#lilia vanrougue x reader
kokofromwattpad · 1 year
My friend in Otome can you imagine how your favourite TWST characters would react to playing Obey Me and meeting Barbatos?
Featuring: Jade Leech, Idia Shroud, Lilia Vanrougue
Plot: You discovered a brand new otome game called, 'Obey me! Shall we date?'. You easily became obsessed with the game entirely and took a particular interest with Diavolo's butler, Barbatos. How will your lover react to this news?
Cw: Obey me and Twisted wonderland crossover, established relationship, gn! Reader
A/N: Since you requested my favorite twst characters I only chose the three most logical choices.
Jade could tell that you obviously had a preference for men, seeing as him and Barbatos shared the same strand of hair on the same side of their head. He admired the butler's devotion to his lord and how reliable the demon was. Jade actually started picking up some of Barbatos's mannerisms and he became more butler-like than before.
Was a bit hesitant when you wanted to show him your new favorite character from the new otome game you've been playing. He actually became a bit insecure since he acted and looked nothing like the demon butler. But you happily reassured him that he will always be your one and only Otaku boyfriend.
Was actually introduced to the game by Idia over game chat. And when he saw you play that game, he was quite surprised about your favorite character. I feel like he would gently tease you about your pick. He would also jokingly start acting like Barbatos.
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twstedtales · 3 years
Hi Athy this is my first time requesting so I’m a little nervous. Can I request hcs of Malleus, Lilia, Sebek and Silver courting their female crush. Btw I really love your writings! Keep up the good work!٩(^‿^)۶
❝Courtship is ongoing and it is never going to end.❞ - Corey Wayne
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | malleus dracomnia, lilia vanrogue, silver, sebek zigvolt × female reader
𝐭𝐰 | none!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 | i'm sorry this took so long! 😅 i thought this request got purged together with others but i found it in my drafts so...lucky 😂 and by the way, requests are still open if you want to drop by! <3
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Malleus's way of courting is very old fashioned, but becomes a little bolder and straightforward as time passed by, especially when you showed enough interest that you won't thinking of rejecting him anymore. 
He had also taken Lilia's advice and ways to get in your good graces, which is why you don't know whether to get worried or be amused because it becomes rather comical at times.
If you tell that to him though, Malleus would furrowed his brows so hard you feared it'll stick together as he denied he's pouting at you making fun of him. 
If it's other people, he will put them in their places and perhaps incinerate them already. But since the silliness of his actions brought a pretty smile to your face, he supposed he can forgive you for your "transgression".
Malleus will give you your favourite flowers constantly, and you will just be surprised that some of them were preserved by magic. Also, if you accept it, he'll also gift you with lots of "shiny treasures" or jewelry that he personally picked for you. 
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Lilia's way of courting is a mixture of old-fashioned and modern stuff. He did the former to both honour the old tradition of the Valley of Thornsーbecause he wanted you to experience the simple elegance of romance back in his timeーand well, because it was pretty funny.
Lilia had lived long enough to see the different styles of courtship in many countries he had visited before. And he would try to incorporate them in wooing you, though mischievously sprinkling down a few tricks and shenanigans to make it look unique and special just for you.
You might first think that he was just making fun of you and isn't serious, but if you tell him so, Lilia's face would turn blank, devoid of any emotion before he sighed in mocked exasperation. In the next second when you apologise for being blunt, he would just laugh it off and ruffled your head good-naturedly.
It wasn't really as if he wasn't treating courtship seriously, no, he was serious about you. But rather, Lilia would want you to feel and experience all the fun and laughter of being courted, enjoying every moment of it, not all the serious stuff that would probably make you bored.
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Silver swore to never take his old man's advice to heart. Although he listened and respected Lilia a lot, trusting his words, especially in his way of courting and wooing a possible significant other, is another story. 
He would try to read stuff and ways online himself, or asked his peers about some advice if he could. Though since they were living in an all boys boarding school with a bunch of teenagers, he wouldn't be able to gather enough and consistent knowledge.
As Malleus's vassal and guard, asking him would be considered rude. Sebek is instantly out of the question. So, what should he do? Silver would just do what he thinks would make you happy the most. 
He wasn't the best at courtship out there, but Silver would swore to protect you whenever you were in danger. Also, just imagine his animal friends helping him all the way as Silver asked you if wanted to be loved by him again, just like he did once upon a dream.
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Unlike Silver, Sebek would definitely and put all his trust to Lilia's advice. Even if he did find it suspicious and quite ridiculous, Sebek wouldn't really question him further because it was Lilia who gave him advice after all. 
Sebek's way of courting is uptight, and very serious. Though his booming and thunderous voice sometimes ruined the romance building in the air, it was indeed endearing to see him work so hard to prove himself capable of pleasing and loving youーas much as that sounds so embarrassing and cringe-worthy to say for him.
If you need anything, Sebek will be at your beck and call, even if you didn't really call for him. After all, he took all pride in being Malleus's servant and of course, he wanted you to see him as a reliable person you can call anytime you need help.
Also, Sebek believed himself to be a gentleman, so he wouldn't really asked you things past your boundaries such as staying up late in your dorm (he said its unbecoming of him to enter a lady's room even if he's just stepping outside of the doorー), asking you if you want him to carry your heavy things, or even a simple touch of your hand, he will ask for permission, because he quoted, "Human, there was a thin line between being romantic and being scandalous!".
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twstedtales · 2 years
Hey, for the event could I request a romantic date with one of the Diasomnia boys (if it's okay, minus Sebeka, because he's a trigger character, or if not, Ignihyde) in a library? Thanks so much! 🖤💚🖤💚
note | i said i'll start writing on 24, but i dreamt of this scenario and this is just perfect for this date lmao! also, anonie, I've kept in mind to leave out Sebek in this one and throw in Idia in the mix as a replacement. Though neither of them really got picked anyway so ig that's that 😂 thanks for participating! 🧡💝
500+ followers event | masterlist (soon!)
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Lilia + Library Date!
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Library dates with Lilia are both spontaneous and fun. Though as much as you wanted to call it a 'date', sometimes, it would end with him lecturing you about historical incidents that happened in the past that the textbooks fail to capture. Whether he was telling the truth or simply having fun to mess with you, you will never know?
He isn't the type of date to take you in the library and haul thousands of books stacking around you, no. Actually, Lilia is a lot more...carefree and unpredictable. Sometimes, he cared to borrow at least one book, but even then, he wouldn't open it, playfully boasting that he already knew almost a quarter of all the books residing in the library. 
If you really want to study peacefully or have him teach you on some subjects you lack, you have to coerce him first since he was, indeed, having a lot of fun seeing you beg for him to do that. He will definitely give in, but he quitted, "let the old man have his fair share of fun first, no?"
Although there were some sweet moments you could indulge yourself during the times he felt the need to openly show his affections to you, or maybe if you got fed up with his teasing and decided to just ignore his existence completely and study on your own, lmao. He will get your attention back one way or another.
Just like the previous ones before this, Lilia had silently monitored your studies, even if he were wearing a teasing smile when he saw you scratching your head in frustration over your homework in Magical Analysis. He was used to giving you pointers here and there if you ever so bravely seek his guidance, but if you don't, he didn't really make it a point to help you....Sometimes. 
Since he was quite an unpredictable fellow, you wouldn't know what mischief he was planning to pull on you next. 
"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt the truth to be a liar," Lilia suddenly remarked out of nowhere. His tone is serious, making his casual voice deeper than usual. "But never doubt I love,"
Your eyes widened, flustered, as you whipped your head in his direction. You thought he said that to you, but to your eternal disappointment and frustration, Lilia was reading out loud a passage from an ancient playwright tucked inside his textbook. 
While his magenta eyes were still looking directly at the porcelain pages, he added, "hey, do you love me, too?"
You almost choked because you swore to all the Seven that for a moment, his gaze shifted on you and your heart pounded so hard on your chest it probably threatened to jump out of your throat.
Feeling the need to be mischievous too, you didn't answer him. Instead, you grabbed the highlighter lying on the desk and marked the two words printed on your textbook that you were studying.
'I do.'
Lilia grinned and mussed up your hair with a large grin with an amused laugh.
Maybe library dates aren't as bad as you thought they would...
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date #01 | rolls a (7+8=15) success! 
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twstedtales · 3 years
Hey there! May i request letter A for the diasomnia boys?
Hello, too! ^^ sorry this took long hahaha.
150 Followers Event (closed!) | Masterlist
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Activities: What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Malleus prefers to spend his time with his s/o during the silent of the nights, away from the suffocating noises in the classroom and away from his overly dramatic guards (mainly Sebek). His favourite pastime involves teaching and educating you about gargoyles; he would speak about them so highly and enthusiastically with so much confidence that even you would be convinced of their superiority and stuff.
Malleus also likes hearing about your day while eating frozen desserts, especially ice creams, while hanging out in Ramshackle building all by yourselves. He would patiently listen to you if you had a bad day, and would try to give logical advice when you wanted and comfort when you needed.
Aside from those two, Malleus would also play any string instrument to indulge you if you asked him to. He finds it not minding it when you fall asleep by him when he plays violin to help you sleep at night. It makes him proud that you were so willing to show your defenceless state to him.
"If you have a nightmare, I shall make sure you're not alone until the sun rises."
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Brace yourself, buckle your seatbelt and make sure to always have different types of medicine tucked to your pocket because Lilia's way of spending time with you is either deadly or a disaster. There's no in between. Lilia would always try to cook for you no matter how hard you stop him, he would take any opportunity he got to see the end of his "hard work".
It would be a normal occurrence for the whole Diasomnia to always see you wrestling the cooking ladle away from him, or when you actually try to teach him how to properly cook and read every detail of the cookbook with Lilia. Although all your efforts are to no avail, just as everyone expected. The students of the dorm have high respect for your patience and tolerance towards their Vice Dorm Head.
Aside from cooking disasters, Lilia would also invite you during his daily gaming nights. If you're not acquainted with his games, he would enthusiastically teach you how to play them. If you happen to fall asleep by then, Lilia would tuck you to bed like a child and probably sing you a goodnight lullaby that he said would "chase away the bad dreams".
"Kufufufu. You need not to worry, little one. I will be here to guard you till the morning comes."
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Since he thinks you have a great talent in wielding a sword, Silver would very much be more than willing to teach you fencing. That is if you wanted to. He doesn't want to force you but he would say that it would be helpful to you when it comes to defending yourself when you're in danger. Although he assured you that he would be there when it happens, it wouldn't hurt to be extra careful. 
Silver was a member of the Equestrian club, Silver would sometimes invite you to ride a horse with him. If you don't know how, he would teach you, though he would most likely fall asleep by then and Sebek would have to shout angrily at him for leaving you on your own devices when you can't control your horse just yet.
After all those tiring lessons, Silver would fall asleep again, but this time, he would make sure that you were already safe or if you want, you can nap together with him. You could watch him, and the animals flocking around him as if protectively guarding a defencess princess, as he slept away into dreamland.
"Your posture isn't bad. Keep up the good workーzzz…"
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Of course, Sebek's hobbies with you are talking and worshipping Malleus, I know you've seen that one coming. Although his voice is loud and can be terrifying, seeing Sebek so passionate and confident about someone he admires is so endearing you can't bring yourself to tell him that it was rude to talk about someone who wasn't even with you guys. 
The intense fervour in his green eyes and his bottomless devotion towards Malleus was one of the reasons you found him adorable. You weren't really listening to him when he was talking about how amazing his "waka-sama" was but you feel content enough to listen to him ramble and stuff. His reactions and expressions never get old.
Sebek would also be seen butting heads with Silver often, so you would be left defusing him before he destroys the eardrums of everyone watching and listening. Aside from that, Sebek would also invite you to train with him from time to time. Especially if your physical education grades are abysmal; he would help you with your training programs suited to your body to solve your "pitiful PE grades".
"Hmp! Not bad for a human!" Sebek looked down at you, huffing, but you know that he was just too prideful to show you how proud he was. "I've told you if you put your all on something, there's nothing you can't do!"
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twstedtales · 3 years
Hiii! Congrats on the 150 followers! Can u please do the B H M Z for Lilia? Thankie~
Thank you, anon-chan! ^^ sorry for the long wait and I hope I do not deliver Lilia too OOC in this one! 💦
150 Followers Event | Masterlist
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Beauty: What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lilia had lived for so many centuries, oustripping all humans and other creatures alike in terms of mortality and life, so he would always believe that physical beauty is nothing but a fleeting dream that could escape his grasp at any moment in the passage of time. 
The beauty he would be looking, and admiring for, is somewhere deep inside you. That youthful spirit that never ceases to amaze him, that fresh maturity of the human race that faeries can never imitate no matter how hard they try, and that burning fire of life in your gaze that tells him how mortality isn't...that bad at all.
Lilia admires that fresh vitality in you. He believes that mortality is what keeps you going, why you strive to be better, and why you value every moment he has with you. It was your mortality, your limited time, that made him cherish your time together more. And he think, that was purely and innocently beautiful.
"In the eyes of an old adventurer, you are already the most beautiful person in the world. Beauty does not have to be dependent on the slenderness of the body, or the fairness of your countenance. That form of beauty most people are looking for is finite." Lilia's deep voice spoke in a quiet tone, all mischievousness gone as his magenta eyes bore holes in your own. "The one that I see in you continues beyond forevermore."
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Honesty: Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Lilia definitely will hide lots of things from his lover. In his long lifetime, he had seen many humans born, encountered many people, and had to let them go in the end. The things that he had kept from you is from those painful times he had to hide from society, his experiences from waging war, else abandoning everything for a long time. 
He wanted to spare you from the pain of learning his past-be it his misdeeds, the people he killed, the people he had lost, the stakes he had to sacrifice, everything. If he can save you from knowing the things that happened in the past, and prevent you from getting emotionally burdened by his sins, keeping this as a secret will be the best choice he has made.
"Sometimes, I wish I could read minds," you confined to him one day, pouting as you glared in his direction. He had, once again, surprised you by hanging upside down in the ceiling. "In that way, maybe I can prevent you from embarrassing me again and again."
Lilia merely laughs before dropping elegantly to the ground, hand clamping on his blazer sitting on his shoulders like a mantle to keep it in its place. "Kufufu. That would be fantastic. Howbeit do I wonder if you can handle them."
You looked at him, puzzled. "Handle what?"
With a mischievous smile, Lilia pointed at his temple, tapping the side of his forehead a few times. "My mind, my memories..." he replied. "...and my buried secrets, for that."
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Marriage: Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I think Lilia would be quite reluctant to get tied to someone. His life stretched far beyond humans could ever imagine. Even if he had those unlimited experiences that helped him mature and nurture to what he was today and grows to love you over time, that small, buried part in him was afraid to be left alone in the world would once again resurface.
Marriage was a risk he's reluctant to take. Lilia would mockingly laugh at himself, saying how he was prepared to spend the rest of his eternal life without the person he loved the most. Even if seeing them mad at him, leaving him, would be the thing that could finally destroy his sanity. 
But then again, Lilia remembered..humans despite being fragile creatures, were also built with determination and grit. You saw through his needless fears, and told him that he need not to sacrifice what he truly wanted...because you wanted it, too. 
As Lilia stood beside you in the altar, his magenta eyes sparkling with the same light that had drawn you to him many years ago. If not, that light probably shines even brighter than before. "Seasons may change, flowers may wilt and decades may pass, even if your body slowly deteriorates and age consumes you, these eyes looking at you in this moment will still see you as someone beautiful beyond compare...and will love you and dedicate my life to you for the rest of eternity. This is my vow to you."
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Zeal: Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
As long as Lilia had finally gotten over his own "fears", he would do anything in his power to make sure your relationship would stay afloat despite all of your differences with him. Of course, he has responsibilities to guide and guard Malleus but after considering it, Lilia would choose you over this. After all, Malleus isn't a child anymore and he can take care of himself. As for you...even if you can, he won't allow you to part from him.
Lilia would also invite you to live in the Valley of Thorns with him. You know how rare humans are in that country, but Lilia promised you that you won't get bored and your safety won't be threatened there because you were with him. And Silver and Sebek were there to keep you company as well.
"Because our future will only open for us the moment we realised that our differences made us stronger."
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