#mileena loves tanya's magical hands
motherqueensindel · 7 months
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Tanya and Mileena would go crazy if they knew that they had a daughter in another timeline.
But I also think this timeline won't be much different, Mileena and Tanya will have a daughter again.
Mileena and Tanya's love will result in the birth of the little future Empress of Outworld!👑
It would be so beautiful to see Mileena being a mom! And Tanya too!❤️‍🩹
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207 notes · View notes
xxrainbowvibezxx · 7 months
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I just might draw a full picture
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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REQUEST BY : @zhivaxo
May I request an MK1 Mileena x Fem Reader?
The reader is an earthrelmer, and when Mileena meets the reader , she falls in love and through the story. You see them get closer and closer until the reader almost dies and Mileena saves her?
Mileena and Tanya are not together?
I hope this is okay with you if not it's cool :] have a good day
ADDITIONAL : I made the reader Raiden’s twin sister. In the original timeline the reader was a thunder god and in MK 11 Raiden and reader gave Liu Kang all their power to save them so in this timeline she is the new earthrealm’s champion. Also in the original timeline, Mileena had an obsessive crush on you but nothing came of it. This is more so a story because the idea came to me and I couldn’t get it out of my head. Also plot will change from mk 11 becaussse I said so
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A lot of people would say you’re a little cocky. You weren’t that cocky. You were just that good. Liu Kang had found you and your brother Raiden and best friend Kung Lao. You would have a chance to compete at the Mortal Kombat tournament.
Months had passed and it was you, your best friends, and two new additions that happened to be Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi.
It was just now known that only one of you would compete at the tournament. You would all have to face each other.
First it was you and Johnny Cage.
You beat him easily. Yes, Johnny was a skilled fighter but his technique was no match for yours.
Then it was Kenshi. Kenshi was slightly tougher but you still beat him with ease. Next came Kung Lao who was harder. The match took more time but you had beat him.
Finally there was Raiden. Raiden was by far the hardest. His technique was perfect. It was close but with one final strike - you had beaten Raiden.
“Did I actually do it?” You said more so to yourself.
Raiden got up from the ground. He wasn’t upset with you. He was proud that his sister had beaten him. “You did. Congratulations, (Y/N).”
“You owe me fifty bucks.” Johnny loudly whispered to Kung Lao.
Liu Kang stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk over to you. “Although you have all trained well - (Y/N) has excelled. This outcome does not surprise me.” He opens what’s in his hand. “For the tournament you will need this.”
You look to see what is in his hands. The amulet beamed with lightning. “Whoa. What is this?”
“Forged by the Elder Gods. It gives the wearer the power of lightning and thunder.” He motioned for her to use. “Go ahead. Try it.”
You look at the device in your hands. Then towards the statue. This was all too weird and exciting. You raised your hand high and shocked the statue with the power.
Everybody gasped. Johnny of course was recording. “Holy Ark of the Covenant.”
You stop using the power and couldn’t help but laugh. “This is awesome! But do I really need it?”
“In addition of possessing great might, the Outworlders you will face also wield great magic.” Liu Kang stated. “The amulet levels the playing field.”
Kung Lao walked over to you. He places his hand on your shoulders. “You must be careful, (Y/N). You could get hurt. Even killed.”
“No tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed. I would never send my champions unwittingly into mortal kombat.” Liu Kang said.
You just nodded. You were a little nervous. Who the hell wouldn’t be but you decided to be here so you had to push past the feeling.
“I must warn you (Y/N), you are the first woman in mortal kombat history to become Earthrealm’s champion. There will be doubters and there will be those who do not take you seriously. Do not let them disrupt your goal.” Liu Kang explained.
You already felt the pressure. You were Earthrealm’s champion but now you were the first woman to be Earthrealm’s champion.
Everyone could see the nervous look on your face. Johnny decided to walk over to you and place a hand on shoulder. “Hey! You got this! You already kicked all of our asses.”
It was sweet of him to comfort you since it was Johnny Cage we were talking about. Not only that but the first time you two met, he called you “eye candy” and you had to punch him where the sun doesn’t shine.
“Johnny is right. You’re going to do great.” Raiden encouraged you.
You just didn’t believe so.
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Mileena wanted to taste victory. Finally, they were getting another tournament and she couldn’t wait to participate in it. One thing she wasn’t hoping for was her disease and if people were to find out about it, she would be banished.
She patiently waited for the Earthrealmers to appear, along with her sister. When she saw Liu Kang arrive, she also saw his people stroll along.
What she did not expect was to see you. A woman. It took her aback. Surely you weren’t the warrior that was going to be fighting. Your role had to be different.
When Mileena saw you, she believed you to be the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She seethed at the thought of this. How could she think like that with an Earthrealmer?
She tried not to make it obvious she was staring at you and focused her attention on Liu Kang. “Lord Liu Kang, welcome.”
“Thank you, Princess Mileena.”
“You remember my sister?”
“Of course. Princess Kitana.” Liu Kang motioned to his warriors behind him. “May I introduce to you Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kenshi Takahashi, Raiden, and Earthrealm’s champion: (Y/N).”
Now, Mileena was shocked. A woman as Earthrealm’s champion? In Outworld women were the strongest warriors. That was not the same with Earthrealm. In Earthrealm men were the strongest and she had never seen a woman ever being a champion.
She was intrigued. “Well I am surprised.” Mileena stated.
“Pleasantly, I hope.” You tell her.
“Very.” Mileena looked you up and down trying to figure you out. You were definitely going to be a puzzle.
Kitana noticed the longing looks her sister gave and decided to speak. “I hope you’re prepared (Y/N). Our champions are determined to win.”
“None more so than me. It has been too long since we’ve known victory.”
You yourself weren’t expecting a princess to be as beautiful as Mileena. You could be a flirt but you were no Johnny Cage. You would not downright flirt with anyone and you definitely weren’t going to try it with a princess as you deemed it to be disrespectful.
You noticed the looks she gave you but you figured it was the shock of being Earthrealm’s first woman champion.
“Princess Mileena.” Tanya spoke. “We should be on our way. Empress Sindel awaits.”
Mileena’s gaze broke from you and she looked over at Tanya. “Thank you, Tanya.” She motioned for you all to follow her. “Follow me, please.”
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At the palace, you were having doubts. You didn’t believe that you could actually beat any of them. Defeating your friends was one thing but these guys? They were the real deal.
Liu Kang watched your face scrunch up in worry. He did not want you worrying so much as that would just lead to failure. “Worry expends energy for no purpose, (Y/N).”
You sighed. “But the tournament. If I lose-“
“Focus on your actions, not the outcome. It is all you can control.”
You bit her lip but nodded. You shouldn’t be worrying about the outcome. He was right. It would get you no where.
Big stomps were heard. Everyone turned toward the noise. It was a big monster you did not recognize. Liu Kang did not seem to be a fan of him. “Red alert. Incoming stock villain.” Johnny Cage said.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at what he said. “General Shao. Do not let him goad you.” Liu Kang said.
“What does goad mean?” You asked confused which makes your brother Raiden shake his head.
General Shao looked you up and down. He tried to hide the fact he was impressed by a female champion. “An Earthrealm woman that is a champion? Are you asking to lose?”
So, this is what Liu Kang was talking about. Kung Lao did not appreciate the disrespect that was aimed at you. “Would you care to test her strength? (Y/N) will-“
When you had seen Kung Lao step towards him, you made him take a step back so he would not start anything. “I will prove myself soon enough.” You spoke for yourself.
General Shao let out a low chuckle finding your confidence amusing. “I am afraid of no Earthrealm woman.”
His breath hit your face. You immediately coughed like you were choking. “Apparently you’re afraid of toothpaste.”
Your brother had to suppress his chuckle but Johnny Cage bursted out laughing. General Shao directed his attention towards Liu Kang. “We will destroy your champion, Liu Kang. She will taste no victory.”
He walked away. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. If only you remembered the previous timeline. How you defeated Shao Kahn when he decided to merge the realms.
Sindel, Mileena, and Kitana had arrived. Everyone was in awe at their appearance. You mainly were with Mileena. The way she walked with confidence excited you. Johnny noticed your staring and snickered a little but he did not say anything.
When they reached their seats, Mileena had made it a point to search for you. When she did, she smiled. You noticed this a smiled back. She had mouthed something. Lucky for you, you were good at reading lips. ‘You will fail, Earthrealmer.’ Is what she mouthed out.
Was she teasing you? You tilted your head and mouthed back, ‘bring it’ causing her to chuckle.
After Sindel made her announcement, she looks at Liu Kang. “Let us meet your champion.”
Liu Kang motioned to you. “Earthrealm’s champion is (Y/N), Your Majesty. She has earned her place by embodying the very best qualities of Earthrealm’s people.”
Sindel looked you up and down. “I am shocked. It is the very first time an Earthrealm champion is a woman. You must be the best of the best.”
“I’m better than the best.” You said cockily.
Sindel examined you and all your body language. “Do you usually hide your nervousness with ego?”
You bit your lip at her finding out. “Is it that obvious?”
She chuckled slightly. “You have a difficult path ahead young woman.” She stands up from her seat. “It has begun.” Li Mei, the woman you found out earlier had started walking to the front. “As tradition requires Outworld’s initial competitor will be Sun Do’s First Constable…Li Mei. May she defend our realm’s glory as well as she preserves our capital’s order.”
The nerves didn’t get you bad until now. Liu Kang noticed and placed his hand on your shoulder. “All you need do is your best. The rest will take care of itself.”
You nodded. “I got it, Lord Liu Kang.”
Liu Kang smiled before walking away from you. Li Mei was shocked she was going to be fighting you but tried not to make it so obvious. “Shall we see what you can do?”
You cracked your neck slightly before replying. “Hopefully I don’t embarrass you too much.”
That seemed to piss Li Mei off. “I will prevail, Earthrealmer. This fight is more important to me than you can ever know.”
Mileena was actually relieved by your attitude. Of course you would be nervous. You were in a world you were not familiar in but you were not so humble. She didn’t exactly like complete show offs but she liked people that had at least some cockiness to them.
She watched you fight like it was the easiest thing in the world to you. She was stunned. She would have guessed you would at least struggle a little. You were beating Li Mei like you were beating something so easy.
It made her like you even more.
The fight had ended quickly. Li Mei was on the floor. “What was that about you prevailing?” You questioned her.
Mileena smirked. She should be rooting for her side but it didn’t hurt seeing Li Mei get defeated. Badly may she add.
It was complete silence. Li Mei walked out ashamed. Sindel turned to look at you. “My compliments, (Y/N) on a well fought match. We’ll see how you fair in the next.” She looked to her left. “General Shao. Whom have you chosen as our next competitor?”
“Your Majesty. I have chosen Reiko, my second in command.” He said.
You turn your attention to Reiko. He looked mean. Not scary but mean. General Shao made a big speech how he was the best. Then Reiko decided to do…what you could only describe as air punching and flips.
You broke out in laughter. Reiko glared at you. “What is so funny, Earthrealmer?”
“You.” You flat out said.
“A female Earthrealm champion? Is this a joke?” Reiko asked.
“No, but if you want I’ll get to the punchline.” You said, taking your fighting stance.
Reiko scoffed. “Ha! You are no match for me. I will spare no mercy when I am finished with you.”
Again, Mileena watched you fight. You were fighting like it was so simple. It worried her slightly. How would you do when you came face to face with her?
It was nice seeing Reiko get beat in the fight as she did not like him but she would have never thought Reiko would get beaten so easily.
When you had Reiko on the ground, you stopped fighting. “Be lucky I spared mercy on you.”
“I am impressed, (Y/N). Very. We are adjourned until first light. I hope to see you all at this evenings banquet.” Sindel said.
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At the dinner, you couldn’t eat. Despite your attitude you were actually a nervous individual. Your anxiety caused you not to eat. Sure, you did good but soon you were going to face Princess Mileena and General Shao. How would you beat them?
Your friends and brother congratulated you and you appreciated their support. You decided to just sit by yourself so you could have a moment to yourself.
Mileena noticed you sitting alone and decided to sit next to you. “Don’t tell me Earthrealm’s champion is too good for our food.”
You looked over to your left and there sat Mileena. You were actually shocked. I mean, a princess was willingly having a conversation with you of all people.
“It’s not that. I just don’t eat when I am anxious.”
Mileena could understand that but something in her told her to help you. She couldn’t understand why either. “Anxious? You’ve won two in a row. It is I that should be anxious.”
You chuckled a little. “I don’t think I can beat you, princess.”
“Neither do I but you should always have that attitude you have with everyone.” She told you. She took the fork from your plate and grabbed the turkey with it. She then raised the food to your lips. “It won’t be a fair fight if you’re drained from starvation. Plus, I helped make this and I will be highly offended if you don’t try it.”
Something about Mileena made your eyes sparkle. Maybe it was the fact she was so direct. Maybe it was because despite even her own cocky nature, she still wanted to make you feel welcomed. All you knew was that a beautiful princess was feeding you.
You didn’t want to be anymore rude than you had been so you opened your mouth and allowed her to feed you. Something about the action made the scene more intimate then it needed to be.
You ate the food. It was better than the food in Earthrealm but you didn’t want to feed Mileena’s ego. “Ehh. 6/10.”
Mileena gasped at your words but she knew you were only joking. She playfully swatted your arm. “It is not!”
“Hmm. Maybe I need another bite.”
Mileena grabbed another piece with the fork and fed it to you. You pretended to be in deep thought. “You’re right. 3/10.”
She playfully rolled her eyes. “You are unbearable, Earthrealmer.” She said, causing you to laugh.
From another table, your friends watched this and Johnny couldn’t help but be wide eyed. “How the hell does (Y/N) have a princess feeding her?”
“You wish that was you, huh?” Kenshi asked him.
“Uhhh duh!”
Kung Lao snickered a little. “She has stolen all my girlfriends so I am not surprised.”
“You have had girlfriends?” Raiden slightly teased causing Kung Lao to throw a piece of bread at him.
Liu Kang watched you two from the table and he couldn’t help but smile. He remembered in the original timeline, Mileena was highly obsessive of you. Though this time it was normal and it seemed to be a mutual liking. He had only hoped that things would be different this time.
Back at your table, you took your turn at feeding Mileena. She smiled but remembered that she could not be close to you. She scooted some, away from you. “I should not be so close.”
You frowned slightly. You didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, princess. I did not mean to -“
“You are fine. It is me. I have…a slight cold.”
“You look good for someone that has a cold.”
Mileena did not expect that response. She smirked a little. “Are you flirting with me, Earthrealmer?”
You didn’t want that to come out but it was a simple observation. Mileena was beautiful. Highly beautiful. You of course did not want to disrespect her though. “Do you want me to, princess?”
Mileena had liked you. You were a powerful Earthrealm fighter that was a woman. How could she not? She admired power and you, despite your doubts, were powerful.
Princess Mileena had a tendency to get bored easily but she had a feeling she would never grow bored of you.
Sindel stood up from her seat and raised her glass. She was making a toast, causing everyone to do the same. “My husband Jerrod believed that the future of our realms lay together. Let us move forward in open dialogue. Letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder.”
Being Earthrealm’s champion, you felt obligated to speak. “Your Majesty. It is an honor to be here and to meet your people. I can already see there’s more that joins us then divides us.”
Mileena had liked your toast and she placed a hand on your shoulder, offering you a smile.
General Shao however did not like your toast. “Our peoples could not be more different, champion.”
You turned your attention towards him. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You people and your frail minds cannot handle that a world like ours exists.”
One thing about you is that you had a temper. A very bad one. Training with Liu Kang for the months prior to this however, he taught you how to maintain your anger.
General Shao went some steps towards you so the two of you were face to face. “What is the matter? No comment? Nothing? Hit me. I know you want to.”
You looked over to Liu Kang. He shook his head, knowing you wanted to sock General Shao right in the face. Liu Kang did not want you to do it like that however. He wanted you to fight him at the tournament with pride.
You sighed some before facing to General Shao. “Nope. Nothing. Though I still would recommend in the toothpaste.”
General Shao grabbed you by the hem of your shirt and glared straight into your eyes. “That will be the last time you mock me, Earthrealmer.” Raiden was about to go to your defense but Mileena beat him to it.
Mileena gripped harshly on General Shao’s arm and twisted it. “No. That will be the last time you embarrass yourself and the palace. Now, leave.”
General Shao looked over at Sindel. Sindel motioned for him to leave. General Shao had let out a big huff and left with Reiko.
Mileena immediately turned to you. “Are you alright, (Y/N)?”
You nodded, not really caring. “I’ll be fine.”
“I apologize, (Y/N).” Sindel spoke to you. “I can assure you that will not happen again.”
You had walked away from Mileena and over towards Liu Kang. “I’m sorry, Lord Liu Kang.”
Liu Kang was confused. “For what? You did not give in and hit him. For that, I am proud of you.”
“You’ll beat him in the tournament.” Raiden told you.
You hoped you would.
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At night, you couldn’t sleep. You were prepping yourself to fight for tomorrow as tomorrow you would face more warriors, including Mileena and General Shao.
Nervous was an understatement. After being challenged by General Shao you had to win. If you did the whole time here would mean nothing.
You did your push-ups when you heard a knock on the door. You checked the time. It was 11 at night. You wondered who it could’ve been.
You stand up from the ground and walked over to the door before opening it. There stood Mileena in a pink robe. You could see some of her chest as the robe didn’t cover much but you made it a point not to stare. “Princess Mileena. Not that I don’t appreciate the arrival but it’s late. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
Mileena motioned to you. “I could say the same to you.” She said. “I just wanted to talk. Is it okay if I come in?”
“Yeah. Of course.” You opened the door for her to enter. She walked in and you closed the door.
Mileena had let out a sigh. “I’m sorry for General Shao. He has been angrier than usual.”
“Do not apologize for another man’s actions. Or horse. Or whatever he is…”
Mileena laughs a little. She then looks down sadly. “Have you ever felt hideous? Like you were a monster?”
“No. I’m like the hottest girl in the universe.” You joked. When you saw her sad expression, you made it a point to walk closer to her and change your tone. “Princess, I know you yourself don’t think you are.”
“Something inside of me screams at me. They tell me that I am bad. Horrible.”
“You know that is not true. Princess, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Surely you don’t actually believe you are hideous.”
It warmed Mileena’s heart that you thought she was beautiful but if you only knew that she was actually a beast. “You are too sweet, (Y/N).” She sat on your bed. “Have you ever had a secret that you wished you could share but you could not?”
You were surprised that Mileena was opening up to you. You figured maybe she would need comfort from her mother or her sister but maybe she didn’t need them right now. She needed you.
You sat down with her and decided to share your story. “Back where I live…people do not like same sex couples. It is frowned upon.”
Mileena was shocked by this statement. “That is absurd.”
“I know. My parents didn’t seem to mind themselves but when it came to other people I had to be different. I had to present myself a certain way. For years, I had to hide myself. The only one to truly accept me was my brother, Raiden. I had to hide the fact that I loved women and…it was tough.”
“How did you cope?”
You clicked your tongue to the roof of your mouth. “I made jokes. That’s what happens most of the time. I hide behind my humor.” That’s when you, yourself looked down to the ground. “Sometimes I think the world, even my brother, sees me as some big joke.”
Mileena would have not guessed you struggled as well but she should of. She gently took your hand in hers. “You are no joke, (Y/N). You are the most lovely person I have ever met. I wish you did not have to go through such struggles.”
Your heart skipped a beat at her holding your hand. You placed your other hand over hers. “My point in saying that is…I felt ugly and unloved but I found my way. And you will too.”
Mileena wasn’t exactly an optimist so it was hard for her to think up but if you could do it then she could do it. When she realized how close you two were, she pulled away. “We cannot be this close.”
You smiled a little at her. “I’m afraid of no cold, princess.”
Mileena chuckled. She was glad you weren’t but that of course wasn’t why she was so stand-off-ish. “You’ll be afraid of this one.”
When Mileena stood up, you admired her like she was the only woman in the world to have your heart. The beautiful woman made that robe look extremely good. Mileena caught on to your staring. “Do you see something you like, Earthrealmer?”
Damn. She caught you. You licked your lips slightly before looking her up and down. “Maybe.”
Mileena liked the fact you were eyeing her but she didn’t give in easily. “Please. You could not handle an Outworld woman.”
You took that as a challenge. You stood up from the bed to stand in front of her. “Try me.”
Mileena wanted to accept you. She did but she did not want to infect you with her disease. “Maybe some other time, Earthrealmer. You’re going to need the rest. Tomorrow I will not go easy on you.”
“I expect nothing less.”
Mileena walked out of the room. You sighed deeply and fell on the bed. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.
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Bright and early, you had already defeated Kotal, Montaro, and Sheeva. Now, you had to face Mileena.
You were nervous beyond belief. A part of you didn’t want to fight her. Not after the conversation the two of you had last night but you had to. For Lord Liu Kang and for Earthrealm.
“You continue to surprise, (Y/N). Only two fights remain. Are you ready, Earthrealmer?”
“I am your majesty.”
“The next you face my daughter, Mileena.”
Mileena started to walk out to the court. This time Mileena had her mask on. You wondered why but did not question it. “Try not to get distracted.” Johnny whispered teased to you. You stepped on his foot, causing him to groan in pain and the others snickered.
Mileena made it to you. “This is your last chance to back out, Earthrealmer.”
You stepped closer to her. “Now why would I do that?”
“You won’t be good to look at with a bruised eye and a bloody lip.”
“Aww. I’m pleased you think I’m good to look at, princess.”
Sindel eyed the banter you two spoke but did not say anything. Raiden had also picked up on it as well.
The two of you start to fight. She threw the first punch but you easily blocked it. You went to punch her but she had blocked it. This continues until you give her a good kick in the stomach. She almost is knocked to the ground but stands on her feet.
You smirk at her and motioned for her to come at you. Mileena tries to go at your face with her sai but you easily grabbed her arm. You twisted her arm and kicked her leg, making her fall to the ground. Then you kicked her in the face using your lightning.
Mileena grunts a little. She feels her lip become bloody. “Round one goes to (Y/N).” Sindel says.
Something inside of you started to worry. You break your aggression when you see Mileena bleeding. “Are you okay?”
She does a frontward flip to get back up. Mileena does a spin kick and kicks you in the face. You almost get knocked down but you stand your ground.
Mileena punches you again and again in the stomach before sweeping your feet. She tries to stomp on your face but you quickly move and kick the back of her leg.
You got on top of Mileena. You choked her with your left hand and raised your right hand with lightning. “Beg and I’ll get up.”
Mileena choked out a laugh. “You would love that wouldn’t you?” Mileena took her sai and stabbed you in the thigh and pushed you on your back.
You groaned out in pain, covering the wound. Liu Kang looked a little worried as that had been the first time you had been seriously injured.
“Gonna be tough getting up from that.” Kenshi told his friends.
“My sister is strong.” Raiden said. “She will prevail.”
“Round two goes to Mileena.” Sindel spoke.
Mileena looked at you. She was a bit concerned since you didn’t get up as quickly as she did. “Come on, Earthrealmer. I know you got more fight in you.”
You couldn’t lose. Now when you were so far. You stood up from the ground and conjured lightning with your hands. Then you rose her into the air before throwing her all the way into a brick wall, breaking the wall.
“Yeesh.” Johnny made out a sound of pain. “That’s gonna leave a mark.”
It had been a couple of seconds and Mileena was nowhere to be seen. “I guess the round goes to…” Sindel started to say.
Mileena rushed at you with an unnatural speed. She tried to kick you but you caught her leg and threw her in the air. Mileena did a flip and landed on her feet.
Mileena threw one of her sai’s at you and you had easily caught it with your lightning. You then threw it back to her and the sai stabbed her in the shoulder.
The princess took out the sai and went to charge at you. You blocked every single hit. You grabbed both of Mileena’s sais and kicked her to the ground. You then raised the sais to her throat, lightning glowing through your eyes. “Say it.”
Mileena couldn’t think of how to outsmart you. You had did it. You had beaten her. She sighed. “I concede.”
You smirked and put the weapons down. You held out your hand for Mileena to take. Mileena let’s you help her out. You give her the sais back. “You fight well, princess.”
Mileena was shocked. She was expecting you to say something cocky like you did with the rest but you didn’t. You gave her props. “As do you, Earthrealmer.” She goes up to your ear so only you can hear her. “You impress me. If you are good at kombat, I wonder what else you’re good at.”
You smiled slightly at her suggestive comment. She backs away from you and winks at you before sitting in her throne.
“It’s time for the final match.” Sindel spoke. “It’s a testament to your abilities that you’ve made it thus far. But now you must face General Shao.”
General Shao started to walk to the court. God, you couldn’t stand the sight of him. Sindel goes on about all the accomplishments Shao had made. When she is done, you speak.
“Am I suppose to be impressed, General?”
“No. But you should be scared.”
“Ha. Not even in your dreams.”
The fight between you and General Shao was intense. Very much. Mileena was hard to fight but she was not this hard.
It didn’t help with the fact Shao hated you. He wanted to see you lose so he was using all his strength to beat you.
Liu Kang only had hopes you could win but it was a tough match. Either way, he would be proud of you.
You give General Shao one final kick with lightning, knocking him down. You’re eyes widen, surprised. “Did I just seriously do that?”
Sindel stood up from her throne. “Congratulations, (Y/N). Earthrealm wins.” Her and Kitana walk off.
Mileena watched them walk and decided to walk over to you. “After you had beaten me, I knew you could do it.”
“Aww. We’re you rooting for me to win?” You teased.
Mileena simply shrugged. “Of course I was. I hate that man.”
You chuckled. The thought dawns on you. You would be leaving Outworld and wouldn’t see Mileena again most likely. “Does this mean goodbye?”
Mileena looked upset. This would mean goodbye and she actually liked you. She had a connection with you. She was already going through a lot. She didn’t want to go through it alone anymore. “Unfortunately, yes.”
The Princess decided to take some steps forward. She kissed you on the cheek through her mask. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
Mileena caught up to her mother and sister. You turned your attention towards General Shao who was still on the ground. You gave him the middle finger before walking towards your Earthrealm comrades.
“No way Princess Mileena kissed you.” Kung Lao said.
Johnny rolled his eyes. “On the cheek through a mask. Don’t get too excited.”
Kenshi scoffed slightly. “You’re only saying that because Kitana waved you off.”
You and Liu Kang ignored the bickering that conspired. He smiled at you. “Well done. You have exceeded my greatest expectations.”
You smiled back at him. “Thank you, Lord Liu Kang.”
“Because of you the Outworlders who would disturb the peace will once again be held at bay.”
Liu Kang had became a mentor to you. Someone whom you admired. Someone that you cherished. You gave in to your instincts and hugged Liu Kang.
Liu Kang was at first shocked at your action. It reminded him that in a different timeline when Liu Kang had won the tournament, he was filled with excitement and hugged you, as you were his mentor. He couldn’t help but hug you back.
The two of you pulled away. “So…do I have to hear about Princess Mileena when we leave?” Raiden questioned. You made it a habit to talk about all the women you were interested in nonstop.
This made you roll your eyes and you put Raiden in a headlock. “How bout I beat you up instead?”
“Okay! Okay! Let me go!”
Hopefully you would meet Mileena again under different circumstances.
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros Part III
THE VOTES HAVE SPOKEN! I hope y’all enjoy this, and don’t forget to like, reblog, and or comment! I do love hearing y’all’s thoughts and suggestions! 😁😁😁Featuring Medusa!Reader. If you want to see the others, click one of these
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Quan-chi patronizing: It must enrage you that you couldn't have finished me.
Y/N hissing: If it weren't for Li Mei's jussstice, I would've had your ssspine by now!
Quan-chi disgusted: Why do you pine for a diseased cretin over Shang Tsung?
Y/N: Because that sssnake is below my standards, now.
Quan-Chi: You were Shang Tsung's wife, yet Lui Kang has gifted you a better life than either Shang and I!
Y/N: Everything I have earned in life, I have earned by my handssss and my hands alone.
Y/N coyly: I have to thank you for adding some spice to my meal.
Quan-Chi taken aback: That poison I slipped into your stew was enough to kill a full-grown taigore!
Y/N: Tch, what's good is relying heavily on your magic if a single gaze is enough to stop you in place?
Quan-chi smirks: It's fortunate then that I know how to avoid your gaze then.
Y/N narrows her eyes: It's bad enough that Shang Tsung knows its secrets!
Quan-Chi: Whether or not you do so willingly, I will learn witch.
Quan-chi: I hope your infatuation with Y/N won't put a wench in our partnership
Shang Tsung chuckles: Are we feeling a touch envious, Quan-chi?
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Y/N: I remember bandaging the bloodied boy Shao took into camp.
Reiko: I am not that boy no longer, Healer! /
Y/N: You're fortunate it was Li Mei who apprehended you, otherwise there'd be nothing to throw in Lei Chin.
Reiko: *Barks out a laugh* HA! I just need to blind you to beat you!
Y/N: You are no warrior but a mindlesssss blood-hungry brute, I would know.
Reiko scoffs: As if a Healer would know anything about what a true warrior is.
Y/N smirking: It's a shame that I couldn't have kept you in the Hanging Gardens.
Reiko growling: Care to try so again, witch?!
Reiko: You have forgotten your oath to Outworld!
Y/N: How is not wanting to see the Empire fall to the disease that is war, breaking my Healer's oath?
Reiko: The lieutenants' illness... *growls* Have you no honor?!
Y/N darkly: Not towards traitorsss of the throne.
Reiko: It's a shame that we could not have recruited you to the cause.
Y/N with her snakes writhing in anger: *Hisses* As if I would align myself with the brutes that would encourage Sssshang Tsung's depravity!
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Tanya: You have truly chosen better than that traitorous Sorcerer.
Y/N sighs in exasperation: I'll have to talk with Mileena about spreading rumors about my love life.
Tanya: You have a sister among the Umgadi?
Y/N rolls her eyes: I only know this since my mother would never ssshut up about it.
Tanya astonished: Shang Tsung did what to you?!
Y/N hisses at the memory: It's because I got too close to learning of hisss real laboratory.
Y/N: I hope you aren't the reason why Mileena missed her mandatory meditative practices today.
Tanya: I was told by her that you canceled them for the day!
Y/N: It is difficult, to love someone afflicted with Tarkat and watch them suffer.
Tanya: If Mileena and I can overcome these obstacles despite the risks, so can you and Baraka.
Y/N: I am happy to report that most of your Umgadi sisters will make a full recovery.
Tanya: It's still regrettable to lose any of my sisters, but I am happy to hear that.
Y/N: Did you really think I would betray the Throne?
Tanya: Honestly, there was so much deceit and conspiracies going around, I wasn't sure.
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Ermac: Neither Jerrod nor Sindel hold you at fault for their deaths.
Y/N in surprise: I- Uh um... Thank you, Ermac.
Ermac: Can you aid us?
Y/N: I haven't learned the same magic as Quan-chi, but I has picked up a spell or two on Shang Tsung's island.
Ermac: We apologize, but the answer is still no.
Y/N angrily: You're the one who freed Quan-chi in the firssst place! The least you can do is return to the palace!
Y/N: Why not inform Mileena instead of freeing Quan-chi?!
Ermac: We were not sure she could have ensured our continued existence
Y/N: If you wish to reside in the Colony, then I'll need some assurance that you won't kill my patients.
Ermac: We understand, but you just have to trust our word.
Y/N narrowed her eyes in suspicion: I was told by Ashrah, you nearly killed Baraka and Syzoth.
Ermac: That is not Us anymore, Y/N.
Y/N: How is the Collection today, Ermac?
Ermac: Thanks to your remedies, We feel more... stable.
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Nitara mockingly: Having seen your Titan self, I wonder what it says about you?
Y/N hisses: I am nothing like her!
Nitara: Your blood tastes like a Vaeterunian's!
Y/N angrily: Of course, Shang Tsung would think to make me monstrousss just to ssspite me!
Nitara: My blood magic is superior to your water magic.
Y/N: It'll do you no good once I have you choking on your own blood.
Y/N: Care for another demonstration on whose bite is deadlier?
Nitara: You have to actually catch me to bite me.
Y/N: Not till death will I ever stop fighting for my home!
Nitara: Why do you think I fight for Vaeterunus?!
Y/N: Even just hearing your voice sends disgussst down my spine
Nitara: The disgust is mutual even with your mask on.
Y/N snakes out and ready to bite: The fact that you aided that sssnake!
Nitara: A mistake and waste of time, I'll admit.
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Peacemaker: So how do you and that Baraka guy bump uglies? Considering how you're both-
Y/N vexated and flustered: That is NONE of your concern!
Peacemaker: The bleeding is mostly internal which is where most of the blood is supposed to be anyway, right?
Y/N internally screaming: That is NOT at all how it worksss!!!
Peacemaker: What the FUCK happened to your face?!
Y/N: A sssnake named, Shang Tsung. That's what.
Y/N: While I might not always agree with her, I trust Li Mei's judgment.
Peacemaker: Yet, it would've been easier if she just killed those wizard fucks!
Y/N: Those herbs you gave me are pretty weak.
Peacemaker: How? I gave ya the best kush I got!
Y/N: I can heal much of the body, but an addled mind isn't one of them
Peacemaker: If you think I'M insane, you should see the crazies in Arkham!
Y/N: How in the 10 hells are you still breathing?!?
Peacemaker: I honestly have no fucking clue.
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starsurface · 3 months
Hii can I request headcannons for CG Sindel and Regressor Tomas/Smoke . I think she'd make a great cg for him and he's such a sweet boy I think she'd find him endearing hehe
Hi!!! Omg, I actually love the idea of their friendship!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Sindel w/ Regressor Tomas Hcs
💜 Tomas is decent friends with the entire royal house, canonly helping Mileena out and such (it’s in their dialogs, he’s her bodyguard at times and it annoys her because she has Tanya)
💨 Sindel adores his company!! He’s polite, respectful, a brilliant and deadly fighter
💜 She found out about Tomas’s regression by complete accident, and still feels a bit bad for doing so to this day
💨 She was looking at the room that Tomas was staying in, cleaning it up after Tomas packed since he was leaving soon, until found a baby bottle shoved into some corner
💜 She asked him about it, and when he said that he didn’t know anything about it, she was going to just throw it away
💨 Or, until Tomas broke into tears, begging her not to throw it away because it was the only one he owned and it was too difficult trying to secretly buy a new one
💜 ^ Don't worry, Sindel didn't throw it away, and she hugged Tomas until he felt better (w/ his consent of course)
💨 Sindel knew a bunch about age regression, watching a few regressors herself her her thousands of years of living
💜 She offered to watch Tomas whenever he was in Outworld (and made sure he had some little time when he was helping out Mileena)
💨 Tomas does end up going to Sindel when he feels small at times, and she's always very comforting and soft about it
💜 Sindel would have to say that Tomas is an adorable regressor <3
💨 She loves baby regressors!!! And Tomas is content with cuddling and being coed over
💜 Sometimes Tomas has scary nightmares, and he’ll run to Sindel’s room, already small and crying
💨 Sindel will gently shush him, letting him sleep in her bed and play with his hair
💜 Speaking about hair, Tomas loves playing with Sindel’s hair!!
💨 It was soft, and very long, and he could style is!! :D
💜 Tomas’s ‘styling’ is actually just taking strands and laying them on top of each other, but Sindel praises him for his good work
💨 Although Tomas regresses small small sometimes, and does have a habit to tug on it really harshly :(
💜 He doesn’t mean to!! He was just playing with it, and then he went to move his hand, and Sindel’s hair was still in his fist, and now Sindel’s hurt!!! 🥺
💨 She’s not, she throws people, picks them up, snaps them, she has a very strong head
💜 But she will remind Tomas to use more gentle hands, letting him continue to play with her hair because she doesn’t like seeing her baby boy cry
💨 Although, she doesn’t let him chew on her hair, and will gently scold him if he tries
💜 Don’t worry, she’ll buy him a baby chewie and a chew stuffie <3
💨 Actually, she buys Tomas (and other regressors) a bunch of regression stuff!! New sippies, new bottles, more stuffies, more toys-
💜 It slightly concerns Tomas, because he’s still a guest and friend at her house, but she insist on it (any regressor she knows gets this treatment, whose going to say no to the Queen?)
💨 Tomas is a very silent crawler, and has a habit of looking at something he likes and going towards it
💜 Fortunately, Sindel has magic hair, and will snatch him and carry him back over to her
💨 He’s very giggly as she playfully scolds him, placing him on her hip and asking what caught his eye
💜 Ugh, Tomas’s giggles 🥺
💨 Sindel’s set on hearing them more, and will do almost anything to get them out of him when he’s having a bad day
💜 Back onto hair for a second, I think Tomas would find it funny if Sindel put thins like clip on bows and such in his hair
💨 ^ Now he looks all pretty like Sindel!! :D (Sindel didn’t almost cry at that, you didn’t see anything)
💜 He also does Sindel’s hair, and now they look all pretty together
💨 Sidnel’s CG nicknames were . . . a struggle to come to
💜 The first time Tomas called her Mama, he broke down into tears and wouldn’t leave her side for a few hours (bad memories of his own family)
💨 So they mainly stick to ‘Della, because it sounds somewhat like Sindel’s name
💜 Although Tomas does have a small habit of calling Sindel Mommy/Mama when he’s really really tiny, or super sleepy and just doesn’t realize it
💨 Tomas gets a million nicknames, Baby Boy, Precious, Prince, Little Warrior, Puppy, Sweetheart
💜 Sindel thinks puppy Tomas is entertaining because of how energetic he can be
💨 And lazy, he has a habit of stealing Sindel’s entire bed and not moving for hours because ‘it’s too comfy, ‘Della 🥺’ (and it’s not like Sindel can argue, she does have a very nice bed)
💜 She’s thought about getting a human sized dog bed for Tomas, but he gets all comfy and giggly in her bed, she’s decided she can share for now
💨 However, she would like her pillows and blankets back, and she doesn’t want to get into another tug-a-war just to not be cold 😮‍💨 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I think Sindel would be a really good CG for Tomas. :3
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bruciemilf · 6 months
I love being enabled <3
One sided enemies to reluctant friends to Something to Secret Lovers, my beloved
Am not gonna sit here and tell you Havik magically loses all resentment for political establishments/monarchiest just because Kitana is a positive element he can associate those things with bc that ain’t it lol
“Not all monarchs and totalitarian autocracies cosplaying democracies are evil we can just co exist 🥹” that’s amazing if you like wack shit!!!
.he’s the hobie brown of his universe, in case it wasn’t obvious.
He was a punk, she’s burdened with duty, and devoted to a crown poisoned with responsibility . can I make it more obvious
“Your mom wants to keep you on a path that’s boring. I’m gonna lead you to a path that rocks!” “Oh that sounds lovely ☺️”
Havik intentionally snaps off body parts just to freak her out; Kitana never reacts unless he’s cracking his knuckles.
This man deadass twisted his neck off and she doesn’t blink, but god help him if Kitana catches him slouch “you’ll hurt your back!” “I am literally a zombie”
Heavy make out sesh in the throne room/her bedroom/just anywhere that’s a Space. Kitana thinks they’re being incredibly stealthy with their forbidden romance. They are not.
Kitana: is there a motive behind Tanya visiting your room at such a late hour?
Mileena: is there a motive behind your breath reeking of roadkill
“absolutely can’t cook for shit” bf + “this is delicious and anyone who dares disagree shall face the wrath of my tiny fists” gf
Havik’s love language is bullying; Kitana’s is quality time. Don’t misunderstand tho Havik KNOWS he’s got a goddess in his hands and worships the soil she blesses with her feet
He just shows it. Differently!!
“How can you not fucking forsee it’ll rain, now you’ll freeze; of course I’m physically shielding you all day.”
HAVIK IS FUCKING BIG!!! Huge!!! Big ASS MF!!!!! He takes full advantage of it. Am absolutely insane about this man’s back, shoulders, thighs. Kitana spies his statuesque, burly but beautiful anatomy with a discreet eye (she’s not discreet)
Kitana wearing red to match him and Havik wearing blue for her. They are EQUALLY whipped
Pls. Imagine the teasing
Johnny: You know, I hooked up with a princess too, once
Havik: She doesn’t need to be payed to act interested, Cage
Sindel: Be careful with Havik. His ambition is damning
Kitana: His vision is bright, mother
Johnny: I love a beauty and the beast story
Havik: Stop showing her your meaningless films! I’m tired of watching them!
Mileena: A man, sister?
Kitana: It seems I have no valid defense
Johnny: 20 bucks says my boyfriend beats your girlfriend, any day
Havik: Are you so desperate to lose?
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isabellawaites · 2 years
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Takeda & jacqui : Hey lenny bear!
Li : Shit guys, you always know how to make me blush all over, I fucking love you two!
MK OC Introduction : Li Jing
Full name : Li Jing
Name meaning : beautiful, spirit
Age : 24
Sexuality : bisexual
Gender : female
Race : genetic experiment (half-tarkatan, half-edenian)
Realm : earth realm, originated from shang tsung's flesh pits in outworld/edenia
Height : 177cm
Skin color : tan
Hair color : black
Eye color : glowing white eyes
Nature : passifice, fights only to protect or if provoked
Oddities : glowing eyes, large mouth rimmed with long, sharp teeth
Favorite color : light pink and gold
Occupation : the special forces, the white lotus society, monk, soldier
Favorite food : braised fish
Fighting style : teleportation, high agility, high durability, sharp teeth, magic, energy weaponry, ghoul physiology, skilled martial artist, swordsmanship, blood empowerment, expertise in hand-to-hand combat
Likes : dancing, her sai, magic, gold, training, stuffed animals, fish, reading, books, meditating, the wind, swords, animals, flowers, acrobatics, her family
Dislikes : the cold, being separated from her brother, the heat, losing sleep, bloody cramps, shao kahn, the elder gods, shinnok, losing or hurting her love ones, blood, injustice, genocide, killing people only for amusement, hurting animals
Strengths : determined, intensely loyalty, respectful, fair, compassionate, sensibility, quick thinking, understanding, caring, good-natured
Flaws : suffers from PTSD and depression, self-independent, social awkwardness, forgetful, holds grudges, uncontrollable blood rage
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Family : xīn (adopted brother), raiden (adopted uncle), fujin (adopted father), shang Tsung (creator), mileena (biological mother), tanya (biological mother)
Love interest
In a polyamorous relationship with jacqui and takeda
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Status : Engaged
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Requesting a fanfic from you, my lovely 💜
I’m in love with your stories and the way you write them, can you please do Selena x Kung Lao? Smutty +18 and thank you so much beautiful 💜
Sure! Will do Rn! 💜
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I’ll be your army!+18 Selena x Kung Lao NSFW SMUT
Kung Lao lays injured by the two outworlders Tanya and Mileena, they both chuckles at him, Mocking him, And calling him weak, Comparing him to the “Chosen one”. Kung Lao Prays for a Miracle to take these two monsters away. Unbeknownst to them all. There is someone who answered his call. And it was Selena thatcher.
Selena Looked at them With Pure hatred and her Eyes burning them. She cuts Tanya hands with her water Whip. Shocking the three all.
“Its not bravery to attack one while you are two!” She sneered at them, Challenging them to attack her
“Who The hell are you?” Mileena snarls at her, Throwing her mask revealing her razor-sharp teeths
“I’m your executioner!” She answered, Channeling her water Ability
“You will die nonetheless” Tanya said, throwing fires at her.
Tanya fires didn’t even affected her, as they were easily doused by Selena water.
Tanya and Mileena are now scared, they never battle a hydromancer. Rain is out of the question because he was their “friend”.
Selena Attacks with her strongest ability
“Aqua Submerge!” Selena Cried as she fires her Strongest Ability.
The attack easily Hit both Mileena and tanya. As her water Slip through their mouths. Choking the life out of them. Tanya and Mileena gurgles hard as their Bodies tremble non-stop. Both were screaming in terror and in pain. Moments later their bodies stopped moving. Telling that they’re dead. With a snap of her hand their bodies shoved miles away. Away from her sight. As she scowl in disgust.
She brightly looks to Kung lao, her crush. Her only love. She goes to him. With her water magic healing his wound. He was speechless. No woman ever defended him. Or even show him any sign of admiration. He is falling for her too.
“Are you okay champion?” She asked, her voice is soft and concerned for him
He took moments to register what happend. She smiles. Then chuckles softly. She gently rubs his chin. Delivering a small kiss to his lips.
His mind finally understand which brought him back up to reality. He smiles. Then he chuckles
“Thank you Selena. You saved my life!” He says gently. Surprsingly he hugged her.
She hugged back. Moments later the Edenians came surprised by what happend. Two of the most wanted criminals were dead. And their bodies laid miles away from the couples hugging in front of them
Kitana Clears her throat, earning the new couple attention. Both were blushing and smiling at the edenians.
“May i know what happend?” Kitana asks, as she arches her eyebrow
“These two attacked us and we defended ourselves!” Selena replied.
Both of the Edenians were shocked. They just murdered Tanya and Mileena?. Thats shocking. But they thanked him nonetheless for saving them time for much important missions.
“Thank you! You had spared us time for a much important missions and tasks” Kitana thanked him and so does Jade.
But they really wanted to know, who is the one who actually killed them. Whoever did that he or she, sure as hell gave them a scare. Scaring them to death as their faces tell So.
Returning to Earthrealm the couple were greeted by Liu Kang, Subzero Scorpion and Johnny cage. And more. All of them were shocked seeing those two hugged and Talk to each other.
“Um.. congratulations Lovebirds?” Johnny muttered
“Shut it!” Selena Barked at him
“Sorry sorry..” he apologised.
“Kung Lao! I’m .. i’m so happy for you! I suspect your mission goes well right!” Liu Kang says, smiling to the couple.
“Yeah.. it was perfect!” He replied, then chuckles as he side-hugging Selena
Selviya came and she was really surprised as well
“Selena! Wow you actually did it! I’m so happy for you!“ Selviya says then she came to hug Selena. Kung Lao let them have their time. Because he know that these two are best friend forever
“Yes !! I did it!” Selena says loudly, hugging her best friend.
The new couple Got out of the place because they wanted some privacy for them. And the place they were in it was crowded.
They went to Kung Lao Room in the Sky temple (White lotus temple).
After Kung Lao locked up the door so that no one walk up on them while they were doing their “Love-making”
Kung lao Snaked his arms around her waist. As he thirsty and Possessivly kissing her. She wasn’t shocked or surprised because she wants this. She kissed back willingly letting his tongue win and dominating hers. They were french kissing and tongue kissing. Their moans are filling the room. Sure the room is not quite well. Anybodt outside can hear it.
“I.. I’ve always wanted this..” Selena muttered, blushing madly.
He smiles, gently tucking her lock of hair behind her ear. He kissed her again. His tongue skilfully Overcome hers. And yet again he dominated her.
Each break the kiss to breath. Both pant heavily.
Both chuckling awkwardly.
Selena started to undress, she hastily get rid of her clothes, and Kung lao too.
“Are you ready?” He asks, Smirking to her
“Yes!” She replied
Kung lao Gently pushed her to a table nearby. She climbed it and put her back against it, Gesturing him to come, he Comes near looking at her, he couldn’t control himself. She is beyond beautiful and Irresistible.
Her face is nearly Under His length (Reverse Bjs and dp)
He gently yet hastily put his length in her mouth, she started to suck him, he rubs her breasts. Enjoying the soft shiny skin. He gives a time to adjust to him. So that she won’t choke on him. He then start to thurst gently yet deeply inside her mouth. She gurgles and gagged. He enjoyed listening to it. She moans. And moans. Pulling out of his length to breath.
“Wow… i never imagine you would be … Big” Selena uttered, a bit surprised
“Of course i’m big! After all i’m The great Kung Lao descendants!” He replied proudly
“Of course you are.” She chuckles, then going back to business
She lays again on the table, her back facing the cold-wooden table. She gestures for him to come. He hastily puts his length in her mouth. She started to suck him hastily. Bobbing up her head. He moans satisfied with this
She continue to suck and suck, until he is very near to his orgasm. He pulled his length out. To have his orgasm inside her Vagina.
Selena understood what he wants. So she adjust her position. So that her Vagina is facing his length.
He chuckles at this, he doesn’t need to tell her. He is really happy, yet he doesn’t understand why she loves him. He still think that he is dreaming, this whole thing is a dream and he will wake up to find it was and then continue to practice.. but its not a dream. Its a reality and he finally has a girlfriend
He gently penetrate her Vagina, eyeing her every moves and reaction. He is lost in her beautiful blue eyes. And her pinky lovely hair.
He gives her time to adjust to him, he is not an animal. He is a kind and compassionate lover.
She gestures for her to thurst. Because she adjusted to his length. He gently thursts inside her. They both moan. And both they’re enjoying this. Kung Lao thursts are now deep and Sloppy. He is driving her insane. Her vagina is wet and it make his thursts sloppy. And she is enjoying to the bone. He moans. Sticking his tongue out. Out of pleasure and lust. Oh boy he’s a monk and he cannot Control himself. Cannot win over the Sin of Lust. How disappointed Raiden will be if he found out about this. Kung Lao doesn’t care anymore. He will have this.
After a while, both cum into each other Genitals. They both moan and They both pant. Still their parts connected to each other. Selena pecks his lips hastily and gently. Sucking his lips. Driving him mad with lust. He did the same. He sucked her glossy lips. Selena cup both of his cheeks with her hands and kissing him possessivly.
“I love you!” Kung lao says, Chuckling
“Me too!” She replied Smilingly to him
And we Reached the end of this Smutty Nsfw request
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anxietymuffin · 2 years
Caelum Stigandr
Base belongs to @starneko123
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First Name: Caelum
Last Name: Stigandr
Name Analysis:
Caelum ♔ of the heavens
Stigandr ♔ Wanderer
Date of Birth: July 30th
Age: immortal
Alias: The Masked Menace of Outworld ♔ The last son ♔ Son of the Sun ♔ First born of Lady Kiran ♔ The Divine Marauder ♔ The Last Son of the Sun ♔ Inducer of Madness ♔ The Solar Executioner ♔ Baraka’s Right Hand ♔ Keeper of Chaos ♔ Yujiki’s Everlasting Omission ♔ Lover of the Weather Prince ♔ Protector of the Throne ♔ Enemy of the Blood Ridden Osh-Tekk ♔ Defender of Saros ♔ The Tamer of Takara
Nicknames: Sun droplet ♔ Calcium ♔ Nymph Boy ♔ Vitamin D ♔ Dearest one ♔ My sun ♔ Sunny D ♔ Starlight ♔ Jekyll & Hyde ♔ robin hood
Gender: Cis Male
Siblings: 2
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Half Edenian ♔ Half god
Phobia / Philias:
Pistanthrophobia ♔ The fear of trusting others
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: golden yellow
Origins: Outworld
Current Location: Outworld
Face Claim:
Keiynan Lonsdale
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Height: 6’3
Alignment: Neutral Good
Status: Alive
Social Status:
- He who raises the sun
- Harbinger of light, Misfortune and wealth
- Outworlds protector
- Shao Kahn’s prisoner (formerly)
- Yin Yang personified
- Chaos personified
- Kiran’s Tear
- The masked Menace
- Royal traitor
- Demi god of the sun
- Chaosrealm’s heir
- Son of Anahita, goddess of water, chaos and knowledge
- Son of Kiran, goddess of the sun, luck and strategic war
Mileena’s rebellion
Physical Health: Amazing
Mental Health: good
- Sleeping
- Collecting masks
- Gold jewellery
- Laying in the Sun
- Warm days
- Theatre
- Musicals
- Spicy food
- Winter
- The dark
- Bulky clothing
- Haircuts
- getting wet
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Fighting Skills
Anahita | Bio-Mother | Immortal
Kiran | Bio-Mother | Immortal
Saros | Aunt | Immortal
Izana | Adoptive Mother | Dead
Soh | Adoptive Father | Dead
Nirene | Half-Brother | Alive
Yujiki | Half-Sister | Alive
Takara | Cousin | Alive
Friends / Allies
- Tanya
- Mileena
- Elise
- Silas @starneko123
- Baraka
- Havik
- Elara
- Kitana
- Jade
- Johnny cage
- Reptile
- Ermac
- Argus
- Daegon
- Kano
- D’vorah
- Skarlet
- Daegon
Love Interest
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Love Status
Weapons ♔ Accessories
Dual Swords {Blessed by Kiran}
Death whistle {stolen from Kotal Kahn}
Vile of Jinsei water {gift from Nirene}
Sun powers — Weaker than Kiran, he can use the powers of the sun. Manipulating it to cast a beam of direct light to either heal or harm others. He can also create small orbs of light from his hands, and heat up his body like a radiator. He can also use the sun to teleport. In the night his powers are significantly weaker as the moon only reflects 12% of the suns light, but he can still use them to an extent.
Drawbacks are that his markings will start to burn, varying levels depending on how much he over uses his powers. As well as if he finds himself in extremely cold climates, or somewhere where the sun can’t reach him he will becomes hypothermic over the course of a few hours
Chaos Magic — His powers are weaker than Anahita’s, but he can influence others to do as he says while slowly driving them mad in the process. He is also able to use it to cause a string of bad luck or misfortune against anyone and become lucky himself for a certain period of time before it wears off and often overestimates his luck and the duration of the spell
Caelum is all about theatrics, he has this big fun personality and an even bigger heart but has a tendency to wear it on his sleeve. That being said he is quite a flirt and charmer, using these attributes to his advantage though he doesn’t really mean any of it. He has a hard time trusting people, never sticking around long to save himself from betrayal and heart break. As friendly and kind to you as he acts, you aren’t as close to him as you think.
Caelum was born by Kiran’s golden tears and Anahita’s chaos magic infused water.
He spent his early years of life in the village with Nirene and Yujiki, Izanna and Soh raising him like their own as a favour to the sun goddess who could not watch him due to her duties and Anahita’s realm being unsafe for the child to live there.
The day their village was attacked by Tarkatans and Shao Kahn’s men, he was quick to protect and assist Izanna escape the massacre with Nirene and Yujiki, but stayed behind to give them a head start. He promised he’d follow them shortly after.. he never did though.
Instead he was brought as a prize and prisoner to Shao Kahn, thinking he could use this against the Elder Goddess Kiran. However she never came in search for her son so he remained prisoner for a few days before escaping. However he was completely destroyed on the inside when he saw the remains of his home.
Filled with guilt, he fled the scene and cut all contact with both of his mothers. Which meant losing connection with both of his powers, but he pushed on by spending the next couple of years stealing and bribing his way through survival. Eventually he returned to the Kahn’s Palace, not out of revenge, but an act of petty defiance. He snuck in and found out about Shao Kahn’s demise, and that there was a new kahn. Mileena.
He went about his routine, picking things that wouldn’t be immediately noticed but while in the process he was nearly found by guards. He was quick to hide in someones room which is how he ended up meeting Rain. What started as a rough meeting turned to a one night stand turned into a secret relationship the two had, though it wasn’t meaningful in anyway and was more to fulfill lustful desires.
All this came crashing in when he overheard Rain talking about him to another Edenian, Tanya. Feelings were never entirely mutual, and the water god thought so little of him that he was embarrassed to introduce him to Tanya or Mileena.
“He is nothing more than a petty thief.”
Caelum left that night and never looked back, no note, not item, no nothing. His heart felt like it had been shattered over and over again in those two minutes he heard everything. He had no choice, he couldn’t keep living like this. He couldn’t keep denying his destiny.
He went back to Kiran, they reconnected and he begun his journey to ascension. Eventually he went to join the tarkatans and the edenian resistance, aiding them in their battles to free edenia and take back the outworld throne. After all those years, not once did he hold a grudge against tarkatan kind. He knew who was really pulling the strings…
And they will pay.
(I wanna throw it out there that I haven’t revied this since i wrote it months ago I just decided to post it as is so if they’res gaps of any kind I’m sorry lmao)
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mothercetrion · 4 years
Forever as Us
Summary: Mileena greatly liked Tanya for more than just her loyalty. She decides to be the one to confess.
Characters: Mileena, Tanya
Word Count: 1013
Request: “oooooH how bout mileena shyly confessing her crush on tanya?”
everyone needs some Taleena in these trying times. I hope that they will brighten your spirits :) also I now realize I’ve never written either of them until this fic so I hope I did a good job. enjoy!!
Sitting in their hideout in the jungle, Mileena could not help but admire Tanya.
It was late. The stars danced in the sky above the jungle; it was the clearest night that Mileena had ever seen. Despite the clarity of the night, it was a little on the cool side, and Tanya had lit a small fire to keep them warm. She dutifully tended to it as she hummed to herself, determined to keep both herself and Mileena warm.
Mileena admired her. There were very few people in the world like Tanya, if anyone at all. No one was as dedicated to those they cared about as Tanya. No one listened to concerns and helped eliminate worries as Tanya. No one was as beautiful as Tanya.
Wait. Wait. Beautiful? Well, yes, it was true, but… Mileena could not think like that. She could not think romantically of Tanya.
Despite their confidence that Mileena would regain the throne of Outworld, Mileena knew that she would eventually be captured. Their luck could not last forever. It was a dream, remaining alive until they could overthrow Kotal and regain the throne for Mileena. If they were together, Tanya would eventually be left alone. Mileena could not bear to put Tanya through something like that. It was beyond unfair to her to do something like that.
In addition, she was fairly certain that Tanya would not reciprocate the feelings. Mileena was not even close to the people that Tanya likely courted in her free time. No one would want to date someone like her; it was something that Mileena had accepted when she saw herself in a mirror for the very first time.
With that in mind, Mileena kept her feelings to herself. Yes, she had the world’s biggest crush on Tanya. But it would jeopardize too much that Mileena cared about. It would be best to leave their friendship as it was.
She didn’t even notice Tanya calling out her name from the spot next to her.
“Mileena! Are you alright?”
Mileena looked over at Tanya and gave her a sheepish smile. “Yes, Tanya. I apologize, I must have zoned out.”
Tanya slid a little closer to her and put a blanket around her shoulders. “As long as you are not falling ill, my Empress.” Tanya pressed a hand to her forehead and pulled it away just as quickly. “No fever. No use worrying about that then.” Tanya gave her a smile. “Care to share your thoughts?”
Mileena looked back into the fire with a sigh. “Do not trouble yourself, Tanya. Nothing major.”
“If you’re sure.” Tanya retrieved her own blanket and wrapped it around herself, watching as the embers of the fire flew above their heads and into the sky. “It’s a beautiful night, Mileena. Don’t you think?”
Mileena moved her gaze to the sky. “Of course. It’s the clearest it’s been in a long time.”
“Indeed.” Tanya tossed a spare stick into the flame. “I wish it was warmer. This fire is nice, but… there is nothing quite like a warm evening under the stars. It’s magical, really.”
Mileena rested her head on her knees. “You’re right. It’s wonderful.” She gave Tanya a side glance. “We’ve spent many nights under these stars, Tanya.”
“And I hope to spend many more with you, Mileena.” Tanya moved a hand to caress Mileena’s forearm, smiling softly. 
Mileena shivered at the soft touch. Her fingers traced along her skin with the lightest of touches, barely felt on her arm. Tanya was always so gentle with Mileena when outside of kombat and sparring. She spoke sweet words of care, assurances of new power. There was no woman in Outworld as confident in Mileena as Tanya.
“Tanya.” Mileena spoke her name so suddenly that her own heart leaped out of her chest. “Tanya, I… I must say something.”
Tanya quirked a brow, a small smile on her face. “Confide in me, my Empress.”
Mileena looked to the fire in front of them, hoping that the orange flames would somehow give her courage. “We have been allies for what feels like an eternity, Tanya. You mean a great deal to me. I hope you know that.”
“Of course I do.” Tanya grinned. “I return those feelings of closeness, my Empress. I hope you know that as well.”
“I do.” Mileena nodded. “But Tanya… I call you my ‘dearest Tanya’ for reasons beyond our close friendship. I… I want you to be alongside me in all of my adventures, all of my attempts to become Empress. I want you by my side, to be one with me, to rule with me… forever. I want it to be you and me, us, forever.” She finally gained the courage to look at Tanya. “Does… Does that make sense to you?”
Tanya could not have been smiling any harder if she tried. “It makes perfect sense, Mileena. I am honored to be the one that you want by your side. Truly honored.” Her eyes narrowed as her cheeks turned pink in a blush. “I have always tried to express my fondness of you, Mileena, in that sort of way… but feelings are difficult to convey. The uncertainty of our futures makes it difficult as well.”
Tanya reached over and grabbed at Mileena’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “But the one thing that I know for certain is that I will never leave your side, and I will support you in all endeavors. The love I carry for you surpasses all of my fears. As long as I stand by your side, my future is perfect.”
Mileena slid closer to her newfound love, and she leaned over and rested her head on her shoulder. She didn’t need to speak aloud for Tanya to understand that her feelings were reciprocated in full.
The stars and burning fire… A backdrop for the beginning of something beautiful. Even if Mileena didn’t become Kahn, even if Tanya was arrested for betrayal, none of it mattered. One would always have the other. It was as certain as the sun rises.
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 5 months
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Hello, I'm xxrainbowvibezxx, or you can call me Bri. Welcome to my blog. I am currently into Mk1, and I love Taleena. Here, you will find Taleena fanart, headcanons, memes, incorrect quotes, and fics. Some content may be +18, but it will be marked, so minors dni. Feel free to ask me anything. My ask box is always open :)
(Update: 5/4/24)
Drawing for claireada (Claire and Ada from resident evil)
Mortal kombat 1
Mileena x Tanya (Taleena)
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Abc fluff
Smut +18
Abc smut
pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
Incorrect quotes
incorrect taleena quotes
incorrect taleena quotes 2
pushing the Tanya and Khameleon friendship agenda
Incorrect quotes 4
Incorrect quotes 5
Tanya headcanons
Taleena daughter headcanons
Taleena/ Jadetana double date headcanons
Height headcanon
Tanya and Harumi's history
How long have they known each other?
Gays understand the gaze
Tanya being a weapons master
Mileena's insecurity
Tanya's magical hands (slightly suggestive)
Tanya knows how to cook
Taleena headcanons
Proposal+ wedding
Tanya being a girl's girl
Taleena x monter high (coming soon)
Taleena nsfw (coming soon)
Titan taleena dance
Shitpost meme
Mileena gets rid of the umgadi rules
Tanya carrying Mileena
Suggestive doodle
Spiderman au
I prefer girls
Tanya and taleena baby
Khameleon babysitting
Taleena x corpse bride
Tanya mk4 outfit
First Taleena art of the New Year (slight NSFW)
Titan Taleena
When Johnny called Tanya a bitch
Taleena+ daughter
Tanya, our subtle queen
Tanya and Mileena
Quick Tanya drawing
Formal Taleena
Queens of Outworld and their princess
Tanya when Mileena was fighting Ermac
Do I make you nervous, Tanya?
Quick Mileena + daughter
Tanya in a suit
Vampire Taleena
Tanya and Jade, sisterhood
Taleena (slight NSFW)
Holding hands (suggestive)
Younger Tanya, Khameleon, and Mileena (Some Tanya headcanons)
Mini wedding comic
Tanya sketches (+ Mileena)
Sindel's Facebook post
Mileena doesn't care
Kitana being a third-wheel
Tanya can handle Mileena
Sindel and the twins
She wants to order
Cutest couple
Kitana is an ally
Taleena Sketches
Sindel x Li Mei (lindel)
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Sindel x Li Mei
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Sindel x Jerrod
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Resident Evil
Claire x Ada (Claireada)🏍💄
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Top Claire
First time drawing Claire and Ada
Gay thoughts
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kanofeetpics · 5 years
Shao Kahn: Ruler of Outworld (4/5)
“Thank you, Kabal.” Kotal nodded, handing him his backup macana
“Mmhm.” Kabal hummed, taking the Macana and moving it to an area where he can work on it. But before he did, he needed something.
“Ah, Erron. Do you have one of those blood solider blades?” Kabal asked
Erron nodded, handing him some of the blades he took with him. Kabal took them, and went to work ok the Macana.
“Shao, can you fight?” Erron asked, noticing his hammer was missing.
“I will try.” Shao Kahn sighed, ashamed
“You have us, father. Do not worry about having to defend yourself” Kitana added.
That calmed Shao down just a little bit, but there was still a bit of tension in his muscles. It wasn’t like Shao Kahn to be nervous about anything. But this, the fear of losing his daughters. Is what had him shaken up the most.
Baraka was beginning to get more and more tired, and it showed. His yawning became more frequent, and he could feel himself falling asleep in his seat. Tanya notices this, and reassures that he may rest if he needs to.
“Love, do not force yourself to stay awake. Rest if you must.” Tanya reassured.
Baraka nods, succumbing to his drowsiness and drifiting to sleep. He needed it, having to run a clan and doing heavy lifting at the same time was tiring.
“Father, do you have any plans? Anywhere you may need to be?” Mileena asked.
“No... that will only lead Skarlet to me..” Shao sighed
Mileena nodded, walking away from her father and Joining Tanya and Baraka.
“How is Baraka?” Mileena asked, looking at the sleeping Tarkartan.
“He’s tired, but finally resting.” Tanya smiled, adoring how peaceful he looked.
“And your father?” Tanya added.
“He’s very stressed about the situation... I can tell. I’m not sure what it is he’s worried about, but I wish to dissolve the stress” Mileena sighed, looking back at her father who was sitting on his former throne with his hands in his head.
After a little bit, Kabal finally finished with the Macana that Kotal wanted modified, and brought it out to show him.
“There you go. Our shipping company can be painfully unreliable sometimes. Sorry bout that.” Kabal apologized.
“It is alright” Kotal reasurred.
He took a minute to examine his modified macana, and he had to admit it looked really nice. Hopefully worked as good as it looked.
“I must admit, Kabal. Your work is very impressive” Kotal admired.
“Thank you, much appriciated.” Kabal nodded.
“Now, tell me. These blades right here, what purpose do they serve?” Kotal asked.
“These blades supposedly work really well against people with blood magic, it’s really sharp and can cut through skin really easily. Which is good if you’re trying to bleed out someone like Skarlet. At least that’s what Erron told me.” Kabal replied.
“He’s right, I made them that way so that whenever I needed to, I could kill Skarlet. But because they’re so sharp, you can kill at least six people at a time using Kano’s dagger alone.” Erron added.
Kotal raised his eyebrows, impressed that Erron could make something as powerful as this using a small razor blade.
“I do admire your work, the three of you are very skilled at what you do.” Kotal complimented.
“Appriciate it.” The trio replied.
Baraka began to wake up, feeling replenished. He didn’t sleep for very long, but he never needed beauty sleep.
“Right, we have a plan and weapons. All of us need to stay in the throne room until further notice.” Jade stated.
The group of Kombatants nodded, ready to fend of the army if they needed to.
Skarlet arrived back at her palace with Kung Lao and Liu Kang behind her. Smirking evily at what she had in store for Shao and his daughters.
“Right.. now as I was saying. The two of you do not require much. All you must do is wear this mask, and you are part of my clan.” Skarlet stated.
The monks nodded, grabbing the two masks displayed in front of them and putting them on.
“Excellent” Skarlet smiled, maliciously.
“Okay, clan! Get ready for a raid, because we are going to look for Shao Kahn and we will not stop until he is found... First things first, we are going to pay a visit to the throne room.” Skarlet stated.
Skarlet fully formed her army, the entire palace was filled with soldiers who were more than ready to attack. Skarlet was pleased with her results, she couldn’t stop grinning at what was going to happen. She couldn’t wait for it.
“Forward!” Skarlet commanded.
And with not a shred of hesitation, Skarlet and her blood army headed to Shao Kahn’s throne room.
The group of kombatants had a lot of conversations to pass the time, whether or not Skarlet was hunting down Shao was uncertain, but everybody in that room knew that you always had to be prepared.
Nothing was worried about for awhile, then suddenly Erron could hear aggressive marches heading in the direction of the throne room.
“Everybody, stop.” Erron froze.
As soon as everybody had stopped talking, they could hear it too. Anxiety filled in the room despite everybody being well enough to fight off the army.
“...Alright, everybody listen. If Skarlet finds us, Kitana, Mileena, Kano, Jade, I need you four to go out of that secret exit and make sure Shao is with you. As for everybody else, stay here. We got an army to wipe out.” Erron explained, pulling his rifle out.
They nodded, their fear turned into determination. To protect Shao Kahn, to defeat Skarlet, to have Shao Kahn rightfully take back his place.
As Erron observed as Skarlet’s army moved closer to the throne room, he signaled Mileena, Kitana, Kano, Jade, and Shao to move closer to the exit. And signaled everybody else to prepare for battle.
The marching has stopped, you could almost hear everybody’s stomach drop. They had no idea how well this was going to go, but they were ready.
Skarlet opened the enterance of the throne room, walking further inside to see if Shao Kahn really had escaped here.
“Back up...” Erron whispered, causing everybody to do what was told.
Soon enough, Erron and Skarlet were making eye contact. Erron’s gaze didn’t move for a second, he knew at any moment Skarlet was going to do something.
Skarlet, without even thinking for a second knew that Shao must have been in there, and ordered her army to begin the raid.
“Charge!” Skarlet commanded.
And as soon as that was said, the five kombatants that were ordered to help protect Shao immediatly made a run for it.
Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Skarlet, and a few hundred other soldiers saw them and decided to go after them.
As for everybody else, everything went way better than expected. They were ripping through soldiers six by six, twelve by twelve, the population of Skarlet’s army started to drop at an alarming rate.
The room was filled will blood, blood on the walls, Shao’s throne, on the floor, the whole room was filled with blood.
“Hehe.. just as planned” Erron said to himself, before turning to everybody else. They looked blood hungry, ready for action.
“Come on guys, we gotta catch up with the other five.” Erron commanded, as he began running for the exit.
Everybody followed, leaving behind all the dead bodies they had lying around.
The other five were still running, they thought they had successfully gotten away from the soldiers, but they heard the footsteps and cries of the blood army following behind them.
“Shit...” Kano sighed, still running from the army.
“We have no time to dwell on how many soldiers are behind us, Kano. What’s important is that we find an exit and find a way to lose them.” Jade stated.
Kano nodded, while giving up on reaching for his dagger.
They all had found the exit eventually, quickly closing the exit behind them in an attempt to keep the army out, though their running had not stopped.
Somehow, Skarlet’s army managed to bust the door down, the following of the 5 Kombatants had continuted.
“How did they manage to power through that exit!” Shao shouted, frustrated at the fact that they could destroy the door.
They kept running not exactly sure what was going on.
The rest of the Kombatants managed to catch up to the other 5, with Erron firing at some of the solider with Kabal’s modified bullets.
One of the solidiers managed to grab hold on Shao Kahn, but before they could do any harm to him, Erron fired a bullet straight to his head.
Shao Kahn was released from the soldier and fell forward, almost falling on his face before his hands and knees braced his fall.
“Halt!” Skarlet commanded, the second she said that every one of Skarlet’s remaining soldiers had stopped running and posed in such a way that it seemed like they were mocking some sort of child’s military toy.
Kitana couldn’t help but noticed Liu Kang the crowd of blood soldiers, as him and Kung Lao were the only two not doing the clan’s military stance.
And she could feel her heart shatter, seeing as the person she loved, the man she trusted, was siding with somebody who tried to kill her father.
“...Liu..Kang...” Kitana said, her voice slightly shaking.
“Kitana, I did not expect to see you here.” Liu Kang replied, this was one of the few reason why he was skeptical abour joining Skarlet and her plan.
“How could you.....why would you..” Kitana whimpered, her voice becoming more and more shaking, and her eyes dampening.
“My love, you know what Shao Kahn did to Kung Lao.” Liu Kang stated, trying to justify him betraying her.
“He.... he knew what he signed up for when he entered the tournament!” Kitana shouted, tears making their way down her face.
She thought better of Liu Kang, she was confused, she was hurt, why would he do this to her?
“Love, please don’t cry.” Liu Kang pleaded, trying to get closer to her.
“Do not tell me not to cry, you of all people know how important my father is to me! But you go behind my back and join forces with Skarlet?! Why?!” Kitana screamed, the pain she was feeling brought her to her, pushing Liu Kang away from her. Her hands were in his face, and tears hadn’t stopped streaming down her face.
“I was only trying to console Kung Lao.” Liu Kang replied.
Kitana looked up at Liu Kang, not believe what had just rolled past his lips, her sorrow quickly turned into anger as soon as she had heard Liu Kang’s excuse.
“You are unbelievable..” Kitana stated, softly. Standing back up, backing away from her lover.
Out of nowhere, Raiden made his way into the scene after hearing abour Liu Kang’s deal with Skarlet.
“Liu Kang, is this true? You becoming on of Skarlet’s puppets? You betraying the woman you love? Please tell me that this is only a hoax.” Raiden pleaded, as he too thought better of Liu Kang.
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months
Hi, this is the same anon that sent you the Cardi B request a while ago. I saw what you posted yesterday and I absolutely love it and you even took it further by having them actually meet Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion on set when I originally meant that they had stumbled upon the music video on YouTube but this was so much better. Can you do another reaction from the Outworlders this time to "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj because their reactions are just hilarious especially Medusa Reader and Syzoth because I just love those two and I keep imagining them both thinking "Why are these Earthrealmers so interested in women with enormous behinds and what kind of dancing are they doing with their behinds, is this a sort of mating ritual for them? Also why do they mentioning this anaconda when I don't see it anywhere?" and they're just constantly badgering Johnny with more questions about the song's lyrics and the rest of the Outworlders are just both astonished and disgusted by the dancing and outfit choices.
I love thinking about their reactions, too, with all those ridiculous and over-the-top songs😂😂😂 If y'all are wondering what they're talking about, click here and here in that order. All caught up? All caught up.
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By now, you weren't too caught off guard by Earthrealm music. Of course, you and Syzoth are confused by it, but know what to expect by now.
Tanya and Li Mei barely pay those type of music or its "magic" videos anymore. They have no real interest in the strange women nor their mating rituals.
Mileena finds them amusing but it's more of a passing entertainment to her. Kitana, well she prefers not to watch the videos as she just keeps blushing whenever she watches them.
However, you and Syzoth have something of a strange fascination with them, as one would with seeing a new zoo animal or new culture. So when you and Syzoth are left waiting between filming scenes for one of Johnny Cage's projects, this one for something called "Reptiloid Ravagers," Cage leaves you and the Zateran an iPad to keep entertained.
At first, you were both content watching small fuzzy creatures getting up to mischief, until something called "Anaconda" came across your feed. You eagerly selected the video, having recognized the word Anaconda as a species of snake that you read briefly about before. However, you didn't really pay attention to the thumbnail, which you are starting to regret.
"Oh my gosh, look at her butt..."
As with "CPR" and "WAP", you and Syzoth are met with a recording of scantily dressed Earthrealm women shaking their behinds to entice their audience. This time you and Syzoth would not be left speechless or with heads full of questions. When Cage walked by you and the Zaterran, you showed him the video without hesitation.
"Cage, is this a common ritual among Earthrealm women?"
"Or is this a ritual unique to the Warm-bloods of your realm?"
"Where is the anaconda? I see no snake, only women."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, one at a time, my scaley friends!"
Cage responded in amusement as he tried to answer both you and Syzoth's questions. All while the video of the singer kept playing.
That's when Baraka, who was also there to help with Cage's project because he owed Syzoth a HUGE favor, spotted you three squabbling like chambermaids. He approached all of you, curious about the strange item in your hands, he's only seen in passing. A device that currently showed a chorus of women shaking their behinds as music played.
"What are you three watching?"
Baraka questions. You're the first to react by snapping the Ipad in half, surprising all three men by your reaction.
Cage is the first to recover by letting out a frustrated grunt.
"You're paying for that iPad and my Iphone!"
You merely respond by pulling your cloak's hood over your head, while shrinking under Baraka's confused gaze.
A/N: Hope this one made you laugh, too.😂
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da-hybr1d · 5 years
Aragog learns about Mileena’s death in a horrible time. (story drabble)
Keep in mind that at this point, Aragog (my oc) was basically raised my Mileena since he was kidnapped as a kid [this is in the mk universe story im writing for him]. All he knows is her and the tarkatans along with Tanya and Rain. He was trained by mileena and only knows about outworld, not earthrealm or the others despite the fact that he was in outworld. He was forced to have hybrid teeth like mileena so he would believe that he really was her son. Mileena trained him brutally and nearly killed him in multiple occasions, but only took that as if it was her trying to teach him. He suffered, but nonetheless they still had mother son relationships. they still played games, they still messed around occasionally. at first for mileena it was just a way to get an extra hand, to train a successor and to train him with more (aka blood magic) but soon slowly started to care for him as her own son as well. their relationship continues until aragog turns 22 years old (Tarkatan age [aka when he was raised by mileena]). He meets earthrealmers, and learns there are more realms out there. He learns that there is more than just outworld and that a lot was hidden from him. He learns of rumors of a child who is now an adult who was forced to live with mileena and bear her scars as well. he realizes at this point how much he was lied to by mileena and co.
He confronts her, tells her that he learned that everything she told him was a lie and that he lives nothing but a lie. He curses her out not letting her talk, and it was hurting her. He didn’t care though. He continued and the last thing he said before he left was him wishing for her death. That hurt her as he walked away, but she didn’t let it get the best of her. Truth is aragog has said things like that before, but she never let it get to her cause normally a few days later he is back cuddling up to her. But days go by and he never came back, at this point she started to worry. she gets his some sais to replace the kunais he has and goes looking for him... just to never find him in the camp. she heads to her quarters to find a note simply saying that he was leaving for good, and that he wishes her luck. Now that hurt Mileena as now she started to cry. someone she raised and cared for suddenly doesn’t want to do anything with her. she wanted someone to care for and someone to love her. and now he is gone.
Aragog ran off with edenian refugees to earthrealm where he purposefully got himself captured to seek asylum. go back to the realm he actually belongs in, however not knowingly just yet. blood analysis shows he is the missing orphan that disappeared  years ago, but no official name was ever recorded. so he kept the name given to him by mileena: Aragog.
He has no where to go so he trains with special forces to join them at some point, or go off on his own adventures (during this time he gets obsessed with the internet and memes along with movies. he watches and enjoys all the cage movies, but refuses to admit he does.) 
one day when after the turmoil with shinnok is finished, when aragog is simply at his apartment watching some movies after a long day of work (dunno just yet what he does) he gets a visit from the special forces (Cassie and Jacqui). he welcomes them thinking they have an assignment for him to do but they were smiling as if he was going to get news that he would like. They knew he hated mileena as a person, but they didn’t know he still loved her as a mother. He was planning on going back to her at some point, let her know he was fine and to say sorry for what happened. They showed him her mask... and that immediately broke his heart because he knew what that meant. He asked for the ones that were responsible... D’vorah and Kotal. He hated them both already, but this was just adding salt to the wounds.
He never felt proud of his teeth, having tarkatan blood in him at first disgusted him but he had no choice at this point. but at that point, for some reason, he found himself filled with pride. He swore revenge on both of them somehow, and when cassie and jacqui leaves, he lets his rage and tears out.
He never got to tell her one last “I love you”... and that hurts him a lot.
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thirstdrafts · 7 years
Wooing (mortal Kombat)
I made these in Watty, wanted to share here, too. I think about them too much when bored.
All characters belong to #netherealm studio
How would the characters of Mortal Kombat Woo you?  You are a new girl/ boy on the SF team as an assistant and you find that the members are fighting over you.  They all plan to get you to like them and begin to try and impress you in hopes of landing a date.
Scorpion: Turns out Hanzo is a beast of passion.  He doesn't really try to get alone time with you, but makes sure to  leave you flustered with compliments.  He hopes that you will fall for him due to his sweet nothings.  He's a bit shy to admit his feelings without knowing that you feel the same, but truly he is at the edge of blurting it out if you don't start flirting back.
SubZero: Kaui is pretty relaxed in appearance, but deep down he is nervous as hell.  He asks you to join him for some lunch and tea in a quiet space.  He is nothing but a gentleman.  He is awful at small talk, but does his best to indulge you.  You realize that for a ice baring killing machine, he is actually really soft.
Mileena:  Mileena is flirtatious in nature with a hint of danger. She spends her free time knitting and doing needle point.  Only Tanya really knows that... and Hanzo, since he didnt want her teddy.  She wont make you a teddy, not wanting to pour too much time into something that might be yet again rejected, so she under does it and makes you a pair of wool socks.  But they are like the best socks and you adore them.  She'll likely go home and start to make you something new.
Kitana: Kitana doesn't really need your admiration, but she wants it.  She spends her time looking at you from a far over her fans.  She will wait until she gets you alone to have small talk on the beach.  She needs to make sure you are the one.  She has been alive long enough to know that love doesnt always last.
Lui Kang: He is cocky, to be honest.  His main goal is to make Kitana jealous, but it's not really working.  He does like you a lot, though.  Kang is most likely to take you to a fair and win you all the prizes that you want all night. In the process he will find you more desirable.
Baraka:Baraka won't tell you that he likes you.  Since you're human, he is too afraid you will reject him, since he is Tarkatan.  He shows his affection via sneaking into your home and sharpening your knives and pruning your plants.  He knows you wont notice, but to him the little things mean the most.
Bo Rai Cho: He asks you to call him BoBoo and is all together funny.  He actually will share his best booze with you and you know how he is about that.
Cassie Cage: She will try to encourage you to run a marathon with her.  Her goal is that if you train together then you will be around her more.  Maybe that is all she will need to get you to feel for her.  She will act silly while working out and "accidentally"  bump you often. 
Ermac: Ermac urges you to open up to him.  He often gives the best advice and doesn't fuss when you call him Mac.  Sometimes, he will give you piggyback rides while he floats.  He worries he's in the friend zone.
Erron Black: He doesn't sugar coat anything and is completely up front about how sexy he thinks you are.  He takes you to a shooting range after finding out that you dont really know how to fight or use a gun.  Being part of Special Forces, you are not actually part of a squad, rather serve more as an assistant.  He is adamant that only he teaches you to protect yourself.
Fujin: Fujin is actually pretty chill.   He takes you out on long car rides and lets the winds blow your hair.  He took you to a drive in once, but really he only watched you.  You didn't notice, to his dismay.  He insists you wear a sweater when you hang out during the chilly seasons.
Goro: He "borrowed" Johnny's $500.00 sunglasses.  Goro doesn't really know what mortals like. You caught on pretty quickly but found it funny and never let him know.  Johnny is in on it and decided to let it be.  He thinks they look better on you anyways.
Jax:He takes you out to do seasonal things. Pumpkin patches, farmers market, picking strawberries, apple orchards.  He is the expert on this stuff.  He thinks togetherness is the sweeter part of the date.  He holds your hand and carries all of the stuff you get.
Jacqui: She is more classic than one would imagine, but she will go dutch at the movies.  She smuggles in the snacks and you get the tickets.  You movie hop half the day and when you are almost caught she graps you and pulls you out the back entrance.  You're captivated by her laughter.
Johnny:  He's exactly what you would think.  He takes you to diner and then to a club where he buys you as much to drink as you want.  Aside from signing autographs his attentions on you.  He rents a limo to make you feel special and brings you home really late.  He walks you to the door and hopes for a kiss.
Kano:  Kano acts not interested.  He thinks girls/guys like guys who don't care.  Maybe hes right, but he slips up now and again when.  When he does he actually blushes and stutters. 
Kenshi: Kenshi will take you for a walk in the woods.  He will come up with any lame excuse to get you alone.  He also used his telepathy to his advantage.  Knowing what you like to do is important on how he will create dates later on.
Kung Jin:  Jin's a sarcastic ass, but only he can pick on you.  He will beat any of the others up if they try.  He tried to show you how his weapon works and when you are alone he tries to smooth talk you.  He will close in for a kiss and then pull away to make you crave him.
Kung Lao: Kung Lao is timid and doesn't take much after Kang in this department.  He tries to teach you martial arts at night when everyone else is resting and listens to everything that you say.  He worries about being friendzoned, do to his complex, but remedies it with playful nudges and tackling you a bit longer than needed.
Quan Chi: He uses his magic to get you to like him.  He sends flowers to your room via portal and deems it "Room Service. "  He tells you he likes you and wants you to join the netherealm.    You worry that he doens't take your job seriously, but hes really smooth.
Raiden: Raiden is bothered that he likes you, actually.  You being mortal puts him on edge and hes afraid to touch you.  After being around you some time he will open up.  He brings you calming storms while you sleep and if at all possible will cause storms to get you out of doing things that you do not wish to do.
Rain:  Rain is the reason you wont wear a white tee shirt.  He also steals you the best things ever.  You tried to reject them, but he just started hiding them in your room.  He calls them loving treasure hunts.  You are conflicted.
Reptile: He would prefer his own kind, but you are good to him.  He shows you his appreciation in small ways and hopes that you don't find him repulsive.  He brings you back exotic plants from his missions.
Smoke: Smoke is quiet and worse at small talk than SubZero.  Most of the time he only stares at you.  He surprises you one day and takes you to a hot spring far away.  He still won't talk but you understand that he is trying.
Sonya:  She tries to bury herself in work so that she can claim that she needs you for office affairs.  The more you work, the less time you have for the other combatants to get in the way.  She's not great with emotions so this is the best way to go at it.
Takeda: He takes after his old man with reading your mind, but he prefers to venture out into the city and take you to strange, new places.  He's a bit of an adrenaline junky, honestly.  He has to be, with his father,  master and friends trying to knock him out of the running.  Kenshi tries to bring him down where he lacks in court ship and Hanzo is extra rough during training now. 
Tanya:  She is sure to show her loyalty to you.  She puts the others in their places when they get too out of hand, but it is really just a ploy to get you to notice her.
I might make some one shots out of these.  WHo knWS
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efrankclick · 7 years
Kitana Chronicles Alternia 2: Former King, A few words
Outworld is now under Mileena's control. Kotal Kahn, for is cowardice and refusal to fight against Shinnok has made him an enemy in many places including; Earthealm and Edenia. Kitana sent Tanya to locate Mileena's soul who had previously been killed by the devious Devora. Tanya stole the soul from the Netherrealm without the dragon lord, formerly Liu Kang being aware. She then traveled to Outworld and into the flesh pits and found one failed clone of mileena. This clone unlike the original clone has darker toned spots across her shoulders and back. She was also lifeless... Tanya using the knowledge she has of magic infused the soul of mileena into this new body and thus was reborn mileena... With Kitana's aide they over threw Kotal and imprisoned him... Currently Mileena has ruled neglectful. Most of Outworld has fallen into chaos while she caters to choice provinces. This has caused tension between her and the shokan. Goro himself now has an audience with her. "You are neglectful of Shokan territory and is has jeopardized the livelyhood of my people. You have restricted trades and cut off many communication routes... If we did not share something before, I'd think you were trying to seclude us for a reason." Goro complain looking up at her sitting upon her elevated throne. "You would be correct, Shokan. My intentions were to starve you. Your people request too much and refuse to compromise." "We abide by the accords of your father under contract." He argues. "My father is not here. I am the empress of Outworld and I have laid out my accords... I am not expanding other territories. I am expanding my own." She informs him. "That would require the shokan territory to become your territory." He realizes. "Yes, giving me complete authority over the shokan." She smiles. "And should we refuse?" "I will request my sister's aide in taking it from you... But, there is something you could do for me to persuade me to allow you to keep your territory..." In Edenia, Kitana walks into the cemetery after casually walking among her people. Beside her walks four women with their faces concealed behind white masks. They wear similar armor, only varying slightly amongst each other. The most notable difference is color scheme. One is silver, another is purple, the next is red, and the last is deep green. They all have different weapons too; green has the bow, purple has the chain sword, red has a katana, and silver does not appear to wield a weapon... These women are her personal guards called the echoes. Each trained by her individually and in secret. She knows everything about them and they are the best assassins in return... As Kitana takes a moment of silence at her parents graves a message from her husband, Kuai Liang, comes through on the magical amulet she is wearing. "Kitana, are you expecting an audience this evening?" He asks. "No, not at all." "We have been summoned." He tells her before ending the transmission. Kitana like her guards are confused but the hurry back to the palace... She meets with her husband and they both take their thrones together. Kuai Liang signals for their unannounced guest to be escorted in. "Surprises such as these are never good." He says lowly to her. "This will be the only surprise my love." She smiles at him. The doors leading to the throne room are opened and they immediately notice Mileena. The man she is with however, catches them by surprise. It's Liu Kang. He is back in his human form... They are escorted by mileena's royal escort. "What? How...? What is the meaning of this?" Kitana rises from her throne in obvious confusion a difference outrage. "Is it not obvious, sister? I too have a king now." Mileena teases holding Liu Kang's hand. "Husband?" Kitana mutters in shock. "Yes, since you and the ice box there decided to wed, I figured you wouldn't mind if I took what you left behind." "I don't." Kitana tells her. "You don't?" Liu Kang speaks up taking offense to her nonchalant attitude towards this revelation. Everything begins to heat up. Liu's aura is increasing with his anger. Kitana is hit with a wave of heat but subzero steps forward with his own aura of cold air that staves off the heat. Mileena looks around to see why she isn't affected by liu's heat but she cannot answer for it. She does however notice some of her royal Guard within a specific radius dying from the heat. "I think you should leave." Kuai Liang tells mileena and Liu. "You should have when you had the chance, subzero." Liu responds. "To you, I am King Kuai Liang and you will address my Queen with respect." "Your queen..." Liu stares Kuai Liang in the eyes as they exchange intensities. Mileena smiles deviously but then remembers that they are not there to fight. Though she has some desire for a sibling rivalry she actually does seek approval from Kitana. "I did not come here for a fight. Though I do love the shock and awe upon your face sister." She speaks up breaking the tension. "We are not sisters Mileena. You are simply a construct composed partly of my blood, get on with your message and then be gone." "My husband and I have come to announce the good news to you. The next Mortal Kombat Tournament draws near. Be prepared for loss because Edenia will once again belong to outworld. And I, will have more than you." Mileena teases. "I do not know how you achieved such feats, " Kitana says referring to Liu Kang, "but this is not a game." She argues. "Oh, but it is, and you will lose..." Mileena speaks with a sinister smiles before turning and leaving the presence of Kitana and Kuai Liang... Kitana Chronicles Alternia 3: Techunin and Shirairyu, choose a side.
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