#lots of 80s
onebadnoodle · 6 months
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i've been getting into jem and holograms and its so fun now i kinda want to do small redesigns for the cast
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milk-lover · 6 months
Sobbing uncontrollably reading through a dissertation about the college experience of students with ADHD. It is like reading a report about my life that just says over and over "My experiences are real. My hardships are real. I am not lazy, I am not dumb. My struggles were not my fault, and they were not a moral failing. The failure was with the system, not with me."
Here's a line that got me in particular:
"Hotez et al.(2022) compared the health, academic, and non-academic capacities of a nationally representative sample of U.S. first-year college students with ADHD and without ADHD. Students with ADHD self-reported lower academic aspirations and more feelings of depression and overwhelm, ranking themselves lower in their general emotional health. The fact that students with ADHD scored in the highest 10th percentile for many non-academic traits, such as artistic ability, computer skills, creativity, public speaking, social confidence, self-understanding and understanding of others, compassion, and risk-tasking, suggests that this population has strengths that are frequently underappreciated in academia."
(the paper is a thesis called "Understanding the Collegiate Experience for Students With ADHD" by Gia Long, 2022)
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swagliostro · 2 months
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just wanted to remind/inform people that edgar got a kiss from princess diana
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satelliteduster · 2 years
oh my god i forgot to post my absolute favorite strip from gay comix (issue #2, 1981)
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moonwoodhollow · 6 days
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day vs. night in Del Sol Valley
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kbsd · 6 days
bucky egan // "free" by florence + the machine
the feeling comes so fast and i cannot control it i'm on fire, but i'm trying not to show it
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spirk-trek · 4 months
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she is to me what leia's gold bikini was to straight boys
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artiststarme · 3 months
Steve was used to being a disappointment. He’s let down his parents the moment he was born and continued to do so with nearly every choice he made. He disappointed the entire student body at Hawkins High right when they thought he might actually be someone important. And he let down the kids every time they asked for something he couldn’t provide.
He never thought he’d disappoint Robin though. She wasn’t fond of his dating tales of woe or his frankly pathetic work ethic at Family Video but he’d never seen the familiar spark of disappointment in her eyes. Not until he told her that he’s broken things off with Eddie.
It wasn’t like he’d wanted to either, despite their obvious differences, they made a great pair. But they wanted different things. Eddie wanted a cat when Steve wanted a dog. Eddie wanted to saunter in the streets and parade their relationship whereas Steve wanted to remain comfortable and committed at home. Most of all though, Eddie wanted to leave but Steve needed to stay.
Robin couldn’t understand that. She’s always wanted to leave the dead end town she’d been trapped in and planned to as soon as she raised enough funds. She was made for bigger and brighter things.
Steve, though, he wasn’t. He was meant to stick around and watch the kids until they left for school and grew up to lead happy lives. Steve was meant to stay the burdensome housekeeper of his parent’s home until either they kicked him out or he inherited it upon their death. He didn’t have the education to get jobs better than Scoops Ahoy or Family Video nor the experience that demanded anything better. He’d peaked in high school and everyone knew it.
Except Robin until that very moment. He watched the disdain form in her eyes and the hopes of their combined future leave her plans. By breaking things off with Eddie, he’d let both of them down. Eddie would leave without him to be the big rockstar he’d always wanted to be. He wouldn’t notice Steve’s absence. Robin would leave to go to school and become a professor or a linguist or a therapist, anything she wanted to do. But Steve would still be in Hawkins wasting away like he’d always been meant to…
Or so he thought until the day Eddie and Robin ganged up to kidnap him from Hawkins and start their lives together in the city.
Eddie became the world’s coolest rockstar, even more famous than Metallica or any other idols of his youth.
Robin became a social worker that assisted LGBTQ+ youth and at risk kids that needed her help.
And Steve became a novelist that sold his enchanting stories of monsters and super powered teens from alternate realms, of young men that fell in love with each other over cereal and bat bites, and chosen family that didn’t give up on each other.
Steve was no longer a disappointment to the people who mattered most to him (he’d soon realize he never was). Best yet was that he no longer disappointed himself. He could lounge in Eddie’s arms at night and spastically harass Robin during the day and the only emotion he ever saw in their eyes was love.
And annoyance from time to time but does that really count?
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campesine · 8 months
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elderwisp · 3 months
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plistommy · 2 years
The people saying it was BARE MINIMUM that Steve was okay with Robin being a lesbian are literally making me so mad. It was the 80s, not 2022, so him accepting her while her coming out could’ve gotten her hurt badly or worse isn’t a bare minimum fucking thing.
Steve has gone through so much development and it angers me you guys are calling it bare minimum especially in a situation like this that was probably so fucking scary to Robin.
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heynhay · 11 months
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will you break and take all the words from my mouth?
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rhys-ravenfeather · 7 days
Time travel is a reality! However, it's still in the early stages, and you can only go as far back as seventy-something years.
Feel free to explain your reasons in the tags :P
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
i miss when movies were allowed to suck a little. low budget passion projects made by new, unpolished actors. effects that are obvious but done with care. sound and color and direction that were partly just the product of technological limitations, but partly given a greater measure of “this can be a little messy” than we have now. now the movies suck too but its stuff like, this is a remake of a remake and it’s also funded by the US military and all the sfx were done by cgi artists being ground into dust because they cant unionize
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stormywitch90 · 6 months
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I'll always prefer Share Bear's ice cream soda belly badge 🩷💜
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i feel like the queer community lost when we started policing labels and making sure everyone used the Correct™ labels instead of letting a person decide what feels right for them
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