#maybe I'm a little younger? But honestly I feel like I need a process of self-loving before finding someone
doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Hi 👉👈 i just finished watching gintama recently and it becomes one of my top 3 animes of all the time. Laughed and cried a lot too 💙⭐ so im happy to find people willing to write for gintama even though the fandom isnt as active as other newer anime fandoms 💙 thank you so much ⭐. Can i request hcs/scenario for gin-san with a s/o who has never dated before? They are around gin-san age yet they have zero experience and they are so insecure about it 🥺. im not sure how their dynamic will be coz this guy here has no shame but ... I love him so much 💙⭐🤍.
-To say the truth Gintoki never had a relationship too, the maximum was meeting with a prostitute.
-So Gintoki only knows more about the physical side of a relationship.
-He will never force you to do anything, Gintoki is already blessed enough to have found someone that likes him that much, love is a word that scares him too much, he won’t throw away the bond you made so easily.
-But at times your insecurities bother him. Like what do you have to be scared of?? He is such a dumbass, you can’t do any worse.
-Obviously, he will tell you that only after teasing you ‘till you are near tears. But Gintoki will stop sooner, he hates tears on his partner’s face.
-It’s all a long process where you both have to learn which boundaries to cross and which is better not to. Relationships take respect and responsibility and we know our whiter-haired boy loves to run away from them.
-You must have a lot of perseverance to keep Gintoki with his ass there talking, real talking, about the important matters in the relationship.
-So as a first relationship the one with Gintoki won’t be easy.
-But for sure smiles will often be shared between you two.
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in terms of future story concepts which idea do you think has more potential Poppy and Viva's mom? or Bro zone's parents?
since their both things the fandom often talks about either by just wanting them mentioned so we finally have answers or by actually having them make an appearance and be central to the plot of a future film.
and I can't imagine a future film doing both since that would be way too similar to TBT cramming in new siblings for Both Branch and Poppy in 1 film thus making for a cluttered film that didn't have time for everyone.
so yeah assuming either of these ideas do become plot points in the future which one would you prefer? and what kinda thing would you like them to do with the characters?
in terms of Bro zones parents I've said before but I like the idea of them being dead beats who left when when Branch was either a baby or an egg.
and even when they were around they were crappy parents either neglectful or emotional abusive maybe they forced the kids to be the perfect band Mistreating them in the process hence where JD got that whole attitude from.
and in present day they could maybe come back asking for help from their sons which could cause a bit of drama among the family since Branch could be willing to give them a second chance and want to get to know them. meanwhile the older bros don't want anything to do with them and don't even want to help them out which Branch could see as hypocritical given what the brothers did and the fact he gave them another chance.
I wouldn't want this to be yet another rushed forgiveness story tho so I'd have the brothers begrudgingly agree to help have the parents slowly worm their way in with their kids over the film.
especially Branch given he was too young to remember anything about them but in the end the parents haven't at all changed and once they get what they needed with the help of their sons they betray them and leave them trapped.
and here the bros all finally have a proper conversation about everything Branch maybe says he was just desperate for their family to be complete and normal.
and that he just wanted parents in his life for the first time since he was a little kid just like his Brothers did.
tho this could lead to JD Bruce and Clay and Floyd to a lesser extent finally being fully honest about why they didn't want them back in their lives.
revealing to Branch that everything wasn't as story book perfect in their family before he was born as he seemed to think.
and their parents were always selfish and cruel maybe they actually forced them to start the band simply so they could profit off of them and as I said they were the ones who originally pushed for perfection.
emotionally abusing their kids in the process and eventually after they did leave when Branch was born JD could remark in a guilty way that he followed in their footsteps since it was what he thought he had to do to make their family work.
I like the idea of Brozone's parents being used to show a sorta generational trauma sorta thing with JD and I like the idea of the Bros being given a bit more damage to be honest lol.
it helps to explain their reasons for leaving a little better after they saw JD become like their parents used to be and it gives them some trauma of their own to relate to Branch over.
personally that's how I'd use Bro zone's parents as I feel it'd be pretty silly to have yet another film just about reconnecting with dead beat family members who still get portrayed as decent people despite being selfish and crappy.
frankly the Trolls Team just aren't very good at writing those kinda stories.
anyway as for the idea of Poppy and Viva's mother I'm honestly less filled with ideas personally I don't see her as a story concept having as much potential as Brozone's parents.
maybe if she were used it could be in a similar way she left when Poppy was only a baby and Viva was younger and comes back asking for help while claiming to want her daughters back in her life.
she could turn out to be a villain later on who doesn't give a stuff about her family even after all this time and ultimately she's the main villain of the film.
I just feel less inspired by her because overall the Poppy family dynamic is pretty trouble free even tho Viva and Poppy deffo should have issues with Peppy.
while I'd argue having another movie just about reconnecting and forgiving dead beat family members would be kinda annoying.
it is a possibility that that could be the case and maybe the mother is just made someone who Ran away from responsibility but is back and genuine about wanting another shot.
only thing that would interest me in this idea is maybe giving Poppy some angst out of it tho that would also have to include Viva as well.😅😅😅😅
tho given how Poppy was a baby during the escape and she didn't even remember her own sister the idea of her remembering her own mom wouldn't really make any sense annoyingly.
IDK what do you think?
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veilder · 27 days
The more I read the little snippets (in mostly tags) of your asexually the more I wish to bow at your awesomeness! I honestly wish I knew someone like you when I was growing up. Keep being your awesome self 💜
Aw, well thank you, that's so sweet! And honestly? Me too! XD Because it's weird, isn't it? Growing up and going to school and just... having such a different experience? Everyone is out there flirting and going out and getting boyfriends and girlfriends and whatever and I'm just over here watching Naruto and playing Fire Emblem. XD But the truth is, I didn't really "figure out" what was up until my 20s. Figured out that there was a completely different set of parameters I might fill, y'know? That I wasn't just weird or religious or even defective, but a whole, complete person who just so happens to live outside of majority parameters . And it was so nice to realize that it wasn't just a me thing, too! And also relieving because, like... Even if you're not consciously aware of it, there is so much pressure put on you as a teenager to date and find a partner and, yes, even to have sex. Enough that even I, who had no desire to, always sort of felt like I was missing out. So yeah, it was a big weight off my shoulders when I learned the term asexuality and looked up what it meant and how it might apply to me. And also to realize that I'm not alone in feeling that way! Honestly, I feel like figuring I'm (very probably) asexual was not only a huge step in my development, but also was really one of the first things I felt adult about, y'know? Like, this is something I never knew as a kid, something I figured out all on my own, and something I can own and be proud of. It set my brain to a different wave, like... Kind of fuck what society expects of you, y'know!? Fuck me working in a male-dominated, physically demanding field! Fuck me plodding along after my parent's very backwards beliefs! Hell, even stupid shit like fuck shaving my gd legs, who came up with that, it's so stupid?! But I guess in that way, it's been quite pivotal to me as I've matured. And like... let's say I do eventually find a partner and decide I wanna settle down and shit and I find out that whoops! Maybe I wasn't as ace as I thought I was, lol! Then no biggie there either! Because fuck static sexuality, you can change whenever you want! Doesn't mean that the process of getting there wasn't worth it or that you didn't learn anything along the way! In that way, I think being ace will always be a part of my identity at this point, even if things change further down the road. XD Anyway, this is getting quite rambly. Forgive me, it's 4 am and I should've gone to bed already, but your ask was so nice and I wanted to reply. :) It's really nice to know that my offhand little ramblings might mean something to someone somewhere. That maybe someone will stumble over them the same way I did in my early 20s, just learning that there was more to society than straight and gay. And yeah, it would've been nice to be aware earlier, sure! But isn't it a nice thought to think we could be that person now? Like, what's that one post? About being the person you needed when you were younger? Like, what a wonderful thought! Let's, you and me, strive for that, eh? And get some more of that casual acceptance out there. ^_^
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
when they were younger and being fwb for a while did they ever have a pregnancy scare and anthony being really scared and kate being a little hurt while saying don’t worry it’s negative ?
I don't think these two have ever had a pregnancy scare. Well, Kate has but she knew it wouldn't have been Anthony's.
There are a few reasons for this but mostly being, until recently, It was like a... one hookup every nine months situation between them. They hooked up once when they were eighteen and never really spoke about it because neither of them had been ready to deal with what it actually meant. And then Edmund died and Anthony's outlook changed and it didn't happen again for years.
It's just been a sort of here-and-there situation until now when it's started happening more and more. And I think honestly, had it come to Kate thinking she might be pregnant and both of them not really knowing how to process their feelings on it because Anthony
Would love his and Kate's child so desperately he can hardly breathe
Would live his entire life terrified of leaving this child alone
Meanwhile, Kate's in love with Anthony and she wants children and a family of her own but she only wants it if Anthony wants it as well.
If it had come to that I think their friendship would have suffered and they'd definitely probably never sleep together again. It would just be too emotionally fraught for them both I think.
But of course, when they're officially dating I think it's a different story, in fact, I think maybe even just a few months into their relationship Anthony comes home to find his girlfriend waiting for him at the door nervously, her lip blanching between her teeth.
"Okay, I need to take a pregnancy test and I need you to not freak out because we both decided condoms weren't for us and honestly, I feel like you're a bit more liable because you keep thirst trapping me with those pictures and-"
"Kate." Anthony cut her off with his arm around her waist and his lips on her temple. "Let's go."
They sat on the bathroom floor together with their fingers intertwined and the test on the counter above them, Anthony jittering away beside her.
"I'd... I'd love our baby." Anthony said softly, his eyes burning into hers, "I know I told you a thousand times before that I never wanted to get married or have kids but I meant what I said at Eddie's wedding: This is it for me. I want kids, and I want our whole life to be incredible."
I caught in Kate's throat, tears stinging in her eyes as she nodded, "I'm probably not pregnant, just being safe but yeah, I'd love our baby too."
And when the timer goes off neither of them can move for a few seconds until Kate reaches up, kissing Anthony's forehead quickly as she does
"I'm not pregnant."
He should feel relieved, he knows he should, It's not the right time, and they've just moved in together and he hasn't proposed yet and they aren't ready but he feels a flicker of disappointment anyway, and Kate sees it written all over his face.
"Hey, one day we'll have a baby okay? This just- this isn't the right time."
Anthony nodded, "Yeah I know I just... I got a bit excited. I really... do want to be a dad and I pretended for so long I didn't and it's all just happening and I just... I feel like I wasted a lot of time and I thought a baby would be cool is all."
Kate smiled as though she understood because of course she did, she understood everything. "I want us to have kids as well, you'll be an amazing Dad, but now isn't the right time."
"Yeah, it's not the right time." Anthony agreed, kissing her softly.
"And we aren't having twelve."
"I'll settle for six."
"You'll need to find a new mother for the last three then."
"Hardly worth it then."
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macfrog · 4 months
Is it annoying and/or anticlimactic to release an INCREDIBLE and LONG chapter of a beloved series and have people immediately clamor for more? Like “You literally just ate shut up”?
Anyway, this is such a fascinating series for me to read. I’ve always been/intended to be child free and just recently took steps to make that permanent. As much as I knew I didn’t want kids, it was startling to realize in the process that I also had to grapple with and mourn what I was giving up - in particular, seeing my husband become a dad. It was hard to reconcile my certainty in not wanting children with the recognition that there were aspects of motherhood I will miss. I guess I thought if it wasn’t all or nothing then I wasn’t fully committed and people would doubt me and pull the “you’ll change your mind” card too much, which could make me doubt myself. Anyways this has been cathartic and also a little extra sad for me but in a good way ❤️
hahaha honestly, i don't really mind. it's lovely to feel people's excitement over something you've posted! and those comments are also ways that people express enjoyment, so i'm cool with them. (also i'll always work at my own pace anyways - which is quite slow i'd say lol)
i love that you're intrigued by the series. this is such an insightful message, so thank you for sending it in. i love to think and talk about this sort of thing, so i hope you won't mind me adding my two cents here.
firstly, i think it's great that you assessed your own wants and needs and acted accordingly. super brave to put yourself first - it's not always easy to think that way and do it, so kudos to you.
secondly, i don't think these sorts of things are ever very black and white. i think it's perfectly normal and perfectly natural for you to know within yourself that kids aren't something you want, but to still wonder. the idea of what could've been, right? but i think that happens with every decision we make in life; it's just part of the deal.
personally, my feelings on motherhood have changed drastically. when i was younger, i don't know if there was anything i wanted more than to be someone's mom. now that i've grown up a little, come into myself, i've realized it's not really for me. that's fine! maybe one day i might change my mind, maybe i never will. both are also fine!
scom is obviously a pregnancy-related fic, and she clearly grapples quite a lot with the idea of fitting into this role that she just doesn't see herself as, yet. but it's not a fic intended to capture one side or the other (of an issue which i think is very gray, anyways). it's just a fic about a woman deciding what she wants, and doing it - which is the least we can really ask for, i guess. it's the least we deserve.
i hope you're good. your decision is so valid and i'm damn glad you made it. thank you again for this very thoughtful ask. how lovely that you're able to find catharsis in art! what a wonderful thing to have stumbled across. 🩵
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Meet The Family: You Meet His 'Child'
Day Five of Teacher's Pet
Notes: I'm back! gonna have consistent updates from now on
Warnings: n/a just fluff
Characters involved: Hawks, Dazai, Shinichiro,
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
A small grin spread across your lips as you quickly moved around the agency, the path to Keigo's office feeling almost second nature what with how much time you spent at his agency.
However, you were forced to a stop just as you reached out to pull open the door.
"They're having a meeting, I would advise against disturbing it."
The sudden statement had you spinning on your heels to face an unfamiliar boy you hadn't noticed before.
Compared to the brightly-dressed adult heroes around the agency the boy stuck out like a sore thumb what with his black get-up and almost serene vibe.
However, it was that very feature that had a name jumping to the tip of your tongue.
"You're Tokoyami, right? The kid who's interning with Keigo."
Tokoyami nodded along as you spoke, gesturing you to one of the empty seats beside him.
As you took a seat beside him, you couldn't help but feel your smile widen. Keigo would never admit it, but over the course of his previous internship he had come to think of Tokoyami as more than just a fellow bird hero to look out for.
In fact, he cared for the kid more than he realized.
"So, you're the famous partner?"
"How did you-"
Tokoyami shrugged at your words, almost as if it was obvious.
"You referred to Hawks with his first name. And he's spoken of you before."
The two of you remained quiet for a moment after that, but the silence was quickly broken by your curiosity to see just how close your boyfriend was to his student.
"So, what do you think about him?"
"Hawks is he's impressive. Honestly, I had never thought of him much before my internship, sure he's a great hero, but after meeting him I-"
The way Tokoyami trailed off had you quickly turning to gauge the younger boy's reaction, however, the small smile on his face eased any worries you might have had.
"-began to look up to him. He makes me want to be a better hero. Maybe it's because of how close we are in age compared to other pro heroes, but Hawks makes me feel inspired. Like he can teach me how to be the best hero."
Tokoyami had begun to relax in his seat as he spoke but was quick to jump up and turn to you once he processed his words.
"But don't tell him any of that! It'll get to his head and-"
"Of course, your secret's safe with me."
The wide grin on your face probably didn't look too convincing, but Tokoyami wasn't given a chance to argue as the office doors were pushed open and a certain feathered hero pulled you to his side.
"You're early."
Hawks was quick to lead you into his now empty office as he spoke, whether it was because of the light blush dusting his cheeks or the rush of heroes now in the hallway, you weren't sure.
However, one thing was for certain. He had heard Tokoyami.
"And you're adorable."
"Shut up."
His office was consumed with laughter as you took your time teasing your boyfriend, with the latter attempting to block off any mentions of his little relationship with Tokoyami.
However, even as the two of you poked fun at each other and wasted away his lunch break, you couldn't help but feel a warm feeling blossom within your chest.
Neither Keigo nor Tokoyami realized it, but perhaps, meeting each other was exactly what they needed to reconcile with a part of themselves they had forgotten.
Dazai Osamu
Dazai Osamu was a complicated person.
People who didn't know him thought of him as the suicide-obsessed detective who kept the agency alive and running, often literally, and the ones who did were either scared of him or found Dazai endearing.
You had never really come across anyone who didn't fit in either of those boxes. Up until your encounter with one of the port mafia's best.
You weren't really aware of Dazai's past with the port mafia, but one thing you knew for sure was that after a crazy day of saving the city, Akutagawa more than deserved at least a bit of recognition from his mentor.
Dazai could almost feel the way you were glaring at him from your spot behind Akutagawa, perhaps that was why he hesitated for a moment before completely dismissing his student's requests.
"You did-"
His gaze finally flicked over Akutagawa's shoulder to meet your encouraging gaze, a sight he couldn't help but give in to after such a tiring day saving the city.
"-you did good. You've improved."
A soft sigh escaped his lips as Dazai spoke, however, that was completely concealed by the sound of Akutagawa's frame hitting the floor.
You would have thought he had broken them if it weren't for the half-assed reassurances Dazai threw your way as he dragged you away from the scene.
"You did good too."
A wide smirk spread across his face as Dazai turned to face you, with his hands shifting from your arm to instead rest on your waist so he could easily pull you into his chest.
"Only good?"
You hummed at the question, letting him pull you against his chest as a smile of your own formed across your lips.
"Fine, you did amazing."
Your words only served to widen his smile as Dazai finally sealed your lips with his, with his grip on your waist tightening the longer the two of you remained that way.
"Maybe being nice to Akutagawa isn't such a bad idea after all."
You playfully slapped his chest at the statement, but even as the two of you fell into a playful stream of banter, you couldn't help but notice how Dazai seemed a lot more pleased with Akutagawa than he let on.
He would never admit it, but Dazai already felt as proud as Akutagawa as he wanted him to be. Perhaps, someday would find it in himself to admit as much.
Shinichiro Sano
After a day full of fun with your boyfriend you were ready to return home and sleep the night away, however, that idea seemed increasingly impossible the longer you lingered outside the Sano house.
"Shin, I can go home by myself, seriously!"
Shinichiro let out a low groan at your words, with his hold on your waist tightening to keep you stuck between him and his bike.
"I already drove us till here, I can take you home too."
"We literally live in the same neighbourhood."
He seemed to perk up at your words, but you were quick to shut down any ideas of walking together with a stern look.
Usually, you would have been more than happy to go home with Shinichiro, but as the oldest Sano sibling there were certain responsibilities he had, responsibilities that he had already avoided to spend the day with you.
And knowing Shinichiro, he would probably want to spend more time together once your home came in view, something that you would ultimately give in to and hate yourself for.
The Sano kids were already neglected enough as it was, you didn't want to be the reason to take away their older brother too.
Thankfully, his younger siblings intervened right before he could convince you to give in.
"Oi Shinichiro, Emma's been- oh."
The blond boy leaning against their house's doorframe was quick to stand up straight and awkwardly run his hand through his hair the second your eyes locked, with his actions making you increasingly aware of how you probably looked at that moment.
Shinichiro pulled away the second he registered his brother's voice, choosing to instead lean against his bike beside you.
"I got your things, I'll be in in a minute."
Mikey nodded along to his brother's words, sparing a quick look at the dorayaki packet on the bike before walking back inside the house.
However, even as you watched the blond disappear past the front door you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. You had been so excited to meet Shinichiro's younger siblings, but after how he had just seen you, Mikey's mental image of you was probably the opposite of what you wanted.
Shinichiro seemed to sense your disappointment at the prospect of being looked down on by his siblings and was quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders, squeezing them in an attempt to reassure you.
"Don't worry, Mikey isn't the type to judge people like that. Plus-"
he returned to your front as he spoke, this time with a goofy grin stretched across his lips.
"-I talk about you enough for him to know better."
Usually, people would have been shy to admit such things, but Shinichiro's willingness to be truthful about his emotions was what made you like him so much.
That, paired with the fact that even if he usually stumbled around with his words, he somehow always knew how to make you feel better.
"I want to meet them."
He hummed at your statement, pulling away from your form to instead take your hand in his and tug you towards the front door, with the packet of dorayaki in his other hand.
"Luckily, I picked out enough dorayaki for four. Why don't you spend the night?"
You probably weren't going to be staying for that long, but it was the prospect of being able to learn about a new side of Shinichiro's life, one he often hid away from others, that had you grinning in excitement.
Maybe meeting his loved ones would take the two of you one step closer to acknowledging the love you felt for one another.
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
“I’m not trying to be your friend, I’m trying to fuck you.” With an 80s teens Sashnetra 👀
berry i love your brain so pretty and perfect for indulging my fantasies <3
“I’m not trying to be your friend, I’m trying to fuck you.”
“She’s looking at you again.” Isabelle said as she sat down at their library table.
“Who?” Sasha asked, peeking up from her anatomy book.
“Girl, you know who.” She rolled her eyes. “She’s giving you those eyes.”
“Honestly.” She huffed, flipping the page with some indignation. “Are we really doing this again?”
“Bitch you can’t keep denying it.”
“I’m not denying it. You’re just reading into it too much.” Isabelle gave her a look and Sasha went back to her homework.
Everyone knew Anetra, it was hard not to with her reputation. She bounced from girl to girl like a damn bouncy ball and wasn’t shy of announcing it. Every week, there was some girl twirling her hair while holding onto her arm.
Sasha knew they had the same anatomy class though the younger girl never really made it a priority to attend. But when she was there, Sasha could feel her looking her way. She’d turn around and glance at the back of the class where she sat and Anetra would lock eyes with her, flash a smirk and go back to pretending to pay attention to the board.
“It’s not reading into anything if it’s out in the open.” She shook her head and finished her chapter of reading.
“Well I think you’re just looking for drama. I’m going to the bathroom, can you watch my stuff?” She asked, standing up and pulling down her skirt.
“I never have to look for drama.” She snickered and nodded. “I got you girl.” Sasha rolled her eyes again with a smile and got up, leaving the library. She passed by where Anetra was sitting, talking to some blonde girl. Their eyes met for a brief moment and she felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck as she walked just a little faster.
She stood in front of the mirror and combed through her ponytail with her fingers, working out miniscule knots. She looked at the corner and noticed someone standing by the entrance. "I'm almost finished."
"Take all the time you need." She straightened her back at the voice. Anetra. Why did she follow her to the bathroom? She turned around and looked at her. Leather jacket, dark makeup and red lipstick. Sasha couldn't ignore how good she looked, eyes going down her body for a moment.
Anetra smirked and had one hand propped on the doorway, leaning in a way for her hair to fall in a certain way, exposing her neck. Sasha could see faint ink markings in some sort of characters she couldn't read.
She swallowed and played with her lipstick cap in her hands. "Do you need something?"
"Yeah, I do." She pushed off the doorframe and walked towards her, a swagger in her steps. Her heart was beating quicker now, heat coming up to her cheeks.
"I can get you the notes from class if you need them."
"That's not what I'm looking for. I was wondering if you wanted to blow this joint and head to lunch with me."
Sasha blinked a few times, tilting her head slightly to try and process what she just heard. "Wouldn't you want to go with your friends?"
Anetra was closer to her now, making her shift back and lean on the skin. Her hands held the edges of it tightly as her heart beat only quickened. "Maybe. But they aren't you."
Her mouth dried up as she tried to swallow. "So then what are we, friends?"
They were nose to nose now, Sasha could feel hot breaths against her cheeks. Dark eyes were glinting up at her and a small smile seemed to be there only for her. An arm came up, boxing her in between her and the sink.
"Oh sweetheart," she chuckled, her voice low with just a little bit of husk that sent sparks down Sasha's spine. "I'm not trying to be your friend. I'm trying to fuck you."
The older girl gasped, getting Anetra to grin even wider than before. "What do ya think of that?" She leaned in even closer, their lips within a breath from each other. Sasha's mind was running a million miles a second, trying to string together some sort of sentence to respond. She breathed in and locked eyes with her again.
Anetra broke out in a grin. "Good choice." She whispered before leaning in and kissing her right there.
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hi! this one might be a little heavy but could I get some comfort from ge saeran? so i have some brain fog as a long-term side effect of medical treatment i went through when I was younger. i have some degree of memory issues (my short term memory kinda stinks and a lot of my memories are really foggy) and a bit of processing issues sometimes (not helpful when coupled with adhd :/) and I feel like I'm not quite as sharp as I used to be. most of the time I don't think about it too much but sometimes it's really really frustrating, especially if I keep forgetting things or if I'm having trouble in college.
I imagine saeran probably has some similar side effects from taking the elixir for so long so I feel like he'd understand, even if the situations are different
GE Saeran knows the distress of losing time. It happened all the time when he was in that place. There are a lot of memories he can't even recall to this day. He isn't sure if he will be able to recover from what happened to him.
Some of those memories weren't the best and other ones might have been but he'll never know. That makes it difficult for him to deal with things day to day. Not because he knows that he'll never remember what he lost, but because he knows that those issues are still with him today.
Sometimes he gets worked up and it makes things incredibly hard for him.
He'll forget where his keys are, he'll forget where he set his wallet, he'll forget what he was supposed to be doing that day, or what have you. It's not hard to put the pieces back together because he does have a system to help with his memory, but it doesn't change the fact that it can be very distressing to go through that.
There is no way to put that feeling into words. A lot of people just don't understand what it feels like to lose control of your mind when you're overwhelmed. It's not something you can control. Your brain does it and no matter how much you fight it, you still have to navigate through it.
If you know what that feels like, then it's easy to understand what somebody else must be going through even If your circumstances don't align completely.
When it comes to you, his ultimate goal is to make sure that you feel comfortable in your own skin. You did that for him so why wouldn't he want to do that for you in return? Why would he leave you to have a hard time with your thoughts when you wouldn't let him do that to himself? It would be hypocritical and put into question everything you've ever done for him.
He wants to reciprocate your care. This is a partnership! It's not one-sided!
There are things he does he can share with you to make things feel easier. He's been doing a lot of thinking and practicing when it comes to his mental health. In the past, he coped in ways that weren't that great for him. But, now he's looking for things that won't hurt more in the long run. Like taking a nap when he feels afraid late at night, or going into the garden to shut off his fears with the sounds of gentle wind.
When he's confused, if he lets it consume him, he knows he won't be able to do anything. He writes things down so he doesn't forget the tasks that need to be done. He repeats mantras to himself to help his memories in his lowest moments. He looks to you for confirmation if he's afraid of his perception of time. You help each other that way. He can do the same for you.
On the flip side of that, maybe there's something you do that could be helpful to him. After all, two heads are better than one when you need to find an out-of-the-box thought. This is something where you can balance each other out. If you forget something, he can make a note of it so it helps you later on, or vice versa. 
But, honestly, what you're looking for might be somebody who is there for you in the most frustrating moments. When you are so frustrated because it feels like you're forgetting everything you know, you need somebody in your corner who can sit with you and remind you that it's not the end of the world and this is something that you can work through.
It doesn't control you, nor does it define your abilities, it's a part of you and it can be worked with as long as you take a deep breath and let it be. The more you struggle and strain, the harder it becomes for your brain. So, relax. Breathe. Let Saeran hold you when you need it and take care of yourself so that he can remind you how much he is in love with you! How much he wants to make sure that you feel the safest you can with him.
Saeran's advice is to "slow down, breathe, and let your head settle until you can remember again. You aren't going to lose memories or time forever. You need to be patient. Let's wait until you feel like you can remember what you needed, my love."
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super-ion · 1 year
Ion & Emily - Ion's First Night Out
(Ion & Emily master post)
It's just my luck that the bank I decided to hit on my very first night out is already in the process of being robbed when I get there. I gotta admit, they're doing a pretty good job. They've disabled the silent alarm, cracked the vault and have already loaded several bags with cash by the time I get there. I was hoping for just a clean robbery, but I guess tonight is gunna be baby's first fist fight.
I don't *need* to fight them. I could just go find another bank. The thing is, I scoped this one in particular out. I spent all week planning this, I'm hyped for it.
And I had a contingency section in my planning binder for this, so I'm prepared. Technically the contingency is "non-lethal countermeasures for security personnel", but I figure there's enough overlap that it doesn't make a huge difference. I pull the security cameras back online, but route the signal into the equipment in my backpack.
Yes, I'm recording this. If it goes badly, I can play it back later and see where I went wrong. If it goes well, I can edit it all together and post it online for my grand debut.
I've also got three mini drones with me, I unclip them from my belt and let them loose. Between the cameras and the drones, I count three guys. I can take three guys in a fight, right?
First guy goes down before he even knows I'm there. I hit him in the back with the electrified gloves I cobbled together this week. I'm honestly actually kinda surprised I even got close enough to do that.
Second guy takes a little more effort. He shouts and takes a few swings. I think tech powers may have sped up my reflexes just a tiny bit, since I manage to avoid him long enough to get another shock in.
Third guy… oh shit!
One of my drones pings me with an urgent alert. I fall to the ground and roll behind a desk as the gunshot rings out. The bullet smacks into the wall right in front of where I was just standing. Not gunna lie, I'm fucking terrified, but I did plan for this. Looks like this is baby's first gunfight top.
I send my drones swarming around his head like angry hornets, tagging him is the face with spray paint as they buzz past. He flails wildly and I slip in and deliver a shock that crumples him to the ground.
I stand there, panting for a moment. Holy shit, I did it. I won!
I stride over to one of the pile of bulging duffle bags. I'm pragmatic, I know I can't carry more than one of them out of here. That's fine, I don't actually need the money, I'm mostly just doing this for funsies. I unzip one and holy wow, there's gotta be at least a couple hundred thousand bucks of cashy money in here!
My feeling of victory is cut short by the sound of someone slow clapping behind me. I whirl around and… aw fuck.
It's Jackrabbit in his gray and white supersuit. He's the local speedster and a card carrying member of the league of superheroes.
I do not have a contingency section in my binder for an encounter with a superhero. I was hoping to work my way up to this. You know, hit a couple banks, build a reputation and an arsenal… maybe actually put together a binder for actually fighting another super.
"Good job, kid!" he says, folding his arms and leaning cockily against a column. "For a moment, I thought you might need some help, but you handled yourself pretty good."
Kid?? This guy is like five years younger than me.
"I'm twenty-seven," I say flatly. Probably not the smartest move, but he's got my ire up.
He flashes a smile that I think is supposed to be disarming. I'm not disarmed.
"Sorry," he continues. "I haven't seen you around and you got the whole… newbie vibe going. I mean, you are wearing cosplay."
I don't say anything, I just glower menacingly as my mind races. He's got speed. Even if I do have heightened reflexes, they aren't going to count for shit if he can take me down faster than I can blink.
"You know," he says, running his eyes over my costume in a way that makes me feel dirty, "we've got top notch tailors at the Tower. We can hook you up with all the best gear if you join up."
"Yeah, not interested," I reply.
He snaps a finger and makes a face of mock annoyance.
"Yeah, I kinda figured, the way you got that bag in your hand. But you know what they say, villain and vulture both start with V."
The fuck? I very much doubt anyone in the history of anything has said that. I think it's supposed to be a joke, but… what??
Okay, focus. What do I got? Tech powers. What's he got? Super speed… and a whole lot of super high tech gadgets. He's got two way communicators. He's got a full wraparound visor with an AR HUD. He's got… some kind of electrostatic friction control in his boots. The security on the devices isn't half bad, but I've already found several exploits to open up a back door.
I've got the beginnings of a plan and the means to execute it.
"Tell you what," he says. "A pretty girl like you doesn't need to get beat up on her first heist. You leave the money and walk out of here, no fuss. All you gotta do is tell me your name."
My… name. I don't have one yet. I have a shortlist of my favorites, but I haven't settled on one. The camera's are running though. I guess it's time for some villainy. I draw myself up and strike a dramatic pose, checking myself in the camera feeds. I turn up the brightness of the led strips in my costume, bathing me in poisonous green.
"No deal," I say imperiously. "But I will give you my name. It's Ion."
He cocks his head in confusion.
"So what?" he asks. "You got like electricity powers or something?"
Yeah, I probably could have gone with a different name more in line with my abilities, but Ion spoke to me in the moment and I'm committed now. All aboard the Ion train!
"Not exactly," I reply and trigger the worm I've installed in his gear.
Okay, full disclosure: my plan is cowardly. I have no illusions about that. That's the great thing about being a villain though. I don't need to be heroic. I don't even need to win. I just need to escape with my bag of money. All other considerations secondary. Crew expendable.
Just kidding, if I had a crew, they wouldn't be expendable. They would receive fair pay with excellent benefits and two months paid vacation.
Anyway, the worm activates and he's completely locked out of his visor as the video plays on his HUD at full opacity. His earpieces are dialed all the way up (not enough to cause any permanent damage, I'm not a monster) and the music starts blasting.
He shouts in alarm and rips the earpieces out. The volume is up high enough to hear the dulcet tones of Rick Astley as they clatter to the ground:
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
His earpieces are out, but the video's still going on his visor, effectively blinding him. He wants to take it off so badly, but there are too many cameras and he's too well trained to reveal his secret identity like that. You might say he's… he's never gonna… okay, I'll stop.
At this point, I'm sprinting for the door. Against a speedster, every second counts and if I can make it outside, my chances of escape improve significantly.
Jackrabbit shouts after me. For good measure, I have my drones splatter paint on his visor before zipping after me. They'll never catch up at this point, but at least if they make it outside, they can stash themselves somewhere until I can recover them.
The last thing I see through the security cameras before I cut the feed is Jackrabbit falling flat on his ass. My worm's last parting gift is overriding the friction controls on his boots. I guess he uses it for improved maneuverability or something, but for this glorious moment it belongs to me.
I burst out the door into the alleyway. My lungs are already burning. I'm not in bad shape exactly, but I'm also not in great shape either. I can't keep this up, but the important part is I'm outside.
You see, the great thing about a modern city is it's absolutely full of traffic and CCTV cameras. They're everywhere, watching everything. But Ion, you might ask, how is that a good thing? Can't they just see me wherever I am? They can. They can also see everywhere I'm not. I've deployed another worm into the internet of things and it is already creating dozens of phantom versions of me running in every possible direction. It's not going to hold up to any kind of human scrutiny, but I have a hunch it's more than enough to trick any AI that will be tipping Jackrabbit off. Denial and deception, baby!
I round the block and duck into another alley where I hunker down behind a dumpster and wait.
Boom! There he goes like a bat out of hell. I don't care where he's going as long as it's far the hell away from me. I heave a sigh of relief and begin digging through my backpack to change out the more obvious bits of my costume. After a few moments, I'm just some girl on her way home from the gym. I pop in my headphones and make my way to the nearest bus stop with a bounce in my step.
I did it! I freakin' beat Jackrabbit on my first night out! I lose myself in the euphoria and let out a whoop of victory. My fellow late night commuters glance at me curiously, and I duck my head in apology. I can't stop grinning though, so I do my best to play the part of a perfectly normal citizen who just got the best news of her life.
I'm anything but perfectly normal though. My life will never be perfectly normal again.
Look out world! Here comes Ion!
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
just found out I’m getting braces throughout all of highschool I wanna cry can you please write something comforting and cute for me thank you 😭😭
oh dear i'm sorry to hear that anon. i also had to wear braces throughout high school and the process was certainly not my favourite thing in the world. but the good news is that dentistry has come a long way since i was in school and there's also things like invisalign that could maybe be an option for you!
you'll be alright, and even if it doesn't feel like it right now future you will probably be glad you got them. trust me, fixing your teeth now if you need to is way easier than later
anyway have some silly hs au, just for you ;)
Jason knew it was coming and yet, sitting beside Bruce in a fancy orthodontics office being told that he was going to need braces still hits him like a truck.
"-but with your kind of money, Mr Wayne, we can make them almost invisible-"
"No," Jason says, the word of of his mouth before he's even full realized what he's saying. The orthodontist and Bruce both look at him curiously. "I don't want some fancy invisible braces. Give me the regular ones that everyone gets."
The orthodontist looks bewildered at Bruce, seemingly hoping that Bruce will insist on whatever fancy system they peddle to all the rich kids but Bruce just shrugs and that's that.
Monday morning two weeks later sees Jason walking into Gotham Academy with a newly affixed mouth full of metal.
"Hey Jay!" Tim, who was technically a younger than Jason but shared two AP classes with him, meets him at his locker. He's a scrappy little nerd who's also the official photographer for the yearbook committee and he could honestly hang out with anyone he wants. Somehow he keeps coming back to hang out with Jason. "I've got your homework from Friday for you."
"Thanks Timmy." Jason can't help but smile as he takes the offered binder from Tim.
"Oh! You got red for your braces?"
"Uh, yeah," Jason says, feeling a little sheepish as Tim starts leaning closer trying to get another look, "red's my favourite colour."
"Hey, mine too," Tim says with a smile, "maybe I should get red ones too, then we can match!"
"Wait, you need braces?" Jason can't imagine that. Tim's smile has always seemed perfect to him.
"Oh, yeah, narrow mouth or whatever. I had a bunch of adult teeth removed a long time ago and now they wanna make sure everything fits in right. My parents want to get those fancy invisible ones but I'll just tell them no," Tim says dismissively, as if A: the braces themselves were no big deal and B: that being able to match with Jason was the most important part.
Jason's face feels like it must be matching the rubber bands on his braces as Tim talks, seemingly oblivious to Jason's sudden fluster.
The bell rings, saving Jason from opening his mouth and saying something stupid.
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sayakxmi · 3 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 14: Alibaba's Answer [Part 1]
Alrite, let's get the party started. I kept telling myself I'll watch it today for the past week, and, well, then I didn't, obviously. Certainly doesn't help that I was jumping around the series a little, just because I felt like rereading certain parts, whoops.
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I need you to understand that this is what stares at me whenever I go back to that player in the tab, awaiting its moment.
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Weird magic shit
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Done with the monkeys
Bro, I still think about the fact that most of the fight was an anime-exlusive thing, god damn
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,,,that first one kinda looks like it's crying over the (most likely) dead guy, I'm kind of sad.
Sadly, no cool "social anxiety metaphor" with all these eyes, I thought it was neat, but oh well.
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You don't understand, he's walking so slow, it looks kind of silly, but also he's leaning forward a little like he's about to punch the bitch (not yet)
Also, there was no cool Alibaba telling people to think carefully abt the whole slave nation thing. Tho maybe it'll happen a little later?
Like, I think 23rd's reaction was really cut short in general.
Also, there's no Alibaba placing himself between Sahbmad and 23rd, god damn it, the anime is just so adamant about skipping these moments. And I find them such an interesting trait of Alibaba - he constantly places himself between the people he cares about (or feels somewhat responsible for, like Aladdin in the 2nd chapter) and danger, literally putting himself in danger in the process. It's... sweet, but also a bit concerning, obviously. Because it's not just a few times, it's an actual habit of manga!Alibaba. He might not always be able to fight, but he still wants to protect others, to the point of risking his life. You get why I say it's a bit concerning?
There will be a scene later on, not in the anime, god fucking dammit, of course it won't, but in the manga, where after getting his shit wrecked by the attackers after leaving Zagan, and also shielding Morgiana at that time, he still drags himself to shield Sharrkan after he gets cut. Like, Alibaba can't even stand, and he still makes himself a human shield. Good thing Sharrkan was still mostly fine, cuz Alibaba was about to take that stab.
I will definitely get back to it when it happens, but, anyway, the anime annoys me for skipping all of that. It happens far too often for it not to be a pretty important character trait.
Anyway, I feel like as he walks, anime!Alibaba looks more... hm, openly angry I'd say? In the manga he keeps his cool, which I think is neat. Like, in the anime he argues, in the manga he states a fact kind of thing?
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But then in the moments where he's supposed to look more emotional it feels a bit flat for some reason. Might be because of the artstyle, tho.
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I wanted the machete-grab, but the screen ended up looking kind of silly, he looks like he's like 5 years younger than he actually is, which is somewhere past 17. He's still 17 when he leaves Sindria and there's that age thing with Pisti, but I think he's said to be almost 18 then. I'll correct myself I'm I'm wrong, but that would mean he's 17 now (he spent 6 months in Sindria. Which was timeskipped. Of course.)
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Bitchslapped as he deserved to be. Also, love how unbothered the guy in the bg looks. Eh, just your regular coup d'etat, it do be like that sometimes.
Oh, but looking closer, he might be actually thinking "god, fucking finally somebody slapped that moron".
Asdfghjkl, how hard did Alibaba hit him for him to spin around like that
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Again, anime!Alibaba feels a bit more expressive, while in the manga he seems to be completely calm. Maybe even a little sad that things had gotten to this point.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit overly-judgemental with these expressions and shit, but, honestly, I do think it matters. You get different impressions of the characters, even if you don't realize that. Manga!Alibaba is empathetic but fair, gets overwhelmed easily, but he can keep his cool once he gets a moment to breathe and figure things out in his mind, and then he puts all of his focus in the task at hand. Anime!Alibaba feels more openly emotional, which isn't that bad, but they don't really draw him with the same form of poise Manga!Alibaba is capable of, he's more hasty, too, while in the manga he's more willing to try things like deception rather than fight right away. And while he's still empathetic, he comes off at a bit weird at times, like empathizing with Jamil in the Dungeon, while in the manga he was like, sucks to be you, anyway. All in all, I'd say that Anime!Alibaba simply comes off as more shounen-like than Manga!Alibaba.
And, as I've said numerous times, it's not just him. Sinbad is even more of a hypocrite, and frankly, the anime kind of loses the fact that he's insanely charismatic and good at social stuff in general - he also comes off as more hasty than the manga one. Manga!Sinbad knows how to play the long game, Anime!Sinbad just wants to get shit done immediately. And also tries to get people to fight, while in the manga he more lifts their spirits up, and does support their (well, mostly Alibaba's) attempts at talking it out.
I won't lie, Anime!Morgiana comes off as a bit of a meathead at times, all too willing to just kick stuff right away, while Manga!Morgiana only restores to violence when she isn't given other options. Though the anime does give her more screentime, I'll give them that.
And Aladdin, for the most part, lacks the agency he has in the manga. He's even more of an innocent child, which makes him terrifying, when he does get himself involved with stuff. He doesn't really have a moral compass, it's just, if I like you, I'll help you, and if I don't, I won't. It makes him seem so insensitive, which very much isn't like Manga!Aladdin who, while somewhat confused at times, means well, and is quick to at least try to help, when there's trouble.
Anyway, I'll keep comparing that stuff. Back to the ep.
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My beautiful daughter.
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Weird magic shit, but also
Ja'far: Oh come on, what is it now?! Woman: Wow, so pretty :D Masrur: (read at 6:15)
Masrur just couldn't care less, beautiful.
Ok, fine, he looks surprised a moment later
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These shiny eyelashes, lmao
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And he's there
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That's creepy as fuck. Awesome.
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"That's the guy I'm supposed to marry?"
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No king.
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I love her face here, lmao.
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God, I just love them
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No more Kingdom
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w hat
Why is Notre Empire playing
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Srsly, why Notre Empire
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Bro's late, but to his credit, it's for a good reason.
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Technically he doesn't look happy and all, but all Alibaba'd said was "Sorry I left, but this is my answer", so it kinda doesn't work all that well :/
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silverjojo08 · 4 months
I'm Sorry Women (an Ace Attorney retrospective)
Don't worry, this is going to be much shorter than my FE Engage essay. Also this is more of a personal piece than anything else.
With the upcoming release of the Apollo Justice trilogy (AA456 collection) I've started going through my old tweets to reminiscence about me playing those games. This will be spoilery for some aspects all three of those games I think, so this is your warning to turn back if you haven't played through Spirit of Justice.
Eat Your Hamburgers, Apollo
Ok this part might be obvious, but because I am an American gamer who played the US localization I will be using those names, locations, etc in this discussion.
If you are at all generally curious about localization and Ace Attorney, Janet Hsu has been one of the main localizers on the franchise and has spoken about some of the process (this interview is about DGS/GAA but there's tidbits on their work in general) here: https://www.polygon.com/interviews/22519215/great-ace-attorney-chronicles-interview-translator-localization-japanese-western-audience
Update: AA456 specific interview with Hsu as well: https://kotaku.com/ace-attorney-apollo-justice-janet-hsu-interview-1851226695
Other Preliminary Info
So unlike my Engage essay which was set in a more fantasy world, I do feel the need to state that I'm not an expert on the subjects of: adoption, teen pregnancy, teen marriage, cross-cultural adoption, political strife?, etc.
I haven't done any reading in prep for writing this. I'm not trying to present myself as any type of authority. I'm not calling out anyone specific in the fandom besides myself. This is meant to be an analysis of me and my previous beliefs with maybe a little commentary on how the fandom at the time may have shaped those thoughts (but the only examples I will provide will be my posts and screenshots from the series).
And as like in my Engage essay, I'm not a professional story analyst or anything and this is not meant to be a literary criticism. I'm not even using fully proper grammar or anything. Sorry if it's unreadable lmao.
The Essay
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I was going through my old tweets to see my old thoughts as I was playing through Ace Attorney games 5 and 6 in particular. I don't believe I livetweeted AA4, but if I did I can't find my hashtag for it. I went back mainly to see the funny and dumb things I posted when I was younger and to relive some moments from the games to hype for the new release of the Apollo Justice Triology as I had not played them in a while. There's some funny stuff in there, especially the AA6 one where I predicted at least one thing accurately.
In my reminiscing, I came across this one in particular which immediately gave me pause:
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I understand why I said that. But still I couldn't get it out of my mind. "Why did I say that? What led to me holding this type of honestly heartless belief? Why was I like this?"
Thalassa married Jove when she was 18 and had Apollo when she was 18-19. Yes, at the time I typed that I believed she gave Apollo up willingly, which turned out to not be the case as later revealed in AA6.
But looking at it even from that lens now, even if she had given him up herself, so what? No decision she could have made at that time could have been wrong. It's insane that I thought otherwise. That was an impossible situation for her.
And yes, the specific scene is from Apollo's perspective. He doesn't know the context of him becoming an orphan. Even as of AA6 (which goes into his early childhood) he only knows the circumstances of how he lost Jove and why he ended up in the US, but not all that happened with his mother.
He is not wrong to feel as he does. And there are people irl who have been adopted and spoken on their experiences and all. I'm never going to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't feel about that because I've not been on either side of that situation.
But I completely misunderstood even just the basic context of the scene. This was a flashback scene where he was a young child (stated to be about middle school age) trying to give advice to help his friend.
I went back to the scene to get screenshots for this. And it wasn't even about him as much as it was about him helping Clay in the only way that he could, as one little kid to another:
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This is a cute scene about two kids in an orphanage working through their emotions and bonding while also dropping lore on where Apollo's catchphrase comes from.
There was no need for me to take this opportunity to speak on Thalassa at all. Especially when she literally did nothing wrong at all.
I do generally remember back in the early 2010s at least in AA fandom there was a bit of an angsty thing regarding how he may have felt towards her not raising him especially after she went on to get married again and have Trucy. I cannot remember all the details, but I assume some of that rubbed off on me. But even if that's the case, I still should have known better. A lot of stuff that happens in fandoms shouldn't be internalized.
In Conclusion
TL;DR I was a dumbass using a touching scene to slander a girl put in an unimaginable situation, and they should revoke my feminism card.
Less flippantly: It's always worth revisiting old opinions to challenge your past assumptions. Everyone grows and changes over time. And even people who believe themselves to be well-meaning have some rotten stuff to worth through. It takes work to become a better person.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Hey, a kinda long sunday confession here and I'm struggling to phrase this in a way that doesn't make it sound judgemental or insensitive (because I'm really trying not to be), but ever since tcr filming Tom has seemed to age quite a bit. More obvious crow's feet, wrinkles on his face more pronounced, eyes look more tired...and listen, I know it was ultimately his choice to lose weight for the role and it's normal for wrinkles to be more pronounced and skin to sag after weight loss, but I do feel a little bad sometimes. Clearly filming was very intense emotionally (as he has said) but also physically. Of course he is still VERY handsome and attractive, but it does kinda suck to see a role age him this much and a year later even though he definitely looks healthier the crows feet seem to be sticking around (I guess once wrinkles come they can't really go without surgery). Anyway he's rich so i'm hoping he's spending some of it on some good skincare. Again, looks aren't the end all be all I get that, and I'm trying not to be superficial or anything, especially since most of the reason I'm his fan is because of his talent and personality! But sometimes when I see old pics of him during nwh press or uncharted press vs only a few months later during tcr filming the difference is a little alarming. And as much as I hate to say it hollywood obviously is hollywood so there's a lot of stock in appearances (though as a white man he does have it easier in that regard compared to others ofc and other than comments here and there from the general public I doubt it would affect his career). The dedication Tom puts into his roles is impressive but sometimes I do feel a little bad that his skin hasn't bounced back...and maybe it will and just needs time or it's just the normal aging process for a yt man being sped up a bit lol. Maybe this would have happened regardless of tcr who knows. But sometimes in certain lighting it can be a bit jarring - and maybe that's just because I'm so used to him looking younger than his age in his early 20s. Idk. Anyway, at the end of the day he seems like he's happy and content and confident with himself and that's all that matters I just wanted to ramble a bit :)
Wow... This was a long confession Anon! 😅
Well, I'll be honest, at first I was gonna rip into you lol, but I remembered that your ask was a "Confession Sunday" ask, and towards the end it seems like you were coming from a genuine place of concern, so I won't judge. Thanks for being honest Anon, I'm sure that probably wasn't easy to confess. It's sometimes hard to say anything LESS than favorable about our faves who we love. But I don't think anyone should be judged harshly in the fandom for their honest thoughts and feelings, as long as it's not coming from a place of SHADE. I'll just say that I think that we ALL have different genetics, and some skin tones just age quicker than others...that's just a fact of life lol. Tom is a white British man, with a mom who's a Ginger (red head) lol... I mean..... C'mon... 👀 Like, you kind of have to look at where someone is starting off from lol. 😅
Tom has had crows feet/laugh lines since he was even in his teens lol, so I think they're just genetic?? I mean, obviously, they will probably get more pronounced the older he gets, but I just think he's just always had them tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ If you look at even his younger photos, you'll see that I'm right.
I DO know that he lost a significant amount of weight for "Cherry", and I know that sometimes that can have an impact on your aging.... There were times when I really was worried about him during that time. 😭 Then, there were claims (not sure if they were true) that he had fainted in public at one point due to the lack of eating for the role. So yea, I was getting a bit worried. 😔 He also lost some weight (although not AS much) for his role in "The Crowded Room", and honestly, I don't think they really needed him to lose weight?? But I guess they wanted his character to look as meek and mild and young as possible? 🤷🏾‍♀️ It seems that role was emotionally exhausting and a bit crazy for him! (I'm just being totally honest when I say that I hope Tom doesn't take anymore roles where he has to DRASTICALLY lose weight again anytime soon. 😔)
I know that stress can definitely age you! I've even seen some of my other faves go through a hard role, or lose weight to play a character, or go through an arduous awards season, and they've looked so tired and worn out through and through...almost like everything just aged them overnight. 😔 So even emotional stresses, drastic weight loss, or a grueling work schedule can really do a number on your body, your skin, etc.
Anyway.... RE: Tom..... I do get your concern Anon, but he seems like he's looking healthy now! 😊 And honestly??? I don't think the crows feet or laugh lines in his face are a BAD thing tbh.... He's looked like a kid for so long lol, that I think it's actually a good thing that he's looking a bit more mature. 😅 JMHO. I think some fans wanna keep Tom in 2017 when they first fell in love with him in Spider-Man HOCO, but ummm...he was only 21 back then! Tom naturally has a young face, so now that he's looking more "grown", I don't think that's a bad thing per se. 🤔
He's still a very handsome man, and he's rich, so if he ever wanted to get botox or something cosmetic to lessen the creases around his eyes, then I'm sure he has MORE than enough money and resources to do so lol. He's a Brit though, so I don't think their actors worry so much cosmetic-wise about how they look like us Americans lol. 😅 I think there's WAY more pressure here in the US/LA area (especially) to look a certain way than there is overseas. Just my personal observation. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Either way, it's everyone's own personal decision on how they wish to take care of their "canvas", and it's always good to remember that it's what's on the INSIDE of a person that matters most!
Tom seems to be doing AWESOME right now! He's given up alcohol/drinking so much, he's mentioned that he's SLEEPING better, he seems ABUNDANTLY HAPPY, he seems to LOVE his life, he's getting a LONG BREAK from working (a whole YEAR off!), he doesn't seem to be smoking anymore lol, and he just seems overall super happy with life! 😃 I'm really happy and just so proud of him honestly. 🥰 He seems to be glowing to me! So, even though you think he looks more 'tired' these days, he actually seems to be in a much better place than he was just a year ago imo. Plus, he's married to dating Zendaya, and I'm sure she has a TON of facial regimens and creams she can help her hubby out with if he needs it lol. 🤭
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praise-milkman · 11 months
quick typing brain hurty
:( i have had a lot of moments in life where i my family speculated if i had depression or anxiety clinically, but other diagnoses seemed off the table. My dad has ADHD and I was super shy as kid but also smart, but no adult ever seemed to consider maybe I had what HE had OR maybe ..... on the spectrum. i know screening tests only go so far, I am so far from being able to go somwhere to diagnose or anything.... and every description of masking from sources and other people sound JUST like me, and now I am confused how one is supposed to know if they are on the spectrum or have a level of autism if they masked their whole life?? I noticed i was answering screening questions with what I would LIKE to do or be, so I switched to my mindset of when i was younger and felt my stress honestly instead of internalizing it and seeing how it was not sociable.... and that kid needed lots of help. I'm better now but only cause I have to be and i GET SO TIRED of being "an adult". I feel like the same person i was when i was 12 just employed and stuff. i never gave myself the space to consider i was more than just a little anxious (never got properly diagnosed in that area, just a lot of sessions with school counselors..) so now i'm trying to do that and find information so i can stop punishing myself for habits and behaviors that might ...like not be my fault....
in my life, i have had an INTENSE fear of conflict and being wrong. just scrolling around tumblr a couple posts in the autism tag make me feel like i shouldn't even be there. one post said "functioning" labels are frowned upon, but I also looked at a users blog who was non-verbal and called themselves low-functioning, and had some posts where they were very frustrated with "high-functioning" people and how they talk about autism. i mean already i learned that the thought "i feel non-verbal sometimes" may be more like...selective mutism or something else regarding communication, so i am happy i am looking into it bc that's how i feel. but i noticed my fear of being incorrect crop up and i don't like drawing attention to myself but i am 24 and tired of just acting like i'm normal and that it hasn't been a roller coaster hell trying to be socially acceptable. i've tried self-helping my way through life with moderate results, i at least know it;s not for lack of trying and now i see the pattern in my thinking, depression, obsession over topics, and so many things, but guilt and a constant sense of imposter syndrome about EVERYTHING holds me back from being honest about my feelings sometimes and how much it sucks because i had friends sadder than me and less stability and friends with worse disability so by all acounts i am doing super well but even those friends would not want me to discard my own suffering in a game of unbalanced comparison.
i'm not super sure why i'm posting this but i have never really once allowed myself the space to be weird and wrong and just roll with the fact that we are all weird and wrong about stuff sometimes. i vow to never hold hate in my heart so i wonder why i can't just trust that/. why am i so hateful towards myself then. I want to just say out loud, I AM CONFUSED all the time pretty much now, I feel LESS HEALTHY now then when i was 19 but I am honestly SMARTER and MORE CAPABLE so that's why it's such a CONTRADICTION. I feel like i am doing alright but somehow OVERTHINKING more than ever. some of my anxieties and social confusions are getting more glaring as i get older to the point where i'm like... i thought i had this under control? I fixed this thing that was "wrong"? And then I read online...there is such a thing as COVERING UP versus "FIXING" and that BLEW MY MIND and has stuck an itch in my brain I cannot get rid of , it explains how i wasted my WHOLE childhood caring too much about things i didn't even have to care about. I was worried about everyhting all the time and felt weird, and processed things weird, and i Was smart but too anxious so i didn't pass that one GT test, my self esteem lived on rock bottom as a school kid and i thought that was NORMAL and i was just SELF AWARE ABOUT MY FLAWS.
So there's that. i need to just stick it out right? It's hard to accept yourself, when your concept of self-acceptance or self-love is skewed in the first place? Like apparently I'm not the best measure... of if I'm being nice to myself... because I'm not sure what nice to myself really is. I miss being 4 years old i think haha
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
WIP Sunday
So this Jaster and Myles scene has officially exploded into its own chapter at this rate. Apparently, Myles has a lot to say/think about the idea of adoption. It actually got angsty there for a bit and I'm STILL not done with it.
I feel like maybe I'm posting too much sometimes but I apparently don't understand the assignment when it comes to snippets or sneak peeks. And I generally try and put it behind a cut so that if people don't want to get spoiled for anything they don't. Uhh only bit of backstory needed to understand this is Myles is a Kiffar foundling who was rescued by his adopted parents who were serving with Jaster as some of his OG True Mandalorians. They were killed in a Death Watch attack when Myles was around Jango's age so 13/14 and he's now 22. He was technically old enough to be considered an adult, so he sort of floated around the camp though as he comes to find out he got low-key tricked into being unofficially adopted by Jaster and another of the older Mandalorian. In that, they lured him in like a feral tooka and he just sorta ended up...staying.
Okay so enjoy 1,300 words of Jaster and Myles bonding and Jaster doing his best to be a B+ parent. And as always, this is super rough with a bare minimum of anything resembling editing or proof-reading.
Jaster fought back a groan at the twinge of pain that ran up his leg when he carefully sat down in the chair next to Myles. 
Since he wasn’t the type to beat around the bush, the dark-haired Mandalorian slanted a look over at his young aide-de-camp. “So....you’re making friends with a Jedi? That’s nice?”
Myles groaned and buried his face in his hands because this was definitely the conversation he’d been dreading ever since Jango opened his big, fat mouth. “It’s not like that.”
“Hey, I’m not one to judge. I’m the last person who will judge you for becoming friendly with a Jedi. Or anything else for that matter.” 
The younger man pinned him with a look that needed no translation. Myles was all too aware of what he and Plo Koon got up to. They might have tried to keep things quiet between them but there were a select few who’d found out over the years. Thankfully, none of them were blabbermouths and they had kept their relationship on the down low mostly.
“Mace is....nice. He was nice and kind to me when I needed it after Jango was hurt. I didn't know a Jedi could be nice like that. I mean, outside of Plo Koon but I always felt like that was just him, not because he was a Jedi, you know?"
"I get it. Turns out we might not have been exactly charitable to our ancient enemies when we were demonizing them. Go figure."
"Exactly. So we got to talking, and I realized he’s fun to hang out and talk to as well. That’s about it, honestly.”
“Good, I’m glad you made a friend. Jango was definitely painting things in a different light back there is all.”
“Because he’s a little shabuir.” Myles grumbled under his breath.
“He’s probably jealous, to be honest. And threatened that you might replace him with someone else. You’re his ori'vod in everything but name.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Well, he’s fourteen so I’m pretty sure most of the things running through his head are like that. All I am saying is, if things with you and this Jedi were to turn to something more, I have your back. And I won’t judge you for it either.”
“Definitely putting the cart before the eopie there, Jaster.” 
“I know, I just never want you to think I wouldn’t have your back and support you in anything you chose. You have a good head on your shoulders, Myles. And you have never put me in a position where I questioned your judgment in anything. So just know I’ll be in your corner either way.” He said quietly as he met the younger man’s eyes directly. 
Myles felt a well of emotion he couldn’t even name blossom to life in his chest and he had to take a breath to center himself before he could plan words. Hearing Jaster say that was a lot to process. Especially considering the man’s position as both his Mand’alor but also the nebulous place he had in his life where he fluctuated from being a sort of older brother, a mentor, and even a surrogate father figure. 
Having the man reaffirm his trust in Myles touched a wound inside the young man that had never fully healed in the years since his own adopted parents were killed. 
“Thanks, Jaster.” Myles finally got out, his voice rough with emotion. The older man seemed to recognize his words had affected Myles in some way because a concerned look and he laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Myles? You okay, vod?” 
“Yeah, sorry. I just-” Myles had to break off and take another breath. “It’s been a long week and I think I needed to hear that.”
Jaster’s concerned expression softened into one of understanding and sympathy. The hand that had been resting on his shoulder came up to muss his hair affectionately as a smile broke out on the older man’s face.
“It’s been a long week for all of us, so I get that. Just remember, if you ever have any doubts that you’re the one I entrusted the most precious person I have in your care.” 
“Haar'chak!. You might actually make me cry if you keep this up, Jaster.” Myles joked, but there was more than a little of truth in his complaint. His throat felt tight with emotion. 
“Sorry, verd’ika.” Jaster chuckled and bumped his shoulder against Myles’s in an affectionate gesture. “Well, let me make it more complicated for you since I have a terrible sense of timing, something I think we can both agree on?”
Myles shot him a wary look. “Yes?” 
The Kiffar packed a lot of questions into that single word. 
“I once asked you after Ruus and Cina passed if you wanted to join my House. You said no at the time, and I completely understand why.” 
Judging by the way Myles’s eyes went wide with surprise, that had not been what he’d been expecting Jaster to say. 
By now, the pulse of pain that he felt whenever the subject of his parents’ death got brought up was achingly familiar and expected. The ache of their loss some days felt like it was a million kilometers away while others it felt like someone had ripped the wound open anew and was a bloody, stinging mess in his heart. 
“I didn’t want to give up their name. That name is the only thing I still have of them.” Outside of the damaged remains of their armor which he had tucked safely away and kept under his bed at their base on Concord Dawn.”
“A sentiment I completely understand and one I respect.” Jaster agreed neutrally. 
“I’m also a bit too old to be adopted at this point. I don’t need a legal guardian or parental figure.” 
“Ehhh, maybe not the legal guardian part, but the latter. I think that’s subjective. But I’m not trying to take the place of your buire, not really. I was hoping if nothing else, you would consider joining my House as a vassal if not as a family. I respect the need to want to keep your family’s name and their legacy alive.” 
A puzzled look filled the younger man’s eyes then because he didn’t understand why Jaster was asking him this.
“It would put my mind at ease knowing that if something were to happen to me that Jango wouldn’t be completely alone out there in the galaxy. You grew up as a camp kid. You know how it can be if you don’t have someone out there keeping a watchful eye on you. Even if it is in an unofficial matter.”
The realization of what Jaster was asking dawned on Myles and settled into his stomach like a lead weight. He didn’t even want to consider a world where Jaster Mereel didn’t exist. It didn’t even matter that it was a completely ridiculous and illogical wish because he was going to die one day. All of them would die, sometimes far too young and too violent for it to be fair or just. That was even more true for a Mando’ade like Jaster who’d made soldering his professional career. 
But the man was right because Myles did know what it was like to grow up as an unattached kid too stubborn to let themselves be adopted or taken in by a Clan officially and he knew Jango would be the same way. Myles had been lucky in a lot of ways because he’d the likes of Jaster and old Aran to watch out for him, but also because Jaster ran a tight ship and the True Mandalorians were an honorable bunch of Mandalorians. 
He’d heard horror stories of other kids not so blessed to be surrounded by men and women who held true to the Resol'nare. 
“I know it’s a lot to ask and I probably have no right doing it, but I wasn’t kidding about you being his ori'vod.”
“I’ll do it.” Myles didn’t even have to stop and think about that one. “I would be honored to do that. Though for both our sakes, probably don’t mention that to Jango as the reason for doing it.”
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sycamorre · 1 year
17, 33, 34, 38, and 40 for the OCs asks!
-OC Questions- Gonna try to find art for as many as I can to help with putting faces to names.
17. Any OC OTPs?
A handful! Most are from my Elder Scrolls RP days but I'm slowly collecting some DnD ones.
We have the werewolf power couple Indes and Korgul, my wood elf Companion (as in the Companions faction) and her half-orc beau Korgul:
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Indes' little sister Nidhel, a healer, and another Companion, Tural:
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And I still need to draw them together, but there's the newest pair from our last campaign, Ori and Ranna.
I have other ships out there, but I hate boring people with them because they're either characters that have never interacted with anything outside of my own brain or are completely unofficially and I'm someone who doesn't like to make a fuss or gush over things that only I know or care about on here.
33. Your shyest OC?
This is honestly a bit of a hard one. I have plenty of quiet/introverted characters, but I don't consider most of them as genuinely shy. Most have no problem socializing, even if they do not have a ton to say. Likely either as the result of myself being the same way or because most are RP characters that kind of depend on interactions.
I will say pre-campaign/younger Oriana was definitely in the shy camp, though as a result of being uncertain and scared of her magic rather than her personality. Gaining confidence with that and her fighting skills definitely got her in the previously mentioned "quiet but not shy" category.
I do have one character I can think of that is definitely shy in a literal sense. My witchy-innkeeper, Aubrey, has a member of her staff, Annabelle, who came from a servant background and was not treated very well in her previous job, so as a result she became very shy and anxious. To the point where if she is berated by anyone outside of the rest of the staff, she will either run away or freeze up. Aubrey has her mostly cleaning to help keep her from having to interact with bad customers, but not always foolproof. Everyone's trying to help her, though it's a slow process.
The night sky-themed air genasi I've drawn before (whose working name is Stellara/Stellari maybe) may also end up kinda on the shy side if I ever do get to play her. Mostly because I imagine her as a bit of a hermit who just doesn't do socialization very well in general.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
I do! Jayni, my halfling wizard (previously bard) that was originally made for a short-lived Waterdeep Dragon Heist campaign, has a twin brother named Finn. He was originally taking on an apprenticeship to a tinker in the city, but if the characters ever came back, I'm not sure if I would keep that or have him doing something else.
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The art is old and Jayni specifically has strawberry blonde hair now, but Finn still looks mostly the same c:
And technically, though I never did make any official art for them and they would be shared and not just mine, it was decided between me and the other player that Indes and Korgul's first biological kids would be a set of twins (Uram and Taram), so I figure they may count as well.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Easily Wisteria, the Eladrin glamour bard (who I drew here) that I really wanna play someday. The entire idea behind her was that I wanted a bard that didn't necessarily having singing or instruments as their main "thing" and I wanted an excuse to make a character that would feel natural dressing in very flashy, hanfu-inspired dresses, and she was born out of those two thoughts. Instead of playing an instrument, her magic is triggered by her dancing and her fan, which would act as her arcane focus.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
If we talked about all of my fond memories with my OCs we would be here forever. I have literally been making OCs and RPing them since the end of middle school/beginning of high school, and I still occasionally lurk around my old stomping grounds to see what old buddies are up to and reminisce on the nostalgia.
For the sake of being relevant to this post and the people I know here, I'm gonna go back to my Elder Scrolls RP days in the shipyard here on tumblr. Some highlights of my time RPing as Indes and Nidhel, as well as a family friend, Vialgo (an Imperial Dawnguard member) include:
The player of Tor-Acr, an Argonian were-croc, asking for a spar RP literally a day before I said I was gonna start looking for threads and sparking Indes' first friendship in that community.
Watching Indes' and Korgul's relationship grow from occasionally butting heads, to genuine friends, to secret feelings for each other, to admitting everything when Korgul was at a low point and sparking honestly one of the best RP romances I have every had the pleasure of being a part of and that made both of our characters better as a whole.
Getting to host a tourney event for the other Companion players and watching everyone get to enjoy it and building closer relationships between the characters.
Vialgo talking down one of his commanders when he almost slipped up and realizing I could actually play a smooth-talking character rather than just the blunt, gruff ones or super sweet, honest ones.
A whole multi-part story where Herryk, another player's Dragonborn character and one of the Companions that Indes is closest to (basically a little brother to her), is almost killed by a dragon and she witnesses him literally fall from the sky when he gets dropped by the dragon. And she plays an integral part in his return and the emotional payoff was just amazing.
Just getting to see my characters get integrated into other people's stories and getting to make even better stories together. I love that about RP so, so much and it's why I love it just as much if not more than just writing things by myself.
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