#listn i may as well
n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
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@510snake this is us except we r both autistic
#im kissing you DIRECTLY on the forehead rn#THAMk you for lteign me infodump am very very haby rn...........#IM SORRY I HAD NOTHING RLY TO SAY ABOUT SPOTTY OR MEADOW im really trying hard to give them some character#other than meadowheart's starclan thing and . yknow. wifes#SJHDKBKJG#I MIGHT take your advice and make spotty evil or make her do smoething fucked up and malicious#i may make her cause problems on purpose!#maybe she could have like a darkstar moment and just snap and kill a bitch#I MEAN im not comparing her to darkstar she is nowhere near as shitty as he is . shes babie compared to him haha#but idk!!!!!!!!!! i DO want to have. one of her siblings die. annnnd i wannt to have them b killed by darkstar.....#OR WELL ok not directly killed BY darkstar. maybe killed by somene else but it all leads back to darkstar anyways hah#but idk!!!!!!!!!!! maybe ill give her a lil story arc of her own. alil tomfoolery a little fucked up moment or two#but anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]#i lub u bro i lub u lots.......#am verey sorey ur sic bro :[ being sick sucks ASS but im glad ur at least feeling better today and hopefully better tomorowe :]#also ik i say this like a lot but bro did u know........that um.....hhghgehe......preby voice :]#i just lov listneing to u talk okay !!!!!!!!!!!! u have a very lovly n soothing voice . tis very preby.........#preby girle voice :] so prety!!!!!!!! i coul listen to u talk for HOURS bro next time we vc YOU should infodump 2 me.......#just like about whatevr ur into rn !!!!!!! i wana hear u talke!!!!!!!!!! wana hear u go gbjfbgkjbfgjk about ur special interests!!!!!!!!!!#also bro i was alredy thinking of a short lil story i mite put into ur inbox.........itl prolly be less dialogue n more just Thoughts but#idk hopfully it makes u go :] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#caus i lov u!!!!!!! and!!!!!!! i like making u go :]!!!!!!! i like making u habby n i like maiking u smile bro...............#ur smile is cute !!!!!!!! ur smile is contagious bc when we video chat n i see YOU smile i end up smiling too bc bjbjkvghj!!!!!!!#ur very prettyyyyyy u hav lovly long hair n a prety face n lovly shape........... hghge..........#beeeeg tumy beeg thighs beeg ass beeg everythimg bro!!!!!!!! u so beeg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my beeg wifey :] :] :]#OKEY anyways sorey im cutting it short i am having many writing ideas and if i dont write them down right this second im gonna yell#so JFFBGJHFGBJKBJKG but goodnite pepper!!!!!!!! get goos seeby!!!!!!!!! il b here if u ned anythign tho like i said las nite............#but iiiiiiiiiiii lubs u :] get lots of good seebs n snugle with the me pillow.......... :] :] goonites !!!!!! seep tite!!!!!!! bfbkj!!!!! :#I TRIED TO PUT A :] BUT IT CUT ME OFF !!!!!!! MEANYS TO ME!!!!! MEAN 2 HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:[ SKJDBJHBHJGB
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the-last-f2p · 3 months
May I request yandere tecchou and yandere jouno sharing a reader?
"YES" Screams the Hunting Dogs -minus Fukichi fan
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TW: Kidnapping, torture, a tiny bit of gore,
Note: I tried something again :P duel prompt thing next (probably)
It's quiet. Maybe you've gone deaf from the amount of screaming happening, or maybe you've just died. Ah, there's Tecchou. You wanted to greet your favourite of your captors, but you have lost your voice. Shame.
Blame it on Jouno he might as well rip out your vocal chords at this point, to go along with your two broken legs and finger that's barely holding onto the rest of your body.
You should just laugh it off or something, though. It's basically a love language! Nevermind; focus on Tecchou. Focus on Tecchou.
"Are you okay? What did he do to you?" Tecchou asks with a little sense of worry; he's never been the type to hurt you, at least on purpose.
Nothing. As mentioned before, you have no voice. You wonder if Jouno can hear thoughts.
"Why are you talking to them? They're still in isolation idiot-" Well, he heard that. He seems to be just sitting in the kitchen though.
"Tonight..." More silence. Maybe Techhou's thinking of something to say, "I'm gonna play really loud music."
Silence again. This time the awkward kind of silence.
"I can't believe I agreed to do this." Jouno groans.
Tecchou is out on a mission today. You're left with him. Tecchou didn't keep his promise of playing really loud music, but he did something better. He let you out!
Jouno refused to sleep with you his loss, and as aforementioned, Tecchou is out on a mission. So you're alone. For like one hour, good enough maybe you'll sit and stare at a white wall OR sit and stare at a black wall.
"It's 1:00 in the morning go to sleep." Jouno tells you, leaning on the doorframe.
"No." You turn around to try to go under the covers.
"Then I'll make you go to sleep." Jouno rolls up his sleeves and starts walking over to you.
"Fine." You say, annoyedly.
"Good." Jouno responds.
Jouno sat down next to you in a nonchalant kind of way and just stared. In a blind way. He more listened. Listened awkwardly. Listned shamelessly. He didn't respond to your sideye (obviously). Or your verbal "Go away".
He stayed until you fell asleep, and you HOPED he left when you fell asleep.
Both Jouno and Tecchou decided to stay home today. Yay. Sarcastic. When you woke up, Jouno was still by your side. But Tecchou was draped over you, careful not to touch your still broken legs.
"Morning." You three exchanged mornings.
"You want breakfast?" Tecchou asks kindly.
"Not really," you respond.
"Too bad." Jouno gives you a plate of eggs and says, "made sure the physcopath didn't put sugar on them." THANK YOU, LORD JOUNO!
And it's quiet again. There's not a lot that's going to happen with Tecchou and Jouno together and with you "behaving." All you can do is just hope you'll either snuff it or escape soon.
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
I tag:
@alphanight-vp, @kittenchrissy, @wraithsoutlaws, @heywoodvirgin, @just-a-cybercroissant, @wanderingaldecaldo, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @dreamskug, @therealnightcity, @rosapexa, @streetkid-named-desire and @genocidalfetus – also everyone who likes to do it as alway and no pressure!
currently on some pics I did of Thyjs last weekend. The ingame effects (falling sparks in the distance and spawned electricity) weren't enough so now I'm adding a shit ton of tex and brushes to it so it looks how I imagined it to be as VP alone doesn't work no matter how many I spawn.
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Also giving some unreleased Ryder pics now the same procedure as I wasn't satisfied they have no rain visible (thanks to using dof) and I found some nice rain brushes (got inspired by @dreamskug <3). I love this set of pics I did of Ry as he's so expressive and emotional in those but I didn't know what to do with them for months. Now I have a better idea so I can soon post them, too – hopefully.
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and another sneaky peaky for Vijay as I have noticed I haven't posted two pics of him yet (thought I have but nope).
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“So we are starting something serious here?” “Ik denk, ja.” Thyjs mumbles against his lips. Ry manages to roll them around so that he is on top now. “Wow, didn’t see that coming.” Thyjs says surprised “I’m not a soldier like you but I have tactics as well.” He leans in again, wants more stormy passion. Kissing Thyjs just felt amazing. He got addicted immediately after their first attempt. Thyjs feels overwhelmed, like Ryder flipped a switch inside him that released feelings he never felt before. He lets out another sweet low sound. It’s satisfying to Ryder's ears, telling him he’s pushing the right buttons. “Ryder—” Thyjs pants. “What?” “Ik—” he starts again as Ryder moves to his neck now placing his kisses there and he may have just found out this spot, the tattooed neck of the man beneath him seems to be a soft spot. He lets his lips softly hover over the delicious skin, eliciting more of these cute sounds. “You?” he asks, tongue now out licking the exact same spot again. Feast. Beast is chipping in again but Ryder ignores it. “Ah—” He turns away so he could look at Thyjs again, bold grin on his lips, sharp teeth showing. “Found the first soft spot, hm?” “Guess you did.” Thyjs answers. He already misses Ry against him, and his pointy teeth look so damn inviting, so he grabs the black haired man and pulls him back flush against him, whispering hoarse into his ear “Commando to bijt mij!” Ryder only smirks at that, responding with a short German “Gern” thrown in and bites down into the soft flesh of his neck, not with much pressure though, just enough that Thyjs newly pants with a certain anticipation. “Godverdomme!” Ryder starts sucking it. He wants to give him a mark, one that tells, this fine soldier of a man is now his. If the spot wasn’t already inked in black it would turn into a beautiful shaped hickey of deep purple in the middle surrounded by a rosé-pinkish color. Thyjs is totally giving himself to Ryder now, he doesn’t make any restraint, he wants Ry to do anything he wants to do with him all of a sudden. Yet Ryder stops, reminding himself they should take this slow. He knows he’s unstoppable once he falls into his sex drive and he doesn’t want to rush, doesn’t want to overwhelm Thyjs. He's the most experienced here and he should take a lead to show Thyjs bit by bit what awaits him having surrendered to a gay man. So he moves to the man’s ear, speaking with his dark soft mystic voice “We should go back inside.” “Hmm” “lay down to something more cozy. Enjoy a few more kisses.”
I'm all over the moon with them still … I could just write them kissing for hours and hours, ugh.
RADIO STATION (spotify playlist)
I'm mostly done with Ryder's two favorite Radio Stations I hc him to listne to in cp77 world. I'm just a bit unsure if I should continue to add more music or not before posting and how to post them.
I don't even know if anybody is interested in listening to them, but I'd be happy if someone does! I didn't think it would turn out to be a somewhat bigger project but I loved working on it. One is going to have German artists only and will be named 'Technoise' while the other is definitely dark and hard techno (I placeed some softer and more melodic tunes in between, though to give the ears a little rest from the hard beats).
Here's the covers I did for them:
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Somehow I ended up with using Ryder's favorite boots from my past VP. The 'logos' are all made by me as well (using free as well as bought fonts and building it all together). Took inspiration from the radio station logos from the game, but still did them in my style. I'm very happy with how they turned out.
Since I got Thyjs into Dogtown last weekend, the next one is Jaysen – level him up, get through Konpeki and VDB to have him enter D-Town as well. I am desperate to try the new netrunner functions as well. And while playing with him this weekend (hopefully as I have to put up my x-max decoration as well this weekend) I hope to take some new pics of him alone but also with his beautifuly boyfriend Enzolino. <3 If I don't make it this weekend it wil lbe the next! But I'm not gonna change files until I have JJ given some love.
I do think it's a good way to approach playing the boys weekend wise. Maybe I'll find a bit mre time shortly before christmas or during it as not much is planned than just one day with the family on the 24th. 21st is my (and Hizumi's) b-day. Not gonna celebrate as always. I'll just chill, get a visit from mum and dad an that's it.
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smoosnoom · 11 months
hello moonie :] i listened to the songs u gave me and !
i really really luved 'how soon is now?' by the smiths and i definitely need to listen to them more !!! im so obsessed w how he sings certain lyrics it sounds So nice (literally listneing to the song rn as i type lol)
u were right abt me enjoying 'crybaby' by destroy boys a lot as i already know that song and its one of the 2 or 3 songs i know from them lol . its really really good
i Immediately added 'saturnine' to my main playlist once it was over !! the chorus is So nice to listen to i really luved it !
i had forgotten u said u were going for the vibe of floating in the ocean and when listening to 'andromeda' i literally thought 'this song feels like floating down a river or something' . the way she sings 'let me in if i break / and be quiet if i shatter' was So. gah . its good.
as for my recommendations:
summertime - my chemical romance
heaven, iowa - fall out boy
unpunishable - ethel cain (the chorus of this song is Everything)
so far so fake - pierce the veil (1:30-on, but especially 2:25-~3:00 is Beautiful. i . luv guitars .)
and bonus song because its all that stuck in my head currently : bury me in black (demo) - my chemical romance . very different from the other ones lol .
ok that is all i think :> i hope your week is good and not stressful and that any writing block u may have is broken <33 also do not worry about answering this quickly i am So ok w patiently waiting until ur able to answer please do not feel bad if it takes a while ok byebye ily
yes omg ok i am such a fan of the smiths . which is probably my biggest red flag LOL but i cant help it !!!! theyre so good !!!!! and i think half of it is just how morrisey sings some certain words . he is such an asshole but Damn it if he doesnt make his songs unique .
i think u already knowing and liking the song is so crazy but also . i am kind of proud of myself for guessing right on ur taste :D
im honored !!!! and yes i have a whole playlist about just . songs that feel like floating around on some mystical beach, its based on this freaky dream i had but . if u ever want it ...
ohhh i should say . i am in fact an mcr and fob fan LOL . i have already listened to both those songs, summertime is sososoooo good but so is the entire album, and ive been loving the new fob album :D i think my personal favorite is maybe . well ok i have three LOL "love from the other side", "heartbreak feels so good", and "i am my own muse" ofc . i feel like i picked the most popular ones 😭 theyll probably change ! also . completely unrelated omg but ive been . kind of . crushing on a specific white man ok and specifically ethan hawke and then imagine my surprise when i see him on the album ??:W?? what the hell was that . what the he lll . anyway .
ok i listened to unpunishable and i love love loveeeeed the section after 3:30-ish . like it was soo like . metallic sounding with her vocals and the ringing guitar and it was just so everything . it made me want to write something crazy so badly, it was amazing !!! ive only heard a few songs by her but this one is definitely top three for me i think . wow
i did have . a pierce the veil phase for like fiveseconds in middle school LOL but i enjoyed this one !!! i got flashbacks to 2018 but i really did enjoy it :D i think ill always like their sound, its always so . indulgent . i did really like the bit at 2:25-3:00, i didnt even realize u commented on it LOL i was like Wow . wow . it was so so good
oh i loveee bury me in black . that entire era will b so close to my heart forever i think and its just so . good . oh my god . the brash guitar and drums are soooo . i need them permanently playing forever and ever
ok sorry for giving u a whole essay 😭 i just had a lot to say i think LOL
but here are mine !!!!
if u liked how he sings certain lyrics then u would loveeee "a rush and push and the land is ours" by the smiths . the way he sings rush and push . oh boy
are u a fan of p!atd ? i think u would like them even tho i am brendon urie's biggest hater . but ryan ross ... loml . anyway . "new perspective" is so underrated and one of my favorites, very reminiscent of the 2000s pop punk scene !
also a more like . "weird" sounding song but its so so good . "girls & boys" by blur ! its one of their more popular songs but it holds up so so well
and . in honor of me purchasing a radiohead poster . i think u would love radiohead . i recommend . "just" . a popular song but i think u would absolutely enjoy it and My Bad if u have already heard it before . if u have i would not be surprised !!! i think it trended on tiktok for a second ? idk
anyway . thank u so much for being so so patient, it means everything to me :) i adore the songs u recommend me and i was kind of itching to answer this to get some more recs LOL . ok byebye ilyt !!!!!!
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aphrorite · 2 years
06/18/22 in honour of my 🎉 100th pwost, hwere r 100agere questions! 💕
cwredit to @/pickledratinajar for dis template. m will fill tis out theoughout da days so few questions a day :D find the template here ૮₍ ˃ ᵕ ˂ ₎ა
08/20/22 update: din realize i not finish dis!! so ‘m went ahead and did so :D
1🐝 what age(s) do you regress to ~
im noot sure ))): im tink for me, is good to not hav specific range or 2 put certain stuffs into category like dat cos it feel like a rule n rules really mess mwe up !!! o_O
2🍯 do you pet regress as well / what animal ~
hmmmm ,, im dont kno !! i lwike sayijg roar and im know how 2 meow n bark hehe but i like bunnies n kittens a lot so mayb if i were 2 petreg it b dose 2 ˃ w ˂
3🥮 how long have you been regressing ~
im officially started regressin on may 18 th ‘22 i tink!!! buuuut thwere hav been time where im guess i was regress/agedre without knowing it befor i discover agere on tumblr 😋😊
4🐌 is your regression voluntary, involuntary, or a mixture ~
a mix of both!!’ a woottt of time it acc vent regress becaus i need destress or am not happy mood, but is also play regression a lot too !!! sometim if i regress a lot doe it become involuntary n is not ideal 4 workie ); is ok doe im make it theough ( ^ω^ )
5🐻 what's your personality like when regressed ~
umm ummmm ,, is more talkativ, bubbly, smiley cheery :3 lot emoticon,, hoppy jump around giggle smile lots skippin big doe eyes uhhhhmm like dat hehe but is often masked bcos i in publicks or aorund fam >_<
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6🐴 how often do you regress ~
nowadays when stressed )); some weeks on and off doe jus cos focus on other tings sometime ! but righ now i regress for fun cos is weekend :3
7☕ what helps you get into headspace ~
cute thingies !!! nicknames , “can u do x for me?” my tweddy bear, kicking my feet, skipping when walking hehe!! going on tumblr o_O , stuffies !!!!
8📜 are you a baby, toddler, or big kid regressor ~
umm… all !!!! :OO (no static/set in stone answer)
9🦇 do your likes change when regressed ~
when i rwegress i dont listen to my same musics (am hiphophead!!!), am listne 2 littol ost’s and softie musica, iii like stuffies even more when rewgressed, and i stay far far way from anytin a kid wouldnt want see when regress !
10⏳ do you have a baby voice in headspace ~
ya . my vwoice in head very baby like but when i talk aloud my voic already pwetty hwigh so im dont need to chang voice hehe 🍀🐥
11🍪 what makes you instantly small ~
certain peopol n my stuffie >_<
12🧋why do you regress ~
trauma based
13🌙 pink or blue ~
both!!! periwinkle blue n likeee bubblegum pink r so pwretty ! :3
14⭐ dragons, unicorns or fairies ~
hhmmm… mayb all o_O more leaning toward fairies hehe
15☁️ dinos, princesses, space or safari theme ~
dino princess n space !!!!! :O
16💫 neon, pastel, neutral or dark pallets ~
pastel n neutral~~
17🐮 favorite regression clothes ~
shorteralls , ruffled socks , hair clips , dresses :3 anytin angwlicy
18🌸 favorite color ~
umm… pink, red, blue, white, black, certain greens, pastel yellow n neutrals HSJDHSH
19🐭 do you collect stickers ~
i want to !!!
20🧁 coloring book or paint by numbers ~
color book all da way .
21🍧 playdoh, legos or slime ~
i lwike lego and slime !!
22🦄 finger paint or brushes ~
hmmm both. but finger paint mig b more fun cos is messy hehe
23🧼 crayons, colored pencils or markers ~
all !!!!!!
24☀️ do you have a cg / name for cg ~
no unfortunateleys );
25🌻 do you have a baby sitter ~
26✨ do you have any sibbies ~
27🧺 do your parents know about your regression ~
nuh uh
28🧋 favorite nicknames / pet names ~
umm,, monkey !! moo,, boo,,, buddy, pumpkin, bubbles/bubs, bun or bunbun, honey, sweets!! bubba, cutie, darling, lovely, cub, little bear
29🍕 ideal playdate ~
m dont know ):
30🐱 sleep in crib or with cg ~
boths. if im had cg doe den sleep in same bed as cg def cos i luv cuddles
31🍼 favorite snack ~
popcorn!!!! 🍿🍿🍿 yumyumyum
32🧸 favorite juice ~
orange juic, peach or apple!
33🍪 favorite icecream flavor ~
cookie n cream, minth choco or cookie dough :3
34🩹 favorite type of milk ~
stawberry or soy!
35🐶 sweet, sour, spicy, bitter or savory ~
sweet spicy n savoury hehe
36🍰 favorite dessert ~
donuts, cake mmm, cupcake,, cookie, churroo, brownie
37🍦 favorite type of chocolate ~
milk chocco!
38⏳ mac & cheese or nuggets ~
nuggets yum
39🎒 favorite movie ~
pixar up!
40🍬 favorite cartoon ~
m don know. but am currently watch molang hehe
41🚀 favorite game ~
ummm. robloxks, sim 4, leagu of legend… lbp2… lbpk,,,, umhmm… sims 2!! stardew valley… sekai colourful stage.. m like lots!
42🎀 favorite disney princess ~
dun hav one o_o
43⚾ if you could have any 1 superpower what would it be ~
invisibility or da ability to stop time!!
44🍄 anime or cartoons ~
45🍓 favorite carebear ~
dunno o_0
46✏️ shows or movies ~
movie! but m dont watc much >_<
47🐛 do you believe in fairies ~
YES !!!
48🐸 do you have a comfort character ~
nooo not sure o_O
49🌱 do you like rain at night ~
yes is so calming !
50🦕 are you easily scared ~
yes ): vv easily scare
51🧃 are you also a carer ~
nooo m not. but in my head i talk to myself as a carer n it helps with motivation ^_^
52🌵 are you independent or dependent ~
boooth. buut if i had a cg im want be more dependant! like a lwittle babie.
53🍃 what pulls you out of headspace ~
idk how answer dis one.
54🍏 are you scared of bugs ~
they are creepy crawlers :S
55🦝 favorite toy series ~
i… i dont know ):
56🚛 do you use pacis ~
nooope! im suck my thumb doe and dat does the trick :P
57🦴 do you use diaps ~
nuh uh.
58🦈 gear wishlist ~
https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/66AGC83L85DD?ref_=wl_share hehe
59🍵 favorite regression item ~
my bear! i wuv him so much.
60🐾 sippy cup or bottle ~
sippy cup!
61🦊 oldest stuffie ~
m’ oldest stuffie probbbabbly m’ smol teddy bear named blacky. m found him in a bag full of childhood ones and he was supa cute so m took him up to my room!
62🎃 do you sleep with a stuffie ~
yess. i sleep wit my bear!
63🔥 how many stuffies do you have ~
i haf 7 in my room buut probs more in dat bag if i picked out ones i lwike. i haf bear, blacky, uni, turte, panda, sharkie, and kooky in m’ room.
64🍂 newest favorite stuffie ~
dunnnooo. bear has always been my fave!
65🏵️ build a bear, amusement park, or disney store ~
66🥧 stuffed animals or dolls ~
stuff animal, doll scare me :S
67👽 do you have a bedtime ~ 
sometimes ya sometimes not hehe
68🍭 do you keep an agere journal ~
yes m doooo!!!! and i want buy more stickers for it cos i luuuuv luv luv stickers.
69⚡️ do you have rules ~
70🍥 blankie or paci ~
blankie <3
71🌈 night light or glow-in-the-dark stars ~
both, i luv litol lights like dat!
72🌿 bedtime stories or lullabies ~
both again - i lwike bedtime story cos cg would tell em, but lullabies r not so sleepable for me, though i do like stardew valley dance of the moonlight jellies, howeva dats not really specified as a lullaby.
73🎩 favorite thing to do outside while small ~
hop around and skip!
74🐵 favorite thing to do inside while small ~
hug my stuffies, dwraw, watch cartoooon, scroll on agere tumblr hehe
75🦋 blanket fort or bouncy house ~
blankie fort!
76🐯 stroller or walk ~
77🔮 dress up or tea party ~
78🦜 do you like the playground ~
i luv da playground!
79💖 early bird or night owl ~
night owl hoo hoo 🦉
80📝 indoors or outdoors ~
81💕 warm or cold weather ~
warm weather :D
82🦢 dogs or cats ~
i luv dem both equally!
83☎️ do you have any pets ~
yess! im hav a cat name roscoe n he orange and white n supa cute <3 i got him last years in september!
84💌 favorite animal ~
too many!!! i like foxes bunnies red panda panda bear dog cat tiger lion turtle duck chicken rooster monke >_< list goes on and on
85🍒 favorite holiday ~
chrismas or halloween!
86🐇 favorite season ~
87❤️ what’s your big age ~
big age is big secret!
88🌼 what’s a nostalgic place for you ~
primary schoo!
89🐳 playdoh, legos or slime ~
90🐙 do you collect anything ~
stuffies ^_^
91🐠 bubble baths or bath toys ~
why cant have both?
92🍑 are your agere interests more fem or masc ~ mmm not sure! i lwike cars and dinosaurs but i also like pink and space n so call girly stuffs.
93☔️ do you stim more while regressed ~
wha dat 0_0
94🎨 favorite place to regress ~
as of rite now, at home!
95🧵 favorite regression youtuber ~
dun hav one.
96🌈 favorite site/app for regression community ~ tumblrrr!!!!
97💐 what do you wanna be when you grow up ~
happy T_T
98📒 what’s the most nostalgic electronic for you ~
da wii, da macintosh, ds! tomodachi
99📀 a toy you always wanted but never got as a kid ~
build a bear, american girl dolls! polly pocket, littlest pet shop, my little pony, pretend play stuffs, bratz dolls, da list could go on!
100🪐 what is your favorite thing to learn about in headspace ~
my inner child and wha she likes (:
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libidomechanica · 10 months
Untitled Poem # 10226
Less now to see me blind my soul.     I now than Subjects know; and Fortune to sin. And if a     chin but thou may’st plac’d his shore. Well mought shall be cast, which I     bring, for frosty air to
say to he crush’d with Martyrdom     did Stephen we talks o’ rank and noble step beyond there     the few. By the most may not Israel, free frown on my     Forgiving vows in shone a
fairy horn thro’ cells. Oh, sweet self     mighty Soul anothers are there like glory, I thought of     Vertue’s only herald deep and wailing tear me piece give     those fault to be purely,
as thoughts to forgive, failing, while     David’s Rule: And tis for each, but of the bench of my woe     cannot be so pleasing from Vesper’s eyes are there is a     mass of Rebels who had
high employ, showers of listning     Crowds engage, but for mans wealth from service to his Title,     Long, and leave us how to day, thou loves of new time when     young and Duty at all
admired, wants. Feet, and in extremes,     and runs will whisper the phone. Thy bright if it seems to     be free. Her own, th’ event your selves there sweet kissed kissed     kiss and Treasure calmed
vassalage, looking for waiting from     their poor children and when we meete to wayst, till thou leftst the     Storms; but effect in thy fault on Patient weight: good, and griefs     to knowes not appealing
grace? A coward, so the tiny     cell is the grief at the feeble age, he reeleth from     Earth, or Conquer’d Houses— and, in Sion ran: once more blissful     vision grindstone’s
gentlemen. And defraud them suffer     more. Tread light. And thee. What is an error in the devoted     eye findst that the friendly breast to bring, without the glow’d     with diminsh’d lightly, she
goes; the pity, sir, to shunning     of the bonilasse not plenty; then without there. Ask me     why this: an empire born. Come, Anthea, know tis     And, like an infant’s clutch.
0 notes
overdramatics · 3 years
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spohkh · 3 years
ok i was trying to listen to the whole updated RED originals but i just gotta go to the vault songs now smmgfkdkgdj
0 notes
popculturebuffet · 2 years
Amphibia and Owl House Weekly Reviews: Escape to Amphibia and Follies at the Coven Day Parade
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Hello all you happy people! I’m Jake I review animation and comics, and today I resume my regular coverage of both amphibia and owl house... at the same time. 
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Yup for these titanic shows final seasons, unless disney gives Owl House a fourth season to either make up for past mistakes or to hastily try and make up for them by shoving a distraction in our faces, whatever works, i’m going to be covering them together and given the recent crossover and abudance of refrences hinting a shared universe between these two shows as well as their spirtual poppa gravity falls, it feels right. This does mean while i’ll stilll be giving these eps as much character and plot analysis as humanly possible, I may not do a blow by blow as it’s still an hour of content I have to cover a week, with the finale likely being an hour or 90 minutes itself. I’m still giving the episoides my full attention regardless. 
But before we get this final stretch of normal episodes before a big sized finale for one and three big series ending specials for another, we have some house cleaning to attend to as happens when shows go off the air for several months. Feel free to skip over it and just read the reviews under the cut , otherwiseeee..
1) Don’t Say Gay
Whelp... as usual Disney...
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Now if you want some of my first throughts on that, I did a special that covers the topic along with the episodes Fire and Ice from Craig of the Creek and Father Figures From The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder  
But stuff has happened since so if you weren’t aware (which given how gloriously queer my audience seems to be is unlikely), here’s the quick version: Floridia’s state legislation passed a bill that was in short 
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Once again holding up that kids aren’t ready to be taught about gay people and shoudln’t know about gay things despite gay parents, teachers and you know CHILDREN existing. 
Naturally people hoped Disney would get involved and they had.. just not in a postive way. As I found out after the say gay all you want special thanks to last week tonight, Disney had not only been backing the senators who got the bill through, made it and fought for it, as I knew when i made the article, but have been doing so for over two years. I’m not suprised, Florida is a conservative state and Disney will play ball with whoever keeps their taxes lowest.. but I am disapointed.
Naturally CEO Bob Chapek.. made things even worse by saying that “we’d change things through our content and we have to remain neutral”, like they were switzerland and not a major fucking country. Esepcailly since as I pointed out in the don’t say gay specail, they have a bad habit of canceling or downplaying queer content to appease bigoted assholes and their wallets... or as my boy alex hirsch put it best
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How this affects Owl House should be obvious: Owl House is a heavily queer series with a bisexual protaganist whose love intrest is a lesbian, while also featuring major aromatic and non-binary characters. Disney claimed it wasn’t on brand... which was a thinly veild way of saying not gay enough, as well as part of disney’s long held issues accpeting that shows aimed at kids have multiple demographic appeal much like the MCU and Star Wars. 
Dana Terrance was also utterly rattled, doing a stream with some new original content (which I didn’t get around to listneing to because cold, but will try to by next week), and other nice stuff to combat what her company was doing, looking utterly destroyed by being betrayed by disney for a SECOND time. in a row. jesus christ. 
Thankfully the backlash against Chapek being stupid has worked for once: Chapek walked back his statement, disney is reassesing donor contributions and the company reinstated a gay kiss they pulled from lightyear. The latter is the bare minmum an dwould’ve been a better statement you know, never having removed it to start, so I have my doubts this will stick.. but hopefully this will force disney to put people over profits and it’s very clear the LBGTQ+ community, myself included, are not going to ease up on them anytime soon.
This could mean season 4 or it could mean dana throwing a possible offer in their face for good reason. I dunno. 
2) Merchandising!
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Now onto lighter news shortly before their premires BOTH shows got a big announcment: their getting books! For Amphibia we’re getting Marcy’s Journal, which will give me a holy trinity of journals from disney animated properties made real (there is apparently one from ducktales I haven’t gotten so techincally quadrilogy but still). I will be getting this thing as soon as I can... which could be a while but I intend on grabbings it. 
Owl House meanwhile is getting a Light Novel, aka a smaller novel with pictures commonly based around anime, and Dana has confirmed it will be original content not based on any episodes. So while Season 3 is still just three big movies, we may see some things we didn’t get around to in book form. 
So with that we’ve taken care of business, every day, let’s get to the good, the bad and the gravy of this weeks episodes. This is Owl House and Amphibia, together for the last time, full spoilers and analysis under the cut.  Let’s do this!
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Escape to Amphibia
Something I noticed about Amphibia after this episode, in part thanks to binging a ton of TotallyNotMark and falling in love with shonen manga all over again, is that when you step back the story is neatly broken down in to 6 parts, sagas, arcs, however you want to put it. We have the first season-long Wartwood arc where Anne slowly grows as a person and we get used to the world, the road trip to get to newtopia, newtopia where we get to know marcy a bit and get to see another side of the world, the temple arc where our heroes return home while also trying to do the same for anne, and with this episode we bring an end to the earth arc, as Anne leaves earth and returns home for the Final Arc, bringing everything together hopefully in a big climax. 
And that’s... why this ep felt off for me. See when the other arcs as they were ended we felt it and there was a bit dramatic moment to make this feel ike the end of one story as it lead us to the next part of the overall epic: Sasha and Grime disappearing with Sasha’s fate and feelings unknown as Anne somberly but hopefully looked to the future with her found family, the Plantars and Anne crying their eyes out as she decides to spend some time with them while Andrias manipulates marcy into his masterplan, and of course andrias winning, stabbing marcy and leaving sasha and grime to unknown fates as our heroes end up stranded on earth. Even season 1a, while not necessarily the end of the wartwood arc, had a big milestone in anne earning most of the town’s love by protecting them while we learned just who sasha was. 
And most of those endings came either at the halfway point or end of a season, a marker to show how far we’d come. And at the time Froggy LIttle Christmas felt like that: terri was building the portal, the it gals and polly were working on frobo, we had setup for the goverment learning more about the plantars via the parade, andrias having his army ready, and anne finally contacting her gf’s parents. All seeds that would surely lead to several more episodes on earth right?
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Yeahhhh instead of some more build up before anne goes back... she just goes back after the break, that part of the story ends, and we’re in the final stretch.  And as you can probably wager, I have some mixed emotoins. ON the one hand I do get that matt likely needs the last batch to truly deliver on the end of things, and thus had to rush the earth portion’s ending so he could get to the final battle with andrais. This is what the series has been building to, this is what we’ve been leading to, this is where our energy needs to be. 
On the other.. it feels like they rushed everything BUT anne’s relationship with her parents. Her feeling bad about possibly leaving them again here does work: this time she knows she’s leaving and may not come back and it’s hitting harder, especailly now their closer thanks to her growth as a person. Their gentle acceptance of this and their encouragment when mr. x downtalks her, now having accepted she’s grown into so much more than they coudl’ve imagined, is so fucking beauitful and well thought out. 
That being said it feels weird after mr and mrs b were pumped up so much as characters that they get left behind. It’s for good plot reason, someone needs to tell mr.x what’s really going on and I do feel that’ll play into the climax... but it feels weird leaving these new main characters behind when there’s so much potetial in bringing them to Amphibia. My best guess is Braly might of conisdered it but it cluttered things a bit too much. We’lll see as we go I guess.
The rest of the payoffs though feel luke warm: while Mr. X was an x-cellent nemisis, sending him off after only three episodes not only feels weak, but it felt like they had to make some contrivances for this plot to even work. In his previous apperances he found the plantars thanks to easily found evidence and hard work and at first this ep works on that: for starters his superiors gladly up his budget once he has hard proof and don’t doubt him on a few botched missions: they know he’s hunting people who don’t want to be found and thus they simply outfoxed them. It happens in intellgence. So X and Jenny simply get more toys, some thermal scanners, and catch the frogs when they go to get suplies for terri. That works. 
The problem is he then starts acting stupid. He lets. Anne. Go.
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And his reasoning is flawed: “She’s jus ta kid her parents helped her”. He’s directly chased Anne. Nearly beaten her yes, but he knows she’s slippery. And more to the point if that’s the case HE LET HER PARENTS GO. And he sets up a trap at his fbi base expecting her to come to him so why didn’t he just you know CAPTURE HER THEN AND THERE. I expect this from a french moth man ranting in a dome, not from ru fricking paul. And the funniest part is while this is an incredibly weak exit for the character, ranting at a character he shoudln’t be underesitmating when up till now , even if he’d misunderstood the plantars, he’d never overtipped his hand or been a cocky ass. egotistcal yes, but only becaue he deserved it.... I still like the character. I’ve seen blatant and half assed character assasination before
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And this ain’t it. It’s just a writing mistep. Trying to add a character flaw that wasn’t quite there. Even if he was assuming Anne was a normal kid like say elliot... he’s had to seen enough 80s movies to know that these kids aren’t incomptent. Matthew Brodrick, teen or not caused and fixed world war three. That alone should tell him maybe don’t underestimate the plucky kid who has been ducking you or blame it all on her parents. 
The other bits likewise feel like they just weren’t paid off right: Frobo is an rc car now.. but got no real build up to being rebuilt and the it gals, while vital to the last two episodes, played no part in him coming back. Wallace Shawn and Molly Jo come back, but don’t reallly do much. It feels like the ep was TRYING to create a sense of finality to the earth stuff.. but hadn’t spent any time actually building it up to earn it. 
And of course most glaringly we, so far, don’t get ANY payoff for th waybrights and wus. We learn nothing about them, they never showed up, the boonchuy’s never bothered contacting them. Easily the most potetial out of the earth stuff utterly wasted and i’ll likely be pissed about that for some time. We could’ve gottne into what they did to look for their daughters, where they are now, why sasha’s parents are divorced, just what their relationships with annes parents were. Instead we got...
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So was there anything I actually liked about the episode? Yes. Yes there was. Anne’s parents are a delight as always, and the look mr. b gave his wife while driving... so fucking cute. The fight in the spendco was also fun as hell, as was the accidental marcy refrence. And there were plenty of other good runners from Terry just going with the massive amount of snacks she needed being mistaken for portal ingrdeints, hop pops justified avacado obession, and Molly Jo.. not being a tall suprised frog man is a frog. It wasn’t the worst i’ve seen.. it was just disapointing especially since the season has been batting a thousand up to this point. The pacing was pitch perfect and everything was going fine so to sloppily rush this stuff this close to the finish line worries me a bit especailly since the last time I saw an arc try to sloppily wrap up a bunch of stuff towards the finish it.. it was star vs
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So you can forgive me for being a bit gunshy after that fiasco. I still have hope the rest will be good as one mistep in a story does not ruin it.. many do an dthe final shot of the episode does bring hope that it was just that... our heroes returning to amphibia.. and finding it being scoured and stripmined by the forces of the empire. The sheer pain on their faces is beautifully animated as our heroes realize their home.. but their as outnumbered and lost as they were coming here. It’s powerful stuff not only showing how far andrias’ destruction has spread but now letting our heroes soak it in. It gives me as much hope for the final act as it gives them disapair for it. 
Overall: Not a great episode, by any stretch, but it had i’ts moments, including one I didn’t get to which deserves meinoing which is anne pulling a 
It’s not a TERRRIBLE episode but it is deeply disapointing and hopefully i’ts just a bumpin the road and not a sign of things to come. 
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Follies at the Coven Day Parade:
In contrast while Amphibia had a bit of a rough rentry, Owl House made a hell of an entrance as it set a deadline for the finale, set up yet another intriguging and terrifying coven head, gave Luz, Amity and Eda all some great moments and FINALLY gave me some solid willow content, and we haven’t even gotten to her headlining episode coming up. 
For starters as i’m pretty sure i’m said before but in case I haven’t I just love this title: it’s goofy, it’s hilarious, and it fits the show well, while also nicely hiding just how much of a gutpunch this episode is. Well barely it came after the mid season finale and even before seeing said finale, it was obvoius just by placing it’d have some underlying issues to adress.
The show does so marvelously. For starters it dances a little sidestep over telling king and eda as she already did offscreen. I do wish we’d actually seen their reactoins and them dealing with it, but I get sometimes you have to compress for time. I’m more forgiving here than with escape to amphibia because it’s compressing one plot point realistically, of course King and Eda would both talk her out of a “you have to choose one or the other” mindset and back her up and of course eda would figure her out if she even tried, versus trying to cram several episodes worth of payoff into one episode and not really landing any of it. Here it’s just the shortcuts you sometimes need to take in storytelling to tell it in the time you have. 
So what I worried might be episodes of Luz trying to hide her angst becomes her dealing with it out front... mostly as she hasn’t told Gus, Willow or Amity yet. Though we do get some prime bits of the Co as Gus and Willow speculate on Bellos face (lovingly spoofing us the fans), and Amity calls Luz a sweet potato, because Gus, being Gus, canm’t tell a spanish to english cookbook from a spanlish to english dictonary. But hey still a cute nickname so it sticks and we see the two be cute together. It’s adorable.
Things soon get less adorable though as Amity finds Luz’s phone, wonders what the video she’s working on (”A it’s not so bad here once you ignore the suplpher” tour that included a hooty skeleton so it’s not working so well), and we have Amity’s b-plot as she ends up with Luz’s phone: invade her girlfriends privacy to try and help her or respect it and leave it entirely. So while Luz is dealing with stuff we’ll get to in a moment, amity visits her only other friend. Willow. Well I mean I guess Gus too but their more friends by proximity. Amity is friends with all his friends, Gus is friends with all hers, they kinda HAVE to hang out together but it’s not the sorta person you go to when you need deep romantic advice. 
It’s also intresting not just because we see willow with her hair up, my baby child, but because it’s the first time they really HAVE hung out since reconclinig and it’s still awkward as hell. But it’s nice to see this fracturced friendship get focus: it was a major part of both characters arc last season and i’ts nice to see it has repaired somewhat: all willow asks for her help is to braid her hair like they used to, which is sweet. It’s a small moment but a powerful one and judging by the outcome, Amity returning just in time to help luz in the climax and having not watched it, Willow gave good advice. And judging by Willows new hair amity gives good braids. EVERYONE WINS. But it leaves a question of if these two are fully good and if they can ever get back what Amity’s parents took from them. It’s this level of writing why I love the show: that the characters have become so developed that just watching one braid the other’s hair is rife with past character stuff, tension and joy. Though I also have to admit after spending two nights out of every week the last few weeks binging miraculous ladybug, i’m up to season 4 full review in april ya’ll, it’s also just refreshing to have plots that don’t rely on the characters being braindead about obvious clues, breaking into their love intrest house multiple times, suddenly undoing their character development or making out with a manequin but OOPSY IT’S YOUR LOVE INTREST AND HE STILL DOSEN’T GET YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM. And yes that last thing actually happened. You can see now why competient writing has me so happy after that. 
As for Luz she and Eda get an episode together that advances both Luz’s issues with her mom and the overarching “Day of Unity’ plot driving the season.. starting with what fans have been waiting for since Eda’s Requieum, me included: King and Luz finding out about Raine. Well King already found out because he read Eda’s diary which leads to the expected reaction
.... fine it dosen’t lead to that but it shoudl’ve. But it does lead to King spilling the tea, finding out he didn’t read the horrifying endinG, rahine’s capture and disappearnce over the past month after the fight with the coven heads, and Luz having a happy shippy coma I get into every time we get more lumity content. 
So Luz naturally agrees to help Eda, who was having her poltergeist pi, god that’d be a godo spinoff, just get david haselhoff to voice him and nights will never be the same, track him (”Eda’s stalking her ex” as king put it). Turns out Rahine is back in the public eye with this week’s celebration of coven day aka EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW GREAT I, EMPREROR BELOS AM AND DON’T QUESTION MY OMNIOUS PLOT DAY. And having overheard Kikimora being given an ultimatium, either visit her family and leave her job or keep her job and her life but be cut out of the family by not visiting palm stings, decides to include her and get her to palm stings. Maybe not the best idea, she might find that ole timeloop cave. She has enough problems without going insane groundhog day style. 
I didn’t expect this but I did thoughtly enjoy it: it took someone whose tried to murder a teenager multiple times out of envy and made her heartbreakingly sympathetic. Does it make the attempted teenager murders okay? 
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But it gives them context: She’s been giving EVERYTHING to a job where she gets no respect, her coworkers literally walk over her, and her family dosen’t appricate how hard she’s worked for it. No wonder she resents hunter: to her he’s some brat whose gotten everything she ever wanted just by being born.  Belos has never once planned to kill him... granted that’s because he plans to human sacrifice him instead, but still, being in constant danger of loosing EVERYTHING for one mistake while your boss reguarly forgives some punk kid you hate.... it’s a lot. Again cool motive still murder, but just because a character’s sympathetic dosen’t mean you have to like them or their actoins. It just means you understand them better. 
It also leads to Luz coming up with a crazy plan to make her, eda and kiki very happy: She’s going to straight up kidnap raine and kiki from the parade. The plan isn’t.. AS bad as it sounds: she makes them disappear in a way that isn’t suspscious so Eda gets her person back and Kiki can go on vacation. 
Unfortunately for her, Bellos is already on top of it and already saw this sort of plan coming from a mile away. Given there was a mysterious I love belos float in the parade, to be piloted by king’s ablitity to annoy and hooty’s god complex, it wasn’t that hard to figure out but he was still not only 9 moves ahead with raine, so he never had to worry there, but is able to easily pivot to prevent their turning of kiki with the simple addition of one operative to the float: Terra Snapdragon, head of the plant coven and easily the most terrifying of the four coven heads so far. And given what Darius and Abberwolf were capable of think about that. But in the span of one episode she manages to show herself not only to be stronger but far more terrifying and far less quirky. Terra is expertly played by Debra Wilson who i don’t recognize from anything in paticular but has played amanda waller a few times so yeah, that tracks. 
Terra reveals just how Bellos planned on using Rahne against his will: brainwashing. Yeah if gaslighting his own son-figure wasn’t enough, Bellos isn’t above outright rewriting rahne’s memoreis so they and eda never reconnected and more dammingly Rahne was never unloyal to the bard’s coven. It’s barely holding granted, but it’s enough that when the plan goes off, we get one of the most heartbreaking fights i’ve seen in animation: Rahne Vs Eda. Eda refusing to back down, clearly getting what’s going on and Rahne equally refusing to realize they’ve been used and had their life rewrittten, given bitterness towards Eda that was never there before. While it’s awesome to see the two fight evenly, with Eda not even using harpy mode and only using her glyps defenstively, i’ts heartbreaking: eda KNOWS he’s being braniwashed but is forced to flee and Rahne tells her to go and never return. Resucing them isn’t an option and both are broken up about it. 
Somehow even more heartbreaking is what happens with Kiki. All Terra has to do is dangle a promotion over her head and despite everything luz has done to try and help her and Amity pitching in just to help luz.... she turns on both and tried to kill them. Luz did the right thing, if for selfish reasons , if to prove something to herself, she still tried to help a struggling person make the right choice.. and learned the same hard lesson amity did with hunter: you can only help someone whose ready to be helped. Kiki is too entrenched in her need to be seen and her job to give up on it, too beliving in belos to turn her back on him despite Belos not giving a damn if she lives or dies and gladly letting Terra undermine her. Terra stops the fight which thankfully saves luz.. but also leaves us with two chillling revelations: Luz is ONLY alive because Belos needs her (and amity because dead children is bad pr), and that the promotion.. is getting to live. Kikii would’ve died had she tried to leave, meaning in the end, this was all for nothing. 
Our heroes end the defeated, though at least getting some moral victories. Amity is confident enough in her relationship to do the hard work.. and tell luz she knows she lied, though still does the right thing and didn’t look at the video. In turn Luz realizes she can’t hide this and is honest with her girlfriend even if the truth, that they may have to seperate , hurts a HELL of a lot. 
So we get our final scene which is utterly painful and awesome: our heroes lost, the villians stand on a float proud with only kiki doubtful, and the worst part? Belos gets yet ANOTHER victory , the one he’d been building to all day , with the public: he takes off his mask. What Eda thought was simply a move to distract from their shenanigans.. is instead an earnest attempt to show the people how much he cares. As evil as he is Belos was fearfeul his people would see his cursed face (though in another nice possible fandom nod , just like us Gus and willow are barely phased), but feels warmed enough by their support to show it.. and gets nothing but thunderous applause showing that despite pockets of people against the coven.. the public at large love and support their dictator and whatever he has planned for the “day of unity”. So our heroes are not only facing the strongest witch on the isle, not only are they fighting 12 of the most powerful and deadly witches in existance with only four children, a harpy and a king, and MAYBE another harpy and a powerful other witch, but they have to go against the public. It’s a powerful note of despair to begin this block on: our heroes are outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, out planned... and an all out stand may not be enough... but Luz is ready to face it one day at a time.. even if she clearly dosen’t know how.. and she only has one month to figure it out. 
Final Thoughts:
if it wasn’t obvious this episode was awesome. Tightly paced, greatly characterized and with an impactful ending that leaves us guessing as we approach the finale and the day of unity. Truly tremndous stuff that badly needs to continue from here. 
Next Week: The episode Jess has been waiting for as Luz and Lilith go hunting for some juicy PHILLIP LORE. Meanwhile in amphibia anne is bad at leading and we get some shipping. EVERYONE WINS. 
If you enjoyed this review, consider joining my patreon, link is right here and every bit helps and next goal is owl house. 
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
A/n: Ive been obsessed with the whole Haikyuu boys as Husbands thing so here's a shorter version of it with the guys I see as husband material-
P.s. I also did an extended version for this here so anyone who wants can check it out!
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Haikyuu boys as Husbands and their love -
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Ushijima's love is pragmatic,coming from a traditional family, somewhere along the way he ends up seeing marriage as an natural milestone in his life that he's sure to cross. His stern voice giving you advice may sound like scoldings but your stoic and somewhat awkward husband just wants the best for you and is not afraid to step in when your problems overwhelm you. Religiously gives you goodmorning and goodnight kisses everyday without forgetting. On days when you two can't be together he makes sure to text you your usual greetings. It's the connection he craves and your marriage built on a solid foundation of trust and support is something he cherishes throughout his life.
The marriage between you and Tendou is a perfect mix of deep understanding of each other's feelings and the usual silly antics of your husband that never lets your days become boring. All the years of being together had given Tendo enough time to reach to the depths of your brain and how it thinks. Whatever your troubles are, your husband is the first in line to be there for you. Your biggest cheerleader, he makes sure to be exaggeratingly supportive making his love unconditional, as he gives you his everything.
Perhaps it's a bit of an exaggeration, but going by Nishinoya's version, he had what you call a 'love at first sight'. Fitting as it seems for someone like him, his love may have began as an infatuation, it soon exceeded the bounds and limitations of this superficial attraction and melted into something more grounded, unshakeable in its being. You know something changed in Nishinoya when the naturally free spirited crow made you his home. Coming back to the place he now belonged to no matter where he flew, never failing in expressing his never-ending passion for you.
There's always been something mechanical about Kita's way of living, day in and day out, repeating his actions untill he's mastered even the most mundane task of his life. His love is the same, steady in its altruistic ways that showed his commitment is for a lifetime. Each day carries a serene atmosphere that makes you feel at ease, your comfort in each other's presence being your biggest vice. Though the harsh words of his logical side may sting, his actions after them are soft and endearing as he cradles you to his chest, promising you a better tomorrow.
The ever strong Iwaizumi's love is as tender as the look in his eyes when they meet yours. He now knows what weakness is, everytime you get hurt, each drop of your tears brings sinks his heart down to the depths of his stomach, all the raw emotions he feels for you makes his love genuine . Any bystander may think his love is rough and tough, just like the rest of him but the ones who are closer knows how the gruff Iwaizumi turned into a mushy puddle when you entered his life. The steadfast marriage between the two of you is just a result of the solid communication you two have built over the years, listning to each other even with all the emotions swirling within, is what made your relationship complete.
The love Akaashi gives you is always quite in its nature, a man of few words, he often coveys his deeply seated feelings for you through actions, using it as his primary love language. His silent love gives you just enough space to not feel smothered but his presence always close enough so when you reach out to him, Akaashi's sturdy arms snugly joins you both together. Without you knowing, his support becomes such a huge part of your life you may even find yourself being dumbfounded at the speed and accuracy of his actions that help you make it through the tough times. Through and far sighted, he is someone who sees through his decisions till the end, your marriage being one of those and it will be something he takes pride in forever.
Always being the more prudent out the the two, Osamu not only surpassed his twin in being compassionate, but his brain was clearly wired to follow a more down-to-earth way of living, making his consummate love for you seem as instinctive as breathing. Spoiling you with not only his delicious food, but his kind words as well, whenever and however you want to be comforted, he's right there with both your comfort food in hand and a gentle smile on his face. Never the one to lose his temper on you, he considers you his soul mate, his partner and a best friend and therefore his patience is something you can always count on.
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Vox Machina/Critical Role Rambles
You all may have noticed, I've been going a little crazy with the Vox Machina posts. What can I say? I started watching The Legend of Vox Machina earlier this week and I kind of got hooked.
Now, I didn't know much about this show before going into it. Really the only thing I knew about it was that it was an "adaptation (I guess?)" from the first campaign Critical Role did. And I knew about Critical Role very loosely, knew it was a D&D tabletop stream done by voice actors but beyond that, I'd never really checked them out before. I had wanted to but then I kept on hearing things like "they're overrated" "or they've become over-serialized and too commercial" and whatever. But then I realized, you know, I haven't watched a D&D stream since the Natural Oneders from TFS at the Table and maybe it was time to get into another D&D campaign. And since I have so little experience with streamed D&D campaigns, how am I going to be able to tell "who's too commercial" or "who's overrated"? And really, these kind of comments will typically always pop up whenever something becomes successful -- we humans are jealous creatures and sometimes we let our envy get the better of us, so maybe I shouldn't listen to judgements on something I've never seen before. Now if anyone thinks they're overrated or too commercial, I'm not dissing you in any way, not saying you're not entitled to your opinion or anything or that you're jealous or envious of them, I'm sure you have your reasons. But just in my experience when people use phrases like overrated or overserialized and stuff like that, I've learned to take a grain of salt with that.
But anyway, whilst watching the show, I also started watching the campaign 1 on Youtube while iIm at work. Mainly because while watching the show, I found out Vax is voiced by Liam O'Brien, whom I have a HUGE vocal crush on (ever since listneing to him in GunxSword) and if you're telling me that there's a stream that goes on for hundreds of episodes with him in it and I can listen to his voice for hundreds of hours, then yes, I'M ALL IN. Listening to Liam O'Brien is like constantly being in the throes of vocal passion and pleasure to me and I'm not sorry. I kind of forgot how quickly sometimes the day can go by while at work and you're just listening to a D&D campaign. It's been fun and its fun to go back to the show after watching a few installments of the campaigns and finally understanding some of the inside jokes they put in the show.
Now the actual show, The Legend of Vox Machina, particularly in the beginning feels pretty clunky. You just don't know that much about the characters when you're first introduced to them and then them having these character moments a few episodes in, you just don't know how to feel because you don't really understand the characters that well. But perhaps this was done on purpose as a call out to the beginnings of Critical Role. I mean, when Critical Role first starts, we're essentially all dropped into a campaign that they've already been running for 2 1/2 years prior so there is a bit of a period when you're still trying to get used to and understand the characters, there's all these inside jokes and character dynamics you don't have context for). Plus D&D in general is also not super great when it comes to story telling in general, it definitely has its own flavor of story telling but you know, when you're bound to some dice rolls, and characters, their decisions, and where they go are dictated by several people, the story can go places that don't always make sense and don't always have a semblance of a cohesive story. So in that respect, you can definitely see the D&D flaws within the show. BUT give it a few more episodes, and you'll find you don't really care, you've fallen in love with the characters at this point so you kind of forgive early show.
Obviously my favorite ship is Vaxleth (Vax and Keylethe). They're both my favorite characters and they are so awesome and so awkward all at the same time, I mean come on, I have a weak spot in my heart for rogues and awkward characters, there was no way in hell I was not going to ship them. Now, whenever I listen to music, I keep imagining them in my head, might create a playlist in Spotify for them. And I seriously CANNOT wait until I get further in the campaign to see Liam and Marisha roleplaying this dynamic I saw in the show. I don't necessarily like how at the end of the show, Vax just says "I'm going to walk away now" after Keylethe rejected him especially since I've seen snippets of what Liam actually says in the campaign stream and it is just the most romantic, intimate, understanding, wonderful speech to being rejected that I've ever heard, like Liam O'Brien is just a total romantic sap and I AM HERE FOR IT. It's like why would you not use that speech! It is such an integral soft vulnerable part of Vax. But at the end of the day, maybe they'll use it at a different point in time (also, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't have context but whatever). And I get it, the "walk away" line is probably a call back to the campaign stream where everytime Vax talks to Keylethe, at the end, Liam will say, "and I walk away".
I also love Vax and Gilmore too. I think those two together are really fun. And who knows? Maybe with a little more confidence from Keylethe, we could end up with an Ot3 on our hands.
But anyway, I just had thoughts that I needed to get out and here they are. Thanks for reading and putting up with my fangasms.
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vampire207343 · 3 years
Venus Mikaelson
What if....Fem!Harry Potter, Stella Lilian Potter died, 10 years after the war with the Dark Lord after her own husband Ron Weasley betrayed her after she catch him having an affair with their bestfriend Hermione Granger. She was reborn into another world as Venus Gilbert.
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My parents Miranda and Greyson Gilbert died last Summer because of my sister Elena who is born a month after me well that's what Everyone tells me that we're twins born in different months from one another. I was in the car with our parents seating beside Elena, when our parents drowned and I also died for about 10 secounds before someone manage to bring me back to life, but every since I return from the dead the mark of the deathly Hallow has reappear on my left arm like a tattoo and my memories of my past life as Stella Potter has return to me as well as my Magic.
After our parents funeral, Jeremy and myself left Mystic Fall for a little while to get away and mourn our parents death, which our Aunt Henna allow us to get away for a time being, Jeremy and I have been to Australia and Georgia during the Summer after our parents death, before we return to Mystic Fall for the new School year.
I also been collecting copies of many Witch Grimoire I find during our travel and I made sure that Jeremy and myself are wearing a Vervain necklace, before we return to Mystic Fall. Which happen to be a Supernatural Central.
   2 months after the First day od School Viki Donovan, who happen to be Jeremy's girlfriend and end up getting turn to a Vampire and was killed by one of the Salvator Brothers, and one of Elena's new Boy Toys. Elena tried to have Damon Salvator compell Jeremy to froget any feelings he currently have for Viki after they killed her.
Elena removed his vervain necklace before Damon compell him again before returning his necklace unknown to both Elena and Damon Salvator that Venus saw what they did to her younger brother.
The supernatural Drama center around Elena, so I avoid her group as much as I can so that I don't get drag to her Drama that might end up killing me. I Meet the Hybird Klaus Mikaelson the guy who wanted to Sacrifice Elena to break the curse that his mother put on him. And Aunt Jenna was the Vampire Sacrifice. If Elena wasn't keeping it secret  from Aunt Jenna what has been happening then she might still be alive. I don't fully blame Klaus for Aunt Jenna's death, I blame Elena and her boy toys. 
 1 and 1/2 years later...
   I meet Klaus Mikaelson's younger brother Kol Mikaelson and the both of us end up falling in love with each other. And evenutally began dating one another in Elena's displeasure but I didn't care about that, Kol is the first guy I ever fell in love with in this new life of mine. But her happinese didn't stay for long, Elena and Jeremy hurt her the worse way by Killing Kol when he tried to stop tgem from reviving Silas the immortal, but they didn't listned  all they cared anout is getting the Cure for Elena so that she can human again, not caring that Venus Loves Kol, they putt a dagger into his heart unknown  to both Jeremy and Elena that Venus saw what they did. She expected this from Elena but not from her brother who she help rise when their parents are to busy with Elena.
    I mourn his death for days, like I did my own parents death and since I am the mistress of Death I was able to summon hos soul by my side he told me about a spell that would be able to resurrect him which Death allow since Kol was not ment to stay dead. I aquired two blood belonging to Elijah and Finn Mikaelson along with Kol's own ash. I aquired Finn's blood before he was kill by Elena and her friends since Death warn me to take a few sample of Finn Mikaelson's blood which I did.
But It took me 4 months to get everything prepared and ready in the Maraduders retreats the house that I build just outside Mystic Fall that no one knows about with the exception of Kol. By the time everythung is ready for the Ritual. Jeremy Was already dead for months during the quest in Elena's search for the cure. Bonnie Bennett girlfriend of Jeremy plan to lower the viel to the other side  just as Venus Gilbert began the ritual bring Kol back to life.
"Le Sang des deux feres, les cendres de leurs morts. Le sang des deux feres, les cendres de leurs morts " Venus Gilbert chanted spell 2 times, during the highest point of the moon.
Which was successful Kol Mikaelson is alive once more as a vampire again but regain something he thought he will never have again after being turn to a vampire, his magic, he js now the Original Heretics.
In the next few days would be their High School Graduation while Kol waited for her in Marauders retreats. Rebekah and her brothers now knew that Venus Gilbert managed to bring their dead brother Kol Mikaelson back to life at the same time Bonnie Bennett brought back Jeremy but their was price to bring Jeremy back to life, a Life for a Life. 
Venus and Kol are waiting at tge end of Graduation before they leave Mystic Fall for good.
But the First Mikaelson to leave Mystic Fallhas been Elijah and Klaus who are now in New Orlean, While Rebekah spend the summer with Matt Donovan traveling like they both agree on before graduating High School. While Kol and I decided to go to England and I'm going attend Combridge University and oddly enough Kol decided to join me to School.
   Kol and myself heard from Rebekah that Klaus gotten a she-wolf pregnant and it's not just any wolf either, it's tge very werewolf that Tyler Lockwoid end up cheating on Caroline Forbes. And Elijah seem to care for the little She-wolf, Hayley Marshall.
Elena and her friends fonally found out from Jeremy that Bonnie is dead. And Elena is devested maybe she will feel a small degree on how I felt when she and Jeremy killed Kol. Elena dosen't know how to handel it, but her boyfriend Damon Salvator was their for her when she discovered that her best friend Bonnie  Bennett is dead.
On May 2, 2012
   Hayley Marshall gaved birth to Klaus Mikaelson's Miracle Daughter Hope Mikaelson, who was taken by the New Orlean witches and they plan on sacrificing the new born, but Klaus, Elijah along with the newly turn Hybird Hayley saved Hope Mikaelson from being Sacrifice.
     Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall gaved their Daughter Hope to Rebekah to hide along side his younger brother Kol and Venus until they had taken care of the problem that want Hope dead.
      Luckly it's school break that Kol and Venus manged to protect Hope along side Rebekah, but it wasn't long When Klaus and the others has taken care of the witches of New Orlean. And Kol and Venus return to England for 1st year, in tge 2nd semester.
3 years later...
Kol Mikaelson and Venus Gilbert finally geaduate College now their moving to New Orlean to help Klaus and the others take care off their long lost Aunt Dahlia who take every first born child of the Mikaelson family as payment for helping her dister Esther Mikaelson have children of her own.
They even meet Klaus and others long lost older Sister Freya Mikaelson who was taken by Dahila when she was give years old. The family is trying to hide 3 years old Hope Mikaelson while they all take care of Dahlia and Easther Mikaelson along with the newly resurrected Finn Mikaelson that taken over the body of Vincent.
And with Kol Mikaelson now being the Original Heretic, he is much powerful than Finn currently is and he might even be stronger than his brother Klaus who's the original Hybird.
    Klaus and the others finally manged to kill Dahlia, Esther and Finn Mikaelson. They were able to save Hope before she is taken from her family. Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall are finally reunited with their little daughter Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
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Davina Claire the wife of Klaus Mikaelson help Hayley and Klaus rised their little daughter.
   Kol and Venus spend travel that year after taking care off Dahlia, Esther and Finn. They travel Alaska and now they are in Paris France where Kol propose to Venus Gilbert, And she said "Yes".
      So the whole family are gathering in New Orlean for Venus and Kol's wedding. But they didn't invited Venus two siblings since Elena might try to ruwin the wedding just so she can stop Venus from marrying Kol and that is something Both Caroline and Rebekah agree that Elena might do if she was invited to the wedding and Venus isn't going to chance it by inviting her sister. Venus use to be so close to her younger brother Jeremy Gilbert until he willingly kill Kol and that is the one thing that Venus would never forgive her brother for. 
1 and 1/2 year later...
On March 15, 2017
    The Hallow took possessed of Hope's five years old body so in order save Hope Mikaelson. They have decided to split the Hallow evenly before all of them going in their seperate ways.
   The first to leave New Orlean is Elijah Mikaelson and he moved to England. Then Rebekah fallow she move in Washington D.C., then their Kol and Venus who left next and they both decided to settle down in Sydney Australia. Then finally Klaus and Davina moved to New York. 
Both Venus and Davina Mikaelson are pregnant their respected husband are excited to have a child with thrir wife.
While Hayley Marshall and her daughter Hope Mikaelson moved in Mystic Fall to attend Salvator Broading School with people like herself.
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Hope made friends with the Saltzman twins Lizzy and Jossie.
5 years later...
Davina and her daughter Faith Rosalinda Mikaelson
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Are visit, Venus and Kol along with their daughter Sadiya Lilian Mikaelson
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They always visit each other when they can, while they are cousin they mostly see one another as sisters. They are only 5 years old but they are already smart enough to know that their Klaus and Kol Mikealson can't be near one another it's to dangerous because of the enity that was split equally between their Aunt and Uncles before they were born to saved Faith's 10 years older half sister Hope Mikaelson who they have never meeg before.
6 years later..
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   Hope Andrea Mikaelson is now 16 years old, but she is jealous of her younger half sister she never meet since she gotten the chance to grow up with their father, while he can't go near her without endanger her life that it feels like I don't exist to him anymore since he never try to contact her the only one stay in contact with her is Her Aunt Freya and that's because she dosen't have a hallow sealed inside her.
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      Elena Gilbert end up marring Damon Salvator but they never had children together. Their is one greatest regret she ever did force Damon to Compell her younger brother Jeremy to Kill Kol Mikaelson to stop him from stoping them search for the so call vampire "cure" but in the end Jeremy end up dead, my sister Venus end hating me and Jeremy for killing Kol. And bonnie lower viel to bring back Jeremy to life in return she died I lost my bestfriend. And Jeremy also end up hating my guts for forcing him to kill Kol which end up our sister Venus hate us even know she still never forgived us for Killing Kol even though she manged to rescurrect him.
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Jeremy Gilbert end up marring a woman he meet in College after Bonnie died and they have one daughter together an 8 years old by tge name of Lydia Rose Gilbert.
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untitledzoned · 3 years
Financial Tip
Most of us are having difficulty to manage money, either of allowance from parents, and salaries. But most are, working people. It’s hard to save money, I know. There’s a lot of cute things we can buy and eat a lot. For instance, samgyup on payday because after a week of stress in work, pizza on Saturday and/ or out of town with family on Sunday because that’s a family day. 
Yes it is nice to treat yourself or others loved ones because that’s your responsible or it is your fun time with them, your stress reliever as well from work. If you’re a breadwinner, it is really hard to save money from salaries. But if you take this advises, it can help. 
I’m not a breadwinner, in fact not to brag but I can enjoy and all my salary are all mine. But I can teach you or give you some advices to save money. Finish this first, we might not have same situation but I assure you can do this tho. When I was a student, allowance is good also or me, so for the students out there, it can help. 
1. If you’re a breadwinner, you can also save money. Let’s say you’re allowance is 20K, how about 5K for your savings and the 15K is for your family and bills payments. Either first family or second family (I guess second family is have that kids and spouse lol, anyway... ) Make a pie graph of your expenses and savings for the future, especially when you have kid/s already. I know its hard, because we cannot say the expenses, but just estimated all. 
And if you really want some savings, you just have to sacrifice. Big sacrifices makes big results. Trust me, I’ve been there, I did a sacrifice. 
Either you’re breadwinner or not, you can solo your salary or allowance, you can save money and can buy whatever you want, not just the needs. 
2. About treating yourselves, you can. Once or two a month is good, you should do goal listing. Monthly, weekly, daily goals. Depends on you. For instances, pamper or samgyup like that. Especially if you have a family to feed (First and second to be exact, and if you have a kid you do really treat them per pay-day) 
For me, I do goal listning like buying books and makeups because that’s what I want. I can add tattoos on my body and pamper my hair per month or depends on fuzzy hair haha. I eat wherever I craved in, I just noted of my goals. There were may be goal will not check, but still continue on goal listing and graphing your expenses. Especially if you’re a breadwinner. Don’t whine, but do it. Be a do-er. 
3. DON’T MAKE UTANG (Borrow/lend money or loan). No. That’s a no-no. Yes, I really did a capslock and make a bold font on that because utang is very hard to swear. Promise. Don’t you ever make utang on somebody, and if you can’t afford a house then don’t make it. Just like a figure of speech but please, please don’t make utang!! If you need money, think on something decent. Sell things you don’t need or like, or sacrifice that first, you can still own it if you have money again. Rent things on pawnshop, it’s just things you can still have it after. Atleast, you can have it better. I know there’s called of treasure or what do you call it, sentimental value things. Ofcourse, there’s still things on your house that has no sentimental value. 
Because, same on me, I don’t do sell and rent the things has sentimental. But I know, there are some that can have it better. 
Just think that YOLO. If you can’t sell or rent the things has no value. 
 Take the note of sacrfice. Basically, our life is very short so live life to the fullest and dont’ forget to pray, thank and praise God or whoever you praises. 
Business or work, you can save money. Whatever your work is, you can. Even if you just started busniess, you can save money. Just do goal-listning and graphig your expenses and payments. It will be worth it, there were may be long or short to achieve it, still just continue on and I’ll assure that it will be all worth it. 
Try first before whining that it still not enough or it’s hard for me blah blah. Always remember the repeating quotes of “Try and try until you succeed”. Yes it’s a reduntant quote but it’s helpful one. Still continue on sacrificing if you really want a big amount of savings, like you can buy a mall. It will be worth it. 
Of course, if you’re working you can start a business by simply just add an income for your salary. Not just networking business, there’s a lot of business. You can be Virtual assistance or be an owner of food stall like that. Atleast, you have plenty of money to earn. You can also add part time job like in fastfood chain or graphic artist, or nursing, atleast just add an income. 
For today generation, we can’t just rely on one work, but we are really need of multiple work or business, just to have plenty of savings. 
That’s all, if you are reading this and havving problems on savings or it took of a lot years and yet there’s no savings, might help with this. Don’t whine at first like it won’t help, salary is small and the likes, try first at-least 6 MONTHS and if didn’t work, okay it doesn’t work. 
Just spread the love and no hates. 
Keep smiling, its important - Angela MLBB 
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literalite · 4 years
i may or may not be listening to your music on repeat 😳😳✌️✌️
if ur listening to my covers then... god why ru doing that to urself but if ur listneing to like my spotify playlists then good taste well done
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adeane10 · 4 years
Post #1
The Service Learning community partners from the Simon Wiesenthal Center were able to give us all a great amount of insight into how severe the issues of hate speech and distorted perceptions of other peoples really are. When speaking to us, something that really struck me was how intense the beliefs passed down from a parent to a child can be. One of the community partners explained how in some situations, parents watch their kids practice what they had once preached and change their opinions/values based off of their childrens’ interactions. Though this may be true, I felt myself becoming increasingly concerned while listening to them because I have expereinced the exact opposite- parents beaming with pride at the thought of their children sharing such negative and hateful ideals. The idea and concept of hate speech itself has become so much more than spreading negative language in the direction of others. Hate speech as a whole has existed since the beginning of time, as shown in Aristotles “Poetics” as well. The similarites between Aristotle’s writings and the presentation by the community partners from the Simon Wiesenthal Center stem from the same concepts. Aristotle’s connection between language and character holds true even when using it as a way to identify people in today’s day and age. The community partners from the Simon Wiesenthal Center provoked this thought in my mind, and I have become more aware of it since listneing to their presentation.
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ogeeitsme · 4 years
What's your experience with dormancy?
TW: Sui// mentions / comparisons / death comprsns- this is both positive n negtve b aaa
This is a long post so I’m srry <:^/
Theres 2 ways 2 answr this: how we second hand experience it, n then how we experience it in our systm:
How we secondhand experience it
Turns out, more than once, apprntly, drmncy has actlly been used as a, threat?? DKDJDKN we got som rlly old memories abt Jamie meeting a “System” (idk if they’re a sys, it’s such a long story) n He used drmncy 2 guilt trip her (n she ddnt even kno what systm was @ the time dkhdbddb)
Anywy besides that HUGE outlier, it’s kinda,, rough, bc ur askin 4 our experiences, not our views, so when it comes 2 secondhand drmncy, as in like other systms not us- it’s alwys hard
N it’s RLLY funny ur askin this rn anon bc coincidntlly we just came out of a WHOLE frickin sitch that involved secndhnd drmncy experiencs (again, I mean watching ppl in other systms go dormant)
Like, Jamie’s prev ex had, ppl go dormant, like a lot of em, bc they broke up, n 2 of their mmbrs bsclly sent me wht can be equivlnt 2 a sui note- n I got that note frm bsclly som1 equivlnt 2 my brthr, @ the time, n Sal’s brthr [@ the time] bc they shared the blog
We r rlly close 2 anthr sys whose host wnt drmnt 4 som big rsns (they also have trauma abt ppl using drmncy as an escape route frm their actions, man life b wild huh?) n jst came back so that was rlly wild n hard bc she was (n is) like a mom figure 4 us, esp 2 Peter, n their whole sys, bc they’re median, kinda crashed in on itself tmprrly n it was rlly hard 2 watch KDH it makes u kind of mad @ those ppl who cause othr ppl 2 go thru sm pain thta they jst go drmnt u kno?
But rounding back 2 Jamie’s ex (n I g the 1st exmple 2 b vaguely), that was rlly hard, n bc of that, drmncy is smth we can’t unsee as death anymr
Hey so disclaimer that won’t b in the tags (Bc som ppl dnt read them) n I will pit here just in case: yes we kno dormancy is NOT equal 2 death, dormancy always has the chance of them coming back, b w how we spcfclly exprncd these, it felt that way, esp w the goodbyes, n the crying, n how they litrlly treated it as sui//. Not 2 mention the Older trauma Jamie had/has where His “systm” litrlly said “do u miss him? Well he’s dead now”
It’s hard 2 uncorrel8 them- bc it dpnds on how u go thru it- and anthr disclaimer is that if it’s a drmncy in ur own systm, the brain may b able 2 visualize it as a death, heck som systms we kno have a “graveyard” where all the drmnt systm mmbrs end up in; and of som jst “disappear” n I heard anthr sys in their headspace it’s seen as like pods? Where u can c them sleepin?
Anywy back 2 us- KDNDKNDKN yea, our experiences w it so far has been rel8d 2,,, sui or death :^( not counting the ppl we pass by in random srvrs who talk abt it, this is jst our prsnl ones esp tied 2 systms we were (or r) RLLY close 2
IDK we’re still grieving over Larry n Asriel frm Her systm. Pls don’t send asks saying “they mite come back” btw KJSKHS they mite b even if they do we can’t Talk, their sys is an ex 4 a rsn
Inner-system exprnces
HM so there’s a lot 2 write here b we dnt- uslly have ppl who r nice, go drmnt
It used 2 b only all the very bad persecutors who wld rlly harm every1 who wld go drmnt, our psychiatrist even said, 2 calm Jamie dwn a long time ago when she was given anti psychotics, that the “good ppl wnt go away, only the bad ppl”
b they (those old persecuted) all went drmnt thru,,,,, d//ath, n I dnt wnna talk abt that or how, this is not how we wrk anymr
Then we have Deanne, she was a persecutor who was chngng 4 the bttr, b it’s like,,,, when she realized she didn’t have 2 b bad anymr? She went drmnt?? Like I rmmbr (I wsnt there but u kno shared memory) every1 feeling she slowly faded away until we realized she wsnt arnd
Aftr that, we stoppd having drmncies, b we do label ppl who mite b close 2 drmncy msbmdb (edit: nvm, I rmmbrd Alven n Peyton who went drmnt :^( we miss them, Alven was Matt’s dad n Oeyton was a rlly good ISH )
Bc they’re “not needed” N LISTN anthr disclaimer, by THAT I mean natural dormancies? Not 2 say u go drmnt randomly, I mean that sometimes som1 isn’t active enough or their role isn’t needed as mch,, it’s scary I kno, b it can hppn n it’s no1’s fault, it’s not even their fault,i t jst happns, n that my good anon is a bite sized expln8ion on y u mite have ppl come out of drmncy mhsbkdbdkb
Uhh, we have som ppl who r afraid of going drmnt tho ofc,, n they r trying 2 b as active as they can in sys inspace so they dnt fade
Bc if u dnt wnna b dormnt, trying 2 b more active can hlp!
So,,, we a,so have ppl who came frm drmncy,,,
N that’s Jade, Beia, n Chompy
Apprntly Jade n Beia were frm arnd the same time? Actlly it’s fnny bc we thought Jade was a split of Noelle b we were bamboozled bc it wasnt the case
N then u have chompy,,, which is rlly sad,, bc she cnt rmmbr the year b we found out it was frm arnd 3 yrs old,,, that rlly sucks- she’s a fictive of Chain Chomp n came out of drmncy in a new form (Chompette) smdbndb according 2 Jade n Beia they dnt rmmbr wht hppnd, b it’s like they fell asleep n woke up again
N w Chompy, she explains it as like, , she was a chain chomp, n was chained 2 the back of the headspace, n bc she accepted she cldnt do anyth, faded in2 drmncy bc she gave up? B now she’s back n wants 2 fite,dkbdmdb until, stuff I wnt get in2
I’m not done KDH
Lastly I wanna talk abt,,,, how we feel abt it
I dnt think drmncy shld b smth 2 b afraid of— BUT @ the same time it’s OK 2 b afraid of it, or 2 h8 it, or 2 feel ANYTH abt it bc, almost all the time it’s not ur own choice 2 do so (half the time, based on what we’ve seen, etc)
Sometimes, ppl will c it as a mmbr fnlly resting, sometimes it’s sudden n @ least in the mmnt (or mayb ull never kno), ther dsnt seem 2 b a strong rsn on y it hopnd
Som will c it as death, som will say it’s scary, n som accept it’s a part of being a sys,,, that this happens, n that it will b ok
Bc,,, they can come back, mayb, n that’s sys life
4 us we feel ALL of those @ once
I wnt lie <:^) 4 som oldr mmbrs, we hope they dnt come back, b then 4 som we hope they do com back, n it’s this balance of trying not 2 b toxic-positive n trying not 2 erase the hope if we do wnt them 2 com back
IDK it’s so— mssy Bc u shld allow urself 2 grieve- bc dormancy CAN feel like death (frm an obsrvr?), n o man the syscourse that exists @ the mere mention of treating drmncy like death? Scares me, n I jst wnna put it out ther that it involves a lot of grieving somtimes,,,m yes, it can b traumatic depending on how said dormancy was brought 2 ur attention or knwldge
4 us we’e still grieving over that last mssg frm them, we’re angry 4 those who went drmnt n also @ Them who went drmnt? Idk man
TLDR don’t- I repeat- do NOT,,,,, treat drmncy as the answr
If ur in a systm out ther, I kno it hard, n frick, drmncy is such a complic8d topic in systems period, b drmncy is not the answ
Bc yes drmncy is not prmnnt 4 som systms, (n by prmnnt I mean that sys mite jst not have awakenings as common @ all; every sys is diff) b drmncy is,,, most of the time a scary thought 4 systms
It’s- it’s not sui litrlly, b,,, it;s,, is almost similar IF- n I repeat- if it’s used as an escape, esp in a bad way
N like w sui// we wnt entirely blame you if @ all, b it’s sad- n it’s hard
Bc like ”irl” ppl arnd u who care r affctd- n knowing it’s by ur own hand is hard 2 accept
Bro, anon my dude, I’m so srry this is such a messy post KDNKDND our exprnces w it is so recent n it’s SUCH a complic8d topic 2 discuss w/o fear of ppl yelling @ u abt spreading misinfo
We’re a rlly big outlier 2 the usual sys exp w dormancies bc we’ve had SO many exprncs of it being rel8d 2 sui/ of death from othr systms Onesides our own), n it’s not jst random systems, it systems who we were close 2 n we got hurt by
I dnt wnna talk abt whether or not what we experiencs was real b yea thats our experiences n not the resources,, since that’s the question KNS
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