#literally why does this look like an ad for hook-ups
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"hot singles in your area, chat now"
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txt-trash · 10 months
former lover’s dance | choi yeonjun
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summary: choi yeonjun is your average dance instructor in need of a place to stay. you’re a college student majoring in dance, there’s history between the two of you and when you find out you’ll be living together… the chemistry of dance seems to bring you back to each other.
➣ college. roommates. smut. exes.
➣ 10.5k words
warnings: smut. Yeonjun and oc are ex FWBs. roommates. Yeonjun is kinda cocky. oc does not acknowledge him that much. smut in the dance room. missionary. foreplay. unprotected intercourse. public sex. inspired by shoong! — Taeyang and LISA
As much as Yeonjun hates to admit this, he’s not at all surprised by the turn of events. Okay, scratch that, he’s very surprised actually—but not by the way you acted. You seemed to read each other’s minds when you decided to ignore each other and act like you had no idea who the other was. It made it easier for him to deal with this… surprise.
When he first ever saw an ad for a share house he thought it was exactly what he needed. He needed a space but he also didn’t want to pay the expensive price it would be to live alone and having roommates would at least lower the amount. He could survive with shared spaces as long as he had his privacy, right?
Wrong, very wrong, he doesn’t think he can mentally survive this unless he acts like you’re a complete stranger to him.
The problem is, Yeonjun is an asshole and he knows it. That’s why it’s very hard for him to hide his annoyed smirk when you introduced yourself, not bothering to even look at him, but it’s alright. He doesn’t care and if that’s the game you wanna play, he can play it a hundred times better.
“So what are you studying right now? You go to __ University right?” Beomgyu, one of the other housemates asked you. You were the last to arrive on move-in day but Yeonjun isn’t surprised, you’re late to literally everything. Now everyone’s throwing questions that you missed and you looked slightly bored trying to answer them all.
“Dance,” you said, “But I’m only a part-time student because I have a job too.”
“Oh! Yeonjun is a dancer too!” Mira pointed out, and you know she was only being nice and trying to form connections between housemates but it made you want to roll your eyes so fucking bad.
“Have you two ever met? The dancing community can’t be too big,” Beomgyu said looking between you two but you both shook your heads No and refused to speak more on it.
It wasn’t a mutual understanding of each other, it was a mutual disliking for each other.
You didn’t always completely hate Yeonjun but that was probably like two years ago and now everything the guy does just annoys you. The question is why, right?
Well… as embarrassing as this is to admit… the two of you hooked maybe once, twice [?], alright maybe three times before in the past. It was never anything serious, always late at night, usually drunk, a little too flirty, you know how it goes.
Anyway, you know that’s not a reason to dislike someone so you’ll explain what you can about the situation.
Personally, you need reassurance, validation, any sort of answer so that you don’t jump to conclusions and think something is going on when there’s nothing. Yeonjun isn’t like that, he expects you to know what he’s thinking and what he wants even if he doesn’t give you a single hint to what that could be.
That’s why when he came up to you at some party drunk off his ass accusing you of playing him, you had absolutely no idea what he was going on about!
Your hookups were sporadic and your texts few, so how were you supposed to know he wanted to pursue something when he never told you? Yeah alright, maybe you had feelings for him too but then time passed and you thought that was the end of your little rendezvous and moved on like a normal person would.
How were you supposed to know Yeonjun got a big head and expected you to initiate a real relationship with him when you didn’t even know that was something he wanted in the first place?
This is why you hate men.
But enough of that, that was two years ago and you’ve got a bigger problem on your hands:
You’re going to be living with him now.
The first couple of days it was easy for him to act like you didn’t exist. You were all still in the process of moving in and with his dance classes, he was a busy guy. Unlike you, he’s graduated already and on top of that he teaches dance at a local studio. He’s well known too, but he knows that it’s not just because of his dancing, it’s his looks too.
There’s a reason why so many of his dance classes are filled with girls asking if they can partner with him on choreography but he always says no. He has a certain dance style that doesn’t always match well with every dancer and not all can have that sort of chemistry he’s looking for in partners.
The last person he collabed with was… well, you.
He can say how much he dislikes you and he’ll mean it every single time, but he’ll never deny the fact that you’re a good dancer and when the two of you dance together it’s very hard to ignore the chemistry and tension there. Before anyone says anything, no it’s not just because you two were sleeping together at the time—hell, if anything that’s why you slept together.
Beyond the point though, the point is that he's done very well avoiding you and he hopes he can keep it up until the lease ends.
“Alright everyone get in position,” Yeonjun said as he rolled the short sleeves of his oversized t-shirt to his shoulders.
“Are you going to have a partner this time?” One of the dancers asked as they got in order for practice by the number they were given. Everyone was divided into smaller dance units based on skill and synchronization for him to further examine before they shoot their YouTube video.
“No,” Yeonjun answered as he played a song that they would be practicing, Shoong! by Taeyang and LISA. He’s going to teach them the basics today and next time he’ll go into more detail before dividing them all by either partner or trios.
He makes good money off of this, other than paying his dance studio fees, all the rest goes into his pockets and with his YouTube choreography videos and the fact that he currently teaches three classes, he clearly has the funds to live alone. He just thinks that’s boring.
A bird has told him that you also started teaching a class not far from him but he’s not interested in knowing more, he swears.
“Come on Junnie, I want a one on one,” one of the girls he taught stayed behind after class, “I really want to partner up for a video.”
“Sorry Jihyun, I don’t dance with my students,” Yeonjun said as he tried packing up, “Then it’s like I’m giving you favoritism.”
“Nobody has to know,” she said in a soft and feminine voice that had him smiling but not for the reason she hoped for.
“I don’t think so,” Yeonjun said as he closed his duffel bag, “Be careful going home, alright? It’s late.”
Yeonjun is not a changed man by any means, he still enjoys hook up culture but he’s completely barred off his dancers. He’s trying to be professional, he’s danced background for celebrities before and he’s hoping he could get those type of connections for the people he teaches. He doesn’t want to be one of those sleepy instructors who take advantage of all the pretty girls who dance for him.
And before anyone says anything, you did not dance for him. Sure, you’re a bit younger but still relatively close in age so when he met you it wasn’t like he was your dance teacher. You met attending another dance class and were partnered up for a song and things just clicked from there. It was never anything serious between you two so him sleeping with you is not the same as one of his girls coming onto him.
When he got home that night he was past exhaustion. He had a lenient schedule but after teaching his classes back to back, it was tiring. It was late already and he expected everyone to be in their room’s doing their own things but of course things never really go his way when you’re involved.
He rolled his eyes the second he saw you in the kitchen and went straight to his room. Yeonjun planned on staying there the entire night until his stomach growled and his snack stash was gone. With an annoyed huff, he left his room in hopes that you weren’t there but life sucks and there you stood.
Your nose scrunched in disgust but it wasn’t because of the fact that he clearly just got done with dance practice and reeked of sweat. He moved around you as he looked for something to eat in the dead silence that you two created on your own accord.
“Y/n, when did you get home?” Taehyun asked and your face lit up immediately. You’ve become school buddies ever since you found he was your junior—but only by a little. You went to school together and on the days you had class you agreed to go together.
“Just now, I got off work late,” you told him as he came over to see what you were making. It was a very sad excuse for ramen and Taehyun didn’t hide the look of sympathy he sent you when he saw it. He chose to turn to Yeonjun instead, “You just got here, too?”
“Yeah, I was teaching my class,” Yeonjun mumbled as he served himself a bowl of cereal.
“What song?” Taehyun asked. Unlike you and Yeonjun, Taehyun is interested in getting to know his housemates. He doesn’t have many friends aside from Kai so he doesn’t see why he shouldn’t try and get to know everyone better.
“Shoong!” Yeonjun said as he stuffed his mouth with Lucky Charms.
Taehyun smiled, “Are you doing a duet with someone?”
“Nope,” Yeonjun said as you turned the stove off and finished preparing your own late dinner, “Not everyone can comprehend what I want.”
Taehyun looked between you two, finding it hard not to notice that since everyone moved in, you’ve both been very closed off from each other. Call him nosy but that’s because he is.
“Maybe you just expect people to know what to do without actually telling them what it is,” you finally said and he is not at all surprised that the first thing you’ve said to him all week.
“Maybe people should just use common sense and context to know what I mean,” Yeonjun said and yes, he knows that at this point he’s just being petty but who cares. If that’s the first thing you want to say to him then he has absolutely no problem serving the dish right back to you.
“Common sense would be actually using words to tell someone what you want an—“
“Alright, alright,” Taehyun intervened with a nervous chuckle, “Um… I want to see the dance when it’s done but um, I think I’m gonna go to bed early.”
Neither of you reacted as you stared each other down, waiting for the other to look away first.
“So you’re done ignoring me now?” Yeonjun finally said and there was no way for you to ignore the sarcasm laced in his voice. It made you roll your eyes as you said, “Probably not.”
“You know you don’t have to act like you don’t know me,” he said and he knew he was being a hypocrite. He’s been doing the same thing, the only difference is that he’s called you out on it first.
You shrugged, acting indifferent, “You’re the one who said you didn’t care if I ever spoke to you again, like the drama queen you are.”
Yeonjun scoffed, no longer as hungry as earlier, “That’s because you started avoiding me.”
“How? Because I didn’t text you? You didn’t text me either, remember?”
“Actually, I did text you but you were too busy flirting with another guy at a party,” Yeonjun said, clearly annoyed now and ready to argue.
“We weren’t even dating,” you said with another shrug that made his blood boil at the thought being brushed off. With a scoff, he dumped his milk down the drain and stood next to you, “I didn’t think that mattered when you were in my bed the fucking night before.”
“First of all, who told you I was flirting with some guy?” You asked with furrowed brows clearly confused, “And why is it my fault when you never told me you wanted to get serious? I’m not a mind reader so stop blaming me—“
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m so sorry Y/n, nothing is ever your fault.”
He stormed off to his room and unbeknownst to you both, there was a very nosy housemate with his ear pressed against his bedroom door listening to the whole thing.
Okay, maybe you weren’t fully honest in the beginning. You know that you were equally to blame for why you and Yeonjun never worked out but you were also very different people when it came to expressing yourselves. He doesn’t feel the need to use words for assurance and you’re the opposite.
It’s a beige flag of yours, not green or red. You just don’t want to assume something without being told anything about it. Yeonjun never said anything so you never acted like you two were going to become anything more than what you already were. Still, it’s not fair for him to act like he was always very vocal about what you two had.
Plus, to make things clear, you and that guy Yeonjun said you were flirting with? Yeah, that’s just Beomgyu, your friend and he would know that too if he asked you instead of just listening to whatever a random person told him about you flirting that night. You just gave up on feeling like you should explain yourself to him when clearly he wasn’t listening to you at the time.
You just didn’t feel the need to explain yourself to a guy who clearly wouldn’t listen either way so in the end you let him think whatever he wanted to and dropped him.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Beomgyu asked you as you plopped down on the chair next to his. You were supposed to be meeting your friend in the library, not immediately being made fun of the second you sit down.
Choosing to ignore his obviously rude comment about your distress, you chose to say, “I just found out what my final is.”
Beomgyu gave you a dumb look waiting for you to elaborate. You rolled your eyes because sometimes your friend annoys you just by looking at him, “I have to make a dance for the summer seminar.”
“That’s easy though so why do you look so dumb?” Beomgyu asked and you leaned across the small coffee table filled with textbooks to smack him.
“It is easy but we have to do a collaboration for the dance and people must hate me in class because everyone partnered up and left me out,” you ranted to your friend who smacked his lips.
“They’re probably just intimidated because you’re so good,” he sent you a wink and although he’s trying to make you feel better all it did was make you think about those moms who tell their daughters that the reason every girl hates them is because they’re pretty and not because they’re a bad person.
You don’t think you’re a bad dancer by any means but you do think that you tend to close yourself off from everyone. It can come off cocky and arrogant when you prefer to stick to yourself and dance alone but you don’t mean it like that. You just don’t want to disappoint someone else so you tend to avoid doing anything as a group or duo. Clearly you bit yourself in the ass here.
“So what are you gonna do?” Beomgyu asked when his attempt at flattery fell on deaf ears.
“Well I asked if I could do a solo and the bitch said no because it had to be a collaboration but she did say if I find someone to dance with she’ll let me perform,” you explained to him, “And it can be someone who’s not a student but it would basically need to be recorded in some way so that it’s obvious I took part in creating the choreography.”
“You know who you can ask?” Beomgyu asked and part of you knew what he was going to say before he even said it.
“No,” you shook your head, “I haven’t danced with him in two years and we’re not on good term—“
“Yeah but you live together and he’s a choreographer too,” Beomgyu said, being the voice of reason that it pissed you off, “You two can hate each other all you want but when it comes to dancing you have a mutual understanding of what works and what doesn’t.”
“He won’t help me,” you tried to say but your best friend only rolled his eyes.
“Have you asked?”
With an annoyed smack of your lips you looked away from mumbling about how much you hated Beomgyu for possibly being a genius. You would need to ask your advisor if it would even work with Yeonjun and if she gives the okay then maybe you can try and ask?
You just don’t see him saying yes.
Yeonjun is annoyed, very very annoyed with himself to the point where he can’t even hide it. All of his students knew he was mad and they probably thought it was toward them but it really wasn’t.
It’s just that Yeonjun had a vision for this dance and it’s just not going the way he would like it to. He knows that it doesn’t have to be perfect but he wants it to be. He’s got a good YouTube following and out of all dances, if he fucks up this one then he knows there will be a lot of hate in the comments.
He can’t get Lisa’s part right no matter how hard he tries and he can’t expect the dancers to know how he wants it to be done if he doesn’t have someone to help him show them how to do it. He needs someone who knows how to appeal to their charms and move sensually and a bit hypnotizing to match the lyrics. He needs someone who he can dance with and be able to portray the exact story he’s trying to tell with this dance and it can’t just be anyone. If he chooses one of his random dancers and there’s a clear lack of chemistry then it’ll just look stiff.
He knows what kind of dancer he’s looking for but no way in hell is he gonna do anything about it. His only option is to be mad and postpone the dance until he can get it just right.
“So how’s the share house?” Soobin asked him as they went into a convenience store for some cheap snacks, “Wait, let me word it differently, how’s the share house with Y/n?”
“Fine,” Yeonjun said as he added a couple drinks into his basket, “We don’t talk.”
It’s true, aside from that time in the kitchen the two of you barely spoke. It probably had something to do with the fact that Kai is very obviously trying to probe you two into talking so his nosiness is cured but it was only making you shut off more.
Aside from his whole thing with you, he’s actually very content with his living arrangement. Kai is like a little brother that annoys him but he still likes hanging out with him at the house. Mira is a grad student in med school so she’s rarely home but she’s nice and quiet and always clean. You… sometimes you’re rarely home between work, school and avoiding him, he never has to worry about you so that’s a plus.
Of course sometimes it’s still awkward but that’s only because he’s seen what your body looks like completely undressed underneath him but he’s an adult, he can look past that.
Your little game of acting like you never met was short lived though since Taehyun was very quick to catch onto you two but he still doesn’t know why exactly you acted like strangers.
“Alright but how is not talking to Y/n working out for you?” Soobin asked and it made Yeonjun laugh.
It was two years ago, he moved on past that and Soobin knows this. The only reason why it’s being brought back up is because he hasn’t been this close to you in two years. Obviously he had to see you during that time because you’re technically in the same career path but he never had to actually interact with you. Living with you has completely changed that and he has to see you in the morning and night time so it does change things. He gets why Soobin is bringing you up but Yeonjun wishes he wouldn’t.
That’s why he’s laughing, it just seems ridiculous to suddenly make everything about you the second the two of you reconnected, “It’s just the same as it’s been the last two years.”
Soobin looked at him with narrowed and suspicious eyes but just sighed, “If you say so.”
Yeonjun was done talking about you as he carried his things to the checkout line.
When he got home that night he didn’t expect to see a somewhat familiar face in the kitchen.
The house was big, huge actually and it was normal for one of you to bring a guest over but Yeonjun hasn’t seen him since the last time he was at your place.
Beomgyu looked up at him with a jump as Yeonjun took his shoes off at the door. He waved a hesitant hand in his direction as he closed the fridge door holding your drink in his hand. Beomgyu cleared his throat, “Hey.”
“Hey,” Yeonjun said casually as he went over to the guy and greeted him like they were friends. In truth he has absolutely nothing against Beomgyu. They only met a couple times when he was hanging out with you and he thought he was a good guy. Of course when Yeonjun stopped talking to you he stopped seeing Beomgyu too but it wasn’t a loss of any sort. Beomgyu felt the same too because unlike you, he could see where you both made faults and despite being your friend it’s not like he had a reason to completely despise the guy. You can say all you want about Yeonjun but he knows that you don’t hate your old fling.
“Gyu!” You yelled with a huff as you got off your bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen, “Where the hell is my drink!?”
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, “I’m not your errand boy if you wanted it to be quick you could’ve come yourself!”
When Yeonjun heard you he took it as his sign to leave but he still ended up meeting you at the stairs. You caught him by surprise when you spoke up as he attempted to walk past you.
“Did you just get home?”
It was so simple and yet he was so taken back by it that he nearly fell on his face when he tripped, “Me? Yeah, I went to the store.”
That was all you were going to ask him about and before he could ask you something in return, you were already leaving. He went to stop you but he didn’t know why, so instead he just left and acted like it didn’t happen.
Living with four people wasn’t as hard as you would think. Yeonjun wouldn’t even say he’s still annoyed to be living with you because you’re just his roommate and nothing else. You talk but it’s not about anything, only casual conversations in passing.
Taehyun always went to his room to bother him because they’ve become actual friends apart from housemates but he still can’t say the same about you. That’s why he was very surprised to see you at his door.
To make things more awkward, he’s just come out of the shower, and thinking you were Taehyun—he was just in his sweats. His hair was wet and dripping down on his shoulders and he was closing the door right in your face telling you to hold on.
You rolled your eyes at the shy way he acted despite quite literally being inside you but you couldn’t deny the blush that raised in your cheeks. Obviously this situation is very different though and you haven’t been in good words so you were fine with him slamming the door in your face to finish changing.
Yeonjun hurried to open the door back up, “What’s up?”
“Can I come in?” You asked, making him move to the side and let you through. You went in and immediately took a look at your surroundings. You’ve been in Yeonjun’s dorm before but this was very clearly different and that was a while ago anyway.
You pointed to his bed as if asking if you could sit and he nodded his head letting you go while he went to his desk and picked up his towel again. He had to finish drying off his hair and it would work as something he could fidget with while you talked.
He had absolutely no idea what you were going to say.
“I’m going to keep it straight with you,” you said, taking a nervous breath, “I need your help.”
“With?” Yeonjun asked with a confused expression. After being so petty toward each other you still weren’t shy to say you need his help? That’s what made him curious to know what you had to say.
“Ugh,” you groaned, “Well, uh, um…”
Sike, he thought, you’re definitely a little nervous to be asking him this right now and you still don’t know how to say it.
Yeonjun pretended to be annoyed, “Spit it out.”
“What?” Actually, he understood you clearly.
You rolled your eyes because you know he understood and he was still smirking in your face waiting for you to repeat it. Instead you said, “You're annoying.”
“You’ve called me worse,” Yeonjun with a shrug as he gave up on keeping distance and let himself fall back against his pillows and headboard, “Anyways, why do you need me to dance with you?”
You released an exaggerated sigh, “For the summer seminar, nobody wanted to collab with me—“
Your words were cut off as Yeonjun nearly spit on your face from failing to hold back his laughter. Without thinking you snatched a pillow and chucked at him—for a moment forgetting that the two of you didn’t get along anymore. He grabbed the pillow before it can hit him and set it down on his lap, “That’s because you’re a bitch to work with.”
“You know what? Fine, I rather fail this stupid final than beg you to dance with me,” you were clearly irritated but you couldn’t storm off like you so badly wanted to because he held your wrist to stop you.
He had a lazy smile on his face as he dragged you back to the bed and you would be lying if you said you’ve seen that look before. He chuckled, “Relax, I liked dancing with you.”
“So you’ll help?”
“Yes,” Yeonjun said as he let go of your wrist to sit up better, clearing his throat as he said, “And actually, this uh, this really benefits me right now.”
“How?” You asked him even though your insides were turning over from how happy you were. You can’t believe he actually said yes, and he’s perfect. Your professor will find credibility in him and she’ll see you create the dance with him through his video camera.
“I’ve been blanking so hard on the dance I wanted to do for a video, I’ve changed the choreo twice already,” Yeonjun said honestly, “I can’t get the girl’s part right and um, you know… I was thinking of asking you too.”
Ugh, you both nearly gagged because clearly time hasn’t changed the fact that when it comes to dance your minds think alike. Maybe that’s why you thought it would work in a sex life too.
“What song?”
“Is this a bad time?”
You both looked to the door looking like deer caught in headlights and Taehyun only stared at you two with amusement. Yeonjun wanted to chuck the kid out of his bedroom window for obviously seeing the two of you having a conversation and still choosing to interrupt. It’s not like Taehyun doesn’t know that you two haven’t spoken more than a few words since you moved in a couple months ago. Why did he have to come and ruin it aside from being a little shit?
“And I’m leaving,” you sighed dramatically knowing it would get a reaction out of Taehyun as you got up, “Guess we’ll have to do it next time.”
“Do what?” Taehyun asked as you shut the door with your leave, whipping his head back to Yeonjun his eyes went wide, “Do what? What were you guys gonna do? Oh my god, I thought you hated each ot—“
Taehyun slammed into the door in exaggeration as the pillow you once threaded Yeonjun with hit him right in the stomach.
Yeonjun won’t admit this to your face but boy is he happy that you’re dancing with him. It’s only been two days and already the choreography for Shoong! is coming out so well. The tripod was set up with his camera but he only recorded certain parts to save memory. He’ll send you the videos in the end and you’ll see how it comes out.
You both have spent the last two nights staying at the studio past midnight trying to perfect this for his video since that comes out sooner. You’ve pretty much figured it all out except Lisa’s part. You and Yeonjun were so used to working together that making a dance was so fast and easy because you understood the image you were trying to tell.
Once this is complete you’ll join him in a class or two to help teach the partner’s part in Lisa’s verse.
There’s only one downside to this arrangement and it isn’t bad or anything, but at the same time he thinks it is.
He’s never struggled dancing with another person especially as a back up dancer but like he’s said before, he’s not always as comfortable or intimate. That’s not a problem he’s having here considering he happens to know your body very well and how it moves against his. It’s bringing out some old feelings that he would prefer would just disappear.
You danced the beginning of Lisa’s part which was more of a so for you and Yeonjun danced further behind but not as the center. You were basically the one leading him for this part and there was no denying that tension was coming back. The way he looked at you as you pointed a crooked finger in his direction practically calling him over to you until your bodies pressed together to the choreography.
When it got to the part in Lisa’s verse where she sang:
‘You pull up in the lambo’ Yeonjun had managed to get behind you but not fully as he pressed your back into his side while doing a steering motion with right hand. His hand was down at your waist as he follow the best of the music and matched a swift circle of your waists together that matched the motion of your pretend steering as you practically grinded against him when he bent his knees to match you.
Right when that line ended you dropped down to your knees swiftly as you raised your hips back up following the hand he had grazing your side as if he was raising them off the ground himself.
You finished off the rest of her part on the floor until the male’s part started again and Yeonjun raised you off the floor by pulling on your hand until your bodies pressed against each other again before finishing off a synchronized dance.
When the soft voice of Taeyang sang the repeating shoong! lines, your hips met again and Yeonjun trailed a finger down the length of your arm sensually before bending you back to rest your head on his chest and end with an intimate sway of your hips together before the beat picked up for the outro.
By the end of the one on one practice you both were out of breath and you would be lying if you said it was just the dancing that caused it.
This is what he was worried about. In the back of his head he knew he wouldn’t be able to dance with you again without wanting to do all the things you did in the past. There was just no way he could feel the way your body fit perfectly with his without being reminded of what it was like to feel it closer. He knew you felt the same too because you couldn’t stop looking at him with those eyes that got him every damn time.
You cleared your throat, “One more time.”
That was all he needed to hear before playing the song from the beginning once again.
By the end of that night the two of you were too pumped up to go to bed. Usually after a night of practice you both were too tired to do anything but wash up and go to bed, tonight was not one of those nights apparently.
“Fuck I can’t get the song out of my head,” Yeonjun laughed quietly as he let himself fall into the couch in the living room. You both went home together for obvious reasons and it was so late that you were completely alone downstairs. Mira was most likely at her boyfriend’s place and Kai was probably playing his game so damn loud he couldn’t even hear his own yelling voice.
You still shushed him as you sat next to him, “Shh.”
“I can’t help it,” he whined like he was drunk and it was very amusing. He feels like he’s drunk, he hasn’t felt this comfortable dancing with someone in a while and it’s you of all people.
He really does have the song stuck in his head and was all because of the way you danced to it. He can’t stop thinking about the glide of his hand down your hips again. A feeling he’s all too familiar with.
“Wanna order pizza?” Yeonjun asked suddenly but you didn’t even act taken back.
“It’s midnight,” you whispered to him and he just smirked. You looked at his pretty face, “It’s not healthy to eat so late.”
He leaned toward you and mimicked your whisper, “When has that ever stopped anyone from ordering pizza?”
“Okay fine, order it, but I wanna shower while we wait for it to get here. Hurry up though or I’ll go to bed,” you said and he only grinned wider.
“Yes ma’am, I’m right on it,” he teased as he went on his phone knowing you most likely rolled your eyes at him. You’re being bossy with him again and he knows that it’s because you’re comfortable telling him something. It’s like a form of love language with you, you treated Beomgyu the same and you used to treat Yeonjun like that again.
Fuck, why is he overthinking it?
He shouldn’t like you like that again.
Things were going too fast again. This is what happened last time and there was no way you can say it’s not happening again. It’s because you started dancing with him again, that’s why he’s been all you could think and you just know he’s feeling the same.
You’ve spent an entire week perfecting the dance and each night the touches linger a little longer than before. You have also been seeing him around the house a little more and this time he’s not shying away from hanging out in your room on your bed talking about choreography—it’s not your fault if the subject would change throughout the night.
You just forgot how easy it was to talk with Yeonjun. He was a little sarcastic and mean but so were you and you hated that he could actually make you laugh.
“Alright everyone, this is Y/n, she’s helped me with the choreography and we’re about to show you the full dance right now,” Yeonjun said with a cocky grin as he pulled you into his side with his hand on your waist. You were trying to put space between you but he wasn’t letting that happen and he only smiled teasingly when you whined.
‘Is that his girlfriend?’
‘I thought he didn’t like dancing with partners.’
‘They seem so close, look at his smile.’
When the music began to play it was like you two were in your own world together. Yeonjun didn’t hesitate letting his hands touch your body when needed or get as close to you as the choreography intended. It was very obvious to everyone who watched that he was close to you in some way to have this much chemistry when you danced.
Also, the way he looked at you when the two of you were face to face was with a jaded breath that made him smile when you did the next move. By the end of the dance an eruption of cheers filled the dance rooms as you smiled cheerfully at him for completing it.
To be honest, Yeonjun wasn’t listening to what was happening around him. Instead he was more focused on keeping you close to him as everyone talked around him with music blaring loud enough to create a buzz. His attention was more on not letting you slip away as he found himself saying, “One kiss?”
Your eyes bulged in surprise as a hand of yours came up to his chest trying to push back gently even with his arms snug around your waist. You looked around the room, “Not with everyone here.”
He smirked as he looked down at you with a dazed look, “That’s not a no.”
This is what happens between you two. Despite arguing and avoiding each other, any time the opportunity comes you just can’t seem to help from wanting to touch again. Yeonjun was feeling extra bold right now because he always enjoys how good your body feels against his when you dance. It makes him want to relive whatever you had two years ago. When he called for a short break before they went back to practicing he didn’t know it was because he really wanted you to himself right now.
He licked his lips, “Just one kiss, Y/n.”
“Why do you want a kiss so bad?” You asked jokingly as you looked at him curiously. You arched a brow as he shrugged his shoulders, still moving you along his body acting like he doesn’t have a class full of dancers to teach at the moment.
“I like kissing—“ Yeonjun’s words immediately died down when he felt your soft lips press a light kiss on his neck as you stood on your tiptoes to reach up. He was taken off guard at the first feel of your tongue licking along his neck before closing your mouth in a kiss and his hold on you tightened. Just as he was getting ready to tilt your chin up and connect your lips with his, you pulled back, already trying to get away from him.
Yeonjun wrapped a hand around your wrist keeping you from moving across the room to the speaker, “That’s it?”
“Breaks over,” You tilted your head to the side giving him a look he understood and let you go. He gets it, it’s sudden and the way the two of you had acted wasn’t just something that can be forgotten through a dance. He just can’t help that these last moments where he’s been with you for practice, at home, and now are making him want you all over again.
He watched you go as he ran his fingers through his hair was an exasperated sigh, “Alright! Who’s ready to start practice?”
His eyes couldn’t drift away from you as you stood a few feet away from him and he’s positive everyone can note how he had his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He wasn’t even hiding the fact that he was falling for you again.
At the end of practice he was feeling exhausted and a bit worked up. The amount of times he got to feel you tonight under the guise of dance practice was enough to make his numbers feel numb and one again he found himself going to you. You knelt down by your dance bag in front of the large mirrors and he came up next to you making you look up.
“I know what you’re thinking, Junnie,” the nickname slid off your lips as you packed your things, “And it’s not a good idea.”
“One kiss won’t change anything,” Yeonjun persisted as he leaned against the mirrored wall. You looked at him with an arched brow and he knew you caught his bluff and it made him smile more, “I swear.”
“That’s what we said last time and then what happened?” You asked standing up in front of him, “Someone made assumptions and then flipped out on me.”
He rolled his eyes at the reminder, “And how long ago was that?”
“Pretty sure a few weeks ago you were mad about it,” you teased even as you traced a finger down his chest, “So do you think it’s a good idea to do it again?”
“I do,” Yeonjun said, letting his hand go down to your hip, “And I know you want to kiss me too.”
You sighed in thought as you looked up at him and he didn’t tear his gaze away. All it took was the warmth of your hand finding his jaw for him to dip his head down and let your lips brush against each other gently. When you didn’t immediately pull away, he took action and fully pressed his mouth to yours in a soft kiss.
Yeonjun didn’t hesitate to let both hands slide down your hips toward your back and pulled you more flush against him leaving no room between your wanton bodies as your tongue slipped past his lips meeting his softly. Your arms wrapped around his neck trying to pull yourself up to kiss him better and he eagerly granted you more access. It was a sight to be seen, the way his jaw moved so effortlessly, tongue kissing you.
There was a small pause, pulling away to catch your breaths and this should have been a moment to reflect. You both knew what this could possibly mean for you two. It was like starting all over from when you first started hooking up and how easy it was for you to go together. The problem is that you two aren’t good at communicating when it didn’t have to do with sex. The thing is, the two of you are making out in the dance practice room where there were no windows or cameras and the only thing you can see is your reflections in the mirrored walls.
“We’ve never done it in a practice room,” Yeonjun said clearly reading your mind and it made you whine into his chest.
“Yeonjun…” you want to do this with him again but you live together now. That brings a whole different set of problems for you and the people you’re living with if you start messing around again. Yeonjun knew this too but frankly, he didn’t care. He wanted you.
Despite your clear hesitation, it didn’t stop you from bringing him back into a kiss as your back pressed into the wall of mirrors with him in front of you. He smiled into the kiss as he deepened it, dipping his head low and trapping you between his arms. He kissed down your neck, sucking softly on a spot he was very familiar with and knew it would have your body writhing against him. Your hands tugged on his shirt rushing him but he was not complaining. You both were eager to get your hands on each other after so long.
He yanked it off feeling your hands fly to his belt loop but he stopped you again. He was slightly out of breath as he spoke, "Y/n..."
You looked at him waiting to see what he had to say but I stead he traced his hands down your sides as he dropped down to his knees making your lips part in surprise. He was quick in yanking down your tiny shorts and kissing whatever part of your body that was exposed to his needy gaze. He pulled your underwear down too and didn’t hide the way he licked his lips at the sight before him.
Yeonjun wasn’t moving and it was making you feel a bit shy so you found yourself with your hand in his hair and pulling it. He looked up at you with lust blown eyes and his pretty lips parted in a gasp at the pull making you look away from his strong gaze, “Are you just going to keep staring?”
A smile appeared on his face as his soft hands pinched your hips dragging your lower half closer, he motioned for you to spread your legs further and as you did that he leaned even lower, eyes focused on your wet pussy now that he can see it better, “This isn’t just from right now is it?”
As he said that he let one of his hands slide over your pelvis and a finger dip between your folds watching the silky strings of arousal coat it. You huffed in annoyance, “It’s your fault for being so fucking touchy this entire practice.”
With a soft hum, he said, “Let me take the blame then.”
His mouth closed over the stiffened clit so suddenly that it drew a gasp from your lips and your head to tip back against the mirror. Yeonjun is never the one to take things slow, usually liking the element of surprise in catching you off guard by his forward movements. Your hands tugged on his hair with every languid move of his tongue over your wet folds, quite literally lapping up your slick like he was thirsty for more and you had no doubt in your mind that’s exactly what this was. It’s been two years and yet you’re still his favorite pussy to eat and he just can’t get enough.He was lost in his own world, hips rutting into nothing as his tongue worked to taste your raw essence and flick at your clue just the way he knew you liked. He knew how to read your body better than anyone else and it should be a crime that the two of you were too annoyed with each other to do this when you moved in together.
His thick tongue never once slowed down its flicking between your folds and not long after he was pushing it into your warm hole. He was quite literally tongue fucking you with his eyes on you the entire time trying to fish out the perfect reactions. With an annoyed roll of his eyes he reached up with a hand to pinch at your shirt signaling for you to take it off and you did just that. You skipped it off letting it fall over your bag and took the initiative to remove your bra too and it had him fucking you with his tongue with more vigor.
You were in euphoria with moans tumbling out of your soft lips and his mouth slobbering all over your cunt made you want to fuck back into his face. He swirled over your sensitive bud lathering it in his own drool as he brought a hand up your body to feel up your breasts making you moan a little louder than intended. It only made the hand on your tits rougher as your hips began to meet the wave of his head with each thrust of his tongue into your pussy.
"Yeonjun—" you moaned softly, hands in his soft hair keeping him in place.
He licked his lips as he pulled back, “You gotta keep it down, baby, you don’t want someone walking in on us, do you?”
“Let them,” You rolled your eyes, and placed a hand over his head and led him back down to your pussy. Too distracted by the thought of making you cum on his tongue and your eagerness for the same, he did just that. He focused on your clit, tongue flattening over it and shaking his head from side to side feeling your walls tighten, repeating the action over and over again. He felt it too, he knew your body’s responses and he knew you were close. All it took was a little suck on your pretty clit for your release to hit you. It didn’t slow down his ministrations as he continued to lick up your climax despite your legs shaking and your hand searching for something to hold onto as you moaned wantonly. Your slick began to drip down his chin but he didn’t stop until there was nothing left to drink, breathing heavy as he swallowed everything you gave him.
When you had enough you yanked his head back by the hair and looked at his fucked out expression just from eating you out.
With weak legs you slowly made yourself to the floor and Yeonjun made room for you only to direct you to lay down. You smacked your lips in annoyance, “Why am I the only one naked?”
“Because you haven’t taken this off me,” he said with a teasing smile and you sat up to pull his shirt off.
You made his breath hitch you quickly yanked on his pants nearly making him stumble into as you lowered them down. His muscles tended at your toughness and helped you kick them off before releasing a soft whine as he tried leaning down to kiss you again. You met him halfway, a messy tongue kiss mixed with the taste of your arousal and spit. With him distracted by your makeout you slowly began pushing him back until he got the hint and laid down on the cold dance floor with you over him.
His eyes fell shut feeling your lips kiss down the expanse of his neck to his pretty collarbone and down his chest. Your hand was quicker than your lips at trailing down his body and soon he felt it slide over his hardening member with a couple experimental strokes, his mouth drawn open in a silent moan. He released a shaky breath as your face closer to his tip, licking it gently, teasing him. You flatten your tongue on the underside of his cock, licking along his base to his tip stopping at his head to let a pool of spit spill past your lips and onto his dick. Without further thought, you swallowed more of his length past your lips and watched his eyes scrunch closed in pleasure.
“So good,” he said licking his plump lips and bit down hard to fight back a loud groan when you held him at his base and began to bob your head along his length with a good pace. You had your other hand on his thigh, nails digging in just slightly because it made his cock twitch every time and you jerked off what didn’t fit in your mouth.
Yeonjun watched the way his cock disappeared into your mouth with a slack jaw as if he still can’t believe you make him feel this good every time you go down on him. It was embarrassing how quick you always brought him to orgasm.
You took steady breaths through your nose doing your best to relax your throat and flatten your tongue. His head fell back with a pleasured sigh when he felt you begin to take heavier breaths sliding down his length until his tip hit the back of your throat. You roughly swallow around him, suppressing a gag as you resume to deep throat him, spit bubbles gathering around his length.
"Oh fuck," he groaned, moans were pouring out of his mouth, no longer caring if anyone in another room heard, “I’m close. Get on top.”
It took you a minute to move off and every second you stayed sucking his cock was another annoyed moment that passed him trying to get you off. With a pop of your mouth, you quickly pulled off trying to catch you breath as he sat up and brought his mouth to yours, “Ride me, you know I love it when you’re on top.”
You were well aware that there was no chance he had a condom on him but this wasn’t the first time you have had unprotected sex and honestly, it probably won’t be the last. That’s the only reason why you didn’t hesitate to lead him back to lay down as you straddle his hips, eyes on his stiff cock that pointed up.
Yeonjun’s hands lightly trailed your sides, licking his lips as he stared down at where your drenched pussy hovered over his dick and he felt a shiver of anticipation run down his spine. With a hand on his base to keep himself pointed up, he watched as you lined yourself up with him and took his head in. He quickly looked at you as your mouth drew open, sinking down on his length, your body not a stranger to his size, relaxed around him.
"Yeonjun," you whined at the first expert roll of his hips, digging his cock a little further into your walls once he knew you were ready and very needy to feel him. He didn’t start off slow either, he guided your hips to ride him roughly the way he knew you both liked and when you nearly fell forward only using your hands to hold yourself up, he met you halfway and went straight for your breasts. He nipped at the bud playing with it as he looked up at you to the best of his ability.
Yeonjun couldn’t help it, you were in a room full of mirrors and he just couldn’t help it. He found his eyes straying toward the closest mirror and they rolled at the sight. Your back was arched like a kittens, his hands groping handfuls of your ass and mouth hungrily sucking on your nipples knowing how much you liked it. Your hair fell around him and you just looked so pretty that he knew he wouldn’t last.
“Ugh,” you groaned when the pace had slowed by him being distracted staring at your reflection and with a light shove off him he let go only to let you sit up again. You looked over at the mirror as you sat up in a right angle and adjusting your legs to help you better, you raised your hips fully before dropping back down onto his length with a little grind.
“Fuck,” he growled, hand moving off your ass and slapping it just so he could watch the way it jiggled when you rode him, "Just like that, look at this slutty body. Fuck, I love it.”
“Did you miss it?” You asked with arrogance at the lustful, hungry gaze he looked at you with and as if to push him more for an answer you leaned forward, breasts in his face and never stopping your bouncing hips. He nodded almost submissively before his brows knitted together in concentration and fucked you back, hard.
Before you could react, Yeonjun was flipping you onto your back hitting the dance floor and taking the lead to stuff you full of cock. You sighed as you wrapped your hands around his neck stopping him from being to move back as he fucked you, “I’m close.”
“Already?” He teased, “Damn, you must’ve missed me too.”
“Shut up,” you moaned against his lips, dragging him into a kiss. Yeonjun was a slim guy yet out of everyone you’ve been with he’s the one who knows how to make you cum and he’s cocky about it too.
“No,” He practically giggled, “My dick making your little pussy feel good?”
His eyes locked on yours as he felt your warm walls begin to tighten around him. A familiar ring of nerves clenching around his member as it sucked him into your folds. He wasn't going to last much longer either, “Your pussy is so damn good, every time, I can never get enough.”
His thrusted slower but still rough, chasing his own high with the sponginess of your spent walls that hugged his stiff dick deliciously, enough to make his lips dry. You didn’t have to give him a warning when he knew his words were getting to you and he finally forced you to look away from the mirror and up at him, “Cum.”
A wave seemed to wash over you, his final words to put you over the edge and just like that, you were letting go pulling him into a kiss to swallow your loud moan.
Yeonjun would have liked to help you through your orgasm but it had been so long since he last had you and still hard from your mouth on his cock, he needed to cut now. He pulled out quickly and not finding where to release he came straight on your stomach in thick, warm spurts with heavy pants. He looked down at the mess he made and smiled despite the way you smacked your lips in annoyance, “Seriously?”
“Would you rather it have been inside you?” Yeonjun asked as he sat back to look at the mess he made of you, licking his lips. A smirk came to his face at the sudden idea, “Don’t worry I’ll clean you up.”
“Yeonju—“ you hissed at the sudden feeling of his tongue licking his own release off your stomach and he didn’t seem to mind it one bit.
“What? It’s mine,” Yeonjun said as he kissed along your body before moving down between your legs to clean up your release too, “All of this is mine, you too.”
“Since when?” You asked as you relaxed. You were teasing him and he just smiled, “Since you decided to dance with me again. And no more misunderstandings, I want you to be mine Y/n, just mine. So let’s work on us this time.”
Things between you two were still kept private. There wasn’t any specific reason for it because some of your friends knew but you two still weren’t completely out with it. You were testing it out first and with your focus being on the summer dance exhibition you had, there was no push to continue to prove you were together now. Yeonjun was the perfect partner and after the exhibition the two of you were finally able to relax.
Taehyun was the one who asked the four of you housemates to go out. Mira was finally done with her intense dead week of exams and she has about two weeks off before her summer courses so it was the perfect time for you to all go out. Living with Yeonjun and dating him has been a bittersweet experience, bitter in the beginning when you were mad at each other, and sweet now where he spends most nights in your room or you in his.
Right now Yeonjun feels content with his relationship with you and as he watched you dance with Mira out on the dance floor all he can think about is how perfect you are for him. He had a feeling that dancing with you would bring the two of you together again and he would be lying if he said that it’s not what he had hoped for in the back of his mind when you agreed to dance Shoong! with him. He smirked at the reminder of the way your body dances with his and he’s wondering if tonight he could ask for a private show again in the practice room. You’ve sworn off public sex but he knows you too well to think you’re serious about it.
“I hate couples,” Taehyun rolled his eyes as he watched Yeonjun’s loving smile watching you dance. Feeling his eyes on him, you pulled away from Mira and motioned with your hand that the two of you would be going to the bar for more drinks. With a nod of his head he watched the two of you leave while he stayed back with Taehyun.
A deep voice came up next to you as you and Mira got to the bar and at first you didn’t realize he was talking to you until you felt a hand on your lower back that immediately startled you. You turned to look at who it was when he spoke up, “I’ve been watching you dance all night an—“
“Why are you touching me?” You asked loud enough for Mira to hear and moved his hand off. The stranger still smiled, “Sorry, I just wanted to get your attention. I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“I hope so.”
You turned watching Yeonjun walk over to you and without sparing a glance, his arms wrapped around your waist, “She’s taken.”
Nobody but Taehyun saw the way Mira’s jaw dropped at the declaration and she turned to him immediately, “Since when?”
Taehyun threw his arm over her shoulders, “You’ve missed a lot, Mira.”
“Are they dating? How did I not know?” Mira asked him but she knew why. She spent all her free time with her boyfriend Kai or getting home late that she didn’t see when Yeonjun would sneak into your room or you in his. As far as she knew the two of you didn’t like each other so when did it change to this?
You didn’t say anything in response as Yeonjun hugged you from behind, all you did was turn his jaw toward you and without pulling his gaze away from the guy, he let you kiss him on the lips.
You were finally Yeonjun’s little dancer again and if another guy thinks he’s gonna change that then he has to laugh. He’s not going to get jealous and misunderstand you two again. You made it official and yes, he might get jealous but this time it’s because you’re his and not because he’s too scared to ask if you are.
okay YALL this is a REUPLOAD. I’m not a dancer so bare with me 😭
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 4 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You get a little bit of time alone with Bradley, and now you want him even more. When he asks you about Frank, you realize you need to tie up some loose ends. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Everett was beyond excited for his first tee ball game, and he insisted on wearing his jersey to school on Friday. He wanted to wear it to bed on Friday night as well, but you made him change into pajamas. 
"What time does my game start?" he asked for the millionth time.
"Sweetie, I already told you. Tomorrow morning at 10:30. And that's why you need to get in bed and get a lot of rest."
After six bedtime stories and a cup of water, he was finally dozing off to sleep, and you were about to check your work email. 
But when you looked at your phone, you saw a few texts from your sister and a text from Bradley.
Bradley Bradshaw: I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'm probably allowed to spend a little extra time with the Team Mom. Maybe you'll keep your Kitten claws tucked away and let me buy you something from the snack bar after the game?
"Oh my god," you whispered as you sat on the edge of your bed. You lay back and literally kicked your feet up in the air as you wrote back to him.
I'll keep my kitten claws away if you buy me an Icee and a soft pretzel.
Then you sat up and gasped before running downstairs to the kitchen. Everett's tee ball schedule was hanging on the refrigerator where you and he could both see it. You took it down, sending a magnet flying in the process. You were right; Monday's practice was dress up day. The kids were supposed to come to practice in costumes, and there was a note encouraging the parents to dress up as well. 
With a squeak, you found the magnet and hung the calendar again before running back upstairs to your room. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Sounds perfect. And maybe you can fill me in more about what else Kittens like to eat and drink. For future reference.
You buried your face in your pillow to keep from screaming too loud. You felt like you were seventeen again and about to get asked to prom by Kyle Jenkins. Except this was even better. 
You sent back a cat emoji before you opened your Amazon app and searched for what you needed for Monday. 
You found a cat ear headband and a cat tail to make an adult cat costume. Then you dug around in your closet for something to pair them with. You had black jeans, but couldn't find a suitable top. After a few minutes of searching, you added a black bodysuit to the shopping cart along with some washable face paint. Before you could second guess yourself, you charged everything to your credit card with next day shipping, and started to get ready for bed. 
You needed to be well rested for Everett's game. And for the snack bar.
Bradley took a quick shower while his coffee brewed. The bathroom was right next to the kitchen and living room, and his bedroom was the only other room. His apartment was kind of small, and he kind of hated it. 
Last night, he had spent hours thinking about bringing you back here, but it was so boring and bare, it made it look like he had no personality. Then he started thinking about what your place might look like. Then he started thinking about what your bed might look like. Then he was just imagining you in a nondescript bed with him, and he started touching himself. 
He wasn't really surprised. You were such a treat to look at, and he was more attracted to you than he had been to the last dozen women he had hooked up with combined. There was just something about you. The combination of wholesome mom vibes were mixing with the way you responded to him when he called you Kitten. It was a lot for his brain to process how sexy he found those two things when put together. 
For a brief moment he thought about masturbating again in the shower, but he didn't have enough time to indulge in that like he really wanted to. 
He quickly toweled off and finished getting ready. He sipped his coffee and scrolled through his text messages with you, being extra careful not to spill anything on his white baseball pants. 
God, you were so flirtatious. That little kitten emoji threw him last night. 
He rubbed a hand across his mouth and mustache and grabbed his gear for the game. He'd never make it through the day if he didn't try to stop thinking about you. 
He arrived at the field early and started setting things up with Bob, but he kept glancing around, looking for you. And if Bradley thought you looked good when you came to practice directly from work, that was nothing compared to how you looked today.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned as you made your way across the assigned field with Everett in his blue jersey. Your jeans were tight, and you had them paired with a Padres shirt and cap. 
When you looked over at him, you smiled and mouthed, "Hi, coach."
Bradley handed the cones he was holding to Bob and headed directly for you.
"Hey, we still need to mark off the outfield!" Bob called after him, but Bradley didn't pause until he was next to you.
"Kitten," he whispered as you took Everett's cleats out of his bag.
You glanced at him over your shoulder, and Bradley made sure you could tell he was checking you out. 
"Coach," you whispered back just as Everett launched off the bleachers. 
"Coach Bradley! Are we playing against the orange team?" he asked, pointing to the kids in the opposing uniforms. 
"We sure are. Those are the Tiny Hawks. Much less intimidating than a Tiny Eagle," Bradley said, adjusting his cap. "You ready to play? We're going to need our top power hitter if we have a chance at winning."
"Yeah!" Everett yelled. 
"Start warming up for the game," Bradley said, patting him on the shoulder as he ran toward Bob. Then he turned toward you and smirked. You were chewing on your bottom lip as you looked up at him like you were about to kiss him. "You look cute, Kitten. And on that note, I'm going to go cool down for the game."
Your laughter followed him as he went to meet with the referee. When the game started, he could hear you cheering loudly for Everett, your voice reaching his ears over everyone else's.
The game was honestly pretty exciting for a bunch of first graders hitting a ball off a vertical stick. Everett had two hits and even made it to third base during one inning. And whenever there was downtime in the game, you still got to look at Bradley in those tight, white pants. 
The moms behind you started whispering, and you were trying not to laugh. 
"I'll bet Coach Bradley could bench press me. His biceps look like fire hydrants." 
"Tara, he's got to have a girlfriend. There's no way something that meaty is still on the market."
Then Everett hit the ball so hard, another player on his team scored a run. "Go Everett! Run!" you shouted, jumping out of your seat and cheering. 
Bradley turned around and smiled at you as Everett won the game for his team. You waited for the kids to shake hands with each other, and then Everett gave Bradley another high five before running to you.
"Mommy!" he shouted as you caught him in your arms. "I'm a power hitter! Just like Coach Bradley said!"
"You really are! You were amazing!"
Then he wriggled out of your arms and said, "Can I play on the swings with the other kids?"
There was a good view of the swings from the snack bar, and now Bradley was heading your way with his gear bag slung over his shoulder and some dirt on his white pants. 
"Yeah, Ev. Just stay on the playground."
Bradley stopped in front of you. "I have a little team business I'd like to discuss with you, Team Mom. Would you join me on a bench near the snack bar?"
You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh. "Sure, Coach Bradley." So you turned and walked next to him for the first time; Everett was usually tucked in the middle when he walked you both to your car. Bradley was so tall when he was right next to you that you had to tilt your head up to talk to him. The other moms were right. He was definitely something to look at. 
"Congrats on your perfect winning record, Coach," you told him, earning a deep laugh that made your lips part as you sucked in a breath.
"Thanks, but I guess I should really be thanking Ev. He won us the game."
You just smiled and glanced at your son as he played. "He's doing so well. I can't believe it."
Bradley just shrugged as he led you up to the window to order some snacks. "He's talented, and he's fast. Does...his dad practice with him?"
You glanced up at him and shook your head. "No. Danny barely sees him at all."
A crease appeared on Bradley's brow and he immediately looked kind of angry. "Why not? He's not local?"
You snorted as you gave him a pitying look. "He lives in Mission Beach. He's just not interested."
"What the fuck?" Bradley asked, earning a glare from the woman who was trying to take your order at the snack bar. 
You just nudged his arm as you ordered your soft pretzel and cherry Icee. He ordered himself a soft pretzel and a lemonade and paid before you could get to your wallet.
"I already told you, it's my treat," he said, grabbing both drinks while you grabbed the pretzels. "Now I need you to explain to me how Everett's dad lives in San Diego but never spends time with him. I don't understand."
You just shrugged and sat down on a bench in the shade. "It's just one of the many reasons Danny and I are divorced. He never showed much interest in Ev, even when he was a baby."
Bradley settled in next to you and handed you the Icee. "I mean... babies are kind of scary. But Everett is fucking great."
You just looked at him, his pretty brown eyes flashing with anger and annoyance. 
"Yeah, Ev is the best. We're better off without Danny."
Bradley took one of the soft pretzels from you and ate half of it in one bite and chewed it up.
"Does that mean you're single, Kitten?" he asked without hesitation. "Been wanting to know."
You grinned at him as your phone vibrated in your pocket. "You've been wanting to know?" You ignored a text from Frank and set your phone down on the bench between your thigh and Bradley's. 
"Come on, Kitten. Just tell me. You're playing with me like I'm a ball of yarn."
Your grin gew as you nibbled on your pretzel and tried to figure out what to tell him. Essentially Frank was nothing. Inconsequential. In fact, he was really irritating you at the moment as another text came through after you'd already told him you were busy this weekend. 
"Well," you started. But now Frank was calling you. As you tried to ignore the call, Bradley looked at the screen.
"Who's Frank?" he asked, looking up at your face with a forced neutral expression. "Someone you're dating?"
"No," you replied, scrunching up your nose. 
"So you're single?"
"Good. Because you've got some salt on your lip," he whispered, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. Without giving it a second thought, you licked the salt from the pad of his thumb. Bradley froze with his eyes wide, staring at your mouth. "Jesus, Kitten."
Your face had the decency to grow warm as he leaned in a bit closer and whispered, "Next time I'll kiss it away."
You let out a tiny squeak as your phone started ringing again. 
"Damn it, Frank," Bradley growled as he scooped up your phone and answered it. "This is Kitten's phone. How can I help you?"
"Bradley!" you gasped, lunging for the phone as he switched ears. You watched him sip his lemonade as he looked at you, keeping the phone firmly out of your reach. 
"Yeah, I hear you, Frank. But she's at a tee ball game right now. Want me to relay a message?"
"Give it back," you scolded him, reaching for it again.
Bradley shook his head, but you just climbed across his lap to get your phone, your chest pressed against his. But now he was holding your phone out in his massive hand with his arm extended, and smiling a few inches from your lips.
"Bradley!" you said with an exasperated laugh. "You're terrible!"
"And you're wonderful," he replied as you anchored one hand around his neck and reached for the phone. You planted your right knee between his thighs and reached, but he finally relented by handing the phone to you.
"Frank?" you asked a bit breathlessly when you had the phone to your ear. You were touching Bradley in the weirdest assortment of places, but neither of his hands were on you. You wished they were. 
"Frank, I'll see you on Monday," you said, paying no attention to what he was saying before ending the call. 
"Who's Frank?" Bradley asked again, his breath ghosting across your cheek as you eased yourself off of his lap. But his hand came up to your waist to hold you in place and your eyes met his.
"A guy from work. Who doesn't know how to take no for an answer."
"What the hell does that mean?" Bradley's voice was tight. 
"Oh, just that I told him I'm busy this weekend, but he's still bugging me." You swallowed hard. You were going to need to completely end things with Frank. Soon. Because as you eased your knee over Bradley's thigh, you had to fight the urge to kiss him. You never craved kisses from Frank. "But maybe he'll leave me alone now that you answered my phone."
You were sitting on your knees on the bench facing Bradley when he turned toward you and asked, "Do I need to worry about Frank?" 
Your lips parted in a silent smile, and you laughed. His eyes looked a little hurt as they met yours. 
"You don't need to worry about anyone, Coach."
His face eased into a soft smile. "Have you given any more thought to that Phillies game, Kitten? It's my treat if you and Ev want to go."
"That's not necessary," you insisted. But you wanted to go in the worst way. 
But if you told Everett that this was even a possibility, he would ask about it nonstop for the next month. Letting Everett spend time with Bradley outside of tee ball was just asking for trouble. Spending time by yourself with Bradley outside of tee ball was probably just as bad. 
"I know it's not necessary, but I'd still love to take both of you." 
His eyes were so sincere. You had never been interested in a guy who you allowed to be around Everett before. But Bradley was in two categories: Everett's Coach and a guy you really liked. And it would be impossible to separate the two now.
"I want to say yes...."
"Then say yes," he replied. "And you should say yes when I ask you out on a date without Everett. And you should say yes when I ask you if I can practice tee ball with him since his dad sounds like such a tool."
You felt soft inside. "All of that sounds nice, Coach. And I do the best I can with helping him practice, but I don't know that much about baseball."
"I can teach you," Bradley said softly, stroking your knee through your jeans. "Over dinner? What do you like to eat, Kitten?"
"I'm not picky."
"What's your favorite?"
You kind of shrugged. "Cheap burgers and expensive champagne."
Bradley laughed. "I love that, too."
Then Everett came over and squeezed onto the bench in the small gap between your knees and Bradley's thigh. "I'm starving," he whined.
When you checked your phone, you were surprised to find it was a lot later than you thought. "Ready to head home for lunch?"
"Yes," he said, and just when you were about to remind him to thank his coach, Everett threw his arms around Bradley's neck.
"Thanks for making me such a good player."
You watched Bradley return his hug, something you couldn't ever remember Danny doing. 
"I didn't do much, kiddo. You're a natural," Bradley told him with a smile. 
"I don't know what that means, but it sounds good," Everett said, standing up and collecting his gear bag. 
"Thanks for the snack," you whispered as Everett took your hand and started pulling you toward the parking lot. 
"Bye, Kitten."
Bradley watched you walk away, looking like a real treat in those jeans. The bench was suddenly too quiet and lonely without your attention for him to bask in. So he just sipped his lemonade and tried to figure out how to make you feel more comfortable. 
Clearly you were hesitant to tell him who the hell Frank was. That was a potential problem. But Bradley had to smile at the memory of Frank sputtering in confusion when he answered your phone. 
Frank was going to have to go.
You also needed some reassurance about Everett. Bradley genuinely liked your son, and he could picture himself tossing a ball around the park with him. If he wanted to play real ball in the fall, Everett was going to need to get better at fielding. He seemed to love baseball as much as Bradley did at that age. And honestly baseball was the one thing that really helped him deal with losing his dad. 
It was funny how Everett reminded him so much of himself, but Bradley thought perhaps Everett had it worse than he did. Nick Bradshaw was just gone from Bradley's life by the time he was in first grade. Completely wiped away. No chance of ever seeing or talking to his dad again. But Everett's dad lived a scant five miles away from this bench and never spent any time with his kid. 
"Fucked up," Bradley mumbled to himself. Especially since you and Everett's dad had been married. Who does that shit to their family, divorced or not? Bradley had to roll his shoulders to help himself calm down. 
If it was okay with you, he would take Everett to the park one day. He thought they would both have fun. 
As he finished his lemonade, his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text from you.
"Okay, Coach. Take us to the Phillies game. We both really want to go with you."
He smiled and opened the internet tab where he had been looking at tickets. He bought three seats in the outfield and took a screenshot of the receipt. Then he texted you the image along with a promise.
"I really want to go with both of you, too."
Bye, Frank. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Silly goofy wild and funky idea:
Transman Crocodile who transitioned via Ivankov.
Cross Guild events and Cross Guild Poly where Buggy finally gets the nerve to come out to her two lieutenants and also boyfriends. Mihawk just blinks like "yes? Your Haki is distinctly feminine, so this makes perfect sense. Oh, dear why are you crying, stop that-" meanwhile Crocodile has to bite back every single we traded genders joke and instead just shrugs, going "I quite literally could not be paid to give a fuck. You know I'm bisexual, this changes little, Clown."
Croc does off hand offer to hook Buggy up with Iva if that's smth she's interested in, tho.
Meanwhile Sanji has come out to the Strawhats as a transwoman as well, and the reactions are much more dramatic but no less supportive - if anything, some may be too supportive /hj ((Franky calls her queen and sis and Hawt Mama, Chopper already began working on ways to synthesize estrogen Just In Case, Luffy could not be made to give a single fuck, Ussop is swooning, Zoro informs her that this changes nothing and he'll still kick her ass, Robin offers her congratulations, Nami is already mathing out adding another bed in the girls' room or making a room JUST for Sanji and Ussop to share, Brooke waits 0.006783259 seconds before asking to see undies, just everyone being supportive and stupid))
This leads to Ivankov getting two separate contacts for their services, and so they arrange to meet at a small-ish island to help both, two birds, one stone :)).
Both crews go full Spiderman meme when they come across each other, and Iva handles it with all the gentility of a bull in a china shop, whisking both ladies away while the rest are left just plain gaping and awkwardly avoiding eye contact or completely oblivious to the tension (cough cough LUFFY).
Insert your own silly ideas here, generally.
But when they come back, Mihawk, Crocodile and Ussop are all just absolutely SWOONING for different reasons, full of Respect Woman Juice and I Love My Wife energy, it's adorable and cute and funny.
((Bonus: Luffy calls Buggy auntie without hesitation, and she almost cries even as she punches him over the head))
Okay, so, my thoughts on this. Crocodile having to hold back the 'we traded genders' joke is so damn real and I laughed SO hard. Love him. So true. And transfem Buggy lives in my mind rent free so this is just perfect because I absolutely love her. She's my beloved. She'd be so anxious about it and cry and Mihawk and Crocodile are like-- So done with her because she's acting stupid and dramatic and of course they're going to still want her. And she's crying and they're rolling their eyes and patting her head at the same time. Poor thing. She needs comfort okay??
And,, Transfem Sanji coming out is always so beautiful in my head. She's been battling her gender issues for AGES and now she feels comfortable enough to come out to the crew. She's anxious but she knows she has to do this now or she never will. And it's-- It's so real to me. The way she would explain everything that happened to her back in Momoiro Island and then say that she's actually a girl. And everyone's quiet because they know she's looking at Luffy only right now, expecting an answer from her captain. And Luffy is just like "??? Okay? You're still my cook. So who cares? You seem happier now!" and that is when Sanji starts crying. Because of course she's crying. And of course, Usopp is the one to hug her first because that's his girlfriend and she needs a hug and forehead kisses right now. But they have 0 privacy because Luffy wants hugs too. I mean. Obviously.
Franky is loud af and he's SOBBING while he screams how proud he is of their cook (I've always said Franky feels like a girldad because just look at how he interacts with Nami. And he's sooooooooo loving Sanji right now). Robin would be so so proud too and would say she's happy for her and smile in the sweetest of ways (Robin please adopt me). I think Chopper would also ask a lot of questions before making estrogen, just in case, but then he'd go and try to make it right away. Nami hugs Sanji but the sweet moment doesn't last long because she's already telling Franky her ideas for a bigger, better room for the girls or!!! "Better!!!!!! A room for Sanji and Usopp so we don't have to deal with them!!!!!! But also make the girl's room bigger because I say so!!!!!!". Zoro says he doesn't give a fuck because he will still kick her ass but he's secretly happy that she looks more relaxed and comfortable in her skin. Brook is Brook and he says his Brook thing about panties but I think Sanji would kick him having the best gender affirmation moment of her fucking life. And Jinbe is just the cutest because I think he'd laugh at the chaotically sweet situation and say that strength comes from being happy with yourself and Sanji is the strongest for being so brave and true to herself (he be saying poetic and cute shit like that and he expects me not to absolutely love him. Dad behavior. I am SO sure he would beat the shit out of anybody who misgendered Sanji. But that's what any Strawhat would do, so,,,).
They go see Iva (Iva my beloved) and they're all,, So uncomfortable,, Buggy acts overconfident and says she's perfectly fine and not scared at all of what Iva's going to do to her body (liar. She's scared af and Crocodile and Mihawk know so they keep scaring her even more because it's funny to see their girlfriend crying. Look. The fact that they're soft and dating doesn't mean they're not gonna bully her). And Sanji has smoked like two fucking boxes of cigarettes already despite saying that she doesn't care about it (she has never been more excited in her entire life) and she's holding Usopp's hand so hard she's going to break it at some point. Anyway, Iva is a dramatic bitch and they make Sanji and Buggy come with them to a more private place because they want it to be a surprise for everyone (drama queen. Love them. I would do it too. Trust the process, girls, you're in good hands). So Cross Guild and the Strawhats end up alone and waiting for their girls to come back. And. Yeah. Uncomfortable. Zoro looks at Mihawk at some point and goes:
Zoro: I thought you were gay. Mihawk: I swing both ways. Usopp: Actually, you swing sword- Mihawk: Awful. Shut up. Don't ever speak to me again. Don't even look at my direction, actually. Roronoa, why is your crew like this? Zoro: It was really funny, though. Mihawk: I wish to not partake in this conversation anymore. Everyone just shut up and wait. ............. Luffy: Hey, guys, do you think Sanji's going to have bigger boobs than Zor- Nami: OH MY GOD LUFFY YOU CAN'T SAY THAT Luffy: BUT I'M CURIOUS Zoro: Yeah, she's going to ask for the biggest of boobs only to piss me off because she's annoying like that. Mihawk: Why would you even care about your breast size, Roronoa? Crocodile: Tsk. You care about mine. Usopp: OH MY GOD SJKFNSKDEWKFJNJKSFN
Okay, so Sanji and Buggy eventually come back. Finally. And they were gorgeous before but now they're even more beautiful because they actually look extremely happy with their bodies. I want to describe how I see them but just check @/vongulli's account and see their fem Buggy because she kills me every time and that's the only way I can see fem Buggy now. And Sanji to me looks like @/sibmakesart's fem Sanji. This artist made a nude fem Sanji not long ago and I loved it,, So much,, ANYWAY!!!!!! Getting carried away.. Thinking about women. It's not my fault I'm a lesbian. But they look perfect and they're comfortable and happy. And Sanji's boobs are surprisingly not huge and Zoro makes a comment about that but Sanji is like:
Sanji: WHAT????? YOU ONLY SEE ME AS A BOOB-OBSESSED GIRL OR WHAT? Literally everyone at the same time: Yes. Sanji: Well, for your information- Usopp: She likes thighs more Sanji: Usopp, don't tell them- Iva: And also, my dears, that is not how my power works Zoro: So you did ask for big boobs and you couldn't have them Sanji: I'm going to kill you and wearing heels it's going to hurt even more Usopp: Is it weird that I'm kind of turned on right now? Nami: ...Haha Usopp: Are you okay? Nami: Hey, Usopp, I- Usopp: You can't fuck her Nami: I swear I can't have anything!!! What do you have against lesbians??? Usopp: YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY??? Nami: I dunno, yes??
Crocodile and Mihawk are having... A moment. They will still bully her and they're sure she's going to look extremely pretty crying and whining but right now she deserves to be worshipped because just look at her. Buggy approaches them and she's like "If you laugh I'm going to throw knives at you and then leave Cross Guild and!! And!! And I'm going to be really mad so pleasedon'tlaughireallylikethispleasedon'truinit" and they look at her with the fondest of looks (but gotta be honest, they're so horny right now it's unbearable. Like yes, happy wife happy home happy everything but also happy dick because just look at her). Crocodile is just frowning and genuinely asks "Why would we laugh? You look stunning, dear" and Mihawk follows with "I must say I'm not surprised, since you've always looked beautiful. But you look... More satisfied with yourself." And Buggy has to hold back the tears and that's why she starts saying things like "Pffft. Yeah! I knew I'd be gorgeous like this too! Now I look even flashier!" and y'know, the two men are letting her have her moment because now she looks even better and they can't stop staring at her. So maybe she's right this time when she fakes confidence.
Usopp and Nami need a second to process everything, I think. Also, they both hit Brook at the same time when he's about to ask Sanji the question™. Nami is having a lesbian moment, but of course Sanji realizes and does her Sanji thing like opening her mouth and speaking:
Sanji: Nami-swaaan!!! Do you like how I look now??? Nami, ignoring her and whispering to herself: Disgusting. I hate this. Zoro: At the end of the day it's just curly, huh? Nami: I was thinking with my dick. Zoro: Yeah. Happens. Been there.
So, Usopp and Sanji finally get their moment together because at least the Strawhats are respectful enough to give them their sweet uhhhh two minutes before they start complimenting Sanji. So that's something! Sanji is confident with her body but is a bit shy and isn't sure what Usopp will think about this. Not that she has changed much, even, but, you know. Just different. In a good way for her! But different. And Usopp approaches her slowly and smiling and he's just so so so happy. And he's like "You look gorgeous!" / "... Really? I wasn't sure whether you'd like it-" / "I will always like you! But more importantly, do you like you?" / "I mean- Weird phrasing, but yes. Yes? I think so. Yes." / "Then that's all that matters." And Sanji really, really doesn't want to cry because she has never cried in front of the whole crew. She just can't help it. But Usopp knows she doesn't like it when others see her cry so he quickly wipes her tears away and when she starts laughing (so so happy and full of love) Usopp just needs to kiss her.
Meanwhile, Luffy is there calling Buggy auntie and asking when she's going to tell Shanks about this. She keeps saying she will never tell him and if he wants to find out, he'll do it through her new wanted poster or whatever, but not from her.
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 4]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: When Y/N gets to their hotel room, she finally finds closure to all the confusing events.
Warnings: MDNI!!, 18+, NSFW, SMUT, unprotected sex (p in v) (wrap it before you tap it!), fluffy as hell, swearing, let me know if I forgot something
Taglist: @jakekiszkasguitarpick @blackveilomens @kingdomof-omens (congrats you can call yourself 'jazz' first tag team members' lmao)
A/N: Well, well, well… I don’t even know what to say… I couldn’t wait until tomorrow so here you have the next chapter! I let myself get inspired for this chapter. I read The Love Hypothesis again and this one quote out of it will always stick with me. Do you notice which one?
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It's been three minutes since Noah left the room. You heart was racing. You didn't even know what to think. Didn't he say he wanted to talk about this when we got home? Was it going to be bad?
Your mind was racing when you stepped closer to Jolly. "I need you to do me a favor-..." - "Not going into our room for the next three hours and at best keep Nick from going to bed so he doesn't hear anything? You're welcome."
You gave Jolly a thankful and apologetic smile before slowly walking away from your group. When you came to a stop in front of your hotel room, you couldn't help but feel like you felt that night you landed under Noah's bed. Does he just wanna have sex now?
You quietly opened the door with your key and stepped into the room. There he was. Sitting on his bed, staring straight ahead seemingly deep in his thoughts. You quickly got out of your high heels before walking towards him. When you sat down next to him, you let out a devoted sigh.
"We should talk about this." He said quietly before swallowing hard. You knew this was going to be hard. Neither Noah nor you were good at talking about serious topics when it came to things between you two. You remembered that often when you annoyed each other, you would just remain silent until there was no longer a problem. So now you just nodded and hoped he would begin to talk.
But nothing happened. You two sat their in silence.
You started to think. You knew you wanted to talk with him but not once you thought about what you actually felt. It wasn't normal for best friends to just randomly hook up after ten years of being nothing but platonic.
You exhaled frustrated. "Fuck... We behave like fucking teenagers, Noah. We're literally grown adults. Why is it so fucking hard to just talk?" You stood up and started pacing around the room.
Noah looked at you. When you noticed it, you came to a stand in front of him. "What is this?" - "Y/N, I have no idea." - "I don't know it either but we need to figure it out before someone gets hurt."
Now he was the one who sighed and than he cradled his head in his hands.
"What the fuck are we doing?" You began to cry out. "What the fuck am I even doing?" With that his head shot back up to look at you. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, Noah..." You swallowed hard, being a lot more sad and frustrated than you originally thought. "You are... a fucking well known rock star. You aren't just the boy anymore who lived down the street that I maybe admired a little too much when you came over to game with my brother." You sighed. "You aren't even the boy anymore who took my virginity because I was panicking about being the last in my friend group... You are a lot more now... You are you and I am me and... I don't even know what I was thinking. You are literally my best friend, Noah."
"So-..." He began. "...you regret what happened between us?" You had a feeling his eyes changed with your statement. They looked emptier.
"No, no, no...Noah." You cried out and looked at him apologetic. "That's not even in the slightest close to reality... That's the problem… I don't regret one second with you. I think, there wasn't one day in the past two weeks that I haven’t thought of you." You explained and ran a hand through your hair. "The thing is... I feel weird. On the one hand you are my best friend. You are Nick's best friend. You are the closest friend I ever had. I think nobody knows as much about me as you do. And I love that. But on the other hand there is this thing between us. Something that I have never felt with anyone before. That scares the shit out of me, Noah."
You felt like you read straight out of your diary and metaphorically you lost a piece of clothing with each sentence you spoke to him.
"I don't wanna be one of your adventures, Noah."
"I heard you talking about so many girls that come and left. Either them or you not being serious."
"I saw you get hurt and I don't wanna be the one to do that to you."
"I just don't wanna be one of those short funny stories that you tell the boys while drinking beer."
"Y/N, you know that would never happen."
"Why are you so sure of that, Noah? Why would you think this all could work? Why would you think Nick wouldn't hate us being... whatever this is?"
"Because I love you."
Your mouth dropped slightly open while you felt like someone knock all the oxygen out of your lungs. You couldn't breath. He loved you.
Your gaze slightly softens while you looked at the man in front of you. The man who also was the boy who told you he would raise a child with you that wasn't even his when you were just 18. The boy who played every song under the planet on his guitar as long as you would stop crying about this guy who broke your heart in eighth grade. You looked at this man, the man who had nothing but love in his heart for you the whole time you knew him.
You swallowed while taking a hesitant step towards him, not being able to form a sentence. You came to a rest when you stood right between his legs.
"You don't have to say it when you don't feel it but-..." - "Say it again, Noah." You lifted his chin so he had no chance but to look you in the eyes. His hands came up to rest at your hips. "I love you, Y/N... I-... I think i loved you for a long time. I just didn't realize it until those things between us happened."
With that you slightly bent down and pressed you lips to his. All of a sudden you felt like you were going to explode. Nothing ever felt this good. Everything that you worried or thought about just started to make sense. It was so clear in front of you all along. You were madly in love with Noah.
You felt how he fidgeted with the sipper on your dress and when he opened it you let it slip down to the floor. He interrupted the kiss for a second to admire you.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
Everything inside you started to tingle. Maybe it was his words or his tone. Maybe it was the fact he was so vulnerable around you. You just knew there was no way back. You needed Noah.
You instantly kissed him again while you unbuttoned his pants. When those dropped to the floor, you crawled onto his lap while your tongues started to fight for dominance.
"We definitely need to tell Nick." He gasped, out of breath, while you unbuttoned his black shirt. You nodded. "But definitely not now." You joked and made him chuckle before pushing him back onto the mattress. For a second you just admired him under you. How his laugh reached his eyes. How his lips were slightly pink from your kisses. How his hair fell onto his forehead. You didn't find one thing about this man you didn't love.
You leaned down to him and kissed his cheek.
"What was that for?" He asked you surprised while his hands drew circles on your exposed hips.
"I love you too, Noah." With that his eyes lit up and with a quick movement you found yourself under him.
"God, I missed you." Noah muttered against your mouth, making you smile. You always wanted to be loved like this and didn't realise he was exactly in front of you.
He quickly helped you out of your bra and before you knew you also lost your underwear.
When he kissed you again, you grabbed his face with your hands, noticing how you missed touching him.
"Fuck" he mumbled as he kissed along your collarbone. This alone let you moan a little. Every cell of your boy craved him.
"I'm not letting you go ever again." he almost moaned out while his hand found your core. His fingers found your clit with ease and he began to work you in circles. Your jaw dropped open in surprise at the shock of pleasure it sent down your spine.
You cried out when he suddenly stopped his movements and kissed his way back up to your face.
"Noah, I need you." You moaned when he looked back into your eyes. "I'm right here." He teased and than started to attack your neck. You knew those kisses would leave bruises, making you moan even loader.
"I-... I need you inside of me." You stuttered while your body seemed to tremble in pleasure.
"Oh god, you're gonna be the death of me." He moaned while getting up to get out of his boxers.
You bit your lip as you looked at his naked form. He was so pretty. He climbs back on top of you while you open your legs for him. Never in your entire life did you need anyone as bad as you needed him right now.
So when he teases you with the tip of his cock, you could help but squirm for more. You buckle your hips and Noah laughs quiety.
"So needy and wet for me." You could only hum in agreement.
"Please, Noah." You beg. In this moment you just wanted him to tear you in half.
"God, you look so beautiful." He whispered and let his hand travel over your body one more time.
Finally, he started to sink into you. Your mouth fell open while you felt him stretch you out a bit and then pushing you to your limit. Instantly he let his head fall on your shoulder while moaning in sync with you.
Never in your entire life you heard a more beautiful sound. When he finally buried himself inside of you, he paused to let you adjust.
You couldn't even dare to breath in that moment.
"Is this okay?" He whispered in your ear. "Hmmm. Yes... Keep going."
You could feel his smile against your neck. He pressed a kiss to your temple before pulling out of you, drawing a surprised gasp from you before slowly going back into you. He did that a couple of times while heavy breathing was the only sound filling the air.
"You feel so fucking good." He groaned into your shoulder, causing you to wrap your arms around him and trying to pull him even closer.
You almost got impatient with his gentle touch so you pushed your hips off the bed to give him a hint that he got immediately.
You let out a small yelp when he suddenly thrusted harder into you hitting a certain spot. Your noises than made him go faster while your nails found their way across his back. If he wasn't that tattooed on his back, it would have been clear evidence about what was happening here.
"Harder." You begged him. He slammed into you causing you to moan even louder, but he dipped down and swallowed your sound with a deep kiss.
"You need to be more quiet, love. When we get to your place you can scream as loud as you want." He growls against your lips. Butterflies started to form in your stomach.
"Let me take care of you." He than whispered against you lips, reaching down between you with his other hand, pressing his index finger against you clit. You truly felt like you were about to explode into thin air and allowed yourself to think about what was happening right now.
Noah, your best friend of more than ten years, the man you were madly in love with, was pounding into you while also fingering you like he never did anything else in the entire world. His pace was almost punishing.
All the tension between you. Every time in the dead of the night when you gaslit yourself into believing you didn't think of him while you had your hand between your legs. All let to this.
When he changed the angle, hitting a new spot, you instantly buried your hands in his hair, as you felt your orgasm built. His hand still circling your clit while thrusting into you. "Fuck, Y/N, I need you to cum for me."
With that you were done. You moaned loudly while you reached your high, digging your nails into Noah's back, causing him to moan too.
That's when you felt it. He groaned your name and you felt him twitch inside of you, cum spreading through you.
It was an interesting sensation for you. One that made you squirm under him. He thrusted as deeply as he could for a few more times. The pleasure causing you to sink your teeth into his shoulder, biting down to lower the volume of your screams.
After you both helped each other through your highs, he slowly pulled out of you and looked you in the eyes.
"I'm not gonna drop the cheesy question, asking you to be my girlfriend because I think you know I'll not let you go anytime soon." He says before pecking your lips and than getting up to grab a cloth to clean you up.
"I would love to be your girlfriend, Noah." You answered him after came back and cleaned you up. Noah laughed and than wrapped his arms around your torso to cuddle you tightly.
He lifted his head and pressed his lips to yours. "I would love to be your boyfriend too, Y/N."
When he lay back down on your chest, you started playing with his hair and couldn't help but think about the reality that was just meters away from you.
How the hell would you explain all this to your brother?
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pinkandlilacroses · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
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• summary {when an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
• warnings {angst}
• comment if you would like to be added to the taglist
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bellas pov
for everyday this week, azzis been over and i haven’t seen jake in a while. hmmm
avery has taken away my weed, and my valium because she says i need to ‘deal with things naturally’ blah blah blah
this week has sucked. especially because avery keeps dragging me to azzis basketball practice, and every practice, paige ignores me. i really need to stop thinking about her.
“its friday, that means you don’t have to go to a practice until monday” avery says, trying to convince me to show up to yet another practice. i don’t even watch basketball, theres literally no point to me being there
“ok, fine”
azzis pov
i know what avery’s doing is wrong. i mean shes cheating on her high school boyfriend with me, but i think im falling for her.
“paige cmon we have practice” i say, shaking paige, attempting to wake her up
“ok, ok, calm down. im up”
“also, avery and bella are coming to practice again”
“bro why” she says, complaining. she doesn’t like bella for some reason, like every time bellas around, she gets annoyed quicker than usual.
“why do you hate bella so much”
“cause she gets to attached” she says.
“what do you mean paige” i say, somewhat yelling
“i mean, we hooked up and she got all mad when i kicked her out, then she blocked me”
“paige are you fucking kidding me” i say, fuming
i cant believe this, the one girl i actually like, of course paige has hooked up with her best friend
“it was before you guys got close” she says, defending her actions
“it doesn’t matter, avery definitely knows. oh my god” i say, getting more and more stressed
“bro it doesn’t matter” she says, getting ready, clearly unfazed by my anxiety heightening
“of course you would do this. why do you have to get with every girl on campus paige, she clearly isn’t like that” i say, yelling
“she was loving it” she says, smirking. why is she not talking this seriously
“your disgusting” i say, slamming the door and walking to practice on my own
- hey bella, im so sorry about what paige did
- i just yelled at her for you lol
- did she tell you?
- yeah
- im so sorry
- its ok
- it doesn’t matter
- does avery know?
- yeah
- its pretty obvious
- yeah lol
bellas pov
i mean, i appreciate azzi’s texts, but she shouldn’t be apologising for her shitty excuse of a best friend
“hey guys” nika says, as we walk into practice
“bella” kk says, spinning me around. i’ve gotten pretty close with kk over the past week, so this isn’t out of the ordinary
im talking to the team, as avery sticks to conversating with azzi, until
“paige” ice and kk say, somewhat screaming
azzi and avery just look at her, blankly
paige comes and stands with myself and the rest of the team, standing next to me
“can we talk” she whispers
“about what” i say, turning to face her. i obviously want to talk to her, but i dont want her to know how bad i want to
“i just need to talk to you”
“ok, fine”
she drags me to the bathroom and i sit on the bench
“azzi knows” she says, leaning close to me
“yeah, she texted me”
she looks at me, blankly
“is that all you wanted to say
“im sorry”
“wait what” i ask, genuinely confused
“i shouldn’t of kicked you out”
im in shock
she continues “i was just horny and desperate, i genuinely do want to get to know you, im sorry”
she wants to get to know me?
“what do you wanna know” i ask, somewhat seductively
she bites her lip
“i want to know you, in a friend way”
“oh” i say, jumping down from the bench and walking out of the bathroom
“no bella, not like that” she says, chasing after me
i walk out of the bathroom and towards avery
“im leaving”
“ok tell me later” obviously referring to paige and i in the bathroom
im getting deja vu, walking through the halls, crying. fuck why do i care so much about her
paiges pov
i fucked up. i didn’t mean it like that, i meant that i want to know everything about her, like a friend. but i want to be more. fuck
why would i say that
“avery, whats your dorm number” i say, running up to avery and azzi
“why” she asks, confused
“what did you do” azzi adds
“i fucked up, i think i like her. and i fucked up” i say, shocking myself
they both look at me in shock
“no fucking way” azzi says, covering her mouth in shock
“its 235, be quick, run!” avery says, and i begin to charge out of practice. fuck that. this means more
after basically running through the dorm halls, i begin to hear soft cries. thats her
“bella?” i say
“leave me alone” she says, i run closer to the voice and i see her. standing outside her door
“bella, please talk to me” i say, standing infront of her, towering
“why paige, you just wanna be friends” she says, looking up at me with teary eyes
“please let me in, i need to explain” i beg, and she complies
“sit” she says, coldly
“ive always had a crush on you, ever since your freshman year, i’ve noticed you, more than any other girl. seeing you in the halls genuinely brightens up my day, at the bar. i had finally mustered up enough courage to talk to you and i just found myself falling more and more for you. i kicked you out because i was scared, ive never liked anyone like i have with you, your different. i tried to distract myself but i just cant. im so sorry”
i cant even look at her right now. fuck
“paige-“ she starts
i interrupt “i shouldn’t of done that” i say, and basically run out of her dorm
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qoqurt · 6 days
𝜗𝜚 ⋆ BIRTHDAY .ᐟ (ethan’s version)
just a small blurb for mr ethan edwards bc roro ( @wintfleur ) let me know that today was his bday .. so a little commotion for him actually … takes place BEFORE luke moves to jersey and a little after he daisy and ethan get together ok <3
read about daisy, ethan and luke | au masterlist
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liked by dreagraves, jackhughes, and others
tagged : lhughes_06 , rutgermcgroarty , entersteller
daisospahm i literally blocked ethan for this bc i wanted to post my gift for him without him knowing ++ it’s literally 11pm im a HUSTLER 😮‍💨 (ft. luke watching — he signed the card dw!!) shoutout to stella and luke and rutger for reassuring me that the gift is good 😭 there’s more but i’ve decided not to add it here :3
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trevorzegras and tell me why rutger is tied up in slide 2 🤨
daisospahm icl i couldn’t tell you .. i was writing the card one minute and the next my ribbon went missing
entersteller i’m just a girl ok ☹️ he needed some nice ribbon !!
lhughes_06 are you planning to give him to ethan or …
rutgermcgroarty and if she was 😽
dreagraves the build a bear frogs 🥹
daisospahm luke thought it’d be silly if we dressed them up like him and i for ethan actually LOL so i made them clothes
dreagraves you make me sick (that’s so cute shits)
jackhughes shoutout luke for just sitting there
lhughes_06 i just breathed 🙄
davidungh blocking 1/2 boyfriends is actually crazy
daisospahm if you don’t shut the fuck up ur next 🥰
lhughes_06 added to their close friends story .ᐟ
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edwards.73 replied to your story ‘where are you guys going without me 💔’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘BACKSHOTS 😮‍💨’
lhughes_06 who want backshots 😼
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘no but srsly wtf how did i forget the damn cake 😭 can’t believe we had to walk back’
mark.estapa replied to your story with ‘where is she scrambling off to now’
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rutgermcgroarty added to their story .ᐟ
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ahndaesee replied to your story ‘he hasn’t a single clue does he?’
rutgermcgroarty ‘i almost blabbed but luckily stella changed topics before i could’
ahndaesee ‘good. ur off the hook for now ig 🙄’
🎵: glue song — beabadoobee
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liked by lhughes_06, stellahughes, and others
tagged : edwards.73
ahndaesee ethan on film for ethan day 📸 .. but in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of my favourite guys in the whole world. 🩷 i’ll never stop being thankful for the way you make me smile till my cheeks hurt. love you to the moon and back, ed.
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📍edwards.73 thank you pretty girl ❤️ i love you
ahndaesee 1/2 of my boys 🩷
edwards.73 speaking of which where is he
ahndaesee 🤫
edwards.73 what does this mean
davidungh cakes and candles ethan 🎂
ahndaesee cakes and candles…
davidungh am i not allowed to wish my brother in law a happy birthday
lhughes_06 too late :)
edwards.73 brother in law thank you 🥰
lhughes_06 happy birthday pretty princess ❤️
ahndaesee edwards.73 found him
edwards.73 thanks lucky 🫶🏻 i love you
pshoon2002 happy ethan day !!! 🥳
stellahughes you know the relationship is good when sunghoon approves 😭
ahndaesee EL OH EL ur so right 😭
edwards.73 lhughes_06 we made it 🥹❤️
lhughes_06 feeling real grateful rn 🥲
stellahughes u did him justice daisy 🥰
edwards.73 are you calling me ugly
stellahughes and if i am
ahndaesee you and your bf are really the same
rutgermcgroarty and if we are 🥰
lhughes_06 im gonna be honest im a bit afraid
dylanduke25 is your boyfriend single
_alexturcotte asking for a friend
ahndaesee no.
lhughes_06 double no.
ynaniu happy birthday ethan!! 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes 🥳🎂
luca.fantilli daisy can you be my photographer too
ahndaesee $30 per hour flat rate with $30 service fee:)
edwards.73 added to their story .ᐟ
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lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘happy birthday e ❤️ i love you :)’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that cake n pasta look so good.. hope u saved leftovers’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘love you birthday boy ❤️’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘my gf looks so good here 🥰 tell luke to hop off pls!’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘i hate couples 🙄 happy birthday though 🥳’
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note from mei ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ happy ethan day everyone !! i hope everyone likes this .. it’s so long (i’m very sorry)
pookie tags : @lovings4turn @iceflwers @wintfleur ( owner of stella hughes oc )
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callsign-phoenix · 8 months
I wrote this as a part of my falltober fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x gn!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Day 11: Vampire/werewolf
Warnings: none
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“I don’t know what she sees in him!” You exclaimed from your spot on the couch, the book you were reading nestled safely in your lap.
“You know, he’s old and dead and not very emotional, I just don’t know why she wants him,” you added, not even expecting a reply from your boyfriend.
You frequently just ranted about the books you were reading and Bob never knew what you were talking about, which made this moment even sweeter.
“Well, he’s loving and loyal, rich, dependent on her and entirely in love with her,” Bob answered you from his spot on the couch, and your eyes shot up to meet his.
He too was reading a book, definitely not yours though, and you hadn’t expected for him to have read Twilight or to know what you were talking about.
It took you a few seconds before your eyebrows raised and you continued talking.
“You’re team Edward?” You asked incredulously, but Bob just nodded.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be? You can’t be team Jacob?” He asked, but it was your time to nod.
The both of you were silent for a moment, before you started arguing, speaking up at the same time.
You chuckled both, and Bob gave you the time to speak.
“No, but really! Jacob is so much nicer and thoughtful, not to mention that he’s warm! He only lives a life long, which means that Bella could live her life without having to sacrifice her friends or family. You can’t tell me that Edward has any aspects that make him worth living forever,” you tried, but Bob scoffed playfully.
“The Cullens seem to be pretty okay with living forever. Plus, Edward does everything he does for Bella, he’s so hooked on her. That’s literally all she wants, a fairytale romance, which is why he’s just perfect for her,” Bob argued.
You had to suppress a laugh as you looked at him, stretching your hand out to touch his leg beside you and caress it softly.
You were sitting next to each other facing each other on the couch, your feet near his upper body while his feet were also propped up next to you on the couch.
“You read Twilight?” You asked, and received a proud nod from him.
“All of them. I have a little sister, what do you expect?” He answered, his ears turning a little pink at his confession.
You smiled at him, still caressing his thigh, and you closed your book to look at him.
You realized that you loved the fact that Bob had read the books, showing once again that he was incredibly sensitive and considerate.
Bob held your gaze with a hint of a smile playing around his lips, which made your heart beat slightly faster.
“I’d say you’re better than either of them,” you said softly, and you saw Bob’s eyelashes flutter behind his glasses.
He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers, pulling them towards him and pressing a gentle grateful kiss to the back of your hand.
You were grateful too, for his love and the life you were able to spend together.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @klmpun @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @tipsykeen @bespinnn @airedale17 @malindacath @aerangi @luckyladycreator2 @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @atarmychick007 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @jewels98 @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 month
ok, this has been burning a hole in my notes app and i’m just gonna send it out there:
Why (i think) the Finale was Like That:
to preface, if you liked the finale, good for you!! that’s totally valid and i’m not trying to bash that. but i know a lot of people were left wanting more, and i’m one of them. anyway, to my point:
as silly as it sounds, this show is not written for us.
we’re fans. the producers already know we’re gonna watch the show. they don’t need to convince us to give them our attention, they already have it. why waste time digging into random side characters in the larger Star Wars saga when the average person doesn’t even know who that is?
their real job is to convince outsiders to watch. to get hooked. to see an element they like, probably from the main movies, and tune in, even for one episode. if they can get them hooked with fennec or ventress or hell even rex, that’s a win for them.
the plot lines wrap up in such an unsatisfying way because honestly? they cant waste time focusing more on these characters than they have to. the people writing and designing the show might love them and want to include more meaningful resolutions, but that takes too long and costs too much money. you know what’s cheaper and will satisfy the average viewer? kill the mystery clones, cut off the “trauma hand”, and wrap it all up in a nice little “look, she’s joining the rebellion, guys!” moment because the more bland and broad the ending, the more people will understand it.
i mean, remember the Fives mention? Echo didn’t react, he didn’t even stutter, he literally moved the conversation along like they were talking about where to go for dinner like HELLO. we already know they cannot be bothered to show real important emotional scenes because that would take too much spotlight away from the whole star wars politics plot or whatever were supposed to care about. (honestly, who is watching bad batch for the og trilogy implications? woah tarkin and a couple other empire dudes are talking about project stardust definitely gimme more of that and not any meaningful connection between these characters i love)
it’s scummy, it sucks, it especially kills me that the story is basically lost to corporate greed but let’s be honest, this is Disney’s Star Wars. i could literally just leave it there. meaningful moments will always be sacrificed for shock value and character cameos because the random guy seeing an ad is only gonna watch the show if he thinks “oh cool, tarkin, i didn’t know he was in that show, maybe i should see what that’s about.”
and yes, i know, there absolutely is a ton of love and care poured into this show. i appreciate the effort that went into it. i’m just sad they didn’t have full creative freedom under Disney to give us the story we wanted.
but you know who won’t sacrifice story for money? you know who’s guaranteed to have the fans’ interests in mind? you know who does have full creative freedom and is equally pissed about bad show moments and want to do them better? FANFIC AUTHORS. Fan artists, theorists, even roleplay accounts and every other type of dedicated fandom blog is here for that shit and will reshape things however they want a million different ways because that’s the point. the show simply cannot give us what we want, but we can make it ourselves.
your support, your creativity, and your determination to give these characters what they deserve is how we can solve the problem.
i didn’t really mean to turn all “we’re all in this together” here lol but yknow what i really do mean that. i think supporting the community around you is the best option we have for truly enjoying all of this show’s potential.
tagging a few people cause i value your input!! and let’s be honest i’m probably leaving a few things out that you might be able to expand on: @the-bi-space-ace @inkstainedhandswithrings @phantom-of-the-501st
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Can we have some more father jim defroque headcanons?
I saw this ask and literally started bouncing happily on my bed - Jez
More Father Jim Defroque headcanons
You cannot tell me he doesn't have a tattoo somewhere. He certainly does.
His dick is probably pierced, too. I'm thinking like a small prince Albert piercing? (Why do I know these things-)
He doesn't even believe in God. He doesn't give a single fuck about religion. But he knows how much people are willing to do for a priest and God, which is the only reason he pursued it.
Listens mostly to rock (dude canonically listens to Ghost and I find it absolutely hilarious).
This man is kinky as fuck. I could make a seperate post on just his kinks.
While he prefers to take charge when he's with women, he's absolutely down to be fucked to oblivion by men. His pet is the exception of they happen to be male.
This man can deep throat like his life depends on it, too.
The hockey players really love him, not just for bukkake parties, but for gangbang too. No man should be able to take this much dick.
And his poor darling has to take part in it too.
A lot of times he'll just watch his darling get completely destroyed by the hockey players or whoever he has over.
He just likes to watch you whimper and give him pleading looks.
And then he'll act so sweet and loving as he soothes his sweet little pet... With vanilla sex.
Isn't he just so kind? Taking such good care of you? It doesn't matter of you're whimpering and crying... You want to be a good pet to him, don't you? He loves you so much, don't you know?
He's a big fan of fucking you in his car in the middle of the night. He'll pick you up, drive to some empty parking lot and get you to ride him.
He doesn't masturbate. He makes you jack him off instead. There's just something so much more pleasant about watching you do it.
With how much he parties and the fact that he's in his somewhere between his mid-30s/mid-40s (his actor is almost 50 like wtf he barely looks 40), he probably met at least one of the Papas during a party. Most likely Secondo, since he was a party animal.
There might've even been a hook-up there nobody knows uwu
Taglist: @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @emo-mess @copias-fluffy-asscheeks (send an ask if you'd like to be added! read the pinned post before asking!)
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Keith walks into the briefing room expecting very little. They still have a couple days until their nearest big mission, and they’ve already planned it ad nauseam, so he isn’t sure what Allura needs to discuss.
But, black paladin or not, Keith knows damn well that Allura’s the boss, so. To the briefing room he goes.
He’s greeted with a beaming smile from Lance the second he walks through the door, which is surprising for a few reasons, but largely because last time he checked, he was firmly on Lance’s shit list. (They’d had an argument last night while Lance was on kitchen clean-up duty that had ended with Lance scooping a pot of dirty dishwater and dumping it over Keith’s head before storming out. So. How Lance went from absolutely furious to smiling at Keith like Keith was the sun after a storm was a mystery, but Keith has always thrived when Lance gave him any attention, so he decides not to question it.)
“Come sit next to me,” Lance offers, and obviously Keith does not hesitate to do so. The second he sits down, Lance reaches over and wraps his arm tightly around Keith’s, then hooks his ankle around the leg of Keith’s chair, yanking him closer.
Damn, someone’s in a magically wonderful mood, Keith thinks, pleased.
Before he can ask Lance what has him to happy, Allura strides into the room, straight to her place at the head of the table, and starts the briefing immediately.
“Alright, everyone. This briefing is going to be about a new mission we’ve just received. We’re expected to make an extended appearance at the Ghuwa System’s ball.”
Lance’s hold tightens as soon as Allura finishes her sentence, and suddenly his ‘magically wonderful mood’ makes perfect sense.
Oh, that motherfucker.
“You are a snake,” he hisses to Lance, who smirks and does not look at him.
“Shut up and pay attention,” he whispers back.
Keith does, but barely, busy fuming at Lance for setting him up.
What a butthead.
Usually, when anything even remotely suggesting a ball or dance or gala or whatever the fuck leaves Allura’s mouth, Keith finds a way to get the hell out of the room. Whether it be subtly inducing an argument between Pidge and Hunk so he can slip away unnoticed, or straight-up just leaving, he finds a way to not be involved.
And, yeah. He knows it’s a little immature. But he fucking hates stupid dances, and he’s fucking right to hate them. For starters, they are a massive waste of time. They had a war to win. Why the fuck are they spending literally any time at all twirling around a dance floor, or whatever? Secondly, and admittedly more selfishly, is that Keith just didn’t… do dances. He doesn’t know how, and standing awkwardly on the sidelines makes him uncomfortable. It’s not like he’s serving any great purpose, either. In the early days of Voltron, he’d make his presence for twenty or so minutes, then informed Shiro he was going to the washroom and just never come back. And it wasn’t an issue! Treaties were always signed, alliances always went through, with or without his presence. It was literally, in every sense of the word, a massive waste of his time.
“Some of us,” Allura says, pointedly looking at the space just above Keith’s head, “have been… flaky, in the past, in regards to these missions. And because I am endlessly benevolent —”
Lance snorts, making Allura whip a pen at his head without looking, nailing him square in the forehead. A dark satisfaction rises up in Keith’s chest.
That’s what you get, you backstabber.
“Endlessly benevolent,” Allura repeats, “so I have let it slide. But that won’t work anymore. Some of you are the leader of Voltron, now, it would be in the best interest of this mysterious person or persons to show up to these missions without complaining.”
“How come I can’t complain?” Keith protests. “I should be allowed to complain a little!”
“Who says I’m talking about you?”
“How many other leaders of Voltron are you referencing?!”
Allura shrugs, heavy amusement in her eyes giving her away. “Who knows. Anyways. The ball is tomorrow night, you’re expected to dress formally and each of you will be expected to dance at least once.” This time, she looks pointedly in Pidge’s direction. “That also means that certain tiny geniuses cannot hide behind their tall engineer friend.”
Pidge huffs. “I do not hide behind Hunk.”
“You really do,” Hunk says apologetically. “Sorry, man.”
“If that’s all, Princess,” Lance says before Pidge can argue, “Keith and I have somewhere to be?”
Oh, shit.
“That’s right,” Allura says, smirking a little. “You’re free to go.”
Double oh, shit.
“Or you could just execute me,” Keith offers.
Allura, Pidge, and Hunk all snigger, while Lance rolls his eyes and yanks Keith to his feet.
“You are the most dramatic person on this ship,” he says, which coming from him is the equivalent of a whale telling a dolphin it should lose a few pounds.
“That’s a dollar in the ridiculously strange cowboy idiom jar,” Lance says, dragging him down a mess of hallways, and Keith scowls.
“My idioms are normal.”
“They’re really not, dude. The six hundred twenty-two dollars you currently to the jar prove otherwise.
“I do not owe six hundred fucking dollars to the jar!” Keith protests, and he knows he’s right when Lance smirks.
“Right. You owe six hundred twenty-two.”
“I’ll give you an idiom. How about you shove your lying tongue right up my —”
“We’re here,” Lance interrupts, visibly holding back laughter.
Huffing and generously deciding to drop it, Keith looks around. ‘Here’ seems to be — an atrium, of some sort?
“I know part of the reason these diplomatic missions freak you out is because they make you uncomfortable,” Lance says matter-of-factly. “I can’t fix that, but I might be able to help.”
“I hate the diplomatic missions because they’re a waste of time,” Keith argues.
Lance sighs, shoulders slumping, and suddenly all the stress is visible on his face, tense lines furrowing his brow and deepening his frown.
“Look, man. I know — I know it feels like we’ve gotta be fighting 24/7. But that’s not what war is. Not all of it, anyway.” Dark brown eyes lock onto Keith’s, tired and anxious. “Do you have any idea how fucking scary we are?”
Keith blinks. That’s… not at all what he was expecting.
“Dude, imagine something for a second. Imagine there was this group of aliens on Earth. They each piloted their own insanely intricate and supernatural mecha-vehicle — sentient mecha-vehicle — and can combine to make a weapon of war equivalent to what is essentially and armoured tank that can shoot nuclear bombs. And each of these mechas is piloted by an alien with different, intense levels of strengths. One of them is a genius engineer, who can build anything out of scraps. One’s basically a walking supercomputer and can hack into anything with a code. One’s a shapeshifting, superstrength-having, royally-raised warrior. Another team member isn’t a pilot, but has the cultural information of basically every planet to ever trade in the universe. And one of their pilots is this unbelievably skilled prodigy who can out-manoeuvre any opponent to ever sit in an aircraft. Keith,” Lance holds his hands up, exhausted and exasperated. “Keith, can’t you see the fucking power we hold? I think we take it for granted. We are the only thing that can stand against Zarkon’s Empire. Just Voltron. That’s it. Dude, people are terrified of us. Don’t you see?”
“You missed one,” Keith says quietly, which is really kind of off-topic but the only thing he can think to say.
“A pilot. Hunk, Pidge, Allura, me. You even got Coran. You missed one.”
Lance’s face turns pained. “I didn’t mean — I didn’t mean to exclude Shiro. Fuck. I just meant currently. But you’re right — once we find him again, our other pilot is going to be the Champion. Who the fuck could stand a chance against the Champion?”
“No, Lance,” Keith says, voice a little urgent. “I mean, yeah, sure, of course Shiro’s powerful, but. I meant you. In your original lineup, you forgot to mention yourself.”
“Oh, sure.” Lance flaps a dismissive hand. “I can shoot, I can pilot, I’m a fucking paladin. Of course I’m up there.”
Keith shifts uncomfortably. There’s something…off, there, but Keith can’t pinpoint it. He’s not sure he’d be able to bring it up, even if he could.
(But there’s something there in the way Lance doesn’t count himself among the rest of them.)
“But you get what I’m saying, right?” Lance continues. “We’re scary as shit. Sure, we say we’re fighting Zarkon, but how the hell are civilians supposed to trust us?”
“I mean, we very much do fight Zarkon. We’re not just saying that. They should be able to trust our actions, if not our words — we do fight him.”
“For what purpose?” Lance counters. “Most of these people have either been brutally colonized and been victims of genocide, or have been under that threat. They’ve spent the last ten thousand years — think about that for a goddamn second, some of these planets have been enslaved by Zarkon for longer that humans have had widespread civilizations — with the only truth that powerful people use power to hurt people. Why the hell would they assume that we want to do anything but take Zarkon’s place? Why would they assume that we want to stop him for any reason other than to make our own empire? I mean, look at any human war! Do you know who it was to overthrow Stalin?”
“Hitler,” Keith says quietly.
“Exactly. And millions of people rejoiced when he did, only to be blindsided by his real reason for overthrowing Stalin’s empire. You can’t blame people for wanting to — for lack of a better word — humanize us, Keith. They’re terrified, and they desperately want to trust us, but they have no reason to.”
Keith lets that sit in the air between them for a moment, because holy shit.
“I never thought of it that way,” he admits.
Lance smiles, but there’s no joy behind it. “I know. That’s why I explained it. I’m not mad at you, man. None of us are. Hell, I had to explain this exact thing to Pidge a couple months ago. It’s hard to conceptualize how anyone else might be thinking of us.”
“Not for you, though. You had no issue figuring this out on your own.”
“Eh. My mother is a history professor. I’m familiar with the facets of war. I had a leg up on you.”
“Seriously, Keith, it’s fine. I didn’t come here to make you all guilty, or whatever. I know you’re going to take this seriously. I trust you. I came here to teach you how to dance.”
It’s such an abrupt subject change that it take Keith a second and a half to process it.
“Wait — really?”
Lance hums in affirmation, stepping over to the side to fiddle with some sort of device. “Yep. I figured half the reason you hate these things so much is because you don’t know how to have fun at them.”
“That’s because there’s no way to have fun at them,” Keith says stubbornly. “I’ll take them seriously —” because there’s no way he can not, now, not with that startling perspective Lance put in his head — “but that’s it. I’ll show up and not glare at people. Boom! Now I’m not scary.”
“Not gonna cut it, batboy,” Lance says, amused. “You’re the leader of Voltron, now. People are expecting you to lead us. Part of that is leading by example. Ergo — you’re expected to dance.”
“Well, then, the only thing this mission is going to accomplish is to make this planet lose all faith in us, because I will not be the shining example of elegance!”
“That’s why I’m teaching you,” Lance says easily, apparently very used to Keith’s freak-outs.
Which. Is kind of a nice feeling, if Keith’s being honest.
“How the hell are you going to teach me how to dance enough for me to not look like a fool?”
Lance pauses his fiddling to look at Keith firmly. “Keith. Chill out a goddamn second. Take a deep breath.”
Keith does.
“Good. Now, listen to me. I am not going to attempt to teach you every dance known to man and beyond in the next couple of hours, okay? I’m just going to teach you to waltz. It’s easy, it’s a staple at every ball we’ve been to, and it’s genuinely kind of hard to fuck up. Plus, if I can just get this damn thing working —“ Lance glares at the device, hands on his hips and eyes crossed in frustration — “this song in particular actually has the dance instructions in the lyrics.”
Keith blinks. There’s only one song Keith can think of with waltzing instructions in the lyrics. But that would be ridiculous.
Is he —?
No way.
Lance grins as steady hi-hats begin to sound out of hidden speakers, along with a simple guitar melody.
Holy shit. He is.
“Are you seriously going to teach me to waltz using a song from High School Musical 3?”
“Are you seriously able to recognize this song after three notes?” Lance shoots back immediately.
And, well.
Keith — 1124. Lance — 1345.
(Keith’s been having something of a rough couple weeks. He’ll catch up. Probably.)
“Touché,” he says eventually, and Lance laughs as he walks over to Keith, humming along to the music.
“Take my hand,” he sings, along with Vanessa Hudgens.
“Are we seriously doing this.”
“Take a breath,” Lance sings louder, and Keith huffs before conceding. His dance lessons will be accompanied by one exclusive serenade by Lance McClain, apparently.
That’s…fine. His heart can definitely handle that.
“Pull me close, and take one step.”
Keith bites his lip and does as Lance instructs, and — oh, God. He lied to himself. His heart can most definitely not handle that.
He hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels, even though he knows it is.
“Wait, am I leading?” Keith asks, because that seems… odd, even though he definitely is.
Lance doesn’t answer, but does carefully untangle one of his hands, and then raises it to Keith’s face, gently tilting it up to face his.
“Keep your eyes locked on mine,” he sings, quieter than before, “and let the music be your guide.”
Keith goes mute, any and all questions dying in his throat, as he looks into Lance’s face and feels his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest.
As the song crests into a duet, less of a dancing instruction and more clearly a love song, Lance fades into humming, keeping his hold onto Keith and occasionally correcting his stance as Keith twirls then around in wide circles.
“You’re doing great,” Lance says softly. “See? Not so hard.”
Not physically, sure.
But emotionally?
“Surprised I haven’t lead you straight into a wall,” Keith manages to choke out, and Lance smiles.
“Leading’s actually easier than following, when you waltz,” he whispers, like it’s a secret, something only Keith can hear. “See, cause I’m doing everything you’re doing, but backwards.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
“Here, let’s step it up.”
Keith’s not sure if he’ll be able to handle that, honestly, but he can barely even keep his breath even, so he can’t bring himself to focus hard enough to protest.
“Okay, so you’ve got on hand in my waist and one hand in mine, right?”
Oh, believe me, Lance, Keith thinks hysterically, I know.
“On the next downbeat, you’re going to lift the hand in mine above our heads and let go of my waist, okay?”
Lance barely gives him time to nod before the downbeat hits and Lance twirls neatly under their raised arms.
“Okay, now you can put your hand back on my waist. Easy, see? But it looks real fancy for everyone else.”
Keith’s skin burns through his shirt when Lance’s hand comes back to rest on his shoulder. He wonders if his hand burns Lance’s waist just as fiercely.
“God, Keith, you’re killing it! You’re a natural. Makes sense, seeing how easily you fight. Fighting and dancing are cousins.”
Lance smiles so brightly, looking at Keith with so much pride and — and affection, in his eyes, and Keith can barely understand what compels him to do it but he can no more stop it than he can stop his heart from beating, his lungs from filling; when the song swells, Troy and Gabriella’s voices twirling together in passionate harmony, Keith dips Lance.
Just. Leans forward and drapes Lance over his arm.
Lance’s lips part in shock, and he stares up at Keith, stunned but — trusting.
Keith swallows roughly. He should — he should pull Lance back up. Keep dancing. A dip would make sense, would be explainable. They’re waltzing, after all. But the longer Keith holds the position, the less he can explain himself.
He can’t bring himself to pull away.
“Keith?” Lance asks, but he doesn’t sound confused. He doesn’t sound like he’s asking Keith what he’s doing. More like — more like asking permission.
“Yeah, Lance,” Keith whispers.
Granting it.
Lance sighs, and his eyes close, and — “Don’t drop me, Red,” —then he’s tilting his head up and pressing his lips to Keith’s.
Keith tightens his hold around Lance’s waist, pressing back just as gently.
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turtletaubwrites · 2 days
Numbers Game Party Attire ~ The Boys
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Thank you, anon for this ask! "OK SO, you’ve said already how number’s girl is dressed but what abt the rest?? I’m super curious of your vision on what type of suits would Crododile/Mihawk/Buggy use or if they wouldn’t even change clothes"
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Thank you for this ask! I've been leaving a lot of visual character details vague, especially for the reader, but if enough people would prefer that I describe the other characters in more visual detail within the story, I'd be happy to do so! I just want all of our imaginations to have free reign in this dangerous little world!
Here's my vision of what Crocodile, Buggy, Mihawk, and Shanks are wearing to the party:
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Sir Crocodile
Crocodile is showing off in a super dark purple/dark plum suit and vest with a black scarf and pocket square. It's got some modest black detailing (nothing as extensive as Mihawk's embroidery shenanigans though 😅). His fur coat is all black today, and he's got some gold jewelry and accessories on his suit to match his hook, like a pocket watch chain, his rings, and a crocodile brooch with chains, of course! I couldn't decide if the crocodile would be all gold or covered in emeralds, so you decide! I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, but here's a few pics (the color would be darker than these with the details listed above):
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Buggy the Clown
I hope this isn't too disappointing, but I picture Buggy wearing his red Cross Guild potato sack for this party 😅😅😅 He's also got the wild hair and hat situation going on. This is the epitome of him being the leader of the guild, the crazy, menacing clown that has the two ex-warlords at his beck and call (lol), and it felt right to me to have this image he's made for himself lately to carry into this party. I see it as smaller than the giant stretching he does in the anime. It fits around him closer, you can actually see a bit of his body shape, which is why when he floats just slightly inside it as he did during his speech, it gives him a strange, hypnotic movement/gait. For the party outfit, I envision the colors all a bit darker or muted instead of super bright, with some added details on his clothes. I was thinking some lovely embroidered accents from Mihawk, but I don't think stretchy material can be embroidered, so I left that out of my brain, lol.
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Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk's outfit is similar to his daily attire, just a little more extra (how is that possible? 😅). Our swordsman is wearing a jacket, NO SHIRT (lol), Kogatana (his cross pendant blade), and his pants and boots are all black. He actually took his hat off when he came inside, but before he did, it had black feathers instead of white. He's returned to his old wine red/dark burgundy shade instead of the gold he's been sporting lately. His jacket is similar, except there are no plain black sections. It is all ridiculous embroidery, with black, silk lining (the giant collar isn't lined though, gotta have those pretty designs framing his face, lol). The jacket also has some Victorian style embellishments like buttons, etc., as well as the shape of it being more suited to a party than a billowing coat. It's got some extra embroidered details along the edges that actually have hints of other colors (even though he dressed our girl up in all black, lol.) Mihawk may have embroidered a little rabbit or two into the detailing of his jacket... I had a hard time finding what I was looking for, but here's what I've got:
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Red Haired Shanks
He's literally wearing the same outfit he always does except that the material is slightly nicer, the pants are black, and the shirt is a super dark blue. He's still wearing sandals. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Everything's wrinkled since he's been keeping all his clothes in a bag on the floor of the middle suite since he showed up here, lol. (His clothes are probably always wrinkly, tbh.) If Mihawk wasn't so preoccupied with his little rabbit, he definitely would have forced Shanks to wear something else, lol. Of course, this fucker manages to look amazing, and far more impressive than most everyone in that swanky room. Shanks could rock a potato sack, and everyone on the Grand Line would still simp for him 😅
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I hope you enjoyed me dressing up our sexy villains like little dolls, lol. I would love to hear what your numbers girl's boys are wearing!
The party is moving right along now, so I'll get back to writing Part 26! Think it's time for anyone to die yet? It'd be a shame to get blood all over these pretty clothes... 😈😈
~ Lynna 🖤💃
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bruh-changbin · 2 years
pleasure over pain (teaser)
part 2 to invasion of privacy
pairing: roommate!heeseung x afab reader
genre: smut, some angst, just over all stupidity (minors dni)
word count: TBD, approx. 6k
synopsis: after being subjected to listening to you bring a guy home, heeseung's forced to face how he feels about you. with some questionable advice from his friends, he finally begins to formulate a plan on how to talk to you without holing up
posting: october 19
a/n: HELLOOOO tumblr is being very weird rn and i can't tell if my tags aren't working or if i'm shadowbanned or if i'm just overreacting and everything's fine so i guess we'll see. i know lots of you have been waiting for the sister fic of invasion of privacy so here she is!!! i thank you all for being so patient 🤧🩹😸💗
tag list is open, send an ask, private message or comment to be added
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jay and jake’s basement; dubiously nicknamed ‘the cave’ by sunghoon.
‘the cave’ was gifted this nickname because it looks exactly like one - dark grey walls with pathetic little foggy rectangles for windows and a musty odour that can still be detected over copious amounts of air freshener.
the layout is simple enough; two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and quite literally the most miserable living room in existence. said living room consists of 3 crusty corduroy couches that form a ‘u’ shape facing a tv exploding with a multitude of wires and gaming consoles. the coffee table is a slab of wood placed on top of some milk crates, and the only decoration is a pylon that jake stole on a drunken night out. it’s the perfect hang out spot.
despite all of this, jay and jake happened to score the best rental situation out of the four of them. heeseung’s isn’t bad since he lives with you of course. sunghoon, who left housing to the last minute, is stuck renting a spare bedroom in the basement of an old lady’s townhouse - whenever she sees him she pinches his cheeks and calls him ‘munchkin’.
the energy in the cave today is different than usual. heeseung’s in the centre of the group therapy-esque semi-circle his friends have formed around him on the couches. jay and sunghoon stare at him in anticipation while jake fiddles with the fraying edge of the couch, clearly wishing they were playing video games or smoking weed instead.
“so,” jay starts after the four boys had been sitting in silence for several moments, “what’s going on heeseung?”
ah yes, the emergency text heeseung sent in the groupchat after his conversation with you this morning. where does he even begin?
“it’s about y/n…”
jake’s interest is piqued now, his head snapping up at the mention of girl talk.
jay speaks up, “what about y/n?”
“oh my god, did you two finally fuck? LETS GOOOO HEE!” this coming from jake, who’s about to start jumping up and down on the couch while sunghoon whoops in celebration.
“no, no, no! we didn’t… fuck” heeseung prefers saying ‘make love’ or ‘hook up’, he things ‘fuck’ is too vulgar and not romantic in the slightest.
“oh,” jake mutters, clearly disappointed.
“you know heeseung i don’t know why you get so flustered around her. it’s clear she likes you” jay folds his arms across his chest, making him look eerily similar to a suburban dad who loves golf.
“she likes me as a friend, nothing more.”
sunghoon furrows his brows, “what’s wrong with that?”
jake scoffs, “sunghoon, where have you been? heeseung likes y/n… more than a friend kind of like, you know?”
sunghoon raises his hands in defence, then offers his two cents: “why don’t you just take the horse by the reigns and make the first move?”
“i don’t know… i feel like she’ll think i’m a loser when she finds out that…” heeseung trails off.
“that you’re a virgin” jay finishes for him.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
‘tis me again, the anon from the JL time-travelers/Booster Gold prompt. This kept cooking in my brain even after I posted it last time, so here goes (I’m so sorry if this goes long and or ramble-y) —
So I was trying to think of different timeline variants of the TUE event there could be to trip up the JL, by having them act on base-different facts. Bc let’s face it, if Danny had failed to beat Dan? Instant worse outcome then what was already going to happen, bc Dan is a full adult with ten years of escalating violence under his belt in an unsuspecting, unready world, and without a Red Huntress that power-scaled with him to counterbalance. This is all getting compounded by the fact that, due to Dan literally destroying everything, no complete set of un-redacted records exist in any timeline, and what they can scavenge needs more context than they have.
So how a time-traveler from that even-worse-verse would react to Phantom first-contact would be vastly different to how someone would from the main timeline, where Danny succeeded and there was no catastrophe. Conflict is that they don’t know who’s timeline they’re in and what they should do. Added to all that, TUE takes place after Reign Storm and Danny defeats Pariah. Huh that might be why the Observants were looking into his destiny specifically. A guerrilla ghost war between Dan the Ghost King and the Observants with the Earth caught in the middle sounds like a Bad Time™️. Like, bad enough of a time that the JL time-traveler from that world full-stop wants to go with the Kill-Baby-Hitler route on Phantom, even. This can be amplified by how much or how little humanity has recovered from Dan at that point.
I still don’t know who all has time travelled in the JL, or if it’s just Bart and Booster. But then it occurred to me. It’s not just the heroes that time travel. From meme-education, I know that Reverse Flash’s whole schtick is that he’s time traveling specifically to ruin Barry Allen’s life. Which of these TUE divergent timelines is he from? How does that effect his approach to Phantom? Does he try and corrupt Danny, young and impressionable, to the dark side with the mentorship he lacks? Do other villains hear about a boy who becomes the next Big Bad, but has an open window of malleability? Do they decide to get rid of Phantom, deciding a danger to the world is a danger to themselves and their plans?
Do heroes and villains, starting with the time travelers, break rank and cross the aisle based on how they think Phantom should be handled? Who is Switzerland in this? Are the Observants not satisfied and mobilizing against Danny again? JL:D I imagine are in crisis-mitigation mode after the first time someone said ‘High King of the Infinite Realms’ in the same breath as ‘within ten years’ and can no longer be reached. Going a step further, is Danny or Amity at all aware of any of this or is it business as usual? Or, is something/someone preventing the chaos from reaching them after first contact?
TL;DR, time travelers from different TUE timelines accidentally spark a DC (civil?) war after first contact with Phantom, either wanting to pull him to the side of good or evil, kill him or spare him. Once janitor, attempted glory-hound, reluctant time-cop Booster Gold gets shepherd-hooked by Clockwork, Master of Time, to fix it.
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monyapolize · 2 years
some umbilical speculation, i dont know exactly what happens because the mv is vague so take it with a grain of salt. it’s very long, fair warning.
also, due to the nature of yuno’s story, there will be sexual themes, but nothing described in detail.
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Let’s get the craziest part out of the way first. Yuno might have never been pregnant. We all just assumed but let’s look at this.
The title is an obvious place to start, as it’s as clear as it can get: ‘Umbilical.’ Literally speaking, an umbilical cord’s function is to transfer what the baby needs to survive from the mother to the baby. The baby is dependent on this until they are born and are able to begin growing and become self-sufficient. Umbilical also has another meaning: ‘joined together by or as if by an umbilical cord; heavily dependent in a close relationship.’ So, this definition is clearly metaphorical.
We’ll run with this metaphor. Who, in Yuno’s story, is the baby? She is!
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Here she is in her official piece of fanart, in which she’s curled up in the fetal position, surrounded by balloons. But let’s keep going.
If she is the baby, then she is reliant on someone else via an umbilical cord. So first we have to determine what this ‘umbilical cord’ is. The song lyrics from her second trial preview gives us a good hint.
“Hooked up till the morning to this sweet ‘Umbilical Cable’”
“繋がる優しさのケーブルで 朝まで”
Two things to note. First, these Japanese lyrics make no mention of the word ‘umbilical.’ This was clearly added by the English translators to give us a push in a specific direction. Second, the Japanese lyrics use the word ‘cable’ just like the English ones. Umbilical ‘cord’ is written a whole different way in Japanese; it’s an intentional distinction. Cable is used more in the context of electricity or technology, like power lines.
Yuno is using something technological to connect herself to someone who will support her. It’s:
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Her phone! Yuno is using her phone to seek out partners on dating sites who will support her financially in exchange for companionship and sexual favors. I’m sure you’ve seen by now plenty of evidence that Yuno engages in compensated dating. Her second trial voice trailer, for one, has her use a fake name, perhaps to protect her identity while she dates. But there’s another word for what Yuno does.
Yuno is a sugar baby.
And this completes the metaphor. Yuno (the baby) receives what she needs to survive (money) by connecting with an adult (older, financially stable men) through an umbilical cord (online dating over the internet). The metaphor is uncomfortable for sure, but it is what it is.
With this groundwork, let’s look at the MV. Colors are very important in the MV. Yuno has four different colored outfits that she wears out on her dates: white, pink, yellow, and green. In her interrogation questions, when asked how she chooses what clothes to wear, she responds ‘I would adjust to who I'm with.’ So let us assume that each outfit represents a different person that Yuno is on a date with: Yuno is seeing four men.
Yuno starts the MV with an empty balloon. After we cycle through the first round of her montage of dates, the balloon becomes full:
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Each balloon (besides the heart) corresponds to the color of Yuno’s date outfits. They represent each of the men Yuno is seeing. The big balloon circling around them all is Yuno’s financial situation. The heart represents how Yuno is securing her financial situation (dating the men).
The more you inflate a balloon, the higher up it’s able to go (to parallel this, multiple Yunos appear on the stairs, each in a different date outfit. With each date, she gets further up the stairs). Her dates are making her good money. If you scroll back up to Yuno’s official fanart, she is laying on multiple balloons, showing that they are keeping her afloat, so to speak. If the balloon was symbolic of Yuno’s womb, as is common thought, why would she have so many balloons in her official fanart? However, from the very first time we see this full balloon, Yuno is already squeezing it. There is tension surrounding her financial situation and her dating. So what’s up?
As it turns out, Yuno has accidentally caught some feelings. Let’s take these lyrics:
“I feel a little weird, I’m still not used to feeling this way I can’t get you out of my head, it’s a secret, ok? Why are you here? You annoy me a little I can’t smile well anymore, it’s because of you”
Initially this may sound like Yuno doesn’t like the particular man she’s talking to. However, consider the lyrics through the lens that Yuno’s feelings for him are interfering with her other relationships. Yuno reveals in a Portal conversation with Mikoto that she doesn’t smile unless she actually wants to. Yuno can’t smile properly on her dates with the other men because she isn’t nearly as interested in them anymore now that she has developed feelings for one particular guy. She can’t get him out of her head, but others cannot know this for her way of life to continue functioning smoothly. And this, to Yuno, is annoying.
“What type of girl do you like? I want to become like that, but that’s probably too hard for me”
Self explanatory. Self-confident Yuno feels willing to change herself to appeal to someone. She wants to, in fact. To top it all off, all of the lyrics mentioned above are sung in one particular outfit: the white outfit. This is the guy that Yuno has developed feelings for.
All of the above information I am pretty secure in, but here’s where we start diving into some speculation on my part. I believe Yuno tried to act on her feelings.
“I messed up, I found out”
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This line is followed by the main balloon popping, and all the smaller balloons falling out of it. So much strain has been put on Yuno’s relationships that she has accidentally destroyed them. Yuno 'messed up’ by trying to advance her relationship with the white outfit guy through investing all her effort into him, trying to be what she thought he wanted. This is supported by the fact that the following staircase scene consists of four Yunos in only the white outfit, while previously each staircase scene had one white, pink, yellow, and green Yuno.
However, her effort didn’t work and he does not respond well to her feelings. The staircase she had been ascending crumbles beneath her feet, symbolizing the white outfit guy exiting their relationship and leaving her without his financial support. Yuno falls, and all is hopeless, right?
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Nope! She’s able to land safely because her financial situation isn’t entirely ruined. She still has some money saved from her dating, enough to keep her afloat until she can find someone else. 
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To drive this point home, she ends the MV looking at three staircases. These are her three remaining clients, since the fourth one is no longer there. She now has a taste of cynicism, realizing her dates probably won’t want her for more than her looks, which is why voting her ‘innocent’ affirmed her desire to emotionally withdraw from others.
So what do I think the crime is? Well, Yuno’s difficult. We already know that Yuno herself considers her crime to not neatly fall under the category of murder though her voice drama, where she says: ‘Well, that thing I was doing, which seemingly could be called ‘murder’ —would be my first guess?” So it’s not as simple as something like her getting her revenge by pushing the guy down the stairs.
If I had to make my best guess, I’d use the following information. Yuno said she ‘found out’ something after she messed up. If her ‘messing up’ = confessing, she must have found out something unfortunate about this man by confessing to him. We already know he must be wealthy, maybe he was both high-profile and already married? I find this particular comment by Yuno interesting.
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Mentions of both adultery and gossip by news outlets.
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Her facial restraints are also a very specific type of archaic torture device used on ‘gossiping women.’
I wonder if she tried to irreparably destroy his reputation to the point where his life was basically over.
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ericas-spop-blog · 1 year
Okay, splitting out my responses to @the-entire-cast-needs-therapy reply here to at least try to manage the thread...
To be clear, people in the Etherian Horde are definitely hooking up in closets or some shit. Just because it’s not Horde Approved Sex doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Hahaha. Yeah; I tend to get, uh, excessively verbose, but one of the underlying thesis for most of my headcanons is "society is not built from the top down".
It's not 'Person at the top created a comprehensive ~plan~, and it slorped into everyone's brains and now they follow it rigidly forever.' Social rules come from the bottom up, a set of conventions built out of shared beliefs, values, and circumstances; they're emergent from the collective needs and wants of their component citizenry. They're messy and flexible and half-invisible, layers of unspoken assumptions that rarely get unpacked, and while they react to top-down decrees, they don't blithely mirror them.
I definitely think Hordak would find a place to at least include reproductive sex if he had any sense [...] but the Horde is a fucking mess from top to bottom, so I also wouldn’t be surprised if he just didn’t think of it.
I haven't specifically mentioned Hordak because (a) ref. the above on how he can't actually make anyone do shit and (b) yeah, the entire "the Horde is a dumpster fire, and Hordak is the trashheap-in-chief" thing.
I don't think he has an official policy on sex, because I don't think it's ever really occurred to him that "official policy" is a thing he can do. Like, the vast majority of his 'leadership' is literally just him throwing tantrums. Something goes badly, he lashes out at the most convenient target, has a cathartic sulk, and within a day or two has completely forgotten the "rule" he made up to justify his ad-hoc punishments. The thought does not enter his head that he's creating a set of unattainable, self-contradictory 'policies'.
((It's why he's such an incredibly erratic, shitty boss. "Don't ever fuck up!", "Don't come to me for guidance!", but also "How dare you hide this problem from me!". Ffs, no wonder no one wanted Shadow Weaver's job before Catra.))
That said, my general headcanon is that Hordak thinks of sex as "just one of those weird/gross/degenerate things non-clones do", and thus not his problem. It's not like he could convert non-clones to Prime's ways of purity, so he has no reason to stick his (lack of) nose in.
(Except for a prurient curiosity he would absolutely definitely never admit to having. Absolutely never. No matter how pretty Entrapta looks when a project works.)
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