#maybe it was a big weird fucked up wolf did you ever think of that?
rhysintherain · 10 months
My favorite kind of historians are the ones who say "oh, they can't be blamed for not knowing this sort of thing had happened before in other parts of the country. They were illiterate and isolated, so we shouldn't be surprised when they explained things through magic and superstition."
And then, when asked how we know what happened, goes "we know because it was all written down."
Yeah? By who? The superstitious illiterates?
This was less than 500 years ago. The things he's talking about were reported in newspapers.
And this guy's trying to tell us that all the locals knew about wildlife and predator behavior came from folklore and superstition? Get bent.
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butchsophiewalten · 8 months
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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n7punk · 4 months
i know this is a long shot because i remember little and i'm pretty sure i've asked before and no one knew what book i was talking about but does anyone know a book that:
came out 10+ years ago
aimed at SOMEWHERE in the 8-15yo range (i realize this is a big range, but i don't remember when i read it, just that it was in the childrens section).
is a werewolf book but there's very little werewolf in it (do you know how hard it is to find a specific, non-popular childrens/pre-teen barely-werewolf book. google does not like it)
the setting is vaguely medieval/generic fantasy although i dont remember there being much fantasy outside of werewolves. maybe some alchemy? i really dont think magic obviously existed for much of the story
the main character is a girl (Also in the 8-15 range i would guess) who is living with a family that isn't her exact birth family (stepmom, grandparents, orphan taken in, i dont remember but it was something like that) and it isn't Great but mostly because they're poor and she's the weak link i think
for some reason she gets taken to a quarry and i remember it being her family's fault. like they didn't protect her from the working draft, did it to pay off their debts, etc. she's forced to work but makes friends with the other workers and i think she ends up seeming unusual in some way (strength to work when grown men cant, healing and recovering, etc. a plague sweeps through and she's fine and it's suspicious) there.
somehow she ends going from there to the palace. i remember her having some tie with the royal family but i think she also might have just befriended their daughter or something.
she was on the run either on the way to the palace or afterwards. she hid in a barn or under a trapdoor or something
here's the distinct part: that book ends with her in the woods, discovering she's a werewolf with the help of other wolf(ves). she has an injury at the base of her neck where the hair has grown back pure white (a sign of werewolfism???)
i feel like it was setting up for a sequel but have no idea if that ever happened. a few Extremely sparse details of this book have been burned in the back of my mind for like fifteen years and i have no clue what the fuck it was. any parts of this could be incorrect/missing because ive remembered this so many times off and on over the years that idk what parts are real or my brain filling in the gaps. i might be combining two books honestly but i dont think i am.
like i feel like her birth parent(s) (maybe just one) were wolves in the woods that she didnt know were werewolves, she started showing signs of being supernatural in the quarry, someone (rasputin-ish) kind of recognized that in her and had her brought to the palace to more carefully study (unbeknownst to her, to a certain degree), she became really good friends with a noble lady there her age, discovered her family might have ties to the royal one, but was still essentially a prisoner. one night she tried to sneak out and the princess(?) caught her but then ended up covering her ass so she could climb the wall and went on the run. she hid in a barn at one point, was discovered by a family and hid from the same kind of patrol that took her to the quarry. somehow she ended up injured, limping into the woods, where she discovered she was a werewolf. and then the book ended. but that sounds so inexplicable i feel like half of it has to be wrong! so i really want to find this book again but i cant figure out what to even google to find this weird fucking story again and i would feel like a lunatic going back to my childhood library 15 years later or whatever and trying to describe this fever dream to them.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
what companions would be furries (+ what kind of animal they'd be)
Cait; Incredible trauma. Substance abuse. Questionable employment. This woman already is a furry in canon, Todd just didn't think it relevant to bring up. Not quite hardcore, but not a casual either. She has art and goes to conventions, but she's not getting a suit. There are a lot of good choices for a fursona, but I'm leaning towards a wolverine. They're small and they're fucking terrifying. Those bitches kill bears. They weigh about 30 lbs, give or take. Y'know what else is 30 lbs, give or take? A COCKER SPANIEL. Huge Cait energy.
Codsworth; Would not be a furry, but would find it endearing. Y'know, the same reaction an adult has as a child talks about their wolf roleplay during recess? "I am very confused but at least you have friends and fun, tell me more!" Robot Codsworth's fursona is an octopus, and a synth/human Codsy is a bird. Like...maybe an owl, or something similarly rounded/soft in shape. Think Owl from Winnie the Pooh.
Curie; She's a furry, not a Furry. She's not going to any conventions, and probably isn't drawing her fursona or commissioning art. Its likely she uses it to, like, educate children, like as a mascot for her clinic or something. Same situation as Codsy, two fursonas for her two different bodies. The synth body, that there is a mouse. Cute and very important to scientific discoveries, despite being often disregarded and more often, abused in the field. The Ms. Nanny bot fursona is a blue-ringed octopus, specifically.
Danse; Not a furry. Would find it very strange if it was explained to him, and would assume it was something kids do. Would be visibly disturbed if explained that, no, this is actually more of a teen-to-adult space. If he looks it up later and finds Certain Things, you will be receiving the bill for his next anti-depressants. However, entirely possible he is a closeted furry and has yet to realize this about himself. I'm leaning toward a bull? Bull-headed, obviously, but also, down to earth, reliable, et cetera...it fits his character.
Deacon; KING OF THE FURRIES. Has multiple fursuits, all homemade. Commissions every artist he can find, every Twitter furry artist has him on their waitlist. Does not half-ass his furriness. This man is the furry you only hear about, the one with all the art and custom costumes and all the money to throw at his hobby. His fursonas are plentiful and ever changing, but his favorite one? A chameleon, with holographic, reflective, ever-changing scales.
Gage; would not be a furry. Well aware of what it is due to exposure to Mason. Wouldn't have been into it even if his introduction wasn't him and his crew. He gets the idea, it's just that the idea is weird as fuck. He's a grown man and he has people to scam and/or murder. Obviously, Gage would be an iguana. They have a ridge and a naturally gruff, bored expression. And the skin texture is about the same, too.
Hancock; another casual furry. Its likely he was introduced to it and brought in by someone else, and just kinda stuck around. There are two options as to what he'd be. 1; a sphinx cat. He's lanky, the skin matches, he has some kitty-like traits. The big eyes are a huge part here. 2; sloth. He's a very chill dude, he's always high (sloths getting high is currently contested but the demeanor fits) and despite being very small and not outwardly threatening, is very capable of fucking you up (sloths will use their MASSIVE FUCKING CLAWS for defense).
MacCready; Is a furry. His fursona is a weasel. This is so obvious i don't feel the need to defend or explain this. Look at him. He's a furry. The only interesting thing to say here is that Duncan would also grow up to be a furry. But Mac? He would be a hardcore furry if he had the money. Funds keep him a casual fan. If he did...would be worse than Deacon.
Nick; A first-gen furry. An elder furry. The very old man at the con who sees that you're lost and confused but trying very hard, with your furry 2008 emo paw gloves and your cat ear headband and painted on whiskers, and shows you around. Takes you under his wing (literally, as his fursona is a raven, obvi) and introduces you to various artists, suitmakers, other furries your age he'd think you'd get along with...this community would be in shambles without people like him. He's been here since the beginning and has seen it all, truly.
Piper; dabbled, couldn't get into it. She'd be a passersby, a visitor of a con but not a participator. Interested in the art of furrydom, the actual art and the suits, but as an outside observer. If Piper were an animal...a ferret, a squirrel, a possum, some kind of street-smart rodent. Something clever and tricky, that's always where its not supposed to be. For a wildcard, I could also see her as a bat of some kind.
Preston; not a furry and completely neutral to it. It doesn't interest him, but he doesn't find it weird, either. It's people LARPing as animals, people have been doing that ever since they evolved from animals. He gets it, he really does. Preston would like nothing more than to be a cat that does nothing but sleep and yell for attention. The cat life is peak existence for him. It's just that Preston is very literal, and the furry thing is more exaggerated. He doesn't want cat ears. He wants to not be a human anymore, please for the love of god—
X6-88; furry. A secret, dignified furry. A pretensious one. A gatekeepy one. This furry judges you if you don't have a suit. He has one. He doesn't wear it, it cost more than some houses, it stays in a glass case like a taxidermied trophy hunt. X6-88 is a furry. His fursona? A Doberman, because they were bred to protect asshole tax collectors, which fits with X6 being a courser. Tall, all sharp edges, an arresting glare, and very loyal and hardworking.
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penguin--person · 2 months
silly question but: does wolf alík look any different from a regular wolf? when she's fully transformed, is there anything that sets her apart, or does she just look like an average, straight up wolf?
ty for asking this actually!!! i think about this a bunch, like, what human traits alík keeps, if she can bark/howl, if a pack of wolves would accept her, etc !!! ill talk about this under cut bc its like . idk? im not sure if this is body horror ? like its not just her being a wolf , its her being a messed up wolf .. uncanny wolf up ahead!! + some blood but not that much.. also warning ur getting a much longer answer than you were probs asking for lol
so i made a little image getting into details about her mutation just now, But i do first want to show off this art that my friend blazy (@/mothssmeat - go check his art out its super swag!!!) made of her for artfight last year !! He Gets Her he gets her wolfness he gets it
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check out the speedpaint !! blazy's sooo niceys for drawing such an awesome alík art ... its So good . do you see how her nose is turning into one of a wolf? but so painfully ?? so slowly that its just !! how shes tearing up, blood around her ?? god . like God. oh my goddd . and her fur !! how its growing in patches around her body, starting like wild from her head, her eyebrows combined, just like !! its growing around like mold and i find that really cool .. hehe sorry just had to fangirl about this art ofher . i dont get the chance oftne . anyway. in a more professional manner: god sorry i cant yet . oh my fucking goddd . oh my GOD !!!! just look at that . what is that thing!!! dear god!!! ok. im normal now (lying ).
look at her hands and feet. human joints should not be like that, and wolf paws do not look like that. her claws.. god just look at them. blazys art explains alíks messed up wolf situation far better than i ever could. her ears, too, are just... god, look at them!! i have to move on from this art or ill just keep saying "look at it!!" but, well. Look at it.
some of my own alík wolf art:) the first one is when shes fully transformed, but also the first ever art i did of her like that, so take it with a grain of salt, but still take it. the second is her like... in her metamorphisis era - my internet connection is kinda MEAN and EVIL right now so i can't add them rn .. ill either rb with them later or edit them into the post. for now i just put links to the images :( sorry! plus the mentioned image from before. now Onto serious business
something that alík always has, no matter form, is her human eyes - but they're not really human! their colouration is one of a wolf's, and her eyesight is also almost as good as that of one. this is messed up when she's in full wolf mode, because its really.. just, weird. can you imagine looking at a dog with human eyes? a cat? a cow? no!! because its weird!!!! shes a FREAK!! (affectionate)
another weirdo thing about her face is her teeth. hes got canine teeth, no doubt about it, but i do think she has a bit more teeth than she should have.. maybe three more... ? two more? i think the amount of teeth is not equivalent with neither the amount humans should have nor the amount wolves should have.. like 38 or smth. this doesn't change in her transformation, but her jaw and gums do! it hurts! Ouchies! it also shifts her teeth around.. tbh i wouldnt be surprised if she lost a tooth or two transforming sometime.
as you may have noticed, alík has most of her fur on her head! this is because of hair! she has a big ol' tuft of fur on her head when she's in wolf mode and it makes her look silly. depending on how far along in transition they are, their fur is like... its in blotches over their body. a tuft here, a tuft there, no fur at all someplace else... her spine gets covered in fur first. bc its like !! hair to tail:)
her limbs are weird, too. her arms are more humanoid than her legs - my friend mikey @/monstertsunami shows this wonderfully in his art of alík and their gf idk who she is i heard shes some kind of loser? ermmm what the freak🔥
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oh wow it let me add an image that time Awesome!!! anyway, you can see how her feet are pretty pawsome, huh?? shes got pawpads - is that what its called for wolves? i cant find info :( - and her joints are more.. like, look at how she's standing! her ankles! everybody say thank you mikey... !!! this stays in her wolf form, in a way
in the 'mentioned image' from before, you can see - ifyou can read my handwriting lol - that there's text around her feet/paws (peets...) that says 'human hands - fucked up paws'. in the linked image 'first one' , you can see her fucked up wolf hands more clearly! thats something that ive kept. i think she could grab you, even as a wolf. she keeps her thumbs. even if they dont work as well. this makes running as a wolf difficult for her, because her fingers are very much in the way !! herr back feet are more wolf-like in her wolf mode, even twisting her hips to work better !! opposite goes for her hands, though - her arms, like.. theyre not good for wolves ! her elbow is forced into a shitty position, her shoulders are.. bad...
and, as mentioned, her nose is fucked up. the smell of blood is an intimate friend of hers 💥it like.. god, her face goes through So Much. her skull gets absolutely , like ... goddd shes definetely broken bones transforming before... her nose is like, stretched out ? idk how to explain it .. its like if you used the 'free transform' tool on it
in short, id say theres a few main things that set alík apart from a regular wolf:
human eyes
human hands (sometimes covered in fur)
body isn't always fully covered in fur (its not easy for his body to bust out ten thousand fur strands all over his body, ya know? needs resources for that to happen)
movement (can't run as well, vocal cords arent probs in the best state after her neck fucking... look at it)
smell. she smells weird. oyou dont care about that but wolves would i think
then there's like, little basic anatomy stuff, like she will Never have the proper body of a wolf . maybe if she was like, for a year as a wolf, or two, or maybe even fine her body would be like Ok were wolf now . and her bones would settle ... but this is a question of years and time she does not have. her lifespan is also all kinds of fucked up. if she wasnt being experimented on evey day of her life ever, she'd probs live until her 40s? maybe late 40s if she had a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE filled with JOY and WHIMSY!!!! but i think now she'll die like, in her pafl au, i dont think she'll make it to 35.. sad! ouppy gone
also im working on an alík thing .. + the other two .. but also alík
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CANINE GIRL coming to YOUR THEATRES in SOON!!!! hehe... im not making a song thats like too much for me. i can only make music that soundgs good to me idk how to make music that others would find tolerable .. my blessing .. teehee .. ill make alík like, a page, like the tptm girls have .. nina and nastya too:) nastyas mockup page is done.. but im not showing!!! you get a sneakpeak of the text tho . ty for the ask ❤️im surprised its letting me add images now . wifis been weird all day .. u also get to see a wip of her display sona
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idk what her name would be . superlative girl ? unrivalled ? irrelevant ? victorious ? precious ? vote in the comments down below!!!Ninas will be some shit like. unknown girl. apathy girl. etc ... i havent gotten to alíks display sona yet but you KNOW shes ouppy!!!!
okieee‼️‼️‼️thats it . hope ur ok with me sharing the tptm stuff .... ❤️❤️💥💥💥ty again for the ask !!!
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s11e11 into the mystic (w. robbie thompson)
giving credit where it's due, i think the show has been doing a good job picking licensed work, especially when not stuck to a particular genre. enjoyed here will you love me tomorrow by the shirelles
okay that monster is uh. something. don't eat the baby!! poor sweet thing.
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LUCIFER When your brother was trapped in Purgatory you were here with a girl and a dog. You can't win this, Sam. You're just not strong enough. You didn't even bother trying to find him. And I know that if you're gonna beat the Darkness, you have to be ready to watch the people you love die.
i'd say don't let lucifer get to you, sam - but hell. i spiral over the smallest of social interactions, let alone the big evil angel who knows all my weak spots and is pushing the sorest ones for maximum manipulation. also where is the light coming from in his room with the pattern, he doesn't have a window? is it a weird lampshade? nightlight? scented plugin nightlight?? 🤪
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everything's fine! been up who knows how long cleaning my gun, per yoozh
DEAN You okay? SAM Yeah, I'm fine. DEAN Are you sure? 'Cause you haven't left the bunker in days. SAM I'm fine.
cas will be fine! which brings about the question, what's crowley doing in all this? i know he declared the team-up over, but no heads up about lucifer being out? is he incapacitated in some way?
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(kinda wishing we had pellegrino to still be lucifer but i get it)
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DEAN Maybe we ought to make a reservation. SAM Yeah, we should be so lucky to live long enough.
did know about this. don't be sad, don't be sad.
SAM Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' Viagra. DEAN I know. A real dick move, huh?
cmon sammy, not even a chuckle? that was a good (bad) one :P
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dean pocketing some viagra, all right.
(wiki) According to a tweet by writer Robbie Thompson, Dean stealing the Viagra was unscripted, and was ad-libbed by Jensen Ackles.
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gosh that's pretty. what a lovely profile shot of sam
DEAN So no retirement, huh? SAM Hey, you're the one who's always wanted to go out blaze of glory style preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing. DEAN I'm a candle in the wind. Yeah, but the way you said it, it was like that blaze of glory was gonna happen sooner rather than later.
lip service to the blaze of glory when it looks like all is lost but of course he wants to grow old together.
DEAN Are you okay? SAM No, I'm not, actually. Not at all. Being so close to Lucifer again, that... Brought stuff up. Stuff I thought I forgot about. DEAN You want to talk about it? SAM No. DEAN Well, look. Lucifer is never getting out of that cage, ever. And you are never going back, period. So... Case closed.
💔on all accounts
SAM Let's burn the bones so we can go home.
at least the bunker's home now
DEAN Gold blade. I don't have any in the trunk, so I got to head back to the bunker and grab a couple. You stay here and figure out who in this place is vulnerable.
someone vulnerable, like say, sam??
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all this banshee talk makes me miss lydia from teen wolf. def the good kind of banshee though, no brain munching to be found
after hours of staring at 1968-1970 ford galaxies i see how similar they are to the impala lol
blarrgh dean is gonna unload his amara secrets to lucifer!cas, fucking great. always anyone but sam
DUDE. how had i never stumbled into this?? so i'm looking up mildred's actress dee wallace, and she was the mom in E.T.!! but!!! the little boy, elliott! is the dude in all the flanagan stuff - young hugh crain in hill house, henry in bly manor. mind blown LOL. that movie devastated me as a child and i haven't watched it since haha (which reminds me i was talking to my very sensitive 10 year old about charlotte's web and i was like, wasn't it sad? and he's like. eh. me: really? not sad?? him: ehh. LOL okay! i'm glad for you, little dude, didn't end up with that particular flavor of my sensitivity too)
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s11e11 mildred / e.t. (1982) dee wallace as mary
MILDRED I knew it. I knew it! I -- you two are too cute to be FBI agents.
i mean...
i was a little nervous what they were gonna do with marlene/eileen, having a deaf actress and character be a hunter is cool. assuming she doesn't die :S also she could teach them whatever fancy sigil situation she used to trap sam. ooh and a men of letters legacy, too. please don't kill her.
DEAN I tried to kill her. LUCIFER/CAS Well, the two of you are connected somehow by the Mark. DEAN Yeah, no, it's, uh... It's more than that. LUCIFER/CAS Attraction? Oh, Dean. DEAN I know. I know. Okay? Whatever it is... attraction, connection... I got to tell you, man, it scares me. I don't know that I can stop it. I don't know that I can resist it.
christ on a cracker. i hate everything about this. i got some time off from being enraged over him IMMEDIATELY lying to sam after all this we gotta be straight with each other yet again, but hey it's back. and now divulging to lucifer inadvertently, so much hate it.
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[Mildred signs to Eileen ‘I got dibs on the other guy. You can have the tall one’] [Mildred giggles as she signs ‘I’m not much of a mountain climber anymore’ and laughs] [Eileen signs [‘Are you sure you don’t want both?’]
that was so cute and funny. thirsting over the boys in plain sight, and eileen like girl, shoot your shot, try for both of them! mildred is gorgeous, i think dean might be down
SAM Are you worried about her? So does this mean she has a shot? DEAN Well, I always did have a thing for Blanche on “Golden Girls” SAM Seriously? DEAN Hey, don't judge what you don't understand, Sammy. SAM No, I'm -- I'm not judging. I-I just always had a thing for Sophia. DEAN Yeah, I could see that.
sophia, huh. i mean, okay. can you imagine though, 6'4" sam and 4'10" estelle getty. talk about mountain climbing. and of course dean liked blanche, no brainer. and rue mclanahan was all of 51 when the show started
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well, he went all-in on the crazy smile (sorry, pellegrino would never 😔)
EILEEN My mother was a lawyer. Be nice to follow in her footsteps. SAM I was studying law at Stanford when my brother came and got me so we could get our revenge. EILEEN You've been hunting together ever since? SAM Yeah. I-I wouldn't do this without my brother. He's had my back every step of the way. Even when I let him down.
oh, sammy 💔 show's convinced you that you fucked up more than i think you have (pushing the purgatory thing and i'm still not convinced :p) meanwhile we get to highlight how dean's fucking up right this moment.
well damn. they've done a great job establishing some little side characters i actually care about. thinkin if something happens to eileen or mildred 🔪🔪🔪
MILDRED You know, tell me something. When's the last time you watched a sunset without waiting for something to go bump in the night?
they (supposedly) would park and look at the stars sometimes, maybe they should add sunsets to the list
MILDRED You want to know the secret to living a long and happy life? DEAN Actually, yes, I do. MILDRED Follow your heart. You do that, all the rest just figures itself out.
and since i like her character and how she's playing her, this little sappy advice made me cry. also, i love how she's openly flirting with dean and he's flustered but not in the ew gross old lady is hitting on me way
great, and dean's the vulnerable one? i mean honestly, they're both emotionally vulnerable disasters all the time so.
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MILDRED Darlin'... if there's one thing I've learned in all my years on the road, it's when somebody's pining for somebody else. Oh, don't try and hide it now. Follow your heart. Remember?
i mean. is he pining for amara? is that what we're going with? this obviously has the ambiguity that you could slap it on to whatever ship of choice as well. follow your heart to sam instead of your dick to amara? :p this nebulous connection to her is... nebulous. halfway tempted to just fucking look up how this plays out, but then i'm just waiting for things to happen (which is why i don't do well with big spoilers) so i probably won't. it has to be dire to do that (and i have with this show in the past, just to know how many episodes of whatever plotline were in my future)
DEAN He was looking for lore on the Darkness. Something a little off about him, too. SAM Something always seems a little bit off about Cas. Yeah, you know, being so close to Lucifer probably wasn't easy for him, either.
i'd say some of that's on the inconsistent writing/characterization of cas, but potayto potahto :p brushing off dean's concern to aid in finding out about lucifer at the worst time, i can imagine
SAM Dean... when I was with Lucifer, he, um... He showed me things. It was like a highlight reel of my biggest failures. DEAN Yeah, he was messing with you. That's what he does. SAM Give me a sec. I should've looked for you. When you were in Purgatory, I... I should've turned over every stone. But I didn't. I stopped. And I've never forgiven myself for it. DEAN Well... I have. Hey. That's in the past, man. What's done is done. All that matters now, all that's ever mattered, is that we're together.
oh 😭
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oh god and sam's box with actual baby dean and sam in addition to the retirement home brochure?? now i'm really crying. good god. i knew about the brochure, but not the picture as actual kids
at least dean got into sleep clothes and under the covers this time.
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go talk to sam, you stubborn ass.
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banamine-bananime · 1 month
the forum werewolf game ever. of all time: day two
Start reading here!
Lopez immediately starts pissing off Simmons, apparently for shiggles. 
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Wyoming responds with essentially “Hmmm, Tucker, why do you keep talking about aliens? Is this some sort of distraction, perhaps? Rather suspicious behaviour…” and several other people are like yeah Tucker that is pretty weird. Why are you talking about aliens.
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Other mod getting in his daily bonus fanfic:
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Players react, some with gifs because they understand the assignment:
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Lopez is beefing with anyone and almost everyone while grumbling about no one listening to him or understanding his sarcasm or logic and feeling sorry for himself.
Things slowly start to take a turn towards intrateam violence over in Blue Team. While Church is like (heavily paraphrased) “yeah Tucker, that Wyoming guy is definitely an alien, or at least working with them” and Vic and Church are pointing at each other like “Yeah! this guy gets it!”, Caboose does not understand why Church and stupid Tucker are being mean to Wyoming and does not like all this buddy-buddying with Church - this is NOT how his best friend is supposed to be acting 🫤🤨. Caboose:
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I show up after a busy irl day of completely slanking from all mod duties just to note that other mod did them:
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Tex is being quite taciturn but analyzing steadily and efficiently. Big “staking out her suspects patiently and stalking her target silently” vibes tbh.
Simmons also calls the Tucker-Church-Vic contingent suspicious, but also agrees with them Wyoming is suspicious, so this comes across as a “you’re right but fuck you anyways, blues” kind of situation. Also calls out Lopez for “keeps randomly saying my name for no reason” (sic) (lmfao. Simmons: “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING ABOUT ME, LOPEZ, BUT I KEEP HEARING MY NAME AND I DON’T LIKE IT.”)
Wyoming reacts to all this suspicion being hurled at him, privately in wolfchat:
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Tex is like Ya’ll keep saying Church is acting weird. That’s just Church. He’s always a freak:
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Simmons voice (re: Church): “she keeps going against all logic!!”
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Simmons and Church continue sniping at each other in circles ad infinitum like (heavily paraphrased) "Simmons if you think Wyoming is one of the aliens then WHY THE FUCK are you voting for me?!?" vs "I literally physically cannot vote for Wyoming, jackass, do you understand that??" vs "YES OBVIOUSLY BUT WE’RE ALSO OBVIOUSLY NOT WORKING TOGETHER YOU CAN’T THINK WE’RE BOTH ALIENS WHAT DO I HAVE TO SAY TO EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU SIMPLY ENOUGH THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT???"
meanwhile, simmons being a hater in his role PM: "Night 1.1: Block [Church's player]". Mod: "You have retroactively blocked [Church's player] during a secret night no one knew was happening and no one did anything. Congrats, you ****ed up the timestream. Was it worth it?" Simmons: "Maybe???"
Grif comes to Simmons’s defense but mostly just because he wants to argue with Church:
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Tex stands calmly in the blazing argument between villagers, completely ignoring it to instead call out a flying-under-everyone-else’s-radar wolf for being quiet:
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Church ignores this because he’s in the middle of an argument with Simmons dammit:
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Grif: “I'm just really thrown by how little sense [Church] is making this game”
Simmons calls Church “illogical and hysterical”
Tucker ignores this argument to get back to work on killing Wyoming
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Simmons and Church continue verbally beating the shit out of each other going around and around in the same circles. Other people increasingly ignore them to agree that hey, Vic’s acting pretty weird, huh?
Caboose and Church get into a fight over Church wanting to vote Wyoming and Caboose wanting to vote Vic. Church:
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Things spiral rapidly to them pointing at each other like “HAH alien!! You thought you could pretend to be [Church/Caboose] and fool me???”
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(LMFAO O’Malley standing in the background like muhahaha yesss bloody infighting)
Caboose and Church deeply heartbroken that direct teamkills via voting aren’t enabled
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(Will they find a way to teamkill city despite the odds against them?? Stay tuned!)
Doc’s diagnosis: “Caboose could be an alien? Or maybe Church? Or maybe neither? Sorry, my scanner’s not the clearest. They’re definitely not both aliens though :) !”
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Tucker is coming around to agreeing Church has definitely been replaced by an alien, Church is not happy about it, and they’re getting into a sarcastic tiff over it:
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Wyoming privately thinks the sim trooper infighting is hilarious and tries a bit of reverse psychology warfare on Caboose. Caboose is concerned that innocent Wyoming is falling in with a bad crowd:
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Caboose promises to start eating hats if he’s wrong on this (he is):
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Church is too angry for this to be enough he needs people dying if he gets misvoted:
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Tied with Vic, Doc (there had been very little conversation on Doc idek why people are voting there. Poor Doc. Feels very IC to have people tryna throw him out for no reason), and Lopez to be voted off, Church starts getting… uh… weird in strategies to make people vote elsewhere. I think Church’s player didn’t even know why she was saying these things she just blacked out and Church’s angry spirit started screaming through her, seance-style. She’s vagueing about important role powers that will prove her village as soon as she claims them and also that will make everyone sooooo sorry if they vote her, just you wait and see!!!11!11
Several people LOL at this and tell her to put her money where her mouth is. Tucker’s player thinks the whole situation is p hilarious and compares this to how Church’s player is known for just, doing braggadocious shit that gets her caught as the imposter in Amongus with the confidence of someone that knows they’re not the imposter (I love her so much).
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Church continues his Righteous Crusade against Simmons and Wyoming as if he has any sway and half the thread isn’t coming for his head. And also, uh, vagues having powers to “strong arm” the vote????
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Literally I cannot begin to explain why she said that. Lying about having a very unusual role that would be a fairly wolf-skewed one (more beneficial for wolves than villagers so more likely to be assigned to a wolf) seems suboptimal for proving you’re village. I think she was just that full of rage and panic that she made up a thing to “blow up the whole goddamn world” with. God bless.
Church: Hey Sheila, remember the last time you FUCKING KILLED ME FOR NO REASON?
Sheila: Church, please, that was a long time ago. Let’s not hold grudges :)
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Church: Was it a long time ago??? WAS IT, SHEILA?????
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Coincidentally, the picture we had chosen for the day two vote tally posts:
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Next: day 2 close
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
Okay! I did it! I renewed my library card after a pandemic-and-then-some's worth of years, and I read now.
Which I think means keeping a record or something, probably. If only to keep track of things I do and don't like, for future reference!
Books I've tried to read in the past two weeks, in roughly chronological order:
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir -- never have so many people whose taste I respect disagreed so forcefully on a work of fiction. Plus I had a free epub of it on my harddrive from a Tor thing ages ago, so it seemed like a good place to start. I found it genuinely enjoyable! Gideon was a fun headspace to follow along, and while I absolutely did not go in expecting 'Agatha Christie locked mansion murder mystery, with lots of bones', I was down for it when it happened. A solid choice.
Tooth and Claw, Jo Walton -- DID NOT FINISH. Another random free Tor download. Got about a chapter in and then decided that there was too much cannibalism going on in the weird Regency-esque dragon religion for me, thank you no.
The Way of Kings, Brandon Sanderson -- DID NOT FINISH. I was sad to not like this one! Tumblr keeps raving about Brandon Sanderson! But man, once you've hit the fifth chapter in a row (sorry, third chapter, there were two prologues first) with a brand new narrator, and one of the previous narrators is dead and you're pretty sure you'll never see two of the other POVs ever again, and you've had three timeskips and you're a hundred pages in and maybe the story is finally actually starting, and there have been a whole two female characters so far (well, one female character and one 'sprites aren't supposed to have gender but this one has boobs so I'll give her female pronouns') and we're supposed to like this one because she's Inappropriately Witty in a way her brothers like but her nursemaids scoff at, which mostly seems to consist of arch remarks about how men don't want to date her...big nope!
A Dead Djinn in Cairo, P. Djeli Clark -- A fun (queer) detective novella, prequel to one of this year's Nebula novels. The worldbuilding was very cool -- 1912 Cairo in an alternate history where magic has recently entered the world, very very grounded in its place and period while doing interesting things with magic and djinn. The mystery felt pretty bare-bones and formulaic in itself, but it was a short novella, without a lot of space for twists. An easy read, and you've got to love a dapper lady detective in a suit.
Harrow the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir -- I am now officially Up To Date with my various tumblr friends who raved about these books. I enjoyed it! I enjoyed it slightly less than Gideon, I think -- I liked a lower percentage of the characters, and the ones I liked were present a much lower percentage of the time, plus Harrow is just so miserable for so much of the book that it's less fun -- but 'enjoy' is slightly different than 'appreciate', and I did very much appreciate it. Not going to go rabid over the series any time soon, but I'll probably check Nona and Alecto out when they happen.
The Wolf of Oren-Yaro, K.S. Villoso -- DID NOT FINISH. Oof, another one I wanted to like, a random browsing pick when I went to grab a hold from the library. The protagonist of this book feels incredibly realistic and relatable as a woman who got married young to a man her family chose, who fucked off and left her with the kid and the family business after an argument, and then showed back up after five years with divorce papers because he wants his 50% of the communal property she's been taking care of the whole time. Which is cool! Unfortunately, said 'communal property' is an entire kingdom, and the protagonist makes zero sense as a queen. She's BAD at her job, in a way that could be interesting to explore as part of her youth/shitty support network, but it really feels like the author does not get just HOW BAD she is at her job. Or what basic logistic decisions could have been made to imply that the progatonist or literally a single member of her staff were even marginally competent. This could be a great setup for a novel about a merchant or a homesteading farmer or a clan leader, but it flopped hard for me.
A Master of Djinn, P. Djeli Clark -- Sequel to the aforementioned novella, and Nebula award winner! This one was, like its prequel, fun, and the imagery and really excellent worldbuilding is 100% its best part. It's very much a detective novel, with certain conceits. None of its characters are particularly layered, everybody is improbably good at sword-fighting, and there was definitely a point at which I was tallying up just how many different incredibly dapper, well-tailored suits in dazzlingly fashionable colors our heroine had worn so far, apparently bought on her civil servant's salary. But at a certain point, you just open yourself up to the joy of an extremely dapper lady detective with a sword cane and a bowler hat and an Extremely Hot Girlfriend who is sometimes a thief. There's an underground jazz club which functions as a speakeasy for no apparent reason but features a brass band direct from New Orleans. At one point Kaiser Wilhelm II shows up. There may or may not be a mecha. Again, the mystery itself is nothing to write home about (a lot more intricate and interesting in the middle than the prequel but still somewhat predictable in bits, and the bad guy at the end was pretty obvious), but the book is fun. Shouldn't dapper lesbian lady detectives get to have that?
In Other Lands, Sara Rees Brennan -- I enjoyed this way more than I expected! I read The Demon's Lexicon years ago, and was DEEPLY unimpressed (I mostly remember it as a mediocre British Supernatural AU made more boring by the process of filing the serial numbers off), but it looks like Brennan and I have both grown as people, because I liked this a lot. It sidesteps the low-hanging fruit of 'why do fantasy lands always need kids to save them? isn't that kind of fucked up?' and goes right for the throat of 'what the fuck kind of sociopolitical system is implied by this child soldier bullshit in the first place, and why is it so easy to be okay with it?'. I found the whole elven reversal of gender tropes grating sexism somewhat wearing, but I liked Elliot as a protagonist a lot. Here's a kid who knows down to his bones that he's bad at people, that he's abrasive and mean and judgemental and impatient, who still values people on just the most fundamental level. Kid's got a -2 to charisma and is still the party face because he's the only person in the entire system who wants to talk first and stab never. I appreciate that, and I appreciate him.
The Unspoken Name, A.K. Larkwood -- An interesting book! I read the whole thing and liked most of the beginning third and most of the end third a great deal, and the middle third well enough with a smidgen of 'I'm a little too ace for this, the Love Interest showed up and it's boring now'. It's a story about...isolation? Abuse, but not the kind that recognizes itself as abuse. In some ways the story feels very scattered, thematically -- a lot of theme going on but I'm not sure how much some of it actually resolves -- but I did really like it. Most of the relatively few relationships in this book, be it friendship or co-worker-ship or acquaintanceship or even just the relationship of a person to a place, are brief and thin, negative or unhealthily one-sided, or just absent, which isn't exactly my taste but does make Csorwe and Shuthmili's mutual understanding the sweeter for it. Fans of Gideon the Ninth would probably like this, although it felt a little less original than I think it might've had I not read that first, and the interplay of traditional fantasy language and extremely casual modern talk felt a lot more uneven. All in all, I think it's a rec if you're into vague unsettled feelings about gods and stories that are more about learning to stand up and leave your abuser than about said abuser ever getting any sort of comeuppance in return. Plus, stubborn lesbian orc girl with a big sword, always a plus.
I have a pile of recs from my last post! I will continue to collect recs! Toss 'em my way, I'm beginning to remember that, oh right, last time I regularly read books I read them voraciously. This is FUN.
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bumblebeebean · 2 years
I cannot, for the LIFE of me, figure out the placement of Derek Hale's loft. Now, I'm not very good at perspective or object permanence, but I stg this damn set keeps changing everytime it's on camera, just like a lot of things in teen wolf
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Now take a look at this. This is the baseline of what Derek's loft looks like, or at least what I pictured it to look like. But when I looked at Google to get other angles of the room, it just keeps changing.
Let's break it down
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Here's the most common layout, the main objects being the couch and table set, the window in the wall, his bed, the table in front of the window, the stairway, the hole in the wall (which leads to some elevator or smth, idk I don't think they ever acknowledged it in the show), and the door to the loft; which is behind the camera in this photo.
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This is proven in this scene, in which Peter Hale enters the scene in his Overly Dramatic Peter Hale Entrance™.
But this layout seems to change every season or so.
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In these two scenes, the door is to the left of the window and next to the stairway. Now don't get me wrong, this could just be another big, metal sliding door in his loft. I'm willing to accept that. But I feel like that would be a little inconvenient and weird, but I'll accept it.
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But this very blurry picture is what fucks with me. I don't think I need to say anything, this speaks for itself.
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This one I'm willing to forgive since we don't really get a clear view of the stair-to-desk-to-window ratio length in the first photo, but it still makes me a little confused.
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Now listen, and I HOPE this is the case, but these could just be screen shots of unfinished or scrapped layouts of the loft. But I mean come ON. I found these with the rest of the loft photos in Google so I'm bringing them up anyway.
In conclusion, there could be a million ways to explain this. I could just be really bad at perspective and not be able to look at a room and remember where everything is. I'm willing to accept that. Or, maybe Derek or the directors just wanted to change the room every once in a while like normal people. Sure, that'll be fine by me. But Teen Wolf is also known to not be very persistent with certain aspects of the show. Trust me, I know. It just makes it a little hard to understand the layout in order to draw or something.
Or I'm being a huge bitch baby and making this into a big deal. I did practically just make an entire Ted Talk on Tumblr about something in a show that doesn't impact anything in the plot. I'm willing to accept that also.
Thank you, whoever may have read all of this, for listening and, if you want, I'd appreciate if someone could give any explanation about this to my dumbass, literally you can say anything. Ty Ty bestie 😘❤
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portorfeitansimp · 1 year
Haruhiko Kobashikawa x Reader with Divine Luck
We've been in this killing game for ten days and we haven't found anything, neither did one of us die, fortunately. But I could feel that a death was near. Maybe tomorrow, or in two days, I don't know, but someone's definitely gonna die. And I'm scared. I keep calling myself an idiot, 'cause I didn't told anyone yet that I can end this before it even starts. I'm afraid they wouldn't believe me. Yes, I'm (Your first name) (Your last name), the ultimate (Your ultimate talent), I'm in possession of Divine Luck, and yet I'm a coward.
But at least, I'm not bored. How I see the others ?
Maki Kiyoka is kind and optimistic, she's the one who told me I shouldn't take myself down.
Higa Mitsuhiro is... a big pervert. Seriously, okay, he's nice and kind of good at conforting people, but he's litteraly one of the most pervert in our group ! No wonder why he's still single !
Tomori Kizuna is a litteral bitch. That's all I can say about her.
Hatano Ayame is a sweet girl, she's nice and all, and it's actually nice to exercise with her.
Yamaguchi Kakeru... Well, he's not as creepy as I first thought, but I must admit that sometimes, he scares the shit out of me.
Inori Kanata is one of the most adorable girl in the group ! She's so sweet and kind, and tiny too, she looks like a little plushie !
Uehara Kinji is an interesting guy. Not so talkative, but not so lone wolf either. And he's actually nice to hang out with, especially for me who likes calm athmosphere.
Kobashikawa Haruhiko is... How do I say this ? Well... He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen. He is so fucking hot ! And he's nice too and funny, even though he's a pervert. I must admit, I spent most of my time with him.
Iranami Satsuki is kind of childish, but she's nice and adorable. And actually, she kind of cheered me up when I was down at the very beggining of the killing game. I could never trade her friendship for something else.
Kurokawa Mikako is really nice, though she doesn't talk that much. She's not able to say much when she does, and I know why. I just wish I could help her...
Maeda Yuki... I know who he really is, and I hate him with all my heart. I wish he was dead.
Taira Akane, the other bitch of the group. I have nothing to say about except that I wish she was dead.
Kinjo Tsurugi is... interesting. Really. I'd like to learn more about him.
Mekaru Rei is a rude girl with a superiority complex. Like, seriously, why does she care about competence so much ?
Otori Teruya, a sweet and fragile little guy who is also kind of childish. He is kind of a pervert too, but at least he's nice and kind of helpful.
Normally, there's also the ultimate inventor, Yamato Kisaragi. But I think Taira and U|$u®0 locked him somewhere. Problem : I don't know where they locked him. I searched everywhere, but nothing.
Now, I'm in my room. I sigh, looking at the papier I have in front of me. Of course, drawing a map of our current localisation isn't helping me.
Knock knock
Who is it ?
I didn't need him to talk more to recognize his voice.
Come in.
The door opens slowly and Haruhiko walks in.
What are you doing ?
Investigating in any way possible. You wanted something ?
... Why did you draw a map of this floor ?
'Cause there's none in the handbook, duh.
A-Ah... Y-Yeah, you're not wrong...
Is something wrong ? Your acting kind of weird.
Well ?
He sigh before sitting on my bed.
Can I ask you something ?
... I hate to say this but... You've been acting really weird since the beggining, it's almost like you're hiding something... Are you the mastermind ?
Wh-What ?! Wh-Why would you think that ?! O-Of course I'm not the mastermind !
Ok, ok, calm down, I didn't mean to offense you, I was just asking.
I sigh.
But... You gotta admit that's weird.
What ?
The fact that there's still no death. It's been ten days ! We didn't even got a motive yet ! Does the mastermind really want this killing game ?
I keep my mouth shut, not knowing what to say. Haruhiko looks at me before standing up, sighing.
Ah, sorry. I'm just bothering you with my stupid questions...
He walks towards the door.
I have the feeling that the beggining is near...
Huh ?
Surprised by my answer, he turns around to look at me.
Pretty soon... They're probably gonna give us a motive pretty soon... Or even tomorrow...
... How do you know ?
It's just a feeling, not a fact. But you're right, it's been already ten days, we've accomodated enough to this place now, there's no need to wait more. Right ?
... I mean... You're not wrong but... Why would they wait for us to accomodate to the place ? It's only retarding the beggining !
Let's say you're planning a murder and you need weapons, do you really think you'd be able to find them without looking suspicious if you're not accomodated to your surroundings ?
Err... I-I don't think so... I-I mean... I-I'm not smart enough to guess anything, so...
You see my point, now ?
Yeah... Sorry for saying dumb shit...
Don't be sorry. Mistakes are what makes us learn.
I smile at him. He returns the smile before waving good bye then he leaves. Directly after that, the nighttime announcment goes off, so I go to bed and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep.
The next morning, I wake up at the sound of someone knocking on my door.
W-Who's that...?
(Your first name) ? It's Haru' ! You're late, what are you doing ?
Wha- ?! How the hell are you still sleeping ?! It's been half an hour since the morning annoucement came off ! Wake up !
Coming, coming... Please stop shouting...
I open my eyes slowly, still sleepy. Then, I wake up and walk towards the door before opening it. The little pilot is standing there in his usual outfit, his beautiful eyes looking at me.
Finally ! Geez, did you sleep last night ? You seem really tired...
I'm fine... Don't worry 'bout me...
He sighs.
Okay... Let's go to the dining room, now, the others are waiting...
I nod slowly before following him to the dining room. When I step inside the room, everyone looks at me.
You're late.
Kinjo, I already told her, you know. You don't have to remind her.
What was she doin' ?
Er... She overslept.
... You should sleep at night, you know.
What do you think I do at night ? A party ?
An amused smile appears on Haruhiko's face while Satsuki's embarrassed.
S-Sorry, I-I didn't mean to offense you, n-no need to be rude...
... I'm not being rude. My name's not Mekaru, you know.
Hey !
Teruya and Satsuki hold back laughter while Haruhiko ends up laughing. Even Tsurugi and Kinji, who are usually serious, have an amused smile.
It's not funny, incompetent !
Yes it is~
Yeah, she definitely has a good point here~
The professor growls loudly, rolling her eyes. I giggle a bit before taking a seat. But before one of us could speak, that ugly bear appears on the table and tells us he prepared a motive for us. Yuki goes to see what it is, while Haruhiko's looking at me, and I can guess he's thinking that I was hella right yesterday. I smirk. Then, we hear a scream. It was Yuki. Without even thinking, we all rush to join Yuki. Tsurugi manage to make him snap out of his trance and Yuki tells us to watch the DVDs.
Okay ?
Well, no one even think and take their DVDs before going to a computer. Of course, like a little sheep, I do the same, knowing that's just gonna be something predictable.
After watching it, I remain stoic.
Wow, THAT'S his motive ? That's pathetic.
I look at the others. Everyone is panicking. Even Yuki and Akane.
I remain silent, not even joining their conversation. I don't need to. Without a world, I go out quietly before going back to my room.
If someone kills because of this pathetic motive, I swear I confess my feelings to Haru' !
I sigh one more time and lie down on my bed. Then, I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Ding Dong Bing Bong
A body has been discovered ! After a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin !
I open my eyes.
What... was that ?
I get out of my bed, rubbing my eyes.
Did I hear it correctly ? It really was... a body discovery announcment ?
I slightly blush realizing I'll have to confess my feelings to Haru' because of what I told myself yesterday. But before anything, I have to go investigate.
After a long time of investigation, the trial begins. We go back and forth for at least thirty minutes, before finally concluding that Mitsuhiro is the killer. So, we vote for him, and after some explanations, he gets pulled to his execution. I remain silent once more.
... I should have taken this seriously... Okay, that's enough, I won't allow anymore murders ! I'll end this !
Hey guys, can we gather in the dining room ?
..................... No.................... We should.................. go to bed...
Yeah, we're all tired...
... You'll have plenty of time once you'll be out of here.
Suddenly interested, everyone looks at me, waiting for me to speak. I sigh.
The masterminds are Akane Taira and Utsuro, two ultimate despair.
With those words, Akane starts to scream before finally revealing herself.
How the fuck did you not have your memory erased ?!
Come on, can't you guess ? It's the same thing that's gonna bring your dear "Master Utsuro" back.
Yuki's eyes are wild opened, sign that Utsuro is back.
How...? I didn't even notice...
I know how to hide myself better than you do, asshole. Now, first of all, tell me where is Yamato Kisaragi. Ah and don't even think of lying or not answering, 'cause I know some torture methods.
Both of the traitors stay silent for a while before the redhead asshole starts speaking.
Behind a shelf in the warehouse, there's a hole... Kisaragi's downstairs...
Great. Know, the exit.
... Fourth floor, in the empty room of the ballroom... It's your only issue...
How do we-
An helicopter's waiting for you at the exit...
... Splendid ! Now, before we go...
I blush violently while approaching Haruhiko. The pilot looks at me with an questioning look.
Er... I-I don't really know how to say this but... I-I... I-I love you, Haru'.
Haruhiko stays silent for a while, his face all red, while I see Teruya and Satsuki with a wild smile. Then, finally, he speaks.
I-I love you too, (Your first name).
And, without even letting me say another word, he kisses me gently, putting his hands on my hips. I kiss him back, putting my hands on his shoulders while Teruya, Satsuki and Kanata screams :
Then, Haru' pulls back and smile. I return the smile before looking at the others.
Well, looks like everyone's having their happy end. Now, Kinjo, Yamaguchi, go get Kisaragi ! Tomori, Hatano, Inori, Uehara, Haru', Iranami, Kurokawa, Mekaru and Otori, you follow me to the exit !
Okay !
And, on these words, everyone starts moving, leaving Akane and Utsuro behind us.
I'm (Your first name) (Your last name), the ultime (Your ultimate talent), I'm a coward and I'm madly in love with Haruhiko. But, most importantly, I am now happy to be alive with almost all my classmates.
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surejess · 1 year
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( margot robbie, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that JESSICA “JESS” TURNER is a THIRTY-TWO year old STAND-UP COMEDIAN that’s been in Chicago for SIXTEEN YEARS. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL THREE with the power of CLOWN PHYSIOLOGY. That must be why they’re THEATRICAL and NONSENSICAL. If you ask me, they remind me of unearned laughter over a killing joke, a permanent stepford smile, mars opportunity’s last message. They are affiliated with BARNUM ODDITIES + HELLFIRE CLUB.
could i leave her behind ? ...too silly to leave behind !
full name: jessica mary “jess” turner
name reasoning: ...jess tur.
date of birth: february 24th, 1990
zodiac big three: pisces sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual
ethnicity: white
nationality: american
languages spoken: english (5)
enneagram: 7w6
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine-melancholic moral alignment: chaotic neutral
ability: clown physiology
affiliation: barnum oddities & the hellfire club ( co-founder )
alias: n/a
triggers: being sold to carnies?, kidnapping, torture, a white guy complaining because he was fired from the cool torture factory 🙄
jessica was born in brooklyn to two non-mutant parents ( why are all of my muses’ parents non-mutants ). one eye had a pink iris, she was notably paler than other children ( but not to the point of ‘oh my god, is that krusty the clown?’ ) and her hair grew rather odd – naturally platinum blonde, bordering on white, with different colors and slightly redder lips. but her parents always just assumed that the babysitters were harmlessly fucking around with hair dye when they were out. come to think of it she probably just looked albino with a dash of makeup and hair dye ahfdouiladjns
her parents never expressed much of an opinion on the mutant situation, seeming to be impartial parties – very ‘well, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone, it’s fine.’ and that was true! they really didn’t care! they were totes chill! …so long as it applied to anyone but family.
that isn’t to say when jess first just… pulled a card out of thin air, they were like ‘oh my god, sin!’ – hell, they thought it was just a magic trick! but as things like that continued, and as she lost babysitters but kept that strange-ish look with the quite red lips… they were like ‘this is getting weird. she looks like an e-girl, only those don’t exist yet, so she looks like a clown™. i have an idea. let’s send her to boarding school so we don’t have to deal with maybe having a mutant daughter and having to help her with this weird stuff. ugh.’
but, lol, they just said it was a boarding school. they actually found a group of carnies that they… essentially sold her to. obviously she was quite taken aback and hurt at first, but the carnies proved to be very caring – more caring than her parents had ever found it in themselves to be. they taught her so many useful things! like conning, how to fake your death, acrobatics… really all over the board! who needs a typical schooling system when you can just have carnies?! they also took most of her ‘powers’ as talents, natural gifts. hell, they actually did have a few mutants traveling along with them! a wolf woman who just functioned as their bearded lady, a kid with lobster physiology under control enough to just make him look like he had lobster hands, an old man with unicorn physiology under control enough to just show the horn. and, because of the title of the attraction they sat in – ‘freak show’ – everyone just assumed all of the oddities were deformations. it was a safe place. and jess fit in well with her intuitive clown magic.
also i would be aghast to not mention the presence of cordelia yildiz, a genuine connection who she made the mistake of losing, but i wrote this intro over a year ago and i’m trying to make as few changes as possible bc i’m lazy afldskfs
but, as she grew, it became apparent that her differences stretched beyond physical and sleight of hand. yes, she was a natural at cards, juggling, balloon animals, and she was funny! even the things that were maybe .2% funny generated so much laughter and joy! which… they didn’t recognize as a problem…
until she was fourteen. something unexpected happened: one of her jokes – a bad one, a lame ‘chicken crossed the road’ spin – made patrons laugh so hard that they were breaking ribs, gasping for air, and being driven mad by the hilarity. three died, all the others were sent to the hospital. some never left the psych ward.
and something similar happened… and, for as much as the carnies dearly loved her, when she began showing signs that her simple power was actually quite dangerous, they decided that the best plan of action was to keep her at bay whilst they looked for someone or something who/that could teach her. but, before they had the chance to find someone, disgraced ex-ammo scientist william barnum had the chance to find her.
people came and went. with the circumstances, it was concerning... but trying to find someone who easily could’ve just run off wasn’t worth risking themselves for. a week later, the circus marched forth, none the wiser !
barnum & co. presented as respectable individuals. despite his method of kidnapping, it seemed almost pristine at first... then you get shoved inside and find that you’re essentially in a glorified warehouse, surrounded by scientists who did not meet kappa standards or were too impatient to so much as try. thus, think of it like this: kappa’s bear traps are new, shiny, sharp ; barnum’s bear traps are rusted, infested, blunt and in need of chopping.
then the experiments began. and how fascinating they found this ability! how innocent it seemed with its stupid card and balloon tricks, but how threatening it was with its bombs and killing jokes (reference intended). the last thing they expected was for little carnie clown girl to be a real threat! even with the nullifying extracted gene used between experiments, they absolutely gagged her up <3 just gave her a little notebook because they aren’t completely evil <3 over a decade of being able to talk for maybe 30mins a day (just to make sure she still can when need be) and people would WONDER why she has so much to say <3
that said, she likely seemed very quiet to her peers… which she was naturally rather not. it is In Her DNA™.
(that said, they were most interested in her brain, limbs/digits, tongue/teeth, and skin……… so do with that information what you will)
other experiments were performed, each worse than the last, and her will was all but broken.. she was barely able to speak, barely able communicate – what was the point in trying? in hoping?
but after a new sub-ability made itself known - miming - and they decided to have fun hacking away at limbs?? SHE WAS READY TO MAKE SOME PLANS AND SPREAD THEM AROUND. (escape can be plotted out ofc! just keeping this sentence from the intro bc im too lazy to change anything i dont absolutely need to!)
getting that gag off, she wasted absolutely no time in letting some of those brilliant scientists finally hear her brilliant jokes! literally laugh themselves to death!
for some months after the escape, she was a classic sad clown, having no CLUE what she was supposed to do. believe it or not, for a whole month, she was even struggling with speech! (i have like… a whole thing about why she talks so much outside of the general ‘she’s a clown’ in my head it’s actually quite sad clown pls do ask if u wld like to hear)… then she saw an ad for an open mic night and a lightbulb appeared over her head! suddenly having the ability to talk for more than fifteen minutes, a day she could be a stand-up comedian… because even when she wasn’t funny, apparently she was really fucking funny! that said, she just uses the pseudonym ‘jester’ to draw less attention to her actual identity in the event that the barnum folks are walkin around.
a few months after the escape, jess was lucky enough to meet january st. james in all her generosity. she has since made her way to becoming january’s right-hand man and even aided in founding the hellfire club!
BORN – in ‘90 with clear differences, but not enough to warrant scare. (bro replacing “’69″ with “’90″ felt so weird)
AGE 13 – jess is discovered to definitely be a mutant; more or less sold to carnies
AGE 15 – one of jess’s jokes killed various audience members, drove others insane, and maimed even more. happened more than once.
AGE ~15.5 – jess is caught by barnum & co, the poor man’s kappa (which was completely purposeful, as william barnum was an embittered ex-ammo scientist)
AGE ~15.5-30 – jess is tortured by barnum & co. allowed to speak for maybe half an hour each day, if that. depends on them to provide paper/pen, but they can revoke as they please.
AGE 30 – a plan is concocted to escape with four other mutants
AGE 30 – jess is free and on the streets. january st. james helps her get back on her feet. finds a career as a comedian.
AGE 30+ – jess is still hellbent on revenge <3 but also helping establish the hellfire club like it’s all very contradictory.
y’all know that i’ve come up with a lot so i’ll just include the two that i put in the original intro. maybe i’ll come back one day and add them all but today is not that day!
 her version of reality can now be showcased by lily allen’s ‘ldn’ mv… only violence is still an option <3
also a lil note for her physiology since margot’s played harley quinn in three different movies and, each time, she’s looked a little different: facial features like suicide squad (2016), always has those lil bedazzled eyebrows she wears in birds of prey, color scheme of the suicide squad (2021) ! ( that said, probs won’t be using many ss gifs because there was like… one pack still available ahdlsaifjsk so just <3 imagine <3 ) the one thing i would add that’s in none of the gifs is one iris being a shade of light pink and the other being the regular blue.
barnum & co oddities ! the blurb will be submitted to the channel momentarily ( tl for kappa/hellfire didn’t add up, so original it is! ), but basically the four other folks she escaped the poor man’s kappa with.
kappa runaways ! okay i’m just interested in the idea of william barnum & co having been like ‘fuck kappa... fuck those bitches... they’re so stupid...’ so like. jess is aware of kappa’s existence -- would love for her to meet/have met some of the runaways and learned about how kappa was actually the chanel to barnum’s walmart
hellfire folks ! she does not even begin to look like she fits in in there and lbr she doesn’t ! could make it funny !
regulars at her performances ! yea
violence is the answer ! yea
peer pressure ! yea
see i just don’t feel like typing all of those out again ! but she has been established enough... for tha vibe !
brainstorming. obvs.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey, why the hell aren't you watching Fuuto PI right now!? ...oh, haha, right, you're listening to me talk about Pretty Cure. Haha, sorry, I didn't realize, haha~!
It'd be a real rude thing to do not to check in on our Delicious Partiers, yeah? What sort of wacky adentures do you have for us today, Pretty Cures? ...ohhhhh, 23, this is the one with Kokone's parents. ...this should be interesting, right?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yuin, good evening! It's sauce time.
-Lost in the sauce with Ranchi.
-Koko-neechan! You're the star of this episode~!
-I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but one of the funniest anime tropes ever is when a mom looks only like five years older than their kids, maximum. Now I'm not saying that this is a real bad thing, but like, even by anime mom standards, Mrs. Fuwa seems like she just willed herself to forever be in her early-mid twenties.
Kokone: "My parents raised me to be a lone wolf. I can take care of myself." Amane: "But like... don't you get lonely like that?" Kokone: "...maybe."
-"Mama?" Ohhhhh, my heart! Kokone, you're killin' me here!
-Meet the Parents. That's one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies.
-I do my sauce like that too.
-...man, Hatsuko has a very lovely design.
-"Huh... my daughter never smiles like that."
-Oh, hello Daddy- er, Daddy- er... Shosei-san.
-Hey now Kokone, be glad he didn't mistake it for wine.
-...though then again, could you chug it?
-"Oh fuck, soup. That's as good as water in my book!"
-...man, this is so awkward.
-Awwww, Kokone-chan... :(
-Hug her, Pamu!
-At least they're trying to reconnect, that's a good thing.
-...after 47 episodes of Revice, I don't think I can really take much more family-related psychic damage.
-Yeah, having similar interests would help, huh?
-...Ran, what the fuck are you implying about Amane?
-Ah c'mon Kokone, you were a little kid. We all did shit like that at that age!
-Oh, her aunt just happened to be there, huh?
-"Don't bully your parents."
-No doughnuts.
-Kokone Fuwa took a thing she was lightly scolded for super seriously, and
-...yep, that's an autistic child alright. Welcome to the club, Blue Dog Gal.
-She got the bottle after all.
-...man, that's nice :)
-Grandma Nagomi once said... "Angels descend during meals. Therefore, it's a sacred time."
-Secretoru checkin' the Ubau-zo catalogue. What will she order?
-Godatz is very disappointed in you two.
-Aww, he was concerned :)
-He's still pretty evil though, so...
-"Let's eat the doughnut holes together... as closure :)"
-Recipoppy Pipopapo
-The Genius Taster.
-"Ohhhhhhh, balls~!"
-...Doughnut holes?
-Makin' it personal by messing with her mom, huh Narshe?
-Yeah that's my new kinda insulting nickname for him. Just like the mining town of Narshe in Final Fantasy VI, he's cold, the site of some real memory issues and thievery, a pain in the ass to deal with later when you've gotten to know your party, probably has a giant snail, some Moogles, and a super-strong yeti locked away somewhere...
-...oh yeah, there's a big rolling pin and... pumpy thing.
-I... don't think I've ever seen one of those.
-Wow, Pamu's unfolded state looks... weird, I just realized jhkklj
Narshe: I will make you proud of me so you will call me your little pogchamp, Godatz-sama!
Finale: only saw z who dat?
-Noooo, Spicy!
-Oh hey, it's the mysterious black pepper man.
-Go for it, Koko-neechan!
-"I will lay down my life, if it means protecting the doughnuts."
-Damn, putting those heels to good use, huh gals?
-What even were you, Motto Ubau-zo?
-"Aw man... I'm not gonna be Godatz-sama's little pogchamp..."
-Awww, he knew!
-Shush, Pamu. This is a moment.
-Eat them doughnut holes!
-Yeaaah, reconnect!
-That was nice :)
-Sammiches, Spicy-style.
-That's a cute smile :)
-Yeah, that's nice.
-Mmmm... Orange Juice...
-Yeah, that was a fun episode. ...I realize that perhaps this isn't my most interesting liveblog series, but this is just a very fun and lovely time!
-"Kome-Kome Sucks! And So Does This Pizza Party!"
-Okay, you're dismissed~! ...GO WATCH FUUTO PI RIGHT NOW YOU MOTHERFU-
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of-the-nightsky · 1 month
Just Maybe
Disclaimers: NijiEn Fanfic | Piokuma | Vox Akuma 3.0 x Doppio Dropscythe 2.0 | BL / MLM | Strangers to crushes to lovers (?)
Summary: Maybe he didn't have to trash the place out of frustration. Maybe he didn't have to take a walk to cool himself down. But... but maybe he really shouldn't be staring...
"JuSt gO FoR a wAlK aLrEaDy!" He mocked, stomping his way down the familiar passage. "Go CoOl OfF! Geez, can't a guy just punch a wall to just punch a wall?"
Okay, so maybe he didn't just punch a wall because he burned himself on the toaster oven again. But it totally started it, he saw it giving him the evil eye!
("WITH WHAT EYES DOPPI??? WITH WHAT EYES???" screamed the Ver in his head again. Seriously, he swore it had eyes.)
Alright, sure, the toaster oven was innocent until he became the judge and sentenced it to a life of being broken, again, but it was with good reason! He was just trying to make a poptart in it with a little toaster strudel buddy, he didn't think twice about it. Now he has to be a "good boy" and go for a walk.
Yeah, whatever Ver, you keep thinking I just need a walk! He thought sulkily. Sure, he had qualities that rivaled the dogs in that popular animated movie and all, but he was a big scary wolf and not some dumb dog. His tail did not wag when he was called a good boy, it did not!
("Pio, you can say that all you want, but your advanced butt-whip just knocked over a vase of flowers, again." Ver, nobody calls it a butt-whip, it's a tail. Stop giving it weird names, last time you called it the Mess-Maker-Plume-Master-3,000.)
Maybe Ver was on to something, Doppio wasn't sure anymore. Maybe he shouldn't have punched the toaster oven so hard it busted through a wall. Maybe he shouldn't have chased after it to "finish the job" or whatever his wolf-aligned brain hyper focused on doing.
Although it did frustrate him that it burned him. Guilt slowly clawed its way into his heart. Maybe he was a bad boy and he should have tried being good a lot harder. Maybe he didn't have to trash the place out of frustration. Maybe he didn't have to take a walk to cool himself down. But... but maybe he really shouldn't be staring at the demon who was their neighbor five blocks away. Wait, since when did I even walk this far?? Oh, whatever, what is this dude doing, gardening? Lame.
Or so he thought it was until he saw how the literal butterflies just seemed to love the flowers so much. Like, they were made for the butterflies to feed from. Maybe staring wasn't a bad idea. It was a good view of a big strong man showing a tender and gentle side.
He stared for a solid minute, zoning out and finding his own inner peace. He watched how the muscles moved beneath the taut shirt and pants, watched how the behemoth of a man even greeted a harmless hummingbird with a soft rumbling voice hiked up into such a fond high tone.
Oh dear.
His heart couldn't take it.
The man stood up to adjust the hummingbird feeder he had set up and did so without a fucking ladder.
The muscular man was obviously able to tower over even him, Doppio himself, without it even being close. Not only that, but he was being so gentle for the tiniest and most fragile of creatures and he could not handle it.
He didn't even know how long he was staring at this large man, envisioning how it must be like to get the best fucking head pats in the world by such a gentle giant of a man. It was long enough as rose pink irises glanced his way and their eyes met.
The heat rose on Doppio's face. He was caught. He really shouldn't have been staring. He was pining for a stranger for the past devil-knows how long! (No God would ever look upon him and not think his stare was sinless!)
"Going for walk!" He blurted out far louder than he intended before turning and starting to speed-walk away. He was confident his face was every shade of scarlet.
It was mildly embarrassing. He lied to himself.
He didn't hear any fond chuckling that made his long wolfen ears burn and flatten against his skull.
And most certainly,
His tail, most definitely did not wag.
Nobody saw it.
Anyone who claimed so were liars!
Vox, for all he was worth, never expected to be spotted by such a unique golden-eyed magenta wolf man. Not that he was opposed to it. He found it cute in a way. The poor wolf was just watching him like a lost puppy having his first outing. His eyes shining like a meadow of dandelion's that have yet invaded the hill behind it. It was so precious and innocent. He didn't know who they were, but he hoped to see them again. Especially seeing how red their face had gone when their eyes met. It was rather delightful after spending many long years by himself. Maybe doing his garden once a day wouldn't be a bad idea if it meant possibly meeting such a wolf. And maybe, he could invite him in and get to know him better. Just maybe, if Fate was a kind soul for once.
To be continued... (maybe?)
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Cloud City, Chapter Four - a Malevolent AU
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"Don’t suppose you know who the King in Yellow is.”
I do.
“Wh- you do? Who? What is he?”
An Esoteric. A true god, Hastur says. Mighty; ancient and wise. He goes by many names.
AO3 || Masterpost
It’s good. It’s rougher than Arthur likes, and Yang insists on making all the decisions. Arthur is not permitted to change anything, to get on top, to change the pace. He is not given any choices, but after a while, he finds it pleasant just to let Yang have his way.
It’s good. Good enough that Arthur loses himself in it, which he was never able to do with Bella, and he really liked her, though they were never officially a thing.
Maybe it’s good because he’s tired, and doesn’t want to make any more choices, and his clock is running down, and that adds an edge to everything that happens. Or maybe it’s just good because it’s good. It doesn’t have to mean anything.
And Arthur is drunk. He shouts a lot. Might have cried in there, too—that was a lot of whiskey on an empty stomach—but he has no regrets.
Before he finally sleeps, he thinks that it worked. He does feel more alive than he has in ages.
And, he thinks, maybe that’s why Hastur hadn’t wanted him to do it.
Waking next to Parker Yang is pretty weird, though.
Hastur is silent, which is fine, because Arthur does not know what he’d say. He’s not sure he would have done this without the alcohol. He’s not sure he regrets it even with the alcohol. He’s still feeling good, even though his mouth tastes like old socks.
Parker is out. Lips parted, eyes closed, dark lashes trembling on his cheeks as he dreams, and it’s as Arthur studies him that he realizes his left eye is dead.
It’s completely black. Nothing. Like it’s been plucked out. So fast. It’s happening so fast. Any concern that last night’s choice might have been rash or reactionary or unwise goes right out the window.
Arthur goes to shower so he doesn't have to think anymore.
“Place is going to shit,” he mutters as he kills three unidentified insects in the bathroom.
When he returns, Parker is only just up, looking fuzzy as hell, staggering into the bathroom Arthur just vacated. Arthur leaves him there and heads nude to his office. It’s time to check the damned leather bag.
It’s where he dropped it by the door; it doesn’t look like Parker went through it. He carries it to the desk, smashes the weird little bug crawling there, then cautiously tips the bag over to see what falls out.
Two thunks and a jingle of smaller metal, that’s what: a thick piece of glass, teardrop shaped, larger than his hand, and smooth; a grim-looking dagger, its blade black, its handle wrapped in strips of something dotted with small red spikes; and five metal rings.
Arthur stares. “What the fuck?”
Well, hello there, Arthur Lester, investigator, says Hastur. I’d wondered where you’d gone.
“What the fuck are these things, Hastur?”
You disappeared sometime yesterday, says Hastur, who isn’t fucking done. I wondered if I’d ever see you again. Alas, that our perfect window for investigation has passed, yet the return of Arthur Lester, investigator, still bodes ill for our enemies, for there may yet be time.
“Fuck’s sake, Hastur. Grow up."
Only if you’re done being a child.
“What I just did wasn’t exactly kid stuff,” Arthur says, using a pen to poke the glass thing.
We did not heal your wounds last night, and they are inflamed. Will you permit a minor magick now? Or are you still too afraid of the big bad wolf?
Arthur sighs and puts the pen down. “Hastur…”
I’m not your enemy.
“I didn’t say—”
I have never been your enemy. We entered a Contract like adults, with full knowledge of what was involved, and since that time, I have neither disrespected nor harmed you. I retain the right to be offended after what you said last night.
Had he… hurt Hastur’s feelings?
It makes him want to laugh. Immortal spooky spirit-servant of distant unseen gods, hurt by Arthur’s temper. “You—” No, pointing that out would just get him huffier. “I may have… reacted from pain last night. From fear. Okay? I know you’re new to this. You don’t face what I’m facing, and you never will. You can’t understand. It doesn’t matter how much I still want the result, or still think it’s worth the trade. I’m afraid.”
I understand, and I forgive you.
Hastur sounds magnanimous as some lord, and Arthur has to fight not to laugh again. “We’re good? Terrific. You still haven’t told me what’s going on.”
I can’t with him here.
Shh. He’s finished his shower. Hide the glass. Hide the dagger. Now.
Unsure why he obeys, Arthur does, picking up a bag not ruined by water and monsters and placing both objects inside, then dropping things from his desk on top of them—some clean handkerchiefs, an old case file, two books. “John, what’s going on? Come on. You’ve got to give me something. You’re acting like the world is going to blow up.”
It won’t blow up. It will go mad.
Arthur goes still. “What? Like the jail?”
“What about the jail?” says Parker, ambling nude out of the bedroom and yawning like a frog.
So now was when they discovered if it would be awkward or not. Arthur steels himself. “Hey.”
Parker waves casually. “Hey. You said coffee?”
“Sure. There. You know how to make it?”
Parker gives him a dry look and heads toward the tiny kitchenette.
Okay. So it wouldn’t be awkward. Nice.
“What about the jail?” says Parker again, opening cabinets to find coffee grounds.
“John claims that whatever struck the jail is going to strike again. He seems to have some idea what it is, but he’s also having trouble fucking explaining it.”
“Huh,” says Parker, pouring water. “That makes sense.”
“He’s just a Summon. What happened at the jail is outside what a Summon can do. He may have encountered something like it before, but whatever this thing is, it’s in a different league than him.”  Parker turns around and leans on the counter while the coffee percolates behind him. He’s backlit by the morning light, bronzed against the window, starkly outlined against Arthur’s shabby counter.
He looks like art.
Arthur can’t help his gaze roaming.
“This wasn’t the first time it showed its ugly mug, either,” Parker says as the smell of coffee blooms.
Arthur’s eyes go wide. “What?”
“It’s happened before, what happened yesterday. Three times. A group of people all went mad and killed each other.”
“That’s what happened at the jail?”
“Yeah. It’s a problem. A big one. I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the witches are scared.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not.” Parker turns and pours them both coffee. “Every time it’s happened, the victims all died chanting.”
“Chanting what?”
“I’ve pored over it so many times I have it fucking memorized. They were chanting, ‘Terrible simplicity, irresistible truth, the King in Yellow comes.’ Don’t suppose you know what the fuck that means.”
Arthur shudders from scalp to toes, and he doesn’t know why. He’s never heard the name before, nor the chant; but it is not… a safe thing to say. He knows.
Parker sighs, bringing over the mug. “Yeah. That’s everyone’s reaction. Nobody likes it.”
“Who the fuck is the King in Yellow?”
“Most we can get is the witches know the name, but they won’t repeat it, and won’t get involved. I wasn’t kidding. They’re scared.”
“Shit.” Arthur has never seen a witch scared. Though… that one did get overpowered yesterday, when the witch paint was put down. Hm.
“So what’s all this?” Parker says, gesturing at the desk as he walks around it.
And Arthur makes a snap decision: “Spare rings. Last ones I’ve got.” As if he could afford to have spare rings.
“Right. You said yours broke,” says Parker.
“They did. Ran into some trouble near the Wastes. John and I managed, but it cost me.” Arthur sighs, looking at his hand.
One ring remains. Every popped ring was a moment when Hastur’s power surging through him would have harmed his human body. He’d have lost a lot more than one hand and one eye yesterday if not for them. The ones on the desk haven’t been attuned to him, so it means nothing beyond deception, but he starts putting them on, anyway: three empty fingers on his right hand, two fingers on his left.
“Your Summon really pulled out the stops yesterday, huh?” says Parker.
“Told you—when we’re on a case, he’s like a dog with a bone. I swear, sometimes I think the reason he took my Contract was so he could play detective.”
Hastur scoffs.
Parker steps right up behind him, puts his coffee on the desk, and reaches around to grip Arthur, his hand warmed by his mug.
“Hey, w…” Arthur forgets how to talk.
“Thinking about you for five fucking years. I’m having this,” says Parker, and lightly bites the juncture of neck and shoulder.
Arthur makes a sound. “We, uh. Don’t have time.”
“Yeah, we do.”
Arthur closes his eyes and makes no more protests. Parker holds him from behind, bites marks into his skin, and works him until Arthur’s legs shake, and he makes a mess in Parker’s hand.
And if Arthur, on his knees a moment later, catches an odd look, a strange expression cast down from on high, as though Parker wants him kneeling even more than he wants what the kneeling is for, so what? They’ve been at each other’s throats for years now, and everybody’s got kinks.
Hastur, fortunately, stays quiet until it’s all done.
The coffee isn’t even cold. “Told you we had time,” says Parker, smug as fuck.
“Sure,” says Arthur, who needs a minute.
Parker downs his caffeine. “I want you with me today.”
“With me. On the case. You’re a material witness, at least.”
Arthur’s mouth works. “I can’t. I’ve got my own case to pursue.”
“I want you where I can keep an eye on you. If we have to do that with cuffs and a warrant, we will.”
“Fuck. That’s some pillow talk.”
“I don’t see any pillows,” Parker says, dead serious. “Don’t try to skip out. We’re doing this.” He heads off to grab his clothes.
Ditch him. We need to go.
Arthur squashes another bug. “Do you want a city-wide manhunt? Because that’s how you get a city-wide manhunt.”
Hastur growls. And you want to know why I find him suspicious. His timing is too convenient.
“Timing for what? John… come on. You haven’t even told me what this is about. I can accept that you didn’t betray me, exactly, but you’re still asking me to run in the dark.” A thought crosses his mind. “Don’t suppose you know who the King in Yellow is.”
I do.
“Wh- you do? Who? What is he?”
An Esoteric. A true god, Hastur says. Mighty; ancient and wise. He goes by many names.
“Really?” Still a little shaky, Arthur pulls out a pen and a notebook. “This could be a whole breakthrough. What are the other names?”
Oh… Hastur seems to be thinking. I have heard him called The Unspeakable One. The Feaster From Afar. The Lord of Interstellar Spaces. The Peacock King.
Arthur laughs.
Hastur huffs a little. Because, so I am given to understand, his court and his city are home to great beauty of music and art.
“Sure. Go on.”
Hastur huffs again. Zukala-Koth. H'aaztre. Dweller in the Depths.
“Heh, H’aaztre sounds a little like your name.”
Alas, not similar enough. I can hardly imagine what it is to rule such vast worlds as he purportedly does.
“Don’t suck him off, now.”
Why not? You seem to enjoy the activity.
“Asshole,” Arthur mutters as Parker returns, clothed in yesterday’s suit with one of Arthur’s shirts.
“Get dressed already,” says Parker, adjusting his tie.
“Yeah. I… you sure you need me to go with you?”
“Like I said—I have to keep an eye on you. You’re literally the only person who’s ever survived one of these incidents, Arthur. You’re it. You have to have seen or heard something of use.”
Arthur’s mind is an investigator’s mind. Parker had been talking about keeping an eye on him before the jail happened, so that didn't add up. “I don’t think I saw anything.” He frowns. “You’re telling me there are no survivors? None?”
“Fuck.” Arthur runs his hand through his hair.
“Get dressed already.”
“Yeah.” Arthur heads to do that. “So my Summon, by the way, has some news.”
“The King in Yellow. He knows something.”
Parker’s look is gimlet sharp. “What?”
Arthur rattles off the list of names.
“Shit,” Parker says. “He’s sure it’s an actual god?”
“That’s what he said.”
“Does he know anything else?”
Possibly. I am sorting memories now.
“He’s thinking.”
Parker rolls his eyes. “Get dressed, Arthur.”
Arthur scowls at his tiny wardrobe a moment later. “Fucker took my best shirt,” he mutters.
“I have an idea.”
What idea?
“We can use whatever else you know to make him come with us. That way whatever your world-ending issue is, I have backup with two fucking eyes and two reliable hands. He can keep me where he can see me, or whatever he wants out of this, and everybody’s happy.”
Hastur is silent while Arthur dresses. That’s not a bad idea.
“So now he’s not the worst thing since sliced bread?”
No. It’s obvious you’ve made up your mind to accommodate him. I should have considered your hormonal needs over the last few years so we didn’t end up in this position. The onus is on me.
Arthur laughs. “My what? My fucking… are you out of your…”
I have something.
“Give it to me.”
I think I recognized the magick signature of the power in the jail.
We need to speak to a witch to be sure, but yes. I’m eighty-five percent certain.
“Okay. So this is big. Who would that be, and what would that mean?”
I won’t give you the answer until we are in the presence of a witch.
Arthur sighs. “You haven’t ever been this stubborn before.”
We haven’t had so much on the line before.
After a long moment, Arthur says, “You mean it. You actually think this is going to destroy the world.”
I know it will.
“Why do you know it will?”
I can’t tell you until we are with the witch.
“For fuck’s sake…” Arthur checks his tie and heads back out.
Parker offers Arthur’s spare hat. “Only one you got left. Lost your other, I guess.”
There is a message here. “Did you go through all my stuff, or just my coat rack?”
Parker smirks like a demon. “Went through more than that.”
“Watching you for five fucking years.” Parker waggles the hat. “You gotta put up with me now.”
And it’s too late, and Arthur is dying. They maybe could’ve had five years of something, instead of just last night. “So this is how you deal with bad shit, huh? Deny it and move right along.” He takes his hat.
“When it’s unavoidable, yeah. No point moping. We’re late.”
“About to be later. My Summon thinks he saw something.”
“Give.” Parker turns, focused like light bouncing off a mirror.
“He thinks he might know who’s behind what happened.”
Parker’s impatience is visible. “And?”
“He says we need to get to a witch to verify it. Won’t tell me until we go.”
Parker stares. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“Tell me what he knows.”
“Can’t. He didn’t tell me. He wants to get to the witch first.”
Parker’s face tightens. Yep, that’s anger. Very short wick.
And that’s why it was only a maybe regarding the last five years. Arthur is under no delusions that he deserves something good, but he doesn’t want an angry lover. He sighs. “He’s been weird since they told me I was free to go. Which makes sense, if he saw something he can’t verify on his own.”
Parker sighs. “Stupid Summon. If you’d just been smarter about your damned Contract…”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t.” Arthur shrugs. “Hey—you’re the one who decided you wanted all this. Haven’t gotten any smarter since five years ago, either.”
The anger leaves Parker’s face. “Can’t argue that.”
“Charmer. Okay. Witch.”
Parker sighs. “Lemme make a phone call.”
“Knock yourself out.”
Hastur remains silent as Parker makes his call.
(chapter five)
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tyonfs · 4 years
i like me better (when i’m with you)
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PAIRING ▸ jeong jaehyun x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ friends to enemies to lovers, college au, sports, friends with benefits, smut, crack, fluff 
WARNINGS ▸ sexual !! tension !! lots of it, smut (public sex, fingering, hate sex, raw sex, pool sex, oral sex), mark lee cockblocking, also yes, there’s actual fluff
SUMMARY ▸ there was no one else on the planet that made your blood boil like jeong jaehyun did. you never thought your feelings toward him were anything past pure hatred, but when you were lost in the feeling of his lips on yours and his hands on your body, you couldn’t help but think that maybe a part of you didn’t completely hate his guts. 
PLAYLIST ▸ i like me better by lauv • unravel me by sabrina claudio
WORD COUNT ▸ 11896 words
TAG LIST ▸ @gotoartistprofile @chanluster​ @steamyjaehyun
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ big shoutout to fia for hyping me up to complete this and i hope you guys enjoy it !! thank you so much for reading ♡ part of the dunk shot! series but can be read separately!
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To the average human being, Jeong Jaehyun was, in a sense, perfect. On the surface, he was everyone’s trademark Golden Boy—good grades, athletic, and a seemingly good personality. The last point, however, was a complete and utter lie. Simply put, Jaehyun was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and you, unfortunately, wound up becoming his target.
If it weren’t for your love for cheerleading, you probably would never have to see Jaehyun, but your passion came with a price. Competitors were often asked a series of questions, and these questions typically included inquiring about your hardships as an athlete. If someone were to ask you what the hardest part of being a cheerleader was, your answer would not be what they expected.
It wasn’t getting back up after bad falls that left you with bruises and a concussion. It wasn’t dealing with the basketball team’s aftermath of a devastating loss and having to cheer them on through it. It wasn’t waking up extra early for morning practices, or having to push yourself to run miles in the sweltering heat. Hell, it wasn’t even dealing with the horny basketball team members at afterparties.
It was the annual training camp.
Every winter, the team attended a week-long training session along with several other teams in the city. With state-of-the-art facilities and a massive training center, the training camp was an event that the entire team looked forward to. Although the training was brutal, the luxury of the hotel rooms and the gourmet meals had made up for all of that. Yet, despite all of that, the camp itself was still hell for you.
It wasn’t all bad, though. In fact, you indulged in the concept of a training camp, delighted with the opportunity to meet cheerleaders from different universities. A handful of your friends from high school had joined teams at different universities, so it was exciting to get to see them all again. All in all, it was the whole package deal: friends, your favorite sport, and fun times. What could possibly ruin that?
Well, a certain someone by the name of Jeong Jaehyun could, and that wonderful individual incensed your fury quite like no other.
“You again,” you spat, clutching your duffel bag strap. You had just gotten off the bus to head into the hotel, but the devil himself was blocking your way.
“Y/N,” the devil cooed, “do you need help carrying that?”
“I’m fine.”
You shrugged Jaehyun off and tried to move past him, but the bane of your existence had other plans. He tossed you a small carton of milk; it was the kind you could buy at a vending machine. Your reflexes kicked in just in time for you to catch it, giving him a questioning look.
“You should be drinking more milk, Y/N. It’s good for you,” Jaehyun said. You were sure he was going to make a snide comment so you opened your mouth to protest, but he continued, “Jaemin likes big tits, you know?”
You and Jaehyun went farther back than you’d like to admit. While you did currently attend different universities, you had the joyous experience of going to the same high school as him. He wasn’t too different now; he had the same dimpled smile, the same godly features, and the same cocky smirk when things were going the way he planned. What was different was that you two were once friends.
And what took the cake? You had a big crush on his friend and fellow teammate. Introducing Na Jaemin, everyone.
It wasn’t like you never got over Jaemin, but you had to admit that your heart still fluttered pitifully whenever you saw him. It didn’t help that he was so breathtakingly beautiful, so undeniably genuine, and such a sweetheart. Unfortunately, Jaehyun knew of your little secret. Being the conniving little snake he was, he used it to his advantage.
Ever since your fallout with him in your senior year of high school, you’ve hated Jeong Jaehyun, and you were sure he hated you right back. It almost felt akin to the competition at this point, and you were a pretty sore loser. Honestly, you were sad initially when he broke off your friendship in senior year and threw crude insults at you. You normally didn’t let things get to you, but it hurt to hear that your best friend didn’t want anything to do with you after you had told him you were going to a different university. You were sure the both of you had grown past that, but now he had changed from a sincere highschooler to a complete low-life piece of shit.
“You’re a douche, Jaehyun,” you sneered.
A grin spread across his face. “Yeah, I know.”
You scoffed. “God, if I could, I would smash that pretty face into—”
“Hey!” a loud voice laced with trepidation interjected. It was your best friend on your school’s basketball team, Mark Lee, coming to your rescue; or, rather, he was trying to prevent you from doing something you’d most probably regret. He shot Jaehyun a warning look and slung an arm around your shoulders. “Y/N, what’re you doing here? We have to check into our hotel rooms.”
You looked back at Jaehyun to see a smug look on his face before he turned to catch up to Taeyong and Jaemin. You looked back up at Mark, who was also keeping an eye out for the demon in disguise.
“Thanks for getting me out of that mess,” you mumbled. “That guy is so infuriating. I can’t believe he still brings up Jaemin when I’m clearly over him!”
Your words were sharp enough that Mark and the people around you flinched, even if they weren’t completely paying attention to your rant. It was common knowledge that Jaehyun’s presence left you in low spirits, and Mark had come to terms that you would always be in a bitter mood during the training camp, and that there was only one person to blame for it.
Mark shot you a sympathetic look that you knew was intended to show his helpfulness, but instead just served to make you appear all the more bitter.
“Why don’t you just ignore him?” he suggested. “He’s just looking for a reaction out of you.”
“If I let him get the last word, then he wins.”
“At least he’d stop bothering you,” Mark reasoned as you both made your way to where your team had gathered by the reception desk.
“Is this about Jaehyun again?” Zhong Chenle chimed in, a devilish grin plastered across his face. “You’re a handful, Y/N.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” you snapped.
Chenle just stared at you, arching a brow as if the answer should have been obvious. “You and Jaehyun,” he said, “there’s some tension there.”
“Wow, Sherlock Holmes. Observant, aren’t you?” you spat, words dripping with sarcasm. “We’ve hated each other for years. Of course there’s tension.”
Johnny Suh snorted, averting his gaze as to not bring attention to himself. Chenle rolled his eyes, a delighted smile on his face as he watched you carefully, digging into his bag of chips in the meantime.
“Y/N, I think he means a different kind of tension,” Mark said.
“What kind of tension?” you asked, shocking the rest of them with your surprisingly innocent response. In retrospect, it was more because you couldn’t imagine the answer being anything past the realm of hatred.
While they all hesitated to respond, Johnny spoke up, “He meant the ‘I wanna beat you up and then have rough sex with you’ kind of tension.”
You immediately froze—long enough for Chenle to take a picture of your reaction—the expression on your face a cross between incredulity and visceral rage. You must have looked like a ticking time bomb because Mark had to take a cautious step back.
“Come again? Rough sex?” You were well aware of how strangled and pitched your voice sounded as soon as it escaped your lips, how guilty it sounded, but you couldn’t focus on that as the weight of Johnny’s words were sinking in. “Jaehyun and I?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” Johnny answered.
“That’s a lie.”
“Yeah? Then why do you two always look at each other so weird?”
You didn’t know how to defend yourself now so you just said, “He’s a bastard and I would never see him in any other way.”
“You say that now but we all know—”
“Alright, let’s drop it,” Mark said, trying to defuse the situation before you blew it up into an argument. “I would rather go rest in my hotel room rather than bear witness to a homicide.”
“Fine, fine,” Johnny relented.
You scoffed and jabbed at his foot with yours before letting the topic go. Your squabbles with them were all in good nature, but this one somehow put you off. It was like Johnny had planted the seeds and were waiting for them to grow. You were starting to mull over every interaction you’ve had with Jeong Jaehyun.
Johnny and Chenle had made a startlingly accurate observation. You and Jaehyun did look at each other for a little too long sometimes, nearly to the point where it seemed like you were basking in the attention of the other—
No fucking way.
You were not going down that path. There was nothing more to your relationship with Jeong Jaehyun than pure hatred and resentment. He was a douchebag who was intent on making you feel like shit. His only motive was to start shit again between you and Jaemin, who you would’ve completely forgotten by now if it weren’t for him.
No way. There was absolutely no undercurrent of desire that was creeping its way to be uncovered.
Or was there? a small, treacherous part of your mind offered.
You were lost in your thoughts as the coaches handed you your room key, as you waited for your roommate who was some girl named Eunha from the other school, as you made your way to your room on the fifth floor.
The only thing you could think about were those long stares, those mesmerizing eyes, and the implication behind them. You always attributed it to Jaehyun being a hormonal teenage boy, but you had to admit that you’ve seen him look at you with some semblance of lust. Perhaps that same feeling was buried far in the depths of your consciousness, too.
Could you possibly be attracted to the devil incarnate, Jeong Jaehyun?
No, you argued with yourself, and shit, even your frontal lobe sounded pretty unconvinced. He’s a petty bastard and that’s all he’ll ever be.
You instilled the mantra of you and Jaehyun being sworn enemies in your head, but you couldn’t help the fact that it was peppered by the memories of an irritatingly familiar smirk. You scowled, willing your head to get rid of all-things-Jeong-Jaehyun, but he was right there.
He was standing right in front of you.
“Hey, neighbor,” he teased, all too satisfied with the horrified look on your face. “Guess you can’t get rid of me.”
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You were falling when you jolted awake.
A groan tore its way past your lips. You made sure you didn’t disrupt Eunha’s sleep before you recounted your dream. It had been a while since you’ve had one, and realization was morphing into shame when you realized what kind of dream it was. You’ve never had a wet dream before but what made you want to astral project yourself into oblivion was when you realized that Jaehyun caused it.
After tossing and turning for a couple of minutes in a desperate attempt for sleep to overcome you once more, you came to terms with the fact that you were staying awake for now. Staying awake was worse, though, because there was no way you could keep the intruding thoughts at bay. Not with the way Jeong Jaehyun kept flashing behind your eyelids, at least.
You considered how to spend the rest of your night, surveying your options as you stared up at the ceiling:
Watch season three of Riverdale on Netflix so you could make fun of it.
Attempt to sleep, but with little success because there was no way you were going back to bed after that dream.
Count the slacks of the window’s blinds even though it would be pointless because what the fuck were you going to do with that information?
It was truly astounding how interesting your life was.
You couldn’t think clearly with Eunha’s soft snoring, so you grabbed your keys and pushed the door open carefully to keep it from squealing. After your delicate movements to escape your room quietly, you leaned against the wall and let out a sigh of relief. You weren’t too keen on someone scolding you in the middle of the night for being outside, but you needed to clear your head somewhere. You packed for weather that was balmy, but the air conditioner carried a bite to it that made you wish you hadn’t just worn shorts and a tank top to bed.
You could practically hear Mark mocking you if he were here: Are you in the right headspace, Y/N?
You shook your head, getting your provoking best friend out of there, but instead, you found yourself wandering into dangerous territory again.
Johnny and Chenle were parroting the same words over and over again in your head. You wished you could use your metaphysical hands in your head and squeeze the life out of them, but they always flew out of your grasp. You clicked your tongue absentmindedly, your annoyance rehashing itself as your mind gravitated back to Jeong Jaehyun with his stupid smirk and annoyingly persistent cockiness. It was almost pitiful that you hated his guts and yet you couldn’t deny the magnetism he carried, the pull that made your breath hitch when he met your eyes.
His presence was announced by the change in the air more than anything else. You didn’t have to see him to know he was there. You clenched your jaw; you couldn’t catch a break from him even during the ungodly hours of the night.
He was unavoidable.
He hummed with amusement. “Look who’s here.”
“What are you doing up this late? Go to bed.”
You didn’t even bother to look at him because there was one thing you were sure of and it was that you could not look at his sickeningly attractive face right now. Jaehyun didn’t move, blatantly ignoring your order. The tension was so thick that you wanted to storm away, but you knew he would follow you just to piss you off.
“I couldn’t sleep,” he said. “You should be the one resting up. You cheerleaders always train until you’re near death.”
“Can’t sleep,” was your curt response.
He laughed once, a short sound that was pretty much gone the moment it hit your eardrums. “What? You get nightmares or something?”
“So what if I do?” you retaliated, getting oddly defensive. It was a given that you’d lie about getting a nightmare over a wet dream. “It’s none of your business.”
He laughed again but this time it was lower, more dangerous. “It’s my business when it concerns you.”
“I have and will never be your business, Jeong Jaehyun.”
He leaned against the wall. “I beg to differ.”
“Then keep begging.”
“If you say so.”
“Jaehyun,” you interrupted your own banter. “What’s the point of this conversation? Just go back to your room so we can go back to not talking to each other.”
“I’m good, thanks.”
“That’s unfortunate,” you said. “I don’t want to talk to you, so go find someone who does.”
“We don’t have to talk.” Suddenly, his voice sounded closer, and you forced your gaze down at the strangely-patterned hotel carpet.
You swallowed thickly. “I’m here to clear my head. I don’t want you to hover around me for the rest of the night.”
“Actually, I had something else in mind.”
He closed in on you, one of his hands skimming up the soft skin of your arm. A shudder ran down your spine as you felt his fingers travel up to your shoulder, your collarbone, and then the side of your neck. With a swift movement, he caged you in his arms, biceps flexing as he did.
What was going on? You couldn’t quite keep up with the situation but the way Jaehyun was looking down at you made you feel hot. It was exactly like your dream—
“Holy fuck, Jaehyun.”
You couldn’t stop the words from escaping your lips when you felt his hot breath on your neck. Your head went fuzzy and you were pretty sure your knees were ready to buckle under you. The corner of Jaehyun’s lip lifted into a smirk as if he had been planning this. You mustered a scowl at him but one thing was clear: you screwed yourself over by getting into this situation.
Damn it. You knew you should’ve watched season three of Riverdale instead
Also, Chenle and Johnny were right. Not that you’d ever tell them that; put simply, you were a sore loser.
Lust was swimming in Jaehyun’s eyes. The way he caged you felt predatory, a show of dominance rather than passion. That smirk of his carved in deeper, and it only pissed you off. Yet, as much as it pissed you off, all you wanted him to do was just ruin you.
Your pride was too strong, though, and you concluded that you would rather stick a fork in your eye than let Jaehyun do what he wanted. This sparked a dilemma in your head: to fuck or not to fuck Jaehyun, that was the question. One sounded like a pretty uneventful night, while the other sounded appealing save for the self-loathing you’d experience afterward.
“You want me, Y/N,” he cooed. “I know you do.”
“I hate you.”
“Trust me, I know.”
“I mean it, Jaehyun,” you hissed. Your head was screaming at you to just go with it, but denying Jaehyun’s advances and provokes was just natural instinct to you. “I don’t want you. Stop lying to yourself.”
“Is that so? I think you’re the liar here,” he replied easily as you dodged his attempt to kiss you.
You pushed at his muscular arm but he didn’t budge. For a moment, you strongly considered just dropping to the ground and crawling out from under his legs, but you were done for. Seconds later, Jaehyun’s hand flew up, long fingers digging into the soft flesh of your face as he forced your chin upward to look at him directly. The lust in his eyes was so clear, so alluring, and it made you stop struggling for a second.
“I’m not going to ask you again. Let go of me.”
“Good, it’s a waste of breath.”
“Has anyone ever told you how infuriating you are?”
“You did. Many times.”
“Just fuck off already.”
Your words were like poison, but for some odd reason, Jaehyun was immune to it. Any reasonable person would at least flinch, but Jaehyun was so fixated on his one goal. Again, he didn’t budge. He gazed into your eyes with a fierce intensity that threw you off.
“Just let me fucking kiss you, Y/N.”
His smirk was gone. He wasn’t teasing you anymore. Jaehyun’s eyes darkened with his command.
He leaned in and you could feel his hot breath fanning your lips, drinking in your appearance. You were pulled into his trap and you hated yourself for it. You swallowed hard as all of your worries about being with Jaehyun and getting caught had started to fade away. All you could do was yield to him.
“Fine,” you whispered.
“Good girl,” was all he got out before basically smashing your lips together.
It was rushed, messy, and way too rough. Jaehyun grabbed the back of your neck, his other arm still locking you in place. Your hands moved from gripping at the front of his shirt to slowly wrapping around his neck. You weren’t sure how you felt, but there was something that made you want to tangle your fingers in his hair and get lost in him.
The moment Jaehyun’s tongue slid along the crease of your lips, you were conflicted. You weren’t exactly sure what to do so he took the reins. You wondered if he was expressing his pent-up hatred as well. It was clear in the way he was taking prying your mouth open with his tongue, snaking his hot muscle to dance with yours as if he had something to prove. He wanted you to see that he was the dominant one, that he had leverage over the situation.
But when he broke away, he flipped the switch. The both of you were left catching your breath, Jaehyun resting his forehead against yours in a feeling that had a weird sort of intimacy stemming from it. His hand dropped from your neck to brush messy locks of hair behind your shoulders.
Well, that explained why humans were so tempted by the devil.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jaehyun grinned down at you.
You fought down the shyness that was creeping into your chest. Before you could respond, the both of you turned your heads at the sound of footsteps. A flashlight glimpsed by you when you saw two dark figures at the end of the hall. It didn’t sound like your coach, but you weren’t too keen on sticking around to figure out who it was.
“Son, how in the world did you get locked out of your room this late?” one of them asked.
“I’m telling you, I needed to use the bathroom so I went outside without my key, and then I remembered the bathroom was in the room.”
That voice was most definitely Mark.
“Hey!” the security guard scolded when he saw you two. “What are you kids doing? It’s late!”
“You’re on your own.” You pushed Jaehyun away from you and fumbled for your keys before Mark or the security guard could spot you. “Bye.”
You jammed your key in, not worried about waking up your roommate anymore. All you could hear was Jaehyun growling out a short string of curses before you shut the door behind him and leaned against it. Your head was still reeling in what had just happened, but that kiss had left you in the clouds. You could feel the ghost of his lips on yours. Dazed, you just fell onto your bed, into the entrancing clutches of sleep.
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You were exhausted when you woke up, and you blamed Jaehyun for it.
You weren’t in the proper condition for training; you hadn’t gotten enough sleep and your head was a mess (well, you supposed you were the only one to blame for the latter). You forgot to set your alarm so you woke up to Eunha shaking you gently, coaxing you into stirring. She was already dressed, tying her hair up in a ponytail. You all but jumped out of bed when you saw her, thinking you were late.
“What time is it?” you asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you stood up and tried to adjust to the morning light.
“You’ve still got plenty of time,” she assured you. “I just like to get ready early so I can go for a quick run.”
“Ah, okay. Have fun,” you mumbled before she left the room, leaving you to drag yourself around the room to get ready. You heard a knock at the door and went to open it, assuming it was Eunha forgetting her keys. Your eyes narrowed when you saw who it was. “Jaehyun?”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” His voice was somewhere between a pant and a rasp as if he had been working out, which he probably was judging by the sheen of sweat on his biceps.
“Were you waiting for Eunha to leave?” you asked. “You’re disgusting. Why would you think about me?”
“I was thinking about how much of a bitch you are for running away and letting me get in trouble like that.”
“Pity.” You mocked a pout for him. “Now move. I have to get ready.”
“Let me in.”
You made a face at the thought. You knew where he was going with this and you needed to stop it. “No. You’re disgusting.”
“You liked it last night.”
His eyes searched yours in the dim light, looking for something that unfortunately was there: longing. You were never the greatest at hiding your emotions, which was why you couldn’t lie to yourself and refuse Jaehyun. Screw your transparency. Jaehyun grinned at your silence and took a step in your room when you opened your door wider for him.
You closed the door. “I hated every second of it,” you said in a childish attempt to get on his nerves.
You were a terrible liar.
Your back was against the door in a second. You could only let out a soft gasp before he kissed you, hands on your waist, slowing his movements unlike the hurriedness from last night. It was foreign, the way he kissed you like you were the only girl he saw. You pulled away quickly but it just left the both of you staring at each other’s lips.
“You sure about that?” His lips curled into a smirk.
“Don’t get me wrong,” you warned in a low voice, “I still hate your guts.”
“As I’m reminded of every single time I see you,” he returned coolly.
“Fuck off.”
This time, you pulled him down to kiss him again. You fisted your hand into his hair, tugging at his dark locks as your lips moved smoothly against his. Caught off guard, Jaehyun groaned, low and deep against your lips.
The two of you separated again before Jaehyun said, “See? I know you want me. Only I can make you feel this good, Y/N.”
You scoffed. “We’ll see about that.”
Jaehyun’s eyes darkened at the challenge. To prove his point, he pushed his knee up and between your legs, pressing against your clothed cunt. A gasp escaped your lips, the fingers curled in his hair instinctively tightening. You bit your lip but to no avail; a whimper escaped your lips as soon as he started pulsing his knee against you. You grabbed onto his shoulders for leverage, burying your face into his chest while bunching up the thin fabric of his shirt.
You wanted to hold back your moans because you were adamant about not giving Jeong Jaehyun the satisfaction of hearing you moan. Instead, you shifted your hips so that the pressure of his knee became more intense. Sparks flew behind your eyelids as he bounced his knee under you.
He finally released the tight grip he had on your waist in favor of palming one of your breasts, squeezing it firmly through your shirt and bra. All the while, he continued ramming his knee against the apex of your legs. He kept his eyes on yours and you scowled at the thought of him getting off on seeing you crumble in front of him. But you couldn’t stop yourself. He wanted to completely and utterly ruin you, wanted to fuck you in and shut you up.
The worst part was that you wanted to let him.
“You’re so cute when you’re like this,” he mused, slowly rubbing his knee in circles against you. “God, you’re still wearing that fucking tank top.”
“You’re such a—ah!”
He groped your chest again, thumb pressing down on your nipple. Another whimper escaped you as Jaehyun grazed his lips down your neck, nipping at the supple skin. You only got louder as the kisses turned into bites.
He ignored you and removed his hand. Instead, he tugged the neckline of your tank top down, delighted at the loose straps sliding down your shoulders. He yanked it down to your waist so you were exposed to him, and you swore you heard his breath hitch. Jaehyun pinched your nipple with two fingers, drawing out a moan that drove him crazy. He buried his face into your neck, sucking and making you quiver under him.
“Didn’t you say I had small tits earlier?” you jeered, a teasing lilt to your tone.
“Yeah, I still stand by that,” he replied, resulting in you punching his shoulder.
“Hey, I never said it wasn’t cute.”
“You’re such a softie,” you grumbled, but your voice was gentler than before. It was almost like you were warming up to Jeong Jaehyun, and you hated the mere thought of that.
Jaehyun pulled away from your neck. “Y/N, I want you to suck me off,” he demanded.
“I refuse.”
“Be a good girl and do it for me.”
You swore you’d go crazy if he called you ‘good girl’ one more time. You were pretty revolted at the thought of sucking his dick, but the way he looked so fragile under your hold made you want to do it for the power rush. It was like some cheap porno in a way; ‘College Jock Gets Sucked Off By Cheerleader.’ You bet half the members on the team beat their meat to something similar to that.
Your shoulders sagged. “Fine. Get on the bed.”
Jaehyun groaned at your approval. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he said, letting go of you to pull down his sweats on his way to your bed. He sat at the edge of it, tugging the elastic of his boxers down. You swallowed hard, tugging your tank top back up as you stared at his painfully hard erection springing out.
You got on your knees in front of him, lips parted in anticipation of taking in his length. Your hair fell over your face, which Jaehyun took notice of and held it back in a fist. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your hand around his cock. It was rock solid to the touch and twitched at your grip. Glancing up at an eager Jaehyun, you pumped the length of it once, inciting a groan from him.
You wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, rousing a strangled noise from his throat. He looked down at you through half-lidded eyes, messy strands of your hair tangling in his fingers while his other hand was gripping the stiff hotel sheets. Then, you took him in fully at his encouragement (which was more of him just grabbing the back of your head and pushing it down on his cock).
“Shit,” he breathed out before slowly moving his hips in and out of your mouth. It was like iron wrapped around velvet, and he was relishing how hot your mouth felt.
He pushed your head down further and right as you gagged on his length, there was a knock at the door.
“Y/N!” Mark’s voice sounded from the other side. “Are you coming for breakfast?”
You pulled off of him with a pop, a string of saliva dripping off your lips. Your eyes were wide as you lunged for your phone, checking the texts. Meanwhile, Jaehyun just frowned down at you, looking up at the ceiling with a frustrated sigh.
“Holy fuck,” you muttered when you looked at the time. You called out to Mark, “Give me a minute!”
“Perfect,” Jaehyun said in a low voice and held the back of your head, attempting to push you down on him. “We can finish up now.”
“Are you an idiot?” you hissed, swatting at his hand. “I have to get out of here before Mark finds out you’re in here.”
Ignoring your state of panic, Jaehyun said, “You look so hot with drool on your chin.”
That was the most disgusting thing you had ever heard, and if it weren’t for Mark being on the other side of the door where you and Jaehyun were screwing around, you would have beat the living daylights out of him. Only a creep like Jeong Jaehyun could find something like drool sexy. You scowled at him and wiped it off with the back of your hand.
“Put your dick away,” you scolded. “Hide in the closet and you can leave when I’m gone.”
He rolled his eyes at you and stood up, making his way to the bathroom. “I need to get rid of the problem you caused.”
You had no time to complain about him jerking off in your bathroom. Mark was not a very patient man, so as soon as Jaehyun closed the door behind him, you stripped off your pajamas and threw on whatever was at the top of your suitcase. You brushed your teeth at the speed of light, using your other hand to brush down your hair. After you laced up your shoes, you opened the door to Mark looking at you suspiciously.
“You’re never late,” he pointed out.
“I couldn’t sleep last night,” you said. In your defense, it wasn’t a complete lie.
“Oh, by the way,” Mark started, “can I use your bathroom real quick?”
“No!” you exclaimed, pushing him away from your room and in the direction of the elevator. “My roommate, um, is… on her period—yeah, you don’t want to see that mess.”
Another reason why you hated Jeong Jaehyun was for giving you reasons to lie when you were a terrible liar.
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Training was long and grueling. Your bones were mush and your muscles ached, pins and needles shooting through you every time you moved. As your teammates dragged you to get dinner with them, you couldn’t even resist because you were so drained.
The one thing you loved about training was that you could wear whatever you wanted, whereas you were confined to tight skirts and crop tops at your university. Now, you could rest in whatever position you wanted without worrying about exposing anything, so you didn’t hesitate to manspread as soon as you got to the cafeteria table.
“Did you guys hear about Jaehyun from the other school?” one of the girls gossiped. “Looks like he was fooling around with someone last night.”
You were grounded back into reality from whatever dimension you were floating about in. Your teammates were perplexed as you choked on air, hitting your chest to stop yourself from coughing. You were handed a glass of water, which you gingerly accepted and drank until your body had calmed down.
“Ah, sorry, Y/N,” your teammate apologized. “I forgot you and Jaehyun have bad blood between you.”
“You’re good,” you told her, waving it off. “I was surprised for a second, but I guess it makes sense for a guy like him to go around hooking up.” Then, silence fell. You were confused as they all looked at you with a puzzled look. “What? Am I stereotyping too harshly? My bad.”
“No, it’s not that,” another chimed in. “A lot of girls go around hitting on him, but Jaehyun never lays a hand on them. I thought it was common knowledge that he doesn’t do that sort of stuff, but I guess it makes sense that you don’t care about the details.”
That was news to you.
“Yeah,” you replied distantly. “I don’t care.”
So Jaehyun doesn’t hook up, was what you happened to hear around the grapevine, and he most definitely doesn’t hook up with his enemies.
You stood up in the middle of your dinner. “I gotta go,” you said. “I’ll see you girls tomorrow.”
You actually weren’t very sure where Jaehyun was, but you figured if you walked around enough, you’d run into him or someone from his team. You headed out of the canteen and walked to the basketball courts, expecting to see him dribbling a bar or doing reps. But the first person you saw was Na Jaemin, and he noticed you immediately, eyes sparkling with recognition.
“Y/N!” he greeted cheerfully. “It’s been so long.”
That infectious smile of his was plastered across his face, making a small one creep to your lips. If Jaehyun smiled like that more, then you could understand his charm, but he was always so moody around you. He either did something to get on your nerves or he would just flat-out ignore you. Furthermore, he always riled you up instead of offering you that warm security that Jaemin emanated—
Wait, why were you comparing him to Jaehyun?
“Sorry,” you apologized meekly. “Am I interrupting your practice time?”
“No, it’s cool. We were just messing around in here,” Jaemin replied. “Are you looking for someone?”
You looked into Jaemin’s eyes and your thoughts slowed. He made you feel safe, warm, but that was all; there was no fire, no rage, no heat. It was just a shallow attraction that fizzled out, leaving you neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. And you clawed at your brain as you wondered what you were getting at, but you knew. You knew it was all going back to Jaehyun.
And it pissed you off.
“I was looking for Jaehyun,” you said, “if he happened to be in here.”
“He told me he was going for a swim,” Jaemin said, and that was all you needed.
Before Jaemin could respond, you thanked him and turned on your heel. The pool was in a separate building, and there was no training that even required swimming, so it made no sense for Jaehyun to be there. You let out a frustrated sigh. Even when he wasn’t doing anything in particular to annoy you, it still managed to anger you.
You weren’t going to let Jaehyun do what he wanted this time. This was merely for interrogation—your own personal gain. Then, you thought it over some more, and you reasonably concluded that there was a 97.5% chance that you would not lay a finger on him, but there was a 2.5% chance you’d cave.
When you got to the facility where the pool was, you were entranced by the renovation at first. The pool was massive and the equipment was lined up so neatly along the walls. You peered through the glass to see the pool completely empty save for Jaehyun in the hot tub.
He met your eyes while you opened the door to the pool. His eyebrow arched at your entrance but a smirk settled on his lips as you neared him. You tried to push down your lust; you were not letting him get to you again. You crouched down by the side of the pool and Jaehyun moved so he was facing you, holding onto the edge of the hot tub.
“What brings you here?’ he asked, playfully flicking some water in your direction.
You flinched and scrunched up your nose at his action. “I heard you don’t do hookups.”
“You heard correctly.”
“So what am I?”
“You’re Y/N.”
You were a coward. Admittedly, you had probably always been running away from your own problems, deflecting your feelings with unbridled hate that had no direction, no meaning. Underneath your blunt and fiery front was pure cowardice. Even now, you refused to admit anything to yourself.
You didn’t want to accept that maybe you actually liked Jeong Jaehyun.
Maybe you’ve always liked him.
“Don’t be stupid, Jaehyun,” you grumbled. “You’ve always hated me.”
“I think you just want to believe I hate you. Is that how you suppress your feelings?”
“How long have you liked me for, then? Days?”
You paused for a moment as you recounted your interactions with Jaehyun. It was true that he never explicitly said he hated you and that you always started the arguments, but he was the one who broke off your friendship. Why would he do that if he didn’t hate you?
“You said you wanted nothing to do with me, Jaehyun,” you said in a smaller voice, fist balling at your side.
“You were going to a different university.” He ran a hand through his damp hair, and although you were angry, it was difficult not to enjoy the view. “Plus, you just kept going on and on about Jaemin, and I couldn’t even shut that mouth of yours up back then.”
“So you cut me off?”
“I felt like I was being petty, so I tried to apologize but you blocked my number and wouldn’t let me come near you,” Jaehyun deadpanned. He reached forward and grabbed your wrists, pulling you closer to him. You teetered on the balls of your feet, swallowing hard. “Forgive me?”
Jaehyun rose up a little so he was eye-to-eye with you. He smiled at your flustered expression and cupped your cheek with his wet hand. Every muscle in your body was telling you to pull away but you couldn’t. Not when his lips were so close, when his eyes were boring into yours.
“Forgive me,” he repeated in a gentler tone, but it became more of an order than a question.
“Make me,” you whispered and Jaehyun groaned, somewhat helplessly.
“You’re going to be the death of me, I swear.”
You opened your mouth to say something more, but you couldn’t even form your words as Jaehyun yanked you forward and sealed your lips with a kiss. Before, you had the sense to try and push him away, but now you were held captive. He slid his tongue past your lips and you let out an appreciative whimper, hand sliding into his wet hair. You tugged at his hair and this time, Jaehyun was the one to react.
He pulled away for a moment to catch his breath, eyes clouding over with lust. “Get in with me,” he said, voice rumbling. You shivered as he dragged his lips down to your jaw; you could feel his voice reverberate down your spine and to your feet.
“What if someone walks in?” you asked in a daze.
“There’s no use for the swim facility, so no one’s going to walk in on us,” he persuaded. “Come in.”
Water dripped from his neck, landing on your thigh. You took in a sharp breath as his hand tugged at your waist. While the pleading look on his face was priceless, you couldn’t even ridicule him because you were at your limit, too. You let out an irritated sigh when you realized you gave into that 2.5% of you caving.
You responded by pulling off your shirt, tossing it to the side where Jaehyun had left his shoes and towel. Jaehyun watched you as you fiddled with the clamp of your bra. Meanwhile, his hands went to the waistband of your sweats, making you shudder as he tugged them down at the sides. You raised your hips to help him get them off and, after removing your bra, you were only left in your underwear to protect you from his hungry gaze.
You weren’t the type to hook up with guys. Hell, you weren’t the type to even show a guy your ankle if he asked. You thought you’d feel insecure with Jaehyun eyeing you in your full glory, but there was none of that. You wanted to know why it was so different with him but maybe it was the way he looked at you like he just wanted to kiss you. Or maybe a tiny part of your heart always belonged to Jaehyun, and you couldn’t bury it anymore.
“You’re so gorgeous.”
He mumbled the words, barely audible, but they set you on fire. He pulled you down onto his lap like you were his anchor, and you were afraid you’d get swept with the current, but you let him. You’ve only ever kissed a few guys before, so you really had no idea what the fuck you were getting into. All you were sure about was that Jaehyun could make you feel good and you were having your first time in a hot tub. You only prayed that you wouldn’t pass out from the pleasure combined with the heat of the water.
“Is this your first time?” he asked, gliding his hands down your sides. You nodded. “Then I’ll be gentle.” Truly, you did find his gesture rather sweet, but it didn’t stop you from rolling your eyes. Jaheyun saw and narrowed his brows. “I don’t hate you, but you really piss me off sometimes.”
He kissed you again. It was more passionate this time, but also harsher and messier. You let out a sound that was something between a yelp and a moan, making Jaehyun move his hands to run down your bare back. Then, he planted his thumb on your clit and pressed down in a way that made a muscle in your thigh twitch. Your grip on his shoulders tightened; you weren’t expecting that. It felt different in the water, but somehow, you couldn’t get enough of it.
“You’re wet,” he mumbled against your lips as his fingers found purchase on your slit.
“We’re in the water, you idiot.”
Jaehyun scoffed. “You know what, Y/N, you’re right, I did hate you,” he spat, rubbing small circles around your clit now. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to steady yourself, whimpering as his movements grew more intense. “I fucking hated how you looked at Jaemin with those love-struck eyes.”
There was a shift in his usual cocky expression. He turned focused and, to a degree, angry. It was the kind of look on his face you saw when he was on the basketball court or during a game.
“You’re the one who told me to go after him.”
Wrong choice of words. Jaehyun lifted you up and placed you on the edge of the pool, pushing a finger inside you with no warning. You gasped, your mouth open to ask him why he took you out of the water, but you already knew the answer; he wanted to feel you completely.
“R-right there,” you whimpered out as he pushed his finger deeper inside of you.
He started to curl his finger whenever he passed over your g-spot, and you had to close your eyes. Jaehyun pulled his finger out to marvel at the slick wetness that coated it. Your body tingled as he slid his finger inside you again. This time, he was teasing your slit with a second digit. Jaehyun had no delicacy, though, and he all but shoved in a second finger, causing you to cry out.
He didn’t even care. You opened your mouth to call him a bastard, but all that came out was a pitched moan that seemed to float up to the stars.
“I fucking hated,” he rasped as he pumped two fingers inside of you, “how you treated Jaemin like he was the only one in the world.”
“I don’t… like Jaemin,” you got out, each labored breath of yours fighting off another moan. “I’ve stopped liking Jaemin after high school.”
Jaehyun’s free hand went to your chest, cupping one of your breasts as he rubbed circles around your nipple. You bit down on the inside of your cheek, unable to contain yourself as the fingers on your clit got almost frantic in their place, and the fingers inside of you were pushing against your walls. You felt an unfamiliar cold fire that felt so fucking good, lighting you up and threatening to spill over. Your muscles clenched and spasmed around Jaehyun, and you weren’t even in the hot tub but you felt like you were sinking.
A high-pitched moan left your lips, leaving you hot with embarrassment because you didn’t know you could make a sound like that. You fell from your peak, relaxing in Jaehyun’s hold; it felt like you were floating amongst the clouds in an almost euphoric way.
“I don’t like Jaemin,” you breathed out, still winded from your orgasm, “you fucking idiot.”
“I know.” Jaehyun pulled his fingers out of you, eyes trained on you as he licked them slowly. The look on his face was more gentle now. With his free hand, he brushed loose strands of your hair out of your face. “You like me now.”
“No, I’ve loved you for a while now.” You didn’t know what possessed you to say what was on your mind, but it surprised you more than it surprised Jaehyun. “I didn’t realize it then but… I think I did.”
Love? Love?
You thought you knew what love was. Something that you felt in your bones, that burst within you instantly. Simple glances, thoughts, and daydreams—something gentle and fluffy, but also emotionally shattering. You thought it was tender smiles, kind words, and little gestures.
But maybe that was the kind of love that led to puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and hoarse voices. The kind of love that was left fruitless with an empty gap in your chest.
Maybe this was different.
It was instinctive, the way you fell for him. Like an effortless intake of breath, you were in love before you even knew it. You always thought love was a monster. Ravaging, scraping, foul monsters with jaws so immeasurably large that they would have swallowed you whole. But maybe it wasn’t the tragedy you made it out to be.
With Jaehyun it was fierce and maddening and made you want to rip your hair out. It was a violent hurricane that you tried to brave your way through. But you were blind. You were already at the eye; you had always been at the center without realizing it. And, despite all the pointless arguments and name-calling, it was the most beautiful thing you had experienced.
Yeah, you liked him. You liked how you were around him, despite how much you complained about it to Mark. Part of you refused to admit it, but sometimes the bickering was fun. You realized that you never let go of Jaehyun before because you couldn’t. You simply didn’t want to be without him because Jeong Jaehyun drove a deeper passion within you.
Your rose-tinted loving moment was ruined as soon as a shit-eating grin spread across Jaehyun’s face.
“You love me.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“You love me,” Jaehyun echoed as if he was internalizing the information. “You love me.”
“I take it back,” you said flatly. “I hate you, I hate you, and I’ve always hated you.”
Jaehyun ignored your words, his cockiness morphing into adoration. “You actually love me back.” He cupped your face in his hands, eyes turning into little crescents as he smiled. “Even though I called you a cougar for liking a guy a year younger than you?”
“Even though I made fun of you wearing a push-up bra in front of him?”
You clenched your jaw. “Yes.”
“Even though I asked Johnny about you and he told me that I still live in your mind, rent-free?”
“What? Johnny said that?” you exclaimed, eyes wide. You grimaced. Johnny would be dealt with later. You placed your hands on Jaehyun’s shoulders and made direct eye contact. “Look, Jaehyun—as much as it hurts me to say this and I’d rather tear out my vocal cords—I like you. I like you so much that I don’t care about the petty shit you pulled when I liked Jaemin because frankly, I don’t care about Jaemin anymore.”
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.”
You wanted to slap him.
“Are you just constantly horny?” you snapped. “I’m pouring out my feelings to you here!”
“I’m better at expressing my love through actions, not words,” Jaehyun explained. “Can I show you?”
“Is this another ploy to get in my pants?”
“No, I’m asking you out on a date,” he said. “Sneak out with me tonight. I want to explore the city with you.”
The offer was tempting. In fact, you found no reason to be opposed to the idea. After all, you were always down for an adventure in the city. Jaehyun being with you didn’t sound too bad either, especially when Seoul was so lively at night. Part of you wanted it purely to catch up on all the time you missed when you stopped being friends.
“Fine,” you agreed. “An hour after curfew.”
“Great.” Jaehyun flashed a grin that slowly curled into a smirk. “Now let me get in your pants.”
“Are you kidding?”
“Y/N, you see,” Jaehyun started, “I don’t hate you, but you’ve really pissed me off these past two years. We have all of this pent-up rage, so it’s only fair that we let it out on each other.” His grip on your hips tightened.
You loathed yourself for wanting him, and for putting aside the fear of being walked in on for him. You internally cringed at the thought of Mark accidentally bearing witness, and you weren’t sure you were willing to explain the situation to him just yet.
It was the price you paid for carnality, you supposed.
You sighed in a forced way so that you sounded reluctant and bored. Unfortunately, your plan backfired and you ended up feeling bad when a concerned look crossed Jaehyun’s face.
“If you’re worried about getting caught, I’ll just cover you,” Jaehyun mumbled, the softness of his voice almost putting you at ease.
You rolled your eyes. “How kind of you.” You paused and looked up at him. “Are we really going to have sex for the first time here?”
Jaehyun looked around him. “Well, I guess we could go to the hotel room if—”
“Nope!” you interrupted, wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing him closer to you. “Let’s do it here. I love the pool, love having sex at the pool.”
He rose a brow at you, hands making their way down your body. Suddenly, your realization of being completely exposed had heightened, and you pressed your thighs together. Maybe it was because your vulnerability showed on your face, clear as day, but Jaehyun smirked, further flustering you by tugging down his swim shorts to reveal his hardened cock.
It was heavy and warm against your thigh, but what you were fixed on was the v-line on his pelvis. You traced along the bone, making him shiver under your touch. You were shocked when he grabbed your wrist tightly, holding it away from him.
“You’re playing a dangerous game here,” he growled. Jaehyun leaned closer and nipped at the shell of your earlobe, chuckling as you tensed up under his hold. His hot breath made you squirm under his grip.
Have you ever noticed how insanely attractive he was? Yes, of course. You weren’t an idiot.
Have you ever appreciated his beauty until now? Probably not.
“Just fuck me already, Jae,” you grumbled out as he pushed you down onto the deck of the pool.
In seconds, Jaehyun grabbed your hips and pulled them to his waist. Without any preamble, he rammed himself inside of you. The motion caught you by surprise and you cried out, half out of pleasure and half out of pain. You were definitely wet from being fingered earlier, but two fingers were nothing compared to Jaehyun’s cock.
Seeing his cock disappear in you was enough to make you whimper. Your walls clenched around him, pulsating at the foreign feeling. You were tempted to slap him upside the head for going so fast, but all you could do was tug at his hair and wrap your legs around him.
“You bastard, I’ll fucking—oh.”
Jaehyun laughed cruelly at your reaction, partly to cover up the groan caught in his throat and partly because your attempts at being mad at him were downright pathetic. When you had adjusted to his size, Jaehyun grunted and pounded in you, hitting spots that made your limbs feel like jelly. As if that wasn’t enough, Jaehyun found your clit with the hand that didn’t have a bruising grip on your waist and pressed harshly against it.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Jaehyun gritted out.
“T-then be gentle,” you bargained, drowning in a molten sea.
Jaehyun narrowed his eyes at you. “Have you ever fucking heard of gentle hate sex?” he asked, validating his point with a particularly hard thrust.
Your fingernails dug into his back, leaving hot-white trails down his skin. You were certain you had drawn blood, but knowing Jaehyun, he’d probably feel proud if he saw it. He brought his lips to your neck as you writhed under him, biting around until he found your sweet spot. This wasn’t fair; he was pleasuring you in every way possible and all you could do was cry out as he pummeled in you.
You closed your eyes, sparks flying behind your eyelids as you felt your release rushing to you.
Then, he slowed his strokes down considerably.
“Look at me,” he ordered in a rasp. Your eyes fluttered open, remaining half-lidded as you felt like you were going to spill over. “Look at me when I’m fucking you.”
He slapped his hips against yours again, the sound of skin against skin making you shudder. Jaehyun filled you up to the brim and you were oh-so-close to letting go and falling off the edge. The hardscape was cool but you were on fire, bliss overtaking all of your senses. Your toes curled as you held onto his damp skin for dear life, not sure if it was because he was in the pool or he was sweating due to the heat you both emanated.
“R-right there!”  you wailed. “Fuck, right there!”
Jaehyun angled his hips slightly to pound into you, causing you to see metaphysical stars. It was so hard to keep eye contact with him when your eyes just wanted to roll back. Jaehyun let out a groan by your ear, low and guttural. You didn’t even notice how tight the grip he has on you until he releases your hip for you to see the print he left.
You could tell he was close, but he wanted to hold on for you. Both of your breaths were labored as you stared into each other’s eyes, your body moving up and down against the hardscape as Jaehyun railed you. You tightened your grip on him, a pathetic moan falling from your lips as you were falling over the edge.
Jaehyun understood and fucked you through your orgasm, making sure you made the most of it. Warmth blossomed under your skin as you cried out in pure bliss, your vision blurring and refocusing as it flickered from normal to pure white as you rode out your high. You ground yourself back to reality after nearly sobbing out his name, the pleasure overwhelming you. Jaehyun’s eyes went hazy as he fell apart right after you did, and soon, you felt something warm spill inside of you.
Jaehyun finished inside of you and stuttered out a curse as he pulled out of you. He rolled over and laid on the deck of the pool next to you, the both of you catching your breath like you had just run a marathon.
“I have a cute date idea for tonight,” Jaehyun said after a long pause.
You looked over, watching his chest rise and fall. “Yeah?”
“We go to the store and buy Plan B.”
You couldn’t even disagree.
“Sounds good.”
Jaehyun dragged himself off the floor, muttering something along the lines of “shit, that felt good” to himself as he reached for his swim trunks to pull back on. You grabbed a towel to dry yourself off, but pins and needles shot up your legs when you tried to walk. Jaehyun noticed immediately and a smug look settled on his face again, not the least bit remorseful.
You scowled as you slipped your clothes back on. “Shut up,” you jeered. “You’re so shameless for someone who can’t pull out.”
“Oops,” he replied flatly.
“I hate you, Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun ran a hand through his damp hair, letting out a laugh as he shook his head. He picked up another towel from the chairs by the poolside and wrapped it around so it covered your head. You bit your lip as you watched him attempt to dry your hair. It was times like these when he seemed so gentle and delicate, unlike his usual irritating attitude.
“You liked it, though,” Jaehyun said. “Right?”
You faltered, looking down at your feet as he continued to dry your hair. “Yeah.”
Jaehyun smiled softly and leaned in swiftly to peck your lips, but your moment was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
Mark was gaping at you two, eyelids fluttering rapidly as if he was trying to blink away what he had just seen.
“Y/N? Jeong Jaehyun?” Mark questioned, his voice an octave higher than usual. Realization crossed his face through a series of facial expressions that morphed far too quickly for you to process. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Mark!” You and Jaehyun pulled away from each other quickly.
Mark paused to think his words through. “Did I almost walk in on a murder?”
You let out a frustrated groan. “Jesus, Mark, if you’re not going to read the room, at least SparkNote it.”
“Wait, so you were kissing?”
“No, we didn’t kiss,” Jaehyun assured, and you felt tricked for feeling relieved for a split second. “We actually had sex.”
Jaehyun’s words ended with a splutter as you elbowed him in the gut. Mark looked between the two of you, boggled. You nudged Jaehyun again with your foot, signaling for him to leave so you could handle Mark. Thankfully, he took your cue this time and grabbed his towel, mockingly saluting the both of you. You were stupid to think you were safe, though, because Jaehyun had to get another last word in before he walked off.
“See you tonight, Y/N.”
There was a long, awkward pause while Jaehyun opened the door and left the building. You and Mark were staring at each other but neither of you knew what to say or how to approach the subject.
“I just… I just came here to find you, and Jaemin told me you went to the pool. You…” Mark started. He looked absolutely horrified, like a corpse had fallen to his feet—no, rather, he looked like a corpse himself, like someone attempted to do taxidermy on him but did a shit job. “Bitch.”
“Let me explain.”
“Bitch,” Mark enunciated, “you just fucked the hottest guy here, oh my god.”
Definitely not the reaction you were expecting, but you supposed it wasn’t a bad one. You were glad he wasn’t getting into the whole ‘why didn’t you tell me? I’m your best friend’ rant, but this was equally as overwhelming.
Mark continued, “Wait—is that why you were late this morning? Oh my god, this has been a thing. You’ve been hooking up with him in secret, haven’t you?”
“No? Well, yes, but it hasn’t been much until, um”—you gestured awkwardly around you—“you know.”
“So you were the one who was with Jaehyun last night?”
“And this morning before I picked you up?”
“Are you two dating now?”
“Honestly, I really don't know,” you admitted. “Mark, please don’t tell anyone about this. Especially not those little shits, Chenle and Johnny.”
Mark gulped. “About that…”
Before you could question him, there was a chorus of loud clapping echoing from the locker rooms which was then followed by a few cheers. You grimaced as the two boys you didn’t want to see walked out: Chenle and Johnny, Tweedledee and Tweedledum themselves. They both wore cocky smirks as they shook their head at you, which made Mark a touch more nervous than he was before.
“Have anything to say for yourself, Y/N?” Chenle teased.
“Go to hell.” You scoffed and turned to Mark, narrowing in on him. “Why’d you bring them along? What are you? The three stooges?”
“We were looking for you so we could invite you to the movie night we were having in Jungwoo’s room!” Mark defended. “I swear, if I knew about you and Jaehyun, I never would’ve brought them along.”
You sighed deeply as Chenle snickered to himself. “Well, I guess Y/N can’t come to movie night since she has a date with—hold on, what did you call him again? The devil?”
“Okay, I get it!” You threw your hands up in defeat, eyes closed to show you were reflecting upon your actions. “I’m a dirty hypocrite and I’ve committed a crime worse than death.” You opened your eyes again. “I’m sorry.” To your surprise, Chenle and Johnny had their right hand up. You stared at it, puzzled. “Do you want me to make an oath or something?”
“In modern society,” Johnny explained, “we call it a high-five.”
It took you a few seconds to process their words before you tentatively gave them each a firm high-five. You blinked up at them before ease washed over you. This was how it always was, anyways. At the end of the day, no matter how much you guys bickered or teased each other, you always made up. That's what friends were for, after all.
“There we go,” you said, oddly satisfied. “For now, I’ll let go of the fact that Johnny snitched on me to Jaehyun behind my back.”
“How dare you!” Johnny gasped. “Chenle was with me.”
Chenle raised his hand to confirm the statement. “Indeed. Please give credit where it's due.”
“Alright, fuck you both.”
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What the fuck even was a date?
This was foreign territory to you, but even so, you decided you wouldn’t rely on your annoying friends. First of all, you were sure they wouldn’t really be of any help and just endlessly tease you about it. Secondly, they were simply going to gradually grow more stressed (Mark), lecherous (Johnny), and aggravating (Chenle). Thus, you decided to slay the monster of first dates yourself.
Your first hurdle was looking cute. You packed absolutely nothing that wasn’t for the training camp, so you had already failed. Jaehyun was going to have to deal with you in your gym shorts and a school t-shirt.
Your second hurdle was sneaking away from Eunha, your roommate. That was a piece of cake considering how she didn’t exactly care. When you headed out of the room, wallet and phone in hand, she wished you a kind farewell, which you returned.
Your third hurdle was sneaking out of the hotel. You weren’t quite sure how you and Jaehyun made it outside without being spotted, but you were certain he must have tipped off some of the staff because there was no way the both of you could have walked straight out of the lobby without being reported. When you asked him, though, he said it was probably because you looked like the cleaning lady.
Needless to say, Jaehyun was on thin ice.
You loved Seoul, loved the dirty of it. Even at night, the city was alive and full of vigor, full of young people like you who were chasing cheap thrills. Jaehyun was a dream under the glowing lights, and you almost couldn’t believe that the prince-like boy was head-over-heels for you.
He took you to a wide alley with a night market, full of life and energy. Jaehyun was walking through the crowd and you were following right behind him, like some awkward fish swimming after a cuter, more popular fish upstream. There were several times where you almost lost yourself in the crowd, and Jaehyun noticed this. He reached behind him, still shouldering his way through the crowd, and grabbed your hand. The smell of spicy rice cakes, the numerous pop-up bars lining the alley, and Jeong Jaehyun gripping your hand—it all made a pretty eventful first date.
Jaehyun didn’t kiss you. Not once. He didn’t try to touch you anywhere that would have tempted you both into doing something you definitely shouldn’t do in public. There were times where Jaehyun turned pink or looked away from you shyly, and you indulged in it because this was a side of him you didn’t see often.
Jaehyun stopped at a convenience store before you both decided to head back. You waited outside for him, kicking stones as you thought of him. He was undeniably perfect, which you somewhat despised because you had spent the last two years hating his guts and this was an abrupt change. You were worried if he was buying you something; he had already bought you lamb skewers and rice cakes at the night market. You didn’t want to be the girlfriend to empty his wallet.
Were you his girlfriend?
“Y/N,” he called when he walked out of the store, holding something behind his back with a sneaky grin. “Close your eyes.”
You bit back a smile and closed your eyes, holding your hands out. He placed the object in your hands and it felt light, so you were sure it shouldn’t have cost much. Although, your stomach was pitted with guilt at the thought of him spending money on you. You opened your eyes when he directed you to.
Plan B One-Step.
You no longer felt bad for him.
“Very romantic,” you observed, putting the packet in your wallet, “but thank you.”
You were seething. Your face grew unconditionally hot and you had to look down at your feet. It seriously pissed you off that your feelings were so clear right now because Jaehyun had bought you fucking Plan B.
Jaehyun seemed to notice right away and tilted your chin up with two fingers, chuckling. “Is something wrong?”
Your face screwed up when you decided on what you were going to ask him. “Are we dating?” you blurted out.
Jaehyun held your face gently like it would shatter if he applied any more pressure. His fingertips grazed the hinge of your jaw while his thumbs rested on your cheekbones. You were panicking when he leaned in, but it wasn’t what you expected. Jaehyun pressed a chaste kiss to your nose, grinning at your reaction. You reached up to trace his dimple with your finger.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend, Y/N?”
“Yeah,” you admitted, flustered beyond imagination, but you had already gotten this far so you continued, “do you?”
“Do I want to be your girlfriend?”
You wanted to hit yourself. “Fuck. I mean, do you wanna date me?”
“Of course,” he said with a laugh. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
He drew you into his warm embrace and you buried your face into his chest, wondering how you hated this man for so long. Of course, when those cocky smirks and impish looks came back, you were sure you’d remember again. But right now, in his arms, you just knew that you wanted to be with him. You looked up at him, arms slung around him, and got on your toes to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
You were positive you hadn’t ever seen Jeong Jaehyun blush before tonight, but it was a sight you were sure you could never get sick of.
And you never would.
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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