#lovely squiggly style!!
weaselmcdiesel · 1 year
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what if he was in the little wood but his name was also martyn
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pokimoko · 2 months
Hello I'm Z, I actually have my birthday like a few weeks ago but nevermind that I wanted to ask for a drawing request if you do those still. So my request is a jellyfish holding a gay flag because I know you do those cool animals! I choose a jellyfish because they are my favorite animals specifically the immortal jellyfish because when if feels threaten it can go back it its baby form (polyp). You don't have to do this but I want say before I run out of words I love your art you amazingandcool
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Happy belated birthday! Here are some jellyfish gifts just for you 🌈🪼
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oreegaanoo · 3 months
I'm taking a drawing course and we have been drawing statues with charcoal for the last two classes and I drew these four of the same statue!
First the big one (A1?) (used a brush and the charcoal dust to make the softer shadows!),
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then the A3 size linework one,
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A3 sized squiggly one,
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and the last one is A4 sized drawing from the front of the statue with my left hand as a challenge.
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And here's the statue (squiggles to cover another student to the side)
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lucky-draws · 1 year
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theevilicecreamsoda · 11 months
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Drawing of Fairy
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rainedotpng · 1 year
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some shots from the mutant mayhem trailer! I hope I can catch it in theaters when it comes out ^^
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bleekay · 1 year
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i started this waaaaay back when i first binged miraculous ladybug. couldn't get over the dynamic of superhero duo who don't know each other's secret identities but do also know each other in their normal lives, and they're in love but they aren't but they are they just don't know it.
you know, i originally was spending so much time trying to think of sokka's alter ego, and i put grey wolf in as a filler but then i realized how Sokka it was. like this other dude in a costume introduces himself like "hey, I'm the Blue Spirit" and sokka who hasn't had time to process yet that he's a superhero and is indeed the worst at naming things, goes, "oh, Blue Spirit? Hi. I'm..... Grey.... Wolf." and then zuko would be like "You just used my name as a template! You just changed the color and the creature!!!" and sokka's like "Whaaaaat! Nooooo. No. I actually had this idea before you even said anything, which means actually you are the one copying me!" and zuko demands he change his name, think of something better, but the news is there so it's already circulating and people are saying what a nice pair they make
[id: digital fanart of Sokka and Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender, split into two sections. The top section is a 4-panel comic, from an interview-style perspective asking questions individually of Sokka and Zuko, both wearing modern clothes. Panel 1 asks Sokka, “What do you think about Zuko?” He shrugs and looks away thoughtfully, answering, “Zuko? Hm. I don’t know him too well. I guess he’s pretty cool.” Panel 2 asks Zuko, “What do you think about Sokka?” He scratches at the back of his neck and looks away, blushing with a sheepish grin, and answers, ”Ah… He’s… he’s nice.” A little heart indicates his true feelings. Panel 3 asks Sokka, “What about the Blue Spirit?” Sokka clasps his face between his hands, eyes shiny and half-lidded, cheeks red, a squiggly smile on his face and hearts all around, and answers, “… LOML.” Panel 4 asks Zuko, “What about Grey Wolf?” Zuko’s face is stern, his hand balled in a fist, and he answers, “Annoying.” There’s two small captions on the bottom that read (he’s kidding) (… maybe). The bottom section is a depiction of Sokka and Zuko together as their alter egos, Grey Wolf and the Blue Spirit respectively. Grey Wolf has a wolf mask that covers the top half of his face, a skintight blue, grey, and white suit, with leather straps to hold weapons and white fur on his shoulders and wrists, as well as a fluffy tail. The Blue Spirit is in the canon mask, plus a skintight blue and black suit, with a sword strapped to his back. Grey Wolf has one arm around Blue Spirit’s back grabbing his shoulder, and his other hand is gently poking at the Blue Spirit’s cheek. Grey Wolf is grinning and has a little heart indicating he’s enjoying this. The Blue Spirit is standing with his arms crossed and a scribble indicating he’s annoyed. The background is a vague cityscape at sunset. end id]
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illym · 28 days
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Double comic upload, since these two are tied together pretty tightly. I did the one on the left a few months ago, so the comments aren't very tied together.
Bridget might be the funniest girl alive. And so is May, for expecting anything else from Johnny's brand. Anyway, cutie patootie art style. Everyone looks adorable.
I'm experimenting with using more fonts to mirror the original fonts, but I'm worried they affect legibility too much. Let me know what you think of the fonts in the last panels.
Please if you understand Japanese go read what May says in the bush and tell me what it is that was such a pain in the ass.
Translation assistance: @masked-and-doomed + anonymous @magicalgirlfia
ID in alt.
Cleaned and original comics below the cut.
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Specific assistances:
@.masked-and-doomed: Figuring out what the fuck was in the bush in the left comic, first panel.
anonymous: Figuring out what was in the bush in the left comic, first panel (again (x3)).
@.magicalgirlfia: Translated what was in the bush in the left comic, first panel (for the final time. I hope.).
I considered changing May's line to "I know you're trying to be [ stronger / cooler ], but don't follow Sol's example..." because I really didn't want to deal with irritating people on this post. On the other hand, this comic is about how Bridget was handling her gender in XX era, so changing it could be a bit disingenuous. And again, I don't like making changes beyond better understandability in English since I don't read Japanese.
Couple of transfem friends pushed me to use the more accurate one, since they felt it was pretty accurate to some of their experiences.
I wasn't going to not post this comic. It's genuinely hysterical.
All of these panels are so cute. I love them.
May, girl, I hope you trip and break your nose. Never use such tiny squiggly handwritten text again. I had to consult SO many people. I'm still not confident in it.
SHE DID HER HAIR LIKE JOHNNY. Bridget ur so cute.
"I'm a feminist" bridget saturday
Original comic uploaded, for clarity:
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
hi hi!! can i pls have vincent sinclair, jason voorhees, and brahms heelshire headcanons where their gender neutral s/o likes to draw? and also asks to draw them without their masks? thanks!!
Vincent, Jason, and Brahms with a S/O who loves to draw
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @smenny @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @pink-apollo @charliedawn @emychan @bunnysenpai31 @sadskies @slasherscrybaby @bl-rrryface @l0sercat @cherry-lovr
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Vincent Sinclair
Congratulations, you two are now drawing buddies!
Vincent always wanted someone to share his art with, he was always glad that you came to Ambrose so that you both can express your art skills
He’d definitely give you drawing suggestions if you’re stuck in art block or can’t think of anything to draw in general
Even though he have his mask on you can tell that he’s smiling each time you show him a new drawing that you’re proud off
Vincent loves to look through your sketch books (with your permission of course) just to see the type of art style you have or the stuff you’re interested in
If you ever ask him could you draw him with his mask off he’d be skeptical but after a while he did.
Once he saw the drawing he nearly cried at how well you drew him and hung it up in his art gallery for him to cherish
Jason Voorhees
Jason loves your art! It’s better than seeing nature everyday and random victims
He will literally sit there and watch you draw from start to finish, he’d only leave if he has to deal with trespassers.
He’d get happy each time you finish your drawing so he can take a look at the finished product
If you tried to teach Jason how to draw the best thing you’re gonna get is a stick figure of you two together with a horribly drawn lake in the background and will give it to you like a little kid.
At least give him an A for effort 😭
When you ask to draw him with his mask off he wouldn’t want to do it, which was okay with you since you didn’t want to push his boundaries
When he warmed up to the idea, he’d grab your sketchbook and pencil while holding it out to you. Once you drew him he’ll put it up somewhere in the cabin so that he can always remember it.
Brahms Heelshire
He’d be the most energetic about it unlike the other two.
Just like Jason, he’d watch you draw until you finish it, sometimes he’d sit with you and color with you while you draw.
If there’s a drawing you’re not proud with you’d just give it to Brahms for him to color
You definitely drew the painting of him and his parents, when he saw it he kept it and put it up in his room.
He’d try to draw but it would just end up in weird squiggly lines and would get upset and would give up trying which would sometimes make you laugh.
Brahms would love for you to draw him, but with the mask off it would take a lot for him to do it since he dosen’t like his face. Even though he’s scared to do it, just you reassuring him will make him open up at some point
He’d stay still while you draw him and would sometimes get nervous thinking that he’d be too “ugly” to draw, and to that you’d gently hit him on the head with the pencil each time he’d call himself that. Once he saw the drawing he’d thank you over and over again.
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proqhetic · 3 months
laura lee w total opposite style f!reader? like reader trying to help her live a little more, taking her to dates, showing her new artists, skipping classes to get together ^^ and also laura lee teaching r things such as baking and stuff
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AHH this is so cute i love laura lee she deserves sm more love and attention from every1
laura lee’s obviously quite conservative and a stickler for the rules, that is until she met you
loud, independent, known for defying the norm — perfectly complementary!!!
the first time you took her out on a date (you took the initiative to ask her out), she was really nervous and spent hours getting ready like in those movie montages <3
bringing her to a theme park and her being so anxious at first ,, but as the date continued she grew to let loose
at the end of it even did the raise your arms thing on the roller coaster with you!!
the literal definition of “most unlikely couple” and “opposites attract”, but you two manage to make it work 😚😚
she loves holding your hand. it’s a huge source of comfort for her
trying to convince her to skip class with you one day and rent was DUE
“no we shouldn’t—” “i meannn, it’s the start of the semester. we skip now, we can’t get away with doing this for the rest of the year…” [pleading with puppy dog eyes while taking her hand in yours] “it’s one day, the only really important lessons today are chemistry and literature. and we could just get all the notes from lottie or jackie-“ “lottie and jackie…” [in unison] “EXACTLY.”
you end up buying her a sweet treat as a thank you for joining, then taking her to your favourite spot at the back of the park, sharing the mixtape you made for her (spoiler alert: she loves it) while she braids your hair
becomes your guys’s spot & she loves going for picnics there with you 🧺🥪🧃!!!
in turn, you ask her about her faith and she loves sharing it with you, without any judgment from your end
also think she would start swearing slightly more after getting close you, just silently or under her breath
laura lee is definitely known as that one designated baker in your school. whenever she bakes something at home, she saves a portion for you and gifts it in a tupperware for you the next day 😋
on days when she bakes bigger batches she’ll go around and hand it out to friends too!! bake sale #1 contributor
you on the other hand have come close to burning down your house via oven several times
her lowk stressing out while you’re baking brownies because you somehow keep measuring everything slightly off and mixing the wrong ingredients together
“was it 200ml…? or was that 200g for something else??”
at the end of the day she finds it (you) extremely endearing, hovering around and watching you closely all afternoon.
giving u a kiss on the cheek after you two finally shut the oven door before u pull her in for a proper one :>
you end up turning ‘clean up time’ into ‘make an even bigger mess time’ by playing with the flour and tossing some at laura lee .. at first she >:( and then she got you back with an even bigger handful hehehe
decorates the brownies with you and on one of the squares writes “(r’s initial) + LL” in frosting, encasing it in a cute pink heart 💗
you try and recreate something similar but it just turns into squiggly illegible lines — she hits you with the “it’s the thought that counts!!” while giggling her ass off
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sinimake · 3 months
JOHNSHI attire headcanons! Johnny part
Johnny loves clean and smart casual looks. He has his own polished style and likes to play inside that.
Loves experimental pieces and won't shy away from bold patterns and colors.
Everything is designer. Even his lounge wear is a Burberry pj set
Overdressed? No, you're underdressed
Will go crazy with hawaiian shirts with crazy prints
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Always gotta roll up the sleeves of his button-ups for some reason
Loves to match with Kenshi's outfit
Never seen shabby in the streets. Rarely wears casual clothes aside from his active wear because he always makes his outfit very put together and intentional
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When he's attending luxury events, he dresses both masculine and feminine way
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Accessories are must
Changes at least 5 times before deciding on an outfit
Tries to go incognito but always turns heads because he just doesn't know how to dress casually. Sunnies and a baseball cap aint gonna cut it, Clark Kent
If he likes it, he buys it. They can make a whole showroom museum out of the sheer amount of clothes Johnny owns
It doesn't help that the brands keep sending him free shits because Johnny is an unintentional fashionista
He's a nerd about many things but never really been into fashion to study more of it. He sits in the front row of fashion shows, but the only thing that's going on in his head is "smash or pass" with the outfits
Two things he loves are cashmere and silk. That's far as he knows.
"The squiggly lines and squares." "You mean the houndstooth pattern?" "Totally!"
Steals Kenshi's clothes like 90% of their closet isn't his. What makes it different is it's his boyfriend's, right? And it's only times Johnny goes out of his style zone.
Read Kenshi's part here
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Take It Back
Sometimes the names we have don't carry the best memories, they don't bring out the best in us. Steve and Eddie know this all too well, both weighted down by the legacies of their fathers, and it takes them a while to come to terms with the way they feel about their surnames. They both work around them, evade the connection as well as possible, and are determined to build their identities around these rotten spots, not allowing them to spoil more in their lives. The child of a criminal and a child of a cold, widely-hated businessman. What a pair they make.
At one point, they consider changing their surnames. Or moving. Maybe both, anything to escape the unfeeling, ever critical stare of Thomas Harrington and the tainted memory of John Munson. They give it a lot of thought, drink some more than they should, but it's a heavy topic and it requires a heavy dose of liquor. At the end of their discussion, they wobble back from the Hideout, leaning on each other and only stopping here and there to consider the option of throwing up. "You knoo-ow, Steve," hiccups Eddie and the sway of his hips almost has him do a pirouette, "I think I got it. The...grand plan. The mmmmaster plan. Evil. Sssso evil." He looks at Steve from under his heavy-lidded eyes. "Am evil, no?"
"You, Eds," slurs Steve and hugs the street light, "can be anything. Aaanything. So yesh. You can be evil, babe. Go do it. Spread chaos. Fight...someone. Heroes. But not El. El is cool." He looks up at the light bulb and mutters "so pretty" before realizing he's nearly blinding himself.
"I love you. I do. You...support. Me and my viles," Eddie swings around the lamp and crashes into Steve, giggling. "You will be my villain wife. The...blood bank to my Dracula or something. The electricity to my monster." He sways against Steve for a moment, then pointing vaguely behind his shoulder. "You think we can make it to the other lamp? Wanna swwwwing. Around it." He smacks his lips and repeats the word. "Swing. Swwwing. Sounds all whooshy. Like it."
Steve nods solemnly and grabs Eddie's waist. "Let's whoosh. Can you..oh shit, the other leg, didn't we come from there? Who the fuck cares...um. Can you tell me? The masterrrplan?" The last word is a bit slurred, but the next lamp is far away and it takes more than he has to just walk in a slightly squiggly line. Or just walk.
Eddie nods too, although a bit too enthusiastically, and that does it for their fragile balance. It's only thanks to Steve's reflexes that they don't smash into the ground but dive into the nearest grass patch, although the style of the dive leaves something to be desired. "Whoops. Soft," Eddie giggles and squeezes Steve's chest. "My plan, love, is to stay in this shithole. It's devious, I tell you."
Steve blinks and shakes his head, perhaps harder than necessary. "Can you...el...laborate when the moon settles down? It's ssspinny. Spinning...Sleeping beauty? Is the moon spinning the string thingy and falling asleep?"
They lie next to each other on the grass and stare at the moon. "Maybe?" mutters Eddie, his hand tracing circles in the air. "Spinning wheel? Spinning...Wheeler," he giggles and snorts several times, making more and more undignified sounds as he tries to stop himself. "Spinning Wheeler. In the sky. That would be bad."
Steve howls in laughter too and starts hiccuping. "Y-yeah. I mean. Not s-sure which is worse, Nancy seeing ev-verything from there or Mike..." He rubs his head in the grass, his hair slowly becoming more and more like a dryad. "Sorry, you were...yeah. Your master plan?"
"Oh yeah," and Eddie is giggling again, the usual undertones of bitterness smoothed over by their proximity, the smell of freshly cut grass and held hands. The night is quiet, they are alive, they are okay and if they're at a point of their lives when their surnames can actually become a concern instead of, oh wait, the world ending, Eddie will take it. He turns to Steve and nuzzles his forehead into that silly polo shirt. "What do you say to this...we stay. We keep these shitty names. And we make them...ours," he finishes, as if that was the most astute sentence in the history of mankind.
"...Eds, I think I already have mine?" Steve rubs his grass-covered head, leaving green streaks over his eyebrows. "I think..it's on my ID or..."
"Shhhhhh," Eddie presses his finger to Steve's lips and giggles again when Steve starts nibbling on his fingertip. "Not what I mean. Let's stay here and f-fuck them over. Like they fucked us over, but better. Because..." he taps his finger on Steve's lips and teeth, "...we will destroy them. What they mean in this stupid town."
There's a small light in Steve's eyes, or maybe it's just the reflection of the moon. One more kiss to Eddie's index finger and then Steve leans back, making himself comfortable on the grass. "I like it. Erase them."
"That's my big boy with his big words," grins Eddie and ruffles his hair. "Yeah. Let's...let's build something. I'll...open a garage or something. A record store. I don't care. But when that...piece of shit...gets released from prison, he will come back and find out...he doesn't exist here anymore. That Munson means...it means something else." His dark eyes travel to Steve's face, careful. "Is...is that stupid?"
"No," Steve whispers and he suddenly seems sober, gently grasping Eddie's shoulders. "Let's do it. You'll be a...small business owner or something. A honest guy. Your dad will get a heart attack," he snorts. "And I...I want to do something...with my hands. I'm good with my hands, I could do some maintenance stuff or...you know. Just help around the neighborhood. Harrington, the reliable manual worker," he muses, watching the moon again. "My dad will be so...so pissed. I wanna do it. I won't hide as a failure. I will be a proud failure!"
"Right!" Eddie nods and almost falls on Steve's face. "Let's fail the fuckers!"
They burst into laughter again and kiss, once, twice, still not enough. Eventually, Robin finds them collapsed on the lawn, giggling like maniacs. She hides her concern behind a scowl, informs them that this is absolutely NOT why she got a driver's licence, but they seem in such a good mood that she doesn't have it in her heart to yell at them more. She just makes sure they both get into bed safely, but if she's just a little smug when she hears retching sounds in the morning and if Eddie exits their bedroom, a lovely shade of green on his face (both the alcohol and the grass), well, who can blame her.
It's a long road, but they stick to their plan. Eddie starts working in a local garage, partially thanks to Hopper's persuasiveness, and soon his natural talent and hard work earn him a reputation. When people actually come in and ask for him specifically, Eddie's eyes become glassy and he might have to bite his lip to stifle a squeal of joy. Steve talks to Hopper and Wayne, the closest father figures he has, and in the end decides to apply for a job at the Hawkins PD. He is calm, reliable and well-liked, enough to resolve neighborly squabbles without much damage. And if he has the pleasure to meet his father at the station once, complaining about an overgrown bush next to the Harrington residence, he just smiles politely at that face which haunted him for decades, and tells him "I am truly sorry, sir, but they are well within their rights. There is nothing I can do and I would advise you against pursing any sort of...forceful persuasion. Because I will know if that happens and I will be obliged to act in accordance with law. Have a pleasant day." The look on his face makes it all so worth it.
Yes, there are still people who remember the murder charges and the old criminal, the cold-hearted tactics of Harrington senior and the King Steve persona, but there are also those who pat Eddie on the back when he makes sure their old car is able to make a journey across the state lines, there are old ladies who invite Steve over for coffee to share their troubles with neighbors and that's just enough. They finally feel like themselves, their surnames no longer a brand, but something that is purely theirs. Steve always comes home a bit later than Eddie, takes off his shoes and hat and kisses Eddie's shoulder as he heats up their dinner, the smell of oil still on him. "Good evening, Mr. Munson," he whispers into his ear. Eddie just grins, turns around and gives Steve a peck on the lips. "Welcome home, Mr. Harrington."
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fferthe · 3 months
Valentine's Unknown Sender
A couple of people don't find the Valentine sender's speech in tandem with Gaster's, which I completely agree with! However, not everyone can see what we mean, so let me show you. But before we continue, I should clarify that I'm not a fluent Japanese speaker and am just going off of what little I know about the language.
Now, let me show you the two (out of three) Japanese writing systems: hirigana and katakana.
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It helps me think of hirigana as 'squiggly' characters and katakana as 'stiff'. The last one, kanji, you'll recognize immediately, as they can be confused with Chinese characters due to their complexity (and, well, origin).
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One of the points I've seen is that the style change is simply due to informality of the letter. Someone also said that it was written this way so we couldn't recognize who was speaking. To get the latter possibility out of the way: during the release of DELTARUNE, the name of the account was blurred out, making them appear as a seemingly unknown person (everyone knew it was our lovable silly goober). Though, they still had a recognizable.. style. They spoke in stilted kanji + katakana. No hirigana anywhere, which is a strange mix. Kanji + hirigana? Sure. But excluding katakana instead of hirigana is weird. Katakana is used for names, loan words (and can also be used to show a foreigner speaking Japanese), names for species, emphasis, and also to indicate unnatural speech, often used for robots (which is the case for Queen, by the way).
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Now, the Valentine's person? No kanji. They only use hirigana and katakana. Excluding kanji is very weird, too. But JRPGs at the time (which Toby loved deeply, as there are countless references to them in the game) had hardware limitations, so this choice was somewhat of a tribute. This also applies to the Light World in DELTARUNE, which resembles Undertale heavily. However, in the Dark World, kanji is used. This stranger who people believe to be Mike would have to be a Lightner to speak without using kanji. Which makes me doubt that this is Mike at all. He has an affiliation with Spamton, with Tenna. They go a long way, before the fountain opened. And a Lightner can't enter a Dark World without one. More on that later. Back to the letter, the grammar mistake is not accidental. In the Japanese version the sender writes "サラ ば!" which should be either in full katakana (サラバ) or full hirigana (さらば), not a weird mix. Also, 'goodbye' in Japanese is one word and should not be separated like that. So, same thing with the letter. While we're not told who it is, their speech still has distinct features. 🎉 PRONOUN TIME 🎉🎉 Who uses what? (I've highlighted Gaster in bold where needed.)
I: watashi (わたし) by both You: kimi (キミ) vs anata* (アナタ -> あなた) [* -- kimitachi in Entry 17] We: watashitachi (わたしたち) vs ware-ware (ワレワレ -> 我々)
Watashi is a regular formal first-person pronoun. Kimi (+tachi for plural) is a more casual second-person pronoun, can either be used by a superior to refer to a subordinate or one's equal. Anata is a respectful second-person pronoun. Ware-ware is a first-person plural pronoun used by either ancient beings or just someone old and important. The download page for DELTARUNE in 2018, the SURVEY_PROGRAM itself, the SAVE menu, the GAME OVER screen -- all of them share these same speech quirks, mannerisms. Gaster isn't just "formal", he speaks very slowly, often separating a sentence in two parts by starting off a new line. He uses very peculiar wording and it's as if he's struggling to speak. Picture an alien trying to communicate in our language, or a human that knows this 🤏 much [insert language], trying to form a sentence.
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Gaster's quirks are also present in Japanese, the localization reflects what I just talked about. He's unnaturally stiff. He also never uses commas, and it's not about formality -- it's a distinct feature of his.
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(For the Love of God Can You Embed Like a Normal Video)
Also, there have been suggestions that it could be another piece of Gaster. We already got a glimpse of what he was like pre-accident, and it's ENTRY 17. It lines up with the Gaster that accompanies us throughout chapter 1. And that means we are dealing with the most cohesive 'piece' of him. Why would, then, there be such an opposing part of him? It doesn't line up.
Personally, if this was about Gaster, I wholeheartedly agree with carlyraejepsans's take. And the only case which I'd agree on is DR Gaster.
So, here's the "later". The person knowing about the DELTA RUNE could line up with them being a Lightner, since they do have it plastered everywhere in the town, don't they? Only the Angel is ever mentioned in the Light World, but I'm sure that just like in Undertale, it's called DELTA RUNE by the Lightners just as it is by Ralsei. It seems to me that only the contents of the prophecy are different, but the name stays the same throughout worlds.
Though, funny how the prophecy is inverted.. I didn't notice it until now. In Undertale the focus is on the triangles and their salvation, while in DELTARUNE the focus is on the winged orb and its condemnation.
"You free the banished" vs "You banish the freest" hehheeh Anyway, it's not about the game, but the prophecy, so the person doesn't have THAT much knowledge. And I doubt they know about Ralsei's version of the prophecy, because other Darkners besides the prince himself don't seem to be aware of any prophecy. All they know is the Knight, which makes sense, since Asriel's doppelgänger stayed at his castle in wait of the Lightners all alone, without spreading a word about it. Neither Darkners nor Lightners know of it. Though, the phrasing does feel odd. Waiting for what exactly? DELTA RUNE? Also, the Japanese version having the name merged kind of bothers me. So, is it DELTARUNE or DELTA RUNE? The translation team does distinguish the two. Why not here? Was it intentional or not? Well, I'll leave it up to someone else to figure out, right now I'm too tired for that.
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tl;dr(?): It's not UT Gaster, nor Mike (it's not a Darkner at all). It's a Lightner and possibly DR Gaster.
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awwsd · 11 months
Complaining About Fanart
Mwahaha I’ve tricked you this is actually an art appreciation post. But bc I’m in love and look at fanart all the time every day, I’ve noticed 2 main categories of comic! death of the endless fanart which are as follows:
Generic Comic Book Woman With Eyeliner
The other ones
Show!Death does not suffer from no. 1 as much, I imagine bc of the time the show came out? I’m not going to share examples of type one bc I don’t want to shame any artists for my own personal taste but like. You know which ones I’m talking about right? Like you’ve seen It. You Know.
But here are ones I LOVE bc they’re unique/beautiful/she looks a little icky
The official comic art obvs, I feel like her hair would crunch if I touched it
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2. Any drawing of her by Chris Bachalo, he always makes her shape language so round and I love that. Huggable. Squishable. 10/10z
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3. Taurin Clarke’s style (@ taskforcetuesday) . Look at her expression!!! Her little nose scrunch! She’s feelin mischievous!!!!!
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4. Rebecca Puebla , the way the lines r so squiggly. Very good very good.
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5. Quite literally anything by Alex Maleev. They just Get It, you know. She looks exhausted and lightly pissed off in all of their art. Perfect.
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6. This specific drawing by Ryan Kelly. Idk why but this one just scratches an itch in my brain.
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7. Lisa Treiman, she’s feeling mischievous!!!! That’s the number 1 thing I look for!!!! And a little icky! The wings! The expression! Amazing.
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8. Kevin Wada, the colors are lovely I just adore how her cheeks r a little pink. N her shirt is so cool!!!!!
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9. This one, just such a unique style. I go insane for the pencil sketch vibes.
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So in conclusion I think I just like any drawing where she has a facial expression actually. And I’m definitely going to do a part 2 with Show!Death fanart bc there are so many artists who deserve so much love 🙏💕
One of my favorites by Miss Bliss on Twitter :)
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EDIT: part 2 :)
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proshippy-fox · 4 months
love seeing a post and going "oh this person has proshit dni in their bio don't they" (sarcasm)
it doesn't even have to be related to discourse at all. there are just these cutesy styles that I've seen a lot of antis use. some stuff like a squiggly line under the eyes or a certain way of talking that I can tell because I only ever see antis do these certain things.
not saying there's an anti art style but it definitely feels like there is sometimes. or art styles used only by antis. idk
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koithelittle · 6 months
cg!goddess wilma moodboard + hc’s!!
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note; so a few of these hc's are @wilmaslittleflower 's hc's! but she's my sister so- I asked her for them- also these could work for Wilma in general but I wanted to share my thoughts on goddess wilma bc she's amazing :3 also here is the source post for info on her over on my main blog (not always child friendly so be careful :3)
other moodboards (requests are open :3)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot (ask or dm to be added!)
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- she's very artsy, just like any of her variants, but her artsiness sort of seeps into her caring!
- a lot of her activities she comes up with are often art or craft related. you love them either way, since they're always fun!
- any drawing you give her gets a frame, and she hangs them up everywhere in her home!
- in the kitchen, the ballroom, her office, her art room, etc etc! if it's made by you, she has it hanging where she can see it every day.
- she teaches you to come up with a special signature, it's really just a squiggly circle but she adores it and you put it on every one of your drawings!
- if you're feeling extra fidgety, she likes to tape long pieces of paper to the ballroom floor and give you paints and crayons and markers so you can just move around and draw! she'll join in too, after watching you have fun for a bit!
- out of her brother and her, she's the better and more experienced cook. granted, wil can cook and does cook, wilma is just better at it!
- she'll make you anything and everything you ask for, as always, within reason.
- she has a list on her fridge of foods you like when little/safe foods. there's a few newer foods in between that way she can sort of encourage you to try newer foods, doesn't always work, but it's worth a try.
- she prefers wearing flowier clothes, mostly dresses.
- she'll match with you! whether it's matching hair bows or matching necklaces or outfits, it's matching!
- she sews and makes most of her clothes, including some of yours so they always have a special touch usually in the form of something special embroidered on!
- loves to carry you!
- piggy back rides, or carrying you on her shoulders or on her hip!! or maybe with you on her chest and wrapped around her!
- she likes to kiss your cheeks and then your nose before saying I love you. it's her little ritual.
- she likes to hold you to her chest when you're sleepy, like petting your hair and kissing your face
- she likes to do your hair, regardless of its length, but when it's long she likes to braid it and put it into cute styles and put bows and hair clips in it!
- she picks flowers from her garden and puts them in vases all around her home. some flowers she puts in your hair or pins to your clothes. tells you that as long as you have a flower with you, your mama is there :3
- she likes calling her little by any pet name but her favorites are flower, baby, hun, petal, sweetie and little one!
- you call her mama or mommy, and any little she sits for or takes care of in addition to (often helping with wilbur's little), calls her mum-mum or mama!
- she's not too picky :3
- she gives you the room next to hers to be set up as your playroom!
- even if she tucks you in, sometimes you'll still sneak into her room and cuddle in her bed instead!
- she has beautiful lace curtains in every room, and yours are held back with butterfly pins
- she painted a mural that connects on your walls, of flowers and hills and creatures alike!
- she likes to hold you in her lap while you play, interacting with you and asking you questions
- 'what color is this, baby?' 'ooo, what are you building little one?'
- she's just super sweet and soft and beautiful and loving
- she lets you draw and paint on her all the time but sometimes you'll sit in her lap and she'll paint on your face and arms!!
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