhhhh, you can't tell anyone! or the bad guys will get us!" raja giggled, and you gently moved him to the side, kissing the little boy's hair. it was the sweetest thing ever, seeing tom interact with the kid that way, and it made your love and admiration for him grow.
"amma! we're here!" your mom and dad greeted you by the door, and you bent down to touch your mother's feet, before realizing that you didn't share this detail with tom. but as you looked over, he was doing the same, and you wondered how he'd known. you did the same to do your father and he did the same to your mother.
your mom looked over to your dad, clearly impressed.
"hi, beta. andar aa jaa. sab aa gae, tum-he aakhiree ho. (come inside. everyone is here, you are the last.)" she gave you a kiss on the side of your head and you moved over to hug your dad as well. "hi, tom," she smiled.
"h-hello," he stammered as your mother gave him a hug, and visibly, he was surprised. you held in a snicker. tom moved over to shake your dad's hand, and the older man inspected him before giving a curt nod and smile.
you took his hand and squeezed it gently, kissing him on his cheek to calm him down slightly.
"there you are," your sister beamed, "didn't know if you and your hotshot boyfriend would show."
you rolled your eyes and gave her a hug. "love you, too," pausing momentarily, "tom this is d-"
"dia," he smiled, "it's nice to meet you. i've heard a lot." dia was your younger sister, age 23, she'd found the one last year and gotten married to him just 8 months later.
"all good things, i hope?"
"mostly," you chimed in.
a man appeared next to dia and you hugged him briefly, too. (there was a lotta hugging.)
"hey, tom, i'm prakash. nice to finally meet you. big fan, by the way."
you felt a need to interrupt, "me too. he's my celebrity crush."
tom rolled his eyes playfully, adding, "i better be. and it's nice to meet you, too, mate."
the four of you sat down on the couch, joining everyone else.
"priya," your older sister introduced, grinning. "raja's mom. and this is aditeya, my husband." adi leaned over to shake his hand and tom greeted him verbally as well.
"siddhant, my younger brother, but everyone calls him sid." not to mention, very overprotective. (and your favorite sibling.)
sid gave him a once-over and reluctantly reached over for a handshake. "hey, thomas," he nodded, unamused.
"relax," you mouthed, "he's just protective."
you went on to introduce him to all your aunts and uncles, and then finally, have some snacks.
"we adjusted the spice level," priya said.
"and there's milk," you added.
"nah, don't worry, i love spicy food," he waved his hand nonchalantly.
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, considering that he couldn't eat any indian food you made, you always had to lessen the spices for him, but it made a funny first date, for you, at least.
he took a bite of the samosa andhis eyes widened as he swallowed it down. 16 pairs of eyes  looked at him expectantly, waiting for a reaction."
"i-it's very good," he choked out.
"babes, you want milk?" you asked, knowing very well that he did.
tom forced a smile, "no, no, i'm good."
"okay..." you drawled. "enjoy then!" then you took a bite and beamed.
"i'm thirsty," you declared, to anyone willing to listen. then you stood up and strode into the kitchen, grabbing the milk from the fridge.
"you like him?"
you yelped and whipped around, seeing that it was just sid.
"shit, bro, you scared me! what the hell?"
"tom. you like him?"
"well, duh, why else would i be dating him?"
"how serious are you?"
"what is this? 20 questions?"
"just answer," he insisted.
"siddie, you don't need to worry," you said, knowing the childhood nickname would soften him up.
"i know, but-"
"no, look, trust me, he's... i think he's the one. he's been there for me like no one has. tom's so different, and not just a brainless actor. i know he'll keep me happy, and i also know that to him, i come before acting. he's made that a priority and showed that to me."
"i- okay. i trust you. and i'm happy for you," he leaned on for a hug, and once you broke apart, you poured the milk into the cup.
"who's that for?" sid asked. "you? did you think it was spicy?"
"no," you snorted, "it's for tom. he just won't admit he needs it." you walked walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room, taking back your seat. you set the milk in front of you, taking a sip first.
the second you put it down, he grabbed it and chugged the glass, resulting in some stares and odd looks casted toward him.
"i- uh, i really, really love milk," he blushed.
"definitely breastfed," your mom said.
"is he really the one if he can't even handle the samosa?" one of your aunts chimed in.
someone got to it before you did, another aunt, "shut it, rashmi. always talking."
"oi, chup, (shush.) i'm looking out for the girl."
"how about you look out for yourself? oh, wait, you already did. and see how that went with akash?"
they went back and forth bickering, but you smiled, considering this as a win. who cared about what they thought? their judgement? yes, they were a lot and they were your family, but tom was, too.
you loved your overbearing family, and you loved tom.
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eisukevint · 3 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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~ Desi Rizz ~
Rizzte mein toh hum tumhare baap lagte hain
Kaisa yeh ishq hain ajab sa rizzk hain
Mere rizzke qamar
Rizzai ke andar ghusse raho pura din sardi mein
Rizzmalai favourite mithai
Rizzmat hi chamak gayi
Rizzik Roshan
Rizza Ghalib
Rizz Afza
Rizzckon Temple
Rizz Veda
Rizzkiyaan ke papa hehehehe haans dele
Rizzta Kulfi
(feel free to reblog and add more <3)
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iphijaania · 3 months
so magnus archives s4 takes place between feb and october 2018 and jon and basira go to ny-ålesund in june 2018 so right after ramadan so most of the preparation to go there would’ve been done during ramadan so basira would be fasting and she’d spend evenings in the archives because what’s the point of going home, right, if you’re just going to be attacked by that which you’ve only just started to name and worse and solitude becomes more sinister by the day, except there’s nobody at the archives either, because melanie can’t trust them and martin’s with peter and daisy’s too broken to round up to a person, which critically means there’s no food at the archives. at first, she tides herself over by breaking her fast with tea and biscuits until her stomach really starts to churn and the statements begin to smell like a home-cooked meal, at which point she forces herself to go back to her cold, empty flat and colder, emptier kitchen to heat up a vegetarian sainsbury’s microwave dinner or leftover kebab. and rinse and repeat.
except there’s not ‘nobody’ in the archives, there’s jon. and jon Knows. and jon does his best, not to Know what type of dates basira likes best and whether rooh afza was as big a deal in a bangladeshi home as it would be in a malayali one when he’s standing in line at the asian market, small basket of groceries that weren’t meant for him, staring at his feet and locked in his own, unbreakable fast, because he and basira had been friends. and he leaves the dates, the rooh afza, a small box of mithai and some random snacks he remembers liking, once, in the staff room, nonchalantly conspicuous, and when basira stumbles into the staff room a few minutes before nine pm, all she can do for a moment is stare at the dates and the snacks and she Knows who put them there, who retreated to his office to stave his own hunger except nobody can help him satisfy it, nobody can put a date in one scarred, lonely hand and a cup of warm tea in the other (or, at least, nobody particularly wants to do so). and all she can do is stare, break her fast and stare, never letting her eyes drift to where she knows he’s locked himself away, because she and jon had been friends, once.
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The chaha burns your tongue but you don't mind. You enjoy the scalding feel, even. It reminds you of the times when you were sick and your Ajji or Aai or Maushi would make lavang dalchini chaha to soothe your throat.
The primary storm season in India began three weeks ago. It's the Kartika mahina, and you stare out the window as the rain pounds against the glass, a cup of chaha and a plate of pakode on the table. You live in the continental part of Maharashtra, but the rains are always heavy during storm season. You can't say you don't enjoy it.
The local library has shelves upon shelves of pustaka in Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit and even the occasional English. You spend most of the storm season there, listening to the muffled rimjhim of paus as you read Ved Vyasa, Aryabhatta, Mirza Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Kusumagraj and Pu La Deshpande.
Navratri had finished more than a week ago, but the aftermath is just as fun. Diwali is around the corner, and you can't decide whether you want to celebrate Seeta Ram returning to Ayodhya or the defeat of Narakasura by Satyabhama. The preparations begin right as Navratri finishes, and people start deep cleaning houses. You're roped into it by your Aai, and your muscles ache when you fall onto the charpai at night, but you feel accomplished.
You and your Tai sit down to paint the diwa, with natural paints that are bright and bold— laal, gulabi, keshari, hirwa, neela. It's an ongoing competition from many years ago, and both of you push and pull at each other, laughter spilling from your lips as you drag the ranga covered paintbrushes over each other's skin.
At the end, both of you watch with smiles as two diwe, one yours and one your Tai's, are placed on each side of the door.
Lights are strung up everywhere, and the overwhelming smell of mithai and chakli and udbatti float around the house. The kitchen is filled with smoke as your Ajji, Aai and Maushi toil away at making all of those things. You take a deep breath before you leave the house, wanting to take the smell with you everywhere.
Diwali is just in a few days, and you can't wait.
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martian-astro · 2 months
There's absolutely nothing in this world that I hate more than old Indian women, my mom has many friends and all of them are in abusive, miserable marriages and you know who forces them to stay... It's not their fathers, it's their mothers. I know so many women who would be living a happy life if they were allowed to get a divorce and then focus on their career, but no, they have to manipulate their daughters into staying in shitty marriages. Old Indian women are the worst people ever, my mom was intelligent and capable enough to leave and not listen to my grandmother but not everyone is able to do that. A lot of times, women are not able to leave their husbands because they have nowhere to live, that wouldn't be the case if they would allow their daughters to stay with them but nope, they are too busy saying shit like "log kya kahenge" "adjust toh karna padega" "ab toh tu parayi ho gyi hain", I can't even imagine what my life would be like right now if my mom hadn't left her shitty husband and started her own business. I know other indian children who were raised by single mothers but they had to live with their grandparents and they both were constantly harassed by the mother's brother and his wife, and my mom would too if she hadn't bought her own house. And it is so funny that these people celebrate Durga puja, like, seriously, lol.
On one hand, I want to appreciate Indian culture and our tradition and history and on the other hand, I'M SO DONE. I literally saw this guy yesterday saying some misogynistic shit and guess his bio... Yup, it was "jai shree ram" MATLAB.... Kya bakchodi hain yeh, I'm a proud Hindu but people like that piss me off so much and what is the point of development and stuff when people are still killing girl child. I've spent 17 years of my life in Delhi, it's considered to be very progressive, developed and modern and guess what mere maths teacher ne apni bivi ke 8 abortions karaye the, finally ladka ho gaya, bohot khush the uss din, mithai leke aaye the tuition class Mein, meri Mami ke 5 abortion hue the kyunki sasural waalon ko ladki nhi chahiye thi, meri mom ki ek friend ki galti se ladki paida ho gyi thi, ultrasound galat nikla tha, sasural waale Jaan buch ke bhooka rakte the taanki breast milk form na ho aur ladki bhooki mar jaaye, vo toh Bhagwaan ka bhala ho ki vo bach gyi.
Hindu Yeh, hindu vo, hindu rashtra, bharat, kya faayda, aisi baatein karne ke Baad, Phir lakshmi aur saraswati Maa ki photo ke Saamne ladke hone ki bheek maangte hain, ek paise ki akal nhi hain, I hope mere generation ke log better niklenge kyunki buddhe logon ne toh aaj tak mujhe Sirf disappoint hi kiya hain
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iftitah · 7 months
i feel so happy and nice today (maybe i washed my hair) but, roommate is back and we cuddled (i never cuddle because ew touching ppl) but, i lover her so much. i made khadi chawal as she likes and she bought me mithai diwali wali. so much love to give. pls can i give u thoda of that love. ily winu
my roommate and me barely exchange two words in a day happy for you. didn't you go home during diwali? you can give me all your love and id still ask for more im so greedy give me all the love of this world all type hehe
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ask-yensoccs · 4 months
∫♱ Creators Ocs & A bit about them. | A bit about me. / Boundaries
Alexander : A young merchant who is the close friend of Jonathan Joestar. Also the adopted son of Jack the Ripper before he became an vampire.
Joan : The daugther of Alexander, she is forever cursed she can do nothing but just stay in one spot having a type of Prophet role.
Hazel : A girl who once’s knew Dio & loved him, hence she is blind & deaf but she does know sign language.
Cindy : She is the mother of Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli as well as the ex wife Of Mario Zeppeli, she grew up in a snobbish rich household.
Yueliang : She is a Chinese moon goddess of Rebirth & the moon. She is peaceful & quiet always appearing with the pillarmen.
Citra : She is the Blogger girlfriend of Kakyoin who absolutely adores animals & cute items. (not much since she is a minor character.)
Li-Jing : She is the wife of Daniel J D’Arby, her stand is Isis as she usually just quiet & shy much like the character flutter shy.
Suzume : She is the girlfriend of the famous Mangaka Rohan, as she is a mangaka herself but instead of shonen. She is a Shoujo artist
Asami : She is the designer girlfriend of Akira Otoshi & absolutely likes making fun of people for no reason & will not hesitate to be mean to you.
Yume : She is the depressed widowed girlfriend of Keicho as she plays a minor role in helping Josuke & his group even though she might just be depressed. (not repressed).
Yen : She is a female La squadra member the girlfriend of Prosciutto, she is a bit giddy but also she does play a somewhat minor towards major role. I don’t know.
Magnolia : The girlfriend of Bucciarati near the end, she is a member of Bucciarati gang as she is considered one of the most prettiest girls.
Ombra : Ombra is apart of Unita Speciale. She is Sapphic & sometimes really unhinged & out of pocket.
Feng : she is the narcissistic Dermatologist/Surgeon wife of Cioccolata with her son Viktor.
Em : Em is the undead assistant of Feng. WHO absolutely hates anyone affiliated with Feng. She hates Feng.
Miuccia : she is a devotee of Luna/Selene as she doesn’t play much of a role but no one really knows what she can do
Viktor : The son of Cioccolata & Feng. He is currently in green dolphin prison for commiting unexplained crimes(Nothing from anything sexual category.)
Momo : she is the secret Daughter of Jotaro he had when he accidentally got into a one night stand. She is also in Viktor group ‘Holy Grail’
Mithai : The demonic fairy girlfriend of Momo who seems to just appear out of no where when she wants to.
Amy : The old showgirl who is in green dolphin prison like Momo, Viktor & Mimi. She rather is more random.
Mimi : The ex Vkei artist who got put into jail for a assaulting multiple people just for her friends.
Ryota : The time traveling old man-child who knows how to make crazy inventions & documents everything
Mr. Russo : The Butler of Ryota who use to have affiliation with the mafia.
Ambra : The daugther of Prosciutto & Yen along with her unnamed Siblings as Ambra is a model.
Sato : The gay married man who married Jotaro after he(Jotaro) divorced his wife during a few years prior of part 6.
Hachirō : The son of Sato & his old wife.
Arabella : Viktor old childhood girlfriend who he gets reunited with after he died
Ai-Mei(Syaoran) : The princess of China as she is the kings daugther but she escaped to do the race.
Olivia : The robotic undead 505 year old Freak show performer who seems even more random then everyone else.
Chum : The metalhead girlfriend of a therapist. She is an insane feminist & insanely strong despite her height
Liz : A K pop idol who just wants to live a normal life even though she doesn’t know how to speak English well.
@ask-team-bucciarati & @ask-la-squadra TY FOR THE INSPIRATION :3
A bit about Mun.
My name is Yen/Raven
My pronouns are any really but most preferred is She/Her or They/Them
I am a wiccan of 5-6 years.
I really love goth stuff & Tyoe O Negative :}
I love to Roleplay & do shit
I will not take blame if you get traumatized or trigger from my blog since I have warned you.
I do a lot of shit & I’m in multiple fandoms as I as well do match ups & headcanons on my main acc & @x0bl00dy-type .
I am about 5’7-5’9
- idk what else to add lOL.
Interact :
JJBA fan Accs & RP Accs
People who knows how to be respectful
Everything really just don’t be toxic.
Don't Interact :
Toxic people
Proshitters & Really anything along those lines as well as Lolicons. I am not dealing with their bullshit
Abelist, Sexist, Racist, Haters, & other stuff like that.:P
If I see any of these following people on my blog if their not anonymous they will get blocked. As well as sex accs.
P.S : I’m always free but also yet again another Warning. Their will be slurs(Reclaimable by creator)(Creator is allowed to say them.), Substance use, Sexual implications as well as other mature contents step away if your not comfortable.
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bishh-kanya · 2 years
Coaching stories
( since these are interesting and i want y'all to know )
I hated my coaching but if i reflect back i had some moments I'm no longer urging for going into that field but here's some tea for y'all
Disclaimer: Violent language
My coaching was regarded as one of the best in my area but as soon as I entered there I got a kabristaan feeling , long alleyway, dead looking people as if someone killed each one with a dagger .
The seniors were so airy headed everyone looked so malnourished.
The first class was bio it was fun i liked it , then we had a physics class i wanted to die on the spot.
We had 2subjects per day, the second day zoology was great , chem was also great but but but the very next class chem teacher started behaving like a rag doll.
Chem teacher was sleepy and , i would never😭 say things to a person based on their looks but , he belittled me a lot so here it goes he was a platypus 🙇
Next botany teacher , he was initially nice to me , but the second year 😆 he couldn't stand me because i was very outspoken and has strong opinions, he was just idk weird
The worst experience was with my organic chem teacher he was young and used to call me names sometimes, one day he went on fat shaming me i spoke up to his face he started doing it more , saying mai tumhare bhale ke liye hi keh raha hoon , chal matchstick let's kushti larte hai ( p.s maybe my weight lifting medals will help) also he was so Proud and said Bengali mithais aren't tasty idiot !
Physics has 2 teachers , teacher 1 Was a sleepy black mamba, 2 nd teacher oh my lord i wanted to hit him with a brick, he was such a idk what to say , first of all iski padhai kuch samajh aati nhi thi mujhe , doosri baat ye engineering ke class mei Jake bolta tha medical ki ladkiya budbak hai , yes man you should complain about students to other students rather than helping them improve 🙏 .
Their was a math teacher we didn't study math , but he used to talk to us , one day i was doing phys sums in the class and he saw i was doing something wrong , he got on my shoulder from the back side and started writing in my copy to this day idk if he is a friendly person or this was something else.
The best person was my zoology teacher noble man extremely good will forever respect him 👑, he exactly understood my curiosity and whenever I asked questions he always had answers, also he thought I was the most intelligent so 😆🙏not to brag but yes it made me so happy.
Then the receptionist, what a Gaslighter , i wanted to stop coaching in the middle of 12 , she gaslighted me to coming for two months more , saying " bachha we have so many hopes from you , and shit and shit " but finally my naive brain moved oh and blocked her .
The caretaker bhaiyas were amazing, although i once shouted at one 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 about which im sorry because of exam anxiety and fear 🙏hope he forgave me , the other bhaiya was a student and very intelligent, hope a blessed life for them .
Now the good parts
We were a girl group of 4 , us being , E , S , P & T(me) , we were unhinged 💀 , every break time we went out , the classes were in the evening so and had food , chowmin, momos , bhelpuri etc etc , the teacher's were fed up of us because 😆 it wasn't allowed.
E is extremely talented ,S is lovely, she is very friendly as well , P is like a sister we all want , tbh i love them so much i can't describe them . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
We all got the first test results i was so sad they sang songs for me and I'll forever love em .
I never scored the highest because 💀 i didn't wanna go for medical and was gaslighted into thinking i wanted to do it , man it has become my trigger now .
The teachers day celebration was so amazing its my fav memory , we all were happy maybe for the first time .
The children's day was my most most favourite because they fed each one of us biryani, all in all bas biryani hi thik thi ╮(╯_╰)╭ Baki sab insan elaichi ke bacche the .
The place was on the 3 rd floor so we used to gossip in the balcony at night and the sky was so pretty i felt calm for such a small time.
There's just one senior G, she adored me so much and used to say i was the most interesting, i don't believe it but omg i just love her , she got a gold medal, for studying this year so happy for her ! 💖
Do you want a part 2?
So my juniors this is a coaching guide beware
Tagging some mutuals, tell me please if you wanna be tagged or removed
@aasthuu , @budugu , @lazydreamer19 , @nokhushionlygam @mysteriousteaposts , @kaurava-apologist , @i-am-the-entire-circus , @navaratna , @ssensy my brain is broken 😭 i can't remember anymore help me !
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mithaiandmore · 2 years
Buy Iconic Choco Moon Modak
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Choco Moon Modak is a delicacy from Shreeji Diary, Ahmedabad. It's made using premium quality ingredients and handcrafted to give you a taste of generations together in Gujarat. The flavor of Gujarat, the city of Ahmedabad, and each bite will take you back home!
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shehzadi · 11 months
to me its farhan and rancho because the idea of him narrating the whole story being obviously very starry eyed for rancho was very sweet but rancho and raju is so interesting!!! what's your take?
i totally see that too! i somehow caught onto farhan being starry-eyed later on in the film despite him being narrator just because i noticed the way raju looked at rancho first, with that really sappy smile and his own starry-eyed gaze whenever rancho does something particularly crazy, and i feel like they have a lot of key scenes - the very emotional hug after rancho takes raju’s dad to the hospital on his scooter (especially because that was their reunion after the lovers’ spat that caused raju to move rooms), raju literally choosing to die rather than betray rancho by getting him expelled, rancho being mainly shown as the one desperately nursing raju back to health after the suicide attempt, the hug + head kiss that rancho gives raju after he’s fully healed + on his way to the interview, the look on raju’s face when rancho is handing out mithai to all the doctors, the hug + head kiss again that rancho gives raju when raju says he won’t cheat on the final exam and the very smiley moment just before that, and my final moment i think is the look of disbelief raju has on his face when the real ranchoddas says he’ll give them their rancho’s location because it seemed a lot more emotional to me than farhan’s reaction? who also looked very shocked/happy but not as much
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millet-n-minutes · 5 months
Ditch the Sugar Crash, Embrace the Millet Mash
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Remember that feeling after an evening of gorging on Diwali mithai? The sugar rush followed by the inevitable crash, leaving you sluggish and wishing you’d opted for the salad platter. Well, friends, there’s a new kid on the block, and it’s got all the sweetness without the guilt — millet sweets!
Think you know Indian sweets? Think again! Sure, laddoos and jalebis reign supreme, but nestled among them are these humble millets, packing a punch of both flavor and health. This ain’t no fad, folks. The Indian millet market is expected to skyrocket to a whopping ₹65,000 crores by 2027, proving that people are craving not just sugar, but smart sugar.
And smart it is! These tiny grains are loaded with protein, fiber, and vitamins, acting like tiny bodyguards against diabetes and heart disease. Studies by the Indian Institute of Millet Research show they can even lower your risk of these nasty conditions — talk about a delicious way to take care of yourself!
But hold on, “healthy” doesn’t always mean “yummy,” right? Wrong! Millet sweets are like a Bollywood dance party on your taste buds — a vibrant explosion of textures and flavors. Imagine:
Crispy foxtail millet jalebis, their nutty sweetness swirling with every bite — ₹20 a plate, not ₹50!
Melt-in-your-mouth ragi laddoos, infused with the warm hug of cardamom and coconut — homemade magic for under ₹100 a batch!
Silky barnyard millet puddings, bursting with the tangy sunshine of mango and chia seeds — a guilt-free dessert for under ₹50!
These are just a few steps in the millet mambo. Fancy restaurants are whipping up gourmet millet cakes and soufflés, but the real beauty lies in your own kitchen. Traditional recipes like payasams and halwas can easily be transformed with millet flours, giving you familiar flavors with a healthy twist.
So, ditch the refined sugar blues and grab your whisks! Explore local markets, dust off your grandma’s recipes, or become your own culinary rockstar. Millet sweets are more than just dessert — they’re a celebration of health, sustainability, and your amazing taste buds. Let’s raise a spoon to the unsung heroes of the sweet world, the millets, and savor the symphony of taste and well-being!
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dollsahoy · 2 years
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When I swapped Mithai's head to the Penny Proud body, that freed this Disney Descendants body, which I realized could be a decent match for this vintage souvenir doll head (from the 70s or 80s, so the era of badly rooted hair and mask painted faces and crummy thin blow molded bodies, instead of glued on wigs and hand painted faces and sturdy plastic strung bodies)
I want to shorten the neck and give her more/better hair, but I'd say this basic combination is a keeper
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janaknandini-singh999 · 9 months
Chapter 4
"Shl- umm ugh damn you're a mess, honey. Here." Manika offered a tissue to Shlokaa in the washroom but she just glared at it
"Well, at least you took care of that dyke." she smirked. "Now for that autistic bitch. Your friendship standards did go downhill, girl. I mean, I was here the whole time plus we've known each other since we were kids. There's one bitch who ain't into men and one who'd just cry and shake uncontrollably while being fucked by one. What has the world come to-"
"Shut your goddamn mouth, Manika. If you dare say one more-"
Suddenly one of the stalls' door unlocked and Aditi came out, sobbing. Shlokaa ran and hugged her.
"Oopsie." Manika looked at her, then at Shlokaa and finished washing her hands
"Get out. right. now." Shlokaa hissed
Manika raised her hands in mock defeat and left, eyeing her and smiling before she did
"I'm so so sorry. She was talking nonsense." Shlokaa kissed her friend's forehead
Despite it, Aditi laughed "Nahh, don't make it look better than it is. I am autistic, let's face it. But not severely, unlike unfortunate ones who are. There's still so much stigma and I-"
"I know, sweetheart. I know." Shlokaa held her tighter
"But one thing she got right. Crying and shaking uncontrollably? Why, that's just great sex and I want that, come on!" she laughed "But if you don't want to be friends anym-"
"Of course not, shut up!"
Aditi smiled wistfully "Speaking of friends, poor Vilasini."
Vilasini had been crying for a while now, curled up outside the little pooja grah.
Good for her she was a silent one, she'd be breaking down and nobody in the house would know. Right now, she just whispered
"Where am I going wrong, Kanha? I.. I thought if I could be as charming as you, maybe... I forgot your life was not easy either. It was everything but that and I feel you, bestie. Sometimes I feel you're the only one who gets me."
As if to contradict that right away, her phone rung. She slowly went to her room where it was and cleared her throat before answering.
Vilasini sighed and rolled on the bed, exhausted
"That evident?"
"Uhmmhm. You know, we could pull a Baazigar on her. I make her fall for me then kill her and throw into the sea hehehe"
"That's one big vendetta, R. But if she couldn't fall for a pretty face like me, how would she for an ugly ass like yours?"
"Even in this condition, you're roasting me! Talk about coping mechanisms."
"True. But thanks for the thought. What would I have done without you, mY saviour?"
A knock. "I'll call you back later, Raman."
"Complicated" would be an understatement for brown households. A girl and guy can't just be 'best friends'. Same sex ones can't be more than friends.
Vilasini opened the door to see her mother.
"Rakhi toh pehnaa do apne bhai ko." She came in, dressed impeccably in an orange sari and then whispered "gift bhi toh milega."
"Arey, ussi se koi meri raksha kar le. Paise main hi de du phir." Vilasini mumbled but went to change before coming into the living room.
"Meri favourite behen!! Where's my mithai and rakhi?!" Vilasini's brother squealed and then lowering his voice "should I tell mummy on this auspicious occasion that you're gay?" and chuckled
"Laao, mummy thaali. Yeh zyaada hi bol raha hain, iska muh mithai se band toh karu!"
"Hey! No fighting on festivals! Also, I have something to tell you both. We are shifting."
Vilasini's brother groaned and went inside his room. Vilasini came closer to her mother.
"What? Waapis? Mummy, you know how much it took for me to adjust to being your perfect girl and make this many friends. How many times do I keep doing it?"
"I know, beta but your papa is in such a job. He's in the army, we've got to respect that. Life is all about adapting and army kids have an edge because of this. But there's a good news. We are shifting to your favourite cousin Aditi's city! Khush ho na, beta? I made the arrangements so you'll be in the same school as hers!"
Vilasini's world tilted. Aditi's school is also Shlokaa's. That meant seeing her every day.
"The other day at didi's reception shaadi-" Vilasini thought about how she would tell about the incident to her mother. She finally said firmly "mummy, I have something to tell you."
"Jaanti hu. Tumhe ladkiyan pasand hain, na?"
Another shock. A greater one. It was a surprise how she was standing on her feet right now.
"Shh. Kuch kehne ki zaroorat nahi hain."
"Did he tell-" Vilasini's mouth opened, pointing to her brother's room
She shook her head "Mujhe toh pata bhi nahi thha ki usse pata hain. Does everyone here know but me?"
"Aisa nahi hain, mummy. Maine toh abhi baba ko bhi.. he toh wouldn't even."
"Shh, fathers worry too but mothers are mothers aur main mummy hu tumhari. Mujhe nahi pata chalta toh kisse chalta? You know, there was a time when parents used to decide everything for their children, including careers? But only the child knows where their true passion lies. So, we shouldn't force our perceptions, our identity on them. Same goes for everything else, including who they love. Even if people decide for their children, they don't end up dealing with the consequences themselves, the child does. Journey sabki alag hain."
"Oye hoye, meri chalti phirti self help book." Vilasini couldn't help herself and embraced her mother, crying
"Didi, I want to tell you something."
Shlokaa turned around "What is it, Jai? Get your Rakhi tied fast I have work to do."
"I.. I don't feel like a boy."
Shlokaa sat up and blanked out "What?"
"Please don't tell anyone, didi. Please please! I just had to tell someone. I've been.. it's been a long time. I.. almost tried to. But then I realized I don't want to end my life. I want to live. As myself."
Dreading it, shlokaa held up her hand and touched the kid softly "It's all ok, my love. I'll be your sister regardless." and got a hug
"I love you, didi."
"I love you, too- um"
"Jaya." her sister's eyes twinkled with so much happiness Shlokaa thought she would cry
"Jaya, my beautiful sister."
Jaya sobbed in her arms and suddenly sat upright "And oh, I want to tie Rakhi to you. I've realized gender and love, romantic or platonic, never matters. All it takes is for it just to be there. And you've always protected me."
"Jai, Shlokaa! Come, let's do the Rakhi now." their mother called
On being called her dead name, Jaya grew sad but Shlokaa held her hand, mouthing "Don't worry, we will handle it."
"There you both are! Also, Shlokaa, a new student is coming to the school tomorrow. Help me with her files and to get her settled."
Shlokaa's mother was a teacher and very serious about her work. She had her files open even on the table right now.
"Oh, it's Aditi's cousin Vilasini. She'll be in your class."
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