#loved going back to polly again since he was the first one i made
marvelousmawn · 21 days
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Happy Hauntiversary, @hello-archivist !!!!
kam, thank you so much for running the exchanges every year 💜 they wouldn't run this smoothly without you~
OF COURSE i had to critter your favorite @hellofromthehallowoods devils polly and barb and had such a blast going through your art again for references.
i had to doodle on the box, i Had to
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Hopelessly In Love | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: No
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Sarcasm, teasing, two idiots in love.
Word Count: 1,821
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“I need you," Y/N hears from behind her and turns around to see her best friend standing there, looking exasperated. 
“Good afternoon, Y/N. I sincerely hope your day is going well,” she begins sarcastically as she finishes hanging her mother's latest shipment of dresses on the racks.
Y/N works in her mother's boutique. A boutique in Small Heath sounded ridiculous considering the surroundings but her mother had opened the store, claiming that women needed a nice place to shop among the smoke and grime. “Well Thomas, it’s going so well that I’m sure nothing will bother me for the rest of the day, even when my best friend storms in like some neanderthal claiming he needs me like it’s a matter of life or death.” 
Tommy stood there, his hands in his pocket, looking at her unimpressed, his brows creased into a frown. A smug smirk stretches across her face. 
“What can I do you for, Tommy?” She asks, moving back behind the counter. 
“I need you to go to the races with me,” he tells her removing his hands from his pockets and stepping closer to the counter.  
“What? Has Hell frozen over or is it finally the day women have stopped throwing themselves at Thomas Shelby’s feet?” She teases her childhood friend. “Oh, Tommy, it must be hard,” she says pouting, giving her him a look of false sympathy.  
“Shut it, you,” he glares at her, elbows resting on the counter as he leans forward. “I’m being serious.” 
“Why do you want to take me to the races?” She questions him. They hadn’t been to the races together since before the war. It was sort of their tradition, one that was so easily forgotten when the war was over, and Tommy had thrown himself into making a better name for the Shelby’s. Instead of making the name better, he also made it fearful. “Why don’t you take that pretty barmaid you seem so smitten with. Or Lizzy, who’s more than eager to have a proper date with you.” 
“Why should I take them when I can take you, eh?” he asks, watching her as she busies herself with the clutter on the counter. She looks unsure but Tommy can tell that she’s thinking hard about it. “What are you afraid of?” 
“That you’ll forget all about the barmaid and fall hopelessly in love with me again,” she quips with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Just like when we were kids. You could never resist my charm and we don't want to break the barmaid's poor treacherous heart.” 
Y/N couldn't deny that she did like Grace, the barmaid Harry had hired, at first. She seemed lovely and got along quite well with her until she realized Grace was asking her a lot of questions about Tommy. At first, she thought the blonde woman fancied her best friend and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Grace wasn't the first woman to end up with a crush on the blue-eyed devil. Tommy wasn't hard to fall in love with. But when she started asking her about the Shelby family business and the Peaky Blinders, she became suspicious that Grace's interest in Tommy wasn't as genuine as she made it out to be. And then there was the time she caught Grace eavesdropping and snooping around. She began to put two and two together. 
An Irish inspector and a pretty Irish woman, step foot in Small Heath at the same time. The barmaid, who's never actually worked in a pub before now, conveniently gets herself a job at the Garrison, the pub the Shelby Brothers frequent often and just so happens to set her eyes on the leader of the Peaky Blinders.  
She'd tried to talk to Tommy about it, but the stubborn man wouldn't hear any of it so she went to Polly who had also done the math. For a man who claimed to be smart, he became the stupidest idiot she's ever met when it comes to a pretty face. 
“I knew that love tea would have consequences,” he smiles thinking of the times they sat with his mother while she did what she called magic. He purposefully ignores her comment about Grace. He didn't want to talk or think about her right now. His sole focus is on convincing Y/N to go to the races with him, like old times and how he'd promised her all those years ago. “Maybe it’s why I never stopped being hopelessly in love with you.” 
"Don't tell Grace that," she says looking back at him before moving on to inspect the next dress, a pretty deep forest green with black beading and a black lace hem. 
"Fuck Grace," he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "This is about us." 
"There is no us, Tommy," she sighs and moves on to the red dress that's not as pretty as the green.  
"Just come to the races with me," he begins. "I haven't taken you in a while. Let me take you again." 
"Do I have a choice?"  
He shakes his head, "No." 
She looks at him, her brows creased into a frown showing her frustration.  
"Wear the green one," he adds, dropping £7 onto the counter.  
"It's only worth £5," she informs him, knowing there is no point in arguing with him. Once Tommy was set on something, there was no stopping him. 
"Buy something to go with it," he suggests. "Maybe some new shoes," he adds as he takes the dress off the mannequin and hands it to her, placing a soft kiss on her cheek before he starts making his way out of the store. "I'll pick you up at 8:30 tomorrow morning." 
"I despise you, Thomas Shelby," she calls after him. 
"And I love you, Y/N L/N" he says when he reaches the door and turns to look at her once more. "Hopelessly love you." 
Her smile goes from ear to ear this time as she watches him leave, with a slight shake of her head. She turns to go back to the counter to wrap the dress up and startles when she sees her mother standing there, a knowing smirk on her lips.  
"It's about time that boy made his move," her mother says, taking the dress from her and folds it neatly on the paper they use to wrap the clothing in. "Better late than never, I guess." 
"It's not like that, Mum," she says picking up the £7 Tommy left and placing it inside the till.  
"Of course, it is," her mum argues, walking towards where the shoes are and picks out a pair of black t-strap heels, to match the beading on the dress and brings them over to the counter. "Thomas Shelby has been in love with you since you were both five years old and you've been in love with him for just as long," she adds placing the shoebox on the counter next to the dress. "Don't waste any more time, Darling." 
"I do love him," she admits. "Some days I wonder why." 
"And you'll have plenty more of those days," her mum chuckles. "Now get out of here and go rest up for tomorrow."  
"I love you, mum," she says hugging the woman who gave her life.  
"I love you too, sweetheart." 
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"I must admit, I did miss this," Y/N says, sitting across the table from Tommy as they sat in the VIP area of the racecourse, in the forest green with black beading dress he paid for and heels her mother picked out. 
After a successful day at the races, they made their way up to the VIP lounge where they got a drink, a meal and did some dancing. Tommy was unable to keep his eyes off her from the moment he saw her standing on the curb waiting for him to pick her up. It made driving a little difficult since he tried his hardest to concentrate on the road and not the beautiful woman sitting next him. And then when they got to the races, he glared down, silently threatening the men who dared to let their eyes linger on her.  
"Do you remember the first time we snuck in here?" he asks her, a soft smile on his lips. Leaning back, he watches her as she thinks back to it.  
They were 16 at the time and she had come along with him, his brothers and his father. He'd been to the races plenty of times before, but she'd never been until that day. They both got dressed in their finest clothes back then, which were nowhere near the standard of clothing they were in today. Tommy had tried to talk his way into the VIP section, using that silver tongue of his that he had been born with. Unfortunately, it didn't work, and they had found a space in the back that they could use to sneak into the elegant area reserved for the wealthy.  
They'd spent 10 minutes in the area before they were escorted out and off the grounds of the racecourse and were made to wait there until his dad returned from being inside. That night Tommy had made her a promise. 
"I promise that one day, I will buy you the prettiest dress and we'll go back there, and they'll let us in. When they do, we'll spend the night dancing and when I take you home afterwards, I'll kiss you goodnight." 
She feels her heart skip a beat as she remembers word for word what he had promised her. As she got older, she had always played it off as a silly childish promise that held no real meaning.  
Tommy stood up from his chair and moved round the table, standing beside her as he held his hand out towards her. "Let's go home, Love." 
Y/N takes his hand and stands up, grabbing her clutch off the table and lets him lead her back to his vehicle.  
Once they arrive at the passenger's side, Tommy decides he can't wait until he drops her off home. Stopping her from getting into the car, he pulls her close, a hand on her waist and the other caresses her cheek. 
"Tommy," her voice comes out as a whisper as her heart jumps into her throat at the little space left between them.  
"I can't wait," he breathes, his voice soft as he plants his lips to hers in a soft and sweet kiss. Both their eyes flutter closed as a rush of warmth envelopes them as they pull each other as close as they can, deepening the kiss. 
Tommy is the one to end it when they start to become breathless. "I am hopelessly in love with you." 
"I know," she says, unable to hide her grin as she kisses him again. "I am hopelessly in love with you too, Thomas Shelby." 
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TAGGED: @chapter-in-my-old-diary - @hanawrites404 - @goblinjnr - @halsteadbrasil - @rainydayteacups - @alexxavicry
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padfootdaredmetoo · 4 months
Tommy x wife reader: Charlie and Ruby are theirs (no grace or lizzie) and they have a few other children, in order of their ages: Charles (Charlie) James (Jamie) Edward (Teddie) Ruby (Ru)
And just after Ruby dies and Tommy finds out he’s dying, his wife finds out she is pregnant again and she is just traumatised by it as she’s lost her only daughter and her aunt-in-law and about to lose her husband too
But Tommy doesn’t die and they have a baby girl, who they name Rose Elizabeth, because Ruby loved roses and after Polly and they nickname her Posy as a portmanteau of Rosy and Polly
Hey Love,
Sorry it took forever. This one is pretty sad and I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Peaky Themes, Childbirth, Child death, grieving.
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Not a single dull day had passed in Arrow House. It was always loud as the children ran around causing chaos. Today was so silent you could drop a tack in the kitchen and hear it in the attic. 
You lay on the floor of your youngest daughter's room. Your little girl. The grief clenched in your chest and you felt your heart miss a beat as your body twisted in on itself. You’d never felt such a loss in your life. 
Now you have a baby in your stomach, your husband is going to die leaving you with three boys. You knew you should be with him, enjoy his presence while you have him here amongst the living.
How could you worry about anything after watching your daughter slip from the world just a day ago? You remember holding her hand and singing to her. Thomas holding it together just until her eyes fluttered closed before falling apart in a way you didn't think him capable of. 
You sat there silently. Something deep inside you felt at peace. She was safe where she was. Polly was with her. Knowing something deep in your soul had never taken away from the way your brain and body worked. 
Your body hadn’t stopped shaking since it happened. Your limbs vibrating as you lay on her pink carpet. You felt discarded like all the stuffies and dolls that lay on the floor around you. Without her to come and breathe life into you, you would stay on the carpet like a doll. 
Teddie was the first person to find you. His small body came and curled up against your side. The warmth of him seeped into your icy body. 
A mother could only stop being a mother once she had no children left. And you had three. This moment of sadness and grief couldn't go on for the eternity you felt it needed. You had boys to wrangle. Little Ruby adored her brothers and you knew she wouldn't ever forgive you if you let them down. 
With the strength of a British Mum, you brushed the tears off your cheeks with the side of your hand. You sat up even though every selfish part of you screamed to lay back down on that carpet. To rot away to a place where you could hold her again. 
“Hey, Teddie.” You whispered running a hand down the small boy’s back. 
“Mum I’m hungry.” He mumbled.
“Teddie! Dad said we have to leave her alone.” Charlie was in the doorway, with his arms crossed. His tone was angry and you could swear he looked years older than the last time you saw him. 
“Darling, never leave me alone.” You said giving him a serious look. His face faltered slightly as he took in your words. “I’m still a mum. And mum’s make dinner, let’s go. Into the kitchen.” 
Teddie was happy and you picked him up even though he was far too big for that now. Walking down the hallway, Charlie surprised you when he opened Jamie’s door. 
You sat Teddie on his favorite spot on the counter and started getting out various pots and pans. 
“She’s up.” He said and your middle boy came into the hallway. Silently the four of you made it into the kitchen. Grief was creeping in all the shadows of the room as Charlie made a fire. 
“Ruby isn't coming home is she?” Teddie asked. Charlie let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in the way only the eldest child could. 
“No, she’s with Aunt Polly now. They live in the sky.” Jamie answered softly. You gripped the edges of the pot tightly as you pushed down the intense feelings threatening to overflow again. 
The window opened and you could hear her voice on the wind that whipped around your face. 
Keep Going.  
That’s what you did. Death be dammed you’d made a deal with God to sacrifice and survive for these boys and that’s what you would do. 
With a cracking heart you closed the window and looked around the kitchen at the boy's stunned faces. 
“Please tell me you heard that as well right?” Charlie said with wide eyes. 
One dinner down a lifetime left to go. 
The weeks turned into a month and the pain did not relent. You had no moments of peace only the love felt by shared grieving. Esme was always around now. All the kids lumped together in Arrow House like the days of the Changretta feud. She made sure your hair got brushed and your outfits matched. 
Arthur came around every day. He kept Tommy together while they worked out all this conflict. He feels a war is coming and you couldn't imagine it could be anything worse than the one raging in your mind. Alfie stops by and tells you things that confirm it will be much worse. 
Three boys, and a war. 
You put your make-up on so you have a reason not to cry during the day. 
You spend every evening with Tommy. You know what he is doing is important. It could change the outcome for the rest of the families on the planet. So you sacrifice your time with him and survive on the couch reading. When really you just stare into the fire wishing everything would burn up to be reborn as something new. 
Three boys and one more undetermined in your stomach. Your hand rested there often. You expected to lose the baby so you didn't really think about it. If they did come into this world you prayed it would be before Tommy passed. Grieving with a baby in your stomach would be easier than grieving with a newborn. But you wanted them to meet their father, even if it was for a fleeting moment. You would suffer and survive. 
Tommy finally got over himself and got a second opinion. He hated doctors and you expected him to be in a foul mood when he got back from a series of appointments in London. Alfie accompanied him back and you placed a plate of biscuits and cups of tea on the kitchen table. The kitchen was for family, but Alfie somehow managed to get an invitation out of Tommy. You were always happy to see him, but were wary of the news he often brought these days. You took a seat and he grabbed your hand and held it.  Your mind flashed back to the good old days when something so small would have sent Tommy after him in a rage. 
Alfie knew better than to ask how you were keeping. Tommy finally sat down at the head of the table, he looked pale. Too pale to drive, which explains why Alfie had come back with him. 
“I’m not sick.” His eyes closed and he leaned back against the chair. 
“What?” You whispered. 
“The f-uck-ing doctor was working for that stupid mustache piece of shit,” Alfie said his voice was venomous but his smile was unshakeable. 
“You're not going to die.” Your eyes moved to Tommy and he shook his head.  
“Going to have to wait a while longer to steal you away, love.” Alfie's voice was all humor now, but he knew it was time to let go of your hand when Tommy flashed him a look. The look of the old Tommy. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurted out. 
“Looks like I dodged a bullet. Last thing I wanted to be raising up another little Shelby brat.” Alfie was laughing and Tommy smiled. A genuine smile. 
You were happy, and then the brutal deafening sadness crashed down on you. The sheer panic of having a child hits again and the nausea has you throwing your head back in the sink. Tommy is there pulling your hair up. 
“Like she would ever go for you,” Tommy said easily taking a sip of tea.
“Shit,” Alfie says from the counter near you. He gets a glass for Tommy to fill with water. 
You told Esme and you both held on to each other as you cried. 
“I never thought I would say this but thank God Tommy will be alright.” She shook her head as the words strangled her. “You’ll never have to know what it’s like to raise em up with out their father.” 
You both cried on the kitchen floor for a long while. 
The time came and you had high blood pressure meaning you had to do things in the hospital. Something that made everything a thousand times more painful. But that was your baby, and you would sacrifice and they would survive. 
They kept trying to medicate you and Esme kept throwing nurses out of the room screaming at them in Romani when English wasn't scary enough. In the thick of it you kept crying out for Polly. 
You didn't want these strangers to help you. They didn't care about you or your baby. They weren't family. Arthur came and spoke to Esme in the doorway for a moment. You expected news that Tommy wouldn't make it in time or that something worse had happened. 
Instead, Esme handed you one of Polly’s rosaries to hold. You gripped the cold crystal beads and felt yourself split apart over all the reasons you were crying. 
Tommy showed up and commanded the room with Esme. The window blew open letting cold air around the room and you could feel her love for you. 
You gave birth to a little girl. 
There were no pictures taken as you bawled. You got her latched on to your breast and cried and cried. The nurses kept pushing for sedation but Esme started at them and Tommy pointed towards the door. Arthur came in and read a passage from his bible for you. You're not sure why exactly but it helped. It felt like a blessing that this baby would be alright. 
You brought her home the same night, itching to get out of the hospital. You carried her in and watched all your boys get excited. You handed her off to Charlie first. 
“I love it when they look like grumpy old men,” Jamie said with a smile, Teddie let out a loud laugh. 
“She does look like an old man.” 
“What did you name her?” Charlie asked his finger tracing down the slope of her nose. 
“Rose Elizabeth,” Tommy said sitting next to him placing his arm around his eldest son. 
“Posy then,” Charlie said with a sense of finality. 
Charlie, Jamie, Teddie, and Posy. Your heart was happy and sad at the same time. 
Jamie came round and put his arm around you. 
“Love you mum.” He whispered and you wondered when he got old enough to kiss the top of your head. The boys were strong like their father, and you had no doubts they were strong enough to carry you and Posy.
This chunk of time was easier than it was with the other four kids. Tommy took time off. Churchill had other moves he wanted to play and for now, Tommy wasn’t involved. 
He’d sit while you breastfed in the night, he’d change nappies, and read stories. You watched him be a girl dad again and the pain was harsh and beautiful at the same time. 
Esme helped you take down Ruby’s room. The idea of moving one of the boys to a different floor or wing of the house made your skin itch. Ruby’s room needed to be emptied. 
You aired the room out and you knew that she would be happy about giving it to her sister. Esme assured you at every turn that she wouldn't be angry at you. 
Eventually Arrow House moved on. Posy was very attached to the idea she had both an Aunt and a sister in the sky watching over her. 
The war came and what was left of the family did what they had to do. Thankfully Posy was there with you so you were never alone.
Thankfully when it was all over all your boys came home to you.
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evita-shelby · 9 months
Hi, hello
This is my first request ever, please ignore my spelling mistakes if there's any, I'm French so...
So how abt the femreader /OC (as you want) has an illness and is destined to die but Tommy pursue her and falls in love with her anyway and then she dies and we see how he copes. I'm a sucker for angst.
Thank youuu
You are welcome 😊
I cried so hard i ran out of tp to clean my snot.
Gif by @manie-sans-delire-x
Cw: death, illness, grief, suicidal thoughts
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You hoped he’d forget about you while he was in France, but when he stepped down that platform he was as in love with you as when he had left.
You had broken things off with him before he even left and yet he returned to you as if nothing changed.
No matter how much you tried, Tommy never left your side.
Eventually you had to tell him the truth.
You were dying.
You had a year at most, the tumor was not operable, and it wouldn’t be long before you were dead.
“I can’t leave you, love, not when you need me most.” He had said as he held your face in his hands.
And he hadn’t.
Not when the barmaid showed up and made it clear to all that she wanted him, not when he provoked Kimber and certainly not when Campbell threatened to have the hospital deny you care if he didn’t give him the guns.
Campbell hadn’t expected you to laugh and spit at his face, “Do it, do your fucking worst, Inspector. I am dead anyways.”
You were dying, but you were never going to let Tommy and his dreams die with you.
You had a year.
And you had decided that your last wish was to see Tommy get the hell out of here and be the great man you know he is.
This you tell him as the two of you stand as witnesses for Freddie Thorne and his sister, Ada.
He couldn’t say no to you, he said so as you tied his tie for him and told him to drive you and Ada to the courthouse where Freddie was waiting with his cousins and a rabbi.
“It could be us up there,” he said quietly knowing you’d say no.
“Ask me again in a year.” You love him, and that is why you refuse to tie him to you like that.
Time passes slowly, you encourage him to pursue Grace because he needs the distraction. There was something there, on her side at least.
Not that he budged, said he didn’t need anyone else. Not when he had you.
“I’m going to marry you.” He says the words you feared the most. He did never learn to let go, even when death took those he loved most, he stood there refusing to let go.
“Tommy, I do not want to tie you to me like this. Not like this.” You plead for him to move on weeks later when he takes the barmaid to the races.
“I’m gonna marry you, when you go, I want you to go as my wife, y/n.” he vowed just as you vowed to see him succeed.
You supposed that is what had you say yes.
He wants to do things proper, keeping almost every tradition and custom in place that you find to your liking. Whatever you want for your big day, he and Polly make it happen.
Its sweet and thoughtful you think as he gets the two of you on a table at the Garrison and announced to all that the two of you will be getting married.
He had bought you a ring, a Claddagh ring like the one his mum had worn. Only difference was that the other one was lost in the Cut and yours had a red garnet heart to represent his love and devotion to you.
Tommy was a romantic, no matter what he did to hide it.
You dance in the dark of your room nights later to some old record your mama had since she settled here with your father.
“We could always elope, go somewhere just us and come back like our parents did.” He suggests and you nod.
As much as you’d like to do things properly, you’d rather get the things on your list done before you meet your maker.
Besides, that trip to Liverpool before the war had been lovely and you’d like to see the sea again before you go.
“I’d like that.” You say and that next morning the two of you set off to Liverpool like the wild teenagers the two of you used to be.
The wedding is lovely even if it happens in front of strangers, but the weekend the two of you spend as newlyweds is enough to make you forget your time is running out.
Perhaps when your health becomes worse you could return here, die somewhere beautiful away from everything.
“I wish we didn’t have to go back.” He admits as the two of you lie down on a blanket and enjoy the sun on your faces on your last day here.
“Once its over, we should come back here.” You say as if you knew for sure you’d be alive by then.
Zilpha Lee saw your death in the first chills of December. A black star and blood on Tommy’s heart.
It was late July now.
Only five months left in your clock. And you were going to make the most of it.
And you did, you danced at John and Esme’s wedding like there was no tomorrow. You gave the barmaid a good enough thrashing she never even got to call the police on Freddie and when little Karl was born it hurt your heart to know you would never have this with Tommy.
You wept like a baby in his arms as everyone celebrated down at the pub.
“Promise me you will love again.” You dry your tears and make him swear to live for you.
He cannot die with you, you refuse to let him.
“Don’t make me promise that, love, I’ve only ever loved you.” He shook his head, refusing to even think of a life without you in it.
It becomes the first of October that night.
You can’t hide your illness no matter what you do. A girl from the neighborhood is hired to help you and from your bed you play cupid between the sweet but never spineless Linda and the most unlikely dashing knight, Arthur.
When they finally go out ---with Finn to keep things proper--- it is late November.
And as if by magic, you are bursting with energy enough to leave your bed and make sure there is no loose string left by December 1st.
You are laughing with Polly over something when you see it in Tommy’s carefully annotated diary.
A black star on December 3rd.
He plans on having everything done by then, to deal with Kimber and Campbell that same day and spend the rest of your time on earth in a cottage by the sea.
It was supposed to be a surprise until you answered a call back from the woman renting it.
If only you could live long enough to get there.
But you won’t.
Zilpha had said on the day of the Black Star.
On December 3rd your time was up.
And you had fulfilled your mission, on that day Tommy would have reached the first step towards getting the hell away from here.
Only Polly knows what transpired during that meeting with Zilpha Lee and she holds you as your heart breaks all over again.
“Promise me you’ll take care of him.” You ask her as she holds you tight enough to put you back together again.
“Of course I will, sweetheart. Just like I told Martha Strong I’d take care of her boys and John’s Martha as well.” The older woman promised you as she gave you her Black Madonna.
Its is December 3rd when Tommy leaves the house as giddy as a boy on boxing day.
“After this it will be just us in that little cottage by the sea, love.” He had promised kissing you like there was no tomorrow.
And there wouldn’t be.
The moment the bullet strikes his chest, you collapse at his desk and never rise again.
By the time Jeremiah lets him go, you are gone.
That night, after the undertaker has taken you away to prepare you for burial, he takes your ring, a bottle of whiskey and his gun.
When he pulls the trigger, there are no bullets and he curses you for leaving and refusing to let him leave with you.
He wakes up in Charlie’s Yard, with his aunt and uncle wearing black for mourning.
“I promised her I’d take care of you, don’t make break that promise, boy.” Polly said as she helped him back on his feet.
After your funeral he leaves for the seaside, hoping to have the peace and quiet to finish what he started and yet as he sits there in ghe sand looking at the ring he gave you, he remembers your voice making him swear to live for you.
And he does.
On December 3rd 1922, he returns to the beach with May Carlton now wearing your ring on her finger.
“Thank you.” He whispers to the wind.
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shelbyssins · 1 year
HI 💕 I loved Home so much and I was wondering if I could request something?? I had this idea of Tommy x Reader where reader was like a one that got away situation with pre-war Tommy and she married someone else but her husband dies during the war but Tommy didn’t ever know that he just thought she was married.. so time passes and they meet again then you can choose the ending!! Happy or sad you can choose, I hope this makes sense English is not my first language lol!! And if this doesn’t inspire you that’s okay too but know I love your work and am excited to see what you write next!!!💕😇😇
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Seasons Change, People Don't ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Language, a sprinkling of angst
Word Count: 6,880
A/N: So this past week or so has just been insanely busy for me and I was struggling to find time to finish this request but here it finally is! I wanted to make this a little more light hearted than my previous request and the idea of Tommy and reader's relationship changing through the seasons really stuck with me so I hope you enjoy! I will be posting some shorter form one shots this week with some different characters so watch out for those! As always, if you read this, let me know what you think! - Rosie x
June 1912
“Tommy!” Y/n shrieked as she bounded over to her friend in the stables. The summer sun was breaking through the thin cover of cloud that drifted over the fields today. Y/n watched as Tommy’s eyes met hers, a soft smile playing on his lips when he recognised her. Y/n pressed a kiss to Tommy’s cheek, smacking her lips louder than she needed to because she knew it wound him up. He made an exaggerated show of wiping the spot she’d kissed and Y/n punched him lightly in response, he laughed gently, feigning hurt as he rubbed his arm. 
Tommy was reverently brushing his mare, a bay horse who’s coat gleamed like copper coins under his attention. Tommy was a quiet man, never really as raucous as his brothers could be, but he laughed a lot, those soft little chuckles that never failed to make Y/n blush whenever she pulled one out of him. Tommy was a middle child, but Y/n knew he acted every bit the eldest. Having been blessed with intelligence, his head would soon be burdened with the crown of the Shelby family. Though he did laugh a lot, Y/n could often see the strain he felt as the head of the family, so it was nice to see him relaxed and in his own world. 
He was twenty two now, about a head taller than Y/n and she found him so frustratingly handsome. She watched as his solid muscles shifted beneath his crisp shirt with every movement over his mare’s back, all broad shoulders and quiet strength, it was no wonder he had every girl in Small Heath falling over themselves for the chance to go out with him, though he never seemed to care much. Despite the obvious physical attraction, Y/n’s favourite part of him was his bright blue eyes, shining like sapphires in the sun, like stormy seas in the shade. Y/n would like to pretend that she was better than all the other girls, far above so obviously throwing herself at Tommy; but it was hard to push down the magnificently huge crush she had on him when he gazed at her with those pools of blue. 
Y/n had known Tommy ever since she could remember, her mother was best friends with his Aunt, Polly Gray, they were practically sisters, and as her father had abandoned them before she was even born, the Shelby family pitched in to help wherever needed. Then, when Y/n was twelve years old, her mother passed and she’d lived with Polly ever since. She knew full well that Tommy only ever deemed her like a sister, but that didn’t stop her dreaming that he’d one day notice her affections. 
It didn’t help that Tommy always treated her like a child as well, chiding her when he’d seen her smoking for the first time, always referring to her and her friends as ‘the kids’. Y/n had hoped that now she was eighteen, Tommy might see her in a different light, might start treating her like an adult, but if anything he was even more overprotective. 
Just recently he’d refused to let her sit with him and his older brother, Arthur, in the Garrison, telling her, “It’s not proper for young ladies to listen to conversation like ours, you don’t want to be around us when we’re drinking anyway,”. It was kind of humiliating, especially when Arthur had laughed that booming laugh right in her face, so she gave up that night and trailed home, feeling every bit the little girl Tommy thought she was.
“You know, Mark’s been hanging around me a lot recently,” Y/n began, hoping that Tommy might get jealous if she talked about another guy, “Ada says she thinks he likes me,” 
Y/n got nothing more than a non committal grunt from Tommy, though his hands had stilled their work over his mare’s mane. 
“She thinks he’s going to ask me to go to the Garrison’s jazz night this weekend. As his date,” She added the clarification at the end, searching Tommy’s face for absolutely any reaction.
Tommy obviously wasn’t going to bite, so Y/n decided to try a more direct approach, “You know, if you asked me to go with you instead of him, I’d say yes,” 
For all the intelligence he apparently possessed, Tommy just looked at Y/n blankly, a puzzled eyebrow raised as he went back to grooming his horse.
“You know I don’t like jazz, Y/n,” Was all he said on the matter, and Y/n wondered if he really was that bad at picking up her hints or if he was ignoring her attempts at flirtation on purpose.
Y/n was beyond frustrated at the fact that Tommy just didn’t understand what she was trying to say, she had hoped distantly that maybe she had a head start on all the other girls who liked Tommy too; she knew him far better than they did after all. But maybe it was because they’d grown up together that Tommy couldn’t see her as a potential girlfriend, maybe she’d always be just a kid in his eyes. Maybe he had some misguided idea that he was protecting her feelings by pretending to be confused, because perhaps in reality he just wanted to reject her.
“Well maybe I’ll just say yes to Mark then,” Y/n snapped, all together fed up with trying to get her meaning across. She looked away from Tommy then, afraid that if he caught her eye that she’d start blushing. 
Tommy didn’t look up at her statement, just scratched at his horse’s ear as he said a bored, “Ok,” 
Y/n huffed, storming away in a barely contained stomping tantrum that would rival any fit Finn could throw. She felt utterly defeated as she walked away from Tommy, thoroughly embarrassed that she was a tiny bit jealous of a horse.
 March 1913
The sun was warm today, the first hints of spring blooming to bask in its light. The grass, damp with morning dew, caressed Y/n’s bare legs just below her skirt as she walked through the meadow in search of Tommy. Y/n knew he would be out here somewhere, desperate to get the family’s horses out in the fields for some exercise after the previous week’s relentless storms had kept them locked in the stables.
As she climbed her way over a short hill, Y/n’s eyes finally set on Tommy, who was standing under the shade of a tree, smoke from his cigarette billowing out of his mouth. Y/n ambled over, the closer she got she took in more of his appearance. He was dressed only in an undershirt tucked into his trousers, his suspenders hung loose by his legs. Tommy’s hair, not gelled down for once, flopped over by his ears. Y/n swallowed thickly as she remembered that she had a boyfriend waiting for her at home.
“Hi, Tommy,” She said softly, not wanting to startle him out of whatever daydream he seemed to be in.
“Y/n,” He replied simply, blowing some smoke in her face by way of greeting.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she waved the cloud of smoke away, faking a cough as she did.
“You got another one of those for me?” She asked with a gesture towards his cigarette, putting on the sweet voice she always used when she wanted something from Tommy.
He wordlessly opened his packet and she took one gratefully, leaning forward when Tommy flicked his lighter. Tommy moved in close to light Y/n’s cigarette for her, she held her breath as he did, wanting to avoid accidentally breathing in his dizzying scent of fresh soap and a hint of whiskey. Y/n took a long drag of the cigarette, having smoked almost half of it in one go when she finally exhaled. Tommy quirked an eyebrow at her obvious craving for the nicotine but didn’t comment.
Y/n relaxed her shoulders a little as she felt the effects of the smoke calm her rushing blood slightly, sagging against the tree as she pulled at the last dregs of the cigarette. Her mind wandered back to the problem at hand when she flicked the butt away into the grass. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure,” Tommy asked as he too finished his smoke.
Y/n sighed and looked off into the distance, her eyes finding two of the Shelby horses grazing at the far side of the field in the shade, “I think Mark is going to propose to me.”
She sighed out a breath and couldn’t stop the way her eyes immediately went to Tommy’s face, waiting for his reaction. Y/n had accepted months ago that Tommy wouldn't ever see her the way she wanted him to, so she shut the door on those feelings and kept them buried under Mark’s affections. But she couldn’t help but worry that the lock on her heart was too weak now that she spoke to Tommy about impending marriage, she was powerless to stop the small hope that Tommy might tell her to say no, knew she’d run right into his arms if he wanted her to.
“I’m not sure what light you think I’ll be able to shed on the matter,” Tommy responded, his bored voice grating on Y/n’s final nerve.
“I should’ve known you’d be no help,” She huffed, pushing away from the tree and smoothing her skirts with angry hands. She made to stomp off back across the field, like she always did when Tommy irritated her, but a warm hand circling the entirety of her wrist stopped her in her tracks.
“Alright, love, alright, stop your tantrum,” Tommy was barely concealing a laugh behind his hand, but Y/n could see the humour clearly in his twinkling eyes. 
“Shut up, Tommy,” Y/n replied, articulating her scowl with a harsh shove into Tommy’s side, “I’m just… not sure I want to marry him, at least, not so soon,” 
Tommy pushed his hair out of his eyes and seemed to consider for a moment, “Well, don’t you like him?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Of course I like him, he’s sweet - kind to me, you know... Has a good job,” 
“Well there you go, if you like him, why can’t you marry him?” Tommy said, so matter of fact that Y/n might have thought he’d mulled this over before.
“That’s just the thing, Tom. I like him, sure. But I just described him like he’s a pet dog, not a potential husband,” Tommy snorts at that and Y/n can’t help the little giggle that escapes in response, “I just… I always thought I’d be madly in love with whoever I was to marry, I’m scared I’ll regret it if I say yes,” 
“What if you say no and regret it?” Tommy asked, his voice as soft as the breeze whispering over Y/n’s skin.
“You’re right. I don’t want to end up alone the rest of my life, and it’s not like anyone else is lining up for the chance to propose to me,” Y/n cringed at how obvious she sounded as she glanced at Tommy, she hunted for any change in those expressive eyes but came back disappointed when there was nothing. 
Tommy said nothing more, sensing that Y/n was deep in thought, so they stood there in comfortable silence as the sun climbed higher into the afternoon sky. 
Y/n felt bereft at the way her life had turned out. She and Ada used to dream of their weddings like all little girls did. They would excitedly tell each other all the details, what kind of dress they would wear, the colour of the bouquet they would hold, even the flavour of the wedding cake. They would clasp their little hands together and wish their dreams would come true, but there was one dream little Y/n never told Ada. The dream that a handsome blue eyed man would be waiting for her at the end of the aisle, he’d say she looked beautiful as he lifted her veil and they’d vow to belong to each other as long as they both lived.
Y/n's chest tightened sorrowfully as she felt that dream slipping through her fingers. No matter how tight she tried to hold onto it, she knew now that it would never come true.
“Come on,” Tommy spoke up, apparently done with the silence, “We can ride the horses back to the stables and I’ll see you home.”
Y/n felt pained by his words because they came from brotherly concern rather than the love she’d always wanted from him. He walked on ahead of her and Y/n closed her eyes, trying to find a way to barricade the door to her heart just a little more, so that maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much the next time Tommy smiled at her.
November 1913
Autumn came and went silently through the town of Small Heath. The residential area was completely taken up by dull houses and sooty factories, so Y/n always had to go searching for trees just beyond the cut if she wanted to see the change of the leaves before there weren’t any left. All that evidenced Autumn was a slight chill in the air and the constant heavy rain that deluged the narrow streets. 
Y/n and Mark had married in that quiet Autumn a month ago in a small ceremony attended by only Mark’s family and the Shelbys, including Tommy. Life since then had been sweet, Y/n had to admit. Mark absolutely doted on her, hanging on her every whim to keep her happy, and Y/n found herself a little besotted with being Mrs Mark Johnson too, much to her surprise. At the wedding reception, Tommy had done nothing more than offer a muttered congratulations and brood in the corner alone for the rest of the night. But for once in her life, Y/n couldn’t find it within herself to actually care what Tommy was doing, thoroughly intent on enjoying a day that was all about her.
Winter then took Autumn’s place. Freezing air bit at bare faces, the town blanketed by a persistent cover of grey cloud. Y/n pulled her coat even tighter around herself as she made her way to the Garrison, praying that she’d find Tommy there since he’d been putting great effort into avoiding her recently. As she neared the place she hoped she’d find the second oldest Shelby, Y/n felt firmly resolute about her plan to talk to him, as she knew his stubbornness all too well. She knew that he’d let the silence between them stretch on until the end of time if she didn’t do something about it. So she steeled herself as she reached the heavy doors of the Garrison and walked inside.
She was immediately hit by the familiar smell of stale alcohol and tobacco permeating the air, barely containing a shudder as her senses tried to get used to the offending scent. Y/n quickly scanned the main area and didn’t find her target, so she walked over to Harry, the barkeep, and smiled at him as he finished wiping a glass.
“Hi, Harry. Is Tommy here?” She asked, hoping he’d at least caught sight of him today.
“He’s in there,” Harry replied, glancing over at the snug and nodding in that direction.
“Thanks, Harry,” Y/n gave her best sweet smile as payment, feeling a little bad about not buying a drink.
She pulled open the door to the snug and felt triumphant as she finally laid eyes on Tommy. He didn’t even bother to try and conceal the heavy sigh he huffed when he made eye contact with her, strengthening Y/n’s resolve that she would confront him about his avoidance even further.
“Hello, Thomas,” Y/n opened the conversation, inviting herself to sit at the table with him. 
Tommy immediately brought out his pack of cigarettes, lit one and hastily shoved it between his lips as if he was trying to stop himself from speaking.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, smoke flowing out of his mouth with every word. 
Y/n was puzzled at the question, “Is this not a public place?” She asked her own question back but didn’t wait for a response, “I’ve been trying to meet with you for weeks now, Tommy, but you always had some convenient excuse to avoid me,”
Tommy kept his face even and calm, the only tell that he’d been found out being a minute twitch of his lip, “There’s always business to attend to these days, Y/n,” He offered his meagre reasoning, another hasty excuse to hopefully placate her.
“Business,” Y/n couldn’t help but scoff, “Tommy, we haven’t had a conversation as long as this one since my wedding!” She didn’t miss the way Tommy’s shoulders straightened at the mention of the wedding. Curious.
“Why have you really been avoiding me, Tom?” She asked, softening her voice a little in hopes that Tommy would be more liable to answer truthfully.
But just as he’d opened his mouth to speak, in waltzed Arthur, the very embodiment of awkward timing, barrelling in like a rearing stallion, voice booming as loud as gunfire. Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t fight the smile that rose to her lips as Arthur pressed a rough kiss to the top of her head. 
“And how’s married life treating the new Mrs Johnson, eh?” Arthur articulated his thinly veiled innuendo with a suggestive wink.
“Just fine, thank you, Arthur,” Y/n replied with a smirk, quite enjoying the way Arthur’s eyebrows rose into his hairline, surprised that she’d actually played along.
“I bet there’ll be tiny little versions of you running around Small Heath in no time at all, eh, love?” He garbled around the cork of a whiskey bottle he’d pulled out with his teeth, pouring the amber liquid into his glass.
“Well, that might not actually be the case,” Y/n smiled a little sadly, watching as Tommy sat up a little straighter, quirking a confused brow as a means to ask her to explain.
“Mark has been looking at a property in the countryside, about an hour away from here. If nobody outbids us we’ll be moving come New Year,” Y/n looked down at her hands, her fingers twisting themselves into knots as she tried to avoid Tommy’s penetrating eyes.
Arthur hummed but didn’t say anything on the matter, and Y/n knew Tommy wasn’t going to offer anything new, recognising that the contemplative look on his face meant silence for the foreseeable. So she felt compelled to continue on explaining herself.
“With all this talk of war getting closer and closer to us, we really want to settle down and start a family sooner rather than later,” She rambled, feeling a little interrogated even though neither man had said anything yet. 
As Y/n flicked her eyes over to Tommy apprehensively, she saw that his jaw was completely set and he was gripping his whiskey glass so tight that his knuckles were white and his fist was shaking a little. 
Y/n looked at him quizzically, trying to make him meet her eyes by some sort of telepathy, but Tommy’s gaze remained firmly fixed on his alcohol. She couldn’t understand why he’d be angry with her about this, her move hadn’t come as a shock to anyone who actually spoke to her often; it had been on the cards pretty much as soon as they were married. Maybe it was because Tommy thought she’d be happier here, maybe it was because he didn’t like her husband; how was she to know if he rebuffed her every attempt at communication?
Silence continued on for a minute before Arthur, characteristically oblivious to the tension, piped up again, “Well! The countryside, eh? Sounds marvellous, love,”
Tommy raised his eyebrows, as if in disbelief, and shook his head, dragging on the last fragments of his cigarette. Y/n muttered a quiet thanks to Arthur as he stood, saying something about another bottle of whiskey from his private collection to celebrate. Her eyes followed Arthur’s slightly drunken gait as he made his way out of the snug.
“Thomas, why are you sulking at me?” She interrogated immediately as the door shut.
Tommy stamped out his cigarette in the ash try, “I’m not sulking,” he replied, frowning.
“Well, you’re doing an excellent impression,” Y/n countered, sighing when Tommy’s lips didn’t even attempt a smile, “I just don’t understand why you can’t even pretend to be happy for me at least,”
Tommy’s shoulders sagged at that and he finally lifted his head up to meet Y/n’s eyes, “Don’t get upset ok?” He began carefully, and just by his tone of voice, Y/n knew she absolutely was going to get upset, “I just didn’t think you’d marry so soon, especially after our conversation in spring, you said he was like a pet dog, not a husband. Now all of a sudden you’re moving away? I know you Y/n, you love our town, what if you hate it in the country?”
Y/n’s face flushed hot, she was utterly incensed that Tommy thought these things about her marriage and apparently just chose to never say a word about it, “Firstly, if I remember correctly about that conversation in spring, you offered me no actually helpful advice when I was obviously asking for it!” Y/n was careful not to shout, so her voice came out like a hiss, “Then you practically encouraged me to marry him! Now you want to act as if you’re the font of all knowledge when it comes to my marriage.”
Tommy bit his lip and scrubbed a rough hand over his face, the way he did when he was trying not to get angry, “I just can’t help but think that your decisions have been too hasty, Y/n,” he supplied, any sweetness in his voice long gone.
The words wounded Y/n deeper than anything he’d said to her before, she felt the tears pricking at her eyes as she tried not to show that she was upset. All she’d ever wanted was this married life with him, but now that she’d moved on and accepted that it was never going to happen, Tommy chose to criticise her every decision, blissfully ignorant of the fact that she had worked so hard to get over him.
“I could hardly wait for you forever, Tom,” Y/n whispered, suddenly feeling exhausted as all the memories of her relationship with Tommy flashed in front of her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel it was such a waste, pining after him for all that time. Such a waste to crave the affections of a man who didn’t pay enough attention to her to notice she was utterly in love with him.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Tommy finally said, looking away from Y/n’s tearful eyes.
“If you had such strong opinions on the choices I made, who I was going to marry, where I was going to live, maybe you should’ve voiced them while you still could’ve done something about it,” Y/n stood as soon as she finished her speech, walking towards the door when she was certain Tommy wasn’t going to speak again.
Tommy didn’t call after her when she left.
February 1917
The fire crackled distantly as Y/n stared blankly into the flames, amber light casting lonely shadows onto the walls of her cottage home. The room was near silent, but the thud of her heart in her ears was almost deafening. 
She clutched a telegram in her trembling hands and didn't bother to fight her tears as she read it for the fourth or fifth time, hoping this time she might make sense of the words written there on the page. But she didn’t know whether she couldn’t understand the sentences or just couldn’t believe the words were true.
Before the war hit England in July 1914, Y/n and Mark had spent a wonderfully happy, albeit short, married life. A few months before Mark was shipped off to France like every other man fit to fight, he worked as a clerk in the postal office of their little village, while Y/n looked after their house. She tended the garden too and often found peace planting flowers and thinking up new arrangements. Mark would come home every evening and greet Y/n with a kiss on her cheek before they sat down to eat dinner. Life was peaceful and picture perfect, no fighting, no drunkards lining the streets, no constant threat of crime. Y/n would be lying if she said she didn’t miss the chaos of Small Heath at least a little bit, but somewhere between their move to the country and Mark’s constant devotion, Y/n well and truly fell in love with him.
Now, as Y/n looked around her desolate sitting room, she realised she had absolutely nothing to prove that their love had ever happened. No matter how hard they had tried, God wouldn’t bless them with a child, and in the suffocating silence of this house, Y/n suddenly ached with longing to hear the patter of little feet running into her arms. At least she’d be comforted by the knowledge that a piece of their father resided still in this cottage, could look at their faces and still see his eyes looking back. But there was nothing, just utter loneliness.
Up until now, Y/n had grasped at any small shred of hope that Mark would return, ever since he left three years ago. She wrote to him every week, prayed for him every night, even though she wasn’t sure there was anyone listening anymore. She wished for his safe return and dreamed of the day he would warm their bed again. But now, there was no hope left in all the Earth that Y/n could beg for. There was no marriage, no husband to speak of as Y/n sat completely alone in this world, still clinging to that damned letter, her tears ruining the ink that spelled the end of her life.
Mark Johnson - Killed In Action.
July 1919
Y/n stepped off the train and took a heaving breath in as she tried to calm her nerves. Tendrils of anxiety curled around her chest as she carefully walked up the steps to leave the station, she knew she was only a short walk away from her home town and the odd need to run away was rising through her body.  
Only the month prior, Y/n had sold her cottage in the countryside, finally accepting that nothing was keeping her tied to that place anymore, accepting that she couldn’t fit in without Mark. In the village, every corner she turned was a reminder of her husband, the route he used to walk to work, their favourite spot in the park, the station where she'd kissed him for the last time. She twisted her wedding ring around her finger nervously, she’d kept it on even after Mark's memorial service, it seemed a simple service she could do her husband to wear it, to remember him every day.
Y/n decided to rent a flat just down the road from where she’d grown up, and the familiarity of the streets comforted her as she entered her new home, dropping her few belongings in the hallway. It wasn’t much, but as a woman alone Y/n didn’t really see the point of buying a big house with no one else to keep her company. She sagged against the door, suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to get a whiskey, so she decided to leave the flat for a while and hoped that the Garrison would clear her head.
Almost as soon as she opened the door to the pub, Y/n could hear John’s familiar voice shouting over to someone at the bar and her eyes immediately landed on all of the Shelbys sat around a table, drinking various spirits and pints of ale. The relief she felt as she counted the boys and noted that they were all intact and alive was brief, she couldn't believe her bad luck that she had run into every Shelby the minute she set foot back in Small Heath. Y/n quickly scurried up to the bar, hopefully unnoticed by the family, deciding that she definitely wasn't having this reunion sober.
She had barely taken a sip of her whiskey when a voice called to her from across the room, "Well isn't this a sight for sore bloody eyes," Y/n heard Polly's familiar drawl and didn't need to look up from her glass to know all the attention was suddenly on her. Y/n gave up on the dainty sipping and knocked back the rest of her whiskey as the Shelbys began to descend like vultures to their prey. She focussed on the way the alcohol spread through her body, warming her and giving her that little bit more confidence as she gave a tight hug to her surrogate mother, "Hi, Pol," she said with a smile.  
"Now what the 'ell are you doing back 'ere, love?" Arthur spoke as he nodded to the barkeep to refill your glass.
Y/n sighed, overwhelmed by the sudden questioning even though it was only Arthur who had asked anything, "You ok?" Polly whispered, squeezing her arm. Y/n nodded quickly and took another gulp of whiskey, "I wasn't counting on seeing you all so suddenly, I only got here half an hour ago!" She laughed nervously, "But now's as good a time as any to say I've moved back here. Surprise!" There was a chorus of congratulations and happy remarks, but there was only one person's face Y/n searched for, and she finally felt like she was home when she found Tommy's blue eyes.
He looked different, older definitely, but there was a cold harshness in his eyes that Y/n had never seen before. She shivered at what those eyes might have seen in France.
"It's good to have you back round here, Y/n," Tommy said lowly, and Y/n felt like everyone else in the room had faded away as she let Tommy's presence wash over her.
"Let's get a bottle to celebrate!" Arthur boomed, ruffling her hair like he did when she was a child, "Where's that husband of yours?" Y/n sucked in a sharp breath at the tactless question, fighting back tears as she tried to remember that it wasn't their fault if they didn't know Mark had passed.
"Probably at home looking after the kids, eh, Y/n?" John chimed in, nausea rising in Y/n's stomach as she tried to get a word in edgewise before someone said something they would regret.
"Nah, he's probably avoiding the pub, you know he can't handle his booze," Tommy was the one to pipe up that time and Y/n hated the cruel edge to his laugh, she'd hoped he'd grown up enough to get over his childish dislike of her husband.
"Tommy," Polly warned in that low, threatening voice of hers, picking up on Y/n's quickened breathing and tearful eyes. But Tommy carried on laughing, oblivious to his Aunt's insistence that they stop making fun, "You have to admit, he's always been a bit of a boring bastard," and there was the last straw. Before she'd even told her arm to move, Y/n's hand was flying at Tommy's face, slapping him right across the cheek so hard his head actually looked like it might detach from his neck. It happened so quickly Y/n wasn't quite sure if she had actually done it or not, but the boys had stopped laughing instantaneously, and the way Polly physically flinched told her she had genuinely just smacked Tommy Shelby. "How dare you," Y/n hissed before she could think better of it, her voice cold as steel, "My husband is dead, Thomas, have some fucking respect," The entire pub had gone silent, all staring intently at the scene unfolding, but wincing at Y/n's words, like they were watching a car accident happen right in front of them, too morbidly curious to look away. To his credit, John looked thoroughly ashamed of himself even though he hadn't said anything insulting and Arthur's eyes looked like they might pop out of his head, Y/n might have laughed had the cause been different. "Y/n, love, I'm sorry, we-" Arthur reached out as if to comfort her, but he cut off his sentence when Y/n flinched away from his touch, too overwhelmed to be crowded by him. She didn't know when she'd started to cry, but tears were flooding down her cheeks and pooling on the floorboards at her feet.
"Right. John, Arthur? Time to go," Polly insisted, ever the observant one, she knew that Tommy and Y/n had some talking to do. Neither man moved at first, but all it took was for Polly to level them with her menacing glare and they were hurrying out of the pub faster than a horse at full gallop.
Tommy and Y/n stood in silence for a moment, Y/n being too scared to speak because she desperately didn't want to acknowledge that she'd just slapped him.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry," Tommy finally whispered, and his voice was so genuinely sincere that it broke the final shred of dignity that Y/n cared to hold onto, and she started to cry louder than she had even let herself cry at Mark's memorial. Tommy opened his arms and that was all the prompting Y/n needed to fall straight into his chest, she sniffled as he cradled her head against his steadily beating heart, he shushed her softly and held her tight, "Come on now, love, let's go in the other room yeah? We can talk away from all the prying eyes,"
Y/n allowed herself to be led into the snug, struck by how familiar it was even after all these years, Tommy lowered her carefully onto the couch, as if he was afraid she might fall over.
"I'm sorry for hitting you, Tommy," Y/n babbled as soon as her breathing evened out, "It's not your fault, you didn't know Mark was dead,"
Tommy rubbed his cheek and smiled lightly, "Don't apologise, I deserved it. You've got some power in that hand, you know? Not sure any man has ever hit me that hard," Y/n giggled despite herself, sniffing and wiping at her face to dry the tears.
"So how come you're moving back here?" Tommy asked as she sagged into the couch, he avoided asking about Mark's death, sensing that she'd talk about it in her own time.
"Everything back at the village just reminds me of him, I couldn't stand it. Every time I left the house I couldn't stop thinking about how I waved him off to France, to fucking war, and didn't know he was never coming back. So I just isolated myself, only left the house to buy food, never made any friends because I couldn't bring myself to walk around without him by myside, I couldn't walk around as if nothing had happened," Tommy just hummed, knowing there was more to say and just waiting for Y/n to go on, "So when I finally sold the house, I decided to make a new start somewhere I knew would be easy to fit in,"
"You were right, you know," Y/n laughed into the quiet of the room, "I really did miss it round here. I missed how unpredictable it was, the routine of the village was hard to get used to but..." She teared up all over again as her husband's smiling face flashed in her mind, "I really did love him,"
"I'm sorry," was all Tommy said as Y/n swallowed around the lump in her throat.
"I didn't think I'd fall in love with him so deeply. At the start, my main reason for marrying him was because I thought I had no other option," Y/n confessed, not entirely sure why she was spilling all of her secrets to the man she used to love.
"I always thought you liked him a lot either way," Tommy said, a confused edge to his tone, "You used to talk about him constantly,"
Y/n laughed a genuine laugh at that, reminded suddenly of herself at seventeen, "I only talked about him so much because I thought it would make you jealous,"
Tommy's head shot up at that, and Y/n was once again concerned about the structural integrity of his neck, "Jealous?" He reiterated, pausing the rolling of a new cigarette to stare at Y/n expectantly.
"Yeah, I used to hint at you all the time about my very massive crush on you. But for all the good your intelligence apparently does, you never got it. Or, you know, you were just trying to let me down gently,"
Tommy looked like he was about to choke, or possibly stop breathing all together, "Hold on, you liked me?"
Y/n rolled her eyes at Tommy, assuming he was overreacting on purpose, "I know, it's embarrassing Tommy, don't make fun of me. But yes, I didn't just like you. I loved you, Tommy, ever since I was eleven,"
"Oh my god," Tommy breathed, suddenly struggling to get his rolling paper to stick.
"What? There's no need to be dramatic, Thomas," Y/n said, voice snippy due to her slight mortification.
"I just... I liked you too, for years, but I thought you didn't have any feelings for me since you were going out with Mark,"
Y/n was sure her blood had turned cold in her veins, either that or someone must have dumped a bucket of ice over her head, "Are you serious right now? Tommy, you should've just told me! I was being so obvious with my hints and you just refused to see it!"
Tommy looked indignant as he gave up on rolling his cigarette, "Well, why didn't you just tell me!" Y/n couldn't deny that that was an excellent point, "Anyway, I was sure someone as beautiful as you couldn't possibly have feelings for someone like me,"
Y/n slumped in her seat, overwhelmed by the revelations, she smiled as she imagined how she would've reacted to this information when she was a teenager all those years ago.
"Oh, Tommy, you're an idiot!" Tommy started to laugh and Y/n couldn't help soon joining in, feeling weightless for the first time since the war. She gazed into Tommy's eyes again, searched for the same look they'd had when he was in his early twenties, even though she knew she wouldn't find it. He'd changed so much, they both had, but in that moment she wondered if they really could just be the same two kids who loved each other so much, couldn't help but wonder how their lives would've played out if they'd both had the courage to admit their feelings.
Y/n didn't know when it happened, but their faces were suddenly only a hair's width apart, she could feel his breath whispering over her mouth, he smelled sweet despite the tobacco that clung to him. Y/n's eyes fluttered closed out of instinct, her heart thudding as she let herself be intoxicated by Tommy's entire being. But just as their noses touched, she sprung away from Tommy like he'd burned her.
"I'm sorry, that was-"
"No, don't apologise," Y/n cut him off before he could start spiralling, "Tommy... I've loved you since the day I met you, and... I think I always will love you, no matter what happens, or what has happened. You mean the world to me," she stared at her hands, afraid of the vulnerability she felt as she laid her heart at Tommy's feet, "But you have to understand... I loved my husband too, and I can't help but feel like I'm betraying him, because I'm falling for you so fast all over again. I'd - I'd feel so guilty if I rushed into something with you when he loved me so much before he passed. I can't just forget him."
"I won't ask you to," Tommy replied, tentatively putting his warm hand on Y/n's knee, making her look up at him, "But I have loved you too, and I love you right now, and I'll love you tomorrow. I won't ever be able to forgive myself if I let you get away again, not now that I know you feel the same. I want to be with you, whenever you're ready. We can take it slow,"
Y/n was breathless, like all the air in the room had suddenly been sucked out, she was completely consumed by thousands of thoughts running through her head all at once, "What does slow look like?" She whispered, entirely swept up by the ocean of love in Tommy's eyes.
"It starts like this," He murmured softly, taking Y/n by the hand and brushing his lips against her knuckles, "Then it might continue if you'll accompany me to dinner soon?"
"I'd like that Tommy," Y/n replied, a wave of relief flowing through her body, grateful that she could find love again at her own pace.
Tommy leaned in slowly and placed the most gentle and reverent kiss on Y/n's cheek, looking so deeply into her eyes that she thought he might be gazing directly at her soul, his voice was full of adoration as he said, "I promise I won't ever let you go,"
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cosmic-crybaby · 7 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 1
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returned from France, he came back a completely different man.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, tommy before the war (Lowkey OOC) 
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She's known Tommy almost all her life. They met one day at the cut when he was ten, trading cigarettes with the other kids, and she was eight, tagging along with her older cousin. It was merely a passing glance, maybe an introduction of names, but she hadn't seen him until years later. At the ripe age of twelve and fourteen, when he defended her when the older boys pulled at her hair and pushed her around. She was forever grateful to him after witnessing him take in three in a fight, punching the daylights out of one, shoving another's head into the mud, and threatening the third. 'If you ever come near her again, I'll fuckin' take your eyes!'. That was enough to scare them off. The two were almost inseparable ever since. Years of growing up together the two would often get into mischief together and cause trouble in the smoky streets of Small Heath. As [name] got a little older, the more she started to fall for the future gangster, and the more time passed, the more she started to change.
And of course, Thomas began to notice.
By the time they were seventeen and fifteen, the two delinquent teenagers seemed to be more than friends. The way Thomas would hold her hand as they run up the grassy hills, the way [name] would stare into his eyes as they lay on the grass under the shaded tree.
"I don't know what I would do without you, Tommy Shelby..." She spoke softly, her voice was like heaven to him. "I can't picture myself beside anyone else," She admitted. Thomas just stared into her eyes, his soft hands rising to brush his knuckles against her cheek, tucking away the pieces of hair that came undone from her clip.
"You don't have to...because I'm going to make a promise to you [name]," He suddenly sat up, causing her to sit up as well and gaze at him in confusion.
"What kind of promise?" She asked, curiously. He opens his mouth to speak then quickly closes it before thinking for a moment. Collecting his words carefully. Clearing his throat so his voice wouldn't crack, because he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it from her if that happened.
"That one day, when I have me own money and me own house, we will get married," He finished confidently. She sat there, her lips slightly agape.
"Stop joking around!" She laughed, swatting at his arm, causing him to laugh as well and to catch her hand before she should hit him again. This time both of his hands enveloped hers as he stared at her with a content smile.
"I'm being serious, trust me when I say I want to marry you one day [Name] [Lastname]!" He said, laughter hidden within his words. She thought for a moment then nodded once, reaching for his hand. She kissed the back of his hand, her soft lips were warm upon his skin.
"Okay, promise," She smiled lovingly as he returned the kiss on her hand before bringing her close to kiss her forehead.
In the years that followed that day, she was by his side, even when he was starting to work at the betting shop with his family. At first, she was just there for moral support, but right when she finished high school Polly saw her potential and how educated she was, and on the spot, she was hired. Checking the maths and records in each book, making sure everything was in its place.
It was a dream being with Tommy at nearly every waking hour. Of course nothing would go beyond holding hands, gently touches, and friendly affection . But even when those were at a minimum, she was falling in love with him.
Her love for him only grew since they first met. It was unconditional love and ever since he made that promise to her, she only fell harder. It almost felt like she was already married to him. With the way he kissed her forehead or cheek, the way he was so kind to her and checked in on her work whenever he needed an escape, and how he would tell her he loved her. Every night after work when he walked her home. He would kiss her knuckles, her cheek, and her lips before saying.
"Goodnight [name], I'll pick you up in the morning, I love you,"
It wasn’t until she began to notice his slow distance from her. At first, she thought nothing of it as he wouldn’t give her as much affection as he normally did. Her hands grew cold as they were empty from his. His touch was slowly detaching from her own. The emotional distance was noticed quickly, but the physical distance made her heart cold. He went from seeing her every day to nearly every other day, now...she was lucky to even catch him at the betting shop.  As much as she wanted to convince herself that it was nothing, she couldn’t help the emptiness she suddenly felt. She had wondered what he was so busy with and deep down she had hoped he hadn’t gotten in any more trouble than he already was getting himself into.
The weeks and months went by, her resentment for Tommy only grew. On the days he went to the shop, she tried to make her presence known, nothing but a simple "Hi [name],"would be his response. Sometimes not even making eye contact with her.
One day, in 1914, he approached her in her office. She was too busy organizing files and writing down and calculating the records to make sure they were accurate. She didn't even notice his presence at first. He stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets as he stared at her, waiting for her to pay him any mind. 
“I’m busy,” She simply mumbled, seeing him in the peripheral vision of her eyes. He scoffs before stepping in further and closing the door behind him. 
“So that’s how you treat me now, eh?” He asked, sitting across from her in a chair. He was met with silence as she kept her eyes glued to the page. “[Name]” He called. 
Again, silence. 
Tommy suddenly slammed the book shut and grabbed the pen that was in her hand.
“Hey! I'm trying to work, you just made me lose my spot!” She shouts, quickly standing up as the chair behind her scrapped against the wood floor loudly.
Tommy just smirks. She stomp towards him to retrieve the pen back, but the older boy just held it above her head as he extended his arm up, barely just out of her reach. 
“Thomas, this isn’t funny!” She pleads. He just laughs. 
“There you are, finally acknowledging me,”  
She sighed in defeat and set herself back on her feet, holding his gaze with a glare.
“What do you want now? Go on with it, Polly needs these by the end of the day and she’ll have my neck if I don’t have em ready,” She crossed her arms over her chest. Tommy let his arm down, setting the pen on the desk. 
“What makes you think I want something?” He asked. Her eyes widened slightly. 
“I don’t see you for months and you barely even talk to me let alone look at me whenever you’re here, so this sudden change in behavior is quite a shocking one,” She explained, her tone still stern. She was met with his eyes, a guilty look on his face. 
“I know...I know and I do apologize-” 
“You were supposed to be my closest friend, Thomas...” She interrupted him. Her voice was calm, almost meek. 
“I am your closest friend, never forget that [name],” He held her slumping shoulders. She takes an exhale through her nose. 
“Listen to me...I’m sorry, I had some prior engagements that needed my attention,” He said quietly as he tried to get her to look into his eyes. 
“I know but I just wished you had just talked to me...I felt so alone,” 
Thomas held his breath and clenched his jaw. He couldn’t tell her now...Not yet at least. 
“When you’re with me, you’ll never really be alone,” He told her, holding her close. She knew there was some truth to his words but pushed herself away from him. 
“I have to get back to work,” She said. He rolls his eyes at her sudden coldness.
“I’m not leaving until I get a smile out of you...and maybe an ‘I love you’,” He smirked, still holding her, his hands on her shoulder blades. She scoffs, giving him a small, ingenuine smile. 
“Happy?” She asked. He shook his head. His hands slowly crept to her sides, going unnoticed by her. 
“Tommy...” He gave her that look. That look of mischief. “Don’t you dare-” But her warning came too late. His fingers began digging into her sides, it didn’t take long before she began giggling profusely. 
“Tommy stop! I can’t- I can’t breath!” She squealed in between fits of laughter as she tried to push his hands away. He was too strong. 
“Tell me you love me [name]!” He laughed. 
“N-No! Never!” She laughed, the tears in her eyes started to seep down her cheeks. 
“Say it [name] and I’ll stop!,” 
“Fine! I love you Thomas Shelby!” She gave in. The tickling had stopped, yet she barely caught her breath when Tommy pulled her close and picked her up from the ground and kissed her cheeks. 
“I love you too, [name] [lastname],” He said quietly. Looking into his eyes made her even forget why she was upset with him. He looked at her with perfect love in his eyes and a small smile on his lips as he quickly kissed her hand before leaving her to continue your work. 
 A week later, Tommy had told her the secret he had been keeping from her. Finally letting it out. 
“No...Tell me it’s a lie...” She was in denial. Shaking her head as the tears welled up her eyes. 
“[Name] please...listen to me,” He approached. 
“Please don’t do this you don’t have to do this!” She cried. 
“We have to go, [name]...it’s the only choice,” He calmly stated. 
“To put your lives on the line? To leave your family behind to leave me behind?” 
The silence was daunting. She sniffled and turned away from him. 
“I understand the sacrifice you’re making, but I can’t bare the thought of my life without you...Arthur, John, you...You three have been in me life every day since I was a child, if you were to never come back I don’t know what I would do without you,” She shook her head as she choked up once again. 
“Don’t think of it that way, love...We will come back once it’s over...and when it’s over I will come back to you,” 
“Tommy...” She felt his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her.
“You will be the one I am living for...who I am looking forward to come home to...” He steps in front of her, grabbing her cheeks in the palm of his hands as they locks eyes.
“I don’t want to lose you,” She whispered. He pressed his forehead to hers. Closing her eyes tightly to stop the tears.
“You won’t...I promise,” 
She has always known for Tommy to keep his promises. But deep own she wasn't sure if this was within his control. And it scared her. Shattered her heart and soul to know he was leaving in just a few weeks. Every day after that he spent every moment with her as if it were his last, even though it felt like it to her. 
The day the three Shelby brothers left, Polly, Ada, and Martha were in shambles. [Name] tried to stay strong but the second she approached the train station she began to tear up. 
She had said your goodbyes to John and Arthur first as she held off her departure from Tommy. She stood in front of him, he seemed to put on a brave face for his family and for her but she could read right through him. He was just as scared as she was. She embraced him tightly. 
“I will write to you every day...and pray for you three while you’re gone,” [name] told him. He nods quietly, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small, simple, ring to held it to her.  
“Remember that promise we made when we were kids?” He asked. 
“That we’d get married one day?” She nods.  
“I am giving this to you, so that when I do return we will get married...That way I will come home with a purpose...to marry you,” He said. She gasped a bit as he slipped the golden band on her ring finger. 
“Just promise me you’ll never take it off, for as long as I live and love you,” 
“I promise,” She smiled at him. He gave [name] a quick kiss. The train whistle blows. 
“Come home to us soon...please,” She begs. He nods again before Arthur and John pulled him away to board the train. 
Watching the men wave off their families as the train took off was heartbreaking. The four women of Small Heath held onto each other, comforting each other when they watched the three men in their lives leave on a train. [Name] rested her head on Polly’s shoulder as she rubbed the young girls back, quietly sobbing beside her.
[Name] went home that day, sitting alone as she twirled the ring on her finger, counting the days until his first letter came. 
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lau219 · 27 days
Enemies with Benefits
Part 3
Previous part here
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“So, she’s owned and run the place by herself for eight years?”
Walking through the hallway, Tommy replied without turning around as Polly followed him, Arthur and John already waiting for them in Tommy’s office.
“Yep,” he said simply as he entered and made his way to his desk. As he sat down in his chair and lit a cigarette, Polly looked at him.
“Why can’t you just leave the place alone? Poor girl’s poured her heart and soul into the business and you’re gonna take that away from her? Not very admirable, Thomas.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve thought as much and then changed your mind,” Tommy replied as he crossed his ankle over his knee and took a drag from his cigarette. “I’ve got a hunch you’ll feel the same this time around, too.”
Polly gave him a look of exhausted annoyance as she sat in one of the chairs in front of Tommy’s desk.
“Stop being such a self-assured ass for once and think about what you’re doing to this girl,” Polly replied. “Clearly, the place means something to her, and she obviously knows what she’s doing if business is as good as you say it is. Just leave her be. Lord knows we need more women like her running businesses, rather than the lot of you men.”
Tommy smirked as he looked at Polly.
“Since when are you so compassionate, Pol? You were more than eager to swipe up the last two places.”
“Those places were owned by men greedier and more insufferable than you, if that’s even possible. This is different. Think about what you’re taking away from this girl.”
“I won’t be taking anything away from her,” Tommy replied as he stubbed out his cigarette and picked up some papers off his desk. “Simply a change in ownership. She’ll still manage the place. Run it. Make more than enough money.”
“And you think she’ll go along with that after you do what you plan to do?” Polly asked in disbelief.
“She cares about the place too much to walk away,” Tommy answered.
“Exactly, she cares about the place. We don’t need it, Tommy. Just let this one go, yeah?”
“I don’t think he’s gonna do that, Pol,” Arthur cut in, a mischievous smile on his face. “Ownership aside, this girl has caught our Tommy’s attention. He’s interested in more than just her business, though I can’t say I blame him.”
“Me neither,” John chimed in. “Did you see her ass in those pants the other night?”
Arthur snickered at John’s remark, while Tommy shot an icy look over to John, who abruptly stopped smiling before Tommy returned his gaze to Polly.
“Oh, Tommy, don’t try to screw her while you’re screwing her over,” Polly said in sympathy for this woman who she’d not even met.
“If he’s not allowed, can I take a shot?” Arthur spoke up, grinning, but with the same look he’d given John moments before, Tommy silenced him.
“You all make me sick,” Polly said as she stood up from her chair. “For once, can you be admirable businessmen, and gentlemen, and let this one go?”
“A businessman recognizes a good opportunity and seizes it,” Tommy replied as he looked at her.
“A gentleman doesn’t seize an opportunity that hurts good people,” Polly countered. “Consider the latter.”
Then she stood and walked out of his office, feeling bad for this girl, and hoping she could handle Tommy as well as she apparently handled her business.
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Looking down at her phone to quickly reply to an email, Y/N raised her head to check her surroundings before crossing the street and making her way down the sidewalk and towards the entrance to the bank. Looking down again, she sent her email and then slipped her phone back into her bag, and as she looked up and took another step, she ran smack into a firm but somewhat forgiving form, and when a pair of arms steadied her, she blinked several times before she pulled away, realizing she’d run into someone.
“Oh, shit! Sorry, I—” but upon seeing who she’d almost collided with, she didn’t finish her sentence.
“Better look alive, love. Not everyone you run into may be as forgiving as me.”
Tommy fucking Shelby.
As Y/N straightened herself and stepped further away from him, she tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. This guy spread like a disease.
“God, you’re just everywhere,” she said in exasperation. “What do I have to do to shake you?”
Tommy smiled, finding her frustration extremely amusing. And when he quickly gave her a full once over, his smiled widened. If possible, she seemed to get hotter every time he saw her, and the annoyed look she had didn’t hinder her pretty face in the slightest.
“Don’t be so paranoid,” he responded. “You’re not the only one in town who honors this bank with your business.”
“Don’t you have an entire room in your mansion somewhere that holds all your money? A place where you can just dive into the piles and roll around in the cash?” Y/N said to him.
The smile still hadn’t left Tommy’s face.
“They let me do that here,” he replied. “And this way, they re-stack the coins really neatly for me after I leave.”
Y/N almost laughed, and she tried to cover it up by rolling her eyes, but not before Tommy caught it.
“Are you just stopping in, or do you have a meeting here?” he asked her then.
She narrowed her eyes again, not answering him.
“Just thought I’d offer to buy you lunch afterwards if you’re just stopping in,” Tommy said in response to her expression, raising his hands innocently.
“I think you already know what my answer to that would be, Mr. Shelby.”
“Tommy,” he corrected her.
“We’re not friends,” she reminded him.
“And whose fault is that?” Tommy smirked at her. “Come on, Y/N, you know that eventually we’ll be best mates, so why not just get there faster?”
It was the first time he’d said her name instead of calling her “love”, and Y/N couldn’t decide whether she really liked it or really hated it coming from him.
“I’m not sure where you’re getting that idea from,” she said as she looked at him. “After today, I don’t plan on bumping into you again, so friendship seems pretty unlikely.”
Tommy chuckled.
“Like I told you before, you shouldn’t be too hasty,” he said. “You never know what might bring us together. Perhaps I’ll drop by for another drink sometime soon.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N began to move again, stepping past him as she walked several more steps and then reached for the handle on the door into the bank. As she pulled it open, she looked back at Tommy over her shoulder.
“You come by again, Mr. Shelby, and you’ll find that all of your drinks will be identical to the one I served you the first time we met.”
Tommy grinned, getting the last word as she walked through the door.
“Well, lucky for both of us, that’s now how I like it,” he said.
Part 4
@nyxxie-pooh @natalie--rushman @xsweetcatastrophe @febris-amatoria @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree
@beastofburdenxo @allie131313 @meister95 @garrison-girl-08 @hannibellector
@neonpurplestars89-blog @fuseburner @betty21rose @runnning-outof-time @hudson-bay-girl
@ceirinen @devotedlyshadowytheorist
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Romantic Capture? (Pt 2. Romantic Escape)
(Tommy Shelby X female reader)
Summery: Y/N's successfully managed to con her way to her husband's car keys. Now she's free to have the fun she's been missing for the past week. But with an unexpected call from Polly, will her plans actually go to plan? Part two of Romantic Escape!
A/N: Hi y'all! No TW's for this (Tommy does get accidentally scuffed up tho) but I do think Tommy may be a bit OOC because this part has him talking about his feelings to the reader and I'm honestly not too sure how to write that, so idk if I did it well, but I tried! I kinda see him as someone who doesn't like admitting his fears and mistakes so when he actually does he's unsure of what to say as opposed to his usual suave self and tried writing it like that. So it's definitely got a bit of a different tone than the last one but it's still got good fun bits! I hope y'all enjoy!❤️
WC- 2.9k
Main Masterlist
The phone in Tommy's office rang.
"Polly? That you? I just started those papers you wanted, was there something else?"
You giggled to yourself as you internally relived about your grand success, checking your mirrors one last time before getting ready to drive off. Silently, you thanked your husband for filling up the gas tank on his way back today.
It took months for most people to even try coming up with a plan to win one over THE Thomas Shelby. Keyword try. But you'd managed a successful caper in under an hour. And to top it off, if everything went as planned you'd have some fun with your "poor victim" when you returned. Maybe you should try this thing more often. You had been trying to convince him to let you redo the washroom for a while now. You thought the space would look just lovely with a new coat of paint and padded benches for you and the maids to sit on while talking and folding clothes. Or the garage. There was an empty space there you would have loved to turn into a workshop for the gardener and handyman. It was perfect for tools and lunch. OOH! Or maybe you could finally get the rolling ladder you'd wanted in the library, since you'd first moved in! You always wanted one as a kid! Yes, you would definitely have to try this thing again, especially if it went so smoothly the first time!
But that was for another day. If you left right now you'd make it in time to find good seats. Had this been a film, it would be the part where the captive finally gets out of their cell and starts joyously yelling "I'm free! I'm free I'm fr..."
A hand shot through the window and grabbed the steering wheel. Screaming, you did the first thing that came to your mind. Reaching out the window to grab the collar of your attacker, you yanked them forwards as hard as you could, while simultaneously stepping on the gas. You heard a head hit the car's roof as it made contact with the shiny metal.
 You knew that voice. And the tie wrapped between you fingers....
Oh no.
"Tommy? What the hell are you doing?" You questioned, quickly letting go of him and looking down at you husband who was cradling an injured nose and making sure his toes weren't broken from you almost running them over.
"What the hell am I doing, eh!? What the bloody fuck are you doing," he exclaimed as he got to his feet, using the side of the car to stabilise himself so he wouldn't stumble. He didn't know if he should be frustrated or proud of what you'd just done. On one hand he was happy to know you wouldn't freeze up when surprised if someone came out of nowhere. But on the other hand....that fucking hurt. He could already feel the headache forming and it took a solid minute for his vision to clear. The car was still running and once again your husband reached through the window, trying to grab the keys from the ignition. 
"No," you smacked his hand away from the keys, gently but firmly. Tommy gave you a confused look and tried again.
"No. Tommy, no. Leave it. No. Thomas no." accompanied by another few gentle smacks until he pulled his hand back. You used one hand to guard the keys while the other remained slightly lofted, ready to bat again if needed. Tommy looked at you perplexed. In a manner only you could accomplish, he was left with absolutely no idea what was going on. 
"What do you mean 'no'? What are you doing, I thought you were going upstairs eh? And Polly called said there were never any papers she needed," he'd questioned. If it was anyone else aside from you he'd probably be very angry by now. Because you'd lied to him, and Thomas Shelby didn't like being lied to. You also nearly ran him over, but it wasn't a first for that and he was honestly more annoyed at being lied to. That wasn't something he took lightly.
Especially when the lies involved stealing his car. But this wasn't anyone else. This was you. You looked at him for a moment before sighing and turning off the car, but remained in the drivers seat. Well, if you couldn't get out through trickery maybe the truth would work. And a little guilt tripping possibly?
"I'm taking the car out," you replied. "I wanted to go to the movies with Lizzie and maybe have a few drinks after. I haven't been out all week and my head feels fine. It's felt fine since the third day, but even then no one let me do anything. None of my friends or anyone else was able to come over either so I've been stuck all week and I'm bored and it's been getting lonely too." You looked at you husband whose face had softened and continued, "So I called up Lizzie and I've got to meet her in half an hour if we want to get good seats. And Thomas I love you, but I am doing this. I know you're on edge because of what happened a few months ago, but I promise I'm all good now. You aren't able to control every little thing that happens to me. I'll get hurt sometimes and so will you, and that's just life. You can't make me live in a bubble after every little bump and bruise." 
Reaching one hand out the car window you gently grabbed your husband's chin and ran a finger over his cheek, where an increasingly red mark had begun to form. Thank Heavens, for once he hadn't had a cigarette in his mouth when you'd yanked him. He's probably have a burn on his face too. You really didn't intend to hurt him, thinking it was someone else trying to grab you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought you'd make another fuss if I told you and I really didn't want to argue again. I know you care about me but you have to understand Thomas, I'm a grown woman and can make my own choices about then I feel better. It's the same thing you do when you decide to go back to work after being shot or beat up. When we got married we promised to go though life together. And together means side by side, equal steps. It doesn't mean one gets to drag the other along choosing each path alright," Caressing his cheek one last time, you sighed and moved to exit the car. You were still going out of course, but you wanted to take a quick look at Tommy's face in the house where the light was brighter before you left. You knew you'd be distracted and feel slightly guilty all night, not knowing how much damage your unintentional attack truly caused. 
But before your hand made it to the car door, it was Tommy who gently knocked your hand away this time. He placed you hand gently on the steering wheel, holding it there, while he closed his eyes for a moment and thought. Then he released you hand, before making his way around the front of the car and moving into the passenger seat. For a few moments the car was silent before Tommy grabbed you hand again and turned slightly so he could face you better. 
"Love... Don't feel sorry for what you did, it's not your fault. You weren't... wrong," Tommy started, slightly unsure what to say. He knew the words you had said were right, but he didn't know what to say next. Tommy never was to good at expressing his emotions, especially the strongest ones like love and pride and fear; and he was feeling all of those right now. But since meeting you he'd gotten a little better. At least it got easier to try. And that's what he did now, sitting besides you in the car while the last rays of the sun's light left the horizon for the day. "I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to control your or our life together. I'm not. I just want you to be safe. I don't know what I'd do without you," he continued, trying to remember what you'd told him one day about how he didn't have to be charming or precise when telling you his feelings. You told him they could be as messy and unorganized as he could manage if it meant he was telling you the truth. As long as he trusted you enough to try and let it out you'd be more than happy to listen. He knew you'd never fault him for telling the truth even if you'd still scold him for hiding it. 
"The truth is... the truth is that the day you got hurt something else happened. I got a call from a man telling demanding I sign over half the company or else he'd make you pay for me," Tommy paused for a moment trying to press down his anger at the man, "I wasn't worried at first, figured he was just making empty threats. Didn't think anyone was stupid enough to touch you. Then Francis called about your fall and even then I didn't think much about him, I was only worried you were alright. But then, later that night after I saw you, I was looking at the mail. This fucker also sent a letter to the house with the same fucking demand and I didn't see it until then. There was a photo in it too. It was you and your friends sitting in that restaurant you're so fond of. The one where we always get Finn's birthday cake? I don't know how he got that photo," Tommy stressed running a hand through his hair. He knew the man was dead, but it still made his skin crawl thinking of what he could have done. "I don't know what it was, but that photo and you being hurt... it scared me. I don't want to lose you. So since you were already hurt, I used that as an excuse to keep you at the house yeah? The maids really were to make sure you rested your head, but the cars were so I could try and keep you at the house where it was safer. I even had more men posted around the premises during the day." Tommy took a breath gently rubbing his thumb over your hand. He wasn't use to talking this much, even with you. But seeing as you didn't pull back, maybe he hadn't said the wrong thing yet. "But he's gone now, I got word he was taken care of today and he won't hurt you... No one will hurt you. So we don't have to worry about him. I was going to tell you today, I promise I was. But I'm ...I'm sorry Love. I didn't tell you the truth earlier and you got lonely... I should have found a way for your friends to come here or asked you to drive around with one of me men but I didn't yeah? And that.... that may not have been the best plan but it was the only one I could think of to keep you safe. Because you are the most important thing in the world to me Love and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt because of me."
Tommy had finished now. He wasn't sure what else to say. He'd lied to you and he knew you hated that. But in his mind it was for a good cause. He didn't want to burden or stress you with problems created because of him. So he'd hid the truth until he couldn't anymore and after admitting his secrets he was left without a script. Most men would promise it wouldn't happen again, but Tommy couldn't do that. He knew that if you were ever threatened like that again he wouldn't hesitated to hide you away where he knew it was safe, even if you were mad at him for it. And you knew it too. So he wouldn't by make a promise he wouldn't hesitate to break. Not today anyway. 
The car was silent for a few moments and Tommy wasn't looking at you anymore. He did that sometimes after admitting something to you. Like he was scared to look into your eyes, and see that you didn't like what he said. And honestly, sometimes you didn't. Sometimes you wished your husband never told you the things he'd done that day or whose blood you were washing off his hands in the middle of the night. But most times like tonight, when he'd finally look up he'd see the same love he saw the day he married you and many days before that. You gently took his face in you hands and guided him to look at you again.
"Tommy, I can't say I'm not mad you didn't tell me the truth sooner, but I'm glad you did now," you started, "I'm alright and so are you and no one is going to hurt us. I get why you wanted to hide it from me, I don't always want to tell you what's scaring me either." Tommy averted his eyes and scoffed briefly at the implication of being scared. Yes, it was true but he still didn't like admitting it. "But I'm glad you told me now, yeah? It's better to get it out eventually than hold it in forever. So I wish you'd told me sooner but for now I'm glad you did. And thank you for apologizing, I forgive you... but I just ask next time someone's threatening ME, that I be the first one you tell yeah? Who knows maybe I can think of a better plan to get rid of him than you huh?"
Tommy closed his eyes briefly, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder. Talking had allowed a weight to lift from his shoulders. Not just because he knew the man was gone, but because he'd finally told you the truth. And apparently, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Yes, he knew you'd still probably lecture him slightly for lying more later, but for now he was just happy for you to know the truth. 
"Yeah Love, that I can try to do. Fuck, I can try."
Your fingers pulled the back of his hair lightly as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"'Try,' Thomas?"
A small huff of laughter came from his mouth as he pulled back to look at you again. Now that you'd both told the truth there was a lightness there, which hadn't been present all week.
"Promise, I promise you'll be the first to know if any rat bastard ever thinks of threatening you again eh?"
"That sounds more like it, my dear darling."
This time it was your turn to rest your head on his shoulder for a few moments as silence once more overtook the car. When you looked up again, you moved to gently kissed your husband on his still reddened cheek. As you went to do it a second time he turned his head, allowing your lips to connect with his as he returned the kiss gently. It took a few seconds before he tried deepening it again, and his hands had just reached the hem of your skirt when he was once again stopped. Panting slightly you resting your forehead against his, slightly brushing the loose strands on the back of his neck. He let out a soft groan at that. He loved the way your fingers felt playing with his hair like that, especially if it was late at night when you were both in bed after a long day.
"Yeah Love?"
"I still am meeting Lizzie tonight. If I stay at this house for one more minute I may actually set something on fire," you finished, readjusting your skirt and turning the car on again. If you left now you'd still just barely make it. "Like I may actually give Alfie Solomons a run for his money with the fight I'm going to put up if I don't get out within the next five minutes. Or I may pay him to do it for me, the lovely man. He use to be a boxer you know. "
Tommy rolled his eyes at the Alfie comment before smirking and leaning back in his seat, putting one arm around the back of yours, "Alright then Love let's get going."
You laughed, pushing his arm back and turned to him, "Oh, no chance in hell you're coming with me. I may forgive you for lying to me, but you're still not out of the dog house yet. Besides, this is a night for ME and Lizzie. Not me, Lizzie, and YOU."
"Come on Love. I'm sure Lizzie wouldn't mind. After all, it still could be dangerous out there. It is getting dark after all."
"Well then it's a pretty good think I can protect myself isn't it? Remember the gun Esme got me for Christmas? And so can Lizzie. You aren't the only one with tricks up your sleeve. So you. Hop out of the car before I'm forced to make you and," You leaned closer, "how about you spend the time I'm gone planning another apology eh?"
Tommy let out a huff of laughter, but complied. He walked around the front of the car again before leaning down to the still open window. 
"Another apology eh? I thought you'd already taken the first one."
"Of course, but you still have to make up for earlier to remember? After all, I won't be out with Lizzie all night and you did say you'd stay in your office until 10:30. That's something else to make up for isn't it? You didn't even give me time to start a bath to hide, cheater," you teased lightly as you played with Tommy's tie and his eyes light up like they had earlier when you'd sent him to the office.
"Oh that's the kinda apology you want isn't it? I can manage that. I can manage that very well Love. How about this time I hide for you to find me? Change up our little game eh?" Tommy kissed your hand teasingly before finally stepping back to let you leave. "Though I did help Curly clean the horses earlier at Charlie's yard, and that was a bit messy" Tommy restated your words earlier, "So when you're done why don't you start by looking in places one can get a little less...dirty eh? Maybe the bath will still be warm...."
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skxllz · 7 months
(shhhhh I'm testing out a new fandom. this is just experimental. PS- let me know what I can do to better improve my writing for him.)
john shelby x fem! american! reader: to touch you, is to feel gold amongst my finger tips
“ shh- keep yer’ fuckin’ mouth shut, would’ya? ”
you giggled in a hushed manner while stumbling down the cobblestone path to the shelby manner. it was late- around one in the morning when you two set out of the car and down the road to the house, freshly smelling of alcohol and john's cigars from celebrating all night. it was your birthday, just having turned twenty three. given it was six months down the line that you and the shelby man had been eloped in an arrangement of sorts... john figured it'd be a good idea to wed you into his ideal web of fun. drinking, dancing the night away, possibly snorting some forbidden snow and better yet- causing a wee bit of trouble.
see, you were only eight months into pearling around birmingham. when you first arrived, you were seen as nothing more than an innocent, bobolyne (1) of a gal. wearing long, flowy skirts and cute tops sewn with what seemed to be faux pearls and jewels; smiling so kindly to whoever passed by you; having the jolliest of pep in your step over the smallest things. It was sickening to a lot of the folks, given their little quarry of a town was so used to being dreary and filled with... well, people who weren't like you.
that seemed to be a temporary stain on your name for a month – before polly gray, the shelby brothers’ aunt, caught site of you at the cheltenham races speaking brashly to an older man who just wouldn't keep his mits off of you. you backhanded him and kneed him in a very particular area, earning not only interest from the woman, but the utmost respect for not letting yourself to be whored out.
she unintentionally met your father, who spoke rather highly of you. the two mingled, she found out you were in need of a suitor, and the rest is history up until this point.
because of being wedged into the shelby family and in the protection of them, the town's people no longer looked at you funny. If they did, john would have his way them – as would his brother, arthur, since he took a liking to you.
“ m’not doing anything! ” you lightly hissed, trying to keep yourself upright in the green wedges you wore. there was barely any height given to you, yet the heal was just not agreeing with your drunken state, leaving you to almost fall more than once.
john made a face of agitation, clicking his tongue. “ y/n; you're ready to fall on your bloody face, for fuck's sake. ” he yet again tried to take ahold of your wobbly body, going in for your arm which had stretched out so you could balance yourself, but you once again shooed him away. even though it's been a short amount of time, john's come to realize you were not like any woman he's met; you were a stubborn broad. he admired that, though. surprisingly..
“ you know what? ” john muttered to himself, before he spat the toothpick he had between his lips to the ground- only to bend at the knees to scoop you into his arms. the sudden weight of his bicep under the backs of your knees ripped a gasp from you, making you react on instinct to wrap your arms around his neck.
“ john! ” you looked at him with half lidded, sleepy eyes and whined. “ put me down! I can walk on my own. ”
he paid no attention to you, choosing to look ahead with his lips drawn together in a flat line. he scoffed once he heard what you said, trying not to roll his eyes. “ right- ‘cause you could certainly make it up the walk way without runnin’ into the wall and bustin’ yer’ arse. I believe you, sweetheart. ”
you were too out of it to notice his attitude, but you did pick up on the slight sarcasm. “ shut up... ” you huffed, glaring at him; arm lifting to lazily smack him. he immediately looked down at you after that. “ you're just mea- ”
“ say I'm mean, love, and I'll show ya’ how actually mean a shelby can be. ” john interrupted before you could even finish your thought. “ if anythin’, I believe I've treated you quite fairly. had it been anyone else, you'd be kickin’ an’ screamin’ right now. ”
turning his attention forwards again, he took your silence as a good thing - for now, anyway. “ now – be a good girl and hush yer’ mouth, yeah? don't need t’be wakin’ the whole house with yer’ loud gob. ”
It wasn't until john heard a rather small sniffle, barely audible, moments later did he stop in his tracks. he looked down, only to see you looking away from him with teary eyes and a quivering lip. you were not an emotional person, but getting drunk always toyed with your brain to where you'd get easily offended. so in a way, you were an emotional drunk. It could be quite annoying on your end, because even though you got upset over little things, you didnt want to - which only made you more upset. and being more upset, made you even more upset. the cycle just kept going which would eventually lead you to balling your eyes out.
fortunately for john, he wasn't oblivious to this act within a drunken state. when ada was younger and first started her fair share of booze, she'd get emotional as well, leaving her brothers to coddle her in someway because any chap that even tried to sweep her away, arthur and thomas would see to it.
with a sigh, john pondered in his head on how to approach this situation with ease without accidentally hurting you more. he could have quite the temper at times - as well as say things a bit harsher than meaning to, and it could break the dam that was barely holding your tears upright. that is something he didn't need nor want to happen. everyone in the house would awake from the fuss, and he'd be left to feeling like an asshole for making his future bride, cry.
“ sweetheart... ” carefully, he set you down - but immediately you stumbled from not being fast enough to catch the door. due to this, john quickly fastened an arm around her waist as he stood - thankfully, it cracked a small smile from him. “ careful. don't need you breakin’ somethin’. ”
you had looked at him, chin downcasted just a bit, making your eyes seem larger and doe-eyed. lip stuck in a jutted pout with the tiniest line of mascara running down your cheek, you appeared to look like a little kid planning on getting payback; just, with the way you looked, so devilish yet cute.
it pulled on John's heart strings.
“ don't look at me like that... ” he mumbled, lifting his free hand to caress your cheek into a gentle cradle of his palm. “ ya’ know I fuckin’ hate it when you give me those eyes. I can't resist ‘em. ”
(I'm stopping here. this was only an experimental piece. I did plan on finishing it, but for now I'd just like opinions on this.)
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 year
1919-Part Eight
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So this took waaaaay too long to finish! I've been crazy busy with my summer internship so I have little free time right now. Let me know what you guys think of this one!
Warnings: Language, smuuuuuut (18+, MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 3131
‘What’s it like…leaving home for the first time?’ I asked softly, nuzzling my face into his neck. Our warm bodies sank together in his bed as the sun began to rise, shining on our skin. 
His eyes found their way to mine, sharply raising a brow. My smile softened as I stroked the tips of my fingers against his tight stomach.
His chest rose high and caved in such a way that warmed my insides. Resting his head on his shoulder, his fingers grazed up and down my spine. Goosebumps cooled my warm skin. 
Every moment we spent together in the last few nights made it harder to peel away from each other. Ever since he had left, I was searching for this fulfillment through any body I could. Other men were good to me, great even. But my thirst for the person I secretly longed for, the touch of the man who knows every inch of my skin and how to make it submit to him, was far stronger. 
He knew my heart, even better than Polly did. He read me so well, but to be fair, he can read most people well. This was different though. He empathized with me. He didn’t use the weakest parts of myself against me, like he had done to so many others. He listens to me ramble on about all the things I felt in the moment and all of the things I loved, because he truly wanted to know. 
 And when he smiles, oh god. My heart aches like it’s the first time witnessing such beauty. It would be a tragedy to go on in life without being the one Thomas Shelby was smiling down on. I felt tremendously loved by him in this moment, even though he would never say it. 
I was falling in love with him again. In a way, I’ve always been in love with him. But this love is different than before. This love, I felt, is something more mature and something much more valuable than before. Our foundation had been built so long ago. Peeling back the layers of eachother after the war was something I craved. This type of love I felt for him was so fucking consuming.  
‘Leaving was dreadful mostly��but also a bit freeing.’ I tried to imagine what it felt like to leave home without knowing if you’d ever make it back. 
‘Freeing, is it? In what way?’ 
His hand fell into my hair, lightly stroking, causing me to nuzzle even closer to him. 
‘It’s hard to explain…I finally realized how small and replacable I am in this world. When you grow up in a shitty little town like Small Heath, you forget that there is so much more outside of this place and these people. It changed the way I looked at the world. We are so finite. It’s humbling.’ 
His words vibrated off his chest as he spoke so eloquently, so at ease, as if he was thinking out loud to me. I felt my entire body fill with adoration and devotion. 
 I hummed in acknowledgment, finding comfort in his words.
‘If you could snap your fingers and go anywhere in the whole world…where would’ya go?’
Seconds passed by before Tommy wraped his arm around my waist, flipping me to my back, pining me under him. I yelped before grabbing his shoulders, giggling.
‘Wherever you are, love.’ 
Goosebumps again. 
He smiled down so wide, it was contagious. His dark features glowed as the sun glistened from his skin. The crinkles in the corners of his eyes and his deep dimples made me swoon.
I blushed under his gaze, reaching up to stroke his freckled cheek.
‘Why are you asking? I’ve finally got you back in my bed. You’re not going anywhere, Jas.’ He whispere a bit playfully before leaning down to nibble at my neck. 
I couldn’t help but rub my thighs together to relieve the ache between my legs. His breath on my skin sent shudders through me. 
‘Or you could take me away from here. Just for a little while…’ I mumbled before my eyes fluttered closed. He kissed down my neck as I spoke. My arms wrapped around his back, pulling him closer to me. 
He snapped his head back up and smiled so innocently. 
‘Alright.’ He said, pecking my lips quickly before practically jumping out of bed. 
I sat up, covering myself with the light white sheets, hair falling into my face. 
‘The hell are you doing?’ I laughed as he started to get dressed in front of me, pulling on an old pair of slacks. 
‘I thought you said you wanted me to take you away for a while?’
My whole body froze with shock and excitement. I knew ‘a while’ for Tommy meant an afternoon away from work, maybe something overnight if I was lucky. I didn’t mind though, my heart swelled at his attempt to make me happy.  He never had to try though. I was happy just to be around him, witnessing his beauty and brilliance.
I stared at him with a smile, sheets still loosly hanging around my chest. He stopped to stare back, examining my body. 
‘As much as I would love to keep you in my bed like that, you should go get dressed. I want to show you something. 
‘Not that I’m not enjoying this, because I am, but where the hell are we going?’ I asked, seated behind Tommy ontop of Gleam. We were seemingly roaming the countryside, which I didn’t mind, but I was curious as to what he needed to show me. 
 The sun attempted to peak through the clouds and trees today. We were trutting slowly down a graveled and rocky road, green is all I saw beyond the path. Along with a small farm house every few minutes or so. It was peaceful here. The only sounds I heard in the distance were dogs barking and the crackling of bonfires. 
Without answering me, he led Gleam towards the entrance of a larger farm house, splattered along the green hills of the countryside. Its abundant surrounding lands were protected by a low stone wall that winded around the property. 
‘What are we doing here?’ I asked as he plopped off of Gleam, reaching for my hand to help me down. My gaze was fixed on all of the open land this place had. I wondered who was rich enough to afford a place like this and what in the hell were two locals like us doing here?
‘Come on, let’s go inside.’ He said after leaving Gleam untied since we were fenced into the property. He grabbed my hand playfully and pulled me towards the entrance.
It was almost as beautiful on the inside. It was quaint but elegant. Nothing too gaudy or obnoxious. It was mostly empty though. The only thing inside the kithen was a high standing island in the middle. The floors were shiny and marbled with a black trim. 
Tommy walked in behind me, shutting he door. 
‘Living room in just ahead, bedrooms extend to the right of it. Nothing in em yet.’ He said casually, like he had been here plenty of times before. I gauked at him curiously. 
‘It’s fucking beautiful, yeh? Who’s is it?’ 
‘It’ll be John and Esme’s in a few weeks. I was offered this property months ago and with how well we’ve been doing at the betting shop, we could afford it.’ He shifted his weight before continuing. 
‘Those two deserve to have a place like this. Those kids deserve something nice and big, not a tiny bedroom in the middle of fucking town. Do you think they’ll like it?’ I could see that he was searching for my approval. 
I grabbed his face, pulling him into a soft kiss, in approval of his kindness. 
‘Of course, they will! This is so so perfect, Tommy. The kids will be so much happier here. Esme will be so greatful. She’s getting too crammed up in town. She needs to live out on the countryside. You did such a good job, Thomas!’ I smiled up at him, squeezing his hands in mine and praising him for doing something so thoughtful for his brother.
He smiled and sighed loudly in relief, as if my words were fact and he no longer had to worry or question his decision. 
‘That’s what I’d hope you’d say.’ He whispered. His hands dropped to trace lines against the tops of my thighs. My dress rose up as he exposed my skin to the cool air. 
I hummed in delightment, egging him on. 
‘You’re such a good man, Thomas Shelby.’ My hands scaled the length of his stomach, trailing down to his belt buckle. 
His eyes grew darker at my words, he let out a low groan. His hands hiked my dress up over my ass, squeezing both of my cheeks in his massive hands. I squeeked under his intrusive touch. Every inch of skin he touched lit me aflame. 
I lifted up on my tippy toes to kiss him slowly and deeply as I unfastened the buckle.
My hands stopped as his tongue pushed its way inside of my mouth, fighting my tongue for dominance over my mouth. He pinched my ass cheeks with each hand harshly as he pulled me off his mouth and pushed me away from him. I stumbled backwards, catching myself from falling over my feet.
He stood plainly, catching his breath in his chest as he spoke. 
‘Take off your dress.’ His voice dripped with lust as his eyes were dark with desire. He leaned his back against the kitchen island, hands in his pockets. 
He wanted to watch me strip down. 
My breath hitched, feeling so small under his gaze. 
I reach behind my back to untie the strap around my waist. As my bright yellow dress became loose. I pushed the sleeves down my arms, wiggling the dress down and around the dips of my hips. 
His eyes devoured my body from across the room for what seemed like minutes. Finally, he reached down and palmed his obvious erection, relieving the throbbing behind his pants. 
I drew my lip into my mouth as I watched him watch me. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to do. 
‘All of it, off.’ He growled out as he unzipped his pants and casually released his hard cock from its imprisonment. My mouth hung open slightly as my eyes couldn’t look away. He started to stroke himself lazily, waiting for me to pull off my soaking panties and bra. 
As I untied my bra strap, I let it fall to the floor, along with my panties too. 
At some point in the process, he had stripped away his coat, exposing the holsters that wrapped around his shoulders and chest, excentuating his large and broad figure. Aside from his exposed cock and lower tummy, he was completely clothed. 
I watched him stroke up and down his long cock; I was practically drooling. He noticed and let out a light chuckle at how desperate I was. 
‘Get on your knees, Jasmine.’ My heart fluttered and my pussy clenched at his use of my name and his command. I did as I was told instantly, falling to my knees. 
He walked towards me until his cock was level to me.  I hadn’t done this with him in years. I was feeling much more confident in my abilities than I did the first time around. 
It twitched in excitement as his hand fell to my chin and lifted up my face to look at him. I batted my eyes needily, putting on a show for him.
‘Tell me what you want.’ He said, voice flat and dark. 
‘I want your cock in my mouth Tommy, please.’ I said softly, my voice shooting an octave higher. My hands rested on my thighs and I straightened my back out, sticking out my tits.
He groaned again, followed by a laugh. 
‘I like you on your knees, begging like that.’ He practically whispered, releasing his hand from my chin. 
I took this as my opportunity. I wrapped my hand around the base of him, licking my tongue slowly up the length of him before pushing my lips past the sensitive head of his cock. I swirled my tongue along the roundness of it, forcing a sharp inhale of breath from Tommy. His hands fell into my hair, wrapping the length of it around his hands and pushing my head further onto him. His cock slowly filled my mouth, pushing towards the back of my throat. He held my head in place, forcing me to adjust to his massive size. 
I gagged slightly as my throat burned at the intrusion. Tears pricked my eyes. His breathing became erratic as his head fell back. His hands still mangled into my hair. 
Finally, he pulled back. I gasped, filling my lungs with oxygen. I quickly continued to move my mouth up and down his length easily, using my hand to stroke him into my mouth. I looked up, tears running down my cheeks as he began to fuck my throat. My eyes widened as my throat relaxed and opened up for him. He felt me relax around him and hummed in acklowedgment.
I pulled back and before I could continue, he pulled me up from my knees and kissed me sloppily, pushing my body towards the large red ruh in the living room. Aside from the rug, the room was empty, to no surprise.
He lowered to the floor, taking me into his lap with him, my legs loosely wrapped around his waist. He didnt break the kiss as I positioned myself against him, grinding my wet folds over his shaft. 
‘Fucking Christ…I need to be inside you.’ He heaved out desperately. He cupped both of my tits in each of his hands, squeezing. He marveled at my hardened nipples, licking his lips. 
Slowly, I lifted myself up. As I did so, Tommy positioned his dick at my entrance. As he did so, I lowered myself down as he watched his swelling member disappear inside of me. My tight opening relaxed and stretched to accomadate his size. 
His mouth hung open and he let out a choked whimper. I lowered myself down slowly, filling myself up inch by inch, until I was at the base of him. We both held still for a few moments, looking into each other’s eyes, as both of our faces contorted in pain and pleasure. 
‘You are so so perfect like this, love. I love-I love this…’ He stumbled over his words and I almost melted right there as he spoke so sincerely and so truly. He was just a man making love to his woman. I knew this was the real Tommy. 
‘Tommy, fuck you’re so big.’ I moaned out as I began to move up and down on his cock, riding him. I let my hands bear down on his strong shoulders and he wrapped his hands around my love handles, squeezing the flesh underneath his hands. 
‘That’s it…fuck yourself on my cock. You fucking filthy girl.’ He spoke lowly into my ear as my ass rose up and slammed back down onto his thighs over and over again. His words alone were enough to send shocks through my pussy. 
I did as I was told and moved up and down on his length, pressing my hands behind me and onto his thighs, sticking out my chest.
Bearing me down on him, Tommy held my hips in place as he fucked up into me hard and fast. I gasped, my breath getting caught in my chest. My head fell onto his massive shoulder. I was immobilized by his penetration. He was ripping me open in the best way. His cock was hitting the sweetest spot inside of me over and over and over again. 
Our sweaty bodies moved in sync as he flipped me onto my back and fucked me senseless. He held both of my wrists in one hand above my head and the other hand rubbed my swollen clit frantically. The room nearly started spinning as the sensations and pleasure and his beautiful face and body and heart hung over me, taunting me. 
‘Thomas, pl-please don’t s-stop! I stuttered out, closing my eyes in pleasure as he lifted my hips up with his own and fucked me even deeper on the floor of this lovely farm house.
‘Jasmine…fuck baby, I-I love you.’ 
My eyes shot open, but his were still closed in pleasure. He didn’t seem to notice the words that had just left his mind and flew out of his mouth. 
I tried to hide the beeming smile on my face. Did he really love me? Or was he just caught up in the moment? We had been fucking for the last three days and he had never said anything like this before. I knew I loved him too. 
‘Thomas look at me.’ I moaned as his eyes lifted to watch my naked figure rocking to the motion of his thrusts. He looked desperately into my eyes. They looked bewildered and almost like he was regretful. Then I realized it. 
I reached my hands up to cup his face and he slowed his thursts, watching me. 
‘I love you, Thomas.’ I smiled, hoping this wouldn’t scare him away. 
His mouth plunged into mine, kissing me so furiously. I felt the smile he let creep into the kiss which made me smile too. 
He kissed me and rubbed me and fucked me just enough to push me right off the edge. 
‘I-I’m gonna come Tommy…’ I whispered into his ear as he hung over me, thursting deeper and deeper into me. I wrapped both legs around his waist, getting as close as I possibly could to his body. The only place I ever wanted to be again was under him, protected and loved completely. 
‘Me too…come with me, Jasmine.’ He moaned out as he fucked into me relentlessy, rubbing my hungry clit as a massive wave of pleasure washed over every inch of my body. One last hard thrust and Tommy came right after me, filling me completely with his hot liquids. He whimpered softly over me. His face contorted so sweetly. I loved seeing the most intimate parts of Tommy.
As we both came down, he didn’t move from above me. He just studied my face as I studied his. I couldn’t be sure what he was thinking. I was terrified he regretted saying something like that in the heat of the moment. I didn’t though, I meant it. I always did. But did he?
Taglist below:
@lyarr24 @forgottenpeakywriter @casa-boiardi @tigernach575 @crabat-the-queen @adaydreamaway08 @trixie23 @sunset24t
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Immortal Beloved - Chapter One.
Oh guys, when I tell you I was touched beyond words at how this was received by you all. I have been sitting here squeaking with joy at your lovely reviews! If I have missed anybody out in my thank you notes, please take my humble apology and know that I appreciate you so much for taking the time to both read and offer feedback.
Okay, so on with the first chapter, then. You'll notice here that my imagination weaves with canon to make some slight changes, such as giving the boy's (and Ada's) mother a name, also I wrote John only to have one child with his late wife. It made sense to me, not having to pull focus from the plot too much by having to characterise four little ones on top of everything else.
So yes, here we are, then. I think I'm going to choose Thursday as our update day and keep it to once a week posting. Those who know me of old know that I often like to throw in a little surprise update sometimes, though! Once again, thank you so much for the feedback, and I truly hope you continue to enjoy it :)
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Previous chapters - Prologue
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 4,057
Warnings - Adult themes + vampire content throughout. Minors DNI!
He was still in a daze as he entered the back room, seeing Polly lift her gaze from the paper she read in front of the crackling hearth, her dark eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re bloody white as a sheet. If you’re about to be sick, go back outside. I’ve neither the desire nor patience for mopping up the contents of your stomach.”  
“Nah, I’m... I’m alright, Pol,” he began, his voice just as vacant as the expression upon his face, the toothpick between his lips practically dangling.  
She wasn’t convinced by his statement, placing the paper upon the arm of the chair and rising to her feet. “John, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, and you...” She sniffed his breath, her mouth down turning as she scoffed, “and you stink like a brewery floor. What did Tommy say, eh, about getting in this state. Look at you!”  
Her admonishment barely even landed; John still in a state of shock at what he’d witnessed, his eyes flitting to the table. Whiskey. Yes.  
Polly’s gaze followed. “No. There’ll be no more of that. You’ve had enough.”  
Finally, he moved, side stepping his aunt as he reached for the bottle, uncorking it rapidly and drinking from it directly. “Believe me, Pol. After what I just saw, all the fucking whiskey in Ireland ain’t enough.”  
She folded her arms, watching as he crashed down in the chair opposite the one she’d been comfortably sitting in. “Well, you don’t look hurt. Whatever it was, it can’t have been that bad.” 
“Not for me, but...” he began, taking another swig of the golden liquid within his grasp, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve as his eyes found hers, “for the fella outside missing his head, I can’t say the same.”  
“You bloody what, John Shelby?” Her voice rose like a siren, Polly’s authoritative boom filling the space. “A Rasmussen, I take it? And since when have you been in the habit of lopping off heads and leaving the evidence all over the bloody street? Holy shit, you boys will be the death of me!”  
She then studied him a little closer. No blood. He'd have been covered in more than just a fine misting of crimson, should he have removed somebody of their head. It also wasn’t John’s style, as far as despatching of an enemy went. He was a gangster, not a barbarian. She wouldn’t have even pegged his elder brothers for such acts, and their bloodlust far exceeded John’s. Her statement was about to be recanted when her nephew offered his reply.  
“No, not me. I didn’t do fuck all!” he corrected, gulping back more whiskey, the shock starting to soften as his muscles began to unclench, one by one. “It weren’t me, but you wouldn’t believe me if I told you what I’ve just seen out there.”  
“Is that so?” she charged, moving swiftly to stand beside his chair. “Try me.”  
He pointed his index finger towards the door, his eyes rounding once more as he relived it in his mind. “A woman, a fucking woman in a white dress, covered in blood, moving faster than I could see. She fucking... grabbed this fella, right, like he was a kiddie’s doll, bit into his neck, and then ripped his fucking head off. I ain’t lying to ya. I swear on my soul, that’s what I saw. She had these teeth, teeth like a fucking wolf.” 
Polly lifted her chin, a wave of cold dread sloshing through her insides. She knew exactly what John had seen, but could scarcely believe it. They were back. “You’re drunk. Go to bed.”  
His eyes narrowed, leaning forward in his seat. Her answer, it had been a little too swiftly delivered. “You believe me, don’t you? You know what she was.” 
“I said go to bed.” 
“I ain’t going nowhere until you tell me what the fuck that thing outside was.” Yes, Polly could be firm, but so could her nephew. It was a trait that ran strongly through the Shelby blood. She sighed, her shoulders dropping, striding to the cabinet and fetching two glasses.  
“Pour.” John met her instruction wordlessly, tipping the whiskey into the glasses she held, taking the other from her. Polly sank into her seat, sipping her whiskey and pulling a cigarette from the case beside her, lighting up. “Your great-grandmother used to call them the shadow walkers, but it’s only since that Bram Stoker fellow wrote his novel that there’s been a commonly known name for them. That woman you saw, John, she wasn’t human. She was a vampire.”  
John was baffled, and his face showed it. “But they ain’t real. I’ve heard of that book you’re on about, Dracula, isn’t it? They... they’re fiction.” 
A light snort sounded from Polly’s nose, her cigarette glowing as she took a fierce drag upon it. “Most people think that they are. They think of them as nothing more than monsters of make-believe, dreamed into existence by the imagination of a brilliant novelist.” Pausing, she smirked darkly, sighing through her nose. “I wish to god above I was one of those people. They keep themselves very well hidden, the vampires. And who would believe it, that these blood sucking creatures of the night truly exist, eh? Seeing is believing, though, and by god, John. I wish you hadn’t seen her. Those things, they’re evil incarnate.” 
“She saved me life,” he admitted, eyebrows rising a fraction. “That man, and apparently three mates of his, they were all waiting for me. The one missing his head was Samuel Rasmussen. She knew him by name.”  
Polly cocked her head slightly. “What did she say to you?”  
“Not much,” he sniffed, sipping his drink. “Said what I’ve just told you, then said my blood smelled like earth and fire, other things an’ all but I forget what. Oh, and that I was the most beautiful creature she’d seen in a long time.” 
She smiled, nodding slightly. “Well, she got that part right. You take after your mother in that respect.” It never ceased to amaze her, just how much John resembled Thora, her late sister-in-law. His blue eyes, lily skin and auburn hair came straight from her. “I’m warning you now, though. What she did for you won’t have been out of sheer magnanimity, oh no. There’ll be a reason behind it, and whatever that reason is, I am telling you, John, you’ll want for no part in it.” 
He smirked, feeling a little more himself. “What if the reason is that she just wants to fuck me?” 
Immediately, he found his ear clipped. “Fucking hell, Pol!” 
“Take something seriously for once in your fucking life!” 
He rubbed the side of his head, chewing aggressively on his toothpick. “I bloody am.” 
Her snort dripped in sarcasm “Like fuck, you are. You’d want throwing right into the loony bin if you even contemplated that, you bloody daft boy!” She remained forward in her seat, her dark eyes fixing him in an unbreakable stare. “Don’t trust her, not even for a second, or it’ll be your head ripped off your shoulders and left out for the coppers to find next. You hear me?” 
“You make it sound like I’m going to see her again,” he mused, swirling the whiskey around within the glass tumbler before sinking it.  
“You will,” she assured, her tone bitter. “You will see her again, because like I said, they don’t do anything without good reason to, those creatures. But you’ll be prepared. Carry a silver knife and get up to the church sharpish, fill a little bottle with holy water from the font. When weaponised, silver will kill her and the water will burn. And whatever you do, John, never, ever invite her into this house. She can’t get in unless she’s invited.”  
He had to wonder how, exactly, Polly had such a wealth of knowledge over them. “Have you ever met one before? You talk like you know them of old.” 
“No, thank god, but your great-grandmother Boswell, she had. Those campfire stories she told us as babes, we knew they weren’t fibs. We heeded her warnings. They’re drawn to gypsy blood, you see, something about it being palatable.” 
“She didn’t bite me, though,” John reasoned, Polly scoffing lightly. 
“If she’d just taken out four other fellas, she probably wasn’t hungry. That’s what they need to survive, the blood of the living. Trust me, she’ll be back, but you’ll be prepared. Stab her in her cold, dead heart and forget you ever met her. Don’t even think twice about it. We’ve got enough to be reckoning with, what with these fucking Rasmussen’s and the pile of shit they’re throwing our way. I don’t need the worry that you’re being stalked by the bloody undead on top of that.”  
“Why didn’t you mention any of this to us before?” 
Sinking her drink, she cleared her throat, reaching for the bottle. “And have you think I’d gone loopy?” Her snorted words brought a smile to John, Polly continuing. “We just don’t speak of them any longer. They’re rare, not an everyday threat. I’ve never heard hide nor hair of them since hearing nana’s stories, since I was just a young girl.”  
As the lie fell from her lips, Polly felt conflicted. She had to protect him, though. Keep the details scant. Besides, he was too drunk to take on anything else. Indeed, there was more she could have explained. She decided against it, clamping her lips between her teeth for a moment. 
“Hang on,” he spoke, frowning a little. “What did you mean, when you said undead?” 
“They aren’t alive anymore, John.” She paused, picking a little fleck of tobacco from her lip. “They walk and talk, but they’re not really living. Something about how they’re made, I don’t know the details, but yes. Undead. An enchanted corpse, basically.” 
“I dunno about enchanted, but she was enchanting,” he began, the corner of his mouth upturning. “She was bloody beautiful.” His face further softened as he remembered that feeling of magic lingering in the air between he and her, the pull to her, her essence shining like the brightest star within a pitch-black sky.  
“John, no. Absolutely fucking not.” Her pointed finger only momentarily wiped the growing smirk from his handsome features. “I mean it, do not even consider a fucking dalliance with a bloody vampire!”  
He shrugged slightly. “I’ve took worse to bed.” 
“John!” Her acerbic bite of his name had him in soft fits, the whiskey seeming to do the trick in placating the fear he’d felt at the time, now he was no longer in peril. “Your fucking face when you walked in here not ten minutes ago, looking like you’d seen a ghost. I was surprised your trousers were still dry, you looked that afraid!” 
“Bloody hell, Pol. I was only pulling your leg,” he laughed, rising from his seat. “Don’t worry, I ain’t stupid. I’m going to bed. Maybe all of this is just a drunken dream, I dunno.” Suddenly, her foot shot out, kicking him in the shin. “Ow, what the fuck?” 
“Did that feel like a dream to you?” 
“No, it feels like it’s gonna be a whacking great bruise on me leg!” 
She smirked, entertained at herself. “Good, might have knocked a bit of sense into you. Goodnight, love.” 
“Yeah, night, Pol.” 
He departed for the stairs, ambling up quietly so as not to wake Finn, entering his room and shivering upon the removal of his coat. His stripping of clothes into long johns and a vest was done at speed, diving under the bed covers and burrowing beneath the many woollen blankets. He hated that his room was the farthest from the chimney breast, meaning the heat didn’t ever reach the room where he could see his breath clouding through the darkness, it was so bitterly chilly.  
The knocking through of the three houses that allowed for their once illegal bookmaking endeavours to be run from the Watery Lane properties meant one large communal home, Tommy and Arthur’s abodes flanking the three, John remaining within the house he’d been born in twenty-eight years previously. It was the home he and his late wife had lived in, before he’d sadly lost her four years previously. 
Closing his eyes, he felt the pull of sleep tug at him, drifting off into dreamless slumber, awoken the following morning by the sound of the milkman’s cart doing the morning deliveries. Oh, his head. He needed tea and jam slathered toast, and quickly. Heading downstairs, he warmed enough water to have a wash and shave, combing his hair and returning to pull on a suit, opening the front door to take the milk in off the front step.  
“Morning, Mr Shelby.” 
“Morning, Jack,” he called back to the milkman, his cart paused, John turning to see a throng of people gathered a little further down the lane. “What’s all that about?”  
“Some kids found a headless body down by number six, so I’ve been told. The bobbies are on their way. Shocking business for a Wednesday morning, I can tell you!”  
John’s heart skipped on a beat as the night before rushed back over his neurons. He truly hadn’t been dreaming. “Blimey,” he began, feigning something as close to shock as he could, craning his neck a little further, able to make out the figures of his elder brother’s there surveying the scene, the local constabulary appearing right at the bottom of the lane. “Wonder how he ended up headless?”  
Jack lit a cigarette, his chest tightening as he coughed. “Might be best not to know, eh?” He paused, John seeing it, the unspoken statement there upon the milkman’s face. Grim discoveries close to a Shelby dwelling. Of course, he suspected it had something to do with him or his brothers, but Jack was much too cautious to speak it. Their reputation preceded them, after all.  
“I’ll be moving along now, Mr Shelby.” He flicked the reins, clicking his tongue. “C’mon, Beamish. Walk on.” The giant, bay shire horse snorted before continuing to the next house, Jack’s lad jumping off the back of the cart to lay the required bottles next to each door, both getting a good look at the grizzly scene as they passed it by, Tommy and Arthur having a brief chat with Sergeant Moss before walking back to meet John on the doorstep.  
The former cocked his head back in the direction of the small crowd. “Know anything about that, John? How one of our adversaries came to be missing his head almost right outside our front doors?” He’d recognised Samuel’s face as it lay wide-eyed upon the cobbles ten feet from his body, remembering him from the race meet. 
Tommy watched as his younger brother stepped back into the house, his mouth thinning. “I think we need a family meeting.” With the elders of the Shelby family assembled, cups of tea poured and cigarettes lit, John recounted the events of the night before to his brother’s, Polly interjecting with details that backed up his story. Tommy listened passively, but Arthur, well... 
His gruff laughter sounded through the air, sweeping a hand through his hair. His laughter was not mocking, though. It carried with it all the hollowness of fear. “A bloody what?”  
“Arthur, you know he’s telling the truth,” Polly stated defiantly, her eldest nephew still laughing, laughing to stop himself beginning to shake with fright. 
“What a pile of old shit! A bloody vampire, eh? Fucking hell, you two have lost your faculties if you’re expecting us to believe that!” Turning to his brother, Arthur was surprised to see Tommy completely unmoved by the story, his face unflinching, taking another drag of his cigarette.  
“Come on, Arthur,” he spoke evenly, sipping his tea. “Nobody is having you on, and you know it.” Turning to John, he placed his tea down. “This woman, John. Long, dark hair with a tattooed throat and chest?” 
He nodded a little dumbly. “Yeah, that’s her.”  
Tommy sat back again, flicking ash into the nearby ashtray with a sniff. “She’s been watching the house for a couple of weeks now.”  
“And you didn’t feel the need to mention that to anyone?” Polly charged him with, a deep frown settling between her eyebrows.  
“Speak not of the shadow walkers, lest ye bring them into the light. That’s what our dad used to say,” he revealed, Arthur scoffing immediately as he threw himself to his feet. 
“I ain’t listening to this load of old cobblers! Fucking mad, the lot of ya!”  
“Arthur, you know it’s true. You saw what I did on that night,” he reasoned softly, Arthur’s agitation winding tighter by the second as he paced the flagstones. “It’s time to face up to what happened.” 
“What night?” John demanded lightly, looking between them. Silence followed. “One of you better give me a fucking answer.”  
Tommy paused, bringing his cigarette to his lips once more. “I’ve thought about that night here and there over the years, but never mentioned it. Dad told us not to breathe a word to anyone,” he began, Arthur making a start for the door, almost throwing it off its hinges and slamming it behind him.  
Jerking his head in his wake he raised his eyebrows a fraction. “Terrified the life out of Arthur, so much so that he pissed himself. He’s never come to terms with that he witnessed, refuses to acknowledge it ever happened at all. He can’t comprehend what he saw, what we saw on that night, when dad took us up to the Black Patch when we were nippers to visit family. Now, I don’t know how much Polly revealed to you, but they aren’t spoken about, the shadow walkers as our gypsy kin always referred to them as, but for centuries, they had a pact.  
“Gypsy blood to a vampire is what a fine wine or whiskey is to us, so for hundreds of years, vampires would guard the camps in exchange for feeding upon that blood. That was, at least, until the pact was broken. I don’t know why, and neither did our dad, but one night they returned, to hand out the punishment they felt befitting of that broken pact.  
“Our dad did perhaps the only honourable thing he ever has as a father, and got on a horse, riding us out of there to the nearest church where he hid us away until the dawn. Vampires cannot walk upon hallowed ground, nor can they stand in the daylight, lest they burn to ashes. The rest of the camp weren’t so lucky. People were attacked, only very few surviving, but in a state of dread that one day, they’d be back. I suppose that day was last night, for I highly doubt she’s acting alone.” 
John immediately stared at Polly. “Did you know all of this?” 
She nodded in confirmation. “I did.” 
“So why the fuck didn’t you tell me last night?” he demanded, his eyes narrowing. 
“Because you were drunk as a lord, John. What I said was enough explanation without going into the finer details, of which I wasn’t sure you’d be able to absorb. I’m fucking surprised you comprehended even half of what I told you, to be frank.” 
John’s puzzlement was clear as it ghosted across his face, sighing as he rubbed his brow. “But it don’t make no sense. If she was here because she wanted us dead, some kind of further punishment for our kin breaking the pact, then why am I still alive? She could have had me head off, just the same as she did to Samuel fucking Rasmussen, but she didn’t.” He felt his heart flutter as he remembered how fondly she’d gazed upon him. God, she was such a beauty. 
Tommy shrugged lightly. “At a guess, I’d say she wants to rekindle the blood pact. Why she’d choose us and not one of the other families out there, well, I can’t answer that.” 
“Which means she probably wants something else from us, something greater,” a frowning Polly mused, the dread in her voice quite clear. It was a distinct change to her usual confident, self-assured tone. 
“And we’re not about to give her the chance to even broach it.” Tommy then turned to John, his eyes wide. “You’ll carry a silver knife upon your person from now on, as we all will. Her kind are not to be trusted. Killing that man, I suspect was to lure you into a false sense of security. Vampires are immortal; they have all the fucking time in the world to exact a plan. She’s biding her time.” 
“She didn’t only kill him,” John snorted, jerking his head to the right. “Coppers will find another three bodies somewhere out there soon enough.” 
Tommy rose to his feet, keen to move to his office and begin the day. “All the more reason not to trust her when she returns. Mark my words, John boy. She’ll be back. She’ll be back, I tell you, and it won’t lead to anything good.”  
All talk of vampires, blood pacts and a family history unknown to John meant that he could forget his pounding head for a short time. After his refuelling with toast and tea, he walked through to the offices, grasping the ledger and beginning to write, the space soon filling, the usual loud chaos abounding.  
Hangovers and mysterious, vampiric women aside, John’s day ended certainly more favourably than the previous. The favourite at Epson, Shamrock Pride pulled up lame in the fifth race, just as he was intended to. This netted a very tidy profit for them, John finishing his day with a spring in his step because of it.  
The Garrison for a whiskey or three? Whyever not.  
The soft grasp of a tiny hand curled his little finger, John pausing from pulling on his overcoat to look down into the big, green eyes of his daughter, Katie carrying a book within her grasp.  
“You should be in bed, pige.” Pige. Short for pigeon, the fond pet name for his only child from his short marriage to Martha, his wife taken from him by the cruel clutches of consumption when Katie was mere baby in arms.  
Poking out her bottom lip, she proffered the book forth. The Velveteen Rabbit. It had to have been their fourth read through at that point, the book only published six months before. “Please?” 
He sighed softly through his nose. “Go on,” he spoke to his brother, “I’ll catch up with you.”  
Arthur nodded, leaving John to place his coat over the back of the fireside armchair there in the front room, adjusting his trousers as he sat, Katie scrambling onto his lap. “Right, where were we?”  
Opening the book, the cloth binding soft and velvety against his fingers, John laid the well-worn leather bookmark across Katie’s legs, stroking her strawberry blonde curls as he began to read. Ten minutes, give or take, and she would nod off with her little rosy cheeked face nestled against his chest.  
Eleven and a half minutes later, and the soft little piglet snorts of a babe in slumber filled the space, John smiling down at her. “Let’s get you up them stairs, eh, pige?” Once he’d placed her into her bed and covered her in blankets, he laid a kiss to her forehead, whispering his love before creeping out, overcoat thrown on and a cigarette lit before stepping out into the frigid night.  
Snowflakes fluttered down over the streets of Small Heath, John feeling winter tingle as his cheeks, the flames of the blast furnaces offering a roar of warmth as he passed them by, the lights of The Garrison twinkling through the inky gloom.  
The whisper of his name echoed through his ears, John turning, his eyes scanning for the source. Nobody. On he walked.  
It was louder than before this time as once again he halted, turning, looking for the female to whom the voice belonged. He almost dived out of his skin when upon his turn back, there she was.  
The vampire looked even more breathtaking to him than she had the night before. 
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Old Love Pt4
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Pt1 Pt5
I wake up the following day to Charlie jumping on the bed
"Mummy wake up wake up. Nanna has made breakfast!"
"Hmmm 5 more minutes"
"No mummy come on you need to get up" Charlie pulls the bed sheet off me
"Ok I'm up" I slowing get out of bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Charlie takes my hand and pulls me downstairs to the kitchen. He sits down next to my dad and I sit next to him. Mum places a plate of food in front of me
"Thank you" I give her a smile
"So have you decided if we're going to Polly's?" dad asks me
"Not sure. Is it a good idea? Tommy and I have only just reconciled"
"I think it will be good for Charlie" I look down at my son who's stuffing his mouth with his food
"Slow down Charlie" I scold Charlie
"Sorry mummy"
"I just don't want Charlie to be in the middle of whatever is going on"
"Sorry to say this love, he already is"
I decide that we should go and have diner that day at Polly's. So knocking on the door with Charlie in my arms was super nerve racking. Polly opens the door and smiles
"Aunt Polly" Charlie opens his arms out for Polly to take him
"Hi Charlie are you hungry?"
"Yeah let's go" I chuckle at Charlie and follow Polly into the house. The first to greet me is Arthur by pulling me into a massive hug. Next is John then Finn and Micheal. The final person to greet me was Tommy
"Thank you for coming"
"I'm doing this mainly for Charlie"
"I understand"
"Mummy hurry up I'm hungry. Uncle Arthur is already putting food on his plate. He's going to eat it all!" Charlie runs back into the dinning room
"We err best go and sit down" I give Tommy a small smile and follow where my parents and Charlie have gone. I sit down next to Charlie while Tommy sits opposite us. Johns kids and his wife are dotted around the table
"Mummy can you help cut up my chicken?"
"Of course I can" I take his knife and fork in my hands and cut up his food
"So YN are you moving back to Small Heath?" Arthur asks
"I don't know yet. We will see. I see the betting shop is doing well"
"Yeah it is" there's an awkward silence between us all.
The rest of our meal was quite awkward with a lot of small talk. I watch as Charlie and Johns kids all run around the garden when Tommy walks up to me
"Dinner was a little awkward wasn't it?"
"Just a bit" I chuckle
"He's grown since I last saw him"
"Been eating his greens, unlike his father"
"Don't like vegetable"
"I know. You never did" I finally look up at Tommy who's still watching Charlie play "Tom?"
"Hmm?" Tommy now looks at me
"Yesterday Charlie asked me if you still loved us. Hearing him say that broke my heart"
"I've fucked this up haven't I?"
"We both have" I shrug
"How do I repair our relationship?"
"Be his dad. Go play with him" I nod towards Charlie
"He will tell you, be glad he's not a girl else you'd be playing as a princess" I say making us both laugh "you know he loves horses, bond over that. Take him to Charlie's yard to meet the horses"
"Can I have him for the day tomorrow?"
"Don't you need to be at the betting shop?" I ask frowning
"Polly's in charge tomorrow"
"Then you are more than welcome to have him"
"Would you like to join us?"
"Oh I don't know"
"You don't still have a fear of horses do you?"
"Maybe" I chuckle
"Then you definitely need to come with us tomorrow"
"I don't have any boots with me" I try to get out of going to the farm
"I'm sure Ada will let you borrow hers"
"No buts. Your coming with us tomorrow"
"Fine, but I'm not ridding" I cross my arms
"We will see"
We continue to watch Charlie and the kids playing until it was time to leave Polly's and go home
"Mummy will we live with daddy again?"
"I'm not sure baby" I say tucking Charlie into bed
"I'd like to live with daddy again"
"Maybe one day we will, but even if we don't, daddy will always love you and so will I"
"I love you too mummy" I bend down and kiss Charlie on the forehead
"Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams"
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pandoraslove · 2 years
little violinist
this one is pretty long, but I really like it. It was just something I’ve been thinking about all day. Hope you like it. 
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Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 1761
Being the youngest Shelby has its perks. Apart from being spoiled rotten and you were also very loved. Arthur, Tommy, and John were all in some way a father figure just as much as your older brothers. Arthur was more nurturing, Tommy was more fatherly in the way that he always gave you advice when it came to school or anything other than boys because the lord knows that he’d murder any boy you even showed signs of liking. John knew how to cheer you up in every situation. Ada and Polly were the best when it came to more feminine things like hair, make up, and style. Finn is your partner in crime and best friend, you two are close since you’re only a year apart. 
At the young age of 5, everyone noticed how much you loved music. You’d hum to a song you’d heard and match its pitch with whatever objects you could find. At the age of 6, you stumbled upon a violinist, he was old, well into his 50′s, and playing for money, but the sound he emitted from his instrument was so enticing, you stood and watched him play. You didn’t know how much time had passed as you watched him play, but it was long enough for your family to notice you were no longer with them. They’d found you sitting on the concrete floor, legs criss cross, watching the man play his melodies. 
Thomas got you your first violin a few weeks later, right before all of them left to fight in the war. In those four years, you dedicated almost all your free time to playing the violin. It was your escape, you practiced until your finger were numb and only until you perfected every note would you think about stopping, most of the time you’d still continue. Your music was rarely heard, though, Not by Ada or Polly and not even by Finn. Your music was yours and yours alone. You’d leave in the morning with your violin, carry it around school and practice somewhere secluded after school. Or you’d leave after breakfast on the weekends while Polly was busy with the business. 
When the boys returned from the war, you weren’t able to spend as much time playing and practicing as you’d like. They became more protective than the last time you’d seen them. The first year they were back, after turning 11, you played in front of them for the first time. It was a simple song called ‘Andantino’. It was one of the first songs you tried to learn and succeeded. It was slow and beautiful. It was the first time any of them had heard you play and to say the least they were stunned. You were 11 and playing beautifully. 
That was the only time you’d played for them for a long time. It always made you nervous when others heard you play. you were a little afraid of their judgment. No one ever pushed you to play. When you were 14, you stopped playing for a few months. School was becoming more stressful and it felt like you barely had any time to play. When school ended for the year, you picked your violin back up and worked hard to regain you skill level. You’d go to your Uncle Charlie’s place and go as far out onto the field as you could so no one would hear you play. And if they did it would sound incredibly distant and faint. you tried to maintain the habit even when school started again. 
You ended up graduating high school early, at 16, and began to focus on your violin. It wasn’t strange for your family to not see you for the entire day as you’d spend it out practicing and playing. 
One day, you decided to go back to the market in which the old man with the violin was at. You had little hope you’d find him there but you did. Still playing the violin. You watched and listened to his music. It was just as beautiful as you remembered. He saw you from afar and beaconed you over when he finished his piece. 
“You seem awfully familiar...” He says trying to remember, “The little girl who watched me play for nearly an hour a decade ago?” You smile slightly. 
“Did you ever learn to play?” He asks. 
“I did.” He hands his violin to you and gestures for you to play. You took a moment to breathe and decided which song you would be playing. You let your fingers lead you, the memory of each note to lead you. You let everything go and let the music guide you, ‘Gymnopédie No. 1′ was the piece you had decided on playing in that moment. You shut your eyes and played the song by memory, every note was smooth and beautifully played. The music transported you somewhere safe, somewhere warm and comfortable. Once you finished the piece you opened your eyes and found a bigger crowd then the one before watching the man. He was in front of you with an astonished face. 
“That was absolutely beautiful, and all of it by memory... my God, you were born to be a violinists.” He says as you hand him back his violin. 
“I wouldn’t be here, playing the violin, if it weren’t for me hearing your music 10 years ago, I have you to thank.” You say walking away, but not before leaving a pouch with money inside the hat he was using to collect his earnings. 
When you arrived back home you found Thomas, Arthur, John, Ada, Polly, and Finn all in the living room. You were a little happier when you arrived from when you left. 
“I heard you gave quite a show today, Y/n.” Thomas says. You look at him a little shocked he’d found out but held a smile on your face nonetheless. 
“What? Where?” Ada questions. 
“At the market, the old man who was playing the violin 10 years ago still plays there.” You inform them. 
“And he let you play? How did he know you played the violin?” John asks. 
“Yes. And he recognized me. It felt amazing playing for a crowd. I used to be so afraid of playing in front of people, even you guys but after today, It felt so... magical in a way.” you say. 
“maybe you should do it more often then,” Polly says, everyone agrees. 
“Maybe, I should...” You say.
“Why don’t you play at the Garrison?” Arthur says. 
“That’s a great idea, you can play tomorrow night.” Thomas says. 
“The Garrison is a pub, Who the hell goes to a pub to listen to a violinist?” You retort. 
“Tomorrow can be a special event, it’s a great idea come on, Y/n.” Arthur tries to convince you. 
“It’s an awesome opportunity, y/n. You play really fucking well, everyone would love to hear you.” Finn says. 
“And we’ll all be there, so you’ll have more confidence and all our support. you’ll do great.” Ada persuades. 
“So, What do you say, Y/n?” Polly says after a while of you contemplating. 
“...Fine. I’ll do it, if you all promise to be there.” You say at last. 
“Deal.” Thomas says. 
That night you decided on which songs you would play. Some were slow and some were fast, but all were just as beautiful. You decided on playing the song you played earlier that day at the market first, then ‘Andantino’, ‘Concerto for Violin in A minor’, Accolay: Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, a part of Brahms: Violin Concerto in D minor op. 77, Scottish Fantasy Op. 46 and then finish off with ‘Salut d’amour’. You would only play for an hour, that's the amount of time you all agreed on. 
The next day when you woke up you decide you wanted to get some practice in, so you went to your uncle Charlie’s yard and practiced until each piece was perfected. You’d played each song probably a hundred times since you’d started playing the violin. 
You went home and got ready with Ada and Polly later on. You decided on wearing a simple short sleeve light blue dress that was slightly shorter in the front than in the back. You wore white flat shoes rather than heels. Once you’d fixed your hair and applies a bit of make up, You, Ada, and Polly all walked to the Garrison together, your violin in hand. You were a bit nervous but pushed it all aside. The Garrison wasn’t as rowdy and loud as it usually is. It was more tame. You spotted Thomas, Arthur, John, and Finn seated in a booth. Arthur gesture with his hand for you to go stand on a small platform, While Polly and Ada went to sit with them. You pulled your violin and bow out of the case and stood at the front on the platform Arthur gestured to. Everyone watched as you took a deep breathe, looking towards your family who gave you smiles, encouraging you to start. It didn’t take you long after you started to travel to the place you adored. the place where there was nothing but you and your music. Your cheek rested on the violin, your eyes remained shut and your fingers played the right notes every time. Your eyes were shut but you could see a beautiful field with hundreds if not thousands of flowers, that’s where you were always transported when you played. there was a river not far from where you stood, the sky was a beautiful grey, and the breeze blew on your face. 
You only finally opened your eyes when you finished your final piece, it was quiet for a few seconds and it felt as if time had stopped. you received a standing ovation, even from Thomas, Polly, Ada, Finn, Arthur, and John. You smiled and gave everyone a small bow, then walked to the table your family was seated at. 
“Would you look at that, Our little sister, might as well become a professional, That was amazing.” John says. 
“Thank you, John,” 
“That was absolutely beautiful.” Polly says. 
“Thanks Aunt Pol,” 
By the end of the night, you’d received more compliments than you could handle, it all felt surreal. Maybe you could do this on a real stage in front of thousands one day. Others deserve to feel what you felt when you played, that feeling of everything being healed just by a simple melody. 
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mischiefmaker615 · 11 months
Portal Play
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Summary: Loki finds a compatible way to make your.. sizes work. whether you like it or not.
Note: It's recommended to read my previous one shot Polly Pocket first, this is kinda(?) a part 2
Rating: R
Requested by: @RoyaWitch (wattpad) 
You stumble backward, the material of the mattress not being steady enough to regain your footing so you landed on your ass with a bounce. ‘’I don’t know what has you all excited about this time trickster but the least you could do when you’re not forcing yourself upon me is to be gentle’’ you hiss as you glare up at him.
‘’my apologies love, I’ve just been looking forward to seeing you all day- I have news’’ Loki said quickly before you could assume his only reason being here was to fuck you.
Your fingers gripped the sheet below you, not exactly finding it stable enough as you bounced lightly up and down while he got onto the bed before you, looking down at you as he sat on his heels. Whether it be sitting or standing, his height never seemed to make you feel better ever since you had been shrunk. You didn’t bother running today either, jumping off the bed would surely kill you.. though that option wasn’t completely off the table as he rested his palms on either side of you, leaning down to gaze down at you like a cat cornering a mouse.
‘’is it the news of turning me back to normal?’’ you say dryly, knowing getting on his bad side isn’t exactly hiring your chances of that, but by his growing erection it didn’t seem like it was going to be today anyway. Regardless, your answer made him laugh.
‘’no my dear, I’ve told you I enjoy you just as you are now,’’ he said between laughs before regaining himself with a smile, looking back down at you lovingly as he shifted a bit to help accommodate his enlarged member now from how he sat. ‘’perhaps its best if I show you my little discovery instead,’’ he spoke, his expression turning to a mix of seriousness and excitement as you hesitate any movement your body was screaming at you with.
Loki sat back on his heels, raising a hand as his eyes flashed a bright green before he flicked his wrist. After a second, nothing happened and you glanced back up at him in question before you jumped a little, a bright green hole appeared out of no where before his lap, almost looking like a portal of some sorts like how you’ve seen in the movies.
‘’wha..’’ you trail off, seeing how it was large enough for you to fit through yet you couldn’t see through, it holding the color his magic always gave off. ‘’what is it?’’ you asked, pure confusion on what it was and why he was showing you it, causing you to raise a hand at it.
‘’ah ah ah I wouldn’t do that if I were you, at least not today,’’ Loki interrupted your movements and you withdrew your hand back as if the ‘portal’ were a bite at any second. Casting a questionable look up at Loki, he merely chuckled and raised his pointing finger.
If the portal wasn’t there than he would have directly pointed at his crouch but instead his finger was slowly inserted into the portal, Loki showing no signs of discomfort or concern. Raising a brow at what you were suppose to wait for, a sudden feeling could be felt entering your cunt and it made you jump, making you fall back again on the mattress as you looked down at yourself with concern and confusion.
The feeling was as if something was inserting in you, nothing that stretched you, but definitely made you aware something was there. In fact, you could have sworn you could feel something curl as it went in and withdrew repeatedly to the point where your pussy was getting slick. Your eyes blinked and searched yourself before you look up at Loki in mild panic, only to feel your heart jump upon seeing his wide grin.
‘’wha- what are you-‘’
‘’magic my dear, and one I carefully had to experiment for awhile to get it just right, I couldn’t bare to hurt you after all.’’ Loki explained and you saw how his hand was moving his finger slowly in and out of the portal repeatedly before he removed his hand all together, the feeling being removed slowly from your cunt as you caught your breath. Loki held his finger up as if to bestow proof and it was indeed wet, making your eyes widen at the fact of his discovery.
‘’you see darling, I have been aching to fuck you properly for awhile now- and although I could always return you to regular size for the moment, I don’t exactly wish to risk getting bunched from several years worth of anger. So it’s better to keep you this way, and with a simple.. portal spell, if you will- I have found a way where I could have my way with you properly and you still stay exactly the way you are.’’ he said proudly, as if you wished to stay this way.
By now, your legs were shaking and your trembling was making it way throughout your entire body as you looked up at him with disbelief. This was suppose to be good news?.. you supposed it was, for him. now that you thought of it, the size of the portal was just about the size of his cock, if not the exact size.
‘’y-you wont be able to fit-‘’
‘’rest assured darling, I am fully prepared on prepping you.’’ Loki cooed, as if it were to make you feel better as he began making himself comfortable by laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his wrist before he carefully inserted his middle and ring finger inside the portal before you could properly utter a sentence.
A gasp left your lips as you could practically feel his fingers slide slowly inside you, your legs closing and your hands covering yourself but nothing could keep him out as his fingers slowly pumped and curled in your cunt. Your eyes desperately looked at the portal and then up at his eyes, who gazed back at your own with an amusing and loving expression in them.
You could feel the butterflies form in your stomach and groin as he began to quicken his movement, his thumb being added to do a figure eight on your clit. Your body turned around, trying to move away from him but your limbs were weak and useless as your orgasm began to build closer. Its not like you could run away, with the portal now a thing, it wouldn’t matter how far away you were from him. Loki seemed to understand and he merely laughed, his laugh shaking the bed slightly, making you bounce with it as you gave up on your back.
‘’oh this is better than I hoped, even in the middle of a meeting I could fuck you from beneath the table and no one would know it’’ he laughed blissfully as his fingers quickened once more before he felt your cunt squeeze onto his fingers.
Against your will, a moan left your lips as your fingers gripped the sheets, back arching as you came on his fingers which didn’t stop pumping until he made sure he helped you ride out your high before his hand left the portal. He raised his fingers to examine them and grinned, all the while you lay panting with your eyes jumping being able to watch as he licked them clean.
‘’simply splendid love, you did so well for me,’’ he cooed and closed his eyes, a happy sigh left his lips while his body relaxed. Sitting up now, his eyes reopened to reveal glassy orbs, his grin turning to a smirk as he sat on his heels once more and looked down at you directly. ‘’gods you make me so happy Y/N, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this..’’ he practically whispered and you look up at him in tired hatred.
‘’how long do you plan on keeping this up.. you can’t keep me like this forever-‘’ you snap, your eyes saying all the forms of cuss words you could make up as you sit up on your elbows and your legs still shook from your previous orgasm.
Loki shook his head as he freed his cock, the size always making you shiver as you kept your eyes on his and didn’t dare look anywhere else as he smiled. ‘’how a very long time darling. For a very, long, time. Especially since I’ve found all the more ways to make you mine in any way I please,’’ he began and got on his knees, leaning forward as if he were on top of you if you would have been regular size but instead each hand pinned each of your arms spread eagle style. ‘’how about a deal? If you don’t orgasm once while I fuck you, I will return you back to normal size and release you.’’
By now you were trying to get your arms free from under his fingers, struggling while you glare up at him until his words made you pause. Freedom.. out of this hell hole.. not one orgasm through it all,.. sounds easy enough. Knowing Loki, you knew he might think of a way to cheat so you hesitantly looked up at him and took a deep breath. ‘’.. no tricks?’’
He shook his head with a promise in his eyes. ‘’no tricks.’’
Starring up at him as if searching for the trick itself, the portal caught your eye and you looked down to see how it was ready before him; all he had to do was thrust forward into it and you would be impaled. But just once, just one more time and you would be free, all you had to do was not have an orgasm. Nodding your head, you look up at him and bit your lip. ‘’deal.’’
‘’alright darling, and for your experience, I’ll go slow.’’ He said gently, his eyes holding nothing but love in his eyes as he moved his hips forward into the portal.
Although you hated him with all your might for the state he had put you in, you found yourself grateful he had been nothing but gentle through it all, and even now he was taking his time with you. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt his tip poke at your entrance. At least his previous work would help him get in easier but even then it would be quite a.. stretch.
You look up at him with slight fear in his eyes as he’s taking deep breaths, showing you how much he was holding himself back and you look away from him for that. It another world, perhaps you could have loved him, at one point perhaps you had, but there was no going back now was there.. not now.
Your eyes snap back at him before your back arched, feeling him slowly, slowly push into you, and he didn’t stop until he buried himself all the way, making your mouth open to an inaudible sound of pain you couldn’t bring yourself from making. At least, you couldn’t hear yourself while Loki let you a groan of pleasure as he closed his own eyes.
‘’gods you are just what I imagined and more my love.. your perfect..’’ he breathed and he had to lighten his weight on your arms as he felt you shaking, instead pinning them with a finger for each while your legs squeeze shut, almost as if it would keep him out but it didn’t.
He slowly slid himself to the tip, letting you catch your breath for only a moment before he thrust back in, his hips snapping forward while his cock fucked the portal, his thrusts slow but fast going in. with each thrust, a gasp would leave your lips as he seemed to be hitting your g spot each time while he slowly stretched you, the pain and pleasure making an impossible yet pleasurable experience, dare you admit it. once your cunt wet itself enough, his thrusts became smoother, faster, keeping the same pace while he breathed out moans and fluttered his eyes shut at how good you felt around you.
What scared you was that you were beginning to enjoy it, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to convince yourself otherwise and ignore the butterfly feeling that started to return again. You couldn’t orgasm, you couldn’t! not that you were so close to freedom!
‘’your doing so well my darling, the way you squeeze my cock, you’re so deliciously tight-‘’ Loki moaned, a thrust almost for each word that left his mouth as you shook your head, trying to tune everything out.
What made your eyes snap open was feeling the tip of his nose lightly pressing into your tummy while he dipped his head down to lick a stripe against your cunt. ‘’what are you- ah!’’ a moan left your lips as your back arched, trying to free your arms as his tongue ran up and down your cunt while his hips snapped forward.
‘’y-you said no t-tricks-‘’ you stutter as you feel your orgasm knocking on your door while he moans in your cunt before he lifts his head for only a moment.
‘’sex is sex darling, all types of it. me cheating would be if my magic was making you orgasm, but it’s not and never had. Your pleasure is because you want it darling,’’ he almost said smugly before dipping is head down again, this time pointing his tongue so he could focus more specifically at your clit where he circled it tightly as he could while his hips seemed to scoop upward to rub more into your g spot.
It was not fair, it was like nothing you had ever felt before; oral and vaginal simultaneously with a guaranteed orgasm knocking on your door. Before you knew it, your vision danced and like it or not, your orgasm hit you tenfold with a scream leaving your lips, turning into a moan while he thrust faster to meet his own. His thrusts became sloppier before he threw his head back and moaned, spurting his seed into you where he made sure to pump every dot into your cunt before he stilled to catch his breath.
You pant as you weakly look up at him, his eyes boring into your as he rests his weight on his forearms, catching his breath. ‘’f-fuck you..’’ you cuss quietly, knowing you had lost.
A tired chuckle left his lips as he looked down at you. ‘’we most certainly found a way to do just that darling.’’ He whispered before he pulled out slowly and the portal vanished finally. Once it had, you felt wetness dripping out of your cunt and you shamefully closed your legs, looking away while Loki rolled onto his back, not concerned on where you’d go because you both knew you’d be too cowardly to jump off the bed.
‘’oh my precious little pocket pussy, I think things just got a lot more fun..’’ Loki smirked.
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fineprintedsunsets · 6 months
𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴
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ೃ⁀➷ WC: 1k
ೃ⁀➷ Synopsis: ex!doctor!buckybarnes x ex!reader. Bucky's lost a patient today, and he's calling you for help, but do you want to offer it?
why do i keep writing sad things
Bucky’s lost his first patient today. It’s a weird feeling, truth be told, you feel as though you’ve known them all your life. It’s like he’s lost someone so close to his heart, it aches.
His gut hurts. His stomach clenches like it's trying to regurgitate but nothing is coming up. Bucky knows what this feeling is, he’s felt it time and time again.
A few of his colleagues ask him if he’s doing alright, he nods though it’s something of a perfectly crafted lie.
Dr. Feldmore sees him in the waiting room, eyes distant. Seemingly lost in the shiny tile floor. Her irises match his own, sad.
She taps him on the shoulder, he doesn't look up. “Go home, James.”
He will. Just not yet.
⋆ ★
Your voice echoes in the darkness of his kitchen floor, Bucky's head resting against the tile wall. He’s been thinking for quite some time, his mind has not shut up since he’s been delivered the news.
Bucky didn’t know what to do, and as always, he turned to you -his ex-. He picked up his phone and dialed your number.
“James, I told you about calling me, didn’t I?” You don't mean to be harsh, if you aren’t he’ll continue to resort to you as an outlet.
You tried that once, it poisoned your relationship.
“I know, but it’s just-“. His voice is cracked, you can viscerally hear the pain in his tone. You can’t help it, the sudden urge to ask him what’s wrong, to make sure he’s alright takes over you.
Bucky’s a doctor, his job is saving lives, but he’s prone to losing them too. You can only assume that’s the root of his call, his voice, his pain.
You both stay silent for a long while, you stare at the buttons on your phone, the red end call silently urging you to push it.
Your heart says otherwise.
He cringes, his mind urging deeper into sadness. Bucky despised his first name, even more when it fell from your lips. “I need you. You are my-“ he struggles to get anything out. There’s so much he wants to say to you, so much he hasn’t gotten the chance to say.
“Everything. You are my everything, and right now, it feels like I’m your nothing.” You listen in the darkness of your bedroom, the room getting colder than before.
Your blankets no longer feel warm and soft, but heavy and burdened. “You know that’s not true, James. You were my everything once.”
Bucky's heart cracks, he’s always loved your voice but when it says words like that, he can’t help but shrivel away. He closes his eyes, tilts his head up so his eyes face the ceiling, and balances his phone on a sagging shoulder.
“I need you right now, baby.” Your heart stretches and beats in your rib cage. This man is the only exception, he’s the only one who can tear down your walls and invite himself back in.
Bucky Barnes has carved his own passageway into your heart and you can’t seem to find it.
Your morals are begging you to hang up. Your lips are pressed together in a thin line as you stare into the darkness. The only light from the phone you're now clutching onto.
“What happened?”
Bucky doesn't smile, he doesn't have it in him. Instead, he lets out a broken sigh. “I lost one of my patients today. She was a sweetheart.”
“What was her name?”
He relaxes on the kitchen floor, hearing you talk eases his tensed muscles. “Polly, she was 70, survived leukemia too.” Your heart aches for the woman you’ve never met, but if Bucky adored her, your sure you would have too.
“I’m sorry, Bucky.”
He smiles a bit at that. “I just wish I was there. I wish I could have made it more-“ he shrugs, “comfortable when she passed, I guess.”
You smile, setting your phone down on your sheets. “It’s what makes you a good doctor, you care.”
Sometimes too much.
“Thank you, baby.”
Your teeth clench, and your stomach fills with butterflies. “Bucky-“
“I can’t stand that name.” The choked-out words are a pathetic attempt at building boundaries.
Bucky’s mouth curves downwards. You used to love the name, used to love being his.
His everything.
Bucky cares so much about you, it hurts. Tonight, he needs you here with him, in his bed if only to act as a warm body.
When he said he needed you, he meant it. Bucky wants to hug you, cry into your shoulder, mourn.
“Come over, please. Just for the night.”
Buckys said similar to you before. Just one night, a couple of hours, a few minutes. It always ended with him inside you, whispering things that should never be repeated aloud.
“If you want sex, hire a hooker.”
Bucky chokes. His heart aches. Is that what you think of him now, a sex fiend? He’s always loved your body, but this need isn’t that type of need.
“I don’t, not tonight. I just want you”
Not tonight.
“But eventually? You’ll need me, you’ll ‘crave’ me. And when I give you what you want, you’ll whisper you love me while you fuck me like you don’t.”
“I won’t come over, Bucky.” You're crying now, you can’t even help it, tears just fall. “This is our fucking cycle, it’s a goddamn wheel that just keeps spinning.”
Your voice hurts, your screaming, you hadn’t even noticed. “Guess what, Bucky. I’m getting dizzy, real fucking dizzy.
“Goodnight, James. Don’t call my number again.”
The call ends when you press the red button, so many words and unstrung sentences hang in the air. You wonder if you should have been so harsh, the man’s just lost a patient.
It doesn't mean you are his outlet, sometimes yelling is the only way to get your point across.
Somehow, you and Bucky both throw your phones across the room. His shatters on his kitchen floor, and yours lands on your carpet.
Either way, you both won’t be picking them up any time soon.
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daisyblinder · 1 year
Longing (Part 1) / Arthur Shelby x fem!reader
🦋 Summary: After John dies, Arthur has to look into the eyes of the woman he loves, whom he left. When a look isn’t enough, a touch goes too far and she ends up with his babe in her belly 
🦋 Warnings: Cursing, implied NSFW
Part 2
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Seeing Arthur with Linda was always going to hurt her. There was nothing more painful than seeing the man who owned your heart with another woman. Even more so when the woman was someone who loved her faith more than she could ever truly love the real Arthur.
 ”Are you alright?”, a question snaps Y/n out of her thoughts as she turns to Ada Shelby. It was not her that should be asked that question, not after John. Taking a hold of Ada’s hand she nods.
 ”Are you?”, she asks back, her eyes finally leaving Arthur and Linda. Ada nods too, her brows furrowing. Y/n was like an older sister to Ada. A woman she always was able to confine in. Ada knew that there was only one man she had ever loved and that man was Arthur Shelby, no one else.
 Y/n and Arthur had loved each other before the war, during it, and after it. But what Polly had told Ada had turned out to be true.
 ”Arthur hates himself too much to put a ring on her finger”
 ”He is so different now”, Y/n speaks without a thought. ”Like there is piece of him missing. He is calmer yes, but there is something missing”, she whispers her own brows pinching together.
 Ada bites onto her lip as she now takes a moment to observe her brother. It was true, there was something missing from the brother she knew. And that something was fire. Not anger, but the fire Arthur glowed. Be it in his jokes or laughter, he was always an ember.
 But now with John dead by the hands of the enemy; they both knew Arthur was only calm before the storm. His John-boy was dead.
 ”I’ll see you at the funeral. Stay strong, Ada”, she whispers finally and takes the Shelby sister into her warm embrace. ”I love you”
 ”I love you too”, Ada says back, her hands grasping Y/n’s dress.
Taking a big gulp of water, Y/n finished braiding her hair for the night.
If someone had told her she would be this lonely at the age of 30, she would have cried.
 She always had had a clear dream for herself. First study, then move to the countryside, paint, read, rest. Have a family.
 All the things she had wished for since she was little, living with her family of six, all of them sleeping in the same bed in a cold flat.
 But life turned out as it was and now she was an old hag, living on her own making shoes. It had rarely bothered her, she had the Shelby’s, she liked making shoes, but seeing Arthur made everything feel so much more meaningless.
 They had shared more than just couple romps in the car. They had shared a world. Where his skin began, hers ended.
 But what would bitterness help? Absolutely nothing, it would only consume her and make her that miserable hag. She could find love again but she would have to let go first.
 A series of knocks bang on her door just as she is about to go to her bedroom. She knew those knocks.
 Hesitantly going to the door, she opens it peaking her face outside. Before her stood disheveled Arthur. Hair long, eyes full of tears.
 ”Oh darling”, she whispers as she sticks and arm out to usher him in. ”I’m so sorry about Johnny”, she continues as they fully step in.
 Arthur looks at her with his brows pinched. It was easy to live with the longing when she was not near. But seeing her today, her soft eyes and tender hands, he could not hold his legs from leading him to her. She was where comfort was.
 ”Cut me hair”, he whispers back. Not saying anything else, he stares at her eyes desperately, hands folded in front of him. She could see that he just needed something to be like it used to be, even if for a moment. 
He looked so different than he used to. Hair long, clothes no longer the proper as a blinder. He looked just like she thought he would look in the dreams they used to talk about.
 Y/n takes a moment to just look at him, before she nods. ”I’ll go get the scissors and blade, you know where the mirror is”, she says before going to her bedroom.
 Arthur looks around the room for a moment before going to grab a chair from the kitchen to put in front of the hallway mirror. She always used to cut his hair there.
 ”Isn’t the top a little long”
”I think it makes you look handsome when you slick it back, or when you part it like this”
 ”Handsome, eh?”
 ”Don’t teas-AH”
 She had always finished cutting his hair by sitting on his lap, trimming his mustache on the way. Sometimes he hurried her a little bit, gave her a little nod towards his awaiting arms.
 Now it felt like they were strangers.
 Arthur takes off his vest and shirt, and takes a seat in front of the mirror. When the figure of Y/n reaches the mirror, he feels a stinging behind his eyes. When had the familiarity gone? Hell, he knew exactly why it had gone but why didn’t the love go?
 ”You look healthy”, Y/n clears her throat as she wraps his shoulders in a towel. Bringing a wet one to dampen his hair.
 ”I have me chickens”, he jokes lightheartedly, closing his eyes under the familiar treatment. The woman behind him can’t help a smile at his answer. Him and his chickens.
 ”it’s good to see you healthy”, she whispers willing away the tears as she starts combing his now damp hair. Both of them remain in silence while she continues to work.
 Only when she finishes on his hair and walks in front of him to gently trim his mustache, Arthur dares to break the silence. ”You didn’t use to do this like this”, he whispers, his whole upper body trembling as he tries to get Y/n to meet his eyes.
 But she wouldn’t, she couldn’t: or else she would give in. Give in all the longing and pain the last two years had been without him.
 So she responds frailly: ”You didn’t use to have a wife either”
 Her words are bitter but her tone is so soft it just stings both of their hearts. When she finally meets his eyes, both of them have to swallow. How she had missed his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that always spoke so much.
 No matter what they always seemed glossy, and they shone his joy, his sorrow and his anger. And his love.
 Arthur can now remember exactly why he had had to tear himself away from her. One look in those eyes and he would be there to ruin her again. One look into the eyes that always felt like home to him, and he would stay addicted to her.
 Standing straight, Y/n wraps her arms around herself and turns her eyes away. ”You’re all good to go”, she says her voice cracking. She turns to go get a brush for the hair but before she can, Arthur stands.
Slowly shrugging the towel from his shoulders, he sets it on the back of the chair, before stepping closer to Y/n like she is a wild animal. Softly he brings one of his palms to rest against her cheek.
 ”I’m no good for you”, he starts turning her eyes to look back into his. ”You know what I am”, slowly he brings his forehead to rest against the side of her head. Nuzzling there like he used to. ”I’m not bloody good enough for you”
 Y/n takes an uneven breath, Arthur’s scent washing over her. He still smelled the same, the same smell he used to leave in her sheets when he would stay the night.
 ”I only ever wanted you”, she whispers back her eyes closing tightly. ”Why did you not want me”, she sobs hugging herself even tighter.
 ”You know I bloody wanted ya”, Arthur says back tightly. ”You fucking know how much I want you. But look at what I’ve done to ya, it’s just like Tommy said it would be”
 ”You left me, Arthur. That is what you did to me. That is what hurt me. Fuck them old hags who gossip. I never cared”, taking a ragged breath she tries to continue, Arthur’s words about Tommy missing her ears, ”I love you. Arthur, I know what you are and I’m alright with it. You-we, Why did you marry Linda?”, she opens her eyes to stare at his mouth.
 ”S-she wanted to fix me. I thought I-she- you didn’t deserve to live with me head. She wanted good things, the farm, all that. I thought I could stay away from ruining ye with me if I just stayed with ’er and let ’er change me”, he admits.
"I don't want to see you fucked by the Peaky business, I don't want to see you fucked because me head is not alright. Linda has her God, she thinks he can fix me"
He can feel his whole body start trembling again. The urge to just crush her against his chest overwhelming him. Pull her against him and kiss her cheek, get her to giggle at the tickle of his mustache. 
 ”You don’t need to be fixed Arthur. You need help but you don’t need to be fixed like a bloody toy soldier. If she bloody says she needs to fix you then she doesn’t love you”, she growls.
The amount of times people talked about her Arthur like a broken toy made her see red.
 ”Arthur, darling, I-”, her words are interrupted by lips meeting her own.
 Desperate hands grasp what they can, as their kiss gets sloppier and more desperate. For a moment, they just forget everything; John, Linda, the time they missed…it’s all gone as their passion grows.
 ”Fucking hell woman, I’ve missed ya”, Arthur mutters between kisses as they start clumsily walking towards the bedroom. ”W-wait”, Arthur pulls away as they reach the door. Both of them looking as disheveled, Y/n’s pupils blown wide, lips glossy and swollen as she starts to shrink into herself, waiting for the rejection.
 ”I’m not ’ere to just sink my cock into ye and go. Y/n, you’re so much more than that, this is not what this is”, he says cupping her face with the hands she always found to be one of the most beautiful things about him. His strong hands with the power to break and create.
 Y/n let’s out a tearful laugh at his words. ”Please don’t let go now”, she begs her hands resting on his freckle covered chest.
 Gently Arthur lowers his lips back onto hers. Kissing her tenderly, languidly, his gentleness matching the kisses they shared before he left for the war.
That night when they lie in Y/n’s bed, both naked as the day they were born; they just explore each other. Both of them spent, not willing to let the moment go as two pairs of gentle hands explore.
Her fingers slowly stroking his hip while his thumb ran over the curve of her breast.
When he pinches her nipple teasingly, she laughs and goes to tickle his belly button.
Both of them laugh as Arthur pulls her against him to rub his mustache against her neck and blow raspberries there.
"you oaf, that tickles"
"keep yer hand away from me belly button next time or I'll have to have a go at yer bum"
"you'd like that, wouldn't you? HEY! Keep your pinching fingers away from my bum!"
"better behave then sweetheart"
 What neither of them knew yet, was that they had just given a beginning to a small life.
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