#look at THAT
loveisinthebat · 6 months
Beaste (Affectionate)
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sincenewyorks · 9 months
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double cheeked up on a thursday morning
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daisiesonafield-blog · 7 months
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I get so lost inside your eyes, would you believe it?
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dannydanoninoo · 2 years
Now THAT is a look
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
City of Death
While taking in the sights of Paris in 1979, the Fourth Doctor and Romana sense that someone is tampering with time. Who is the mysterious Count Scarlioni? Why does he seem to have counterparts scattered through time? And just how many copies of the Mona Lisa did Leonardo da Vinci paint?
even if your not a classic who fan, you have seen moments from this, “wonderful butler, he’s so violent”, “youre a beautiful woman, probably”, “if you wanted an omelette I’d expect to find a pile of broken crockery, a cooker in flames, and an unconscious chef”. The location shooting, iconic, the music, iconic, the plot, so iconic I was once watching something (non doctor who) that referenced it as a fake historical event. Dare I say duggan is the greatest side character of all time. Romana’s outfit, the design of scaroth, the implication time lords can fly. it’s not my favourite overall, but its damn near close, it deserves AT LEAST the semi finals, AT LEAST. If you’ve not seen it or any classic who, go watch it, its so good, one of the best of the era. Also, how could I forget, the most watched episode on broadcast out of all of doctor who, including new who. (yes it was because itv was off the air due to strikes, but im glad its this episode that holds the record) (anonymous)
The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble go to the leisure planet of Midnight for a simple, relaxing holiday. However, life with the Doctor can never be that simple, and things go horribly wrong for the Doctor when he decides to go off on a bus trip to see the Sapphire Waterfall, starting with the bus shutting down. When a mysterious entity infiltrates the shuttle bus, no one is to be trusted. Not even the Doctor himself...
Midnight is amazing. So thrilling. The monster was human fear and it cost the life of two innocent women. (plus two men on accident, well, more or less) And we never know what the midnight entity was. Perfect. My absolute favourite episode. The best thing is that it tricks you into liking the passengers before it slowly, slowly turns that into horror of what they're capable of. Chills every time. (Plus it's totally what inspired among us if you ask me) (anonymous)
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britcision · 2 months
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(The secret, it turns out, is to look at both foot and zipper and understand how both work before trying it. And testing it zips each time you finish a line. Second attempt tho!!)
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completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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I mean of course Evil Wolverine would say that. He’s the one stabbing people and then blaming children for it. It’s his THING. 
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It just goes to show how much you internalise the blame other people put on you, especially when you feel like you actually made a decision that caused it. (It’s the same thing he did to Fai!)
Of course if this were a very different manga there might have been an opening for Fai and Kurogane to outright attack Lava Lamp here, BUT I KNOW THESE GAYS. I KNOW THEM TOO WELL FOR THAT. 
They are going to pat him on the head or the shoulder and make a joking remark that makes their feelings clear without directly admitting to having a feeling. I KNOW IT ALREADY. 
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He is NOT prepared for the open love and affection they give him instead.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
OMG. This gives me Louis‘ hut vibes?!!!!!
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Prince Ludwig and Princess Sophie-Alexandra of Bavaria arrive at Nymphenburg Palace for their wedding reception | May 20th, 2023
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c2-eh · 9 months
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messy hair beloved // (x)
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f1-birb · 7 months
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absolute mad lad
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hellsite-detective · 6 months
Okay, this is weird, but. I have tried– and failed– to reference a certain post a few times, and I would really like to know it.
I don't know the exact wording, but it was a short post, and I think the text was about teens spinning their blorbos in their minds/thoughts.
It's not a lot, which I'm sorry about.
readin' this request, i knew exactly what my client was askin' for. personally, the amount of times i've referenced "rotatin' my blorbos in my head like a microwave" was just too much to count. so i had to find this one. if not for my client, then for the blorbos from my shows. i began by searchin' any variation of the microwave phrase on google, but it was comin' up short. i tracked down a few variations, but not the exact origin of the microwave phrasing. i did manage to find a variation on this post, but it just wasn't what i was lookin' for.
on the off chance this was the post you wanted, i'm linkin' it here. otherwise, i'm gonna open this one up to the tumblr masses. if anyone has any information on where the microwave phrasing originated, any lead at all, send it my way, and i'll continue the search. enjoy this for now! sorry i couldn't be more of a help! have a great day!
Pose Case: Gone Cold
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
Wait... Soundwave wants to turn the human kiddos into cassettes? How does that go? Does it work?
I have been sitting on this idea for a while now and I hate that it took me literally two months to formulate a response, but here it is-
Previous part here.
The humans belonged to him. He found them, he tended to them, and he learned who they were more than anyone else ever bothered to. The three human sparklings, his perfect cassettes... they were soft, weak, damageable, and likely to perish in but the passing of a cycle in his mind's eye. He refused to allow that, not after he finally found little ones in need of aid who could be his new cassettes.
The Autobots claimed the children as theirs, but the simple fact that they came back to him when they wanted affection told Soundwave all he needed to know. There was no need for him to abandon Megatron or join the Autobots to keep his precious cassettes. All he needed to do was make his cassettes strong enough to endure being handled like Cybertronian cassettes and all would be well. He could take them back to the Nemesis and they would adapt with time. Emotions like anger and sorrow would pass under his dutiful care. There was no need for concern, he just needed to play his cards right until he had what he needed.
Soundwave has always been quiet in his work, thus it was not difficult to begin formulating plans. Rafael was the easiest to begin with, largely due to the fact that he already had unique abilities. It was not hard to leave a simple hologram dummy in place of Rafael and take the child to Shockwave. Singing to Rafael and injecting him with mild sedatives kept him from waking as he was placed onto an operating table and Shockwave was allowed to begin his work. It was a simple process, a small implant in the child's head around his growth glands that would slowly begin turning the child's cells into something more Cybertronian in nature and allow for energon to begin being integrated into the body. Then beyond the tiny implant that would fly under human scans were tiny implants in the spine that would with time, change to allow plating to start to develop once the child's body was strong enough and at least more than 60% non organic.
Rafael didn't even know he'd been altered and was returned home without issue. Shockwave was happy to do the work for scientific purposes and Megatron was merely tolerating the situation since it ensured Soundwave would remain loyal. All was well, and while it was most certainly harder to worm his way into collecting Miko and Jack undetected, he managed to get them the correct implants too without their knowledge. The Autobots suspected nothing and allowed Soundwave to roam as he pleased. Out of pure caution he never revealed their whereabouts or knowledge to Megatron, he couldn't risk losing his cassettes before they were ready. Besides, the Autobots were decent caretakers while Soundwave was away working.
Thus with the implants ready, Soundwave began the second phase without issue. He prepared his little cassettes food and laced it with just enough energon to be of use. He did this every. single. day. for months until at last he started getting results.
The children began getting aches and pains, all of them not wanting to move around much and rather preferring to stay still or with Soundwave. Their food choices differed and they started only wanting what Soundwave prepared to the point of concerning the Autobots. The children began getting tired, sleeping more and moving less while also seeing and hearing more than they should be able to. Even still, they weren't strong enough, so Soundwave waited and waited until at last he had his sign.
Hair began to stiffen and turn to metal, soft flesh hardened, and bones grew sturdier. Bit by bit the children found metal in their frames, growing and changing them to match Cybertronians in some peculiar way. However Soundwave did not snatch them up until Rafael showed the first signs of plating growth when he ran his hands through his hair and small metal plates shined where Soundwave could see. He needed no other reason to wait, and thus too the children swiftly as he had so many months prior. The Autobots should have been more careful. Did they not fear one who was once a servant of the council and a gladiator in the pits?
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tinyperson00 · 22 days
major spoilers- Tokyo Revengers chapter 185 and 186
so we all know chapter 185, Truck took care of kisaki THANK YOU right? Look at the guy driving the truck tho..
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So then I went to the next chapter and I came to a panel of Hanma in some sort of shop it looked like... I didnt notice this the first time I read but..
look closely at the guy behind the counter-
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You cant tell me im not right there- just look!
also feel free to ignore this but imma tag you anyway since I feel like you may have noticed this before and I love your tokrev content lol: @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang
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sincenewyorks · 6 months
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oh this man is IN LOVE
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pink-key · 5 months
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im head over heels for ur hcs of tobs (and portrayal of him in general) so i made this in honor of u!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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Woaaah! I am very very flattered!! I didn't expect to inspire by writing a wall of text on toby! I love your style so much! He looks so fluffy and squishable. Aah I am so happey! So precious, so cool! Love the bright pinkish blood toooo I didn't know my soul needed this, thank you- Always wanted to see a more deranged Tobyyy more yeaaah- Oh also you drew the ticking/sharp movement lines that's very neat! I never see anyone hinting in drawings he has that haha
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