#me when they’re in Prague: oh this would be a good place for my characters backstory to drop
blueberryspyder · 2 months
Me, early into Rusty Quill Gaming, playing around with the idea of a self insert character: oh haha yeah they’d get along really well with the gang!
Me 100 episodes in:
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petersasteria · 4 years
168 Hours - Haz Osterfield (15)
Pairing: Haz x Reader
Haz Osterfield Masterlist ||  Ultimate Masterlist || 168 Hours Masterlist
DISCLAIMER:  *This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In which your son’s wish comes true and it turns horrible. Now, he has to fix it in 168 hours.
Special thanks to: @blueleatherbag​ and @croissantwriting​ for being so helpful
Congrats on guessing it right, @hollands-weasley​! Have fun thinking of a plot for my next soc med au x
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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 stays quiet and Tom's smirk grew wider when no one said a thing. 
"I object." Y/N says. Everyone gasps and Tom's jaw drops. Bradley's eyes widen in shock and pats Tom's back, a subtle way of letting him know that he's there for him. Amadis smiles to himself and says a silent 'thank you' to God.
"Wha-Why?!" Tom asks with confusion written all over his face.
Y/N takes a deep breath and looks in Tom's eyes. Those brown eyes she once loved are now replaced with blue eyes owned by the new man she loves.
"You're just having cold feet, love." Tom desperately tries to change Y/N's mind.
"I'm so sorry, Tom." Y/N cries. "I don't love you anymore and I realized that I can't marry you while pretending to love you. It wouldn't be fair to you."
"I also know what happened in Prague. I know you slept with someone else. I just acted like I didn't know, but I can't stay with you and let you think I'm stupid and that I wouldn't know or find out. It hurts a lot, Tom." She adds.
Y/N turns to look at Bradley and says, "You knew about him sleeping with someone else and you never had the decency to tell me. I treated you like a friend and you couldn't even do the right thing."
Bradley just looks down in shame.
She turns back to Tom, "You and I know that our relationship hasn't been the best lately. It's been falling apart and we don't even know each other anymore. Tom, you're a great man and you're so much more than what the public portrays you. Sleeping around is just your way of dealing with things and you have to change that, because one day you'll meet someone who's more than enough for you. I promise you that. That 'someone' isn't me and I'm sorry.
"I care about you so much and it sucks because even after what you did, I still wish you the best. I sincerely do and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I tried everything I could to love you again, but I couldn't anymore. I'm sorry."
With that, she takes her purse from Saoirse and runs away. Amadis, who's seated at the back, runs after her. It was now time for fate to step in.
Tom just stands there with tears streaming down his face. He feels humiliated and he feels bad for being so insensitive to what Y/N was feeling. It's too late now. Tom wished he could turn back time, but it was impossible. Not even all his money could fix the damage. All he had to do was keep moving forward.
Y/N's father looks at Tom and shakes his head.
"Y/N, wait up!" Amadis shouts as he runs after her. Despite her heavy down, she still manages to outrun the angel. Y/N glances behind her and slows down when she sees Amadis catching up to her. Once she comes to a full stop, Amadis reaches her. He slightly bends over with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath.
"Where are you going?" Amadis asks as his breathing turns normal.
"I don't know." Y/N sighs. "I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't know if I made the right decision back there. Maybe Tom's right; maybe it's just cold feet. Should I go back there?"
"What? No!" Amadis says and shakes his head. "What you did back there was super brave, actually. Some people wouldn't even do that and they'd just accept their fate; they'd marry a terrible person."
"Tom's not THAT bad." Y/N defends. "He's got some good points, but at the same time, I like someone else. I think I love them already."
"It sounds like you're confused. Who's the other person?" Amadis asks even though he already knew.
Y/N looks at him and sighs, "It's Harrison. He's just such a great guy, y'know? He's such a gentleman and he's so kind and funny and chill. He's not arrogant and he's simple. I love him."
"If you love him, the logical thing to do is to go to him already." Amadis says.
"But then there's Tom. I kinda still feel something for him." Y/N admits.
"You're in a pickle. Let me help you." Amadis says. "I can help you decide really quick."
"Okay." Y/N nods.
"Texts or handwritten letters?" Amadis asks.
"What does that have to do with my situation?" Y/N questions.
"Just answer it! Trust me." Amadis says.
"Okay, um, handwritten letters." Y/N answers.
"Harry Potter or Star Wars?"
"Natural hair color or dyed hair?"
"Expensive or cheap?"
"Tom or Harrison?"
"There you go! You finally decided." Amadis smiles to himself. "Let's go find him!"
"Wait, that's so clever!" Y/N exclaims in shock.
"Thank you. Let's talk about that later, okay? Harrison is doing his errands with Harley, so he's out buying stuff. He's around in town somewhere. Let's go get your man!" Amadis grins. Y/N smiles and both of them run to the street where there are a lot of stores.
"We've been walking around for ages!" Harley groans. Harley didn't like shopping. He would get bored and his feet would hurt. Plus, he didn't like it when his mum would ask him about clothes that he could care less about.
"I know, buddy. I'm so sorry, but I'm the only one available to run errands today. Timmy has work." Harrison gives him a sad smile before turning his attention back to the apples. Harrison picks ten apples and puts it in the cart. Harrison goes to the next aisle with Harley pushing the cart next to him.
"Why don't you and Timmy just go shopping when both of you are free?" Harley whines. As much as he likes spending time with Harrison, he's still the same ten year old who gets easily bored.
"Harley, if I didn't shop today, Timmy and I will starve for the next three days because Timmy will be free by then." Harrison chuckles. "Relax, okay? I'll buy you a little something later. You name it."
Harley groans as they continue to shop for food. Harley's mind wanders to how Amadis is doing on the mission. If he recalls correctly, their mission will end soon and he won't see Amadis ever again.
Not seeing Amadis ever again is something he's not ready for, but he knows that it's inevitable. Harley got so used to seeing Amadis that he wouldn't know how to go on his day without him.
After thirty minutes of going from aisle to aisle, Harrison finally finishes grocery shopping. Harley helps Harrison put the items on the checkout conveyor belt and waits at the other side of the counter to get the bags. After paying, Harrison carries two paper bags and Harley carries one. They exit the grocery store and move on to the next errand. 
"Where to next?" Harley asks.
"I figured we should go to mine and Timmy's first to drop off these things and then we'll go out again to pick a decent dishwasher. Is that okay?" Harrison asks. Harley's comfort has been his number priority recently and he didn't even know why.
"Okay." Harley says. The two of them walked to the apartment and immediately went to the unit to put away the groceries.
"How do you think Y/N's wedding is coming along?" Harley asks as he puts the eggs in the fridge. Harrison glances at him before putting the flour in the cupboard.
"Um... I think it's great." Harrison answers. He wasn't sure how to answer Harley's question. "I mean, Tom Holland is rich and all, so she probably got her dream wedding."
Harley nods as they continue putting things away in silence. Five minutes later, everything is neatly stocked away and the two make their way out of the apartment again to buy a dishwasher.
They walk out of the apartment building and when they turn a corner, they bump into Amadis and Y/N.
"I'm so- Y/N?! Amadis?! What are you guys doing here? Especially you, Y/N." Harrison says in shock as he holds Y/N by the arms to prevent her from falling.
She looks at him and smiles, "Harrison!"
"Aren't you supposed to get married?" Harrison lightly chuckles.
Y/N stands up properly and fixes her dress. She shakes her head, cups his face and smiles, "I left him."
Harrison's eyes widened in shock upon hearing what she just said. Amadis and Harley watch the scene unfold. Harley whispers, "How many hours do we have left?"
Amadis looks at his watch.
"We only have fifteen minutes left." Amadis whispers sadly.
"Oh." Harley says.
"Why did you leave him?" Harrison asks.
"I don't love him anymore. I stopped loving him a long time ago." She tells him. "I love you, Harrison. I really do and anything you say and do can't stop that."
"You love me?" He asks and she just nods. "I'm not him, though. I can't give you everything you want and I can't take you to different places every weekend and-"
"Yes, you're not him. You're not him and that's what makes you different and it's better. I want you and I want to stay with you." She says in all honesty.
"I'd love that." Harrison smiles. "Oh, and I love you too."
They stare at each other and Amadis rolls his eyes, "Just kiss already!"
They look at Amadis shyly before looking at each other.
"I kinda forgot they were there." Harrison whispers.
"Same here." Y/N says, grinning. They lean in and close the gap with a sweet kiss. Amadis and Harley smile at each other and give each other a well deserved high-five.
"We did it! They're together!" Harley exclaims in glee. Y/N and Harrison pull away from each other and they look at Harley in confusion.
"What?" Y/N asks.
"We have ten minutes left." Amadis says after quickly glancing at his watch. He looks at Harley and nods, "Let's just tell them."
"Tell us what?" Harrison questions. "What's going on?"
Harley takes a deep breath and sighs. He looks at Harrison and Y/N; his parents. Well, in the timeline's future. This past week, he really got to know his parents on a different level and on a different point of view. He's going to miss it, truly. He got to hang out with his parents the way he used to and he knew that when he goes back to the future, he won't experience it again.
"I'm from the future." Harley confesses and looks at Harrison. "I wasn't lying when I told you that I'm your son."
"Both of you are my parents and I did something wrong that brought me back here; to the past. I had a week to make things right and I got some help from Amadis. He's literally an heaven sent from Heaven and those people in the apartment we were staying at? They're all angels and saints." Harley says.
Harrison and Y/N didn't say anything, so Harley continued talking.
"My mission was to get you two together, so that the future doesn't get messed up. Amadis and I came up with plans to set you two up and as a way to get both of you two to feel something for each other. Oh and the Prague thing? Amadis went there to check on Tom."
"Did Tom really cheat on me? Or was it part of your plan too?" Y/N asks.
Amadis shakes his head, "No. That really happened. If it were part of the plan, I won't ever go back to Heaven."
"Okay, then." Y/N says.
"Today's the last of the mission and now that you guys kissed, the mission's over. I'm going back to the future now and our family will be alright." Harley says with a smile.
“Family? What family?” Y/N asks.
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Harrison challenges. “How do we know that you’re not some crazy kid?”
Just when Harley is giving up, Amadis tells Harley to check his pocket. Harley looks confused, but he checks it anyway. His eyes widen when he pulls out their family picture with everyone reappearing again. Harley quickly shows Y/N and Harrison and they’re surprised to see it. They didn’t really expect actual proof.
“Everything makes sense now.” Harrison whispers as he smiles at Harley. “That’s why I feel so attached to you. I’m your father!”
Harley smiles and nods before walking towards him and hugs him. Harrison hugs back and Y/N smiles at the sight.
“This is so much to take in, but we have so little time.” Y/N tears up. She looks at Harrison and says, “I can’t believe we have three beautiful kids! Now, I can’t imagine my life if I pushed through in marrying Tom. I’m glad I left or we wouldn’t have them, especially Harley.”
Harley pulls away from Harrison and turns to Y/N. She moves his hair out of the way to see her son’s beautiful face.
“In case future me didn’t tell you, you're so talented and smart for your age. I’m so proud of you and I know that you’ll do amazing things. As much as I want you to stay here, you have to go back. I enjoyed spending time with you and I’ll truly miss it.” Y/N tells him and Harley cries. They give each other a hug and Harley says, “Thanks, mum.”
“Is it early to say ‘I love you’? Because I really want to say it before you leave.” She chuckles lightly and pulls away.
“No, it’s not too early.” Harley smiles and wipes his tears.
“I love you.” Y/N says with a smile. She holds Harrison’s hand. “We love you.”
Amadis clears his throat, “Harley, we need to go now.”
Harley frowns and says, “I love you both, okay? I’ll see you later.”
An unexpected rain started to pour and all of them looked surprised except for Amadis. He knew it was going to happen. He just didn’t say anything because if he did, then saying goodbye would be real even though he didn’t want it to be.
“That’s odd. It was sunny just a minute ago.” Harrison says with a jacket over his head, Harley’s head and Y/N’s.
“Harley, it’s time.” Amadis says before turning to Harrison and Y/N. “It was so lovely meeting you! Both of you will have a wonderful life. Trust me, I know. The rain will wash away your memories of me and Harley. Not only you, but also the people who interacted with me or Harley for the past few days.”
“What? Why?” Y/N asks.
“It’s part of keeping the timeline intact.” Amadis says sadly. “Something will go wrong if you won;t let your memories of us wash off. We can’t go back to the places we belong.”
Harley understands and turns to his parents, “I’ll see you guys later, anyway. We can just create new memories.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Harrison says with a smile and ruffles Harley’s hair. He glances at Y/N, “Ready to get the memories of our son washed away?”
“I think so.” Y/N replies. She kisses Harley’s forehead before saying, “I just want him to go back and we can hang out with him again. I’m ready.”
Harrison puts down his jacket as both he and Y/N get soaked by the rain. The rain poured harder and before they knew it, their memories of Amadis and Harley were gone. They look at each other in confusion as to why they’re standing in the rain.
“My apartment is closer. We can get dry there?” Harrison suggests.
“Sure! I just want to wear something warm.” Y/N giggles and they ran hand-in-hand to Harrison’s shared apartment with Timmy.
Harley turns to Amadis and says, “Now what?”
“We have three minutes left and it’s time for our goodbye.” Amadis steps forward and embraces Harley. “You know, I don’t like kids, but you’re an exception. You’re a pretty cool 10 year old.”
“Thanks and you’re the coolest angel ever!” Harley smiles and pulls away.
“Be good, okay? No more bad wishes.” Amadis says sternly. “You better promise that, Harley.”
“I promise!” Harley exclaims. “Can you at least give me a sign that you’re watching me whenever I look up at the sky?”
“I’ll think about it.” Amadis says and Harley pouts. “Literally. I have to think about it because I don’t know what sign to send.”
“Just keep it simple.” Harley says.
“Okay, then. If it’s during the day, the sign is a cloud. If it’s at night, the sign is a star.” Amadis decides.
“How will I know it’s you?” Harley asks. “There are so many clouds and stars!”
“Trust me, you’ll know.” Amadis says and glances at his watch only to see that they have one minute left.
“Amadis, you’re fading away.” Harley states.
“Yeah and you’re fading too. It’s okay, we’ll be fine. This is our way of transport.” Amadis chuckles lightly. “I don’t want to say goodbye yet.”
“Same here.” Harley says. “I read a quote somewhere and it’s from Winnie the Pooh. I think it fits us right now.”
“Let’s hear it.” Amadis smiles.
“We didn’t realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.” Harley recites with a small smile.
“And that’s true.” Amadis nods and sees that they only have five seconds left.
“Five seconds left.” Amdis says. “I wish I could hug you, but we obviously can’t because we’re basically spirits now.”
“I wish we could hug too.” Harley says.
“I’ll start praying to God, so that I could deliver a message to you, okay?” Harley says. “I just hope you could hear it.”
“I hang outside the prayer room to eavesdrop. I’ll definitely hear your prayers.” Amadis chuckles lightly.
“I love you, Amadis. You’re like an older brother that I never had.” Harley smiles sweetly.
“I love you too, lil’ guy.” Amadis says. “I’ll watch over you, okay? I’ll also send in some angels when you’re hurt or something.”
“I’d love that. Thank you.” Harley says with tears in his eyes.
“I’ll miss you.” Harley says. “I loved meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you. It was an honor to be with you on my first Earthly mission. Goodbye. Take care, Harley.” Amadis tears up before completely fading away.
“Amadis!” Harley shouts as he fades away too.
The rainy street is now occupied by a few people who were oblivious to the whole exchange. Y/N and Harrison are enjoying a cup of tea, Amadis is back in Heaven, and Harley is going back to his rightful place in time.
Harley quickly sits up on his bed and sees Harrison. He looks around and he’s back in his room. He rubs his eyes as Harrison opens the curtains to let the sun’s rays enter Harley’s room through the window.
“You have to wake up now if you want to hang out with your uncle Tom.” Harrison says as he picks up the mess on Harley’s bedroom floor.
“I love you, dad.” Harley blurts out which makes Harrison stop what he’s doing.
“What?” Harrison says.
“I love you and I’m sorry about what I said a week ago after my talent show. I’m sure you had your reasons and I’m sorry for not hearing you out and for saying that I wished uncle Tom to be my dad. I don’t want him to-”
“Buddy, slow down.” Harrison says. “What do you mean a week ago? Your talent show was last night.”
“What?” Harley’s confused.”I was gone for one week!”
“Nope.” Harrison shakes his head. “You must’ve had an intense dream. Tell me all about it when you come downstairs for breakfast. Your uncle Tom will pick you up in two hours, so take a shower and I’ll meet you downstairs. Okay?”
“Okay.” Harley says.
Harrison leans down to kiss the top of Harley’s head and says, “I forgive you and I love you too. I’m sorry I don’t show it enough.”
Harrison takes Harley’s laundry basket and leaves the room. As soon as the door closes, Harley gets out of bed and quickly walks to his window to look up at the sky. He looks at every cloud to search for Amadis' sign and his eyes stop at the cloud that’s shaped like an Apple watch.
“He sees me.” Harley whispers to himself and waves at the Apple watch-shaped cloud.
“Harley! If you’re not taking a shower now, at least come down for breakfast!” Harrison shouts from downstairs.
Harley stops waving at the cloud and shouts back, “I’m coming!”
He rushes out of his room and goes downstairs to eat his breakfast. Harley feels different; a good kind of different. He didn’t know what that means, but he’s sure that starting from this day onwards, things will be different and he’s excited for it.
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​ @silencetheslaves​ @imeanlifesabitshit​ @joyleenl​ @hjoficrecs​ @blueleatherbag​ @poguesholland​ @harryismysunflower​ @lonikje​ @lizzyosterfield​ @turtoix​ @badreputationlove​ @starlight-starks​ @swiftmind​ @sovereignparker​ @pearce14​ @justanamesstuff​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @hotforharrison​ @euphorichxlland​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @allyz​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ @drie-the-derp​ @hollands-weasley​ @itstaskeen​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @geminiparkers​ @holland-styles​ @calltothewild​ @fancyxparker​ @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24​ @bellelittleoff​ @agentnataliahofferson​ @aqiise​ @lexirv​ @blairscott​ @hi-im-maddie​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​
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twistednuns · 3 years
September 2021
Craving fresh oranges all of a sudden. I never used to be very fond of oranges but at the moment I think they're delicious and so refreshing.
Riding my bike through the woods, trying not to get stuck in the mud. The first mushrooms. Yellow goldenrod and magenta-coloured impatiens everywhere.
I've been Christina's fangirl since her Lifejournal days. For some reason everything she likes and does is cool.
Re-reading The Secret History and loving every minute of it. I've done some research on the Dark Academia aesthetic and already ordered a few new books to satisfy my craving for the vibe. Donna Tartt's descriptive language and references are truly fantastic. I would love to be able to write like that myself, preferably using more than one language (as in Umberto Eco's The Prague Cemetery, I suppose?), referencing to the most interesting works of art and describing any place in a way it feels oddly familiar to people.
The dreams are back. However, there's one thing I've noticed: the more happy I am and the more I've got going on in my life the less I seem to be able to remember my dreams.
Pre-ordering books. Forgetting about it. Always a pleasant surprise.
The weird energy-bursts I have when my diet consists mainly of fruit and vegetables (some dark chocolate, too).
The indulgent feeling of cracking open a chocolate marshmallow with your tongue.
Postcards from R. Pistachio souvenirs.
A good Saturday: Spending time with the kitten brothers. I named the grey one Moby. Then we walked to Nymphenburg and played on a seesaw, had delicious pistachio ice-cream and talked about the kind of classes I could teach next year.
R. is forcing/offering me to give workshops at the adult education centre because he thinks it would be good for me (I've got a chronic issue of not being challenged enough, I suppose). He even wants me to write applications to publishing houses because I know that I'm not entirely happy with my job. The other night he forced me to book a flight. Any flight. Because he knew that it would be good for me. He just sat there waiting for me to make up my mind, even when I sat there crying because I didn't know what I wanted and wasn't able to make a decision. Despite the discomfort this all creates I appreciate being held accountable and having someone nudging me to start doing the hard things I often put off indefinitely. Oh and he is able to stand my crazy streak, offers advice, conviced me to finally have surgery. He's a good one. I even wrote a letter to him on the plane to Funchal, trying to express my gratitude.
Brainstorming career ideas for me. I kinda wanna be an activist, explorer, producer or journalist/writer.
Watching movies in bed. With snacks. Reading in the morning with R. asleep, embracing me.
Finding exactly the shoes I wanted second hand. In the right size, cheaper than online and in mint condition, too. They were sold out everywhere!
Afghan food! We had dinner at an Afghan restaurant one evening and the next day Sadia incidentally published this video about the kind of food she ate growing up in an Afghan family. She's one of my favourite YouTubers - incredibly talented, with impeccable taste and always radiating positivity.
Gratitude and appreciation for the good things in my life. I'm a classic Negative Nancy so it's quite noticeable whenever I'm able to outgrow this part of my personality.
How cute R. looks with his hair in a bun, wearing my camel parka.
Truffle pesto.
Main character vibes. Travelling alone. Operating way out of my (current) comfort zone: Surviving the long-ish flight. Twice. (Flying stresses me out - it isn't even flying per se but the whole procedure; getting there, standing in line, waiting, TOO MANY PEOPLE, not knowing who I sit next to, everything is too confined and uncomfortable). Renting a scooter and going straight to the highway without any hesitation or practise. Going scuba diving for the first time since 2019 even though I wasn't planning on doing that. Meeting new people. Doing new things. The funny thing is that I actually love adventures - experiencing new things makes me feel alive - but I've taken a long break from doing anything, really. I've been depressed, feeling bad about myself - it's nice to see that I still have it in me and that my curiosity is still there; I've just got to practise a little and muster up enough courage and motivation to get into action mode again.
I ended up going to Madeira without really thinking about it (I'd just heard that it's a nice place) and it was SO beautiful. Cable cars, flowers everywhere, 180° ocean view. I saw whales and dolphins, got a tan, ate fresh fruit every day. Madeirans are crazy about passion fruit and I tried my best to taste all the different maracujà products (the queijo with passion fruit seeds was my favourite, I think). I met Higino who works as a spotter for whale watching boats; we had a lovely evening observing the sea and the sky, talking about nature, culture, animals and so much more. I saw gorgeous places on a jeep tour to the west of the island with a group of Dutchies. There was a spooky forest in the mountains, breathtaking views and I especially liked the natural volcanic swimming pools. I developed a sixth sense for lovely vegetarian restaurants (and even got my own tiny balcony at Olive's). There were cats. And banana trees. Crabs. I drank Poncha and spent too much money at Parfois. I had a really good time.
Oh and I found a used copy of The Girl on the Train in the kitchenette and spent the whole week reading it, ignoring the book I had brought along. I finished it on the plane on my way back. Very entertaining!
Checking out Raphael's new office. Stealing pencils. Drawing on his notepad. Checking out all the secret drawers.
Reuniting with my students after the holidays! It's surprisingly nice to see them all again. I also got to know a few new pupils (and I'm working on making the Spanish girl help me with my homework).
A video call with Clarence the cat.
My Tumblr revival. I'm thinking about going back to blogging again. When I was thinking of posting a photo on Insta (after a long hiatus) something held me back. Perhaps Instagram just isn't the right platform for me?
Getting along really well with Doris. She often drops me off at the subway station after work and so we spend a few minutes in the car together and I'm always sad when I have to get out because there's still so much left do discuss. Even though Doris doesn't wanna be friends with colleagues I secretely think we are besties.
Japanese food heaven with Margit. Calpis, black sesame ice-cream, Tonkotsu ramen and Tempura on rice. Even though I had to wait in line for one hour to get a table.
Making pumpkin/spinach lasagna with Manu. Talking the whole evening.
I also called Frank after not talking to each other for two months and we spoke for almost two hours. I appreciate having people in my life who just work for me. It's amazing when a friendship is effortless, you don't have to pretend or omit anything. And you can just pick up the conversation where you left off - even two months later.
Julie Delpy's series On the Verge / the new season of Sex Education - especially the scene in the second episode when the students performed Peaches' Fuck the Pain Away.
Forehead kisses / a cute photo for reference. I've been trying to get R. to make it a habit.
Adopting stray books at the tram stop (this time about a illiterate girl growing up in a book shop - and there was a cat on the cover as well; no-brainer).
A huge dragonfly on my balcony.
Getting things done. Stuff I had put off for weeks. Organising. Crossing off things from my to-do-list. I even did my effin taxes.
Watching chestnuts drop down from the trees like little grenades. Going out to collect some. Fall, quite literally, has arrived.
Sundays with Lena. Cake, vampires on TV, a walk around the lake, catching up, veggies for dinner.
Miezi Cuts - finally a name for a hair salon I don't hate.
Cleaning out my cellar (again). Finally getting rid of the old mattress and loads of miscellaneous items.
Our trip to LA: Mexican dinner at Cantina, ice-cream, talking all the time and getting along really well / when Raphael met my mum and got astro-analysed immediately / flea market in the sunshine; I found a lovely knife, an artsy mug and a book about mushrooms / the little crucifix I got for free (the perfect prop for jokes) / I got attacked by a nandu / goat-watching / walking down to the castle / lunch at Gstaudach, harrassing a kitty or two / more treasures at Hab&Gut / a walk in the forest with my mum - sadly we didn't find any mushrooms but she had some at home from earlier this year so we could eat creamy mushrooms and dumplings for dinner / playing badminton, boule and Quirkle together / the big grocery haul right before closing time
Sleeping in on Sunday. Vivid dreams. Spending two hours in the kitchen making banana bread, crisp bread, banana curry rice and a potato stew with leeks and mushrooms. Sunshine. Getting more stuff done. Good mood.
When I sat next to Raphael while he played the piano in my brother's room. He started playing Bach's well-tempered clavier - the first time I heard him play a proper piece. I also loved the self-composed one from the vampire play at his theatre.
The people who keep planting these pretty flowers along the footpath on my way to work.
Fun at the trampoline park with my class.
The last season of POSE: Angel and Papi's wedding got me all emotional. And My Love is Your Love was the perfect song choice for the series finale.
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
“Our next guest is a talented actor you know from his work on the “Captain America” and “Avengers” movies. He returns as Bucky Barnes in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, which is available exclusively on Disney Plus, with new episodes releasing on Fridays. Let’s take a look. (clip plays) Please welcome to the show Sebastian Stan. Thanks for being here, Sebastian.”
Sebastian: “Hey, man, thank you for having me.”
“I feel like there were two things we were all very desperate for over the last year - vaccines, and new Marvel content. And it feels like they’re dovetailing together very nicely.”
Sebastian: “Yes, yes. Perfect timing for - for both of us I guess.”
“So, I have to ask, when you and, and your co-star Anthony Mackie were - when this was first presented to you - was it surprising? Did you know this project was coming?”
Sebastian: “Ah, no, we didn’t. We - we both just knew we were going to stick around in some capacity, you know, because we were alive at the end of “Endgame.” But then, um, we  - we had both gotten called in, unbeknownst to us, you know, for a meeting. And, you know, we had separate meetings, but then I ran into him at this hotel in L.A., and I didn’t know he was in L.A. (laughs) And he like, looked at me funny, and I looked at him funny, and, and we sort of started to kind of piece the puzzle together that maybe we were there for the same reason, you know?”
“One of the puzzles anybody in show businesses has had to piece together this year is how to shoot during COVID, obviously.”
Sebastian: “Yeah.”
“You were in the middle of it - you were going to Prague last March - ”
Sebastian: “It’s very difficult with Anthony because he’s a close talker. So, you know, the - the aspect of social distance for him is a difficult thing. But yeah, we were in Prague.”
“It’s like a normal 6 feet, but it’s like an Anthony 12 feet - is that what you’re saying?”
Sebastian: (laughs) “Yeah, exactly.”
“So, you flew to Prague. This was, I guess, last year -”
Sebastian: “Yeah...”
“ - before everything shut down. And I will say I tip my cap. Early on, you were taking this very serious. (holds up photo of Sebastian on a plane, wrapped up with both eye and face mask on) That’s you on an airplane.”
Sebastian: “Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, thank God Fox News reported on it at the time, you know?” (Seth laughs) But we did because I, you know, I - we didn’t know what to expect. And I had my best friend with me who’s - who’s a worse  hypochondriac than I was. And we just kept piling things on and going ‘I mean, where - where do we stop with this thing?’ And, you know, it was our first - my first picture of, of this hashtag we were trying out called BuckyTakesEurope, which, of course led to only three posts and um - and a birthday that, that happened a few days later. And then we were, you know, we were sent back.” 
“I heard that you were actually celebrating Bucky’s 106 birthday when you found out that everything was shut down.”
Sebastian: “Yep. Yeah, we were - we decided to find one of the most authentic, you know, places in Prague to go and - and have dinner with - and it was a crowded - crowded place. And - and we thought it was funny at the time. And then it led to me meeting about 35 waiters and hugging them and taking selfies with them, and then, 10 minutes later, we got a call; we were supposed to get on a plane. So, I felt really good about how I spent that night - (laughs) - more at risk than ever.”
“Now I, I have to ask, you know, obviously you’re not Bucky’s age yet but you are - you have been playing this character for ten years. Is it harder - do you find the recovery harder from the intense action sequences that they put your character through?”
Sebastian: “Yes. Well, it’s usually by the end of the press tour, so you can get closer and closer to the age. (Seth laughs) But, um, yeah, I mean, I think we - I think we both take quite a lot of Advil, you know, and, and there’s definitely some ice packs, but, you know, I - it’s just we got to get Anthony off the ground a lot more.” (Seth laughs)
“That’s right. Very nice how I feel like you have a lot of empathy for Anthony. It’s really sweet that you’re sharing that with us today.” (laughs)
Sebastian: “Well I do, you know but it’s sort of something you have to live with. It’s, it’s like a, you know, a disease that you’re just gonna have to live with. But - (laughs) - But we, I think, look, you know - I, I, we kind of know each other well and, and we have a good rapport and, and somehow they decided to - to give us a show, you know, to have more, so it’s - it’s been a privilege.”
“You came back from Prague when everything got shut down in New York City. I know that you had lived here before; you were an actor here in New York City. What was it like for you last Spring being in a city that obviously we all know is much more vibrant than it was then?”
Sebastian: “Well, it was really strange. I mean, because, you know, we - we didn’t really know what - at the time - what to expect, and so everything felt, um, out of place, and, you know, I think the emptiness of the streets. But I, I was - I went full on, like, Di  - “The Aviator” - DiCaprio OCD. Like, I was taking my clothes off in like, you know, in my hallway and - and running them to the washing machine and then washing every little thing in the - in the, you know, in the sink and, um, and, and it was really weird, But I had this old lady, um, across the street from me who every day - every night at 7pm, would come out and just blast Frank Sinatra, you know, and then everybody else would come out and just sort of join in. And - and that - moments like that just feel kind of that - they surpass all time.”
“I always like asking anybody who was young, living in New York - especially actors - what their first - their early apartments were like. Did you have any doozies back in your day?”
Sebastian: “It was - ah - I - I’ll say exactly where it was. It was at 323 West 42nd Street, right across from Port Authority. And I was right out of Rutgers.”
“Oh great area - great area. Beautiful.” (Seb laughs)
Sebastian: “Yeah, yeah. (Seth laughs) But we were in Times Square so, you know, we felt lucky. Yeah - but -”
“How many - how many roommates were you rocking back then?”
Sebastian: “Uh, well, I had one official roommate that paid the rent with me, and then we had all of our Rutgers friends kind of, like, just hop off the bus, cross the street, and then crash with us, you know? But it was - I don’t know - you, you - everything about that was romantic at the time. (Seth laughs) That’s what we said - that’s what we said to ourselves until you walked outside, you know?”
“Yeah. (Sebastian laughs) And you would also, I’m sure, say it to girls. Like, ‘You want to see something romantic? You’ve never seen romance until you’ve seen the Port Authority at night’.”
Sebastian: “Oh yes. (Seth laughs) Yeah, yeah. That’s - that will definitely shake things up. Yeah.”
“It’s like the one neighbourhood they just haven’t tried giving a cute name to. They’re like, ‘No.’ ‘We’ve got - we had a one-bedroom in Port-Thor.’”
Sebastian: “Yeah, yeah. (Seth laughs) It’s - it’s always, you know, what it is. But - but in a way, you know, there was something grounding about it. And it’s like - you walk out in New York City; you know, you’re always just - life greets you, and, and it kind of, you know, puts you on a - reminds you of the right things I guess.”
“I think you’re right about that. And congrats on the show; it’s so exciting to watch.”
Sebastian: “Thank you.”
“And thanks so much for being here.”
Sebastian: “Thank you, man. Absolutely. Thanks so much. I’ll see you.”
“New episodes of “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” are available on Fridays exclusively on Disney Plus.”
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 15, 2021: Casino Royale (2006) (Part 1)
So...we meet again, Bond. What’ve you been doing for the past few years?
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...What. Not who, James, WHAT. Jeez.
Whatever. BrosBond had 3 movies after GoldenEye, and they were...not great, from what I’ve heard. Remember, I wasn’t as big of a fan of GoldenEye as many critics and fans were; so, I can’t imagine what I’d think of the latter three. Maybe one day, but not today!
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Today, I’m focusing my sights on the revitalization of the brand. See, in 2002, Die Another Day came out, and that movie was apparently crazy. TOO crazy. So crazy, in fact, that audiences and critics accused it of losing the plot, and the production studio in charge (Eon Productions) had a yearning to change direction. And their inspiration came from...a surprising place.
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See, Joel Schumacher’s campy, over-the-top Batman films were basically wiped out by Christopher Nolan’s 2005 reinvention of the character in Batman Begins. Which is, in my opinion, a highly underrated classic, Seriously. And in 2005, this film was absolutely a smash-hit. Batman was cool again, which a lot of people never thought would happen in film. Eon saw this, and thought...how can we apply that to Bond?
Out with Brosnan...in with Craig.
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The first of the new, darker, reinvented Bond films is planned for release in 2006, starring Daniel Craig as the suave, sophisticated spy. And the director of the film was selected to be...Martin Campbell? From GoldenEye? The guy who kinda sorta started the modern over-the-top Bond? Really? I mean, OK. The writers this time are different...except for one. I didn’t talk about the writers last time because I don’t like putting people on blast if I don’t gotta. This time...maybe. We’ll see.
If this Casino Royale is basically Bond Begins, I’m definitely interested. Maybe this’ll revitalize that Bond-love from the Connery days. Let’s find out! We’re also gonna look at the Bond checklist again!
Gadgets: better have more cool gadgets than GoldenEye, I swear...
Bond Girl: GoldenEye’s Natalya wasn’t bad, to be honest; let’s see who his Inevitable Love Interest is this time.
Villain: Alec Trevelyan had so much potential. I need my dastardly villain, let’s do this. Oh, and let’s throw the henchman in here, too. Xenia Onatopp was...a lot...but she was a memorable henchman, at least.
Music: Of course. GoldenEye’s theme was good, and we’ll see how 2006 does.
OK, movie time. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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We start at an office building in Prague, where a man makes his way up to his office. Waiting there for him is, of course, James Bond (Daniel Craig). The man is Dryden, section chief at the British Embassy in Prague, whom M has accused of selling secrets, a big no-no. But Bond...isn’t a double-0 agent. Huh. You got me interested.
Apparently, agents get the two zeroes once they’ve killed two people on file. James hadn’t killed anyone...until recently. Which is when we get this.
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This is an absolutely BRUTAL fight. It’s not choreographed flashily, it’s not pretty...it’s rough. It’s intense. And it’s...oh my God, wow. Made me feel it. And what’s astonishing is that it’s SO short.
On learning this, Dryden tells him not to worry, the second one is...
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HOW??? How is it that in 3 minutes of screentime, I’m already more satisfied by Craig’s Bond than I was for the ENTIRETY of GoldenEye? That is masterfully done, right off the bat. WOW. We even get a smooth-as-silk segue into the classic bullet turret sequence, and that takes us right into the song and opening credits. And...wow.
Here’s the thing about Bond openings, as I mentioned last time: they were all directed by one guy up until GoldenEye, and were basically all silhouetted women with themes and scenes from the movie projected around them. The Brosnan movies followed suit, always having silhouetted women in one way or another. Die Another Day used CGI women and...a really bad Madonna song. It was...it is NOT GOOD, guys. Look it up, it’s the most 2002 thing I’ve ever heard.
But here’s the fin bit about Casino Royale. This is the first Bond movie opening with no women in it. Yeah. It’s the first one. And the song is Chris Cornell’s You Know My Name, and it’s good! Not sure it’s going in my soundtrack, though.
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Finally, the opening credits sequence itself: it’s once again Daniel Kleinman doing it, and it’s actually inspired by the first James Bond book Casino Royale, which had already had a TV special and unofficial Bond movie made from it! The cover had a playing card motif, and the opening carries over that motif creatively. I really dig it, if I’m honest! Definitely a welcome break from the 44 years of Bond films preceding it.
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Uganda! And we meet the villain of this film: Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen). And GODDAMN if that isn’t a Bond villain! He’s a banker, making a deal with a rebel leader, Steven Obanno (Isaach de Bankole), via their liason Mr. White (Jesper Christiensen). Setting up an attack by supplying Obanno with money, he sells his stocks of a company called Skyfleet, knowing that they’re about to fail.
Meanwhile, a ferret’s fighting an Asian species of cobra. In Madagascar. My zoology senses are EXPLODING, OH my God. So much wrong there. Anyway, there’s a bombmaker in the crowd watching the fight. He’s being tailed by Bond and another agent, Carter, who tips off the guy by being a bad spy. Bond chases him to a construction yard. What now, James?
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Awesome. Why is this awesome when I said that the tank was dumb? Because at least it makes sense for a bulldozer to go haywire in a construction yard, just sayin’. Plus, this dude clearly isn’t the best, as he fires on construction workers and cops.
Eventually, this chase sequence brings us to the top of a crane, where this exchange happens.
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I, uh...I love this movie already. That’s goddamn great.
The chase scene as a whole is also fantastic, as it continues off the bridge and into an abandoned building, then escalates into the streets, brings in law enforcement, and eventually ends with Bond at an embassy, facing down both the military and the bomb maker. He kills the guy, shoots some gas tanks, grabs the bomb, and then gets the hell out of there.
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...Y’know what, that was fucking amazing, but he also almost certainly caused an international incident there. And I should be annoyed about that, but guess what! It makes sense! This is an inexperienced Bond, one who’s JUST been promoted to 00 status as 007, as the prologue explained. So, y’know what? I’m into it!
Cut to a yacht, like you do in a Martin Campbell Bond film. There, we have our villain, Le Chiffre, playing a card game. Also, he weeps blood. Yeah. HE WEEPS BLOOD.
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OK, if that isn’t some Bond villain shit, I don’t know WHAT is. He’s also asthmatic, because I love it. I love it so much. He’s a mathematically-brilliant asthmatic that weeps blood. More, please. 
He’s also a person aware of what Bond did at the embassy, as it’s already become an international incident! Thank you for showing consequences, movie! Damn! I love it! This has two additional consequences. One, Le Chiffre notes that the code “Ellipsis” used by the bomber may be soon to expire, indicating a connection between the two. And the second consequence? M’s pissed.
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M! DAME JUDI DENCH! One of my favorite things about GoldenEye was bringing in Judi Dench as M, and she made it through the reboot! And she’s still as entertaining as she was before, calling Bond out for his stupidity, and explaining that she misses the Cold War.
In her apartment, M does her normal exposition schtick, and her interactions with Bond are fantastic here. She’s understandably angry at him, and gives him what for, but she’s also clearly impressed that he FIGURED OUT WHERE SHE LIVES, as well as her REAL NAME. Shows her opinion of Bond and aspects of Bond’s character in a single, masterful stroke. 
Well. Goddamn. Done.
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The Bahamas! Bond’s here to find Alex Dimitrios (Simon Abkarian), a Greek businessman who’s believed to have a connection with Le Chiffre himself. And, as James Bond is wont to do, he finds him at a party, playing cards. And here’s where the reinvention of Bond comes full circle.
See, Bond’s doing all the typical Bond things, yeah. But there are some differences present here, as well as some neat nuances. Bond isn’t wearing the suit, first of all. He actually hasn’t worn a suit the whole movie, which makes perfect sense for a spy. Suits aren’t exactly the least conspicuous thing in the world; bound to get you noticed if you don’t want to be.
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And then, there’s the girl. This is Solange Dimitrios (Catherina Murino), the wife of Alex who was treated BADLY by him at the party. That gives her a reason to take Bond’s offer for a ride to his place, outside of just his raw animalistic charm that he seems to have in some of these movies. Look at that, already more chemistry than he had with Natalya in GoldenEye.
And yes, this results in her cheating on Alex. Is her cheating justified from a moral standpoint? No, of course it isn’t. And of course, this leads to the typical Bond-handsome-sex-GOOD sequence, but again, some nuance here! First of all, he doesn’t win her over with corny clever lines, like what we saw in GoldenEye multiple ties. Second, this is actually all an attempt to get some infomation from her about her husband. Bond might be enjoying it, but his womanizing here actually has a purpose. And that’s rare!
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That’s further punctuated by the fact that he STRAIGHT UP LEAVES BEFORE ANYTHING HAPPENS. Yeah, she tells him that Alex just made his way to Miami, and he leaves! Dick move, yeah, but it makes sense! James isn’t here for pleasure, he’s here for work!
He follows Alex to a Bodies at Work exhibit (you know, the preserved and skinned cadavers put into poses that used to tour around the USA? I saw it in Times Square at the end of its popularity. A little ghoulish, maybe, but I think it’s pretty cool), where the two of them get in a very tense close-up knife fight in public.
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Alex is dead, but not before passing off a package to someone else at the exhibition. Bond tails the guy to Miami International Airport, where the largest airplane in the world is set to be unveiled. Using the code sent to the bombers, Bond gets into the back, and goes to intercept the disguised bomber who’s set to blow up the SkyChonk (I mean it, that giant airplane is THICCC).
Time for another cool chase sequence! Some luggage is destroyed, along with a bus, the cops join in on the chase, an airplane is prevented from landing (making someone on that plane probably very upset), and Bond somehow manages to prevent the plane from blowing up. And it’s by the SKIN of his teeth, lemme tell you. Also, he blows up a dude with his own flashlight bomb.
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Nice. Somehow, Bond isn’t arrested, and makes his way back to the Bahamas. And it looks like Solange isn’t the Bond girl after all. Because she was thought to be the information leak (which she was, to an extent), she was tortured to death. Whoof.
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M’s in the Bahamas now, and the exposition continues. She’s done with Bond’s bullshit, and she plants a tracker under his skin. She explains that with the big boi plane destroyed, somebody stood a lot to gain financially from the stock crash to come. Except that the plane wasn’t destroyed, and that person lost $100 million by “betting the wrong way.”
That person, of course, was Le Chiffre, a manthematical genius and chess prodigy, who plays poker for fun, and plays the stock market with his clients’ money. Bond’s the best poker player in MI6 (a good addition that we already saw foreshadowed earlier! See what I mean?), and she’s sending him to a high stakes poker game that Le Chiffre’s looking to regain his money from. 
Bond FINALLY dons his suit, and gets on a train in Montenegro, where he meets...
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Vesper Lynd (Eva Green). THERE’S our Bond girl! Although, there’s a reference to Miss Moneypenny in their introduction, which is interesting. But Vesper is an agent for the British Treasury, supplying the money for the buy-in for the tournament. And their conversation on the train...wow. Now THIS is chemistry, seriously.
Vesper’s a great character, and she gives Bond NO quarter. She reads his character, and calls him out very accurately. They also explain why both Bond and Vesper are good at poker: it’s all about reading people. I’m genuinely impressed by how this movie is put together, and how well-thought out Bond is as a character. And this is the dimension I love to see in a Bond girl as well!
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GODDAMN, I am in love with this movie. More coming in Part 2!
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Fictober - Day 27
Prompt #27: “give me that” Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU) Rating: G Warnings: None Characters: Roger Harrington, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Flash Thompson, Betty Brant, Julius Dell.  Words: 1801 Summary: Mr. Harrington listens to the four lost students’ conversation and begins piecing together clues about Peter’s strange behavior. 
Roger is frozen in disbelief for a moment, staring at his student and her four-hundred-year-old weapon. But teacher mode quickly kicks back in.
“Give me that.” He grabs the mace out of her hand and lurches forward slightly at its unexpected weight. He ignores the twitch at Michelle’s lips as he rights himself, trying not to appear strained.
“Where are the other three?” He asks, scanning the area and hoping they’ll materialize.  
Michelle shrugs. “I don’t know. I should text Ned.” She pulls out her phone and begins typing.
Roger frowns. “When did you get separated? How—and why, were you carrying a historical artifact?”
Michelle doesn’t look up from her phone. “We, um, we tried to run for cover to get away from the monster thing, and we hid in the Crown Jewels vault, thinking it was secure.”
“You took this from the crown jewels??”
She looks up. “Um, yeah? I needed to defend us from some drones. I’m sure ‘Her Majesty the Queen’ understands.”
He overlooks the apathetic snark that’s typical of Michelle, trying to get more information.
“Those drones were in the vault? Why do you think that is? They kinda appeared halfway through the commotion from what we could see.”
“From what you could—did you all watch the entire battle?” She looks a bit troubled.  
“Sort of, we couldn’t see everything, and I’m not sure I’d call it a battle. It was all very confusing, but we saw that Mysterio flying around and another superhero that looked kinda like Spider-Man if his suit was black, but they kept going in and out of sight—are you alright, Michelle?”
She’d developed a look of concern during his recap. Now, brow furrowed, she’s typing furiously again. “I’m good. Ned, Betty and Flash are coming to meet us.” She looks back up. “Did you see any—was the battle…intense? Like could you see Mysterio and Spi—the superheroes, fighting the drones, or like… each other, or what?”
Roger figures Michelle’s bummed she missed a historic event—he knows she’s usually the first to analyze any conflict and likes to get her facts from the most unbiased source.
“We really couldn’t tell. But I assume superheroes wouldn’t fight each other…anyway, are the others okay?”
She points behind him and he turns to see Ned, Betty and Flash hurrying over to where they stand.
“Are you three alright?” He asks.
Ned and Betty nod as Flash, who’s still livestreaming, exclaims, “We almost DIED!”
Roger bring his free hand to his head, but after the ridiculous events of this entire trip he can’t say this information shakes him much. “Well, glad you didn’t.” He holds up the mace. “We need to return this artifact to its proper place, and then we can meet up with the group, they’re waiting for us.”
Michelle jumps at this. “I can take that back, I know where I’m going.”
“I’ll go with you!!” Ned exclaims, but Michelle shakes her head and widens her eyes, then jerks her head toward an oblivious Flash.
Roger can’t follow whatever silent language the kids are using. “I’d prefer we stay together, gang. Michelle, lead the way.”
The walk to the tower drags on longer than Roger would like, as Flash is in front of him and livestreaming the entire way. He’s spouting all kinds of insane information—Roger wonders how much of it is true, and how much is exaggerated.
“We were trapped in this vault with Spider-Man’s bodyguard—”
“No, no, that’s not—we don’t know who he was,” Ned interrupts, running from behind and pushing his way into Flash’s video. “Just some official-looking guy in a suit, said he wanted to protect us—”
“And he didn’t protect shit, the drones had lasers that cut through the vault, and they were obviously targeting us, probably because Spider-Man follows me, and we thought it was the end, you know? So we all share our deepest secrets, and this bodyguard guy says he’s in love with—HEY!” Ned has knocked Flash’s phone out of his hand. Whether or not it was purposeful or an accident, Roger’s not sure.
“What the hell, Leeds?? You know how much this phone costs?” Flash drops down to pick up the device.
“Sorry, it was an accident—”
“Like hell it was, c’mon, man, what’s your deal?”
“My deal is it was an accident, Flash—”
“Boys, boys!” Roger interrupts, and they cease arguing glumly. “Now I think we’ve all had a very stressful time on this trip, so let’s just calm down and get along for the rest of today, alright?”
They both nod shortly, Flash pocketing his phone and glaring at Ned as they approach the entrance of the Crown Jewels exhibit.
“I’ll just drop it off here,” Michelle says, and Roger nods, thinking it’s best they avoid talking to security about the situation. Would he insist they follow standard protocols under normal circumstances? Absolutely. But today has been anything but normal, so he hopes his lack of rule-following won’t serve as a bad example for the kids.
On their way back, with the four students in front and Roger carrying up the rear, Flash starts babbling about Spider-Man again. Roger listens with interest, confirming that the figure he saw with Mysterio was the New York superhero and wondering why he’d be in London, of all places.
“So Leeds, how d’you know Spider-Man’s bodyguard?”
Roger notices Ned’s flustered demeanor has returned. “I didn’t know him, I just—we don’t know who that guy was, Flash—”
“He said he worked for Spider-Man and he was there to rescue us, why are you being so weird about this??”
“I’m not, you’re the one who’s weirdly obsessed with Spider-Man—”
“It’s because of Parker, isn’t it? I bet he’s tight with Spider-Man and just doesn’t wanna share.”
Roger’s suddenly invested in the scene before him as if it was part of a teen drama. Ned and Michelle exchange wide-eyed looks, conversing in their silent language again; Flash is impatient; Betty is oblivious. She speaks next.
“I thought it was, like, already established that Peter doesn’t really know Spider-Man, just that he met him a few times through his internship.”
“That’s true,” Michelle jumps in as Ned’s head bobs up and down, “it’s not like they’re pals or anything.”
Flash scoffs. “Obviously Spider-Man’s not best friends with a loser like Parker, but the dickwad does have connections. He even promised he’d get me an autograph.”
Ned looks incredulous, Michelle looks surprised, and Betty looks jealous.
“Are you serious?? Do you think he could get me one, too? My little brother loves Spidey—”
“Newsflash for Flash,” Michelle interrupts, “Peter was messing with you. His connections aren’t that good.”
“And how would you know?” Flash turns on her. “Oh, that’s right, he’s madly in love with you.”
Michelle stiffens for a moment, Ned’s mouth gapes wide open, and Betty looks congratulatory.
“Wait, really MJ? Are you and Peter an item now?”
“How could they be,” Flash answers, “Parker disappeared yet again, missed watching his buddy Spider-Man fight while he’s with some German family members or whatever.”
Ned nods. “Right, Peter’s staying with family in Berlin—”
“Actually,” Roger finally interrupts the students’ dramatic dialogue, “his aunt contacted me a little earlier and said he’s going to join us here in London, once we’re at a hotel, while we wait to see when our flight is rescheduled.”
“He is?” Michelle asks more eagerly than Roger’s accustomed to.
“That’s the word.” He replies.
The kids carry on squabbling amongst themselves as they continue the trek back to the group, and Roger lets his thoughts wander again. Now that they’re all talking about it, this idea that Peter knows Spider-Man doesn’t seem as far-fetched as it once had. If the superhero’s bodyguard really did try to protect the kids from the drones, then that action begs the question—why? It can’t be that the hero follows Flash’s livestreams, as much as the attention-starved student may wish that were the case. But if Peter is friends with Spider-Man because of his internship, then his desire to protect the kids might be understandable.
That explanation still leaves Roger with a million questions. He still doesn’t understand why Peter just can’t seem to turn in his homework on time even though he’s the smartest in the class, why he’s acted so strangely and recklessly on the tour bus, and why his constant disappearances have continued into this transatlantic trip. Peter being friends with Spider-Man can’t explain all of that.
What if…
Roger immediately throws out the insane possibility his mind is begging him to entertain. Peter’s a nice kid, but he’s a genius nerd, not a superhero.
He tunes back into the kids’ conversation as Flash’s voice is questioning loudly.
“Where’d you get that mess of a necklace, Michelle? You weren’t wearing it earlier.”
“From the guy who works for Spider-Man,” Betty answered, “right MJ? That’s what was in the tin he gave you in the vault?”
“Ew, what? That old guy is gifting you jewelry?” Flash scrunches his face. “That’s gross, plus Parker’s gonna be mad jealous—”
“No he won’t, because the necklace is from Peter!” Ned blurts out, then shrinks back at a piercing glare from Michelle.
Roger can hardly believe what he’s hearing.
The man they keep talking about, Spider-Man’s bodyguard, gave Michelle a necklace from Peter. The kid’s aunt says he’s in Berlin and will be returning to London just because she wants him home. Peter was missing during the battle with the fire monster in Prague. Spider-Man, New York’s hero, is in London.
Roger could spin the information however he chose, but the most obvious explanation is this—Peter Parker, junior, is Spider-Man.
Oh, help.
The small group finally reaches the rest of the class. The kids begin sharing what went down from their different vantage points, and Julius greets him with an update.
“The tour company called and said we have a hotel for the night, I booked the rooms for twelve—”
“Make that thirteen, Peter’s coming back from Berlin.”
“He’s what?” Julius looks confused. “I don’t understand that kid, Roger. You know, maybe Brad was right, there is something shady going on with him.”
“I’ve learned not to question him. He’s a troubled boy, Julius. He’s been this way ever since his uncle died. We can’t bring attention to his anxious behaviors—he’s an orphan, his life is tragic enough as it is.”
Julius nods. “Okay. Okay. I get it, I get that.” And he leaves it alone.
Roger breathes a sigh of relief. He’s just taken his first step into a new role he’d never prepared for in all his years of training to be an educator—a superhero student’s secret-keeper.
Oh, help.
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medeafive · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel) Additional Tags: Vampires, I only write AUs now don't ask, Vampire Hunters, Going for dark and gritty here, Set in Prague because I love it, Suicide mentions, Late 90s Summary:
She's good. Really good. She's done this longer than almost anyone else and no one tracks vampires down better than her. That's the only thing that matters. Hunt and kill. He has white eyes and a black cloak. He's either an impostor or, judging by the color of his eyes, the most dangerous vampire she's ever met. And he's not going to leave her alone.
"Are you hurt?" he asks.
She blushes. "No, no. Cut healed cleanly. It's just- that time of the month. I may be sterilized but I still get my period."
They are walking alongside the Vltava in Holešovice. Not a pretty neighborhood if you don't want to get into the parks leading to the Castle. He sniffs. "Wow. I really smell that."
She snorts. "Come on. That's creepy."
"Sorry," he replies. "Can't change it, though. So we should probably get somewhere indoors."
"Don't wanna take on a hunting party?" she asks. "That would be fun. Haven't been in a fight in a while."
"They're allies," he remarks. "I shouldn't bother them more than I have to."
"You're boring," she accuses. "Let's cross over. I know a place."
She always liked Karlín, the old townhouses, streets lined with trees, art nouveau architecture. It would be even prettier without vampires, if the cafés and bars could open longer, people would sit outside more, all that. If everyone didn't look scared.
The apartment is on the highest floor, including a balcony and all. Not very useful now. The couple who lived here moved out quite orderly, leaving the big pieces of furniture behind. It seems a little like they're just on a very long holiday.
"You know, I've been wondering," she remarks, casually placing her guns and knives on the table. "Does Schmidt actually have red skin?"
"Oh yeah." He looks around, the empty nails where photos must have hung, maybe even art. "He does."
"Creepy," she finds. "What about Zola?"
"No." He walks to the window. "It was just the very first version, I think. I don't know."
"Why did they even send you to recruit me?" she asks. "No offense, but you're not exactly convincing."
He snorts. "I'm reliable. I do as I'm told. The- what did you call it- the mind control works better on some than on others. Don't ask me why."
"So they're worried this might go off the rails?" she asks. "Why?"
"Someone else might have already drunk you," he replies. "Everything that's not just murdering people is a delicate mission. Some have less control over their urges."
She snorts. "Oh, great. You were the most boring, controlled, sophisticated vampire they could find."
"I was told not to hurt you," he says, turning around. "And I don't want to. I like you, actually."
"You don't want to drink my blood?" she asks, walking over. "Honestly. Come on, you smell it."
"Wouldn't mind a little sip, to be perfectly honest," he admits. "But I really don't want to hurt you. I promised."
"That wouldn't turn me," she clarifies. "Really? You could stop after just a little?"
He grins, fangs shining golden. "Is that an offer?"
"Fuck off," she returns. "No."
He shrugs, unimpressed. "That's too risky for you suddenly? But injecting vampire blood was totally okay?"
"I stopped," she points out. "And I didn't grow fangs or claws, so what. Though I… I felt like I could smell better. Maybe I was getting some vampire senses."
"Possible," he admits. "After all, nobody knows all of the effects."
"It didn't heal the scars, though," she tells him. "Wounds were gone quickly but the scars stayed."
"The virus doesn't care about scars," he explains. "No impact on function. So no, those never go away."
"You have a lot?" she asks.
He snorts. "Come on. Don't make me take off my shirt."
She steps back and reaches for the biteguard around her neck. "I can go first."
He looks intrigued. "Sure you wanna take off the armor?"
"I won't smell more of blood," she points out, unclasping the biteguard and reaching for the zipper that was underneath. "Deal?"
"Okay," he breathes. "Deal."
She pulls the zipper unceremoniously down to the belt with the red hourglass, pulling the arms from the plated sleeves. She's pale, too. Not like she spends her days lying on the beach. She shows him her forearms, with all the scars. "We didn't have the carbon fibre and the kevlar at the beginning. Got scratched a lot."
"You went out there to fight vampires without proper protection?" he asks, staring at the pale skin and the even paler scars. "You could've died ."
"Yeah, no shit," she returns. "Wasn't fun, bleeding and then having to deal with vampires in a blood frenzy. Yeah, I've really been doing this for a long time. Uh, that one's from when they cut open my belly to take out the ovaries. That one, I actually got shot. Accident."
He unties the black cloak. "You're insane."
"Fuck off," she repeats, uncomfortable feeling broiling in her belly. "Not my fault."
"You could've stopped," he suggests, opening straps on his leather jacket. "Not like you owed anyone anything."
"While the world was going to shit?" she questions. "Hell no."
He pulls the jacket open. She's not prepared for how bad his left arm really looks, the metal forced in, red red lines on white skin. And the red bite. It looks worse than just a scar, somehow alive. He pulls the black shirt over his head, too.
His entire chest is covered in scars, both faint and strong. She takes a deep breath. "What happened to you?"
He doesn't put the shirt down, sort of self-consciously hiding behind it. "We train. Fight. It's brutal."
"I can see that," she mutters, fingers darting forward carefully. "Can I- mind if I-"
"Please," he blurts out, fisting the shirt. "It's- he says he only wants the strong ones to survive. The others are useless."
"Kill or be killed," she mutters, finger tracing over the white cold hard line that gives in under her touch. "I'm sorry. That- he really is a monster."
He snorts softly, pushing the shirt off his wrists. "Thanks. Uh- that kinda tickles."
"Seriously?" she questions, pressing her entire palm to his scarred abs. "You're ticklish?"
"What about it," he replies. "I'm not dead, for the umpteenth time."
"You're cold like it, though," she remarks, pressing her other palm to his cold hard chest. "How does that feel, other than warm?"
"Honestly," he says. "Pretty nice."
His chest has warmed up to her by now. She takes the hand away, then touches again. Still warm. The scars look really fucking bad, though. "So you're one of the strong ones."
"For now," he whispers. "Yeah."
"And the…" She kicks the black cloak on the floor. "That one. That doesn't help?"
"It's just a cloak," he says. "He's trying to develop better vampires, stronger, faster. If I can't keep up, if I'm no longer useful… I guess that would be it."
"He's using you," she whispers, leaning in. "You're just a disposable tool to him."
He doesn't reply before her lips touch his, cold for just a second, she feels the fangs pressing through but it doesn't really bother her, weirdly enough, he kisses her back and she grips his chest, fingers digging in. He's warm now, alive. She opens her mouth, swiping her tongue over his beautiful lips, over the fang, cold and smooth gold, carefully over the tip, his hands come to her hips, very careful. His tongue comes out and tangles with hers. Her fingers dig in even harder, soft skin, but then she pulls back to catch a breath. His eyes flutter open. "What are you doing?" he rasps out.
"Shut up," she whispers, leaning back in and kissing him again. Now he's really warm and soft, she might be mistaken but he smells differently, no more old book, his fingers dig into her hips, release and dig in again, more carefully. She strokes the scars on his chest, finds the warmth has spread out, even where she didn't touch him before. She touches his cheek, warm-
Something buzzes, loud, they both startle, jumping apart, it buzzes again, at her belt, her phone, fucking phone-
"Well," she remarks. "This is awkward."
He clears his throat, lips swollen. "Maybe- maybe you should pick up."
She fumbles around, the top of the suit is hanging over the belt. Buzzes. She gets it out finally, flips it open. "Yes? What the fuck is it?"
"Are you okay?" Bruce's voice asks. "Your pulse literally disappeared."
"My-" The fucking tracker. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Just- just rolled the sleeve up, I guess."
"You what?" Tony asks loudly. "Why? What about the one in the collar?"
She groans quietly, closing her eyes, pinching her nose. "I'm fine. Really."
"What are you doing ," Tony inquires. "Your vitals are doing some weird shit. Are you running?"
The- still no name- he has picked up his shirt and put it on again, though not the jacket. "Get out of my fucking business," she demands. "Okay? Everything's alright. I'll hang up now."
"Okay," Bruce says. "Just get home safely. Stay safe."
She hangs up, rolling her eyes. "Oh man."
"They're monitoring you?" he asks.
"They thought tracking me would make me safer or something," she remarks, fumbling with the sleeves. "Guess I should put that back on."
"Yeah, probably," he agrees. "Uh, not to be awkward, but what was that all about?"
"No, no, no," she interrupts, fiddling into the rigid sleeve. "Don't make me- My pulse will go up again and then I'll get another fucking call."
He grins, picking up the jacket. "Okay. Whatever."
"What do I call you, though?" she asks, zipping the suit up. "Got a name for me?"
He shrugs. "Don't really care. Whatever you want."
"Someone suggested Steve," she offers.
He snorts. "That sounds wrong."
"Well, what doesn't?" she asks.
He studies her, jacket in hand. "James," he offers finally.
"James, then," she decides, fixing her ponytail up again. Why is she so dishevelled? "I guess you already know everything about me, right?"
"Yeah, sure," he replies sarcastically, peeling himself back into the leather jacket. "That you're a really horrible person and all."
"Are you fucking with me?" She snorts, gathering up her guns. "Come on. I've done some shit."
"Not disputing that," he states. "You're leaving?"
"Guess I should," she replies. "Before they get all worked up again."
"Sounds annoying," he remarks. "Yeah, I guess- I don't know what to say. Guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah," she agrees, sheathing her knives as well. "If you keep following me around, sure."
"I still find it creepy," Clint remarks. "I mean, I trust you and I don't think you're dumb or gullible or anything, but it's just… weird."
They're sitting on a roof again, looking out over the city and the river. "I get that," she replies. "I don't like that he helped start a global vampire outbreak either."
Clint snorts. "Putting it mildly. And then you're just gone, I really thought, when I heard…"
"Not my fault if the suit malfunctions," she returns. "I was safe, really."
"Because of the extension?" Clint asks.
"More than that," she replies. "It's… Fury wants to get him on our side. Don't say Stockholm but… I really think I'm getting somewhere."
He opens his mouth but closes it again carefully. "Are you… sure?"
"He literally said mind control," she tells him. "He told me about Schmidt and the horrible structure, the torture and the experiments. Not in detail but… It really scarred him. I can work with that."
"I mean," Clint acknowledges. "I understand if he wants to get away from the evil vampire overlord. I wouldn't trust him, though."
She snorts. "Why do you trust me, then? Because I kill vampires? He kills vampires too. The ones he's told to kill, but maybe we could get him to kill others, too. Like the ones in the Castle."
Clint grins. "You're insane. That's why I trust you."
"Just imagine," she suggests. "Wiping out the Castle. Battling back the black cloaks and Schmidt's forces. Taking out Schmidt."
"Seems a little too ambitious," Clint remarks. "But alright, your call. It's still creepy to think he might be around right now."
"I don't know how close he is," she says. "Should test that sometime. I mean, I don't like it either but it's helpful."
"Are you sure you don't like it?" Clint asks slowly.
"Yes," she replies perplexed. "Of course. Why?"
"Doesn't always seem like it," he says carefully. "With all your running around alone at night. You kinda like him, don't you."
"Liking him makes it easier," she whispers. "But I don't like everything he does . I don't have to, either."
"Your business," Clint states. "You should just be honest to yourself about what you're doing and why."
"Fair," she acknowledges. "Something else, what do you think about the new girl? I didn't get to go on patrol with her yet, so I don't really know."
"She's good," he admits. "She has a different approach, with a lot of research and all, while you seem to do everything on instinct. Maybe you'd complement each other. Fury just doesn't want to send you out together yet because she doesn't know the city and you're kinda distracted sometimes."
"I've really been doing this forever," she repeats. "There was no research back then. Just a bunch of vets with Kalashnikovs."
"Didn't you have a sword?" Clint asks.
"Yeah," she confirms. "Helped with the beheading part. Knife just isn't heavy enough. That was cool, actually, maybe I should get one again."
"You're really insane," Clint repeats. "God help us all."
"So," Sharon asks. "What's he like ?"
Natasha almost cuts into her finger. Damn carrots. "I don't know. Normal."
"Normal?" Sharon repeats. "In what way?"
This is why she doesn't have friends. She can't cook either. Sam can cook and everyone likes him. "I don't know. I can talk to him normally, I guess. Not like I have to be careful or anything."
"You have weird standards," Sam remarks. "Uh, could you cut them a little smaller?"
"Is he funny?" Sharon inquires.
Weird question. "Annoying, mostly. Kinda smug? I don't know. He's okay."
"Could you wash the coleslaw, Sharon?" Sam asks. "Thanks."
The kitchen is a little small for three people but alright. "Yeah, sure," Sharon agrees. "Sorry. I'm just really curious. Nobody ever had longer encounters with a black cloak and lived to tell the tale."
"He's-" She hesitates but says it anyway. "He's more human than the fresh vampires. More in control. He doesn't just drop into a blood frenzy at the drop of a pin."
"I would certainly hope so," Sam remarks. "Drop of a hat, by the way."
The water is turned on. "Does he like you?" Sharon asks with curiosity.
Natasha snorts. "Guess so. Which is good, I guess."
"If it keeps him from murdering you and us all," Sam states. "Then yeah, definitely."
"I feel like I'm discussing with a teenager," Tony says. "No. Come on, you're breaking Brucey's heart."
"I'm not wearing that thing again," she repeats, arms crossed. "You have no right to stalk me. Also, it clearly gives false alarms all the fucking time."
" Once ," Tony emphasizes. "And I still think that was on you somehow. You always pretend you're that mysterious and interesting but really, you're not. So no need to get on such a high horse about your privacy."
"The tracker would be really helpful," Bruce interjects uncomfortably. "In case… you know. We could put it somewhere else, I guess. If it bothers you in the suit."
"Not going down that road," Tony protests. "No way."
"No more vitals?" she asks. "Just the GPS?"
"Yes," Bruce confirms. "If that's what you want."
She drops her arms. "Okay. Put it in the phone. Can you do that, Stark, or do I have to do it myself?"
"I'll get the suit," Bruce announces, leaving the room.
Tony takes her phone but not his eyes off her. "You're up to something. And I don't like it."
"Fuck off," she returns. "You can't even do the vampire cure."
"Yeah, can you?" he challenges. "Didn't think so. But oh, I forget, you're the Black Widow."
"Do not go there," she hisses. "You don't know shit about that."
"I would never," Tony states provocatively calmly. "Your judgment is clearly impeccable. Undoubtable."
Bruce returns, thankfully, as always completely unaware of the atmosphere in the room. "There's the tracker. I'll take out all the measuring devices now."
"Thanks, boys," she says with a sneering undertone. "I'll grab a beer in the meantime."
"You wanted a fight," he- James states. "I got you a fight."
"Oh, so now we're taking on the hunting party?" she asks. "Where?"
He snorts. "Still no. A nest moved in from South. If we're quick, we'll get them before the Castle does."
"I like that," she admits. "You're gonna jump around like crazy again? I'm in. I saw you on my last patrol, by the way. Don't think I didn't just because I didn't say anything."
"It's quicker," he offers. "If you wanna, you know."
She steps up to him. "Cuddle up to you?"
"I'll literally never get you to do anything, will I," he remarks.
"Hey." She pulls a face. "I stopped taking vampire blood. Not for you, though, I admit."
He rolls his eyes, putting his left hand on her shoulder. "Okay. Hold on. Really hold on, I can't catch you."
She grabs one of the straps of his jacket, wrapping the other arm around his torso. "Okay. Ready."
He jumps and suddenly they're on the roof of the building, just briefly before taking off again, cutting through the cold night air, cloak flaring behind them. She's starting to feel nauseous when another building approaches and they're going down down down, but he barely lands before he drags her up in the air again. It's heady. She turns her head and stares up at the night sky, the moon, the clouds, the few stars.
They land in a more suburban part of the city, rows of houses, big squares, lots of green. Everyone has a garden. Her legs almost give out and she giggles. "Oh. You know, I kinda like that. Flying."
"It's exhausting," he says. "Makes me hungry."
Maybe she could give him a little today. Just a little. "So, how many? Where?"
"Two," he replies. "I don't know. We'll have to track them down. Careful, though, they have UV lights around here."
"I can do that," she says. "Just a second to get used to gravity again."
"Take your time," he states. "Do you have the tracker still? Will they think you're dying again?"
"Got rid of it," she replies. "GPS in my phone, but I can get rid of that if necessary. Oh, I'll put it on silent."
"Okay," he says. "Then we should be good."
"Yeah," she agrees. "Okay, I'm ready. I'll go first."
There's lots of shadows around here, some moving. It's actually less quiet than in the city center, people talking indoors, laughing loudly. Not every window locked with wood. Seems to be a good place for young families. If they stay in at night.
She catches their trail around a park, following it the hill down past a church. Nice place to live. Turn right. Where would vampires hide around here? Turn left. No, that seems wrong. Up the hill again. She almost startles when she notices the black cloak behind her, but she really shouldn't be surprised. She's on edge. Somewhere around-
She takes out the knife, waiting. Here. Somewhere here. She just has to place-
Rustling leaves.
She slips into the abandoned garden, holding her breath. They must smell her. Tries to make out in the dark-
Flashing teeth. She jumps back, barely escaping the woman's claws. Cuts after her with her knife. The vampiress hisses. They clash, knife dropping to the ground.
She's not a young vampire, already in control of her strength, her body. She kicks and claws, bites and hits. Natasha knocks her back, scanning her surroundings. Two. Must be two. The woman grabs her, throwing her against a tree. Natasha twists her hand before she can claw at her, making her howl. Kicks her knee. The woman staggers back, fleeing over the fence.
Knife. She jumps over the fence as well, following, another fence, she can hear her moving- She ducks and the vampire misses her, elbows him, grunt, slashes across his face, arm, bleeding slows them, he catches her arm but she snaps her knee up. The vampiress returns and Natasha shoots at her, missing the heart. The vampire throws her to the ground, kicking, she catches his foot and uses his force to twist him down. She's back up and hits the woman, knife, sinks it into her shoulder. Whips around and kicks the guy in the face. The woman tries to push her away but she gets the garotte around her neck, pulling hard. She struggles to break free, but Natasha's stronger than she looks. When she lets go suddenly, she plunges the silver knife into her heart through until it hits the breastplate of her suit.
The other vampire is gone, fleeing down even more gardens. Natasha runs after him. Fence. Tree. Hedge. Fence. He's too fast. She takes the left, crossing the street, left again, she's faster on pavement, catches sight of him between the houses, little faster, sweeps right-
He's too slow. She knocks him down, takes the gun and shoots him in the head.
She's alone. Wait. Lost. She runs back.
There's a light that went on, movement sensor, he's rolled in on the pavement-
Shit. She skids to a stop, grabbing the black cloak and throwing it over him. His skin is red, blistered, fucking UV light. He groans. "Are you okay? Do you hear me?"
"It burns," he whispers weakly.
"I'll get you out," she promises, pulling him up a little, always making sure she blocks out the light. "Fuck these guys. Let's get you up."
He sits up, barely, another ray of light hits his face and she curses, dragging him up all the way. "Sorry. Just- quick."
It seems forever until they're out of the light. She's not even sure covering him with the black cloak is enough. His face looks really bad. "I'll take care of you," she promises. "Do you- do you have a place? Around here?"
He groans. "Spořilov."
That's not too far. They can walk that, long before the sun goes up. "I'll get you there. Just tell me where exactly. I'll get you to safety."
He really looks bad, though, and she has to steady him. And then he stops replying.
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larksinging · 4 years
happy birthday @rorykillmore ! she requested an au with villanelle and elizabeth and i could not resist a classic ke one with some baby assassins. what happens when you put two disasters together? i think you know. 
i known it’s been a bizarre and intense year, especially recently, but stay strong because we are all here with you. you are such a kind and creative person who lights up any (chat)room you’re in, so i hope this can at least help you have a nice day today because you deserve it!!
“Do you enjoy killing?” 
“No.” Elizabeth’s gaze sharpens. “But…” 
“I… I like the feeling of being in control.” 
That’ll do. Yes, that’ll do.
Faint crying is the first thing Konstantin hears as he steps into Villanelle’s apartment. Either they’re crocodile tears, or she’s actually cracked. That’s concerning.
When he steps inside, Villanelle looks up at him with running mascara and a tissue clutched in her hand. She’s sitting on the couch, the credits of some movie playing in front of her. “This movie was just so, so sad,” she says between shaky breathes. 
“What happened?” Konstantin isn’t sure why he asks. 
“The main character ends up with the boring husband and not her mysterious best friend. Absolutely heartbreaking.”
“How sad.” The movie returns to the streaming page, displaying the name A Simple Favor. Konstantin shakes his head. “I am not here for chit-chatting. I hope you’re not too distraught for a job.” 
Villanelle perks up and her tears immediately dry. She reaches to snatch the post card but he pulls it back just in time. 
“Not so fast,” He chides as she pouts. “This is a two-person job. To test if either of you can work with a team.” He hands her the postcard before she can complain more. “Well, mostly the other one. But don’t take this lightly.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Villanelle rolls her eyes. “You are pairing me up with a newbie because I am just the greatest ever. I understand.” 
Kostantin gives her a warning look. “Do not kill this one.” “Yeah, yeah.” 
“Or sleep with her!” 
“I’ll behave,” Villanelle lies.
At the very least, the job’s in Prague, which means she can enjoy herself on her off hours. After all, she needs some time for planning and recon. Reconnaissance on her new partner, of course.
Konstantin sets them up to meet at a cafe, and the moment Villanelle walks in, she picks out her partner like a sore thumb. Nobody else seems as out of place as the woman in the corner with an oddly old-timey aesthetic, with just a few more modern pieces awkwardly patched on. Oh, boy, Villanelle’s really in for it. 
So she slides up to the table with a pleading smile. “Excuse me,” She asks in perfect french, “Have you seen my boyfriend? He said he’d be--”
“You’re late,” The woman cuts her off in french. And then again in english, “You’re late.” 
“Oh, no, I must have forgotten to set my watch to the right timezone.” Villanelle is not wearing a watch. Even though the other woman’s wearing sunglasses, Villanelle catches her look down to notice that. “If we’re going to be friends, then what do I call you? Because I can think of some good nicknames.” 
“Elizabeth. Is that what we’re doing? Making friends?” 
“Okay, Elizabeth.” Villanelle snatches the sunglasses right off of her face. “I don’t like people who hide their eyes. I want to look into your soul and know you’re not lying to me.” 
Now that the sunglasses are off, Villanelle noticed two things: one, that Elizabeth is  quite pretty under that, which will make this easier. And two, that she is trying too hard to size Villanelle up.
“In this line of work?” Elizabeth lifts an eyebrow. “Then you must not be as good as they told me.” 
Villanelle grabs for the knife next to her. Elizabeth rises to the bait and does the same. Neither of them move, eyes locked and waiting for the other to try something. And then Villanelle laughs.
“Hah! Gotcha.” She sets the knife down and leans back in her chair. Elizabeth looks appropriately confused. “Next time you want to stab someone’s hand, use the fork. It is harder to get out.” 
And she watches, almost hungry, as Elizabeth slowly picks up a fork to examine. “...Noted.” 
Their mark is some up-and-coming doctor putting on a presentation about some new psychological therapy developed by someone known only as “The Countessa”. Sounds like they’re just here to put some blood in the water, but that’s not her problem. Instead she’s brought Elizabeth to the museum that’s holding a temp exhibit on some of his earlier work. Now, though, they’re just sitting in the park across from the museum. For work. 
Villanelle isn’t thinking about work.
“Why ‘Elizabeth’?” She asks, side-eyeing her partner. 
“It’s my name?”  Elizabeth finishes eating a potato chip (funny quirk, that, she seems fascinated with junk food) and shrugs. “I take it you picked your name, but I didn’t need to.”
“No?” Villanelle leans forward. 
“Technically I didn’t exist before,” Elizabeth shrugs. “So there was nothing to erase.” 
Villanelle leans her chin on her hand and watches her partner with wide eyes. This is juicy. “How does that work?” 
Instead of answering, Elizabeth just narrows her eyes. “Oh, no, I’m not telling you everything. You’re not that charming. Besides, my handler says I shouldn’t talk about it.”
“I haven’t been trying,” She pouted. “So why don’t we go and do something fun? I will get you out of those clothes.” She pauses to let the teasing sink in, but continues before Elizabeth can say anything.  “Buy you some new ones. You will stand out less with them.”
“I don’t know. My handler--” 
“Do you do everything your handler tells you? Come onnnn. Don’t you want to have a little bit of fun?” 
That gets some kind of rebellious spark going in Elizabeth.  She rises to her feet and drags Villanelle off the bench by her wrist. Villanelle grins as Elizabeth pulls her along, leading her in a random direction.
“Give me a hand,” Elizabeth calls, but Villanelle’s already there. Elizabeth holds her hair up -- which Villanelle can see now is growing out from an uneven cut -- so that Villanelle can tie the dress up behind her neck. 
“Nice color on you. I picked out well.” 
“Blue’s always been my color.” Elizabeth stills slightly when Villanelle’s hands brush her skin. “...You’ve got me in a vulnerable position right now.” 
“That’s true,” Villanelle hums, “Are you worried?” 
“Maybe.” With that done, Elizabeth looks at herself in the mirror. Except Villanelle can tell that’s not what she’s looking at. “It’s strangely exciting.” 
Villanelle smiles wide. She runs her hand along Elizabeth’s arm. “Hmm. Not quite right. This looks like a prom dress, and I am not taking you to prom. Never again.” 
“Have you--” Villanelle grabs another dress before Elizabeth can finish. Sleek and black this time, now that she’s taking this a little more seriously. 
After the curtain to the dressing room closes, Villanelle waits until, on cue, Elizabeth calls for help. Villanelle enters the cramped space and sees the problem, as she predicted: the zipper on the back.
“What are friends for?” Hums Villanelle.
“Is that what we are?” 
Instead of answering, she moves closer to Elizabeth. She places one hand on Elizabeth’s lower back to steady her, and the other slowly pulls the zipper up. She can feel the way Elizabeth’s breath catches. 
“There,” Villanelle whispers, “Perfect.”
The actual job ends up being easy enough. The museum’s throwing a big party to attract donors and inviting all the speakers, the mark included. That’s part of why she made Elizabeth buy the dress, after all. 
They enter together, and then Villanelle sends her off to lay in wait at the meeting spot. Villanelle’ll find a way to maneuver him to the right place. But before they part, Villanelle leans in close and plants a kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek, too close to her jawline to be quite friendly. She saunters off and leaves Elizabeth to think about that. 
Actually luring him up to the right place is a cakewalk. She just has to make sure he gets nice and drunk, and then suggests they go up to the balcony for some fresh air. Elizabeth’s already waiting for them. She doesn’t smile. 
For the most part, Villanelle doesn’t do anything. She simply passes Elizabeth the hairpin and watches as she drives it, almost surgically, into the man. 
“Push him off the edge,” Villanelle says. “It’ll obscure the wound. And it’s more fun.” 
Elizabeth doesn’t say anything but she stares at the dying man. For a second Villanelle thinks she’s gonna have to do it, but then Elizabeth shoves with all her might. Enough that she has to catch her breath -- whether from the effort or the intensity -- and so Villanelle carefully loops her arm around Elizabeth’s shoulder and leads her away. 
It’ll be a few minutes still before the news filters from the ground to the party, so they make use of that to slip out a back door. Villanelle leads her out onto the street, and across into the park, where they’re only distantly illuminated by street light. 
On further investigation, Elizabeth’s gaze is focused somewhere distant. Not quite shell shocked ( good thing or the Twelve would just put her out of her misery) but distracted. Before Villanelle can ask something, Elizabeth sighs and straightens up with a hint of a satisfied smirk. Now Villanelle’s too curious to be cautious. 
After all, Villanelle knows why she does it. Why she’s always taken to it. It’s everyone else she doesn’t understand.
“Do you enjoy killing?” 
“No.” Elizabeth’s gaze sharpens. “But…” 
“I... I like the feeling of being in control.” 
That’ll do. Yes, that’ll do. Villanelle brushes a stray hair out of Elizabeth’s face, head tilted and faintly smiling to examine her. Then she kisses Elizabeth, soft and hungry. 
The next morning, uncharacteristically, Villanelle wakes early. Long before Elizabeth even stirs. She does what she can to not disturb the bed as she crawls out. She dresses quickly into the set of new clothes, gathers her things, and slips out the door. 
It’d be a shame to get attached. As fun as it’d been, getting involved in coworkers is a terrible idea. Better for Elizabeth too if she doesn’t.
Still, no point in a whirlwind romance without a little sentimentality. On the way to the train, Villanelle stops at a few stores. When Elizabeth wakes up, it’ll be to flowers, more designer clothes, and even some of Villanelle’s favorite perfume. 
And if Villanelle stole the blue neck tie from Elizabeth’s outfit the other day as a keepsake, well. What Konstantin doesn’t know won’t kill him. 
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theorangedeath · 5 years
Some webcomic recs
Webcomics are as underrated as they are varied. I mostly read printed comics now, but there’s no way I’d have gotten there had I not found webcomics before - believe me, I tried, but this damn hobby is super inaccessible to a beginner, not to mention expensive. Webcomics are like fanfics in that regard - hell, some of them are fan comics - in that there’s something for everyone, all within your reach, but in order to find something you like you have to either 1. Get very, VERY lucky, 2. Be prepared to read a lot of bad stuff in order to get to the good stuff, or 3. Hear about them from people you trust. 
I was a 2 - i would read anything, back in the day - and while i’m not as unconditionally enthusiastic as i was, there are still some gems I wish got the same appreciation as some talents in the industry. I’ll spare you the rest of the article (dm me for comic rants though), let’s get to it! 
note: all the comics are numbered as “1″ because tumblr messed up the google docs formatting 
Comics i still follow as they update because either tumblr starts posting about them right away or they’re on tapas
Check Please! 
I’m probably not the one introducing you to Check Please, as it’s one of the most popular webcomics out there, thank god. The parts of the fandom i’m familiar with are cool and wholesome, just like the work itself. It’s about a southern gay kid, Eric Bittle, who joins the hockey team in his college. It’s impossible not to love every single character there, the sports drama elements are great, and the format is like solidarity put into panels. The Samwell Men’s Hockey team’s motto is “we’ve got each other’s backs”, and there isn’t a single part of the comic that doesn’t 100% incorporate that. 
The 2000s so far have been a rough contest for the title of “sweetest ya romance” but guys, we found it, we can stop now. Nick and Charlie are in highschool, Charlie is gay and out (not by will), Nick plays rugby because apparently that’s what british jocks do. Can i make it any more obvious? It took me a while to fall in love with the artstyle but when i did i fell HARD - the creator is re-drawing some of the older chapters, though, so your experience might be different. The story’s captivating right away, and you want everyone there to be happy from pretty much page 1. The creator also writes ya prose, and some of her books are about other characters from the same school. I love all of them, but Radio Silence is my personal favorite. She also has two novellas about Nick and Charlie themselves, available as e-books. 
Charity Case 
I rarely start new webcomics anymore, but boy, this one got me FAST. and that was even before I realized it’s a polyam love story, which i love but is surprisingly rare in webcomics - at least the ones i know. Julien, an irresponsible young musician, resorts to sharing an apartment with two roomates who are a couple. I fell for the unique, gorgeous artstyle first, and by the time i realized i’m also super invested in the story and characters, it’s already become one of my favorites. Plus, Julien’s hair looks so soft! 
The Property of Hate 
THIS is what comics should be. There’s so much passion here, not just for the story but for the storytelling as well - and the two aren’t as separated as you might think. A young girl is recruited by a TV man to be a hero. The world they enter seems nonsensical and arbitrary at first, but as they travel she discovers its logic, stories and secrets. She will also, as her title suggests, need to save it. There’s so much i love about this comic that i don’t know where to start, so i’ll just say this: it’s absolutely inspiring, in every sense of the word. Also, read the creator’s duck comics, they’ll make you feel things. 
Webcomics i occasionally remember to catch up on, get blown away all over again by how good they are, vow to check them regularly for updates then forget. And repeat 
Wilde Life
I think this is the first ever webcomic i read that had a plot? I got on the wagon at around chapter 1 or 2 and it’s hard to believe it but it only gets better with time, even though it already starts at 100%. Oscar moves to a new town and immediately makes friends with a ghost and a grumpy teen werewolf. It has both monster-of-the-week type problems and overarching plots, and reading it feels nostalgic and brand new at the same time. The fantasy world has this special feel to it, that makes me miss growing up in the american wilderness even though i, well, didn’t. Plus, the creator is cool as hell. I knit her a hat in high school in exchange for a commission. 
Sfeer Theory
This comic got me through a hard time and i’ll forever be grateful for that. Also, it’s really, really good. This is another case of a comic where you fall in love with the art right away and before long you find yourself caring very much about the characters and the story. You might also find yourself growing out your hair to style it like Luca’s. If you’re me it’ll be a lost cause, so, uh, keep that in mind. Luca works as a technician at the prestigious Uitspan university. A mysterious, powerful man is looking to change that. While the comic’s biggest strength is probably the gorgeous, fascinating worldbuilding - and Luca’s hair - the characters are also ridiculously easy to relate to, even if we don’t know anything about them. Even the most meaningless extras are somehow compelling thanks to the dynamic, rich art style. And did i mention the hair? If you like it, you won’t be disappointed by everything else Little Foolery makes. 
How To Be a Werewolf
I almost didn’t read this one! My brain has decided i don’t like werewolves and i don’t know how to reverse that. But then i saw Elias’ body language and it was extremely fun and friendly, and so was the rest of the comic, and the rest is history. Malaya knows she’s a werewolf, but seeing as she doesn’t know any other werewolves, dealing with that is hard. That is until Elias discovers her and decides to help, along with the rest of his pack. It’s filled with family and solidarity feelings, some dark mysteries and themes, and the art is beautiful and expressive. 
Another case of read-everything-this-creator-makes-it’s-all-amazing! Wallace, a social worker, moves - or rather, is moved - to District C, which is mostly populated by monsters. His heart’s in the right place, and apparently so is his apartment, because his neighbors are cool as heck and agree, some of them reluctantly, to help him get his bearings. There’s a mystery to uncover, some monsters to help and a dashing tea octopus to woo - for Kip to woo, anyway - and it’s all a delight to read. Every single character brings their own lovable-ness to the table, and even with the darker parts, reading this comic kinda feels like being hugged. 
Comics that no longer update
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal - finished 
Guys. guys! I’m pretty sure this is my all time favorite comic, web OR printed. I have the printed version, i still read it online occasionally, a lot of the songs mentioned in it are now saved on my spotify, i had it as my phone background for a good couple of years, the whole package. Amal comes out to his family and it ends with him having to drive to his sister’s graduation in Providence. There’s a guy in his kitchen who just so happens to need a lift there, and he’s willing to pay, and Amal’s too hungover to argue. What follows is the best roadtrip story ever. I’m seriously considering getting my license just to recreate that route. I just really love this story, okay? Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, the creator’s music taste is GOOD. 
Prague Race - to be continued in text 
The fantasy aesthetic to end all fantasy aesthetics. And the characters are good and interesting. And the world is well built and leaves you wanting more. AND there’s a cat. And it looks so good! Leona is irresponsible and spontaneous and gets her friends in some weird shit that leaves them trapped in a strange world, dealing with several curses, trying to survive and make sense of it all. I could spend a lifetime looking at the art and die happy. 
Shoot around - finished 
A girl’s basketball team and its coach, Jeff, deal with a zombie apocalypse. They make the most of the post apocalyptic world. There’s drama, friendship, found family, love and hope - it’s basically everything a zombie apocalypse narrative should be. And i love how the creator plays with the colors from chapter to chapter! 
Rock and Riot - finished 
It’s cute! It’s fun! It’s a 1950’s queer ensamble cast high school drama! It’s what Grease would’ve been like in a better timeline, except we still got it in this timeline. The artstyle fits perfectly with the story and characters, but if you want to see what’s the creator capable of now, read their newest comic, Project Nought. It’s a cool sci fi story and just like in Rock and Riot, it’s super easy to connect to every character there. 
Alright there’s a lot more but i somehow wrote 4 google docs pages of webcomic recs in one sitting (this is what i’m able to focus on? Really, brain?) and i think that’s enough for now. Like i said, please dm me if you want to talk about anything here, rec some of your own, listen to my rants or tell me i’m a nerd. Or all of the above. I might make a similar post with print comic, but right now i have some dogs to pet. Keep being cool! 
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speckledbears · 4 years
Thoughts on “Far From Home”
SPOILERS FOR “Spider-Man: Far From Home”!!!!
this is for you anon
ok so basically i thought that it would have been good if it wasn’t a Spider-Man (“children’s”) movie.
Like, I think Quentin (Jake G) was such an interesting character, and an amazing villain but, I hated that his entire reason was because he wanted to be the New Iron Man. It bugs me to NO END that THATS the reason. Tony stole the projector tech he made, made fun of him (even if the audience didn’t know), and fired him. I think that’s a much better reason than wanting to be the next Annoying, Mean, Rich Rich Rich So Fucking Rich Metal Guy. The tech was so fucking cool? Like, projectors that seemed so lifelike,,, that’s so cool (also i kinda feel like you could relate it to how disney is only using GCI now but the russos are dumbasses). And like, the story Quentin and his team put together for Mysterio, and all the planning and the production value (if you can call it that lol) was so interesting and I was so intrigued. If there was a movie for him, and he didn’t fucking suck, I would pay to see it. His issue is that he’s so hellbent on killing Peter, MJ and Ned that I was put-off from like, half the movie. It’s kinda terrifying that someone can say, “I’ll just have to kill the kids myself,” and NO ONE IS CONCERNED??? And the fact that he was willing to kill innocent civilians just to make headlines, that’s fucked (and modern). Also, I think the directors missed out on a big opportunity for Peter to have a new father figure. Peter looked up to Quentin, trusted him, seeked him out for advice, like he would a father. I don’t remember him ever doing that with Tony. Peter was always too worried he was bothering him, and Tony seemed to brush him off a lot. Sure, Tony picked him and placed so much faith in him but, in the end? I feel Peter became more of a toy for the Avengers than an actual team member. If Quentin had been a good guy, doing this shit for the “right reasons” (idk like, taking the burden of becoming Iron Man off Peter, and maybe mentoring him) he could’ve been AMAZING. I still love him (except his dumb reasons) but, y’all missed out!!!!
Next: The whole deal with Peter being chosen by Tony to be the next Iron Man. Fucking hate that shit!!!!! Peter is a CHILD, he’s 16, and obviously he’s not ready for that responsibility!!!! In the movie, he’s manipulated by Quentin (which i lowkey also hate and explained above) and he just!!! gave EDITH to him!!!!! He’s a good kid, but not mature or responsible enough to handle having access to that kind of tech. I mean, dude almost killed a classmate?? Literally called a drone strike on the kid, couldn’t figure out how to cancel it, and destroyed the drone himself. Let’s not forget that this responsibility was FORCED ON HIM BY TONY???? Like, there was this scene where Peter literally told Quentin that he didn’t want EDITH!!! He didn’t want that kind of responsibility that came with being Iron Man!!! All he wanted for the summer was to hang out with his friends and kiss the girl he likes!!! Peter just wanted to be a normal child for one summer and, apparently, that was too much to ask for. Also, in the scene where Happy and Peter are in the jet talking about Tony, Peter says that he doesn’t know if he can be the new Iron Man. Happy doesn’t even hesitate when he says, “No, you can’t. No one can replace him.” Like hello!!!! And then they immediately forget that little nugget of wisdom, and Peter starts playing with Tony’s tech and literally everyone with eyes can draw the parallels between Peter and Tony. It’s frustrating. I hated how Tony was treated after his death. I completely understand mourning a character, especially one as important as Tony Stark, but it didn’t feel like mourning. It felt like worshipping. Tony had become a martyr, and he fucking knew it (EDITH = Even Dead, I’m The Hero 🙄) and people are still licking his boots. It’s just so weird that, even though he’s supposed to be dead, he’s still a main character and RDJ isn’t even in the movie!!!!!!!! When a character dies, that’s it, they can’t directly influence the story anymore, and yet Tony is still the reason for everything Peter does? He doesn’t have his own initiative. He lived and breathed in Tony’s shadow, and he’ll live in it forever. He’s being forced to become the next Iron Man. And believe me, I love Tony. I grew up watching the “Iron Man” movies with my parents and brother, and I remember watching one in the theatre and laughing till I cried. Guys! He’s dead! He’s done more than enough! It’s Spider-Man’s turn now.
I really hated Nick Fury in this movie. I grew up watching the OG Marvel movies and I loved Nick, but holy fuck. This dude hounded Peter, a CHILD, for help against those Elementals when he could’ve literally asked anyone else (side note: he shot Ned with a tranquilizer dart like? dude he’s a child calm down-). He gave a shit ton of excuses for why he couldn’t get in contact with the other Avengers but, I call bullshit. This dude is like, one of the most powerful men in the world (Quentin’s words, but it’s also been proven in other movies). He managed to track down Peter, how is it THAT HARD for him to find an adult??? Then he hijacked the school trip so that Peter would be in Prague, and he KNEW that once Peter was there he would help. It’s manipulation. Never mind the scene like, 5 mins later where Peter says he’s worried about his friends getting hurt (and having EDITH but not really understanding her), and Nick exploded on him. LIKE DUDE??? he’s a child. I’m also super pissed off at the fact that Nick manipulated Peter using his Avenger status. OOOOHHHH you whore!!! Literally everyone knows that Peter loved Tony (🙄🙄) and he used him against Peter! ASK AN ADULT FOR HELP YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE TEAM OF THEM????? Oh also, the bitch KNEW Quentin was evil. There’s a scene that proves it. It’s right after their first meeting where Peter says no, and leaves. Nick and Maria (the brunette lady hes always with, im surprised i remembered her name) share a knowing glance. They fucking KNOW. And yet?? They let Quentin do whatever the hell he wants?? He literally tried to kill 3 teenagers, and planned to kill hundreds of civilians in London (and i’m not sure if anyone did get hurt or died but, i wouldn’t be surprised). But the most powerful man in the world can’t stop him, apparently. He wants a 16-year-old CHILD to do it for him. It’s ridiculous!
The romance was also a bit hit-or-miss for me. Like, Ned and Betty?? It felt so forced and contrived? It literally only existed so that MJ could take Ned’s place. Y’all notice that Ned basically ditched his best friend for the entire movie for some girl he barely knows? Also, the fact that they “fell in love” on an eight hour flight. Hate that. It’s such a trope and it’s ugly. The romance with Happy and May was kinda weird, too? I mean, I don’t know their past together. I didn’t watch “Infinty War” or “Endgame” but, it also felt forced. Especially at the end, when Peter asked if they were dating!! May said no and Happy said yes!! I’m assuming that’s supposed to be comedy?? ig??? Anyway, I didn’t really like the romantic rivalry between Brad and Peter? (btw no shit i almost called peter “tony” i’m telling y’all they’re synonymous now). Like, Brad’s logic in using the photo of Peter stripping to “expose the truth” about Peter to MJ was so weird and awkward? The entire scene felt forced and I was so uncomfortable watching it. Also, MJ would’ve stuck up for Peter anyway, so it didn’t even matter, and the rivalry was dropped so easily after the opera in Prague. I did actually like the romance between Peter and MJ, even though I wasn’t expecting to. It’s a bit weird how quickly he got over Liz, but whatever; he’s a teenager. (I was going to comment on the necklace thing but, that’s actually kind of in character for him so, y’all get ONE (1) pass). I thought their hug and kiss at the end of the battle with Quentin was super fucking sweet and innocent, and it was refreshing compared to most teen romance movies where they act like adults instead. I was in LOVE with that scene, and it was one of the only scenes I honestly loved.
Ok, I wanna go back to Quentin for a bit. This dude absolutely destroyed the Peter Parker we were given in HOCO, and at the beginning of the movie. Yeah, Tony already had him as a puppet, but Quentin took his innocence. Y’all saw how easily Peter trusted people before him!! Like?? When he found out Quentin manipulated him, he lost almost all his faith in other people, except for MJ and Ned. For example, the scene where Peter calls Happy to pick him up because he’s in a holding cell in the Netherlands? Love that scene BUT! As he’s limping over to Happy, so obviously fucked up and hurting, he makes Happy prove it’s really him. THAT FUCKING HURT LMAO!!!!! I hated that. And that last battle with Quentin on the bridge? He maneuvered so easily through the drones, it was impressive, and he’d only fought against them once before (seems impossible but whatever). And watching the projections dissolve away into just pixels and a scared little bitch in a fish bowl helmet? Classic Theatre. But, he was traumatized by previous experiences fighting Quentin. Peter’s growth made the movie good but, his loss of innocence really made this movie kinda suck. Sure, his innocence still there—the scenes later with MJ prove that—but he’s still lost his easy trust in other people. It hurt to see. And, like, I’m not saying he can’t be more mature but, he didn’t even trust Happy!! He’s so paranoid that he’ll find his loved ones replaced by Quentin’s illusions!! It sucks!!!! Peter isn’t Peter without that sense of childlike wonder, curiosity, and helpless faith in others.
Anyway, I wanna talk about that Netherlands scene again because, holy shit, I loved it. After Peter was hit by that train (i actually screamed but the cinematography inside the train? *kiss*), he wakes up in some holding cell in the Netherlands with a band of friendly locals, and the guard, who’s talking on the phone with his pregnant wife. I don’t know why but, that scene was one of the first to make me smile? Like, it was so sweet how the other men were so happy for the guard and his wife, how they gave Peter a spare shirt because he looked cold, how Peter just broke the lock and left? How the guard was wearing Peter’s mask???? I’m in love. The next scene I liked was literally right after, of Peter limping through the tulip field, and Happy landing the jet nearby. Without dialogue, that scene is so pretty?? The petals stirring in the wave the jet left as it landed?? The HUG???? UGH! I fell in love. Another scene I loved was the scene when Peter went to Berlin to meet with Nick Fury and Quentin manipulated it with the projection technology. Even though I knew it was fake, I was worried about what was going on outside the projection (he got hit by a fucking train so,,,,,, iwas right to be worried-). Watching Peter so helpless and trying to stay vigilant was so heartbreaking, yet I was lowkey impressed. Like? How many other mean ass men could pull that off? None, next question. I can’t even think about how to explain it. I watched that scene at least 3 times, and was amazed every time, my only thoughts anxiety for Peter.
Okay, lastly, I wanna talk about the tech. I thought it was so interesting and unique. Like, I’ve played with the idea of projection in stories, or with characters as magic but, never considered applying it through technology, especially tech as capable as it is. And every scene where the projections were being used were amazing. I mean, obviously it’s CGI, but in the context of the MCU, it’s so interesting and cool to see tech like that used in a very public way. And no one knew!!! The whole system (along with Quentin and his team) was so good at camouflaging that I was fooled at the beginning of the movie. I seriously believed in the Elementals and Mysterio’s ruined Earth. It’s part of the reason I really enjoyed his character. And, like I said earlier, Peter was fooled by it too; everyone was. He learned it, eventually. But not before Quentin could manipulate the situation one last time and claim Peter called the drone attacks on London, and revealed his identity.
All in all, I didn’t have fun watching “Far From Home,” and it’s mainly because it didn’t feel like a Spider-Man movie. I enjoyed “Homecoming,” so much more. The villain was far more relatable (even though you could see it as demonizing the poor), Ned and Peter’s friendship was so wholesome and sweet, the entire cast was fun, and it was more enjoyable than watching some angry rich white man trying to kill children so he can get richer.
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madrut16 · 5 years
Vulnerability (Kamilah x Lily)
Author’s Note: It’s finally out into the world! I know that this is an out-there ship and not everyone will be a fan (and that’s perfectly okay!) but, ever since the Hot Cheeto moment, I’ve loved their interactions and the idea of them together. I also wanted a proper talk about Kamilah’s relationship with Gaius after the fragment scene so, this was born! I did my best to make sure that I wrote what would feel natural and genuine. I just love these two characters and I feel like they’re not as different as they seem and that they complement each other (if that makes any sense). 
Book/Pairing: Bloodbound (Kamilah x Lily)
Rating: PG-13 
Summary: When Lily gets Kamilah to open up to her after a breakdown, it proves enlightening for both of them.  
@kinda-iconic @endlesshero1122 @galaxyside-0 @furiouscloddonutpeanut @gavryllo @blccdbcund @ptxgirwaffles
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The smashed remains of the liquor glass told Lily that something was wrong as she watched the amber liquid drip from the Bubinga cabinet to the ornate carpet that definitely cost more than her and Isabel's rent back in New York. She had raced into the ajar door of the office only to find it empty with only this and the half dozen broken pencils scattered around the room left as a clue to what happened.
The signature scent of a certain expensive perfume and the fact that there was only one other person in the building gave away who was responsible for the mess. 
The person who owned it.
"Kamilah?" Lily exclaimed, her voice wobbling. She hoped that the smaller square footage here in Prague would allow her to reach wherever the woman had run off to.
She received no response, the only noise coming from the analog clock behind the CEO's desk. Lily's frown deepened and her heart began to pound as her throat became dry. She had to find her, even though that was probably the last thing Kamilah wanted. But this was abnormal and so Lily pushed down the butterflies that flew in her stomach from the risk of rejection. This was too concerning for her to ignore. 
As she hastily left the office, she tried to brush aside the main reason she was so pressed to not leave Kamilah alone. Somehow in the past six months, her mentor turned friend had wormed her way into Lily's heart. At first, the revelation caught her off guard. She wasn't the type of person the tech genius usually went for. It was someone who resembled her, quirky and down to earth. Tattoos and combat boots were an added bonus. 
But maybe she was wrong.
She thought back to when she first realized that she was into girls, all the way back in middle school. It was the beginning of seventh grade and seemingly nowhere she had developed a crush on the most popular girl her age. Nothing about her was similar to brace-faced Lily who had already been labeled as an outcast by her rural Wisconsin peers. 
In fact, when she traced through her romantic history, comparing her few actual relationships to the many crushes that went unfulfilled, they all consisted of a similar archetype. Popular, confident, and sophisticated. 
Someone that she didn't believe would ever find interest in her. 
 And that was what it boiled down to—Kamilah was indeed her type, she was just too afraid to admit it. That instead of going after what she really wanted, she had been settling for what she thought was realistic. Even with Melanie who she had clung onto way too long, she hadn't truly been happy. 
Until now, when Cupid's arrow had landed on the seemingly least available person he could find. 
Pushing down the mix of feelings that accompanied this realization, Lily started her desperate search, starting with all the rooms on the top floor. About halfway down, her sensitive hearing picked up on a series of pitches she couldn't quite place. Yet something told her that this was what she needed to follow.
Using it as an audible bread crumb trail, it led her all the way down to the basement which only contained one thing—the giant training center Kamilah used. The elder vampire had briefly mentioned it while giving Lily a quick tour of the building yesterday when they had arrived. The door was locked, but she didn't need to see inside to know that this is where her mentor had escaped to. 
"Oh no," she whispered, her eyes widening as she pressed her ear to the door. 
Among the myriad of sounds, there was a soft and unmistakable one that made her freeze in shock. After a minute, her heart broke as she confirmed that she wasn't imagining it. 
Kamilah Sayeed, the least emotional person Lily knew was crying. 
Her hands began to tremble as she raised one a few inches from the cool metal surface where she hesitated. 
Should she really be doing this? 
The woman never let her guard down for a reason. But that was the exact reason why this was something she had to do. Lily was well versed in hiding her own inner vulnerability at all cost. Only her method of choice was humor instead of coldness. 
"Kamilah?!" She pounded on the door with her fist. 
Through the tears, she heard a startled gasp. 
"Lily?" The surprise was communicated even at a whisper. She obviously hadn't expected to be found. "W-what are you…?"
"I...I heard the glass break and...well...I got worried."
There was a pause before the CEO spoke. "I'm fine."
Lily's stomach dropped despite knowing that this was likely. But, no amount of soundproofing could disguise the truth.
"Kamilah...I know you’re not,” she replied, her voice blunt. 
It was a tone she never thought she would have to use on her but, she didn't really have a choice. 
"You shouldn't have...you need to leave me be." 
The gamer let out a long sigh before tugging on the handle fruitlessly. "Kamilah…please. Let me help you." 
"Lily!" the woman on the other side snapped. Then, her tone softened almost immediately. "Just go."
Closing her eyes, Lily fought against the part of her that wanted desperately to do the easy thing and leave. Because this time, it was worth the risk. Kamilah was worth it. 
"No," she insisted. "I'm not going anywhere, whether you let me in or not." 
She planted herself on the ground next to the door, prepared to stay there for as long as necessary. She received a groan of protest from Kamilah on the other side and then, silence except for the quiet cries that continued to leak through. Lily didn't know how long she sat there not saying a word until she couldn't take it any longer. She had to at least try to get Kamilah to talk to her even though she had slim hopes that it would work.
"I know...you're scared about being vulnerable and opening up to people. And I know it's for a good reason, that the last time you did let someone in, they ended up hurting you,” she began, the words like sandpaper in her mouth. 
She wished now more than ever that Isabel were here and not still in Paris. Her friend would know the right thing to say, she always did. Meanwhile Lily usually turned something that was supposed to be meaningful into a rambling mess.
Instead, she had to imagine the advice her friend would give, moving her bottom lip against her teeth. Isabel would tell her that all she needed to do was say whatever came naturally, from the heart. So that's what she did.
"If you do want to talk about any of it though, I'm willing to listen," she expressed leaning her head against the cool metal. “I know that’s really hard for you, you’ve said it yourself. But I think it would help, maybe at the very least to get whatever’s bothering you out of your head. At least, it’s helped me anyway. You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable. I can just sit here until you're ready to come out too.”
She tried not to cringe as she struggled to make her words genuine without seeming cheesy. 
Picking at the carpet fibers, she added, "I just want you to know that it's okay to have these feelings and insecurities, and it doesn't make you weak. You're still one of the strongest people I know and also someone that I admire. Nothing you say will change what I think of you. So, you don't have to be alone. 'Cause I want to be here for you, to prove...that you can trust me, however long it takes."
Having said everything that she wanted to, Lily prepared to sit there and wait. As she stared up at the ceiling, she vaguely heard a series of footsteps and the door unlock behind her. 
The action surprised her, having just come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t going to be let in. But, for once, her low expectations were actually surpassed. She scrambled to get on her feet and grasped the handle delicately. 
“Kamilah...a-are you sure?” she asked, not being able to see much through the sliver of the room that was in view.
“Yes, I wouldn’t have unlocked it if I wasn’t.”
Lily swallowed and pushed the door open all the way and walked inside. Her eyes wandered around the vast facility taking in all the equipment before they landed on Kamilah standing a few feet away. Seeing her, Lily was taken aback, her hand moving to cover her mouth.  
The usually unreadable expression was now uncharacteristically decipherable as if suddenly Lily had found it’s Rosetta Stone. Kamilah was nervous—no—downright terrified. This and the several black streaks and smears that stained her mentor’s face provided a striking appearance that made the young vampire’s breath stop momentarily.  
“Oh, Kamilah...”
The CEO quickly held up a sharp hand. 
“Don’t,” she said, her voice soft but with a noticeable edge. “Can... can we do this somewhere else? Please?”
Kamilah rarely used that word, so it gave Lily pause. She could tell that her earlier speech had been at least partially effective. 
She nodded and let Kamilah lead her out of the room and back up the stairs all the way to her office once more. Going inside, the CEO stared at the broken glass for a few moments before frowning and moving to sit on the plush sofa in the opposite corner. 
“Here,” she told Lily who sat down on the other end, giving her plenty of space. “I would ask if...if you wanted a drink but...” she glanced over at the mess she had created. “...that is probably not the best idea.”
Lily offered her a nod. "Probably not.”
She noticed Kamilah begin to tremble as if she were visibly trying to keep her emotions from spilling out. She hesitated for a moment before lowering her hand onto Kamilah’s. The action caused the other woman to tense in surprise. 
"Sorry, I can—"
"No." Kamilah’s reluctant gaze softened into one of acceptance. "It's...fine. More than fine actually."
“O-okay. Um, how about...you start with what's made you upset. As much as you're comfortable with, of course."
Kamilah blinked at her before taking a deep breath. "It's...about him.”
Kamilah nodded. "When he…” she paused, fighting the inner walls that tried to stop the words from coming out. "...when he Turned me, over two thousand years ago...he made me his Queen. Made me...his.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” Lily couldn’t help the comment from coming out of her mouth.
Luckily, Kamilah didn’t seem to mind.
“It wasn’t,” she replied, her tone hardening. “He lied to me. Made me feel like I was happy with him, that he had awakened something powerful in me. But that was far from the truth. He used me…abused. What we had it…it…”
Kamilah’s lip quivered as she tried not to blink.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Lily told her. “You don’t have to pretend around me.”
She was met with a dubious expression until a minute later it changed to one of reluctance. 
“It wasn’t right,” Kamilah continued. “That my love for him was just…a tool…to get me under his control. That it came with a price—losing myself. The person who as a human despised violence and tyranny, who was kind. He destroyed that to the point where I had to rebuild from scratch. And when I realized that’s what it was…I couldn’t deal with it, the feelings and the pain that came with it. I still can’t.”
Lily frowned. “I wouldn’t expect you to. That’s a lot for one person to handle. You’re not going to be able to unlearn it even decades later.”
“It’s more than that. This is what he taught us, me. He drilled into me that your emotions…they were your biggest weakness. He punished me for expressing them. Especially empathy, kindness. That just made you human, which to him was the equivalent of pathetic. And so, I’ve grown to suppress them in every way I can. But now, since he’s returned…I can’t…I can’t ignore them anymore.”
This time, Lily didn’t waver when she threw her arms around her, catching Kamilah off-guard. She remained stiff and unsure for a minute before melting into the tight embrace. Eventually, Lily pulled back but kept a comforting arm on hers.
“I’m…I’m so sorry,” she expressed before instantly cringing. “I know that’s probably the last thing you want to hear but, I really am. What he did to you…that’s just horrible.”
A ghost of a smile tugged at Kamilah’s lips, but it died almost as soon as it sprouted. “You know, I used to loathe that phrase, even when I was a human and Lysimachus had died. I hated people’s pity, felt like it was meaningless.”
Her gaze met Lily’s who swallowed, suddenly feeling warm. Even in this setting, she felt its electricity, its magnetic like pull.
“But,” the CEO continued, “somehow with you…it feels different. Like it’s actually worth something.”
“Oh…well, um…I meant it,” Lily stammered. “You really didn’t deserve any of that.”
She received a scoff in response before she was met with despondent eyes. “That’s…kind for you to think that. But what if I told you that I do?”
This rendered Lily speechless for a moment. Finally, she sputtered, “Y-you really don’t think that…do you?”
The look Kamilah gave her told her that she did. “The things that I did with him…what I chose to do with him…they would horrify you. Gaius he…he turned me into the one thing I claimed to hate. And so, I started hating myself, because I feel like I’ve betrayed myself. My brother…he would be revolted at the person I became. I’ve become afraid to let people get close, afraid that if I do…that I’ll only hurt them…do just what Gaius has done to me. Let myself believe that…I don’t deserve anyone. To be truly happy.”
The heartrending information overwhelmed Lily and she pushed past the lump in her throat as the back of her eyes began to sting.
She shook her head. “Kamilah…no. None of this is your fault, it’s his. He manipulated you into doing those things, wanting to. I know that you still have a heart, I’ve seen the few times you’ve let it come out.”
“You’re just saying that,” Kamilah murmured, looking down at the couch dejectedly.
Lily tugged on her arm, forcing her gaze to return to hers. “I’m really not. If you weren’t a good person, you wouldn’t have betrayed him, stood up for what you knew was right. You wouldn’t be trying to be better even though it’s taken baby steps at a time. Not to mention all of the times you’ve helped me and Isabel. And there’s Adrian! You said that he reminds you of Lysimachus. Well, look at how much he respects you, cares about you. If he thinks this highly of you, I’m sure your brother would understand.”
Kamilah looked at her as the words sank in, seemingly contemplating something.
“You’re too good Lily,” she eventually stated. “Although…”
The CEO let out a long exhale and proceeded with a quick, decisive nod. “When Adrian first Turned you, I was quite displeased—angry even. I thought that it would get him killed and I…I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him too. But, when I saw you come out of the coffin, when I saw you struggle, I felt something else. Compassion. For someone who I didn’t know. It was something that I thought was impossible. That’s when…I decided that I would mentor you. You needed someone to bring you in, teach you quickly and I…I needed an opportunity…to prove something to myself.”
Lily tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I wanted to finally help someone, instead of hurt,” she replied. “I wanted to make sure that you didn’t make the same mistakes I did. That you would be better than me. And…although sometimes I find you’re…light-hearted nature to be…misplaced…I have to say, you’ve exceeded my expectations.”
The confession caused Lily to blink in gratifying disbelief.  “Wait…really? All this time…I thought you did it…as a favor…for Adrian.”
“That’s what I wanted you to believe…before. I didn’t…think that I would be…as fond of you as I’ve come to be. But no, although I would have done it for him, it was for me. And for you.”
Lily sat back stunned before suddenly she frowned, her eyes widening.
“What is it?” Kamilah raised her eyebrows in mild concern.
Feeling her intense gaze on her, Lily started to become sheepish. “I’m just realizing that I’ve never actually told you how grateful I am for all of this. How much it’s meant to me.”
“It...it has?”
The genuine surprise on Kamilah’s face caused Lily’s chest to ache, her heart squeezing painfully tight for the hundredth time.
“Are you kidding?” she uttered incredulously. “You helped give me my life back. I thought…that Adrian and Isabel…that they had just wasted their time, possibly even sacrificed themselves for me…for nothing. That I was still a dead woman walking. There were so many times in those first few days I wanted to quit, you remember that. But you never gave up on me…once. So, I never gave up.”
The tears that had been slowly cresting finally spilled over as she relived the bittersweet memories from not that long ago.
“You taught me everything I know, probably helped save my life the most out of everyone. And even now that I’m no longer Adrian’s responsibility, you’re still willing to help me as a friend. Especially in these last few days when your whole world just got turned upside down. That’s all I’ve ever wanted and as much as I love the Shadow Den and believe that it’s a family, you and Adrian are too. So, yes, the things that you do for people do mean something. I know for me they do, and I know that I’m not alone in that.”
Lily could tell that what she said had struck home as Kamilah sat there unable to form a response.
Finally, she stammered, “Lily…I…thank you. For all of this really. I didn’t…realize how much I needed this. I mean, it definitely won’t make everything go away…I don’t think it ever will. But…” her gaze seemed to travel elsewhere for a moment as her bottom lip quivered. “…it certainly has helped me accept that fact.”
“Well, that’s what I’m here for,” Lily replied before looking down at her lap and mumbling, “I’m glad I can do some things right.”
The comment was meant for only her, but it was just loud enough to be overheard and she was met with a scoff. 
“It’s not just some things Lily.”
She looked up and when Kamilah’s eyes locked onto hers, her heartbeat quickened. She could’ve sworn she saw something in them that she had missed before. Something that made her not want to play it safe this time around. Because suddenly staring back at her was hope that maybe Cupid knew what he was doing after all. 
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anthonybrxdgerton · 5 years
Shadow of Night reread
A few days ago I re-read Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. It took me very little time to do it (which was surprising, considering the fact that i re-read the first book for almost 2 months). I will be doing my reactions about episodes as well (as soon as I re-watch them) and comparing the show to the first book.
My reactions, notes and everything under the cut. There are some trivia I forgot about, things i hope to see in season 2 of A Discovery of Witches, some stuff referencing the next & previous books and what not.
[ a discovery of witches | shadow of night | the book of life | time’s convert ]
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the book takes place in 1590 & 1591 (matthew & diana scenes) and 2009 & 2010 (present day scenes) in the span of 7 months
diana's hair change colors when she timewalked into 1590 - they're long, red and curly, and they change - not exactly back - when they return to the present - they're straight, silky strands that were brighter redish gold - just like my mother's hair. it does't say anything about the length though (probably in the next book);
2 of my favorite quotes describing Matthew in this book: The man was as tall as a giraffe. | Bloodred stockings would do more than capture a wandering eye, given that the man who proposed to wear them was a six-foot-three vampire, and most of his height was leg..
“Surely you’ll let me kill him now, de Clermont. I’ve wanted to do so for ages,” Hancock said, cracking his knuckles”. “No. You can’t kill him.” Matthew rubbed a hand over his tired face. “There would be too many questions, and I don’t have the patience to come up with convincing answers at present. - Hancock never liked Kit, I also love Matthew's reasoning lol 
“Then who . . . ?” I trailed off. “Ysabeau? Baldwin? Surely not Marcus!” I couldn’t believe that Matthew’s mother, his brother, or his son could be involved [in the Congregation] without someone letting it slip. - oh, diana... Question: did Deb knew it was Baldwin when she was writing it? In A Discovery of Witches Matthew acted like he didn't know who was on the Congregation "And Marcus? Find out who besides Peter Knox and Domenico Michele are members of the Congregation."
- Until I have made peace with the past, I will not set foot in France. - we know Gallowglass showed up in Sept-Tours in 1945 when Philippe was dying. Did he go there before too? 
“Explain yourself.” The words were quiet, but they didn't conceal Philippe's fury. - he is nor just mad because Matthew has a wife now. He is furious because he can sense that BOTH Diana and Matthew are from the future - this is what Philippe wants Matthew to explain.
Also, interestingly, reading A Discovery of Witches I've noticed that Baldwin called Philippe "dad" while Matthew calls him "father". Coincidence? But then in the Book of Life Baldwin calls Philippe “father” so... Idk anymore. That being said, verin calls him “Atta”;
“The twelfth century was not good for you, and we allowed you to read entirely too much poetry." - I need to know more now! What exactly did Matthew read in 12th century?
"It is regrettable that you are not going to Florence, then. But it will be a long time before you will be welcomed back to that city, after your latest escapades there." - Matthew, what the heck did you do there? Please tell me you were NOT behind the siege of Florence, i beg you... But then again, Ysabeau did say that Matthew caused wars in Italy when he was bored...
Tamen mea lingua graeca est peior.” “Then we shall not converse in that language either,” murmured Philippe in a pained tone. - HE JUST WANTS TO SPEAK IN GREEK, THAT'S HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE, WHY DOES NOBODY BUT YSABEAU SPEAK IT. BUT that explains why he made sure greeg was still taught in schools later - he wasn’t only looking for Diana, he wanted people to speak his native language too
“Philippe doesn’t seem to think so.” “Then bed him. - lol, if only
"He is my son. I will not fail him.” Philippe’s mouth tightened." PHILIPPE I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS
“For someone wedded to a witch you are quick to judge the passions of others, Matthaios. Louis is your brother.” Goddess bless us, another brother. - Diana is not happy having huge family lol
I had been wrong. Philippe had not been trying to break Matthew, but only his guilt. Philippe had not failed his son after all. - MY FEELS
“I forgive you,” his father repeated, throwing his arms around his son in a fierce embrace. “I forgive you.” - IT KILLS ME EVERY TIME, THEY BETTER KEEP THIS IN THE SHOW
i love how Philippe just makes Diana his blood daughter without a second thought lol
“Think—and stay alive.” Philippe clapped his hands. - one of my favorite quotes 
Alcides Leontothymos beseeches you to hold this child Diana in your hand. - i am right to  think Philippe is in fact Heracles, right?
Philippe trying his hand at engineering and failing every time will always make me laugh. You may be thousands years old vampire, but some things you will never learn 
Philippe, Diana and Matthew's goodbye always kills me SEASON 2 BETTER DO IT JUSTICE
“Anomalies,” Ysabeau murmured. “Philippe was always looking for anomalies in the world. It is why I still read all the newspapers. It became our habit to look through them each morning.” - Phiippe knew he would not be alive by the time Matthew and Diana were together, but he was always hoping he could see her again. he hoped that Diana would be at least born while he was still alive and he always knew that when Diana and Matthew came back to their times, there would be anomalies throughout history. That's why he told Gallowglass and Verin to search for them too, to keep Diana safe.;
“That’s what Philippe says about Granny,” Gallowglass muttered under his breath. “Just before all hell breaks loose.” Give me more Ysabeau and Philippe you cowards; 
“Matthew knows the book, for his brother gave it to me.- So Mary Sydney knows Godfrey too. Does she know the rest of his siblings?;
[Marcus] made a muffled oath. “Tell your intuition to take a break, for God’s sake.” I need to see Marcus and Ysabeau interacting in season 2, their banter will be amazing
Every time I read Marcus seeing miniatures for the first time and missing Matthew so much kills me too - the show did them dirty, i need more of them together too; 
I forgot how much I ship Marcus & Phoebe;
I wish we could see the requests for magic Diana has received in season 2 and her not being able to do anything about that, i need this conflict SO MUCH. Does she help? What is she doesn’t and her neighbors will out her as a witch? This could be SO GOOD please show, deliver;
Diana’s symbol is rowan tree;
“Baldwin’s never lost a million of anything in his life.” - just throwing this out there because I love Baldwin with all my heart; 
917 is the Knight's of Lazarus telephone number. it belonged to Philippe, then to Matthew and now to Marcus. Philippe chose it to honor Ysabeu's birthday (September 17th). What i wanna know - is it her birthday or re-birth. ALTHOUGH it should be 179 - In Europe (and Philippe was Greek after all) we, unlike Americans, write the day first and the month later;
When Gallowglass learned that Baldwin had been called to Sept-Tours at Ysabeau’s behest for some unspecified emergency involving Matthew, the Gael knew it was only a matter of time before the historical anomalies appeared. i think it was when Diana was kidnapped by Satu, right? Just want to be sure;
Gallowglass is smoking, i completely forgot about it;
Rudolph is flirting with Diana so much (ughhhh) because his source in Congregation told him that Matthew only married her to save her life a.k.a. charges of witchcraft;
Matthew helping Jack with his nightmares is the sweetest thing he's done so far;
One of Philippe's names is Ariel, what are the others?;
 Abraham (Jewish weaver in Prague) comes from Chełm. Is this why Benjamin moved there?;
I need to KNOW the story about Baldwin and Dracula, Deb. Come on.;
“He did. I swear it. Baldwin ordered him to leave or face the same fate as the Impaler. You should have seen Baldwin’s face. The devil himself wouldn’t have disobeyed your brother.” i want to see it too lol;
apparently, Gerbert told Ysabeau about the prophecy about a witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf. I wonder if this was one more reason she was anti-Diana at the beginning or did she dismiss it as something not important;
And speaking of colleagues: How, after years of buying you Harvard bibs and mittens, did I end up with a daughter who teaches at Yale?” good question lol I WANNA KNOW TOO;
Bennu, Stephen's familiar, is a bird.;
Matthew nearly had a heart attack when he discovered that his beloved Range Rover was not waiting for him in the underground garage. Instead we found a navy sports car with a soft top. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it always cracks me up; 
Edward Kelley sent the first page to Rabbi Loew, the second to Hubbard. Who gt the third and who sent it to Diana’s parents?; 
Annie stayed with Shakespeare after Matthew and Diana left and Jack was with Hubbard.;
Also, Matthew made Diana a diplomatic passport for easier traveling;
Overall, I loved this book. There were some boring moment that didn’t move the plot forward at all (like most of Prague, especially the hunting or the play, making the philosopher’s stone with Mary Sydney) that I hope the show will cut it out completely or shorten it. Hopefully, they give us at least 2 episodes of Philippe at Sept-Tours - now that they got 10 episodes, they have a chance to do it properly. I also love the magic lessons from Goody Alsop and other witches, though I suspect, season 2 will only give us 1 witch (but I hope we will see Sophie’s ancestor too. My favorite characters are Philippe, Pierre and Jack and I hope we will get plenty of them (please include Pierre, show!)
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petersasteria · 4 years
168 Hours - Haz Osterfield (13)
Pairing: Haz x Reader
Haz Osterfield Masterlist ||  Ultimate Masterlist || 168 Hours Masterlist
DISCLAIMER:  *This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In which your son’s wish comes true and it turns horrible. Now, he has to fix it in 168 hours.
Special thanks to: @blueleatherbag and @dudethisvoid for being so helpful
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 hundred and forty-four hours are now consumed out of one hundred and sixty-eight hours. This means Amadis and Harley only have exactly twenty-four hours left. Today is the day Amadis will be coming home from Prague. If he were being honest, he truly missed Y/N, Harrison, and Harley.
He wouldn't admit it, but he's grown attached to the kid. He missed the times when Harley would wake him up because he was thirsty and wanted a glass of water. He missed the times when he and Harley would stay on the couch and order some take out after a long day. He missed going out with Harley, not knowing what the day may hold. He missed everything.
"You won't be an ocean away, you will only be a moment away..."
Amadis turns around and gives Saint Thomas Aquinas a dirty look. Saint Thomas Aquinas shrugged, "It seemed appropriate for your mood. Just that lyric, anyway."
"He's right." Saint Christopher pipes up as he fixes his hair in the mirror. "You'll be with Harley in just a few hours. How will you greet him when you get back?"
"I don't know, to be honest." Amadis sighs. "Besides, I don't even know how I'll tell him the news."
"Oh." Saint Thomas Aquinas says. "I forgot about that."
"Harley will be truly devastated." Saint Christopher frowns.
"Exactly!" Amadis huffs. "There's truly no easy way for me to tell Harley that his hero is actually a villain."
"No easy way indeed." Saint Thomas Aquinas says.
"Anyway, let's go." Saint Christopher says. "Saint Maria Goretti asked me to go with her somewhere as a favor."
"She's a legendary story." Amadis says as he takes his backpack and puts it on. "Imagine being stabbed fourteen times!"
"She's so brave to forgive Alessandro like that." Saint Thomas Aquinas says as he glanced at Saint Christopher, "Please give that child my regards. Tell her she's been missed by me, but I'm sure she's having fun with her friends right now as we speak. That kid is like a family member of mine."
At only eleven years old, Saint Maria Goretti died in the hands of her next door neighbor, Alessandro Serenelli. She was stabbed fourteen times after he tried to rape her. Alessandro was twenty at that time. Little Maria forgave him on her deathbed and now, she's considered the patron saint of the youth.
"May God bless her." Amadis says. He takes a deep breath and holds on to Saint Christopher's shoulder. "I'm ready to go."
Saint Christopher nods. Saint Thomas Aquinas grabs Saint Christopher's arm and in just a blink of an eye, they're back in London, on the rooftop of the apartment building where Amadis and Harley are staying at.
"Thanks, Saint Christopher. I'll be looking forward to have another trip with you." Amadis smiles and embraces his new friend. He pulls away and hugs Saint Thomas Aquinas too. The two saints could clearly see that Amadis is in a hurry to see Harley again. After all, their time together is almost up.
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship." Saint Thomas Aquinas calls out causing Amadis to turn around to face him.
Saint Thomas Aquinas laughs, "It's one of my quotes, dude."
"Yes, I'm aware. But why are you saying it?" Amadis asks.
"You seem to really care about Harley. He's lucky to have you on his side; you're his true friend. Now, go to him. I'm sure he's excited to see you just as much." Saint Thomas Aquinas says.
"Hey, let's all take a photo together! I don't know when I'll see you again and I don't know when I'll get back here on earth." Amadis says as he pulls out his phone from his pocket. They squeeze in together and Amadis takes the photo.
"Thank you." He says after taking it. He turns to leave the two saints.
"Good luck!" Saint Christopher says.
Amadis rushes downstairs. Upon reaching the floor of his unit, he frantically knocks on the door. While waiting, he posts his picture with the saints on Instagram.
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The door opens and Amadis quickly puts his phone in his pocket. He looks up and sees Harrison with a smile on his face. "Welcome home, man!" Harrison greets and pulls him in for a hug.
Amadis hugs back and asks, "Where's Harley?"
"In the room. He's getting dressed for the day." Harrison says as he pulls away. Amadis fully enters the apartment and Harrison closes the door. "Your friend, Finn, dropped off your daily allowance just now. It's on the counter."
"Thank you!" Amadis says as he puts his backpack down. "How was everything while I was gone?"
"Alright." Harrison shrugs. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Although, Y/N and I couldn't babysit Harley yesterday, so I asked Timmy if he could watch him and he agreed. They had fun apparently. Harley was sad that their day ended yesterday."
Amadis nodded, "Tell your friend I said thank you. Anyway-"
"AMADIS!" Harley shouts as he runs to him and gives him the biggest hug. Amadis would've slightly pushed him away if it were someone else, but he didn't. Amadis hugs him tight and says, "I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too." Harley chuckles and pulls away. "Dad made breakfast and it's on the table." Harley walks to the couch and watches tv.
Amadis turns to Harrison and chortles, "Dad?"
"I'm shocked too." Harrison chuckles and whispers, "The other day, he called Y/N, 'mum' by accident."
"Ooh, interesting." Amadis nods and makes his way to the dining area.
"Um, Amadis. I have to leave now. My other job wants me at work." Harrison says with a sad smile. "I'll miss both of you a lot!"
"Same here and thank you! We'll keep in touch." Amadis says. It's obviously a lie, but he didn't want to explain the really long story as to why he and Harley won't be keeping in touch.
"Of course! You know my number and if you want to drop Harley off, I'll text you my home address and the places I work at."
"That'll be very convenient, thank you." Amadis says. "Harley, say goodbye to Harrison!"
Harleys gets up from the couch and runs to Harrison to give him a hug, "Bye! I'll see you soon."
'Real soon, dad. Real soon. We'll be together again... in the right year, this time.' Harley thinks.
"I'll see you soon and behave, little guy!" Harrison pulls away and ruffles Harley's hair before thanking Amadis for letting him stay at the apartment and leaving.
"How was Prague? Did my uncle Tom do something cool?!" Harley asks excitedly.
Amadis slightly frowns and clears his throat, "Harley, there's something you have to know. I think it's best if you sit down for this."
Harley looks at him curiously, but sits down next to him anyway. Amadis looks at Harley and runs his fingers through Harley's hair before lightly patting his shoulder, "Your uncle Tom... he did something bad."
"What did he do?" Harley asks. "He's my hero! Heroes can't do bad things."
"Yes, but maybe he isn't actually a hero." Amadis says softly. "He cheated."
"...On a test?" Harley asks innocently.
"N-No, he, uh... he wasn't faithful to Y/N. He, um..." Amadis stammers. He didn't know how to explain what Tom did to a ten year old boy. Amadis struggles to find the right words, but Harley seemed to catch on.
"Do you mean that he dated someone else in Prague?" Harley asks again.
'Not exactly dated. He had sex with someone else, but I don't want to corrupt your innocent mind.' Amadis thinks.
"Yes, he dated someone else. It's wrong because he's engaged to Y/N. They're getting married tomorrow."
"So... he hurt my mommy's feelings?" Harley's bottom lip starts to quiver and Amadis knew that in a few seconds, Harley would start crying.
"...Yes, he did. Heroes don't do that, Harley." Amadis says. As predicted, Harley begins to cry. Amadis immediately wraps his arms around Harley and tries to calm him down.
"He's still the same person, alright? He's still the same man who buys you gifts, who takes you to different places, who buys you food, and who hangs out with you. I believe that people change over time and the uncle Tom that you know is a changed man and I believe that." Amadis coaxes as Harley cries even more.
"Yeah, but he still hurt my mum's feelings. It's not okay." Harley sniffs and cries even more.
Amadis didn't know what to do. He never encountered a crying child before. For now, all he could do was hold him and whisper sweet things in his ear in hopes to make him feel better.
Y/N is sitting alone in her hotel room as she relaxes. After all, tomorrow's her wedding day and she needs to rest so that she'll be good to go for tomorrow. She watches a random show on tv as she sits on the couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table. She has a flute of champagne in hand and a bowl of strawberries on her lap. They were, of course, sent by Tom from his room.
They were told that it was bad luck for both of them to be together before the wedding. Hence, the different rooms. Y/N wasn't complaining, though. She needed a break from Tom. Even for just a short time.
Just as she's about to change the channel, her phone rings. She looks at it and her eyebrows furrow to see that it's an unknown number. "That's weird. I don't remember giving my number to anyone." She says out loud.
Despite not knowing who's calling her, she answers her phone anyway. Tom wouldn't allow her, but Tom wasn't with her right now. So, she answers.
"Hi! Is this, uh, is this Y/N?" The person asks.
"Who's this?" Y/N asks.
"I'm Tom's friend, Chloe." She says. "Is this Y/N?"
"Yes, speaking." Y/N says as she mutes the tv. "Tom's never mentioned you before, actually. How do you- how do you know each other? And more importantly, how did you get my number?"
"I have something really important to say, so I'll answer those quickly." Chloe says. "Tom and I used to be fuck buddies and I got your number from Brad."
"Whoa, whoa, wait. Fuck buddies?!" Y/N shrieks.
"Yes, but that's not the point. We stopped when he met you. Anyway, I have something to tell you." Chloe says.
"Okay. What is it?" Y/N asks.
"Tom cheated on you in Prague." Chloe sighs.
"I'm sorry, what?" Y/N says in shock.
"It's true. He was bragging to me about it. Knowing him, he wouldn't man up and tell you. So, I figured that as women, we should look after each other and that meant telling you this information. I'm so sorry, Y/N." Chloe says sadly. "Are you alright?"
"The person I'm engaged to cheated on me while he was on vacation and our wedding is tomorrow. Do you think I'm alright, Chloe? I feel so betrayed and heartbroken." Y/N cries.
"If there's anything I can do to make you feel better, I'm right here. You can save my number. Tom's an ass." Chloe huffs angrily.
"Thanks for, uh, telling me." Y/N sniffs. "I appreciate it. I'll call you back, okay?"
Y/N hangs up and cries hysterically. She's hurt and heartbroken. She doesn't know who else to turn to. Saoirse would just tell her to suck it up and her parents would freak out. Her dad would definitely kill Tom and she didn't want anyone to die or commit a murder. So, she calls the only person she could talk to; one who won't judge. Her new friend, Harrison.
She clicks on his contact and calls him. It rings a bunch of times and she heavily sighs, "Please pick up."
Just as she's about to hang up, Harrison answers, "Hey Y/N! I'm sorry for not answering fast enough. I went to the bathroom and-"
"No, no, no. It's okay. It's, uh, it's fine." She smiles a bit despite the tears streaming down her face. "I'm just glad you answered."
"Well, I'm glad you called." Harrison smiles. "I actually thought we'd never talk to each other again."
"Really? How come?" She asks and wipes her tears.
"Well, let's just say that your future husband strikes as the jealous type... and he's kinda not... nice." Harrison bites his lip as he sits comfortably on the couch, waiting for Timmy to come home so he can confront him on why the dishwasher is broken again.
"That's actually a nice way to say it." She chuckles lightly. "He's not nice at all."
"Why? Is he beating you up or something?" Harrison's eyebrows furrow as his anger rises. "Did that bastard hit you? Did he make you do something you didn't want to do? I can come down there and give him a piece of my mind! I'll, uh, I'll bring back up. Timmy's gonna be home in a minute."
"You can stay with me and Timmy and if you're not comfortable, I'm sure Amadis and Harley can make you stay there. I'll help you pack. And to think that your wedding is tomorrow! The nerve of that bastard!"
"He's not beating me up. Thank god, he doesn't. He's not violent. He didn't make me do something I don't want to." She sighs. Before she knew it, tears start streaming down her face again.
"Then what's wrong, love?" Harrison asks softly. "You can tell me anything, right?"
She holds back her sobs and nods even though he couldn't see her. She takes a deep breath and says, "He cheated on me while he was in Prague." After saying that, she lets out the sob that she's been holding back and Harrison's heart breaks upon hearing it.
"I-I know this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. How are you feeling?" Harrison asks. Harrison stays silent as he listens to Y/N's cries on the other line. "If you don't want to talk, it's fine. I can-"
"I want to talk! I do. It's just- It's really hard to accept that he had the nerve to cheat on me days before we sign up the rest of our lives." Y/N sniffs. "Can I- Is it alright if I come over?"
"Oh, sure!" Harrison says. As soon as he says that, Timmy comes in and with furrowed eyebrows. "You can come over, Y/N."
"Are you kidding me?! I just got home!" Timmy whisper-yells. "You're inviting your girlfriend as second I walk through the door?! Come on, man."
"Shut up!" Harrison mouths.
"Thank you. Text me your address. I'd invite you here, but I'm not at home and I'm staying at this stupid, but fancy hotel."
Harrison chuckles, "Okay. I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"
"Yeah. Bye." Y/N sniffs and hangs up. Harrison immediately texts Y/N his address and turns to Timmy who's taking off his shoes and walking to the small kitchen.
"Why is the dish washer broken, Tim?" Harrison calls out.
"It's not my fault! It just broke." Timmy explains and emerges from the kitchen with a bottle of cold water. He sits next to Harrison and says, "You gotta stop blaming me for things, man. It's not cool."
"I'm not blaming you. I'm asking you." Harrison corrects. "If you think I'm blaming you, you must be guilty."
"Wow, lawyer of the year!" Timmy rolls his eyes. "Are we seriously fighting about the dish washer again?! It's always breaking. Let's just get a new one."
The doorbell rings and Harrison gets up to open the door. He smiles sadly when he sees Y/N. She gives him a small smile and says, "Turns out, it's just a few turns from the hotel I'm staying at."
"Come in." Harrison opens the door wider and Y/N walks in. She looks at Timmy and walks up to him and offers a handshake, "Hi, I'm Y/N."
Timmy shakes her hand, "I'm Timothée, but call me Timmy. Any friend of Haz is a friend of mine. Come sit." Timmy pats the space next to him and Y/N sits down.
"I take it, you're here for girl talk." Timmy says.
"Timmy, don't be rude." Harrison hisses and walks to the kitchen to get a glass of water for her.
"He's right." Y/N says. She turns to Timmy and smiles, "I just found out that my fiancé cheated on my while he was in Prague. It was only a few days ago."
"Oh, yikes. I'm sorry to hear that." Timmy frowns. Harrison enters with a glass of water for Y/N and she thanks him before taking a sip of water.
"I relate, though. I've been cheated on too." Timmy huffs. "Haz got cheated on too. I guess that's why we're such good friends."
"Yeah, Colette was her name." Harrison says bitterly. "She apologized, though. I forgave her."
"Why?" Y/N asks.
"Because forgiving is the biggest act anyone could ever do." Timmy answers. "I told him that. Forgiving takes a lot of courage and it's not always easy."
"That's true." Y/N nods. Timmy stands up and says, "I'll leave both of you to it. I'm tired and I'm opening the shop tomorrow."
"Timmy works at this fancy café where rich people eat." Harrison mentions as Timmy walks to his room.
"Oh, I see." Y/N nods. They sit in silence for a while and Harrison clears his throat, "So, what'll happen?"
"I'm not sure." Y/N sighs. "I've always felt that our relationship was failing, but I didn't expect him to cheat on me."
"If your relationship was failing, why are you still with him then?" Harrison asks her. She shrugs, "I honestly don't know. I love him. No, I loved him."
"So, you don't love him anymore? Is that it?"
"I'm not even sure anymore. I still care about him. After all, he did take care of me and he did a good job in taking care of me. I will forever be grateful for that. And the media isn't always right. They always portray him as this arrogant fucker just because he's young, but he's so much more than that."
"Mhm." Y/N nods. "He's passionate about his job. He takes care of his employees. He covers for them in front of his father. He's not an attention seeker, I'll tell you that. He's just used to the attention. That's why it ticks him off when people aren't paying attention to him. He never wanted to be a CEO, because he wanted to be an actor and he still does."
"That's why he's bitter all the time, but he's a good guy. Err, he can be a good guy. But after hearing that information, maybe he's just so good at acting like a good guy. It's a shame, though. My heart used to be just set on him and now- now, I don't know. I'm not sure. It's complicated."
Harrison doesn't say anything. He just listens. They stay quiet for a minute or so and Harrison breaks the silence, "Where's your heart now?"
"You want an honest answer?" She lets out a breathy laugh. Harrison nods, "Yeah."
"My heart's with you." Y/N looks at him and smiles. "It's been with you for awhile now and I don't think it wants to leave. I think it wants to stay because I think we might have a shot if we tried."
"Are you saying... you like me?" Harrison asks carefully.
She nods, "Yeah, I do. I don't think I'll stop."
"I like you too." Harrison says.
"I sense a 'but' coming."
"Hm, I was right."
Harrison chuckles, "But you're engaged and your wedding's tomorrow. We can't do anything about it. What made you admit that you like me?"
"Aside from the fact that you asked? Well, it was simple. You answered the phone awhile ago and from that moment, I knew that I was with the wrong person all this time. What about you? What made you admit your feelings?" Y/N asks.
"You were crying on the phone and I realized that I wanted to be there for through everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to love you and hold you and do all those cheesy stuff with you, but that's Tom's job. I'll still be here, though. I'll be your friend and your shoulder to cry on." Harrison says.
"I wish things could be different." She sighs and holds his hand.
"Same here."
She lets go of his hand and stands up, "I better get going. I need to get up early tomorrow."
"Right." Harrison stands up too. "Big day tomorrow. I'll walk you to your car."
"Thank you."
Harrison grabs his keys to the apartment in case he gets locked out again by accident. They quietly walk to the elevator and they stay silent the whole ride down. They reach Y/N's car which was parked outside the building. She unlocks the door and gets in the car. She sits there and rolls down her window to look at Harrison, "Hey Harrison?"
"Call me Haz." He chuckles. "We've known each other for, like, a week. Call me by my nickname."
"Okay, Haz." She smiles. "Um, I know this is kind of informal. But I'd like to personally invite you to the wedding tomorrow. I would love for you to be there. You mean something to me, Haz."
He smiles, "As much as I love to be there, I can't. I have errands to run tomorrow and I think Timmy and I need a new dishwasher. So, I'll shop for that."
"Oh. That's alright." She frowns slightly. "I'll miss you tomorrow."
"I'll miss you too and I hope you get things straightened out with Tom. He's such a... man."
"He's not you, though." Y/N says.
"You've known me for a week and you've known him for years. Besides, he can give you a better life and I can't even get a permanent job. He can give you so many opportunities and when you have kids, they'll be secured for the rest of their lives."
"He's still not you." Y/N states. "Where does this leave us?"
"Friends that like each other who aren't together, but they have a special place in the other's heart." Harrison answers. "I'd settle with that instead of nothing."
"Same here, I guess." Y/N trails off. "I'll go now. Wish me luck for tomorrow."
"I shall." Harrison smiles.
Y/N starts the car and drives away. Harrison stands there and watches until her car disappears when she turns a corner. He walks back inside the building and goes up to his shared apartment with Timmy. As soon as he opens the door, Timmy stands there with his arms crossed.
"You're still awake?"
"Yes, and you're making a big mistake?" Timmy retorts. "I have this feeling that she's the one for you, y'know. Both of you are good to Harley too. You're like a real family."
"Thanks, but she has Tom. They'll start a family soon." Harrison says and sits on the couch. "I like her a lot, Timmy."
"I know you do."
"It's too late. She'll be Mrs. Holland tomorrow." Harrison sighs. "Here's another heartbreak."
"I'm sorry, man." Timmy frowns.
'I'm too late.' Harrison thinks.
Or is he?
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐙 𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​ @silencetheslaves​ @imeanlifesabitshit​ @joyleenl​ @hjoficrecs​ @blueleatherbag​ @poguesholland​ @harryismysunflower​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @lonikje​ @lizzyosterfield​ @itstaskeen​ @ilarbu​ @turtoix​ @badreputationlove​ @starlight-starks​ @swiftmind​ @sovereignparker​ @pearce14​ @justanamesstuff​ @chewymoustachio​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​ @miraclesoflove​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ @perspectiveparker​ @hollands-weasley​ @itstaskeen​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @holland-styles​ @halfblood-princess-505​ @spidey-reids-2003​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @hollandscherie​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​
40 notes · View notes
aspiestvmusings · 5 years
This is my first, initial “review” of the latest MCU movie - “Spiderman. Far from Home” 
“Everywhere I go/look, I see his face/I am reminded of Tony”
The memorial video made by Peter’s HS friends. The comic cans, the online/getty pics used, the editing, the music choice “Dolly Parton’s “I will always love you” … from “The Bodyguard” by Whitney Houston” & images of Tony, Steve, Nat, Vision… Tony…
all the Ironman drawings/art on the classroom wall in Peters school (as he & Ned talk about the vacation plan)
the Ironman mural on the building wall… when Peter escapes to the roof… from the “press conference”
the film/video choices on the plane from Americas to Europe  (next to: “Nova: Einstein Rosen Bridges” &  “The Snap,” & “Finding Wakanda,” & “Hunting Hydra.”) is a 114 minute long Tony/Ironman docu/film… story
I am pretty sure there are also some pictures/posters/images on wall/screen at the airport, when they arrive in Europe... but I need to go watch it again (3rd time) to be sure. I think I saw it, but am not certain....
The murals (with flowers & lit candles) in Europe (Prague)…
Tony’s tech… everywhere
The EDITH integrated in Tony’s glasses...that are now Peter’s. He’s the next Tony Stark. He is the only one who can be trusted with the power - everyone else would just use it for their own good. The Tony glasses being basically a supporting character in the film... central in many scenes. 
Tony’s friends & “enemies” (people, who remember/mourn him & people, who are jealous of him)
Things I noticed/The little things:  
The BLIP “in memoriam” video edit made by Peter’s HS kids: The font was comic sans! The song choice was “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston from the film “The Bodyguard” (original: Dolly Parton), and the “in memoriam” part included images of Tony Stark... twice (first & last), Nat, Steve, VISION...and also others.... And biggest question here is... does this mean that Cap is considered dead? Does this mean his time travel shenanigans lead to him/the team listing him as one of the casualties... to not reveal the details of what really happened & to keep the time travel & other things... a secret? 
BOH! MJs new favorite word. I loved how Peter used it back at MJ... when he doesn’t want to reveal what’s in the bag/box. 
That “cat” in that one scene kinda looked like GOOSE, but only  a little bit, so was it a random cat, or was it a “relative” of Goose? Maybe another flerken?
I absolutely loved how happy & excited Peter got when he was told that the multiverse is real, not just a theory (anymore). I’m kinda sad that it turned out to not be true... for now. (he’d love to learn about the multiverse, just like he’s now studying Thor, who was a myth before, in his physics class)
When Peter was betrayed by someone he trusted & had no one to turn to, who did he call...from Netherlands? Happy. He was the one person, who knew, knew him & could be trusted, and could help him. I’m glad he had that option...someone to turn to. 
That tulip field in Netherlands was beautiful and all, but I was kinda sad to see that plane land there... and then hover above it..for a while... 
Speaking of the plane: The Avengers Tower was sold & is now being re-built by someone else, The Avengers Headquarters was destroyed in Endgame & since Tony is gone (and everyone else ran  away/went to hiding), I am not sure it’ll be re-built (we saw that the clan-up after the battle was happening... in the background...during the Endgame end scene where they set up the time travel platform by the lake). And now the airplane was destroyed in FFH. So lots of Tony’s tech (suit making machines & other tech) is destroyed now. And even though  the introduction of EDITH suggests that he had many other labs & tech set up, “secretly” everywhere... still... it keeps getting destroyed. and since he’s not here to create anything new, all his work will soon be destroyed/gone if this keeps happening. 
Peter stripped not once...but twice...in front of someone... a girl: first the SHIELD European agent, who made him the new (black) secret european “Night Monkey” suit (pants) & later in front of the girl he really likes... MJ (shirt). 
Mysterio’s illusions: all those scenes were visually amazing/brilliant! The Prague fire monster, the bar scene illusions after Peter leaves - the twist!, the German “safe house” illusions  that ended with the train & then the London Tower bridge illusions. 
The bar scene “turn of events” twist moment was brilliantly scary: it showed just how “crazy” Mysterio was. That, together with the “illusion rehearsal” scene, when he learns about the missing projector...and threatens his whole team... that was same level brilliantly scary. 
“Appearances can be deceiving”  hahaha Oh, how it hinted at the end credits scene reveal. It was not just Happy trying to tells “Fury” about Mysterio and his deception, but... also how Fury & Maria Hill are actually... skrulls, who work for Fury, while he (and Hill?) are elsewhere, working on other projects. 
Skrull sleeper cells... mentioned by “Fury”... a reference to Captain Marvel & comics.... 
Happy throwing a shield...at the drone... His cap moment. And his comment about how heavy it is/hard it is, and he doesn’t know how Cap does it hahaha
Michelle and the medieval weapon..that she borrows from the museum vault... 
There are many artifacts in the Tower of London museum vault - the crown jewels, all kinds of medieval tools & weapons, and also... “IRON MAN” - medieval iron knight armor!
Peter taking a selfie as he swings in NYC...in the end. He’s swinging & reading texts/texting & taking selfies... 
The text/line on the fence on the street/in front of “construction site”.... when Peter/Spiderman is swinging to MJ in the end scene..on NYC streets... (Madison Square Garden) say:   “We’re excited  to show you what comes next. And there are numbers 1, 2, 3 & a ? (instead of number 4) under the text. This has many meanings: a) the people in the MCU/FFH universe  are excited to show the citizens what they’re building there. b) the MCU creators are excited to show/tell us/viewers/fans what’s to come next...both in Spiderman films & MCU in general (Phase 4). c) Also..according to fans, who know more, it’s also a reference to the “Fantastic 4″.  
The initials B.F.P. on the suitcase he takes to Europe aka the suitcase belonged to Peters uncle Ben (May’s husband). Too bad it, too,  along many other things & places...got destroyed..in this film. 
LOL at everyone knocking on Peter & Ned’s rooms door at the hotel theyäre staying in in Venice. Interrupting “Fury” (and Peter) & Fury’s reaction... (he is so done with being interrupted...every 5 seconds)
All the “upgrades” to the class trip in Europe & all the changes in itinerary... #IfTheyOnlyKnewWhyThePlansWeereChanged
The “Peter tingle” (aka The Spidey Sense) 
“What happens in London/Europe, stays in London/Europe?” Peter, who is/has been keen to keep his identity a secret, behaved strangely & boldly in Europe & especially at the end of the big “battle” in London...where he just stands on the bridge...without his mask & talks to & kisses MJ. In the middle of the bridge, at the center of big event... Are there no video/traffic 8etc) cams in Europe/LOndon in 2023/2024 MCu? Are there no cameras/smartphones that people use to take pics & vids of every big event they see... in 2023/2024 MCU? I found that surprising... based on all the attempts he made until now & in this film..to keep his identity a secret. 
Pepper Potts signing the big (in both size & sum) check from Stark Fund to May’s charity event. But not being able to attend the event herself. Most likely cause the actress is done with MCU, but... otherwise...interesting... to mention her like that & specify that she was unable to attend in person...
How many “vacations” has Fury taken over the MCU history? While I mostly think that this was the first... after Fury & CM were “reunited” during the Endgame events (BLIP) & the plan was formed after Tony was gone (they were both at his memorial service) & the returned Fury who had no more team on this planet, was kinda lost...) But I also kinda think he might’ve used the skrulls before to take vacations. I am pretty certain that we saw the real Fury in Captain Marvel, in Iron Man films...  and I am also pretty certain that he was himself in Infinity War/Endgame...because as he’s “dying” aka turning into dust he doesn’t turn into skrull.Though it is possible that the dusting doesn't count & the skull face is only revealed if a character actually dies. (this is why we can be certain Tony was Tony & Nat was Nat in Endgame) 
What I LOVED the most 
My absolute favourite scene(s) is the Peter & Happy at the Holland/Netherland  tulip field & on the plane, hovering above the tulip field scene(s) -  their “talk” as Happy patched up Peter’s wounds. Talking about being a superhero and making mistakes, about Tony...and more... 
That scene...to me...sums up...hopefully... what’s to come. It confirms what I thought would be the case. Tony was/is Iron Man and no one can & should replace him as Iron Man. So everyone asking Peter if he’s gonna be the next IM... everyone looking for the next mightiest protector of the earth... and looking at SM...cause everyone else seems to have disappeared... are just putting too much pressure on him. He’s not the next Iron Man. He is Peter. He is Spider Man. (though after that end twist... who knows... maybe he will put on an iron suit for a while...since he can’t be the unknown neighborhood hero anymore...now that everyone knows...) But to me it summed up peters journey in this film & sets up what’s to come. He needed some guidance & Happy provided it... he needed to realize that he’s he’s own person & his own superhero & he’s not there to replace Tony/IM or any other superhero
But yeah... I loved how Happy said it. When others pressured him & manipulated with him (Beck purposely making him feel inadequate by saying things like “if you would've done better, he might’ve not died”), the now Pilot was his best friend & the one person he could really talk superhero things with...the one person, who IMO helped him the most with his grief over Tony & all the feelings he had regarding that & the pressure he felt to be his successor. 
Peter is likely the person, who will take over Tony’s role..somewhat...with the tech and such, but he is Peter, not Tony. 
And the end scene in Endgame with Happy & Morgan..talking about cheeseburgers & now this scene in FFH with Happy & Peter talking superheroes, responsibility, Tony...and more... tells me that Happy is now the mentor-uncle to these kids now...kinda. 
...and when Peter, excitedly, yells “I love Led Zeppelin” when the iconic IM song “Back in Black” by AC/DC starts to play... haha... awesome
What I hoped would’ve been (will be explored in future films) explored/shown in more detail: 
THE BLIP & how it affected regular people. We only saw the comial bits/parts - the marching band of Peter’s school disappearing & reappearing & Aunt May reappearing in her apartment..that was no longer hers...as someone else had moved in (a family). When in reality... this film confirms my “theory/suspicion” that Avengers 3 & Avengers 4 - the Thanos snap & the Hulk (un)snap both created chaos everywhere. Both emotional, and legal..and other issues. 
The fact that the world is not in chaos... makes no sense. But then again... since NYC & several other places on Earth being battlefields during the Avengers vs Bad guys/aliens battles...in the past films...and being re-built really fast & people seemingly not panicking or having PTSD after the events... is a thing... then I guess only the main characters will remember & suffer after living through such events...everyone else seems to go on with their normal lives in a week or so... 
It did bother me a bit (even though I know this is a blockbuster film..and those don’t deal with such things...) that the very real repercussions of the snap & re-snap were not really shown or told. Just the funny Blip-video. And then the little bit we saw from the Aunt May held charity event for the homeless. That was the only real hint about the seriousness of those events in the fictional universe (even though she also made a joke about it on stage...but the cause itself is serious)
Things that bothered me
How no one seems to do any background checks in this universe. How no one seems to use any security measures. Like... no one checking up on Mysterio’s backstory (and yes, I know...his team helped create such amazing backstory & provided such great “proof”...that it fooled even “Fury” & SHIELD -- probably would not have fooled the real man, but... that’s the point...) but still... 
Also... Tony’s glasses not having any other safety measures & it being so easy to transfer over the power to someone else. And...despite Peter being vulnerable & trusting what others tell him (he probably thought Fury had checked up on Beck, but still... how & why did EDITH/the glasses not “scan” Beck...and reveal he’s a fraud? I know... that the only time when he’s looking at the illusionist when wearing the glasses is in the bar scene & they seem to be not “on”... still... why is the tech not scanning everything nonetheless? Though yeah... I know that the idea is that because of the characters emotional state they are vulnerable & easy to manipulate, and hence not thinking of checking “twice”...
MCU using the same backstory for yet another villain. Thats old. It’s done. Time to move on. I'm talking about Mysterio & how his backstory is that because he feels personally attacked by Tony Stark then that’s a reason (which justifies..in his mind, when it does not...and has not for any other past MCU villain, who thinks the same twisted way) his actions - destroying historical sights/cities & leaving behind casualties... not caring if there are innocent bystanders getting hurt. I will allow it this time, because Tony was in the center of this film, but this had to be the last time MCU uses the same “Tony hate” as the villains motivator. Also... I don’t trust Beck’s version of the story, so I would not be sure if he’s telling it as it was. He might be, but he might be not. (maybe he did come up with the idea, but perhaps his work contact stated that all creations during working for SI belong to the company, so he has no right to claim the tech as his own..no matter how much he regrets it after. Or perhaps he did (co)create it, but since his idea was weapons-based (destruction) & SI didn’t do weapons anymore, the tech was redesigned by Tony. But until MCU makes a stronger case... I’m not gonna blame Tony for “stealing” becks tech & claiming it as his ow. Also because I do not think Tony ever claimed in past films that he made the tech. He says it cost him a certain sum...though... So it’s even possible he “bought” the idea from Beck...and turned the weapon into therapy sessions... But even if mr. Beck was telling the whole truth and he was the sole creator of the tech & Tony “stole” it... none of it justifies his actions of purposely hurting innocent bystanders & destroying places. ) 
And I cannot believe how anyone can see Mysterio as the good guy, or sympathetic to Peter.  I might be wrong, but IMO all his “friendliness” in the beginning was a trick... part of the plan to earn Peter’s trust. It was part of the “illusion”, so even though I appreciate his comment “never apologize for being the smartest one in the room”, I don’t see it as anything other than fakeness. And I know I might be wrong & he might’ve really liked the kid & try to be friendly & appreciate him... up until “his team messed up & he had no other option than to get rid of all the loose threads”) 
Things I did not see coming: 
The train! I mean... at first I did not suspect that it was actually Beck, not Fury in Germany, but I became suspicious before it was revealed. And then I suspected that the illusion was not over yet, but... what I did not see coming was that train...moment. 
Also...during the London Tower bridge scene... I had a hunch that he’s pulling a double again..and the dying Mysterio on the ground was fake, but I did not see it coming that in reality he was standing right next to spidey, while pointing a gun at the kid. I had thought he was “hiding” somewhere instead. So that kinda surprised me...
What surprised/confused me
What surprised me a bit was seeing THAT character (William) from IM1 being on Team Mysterio. Yes, he was one of Tony Stark’s Stark Industries previous employees, but  it confused me a bit that he blames Tony, when he should've seen Obadiah Stane (who yelled at him for not being Tony Stark & not being able to create a miniature arc reactor, when Tony could do it in cave...with no high tech..using just a box of scraps) as the one to blame -- his anger should’ve been directed at (based on what has been shown on screen so far) at the man who yelled at him in IM1. 
But I guess there’s either a bigger story there after that that the MCU writers/directors decided to not reveal just yet (as we saw him take that thumbdrive after the download was completed at the end of FFH) or Mysterio simply was able to manipulate people so well & rallied them against their former boss, making everyone see him as the bad guy & the source of all their problems. 
WHAT IF... the NYC “fake news broadcast” was an illusion created by Mysterio/histeam? This would make it much easier for Marvel to have several other movies released in the next few years...before the next Spiderman & go easier on Spiderman? This way we would not miss a lot of time & there’d be no need to clear his name. they could just have the movie take place right after Far from Home (and prior to the coming movies events)...or they could start with a flashback to the end of this film & the  fade to “2 years later” or something. The last bit is also how they can still release the next Spidery film in a few years, while having several otehr films events happen in between... use a time jump early in the film... after a “flashback”...to the time Peter was considered a villain
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mentalcurls · 5 years
3.  Una festa in cui nessuno ti vuole
Here we go, my thoughts on episode 3 of season 1! Finally the whole girl squad is together and out there having fun. The topics I’ve managed to ramble about about this time are double standards, fandom, Mom friend™ Giovanni Garau and the mysterious Francesca Mirabella, as well as the results of the Bechdel test for this episode  ✌🏻
“Eva, mi guardi?” was the precursor to “Martino, guardami Martino!”
Gio really doesn’t get it. He keeps saying he’s doing things for Eva, when actually he does them to appease her so she won’t bust his balls, so he’s doing them for himself
Cerami and Bea sound exactly like all couples of middle schoolers I knew when I was in middle school myself. The shoes thing especially. It’s hilarious.
I understand Gio’s frustration with Eva, I do, cause it’s hard being the only point of reference for a person when you have a much more diverse social life. I’ve been on both sides of their situations actually. When Gio says “Couldn’t you try to make some friends?” I know his intentions are good, he’s coming from a place of wanting happiness for this girl he’s in love with, despite being frustrated with her just then; but I also understand Eva a lot, the feeling of isolation, of not knowing what to do or who to turn to because everyone just seems too distant or too busy with their lives (and of course there’s some condescension there too, cause she’s a teenager, she’s got standards, especially since she was popular before fighting with Laura), and the frustration she must feel, because it’s not just Laura ostracizing her, she made scorched earth around Eva for several degrees of acquaintances; and I’m 100% sure that deep, deep down Eva is a bit angry that she had to bear most of the brunt while Gio came out of the situation unscathed
Eva’s disdain for her classmates who like manga and k-pop wounds me deep into my fangirl heart, not because I’m specifically a fan of those things myself, but because she’s using those example to say they’re loser nerds because they have that strong passion for those things, the same passion I am, as a matter of fact, pouring over Skam Italia and Eva’s own story right now. Plus she’s basically shitting on fandoms included among those mostly made up of teen girls and LGBTQ+ people, so there’s that. Are you a fangirl of anything, Eva? Do you know what it means to fell such a pull towards something, a book, a movie, a song? Have you ever felt it? Do you know how nice, how rewarding being a part of fandom is? How fun? My wish for Eva at the end of the season, for when she decides to focus more on herself, on understanding who she is, is actually to get in one of those fandoms she seems to dislike, cause it’s a wild ride, yes, but it’s also an opportunity to learn so much about other people, places, worlds, and ultimately about yourself.
“Eva, it’s nice to be around you. Maybe you forgot, but when someone is around you, it feels nice. Trust me.” And this I think is the first real taste of that Mom friend™ Gio we’ve come to know and love in season 2, that protective, supportive, loyal person who gives good advice and just knows how to lift your spirits. This could have 100% been a conversation he had with Marti in S2, if Marti had been feeling insecure after he pushed everyone away. More importantly, this could 100% be something Gio tells Nico at any point ever in which he’s feeling low. Can you imagine that? Oh my God. Especially with the joke about smelling afterwards. (Aaand I made it about S2 rather than about Eva. Ops.)
poor Eva, she tries so hard. Too hard, in fact. If instead of that whole three-messages-and-a-sticker explanation she’d just gone “*Hey” it would have made her cringe less at herself and it would probably have prompted more of a response from Ele. I understand the panic though.
those theatre kids look just like the twins from “The Shining”! The girls is even wearing light blue like them! And they walk in sync and call Eva’s name repeatedly and ask her to come act in a play with them! OMG, LudoBesse’s mind, honestly.
Ele is so bad at fake crying, really. And the fact that theatre guy, a person who’s supposed to know something about acting/pretending, falls for it kills me.
Evanora for the win, honestly, look how cute they are together. I mean, Ele definitely looks pretty smitten here, immediately noticing Eva from afar, making her smile and reassuring her in a roundabout way about her fumble on Facebook a few days before
poor Gio, the Anglo-Spanish War is kind of a bitch, though to be fair the only things about it history professors usually care about are who was ruling those countries and the Invincible Armada; the Thirty Years’ War is much more interesting (defenestration of Prague, anyone?)
how cute is Silvia??? BRB going to throw myself into a volcano
Gio and Marti doing the parent thing over Eva like Gio and Elia will do in S2 over Marti himself
then Martino catches Federica’s eye and we have the infamous spoon scene; Fede sort-of-pretends-to-fellate the spoon and Marti looks away, embarrassed and uneasy. I love how Skam (both the og and Italia) have taken the trope of the guy ogling the girl from afar (or not so afar) and her feeling uncomfortable under the attention, and have reversed the gender of who’s looking and who’s looked at.
What I don’t like is how it’s framed, in the shots and in the discussion between the characters, like it’s creepier than most of the stuff boys do to girls during the series (I’m thinking especially of guys at parties in general and of the Villa boys). The vehemence Martino uses to express his discomfort over Federica sexualizing him and making her interest evident is basically the same with which the girls react to finding the tally on the wall behind the boys’ bathrooms. This would kind of be fine, despite the fact that the two things are imo on different levels of disgusting, if it was discussed somehow that boys doing disturbing stuff are considered normal, just hormonal teensagers, but when girls do a fraction of the same thing they’re demonized, considered really weird and too horny. There’s no discussion of the double standard and that’s what bothers me.
Something else that would have been interesting to explore, maybe not with Marti, but later with possibly Chicco Rodi, since we see Fede talk to him at a party and even kiss him (if I remember correctly) is the follow-up from that trope: the guy usually goes up to the girl and makes a comment and she turns him away, but oftentimes after he insists a while she concedes and she ends up dancing/going out/going home with him. Which is a shitty thing that happens in a lot of media. It’s actually kind of what happens with Edoardo and Eleonora later. And it would have been super interesting to see Fede doing the ogling thing (which would have never been as rude, graphic and uncomfortable as guys can get, anyways), being turned down, then actually getting her way, and what kind of reactions she’d have from the guy and from the girl squad.
Martino is such an asshole! Silvia obviously extends her invitation to him and Gio out of politeness because they’re friends with the girl who helped her in a bad situation, she doesn’t know them and she was not obligated to invite them along. And while Gio manages to keep an appearance of politeness, Martino straight up mocks Silvia who’s been nothing but nice and enthusiastic towards Eva. That, in my book, is even worse than the two boys being their unsupportive selves yet again and telling Eva to get new friends, then not helping her make some. And that’s such a boys thing, honestly, to spot a problem and tell others to solve it but not help along!
and Silvia is so nice, she’s so good at driving the conversation along, keeping track of the social cues: she feels Eva doesn’t agree with the guys, so she extends her invitation again, then elbows Fede for some support, but she just makes things awkward so Silvia has to smooth things out, then she invites Eva again and is finally able to make plans, but she still has to diffuse the situation when she sees the boys are uncomfortable with Fede’s suggestive actions. So much emotional labour for just one conversation. Thankfully Eva helps her along a bit, cause no-one else does.
by the way, I totally understand and share Federica’s kind of humor and I love her
Marti’s face at Fede’s joke about psychotropic drugs though. Completely blank, just for a second.
I think it’s telling, though, that Federica is one with the weird actions and the weird humor nobody gets, because she’s the fat girl, so she gets pigeonholed as the comic-relief character: she does whatever comes to her mind, she doesn’t seem to pick up on social cues and she’s there mostly to make the other characters laugh or to make them look more refined, more clever or to say how cool they are; sure, she’s a good friend who stands up for Sana and Eva when it’s called for but her character could be way rounder
oh, guys. Marti and Gio’s reaction as soon as Silvia and Fede are out of earshot, it makes my heart bleed. The mocking, the casual fat shaming, the way Martino looks absolutely disgusted about that girl showing an interest in him
Ele acting aloof and dismissive of Silvia is not my favorite thing, I mean, I get not liking a person from the get go, but for God’s sake, come up with an excuse or something, there’s no need to be so blunt when she’s just inviting you to a party
you can actually subtly see Ele kind of relax when Fede arrives, she’s obviously much more her speed
and of course we have Sana, scathing Sana, picking up on Silvia’s racism straight away and calling her the fuck out but diffusing the situation with humor anyways
Silvia is looking for cool girls to make her own group since she’s been more or less kicked out of Laura’s; Silvia probably used to be the popular girls in her class, but Laura has taken that role from her, first integrating with Sara in Silvia’s friend group, then “overthrowing” her, despite only being in her class a few months, given that the transfer from Succursale, when Laura, Eva and Gio’s class was separated into groups that were merged with pre-existing classes, happened the previous September
(btw, Eva, Gio, Marti and Elia are in 4B, Ele in in 4A, so Silvia, Fede, Laura and Sara are in another class; Sana is probably in yet another class; and Luca could be either in the same class as Ele, as Silvia and Fede, as Sana or in another completely different class)
Eva hasn’t picked up on Silvia’s desperate desire to be one of the cool people yet, and Eleonora hasn’t explained it to her either? Pffft
OMG Silvia has an older sister???? I completely missed that the first time around! Hi Francesca Mirabella! You seem to be older and popular since you get into Villa guys’ parties, so you explain so much about Silvia
Ele has been at Kennedy high only for a month, so she might not know yet who the most popular people are yet, I can get behind that; but Eva? After 7 months? Not having the perception of the internal hierarchy of her school? Girl, please.
Eleonora dubs Edoardo “faccia da cazzo” and “capelli di merda” right away 👏👏👏
on the other hand, Sana seems to know the social hierarchy of both the school and her year very well, probably because she absolutely needs to in order to avoid at least some of the discrimination
Sana clearly has plenty of ideas about how to be popular, but she’s much better at preaching than at doing; Silvia wants to be liked by everyone, probably because of some complex she has about being in her sister’s shadow, but her solution is to be at the same time judgemental and a pushover; Sana’s brutal honesty and “advice” is meant more to hurt than to help Silvia become a better, more genuinely likable person; Sana’s probably lashing out because she was hurt by Silvia’s behaviour towards her
Federica is so clearly the comic relief in this scene, not one of her lines pushes the conversation along plus she acts like she’s completely oblivious to the tension between Silvia and Sana
yas for Eleonora who has the common sense to actually look for an alternative solution since they’re obviously not going to Martucci’s party, I like a practical girl
even at the club, Sana shows diffidence until the girls (probably Ele with some help from Fede) pull her in, drag her away from the bar so she can take selfies and dance with them; is she uncomfortable? Is she just trying to act cool? Is it a defense mechanism? Is she trying to keep away so people won’t look weirdly at the girls because they associate with the “terrorist”, is she afraid someone will say or do something?
seeing the girls dancing and having fun like gives me such a nostalgic feeling for those few (because I’m a really self-conscious motherfucker) parties in high school in which I was really able to have fun with my friends
Bechdel test: the episodes passes the test, with flying colors I might add, since there’s the conversation between Eva and Eleonora in the corridor after the theatre guys leave; Silvia thanking Eva and inviting her to the party; the whole scene with the girl squad in the courtyard, both when it’s just Ele and Eva, when Silvia arrives, when all five girls are present and when Sana leaves; finally, the first part of the conversation at the Baretto, when they’re talking about the party, then Edoardo is mentioned and it stops passing the test.
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1.  If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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brawltogethernow · 6 years
Neutral Element - If You Are Well
Installment Masterlist / explanation of wtf | Relationships: Science though; Characters: Agatha and Gil, Tarvek, bit of Moloch and Vi; Length: 1k; Content notes: Illness by any other name is near as sour
I’ve been holding this back because it wasn’t perfectly finalized, but then I remembered that that’s what posting pieces to Tumblr before they hit AO3 *is for.* The readmore is going to break and I apologize.
Anevke is sleeping off his own modifications in one of the less lethal bedrooms. (Less lethal: there are automated death traps, but they’re avoidable.)
The collective exhaustion seems to be getting even to Tarveka. She’s been picking up odd habits since they finished with her brother — trying to rub her eyes and seeming surprised when her fingertips click against her eyelids, electrocuting things she picks up by accident.
This seems fairly innocuous and even faintly amusing until she electrocutes Moloch trying to help him up after he’s bowled over by a particularly ornery promise chest and then can’t turn her buzzers off.
“Uh — oh dear?” she says, tossing it out like a guess.
“I’m shut/shut/shutting down,” says Tarveka. Her arms ripple with opera gloves of white sparks, and Agatha doesn’t think it’s on purpose. Her mechanical body jerks, and it’s uncomfortably like watching a person seizing. “I need — I need — I — D/d/d/d/dammit. Your MO/mother messed me up more than I th/thought.”
Listening to her hurts. Her increasingly dissonant voice, and that it’s someone else Agatha loves falling apart.
But Agatha is good at fixing things.
Agatha walks up to Tarveka. “It’s okay,” she says. She would take her by the shoulders, but can’t without getting shocked, so she just hovers her hands in the space between them. “I’ll fix you.”
Tarveka has the nerve to grumble irritably the entire time they’re trying to examine her. “Dammit,” she says. “Can’t HELP(help)he/lp — like this.”
It’s reassuring that she’s still feeling so talkative, but disturbing to hear her having so much trouble. Gil, who’s been putting up a reasonable show of experiencing as much antipathy toward the clank princess as she perceives Tarveka feels toward her, is hovering anxiously without bothering to hide her concern.
Agatha had been worried when Lucrezia took Tarveka out in Sturmhalten but, foolishly, had long since stopped. She kicks herself about it as she runs tests and scribbles her results out by hand onto a sheet of stiff paper that’s clearly meant to have holes punched in it — it was closest to hand.
She holds it closer then further away from her face, unable to believe what she’s seeing.
“What is this!” she finally bursts out. “Tarveka! Your brain is experiencing catastrophic failure! You must have noticed this before we did! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“It/it di/didn’t seem important?”
Agatha’s eye twitches. “When you’re not falling apart, remind me to smack you.”
“...Must/must I?”
Agatha and Gil brainstorm over Tarveka, who has become completely insensible. She’s ranting quietly — the delusional kind, not the usual kind — and it’s oddly easy to ignore, uncomfortably more like a soft recording than a weak voice. At some point Moloch rested a cup of hot cider on her and it hasn’t occurred to anyone to relocate it yet. Agatha keeps spotting it and meaning to and then getting distracted by things that are more important than Tarveka’s dignity, like her life.
Agatha also rants — the mad kind.
“We’re going to have to almost completely rebuild the clank to make it suitable to hold her consciousness and stem the shutdown, and that means we’re going to have to get her out of it. We need somewhere to shunt her while we work, but we don’t have anything as sophisticated as the head she built! If we don’t find something, she’s going to fizzle in there! And I’m not putting her in with the Castle. I will not accidentally merge my — my friend with my antique, homicidal house!”
Gil is staring at Tarveka musingly, hand on her chin. (Tarveka: “No, please don’t invite the queen for tea, I can’t stand her hamsters.”) “She’s still a human mind, right?” she says. “What about putting her in a human head?”
Agatha stares at her, fugue sputtering in her confusion. “Do you have a spare one? Oh! You mean a person!”
Gil spreads her hands, animated. “Exactly! With the machines we found in your mother’s basement —”
“Oh! If we reconfigure them  to make the process less traumatic and indefinitely delay the part that redirects the original mind —”
“Then, theoretically, you could loop the two consciousnesses into a sort of alternating pattern, and preserve them both for a limited time in one housing! It’s not perfect, but it will buy us time!”
“And if we use a modified version of that new technique from down in Prague where you think of consciousness like an electric current — ”
“We could probably reduce the stress and prevent there being a dominant party like with the Summoning Engine — you know, more like a tandem war fafflenarg?”
Agatha has grabbed Gil around the upper arms at some point. “I have no idea what that is, but I think I know what you mean!”
“Essentially offering uncorrupted space for her to maintain her personality’s integrity, but without doing a full transfer!”
Agatha comes back to earth a little bit. “Oh, but who were you thinking of using?” She lets go of Gil to put one hand on her chin, folding the other across her stomach. “Her brother’s out of commission, and anyway he’s kind of...”
Gil snorts. “Oh, no, definitely not. (Tarveka: “You must release them from their frog prisons!”) “I wouldn’t trust that guy an inch, even if the clockwork princess is attached to him. But more importantly, I think someone who couldn’t enforce their mental coherence would just go insane.”
Agatha wilts. “But —”
“Fortunately,” says Gil, wrapping an arm around Agatha’s shoulder, “I’m a master of a whole slew of mental disciplines specific to Skifandrian warriors. So I’ll be completely fine!”
She smiles broad and closed-mouthed down at Agatha.
For a moment Agatha’s face is pinched with horror. Then it slackens into plain worry. “Gil, I don’t know —”
“I’m extremely sturdy.”
“You could both die! I can’t — I won’t lose both of you!”
Gil puts her hands on Agatha’s upper arms. “And you won’t. I trust you.”
Agatha huddles into herself, a return to body language she’s almost left behind. “But I’m not sure if I trust me.”
Gil’s grip tightens on her biceps. “Agatha. You’re the strongest spark — the strongest person — I know. You can do this.”
(Tarveka: “Sir, I am afraid all twelve of your children are BANNED from this extablishment.”)
Agatha finishes strapping a timer to her wrist and starts it. “Alright. You have...four hours.”
“What happens if they go over four hours?” asks Violetta.
“They both die,” supplies Moloch.
Agatha turns to him, surprised. “Why, yes! How did you know that?”
“Well it’s always something like that, isn’t it?” grouches Moloch.
Agatha frowns down at her wrist. “Well, there’s no way this should take that long, unless we run into some serious complications.”
“Lady!” hisses Violetta, making a shooshing gesture with one hand and frantically waving the other back and forth. “Don’t jinx it!”
Me: There’s really no place for a Si Vales Valeo in this AU, oh well. Also me: Oh hey, I have an idea.
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