#because silver just loves Espio cuz he’s Espio
mstormcloud · 3 months
I think applying tropes commonly found in Sonadow fics to other sonic ships is very funny
Like today I saw the cute posts by Blu-ish about how hedgehogs circle and headbutt eachother when courting and how Sonic and Shadow would do that and I agree.
However I think the implication that mobian hedgehogs do this is HILARIOUS when applied to ships that only involve one hedgehog.
Like Silver starts circling around Espio one day and lightly shoving him with his hip or his shoulder and Espio is like: ???? What are you doing??
Or even Blazamy like- Amy keeps circling Blaze and the less Blaze reciprocates Amy does it more to try to get Blaze to react. Blaze eventually just tries to politely tell Amy to stop cause it’s hard to hold conversation while she’s moving all around.
But later Blaze talks to Silver and is like: “I have no idea what she is trying to do…perhaps she is finding a weakness in my stance? Should I fear her hunting me for sport???”
And Silver is like: uh. Well. I think she’s hitting on you? It’s a hedgehog thing.
And Blaze just freaks out because WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMY WAS FLIRTING WITH HER
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sonicdrawsfast · 20 days
Yokai Au updates/headcannons.
The chapter I posted is completely irrelevant to the main story, I'll write it on Wattpad and post it here so I can keep a word count and edit easier.
Yokai Sonic is a punkupine, a long with Knuckles, Amy, Surge and any other quilled character because Yokai is very limited, they are different, I know but my thing is they're origans are from different regions of Japan to accommodate to their looks, Knuckles is from the mountain regions where he needs big hands to dig and a longer snout to get bugs and berries from low bushes without hurting his self.
Sonic, Leonardo and Espio are trans! Sonic is pansexual, Leo is gay, Espio is bi.
Sonic markings around his eyes glow in the dark a long with his freckles that turn soft white in the dark and a few quills.
Espio has more prominent scales scattered around his body, they're a little darker or lighter than others, he has 3 fingers like the Ninja Turtles cuz its cool.
Leo is fruity as usual, I gave him a more markings that a red eared slider has and he paints on the full eye stripes because as he was put into the wrong body female red eared sliders only had tiny red dots.
Silver is still from the future, just not the messed up one with the Kraang, timelines and stuff, yay.
Tails is taller than most everyone, Sonic is the shortest (because its funny, he's a Short KIng) he has brown markings and he's like 12, instead of him being weird for having two tails he's weird because he doesn't have 6 tails as a kitsune! when Kitsunes are born they have two tails, he just never got the rest.
Shadow appears much, much later he's not from space, he was created on Earth and put into a time capsule pod. Maria is sadly dead but of old age after GUN took Shadow away after she was healed, its been 80 years instead of 50. Shadow is 20, forever. He is 3 foot 8 inches, 8 inches taller than Sonic (I love making fun of Sonic's height, its just too good to pass up)
Knuckles is like 34, a parental figure to Sonic and Tails, like Raphael is to his little brothers and how Vector is to Charmy and Espio.
Vector is basically Leatherhead, because he's the best, he's loyal and he's amazing.
More updates later.
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Literally no one asked so I'm building my Sonic HC Library
100% vibing with him being autistic
no wonder I must protec
Gives off he/they enby, but I also don't think he's thought much about it one way or the other, he just feels like he knows who he is and that's valid
Panromantic, may or may not be demisexual.
He has a type(tm) and it's Maria, I mean, the beaniest of beans, I mean, 'the gentle and hopeful and somehow still fully in love with the world despite being forced to face with the cruelest realities of it' type
(he'd probably hear silver's backstory and just suddenly fall madly in love because this bean is such a bean despite everything he's gone through)
(does this count as demiromantic (probably))
Bruh would feel so awkward with a crush but he'd probably seem mostly normal except to people who knew him pretty well (Rouge, and then she'd tease him for it), and he'd get so flustered if they ever tried to make a move on him like 'what are you doing' + internal panic
Looks like he's totally in control, but if he ever gets his own place it will be an absolute disaster cuz our boi don't know shit
Asking him for polyamory would probably result in "whatever, just spend time with me"
They'd probably get overprotective in physically dangerous situations tho
Vibing with the transman fanon rn
I'd say he's on T if it wasn't for the fact that our boi couldn't stay in a single city to save his life
He has a type(tm) and it's Sally Acorn, uh I mean, 'the confident and self-assured but somehow still conscientious leader's type
(I can see him with some of the newer versions of Amy, considering her character growth so far)
(oh look, another demiromantic)
Man can't stick around long enough to keep a long term monogamous relationship tho, so he'd be a comet in a thousand different QPRs
Maybe he's relationship anarchist, idk but it makes sense
Definitely a solo poly guy tho. He's his own primary.
My boi deserves all the love
Would probably come back from the future at some point and then just keep delaying going back to the future because all his friends are in the past and he's so lonely
(oh no, can't go back to the future, accidentally started a family in the past, whatever will I do *lives the rest of his life in happiness and adventure*)
is giving he/they/she
Transmasc goth boi
(I love him)
Seems like he's pretty stable and self-assured. Would probably be really polite and attentive as a partner. Would absolutely just ask his crush out on a date, cuz again, he's in a good place.
(and if he didn't he knows that Vector would stage an intervention for him)
Rouge the Bat
Ngl she's giving transfem/mtf vibes
Absolutely loves messing with people. Probably partly why it's so hard to pin down what her moral compass is, she *likes* keeping people guessing
Can't do that with Shadow tho, they may have even gotten in an argument about it at one point
She still loves him tho, Shadow's a found brother/sibling
Charmy Bee
Baby trans boy
I imagine his Big Brother(tm) Espio started sharing his experiences as a trans guy and Charmy was like "GASP, THAT'S ME!!"
(Someone pointed out to me that female honey bees have stingers and not males, so now it's headcanon)
Unfortunately I can't not see him as the token cishet guy in Sonic's friend group
Probably gets some loving flack about it ("when's your shell gonna crack, big guy" "you sure you don't wanna check out men? I met a really sweet guy at the bar the other day")
May have a reputation for adopting gays.
Might not suddenly be housing them, but he'd absolutely send random care packages
(is this why you're always in debt, buddy)
Definitely has bi wife energy (his wife being Vanilla (eventually))
(more to come, probably, eventually)
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jaberwocckkee · 2 years
Songs/Artists/Bands I think certain Sonic characters would listen to
Okay so for a disclaimer! I won’t be covering all Sonic characters, this is mainly what I have been thinking of for each character, so don’t get pressed if ur favorite isn’t in here :-)
FIRST UP : Silver
This man listens to Lord Huron. And I mean LISTENS listens. No matter what album, he is always listening. This isn’t even me projecting, Silver LITERALLY listens to Lord Huron, he told me himself. (He also listens to U2 but ONLY the Songs of Innocence album)
Silver Song : Ancient Names Pt 1 - Lord Huron
This woman, as a bad ass bitch, listens to bad ass bitch music. Kali Uchis. Ace of Base. Bad ass shit man gotta say
Blaze Song : Just A Stranger - Kali Uchis
This cucker listens to Lil Boodang and cries in his room everytime he listens to Jesus Doesn’t Like That I’m Gay But Satan’s Cool With It. Also Breaking Benjamin. A LOT of Breaking Benjamin. And some MISSIO! This son of a bitch relates so hard to Animal that it was his entire personality trait for a month
Shadow Song : Animal - MISSIO
Just like Blaze : boss ass bitch got badass music taste. Tv Girl, Young Gravy, Willow, Marina and the Diamonds, Shakka. She’s everything everyone wants to be.
Rouge Song : Sleeping With the Enemy - Tv Girl
guilty pleasure is the Backstreet Boys but nobody knows, because he killed anybody who did find out. I would also like to say that he prolly skates to Stuck In The Sound often enough
Jet Song : Let’s Go - Stuck In The Sound
same as blaze and rouge. Boss ass bitch music. MGMT. Michael Franti. Tyler, The Creator. Missy Elliot. Poppin off wit da BANGERS
Wave Song : People Everyday - Arrested Development
I would like to say he enjoys some of the oldies, some Journey here and there, the occasional Rag’n’bone Man. Took Biggie Smalls and Tupac from Wave’s music taste
Storm Song : Who Shot Ya - The Notorious B.I.G
This man also listens to Michael Franti and loves his earlier albums. Eddie Money, Shinedown and Ozzy Osbourne connoisseur probably
Knuckles Song : Shot In The Dark - Ozzy Osbourne
This lad right here is a secret die hard Hall n Oates fan. But he has classic rock Dad taste. Queen, Led Zepplin and the occasional Panic! And Twenty One Pilots
Espio Song : I Can’t Go For That - Hall & Oates
Amy loves sappy love songs and that badass girl country vibes. So some Houndmouth, The Rare Occasions, The Dixie Chicks
Amy Song : Otis - Houndmouth
some y’all finna be real mad cuz Sonic n Tails ain’t here. It’s 4 am dude I’m just silly
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true-blue-sonic · 3 years
Any Espilver headcanons to spare? (Not for the New Beginnings story btw!)
My time has come👀👀👀
Espio teaches Silver a bit about being a ninja in his spare time. So far he can throw kunai pretty well, but Espio is worried that he's going to slice his fingers open with the ninja stars and keeps interrupting training to fuss. Silver doesn't mind. :3
Psychokinetic flights into the sunset?? Hell yeah
Silver helping the Chaotix solve cases and getting rewarded with a smooch from Espio each time???? Hell yeah
Espio is the one who cooks the Romantic Candlelit Dinners (not pictured: his offended reaction to Vector suggesting they "just order takeout" or Charmy who kept bothering him while trying to steam the veggies lol lol)
Silver is the one who sets the table for the Romantic Candlelit Dinner but who also just dumps the cutlery down in arbitrary places cuz no-one ever explained to him how it works oops
Romantic Candlelit Dinner is a bit more chaotic than either would have liked because of those exact reasons but there's hand-holding and eye-gazing aplenty and that's good enough for both
Espio gladly abuses the fact Silver is 10 cm smaller by holding things above his head so the hedgehog 'can't reach' them or trapping him in hugs for cuddles and nuzzles.
Silver asks Espio to teach him how to turn invisible... as much as it breaks Espio's weak li'l hedgehog-loving heart that's one thing Silver just might not get down anytime soon :( But Espio loves him all the more for it!
Overall Silver went from risking getting murdered every second to something more calm and domestic and filled with love than he ever could have imagined even existed and awwww I'm all 💕💕💕 now🥺
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bostghuster · 4 years
Did someone ask for my sonic hot drinks headcanons that have been in my head for weeks now? No? welp
Sonic - He likes a good ol’ hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate shavings (he’s only tried coffee once before, and it took him a full 22 hours before the caffeine wore off. Needless to say, Tails made him swear to never touch the stuff again)
Tails - Like Sonic, he prefers hot chocolate to other hot drinks (cuz really, he’s just a kid). He likes his with extra whipping cream and likes to let it melt and make his drink extra creamy
Knuckles - The others find it unusual, but he enjoys mochas made with dark chocolate and chili pepper. He does not like his drinks to be sweet
Amy - She loves peppermint mochas with white chocolate, sweet enough to drown out the bitterness of the coffee - basically the polar opposite of Knuckles
Cream - Chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey. Vanilla makes a cup for her every night before bed, and it’s her favourite thing to drink when she needs a pick-me-up
Big - He’s (accidentally) grown his own peppermint patch, and with Amy and Cream’s help he’s learned to dry out the leaves and make his own peppermint tea.
Shadow - Just a big ol’ cup of black coffee, extra hot. (He won’t admit it for some reason but he always secretly adds a shot of hazelnut syrup. Everyone thinks it’s because he thinks drinking coffee black makes him seem more hardcore, but he doesn’t care for the taste on its own)
Rouge - “ I’ll have a venti caramel macchiatto, extra frothy”. She gets an extra espresso shot when she has to work long shifts
Silver - He first encountered earl grey tea when he was looking through Amy’s tea cupboard, but his heart was stolen when she made him a London Fog latte. He just can’t get enough of them!
Blaze - She’s perfected making her own chai tea lattes (which is about the extent of her kitchen expertise), and after MUCH trial and error she’s learned how to control her fire to keep her cup hot in her hands without burning the milk
Espio - He has a cup of genmaicha tea every morning, and if he gets out to a cafe he’ll treat himself to a matcha latte.
Vector - Charmy calls him boring, but he always gets an americano with an extra espresso shot - two if he’s working late, or if Charmy is getting on his nerves. He’s probably the biggest coffee snob out of everyone, and gets the highest quality beans when he can afford it (which isn’t often,unfortunately)
Charmy - Even though he calls Vector and Espio boring for their drink selections, his favourite hot beverage is just a plain ol’ mug of steamed milk. Is it because Vector and Espio don’t want him to consume any form of sugar or caffeine? Probably.
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sonicdrawsfast · 6 months
Guys, I wanna just post random head cannons rn. So imma just do that
Sonic headcannons!
•Sonic is Trans masculine
•Sonic has one floppy ear
•very fluffy boi
•heart shaped belly thing cuz it’s cuter
• immortal (frequent Chaos emerald usage does that)
•has white tipped ears (from werehog thingy)
•Geographic nerd
•knows how to cook, BECAUSE you can not tell me he raised Tails and just didn’t know how to cook, or at least Forage!
•fast thinker
•unconsciously does the BLEP (Y’know that cute tongue things cats do U-U)
•Doesn’t know how to deal with emotions all too well
•Selective muteness
Tails head-cannons!
•The tips of his ears and around his muzzle are brown.
• Heterochromia (one brown eye and one blue eye)
•obviously a fluffy boy
•mortal :’(
•When no one watches he chases his Tails
•<3 mints
•Loves Sonic’s cooking
•accidentally had called Sonic mom/dad on multiple occasions.
•wears wrist braces while inventing
Shadow Head-cannons!
•the tips of his ears have red fluff
•When he gets older tiny horns go in the middle of his stripes
•Longer tail
•Clingy (only to Sonic)
•Overprotective over Tails/Sonic/Rouge/Amy
•Loves TayTay
•Basically Amy’s Brother
•Big claws on his paws that he lets Amy or Sonic paint.
•quiet impulsive when he is with Sonic
•Love bites for his bae.
•Green blood (cuz it’s cool)
Amy head-cannons!
•She had big Round glasses (my girl can’t see for shit)
•Baking Enthusiast but no idea how to make regular meals…
•Also loves TayTay
•Mortal :’(
•Let her Quills get longer and braided them.
•Shadow’s adopted sister
•Style Change~
Silver head-cannons
•both his ears are floppy.
•dark grayish-red tips on ears and paws.
•fluffiest lil’ guy
•Sonic and Shadow’s future son cuz yes.
•is literally about to hit his past mom with a car if he keeps messing up the future
•Sonic is mom and Shadow is dad
•like 4 siblings…
•smells like citrus/rain (same as Sonic)
•Bout’ to bring Espio with him to the future.
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