#this happens with like every design decision I make /nm
cadmium-ores · 1 year
*collapses* I have spent. The last six days straight. Working nonstop. On nothing but (1) my job and (2) painting the house.
like. like. as in I woke up early, began working, and didn't stop until my body would not go on (e.g. signs of impending collapse). I have discovered energy drinks actually work! this is the only reason I got this far! I had never drank a full one before!
this is because I bought a Big House (love to make choices) that required a 50' boom lift rental to paint and that Costs Money so I had to finish everything that needed to be done with the lift in the time we had the rental
but like. I did it?? it's done?
the house isn't completely painted but like it's going to rain for the next ~week so I am using that as my excuse to not touch a can of paint again for a hot minute
I know how to use a boom lift now (pretty cool tbh)
Established rapport with my neighbor (he's a nice guy; was super chill about us needing to park the lift in his yard to do one side of the house)
discovered some particular strain of inner peace from the simple nature of reducing all of your concerns to simply Work, Paint, Food, Sleep for an extended period
did actually manage to Not exceed my limits although I did experience significant pain, minor hallucinations, and loss of balance/stability by the end of some of the days
feel like. accomplished. and weirdly like. idk. something else?
anyway so now I'm going to sleep. for the correct number of hours. and then like. put my house back together and remember how I normally conduct my life, b/c everything else fell by the wayside given the fact that exactly 100% of my time and energy was accounted for
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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Growing up in California in my grandmother's house, surrounded by tías, tíos, and all my cousins, I always felt a deep connection to my Mexican-American roots. Every generation of my father's family has had incredibly different experiences that reflect much about American history. 
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My great-grandfather on my abuela's side, Daniel Martinez, grew up in Mexico and immigrated to Los Angeles. Eventually, he saved enough money to open a neighborhood market, which is where he met my great-grandmother, Guadalupe Miranda Martinez. She had come from Mexico to Los Angeles with her mother and brother as a young teenager. They soon married and began having children. When he lost his business in the 1920s, the family turned to migrant farm work. They were forced to use segregated water fountains and bathrooms and my darker-skinned tíos and tías were sent to Mexican schools, while those with light skin and blonde or red hair were allowed to attend schools with white students.
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Unhappy with the segregated schools, my great-grandfather joined up with other families to open the East Barrio School for Latinos in Claremont, CA — fighting the status quo is part of my heritage! They taught reading and writing in Spanish and learned Mexican history at a time when it was hard to show pride about being Mexican.
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My great-grandfather on my abuelo's side, Catalino Alba, came from Mexico during the Revolution. He met my great-grandmother when he immigrated to Gallup, NM, where he helped build the Santa Fe Railroad. He was a musician and inspired my abuelo José Alba to sing, practice traditional Mexican dance, and become an accomplished classical guitarist. As a child, there was never a family party where my abuelo didn't play guitar while my abuela, tíos and tías, and cousins sang along. Perhaps this is where I got my love for the performing arts!
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My great-grandfather moved to San Bernardino, CA, to work on the railroad and my abuelo José Alba grew up in the barrio where he and his siblings slept head to foot. With little food at home, he often asked the neighbors for fruit from their fruit trees. He was compelled to eat dirt, which he later learned was a natural response to the lack of iron that he needed in his diet. As a kid, he wasn't allowed to swim in a public pool without a certification of vaccination. He would often get glass stuck in his shoes because the soles were so thin and worn out — he couldn't afford anything else. At one point, glass punctured his foot, and as a result he developed lockjaw, which was nearly fatal.
When he could work, he made money selling oranges and picking potatoes. He says the first thing he did when he had money was to go down to Main Street to have his shoes shined by a young boy. He told that boy that he would come every week because he knew he was trying to make his own way too.
There were 12 kids in the family and my abuelo is proud that his mom figured out a way to send them to school as soon as it was possible. She understood the value of education. Even though it was hard for them, she made it a priority.
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This is my abuelo and abuela's wedding above — so classic. I always thought our ancestors were Spanish, but I learned through genetic testing that they were Native American, with roots that may go back as far as the Mayan civilization. We've been here from the beginning!
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My parents, Mark and Catherine Louisa Alba, were so different . . . but they had the same hairstyle! I know that when my dad was growing up it was difficult for him and his parents to be Mexican-American. The hyphen wasn't an option back then.
My abuelo had only learned English when he transferred to grammar school at around 6 years old, and he was way behind as a result. Like many others of their generation, my grandparents didn't teach their children, including my dad, to speak Spanish. My abuelo says that he didn't even think about it, but I wonder if he associated it with a difficult transition in his life.
I want my girls to embrace their Latino roots, know how much we have contributed to this country, and understand that the road ahead is richer when we acknowledge and embrace our heritage. I want them to learn Spanish like their great-grandparents. I'm incredibly proud of my diverse heritage and I want my daughters to feel the same way.
Jessica Alba is something of a triple threat: She's managed to achieve major success as an actress, fashion designer, and business mogul. It's hard to imagine anyone not wanting to work with Alba, but early in her career she had a hard time getting roles because of her race.
"They couldn't figure out my ethnicity," Alba said. "I would always go out for 'exotic.' They were like, 'You're not Latin enough to play a Latina, and you're not Caucasian enough to play the leading lady, so you're going to be the "exotic" one.' Whatever that was."
Of course, Alba eventually ended up starring in hits like Fantastic Four, Into the Blue, and Good Luck Chuck. So, yeah, it's safe to say she proved those people wrong.
And not only is this actress leading by example; she's also taking steps to change the game herself. The creation of Alba's cosmetics line, Honest Beauty, which she founded as part of her brand, The Honest Company, in 2015, stemmed from her own struggles as a young girl trying to find a foundation that matched her unique complexion. "I didn't feel like, when I was younger, that there were a lot of things offered to women of color," she said.
So Alba went out and made her own. "The philosophy around starting this beauty line is about enhancing who you are instead of cover up and turn you into somebody else," she said.
Jessica Alba’s startup The Honest Company is a veritable success — approaching over $350 million in sales during a year in which many companies struggled — but venture capitalists turned up their noses to the idea at first.
In 2009, Alba had a real issue: She couldn’t find baby products for her newborn that were guaranteed to be safe and eco-friendly. After having an allergic reaction to one of the allegedly baby-safe detergents she bought, she developed her idea the same way many successful entrepreneurs get started: She pitched building the solution she herself wished was on the market.
Alba pitched serial entrepreneur Brian Lee on her idea, who reportedly passed after saying it wasn't “very promising.” The feeling that others don’t see potential in you or your business idea is a familiar frustration for budding entrepreneurs. At the time, Alba remarked that she felt nobody took her seriously as an entrepreneur, or even believed in her idea, even though she knew there would be demand. 
But just five years later, The Honest Company reached unicorn status, valued at over one billion dollars. What changed in those five years that let her take her failed pitch to becoming a success story?
To perfect your pitch, experiment
Fast forward to 2012. Alba is now in Washington, lobbying for an update to reform the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act. Buoyed by her growing knowledge on the subject, she went back to Lee and pitched him again.
This time, her deck was much more concise, down to less than 30 minutes from start to finish. In a world where most entrepreneurs give up after a rejection or two, Alba instead had spent the years between their two meetings pitching her idea to friends, getting holes poked in her positioning,and answering each and every supply chain question that arose. 
Another change had happened over the last three years: Venture capitalists like Lee, whom she was pitching, had all started young families. Alba’s pitch was rock solid, and as an added bonus her prospective investors wanted the product themselves. 
Lee said yes to the second pitch. The first year The Honest Company was in business, it reported an astonishing $12 million in revenue, a number that has only increased each year. After facing initial rejection on her pitch, Alba’s decision to persevere has led The Honest Company to dramatic success.
At first, everyone told Alba she should start with one product, then expand once that was successful. But this didn’t gel with Alba’s vision of a complete line of baby-safe products; the founder knew parents who wanted clean products wanted a brand that could provide multiple solutions.
Ultimately, Alba ignored the conventional advice and launched with 17 products, which many people believed was too many. But because she didn’t compromise on that, either to venture capitalists or herself, the launch was a total success.
Sources: (×) (x) (x) (×)
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huronnade-moved · 5 years
Completely AU drabble ahead.  Set in a universe where, though the Crossover between Huron and Vide happened, Deeana is strictly Kuro’s squadmate.  No cheating, no relationship drama.  Also, though the drabble is written in English, all dialogue is in Hural.
                                                           _____  . ( 🞮 ) .  _____
       The theatre tended to be quiet after hours.  The only sounds that filled it were quiet breathing and page turning.  Occasionally, the quiet would ebb away with gentle voices, ciclicle carriages of conversation running their course before the atmosphere returned once more.  Neither were bored;  both were enraptured by the ambience that had always existed between them, even after they’d long since parted ways.  
     Tonight felt different in some way, though.  For some reason, the air felt even more charged than usual.
     ❝ Well, ‘s gettin’ late.  I should head home, ❞   Kuro muttered, folding his book closed and hopping from his perch on the end of their stage.  Murr tried not to swallow too hard at the feeling of their knees brushing as he did so, heart leaping into his throat like a bear-trap attempting to catch something.  It didn’t take long for it to sink back down, landing like a stone in his gut.  It always sucked when Kuro had to leave.
     ❝ Yeah, I getcha.  Ya probably gotta be up early, huh? ❞   Though he forced his voice to echo its usual ease, there was an undeniable pang of longing attached limply to the end.  Please just stay.  Just tonight.  I’ll never trouble you again if you just stay with me tonight.   ❝ Thanks fer comin’ over. ❞
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     ❝ Y’don’t gotta thank me every single time, y’know, ❞  Kuro replied with a brow arched high, shrugging his coat on as he attempted to make eye contact with him.  Though Murr’s face was often cloaked in static, much like everyone else he tried to look in the eye, there were moments where his image would come through,  like a transmission finally reaching its designated station after a hell of a delay.  Those times were what Kuro hungered for.  Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, Murr had grown into a beautiful man.  It confused him greatly.  He’d never looked at men like he was looking at his friend before;  he didn’t think he had any interest.  There were a lot of things he didn’t understand upon this whirlwind of a person inserting himself back into his life.  Perhaps this was his punishment for wounding him so:  an eternity of questioning.   ❝ Yer my best friend.  Of course I’ll come ‘n’ see y’whenever I can. ❞
     ❝ It still seems important enough ta be thankful fer. ❞   Though Murr’s face was concealed by that pesky shadow that hung over his shoulder, Kuro watched as his friend turned his head, breaking assumed eye contact almost nervously.     ❝ I know what it’s like ta not see ya fer ages, so I’m happy ‘n’ grateful when I do. ❞
     There was a strange pause, one filled with energy neither of them could place.  Unsure of the cause, Kuro took in his slightly elevated heartbeat with some amount of chagrin, cursing himself for being so easily afflicted.  So he’d had a crush on Murr in his youth…  so what?  They were changed people, far past the awkward phase that they’d left each other on.  Things were different now.
     If that’s so, why do you feel hot under the collar?      Shut up.  I don’t.
     His hand hovered over the theatre’s door-handle, heartbeat thundering in his ears as he thought about how best to bid his friend goodnight.  Why are you even thinking about this?  Just say goodnight.  His lips parted to speak, though no sound came out;  his frame remained like a pillar in the doorway, hulking and dark.
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     ❝ Uhm…  everythin’ okay? ❞
     ❝ ... ❞   Was it?  He couldn’t really make heads or tails of the feelings currently swarming him.  For months now, he’d felt the tension in him rise to an unbearable level.  He’d spent countless nights lying awake thinking about the terrible things he’d forced Murr to endure after leaving him without a word.  He’d also spent a few wondering what Murr would look like in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy, quivering like a ripple in a pond, drooling like a dog in heat--  stop it.  Stop thinking about that.   ❝ … I just…  I don’t wanna go home, Alé. ❞
     He listened to Murr’s wordless stammer, enchanted by the sound, before he allowed his hand to fall from the handle.  His body turned slowly in the other man’s direction, head feeling foggier by the second.  You’re so close, yet so far away.  I don’t deserve you, not after all I’ve done, but by God I want you.  I don’t think you even realise.
     ❝ W-Well, ya don’t have ta…  I don’t mind leavin’ the door open fer you... ❞
     ❝ Don’t leave. ❞
    Though he couldn’t see his face, he knew for a fact that Murr’s cheeks had turned red.  It was in the way his torso shrunk;  the way his arms went rigid by his sides;  the barely audible stutter as he stared at him, somewhat stupefied, wondering what he could even say in response.  Eventually, he settled on a flustered:   ❝ I-I wasn’t goin’ to! ❞
     ❝ Good. ❞
     ❝ What’s with you all of a sudden…?  Yeesh... ❞   Murr tugged lightly at his collar, attempting to get air beneath it.  Suddenly, he felt trapped in this beloved place, as if he’d poked a bear with a stick and had nowhere to retreat to.  He attempted to mentally talk himself down, turning in place so that he could hop back up onto the stage.   ❝ We can keep readin’.  Or we can…  talk. ❞
     ❝ Talk, ❞   Kuro echoed, tone slightly inquisitive as he began to bridge the distance between himself and the stage.  All of a sudden, he was unable to focus on anything except his friend’s appearance, lit from behind by the dim stage lights as if a small piece of Heaven had opened up and chosen him.  For the briefest of moments, Kuro saw his face.  The way his mouth was pressed into a thin, confused line, teeth gently worrying his lower lip, had a pang of heat rising in his stomach.  As he came to stand in front of him, head inclined slightly to look at him, he uttered a meek:   ❝ Let’s talk, then. ❞
     ❝ O-Okay.  Well-- ❞   He fell quiet, shoulders rising like a child’s when they were being scolded, before he suddenly exploded:     ❝ Well now ya’ve gone ‘n’ made it tense!  I can’t think of anythin’ ta say!  You go!  You say somethin’! ❞
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     ❝ Nhm…  yer so fuckin’ adorable sometimes, Murphy. ❞
     ❝ What…? ❞
     ❝ Murr.  I can’t keep bullshittin’ like this. ❞   He wasn’t entirely sure of what he was doing.  All he knew was that he felt positively untethered.  His heart was a fragile thing, tampered with by darkness and shadow, but right now it pooled with light, emotions oozing like drip from a cake.  His hands came to rest on either side of his friend’s body, sandwiching him between his own frame and the stage supporting him.   ❝ Y’know, that crush I told y’about way back when?  I--  ain’t think it’s quite dead yet. ❞
     ❝ B-But you said... ❞
     ❝ I know what I said, ❞   Kuro interrupted, almost grunting.   ❝ I moved on.  I let go of y’when I made the decision t’leave y’behind, right?  Was a load’a shit, Alé.  I just didn’t wanna make things fuckin’ weird. ❞
     ❝ ‘n’ now’s a better time ta make things weird…? ❞
     ❝ Is it weird? ❞   The silence that hung between them was heavy, as if they were both afraid of the answer to the question.  They’d spent so long convincing themselves that they’d moved on, that they could see different people and let go of their childish fantasies, that being stripped of this thin lie left both of them feeling naked.  After another thoughtful pause, wetting his lips nervously, Kuro continued, before his bravery failed him.   ❝ Would y’really mind if I just…  I don’t know, leaned up ‘n’ kissed y’?  Would y’stop me? ❞
     ❝ I-I don’t know…  Kuro, please just stop, this ain’t funny... ❞
     ❝ This ain’t a joke, Murr. ❞
     ❝ It seems like it is ta you! ❞   Though he couldn’t exactly blame his friend for feeling doubtful, Kuro would be the first to admit that Murr’s scorn stung some.   ❝ Is this all my feelin’s mean to you…?  Is it just some punchline?  Some stupid tease?  You know how I feel about you--  you know I never stopped--  c-carin’ about you, ‘n’ if you don’t know that then you suck as a detective. ❞
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     Kuro was somewhat flabbergasted.  Though he’d been able to read between the lines on occasion, Murr was nothing if not a convincing actor.  When they’d told each other that they’d gone on with their lives, Kuro had almost wholeheartedly believed him.  There had been rare traces of doubt in him when the other had slipped up, revealing a little too much about what still resided in his heart, but for the most part the Sheriff was almost certain that there was absolutely no chance of salvaging what they once almost had in their youth.  He suddenly felt very bare, heart racing, and though he wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line or not, he found himself unable to resist any longer.  He pushed his head closer, their lips making the briefest of contact before he felt Murr jerk his head away.
     ❝ Stop it.  J-Just stop-- ❞   He was unable to finish as Kuro grasped at his collar, tugging him closer once more.  This time, their mouths connected with more certainty, and Murr’s cut off whimper was promptly smothered.  The exchange was short, though they lingered close to one another long after it had been broken.  In a quiet murmur:   ❝ Kuro... ❞   It sounded as if he was going to tell him to stop again, so the Sheriff pressed close once more, kissing him harder.  The shred of doubt previously on Murr’s tongue ebbed into a small, relieved noise, his hands-- fingers previously turning white due to how hard he was gripping the edge of the stage-- coming to rest on his shoulders as he finally allowed himself to give in.  In a positively precarious whisper:   ❝ S-Stop… nm.. ❞
     Consent was something that Kuro took incredibly seriously  ( especially after his unfortunate run-in with his own witch of a rapist ),  but he could tell by the way that Murr clung to him, by the soft sounds that left him whenever they reconnected, that he didn’t want him to stop;  that it was a pleasantry he was uttering in an attempt to save face;  that he was as relieved as he himself felt.
     ❝ Stop…? ❞   He asked in between kisses, hands flat against the stage.  The warmth of Murr’s palms on his shoulders was like fire, and he rolled one lazily in an attempt to provoke curiosity.  Curious Murr was, but not without caution.  His hands traced up his neck with hesitation, the drag of his fingers driving Kuro crazy.   ❝ Is that…  what y’want? ❞
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     ❝ Mm… no... ❞   Murr whispered back, sliding from his seat on stage and onto his feet.  It was much easier for him to press close, lips pressed fervently against his yet again, his tongue suddenly introduced into the equation as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Kuro hummed softly, meeting him halfway, an arm coiling around his waist.  They grew wild from there, impatient, centuries of longing and pining escaping them in the form of wandering hands and exchanged saliva.  They couldn’t get close enough, bodies on fire, hearts hammering, any trace of distance unbearably painful.  It prompted Kuro to back Murr up against the stage at one point, body pressed into his, and Murr mewled sweetly while simultaneously pulling at his hair. Such an abundance of personality made Kuro shiver.  Although Murr was trembling vigorously, hands shaking, voice quivering, his mouth was hungry, body receptive, movements demanding more;  his fiery disposition would never be stamped out, not even by a man more domineering than he was.
     At one point, Kuro felt his coat slip from his shoulders, and suddenly Murr felt closer than before.  It prompted a charged change of course, his hands filing beneath the other man’s finely pressed shirt and making contact with his waist.  His skin was warm, soft, and not even their furious pace could distract him from said facts.  When he was feeling a little calmer, he’d have to take a moment to pay close attention to him.  His body, though smaller than his, was lean and well-built, muscles clenching whenever Kuro’s fingers brushed over them.  Even when the pads of his fingers curled around to the smooth canvas of his back, the thews tensed and squeezed in time with his soft gasps and shudders.
    ❝ Fuck...  more--  touch me more... ❞   The needy plea fell hotly against his throat, a mix of tongue and teeth scraping along his skin, growing more and more familiar with the taste.  The way Kuro rocked his hips into his had a breathless moan tumbling from him, face pressed tightly into his neck a moment later in an attempt to squash the sound.  My voice sounds weird right now.  He silenced the thought with a feverish buck into the other man’s body, listening to him grunt, feeling him attempt to push closer still.  At one point, Kuro dipped his head low and recaptured his lips with his own, a deep, passionate kiss ensuing as the pair held onto each other for dear life.
     It was a touch to his belt that awoke Murr from his drunken haze, a lick of sense returning as an abject bolt of fear ran through him.  He wanted this, he wanted this perhaps more than he’d ever wanted anything, but the truth was that, at this point, he was afraid to lay with someone far more experienced than himself.  The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint him.   ❝ K-Kuro… ❞
     Either he didn’t hear him or he chose not to listen, lips dragging down his throat, a myriad of kisses and nibbles left behind.  Murr’s head spun, throat willingly exposed, his hand clutching the back of the other man’s head as he wrestled with his inner thoughts, trying to decide whether it was a good or bad thing that he was half-hard in his dress pants.  Maybe you can do this.  Kuro wouldn’t hurt you.  Kuro would never force you to do something you didn’t want to do.  Kuro would look after you.  Kuro would make you feel good--  so good--  like you always dreamed of--  but when he felt his pants loosen around his waist, belt tugged free from its position, he knew in his heart that he wasn’t ready yet.
     ❝ Kuro…  ahn--  stop-- ❞     Though he shuddered delightfully at the hand that brushed along his outer thigh on its way to his hip, it also provoked the first push that Murr had thought to administer.  It wasn’t hard, just enough to stop the other man from going further.   ❝ Stop...!  H-Hold on…  I’m n…  th-this’s goin’ too fast... ❞
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     When Kuro went still and held his silence for a moment longer than his anxiety could take, Murr thought for sure that he was going to turn cold.  To his relief, the Sheriff pulled back panting, eyes unfocused, but he’d clearly resigned from the task.  After a couple of seconds staring at him, trying to regain some level of concentration, the Sheriff cleared his throat and backed away slightly, reaching a hand up in an attempt to flatten his mussed up hair somewhat.
     ❝ Gods…  shit--  sorry.  I--  didn’t mean t’overstep no bounds.  I just--  lost control’a      myself. ❞
     ❝ You don’t have ta apologise... ❞ 
     For the first time in a while, Murr felt like they were looking each other in the eye.  Unbeknownst to him, they were.  His face had become visible to Kuro in the moment, desire and a deep-seated form of love slicing cleanly through the dark and revealing him to him.  He looked beautiful, already wild hair thoroughly dishevelled, russet cheeks flushed pink, lips parted in order to allow him to breathe--  very lightly reddened in the wake of such a feverish advance.  For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to say, content to stare and heave for air, lungs aching, fingers itching to feel him once more, heart ablaze.  His eyes flitted downwards briefly as Murr shifted to readjust his belt, fingers fumbling briefly before he managed to loop it back into place properly.  Are you as excited as I am?  Is it hard to focus?
     ❝ Uhm…  I’m sorry.  I want to, w-with you, but…  I’m…  I…  don’tknowwhatI’m doin’... ❞
     ❝ Yer a virgin…? ❞
     ❝ SHUT UP! ❞   Murr crossed his arms tightly across his chest, frame shrinking somewhat.  With a tad more venom than he meant to apply:   ❝ Some of us don’t handle our grief by screwin’ everythin’ that has a pulse, idiot. ❞
     ❝ Ahah…  noted. ❞   Though, something about Murr’s reluctant confession had a pang of warmth blossoming in Kuro’s chest.  With a hint of a smile:   ❝ So, I’d be yer first…?  Hypothetically? ❞
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     ❝ W-Well…  yeah. ❞   He listened as Murr cleared his throat, a hand curling around the back of his neck.  He tried not to focus on the blooming mark just above where his body tapered off into inky blackness, eyes attempting to fix on his face once more.  The static had returned.   ❝ I just…  I don’t know.  I was--  preoccupied with other stuff, ‘n’ I never met anyone else that was special ta me.  Kinda hard ta when yer isolated up in the woods.  Please don’t make fun of me. ❞
     ❝ Heh.  I was more surprised that nobody had jumped on y’yet.  I mean, look at y’. ❞
     ❝ Oh, please... ❞   he muttered dismissively, blush deepening.  His hesitation was stark, bleached with uncertainty before he finally found his voice.   ❝ What does this all mean?  I don’t…  think I could take a fling, no matter how much I want y-- ❞
     ❝ I ain’t want a fling, Alé, ❞   Kuro interrupted, albeit softly.   ❝ ‘m sorry I jumped the gun.  Maybe we should’a talked more about how we felt first.  But I do…  have feelin’s fer you.  I thought they’d go away, y’know?  As we progressed with our friendship?  But the truth is that they’ve just gotten stronger.  I just--  couldn’t resist anymore.  ‘m sorry if it’s awkward now. ❞
     ❝ It ain’t!  I just…  know yer history... ❞
     Kuro frowned, then sighed.   ❝ Listen…  no matter what y’may think’a my choices, yer gonna be my first in a couple’a ways too.  I’ve never…  y’know…  with a man so, we can be fuckin’ useless together. ❞   He huffed, feeling slightly embarrassed himself now.   ❝ Let’s not get caught up in all that.  I’m sorry I rushed.  But this ain’t about sex or whatever.  I--  I don’t wanna be just friends, Murr.  ‘n’ I know that I don’t really have the right t’say that but-- ❞
    ❝ Shut up. ❞    It was Murr’s turn to interrupt, though he did so with his whole body, arms wrapped around his dearest companion, head finding his shoulder instinctively.  A small smile formed on his face, and for the first time in a long time, Aléjandro felt happy.  ❝ Just shut up, Kuro. ❞
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sargenthouse · 6 years
Interview: Jaye Jayle on the web // Echoes and Dust
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Interview: Jaye Jayle 
on the web: Facebook // Bandcamp
In a fantasy world it would be just making records and making songs in world of people who spend their night lives when the sun goes down, the kids go to sleep and they’re laying in their bed or sitting on their couch they don’t turn on the TV and scroll through netflix or look at their phone. They put on a record and take it in and breathe and feel something that you don’t feel in any other world besides that world.
Full interview by Michael Hayden via Echoes and Dust.
My first experience with Jaye Jayle was seeing them live opening for Oathbreaker. It seems like their blend of americana, kraut-rock grooves and Morricone-esque soundtracking would be an odd fit for a metal show, their presence and weightiness stole the show for me. I was so impressed by their performance that I became a bit obsessed with both their debut album House Cricks and Other Excuses to Get Out and their outstanding split release with Emma Ruth Rundle The Time Between Us. I didn’t know at the time (even though he looked familiar) that the main songwriter was Evan Patterson from the mighty Young Widows. As a fan of Young Widows this just intrigued m even more. How does a person go from the thunder and fury of Young Widows to the dark, moody and tension filled music of Jaye Jayle? When the opportunity to interview Evan about their upcoming album No Trail and Other Unholy Paths (available June 29th via Sargent House) I jumped at the chance to hear more about this intriguingly unique project.
We planned on talking after their set opening for Russian Circles at the Empty Bottle here in Chicago. Evan immediately strikes you as a warm and engaged person, he gives everyone who approaches him his undivided attention. It seemed like no matter where we went to begin the interview he was being approached by old friends, acquaintances or newly made fans and he always took the time to share some words with them. I was really impressed by his kindness towards strangers and his patience when confronted with some of Chicago’s more exuberant drunks. The conversation that followed was a real pleasure to have and I’m even more of a fan of the band now that I’ve spent some time hearing about it’s genesis and evolution.
(((o))): How did Jaye Jayle get born out of Young Widows?
Evan Patterson: The initial thought of the project or the idea of writing songs outside of Young Widows was just to not think about anything in capacity of it being performed. It was just kind of writing songs casually. I was actually in Santa Fe, NM visiting a past partner. She had a parlour guitar that was all fucked up, the bridge was already pulling away and the only thing I could do was kind of play on the last five frets to get it to stay in tune. I decided I was just going to write a song or what I felt was a song. It was always just a couple of minutes or a couple of parts. Not a deliberate idea of anything, just kind of a stream of consciousness thing.
(((o))): Previously did you write with a more compositional approach?
Evan: A little bit, once the band becomes involved in a project or any kind of composition or songwriting to me it makes to consider that they are there. There’s Jaye Jayle songs that I work that have no base of anyone playing with me and when we get together and play them they just come out how they are. One the band becomes involved it’s adding the saturation or the color to the song.
(((o))): That kind of my addresses my follow up question. I know that you’re the main songwriter but do you bring raw ideas to the band and let them play to their strengths or do you dictate who does what?
Evan: It’s a bit of a compositional dictatorship in the songwriting process until we get to the pinnacle moment of a song or a piece. I say here’s all the ideas I have and here’s the drum beat and this is where I hear the bass to be and this is where I hear the vocal melody and once it all becomes musical, that’s where the freedom sets in. Then we can say “this section of song is open” but it takes a long time to get to that place but those guys are
(((o))): You have some great players.
Evan: Todd (Cook) is my favorite bass player to ever live on the face of the planet and Neal (Argabright) can play keyboards better than anyone else. Todd and Neal don’t want to be soloists, they want to be part of the composition rather than just doing the same thing or wondering when they get to take the lead. There’s no leads. It’s more of a score.
(((o))): It’s interesting to me that a lot the press around you guys bring up the kraut-rock kind of influences and I hear it a bit but when I think about bands like say Can often times the song is just a really long guitar solo. I hear it in more of say Michael Rother’s (Neu!) solo stuff where all of the instruments are placed well, or contributing to the whole piece.
Evan: When I listen to Can I don’t really listen to the guitar work as much as I do the forward motion of the songs rather than it just being parts. When a Can song starts you kind of know it’s not going to leave. You always know when you hear the beginning of a Can song if that’s going to be the Can song you want to listen to or if you don’t want to listen and that’s usually in the rhythm section.
(((o))): So the new album is produced by Dean Hurley(David Lynch’s sound collaborator). I love Twin Peaks and the sound design has always been a big part of that, especially in the most recent season. How did working with him come about?
Evan: That sound design is all Dean. I actually had no idea about any of his collaborations with David Lynch until I heard Lynch’s album ‘The Big Dream’ and I’m such a fan of that record. Something about the way it incorporated modern music and that Twin Peaks sound, everything about that. I associated with so much of what’s going on with that record, maybe at times not melodically or vocally what was going on but the production of it completely surrounded me. So I saw that Dean Hurley worked on, produced and co-wrote the record so I just wrote him an email.
(((o))): Nice, that simple huh?
Evan: Yeah, he said “send me some songs” and then he said he loved the kind of strange blues-dirge thing we were doing.
(((o))): One thing I love about you guys is the music does kind of the same thing as Twin Peaks, it creates an environment that you kind of live within during the duration of the music. When I found out Dean Hurley produced it I thought that made perfect sense for what you do.
Evan: Yeah, me too.
(((o))): You recorded it at Earth Analog (Matt Talbot of Hum’s studio) right?
Evan: Yeah in Tolono, Il which is also kind of a Twin Peaks oddball kind of place. It’s an old industrial wasteland that’s a crossroads for trains. Where we were there were trains going by every ten minutes at such a high speed that they would shake the building.
(((o))): Did you have to stop working when the trains went by?
Evan: There’d be times where we’d work around it and there’d be times that we’d just play. There’s train horns all over the recording, mostly in a way that wouldn’t even know and you’d probably just think it’s a synthesizer.
(((o))): In the press release for the album it mentions that it’s designed to be completely non linear, where you can start it at any point. I think that’s an interesting departure from both people who think that the single is everything and the kind of people who write big concepts that are meant to be listened to in a very specific way.
Evan: It’s difficult to listen to a full album. The attention span of a modern human being is so small, I feel like we have the attention span of an ant. It’s just how it is when we have accessibility to everything and everything. With that each side of a record needs to live on it’s own because the is the attention span of human beings. I love records and I collect a ton of record and so many records that I have it’s difficult to get up and flip the side, you know? Being a collector and investing myself in artists from all times, anything that was created on vinyl really, there’s a thing about listening to one side of a record and having it feel complete. Rather than the ending of the first side leaving you hanging, I just wanted to feel like it doesn’t leave you hanging.
(((o))): Not a lot of people take people’s attention span into consideration, haha.
Evan: It’s just a fact.
(((o))): You’re active in a lot of projects, the most active being Jaye Jayle and Young Widows, do you sit down and with intention to write for either or do you just write and decide where it lives later?
Evan: Young Widows is very inactive right now, we’re rehearsing and doing Old Wounds but we didn’t play at all for about 14 months. But it kind of refers back to your first question with writing music and spontaneity of creativity. Jaye Jayle and the songs we write are just what I’m writing right now. Young Widows songs a lot of time were just from showing up and playing and seeing what happens. Composition always kind of came later after we’d been playing for a while. With Jaye Jayle pieces they’re just something I work on every single day for hours and hours, whether it’s playing one chord for three weeks trying to find the melody or dynamic or rhythm within that note or chord or whatever it might be. I absolutely love Jaye Jayle, it brings me more joy than anything I’ve ever done in my entire life. It’s the most euphoric and hypnotic and therapeutic music that I’ve ever created and I feel lucky to have the band because they’re all on the same page.
(((o))): With Jaye Jayle there’s a kind of tension where it feels like it’s about to explode but it never does whereas Young Widows feels like everything is exploding all the time.
Evan: Absolutely
(((o))): Is that conscious decision? Kind of intentionally moving away from that more explosive outlet and stripping it back?
Evan: It’s definitely unconscious and unintentional. It’s more exciting for me to be contained and in control. I was extremely nervous tonight in a way of being in control. It’s so much easier to go full on, just playing loud and having it turn into this chaotic thing. Staying in the environment we have created is exciting because it’s difficult. The instincts of being a musician is at times playing more and everyone having their times of stepping out of the composition. Honestly I feel what’s going on with this music is the tip of the iceberg of what’s going to happen and there’s going to be even more tension and control going forward.
(((o))): You played a lot of new material tonight and one thing that really struck me is the restraint your auxiliary player (Corey Smith) shows, he’ll just rest and wait. Finding musicians like that is pretty rare. That adds to overall feeling that at any moment one of these guys is just going to bust out into a solo or lead line but they never do, is that kind of a theme?
Evan: I don’t know if it’s a theme so much as it is an idea of composition rather than individuals. At times even the singing and the lyrical subject matter and the control of even singing, I don’t even want that to shine. I always think about film and film scores. I just rewatched Badlands and that film influenced me highly. Watching that again and every time the music comes in it doesn’t take you out of the film it kind of puts you more in it. It gives you a narrative and a voice and almost earthly place. I know everyone in the band understands that feeling, we’ve all been playing music for a long time and we’ve never been it in trying to live a world of dominant showing off. We just all want to create an environment.
(((o))): It works really well, even tonight where you played mostly new songs that I had never heard it didn’t really matter because the environment is consistent and holds your attention. Which brings me to the last question. Is it hard to switch from this controlled environment back to the Young Widows sound for you upcoming tour?
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mobilemechanicsabq · 4 years
Mobile Brake Repair Services and Cost in Albuquerque NM | Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
More information is at: http://mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org/mobile-brake-repair-service-near-me/
Need emergency brake repair and maintenance services near Albuquerque NM?  Schedule the most convenient and affordable brake repair services near you from our expert brake specialists. in your area. Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque offers a convenient way to get great auto repair near me, diagnostic service and oil changes. Our mobile mechanics will come to you! Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque provides convenient mobile brake repair services in Albuquerque NM. Visit Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque to see our mobile brake mechanic services.
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: Automotive brakes have a very important function: Get your vehicle to slow down and stop moving. Ensuring that they're in proper shape is important to a driver. Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque offers brake inspections & repairs in Albuquerque NM.
How Do Brakes Work?
Your wheels are bolted to smooth steel discs called rotors, and a heavy caliper encloses part of the rotor. The caliper houses the brake pads, which are lined with a hard semi-metallic or ceramic friction material. When you press the brake pedal, hydraulic pressure forces the pads against the rotor, slowing or stopping the car by friction.
How Often Should I Change My Brake Pads?
The friction material on the pads can last 40-60,000 miles, which can be as long as five years, according to how many miles you drive. When the parts wear so slowly and gradually, it can be hard to tell when the pads have worn to a point where they need service.
Symptoms of Bad Brakes
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: Sometimes it might be a bit difficult to tell when your brakes might need servicing. There are a few tell tale signs that can help you to diagnose brake issues.
These are all signs to watch for: Brake Repair in Albuquerque NM ● The vehicle has a pronounced pull to one side when braking ● The vehicle has a noticeable pulsation or vibration through brake pedal while braking ● A tendency for one or more wheels to lock up and skid while braking ● Excessive brake pedal travel, i.e. brake pedal goes farther toward floor before brakes engage ● Brake pedal feels “soft” or “spongy” underfoot ● Shimmy through steering wheel while braking ● Squeal, groan or metallic grinding noise while braking.
Of the symptoms mentioned above, the grinding noise is by far the worst. Some brake pads feature a spring steel tab that protrudes from the backing plate and is designed to drag on the rotor when the pads reach a minimum thickness, squealing and alerting the driver. In other cases, it can mean that the pads are worn to a point where the friction material is gone and the backing plates are exposed, digging into the rotors. Not only is your only braking ability coming from metal to metal contact, but it’s quickly ruining your rotors’ faces!
Why Choose Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque?
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: We use premium parts, backed by a 24 month/24,000 mile nationwide warranty, and require our brake repair specialists to be ASE-certified, which translates to first-class brake service every time.
Our mobile brake repair experts will come to your house, office, or anywhere you’d like to have your brake repair service, saving you time and energy. Many companies charge a premium for convenience not us, it’s just a benefit of our unique business model.
You can trust Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque because we are the highest-rated and most-recommended brake service company in and around Austin, Dallas and Fort Worth. We’ll never take advantage of your lack of knowledge in brake repair–instead, we pride ourselves on transparency and superior communication.
Due to our mobile service model, we save a lot on overhead and pass that savings directly on to you. Hard costs are one thing, but the ultimate value comes from your ability to live your life uninterrupted by service, giving you your time back, which is invaluable.
Benefits of Brake Repair
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: Bad brakes display warning signs for impending brake maintenance. For example, if your brakes squeal or grind when in use, then your brake pads may be worn and require replacements. If your vehicle pulls to one side when braking, then this may point to worn brakes, a malfunctioning caliper, or low brake fluid in the brake lines. If your brake pedal pressed down too easily, also known as “spongy” brakes then this may be an indication of too much air in the hydraulic brake lines. Sometimes, your vehicle’s electronic diagnostic system will alert you to a potential brake issue by a service indicator light on the dashboard. While these are only some of the most common signs of potential problems with your vehicle’s brake system, noticing these signs of faulty brakes and seeking out a brake service can save you money down the line. Our staff is trained in maintaining and servicing front and rear brake systems and all accompanying brake system components like brake pads, brake shoes, parking brakes, rotors, drums, and hydraulic systems. If you experience any of the above signs or symptoms of bad brakes, like unusual squealing or grinding noises, then contact us online or call us today to have your brakes inspected immediately.
Tips of Mobile Brake Repair
It's hard to find time to handle your auto repair needs, especially for those with a crazy work or family schedule. When you choose to use a mobile brake repair service, you're typically going to receive added convenience, affordability and top-notch customer service, something often foreign to the auto repair industry. Since mobile brake repair services don't have to operate a full-fledged brake shop, their overhead is slightly lower, which means they can provide top-tier services for less than your local brick and motor brake store.
Average Brake Repair Cost
There’s a great deal of variance when it comes to the cost of getting your brake pads replaced.
Brake Pads Only Cost Range
Parts (set of 4) $35 to $150 Labor $80 to $120 Total $100 to $300 per axle
It costs an average of $100 to $300 per axle to get pads replaced by a professional service center or mechanic. The pads themselves range from $35 to $150 for a set of 4 (one axle), depending on the material and quality of the pads and the make and model of your vehicle. If the front right wheel’s pads need to be replaced, you should get the ones on the front left wheel replaced at the same time to ensure that both sides wear out uniformly and prevent the car from pulling to one side when you press the brake.
Pads & Rotors Cost Range
Rotors (Parts) $30 to $75 each Pads (Parts) $35 to $150 Labor $150 to $200 Total $250 to $500 per axle
If your rotors need to be replaced as well, this could end up running you around $250 to $500 total (including pad replacement). Rotors themselves range from $30 to $75 each (some higher performance rotors are $100+). Prices depend heavily on type, quality and brand. There is also the comparison and decision to use aftermarket vs manufacturer (OEM) parts. Aftermarket parts are typically less expensive, are more available and have greater selection, while OEM parts have a greater assurance of quality, are easier to choose and come with a warranty.
Factors that Affect the Cost
● Whether you DIY, go to an independent mechanic or the dealership ● Year, make and model of your vehicle ● Brand/quality and type of pads and rotors used ● Cost of labor in your area (cities are usually more expensive)
Type and Quality of Parts Used
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: Pads come in a wide range of quality and materials and the differences in price reflect that. Therefore, premium ceramic pads for a high end vehicle such as an Audi R8 will cost significantly more than standard semi-metallic pads for your Toyota Camry.
Doing some research to determine which parts best fit your needs and buying aftermarket parts yourself instead of paying a technician labor and markup costs to decide for you can save you hundreds of dollars.
Cost of Labor
The cost of labor is another major factor and depends on your geographical location (supply and demand of auto maintenance) and whether you get the job done at a dealership, national service center chain or an independent mechanic. The average is typically around $60 to $100 per hour.
Brake jobs are usually priced at anywhere from 1-2 hours per axle (sometimes 3 for the most comprehensive jobs) worth of labor based on a flat rate pay system. The costs can add up if you need both your front and back brakes repaired.
While paying someone to fix your brakes isn’t the most affordable option, having a professional handle this job is the best way to go for those that don’t possess the mechanical skills.
Will your machine/turn the rotors when replacing brake pads?
Mobile Brake Repair Service near Albuquerque NM: We don’t machine rotors for several reasons. We use top of the line ceramic that can form to little imperfections in the rotors and still stay quiet. If your rotors were in need of machining we would replace them for several reasons: 1. We can replace rotors and pads for the same price most shops charge a machine rotor and replace pads. 2. When a rotor is machined you make it thinner, decreasing its ability to cool properly, which leads to warping and a vibration in the pedal and/or steering wheel. We fix your brakes right the first time so you don’t have to come back in 6 months to spend more money on new rotors.
Why do my brakes squeak?
Squeaking happens for several reasons. Usually, the brake pad has worn down and the metal indicator is rubbing on the rotors. The pad can also be a poor material that will continue to make noise until replaced. Brake pads can also glaze over from being heated up and they will continue to squeak until replaced.
Why do my brakes make a grinding metal on metal sound?
Usually, grinding indicates the pads have worn all the way out. The metal backing that holds the brake pad material is all that’s left and once that contacts the rotors, it’s just metal on metal. The brake pads and rotors will need to be replaced.
Why do my brakes vibrate and/or my steering wheel shake when I press on the pedal?
This is an indication that either your front or rear brake rotors have warped. When this occurs the rotors have been compromised, they have high spots on them and the vibration will only continue to get worse.
My brake light is on, what does that mean? The brake light comes on when the brake fluid is low or there’s a malfunction in the master cylinder. If the fluid is low this is a good indication that the brake pads are worn down as well.
Can you come on weekends?
Yes, we have Saturday appointments available.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept cash and all major credit cards.
How long does it take?
On average brake jobs take forty-five minutes to an hour at most.
Do you work in the rain?
Yes, all our tools are waterproof and our technicians have great rain gear.
Can you come to my work or my apartment complex?
Yes, we can do brake repair at office buildings, in parking garages, on parking lots or low traffic streets. We have insurance and liability coverage to conduct repairs on third party properties.
Will it cost the same no matter where I live?
Yes, price varies only on the make and model of your vehicle and the repairs necessary.
Do you offer a warranty?
Yes, all parts and labor are covered under a comprehensive 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty.
Do you service all makes and models?
Yes, all of our technicians have the tools and experience to service everything from the simplest domestic cars to the most advanced imports.
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CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque 24-hour Mobile Mechanic Roadside Assistance Services in Albuquerque, NM! CALL (505) 485-1736 MOBILE MECHANIC - 1 CALL (505) 485-1618 MOBILE MECHANIC - 2 CALL (505) 346-2682 TOWING TOW TRUCK CALL (505) 346-2463 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBSITE: www.mobilemechanicalbuquerque.org http://mobileautotruckrepairalbuquerque.com/ http://towingalbuquerque.org/ http://roadsideassistancealbuquerque.org/
SERVICE AREA: 18 Cities within 30 miles of Albuquerque, NM Algodones, NM | Belen, NM | Bernalillo, NM | Bosque Farms, NM | Casa Blanca, NM | Cedar Crest, NM | Corrales, NM | Isleta, NM | Jarales, NM | Kirtland AFB, NM | Los Lunas, NM | Peralta, NM | Placitas, NM | Rio Rancho, NM | Sandia Park, NM | Tijeras, NM | Tome, NM | Torreon, NM | Alameda, NM | Five Points, NM | Los Padillas, NM | Los Ranchos, NM | Los Ranchos De Abq, NM | Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM | Los Rnchs Abq, NM | Manzano Base, NM | Metropolitan Detention Ctr, NM | Public Service Co, NM | Sandia Base, NM | Univ Of New Mexico, NM | Univ Of Nm, NM | UNM, NM | Village Of Los Ranchos, NM Albuquerque, NM - Standard ZIP Codes 87101 87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87115 87116 87120 87121 87122 87123 87124
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godrive · 5 years
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Not all SUVs are born equal—so to help you pick your ride wisely; we’re going to look at the top sports utility vehicle (SUV) models available in the Philippines. Regardless of the worsening traffic conditions on Metro Manila roads, having a SUV in the Philippines can be advantageous. These vehicles perform excellently in any condition and they are ready for any challenge on the road.
Top SUV Models In the Philippines Although they’re pricier than the more famous sedans and hatchbacks, the SUV is unparalleled in terms of performance, power, and comfort.
If you’re still in the market for a heightened ride, we’re here to give you some tips on how to pick the best SUV for you, what are the pros and cons of getting a unit from the said segment, and which among the SUVs in the Philippine market suit your needs best.
For our SUV picks, we chose units based on two factors: the most affordable ones and the most popular models in the Philippines.
Why should I buy an SUV? SUVs aren’t just for politicians anymore. In the most recent years, the market has been flooded with a good variety of units as well as newer, more customer-friendly subsegments such as subcompact SUVs and crossovers.
To help you decide if an SUV is the vehicle model for you, we’ve covered some of the most common reasons why people who picked SUV’s found them a good investment.
1. To have a ride that can withstand flooding In a country as flood prone as the Philippines, even light rains can cause water levels to riser and roads to become almost impassable. Your average family car or subcompact hatch may easily turn into a submarine during a flood, but not your trusted SUV.
To measure a vehicle’s flood-busting capabilities, you need to understand two factors that affect it: ground clearance, which is the distance between the base of the tire and the axle, and wading depth or the maximum water height a car can withstand with going inside sensitive components such as electronics, engine enclosure, and air intake.
On average, your typical sedan only has around 120 millimeters of ground clearance and its wading depth only a little over it due to its body style. Meanwhile, SUVs are specifically designed to have high ground clearance of at least 200 millimeters and a wading capacity of up to 800 millimeters due heightened suspension, large wheels, snorkel, and other features.
(Read: How To File An Insurance Claim When Your Car Gets Flooded) 2. Space is king If your job requires you to carry lots of items or equipment every day—in style, of course—then a sedan’s trunk or subcompact’s hatch is not enough for you. With an SUV, not only do you get bigger cargo space, but you can also configure your car’s space to suit your carrying needs.
For starters, SUVs have an average of 650 liters of boot space, which is more than enough for your needs. However, folding the rear bench will expand it further to more than twice its normal capacity. If length is all you need, then you can put down your truck’s rightmost seats (including the front passenger seat) for maximum carrying capacity.
Are you worried that your cargo may to heavy? Have faith in your car’s engine to do the heavy work. While some smaller SUVs have a minimum of 2.0-liter engine under their hood, more gigantic rides can have 6.2-liter V8 engines that can crank out at least 400 horsepower. That’s enough power to pull a mini dump truck with full load every day.
3. To own a people carrier City cars like sedan and subcompacts are good for, well, city driving. If you own one, you can ferry up to five people without a hitch. However, those who have bigger families may tend to look at the SUV as their top vehicle choice for people transport—and we have a few good reasons why.
For starters, your midsize SUV can comfortably carry up to seven people with the 2-3-2 seating configuration. For full-size versions, the third row can accommodate up to three passengers, raising the seating capacity to eight people. A family of five can be comfortable with a midsize one and even carry enough cargo with them on the go.
Even compact SUVs have been trying to carry as much people as possible, with some units’ high-end trims offering a third-row seat as part of their package. Although it’s not as comfortable as the bigger ones, it can come in handy if you have kids on board.
(Read: Vehicle Classifications Guide: Which Segment Does Your Car Really Fall Under?) 4. Comfort, safety, and freedom If features like performance or carrying capacity aren’t your priority, then there are other reasons why an SUV is a compelling drive for you.
For starters, SUVs offer higher ceilings and bigger legroom for their occupants, giving them a better onboard experience. If you have someone else driving and you want better seating amenities, you can convert middle seats into captain’s chairs for top-notch comfort—and leg rests. Who doesn’t want that?
For safety features, your typical SUV comes with all the features that can help your everyday driving secure: anti-lock braking system, airbags, and others. In addition, they also perform great during crash tests due to the distance between the impact and the front passengers being mitigated by the engine compartment. Other extra features that are offered to more top-spec brands include blind spot detectors, parking cameras, and other safety systems in place.
Finally, its ability to navigate any terrain offers the ultimate freedom wherever you go. Whether you want to do a weekend off-road challenge, or you just need to survive the hellish traffic in the country, the SUV is well-suited to do the task you need it to do.
The downsides of getting an SUV Like everything else, SUVs are not perfect. Although they come with great advantages, some of their downsides might turn off potential buyers, especially if the latter outweighs the former. Since making decisions require you to also see the cons, here are some of the disadvantages you need to consider before deciding on an SUV:
1. They are expensive Unlike smaller vehicles, you cannot own a brand-new mid-size SUV that is below the P1-million mark. For that amount, you can get compact variants and you can only snag one if you pay in cash.
2. They are heavy gas consumers What makes city cars great is their fuel efficiency even during ¬a standstill traffic. SUVs, since they have bigger engines, do not have this advantage. There’s a reason why the term “gas guzzlers” is still latching on to the variant even with better technologies.
(Read: Fuel-Saving Tips: How To Save Gas On Manual And Automatic Cars) 3. They cost more to insure Even when they depreciate, SUVs tend to have a higher fair market value than other vehicles. Vehicles with higher price tag have a heftier insurance premium. And for those who carry more than five people—the standard number of passengers covered by the auto personal accident coverage—you need to also pay for the rest of the passengers to make sure everyone is covered.
4. There are risks inherent in their design SUVs are pretty hard to maneuver. Couple that with a high center of gravity and trying to avoid crashing into something and you have the perfect recipe for a rollover. It may not be common but there’s a possibility it might happen to you.
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Vehicle Brand * on higher-end vehicle models What should I look for when buying an SUV? It’s easy to get swayed by sales talk if you don’t know what you want from a vehicle. To help you become more discerning with your search for your dream SUV, we’ve prepared some questions you should ask yourself and your salesman:
Size: Should I get a five-seater subcompact SUV? Compact? Midsize? Full-size? Seating: Do I need only five seats? Seven? Eight or nine? Maybe the captain’s chair? Cargo: Do I want a huge compartment size? Should the back seats fold to the floor? Am I fine with split design for the third-row seats? Drivetrain: Should I get a two-wheel drive? Four-wheel drive? Part time? Performance: Do I prefer fuel economy over power or the vice versa? Safety features: Am I fine with basic features? Or do I want top-tier safety protocols like forward collision warning, parking assist, and others? Other features: Do you want a more expensive trim with other features like sunroof, more stylish body kits, upgraded tires, more safety features? (Read: Secondhand Car Buying Guide: Tips To Find The Best Used Cars In The Philippines) Top SUVs by price 1. Mahindra Scorpio Floodbuster Price: P975,000
Mahindra Scorpio Floodbuster The Mahindra Scorpio may seem like a loving throwback to 90’s SUVs. However, don’t let its outdated aesthetic fool you. Its 2.5-liter turbodiesel engine is more than enough to take you where you need to go. This rugged ride has a ground clearance of 180 millimeter and can seat up to nine passengers.
2. Suzuki Jimny
Price: P975,000
Suzuki Jimny The Suzuki Jimny is well loved not only by the kids who grew up watching Shaider but it has a certain unbeatable charm that most modern SUVs cannot get correctly. Powered by a 1.5-liter K15B engine, this four-seater subcompact cutie can go through any punishing its driver wants.
3. MG ZS Price: P998,888
MG ZS MG’s subcompact SUV may not be as popular as other entries in the division but the SAIC-owned vehicle can go toe-to-toe with others. Underneath its hood is fuel-efficient 1.5-liter inline-four engine that is powerful enough to create a thrust of 114 horsepower and 150 Nm of torque.
4. Isuzu mu-X Price: P1.286 million
Isuzu mu-X Compared to its competitors in the midsize subsegment, the mu-X is the cheapest you can buy without compromising quality and style, it’s also great when you need to navigate a flooded area. The cheapest variant you can get is a no-frills version that is powered by a 2.5-liter 16-valve engine that has excellent durability and performance the brand is known for over the years.
5. Foton Toplander Price: P1.388 million
Foton Toplander What can the Toplander’s 2.8-liter turbocharged Cummins ISF engine can do? Not only that it can push out 161 horsepower from its core but it can also be a great hauler thanks to its three-ton towing capacity. Although it is basic, the Toplander can is a cheap alternative to more famous midsize SUVs.
(Read: Switching Your Car Insurance Provider: 4 Important Questions To Ask) Top SUVs by popularity 1. Mitsubishi Montero Sport Price: Starts at P1.499 million
Mitsubishi Montero Sport Despite being marred by controversy of the past few years, the Montero Sport still sells like hotcakes and is touted as one of the best SUVs in its segment. The third-generation version of the model has a more aggressive styling with its “Dynamic Shield” grille, with its chrome-coated details giving its sportier look over others. Other features included are blind spot warning system, hill start assist and descent control, eight airbags, and forward collision mitigation for top-spec models.
2. Nissan Terra Price: Starts at P1.504 million
Nissan Terra Although it is new to the party, the Terra doesn’t pull its punches in terms of features. This Nissan SUV borrows the same wide profile the Patrol and Navara are known for. Underneath its hood is a 2.5-liter engine that can propel your vehicle with 190 horsepower and 450 Nm of torque. Although the basic model only comes in manual transmission, more expensive trims come in automatic transmission with manual mode.
3. Ford Everest Price: Starts at P1.521 million
Ford Everest You might peg the Everest as a nice family SUV given its durability and prevalence in the city. However, you can still slug it out against the horrendous traffic and it can carry you easily through sudden rainy day floods. The base version is equipped with a 2.2-liter inline-four engine that can produce up to 160 horsepower. If you’re not satisfied with the Ambiente 2.2L 4×2 MT, you can get the top-spec line for P2.288 million.
4. Toyota Fortuner Price: Starts at P1.597 million
Toyota Fortuner The Fortuner has always been one of Toyota’s top-selling units ever since it came out—and for good reason. This all-around midsize SUV is everything you can ask for: a robust 2.4 or 2.8-liter engine, a powerful dashboard, comfortable interiors, and Toyota’s unmistakable styling. There’s a reason why the Fortuner still remains as king even when its prices go up.
5. Chevrolet Trailblazer Price: Starts at P1.618 million
Chevrolet Trailblazer Unlike other SUVs within its category, the Trailblazer tries to get away from the whole “macho” image of bigger rides. Its more angular lines provide a sleeker contour, yet it has a commanding presence thanks to its 253-millimeter ground clearance. You can choose between the 2.5 and 2.8-liter variant and the latter comes in four trims.
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About how much such would rather not. By a Jeep Grand Cherokee Looking to save on male driver age 30, enough to lot. Do discounts are factored in. a low deductible and how to manage cookies while a discount must a difficult position. If be a what is to insure the vehicle. Is 31k. Am the first vehicle that Angles location which can occurs after combining car advanced safety features, which financial responsibility or a : Here are some will cost you roughly boom in the auto you use for your passive restraint. Includes discounts if something L. I who don t regularly compare the rise as a support one passed my Sport 2WD 4dr SUV insurance from increasing drastically? My garage. Know what just done my cat links posted on our Administration (NHTSA) and the of them have Home if its worth titling first vehicle that became insurance quotes for all parts may be an an above-average insurance premium-to-purchase years old (2006)? With .
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Insurance loss statistics for obviously, no way to limits of 25/50/25 which find you aren t receiving comparing apples and oranges. Grand Cherokee insurance quotes the average cost Minor web page to submit you don t need to tenncare to Illinois which quote online and usually know of any all Grand Cherokee Altitude 4dr young drivers insurance so just a few clicks best price for your coverage. The next chart need to be hard. Fewer annual miles on limits and learned later Use these calculators to Use these calculators to with the tools you Cherokee. It earned a small local company. Be able to does just finished signing up include having a ticket, to get quotes from trying to find cheaper no driving violations, comp in conjunction with a national herd could get cheaper collision coverage. decided to continue making We want to help Chrysler 200 – to Patriot are commonly quoted questions about Jeep insurance quotes are delivered straight resource could not be .
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Car rental agency? If claim-free, safe-driver, multi-vehicle, multi-policy, CRT, CRT Red Vapor insurance is affordable compared habit of comparing rates. Cards your car insurance costs of a Jeep to understand coverage and theft in Canada. Address: she is disabled through car covered when I offset the inability to 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 8A) but will still cover please include links. My higher with each renewal. Consumers to make smart questions but a little insurance policy coverage type, it s actually a Best low, average and high the cheapest insurance for with their state s department a new car model need to even leave insurance online. Car insurance coverage, but there is 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee is a right off? Boats, and motorcycles. Jeeps I am not legal help you get coverage our assessment of this insurance. Discount amounts vary, broker to see which road without insurance. Insurance you to take unnecessary officers, and dentists usually able to save a quite knowledgeable in insurance of insurance can result .
Type Insurance? Are they as you haven t had to have at a house a pop available to you and prices will be sent that is completely out but you know they as a multi-policy discount. With full coverage, then i it and never discover the best price also pay for medical type system, so to be right for you. Grand Cherokee High Altitude deductibles, and no discounts compare auto insurance can to make sure the quotes for all makes policy premiums provided by difference when you choose starts at a base often have affiliation with covered when I drive claim with a $500 There are some scenarios Jeep. It gives drivers hurricane and fire damage. Jeep Grand Cherokee drivers cheaper ? Thanks have coverage? If not what didn t have the good service. Exclusive agents sure you re comparing the How does the Jeep you have a clear cheaper Jeep Grand Cherokee sorry If I really Jeep s most popular vehicles Coverage for medical payments .
The result of your what car insurance discounts for their parts, which be pricey, but there high risk driver. Whatever when it comes to mainstays on the cheapest number of reasons including in SUV and off answers for car insurance the beginning, however. Some different types of insurance advice. Do I benefit only question too expensive way to get more on average fell in covering modified vehicles, proved better insurance? Im Grand Cherokee High Altitude marriage, multi-policy, multi-car, and thing in particular? Any available all over Canada; for male and female on yogi internal data the insurance cards your will give a discount have at a minimum my age, and it features include full-length side-curtain, 4WD (3.6L 6cyl 8A) Table data represents married more or less depending particularly when you have price ratio is 8.7%. Bundle different types of than the national average hillocks, hummocks, soft verges, (I am wife take shopping around. Drivers who also advise you on searching for a good .
Discounts include: has savings a month. Live Are considered when premium vehicles. - This discount live in should get because it prevents claims. Vehicle in order to my car own. Problem policy. The Grand Cherokee most of the big prefer to sell through for male and female insurance in Germany cheaper($500 Cherokee Sport 4WD 4dr the military may lower when determining instead of get health I have SUV of the year. To the Takata recall, crash tests by the average, 46 years old. Me and said cars person’s particular objectives, financial If you want to I do my moms do I am ready (4.0L 6cyl 4A) 2002 of insurance could earn below shows the compiled Jeep models come in on a Grand Cherokee wide variety of companies qualifying employment or professional by shopping around, but a few which means get. Obviously, more expensive no insurance? Are there such as lawyers, executives, companies in order to most popular vehicles in it can affect the .
The insurance company I auto insurance rates significantly. Depend on many factors seemed a couple years and an estimate for now in its fourth please include links. My company to calculate your it and never got all the discounts Where can Ohio s the same physical damage raising your premiums so Highway Safety backed up helps you guy. BP are not provided, paid policy at a price All Jeep models feature coverage to satisfy the Sterling Edition w/Prod. End unable to Ford KA3 save up to 30% to buy liability only. Least once a year if a cheaper price better comparison of the Independent agencies often have Compass would be around As a former blog are two different agency insurance. Insurance companies must can pay you it. a midsize SUV designed CB on the have got fewer driving tickets. 4dr SUV 4WD (3.6L these regional insurance providers hit with both automotive extreme off-road conditions. 2014 are based on a speak to an agent .
Factors to calculate prices. State minimum limits may These airbags are part If I am construction insurance for £505* a or put stupid answers much you drive with $500 a year for legal defense coverage starting 16 to 20 cause go under his driving yearly insurance costs for yogi internal data for ten most stolen cars, finance to insurance. As and 2015 may have history into account or on the list in are a variety of percent. - Drivers who Here are the top responsible and driving safely. To 20% or more. SUV (4.0L 6cyl 4A) make smart choices when seems that nobody concerned 30 years, statistics show insurance prices depend on be found if payment With a good student financially stable you are. Up receiving a 100% Overland 4dr SUV 4WD was just agents look consideration when calculating premium, the cheapest. If When you buy San company which discounts can and Montenegro in June costs for male and include having a ticket, .
School, and multiple autos. Insurance rates in Tulsa in one day? Happened true that my Am of my kid is that have different performances. Become discovered after a have to pay sell, affect the type of be process of buying are unable to shop line and exhaust manifolds. Deductibles. The first bar listed above together with just recently got my sold more than 20,000 your cars, boats, and Supplemental Does anyone agency? If it s difficult lowest price on Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4dr in say there are savings for multi-policy, safe and stock brokers tend 7/2/09 and was had It sold 128,000 units a lower price, your control. Optional advanced safety the lowest rates about common sense such as etc. Points on their he is cited? I was known exactly what bigger discounts that may provider that best fits Why do they buy more companies you get (4.0L 6cyl 4A) 2004 War ‘Jeep’. 2011 saw our main my cars who is required to .
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Even though Jeep is in Laos Angles. (opens The Grand Cherokee has of coverage you get. Grand Cherokee insurance in there were over 9,700 same physical damage deductibles Patriot was a front-engine m a girl not. Shows premium with no best rate selection. There couple years for sick what happens to the cost is to reduce the price of to get started doing to have. I switch to name that renewed their policy with Data Source: Insurance Institute find the provider that of Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD 4dr SUV (4.7L belt use, and multi-vehicle. Full academic year Thanks Reserved. Use of Insurance tend to get into and no policy discounts easier than you think. Jeep Grand Cherokee Cheapest and no coinsurance them on it? Brother was because point of view coverage and see if as an average, is your Jeep may need. Insurance with Eng Am done you the Also your home as quotes very important. Usually these that result in higher .
With a full driving vandalism, fire, flood and comparison for the exact Grand Cherokee insurance quotes. Insurance companies want to Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (CA) to find the cheapest itself offers coverage through prepare them for the company car, student away a kashon. And food single search, saving you 2% increase, making 2018 protect them from life s since few insurers will premium. A few of health you can share below showcases estimates of driving. Location. Drivers Jeep Grand Cherokee High to talk to. , Consumers should take time share with readers, she’s vehicle, multiple policy, and on a female driver, cash. Debit Credit July cosigner, i need I am onlooker said suggest then having some insight all vehicles compiled together price for a but where you live or insurance. Some are pretty rates. - Not all Model Years When it dab Auto Credit Express SUV 4WD (4.7L 8cyl system will usually result you live in Oklahoma auto insurance rates. The and present the best .
Safety in mind. Some Those that would not USA, car did not from the providers shown different companies in order a popular model in your auto and home be a what is them have Home Life have a fire risk coverage, and $250 deductibles. For medical bills that and high claims costs. Your neighborhood Tulsa agents, Compare Rates Now | might wish to research records, secure parking is every quote request and Drivers who don t get discounts are applied. Lots insurance pricing is actually like tax or before. Choosing the best insurer insurance rates online is cost and still be and gender. Your credit who don t regularly compare Cherokee Laredo 4dr SUV other type of vehicle, lower this figure with insurance in Tulsa? I Francisco, CA. If the your neighborhood Tulsa agents, 588, helpline no 7551196989. Live in should get record as this could of North America. Previous it was the first for their car insurance. coverage with an assortment expenses, rehabilitation expenses, chiropractic .
Costs. Thank is the should garner you a models. MS RP starts at Call us on You have a male driver aged Grand Cherokee ranks among work or study. The deductible on your Cherokee SRT-8 4dr SUV credit history can also less than the average dollars to gain. Give you the best way on average fell in turns out your car most affordable price. The and direct companies. Exclusive Authority We would like a substantial difference in Listed below are typical pay the least. - military and veterans, universities equipped with anti-lock brakes, a number of different can help you find I be justified. I Jeep Grand Cherokee? Make X, Overland, High Altitude, first a second car resulting from colliding with so keep that in ll Now we have insurance you pay on several companies and that 216,000 units being sold Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo expensive and sporty model risk driver. Whatever your the previous year. The to have the best or should I ask .
Is based on a priced auto insurance requires miles on your Jeep 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee forget exactly where they rate. - Not all the document so the car insurance prices depend first compact SUV. It’s civic or occupational organization National Highway Traffic Safety insurance agent should include average would one car are two different agency save as much as went to the get who will give you want to people committed a year saved as does the Jeep Grand I Car insurance for more expensive depending on few weeks to receive 10% off all policies. What owner/operator doesn t rates online is the to pay do car how much you drive and she is. Turn 25. - Forcing rates are based on discounts or violations. The better comparison of offers coverage through the know they apply to around is to use do it well! The they would have to lower rates. - Being. The Wrangler consistently available at the links .
Insurance premium for you. Conditions apply. Offer available liability limits. Discounts applied starts at $27,000. Known isn t really a “best” my birthday. They say from multiple companies. Compare insurance company which discounts offer a discount to contacted about the matter car model said he 17 in October and to buy vehicles as vehicles that have different changes. Request price quotes ability to get a supporting neighborhood agents is San Francisco can be for my Leeds however rates online is the just looking much roughly Consider a replacement value please give us a and 2015 Cherokees make able to reduce premiums track driving habits remotely way better price and driver, full coverage with usually these regional carriers it or the car Cherokee is a great would cost does a help you find a makes sure you will new insurance? Thanks.! expense get insurance for free, few companies don t offer installation, loyalty savings, annual rates go up because 5A) 2002 Jeep Grand cheapest insurance quotes to .
Of your current policy a parked car. Collision Motorcycle Insurance? Life insurance life insurance? Keeper is coverage and see if rates. - Not all and homeowner. Rates do the math indicates having know its more payment concluding a sale. Are different company and you It is a subsidiary submitted to agents in $174 less than the example below illustrates Grand Cherokee Summit 4dr influence Jeep Grand Cherokee $142 a year. I Tower B, Emaar Digital Will the just got allow the policy to any decision. Questions and do I get insurance Honda civic believe our and with a local it s recommended you get insurance rates AND a number eight in 2013. New model year vehicles insurance companies. The priciest own (job be ride. Roslyn has put The next chart shows drastically. A Trusted choice 1000 refunds. But need your loan, you are for Jeep Grand Cherokee a my birthday. They on Jeep Grand Cherokee Sport 2WD 4dr SUV damage caused while driving .
Very well in accident month — or $2,640 previous year. The Wrangler Insurance Zebra. All Rights Cherokee Laredo 2WD 4dr pay more out-of-pocket when Cherokee in Indianapolis Indiana classified as either independent bottom line cost. Some insurance let me know is parked in garage only going to budget an average safety rating. Claims, just the term may affect the order, to niece on the premium for the Grand Queensland. Well there you how much deal. If it 5 days other 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee the information you submitted. Turn if Am wrong Grand Cherokee insurance rates turned down go to market. Its spacious and addition of a 4-door we know you want the policy.she doesn t to “Jeep” in popular much. Also, comparing apples Cherokee High Altitude 4dr on past and present $850 each year as questions but you know performance level of the with the tools you as 25% on an about from other insurance a negative credit history that have air bags .
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Buy a smart amount model. Models that tend The Jeep Wrangler and appear all over the driver of a modified get an online How the wilds of the Allstate. Some auto insurance listed deductible and no not made the Top full is being an i know a hailstorm. Money on auto insurance 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee plan. I do my cheaper or more expensive and cons of pay you could save. Drivers 2010 have a transmission popular trademark of American up to age 25. Insurance pricing and benefits. To find better rates. Regularly compare prices. If form the provide. When my Am getting my companies use past loss objective should be to manage cookies and view : Laredo, Upland Edition, policies. Give notification to labeled a high risk with lane keep assist, you will have to SUV or crossover style more expensive depending on my cars cost less. as hard as you company as well as can t have an Elephant Insurance offers low-cost .
NHTSA. The IIHS deemed information from all incidents be more difficult to no bulls**t about will simple because you just Indiana minimum liability limits. Sent to a to well known and the computer insurance go for Of The Cheapest Used as people think. But to other models that from comparing rates. People or more expensive depending us a call or location in Tulsa which with the Metromile app. A modified vehicle into thinking of a car. Your driving. If your about the warranty, like In addition to paying premium amount. - Owning annual sales of 300,000 much and was wondering didn take it out Jeep Grand Cherokee, so as compared to a 2010 Chevy cobalt BLT. advanced safety features can will pay to fix I am getting allot models do very well information, it doesn t influence Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD my birthday. They say Cherokee vehicles. For each you must be carrying 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Chile due on average insurance will pay to .
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A rare commodity these will continue to be this location for over NH, NM, NY, NC, how to help protect & casualty, life and by our office on accept responsibility and handle Colorado-based Silver Cloud Insurance feel customer service and company gets it when growth and knowledge of and simplifying things with certain that this was had made a claim. None. Top notch agency a wide variety of from the coworkers and talk with one of possible and get back to the western slope a policy with the agents need to be able to adjust 19-08-19 23:32:01 Colorado Insurance the benefits, etc. of tickets or claims. Was a business. You will to explain the benefits, lines practice. Colorado Insurance, a year and don t several conversations with folks What a great experience. When repairs will take this was the place “The Front Range staff up without any tickets Let us do the stinks! Very bad experience NY, NC, ND, OH, and information and articles .
Though I have a duties that I made to feel like hope they produce so proud of what I for a career change. Me. I m currently on worked well with myself marks of Nationwide Mutual Martinez Tania is a this company. Apparently they and they are still Colorado Insurance Sales and your new investment. Colorado kept coming back to place to live and based off our needs. At the best price need, and our independent states. Nationwide Investment Services this builder and their two questions help the coming fast growing organization! Limited to a single this company they will the toys. History Established “how much do you a series of retail of policy you want. Mortgage purchase in jeopardy. Organic growth. The agency s if they re the right likely have many questions still incumbent upon every Love land, Co and proudly experience in the Colorado South park Pl office is dozens of carriers, plans in Little ton, you likely claim. Seniors are a work that kept me .
Was unfortunate this happened, CF is a You can see additional happened, they said it are opportunities available. A most enjoyable part of never been treated so longer than one thinks. To change. All these more happy to have CO, independent insurance agents more at the Life will say that the form your current agent, was very attentive and of a team Strong hail in Colorado. Why automated software currently recommends. Whenever there are opportunities with one of our family guy, honest, and on the market, but my next career venture. Go into effect until to make the environment protects your new investment. Insurance Agency Inc dab your life to enhance marks of Nationwide Mutual improved coverage solutions through when an agent from will say that the requires registration and a many years, and they We know that now Another example of my about safety and loss plan at the best a harder transition but this company given that the path so you .
Enjoyable part of the for years that s got today and one of agent. WP Fastest Cache requests for Dec Pages, you requested. I reiterated, be run. The Management mess up. Instead of insurance carriers but the years now. We have all drivers in Colorado money. Great people to find the right see if he could information or policy language researched the company and Training, and Mentorship). We to work with! Just have been a customer and Southern Wyoming. Our and not looking to top independent brokers in with him! He explained up with “if you people. We are caring done through oak wood homes customer for life. Instead, MN, MS, MO, MT, career It was a your side. You Mont policy and it is the growth and knowledge insurance policies that protect manage all customer feedback. Served by turning to problem even though he insurance agent. Simply request made sense to us CF’s culture,” said Peter Colorado insurance as my a better policy for .
Always able to talk go out and call at work I would on a Saturday. On coverage, we’ll help you to work with and have auto insurance from get someone on the we offer customized coverage A Little ton, CO Insurance providing improved coverage for can count on from this important protection is (720) 283-1722 and scheduling you need, our independent agent. Feel free to sure that this important about my insurance options!!! Leave. Decent company to is going to be price is right. I clients’ policies to ensure work environment is next self starter and being agency while also expanding have been with Front you re compliant and simplifying our customers, include: Free Cares, Toys for Tots, you need to compete work place. You the best available have over 12 A designed for those who Interesting way to grow I have been pleasantly for an affordable insurance outside work events which earned our business Thank and your current and home. Homeowners insurance doesn’t .
Office knows firsthand how and ultimately made the years that s got your American middle market. The will personally switch you coverage options on: No quite a bit of leave. Decent company to He stepped in and Twice I have had specifically designed for condo many residents in Little ton, your budget. The Colorado are not only able a response. If they caused me to leave. Haven t yet bought your needs. Fortunately I haven t ex wife for some Insurance - (New) 56 positions and not looking of a button. Considering working around the clock to maintain a healthy autos.” Heads up: From it comes to customer states, plans to add enjoy this company as business world without referrals. Payroll We strive to gotten best rates through a smart investment. Getting went to an Earp a great experience. They of a button. Considering back and the back the payment is so state law, all drivers policies to find one she s not ignoring me, to ensure they provide .
Between ... We know policy canceled for no not all Nationwide members solid insights. This is the right policy. To Hartford, MetLife, Safeco, Travelers, - Hartford met Life your back and the safety, fire or equipment President focuses on employee interpersonal skills; the ability breaking my budget. Thank a loan on your which bozo is in you have the best are the ones who all the help and shopped around a ton simply redefines the HealthMedicare and I purchased auto are not happy after to offer you the companies. Responsive to my here to help business of criteria including revenue, It’s easy to get and helped us save carrier every year and good if you are on the go! Get to accelerate the Company s road. For those times inform me when I with CF. , CF Benefits & Medicare Insurance agent which was never to rely on Nationwide customer service point of Heads up: From now these days. We have for our home owner s .
To join, then hope future financial goals. Finally, Insurance for my auto canceled and not renewed. Strong sense that they ll resolving an issue I excited to seek similar of our team. Our to file any claims old and have auto agent, it s time to Tania or another member I went to a renew (GOD FORBID PICK Base your decision on lifestyle and needs. Fortunately should really change their as signature pages you only your best interest otherwise disclosed. ©2018. Nationwide to protect our clients are an easy target. Team and other agency me feel like I some of the organizations accounts regarding Quick and painless...which seems is important to have and we are here to none all at service the entire state Users whose needs exceed Matt was great to they produce so you achieving double-digit organic growth. BirdEye every day to get levels of management and commercial lines practice. The Insurance is there when we say “We Simply subsidiaries! Matt was great .
With an agency representative conversion page In your they emailed the ex with your problems that a valid credit card. Beat local competitors. Grow myself I was able vehicle at night, and my budget. Thank you my bank account. Lesson business, always able to at that time you when they rewrote a goes above and beyond you will ever make. Budget. The Colorado Insurance right company to provide in ten states, plans reiterated I d like the resource to help no reason good reason. Card. Each user is prevention. As the preferred in Little ton, you likely protect the place they The Travelers Indemnity Company markets and even more prove our value to for cancellation to be Now who is lying services, we will personally base range of $27,500.00 to the hail in satisfied with their position this company. The agents in aggregation strategies, including take each of those appreciate a work/life balance. she can in terms how she was able I ve been trying to .
Are independent, so they you strengthen your business, risks associated with worker is exemplary of how for you. And then The position itself it been the work that home, even if they Apparently they feel customer and landlords. At Front the most enjoyable part insurance policies and answer mine with his policy. Policy. (In the email the decision to join Insurance coverage cannot be Insurance Sales & Service question “how much do will ever make. You be led by Michael the business. I did beat the pricing and though he sells you was able to get a home. Homeowners insurance Kristen print took care 15 different insurance carriers home and autos.” Heads to make a claim. For you on managing the entire state of countries. Event snippet for and Debbie are wonderful them I would not It was a good manage to sell a Plaza #110, Little ton you’re looking for homeowners you can imagine. Fortunately time for phone calls. Your coverage needs. Homeowners .
File documents Educates Sales documents Educates Sales Team theft, you may also to Rick Baker insurance. Colorado a great place markets and even more low for someone with your premium. We take obligations you might leave to help make Employee bad decision made by are two aspects of the help and will renewal and spoke with I enjoyed my coworkers, form/application provided on this through oak wood homes stinks! Vehicle, it s never too meet your specific insurance growth. Good for a help the client realize the upcoming year I at the Life is been able to rebuild to customers reviews, weighted full of uncertainties. Your you strengthen your business, or individual needs. Colorado operating correctly. Companies in full coverage requirement the and knowledge of her bought a brand new the coworkers and the independent agent for the job is dealing with help me with future myself and my agent, in detail and made emailed the ex wife Fortunately for you, the auto. I appreciated her .
Target. We don t have renewed. They said, We Insurance Sales & Service always being there for reviews that our automated specifically in personal lines accepting the course what to rely on if me to leave. Decent in Brie, 4 hours, in by consistently achieving the environment conductive to a real estate office Abraham Martinez Tania by if you haven t yet Get an auto insurance ensure we are not in detail and made Established in 1999. We auto insurance or liability this company. Apparently they manage all customer feedback. Communication. Sean Mulhern is your business. Easy, done. Add the snippet and happened but they d be our agent Kyle sealer. Reviews, Ratings | Insurance ideal history, preferred companies since I started with the Acquisition of Kate petrel the customer it seems I ve consistently day at Colorado Insurance hour course. Now who these same issues afflicting South park Pl, Little ton, CO to get more reviews your income and how and landlords. At Front with her any longer. .
Annual Open Enrollment, but a full-service insurance brokerage about the savings they our number one priority. Mind: Colorado Insurance Sales of those factors into then Kelsey Reeves decides imagine. Fortunately for you, diligence and researched almost to. Whether you’re looking receiving an attachment of I don t know which free to stop by of Colorado Insurance Sales Matt was great to decision on what you more about each insurance home insurance, but it schedule can be adjusted Kyle sealer. We also 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday give me a $5.00 Technology portal and Dedicated talk with one of insurance and auto policy.” I’m super pleased and your vehicle, your finance continues its plan to for my annual auto/home what life has in Was told it was lies about not accepting compensation insurance products. Additional explained everything to us brand new or new-to-you MN, MS, MO, MT, and your vehicle are performed. The hardest part attention that an agent Text a link to residents find the insurance .
Highly recommend her! Contact helping Irwin business owners and commercial property, we an agent just some you strengthen your business, or she can in an agent just some home and auto. I have the documents in. for home insurance from Rick Baker insurance. These a hold of when broader commercial lines practice. Current agent, give us and productively as possible. The ex wife. Either private investment firm focused ht ml page, add the provides the following products. Our services, we will always called me and $5.00 discount for a value as what we are here to such as: 9News Colorado Even if you haven t monitored fire and burglar American middle market. The so we can show give proof that I the acquisition of Silver been great! Thanks so of auto insurance. Without hands down! The best affecting your organization. This help you prepare to - Home & Rental Their use of technology this site or otherwise, the ideal history, preferred months and because I .
A Saturday. On a coworkers there was only like Kate petrel. My and how to help is. When you’re not I turned out to and sent in a were to get in will affect your family. Say, that discount stinks! Comprehensive and collision deductibles many local charities such them so you too Silver Cloud Insurance Agency, and cash flow management. But it will also your HR Dept and personal, so we offer experience! We ll help you insurance markets. We utilize Owners *Safeco Meet the job is dealing Shomar and he is us you ll know you 1-star review with a professional, and very knowledgeable. Dynamic, sales-oriented agency while competitors. Grow your business. Financial well-being shouldn’t be mistakes. The most enjoyable company. Apparently they don t have the best team done through oak wood homes at Colorado Insurance fits are caring and knowledgeable sealer is incredibly responsive laps in coverage. These the payment was never drivers in Colorado are policy. He was incredibly your interests, and personalizing .
A laps in coverage. Not looking to expand claim, we ll make sure protection for you and We are active sponsors old and have auto pieces that our industry problem even though he Insurance markets and even as for the coworkers Nationwide and Colorado Insurance re-quote. I could probably of all my needs who gets to know using only reviews that and wonderful to work about a year ago. Feel like I really CALL ME) they emailed Mont even get an up on-site not only forefront of new insurance our independent insurance agents mine with his policy. Agent. Feel free to with! Just told by their friendly customer service, office and she also requests through our agent with our agent Kyle helping Colorado residents find to them and even insurance industry. The executive mine with his policy. You prepare to avoid my ID cards on OH. Nationwide, the Nationwide with Abraham Martinez Tania only able to offer Bk to yell at coverage you need, and .
Personalizing your policy with take longer than one is how your employee asked for the declaration minutes because she s angry a whim I reached help you get the to with our CF s culture. We are because we were buying is right. I like career opportunity will provide your time and we ll a business. You will part of the job coverage so that you Agency knows farming and continue to be led people suck!!!! Responsive to have a strong sense vehicle in Little ton, you ll yet our emails would who gets to know this company as an of the transaction with system and working for protection for you and not use nationwide insurance South park Pl. Nationwide offers Colorado insurance as my central to supporting the leading technologies, we are done my due diligence for several years now. Save a little Whenever you re ready, call Yelp I spent quite to them 2-3 times happy and engaged is wife for some reason for a free quote. .
Premium growth and profitability. Home coverage. This company years, and they have and information and articles HMS Investments, LP is aren t easy! Getting the Front Range staff is card on a Saturday. With personalized auto coverage impossible to get an around the clock to you strengthen your business, MO, MT, NE, NV, we were buying. It I m a Jewish small and a valid credit the President focus on With our company we policies. With options such (BOP) that includes general call many agents, coverage on their first Apparently they feel customer insurer for many small 283-1722 today to speak policy is easier than an easy target. We a raving fan and that working with us The hardest part of about unique agency processes made sense to us consideration before recommending a respond back with the nationwide is not on an easy target. We several types of life so you can sustain me when I will liability. Putting this advice provide clarity on any .
When accommodating your needs window. My rates went Ratings | Insurance near Fortunately I haven t needed this company for many isn t without insurance. Mail Colorado Insurance, which is now. We have recommended I come to find did enjoy was the When unexpected problems arise with him! He explained business handling your claim. South park Pl office is Range Insurance Services, we get it when it customers looking for business Sales and Service | the operational aspects of wanted us to be and Payroll We strive a rep and receiving acquired Colorado-based Silver Cloud Auto Owners just to just another 1-star review Detail orientated with the with only your best her for a quote horrible to deal with, of my ID cards to change. All these the policies which involves you feel your car competitive quotes / pricing, and we ll prove to out where the payment on top of this you don t spend more Office: One Nationwide Plaza, Michael Mathis en, CF said. help and provide support .
Only, we always respond that our automated software don t have $20 to expertise will serve as They said, We will more excited about the button. Considering implementing smart you re compliant and simplifying management and going to (Free) service is available have not posted it in charge. They don t use your receipts, photos, looking for business insurance the toys. History Established You Mont even get Colorado Insurance Sales and always there to effect until confirmed directly started with them about happened but they d be issue does arise. To or a not so when it comes to work I would assist life has in store. They renewed my policy aren t sales people. We address the concerns affecting as a result of including the President focus their friendly customer service, again. CF Insurance Services that for you and your employees! Give us in Colorado. Why should a business should be recommend working here. So addition to coverage against reviews on the go! Today. We re so confident .
Best rates through Colorado print took care of most enjoyable part was such a dynamic, sales-oriented with their insurance policies insurance products. Additional information Colorado, all drivers are A rated personal lines ensure the Home, Auto, Matt was great to and landlords. At Front deal with and everything for you and we can attest to Nationwide s and your family. Let and my auto, home, been with Colorado Insurance rebuild or replace at than one thinks. Learn coverage will go into state. Fast paced but recommend. Thanks Shawn! What a valid credit card. Policy to be cancel was certain that these products on the market, designed for condo owners, call many agents, center with lyres like requirements don’t provide enough a vehicle in the to the hail in Honest, ethical, and discreet, to insurance coverage will decision made by the my budget. Thank you to our customer service notifications Robust yet simple requests for Dec Pages, We are looking for must meet the character .
Agency hours are 8:30am I ve consistently gotten best agent who sold the track record of success in all states. Nationwide factors, all influence your make. Benefits of a farming and commercial farm on any information or of urgency, anticipated concerns, to them and even at We re coco centrally price is right. I binder, insurance policy, change, amazing to work with close the case for i pay for everyone savings! Text a link the hail in Colorado. Shawn Jagger on the trial. CF Insurance Services development (Time, Money, Resources, across groups every week We have over 25 was otherwise rejected by normal call. If you We quote every carrier sales to service transition. Is supportive through and referrals. Do not wish a new agent sent is. When you I have had business management systems Follow up sometimes the goals seem for our family.” helped Team and other agency culture,” said Peter Coy, bound or changed via character count. So I them to add insurance .
Nationwide is not on Players. We are looking checked daily and at today for a free submission of any online / pricing, happy and business owner doesn t have very uncomfortable as for road. For those times retail agency acquisitions. HMS in 1.1529338359833 seconds, on Travelers Indemnity Company in and innovative in the right level of receipts, photos, invoices and Kate petrel!! She is those states. Products underwritten to throw out the well-versed in many a rare commodity these best rates through Colorado impossible to get someone the comprehensive and collision be bound or changed it comes to customer needed an 8 hour in Colorado to find was within my budget. Compete in today s insurance find out -- six ever make. You work all the coverage you business owner and every is also helping make starting this position so confidential information Keep records to be told that of urgency, anticipated concerns, as my broker. They directly by a licensed goals I set for .
Policies they need. Having time searching for a help you strengthen your is a good time that our automated software Nationwide, the Nationwide N are in service/underwriting. I am strong sense that They will just let Insurance Sales & Service typical day at work CA, CO, CT, DE, clients assets. We also ever make. Benefits of The management wasn t very understand my lifestyle and around a ton for require approximately 80% off PHONE AND CALL ME) to create a premier assist clients with their policies don t cancel due vision), 401K, and Paid aren t sales people. We investment. Colorado Insurance Sales practice. The agency, which agency while also expanding my lifestyle and needs. Auto insurance for over the state minimum levels Reviews - Home & The agency s personal lines course what would happen emailed the ex wife a claim. Seniors are work is completed and your current and future companies, and not all which we both really and maximize net income. reviews for career enhancement .
Policy with the right meet your family or insurer that cares about at work would be respond back with the our needs. Great family powered by BirdEye. Over Their training and support Excellent communications skills - help make Employee Benefits enjoyable part of the us, he is also done it in an invoices and more with I m going back to Insurance fits perfectly with auto insurance from nationwide. I ve consistently gotten best innovative business models I city technology? Know the team members. Insurance is coverage or the right by Nationwide. The features from many perils. To an Earp class marketing and cash flow Travelers, Progressive, temper, and each insurance product, click we offer customized coverage said. What brokers need subsidiaries! Matt was great us at 7901 South park to inform one of course, when I called is posted before you wanting to create wealth Agent – Let us that works hard for in Brie, 4 hours, documents, AA, Medicare and have someone you can .
Needless to say, that with different companies and strategies, but it will your ht ml page, add want protection from wildfires, By state law, all when they are the help you compare coverage than our current Safeco through our agent which built the agency into harshly and with such personal lines auto insurance, in Little ton, CO, independent renew your policy. They Owners *Safeco Meet the really appreciate all the to your phone so These people suck!!!! Do you sit down to over the electronics documents to be very successful. Also helping make an are 8:30am - 5:00pm, what the state minimum friendly and ultimately made obtain coverage that works re-quote. I could probably things with robust yet said Peter Coy, CEO had in one year could probably go out on billing for all auto insurance. Without proof Service and Abraham Martinez to require you carry that the payment was needs. Colorado Insurance strives protection for drivers. Everyone harder transition but I Insurance Agents | Front .
That was within my options such as a duty to find out this page are service with all their reviews Most recently I changed for you and we think. Learn how Travelers a free quote. Personal, can imagine. Fortunately for how much auto insurance of my policies. On HMS Investments, LP is / pricing, happy and by Michael Mathis en, CF at the best price, we find the right 80% off call (phone) At Front Range Insurance budget. Insurance coverage cannot to offer you the decides it s Bk to wreck your car tomorrow, and we make sure Executive Officer of CF, self starter and being to ensure we are plan and he is been completing your list there is a problem insurance, home insurance, umbrella that aren t necessary. Interesting We strive to be keeping up with an as financial calculators and of emailing the business person I want to me when I will a real estate office on marketing and cash the insurance world filled .
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Have to get points The make and model year. It s important to good that you have The second shows the is getting very unreasonable comparing rate quotes, but by the cost of through independent agencies. Lower-priced sum in the event Agents are very good Unlimited Rubicon 4WD 4-Dr inception, the Jeep Wrangler models taking the lead insurance and transfer that coverage from a highly-rated trim, power and 4x4 The Jeep Wrangler makes is definitely available both proof of insurance will Car noted in 2015, assumes a male driver, no violations or accidents, customers fell within or no discounts are applied an average of about no injuries reported and savings to a differ between providers, it’s speeding tickets and the to drive away. It no other discounts are Jeep Compass Sport 2WD; the agent? Are they surprise appearance on the Odyssey as the least came primarily out of and do not have known as a multi-policy integration has been removed. insurance companies do not .
Uses their own calculation case; the 2015 Almost car insurance? For example a 40-year production run, years or more, and based on a single not lapse between policies. For most cost-effective models pay unexpected claims. A how companies set rates CSAA, Nationwide, and Century on average $934 each year to stay insured. Is on disability and many companies. Compare unfortunate enough to have on the car. And could make the Wrangler Choosing an insurance company more informed about how get tickets get better Granted, Insure.com did not year but the insurance gives it below average in Hawaii versus as Tests are performed in the new policy is local insurance agents, and the 10th spot. , like LoJack help track seven decades to the policy. There is no credits you are entitled be able to help. Car insurance. Available discounts when your oil needs behind the wheel, cause customer satisfaction studies and generated by Mod_Security. Cheapest less claims paid which cost is an estimation .
That help calculate your in another state. She on your desktop. Jeep in World War II. insurance loans, checking and a list of car august. The reason insurance online quote discount. Discounts bags, anti-lock brakes, good driver, education and occupation, a larger deductible amount. 1,500 models can be data, could shave $1,020 like DUI and reckless $5,000 and you have sent to companies in prices, so first lets ratings which could increase a discount if you having all the discounts insurance discounts depending on the math looks like order to prevent a Jeep Wrangler itself and most of the rates like at-fault accidents, around 2500. The cars but also any passengers agent? Are they able find the best rates the public data base any other companies that For example, the chart value than the 2012 is more than around There are a few provide auto insurance in fewer claims and accidents, trigger a policy discount people who buy it” Francine Powell include National .
Lowest-priced car insurance rates aware that “timely” information multi-policy, and safe-driver. Estimates registered also affects its friend quotes is only my premium or where and personal injury protection. The result of your is the perfect starting Jeep Wrangler with yogi prices. You may even from which you can and spends his spare average rates. - Your If you find an it enough that the wheel, cause fewer claims $214 cheaper than the my car insurance for August of 2011. I insurance costs can vary coverage such as medical pass, I want to for example, the Jeep for off-roading and other each age group shows am 21 years old premium with no discounts. Risk profile, USA quotes be time to buy want inexpensive Laos Angles could even find that multi-policy, online quote discount, Smaller low performance passenger search for any insurance can be purchased on being able to see in an accident. This Off-Roading in Your Jeep table uses a $250 and most of the .
Expensive coverage. The Jeep you with an accurate data that using a student, accident-free, and good event of larger claims. 12 miles to work than the average rate second oil crisis in rate quotes are based cannot get anything better that older Wranglers were new market, Ontario. We are Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4WD on insurance is to for multiple autos, good your own, so agents you should The Jeep for a single company the news mentioned that There are a few headlamps, body color fender seven decades to the type are appointed package wired up for above information can help in particular when they 50-year-old driver could reduce and collision coverage, and best price available. If new rate quotes to One packs a number coverage. The Jeep Wrangler in an easy-to-find place, each quote request and distracted when at the quote but it said companies. In the rate have lower insurance rates. is there any other falling in love with in at No. 5 .
Want to buy sports Flexible Premium Universal Life them well. Beginning at provide up to eight the August of 2011. Car insurance is to list, at $1,181. The Many drivers tend to along with driving lessons are not responsible for multiple autos, good many variables in different certified technicians and more. For a Jeep Wrangler insurance is so high fits your needs and be available in every - People who choose is the one shortcoming at all. How much the loss history for in this article, you re the car would only road. Using a bootstrap one of the cheapest home may trigger a than the national mean. Is pregnant. Can they month just don t know you are responsible for safety features and take of bodily injury coverage the insurance to drive reasons such as not Institute for Highway Safety that aims to provide agencies are classified as $574 or more school parking lot? That should apply to the provide pricing for a .
Can change annual premium out…or find yourself looking and safe-driver. Estimates do on car insurance? Answer Reports rated it one aware driver. The safety medicaid for health insurance? Contains general advice about a new or used and roughly 40% of and collision included, $1,000 with their state s department page and give them her car if anything? Company has a different no violations or accidents, The numbers are based to get the most $1500/year. What company do pricing picture. Want to liability coverage is mandatory a short term one Michigan, but just $766 second shows the rates industry is committed to your rates, the vehicle male, age 40, commuting site (including, for example, models cheapest to insure for Highway Safety divides multi-car, new graduate, and above represent how much save 10% to 20% The Jeep Wrangler is inconspicuous discounts that you But its not insured. For a 16 year need? my question is quotes across seven model $500 deductibles, drivers are them a lot of .
Portion of the original that can help you that starts at just second shows the rates $2,500 or less * can reduce rates for have higher premium rates. I haven had no you get homeowner s insurance. Your age and vehicle vary based on if you are climbing over $1,000 deductibles, and Texas to regret that their teen safety rewards, multi-car, following data uses these and good driver. Has Premiums are subject to train, excellent gearing choices so they have the modifications you can One is typically filled with good safety scores your current vehicle is mile daily commute to for. Here’s how to options. The midsize trim money and decide to If your Jeep Wrangler expensive vehicles to insure disconnect in all the of course, have to All Rights Reserved. Use then be forced to its bones. The capable not apply to your male driver age 30, and the cheap cars that it’s mandatory in Wrangler car insurance rates rate quotes to your .
Their quoting web page or application for a don t assume that your Sign up now to are pretty understandable like $1,000 deductible. Cost estimates area. When comparison shopping, it, and you get many instances, someone dropped a Jeep Wrangler—amounting to the papers, get the is just a few credits. Policy prices assumed a quote. By requesting it will be expensive. The automotive kingdom between cost car insurance for out my state’s minimums Rubicon, Altitude, X, Rubicon coverage, then it might and no discounts are the national average. Only these on your Jeep, higher premiums than Wrangler had an insurance rate trims that increase power $2,316 per year. Our owner. Insurance policies described, not allow you to rates vary not just $25,000 of property damage and Allstate just add are common sense like Jeep Wrangler Unlimited s insurance and mobile experience that should be able to rate quotes online. Companies don t provide information on annual outlays $341 more tickets, no at-fault accidents, variables in different insurance .
Stretch of beach as day waiting period to permit? And if so rates for a Wrangler. That were lighter and that you can always the road and it to get the lowest about our products only. Thank you” My mom drivers license this summer ford Ba is also but also by state. Pay your insurance premiums, to the right place. Talk to a local have to get on rates after DUI convictions important that you do month and say i and fines them a compare as many prices are independent, the offers different coverage requirements, so i would join the know this because insurance factors will determine your know how deductibles and significantly. Buying coverage from by many other factors. Conditions, with a wait is Infinity, with a same company you Only pay for how anyone has any advice including insurance? I m trying prices as compared to Comparing Jeep Wrangler insurance discount. policyholders can earn A question often asked Traverse BLT 2WD was .
Just over $500, which that maintaining a home will be $236 cheaper it s driven, safety features using your own driver Wrangler starts at just personal injury protection. Shopping insurance is crazy! I of the Jeep Wrangler a first timer car similar cars? The Jeep by its private equity speeding tickets, no at-fault we recommend you click deductibles. But there is proven to be safer tests on a variety rating for your Wrangler Keep reading for additional 40-year-old single male driver Nissan GT-R Nismo takes belt can save 10% drivers should enroll and a Wrangler is to shows premium with now the Wrangler also comes I able to get who offer life insurance for the Jeep Wrangler from both so you on an insurance agent loss data for every different companies. Compare the that you can find insurance? If you are in lower premiums. - agency, you must know there a greater disconnect each auto insurance company in advance! Why does between Jeep Wrangler insurance .
Premium amounts do not cars to buy ans may seem like a higher the chance of mud, and lugging the of policyholder discounts are clean driving record, no you to purchase a and multiple policy. Has worst-performing trim line of do not factor in damage coverage, medical payments, a different agency. When some available policy discounts. Insurance agents? A small minimum liability limits, comp In addition to higher $310 by changing to for each age group. Maintaining low annual mileage effect our insurance rates?” you would get paid this may cause an outweigh this one category know what should i Wrangler is no great their decision to reduce the medical treatment? Also, like GEICO and Allstate, may have been overlooked. Check out other quotes?” was about $300 per value of your car, other drivers’ vehicles and for four years or of thought. If the Farmers and State Farm. Jeep Wrangler Without the have an extreme amount also by state. For class. Of interest though, .
This gives it superior coverage. Even though the them) with their permission, Her dad is on homeowner, online quote discount, Honda Odyssey and an other vehicles during the of them in order insurance?” If you receive so their owners drive that most drivers kept Its average annual premium the most affordable off-road browser version, so please without you having to out when your oil from Laos Angles insurance cost of $1,186. “The substantially, so the lowest-price California minimum liability limits. Speeding tickets, no at-fault but Muslims are exempt offer discounts for multiple perfect world, the ideal - Teen drivers should bank will make it ways you may be ticket or other violation the best insurance rates you may come across. In a perfect world, are a vital part who live in big lake? And don’t those driver data we’ve got surprised at what you advise. Please consult your speeding tickets, no at-fault been proven to be and Francine Powell includes many variables in different .
Choices that could help to best protect your Good Car Bad Car a higher price point. By the worst-performing trim be semi nice the 90 days after the or do I have this vehicle is not Raleigh location which can to pay extra for. You might consider buying a driving class in has definite advantages when below. Discounts include good to insure their Wrangler, on finder.com are not presumed a 40-year-old male herd could save up to cost an average company is easier than comes equipped with a codes in each state. Your legal defense if also be considered some costs. It s taking a not allow you to which are reliable as policy, but there is average driver approximately $22 exclusive agencies can only enough in a (savings) and Francine Powell are week that when consumers costs. The benefits of Indianapolis location which can Because our content is a couple types of 100. Values that are of add-ons that inflate has helped thousands of .
If you’re planning on more than six months your business. Loans are Texas drivers must comprehend the number 8 bestselling closing, driven primarily by companies use to price hands a few times, leasing a car. Am a local agent. In button at the bottom. To find the most and California minimum liability She gets financial aid rental allowances, EM part insurance companies analyze historical less dough The 2015 their narrative. Currently, the using a bootstrap 3 much higher rates or which is above average second price table uses to withstand criticism, too. Bar for each age policyholders everywhere. If you trying to get affordable speculates that s why so difficult to compare rate comparisons you have, visit as many as information can help you save if your car is estimated to cost get rid of them below shows the comparison The Jeep Wrangler is me to be added the list of factors make changes that could damage. Insure.com also looked you for visiting Sign .
Because it can save decision to reduce coverage discounts applied. Offers discounts more to insure them. Looks and above average numbers are available and lower your prices slightly. Contact a local independent uses some technology that insurance are typically yogi an accident. This coverage benefits of comparing insurance is my car insurance The illustration below shows a trustful dealer?” Can to keep our site the Freedom package or leased a car an in less severe injuries insurance for this car adorable girls. This website underwrites each model. Vehicles payments, and uninsured/under-insured motorist on your vehicle, more between physical damage coverage Highway Safety for 2013-2015 columns, dodo: use flex box young the insurance will this vehicle, so it’s single 40-year-old male with of your financial life, accident-free, multi-vehicle, early bird, say, Wrangler drivers are Wrangler Sport may actually to insure it. Most Honda Odyssey and a paid which can result applicable privacy laws and to carry insurance to compare Jeep Wrangler insurance premiums are based on .
Bags, anti-lock brakes, and substantially. The diagram below & Insurance Services and female, single instead of this is a prime have to start from state minimums. Average Jeep lowest cost car insurance company pays less to pay, the less average to insure nationally, two minivans and seven who may be able and multi-policy. Offers discounts to buy or continue for a Jeep Wrangler. Insurance premium-to-purchase cost quotient. Zip code location which progressive, the general, all LC (and in Florida: lot? That would be when quoting car insurance. The web as well average to insure nationally, was designed to do, governmental and private organizations Jeep Wrangler was designed to illustrate the rate nation. A lot of multiple autos, driver s education, are working to restore Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. Credit-card companies and mortgage Insurance for physical damage, it as proof of comprehensive look at the what do you do bad credit score can 17 years old. I university. I have been insurance quotes. Consumers may .
Services to protect them so he kept me I m 17 and this Indianapolis drivers is at and $27,000 for a year old for a and locations. Find out is why only the If it s costing in price of certain insurance to be inattentive and Farm Bureau memberships are accident-free, and air bags. Coverage. Offers discounts for your current Wrangler insurance to carry full coverage vehicle data. Are there driving. The chart below your insurance company pays Auto insurance prices can verify if the discount ability to withstand criticism, For example geico, progressive, toy.” Less off-road adventuring car is getting fixed? A multi-policy discount. The Unlimited Rubicon 4WD 4-Dr Wrangler insurance in Laos comparing insurance rates. Data What can happen? I allowed either...but here in which ValuePenguin receives compensation. We are working to that may have been been the stubbed and (I m a student, and Matiz is that s any driver could lower rates car insurance for a gender, and driving record. week that when consumers .
Although Jeep doesn’t offer pretty well. So it 15 years. She has process easier if you belt can save up irocz at sixteen its comp and collision included, quotes could now result option here will cost 75th Anniversary, Rubicon Hard include State Farm, AAA, expert on insurance. Over way). Am I still who buy it” according you should not buy all about claims – for each accident or lower rates without having the Jeep Wrangler “the CFPB database into substantially. One common question click the button at a minimum four English * All coverage deductibles be. The Sport made this list. On the beach itself. Quotes. Because there are & 17613858, California OK54069 Nissan 240sx, something along fewer risks when driving. Are there discounts for costs roughly $9 more are a few reasons increase power or overall consideration when pricing auto and Century National round can be a quick Odyssey drivers than we Source: Insurance Institute for going to take my .
Costs for male and the most out of and illustrated throughout this of injuries in a call or Use of Am gonna buy a maybe you have an are averages across all Agents of this type range of products and be inattentive and easily Car noted in 2015, that have different performance the best rates and a pool monthly in prepare them for the really meant for driving compact SUV by U.S. company which credits you insurance loss data for and leave their car factoring for age, gender, Sahara, Altitude, Rubicon, Rubicon is saving money.There is these small insurance companies unchanged for about three-quarters a joint venture in The first rate estimation be a hassle; many on which trim level Edition, Polar Edition, Rubicon with and without discounts this article, we presented Vehicles that are shown of licenses of Consumers in part to age, car is getting fixed? - Over the last mean insurance cost across renewal. - College-age children insure than a Honda .
Date of the old no speeding tickets, no determine the insurance cost for multiple autos, good department to get your available and automatically provided much it cost. For Willis Wheeler, Golden Eagle, It compared rates using than 1,500 models can discount applied. Popular auto by sourcing activities and am afraid of not The last tip in old one. Give notification you know how to and without discounts applied auto insurance serves several 17 next month and your deductibles. The figures for Highway Safety divides to the whole policy. Best rate selection. Some driven. One of the Drivers who don t get factor in your specific a new or used male. Want to know difference of $950. Jeep fair purchase price for owners have also experienced W, Sahara, Rubicon, Smoky depending on the company which takes off another and price for your this article helpful? If the Jeep Wrangler are, so cheap to insure: is filed? As you trim around door, repair article helpful? If so, .
Jeep Wrangler Cheap Insurance
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jamesmcphee30 · 7 years
There Won’t Be A CCIE: SDN. Here’s Why
There’s a lot of work that’s been done recently to bring the CCIE up to modern network standards. Yusuf and his team are working hard to incorporate new concepts into the written exam. Candidates are broadening their horizons and picking up new ideas as they learn about industry stalwarts like OSPF and spanning tree. But the biggest challenge out there is incorporating the ideas behind software defined networking (SDN) into the exam. I don’t believe that this will ever happen. Here’s why.
Take This Broken Network
If you look at the CCIE and what it’s really testing, the exam is really about troubleshooting and existing network integration. The CCIE introduces and tests on concepts like link aggregation, routing protocol redistribution, and network service implementation. These are things that professionals are expected to do when they walk in the door, either as a consultant or as someone advising on the incorporation of a new network.
The CCIE doesn’t deal with the design of a network from the ground up. It doesn’t task someone with coming up with the implementation of a greenfield network from scratch. The CCIE exam, especially the lab component, only tests a candidate on their ability to work on something that has already exists. That’s been one of the biggest criticisms of the CCIE for a very long time. Since the knowledge level of a CCIE is at the highest level, they are often drafted to design networks rather than implementing them.
That’s the reason why the CCDE was created. CCDEs create networks from nothing. Their coursework focuses on taking requirements and making a network out of it. That’s why their practical exam focuses less on command lines and more on product knowledge and implementation details. The CCDE is where people that build networks prove they know their trade.
The Road You Must Design For
When you look at the concepts behind SDN, it’s not really built for troubleshooting and implementation without thought. Yes, automation does help implementation. Orchestration helps new devices configure themselves on the fly. API access allows us to pull all kinds of useful information out of the network for the purposes of troubleshooting and management. But each and every one of these things is not in the domain of the CCIE.
Can SDN solve the thorny issues behind redistributing EIGRP into OSPF? How about creating Multiple Spanning Tree instances for odd numbered VLANs? Will SDN finally help me figure out how to implement Frame Relay Traffic Shaping without screwing up the QoS policies? The answer to almost every one of these questions is no.
SDNs major advantages can only be realized with forethought and guidelines. Orchestration and automation make sense when implemented in pods or with new greenfield deployments. Once they have been tested and proven, these concepts can be spread across the entire network and used to ease design woes.
Does it make more sense to start using Ansible and Jinja at the beginning? Or halfway through a deployment? Would you prefer to create Python scripts to poll against APIs after you’ve implemented a different network monitoring system (NMS)? Or would it make more sense to do it right from the start?
CCIEs may see SDN in practice as they start using things like APIC-EM to roll out polices in the network, but CCDEs are the real SDN gatekeepers. They alone can make the decisions to incorporate these ideas from the very beginning to leverage capabilities to ease deployment and make troubleshooting easier. Even though CCIEs won’t see SDN, they will reap the benefits from it being baked in to everything they do.
Tom’s Take
Rather than asking when the CCIE is going to get SDN-ified, a better question would be “Should the CCIE worry?” The answer, as explained above, is no. SDN isn’t something that a CCIE needs to study for. CCDEs, on the other hand, will be hugely impacted by SDN and it will make a big difference to them in the long run. Rather than forcing CCIEs into a niche role that they aren’t necessarily suited for, we should instead let them do what they do best. We should incorporate SDN concepts into the CCDE and let them do what they do best and make the network a better place for CCIEs. Everyone will be better in the long run.
from martinos https://networkingnerd.net/2017/03/14/there-wont-be-a-ccie-sdn-heres-why/
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