#maybe quesadillas hmmm
ellcrys · 4 months
spent the afternoon catching up on 'death and other details' and now i'm sad there's not more to binge :(
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pusangkambing · 7 months
Hmmm do u think maybe the reason quesadilla island is going through a long maintenance is for them to deal with the codes, the resistance, and all the blacl concrete thats been appearing all ober the place? It would make sense because the code has been taking big strides lately, charlie and codeflippa, communication with etoiles. And not only that so is the resistance with fit actually being given coords to their base.
Like big things are moving, things AGAINST the federation. It makes sense WHY NOW would be the perfect time to kick everyone out to prevent them from meddling and deal with all of thag themselves
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accidental-spice · 2 years
For the autumn asks:
Blankets, cozy, fresh air, harvest, maze, trains, warmth and frost! (Haha that's a lot 😅 ❤️)
Sorry I answered this so late, I got distracted!
Blankets: Sweaters or fuzzy blankets?
Ooooh, that's HARD... sweaters, I think? Especially cardigans!
Cozy: Describe your ideal fall day
Hmmm.... any day where I get to go to Lake Superior with my family, I guess!! We like to spend a while down on the lakeshore, drive around, admire the fall colors, go for a hike, and then get ice cream from our favorite place on our way home!!
Fresh Air: What's something you're thankful for right now?
The chilly-er weather, and olives in my quesadilla!!
Harvest: do you like going to autumn festivals?
I don't think I've ever been to one, but they sound fun! So, maybe if I had someone to go with!!
Maze: Apple picking or pumpkin patch?
Apple picking, for the nostalgia!! Our family used to go to one ALL the time!!
Trains: If you could spend the fall anywhere, where would you go?
Honestly? I'm good with right where I am!
Warmth: Bonfires or indoor fires?
Frost: Anything you're looking forward to?
Halloween, of course!!! And an Agents of SHIELD sticker I bought should arrive next week!!
Thanks for the ask!!
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orchid, cactus, edelweiss and aloe vera for the ask game!!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
hmmm maybe “if we lived on the moon” by vivi rincon lol I have quite a few songs that I think are perfect. this song is just super pretty
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
so a class I’m currently taking in uni rn is called psycho aspects of death and dying and we just went over customs and traditions of death from different cultures. chapter also covered the different traditions from different eras like the victorian era
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
my brother stole my quesadilla when I was making my blog lmao it’s an on going inside joke between me and him since he thinks is hilarious that I called my blog that
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
sitting on campus with my friends and having a study/ homework break. I genuinely daydream abt sitting w my friends on campus and just vibing. either that or goin grocery shopping w my friends and gf
thank youu for the ask!! c:
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
My job interview is tomorrow im so excited for that phase of my life to begin im really looking forward to having money again and things to occupy my day .things i actually wanna do like help kids make art and be around the outdoors and cats all day im so excited And my eye appointment is in the morning so hopefully i find frames i like EVEn more tha.n the og ones i found (online) So yeah still i am up rn even tho i know i should be asleepppp
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winbutlerscowbell · 4 years
Terminator Dark Fate Analysis Mexico Edition
Welcome to the Terminator Dark Fate Analysis Mexico Edition, where I’m going to dissect, comment and give my constructive criticism at every reference, landscapes, locations and well, everything that goes Mexican in this movie of ours.
  First things first: I just realized the version delivered to the mexican theaters is DIFFERENT to the rest of the world, why? Because the characters who originally speak Spanish are DUBBED AGAIN, like double dubbed. So ironically, in Mexico we couldn’t get to hear precious things like “no mames”, WE WERE DAMN ROBBED.
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That bridge is sending me, it really looks like a bridge from here or vial distributor like they call it in a more elegant way.
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No, forget it. That kind of bridge doesn’t exist here but nice try, I appreciate that.
Here’s where something really funny starts because what they say doesn’t match with the subtitles at all hahaha 
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The girl says “no mames” and it’s subtitled to “Oh my God” AND it was dubbed as “No inventes” hahaha this can’t be...
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And here, the guy says “yo siento lo mismo”, it’s subtitled as “I feel it too” which is accurate but when they dubbed it they went with “¿y esos ojos?” lmao
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Can’t forget to mention this ICONIC scene, of course.
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The moment when the cops arrive reminds me of the meme where there’s some thiefs robbing something and the cops are asleep but there’s someone naked or doing something else and a fucking troop arrives, here is one example of the meme I’m talking about:
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kidnappers - cops asleep, thiefs - cops asleep,narcos - cops asleep,an old lady selling flowers - the fucking troops.
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"¿Qué le pasó a tu amiga, wey?" the cop saying this hahahsha lmao like I said WE WERE FUCKING ROBBED.
The girl saying “qué pedo wey” when they’re arresting her hahah, I actually predicted at least one “que pedo” would be said in this movie and finally I can see my prediction turned out to be true #SamPatchVidente
The casa de papel guy aka the cop is going to be beaten the shit out for wanting to take Grace to the ministerio publico.
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Cops getting beaten the shit out of them: oil on canvas 
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And here’s the first mistake: the patrols have signs saying “policia municipal” and “cdmx” (Mexico City). In real life that’s impossible as “policia municipal” (municipal police) is one thing and “cdmx” is a totally different city, patrols can’t have both things but hey, the design is spot on.
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"Eso estuvo padrísimo wey" hahsha lmao this time I prefer the dubbing where they go with “eso estuvo padrísimo, güera”, cause I like when they call Grace güera.
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Never in my life I imagined I’d be alive to see this piece of art: Mackenzie with “Sí señor” playing in the background. The first time I saw this I was losing my shit even more cause Mackenzie was somewhere in the same room, probably watching the scene too. This is so powerful, wow.
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This is sending me hashaha, in the dubbed versión the guy shouts at her “pinche gringa ratera” (fucking gringa thief or something) and it’s translated to “Go to hell lady” come on hahahaha so I prefer that over the original version, damn it I wish I could have a hybrid version of this cause is gold.
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The heroic CDMX, fuck yessss! I would have loved to see the Popocatepetl. I’d like to think the suavicrema is in the background, so maybe is Chapultepec?. So what is a suavicrema? Could be like a brand of ice cream wafer and that tall building in the background looks like one, lol. Omg, ok I’ll stop.
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Next: we can see doña pelos in here cooking her food. Doña pelos or doña lupe is how we call every lady who sells food in the street, so for practical effects this lady is doña pelos.
Here’s the proof we call them like that:
It translates: “So doña pelos is taking marketing courses” cause she’s using an Adobe logo to promote her food of the day, which is “adobo de cerdo” hahaha
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Let’s move on.
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No, it’s not “do you want your tamal”, it’s “tortita de tamal” aka the famous guajolota, that’s what she’s asking. A guajolota is “a sandwich composed of a tamal placed inside a bolillo or telera, which is a rounder version of a bolillo.” Yes, I got it from Wikipedia, don’t judge. 
Also, a lady selling garnachas (like quesadillas, etc.) AND tamales? That’s new.
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She also sells mangos? Wowowowow that’s versatility. 
And “le robo un manguito” “can I steal a mango?” Dani, you have to pay for that, you can go to jail for like 30 years, I’m serious, remember the meme of the cops?
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Someone said she may be a prostitute and I can’t even…so you can’t dress with whatever you want? But also I’m a little suspicious and she actually may be one depending on what zone is Dani supposed to live. 
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A pink cab! I thought it was a Nissan Tsuru because they always are but this time it’s not. Missed opportunity, production design team. 
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“Let’s put Frida Kahlo to emphasize this is Mexico, what a good idea , why not?” 
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Multifamiliar o vecindad? we're about to find out.
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Why does she have a bike hanging on the wall? Is that a thing? 
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The fruit on the table, the vase, and the squared table cloth, that evoked things in me.
About the music: I mean, it’s okay they put latin music but I am fucking sick to death of this Bomba Estereo song, I fucking hate it. There, I said it.
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147 likes, that’s how excited the guys who think they’re Dj’s or something are when they upload things to soundcloud. 
One thing I don’t understand is: if they live in Mexico City, why are they talking in english now? Did I miss something? 
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Never seen anyone in my life name a dog “Taco”, only “Chilaquil” but that’s another story.
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Arturitooo from la casa de papel! or how I like to call him: el cñor <3 (it means señor but with a c because it sounds the same).
Interestingly, now there are two actors from la casa de papel appearing here hahaha 
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LMFAO that’s a flagrant fucking typo: “tomalito” hahshaha that’s an unforgivable mistake. It’s “tamalito” obviously. 
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Now, what’s up with the serape blanket on the wall? Hahaha we call them sarapes but come on, we’re not like that…well yeah but no… It would have been funny if the serape had a drawing of the last dinner hahaha that would have triggered childhood memories.
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The cñor from la casa de papel is going to the imss for his medical check up. Imss is a horrible public health institution but that’s what we have so…
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Ok, this is GOLD: the serape blanket, a picture of la Virgen de Guadalupe, the couch covered with sheets and ANOTHER serape blanket, the sewing machine hahaha they missed the calendar from the fruit store or the butch shop, damn haha
Did taco survive? I guess not :(
Also when Diego sings: Y’all, you could have saved some good money by picking up another song, I mean, it’s a beautiful song by Juan Gabriel but I heard it was very expensive and now in retrospective you could have saved something in this little simple thing.
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So it’s a vecindad I guess.
And how did they hang the clothes in the middle? :v Can these people fly? That would be a Mexican super power to take advantage of the maximum possible space. 
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  Un viejo encueradooooo, tápese cochino.
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A green bussssss!!! We call them microbuses and the location gives me historical downton vibes because of all the people in the street. 
Oopppp another pink cab, I love it. 
I am the only person on this planet who is excited to see those microbuses in this movie, yes I am. 
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I FINALLY KNOW WHAT THE ROUTE OF THE MICROBUS SAYS! It says "LAGO DE GUADALUPE, E. ZAPATA" WHICH IS INCORRECT HAHAHAHA. Also, the man with the hat hahaha it’s Mexico City not Monterrey.
Lago de Guadalupe is not in Mexico City and “E. Zapata” maybe is the subway station but they’re absolutely not close to each other, well let’s move on. 
 The casa de papel guy aka Dani’s dad is speaking with a heavy spanish accent tbh
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And... Goodbye Mr. casa de papel :(
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They make it look as if everybody works there, it’s not a little town, you know?
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Why the fuck is an employee riding a bike inside the factory? I don’t get it. 
When diego says "chale" hahaha same.
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"Un robot, que chido eh" hahaha chido and it’s subtitled as "it's cool" adjka god help me please.
El señor Sánchez represents me.I mean, there was a little bit of criticism because all the mexicans represented here are white but hey, try looking for someone who looks like a mexican in damn Europe, they did the best they could.
Aaaagain: if they are in Mexico City, why the hell are they talking in english? I’ll never understand.
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Typical police guy distracted with the damn phone, yes we are in Mexico.
That policeman looks like Burt Reylonds (?)
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Wish Grace would’ve arrived in that microbus hahahaha
That microbus is weird, nope I don't know her. 
That microbus has the same route as the previous one but it has something else under “E. Zapata”, like “Tecnologico” or something like that, ooofff maybe it’s Tecnologico de Monterrey hahaha that college is kinda near Lago de Guadalupe so haha ok, let’s keep going. 
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Another distracted cop, my Mexico.
I love how Grace beats cops everywhere, this is an irrelevant scene for this analysis but I just love it so much.
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Back to the factory: "Qué hace aquí tu jefe?" jasjdd "que haces aquí, jefe", the slang is on point here haha
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"Olvidaste tu comida mijo" jasdjkhd
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"Me quieren reemplazar por esa pinche máquina" apparently translates to a "they’re replacing me with that damn machine" jaksdj at least put a “fucking” or something.
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Again that heavy spanish accent with that deep voice, hmmm
I’m going to ignore the Factory fight because there’s no Mexican stuff here.
Well, Diego and Dani keep saying “vámonos” and they don’t fucking leave haha
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“GET IN” and Dani saying "ya güera ya güera" jakdhakjd I love her
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Pink cab is saved from being destroyed by Grace.
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Here comes the policía municipal to spoil everything. 
Ok, my theory is they are in the limits of Mexico City and the metropolitan area aka the state which is also a kinda not very good looking place and omg hahaha I love that.
Here’s when Diego slips an almost inaudible “no mames”, I know I heard it.
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These are our patrols now:
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Noooo the tacos :( this really hurt a lot.
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This is where I think they enter a highway called “circuito exterior mexiquense” that effectively connects the metropolitan area of the state with Mexico City and I LOVE IT. I love everything, do I?
Also some say the Rev-9 is driving a snow plow truck, is it? The only time it has snowed in Mexico City was in 1967, a long time ago.
Everything is screaming “circuito exterior”, yes I’m getting those vibes and I’m here for it.
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Another pink cab is seen. Fun fact: because of its pink and white colors, we call them “hello kittys” and before that they were like wine color and gold so we called them “iron man”.
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“FASTER GO FASTER”  Grace: “shut the fuck up, dummy”  and giving looks that could kill.
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Hahahaha those license plates are so damn old and they say “Chihuahua” and “Guanajuato” ahaha doesn’t make very much sense.
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The car of my friend hahaha
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The truck behaving like my friend’s car.
Here’s where as a mexican citizen who used to drive every day in that highway, I detected some continuity details in the pursuit scene: 
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ROAD SIGN 1: Nextlalpan/Jaltenco haha on the opposite side of the road.
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ROAD SIGN 2: Querétaro/Toluca/Tultitlán on the right side they’re driving
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ROAD SIGN 1 again: first mistake fellas, now the sign is in the lane where they’re driving.
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ROAD SIGN 3: Ecatepec/Texcoco, how do I know? I just do.
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ROAD SIGN 4: This is my fave because in this one there's my shitty town hahaha SALIDA LECHERIA-TEXCOCO AV.JOSE LOPEZ PORTILLO Y COACALCO hahaha
It really looks like the circuit, I drive there a lot of times and Grace was there, destroying everything :')
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ROAD SIGN 4: My fave sign now is on the opposite side, mistake number two.
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Each and every one of the times I went to the theaters to watch this movie, in this scene everyone was like "ohhhh what? omg nooo" 
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ROAD SIGN 4: Mistake number 3, the sign of Lecheria is shown again when the Grace truck had already passed there on the other side of the road.
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ROAD SIGN 2: There's again the sign of Queretaro/ Toluca/Tultitlan when Grace's truck has already driven over there.
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ROAD SIGN 5: Toluca/Lago de Guadalupe, remember? Lago de Guadalupe,  just like the microbus route sign.
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ROAD SIGN 5: Just because I love to see Mackenzie with those signs in the background hahaha
Anyway, the circuito exterior mexiquense is a fucking mess and of course I love it.
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Dani, I wouldn't go to the police either, they’re a bunch of useless idiots and I'm sure they would blame YOU for everything and get you into jail for 40 years.
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Really bitch? RECETA MEDICA AJSDKASDK he's asking her for a prescription lmao her face I can’t...
Also I always wondered how Grace understood the pharmacy guy but now I know that in the version brought up here, this guy was dubbed to spanish while in the original version he spoke english, those little differences and  I’ll never understand why they did it.
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Typical guy filming the mess hahaha 
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"Qué pasa güera" traduced to "what the hell", nice (not actually)
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That looks like a little town but God knows where is it, eww
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Sure, we all have an uncle who is a coyote (no, not true). We call them polleros, not coyotes but whatever.
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"Ojalá ustedes no fueran tan blancas" "I wish you two weren't so white" hasjdaj Love it.
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So they're going to the famous BESTIA (beast), that's the nickname of the train because it's so huge.
I'm laughing hard because in some sites they called this scene "train station scene" hahaha this is everything but a train station haha ffs
Fun fact: I see that train everyday just without migrants, I think they ride the train in other certain places. This is a pic a took of the real bestia:
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LOS HEROES TECAMAC JAJAJAJAJA lmao lmao I can't fucking believe it jasjdkaja the little shitty town close to mine LOVE IT
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Ciudad Valles jaskdja
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Ciudad Victoria.
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China??? wtf now that's just random places.
EDIT: Someone replied to his post and told me it’s a place in Nuevo León and yes it is, CHINA, Nuevo León Mx. close to Ciudad Victoria AND LAREDO. And this means I don’t know my country enough. Gracias @vickysan24​
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Is this supposed to be Guanajuato? when on earth they went to Guanajuato? I need to talk to Sonja Klaus asap
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Mackenzie saying "hola" is one of the best things that could've ever happened to me.
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ahhh the food jasjdja has a lemon in it, I don't know, could be sincronizadas? hahahsha I think it’s eggs and beans with pico de gallo.
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Mastering the skill of grabbing the tortilla like a spoon, nice. She has my seal of approval.
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cartel de Sinaloa... really?! I really don't know what to think about this one...come the fuck on.
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So that's how they cross huh, they keep putting walls but people always will find a way.
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La migra got them:(
I’m going to do a big skip here. The border patrol and the detention center are next and key in the story but I don’t really know how can I bring something new in this analysis, maybe I’ll try later.
Next: When they find Carl.
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For a looong time I really thought those beers were Corona and now it turns out they weren’t, sad day but oh well there are much better beers out there, so... *nail polish emoji*
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Is that... MOLE DE LA COSTEÑA???? JAJAJSJAJD Did you think I wasn’t going to see that?! That’s a great product placement.
And another picture of la Virgen de Guadalupe.
I'm far from being an expert but i'm not sure if we drink beer like that, with the lemon in the bottle.
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Another beer?  Yes, thank you.
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Even Grace is not sure if beer is drank in that way.
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But beer with lemon and salt is everything, I admit it.
Ok, fast forward, no mexican things until the very end;
"Mataste todo lo que quería cabron" jsadkhdjha what a delight! and it’s been translated to "you took everything I had, bastard" lmao yeah, right. Sounds better in spanish, obviously.
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Yes people, only a mexican can throw herself to a Terminator and fight with it with her own bare hands.
And to finish this deep analysis, I want to point the great originality (sarcasm on) they had with some character names: Diego Boneta is Diego, Alicia Borrachero aka Carl’s “wife” is called Alicia and at some point the Rev-9 is called Gabriel, like hmm ok, I remember Diego Boneta’s character was rumored to be named Miguel but yeah it was just a rumor. Ohhh and the lady selling tamales her real life name is yes, you guessed it: Mona.
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If you’re reading this, I want to thank you for getting this far, for taking your time and I hope this “little analysis” helped you to understand some things better about the movie that maybe you’ve missed in your viewings or to discover new things about Mexico. Did I miss something? Let me know what you think.
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whyiask · 4 years
3,5,12,14,15,16(wouldn't surprise me if you were psychic),52, 55,100 (sorry for choosing a lot but I'm just gonna take advantage of this opportunity lol)
3. When is your birthday? September 1st
5. What's your favorite color? Hmm, either light purple, light blue, or forest green
12. What was your last dream about? Well, it was Not Fun. It honestly felt directly out of the plot of an angsty fanfic, so I'm not gonna go into details 😭
14. Are you psychic in any way? Well haha funny story. Me and my friends have a running joke that I can be summoned by typing my name in the group chat. Because every time someone typed my name, is right when I logged on. I just kind of feel the need to pick up my phone occasionally and most of those times was right when someone typed my name.
15. Favorite song? AHHHH WHAT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOOOOSE!!!?? ToT at the moment, I don't know. Ghost of You by 5sos has been stuck in my head for the past few days. Also I've been playing Little Miss Perfect on loop for the past couple of weeks. If I Could Tell Her and A Guy that I Kinda Be Into from Dear Evan Hansen and Be More Chill as well.
16. Favorite movie? Ahh all these hard questions!! Maybe the LotR movies or the Tom Holland spiderman movies. I also really love Knives Out and all marvel movies.
52. Favorite food? Hmmm I don't know, maybe jasmine rice, salmon, roasted potatoes, or quesadillas. Idk I eat pretty boring food most of the time (screw you, food allergies)
55. Most used phrase? Oh hahahah it's actually really dumb. I say 'lol, noob' ironically SOOO much it's insane. I also have gotten into the habit of saying "you know I do!" or "you know I am!" whenever I'm talking about something that I absolutely do not do or something that I absolutely am not.
100. Color of your room? It's actually really pretty! Like a light blue with white fading in and out- it's very hard to describe but it's like a sky with thin clouds.
Thanks for the ask ❤️❤️❤️
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harvestleaves · 4 years
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A/N: This fic is for @proceduralpassion for the Chicago Med Secret Santa.  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy it!  I also posted it on AO3 here, so if you’ve got an account on there let me know and I’ll make sure to gift it to you there as well. 🥰
Prompt: Ava and Sarah go camping for their first anniversary with this quote: “I love camping but you hate camping, so let’s spend a night together in a tent in the middle of a forest.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,452
Ava smiled as she laid in bed with Sarah, carding her fingers gently through the younger woman's curls as they cuddled, the morning sun slowly peeking through the blinds as she smiled down at her wife. She still wasn't sick of those words, even though it was almost a full year of marriage for the two of them. Eyes widening at the reminder that their first wedding anniversary was coming up in a month, Ava realized that the two of them hadn't discussed what they wanted to do for the special date.
"So, our anniversary is coming up love. Did you have anything in mind that you would like to do?" Ava asked curiously with a raised eyebrow and a smile to her wife.
"Hmmm, do you want to stay in the city? Or we could get away for the weekend, maybe head up to the mountains?" Sarah suggested shyly as she tilted her chin up to kiss Ava softly, resting her left hand on the other woman's hip.
"I would usually say a getaway, but something in your voice tells me that you don't want to rent out a cabin and spend a weekend cuddled up in front of a nice fire."
"Well, you're half-right. I do want to cuddle with you in front of a fire, but I was thinking we ditch the cabin and maybe use a tent. And share a sleeping bag?" Sarah offered with a blush as she turned her head away from Ava, embarrassment evident on her face as she suggested camping to her wife.
"So, let me get this straight, you want to go camping for our first anniversary?" Ava asked curiously, a smirk appearing on her lips as she moved Sarah's cheek to turn her face towards her.
"I know it sounds idiotic.  I love camping, but you hate camping, so let's spend a night together in a tent in the middle of a forest.  Sorry I even suggested it."
"Love, I don't necessarily hate camping. To be honest, I've never actually gone real camping. Let's go. You can show me why you love it so much. You know I love to do whatever it is you love to do. So, let's go camping," Ava smiled as she pressed another soft kiss to Sarah's lips.
"You really would go camping? For me?" Sarah asked softly as she kissed Ava back, her heart fluttering at how thoughtful Ava was being.
"Of course, I would go camping for you. It's something you love to do, so I'm sure I'm going to love it too."
"You are absolutely amazing. We're gonna have a blast! I'll go to the store and get all the things we need. Because we're gonna definitely need some new camping supplies," Sarah beamed, practically bouncing in her spot in bed.
"Alright, honey. Now, let's get up and get showered for work. We both need to put in for a weekend next month."
One month later, Sarah found herself loading the first half of the camping supplied into her small car as she waited for Ava to finishing briefing Connor over the phone about her patients.
"Sorry about that love, are we all set to go?" Ava asked as she helped Sarah with the last of the equipment. Initially, she had thought that Sarah was packing too much, knowing how overly cautious the other woman could be. But when she remembered that they were driving about an hour outside of Chicago, Ava realized that she hadn't known how much work and planning actually went into planning a camping trip.
"No worries. Yup, we're all set! Is Dr. Rhodes ready to handle your list of patients on top of his own?" Sarah asked in amusement as she closed the trunk of the car. Turning to Ava, she pressed a soft kiss to her wife's lips before she slowly pulled back with a smile.
"Yeah, I think Connor can handle it. He also said to have an excellent Anniversary trip and to please call him Connor already," Ava giggled as she returned the kiss. Sarah's excitement had been contagious the last few days, and she was rather excited to spend the night in the wilderness, despite her initial concern over the thought of spending the night in a tent.
Sarah laughed at Connor's request and shook her head with a blush of embarrassment. "I don't know why he continues to ask that of me. He knows I still consider him more like a mentor."
"I know that sweetie, but he considers you a little sister, so maybe just try? Anyways, we should probably get on the road, I can't wait to see the lake you said our campsite is near."
"You're going to absolutely love it! But remember, we have to keep our campsite clean; otherwise, a bear could come," Sarah reminded her as she slid into the driver's seat to get on the road.
"Really, bears? Do they really get that close to campsites with large amounts of people?" Ava asked curiously as they started the drive outside of Chicago.
"Not usually, but I made sure to rent a site a bit farther away from where the crowds normally are, so there might be a bear. They're pretty harmless as long as you leave them alone, though," Sarah shrugged, pulling onto the highway as she shot a grin to Ava when she noticed her wife's bewildered look. "Kidding. Just relax, we'll be there in a half-hour."
"Fine, but if we see a bear, you owe me a spa trip."
Fifty minutes later, Ava found herself looking at the tent Sarah'd had her set up and she tilted her head once she'd taken a few steps back to assess her work.
"Are you sure this is correct? It doesn't look like a very secure structure."
Sarah looked up from the pile of wood she had gathered to create a bonfire and nodded encouragingly, her eyes lighting up as she arranged the wood before lighting it so they could start cooking their dinner.
"It looks perfect! Now, let's grab the food and start preparing it while we wait for the fire to burn a little more."
Ava nodded as she grabbed the food, setting it down on the picnic table so they could make chicken quesadillas before she wrapped her arms around Sarah to look out at the sunset and the lake with a smile.
"It's so beautiful up here. I can understand why you like camping so much. Everything is so peaceful," Ava hummed, setting her chin onto Sarah's shoulder before pressing a soft kiss to her neck. "What do you say we wait to cook for a few more minutes and break in the tent? The chicken is pre-cooked, so it'll be fine for ten minutes."
"Mmmm, sure. What could possibly happen in ten minutes?" Sarah whispered as she pulled Ava towards the tent and onto their two-person sleeping bag for a makeout session.
As it turns out, a lot can happen in ten minutes, but the one thing Ava was focused on when she unzipped the tent to start preparing their food was the eight-foot-tall grizzly bear next to the picnic table going to town on the chicken they had mistakenly left out.
"Shit. Nope, not dealing with that," Ava stated firmly as she zipped the tent back up and turned towards Sarah with wide eyes.
"Babe? What'd you see?" Sarah asked in both confusion and amusement as she nudged past Ava to open the tent as well, curious to see what had spooked her wife. Spotting the bear, Sarah brought a hand up to her mouth to cover her giggles as she took out her phone to snap a picture of the scene before she zipped the tent back up and turned to Ava to show her the photo. "Look at him! Isn't he so cute!! Oh, c'mon, babe. You've got to admit that this is hilarious." Sarah grinned at Ava as she saved the photo before she leaned in for a kiss, stopping when the other woman's hand was suddenly in front of her face.
"This is not funny! How was I supposed to know that the bear was going to be there that fast?! You owe me a spa trip," Ava pouted as she dropped her hand, crossing her arms over her chest, looking at her wife miserably.
"You couldn't possibly have known sweetheart. Don't worry, I'll book the appointments when we get back to the city. Now, let's waste some more time while we wait for that bear to leave, hmmm?" Sarah suggested with a sly grin as she set her phone to the side to resume kissing her wife.
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lafiametta · 5 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions, tag 10 blogs & post it as a text post.
I was tagged by both @plaidmax and @arcticelves. Yay, and thank you! 
1. Nickname: LJ (just my initials, nothing too fancy)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Sagittarius, but was only a half-hour away from being a Capricorn and I’m much more Capricorn-ish
4. Height: 5′2″
5. Time: 9:42pm
6. Birthday: December 20
7. Fave bands: Radiohead, Shearwater, Interpol, Belle & Sebastian, M83
8. Fave solo artists: Bon Iver, Hozier, Lorde
9. Song stuck in your head: Jawbreaker, “Accident Prone”
10. Last movie watched: Persuasion
11. Last show watched: You’re the Worst
12. When did I create my blog: Summer 2015
13. What do I post: Weird arty photos. Pretentious quotes. Fandom-related randomness. Occasional fic or moodboard. 
14. Last thing I googled: “capital weather gang” (there was snow tonight)
15. Do you have any blogs: Just this one. Probably why it’s such a hodgepodge. 
16. Do you get asks: Occasionally, and I always appreciate it when I do! 
17. Why did you choose your url: It’s my name on fanfiction.net and AO3, and I though it would be better to keep it simple by going with the same one. (The original inspiration came from Boccaccio’s Elegy of Lady Fiammetta, but I thought it looked better with only one ‘m’!)
18. Following blogs: 266
19. Followers: 779
20. Favorite color: Red
21. Average hours of sleep: 7-ish
22. Piercings: Just in my ears
23. Instruments: None. I possess absolutely no musical ability. 
24. What I’m wearing: It is after 9pm, so I am in my pajamas, mf’ers!
25. How many blankets do you sleep with: Normally one, but two if it’s really chilly
26. Dream Job: Rare books librarian. Although the job I have now is pretty dreamy, I have to say. 
27. Dream trip: Edinburgh. Or maybe Mexico City. 
28. Fave food: Hmmm, a tie between pork ribs and quesadillas
29. Nationality: US of A
30. Current fave song: Haux, “Caves”
I tag @lonecrone, @kiraling88, @puella-peanut, @willowbilly, @franklins-leg, @prematurecannibalism, @hegodamask, @uska-jules, @lainey, @apulseinthepages, but no pressure!
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kittyboo8015 · 6 years
Are you ready 4 M-m-m-m-mexican Monday?!?!
Hello! Is that like a sad rip off on Taco Tuesday ?? Hmmm I don’t know if I can get as excited Nonnie but maybe if there are quesadillas?? Are there quesadillas?? 🤣🤣🤣
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
Time to post.
Thursday, June 25th of 2020.
I made a video about how I feel men need to speak up.
And now Jedi is trying to say he feels like he doesn't have a place on the subject....
I really don't wanna say "men are the weakest links", so I will say "He's being a clear example on the type of man I was talking about, and just needs to open his mindset some". Fucks sake.
Anyway, good morning yall.
I went to bed somewhere between 1am to 2am. Face down, PornHub blasting...... Oh well. I fell asleep watching some couple in Brazil getting piped to smithereens. I miss thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
Woke up at 5:50am. I loathe that my mind manually woke me up at that time, for seemingly no reason..... But, I do love that time of morning. The sky is always a beautiful ass dark blue tint, and everything else is made of mainly shadows.
.....Makes me long for winter. I hate winter these days, due to having to cover up nonstop, being sweaty AND cold, being broke is worse when your socks are soaked and at risk of mold, your home is a wreck, and the holidays are the most emotional season............. (Three shitty christmases in a row, how amazing. Last christmas was lovely, outside of my ungrateful ass ex....)
Gosh. :/
It's summer. Sun is shining.
Just trying to feel more optimistic.
Hmmm, some life updates:
A guy paid me 60 dollars to buy Animal Crossing.... I don't have a Switch, though. Debating what to use the cash for......... but just happy to have it. Use it for spiritual oils? Laundry? Some sexy clothes that will make me feel like an angelic Studio Ghibli character? Maybe. More money = more problems.
I keep procrastinating on making an Amazon wishlist. And eating. And working. And creating.
My period is stopping early these days. Apparently my eating disorder makes it impossible to leak blood for myself........ huh. Well.....
Met a guy. He's sweet. He talked to me around the time my suicide attempt happened. Sweet enough dude. But, eh. We talked for two to three nights in a row I think. Mainly about high school, shitty ass exes, and more. He's also a virgin, aaaaaand with my liberated and happy to overshare ass, I've been teaching him about consent, foreplay, and good shit. He's realizing his actual serious relationship was more of a "this girl is manipulative and just using me as a fucktoy" sort of relationship ...... The poor guy. Also, why do women not liking reciprocating orally? Maybe I'm just gifted with a barely there gag reflex, (dont mention any of the times ive puked, shut up,) but why not date someone you wouldn't want to suck the absolute soul out of?
Also, shoutout to my 2nd ex, who when talking mad shit over text like "I'm gone fuck the SHIT out of you ON SIGHT you taking this dick, I'm gonna suck the soul out your clit and eat that pussy for hours" coughcoughfuckingbullshit, who then in person, not only who was the "licked it twice and asks are you wet yet" type, (why did i expect the type of nigga that eats one single cheese quesadilla a day and refuses to expand his tastebuds, to be anything but a fucking picky eater?) but when actually told about foreplay and whatnot..... legit just decided... not to do it.
It's one thing to be like "I'm not sure how to do that, can you show me?", and something entirely different to be like "I'm not in the mood to do that".
Cue me literally sitting next to him naked, and he's fully clothed, not making a single move whatsoever to even kiss my neck, or lick a titty, or whatever....... and wondering why sex didn't happen.
Some people can simply receive all the answers and still not do jack shit. They can die alone.
And I hope my ex does too, seeing how fucking shitty he was.
That bus needs to kill my ex, as soon as possible.
Also, I am not quite yet suicidal. I am just at the point of "life is fucking devoid of meaning".
I hate lots of things.
I'm gonna go look at porn; or something.
Alright, peace.
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infinityknight25 · 7 years
Deadpool awoke in a fancy upscale hotel room. He could hear children laughing and playing outside his door. He opened the door to see two young girls around seven or eight with curly blonde hair playing with red jump ropes.
The girls were doing a cadence song while jumping in a synchronized fashion. “One. Two….” Deadpool cut the girls off with excitement in his voice. “Wait!!! Am I in the Shining?!“ Deadpool pulled a shiny red tricycle from his hotel room and took off down the hall. “Later girls!!!” Deadpool said as he rounded a corner. Meanwhile the girls were still jumping rope and singing. “One. Two. Freddy’ s coming for you.”
Once around the corner the scenery began to change to a boiler room.“Hmmm. What kind of hotel puts a boiler room on the same floor as fancy rooms?” Deadpool heard what sounded like a blade being drug across metal from behind him. He stopped his red trike and slowly turned around. “Hmmmm….. makes this even more strange.” Meanwhile coming from the direction Deadpool was once facing, a shadow began to creep up. Suddenly crawling out of the shadow like it was a deep bottomless hole was a man so incredibly burnt head to toe. His red and green stripped sweater was dirty and torn. His head topped with a battered black fedora. On his right hand a brown homemade leather glove fashioned with sharp shiny razor blades. It was Freddy Krueger. Deadpool turned around to see him standing in front of him. “Ahhh poorly dressed California raisin!!!”
“Time to die!!!” Krueger said as he plunged his knives deep in to the chest of Deadpool. “Eeee!!! Oooooohhhh!!!! No……..Bueno” Deadpool said as he crumbled to his knees looking up at his attacker. Then Deadpool saw nothing but black.
“Time to string this prey up and dress it.” Krueger said as he grabbed Deadpool by his feet. Freddy drug him to a walkway in the boiler room and began to hang Deadpool upside down over his head. Suddenly Deadpool started breathing again. Deadpool started to look around. “Ahhh it’s you!!!” He said in an alarmed tone. Freddy Krueger was even more alarmed. “You were supposed to die in your dream!!!” Krueger then realized he had said too much. Deadpool untied his feet and fell to the floor. Quickly picking himself up he questioned Krueger. “Dream? You mean like I can be whatever I want here?” Krueger stood there in complete silent shock. “That means I can be anything!!! I can be….. The Burrito Supreme!” Instantly a cloak appeared that resembled Doctor Strange’s Cloak of Levitation. A gold necklace of a burrito showed up on Deadpool’s neck. It was the eye of the burrito. “But wait there’s more!” Deadpool said in a Billy Mays voice. Deadpool began chanting a spell. “The number 10 of the bell is the strength of the spell. A cheese quesadilla from Red burrito and add some flamin hot Cheetos!” An extremely confused Krueger asked “What ARE you doing?” A giant taco bell fire sauce packet appeared in the hands of Deadpool. It was as tall as Freddy, and twice as wide. “Pool steps up to the tee. He’s two strokes behind Patty Sheehan, who earlier in the day walloped Pool in an arm wrestling contest at the club house.“ He said in the hushed voice of a golf commentator.
Freddy still baffled by what was going on stood still. “Fore!!!” Deadpool said swinging the giant fire sauce packet like a golf club. Sending Krueger and hot sauce flying everywhere.
Deadpool’s eyes opened slowly and he was back in dumpy New York apartment. He sat up with eyes still very narrow. “Hmm what an odd dream.” He said out loud as he began to rub his eye. “Eeeeeeyyyaahhh!” Deadpool looked down at his disfigured hand. “Hot sauce? When you golf in your dreams you golf for real.” Deadpool sat up in his bed, his legs still under the covers. He was thinking. “Maybe I should go talk to Doctor Strange. He’s into all this dreamy weird magic schtuff.” Deadpool said getting out of bed and putting his red and black costume on. “I’ll stroll over there and tell him what’s up. Maybe he has an answer or two.” Deadpool headed out the door toward the wet, rainy street. Whistling one two Freddy’s coming for you. Back in the dream realm Freddy Krueger was talking with a shadowy figure. “You said nothing about his ability to come back to life!” Krueger said in frustration. “A mere test as it were. Besides now you know and are more ready for your next part of the plan.” The voice said as his figure was completely enveloped in shadow. “So what now?” Krueger asked. “You wait while some of our other friends join in on the fun.”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] Brain
Sorta explicit....
The building was empty as the night wore down, students trickling out for the last few hours leaving the few remaining staff alone in the darkening building. Glancing at his clock Daniel realized it was about time to lock up. “If I’m late leaving again I swear.” mumbling to himself as he pushed himself to his feet and straightened himself after sitting for the last few hours. He grabbed the keys from the drawer to his left, “Damn doctors always losing themselves in their books, and I’m gonna be the one to catch hell for it.” His coworkers were always annoyed at how he would lose track of the time, allowing the students to stay over, and letting them get used to having that extra 10 or 15 minutes of time to get themselves out. Oh well, he had nowhere to be tonight, he’d get them out as soon as he could while being patient.
That was a weakness he had been told he had, he could be to patient with people. Letting them take their time. How much or a weakness really is that though? There’s plenty of worse things to be known for, at least his odder habits weren't on the surface for the rest to see, then they'd have a problem.
Daniel groaned as he stretched, joints cracking and popping as he twisted the stiffness from his back. “Man, I’m getting to old for this.” he thought as he smirked to himself, as he pushed in his chair to go and straighten up the library, it was 11:32. He was late again, “oh well, at least no one’s back here to kick out this time.”
Whistling to himself he took to his habit of pushing in the chairs that were left out, and collecting the books that had been left stacked on the desks through the course of the day. Today’s load was light. He powered on the screen to his station and entered his information, a soft beeping was soon heard in the quiet library. No din of people to drown it out at this time of night. He replaced each text to its rightful home on the shelf and zipped his back up turning to vacate the house of knowledge, with one last look back, he flicked out the last remaining lights in the room, and kicked out the stopper. Whistling to himself in the dark halls he strolled through the corridors of the fourth floor, which at this point was only occupied by himself, hell the cleaning crews probably had already went home by this point.
Slipping on a pair of leather gloves, he pulled out a small black leather pouch and flipped it open.
They never stayed much past 10, he was almost always the last one out these days, the security being a joke. They left at 11, he never understood that, his boss had lobbied for them to be put in his building to “keep them safe late as they left after closing.” Bullshit. They were a joke.
He selected his favourite hook, and tension wrench and came to a stop in front of an unmarked door.
“I really need something to eat. Hmmm chicken sounds nice, maybe some barbecue, or a nice quesadilla. Yeahhhh, that’d hit the spot.” Daniel thought to himself.
Inserting the pick and the wrench into the lock, feeling around while keeping pressure on the mechanism he easily felt the click as each of the four pins slid up into place at his bidding.
“Cheese. I really want some cheese too. Chicken and cheese. Quesadilla it is, damn I love quesadilla sauce.”
Turning the handle and stepping into the room the lights came on. Letting the door fall closed behind him. Moving to the shelves he began looking through the vials.
“What do we want today?”
A rattle as he reached through the lot for one in particular. Printed in precise lettering read LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE for experimental medical use only.
“Dissolved in an alcohol. That works, just gonna have to dose it right.”
Slipping one of the small vials into his jean pocket, shifting to another shelf he ran his eyes across the labels as he muttered to himself.
“Fuck what was the listing? Ahh there you are.”
Grabbing another small vial from the shelf, again slipping it into his jeans pocket.
“That should be plenty for this time.” He thought to himself contentedly.
He could always make another run. He had overheard the last time he had gotten greedy the faculty talking about how the last shipment of supplies was low. No one expected he was listening, much less was the one behind the seemingly random shortages.
“Might have to wait a bit before I come again, I can probably spare one more small treat”
Scanning the shelves he searched for what would be missed the least. The rows of chemicals and samples around him being an almost limitless vault.
“Maybe some white phosphorus?”
That was always a harder substance to get ahold of due to the way its refining process. He quickly turned again scanning the shelf, locating 5 small plastic containers he palmed one.
“Perfect. Odd numbers are always easier for people to excuse away to the manufacture thinking the order was even.”
People always loved even numbers. Two, four, six, they were simple, easy to remember easy to divide.
Closing the door behind him he slipped out of storage. Letting the door swing shut and relock behind him. Tugging off the gloves and placing them into his pack, he slung the strap over his shoulder and headed towards the stairs exit. Glancing at his phone as he went.
“11:45, not bad. Damn med students, never getting out of here in time.”
Smiling knowingly to himself he began to whistle to himself as he descended the stairs to his own discordant tune.
Stepping into the night he swung into his van, turned over the engine, and pulled out. His packages still tucked safely into his pockets.
(a friend and I have been practicing a lot of stream of consciousness writing in a collection of works we are putting together, this is an excerpt)
submitted by /u/OgN8rf8r [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Lpc5MN
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happy2bmyownboss · 6 years
Ahhhh… it’s Wednesday, hump day, and we are halfway through a whole week of working in our kitchen here. (I started writing this yesterday.) Today was a tough day for us here with cranky kiddos and many, many interruptions. Jacob was really excited to get started this morning.
Our focus today was on our pantry cabinets. We have three tall cabinets that we use for pantry storage… two are dedicated to food items and the other one is for small appliances and such. They were fairly organized but some of the items were hard to access. So we decided to work on that.
We started by taking everything out of one section at a time.
Then wiping it out and replacing the old bay leaves with new ones to help prevent pantry moths. I hate those little buggers.
After completing one section we moved to the next.
The younger kids were very helpful with taking out everything, wiping down the items, and wiping out the shelves. They were very interested in what surprises might be hiding. I did throw out a few things and emptied some of the individual snacks into one basket
We made a list of the items we are overstocked on, like flour and grits?, so we can plan to use them during our pantry challenge next week. We were also able to get rid of one big container by simply filling our syrup bottle.
Joey was more interested in saving some boxes for his ‘projects’ though.
He has a very active imagination. This is one of his pieces of recycled art:
This job wouldn’t have been too long if I hadn’t kept getting sidetracked. I somehow decided that I needed to clean out the rolling cart which led to me putting in a shelf liner too.
Then I decided to rearrange a couple of the cabinets to make them easier to get too. That took way longer than I expected but I am very happy with the results.
When we finished with the foods we moved on to the appliance cabinet. As you can see it wasn’t working well as part of the food processor was in one cabinet with the other parts were down below.
I got sidetracked with this project and decided to rearrange another shelf too. I figured why not make room for all of the small appliances in the one cabinet?
I haven’t been happy with this shelf but I am liking it much better now. I also purged a few cook books while reorganizing this area. I’m still not sure if I’m completely satisfied with the way this shelf is set up but it is much better than it was. I do like having the cookbooks within reach. We still need to clean out the area beside it though… maybe tomorrow?
Then reorganizing this area led me to moving a couple of things to under the sink. (I had cleaned this out when we organized the bathroom last month.) Plastic bags had somehow taken over the cabinet so when I found the bag holder I put the boys to work.
Then back to the appliance cabinet… we were able to move the mixing bowls to an upper cabinet along with the measuring cups. This may also store a couple of other items later on this week.
Now the girls have no excuse for not putting away these items. I was worn out but we still needed to go grocery shopping.
After tidying up the kitchen and clipping a few coupons we headed off to town. This was quite the adventure today but we survived! We had three stops and I was ready to be headed home before we finished at Walmart. (Yes that is an affiliate link just for you… I may have another one or two listed later on in this post as well.)
The kids were happy to get a cookie from the Walmart bakery… funny how such a simple thing can bring a big smile to a child’s face.
We picked up a couple of things for the kitchen while shopping. The kids helped me pick out some new potholders and a couple of kitchen towels. I also picked up a shelf for one of the cabinets. We tried to find a valance for the window with no luck. I think I have some fabric stuck in a drawer that might work.
Maybe once we get this house in order I’ll finally be able to catch up on a few sewing projects as I have been having many requests for dresses and skirts. I have also bought a bunch of patterns from eBay recently and I am excited to make some outfits for the family.
Putting away groceries was quite easy as it was so much more organized. Here are the final results.
I know the top shelf looks a bit cluttered. I try to keep the flour and cornmeal in containers but my containers are not very space saving at all. I also appear to have taken stock in the flour company. That yellow pitcher is for making funnel cakes and I jut haven’t figured out where else to put it yet.
The next shelf is the baking supplies and mixes. (I used a couple of under the shelf baskets to hold the smaller items. Down below are the snacks and bottled juices. The green basket has a variety of individual snacks the kids can choose from.
We don’t normally have that many Oreos but there was a great BOGO sale (I had coupons too!) and who doesn’t love Oreos with a tall glass of cold milk? Hmmm… I might just need to have a couple when I finish this draft. (I never did make it back to the kitchen for that snack last night.)
The bottom shelf is our breakfast items. I have an over abundance of grits and oatmeal down there, not quite sure how that happened. We may be incorporating some oatmeal or no bake cookies into our menu for next week.
We moved the canned goods to the top shelf where the breakfast items were so that they are more visible and accessible. I really need to head to Sam’s Club soon to restock on some of our staples.
Then the next shelf holds the necessary ingredients for my kids’ favorite sandwich (PB & J). Plus the canned fruits and such.
Next comes the pastas, sauces, and grains. The condiments are kind of split up between shelves but that may change later on.
Last but not least are the ‘extras’ and some of the bulk items. Most everything is within the kids’ reach for them to get when it’s their turn to be kitchen helpers.
Then we have the appliance cabinet. The new shelf on top gives a little extra room in this cabinet. I am so glad to have the measuring cups within reach now. They were way up in this empty space here where I had stand on tippy toes to reach.
Then we have a basket with some of the smaller things like my pink hand mixer that I love and the electric can opener that I hardly ever use. Beside that is our four slot toaster that I’ve had forever.  I did throw a couple bags of chips in here as I didn’t have any other place for them.
The food processor has a new home with all of its parts. That basket holds all of the attachments for the stand mixer and for the food processor.
The very bottom shelf holds the appliances we use less frequently like the waffle iron, pizzelle maker, air popper, and the quesadilla maker. I have had a lot of these appliances for years as well.
I debated on whether or not to keep the popcorn popper and decided that we would. We just need to remember it is there. I have many fond memories of popping corn with my mom-mom and I know my kids enjoy watching it pop too.
While dinner was in the oven I rearranged the tops of my wall cabinets and hung a small shelf over the window. I’ll post a picture soon, hopefully after I cleaned the cobwebs down… lol.
We will definitely be cleaning up the tops of the pantry cabinets tomorrow as well as polishing the cabinet doors and cleaning up the appliances that are stored on top. I may hold off on the doors until I finish the other cabinets though. That may be our final kitchen mission for Friday.
We are definitely on the home stretch now, at least in the kitchen, and I am feeling very optimistic about tackling the rest of the house. I guess this may be a late version of Spring cleaning but it’s better late than never, right?
We did not get around to working in the garden today but I’m sure we will be able to make some time for that tomorrow. I must say that I’m proud of the kiddos as we have been keeping up with our daily routines and chores while working on these missions. They have been happy little helpers too for the most part.
If you haven’t been following along or if you just walked into our kitchen you probably wouldn’t have a clue how much work we have accomplished. It doesn’t look a whole lot different until you start opening cabinets or actually working in the kitchen.
The ‘flow’ is definitely improving which will help with a lot of my frustrations when I’m trying to cook. A couple of more areas to tackle and we’ll have a wonderfully improved kitchen just in time for Mother’s Day!
What plans do you have for the weekend? I think it’s been hinted that we might go fishing… I’ve got a new pink fishing pole and a pink tackle box so I’m ready to go!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Kitchen Kleaning Wednesday Mission: Pantry Ahhhh... it's Wednesday, hump day, and we are halfway through a whole week of working in our kitchen here.
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yohandere · 6 years
spencerhastings replied to your post “hmmm cant decide what to do for dinner tonight! all ive got is mac and...”
nice idea maybe ill go pick up some cheese and refried beans and hot sus..
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amaxing-daes · 6 years
What's your favourite food to eat when you're treating yourself ? I'm gross so I have curry and chips (Also yes I call potato fries chips) ~ xingmi Valentine
Oooh but curry chips are the best! For real I love getting curry with my chips when I get fish and chips you GET IT! Hmmm if I’m treating myself it’s for sure either pizza (a classic) or maybe a Quesadilla/Taco? Where are you from by the way? ☺️
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