#meanwhile Arthur never knows about FUCKING ANY OF THIS
achillesuwu · 2 months
Au where merthur have soulmate identifying mark but merlin is the only one who know they are because if Arthur knew he would find out about his magic 👀 (arthur's mark being a beautiful dragon mainly on on his back but its tall is draped on his torso, a wing stretch on his right shoulder, another end on his hip and its head rest upon his stomach. As if it were jealousy protecting him. its scale are of a blue so dark it nearly look black. It has golden eye and tread of gold on is horn, gold shimmer on its body highlighting its scale at some place.
It screams powerful sorcerer.)
And thus it doesn't change anything from the show. Merlin doesn't tell him not even at the very end (Merlin's mark is a smaller red dragon with its head on his shoulder and who is is holding itself on his shoulder)
It would be very angsty but also SO FUNNY if in a post return futur where arthur (Gwen, the knights) are very confuse and lost but luckily for them there exist multiple center for "People who got Teleported at the wrong place/Bought back from the dead? We are here to help!/ your five yo drank a weird potion? No problem! Etc" basically Magic help center.
Just imagine basic social worker sorcerers who tries to do their job at 3 am and see THE Emrys mark ™ on a random dude and they are like *gasp*.
Them : what the fuck
Arthur :???
the others :????
Them : we are calling your soulmate RIGHT NOW. WHAT THE FUCK should I call the government too???? I'M NOT PAY ENOUGH FOR THIS.
Arthur : my???
You can imagine arthur pendragon pacing like a 13 years old stressed before an oral presentation because even if he was afraid then thought he globally didn't really care about his soulmate. He realised that it wasn't so much that he didn't care but he thought it would simply never be so he just... Kinda forgot about it. Now he just can not put it away because is soulmate IS coming and WHERE IS MERLIN WHEN HE NEEDS HIM (he is blocking any thoughts about Merlin potential dead thank you very much)
(Gwen is currently finding the situation extremely funny because she figured out in 5x13 and she is 80 yo (in a younger body but still) . And she is waaaayyyyyy to old to see her former husband stay in his denial.
Leon is 78 years old and he is slowly recognising the dragon in question that look very much like Merlin's family crest. He is looking at his wife in a very conspiracy way.
Gwaine is currently not really giving a damn about the whole soulmate thing. What do you MEAN you can send messages to people in less that a second?!?!?
Elyan would usually not give a damn but he is very much not happy ™ to find out that his sister (first) husband had a soulmate mark who isn't dead and he is glaring at Arthur but he is also getting a hug from gwen so it doesn't look menacing at all.
Perceval (57) is right behind Gwaine but he is currently watching himself in the mirror because seeing his younger self again is weird asf
Meanwhile Lancelot is talking with the assistant (on the verge of a break down because they are going to see the GOD OF MAGIC OH MY GOD) about magical history
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
1: Magic is a Metaphor < 2: Morgana is a Lesbian > 3: Merlin is Gay > 4: Arthur is Bi
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Building off of the whole metaphor idea, Morgana's character arc is basically that she starts to question her identity because she's having all of these dreams and thoughts that she doesn't understand. Then Gaius, who is straight up a conversion therapist, literally gaslights her and is like, 'no no, you're just going crazy, you're overreacting, here, why don't you take all of these drugs to suppress those thoughts?'
Meanwhile, Uther is saying all of this stuff about how sorcerers are all evil and should be killed, and Morgana will try to argue with him and he will just be like, 'well, why do you care so much?' And she's all, 'oh, no reason. I'm just an ally. I'm just really passionate about social justice.' Like, girl, we've all been there.
And then once Morgana does come to terms with her identity and she realises how fucked up the way that she was treated is, she goes batshit and starts a revolution and assassinates her dad. And good for her! I honestly think that all repressed lesbians deserve a little bit of murder, it's only fair, especially if they look so hot doing it.
Also, Morgana doesn't have any male love interests. I mean, she will sometimes flirt with men to manipulate them into doing what she wants, but it's very clear that that is what she is doing, she never actually cares about them or follows through.
Besides, Katie McGrath has never played a heterosexual in her life. She's basically straight up said that she played Morgana as a lesbian. You know where she said that? Here:
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Hear me out.
Are they technically half-sisters? Yes. But omg the sexual tension between these two is undeniable. You really do think that they're just going to kiss at any given moment. This has been straight up confirmed. This is a quote from the same conversation as earlier between the main producer and Katie McGrath, where they fully admit that there are definitely lesbian undertones there, and not only did both actresses play it that way, but it was written that way. So I rest my case.
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Gwen knew about Morgana's prophetic visions from the start and she was never scared of it or tried to deny that it was magic. Instead, she was always by Morgana's bedside (or in her bed) so she could hold her face and stroke her hair and tell her she would be okay. Gayasses.
Although, as Iori Miyazawa can attest, yuri is often best found in the absence of it. Because once Morgana accepts her identity and her magic becomes an unavoidable part of of her life rather than thoughts she could repress, she begins to push Gwen away, often in the form of telling her not to undress her anymore.
Then this tension between them is emphasised when Morgana starts having nightmares of Gwen marrying Arthur and is really upset by it for some reason. I know that she justifies it by saying that she doesn't want Gwen to take her place as queen, but if you think about that for more than 5 seconds, it makes absolutely no sense. Arthur is still going to be king regardless of who he marries, so unless Morgana is planning to follow the legend a bit too closely and marry her brother, then Gwen is absolutely not taking her place.
And yet Morgana spends the entire rest of the show obsessing over Gwen, including: planting false evidence to break up Gwen and Arthur, using necroLancey as a puppet to seduce her, kidnapping Gwen only to tenderly caress her face and force her to have dinner with her, and then of course enchanting Gwen to kill Arthur so that Morgana can be queen, and Gwen will seemingly also still be queen. And they will be two queens, together, platonically. Hmmm
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Please Don’t Jump (It’s Christmas) - Charles Leclerc x Reader
Pairing - Charles Leclerc x Reader
Word Count - 1.8k
Content Warning - Mentions of suicide, swearing
Synopsis - You send Charles a text, and Charles thinks you’re about to do something very bad and he realises he doesn’t think he could ever live without you. Meanwhile, you are off doing something else, completely unaware of Charles’ worries.
Author’s Note - This is inspired by the song Please Don’t Jump (It’s Christmas) by Dallon Weekes. It’s a really good song and I wanted to write a suitably depressing fic to go along with it but I thought, no, I won’t, I’ll write something wholesome and cute instead. So while this is kinda sad at the start, I promise you it has a happy ending. Enjoy!
“Fuck, (y/n), answer your fucking phone!” Charles grumbles into his phone, before hanging up and throwing it onto the bed in frustration.
“No answer?” Arthur says from his position resting against the door frame.
“Does it look like she answered?” Charles yells. He feels the tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he shouts at brother. He’s not angry with Arthur, not really. He’s just scared, scared you were about to do something stupid.
It was just a text. A few words on a screen, but they terrified him to his very core.
‘I’m doing it. I’m sorry Charles. I love you ♥︎.’
Those words, the words you had typed and sent before going to do god knows what. Throw yourself into traffic? Jump off of a building? Charles’ mind was racing as he couldn’t help but imagine all the horrible ways you might have… No, he couldn’t even think that word. He didn’t want to think that you would, that you could. It’s selfish, but he can’t help but think what he’d do without you. You were his best friend, his world, and though he’d never said it out loud, he loved you. Fuck, he loved you so much it hurt, and he was terrified he wouldn’t ever get to see you again. The way that you laugh at his stupid jokes, the way you smile so warmly, the way you squeeze him just a little too tight when he hugs you. He would have cherished each of these stupid things more if he knew that any time could have been the last.
“Where would she go? People tend to go somewhere they feel safe when they…” Arthur says, and Charles’ eyes go wide.
“I know. Wait here, she might come back. If she does, tell her I’m out looking for her, and then text me immediately, yes?” Charles says, and Arthur nods.
Charles grabs his discarded phone from the bed and races out of the door, skipping the elevator, it takes too much time, instead opting to sprint down the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him.
If you’re anywhere, anywhere at all, it’s on the roof of your old building, the place you grew up, the place you both used to camp out under the stars when you were kids. You’d lay together on your mother’s sleeping bag, filled with marshmallows and your mum’s hot chocolate, and try and pick out all of the constellations in the sky. Charles remembered those nights so fondly. Even then, he thinks he was in love. He might not have realised it at the time, but he was. He’d loved you for as long as he could remember, and he knew he couldn’t bare to be without you.
The doorman doesn’t stop him as he makes for the elevator. Everyone in this damn country knows who he is, he could probably break into a jewellery store in the middle of the day, empty the cabinets, and they’d probably thank him for it. He thought about the stairs, but going up is a lot harder than going down, and he had been slacking on the cardio the past few days due to the festive season.
Charles bursts through the doors and up onto the roof, looking around to see it empty. You weren’t there. A sob escapes his lips as he looks around, hoping you were going to magically appear, and he could hold you, kiss you, tell you it was all going to be okay. But you didn’t appear, Charles was alone on the rooftop, and you weren’t there.
Charles’ phone starts to buzz in his pocket, and he fumbles to grab it, his hands shaking.
He is greeted by your smiling face on the screen, and he exhales a shaky chuckle. You’re still here. You’re alive.
“Fuck, (y/n), where are you? Are you okay?” Charles says, his voice barely there as a single tear drips down his cheek.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It was okay actually, not as painful as I would have expected.” You say, and Charles furrows his brows in confusion.
“A-are you calling me from the afterlife?” He whispers, his eyes wide.
“The afterlife? What the fuck are you talking about? I just got out of the piercing place.” You say, and Charles slaps himself in the forehead at his own stupidity, chuckling slightly in relief.
“The piercing place, fuck, I thought you were gonna…I…” Charles says, unable to form a coherent thought, just so happy you weren’t about to do what he thought you were going to do.
“What? I told you the other day, I wanted to go and get my tongue pierced, but you said it was a stupid idea and would almost definitely get all gross and infected.” You say. “Wait, lemme switch to video, I’ll show you. It’s not gross, I promise.”
The phone vibrates against Charles’ ear and he presses the button, and your face shows up on screen once again, this time you were sticking out your tongue, your eyebrows raised. Your expression changes as you see Charles’ flushed face, and the background that was almost definitely not his flat.
“Are you okay? Where the hell are you? That looks like the roof of my parents’ building.” You say, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“It is, I.. uh… I’m stupid, I thought that text… I thought you were gonna…” Charles attempts to say, but he can’t quite finish the sentence because he still can’t bring himself to say those words.
“You thought I was going to what? Kill myself?” You say, a confused look on your face.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I did.” Charles says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Charles, I might make a lot of jokes about it, but I would never do it. Especially not on Christmas Eve. Besides, I’m in therapy, I’ve got my pills, and I’ve got you. So I’m happy.” You say, offering him a sweet smile.
“I make you happy?” He asks.
“Of course you do. I love you.” You say, sticking out your tongue at him once again, revealing the small silver piercing in the centre of your tongue.
“But do you mean it? Because tonight I had a lot of feelings, and time to think, and I love you too. But like, I love you love you. I think I always have. I genuinely don’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life.” Charles says, and you stop in your tracks.
“Wait there, I’m not far away.” You say, before hanging up the phone.
You pick up your pace as you walk down the streets, your heels clicking against the concrete pavements. There was no way you were saying what you wanted to say over the phone. No way.
After your brisk walk, a trip in the elevator, and the few steps up to the roof, you spot Charles sat on the edge of the roof, looking out at the city.
Your heels clicking alert him to your presence and he turns to you, spotting that your arms were full with the sleeping bag and a jug of hot chocolate.
“I called in downstairs, and she’d just made a pot. She hates the tongue piercing by the way, I don’t think anyone likes it but me.” You say, holding the sleeping bag out to Charles.
He takes it and lays it out in your usual spot, not saying a word.
“I didn’t want to say it over the phone. It felt artificial, you know. This feels better.” You say, taking a seat on the floor and pouring yourself a mug of the creamy hot chocolate.
Charles sits next to you and takes the other mug, taking a sip of the beverage which warms him up in the cold winter air. In his rush to find you, he didn’t even stop to grab a jacket, and so his arms were bare in the mild Monaco winter.
“You cold? Here, get under my scarf.” You say, wrapping your scarf around both your own and Charles’ shoulders, forcing him to pull closer to you.
“I’m sorry, If I freaked you out, or scared you with what I said. If you don’t feel the same, that’s fine too, I just-“
You cut Charles off mid-sentence as you press as soft kiss to his lips.
“Every time I say it, I mean it Charles. I love you. So much.” You say, smiling sweetly at him.
“Really? You’ve always meant it?” He questions.
“Always. Ever since we were kids and I’d sit here and make up constellations to try and impress you.” You laugh, taking another sip of your warm drink.
“You made those up?” Charles asks, and you chuckle.
“Yep, I know fuck all about astronomy. But you thought stars were cool and I wanted to impress you.” You say.
“Hmm, well you were very good at making stuff up about stars. I believed every word.” Charles says, and you rest your head gently on his shoulder.
“Ten minutes ago you believed I was going to jump off the roof.” You say, and Charles chuckles, shaking his head at his previous actions.
“Yeah, yeah, I am stupid, we don’t need to get into that one again.” He says.
“But you were willing to run around the city, arms bare, trying to find me and stop me. You have such a beautiful soul. That’s why I love you, Charles Leclerc.” You say, and Charles presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
You sit up, turning to face Charles as you press your lips to his for a real kiss. You wrap your hands, which are still warm from holding the hot chocolate, around his neck to pull him closer as he deepens the kiss. Charles wraps his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer, but you’re interrupted as you wince and pull back.
“Are you okay?” Charles asks, his eyes wide with concern.
“Yeah, yeah, just no french kissing until this thing heals.” You say, sticking your tongue out to point at the silver ball.
“Noted.” Charles says, before gently pressing his lips to yours once again, only to quickly pull away.
“You okay? Does the piercing gross you out?” You ask, fiddling with the ball between your teeth.
“No, it’s not that, I actually kinda like it, actually. No, I left Arthur in my flat, he’s probably still terrified.” Charles says as he pulls out his phone to begin texting his brother.
“I have an idea.” You say, taking Charles’ phone out of his hand and opening the camera.
You snap a quick photo of you kissing Charles on the cheek, a shocked expression on his face.
You type a quick response and hit send, passing the phone back to Charles.
‘Not killing myself, got my tongue pierced. Your brother is cute, likes the taste of metal apparently.’
Charles reads the text and chuckles, shaking the head at your crude reference before wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You stay there on the roof together until it’s well past midnight. Christmas Day. Just staring at all the stars and constellations you once pretended to know to impress a boy you like. Who would have thought that, ten years later, you’d still be sat together under the stars, but this time, you both knew how much you loved one another.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
why are you people hyping up jonathan harker he was fucking useless LMAOOOOOOO
just on the background while the doctors always did actual work and had insight and schemes and godalming and morris used their $$$
meanwhile he just fell on his knees crying I DEFY YOU STARS OH MY DOOMED LOVE
Oh, anon. I know I probably should just ignore you. However, I first of all find this ask very funny, and secondly you are giving me a golden opportunity to brag about my boy, here. I'm definitely gonna take it.
Behold - an incomplete list of things Jonathan Harker has done:
survived for months alone in Dracula's castle, maintaining a delicate balance of not rocking the boat too far and getting killed, but never giving up fully/seizing every chance to try and learn more or find a way out (letters, wall-climbing, etc.)
the only person to harm Dracula (shovel scar) and live (the only others were Renfield and Quincey, both of whom died the same day). the only person to hit him more than once (shovel, cut his coat open, sliced off his head). one of the two people who killed him (sliced off his head if you missed that one)
escaped by climbing down a castle wall and fleeing on foot through mountains full of wolves, without any warm clothes
was the person to recognize Dracula in London, and to direct the group to Carfax
did literally all of the footwork required to track down Dracula's boxes. began this task on his own without being given direction, and was well underway on it before even linking up with the others. (insight!)
bribery! lots of bribery! using his own inherited money at least part of the time ($$$!)
also, lied to/tricked various sources that he was either still Dracula's attorney, or utilized Arthur's status, to get information (schemes!)
suggested to a surprised Seward that Renfield may be reacting to Dracula and is "a sort of index to the coming and going of the Count." (insight!)
was van helsing's biggest primary source confirming what his research said about vampires, as seen in big speech day when he told everyone 'vampires do this (as seen in Jonathan's diary)' like five separate times
was the first to move to attack Dracula on October 3 (at his house not the asylum), galvanizing everyone else into action
um, kinda a big thing that he never considered his love doomed? like. yeah. willing to go to hell/become a vampire himself to stay with Mina. willing to doom everyone else for his love if necessary but never to give up on that. fell on his knees (I'll grant you) immediately... to comfort Mina when she felt unclean. set aside his immediate impulse towards revenge in order to comfort her first.
but also. very much willing to act to prevent such an outcome? urged everyone else to get on the move so he could go kill Dracula for everything he'd done?
nonetheless, didn't put his personal catharsis/revenge above the goal. was willing to take a backseat for the sake of success in the initial plan and just play guard rather than insisting on being the one to stake/behead him.
...honorable mention again for beheading him anyway in the end. Jonathan literally killed Dracula, bud. (fucking useful!)
I love all the main characters, and am not interested in devaluing anyone's contributions. The doctors are very smart (among other things) and important. Arthur and Quincey are very rich (among other things) and important. Mina, who you failed to mention, is extremely clever (among other things) and important as well. Jonathan, surprise surprise... is also all of those things!
And I love him. He's been my favorite character since my first time reading this book long ago. I (don't actually) regret to inform you that Dracula Daily has only increased that love, as well as vindicated it by seeing many other people agree that he's a great character really screwed over by adaptations, and thus even if I were generally inclined to feel upset about these kinds of messages, this'd still miss the mark. Rather, I thank you for the opportunity to reflect on some of the many ways Jonathan was an integral part of this vampire-hunting team.
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diatomaceous-worth · 4 months
More on the youtuber au... (from this art)
Ok don't kill me but it's also a soulmate au. and because I've been drafting it for a long time and it might be good while before anything finished sees the light of day, here a detailed synopsis.
So...we can start with Alfred. He lives with his brother who is getting fed up that he's late on rent each month. It's been months since Alfred's graduated high school and maybe he'll enroll in the community college but he doesn't really know what he wants to do. He's just been working odd jobs. The best he can do now is at the pizza joint, which is always sure to never give him enough hours to go full time. But it's ok, because when he's not doing that he's making youtube videos.
He and Kiku would make them as kids, and now he's giving it his all, trying the cinnamon challenge, posting videos of him playing minecraft and crazy Dota moments. He's really hoping something will take off. But it's hard. None of his shit gets any views. Not nearly as much as the most fucking annoying youtuber: Arthur Kirkland.
He makes the most basic ass lifestyle videos like "my boyfriend does my makeup" and "going to high tea" or "animal crossing house tour" shit. Why millions of people care about that pip pip cheerio fuck is beyond him.
Something about him just irrationally ticks him off. Maybe it's because he doesn't seem deserving of fame. Maybe because Arthur has many times been petty and gotten involved in twitter spats that just make him look bad. Maybe it's because he's weird. In every video, he always wears gloves. He never takes them off, and he always dodges questions about it.
On r/KirklandSnark some people have picked up that he always wears long sleeves, too. The leading theory on the sub, which became such an often repeated and heated topic that Alfred banned discussion on it, is that he's hiding his soulmate mark. That it extends from his hands onto his arm. (Alfred's theory however is that he does it to seem eccentric for views)
But maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Alfred's gut tells him that Francis is not Arthur's soulmate. Alfred has noticed Arthur does share a lot about his life but he is also closed off in a lot of ways. Yet making a video on the topic of soulmates would only benefit Arthur. Youtubers talking about which soulmate mechanism they have, or how they met their soulmate; people eat that shit up. Because all the unmatched young people want to imagine themselves meeting their soulmate and how magical it could be, or they want to figure out which soulmate mechanism they will have.
Alfred doesn't openly admit it but he has spent way too much time watching videos like that. Can you blame him though? For being nineteen and never having felt any connection to his soulmate? If they even exist?? He has never woken up with words on his skin nor felt any sensation that wasn't his. Never seen a glimmer of a red thread out of the corner of his eye nor found any mark on his body that might tie him to another.
Meanwhile he has to sit on the bus and bear witness to strangers bumping into each other and freaking the fuck out about it because they said each other's words. They don't even carry barf bags on buses did you know that?
But Alfred doesn't want to give up hope. Someone is out there for him.
Arthur Kirkland on the other hand?
The topic of soulmates brings him misery. Soulmates are a blight. They are bloody inconvenient. Why should he be destined to anyone? Doesn't he have a choice? Will his dense as bricks soulmate every stop cheating on tests?
He was ten when the first ink appeared on his skin. He remembered how profound it felt. To watch the scribbles bloom over his arms and palms. He knew what it was, and he wrote back a simple reply. An introduction, his name.
The lack of response was the first step to his disillusionment with the whole thing. By the time he was in year 10 he resolved to stop looking. It was easier to cover up his hands to avoid catching whatever drivel his soulmate wrote or drew. They seemed dead set on ignoring him, and Arthur grew tired of wondering why his messages didn't seem to go through.
Occasionally he wouldn't be able to avoid it. The year Arthur tried uni was when the cheating started. First it was chemistry formulas and the next year it was math equations, all crammed under his navel in an absurd number of rows. Sometimes he caught the to-do lists written on the back of his hands. Things like "ch.2 east of eden" or "socks 4 matt". He tried to avoid catching those things, knowing that going down that path of trying to figure out who Matt was would drive him insane. But based on the spellings, he was sure he was American. And that was enough to put Arthur at ease.
His soulmate was far far away, and Arthur could be free to live his life and tend to his overly massive youtube channel (the one that afforded him a flat in London, dates with Francis, and even a meeting with the queen. (Never mind that the meeting with the queen was almost a disaster, that in the car before they set foot on the grounds he watched Francis's eyes grow in horror as they stayed glued to his brow, watching a crude sharpie penis appear on his forehead. Francis tried to scrub it off even, despite Arthur's protests (soap never worked, ever), but in the end an obscene amount of makeup saved the day.)
It was a lot to ignore, but continuing on despite it all was all he ever knew. So he entertains himself with his channel, savors the good moments with Francis, and occasionally indulges in the strange people who try to start drama with him online.
And this is where Alfred's "Why Arthur Kirkland SUCKS" video comes into play. Because Alfred's finally had enough of the mediocrity. And he just goes for it. Buys a stupid fake fancy hat and suit from party city (And of course his stupid gloves!), and rants to the camera about everything that annoys him about the guy.
"All his fans just like him for his stupid accent. Being hot and british is not an excuse for a personality! Look at me! I'm Arthur Kirkland and blimey the other day I had the spiciest cracker! Think they might have put salt on it!"
And Arthur has no qualms about ripping back into Alfred. It's only fair because Alfred certainly didn't hold back. Arthur's response video is fairly successful, and Arthur moves on from it, happy with the chatter it generated and satisfied that he out-roasted that git, while Alfred is so extremely shocked that Arthur responded to him that a week goes by in the blink of an eye and when he finally goes to check out the subreddit he's been neglecting, he locks every post discussing the video and finally approves the guy who had been bugging him to be the second moderator (some guy named Peter). It's simply too weird to see discussions about himself, and maybe the whole dedicated subreddit was a little too much...?
But back to Arthur, part of his decision to make the video came from its convenience. It was easy to make while he was moving. He moves to the US for Francis's career, settling in Chicago (and you'll never guess where Matt and Al live). They break up when Francis wants to move on (Arthur thought it was perfect to be with someone whose soulmate was dead, because then he could never complain about his own situation, but here's another thing that didn't work out).
Arthur finds himself living out of hotel, drinking too much, and on one night, ordering pizza. Alfred isn't normally the guy who delivers, but after the normal driver clocks out early, his boss forces him to deliver this order some asshole put in ten minutes before close.
It's very strange when he knocks on the hotel door, and Arthur Kirkland answers, fully clothed and gloved, staring back at him with a similar shocked recognition in his eyes.
crazy right. not going to say what happens in the hotel but I'll say that Alfred goes back home to his couch, dreams a peaceful dream instead of his frequent nightmares, and Arthur finds himself surprised that he wants to see his internet hater again.
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merlinficprompts · 11 months
I have a Merlin prompt I would like to submit!! Sorry for the formatting I’m writing this on my phone it’s 1 am and I’m feeling feral
Merlin magic is revealed to Gwaine when he has to heal a fatal wound. Gwaine and Lancelot are having a private conversation about it, using a code word for Merlin’s magic. An eavesdropping Arthur misinterprets the whole thing.
(conversation goes roughly like this)
“To be honest I’m kind of broken hearted. I thought I was the first one to experience uh.. Merlin’s ’talent’.”
“Sorry friend, me and Merlin’s first meeting was when he was.. sharing his ‘talent’ with me..”
“I won’t lie to you, when he first started doing it I was.. I was mortified.. but then it felt so..”
“Yes! Gods, I know I’ll be condemned if others find out but.. I’ve never felt anything like it. I’m not exaggerating Lancelot, I truly feel as if a whole new world has opened in front of my eyes. I want him to do it again, I want him to do and show me more. I’m greedy for it!”
“I understand you, sometimes despite the years I’ve known of his.. ‘talent’, I find myself yearning to experience it again. I could never ask him to do anything that put him in harms way though, should anyone find out..”
“I know. It’s such a shame he has to go to such lengths to hide his true nature. During it his eyes were so bright and at peace, it made me want to never let him go. It pains me knowing he suffers so much, hiding his true self in fear. I asked him if he ever planned to tell Arthur and he.. he looked so pain. He’s terrified of what Arthur would think if he found out..”
“I don’t blame him. While Arthur’s a much better man and leader than Uther, there’s still no telling how he’d react finding out about.. Merlin’s ‘talent’”
“Well I for one think there’s nothing wrong with it. Especially since I’ve experienced the benefits first hand. I’m telling you Lance, I’m a new man. I haven’t felt this at ease in a long time.”
“Oh yes, i suppose we just must be grateful that we can consider ourselves among the lucky few who get to experience his ‘talent’, and work to assure his safety in the future.”
Now utterly convinced that Merlin is a slag who prefers men, Arthur struggles with multiple emotions; ranging from embarrassment to having overheard Merlin’s private business, to despair that his best friend was too afraid to admit his preference, to outrage over the (assumed) knowledge that his knights are apparently mounting his ‘talented’ servant. He’s scandalized to think Merlin was so wanton, he should be indignant and offended that he shares such camaraderie with an unrepentant harlot. Yet, for some reason he can’t put his finger on.. he mostly just feels hurt and betrayed. He’s mortified over what that means, and finds himself in a panic over what to do now that he’s learned his best friend (who he doesn’t realize he’s in love with) is apparently a huge slut who fucks his knights (and he’s utterly incensed on Gwen’s behalf since Lance is courting her at this time)
Unsure of what to do, he finds himself at a loss and confides in Morgana about how he should act, and whether he should intervene in any way or mind his own business. Morgana, somewhat impressed, finds this hilarious, but becomes angry when she hears about Lancelot. Her judgement of Merlin sours and she finds herself stuck between telling Gwen or fighting Lancelot. From there everything just kind of snowballs. The knights try to correct the rumor but obviously since they can’t say they were talking about his magic, all other excuses seem poorly constructed and they’re unable to fix the problem.
Meanwhile around the same time, the son of a good friend/ally to Uther, who’s infamous for his carnal and shameless desires, catches wind of this rumor upon his visit to Camelot. His interest peaked, he seeks out to proposition Merlin, regardless of Merlin’s willingness.. (arthur saves him in time tho)
Merlin, on the other hand, has somehow managed to remain completely oblivious to everyone’s newfound attention on him, paranoid he’s detecting some snickers and nasty remarks thrown his away, but mostly unsure and too tired to think too hard over it. He’s too busy prioritizing protecting Arthur and finding new ways to perfect his magic that the thought of being with someone amounted to that of another meaningless chore he’d tack onto his plate. He’s come to the conclusion that he’s not destined to have a partner and settle down, the closest he supposes he’ll ever get is being by Arthur’s side as he gets his fairy tale ending, wife and kids.. Merlin is perfectly fine remaining on the side as always. He doesn’t know why his chest aches everytime he thinks about it.
Everyone’s misunderstanding everyone else, Gaius forces Merlin to listen to him explain safe sex between men and assures him that he loves him regardless of whether or not he approves of Merlin’s constant changing conquest amount. Merlin gets sexually harassed, Arthur is emotionally constipated so he rescues Merlin from bullying but also yells at him bc he’s mad Merlin’s being a hoe with everyone but him apparently. Uther hears one too many random out of context dialogues pertaining to Merlin’s sexual abilities, and Kilgarrah spends his entire interaction with Merlin cackling his scales off bc he saw what happens and he’s so excited for it to play out.
TLDR Merlin wakes up one day and suddenly everyone is convinced he’s a huuuuuge slut. Chaos ensues.
While the premise is crack-ish, I do want the story to be written fairly seriously/realistically. If anyone’s interested in turning this prompt into a full fledged fanfic, I’d love for it to be a very very lengthy one. So excited to see if this gets written!!
I love this idea!!! I probably wouldn’t write it myself, but it’s so funny, beyond the embarrassment factor. I would love to see it though! If you or anyone else writes this idea, message me so I can post about it!
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MACCCC HELLO!!! HOW R U TONIGHT!!!! idk if u know but the qsmp finale was today. hence. me being in tumblr post limit jail. press f to pay respects 😔✊ i thought i would never see my catboy again BUT!!! HE WAS ONLINE AND I GOT 2 SEE HIM AGAIN!!! even if he didn’t stream his pov i still got 2 see his cubito <3 would like 2 give u this picture of him as a momento of this occasion <3 ignore the quality i watched the streams on my phone data. literally two pixels tall smallest guy u have ever seen
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ANYWAY i am on ep 8 of the suckening. love the juxtaposition of arthur in london and the twins chillin in la. arthur and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (ft. trauma, heartwrenching memories, and getting hunted down by vampire hunters and barely surviving) meanwhile shilo is sipping blood out of a swirly straw in a walmart. arthur is living in a tragic drama and the twins are living in a comedy. OBSESSED with the tomfoolery and shenanigans these guys get into. once i’m done the suckening i think perhaps i may get into prime defenders next?? ros rly seems 2 like that one and i trust the judgement of my good friend roswell intertexts <3 i hope ur night is goin well!!!!!
I feel like u are pulling our ur wallet and showing me the most crumpled up faded old Polaroid of your wife who died at sea decades ago. omg. he is 2 pixels big. absolutely molecular.
OH MAN !!!!!! I think I was getting the jist of everything from the liveblogs I was seeing but I didn't realize this was ljke the FINALE finale !!!!! I hope it was good!!! i hope it was better than dsmp at least !!! I'm glad u got to see ur cat again <3 i think I saw a wedding cake with him and the red guy on it did they get married....... congratulations if so <3
UGHHHH SUCKENING. GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT arthurs no good terrible horrible very bad trip to London. god I love shilo so very much. they r having fun in Walmart together <3 nothing bad is ever going to happen to any of them
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myrddin-wylt · 1 month
Still on England and Denmark, how do they interact? Is there any resentment? Sexual tension? 👀 It feels like Denmark has inspired England a lot, but England would never admit it.
(character guide: Arthur = England; Mathias= Denmark)
But I’m always on England and Denmark lol, though I apologize for how long it’s taken me to get to this ask. And it depends on the era! They have a pretty long history, even if the most direct interaction was during the Viking Era, but they still interacted afterwards as well, too. Of course, their dynamic during the Viking Age and after it is very, very different, especially in the Early Modern Period (c. 1500-1700 AD) as England emerges as a major power in Europe and then the world while Denmark... does the opposite.
History really flips their dynamic on its head: at the start of the Viking Age, the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were weak and not even unified, and made for easy targets to raid and invade; Arthur, I think, was pretty timid and averse to conflict and would flee instead of fight if he had the chance. Denmark, though it didn’t unify until about the same time as England, centralized power and started colonizing very, very quickly, and the early Danish kings were certainly nothing to fuck with. After all, they did successfully conquer England a few times, even if it didn’t end up sticking for as long as Denmark-Norway.
Imo the Early Modern Period is where things got really flipped upside-down, as Denmark-Norway pretty much lost their shot at becoming a major power when Sweden ran off with a third of Denmark-Norway’s territory in 1658 (I think Himaruya did a comic about this, actually? You know, the ‘March Across the Belts,’ where the Swedes just... walked across the frozen sea and proceeded to fuck shit up for Denmark? That.) Meanwhile, across the North Sea, England - despite more than a century of war with the French, many, many civil wars, a public regicide, and a brief stint as a republic that did not go well - is one of the most important powers in Europe and somehow only getting more and more powerful. And that trend only continues until the Danes lose their empire completely and the Brits establish the largest empire in human history.
So as far as resentment, I think it’s a mixed bag; Arthur is, frankly, way too fucked up in that regard. If anything, he’s grateful because he thinks the Viking Invasions toughened him up and prepared him to handle survival under the Normans. The Viking Invasions and Norman Invasion were very transformative for him, and my headcanon is that they’re the reason Arthur is so Like That - ie is so dedicated to the idea that might makes right, only the strong survive, and all that social Darwinist (in a general sense of the term) stuff. So Arthur thinks he has nothing to resent Mathias for in the first place.
Mathias... does not feel the same way, especially as time goes on. For one thing, there’s a period of time in the Middle Ages where Mathias resents that England never returned to a union with Denmark and Norway to form the North Sea Empire again; fun historical fact, the Danes continued to try to conquer England even after William of Normandy took over in 1066, and the Danes repeatedly revived their claim on England as late as the 1200s. Given that the invasions started in the 800s, that’s nearly four centuries of Mathias trying very hard to unify Denmark and England. I don’t think Mathias aims that resentment at Arthur, per se, but just in general at how events turned out. And by the time he starts getting over that, he starts to resent how powerful Arthur becomes and how he’s basically living out Mathias’s dreams. Maybe that goes away in the 1700s, idk, but it is worth mentioning that Britain and Denmark had several alliances throughout the 18th century, which ultimately ended in 1772 with a (very scandalous) Royal Divorce that really hurt relations between Britain and Denmark for awhile, especially because the Danes were willing to let the whole thing go and the Brits decided that no, actually, they had to make it a big deal and break off the alliance. So that was a sore spot. (Went very poorly for the Brits in the end though lol, since it meant they didn’t have the Danes to back them up when the Americans started the revolution.) And then there was the two separate battles of Copenhagen in 1801 and 1807, the latter of which really ruined Anglo-Danish relations for awhile because not only were both attacks by the Brits unprovoked, but the 1807 battle ended with the Brits confiscating the entire Danish-Norwegian navy. SO THEY WERE MAD ABOUT THAT for awhile. I think Mathias got over it by 1900, but for awhile there was some serious bad blood between them.
As far as sexual tension, well, imo they’re well past that - I actually headcanon them as being each other’s firsts, to line up with the Danelaw and North Sea Empire. They probably get together periodically after that, especially when they have alliances with each other, but I wouldn’t call that sexual tension so much as straightforward booty calls lol. Makes for a few very awkward morning-afters when Alfred is still living with Arthur.
I think Arthur would actually admit pretty freely the impact Mathias and the Danes had on him - after all, Beowulf, the oldest work of English literature and the national pride of England, explicitly takes place in Denmark. And I think Arthur would happily credit Mathias with a lot of inspiration in general - I just don’t think Mathias enjoys being credited with toughening him up. If anything, I think Mathias feels somewhat guilty about the whole thing, even if - especially since Arthur doesn’t hate him for it. Like damn dude, you really fucked him up.
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mxpseudonym · 2 years
Explain it to me like I'm stupid
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Alt title; 17 Months for a Peach
Pairing: John Shelby x male!OC (or characterized reader)
Summary: John’s proposal gets shot down in a meeting, and his book smart crush is there to cheer him up. John uses this moment to make a move. It’s giving himbo x nerd vibes a little bit.
Length: 2986
Warnings: Sex happens, also the use of "idiot" but affectionately
A/N: I know I closed this blog, but I’ve been feeling kinda down lately then found this when I was cleaning out my fanfic database (I should show you all how I organize my fics one day lol) and it made me happy to finish and share. So here we are.
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Evan adjusted his glasses and watched John talk in the meeting. The youngest Shelby was hot-headed, and at his worst, he was clueless about how things worked. Life seemed to happen to him in many ways, but he certainly had charisma.
Evan looked at him with a glint in his eyes. What an absolute idiot. Of course, Tommy wasn’t going to go with his idea that was sure to start an unnecessary war amongst the Small Health rabble-rousers. But boy, did this kid have heart. He showed up fully and earnestly for his family, country, and city. He couldn't even last in London; he was so used to the Romani lifestyle.
He was completely different from Evan, who, with his glasses and correct to the decimal ledger, was used to a tidy upbringing with a mother who was more into the motions of catholicism than the God behind it and a father who was, in a word, docile. John and Arthur had teased him for his bowties and suits and how he'd never gotten into a fight. John had protected him in a few bar fights. That was a good word for him—a protector.
The meeting was over, and everyone dispersed. Evan's eyes followed John, who kept a smiling face but let it waver when he snuck off into the halls of Arrow House. It took a moment for Evan to be able to follow. The dinner party continued, and he took a glass and a bottle of champagne to look for John. Surprisingly, he found him in the library looking at all the books Evan knew Tommy had never read.
"Is John Shelby actually reading during a party?" Evan asked out loud, closing the door behind him as John turned with a book in his hand.
"Got lost, didn't I? Told Tommy we need a bloody map in this place." John grumbled before tossing the book on a settee. "What've you got there?"
"I knew you'd probably like this when I found you."
"Savior status."
"Amen. One glass, though,"
"We can share," John said with a shrug, completely unaware. Evan smirked and handed him the tools. He picked up the book John had thrown down and huffed when he saw it.
"Economics? What are you doing reading about economics?"
"Oi, don't tease. Tried to ask Pol why my idea wouldn't work. She got mad at me for asking too many questions again.”
"The key is not to lose sight of the forest for the trees."
John gulped down his first drink and started another. “Whaddya mean?”
“On the surface, taking over the new casino and nightclub in Small Heath makes sense, even if it means expanding our territory by any means necessary. More money, right?”
“But, the Riley Gang is in deep debt to us. If we wait and see how well those spots will do, which they are expected to do well, as you mentioned, we can approach them later, and they’ll be persuaded to funnel their money to us with interest. Meanwhile, we don’t have to pay for manpower or maintenance. No damages or insurance either.”
“And we can keep expanding to London,” John concluded.
“Why’s it gotta be so complicated? We’re the Peaky fucking Blinders. We should just get what we want when we want it,” he complained, making Evan laugh.
“I can’t say you’re wrong about that. It’s what we’re after. Tommy’s got his vision, but the rest of us lowly dogs will live and die right here in Small Heath. Would be nice to have some perks if that’s the case,” Evan agreed as he filled the glass flute with bubbly. John watched intently as he sipped. “What?”
“Thanks for explaining that without me feeling stupid.”
“You’ve got the spirit,” Evan told him before ruffling his hair. John smirked softly, then began leaning in. Evan tilted his head in confusion, which John took as an invitation to cup his neck and go for it. It being the one thing Evan never thought would happen in all 30 years of his life.
He was pretty sure John Shelby was the only one who could make a risky first kiss feel coy and smug at the same time. The kiss was teasing and slow, and John pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before they parted.
“Fuck,” John groaned, the sound burning straight to Evan’s lower belly. “That was bad, right? Shouldn’t be acting on my wet dreams like that, not with our resident smart ass.”
John chuckled as Evan blinked at him. He could hardly process the groan, the flirting, the admission of the wet dream, and the cheeky insult in one go. Turning, he took a swig from the champagne bottle before pointing at John.
“Explain yourself.”
“Right now? Just when things are getting good?” John looked at him, surprised. “Mate, you’ve got to learn good timing. I might not know numbers and cents, but I know wanting eyes like nothin’ else. On the other hand, you don’t know shit and-” John stood, making his way to him and taking the bottle, having a drink of his own. “Have kept me waiting for 17 fucking months.”
“17?!” Evan choked on the number. “You didn’t run out of patience?”
“Almost did. But you started swimming with us last summer, and it was the death of me.”
“Is that all you think about?”
“Are you asking if you are all I think about? Or if seeing more of what those swimsuits were hiding is all I think about? Real prick to not skinny dip like the rest of us, by the way,” John grumbled. Evan nodded, then took two gulps of the champagne.
“So you’re saying,”
“How can you think when you’re this hard?” John asked curiously. Evan became ruefully aware that he was swelling in his trousers only when John’s hand pressed on the front of him. His eyes looked down at his fondling hand, then to the front of John’s trousers that were nearing a similar state.
“Nothing cohesive is really happening up here,” Evan admitted, pointing to his head.
“Then, can I kiss you while you think of your next interrogation question?” John asked. Evan could only nod.
Thoughts flew in and out of the running for the most cohesive sentence as Evan’s mind swirled. He had several questions, including ‘why now?’ and ‘are you sure?’ but John’s hands had untucked his shirt and roamed his skin, all while the Shelby shamelessly whispered the most salacious things.
“You’re just as soft as I thought, or more probably,” John murmured. Evan groaned, letting his head fall back while John pressed his thigh between Evan’s legs and against his hardening self. He hated that he subtly rutted against it as they kissed but hated even more that John pressed against his thigh without hesitation, making them both even hotter.
“I don’t know a lot about this, but I learned a thing or two in France. I think you should receive,” John muttered, never changing tone. He was so nonchalant Evan nearly missed it.
“What are you saying right now?”
“Huh? That you should take my dick?” John leaned away just a bit to speak clearly. Evan felt the heat rush straight to his face to even come from his ears like steam from the ears of a cartoon character.
“Did you say you learned in France?” He asked though John was moving already.
“Just a couple of things over a few times,” he rushed through the small talk as his own cheeks blushed.
“Teach me then. Explain it without making me feel stupid, please?” Evan asked, and John groaned.
“Stop. You’re making my dick harder when you ask like that.”
“Romance is your strong suit.”
Evan was a liar. Well, not entirely, but a little. He wasn’t asking John to tell him how two men had sex, per se; he just wanted to know what John knew. Because, in truth, Evan’s stint in France wasn’t just helpful; it found him with a few close friends who knew where others like them convened. Some bars, restaurants on certain days, and parks at night were all common meetings for men. And while he did pine for John, Evan had also had his fair share of romps.
“-and spit is the worst. Use oil or the medical lubricant if you can,” John concluded thoughtfully. He wasted no time leaning in and connecting his lips to Evan’s shoulder. The explanation was twice as long, at least for all the times John’s eyes couldn’t leave his lips, and he’d kiss him.
“I can’t believe you held on to that information for such a long time. Can you wait a little longer?” Evan asked.
“Because you need to think?” John asked, suddenly leaning back.
“Because we’re in the middle of a dinner party.”
It was John’s turn to blink before laughing. Evan could only chuckle. The idiot had definitely forgotten.
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“Like a peach,”
“Oh god, stop saying that,”* Evan whined.
In the confines of his apartment, far enough away from Watery Lane to be a haven, Evan writhed under John’s touch. An arm slung over his eyes while John kneeled between his legs, making them wrap around his waist. In the meantime, he was being too gentle about pressing into Evan’s freshly cleaned hole.
The oil would have been enough, and Evan expected to deal with the consequences of John’s recklessness later. Actually, he thought this would never happen once the champagne wore off, but John showed up at his door with flowers on a Saturday morning they agreed on two weeks later, and here they were.
John was so tender with him that it almost made Evan mad. He was expecting the lug to toss him around, not make him dizzy, and from kisses and sweet nothings, coaxing him out of his clothes and onto the bed.
Fingers dipped in oil stroked his cock first, and John had no hesitation in rubbing their cocks together while telling him this was just like a dream he had. Before Evan could tell him he was insane, John told him he needed to be inside him while groaning into his neck.
John circled his tight hole, with his thumb, but selected his right pointer finger as the designated one for the job. Evan thought about the skill the man possessed. To put men all over the country in their place, tossing explosives in politicians houses, roughing people up left and right. And now this. Those rough hands flexed and prodded until Evan could no longer stand being seen so openly. John slid his finger into him with some ease.
“Oh? Have you been doing this on your own. You took me so easily,” he said like nothing.
“How can you say that with,” Evan started, ripping his arm away from his face, only to see John red and half covering his own face. John gave him the most boyish smile that nearly sent him into cardiac arrest, but instead made them both chuckle. “It feels good.”
“Yeah? You’re soft here, like a peach.”
And he continued with that reference, more surprised that it held up when he drizzled more oil and put in one extra finger then another. Evan couldn’t catch two full breaths consecutively. His cock twitched and leaked over his lower belly, but John refused to touch him beyond squeezing his thigh and sliding into him to the knuckles, then to the hilt, then pressing in until Evan gasped. It was finding the precious spot within him that fucked it all up.
“Oh, here?” John asked when Evan’s back arched and he called for him and the heavens. “I’ll remember that for later.”
“John, just fuck me,” Evan pleaded. “You can’t just say that and expect me to not be like this.”
“Okay, okay, sorry,” John chuckled.
The bed shifted, sheets wrinkling and pillows adjusting. The morning sun hit perfectly on Johns naked form as he ran a hand through his hair before grabbing his cock. Evan watched it glisten with a thick coating of oil before it pushed against him.
For a moment he thought he was in trouble. His eyes rolled back. He couldn’t see straight, and he felt like he was leaving his body. His voice trembled as John’s pelvis pressed against his thighs, filling him to the hilt, “I’m gonna cum.”
True to his word, he spurted across his stomach while John groaned.
“Evan, you’re so lewd right now,” John breathed, his hand running up his side. He leaned down and ran his tongue over a small smattering of the milky substance, ignoring Evan telling him not to. John licked his stomach then up to his nipples before capturing his lips. “Your punishment for cumming at the start is that I get to fuck you as much as I want, alright?”
John was making him hold his knees up before he could agree to the binding vow. But the feeling of John’s cock stretching him and sliding against that spot in him would have made him do it. The strokes were exploratory, accompanied by moans and praises for Evan fitting him like a glove. He sped up, smacking against him after he adjusted. Evan could only take him in.
“Fucking hell, you’re handsome. Shit,” Evan groaned. John grinned then leaned down, the position putting him deeper as he helped press Evan’s legs back as he did it.
“You’re literally the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, you know how that makes me feel?” John asked. He paused while Evan shivered at the new position. “Luckiest fucking man.”
“You’re a square,” Evan moaned back. John’s rolling hips against him was enough payback, and he happily waved a white flag that left their foreheads pressed together and fingers interlaced. Evan couldn’t help joining his lover in being sappy though he’d never admit it. He gasped against the stubble on John’s jaw, “I’m so happy it’s you.”
John ripped himself away with a groan and quickly sat back, hand shooting to hold the base of his cock. “Fuck, I almost came.”
Evan huffed and sat up half way, wiping the sweat from his temple before caressing John’s waist, stroking the soft skin with his thumb. He watched the intense furrowing oh his brow, eyes clenched and teeth biting mercilessly at his bottom lip. Evan chuckled and laid back, rolling onto his stomach, glad that he was sending out laundry soon.
“I’m so empty now,” he sighed.
“Shut it,” John snipped. Evan simply raised a thigh and reached a hand between his legs. His fingers stroked his cock gently, massaged his balls, then found his tender entrance. He was aching, pulsing, and John was holding out? Bastard.
“I don’t think it’ll feel the same,” Evan groaned as he began prodding his ass.
“I just wanted a second, christ,” John laughed. He smacked away Evan’s fingers, and Evan happily shifted onto his knees, happy his fussing worked.
“You said you’d fuck me as much as you wanted, so I just want to take my punishment,” Evan told him over his shoulder. John tsked him while adding more oil to himself.
“You’re impossible.” Whether or not this was true didn’t stop John from sinking in at the new angle, deft fingers sinking into the plush of Evan’s hips to pull him back. The sound of squelching slickness filled the room with their pants and groans. With a squeeze to the ass, John praised him, “You’re sucking me in, love, well done.”
His hand slid to the natural line in his back and pushed Evan’s chest to the sheets to drive into him at a deeper angle. The strangled gasp he let out was one he’d make John take to his grave, but the depth of his cock was worth it.
“Never, stop, ugh god don’t stop,” he begged.
“As if I would, you’re leaking all over yourself and your ass is as soft as I thought,” John explained, squeezing him again. A shameless man. Evan would think of a comeback when he wasn’t burying his face in the sheets, trembling as the head of John’s cock firmly pushed against his prostate with every firm thrust. “I knew I’d find it again. Shit, you’re so **good, I’m gonna,” John rambled for a moment, hips starting to stutter before he pulled out and Evan felt his seed paint itself on his back.
They sat in bliss for a moment before John laughed and hopped up. Evan ignored the teasing he received for not moving from his face down ass up position by the time John came back with a warm cloth. Even when they laid next to each other, cleansed of fluids and oil, Evan still reveled in how his body felt now. John made use of their closeness, kissing him and never letting his hands still against his skin. They settled beside each other as the sun warmed the room and lulled them into a daze. It wasn’t even noon - they had a whole day to enjoy. Evan’s eyes closed first, and he felt bruised lips brush his forehead.
“Next time I won’t be so nice since you made me wait so long.” John’s dozing voice didn’t make the promise any less exciting.
“I look forward to it.”
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>> John Shelby Master List <<
>> Peaky Blinders Master List <<
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dreamcrow · 6 months
have you done a “how I would fix that movie” meta post? I’m also interested in your stricklake manifesto or something about guillermo del toro’s horror sensibilities and toa
send me a meta prompt (currently closed); thank you for the ask!
how did you know exactly what prompted this lol
stricklake manifesto is...tentatively forthcoming. possibly. probably. stay tuned. while i know i've certainly thought about how i'd fix the movie (and not even purely for niche side blorbo reasons), but i'm not sure how compelling (or coherent) that end product actually is. 🤔
unfortunately my fixit of the movie starts roughly thirty seconds after bellroc vaporizes that poor pigeon in chicago (or wherever metrocity is) and diverges wildly from there. tldr: someone on team trollhunter remembers they're in a gdt show, and asks just why are they all blindly following merlin, anyway. is it barb? god, i want it to be barb. obviously blinky is like "because he's the esteemèd merlin ambrosius, duh" while all three changelings just look directly into the camera. merlin blusters. barb backs off. 
then, once merlin wanders out of earshot, she asks again.
i do think that would be probably the biggest single change. i'm very self-conscious when i sit down in my lil sandbox that i don't want to give barb another job; she has enough already, and she gets mommed by the fandom in a way i don't always think is malicious but which nevertheless generally rubs me wrong. but truly: who else is doing it like her? okay, sure, there's jim: until the last four episodes of trollhunters, his actual, textual superpower is his humanity. he then gets browbeaten into discarding it—the quality that has, until now, been his unique and cited qualification—because the guy who made an amulet out of his student's severed hand acted like he had some kind of moral high ground.  
barb, meanwhile, is also an extraordinarily human human. she's the normie! she's the clueless mundane, a single mother dragged into the supernatural by her only son.  and while she does freak out—rightly! understandably!—when the supernatural puts her and her loved ones in danger, she never speaks against it just for being different. obviously stricklander is the example i've thought about most here: she's mad when he comes back (again, rightly), but her objections are because you lied to and endangered and my son, not because you're a dirty changeling. she's mad (and hurt) when jim lies about fighting off goblins, but because she's scared for him! once the masquerade is broken, she's immediately on his side. she's also the only character to even try to make merlin answer for trollifying jim, even if it's presented humorously. best girl.
so. back to this theoretical fixit: i think barb would be the most natural choice to start the questioning, here. blinky would still push back a little, but with merlin elsewhere, nomura and stricklander don't have to worry about being nice; maybe aaarrrgghh would even chime in on their side (what exactly do the gumm-gumms think of emrys, anyway?). it's not an easy conversation. it's also not the last one. but it starts. for a series that is otherwise unusually arthurian, arthur in trollhunters is conspicuous by his absence. but you have merlin. you have morgana. you also—pace wizards' giant slimy monster, who was cute, but completely overlooked preexisting developments—have the lady of the goddamn lake: legendary enchantress, giver of excalibur, single mother of the best of knights. 
and, most importantly, the one who seals merlin in a fucking tree.
u see where i'm going with this.
once barb starts that question—well. i make no claims that this is recognizable, but you did ask how i would do it, lol. from this i can't help but feel it would cascade pretty dramatically. if stricklander and nomura united behind her, i think jim would follow. claire and toby after him. once the humans (and adjacent) are convinced, i don't think blinky could hold out any longer; maybe the smarter version of him other people keep seeing could be brought around to some kind of "trust, but verify." soft and stupid as i am about wretched wizard blorbos, obviously the order are still being assholes. we don't want them to actually burn it all down. but is that what they're actually trying to do? or is this just another received merlinian dictum? 
god—and if they got to talk to nari about it! once again, one of the biggest failures of wizards (and rott) was how utterly it sidelined its characters in favor of punchy punchy bang bang. this i know have written about somewhere: jim's reduction to a vicarious highschool bully fantasy, how bellroc was flattened into cartoonish, beautifully rendered cardboard-cutout evil, while somehow still staying the most consistent character in the room. stricklander—whose entire character arc in trollhunters was built on 1.) the infinite possibility of an individual for change and 2.) being the smartest bastard in the room—took the first step into his new life by marrying barb and then immediately paid for it with the stupidest death possible. (see a longer and much keener essay about this here, from @millennialmoviereviews.) i cannot overemphasize how frustrated i am—still, yes, i know, about a children's cartoon—about how that movie treated its characters, even ones (the tarrons! douxie! steve!) i don't normally have any investment in.
...but what if that changed? what if we took what used to be the gdt hallmark—sympathy for monsters, without excuse—and committed to the goddamn bit? jim reached out to bular back in trollhunters. yes, what you're doing is wrong; you're hurting people i mean to protect; but i understand you're hurting too, and why, and how we might not be so different. you don't have to do this.
then barb sends merlin to treeby deeby, and bellroc and skrael fucking kiss.
(and then go about actually protecting/repairing the balance of the world or whatever, but i know what i'm about.)
postscript. i admit i pick a lot on merlin. don't get it twisted: i think my own evil wizard blorbos were also complete dumbasses here. but i think part of the reason i am so invested in merlin experiencing a goddamn consequence is pretty closely related to the original reason i was so drawn to gdt's stuff in the first place, namely: decoupling "good" and "evil" from "normal" and "monster," respectively. i don't think this is too much to expect of a kids show, especially one for toa's age group. trollhunters does a great job of doing this—of allowing nuance, of showing how it's possible to think outside the frameworks you know, while still remaining accessible to children—and 3below kind of? tries to keep it up. i think. but wizards...doesn't. even for all it does (inadvertently or otherwise) end up pointing out how merlin and arthur, founts of the same authority, massively screwed up. i've also had many people point out that wizards was pretty much set up to fail: executive meddling, rushed production, etc. etc. which i do sympathize with. 
but it's still. tremendously bitter. to see six seasons' worth of such a unique message get discarded so easily. especially when this was done with such breathtakingly little love for the material.
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an-entity-i-think · 2 years
QPR!Mergana Prompt:
Blah blah merlin reveals his magic earlier they figure out how to defeat Morgana without killing her blah blah she's redeemed even though her and Merlin are still like HIGHLY suspicious of each other and everyone thinks that either one of them would kill the other at any given moment if given the choice.
The council refuses to allow Morgana to be placed third in line for the crown after the king and queen because 'she'll kill them and then take the thrown legally why on earth would we agree to that?'. Which Arthur and Gwen are annoyed at cause she's redeemed! Have some faith smh
Meanwhile the council is looking beside them where Morgana and Merlin are glaring at each other like theyre about to start civil war all over again cause Morgana 'accidently' threw some hummus in his hair and Merlin 'accidently' spilt some of his wine on her dress and should someone get between that?
But I digress. Someone says 'if she marrys someone of suitable nature to rule *with* her in case the king and queen are dead or otherwise unable to rule, then we can probably agree with it' and everyone sits back and is like damn yeah that's so true random lord nobody cares about
But Arthur of course who found HIS true love (and is now a feminist, good job Gwen and Merlin!) Looks at his sister like 🥺 I'd never force you to marry 🥺 is there anybody you'd be happy to marry? 🥺 if not we can try to argue for something else? 🥺
And Morgana bored as hell, twirling a knife around, but with not a single slick of hesitation is like, 'Merlin.'
And everyone's eyes widen in shock while Merlin uses magic to turn the knife into a well known thorned purple flower (ouch), responds, again without a single slick of hesitation, 'Yeah, sure.'
And jaws drop.
Arthur and Gwen, both on the same page of absolute confusion are like 'what' cause neither of them have seen either of their best friends show any sort of attraction towards the other (and even though they ignore their hostile interactions cause neither of them have been hurt... permanently since she came back). They look at each other like 'did we miss something? Are they together? Is all this hostility some sort of foreplay?)
It is *not* foreplay.
But to understand we'd have to go back to when Morgana and Merlin were friends. You know, when they both were happy and hopeful for a better future.
Because they were *friends*. And even though maybe they weren't *best friends* because Morgana had Gwen and Merlin had Arthur, they were still close! And they still cared for each other and talked about things that they couldn't really talk to their other friends about!
And one of those things is that Morgana doesn't think she'd ever want to have sex. Ever. Like she is repulsed by the idea, girl or boy. And the idea of being married off? And being forced to have an heir she doesn't want? With someone she probably doesn't even like?
Well. That scares the fuck out of her.
And she shares this with Merlin who of course holds her hand because both of them are generally emotionally healthy at the time with physically affection and he shares that he doesn't really care for the idea of sex either. That he isn't completely repulsed by it and wouldn't mind doing it with someone he loved to make them happy but that he doesn't really see them importance of it and what all the fuss is about and that she isn't 'broken' or whatever else she believes and they cry and hug and it's nice and friendly.
They have many conversations where this comes up, a knight will make a dirty joke within hearing range and they'll look to each other across the room to make an 'ick' face before both holding back laughs.
They'll talk about how to respond Gwen and Arthur practically undressing each other with their eyes with equal disgust and fondness.
Maybe Merlin even tells her of Freya and how he thinks he might have loved her and how he doesn't think he wants to again because it took all this time to even maybe like someone romantically and it didn't end well and even though he hears everyone crave it he thinks well maybe he was in love with the idea of loving someone and having someone by his side more than he loved her and does that make him wrong somehow?
And this time it's Morgana's turn to say 'no it's not wrong!' Because she's never understood why her friendship with Gwen and him were supposed to be 'less' than whatever hypothetical romance she'll be forced to have with a man. Because everyone around them always say 'it's like friendship but more' when describing how they fell in love and it makes her stomach turn because why is one love more than another? Can't they both be important? Why is it more and why can't it just be different?
And she says that she thought it was just because she couldn't stand the idea of having sex with someone so she assumed that was why she's never had the feeling of butterflies in her stomach but she goes on with 'if you're wrong then so am I, but since you said I'm not broken then neither are you'.
And they hug and maybe they'll joke around and kiss each other on the hands to show intimacy between friends and neither of them are worried about how it could be misconstrued because they both know there's nothing romantic or sexual about it and they just smile happily.
And maybe Merlin will give her flowers because he knows she likes the purple ones even though they're thorned and maybe she'll show him how to make it into a crown and put it on him just as he puts one on her because well neither of them will be crowned because well he's just a servant and she's just a ward but that doesn't matter in Morganas room while they giggle like peasants and dance like royalty.
Not every talk is as kind as others and especially as Morganas magic gets stronger she gets more and more distant because well Merlin never thought she was broken before but well everyone has a line right?
But one night when he snuck in, he had a rough day where he almost died again and he can't tell anybody (shed also just woken up from another nightmare) so he goes to his friend and she knows he doesn't want to talk about it from the ruffle of his eyebrows (and she doesnt want to talk about it, he can tell from the slightest downward frown) so they lay on the bed and she offers her hand which he takes and they hold each other tight and curl up to share warmth with their hands held between them and neither of them can sleep but sharing this is enough for now.
And maybe- it's been a few minutes or a few hours they're not sure but the sun hasn't risen yet so when Merlin begins to talk it has nothing to do with what's bothering either of them at the moment but both of them love plans and ideas so when he says, 'if one day you are betrothed against your wishes, we could get married instead. Then neither of us would have to worry about being with someone who doesn't understand because I trust you not to take what I don't want to give and I hope you trust me for the same.'
And maybe Merlin hasn't told her about his magic because he's scared and isn't sure and maybe Morgana won't tell him about the dream (nightmare) she just had about a sister because she doesn't think he'd understand but sometimes trusting someone more than anyone else doesn't equal telling them every single thing about yourself even if it hurts to discover it after.
So when Morgana says 'well what lf they try to hurt you for it? What if they think you've enchanted me or something else just as silly. You know how Uther is.'
And they both think 'I fear him more than you know and I'd never wish you harm.'
But Merlin just smiles the tiniest smile with the hint of a dimple that always makes Morgana smile back when she sees it and says, 'Well, we'll protect each other won't we? In sickness and in health?'
And later, much much later, Merlin will give her a cup of tea and end up choosing the lives of thousands of people over her not only cause it was the right thing to do but also because he thought that's what *she* would have wanted too once upon a time when they kissed each other's hands.
And even later than that she will leave him chained up and for certain death on the side of her sister not only cause she thought he betrayed her and thought she was broken after all but also because she doesn't understand why he wouldn't support her birthright even after placing a crown on each other's head while giggling and dancing.
But for that moment in bed before anything terrible happens between then with hands entwined she snorts a little before they both grin. They stare at each other as if measuring the earnestness in each other's eyes before their smiles gentle.
'Promise?' Morgana asks. Because even though she's never been a damsel in distress who needs a prince to save her, the idea of having someone by her side... and that person being someone she trusts is something she's never allowed herself.
But of course Merlin just squeezes their hands tightly like an oath all on its own, 'I promise,' because even though he'll never be a knight, he doesn't need a sword to be there for someone he cares about.
So they smile at each other with love. Not a love that's 'more' than friendship, but they both think separately that maybe it is a little different than their love for Gwen and Arthur even if it isn't the same different kind of love between lovers.
And maybe they fall asleep like that with smiles on their faces before waking up just as dawn hits where they will pull away and Merlin will kiss her on the forehead just as she kisses him on the cheek and they will hug and go their separate ways just before Gwen comes bustling in to begin her servant work for the day. Surprised her Lady is smiling, she asks happily, 'No nightmare?'
And Morgana looks up in surprise, before smiling gently in a way that Gwen can't quite decipher, 'Oh I didn't dream at all.'
And they'll smile at each other and later at dinner she'll stick her tongue out at Merlin behind Uther and Arthur's back when they talk about the next princess for Arthur to woo and even though later it will not be well between then and even later than that it will be even worse-
Eventually they end up in the council room where there are talks about Morgana being crown princess if she is betrothed. And her brother and best friend look at her with worry in their eyes because they'd never wish her to do something against her will but for the briefest of moments, so quick only Merlin would notice, she looks down at the purple wine stain on her dress and thinks about the purple flower crown that was placed gently upon her head and says calmly, assuredly, 'Merlin' as her choice. Because hadn't she already chosen so many years ago?
And his eyes may only flicker towards her, but she only needs to look at her knife transform into a thorned purple flower, thorns just missing her hand, for her to know he's remembering the same moments as her.
'Yeah, sure.'
And maybe everyone thinks they were hiding some sort of torrid romance from them, or that they're crazy, or even that all their hostility is some sort of foreplay for hate sex of some sort.
But they don't know about the long talks they shared while laying on the ground side by side and kisses on each other's hands and flower crowns and giggles and dancing and-
They don't know how it feels to kill and be killed by someone you promised to protect and were promised to be protected by.
They don't know how it feels to go into a battle to the death with someone and wake up to see a glare on their face while their hand is entwined with yours.
So maybe the council will murmur about how the court sorceror would never let her kill for the crown and maybe Arthur and Gwen will murmur worriedly to each other about if this is a good idea? And did they miss something?
And maybe he'll trip her so she falls when she stands up so she knocks the leg of his chair so he falls with her and maybe both of them were *somehow* cushioned so it's an annoyance and not a bruise.
Just as they've always been physical with their affection (it's so important to share how you feel), they try to be emotionally healthy and share their disdain too (best not to bottle it up).
Because, well, even though she'd never take a cup of tea from him and he flinches when he sees her near some chains- when a certain song comes on well they must share a dance, don't they? And if they see some purple flowers, well, flower crowns just must be made- it'd be wrong not to.
And well, if they're married, it's quite normal for them to entwine their hands while they sleep dreamless and warm even if he wakes up with a scratchy pillow and she wakes up with hers covered in slime.
After all, what is love without some pain? And truly, love and hatred are but a slippery slope.
A promise is a promise after all.
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another-corpo-rat · 7 months
for the alternate love interests... okay i have several to ask for victoria... hanako arasaka... arthur jenkins... bryce mosley... alt cunningham (also apparently i had my asks turned off lol... didn't even realize)
i have, once again to the surprise of no one, rambled like a mother fucker in response. i apologise 😔
Hanako Arasaka
In brief they wouldn't work - like at all, but you know i love over-explaining: I touched on this in the Michiko ask but: Victoria has no innate love or respect for the Arasaka family. Though she'll certainly play her part as the respectful underling, she doesn't view them as Gods Among Men but painfully human, as fallible, as prone to death and mistakes as she is. And her opinions on Hanako are less flattering still; she sees her as a figurehead, pretty to look at and well-trained on what words and tone to use. And sure, she's a splendid netrunner - but it's easy to hone a skill when you have all-day, every-day to commit to it - Victoria holds more respect for the interns in counter-intel, whose lives are actually at risk when they get into the chair.
She might have garnered some respect for the Arasaka daughter after Saburo died and she was left to forge her own path - but the moment Hanako reveals Saburo's play and involvement? It all goes down the drain. Solidifies Victoria's view of the woman as little more than a pretty parrot.
Hanako, meanwhile, I believe would see Victoria as just another rank and file corpo, another suit who wants nothing more than to climb impossibly higher and higher even to their detriment. And she'll promise that with a smile, a gentle nod, steer their conversation into emotional territory because emotions are easy to wrangle - and she thinks by that furrow in Crane's brow that she's got her.
She sees Victoria as a fool for siding so publicly with Michiko, says as much with a gentle tone, like a parent asking their child why they've done something so naughty. Gives her the whole spiel about being Arasaka's heart, family and bloodshed, perhaps believing that Victoria's resentment of her dead half-brother was a passion thing, that she did it through a strong sense of family worth that Angelo ruined with his very existence. It's a severe misunderstanding of character on both their parts.
They have such low views of one another that they'd never get along or understand each other beyond pretense, but it's made especially worse when Victoria deliberately kills Yorinobu against Hanako's wishes.
Arthur Jenkins
I genuinely had to consider this for a bit, cos they'd be an interesting pairing - but in the way it's interesting to watch a spider web up a fly. Victoria, if she considered Jenkins as anything but a headache, would probably find some joy in fucking with him; encouraging his worst ideas in a subtle enough way that she could claim denial when it'd inevitably comes back to bite him, keeping enough of a distance that people wouldn't assume they're associated in any way beyond the thinnest threads of employment.
And Jenkins, well I imagine it'd play into a powertrip for him, a torrid, tense affair where he's cucking Adam fucking Smasher - it'd preen at his pride, make him feel a little bit invincible for a while. The apparent secrecy a thrill. Until Victoria grows bored, deigning him painfully predictable and moving on, sparing him nary a thought until he tries to wave his dick around, use his position against her, threatening to make Smasher aware-
it wouldn't end well for Jenkins, but when does it ever?
Bryce Mosley
I'll admit I haven't dug into Mosley all that much besides what we know from the Placide mission, BUT!!
He and Victoria have definitely rubbed elbows, mixed together at some corporate events - really it was inevitable that their circles would overlap eventually and they get to talking over over-priced champagne while people-watching; ever observant even on their time off.
They'd flirt, make eyes, but both are equally wary of each other - both know how loyal the other is to their respective companies, and that the other is prying in indirect ways, looking for a drip of information, an admission of doing things they shouldn't (ie Victoria breaching the Blackwall once a decade or so-). It could get physical now and then - a supposed one-night stand that reoccurs more than it should; when a party is too boring and nothing interesting to be learned, they retreat into each other's company - but it is purely physical. Trust is the one thing corpos can't really afford, especially when another corporation is involved.
so, as a sexual partner? 100% but a genuine love interest? not a chance.
Alt Cunningham
they absolutely wouldn't work out- like even less than Victoria/Hanako - but I think they'd have…something. i reckon they might have known each other back when Alt was still a human, before Johnny fucked her over forever and condemned her to a digital purgatory - there was something of a respect there, but begrudging on both ends if even acknowledged - at least where their respective netrunning skills were concerned. As people? Not even a fractal of it.
Victoria knows what happened to Alt, met her beyond the Blackwall shortly after it happened and she can't decide if she's terrified of sharing such a fate or not; digital godhood is appealing in concept but she doubts its so easy in practicality; Alt confirms that. They manage to converse in those years, reach an understanding that was impossible in their humanity. It's odd how civil they manage to be - when Alt despises Arasaka and Victoria is viciously protective of it; but odder things have happened.
(idk if i'll ever write it but i'd love for them to have a discussion on humanity, and their respective lack of it after Victoria becomes a 'borg)
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Please Care About Aquaman With Me: Sub Diego
Welcome back to...not Atlantis? Last time, Arthur was deposed and sentenced to death, but after defeating an existential threat or two against...water...he was ready to return home. But, uh, something comes up.
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Specifically, half of San Diego suddenly topples into the sea, along with 40,000 residents, all of whom drown. The panel above is one of the few that isn’t deeply gruesome and upsetting. Arthur is horrified, and determined to help the people of San Diego figure out what happened.
And then suddenly...survivors appear.
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This is Lorena Marquez. Like about 10% of the people in the submerged half of San Diego, she survived the deluge - and now inexplicably breathes water instead of air. This means that the survivors can never return to the surface.
Also, Lorena is THE BEST:
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(It eventually turns out that Lorena can, in fact, stay out of the water for indefinite amounts of time. This is never explained. Part of a proud tradition of the comics being wildly inconsistent over whether or not Atlanteans who aren’t Arthur can breathe air!)
(Also, if you’re younger than me and wondering if The Teens were wearing tube tops in 2003...they weren’t. SIGH, COMICS.)
Arthur and Lorena discover a massive machine underwater that clearly had something to do with the earthquake, and manage to trace it back to a scientist who is still on land, named Geist. Geist claims that he did it because of the threat of global warming: if sea levels continue to rise, eventually everyone will be underwater, and the only alternative to drowning is to learn how to breathe water, so he made it happen by tampering with San Diego’s water supply:
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Arthur realizes that this means he knew the earthquake was coming, and Geist says he works with a group that caused it but never knew who any of them were - and now they’ll be coming after him, because he’s a liability. Arthur helps him fake his death, then forces him underwater in a scuba suit to confront what he’s done. Geist will stay down there (there are rooms with the water pumped out where he can live) and use his scientific abilities to help, or Arthur will tell the residents of Sub Diego who he is and what he’s done, which would pretty much instantly lead to Geist being murdered.
A whoooole bunch of issues go by with Arthur trying to figure out the logistics of helping to make Sub Diego functional. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time to date!
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“But wait!” you might be saying. “Isn’t Arthur still married to Mera? Mera, who the last he heard, was being held prisoner and forcibly drugged by evil wizards? Mera, the supposed love of his life, who he has not seen or tried to help since he learned that?” WELL YOU WOULD BE RIGHT. Arthur is garbage! Again! Forever!
You know who’s not garbage? LORENA, THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE:
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She is so stinkin’ cute. She is also only the second member of the Aquafam smart enough to realize she doesn’t need shoes underwater (after Dolphin, who has webbed feet anyway). I adore her. Arthur, go get her a seahorse pet like Garth had, she deserves a pony.
It’s around this time that we meet SHARKCOP:
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He’s like...basically the only cop in Sub Diego, so he asked Geist to do shark experiments on him to make him really, really good at it. Arthur’s like “Letting Geist do more weird experiments on people makes me really uncomfortable.” Meanwhile Lorena just fucking hates Malrey, because she is my ACAB queen.
Among all these new faces, we find an old one: Vulko, who would really really like Arthur to come back and be king again. Arthur’s not having it:
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Arthur has every right to be pissed at Vulko, who claimed to be his friend and then manipulated his son into attempting a coup against him and THEN personally attempted to carry out Arthur’s death sentence, but for the rest of it...Arthur, grow the fuck up. Being king doesn’t mean your people like you all the time. Also, you’re a shitty king.
Arthur decides to focus on figuring out who was behind the submerging of Sub Diego along with his new love interest Esther Marris, in between makeouts. Sigh. Meanwhile, Vulko invites a group of Sub Diegoans to tour Atlantis...AND GUESS WHO’S BACK? IT’S MY BOY!!!
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HE’S BACK AND HE’S BEAUTIFUL AND HE’S SIGNIFICANTLY MORE CHILL THAN BEFORE. I guess he just sort of unbanished himself? Fair enough! Also, Lorena continues to be HIGHLY relatable.
Koryak is like, hey, maybe instead of the traumatized Sub Diegoans living in the rubble of their destroyed city, they could...live here?
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Garth, Koryak, and Vulko appear to be just sort of...running Atlantis now? There’s not really a functioning government of any sort. Koryak’s like “I could be king?” and Garth’s like “Fuck kings” and Vulko’s like “I wish Advil existed underwater.”
Anyway yes, Koryak did just call Garth racist. He points out that he’s literally the only POC in Atlantis and that sucks, and also that they’re talking about refugees here, but Garth and Vulko aren’t listening, so he decides to go talk to Arthur instead.
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Aw, that’s nice! I bet it will end really well for everyone!
Koryak fills Arthur in on what things are like in Atlantis - and more specifically, what’s going on with Mera. Arthur immediately heads to Atlantis, where Garth ORDERS THE GUARDS TO FIRE AT HIM ON SIGHT:
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These pages are fucking incredible. This whole sequence makes me lose my mind.
Garth is absolutely 100% fucking done with Arthur and his irresponsibility and selfishness, but when Arthur insists on seeing Mera, Garth begrudgingly agrees:
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He is THE WORST but these panels hurt my heart anyway. He loves her so much! When he remembers! (She’s hiding her face because she didn’t want him to see her like this. UGH MY HEART.)
Anyway, turns out that when Hagen the evil sorcerer was defeated, he turned Mera’s gills into lungs in a last ditch effort at revenge because he’s a dick, hence the emaciation and the tubes. Only the sorcery of some random follower of Hagen’s is keeping her alive.
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Y’all are so lucky I’m not just sharing every single page with you. Shut the fuck up, Arthur!!! You knew! You knew Mera was a prisoner and being medically abused while you were cheating on her! Sorry you’re ANNOYED by Garth pointing out how bad you suck!!!
ps garth’s so fucking hot
Arthur’s like “Okay, she has lungs, I’ll take her to the surface” and Garth’s like “No, I’ll make Hagen fix her.” He points out that Mera would be miserable on the surface, which is totally alien to her, AND that Mera is the only semblance of a ruler they have left, AND that Arthur is punishing all of Atlantis because he’s mad at a very small group. (Also Mera is his mommy and he loves her.) Arthur’s like “No one in Atlantis stood by me, waaaah!” as if Garth didn’t ESCAPE HOUSE ARREST TO COME FIND HIM.
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Have I mentioned that Garth is so OP lately? GARTH IS SO FUCKING OP. LOOK AT HIM STOP THE OCEAN.
Arthur says Garth will have to kill him to stop him from taking Mera to the surface and Garth can’t quite bring himself to go that far, so he lets them go.
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Like, the joke here is that Koryak is into Malrey and Lorena is finally clocking this. I’m not kidding. That’s the joke. YOU GIVE ME (maybe) QUEER KORYAK AND THEN YOU IMMEDIATELY KILL HIM, DC??? (Uh, spoilers.)
Unfortunately, just when things get super juicy and emotionally fraught is also when the series gets unbearably bogged down with all the awful crossovers the mid-2000s had to offer. Arthur takes Mera to see Geist...and Geist turns into an OMAC because that was a thing that was happening in every comic then. OMAC-Geist kicks Arthur’s ass all the way onto shore, where his new girlfriend Esther runs to his side - just in time to meet Mera. Meanwhile, Koryak takes the fight back to the ocean, not knowing the OMAC has a regular human inside, and, uh...accidentally drowns Geist when he turns back. Oops. (Also Koryak’s powers have evolved from a hydrokinetic spear to full hydrokinesis like Mera, which is never explained.)
Arthur continues to be a HUGE ASSHOLE:
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Meanwhile Esther is like “You’re married?” and then Koryak comes up in conversation and she’s like “You have a kid?” and Mera’s like lollllll girl he’s trash. Then Mera and Esther become best friends because they’re great.
Koryak, meanwhile, feels terrible about accidentally killing Geist, who might have been able to reverse what Hagen did to Mera with science, so he decides to go back to Atlantis and help Garth do it with magic. (They continue to bitch at each other the whole time, which makes me so happy.) Garth assembles all the sorcerers left in Atlantis to try to undo Hagen’s spell, but this attracts the attention of the Spectre, who has gone evil because of yet another crossover, and who shows up to destroy Atlantis:
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GARTH IS SO OP. He’s fighting the fucking SPECTRE! I mean, he loses, but still!
But yeah, he loses. Atlantis is destroyed. Some Atlanteans survive - we are shown one very clear shot of Dolphin and Cerdian escaping with others on a submarine (remember this for later) - but not many.
Back near San/Sub Diego, Arthur is fighting all of his major villains because something something Infinite Crisis, but when he hears what’s happened to Atlantis, he obviously heads there immediately with Lorena. Clutching a scrap of Garth’s costume, he identifies Vulko’s body, and then Koryak’s. Lorena is devastated, and Arthur finally acknowledges that he was a shitty father:
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Meanwhile Mera and Esther are organizing relief efforts because they’re amazing:
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The surviving Atlantean refugees flee to Sub Diego, instead of the planned other way around. And as a bonus, Malrey is killed by Black Manta, just kind of randomly. Because killing off Garth, Koryak, and Vulko wasn’t enough, I guess!
Anyway, there’s nothing left for Arthur but sadness now:
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(Oh yeah, Cerdian is referred to as a daughter throughout this arc. Good for her!)
Next up: Arthur Joseph Curry, Sword of Atlantis, and...Garth, Koryak, and Vulko? Also, Blackest Night and Brightest Day, probably.
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answrs · 1 year
Wrote this and 2 days later had to euthanize my favorite fish I’ve had since the beginning of lockdown for the beginnings of a terminal & painful condition. which is certainly a form of irony i do not appreciate or wish to tempt from the universe so I’m not gonna edit it any more than i already had done before that.
(this is Mystery Skulls, not pokemon, for the new followers, btw)
I think I'm having feelings about holding a companion past their time, fighting tooth and claw against the universe instead of letting them rest, how human it is to want every moment possible with a loved one, and how it's taking a step back and assessing what's truly best for them may be letting them go.
possibly exploring ghosts being warped funhouse reflections of a person?
Lewis very accidentally kills Arthur in a confrontation where he reveals himself. (possibly not-realizing-how-violently-he's-shaking-the-guy-he's-holding-while-screaming-at-him-for-answers accidentally aggravating past head trauma or something similar?) in the moment Artie's very tired and rather unhealthy mind is kinda "oh we found Lewis yay I completed my purpose I can rest now" and is peacefully-if-woozily dozing off as he passes into the After, when Vivi uses some heretofore unknown and extremely not very understood spirit magic to grab his departing soul and strangle it back onto the living plane.
((fuck it mystery is… idk. licking his wounded pride off in the desert somewhere for a year post-Shiromiri or whatever. maybe I'll edit him in later. or not.))
((they did not, in fact, edit him in later.))
Lewis skedaddles immediately seeing what horrible thing he's done, terror at himself, how could he have done that he just wanted to know W H Y and oh gods he's not safe to be around and he has to get a w a y
Arthur as a ghost is very much formed by those last calmer moments combined with a life of compartmentalizing and shoving issues to the back of his mind to avoid them. so he's actually a very chill, laid-back ghost who just wants to sleep, he's so tired, but-
similar to the one fic I did where viv necromances her way to keeping artie stable and unknowingly causing him to suffer but this time Vivi refuses to give Arthur's anchor to him, since because his spirit has no purpose remaining here he'd pass on and she Will Not Lose Her Friend She Will Not Tolerate Being Alone. Arthur repeatedly tells her that Lewis would happily stay with her, keep her company, but Shut Up! she didn't know this person before and she certainly wants absolutely nothing to do with him now!
not that she really enjoys being around this Arthur that's nothing like he Should be. why did he have to come back wrong!? she tries to hide it but he just gives her a sad, knowing look and goes back to trying to doze where he's floating at her shoulder.
it's a near daily occurrence, far past the end of her rope, that in frustration she yells back at his Wrong words or Wrong actions and gives an order- Shut up and take this seriously! Stop trying to sleep! -and watches the blue crackle of her power snap his mouth shut, straighten him at attention. she begs and pleads for forgiveness, she didn't mean it, he doesn't have to, it was a mistake - to be met with a drooped smile, a nod brushing away the concern. often Arthur mustering up the energy to try and cheer her up, suggest they go do something fun so she can de-stress.
his permanently distracted mind always wanders back to Lewis and it never really settles in (his spirit not holding a grudge for his death and because of that only really understanding Vivi's absolute hatred in an abstract sense), he suggests they find him again, the cycle restarts anew.
meanwhile Lewis, devastated and now constantly fighting his unfinished business to seeing his friends safe to stay away only sees Arthur's tethered spirit a few months later when his will breaks and he allows himself to watch from a distance.
but it's not a ghost is a ghost is a ghost and that's that. he sees nothing so sinister as shackles or chains. but a ghost that forms has always done so for a purpose, or regrets, or Anything that gives them a reason to not pass on, a tether they hold to the mortal plane. but the shade bobbing along at heel has nothing of its own. a blue string keeps him like a balloon, wrapped a thousand times around its holder's hands for fear of it slipping away in the wind.
concern overrides common sense, as is wont to do. he approaches and Vivi nearly manages to smite him on sight, only held back because she doesn't actually know how to properly do so. but after bats are (begrudgingly) put away and skulls are re-aquired from across the parking lot, it stings to see Arthur some of the most aware he's ever been as he greets the ghost.
she sees his murderer, he sees only an old friend. 
Vivi is (extremely understandably) both infuriated and devastated in turns. she wants less than nothing to do with this Monster, but the man she's spent so long night and day begging to come back to her is responding positively to its presence. she is truly in her worst lose-lose situation
Lewis keeps his distance as best he can in the time after, he sees the fine threads of connection weaving when he talks with the shadow, bringing it ever slowly back to them. but is it right, or merely cruel to do so? to convince a soul that should be at peace to turn itself back, bind it to existence just because they aren't ready to let go of their friend? is Arthur doing this for himself, or for them, or is he even aware enough of it to be doing it on purpose? he still says he's tired, that he just wants to sleep. they're together again, he's happy, seeming oblivious the two are steadfastly avoiding all but the most required interaction with the other. are they coercing him into ghostlihood by encouraging these ties he likely doesn't even notice are forming? tying him to a reality that doesn't exist?
((I don't know. I don't know if he stays and regains himself. I don't know if they let him go. I don't know what happens after except in all cases they must mourn what was lost, what will never be the same again.))
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yotd2009 · 2 years
Sorry to bother you, but could you recommend where to start in terms of reading Arthurian myth? I was listening to hnoc for the fiftieth time and remembering my childhood love of “kiddified” versions of the original stories and was wondering if you could help me out. Specific collections or stories? Different versions of the texts? Thanks so much.
omg i was just thinking about how it's been a while since i got this question (bc it's my favorite question)!! so first of all (and sorry if this reads as harsh) you have to get the idea out of your head that arthuriana is a mythology. arthuriana is incredibly similar to a mythology, but most arthurian stories are written novels or poems instead of recorded folklore (although some are but they're the minority), variations based on regions are more bc of individual authors deciding to fuck around and change shit, and also no one believed any of these guys were real. second of all you need to swear to me that you'll never believe any piece of modern arthuriana written in the 1950s or later (but still be careful when it comes to anything beforehand bc god knows tennyson had it out for tristan and isolde like no one before or since), and yes that includes high noon over camelot. basically what happened is in the 50s a book came out by the name of the once and future king by th wh*te, an author bigoted enough to rival lovecraft, and the thing is, this book proceeded to start the biggest wave of modern arthurian lit since the pre-raphaelites were around, and that wave is still the one that's around today. the other big (unfortunately) notable entry to the modern canon is marion zimmer bradley (who's a completely different type of horrible person but due to my reluctance to trigger tag this post i'll just leave it to google with a warning for csa)'s the mists of avalon, which is responsible for the morgan is modred's mother misconception that plagues my every waking moment as well as the girlboss arthuriana subgenre, which is recognizable by its white feminism and fetishistic obsession with some vague idea of celtic paganism with a side of an obsession with contrasting paganism to christianity (which would realistically be medieval catholicism but is consistently portrayed as identical to american protestantism) every 12 seconds.
and as for hnoc's reputability, largely due to the shit the mechs pulled with morgan le fay, the name of the final song, the pendragon polycule itself (arthur was like twice lancelot's age, formerly coworkers with his father while he was a baby, and commonly referred to him as being like a son to him (meanwhile lancelot's feelings on him ranged somewhere from neutral-dislike), and also tried to kill his wife Multiple Times Across Multiple Texts, if you want polyamory may i introduce you to the tristan and isolde tradition, sir palomydes is there and has two swords which is clearly meant to indicate his bisexuality (/j although there are Literally academic papers out there on his bisexuality)), the shit they pulled with gawaine oh my god sweetheart what did they do to you (i blame th wh*te's hatred of the scottish for why they thought that was a viable narrative choice for him but oh my god i'm still reeling), and the fact that last i checked morgan's twitter handle was a quote taken directly from wh*te's work, although he might've changed it by now, as well as other small less-glaring indications, i can safely say that not a single person who worked on it had ever read an actual medieval arthurian text. which sucks bc i like hnoc. but tl;dr don't trust any modern work to get shit right and that's including hnoc.
basic mindset-based things to prevent half the braindead takes that haunt the arthuriana tag aside, i'm going to give you actual recs now.
the byelorussian tristan is a late medieval text belonging to the tristan tradition (tristan and isolde were figures in irish folklore before arthurian writers went 'hey wouldn't it be neat if we added these two' and they've been inextricable from the world of the round table ever since. this has happened with other characters from other nearby folklore and mythology before and will happen again, but due to the fact that tristan and isolde were once their own separate entity, they get a subtradition to themselves), it's notable for not only being the last entry in the tristan canon, but for possibly being the last entry in the arthurian canon as well. honestly it's my favorite book... ever and i'm generally obsessed with it. basically it tells the full story of tristan and isolde with a few unique adventures along the way, but where it really stands out is with the characters, esp since to everyone who isn't already knee-deep into medieval blorbos certain texts can be a bit "and then tristan did this. and then tristan did this. tristan is my self insert so then everyone found him thought. and then tristan was about to do something cool but i decided this story is about sir gawaine now." so it's my go-to starter text recommendation. also it prominently features sir palomydes and i have an agenda to push. my queue tag is a quote of his from this text!
the dutch texts, or more specifically the lancelot compilation, are also a good starting place. they're mostly fairly short, not that dense and have are fairly light-hearted which make them some of the best starter texts out there! also if someone's name is in the title, don't worry, it's really about gawaine. he hijacks things a lot.
culwch and olwen is the best welsh starter text, it's about a relative of king arthur's who's cursed to only ever be able to marry this one girl, who just so happens to be the daughter of a giant with
i'd have to reccomend the lais of marie de france too bc they're fairly short and ough. chevrefoil gets me every time. lanval is one where a guy gets married to a fairy queen, and chevrefoil is a tristan and isolde story. also bisclavret isn't technically arthurian but we (med lit tumblr) love it like it is, and it invented the trope of the werewolf knight that shows up in later arthurian texts.
i highly discourage diving straight into one of the full stories of arthur's reign but if you must (at least go through chevrefoil or lancelot and the hart with the white foot first) go with the vulgate instead of le morte, it's much better written and more cohesive and you'll thank me for it. you can/should skip the history of the holy grail and also the history of merlin though. everyone does it.
and uhhh i don't want to come off like i hate modern arthuriana completely so here are my modern suggestions. first there's tennyson's lady of shallot and idylls of the king, but be sure to know that he's wrong about tristan and isolde and also some other stuff i don't remember, and then there's also william morris my beloved who likes palomydes just as much as i do. anyone who says aggravaine killed his mother is a liar btw it completely messes up his character and conflates him with gaheris and i'm saying this bc i know one of them did. also more recently there's this short story with a really long title i'm obslorsed with from an otherwise sucky anthology which is a character study of sir galehaut, who's basically lancelot's husband from the vulgate and also a bit of a medieval gay stereotype.
also there's a substack i'm obligated to plug called nightly knights which has/will have all of these + more and only the good stuff bc. well. i made it.
annnnd that's it for basic starter texts, once you've got one or two of these under your belt med lit becomes. a whole lot easier to get into. after you've read through however many from this list i'd recommend moving to chrétien de troyes (just not erece and enid or cliges bc those are Rough), or sir gawaine and the green knight, just make sure the latter isn't your first gawaine text bc it's the exception not the rule. otherwise, i'd recommend picking a favorite character and reading out from there. if you need any more help or recs for texts that are good but would be Actually Insane to recommend to a beginner (ie. if you like modred i'm Going to point you to an untranslated middle english poem which actually spends time characterizing him), recs for Really Good And Specific Academic Papers, or help finding anything, feel free to ask me or pretty much anyone on med lit tumblr bc god knows we spend to much time on this. hope this helps!!!!
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makahimetenshi · 6 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 5 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
This is the continuation of the fourth drabble from my collection Two separated ways, and I might do a fourth and fifth part even.
I didn’t plan on doing explicit lemon, more like little shots or conversations but nothing so daring, I have to post them separately this way but okay
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
The desk wasnt ready for a session of good fucking but he never would think on this happening, less now, never also fantasied with it but oh well why would he say no? His things and tools fall down to the ground but as soon the zipper of the suit moved down and show off some skin his lips moved there to bite and suck her neck
A hand sneak inside the suit and now grope a boob, his palm meeting hot flesh making him groan against her neck causing her a nice purr from the vibration.
-I don’t think this is an appropriate way of dressing for the mother of the future child of the elder –he said whispering with his lips on her collarbone.
-Ill take note about it elder –she said after gasping smiling, moving a hand behind his neck, hot and sweaty.
Arthur bite a bit on her bone, making her moan outloud, licking up on the veins of her neck, biting the surroundings, small bites to play and test her flesh, he didn’t want to break any skin, it was important to make sure she doesn’t get hurt easy but he already had a notion from knowing her in battle.
The day they destroyed the institute together they fight side to side. See her blasting synths with explosives and power fists, getting shooted with laser rifles and for what he can see…she has thought skin.
So he started to suck harder, leaving red sucking marks, making the smooch that officially marked her, slowly,  moved up, caressing slowly her ear with his nose and lips, breathing against it causing her shivers.
Meanwhile his hands were taking down the black suit, taking it off from her arms, desperate to pull it down her waist and more.
Arthur bit her lobe, pleased from the sounds coming from her mouths.
Nora wasn’t behind, she was taking down his heavy coat, trying to make him cooperate to take the coat off his arms but he was too occupied with the arms to lend her, he cant loose a second of enjoying her body for anything…
Until she spoke.
-Arms off elder –and for some reason his legs shake and do what she told him, taking out the arms as she toss the coat aside the desk. Her hands started to take the zipper down, opening the belts while she look directly into his eyes. And for some other reason he was frozen in his place, wanting to obey and be her toy, letting her work to release his flesh out, his mouth was dry despite being tongue kissing just a few minutes ago but…
What a powerful gaze
Once his arms were off the suit fall on his hips, staying just because of his underwear. Nora started moving his hands on his shoulders down his strong arms, with his gaze fixiated on his  hairy chest. He can see she was exited too.
His own eyes were fixiated on her breasts, loving the view but a shiver make him tremble from heads to toes when her hands touched his elbows to go down and pick his hands, pulling from them and letting herself fall on the desk, the man understood and lean down to stay on top of her, using his hands as a support at sides of her head.
She sighted at the view of Arthur Maxson on top of her, then, close her eyes  as the man kiss her again, she hugged him from the back, exploring with her fingers his muscles and oh boy he was in well shape oh yes Wasn’t as big and huge as Danse but who cares right now, he felt just as firm and solid as him…Then sneak a tongue inside making him moan, touching soft and caring making him shiver and moan again, how cute.
The elder keep a hand as support on the side of her head and the other while the other grope a boob, squeezing it before moving down the sides and curves or her waist, touching the edge of the suit stuck on her panties, well at least she had that, at realizing what he wanted to do she started to move around her hips, encouranging him to pull down the damn fabric out the way, so he did, started to pull down with a bit of effort the black suit and the underwear, passing down her thights while she helped moving her legs so it fall down bellow her knees. Stoping on her boots
When Arthur realized what was in front of him stop the kissing, sighting, breathing for a few moments looking directly into  her eyes.
Oh my god he was about to bang Danse woman.
No, she wasn’t Danse woman at all, and she reach specially to him because of that.
He also wanted to do it, desired her, and he was right here right now.
Moved down to stand with the boots on the floor, place both hands on the sides of her wide white hips and say looking at her red cheeks.
-Relax Sentinel –and she nodded, giving her consent, that’s all he needed. But he took one more second to look at the delicacy in front of him
What a hot view.
Hairless? Interesting.
Picking up from her hips to her legs Arthur spread her open and sttarted to eat between her folds, going directly to suck her clit, yes, suck it, suck hard loving the way it gets between his lips and oh my he wasn’t the only enjoying it, her whole body was trembling. Fearing ti wasn’t a good trembling he moved slowly and step by step up to her button, again sucking, and hitting it with the tip of his tongue.
Now she moved one hand to the back of his neck, sweaty and hot neck, moaning and screaming by moments, biting on her lip loving the intensity of how his mouth was working down there
-That’s good –she managed to say, and then his tongue slip down on her juices getting inside her, tasting it from the source, making her legs  jump of surprise- oh my
Wasn’t this a wonderfull way to get motivated?  And she tasted exquisite also.
-Need more? –he asked with his tongue out of her and his beard wet of her juices.
-Yes –like she was the elder and he the sentinel, ready to fulfill orders and wishes, he sank inside two of his fingers, normally you would start with one, just as a courtesy, also this was the first time both do it but goddam she was so  wet and ready, she can handle it just fine.
So while his fingers started to thrust and move inside, going as deep it possibly can, he keep sucking and playing with the tip of his tongue on her button,  hitting it faster and then licking with the whole of his tongue.
She screamed and turn her neck back, even hitting on the desk, damn it sound harsh?
-Are you okay? –he ask still with his fingers inside, looking up he just see her troubled face and a nood, ok, didn’t mind, keep going.
He moved down  again but this time change orders, his tongue going inside licking and sucking the most of her juices, swallowing that sweet taste, loving the sticky play on his beard and his fingers playing with her clit, piching between the pads carefully and slowly getting intoxicating by the smell mix of her fluids and his saliva, a strange strong smell but my god so good, fills him entirely. Then by the corner of his eye saw her moving her hands to her tits, playing with her nipples, surely wanting to increase the feeling.
Oh my. Something hit hard on his cock at that view
Arthur lick from her entrance all the way up to her button, and then suck, trusting his fingers inside again starting to move faster than ever, then, heard a low gasp from the deepest of her throat –im close –when the man heard that a groan came from him
-alright baby – for a moment that sounded funny to Nora but quickly she didn’t have the chance to think in anything else, he started to suck and lick again on her button and yes the friction of his fingers inside her were so good, even with the man on top of her legs she tried to step better on the desk and place them more comfortable, now being able to move her hips by her own by need against him until
-I…I…don’t stop –she said in a pleading, and he didn’t, keep working and sucking only raising his eyes to look at her, prepared to finally see her orgasm striking, stoping specially his mouth only in the moment a bolt hit her body entirely making her legs jump against his arms, feeling the warm and dense liquid going down on his fingers
A groan came out from his mouth at the view and then he raised, place himself on top of her body  and leave small smooches on her cheek with loud little noises hiding his nose on her hair, something that feeled very intimate and delicate for what they were doing specially with the sound of her breathing relaxing from her orgasm- im going in sentinel –he whisper in her ear with a raspy velvety voice, and feel the movement of her head nodding.
He moved off and Nora took the time to look at his bared sweaty chest one more time, then with a sloppy simple movement he flipped the woman on the desk, it sounded, of course, but it wasn’t harsh or brute, nono, it didn’t hurt at all, just the movement over the furniture. Nora was turned with her stomach down over the cool metal desk with her ass up.
And what a nice ass for sure.
Oh my his mind was lusting so much, and he wasn’t even touched, didn’t realize until now how much it hurts to be this exited untouched he was bewitched this whole time by her scent and forget at all his needs, even with the suit half down the fabric on top was unbereable to keep on, so desesperatly he pull down the suit and his underwear, grabbing his hard and hot cock between his fingers, strocking a bit desesperate getting closer to her entrance.
Gosh even the heat emanating from between her asscheeks make him loose control over his senses, but no he had principles, he pressed the wet head of his cock first to try and play a bit and of course she was so wet and ready, when he heard her little moans from the play of his cock and her clit he moved directly to her entrance and pushed inside, both moaned and he leaned over her back, and what a nice back, elegant, well shaped, with some scars but terribly sexy to look at.
-you are hard –she said with what he saw was a vicious smile, and then pushed deeper, both moaning at the same time again, oh my getting inside after making a woman cum was the best, everything was so soft and warm, even the movement inside feels soft
-yes -he mumble and one of his hands grab her hips, using it as a support like some kind of handle.
A handle to ride a mare, a fine specimen.
His boots stand better and he started moving, thrusting, with a hand on the sides of her body and the other manhanding a hip, closing his eyes to relax and enjoy.
Gosh her ass was so soft the way his crotch and stomach meet with her asscheeks everytime was delicious, the sound was good, the feeling of her skin, the way the flesh moved, even looking down the play and dance was exquisite. How can Danse turn down  on this after tasting it even? Madman.
This was hothothot and oh my this was good too, he was fucking a sentinel.
All his life he has been groomed to marry a perfect woman to bear healthy children and  hold the reputation of his lineage high, and now the chance was pinned down him, sweating and receiving, damn the chance look for him and ask for his seed specially. The image of his family three with Elder Arthur Maxson and Sentinel Nora Maxson oh my gosh that give him a boost, and started to thrust harder.
A Sentinel, my god he had expensives tastes, the other one he ever liked was one too…
Looked down and see the hand he had as support at the side of where her boob was, and without loosing balance and with a perfect stability he sneaked it down her body, groping and massaging it, making her head go up to gasp. That response sent something harsh to his cock that make him moan loud and needy. Yes, this was good, perfect.
The other hand moved to one of her asscheeks and spread it open, even if he didn’t need it because the pose was comfortable enough and the desk was holding her body entirely but he wanted to taste that ass personally and the eyes weren’t enough.
Arthur had something heavy in his chest, something big growing suffocating him, blocking between his chest and his neck, mymy already? Well no its no surprise, he hold on for too long while doing her, didn’t even realize how big and amused he got, besides she was so wet and warm.
He wished to see more.
The elder wants to keep seeing more of her.
Wants to spread her legs open in all diferent options.
This cannot end here.
It was pretty obvious he was close for Nora, the rhythm of his breath, how much he was accelerating unconsciously, how rought and sloppy his hands were turning, how pitched the moans were turning.
And ohmygosh she didn’t expect his voice of pleasure to be so sexy! Expressive and manly!
The biggest thing to notice was the sporadic twitching of his cock inside, its okay, he was a gentleman, took care of her first, didn’t actually expect that from a man with so much power but on some other hand it was difficult to imagine  him otherwise, didn’t have a bad vive…
Nora was loving the weight of his hot and hard body on top, even the way his legs crushed against hers feeled so good. The noises of the desk moving weren’t enough to distract her over what the man was doing with her body.
Both hands hold her by the waist and she gasped out loud, he was close, and he moved good also, even if she came it feels so damn good inside and…
But sluddenly and out of nothing, he pulled out, stroking his cock between his fingers on one of her rounded asscheeks, the woman felt the hot liquid crash into her skin and went frozen…
He grunted, loud and deep, masculine, very sexy, cumming on her ass but not…why…
She waited for him, to breath, to relax, to finally open his eyes until…a hand scatter his cum in her leg and asscheek, spread it over, felt dirty but also…
When she look back found the man with light blue eyes looking directly at her, like he has been waiting for her gaze.
-Youll have to win my seed…-he mumble taking a breath, recomposing-sentinel-he  hissed before gropping that same wet and hot asscheek, playing with her flesh- the right to carry the elders firstborn  is not something as easy to get from me
Both stay in silent, looking at each other, he had a smile and she was…confused…this didn’t go as she planned.
-Okay –for a moment he separate, but then, step closer, pinning her down again to the desk, pressing his stomach and his now soft cock on her back, going down to whisper in her ear.
-You will not retire from the brotherhood service until you are carrying my firstborn- his nose moved around her ear, giving her a shiver of surprise at the feeling of his hot wet breath against that sensitive spot, same with the hairs of his beard around her neck-but you will have to earn it.
She stay in silent, breathing in and out, feeling wet and used but at the same time…very aroused.
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