#link has been a cuddle-bug from day 1
paperuniverse · 1 year
German Bros Week Day 1: Sleepover
Title: Practice Sleepover
Summary: Germany is forced to share his bed with Prussia for the night, who insists it's practice for a real sleepover they will have tomorrow night.
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“Sleepover! Sleepover!” Prussia cheered as he bounced on Germany’s bed. On hands and knees in the middle of the mattress.
“No, not a sleepover. You are simply staying here until we can get you a new mattress.”
After finding multiple bug bites on himself, Prussia had checked his bed for bedbugs, to which he discovered several. Germany immediately helped him get rid of it, before checking his own mattress. Thankfully his was fine, but now Prussia had nowhere to sleep, and he claimed to be too light of a sleeper to sleep on the couch.
Prussia didn’t let him argue when he proclaimed they’d just share Germany’s bed for the next few nights.
“We should stay up and watch movies! Oh! And eat a shit-load of popcorn and beer! See who falls asleep first.”
Ludwig sighed as he pulled the covers down and crawled into bed. “My boss has given me work to do; I can’t afford to stay up late.”
“Ah, you’re no fun!” Gilbert exclaimed as he got under the covers as well. “We’ll just have to have a real sleepover another night.”
“What even is a real sleepover?” He doubted Gilbert had ever had a normal sleepover by human standards, even if he did frequently invite his friends over and went to their houses in turn.
“Staying up super fucking late, that’s for sure,” he replied, getting comfortable. “Eating junk food, watch movies, tell stories. Fun stuff!”
He sighed. Gilbert probably wasn’t going to go to sleep until they did something ‘fun’. “Are you wanting us to tell stories?”
Gilbert gave him a devilish grin. “Knew I’d wear you down. You won’t be disappointed!”
Ludwig sighed but got comfortable too.
Gilbert turned on the lamp on the bedside table to give a creepier atmosphere. “One night a boy was home all alone, just him and his pet dog, as his parents had gone out of town for a very important business meeting.
The boy was watching the news when they started discussing a serial killer in the area, scared he locked all the doors and windows.
No longer wanting to watch TV, he brought his dog to his bedroom and cuddled him until he fell asleep. He pet his dog and let it lick his hand until he eventually fell asleep.
A few hours later he awoke to the sound of dripping, still scared from the news coverage of the serial killer, he stayed in bed, letting his dog lick his hand again to comfort him. He soon fell back asleep.
In the morning he awoke to find the noise was the sound of blood dripping. In the middle of the night his dog had been murdered, and the serial killer had been the one licking his hand the whole time.”
Germany waited for Prussia to finish his silly story before making his commentary. “How could the boy not feel the difference between a human tongue and a dog’s tongue? Dogs’ tongues are much longer, not to mention if he was petting the serial killer he would have realized he was petting human hair and not dog fur.”
“Ugh! No fun!” Prussia said as he turned off the lights. “You’re not even a little scared?”
“Boo! Guess I’ll have to find some real scary stories to share for our real sleepover!”
Germany sighed but couldn’t help but be happy. “Yes, we’ll need the best quality if this sleepover is to be good.”
The darkness hid it, but Prussia’s face split into a big smile. “Yeah, it’ll be an awesome sleepover!”
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So I've been ruminating on my canon protagonist for DA4 and decided to answer the same oc asks as my other canon protags, so here we go! As always, link is below;
Leya (Dwarf Warrior)
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1. Leya really likes her name! She also loves it when people make cute nicknames with it, especially if they're creative since it's such a short name.
2. The first thing a person would notice about Leya would be her vitiligo. She has generalised segmental vitiligo, that covers both eyes and parts of her face in an asymmetrical way, and then moves down her neck and disappears under the left side of her collar.
3. Her social and private personality rarely differ actually! She's cheerful, sunny and optimistic, and friendly to a fault, and in private she's just as positive. She doesn't really like being alone though, and when she is for long durations of time, she can get melancholy.
4. Ooh gosh, Leya falls in love very easily, but has never had a relationship that worked out long term. But when she is around her crush? She's giggly, attentive and doesn't hesitate to express her feelings towards that person (if she feels they would be comfortable with it of course).
5. Someone break the news to her that she should never play card games with money on the line! She has a very obvious tell when she lies- she fiddles with a piece of jewellery, usually her nose ring.
6. Other than her natural one (soaps and flour, she does plenty of cooking/baking), she usually smells of her moisturising balm- hibiscus and coconut! I imagine her liking soothing smells most of the time, switching up with something more citrus-y now and then.
7. Leya has hair somewhere between 3c and 4a hair texture- she usually has her hair in many long and thick braids that is usually half pulled up to keep her hair out of her face.
8. She likes to wear a lot of jewellery, but her most distinguishing piece is her gold nose ring. She often wears multiple earrings, large and small and often has a couple of necklaces on her- but she doesn't wear any rings if she can help it!
9. I feel like Leya is the kind of person to overuse the word 'amazing' or 'fantastic' to be honest! Just everything is amazing or fantastic like c'mon girl use another descriptor.
10. I absolutely adore the idea of her snorting when she laughs properly. She's shy about it and usually tames her laughs to giggles, but if you get her laughing for real she can't stop snorting and it only makes everything funnier.
11. Leya looks absolutely gorgeous in turquoise!! Anything on the blue-green scale just looks stunning on her.
12. Platonically? She shows her affection to her friends by being very encouraging, complimentary, and will offer them hugs for days! She's the heart-on-her-sleeve kind of person. With her lover? My god she's a damn cuddle bug. On top of all her compliments, she shows her affection very physically- hand holding, holding each other, playing with their hair, face stroking, the works.
13. She is certainly very capable of making strong, consistent eye contact, but she doesn't like the idea of making someone uncomfortable with it so she wants to check if someone doesn't mind it first.
14. Leya has inherited her mother's dark grey eyes, but little else haha! She is the spitting image of her father, from her nose to her smile, and seems to have inherited his (ex)sunny disposition too. She is the eldest of six, and out of all of the children she takes after her father the most, with her youngest sister looking like she'll take after their mother the most.
15. Leya's greatest strength is for sure their optimisim- they have been able to get through all the tribulations in her life with it, and it was a strength she needed when she had to look after her younger siblings after their mother passed away in an accident. But I'd say it is also connected to her greatest weakness, in which she trusts far too easily and it has burned her over and over.
16. The death of her mother and the subsequent absence of her father when she was young (around 17) has definitely shaped her outlook on life- she needed to be a strong, positive force in her sibling's lives and essentially fill the roll of both parents for them. This has meant that while she understands that life is not fair to the kind, she needs to be kind nonetheless and be a good role model for others.
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
Unexpected Benefits of Becoming a Swamp Witch (1)
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there.
I've said in the past that I have absolutely no intention of ever pairing Sans with anyone but Frisk, and I firmly stand by that. BUT, Llamagoddess's Sans, Red and Skull are so different from canon Sans, and her many AUs are so far removed from classic Undertale, that I've always seen them as OCs, from unique worlds that have little to nothing to do with Undertale. And Skull in particular is my favourite. Big, scary boi who's somft for his little waifu? Loving cuddle bug who adores his precious mate to the point of obsession? Giant teddy bear who wants nothing more than to hold his beloved close to his soul forever and ever, and stars help anyone who tries to get in his way? Yes please!!
Also, for all those who've read my fic Good Girl Needs Kiss, well here's that reader MC's infamous mother! It won't have any bearing on the plot, though, and is honestly just my own personal headcanons for that reader MC's parents, but there will be some fun little easter eggs here and there, along with some shared worldbuilding. I've actually got a couple of different ideas for who that witch!reader's father is, so I left him ambiguous, but mama witch has always been fully fleshed-out in my head, and I've finally decided to write about one of my favourite versions of GGNK!Reader's parents, using one of my favourite AUs from Llamagoddess. (Fair warning, MamaWitch!Reader is… kinda bitchy? And I've never written a MC who isn't nice and kind before. It was… interesting)
Again, you can treat this as its own, completely separate story if you want. Totally up to you.
Skull and Forest God AU belong to @llamagoddessofficial
Chapter 1: Making a Choice
There were three forests for me to choose from. Well, technically there were two forests and a wetland which used to be a forest, but the latter was guarded by an ancient and powerful Forest God, and had plenty of ambient magic for me to tap into, so it was functionally similar to the other forests and would suit my needs just as well. Now, the question was: which of these would be my new home?
I’d been pondering the matter for a few days now, and had yet to decide. All three seemed like viable options, so I would need to carefully examine each one, to determine which of them would be the most suitable home for me. To that end, I’d sent out my two familiars to go investigate each of the forests thoroughly, while I took to the air on my enchanted broomstick, flying over each of the woods, and observing them from above.
I needed to be absolutely sure that I was happy with my final choice, because I wanted this home to be my permanent one. I was tired of having to constantly move, each time I’d get overwhelmed by suitors and harassed by enamoured clients.
This was all Mother’s fault.
I shook off my familiar annoyance, returning my attention to the dense forest canopy beneath me, as I soared over the trees on my broom. Making sure to stay above the treeline, and out of range of the local Forest God’s magic, I peered closely at the landscape whizzing past me down below.
Acres upon acres of tall, leafy, centuries-old trees met my eye, the very vision of a healthy forest. While I couldn’t see below the thick foliage, I could nevertheless hear the wildlife – insects and mammals scurrying, scuttling, and running around, the birds singing and calling to each other, some occasionally flying past me as they travelled from tree to tree.
All signs pointed to this forest being healthy and full of life, clearly well-maintained by its guardian deity. And most importantly for me, well-protected. Exactly what I was looking for. I felt confident that no trespasser with ill intent would be able to reach me, should I decide to settle here. Forest Gods were incredibly protective of their territories, and those inhabiting them, after all. I would finally get some peace.
The forest adjacent to this one was much the same, save for the trees at the very heart being petrified, the air saturated with some of the oldest magic I’d ever come across. An interesting place, for sure, and one well worth studying, should I decide to live there. And should its protector deity grant me safe passage. Most Forest Gods were unwilling to allow mortals to wander too close to their nests, but maybe I’d be able to bargain with this one? It was something to consider, at least.
The final “forest” was far different from the other two. I held a handkerchief over my nose as I flew above miles and miles of dark mud and peat, the horrid stench of death and rot permeating the entire area and practically assaulting my nostrils. It was certainly an unpleasant place, to say the least. I shuddered to imagine just how full of hatred and pain the resident God must be, for his territory to have ended up in such an abysmal state. There had to be a tragic story behind all this, and the dead husks of charred trees, barely visible through the ever-present thick fog, gave me an idea as to what it might be.
Against my will, I felt a pang of sympathy for the poor deity and his ruined home, before forcefully banishing such feelings. I had a mission to see through, and I couldn’t let myself get distracted by useless sentimentality. Life was harsh and cruel, for everyone, and mercy was for the foolish. I couldn’t afford to care about anyone but myself.
I was almost tempted to abandon my observation of the wetland, and give it up as a lost cause, when the land began to change. Dead bog eventually gave way to wet marsh, with cleaner water and richer soil, allowing for life to finally grow. A smile crept onto my face, as I saw plants covering the ground, and animals moving about the undergrowth. A flock of birds even joined me in the air after a while and called out to me, so I followed them deeper into the wetlands.
Finally, I reached the centre of the Wetland God’s domain – a swamp. The water was obviously very deep, but also clean, and full of aquatic life. Including alligators, I noted with interest. There were many fascinating potions I could brew with alligator teeth. Not to mention all of the incredibly rare and valuable swamp plants and herbs which grew in abundance here. My eyes practically sparkled, as I gazed around the misty swamp, my interest renewed.
There were also a great many trees, as expected of a Forest God’s domain – truly massive trees, their trunks thick and their branches wide, housing innumerable birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects. Something like hope sparked in my chest, but I was probably just imagining it. Still, it was very encouraging to see that the heart of this wetland was overflowing with life and magic, in spite of the desolate wasteland which surrounded it. A Forest God’s home should always be full of life.
As I was hovering beside the largest tree in the swamp, my eyes happened to spot a big, circular, red light shining in the mist. It almost resembled a giant eye, looking directly at me and seeming to stare straight into my soul. As if noticing my gaze, the eerie eye widened, its red light becoming brighter, and I felt the magic in the air shift. I took that as my cue to leave. I’d seen enough, anyway. No point lingering here and risk incurring the wrath of the Wetland God.
 But as I flew away, a loud, mournful cry rang out behind me, echoing through the air and shaking the leaves on the trees below. Startled, I urged my broom to fly faster, and the cry eventually faded away into the distance. However, the haunting sound still lingered in my mind, along with that glowing, red eyelight.
Was that the Wetland God?
The following day, I arrived at the nearby town. It was fairly average in both size and appearance, but was nonetheless bustling with activity, and travellers and residents alike were milling around, going about their busy lives. I drew my cloak tighter around myself, and quickly made my way to the nearest inn.
Upon reaching my destination, I was greeted by a young woman, probably the innkeeper’s daughter, judging by the family photo hanging on the wall behind her. Her face lit up when I removed my travelling cloak, revealing myself to her, and she gave me a wide, vapid smile she probably thought was charming, and asked me if I was looking to rent a room. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at her stupid question, because why else would I be here, I gave her a beguiling smile and seductively leaned in closer to her as I answered her.
“Why yes, I am. Would a sweet thing like you happen to have a room for a weary traveller such as myself? I’ve walked such a long way to get here, and I could really use a rest in a nice, comfy bed. I’d be so grateful to you if you could spare me a room, beautiful,” I’d lowered my voice to a smooth, silky drawl, and my honeyed words clearly had the effect I’d intended, given the way her eyes were glued to my lips, and how her breathing quickened.
She swallowed, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks, and smiled shyly at me. She then practically fell over herself to offer me one of the nicest rooms they had, at a generous discount. I held back a derisive snort. It was pathetic, really, how easily swayed she was by my supernaturally good looks and enchanting voice. This was nothing new, of course, but it still sickened me each time it happened. It was then just a simple matter of making tedious small talk with her for bit, before I finally steered the conversation towards the topic I’d been most interested in: the three magical forests.
For such an insipid creature, she was at the very least decently knowledgeable about the surrounding forests, and gave me all the information she had on them and their Gods. Much of it I’d already seen for myself, but it was useful to have confirmation from someone who’d actually lived in the area her whole life. She also confirmed my suspicions about the Wetland.
I didn’t have to feign genuine interest, as I listened to her tale of the God of the Black Wetland. Apparently, centuries ago, the Wetland used to be a beautiful forest, whose deity was relatively peaceful. But a group of humans from the nearby village wanted to clear it and weren’t happy with how he drove loggers away, so they took it upon themselves to burn the whole forest to the ground in one go. And they succeeded. In his rage, the Forest God killed the humans and flooded the entire area, including the village, transforming the landscape into an ugly, black bog.
From then on, he was known as the God of the Black Wetland, and had become a terrifying force of nature, who dragged anyone foolish enough to wander off the path, and into his domain, to a horrible, muddy and watery grave. The girl’s expression turned serious, as she warned me to avoid the Black Bog, and that if I absolutely had to go through there, that I should stick to the path at all costs. And should the fog begin to thicken, and I heard a bell ringing, then I needed to stay low, hold my breath, and pray that he didn’t see me.
I tried to look suitably fearful as I thanked her for her advice, while internally, I thought that anyone who was stupid enough to trespass on the territory of a Forest God whose home had been destroyed, deserved their fate. There was not a witch alive who would dare enter a God’s domain, without first being granted permission to do so. It was only common courtesy, after all. To disrespect a Forest God, was to invite calamity upon oneself, as my mother had once told me.
When I had gleaned all that I could from the girl, I thanked her with practised politeness, ignoring her flirting with the ease of habit, and made my way to my room. Upon reaching it, I went inside, locked the door behind me, and gave the place a casual glance. It was decently spacious, with a neatly-made bed, a desk, and a few shelves lining the walls. There was a window on one wall, which I went to open, casting a quick spell on the sill, to ensure that no one but myself and my familiars could enter through it.
That done, I tossed my bag on the desk, and collapsed onto the bed with a tired sigh. The bag landed with an inordinately loud * thump *, and the flap fell open, spilling several of my magical tools and arcane instruments across the desk, including a human skull. The skull rolled across the wooden surface, until it came to a stop by the edge, its dark, empty eye sockets staring right at me.
I glared at the skull. “This is all your fault, Mother.”
The skull didn’t answer me, of course. Not that I expected it to. I still had yet to perform the ancient ritual to bind Mother’s spirit to her skull, so that she could communicate with me from the afterlife. I just wasn’t ready to talk to her yet. I wasn’t sure I ever would be. I had a very... complicated relationship with her, after all.
My mother had been an incredibly powerful witch, supposedly the greatest mage of her generation. Her outstanding talents had won her the respect and admiration of her peers, few in number though they were, but had earned her the fear and hatred of the general populace. Not surprising, though, considering ordinary humans feared magic. Enough to have sealed away all of monsterkind underground, long ago. If mages, such as my mother, were not so useful to the common folk, perhaps we would’ve met the same fate as well. Perhaps one day we still might.
It was that very fear which had led my mother to cast numerous powerful enchantments on me, while I was still in her womb. All with the singular goal of making me as beautiful and desirable as possible. Mother had believed that if I were especially attractive, I would win the hearts of the non-magicals, and they would never turn on me or shun me as they had her.
And she’d succeeded. I was, by all accounts, visually stunning, with looks that turned heads wherever I went. Men and women from all around flocked to see me, showering me with gifts and compliments, in the hopes of earning my favour. There was not a single person who had anything but the most effervescent praise for my beauty.
And I hated it.
Because while I had indeed managed to catch the eye of every person I met, I despised such meaningless attention with a burning passion. Humans were nothing but shallow, despicable beings, and I very quickly grew to loathe their cloying desires and worthless, empty affections. None of these mindless fools truly cared about me, not a one bothered to see past my outward appearance, and look for the real me, inside.
And yet still they hounded me, harassed me, haunted me, begging for my attention like baying dogs. They kept insisting on throwing themselves at me, no matter how many times I threw them back out. It was tiresome. Tedious. I’d finally had enough of it, and decided to find a new home, in the territory of a protective Forest God, like many witches tended to do. Hopefully that would be enough to keep all of the nuisances away.
Perhaps I could’ve chosen to conceal my features, or disguised myself, maybe even tried to alter my appearance to something more ordinary. But I refused to hide or change myself. Why should I? I may not have chosen this body or this face, but they were nonetheless mine , and I would not hide them away just because of how other people reacted to them.
Besides, my mother had gone to a great deal of effort to give me these looks. And while I despised them, and resented her for what she’d done to me... I understood, at least on an intellectual level, why she’d done so. It would be unforgivably ungrateful of me to throw away all of her hard work. I was many things, but I wasn’t ungrateful. Not to my mother, the woman who’d given birth to me, raised me by herself, and taught me all she knew.
Therefore, instead of hiding my beauty, I chose to make use of it instead. If I were forced to suffer the consequences of my appearance, then I was determined to reap the benefits of it as well. And there certainly were many of those. People were such shallow, superficial creatures, after all. So easy to manipulate. It was child’s play, really.
But I wasn’t content to simply take advantage of my mother’s achievement. No, I had far grander ambitions than that.
Instead, I resolved to cultivate my own magical talents, and become a witch even greater than Mother, so that my powers and abilities would be my most notable trait, and all that anyone would talk about, rather than my physical appearance. I’d devoted myself to mastering witchcraft, and was proud to say that I was quite the accomplished mage and alchemist. I don’t know if I ever managed to surpass my mother, though. She died some years ago, all alone in her quiet little cottage in the woods.
I went back to my childhood home to give her a proper funeral, burying her in our ancestors’ sacred burial grounds, and taking her skull with me, as was tradition. I gathered all of her belongings, keeping those I found useful, disposing of or selling those I did not. A pitiful end for someone so infamous and talented.
Quietly, I rose from the bed and went over to the desk. With gentle hands, I picked up my mother’s skull and placed it on top of a nearby shelf, where those empty sockets could stare out at the entire room. My fingers lingered on the skull, tracing the edges of its mouth. Mother rarely ever smiled. I wondered if she’d ever known happiness, even once in her entire life...
I shook my head, dismissing such pointless thoughts. It was my own happiness I should focus on now. Which meant finding a suitable home. And to do that, I would need to find out more about all three forests. I looked towards the window. The sun was high in the sky; there was plenty of time to ask around and get the opinions of the locals who knew the forests the best. With that plan in mind, I left the room, locking the door behind me, and placing another spell on it to ward off intruders.
For the next several hours, I walked through the town, questioning people here and there, and listening in on the local gossip. It was mostly about some unwary travellers getting lost in the Black Bog a couple of weeks ago. They’d still not found the bodies, and no one was willing to go further into the bog to look for them, for fear of encountering the God of the Wetlands. Cowards, the lot of them. But I supposed that I couldn’t really blame them. I wouldn’t risk my life either, to go looking for fools too stupid to live.
As I passed by the local tavern, I heard raucous laughter coming from inside. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. I lifted an eyebrow as I sensed ancient, wild magic coming from within the tavern, the kind of magic that definitely didn’t belong in the middle of a human settlement. The kind of magic I’d sensed just the other day. Curious, I opened the door and peeked inside.
The tavern was surprisingly busy for this time of day, and there was a large crowd by the bar, louder and rowdier than they had any right to be before sundown. I hovered by the door, hesitant to go in any further with so many noisy people inside. I hated crowds- well, I hated people , really, but crowds were a special kind of dreadful I tried my best to avoid. I pulled the cowl of my cloak lower on my head, as I discreetly looked around for the source of the forest magic.
My eyes soon met a pair of bright, red ones. I blinked, taken aback. The red eyes were set in a handsome, seemingly human face, but I wasn’t fooled by the illusion. Any witch worth her salt would be able to sense the aura of a Forest God from a mile away, and I’d already flown over the forest belonging to this one just yesterday. I recognised him for what he was instantly.
The disguised deity looked equally surprised to see me. His red eyes widened, with what I could almost assume was recognition, before they roved across my form, something disturbingly familiar flashing in them, as they traced along my face. I couldn’t hold back my sneer, revulsion bubbling up within me like molten magma. He was... interested in me! Not in exactly the same way humans were, perhaps, but close enough to make me want to hex him.
It was with no small amount of distaste that I noticed how he was the centre of attention, with all eyes turned towards him, and everyone smiling and laughing at his crude jokes, all of the patrons hanging onto his every word. Several pretty ladies were even pressed up against him, giggling like they hadn’t a thought in their heads but to share his bed, and the arms curled around them only seemed to encourage their pathetic simpering.
Bitter disappointment welled up within me. I had thought that Forest Gods were above such abhorrent behaviour. It seemed I was wrong. They were just as susceptible to human weaknesses and mortal failings, as any other miserable worm on this planet.
The disgrace of a Forest God shot me a roguish wink, which I returned with the most hateful glare I was capable of, endeavouring to put every ounce of disgust I felt for him into the look, and causing his grin to falter. Without hesitation, I turned my back to him and strode out of the tavern. I heard a deep, masculine voice call out to me, but I slammed the door on it, shutting out that nonsense forever.
When I returned to my room, I immediately took out the sheet of paper containing the information I’d gathered on the three forests, and furiously crossed out everything pertaining to the forest governed by the shameful wretch I’d seen in the tavern. I would never live in his domain, I vowed to myself.
Luckily, I still had two other forests to choose from. I desperately prayed that their Gods were more respectable than this one. But I would need to know more about them to ascertain that. Hopefully, my familiars had been able to properly explore both of the forests, and would be able to help me figure out which one would be the best choice for my new home.
As if on cue, a brown owl glided soundlessly through the open window, and landed on top of Mother’s skull, followed shortly by a black cat, padding her way through the shadows towards me, before stretching out her lithe body across my bed.
“Artemis,” the cat blinked her eyes slowly at me in greeting, “Hermes,” the owl bowed his head respectfully to me, “I’ve ruled out the forest of the Red God as a possibility. Forget about that one. So, what have you two found out about the other two?”
Artemis tossed her head back and yowled at me. All that time... wasted! Should’ve let me know... sooner... her voice echoed through my head.
I rolled my eyes, well used to her whining. Missy was such a diva. If I didn’t love her so much, I would’ve dispelled the enchantment allowing us to communicate telepathically, long ago.
Hermes, on the other hand, merely bowed his head to me once more, acknowledging my orders, before launching into his report. The Green Forest is full of life. Trees. Mushrooms. Moss. Prey. Not prey. Predators. Fae. Spirits. Magic. Lots of magic.
Artemis flicked her tail. Lots of... interesting smells... plenty of food... so many good places... to nap...
I snorted, shaking my head lightly. Of course Missy would only focus on the things she would enjoy. At least Hermes was more helpful.
“And what of its resident Forest God?” I asked them.
Hermes’s reply came swiftly. Always moving. Always roaming. Always protecting. Only still at the heart. Stone trees. Old magic. Soft moss. Cold. Quiet. Clear.
Hmm... So he too enjoyed his peace and quiet? Looks like we might actually be able to get along. I felt the spark of hope ignite in my chest at the thought.
Artemis stretched out her front paws, kneading the bed covers beneath her. He put colourful bottles... in the trees... they cast pretty shadows... for me to chase...
I hummed to myself, going over what they’d told me in my head and adding it to the information I’d already collected. So far, this forest seemed promising. But I couldn’t be too hasty with my decision. Besides, there was also the other one to consider.
I turned to my two familiars. “And what about the Black Wetlands?”
Surprisingly, Artemis was the first to answer me, as she let out an angry hiss, her tail flicking to and fro in agitation. Smells bad... So wet! *Hiss* The mud gets stuck... in my fur... on my paws... hate it...
I gave her a sympathetic look, going over to her to run my fingers through her silky, pitch-black fur in a comforting caress. She pressed her head into my hand and began purring.
Hermes clicked his beak in annoyance, but made no further protest. Instead, he drew himself up imperiously, and puffed out his chest feathers. On the edge there’s only Black bog. Burnt trees. Foul water. Dead. All dead. But closer to the heart there’s more life. More green. Less black. The heart is swamp. Tall trees. Deep water. Many animals. Lots of life. Lots of magic.
I nodded to myself. I’d observed much the same myself.
Artemis sneezed. Didn’t see... couldn’t get past... the nasty mud.. .
I smiled at her in reassurance. “That’s all right, Missy, I know you tried your best. I’m very proud of you.”
When Hermes clicked his beak again, I turned my smile towards him. “And thank you for your diligence, Hermes! I’m so glad I can always count on you.”
The tan owl puffed out his feathers again, preening at my praise. Always, Mistress .
Artemis gave him an unimpressed look, her ears twitching. Thankfully, she turned away from him without comment. I let out a quiet sigh of relief, glad that an argument hadn’t broken out between them. Again.
Wanting to get the conversation back on track, I cleared my throat. “So then, what’s the Forest- uh, the Wetland God like?”
Hermes tilted his head to the side. Angry.
He then tilted his head to the other side. Very angry .
I frowned. “I don’t blame him. His entire forest was burnt to the ground by humans centuries ago, after all. He pretty much lost everything. I’d be absolutely livid myself, if I were him.”
Artemis curled up once more on the bed, tucking her paws underneath her and wrapping her tail around herself. He’s not just angry... and vengeful... and full of hate... Birds came to me... and told me... he’s lonely... very lonely...
Her words made me recall the loud, mournful wail I’d heard that morning. That probably was him, then, calling out to me. I’d initially thought it was a warning, to chase away intruders, but now I suspected it might’ve been the opposite. Was the Wetland God actually... upset that I’d left? Was he, maybe, calling out for me, asking me to come back? It seemed ludicrous, honestly. He was an ancient and powerful Forest God, whose mind and heart were unknowable to mortals, whereas I was a mere human, albeit a magical one. And yet, now that I really thought about it, I realised that he’d actually sounded sad... really sad...
My thoughts were interrupted by Hermes’s voice ringing in my head. Which forest will you choose, Mistress?
“Hmm... Good question.” My brows furrowed as I paced back and forth across the small, rented room, my head bowed in deep thought as I mulled over both my options.
The Green Forest was the obvious choice. A lush, vibrant forest, teeming with life, and guarded by a fairly peaceful deity, who mostly kept to himself. The ideal home for a solitary witch seeking to hone her craft. Definitely more appealing than a misty swamp, surrounded by sickly, smelly bog, and patrolled by an unstable, vengeful Old God.
My decision should’ve been clear. And yet...
…  he’s lonely... very lonely...
Missy’s words wouldn’t leave my mind, despite my best efforts to chase them away. What should it matter to me if some Wetland God was lonely? His problems were not mine, his pain was not mine, his loneliness was not mine.
…  he’s lonely... very lonely...
Without conscious thought, my eyes found the hollow sockets of my mother’s skull. She’d been lonely as well, for most of her life. And she’d died lonely, too. Had she ever cried out for someone, anyone, to help her, only for nobody to come? Had she ever cried out for me?... Had the Wetland God?
…  he’s lonely... very lonely...
I went to my satchel, still splayed open across the desk, and took out a small, glass orb. It wasn’t anything special, had no magical properties whatsoever, and was nothing more than a cheap, simple ball made out of coloured glass, pretty, but ultimately useless. Something I was determined to never be. The only reason I even had this orb, was because it had once belonged to my mother.
She’d had many such trinkets, scattered throughout her house, but this one was her favourite. As a child, I’d often caught her gazing into the orb, lost in thought. I’d asked her why she did so, despite the orb having no practical use, and she’d told me that looking at it helped her to focus, as she pondered whatever problem occupied her mind at the time. I’d once jokingly called it her “Orb of Pondering”, and she’d given me one of her rare smiles. I guess it wasn’t so useless after all.
I now gazed into the orb myself, as I pondered my own current predicament. Which shouldn’t have even been a predicament in the first place. The choice should’ve been an easy one to make. The answer should’ve been plain for all to see. I should’ve just picked the Green Forest and been done with this deliberation. I would have an easier, simpler life there. My familiars would be happier there. It was beautiful. Untainted. Perfect.
…  he’s lonely... very lonely...
With a resigned sigh, I lowered Mother’s orb and turned towards my familiars, still patiently awaiting my final decision. Plastering my brightest smile on my face, I forced as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could, as I told them, “You know, I think becoming a swamp witch sounds like a lot of fun!”
Predictably, Artemis was none too happy with my answer, and yowled out her displeasure for all the world to hear. Hermes, however, merely bowed his head obediently, accepting my decision without complaint.
As I tried my best to appease my feline familiar with chin scratches, I silently wondered if I had made the right choice. I hoped that I would not come to regret it.
The next morning, I woke up bright and early to carry out my preparations for obtaining the Wetland God’s permission to reside in his domain. For starters, I wrote up a letter explaining my request, making sure to keep my tone and words as respectful and humble as possible, and providing many reassurances of good behaviour, all while avoiding making any outright promises. You could never be too careful with Old Gods. I then imbued the letter with my magic and my intent, so that the ancient deity would be able to sense my sincerity for himself, as well as get a feel for my character before we officially met.
Once I was satisfied that the letter was properly saturated in my magic, I handed it to Hermes, informing him of its contents, just in case the Wetland God was unable or unwilling to read it, and instructed the owl to deliver it directly to its intended recipient as swiftly as possible, and to return only once he’d received a definitive answer. Hermes dutifully bowed his head, took the letter very delicately in his beak, and flew off into the sky.
Afterwards, it was only too easy to charm the inn’s cook into letting me borrow his kitchen for a few hours. He’d tried to remain close to me, invading my personal space under the guise of “helping” me, but a threatening hiss and swipe of her paw from Artemis were enough to get the filth away from me. The black cat remained curled around my shoulders, fixing her large, golden eyes on the nuisance and occasionally flexing her sharp claws at him, to keep him a safe distance away from me as I worked.
I wasn’t sure what offerings the Wetland God would enjoy, but most Forest Gods were not averse to homecooked food, and most Fae had quite the sweet tooth, with a particular fondness for honey, so I decided to bake him a large honey cake, with buttercream icing and a honey drizzle. It was something my mother had often baked for the Forest God whose territory she resided in, and she’d taught me the recipe as a child. It was one of my happier memories with her.
The rich, sugary smell which soon filled the kitchen brought on a wave of nostalgia. Instead of quashing the feelings, as I normally did, I allowed myself to reminisce for a while. My childhood home was always filled with the most interesting aromas, whether it was food, potions, or magical residue from the spells Mother cast. She really was quite the talented witch. I’d learned so much from her.
When the cake was done, I wrapped it up neatly, placing an enchantment on it to keep it warm and fresh, and carefully packed it away in my carry bag. That done, I changed into formal sorcerer’s robes, and spent some time preening in front of the mirror, to ensure that I looked as presentable as possible. I wanted to make a good first impression, after all, and while it was unlikely that my human appearance would be able to sway a Forest God’s opinion, it didn’t hurt to look my best. Besides, old habits died hard.
Finally, all that was left to do was to pack up all of my belongings. Hermes returned as I was putting away Mother’s skull, and informed me that the Wetland God had accepted my request. Instantly. Gladly. Very gladly. In fact, he seemed positively giddy about me coming to live in his domain. Well, that was... a surprise. But a welcome one, to be sure. Better than the alternative, anyway. I guess he really must’ve been very lonely, for him to be so excited for some company. It gave me hope that the two of us might be able to have an amicable relationship.
My lips subconsciously tugged up into a smile, as I pet Hermes’s tan feathers, my mind on the Wetland God. I’d never had a friend before. My familiars didn’t count, they were bonded to me and my magic for the rest of our shared lives – they were practically an extension of myself. I looked forward to getting to know my new ‘landlord’. Quietly, privately, in the depths of my heart, I hoped that he would grow to like me. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who was lonely...
When everything was packed up and put away, Artemis draped herself around my shoulders once more, her tail curling lightly around my neck, like a black, fluffy necklace. Hermes perched himself on the crooked tip of my tall, pointed, witch’s hat, his head constantly swivelling around to survey his surroundings, ever watchful, ever alert. I gave the room a once-over, checking that I’d gathered everything, and made my exit.
I didn’t check out of the inn just yet, however. I needed a safe place to return to, on the off chance that things turned sour with the Wetland God. You could never be too careful, after all, and it always paid to have contingency plans for every possibility. Better to be safe than sorry.
Once I’d found a clear spot, I took out my broom, sat myself on it, and kicked off the ground, shooting through the sky like a comet. With the wind rushing past me, and my robes billowing behind me, I left the town and made my way towards my new home and the beginning of my new life.
I landed on the very edge of the bog. Getting off my broom, I kept it firmly in one hand, ready to get back on it and fly away at the first hint of danger. I took a deep breath and instantly regretted it, as a rotten stench assailed my nose. Coughing and spluttering, I retrieved my handkerchief and covered my nose as best as I could, trying to breathe through my mouth. Around my neck, Artemis grumbled irritably, her furry lips pulled back in a grimace at the foul smell in the air.
Not wanting to spend any longer here than necessary, I stepped foot inside the bog.
The place was even creepier from the ground than it was from the sky. Dark, viscous mud covered the ground, save for the patches of slimy, black water dotted here and there, with only the gnarled, dead trees managing to rise up from the sludge. Mosquitos seemed to be the only creatures living in the bog, their constant buzzing the only sound I could hear, apart from the squelching of my boots as I trudged through the mud. It was also difficult to see anything past the thick fog blanketing the entire area.
The whole place was like something straight out of a nightmare. It was a rather daunting experience, honestly. But I knew that it got better. I just needed to press on and stay determined.
And so, I kept walking, keeping to the well-trodden path and the narrow wooden walkways, all while keeping my eyes and ears open for any sign of the Wetland God. Occasionally, I flared out my magic, just to let any extramundane entities who might be nearby know that I was here. After a short while of doing so, I felt an answering burst of ancient, otherworldly magic, far, far in the distance, coming from the centre of the wetlands. I paused. Then it came again, slightly closer.
The God of the Black Wetland knew I was here. And he was coming towards me. Hopefully to give me a friendly greeting, and not to chase me away. Or worse.
I stayed still, drawing my cloak tighter around myself to ward off the chill in the air, and cast my eyes around warily, as I waited for the deity to arrive with bated breath. I didn’t have to wait long.
Soon, the fog began to thicken, until I could barely see past my own nose, and distantly, faintly, I could hear the gentle chiming of bells, steadily getting louder. I stood up straighter, my heart racing in anticipation, and gripped my broom tighter. Both of my familiars were equally on high alert, ready to react at a moment’s notice.
Suddenly, the shadows began to shift, something moving through the fog, something truly massive. I held my breath, my heart pounding in my ears, as the figure finally came into view, the fog parting around him.
It was, without doubt, a Forest God, although one unlike any I’d ever seen before. While the others I’d known had all had bodies more or less closely resembling various animals, this one had a gigantic, stocky body, with a solid, downward sloping spine with jagged vertebrae, and long, thick, straight legs like tree trunks, clearly designed for wading through mud and water. Its head was a huge dog skull, sporting enormous moose antlers, wider than I was tall.
What really caught my attention, though, was the large, red eye glowing in the skull’s left eye socket. It was the same eyelight I’d seen the other day, in the swamp. That red eyelight was now fixed unwaveringly on me.
I swallowed, gathered my courage and addressed the ancient and powerful deity staring right at me. “Greetings, oh Wetland God. I am the one who sent you the letter this morning – the witch seeking to make her home in your swamp, with your permission. It is an honour to meet you, Old One.”
That crimson stare intensified. “ i know you... ” I gave a start as a deep, rumbling voice issued forth from the Old God, harsh, halting, and seeming almost rusty from disuse. “ i saw you... before... but you left.. .” The red eyelight shook, shrinking, before expanding once more, to take up the entire socket. “ i was so... so happy... when i got your letter... i recognised... your magic... your scent... ” The red light got brighter, lighting up the entire area like a blazing fire. “ you will stay with me... your owl said... that you’ll stay with me... you WILL stay with me... right?... forever... right?... ”
I nodded hesitantly. “That’s the idea, yes. I hope to make this place my home. My forever home, if you will.”
The Wetland God made a low, bellowing sound, followed by a couple of sharp trills, his colossal body swaying slightly. Bygone magic filled the air, buzzing against my skin, and making the hairs on my arms and on the back of my neck stand on end. Small strands of green began sprouting up from the mud, and the murky water started to clear. A few tiny blossoms even popped up along the deity’s legs and antlers.
While I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of such a reaction, I took it as a good sign. I was at least confident that the God wasn’t displeased with my presence here. If anything, the magic saturating the air was tinged with what felt distinctly like excitement. Definitely a good sign.
I cleared my throat. “I take it that I am welcome here, then. If so, would you be so kind as to let me know where I am permitted to make my home?”
In response, the towering being lowered his head to the ground in front of me. “ i will... take you home... ”
I blinked, not certain if I’d heard him right, or if I was misunderstanding his intention. “Do you mean for me to... climb onto your head?”
“ yes... ” came his reply, not even a hint of hesitation in his voice. Unlike mine, which was filled with uncertainty, as I nodded to him, “As you... wish.”
I was far from comfortable getting so close to such an incredibly old and powerful deity, but I wasn’t about to refuse a direct order from him. With slow and tentative movements, I climbed on top of his massive skull and sat myself in between those wide and solid antlers.
When he was sure that I was securely sat on his head, the Wetland God very gently lifted his skull, seeming to take great care to not jostle me about, as he straightened up and carefully strode off through the bog. His gait was surprisingly steady, despite the deep mud he was wading through, and my ride was pleasantly smooth.
It was quite the novel experience. I’d never heard of a Forest God allowing a mere mortal to actually ride on them, like some common beast of burden. It was a great honour, honestly, and I made sure to savour every second of it. I’d likely never get another opportunity like this again, so I had to make the most of this one while it lasted.
Leaning forward slightly, I placed a hand on the surface of the skull, taking a brief moment to appreciate the cool and smooth bone-like texture of the God’s head, before addressing him. “Mighty Wetland God, I wish to thank you for allowing me to live in your domain. I will endeavour to never make you regret your decision. And I sincerely hope that the two of us will get along well.”
His crimson eyelight seemed to fuzz around the edges, and I watched in amazement as a soft, pink hue spread across his muzzle. Was... was he blushing ? He couldn’t be, surely. That was impossible... Right?
“ i would never regret... you living with me... ” he sounded completely sure of himself. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering where such confidence came from. “ and i promise... to make you happy... here... with me... ” I sucked in a sharp breath at his vow, feeling completely bewildered as to why a Forest God would make such a promise, and to a mortal, some human he’d only just met. What, by the stars , was this deity thinking?
I cleared my throat, trying to calm my racing thoughts and keep a cool head. “I’m, uh, incredibly flattered by your... kindness. Thank you, My Lord.”
“ ... skull... ”
My brows furrowed at the seemingly random word. “Skull?”
His definitely-not-a-blush darkened slightly, spreading further across his snout. “ yes... ” he told me, his voice deep and heavy, yet quiet and almost shy. “ that’s my... my name... ”
I exhaled heavily, something like awe flowing through me. I could hardly believe my ears. Had a Forest God really just given me his name? That was... that was... unexpected , to put it mildly. Old Gods did not give out their names lightly – it was a privilege, one which you had to earn. So for this one to simply volunteer his name, without my even having to ask it of him...
I stared at the top of his skull in disbelief. Why? Why would he do such a thing? I wasn’t anyone important. Not to an Old God, at least. So then, why would he give me his name so freely? What had I done to deserve such an honour?
As I puzzled over these questions, the scenery began to change, from bog to marsh. I frowned in confusion. Wasn’t the bog far wider than this? Why had we already reached the marsh? This was too soon. We should still have been wading through several more miles of barren wasteland.
And then my eyes fell upon an even more startling sight.
What had only recently been waterlogged soil, was now practically a flower garden. Thousands of tiny, colourful, low-lying marsh flowers spread out as far as the eye could see, interspersed with twisting, winding, glittering waterways.
As I watched in stunned silence, I noticed more and more flowers blossoming. I could also sense just how steeped in Life Magic the earth was, encouraging the growth of plants and causing flowers to bloom every second. Even the wildlife was benefitting from the ancient magics, as more and more birds flocked to the marsh, and more fish and amphibians swam in the crystal-clear waters.
Life was well and truly returning to the wetlands.
I was astonished at such a dramatic transformation, in such a short amount of time. “Skull... This is incredible... What happened here since I last saw it?”
Skull came to a stop, allowing me to admire the natural beauty surrounding us. Several birds flew closer, clearly with the intent of landing on the Wetland God’s antlers, but Hermes spread his wings wide and screeched threateningly at them, and they flew away in a hurry.
“ i wanted to... make our home nicer... for you... you deserve... a nice home... ” I wanted to gape at him, but managed to restrain myself. Then his voice lowered, a hint of shame leaking into it “ i’m sorry... you saw it... so ugly... so sick... i’m trying hard... to make it better... for you... ”
I was speechless for a while, as my brain struggled to process what I’d heard. Had Skull been terraforming his domain since he received my letter? Or maybe even, ever since he first saw me? That... that was... “Wow. I-I don’t know what to say... Thank you, Skull. You did an amazing job. The place looks beautiful. And very lively.”
Skull made a pleased sound, the ambient magic fairly thrumming with its Wetland God’s joy, and several more tiny flowers bloomed on the deity’s horns. Skull then resumed his walk, taking us further into the heart of his territory, until we eventually reached the very centre.
The swamp at the heart of the wetlands hadn’t changed since I was last here. Not surprising, considering it was likely a lot older than the rest of the wetlands, and would therefore take more time to change. But it was still an impressive sight.
Alligators swam alongside us, eyeing me curiously, and Skull rumbled something to them in a language I couldn’t understand. Whatever it was, it seemed to have made them happy, given their own, excited rumblings. More birds flew closer, and were again scared off by Hermes.
I rolled my eyes in fond exasperation at how territorial my owl familiar was of me. I was his home and his family, and he would allow no other bird near me. Artemis, meanwhile, remained curled around my neck and shoulders, glaring at the alien landscape, and grumbling about the humidity and the bizarre odours.
The sun was starting to set, tinting the enveloping mists in soft hues of pink and orange. Fireflies had also begun to appear, gradually filling the air with their tiny lights. I could hear the croaking of frogs, the buzzing of insects, and the singing of birds, all blending together with the sloshing of water, in a mesmerising harmony of sounds. I couldn’t help but sit back and listen to the song of the swamp.
It was all wonderfully atmospheric. Romantic, even. I snorted lightly, dismissing the ridiculous thought. Romance had no place in my life.
We finally came to a stop in front of what had to be the biggest tree in the whole swamp, standing at the very centre of the entire Wetland. It really was a giant among trees, taller and wider than any other I’d ever seen, stretching so high into the sky, I couldn’t see the top. A hollow had formed inside it, rising above the water level, and wide enough that I suspected even Skull might be able to fit inside, if he curled himself up.
There was a lip of wood at the entrance of the hollow, and it was to there that I hopped, when Skull lowered his head, a clear indication that I should disembark.
Inside the hollow, I found it lined with piles of pillows and blankets, and heaps of little trinkets. The entire alcove smelled of fur and incense, and even faintly of beeswax. It looked... cosy. Surprisingly cosy, and homey. Did someone live here?
I turned towards Skull, who was stood just outside the hollow, staring at me intently. “What is this place? Where did all this stuff come from?”
The corners of Skull’s jaws raised up in something resembling a smile. “ my nest... ” my eyebrows fairly flew into my hairline at that shocking revelation. I could never have guessed that the Wetland God would take me to his nest . But Skull wasn’t done blindsiding me yet. “ now OUR nest... i tried to make it better... for you... i added softer... and prettier blankets... and pillows... all for you... my lovely wife... ”
I choked on my spit at that last word. “W-Wife?!” my voice rang out in a strangled yell. My mind came crashing to a halt, because seriously... I must have misheard him. Surely he hadn’t meant to call me his wife .
But Skull only smiled wider, blushing once more, and nodded his massive head. “ yes... my wife... my lovely, little wife... my darling mate... ”
I thought my heart was about to stop. I could barely breath, as thoughts rushed through my head at breakneck speed, my brain desperately trying to come up with some kind of explanation for Skull’s inconceivable behaviour. Just how had he come to believe that I was his wife ? Had I done something, anything which could’ve led the Wetland God to think me his mate? I wracked my mind for any kind of plausible reason for this huge misunderstanding, but could find none.
“ so small... so soft... so pretty... such a sweet smell... such strong magic... ”
Had Hermes in any way intimated such a thing to Skull when they’d spoken? As soon as the thought came, I dismissed it. No, my loyal owl familiar would’ve followed my instructions to the letter. He was dutiful to a fault, and would never go against my orders, or do anything that wasn’t strictly in my best interests. And he rarely, if ever, acted on his own initiative, more content to await my commands. He would never have so much as implied, to the Wetland God, that I was interested in being anything more than a simple resident of his domain.
A noise rumbled from deep within Skull’s chest, one that sounded disturbingly like a purr. “ i’m so happy... you came... i’m so happy... you accepted me... i’m so... so happy... ”
And he sounded it, too. I glanced up at him, taking in his undeniably joyful countenance. He definitely looked happy, too. I bit my lip. This... this was a disaster. This unstable Forest God, whose home I was to live in, was woefully mistaken as to the nature of our relationship. As such, I would need to correct his misconception, immediately.
I braced myself and opened my mouth-
“ i knew... from the moment... our eyes met... that you were... the one... ” Skull’s voice rumbled like boulders tumbling down a mountain, and yet there was something... soft in the way he spoke to me. Something tender, and warm. Something I’d never heard from anyone else before.
“ the one... i’d been waiting for... all my life... ” The blood-red glow of his eyelight softened, the pupil at its centre becoming heart-shaped, as Skull’s gaze remained fixed on me, never wavering for even a second. It was a look I’d never seen before. One full of awe and adoration. Skull looked at me as if I was the most precious thing in his world. “ i was... so lonely... but not anymore... not now that... i have you... ”
He sighed, a warm gust of wind which rustled my robes and tousled my hair. “ i’m so happy... that you’re here... with me... ” He let out a sharp trill, ending in a deep purr. “ i promise... to make you... happy too... i want you... to love me... as much as... i love you... my mate... ”
I stared at Skull’s loving face, his gaze so full of affection, for me. My mouth was still open, ready to deny being his mate and clear up this whole mess. “I-I... can’t wait...!” was what came out instead. I winced, mentally kicking myself for saying something so stupid.
Skull’s expression brightened. His purring intensifying, he leaned his head close and pressed the end of his snout against me. “ my wife... my mate... so warm... so soft... i love you... so much... ”
And instead of doing anything even remotely sensible, such as telling this deranged deity that I was most certainly not his wife, I just lifted my hands up to his head, and ran my hands all along his hard muzzle, petting his skull as if he were an overgrown puppy.
As Skull continued to purr, making low, muffled sounds of contentment, the magic around him hummed and shuddered, causing tiny flowers to bloom all around us. I shivered, as the Wetland God’s ancient magic brushed up against me, like a cat demanding attention, and released my own magic into the air, allowing it to mingle with his. Skull purred louder, the vibrations sinking into my very bones. Admittedly, it was actually quite a pleasant sensation.
I sighed. Oh well... This wasn’t an entirely terrible situation. It could’ve been a lot worse, all things considered. Besides, Skull would probably snap out of whatever bout of insanity was currently consuming him, and return to his senses in no time.
His infatuation with me was only temporary, and would soon fade away.
This wasn't supposed to be this long. It was supposed to be a oneshot. But I just cannot seem to write a reader-insert without constantly adding more and more and more, until it balloons into several far-too-long chapters. But this will be a twoshot (with a short epilogue)! It WILL!! I REFUSE to let this drag on for more than two chapters! I have other things to do! Other WIPs that demand my attention! So there will be ONE more chapter, almost entirely comprised of fluff, with Skull being a soft boi, reader discovering her inner soft gurl, and her two familiars being literally soft. And then a short epilogue (which will basically just be a fun bonus for those who've read "Good Girl Needs Kiss").
See you guys for the second (and definitely last!) part.
Chapter 2
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inkybirdy · 2 years
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a couple of Maz doodles, ft. Baby Link, from yesterday. ____
The child is crying again. The child is clean and fed, swaddled as well as any other infant in soft fabric and tucked into the woven cradle. The whirring of the cicadas and the babbling of the creeks through the fields, the small drifting orbs from the fireflies in the late Kakariko evening would, in theory, be enough to calm anyone. 
Still, the child cries. 
Soft, punched-out little whines and sniffles, his small voice hoarse from yet another hour of doing so. They’re whispering sobs by now, but still he heaves and trembles. 
Sitting on the porch of the house he can’t bear to go inside, rocking the cradle mechanically with his foot, Maz Koshia barely registers the noise - like he’s hearing it through cotton. He sags heavy where he sits, exhaustion soaking through his bones, his face and arm aching from where marred flesh is attempting to scab and scar. 
Past the haze of fatigue, Maz feels a bitter kinship with the child. I didn’t want this, either. He thinks. Both unprepared, both abandoned, both tired. 
‘You’re all he’s got. He’s yours, so take him,’ Cotera had said, reaching across his sister’s lifeless body to shove the baby into his arms. Unfortunate. Instead of kinship for the child, Maz supposes he should really only pity it. 
“Yeah kid, I know. I get bored to tears hanging around with him, too.” Kohga chuckles at his own jab as he wanders up the path and takes a seat next to Maz on the porch, casting the kid a sympathetic smile. 
Sooga has kept his kindhearted distance like the rest of the village, giving Maz space to hold his agony, but imposed solitude has never been Kohga’s style. He’s always been rambunctious, sometimes loud and showmanlike for no reason, never afraid of disrespecting a room or taking up space. It’s a little comforting, Maz supposes, that the weight of the last weeks hasn’t seemed to muffle Kohga much at all. A little. 
“Shut up.” Maz's voice cold and hoarse and foreign to himself. 
“Your moodiness is gonna set a bad example,” Kohga is undeterred, but the snarkiness in his tone does soften after a moment, “You need to be sweet to him, y’know.” 
Maz turns sharp, red-rimmed eyes in Kohga’s direction. However, the glare is short-lived; Maz can only manage it for a few moments before his irritated frown turns back towards the ground. “You take him then, if you know so much.” Another harsh, but half-hearted mutter. 
Kohga’s shoulder nudges against Maz’s a few times until he finally looks up, Kohga’s wistful smiling disarming. It makes something catch in Maz’s throat. “Everything’s gonna go to shit.” Kohga’s warm tone doesn’t match his words, “More than it is, already.” “And?” “And we don’t know when. How fast it’s gonna be, what exactly it’s gonna look like.” Maz picks a crack in the porch to glare at, gritting his teeth, “Make your point.” “He doesn’t have to bother.” 
Maz blinks, and Kohga waits patiently for a moment. “It’s all done.” Kohga insists. “We’ve got some loose ends, maybe, but not him. You get to decide how he grows up for now, Maz.” The baby heaves another whimper, and Kohga’s smile is fond..  “He doesn’t have to get left in the woods, or sent off to a temple, or thrown in front of a dragon. He gets to have people who give a shit if he dies. He doesn’t have to know about any of this, you get to decide what you tell him. He can just - y’know.” Kohga shrugs, “Be a kid.” 
By the time his gaze drifts over to the kid directly, Maz’s eyes are burning. He swallows hard and takes a sharp breath, gripping the edge of the porch. Like he can see clearly how Maz’s brain is reeling, Kogha sits silently for once. 
Eventually the words truly settle in the air around them, and Maz shifts forward. Timid, a little shaky, Maz lifts the crying infant out of the cradle and tucks him snug into his arms, warm against his hammering chest. Maz expects the kid to writhe and scream, unsettled by his tension and his fear and his grief - but he doesn’t. Instead, the kid’s tearstained face presses to Maz’s chest, his little hand clinging tightly to what small bit of Maz’s shirt he can grip. 
The kid babbles, exhausted and overcome with the inertia of his misery, but he quiets before much longer. He rests, sated. Maz’s heart remains in shambles, the weight of the child on his injured arm aches, but he doesn’t dare readjust. Rather, as gently as if he were afraid to break the new and fragile peace, he presses a kiss to the baby’s head.
“Okay.” Maz murmurs. He surrenders. “Yeah - okay.”
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shotorozu · 3 years
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pairing : todoroki shouto x reader
synopsis : it looks like your boyfriend doesn’t understand why you like miraculous ladybug, but i guess you could say that he was more jealous, than confused. thus— why he did that
legend : [Y/N = your name, L/N = your name] afab! reader with they/them pronouns, quirk not specific
note(s) : self indulgent because yeah, my birthday‼️‼️ yes i’m an aries. the episode i’m referencing in this fic is backwarder— season 3, episode 4, and dark cupid, season 1, episode 10
this is a birthday fic for me 💅🤍✨‼️
Lately, everything has been hectic— on both sides anyway.
Was it really your fault? Or was it his fault? In fact, it wasn’t either of yours faults. UA was just very meticulous about what the students should be doing when and how.
Then again, it wasn’t like you never saw your boyfriend— Todoroki Shouto; the boy with dual colored hair that could easily blend in with the peppermint candy isle. That’s not the point though, you do actually see him
The only time you get to actually spend some time with him, is when the two of you are in each other’s rooms. Either enveloped in each others arms, or really— doing the most random things, at the most random times.
Or the other possible outcome, watching shows together. Which would rather be right about now.
Shouto lays right beside you, his right arm draped around your shoulder to keep you in his firm hold. Meanwhile, you’re cuddled up right on his side, occasionally pressing your face into his shirt because why not?
“For crying out loud! can’t they just date each other already?!” You exclaim in absolute agony, watching the two main protagonists— Ladybug and Chat Noir, be playful with each other mid-battle.
Shouto’s gaze averts down onto you, and in reality— he doesn’t look all that invested, compared to you, who’s making commentary everytime something drastic happens in the episode. If he wasn’t, you couldn’t really blame him. He only just started watching this show with you merely a few days ago (really, it has only been 2 days.)
“Aren’t they like.. the same people?” He’s puzzled. The masks hide nothing! Even he could piece together that the two heroes could be linked to their civilian selves— most especially, Marinette. Since her persona doesn’t really have a drastic change her appearance, in comparison to her partner.
“Yes, that’s what makes this entire show so.. interesting! They’re so.. oblivious! And this has been dragging on for several years!”
Shouto’s confused, in all honesty. Really, what even is the love square? can’t they just say who they are? he’d guess that the mechanics are different, compared to the real world— where people already know who you are (excluding special cases)
He has so many questions, and his train of thought is put to an end, when he hears a high pitched squeal—
“DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?” You practically squirm in his hold, thrashing back and forth as you replay the scene of Chat Noir kissing Ladybug’s hand, as he bids farewell to her.
“He.. kissed her hand?”
“Yes!” You replay the scene, and you thrash around in your spot on the bed, practically fawning over the simple gesture. His expression falters when he sees you slip out of his grasp, and he can only gently pull you back in
When you kiss his cheek goodbye, as you part ways with him, he’s left sitting in silence. He doesn’t know what to think
I mean, it really could be a stretch of a situation. Why else would you be squealing watching such simple acts of romance— and it all seems too easy. Maybe you like guys similar to Chat Noir? who are natural romantics, and people that are just oozing of confidence? Maybe you love hand kisses? (It’s not like he doesn’t give you them, but.. out in public? not really.)
Or maybe.. there’s something else.
And maybe you like being called M’lady, and names similar to that? he doesn’t really know.
Which is why, he decides to binge at least half of the show, and understand the lore of “Miraculous | Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You’re puzzled when Shouto starts acting differently
I mean, it could be a dare for all you know— but he doesn’t seem like the type to drag out a dare for 5 days. He wouldn’t be that committed to a.. what would you call this?
It’s.. just different. He’s acting differently, and you could just hope it’s a prank, or even a drawn out consequence of a bet he manage to lose— it would be nice to know about the sudden change of attitude.
He says nothing the next time you guys have another miraculous marathon, nothing out of the ordinary! however, the youngest Todoroki seems to be wanting to do.. something.
As per usual, you’re seated next to him, a change compared to the usual times where you’re slumped against his side, which really— bugged your boyfriend.
Your eyes stayed glued onto the screen, as you attentively watched Chat Noir pull Ladybug down from a dangling roof, chest to chest, shushing her, as if he wanted to tell her all of the things that were on his mind at that exact moment
“It’s happening, it’s happening!” You squeal, as if it wasn’t the 10th time you played said scene— and by the looks of it, you’re a ‘ladynoir’ fan.
You can’t see it, but his two toned eyes narrow down into slits— and he grumbles, knowing that he probably should just.. do it. There’s not stopping it now, he’d take the chance.
When the moment nearly happened, you body made an impulse— and simply moved on it’s on, without much thought.
You wouldn’t have noticed it, due to the awfully large (to an outsider, it wasn’t a large distance, but to him, it was.) distance— but you’re awfully aware of the warm hand trailing down your forearm, your body immediately relaxes when he tugs on your arm with care, peppering kisses along your forearm, and going down to the backside of your hand.
“W-what are you doing?!” You exclaim in surprise, your cheeks heating up like a fresh batch of toast coming out of the toaster. Yet, your hot-cold boyfriend says nothing, and continues to plant kisses onto your skin with no hesitation.
Then, he makes a point to trail back higher and higher, every time his lips press against your skin, you only grow closer to the brink of overheating.
“I figured you’d be interested in such a gesture,” He mutters against the crook of your neck, not caring at all if the kiss he just pressed against your delicate skin, was rather damp at all.
You’re still stunned, you’d question whoever wouldn’t! A second ago, you were just watching cartoons and.. he was—
“I thought it would be nice to.. replicate them.” His gaze shifts onto the screen, referring to the cartoon, of course.
He.. was copying the show?
“You mean by.. flustering me like how Chat Noir flusters Ladybug?”
“You said it, not me.” Which only confirmed your previous theories and questions. You don’t know why and how you didn’t see this all before— but it does make sense now.
You fall forward, bursting into laughter. The effect of his actions seem to be the opposite of what he was hoping for
“I’m sorry, did I..”
“No! You actually got me, don’t get me wrong. You absolutely wooed me!” You poke at his cheek, in a poor attempt in brightening up the hush mood.
“In all seriousness, you don’t need to copy whatever Chat Noir does! Do what feels natural to you, and as much as I really liked that kiss, I prefer.. your signature style of kisses.” Shouto didn’t get the chance to question what you meant at that moment— it being all too quick, since you lifted his arm to rest against his side, your gaze suddenly apologetic “I’m sorry if you felt like you were doing things wrong. No character from a TV show can rival you!”
The knot that he didn’t even know existed, slowly eased away from the pit of his stomach. He smiles, content with your words— he didn’t know how you did it, how you knew the way to his heart with your words but.. he’s happy
“But it did work though, right? I did make you flustered.”
Yeah, Shouto is back to normal, when his terribly blunt questions come back.
And yeah, Chat Noir might be charismatic and swave, but at the end of the day— anything Shouto does fills you with satisfaction, up until the brim.
If it would be cartoon kisses, or his signature style of affection.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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battlemaiden13 · 3 years
Master List 1
Here are links to most of the questions/imagines I’ve answered before. This page is updated constantly and I hope it helps you find what your interested in.
I hope this works 
Asks list 
Skeleton Nicknames If your lost 
Clarification on Syrup and Berry
Mutt Vs Syrup 
House Next door (or other fanfiction) Specific asks
Thoughts on MC? (As of Hnd Chapter 56, Falling 10, M.A.G.E 5, RTSTZA 5)
HND mc saying “I love you, would you be my boyfriend” (Chapter 55)
The skeletons are just like family to MC (Reaction at chapter 56)
Swimming pool
Pets genders
where the Pets came from 
Pet’s bathroom explained
Doomfanger liking MC more then Edge or Red
What if reader met Berry and Edge First (not Blue and Papyrus) 
Where is HND set? 
Spending time with the skeletons
HND play Among Us
HND in Hogwarts houses 
HND Biggest Fear 
HND Skeletons jobs
HND house blueprints 
HND Kings court if an order was to kiss
HND kings court ordered to twerk 
Finding out about Orange and Syrup’s writing 
God and Goddess high school dating sim in HND
Snipers gift to reader in HND chapter 54
Skeletons rooms
HND brothers interacting with each other 
What would make the HND skeletons cry or get them really angry 
Random Headcanons 
RTSTZA Syrups reaction
RTSTZA have the skeletons encountered any other humans
Royal s/o Saga
Skeletons Meet their Royal S/o 
Orange and Syrup elaboration
Syrup getting closer to S/o
Princess and the Pauper
Parent Saga
Skeletons find out they’ve got a human pregnant 
S/o goes into labor early
Child's first word is dad
Taking care of small children
Child is kidnapped
Teaching the kids to deal with bullies
Skeletons as uncles
HT and UF as husbands and dads
Shy Child Trilogy PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Their child wants them to train them 
Headcanons for Undyne and Alphys
Would the Skeletons let a human boss them around? 
Could Humans do Magic?
Explosion scare
Who would be a Food Judge for a cooking contest
Younger brothers first words
Secretly drawing them
How do the skeletons react to you Singing for your food
What would make the boy's Soul glow?
You’re Oblivious
Sans’ personalities cooking skills
You’re ashamed of your Freckles 
Orange and honey food
What does Sniper cook?
S/o is already married PART 1, PART 2
Love Triangle PART 1, PART 2
Cracking bones PART 1, PART 2
Wrong number
Ecto-bodies PART 1, PART 2
Feelings on food trucks
Protective of skeletons brother 
S/o unaffected by the cold
Who would like entertainment venues?
Snippets of Syrup trapping Orange in his sleep
5’1” human physically picking up skeleton
Blue and Red & Berry and Orange Friendship Headcanons
Absentmindedly speak a pun
How they help you through grief
S/o acts as a parental figure towards their own siblings
Sans’ personalities worried about messes attracting bugs
Prank wars
Do the skeletons like hotels or similar things?
S/o is an introvert
Meeting S/o through Frisk/Chara
Clumsy S/o
Crush thinks they might be gay
Glued to skeletons in public 
Favourite tastes in food (Sweet, savory, ect.)
Curvy S/o wears tight clothing
Red with a super affectionate S/o 
S/o makes Red is favourite food to help him after a stressful day at work
s/o is desperate to make Syrup happy
S/o spoils the skeletons
Skeletons befriending a goofy human that tends to stare blankly in random intervals
Ghost Mc headcanons
S/o giggles at everything, even when gravely hurt
S/o dyes their hair but someone says it looks bad
S/o already has a partner but that partner is cheating on them
S/o is basically a walking pharmacy 
Timeline reset/reload before Skeleton met S/o 
Skeletons pretending to be prompts for halloween
Skeletons Feelings on halloween 
#/10 how good are the skeletons at carving pumpkins 
S/o making skeletons favourite food from scratch 
S/o has two very protective guard dogs
S/o is a secret dragon 
Walking in on brother and their s/o being cute 
 s/o having Asperger's/sensory overload?
S/o with a huge scar on their neck from trauma
Vintage Wardrobe 
Lovey dovey drunk
Where the skeletons prefer to live
City slicker S/o prefers small villages 
Overprotective brother
High fives
UF S/o is a professional chef
S/o thinks they are heavy because of something the skeletons said
Combo attacks
Trusting towards humans 
How the skeletons met their respective Undyne and Alphys
card games, computer online/mmos/ mmorpg games, and board games popularity
S/o asks do you want to have a bad time?
S/o who acts like Underfell Papyrus
Doomfanger gets attached to your cats
S/o makes their own custom prosthetics
Who likes Spongebob Squarepants 
Do compliments and praise go to the skeletons head
Who is comfortable walking around without a shirt 
Walking past a sleeping skeleton 
Positivity to cheer up depressed friend
Glomp tackle Friend 
Human bossing them around 
Can humans use magic
S/o gives amazing cuddles
NM, Ink, Dream, Error and Fresh crushing on the enemy 
Planning a Kid’s birthday party
Dream with a Goddess of Balance 
Looney tunes or Animaniacs 
S/o can’t sleep by themselves anymore 
Accidentally ripped skeletons scarf/jacket/bandana
S/o watching christmas movies early
S/o stress cleans from emotional trauma
Skeletons Swimsuits
S/o tells the skeletons they make them feel safe
Skeletons covered in marker
S/o with the same sleep schedule as Orange 
S/o sewed their skeleton a new set of clothing 
What confuse the skeletons about human anatomy 
San’s personalities met the swap version of the fallen child 
S/o acts like a motherly figure 
Orange and Syrup with a S/o with super long hair
Biggest pet peeves
Confused the skeletons when they reached the surface 
S/o never blushes 
S/o has a phobia of doctors and dentists 
Reaction to learning of mosquitos and blood drives 
Growing food 
Syrup drinking maple syrup
Cursed arm 
Bad Argument with S/o
S/o saying they like the skeletons laugh
Skeleton Birthdays 
S/o is easily sunburnt and found passed out in the yard
Classic, Geno, Error, and Fresh, how they act when they are cuddled by their s/o
Neighbour jumps out with a water gun
Which of the skeletons are overprotective 
Mettaton and Napstaton types of actors and musicians 
Do the Skeletons consider themselves professional chefs
MC is a meme lord 
S/o is cold all the time 
Complicated family Tree
Skeletons Favourite bad Movies 
Skeletons as Disney Princesses 
S/o has never been in a relationship 
S/o is suddenly fearful of skeletons 
S/o has an at home daycare
S/o cracking bones 
Grillby Headcannons 
Laughing box in the hand trick
Papyrus and Blue are challenged to a serious rumble 
Would the skeletons let a touch their Ectobody
S/o is expressive in body language 
S/o has tourettes 
Halloween costumes for 2020
Skeletons crush has a crush on their brother 
Do the skeletons need glasses 
Papyrus and Blue cursing 
S/o with an interesting pet
Would Syrup admit he’s a yandere 
The skeletons as Henry VIII wives
Friendship headcannons with a pair of brothers 
Berry and Syrup in a poly relationship 
Dating someone with ADHD
Edge with a Clingy S/o
Syrup with a insecure S/o who craves affection
S/o encounter with a were creature 
Kundere fawning over a pet 
S/o stress bakes 
S/o is very fast with tasks 
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himbo-kuto · 3 years
number one
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i hope all of you dealing with finals are kickin some ass out there!! i know right now it feels like finals are kickin our ass but WE BAD BITCHES AND WE WONT GO DOWN WITHOUT A GOOD FIGHT!!! i hope that this fluffy ass brainrot of a drabble helps relieve some of the stress!!
pairing: reader x daichi genre: marshmallow fluff  warnings: it gets spicy for like a second / one (1) curse word / mentions timeskip daichi word count: 2.1k banner credit: @ etcetera.art on instagram
with the end of the semester coming to an end, the amount of stress that has been piling on your shoulders was getting almost unbearable. yesterday was your third day staying up past 4am and daichi was starting to worry about your health. at first he understood, knowing that you worked more efficiently at night, but he couldn’t help but notice the darkness pooling under your eyes. sure you sat in bed with him curled around you in the weirdest of formations as he tried to work around your little set up. but he missed the feeling of your warmth and the feeling was more than mutual. you felt yourself growing cranky as all you wanted to do was be enveloped in his big strong arms while getting lost in his eyes as he cuddled you to sleep. 
it was a typical work day for daichi, having gone to the station early in the morning when you were seeing yourself to bed. when you woke up from your nap, that short interaction felt like such a blur, but what he didn’t know was that after days of grinding out paper after paper, having meeting after meeting, (at least for tonight) you were able to take some time off. you were determined to use all of this free time dedicated to your man. that led you to ordering both of your favorite meals and decorating your room with all the fairy lights and fake decorative candles you could find within your possession. 
daichi has always been a pillar of support for you, even before you two started dating you always knew that he was a dependable man. whether that was staying up late with you in a panic as you had lost a whole section of your research paper and had to rewrite it, or driving to get you your favorite coffee after work, you really appreciated everything he has done for you.  only god knows what you did in your life to deserve a man such as sawamura daichi. 
you had just finished drying your hair as you heard the sound of the keypad unlocking the door. a faint squeak escaped your lips as you quickly grabbed his favorite perfume and gave yourself a few quick spritzes. giving the room the quickest final glance, you charged through the living room making it just in time to greet him as he came through the door.
“welcome home!!” 
you flashed him the biggest smile before leaping into his arms. he didn’t even have the chance to respond as you were quick to shower his face with kisses. you were like a puppy that was excited to see their parents after a long day. all he could do is let out a chuckle as he tried to return them all back to you. 
“you don’t have any work to do?” you shook your head as you jumped off of him. 
the giddiness bubbling inside you was about to overflow, you were more than ready to fully bask in his presence and catch up on events that you weren’t able to talk about before. you whined as you tugged on the sleeve of his jacket, wanting him to hurry up and if anyone was perspective to your emotions it was daichi. he laughed as he quickly discarded the garments of his uniform. the giddiness was contagious as he too felt the sense of urgency to be with you. he was about to hang them up but you were quick to take the job from him. you wanted to pamper him today, it was the least you could do.
“go take a shower, i’ll bring you your clothes.” 
the kiss he planted on your forehead sent a shiver down your spine, all his touches from his lips all the way down to his fingertips felt like a jolt of electricity. he wrapped his arms around your waist, trailing the kisses down from your temple to the crook of your neck (his favorite scent not going unnoticed) and like it was instinctive, your fingers combed through his short hair.
“you’re not going to join me?” you were quick to slap his back with a laugh, before pulling away to cup his cheeks in your hands. 
“not today tiger, but i promise i’ll make it up to you hm?” 
you planted a kiss right on his nose making daichi putty in your hands. he was so in love with you, looking at you with such fondness it felt like he was under a spell. now it was his turn to whine as he buried his face back into your neck, taking a deep breath. it was endearing to see him act like such a baby when he was viewed as such a strong figure. you gave his bum a pat, trying to encourage him.
“come on you big baby, your favorite ramen awaits!” he quickly shot up from your neck, only to have his eyes light up like saucers. 
“from down the street?” you could almost see the drool beginning to fall out of his mouth.
“well duuuh--” 
even before you could finish he released you, quickly scurrying down the hall and into the bathroom to take the quickest shower of his life. you shook your head as you were just bested by some ramen. nonetheless you grabbed daichi’s most comfortable pj’s and set them down on the sink counter before going to prepare all the food. you wanted it to feel like a fancy restaurant with nice mood lighting so you lit some more candles and put on some ambient jazz music. 
it wasn’t long before you felt a warm embrace from behind, the softness of his arms with the pillowiness of his sweater made you feel as though you were on cloud nine. you took that moment to slow down time. for the past few weeks it felt as though your mind had been running at a mile a minute, so it was nice to have this time to just be. turning around, you wrapped your arms around his torso, pulling him as close as possible. he immediately conformed to your body, resting his cheek on top of your head. 
“i missed you bug..” it was barely a whisper, but you heard him loud and clear. 
the little nickname he gave you from back in highschool still made your heart flutter. snuggling deeper into the crook of his neck, you took in a deep breath. it was as if you wanted to remember the scent of this very moment. 
a moment where you were completely and utterly his. 
“i missed you too bub..” you both stayed like that for a few moments longer before his growling stomach cut brought you back to reality. a laugh left your lips as you pulled away from him. 
“let’s get some food into that stomach, yeah?”
the next few hours were spent just catching up on each other’s lives. whenever you spoke about your day, your classes or just needed someone to listen he always gave you his undivided attention and of course, you wanted to reciprocate that (another reason as to why you felt bad for working so late so many days in a row). at this point in time, the food was long gone but you two were just so immersed in each other’s conversation that when you looked at the clock it was already 11:30pm. letting out a yawn, you stretched your arms up into the air-- you honestly couldn’t remember the last time you were able to even think about getting into bed at this time. 
“come on let’s clean up so we can get you to sleep at a normal time.” you were thankful that everything was able to be thrown away, leaving cleaning to a minimum. daichi began to make his way to the bedroom but before he could open the door, you grabbed him by the back of his shirt nearly decapitating him.
“what happened?” 
you didn’t answer him, sneaking around his figure to peak ever so slightly peak through the door to make sure all your preparations were still in place. daichi began to grow curious, raising his eyebrow at your actions. you only gave him a cheeky smile as you took his hand and led him into the bedroom. 
he was confused at first as the room was dark, but as you pressed a button, all the fairy lights followed by the candles illuminated the room. daichi turned to you with such a look of appreciation, it almost made you burst out in tears. 
“what’s this?” he took your hands into his with a gentleness that can only be explained by an irrational fear that any sudden movements could have you disappearing into thin air. you squeezed his hands, reassuring him that you were right there with him.
“i just wanted to thank you for always supporting me even if i’m not able to cuddle your big bear body every night or having a complete breakdown at two in the morning.” you pouted up at him, bringing his hands around your waist before wrapping your own arms around his neck. 
“this night is all yours and i’m willing to do whatever you want… i’m yours.” you should’ve known that you would have been met with a shit eating grin as you said that, but the longing look in your eyes didn’t falter as you truly were down for whatever. he didn’t waste any time as he connected his lips to yours. it was a slow kiss that told you that daichi was trying to relish in this moment-- the way your lips felt against his or how your fingers lightly massaged his scalp.
he pulled you in close as his hands explored your body. it had been a while since you two have gotten intimate and the neediness behind his touches definitely exemplified that. the way his hands lingered on your skin or how his hands gripped your waist all sent shivers down your spine. his hands drifted downwards, taking a temporary residency on your supple booty, as he simply admired all the wonders your body had to offer. a tap of his finger was his signal for you to jump up. you quickly obliged, hopping up and linking your legs around his waist. 
he brought you over to the bed and while you usually braced yourself for the impact of being thrown down, you were surprised to have met such a soft and gentle landing. daichi was aware of this from the way you relaxed the tensed muscles in your back.
“you really expected me to throw you like a rag doll, huh?” sticking your tongue out at him, you took his face into your hands, planting kisses starting at his forehead all the way down to his lips. you hoped that with each kiss you were able to convey how much you truly loved and adored him. he stayed like that for a bit, enough time for you to really study his features in the dim light. 
he still looked like how he did in high school, apart from the hair and the faint lines on his forehead. your thumb lightly brushed over his cheek, remembering that incident during the spring tournament and the tooth he lost. this led your fingers south, landing on his lips. the ones that have given you kisses with an expanse of messages. 
i love you i miss you i need you i want you i support you i’m not going anywhere
you hadn’t even noticed his eyes on you, most likely doing the same thing you were. he flashed you the kind of smile that you wish he wouldn’t show to the world. it’s the kind of smile that you wish you could bottle up and save for a rainy day. it would make you drop everything you were doing to catch even a glimpse. even in your dimly lit bedroom, he still managed to shine brighter than any light. 
daichi laid on his back, pulling you completely on top of him. he dipped his hands under your shirt and up your back. he knew you loved when he drew little shapes and letters, often playing little spelling games. 
“it feels nice to hold you instead of competing for your attention with a computer” you laughed as you nuzzled your nose into his jaw. 
“you know you’re always my number one, sawamura.” 
you only ever used his last name if you were serious, really only saving it for special times like this one. he hummed in response, continuing to draw little stars on your back. a few minutes passed and daichi knew you were fast asleep. from the way your breaths deepened to your body completely relaxing into his, he knew you all too well. he pulled the covers over your bodies, making sure to cover your shoulders knowing they got cold easily. he planted a kiss on your forehead, leaving his lips there for a brief moment before going back to resting his cheek on your head. down the road, he would definitely have to thank whatever higher being brought you to him.
“and you’re my number one”
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moonxvxsun · 3 years
would love to see the emeto questions with lelani kai and avi if you’d like! -sickstarlight
hello lovely 🦋 thank you so much for the ask. sorry it took some time but I truly enjoyed doing this, it helped me so much with world building
I also want to say I absolutely adore your blog
1. Cough or burp or hiccup when throwing up?
lelani coughs and burps when they are throwing up. but more often than not they are burping, if lelani is burping, it's usually a sign that she's nauseous.
2. Make the biggest mess in the world or make it to the toilet in time?
lelani tries to keep things neat when they are sick, but they hate sitting in the bathroom and hovering over the toilet. lelani get's horribly seasick and even just looking at the toilet water when they're nauseous can make them feel a thousand times worse. if there isn't a bucket or other container around lelani is known to try everything to avoid going to the bathroom and ends up making a huge mess. even in the bathroom because of what looking at the toilet water does for her, she ends up making a huge mess.
3. Little and often or one huge gush and everything’s done?
lelani throws up often when sick. it is never a one-and-done thing with her, if she has eaten a lot and has a bug she will be sick and throwing up for days. if it's a shorter thing she will be throwing up very little amounts all day. she finds it very annoying because she can not throw up a lot at once unless they're very sick but then they're still throwing up for days.
4. Like belly rubs when having an upset tummy or don’t like being touched at all?
lelani loves tummy rubs when she is feeling sick. even if it makes things worse, she loves the touch and affection and always hides if it's making things worse.
5. Retch loudly or quietly?
lelani is a very quiet sickie, she is small and delicate and it shows even when she's sick. she is usually retching very quietly
6. Sticks their fingers down their throat to get everything up or leave it to happen naturally?
lelani refuses to use her fingers. everything has to be done naturally, she is very sensitive about it.
7. Prefer the toilet or a bucket?
bucket 1000%
8. Feel comfortable vomiting in front of their S/O or like to be alone?
lelani doesn't enjoy being sick around kai or avi but they don't mind it. they like being taken care of but they hate feeling like a burden.
9. Slow nauseous build-up or sudden vomiting?
slow nauseous build-up. lelani typically feels nauseous for a very long time before getting sick, which usually gives her time to find a bucket or something. however, this is not always the case.
10. Feel better straight away or take a long time to recover?
usually starts to feel better right away, but they're usually very tired and wanting to cuddle and be held.
11. What’s their emotional response to vomiting? Do they get anxious and teary or are they stoic?
lelani get's really anxious when they're feeling sick. they hate being sick because they feel like a burden and her parents always yelled at her when she was sick. she has mostly gotten over apologizing when she is sick because avi and now kai have been so kind to her. 12. What’s their most common cause of being sick?
period cramps and motion sickness v b 13. Do fevers make them nauseous, and do they ever get them to the point of actually throwing up?
lelani does get dizzy and a bit nauseous sometimes when they have a fever. but not often, they very rarely throw up with just a regular fever if it isn't linked to a stomach bug. 14. How often do they throw up?
lelani throws up typically every month with her period. 15. Go-to remedy to feel better after vomiting?
water and cuddles from avi and now kai.
1. Cough or burp or hiccup when throwing up?
kai hiccups and burps when throwing up. kai very rarely hiccups more often than not if he is hiccuping he is nauseous. that is like the number one sign that kai is not feeling well.
2. Make the biggest mess in the world or make it to the toilet in time?
kai more often than not makes it to the toilet in time, but not always. but usually, he can tell he's going to be sick and can make it to the bathroom.
3. Little and often or one huge gush and everything’s done?
usually, one sitting and he is empty. but his one sitting can last over an hour, but then he is usually empty and is just in pain.
4. Like belly rubs when having an upset tummy or don’t like being touched at all?
kai is very sensitive about physical touch. he doesn't mind touching and cuddling his partners as long as he is in control. when he feels weak and not in control it scares him because of his past. so when he is sick he really doesn't like to be touched unless he asks for it.
5. Retch loudly or quietly?
kai is unbelievably loud. there is literally no way he can hide that he is sick, everyone everywhere knows when he is sick.
6. Sticks their fingers down their throat to get everything up or leave it to happen naturally?
kai tries to leave everything to happen naturally, but he is also very impatient and is known to stick his fingers down his throat from time to time.
7. Prefer the toilet or a bucket?
toilet, he feels it's less messy and more private.
8. Feel comfortable vomiting in front of their S/O or like to be alone?
kai tries to be alone, but in reality, he wants comfort. he doesn't care about being sick in front of others but he hates being a burden and having people worry about him.
9. Slow nauseous build-up or sudden vomiting?
there is a slow build-up, he can usually tell that he's going to be sick and has the time to make it to a bathroom or bucket.
10. Feel better straight away or take a long time to recover?
kai usually doesn't feel better right away. he tends to get everything out of his system right away, but then he has to stay hydrated and try to eat and it just restarts their nausea again.
11. What’s their emotional response to vomiting? Do they get anxious and teary or are they stoic?
kai is very timid and teary when he is sick. he feels horrible physically, but also mentally and emotionally feeling like he is a burden and not man enough to take care of himself. 12. What’s their most common cause of being sick?
shockingly it is food poisoning, kai, because he is so busy with his own business rarely pays attention to what he eats and misses the 'eat by' date. 13. Do fevers make them nauseous, and do they ever get them to the point of actually throwing up?
kai is often very nauseous when he has a fever, however, he tries to avoid eating therefore rarely gets sick. 14. How often do they throw up?
kai does not throw up often which is why when he does, it takes him out for a few days. 15. Go-to remedy to feel better after vomiting?
water and crackers!
1. Cough or burp or hiccup when throwing up?
avi is usually coughing when throwing up, they tend to have coughing fits that lead to vomiting. avi can throw up even with a cold because coughing seems to trigger it for them.
2. Make the biggest mess in the world or make it to the toilet in time?
avi makes the biggest mess in the world. when they are about to be sick there is no warning. it goes from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds. the only exception is with their period that because they know when that's coming.
3. Little and often or one huge gush and everything’s done?
little and often! avi will be throwing up when sick for hours and even days. the only exception is with their period the pain and vomiting is usually the first few days only.
4. Like belly rubs when having an upset tummy or don’t like being touched at all?
avi loves tummy rubs so much! even when they're not sick, but especially when they are sick.
5. Retch loudly or quietly?
avi is loud! everyone in the house will know that they are sick. loud and messy!
6. Sticks their fingers down their throat to get everything up or leave it to happen naturally?
they always try to let things happen naturally and very rarely will use their fingers.
7. Prefer the toilet or a bucket?
no preference, though they try to keep things clean so the toilet seems to be better for that. but being able to use a bucket anywhere also has its perks.
8. Feel comfortable vomiting in front of their S/O or like to be alone?
avi prefers to be alone, though their s/o's are usually right there to comfort them. the reason they prefer to be alone is that they think being sick is gross and that everyone else feels the same way. the truth is though, once someone starts to hold them and rub their stomach they never want them to leave.
9. Slow nauseous build-up or sudden vomiting?
this is about 50/50 for avi. they really just have the worst luck it feels like. their sickness can come on so suddenly or there is a slow, long, almost torturous build-up.
10. Feel better straight away or take a long time to recover?
avi takes a long time to recover, never feeling better after getting sick. because they retch so loudly their stomach and throat always hurt, even if not nauseous anymore they are just in a tremendous amount of pain.
11. What’s their emotional response to vomiting? Do they get anxious and teary or are they stoic?
avi is usually pretty stoic. not wanting to worry anyone because they feel gross and look gross they don't want anyone to see them that way. although they tend to break down when people see them that way. the only exception is if they get sick on their period because it's more common and planned. 12. What’s their most common cause of being sick?
there isn't something that makes them sick more often than other things. it's genuinely random. 13. Do fevers make them nauseous, and do they ever get them to the point of actually throwing up?
fevers don't typically make avi nauseous. 14. How often do they throw up?
honestly, it depends, because there isn't a sure-fire thing that makes them sick, it really depends on how their year is going. 15. Go-to remedy to feel better after vomiting?
avi's go-to remedy is gatorade and tummy rubs!
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What I’ve Done
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Dean x Reader
Warnings: It’s a dark-ish one, angst, language, spn level gore, spn 15x19 spoilers, fluffy end
Summary: It’s the final showdown, Sam, Dean, Jack and the reader against Chuck. But Chuck somehow gets to the reader controlling her every move.
DTRH Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: Italics is the reader.
a/n #2: This has been bugging me for a few days, I wrote this in like, 2 days. Feedback is much appreciated.
“Y/N?” Dean asked.
Sam, Dean and Y/N were face to face with Chuck.
Her face was totally blank and emotionless.
“Three versus one, don’t you guys think that’s a bit unfair.” Chuck says in an evil tone. “How ‘bout I take Y/N on my side and make the odds fair.” He gestures y/n to join his side.
She walked over to Chuck’s side. Dean looking offended and hurt.
“Dean, it’s mind control. Look at Y/N.” Sam says.
“Her eyes have a red color to them. Sam, I can’t hurt her.”
“Which is why I picked her. I knew you wouldn’t hurt her; she wouldn’t hurt you. I’ll love the outcome of this story.” Chuck says, looking confident once again. “Y/N, get him.”
Her eyes flashed red; her sights set on Dean.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there, fight him.” Dean tried to get to her as he backed away from her as she advanced him.
She doesn’t respond.
Dean! Please get away from me!
“Y/N, Please!” He begged. Turning to run in the forest to try to lose her.
“Now, Sam. Let’s have some fun.” Chuck says eyeing Sam.
 She was still fairly close to Dean as he tried to give her the slip in the forest.
“Please, baby, please.” Dean began to panic. Unsure of what to do.
But she caught up. Grabbing a fist full of his shirt and coat. Landing a hard punch to his face. Breaking the skin, cutting his cheek immediately from the force.
“Y/N, Please I know you’re in there. I know how strong you are. Fight him, he’s got nothing on you.” Dean tried again.
I’m trying Dean, it’s God after all. Now, fight back and get away from me!
But she kept punching him.
Dean’s face now swollen, a black eye, split lip and cheek as he struggled to breathe.
“Y/N, I love you baby. I know you must be fighting hard.”
Dean, he’s too strong, you have to kill me. Fight back. SOMETHING!
“But I can’t live with hurting you,” he says, as if he heard her plea.
“I love you too damn much sweetheart.”
Dean, please!
Y/N began to hesitate, she was winning.
“Y/N?” Dean questioned.
“Dean, please get away from me.” Y/N forced out, fighting Chuck.
“You’re almost out of it baby, keep fighting.” Dean urged.
“I have no control over my body Dean,” Y/N says as her hand that had his shirt and coat moved to his shoulder.
“I know it must be hard baby, I’ve seen you fight some tough things. Me included you can fight anything.” Dean continued.
“Y/N, Fight him!” Dean shouted.
She felt Chuck’s power taking hold. She grunted and groaned in the pain it took to fight him.
“Finish him!” Chuck yelled from the edge of the forest.
The red flashed over her eyes again, and her free hand drove itself through his chest, his heart in hand.
She pulled her hand from Dean’s chest, dropping his heart to his side. Dean fell over with a thud on the forest ground.
“NO!” Y/N Shouted with such force. She forced Chuck out.
“This is for Dean, you son of a bitch.” Jack says.
Jack brings his hands to Chuck, drawing his power from him. Making Jack a new God.
“Dean.” Y/N choked as she crawled to him.
He laid lifeless on his side in a pool of his own blood.
“Dean, I’m so sorry.” She cried.
Sobs tore through her as she let out a pained cry. Falling to her knees.
Jack ran over to Dean and Y/N, Sam in toe.
“Jack, can you---”
“I’m way ahead of you Sam.”
And with a snap of his fingers, Dean takes in a breath of air. His chest wound healed. As if she didn’t just rip his heart out.
On her knees next to Dean, she has her face in her hands crying fiercely.
Dean, without saying anything, brings her to his arms holding her close in his embrace.
Despite her trembling in his hold, he kept calm for her sake.
“It’s okay sweetheart, I’m right here.” He soothed in her ear, over and over again.
 She laid her head down to sleep that night. But is plagued by the images from her fight with Chuck she can’t forget.
“I love you sweetheart.” She heard Dean whisper.
She remembered the feeling of her hand driving through his chest and grabbing his heart. She remembered all of it.
She knew it was a nightmare, when Dean was standing before her, a blood red blotch on his shirt where his heart was ripped out. With an apologetic smile on his face, holding his hand out for her to hold.
She tearfully shook her head before she fell to her knees to cry.
She shot awake clutching her blanket, trying to shake her nightmare.
I have to. She thought. As she got up out of bed and out of her room. She made her way to Dean’s room.
She quietly opened his door, slowly entering.
She can see his sleeping form in the dark room, the only light coming from the hallway.
Miracle’s head perked up as she woke him up, but doesn’t bark or make any noise, sensing she’s upset.
Tears began to well up in her eyes.
He’s okay. She thought with a sigh of relief.
And she sniffled.
Dean stirred, feeling someone in his room. And hearing a sniffle behind him.
He turns to sit up and face her.
“Y/N?” He asks, confused yet concerned. “What’s up, are you okay?”
“Dean,” she says, holding back cries.
He gets up out of bed, concerned for her.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong, what’s got you crying?” he asked. As he got to her, hands on her shoulders.
She stood at chest height to the eldest Winchester, she flinched at her minds eye tricking her in seeing a blood red blotch on the chest of his shirt. She turns her head away.
“Talk to me sweetie, what’s got you upset?”
“Nightmare.” She breathed.
“Lets hang out for minute.” Dean suggests.
He walks her out of his room and to the Dean Cave. Thanks to Mrs. Butters, the TV is fixed and fully functional.
He knows that watching some movies, like comedy’s, cartoons, would help take her mind off of bad hunts. And after the events at the lake with Chuck, he knew what her nightmare was about without even having to ask her.
He pops in one of his personal favorites, Caddyshack.
Y/N and Dean sat side by side on the couch, but that only lasted for one millisecond. Once Dean sat down after popping the movie in, he takes Y/N by the arm and guides her to lay at his side for a little cuddling comfort.
It didn’t take long for the walls to break at his embrace.
“It’s okay baby, I’m right here. Nothing’s going to hurt your or me, anymore.” He soothes.
One movie turned into three. She calmed down after the first movie, crying on and off during Caddyshack. She would move off of Dean some so he could change the movie.
During, Bounty Hunter, he felt her relax against him and her breathing had evened out and slowed down some. He looked down and seen she fallen asleep against him.
He heard a pair of footsteps enter the Dean Cave.
“Dean.” Sam whispers.
“Hey Sammy, what time is it?” Dean asked, wondering why Sam’s up so early.
“It’s after 5 in the morning. Have you two been up all night?”
“Not really, she had a bad nightmare that had her crying. Thought I’d sit up with her watching some movies.”
“You two are perfect for each other, how you guys can keep each other in check.”
“I wouldn’t want to mess this up.”
“You wouldn’t Dean, if anything, it’d be making it stronger and better.”
“I suppose.”
“Is she asleep?” Sam asked.
“She is.”
Sam doesn’t say anything, he hurries to Dean’s room. Knowing the type of blanket that Dean has that Sam caught her cuddled in after a bad hunt that had Dean in the hospital. She slept in her room but with this blanket of Dean’s.
He came back to the Dean cave, draping it across the two on the couch.
“It may not be comfortable, but you need sleep Dean.” Sam suggests.
“I’m sure I’ll crash here in a few.” Dean says. He yawns not long after admitting he was tired.
He let his eyes fall closed, and he fell asleep holding his girl.
Sam only shook his head with a smile at Dean. He left them be, but Miracle joined them by sleep by the couch next to Dean.
FEEDBACK IS FUEL! Let me know what you thought, Like, reblog or send an ask what you thought, if you want to be added to a tag list. Anything. :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @akshi8278​, @jayankles​, @jeaniespiehs20​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 1/29/2021
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eirenical · 3 years
1 and 2 for the writing meta prompt please!
Thank you, @flamingwell
[If anyone else would like to send questions, here is the list. ^_^]
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oooooooh boy. Well, I have quite a few. XD So, how about we just go through the ones I have actively open in Word right now?
Legacies Found: The Untamed, sequel to Legacies Lost. This is a giant canon divergent AU that I've been working on for well over a year at this point. There is one key thing that I changed (and in the interest of spoilers, I'm not going to say what, but if you're curious and don't mind spoilers then, by all means, come ask and I'll tell you all about it. ;D) and it affected everything in-universe, some for the better, some for the worse. Here's the AO3 summary:
Sixteen years ago, the Yiling Patriarch died, a victim to his own hubris and the Yin Tiger Seal. Hundreds of cultivators from many different sects died with him that day, their souls forever doomed to find no rest, even in death. On this, the 16th anniversary of the battle of Qiongqi Pass, Jin Ling is determined to make pilgrimage, to try to put the spirit of his long-lost father to rest. He finds much more than he bargained for, and what he finds… will change everything.
And in the sequel, things have progressed significantly from this point, but the people involved are still broken in various ways, not quite at the point of healing yet, but getting there. The plot is opening up to the wider world and new characters are going to be introduced, and I'm having a lot of fun writing it, but it is SO MUCH SLOWER GOING. OTZ
Mirror, Mirror: I talked about this one extensively in this post, and it hasn't really progressed any further from there. XD This is a Guardian AU based on a short film that Zhu Yilong did with Li Bingbing called "Into the Mirror" (there's a link in the other post).
Reclamation: *eg* For anyone who's been following my Whumptober series (yes, I know we're WELL past October OTZ) of fics that I've been writing for Granting You a Dreamlike Life, this is the latest in the series. This monster is already almost 18K words and it's... it's a LOT. The story is a canon-divergent AU that starts out mostly overlapping canon during episode 35 and begins to diverge somewhere between there and episode 36. I leaned REALLY hard into the whump on this one, went really self-indulgent and wrote the fic that I would most want to read for this fandom, because I was pretty damned sure that no one else would write it or would take it as far and as dark as I wanted it to go if they did. And this particular story is the darkest of the bunch so far. ^_~ I'm not going to link directly to this one, because this is definitely a HEED THE TAGS situation, but if anyone's interested in some really, REALLY dark GYADL fic... hit me up and I'll be happy to tell you more. ^_^ (And for those who just want to look for themselves, you can find it under #eirenical does whumptober or on my AO3 where the series name is "Indefinitely." ^_^)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I think I've talked enough about my current projects, so how about some future projects for this one? ^_^
(...and how about under a cut because this is getting kind of long...)
The Lost Tomb Reboot
I have... several fic at the plotty stage for TLTR, and I just added a new one to the list this morning. XD
Ershu fic: So, for anyone who's been following my TLTR journey, you know I'm obsessed with Ershu. I LOVE HIM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And you know what happens when I love a character, right? Right? I WANT TO BREAK THEM. *coughs* Anyway, something happens to Ershu in S2 of TLTR that I won't go into detail about because spoilers, but essentially, he's betrayed and ends up in the hands of the person who betrayed him with no one else being the wiser and with him helpless and unable to tell anyone. And there are just... all KINDS of dark, fucked up possibilities there, and just like the Whumptober series, I AM going to write that fic, even if no one but me ends up reading it. ;D
Probably post-canon domestic bliss fic: For those of you who enjoy WHIPLASH ;D, I just honestly want ALL THE SOFT DOMESTIC IRON TRIANGLE. ALL OF IT. And I want Wu Xie and Ershu to have an opportunity to sit down and actually TALK about things (e.g., their need for a family heir), instead of trying to one-up each other. Special appearances by all the ducklings, Xiao Bai's girlfriend, and Lia Jiale and Jia Kezi (...my fic, my rules, we ignore canon when we want to ^_^) having an ...oh moment, and sweet, soft cuddles for Liu Sang and Kan Jian because they're adorable and I love them, too. (I have no idea if this is all going in one fic or if it will be a series of slice of life things, but I just want everyone to get their happily ever after IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK???)
Post-canon Huo Daofu and Xiao Ge... time-sharing Wu Xie?: IDEK what to call what's going on here, but... yeah. XD (See, @elenothar, I haven't forgotten! ;D) To crib from another post... I really do think that Xiao ge loves Wu Xie and loves being with him and all that that entails, but that he gets… restless.  A little feral cat, if you will.  And he just needs to wander off and be on his own for a while sometimes.  And I would love to see a permutation where it’s just kind of understood that he and Huo Daofu just kind of… share Wu Xie.  ^_^  Not in a threesome way, but in a way that they both understand each other’s claim on Wu Xie and neither of them wants him to be alone, so they just kind of… work that out between them.  Like he's a time share. (OMG, I have to be careful of how often I use that phrase for this fic or I'm going to end up calling it that as a title. XD)
DMBJ x Highlander xover that I just came up with literally this morning: No, seriously, this LITERALLY just popped into my head as I was waking up this morning. It was a wild fucking ride, too. O_o;;; ANYWAY, I'm probably going to make a separate headcanon/plotty post for this one, but basically I just randomly woke up thinking... Duncan was an antique dealer in the late 80s/early 90s in the US. Wu Xie is an antique dealer in China, now, and his family has been involved in the antique trade for a... VERY long time. Maybe Duncan did some business with the Wu family. Maybe he met Wu Xie as a kid. Maybe he knew Xiao ge even EARLIER than that (like 100 years earlier). Maybe post-canon Highlander, Duncan starts getting back into the antique trade by helping to quietly repatriate artifacts and comes to China to deal with the Wu family to do that, and meets Wu Xie again... and Xiao ge. And has a WTF moment because Xiao ge ISN'T an Immortal like he is, but he doesn't look a day older than when they met 100 years ago and just... WTF?? And Wu Xie is looking at Duncan and looking at Xiao ge and having a WTF moment of his own because is EVERYONE immortal except him and Pangzi?? And... I just think that would be a lot of fun to play with. ;D
The Care and Training of a Former Megalomaniac V and VI, maybe?: OK, so this idea isn't really concrete, but I still want to play with it. I want to do something to tackle Ye Zun's past with the Rebel Leader and the trauma that that left behind, and I'm thinking he'll end up having a good (...drunk) talk with Da Qing about it.
Another idea I had (MUCH more concrete) was based off my own poor lazy bb. He LOVES to catch bugs. LOVES IT. He gets SO EXCITED and SO into it... but sometimes the bugs fly up to the ceiling. And Gabriel is comfy in my lap and doesn't want to move. So he will swat at the bug... halfheartedly. And then he will turn around and complain to me when it won't come down to be swatted at again. Like I can somehow make it come down so he can play with it? IDEK. XD ANYWAY. I had a vivid mental image of Da Qing doing this to Ye Zun and somehow convincing him to actually... bring the bug down. Using his powers. And someone at the SID detects Ye Zun using his powers so ZYL and SW race home... to find Ye Zun... using his powers... to tether bugs for Da Qing to play with. And I just think that would be hilarious. XD
...I think that's everything in the mental kiddy right now? XD
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bluepallilworld · 4 years
Hey I made a ship kid ! I never thought I'd make one someday. But I put the blame on @zu-is-here for this (and @help-im-a-gay-fish and @ginganinga-xox because why not). It's a dark cream child.
Oh I forgot to tag @official-darkxunshine-kids
Say hello to Mimosa!
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[I should update a bit the infos here at one point]
Name: Mimosa (From a star in the constellation of the Southern Cross)
Full name: Mimosa Blade Screwdriver (name's pretty much never used)
Kind: squeleton boi
birthday: 19th of february (2012 baby)
Likes: fluffy things, listening to stories, be surrounded by friendly faces, his squishy tentacles, grabbing things, finding colorful fabric...
Dislikes: being ignored, sad faces, blushing too much, spicy food, being away from his adopted family for too long.
Sibling: Mu
Friends: Lint, Mynn
This is 8, 9, 10 and 11 years old Mimosa refs↓ baby boi is now 12 so these designs are the old. The current one is the one at the start of the ref↑
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Mimosa likes to hold his tentacles like a Teddy Bear. He can't really control them (one day perhaps) so if he release them, the tentacles are just gonna be dragging behind him.
He just appeared one day and stayed. He's kinda adopted but he doesn't care at all. However, he really wants to blend in the family.
He has a habit of tearing up fabric he found to put on his clothes with sloppy stitches.
He's pretty much useless in battles despite his odd robustness. He tried to used his tentacles like a whip one time and only end up hurting himself.
Mimosa lives in @creative-firebug 's dark cream family !
Boyo has a whole backstory ! I'm lazy so just click on this link to have the resume with links towards each work related to his backstory→ HERE
Dark cream family writings
Important infos towards his magic capacity !
Color of magic!
Mimosa's favorite onesie!
Socks / redraw
Still socks
Halloween costume
Disney prince and princess
Mimosa likes his sis
Knifu with Draco
His baby version (at the bottom of the post)
His teen version
His adult version (future timeline)
His demon version
Ready to steal your socks!/ Demon Mimosa
Socks have been stolen/demon Mimosa
His human version
His adult+human version
Goth mermaid Mimosa, no comment
A badly draw comic about how he met his sib'
Spooky kid (spooky tw)
Screenshot game/ weird faces
Having fun with picrew 1
Christmas art
Blancket cuddles (ask)
Not a baby anymore ! (ask)
Doodle dump
Baby wants up (baby version)
Huggie (ask)(hug request from Kotika)
The (ask)
Pancakus (Kenzie)
French of the fries (Kenzie)
Demon Mimosa (Ama)
Mimosa (Ama)
He loves you (Ama)
Time to steal socks/demon Mimosa (Red anon)
Cakes! (Red anon)
The group/human adults+kid (Karma)
Family power! (Bug)
Butterflies aren't knifes!/Writing (Bug)
Lil' doodle (Bug)
Cute siblings together (Bug)
Mimosa, the bean (AC)
Shipkid september (Taffy)
Humfem!demon!Mimosa OwO (Bengallemon)
Birthday ! (Drag)
Meeting the "alternate sis'" (Drag')
Also birthday (Tsar)
Mimosa and Malignance ❤️ (Yuri)
Huggie with lil' sis (Zuz✨)
Him face (Zuz)
String game with Ursula (AC)
Artfight (Psy)
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dreamlikeafangirl · 4 years
Perfect [Chapter 1]
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Summary: Nico has been looking forward to this skiing trip. Spending a long weekend in the snow with his friends, and, most importantly, Levi - what could go wrong? (A lot, apparently.)
Pairing: Levi Schmitt x Nico Kim (Grey’s Anatomy), side Jolex
Warnings: fluff, angst, skiing, minor injuries
Words: 4k
credit for the screencap of Levi and Nico cuddling: mygreyscaps on tumblr
Read on AO3
It would be a perfect day, Nico could feel it in his fingertips.
As a surgeon, the body part he trusted most were his fingertips. Not his stomach, sometimes not even his brain. And his heart? At the moment, it was pounding so much, Nico could feel it, well, right down to his fingertips.
He was looking forward to skiing, the feeling of loose snow beneath his skis, the fresh cold air in his lungs, the adrenaline and of course, intimate togetherness with Levi in the evening. Simply put: A perfect day.
They had decided to visit a Ski field over a long weekend; Nico, his mentor and friend Link, Link’s childhood friend Jo and her husband, Alex. And, how could he forget, Levi. Glasses. Or Schmitt. But in reality just Levi. Levi, his boyfriend. Levi, who seemed to constantly smile, but even more often looked as if a warm gust of wind just hit him directly in the face – adorably bewildered. Levi, who would tell endless stories about himself that were so absurdly honest and funny, Nico would have silently accused anyone else of making them up. Levi, who could make Nico laugh just as fast as he started to bug him – but in a good way, of course. In a let-me-interrupt-you-with-a-kiss way.
When the group of five doctors left the cable car that morning, the sun was shining down on them like a white spotlight. The freshly fallen snow looked like cotton and cream. And the wind blew with the (non-existent) force of a light breeze.
“The weather is great today!” Alex exclaimed. He was carrying his skis over one shoulder, and because he was a gentleman, he was also carrying Jo’s snowboard. She stuck her face out towards the sun and smiled consentingly.
“Right?” Link caught up with them, his snowboard under his arm. “I can’t wait to hit the slopes.”
“Same here!” Nico said. “I bet the pistes are fantastic, now that everything is still smooth.”
“Spoken like a true winter sportsperson” Levi mumbled while leaning on his skis for support. He was looking incredibly cute today, with his hair peeping out from under his helmet and his skis that were so much shorter than Nico’s.
Nico patted him on the back, almost throwing him off-balance in his ski boots. “Just wait, you’ll get there.” He grinned. “Two days, and you’ll talk like that, too.”
Levi shook his head. “I doubt it.”
The five came to a stop at the edge of a small hill that led from the cable car station to the first slopes. There, they began to clip on their skis. Jo was the first to finish and, while waiting, surveyed the others with narrowed eyes.
“Is something wrong?” Link laughed and put on his snowboard goggles.
Jo eyed Levi thoroughly, before answering: “I’m just not at all used to seeing you in anything else than blue scrubs.”
Nico followed her eyes with his. Levi wore a ski suit that was black, grey, white, and yellow, grey boots, and a black helmet, all of which suited him perfectly. Having heard Jo, however, he looked a little uncertain.
“Oh, don’t listen to her” Nico whispered, leaning over to Levi. “You look amazing.”
Levi laughed unhappily. Nico just now noticed how pale he’d become. He seemed shaky and nervous.
“Are you alright?” Nico asked.
Levi nodded his head unconvincingly.
Meanwhile, Alex shouted: “Guys, let’s go!” He let out a loud cheer and then pushed himself off the edge of the hill. Jo followed right in his tracks, laughing out loud as the wind caught her loose hair.
Nico couldn’t wait to go after Alex, too. The bright snow, the clear sky, it enticed him. Link, grinning widely, exchanged looks with him one last time, before boarding off. He went down the hill in wide, confident turns, and Nico pursed his lips, almost in awe. Link was not only the best surgeon he knew, he was also the best snowboarder.
“You ready?” He asked Levi, only then noticing that his boyfriend was still fiddling with his bindings.
“Obviously not!” Levi replied sharply.
Nico bent down as much as his skis would let him helped Levi secure his boots to his skis. “Don’t want you getting hurt.” He said with a playful tone when they were finished.
Levi just shook his head in silence and used his ski poles to push himself towards the edge. When he reached it, he started to slide down. Nico looked after him, stunned for a second. Briefly, he asked himself if it was something he did wrong. Then he dropped the thought. Levi was probably just a little angry at himself for appearing slow in front of his colleagues.
Finally, Nico slipped over the edge of the hill. He spotted Jo, Alex, and Link at the start of one of the slopes, waiting. Levi was about halfway down. Nico copied his turns, but after two curves decided he was going to slow. So instead, he just went straight downhill. This caused him to quickly gain speed and the pressure of the wind against his face to increase. His surroundings began to blur slightly and then suddenly it was only him and his skies. It was almost like Nico had fallen into a trance, one that caused him to block out everything but the cold air all around his body and the swooshing sounds in his ear and the speed and the adrenaline that made his every nerve tingle with excitement and joy.
Oh, how he had missed this feeling. “Whoo-hoo!” Nico exclaimed and pushed one of his fists into the air. His friends came closer way too quickly for his taste. Why wasn’t this hill longer? Sighing internally, he forced himself to slow down.
“That. Was. Amazing!” He shouted towards Link.
His mentor nodded, an excited look in his eyes. “You were right, the snow is perfect. This is going to be a great day!”
Nico noticed Jo doing impatient little feet-tied-to-the-snowboard jumps towards the edge of the next slope, and Alex staring in the opposite direction, the one they all had just come from. His gaze was fixed on Levi, who was still making his way down the hill, taking noticeably more time than the rest of the group had.
“You think Schmitt is gonna be able to keep up?” Alex asked Nico.
He furrowed his brow and just let the question sit between them for a second. Then he said: “Of course he will. We’re all equals here, right Karev?”
Alex just nodded. “You can count on it.”
By now, Levi was catching up to them. When coming to a halt, he accidentally caught an edge and lost his balance.
“Whoa!” Nico quickly wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s waist, holding him up. “Easy.”
“You alright, Schmitt?” Link asked with a grin that was half-concerned and half-amused.
“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” Levi hissed.
Nico bit his lip. If his boyfriend wasn’t going to have a good day, he wouldn’t have one either. And he wanted to. For himself, and for Levi.
The group advanced to the next edge. The first piste they had picked was marked red, which meant it wasn’t easy, but not very hard either. Link had opted to start with a blue one (blue meant easy), Jo, Alex and Nico wanted to do red and Levi had stayed out of the decision.
So, red slope it was. Nico risked a glance over the edge, realizing it started off with a pretty steep section, after which it became gradually flatter.
“Well, that first bit could’ve very well been marked black.” Link said. Black was the highest difficulty.
Nico clutched his ski poles. It didn’t matter, he was ready.
“Are you still up for it?” Jo asked.
Link shrugged. “It’s our first run for today, and we all haven’t skied in a while. I still think we should do another one first, but I’ll do what you guys are doing.”
“And here I thought you were afraid.” Jo grinned.
Link laughed. “Oh, you wish. Race you down?”
“What’s the winner get?”
“Let’s say, uh, bragging rights for the whole trip?”
“You’re up!”
They both jumped to the edge awkwardly with their snowboards, and then got into their starting positions. Alex counted: “Ready … set … GO!” And then the two plunged themselves down the hill.
Nico and Levi looked after them, Nico chuckling, Levi wide-eyed.
“I’m betting on Jo” Alex suddenly said in a challenging tone.
“Alright, my money’s on Link then” Nico replied, still chuckling, and held a hand out towards his colleague. They high-fived in their thick skiing gloves and grinned at each other.
“What are we betting on?”
“Whoever loses has to buy the drinks for tonight.”
Levi was already standing at the edge, ready to start. “You guys coming?”
“Right behind you, babe.” Nico smiled and pushed himself towards him.
As anticipated, the piste started off pretty steep. Nico struggled to maintain balance from time to time, even with the still flawless snow beneath him. Link had been right; this was not the ideal slope to begin the day with. But before he could think too hard about it, the difficult part was already over.
He stopped by the side of the piste and looked back for the first time, noticing that Levi was not far behind him. In fact, he caught up with him only a few seconds later.
“Wow, now that was a wake-up call” Levi said, a little out of breath.
“Yeah” Nico replied. “I don’t think it can get much harder.”
“I can already feel my muscle aches forming!” Levi laughed.
Nico joined in, and so did Alex, who had arrived last of the three. “Let’s just hope it stops at muscle aches.” He grinned. “Because one of us, lying on top of an operating table by Monday, instead of standing beside it? I can already see it in front of my eyes.”
“Bailey would kill us” Nico smirked. “Remember how she wouldn’t even let us go on this trip at first? Because ‘risk of injury’? Besides, I have surgery scheduled for Monday.” Monday was the day they would all be going back to work.
Levi gave Nico a long precarious look with, before sliding off.
Nico, a little confused, looked after him for a second before turning to Alex. “Let’s see who’s gonna get those drinks, huh?”
The rest of the slope was no problem for Nico. It was exactly the right width, his skies were going smoothly, and not many other people were there. Perfect conditions. Once again, the piste was over way too soon, ending at the entrance point of a chairlift.
Link and Jo were waiting there with snow sticking to their ski suits. Both had red cheeks and big smiles on their faces.
“So, who won?” Alex asked after stopping next to Jo.
Jo and Link exchanged a look before bursting out into laughter. “We may have crashed into each other at the last second.” Link finally said, brushing a bit of snow off his jacket. “No one got hurt though, no worries.”
“So it was close, obviously, but there is no winner” Jo added.
Nico, who stood beside them with Levi, shrugged at Alex. “Well, I guess we’ll have to go to bed thirsty.”
“We made a bet” Alex explained to the two racers, wrapping his arm around Jo. “Looser would’ve bought tonight’s drinks.”
“Had I known that I would have put more effort into it.” She said.
Link laughed. “I thought this was all you got.”
“Oh, not by a long shot.”
“This again?” Levi mumbled to himself.
“Levi’s right” Nico said. The others turned their heads towards the two. “Let’s not waste our time standing around. You two can continue your bragging match on the lift.”
Link laughed, playfully shoving Jo. “‘Match’ would imply that we are on one level, and I don’t think so.”
“Ooh, you are moving on thin ice, Atticus Lincoln!”
One chair of the lift could transport four persons, so Alex, Link, and Jo (who were still bickering) got on one, and Nico and Levi took the next.
When they were sitting comfortably, Nico took off his ski goggles. “Levi, are you having fun? Because I don’t feel like you do.”
“Why would you think that?” He asked defensively.
“Well, you’re reserved towards the others. And me. And you’re a lot quieter than usual.”
“It’s not easy drowning out all this talk about drinks and who’s faster and whatnot.”
“I … do you want me to apologize? What do you want to talk about?”
“Ugh!” Levi threw up his hands. “You’re not getting it!”
“What am I not getting?!” Nico asked, voice stern. Then, he took a deep breath, calming himself down. “You’re right.” He said then, slowly. “I’m sorry. I don’t get it. I’m not you, I don’t know how you feel.”
The hint of a smile appeared on Levi’s lips. “I forgot. I always have to spell everything out for you.”
“Come on, that is not fair” A smile started to form on Nico’s lips, too, and he leaned his helmet against Levi’s. “But for real. What’s going on?”
“The others … I feel like they are treating me like a child. Like I’m an intern, here, too. Judging my look. Asking me if I’m alright, just because I took it a little slower on the first hill. And did you notice how Doctor Karev started talking about how one of us might end up on an operating table? It was right after I mentioned muscle aches.”
Nico frowned. “He did ask me if I thought you could keep up with the rest of us.”
Levi straightened himself in his seat. “Who did? Karev?”
He huffed. “I may have not skied in a while, but I am at least as good as he is!”
Nico gave him a little kiss on the cheek (which turned out a bit difficult with the helmets, but still). “I know you are.”
Their chair was slowly reaching the top station. “We can separate the group if you want to” Nico said. “Let Jo and Link have their races, while you and I get some peace and quiet on another slope.”
“Link’s your buddy. And I know you like spending time with the others, too.” Levi gave him a smile. “This is your trip as well.”
“But I’m not happy if you’re not happy” Nico replied, just as the chairlift was approaching its end.
“You’re so corny!” Levi shook his head, trying to keep himself from giggling.
Then, they got off the chairlift and joined the other three, who were standing beside a giant map of the ski field.
“Alright, guys. We are here.” Alex said, pointing towards a spot on the map with one of his ski poles. “Which means we can either take this next blue slope or go for another red one.”
“Let’s do blue.” Link suggested.
Levi agreed with him, earning them both an amused look from Alex and Jo. “Are you guys tired?”
“Come on, let’s not exhaust ourselves already. We have been here for less than an hour.” Link argued.
“Besides, if we take the red piste now, we’ll have to take another black one afterwards if we want to reach a lift of some sort” Levi said, gesturing to the map. “By taking blue, we are gaining access to a whole bunch of other slopes without having to take another lift.”
Nico nodded, smirking. “Good point.”
“So blue it is.” Link clapped his hands.
Before sliding off, Nico approached Alex. “Can you lay off Schmitt? This is supposed to be fun, not a competition. Except maybe for Jo and Link.”
Even though Levi did not ask for it, they ended up agreeing to split up after lunch. At noon, they stopped at a small restaurant by the side of one of the main slopes. It was furnished to look like a typically alpine chalet, and served traditionally Austrian and South Tyrolean food as well.  
Nico and Levi ended up sharing a huge plate of Kaiserschmarrn, which was basically a big pile of fluffy sugary pancake pieces served with lingonberries and applesauce. It tasted amazing and had Nico wondering if he knew any restaurants back in Seattle that made alpine food. He decided to google it later and if yes, to definitely go there one day. Take Levi. Have a nice date night, and look back on lots of hopefully amazing memories.
“Did you know this dish was named after one of Austria’s emperors?” Levi asked, still munching on his last bite. “He loved it so much that they apparently just decided to rename it to honor this guy.”
Nico smiled quietly, and gently wiped a little bit of powdered sugar off his boyfriends chin.
Alex, Jo and Link were sitting across the table from them, also still digging in on their meals. “Would you guys mind if we both went off alone for a little after lunch?” Alex suddenly asked.
“Not at all.” Link said. “What about you guys?” He looked at Nico and Levi. “Do you want to go on your own, too?”  
Levi shrugged. “Let’s decide along the way.”
Back on the road – or better, on the slopes – Jo and Alex went on their ways. Meanwhile, Nico, Link and Levi decided to make a little round tour of the ski field to skim the area.
When they got on the first chairlift, the sun was still shining from the clear sky, with almost no wind and almost no people on the slopes as well. Nico could hardly believe their luck. Hopefully the whole weekend was going to be like this.
Unsurprisingly, the tour turned out to be lots of fun for him. He was with the man he loved; Levi, and his best friend; Link. Nico and Link both skied (or in Link’s case: boarded) in similar ways: better fast and a little loose than too slow. Levi on the other hand had a cautious style of skiing, which didn’t mean he was slow, just that he was taking it a little safer. Nico didn’t mind. He didn’t think the few instances he and Link actually had to wait for him were a waste of time. The others might have felt that way, but for him it was a welcome break to just catch his breath, appreciate the overwhelming view of the snowy mountains or have a quick chat with Link about the slope they just conquered.
Levi was also visibly happier than before. He got along really well with Link, the final ice breaker having been the discovery that Link was a fan of the X-Men comics, just like Levi. The next few chairlift rides they had then spend arguing whether a guy named Cyclops or a guy named Wolverine was cooler.
When the day slowly came to an end, Nico was still high on Endorphin and probably a whole bunch of other happiness hormones, too. His cheeks literally hurt from smiling all the damn time, but he couldn’t help it. He was sweaty and his limps were starting to get heavy, but still he felt like he hadn’t been this happy in a long time. But, he thought to himself, why wouldn’t he be? He’d spent the last hours with two people whose company he genuinely enjoyed, and had had probably the best skiing experience of his life. Why overthink this perfect afternoon?
Well, it was about to become the opposite of that.
They had agreed to meet up with Jo and Alex at the entrance of the cable car, which would bring them back down into the valley, where they had rented a cabin. The last piste Link, Nico and Levi needed to take was one marked black. It was short, narrow and pretty steep, and judging by the piles of loose snow all over it, it had already seen quite a lot of people today.
The three of them stared down the hill, nobody wanting to be the first to say ‘Let’s do it’ or ‘Let’s not do it’. Jo and Alex were waiting at the end of the slope, waving and calling their names.
Nico was pretty confident he could make it. A few short-radius turns, and it would be over. He just had to be careful not to hit one of the snow piles, because they had the nasty habit of slowing the skis down abruptly, causing the person attached to them to loose balance and fall – which was not a pleasant experience on a hill that steep.
He looked at Link first, who nodded, and then at Levi, who pressed his lips together, and after a short while nodded, too. After spending the day with them, Nico had no doubt either of them would make it down the hill.
“Well then.” Link said, adjusting his goggles. “Let’s do this, the others are waiting.” Then he pushed himself off the edge with a little jump and started to curve down. He was controlled, but not slow, and after barely a minute, arrived next to Jo and Alex at the end of the slope.
“Let’s not go at the same time” Levi said, still staring down.
Nico agreed. Better safe than sorry. “After you.” He smiled. “Again – I’m right behind you.”
Levi laughed, pointing a finger. “Hah, you better not be.”
He took his first turn, slow and steady. The second as well. Then, he got a little more confident and allowed himself to gain speed. Nico blinked, and the hill suddenly looked like a vertical wall. Levi seemed so tiny, his skis so short. Dusty ice was splattering out from under them when he took his next turn. The edges made a scratching sound, and Nico flinched. Oh no. Hidden under a layer of snow, he could suddenly make out floes of ice, and there were probably more all over the piste.
Levi just drove over one at a fast speed. Skis were made to slide over a surface of snow, not ice. On ice, skiers often had difficulties to maintain control. And Levi hadn’t seen it coming. He tried to slow down, but couldn’t do so without risking to loose balance. So instead he tried another turn, and barely made it.
Nico held his breath hoping for the icy part to be over. Then, he gasped when one of Levi’s skies suddenly lost its grip and slipped downwards. It pulled his foot and leg down as well, and now his balance was completely lost.
“Levi!” Nico called out. At the bottom of the hill, Link, Jo and Alex were shouting as well.
Luckily, it was just a scare. With a grunt, Levi managed to get back on his feet. Supporting himself with his poles, he was now standing still about halfway down the piste, breathing heavily from shock.
“It’s okay! You can do it!” Nico yelled, hoping his boyfriend could hear him.
Levi looked up to him, and then down to the others, who were still shouting inaudibly. With a determined look in his eye, he prepared for his next turn, gaining speed again. And while doing that, he completely missed the big pile of snow in his way. Levi’s skis got caught in the loose white powder, sending his body flying forward from the sudden loss of velocity. His helmet hit the ground with a loud cracking sound and then he started sliding downwards head-first, leaving behind a small trail of red in the snow.
“Levi!” Nico shouted again, this time from the top of his lungs. He was suddenly freezing cold. Levi was bleeding and not moving. Was he conscious? What had happened to him? A concussion? Or maybe something worse? A thousand thoughts were flying around in Nico’s head.
He saw Jo and Link running up the slope in their snowboard boots to catch Levi and only then realized that he was still standing at the top of the hill himself. But suddenly, knowing that he had to get to Levi as fast as possible, that stupid little hill didn’t feel like a challenge at all.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!
I have outlined the whole story, as of right now three or four chapters, but written only this one and parts of the second chapter. Hoping for a bit of feedback to motivate me :) But the story will definitely be continued.
Please feel free to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes I made, especially with the skiing vocabulary :) I'm always looking to improve my English :)
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Stealth Chapter 1: The Prank
Part 5 of the Dragon of the Yuyan
Read on AO3 | Series Masterpost
The first time is because of a prank.
It’s Zuko’s second summer in Pouhai, his first as a cadet Yuyan Archer. Chihese Squad is strolling down the main drag of the closest colony town, on 48-hour leave for the Summer Solstice. It’s the first time that Zuko’s been out of the Stronghold for anything other than training since his arrival, the first time he’s been in an actual town since he was kicked out of the Caldera. The sights and sounds and smells are overwhelming, but not nearly as much as the crowds.
There are so many people at this festival. Which, okay, the Summer Solstice is basically the event of the Fire Nation calendar, being the longest day of the year and the day Agni granted firebending to the Dragons, so obviously everyone is going to want to join in the festivities, but Zuko can't remember having been around this many people ever.
Kai never lets go of his hand as he drags Zuko from food stall to musician to puppet show. There are firebending displays, and stalls full of crafts and decorations for sale. Everyone around is dressed in their best robes, and everything is a profusion of shades of red and yellow and black.
Zuko pulls Kai to a stop in front of a booth displaying stuffed cloth animals, and they spend a while petting them and poking each other with soft cloth beaks and snouts and flippers and quizzing each other on the hand-language signs for them. One such creature, a turtle-duckling with creamy tan markings and a brilliant green shell, seems to call to Zuko, and he picks it up and runs his fingertips gently over its head. It fits perfectly in his hand, just the right size to slip into a rucksack and not take up too much space, and for the first time in over a year his chest tightens and his eyes burn with the force of his longing for home and his mother's garden and the turtle-duck pond. Without even thinking, he cuddles the turtle-duckling to himself and turns to Kai.
Nice, Kai complements him with a large grin. You gonna get it?
Zuko nods, and turns to the booth's proprietor, holding out the turtle-duck and giving the man his best puma kitten eyes.
"Take it easy with those eyes, kid," he laughs. "Normally the plushes that size are ten copper, but I'll let ya have it for five. Solstice spirit and all."
Zuko grins and hands over the five copper coins. They bow to each other with the Flame, and then Zuko and Kai head off to meet up with the rest of the squad for dinner, the turtle-duck firmly clasped against Zuko's chest.
They catch up to Hiroki, Mika, and Jiyoti sitting in a square filled with tables and ringed with food booths. All three have cups of Solstice punch, a deep red drink made with coconut arrack and red wine. Kai attempts to swipe Jiyoti's cup, but she easily slaps his hand away.
Go get your own, leech, she commands, ignoring his pout.
Me too? Zuko asks.
No. Hiroki's fingers and thumb snap shut in a sharp emphatic movement as he frowns deeply at Zuko. You're too young.
This is strong stuff, Zuko, Mika signs with more gentleness, her expression sympathetic but firm. Maybe in a couple of years.
What did you get? Jiyoti asks, peering at the turtle-duck plush perched on Zuko's head. Zuko graciously allows the subject change, brushing off the tabletop in front of him and placing the turtle-duck on it. His face heats a little bit, because he's nearly fifteen, too old for stuffed toys, but Jiyoti's eyes are sparkling as she asks permission to pet it, and Mika has a soft, indulgent smile on her face like he's done something cute, and even Hiroki's smirk is gentle and warm as he leans back in his seat and nurses his cup.
At that moment, Zheng and his cronies, twins Shiori and Takeshi, pass by their table. Zheng takes one look at Zuko's turtle-duck and sneers. Aw, does the little baby street-rat need someone to cuddle with? He signs, making a gross kissy-face like he's talking to an infant. Maybe the Commander should've sent you to an orphanage with the other unwanted colony spawn. At least there you'd have fit in with the other brats.
Shut up and get lost, Zheng! Kai snaps out, gritting his teeth in a silent snarl at the older private.
Zheng smirks and raises his hands to continue signing, but Hiroki turns and pins the younger man with a glare. I believe you were on your way, Private? He signs slowly and clearly, as though Zheng is stupid and barely able to comprehend hand-speech. Zheng's jaw clenches, but he's not stupid enough to try anything against a Captain, and he storms off with a huff, the twins following in his wake.
Zuko hugs the turtle-duck to his chest and stares down at its eyes, embroidered in shiny black silk thread. He really is entirely too old for toys, and has been for years, but the thought of giving up his new companion is too much to contemplate. Aside from his dagger from Uncle, it's his only link to his life Before. Life Before had been hard, and lonely, and painful, but there had been good things, too, like Uncle's tearoom, Mom's garden, and the turtle-ducks in the pond. Life Now is so much better, even with idiots like Zheng bugging him, but he still sometimes misses those good things from Before.
Someone pokes Zuko in the shoulder, and he looks up to see Kai grinning at him. So what're you going to name it? The older boy asks, gently rubbing the turtle-duck's head with a fingertip.
Zuko looks at the brilliant green cloth of the turtle-duck's shell, and thinks of the brilliant green leaves that some of the food vendors wrap meat and fish in before grilling, and spells out P-a-n-d-a-n.
The squad finishes their drinks, and Zuko and Kai have a quick rice-cake eating contest which ends in a tie when the rice-cake seller refuses to give them any more. They stroll through the festival together, and Mika and Hiroki take turns grabbing Kai's collar to prevent him from running off after whatever happens to catch his eye. They find an excellent spot to watch the Lion-Turtle and Dragon dances, and Zuko's face hurts with all of his grinning. Pandan the Turtle-Duck is tucked securely under his collar where he can see the dances as well.
After the festival fireworks finish echoing over the town, the squad wanders its way back towards the Stronghold, riding the flow of humanity away from the main drag of the town. Very quickly the crushing press of so many people rubs Zuko's last nerve, and he grabs Kai and drags him over next to a closing stall to wait out the crowds. They amuse themselves (and the stall's owner who watches them with an air of tolerant bemusement) by trying on masks and trying to scare each other.
Hey Danger Noodle, check this out! Kai signs, and holds up a mask painted with blue lacquer and dominated by a wide creepy grin edged with sharp-looking tusks.
Wow, that's so creepy looking! Zuko exclaims, taking the mask from Kai and holding it up to his face. Kai's eyes go wide, and then narrow in a sly grin.
Spirits, I wouldn't want to meet this thing somewhere dark and spooky.
Zuko knows that look, and answers it with his own narrow-eyed glare. What are you thinking?
Kai shrugs, leaning nonchalantly against the stall. I don't know, I just think it would be kind of hilarious if Zheng were to have an… encounter… with the spirit of this mask.
Zuko holds the mask and considers it. He's widely acknowledged to be the best shadow-walker in the Troop (a lifetime of avoiding Azula will do that), and honestly, he owes Zheng a good scare for all of the bullshit the older private says to him.
Zuko and Kai smirk at each other. Zuko pays for the mask and slips it under his tunic, and they head back to the Stronghold. Hiroki scolds them for getting separated from the rest of the squad, then sends them off to get cleaned up for bed. He and Kai share the ofuro and make their plan.
Zuko dresses in the charcoal-colored tunic and trousers he'd brought to the bathing room, fastening them loosely as sleeping clothes. After waiting a few hours for Banli Squad to go on guard duty, Zuko slips out of bed and back to the bathroom, where he dons the mask and adjusts his clothes to make them more snug for shadow-walking. Kai meets him in the bathroom and gives him an impressed thumbs up.
Awesome! He signs. Zheng's going to freak out. Might want to tie your hair back, though.
Zuko's hair now just brushes his shoulders, still shorter than it was Before, but not by much. His phoenix plume had been cut and his entire head shaved after the Agni Kai, partly to make treating the burn easier, and partly to display exactly how far from favor he'd fallen. It doesn’t grow anymore where the burn has destroyed the roots, but Zuko knows how to tie it back so that his uneven hairline and shriveled ear are covered, and does so while Kai holds his mask. He replaces the mask, and Kai nods in satisfaction.
I listened in on the patrol route brief, he signs, hands quick and eyes bright with eagerness. Zheng’s by himself.
Any idea where he is now? Zuko asks. He has to exaggerate his body language a bit to make up for the facial expressions that are hidden by the mask.
Kai shrugs, the gesture imitated by Zuko, and together they creep out of the bathroom to hunt down their quarry.
They find Zheng slumped half asleep behind some crates near the storerooms. The setup could not be more perfect.
Kai tiptoes away as Zuko crouches in the shadows on the other side of the crates, and then starts fiddling with the lock on one of the storerooms. The sounds reach Zheng, who rouses with an annoyed grunt. The older private stomps towards the storeroom to investigate, and Kai has plenty of time to slip away into the shadows. Zuko matches his own silent footsteps to Zheng’s ridiculous komodo-rhino stomps, following close behind.
Zheng holds up his lantern and examines the lock before snorting in derision. Zuko braces himself.
Zheng turns around.
The positively girly screech Zheng lets out makes Zuko grin like a madman under his mask. Zheng stumbles back, and as soon as he’s out of the small circle of light produced by the lantern Zuko turns on his heel and bounds soundlessly over to where Kai is shaking from the effort of holding back his giggles. They tap their fists together and watch Zheng attempt to explain himself to the regular guards who came running at his shriek.
Zuko scares Zheng again on the innermost wall-walk, hanging upside down from the roof of a guard pavilion. And again in that one dark service corridor everyone hates. And again behind the catapult shed. Zheng shrieks every single time, and Zuko and Kai delight in watching him having to defend himself to the increasingly impatient guards with hands that tremble a little more with each encounter. By the end of Banli Squad’s guard shift, Zheng is a walking ball of shattered nerves, and Zuko and Kai are in bed and “asleep” when the older private staggers into the dorm.
The next morning, Zuko and Kai hide their grins as Zheng is forced to endure the regular guards teasing about his “haunting” by a “blue spirit”. Zheng tries to insist that he’d at least once managed to draw a weapon on the ghost, but this is only true in the sense that he’d had a knife in his hand but had dropped it when the alleged spirit had caused him to trip and fall into a manure pile near the rhino stables, and the guards are quick to point this out to raucous laughter. Zheng continues to attempt to defend his honor, but the roasting continues and increases in force until the archer finally storms out of the mess hall in a humiliated fury.
Zuko and Kai smirk at each other, and tap their fists together under the table. Mission accomplished.
That is the first time.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
A Legacy Begun (6)
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Chapter 6: A Hopeful Beginning | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down after all these years to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Prompt/s in play: Anon prompt (in Chapter 1 link) & fic idea
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Force-Sensitive Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 | Previous: Part 5 | Next: Part 7 | Masterlist
6 of ?
You were given a few more days to recover after giving birth. The whole crew remained in Polis Massa while you regained your strength. The nurses were very meticulous when it comes to your diet and general post-partum health.
A day later you can already sit up, Cal remained with you in the ward with little Cassidy nestled in the little crib by your bedside—with the toy Binog that you’ve sewn yesterday lying right next to her. The medical droids suggested skin-to-skin contact must be done as often as possible—adding that it is crucial for the overall health of the baby.
The medical droids were strict about visitors, Cal was the only one who can go inside and out of the ward as he pleases. He eventually showed his baby to the Mantis crew with the glass wall dividing them, everyone absolutely loved the little Kestis girl swaddled and nestled in her father’s arms.
From your bed, you watched Cere, Merrin, and Greez smiled and wiggle their fingers in front of Cassidy to get her attention. The sight of them melting at the presence of a baby was new, it warranted a giggle from you. The crew looked over Cal’s shoulder and waved excitedly at you, your husband turned around and smiled back at you too.
“I’m not used to seeing all of them worked up at the same time,”
“Yeah, it’s my first time seeing that too,” you joked.
Cal surely took his time in holding his daughter: nuzzling the tip of his nose against her forehead, his lips parting as he mimicked her yawning and then smiling once her mouth has closed.
“Mind her head,”
“She’s so tiny,” Cal sighed, not getting enough of feeling the weight of his daughter in his arms.
He gently adjusted his hold of her, letting the baby’s head rest on his shoulder, he held his breath so he could feel hers—warm, sweet, and small. He was careful not to disturb her with his stubble.
“I just wanna squish her so bad,” he cracked.
BD-1 peeked over Cal’s shoulder, chirping and trilling at the sight of little Cassidy. Cal softly shushed the droid as the baby continued to sleep, staring at the small face as he kept cradling her in his arms.
Eventually, Cal transferred her to your arms, the baby gurgled and squirmed when she felt she was being moved. When she pressed her cheek against your bosom, she yawned and her eyelids slightly flicked up, showing a little bit of her eyes before she dozed off again. Your heartstrings twisted in the best way possible.
“She’s so beautiful,” you sighed, smoothly stroking her head with your first two fingers.
Your heart felt light when your daughter’s tiny hand patted your chest and her fingers unfurled. Cassidy’s hand latched around your thumb when your hands met. You didn’t realize that the tiniest hand could hold so much of you.
It was your final checkup a week after you gave birth. The GH-7 medical droid hovered towards you and towed along a table of medical tools behind him.
“How are you feeling, miss?”
“I’m fine. No headaches or what, but still a bit exhausted,”
“Physical exhaustion is normal after childbirth, since your muscles have been most likely overworked,” the droid motioned to a handheld apparatus. “With enough rest, you may return to your normal activities in a week or so.”
“Good to know,”
“My readings indicate that your blood pressure is optimally normal and your vitals are in peak stability!” the droid trilled, green lights glowing in its lenses as they reported its diagnosis. “You are permitted for discharge whenever you’re ready.”
The droid politely replied and then dismissed itself to the computers. Your husband turned to you, already knowing what that face meant. You gestured a nod at him, to which he translated to “In a bit” and continued cuddling up Cassidy. The three of you were ready after an hour or two, upon returning to the Mantis, the baby was greeted with hushed swooning and baby-talk murmurs.
“Oh, look at her,” Cere fawned, beaming at the sight of the child up close and personal. Then she leveled her head to the Jedi couple. “So, where to now?”
“I think I should let [y/n] take the reins on that,”
You strode to the holotable and typed the coordinates of Ilaro. Everyone gathered round the map as the projection colored the room into the bright cyan.
“Ilaro,” Cere reads out loud.
“Ilaro is in the Outer Rim, it’s going to take a few parsecs away from here,”
You also added the same information that you told Cal about the planet—the range of the Empire’s hold in that system runs thin, so there will be little to no Imperial presence.
“Then we’re gonna have to make a cutting trip, I don’t want the Mantis running with a half-empty tank,” Greez grumbled. “If it’s in the Outer Rim, I know an outpost where I can fill ‘er up before heading to your planet.”
The whole crew concurred, Merrin accompanied the mother and child by the holotable couch while the three manned their stations in the cockpit. The Nightsister admired the infant, rubbing her index finger and thumb between Cassidy’s pudgy feet—both of you giggling whenever her toes would flinch because it tickled her.
“She’s such a sleepy bug,” Merrin hummed.
This was the first jump to lightspeed to the fueling outpost for Greez.
The slight turbulence of the outpost’s tractor beam jolted the infant but you snuggled her into your arms.
“This’ll take only a while,” Greez announced from the captain’s seat.
The Mantis was peaceful, but it was a new kind of peace, now that the ship has a new, tiny member with them. For the rest of the trip, Cassidy slept soundly, occasionally cooing and gasping with the little voice that tugged your heartstrings. While there’s nothing much to do in the middle of hyperspace, Cal sat next to you, his palm curled to cradle her head. He’d giggle back at the soft noises that Cassidy makes in the middle her sleep. The Mantis’s speed has slowed down, signaling your arrival in Ilaro’s orbit. Cal returned to the co-pilot seat and assisted Greez as the ship cuts through the atmosphere, the Jedi was able to navigate the land mass and found the hillside town that you once told him about.
“Over there, Greez, I see it,”
“Me too, kid,”
The captain flew the ship over to a clearing they found in the hillside, just a few meters away from the town’s border. You braced yourself for the landing until the rumbling came to a halt. Cal exited the cockpit and joined you.
“We’re here,”
He escorted you out of the ship and got a glimpse of the landscape. It was breathtaking. It was exactly the same as you and your master found it many years ago. The town that you referred to was more of a quaint village that clustered along the hilltop overlooking the ocean on the other side of the island.
“You’re right, [y/n], this is the perfect spot. A ship’s not the best place to raise a child—no offense to Greez there,”
“Yeah, I just hope it’ll remain that way,”
You and Cal stood at the hill, gazing at the deep blue sea that stretched to the far reaches of the horizon—illuminated by the twin suns that have begun to sink behind the coastline—looking forward to a future filled with hope, especially for your child.
At the age of three, Cassidy Kestis had grown plumper and cheerier; with hair—and perhaps a will—as fiery as her father’s, eyes as docile yet full of spark like her mother, she’s nothing but a waddling ball of light in the Kestis homestead. Her laughter, voice, and words would fill the entire house and the entire ship during your visits to the Mantis.
BD-1 had grown extra especially fond of the little one, and Cassidy had the exact same sentiments to him. The little droid and the little girl have become best friends ever since then. BD was there to entertain her with the flashing blue lights, even though she half-understood that they were hologram projections of all the data scans throughout her parents’ journey.
“You’re always showing her that Binog scan, buddy,” Cal chirped while watching over the kid and the droid play together.
“I think he wants us to teach her how to say Binog,” you suggested after popping out of the kitchen while waiting for your recipe to simmer.
You leaned against the door frame to watch BD-1 and Cal try to coax the word “Binog” from Cassidy. The toddler pointed at the blue projection and then she started surveying the living room for her toy of that creature—when she spotted it lying behind the droid, the child outstretched her arms but she remained on where she sat. The parents watched their daughter with great intrigue, their eyes shifting between the child and the toy until the object started to shudder, inching towards Cassidy’s general direction until the stuffed Binog toy sprang from the floor and lightly landed in Cassidy’s hands.
“Dad… Mommy…” Cassidy gurgled, waving the toy around in front of them.
Cal glanced over his shoulder to his wife, he found you just as dumbfounded as he is. The two of you traded puzzled stares at one another. The surprise didn’t come from the fact that she was Force-sensitive, both of you were more surprised that the Force has manifested within her in such a young age.
“Later,” you firmly established.
Cal nodded and repeated the word in agreement. You returned to the kitchen and stirred the soup one last time before serving it. You tapped the ladle against the rim of the pot, Cal promptly snatched up his daughter from the floor.
“Come on, Cassidy, it’s dinnertime!” he buried his chin against Cassidy’s cheek and arms.
“Daddy… no itchy!” Cassidy squeaked, trying to push away her dad’s scruffy jaw from her face.
“Oh no, you’re gonna fall!”
Cal continued to joke around on his way to the dining table with Cassidy in tow. He faked her falling by lowering her upper half close to the floor and the bottom half locked securely in his grasp. The little girl was exhilarated as her red hair draped and swerved as Cal strode, she bursts in laughter as she tried to kick her way out of her daddy’s grasp.
“Here comes the Sarlacc in the floor!”
He made a comedic impression of the Sarlacc’s grunting and hissing as he continued to dangle and rock the baby close to the floor.
“Daddy!” the little girl struggled to speak through her squealing giggles.
“Okay, okay, careful with the Sarlacc game or you might spill the pot,”
You come out of the kitchen and settled down the pot on the table. Cassidy looked to you for help, stretching out her arms at you, opening and then closing her palms as if to beckon you to come to her.
“Mommy, here!”
“I gotcha!” you swiped your baby girl away from her daddy, shielding her from Cal with your back but your husband’s height towered over yours.
Arms snaked around your waist, pulling you in from behind, Cal nuzzled his jaw against your neck—now you were his victim of his ticklish kisses thanks to his stubble. You bobbed your head to the side, denying him more entry to your weak spots.
“The food’s gonna grow cold, time to dig in,” you segued.
“You mind if I dig into your later?”
“I’d like to see you try,” you pecked him teasingly before settling Cassidy down on her chair.
The two of you helped yourselves with potful of boiled potatoes and tenderized Chorcap meat swimming in creamy, rich broth. Cal dug in, taking spoonful after spoonful of his serving.
“Slow down or you’ll choke on the chopped scallions,” you warned.
“Are you trying to compete with Greez? Because this is really good!”
You took that as a compliment. Meanwhile, you alternated between feeding Cassidy and bringing your own spoon to your mouth. She smiled away the soup dribbling at the edge of her mouth, leaving a butter-colored smeared mess across her chin as she continued fiddling with the legs and tail of her toy Binog.
The peace that lingered at the dining table changed.
The stern expressions in your faces focused on Cassidy, the little toddler was clueless as she sat and patted her toy in her seat, shifting her gaze between her mother and father. The exact same thought bridged your minds, it was the only conversation you had without speaking, but your eyes uttered so many questions and words.
Eventually, you were the one to break the silence.
“You do know the risks that come with it—the same risks that we had to face as children,”
“I know,” your husband hummed.
A pensive tone rung in your words, “In time.”
Cal’s head motioned to a nod. He reached for Cassidy’s hand, by instinct, she latched her stubby paw around Cal’s finger; the two of you continued to watch the baby unknowingly wield the Force by causing her toy to float inches above her lap and giggled as it plopped back down on her legs—doing so without a clue in the galaxy what she is capable of.
A few hours after dinner, you’ve bathed Cassidy to ready her for bed. Her fine red hair smoothly followed each sway and turn of the hairbrush. In your arms, you sang a wordless lullaby to her, the solemn melodies lulled the child to sleep until you could settle her down in her cradle.
“Sweet dreams, my little angel,” you cooed, smoothing her fringe across her forehead.
You sat by the window nook, having a full view of the sea—black at night but will return to azure in the day—beneath the twin platinum moons shining below the planet.
In the calming darkness of your bedroom, Cal sat behind you, joining you in listening to the sleepy tides crashing in the distance.
“Your mind keeps dwelling on the thought, love,”
“I only keep thinking how she’ll turn out,”
“Don’t worry about her,” he slid his knuckles across the smoothness of your shoulders, your skin recalled a familiar sensation not too long ago. “She’s got us.”
You shifted in your seat, the moonlight amplified the determination twinkling in your eyes. Cal caressed your cheeks and brushed away the hair that nearly concealed your face.
“I won’t let anything happen to my girls,” a steely yet gentle glint shone over the gloss of his eyes.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
I would ask you 1-100 but that's a huge request and doubt you'll do it, UNLESS🤔🙃
1. Name- Deanna or as everyone knows me, Star
2. Nationality- American
3. Age- 19
4. Birthday- April 5th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)- Aries
6. Gender- Female 
7. Sexuality- Bi/Pan (im fine with either)
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)- Dark brown hair, greenish eyes and body of a 12 year old boy
9. What do you/did you study?- Animation
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?- I work in an ice cream shop just as a job but i wanna be an animator or writer for shows
11. Your birth order- Youngest of 2
12. How many siblings do you have?- One
13. Do you have good relations with your family?- for the most part
14. How many friends do you have?- I would say I have about 8 close friends and then just a ton of other friends
15. Your relationship status- single but accepting applications 
16. What do you look for in a SO?- usually a pulse and good hair 
17. Do you have a crush?- kinda but also no
18. When did you have your first kiss?- haven't yet :(
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?- prob meaningful
20. What are your deal breakers?- smoking and drugs and how they treat others
21. How was your day?- well i just woke up so i guess good. 
22. Favourite food & drink- Raspberry iced tea/Vanilla Lattes and Chowmein or burgers
23. What position do you sleep in?- either on my side or stomach. Im usually curled up in a ball so prime cuddle position...just saying 
24. What was your last dream about?- I think it was about cake..
25. Your fears- bugs and the overwhelming thought of me being a failure
26. Your dreams- being someone where others can be inspired by 
27. Your goals- to live a life with no regrets (i know typical right?) but also have a successful career. 
28. Any pets?- 2 doggos 
29. What are your hobbies?- drawing, painting, writing, video games, reading 
30. Any cool places in your area?- kinda but you gotta drive to them so not really 
31. What was your last awkward situation?- me stuttering over my words at work
32. What is your last regret?- idk 
33. Language/s you can speak- English and barely any French 
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)- hell yeah
35. Have any quirks?- i can make a guinea pig noise and can stand on my head for a while. 
36. Your pet peeves- having my neck being touched and mouth breathing
37. Ideal vacation- Any disney park
38. Any scars?- only mentally 
39. What does your last text message say? “Shes being a big girl and taking 5 classes.” 
40. Last 5 things from your search history- im to lazy to check but prob youtube or fics
41. What’s your [device] background?- Phone background is a painting from a museum and my computer is a bunch of Nintendo items
42. What do you daydream about?- being a voice actor or a pirate 
43. Describe your dream home- one that looks like a castle
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion- I was raised Catholic but i really dont practice it anymore. I think it its a beautiful thing and alot of good comes from it, however i dont like it when it is used to harm others or defend evil people
45. Your personality type- So i took a test based on the 16 different ones and I am an Advocate type which apparetnly is very rare and less than one percent of the pop are it. https://www.16personalities.com/ heres the link if you wanna take it!
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done- I used to suck on batteries as a child
47. Are you happy with your current life?- for the most part 
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life- Snorkeling in Hawaii (which i almost died), Crystal Cave tour and donuts which i hate
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?- hoodies and graphic tees 
50. Favourite colour to wear?- black
51. How would you describe your style?- comfortable and sometimes i look good 
52. Are you happy with your current looks?- ye
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?- I want blue hair one day 
54. Any tattoos or piercings?- have my ears and now my nose pierced but i do want tattoos in the future
55. Do you get complimented often?- usually for my hair and i find it happens often 
56. Favourite aesthetic?- Gothic and pastel 
57. A popular trend that you dislike- crop tops 
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?- “Good Night Moon” by Go Radio
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like.- My Little Pony and Sofia the First songs slap
60. Favourite genre?- pop punk or pop 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? -Panic!, Taylor Swift
62. Hated popular songs/artists?- I wouldn’t say hate but im not really a fan of Billie Ellish, maybe i need to sit down and really listen but its just not my jam. I think shes a cool person and i love watching her on tv and what she stands for. By i hate Drake and Chris Brown for sure. 
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5- Head above Water, Happy when im sad, Love bug, Casual affair, I believe. So Avril Lavigne, Jonas Brothers and Panic!
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?- Im not the worst singer but im also not fantastic and i can’t play
65. Do you like karaoke?- sometimes
66. Own any albums?- like cds then yes
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?- not anymore
68. Favourite movie/series?- Any disney or pixar 
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc- YA like adventure books 
70. Your fictional crush/es- oh here we go. Juvia and Gray (Fairytail), Catwoman, Danny Phantom, Captain Hook and Regina Mills and Henry (Ouat), Steve (stranger things), Riddler (gotham) and Molly Hooper (Sherlock) and prob more. 
71. Which fictional character is you?- prob a mixture of Momo and Deku from My Hero and Honey from Ouran 
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so. Am I a shipper? ha. aight Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza, Kiribaku, Kacchacko, Todomomo, tododeku, LadyNoir and the love square, Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, The powerpuff girls and the rowdyruff boys (respected partners) and like five thousand others
73. Favourite greek god?- Hades and Persephone 
74. A legend from where you live that you like- literally nothing from where i live
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist?- love art and i cant just pick one
76. Can you share your other social media?- i mean you can follow me on twitter at StarsnShortcake but all thats there is my shitty tweets and interactions with my friends and Voice actors lol
77. Favourite youtubers?- Mikes Mic, Macdoesit, Twamiz, Larri, Dan Howell, Amazing Phil, Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson, Steph Inc, Garret Watts, and like a ton more
78. Favourite platform?- Tumblr or twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?- too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite?- I love anything Nintendo
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)- Kingdom Keepers, Suicide Notes and the Selection Series to name a few
82. Do you play board/card games?- Yes
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?- nope
84. Favourite holiday- thanksgiving for the food
85. Are you into dramas?- ye
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?- haha ye
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?- no racism, sexism, homophobia and legal marriage everywhere. Also that no one goes hungry and everyone has a nice place to live.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?- probably 
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?- a hot demon
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?- I turn into a goddess
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?- ooo Celeste is a cool name 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?- hmmm Tara Strong 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo- either the stars or the black heart or the fireworks
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true- Ive never eaten a chicken nugget, I can do the splits and I have cat
95. Cold or hot?- hot
96. Be a hero or be a villain?- oooooo um im a sucker for villains
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?- Rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?- Shape shifting, i could be a plant
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?- bold of you to assume i would wanna live forever
100. ….. or …..?- :0
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Jae - Ghost of You
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Characters: Jae x You
Genre: angst
Warnings: mentions of death and blood; please do not read if you are uncomfortable.
Words: 3.5k
Description: too young, too dumb, to know things like love.
Insp: listen to this first, then this (listen to the Ghost of You track from the album in the 2nd link!)
No matter how many times he relives it, Jae will never get used to this.
The sharp beep of the alarm clock disrupts the peaceful morning atmosphere and pierces through his eardrums. When the alarm keeps ringing, it starts to give Jae a throbbing headache – like the incessant beating of the pedal against a bass drum. Despite his apparent discomfort, he continues to sleep it off, confident that you will wake him up in due time once the alarm has stopped ringing.
You always do – and today will not be any different.
Jae starts the countdown that he has memorised by heart.
The beeping stops as soon as the words leave his pouty lips, the sound fading away. The soft chirps of the birds through the window sound crisp to his ears; so Jae relishes in the feeling and sinks further into dreamland. It feels like lying on top of a cotton candy cloud; so sweet that he does not ever want to leave.
But an all too familiar voice calls out to him; yours, actually.
Jae, it’s time to wake up.
“5 more minutes sweetheart…”
Baby, you’re going to be late for work. You have to get up now.
“I don’t want to…”
He hears you sigh behind him, and the slight shift in the air tells him that you’re about send a retort his way.
Acting instinctively, Jae turns around one hundred and eighty degrees so that he’s now facing you, and throws an arm over to pull you close so that you’ll stop bugging him to wake up.
But his hands find nothing instead, and the harsh contact of his wrist and the bed springs sent his hand recoiling back, the sharp pang of pain jolting him awake.
His eyes fly open, and instead of finding your face staring back at him, all he sees is the empty side of your bed, the sheets pressed so neatly that not a single crease could be seen.
It’s like you weren’t home last night – and that could not have been closer to the truth.
 She's gone. She's gone.
Not wanting to believe that you were no longer in his life, Jae tries to convince himself that you were still here. Slowly, he lowers his hand onto your side of the bed, eyes trained on the spot where his hand usually comes into contact with your waist. He could still see your sleeping form clearly in his mind; the way you would always inhale through your nose but exhale through your mouth with a little puff of air, the way you'd unconsciously frown in your sleep and how he would always use his thumb to smooth over your wrinkles so that you'll relax. Somehow, your pyjamas were always a size too small so in the middle of the night, through all that tossing and turning, your shirt would always ride up a little, exposing a small strip of skin. Jae always loved holding onto that part when you two of you cuddled. He relished in the feeling of your skin against the palm of his hand; the warmth telling him that you're present and alive.
He lets his hand hover over the bed sheets slightly, clearly hesitating. He's afraid to put it down, terrified of the realisation that comes with that one, simple action of his.
Before he loses his resolve, Jae slams his hand onto the blankets – and it feels like hitting a brick wall.
Cold, hard and painful.
It was all the things that you weren't, and it further cements the reality that you're no longer there. He runs his hands over the sheets,
No matter how many times he does it, Jae cannot feel the residual warmth that you leave behind. But that wasn't the worst part; the worst is the knowledge that what he does will never bring back the warmth that you brought to the bed that both of you used to share. Even though you were no longer physically there, somewhere in his mind, Jae pictures your self hovering over him, yanking the blankets away from him and throwing open the windows to let the sun in. When you do that, he knows that his time for lazing around has officially ended, so Jae pushes himself to sit up on the bed, the act causing him to lose consciousness for a moment.
When his vision restores, amongst the clutter in the room, Jae somehow manages to focus on the one thing that reminds him of you.
That one chicken cup placed on top of the coffee table.
Jae smiles slightly at the memory of how you got it, the corners of his lips lifting ever so slightly as he pictures your smiling face when you presented it to him.
Both of you had decided to exchange wedding gifts, and you seemed to be very proud of your choice. You hid it behind your back all the way, refusing to let him see it until he closed his eyes in order to surprised him.
"Ah...wae...! Can't you just show it to me now?"
"No! It has to be a surprise and in order for it to BE a surprise, you have to close your eyes Jae!"
"I refuse to! I don't want to close my eyes!"
"I really don't remember agreeing to marry a baby; please don't let me question my life decisions."
"Wow. If you say it like that how am I supposed to win?"
"You don't."
You then flashed him your sweetest smile and Jae finally relented and closed his eyes, albeit begrudgingly.
Inching your face closer to his, you made sure that he wasn't peeking through his lashes before slowly, bringing the cups from behind your back and placing them gently in his outstretched hands. The cool sensation of the ceramic cups against this skin caused his eyes to fly open and the moment he saw the printings, he burst out laughing, using the back of his hands to cover his mouth. He continued laughing for the next 5 minutes, completely unable to stop his laughter at all. Between hiccups of laughter and gulps of air, Jae managed to croak out a sentence.
"So this...HAHAHA...was your...oh sweetheart help me I can't stop laughing...idea of a surprise?"
"Why... is it not good?"
One look at your crestfallen face and pouty lips was enough to make Jae stop laughing and start to take the cups seriously. It was obvious that you had gone to great lengths to have the cups custom-made; Jae was convinced that no one would ever mass produce cups of this design. Right below the Mr and Mrs print were the Chicken Little designs and you even had the original, male version of Chicken Little edited to look like what the female version of Chicken Little would. It was undeniably cute, Jae would certainly admit that but the most endearing part was the childlike excitement that you had while presenting it to him. Wanting to see the same light in your eyes, Jae knew just the thing to do to cheer you up.
"Thank you, sweetheart. It's is the best wedding gift ever."
"Well, you're only going to get one in your entire life so of course it has to be the best."
"You're so smart...what do I do with you?"
You finally cracked a smile and cupping your face gently with both hands, Jae pulled you in before giving a long, sweet kiss.
Years have passed since that incident, but Jae still remembers it as though it happened yesterday. Turning the cup around in his hands, he finds your usual lipstick stain on the rim of the cup. It was fading with time and he knew it wouldn't be long before it would completely disappear. The colour was now faint but Jae could still make it out - it was the peach coloured one that he loved. Your lips always looked so irresistible in that shade and Jae always had to steal a kiss or two. Over the years, he has lost count of the number of times he's kissed those soft lips; there were the short pecks that he'll steal from you on the train, then there were also the sweet ones spent savouring your lips and last but not least, the deep ones where he took his time exploring your mouth and his hands roamed all over.
But all it took was a split second for those happy memories to be shattered and replaced with jarring images; suddenly all he could see was your pale chapped lips and...blood. Lots of it. It was flowing and flowing and Jae didn't know what to do. Placing the cup down with shaky hands, Jae repeatedly slammed his wrist into his head, hoping to beat the pain away but to no avail.  No matter how much he wanted them to stop, the images kept invading his mind and before he lost consciousness, he managed to stumble out of room, tripping and falling along the way.
Yet, the next place he entered wasn't necessarily the happiest place. Instead, it was a place that brought back terrible memories. Stepping inside the kitchen, he notices the counter chairs lying askew; it looked as if people had pushed them out hastily, and in Jae's clouded memories of that day, it was likely to have happened.
 He pushes the chair back slowly, remembering how you always hated the house to be in a mess. His eyes accidentally wander over the broken plate in the sink and it feels like he's reliving the moment again.
Fumbling his cuff links, Jae enters the kitchen already in a foul mood. Not the best way to start the day, especially since he's perpetually been sulky for the past few months. Business was not going well for Jae, and the smallest things irritated him. Today was no different. Sitting down in front of you at the counter, he started shovelling eggs into his mouth with neither a single greeting nor a glance at you. Life as a married couple didn't use to be this way for the both of you, but you've come to accept that perhaps, things have now changed. You were well aware that anything not related to saving his business was the last thing on his mind right now so you've decided to let him do his things and be the supportive partner. You really tried your utmost to not bother him but you had to tell him this.
You were taken aback by his curt tone and you felt your determination shrivel. He clearly was not in the mood to listen, and you weren't sure if you still wanted to tell him. He could simply acknowledge the news, or he might throw a fit. Both didn't seem like the rosy scenes that you wished to face.
"Never mind. It's fine, forget that I said anything."
"Don't pull this on me Y/N. You either say it or you don't. Don't tell me that you're going to say something and not say it."
The sudden surge of anger caused Jae to react without thinking, and he shoved the empty plate with too much force; so much that when it collided with the metal sink, it cracked into pieces. Jae saw you flinch at the sudden sound, but he didn't bother to apologise.
"Jae, if you're going to react so badly to all that I say, what's the point of me telling you what I was planning to in the first place?"
Now, Jae too, was dumbfounded by your words. You hardly raise your voice at him and he recognises this particular tone. It was the tone that you used when you were royally pissed off and Jae should know better than to argue with you. But he intends to do it anyways. His mouth opened to form a response but his phone screen lighting up stole his attention instead. Completely forgetting about the ongoing debate, Jae hurriedly answered the call and stood from his seat.
You wanted to let him leave, but a single thought had you shooting up from your seat and latching onto him.
No, he has to know. I have to let him know.
Running after him that was already by the door, you held onto his wrists and whisked him around.
"Just spare me a minute Jae. You have-"
"Y/N, please just stop distracting me. This is a really important deal. We can talk about this later when we're home."
He sees the light in your eyes die and when he feels your hand falling from his wrist, he turns to leave the house, slamming his door on the way out.
 Then the memory ends and Jae cannot remember what happens for the rest of the day until he got the earth-shattering call. The call that changed his world forever. That was also the last time he saw you, alive and well.
Was this way you left?
The more he thinks about it, the more certain Jae was the he was the reason you left and the argument was the breaking point. Jae needed to take out his anger, and the nearest object became the victim of his fury. Swinging his arm back as far as he could, he hurled the broken pieces across the living room and each piece broke into a million smaller ones, littering the entire floor with shards of ceramic. He tried to scream above the cacophony that he created, hoping that the sounds would drown out the demons in his heads. But even as the screaming ceased, the demons in his head didn't. Jae needed to escape, and he knew only one thing that would work.
He needed you. He needed the refuge you provided, to hold onto to some part of you to keep him sane. Eyes wandering, they finally landed on the speaker that you loved so much. Trudging over, Jae presses the play button as soon as his hands come into contact with the cold metal buttons and the first song that plays is a familiar piano tune; the one that you and he always used to dance to.
The song helps him recall joyous memories. Each dance session would always start the same way. You would play the song innocently, and this is how the conversation goes:
"This tune again, Y/N?"
"I just wanted to listen to it again, nothing much."
"Ok sweetheart."
Both of you then busy yourselves around the house, each trying to not seem suspicious to the other. Yet, Jae would always end up in the living room, looking out at the city below as he back faces you.
He pretends not to know your true intention, and waits in anticipation for you to approach him instead. It doesn't take long for his prediction to come true, for he hears your footsteps behind him soon. With each step that you take closer to him, his heart races faster. He keeps listening for how close you are, so he practically has your footsteps memorised now.
They always start out tentative, slow and unsure. When you're finally convinced that he's unaware of your intentions, they become faster and surer and it would take exactly 3 seconds from the time that started before he would feel your arms wrap around his middle, and a tender kiss pressed below his ear; right where his mole was.
"Dance with me?"
He always replies with a affectionate kiss on your cheek and he takes your hand in his, and you lead him onto the carpet in the middle of the room. There, the two of you slow dance to the song. Neither of you being too much of a dancer, the dance was always filled with awkward steps on each other's feet and sweet kisses shared to make up for it. Or, simply to express your deep love for one another.
As the memories become clearer in his mind, Jae tries to remember the feeling of holding you in his arms. It was agonising because he remembers – he’s very much aware of how it feels like to hold you; your curves fitting right into the palm of his hand. But the agony soon becomes a searing pain that slices through his heart because he knows how it exactly it feels like to hold you, but it was impossible to physically do it.
Jae thought it was inconceivable for a single person to bear so much grief in their body but when the music stopped and he hears your voice through the speakers, a new found anguish leaves him in an absolute wreck.
“Hey baby. Oh, my big baby.”
The sound of your voice cracking sends him into another spiral of emotions as it finally dawns upon him, how much you’ve been enduring silently all this while by yourself. At this point, his jaw goes slack and his face contorts, but no sound comes out from the open mouth that belongs to him. He stands there motionless as he listens to your recording, left completely at the mercy of the demons inside his head.
“I probably will not get the chance to tell you this in person and hence the recording, so just stay with me till the end, ok?
The past few months have been nothing but difficult for you, and I understand that. I tried to support you in any ways that I could but… I guess it wasn’t the kind of support that you needed. For that, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being able to find more ways to make your situation better. I’ve come to realise that maybe I was a distraction and so I’ve decided that maybe we could use some time away from one another. I’ll be living at my parents for the time being so you know where to find me if you need me. I have faith in our marriage so don’t disappoint me Park Jaehyung.”
And that was when it happened. The Accident. They said you were leaving with your suitcase in tow and the truck came barrelling out of nowhere. Someone heard you scream ‘baby’; you were calling out for him when you needed him but he was too late.
Before he sinks further into the abyss, you let out a laugh here – but it wasn’t genuine. Jae knows this move; you’re just using humour to cover up the serious issue at hand. He hears the tapping of your feet in the background and he’s certain that he’s right. It was your habit when you’re nervous – and you’re clearly nervous about something now. He imagines you holding your breath at that moment, and he waits in bated breath for your next words.
It was nothing that he expected; the kind of things that makes his blood freeze and his heart stop beating. The kind that makes his world stop spinning – and wish that he was dead too.
“I’m pregnant Jae. About 2 months now. That was what I had been working up the courage to tell you about this morning but that obviously didn’t go too well. I know this news is probably unwelcomed when we’re not in the best position to raise a child but please, don’t hate the child. He or she is innocent. I love this unborn child with all my heart and I’m sure that someday you will too. It’ll take some time to accept… but we’ll figure it out. Here’s the baby’s heartbeat that I got at the scan this Monday, I thought you’d like to hear.”
Then it plays, loud and clear over the crisp speakers. The rapid beating of the baby’s heart that was extremely fast but rhythmic. His hand flies to his chest as he clutches his heart hard with a bone-crushing force. That was what he intended to do – crush it so hard that maybe it’ll stop beating so that he’ll stop feeling. It was too much, simply too much to bear.
But the excruciating pain only intensifies with the hazy memories of the past few days forming clearly in his mind now.
“We tried our best, I’m sorry for your losses Mr Park.” – the way the doctor chose to use the word loss in plural instead of singular, armed with the knowledge that you were carrying a small life inside of you.
Your frequents trips to the washroom early in the morning and the heavier eye bags – it must have been hard adjusting to the new changes that came with being pregnant yet Jae wrote it off as stress, never once asking if you were alright.
The way you held onto your belly as they wheeled you into the ER after the horrible accident – you were begging them to save the child, not you.
The way that you screamed ‘baby’ – you were crying out for Jae, and your unborn child.
It was the one thing that you tried to tell Jae even with your dying breath, but he never listened. He only listened when it was too late, and now he was left listening to your last gift to him.
“It’s not a forever goodbye Jae. I can’t live without you, not anymore. You’ll be fine – and I’ll be back when things are better, or whenever you want me to. I love you Jae, don’t ever forget that you big baby.”
Sweetheart, you said that you cannot live without me, but how am I supposed to live without you? If you were here right now, you’d tell me that I’ll be just fine. But I never will be. I can’t live with the guilt, and without you. Where are you now? All that’s left is the ghost of you – close enough to feel but never enough to hold.
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