kenbowe · 9 months
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lkfortier · 5 years
Ladies Red and White
Lady Red
The darkness and the sins of life
Give way only to further strife.
No one can promise otherwise,
For only fools believe such lies.
Abuse and treachery abound,
Sensational pleasures all around
I find no Eden here, I fear;
Such paradise will not appear.
When all succumb to wicked ways
(And I myself break from my daze),
Relinquish morals, hopes, and dreams,
And know nothing is how it seems,
The Lady Red is here to stay,
Docile and harmless by the day.
Yet come the night beware her charm,
She yearns only to do you harm.
Centuries long has been her wait,
Resigned to a sinner’s fate.
Yet why pretend she stands alone?
All men toil for Satan’s throne.
The Lady Red is here to stay,
Docile and harmless by the day,
Yet come the night, beware her charm.
Like all she yearns to do you harm.
Lady White
Life is cruel, deny this not.
‘Tis a losing battle fought
Day and night, with no advance,
A struggle against fate and chance.
Still, my love, do not despair,
And shed not another tear,
For in this darkness dwells some light,
To save you from your hellish plight.
The Lady White is here for thee.
I’ll take you far away with me
And in my arms may you find peace.
Your lifelong sufferings shall cease.
From the sinners you shall flee
And enter eternal harmony.
See, my child, a life justified
By all of which you’ve fantasized.
Though for far too long you have agonized
Under the reign of façades and lies,
Now experience what few joys
Life offers that may never cloy.
The Lady White is here for thee.
I’ll take you far away with me.
No matter what, remember dear:
You’ll always find comfort here.
Found these poems in an old stack from high school. Despite the titles, they have little canonical relevance to the Lady Red and Lady White (Lucy and Luna Cross, respectively) in my WIP. At the time I wrote these pieces, I had been playing around with Luna and Lucy as characters, and had begun to brainstorm the earliest drafts of TMLiW. Seeing as the two were so different, and seeing as an assignment at the time was to write in a style similar to Blake’s, I turned to them for inspiration. Hope you enjoyed.
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kainablue · 5 years
[[I haven’t done these in ages, sorry guys!]]
Tagged by @lkfortier, a millennia ago. Thank you!
Rules: Bold the more important themes in your WIP, italicize the less important ones
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Howl of the Blood
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life| coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality| social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
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Tagging @fictionshewrote @madmoonink @pens-swords-stuff and anyone who sees this! ^^
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21 Questions: Round 3?
Thank you to @fourohfourlifenotfound for tagging me in this fun game!
Rules: Answer 21 questions (they don’t have to be the same questions) and tag 21 people who you’d like to get to know better.
I’m going to tag @jackmattwrites, @teen-age-writer, @purplepenblog, @lkfortier, @odessawrites, @enchanted001, @candycoatedcatastrophe, @charlies-korner, @noducks, @morenerdthanperson, @griffinwriting, @beffyparkinauthor, and anyone else who would like to play! (Yes, I know it's not 21 people, but I'm too lazy lmao) As always, if you do not feel comfortable playing the tag game, you do not have to participate. <3
Note: As the rules suggested, I have modified/changed the questions a bit since I think I've done this twice, but there's always more to share!
1. What is your eye color? Hazel
2. Who’s your favorite person in the world? That title would have to go to my amazing boyfriend <3
3. What is your favorite snack? Pretzels with nutella
4. Following: 634 (lmao it's still not enough, if you have suggestions as to who I should follow, hit my inbox and I'll check them out ^^)
5. Writing Motto: Mine would have to be something like: "I swear I'm writing" as I'm looking up inspiration for my WIP
6. (Some) Favorite TV Shows:
- Supernatural
- GoT
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
7. What is your favorite fairytale? Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
8. Favorite Song? This is really hard... but I've had Mamma Mia stuck in my head all day so let's just go with that lmao
9. Languages I’m Fluent In? English
10. Languages I can Count to 10 In? - English
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
- French
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
- German
eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn
- Spanish uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
11. Top 5 Mythical Creatures (in order)? - Dragons
- The Fae Folk
- Unicorns
- Merfolk
- Vampires (Old Fashioned, not Twilight)
12. What is your favorite sport? Lololol I hate sports but if I had to choose one, volleyball cos it's easy enough
13. Favorite (Musical) Character? Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West from Wicked
14. Favorite (TV) Character? I'm currently in the middle of a Buffy rewatch, but I'm in love with Willow <3
15. Favorite (Book) Character? Gemma Doyle from the Gemma Doyle Trilogy (that's what I call it) by Libba Bray
16. Are you a dog person or cat person? Definitely a cat person, but I love all animals <3 I can't resist the fluff
17. Favorite Genre? Fantasy/Fiction
18. Who is/are the best teacher(s) you’ve ever had? Besides my band and choir directors? I would have to say my Junior and Senior year English teachers. They inspired me to write. And they did their best at a horrible school lmao
19. Favorite Fanfiction (Authored by Someone Else)? The Throne of Glass Series (technically started out as a fanfiction off of the Cinderella story that eventually grew into the books some know now) by Sarah J. Maas
Buuuut if we are talking fanfiction that can be found on here or fanfiction.net, I wouldn't know any and I feel ashamed because I haven't read that many fanfictions. If there are any really good ones, inbox me the name and link and I'll check it out.. eventually.
20. Favorite Original Story Idea (Authored by Me): My current WIP(s)!!! The interlocking stories that occur in the world I created for roleplaying that have blossomed into this wonderful story.
21. Favorite Original Story (Authored by Someone Else): This is REALLY hard. Ugh. My first love... Harry Potter. But I have to say, I really love the House of Night Series written by the Mother/Daughter duo.
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usuallydecentwriter · 5 years
Song Title Tag
Thank you @lkfortier​ for tagging me
Sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner lol
Instructions: Turn your URL into song titles, and then tag ten people. 
U- Unopened Windows- Set it Off
S- Stitch Me Up- Set it Off
U- Uma Thurman- Fall Out Boy
A- Alejandro- Lady Gaga
L- Let me down slowly- Alec Benjamin
L- Libros Tontos- Bronco
Y- Youngblood- 5SOS
D- Dearly Departed- Unlike Pluto
E- Everybody gets High- MISSIO
C- Courtesy Call - Thousand Foot Krutch
E- Echame la Culpa- Luis Fonsi, Demi Lovato
N- Not Gonna Die- Skillet
T- Traitor- Daughtry 
W- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing- Set it Off
R- Rap God- Eminem 
I- If I Killed Someone For You- Alec Benjamin
T- Talking to the Moon- Bruno Mars
E- Everytime We Touch- CASCADA 
R- Rockefeller Street- Getter Jaani 
And I’ll be tagging...
@annalisemarlene56 @mlgwrites @sundaynightnovels
and whoever else wants to join. Y’all can just say I tagged you :)
sorry for you who have long URLs 
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lavender-writing · 5 years
Song Title Tag! 
Thank you @lkfortier for tagging me :)))
Instructions: Turn your URL into song titles, and then tag ten people.
P- Poet by Bastille 
U- Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars
R- Revolution by The Score
P- Piece of Your Heart by Mayday Parade
L- Love by Imagine Dragons
E- Enemies by Lauv
P- Priceless by for King and Country
E- Everything Comes Alive by We Are Messengers 
N- Natural by Imagine Dragons
B- Better by OneRepublic  
L- Life of the Party by All Time Low
O- Oh My Love by The Score
G- Go Big or Go Home by American Authors 
Okayyy I have too many p’s in my name xD. Also e’s are super hard tbh. But I loved doing this! As you can tell, I’m definitely into alternative, for the most part. 
Okey dokey, I tag @chraneness , @crazybunchwriter , @tjnightpoet , @mysticalmoonfox . Of course, if you don’t want to or have been tagged already, totally a-okay!!
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lkfortier · 5 years
The Beast
He anticipated the screams. They bubbled up from the throats of every one of his victims, silenced quickly as they came with a single slash across the neck. In those moments, he relished their terror. They’d no time to plead or pray, beg or bargain. When his prey was most vulnerable, he thrived.
        But he did not expect the tears.
        The others did not cry. There was no time. One second, perhaps two, and their lives were ended with a flick of his claws. Sometimes he felt almost guilty, for it seemed too easy—then again, who could stand against him? What man could hope to match his strength, his cunning, or his cruelty? None, for he was a god among them, seeking out their frailest and fiercest alike and felling both indiscriminately. The humans knew this; they feared him because of it.
        So why the hell did they send him a child?
        He could hear her sobs before he saw her. Pathetic gasps for air escaped her lips, mixed with tears she’d yet to shed and the ones that bled down her pale cheeks. The snow was knee-deep for her; she could walk no more than a few steps before stumbling, falling, disappearing into the white. His lips curled. No. This had to be a mistake. This tiny wisp of a girl could not be their latest offering. Surely they were not so desperate?
        A bizarre feeling overcame him as he watched her struggle to stand. Even from a distance, he could see the way her limbs trembled. Whether from cold or from fear, he could not tell. All he knew was that this delicate human child had wandered into his domain, and he was furious.
        He’d half a mind to kill her then and there. In that instant he yearned to lunge at her, knock her small form to the ground and tear her to pieces. He dug his nails into the tree he clung to. Even in his current form—admittedly far weaker and less able than his beast one—he could destroy her with minimal effort. And yet, something held him in place. He did not throw himself at this girl, though he could feel the carnal desire for her blood wearing at his willpower. No, he had something better in mind.
        He allowed himself to drop from his perch, hidden away in the upper branches of the pines, to the snow-covered ground below. The icy outer layer gave beneath his weight with a sickening crack that echoed through the wood. Hearing a noise behind her, the girl froze. She did not turn around.
        Well, won’t this be fun.“Are you lost, little maiden?” he called to her, dusting the snow from his clothes that hung, loose but not ill-fitting, around his frame. The girl had tensed at the sound of the impact, yet his voice seemed to set her somewhat at ease. She turned slowly to face him, cracking open one eye just enough to see the stranger who addressed her.
        “I-I, um…” Her voice was small as she was, little more than a whisper swept away by the wind. Were his hearing not quite so sensitive, he would have missed it. “I just…”
        She trailed off. The tears continued to fall down her cheeks. He wondered how long she had before her eyes froze shut.
        “Oh, come now,” he said as he approached her. She bit her lip but made no sound. “I don’t bite. You seem to be in distress. I only want to help you.”
        A few strides brought him within a foot of her. He looked down his nose at the child, smaller up close, as a familiar hunger began to gnaw at him. For the moment, he forced it aside. The little girl did not move from her position, though her eyes darted about like a caged animal’s. Despite this inconspicuous form he’d taken, she was not easily soothed. His suspicions grew stronger.
        “What has you so upset? I’d hate to see a pretty little thing such as yourself shed such ugly tears,” he murmured. He hadn’t meant his words as a compliment, yet she seemed to respond as such. The ends of her lips twitched upwards in the faintest of smiles. At last she looked at him, and he could see that her cheeks were tinged a deep pink.
        “My parents sent me out.” She buried her gloved hands in the folds of her skirt. Her teeth chattered with each word.
        She went to lower her head again, but he stopped her, cupping her chin in his hand. He locked his eyes on hers, large and fawnlike, a green so light they appeared almost gray. She squirmed a bit but did not struggle. Judging by her reaction, she likely didn’t realize his true identity. Such was to be expected. Few if any humans knew of his talent for changing forms, and those who did rarely lived to tell his secret. Were she to look closely enough, she might see through his disguise—see the dark gold of his eyes, the way his sharpened nails bent a bit at the edges, or how his hair, thick and rough, resembled the untamed majesty of a wolf’s winter coat.
        Poor, stupid little thing. She was too blind to understand, and it would be her undoing.
        “Why did your mother and father send you off into the cold?” he asked. “Surely they know how dangerous this forest can be. You’ll catch your death all alone.”
        At his words, the child stiffened again. She tried to pull her face away, but he held fast, his nails digging into her soft flesh. A few spare tears burst against his thumb.
        “P-Please,” she begged, her voice reduced to a faint stutter. “I have to—I really must—”
        “Go? Surely not so soon. For you see, my dear, I’m curious about you. Your parents set you loose to face the beast, did they not?”
        More tears. The burning of their warmth against his skin was starting to annoy him.
        “Do not lie,” he warned her, as with his thumb he brushed the tears away from her lower lip. She opened her mouth, but no words would come, so she stood silent, slack jawed and trembling. “Fine then. I offered you my help, but if you refuse—”
        “They made me!”
        He’d just relinquished his hold, been prepared to wrap his hands around her pretty little throat and end her at last. Her shriek stopped him. The girl pulled away too suddenly, and she fell backwards into the snow and ice. White flooded her boots, found its way into her gloves and beneath the folds of her skirt and under the long sleeves of her cotton shirt. Had she any exposed skin, the large ice shards would have left their mark, though as it was he knew she would not go unscathed. Now, cold, bruising, and terrified, the child finally gave in. She let out a wail and began to cry harder than before.  Her sobs, interwoven with hiccups and fits of coughing, caught in her throat.
        “Ple…please, I just…” She choked on her words, each one more unintelligible than the last. After a few tries, she gave up, letting the tears flow as she shut her eyes, no doubt prepared for the inevitable.
        She hiccupped.
        “Look at me.”
        It took a moment, but she did. Again, she cracked only one eye open, as if expecting him to become the beast and devour her the moment she looked his way.
        “Why did your parents send you out?” he whispered. He eyed her simple clothing—suitable for indoor wear, perhaps, but hardly enough for extended exposure this time of year. She carried no items, no weapons. Whoever had her undertake this journey wanted to ensure she did not return alive. “Did they want to see you harmed?”
        “They…they told me it was for the good of everyone,” the girl said. Her voice shook slightly. At least her sobs had softened. “They said that I’m too small. I’m not much use. It would be better to send me out, so that someone else could…”
        She trailed off. He noted how she kept her head bent, her gaze focused on her hands, palm up in her lap. Her dread had not dissipated, yet she seemed so much more submissive. It was as if merely speaking of her parents reminded her of the task they’d assigned. How typical of a human child, he thought. So dependent upon her parents, so desperate for approval and praise that she’d walk blindly into the devil’s lair for reasons she could not begin to understand at her age.
        He sneered at her.
        “They lied to you.” He ignored the look of disbelief that flitted across her face. “Your sacrifice will do little if nothing at all to appease the creature that haunts these woods. You will die here, and it will be just a matter of time before the killings in the village begin again. Then another will take your place, make your same journey, die your same death. It’s a vicious cycle, my dear.”
        “How…how do you—”
        He could see the gears turning in her little head, brows furrowed. In a few seconds, it all seemed to click, and he watched her eyes widen, his lips splitting into a grin that revealed a set of teeth too sharp to belong to a human. The girl’s face paled. Another tear escaped her eye and raced towards her trembling lips.
        “That’s right, little one,” he said, kneeling down so that his face was level with hers. “You’d have done well to remember: there are no kind strangers in these woods.”
        He wiped a tear from her cheek. The child said nothing.
        Something was off in the village.
        No smoke billowed from the chimneys on rooftops. No lanterns glowed, no candles gleamed. Not a sound could be heard in the whole of the place. Had someone noticed the scene, it would have been too easy to assume the beast had made a meal of the villagers and run off, leaving but a quiet decimation in his wake.
        But that was not the case.
        “What’s taking so long?” A small voice broke the silence, no more than a faint whisper. All of the people had gathered in the town center. Cloaked in blacks and greys, they huddled together for warmth in the darkness, no one daring to speak, save for one restless child. His question met with concerned murmurs from the other villagers as his mother pulled him closer.
        “Silence!” A large man near the front held up his hands. “We must stay patient. It will happen soon.”
        Everyone knew what they were waiting for: a sound unlike anything of this world, one of despair and unequivocal terror. The sound an animal makes when cornered, when injured and alone it makes one last desperate attempt for its life, only to be mercilessly slaughtered by an indifferent predator. This night, as with all that had come to pass, the villagers waited for a sound they now knew all too well. Only once they heard it would they know they were safe.
        “It’s been hours,” another voice hissed from the back. His voice carried across the unsettled crowd. “We should have heard it by now.”        
        His words prompted unease from the others.
        “What if she escaped?”
        “Did he reject the offering?”
        “It’s too late to send another, we can’t possibly—”
        “E-nough!” The man at the front held up his hands. Even in the dark, his pale eyes glinted with a fire none could match. “This is not unprecedented. We are not unfamiliar with the creature’s ways, how he toys with our offerings. This is part of his plan. We must not turn against each other!”
        “How are we to know, Charles?” the woman next to him argued. “She was so small, it seems impossible that he would be able to torment her for long. If he’s dissatisfied, then—”
        “Then nothing,” Charles said. He shot her a look that demanded her silence, and she complied, clutching herself for dear life. Turning back to the crowd, he said, “In the event the offering is rejected, we shall send another. However, we must not do so until we are sure. It will simply encourage the beast to manipulate us into killing off ourselves.”
        “Elisabeth is right,” another insisted. “She shouldn’t have lasted this long. If the girl’s been killed and he isn’t satisfied, he’ll come for us next! We have to send another.”
        Elisabeth bit the edge of her thumbnail, knowing Charles was glowering at her. His rage would not be easy to avoid once the night was over. Meanwhile, the other villagers had resumed talking amongst themselves.
        “We should send someone capable, lest the beast think we’ve insulted it—”
        “And who would you suggest, Mathias?” Charles turned to a young man several feet from him. “Would you like to select one of our best men from the crowd and send him to his death? Or perhaps we should send you?”
        Mathias approached. Though he stood a good head shorter than the leader of their village, he held his ground. “Why don’t you go, Charles?” he asked. “After all, it was you who decided to send the girl. Shouldn’t her father be the one to rescue her from the beast’s maw?”
        Both Elisabeth and Charles stiffened. His features contorted with rage.
        “Why you insolent—” He lunged at Mathias, who stumbled backwards into the crowd.
        “Charles, stop, please!”
        “No!” he snarled. Elisabeth flinched and released his arm. “We havesacrificedour daughter for the sake of this village! That he dares to question our choice, our authority shows he is too ungrateful to understand what we have done!”
        At last he began to settle. His breathing slowed, and he stood, no longer restrained by his wife. All eyes were on him. The whispers had ceased.
        “Since you all seem to doubt that our sacrifice was sufficient,” Charles seethed, “I will grant your requests. A second sacrifice will be made.” His eyes flicked to Mathias. “Take him.”
        “That won’t be necessary.”
        The village seemed to turn to ice. Neither Mathias nor Charles had spoken; both stared at each other with wide eyes, neither daring to believe what they’d heard. Beside him, Charles heard Elisabeth whimper. Just behind them stood a silhouetted figure, its features indistinguishable in the darkness.
        “Hm, how curious. Did any of you think to check, perhaps, on the sacrifice you so graciouslysent me way?” The thing approached. As it withdrew from the shadows, moonlight fell upon its face. Two golden eyes watched the petrified villagers with subtle eagerness. A set of dark lips twisted upwards in a wicked smile.
        Charles felt his wife go limp beside him. Mathias had fallen silent, as had all the others. With a tremor in his voice, he took a step towards the creature, cursing the trembling of his legs.
        “We’ve given you what you wanted!” he pleaded. “Please, we’ve followed the precedent of our ancestors. For this month, you are to leave us be, you are appeased!”
        The beast chuckled. “Oh, am I? Well, that’s a surprise. You see, I don’t quite feelso appeased.”
        His gaze fell over the other villagers—men beside their wives, children clinging to the skirts of their mothers. His lip curled.
        “You thought that by sending a child to me you would spare yourselves. Was that your plan?” he asked. His voice, though low, was enough to make those closest to him flinch.
        “We—we believed that if—”
        “Silence!” the creature roared, and Charles spoke no more. His heart beat painfully in his chest with each moment that passed. “You dare to disgrace that which your ancestors promised me! A hundred years of worthy sacrifice—your strongest warrior, your most learned historian. It seems I have been too lenient with you. You believe that you can offer up a calf for slaughter in place of a bull, and expect no punishment? There is a price to pay for such insolence.”
        Looks of horror and prayers for sympathy fell on deaf ears as the beast took hold of Charles. Their cries turned to screams, and the villagers scattered, some to their homes, some trying in a blind panic to flee to the forest. It did not matter. Within a matter of minutes the land was quiet once more. Crimson stained its snowy blanket, glistening beneath the moonlight. And the beast, now satisfied, returned to the wood.
        “Forgive me. I hadn’t wished to act so rashly. However, old promises need to be kept, no matter how much time has passed.”
        The child said nothing. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, the beast watched the moon begin to set. In another few hours the sun would rise, bringing to light his crimes. Any who saw would know what had happened, and think twice before acting on their cowardice.
        “I’m certain your parents never told you the truth of your ancestors’ promise, did they?” the beast asked. Again, his words met with silence. “Ah, no matter. They were old fools. In their minds it was better to sacrifice one innocent life, and bear the sins of that offering, than to die with any semblance of honor.”
        The beast sighed. His gaze fell to the child before him. Her lips were turned downward, her arms folded neatly across her chest. Wrapped as she was in her little red cloak, she might appear to be sleeping to any passerby. Only her eyes shattered the illusion. The pretty green was now a dull and lifeless grey, concealed only slightly by her wilting lids and thick lashes. A loose blonde curl clung to her face, frozen by tears that would never fall.
        This was how it must be. She was the lamb, he the lion. A sacrifice had been made, and unlike the selfish ones who had sent her to her death, he had every intention of keeping his promise. Still, he would not compromise himself. The beast bent low over the child, and with two fingers closed her eyes forever. She deserved better, he thought, than being set up to fail, an offering that would never suffice. A pup trying to fill the role of an alpha. He shook his head. At least now, in the forest’s embrace, she might know some peace.
        Casting one final glance at the child, and then back towards her village, whose remains would be discovered come morning, the beast turned, and disappeared into the heart of the wood.  
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lkfortier · 5 years
WIP Themes Game
Tagged by @atbwrites --thank you! I love these ^_^
Rules: Bold the themes in your WIP
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life| coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality| social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
...not gonna lie, this makes my story sound way cooler than it does when I talk about it out loud!
Let’s see, I think I’ll tag... @clarissalopeswriter ter, @whywritewhenyoucansleep ep ,@purplepenblog and@kainablue ! Have fun~
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lkfortier · 5 years
dropping in to give you a 💔 and a 💝 ! (and also a general
Emily: The protagonist. Taken from her family as child, she retains only the faintest memories of her past life, and has adopted the ways of monsters in order to survive. Emily is hostile towards outsiders, and cruel, more concerned with self-preservation than the wellbeing of others. Through the years she’s managed to rely on cunning and manipulation to get by, though her impulsivity tends to get in the way, often clouding her common sense and judgment. 
Julian: Charismatic and quirky, Julian knows how to charm just about anyone, and likes to play his actions off as harmless mischief. Lame puns and a simple smile are enough to win over most, yet beneath the sweet facade lies an even deeper secret. At his core Julian is little more than a self-centered degenerate, masquerading as a gentle and adorkable con-artist while carrying out a far darker agenda behind the scenes.
Lucy: An unholy vow shattered Lucy’s humanity, leaving her a shell of her former self. Known now as Lady Red (and for good reason), she kills without mercy or remorse, and reaps sadistic pleasure from tormenting her victims. Her disarming beauty and coquettish nature are nothing but an illusion meant to conceal the monster underneath.
Luna: Not much is known about the younger Cross sister, presumably because she falls constantly into Lucy’s shadow. Reticent and aloof, Luna rarely leaves her sister’s side, and does not deal well with others. However, she is obedient to the point of subservience—she will do whatever her sister or others command without hesitation, and seems to possess neither a voice nor free will of her own. 
💝: After a lot of thought, I’d have to say Emily’s. She goes through a lot over the course of the novel, and I feel like the resolution will show a side of her that some might not anticipate :3  
(Oof, this was actually a bit tricky, one because I don’t want to give too much and two because I suck at summaries :P Here you go, though! And thank you very much for the heart
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lkfortier · 5 years
21 Questions!
Thanks to @roadtocreativity  for tagging me! I love these games~
Rules: Answer 21 questions (they don’t have to be the same questions) and tag 21 people who you’d like to get to know better.
I’m going to tag @whywritewhenyoucansleep  @purplepenblog, @kainablue , @clarissalopeswriter , @nemiliciouss (tbh if they even acknowledged this I would die lol), @mysticalmoonfox , @the-violet-writer , @mesmerizingsoul, @maikosworld01 , @rhiannon-writes, @fictionalthrills , @sundaynightnovels , @h-brook-writes, @atbwrites , and anyone else who would like to play! (Not quite at 21 but I listed as many as I could off the top of my head so there’s that!)
1. What is your eye color? Brown
2. Who’s your favorite person in the world? Probably my dad. He’s one of the few people in my life currently who doesn’t aggravate me past the point of no return :p
3. What is your favorite snack? Chocolate-covered strawberries~ Yum. 
4. Following: 346 and counting! I’m always looking for new blogs (especially writeblrs) to follow--it’s awesome connecting with other writers and other users in general :D 
5. Writing Motto: Hm. Honestly, I don’t think I really have one? If I had to make one up on the spot, it’d probably be something like “I’ve got stories to tell, and I’ll be damned if someone tries to stop me from telling them.” Does that count? Idk but people are pretty mean to writers sometimes, so...it’s some nice advice to remember ^_^
6. Favorite TV Shows:
Miraculous Ladybug
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Criminal Minds
Game of Thrones
American Horror Story
7. What is your favorite fairytale? Beauty and the Beast 
8. Favorite Song? This changes like, every other day depending on my mood. Right now, probably “Once Upon a December” from Anastasia. 
9. Languages I’m Fluent In? English
10. Languages I can Count to 10 In?
Literally just English and Spanish - English
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
- Spanish uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
11. Top 5 Mythical Creatures (in order)? -Mermaids/Sirens
-Winged Unicorns
(I’m not sure if they count as mythical “creatures” since they’re people, but I love the idea of witches/magicians/magic wielders, so if they counted they’d be high up on this list)
12. What is your favorite sport? Bowling! To play at least, I’m a pretty decent bowler ;) To watch...probably a tie between soccer, hockey, and baseball. 
13. Favorite (Musical) Character? Erik from The Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies
14. Favorite (TV) Character? Right now probably Rafael Barba from SVU. He’s a brilliant ADA.
15. Favorite (Book) Character? ...I’ve got nuthin’
16. Are you a dog person or cat person? Probably both--makes me sound hella indecisive but I have a dog and a cat and I love them both too much to choose. All animals are amazing <3
17. Favorite Genre? Fiction, 100%! Favorite sub-genres in that range would be anything fantasy, some magic realism, and some horror ^_^
18. Who is/are the best teacher(s) you’ve ever had? All my high school English teachers, hands down. The first really helped me find a passion for writing, the second (who I had for two years) helped me perfect my style and fix a lot of technical issues I had, and the third...was kind of a prick, so I made it my personal mission to impress him by writing as well as possible and proving myself. 
19. Favorite Fanfiction (Authored by Someone Else)? Ooof that’s really hard! I’ve read many fan fictions authored by other people over the last decade...I don’t know if I have a real favorite, though. Right now I’ve gotten heavily into The Arcana fan fics on AO3, so I guess I’ll just say anything with Asra in it ^^”
20. Favorite Original Story Idea (Authored by Me): I’m gonna say Siren’s Blood (working title)--it’s a WIP I haven’t touched directly in years, but it was my first original WIP and it holds a special place in my heart. 
21. Favorite Original Story (Authored by Someone Else): Gonna be lame and follow the previous answer of Harry Potter--it was my first big series and so my first major book love (though strangely not the topic of my first fan fic...weird). Though only books 1-7--I like to pretend anything after that doesn’t exist
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lkfortier · 5 years
Aesthetic Tag
Thanks to @inkwellprincess  for tagging me! I’ll tag @whywritewhenyoucansleep @maikosworld01 and @clarissalopeswriter --have fun!
Pen or pencil?
Personally I love pens--not sure why but pencils give me a bad vibe (even though my handwriting looks better in lead somehow?). Plus, gotta love ink-stained fingertips~
Have you ever drawn your ocs?
Nope! While I love seeing my characters come to life, I myself am absolutely abysmal at drawing anything. I’ll usually resort to commissions, which are just as fun! (Psst--you can see illustrations of my characters here ;D )
Does your writing ever make you cry?
Yes. Admittedly my memory is a little fuzzy when it comes to particular moments, but I know that either rereading old writing or creating new pieces has made me cry in the past.
If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
Um, hm. Good question. I feel like it would either be: A) a girl with a messy bun, leggings and a sweatshirt spinning around in a swivel chair like “lol wat’s productivity” or B) a tall man with green eyes and dark reddish hair who lowkey intimidates me into working, pushing me not to discourage me but because the harder I work, the more magnificent the final product will be.
*ahem* Yes, well. Usually it’s one or the other, never both (and I’m sure you can guess which one wins out more frequently).
Which one of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
Currently? I’d have to say either The Moon Lies in Wait (once it’s completed) or the chapbook of poetry I’m trying to publish (I’d kill to see English teachers carve that up while I’m laughing on the sidelines). Overall, though, I’d probably want to be remembered more for another novel-length work, one I haven’t mentioned yet on here but which actually jumpstarted my pursuit of original fiction writing (and writing as a potential career!). 
How much have you written or worked on your WIP today?
None. I’m guilty, I admit it. TBH I’m currently doing work for creative writing classes, though, so...still productive? 
Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
Yes! Many times! Often it takes a while to recount the details of said dreams, and I have to make do with little to nothing when they ultimately fade, but honestly, a lot of my ideas come, in some tiny portion, from dreams I’ve had. 
Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when writing?
Music, usually soft instrumentals. Ambient noise is my go-to for studying, and anything else is a bit distracting. 
Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
Not really. Usually I’ll get a cup of tea or hot chocolate so I’m cozy and don’t really need to get up, but otherwise nah. I just want to jump on in--the more time I waste getting ready, the less time I have to write.
Have you ever participated in NaNoWrimo or a Camp?
Yes, twice. I officially participated in NaNoWriMo in 2017 (got about 5 pages in -.-) and signed up to participate in November 2018. However, both times my professors decided to pile on immense amounts of papers onto us, so my schedules got pretty tied up. Ah well, there’s always next year! 
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lkfortier · 5 years
Writing Prompt #1
Create a story involving the following: a gun, a car ride, and a family secret. 
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lkfortier · 5 years
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Emily Lyn
Meet my pretty little protagonist. Emily’s life has been anything but easy, and she has over a decade’s worth of scars to prove it. She’s cold and hostile towards most people--another result of her rough upbringing--and is ultimately more concerned with her own survival than with anyone else’s wellbeing. For more info on her and my other characters, check out my characters page.
(all illustrations done by [email protected])
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lkfortier · 5 years
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Character Moodboard: Emily Lyn
WIP: The Moon Lies in Wait
“When your goal’s to survive, everyone else is an obstacle.”
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lkfortier · 5 years
Thanks to @whywritewhenyoucansleep for tagging me! Let’s give this a go, shall we?
1. If you could go to one of your oc’s bachelor/bachelorette party, which would you choose (also: who would have the wildest one???)
Oh, Lucy’s, 110%. Her’s would be the wildest without a doubt, and it would be fun to watch her flirt with the strippers ;)
2. What’s your favorite time of day to write?
Honestly, I don’t have a particular favorite time of day. I might say I write mostly in the late afternoon/night, but that’s just because I'm more of a night owl/have more free time later in the day. Nothing past midnight though--my mind goes weird places XD
3. What’s your favourite ship in your WIP? (platonic or romantic, I get ya)
Hmm. Without giving too much away, I’d have to say Emily/Connor (for now, anyway). You’ll see him later ;)
4. How far are you into your WIP?
I’m about a chapter and a half (about 30 pages) in right now, though that’s going to change. I have plans to revise the first chapter pretty thoroughly once I get everything a bit more settled. I guess you could say I’m more of a panster than a plotter!
5. If you were stuck in a broken elevator for twelve hours, which oc would you choose to be stuck in there with you? (note: you have to be in there for the twelve hours!!! no houdini escape!!!)
Probably Emily. That child needs a twelve-hour hug. 
6. What’s your favourite colour? (generic, I know)
Orange! Followed by dark and subtly shiny colors like blackish blues and forest greens, but definitely orange first. 
7. Where would one of your oc’s propose to the other? (if this question isn’t up your alley, replace “propose to” with “surprise attack hug”)
Going with the “surprise attack hug” route. Julian can and will glomp Emily wherever and whenever he possibly can. Mostly to annoy her.
8. Which oc is most like you?
Julian. I tend to put small pieces of myself into almost every character I write, but out of them all, he’s the one I could probably relate to the most. 
9. Do you prefer writing with ambient noise, music (if so, with or without lyrics), or in silence?
Usually instrumentals of songs that inspire/make me think of my story. I’ll also use songs not sung in English (Japanese and German are my go-to’s), since the lyrics are far less distracting. I’m not a big fan of writing in silence, and I usually save ambient noise for studying/writing papers. 
10. If you suddenly got the power of teleportation, where in the world would you go first? (this can extend to planets, I kinda wanna yeet myself into the sun)
1. Relatable 2. Well I’ve always wanted to visit Europe, but seeing as it’s currently below zero where I live, I’m gonna say the Turks and Caicos. 
I’m going to tag @maikosworld01  and @eternalflameprincess 
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lavender-writing · 5 years
WIP Theme Tag
I was tagged by @lkfortier —> thank you!! these games are fun and force me to work on my wip!!
Rules: Bold the themes in your WIP
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life| coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality| social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
I had to think pretty hard about these themes! Of course, some (if not many) are likely to change while I write, but it’s a great starting point!!
I tag... @chraneness @sundaynightnovels @the-violet-writer and whoever else wants to join!! ofc if you’ve already done it or don’t want to that’s totally fine :)
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