#maria is the cutest cute that ever cuted
chosenoneofdusk · 13 days
If there is something especially lovely about the ball, it is how everyone who attends it seems to come alive, garbed in what manner makes them shine the brightest, be it in silliness or splendor. Like this, everyone draws Maria’s eye at some point or another, and the one she blinks at now is no exception. Flaxen hair and a crown of roses… even her magnificent sable gown seems to have met its equal — she certainly pulls off the look! And, though Maria is fond of her black feather brooch, she cannot help but feel there is another who would make it shine.
“Excuse me?” Calling out to the girl, the little princess of Macedon dips into a curtsy; when she rises, it is with her brooch held just so between her fingertips. “My name is Maria!” Lips part to reveal a crescent smile. “I just wanted to say that your dress really suits you!” A tip of the head and a warm laugh that spills out in its wake. “You’re really pretty! And your dress is so dark and elegant… I thought this—“ The brooch, held out to offer. “—would look great with it, if you want it!”
Even heroines need breaks and Ophelia is no exception to the rule. But whilst taking a break from the dance and festivities, a young girl with hair more vividly red than she remembered ever seeing in her life approaches and curtsies. No one has ever curtsied to Ophelia before! She can't help the smile that reaches her lips when the earnest compliment is given. How could she refuse such a noble trade request? Aren't heroines supposed to support the dreams of those younger than them, much like her father had done for her?
"Well Maria, I thank thee for the compliment! And for the most beauteous brooch you have given unto me!" She takes the offered brooch, but holds a moment as she reaches for her own brooch. A clear crystal, but when presented, caught the red of her hair and the yellow of her dress. "An aura as pure as the freshest mountain spring deserves something to compliment it. I do thoroughly believe this will suit you and your dress much better than I! It catches all the vibrance of your soul and puts it on display for all to see!"
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 11 months
there’s a difference between saying “i’ve been a fan of x longer than you and therefore i’m better because you’re a poser” and “you have completely missed entire decades of fandom history that explicitly counteract your claims and it’s really funny seeing you say things that are just historically untrue”
i’m the latter lol. and i’m making direct eye contact with the sonic fandom
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saintslewis · 1 year
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x black fem reader
summary: you're doing your usual rounds around the paddock and you decide to go meet some fans. One particular little boy catches your attention and after the interaction, you decide to call up his fav driver
saint's notes: a little drabble i thought of and i think it's so cute
taglist: @thisismeracing @certifiedlesbianbaddie
Deciding to take a break from the ever so busy Mercedes garage, you step out and begin your walk to anywhere your legs take you. The moment your sneakers touch the pit lane, you hear cheering from the grandstand. You turn your head, your braids swishing along with you just to see a few supporters pointing in your direction. From your eye sight, they couldn’t have been older than their late teens so you gave them a wave to acknowledge them and you could hear them cheer again, putting a grin on your face.
After deciding to make a quick stop to the car that you came in after Lewis, your boyfriend, had left the apartment. After scanning your paddock pass to get to the vip parking lot, you heard even more cheers from the crowd that stood outside that usually cheered for the drivers, team principals and any famous person who were going through the paddock gates. You waved at the fans who were recording you and deciding to get closer to them to sign whatever they had on them.
“Oh my, hi guys!” You greeted as you began signing stuff. “You look so pretty, Y/n!” Someone said, with you smiling and thanking them. “Is that the new Chanel F1 shirt? It’s so cute!” Someone else commented and you looked down at your shirt just to nod at them and thanking them again. After a bit of small talk with a few other fans and many selfies, you felt something touching your calf, scaring you until you looked down to see the cutest little boy with a red Mercedes cap on.
“Hi Miss Y/n!” He greeted you with the biggest smile and tried to reach out to you with his arm going through the fence. You gave the ecurity guards a look to tell them to not react at your next actions. You bent down to his eye level, creasing your shoes a little but you couldn’t care. “Hello there! You can just call me Y/n, what’s your name?” You smiled, holding his little hand through the fence and you didn’t even realise that people were capturing this moment.
“Matheo!” He said with a little jump. “Nice to meet you, Matheo! Where are you from?” You asked and looked up once you heard the mom’s voice above him. “We’re from the Dominican Republic but we’re in the uk now.” She expressed with so much excitement in her voice. Your heart warmed at the fact that the two travelled just to be here. “Are you guys okay? Just dm me on insta if you need anything.” You quietly said to the mom, who nodded her head with a smile.
“Mama! She looks like Auntie Annie!” The little boy pointed at you as you ended the mental conversation you were having with his mom. The mom, who’s name you’ve yet to know, agreed with her son as she turned to you once again. “He talks about this all the time whenever they show you on the tv.” She gushed, not quite looking into your eyes. “May I ask what your name is?” You asked her. “Maria.” The mom answered, with you noticing the accent switch a little when she said her name.
“Well Maria and Matheo, who are you here to see?” You questioned, focusing your eyes on Matheo once again as he kept touching his mom’s tote bag as if he wanted something. “We’re both here for Mercedes, mainly Lewis. And I’ve been a very big fan of yours so I’m happy to see you.” She gushed, making you give her a grin. You never really knew how many people supported you so to see someone openly show their support to you made you wanna tear up.
“Do you like Lewis, Matheo?” You asked the boy, who had stopped trying to get his mom’s tote bag and looked at you with his big eyes. He nodded enthusiastically as an idea popped up into your head. You grabbed your phone from your cross body bag and immediately went to the facetime app.
With a few rings echoing into the air, your lovely boyfriend finally picked up, utterly confused by the call because he swore he just saw you in the garage. “Babe? Where’d you go? I could’ve sworn you were with Susie.” Lewis responded.
“I was but now I’m by the paddock entrance and I have someone I want you to meet. How busy are you right now?” You pondered, hoping that he had a few minutes to talk to Matheo and his mom.
“Uhhh, not too busy.” He replied, seeing him walking then sitting down. You turned your phone to Matheo and Maria, who were stunned by who was on the phone. Hearing Lewis giggle at the boy’s shocked face, you had the biggest smile on your face as you looked over at Maria who mouthed ‘thank you’ multiple times.
“Hey little man!” You heard Lewis greet and the other supporters next to you guys were all watching this interaction.
Motheo’s demeanour suddenly became shy and it was the cutest thing ever. After a brief but extremely sweet conversation between Matheo, Lewis and Maria, the call unfortunately ended because Lewis had been called for an interview.
“Thank you so much, Y/n. You have no idea how much that meant to the both of us.” Maria expressed. You couldn’t say anything but you decided to hug her from across the barricade. “And we wanted to give this to you and Lewis. I didn’t think this would happen so I was prepared to keep it. It’s a few diy gifts from me and Mathi.” She gushed and you hugged her once again. “Thank you so much for being here and for travelling just to see us. And I am very serious about the dm thing.” You said, squeezing her hand and moving to Matheo a fist bump before you take your leave.
“Matheo, I have to go now. I’ll see you later, okay?” You said, winking at the little boy who nodded again. “Bye bye Y/n.” He waved as you began to take your leave. Greeting a few more supporters, you decided to head back inside to be with Lewis, completely forgetting that you wanted to go to the car.
You called over a security guard after scanning inside. “Please make sure that the mom and son duo get to their hotel or airbnb safely and tell them I asked, okay?” You instructed, showing him Matheo and Maria. The guard nodded and you smiled at him as you walked away, holding the gift bag in your hand quite securely.
Once you reached the Mercedes garage, you immediately knew to go to his driver’s room because you had a feeling that he’d be there. “Hi my love.” You greeted as you watched him put his phone down and stand up to kiss your forehead then your lips. “How was your little trip?” Lewis asked, once you sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around you.
“It was so cute, oh my god. I just wanted to take a walk then I was gonna go to the car for a bit of my candy then the fans were being so nice to me and theeenn I met Matheo and his mom, Maria. It was just so cool to meet them.” You rambled and you didn’t notice how he had been admiring you as you spoke.
He loved how enthusiastic you were whenever you told a story to him. “And they got us a gift.” You finished, lifting the gift bag into face view and Lewis definitely looked excited to open it. He carefully removed the gift tissue paper and set it aside, not forgetting to mention that it was the perfect shade of purple.
Inside were handmade bracelets that had his racing number and your initials, beaded necklaces that had the same details as the bracelets, a Lego model of an f1 car and a couple letters from the both of them. The both of you gushed over the dedication and kindness from Maria and Matheo until it was time for Lewis to get ready for the national anthem then Qualifying.
Handing him his prada shades, he gave you the last kiss on the forehead then your lips as he left his driver’s room.
yourusername added to their story!
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Life is better with music
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | Music is something that has always been rooted deep into both your and Tony's families. From playing instruments since you were little to sing to your heart's content, it always brought you together. Now that you have your own family with your wonderful husband, you cannot wait to teach the same values to your own children, too.
RATING | General (G)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, use of nicknames (Sunshine, Love/My Love, Munchkins, Babygirl)
A/N | Is this one of the cutest, most sweet things I have ever written for this AU? Probably, yes. I love this family so much, and they have a special place in my heart, so I can't wait to expand on their love story! This is proofread by my biggest supporter and the person I cherish daily, @ccbsrmsf1. Your support for this au keeps me going, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our favorite family! I love you, and thank you for everything 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Piano Masterlist | @anyfandomfluffbingo | Musician!Reader
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | Photo: Source
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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The first time Tony discovered your musical side caught him off guard. Not in a wrong way, but in a way that made him only love you more and more, which seemed impossible at the time.
"We'll just go to the store, Sunshine. Are you okay to stay home with the Munchkins for a while? You deserve the rest," Tony says as you're sitting on his lap, all of you just finished eating breakfast together. You nod before giving him a soft peck on the lips and getting up, and you need some baby love.
"Of course, My Love," you tell him before picking up little Hudson and holding him close to you; he was getting a little fussy during breakfast, so you put him in the baby carrier. Orion was somewhere between the land of the living and sleeping some more, so you decide to let her be.
"I love you so much, you know that? I'm so lucky to have you in my life and to have these wonderful twins with you. Honestly, they are the cherry on top," Tony whispers to you as he stands behind you, Hudson strapped comfortably on your belly. A broad smile spreads as you lean into your boyfriend's hold, melting into his warmth.
"You should go now. Otherwise, you will never get those groceries," you joke, and with one last kiss, Tony, Howard, and Maria go out the door, ready to do a big grocery haul for the barbecue they'll be hosting for friends and family.
"Shall we get some cleaning done while your Sister is asleep?" you ask Hudson, who has also managed to fall asleep, and you chuckle softly. He's always a quick sleeper when you're carrying him. The dishes are done quickly, and you decide to clean the kitchen, too, now that you have the time.
Once everything is finished, you realize you have some time left before everyone returns, so you sit at the piano that stands proudly in the living room. Hudson and Orion are sharing a play mat. They're happily kicking their feet and making cute noises as if they are talking in their unique language.
Your fingers glide over the keys effortlessly, playing some songs that come to mind before deciding to sing, as you quickly discover your twins enjoy it when you do that. You play the opening notes of ''Make You Feel My Love" by Adele, but as you're singing along, you don't notice Tony, Howard, and Maria returning from their shopping trip.
As soon as Tony sets foot in the house, he hears the piano going, in combination with your beautiful singing voice, and instead of walking to the kitchen, he follows your voice. Standing in the doorway with the groceries still in hand, he listens to you, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he takes in the sight before him.
He didn't know you had a musical side, but discovering you could play piano and sing was something he would never forget. When he looks from you to Hudson and Orion on the play mat, his heart skips a beat, and he feels like he could burst into flames with how much he loves all three of you.
You finally look up when the song ends, only to meet Tony's tear-filled eyes.
"How did I not know you have such a beautiful singing voice, Sunshine? And the fact that you play piano too makes you even more special," Tony tells you as he walks over, the groceries he held earlier long forgotten. He sits down by the piano before capturing your lips with a gentle, love-filled kiss, and you have rarely felt this loved by him.
"I don't know; I often sing for our Munchkins, so how you didn't know is a surprise to me as well!" you joke, and after that, the two of you play the piano together for a while. Howard and Maria decide to let you two be as they're putting everything away. However, their hearts are overflowing with the love clearly visible between you two.
"They're made for each other," Maria tells Howard as they're now standing in the doorway, and Howard agrees.
"They found their soulmate, just like you and me. And they deserve everything this world has to offer them," Howard whispers before grabbing his phone and filming the two of you playing piano, laughing loudly, and having a carefree moment. You couldn't be happier than you are now, and it is still one of your most cherished memories.
Now, you like to take the chance to gather together around the piano and sing for some quality time with everyone. Now that Hudson and Orion are teenagers and Paxton is learning to walk, life seems to fly too fast. But that will never stop you, Tony, Howard, and Maria from gathering together and making music.
"How about we all come together by the piano and sing something? Maybe Tony and Hudson can play guitar, Orion and myself can sing, and Maria can play the piano," you offer, now that Howard has gone to nap after getting caught in a bad migraine flare-up.
Over the years, Hudson has learned to play the guitar from Tony, and Orion can play piano and sing beautifully, so you're curious as to what Paxton will enjoy when he grows up.
"I just need to grab my guitar," Hudson says before going to his room and grabbing it while you and Tony arrange everything around the piano, ready to sing and play music.
"C'mere, little troublemaker! We don't want you going anywhere now that we can't run after you!" Tony says to Paxton, who is already crawling in the opposite direction, and you can't stop laughing at the sight. Your husband running after your toddler, who is surprisingly fast, has you laughing so hard your stomach hurts, yet you can never get enough.
"There we go! You can cuddle with Mommy after I make you a milk bottle; how does that sound?" Tony asks Paxton, and he babbles something in response you can't quite make out. While he's gone to the kitchen with his youngest, Hudson returned with his guitar, getting ready to play.
Not long after, Paxton is on your lap, Orion on your right side, Hudson on your left with Tony beside him, and Maria behind the piano.
"Alright, I'm going to play something, and as soon as you figure out what it is, you can sing and play along!" Maria says enthusiastically, and not long after, the first notes drift through the room. Hudson is the first to play along with his guitar, quickly followed by Tony. Orion is the first to sing along, and you listen for a moment before joining in.
The combination of your voices and different instruments makes Paxton fall asleep in your arms as he drinks. He takes after his older siblings, as they always did the same; the music seemed to lull them to sleep when they were babies.
"Mommy, Daddy? Can you two play and sing together for us?" Orion asks as she looks at both of you, and you give Tony a look of 'why not'?
"Of course, we can, Babygirl," you tell her, and before you even have to say a single word to him, he starts the first chords for 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele, which has, over the years, become your song. It's one of the songs you danced to during the evening you got together, the night Tony proposed, and your wedding. It has a special place in your heart, and you will happily sing it daily.
As soon as the first words leave your lips, you can feel a few tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, but you're determined to get through it without crying, even if it's just this once. Every memory comes flooding back for you both, and as soon as you hit the higher notes, Tony can feel goosebumps appearing on his arms.
Once the last notes float away in the air, you finally wipe away the tears that escaped. You look at Tony with so much love and appreciation, and there's nothing you wouldn't do to make him feel your love.
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midnightmayhem13 · 11 months
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that's how you get the girl
a/n: kate won the poll so here's a lil smt for her! hope i did the lil archer justice and enjoy!🩶
summary: kate doesn't know how or when to make a move on you, maria nd nat are tired of her awkward flirting!
kate bishop x reader; maria hills x natasha romanoff
mentions of clint! no warnings js wlw fluffiness flash of angst(?)🩶
You and kate first met when you were training with nat and she with clint. so naturally, with both of ur mentors being best friends you two met. since you guys were also offered rooms in the compound you guys saw eachother constantly. clint and nat also wanted you two to get along bc eventually you two would be partners like they were.
in all honesty it was hard to not be friends. you two passed each while you were headed to the gym with nat and when kate was headed to the shooting range with clint. the black haired girl found herself excited for these little moments in both of ur busy schedules. she started getting flustered when you would smile at her briefly and wave at her with ur fingers, whispering a little "hi katie", or when nat and clint were out of town and you two would hang out and get pizza together.
you two became best friends sooner than clint and nat expected but they're weren't ones to complain. as you two got closer to the team you hung out with them more often and even went to starks parties. kate wasn't so excited about that part thinking it would be like her moms galas, but oh was she wrong. first you were there and shit did you look absolutely stunning everything but also the vibe was a whole lot more chill. people didn't care about being formal more just being themselves and having fun
due to this you two found out the maria hills was dating nat! they were the cutest couple ever. you never rlly expected anything bc the kept it professional at work. but they didn't care about you two knowing they were in love and they loved it. the couple found themselves forming a soft spot for you two. being reminded of them being young and falling in love. and being the best agents shield had to offer, they noticed the feelings both of you had for the other. but neither saying anything.
nat would hang out with you at tony's parties to help calm you down and maria started talking to kate, complimenting her work bc maria knew everything duh.
"so you and the archer huh" nat winked at you "woah ms rominoff she's just my friend, plus you told me to be friends w her" she scoffed slightly blushing "it's nat remember and don't act like you don't look at her the way you do honey. plus that girl has heart eyes for you, she follows you like a puppy" "don't be ridiculous nat" you said with a frown, walking away bc sam had called you over . it hurt nats heart knowing that you didn't notice kate's infatuation with you.
on the other side of the room was a fluster kate and a maria trying to hype her up. "y/n's pretty isn't she kate" "yea she's absolutely beautiful" kate sighs maria cackles at kate's daze. kate notices this and immediately gets embarrassed "uhm oh not like that well yes bc she is beautiful not that she isn't but not in that way" "kate stop pretending, it's cute" maria says as she shakes her head. kate's mind was racing. was her crush that noticiable? well ofc she liked you who wouldn't but she didn't have the guts to ask you out, you were way out of her league. " i just, i don't know how" "i can tell. it's getting painfully awkward watching you try to flirt" "ok whatever hill" "hey women up, you're gonna ask her out you here me?" maria challenges
that was a month ago. maria and nat has been helping kate work up the courage and not be so awkward around you. and honestly you fell harder for her, she finally asked you on a date and you hoped she'd confess but she never did leaving you thinking she js wanted to hang out. kate js couldn't get the words out her mouth bc ur beauty had stunned her. although one on of tonys parties, when all the guests left and only the team was there laughing and drinking, you and kate were right next to eachother. and across from you was everyone's favorite couple. you had already been fiddling with kate's hand and she didn't really know what to do.
maria watched kate's struggle as she was trying to make a movie but didn't know how. as this went on for a couple of minutes, watching kate try to find a way to put her arm around you. kate finally caught maria gaze, jumping in her spot a little causing you to turn to kate and giving you a sweet smile. when u turned back to what ever steve was saying, kate turned back to maria to give her a 'wtf what do u want' face. maria just giggled to herself. pointing at kate aggressively and putting an arm around natasha, as to say 'see'. but kate couldn't bring herself to do it as she nodded no fast. but maria being stubborn nodded yes. this went on for a while, no one paying attention luckily. finally kate js did it. fast. both raven haired girls waiting for ur reaction.
you simply scooted closer to her and put your head on her shoulder. kate melted as she watched you with loving eyes. since this moment, kate's confidence boosted
since then the next month was filled with cute dates compliments and cheek kisses. then for the third time at tony's party was when she made the most important move of all. you two decided to be matching as it was a pre-valentine's day party, and you two went as a date. as usual you two went to talk to different people parting ways for a bit, kate went to her new mom at this point updating her on everything. when she's admiring you when maria's talking abt something she didn't rlly pay attention to, she notices your mood switch.
maria notices kate get serious rather than have that dreamy look on her face. suddenly you walk out onto the roof looking as if u we're about to cry. before kate follows you she notices your bitch ass ex with the person they cheated on you with. how tf did they make it here? maria pats kates shoulder "go get her tiger"
kate zooms away throwing ur ex a dirty look in the process. she finds you on the rooftop balcony hugging ur self while trying to wipe the tears away. "y/n..." you turn around trying to act as if nothing was wrong "hi katie" you say, not without ur voice cracking, you can't help it anymore as you burst into tears. kate immediately pulls you in by ur waist hugging you passionately. a few minutes pass and you two are swaying and whispering sweet nothings to each. when kate opens her eyes she met with a cheering nat and maria through the window. she immediately blushes and nods in question. they keep making kissy hands and maria pulls nat in to emphasize their point.
kate breaths in and pulls away. your cheeks are bright red. your eyes are filled with noticiable love. kate lifts your chin and your breath hitches. "can i kiss you?" "mhm~" you respond nervously with a small grin on ur face. as kates lips touch yours you swear you hear fire works. you two giggle and pull apart "tuesday at 7?" "of course katie" you giggle knowing what's going to happen. you two interlock hands and walk away happy as can be. kate turns to maria and nat mouthing a 'thank you'
the next morning when you and kate walk out your room after not wanting to leave eachothers side last night. when kate's staring at you while you make coffee and talk to nat. maria comes up from behind her and slaps her back, " see, that's how you get the girl" she winks. kate smiles and turns back to you. continuing to admire her girl.
a/n sorry that was ass😵‍💫 first time writings not js headcanons lmao but i love kate and i had to think of a prompt on the spot hope you found a little bit of it enjoyable🩶
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
hello, my dear 🥰
may i have •spoiling you with all the books you've had an eye on+ s.coups, please?
valentines day event | maria hello! thank you for sending something in!
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you hear your phone ping and see a text from seungcheol, a small spark of excitement building in your heart as you open his text and read it.
'my place at 5? i have something planned' the text read.
your heart did a few somersaults, wondering what he had planned. it was of course, valentines day, so really it could be anything and your mind was going wild with ideas on what he could possibly want to give you or have planned.
you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time before leaving. you had chosen to wear a simple but cute outfit and you were on your way to his house, excited but also nervous. seungcheol greets you with the warmest smile as he pulls you inside, embracing you in a loving hug.
"we should leave if we want to reach on time", seungcheol adds. "go where?". "that's a surprise", he says, making you pout cutely.
"give me a hint hm", you ask but he doesn't relent. the journey to the surprise isn't far and you're starting to wonder where you're going when you see the bookshop you always go to on the opposite end of the road.
he noticed you looking over there and smiles. "that's my surprise", he says. "i'm going to spoil you with all the books you've had an eye on", he completes. "wait...really?", you ask, unsure. "of course, any book my baby wants", he says proudly and you can't help the grin that blooms across your face.
you grab seungcheol's hands you rush across the road carefully. you enter the bookstore, pulling seungcheol along with you as you run towards the book aisles. "slow down", he says with a chuckle, happy to see you excited.
you literally grab all the books you've had an eye on for a while or books that have been on your wish list. you're walking around with a bunch of books and you end up sitting down, coming down to the final books you were going to buy. seungcheol sits down with you. "are these too many?", you ask as you look at seungcheol. "i'll buy these next time", you say, putting a few books aside but seungcheol grabs them. "it's okay, it's my treat", he assures. "but they're expensive because they're hardbacks", you tell softly. "and that's okay baby. i'll still get them for you", he adds, giving you a sincere smile.
you leave the bookstore with a happy heart and heavy arms as you carry the books, your heart content. that night you'd literally not leave seungcheol alone, showering his face with kisses and appreciation as you tell him thank you a billion times because your little bookwork heart was just so so happy. you curled up in bed with him, deciding to start one of the books immediately. if seungcheol asked what it was about, you'd happily launch into an enthusiastic explanation to him. he'd just look at you with the fondest smile, thinking about he found himself the cutest partner ever <3
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kkcauseway · 6 months
My Ao3 - here
The last of us:
Joel & F!reader One Shots:
'I'm taking a ride with my best friend'-Joel Miller x F!reader Pure smut, it’s about time car rides weren’t boring.(😏)🌶️ 'It's what he deserves'-Joel Miller x F!reader Joel's had a stressful day at work and you want nothing more than to help him de-stress once he’s in your arms. (Basically smut smut and more smut 🙃)🌶️☁️ 'Caring Hand'- Joel Miller x F!reader Fluff. You and Joel are travelling, on your long awaited trip after your recent promotion. Yet your morning sickness is at it's worst.☁️ 'Intoxicants'- Caring husband Joel Miller x Drunk F!reader You’re going out drinking. When Joel gets the call to get you finally comes you’re a little too drunk, but he doesn’t mind, he’ll look after you. It’s his job after all. Loads of feel good fluff. Caring!Joel looks after you.☁️ 'Lap time'- Joel Miller x F!reader Kink exploring with Joel and you find out you like it a lot more than expected.🌶️ 'Home'- Joel Miller x F!reader Joel’s desperate to get his hands on you once you leave Tommy and Maria’s engagement party. He finds it impossible to wait till you get home. 🌶️ 'It's happening'- Husband Joel Miller x Wife F!reader Taking a pregnancy test with Joel. ☁️ 👶🏼 'Birthday wishes' - Jackson!Joel x F!reader Telling Joel he's going to be a daddy again on his birthday.☁️👶🏼 'Saviour' - Neighbour Joel Miller x Drunkf!reader reader gets drunk and Joel comes to your rescue. Drunken rambling leads you to reveal more than you should but will it backfire?🌶️ ☁️ 'Scrubs up' - No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader Joel runs you a bath and shaves your legs- the cutest fluff ever! ☁️ 'Bound'- Husband Joel Miller x Wife f!reader It's your wedding day and after the ceremony Joel has a dirty surprise for you.☁️🌶️ 'Love knows no bounds'- Jackson!Joel x f!reader Joel making you feel good on your period.☁️🌶️
Joel x Tess x F!reader One Shots:
'Learn from your mistakes'- Joel x Tess x F!Reader After pissing off Tess and Joel you need to find a way to prove you can listen and follow their rules.🌶️
Joel & Tess One Shots:
'Hate'- Joel & Tess Robert fucks Joel over and because of it Joel and Tess argue, Joel gets pissed off and when Tess won't let him do what he wants to do he shows her exactly whose boss. (Even though Tess still wins in the end) So much smut, hard forceful fucking/degrading.🌶️☁️
Joel & Sarah Miller One Shots:
'Upgrade To Grandpa'- Joel & Sarah Miller Sarah survives that fateful day and so she and Joel and happy in Jackson surrounded by family. Sarah ends up finding out she's pregnant. Aged 22 and having recently lost her boyfriend she needs her family around to support her and they do just that. Lots of fluff👶🏼☁️
'Life'- (COMPLETE) No outbreak, Sarah doesn’t die, and Joel is happy with YOU. You get to live out the fantasy of having babies with Joel. Not much smut, but it’s just a cute ass story. With a happy ending and some extras! (From Joel's pov as well as female) (Joel Miller x F!reader) 👶🏼☁️🌶️ Something -WHAT IF (COMPLETE) New neighbourhood, new neighbours, new start. Unexpected friendships are made and life is forever changed for the better. It’s full of ups, downs, secret moments, lust & desire. (Joel Miller x f!reader)☁️🌶️ Oh Baby -The life you’ve always wanted (COMPLETE) You’re settled in Jackson happy in a relationship with Joel. The only thing missing, a baby. You can’t wait to expand your family. (Joel Miller x f!reader)👶🏼☁️ Three- (incomplete) Your boyfriend -Joel's son- spills your deepest darkest secrets and desires to his dad and uncle; shaming you for it, you've had enough. After finding out what it is that you're into and want to 'try' both Joel and Tommy have a proposition for you. They wana appreciate what it is you want, give you what you need. (Joel x Tommy x F!Reader)🌶️ Forever- (COMPLETE) You and Joel have been dating for two years, after discovering that you're pregnant you arrange a moving date to Bill and Frank's territory, but then you bump into Marlene. She needs help escorting Ellie to the fireflies- you're more than happy to help. When it isn't as straight and the events of finding the cure don’t go as planned plans have to change. You're still committed, but life events get in the way. Your expanding family comes first, but the cure is equally important. (Joel Miller x F!reader) 👶🏼🌶️☁️
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iameatingrocks · 6 months
you know I’m a very “fuck cringe culture” kind of person but at the same time I find myself participating in. whenever I realize I’m doing it I feel so bad but I know why I’m doing it now I think.
It’s the fucking autism.
Whenever I engage in cringe culture it’s a form of masking. I’m replicating behaviors that have been inflicted on me about my similar interests.
so in the spirit of fuck cringe culture, here are some things that cringe culture hates that I absolutely love:
-having toys as an adult. I fucking love toys. lps are the cutest motherfuckers ever (except gen4-6, they are so flimsy and poorly made. Not cringe culture just literally poor execution. gen 1-3 & 7 my beloved)
-wonderwall. That song is so fucking good. I don’t care if it’s overdone on guitar. If I learn guitar again I’m learning wonderwall
-twilight. they are not perfect books by any means but my fucking god are they good. I love my shitty romance novels
-enjoying the current and past trends. I don’t need to be quirky or different or a contrarian, I can just enjoy shit.
-Justin Bieber. HIS EARLIER STUFF IS SO GOOD. I just listen to Maria a couple days ago and I stg it’s so so good. He made some absolute BANGERS. Other stuff is not my cup of tea tbh
-boy bands. *stares at trolls 3* you did this to me. THANK YOU TROLLS 3
-speaking of trolls 3, trolls franchise. that shit is SO good. broppy is so fucking cute and branch’s growth is so similar to mine that it hurts a bit. It’s such a good and underrated franchise.
-pop music. ITS NOT AS BAD AS PEOPLE MAKE IT OUT TO BE. It’s fun, it’s catchy, and damnit I like a fun and catchy song
-horse girls. y’all are cool as fuck.
-being different than other people. yes I am not like other girls. and that’s good! Being different is being human, and it’s good to acknowledge your differences
-liking shopping or being pretty. I am hot and I am funny and goddamnit I like to get new clothes
-liking “cringy” artists. Oh nooooo I like this person’s music— oh they’re cringe? I am SOOOOO sorry girl. Womp womp suck it up
-talking about my autism or queerness often. It’s a part of me and I will not ignore it.
-using neopronouns. that shit is SO much fun and so gender affirming
-enjoying “cringy” media and/or fandoms. I need silly media to be able to enjoy life
-enjoying fucking romcoms? I guess? Angst is not epitome of art. It is the gentle mornings, the bright laughter it’s to chaos, its mystery, it’s the intrigue, it’s the pain, it’s the sorrow, and it is the recovery. The epitome of art is being human, and the epitome of being human is being art.
-being overdramatic, philosophical, or deep. I’m allowed to feel deeply and fully and if you can’t handle it then you have some work you need to do
-complimenting myself. I think I’m hot, and I’m funny, and I’m kind, and im smart, and I deserve good things
-more things I can’t think of
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cannifreak · 17 days
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open names : amelia , sophia/sophie , lily , charlotte , eleanor , abby/abigail , aurora , daisy , isabella , lucy/lucille , ella , harper , princess , honey
hawaiian names : leilani , ailani , kaia , kalani , alaula , kainoa , mahina , noelani
filipino names : dalisay , amihan , alma , althea , isa , carmelita , odesa , evangeline , maria , perlah
pronouns : she/her , soft/softs , pink/pinks , lace/laces , cute/cutes , love/lovely , fluff/fluffs , plush/plushes , bun/buns , adore/adorable
titles : the soft one , the pink one , the adorable one , [prn] cuteness , the adoring one , the cutest ever , a soft embrace , [prn] who is cute , [prn] who is soft , the loveliest
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- : requested by @heavens-roses ! i’m sorry this took so long 💔
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women-are-hot · 2 years
Love Me Like You Do (Ona Batlle)
Summary: ona and y/n feeling like ivana and the others are hiding something from them and the next day, they found out what.
Warnings: fluff, fluff & fluff.
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Ivana’s Pov:
So today Y/n, Ona, Jackie, Vilde, Millie and I are going to have lunch together.
I know it's going to be so fun to be with all my favorite girls, even if Ona and Y/n are in a relationship, they always have time for us.
Now, when we’re talking about Ona and Y/n, they’re always together, but they’re not posting that much of each other on social media.
When they are, it's so cute and the fans just want more.
So today I’m going to film a tik tok video of cute moments they will be doing together.
It will give me likes, so why not…
Y/n's pov:
I woke up cuddling with my girlfriend, Ona Batlle. 
Yeah, I know I’m a lucky girl…
Today we’re going to eat lunch with our friends and it's going to be very nice.
Ona and I have to pick Ivana and Jackie up, then we will be meeting up with Millie and Vilde in Manchester.
I got out of my thoughts when Ona nuzzled into my neck and kissed my jaw softly.
"Morning" I said.
"Morning, princess," Ona mumbled.
"Ready for the day?" I asked her.
Ona nodded and began to kiss my neck.
"Ona" I whispered.
"You're so beautiful" she whispered back as she still kissed me down my neck.
"Ona, we have to get out of bed," I said.
"Right," Ona said and stopped to kiss me.
As soon as Ona was out of the room, she lifted me up from the bed and wrapped my legs around her waist. She pushed me against the wall and began to kiss me again.
"Ona, I said we had to get ready," I said, biting my bottom lip.
Then Ona stopped kissing me and looked me right in the eyes.
"No. You said that we had to get out of the bed and now we’re out of the bed" she said and once again kissed me.
I let her kiss me for 2 minutes more and then pushed her off me.
"Okay. You got 2 minutes. Now, we have to get ready” I said
Ona's eyes just softed and then she hugged me.
“It was nice while it lasted," she replied and kissed me on the head.
Ivana’s Pov:
Jackie and I stood waiting for Ona and Y/n to come and pick us up.
I told Jackie about my idea of making a tik tok with cute moments of Ona and Y/n.
"That's the best idea ever" she said and high fived me.
Then we heard a car and we saw Ona and Y/n was here.
Jackie and I got inside the car and the cute moments were already starting, cause Ona and Y/n were holding hands together in Ona's lap. Aww how cute!
"Hey guys, how are you?" Y/n said as she gave us a smile.
"We're great, thanks. What about you two?”" Jackie responded and then they began a conversion.
As the two of them began talking, I took my phone up from my pocket and tried to film the cute moment between Ona and Y/n.
Ona then suddenly took her hands out of Y/n's hand as she had to change gear.
Dude, I was filming- Oh wait now Ona took Y/n's hand again.
Okay bro, this looked like something that would happen in a movie.
"Are you filming us, Ivana?" Y/n asked me.
I took my phone away quickly.
"No, I was just taking a selfie" I answered.
"Oh okay, can I see it?" Y/n asked.
"The light was bad, so I deleted it," I explained.
Damm, I'm good at lying.
"Okay. I can take a picture of you for instagram later, if you want me to?!" Y/n said.
This girl is too sweet!
"Thanks Y/n, you're too kind,” I replied.
We were now walking down the street and Ona & Y/n were holding hands. They’re literally the cutest couple I’ve ever seen.
"Film it, Idiot" Jackie whispered to me as the other two girls were walking in front of us.
"Calm down, woman" I responded as I began to film Ona & Y/n holding hands.
"They are so cute," I whispered to myself.
"Who is cute?" Ona asked as she turned around, still holding her girlfriend's hand.
Oh shit, oh shit. Come on Ivana think of something to say.
"Uhm, Jackie and I were just talking about dogs and how cute Maria's dogs were," I explained with a nervous smile that I hoped they wouldn’t pick up on.
"Yeah. Her dog is so cute," Jackie added, trying to help me.
"Maria's dog is really cute and fluffy," Y/n said with a big smile.
"Oh look, there is Vilde & Millie. Lovely" I said and changed the conversation.
Ona and Y/n looked at each other confused, but then went into the restaurant.
"That was close," Jackie whispered to me.
"Too close," I whispered back.
Y/n's Pov:
It feels like Ivana and Jackie are hiding something for Ona and I?
I'm pretty sure that Ivana was filming us in the car and then they suddenly began talking about dogs?
Whatever, it's probably just me.
I was texting with my family in our group chat and they wanted a picture of what I was doing right now.
"Ona, my family wants a picture of what we're doing," I said.
"Let's take a selfie of us then" Ona replied.
Ivana’s Pov:
The power couple were now taking a selfie for Y/n's family and like of course I had to film it.
"Jackie, we have to pretend we're filming ourselves," I said.
"Okay" Jackie responded simply.
We talked to the camera like we were doing a youtube video. I don't know why, but I don't think Ona and Y/n found out that we filmed them.
So our plan is going great…
"We should be agents," Jackie whispered in my ear.
"You're very right about that, Groenen" I whispered back.
Y/n's Pov:
"Ona?" I said as Ona's head was on my shoulder.
"Yeah?" she responded as she kissed my cheek and took her head off my shoulder.
"I think Ivana is filming us," I said.
"I think they're filming us too, but It doesn't matter right?" Ona asked.
"No, but don't you think It's weird?" I answered.
"Ivana likes to film what she is doing all the time. I don't think she is really thinking about it" she said.
"You're probably right," I mumbled.
"Y/n?" Ona said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Te amo" (I love you) she said and kissed my hand.
I smiled softly at her.
"I love you too" I replied as I softly kissed her.
After a nice lunch with the girls, Ona and I had invited them to come over and watch a movie later tonight.
While we waited for them to come, we cleaned our apartment, because It was quite messy.
"Don't you think we're done now?" Ona asked as we sat down on the couch.
"Absolutely" I answered and laid my head onto her chest while she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Then we're now waiting for the other girls," Ona said into my hair.
Ivana’s Pov:
Ona and Y/n had invited the girls and I to come over and watch a movie.
Which is perfect, so I can film more of them.
Jackie drove us there over now.
I'm ready to be famous, because of my friends.
Y/n's Pov:
The girls were here right now.
I was in the kitchen making snacks for us.
While I was making popcorn, I was suddenly lifted up from behind and I quickly knew who It was.
"Ona set me down!" I said seriously.
Ona then sat me down, but turned me around, so I was in her arms.
"You're so serious. Have a little fun" she said with her adorable smile.
"I just don't want the popcorn to burn" I replied as I tried to get out of her arms.
"You're going nowhere," Ona said and began to tickle me.
"ONA STOP" I yelled as I began laughing too.
"Then stop being so serious, mi amor" she said.
"Okay, I'll stop being so serious," I responded.
"Great! Now make sure that the popcorn doesn't burn" Ona said and left the kitchen.
Ivana’s Pov:
"Did you get that?" Jackie asked.
"Jackie, I'm don't dumb. Of course I got it" I answered.
"Got what?" Vilde asked.
"We're filming Ona and Y/n" I said.
"Why are you filming them?" Millie asked.
Ugh, so many questions!
"Because I want likes on tiktok and if I post about them, I will get millions of likes" I answered.
Millie and Vilde looked at me as if I was crazy or something like that.
"That's such a good idea" Millie mumbled.
"Oh I know, Turner," I replied.
"Okay guys. Which movie do you want to see?" Y/n said as she walked into the room.
We all yelled.
"Dirty Dancing is it then" Y/n said and sat the movie on.
Ona then walked into the room and sat down on the couch beside Y/n.
"Who chose the movie?" Ona asked.
"The girls all wanted to see it" Y/n quickly answered.
"Good choice" Ona said and sat comfortably on the couch with Y/n in her arms.
The movie was starting, but Jackie being an annoying ass had to say something.
"FILM IT" she whispered to me.
"Shut up. I know what I'm doing" I whispered back.
Y/n's Pov:
The movie was now done and the girls had gone home.
"I'm so tired," I said as I brushed my teeth.
"Me too, amor. We're going to have a nice long sleep and then we have training tomorrow" Ona replied.
"SLEEP NOW" I yelled and literally jumped into bed.
Ivana’s Pov:
"Jackie, do you want to see how fast I can get 1 million likes?" I asked Jackie.
"Omg yes! Let me put on a timer" Jackie answered.
"I'm posting It in 3, 2, 1. BOOM"
Let the likes fall on me now!
Y/n's Pov:
This morning my phone went off with notifications.
At some point I had enough of my stupid phone, so I got out of Ona's arms and opened my phone.
"If you're this popular tomorrow too, please shut your phone up" Ona mumbled.
I ignored her as I opened my phone and saw a video on Instagram that Ona and I had been tagged in at least too many times.
The video had small clips of Ona I yesterday.
After I had seen the full video and I knew quickly who had filmed it.
"Oh my fucking god" I whispered to myself.
"What is it?" Ona asked as she sat up too.
I then showed her the video.
Ona just sighed.
"I knew something was up with them," I said.
"I know you don't like getting a lot of attention, but to be honest, we’re kinda cute," Ona replied.
"We are" I said and laid down in her arms again.
Ona didn't say anything. I didn't either.
"I will still have a talk with Ivana later!" I said.
"I know, amor. I'm not dumb" Ona responded.
"To be honest, you're actually pretty dumb" I said.
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001 dungeon meshi or 002 susahao :3
i sense a long post so this goes under a cut
| dunmeshi |
Favorite character: I can't choose for my mental health. sorry. I love them all too much
Least Favorite character: ughgh Toshiro. next question
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ooh...5? Okay so Farcille, Labru (it's not a must-have for me but I like it romantically or platonically), Laios x monsters, Chilchuck's messy relationship with his (ex)-wife, and lastly. Cithis x me
Character I find most attractive: goddd there are so many hot people in this manga and I'm aroace. it depends on the day but top contenders in no particular order are Kabru, Marcille, Laios, Cithis (see above), and Falin. and we can't not love Kui sensei for giving us the Senshi fanservice the world needed.
Character I would marry: I would marry no one but...objectively speaking? OF COURSE Senshi
Character I would be best friends with: Chilchuck !!
A random thought: The moment where Mithrun cries because "even vegetable scraps have their uses" made me feel like I'd been revived from the dead. dunmeshi is so good.
An unpopular opinion: hmm I don't really know?
My canon OTP: canonically no one like. "ends up together" in the super official sense and I'm happy with that! however farcille can count...i think anyways. it's not even coding it's plain as day
Non-canon OTP: like i said, any ship qualifies !
Most badass character: Senshi, because truly what is more badass than caring for the dungeon ecosystem and your friends' health and wellbeing by cooking them a balanced diet out of monsters. all with a single cooking pot too
Pairing I am not a fan of: Izutsumi x anyone. that girl doesn't want a romantic interest nor does she need one <3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...no one? I'm gonna finish my reread soon but I highly doubt I'll find one that I'll think was screwed up
Favourite friendship: The whole party warmed my heart. that hug healed me. ALSO honorary mention to Mithrun and Kabru because again the feeling of being restored and learning to feel again is so real. honorary honorary mention to Izutsumi and the rest of the party because that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life
when or if I started shipping it: "when I fall under your intense gaze..." I very nearly pointed at the screen and went "YOU'RE BISEXUAL!!"
my thoughts: they invented sapphism actually
What makes me happy about them: I love how Haori does not fucking hesitate to keep flirting with Ryutaro upon finding out that he is in fact Susato. what a queen
What makes me sad about them: the fact that their reunion in-game occurs when Susato is coming back, rushed, on what she assumes to be a family tragedy; and what she finds instead is Haori having been through a horrifically traumatizing event in her absence. both of these girls trying their best to study and have careers in Meiji Japan. the world makes it so fucking difficult for them.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: it's not so much a specific thing done in fanfic as like, an overarching trend that people tend to fluffify them a ton. i get it they're cute and lighthearted but they're also sixteen-year-olds in a world that is unfair to them. that being said, i also don't like the idea of making them 'tragic' for the drama of it all. let them be happy, but also give them depth basically!
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't read a ton of dgs fic these days but i look for good Haori background and characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gina, Maria...and that applies to either of them lol
My happily ever after for them: marriage marriage fraud (I can't take credit for this idea, since I first heard it from Seven ofc! but it's so real to me)
[ask game]
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galacticcfangirl · 1 year
El Chico del Apartamento 512
Pairing: Frankie "Catfish" Morales x Reader
Part 1 of the Amor Prohibido Series
Words: 955
Warning: stalking, sexual harrasment.
A/N: okayyyyy, after a 2 years hiatus, I guess I'm back! And I've been thinking a lot about this fic and this guy for a while and this is it! Hope you like it and wait for more...
btw, it turned out to be GN!
"Good morning sweet cheeks, wanna come inside?"
Just on time, like every damn morning, the asshole from 506 said that to you while you walked through the hall. And just like every damn morning you successfully tried to ignore him while waiting for the elevator.
The fifht floor of "The Sunny Square Building Apartments" is full of interesting character. You have 506-stalker, Dylan; 508-Mrs. Smith, a sweet old lady who's always feeding you because she cooks extra; 510-Jane, a single mother of two twins, Daniel and Jake, who sometimes you babysit and-
"512"- you said surprised when the elevator doors opened wide.
Frankie, AKA 512. AKA, the hottest single daddy you've ever seen. AKA the reason why you consider being a stepmother is such a great idea and you are willing to consider because a) Maria is the cutest 4 year old with her big brown eyes and her chubby cheeks and b) Frankie. Just Frankie.
"504? Could you let me pass?"
"Wh...what? Sorry, what?- you said, stuttering.
"You are kinda blocking the entrance"- he said, laughing at the end.
What a cute laugh.
"Oh gosh!"- you take a step to the left, looking to the floor.
He walked passing you, laughing.
His laugh.
You get inside the elevator, watching the door get close and seeing him walking away. Definitely not one of your best moment.
-"So, you are telling, you had your crush in front of you this morning, and instead of a making a move, you decided to hinder?" -asked Melissa, your best friend at work
-"Yeah, more or less, it kinda sounds accurate"
-"Okay, I get it. He is your crush, and he's hot but at the end of the day he is just a guy... and your neighbor. You can just knock on his door and say "Hey, I made so coffee, would you like some?"
-"Of course not, we are not that close to do that. He is very kind and he has, you know, fixed some stuff around my apartment once or twice but, that's it"
-" That's more that enough to go ahead and ask him out" - she said, looking into your eyes.
And you know she is right. How hard it could be to ask someone out when you are already acquaintances? And it's not even out out; just a coffee. You could feel deep inside that sometimes, you gotta have initiative and just do it, what could get wrong?
It takes you 20 minutes walking from work to the building; some days you want to fly or teletransport to your bed but some other like today, being able to breathe fresh air, observing people walking around and living their own lives is comforting.
You are just arriving to the apartment building and looking for your key in your purse when you hear it.
-"Hello, sweet cheeks, getting home for work? Don't you wanna take a sit and rest? Cause I've got something where you can do it"
You froze when you listened what 506 said to you. He was leaning agaisnt the building's wall and you turned around to look at him.
-"What did you just said to her?"
-"Say it again"- 512 said. Angry. Furious. Enraged. And any other synonym you can imagine.
Frankie closed the principal door of the building, walking straight to 506 and stand right in front of him.
-"504"- he said, still looking at him "You can get inside, don't worry, I can handle this"
You decided to stay out of it. Tired from work, tired of that guy's attitude, and astonished by the way Frankie reacted. When you got inside your apartment, you sat on the couch for a while, when you hear a knock on your door. Frankie.
You went to open the door and there he was.
"Are you feeling all right, 504?"- he asked, with a frown in his face.
"I...I'm okay, it's not the first time something like that happens"- you confesed
"Shit. You should've said something to me, I could've helped, you know?
"I know, thank you so much, but I thought it was under control"
"You don't have to thank me, he won't bother you anymore"
"Should I ask what did you do?"
"Neh" he put his hands in his jean's pockets "It's better if you don't know" he said and you laughed.
You looked at each other without saying anything and at some point you didn't know if it was nice or just awkard.
"I guess I should just leave" he said pointing at this apartment door "I'll be there if you need anything" and saying that he left and you closed the door.
Definitely awkard.
Two bottles of wine later you make your choice.
You are going through that door to ask him if he wants to grab some coffee any of these days.
He saved you, it is totally normal to thank him through some food, right?
Who cares? You were going to do it.
And just like that, you left your apartment and went straight to his. With the numer 512 on his door, you decided to knock until someone opened.
A she someone. A she with pretty brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes.
'Of course', you thought, 'a girlfriend"
-"Hello", you said, standing there like a serial killer.
-"Hello, are you looking for my brother?"- she asked
Her brother. She is a sister.
-"Yeah, I came to ask him if i could buy him a coffee, he literally saved me from this freak a while ago" you explained, blushing.
-"Oh!, you must be 504"
-"He told you about me?"
-"Oh darling, come in"- she said letting me in "he told me everything about you"
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head---ache · 1 year
Sonic wears contact lenses. He doesn't like wearing glasses because "It makes him look like a nerd"
However, he looks cute to an illegal degree wearing them.
Oh, and Shadow sings to his Chao when they're upset, but only when he thinks he's alone. (He is not alone, Sonic is right there, hiding. Shadow's an amazing vocalist, and he learned to sing from Maria.)
I feel like we've known for a while that sonic is cute as hell with glasses:]
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Look at that cutie<3<3<3
And Shadow singing for the chao? I'm stealing that/hj
That's the cutest thing ever I love it NSDNAKXNSMD
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oneprompt · 2 years
Hello, could I request general relationship hcs for Black Maria and Yamato with a reader (either gn or male) that is an all-star in the Beast Pirates? Thank you very much and also love your work, definitely my fav One Piece account!
authors note : been So into tobi roppo lately , vv excited to write for black mariaaaa .. please enjoy <33 also tysm for all the praise ... aaww someone like me doesnt deserve such sweet comments <33 shucks !
Black Maria x Gn! All-Star! Reader Hcs
- You may be in a higher position then her, but that never stops Black Maria from having her fun with you. She's an obnoxious flirt, a huge tease, and labels never ever stop her from doing what she loves. She'll patronize you infront of the other All-Stars, talking about how cute you are, and how much you love her.
- Black Maria gets quite the big head around you, always flaunting off her accomplishments or mocking Sasaki or any other Tobi Roppo to your face to make her look the best out of the group. She may be a smug woman, but due to your position, she feels the need to impress you 24/7. Whether its how she presents herself, what she does, etc. Some of Black Maria’s degrading stories about her fellow Tobi Roppo may be... highly exaggerated. 
- I just know shes super possessive. If Black Maria catches anyone looking at you, regardless of their status, she’ll make sure to prove you’re hers. I mean, as an All-Star, many of the beast pirates are bound to adore you. She’ll cling to you, covering your face in her scarlet lip prints, regardless of who you’re infront of, (Okay, okay.. she’ll tone it down a bit if Kaido is around.)
- Totally your number one cheerleader. Black Maria finds it too endearing to watch you beat down any threats to Onigashima. She’s always reminded of how lucky she is to have someone so noble as her partner! Black Maria makes sure to prove that, with all the hefty praise she bellows. 
- Black Maria gives you lots of private performances, singing you her most cherished songs while you lay your head down on her lap. She probably has pages upon pages of lyrics she wrote about you, and she’s not embarrassed to sing every single character out to you in her chambers. 
- Black Maria may be an extremely forward woman but if you ever act flirty back, the poor woman melts! She’s used to being in the lead, being the more affectionate out of... everyone she knows. So, if you’re just as flirty/lovey dovey, you’ll kill her! Well... not kill her, you’ll just see a rather out of character expression from her. 
Yamato x Gn! All-Star! Reader Hcs
- You two have a very private relationship, one that’s kept secret from all of Onigashima. But that never stops Yamato from being sweet to you in private! They always shower you in compliments, whether its about your fighting skills, your appearance, anything! I can imagine Yamato displaying their affection verbally, more then anything else... But that never stops them from sandwiching you in their muscles for a hug. 
- I can imagine you and Yamato having a mutual distaste for Kaido, both being traitors of sorts... Although, Kaido is unknowing of yours. You both have a deep interest in Wano, so, you let Yamato read out Oden’s journal to you all the time. Even if you’ve heard the same amounts of praise, the same bits of curiosity, you and Yamato never get tired of talking about Wano and it’s stories. You two dream of having a domesticated life out there...
- You and Yamato do the cutest couple activity together... Sparring! Okay, well-- maybe not cute but it’s soo much fun. You and Yamato help each other practice new moves, tactics and test one another’s endurance. As you two have plans to one day go rogue, running away from Onigashima, you always need special moves in your back pocket. 
- You do Yamato’s hair for them, i just know thats how it would be. Yamato just has so much hair and struggles to take care of it... so, you always brush out each and every beautiful strand before pulling it back for Yamato, tying it up tightly. Such long hair would be nothing but a burden during fights, and you know that. You love their hair so much, often basking in their scent while you clean it, brush it, etc. 
- Yamato isn’t too familiar with romantic gestures, so their attempts of being romantic can fail quite often. They brought you flowers? The buds are bit off, They promised a cutesy date? They have you in a chokehold. Regardless, Yamato still tries their best to show you how much they love you! Even if it’s something mundane like holding hands, a kiss on the forehead... They try really hard, okay?
- Gets jealous sometimes of the other All-Stars or the Tobi Roppo, due to how often you’re around them all. Its totally not fair! Those morons don’t know the true Y/n, the one that loves Wano... They only know the Kaido fan Y/n! After your meetings with them, Yamato won’t let you out of their arms. You’re only theirs, none of those brainless losers can have you... Hmph!
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midnightmayhem13 · 11 months
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Can I go where you go?
you and the ladies first date! be gay and enjoy🩶
carol danvers:
carols old fashioned but it's cute. she wants to impress you so she dresses up buys you flowers and sprays her most expensive perfume. she also flies you to you're destination. she picks you up and says "ready to go pretty girl?" with a wink and a extended hand. you two go to a drive in movie theater and watch the stars on a cliff side together when she feels you shiver due to the cool breeze she takes her leather jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders putting her arm around you in the process and planting a kiss on your hairline. you can't help but blush and stare at your lap as you lean your head on her shoulder and rub hearts on her chest. the moon is glistening and both of you wouldn't rather do anything else as you both think "i love you"
darcy lewis:
you and darcy have a blast on your first date. you two have a picnic and nature walk in the forest. you pick her up at 7 with some of the most beautiful crème/white colored roses and the most adorable grin. you two lock arms as you walk to the car and open the passenger door for her. you said you wanted to suprise her so when she turns around and sees a basket with a soft blanket in the back seat she stares at you with eyes full of adoration. when you get there you start walking to find the perfect spot once you do you lay the blanket down and take her favorite meal on of the basket along w coffee and her favorite wine. her jaw drops and she watched as you gingerly lay everything out. the dinner was amazing and so much flirting nd giggles happened. at the end you two laid down do watch the stars w her cuddled on you side and you're hands around her waist
sharon carter:
sharon only got the best for her girl so not only her asking you out was extravagant but the date was even more then you could ever ask for. she took you to a high end restaurant and got a secluded area with roses and the most beautiful beach side view and in stead of being across from each you to where right next to eachother. there was romantic music playing softly in the background and candles lit everywhere. the server first brought out a glass of your fav wine and dropped you menus off. it was a beautiful time and sharon let her guard down around you. she was such a flirt she had her hand on her thigh almost the entire time and you two even held eachothers hand. she drives you home and walks you ti your door and leaves w a warm hug nd u kiss her cheek and thank her
after nebula confessed to you, she didn't know where yo go from there. so you took the lead and asked her to go out w you. she hesitantly agreed. with the help of gamora you set up the perfect date and convinced her to actually go. it's not that she didn't like you, love just wasn't her forte. all the guardians decided to leave you alone bc they all shipped you guys. you set up a fuzzy blankets and candles and watched the stars. nebula wasn't one to talk to much so there was a comfortable silence, you had never been so close to her. you two sat shoulder to shoulder and she eventually let you hold her hand and lean ur head on her shoulder. when you felt her hand grip yours tighter and her head on yours you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself. you eventually fell asleep and she stared at you lovingly wondering what she did to deserve someone as beautiful as you
maria hill:
she definitely has a motorcycle and went to go pick you up in it. first she takes you to the cutest and calmest cafe. you to get drinks and pastries and ride to a beach (i rlly like beaches😭) you to sit watching the sunset while finishing your drinks, starting light conversation. after a while in the perfect sun lit moment you to begin to slow dance in the ocean. there's no music but you to move to the sound of the wave. there's no people on the beach, just you two. both of you stare into eachothers eyes lovingly and when the sun has gone down and there's only the light of the moon to illuminate you two, she dips you and kisses you sweetly
kate bishop
as wealthy as kate is, your first date isn't super extravagant, but it's perfect. she picks you up and you two walk around the city and find the best pizza. you get that and lucky also tagged along. you to carry the pizza along w a few other snacks you to find a quiet spot in the park and sit eat and then play fetch with lucky. you two end up cuddling after lucky tackled both of you to the floor and he laid in both of your laps. not wanting to wake him up you both sit there laughing watching some kind of firework show. as your distracted kate turns and sees how close you are to her she admires you as you turn ur head to meet her gaze "h-hi" she smiles and says nervously "hi katie" you giggle back. "we should do this again" "definitely" you said as you kiss her cheek and lean further into her
kinda tan outta ideas but i hope you enjoyed!🩶
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Livia: *Beams, hopping around in her clocktown bunny outfit, giggling happily*
Silver: *Walks in behind her, chuckling as he watched her*
Livia: That was fun, big brother!
Silver: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it
Livia: *Hops past him, Silver smiling at her*
Silver: Be careful not to strain your legs
???: *Gasps in shock*
Silver: *Turns, finding Lilia staring at Livia with sparkling eyes*
Lilia: *Turns and bolts away* MALLEUS! GET ME MY CAMERA!
Sebek: What's going on?!
Sebek: *Freezes, staring at Livia alarmed* M-My Lady?!
Livia: *Giggles beaming* Sebek!
Lilia: *Returns with a camera in hand, Malleus following him*
Malleus: Livia?
Lilia: Livia, do a little pose for Papa!
Livia: *Puts her hands on her head like bunny ears and beams* Bon Bon!
Lilia: *Smiles, taking pictures of Livia*
Malleus: *Chuckles, covering his mouth amused*
Livia: Pom Pom!
Kuro: *Grips his chest* So cute...
Vex: What's going on?
Lilia: Livia, do it again!
Livia: *Smiles at them* Bon Bon!
Nex: *Grips his chest, falling to his knees* So adorable!
Briar: *Giggles* Cute
Vex: *Nods in agreement amused*
Shadow: *Throws the dorm doors open* I SENSED A CUTENESS DISTURBANCE!! WHERE IS SHE??!
Livia: *Beams at them* Pom Pom!
Golden: *Slowly lifts his phone, snapping a picture*
Maria: *Hugs Livia peppering her with kisses* YOU ARE SO CUTE, LIVIA!
Lilia: *Laughs, watching them in amusement*
Silver: *Looks at Shadow noticing he was trembling* Shadow?
Shadow: That was the cutest thing she's ever done
Vil: Goldy, why'd you run away?!
Kalim: *Peeks in, Riddle behind him* Shadow?
Golden: *Looks at Livia* Liv, do the thing
Livia: *Beams, placing her hands on her head like bunny ears* Bon Bon!
Vil: *Stares silently at her while Kalim laughed*
Riddle: *Blushes looking alarmed* How can someone be so effortlessly cute
Sebek: Lady Livia isn't just cute!! She's the most beautiful fae to ever walk the earth! She's not called the Beauty of the Valley for nothing!
Malleus: Sebek, be respectful to fellow dorm heads
Sebek: Y-Yes, apologies Young Master
Malleus: But Sebek is correct, Livia isn't named the Beauty of the Valley of Thorns for nothing
Vil: *Smiles at Livia teasingly* Livia, I'm gonna need you to hand over your secret
Livia: *Laughs, smiling at them all, blot appearing in the corners of her eyes*
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