simplybeeingwren · 2 years
We are in a w@r with ideologies. If we don't address the root problems, we will never solve these major issues.
A personal Faith can be a beautiful, comforting thing when it respects boundaries. 
Belief systems that claim superiority Take Away Personal Autonomy* 
They don't allow room to think for yourself, come to your own conclusions or make your own decisions. 
This goes not just for Christian Extremism, but any arrogant belief system that doesn't respect people to think for themselves. 
All major belief systems seek power in government to control the masses. 
We are limited in some capacity here. We don't know literally everything. Sorry. We just don't. To deny the reality of our limitations is plain foolish, irresponsible and manipulative.
Personal Faith is Supposed to make us Humble. But belief systems that claim Superiority, it is anything but. 
While we're out here arguing about stuff we really don't know 100% about, the extremists are actively trying to take away our rights. They don't care if you die in the process. They won't be persuaded by your kids dying. They don't care about your sob story and the suffering you've gone through. They literally Expect you to suffer for not conforming to their belief system. 
Believe them when they show you who they are. 
We need to uplevel our understanding about faith. 
Once faith becomes fact it is no longer faith, but it is a tactic for mind control. 
We need to hold ourselves accountable with humility that we don't infringe on the autonomy of our neighbor to think for themselves. 
We need to hold each other accountable and protect ourselves with strong boundaries from those who seek to dominate with psychological and spiritual weapons. 
This is the fuckin UNITED STATES of AMERICA, the land of the free. We are supposed to be the champion of freedom and we need to ACT like it! 
We are not United if we refuse our neighbors autonomy. 
I was in an extremist sect of Christianity whose part of their faith is to procreate and raise children as "soldiers for Christ" and eventually use them as political weapons. They desire to outnumber liberals via procreation. That's their open plan. I'm telling you they exist and it's wrong. 
I was raised to be a fuckin religious soldier for God's Kingdom. 
I was born with a crazy strong will and voice. I am naturally this way- Then I was indoctrinated. They made me even stronger. 
Sucks for them when I figured out their bullshit. I will use that strength to expose their agenda that infringes on the rights of humanity. 
I was indoctrinated to believe separation of church and state is a myth. They hate it. They want a Christian government and won't stop until they get it. Believe them. 
They have already started the process. If they continue to gain a Strong hold in the government, it will be a Long, Ugly process until we can get our freedoms back. We are at a crucial hour. 
We don't have time to waste about who is a "true believer" we are all fuckin true believers because faith is PERSONAL Not Fact. Hold each other accountable to this or this problem will fuckin never go away. 
If we want true freedom, we have to allow individual thought. We have to learn to differentiate what is personal and what is communal. 
We have to defend each other's autonomy in the name of FREEDOM. 
Social Media has divided us against each other. It's going to take some major intentional shifts to get us to come together now.
It starts with humility. 
Here's an exercise I want you to do. 
The next time you state your faith or strong opinion, I want you to end it with #Maybe  
Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not. Maybe I don't have all the information. Maybe we never will. 
Maybe that word will be the start of healing our entire human history of ideological w@rfare. 
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simplybeeingwren · 2 years
One comment I saw over and over again was people claiming Christian Extremists "aren't true Christians".
Here's the thing, it doesn't matter.
It just doesn't fucking matter.
The whole point is Christian Nationalism *Exists and it is Wrong*.
They want to infiltrate the government and it's no secret. They base it off of Matthew 28:28-30. They won't stop with the US. Their goal is Global Domination. Just look at how they have already dominated the globe with their Christian White Supremacy. Their next goal is taking over politics. They aren't quiet about it because they think they are following Christ. It is part of their faith.
I want you to take them seriously when they tell you their agenda.
Stop dismissing and downplaying them. Stop theologically debating them. Stop shrugging your shoulders to live your best life like they don't exist.
Your dismissive attitude about them doesn't matter when they are lobbying to take your rights away.
They've already declared a "holy w@r" on unbelievers, and the political climate is playing into their hands. It's fucking already started.
As much compassion as I have, we cannot pander or cater to them. Loving people doesn't mean that we aren't allowed to be angry. I'm fuckin livid and you should be too.
Now that that's out of the way,
I am agnostic. I *personally do not follow Jesus. I don't really care about him, honestly. I don't care what the Bible says. I just want to have a healthy planet to live on and a healthy society as best we can, not just for us, but for future generations.
I see atheism and theists as both valid *personal beliefs. I just think it's best for us not to confuse faith with facts which is why I am agnostic. I have a lot of believer friends on my page whom I respect, and I have a lot of atheist friends I respect. Have fun debating among yourselves if that brings you joy. Just please be respectful and remember we are limited in our understanding here.
I believe in basic human kindness, but I am not naive. I don't follow Jesus, I do not feel compelled to follow his teachings. I may or may not subscribe to turning the other cheek or even forgiveness. If you bite me, I might bite back. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't play with oppression or abusers.
And for fucks sake, I got my tattoos After I Deconstructed. 🙄🙄🙄 Thank you for telling me what wasn't allowed in my own religion... I wasn't even able to speak my mind as a woman, or even God forbid, *say something Insightful in the presence of men* without getting gossiped about or kicked out of the church, but please, tell me how having tattoos *Today invalidates what I said about my own Past experience. I don't want to go to your "fairyland" anyway 🤣🤣🤣 Yes, I was actually quoting a comment. Lmao
I do not speak because I am trying to win anyone over. I speak because, bottom line, it's worth speaking. I speak because We are the MAJORITY and need to act like it. I speak because I have the courage to. I speak because I am a woman and a mother. I speak because I care about my country and humanity. However, changing minds is never a reason why I do what I do. I don't care about that. I respect people enough to let them be.
To all of those who were genuine, felt validated because of your own experience with Christianity, I see you. I honor you. You aren't crazy. You aren't alone. You are my reason. This is our country too. Don't give up. Your story matters. I will try to respond to as many as I can.
For the friend requests, I don't typically add people who I don't have any mutual friends with. If you shoot me a message introducing yourself, I'm more inclined to add you.
For those wanting more of my work, please feel free to hit the Follow button. I am available for writing and speaking engagements, podcasts, coaching and mentoring. I do a lot of various things on the side such as frequency wellness devices (both sessions and sales), Human Design readings, and even payment processing for business owners. Hell, I even officiate weddings and ceremonies. Message me if anything sparks your interest.
Thank you so much to all who shared your heart and shared the post. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know it hits home and that we aren't alone.
We won't give up or give in.
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simplybeeingwren · 2 years
Boys really be like, She's a 10! And throw her into the absolutely hardest role in life (parenting). All for her to be knocked down from the world she knew, thrusted into being physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and financially tried with all the ultimate responsibility falling back on her with no help or support *during the fuckin apocalypse*.
When she really feels the pressure and frustration, he wonders what's wrong with her because she's a 10, surely she should be able to handle it. He watches her turn into someone he doesn't know. That smile he fell in love with isn't there anymore. She's not enjoyable because she's all work and no fun.
He doesn't know how to help, so he just doesn't even try. He hears her complain and vent, and cry for help. Instead of leaning in, and lifting her up, he ignores her. He watches her sink more and more into depression, and chooses to enjoy his own life rather than help her enjoy life too.
Boys really be cutting down their women to their friends and strangers and saying awful things about her while she's busting her ass off for him, lonely at home.
Kudos to the men who Don't act like this, but this is still the culture we live in. Mothers who experience depression have less to do with hormones and more to do with the crushing weight of modern motherhood while dealing with misogyny from every angle.
Boys really be like, she's a 10, but she's an an angry bitch now that I turned her into a mother. I don't know what happened. *I'm a victim of women.*
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simplybeeingwren · 2 years
When I was a Christian extremist, I was obsessed with pointing others to Jesus to save them because I GENUINELY LOVED PEOPLE.
I mean, if hell is real, and you really cared about people, you'd spend every waking minute trying to pull people out of the fire.
I was born into Christianity, and didn't know anything else.
It wasn't until I took a step back to think about it logically that I realized how GRUESOME and UNLOVING the belief in hell is.
Because I genuinely loved people, once I saw it that way, I was HORRIFIED over my zeal and how I came across to people.
I don't hate people who are really caught up in the belief of hell and are genuine in their love for others. I get it. I was the same way.
The belief in hell is just not showing love to people the way you want it to. It's dangerous. It's harmful. It's toxic. It's unfortunate that Christianity has so much power, it sucks good people in.
I don't believe that everyone needs to think like me. I am not responsible for anyone else except me and how I guide my children.
I was very vocal about deconstruction while I was actively deconstructing. I still spoke about it over the years, but not as much as I do now.
I don't care what adults do with their own time and energy. Adults are capable of making their own choices. No one needs me to tell them otherwise.
When Religion has actively taken a hold of the SCOTUS, and I know Christian extremists' unrelentless agenda is to strip Americans of basic human rights and freedom in the name of God- that's where I stop respecting.
As much as they boldly proclaim the gospel, as much as they boldly try to take over America, I will boldly speak out against them, and will actively try to dissuade people from Christianity without remorse.
It matters to a lot of us.
When I come across good people who spread the gospel, I am grieved because I love them, and they are hurting others unaware.
I won't stop even if it hurts people's feelings.
Just as you have the freedom to practice your religion, I have the freedom to share my personal story and to warn people about spiritual traps.
They have a clear agenda to take over our government, and they won't stop unless we stop them.
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