#like yeah!! I'm a visionary. when are you going to stop being so surprised
cadmium-ores · 1 year
*collapses* I have spent. The last six days straight. Working nonstop. On nothing but (1) my job and (2) painting the house.
like. like. as in I woke up early, began working, and didn't stop until my body would not go on (e.g. signs of impending collapse). I have discovered energy drinks actually work! this is the only reason I got this far! I had never drank a full one before!
this is because I bought a Big House (love to make choices) that required a 50' boom lift rental to paint and that Costs Money so I had to finish everything that needed to be done with the lift in the time we had the rental
but like. I did it?? it's done?
the house isn't completely painted but like it's going to rain for the next ~week so I am using that as my excuse to not touch a can of paint again for a hot minute
I know how to use a boom lift now (pretty cool tbh)
Established rapport with my neighbor (he's a nice guy; was super chill about us needing to park the lift in his yard to do one side of the house)
discovered some particular strain of inner peace from the simple nature of reducing all of your concerns to simply Work, Paint, Food, Sleep for an extended period
did actually manage to Not exceed my limits although I did experience significant pain, minor hallucinations, and loss of balance/stability by the end of some of the days
feel like. accomplished. and weirdly like. idk. something else?
anyway so now I'm going to sleep. for the correct number of hours. and then like. put my house back together and remember how I normally conduct my life, b/c everything else fell by the wayside given the fact that exactly 100% of my time and energy was accounted for
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ryuichirou · 7 days
Happy Saturday; a couple of short replies today.
Anonymous asked:
I sound dumb but on kofi I noticed that some of your drawings were labeled Fellow and Mob and there was one on Bluesky for Epel and Mob. Who or what or when is Mob? Is this the dude from Scott Pilgrim?
You are not dumb, Anon! No worries.
“Mob” is basically the same as “just random faceless guy/girl”. Here is a definition from this site:
In Japanese, モブ (short for モブキャラクター) refers to a character who plays a minor role in anime/manga/games.
Dorm students from TWST (the ones that aren’t our main characters) are technically all Mob, like Scarabia student B, Heartslabyul student A, etc. This term is also frequently used in doujins when a character is being paired with some rando, i.e. some pervy old man or just some faceless student. In case with Fellow and Epel it was a pervy old man...
But now I can’t stop thinking about Mobile sleeping around lol
Anonymous asked:
ryu i just wanted to let you know that your aot art still lives rent free in my mind specially the ereri ones you were such a visionary omg !!!! but your new drawings are just as beautiful <3
Oh my god, Ereri!
Thank you so much for your kindness, Anon! Hearing that it such a blast from the past, I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already… I am very excited to apply everything I’ve learned over these years art-wise to more Ereri stuff in the future (whenever it’ll be). So it’s great to hear that there are people who still remember us and our content with these two <3
I am very happy you like my new stuff as well, it means a lot!
Anonymous asked:
Was at a con last weekend and you were like every person's at the twst meetup favorite artist I'm not even kidding
No way… 😭 This is incredibly sweet, thank you very much!
In all honesty though, it really is very surprising, but amazing nonetheless. I am very happy to hear that. It’s hard to even imagine that I exist... irl? In other people’s lives? Idk how to put it.
Thank you for sharing, and I hope you (and everyone else) enjoyed the con.
Anonymous asked:
I wish I had an Idia dakimakura. No question just wanted to share my woes. I need to squeeze the life out of him :(
Honestly, I think a lot of lives would have been improved with an Idia dakimakura… He is very squeezable :”(
Anonymous asked:
I've been having the most intense Lilia/Idia thoughts lately and I just wanted to share them if you're interested.
Cause Idia and Lilia are gaming buddies, yeah?
And I just can't stop thinking about how if they were playing a game with comms, there could be other people there or not but having other people there makes it more fun, and Lilia just messing with Idia so hard.
Just saying the dirtiest stuff and Idia's on the other side of the comms blowing a fuse from all the stuff Lilia's saying.
And if there was people there and they heard that, then Idia would have to deal with the questions later and he'd blow a fuse again just out of embarrassment.
Maybe that's a strange thought to have, but I just wanted to share it cause why not?
LOL poor random people who have to play with these two fuckers! On the other hand, it’s probably very entertaining to listen to them lol
It’s also funny that Crimson Muscle seems to have kind of strict and mature, yet unexpectedly playful vibe, so the image in Idia’s head is very specific. But once they learn each other’s identity… maybe Lilia would start acting like his gremlin self more. He really could make Idia blow a fuse if he wanted to…
No matter what happens, people around them are going to think they’re dating lol
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jenkinstheartis · 7 months
NCT 127 ☆ Fact Check
album review. released: October 6, 2023
9 songs ; 39 minutes
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overall: 7.6
nct 127 the conquers of my little kpop heart, they made it to the end. round of applause for them! and then a separate round of applause for this album! doyoung breathes life into this album i swear, he's singing like they deprived him of it for years.
disclaimer: this is all opinion, im no critic this is for fun <3
☆ = favorites
1 Fact Check | 7/10
great opening. solid. nothing to write home about. i really like yuta's part: "check that, check that, I'm fine..." like mmhm i'm listening. not they best title track but like not they worse idk
2 Space | 8.5/10
giving firetruck album (still can't believe they named it the first mini album) the chorus just makes me stop and listen, omg they was showing out. this also when doyoung starts steppin. jaehyun does his lil thing too, his falsetto’s sound pretty here.
3 Parade | 8/10
taeyong needs a raise, make him a billionaire so i have a reason to hate him. johnny’s little negativity part surprised me and I was like oh god but it’s grown on me. also rapper jaehyun is always a treat. “what’s next? im so excited!” this girl is fun and entertaining!
4 Angel Eyes | 5/10
fun. i love lil boy band bops, taking me back to 2012 one direction, but like there’s better boy band bops out there,,, so oop. they put mark’s part at the end bc they knew i would’ve skipped it sooner.
☆ 5 Yacht | 8/10
wish it was still summer so I could enjoy this and be warm. mark and haechan’s “lovin it” and doyoung and taeyong’s “lovin it” should be studied for the affects it can have on the brain. what me and this song got is personal.
☆ 6 Je Ne Sais Quoi | 8/10
“we move to the new world, new world” like okay real! bags packed let’s go and on our way to the new world we get lost at the second verse then the bridge but the destination so good i barely even notice!
☆ 7 Love Is A Beauty | 10/10
breathtaking honestly. haechan just comes in so smooth and easy almost teared up sers. johnny's voice makes me blush fr just yeah lol. everyone sounded so good together, whoever mixed this needs a pat on the back and a certificate <3. another one where doyoung whispered his sad little love secrets into our ears. then mark just rocks us out like little love babies, what more can a gal request from life.
8 Misty | 7.5/10
Moon Taeil I miss you dearly, please answer my letters. another amazing group effort. johnny where you been all my life, sing to me more! This would’ve been a good album ender.
9 Real Life | 6/10
because of the strings and the fact they let doyoung bring it in like that, it gets her score. johnny pronounced tf out that "real life" love him for it king.
i dont mind turning back members to amplify other members. some people were leant more to harmonies and layering, and with so many people in a group that’s how it should be. I miss when being a visual was like an actual position in groups aka if you couldn’t sing you barely did! Nct doesn’t have that problem (now 👀) everyone has a nice voice.
127’s musical progression from the trash album that was Regular Irregular to this is truly astonishing. Fact Check is a very cohesive piece of work and fits into their discography perfectly.
Shoutout to NCT 127 and they music! Our last true visionaries.
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hillywooddestiel · 5 years
The Retreat- Chapter 14
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Characters: CEO!Bucky x reader
Warnings: angst, stalker issues, some almost smut
Word count: 1.7k
Series description: Y/N Y/L/N: determined business woman, sought after by most businesses, creative visionary for advertising. She has it all. Or so she thinks. Life has a way of kicking you sideways when you least expect it, want it or are in anyway prepared for it. Numerous times. How can Y/N remain from cracking under the pressure when her career isn’t the only thing on the line and everything isn’t all that it seems?
A/N: Hey! It’s me, I’m back! Sort of. Long time no see. Uni is taking up so much of my time but I will be on here for summer at least. I’ve actually finished this series, i just need to post it so that’s a steady upload you can expect. I’m trying to write chapters for my other series and stuff but I am struggling a little right now. Maybe I’ll do some drabble asks or something to ease back into things. So yeah, the hiatus is semi-over and I am trying. Enjoy xx Series Masterlist    Marvel Masterlist
“Look alive! Barnes is on his way.” Maria warns me as she passes my office door though it's no warning to me. After an entire weekend spent alone in my apartment, aside from going to get a new phone and the two minutes the pizza delivery girl spent at my door, I'm feeling a little better. Not great but, I'm crying less so that's a plus, right? Nothing else happened over the weekend. No calls, no mail, no threatening sky writing- nothing! Maybe the phone call was a fluke and I overreacted. A girl can dream.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Barnes stands just inside my door, looking at me expectantly. I get up from my chair and move towards the door to close it.
“Of course.” The second the handle clicks shut, his whole demeanour changes to that of someone more relaxed and happy.
“I've been calling you all weekend! Why didn't you answer?” He holds my arms gently and looks into my eyes.
“I'm sorry, I broke my phone and had to get a new one.”
“Oh… well I'm glad you're okay.” He lowers his head and connects out lips in a sweet kiss, “Are you feeling better?”
“Mhm. In fact, I was thinking we could have dinner again. Tonight.” I suggest, finding myself lost in him.
“Sounds good.” Bucky kisses me again, his hands beginning to explore my waist and my back. He swipes his tongue across my lower lip before making the kiss deeper, casting his spell over me once again. It's a good thing that he's the one to pull back for air because I don't think that's something I could do. “I know a really good steakhouse. They have live music and I know the owner.”
“Actually… can we have dinner at your place? I just… I don't want people thinking anything weird is going on.”
“So, we're going to sneak around?” Bucky asks a little confused with a hint of sarcasm.
“Not sneaking around, keeping things private. Plus there are other perks to being in your apartment…” I add with a sultry voice, pressing myself closer to his chest.
“Oh there are? What kind of perks?” He teases, his fingers fiddling with the hem of my blouse.
“Well there's one that springs to mind…” I pull him into a kiss by the lapels, the intensity growing rapidly. Just as I'm getting into the groove, my intercom beeps from my desk.
“Y/N, Sam's here to see you.” Wanda says plainly, obviously having been warned of my visitor (normally she would be a lot more chirpy or come into my office to tell me in person). Bucky and I break apart with a sigh, straightening our appearances.
“So my place after work. I'll pick you up from your office.”
“Okay, I'll see you later.”
As promised, Bucky picks me up from my floor after everyone else has left and we take a cab to his apartment. The view is just as beautiful as the last time I was here and is greatly improved by homemade meatballs and wine. I make sure to sit far back from the windows this time though.
“So what did you do?”
“I got the hell out of there! Apparently it was some huge dream of this frat kid to have one and the only way two girls would come to his place was if he told them he needed tutoring.”
“What did he think was gonna happen?”
“I don't even know. So what's your craziest college experience.” I ask, thoroughly intrigued by what the great Bucky Barnes got up to in college when he wasn't doing business.
“Well there was this one girl that asked me for tutoring but I think it too was just a long plan to get in my pants.” he snarks.
“Busted!” I hold up my hands, avoiding spilling any wine, and laugh.
“In all seriousness though, I didn't really do much crazy shit in college.”
“Nerd! I bet if I asked Steve he'd be able to tell me all kinds of stories.”
“You wouldn't dare.” his smile drops immediately.
“Aha! So there is something, do tell.” I sit back in my seat- this should be good.
“Fine… in my freshman year, I applied to join a frat house. As a part of the initiation we were taken to the woods and left to survive the night with nothing.”
“That's it?” That's disappointing, I wanted something juicy.
“No, we were literally left with nothing. At all.” He cocks a brow and the penny finally drops.
“Oh! You mean…”
“Mhm. I got a rash from poison ivy in places it should not be possible to get a rash.” Bucky readjusts himself in his seat at the mere memory.
Dinner finished with and the plates long since discarded in the sink, Bucky pulls me into his lap with a mischievous grin. The heat from his body and his close proximity sends a tingle throughout my body.
“I believe we were in the middle of something earlier…”
“In the office? That was a while ago, you'll have to remind me…” I play dumb for a moment, leaning in to kiss Bucky's lips. His hands run along my thighs, lifting my legs around him so as to easily lift and carry me to the bedroom. I fiddle with the top three buttons on his shirt as we go.
“Y/N/N…” Bucky moans as I kiss his neck, pulling at his shirt now to the point that the stitches start to pull. He drops me the rest of the way onto the bed and I bounce on the mattress with a look of shock (well wouldn't you be?). To my surprise and slight dismay, he grabs the sides of his half open shirt and rips it off sending the buttons flying across the floor with a clatter- it was such a nice shirt. Then again, it's probably just water off a duck's back for him to buy a new one.
Clothes are discarded slowly as we move against each other for friction, intent on making slow, lazy love to each other. Bucky leaves kisses down my exposed collarbone, his stubble marking me with scratches. I tilt my head ever so slightly to the side allowing him more access to the sensitive skin. It's just as Bucky finally manages to unclasp my bra that I hear the distinct jingle of keys and the door open and close.
“Bucky, you in?”
“Is that Steve?” I whisper, my hands tightening around his biceps. He looks to me with a slight look of fear, lifting a finger to his lips.
“Buck? You okay?” Steve asks again.
“Just a minute Steve!”
“What are you doing?!” I hiss, hurriedly redressing myself in whatever I can find which happens to be my pencil skirt, one of Bucky's t-shirts, a navy blazer and no shoes.
“I'll distract Steve, you go out the front.”
“Are you serious?”
“Completely. Do you want him to see you?” I shake my head as Bucky ushers me towards the door, “Didn't think so.”
“Fine… Wait what about my shoes?” I look down, wiggling my bare toes.
“I'll call you a cab, just wait in the lobby.” He places a kiss on my lips before pushing me out of the bedroom and behind the island in the kitchen just in time.
“Bucky… what are you doing?” Steve queries, referring to his lack of a shirt and trousers. Rather awkwardly, Bucky leans onto the island with his elbow in an attempt to look casual.
“I'm… just… I'm cleaning.” He grabs the nearest item and starts wiping the surface in circular motions- my blouse!
“That's a shirt.”
“Yep… it is.”
“Is there someone else here?”
“Nope no nobody no.”
“Right… I need to talk to you anyway.” Okay I really should go while he's distracted. Slowly and, most importantly, quietly, I slide along the floor towards the front door and wait until Steve's back is turned to slip out. Shit, my bag! I can't go back in. Fuck, I'm gonna have to leave it and come back. I hope he's called a cab.
Barnes did call me a cab after all so I wasn't left stranded in the lobby of a fancy apartment block looking like some crazy fashion blogger who was trying a look and failing. So that's a plus, right? Once back at my block, I awkwardly enter past my neighbours, barefoot and hoping not to be seen. The man who lives across the hall from me, Phil, is just coming back from work himself. He smiles at me as normal, turning into more of a stifled chuckle when he looks down to my feet. Note to self: get a pedicure next time you want to travel across the city without shoes. The elevator ride is quiet, save for the usual small talk and the whir of the mechanisms. At the top I let Phil get out first. Thank God I leave a spare key hidden in the plant pot next to my door or I don't know what I would do.
“Um… Y/N?” Phil stops still in the hallway outside my door.
“Yeah?” I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end at the nervousness of his voice. I nearly scream when I see what's concerning him. The word 'Slut’ is spray painted in bright red capitals across my front door, the paint dripping down the wall like blood. “Oh my god…”
“You been having problems with those kids from 7b again? I can talk to Marjorie again if you are.”
“Uh not recently…” this has to be my stalker again, “Those damn kids.”
“You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah. Can I- can I borrow your phone?” Phil seems to buy it despite my nervous laugh and hands over his cell.
“Sure” I key in Wanda's number from memory, hoping that I'm not disturbing anything.
“... Hello?”
“Hey, Wanda, it's me… Y/N. Are you busy?”
“No, what's up?”
“I… need a place to crash. It's a long story and I'll tell you all of it. Please.”
“Of course! Do you need picking up from somewhere?”
“My place.”
“I'm on my way.”
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themrmalice · 4 years
Station Lamia Prime
By Malice
Narrated on YouTube by The Disciple: https://youtu.be/dju620v-WAE
We approached the floating structure, a ring with a large pillar mounted in the center. From it a cacophony of electromagnetic waves erupted through the cosmos, assaulting our ship with near unstoppable strength. Our shields were strong enough to repel most advances, but the waves consistently tore through some sections, deadening rooms for minutes at a time. Death tone plates shimmered in the blue light with a magenta pigment carefully dotting the lower half of most plates. 
I'm a Derelict, ordered by the cosmological council to investigate this station, Lamia Prime. They mentioned peculiar anomalies that had been previously undocumented were a constant force in this place. Between visionary hallucinations to memetic distortion, this place covered all of the enigmatic anomalies recorded by the council with varying levels of detail. As a Derelict, I was only sent in to investigate and record any findings. A crew of 25 men and women on a small shuttle are to monitor my neurological behaviour, as that is the most prevalent report when passing through this area. 
This lone station was a place of vast technological advancement, unrivalled in its prime! Now, it is a ghost of what it once was. There were no signs of external damage, no signs of technological malfunction, no signs of panic or struggle aboard the station. Everyone just disappeared. Leaving only their clothes lying on the ground. Chilling, absolutely, more chilling however is that the reactor is still running without an operator. Unless they developed an autonomous reactor, which is nigh impossible, then this is the work of an anomaly. 
             The station was in range for the smaller pneumo pod to be shot towards it. There was no technology within the pod itself, only lead plating to protect the contents within from radiation. I climbed into its cockpit, before me was a window, through which I could see the grotesque station listing slowly in a dead orbit. The radio clicked on “You ready?” a female voice blared, “Yep!” I responded, almost excited to enter this stations recesses. The cabin around me, laced with woven cloth to protect the contents from kinetic force, began to expand. These were the “Punch Pillows”, so to speak, and they grew rapidly, surrounding my body in their grasp. Then came the “Punch" a massive plume of pneumatically sealed air exploded from behind the shuttle, and I propelled forward towards the station. Above me, circles of lights turned to lines and the station ahead grew into a vast, rotating mass. I was pulled into it, and I was about to slam into the side when an unknown force cushioned my assault. My window had strings of baby blue constantly crawling from bottom to top. “Don't worry,” the female voice spoke, “Its merely an Electron Field, it will pull you in shortly.” and just like that, it did. I was being guided gently into a small opening near the bottom of the pillar, where I was thrown into a room filled with meteorites and asteroids. Essentially the junk drawer of this station, where it preserves any meteors that come hurling its way towards the station. 
The airlock spewed open, and the pressure kicked the door off its hinges, opening my deflating cabin to the meteor storage. I got out, searching immediately for a door to go through. Luckily, there was an illuminated door opposite the entrance. A bulkhead of sorts, clearly where the airlock was. I stammered over to it, carefully weaving through the meteors until I could embrace the handle on the door. To my surprise, it turned without hesitation. Indicating that it was recently used. As it opened I pulled out my Plasma Pistol, standard issue for all Derelict Personnel. Inside was a well lit, glossy surface with dotted dirt patterns all around. I slowly walked in and closed the door behind me, swiftly jolting back and forth as I checked the room for intruders. Nothing found. As the door slid into place, it automatically sealed and fresh oxygen was pumped into the room. I turned up my visor, allowing the oxygen to fill my lungs. I looked down and saw more dirt, once again dotted towards the door out. Cautiously I approached, the glassy texture of this place made the dots stand out to an extreme. 
The door slashed open with both sides moving in perfect unison, something now alien to me entirely. Before me was a vast hallway that ran seemingly forever then wrapped around the sides. All I knew was that I was at the bottom of the pillar, and around me stood flat dead black monoliths of incredible size, silent from lack of use. Brushing past one caused its black face to ignite into bluish tones with a blaring sound cascading down the hallways and echoing back to me. The screaming reverberation startled me as it returned and split off into the other halls, disturbingly enough, I could hear other sounds it carried as it passed. The screen spoke an ancient dialect originating in primordial English. I could only make out “Lamia Prime” and “Welcome” from the degraded radio. Beyond it, I saw a large corridor which whipped to the right, interwoven into a hive of lost knowledge. I began my investigation, only to be interrupted by the perfect porcelain white halls having one dark brown interlocutor. More particles leading off from where I came from. Dust from the Meteorites, no doubt. I followed the breadcrumb trail, which traced the halls loosely. Whoever this was, they were disoriented. 
Each step into this place was another step into madness, white walls, white floors, white fluorescent lights, with only the light baby blue interjections of screens followed by green and magenta iridescence radiating through the windows. The iridescent glow was hypnotic, perfectly even in its distribution. Wait, green? I thought the star was blue. Taking a slow and cautious step into a small room decorated with dispersed and erratic placement of lab tech, I gazed out the nearby window at the star, which was indeed blue. Looking back at its iridescence, I saw blue and magenta pigment. The magenta was the colour of the nebula, so that's consistent. Perhaps a part of the Anomaly. Down the corridor I heard gas spew as a door screamed open, I crouched and slowly walked towards the sound. All was silent in this moment, I approached, peering through the quartzite glass at a now opened door with a shimmering light exuding from it. My feet squealed on the floor as I motioned towards it, and as the first squeak from my foot echoed from beneath me, the door gently closed. 
My radio clicked on, and again I could hear that female voice, “The whole station stood still for a good 5 minutes, what the hell is happening in there?”. Stood still? I thought, how the hell does an entire station of this size stand still then go right back to regular rotation? I clicked my radio, “I believe there is another being aboard this station, dirt tracks have alluded to it, preparing to investigate.” I realized that I hadn’t asked about the station, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I opened my mouth and no words came out. Made me shudder. I moved towards the door, which automatically opened upon noticing my movement, I readied my pistol, and stood with my back against the frame. Snapping into place with my pistol aimed into the room, I swiftly strutted in. Nary a sound but the squeaks of my boots and the charge of plasma. The room had no alternative entrances or exits, nothing was there, not even a sign of life, no dirt on the ground, nothing. Everything was as it should be. Noticing this my heart began to pound. Maybe a malfunction? But Thus far I haven't seen the stations infrastructure malfunction even minorly. 
The radio clicked again, “Warning, Incoming Magnetic Storm, prepare for Electronics and Machines to begin malfunctioning or turning off entirely.” My heart jumped again, the thought of more of these malfunctions happening was comforting but also terrifying. Almost immediately, the Magenta Hue began to offset the Turquoise, and the Iridescence faded as a massive nebula began to envelope the station. Now, all that shone through the window was Magenta, interrupted by streaks of reddish lightning. Magnetic Storms were no joke, they have blasted whole ships out of the stars. However, this one was different. It seemed almost targeted. The Lighting slashed through the hull of the outer ring, gargantuan pillars of light erupted from within the cloud and plasmatic fire skewered throughout it. It was collapsing! The Outer Ring no doubt acts as a Gyroscope for this damn station, I need to get the hell out of here before the Gravity starts to decay! I bolted down the hall, with the rooms behind me exploding into Magenta tones that roughly splattered against the wall, Panic shrouded me and I began to sprint blindly towards a staircase! I grabbed my radio, almost screaming “The storm is tearing through the station, I need evac NOW!” and almost immediately a calm response resonated from my earpiece, “What the fuck are you talking about Damien? The Storm is oncoming, it's not even here yet! We still have an ETA of 3 hours!” I stopped, no chaos encapsulated the halls behind me. Just silence. I jogged down the staircase I had ran up, and saw that the station was all intact. The radio clicked back “Are you alright? Your neuron activity is sparking right now, perhaps we should evac and get a mag helm for you.” She spoke in a very worried tone. With a shaking voice, I responded, “Yeah, get me out of here.” she responded, “Are you positive? You understand the danger of sticking around, right?” Confusion struck like a bat at the back of my head, “What the hell are you talking about Helen, get me out of here!” I shouted back. Audibly frustrated, Helen spoke, “If you insist then fine, we still have 2 and a half hours till the Magnetic Storm is on us.” Before I could speak, my throat scratched and only a whine was let out. The fuck is going on here? I thought. Guess there's no helping it now. Got 2 and a half hours in hell. Much as I would like to get out of here I would need Helen to send a shuttle here. For some reason, she couldn't hear what I was saying, sounded like she was hearing something entirely different. 
I press onward, the clicking and whirring of the space stations electronics began to grow louder. I looked at the iridescence again, the pale blue and magenta hue were even. The Nebulon Cloud that enveloped the station began to grow in size, indicating the Magnetic Storm. I eventually wormed my way through the facilities until I reached a room with a computer that spoke my Dialect. I opened the computer, finding that this station, Station Lamia Prime, was one of a number of stations. It mentioned another, in Belial's Trench, about 10,000 meters down, called Sub Station Lamia. Belial is another Anomalous Planet. Prime is where they all sent their data. Instead of pouring through 13 petabytes of data, I instead searched for a simple map. When i found a file containing Technology Mapping, Room Layout, and eventually a full map, I was worried. There were several recalculation maps, one which stated that floor 133 was above floor 142, and one where floor 133 was in the outer ring, where only floors 200-220 are. These recalculations happened once every week, and a recalc was scheduled in just a few minutes from now! But between all the Recalcs, I found that only 133 changed position, and was rarely in the same place twice. I checked for a room layout of Floor 133, and found that the rooms were under constant recalc too! I found eventually that Floor 133 was where the Reactor was held, which means I have to hunt this floor down to shut off this station. 
The Recalc began, and would take an estimated 10 minutes to complete. I wish it would be instant like at Prometheus. This station is responsible for sending a few encrypted messages to Prometheus and a number of other Lifehold stations. But the encryption doesn't make sense whatsoever! Its a basic encryption that a preschooler could solve, but the message is still taking the galaxies best scientists to decipher. The messages are sent to each of the 5 Lifehold stations, sometimes voice codes, sometimes text, and even sometimes Morse Code, a dead format from centuries ago! Thus far they have only determined that it is a 12 word statement, split up into 2 sentences, sent in 5 separate messages. They have only determined where 2 words go, and that is “Send” and “Assimilating” and their placement in the statement. They have deciphered that Send is the first word of the first sentence, and that Assimilating is the sixth word of the second sentence. They sent 3 units of derelicts to Help, with only 2 returning in full health. This station has baffled everyone involved, due to its impossibility of investigation. 
The screen beeped, saying that the recalc was done, and that Floor 133 was 3 floors above me. I checked the Layout and the Reactor was on the left, 5 doors down. I practically leaped out of the chair, crouching down, and gliding through the corridor to the staircase. When i reached the staircase, I made careful note of the floor I was on, floor 062. I sprinted up the stairs, the next floor was 063, 064, and 06...2? I checked the floor above me and it was, 063. Wait, what? Hold on now, maybe floor 133 disguises itself as the floor you were just on. Doesn’t explain the next floors repeating though. I opened the door to floor 062, 5 doors down on the left and I was in a Lab Room. I went back to the staircase and began ascending till I was back at floor 062, where i entered again and jogged 5 doors down to the left. Again, the Lab Room! This time, I grabbed a small glass bottle on my way out. Back at the staircase, I placed the bottle on the floor before entering the staircase. I jogged up the stairs, 063, 064, 062 again! I opened the door and sure enough, there it was! The damned bottle! Okay! I thought Lets try going down. I began to descend, going down to... 063. Now I was getting frustrated. I don't have time to play games! I walked over to the edge of the staircase and peered up. An endless flight was above me, same below. I opened the door to 062, grabbed the bottle that happily waited for me, and closed the door. This time, i sat the bottle on the railing next to 062. Keeping an eye on it as I jogged up to 063, 064, and when i reached what was supposed to be 133, the bottle remained where it was. I looked at the sign on the door, and it said, 062. Turning around I saw the bottle standing there. Frustrated I took the bottle and slammed it against the wall, where it shattered, bouncing off an invisible force. I was shocked! I looked at the wall I had thrown it against and placed my hand on it, a pale blue luminance echoed from where my hand had met the wall. I grew curious and began to apply pressure, only to see the sign next to the door begin to distort. It now said 074, and when I tore my hand away it said 062. So that means I ascended 12 floors! I started counting during my descent, passing shards of broken glass 9 times, I eventually reached a point where I was 3 floors above where I began. I pressed against the wall and sure enough, it said 133. The real sign was slightly above where it should be and was ascending. I opened the door to be met with the same corridor as 062. Perhaps I have to distort the energy causing this visual fluctuation? 
I clicked my radio, “Hey, can you fire a high energy EMP at the lower half of the central pillar? There's some energetic force blocking my progress.” Immediately it clicked back, “Are you sure your okay?” Helen said, her tone was off. “Im fine, why do you ask?” Helen spoke back, “I'm serious, you need to evac, alright? You have an hour and a half until the Magnetic Storm hits, and you don't want to be on board when it does.” I realized that the Anomaly is still messing with my comms. So that's not an option. Then, another idea struck me! I pulled out my pistol and set it to stun, maybe the energy blast from it will be strong enough to distort the field! I pointed it right at the door and began charging. Just before I released I heard a shout, “Don't shoot!” It sounded like it was right next to me! I jolted and released the trigger, it struck the field, a streak of blue tore through the hexagonal field that had encapsulated the entire staircase. Floor 133, finally! But the door was halfway through the ceiling. I couldn't see the button to open it, so I was going to have to go to the next floor. I tried my comms again, “Helen, I just distorted a sort of field, in the stairwell, and I'm about to enter the floor that has the Reactor on it.” I waited a minute, no response. “Hello? Helen, you there?” Again, no response. I turned and was about to jog up the stairs when my foot touched something soft. I looked down to see colourful clothing lying on the ground. My heart sunk when I noticed a scorch mark on the right shoulder. Looking around, there were dozens of clothing sets laid out, shirt above, pants below, like ghosts. What the fuck? I thought. 
I slowly walked up the stairs, passing by the shirts of varying colour. None of the others had a mark on the shoulder. Nothing made sense to me right now. When I made it to the next floor, I saw floor 133 was still slowly gliding through the wall, but I could at least access it. I had to kneel to press the button. And when it opened a headache slammed into the back of my skull, like a train it struck again and again. A migraine. Whatever the Anomaly is, I found it. When I hopped into the floor, an icy chill ran up my spine, causing me to reflexively contort. My arms pulled to my chest, and my eyes fixated ahead of me without moving. Now, terror filled my lungs, as I stumbled towards a large observation deck. Before me were shattered fragments of a previous planet, still intact to some capacity. The Nebulon Cloud was far smaller now, and the Iridescence on the ground was a dark blue complimented by a dead Magenta. Now the blue was overpowering the Magenta. This terror was only furthered when I turned around. Hundreds of clothes were scattered to and fro, with the shirts all pointed in the same direction. Towards the 5th door on the left side of the entrance. I walked over silently, I had the innate sense I was being stared at. My pistol drawn, I pointed it towards the door. Now, the clothing seemed to disperse around my feet, clearing a path as I walked. Parting the sea of clothes, I made my way to an inactive generator. I placed my hand on a terminal, and looked at the readings. I couldn’t make out the dialect, but the layout of the readings were familiar, luckily. The Reactors Energy output was above 60% with a 10% usage. I was confused by this, as a Lifehold Station normally has an 80% usage with a 90% output. But the numbers were fading. I looked forward to see a lever, the obvious on/off switch. I moved towards it, only to feel something brush against my arm. I jumped forward and glared back to see all the clothing was now floating, shirts above, pants below, neither were filled with anything! Flat clothing that walked towards me slowly, in unison! I grabbed the lever and they all halted, as if scared to see what would happen if I were to turn the Reactor off. One motioned and I immediately pulled the lever.
As swiftly as the clunk of the energy output shutting off sounded,the entire room went dark, the clothing fell, and the room was filled with the Magenta Hue followed by Red Crackles! And only in those flashes of red did I see black smoky bodies, humanoid, standing where the clothing did! I screamed, fired at one of them, they did not respond, none of the smoky bodies were moving! Despite this, and despite me seeing the bolt of blue slash into the wall, I saw a burn mark form on the shoulder of one of the articles of clothing. I sprinted wildly past all of them, feeling nothing as I ran right through some! Panic filled me again, and the cloud of the Magnetic Storm began tearing away at the room I was in, I opened the door and slid out just as a flash of Red revealed that the smoky figures were all standing around me with arms extended. I slammed into the ground, the smooth white tiles were comforting to me. I clicked on my radio, “Helen, can you hear me!?” I yelled, no response yet again, I ran down 4 flights of stairs, ran into floor 062, which now had clothing in the corridors! Disarray filled the corridor, I heard a loud crash at one end of the hall. The Magnetic Storm was upon us, I saw the cloud ripping at the outer ring. I ran towards the Meteorite Store, only to be halted by a figure holding the same pistol that I use, with it charging and pointed at me. Another Derelict, but, how? Nobody else was sent in! I drew my pistol and pointed it back, mine was still set on stun, but theirs was shrouded in purple. Not a word between us, the figure was feminine, and tears streamed down her face, she screamed at me “Are you one of them!?” I calmly spoke back, “One of who? My name is Damien, who are you?” She shook as I spoke, and not a word was spoken from her lips, but she did peer out the window. With a dead expression, she took the pistol and pointed it to her temple. I quickly shouted “Woah! Wait!” But by the time my words left my mouth, a blast of purple clouds and scarlet streaks soared through her skull, annihilating her head. I looked out the window and saw a flash of red sheer towards my corridor, and I braced for the impact.
A flash of white, I blinked, and I was on the floor, in 062. My nose and ears were bleeding extremely, I groaned and rose to my feet. The first sound I heard was over the radio, “Damien, are you there?! Damien!” I clicked my radio, “Yeah, I’m fine, glad to hear from you. Whats the ETA on the Magnetic Storm?” Helen, who was clearly confused, said “Are you kidding me? The station was torn apart when we left! We tried to wait for you but we took a Mag Blast right to our bow! We left, its been 2 days Damien!” I couldn’t comprehend what she meant, Two days? I clicked back “What are you talking about Helen? How long have I been out?” A moment of silence, then the click “Damien what the fuck is going on!? Been out, you went totally dark! It happened like 30 minutes after you left! How long have you been in there, how long do you think you’ve been in there?!” “To me its only been about 2 hours, Helen! I dont know whats happening, all I know is what I saw!” Helen quickly responded, panic in her voice, “You need to get off that station Damien, I already ordered for its kinetic destruction! They are going to be blasting it in a few days, getting rid of it altogether!” Before I could respond she spoke, “we have 30 minutes to get you out of there, there's another Storm coming in. Are you ready?” I groaned again, “Yeah, yeah I'm ready. I'll head to the Meteor Store.” I began to stumble haphazardly through the halls. When I reached the junction to the Meteor Store, I was about to turn when I noticed that the Dirt Trail lead right to where I woke up. I followed the trail back to find that it lead in different directions. I began that way, figuring I had enough time to quickly find where it went and head back. Stumbling slowly through the hallways, I looked at my watch, which indicated that I had about 15 minutes before the arrival of the storm. 15 minutes? It's only been like 5! I clicked on my radio, “Helen, how long has it been since you contacted me recently?” Helen responded, “It's been only like 10 minutes, Damien. Are you near the meteorite store?” I snapped awake in panic, “Ten minutes!? Helen, my watch says 15 and to me it's only been 5! What the fuck is happening here I feel like I'm losing my mind!” She took a moment to respond, then said “I don't know Damien. When we left the Station was torn to shreds. We would have stayed away if there wasn't another message sent to Prometheus the day after. Another encryption, from this station.” My head swam, the migraine from before returned, “Helen the shit I’ve seen here is nothing like you would imagine! I'm getting out of here.” Filled with determination, I began to careen towards the Meteor Store. I entered the Airlock to be met with a click from the radio again, “Damien you need to get out of there,we can't wait forever!” I snapped back, “Helen whats going on?!” Full realization that I was not perceiving this as she was. No response, but I understood her panic when the airlock doors opened, and I saw the Storm tearing through the ships force field. I screamed into my microphone, “Helen its not real, I’ve seen like 5 of these hit, its not real!” She screamed back “Its fucking real enough! Our goddamn reactor is dead we are using a backup generator, we are getting out of here!” I saw the ship warp out. I closed the airlock door, waiting for the hit. But once again, none came.
Exacerbated, I stood up after waiting 20 minutes, and opened the door back into the station. Where I was met with a bustling corridor filled with smoky people moving in flashes, and only in between each flash did I see clothing. Some stopped and glared at me, and I warily walked through them to the opposite side. Doors opening and closing on their own, parting clothing seas, and smoky figures in between red flashes. I saw the Iridescence, it was flashing between being primarily magenta and primarily blue. I slowly walked through the hall, my shoulders hunched at my sides. Between each flash I admired the colourful array of clothing on the ground, and during each flash I watched as the smoky figures walked right by me. I made it to an observation deck, where I sat down and tried to collect myself. Crimson dotted the ground beneath me, my nose and ears were still bleeding. I heard a voice, “Um, sir, who are you?” I turned around to see clothing on the ground. I got up and faced them, a flash occured and I spoke to the smoky figure, “My name is Damien.” No response. I sat back down when the next flash happened and the smoky figure was no longer there. Eventually, a longer flash of white occured and shrouded my vision for what seemed like an eternity. When it all came to, all I saw outside was a magenta cloud with streaks of red slashing through. Behind me though, was an endless gauntlet of sprinting clothing and smoky figures, complimented by red lights and blaring sirens. The flash happened again, and I saw the Magenta Cloud emitting from the planet, spewing from it. Then, another long flash, and Everything was white again, silent and calm. The nebulon Cloud was rested around the station again. I clicked my radio, “Anyone there?” I said in a tired tone. No response. I looked ahead, and saw a dot of brimming white growing in size. Initially I thought it was a distant supernova, then I thought about it. If this is back to where I started, then this would be the future, right? Then, if its the future, that's not a distant supernova, that's the intergalactic Railgun!
I jumped to my feet and ran down the hall, towards the meteor store. Before I could turn, I saw the same feminine figure from before standing where the hall is. She pointed her gun at me, and had tears streaming down her face, just like before. This time, however, I could make out smaller details. I recognized the face of this woman! It’s Helen! “Helen! Wait! Please!” she narrowed her eyes, and said something in a dead tongue, “Mor Flos Vale”. And before she shot, she crossed her arm over a badge on her shoulder, a red badge on her shoulder with a blue flower in the center, with the words, Flos Occidere. Then she fired, I ducked under the bolt and ran back towards the observation deck, the shot from the railgun was now in the Solar System, and would strike us in just a moment. Behind me, I saw a Magenta hue paint the corridor that Helen was in, she gazed out a window, tears streaming. She brought the gun to her head, and fired. Another storm. I looked back and watched as it swallowed the payload whole, pushing it off its course. Before the storm could hit, and without hesitation, I followed in Helen’s footsteps, I gazed out, shed a tear, and fired a plasma bolt into my temple.
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