#mario reveals how hard he was bullied
marioxdk · 1 year
Hmmm, soulmates au?
Soulmate AU where you can feel the other's pain
It goes without saying that Mario and DK get beat up
A lot
Mario is bullied growing up, and so it's not uncommon for him to come home with bruises and scrapes
Things only get worse when people try to bully Luigi
Mario can tolerate people bullying him (to a certain extent) but he will never allow people to pick on his brother
So now, in addition to people picking fights with him, he starts getting into fights with people who try to mess with Luigi
As a result, pain is a frequent occurrence for Mario
Donkey Kong is concerned
Warrior training starts young for his people, but he's been feeling pain from an even younger age, and some of the pain that he feels from his soulmate occurs outside of training hours
DK isn't worried at first, but as he grows up, and he feels the pain become more frequent, the more he grows concerned
He worries that someone is beating up his soulmate, and so he keeps a lookout for anyone in his kingdom that might be picked on
He doesn't find anything
But Donkey Kong's always looking, and hopes that one day he can find his soulmate and make sure that no one ever hurts them again
He acknowledged that he's a hypocrite though
His injuries are in some way voluntary, but he worries that it's not the same for his soulmate
He trains constantly and is often entering into battles, experiencing pain on a regular basis
DK feels bad because he doesn't want to cause his soulmate any more pain, but at the same time he knows that he has to do this
He works hard in training to make sure that in fights he won't acquire any unnecessary injuries
Mario also worries about his soulmate, he hopes that whoever it is doesn't have to go through what he does
After Mario falls through the pipe and ends up traveling to the Jungle Kingdom, he finally meets DK on the battlefield
Their battle takes a different turn when they can feel each other's pain
Donkey Kong is ready to defeat this puny (kinda attractive) human, to prove his worth to his father and to make sure he's not conscripted into a battle that might cause his soulmate to feel pain that they don't deserve
Mario has been fighting his whole life, and even though he knows he's in for pain, he's ready for it
Neither of them are ready for this
This battle immediately does not go well
Donkey Kong gets in a killer first blow, and immediately reels back in pain
Mario is not doing well after the hit, but uses DK's confusion at feeling unknown pain to his advantage
Even though he's not very strong, he manages to give Donkey Kong a pretty good punch
And immediately feels bad
At this point they are both confused
They've felt pain at the same time as their soulmate a few times before, but never like this
Donkey Kong is stunned into silence, wondering what's going on
Mario pinches himself
Donkey Kong winces
They stare at each other
Mario/DK: You're my soulmate?!
Cranky puts his head in his hands, because of course this human is Donkey Kong's soulmate
Donkey Kong runs over to Mario and gives him the largest hug possible while profusely apologizing
DK: I'm so sorry I never meant to cause you more pain I was so worried about you and yet I still managed to hurt you I'm such an idiot-
Mario kisses him so he'll shut up
DK shuts up
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tommytranselo · 1 year
mafia 2’s family structures
back on this again but i really really wish we had more detail on how all the different gangs actually functioned, so i’m going to start extrapolating wildly from what we got in game.  this got long so i will put it under a read more
the falcone family
carlo falcone, despite everything, leaves things pretty relaxed.  he talks to his men personally at points (at least for important missions) and joe & vito are dealing directly with his underboss even before they’re officially taken into the family, which i assume is due to joe’s friendship with eddie, but even in joe’s adventures we see joe talk to rocco.  and honestly it makes sense that with carlo’s modernizing tendencies, he doesn’t really give a shit about maintaining a strict hierarchy (besides keeping himself at the top, obviously) and just lets things be run however turns out to function the best day-to-day.  with eddie both playing the role of underboss and communicating orders directly to joe & vito (and possibly other soldiers & associates–it’s unclear if he’s just playing favorites with these two, but i doubt it given he’s a sociable guy), it’s hard to guess how duties are divided amongst the capos–which eddie used to be not so long ago before rocco’s death.
now, i’m about to suggest a largely unsubstantiated theory about this, but first here are my two major pieces of evidence for it: a) moretti was a traditionalist according to his cigarette card, so i imagine he may have maintained a more traditionally strict hierarchy which carlo likely reorganized after taking over.  b) at the end of joe’s adventures, rocco’s takeover is revealed to be motivated by disagreement over carlo’s rule-breaking drug trade and fears he would subsequently run the family into the ground (allegedly–he could be lying to save his ass).  so combining this with his and carlo’s relative closeness in age, my theory is that he was a capo for moretti who was deeply suspicious of the circumstances of his boss’s death, and carlo gave him the (potentially relatively meaningless) position of underboss to keep him satisfied.  after his death, eddie was promoted to the title, but he’s essentially still a capo with more responsibilities/power (some of which he may already have had by virtue of his closeness to the new boss–motivation for rocco’s bullying of him, perhaps?).  rocco doesn’t matter much, though; the point is that the falcone family seems to be overall quite lax about the chain of communication.
the vinci family
frank vinci, on the other hand, i would expect to maintain a more traditional power structure since he’s so clearly marked as falcone’s foil.  the thing that complicates this is leo.  now, his friendship with vito develops in prison, which changes the dynamic, as there’s much less separation possible; if vito had just worked for the vinci family normally, it’s hard to say whether that relationship could’ve developed.  the fact that it was apparently maintained, at least to some degree, outside of prison suggests leo’s likely to be sociable, as well as the fact that luca and henry spoke to him at his house that time (though the circumstances are unclear).  additionally, official titles aside, leo seems to be a de facto co-ruler with frank and to be actually pulling the strings; consiglieres also weren’t (aren’t) as ubiquitous as mario puzo’s the godfather would have you believe, so i assume there’s some wiggle room here.  i will also point out that vinci confronts vito & joe himself in chapter 14, but quite frankly i don’t think that means too much about his character, because this is a video game and it would be less interesting if he sent a lackey to do it.  overall, we see so little of the chain of command of vinci’s family that it’s hard to make any guesses, but i get the feeling that, given leo’s overall gregariousness and the comment about vinci listening to the young hotheads, the structure may be less strict than one would assume.
the clemente family
surprisingly, the better falcone foil in this sense is alberto clemente.  his gang maintains by far the most segmented chain of communication we see in-game.  associates (joe & vito) talk to the soldiers (henry), soldiers talk to their capo (luca), the capos talk to the don (clemente).  the one time vito & joe actually meet luca officially, it’s to discuss them being taken in as soldiers–which i believe we’re supposed to understand as something henry, specifically, is trying to arrange (luca mentioning that he heard about the jewelry store job–presumably from henry–and so on).  it’s also done quite quickly, which i believe is deliberate on henry’s part given luca’s habit of having people killed for small offenses; it’s not a stretch to assume he wants to give his new recruits protection, as soon as possible, from being whacked for no reason.  the events immediately after this discussion are telling: luca says that henry will fill vito & joe in on the job itself (and funnily enough, we saw henry delegate some of the explaining to joe in chapter 4) and leaves, therefore maintaining a buffer between himself and the rank and file.  then we see luca talk to clemente and discover that the command to have sidney penn killed was given to luca by clemente, and then to henry by luca.  it seems that generally, you only communicate with your direct superior and your direct inferior except in special cases.  (the first part of joe’s adventures, where luca gives joe missions, is an example: it’s urgent with all the arrests/the richie mazzeo rat situation, and also henry is still out of action after getting shot).  i suspect this is a result of clemente’s paranoia, and also potentially an attempt at gaining legitimacy by keeping a more traditional structure and following potentially unnecessary rules, given his family is considered second-rate and is fairly new comparatively (officially established with the blessing of the commission in 1929; whether it was just a large, well-organized street gang before this or clemente worked for someone else is unclear).  i don’t think even henry, despite the family friend connection, has much access to him (though he likely did in the past).
ah, but here’s the complication: luca’s a capo, so where’s the underboss?  i have another wild theory: i don’t think clemente has one.  i imagine he may have at some point, but i think the guy probably kicked the bucket and was never officially replaced.  all the capos report directly to clemente himself, and he likely tries to maintain competition/animosity between them to ensure nobody gets any ideas about replacing him; i have a feeling luca may be the highest ranking and therefore the closest thing to an underboss, which provides motivation for clemente’s relentless mistreatment of him to keep him in his place (especially considering he got the position by killing his own capo).  i also don’t know if what i’m about to say is true in real life, given no backing for it has come up in my (admittedly cursory) research, but puzo’s the godfather mentions vito corleone’s insistence that his capos and their crews remain largely separate and avoid associating much (once again, presumably insurance against an overthrow and also against a rat infecting the whole gang), and i think this is a policy clemente holds as well.  i also don’t think he approves of his men associating with guys from the other families–just look at what he did to well-connected “contact man” silvio palmieri in the frankie potts files, having him (and another guy) killed for supposedly being a spy.  said policy probably did joe barbaro no favors.  of course, i don’t think this actually stops anyone, but it does mean that fraternizing requires a degree of care.
unanswered questions
with all that speculation aside, it’s unclear how exactly territory is split, both between families and between individual crews in a family.  if we go purely off the restaurants that serve as bases of operations, that puts clemente in little itay (freddy’s bar), falcone in midtown (the maltese falcon), and vinci in west side (the mona lisa).  i wonder what this is meant to imply about all three families, if anything, but the question of territory is complicated.  luca & henry send vito & joe to rob the jewelry store in the west side mall over an unpaid debt, which we might assume is vinci’s turf.  the empire arms hotel is in midtown–where falcone is based.  what about the garden of eden cathouse in oyster bay, owned by eddie scarpa but frequented by all three families?  and what about the other neighborhoods?  hell, what about kingston, dipton, and riverside being run by the o’neill gang?  hunter’s point and sand island being the home turf of the bombers?  milville being greaser territory?  chinatown being run by the tongs?  do any of the three families lay claim to those areas despite what their local gangs say?  and this doesn’t even touch the question of different crews in a family managing certain areas–which they really don’t appear to–which opens up the question of how they actually do operate.  i admit this is video game, and a fairly rushed one at that, so i’m not really surprised that things don’t line up.  but it would be interesting to know.
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
now, childe as a general streamer,,, he’s a whale in every sense of the word 
so childe as a streamer in general would be one word ;
he would definitely be a variety streamer, but more so for games !!
especially pvp and/or pve games
competitive meta mf—
probably plays LoL, overwatch, apex legends, valorant and minecraft
don’t question the minecraft 
he likes mining but has a personal vendetta against the creepers bc once they blew up his mansion 
yes, a mansion
ask any of his community and they’ll tell u he spent a full-blown month and a half playing just minecraft to build it, only for it to go down just like that ;-; 
his chat loved it tho <//3
he’s played honkai too !! mainly for the pve and grinding bc he’s a whale but uh,,, shhh
his community,,, his community are just a bunch of trolls at this point i cant even lie
they just KEKW, SADGE & COPIUM spam everything and the newer viewers get intimidated until they realise he deserves them all HJGKJHF
especially when he starts getting annoyed by the game,,, his reactions are too good to pass up on gn
typically when he does mario kart streams 👩‍🦯 that shit’s wild when it happens oh my
when he falls in rainbow road 🤡 
and especially bc he has his webcam on, his viewers just see him internally dying or wanting to scream
also gets passive aggressive 
shit talks everything and everyone when in that mood <//3
for what’s left of his dignity i won’t disclose what happens
definitely gets jebaited a lot too <//3 unfortunately he’s too easy for his chat ;-;
another mf with a massive community except he has a lot of friends (sorry not sorry albedo)
ppl have a love-hate relationship with him tbh; u either love him or hate him
no inbetween
unless u show ur love through bullying him then go off ig
his discord server, twt + yt are also really big too !! also verified on insta 
also !!
he has lots of plushies :(( esp whale plushies from his community bc he’s the biggest whale they know <//3
but if u look at his setup, there’s a mini whale plushie on the top of his main monitor (he has 3), one big one (like,,, up to his chin) behind him, a smol on the top of his chair so u can see it above his head, and just more off screen HKJSDHL
they asked for a room tour once and half of it was just whale plushies
the rest were LED lights + shelves of merch & gifts from his community !!
he even has some fanmail (actual wholesome ones that aren’t cursed) pinned on a board too 🥺
also has an ensuite—
when he was eating on stream one time, his chat was sent into an absolute outrage
u know why?
bc he was eating noodles with a fork
bby ;-;
so sometimes he’ll get sent those beginner chopsticks with the finger guides to help him 👩‍🦯
he’s actually made sure to eat with them on stream tho bc he was sent one with a narwhal on top and he thinks it’s cute JHGJKH
now, his (also) AR56 ass has been playing since genshin first came out
an og if u will
this man,,, he’s been in love with u even before the game’s official release 🐥
not only were u in the promotional art and trailers, but he was also one of the beta testers so he got to try out ur character first hand in the early stages !!
and when i say he fell hard for u,
i mean it 
when the game wasn’t released publicly yet, he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information and ngl, it killed him that he couldn’t talk abt u :((
so all he could do was say this upcoming was really nice so far and subtly brag abt u to everyone JHGKJSDFHLK
when the official ads & promotional art were finally released 🥺🥺 when i tell u he immediately went live talking abt the game and u HKGJHFDK
he didn’t care that he streamed at an ungodly hour bc he’s been waiting for the reveal for so long he needs to let everyone know </3
he retweeted everything from their official twt straightaway, made a yt video based off his spontaneous stream promoting the game + pinged his entire server abt it
his nearly 200k server all got pinged abt this one game bc he’s in love with a character from it
and he has no regrets abt it <33
the day the game was available for download, he stREAMED THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD PROCESS
while he and his chat were waiting, they decided to watch the trailers and character showcases to get a feel for the game, and played some mario kart to pass the time !!
as soon as the game loaded, he threw mario kart behind him and went on 🐥
he typed his name (ajax) for the when he chose aether and literally everyone was appreciating the aesthetics HKJFS
but childe,,, he was waiting for it to be over so he could see u ;-;
he appreciated the aesthetics, fighting mechanics & voice acting a lot tho !!
now he had gotten through all the tutorials, got all the chests he could he was finally in mond
and there u were 🥺 after the dvalin encounter u arrived before kaeya did
and boy did he show u off sm to his viewers HKJHKLF
they knew he was down bad before but now?? they know it’s hopeless to save him and if he ever falls out of love that’s when the world ends
luckily that’ll never happen tho <33
but he took !! so many !! screenshots !!
oh, and did i mention he changed his wallpapers to u? and his twt + discord pfps are also some very aesthetic screenshots of u from that first scene ;-;
he just appreciates u sm okay 🥺
he even clutched his chest where his heart is and sunk down his chair when he heard u speak 😩
his chat just spammed his downbad + y/nlove + SHRIMP emotes and he accepted them all with grace <33
now when he unlocks the wishing feature,,, u already know he’s wishing for u as soon as possible
ur in the standard banner so ur always there which he appreciates but he would’ve wanted u to be limited so he can rub it in ppl’s faces ;-;
and since it was the first release rewards, he had tons of wishes right off the bat !!
he was gonna roll for venti after he gets u bc,,, well does he need a reason??
also he doesn’t do well with archer characters in general ;;; but if ur an archer then ur obv an exception sooo
bUT he got a 5 star in his first 20 pulls !!
tho it was diluc 👩‍🦯
while he was happy bc he got an incredibly meta character right off the bat,
he wasn’t interested in diluc,,, (even now his diluc is barely looked after, and only used for spiral abyss, *sweats*)
the next 5 star he got was around the 60 mark, and he got a weapon,,,
i mean,,, he got the weapon that was most suited for u so that’s smth at least (ˉ▽ˉ;)
after he used all his remaining primos and fates, he finally got u 🥺
he just went “fuck the storyline” and immediately put u in his party and just
admired u as a whole 
went through all the voice lines available, ur character story, ur idle animations (he had a heart attack from u and his chat clipped it) and took many, many screenshots 
his favourite voice lines would have to be the night + about us + (y/n)’s hobbies
and then he equipped u with ur weapon and damnnn did u look so good with it 😩
he changed u to be his avatar, with his signature as :
“(y/n)’s whale <3”
and now the whaling process begins 👩‍🦯
after at least £2k, he got u to c6, along with at least 1 copy of all the standard 5 stars,,
then he went for venti’s banner—
his chat were just too focused on how he’s gonna play u to even think of anything else tbh HKJAH
with ur kit, u were honestly seen to be a dps or even a sub dps if ppl don’t want u on the field all the time
so definitely a perfect character for mr meta strimmer tartaglia (his twitch name btw ;;; childe is just smth he prefers his community to call him as but they also call him ajax too HKJSD) here
so he went through the archon quests with u as his carry and i won’t lie, ur name card is smth he has printed and framed behind him after he got it 🥺
he later finds out ur part of the fatui in the liyue archon quest tho and has to fight u with,,,
well, u ;;;
he finds it hot tho so it’s okay—
i won’t lie tho, his zhongli after he got him is his second strongest after u
he just builds all his characters in the most broken way he can so he can show his viewers that everyone can be a dps in their own right, not just the ones meant to be since there’s no right or wrong in this game !!
but now ur weapon is r5, ur lvl 90 and u have lvl 20 5 star artifacts that make u the most broken (y/n) seen
ppl who co op with him are honestly baffled,,, especially when the feature of them being able to view other players’ character stats become available,,,
u with ur nearly 3k atk,,,
he’s hit over 600k with u tho and he’ll always flex that
no one can top him as a (y/n) main and that’s honestly just a fact at this point 😩
when he saw that the dating sim hangouts was official, his immediate and iconic response was simply ;
“so when will (y/n) become a dateable, huh 🤨”
to this day he’s still waiting to be able to date u in-game <//3
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lifegamified-blog · 4 years
Final Thoughts
Hannah A.’s Final Thoughts
Week 2: This last week of using these apps certainly brought up some underlying truths to my daily routines and behaviors.
Pocket Points
Within this final week of using this app, I had the recurring problem of not being able to connect to the University of Oregon campus’ location. To compromise with that, I used the “goal mode” during class to help me earn some points and jump forward on the leaderboard. I was able to earn about 6 points for every hour spent in class. Towards the end of the week, I received a notification from my phone asking if I wanted to continue to allow Pocket Points to follow my location. Following my curiosity, I quickly clicked “Yes” and went back into the app to see exactly where they were tracking me. It was brought to my attention that the app was tracking my location whenever I was in a car and driving. Without the app being open it was tracking my distracted time behind the wheel! This wasn’t something that I was aware of and in all honesty, I didn’t like that factor. I was wondering as to why the battery on my phone was getting drained and I believe this was the reason why. I took a further look into what the app was tracking during my drives and it had tracked every time I had picked up the phone. To my surprise, the result of the distracted minutes was not pretty. I’m not a person that texts and drives, but I occasionally pick up my phone to change a song. At the end of the week, my place on the leaderboard was still in the “BabyLeague” and I racked up 52.71 total points. I feel that if I were able to figure out how to gain points while on campus during the first week, I would have been further up the leaderboard. My final rating of Pocket Points is ⅘. When reflecting on Jesper Juul’s reading, “A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players”, I would identify Pocket Points to be a casual game. Pocket Points gives users the opportunity and flexibility to be as competitive as they want to be with little skill, (8). This app is meant for everyone and anyone who would like to improve their productivity, but with a nice gamification twist to it.
With my final week of using Habitica to track my daily routines, habits, and to-do’s I found that my productivity levels hadn’t changed as they would have before I started using the app. I really did enjoy the interactivity with my partner, Hannah H., and our ability to cheer each other on in the chat room. In addition to that, I enjoyed gaining more power-ups and points to buy more armor for my little character. I have never been a person to play video games, but the customization and gamification aspect of Habitica has increased my interest in playing retro-styled games. That being said, in relation to Adrienne Shaw’s article, “Do you identify as a gamer?”, they focus deeper on the identification or label  of being a “gamer”. Shaw cites, “How people identify as gamers, is a different question from who counts as a gamer. As Hall (1966) argues, identification allows for the self-definition of the individual, rather than on static definitions of identity applied from the outside, (30). In my opinion, I do not classify myself to be a gamer because of my lack of knowledge in each gaming community and short interest. But that being said, I would consider myself to be a casual gamer who every now and then enjoys playing mobile games in short bursts, (Juul). I feel that this app suits casual gamers as they are able to be competitive with themselves and others, but at a risk to improve their own productivity. My final rating for Habitica is a ⅗ -- the app doesn’t quite suit me for my interests, but I do appreciate the fun and adorable customization of my character.
Week 1 was difficult for me while I was using MyFitnessPal because of my sickness. I went into week 2 with greater expectations for myself, but I still felt sick and had a hard time eating. Rather than being hard on myself with tracking the food I was eating, I went ahead and tracked my water intake. I actually found this part of the app to be extremely helpful in my recovery as I was eager to reach my daily goal of 75 oz every day. I would fill up my 24oz HydroFlask and set a reminder on the Habitca every few hours to finish the bottle. This portion of the app was short and direct, but it was the most helpful for me this past week. Though this wasn’t a game within the app, I would define this practice to be a game that I created for myself. In Jane McGonigal’s book, “Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Change the World”, she identifies a game to have four defining traits, “a goal, rules, feedback system, and voluntary participation”, (21).
For this practice I created for myself all four traits are identified:
Goal: Drink 75oz of water each day
Rule: Finish 24oz HydroFlask filled with water every 3 hours. If the water isn’t finished, add the oz to the next hourly goal.
Feedback System: Track the oz in the MyFitnessPal app and the goal is complete when the total oz of water hits 75
Voluntary Participation: Myself
My final rating for this app is a ⅘. I could see myself using this app in the near future as I recover to track my daily intake of food with a greater mindset.
Hannah H.’s Final Thoughts
In hindsight, doing this experiment while so much was going on in the outside world created uncontrolled variables that could have easily influenced the outcome. However, I discovered more of an application of course readings in the process. First, I learned the difference in concepts of “gamers” and how we envision ourselves when we put labels on others. Coming into this course, I definitely had room for education on the cultural importance of video games. I had always envisioned gamers in a negative light and played in fear of becoming them. However, reading excerpts from authors who fought that image and redefined gamers in general changed my outlook. From our reading, “A Casual Revolution” by Jesper Juul, “The stereotype of a casual player is the inverted image of the hardcore player: this player has a preference for positive and pleasat fictions, has played a few video games, is willing to commit littl etimee and few reesources toward playing video games, and dislikes diffiicult games” (8). I identified with this definition, although it is mentioned in the essay as a stereotype. Despite my dislike of playing serious games, I do enjoy casual and inclusive games, like Mario Kart Wii and mobile version, Super Mario World and Wii Sports. My reluctance to identify as a “gamer” earlier was all hinged on my mental image of what I thought they looked like.
Through the process of this two-week trial, I also found that gamified experiences make things more attainable for me. Setting goals is more interactive, and once I was in a pattern of tracking aspects of my lifestyle, it was hard to stop without feeling like I was taking significant steps backward. I found a great description for this experience in “The Definition of Games and the Classification of Games”, when Caillois writes, “...In this fixed space and for the given time, by precise, arbitrary, unexceptionable rules that must be accepted as such and that govern the correct playing of the game. If the cheater violates the rules, he at least pretends to respect them” (125-126). To apply this scenario to my use of gamified life-tracking apps, my initial “cheating” was when I avoided logging all my food to feel better about myself at the end of each, While this sort of cheating isn’t like peeking at the deck of cards or using a cheat code, it still misrepresents my standing in the game. Therefore, it is breaking the “rules” of use, and is considered “pretending to respect them”. The “rules” that I agreed to follow were the basic assumptions of the app: to log all food, water and exercise. Without the following of these precise guidelines, the app cannot possibly help the user accomplish what it promises. Caillois then writes, “The point of the game is for each player to have his superiority in a given area recognized” (132). We can apply this definition to MyFitnessPal and Habitica. Both offer a social networking feature, providing updates on friends’ diets and exercise. This provides an outlet for “superiority” to be recognized and makes the game an externally competitive experience instead of purely internal.
These apps also appeal to wider audiences than traditional video games. They are free and allow anyone with a smartphone to be a user. Second, they eliminate issues with on-platform sexism. Users can easily “play” without revealing a gender, which allows them to remain more introspective. The avatars in Habitica, for example, are very primitive compared to those in serious video games, which Martey et al. discuss in “The Strategic Female” reading. “...Avatars are understood as a means for conveying player humor, displeasure, intrigue, and interest, via cues that reveal motivation, identity, and background such as gestures, movement, and language” (286). Since Habitica’s “avatars” are still and nonverbal, they cannot display “player humor” or “displeasure” users cannot use them to hide behind as a shield to bully and abuse their anonymity. This app is therefore very accessible to marginalized populations, including women, men and women of color, and differently-abled people, who are most often harassed online after revealing their identity. Habitica felt like a safe and positive space compared to many I’ve experienced in games before.
All in all, this two-week experience gave context to class readings and enhanced my understanding of course material. I learned that calorie counting is not a healthy thing for me to do at this stage in my life, and that not needing to “perform” as a true avatar makes gamified experiences much more accessible for me and my somewhat fragile self-image. I plan on continuing my use of Habitica in the future, and I will continue to track my liquid consumption through Drink Water Aquarium. I will also use the MyFitnessPal app to continue tracking my workouts, but not diet, and I would definitely do this experiment again with other highly-rated life tracking apps.
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reginaldqueribundus · 4 years
Sonic’s Ultimate Harem, Chapter 3: Fenton Lust
So remember when my brilliant and handsome ass decided to start liveblogging the literary masterpiece that is Sonic’s Ultimate Harem? 
well i am back on my bullshit baby
today we will be examining chapter 3 of this work of art, which is titled “Fenton Lust” (earlier I mistakenly said the chapter titles were just the name of whomever Sonic bones in that particular instalment but it turns out I was wrong and there ARE chapter titles. Joy! If you hate yourself, you can read the chapter here.
I had to do a bit of research because I have no goddamn idea who Madeline Fenton is and turns out she’s… Danny Phantom’s mom.
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As per usual, the chapter kicks off with Mario reacting to Sonic, who apparently still believes there is more than one G spot:
she wanted more so give her what she wanted and hit the right G-Spot hard and got her screaming my name
But he moves right into telling Mario about his next conquest.
"Well... It's an older woman that I slept with since I'm like 19 years old"
Yeah okay Sonic. In chapter 1 you went to the general store and asked a waitress for a “Sprite soda” so somehow I doubt you’re a teenager.
"it start when I was a human using a device on my wrist that Tails invented for me in case if I run up to anything but Danny knew I was a hedge Hedgehog form a secret not to alert any attention"
am…am I having a stroke…?
Also, all Sonic ever does is “run up to things” so if Tails invented a device for that it’s going to be going off a lot. Oh my god… did…did Tails give Sonic a step counter? Is this just an elaborate way of describing his new Fitbit? Unrelated but how could he ever keep his “hedgehog form” a secret? He’s literally a 3ft tall bright blue hedgehog, there’s no disguising that.
Sonic and Danny Fenton walk through the highway as Sonic was in his human form.
Ohhhhh, it’s like Megamind’s hologram disguise watch. Shame they’re clipping through the ground though.
Anyways then Sonic beats up a bunch jocks “down to the pulp” and apparently one of them ships Sonic with some dude named Dash:
"Dash he's all your man" Kwan said
…but sadly their romance is not meant to be, because Sonic beats him up and puts frogs in his underpants. Then they go back to Danny’s house and, after some incredibly boring dialogue, Danny leaves to hang out with his friends and his dad fucks off to do stuff with their Ghostbusters RV. This conveniently leaves Sonic alone with Madeline, who is the kind of sick freak that looks at her son’s 19-year-old friend and thinks:
"Sonic looks too good, I wonder if he's good in bed" Madeline thought to herself
She tries to get to know Sonic, who tells her about his day:
Well I'm a martial arts expert you see there was this bully named: Dash that tried to beat up Danny
I didn’t need to show you that part I just find it hilarious that Sonic had a colon in his dialogue. I’m imagining he paused dramatically before revealing the bully’s name.
Madeline casually asks Sonic how good he is in bed and if he’s ever slept with an older woman. Since the offer is no, she bravely offers to fall on that sword.
"Really splendid but let's not do it so let's go to me and Jack's bedroom and start have sex there"
oh god I’m having a stroke again
Madeline pulled Sonic and giving Sonic a kiss on the lips but Sonic jerked away. "It's ok, kiss me besides I'm all yours" Madeline sexily said rubbing Sonic's chest "Ms. Fenton I uh…" "Shh… Just call me Maddie and kiss me" Sonic shrug his shoulder and the two quickly start kissing each other
Yeah uh, despite Sonic really not seeming all that into it, they kiss for “30 minutes nonstop” before she decides to show him her “big and lumptious” breasts, which he spends six minutes sucking on, and then apologizes. She then gives him an 18-minute blowjob. This author is weirdly specific about timeframes, is what I’m saying.
She then begin inserting Sonic's manhood inside her pussy and start bouncing onto Sonic with full lust.
“with full lust” is how I’m going to start describing my actions when I’m really enthusiastic about something.
The sex went on like this for 45 minutes
what is with this guy and the exact time breakdown. Is the author hovering over them with a stopwatch? Is Sonic trying to claim his time spent boning women in other universes as a work-related expense??
Anyways they fuck so hard she lactates (I am not making that part up, please believe me I would not make that up, I don’t even want to live in a universe where I can imagine that kind of thing), then Sonic gets back into his blue camo cargo pants oh my god. She tells him she’s dtf anytime he wants and his response is:
"Um… Thank you, I'll keep that in mind of course"
WOW THAT SOUNDS PROMISING. Imagine coming onto your teenage son’s hedgehog friend and getting curved this hard 
Ye gods. This chapter was definitely more boring than the others, except every organ in my body won’t stop screaming. But I’m left with some haunting questions. Isn’t Danny Phantom a high schooler? if Sonic is 19 and throwing down with Danny’s bullies isn’t that the equivalent of Danny hiring some college guy to beat up his classmates? is this fucking Drillbit Taylor
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mfw when i hire a college-age hedgehog to be my bodyguard and he sleeps with my mother
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I am the friend known as “H” from CancerChaser blog in Chapter 6
I am here to corroborate what my friend said and provide my side of the story of this situation. Walhartonsclub (WC) told me about CancerChaser (CC) back in 2016 after the first incident where CC was wiling out on WC because of what seemed to a misunderstanding of affording a phone. I initially told WC to ignore him because he was not worth shit or at least is what I initially thought. From there he kept me informed about what CC did throughout.Now to go into when i was first referenced in the chronicles about CancerChaser. From what I knew at the time, CC asked WC to send emails over and over from phone to his email. Have no idea why would he need WC to do that. He could have used something like Imgur. Given that CC had a phone that was not a smartphone based on what I was told, it would probably be impossible. Of course trying to make simple suggestions to him like this is enough to make CC go into a hair-triggering temper tantrum, so there is no use to try to convince him to upgrade. It was 2016, being up to date shouldn’t be too hard, you can even get refurbished smartphones for a fraction of full retail price. My parents have the latest phones and they are older than CC by decades. Why did CC chose WC instead of other friends for these favors is beyond me. So he asked and asked and asked WC to send him these pics over and over. WC complied with generosity. WC likes to please his friends. He has pleased me multiple times. He also tries to be the best person he can be. Needless to say CC took advantage of him.So when it came time for CC return the favor, he was resistant initially. When he finally did start playing, he did until after half of the game was over. The game was Spring Breeze from Kirby’s Super Star on Super NIntendo. Did you know that Spring Breeze is a remake of the original Kirby’s Dream Land on Game Boy with a missing level and boss? So CC did not even bother finishing such a short abridged game. That betrayal was just foul play on CC’s end.
Then CC would later use WC’s insecurities to gain him back and asked for more favors. WC then approached me on rethinking the situation. I initially thought that he probably did not like the game and was bored. I made the suggestion to pick a game that has much less interaction. Like some touch screen DS or 3DS game. WC brought up Warioware Twisted Touched!, so I thought would be a good choice there. My reasoning is that CC probably has no real interest in video games. I have heard that he has play Super Mario Bros. 3 growing up. Which makes me realize that CC is a very casual non-gamer person.
Reading the situation in question at Chapter 5 reveals that CC had been simply holding the controller where the direction pad in the upper right corner and seemingly pressed no buttons which means he was faking interest and had no intention at all to return the favor. He really should have said that he had no interest in playing video games. He was lying to manipulate WC. Which comes to no surprise that CC refused to play Warioware Twisted Touched! when asked. He cannot play easy games. He cannot play very simple games. But he would lie about having an interest only for him to evade that with excuses. With friends like these who needs bullies?
The next time I was involved was when WC was having his panic attack resulting from personal issues that are stated in Chapter 6. I have received certain pictures that hinted that he was contemplating suicide. Being under vacation time from my job, I decided to actually come see WC to check up on him myself. When I saw him, he was sitting on a couch. When he saw me he was excited to see me I asked if he took any of the pills or hurt himself, he told me that he gave himself more time to think about it. Perhaps to think about the people that love him.
He told me about the situation that led up to the panic attack. Best way to describe what was happening without revealing confidential information is that someone was very sick and emotions erupted. I had told him that he needs more time to hang out with friends. We not only did Spring Breeze in full, but also Meta Knight’s Revenge, Dyna Blade, and Great Cave Offensive as well. Games in that collection that are larger than Spring Breeze. We did not get to do Milky Way Wishes that day, but we did eventually got to do it at another time. We also played Brawl Brothers, all I remember is that there was a code to play the Japanese version and we did that and completed the game. It was short at 5 levels long. We also played Events in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. We did not clear all of the event, only some but we did have fun.
At Applebees we discussed the situation further. There I learned that he had sent the same pics to other friends as well which made me concerned. I thought that WC was going to get a wellness check on him or worse be committed to a mental ward for days. I only knew one recipient among the 7 besides myself (I never met CC in person). The person I knew is a mutual friend. The mutual friend never really got to see the messages, so he was unaware (it reached an old phone and when he got a new one, the messages were deleted). The mutual was relieved to know that WC was okay and felt better. And yes the mutual is informed of CC and his bullshit antics; I can confirm that he heavily resents CC, as I do.
So I had to get WC to do damage control to avoid being institutionalized. As information like this can scare people and be irrational. We needed for cooler heads to prevail. So WC told everyone that it was for attention. So WC can still run his panel at a upcoming convention and not be stuck that weekend in a mental hospital. He really needed to avoid the ruining of plans like that.
After all, my cousin once told me about the one time she told exactly one person that she felt suicidal because an aunt of hers  being diagnosed of cancer (from her dad’ side, I’m related through our moms being sisters). Telling her best friend was enough for the BF to call the ambulance and my cousin had to stay in a mental ward for 16 days!
CC’s response was very callous. As far as I know, he never asked what was going on around that time. He just stayed silent and only responded with that shitty “I knew it” bullshit when he received a fucking coverup. WC was crying for help and I answered the call. I live 2 hours away and this asshat lives minutes away in walking speed, yet gives radio silence to someone he calls himself a friend to, is mere blocks away, while I invest in gas and mileage to make sure WC is okay. Some friend CC is. For someone who claims to be “a good friend” in his hate mail; he sure shows no effort in even trying to check up on him. Real piece of scum CC is.
I later go to see the panel and I liked it. Which comes to no surprise in my perspective. The next day I played Streets of Rage 1 with WC. The only other thing I remember is that there was some dude I met who was in a wheelchair because he broke his foot days before.
Now for my thoughts about CancerChaser and his narcissism.
Walhartonsclub would later work for New York Comic-Con and buy the Super NES Classic. Which meant for the later part of September and early October he would be very busy. He also was seeking for connections, so there would not be any room for free time. CancerChaser did not give a shit about the adult responsibilities WC had to do. And despite CC being older than WC, CC would not take no for an answer and start guilt tripping WC. Having enough of CC’s scummy actions, WC finally cut ties. This was met with harassment and hatemail. Which truly shows CC’s irredeemable character in full form.
CC is a fucking disgrace to everything it means to being gay. If I was gay, I would rather live in a fucking fraternity of homophobic bullies that to ever have anything to do with CC. This old man never seemed to learn a single thing about accountability or responsibility. How dare does he interfere with a job? What gives him the right to call his target for the simple reason to give expletives to him? And his emails? Disgusting does not come close. Making empty threats to for law enforcement for intimidation and truly showing his true colors on how he uses people only to claim they are useless after the fact. And his latest unprovoked email where he makes more empty threats and more shitty insults is fucked up. I have heard that CC passed by a block away from WC’s home twice after 2017. That is obvious projection. CC’s knows WC’s location. Clearly CC is the stalker. Stalking close to his target’s home and then acts like he is the victim and being harassed is scummy behavior. I have never seen such a scummy person ever as far as stalkers and harassers go.
I honestly have no consideration for him as a human being. If he receives anything terrible short of death, it is karma. He deserves nothing but negativity and hate. This man is among the lowest of monsters. I have had to deal with people with psychosis several years ago, but this man is worse by the power of 10. There is bad people and there is EXTREME SCUM. CancerChaser is the latter. The only people worse than CancerChaser are child rapists, pedophiles, murderers, terrorists, abusive parents, and human traffickers. All those aside, CancerChaser is the worst kind of person out there. Fuck this man. Fuck him HARD!
And finally I got one thing to announce. I get the feeling that people do not really want to read long as fuck posts like this on tumblr. I am going to fix that. I am going to working on readings of the CancerChaser blog and post them on YouTube so people who don’t really care about reading essays can listen to the situation as well. Because we really to expose CancerChaser and let tons of people know who much inhumane scumbag CC truly is.
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sunlitroom · 6 years
Merry Christmas :) I absolutely love reading your metas and I am a bit anxious about Gotham's season 4. I was wondering if you consider Sofia a villain? Everything she did, she did for the family and the only person who was probably close to her was her brother. I find it quite sad that so many people hate her since she's a great addiction to the show.
Merry Christmas to you too, Anon, and thank-you - I’m gladyou enjoy my metas :)
That’s a tough question.  Like you, I think she’s a great addition to the show.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that Sofia is maybe the mostcomplex and nuanced female character the show has offered us.  She wanted her father’s love and respect, buthated him enough to kill him.  She chosea completely different life to her brother, but loved him deeply enough toexact revenge in his name.  
On top of that, she’s consistent.  I don’t think anything she did seemedparticularly out of character at any point - which is a common problem for Gotham.  Her actions made sense, and were believablein the context of what we know about her, which made her seem real.
I’ve not seen any hate for her - but I tend to stay out of the tags.  
As regards whether she’s an outright villain or not, theshow was very careful in the beginning to make her very hard to read.  In the scene where Carmine’s old capos wereshot, for example, it was difficult to tell whether her tears were entirelyfalse, or whether she was genuinely saddened, even though she had engineeredthe whole situation.
The waters were muddied further in her relationship withOswald.  Even from the beginning, whenJim goes to Carmine – parallels were drawn between them. They’re both presented in an oddly childishlight due to strong parental relationships, and how they’re perceived: Fishcalls Oswald her ‘boy’.  Carmine dismissesSofia’s offer to go to Gotham.  Oswaldfumes, Sofia sulks.  They even wear verysimilar neckties – Sofia’s little bow in her riding outfit is very reminiscent of Oswald’s s1 continental cross.
When the two finally met, it was equally difficult to tellwhether her actions were entirely manipulative, or she was forging some kind ofodd bond with him.   Given that Oswald isgenerally portrayed very sympathetically, the nature of her relationship withhim would be very likely to sway the audience one way or another.
I found her relationship with Jim a lot less engaging, to behonest, but I think that’s more to do with Jim.  He spent most of his time giving hermistrustful, judgmental looks before sex. Still, though, there was enoughnuance from her to make it hard to draw any conclusions on how she felt abouthim.
However, in the last couple of episodes the show pretty muchtipped its hand and seemingly decided to push her into the outright villaincategory.  Probably the following werethe definitive moments:
Telling Jim that Harvey was incompetent and weak, and thathe only held him back.
Engineering the Pyg situation, which led to the slow deathsof several cops, and Harvey’s public humiliation.
Revealing to Oswald that all the moments they had shared(particularly the business with his mother, and him allowing her to see hisleg) were insincere.
Opening an orphanage with the sole long-term goal of using achild to manipulate Oswald.
Using Martin to get to Oswald, and putting him in danger’sway.  Showing no emotional engagement with Martin.
Murdering her father.
I’m guessing stitching Jim up is also supposed to be seen asvillainous, but given Jim’s raging hypocrisy in going to a gangster for helpwhile spouting law and order, I think this one falls down.  Jim just looks like he got what he deserved.
Possibly duping Zsasz, I suppose? This is just about the only time we’ve seen him display emotion, which she exploited.
On top of that, she’s also now massively powerful, much likeTheo Galavan, who managed to be both virtually untouchable and incredibly destructive.  The show spun that storyline out until theaudience was just about tearing its hair out waiting to see his comeuppance.  They’ve not been quite so obvious from the outset with Sofia –but they’re likewise setting her up for an almighty fall.
We’ve also seen from upcoming promos that she seems to be indirect conflict with Lee.  That’s anotherflag that she’s definitely to be classed as a villain.  Lee, even as the new darker Lee, is stillpresented as the stereotypically ‘good’ woman: nurturing, altruistic,protective.  Look too at the scene we got– Sofia’s face is completely impassive (incidentally, I think that CR’s abilityto use mannerisms to seem realistically like Carmine’s daughter is tremendous),Lee is trembling with emotion.  The oppositionis already being set up, and not in her favour. Cold emotional blankness vs warm emotionality. 
(It’s also occurred to me that while Jim and Sofia were shown to be engaging in what was a pretty sordid affair, Lee’s seemingly not been with anyone in the meantime.  Now you’ve definitely got the old Madonna/whore dichotemy set up) 
Your question made me think, too, about why some villainsget a lot of sympathy and others get none. Like you say – Sofia wants revenge for her dead brother, seemingly theonly family member she was close to.  You’dthink that would warrant more sympathy.  CRhas also given a brilliantly nuanced performance.  But we’ve just not really been given anyopportunities to sympathise/empathise with her.
For example, we get loads of sympathetic moments with – say Oswaldand Edward.  We see Oswald tearful when hismother asks if he’s done anything he shouldn’t. We also see him physically vulnerable – especially in season one – wherethey apparently needed multiple suits per episode because Oswald got roughed upso much :) We see him mocked, needy for friendship.  That’s not even counting the angst avalanchethat fell on him in later seasons.  Mostrecently, we see him develop a relationship with a child.
Crucially, he’san outsider.  An underdog.  There’s a lot of ‘other’ about him – and soit’s incredibly easy to sympathise for him, root for him, and identify with him
Ed, too.  Season 1 Ed wasirritating, and pestered Kristin incessantly – but Harvey was often downrightcruel to him.  The scene, too, where he findsall the cops laughing over his poem to Kristin is pretty painful – Ed just hasno clue what to do in this social situation, and flounders badly.  He’s belittled and bullied by his own darkerself.
Again – like Oswald – he’s despised, excluded, unsure of himself.  As such, again, it’s easy to have sympathisedwith him at some point in his storyline, even if it was only fleeting.
The show deliberately doesn’t really give us moments likethat with Sofia. There’s no evidence ofany bond with Martin, for example.  The moment whereCarmine hits her could/should havedone this – but he’s murdered moments later. That doesn’t – of course – remotely negate what he did, but the balanceof power is back in her favour so fast that she barely gets a moment to bevulnerable.  It would have been theeasiest thing ever, when she confronted Jim at the end, for her voice to havebroken when talking about Mario – to have been given some emotional littledetail about how he was always there for her/her only friend, but they didn’tgive us anything.  
In direct opposition to the likes of Oswald and Ed, asdiscussed, and probably Jonathan and Jerome, (and Barbara too, actually) she’spretty much solidly presented as privileged, powerful, and controlling.   She’s wealthy, beautiful, socially able, anddeferred to by anyone she encounters. That’s a tougher sell if she’s to be sympathetic.  They’d have to have let us see hervulnerable, or unhappy, or caring about someone else – and they just didn’t.
So - do I find her a villain? Yes – but I think she’s a good one, and just about all of my favouritecharacters are ‘villains’, anyway :)  She’s easilythe strongest female character on the show. I’d have preferred it if theycould have retained the earlier ambiguity, but who knows what they’ll do forthe rest of season 4? 
 I don’t know ifshe’ll get to stick around.  If she triesto take over the Narrows, then she’s going to have pissed off virtually everymain character.  Hunting her down islikely what will make everyone reconcile their differences.  I don’t see her staying in place as the mafia kingpin.  As a more freakish character, that’s apossibility.  I’m not familiar with comiccanon – but depending on how people take revenge, and whether guilt overCarmine’s death has an impact on her – maybe there’s potential for her to takeon a different persona?
Thanks for asking – anon! I’d love to hear what you think. :)
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hysterialevi · 6 years
Where the Demons Sleep pt. 13 (Cobblebats)
From Bruce’s POV
Standing in the middle of my bedroom, I solemnly observed one of the many photos I kept of my parents as heavy rain poured outside, loudly pattering against the tall, ornate windows which allowed slivers of moonlight to creep in, illuminating the room with a dim glow as the raindrops’ silhouettes drizzled down, and thunder struck.
It had only been a day since I killed De Luca, and already I was questioning if that was the right move. After all, I had gotten so used to dealing with experienced, decrepit mobsters such as Hill and Maroni, that I completely forgot I was dealing with a little boy now. Mario.
Even though Mario was around the same age as me, he was far less attentive when it came to dealing with…“business.” He didn’t quite understand the concept of action and consequence as clearly as his father yet, and if his behavior today was anything like it was nineteen years ago, I had a feeling that De Luca’s death would trigger an ugly ending.
Reaching a hand out, I removed the framed photo from its place on my bookshelf and brought it into my grip, holding it close as I went to sit on the edge of the bed. 
It was the only picture I could find from my parents’ wedding day – the only one that didn’t include me. 
Mom and Dad looked so peaceful in it. You’d never know they were involved with crime, or mobsters like Falcone. They just looked like any other newly-wed couple out there. Happy, in love, and ready to start the next chapter in their lives. But also the last.
I sighed to myself, thinking back to when I was a child. Things weren’t necessarily simpler back then, but I definitely had a lot less responsibilities. Less struggles. I was surrounded by friends and family, I didn’t have to worry about dealing with the thugs of the underworld, I didn’t have to constantly look over my shoulder out of paranoia, and most of all, I was able to just…be me…around people. There were no masks involved, no charades, no games. I was just Bruce Wayne. No more, no less.
Now though, I had no idea who the hell I was. 
I was no saint – that much I knew. And if De Luca’s comments about me being rumored as “an animal” held any truth behind them, it was safe to say I wasn’t known for my kindness.
To be truthful, a part of me was frightened at myself with how I handled De Luca. Interrogating a man by breaking his bones in my own office, and then murdering him in cold blood even after he surrendered, only to throw his body into the bottomless depths of that eerie cave…all before assuring Alfred everything was fine.
What kind of a monster was I to do that type of stuff? Alfred was sharing a roof with a murderer – that he raised – and he didn’t even know it. As far as he was concerned, I was merely the CEO of a company that was handed to me at birth. I was harmless, and an upstanding citizen of Gotham. Little did he know, I was also the prince of this city. 
I only wondered when the day would come that he finally discovered my true identity, and every fiber in my being dreaded it.
Before I could think any further though, I was interrupted when I suddenly heard the doors to my bedroom slam open with a strong whoosh, revealing a livid and outraged young man standing in the entryway. And as if that wasn’t concerning enough, I could also see the sharp rim of a gun barrel glinting in the darkness – aiming directly at me. I calmly acknowledged my guest, still keeping the framed photo in hand.
“And what on earth do you think you’re doing, exactly, Mario?”
The boy closed the distance between us, his gun trembling in his grasp as he breathed heavily through his nostrils.
“…You know damn well why I’m here, Bruce,” he growled back through gritted teeth. “First you kill Tommy – and now De Luca? Both of those men were my friends, and you’re going to pay for them.”
I placed the photo aside and stood up, crossing my arms.
“Ah, so you’re here for revenge,” I concluded. “Is that it? Well, I hope you know what you’re doing. Revenge is tricky to control. If you’re not careful with it, it can start to control you…and only fools let that happen.” I took a seat at my desk, leaning back into its velvet cushions.  
“You’re not a fool, Mario. Using the notion that you were going to help me as a mask to cover your ulterior motives – I’ll admit, you took me slightly by surprise with Mr. De Luca’s visit. Unfortunately however, you were careless. And it cost the poor man his life. Do you want that to happen again?”
Mario’s nose crinkled in frustration. “Don’t try to make me second-guess myself! I may be young, but I’m not stupid. I know how you work, Bruce. I know how you climbed your way to the top. You kill anyone who stands in your way, and now you’re going after the mayor himself! How is that any different from what I’m doing?”
“I’m not killing Hamilton for revenge,” I corrected. “Don’t get me wrong – he could die tomorrow and I’d feel nothing, but getting rid of him is a necessary step to take in order for my plan to succeed.”
I placed a hand on my chest. “Getting rid of me though…how does that benefit you, Mario? I mean, your father said it himself: we were close growing up, no? Practically brothers. I don’t see what you could gain other than a handful of new enemies by shooting me tonight.”
The young man scoffed. “Bullshit. We were never close. You always looked down on me as a child. I could tell. You and that…that Cobblepot boy!”
I chuckled, though not out of amusement. “Are you sure about that? If I recall correctly, you were the one always bullying him, trying to pick a fight.” I gestured to him with both hands. “And now, nineteen years later, here you are again, waving a gun in my face. Old habits die hard…don’t they?”
I continued talking, hoping to distract Mario from this idiotic plan before he got himself killed, but to no avail. Instead, the boy’s gun only seemed to get closer to my face, and the longer I watched him, the more I realized that this was most-likely the last time I’d ever see him alive. I let out a disappointed breath.
“…It’s clear to me that you’re not leaving until one of us drops dead.” I slowly retrieved the photo and unlocked its frame, subtly pulling out a hidden, encased gun as I used the shadows to cloak my actions.
“I already beat you once as a child, Mario,” I warned. “Do you really want this to end like last time?”
Mario’s face twisted even more out of anger, and I could see his hand tightening. “This isn’t last time. And we’re not children anymore, Bruce.”
I finally gave in, my expression flattening with apathy. 
“…No. We’re not.”
Before Mario could even take his next breath, I had fired a bullet directly into the boy’s forehead with a sharp bang, ceasing all action from him as he innocently stared at me, almost like he hadn’t quite realized what just happened yet.
Not a moment later though, and Mario was collapsing into the shadows, the sound of a heavy thud reaching my ears as lightning flashed outside, and the stench of blood filled my nostrils.
I let out a sigh, gently securing the gun back into the picture frame as I stood up.
Just another corpse to add to the pile, I thought to myself. Another life taken. 
The question was – how many more?
As I returned the photo to my bookshelf however, I heard a series of rapid footsteps speeding in my direction, followed by a panic-ridden Alfred bolting into my room, rifle in hand.
“Bruce!” He exclaimed, out of breath. “I heard a gunshot. Are you all right?”
Alfred’s gaze fell to Mario, his face twisting in disgust. “What…what in hell’s name happened here?”
I straightened the photo’s position, calmly reassuring the butler.
“I’m fine, Al. One of Falcone’s thugs just broke in here, is all. I didn’t want to shoot him, but the man left me no choice. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Alfred’s shoulders slouched in relief as he gripped his chest. “Good lord, Bruce. I thought…I thought perhaps you had gotten hurt. Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded. “I’m okay. Trust me. He barely laid a finger on me.”
“Well, I still want to look over you just to be certain…but why would Falcone be after you? Is he going to send more people your way? What is going on, Bruce?”
“Falcone’s always had a grudge against me,” I lied. “But don’t worry. He won’t be sending anyone else. I’ve made sure of it.”
Alfred was obviously still a bit shaken, and his face was plastered with horror, but he eventually lowered his rifle, taking a deep breath.
“Bloody hell,” he muttered. “What a night. I’ll ring the GCPD. Let them know we’ve got a body here. Meanwhile, Bruce, I must insist that you come with me. After what’s happened here, I’m not sure I could sleep without knowing you were close-by. Who knows when another madman could show up?”
I stepped closer to Alfred, my head racking with guilt as I put my “mask” back on, pretending like I had no idea what occurred tonight.
“All right,” I said. “I’ll stick with you if it makes you feel better.”
“It does,” he replied, giving me the best smile he could at the moment. “After all, madmen are everywhere in this city, and the last thing I need is for you to come in contact with more of them. They’re much closer than you think, Bruce.”
I stayed relaxed, returning Alfred’s smile as I delicately pulled the old man into a comforting hug and escorted him away from the morbid crime scene, not even bothering to look back at Mario.
“Oh believe me,” I told him. “I know.”
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wolfetteuniverse · 5 years
Emma’s Odyessey B1C2: Reconciliation and Mealtime!
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“This...could be a challenge.” I said, looking at the humongous castle that apparently Bowser and the Koopalings reside in. I was escorted by a carriage to get here. But when I turned around, it was LONG gone. I wonder if they were scared of the Koopas. But I remembered that unlike the Toads, some Koopas were a bit intrigued at my physical appearance. Some were confused, and some were frightened, but they were not angry or hostile. I was a bit nervous, as I also had a gray tin pan with gingerbread and ice cream casserole. I was hoping and trying to use it as a sign of peace (and maybe bargaining if push comes to shove). I am a little anxious to see the Koopalings again. Yes, aGaIN! I would go on adventures to save my mother from Bowser with Mr. Mario and Mr. Luigi. I would come against them, lacking any empathy or emotion from defeating them.all except one: Ludwig Von Koopa. Iʼll be honest, weʼve been more than enemies. anyways, I was standing outside the door of Bowserʼs Castle, which is a bit far from all of the cities and towns of the Koopa Kingdom. I also had my luggage with me at well, just sitting there. I looked at the door. I was unsure if there was a doorbell, but then I saw the Bowser Emblem and then a mahogany colored button near its horn. “Do...I...just press this button?” I said to myself. I know Bowser is a villain, so he might have hidden traps or security measures to protect him. But there was no other clues of a doorbell, so I pressed the button despite of my fear. I then heard Bowserʼs laugh, which made me jump and scoot back in fear. The Gingerbread and Ice Cream Casserole went up into the air, but I was able to catch it just in time. I also thought a trap was going to ensnare me, but once again I was wrong. Instead, a microphone came on and spoke. “Who are you? State your name and purpose.” It was Bowserʼs voice. “My name is Emma Toadstool, and there was a living arrangement between you and my mother, the majesty of the Mushroom Kingdom.” I responded, willingly. “O-Oh. Hold on...” He said, sounding a little embarrassed. I then heard the door slowly creak open until it revealed Bowser. He was looking at me menacingly. The door also revealed two more Koopas. Koopalings to be exact. To the left of Bowser was the same Koopa that had blue hair, with the same arrogant, powerful yet sweet nature, and the little buck tooth. I slightly raised my hand, but I put it back down in order to show a little respect. It was Ludwig Von Koopa. He began to smile at my reveal and nodded silently. To the right of Bowser was a small little Koopa that looked just like Bowser. He had the red hair, the skin color, and even the muzzle. He just stood at me with this hard glare, and when we went into eye contact with each other. He pulled a rude face of disgust. Bowser stood at a standstill for about a minute with me until... he surprisingly came to me and bear-hugged me. That was awkward, but soon enough he set me down, and smiled a bit. “So you must be the Quadbrid Princess Emma!” I nodded. He was much more down-to-earth than I thought. “Welcome to the Koopa Kingdom! How was your trip.” He asked. “Pretty fine. Thanks for asking.” He then looked at me with some shock. “WOW. You are a shortie.” I frowned a bit at that. I aM a shortie. Iʼm 4ʼ2. Thatʼs very short. I donʼt know why Iʼm very short. Maybe I might get a growth spurt, but I doubt it. The worst thing is that Iʼm just as tall as Ludwig. Bowser tried to reassure me after he saw my frown. “You might grow taller...” “Maybe. Maybe Not.” There was an awkward silence until Bowser cleared his throat. “Well...Iʼll let you introduce each other and get acquainted or reacquainted with each other.” He then went inside the castle. Ludwig then turned and spoke to me. “Emilia, great to see you after 4 years.” Just so you know, Emilia is my real name. I donʼt use it because it feels too formal for me right now. He found it out on one of our adventures.” “#1: Donʼt call me Emilia. Itʼs EMMa. You, of all people should know.” He smiled a bit more. “#2: Iʼm glad to see you back. We can be ‘Classical Buddiesʼ!” He giggled and snickered a little, but then out of the blue, he came up and hugged me. This was surprising. I guess he missed me. again...It was entirely unexpected of him, but it felt really sincere, sweet, and joyful and I just blushed at it. I then sighed when he put me down. “I remembered the awesome adventures we went on when we were little!” He thought for a bit and then said. “Like the one where we were stuck on a deserted island?” “OH YES! THaT WaS CRaZY! I KEPT TRYING TO PUMMEL YOU.” I said, laughing it up. “and remember when we were chained up together and had to get to Dragon Falls and get the chains free?” He laughed again when I said that and tried to nod. It felt so nice to talk to someone who KNOWS me for who I am. 
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“Wait...are you still playing the piano?” I said, hoping of the good things I could play on it. “actually Emma, I still do. Maybe I can show you later on..or maybe-“ “If you two lovebirds are finish blabbing about your romantically stories and funtimes, then we need to go inside.” The little Bowser Koopaling said. “Itʼs rude to interrupt a conversation.” I said nicely to the little Koopa. “Watch your tongue, Quadbrid!” He said sourly and angrily. “You, of all people should know that you do not belong here, and not in this world either!” “I DO BELONG HERE! I HaVE a PURPOSE HERE!” I said, beginning to get a demonic look in my eyes while slowly walking to the Koopa. But I stopped when I realized something. “Wait....how did you know IʼM a Quadbrid?” I said, still in my demonic rage. Ludwig looked at me, and then looked at the small koopa. “Easy, you have a human look, a Koopa nose, a weird shirt only demons wear, and your near is certainly radiated and colors by light. I exchanged glances with Ludwig. There is this weird powe in which me and Ludwig both have. We both had it since we met. We have a weird telepathic power accessed by only us. He soon began to transmit his thoughts to me. “Juniorʼs hiding something....his reason seems highly illogical.” I nod to him and transmitted my thought back. “How does he know Iʼm a Quadbrid?” “I donʼt know, but hopefully we can find the truth the sooner or later. But you should be careful with Bowser Jr. He likes to have father at will.” Ludwig transmitted to me, somewhat strictly. “alright. Letʼs go into the castle for now.” I transmitted back to him. Ludwig and I began to walk into the castle, but then I heard Bowser Jr say: “Iʼm watching you, Quadbrid. Youʼre a misfit.” That set me off...and I after that, I wanted to strangle him and pummel him, but Ludwig gripped by hand quickly and held firm. He looked at me and shook his head. I looked at him and sighed. We headed inside, with Bowser Jr. behind us. The castle interior was grand, yet lovely and unsettling. Bricks colored in their mohagany color was but the castle not only classic but gorgeous. We looked at the grand entrance which looked beautiful as the nice red and gold clashed. We then head to the foyer. The foyer had some mahogany colored furniture and it had a large lava fall in the middle encased in glass. We then entered the dining room. It was CHaOTIC. all of the rest of the older Koopalings were in the room. I soon saw a Chain Chomp and the middle Koopa of the family, Iggy Koopa come down the stairs and rampaging towards us. “OH NO! CHaKEY, STOP!!!!” He said when he saw me and Ludwig. Chakey stopped a few paces in front of me and then I got licked by the big black Chain Chomp. I then see Iggy with his usual look: his palm tree hair, wide black glasses, and crazed eyes as he emerged from behind the Chain Chomp. “Emma?” “Hey, Iggy!” I said merrily. He ran over to me, occasionally stumbling from the shock. “WOW! Youʼve changed! aLOT. You used to be very aggressive. Now youʼre...much sweeter.” He said confused. “Well maybe itʼs from growing older and probably...charging you with a hoarder of Chain Chomps.” I said giggling. He also laughed until we heard a big thump from the wall, and we looked in front of us to see the Koopa I hate the most. He was bald, had two fangs, was really big, pink glasses, a purple shell and a Bill Blaster. “OH NO. The jerk is here. He a,ways comes and tries to flirt with me. OH HECK NO. “Hide me guys!!” I said panicking. I began to run to a hiding place of some kind. BUT he spotted me and ran over to me. I just sighed fora but and stood firm, because I know that thereʼs no chance of running when he ran over to me and he said. “Hey, sweetheart.” “Donʼt call me that. Iʼm not youʼre sweetheart.” I said in a aggressive matter. “Youʼve changed. Nice hair color...it glimmers beautifully.” He said, a little flirtier. I just shook my head. I HaTE flattery. Especially when it comes from Roy. Iʼm sorry. Heʼs just a jerk and a bully to me and the other Koopalings. Chakey started to bounce and the bounced over near Roy. He then bit his leg, making him yelp in pain tremendously. Roy than turned his attention to Chakey, then to Iggy. “You little punk!” He said angrily. “You couldʼve broke my leg with that iron mutt!!” Iggy just grinned and began to get on Chakey and growled. apparently,he was speaking in Chain Chomp because then,Chakey bolted off to the entrance, with Roy in pursuit. I then saw a tiny ball bouncing near me, while a Koopaling with a tiny appearance, rainbow like spiky hair, and a star on him. It was Lemmy! “Heya, Emma!” He said eagerly. I waved back. “How are you doing, Lemmy? Still circus performing?” He nodded. “ Iʼm just trying to find my tiny ball. I need it for my next act.” I smiled. He was really nice to me. aLWaYS. Even in the batt,was I partook Iʼm as a kid. He then continued to roll past me. I looked around. I didnʼt see anyone else. Ludwig and I decided to sit down on the left side of the table. I had the oven mitts and in those mitts were still the Gingerbread and Ice Cream Casserole. Ludwig looked at it and took it from and out it in the fridge. Bowser Jr. sat down at the right head chair of the table. “Is it time to eat.” I said mostly confused. Ludwig said: “Yes, but our dad, Bowser gets angry if we are not in the seats by mealtime. Iʼm just trying to prevent you and me from getting in trouble.” I was about to say something back, but I heard a mighty roar. I noticed that roar. THaT was Bowser. I looked up to see him, more angrier than ever. He looked down at Ludwig, Bowser Jr., and I. He then yelled. “DINNER!” Every Koopaling who was t there instantly came in and sit down. I saw 3 other Koopalings come down the stairs, but I do not know their names. One had a cyan hair which spiked up, one had no hair, but a pink bow, and the other has little strands of black hair, and a different skin color than the rest. Bowser began to speak again, but in a calmer tone. “Kids, I would like you to meet our new resident, Emma Toadstool.” I waved hello cautiously. “Please introduce yourselves to her during dinner.” I then saw a Magikoopa fly down with his broom and sat down in an empty chair between Bowser and Morton to the left. I then heard a door push open, revealing 4 Koopa Troopa dresses as chefs, they quickly shuffled to serve us and deliver the food. They put down a leg of fried chicken, with mashed potatoes and green beans. Delicious! I soon got my spoon and began to eat my mashed potatoes politely. Everybody began to eat, some more politely than others. “Hey, Emma!” The Cyan Blue Haired Koopaling said. I turned to him. “The Nameʼs Larry! and...do you have any dinner stories?” He asked. I shook my head no. “But-Wait, no I donʼt.” “Emma, what where you about to say?”Iggy said, confused and somewhat intrigued. “Well, Ludwig should know and remember this story quite well.” I said with a smile turning to him. “OH! My nameʼs Wendy! Whatʼs the story on! It better be something good!” The Koopa with the bow said, a bit sassy. Ludwig looked at me. He was blushing while he had an annoyed look on his face. I grinned and transmitted to him. “Itʼs just about how we met.” He transmitted back more angrily. “Theyʼre going to think weʼre a couple. That story is very crazy!” “Ludwig, we are best friends. We can survive this. We can just tell them that.” “FINE.” He transmitted to me and then silenced the roomʼs commotion. He ate some of his chicken, swallowed it, and said: “STORYTIME!”
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entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Rachael’s Top 10
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
There were plenty of games of 2019 that I enjoyed immensely, but if I had to pick just 10, here were my favorites of the year.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
Here we are again at the end of another great gaming year. Even though we didn’t see as many huge titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man, or God of War as seen in 2018, my year has been packed full of some amazing titles regardless. Thankfully, I didn’t have to solely rely on AAA games to have a great gaming experience, as this year we saw many fantastic indies that included Untitled Goose Game, Outer Wilds, Lost Ember, My Friend Pedro, to name a few. This only goes to prove how far independent studios have come along, and how they have firmly made their mark within the gaming industry.
As a gamer, I’m very open to what I will play – which is probably a good thing in this business. As you’ll tell from my diverse list, I’m not afraid to jump into whatever piques my interest. That may be from the adorable and cutesy, to the dark and twisted underbelly of the video games universe. As much as I love experiencing all areas of gaming, there’s one factor that always calls me home, and that’s immersive storytelling. I don’t think there’s a feeling in the world like sitting back and getting completely lost within a world interwoven in an amazingly captivating narrative. Since the start of time, humans have used storytelling as a way to connect to others, to bring people closer together and how the world is right now, there couldn’t be a more apt time to continue this tradition in the games we play.
As we slide into 2020, I’m excited to uncover what’s in store for me – especially with my most anticipated game mere months away, The Last of Us Part II. But until then, allow me to share with you what has been my Top 10 games of 2019. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to narrow it down to just 10!
10. Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a beautifully crafted piece of kit. It oozes bags of appeal and a refreshing, upbeat soundtrack that accompanied the game’s style perfectly. Other than its eye-popping visuals, the underlying story of heartbreak made this short, heart-pumping title really stand out.
I played it all in one go from start to finish and since then, I’ve been recommending gamers to give this unique and worthwhile title a try. On a side note: Queen Latifah’s voice is the epitome of ASMR.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sayonara Wild Hearts.
9. Divinity: Original Sin II
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to play this game when it first released back in 2017 but when I saw that it was releasing on the Nintendo Switch, I knew that I had to play it. Divinity: Original Sin II is acclaimed to be one of the best western-style RPGs ever made, with stellar writing, voice acting, and brilliantly crafted tactical combat, and I couldn’t agree more.
The Switch’s small screen in handheld mode is perfect to get up close and personal with the bucket loads of action and endless, compelling dialogue. Divinity: Original Sin II’s emotion-wrought fantasy world really does make it one of the finest RPG games of recent years.
Check out DualShockers‘ review forDivinity: Original Sin II on Nintendo Switch.
8. Mosaic
Over the past few years, I’ve seen a rise in talking about mental health in video games. I love that we are now more open and free to discuss these issues that affect so many of us, and that developers are willing to take this on and adapt it to their games.
Mosaic offers a painstakingly realistic look under the heavy covers of depression and burnout in the workplace. I applaud that Krillbite Studio made no apologizes as they dove head-on in tackling these difficult subjects in Mosaic. Its cruelly dark and, at times, hard to play because of how authentic the main character plays out his troubles. But this is, in my opinion, when you know you’ve made a great game; when the player feels what you’re portraying.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Mosaic (by me!).
7. Planet Zoo
When it comes to management sims, I tend to get a little overwhelmed with how much you have to do. You almost have to divide yourself into a million pieces to just stay afloat, but thankfully Planet Zoo offered much more manageable gameplay that I thoroughly enjoyed.
With its plentiful tutorials and smart UI, I spent hours taking care of all the zoo’s creatures, and who doesn’t want to care for a baby lion cub? Frontier Developments also tackled important educational and conservation topics throughout, which gave me bags of insight into each species. If you’re looking for a management sim that won’t take hours just to know what you’re supposed to be doing or kill every brain cell due to an overload of tasks, Planet Zoo may be the one for you.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Planet Zoo by me, again.
6. My Friend Pedro
My Friend Pedro made me feel like I was actually really good at games. It made me feel like Neo from The Matrix with its slow-motion gunplay and super crazy stunts that offered one hell of an adrenaline-filled ride.
From barrel riding to swinging off chains to achieve the ultimate stunt-shot, My Friend Pedro provided me hours of entertainment. I was a bad-ass ninja on a skateboard with a talking banana; what’s not to love?
Check out DualShockers’ review for My Friend Pedro.
5. Life is Strange 2
This tale of brotherly love between Sean and Daniel Diaz begins as they try and flee America to start a new life in Mexico, and it hooked me from the get-go. Sure, it was a little slow in the beginning but it soon picked up steam and turned into a goldmine of storytelling.
What I appreciated most about Life is Strange 2 is how deeply it resonated with me in how well it addressed a lot of the current political and social issues we see in America today. Dontnod Entertainment obviously went to great lengths to make the player feel and care about what happened to these brothers, and for that, they have my respect. I’m really looking forward to knowing more about their next game, Tell Me Why – my guess is that it will be another emotionally hard-hitting adventure, and I’m totally here for that.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for the first episode of Life is Strange 2.
4. Concrete Genie
What can I say about this wholesome and charming game? I feel like it would be better to take my heart out and let it tell you, because that’s where I’ve stored everything that has touched me from this beautiful title. Concrete Genie throws you into the shoes of Ash, a young sensitive boy you loves to paint. When his town gets consumed by a dark, negative force coupled with some bullies set to make his life harder, Ash goes on an adventure where he meets the most adorable genies and together, they right so many wrongs.
Just before playing this game, I was going through a rough patch in life, so jumping into this adorably endearing title made that period much more bearable – I honestly couldn’t stop smiling throughout my entire time playing it. If you’re looking for something that will lift your spirits throughout these winter months, consider Concrete Genie. I dare you not to fall in love with Luna.
3. Luigi’s Mansion 3
I sometimes tend to lean towards games that are pretty dark and sinister, but as you can start to tell from this list – I’m trying to change that. In freshening up my game playing habits more, I found myself wanting to give Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch a shot and boy, am I thankful that I gave this game a chance.
There’s so much to love in the third installment of the adventure series that lets Mario’s chicken-livered twin Luigi take control. The graphics in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are a kaleidoscope of beauty that pops straight from the beginning, and in my opinion, the best graphics currently on the Nintendo Switch. Coupled with impressive animation, fun levels, and acute attention to detail, this game was an absolute pleasure to play. I honestly have never had so much fun hoovering in all my life – just ask Chrissy Teigen.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Luigi’s Mansion 3.
2. A Plague Tale: Innocence
In case you didn’t know this about me, I love games where I must fight to stay alive, so here I am again getting sucked into a world where I have to go head-to-head with forces that wants me dead – sounds charming doesn’t it? This time I’m running from rats in this deeply somber tale of the evil that scurries in the dark, and it’s not just the rats, FYI.
What I loved most about A Plague Tale is the narrative between the two siblings, Amicia and Hugo de Rune, who are thrown into a dangerous world where all they have are each other to rely on. Amicia, who constantly has to reassure her little brother Hugo, and Hugo constantly asking a barrage of questions is so life-like that you almost forget you’re playing a video game due to how well Asobo Studio cultivated the relationship between them both. A Plague Tale: Innocence will propel you into a broken and terrifying world, but also remind you that beneath the cruelty of its environment, a deeply set unconditional love story between a brother and sister waits to be uncovered.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for A Plague Tale: Innocence by yours truly.
1. Days Gone
From its very first reveal at Sony’s E3 2016 panel, Days Gone had me hook, line and sinker. As I’ve already stated, there’s something immediately appealing to me about apocalyptic survival games, (hello, The Last of Us). Whether it’s a metaphor from my own internal struggles, I’m not sure, but what I do know is that trying to stay alive in a world that wants to swallow you whole captivates me on a whole other level.
Days Gone has a meaningful and varied narrative with just the right amount of pain, hope, and unexpected surprises to keep you glued to your seat the entire ride. Bend Studio crafted something personal and unique to them where they invited players to enter this world with an open heart and a little patience, where only then would your gaming experience really pay off in this stellar title.
The story is rich and meaty with a wide array of diverse characters you meet on your journey around Oregon’s beautiful landscapes, with countless areas you can interact with and explore. I’ve even found myself mindlessly riding my drifter bike for hours from one end of the map to the other, merely to soak in the scenery – the lakes, mountains, and forests are breathtakingly beautiful that I’ve already filled up a lot of space on my PS4 with the games built-in photo mode. Hats off to Bend Studio on this epic adventure; I can’t wait to experience what’s next from the studio.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Days Gone by – yep you’ve guessed it.
Before you leave, I’d like to share some Honorable Mentions that didn’t quite make my top 10:
Untitled Goose Game – What a cute little asshole.
Disco Elysium – I haven’t yet finished this game but so far, I’m finding it really enjoyable with a cracking narrative.
Hearthstone – I finally dove into this online digital collectible card game at the start of 2019 and in my opinion, it’s the best card game out there.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer: this is where I go to release some pent up frustration. There’s nothing quite like finding unique ways to kill strangers online.
Death Stranding – I’m still peeing and pooping my way around this strange world. It may or may not fall into my Top 10 in 2020, but as of right now, it’s unsettling and addictive for reasons that are beyond my comprehension at present.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 31, 2019 4:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-rachaels-top-10
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gyrlversion · 5 years
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Duchess of Cambridge drafts in former Vogue editor
Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, royal watchers have often remarked that her sister-in-law Kate is looking noticeably more glamorous. Now, I can reveal why, writes Richard Eden
Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, royal watchers have often remarked that her sister-in-law Kate is looking noticeably more glamorous. Now, I can reveal why.
The Duchess of Cambridge has secretly drafted in a talented stylist who has been advising her on her wardrobe.
Out go the stiff coat dresses and Home Counties lady look. In comes a more modern, sleek style, such as the £800 Gucci pussy-bow blouse and wide-legged trousers she wore for an engagement earlier this month.
Her new adviser is Virginia Chadwyck-Healey, an aristocratic 36-year-old former editor at Vogue magazine.
Known as Ginnie, she is an old friend of Prince William and Kate, and attended their wedding at Westminster Abbey in 2011.
‘Ginnie is Catherine’s secret weapon,’ a royal source tells me. ‘She has made a big difference to the Duchess’s wardrobe for public engagements and has helped give her a whole new sense of confidence.
‘Catherine has been really impressed and is very grateful for her help.’
Ginnie is the daughter of the 3rd Lord Strathalmond and has two daughters, Nancy, four, and Maggie, two, with her Old Etonian husband, Oliver Chadwyck-Healey.
Ginnie and Ollie were at St Andrews University with William and Kate, and both women studied history of art.
Her new adviser is Virginia Chadwyck-Healey, an aristocratic 36-year-old former editor at Vogue magazine, writes Richard Eden
Natasha Archer, who usually helps Kate with her wardrobe, is presently on maternity leave.
Ginnie, who left Vogue in 2018 after 12 years, wrote about her experience at William and Kate’s wedding.
‘To my great surprise, I found myself included in the fashion reviews as one of the “best-dressed wedding guests”,’ boasted Ginnie, who wore an Emilia Wickstead watermelon pink skirt and a bubblegum pink trapeze-sleeve silk top.
‘Royal protocol had to come first, but I wanted to feel like I had an identity amid the sea of celebrities, friends, military personnel, foreign members of state and, of course, the Royal Family.’
But she added: ‘To my mother’s horror, I didn’t wear tights.’
How very daring.
 F1’s Lewis still single-minded
He courted Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger for eight years and has been linked to her fellow pop stars Rihanna and Rita Ora, but Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton will not be settling down just yet, according to his father.
Anthony Hamilton, who made huge sacrifices to support his son’s talent for motor racing, tells me: ‘I don’t think Lewis is the marrying kind.’
And he seems almost to have given up hope that Lewis, 34, will provide him with a grandchild.
‘It would be nice to have some grandkids,’ says Anthony.
‘Hopefully, he will get married and give me some one day, but I can’t see that happening any time soon.’
 Even Jodie’s man didn’t recognise her!
Jodie Kidd’s natural blonde hair played as much a part in her rise to modelling stardom in the Nineties as her razor-sharp cheekbones.
Now, the 40-year-old has ditched one of her trademark features — by dyeing her wavy locks chocolate brown.
‘It’s something I’ve wanted to do my whole life, but I’ve always been petrified,’ she confides at the Essentiel Antwerp store launch party in Sloane Square.
Jodie showed off her new look, teamed with a yellow jacket and floral dress.
Jodie Kidd’s natural blonde hair played as much a part in her rise to modelling stardom in the Nineties as her razor-sharp cheekbones. Now, the 40-year-old has ditched one of her trademark features — by dyeing her wavy locks chocolate brown, writes Richard Eden
Jokingly, she adds: ‘Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis?’
Her boyfriend, the dashing former Royal Marine Joseph Bates, is struggling to adjust to the new-look Jodie.
‘He was picking me up earlier today. I said on the phone: “I’m crossing the King’s Road now,” and had to say: “You’re literally driving past me!”
‘He slammed on the brakes and was like: “Oh, my God!” He didn’t recognise me at all. But he loves it.’
Britain’s best-known High Street tycoon, Sir Philip Green, seems to have quit this country. I can reveal the Topshop owner has not spent a single day in the UK this year and has told friends he might never return.
‘He feels he’s been treated appallingly and has no desire to come back,’ one of the billionaire’s chums tells me. ‘He doesn’t want to be in Britain if he’s not wanted here.’
The roly-poly retailer has faced allegations — which he strongly denies — that he bullied and sexually harassed staff. There were also calls for him to be stripped of his knighthood over his sale of BHS for £1 to a multiple bankrupt with no shop experience.
At least Sir Philip, who previously lived at the Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair from Monday to Friday, can spend more time aboard his £100million superyacht, Lionheart, with his wife, Tina, a tax resident of Monaco.
Prince Philip turns 98 in June and has retired from royal duties, but he is nevertheless lending his name to a cause close to his heart. 
I can reveal that a new organisation is to be launched in May called The Prince Philip Gordonstoun Foundation. It will raise money for scholarships at the Scottish boarding school where he and the Queen sent their children. 
‘Princess Anne will speak at the launch party,’ a courtier tells me. ‘It’s possible that the Duke of Edinburgh will also attend, but we won’t know until nearer the time.’
 The smart set’s talking about… Arty bikini heiress Alaia
Melissa Odabash’s stylish swimwear is worn by everyone from Pippa Middleton to the Kardashians, and now her daughter, Alaia De Santis, has designs on the art world, writes Richard Eden
Melissa Odabash’s stylish swimwear is worn by everyone from Pippa Middleton to the Kardashians, and now her daughter, Alaia De Santis, has designs on the art world.
Although still in her second year at Camberwell Art College, Alaia’s Sixties-inspired collages are selling for hundreds of pounds.
‘I’ve put a hold on sales because I’m planning my first solo exhibition in London this year,’ she tells me. ‘I want everyone to be able to view them properly first.’
The amiable student, 21, whose father is businessman Nicolas De Santis, attended £19,950-a-year More House in Knightsbridge before transferring to Hampstead’s Fine Arts College.
Being a designer’s daughter can cause complications. Two years ago, Melissa was nearly sued by fashion label Azzedine Alaia because she named one of her pieces after her daughter, who shares its name.
A familiar face on the London party circuit, Alaia has fallen for Italian business student Mario Manca. She gushes: ‘When I first met him, I thought: “This is my future husband.” ’
 (Very) modern manners 
Here’s a most unlikely transformation. Meg Mathews, friend of Kate Moss and stalwart of the hard-living Primrose Hill set, is now a health ‘guru’ advising civil servants on their lifestyles.
The ex-wife of Oasis star Noel Gallagher reveals: ‘I just did a talk at the Foreign Office.’
Speaking at the launch of Ama Bags at Caviar House & Prunier in Piccadilly, Meg tells me: ‘I went to the FO to talk about the menopause and the need to give flexible hours to those going through it.
‘Women can feel so overwhelmed in life they don’t want to go for promotion. We have to get rid of the stigma.’
As the renovations drag on at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Windsor love nest, Frogmore Cottage, spare a thought for their neighbour, Mabel Anderson, 91. 
The former nanny to all four of the Queen’s children has had to endure months of building work from her grace-and-favour home just yards away. Hope she won’t be kept awake by those late-night yoga sessions of which Harry is now fond…
 That outfit is so off the wall, Jenna 
Queen Victoria would not have been amused. Jenna Coleman, star of ITV’s hit period drama Victoria, turned up at a fashion party in Knightsbridge — only to find her £2,690 Gucci floral-print trouser suit looked like the wallpaper.
‘Maybe she was trying to set a trend,’ remarks a fashionista. ‘Soon, everyone will be wearing outfits that blend in with the decor.’
Queen Victoria would not have been amused. Jenna Coleman, star of ITV’s hit period drama Victoria, turned up at a fashion party in Knightsbridge — only to find her £2,690 Gucci floral-print trouser suit looked like the wallpaper, writes Richard Eden
Box office hit Bohemian Rhapsody has been accused of glossing over Freddie Mercury’s promiscuity, but it’s his chivalrous behaviour towards fans that was covered up by the BBC. 
David Wigg’s interview with the Queen singer featured in the 2012 documentary, Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender. Now Wigg reveals: ‘I asked Freddie, who had so many adoring fans of both sexes, whether he had ever slept with one. 
He said: “No, dear. Never sleep with a fan! It can only end in tears.”’ Wigg tells me: ‘Sadly, the BBC thought this was a bit too much and cut it out of the documentary.’
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Sandy Hook shootings: Four things revealed by FBI files
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Sandy Hook shootings: Four things revealed by FBI files
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Amongst those killed were 20 children aged six and seven years old
Almost five years on, the FBI has declassified 1,500 pages relating to the Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut.
Adam Lanza killed 20 elementary school children, six adults and his mother on 14 December 2012 before turning the gun on himself.
While details of 20-year-old Lanza’s declining mental health were already known, new details about the attack and his possible motive have been revealed within the still heavily censored documents.
The FBI’s behaviour analysis unit concluded in its report that evidence suggested “the shooter had an interest in children that could be categorised as paedophilia” before his attack on the school.
Other new revelations include further details on Lanza’s online behaviour and his intense obsession with mass shootings before he carried out one of the worst in US history.
1. The gunman himself
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The gunman was an introvert who reportedly spent most of his time in his room online
Lanza expressed an interest in Japanese techno music and had reportedly been taking some language and college courses. He held National Rifle Association safety qualifications after visiting shooting ranges with his mother, Nancy.
A vegan who said he did not like the texture of food, he was only 111lb (50kg) when he died.
He owned some video games that could be classified as “violent” but expressed a love of fantasy role-playing ones. In fact his apparent favourites included an interactive dancing game and Mario Kart.
Image copyright Handout/ getty
Image caption Multiple gaming devices, accessories and computer equipment were uncovered in the Lanza home
The FBI concluded there was “no evidence” he viewed his killings as a “video game” or a contest.
Authorities uncovered multiple gaming devices and computers when searching the Lanza family home – including a hard drive that had been “significantly damaged by force trauma” and “scratched with an implement”.
2. The depths of his killing obsession
Image copyright Handout/GETTY
Image caption Police found a staggering amount of weapons near Lanza’s body
In his online activity authorities uncovered his obsession with previous mass shootings and spree killings, including the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.
Documents revealed Lanza had created a meticulous spreadsheet of previous mass murders.
The files reveal one woman, whose identity was redacted, had an “online relationship” with him for more than two years after meeting him through a website where players adopt the roles of the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
She never knew Lanza’s name or true identity, only speaking under usernames, but described him as “the weirdest person online” who spent almost all of his time researching and discussing mass murders.
Image copyright Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept via Getty Images
Image caption The FBI documents catalogue Lanza’s obsession with the Columbine perpetrators
The woman said it was clear he was “depressed” and had a cynical and negative view of the world. She told authorities he had expressed some suicidal thoughts, but did not think he was capable of actually killing himself or others.
The FBI however concluded that he had done “careful, methodical planning and preparation” for the massacre, and could have been considering it since March 2011.
“The shooter was fascinated with past shootings and researched them thoroughly. The shooter shared many similar characteristics and behaviours with other active shooters,” one report concluded.
3. His mother and mental health
Image copyright Handout via Getty images
Image caption This photograph was recovered released by police – but Lanza’s estranged father reportedly denied it was of him
The FBI reports and interviews paint a picture of an increasingly isolated individual in the run-up to the shooting.
He had been removed from school in his mid-teens by his mother after being “not excessively” bullied for his social awkwardness and low weight.
Image copyright ABC
Image caption Lanza was home-schooled after 9th grade
Lanza had been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, and interviews suggest how much he struggled with accepting and medicating his condition.
He was “unable to maintain any relationships”, even with people with similar interests with him at his old school’s computer technology club.
All five weapons and the ammunition recovered by police after the shooting were obtained legally by his mother, who was described by one person they interviewed as a “gun nut”.
Some people blamed her for not intervening to improve her son’s mental health and for having weapons in the house. Although a victim herself, she was not referred to in a memorial address by President Barack Obama.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Then President Barack Obama lobbied for gun control measures after the shooting
Reports about how close they were before the shootings were conflicting. But a medical professional said she was not allowed in his bedroom.
The reports suggest Lanza sometimes may have slept on the floor instead of in a bed, and demonstrated other “strange behaviours”.
He reportedly liked to go on walks, including by the school, but also expressed an aversion to bright and natural light.
Many neighbours interviewed knew little to nothing about the family, and some said they had not seen Adam for years.
4. Sexuality and feelings toward children
Image copyright Handout VIA gETTY
Image caption He shot his way into his former school, killing six staff members
The woman he spoke to regularly said Lanza had expressed some details about his sexuality, including a notion that he may have been asexual.
She told investigators he had written “at least one lengthy email” to her expressing his views on paedophilia.
In that he expressed his hatred towards it, but she said he had also described adult and child sexual relationships as “possibly beneficial to both parties”.
In 2014 the FBI concluded in a behavioural analysis report concluded there was “evidence to suggest the shooter had an interest in children that could be categorised as paedophilia”. But they found no evidence that he had acted on any potential sexual feelings toward children.
It was not clear if further evidence of this was redacted from the publically released documents.
The online friend said he described feeling “pity” for children because he believed people in authority were “improperly controlling” them.
She said that she suspected Lanza probably thought he was “saving” or “protecting” the children that he killed by “taking them away from harmful influences” including parents and teachers.
Lanza had reportedly expressed his belief that death was “an escape from the pressures of life”.
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Super Mario 64 DS cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Super Mario 64 DS cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Super Mario 64 DS.
Genre: Action, Side Scrolling Platform Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 20, 2004
In order to unlock Waluigi as a playable character, you must have all 150 stars. As Mario, use the cannon to get to the roof and hit the power block. Get back in the cannon and fly over to the right side of the castle. There is and invisible 2-D box hovering in the courtyard and you must hit it. If you need a guide there is a picture on the top screen when you are at the starting screen. After hitting it go through the puzzle and you will get the Waluigi key!
Getting To The Top Of The Castle
It is possible to get to the top of the castle BEFORE you get all 150 Stars. Get Mario and then walk out to the courtyard. Go to the very right of the map where the ramp leads down into the moat. See where the castle makes a 90 degree angle? That’s the key. Tripple jump over to it so that you are still high in the air when you hit the wall. Then wall kick your way up to the top.NOTE: This is EXTREMLEY hard to do so don’t get frusterated when it doesn’t work.
Rabbit For Luigi
Go to the area with all the ghosts and where the door is located. Jump, then grab the ledge. Climb it, then jump up again. There should be a green rabbit up there.
Easy Extra Lives
Go to whomps fortress and turn to your left using mario. Bust every crate in your way. (orange bricks) You will find a large red mushroom. Use it and crush every thing. It should give you 1ups during the eighth destruction. Have FUN! (crush things like parannah flowers, goombas, wood sticks, bullet bills, ect.
Freeze Time
Go up the stairs and go through the middle door go where the clock is. Jump to the clock and when it says 12 go in everything will freeze!
Another Secret Star
When you walk into the castle, go into the door on the far right with a number 3 on it. Go inside and you should be in a room with a jellyfish painting. Turn to your right and then jump into the hole.
Top Of The Castle
When you collect all 150 power stars the little cage outside of the castle will become and cannon and will launch you to the top of the castle and you can gain access to 3 1-ups and a red box.
Character’s Stats
Yoshi/Power:- Speed:** Jump:***Mario/Power:** Speed:** Jump:**Luigi/Power:* Speed:** Jump:***Wario/Power:*** Speed:* Jump:*
The ? Switch
When you defeat Bowser #1, go to the main hall. There will be a light pointing on the round mat. Go in that light and look up. You will be taken to a secret level. Fly a little down and you should see a peice of land. Go down to it and the ? switch will be there. Step on it and all the ? blocks will become solid.Note: It will be better to do this with mario.
Princess Toadstools Secret Slide
Enter the room where all the characters and their doors are and there are 2 stainglass windows. Jump into the one on the right and run down the slide. At the end of the slide their is a box. Break it open and there is a star inside.
Through The Jet Stream Star
Enter the Jolly Roger Bay level with Wario. Once you do that go to the cave at the end of the level, after that there is a red box at the opening of the cave. Get it and there is a Power Flower inside. Now you can walk underwater. So walk out of the cave and at the bottom of the hole there is a star that you can now grab. NOTE: If you already have Wario there is a Wario cap in the cave so you don’t have to have him when you enter the cave.
Make Mother Penguin Mad
In Cool, Cool Mountain, return the baby penguin back to her mother. Once you’ve returned it, take the baby away then the mother penguin will be mad.
Luigi’s Hat, But No Luigi
This is more of a fact than a hint but if you goto the stage Big Boo’s Haunt and do the level BigBoo’s Balconey and you run around the castle tothe left you will find a door. Go in the door youwill see 2 Boos one will be plain so knock it outfirst or it will interfere with taking the hat,after you knock out the plain boo knock out theone with the hat take the hat and become Luigi!But if you hold the jump button he will startswinging his legs but that won’t help you jump.The sounds are different from the real Luigi, butwho cares?
Make Toad Wear Your Cap
To do this, lose your cap in any level where you can lose it, then leave the level without the cap. After that get any star and then go back to the main hall. Toad will be wearing your cap. He will say that he found it. This is an easier way of getting your hat back.
Use Red Blocks
Once you have 10 stars, go to the main room of the castle and you will see sunlight coming down from the ceiling. Stand where the sunlight is and look straight up. You will go into the Big Switch level where you’ll have to collect 8 red coins by using Mario’s wing cap. Remember to hit the big red switch, that way you can use the red blocks now. To do this, you must play as Mario.
Unlock Wario
To unlock Wario, you must play as Luigi. Go to the mirror room and you will see Power Flowers. Use them to make him invisible then go through the mirror. In the reflection, you will see Wario’s Painting, then go in it. On the touch screen, go to where the red X is. Where the X is go in the hole and fight Chief Chilly. He is the strongest Ice Bully. Push him in the frozen water three times to kill him and to get the key to Wario’s room.
Star Bonus
Obtain all 150 stars and go outside the castle. Climb inside the cannon opening that is now located where the grating was near the Fish Pond. Aim to land onto the roof, to get three lives and a red block for flying Mario.
It’s best for you to practice this in the bridge to the door of the castle. First, run and the, press R+B REALLY QUICK.
Easy Way To Get All Glowing Rabbits
If you’re trying to get all the glowing rabbits, go outside (as Yoshi) and you will see three rabbits. One of the rabbits is glowing. Catch it then go back in and come back out. You will see another glowing rabbit! Keep doing this and you have all the glowing rabbits and another star!
Heart Attack Thorugh The Wall
This cheat will almost work every time. First go to the entrance of the king bomomb’s mountain. Then go past the two big bombs and to the cannon near the first goomba you see going up the mountian. Just like the heaven cheat aim at the bottom of the island except aimin the point top right on the bottom. After that shoot and it should look like that character is having a hart attack or like a horse with no movement galloping and then go through the wall.
Speedy Takeoff
To have a speedy takeoff hold Y for about 5 seconds and go forward.
Easy Castle Star
NEED LUIGI! Go into the mirror room and get a power flower once you turn invisible go through the mirror and go through the door you came in by. There will be a white room with a star in the middle.
How To Get Wario
YOU NEED LUIGI TO GET WARIO! 1. Go through the first door you see on the second floor 2. Go up the stairs and into the door with red carpeting 3. Next you get the power flower and got through the mirror and jump into the picture with wario 4. Beat the boss and you get wario =].
Infinite Coins (Action Replay)
02098998 00000064.
Easy Health
If you have a character that has a little bit of health [in the castle only] just change to a different person and your health will come back.
Get 10-15 Lives In Very Quickly
Go to the “HAZY MAZE CAVE” and then to the “TOXIC MAZE” Make sure you do this asWARIO (mostly because its way easier) Once your at the TOXIC MAZE (enter from the HAZY mAZE) then run straight forwardtoward the red question mark box and turn into metal wario. Then turn around andrun past the two MOLES. Turn left and then left again and crush the orange box,revealing a red mushroom. (you have to do the next steps very quickly) then takethe red mushroom and (turning you HUGE) run back to the moles and run in a circlehitting them both over and over again. You should see numbers going up to sevenand then 1UP signs! After you pass seven, the more moles you hit the more livesyou get! I have 60 lives right now, and I didn’t even try to get them!
Beat Eye-to-eye In The Secret Room
Use Luigi, go to Big Boos cage, and go upstairs to the farthest right door. Look up, and you will see a ledge hit the? Box. Then Triple jump up to the ledge and run over to the ghost picture and run through it. Then kill the ghost. Then circle the eye, and he will go dizzy , then grab the star.
Beat The Bomb King
When you get to the Bomb King as Yoshi and thebomb king throws the little bombs, shoot your tongout quick at the little bombs then shoot them atthe King bomb three times.
Keep Your Health!
When you are falling from a distance up, Press the R button (but close to the ground, or it wont work). You wont loose any health or die!
Lost Caps
If you go to a course and you loose your cap, just don’t worry. If you do loose it, you can always go back to the level and get it again. But when they do loose there caps, they look silly!
Boo’s Red Coins
Once you get Mario, go the place with the Boo’s. Kill them all(they should be holding a red coin, if they don’t go from star to star until they drop red coins) while collecting the red coins and a star will pop out. You now need to get every other star and you will get 150 stars without cheating. Note that you NEED to do this or you will stay at 149.
Toad’s Star
Try to talk with all the Toads in the whole castle, some of them must give you a star.
Run Faster
To run faster you use the pen to drag either Yoshi, Mario, Wario, or Luigi.
Easy Secret Star
Go to the mirror room in the top tower. You must be Luigi for this to work. Once inside, you will see power flowers. Grab one and you will be able to walk through the mirror. Walk through it and, WITH YOUR REFLECTION, go into the door at the end. Make sure it is the Luigi that is not solid. Once inside this door, you will be in a white blank space. in the middle, there will be a star in the middle. Grab it and you will have it. Make sure to save!
Slide Kick
To slide kick, you hold down the L button and press the A button.
Secret Slide In Tall Tall Mountoun
Go all the way up the mountain until you see the cloud that blows your hat off. Go past the cloud and try not to fall of the side. Once past the cloud, follow the trail of coins that lead into the cloud. You should be able to jump into the wall. Oh yeah, and once in the wall, follow the slide until you see a trail off wood to your left and make a sharp turn
Short-cut In Leathal Lava Land
Go into the picture of Leathal lava land and go strait. Then go to the left and the left again over the closing bridge. Make the eyeball dizzy and go into the pit the coin goes in. You should go to the island with the ? box on it.
Golden Keys
In order to get golden keys you must catch the wandering rabbits.
Unlimited Coins
Go to Whomp’s Fortress and find a cement guy. Make him fall and a coin will pop up, then keep on doing it.
Make Yoshi, Luigi, and Wario Fly
When you first turn on your game Choose V.S. ModePractice by yourself. You should start out asYoshi. Click the level of either Sunshine Isles orBattle Fort. Whoever you want to see fly get theirhat (or if you want Yoshi to Fly You don’t need Ahat). On Battle Fort go to the Corner with theYellow Box and on Sunshine isles go on one of thesmall islands astray. Grab The Feather and Fly away!!!
Unlock Mario
You must have at least 8 stars. Go into Peach’sRec Room(not from the menu) and jump in the Mariopainting. Look at the map and try to find thebiggest tree stump. Go there, and you see a giantgoomba. You beat him by running around until youbehind him, then spiting a regular goomba at him.Do this two more times, and he’ll die and you’llget a key Mario is now unlocked.
Slipping On Lava
This cheat is really hard so listen carefully. Recommended Character: Mario In the ‘Bowser in the Fire Sea’ level, near at the end you will see platforms going under the lava. At the third last platform do triple jump and press A and A again. If you do this successfully, Mario will slip on the lava and land on a platform.If this doesnt work, remember, this is VERY hard.
Second Star From The Secret Slide
Enter the castle and go upstairs to the room on the right. Once inside you go in to Princess Toadstool’s secret slide. To get the second star, make it to the end of slide at 21 seconds or less. The star will pop up in front of you.
Luigi’s Super Backflip
Luigi’s Backflip is 20 times better than anybody elses try it. Press R than press B than Wammo! you can spin about 20 ft. (In The Game)
Knowing How Many Glowing Rabbits Are Left
To do this you need to catch 1 glowing rabbit. Go to the room where you can trade rooms go to the room with no letters on it go to it should say something like the rabbits stole the key you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 rabbits left.
Yoshi’s Rabbits
Three are in the courtyard near the bridge. Suckthem in your mouth and they’ll come out and giveyou the key.
Alternate Voices
If you start out as Luigi, and find a Wario cap, Wario will still make Luigi’s noises when he punches, jumps, or gets hurt.
Stop The Clock
After defeating Bowser 2, go upstairs and use Mario. Hold down B and when the big hand reaches 12, run foward as Mario says “YeeHaw!” and when you enter the level, the clock stopped.
Make Bowser Mad
After you find all 150 stars, go to the final Bowser and beat him. He will say something like this,”What!? 150 stars, I must have missed some!
Star In The Mirror
While you are Luigi, go upstairs and go in the room with the giant mirror then get the Power Flower. After you do that, go in the mirror and go in the mirror door and you will be in a completely white room with a star. NOTE: (This only works with Luigi).
Castle Moat Disapear
Use any character and enter the castle. When you are there go foward and go left or right. There is one brown door on either side of the stairs. Once go through one go foward and turn around to the hallway going down. Enter the door at the end of the hallway(you will need the key from bowser #1 to go through the door)When you are there go down the stairs and through the blue hallway and enter the door. Run and take as many right turns as possible. Enter through the door. There is a hole so jump in it. There will be a hallway filled with water so swim through it until you get to 2 collums, if you ground pound them both water will be drained in many places.
Luigi’s Special Star
In the miror room were you unlock wario with luigiinstead of jumping in his picture run into the middle miror and all the way to the door in the very back. You should come into a white area with a power star hovering in the middle of it to leave the white room just go back through the door and out of the miror.
Shortcuts To Tiny Huge Island
The shortcut to Tiny Island is to your left and the shortcut to Huge Island is to your right. If you can’t tell, try looking at the size of the hallway as you get closer. When going to Tiny Island, the painting is smaller and it takes a few steps to get to it and going to Huge Island the painting seems so far away and so big and takes more steps to the painting. The painting in the middle isn’t real.
Invisible Levels
There are two invisible doors. The first one is by Lethal Lava Land an turn to your left and you will notice a blank wall. Go through it and you will be in Shifting Sand Land. The second one is located inn the mirror room. Turn to your left to notice a blank wall. Look in the mirror to notice a level. Go though the blank wall and you will be in Snowman’s Land.
Secret Life
Go to the Tiny-Huge Island hallway. (Note: thisdoesn’t work with Yoshi.) Jump into the tinypainting (it doesn’t matter which star you pick).Get rid of the tiny goomba next to where youstart. Now walk around the tiny piece of landwhere you started until some butterflies come out.Punch one of them and you’ll get a 1-up mushroom.
Star In Oblivion
Play as Luigi. Go to the mirror room and get thepower flower. Walk through the mirror and gothrough the reflection of the door you came in.There will be a star there.
Easier Way To Reach Bowser #1
Once you’ve hit the red switch, you will see a red block at the begining of first Bowser level. As Mario, hit it and you’ll become Balloon Mario. As Balloon Mario, keep tapping the B button to go up. As you get closer, find a spot to land before you go back to normal.
E. Gadd Reference
When you talk to the mother penguin in Cool, Cool Mountain, she will say Egad! My baby!! Have you seen my baby??? So her baby has the same name as the scientist in Luigi’s Mansion.
Easier Way To Beat Bowser
When you grab Bowser by the tail and you swing him around, throw him at the spiked bombs. An easier way is to look at the touch screen to see the bombs. Let go when you think it will hit.
Super Mario Bros. Appearance
In Luigi’s mini game Super Mario Slot, the design on it is from the original Super Mario Bros.
Easy Mini Game: She Loves Me
When you see the Flower on the touch screen and it has an odd number of flower pedals, you’ll know if you are going to win.
Easy Way To Play Psyche Out
When you see the back of the card, look carefully, and you can sort of see what’s on the other side of it.
Hotel Delfino Music
In Luigi’s mini games, the background music is the same music from Super Mario Sunshine in the Casino level.
Secret Grandfather Clock Level
In some part of the game you will see a hugegrandfather clock. To do the course the rightway, run into the face of the clock when themoving handle is away from where you are runningthen you can try to get the stars in there. (Redcoins are basicly in one place so go ahead).
Using Koopa Shells Underwater
In levels like Jolly Roger Bay or Dire, Dire Docks, you will find clams with Koopa shells in them. To use them, grab them by pressing the A button. You would use them by not standing on them but by grabbing on to them. They allow you to swim faster. But when you go to surface, you will lose them or if you hit a wall or an obstacle.
Easy Health Replenish
If you are low on health, just find a body of water and jump in. Go under water then go up to the surface and you health meter will refill.
Collect 100 Coins
For every course collect 100 coins and you will get a gold star. There is only one gold star for every course you collect the 100 coins.
Easier Way To Draw Mario Or Yoshi
On the title screen, touch the touch screen to draw a picture. When drawing a picture press the R button for a picture of Mario or Yoshi that you can easily trace or on the title screen when you see a Characters face, press the B button to trace the position they are in.
Really Big Penguin Race
After collecting 150 stars, go to Cool, Cool Mountain, then go to Big Penguin Race. When you see the penguin, he will be bigger.
Wing Cap And Big Red Switch Level
Once you have 10 stars, go to the main room of the castle and you will see sunlight coming down from the ceiling. Stand where the sunlight is and look straight up. You will go into the Big Switch level where you’ll have to collect 8 red coins by using Mario’s wing cap. Remember to hit the big red switch, that way you can use the red blocks now. To do this, you must play as Mario.
Secret Level In The Boo’s Courtyard
When you enter the Boo’s Courtyard, go to the wall on the right. You will see some orange blocks smash them and one of them has a secret hole under it. In the level, you will have to collect 5 silver stars.
Music From Super Mario Sunshine
Go into the painting that looks like a tropical paradise in the Rec Room. In the level, the music you hear is the same music from Delfino Plaza. Also try playing one of Mario’s mini games. They are the same music in the secret levels in Super Mario Sunshine.
Unlock Mario
To unlock Mario, go to through the door that requires 8 stars in the Rec Room. Then go into the Mario Painting. On the touch screen, go to where the red X is. Where the X is, there is a hole. Go in the hole and you will fight Goomboss.(the Goomba King from Paper Mario) Defeat him by throwing the smaller goombas at him. After three hits, he should be dead. After that, you will get the key to Mario’s room.
Unlock Luigi
To unlock Luigi, go to Big Boo’s Haunt. Inside, go upstairs and go through the door on the far right. Look up and you will see a hidden ledge. Grab the Power Flower as Mario and float up to it. Go through the door and you’ll notice a Luigi Painting. Go into the painting. When you are in there, you will hear the laughter of the Big Boo. There are four doors in each room and only one of them is the real door and three others are fake. If you go through a fake door you will have to start from the begining. Follow the sound of the laughter in order to reach him. When you reach him, you will end up in a mirror room. Defeat him by looking in the reflection of the mirror because that’s the only way you can see him. After you beat him, you will get the key to Luigi’s room.
Glowing Rabbits
There are seven glowing rabbits that randomly replace each of the character’s mini-game rabbits. Once you catch all seven, you will receive a key that unlocks the white door to the right of Wario’s. You will receive a Star. In order to find the glowing rabbits, you must first find all the regular rabbits for each character. The location of the glowing rabbits is as follows:
Rabbit 1: Caught with Luigi. It is found in the underground hallway near the Lethal Lava Land course.Rabbit 2: Caught with Yoshi. It is found in the garden on the outside of the castle near the bushes.Rabbit 3: Caught with Wario. It is found in the hall of the Tiny-Huge Island course.Rabbit 4: Caught with Mario. It is found on the staircase leading up to the Tick-Tock Clock course and the Rainbow Ride course.Rabbit 5: Caught with Luigi. Found in the Bob-Omb Battlefield hall.Rabbit 6: Caught with Wario. Found in the same place you found it with Wario. It is found in the hall of the Tiny-Huge Island Course.Rabbit 7: Caught with Mario. Found in the Jolly Roger Bay hall.
All 120 Course Stars (Action Replay)
020960F4 FFFFFFFF020960F8 FFFFFFFF020960FC FFFFFFFF12096100 0000FFFF22096102 000000FF
All Castle Doors Unlocked (Action Replay)
120960E4 0000FFFF 220960E6 000000FF.
All Mini Games In Rec Room (Action Replay)
02096128 FFFFFFFF.
Moon Jump ( (action Replay) Press B)
Enter this code
92096b5c fffd00020217f760 00019b23d0000000 0000000092096b5c fffd00020216e380 00019b23d0000000 00000000
Infinite Lives (action Replay)
Enter this code:0209830 00000063.
Infinite Helth (Action Replay)
Enter this code:
12090a00 00000880121082a4 00000008
Unlock Mario
Go up the stairs in the main area turn right go through the door keep going straight then go to the door with the number 8 (If you have 8 stars)from there go in the picture of Mario.
Go to the haunted mansion and go to the picture with Luigi.
Easter eggs
Square Yoshi Eggs
As Yoshi, go to any level with the small crates. Put it in your mouth then swallow it by pressing the R button, then you should have square Yoshi eggs.
Currently we have no glitches for Super Mario 64 DS yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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