#literally related by blood
kasumingo · 8 months
Hate that not in every iteration the turtles and Splinter have Japanese roots, instead randomly choosing to adapt Japanese customs, cause making them diverse is way more interesting than them just happening to randomly like ninjitsu for some reason
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layla-carstairs · 3 months
thinking about how Jace is Cordelia's descendant always throws my head into a loop like. what do you mean he's related to Mina through both Tessa and Jem 😭 his great great great grandma and first cousin four times removed married each other and had a kid and also adopted his 7th cousin...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 3 months
tfw you find the exact arrangement of pillows that makes your spine and ribs stop inflicting you with horrendous, stabbing, breath-stealing pain so you can finally relax
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lilacpaperbird · 7 months
If Supernatural had been set in Spain, baby would've been a Dodge 3700 gt
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John would've been a former legionario (and he'd have the legion slogan "novio de la muerte" tattooed). Dean would've smoked since he was 15 (he would've rolled his own cigs of course) and he'd have an eyebrow piercing. Sam would've carried around a (stolen) copy of García Lorca's poetry and estampas de santos (pics of saints) hidden in his wallet
Also the religious themes and imagery would've been catholic, which means way more dramatic (and aesthetic). Mary as the Virgin Mary would've been a recurring parallel. Sam would've prayed the rosary for atonement or protection. The concept of penance would've pervaded everything.
There would've been more than one episode about Franco and the dictatorship (fun fact John would've been 21 when it ended wow). Also, knowing how Spanish tv works, we would've gotten many nude shots and sex scenes. Oh and several beach episodes (because Spain has lots of beaches but mainly because it's another excuse to show them semi-naked)
We would've gotten more gay characters since Spain was more accepting at the time (same sex marriage was legalized in 2005). And Sam and Dean's weird dynamic would've fit fine with other famous incestuous sibling couples of Spanish tv from the early 00s lmao (I can think of at least THREE beloved canon couples between step-siblings (not related by blood tho) from different shows of that time. Yeah crazy I know)
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sidsinning · 8 months
Oshi no Ko author casually ruining a perfectly good sibling dynamic bc he couldn't help but make more of the female cast simp for his stoic male mc, even his own sister
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fishareglorious · 23 days
mom they made the father of hand hygiene ignaz semmelweis into an anime girl vampire
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
the directing of this scene is outstanding because despite being surrounded by darkness and crying, sanji is the one bathed in the sunlight of luffy's hopeful and loving words. his brothers are the ones laughing but they're covered in gloom and their narcissistic, evil selves. while sanji is acting in the most selfless and self-sabotaging way, wanting to go into the dark so his crew doesn't get hurt by the past he's been running away from for so long. he feels like he deserves this and luffy will not let him drown in his self-harm and the despair his family is. luffy literally is sanji's light, sun, hopes and dreams personified.
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procrastinating studying by reading fanfic... and reading the third chapter and being absolutely SLAPPED in the face with mischaracterisation. and then im like: this concept had SO MUCH potential? *goes to write the fic im thinking of*
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genericpuff · 7 months
Tbf, aren't there some accounts of Hades being Melinoe's father instead of Zeus?
*I am not a scholar on this so don't quote me on this, always remember to do your own research as well!
IIRC, Melinoe is commonly cited/attributed to being the "daughter of Hades" simply through the affiliation of Persephone who is both her mother and the wife of Hades. However, in the original accounts (I believe Melinoe originally stems from the Orphic Hymns) Zeus impersonated Hades with the intent of bedding Persephone thus leading to the birth of Melinoe.
"...I call, Melinoe, saffron-veiled, terrene, who from Persephone dread venerable queen, mixt with Zeus, arose, near where Kokytos' mournful river flows; when, under Plouton's semblance, Zeus divine deceived with guileful arts dark Persephone. Hence, partly black thy limbs and partly white, from Plouton dark, from Zeus ethereal bright." - Orphic Hymn 71 to Melinoe
(*this has been altered slightly to make it more readable)
TBH I think most of the accounts of Melinoe being Hades' legitimate blood-related child comes more from the attempts to modernize the story over the years (or at least the natural attribution of Hades being her father figure) and remove the very blatant incest between Persephone and Zeus. Because if there's anything worse than getting married off to your uncle, it's getting knocked by your dad 😬
This is making me think of Hades 2 though and I'm so fucking psyched for that game you have no idea-
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marcmorrigan · 10 months
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Released to [REDACTED]. SPK 02-04-10 6:45 PM
also released:
3 - One (1) sealed bag s/c cigarettes & lighter which were found in right exterior vest pocket of unnamed male accomplice.
4 - One (1) sealed bag s/c polaroid photo which was found in left interior vest pocket of unnamed male accomplice.
Note: victim posthumously identified as one Mail Jeevas, DOB 02/01/1990 (aged 19yrs at time of death). Request that Gevanni update documentation accordingly. - N
always thinking about the polaroids matt and mello didnt get to take + the amount of clean up and paperwork near and the SPK probably had to do after they seized all the kira case files from 'L'... also like. do you think near had to identify matts body. who else was there that couldve done it. anyway whatever teehee <3
+ 'clean'(er) version without all the scratches and stuff:
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yk if i didn't grow up in a constant state of emotional repression, id probably be a disaster right now
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spacedlexi · 3 months
Hi Lexi
What do you think of partially blinded Vi? You never seem to draw her that way, and I kind of just wanted to know what do you think of it as a certified Vi lover.
I personally think that while something like this can be "cool" (as in, being beneficial to the character design), it's handled quite poor for Vi and it just looks a bit... ungrateful. Simply doesn't look good, doesn't fit her personality or character (am I missing something?) and it doesn't seem to fit or suit her...unlike Kenny's iconic eyepatch. To me, it has become a pivotal thing in his design to a degree in which Kenny with both eyes seems a bit odd looking. I see it as a symbol which stands for Ken being a martyr and all he's lost and sacrificed. He is all about family and helping those he loved, his loved ones truly were the "apple of his eye". It all makes sense, doesn't it?
But for Vi, it's excatly the opposite. I'm just so sorry to see her like this. 😭😭😭 I don't think it makes sense in any way. Louis losing his tongue because he's so talkative and "won't shut up" does kind of make sense, but I cant help but see Violet losing sight as kind of lazy writing. "We need something bad happening to her!!! suffer the children!!!'- the writers exclaimed.
i think vi losing her eyesight is incredibly impactful on her character and i honestly dont understand why some people say its lazy writing. especially since it was foreshadowed multiple times. vi losing her eyesight i think is even more impactful on her character than louis losing his tongue because at least louis still has his music to express himself and uplift spirits through (and its not like he cant communicate At All. his note still makes clem laugh). the reason i dont draw blind vi very often is because of how sad it is to me. for multiple reasons
violets whole thing is wanting to be able to protect the people she cares about, and feels immense grief and guilt about the times she feels shes failed them (thinks if she had been there with the twins that day that she couldve done something to save them. feels she failed everyone taken by the raiders. is scared of failing clem too "if something happened to you because of me? i cant lose you too. i wont". its why she cant leave minnie after shooting her. and a kidnapped vi attacks clem because she doesnt want anyone else to get hurt. hell it even ties back to her grandma and feeling guilty about not doing anything for her)
so for her to lose her eyesight? she took pride in her ability to fight and now she cant do that anymore. cant protect the people she loves. and as someone who started the season as an isolated loner, it forces her to rely on those around her for help, stripping her of her independence (and her independence is what allowed her to stand up against the group for clem when it came to the marlon situation in ep2). a blinded vi is forced into accepting community, whereas a saved violet accepts it on her own. her and clem turn ericsons into the home violet could never see it as
the other reason blind vi makes me so sad is that it is Directly a result of clems actions. kidnapped vi had nothing and wanted nothing to do with the bomb, and yet shes the ONLY ONE who gets hurt by it. clem choosing to let vi be taken means clem both breaks her heart, and then burns out her eyes. louis and his tongue is between him and lilly and was a choice THEY each made outside of clems direct influence (even if it was clem who inspired him to speak up, it is ultimately his choice to keep talking, and lilly hurts him for it. its sad he gets punished for a character moment, but clem had no direct hand in him losing his tongue. its why hes not angry to see her in the cell. he doesnt blame clem for what happened), but the way vi is feeling in that cell is DIRECTLY due to clems actions. vi feels like clem abandoned her after she had put herself on the line for her multiple times. she always had clems back but clem didnt have hers. clem is the one who planted the bomb and vi gets caught in the blast. clem hurts her emotionally And physically. and vi apologizes for getting upset (she tries to apologize on the beach too before theyre forced out in the cart, so she felt wrong for those actions immediately even tho they were understandable. lilly and minnie used her moment of weakness to get in her head. she just wanted everyone to be safe)
kidnapped blinded vi is just so incredibly sad to me, especially when you compare her to a fully realized violet. a violet who has come into herself, has confidence, has opened up, has stopped pushing people away out of fear and lets herself love again. shes a leader. a fighter. a protector. and those are all things a blinded violet loses
neither vi losing her eyes or louis losing his tongue is supposed to add anything to their characters. its about what theyve lost. both of them have important parts of their identity stripped away from them after being taken by the delta. its supposed to be sad. heartbreaking. regrettable. unfortunate. they have not gained anything by their time at the delta, only lost important parts of themselves to it
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liesmultixxx · 3 months
Nico: You’re cute, but not my type.
Percy, probably: Wait. So you mean you don’t think i’m attractive???????
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
the way people are always denying that sonic and tails are brothers whenever one or both of them appears in a sibling related poll is so sad. you hate little guys ? you hate family born of love and not genetics ? you hate youre my mom and dad and picket fence ?
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saltycharacters · 3 months
You should tell us about Chilli and Giggel :3c
Hell yeah I can! Here are some recent doodles of them as a bonus:
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[ID: Two art pages featuring digital/traditonal doodles of two ocs. The first has an oc named Chilli, a skinny, pale teen with long, golden and red braids that end in little skulls, side bangs resembling a skull, and a jacket dress. Train tracks and wheels decorate her outfit, and she's shown to have a prosthetic on her left foot. She's also shown to be able to shed her skin, her face resting behind her like a hoodie as her elongated skull beneath it surveys her surroundings. She's also holding a weapon resembling saw blades on a pole, and has a skull-themed train rushing by her in the background. Her little brother, Giggel, is in the second image- shown to be a short, pale boy with long, brown curly hair, freckles, braces, and bird legs. As a kid he wears a hoodie dress with a lock symbol, the hood resembling a skull when put over his head. There's also a doodle of him in his twenties, where he wears a dress with a skull on it and loses his pigtails, as well as grows facial hair. End ID]
Chilli and Giggel are two siblings that live on the Skull Train, which just as it sounds, is a train with a skull face. It's perpetually running and consumes precious metals for fuel, can create new tracks on the spot and is probably alive. For Chilli, she can't stray too far for it or she literally dies, at least brain-wise; her body still remains alive at a certain distance from the train, and she can regain her sentience upon returning. She doesn't need to phsyically eat (the train getting fuel is enough), and has impressive regenerative powers that make it very hard for her to die.
As for personality, Chilli is a loud and cocky gal who takes things at face value and never apologizes for anything she does. Her self-confidence is highlighted in how she pretends to know everything and has no qualms in bossing people around.
Giggel is the younger sibling of Chilli and her only companion on the Skull Train. He's eager to please and mimic his sister, often being a partner-in crime to her schemes and idolizing her every descision. They're very close growing up, and are practically inseparable until Giggel turns 14.
After an incident where Chilli falls off the train and gets literally left behind as her body ceases brain function, Giggel finds himself alone with no idea where she went. About half a year passes before he finally decides to leave the train, despite being under the assumption that he's as succeptible to train distance consequences as Chilli was. However, he quickly discovers that he isn't actually tied to the train, and can go as far as he wants without issue. About seven years pass before the siblings meet again, Giggel now being a 21 yr old adult with a bike gang under his belt and a more pessimistic outview on life, and Chilli having lost her face as her deformed skull prevents her from wearing it comfortably. The meeting is less than ideal, as Giggel swapped his niave idolization for resentment, assuming Chilli abandoned him and lied about him being unable to leave the train all those years ago.
Chili's absence, however, is actually due to not being close enough to the train to regain brain function but close enough that her body stayed alive. Giggel kept the train close to where he thought Chilli left him in the hopes she'd someday return, and when he left the train still mantained the same loop as it continued to run. On the tracks where she was comatoased, her head dealt with the occasional trauma of being run over by other trains, and as her skull healed in an elongated shape and her facial skin tore off, she remained unmoving and practically unaging for near a decade. When she finally came to, her new look remained and she began to search for her brother. In the following months, her body ages quickly to catch up and she goes through the arc of growing up and seeing her brother, no longer the little starry-eyed kid that sees no fault in her, have his own life and opinions outside of her boastful guidance. This harsh reality check ends up humbling her, and the siblings reconcile and start building a relationship anew.
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