#little reptile
starsurface · 2 months
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Regressor Syzoth w/ CG Kitana: Broken Cookie Jar!!
WARNING: A lot of mentions to hitting, screaming, and abuse. (None of it happens, but Syzoth panics)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Syzoth giggled quietly as he snuck into the kitchen. He was invisible, no one could see him!! This was the perfect idea to steal some cookies!!
Kitana and him had baked some earlier. She let him have one after they were done cooling off, but then she put them into the cookie jar! It was a Johnny Cage cookie jar, a gift from the star himself. Johnny said it was a chibi version of him? Whatever that meant. 
Kitana scolded him earlier when he tried to get more. She said he had to wait until after dinner- After dinner!!! 
That was so far away!
Okay, it was in like, thirty minutes, but that was still so long!!
Surely if he took just one more, it wouldn't hurt anybody.
He had distracted Kitana by asking if she could fetch his dinosaur plushie, Fetch! He did want him, but he also knew Kitana would leave him alone for a few minutes to go get him. He could easily shove a cookie in his mouth and then head back outside where they were playing!
The chefs were busy with other matters so almost none were in the kitchen, mostly because Kitana was semi-set on making cookies in peace. Syzoth adored hanging outside while small, but Mileena had made a special place in the garden just for regressors. And he didn't wanna be little in front of people.
"Just one cookie," Syzoth whispered to himself.
He lifted the lid and grabbed a cookie, shoving it into his mouth. It tasted so yummy!! 
Technically, he wasn't supposed to be having human food. But one cookie here or there wouldn't make him throw up. . . The tummy ache would be incredibly painful still. 
But Syzoth was too small to be concerned about whether his tummy would ache or not. Right now, all he wanted to focus on was eating the cookies. They were delicious!! How could he not steal some?
Maybe it'd be alright for him to steal another one? No one was around . . . It would be fine-
"Syzoth?" Kitana walked into the kitchen. "Where could he have-"
Syzoth dropped the lid he was holding. It was suspicious anyhow, a floating lid.
But the lid didn't land on the counter or back in place. It hit the jar at an awkward angle, knocking the cookie jar over.
A few cookies fell out and onto the counter. Which was fine, everything was fine.
But then the jar started rolling. And Syzoth couldn't catch it in time before-
He had done it now.
"Syzoth, what did you do?" Kitana frowned, looking at the shattered glass. "Turn visible, I want to see you, now."
Syzoth didn't like the fact she was using his real name. It shouldn't bother him, he knows it shouldn't. But Kitana always had pet names for him!
Syzoth turned himself back visible, sheepishly looking at the ground, holding onto his robes tightly. Was Kitana going to yell and hit him? No, she wasn't that cruel. . . Right?
She'd never yelled at him before when he was being naughty. A few lectures sure. Most times a stern warning voice was all he needed before behaving again or voicing what was wrong. 
But he had also never quite broken not only a rule, but glass at the same time.
Back with Shang Tsung, had Syzoth ever dropped a bottle or a glass, he'd . . . he'd . . .
He backed slightly as Kitana stepped forward.
"I- I," Syzoth struggled, lip already quivering as tears filled his eyes. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"
"You're alright, hatchling," Kitana said, putting her hands up as she slowly walked forward. She grabbed the duster pan on her slow walk. "Back away from the jar, alright? I need to clean this up."
"Pease don't yell!" Syzoth begged, clutching onto his robes tightly. "O-Or hit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be naughty or break the rules or trick you!! I-"
"Hey, hey, hey, take a deep breath for me, sweetheart," Kitana shushed him gently, softly touching his hair. The act usually calmed him down. He adored head pats. No longer were the acts cruel and violent. "Go stand over there, okay? I don't want you to get a cut. Then we'll sit down and talk, okay?"
Syzoth's lip quivered, "Time out?"
Syzoth didn't really serve timeouts. Maybe once, or twice, but he didn't like feeling abandoned, or alone. It was scary, he didn't want to be scared anymore.
Kitana held back a sigh, gently pushing Syzoth away, "Sy, please, move away from the glass."
Syzoth watched as Kitana cleaned his mess. He tried to help, he wanted to help, but Kitana stressed that she didn't need it.
Syzoth couldn't exactly read her tone. Was she annoyed? Was she mad or angry? Was she really going to 'talk' with him, or was she going to yell and scream?
Kitana had to throw away some of the cookies that had fallen with the cookie jar. Actually, she had to throw away most of the cookies, much to Syzoth's dismay, and Kitana even had to throw away the entire cookie jar!!
Kitana put the dust pan away, giving Syzoth a soft smile, "Can you tell me what happened?"
"Wanted another cookie," Syzoth admitted sheepishly. "But you said no. So I made a plan and told you to get Fetch while I got a cookie. I'm sorry for deceiving you."
"Deceivings a very big word," Kitana commented. "Where are you right now, Sy? You feeling big or little, Hun?"
"Lil," Syzoth gripped his robes tightly. "Just . . scared."
"Well I'm not very happy you tricked me, but I'm not mad either. You know what human food does to your tummy, baby. It makes you feel all icky and gross. ANd it makes your tummy hurt a lot, doesn't it?" Kitana asked. Syzoth whined in response.
"But they were yummy!"
"Sy," Kitana gave a slightly stern tone, making Syzoth back down, "I said we could have more cookies after dinner, didn't I?"
Syzoth gave a small nod, "Mhm. But now there's no more cookies!"
"That's because half of them were covered in glass, Sweetheart," Kitana sighed, pulling Syzoth into a hug. "Next time I say no more cookies until after dinner, you listen, okay?"
"Otay," Syzoth nodded, hugging Kitana back tightly. "You sure you're not mad, 'Tana?"
"I'm sure," Kitana kissed his forehead. "I'm a bit upset about the whole situation, but I'm not exactly mad. I'm glad you didn't get hurt," Kitana put her finger up, "But you only get one cookie later!"
Syzoth wanted to whiny and disagree at that. Originally he was allowed three cookies after dinner. But now only one!! There was maybe five, seven cookies left? And it was a better outcome than getting a spanking of timeout . . .
"Otay," Syzoth looked deflated.
Kitana kissed his temple, "Let's get the surviving cookies into a zip lock. You wanna help me?"
Syzoth nodded, going to grab a zip lock. Kitana placed the cookies inside. Syzoth help a bit happier, now being allowed to help out. Kitana placed the cookies in a cabinet, one that little Syzoth would try to reach.
"Where's Fetch?" Syzoth asked, suddenly realizing that his stuffie wasn't with Kitana.
"He's waiting outside!! On your little sun rock," Kitana said. There was a designated 'sun laying' rock that Syzoth claimed when he first got here.
Syzoth looked very happy before frowning, pointing to the trashcan, "I'm sorry I broke the jar. Didn't mean to drop it, it was an accident."
"I assumed as much," Kitana said before smirking. "Honestly, it was pretty ugly anyways."
Syzoth giggled at that, "Don't let Johnny hear that, 'Tana!"
"Then it'll stay between us," Kitana winked at him, Syzoth nodded and blinked back. "But I suppose that we'll have to get a new cookie jar, won't we? What kind of jar should we get?"
"Santa jar!" Syzoth gasped. "We get a Santa jar?"
"YOu do love Christmas, don't you?" Kitana ruffled his hair.
Other than Valentine's day, Christmas was Syzoth's favorite holiday. Kitana loved it as well, Earthrealm had such nice holiday.
"Santa jar," Syzoth repeated.
Kitana chuckled, "Kinda sounds like this was all a plan to replace our cookie jar."
"Was not!" Syzoth gasped, shaking his head.
"Was too!" Kitana stuck her tongue at him before dashing out of the kitchen.
Syzoth whined, running after her, "Nuh-uh! I- 'Tana!!"
But there was a smile on both their faces.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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indoraptorgirlwind · 2 months
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kaijutegu · 3 months
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We are a banana enjoyer!
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claypigeonpottery · 4 months
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this is a little brush rest I made for myself
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gerathewise · 7 months
my version of ponyfi mk1 characters ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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puppyeared · 6 months
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wanna see a magic trick? 🪄🎩
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plusie · 8 months
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shangsclaws · 8 months
Romantic Intro Dialogues
with Shang Tsung, Syzoth, and Reiko
don’t be fooled y’all i am still very much in writer’s hibernation lol. besides that tho, THANK YOU FOR 960 FOLLOWERS?! u guys r crazy. and i like crazy
tw: suggestive
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Shang Tsung: Of all the things you’ve pitted against me in this timeline, you were generous to give me y/n.
Liu Kang: Be thankful only for the disarray. You two should not have met.
Johnny: I call bullshit. There’s no way anyone found you boyfriend material.
Shang Tsung: Well if you’re such a charming actor, care to tell me why your wife left?
Syzoth: Y/n?! So all those groans coming from your testing chambers were-
Shang Tsung: None of your business.
Reiko: Y/n has distracted you from the general’s orders.
Shang Tsung: Have you ever been in love with more than just your duties, little boy?
Y/N: If I win tonight, you shapeshift into whoever I please.
Shang Tsung: And if I win, I get to test my newest set of claws.
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Shang Tsung: Either way y/n will have you, you’ll always be a freak.
Syzoth: Who’s to say they don’t enjoy freaks?
Johnny: So uh…what happens in bed? Skin or scale?
Syzoth: May you never know the answer to that.
Kung Lao: I still haven't recovered from what we saw in those dungeons, Syzoth.
Syzoth: Y/n has been kind enough to hear my burdens.
Syzoth: How did your court discover my relations with y/n that quickly?!
Mileena: They have their ways, Syzoth. I know this far too well.
Y/n: You used to do shows with Shang Tsung, is that right?
Syzoth: Win this fight, and I can do more than answer that question.
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Shao: Of all the things we’ve won in war, I'm surprised a partner is what now satisfies you.
Reiko: To the victor go the spoils, general.
Bi Han: A true warrior would have no time for pointless relations. You’ve gone soft.
Reiko: You’re a fool to think they don’t invigorate me.
Shang Tsung: If it makes you feel any better, I don't think the general heard you sparring with y/n last night.
Reiko: Say another word and I’ll slit your throat.
Johnny: So the tough guy’s got heart eyes? I bet you’re a huge softie.
Reiko: All earthrealmers speak utter nonsense...
Y/N: Don't lie to Johnny — you’re softer than you think, Reiko.
Reiko, lowly: Have you forgotten the marks I've made on you?
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Biblically accurate Michelangelo! Love this guy. What a round little fella. Box turtles are so circle shape.
Box turtles can do this cool thing where they can go all the way into their shell and close the door! Their plastron is hinged in two, so when they retract they can hide their extremities and completely block out predators from getting in at all. They’re also mostly terrestrial, although they do need water to keep themselves well hydrated and partake in the occasional swim. Male box turtles also have bright red eyes, which is pretty neat.
Mikey probably could retract more than the others, but I don’t know if his humanoid limbs would quite fit completely inside his shell post mutation. Even so, good luck landing a hit on this hard scaled and agile little guy!
I added a little color too for some painting practice! Ornate box shells have some really impressive patterns to help them blend into the grasses and leaf litter they call home.
[Raphael] [Leonardo] [Donatello] [Extended Family]
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omg-snakes · 2 days
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Mr. Seaward demonstrates his preferred meal presentation: lukewarm and wrapped in a piece of corn snake shed.
bone apple teeth, I guess
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mstormcloud · 4 months
I think applying tropes commonly found in Sonadow fics to other sonic ships is very funny
Like today I saw the cute posts by Blu-ish about how hedgehogs circle and headbutt eachother when courting and how Sonic and Shadow would do that and I agree.
However I think the implication that mobian hedgehogs do this is HILARIOUS when applied to ships that only involve one hedgehog.
Like Silver starts circling around Espio one day and lightly shoving him with his hip or his shoulder and Espio is like: ???? What are you doing??
Or even Blazamy like- Amy keeps circling Blaze and the less Blaze reciprocates Amy does it more to try to get Blaze to react. Blaze eventually just tries to politely tell Amy to stop cause it’s hard to hold conversation while she’s moving all around.
But later Blaze talks to Silver and is like: “I have no idea what she is trying to do…perhaps she is finding a weakness in my stance? Should I fear her hunting me for sport???”
And Silver is like: uh. Well. I think she’s hitting on you? It’s a hedgehog thing.
And Blaze just freaks out because WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMY WAS FLIRTING WITH HER
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gamerwoman3d · 5 months
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Close-Up of Santa's Little Helper sprinkles.
He's a good cookie 🍪 ☺️
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kaijutegu · 3 months
Nakajima had her first outing with people today. One of the main reasons I asked for temperament was because I wanted an ambassador. I run the CHS's junior meetings and Kaiju was the face of them. I had a lot of hope that Nakajima could follow in her footsteps.
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As it turns out? Absolute rock star. All of this interaction was completely voluntary. Kids sat down. She climbed into their laps only if she wanted to. And OH BOY did she want to. She was so interested in everything about the kids- she wanted to sniff and be petted and get attention.
At the end, she ended up falling asleep in one kid's lap.
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She just... melted. And the kids were SO GOOD about her boundaries. Any time she walked away, everybody let her. She was able to go back to her carrier when she wanted to, and she never got agitated or overwhelmed- she was calm but inquisitive the entire time. I couldn't have asked for a better educational animal. Or a better friend.
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melit0n · 7 months
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Just noticed that in the new Metal Hammer mag it's actually two different types of snakes! First photo's snake is a Boa (Siam) and the second is a massive ball python!
Edit: The ball phython's name is Cleo! Thank you to @moonchild-in-blue for providing that in their reblog. I looked around for it earlier but couldn't find anything, so I left her nameless; glad she isn't so
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sarahmackattack · 2 days
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Alright I’ll be honest I don’t know very much about skinks… but I bumped into this one on a little rainforest walk at night in Cairns Australia. Some skinks get pretty big, but this one’s about the width of a pencil.
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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horned lizard
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