#mentor nation podcast
mentornationpodcast · 11 months
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The podcast episode titled "Building a Successful Franchise with Shane Lynch" on Mentor Nation Podcast features an insightful conversation with Shane Lynch, an expert in the field of franchising. The episode delves into the key elements and strategies for building a successful franchise business. Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights, tips, and advice from Shane Lynch's experience and expertise in franchising. Whether you're interested in starting a franchise or looking to optimize an existing one, this episode provides valuable information and inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the franchising industry.
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nateconnolly · 2 months
What Does the Lion Turtle Chant Mean?
A podcast episode about the spirituality of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Transcript Preview:
Many people have told me they struggle to take Sozin’s Comet seriously because they would have killed the Fire Lord without hesitation. And, look, as far as I’m concerned — if you’re willing to kill a genocidal colonizer, good for you! Many blessings upon your journey! And the show isn’t trying to dissuade you. 
Aang is not the only voice of wisdom in Avatar. He’s not a puppet through which the text articulates its meaning. Avatar is about cultural exchange. When one character says what they think is true, that isn’t necessarily the moral of a story. That’s one voice, and the story is a conversation. So, I don’t think that Sozin’s Comet is using Aang to say “Hey, you, you, looking at the TV, you personally should never support violent revolution!” Water Tribe culture doesn’t seem to have any problem with killing on the battlefield. 
When Sokka lops off the Melon Lord’s head, there’s some very clear indications that we’re supposed to be troubled. The musical cue, Momo eating the melon, he lingering focus on Aang’s reaction … But I don’t think this scene is meant to communicate that Sokka is a bad guy. Or that soldiers are inherently bad people. I assume that Hakoda, Bato, and Tyro killed people. These figures are portrayed as admirable, and even as mentors. 
The scene in which Sokka kills the Melon Lord is there to illustrate the difference between Southern Water Tribe culture and Air Nomad culture. Sokka’s journey is about embracing and reclaiming all the parts of his culture that the Fire Nation tried to destroy. He wasn’t able to go ice dodging or to train as a wolf warrior, but he has found a way to become a strong, protective man anyways. And that does mean that he’s willing to kill or die for a cause he believes in. This scene doesn’t communicate that Sokka is a bad person. It communicates that Sokka is walking his own path, and that Aang is walking a different path. But the show doesn’t try to tell you one of them is wrong and the other is right. 
At the same time, I think we need to remember that Aang is saying something he believes. It’s not just an emotional problem for him. 
Aang gives multiple related, but different reasons not to kill the Fire Lord.
“I didn’t feel like myself.” 
The Fire Lord “is still a human being.”
Killing goes against “everything the monks taught me.”
“All life is sacred.”
In Southern Raiders, he also makes a more general claim that “violence is never the answer,” but I think that the writers had to use the word “violence” as a euphemism. In our normal usage of the word, punching somebody would be a “violent” act. Aang clearly has no problem whacking people over the head or shooting wind at them. I think this is a way of making the show more kid friendly, and that what Aang actually means is 
“[Killing] is never the answer.”
Some of these claims are about Aang as an individual. He’s saying he doesn’t feel like he, specifically, can kill someone. That it goes against the values of his culture. And some of these are universal claims. He’s saying no one should kill, not ever. 
But he also believes in a separate ethical mandate. As the Avatar, he has to protect the world. In this lifetime, that means preventing the Fire Lord from burning the Earth Kingdom. 
This is a story about moral standards, and they seem impossible to live up to. There’s no easy answer. If you believe that murder is wrong, and you believe in the duties of the Avatar, then you have a conflict of values, not just emotions. In order to understand the Buddhist themes of Sozin’s Comet, we have to understand Buddhist ideas of morality. 
This podcast episode
Nate's short story about Buddhism
Transcript with Citations
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enbyzutara · 29 days
Aang x Luke Skywalker Parallels: How Aang’s Hero’s Journey Wasn't Properly Finished
I read this post by @lovegrowsart and I couldn't get it out of my mind how Aang and Luke Skywalker's journeys have so much in common, yet only one of these arcs feels like it has come to a properly finished conclusion. Meanwhile, the other one feels like the character didn't learn what he was supposed to in order to fulfill his Hero's Journey arc. So, in this post, I want to expand more on why “Aang was supposed to be the Luke Skywalker of Avatar: The Last Airbender”, but the creators of A:TLA failed to properly finish his story.
Firstly, it’s important to point out that the Star Wars saga and universe are widely famous in pop and nerd culture, including Luke Skywalker, the Jedi protagonist, who himself is one of the most famous and beloved characters from the saga. So, it’s not really a reach to assume that the creators and writers of Avatar: The Last Airbender were - at some level - inspired by this famous universe and character. By doing a quick research, we can confirm this assumption, because Bryan Konietzko, one of the co-creators of A:TLA, said in a podcast that Dave Filoni helped to shape A:TLA and its story. Also, both creators said that Joseph Campbell’s writing about mythology helped them to create the Hero’s Journey and the other storylines for their show, and George Lucas was also heavily inspired by Campbell when he was writing Star Wars.
(I will refer to the Star Wars episodes of the original trilogy as one, two and three - even though, nowadays, they are the numbers four, five and six).
Bryke (Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, the co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender) and George Lucas share a lot of tropes and narratives in the stories that each one of them created. Both protagonists of the sagas are the '"chosen one" of their universe: both are the last of their kind (even though in the Star Wars universe, initially there were two more older Jedi) who have the weight of the world’s future on their shoulders. Aang needs to fight against the Fire Lord and Luke, initially, against Darth Vader. By doing this, they would bring balance to the world/galaxy.
It’s also important to emphasize how Luke Skywalker and Aang are not only the saviors of the story, they are also the last of their kind. In A:TLA and in Star Wars, we have populations that suffered genocide: the Airbenders were brutally exterminated by the Fire Nation during Sozin’s Comet, and initially, it was revealed in the original Star Wars trilogy that the Jedi were wiped out of the galaxy when Order 66 happened. So, Luke and Aang not only have the destiny of the world/galaxy on their shoulders, they also are the only ones who can continue the legacy, the culture, and the survival of their own kind.
Another parallel between Luke Skywalker and Aang is that both have a Mentor From Beyond. Luke Skywalker was able to seek knowledge from the Jedis who had passed away in the original trilogy. Firstly, it was Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was his first mentor; Luke was able to communicate with him, and Obi-Wan would give him advice and directions to follow. Later, Yoda also appeared to him. For Aang, due to the fact that he’s the Avatar (and to be the Avatar means that you are the reincarnation of someone who already died), he was able to contact the Avatars from his past incarnations. In the show, Roku is the past Avatar with whom Aang most often connects, but he also seeks knowledge from Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen.
In Book One: Water and A New Hope, both characters are presented as more naive, and the narrative is not as tense as in the later seasons/episodes. However, the sequel presents a "darker" version of its universe as both characters grow and face emotional dilemmas and more hardships. The Empire Strikes Back and Book Two: Earth explore, even more, the ongoing war in their respective universes, and by the end of these sequels, things go wrong for the heroes. And what I really want to discuss is the similarity between the second episode of Star Wars and the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
At some point in the second episode/season, Luke and Aang had to separate from their group of friends in order to learn more and to train. They had to seek knowledge of what they are and what they represent, because by doing this, they would be a step closer to fulfilling their duties and saving the galaxy/world. At this moment in the narrative, Luke and Aang have an older and wiser mentor who will try to help them achieve this: Yoda and Guru Pathik.
But neither Luke nor Aang finish these training sessions that they started, because during their training, they have a vision of people who are special to them currently in danger. So, even though Yoda and Guru Pathik advise them not to leave and to finish what they started, they leave. Luke goes to Cloud City to save his friends (Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C3PO) and Aang goes to Ba Sing Se to save Katara. And as stated before, in this episode/season finale, things go wrong for the heroes, including to the protagonists who are supposed to be the saviors of both universes. Luke and Aang left their training even though they were advised otherwise, they went to fight without properly learning what they needed to learn. So when they faced the enemy, they lost. Both at the end were defeated: Aang quite literally dies and Luke has a metaphorical death when he learns about his parentage and loses one of his arms. He also "commits suicide" when he decides to jump instead of aligning himself with the Dark Side.
Now, something really important here is to talk about how Luke and Aang's attachments to people who are dear to them made them run away from what they should have been doing, instead of bringing them closer to their duties and destiny. It was understandable the reasons why they left their training, but it still was wrong in the sense that things went wrong and it ended tragically for both characters. And, it’s never portrayed in both sagas that loving someone is wrong, but being attached to someone is. Both of their Hero’s Journeys required them to learn the difference between what is love and what is attachment, because both concepts are different and one of them (attachment) is portrayed in both sagas as wrong, especially for the protagonists.
Although I’m not Buddhist, nor was I raised as one, it’s clear that Star Wars (1) (2) and Avatar: The Last Airbender (1) (2) both were inspired, to some extent, by this religion and its philosophy. (I tried searching for articles and videos made by Buddhist people, but, unfortunately, I couldn't really find many, so if anyone wants to link more content, please, feel free). And one thing that appears to be inspired by this religion and philosophy in both sagas was the concept of attachment in contrast to love (1) (2). Before delving into the topic of attachment in the show and movie, it’s ideal to understand what attachment means from a Buddhist perspective:
In Buddhism, attachment is called upādāna, which means grasping or clinging. It refers to the human tendency to cling to people, things, or ideas in the mistaken belief that they will bring us lasting happiness and fulfillment. Attachment arises from our desire to feel secure, comfortable, and control of our lives. (...) Attachment to people: Attachment to people can become a source of suffering, as we can become overly dependent on them for our happiness, identity, and sense of security. This attachment can take many forms, from romantic relationships to friendships and family bonds.
While searching for what would be the difference between love vs attachment in Buddhism, this quote also brought my attention (I'll definitely come back to this later): 
Any kind of relationship which imagines that we can fulfill ourselves through another is bound to be very tricky. Ideally people would come together already feeling fulfilled within themselves and just therefore appreciating that in the other, rather than expecting the other to supply that sense of well-being.
George Lucas seemed to understand this concept better than Bryke. In Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker a) trusts his group of friends way more than he did in The Empire Strikes Back, b) he was also able to let go of his anger for Darth Vader because he genuinely loved Anakin, his father. George Lucas was very vocal about how he wanted to portray attachment as a bad thing, and when it comes to this topic, he never intended to make the Jedi philosophy something wrong. Strict? Maybe, but not wrong. And in the end, as the episode’s title suggests, Luke "returns", as he also returns to Dagobah to contact his master, Yoda, one last time. (The title of this episode can also refer to Anakin returning to the Light Side, but art can be interpreted in different and many ways).
In contrast, Avatar: The Last Airbender presented Aang’s attachment to Katara in a bad light. The Guru episode shows that Aang's attachment to Katara, not his feelings, is what is making him fail to open his chakra and not being able to enter into the Avatar State. 
Pathik: The Thought Chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy, and is blocked by earthly attachment. Meditate on what attaches you to this world. [Images of Katara appear before Aang.] Now, let all of those attachments go. Let them flow down the river, forgotten.
It’s even more important to understand that what Aang feels for Katara is not genuine love, at least in this episode, it’s pretty much stated that he is attached to her in a way that he needs to learn to let go. To expand a little bit on this, it’s necessary to analyze two Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes and how they portray what Aang feels for Katara:
Firstly, 'The Fortuneteller' episode portrays Aang’s feelings for Katara as just a childish crush. There's nothing wrong with a childish crush in general, especially because Aang is, in fact, a child, so he's bound to be childish. But in this episode, what he feels for Katara is paralleled with what Meng feels for him: something that was one-sided and lacked "emotional maturity and self-awareness". Both Aang and Meng viewed their crushes in an overestimated and hyper-idealized way, which again was portrayed as silly and in a bad light.
Secondly, in 'The Guru' episode, it shows that yes, Aang does love Katara, but is it in the right way? The Air Nomads' genocide deeply affects Aang, and he still loves the people that he lost, obviously. But in the show, Guru Pathik states that the love that Aang felt for the Air Nomads was 'reborn' in a new love - his love for Katara. So, Aang is projecting his feelings of love for the people who were brutally exterminated onto the girl who, at this moment in the narrative, was only his dear friend who shows him support and fights alongside him. Aang needed to get closure and heal from this traumatic event; it’s a huge trauma that he should work through. But instead, he was coping by projecting his feelings onto something, or better, someone.
I personally think that Aang loves Katara to some extent, but he needed to work through his trauma first. This goes along with something already shown before, quoting: "people would come together [in a relationship] already feeling fulfilled within themselves and just therefore appreciating that in the other".
The chakra/Guru plotline in Avatar: The Last Airbender is not about Aang needing to stop loving Katara; that's a huge misunderstanding. It was about how Aang was attached to something (or someone, in his case) that he needed to learn to let go of, so he could progress, grow, and heal. After he fulfilled this arc about what's love vs attachment, two things could happen: a) maybe Aang would realize that his love for Katara was more platonic and that he was projecting a lot onto her because he sees her in an idealized way, or b) that he indeed loves her but he needs to realize that he's too much attached to the comfort that she gives and brings to him, so his feelings for her need to have more emotional maturity.
And in the end of season two, Aang actually let go of his attachment to Katara, and he was able to achieve the Avatar State. But unfortunately, after this, he was brutally attacked by Azula and had his chakra blocked.
But in Book Three: Fire, not only does he not return to see or contact Guru again, as Luke did (returned to see his older and wiser mentor, Yoda, in the third and final episode), but Aang also appears to still be attached to Katara in the same way that he already was, if not worse. In the Ember Island Players episode, he: 1) gets so mad and frustrated with the Players portraying his relationship with Katara in a non-romantic light that he says that he could go into the Avatar State over this, and 2) rushes things with Katara and kisses her without her consent, disrespecting her boundaries, after she just avoided his romantic questions and advances.
Point 1:
Aang: [Angered.] No, I'm not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]  Katara: I know it's upsetting, but it sounds like you're overreacting.  Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn't blocked my chakra, I'd probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Point 2: 
Aang: But it's true, isn't it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we're not. 
Katara: Aang, I don't know. 
Aang: Why don't you know?  Katara: Because, we're in the middle of a war, and, we have other things to worry about. This isn't the right time.
Aang: Well, when is the right time? 
Katara: Aang, I'm sorry, but right now I'm just a little confused.  [Aang tries to kiss Katara.]
Katara: I just said I was confused! I'm going inside. [Exits the balcony.]
All of this shows how he still lacked emotional maturity, and how he still was attached to Katara, in a way not much different from what was shown in Book Two: Earth. Overall, this shows how his feelings for her weren't properly developed and didn't grow from where they previously were – because it was still bound by an attachment that he needed to let go of in order to grow, heal, and learn.
Unfortunately, the Guru/Chakra plotline was completely brushed aside in Book Three: Fire; Aang doesn't even seek to see Guru again or continue his unfinished training. And in the end, when he was fighting the Fire Lord, what he was always meant to do, he managed to go into the Avatar State. Not because he trained or learned how to achieve this goal; actually, it was because a rock saved him by triggering the Avatar State. So, in the end, an entire plotline was ignored and forgotten. Aang didn't learn what he needed to learn with Guru, nor did he finish the training that he was meant to do, and he still was rewarded by the narrative with achieving the Avatar State and saving the world (and also, "getting the girl").
[(...) and Aang protects himself with an airbending shield but is pushed back by the force of the attack, crashing into a rock pillar. The scar on his back is hit with a point of the rock, causing him to flashback to when he was shot by lightning. (...) Aang jumps out, now in the Avatar State, and grabs Ozai by his goatee.]
And that's why Aang is the Luke Skywalker that we could’ve had. Luke finished his Hero's Journey; he learned what he needed to learn and because of it, he saved the galaxy and his father. Meanwhile, Aang didn't learn about love vs attachment, yet he still achieved what he needed to achieve from the beginning: the Avatar State and winning against the Fire Lord. And he only achieved that because the narrative chose to give him a final new solution to resolve all his problems instead of him directly dealing with and facing the problems, difficulties, and dilemmas that the narrative initially proposed to him.
(I don’t actually mean quite literally that Aang needs or should have been the Luke Skywalker from Avatar: The Last Airbender, because Aang is his own character who has his own story. What I mean is that: Luke Skywalker is a character who is similar in some ways to Aang, and he had his Hero’s Journey properly fulfilled. I believe that Aang also deserved the same treatment by the creators of ATLA).
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sapphicthunderhead · 5 months
This summer, over the course of three months at most, I listened to the entirety of Within the Wires. It’s a sci-fi podcast produced by WtNV Presents (Welcome to Night Vale fans, this is right up your alley).
The stories in this anthology are all set in a world parallel to our own, in which the last war in history ended with the establishment of a globalized society without national borders, ethnic divides, and most bizarrely, without biological families. All children are raised communally and none are allowed to know their parents.
Every season (except for the Chicago one, which I seem to recall features a trans man as protagonist) has a woman in the leading role. Every season focuses on the protagonist’s relationship with a woman/the women in their lives. The series has multiple canonically sapphic leads, explores complicated mother-daughter relationships, and dives into the treacherous waters of nuanced subjects, such as:
What does it mean to be an artist? What is art?
What does it mean to love/be in love? What does it mean to be responsible for other people’s well-being, as a leader, a mentor, or a parent?
What does societal progress really look like?
Is greed/arrogance/selfishness inherent to the human condition? (What sociopolitical factors might make corruption the path of least resistance for both politician and civilian, as opposed to compassion and enlightenment?)
What dangers exist in anarchy? What other hazards are posed by hard authoritarianism?
Anyway, if you’re interested in hearing “relaxation tapes” in a high-tech “hospital” being used as a means to coordinate a breakout with one of the inmates, or listening to an old woman ponder and lament the possible murder of her fellow artist & lover, I would highly recommend Within the Wires.
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glittertomb · 8 months
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Nobody asked but these are some of my favorite podcasts!
I’ve gotten really into podcasts the past couple of years because of social isolation, my knitting addiction, and because they really help me get through tedious chores like folding laundry and washing dishes (this is honestly my favorite adhd hack, besides turning on instrumental fantasy music so I can focus when reading). So I’ve definitely cultivated a little mind garden of spooky, magical, and informative podcasts that I wanted to share with you. Some are more mainstream, some are a little more obscure, but all of them are dear to me and have comforted and nourished me during dark days.
National park after dark~ my current favorite podcast is hosted by two new englanders with backgrounds in conservation, animal care, and park exploration who share stories about dark happenings, mysterious sightings, perilous treks, and deadly experiences at national parks across the globe
Your magic~ an inclusive and open-minded modern magic podcast hosted by popular author, tarot fanatic, and lifelong witch Michelle Tea that features an amazing lineup of diverse guests including scientists, musicians, actors, social justice advocates, fledgling magic practitioners, and people who were practicing magic without even realizing it
Pleasing Terrors~ hosted by a former tour guide of haunted locations, this podcast explores morbid histories, creepy folktales, and unexplained circumstances from the perspective of a person who has devoted their life to researching and sharing ghost stories for over 20 years
Out There~ this queer host with a voice like melted butta tells dramatic tales about the encounters with, descriptions of, and theories about the cryptids that haunt our imaginations (the podcast used to include a weird club segment at the end where they would invite their hilarious friends to discuss the believability of the featured cryptid, but it’s been missing for a few months and I hope it comes back 🥺)
Lore~ most people are probably aware of this delightfully spooky podcast about frightening folklore, but I had to include it because this is one of my go-to podcasts for when I’m taking a nighttime bath by candlelight and need a good spooky story to soak to, because I’m a little weirdo like that
The Strange and unusual podcast~ intoxicating and beautifully-told macabre stories that range from dark fairytales, mysterious murders, tainted histories, and hand-woven tales crafted by the host herself (it’s accompanied by melancholic music and the occasional low budget sound effects of people grunting/dying lol)
Morbid~ my emotional support murder podcast 😭😹. I was never really one to follow true crime, but I discovered this popular podcast when researching the haunted past of lake Lanier and I fell in love with these girls and their wonderful storytelling, hilarious banter, and thoughtful perspectives. Plus, getting extra insight from Alaina’s autopsy background is fascinating to me. And who doesn’t love the delightful nonsense and off-the-cuff witticisms that spout from Ash.
Cults~ this is the podcast that got me into daily listening! I was a big fan of welcome to night vale since the beginning, but Cults is the podcast that truly got me hooked on podcast listening and I even fall asleep to it (I guess listening to horrifying stories about mass manipulation is… soothing? Am I okay?). The podcast has unfortunately been on a year long hiatus but it has an ton of archived episodes that will thrill and chill you. Now I guess I need to start a new cult so they can have more content 🤔🤫
Coffee & Cauldrons~ this podcast is hosted by two professional tarot readers with mentoring personalities who want to make the world of magic accessible to everyone. Their show includes book recommendations for beginners, insights on how to practice during different lunar phases, tips on creating your own altar, and stories about their personal practice.
Spooked~ the latest podcast I’ve added to my very long list is hosted by a black creator who shares ghost stories from the first-person perspective. I really like this podcast because it’s produced by a team of people who are very diverse in race, age, gender, location, and background, and the guests they feature on the podcast to tell their own stories are just as varied.
If you made it to the end, thank ya and love ya! Happy spooking! 💜🌸👻
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ridenwithbiden · 6 months
‘Scripture Is Very Clear’: New House Speaker Tells Congress God Has ‘Ordained’ Them. Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, in his first remarks after being elected Wednesday afternoon, told Members of Congress that “Scripture” and “the Bible” are clear that they have been “ordained” by God.
“I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night,” Speaker Johnson declared. “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a manner like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today, to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country and they deserve it.”
Later, speaking outside on the steps of Congress, Speaker Johnson again mentioned “Scripture.”
Critics have characterized Speaker Johnson, who hails from Louisiana, as a “Christian nationalist.”
“An evangelical Christian, he has voted for a national abortion ban and co-sponsored a 20-week abortion ban, earning him an A-plus rating from the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America,” The New York Times reports. “On the day the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, he celebrated, calling it ‘an extraordinary day in American history that took us almost a half-century to get to.’ He hosts a religious podcast with his wife and considers Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, one of the founders of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, a mentor.”
“Last year,” The Times adds, “Mr. Johnson introduced a bill that prohibited the use of federal funds for providing sex education to children under 10 that included any L.G.B.T.Q. topics — a proposal that critics called a national version of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law. Mr. Johnson called the legislation ‘common sense.'”
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synth-spinner · 1 year
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@milimeters-morales GWAHHH THANK U THANK U FOR ASKING!!! ITS A JOY TO THINK ABT THIS💥 AND I HAVE SO MACH TO SAY BUT BASICALLY !!! Superior visits earth 1048 sometimes using the dimension hopper device thing <3 AND HIM AND PS4 PETER HAVE GOT A FATHER SON RELATIONSHIP GOIN AWN PLUS THEY HELP EACH OTHER HEAL AND GROW !!!!! superior also would have some freakang awesome interactions with certain other characters in e1048 too :3 I'm just gonna explain the set up then I'll just say a few things :3 other ideas I can say in the future !! When I develop them more<3
Superior and ps4 meet during the spidergeddon event :3 and ofc when ps4 first learns that superior is otto who's stolen his peters body it brings up a whole load of trauma </3 he even says like I know what you've done to your peter.. you're worse than my otto ever was :( and I was like GWAGHH...<-had been thinking abt them meeting before I found out they DID actually meet in the comics
Anyway there r definitely some ISSUES ! Superior has also worked quite hard to protect the spiders so far and he is trying to be a better person so hearing ps4 spidey, a peter parker, say that to him probably hurt a bit :( cuz like he KNOWWSS‼️‼️ it's just a reminder that his existence contradicts the person he wants to be and .. grughh..
BUT!!! After peter sees superior try so so hard to save them and be a good person (keyword try, he can be pretty morally dubious at times) he's like hey.. you're actually trying to be a hero, you're not that bad... and starts trusting him a lil more.. <3 and then there's THIS freaking thang
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AND BWAAHHHH THEY CARE !! THEY THE ONLY ONES WHO GET IT FRR THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER !!!! WAAHH,, its helping ps4 to see an otto octavius who HAS gone down a path of villainy like his otto actually come back from that and start trying to be a good guy again,, even going so far as to say superior reminds him of his otto .. which is like.. bwuh.. means superior is at least decently niceys to remind peter of his old mentor/father figure,,, And of course its helping superior to know that a peter parker believes in him and his efforts to be a hero <33 despite his existence being a product of a horrible act.. <33
In my mind I'm a little sillay <3 superior here isn't from the main timeline (actually canon) so I just stay silly with it and say that he does the whole spidergeddon thing then returns to his timeline without much time passing and continues to save the day in his own universe👍 so no consequences there </3 however since he's had more experience and tech (and some advice from ps4 peter :3) he's able to resolve the goblin nation thing without sacrificing himself and well yeah that's a lil selfish but let's ALSO just say superior's peter parkers consciousness does not reform from his memories so there's nobody to give the body back to </3
Anyway now superior has a life in his own universe with Anna maria and also he's a teacher at Horizon/ Horizon Uni ^_^ the whole teacher thing was an idea from my big brain superior spidey mutual @ztu2455 who has such awesome ideas <3 Tu if u see this I BEG of u to share and post ur ideas so I can rb :3 they r so awesome‼️<3333
Anyway he's doin pretty good all things considered :3 this is the part where I just get silly with it. He still has a dimension hopper thingamajig from spidergeddon and uses it to visit e-1048 every now and then :3 !! 💕 which slowly becomes a regular thing and he learns more abt peters world and meets miles and ganke anddd sometimes he brings Anna maria along maybe :3 FOUND FAMYY NOWWW!!! He has some CHOICE words for jjj (like in the games where people would call in to his podcast to be like UHMM ACTUALLY HE SAVED US !!!") yeah he would defend the 1048 spideys with his life <3
Miles would definitely be pretty wary of him at first but he trusts peters judgement and gets to know superior and maaan superior cares so much abt him hes gonna be one of those really mother hen uncle figures and give miles soo much advice on how to fight and stay safe and strategise and <3333 he would make GADGETS for them too I bet <3
And and he would looove ganke because.. he gets it.. a young genius surrounded by super people but he himself doesn't have powers.. something something metaphor .. but he's so loved and supported and appreciated by everyone in his life... superior would be OVERJOYED to see that ‼️ He would give Ganke some guidance for his tech and coding stuff (tho he doesn't need that much and learns pretty quickly) and he'd praise ganke and the spiders soo much cuz he wants to be the father figure he never had.. especially to all these people who believe in him and appreciate him for who he is ... grughaghhhh..
Anyway can you tell I'm normal abt these spiders <3
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thehuntressdevote · 1 year
INTRO - the huntress devotee
My name: Sapph
My age: 28
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Pronouns: she/her
Gender Identity: Cis-female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Type of witch/pagan: eclectic pagan & desert witch
Favorite crystal: Bismuth
Favorite tarot card: The Lovers
How long I've been practicing for: Nov 2017
What's my favorite kind of tea?: Anything with chamomile
Any deities?: Artemis (Patron, Greek) and Sunna (Norse/Germanic)
Podcasts I would recommend: The Magick Kitchen Podcast, Comfy Cozy Witch Podcast, & Invoking Witchcraft Podcast
About: Hello. As my little intro says, I have been practicing witchcraft since (late) 2017. I actually started here, on Tumblr! But eventually after a month or so, I moved to Tik Tok. The community there has it's good and bad days. Recently there have been talks about Tik Tok being banned, so I wanted to find a space where I could still post content. Tumblr was the first thing that came to mind.
My path has taken MANY twists and turns since I started. Now I mainly focus on: eclectic paganism, desert witchcraft, omnism and animism. What do those things mean? See below...
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The short version of that is-- My magick is based in my desert home (Arizona), and my beliefs are that of being in service to the Earth & that any and all Gods/Goddesses/Entities/Spirits/Etc... from any and all cultures/religions exist. With that being said; I do invite any and all Gods/Goddesses/Entities/Spirits/Etc... from any and all cultures/religions WITH THE EXCEPTION OF any and all Gods/Goddesses/Entities/Spirits/Etc... from any and all cultures/religions from CLOSED PRACTICES. While I do acknowledge and respect the divine from those close practices; they are not mine to claim/work with/invite into my space.
Please feel free to reach out and ask questions. I do have 1 more disclaimer-- I am NOT a teacher, I am not a mentor, I am not someone to look to for guidance. I am still learning, still a student, looking to peer-share with others who are still learning.
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simplybeeingwren · 2 years
One comment I saw over and over again was people claiming Christian Extremists "aren't true Christians".
Here's the thing, it doesn't matter.
It just doesn't fucking matter.
The whole point is Christian Nationalism *Exists and it is Wrong*.
They want to infiltrate the government and it's no secret. They base it off of Matthew 28:28-30. They won't stop with the US. Their goal is Global Domination. Just look at how they have already dominated the globe with their Christian White Supremacy. Their next goal is taking over politics. They aren't quiet about it because they think they are following Christ. It is part of their faith.
I want you to take them seriously when they tell you their agenda.
Stop dismissing and downplaying them. Stop theologically debating them. Stop shrugging your shoulders to live your best life like they don't exist.
Your dismissive attitude about them doesn't matter when they are lobbying to take your rights away.
They've already declared a "holy w@r" on unbelievers, and the political climate is playing into their hands. It's fucking already started.
As much compassion as I have, we cannot pander or cater to them. Loving people doesn't mean that we aren't allowed to be angry. I'm fuckin livid and you should be too.
Now that that's out of the way,
I am agnostic. I *personally do not follow Jesus. I don't really care about him, honestly. I don't care what the Bible says. I just want to have a healthy planet to live on and a healthy society as best we can, not just for us, but for future generations.
I see atheism and theists as both valid *personal beliefs. I just think it's best for us not to confuse faith with facts which is why I am agnostic. I have a lot of believer friends on my page whom I respect, and I have a lot of atheist friends I respect. Have fun debating among yourselves if that brings you joy. Just please be respectful and remember we are limited in our understanding here.
I believe in basic human kindness, but I am not naive. I don't follow Jesus, I do not feel compelled to follow his teachings. I may or may not subscribe to turning the other cheek or even forgiveness. If you bite me, I might bite back. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't play with oppression or abusers.
And for fucks sake, I got my tattoos After I Deconstructed. 🙄🙄🙄 Thank you for telling me what wasn't allowed in my own religion... I wasn't even able to speak my mind as a woman, or even God forbid, *say something Insightful in the presence of men* without getting gossiped about or kicked out of the church, but please, tell me how having tattoos *Today invalidates what I said about my own Past experience. I don't want to go to your "fairyland" anyway 🤣🤣🤣 Yes, I was actually quoting a comment. Lmao
I do not speak because I am trying to win anyone over. I speak because, bottom line, it's worth speaking. I speak because We are the MAJORITY and need to act like it. I speak because I have the courage to. I speak because I am a woman and a mother. I speak because I care about my country and humanity. However, changing minds is never a reason why I do what I do. I don't care about that. I respect people enough to let them be.
To all of those who were genuine, felt validated because of your own experience with Christianity, I see you. I honor you. You aren't crazy. You aren't alone. You are my reason. This is our country too. Don't give up. Your story matters. I will try to respond to as many as I can.
For the friend requests, I don't typically add people who I don't have any mutual friends with. If you shoot me a message introducing yourself, I'm more inclined to add you.
For those wanting more of my work, please feel free to hit the Follow button. I am available for writing and speaking engagements, podcasts, coaching and mentoring. I do a lot of various things on the side such as frequency wellness devices (both sessions and sales), Human Design readings, and even payment processing for business owners. Hell, I even officiate weddings and ceremonies. Message me if anything sparks your interest.
Thank you so much to all who shared your heart and shared the post. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know it hits home and that we aren't alone.
We won't give up or give in.
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Making Millions in Multi-Family with Jennings Smith
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In this episode I interview Jennings Smith. Jennings is an investor and the founder of My first million in Multifamily. He has built a portfolio to over $60,000,000 in value, in three years, comprising over 1500 rental units, with $800,000 a month in rents collected.
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rajiasacademy25 · 4 days
How to prepare daily current affairs for UPSC
Preparing for the UPSC exam requires more than just studying textbooks and reference materials. One crucial aspect that often determines success is staying updated with current affairs. But how to prepare daily current affairs for UPSC? Fear not! Raj IAS Academy has got you covered with a simple yet effective approach. Let's dive into the step-by-step guide:
Start Early: Daily current affairs preparation is a marathon, not a sprint. Begin your day by setting aside some time specifically for staying updated with the latest news and events. Starting early gives you ample time to absorb information and retain it effectively.
Choose Reliable Sources: With a plethora of news sources available, it's essential to select reliable and credible sources for your daily current affairs preparation. Stick to renowned newspapers, news websites, and reputable news channels known for their unbiased reporting.
Follow a Routine: Consistency is key when it comes to daily current affairs preparation. Establish a routine that works for you, whether it's reading the newspaper over breakfast or listening to news podcasts during your daily commute. Make it a habit, and soon it will become second nature.
Take Notes: As you go through the daily news, jot down important points, key events, and significant developments in a notebook or digital document. Summarize the information in your own words to aid better understanding and retention.
Focus on Relevance: Not every piece of news is relevant for UPSC preparation. Prioritize topics related to national and international affairs, government policies, socio-economic issues, scientific advancements, and environmental developments—the ones that are likely to be asked in the exam.
Use Technology: Leverage technology to your advantage. Subscribe to news apps, follow UPSC-related channels on social media platforms, and utilize online platforms that curate daily current affairs specifically for UPSC aspirants. Technology makes staying updated easier and more accessible.
Engage in Discussions: Don't just passively consume news; engage in discussions with peers, mentors, or online forums. Sharing perspectives and exchanging ideas not only enhances your understanding but also helps you remember the information better.
Revise Regularly: Daily current affairs preparation isn't just about reading the news once and forgetting about it. Set aside time for regular revisions, going through your notes and key points to reinforce your understanding. Repetition is crucial for long-term retention.
Practice Answer Writing: Apply your knowledge of current affairs by practicing answer writing. Take mock tests, solve previous years' question papers, and attempt UPSC-style questions based on current events. This not only tests your understanding but also helps you improve your answer-writing skills.
Stay Updated Till the Last Minute: UPSC is known for asking questions based on the latest happenings. Therefore, continue your daily current affairs preparation until the last minute before the exam. Stay vigilant and keep yourself updated with any last-minute developments.
By following these simple steps, you can effectively prepare daily current affairs for UPSC and stay ahead in your exam preparation journey. Remember, consistency, focus, and relevance are the keys to success. With dedication and the right approach, you can conquer the current affairs section of the UPSC exam with ease.
In conclusion, mastering daily current affairs for UPSC is not an insurmountable task. With the right strategies and guidance from Raj IAS Academy, you can stay updated with the latest news and events while effectively incorporating them into your exam preparation. Start today, stay consistent, and watch your UPSC aspirations turn into reality!
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sportzwireradio · 10 days
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Media Alert: NEW YORK, APRIL 18, 2024 /THOMAS BRICE/-- Sportzwire Radio the #1 global radio station was recently honored to induct the newest member of the Sportzwire Radio Hall Of Fame on the head coach of the US Amputee Soccer team and the head coach of the Five Towns College Men's Soccer Team Jason Fiscina.
Jason Fiscina, who just completed his 4th season as head coach of the Five Towns College Men's Soccer team has led the Five Towns Sound to 3 Hudson Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Regular Season championships, 1 Hudson Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Conference championship, and 3 USCAA National Tournament Appearances.
Jason Fiscina, on March 5, 2024 was appointed by the American Amputee Soccer Association as the head coach of the United States Men's National Team.
Jason Fiscina, in addition to this is the Assistant Athletic Director of Five Towns College Athletic Program for Purchasing and Ordering since August 2020 and from 2021-2022 was the Head College of the Five Towns Sound Women's Soccer Team. Jason Fiscina in 2021 was named the USCAA Coach of the Year in Men's Soccer along with in 2021 the Five Towns College Men's Soccer Team finished the regular season ranked #1 in the USCAA. Since taking over as head of the Five Towns College Men's Soccer team on December 14th, 2018 Jason Fiscina has gone an impressive 38-16-7 including 3 wins in the USCAA National Tournament.
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The American Amputee Soccer Association has dual missions. One mission is to promote and develop the sport for the benefit of participants with limb differences. The American Amputee Soccer Association looks to grow the sport for juniors and adults and for women and men.
The American Amputee Soccer Association looks to accomplish this through outreach programs at the local levels to help interested players become introduced to the sport, maximize their proficiency, build self-confidence, learn the power of teamwork, and build a strong social network. Our second mission is to select, develop, and train the elite amputee soccer athlete to represent the United States in international competition.
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"I couldn't think of a better person to be the 1st coach inducted into the Sportzwire Radio Hall of Fame then Jason Fiscina. Jason Fiscina's leadership is unmatched with his energy, selflessness, and work ethic which has helped mentor many athletes not only on the field but off the field. Jason Fiscina results on the field speak for themselves as he has won countless championships and he will bring those results to lead the United States Amputee Men's Soccer Team to a trophy in the 2026 World Cup. I want to congratulate coach Fiscina on becoming the new head coach of the US Amputee Men's Soccer Team and I want to congratulate coach Fiscina on becoming the 1st coach inducted into the Sportzwire Radio Hall of Fame."--Thomas J. Brice, owner of Sportzwire Radio
You can watch a clip of the head coach of the US Amputee Men's Soccer Team and the Five Towns College Men's Soccer Team Jason Fiscina on Sportzwire Radio below.
You can also watch the full interview with the head coach of the US Amputee Men's Soccer Team and Five Towns College Men's Soccer Team Jason Fiscina in the link below.
For more information on the head coach of the Five Towns College Men's Soccer Team Jason Fiscina you can follow Jason Fiscina on Instagram @coachfiscina Five Towns Mens Soccer On Instagram @ftcmenssoccer and the Five Towns Sound on Instagram @fivetowns_sound.
The AASA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Please direct sponsorship inquiries to [email protected]. Donations are welcome at www.usampsoccer.org/donate. Learn more about the AASA at www.usampsoccer.org or on Instagram @usamputeesoccer Youtube @usaamputeesoccer7769 and Facebook @USAmputeeSoccerTeam .
Sportzwire Radio is the #1 global radio station featuring over 15 podcasts covering all of the latest happenings in the world of sports and wrestling. Sportzwire Radio has featured interviews with the likes of former MLB world series champions Mark Gubicza also a member of the Kansas City Royals Hall of Fame and Art Shamsky. New York Mets legend Glendon Rusch and longtime New York Islanders great Rich Pilon. Sportzwire Radio also features live wrestling coverage from around the world with the voice of all wrestling and the owner of Sportzwire Radio the Rev. Tom Brice. You watch or listen to Sportzwire Radio anytime via the watch now or listen live buttons at sportzwireradio.org.
Media Information and Availability For Sportzwire Radio:
Thomas Brice (347) 282-7735
Twitter: @ThomasBrice2017
Soundcloud: TheSportsReport2019
Instagram: @thesportsreport2021
Linked In: Thomas-brice-9994b61b8
Facebook: @sportzwireradio
Twitch: @sportzwireradio
Youtube: @sportzwireradio6579
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ear-worthy · 17 days
Arts Educators Save The World: Mentors From The Classroom
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ARTS EDUCATORS SAVE THE WORLD is a weekly podcast that brings successful artists together in conversation with their mentors. 
See below for all the reasons this podcast is desperately needed in the U.S. right now.  Let me start with: There is no diplomatic way to phrase this. Being a teacher in the U.S. sucks right now. Worse than that, it seems like it's only going to get worse. 
Let me summarize: Teachers are underpaid and even more underappreciated. Teachers are attacked by parents who call them "groomers." Teachers are scapegoated by entitled parents who raise entitled children who, of course, are perfect and can do no wrong. Teachers are mandated by parents and school boards who know nothing about teaching, to adhere to strict rules on what they can and cannot teach. Teachers are now expected to teach sanitized versions of their subjects.
Finally, if students act up or out, then somehow the teachers are to blame.
I have a teaching degree and taught adults and remedial classes to inner city teens. What I'm proud of most was that I was able to connect with some students who avoided the gangs, drug addiction, and a dependent lifestyle. These students are successful at their jobs, prosperous and productive members of society. TheARTS EDUCATORS SAVE THE WORLD weekly podcast is all about how teachers, especially arts teachers, became mentors for notable people. 
This podcast reminds extremist politicians, activist parents, education administrators, and others that teachers play a critical role in shaping our society and the future.
Season One of the show welcomed guests such as Lin-Manuel Miranda, Robert Lopez, Josh Radnor, Annaleigh Ashford, and more.
Here are some quotes from the well-known people about their mentors:
“My elementary school music teacher is the reason I’m here.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda, Season 1, Episode 1 “Having a formative mentor at that vulnerable place, when I knew I wanted to say something, but I didn’t quite know what it was yet. That was enough.” – Josh Radnor actor (How I Met Your Mother) , Season 1, Episode 3 “That feeling that we got in that classroom – where something would finally click, where you understood a word in a different way, where you had an effect on somebody – all the surprises, the discoveries, those are more exciting than anything else.” – Cecily Strong (Saturday Night Live)  Season 1, Episode 7 The host of this podcast, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson is a professor, an author, an actor, and the Mayor of Whoopensocker. She is Professor of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she studies arts education and teaches the next generation of teaching artists and classroom teachers who learn to share their artistic superpowers with the next generation of geniuses! 
 Her book How the Arts Can Save Education: Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Instruction shows how we can fix our broken system of schooling by reimagining teaching and learning using the arts. Erica has founded two community arts outreach programs, Playmakers Lab in Chicago and Whoopensocker in Madison, WI. Erica has been blessed with incredible arts mentors, including the late Jacques d’Amboise who founded the National Dance Institute, where Erica first encountered the power of arts education for all.
Halverson does some heavy lifting here as the host. She's an excellent host who infects listeners with her enthusiasm and passion. Her podcast partner is Alek Lev is a writer, director, podcast producer, and American Sign Language interpreter. Podcasts include Meeting Tom Cruise and Private Joke: The Official How I Met Your Mother Podcast. He wrote and directed the recent release, WHAT?, a black-and-white, silent feature film about a Deaf actor struggling in Hollywood. And he’s interpreted for three presidents, two Broadway shows, and one Beatle.
The show -- ARTS EDUCATORS SAVE THE WORLD -- began in late August 2022 and just began its second season in the winter 2024. 
What will you hear on this podcast? Lin-Manuel Miranda may be the biggest name on the podcast, and his two-part episode was exhilarating. Don't miss it. It will be undeniable proof that teachers can have an outsized impact on our lives, especially someone as talented as Mr. Miranda.
Another don't miss episode is a recent one with actor Bradley Whitford, probably best known for the TV show The West Wing. In the show, Whitford meets with his mentor from Madison East High School, Paul Milisch, the producing director of theater. Whitford raises fundamental questions about arts education in our public school system when he asks, "Are we expanding opportunity, or are we preserving privilege?"
In a format break for the podcast, two shows look at arts teachers in TV and film. For TV, the podcast talks with actress and teaching artist Christina Anthony about Glee and Abbott Elementary.
For the film review episode, the podcast talks with Slate's film critic, Dana Stevens about Dead Poets Society, Camp, Whiplash.  
Both episodes are superb and worth the 45 minutes of your time.
ARTS EDUCATORS SAVE THE WORLDcan offer a more complete understanding of the critical role that arts education and arts teachers play in the development of our youth. 
Who will be our next Lin-Manuel Miranda? Who will be the next mentor to our most famous actors, writers, and musical artists?  Listen to be inspired by how these educators and mentors changed the lives of the artists... that change ours.
Remember that, “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.”
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kgsupsccourses · 29 days
How to Cover 1 Year Current Affairs for UPSC: A Comprehensive Guide
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Preparing for the UPSC examination entails comprehensive coverage of current affairs, a crucial component of the syllabus. Aspirants often grapple with the challenge of assimilating vast amounts of information from the past year while staying abreast of daily developments. This article elucidates effective methodologies to navigate through one year of UPSC current affairs, emphasizing the significance of integrating daily updates into your study regimen.
Understanding the Significance of UPSC Current Affairs
UPSC Current Affairs: A Key Determinant of Success
Current affairs constitute a significant portion of the UPSC examination, reflecting the commission's emphasis on assessing candidates' awareness of contemporary issues. Aspirants must recognize the pivotal role of current affairs in shaping their preparation strategy and performance in the examination.
The Relevance of Daily Current Affairs
Daily current affairs serve as building blocks for UPSC preparation, fostering a deeper understanding of ongoing events and their implications. By incorporating daily updates into their study routine, aspirants cultivate analytical skills and develop a nuanced perspective essential for answering UPSC questions comprehensively.
Strategies to Cover 1 Year of Current Affairs Effectively
Establishing a Structured Study Plan
Developing a structured study plan is imperative to systematically cover one year of current affairs. Allocate dedicated time slots for daily current affairs review, weekly comprehensive revisions, and monthly assessments to ensure consistent progress and retention of information.
Prioritizing Topics Based on Relevance
Prioritize topics based on their relevance to the UPSC syllabus and prevailing socio-political dynamics. Focus on themes such as governance, international relations, economy, environment, and social issues, allocating more time to areas with greater weightage in previous examinations.
Utilizing Reliable Sources
Identify reliable sources for current affairs that provide comprehensive coverage and unbiased analysis. Newspapers like The Hindu and The Indian Express, along with reputable online platforms and news applications, offer credible insights into national and international events.
Engaging with Diverse Formats
Engage with current affairs through diverse formats such as newspapers, magazines, online articles, podcasts, and documentaries. Utilizing multiple mediums enhances comprehension and retention, catering to different learning preferences and styles.
Incorporating Daily Current Affairs into Your Routine
Creating a Habitual Routine
Integrate daily current affairs review into your daily routine, preferably during mornings or evenings when you're most alert. Allocate a specific timeframe for reading newspapers, watching news channels, or accessing online platforms to stay updated with the latest developments.
Taking Notes and Summarizing
Take concise notes while reviewing daily current affairs to capture key points and insights. Summarize complex issues and events in your own words, facilitating better understanding and retention of information for future reference.
Active Engagement and Reflection
Engage actively with current affairs by critically analyzing events, identifying their significance, and reflecting on their implications. Foster discussions with peers, mentors, or online forums to gain diverse perspectives and deepen your understanding of complex issues.
This article was originally published by medium.com/@upsccourses. Read the original article here.
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short-hot-stories · 1 month
Ethical Carnal Duties: Part 1
Valentines Day Letdowns
By regularguy13 – listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
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Aunt regrets stealing his virginity. She makes it right
Thursday night, Feb 13th
Harvey Fielding, the aged patriarch of the family stood and looked out with pride at the group sitting around the dinner table. Three generations were present. With him, were his daughter, daughter-In-law, and their remaining families. Harvey's wife was not with them. Unfortunately, she had passed away. So had his son, Harvey junior.
They were at his daughter-in-law’s house in Richmond, Virginia. Meadow was a widowed woman with a single child. Her daughter, Wendy, was twenty and a sophomore at Randolph-Macon College. Meadow was an only child of two deceased parents. She was raising Wendy, the patriarch’s beloved granddaughter.
Sitting across from them was his daughter, Breeze, and her family: her husband, Bill and their son, Arlo.
The group had enjoyed a good meal.
Harvey Fielding said, "I stand here a proud and happy man. These get-togethers are too short and too infrequent."
His family murmured their agreement.
He continued, "Congratulations Meadow, on being recognized by the National Association of Women Lawyers for the mentoring program you run for high school girls." My departed wife and son, God rest their souls; would be so proud, as would your own departed parents.  You are truly a daughter to me.
Everyone raised their glass and congratulated her. Then Harvey said, "Congratulations to Arlo for his scholarship to my favorite school, Randolph-Macon College. If I say so myself, it is an excellent institution of higher learning. I am pleased that you're planning to major in my favorite field; Philosophy and Ethics."
Breeze laughed and said good-naturedly, "Father, it looks like you won. Arlo has your temperament. I tried to develop his artistic side, but he has not found his creative art talents yet."  With a mentor like you, he will go far in his studies.
"Wendy caught that bug," Meadow said with a laugh. "Maybe you and I were supposed to trade kids."
Breeze was a talented artist. She inherited that skill from her mother & father. Like her mother, Breeze could draw, paint and sculpt. She and Bill earned their living selling the art they produced.
Harvey dramatically lowered his voice and said, "Arlo, happy as I am that you'll be joining your cousin Wendy at R-MC, unfortunately, I have to report that the quality of the teaching staff there has diminished significantly recently."
He was kidding and everyone knew it. They all laughed. He had retired from the college last year after thirty years of teaching philosophy and ethics. Meadow met Harvey junior as college students. Meadow had been a great student in Professor Fielding’s classes. She still credit’s her philosophy & ethics training for making her a more forceful and persuasive courtroom litigator.
He waited for the laughter to die and then said, "And lastly, let us say bon voyage to our travelers. Breeze and Bill are off tomorrow for a well-deserved, ten-day vacation to St. Bart's. While they are having fun in the sun, the rest of us will be suffering through a cold and dreary Virginia February."
Breeze said, "I'll send you all photos from the warm and sunny Caribbean."
"No thanks," Harvey chirped. "I don't need to see pictures of you two, naked."
The family laughed. Bill and Breeze were artists, but they weren't free spirits. Everyone knew them to be serious, shy, quiet souls. They would never frolic naked on a beach or anywhere else for that matter.
Harvey waited until he had everyone's attention and then he said, "I will close the night with a quote from a brilliant philosopher." He raised his glass and said, "To alcohol: the cause of, and solution to all the world's problems. At least so says Homer Simpson."
Cheers and laughter broke out. Everyone raised their glass and drank.
After the meal, Bill and Breeze said their goodbyes. They had to catch an early flight out of Baltimore-Washington Airport and they were spending the night at a hotel near the airport.
Breeze hugged her boy and said, "Enjoy the tour of the campus and sitting in on some classes. Promise me you will talk to the other students." She looked concerned.
"Ah Mom," Arlo whined.
Arlo took after his parents. He too was a shy person. He was naturally quiet, but it was more than that, he was awkward around people and uncomfortable to engage with them. He was not a "people person" and had never had a lot of friends.
His behavior was partly due to his timid nature. His upbringing also contributed to his demeanor. When he was young, he only had limited opportunities to interact with other children. He hadn't attended regular school. He was home schooled.
His parents taught him what they thought was necessary, and let classic books supplement their efforts. He became a big reader and gravitated to ethics because it was a field of study that suited his nature. He could read and think and pursue it alone.
Arlo's opportunity to connect with other kids was hurt by his family's nomadic lifestyle. The family was forced to move to follow artistic projects. He was always the new kid in town and he often moved before anyone got to know him or he got to know them.
His parents prayed he would outgrow his shyness. They hoped that college would be that time.
Wendy was the next person to say her goodbyes. She was returning to school.
"Bye Mom," Wendy said. "My sorority is having an event."
Meadow knew that was code for ‘I have a party to go to’. She was fine with that. Wendy was a good girl and she kept her grades up. However, she felt they should give her nephew an opportunity to attend the party.
She said, "Wendy, why don't you take Arlo with you?"
Wendy was planning to hook up with her boyfriend. She didn't want to be stuck with her nerdy cousin. However, she knew she couldn't object outright. She decided to roll the dice and invite him. She was betting his shy nature would cause him to decline.
"Arlo," Wendy asked brightly. "Would you like to go? There's a party tonight. Lots of people will be there."
Arlo started to sweat. Crowds and parties scared him. He stammered as he responded, "Ah. Ah. No, thank you. Gramps and I were planning to discuss ethics."
Wendy smiled. She was happy her plan had worked and she when off to the party unencumbered.
Meadow cleaned up and headed off to bed. It had been a long day for her.
Harvey and Arlo had an enjoyable time discussing philosophy and ethics. Harvey played the role of Socratic professor. During their conversation, he asked,
"Arlo, what does it mean to be good."
Arlo spoke clearly. “First one must settle his convictions of what ‘good’ is.” He was comfortable talking to his grandfather and very comfort talking about ethics. He gave the textbook answer. "To be honest, courageous, respectful and concerned about others. To be a good citizen. Obey just laws, protect what is under your care, be informed and be involved with society."
"Why should we strive to live by these standards?" the old professor asked.
"Our world would be unpleasant and chaotic if we didn't. We'd be miserable if everyone lied and cheated and was mean to each another. If people acted on their baser instincts of greed and self-interest, we couldn't build a functioning society. It is noble to sacrifice for the greater good of others"
"Do you believe the goals of humans are joy, happiness, and contentment and the best way to achieve these goals is ethical behavior?"
Arlo nodded.
"I agree also," Harvey said. "Now, how do we get there?"
They discussed different versions of ethical theory. Arlo was a proponent of one theory. His Grandfather favored another.
Harvey summed up his argument this way. He said, "As you know, in consequential ethics, the outcome determines the morality of the act."
Arlo interjected, "For you, the end justifies the mean. Do you really believe there are no standards of behavior that should be upheld?"
"Yes and no," Harvey conceded. "The thing that makes an action right or wrong is the consequences of the action. Being truthful is a noble goal, but I believe it is okay to lie sometimes."
"But a lie is a lie," Arlo stated. For him, everything was black or white; idealistic.
"Yes, a lie is a lie," Harvey agreed. "But a lie can be a good thing. Consider this scenario, an overweight wife asks her husband if her butt is too big. Which is the better choice? If he's truthful and says "Yes, dear. You're fat." He hurt her feelings. If he lies and says, "No. You look fine." She is happy and believe me, it increases the husband's happiness too."
"That's an innocent lie," Arlo pointed out. "You need to be truthful about significant things."
"Like life or death issues?"
Harvey said, "What would you do in this circumstance? A criminal breaks into your home. He demands to know if anyone else in the house?. You know your mother is upstairs. Do you tell him? Or do you attempt to protect her and say 'I'm the only one here.'"
"I lie to protect my mother," Arlo answered.
"Exactly," Harvey said. "It is acceptable, I would argue necessary at times, to break the moral code to be moral. The essence of morality is determined by the outcome of the act. One cannot blindly follow a set of precepts and expect to achieve good results."
Arlo said, "You make a good argument for your system, but I still have problems with it. Many people believe in God and follow the Ten Commandments. That is a good thing for them and society. They would say you are replacing God's law with man's judgment. Religious people won't like that. And considering the nature of man, won't a man always find a way to justify his behavior?
"And isn't it a better, simpler and faster method of moral behavior to have standards and to live by them? I can see the world grinding to a halt as we all say 'Time out. I need to do a moral calculation of all my possible actions to see which is best for the greatest number of people.'"
Harvey laughed and said, "This is exactly why I find ethics so fascinating. Lying is bad. You should strive to always tell the truth unless the situation dictates that a lie is the better choice. You should follow God's laws except when you know better. The end justifies the mean except when it causes you to break some moral code."
Harvey smiled good-naturedly and said, "Another reason I find Ethics so fascinating is because it is the perfect excuse to argue and drink; two of my favorite things."
Harvey stood and finished his drink. He was impressed with his grandson's grasp of the subject and his intellect. He leaned in close so Meadow couldn’t hear from the other room. "Arlo, I'll leave you with one more question that may push you to my side. If the tip of your dick is resting on the labia of a beautiful and willing female, would you lie to her so both of you could enjoy out of this world sex?
"Let's say she pauses and asks if you love her. What are you going to say?
"In my scenario, you like her, but you aren't in love with her. If you are completely honest, you and she miss out on a wonderful experience. You deny each other the joy of great sex.” Arlo said with confidence. "Ethics is about good and evil, right and wrong. If the goal of your actions is the greatest good for the greatest number, then you must lie and fuck her. To needlessly uphold a rigid, abstract standard in this situation serves no purpose, correct?"
Harvey walked away. He grabbed his coat and returned to his house. Arlo went to bed. He laid on the floral sheets and pondered the last question his grandfather put to him. His dick was hard and thought the answer was obvious.
Friday, February 14th
Aunt Meadow and Arlo had breakfast together. She said, "Today's the big day. So, you're going to sit in on some classes?"
He nodded to avoid speaking.
They left at the same time. He went to the college to tour the campus and she went to prosecute a child molester.
Arlo returned to this Aunt's house late-afternoon. No one was there. He watched television.
"Indiana Jones, you rock," Arlo said.
He had just watched the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark". It was his favorite movie. In his dreams, he was the handsome, swashbuckling hero. He won the girl and saved the day. In real life, he was a shy eighteen-year-old who was awkward around people and especially timid and nervous around females. Needless to say, he didn't date and he was a virgin.
He walked into the bathroom and said, "I love indoor plumbing."
He peed in the toilet, flushed and said, "Why do my parents put up with a smelly, camper toilet when if we lived like normal people we could all use this wonderful, hygienic device?"
Since his parents moved frequently to work on commissioned art project, they lived in a camper that they pulled by an SUV.
"How about a shower?" he asked rhetorically.
He answered himself continuing to talk out loud. "That sounds good. A nice, long, hot shower. Another marvelous experience denied to trailer people."
Arlo undressed. He dropped his clothes in a pile on the floor.
He said, "Oh. They have a hamper."
He left his clothes on the floor and went to the wicker container. He flipped open the top. He saw a sexy black, lacy bra and a pair of panties.
He picked up the bra. He had never seen something so beautiful, so sexy, and certainly never on a live girl. He was not the kind of guy who could seduce a woman.
None of his mother's bras were like this one. She was a petite woman with small breasts. She usually didn't bother with one because she didn't need to. If she wore one, they were soft, stretchy bandeau tube style bras. Functional. Not sexy.
"36C," he snickered as he read the label. "She certainly is the big aunt."
He examined the cups and fingered the lace. His dick got hard thinking about the soft flesh that filled them. Next, he picked up the underwear. It also had lace and was alluring. He studied it and did the unthinkable. He brought the crotch to his nose and sniffed.
"Oh! Um."
He was overwhelmed with the acrid, musky odor of a woman. His dick twitched and grew hard. He said, "Aunt Meadow wore these! This is her scent."
He held the panties to his nose with his left hand and stroked his dick with his right.
"Umm," he groaned breathing deeply.
He looked around for something to use as a lubricant. He spied hand lotion on the counter by the sink. He pumped a large amount on his hand and masturbated. He sniffed the panties, stroked his cock and kept thinking about how this article of clothing had been pressed up against a woman's cunt.
"Oh! Oh! God!" he called out as he came in the sink. He dropped the panties and gripped the counter for support as he jacked off into the basin.
"Oh! Fuck," he cried as the last of his spunk landed in the sink. His heart was pounding and his breathing was ragged. He rested a bit and then turned on the tap and cleaned up. He sent his cum down the drain.
He returned the sexy underwear to the dirty clothes hamper and hopped in the shower. He shampooed his hair and scrubbed his body hard. He was trying to wash away the sin of masturbation made worse by sniffing his Aunt's soiled underwear.
Hours later, Meadow shouted, "Hello, Arlo" as she entered her home.
Arlo had been reading a book. He stood and silently greeted his Aunt.
She came into the family room and asked, "Did you have a good day? Did you find a way to amuse yourself?" she asked with a warm smile.
Arlo blushed. Immediately, he thought, "Oh God! It's like she knows I beat off while sniffing her panties". He was embarrassed and stuttered as he answered her, "Ah. Ah. Yes."
He held up his book and said, "Um. I find a good book is always good company."
"Yes. We all would be better off if we read more."
She looked at her watch and said, "Oh. I have to hurry. I have a date tonight. It's Valentine's Day, but of course, you know that. Will you be okay on your own?"
"Yes. I'll order a pizza."
Meadow dashed off to shower and changed.
Meadow stood in front of the mirror and debated whether she should put on a bra. She wasn't wearing one under her favorite red slinky dress. Her hard nipples pressed obscenely against the clingy fabric. The contours of her areolas and her tight peaks were visible. She decided to be risqué tonight and let the girls be free.
"Good thing I have my cashmere wrap," she chuckled. She didn't mean her bare shoulders would need to be covered. She knew that without a bra and wearing this slinky dress, her nipples would be visible to everyone all night. She brought the warp in case she lost her nerve.
She slipped on her highest heels, threw the wrap over her arm and walked out of her bedroom. She encountered Arlo. His eyes grew wide as he viewed her. The dress was hot. Her braless breasts were lewd. The way her nipples were visible through the dress was scandalous. His eyes were riveted to her chest.
"Wow! That's some dress," he said.
"Too much?" she asked. Seeing his expression caused her to re-think her decision to forego the bra.
"No. Gorgeous. Beautiful. I was just thinking if you are going to wear that dress you should come with a warning label."
"Ahem," he cleared his throat and then did his best Bette Davis imitation, "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night."
Meadow laughed and said, "Good. It's Valentine's Day. A time to be flirty and sexy. I loved your impression of Bette Davis! I'm surprised you'd know a line from a movie made before you were born."
"Um," he shyly admitted, "I don't have many friends. I spend a lot of time with classic movies and books."
"Oh." She felt sorry for him. The clock on the mantel chimed. She said, "I need to go."
She draped the wrap over her shoulders. Arlo helped her put on her coat and she left to meet her boyfriend for dinner.
She drove to the fancy restaurant where she and Ted had agreed to meet. She had a drink and then another while she waited. She called him numerous times and got no answered. She became worried. Ted was a responsible person, a wealthy, well-respected attorney. It was out of character for him to stand her up.
"Maybe some thing's happened," she told herself after waiting an hour.
She decided to go to his home. She pulled up to his house and walked to the front door.
"That's odd. The door is open," she said.
She let herself in. She heard noises coming from the den and headed that way. She entered the room and was shocked by what she saw. Her boyfriend was naked and stretched out on the sofa. There were two naked women in the room with him. Their appearance screamed crack whore.
The women were gaunt, bags of bones. Their sorry, empty tits sagged down their chest. Meadow looked at their unkempt hair and the dark circles under their eyes and wondered when was the last time they had combed their hair or slept.
One woman was snorting cocaine off the glass coffee table and the other was sucking on her boyfriend's dick.
"Ted!" Meadow shouted. "What's going on?"
"We, we're having a party," he slurred. "Help yourself to some blow."
"What?" Meadow screamed. She'd never seen her boyfriend do drugs and certainly not behave like this.
Ted laughed. "I got fired today. They discovered I was embezzling money from the firm. I bought some cocaine and decided to get high. I met these two ladies and we've been fucking and snorting for hours. Join us."
Meadow was shocked and disgusted. She turned around without saying another word and drove home.
The Refuge
"Keep the change," Arlo mumbled to the pizza delivery guy. He watched television as he ate his dinner. “9:00, let’s see if we can find a good movie, other than sappy chick-flicks”
Meadow burst through the door. Arlo went to investigate because he wasn't expecting anyone to come home at this hour.
"Oh. It's you, Aunt Meadow," he said. He saw that she'd been crying. A normal person would have asked, "Is everything okay?". Arlo wasn't normal. He didn't ask.
She ripped her coat off. The shawl came off with it. She said angrily, "Worse Valentine's Day ever."
She kicked off her shoes and bent over at the hips to pick them up. She leaned over so far that Arlo saw her big brown nipples. She showed no hint of caring that she'd flashed her tits to her nephew. She had too many other things on her mind. She marched off quickly to her bedroom.
"Whoa. Nipples," Arlo said to himself. That was a first for him. He'd seen pictures of women's breasts but never had he seen an actual one. It gave him a chubby.
When she returned. Meadow had a royal blue robe on over her flannel sleeping gown. Her feet were covered by slipper socks. The terry cloth material kept her feet warm and it had a rubber sole.
Her faced was scrubbed clean of makeup and her hair tied back into a ponytail. She ignored Arlo and headed straight to the kitchen. She mumbled, "I need a drink."
She fixed herself a stiff drink. She downed half of it and refilled her glass. She sat at the kitchen table and brooded about the evening. Arlo could see she was upset. He stayed away giving her a wide berth. Occasionally, he'd turn his head and check on her. When he glanced her way, he saw her sitting at the kitchen table talking to herself and drinking.
"Cocaine?" Meadow said. She was appalled by her boyfriend's drug use. Ex-boyfriend. She took a drink.
"I've never seen him take drugs," she mused and tossed down the glass and then re-filled it.
"Whores? Two prostitutes!" Meadow said. She was disgusted. She guzzled more alcohol.
"I gave him my body. I sucked his cock and he cheats on me with two crack whores," she lamented.
"He never called to cancel our date. Bastard." Meadow finished her drink and got another.
"The bum kept me sitting in the restaurant." She gulped a large amount.
"Everyone there knew I had been stood up." She sipped heartily on the whiskey.
"I felt like a fool." She drained the glass and got another.
"I cared for him!" she wailed.
She swallowed her drink. The alcohol burned her throat as it went down. Tears fell from her eyes.
Arlo heard his Aunt crying. He ignored her for a long time, but even he was moved by her sobbing. Finally, he went to her and asked, "Wha, what's the matter?"
"You mean besides wasting six months of my life dating an embezzler and drug user?" She reached for the bottle to top off her drink and knocked it over.
"Fuck!" she cried out and reached for the bottle. Arlo picked up the bottle. She wrenched it out of his hand. When she did, the bottle flew up and hit Arlo in the face.
"Ouch," he cried out.
He wrestled the bottle away from her. He set the bottle on the counter out of his Aunt's reach. His eye hurt. He rubbed it gently.
He said, "Aunt Meadow, don't you think you've had enough?"
"I'll be the judge of that," she slurred.
She stood and tried to go through Arlo to get to the liquor. She pummeled and scratched him. Arlo was only an average size guy, but he easily stopped her. She was drunk, unsteady and uncoordinated.
"Let me by!" she demanded.
Arlo stood his ground. Meadow tried to pass him on one side than the other. Then, she stopped. Arlo had been sliding left and right to block her. He hoped her lack of movement meant she'd given up.
Meadow looked up at him. She didn't look well. She wasn't well. She hurled. Vomit poured out of her. It splattered on Arlo's face and chest. Some went down his shirt and on his pants.
"Oh God!" Arlo cried as he was hit with puke.
The sight and putrid smell made him throw up. He raised his hands to block it. His vomit hit his hands and ricocheted onto his arms and shirt. It then dripped down on his pants and the floor. He was a smelly mess. He wanted to leave. He wanted to scream at his aunt, but just  then his own words, “It’s noble to sacrifice for the good of others” came back to him, along with the mental image of his grandfather’s approving, proud smile.
Miraculously, Aunt Meadow was unsoiled.
However, she was still drunk and still unsteady. She lost her balance and fell into Arlo. She hugged him to keep from falling over. It didn't work. They both ended up on the floor, rolling around and getting covered in the smelly, slimy puke.
Meadow freaked out. She shouted, "Take me to the bathroom! I have to get this off me!"
Arlo led the filthy, unsteady woman to the bathroom.
"Oh God! The smell!" Meadow complained.
She ripped off her robe. She stood there in her nightgown and slurred, "Ya. Y’alls a mess, too. We need tah get them dirty clothes offa ya."
She began undressing her nephew. Arlo agreed. The smell was sickening. She helped him remove his shirt and pants. They both tossed their stinky clothing into a the open hamper. He stripped until he was down to his underwear.
"Eya stinks. Eyes needs a shaw were," Meadow said.
She went to the shower and turned the water on. While she waited for the warm water, she pulled her gown over her head. She was too drunk to do this safely. The gown got stuck when it was half way off. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. Arlo stared at her bare ass.
She swayed as she struggled to escape the nightgown. Arlo moved in closed and held her hips. As he feared, she toppled over. He caught her and took a hard elbow to the body.
"Pull it off," Meadow demanded.
Arlo steadied her with one hand around her waist and used his other hand to pull the nightgown off. He tossed it aside. Meadow cared not a whit that she was naked. Her focus was on getting clean. She stepped into the shower, turning the water on and adjusted the water's temperature. Arlo was right behind her keeping her from falling.
Arlo said to himself, ‘Wow. She's naked. Her skin is so soft. I didn't expect a woman in her forties to be this attractive.
Meadow lost her balance again and Arlo had to catch her. He wrapped both arms around her to keep her upright. One arm met her breasts. She didn't notice or care. She said nothing about it.
Arlo was nervous and scared. He expected to be berated at any moment for touching her boobs. His face blushed bright red. His mind screamed, ‘You're so dead for touching her boobs. She's going to scream at you and tell Mom’.
She stood in the stream of warm water.
When she didn't say anything, Arlo allowed himself to think about her breasts. He thought, ‘Her boobs are awesome. So big. So soft. Her nipples are sticking out obscenely.’.
Her bare rump was pressed against his groin and his dick grew hard. She fidgeted and he had to adjust his grip on her nude body. A hand cupped her right breast. Her head turned to him and he expected the worst.
"I'm dirty. I ma need a shower," she said with the simplicity of a six-year-old.
Her words stunned him. It took a moment for him to respond. "Aunt Meadow, I'm worried you'll fall if I let go of you."
She looked down at the arms around her as if just noticing them; then looked back at him. He had vomit on him. She wrinkled her nose and said, "You smell bad."
She turned around and luxuriated in the spray and let the water beat down on her foggy skull. Arlo used this time to study and marvel at her body. This was the first nude woman he'd ever seen. His dick tented his wet shorts.
She rinsed all traces of the vomit off her body. Arlo stood behind her. He kept his hands on her to make sure she didn't fall.
What he saw astounded him. "She beautiful," he thought as he gazed at her. He loved everything about her. Her long, slender neck leading to her bare back fascinated him. He studied the soft curve of her shoulders and the indentation in the center of her back where her spinal column was.
He loved how her broad shoulders swept down to a narrow waist and delightfully flared out at the hips. She had a plump womanly ass.
Her back was tanned. Surprisingly, her bottom was too. ‘She suntans in the nude. Cool,’ Arlo thought.
He stepped back to get a complete view. She had firm thighs, slender calves, and small feet. Her dainty toenails were painted fire engine red. Beautiful.
Meadow grabbed the shampoo, squeezed some into her hand and turned about as she worked it into her hair.
"Oh!" Arlo gasped.
She kept her eyes closed while she worked the shampoo through her hair and thoroughly scrubbed. She didn't seem to care that he was seeing her naked. Arlo studied her front quickly in case this was his only chance. He checked her face to be sure her eyes were still closed. He noticed she had a round face, a thin nose, and full lips. Quickly his eyes stared at her breasts. They sagged. The nipples faced East and West, but he didn't care. They looked wonderful to him.
‘Fuck! This is unbelievable.’ Arlo thought. ‘Look at her big tits bounce and shake. She has huge, hard nipples’.
His internal conversation continued, ‘God! Look at her cunt. That hair is jet black. The hair on her head is brown. I can see her vulva!’
Streams of water ran down her fully tanned, fit body. The water cascaded over her breasts, across her stomach and flattened and separated her pubic hair as it ran down her body. Arlo could see her thick vaginal lips through the soaked, parted hair.
Arlo kept his hands on her hips as his eyes devoured her body. It was the first naked woman he'd seen in the flesh and it was as hot and exciting as he'd imagine.
Meadow washed and rinsed her hair and then casually washed her body. Arlo hard cock lurched when she soaped her breasts. He almost came when she touched her ass and cunt thoroughly swabbed her most intimate parts.
Meadow was in her own world as she scrubbed her body. After she rinsed off, she opened her eyes. They brightened in recognition that Arlo was in the shower too. She wasn't self-conscious about her nudity. In a matter of fact way, she said,
"Let's gets y’all cleaned too."
She reached out and began washing his upper body. She smirked when she noticed he was in the shower with his underwear on.
"This won't do," she said.
She pulled his shorts off and giggled when his erection popped into view. She grabbed it and began washing it.
"Someone's grown up," she purred.
"Ah. Ah," Arlo stammered. "You don't have to do that," he said embarrassed.
She grasped his dick, stroked him and asked, "Are you sure you want me to stop?"
Arlo was too scared and nervous to speak, but he prayed she'd ignore his protestations. She looked into his eyes and saw a pleading look.
"I thought not," she said with a knowing smile.
"Oh. Oh," Arlo moaned as she jacked him off.
He almost cried when she stopped. She handed him the soap and said, "Clean up."
He hurriedly washed the vomit off his body. She stood and smiled watching his erection bounce around.
When he was done, she held her hand out and said, "Give me the soap. Your back needs to get washed."
He did, then turned his back to her. Then, she soaped up his shoulders, back and under his arms. She set the soap on the dish and wrapped her sudsy hands around both sides of him, then back down to his stiff cock and said, "This needs a little more attention."
She soaped up his cock, dropped the soap and resumed beating him off. She pressed her tits into his back and breathed lustily into his ear as she stroked him. His eyes rolled back into his head and she held him steady as he moaned loudly, "Oh!"
He came. She held his cock like a hose and directed the blasts of cum against the tile walls of the shower. Meadow laughed and milked his cock until he'd finished.
“I gawda fire hose! Where’s the fire! Gawd I love my fire hose.” She giggled . “ Hey, who turned my hose off?” She stroked his some more, but then gave up a few seconds later. Then she got quiet and looked around. She turned them both around and rinsed Arlo off as if nothing unusual had happened.
Arlo stared at her plump rump and enjoyed the wonderful sensation of his very first handjob as he gasped for air.
Meadow, now clean, pushed open the shower door and stepped out. She immediately slipped and fell hard on her ass.
"Oh, my God! Are you okay?" Arlo called out. He was worried that she'd hurt herself. He quickly exited and went to her side.
She was still inebriated. She said simply, "My bum hurts."
To be continued.
By regularguy13 for Literotica
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storystitchers · 1 month
Celebrate 10 Years Stitchers Style! from Saint Louis Story Stitchers on Vimeo.
Compilation video of end of year videos of Saint Louis Story Stitchers as we look forward to celebrating our first 10 years!
SAVE THE DATE! 10 Year Anniversary Celebration! August 9 and 10, 2024
Our History -
Once upon a time there was a stitcher who liked to embroider stories from the newspaper. One day she was stitching about two sisters who were shot on their porch in University City. One sister died. Two brothers were arrested for the crime. The stitcher reflected on the power of stitching throughout history; of the Aids quilt and quilts on the Underground Railroad. She determined to join with others to create change. In August 2013 eight artists gathered in Old North St. Louis and founded the Saint Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective — to make change. On December 24, 2014, Saint Louis Story Stitchers was incorporated as a charitable organization in the Great State of Missouri.
Since that time, we have made great strides, working with people to stop the violence and to empower youth to make a change for Saint Louis through creative youth development.
Accomplishments by the numbers since 2014 include —
8 founding artists 800 teens and young adults have participated in free programs 179 artist mentors 37 board members
185 public performances to 62,000 live audience members 30 songs written 2 books, 1 game, and 1 portfolio published 3 plays written and produced 15,000 hours open for youth 4 studios including The Center 30 Saint Louis neighborhoods visited 153 podcasts published
Revenue growth from $59,324 in 2015 to $701,593 in 2023
In 10 years, with your help, we have brought $792,795 national dollars home to STL to support young artists and artists of color in building bridges to peace for all. National awards include 3 grants from the National Endowment for the Arts totaling $70,000, a 2021 Accelerator Award for $500,000 from The Lewis Prize for Music, $73,611 from the CDC Foundation, $25,000 from the Obama Foundation, and $30,000 from The Charity Pot.
Over 10 years, Story Stitchers have collaborated with artists 16 to 83 years old on music, storytelling, neighborhood block parties performances, public service announcement campaigns, and multi-year signature projects focusing efforts on high quality art and innovative youth violence prevention programs. Artists have built an archive of Black voices from 2014, through Ferguson and Michael Brown's death, the Covid-19 pandemic, George Floyd, and through years of heartbreaking violence in our beautiful city to bring unheard voices to light.
Together, with you, we are reshaping the future of our region through youth empowerment that builds from exposure and experiences in high quality artistic practice.
So let's celebrate!!
Here are the details of the event:
10 Year Anniversary Celebration
.ZACK Theatre
3224 Locust, St. Louis 63103
August 9, 2024
11:00-3:00 Youth Empowerment Summit
In memory of Michael Brown
Free to 50 youth with boxed lunches
August 10, 2024
7:00 VIP Reception with hor d'oeuvres, wine, beer, soda
8:00 Hall of Fame Awards from Stitchers Youth Council
9:00-11:00 10 Year Anniversary Album Release Party & Concert
Featuring Story Stitchers artists from across the 10 years!
Tickets coming soon on MetroTix! Follow our e-news at storystitchers.org to stay tuned!
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