#mini re cap show
leveloneandup · 7 months
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T: When you get back from a trip, do you unpack immediately or do you live out of the suitcase for a few days? C: I unpack immediately. And I’m super kind and I also unpack for you. T: That is such a lie! C: Okay, okay… T: These questions deserve honesty, Christen Annemarie Press. C: Okay, the truth is that we do unpack immediately, but it is Tobin that does it. And I recently confessed that the reason that I do not unpack immediately is because I know if I wait, she'll do it. But if I was on my own, I actually would immediately unpack. I do not like living out of a luggage. I even unpack when I'm in a hotel... But because you wouldn’t do that, so then I have to do it.
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alln64games · 5 months
Super Mario 64
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JP release: 23rd June 1996
NA release: 29th September 1996
PAL release: 1st March 1997
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
N64 Magazine Score: 96%
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Starting off with a bang, one of the Nintendo 64’s launch titles just happens to be a revolutionary game that’s one of the best games on the system. It didn’t just show the world how platform games could work in 3D, but it set the standard for movement in 3D as well. Despite it’s legendary status, Nintendo have never given us the port that this game deserves. Super Mario 64 doesn’t need a full remake, just a little bit of sprucing, widescreen and an updated camera.
Luckily, fans of the game have done this themselves by fully recreating the game’s engine on PC, with lots of options to set it up the way you want. There’s some much more graphically impressive options than what I chose, but I wanted it to look similar to the original game, with just crisper textures and some of the 2D objects replaced with 3D ones.
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The movement of Mario still feels amazing all these years later. His move set is brilliant with all of his moves (minus the special hats) available form the get-go, it’s just a case of learning it and figuring out the best way do move. Most people will start off ding taller jumps by doing the backflip, but then transition to the quick turn jump to get up to the tall platforms. Even now, it’s an absolute joy to control.
The camera from the original game is the main part of the game that now feels clunky. It was pretty amazing when the game came out, but it’s one aspect of games that has improved over time. Luckily, the version I played lets you turn on a more modern analogue camera, which (along with widescreen) is really all Super Mario 64 needs to feel modern.
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The levels are small, but it’s a style that really suits the game. They’re packed full of secrets, with six stars to find in each one (plus an extra star for collecting 100 coins). Once you collect a star, you’re thrown out of the level, which does mean you have to re-do parts of levels multiple times, but there are sometimes changed to the level depending on which star you collect. There is a mod that lets you remain in levels, but I feel like this alters the game too much, and is itself fiddly as you need to work out when you need to manually leave the level.
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Each level has a very distinct feel to it and I enjoyed every level in the game, with the exception of two of the water levels. While some have generic themes (lava, water and ice), the levels are still built in unique ways, and even matching themes (like the two snow levels) don’t feel like a reuse due to the level design.
Other than a couple of stars that include the wing, metal and invisible caps, you can also complete levels before moving on, or just do a couple of stars and try somewhere else. You only need 70 out of 120 stars to complete the game (far fewer if you choose to do glitches), but it’s enjoyable collecting them all.
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To unlock different sections of the castle (and access more levels), you need to complete Bowser’s levels. There are three in total (the last one being to save Peach) and these are much more linear platform challenges, which creates a nice change of pace. At the end of these you have to face off against Bowser, grabbing his tail and spinning him to throw him into bombs, and I’m still absolutely dreadful at aiming my throws.
The final section of the game has some outstanding levels.
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Wet-Dry World is the third water level of the game, but this one stands out much more due to the mechanic of raising and lowering the water levels. There are different ways to move upwards depending on the water level, and you’ll need to make use of these to collect all the stars.
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Tiny-Huge Island has you using pipes to swap between a giant Mario and a mini Mario. You get to see cute tiny goombas or have to fight ones that are much larger than Mario. It’s not Mario’s size that actually changes, but the level itself. It’s an absolutely adorable level full of joy.
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Tick Tock Clock is actually a lot smaller than I remember, but is focused on well timed jumps. The unique aspect of this level is that the level entrance is itself a clockface, and where the minute hand points alters the speed of the objects in the level, or even stops them completely. I have quite strong memories of trying to figure out what was happening when this happened as a kid.
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The final main level, Rainbow Ride, is more linear than most levels, with different segments connected via magic carpets. You’ll need to jump off the carpets to avoid obstacles, but if you take too long, the carpets will vanish. This level requires you to have learnt how to master Mario’s moveset.
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Super Mario 64 is still an absolute joy to play, especially so with an updated camera. I think a full remake would alter the game too much, as the level design and movement is integral to its identity. It just needs a bit of sprucing up, and I really hope we get an official version that does this at some point.
This was an amazing start for the Nintendo 64. Not only was this game integral to the development of 3D games as a whole, but the gameplay and levels still hold up today. Games keep trying to be bigger and better, but smaller and varies levels are also a great approach.
“The best game ever?” Possibly, but then it’s so far ahead of anything that comparisons seem meaningless.
- Zy Nicholson, N64 Magazine #1
Remake or Remaster?
As the fan-made PC version shows, Super Mario 64 still holds up really well and just needs some basic improvements. A remastered Super Mario 64 would be perfect.
Official Ways to get the game
There is no way to buy a new copy of Super Mario 64, the only official way to play is to rent it via the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pak.
Other versions
2004: Super Mario 64 DS. This version featured altered levels, more stars and extra playable characters. The extra content was well received, but forcing previous stars to certain characters was frustrating. The controls also don’t work very well on the DS. The touch screen minigames were a brand new addition and were well liked.
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
hq boys and how they text
A/N: this is a fun little mini collab with @miyaniacs that started out as me commenting: omg xy emoji reminds me of Bo. And then we just kept making hcs so...have those xD
frequently used emojis: 💪🤩🥺👉👈😼🤣😥😲😭🥴😵🤠🤓🦄✨🙉🎉🐓👀😤
always does typos cause he´s wayyy too excited 
and when he does the * he still gets it wrong
will send 10 minute long audios talking about nothing
also will keep every group chat updated about his day, checks in on everyone every 5 minutes
also in way too many group chats but too scared to leave them cause he doesn´t want ppl thinking he´s rude
emojis: 💔💦💯🔥😎😥🥵🤫🥴🤙👅❤☕
texts ppl who are like 5 feet away from him to get him something (poor Osamu)
always gets left on read
then double texts like
r u mad at me?
flirts way too much but in a really direct way
is blocked by so many girls
he loves calling people and will annoy anyone when he´s bored
emojis: 👨‍🦯🦶👂✌🤘🥰😇🤠🙊✈🌜💁‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️🏃‍♂️😣😙
sends too many selfies
it´s like he´s vlogging cause he´s constantly sending pics to the gc 
has a bunch of rps going on and he´s super good at them (actually has good and interesting ocs)
sometimes speaks uwu just to annoy people
randomly quotes anime 
sends videos of himself talking rather than making audios 
makes such cute faces too
sigh, I love this man
this man is on his damn phone too much
yet never texts back
will literally take up to 3 weeks to reply
is on discord a lot and just trolls people
has the do not disturb thingie
only texts 3 ppl (Kita, Osamu, Aran)
has Atsumu blocked
the type of guy to have a drama channel
always on his phone
his gallery is rlly neat
has an album for everything and way too many photos
has an album just for receipts of drama he thought would be more important than it rlly is
ootd pics to the gc
expects all the compliments
gets: u still ugly
short answers
uses punctuation
has all gcs muted
only texts in there to roast Atsumu
leaves ppl on read all the time
except for Komori
sooo many unopened chats
only emojis are: ❤ and :) also 🙄
sassy all the way
only reads messages when they´re important
otherwise he just ignores it
involuntarily is in a gc with Kuroo and Bokuto
has a secret meme chat with Akaashi and Yamaguchi
picks up on too much gossip amd doesn´t even wanna know about it
had Tendou explain his phone to him 
texts Oikawa at least once, showing him a picture of Shiratorizawa being like: this could´ve been you
is blocked now
does this thing where he overuses autocorrect and types the emoji instead of the word
🤠🍆 otherwise he rlly doesn´t use any
Filth stuff under the cut:
accidentally really good at sexting
doesn´t know what he´s doing but it works
keeps complimenting and praising you
has issues taking dick pics cause he can never get the right angle
always begs to have phone sex cause he gets too excited
wants to be on facetime with you all the time
okay but how can someone be so beautiful when they cum? and his moans are feral, will just stare at you all hazed 
talks a lot during everything, just tells you how amazing it feels at all times
thinks he´s good at sexting 
but tries too hard
legit just fuckboy energy
but we all know he´s just a sweet soft boy who wants to know if his dick if pretty cause he´s insecure abt it
texting game isn´t strong
would actually ace it once he had sex since his texting game would just....oof it´s so good
also not as awkward anymore
sexting with him is so much fun
it´s super chill and lighthearted
tells you how good you make him feel
if you ever have phone sex he will moan just for you (usually he doesn´t cause he doesn´t see the point in it)
somehow it feels more intense with you watching him and touching yourself to him
gets his confidence (and dick) up
would be up to try everything with you, just gets so excited abt you overall
he WILL leave during a session to make food or smth 
one time he forgot about you and just went back to gaming
kind of lackluster at times
you really have to initiate the convo
but he makes up for it with nice pics and vids
has a really pretty dick
somehow he takes really good pictures but without any effort
would do it on facetime and let me tell you:
prettiest moans
intense af eyes
never really shows his dick
partly because of bad experiences and cause of insecurities 
makes you feel things by just his words
actually will either smirk like the little bitch he is or have a super cute soft smile on his face
probs has his phone in his one hand and is throwing a volleyball up and down in the other
sooo many adjectives to describe exactly what he´ll do to you
sends a pic of him in only sweats, hand on his cock and tells u to come over
or a random: I need to feel your mouth around me
´why do you want me to send a picture of my hand?´
can get really filthy, taking you by surprise
call him sir and watch him flip the switch
when he´s comfortable enough with you he will tell you all his dirty secrets
phone sex
teases you about being horny and needy
then supresses his own moans 
makes you tell him what you want him to do
maybe he´ll reward you with a picture
never starts anything since he doesn´t wanna seem needy
but every time you sext or have phone sex he´s like super petty at first
being all like: aww you just can´t get enough of me~ what took you so long this time?
straight up dick pics or his abs/veiny arms
would send you pics after/while he works out and turns you on without intending to
accidentally leaves you on read after you call him out for it
kinda internal panic because...we all know this man is awkward asf
so you have to guide him through, tell him what you want him to do and what you wanna do to him
is kinda embarrassed the first few times, but slowly enjoys it more and more
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cosmicbunne · 1 year
I was thinking about Sanders Sides, or more specifically how Thomas is trying out hats.
I honestly forgot what hats he gave most of them.
We all know Janus always has had a hat. I remember him giving Roman a crown and Virgil a beanie.
However, that's not the point of this post-
Basically while thinking about this, I thought of Patton wearing a headband(I know, technically not a hat), but this it evolved in my mind, into a whole scenario.
Like, trying to find a hat for the others(cause if I remember correctly, in the part of the video where he told us he was going to be trying hats on the sides, he only showed Roman and Virgil getting theirs)
Of Course, Roman gets right into it. He snaps his fingers a few times causing a few different types of hats to appear on Logan and Patton's heads, and after each one he makes a comment. Then at some point, a baseball cap appears on Logan and Patton's heads. Backwards at first-
And Logan, being Logan wants it to be proper, so he turns it forwards..
Then Patton gasps, and suddenly snaps his fingers, in which a headband appears on his head. And Patton exclaims how he and Logan are like Dipper and Mabel.
Roman maybe mutters something about Virgil being like Robbie, before he exclaims something about how he's like Pacifica- slightly going on a mini rant about how despite her being rude for most of the show, he likes her fashion-
And then Patton gets more excited, wanting to dress as Gravity Falls characters and (re?)watch the show.
Roman says something like,
"Good idea, Padre! We can do that after we find you and Logan's hat types! "
To which Virgil, questions the usage of hat types-
And Logan, wanting the "fashion show" over with, snaps his fingers, which causes his and Patton's hats to change to what they are officially.
This scenario played in my head multiple times, just building the concept more and more-
My brain is wild, lol.
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re: blow up my inbox rb
who are your fave characters from person of interest, bones & leverage, and why? :) !!
Ooh!! Thank you for asking I'm so excited to talk about my guys.I'll talk about my fav main & side character for each (though I had to force myself not to just keep typing because I adore all of these shows and characters.)
Person Of Interest:
John Reese is probably my favourite character, with Root and Sameen Shaw as second and third. Honorable mention that Root's line about the universe being chaotic and cold and there not being a plan before the machine from / (Root Path) is what I put on my cap when I graduated. And Shaw's a fav because I love her loyalty and that its tough to earn- I wish we could have seen her and Cole more but her and Lionel's relationship is probably one of my favourite from the show. In the Crossing(i think?) she saved his kid because she thought about what he would prefer she do and the way that she's careful with him and he thanks her.
Reese is my favourite for several reasons. The first of which is summarized in one of my fav episodes of the show, SNAFU, where Finch says "John has the heaviest heart of us all but he's trying his hardest to be good". To be honest I feel like he's just such a sad guy and yet even when he's trying to be good he's constantly failing in certain respects (though the show doesn't often take that perspective.) He's definitely helping people but he's also hurting a lot as well. There's just something about a character that's supposed to be dead trying to do life better while on borrowed time. The episode where we see a world without the machine and John is dead really hit home how the entire show is his attempt to make up for the sins of his life and it ends with him feeling accomplished that he's done something good (save Finch.)
My fav side character is Peter Collier. I will forever be mad that he died via Greer/Jeremy. He's a character that I want to rewatch season 3 and give my full attention to analyzing. This is in large part due to Leslie Odom Jr's incredible acting, but the fact that I truly believe he was right makes him all the more interesting to me that he was both a pawn and an antagonist. The fact that he made it a priority to not hurt innocent people in so important to me and the fact that Vigilance got framed for the explosion at the end of S3 makes me so mad. I will never forgive Decima/Greer for it.
In general I'll also say that the antagonists in POI was always great. I absolutely hate Greer and Martine which I think speaks to how well they were written as 'villains'. Elias, Anthony, Mini, Simmons, Alonzo Quinn, and all the members of HR, Vigilance, and the Brotherhood were such full characters that I enjoyed watching them interact with and antagonize team machine and each other throughout the show.
My fav main characters are the OT3, and I truly cycle through them all as my favourite so I'll just talk about everyone.
Parker is Parker and the way that's everything is so incredibly important to me. I adore her purely because of how incredibly written and developed she is. Her "I want to do the right thing" speech from The Long Way Down Job makes me cry just thinking about it.
Alec Hardison. Age of the Geek baby! As a black person ins STEM he's an inspiration for me. I just love how he's such a complete person. He's kind. He's soft. He's the smartest man Eliot has EVER known. He got to go to space! He started doing crime to pay for his foster mom's healthcare. Thinking about him makes me cry.
Eliot Spencer. He reminds me of John Reese but I don't cry as often with Eliot because to me he's much more settled(I don't think that's the right word so I'll be thinking about it more and lyk if i figure out what I mean). That said I think the fact that we don't get a full backstory on him (the least info of anyone besides Sophie iirc) makes him such an interesting character because he could have truly done ANYTHING! He's a chef. He plays guitar and sings. He's a baseball star. When he knocks people out they tend to stay knocked out. He can identify anything of important through its most distinctive quality and is right every time. All of these things come together to make a man that has done terrible things and knows- not believes but knows- that he will never be clean of them and decides to wake up everyday and help others.
Fav side character is Sterling. I love him and I love to hate him. He's just such a good antagonist. I absolutely adore him especially the justice vs order debacle during the long goodbye job. The fact that he's the one of them that understands Nate the best at the start and I find the dynamic between him and Eliot really entertaining.
Hodgins is my favourite guy of all time. I truly adore how invested he is in his bugs and plants and spores & how excited he gets every single time they're able to help him solve a mystery. He's my inspiration for wanting to do something that I have a passion in and I cannot put words to how much I adore all of his antics. The ease with which he gave up his money as if it wasn't a question was something that made me appreciate him so much more and the development that happened afterwards was really lovely.
Side character(s)-wise I love the squinterns. I could maybe do some kind of ranking but I do think my top two would be Daisy and Edison. Honestly the more I think about them, the more indecisive I feel because I adored Wendell and Nigel-Murray and Arastoo and Fisher (and Zack tho I don't consider him a squintern).
Edison I connect to because his first and last name are two towns near where I grew up and he's so focused & serious with his work that it ostracizes him- which I felt with dance when I was younger.
Daisy I connect to a lot because she's unapologetically herself and refuses to change who she is- especially when it comes to her work! Her deciding to prioritize her career over her romantic relationship/Sweets meant a lot to me because it was such an in-character decision for her that a lot of others shows wouldn't have allowed to happen.
Thanks for the ask! Always happy to ramble about these guys.
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Previous anon you're brilliant. Brava. Ok hear me out, so the investors saw an unexpected rise/exposure with the success of the Re-cap show. So much that they were likely encouraged to keep it going exclusively via their membership website (brilliant marketing $$). Then the numbers kept getting bigger/better and they expanded their audience of the Re-Cap mini show into an all-access audio only podcast, with video available only to members ($$). The 2023 World Cup Youtube version of the show is the one nominated for the award, not their current available mini-recap shows. Re-Inc needs to see the demand for the supply they already have available in order to continue the show ($$$). If the demand meets their threshold, it continues on ... but the show without the Queen? Hmmm, idk. Tobin's take on The Sports is awesome and very insightful. Hypothetically, if Tobin is the orchestra, CP is the Conductor. They know it. Surely, they can bring on someone else, but who? Katie Nolan? Sam Mewis? The Queens deletion of the Re-Cap show clips on IG means something. Tobin's clips are still there and she's reminding us to please vote to continue their project, outside of only woso topics (look at her recent IG story) and it will probably be Queen-less in 2024. I can't think of anyone that could equate the cute back and forth banter of these two had on the show. I know Katie Nolan isn't doing too much lately, she can def bring the sports knowledge and jokes etc., but I highly doubt the Queen will let Katie near Tobin any time soon. I kid, I kid. LOL
But yeah, I def feel she's coming back on the pitch again. Everything else? Who knows, but I'm excited to see!
*Thanks to all who read this novel. I will be signing hard copies at your local target soon*
Anon you’re awesome. I read your novel (there’s no soccer on and my job is a pain in my ass so what else am I suppose to do as I await word of the Queen’s return?) I do wonder what the increase in membership really looks like at Re. If Christen does go back to the field will she double duty with the show? Or will the show have other guest co-host(s)? Or will T go it alone? Guess we’ll all see. And in more than one article last summer it was mentioned that Christen was not the original co-host in mind. I’m eagerly awaiting news/word on the Queen in terms of playing (pre-season starts as early as in 2 weeks) and I’m also interested in the show as well, and how it may look when/if she does return to the field soon.
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uswnt5 · 8 months
Umm woso Twitter is a mess but I Hope we get a new mini re cap show soon (miss our Queens)
me too!
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rookieforlife · 9 months
They posted a mini re-cap episode on re-space yesterday. They’re going to be doing it weekly. It’s just Tobin and Christen talking to each other uninterrupted for almost 40 mins in their home. This might entice you to come back 👀
Lol, I loved their show during the World Cup, trust me you don't have to convince me I love them. 🥰
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cap-ironman · 1 year
Avengers Assemble Month: Cap-IM Universe Medley Fest
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It's the 15th, so welcome to the next month of Cap-IM's Universe Medley fest!
You can create as many works as you like across as many different mediums as you like! This is a no-pressure, low commitment challenge to encourage you to try something new, stretch your creativity, and check out other versions of Steve and Tony.
For our full fest guidelines, including our annual schedule, please click here.
Coming up, Avengers Assemble Month!
Avengers Assemble made its spectacular debut in 2013 with a two part episode that featured Tony going on a mission to save Steve, only for Steve to end up rescuing Tony instead. And the show took its notes from that, continuing to deliver that Steve/Tony goodness we all crave.
Steve and Tony ran the Avengers team as joined at-the-hip co-leaders. They went on undercover missions, had trust falls, and fought off a host of villains all the while bickering like the married couple we know they are.
Drawing inspiration from the MCU (off the back of EMH, which was more comics-inspired), Avengers Assemble was an endless spread of fannish riches—there was the de-aging episode, the body swap episode, the alternate reality episode... We got a sassy Steve and a self-sacrificing Tony. There was even the break-up and make-up arc where Steve and Tony fought and then came together to defeat Ultron. And who can forget the hug when Steve reunited with Tony in Battleworld?
Over 5 seasons, the Avengers broke out of superhero jail, fought dinosaurs in the Savage Land, and defeated the Red Skull's cabal to the soundtrack of Steve and Tony talking each other up. A more lighthearted and tropey watch, this cartoon has a great team dynamic with different Avengers' personalities shining through and some fabulous adventures!
So bring on all those wonderful Avengers Assemble fanworks—and don't hesitate to watch or re-watch some classic SteveTony episodes 😉
If you would like to earn a badge for Avengers Assemble Month, you must submit your work before the end of 15th January.
If you post a Stevetony work set in Avengers Assemble in the next month, congratulations! Share it on a Cap-IM community platform, add it to the AO3 Collection and BAM! You've participated!
Got inspiration? Fill out our prompt form to inspire creators! You can also come along and fill a prompt for the universe of the month, or two, or three… the sky's the limit! We have plenty of past prompt lists to browse through.
Don't forget to share your work with us, and post in the AO3 Collection!
Love a universe with all your heart and have an idea for a flash challenge? Let's do it! Get in touch with the mods to claim a month (or contact us on discord in the #universe-medley-challenges channel) and you can run it on cap_ironman's community platforms! The cap-im mods can also support you in setting up and/or modding the mini-challenge.
This is a fest encouraging fun exploration in various Marvel universes, and we'd like to invite you to share your milestones with us!
Badge Milestones
I created a work this month!
I created my very first work in this universe!
I created something for each of the 12 months!
I participated for the second year!
I hosted a mini-challenge!
I submitted a amnesty fanwork!
If you do any of the above this month, let us know by filling out our Prize Claims form. If you have any questions or comments, read our event guidelines, email us at [email protected], or get in touch on tumblr, on contact us on discord in the #universe-medley-challenges channel.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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The Clown Turns out to be Me
Did I buy clown outfits for my baos just for the purpose of making this picture? I mean...that would be ridiculous, right?
The fact of the matter is, this screenshot from Zhehan's Youku interview is entirely apropos in every respect for my Word of Honor merch buying. In this particular case, me saying, dolls? No way! I'm a grown adult. To later saying, alright, maybe the official licensed SHL ones. Then later, well, OK, I'll buy fanmade dolls but only Wenzhou, because I gotta draw the line somewhere and I really need space for the figs. And then later saying, fine, fine, JUST a couple really cute Junzhe dolls. But no baos! And then, well...
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You see in the original post the clown shot they have on the screen is not only not cute, but kind of smeary. Now you might say that Zhehan is beautiful enough to offset any clown unpleasantness, which is true. But what's better than one Zhehan?
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Zhehan and his bao counterpart!
I was so charmed by these outfits the second I saw them, that I knew I had to have them. They're kind of perfect for merch clowns of all stripes. I originally only bought one, for Hanbao (for the meme!), but when it arrived in the warehouse it was so adorable I had to have a matching one for Cubao.
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There's a lot of pieces to this set. Here we have the front...
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And the back. Or the top, in the case of the jester cap. Speaking of the cap:
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You can see the hat brim folds up to reveal the bear clown face. I wouldn't have minded if it was stitched instead of folded, since I end up getting some of the lining showing when I put the hat on their heads. But, not a big deal.
This is not a Junzhe fan set, it's just a general multi-purpose doll outfit that the Weidian app decided to serve up to my timeline, because apparently they know exactly what I'm about. All clowning aside, that algorithm is no joke!
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Here we have our cutie baomodels Cubao and Hanbao, ready to show off this fancy pants set. From the bottoms up, here we go!
We have our cute little clown shoes, that fit actually quite well over their little feet. Snug but not too tight.
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Of course the shoes go right off to better illustrate the clothes! They'll be back. The little shirt with the ruffled collar fastens with a velcro strip down the front. You can see it straining there to fasten over Hanbao's little tummy, and over Cubao's round little tush. The shirt was definitely a bit snugger on Hanbao overall I would say, but it does fit!
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The little overalls are just so cute! That colorful candy-striped drawstring cord is in fact just that. If these little baos were skinnier (gasp!) you could snug it up tighter, but as it is I let it out quite a bit for their cute little tummies. There was still enough string to tie in a mini bow! I love the colorful little beads.
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And here we have the jingle bell bow! The jingle actually works, and accompanied me as I took these pictures. I found it quite charming, actually.
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The shoes have made their re-appearance, little pompoms and all.
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And here they are! Let me do some individual shots so you can see them up close:
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Their expressions are just perfect for these outfits (she says, cackling madly).
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You can also mix up the outfits by swapping out the shirts. Or eliminate the shirt altogether! Lots of options,
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The Hanbao/Cubao expressions are just too perfect for these outfits, but since Suansuan is the light of my doll life, I had to dress him in this outfit (sans bow tie, to better show off his adorable little face). He's so cute!
You're more than welcome to use Zhehan and Hanbao's meme if you like. Like I said, perfect for all of us merch clowns out there. You know who you are!
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hooliganpaints · 1 year
The Overdue Sunday Breakdown
YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. Also, long post is long.
With Sunday having been a big show (having been both the Last Tournament of 9th, as well as likely the Last 1000 Point Tournament), I knew I had to go out with a bang. Enter: The last dataslate, which gave Broadsides back Core, for some godforsaken reason, and the prompt for this army: “Hey, what if I gave broadsides full rerolls? Wouldn’t that be fucked up?”
The army list breakdown:
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1x Ethereal on Hover Drone. This guy served as a utility workhorse, allowing me a fast-moving infantry option to score secondaries if necessary, while, in the early game, allowing me to buff the Broadside Brick with a 5+++, -1 to hit if they moved, the ability to perform actions and shoot, and sharing his Leadership if I happened to run into a morale bomb. He also had the Exemplar of the Mont’ka (buff a Core unit to re-roll all wounds on the closest target in 9″, 12″ if I chose Mont’ka), which was only relevant like. Once.
1x Shadowsun with drone suite - The Queen of the Kauyon, the main combo maker that I purchased and painted solely to hand out a full “reroll all hit rolls” to the Broadside brick. Also shares in the Ethereal’s duty of “being very fast and an infantry unit who can score” while lacking the vulnerability of the ethereal due to her guardian drone’s “You can’t shoot her unless she’s the closest visible target”.
1x3 Broadsides with High Yield Missile Pods, Smart Missile Systems, 4x Marker Drones, 2x Shield Drones, Advanced Targeting Systems - The other half of the combo brick. A withering 48 shots, 24 at S;7 AP;2 D:2 and the other 24 at S:5 AP:0 D:1 with “ignore light cover” and “indirect fire”, wrapped up in a lovely package with 8 ablative wounds and “hit rolls of 6 auto hit”
And finally, 1x2 Hammerheads with Accelerator Bursts and Railguns, because I was determined to turn this game store into a salt mine.
So, how’d I do? Well - I won, but not as hard as you might think. I’ll talk about the games first and see if you can figure out what happened here as I go.
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Game 1 was against a World Eaters player with Lord Invocatus, a squad of Beserkers, and 2 squads of Eightbound with an Exalted Eightbound squad to cap them out. He didn’t deepstrike anything (I’m....really not sure why), and soft-conceded after round 2 when I’d shot everything meaningful off the board. We played until the end, but there was a lot of complaining about how broken my army was while I plonked him down.
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Once Kauyon came on on turn 3, it was over, and I was able to move across the board and score my remaining goals.
My next opponent was a Thousand Sons “soup” player, in quotes because his “soup” was a Knight Abominant.
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Nice score.
This one was tougher as our map was definitely more LOS blocking, but I pushed into the middle early with Mont’ka allowing me to move and shoot without penalty and - once again -blowing everything off the board by turn 3.
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The highlight was his Abominant running up to my Hammerhead on the hill there, before unceremoniously getting his dome chrome’d in close-quarters carnage, exploding over everything and wiping out half of our armies.
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Top ten pictures taken seconds before disaster
Game three was versus a mini Silver Tide Necrons player, with a 20x warrior blob, a reanimator, a technomancer, an orb overlord, some scarabs and a smattering of destroyers of various flavors. This was a final quick fun romp where we bantered for most of the game before closing out again at the bottom of 3.
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So, after a long day, herein lies my issue that you may have noticed:
Tau secondaries? SUCK. Real bad!
For those who haven’t had the privilege of enduring T’au yet, there are two things at play here:
Firstly is Philosophies of War. This is our army rule, and essentially is “on rounds 1-3 OR 3-5 you get one of two effects, you choose”.
Secondly is how our secondaries INTERACT with Philosophies of War. Of our 3 for Arks, 2 of them are only scoreable on the rounds we’re benefiting from PoW. A Clean VIctory is “Score 1 point if you kill one enemy unit, 3 points if you kill 3 or more for a total of 4/round”, and Decisive Action is “Score 4 points if you hold half or more of the objectives on the map at the end of the turn”. (The 3rd, Aerospace Targeting Relays, is “score 2/6/9/15 points by doing an action at the midpoint of table edges“, but that was flatly very difficult to do with this list).
Overall, this means that for most Tau lists (and especially this one), we have to rely a lot more on generic secondaries, which are usually pretty rough to score on. As such, my “perfect games” where I was tabling my opponent by turn 3 at the latest still had me scoring relatively low - 70 points at most - which is definitely a good score, but nowhere near what I ““should have”“ scored.
That’s mostly just whingeing on my part, though - overall, I’m hopeful that 10th will 1. make this steaming pile of crap impossible to run and alphastrike everything off the board, and 2. be a bit more lenient with secondaries for scoring.
Huge shoutout to the crew at Game Knight NH for running these tournaments and getting me some sweet action shots!
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leveloneandup · 8 months
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and I have been called a little idealistic… by her.
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
Quick late night ramble!
My SG1 mini re-watch is done for the year, and so clearly I’ve moved onto SGA. There’ll be plenty of posts for SG1’s 25th anniversary, though. :)
I’ve begun Ultra Adventures and it continues to be my comfort show. It’ll be very bittersweet to reach the end of the Alola era.
Speaking of Pokémon, I’ve put my PLA play on pause because I can’t dodge Lord Electrode. Instead I’ve been doing Let’s Go Eevee for my weekly Switch session for about a month now. I made it through the tunnel without the flash variant at the end of the last one so it’ll be interesting to see how long the game will let me go out of order. >:)
The most recent TOS episode I saw is “The Lights of Zetar” and I was somewhat bemused by seeing that Shari Lewis & her husband co-wrote it. One of my siblings was a big Lamb Chop fan back when little. I was more into Thomas the Tank Engine when I was that small. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good episode, it was just an unexpected connection.
I recently watched the Picture Perfect Mysteries trilogy, which were to be expected of Hallmark but sometimes it’s nice to just watch a thing. And I snagged some screen caps of Paul McGillion’s character for future sharing here, possibly this weekend.
Still need to resume ALOK & XWP, as well as getting into Arrow. One of these days I will show photos of my media backlog so you all understand why I am sheepish when I get out of order. I just missed SGA so much.
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valerie · 9 months
TWITL - week 37 - slightly cooler days
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The title of this blog is more wishful thinking than anything. Sure, we didn't have any triple digits days this past week but mostly 90s with a couple of higher 80s days can't really count as "cooling down," eh? https://flic.kr/p/2p2SK9K Nibbler didn't care that I was watching them snack... TV Nova Vita - I finally finished this 10-episode show. It ended on a cliffhanger that was only mildly interesting and I was rather relieved when it ended. It was worth it to watch Thomas Beaudoin and I've certainly watched worse for my fellas. He was the best part of the show and perhaps the most believable. I might have a better appreciation for the fake wife as I do a skimming sort of re-watch, mostly to do screenshots of Thomas. I don't think I'll ever care about the mourning wife. I don't think I can recommend this show to anyone but I wouldn't mind hearing what others might have to say about it, especially if they don't have a reason to watch like I did... https://flic.kr/p/2p2NZfn Thomas Beaudoin as Dave Harper in Nova Vita Ahsoka - Another well done episode this past week. I recognize the actor playing Young Ahsoka as the one who played Young Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War! See, I pay attention. Even though I am enjoying this show very much, I think my understanding of the show has depended too much on watching the re-cap shows after the episodes. I don't have the same emotional investment as the fans of Rebels or Clone Wars and the show hasn't really done enough to bring me in. It's a delicate balance but if I feel like this, what more for the even more casual fans? https://flic.kr/p/2p32etr at the library with my Z Flip5, taken by my iPhone 14 Pro Max Apple announced the iPhone 15 lineup. Of course, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is THE iPhone to get if you want the best camera of the bunch. No, I'm not getting the iPhone 15 Pro Max (though if I were in the market, the 256 GB version would be my choice) but I'll get to touch one in a week since R is upgrading his phone. I'll feel some tech envy and then I'll have to remind myself that I'm cosplaying a tech reviewer type by being a Captain 2 Phones. Spoiled, I know. https://flic.kr/p/2p3gNTV supporting my All Blacks The Rugby World Cup is in its second weekend. The All Blacks lost their first match but they won against Namibia on Friday, 71-3. Bonus points! I'm pretty determined to wear an All Blacks jersey on the days they play. So far it looks like they're playing on Fridays during round play, so good for me as I can get away with wearing sports wear on casual Fridays at work. Plus the superintendent is a rugby fan, so he might not mind so much. GO ALL BLACKS!!! https://flic.kr/p/2p3yqzE I got a new desk printer/scanner combo to replace my former printer and scanner this week. Maybe I'm a nerd (no, no maybe, I am) but I was excited to get the new piece of equipment even though my printer had been with me for eight years or so. It was so dependable but my scanner was less dependable. My new printer/scanner seems like a great printer (and mini copier) but the scanner scans ever so slightly crooked. How can I fix that?! I don't know but it's going to annoy me, especially if I have to edit the scans for some reason. But I can't complain too much. It's a great update that feels like a good turn of happenstance. https://flic.kr/p/2p2UsTj the dependable former printer Whilst scrolling through a friend's FB, I happened upon a post that made me stop. The sentiment expressed utterly disappointed me but it also infuriated me. I was glad to see that no one had liked that particular post nor commented on it. Perhaps we're all too civilized to counter the post's words. Go us? As a daughter of union workers and a union worker myself, I wholeheartedly support of unions. Unions are an important element of the working force, bringing us fair wages and benefits. Anyone who says they're pro-union but says they hate unions in their profession in the next breath doesn't understand what a union is or perhaps thinks they above people who work in unions. It's likely a combination of both but in this case I think it's the latter. I'm not going to say that all unions are good because I worked in one that I suppose did its job but allowed the department to reclassify us, which meant more money for the workers but also more money to the unions and works that the department could shuffle more easily than before. If you can work in a job that doesn't need union protections, good for you. Truly. Please don't act like you're better than someone who does work that depends on union benefits because you can somehow get inconvenienced, likely during negotiations. If it's part of your job to deal with such things, suck it up and get it done. But don't act like you support unions when in reality, you do not. You can't purport to support unions if you're going to say you hate it in your profession. Maybe you're in the wrong line of work if something you'd normally support turns into something you hate because of your profession. As I consider this more, I think I must say that not only did that friend's post infuriate me, it offended me. But you know what, they won't care or they'll try to say something like, "I didn't mean it that way." Well, I took it that way and nothing can really change my opinion about it. I'm tired of making excuses for other people, for giving them the benefit of the doubt. I've done this for too long and maybe it's time for other people to do it... https://flic.kr/p/2p2MHZ8 SOCIAL MEDIA Threads (@kiari) - I think I'm still enjoying this one the most, of the new places. I know it's still in early days and I should be happy we have web access now but I wish that hashtags worked there. I saw a post arguing that hashtags aren't needed but I feel like that random poster doesn't understand hashtags at all... Bluesky (@kiari.com) - I've been getting invites codes every week, which means I can share them with my friends. I also like Bluesky but it needs more people posting random stuff. I want my friends to post more there! Spoutible (@valerie) - This one is probably evolving the best and the conversations there are thoughtful and fun in turns. Some people are still so serious and this is the place that likes to act like they're better than the other places (and yes, in many ways they are) but too many people also seem to judge the other places and the people who post there... I try to post everyday (well, every weekday) to all three places and I do still post my Wordles to the place formerly known as Twitter. I'm not going to deactivate or delete my twitter account because I don't want someone to take my handle and use it for nefarious purposes. After all, it's a longstanding account. If Twitter burns, my handle will go with it. Until then, I'll post those Wordles and not much else... https://flic.kr/p/2p3fQjd The afternoon NFL games are on and I'm ready to publish this post. Go me! A good week to you all! https://flic.kr/p/2p2NTUx Read the full article
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celtfather · 10 months
Gallant Murray #621
Just 3 days left to support our Celtic Earth Kickstarter with this mini episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #621.
Fathom, Avalon Rising ,Brian O h'Uiginn, Black Rose Roisin Dubh, Old Blind Dogs, jayah
Support the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast by making a pledge in our Kickstarter. You can get an album pin, a physical CD, a tote bag, a t-shirt, sponsor an episode, become a producer for an episode and lots more. Make a pledge right now.
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
0:09 – Fathom “The Great Whale Road” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and Pollution Blues
4:55 – WELCOME
5:59 – Avalon Rising “The Chieri” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and Storming Heaven
10:54 – Brian O h'Uiginn “Miss Patterson's Slipper” from Tionchar
13:46 – Roisin Dubh “Gallant Murray” from Black Rose White Rabbit
16:56 – Old Blind Dogs “Psychopomps” from Wherever Yet May Be
21:08 – CLOSING
22:46 – jayah “ERIN GO BRAGH” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and First Egg Cracked
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
I’m Marc Gunn. There are just 3 days left for our Kickstarter for the Celtic Earth Album Pin. We’re approaching $4000 as I record this. And if we can hit $5000, you will get a 2-hour Celtic Rock episode. That’s because one of the things this Kickstarter supports is the re-release of The Secret World of Celtic Rock.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website.
I hope you enjoyed the show. There’s one more track to play. The podcast relies entirely on your generosity. This Kickstarter is one of the ways you can support Celtic culture through music. You’ll not only get a Celtic Earth Album Pin and The Secret World of Celtic Rock, but you can also get a shirt, a tote bag, and you can make a dedication on an end-of-the-year show.
In fact, $100 Collection gets you all of that stuff and makes this show stronger than ever!
And you can then wear your Irish & Celtic Music Podcast swag to start conversations with others about your love of Celtic culture through music.
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
Check out this episode!
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OK. How fucking cool was that?
(I went AWOL for 35 mins to watch the mini-Re-Cap Show. Pray for me that my boss never finds out)
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