#loki facfiction
mythos-writes · 3 years
Cloudy Eye
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Thor x Reader
Soulmate AU
Plot: You and your soulmate share an eye colour in your left eye. You had been super excited to meet your soulmate, but you lost hope when the once blue left eye’s colour changed 
Marvel/DC Masterlist
Warning: thinking someone is dead, smut, swearing, oral (female receiving),  vaginal sex (unprotected), 
Word Count:1889
Divider by @writeyourmindaway 
This was my first time writing smut, so I apologize if it is bad
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Ever since you were young, you have been wanting to meet your soulmate. Every time you looked in the mirror and saw the blue eye of your soulmate, you got all giddy. But as the years moved on, and your friends were finding theirs, you were left alone. “Come on (Y/N), you will find them. Your eye is still bright as always,” (Y/BF/N) says. You just sigh before looking back out the window. You had met (Y/BF/N) out for coffee today and the topic of soulmates had come up.
“That’s easy for you to say, you had already met Bruce,” you bit back.
You had introduced (Y/BF/N) to Bruce Banner, as you work within the science field yourself. You were very happy that your friend’s soulmate was someone that you respected, but you were also jealous of them. You look over to (Y/BF/N) and let out a sigh.
“Sorry, it just hasn’t been my week is all, and you don’t deserve my backlash,” you say while taking a sip of your coffee/tea.(Y/BF/N) gives you a sympathetic look, before placing a hand on yours.
“Hey, it will all work out in the end, ok,” they say.
You nod before going back to enjoying each other’s company.
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The morning you had woken up and couldn’t see anything out of your left eye. This made you very concerned about your soulmate, seeing that they could be dead. You rushed to the bathroom to see what had happened and you were greeted with a cloudy blue eye instead of the sky blue eye. Your heart broke in that very instant.
You quickly call (Y/BF/N).
“Hello?” she responds sleepily.
“MylefteyeiscloudedoverandIdon’tknowwhatishappening,” you spit into the phone.
“Wow, wow, calm down. Take a deep breath and run it back.”
You take a deep breath before speaking again.
“I woke up this morning and I couldn’t see anything out of my left eye so I went to the bathroom to see what was the problem, and saw that it had clouded over.”
The silence that came from the other side of the phone was heartbreaking. Tears start to fall as you have gone to the worst-case scenario. You fall to the ground and a sob rips from your mouth.
“Hey, I am on my way,” (Y/BF/N) quickly says before hanging up.
You lean against the wall and tears just race down your face. Your brain racing with you living without your soulmate. Your chest starts to ache at the thought of it. Your racing thoughts were stopped when a hurried knock is heard.  You get up slowly and open the door to be greeted with (Y/BF/N) and Bruce behind her. They rush in and bring you into a bear hug. You just cry into their shoulder, leaving Bruce in this awkward moment.
“It will be ok, everything will work out, I promise,” they whisper into your ear. Your cries just drown out any type of comforting words that they were saying. Your heart is broken and you don’t know if it will ever be healed.
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It has been a month since you had lost the vision in your left eye and you haven’t left your apartment. (Y/BF/N) and Bruce would try to make you go places and experience life, but all you wanted to do was stay in your bed and forget about the world. They have made sure that you have food and that your bills are paid and you were very grateful for, but you just couldn’t pull yourself out of your depressed state. 
“Come on (Y/N), you need to come back into the world, just for a day,” (Y/BF/N) begs. 
You don’t respond and still hides under the blankets. 
“Bruce has been invited to Tony Stark’s party and I want you to come with us,” she says. 
You pulled your head out from under the blankets.  In your conversations with Bruce, he had mentioned his work with the Avengers and you had always wanted to work with Tony and the other Avengers, but never mentioned anything to Bruce.  
“ You want me to come to a Tony Stark party?” you quietly question. 
“Bruce may have mentioned your work to Tony and he wants to meet you,” they say. 
This perks you up, making you forget your heartbreak for a moment. Your mind was racing now. ‘Tony Stark knows of me?’ you think.  
“But I don’t have anything to wear,” you say. 
(Y/BF/N) get up off your bed and walks out to the living room and walk back with a  cocktail dress in your hands. 
“All ready ahead of you.” 
The dress was (Y/BF/C) and it fell to mid-thigh with simple lace adorning the dress. You smile before getting up from under the blankets. 
“Alright, let’s get you ready,” they say while pushing you towards the bathroom and the shower.   
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When they arrived at the party, soft music played through the penthouse. There were a lot more people than you thought would be there, but then again this was a Tony Stark party. (Y/BF/N) looks at you and gives you a small nudge.
“(Y/N) you will be fine, just breathe and have some fun.”
You smile at them before following them and Bruce to the bar. As you all are getting drinks another man walks up to Bruce.
“Bruce, how are you and your sweet soulmate?” the man questions.
You turn around and are greeted by Tony Stark standing beside Bruce.
“And you must be (Y/N),” Tony says while moving closer to you.
“It is nice to meet you, Mr. Stark,” you reply while shaking his hand.
“Please that was my father, call me Tony,” he says.
Tony and you start to talk about the work that you have done with (Y/BF/N) and even some with Bruce. You then found yourself excusing yourself out to the balcony to get some fresh air. She leans against the balcony and watches the cars drive through New York. As you watched the nightlife of the city, your thoughts started to drift back to your eye and why it was like that. As your mind starts to wonder, in the distance, between the chatter of others and the music, you could hear someone calling for you.
You turned to see Bruce, (Y/BF/N) and another person walking up to you. Without even being close to the stranger, a buzz of electricity goes through your body. The closer they got to you, the stronger the current ran through your body.
“(Y/N), this is Thor, he is from Asgard,” Bruce says.
Your eyes don’t leave the god and your eyes study his face. Thor sticks his hand out his hand and more electricity runs through your arms. You watch Thor’s eye change, realizing that he feels it too. You couldn’t hear anything at all before Thor brought you into his arms.
“Thor! Put her down!” (Y/BF/N) says while both Bruce and they were trying to get Thor to let you go.
Thor brings you closer, not wanting to let you go. You grasp his shirt and place your head into the crock of his neck. You then feel him start to move back into the tower and towards his room in the tower.
“This is my soulmate, and you will not take her from me!” he yells across the room, making everyone fall silent.
Thor moves quicker towards his room before any of the other Avengers could stop him.  The door closes and Thor places you onto his bed. He pulls away from you and gets a better look at you. He studies your face. He then brings his left hand and brushes it against your cheek. He looks at your clouded left eye, before letting your cheek go and places it onto the eyepatch he has been adorning.
“You are my soulmate. Even though we can’t tell with our eyes, I can feel a pull towards you and you were meant to be with me,” Thor says while getting closer to you.
You look into his blue eyes before bringing him closer. He then bridges the gap before his lips are placed on yours. The electricity from before returned, but it flew around your body. Thor pushes you back onto the bed and places his hands onto your exposed thighs. He then deepens the kiss and moves his hands up and pushes the dress up higher.
You break the kiss, needing air, and look up at him. You bring him closer and start to kiss his neck. Leaving a few hickeys on his neck, while moving your hands to the bottom of his shirt, pushing it up his torso, signalling that you want it off. Thor sits up and quickly takes his shirt off and then pulls your dress off, leaving you only in your bra and panties and him in his pants. He looks down at your body and the lust in his eye is in clear view.  
He then moves to your covered mound. He placed a few kisses against the cotton fabric before pulling it down your legs. He is then greeted with you being soaking wet. Thor then leans in and licks it. Your back arches at the feeling of the god’s tongue against your pussy. No one has ever treated you like this, and it felt like heaven. The scratchy feeling of his stubble against you made you wetter than you were before.
“Thor… oh my god… I think I’m gonna,” but you couldn’t finish your broken sentence before the heat flooded your body.
Thor drank in your juices and worked you through your orgasm. As you were coming down from your high, you watched as Thor quickly took off his pants, to reveal his painfully hard cock. Your mouth waters at the sight of it. You tried to reach for it, but Thor quickly grabbed your hand, stopping you. “Tonight is about you, my Queen,” he says before kissing your hand up to your neck.
“Mmmmm, Thor,” you moan and try to grind your needy pussy against his length.
“ I have a needy little soulmate, don’t I?” he jokingly asks.
“Thor, please I need you,” you beg.
Thor then starts to tease you by running the tip of his cock against your slit. You grip his bedsheets as you feel the heat return. Before you could beg him for more, he pushed his cock into your tight heat. The air in your lungs leaves quickly as you look down to see that he was completely inside of you. Before you could beg again, he starts to move.
“Thor, you are s-so goooood,” you moan out.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and run your nails down his back, definitely leaving angry marks.  He started to thrust harder into you. He starts to leave hickeys all across your body, but you didn’t care at that moment.
“Thor, I’m gonna cum,” you moan to him.
“Then cum my Queen.”
You let the heat flood your body and grasp his shoulders. A shaky moan leaves your mouth. Thor gives a few more thrusts before he fills you up. He stays inside for a few more seconds before pulling out. You let out a whimper when he pulls out. He then lays beside you and pulls you into his chest.
“I am so happy that I found you,” he says.
“I thought I lost you,” you whisper.
“I will never leave you, my Queen. I will always be here for you.”
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petalofnettle · 3 years
Give me all of the Marvel hockey-AU’s please
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novaliehiddleston · 5 years
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El destino de Novalie - Capítulo 10: Cruel destino (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/yhn0EEwkM1 Para Thomas William Hiddleston este mundo estaba lleno de caminos y diversas direcciones, y cuando ya no esperaba nada más, ella apareció, se cruzó por su camino de la manera más sutil y espontánea. Y entró a su vida sin permiso para quedarse ahí. El amor es así, sorprendente, impactante, caótico y hermoso; el corazón es incontrolable, y uno no puede imponer de quien se va a enamorar, simplemente todo ocurre, así de repente. *Todos los miércoles se subirá un nuevo capítulo*
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broqueroi · 6 years
Unsolicited Thorki FicRec
Fic writers are gods tbh. I will keep updating this list.
Godchild by griseldajane
T/Gen | Completed | 39,580 words
When Loki finds a de-aged Thor wandering alone on the battlefield, Loki takes the five year old child in and resolves to figure out how Thor was transformed and why...
The whimpering grows into sobbing and Loki waves the steam away with a sweep of his arm to reveal a blond haired boy wandering across the cracked pavement.
The child stumbles over Mjolnir and falls to the ground. Loki starts and not because the child is crying anew, but because Mjolnir shifted a small measure as the boy’s weight leaned against it. The hammer moves for no one save for the God of Thunder himself.
“Thor?” Loki questions and before he becomes fully aware of what he’s doing, Loki sweeps in, snatching the child into his arms.
Neither Nights Nor Days Left by Cassy27
E | Completed | 43,200 words
Loki witnesses a murder and his life will never be the same again. Looking back on it now, it's a miracle Thor didn't kill him then and there, either.
The Sound of Letting Go by Velvedere
M | Completed | 35,702 words
He was going to do it. Thor knew he was going to do it.
He had seen that look before.
That look echoed across a childhood of stolen nights and broken trespasses. Of dangers fought, revisited, and conquered.
It was the look in Loki’s eyes when he’d made up his mind.
Pas de Deux by ravenbringslight
E | Completed | 23,229 words | + additional pairs 
Bitter high school senior Loki snoops through his older brother's things and not-so-accidentally finds his diary. He decides to use the information not for good or for evil, but for chaos.
Loki had no excuse.
He shouldn’t have been in Thor’s room in the first place and he definitely shouldn’t have been looking through his drawers and he absolutely positively shouldn’t have opened the notebook he found in there and no way in hell should he have read even one page of it let alone all of it.
Nope, Loki had no excuse and not even really a good reason except that his brother had been annoying him lately and he was a nosy asshole.
Forget Me Not by ravenbringslight
E | Completed | 12,616 words 
Loki and Thor wake up in the woods with no memory of who they are or how they got there. All they can piece together is that it seems like they've been traveling together...and that they are absurdly attracted to each other...
When Poles Collide by Darktragicangel
E | Completed | 68,905 words | + additional pair
«Why do we keep fighting all the time?» Thor wondered out loud during their afterglow, their legs and arms still wrapped around each other. Loki shifted to rest his chest on the blond's torso, so he could look at his face while his fingers played with the golden locks. «I guess that's what happens when poles collide.»
THORKI - A destructive attraction. A relation of love and hate, despair and hope, regret and guilt, want and need. Follow its development during the several centuries of life of our favorite gods
Trajectories by glayish
M | Completed | 38,071 words
They would become two sides of the same spinning coin. For neither one could exist without the other, but neither would they stand side by side. Touched but never touched, they would fight in desperation. Together but apart, they would long with love. Brothers, standing back to back, Thor pointed towards the light and Loki spun around to live on the dark side. It would have to be enough.
The Chitauri and Thanos capture Thor to cause Loki the most unimaginable pain. Loki joins with the Avengers to get him back.
Almost Winter by Springsie
E | Completed | 18,206 words
Loki misses his big brother. They have not seen one another since they found out Loki is adopted. That was two years ago.
Now You See Me by Copper_Wires
E | Completed | 12,060 words 
In retrospect, Thor realized, relics in Asgard rarely stayed buried. Putting things out of sight and out of mind was never a guarantee. That was the nature of repression, after all–a thing buried or a thought buried made no difference.
(A kind-of omegaverse short fic, but not really; it's mostly an excuse for me to choose what I like about that kink and have Loki go into heat.)
How long we were fooled by Ark
E | Completed | 28,227 words
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
The Ties that Bind by Wonderdyke
E | Wip | 38,568 words | + other pairs
Loki awoke with the dawn, leaving Thor amongst the tangled red satin of his bedsheets to return to his own chambers. He stood now, bare, as he looked at his own reflection. Thor’s marks painted dark across his pale skin. A glamour could hide it. Or a healing spell remove them. Yet Loki wanted neither, he was not ashamed as he thought he would be. He cared for Thor, certainly whatever morality said of such things it was not evil if done in true affection.
Loki gasped as he pressed into the fingerprint bruises on his hips, biting his lower lip to keep from crying out. For a moment he allowed himself a fantasy, Thor binding his future with Loki’s. They could have a proud Asgardian woman to bear their children and rule together for the next aeon. Powerful together. Unstoppable together.
Too long he’d felt wrong in his own skin as if some monster was within prowling for release. At first, he’d thought it was because Odin always loved Thor a bit more… but what need have he now for Odin’s love when the evidence of Thor’s affections burned against his flesh?
For the first time in a long time, Loki felt a smile pull at his face not because it was expected of him but because he felt good.
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darkprincessloki92 · 5 years
Seattle at night
Part: 5
Plot: Visiting Seattle should have gone smooth but does anything really ever go as planned?
Pairing: Self x Tom
Warning: PSTD, protective Tom, 🍋
After a few movies, I notice Tom seems that he has something on his mind. So I slightly sit up “Hey, you doin’ okay?” Tom smiles, “Just lost in thought.” I sit up completely and cross my arms, “you’ve missed a huge part of the movie plot.” Tom sits up and defends himself, “No I swear I have been paying attention!” I scoff, “Okay what just happened.” Tom opened his mouth to say something but closed it just as quick. I lightly smacked his arm, “See!” Tom rubs the back of his neck, “I’ve just been trying to control myself.” I tilt my head, “You what?” Tom clears his throat, “I’m laying here, in a hotel bed, with one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen and she is wrapped in my arms. Mine, not for some movie or TV show, because she wants to be. All I want to do is pepper you with kisses and tell you how beautiful you are and make love to you but I can not.” Tom stands up and Began to pace.
I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for him to start speaking again. I have never imagined him to get so frustrated. I mean I have in the facfictions I've read, but never in-person. Tom continued, “You have no idea how tempting it has been.” I chuckle and tom stops in his tracks. I look up through my eyelashes, “Actually I do.” Tom looks at me confused, “You what?” I chuckle again, “I have wanted to climb on you like a tree since we got into this room, but I am scared.” Tom sat next to me, “Darling what could you possibly be scared of?” I sat to face him, “You are..well you. And I am just some girl from the states.” Tom sat and faced me as well, “Do you truly think so little of me?” Snap my head to look at him. “What no? Wait that's not what I meant.” Tom chuckled, “How about this, we take it slow. If at any time you feel uncomfortable we can stop right away.” I nod my head, “Okay.”
Tom scoots closer to me and places his hand on my cheek and slowly leans in. I follow suit and our lips slowly clash together. Painfully slow, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. So I leaned in further and tom slowly leaned back, never breaking the kiss. Tom was on his back and I was straddling his waist. Sitting up I began to take off my t-shirt. Tom stops my hand, “Wait, are you sure?” I pull off the t-shirt and start to kiss him again. Tom hums as his hands graze over my back. He finds my bra clasp and with a snap its off. Tom pulls on his shirt and breaks the kiss long enough to pull it over his head. He then flips me on my back and places one hand behind my neck and one hand slowly leaves trails of goosebumps down to the band of the sweat pants. Tom breaks the kiss again to ask, “Is this okay?” I lift my hips in order to help him pull off the pants. I picked a good day to wear a decent pair of panties. Thank god for being lazy on laundry day.
Tom stands up and admires my body, He notices I have a thigh tattoo. He smiles, “Ah she is decorated I see.” My cheeks began to feel warm, but I try and play it off, “And I see that you are still dressed. Tom looks down. “So it seems, now before I do anything else I want to make sure this is what you truly want.” I sit up in a sort of kneeling pose, Sitting on my feet with my legs slightly open and my arms down by my side Looking down I can see toms swollen cock through his sweatpants. Licking my lips, “I want to feel you.” Tom looks down and slowly starts to stroke his cock through his pants, “This? You want this?” I eagerly nod, and a low moan escapes my throat, “Yes, I need you.” With a dark chuckle, tom walks over and slowly pulls his pants down. To slow, His member bounces from its captivity. My jaw drops, good god, how is that going to fit? No way. Tom lightly pushes me back and gives gentle kisses down my jawline and to my collarbone. His hand slowly sliding down my stomach past my navel and to my wet folds, a growl escapes his throat. “My my you are so wet for me.” I lift my hips to get some sort of friction. Tom takes the hint and positions himself at my entrance.
He looks into my eyes, I can see a glimmer of worry, I nod my head as a silent yes. Tom looks down between the two of us and slowly enters me. Painfully slow. I winced at the burning, realizing the face I made tom was about to pull out. I wrapped my legs around him. “I just need a second.” Tom lays perfectly still, then i don't feel pain, and all I want is for him to move. So I grab his face and pull it down to mine and kiss him as deeply as possible, tom slightly pulled on my hair. Which earned a gasp from me, so he took the opportunity to dive his tongue to meet mine, teeth clashing, sweet silent moans escape us both. My legs rubbing against his hips. With each thrust slow, romantic, he hits a spot I wasn't sure existed. Grabbing my leg he lifted slightly to his chest and started to trust deeper, with a faster pace. Then he suddenly stops, breaking the kiss. Leaning his forehead on to mine “I am sorry love, but I am afraid I will not be able to hold myself back any longer.” Giving him a wicked smile, “Do your worst.” Tom chuckles.
Within seconds, he begins to pound faster into me. So fast my head starts to spin. His name falls from my lips like it was the only word I knew. Tom began to moan along with me, god his moan was smooth like honey. Feeling a knot in my stomach, “Tom----I---” Before I could finish my sentence he leaned back and found my bundle of nerves rubbing quickly. “Come with me (y/n) CUM WITH ME NOW!” My vision went blurry as I screamed in ecstasy. Tom moaned with his cock twitching inside of me, my orgasm was milking him for all he had. Finally, we both came down from our high and he fell on top of me. We both just laid there. Trying to catch our breaths. Not moving, not to dare ruin the moment. Tom lifted himself on his hands. “Good God, that was….”I smiled, “Amazing.” Tom starts to slowly pull out, I wince again. Tom sighs, “Love, why didn't you tell me it was hurting you?” I smile “Because it hurt so good.” Tom smiles, Standing up he walks to the bathroom, turning on the tub and walking to the room and leans on the doorway. “Then let me draw you a warm bath.” I try and stand up but a shooting pain stops me. Tom clicks his tongue and walks over to me. Picks me up bridal style. “This is going to be a long night.” I giggle, “The night isn't the only thing that's long.” Tom chuckles and closes the bathroom door with his foot.
@devilbat @lokis-little-kitten @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms
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novaliehiddleston · 4 years
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El destino de Novalie - Capítulo 15: Loki Laufeyson (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/fZFUglQmL5 Para Thomas William Hiddleston este mundo estaba lleno de caminos y diversas direcciones, y cuando ya no esperaba nada más, ella apareció, se cruzó por su camino de la manera más sutil y espontánea. Y entró a su vida sin permiso para quedarse ahí. El amor es así, sorprendente, impactante, caótico y hermoso; el corazón es incontrolable, y uno no puede imponer de quien se va a enamorar, simplemente todo ocurre, así de repente. *Todos los miércoles se subirá un nuevo capítulo*
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