#like there is no reason for the sun to be out until like 9:30pm for a majority of the year
rxkuyo · 1 year
not so patiently waiting for the sun to set so that I can finally leave the house #vampirecore
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whatyadrawin · 3 months
The Fruit After the Flesh 18+ -Chapter 9-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 4,872 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, scary moment. This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: This chapter took me so long to complete! I had to read over it and edit like four times. I took 48 hrs to make all the art pieces starting from 3pm march first until 6am march second, took a nap, started back up to finish the art at 2:30pm and finalized EVERYTHING for upload at 6am March 3rd. I'm tired bro, I got so carried away with the art I really should have cut it down to just 3 images but artists always suffer for their passion, it's our curse. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa
Chapter 9 
               The days at the Hewitt house went by slow as molasses, within these dragging days a construction crew had arrived and began repairing your home. They worked quickly and made a lot of headway which is unusual for contractors, the team seemed eager to leave for some unspoken reason. The foreman said that in one month, you would get your home back; you were excited to have your life get back on track despite enjoying your time at the Hewitt house. You made sure to water and trim the fruit trees so that they didn’t overgrow or die, since Dover was still missing, all the responsibility was left up to you. There was so much work to do but you were happy to be able to contribute your time to the property. In the passing days you didn’t see much of Tommy, he seemed preoccupied and was frequently away from the farm which only made the days last longer for you.
Half past 4pm, the day was really wearing on you and the sun was getting low in the sky so you decided to leave the orchard and head back to the Hewitt house to rest. On your walk back, you think about Tommy’s room and what it must look like, when you saw the door under that menacing red light it was simultaneously both frightening and intriguing.
The basement was such a dark and quiet place, so spacious and empty; You remembered that room with hooks that Tommy swiftly prevented you from exploring, your curiosity grew when he spun you around and slammed the door shut. This family has a mysterious history to you, the mention of them allegedly eating people weighed heavy on your mind -can I really get past the fact that they might have been cannibals? – it felt easier to gaslight yourself into thinking everything was fine, so you ran it out of your head.
When you arrived at the house, you make your way through the parlor and see Luda Mae sitting on the couch in the living room. She was reading a romance novel with a muscular, golden-haired man on the cover, it was reminiscent of the classics you had seen in your grandmothers closet as a kid. She sees you and places the book down to the side hurriedly as if she was ashamed of what she was reading,
“I-uh-ahem” She stuttered,
You smile politely “Reading anything good?”
She laughs, “Yeah, this one’s real saucy too. Thought I might get lost in it for a while.”
You felt bad for interrupting her, “Well don’t let me stop you, I’m just heading over to my room for some rest before dinner.”
she replies, “Oh, shoot that reminds me, best get dinner started now.” Luda Mae gets up with a groan and starts walking towards the kitchen.
“Time really does fly by when you find a good book.” She laughs as she passes.
You go to your room and get yourself changed and freshened up before dinner, you didn’t want to be around everyone while having the sweat of farmwork still lingering. You put on a comfortable pair of black tights and a white tank top which matched the white walking shoes you slipped on your feet.
When dinner was ready, you left your room to meet with the Hewitts at the dining table. The scent of roast chicken and baked corn wafted into the room, you were starving from having worked all day. Charlie was already sitting at the table when you arrived, he looked at you and said,
“Didja see the progress on the house?”
You take a seat, “Yeah, it’s coming along really fast, I’m surprised.”
He laughs “Don’t be, that crew probably knows this area ain’t so safe for ‘em. They’re smart, gonna get their paycheck and fuck off.”
You furl your eyebrows, “Why isn’t it safe for them?”
“Ah- Uh...” Charlie stopped himself when he caught a glare from Luda Mae from the kitchen,
“Well, what if they were to get hurt hm? Ain’t no hospital nearby or nothin’” he looked pleased with his answer.
You reply, “That’s a good point I guess.”
You know there is something more to what he said, but you didn’t want to push him. Luda Mae brought in the food, placing it all on the table followed by a big jug of ice-water, she groaned as she sat down; Tommy however, was missing tonight and you were worried,
You ask, “Where is Tommy? Is he not eating?”
Charlie laughs “That boy not eat? Maybe when hell freezes over after pigs fly n’ the fat lady sings.”
A devilish grin forms on his face before he turns to Luda Mae and says,
“Hey Luda, get the ball rollin’ n’ start singin’, then when the pigs grow wings Satan’s ass’ll turn to ice and the boy won’t be eatin’ us outta house n’ home no more.”
Luda Mae just rolls her eyes, she turns to you and says,
“Don’t worry hun, Charlie brought somethin’ to him so he don’t starve out there.”
You push for more info, “He’s been so busy lately; I feel like I never get to see him anymore. Where is he anyway?”
Charlie grabs a chicken leg and bites into it, he starts speaking with his mouth full,
“He’d shred us in half if we toldja. He’s been workin’ real hard though, wants to show you what all he’s been doin’ tonight”
Charlie swallows his food and continues, “He’s got a big ole’ hard on for you girlie, you better not be trailin’ him along fer nothin’, or he might lose it.”
Luda Mae whips her dishcloth at Charlie, who just smiles and winks at you. Luda Mae looks at you and says,
“Hope you get used to this foul-mouthed pig here, I might die from having to apologize on his behalf all darn day.”
She shakes her head at him and follows, “Thomas wants to meet up with you after you’re done eatin’. He wants to show you what he’s been workin’ on.”
Charlie pipes in, “Yeah, I bet he wants to show you somethin’. Probably whip out the fuckin’ anaconda he’s hidin’ down there. For an ugly motherfucker he sure was blessed. God is a real shit heel for that one.”
You squint your eyes at him, and he continues,
“He used to bathe outside when he was a youngin’ but once he grew up a bit the bulls started feelin’ emasculated.” Charlie starts laughing hysterically.
Luda Mae hides her face in her hands, she yells out,
“Why’r you talkin’ bout my boy’s privates like that!? You tryin’ to make us all upset?”
Charlie is now red in the face from laughing, he gets a sick pleasure in making people uncomfortable, but if anything, it just made you unbearably curious. You caught a glimpse of his erection when you watched Tommy run from you at the pond, it was greatly obscured but from what you could see, it was huge; You were able to feel the size and firmness of it in the laundry room, which factualized Charlies words.
He looked over at you, his eyes were watery from laughing so hard, he says,
“I’m sorry honey buns, but you need to be warned before you let him stick that goddamn two by four in ya.” He continues to laugh while he shovels corn into his mouth. You were still not used to his outlandish way of conversation and it made you blush.
The rest of dinner was mostly just Luda Mae trying to keep the subject matter light and Charlie giggling to himself. Once you cleared the table and packed away the leftovers, Luda Mae guides you to the door and says,
“Go wait for him by the silo, he’ll take you to his surprise. I hope you like it dear.”
The sun was now deep on the horizon which was losing its rosy hue, twinkling planets were already visible and the moon was following the dark part of the sky. You see Thomas leaning against the silo, he had one hand in his pocket and the other was fiddling with some wheat from the field to check the progress of the crop. He was wearing a very loosely fit tank top that looked old and worn, his pants were a pale blue jean with dirt and other stains scattered all over, he was still wearing his working boots which means he must have completed this surprise only today.
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He looks up from what he was doing, when he sees you, he stood up straight, dropping the wheat to the ground. You could tell he was smiling, his deep blue eyes squishing upward gave it away, this made you smile wide as you felt knots form in your stomach. You felt like you hadn’t seen him in forever, time away really does make the heart grow fonder, it was agony not being able to spend time with him. He extended his hand to you and when you placed your hand in his and realized how small you really were compared to him, you felt like you could only hold onto two of his fingers while he could easily cover more than just your hand with his.
He looked at you and carefully pulled you toward the forest,
“Where are we going? It’s dark in there, sort of scary, isn’t it?” You were hesitant to be going into a dark forest as the sun was rapidly losing its light, he looked at you and tilted his head to the side,
“I’m here” he said calmly.
His voice was so deep and reassuring. You rarely ever hear him speak, so it felt like you won the lottery whenever he did utter out anything. He was walking slowly, he made sure to accommodate the vast difference in gait you both had by staying behind you, he guided you by gently moving you in the right direction with his hand on your shoulder. Even though you were nervous about the darkness of the forest, you felt safe with Tommy close to you. He was so large and unbelievably strong that there was no way harm could come to you.
Suddenly, Tommy stopped and turned you around to face him, he took your hands and covered your eyes with them, you couldn’t help but smile. He put his hand on the middle of your back to guide you further in, you trusted that he would ensure you don’t trip and fall. The ground went from dirt and crunching leaves, to soft grass, then a hard flat surface. Each step you took made a hollow wooden noise as if you were at a harbor. Tommy stopped you and moved your hands from your eyes. You looked around and gasped, you were on a dock that sat on top of the pond.
The moon was already shining a bright light on the water making it look like glass, the stars that now shone in the night sky were reflecting off the surface and turned the pond into what looked like a portal into space. The gentle croaking of frogs created a peaceful ambience, and as you walked further onto the dock you saw some wooden chairs to relax on, one was much larger than the other.
“Did you make all this?” your voice was exasperated with awe.
Tommy nodded again and pointed at you,
You smiled “You made this for me?”
He nodded again and went to sit on the largest chair, he tapped his hand on the other chair to get you to sit with him. You sat down and the deep seat forced you to recline which was relaxing.
“I’ve never had anyone do something like this for me. Thank you, Tommy, you’re such a thoughtful man.”
Tommy looked at you and nodded slowly, he made an approving ‘hmph’ noise, he felt good about pleasing you. The heat tonight was thick, it made your skin sticky with sweat, and you could see a slick shine on Tommy’s arms and chest. You get up from the chair to put your hand in the water, testing its temperature, small fish reveal themselves as they flash in the moonlight. You stand up and remove your shoes, Tommy stands up nervously and you giggle,
“Don’t worry, I won’t take off my shirt or underwear. It’s too hot to just sit down when we have the most immaculate natural pool right under our feet.”
You slowly take off your tights and fold them neatly on top of your shoes, the black thong you had underneath did nothing to conceal your feminine shape; Tommy turns away from you, staring off into the sky in an attempt to avoid gawking at you. It was amusing to you since he already saw most of your body the first time you were in the pond. You slowly lower yourself into the cool water of the pond, its cooling temperature feels like heaven.
Tommy heard you get in and slowly turns around to see you on your back, floating gently with the moon’s reflection circling your body, you looked like a goddess. You saw that he was just standing there watching you, you swim up to the dock and put your arms on the edge, you say,
“You know, you don’t have to just watch me.”
Seeing him act so shy was strange, a polar opposite of the last time you were both in the laundry room where he made no qualms of pushing himself up against your clothed pussy with his dick begging for entry. You watched as he took off his clothes, throwing them sloppily next to your neatly folded pile. You were annoyed that he was wearing black boxers which concealed the shape and size of his package too well, but being able to see his body almost completely unclothed was still enough to have you biting your lip in excitement.
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Tommy had very long legs which were complemented by his thick thighs, his butt was muscular from having to haul his hefty body weight all over the farm. His torso was exactly as you pictured it, he had heavy muscle underneath a layer of fat that softened any sharp edges and did nothing but add mass to his already impressive size. His pecs were large and heaved with every breath he took, a smattering of soft hair covered the base of his chest and ran down his abdomen leading towards his groin, getting less sparse the lower it went.
Seeing him so exposed was odd, most people would look vulnerable, but he only looked more intimidating and fearsome especially since his arm muscles were well defined despite his soft torso. His size was not a mirage from thick clothes or padded jackets like most men you encountered, he really was authentically a behemoth of a man.
He lowered himself into the pond and let out a sigh of relaxation when he submerged his torso under the surface. You smile, and swim over to him,
“You deserve to relax after working so hard. I hope we could make this a frequent thing, something we could do together.”
You waited for a response, he looked at you and then up to the sky, he let out a positive ‘hm’ and nodded. You felt like you were in a dream, nothing you experienced was ever this beautiful, and no man was ever as generous as Tommy, you wanted to live in this moment forever. Tommy stands up in the water, he turns to you and grabs your hand to pull you to another part of the pond,
“C’mere” he says.
He pushes past some thick reeds and you end up in a tiny alcove where the water comes up to your chin and tall grasses circle you both which made the area very intimate. Tommy sees you struggling to keep your head out of water, he bends over you and grabs the smallest area on your waist under your ribs with both hands and he lifts you out of the water effortlessly. You let out a short-excited scream as he pulls you up and holds you close to his body. You’re barely able to straddle him, your chest was now just under his chin, your tank top clung to your breasts exposing your now hardened nipples. You placed both arms over his shoulders to prevent yourself from smothering his face with your bosom. He was so strong that you were able to sit comfortably on just the one arm, he looks out towards the grass and says,
Tommy used his free hand to splash water across the grass around you and it erupted with whirring, a horde of fireflies sprung out from their hiding places and lit up the night. You were stunned,
“I’ve never seen fireflies before, this is… this is magical.”
Tommy laughs and slowly turns to let you take in the full effect of the display before you, the glow of the fireflies created a warm soft light that was bright enough to let you see his eyes clearly, you couldn’t help but stare. He looked up at you, his eyes half lidded and glossy, he drank in every inch of the enchanting sight before him. When he looked into your eyes it was like projecting his soul into your mind, you could feel his emotions and you felt a deep comfort from it, like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.
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You reach up and move his hair away from his face, he took your hand and held it to his cheek as he pressed his face into your touch, his eyes closing and letting out a deep breath. You smile at him and decide to be brave; you begin to slowly remove his mask but he abruptly stops your action with his hand, you could see his expression was full of worry, you say,
“If I keep my eyes closed will you let me take off your mask? I promise not to open them.”
Tommy looks off to the side thinking, he wasn’t scared of anything except losing you and he was worried that if you saw his full face, it would disturb you. He wondered what you were going to do, but the fear was stopping him from finding out. You see him deep in thought and speak again,
“Look” you close your eyes tightly, “I can’t see a thing, I promise I won’t peek.”
Tommy trusted you, and despite the anxiety running through his system, he removed his mask and let it hang down on one ear. He took your hand and guided it up to the left side of his face, which had no significant damage compared to the other side. You feel his stubble and softly move your hand down to his lips, they were smooth and parted slightly. You smile when your fingers reached his mouth, despite not being able to see his face, from what you were able to feel, you knew he was handsome. You slowly lower your head down and pause, hovering your lips over his and testing to see what he would allow. He didn’t resist.
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You pressed your lips onto his and immediately felt a jolt of hormonal chemicals race through you like an electric shock, he let out a muffled sound of surprise. He pressed back and slowly lowered your body so he could kiss you on a more equal level. You extended the kiss by opening your mouth slightly, parting his lips only to press in on them again passionately, Tommy reciprocated the motion and was now breathing heavily through his nose, you could hear his heart beating loudly in his chest as he groaned with arousal, it was so deep that it vibrated into your chest further exciting you.
You could feel some strange deformation on one side of his face, your lips didn’t quite connect with his fully on his right side. You stayed closer to his left side since it felt a little bit more intact, you wished you could see how unique his face was. Imagining the damage done to him at such a young age was upsetting, it only emboldened your feelings for him.
The kiss was long and passionate, you both couldn’t get enough of each other, it felt like a sin to stop. Every time you pulled back from his lips, he leaned into you to catch them again parting and closing your mouths to enhance the connection you both so desperately craved. You could smell the air from his nose washing over you, it was strangely intoxicating almost like it was fresh mountain air which aroused you further. His free arm was now trailing up your spine until his hand found a resting place on the back of your neck.
You wanted more of him; your emotions were getting so intense that you moaned each time the pressure of the kiss increased. You placed your left hand on his shoulder, and your right on his collarbone. You ran your fingers over the thick muscle tensing on his neck, his carotid artery was pulsating with his heart beat, you continued feeling upwards and reached his jawline where his thick stubble prickled your fingertips. His features were so far above a stereotypically masculine ideal, it made you feel a cautious excitement, as if you encountered the final product of evolutionary success aimed to create a monster of man.
You finally pull away, making sure to keep your eyes closed. You are breathing heavily, letting out a soft moan as you lean your head back to get more air. Tommy covers his face back with the mask and gazes at you still drunk off the kiss and feeling lighter than air. The fireflies have now dispersed to the point where it was very dim around you both. He carries you back to the shallow area of the pond so you could stand up.
You smile, “Thank you for trusting me.”
Tommy nods and smiles under his mask. You wade in the water around him as he sits in the water so his torso is once again submerged, his head leaned back and eyes closed. You look around at the leftover fireflies lazily floating over top the glassy pond surface, the water gently laps at your hips.
 A feeling of unease creeps into your body and raises the hairs on the back of your neck, you stop moving and a sudden wave of anxiety rushed over you. In this moment you freeze and quiet your breathing, you felt an instinct to try to listen to the world around you very carefully but you couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary. The feeling of something being…off was now overwhelming and setting you on edge. You quietly move closer to Tommy to create a sort of protective border from the surroundings and hold onto his arm, he opens his eyes and looks at you with concern.
“Somethings wrong” you say in a hushed tone.
Tommy immediately got up from his sitting position and stood alert, he closed his arms around you and searched with his eyes to see what spooked you;
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He breathed out slowly and moved you back towards the dock. You were confused and frightened, a tense gut feeling was like an ancient ancestral alarm which you knew should never be ignored. He helped you up on the dock and followed behind after you walked toward your clothes. You quickly put on your tights and shoes and as Tommy got his clothes on you looked around, trying to find the source for this sudden dread. You slowly panned across the forest, until you see it.
In the distance, and shrouded in the shadows of night, a silhouette of a person stood still. It was too dark to make out any features and just as you saw them, they disappeared into the bush as if they were nothing but a hallucination. You get closer to Tommy who just finished pulling his shirt down over his body, you press your back into him to feel a sense of security. Tommy looks at you and bends his upper body over you as he looks around,
“Where” he says firmly,
You point to where the shadow was and whisper, “There was someone there, watching us.”
He didn’t need to see what you saw in order to know that the energy outside had shifted, all he wanted to do was get you to safety. He lifted you up into his arms and held you tightly, he took one look around to ensure the exit was safe and bolted; His movements were agile and fast, it almost felt supernatural. The trees whip past and you quickly lose sight of the pond, his footsteps reverberating thuds as he moves through the woods with expert agility.  Your eyes are wide with fear as you watch the forest behind you darken the further away you get; How Tommy was able to see things in the dark was a mystery to you.
Finally, you are out of the wooded area and coming up to where the silo was, the feeling of dread dissipates and Tommy slows his pace down, he wasn’t even huffing and puffing like most people would be doing after running so fast with a grown adult in their arms.
You hug him tightly, “Thank you for carrying me.”
You give him a kiss on his neck and continue to tighten your grip. Tommy brings you into the house and shuts the door behind you both, he gently lowers you to the floor, you keep hugging him as you stand on your tip toes. He felt very protective of you and was mad that someone scared you so much. His rage was building the more he thought about someone being on his property watching the two of you. He wondered how they would have been able to evade the multiple traps he set up around the pond perimeter.
Tommy grabs your shoulders and pushes you back slowly, he lifts your chin to have you look up at him. He sees the worried look on your face and it fuels his rage of the intruder,
“Go sleep, I gotta do somethin’.”
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His voice was rich in baritone, you could hear anger in his words. You didn’t want him to leave, but before you could tell him to stay, he was out the door. You made your way to the washroom to shower off the pond water and get ready for sleep, Luda Mae and Charlie were already asleep upstairs, unaware of the situation. You were disturbed by what you saw, but as long as Tommy was out there, you felt safe in the house. You went to bed that night worried, who was that shadow and what will happen if Tommy catches them? The morning couldn’t come soon enough.
Next chapter-
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charlesswife · 1 year
My Experience Working For The Formula One Miami Grand Prix 2023 (please read)
Hello dear readers,
In this post I will share with you about my experience working at the Formula One Miami Grand Prix of this year. As well as footage - just in case you don’t believe me. Trust me, I have NO reason to lie to you about the things I’m about to say. I want to bring this post into awareness because I think not a lot of people know what actually happens behind the scenes at all.
I would really appreciate if you guys take the time to read this. It would mean the world to me. Please reblog and share to your formula one friends so they can be aware of this.
You may or may not know, but I’m just getting into Formula One and although there is still some stuff to learn about this sport, it has grown into me and I love this sport as well as the drivers.
When you see videos of people working for the Formula One, you only get to see the good, pretty and wonderful side. You don’t see the nasty, horrendous and overall awful side. That’s why I’m here to tell you the actual truth of what I went through.
I work for this company (safety reason I won’t say which) as an usher, I work for different stadiums and I get to choose my own schedule. To work for F1 you need to fill an application and it’s just a very long process. Initially they only needed security for the job — I am not security, I’m usher so they almost didn’t take me until last minute. I’m a strong believer of manifestation.
My schedule was Friday 9:30am to 9:30pm, Saturday from 7:30am to 8:30pm and Sunday from 8:30 am to 9:30pm
When I got there on Friday at 9:30am I had to park so far and then walk to the Shuttle that was going to pick us up from the parking and take us to the stadium.
I picked up my credential and went looking where to clock in. Here are some of the pics I took
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When I finally found where to clock in, I was on hold until 11am trying to figure out where I’m supposed to work. Nobody knew where to go and it was just very disorganized on their part. Since nobody picked me I had to be taken to gate 8. The worker that was taking us got confused and I literally went through the whole place trying to find gate 8. This is what it looked like.
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Imagine having to walk all that, under the Miami heat. The sun literally burning in your back. I finally got to my spot at 12pm. They confused me as a security and they put me to work on something I wasn’t supposed to be at by mistake, but regardless I worked it because it was a good one. I was in turn 17, which I saw the drivers slowed down in the turn. I saw Alex Albon get of the grid twice during practice.
I met the flag marshalls there. They were so nice and caring as well.
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(I thought this was funny to add)
This is when they were taking Charles’ car out of the race.
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I was at this spot until 8pm, which is way later than when they told me I was going to leave the spot, and during the whole day I was surviving in water. Unfortunately that day I did not receive any food. One of the marshalls gave me an apple and another one gave me a vegetable wrap, but after a whole day of not eating; once you eat, your body rejects it. So I literally wanted to throw up at this point. I was very weak.
I was asked to come in at 5am the next day, to which I agreed (big mistake).
I did let my supervisor know that I didn’t eat and while he was worried and was trying to find a way for me to get lunch box, I never received one - so I was dehydrated, starved and lightheaded.
Once I clocked out, I had to walk for 40 minutes to get to the shuttle again and drive for 30 minutes to get into the parking and then a few more minutes to get to my car (since I was parked very far away) and THEN drive 30 minutes to get to my house. I got home at 10:40pm took a shower, set my alarms and went to sleep. I had to wake up and leave my house the next day at 4:10am — drive 30 minutes, get in the shuttle, another 30 minutes to the stadium and walk to clock in.
I’m surviving on 4 hours of sleep. They asked for my security card, which I told them I don’t have because I’m usher. Just then, they realize the mistake they made and told me I couldn’t work the same spot I did yesterday because that’s only for security. So they had me 2 hours earlier than the original time plan for absolutely no reason.
everybody got there in between 6:30am to 8:30am.
I got to work with a nice supervisor to which I worked before for another stadium, I talked to him about the lunch and he ensured me that he’ll make sure I’ll eat.
I was in Marina (big information to know, iykyk) bathroom duty - basically making sure only women were getting into the bathroom (you would think it’s common senses, but the about of men almost accidentally getting into the women’s bathroom and viceversa it’s insane)
I was able to see the practice and qualifying because of a big screen that was in front of me.
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I was there when Charles crashed again in the same section too.
Roll the clip!!
I watched the clip replay and saw myself running and also saw how close Charles was to my section. I really wanted to die when I saw the distance between us.
I have another video explaining the distance between us but tumblr only lets me post one video per post.
I really did enjoy myself. However, I was standing since 5:20am to 6:30pm, the whole day… standing up… and this my be tmi but I have thicc thighs so they rub with each other, my feet were sore and swollen and my pussy lips were HURTING, when I peed it felt like acid going down there.
I was drained and sunburned and overall this job is not for the weak. I had to cancel my shift for today because I would definitely not do it again.
I got paid 15/hour, which overall I don’t think it’s worth it at all. Housekeeping gets paid the same and they’re job is making sure the entire arena is clean for the guests. They should get paid more. The food voucher that I was given only covered for $15 so if I went over the limit I had to pay the remaining, which is fucking dumb because I am literally working there, the least they could do is give me a free meal, but they didn’t. They offer you the minimum but expect the best outcome from you. I was met with false advertisement left and right and for that reason I had to leave. You’re telling me that a multimillion dollar event in one of the biggest stadium in Florida is only paying their staff $15/h and can’t even cover their full meal? Please do better.
I cried to my friend after everything that I went through because I although had great memories, and I can brag to my friends and everyone I met that I went to F1, the day was pretty shitty tbh. There’s always a limit to something and I had a limit, that’s why I had to cancel my shift. I knew I couldn’t do this anymore. My love for this sport is big, but I passed my limit point.
I would’ve rather pay $5000 to with paddock pass and everything to see the race, than working in it. For those two days I think I only made $300, and to be honest. I didn’t see worth it.
I would much rather watch the race in the comfort of my house than working in it.
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Whenever you go to an event, game, concert, etc. please be kind to the staff you see, the staff that helps you get to your desired place. We do so much, we stand there for hours, sometimes we get breaks, sometimes we don’t— sometimes we get to eat and sometimes, unfortunately, we don’t.
This was definitely an experience, and I am a strong person that likes to work, but I would rather die than do that again.
With much love,
anyways new chapter coming up tomorrow!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know this might not be a post you guys had in mind, but I really wanted you guys to know what I went through. If you guys know about any other better ideas to work for Formula One pls let me know. Also please tell me what are your thoughts in this situation. I want to know your thoughts as well! If you have Formula 1 friends, please share this with them and let them know what actually happen to me.
Since I don't work today, I'm going to focus on watching the race, and writing the new chapter for you guys!!!
Thank you for supporting my writing. The main reason why I started this blog is because I love to write (I want to publish books) and I wanted to put my ideas out in the world and received feedback as well. I am very thankful for you guys! I can't believe I'm almost at 500 followers too! You guys are awesome, truly!
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adultswim2021 · 3 months
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Titan Maximum #9: "One Billion Dead Grandparents" | November 22, 2009 - 11:30PM | S01E09
Lately I’ve rejected my former inclination towards stacking write-ups in my tumblr queue, instead opting to just do one per night, skipping nights as necessary. I decided to tackle this one the same night as another write-up because I just want this show to be over. And luckily, this is it. This is the final episode. 
This one follows the previous episode, in which a bomb has been set up in one of Mercury’s electromagnetic beams. This beam, in addition to others like it, helps surround Mercury with a man-made electromagnetic field that’s so powerful that it shields the planet from the sun’s heat, which would otherwise kill everyone on the planet. Hence the title, “One Billion Dead Grandparents.”
The episode consists of the team struggling with the bad guys in a sequence of unfunny fights. Then they almost save the day, but then they don’t. The beam shuts off, causing a big ozone hole to form above and it begins burning all the grandparents. The team looks on in horror, and the episode ends. Perhaps they were burned with everyone else, or maybe they got out alive to go onto season two, which, is actually pretty good. No seriously, the first season was pretty weak, but they brought Dan Harmon in to consult for season two and–
I’m sorry. Nothing like that happened. Season two was not to be, and Dan Harmon was too busy having crushes on girls to even work on it anyway. The series ended with a metaphor for the show itself: they tried, they failed. But the important thing is, I don’t have to ever talk about this show ever again (until the DVD comes out, I guess). This show fucking sucked, and it might be in the running for one of my all-time least favorite shows to ever air on Adult Swim.
A message from Kon!
When Titan Maximum premiered, I naturally assumed it would be a massive ratings smash and long-running hit show for AS. It seemed inevitable that the Robot Chicken guys would take over the block, with Seth Green basically becoming the MacFarlane of AS where every Robot Chicken variation he coughs up gets automatically greenlit for infinity seasons. I really think the only reason this future didn't come to pass is because of how bad Titan Maximum was.
Let's all take a moment to appreciate Titan Maximum's bitter failure. They even had a second chance with Super Mansion, which went direct to Crackle, where It belongs!
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jow99 · 1 year
It’s feeling a bit like spring
Friday was a busy day with moving out of our apartment and moving into Tessi. We went pretty solidly for 11 hours. We did have a short repose when we couldn’t check in as it was siesta time. So we parked Tessi within the campground and went to find some lunch.
We went to a place we’ve been to a few times before that is very much a working man’s bar. We had the menu which was 3 courses each and a bottle of wine to share and it cost us €13 each.
We are parked in Reills which is a beach about 2km from our apartment. Finding this campground has been a bit of a bonus. It looks like it might be open all year as there appear to be a few permanent residents. It’s situated on a pond that I didn’t even know existed, and gets heaps of sun. Unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to enjoy it today, but we’re here until Wednesday.
By 5:30pm when I was making our bed in Tessi we were exhausted. A quick trip to the supermarket for wine and nibbles and then we holed ourselves up for the evening watching today’s stage of the Ruta del Sol. By 9pm we were both falling asleep so we packed up and took ourselves off to bed.
Saturday dawned milder again than yesterday. By the time we headed off for our ride it was 8 degrees. I therefore decided to ride with only one pair of long gloves and no buff. Jose took the courageous step of wearing 3/4s (which I suspect he regretted for the first 5-10km).
Today we did a shorter ride to help my legs recover. Having said that there was still over 300m of elevation and a bit of it around 11-9%. Needless to say about 15-20km from home my legs were toast and I was very glad to get to the coffee stop.
Back at Tessi we sat in the sun for a bit before heading off for showers and lunch, back at yesterday’s bar.
This is really our first time living in Tess in colder weather. As a rule we don’t wear shoes inside and have thongs for walking around outside. With the cooler weather we’re finding the thongs a bit of a drag because we’re usually wearing socks. So after lunch we headed to the Chinese shop and tried on fake crocs 🙈
Needless to say these were not purchased, though we have both ended up with a pair of plastic slides - problem solved and dignity not completely smashed.
Back at Tessi we did a bit more unpacking but by 4:30pm we were both really tired. Unfortunately we have the world’s noisiest neighbours who also have a yappy dog. They only arrived this morning and the caravan park is now quite full so no chance to move to another spot 🙄
I retired inside early for various reasons - said neighbours, the sun had gone and I was tired. Jose finally followed me in and with a glass of wine and a bowl of chips for sustenance we did some of my cultural exam study. The rest of the evening was spent watching cycling on GCN while we had nibbles and dinner. A pleasant end to a pleasant day.
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astraeaboann · 9 months
I hate my job, but I have no options.
I hate working in a hotel as a Duty Manager because people are stupid and I am tired of dealing with idiots. I have been working here since January 2022, this is my 5th year working in a hotel. I am doing housekeeping, maintenance, reception, bar and manager at the same time, without any external help. A one-woman-job.
The other manager doesn't run around like I do, they take their time and inconvenience everyone else because they do things so slowly that I end up having to finish their job. They never take anything seriously, or finish what they start, or follow up on work, or check-up on the team. They can't follow procedure or simple sets of rules that we, as managers, are supposed to enforce and when confronted about it they just brush it off as me being too strict. The best part? It always falls back on me, so people don't notice how shit they are.
We don't have HR, only a General Manager that lives in the hotel and also does everything, but only trusts me to do the job.
I miss seeing different people from different departments work together, having reservations, events, accounts, restaurant and concierge team members working with me. There's 20 staff members in total that work in my hotel, and me and one person at reception are the only staff in the building after 5pm.
I am tired of replying to the same questions, in the same way, every day. I am tired of having to deal with complaints, because the idiots are also self-entitled dickheads most of the time, with their stupid unreasonable requests.
There is nothing new to learn, nothing new to do. My ADHD brain cannot stand it. I hate working every day from 1pm until 9:30pm, or from 2:45pm until 11:15pm and never actually be able to see the sun (and not only because I live in UK). They don't even provide food apart from chicken nuggets and fries, and if I have them one more time I'm going to be sick. I have no friends, because everyone left the country, and the 'friends' I have at work and I never get the same time off. Luckily I have a boyfriend and we live together, but we never have time off together.
I have no extra money to go out for dinner or drinks, because the rent in London is so high and I don't have the option to take on a different job or change career, because once you're in hospitality, you're stuck.
And also because for some reason the market is horrible, haven't landed an interview in 9 months, despite applying every day for jobs that I am both under and overqualified for.
I hate it, and don't see a way out. I can feel my depression crawling back, I see how my job and mood effect my relationship with my boyfriend and how it's triggering me to want to start self-harming again. I have no energy left to practice any witchcraft, study or act on any hobbies.
I hate my fucking life right now, and no, holidays don't help. Just needed to speak about it, before I explode.
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lacrimaomnis · 3 years
BRF Reading, 29/7/2021
The cards were drawn on yesterday’s (28/7) evening my time, around 9 - 9:30pm.
This is the request I got from an anon, thank you so much for your request! As always, do send me an ask if you have something on your mind that you would ask me to read! 
Since this is a question about the past, I decided to draw only five cards instead of my usual seven -- but it ended up turning into two five-card spreads with a lot of clarifiers and underlying energies. 
As written, this is merely a speculation and therefore must be taken with a grain of salt. This speculation is not true until proven otherwise. 
My question is, how did Harry view Catherine, his sister in law before he married Meghan?
Remarks/Comments: This is just speculation. I cannot emphasise this enough. I will have to warn you that this is some next-level conspiracy shit. I will not blame you if you don't believe this, because I cannot believe this either. I will put the reading under read more to spare people on the dashboard the pain of having scrolling down through this post. I will be revisiting this question some time in the near future, because I just can’t believe this.
Summary: At one point before Harry married Meghan, Harry had thought of Catherine as a potential sexual partner. He also thought of her as a liberation, that he can take “things easy” and work less.
Cards drawn: Six of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, The Empress, Eight of Pentacles, The Sun Underlying energies: Knight of Cups, Page of Wands
First card: Six of Pentacles. This is the card of charity and generousity. In my deck, this card is represented by a bird and a mouse (? mice? rat?) -- the bird holds in its beak the coins (pentacles) as the mouse raises upwards to receive the coins. This card represents Harry and Catherine. Harry is the bird offering the mouse the coins -- this represents Harry accepting Catherine into the royal family. This tells me that during the early years, Harry accepted Catherine without any qualms, just like the "wealthy" bird who offered the mouse a coin from the scales containing the pentacles on its beak without any complaints due to the generousity of its heart. 
Second card: Queen of Cups. She represents virtue, feminity, nurture, fertility, success, and power. She is the most feminine of all Queens, ruling over the realm of emotions and feelings. In this reading, she represents Catherine -- she is the future Queen of England, hence the power associated with her, she is fertile, having borne three children, she is also perhaps one of the more successful royals of our time; this brought to my mind her Early Years project. Harry thought of Catherine as someone nurturing, compassionate, and he thought of Catherine as someone with whom he can connect emotionally. 
Third card: The Empress. This is where things start to veer into the conspiracy theory realm. The Empress, ruled by Venus, is the card of a powerful female figure, a matriarch, the ultimate feminine archetype. In my deck, The Empress is drawn as a woman baring her breasts with a tiger around her -- the tiger can signify the desire for attention. This tells me that Harry may have wanted Catherine's attention in a more personal and intimate way than the way a sister-in-law looks after her brother-in-law. He may have wanted the attention only a lover could give, which may or may not include sex, as implied by the way The Empress is illustrated: an open posture offering sex and comfort.
The tiger, however, can also be represented as a desire to protect. The Empress is protected by the tiger, a sign that she can definitely be fierce to protect herself, or that the ferocious tiger itself will protect The Empress. This card, then, could be interpreted that while Harry may have had wanted more than Catherine's attention, William stepped in to protect her, just like the tiger protecting The Empress. This card could also mean that Catherine herself set the hard boundaries between her and Harry, the "ferocity" of The Empress.
Fourth card: Eight of Pentacles. This is the card of hard work and accomplishment. Harry thought of Catherine as an accomplishment and a hard worker. This is where things start to get a little muddy so I drew two clarifiers on this card: 
First clarifier: Death. This is the card of transformation, of an end of a cycle, new beginnings, and liberation. This card often indicates a time of transition. As the clarifier of the Eight of Pentacles, this card tells me that Harry thought of Catherine, her accomplishments, and her hard work as a way to give way to the time of transition and transformation. This card could also be thought of as a card of liberation, so this could mean that Harry thought of Catherine as his "liberation", that he can now get away without taking his duties seriously because William, Catherine, and their children will be taking more and more royal duties and he can sit back and enjoy his days without having to work. 
Second clarifier: The Hierophant. Because the Eight of Pentacles, a minor arcana card, was clarified by two major arcana cards, this tells me that Eight of Pentacles in this reading is perhaps particularly important. The Hierophant is a card of institution, conventionality, and traditions. This is also the card of a Taurus person and I was thinking of HM the Queen, a Taurus, so this card stands for HM the Queen and the BRF as an institution. Combined with Death, this could mean that Harry thought of Catherine's arrival as a herald of the end of Her Majesty's era -- that it was time for the old-timers to give way and let the younger royals take the lead.
The Eight of Pentacles in this reading could then be interpreted as such: Harry thought of Catherine as someone whose accomplishments and hard work will transform the BRF as an institution, closing the curtains to Her Majesty's era, and ushering in a new era of the younger royals. He also thought that with Catherine on the scene, he could sit back and "take it easy" because William, Catherine, and their children will be doing the bulk of the work. 
Fifth card: The Sun. This is the card of success and abundance, optimism, achievement, and friendship. This card can indicate that people will be drawn to you because of your warmth and your zest of life. This affirmed The Empress, as the other major arcana card in this reading -- Harry was drawn to Catherine.
Underlying energy 1: Knight of Cups. This is the card of someone enthusiastic, moody, sentimental, and foolish -- in this reading, this card represents Harry. He was sentimental about Catherine. Again, as with the mini reading I did about BRF, Harry, and his memoir, there is an element of obsessiveness this card carries, and it was a romantic one. Harry, at one point, before he married Meghan, may have been obsessed with Catherine romantically.
Underlying energy 2: Page of Wands. The appearance of this card confirms to me that Harry had thought of Catherine in some sexual way. The Page of Wands is drawn like the way The Empress is: open postured with bared breasts, but this time, she has a dragon behind her. This card can indicate a desire for a new adventure, particularly an erotic one. Combined with the Knight of Cups, this card affirms that at one point, Harry may have had been obsessed, romantically, or sexually, with Catherine.
Right. This is just some nonsense out of conspiracy theory realm shit. I can't believe this. I decided to draw another five-card spread with two underlying energies, just like my first spread. The question is:
I am asking for confirmation - did Harry really think of Catherine, who is married to his brother as a potential sexual partner at some point before his marriage to Meghan?
Cards drawn: Page of Cups, Justice, Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, Knight of Wands Underlying energies: Temperance, Nine of Pentacles
Summary: The cards didn’t say “no, he did not”. Take what you will of this second reading.
First card: Page of Cups. This card heralds the arrival of someone gentle, which might bring about changes in one's life. This card is Catherine, as she brought a change into the brothers' dynamic and life. She changed William's life when he married her and bore him their children -- William changed from a bachelor into a married man and a father. This change, in turn, affected Harry’s life as well. William’s obligations, first and foremost, is to his own family. Harry, which was once the closest person in William’s life, is replaced by Catherine and her children. He was replaced; this was the message this card brought.
Second card: Justice. This is the card of karmic law, fairness, justice, balance, and reason. This card champions reason and impartiality over feelings and emotions, urging the readers to be logical and put their mindset in order to make fair decisions. This card also warns against someone or something that might not quite be as it seems.
In my deck, this card represents a Libra or Capricorn person. Catherine is a Capricorn, so this card may also speak about her -- in relation to this question, perhaps there was a time where she had to make a decision about Harry. I decided to ask for clarification on what this decision was about, so I drew two cards: 
First clarifier: Seven of Cups. This is the card of illusions, fantasy, and unreal expectations. This card reinforced that the decision Catherine had to make had something to do with Harry’s increasingly unreal expectations of her and their relationship. This card warns about the illusion of temptation, in this reading, the temptation is about being disloyal towards your partner in exchange for a short, fleeting satisfaction. Catherine’s decision may have something to do with this; this is the decision she made in order to reiterate that her loyalty belongs to her husband, not to anyone else.
Second clarifier: Nine of Pentacles. Nine of Pentacles is closely associated with The Hermit -- both cards are associated with earth signs and number nine. Pentacles are the suit of earth, ruled by the signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The Hermit is the ninth card the Fool encounters in his journey, and it is also the card of a Virgo; Harry is a Virgo.
The Nine of Pentacles is a formidable card that speaks about admiration, strength, and if it appears together with a warning card, like the Seven of Cups, this card is warning against destructive behaviour of the querent or someone in querent’s life -- this card tells me that Harry’s obsessive behaviour towards Catherine may have had involved attempts of tempting Catherine. Catherine made the decision, represented by Justice, after discerning Harry’s motivations and this speaks about her strength to protect her family and herself.
Thus, the Justice can be interpreted as such: the decision Catherine made was fair and right. The decision made revolved around the boundaries between herself and Harry, in which she took this decision to protect those boundaries. In extension, this decision is the way Catherine displayed her strength and her discerning mind in order to protect William and their family.
Third card: Ten of Pentacles. This is the card of happiness, home, prosperity, family matters, and love. This is a very conservative card, as this card does not speak about taking risks, or travelling, or putting your money in hope of returns -- this card speaks about being grounded and enjoying the fruit of your labours.
This card tells me that Harry wished to have a future with Catherine. He imagined himself as the patriarch with Catherine as his matriarch, building a family, being successful in their labours; all the successes and victories that are now currently enjoyed by William and Catherine. This card also sends the message that all of the future he envisioned for himself, together with Catherine, was not his for the taking. It was William’s. William is Catherine’s husband, and together, they have built a happy family, they are successful in their role as the younger royals, they have enjoyed the fruits of their labour.
Fourth card: Ten of Wands. Tens often speak about the completion of a cycle, and Ten of Wands particularly speaks about the forces in your life that have come together and produced the end of a cycle. This card also speaks about responsibility and burden; this card implies that whatever Harry thought of Catherine, it was a burden for him. I decided to draw some clarifiers for this card:
First clarifier: The Hermit. This is drawn from the top of the deck. This is my major arcana card for Harry, a Virgo. The Hermit speaks of solitude, self-awareness, study, soul-searching, withdrawal. This may imply that due to the burden signified by the Ten of Wands, there is a withdrawal; Harry withdrew from Catherine as he was burdened by the way he thought of her, or that perhaps he was burdened by the thought of the future he envisioned with her -- it will never come to fruition.
Second clarifier: Knight of Wands. This is drawn from the bottom of the deck. This card is someone of a fire sign; particularly a Leo: Meghan is a Leo. This knight is hasty, quick, the embodiment of the youth enthusiasm, capable of sweeping anyone off their feet. As the most dynamic of all knights, this card appears when things are moving quickly. This card could be interpreted that while Harry is burdened by the thoughts on Catherine, Meghan came in and quickly swept him off his feet.
Fifth card: Knight of Wands. This card appears as the clarifier for Ten of Wands, and now, here, he appears again. He might be quick on his feet, but with his quickness comes a disregard for rules. This tells me that Harry was disregarding the rules around having a relationship with your sister in law: you do not vie for her attention, you do not compete with your brother for her attention.
Underlying energy 1: Temperance. This is the card of being moderate, patience, taking the middle road, and as we all know, Harry is not any of those things. He is not patient, he is not moderate, he is not temperate, he is always taking the “my way or no way” attitude. This is one big energy as this is a major arcana. This card tells me that pertaining to Catherine, Harry is impatient and not moderate, which can include having sexual urges when he thought about her. He did not temper his mind.
Underlying energy 2: Nine of Pentacles. This card appears as a clarifier, and this card appears again as the underlying energy of this spread. This card can be associated with Harry as I have explained above, and this card also speaks about being self-motivated and self-contained, understanding the power you possess and knowing yourself. Combined with Temperance, this card tells me that he has no moderation whatsoever in exercising his power, he only knew that he has the power and did not stop for a second to ponder what that means.
Other interpretation that came to my mind as I type this is that Nine of Pentacles also speaks about the capability of standing strong of your own. This card, then, could be interpreted that Catherine is perfectly capable of standing on her own, to hold her ground even when she is faced by difficulties; in this reading, Harry. She is moderate but firm in her decisions, as shown by the Justice.
Conclusion: This reading left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. My partner has a brother and I would never think of him in any kind of sexual way; that is just crossing so many lines. This is just some conspiracy theory shit, and I still refuse to believe what my cards said. This is one of those “I will pretend I never read this question” readings to be sealed away, because it makes absolutely no sense. I refuse to believe a person can be this disgusting.
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misqato · 4 years
𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮, 𝙠𝙚𝙞 || 𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖 𝙠𝙚𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
Summary: You and Tsukki are in a long distance relationship and today is Tsukki’s birthday. Days ago, both of you had planned to spend the day through a video call, but Tsukki gets upset and disappointed when you haven’t sent him a single message throughout the day. Will things get better sooner or later?
Genre: slight angst(?), fluff
Tags: slight angst, fluff, long-distance relationships, sad/lonely tsukki :(, college!tsukki and reader, angst at the start but the ending is okay, i don’t know what to put anymore so yeah that’s it :D
Word Count: 1.7K words
A/N: Hi! I’m sorry if it’s been a while since I’ve released a fic. School is really stressing me out and I can’t find the time to write anymore. I hope you guys enjoy this fic I wrote for Tsukki’s birthday. It’s kind of bad since it’s rushed but I tried my best. Also, I’m currently working on something big so stay tuned! And of course, I have to greet an advanced (i’m posting this the day before his birthday hehe) happy birthday to my love, Tsukishima Kei <3. Again, I hope you guys enjoy this fic! ‘Til next time, Claire <33
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Beep, beep, beep, beep
The blaring of the alarm woke Tsukishima to a jolt. He turned off the alarm and rubbed his eyes. The sun was already shining through the blinds of his bedroom. He checked the time and date on his phone. 
September 27, 9:00am. It was his birthday today. 
He sighed, staring at his lockscreen wallpaper. It was a picture of him and you standing outside the Sendai City Gymnasium after one of his games. His arm was wrapped around your waist as you hugged him tightly against you while wearing a big smile. 
He sighed, missing the feeling of your warm embrace. He really wanted to spend the day with you today, but as much as he wished for you to come over and be with him, you couldn’t.
A few months ago, you needed to travel long distance for your studies since you got a scholarship at your dream university. Kei was very happy for you, he really was, but at the same time, he didn’t want you to leave. 
You both knew that this long distance relationship was going to be hard for the both of you. You thought of staying, of course, because you didn’t want to leave Kei behind as well, but he insisted that you follow your dreams and take this once in a lifetime opportunity. He cared about your career of course, and he didn’t want to get in the way of that. So you guys settled that you push through with the scholarship, and as for your relationship, you guys planned to call at least once a day, just to check on each other. Surprisingly, things are going well for the both of you. Even though your schedule was quite hectic, you still managed to find time to call or text. 
He really missed you. He didn’t want to spend his birthday (and any other birthdays) without you, but he just had to deal with it. 
You both had agreed that the plan for today was for the two of you to have a video call for the whole day since you wouldn’t be able to come over. He checked to see if you’ve sent him any messages today, but there was none. Oh well, she must be busy, he thought, setting his phone down to brush his teeth and prepare breakfast. 
The birthday calls and greetings came in at around 9:40. While waiting for your text, he ate breakfast while answering all the birthday greetings that came in. An hour has passed, and yet no text.
A while later, his family called to greet him a happy birthday because they couldn’t come over since they were out visiting his grandparents’ place which was out of town. After which he checked to see if you’ve finally sent him a message. 
Still no message. 
Kei wondered why you haven’t messaged him yet. Both of you would usually have a short chat at this time before his training. He considered messaging first, but he decided to wait a little longer, but the longer he waited, the more impatient he gets. 
It was starting to get lonely for Kei. He turned down all the offers of his friends who wanted to celebrate with him because he only wanted to spend the day with you, even if only in a video call. 
It was already 5:30pm, and still no message.
Kei spent majority of his day sitting around and watching his favorite movies just so he could entertain himself somehow. He kept checking his phone to see if you’ve texted him, and every time he sees that you haven’t, his heart sinks a little. What if she forgot it was my birthday?, he thought. It was a possibility, but with all the birthday posts from his friends, you’d at least be able to see them somehow and remember it was his birthday, right? He felt disappointed and upset. The only reason why he liked birthdays was because he got to spend them with you, and right now, he hates that you couldn’t be around to spend it with him.
When the sun started to set a little, he decided to buy himself dinner. The walk to the restaurant was quite cold. He noticed that a lot of people seem to have birthdays during September. A lot of people were out celebrating with their families and loved ones, and seeing them, Kei honestly felt so lonely. 
He really missed you. All he wanted to do was to see your face and hear your voice. He just wanted to talk to you for hours and hours because he missed being close to you but you couldn’t be there since you’re so far away. 
As he took the takeout bag from the counter, he walked out of the store to head home and eat his dinner there. He didn’t want to eat at the restaurant because of the many loud people celebrating their birthdays there as well, and he didn’t want to feel any more lonely than he already is. And besides, you might call all of a sudden, and it’d be a really bad timing ‘cause the place was very loud and you’d hardly get to hear each other. 
When he reached his doorstep, he noticed the door was unlocked as he was about to insert the key into the keyhole. Was there an intruder?, he thought. He grabbed his phone to be ready to call the cops and started to slowly walk inside. As he stepped in, he noticed a familiar pair of shoes set down in the shoe rack. Y/N? could she be here?, he asked himself with confusion. You couldn’t possibly be here right now, you were so far away and it took hours to get back to this town. Besides, you had school the following day. 
Just as he was about to call out your name, there you were, walking out of the kitchen and now standing right in front of him. “Kei!”, you beamed at him, running towards him to pull him into your embrace. He couldn’t believe his eyes. You were here, right in front of him when he’d least expected you to. 
“Y/N? Is that really you?”
“Of course, you dummy! I wouldn’t be missing your birthday now, wouldn’t I?”, you said as your ruffled his hair. “Oh, yes I almost forgot! The gifts are in the kitchen. Let me get them.”, you said, letting go of the hug and running back to the kitchen. He quickly removed his coat and followed suit. He’d never felt so happy and overwhelmed until now. 
He set his takeout by the counter and had seen that you’ve brought two large brown paper bags with you today. “Alrighty, so here’s the cake. I stopped over by the cake shop to see if there were any left. Luckily, this was the last piece.” you took out a large strawberry shortcake out of one of the paper bags. It was his favorite cake, and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought that you remembered. 
Next, you brought out a dinosaur gift wrapped box out of the other paper bag and handed it to him. “Open it!”, you excitedly said.
His heart fluttered at how cute you looked. He took the gift from your hands and carefully unwrapped them, and when he saw what it was, his jaw nearly dropped. It was the set of new headphones he’d been wanting to get for months. They were very pricey and he’s surprised that you’ve bought them for him. 
“Y/N you didn’t really have to buy this. This is very expensive and I wouldn’t want you to waste your money for me-”
“Tsukki, it’s alright. I wanted to get this for you because I know you really wanted them. It’s not a waste of money for me because I know you’ll love it. I haven’t made enough efforts in our relationship and this is my way of making it up to you. And of course, I wanted to make you happy ‘cause it’s your birthday!”, you cut him off. “Well, unless you didn’t like the gift-”
“No! I really love it Y/N. Thank you. You work so hard in your studies and you even manage to find so much time for us. Don’t think that you’re not making enough efforts for us because for all I know, you’re the one who contributes the most to keeping this relationship alive and I know I should be putting more effort in it too, but I’m just so so grateful to have you. I’m not really good with words, but know that I love you so much.”, he says, kissing your forehead. 
“Wow Tsukki, never knew you were this sappy.”, you shove him playfully. 
“Tch. Shut up, idiot.”
“Your idiot.”
You both laugh until moving on to take out the rest of the items. “I also bought some ramen for the both of us, I hope it’s enough, though.”, you said as you brought out two ramen takeouts. “It’s fine, I actually bought some dinner since I thought you wouldn’t be coming over. Also, you should’ve texted me that you were coming over. I would’ve bought some more food then.”, Kei replied.
“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, of course.”, you said, pulling him into another hug. “Yeah but, I just sort of got worried and sad because you didn’t even send me a good morning text or even any text at all.”, he said. You could hear a slight frustration in his voice. You realized that he must’ve felt lonely earlier today, and then a pang of guilt washed over you. Gosh, how stupid am I to not even send him a good morning text?, you thought to yourself. You hugged him tighter.
“I’m so sorry, Kei. I’m so stupid for not even remembering to at least check on you today. I was so busy trying to prepare for today that I even forgot about messaging you. I’m really sorry, Kei.”
“Ssshhh,” he hushed. “It’s okay, what matters is that you’re here with me now. You’re the biggest blessing I’ve ever had. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Happy birthday, Kei.”
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 1
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A/N: To celebrate William “Thirst Trap” Nylander’s birthday last Friday, I’m going to do a double post this week!  (Also maybe because he’s technically not in this chapter).  Make sure you set your clocks for Thursday at 7:30pm cause that’s when I’ll post Chapter 2.  Chapter 3 will then proceed next Monday on our regular once-a-week schedule.
September 3rd, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was still looking for a job.
She was still sending out her resume to companies.  She was still making follow-up phone calls.  She was still creating alert notifications for jobs she’d be interested in.  She was still going for interviews.  She was still shaking hands and thanking people for their time.  She was still writing follow-up thank you emails.  She was still getting rejection calls.  She was still submitting work to writing contests and magazines.  She was still getting “It’s not what we’re looking for right now” emails.  
She sighed.
So maybe getting the dream gig was harder than she thought.
It wasn’t like the bank had let her go.  She was still earning something to keep her afloat, but it was the bank.  It wasn’t writing, it wasn’t anything else.  It was the same stuff every single day and Aberdeen was starting to resent it.  She didn’t move downtown to stay a bank teller.  She moved downtown to start her career, and this was not starting her career.
But then a phone call came on Sunday – peculiar, she thought, since it was a long weekend and had expected everybody and their mothers to be at a cottage – asking if she wanted to come in for an interview.  To MLSE.  For the personal assistant job.  Aberdeen didn’t even remember applying to MLSE.  But she was desperate, so she said yes, and now she found herself looking in the mirror with her best “interview outfit” on ready to ace it.
She took a deep breath.  She could do this.  She packed her bag, made sure she had her wallet at keys, and left the condo, deciding to walk the short way to 50 Bay Street so she could pick up breakfast on the way.  Even while eating the ham and swiss sandwich, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach – it didn’t calm her nerves at all.  For some reason, she felt like this was her last chance to build something towards her career.  If she didn’t, she’d be stuck bank-telling forever.  When she stood outside the doors of 50 Bay Street, she took a deep breath before walking in.
“When you arrive, tell the receptionist you are looking for Frances Munro” the woman on the other line had told her when she called for the interview.  As she approached the receptionist, she tried to look as confident as possible.  “Hi, my name is Aberdeen Bloom.  I’m here for an interview with, um, Frances Munro?”
“Aberdeen Bloom?” another voice called out.  
Aberdeen looked up to see another woman lurking in the back, a clipboard in hand, dressed impeccably well.  “Yes.  Hi.”
The woman looked at her.  Aberdeen could see her give a quick up-down.  “Great.  Human resources certainly has an odd sense of humour,” she quipped, chuckling for nobody but herself.  “Follow me.”
Aberdeen did as she was told, giving a polite nod to the receptionist who was already ignoring her.  She circled around the desk and followed Frances, who walked through the door but didn’t hold it open.  “Okay, so I was Brendan’s personal assistant but I recently got promoted so now I’m looking for someone else,” Frances explained.
“Oh, so you’re replacing yourself.”
“Well, I’m trying to.  We tried to be proactive and hire early but the last two Brendan sacked after only a few weeks.  We need to find someone who can survive here – who can survive Brendan’s schedule and survive the pressure of the Leafs.  Do you understand?”
“Yes.  Absolutely.”  Aberdeen looked around awkwardly.  “Who is Brendan?”
“What?” Frances stopped dead in her tracks to look back at Aberdeen.  “Oh my God, I will pretend did not just ask me that – Brendan Shanahan, he’s the president of the Toronto Maple Leafs,” she practically hissed at her, continuing her walk.  “Not to mention a hockey legend.  If you work a year for him you can get a job in any adjacent field you want – sports, media, journalism, writing, whatever.  A million people would kill for this job.”
Writing.  Writing.  WRITING!!!!!  Alarm bells were going off in Aberdeen’s ears.  “It sounds like a great opportunity.  I’d love to be considered.”
Frances giggled, pushing her clipboard up to cover the smile on her face.  They had stopped in front of a series of doors and Aberdeen felt like she was going to have to pick the one without the tiger in it.  “Aberdeen…the Toronto Maple Leafs are a hockey club.  An interest in hockey…even just a little bit, is crucial,” she explained condescendingly.  Aberdeen wondered how someone like this could even get promoted.  “Do you play hockey?
“Do you watch hockey?”
Frances looked shocked.  “Do you know who the Toronto Maple Leafs are?”
“Of course I know who the Toronto Maple Leafs are,” Aberdeen huffed.  “I just don’t…I mean, I don’t…”
“If I put a picture of Mats Sundin in front of you right now could you pick him apart from Wendel Clark or Doug Gilmour?”
There was an awkward pause.  “Are those Mr. Shanahan’s right-hand men?”
“Oh my God,” Frances muttered under her breath.  “Have you ever been to a game?”
“Are you lying?”
“No – no, I’m not lying,” Aberdeen said quickly.  “One of my friends – her dad gets tickets through clients or whatever.  I’ll go to maybe one a year with her family.  But it’s not – I’m not like…the experience is fun.”
Before Frances could respond with something that was ruder than the last thing she said, her phone let out a really loud notification.  She balanced the clipboard on one hand as she took out her phone.  But as she looked at the message on the screen, her face dropped.  “Oh my God, oh my God, no!”
Aberdeen’s face dropped too.  “What’s wrong?”
Frances dropped her clipboard onto the desk and ran around it, grabbing the phone receiver and dialling a number.  Almost automatically, she began talking.  “He’s on his way.  Tell everyone the story needs to be retracted now,” she barked before hanging up.  A man walked through another door and suddenly, it was complete mayhem.  People were running through everywhere.  
“He wasn’t supposed to arrive until 9:30.  What happened?” the man asked Frances.
“Those idiots at the Sun had the audacity to actually post the story about his daughter online.  God, these people!” Frances huffed.  
Aberdeen stood awkwardly as everyone seemed to go into mayhem mode.  Frances was running around like a chicken with her head cut off, that one guy had mysteriously disappeared, and men in suits were in and out of everywhere with panicked looks on their faces.  She watched as Frances whipped into the office and began putting stuff out on the desk – a glass of San Pellegrino water, a venti Starbucks, and the sports sections of all the local newspapers.  When she was done, Frances grabbed the clipboard from her desk, a pen, and ran back down the corridor they just came from, leaving Aberdeen there, standing alone.  Awkwardly.  
Eventually, she could hear Frances’s voice again – much more polite this time – and footsteps of very expensive shoes clacking down the hallway.  “Yes Mr. Shanahan, of course.”
“And tell David at The Sun that I’m this close to revoking media access to the locker room if he publishes another article to do with my children ever again,” a voice Aberdeen could only assume was Brendan Shanahan’s was echoing down the hallway.
“I’ll get right on it.”
“Then tell Ben up in the legal department to draw up the paperwork necessary for that to scare them,” she heard, and finally, they rounded the corner.  Frances and Mr. Brendan Shanahan, President of the Toronto Maple Leafs.  He was angry.  Aberdeen could tell, even if she didn’t hear any of his last sentences – his body language showed it all.  She stepped back a few steps so he could get into his office unimpeded, where he would very obviously yell at the top of his lungs once he shut the door.  
“Who’s that?” he asked.
Frances stood in front of Aberdeen, shielding her from Brendan’s view as he looked back at Aberdeen from inside his office.  “Nobody – well – human resources sent her about the personal assistant job and I was going to interview her…but, but she’s hopeless,” she chuckled out, “and totally wrong for the job—”
“Well clearly I’m going to have to do that myself, since the last two you sent me were completely inadequate,” he deadpanned.  Frances’s back stiffened at the words.  “So send her in,” he finished as he sat down at his desk.  
Frances walked out of Mr. Shanahan’s office.  “Mr. Shanahan would like to see you,” she said politely, loud enough for him to hear.  It was when she leaned in closer that she began to whisper so he couldn’t.  “Brendan Shanahan is the absolute nicest person you will ever meet,” she began, “but he is also the busiest, most intense, most dedicated hockey professional in the entire National Hockey League.  Do you understand?”
Aberdeen gulped.  “Yes.”
“And I hope you know that this is a very difficult job for which you re totally wrong, and if you mess up my head is on the chopping block.”
‘That might not be so bad’, Aberdeen thought.  She would have appreciated some words of encouragement, like what Kasha had given her this morning, rather than the shpeal she was getting now.  But Aberdeen digressed, and nodded her head.  She took out a copy of her resume from her purse before walking in.
When she did, she couldn’t help but notice all the fine detailing of his office.  A lot of oak, bookcases, a lot of framed pictures of his family, and a giant Toronto Maple Leaf logo plastered – literally plastered – onto the wall.  He even had a giant oak desk – so regal – in the middle of the room.  
“Who are you?” Brendan asked in a tone much softer, but still angry.
Aberdeen took a deep breath.  This was her time to shine.  “Hi Mr. Shanahan.  My name is Aberdeen Bloom,” she said, stepping forward awkwardly to place her resume on his desk.  “I recently graduated from the University of Toronto—”
“And what are you doing here?” he asked.
Aberdeen blanked.  What was she doing here?  “Um, well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant, and um…” she started, noticing that Brendan was putting on his glasses.  Her gave her a look as those words left her mouth.  He grabbed the newspapers off his desk and placed them in front of him, over her resume.  
‘Alright Aberdeen.  Cut the bullshit’ she told herself.  “Yeah, so, I graduated U of T and want to become a writer.  I sent my resume out everywhere, and my work to try to get published, and finally I got a call from the MLSE human resources department, and…well, basically it’s this or bank-telling.”
Brendan didn’t look up from his newspaper.  “So you’re not a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs.”
Aberdeen’s body stiffened.  “Uh…no?”
“And before today you had never heard of me.”
There was an awkward pause.  Brendan didn’t seem like he had any more questions in him – if he even cared.  It was so clear that he didn’t and that she was bombing this interview.  But Aberdeen felt more words coming.  “I was recently published in Acta Victoriana, the oldest continuous university magazine in Canada – twice, actually – and was also published in the Hart House Review—”
“I think we’re done here,” Brendan said, not looking up from the newspaper.  That was it.  Cut throat.  Didn’t care.
Aberdeen swallowed her pride.  So this interview was a dumpster fire from the get-go.  But it was him that came in angry and him that came into this without an open mind.  She couldn’t help but scoff at how he dismissed her; he didn’t even have the courtesy to look up.  She turned to walk out.
‘Don’t let it end like this’ her mind told her.  ‘You have so much within you that he doesn’t want to see’.
So she turned around.  “You know what?  You’re right.  I know nothing about hockey,” she began, her voice as strong and powerful as she could make it.  “The woman who brought me in asked if I knew the difference between Matt…Gilmour and something…something Sundin, and I didn’t.  I don’t fit in here,” she continued, noticing that he finally looked up.  “I’m a girl who grew up in an old bungalow in Etobicoke with immigrant parents.  I’m an English major with a double minor in classics and film.  But I’m smart.  I’m really f…really smart, and I learn fast, and I will work hard if you give me the chance to do so here—”
“Good news – they’ve agreed to take down the story,” somebody burst into the room interrupting her speech.  Brendan looked at her until the person laid their iPad down in front of him.  “The tweet linking the article is gone and it’s completely gone off their website.  Adrienne Batra wants to call you to personally apologize.”
“There’s no way I’m speaking to that woman,” Brendan mumbled.  “Tell her I want it in writing.  And one to my daughter as well.”
“Thank you for your…time,” Aberdeen said, as if he gave her any.  She walked out of his office and out of his life forever.  
Aberdeen decided to take the stairs, slowly walking down the flights of stairs, hearing her shoes clack against the bare concrete.  There, she could at least wallow in her self-pity after that train wreck of an interview.  She could deliberate about her next choices and steps.  Keep bank-telling?  Go back and get her Master’s?  Take a new course?  Tell her parents how she was failing?  Move back home?  Never do anything with her life?  Live in her parents’ basement for the rest of her life?  Maybe she should just stay in this stairwell.  Maybe she should start living here, since there was nothing else for her out there in the big wide world.  Maybe she’d become a hermit.
As she finally reached the ground floor, she thanked the receptionist again, who ignored her again.  Typical.  As she was about to walk out of 50 Bay Street, she heard her name being called.  “Aberdeen!”
She turned around.  Frances was waving her back, rolling her eyes at the same time.  Aberdeen furrowed her brows.  Did she forget something?  What was going on?  She scurried over to Frances.  “What’s wrong?”
“Brendan wants to speak to you.”
Aberdeen gulped.  She was going to get yelled at by the President of the Toronto Maple Leafs.  He was going to completely obliterate her entire life and not-yet-burgeoning career for that little stunt she pulled inside his office with that speech, and she’d never be able to find a job anywhere in Toronto again.  She may as well just move into her parents’ basement now.  
As they both rode the elevator back up, Aberdeen’s heart kept beating faster and faster.  “Do you know what he wants to speak about?” Aberdeen asked.
“I have no clue,” Frances said absent-mindedly, typing something into her phone.
When they arrived back upstairs, Frances led her straight back into Brendan’s office.  He was working on his laptop now, instead of reading his newspaper over Aberdeen’s resume.  “Brendan, I have Aberdeen back for you,” Frances announced.
“Excellent,” he said, his voice much more upbeat than what is was five or ten minutes ago.  “Franny, I’d like you to take Aberdeen to get her picture taken for her new MLSE identification badge,” he said.
Frances’s eyes bulged out of her head.  So did Aberdeen’s.  “W-What?” Frances stuttered out.
“And after that, I’d like you to take the town car and take Aberdeen to the Eaton’s Centre to get her an iPad Pro with a keyboard so we can start the process of downloading all the necessary apps and internal mail server she’ll need to do the job.”
Aberdeen’s stomach dropped.  “I…I got the job?” she asked, completely flabbergasted.  Was he nuts?  Completely, certifiably insane?
“You start next Monday.  Is that fine with you?”
Aberdeen found herself nodding.
“I’m so glad Steven could get that done for you today,” Brendan said as he rounded the corner of his desk so he could sit in his fancy big chair.  Aberdeen nodded, looking at the screen of her new iPad Pro.  Steven, one of the guys from tech support, had helped her download everything she needed to have on it.  
“Yeah.  It was all really fast.”
“After you finish up here today you may need to go back to the Eaton’s Centre,” Brendan informed her.  “You’re going to need to purchase a work wardrobe.  Keep every receipt because MLSE will reimburse you.  I prefer black, but really…get whatever you think is appropriate for an office.”
“No heels necessary.  When we travel, I obviously don’t mind something more laid back – especially trips to the west coast.  Do you have a valid and working passport?”
“Yes sir.”
“Make sure you have it when traveling.  Our charter plane will still need to see it.  We’ll make copies.”
“Yes sir.”
“You’ll need to be available every game day.  We usually have Sundays off, but it’s a very untraditional schedule.  You’re okay with that?”
“Yes sir.”
“And I have your contract for you,” he said, grabbing some paperwork on the desk.  “We’ll have someone from the legal department come and explain it shortly,” he handed it to her, “but you’ll see the salary at the bottom of the first page.”  Aberdeen looked down.  Her eyes bulged at the number.  “If everything is to your liking, then we can sign.”
“Okay,” she nodded her head.  She gulped.  
Brendan looked at Aberdeen and could tell she was nervous – it was obvious in her short “Yes sir” responses anyway, but she looked like she wanted to curl into her shell.  “Before Ben from legal gets here, I would like to apologize about this morning,” he said.  “A local newspaper ran an article about one of my daughters, and my children…well, my children are completely off-limits.  Everybody knows that.  But sometimes some journalists like to see how far they can take things, even though they know family is off limits.”
Aberdeen understood where he was coming from.  If anyone ever said anything bad about Siena or Camden, she’d have their head on a spike.  She couldn’t even imagine what it was like for a father, or any parent for that matter, to have an article published about their child without their permission.  “I understand, Mr. Shanahan.”
“We are like a family here, you know – MLSE, but the Leafs especially.  You will feel part of that family soon enough.”
Aberdeen nodded nervously.  “I’m sure I will, Mr. Shanahan.”
“Well…” he shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in his chair and smiling at her.  “Congratulations, Miss Bloom.  You are now an employee of MLSE.”
“With the Leafs?!” Kasha was shocked when Aberdeen told her.  She’d started pouring glasses of wine when Aberdeen told her she got a job, but once she revealed the specifics, Kasha was shocked.  “Gosh Aberdeen, remember when my dad would bring me, you, and Siena to games with the company season tickets?”
“I know.”
“And now you’re working for them?!”
“For the President.  I’m his personal assistant.”
“Oh my God!” Kasha exclaimed.  “Seriously though, I bet a million jocks would kill for that job,” she commented as she finished pouring the wine.  
“Yeah.  Great,” Aberdeen shrugged her shoulders.  “Thing is, I’m not one of them.”
“Well, you gotta start somewhere, right?” Kasha offered.  She picked up both wine glasses, handing one to Aberdeen.  Kasha held her glass up.  “To jobs that pay the rent.”
Aberdeen giggled.  “To jobs that pay the rent.”
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blissfulparker · 4 years
You sleeping next to josh but you still can't sleep bc of anxious racing thoughts so he ends up stroking your hair and singing you to sleep 🥺
8:30pm. 9:30pm. 10:30pm. 12:00am. Hours amongst hours went by and you laid in bed with Joshua sleeping peacefully besides you wide awake. You were wide awake for some unknown reason. Maybe it was living with your boyfriend for the first time, maybe it was away from your parents, maybe it was the neighbors stupid dog that wouldn’t stop barking. Whatever it was kept you wide awake.
“Baby?” His voice deeper and raspy as he rolls to see you awake. “W-what are you doing?” He asks rubbing his eyes.
“Just can’t sleep, I dunno why but it’s okay. Go back to sleep.” You tell him and he sits up a little.
“Something up?” He asks and you push some curls from his face and he scrunches his nose.
“Just a little stressed I guess. It’s a lot of things.” You tell him with a huff and he pulls you into his chest. Normally when he can’t sleep he goes to the music room and plays his guitar until he falls back asleep. But that was him, this is you.
“Wanna watch a movie or something to take your mind off of it? Write in your journal a bit?” He asks and you shake your head. You just trace your hands on his abs and listen to his heart. “Want me to sing?” He offers and you nod.
“Can you sing sweet creature by Harry styles?” You ask him and he takes a deep breath always worried about singing Harry styles. He clears his throat as he begins to sing. His voice soft yet filling the room, a little croaky as he had just woken up, but beautiful.
And like that you fell asleep, listening to his voice and only imagining his guitar along with it. You fell asleep in his arms, curled up against his chest and when you woke josh was in the same position he fell asleep on again. The warm sun bringing out the little freckles and making his curls a lighter brown. There was nothing to worry about, nothing when you had him.
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leotssukinaga · 4 years
Only Fools Fall In Love
requests • masterlist
Summary:  You were perfect. At least, that's what Kageyama thought every time he saw you. Not that he'd ever told you that- the setter was far too awkward to get those words out (or indeed most words, unless he was angry.) Until he did, he'd never know that the feeling was entirely mutual.
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You were perfect. At least, that's what Kageyama thought every time he saw you. Not that he'd ever told you that- the setter was far too awkward to get those words out (or indeed most words, unless he was angry.) The animated way you talked as you told Tanaka and Nishinoya another anecdote, the way your laugh echoed through the gym louder than anything to else ever seemed to (which of course had nothing to do with the fact that he couldn't focus on anything but you right now.) Nobody seemed to notice how he was falling apart at the seams because of how close you were, despite being at least 30 feet away from him. He'd rarely spoken to you, maybe three times since you started showing up to practices, and he was convinced you were scared of him. Of course, this wasn't the case.
He was the whole reason you were there in the first place. The option had always been there, your brother being the captain now meant that an invitation to watch (you were good at volleyball, having played in your backyard with Daichi most of your life, but never harboured a desire to play with a club) was extended before you even started at Karasuno, but as much as you loved volleyball (and Daichi) you always figured you'd just turn up to cheer for them at games. Until Daichi mentioned Kageyama by name for the first time, and you remembered the middle school tournament he'd taken you to, and the intimidating but beautiful boy you'd had on your mind ever since. Just your luck that he would end up going here. Great.
Just as nobody knew about Kageyama's crush on you (they knew. He was too awkward around you to be subtle about it), as far as you were aware nobody knew about your crush on Kageyama. Daichi had picked up on it almost immediately. He knew you almost as well as you knew yourself, so if anyone was going to work it out it would be him. And maybe Suga, but he didn't actually need to since Daichi had told him pretty much the moment he'd figured it out (how was he supposed to deal with his younger sibling having a crush? Protective older brother mode had activated and he needed advice. He was sure you'd forgive him, eventually.) Your few conversations had been awkward as all hell, and played through your head every time you shut your eyes. You were a stuttering mess around the boy, and you were certain he knew you liked him. Subtlety was not your strong suit. (It wasn't his either, but you were both so worried about making fools of yourselves that you never noticed the other acting in the exact same way. Maybe things would've progressed quicker if you had.)
It had been 3 months since you both started at Karasuno, and 2 since you started regularly coming by the club. The excuse of "I feel safer when I'm walking home with Daichi" was bullshit, but considering most of the members of the club didn't have two brain cells to rub together unless they were thinking about volleyball that didn't really matter in the end.
All of this is of course to say, Kageyama Tobio was helplessly in love with you, and you were too busy being helplessly in love with him to realise it. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤  The light clicked on in Hinata's head eventually, at least a month after everyone else (did Kageyama really think they wouldn't catch on?) One would think that with all the stuttering and mumbling and blushing the boy did the second you were nearby it would take anyone 3 minutes to figure it out, especially someone who spent as much time with him as Hinata. Alas, what the spiker lacked in height he did not make up for in thinking skill, unfortunately. But he'd have to be completely and utterly dense to miss it this time.
The bright sun, poised perfectly to get directly in their eyes if they turned at the correct angle, seemed to have no negative effect on their Saturday morning practice. Sure, they had access to the gym, but sometimes it was nice to go outside. A little bit of vitamin D could do no harm and in the warmer months, the fresh air was a huge help. You'd been watching them (morespecifically, him) for the past half hour, leaning against a tree a few feet away. Your presence had not gone unnoticed (did it ever?), and you looked particularly stunning today (but he thought that every day.) He was distracted, off his game, and his anger at himself for letting himself get distracted was only distracting him further. When you pushed yourself off of the tree to go get a drink, he momentarily lost all ability to focus and sent the serve too far. Time slowed down as the ball soared towards you. Visions filled his mind of you being hit in the face, of bleeding noses and angry words and being brutally murdered by Daichi and never, ever having the chance with you he so desperately clung to the hope of. The one scenario he did not imagine was you noticing the ball's trajectory and taking a step back before effortlessly receiving it, sending it back towards them before continuing on your way. Kageyama Tobio had never looked so smitten in his life.
"WHERE DI- HOW DID YO- THAT WAS AMAZING Y/N! WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DO THAT?" It was the easiest he'd ever complimented anyone, and the most complete sentence he'd ever directed towards you. The rest of team smirked and/or smiled at him as he stood there, amazed. He could be an idiot sometimes. You were far too flustered by the compliment to offer an actual worded answer, so you just gestured to Daichi before running to the vending machine, beet red. Oh, right, he thought to himself, I'm a fucking idiot. The boys were cracking up at him, and he was far too embarrassed to even get angry at them for it. You'd never like a dumbass like him. (Yes, you would.)
You, meanwhile, were low key hyperventilating by the vending machine. Holy shit. Kageyama complimented my recieve?? You were far too freaked and flustered to register that his question had been idiotic at best, at least until you'd had a drink. When it hit you, you stifled a giggle. How was he so effortlessly cute, even when he was being a dumbass? You realised he was probably feeling incredibly embarrassed right now, and didn't want him to think you were secretly laughing at him or judging him when you got back. A split second decision was made.
The poor boy just about died when you came back and marched right up to him. This is the way the world ends, he ruminated, not with a bang but with my crush laughing at me for being a dumbass, or shouting at me for nearly killing them. Humiliation turned into confusion when you shoved a carton of milk into his hand with a sweet smile. "You'll serve better next time, Kageyama! I believe in you!" You weren't quite sure whether it was the right thing to say when you said it, but it was all you could really think of. You couldn't just say nothing. What seemed like a genuine smile (it was) appeared on his face and you hurried back to your tree before your cheeks could give away the fact that he'd instantly melted your heart with his stupid dumb face. You could see Daichi smirking and glancing between the two of you and you realised he probably knew how you felt. Excellent. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤  Kageyama spent the next few days trying to work out what drink you usually got from the vending machine without making it seem like he was stalking you. Not only had he nearly killed you and then made an utter fool of himself, but you'd bought him a drink afterwards, and your simple "I believe in you!" had bolstered his confidence a lot. He had a desperate need to return that gesture (and keep returning it until you fell for him.) Of course, the idea of asking someone- Daichi would be the smart choice, or even Yamaguchi since you were in the same class and seemed to be friendly- never crossed the poor fool's mind. Luckily for him, you were far too busy freaking out that he was around you at all to ever notice that he seemed to follow you every time you went to get a drink.
For you, on the other hand, the next few days were dedicated to trying to pry how much Daichi knew- and who he told- out of him. He knew what you were up to, and refused to let on. By Tuesday, you'd given up. It was 9:30pm when you knocked on his bedroom door and although his face didn't betray it, he knew exactly why you were there. "Yea, what's up?" You decided to just come right out and say it, giving yourself no time to back down. "So, I have a crush on Kageyama." "...Yeah." He said it like you'd just told him the simplest fact in the world and expected him to be surprised. "You knew, didn't you? You bastard!" You slapped his arm playfully- he pretended to be hurt as he always did (you both knew you would never hit hard enough to hurt him and that you'd probably cry if you actually did)- before crossing your arms in front of your chest. "How long have you known?" "Pretty much since the start. You asked me if you could come to practice less than 5 minutes after you grilled me about him being in the club." You chuckled a little, and he couldn't tell whether it was meant to hide embarrassment or upset. "Yeah, subtlety isn't my best skill." By which you meant that you had absolutely none whatsoever and probably never would. "So, now the cat's out of the bag- and apparently has been for months- how awkward would it be if I talked about him?" "Only a little. Come sit down." The two of you sat on his bed for a few hours, and you poured your heart out about Kageyama. You and Daichi had always had an open book policy, and it felt nice to be 100% truthful with him again. Besides, his advice had always been pretty solid (not as good as Suga's, but since there was no way in hell Daichi was about to tell you that he knew as well, you'd never ask for it.) He didn't once tell you to just confess, knowing you too well for that, but he helped you come fully to terms with your feelings, and figure out how to cope with them just a little better. You left his room feeling far lighter than you had in a while. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Three weeks after what Kageyama simply called The Incident in his head, he followed you to the vending machine yet again. This time, he didn't watch you from a distance, but instead rushed ahead of you (making you jump a little, you hadn't even noticed him behind you), and bought your drink before you got there, holding it out to you when you arrived.
"Kage-" He cut you off, speaking so fast it took you a moment to catch up. "I really, really like you. I like you so much I feel like I'm gonna explode when you walk in the room, and if Daichi doesn't murder me for telling you this then the embarrassment I'm feeling right now will probably do it for him but you didn't need to know that and you look incredibly confused which means that not only do I look like a rambling fool now but I'm a rambling fool who's made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry, I won't bother you again." He turned to walk away, not sure whether to cry or just give up on living right there. You finished processing, and a sudden rush of confidence led you to do something you never -not in your wildest dreams- would have seen coming. You caught him by the collar of his shirt just as he began to turn, pulling him back to face you and then down a little, so his face was only a few inches away. Before that action registered with either of you, you kissed him. He felt like he'd been gasping for air his whole life, like your lips on his was the oxygen mask he so desperately needed to survive. It was almost cruel how quickly the kiss ended, how even with time moving at a tenth of its normal speed it felt like you'd been there less than a second. "You can be an idiot sometimes, Tobio." You whispered, a soft smile on your lips (where his lips should be, instead.) He couldn't agree more, and he'd tell you that once the high of hearing his given name spoken in your angelic tone wore off.
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tachyon-at-rest · 4 years
An insanely funny story of "domesticated" dogs reminding us that they are still kinda wild.
From: Edward Hume <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:40:36 -0500 Subj: Dogs in elk ____________________________________________________________
I edited the follow-up thread
The original is here:
dogs in elk Posted by Anita z8 Seattle ([email protected]) on Fri, Oct 22, 99 at 14:44 The following apparently appeared recently on one of the newsgroups, rec.pets. It sounds pretty believable to me--though it's so funny, I'm not sure that I care. It's pretty long, but it's worth it. ---------------------
Anne V - 01:01pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1318 of 1332) Okay - I know how to take meat away from a dog. How do I take a dog away from meat? This is not, unfortunately, a joke.
AmyC - 01:02pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1319 of 1332) Um, can you give us a few more specifics here?
Anne V - 01:12pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1320 of 1332) They're inside of it. They crawled inside, and now I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring. I have company arriving in three hours, and my current plan is to 1. put up a tent over said carcass and 2. hang thousands of fly strips inside it. This has been going on since about 6:40 this morning.
AmyC - 01:19pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1321 of 1332) Oh. My. God. What sort of carcass is big enough to hold a couple of dogs inside? Given the situation, I'm afraid you're not going to be create enough of a diversion to get the dogs out of the carrion, unless they like greeting company as much as they like rolling around in dead stuff. Which seems unlikely. Can you turn a hose on the festivities?
Ase Innes-Ker - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1322 of 1332) I'm sorry Anne. I know this is a problem (and it would have driven me crazy), but it is also incredibly funny.
Anne V - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1323 of 1332) Elk. Elk are very big this year, because of the rain and good grazing and so forth. They aren't rolling. They are alternately napping and eating. They each have a ribcage. Other dogs are working on them from the outside. It's all way too primal in my yard right now. We tried the hose trick. At someone elses house, which is where they climbed in and began to refuse to come out. Many hours ago. I think that the hose mostly helps keep them cool and dislodges little moist snacks for them. hose failed. My new hope is that if they all continue to eat at this rate, they will be finished before the houseguests arrive. The very urban houseguests. Oh, god - I know it's funny. It's appalling, and funny, and completely entirely representative of life with dogs.
Kristen R. - 01:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1324 of 1332) I'm so glad I read this thread, dogless as I am. Dogs in elk. Dogs in elk.
Anne V - 01:41pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1325 of 1332) It's like that childrens book out there - dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk. And there is some elk inside of, as well as on, each dog at this point.
Elizabeth K - 01:57pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1328 of 1333) Anne, aren't you in Arizona or Nevada? There are elk there? I'm so confused! We definately need to see pics of Gus Pong and Jake in the elk carcass.
Anne V - 02:03pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1329 of 1333) I am in New Mexico, but there are elk in both arizona and nevada, yes. There are elk all over the da*n place. They don't look out very often. If you stand the ribcage on end they scramble to the top and look out, all red. Otherwise, you kinda have to get in there a little bit yourself to really see them. So I think there will not be pictures.
CoseyMo - 02:06pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1330 of 1333) "all red;" I'm not sure the deeper horror of all this was fully borne in upon me till I saw that little phrase.
Anne V - 02:10pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1331 of 1333) Well, you know, the Basenji (that would be Jake) is a desert dog, naturally, and infamous for it's aversion to water. And then, Gus Pong (who is coming to us, live, unamplified and with a terrific reverb which is making me a little dizzy) really doesn't mind water, but hates to be cold. Or soapy. And both of them can really run. Sprints of up to 35 mph have been clocked. So. If ever they come out, catching them and returning them to a condition where they can be considered house pets is not going to be, shall we say, pleasant.
CoseyMo - 02:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1332 of 1333) What if you stand the ribcage on end, wait for them to look out, grab them when they do and pull?
Anne V - 02:18pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1333 of 1333) They wedge their toes between the ribs. And scream. We tried that before we brought the elk home from the mountain with dogs inside. Jake nearly took my friends arm off. He's already short a toe, so he cherishes the 15 that remain.
Linda Hewitt - 02:30pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1336 of 1356) Have you thought about calling your friendly vet and paying him to come pick up the dogs, elk and letting the dogs stay at the vets overnight. If anyone would know what to do, it would be your vet. It might cost some money, but it would solve the immediate crisis. Keep us posted.
ChristiPeters - 02:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1337 of 1356) Yikes! My sympathy! When I lived in New Mexico, my best friend's dog (the escape artist) was continually bringing home road kill. When there was no road kill convenient, he would visit the neighbor's house. Said neighbor slaughtered his own beef. The dog found all kinds of impossibly gross toys in the neighbor's trash pit. I have always had medium to large dogs. The smallest dog I ever had was a mutt from the SPCA who matured out at just above knee high and about 55 pounds. Our current dog (daughter's choice) is a Pomeranian. A very small Pomeranian. She's 8 months old now and not quite 4 pounds. I'm afraid I'll break her.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:38pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1338 of 1356) Bet you could fit a whole lot of Pomeranians in that there elk carcass! Anne - my condolences on what must be an unbelievable situation!
Anne V - 02:44pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1339 of 1356) I did call my vet. He laughed until he was gagging and breathless. He says a lot of things, which can be summed as *what did you expect?* and *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.* He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home. Thanks, Lori. I am almost surrendered to the absurdity of it.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:49pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1340 of 1356) "He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home." So he can fall down laughing in person?
Anne V - 02:50pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1341 of 1356) Basically, yeah. That would be about it.
AmyC - 02:56pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1342 of 1356) No, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog." Oh, sweet lo*d, Anne. You have my deepest sympathies in this, perhaps the most peculiar of the Gus Pong Adventures. You are truly a woman of superhuman patience. wait -- you carried the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside?
Anne V - 02:59pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1343 of 1356) The carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside? no, well, sort of. My part in the whole thing was to get really stressed about a meeting that I had to go to, and say *yeah, ok, whatever* when it was suggested that the ribcages, since we couldn't get the dogs out of them and the dogs couldn't be left there, be brought to my house. Because, you know - I just thought they would get bored of it sooner or later. But it appears to be later, in the misty uncertain future, that they will get bored. Now, they are still interested. And very loud, one singing, one snoring.
Lori Shiraishi - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1344 of 1356) And very loud, one singing, one snoring. wow. I can't even begin to imagine the acoustics involved with singing from the inside of an elk.
Anne V - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1345 of 1356) reverb. lots and lots of reverb.
Anne V - 03:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1347 of 1356) I'll tell you the thing that is causing me to lose it again and again, and then I have to go back outside and stay there for a while. After the meeting, I said to my (extraordinary) boss, "look, I've gotta go home for the rest of the day, I think. Jake and Gus Pong are inside some elk ribcages, and my dad is coming tonight, so I've got to get them out somehow." And he said, pale and huge-eyed, "Annie, how did you explain the elk to the clients?" The poor, poor man thought I had the carcasses brought to work with me. For some reason, I find this deeply funny. (weekend pause)
Anne V - 08:37am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1395 of 1405) So what we did was put the ribcages (containing dogs) on tarps and drag them around to the side yard, where I figured they would at least be harder to see, and then opened my bedroom window so that the dogs could let me know when they were ready to be plunged into a de-elking solution and let in the house. Then I went to the airport. Came home, no visible elk, no visible dogs. Peeked around the shrubs, and there they were, still in the elk. By this time, they had gnawed out some little portholes between some of the ribs, and you got the occasional very frightening glimpse of something moving around in there if you watched long enough. After a lot of agonizing, I went to bed. I closed the back door, made sure my window was open, talked to the dogs out of it until I as sure they knew it was open, and then I fell asleep. Sometimes, sleep is a mistake, no matter how tired you are. And especially if you are very very tired, and some of your dogs are outside, inside some elks. Because when you are that tired, you sleep through bumping kind of noises, or you kind of think that it's just the house guests. It wasn't the house guests. It was my dogs, having an attack of teamwork unprecedented in our domestic history. When I finally woke all the way up, it was to a horrible vision. Somehow, 3 dogs with a combined weight of about 90 pounds, managed to hoist one of the ribcages (the meatier one, of course) up 3 feet to rest on top of the swamp cooler outside the window, and push out the screen. What woke me was Gus Pong, howling in frustration from inside the ribcage, very close to my head, combined with feverish little grunts from Jake, who was standing on the nightstand, bracing himself against the curtains with remarkably bloody little feet. Here are some things I have learned, this Rosh Hashanah weekend: 1. almond milk removes elk blood from curtains and pillowcases, 2. We can all exercise superhuman strength when it comes to getting elk carcasses out of our yard, 3. The sight of elk ribcages hurtling over the fence really frightens the nice deputy sheriff who lives across the street, and 4. the dogs can pop the screens out of the windows, without damaging them, from either side.
Anne V - 09:58am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1401 of 1405) What I am is really grateful that they didn't actually get the damn thing in the window, which is clearly the direction they were going in. And that the nice deputy didn't arrest me for terrifying her with elk parts before dawn.
AmyC - 09:59am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1402 of 1405) Imagine waking up with a gnawed elk carcass in your bed, like a real-life "Godfather" with an all-dog cast.
Anne V - 10:01am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1403 of 1405) There is not enough almond milk in the world to solve an event of that kind.
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mbti-notes · 5 years
Hi mbti-notes. Thank you for all that you do. I am an 18 year old INFP who is having issues with her parents. Both my parents are ISFJs and both of them have experienced a lot of trauma in their lives as they are both survivors of a genocide. We also come from different cultures as I grew up in the US but they came here as adults so they stuck to their culture. I know that my parents love me and I guess I can’t expect them to care about me the way that I want them to. Please let me know (cont.)
[con’t: if I’m just paying lip service to that idea based on the rest of my ask. There are a few examples I have for reasons why I am not so happy living with them and I don’t know if I should just learn to live with it before I move out or if I should communicate this to them. The first example is that I would like to have more freedom but two months ago I was at a friend’s house who lived two blocks away and both her parents were home but my parents called me at 9:30pm telling me to come home because the sun went down. The second example is that last year I ran away from home for four days (which I understand eroded what little trust they have in me) and when I came back, they never asked me why I left. They were obviously concerned about me but their answer was just for me to go on antidepressants. The third example is that a few years ago, I told my mom that I didn’t have any friends and she just laughed. The fourth example, is in the fourth grade my dad bought me a shirt once I got to school. I forgot to change back so when my mom saw, she told my dad. He was furious. He called everyone in the family downstairs so that he could yell at me and tell me that if I did something like that again, he would hit me with a cable wire and kick me out of the house. I never forgot that. He’s not like that anymore (he doesn’t threaten physical violence but he does yell a lot) but he can be very unpredictable in terms of what will make him angry. The fourth example is that my brother was working a minimum wage job to save up for a car and my dad stole the $900 that he had with no apology or explanation. I’m kind of afraid of him and feel most comfortable at home when he’s on business trips. I jokingly think to myself that combined my parents have the emotional intelligence of a grapefruit but I’m not really sure what to do or if anything can be done. I have about 2-3 years until I’ll have a job and be able to move out. Do I just hold out hope for that?]
The parent-child relationship is very complicated. First of all, a parent who threatens violence, steals from you, or ridicules your pain is a morally bankrupt parent. Setting aside the power differential of the parent-child dynamic, any healthy relationship should be one of mutual respect, trust, and encouragement. It sounds to me like your parents aren’t capable of a healthy relationship. Does that mean you ought to give up on them completely?
How you decide to treat people isn’t about calculating what they “deserve” or don’t deserve from you, rather, you should think about what kind of person you hope to be and what that means for how you treat people. If you hope to be the best you, a moral person, a person who is capable of healthy relationships, then your actions should always reflect that aspiration. If you hope to be a person who avoids hurting others, unethical behavior, and generating ill-will, then your decision making should reflect that aspiration. You can’t control how a relationship evolves because you can’t control the other person, but you can control how far you let someone into your life, you can control the emotional boundaries that you set, you can control how you respond to people when they don’t behave the way you hope.
I can’t tell you what to do. Part of developing a strong sense of self is learning how to gauge situations for yourself, in accordance with what you need to nurture your well-being. Having too much contact with your parents appears to be bad for your emotional well-being because they aren’t able to empathize with you and respect your needs. Having zero contact with them might also be bad for your well-being because what child doesn’t want to have a good relationship with their parents? One common INFP pitfall in relationships is that they often feel helpless, so they sit back and swallow ill-treatment until they can’t take it anymore and then do something extreme. Another pitfall is all-or-nothing thinking that makes INFPs believe they must reach a goal immediately or just give up, as though there are no steps in between. Keep in touch with yourself and avoid going to extremes, such as running away or lashing out angrily. Look for ways to get out of the house in order to lessen your contact with them, or keep yourself busy with work or hobbies in order to stay out of each others’ way. If you decide to tough it out for the next couple of years, then make good use of that time by developing yourself in any way you can. There’s always little things you can do to improve your situation and state of mind, be creative (Ne).
It’s a cliche but there’s truth in it: Parents are more likely to treat you like an adult when you show them that you can behave like an adult. An adult shouldn’t run away from problems, throw tantrums, or deflect responsibility for wrongdoing. An adult should approach situations patiently, with determination and resilience in the face of setbacks. With SJ parents, you have to build up a history of proof that you’re capable of adult behavior, if you hope to overwrite their memory of your childish behavior. Show them that you are level-headed, dependable, responsible, and they won’t have much cause to get in your face. Whatever they say to you, live your best life as proof rather than demonizing them or starting senseless arguments. Don’t be afraid of conflict because sometimes it’s necessary for making yourself heard, but learn to manage conflict properly so that you leverage situations in your favor. When they get mad, you stay calm, stand your ground until they calm down and have a reasonable discussion. If they restrict your freedom, negotiate with them and loosen the strings around you bit by bit. You’re already 18 years old, legally you are entitled to your own life and making your own decisions. Part of growing up is learning how to live your life peacefully regardless of what your parents want or expect from you. It doesn’t mean you have to violently excise them from your life, it only means that you have to take good advantage of opportunities to assert your independence. If you can do it small step by small step, chances are, they’ll adapt better and you won’t have to resort to extreme behavior.
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drtanstravels · 5 years
We recently stayed in Tel Aviv, Israel for four days so Anna could attend a teaching seminar for the International Retinal Panel. During our stay we would take a tour of Jerusalem, travel along the West Bank while venturing into Palestine, visit the ancient village of Masada, and then float and get all muddy in the Dead Sea. All of the main events happened in the final two days of the trip so this will just be a relatively short post in comparison, covering the initial two days of our journey, both spent in Tel Aviv.
Friday, November 1, 2019 We had left Singapore at 11:30pm the previous night, took an 11.5-hour flight to Turkey, had a 90-minute layover in Istanbul Airport, and then took another two-hour flight to Tel Aviv. When we were in Seoul, South Korea recently we got chatting to some friends of mine who had traveled to Israel in the past and the nightmares they had faced going through immigration once they had reached Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. One of them even told us about how he got cavity-searched, so we were both prepared for the worst. Once we were off the plane and inside the airport I cringed a bit when the first security guard snapped on a pair of disposable gloves, but it turned out to be just for him to search through our hand luggage. After that the line at the passport counter was taking forever, but it turned out that the reason the queue was taking so long to move was because we just had a really talkative guy checking our passports and when he first saw my Australian document, he looked up, gave me a curious look, and asked, “Do you watch Home and Away?” I smiled and mentioned that my sister used to have it on every night back in the day and that was it. We had to ask for entry border crossing cards, a separate slip of paper to be put into our passports instead of a stamp, because having an Israeli passport stamp can cause quite a bit of trouble when traveling overseas. There are currently eight countries that won’t accept passports containing Israeli visas, the most notable one being Saudi Arabia, a country to which we may need to travel one day. There are also quite a few countries whose passport holders are forbidden entrance to Israel without official confirmation from the Israeli government, Malaysia being on that list, so one of Anna’s colleagues was unable to attend. In fact, if Anna hadn’t taken Singaporean citizenship after we got married, this journey would never have happened.
As has been a pattern over recent trips, we arrived in Tel Aviv early in the morning, well before our hotel room was available so we dumped our bags with the concierge and decided to have a look around town. We were staying at the Crowne Plaza, which had an attached shopping mall so that was our first stop, mainly for a much-needed coffee and a couple of pastries, and then we discovered that there was a park and shopping district nearby called Sarona, a place with an interesting history:
Sarona was a German Templer colony established in Ottoman Palestine in 1871. Sarona is now a neighbourhood of Tel Aviv, Israel. It was one of the earliest modern villages established by Europeans in Ottoman Palestine. In July 1941, the British Mandate authorities deported 188 residents of Sarona, who were considered hard-core Nazi sympathisers. By the 2000s, the area had fallen into disrepair and was a haven for drug addicts. However, since 2003, the area has undergone massive renovation, which involved moving and relocating historical buildings before their restoration. The area is now a popular shopping district, as well as housing museums, cultural artefacts centring on its history, and IDF complexes.
Walking around Sarona was really cool with its mix of shops, bars, and cafes, as well as the Sarona Market. When Anna was purchasing a ring in one of the stores she asked for some recommendations in the area and the first one immediately given was Anita, a boutique ice-cream store. We initially thought this was a one-off, but we ended up finding incredible ice-cream shops all over the city. Anyway, we ordered a cup with two flavours, Pavlova & Mix Berries and Salted Pretzel, before we continued walking around, visiting among other shops a handmade dreidel store called Draydel House, a place with some unique takes on the spinning tops, and then it was on to Sarona Market. The market had some great looking food and there were plenty of free samples, but as you will find out over the course of this post and the next, it wasn’t an accurate representation of kosher food. We walked around sampling different cheeses, pickles, and halva, possibly the driest substance on earth. Seriously, dust is more mouth-watering than halva. Another thing that Israel is known for is pomegranate juice, generally used for detoxing, so we ordered a large one each, a decision we would later deeply regret and one that would also put the pair of us off pomegranates for the foreseeable future, despite how nice it tasted. Once we were done with the market and walking around the gardens in Sarona, we were able to check into our room at the Crowne Plaza at around 2:00pm and take a nap for a bit. Our day up until that point (besides the awesome pickle store in the market that wouldn’t let me take photos):
Anna near the entrance of Sarona
The way Sarona is set up is really cool
Looking down a row of stores
A map of Sarona in Hebrew
Anna’s dreidel
The dreidel Anna would probably get for me
Some of the ice-cream flavours available at Anita
A few more
They also had a custom soft-serve yoghurt bar
Anna about to buy ours
Our sweet and salty combination was definitely a good mix
Halva inside the market
One of the food stall rows
There is a huge variety available in this market
Unfortunately, not all Israeli food is as good as this looks
Anna in the garden
Now in our room
After sleeping for a bit we caught a cab to the waterfront, which is split into two parts; Alma Beach, a modern seaside area, and the Old City area of Jaffa. Most modern beach areas are similar, whereas ancient cities are always fascinating so Jaffa was the obvious choice to spend some time exploring first. It would be nigh on impossible to summarise the history of a 3,800-year-old port city in the Middle East, but here’s the general background:
Jaffa, in Hebrew Yafo and also called Japho or Joppa, the southern and oldest part of Tel Aviv–Yafo, is an ancient port city in Israel. Jaffa is famous for its association with the biblical stories of Jonah, Solomon and Saint Peter as well as the mythological story of Andromeda and Perseus, and later for its oranges. The city as such was established at the latest around 1800 BCE.
Modern Jaffa has a heterogeneous population of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jaffa currently has 46,000 residents, of whom 30,000 are Jews and 16,000 are Arabs. The 2010 film Port of Memory explores these themes. Tabeetha School in Jaffa was founded in 1863. It is owned by the Church of Scotland. The school provides education in English to children from Christian, Jewish and Muslim backgrounds.
Our taxi driver was an elderly man who kept explaining to us along the way that Tel Aviv was a party city, that around 69% of people there were aged between 30-40, and that we’d be among the older people out that night. I wasn’t expecting that, but another thing we weren’t expecting was the fact that the sun sets in Tel Aviv before 5:00pm, it’s almost as if the city is in the entirely wrong timezone and is something that would throw our body clocks off for the duration of this trip. When it had been dark there for a few hours, you’d be led to think it was getting kind of late when in reality it was only about eight o’clock in the evening. So, despite the fact that we arrived at Jaffa at 4:30pm, the sun was already setting, but this just made the place that much more beautiful. We spent the evening wandering through the narrow streets and laneways of Jaffa, taking in all of the ancient buildings, towers, and structures, plus the major landmarks in the area such as Jaffa Lighthouse, Clock Square, and the coastal canons, all while the sun set over the ocean.
After all of that walking we were beginning to get hungry and the waterside restaurants at Alma Beach were supposed to be pretty decent so we chose one called Manta Ray for dinner where we sat outdoors with some drinks and feasted on some selections from their great meze platter, as well as a grilled fish. We were to meet the organisers and other attendees of Anna’s course at 9:30pm after everyone had arrived in town, but it was barely 7:30pm by the time we finished dinner so we found a nearby shisha bar for a few more drinks and a pipe. After a while we both began to bloat up, neither of us could stop farting, and I was burping constantly, feeling the need to vomit. It was too soon after dinner to be from the fish or the meze dishes we chose, I had already checked that the water was safe to drink so that wasn’t it, coffee, pastries, and ice-cream don’t have this effect on me, and nothing else we had tried had been a large enough sample to make us sick. Except for the pomegranate juice, that is. We had drunk about a litre (33.8 fl. oz.) each several hours ago and it now seemed like we were paying for it, however, we couldn’t be 100% certain. Whatever it was, we both wanted to go back to the hotel and let it all out, resulting in me violently throwing up for a few minutes once inside, but then we felt reasonably fine as soon as we were both empty.
We met up with Anna’s course-mates in the lobby of our hotel and we walked down to a pub in another nearby part of town where everyone chatted over some beers, while those who hadn’t eaten had dinner. It was a really fun night and Anna decided to ask one of the local organisers, Tamir, if it could’ve been the pomegranate juice that bloated us. He said it’s good for you, most people just take a small glass and share it. When she told him that we’d had a litre each he was gobsmacked. “That’s not detox, that’s just tox!” was the response. Here are a whole bunch of photos from around Jaffa that evening, plus a couple of our dinner and the shisha bar before we bloated up like a couple of non-embalmed corpses:
Hashan Square
Anna and and I on the peninsula
Part of Jaffa from a distance
Looking over the ocean
People washing their hands
One of the coastal canons, imported by the Ottoman government in the 18th century to protect Jaffa from Bedouin raids
Overlooking a mosque
You can even find cool bars in towns dating back to the bronze age
Walking down a wide thoroughfare
The sun setting over the ocean
A museum surrounded by shops
Walking down an avenue
Anna posing in an alley
One of many interesting sculptures in Jaffa
The view of Clock Square from a very narrow stairway
We were both wondering if this was the Jewish equivalent of leaving your tie on the door handle so your roommate knows you have a girl inside
Etzel House
Dinner is served
We chose a few dishes from this platter
Baked blue bream with Jerusalem artichokes
Smoking a shisha while we both rapidly expand
Saturday, November 2, 2019 Anna was going to her course so I was free to do my own thing for the bulk of the day, but there was one small problem — Saturday is the sabbath, also known as Shabbat in Judaism, and this would severely limit what I was able to do due to many actions being classed as melakhah and thus being prohibited on this day of rest or historically punishable by death! Here’s a better description of melakhah:
Jewish law (halakha) prohibits doing any form of melakhah (מְלָאכָה, plural melakhoth) on Shabbat, unless an urgent human or medical need is life-threatening. Though melakhah is commonly translated as “work” in English, a better definition is “deliberate activity” or “skill and craftmanship”. There are 39 categories of prohibited activities (melakhoth) listed in Mishnah Tractate Shabbat 7:2.
Some acts forbidden on Shabbat include:
Threshing/Extraction Definition: Removal of an undesirable outer from a desirable inner.
Dissection Definition: Reducing an earth-borne thing’s size for a productive purpose.
Kneading/Amalgamation Definition: Combining particles into a semi-solid or solid mass via liquid.
Cooking/Baking Definition for solids: Changing the properties of something via heat. Definition for liquids: Bringing a liquid’s temperature to the heat threshold. This threshold is known as yad soledet (lit. “A hand reflexively recoils [due to such heat]”). According to Igrot Moshe this temperature is 43 °C (110 °F).
Extinguishing a Fire Definition: Extinguishing a fire/flame, or diminishing its intensity.
Ignition: Definition: Igniting, fuelling or spreading a fire/flame.
Transferring Between Domains Definition: Transferring something from one domain type to another domain type, or transferring within a public thoroughfare.
Now, some of you reading this are probably thinking, “Why would you care, you’re not Jewish.” This is true, however, despite me seeing fewer Orthodox Jews in Israel than I did on any given day in New York City, prohibition of melakhah on Shabbat is enforced by law, although not to an extreme. Although no shops would be open, these restrictions would severely limit my food purchasing options. Because it had been powered down for Shabbat, I pushed my way through the revolving door to exit the hotel and hit the street. I was quite hungry due to the fact that I had vomited everything I had eaten the previous evening so I figured I might get lucky finding somewhere open to eat at Sarona. I saw a cafe with people all around it so that’s where I went and I ordered the egg white omelette on the menu, which came with some bread and a side salad. I guess the hotplate must’ve been kept burning from the previous day and eggs aren’t really a solid or liquid so changing their properties via heat would be fine. Salad was also okay because the form of the lettuce doesn’t change, only the size, and it was cut quite large so it wasn’t done to make it into a more usable, productive state. The bread had obviously been made the previous day and when it came to dissection of the food in order to eat, that was all on me, not the cafe. Juice wasn’t an option due to threshing/extraction, but it was when I ordered a latte that things got weird. The waiter told me that he could only offer me a “very weak coffee” which was the result of the water and milk only being heated to about 40°C in keeping with the law, a temperature that also isn’t really hot enough for the coffee to properly infuse the water, thus making it not very strong. It actually turned out to be infinitely easier to get a beer anywhere in town that morning than coffee. My order at the cafe was able to be brought from the kitchen to my table, and also to diners who were seated outside, without transferring between domains due to the installation of an eruv, described as:
An urban area enclosed by a wire boundary which symbolically extends the private domain of Jewish households into public areas, permitting activities within it that are normally forbidden in public on the Sabbath.
Although the Jewish community must strictly adhere to laws of prohibition on Shabbat, going to the effort of building eruvs and heating liquids to a slightly cooler temperature than normal seem like ways of pranking an almighty deity who is easily fooled by the loopholes in the rules he wrote. Then I remembered this scene from the documentary Religulous:
After eating I decided to have a look around the beach area, making my way there via the main shopping district en route, but obviously everything was closed except for bars, restaurants, and cafes and wouldn’t be opening again until late in the evening or within the next few days. I was also having trouble getting cash out of an ATM again and this time I wasn’t sure whether the machines weren’t accepting my card or were just unable to function in general. I arrived at the beach and it was quite nice with a bunch more seaside bars and restaurants, as well as plenty of entertainment, some of which was unintentionally funny. There was Israeli folk dancing that happens at Gordon Beach every Saturday, as well as a big outdoor gym area where meatheads could work out like in Venice Beach, California, all just grunting, flexing, and slapping butts. Instead, I walked out along the pier to a lighthouse, just taking in the sights. It was a nice walk, but I could feel myself getting sunburnt so I went back to a shaded area along the shore to sit down with a bunch of senior citizens for a bit and that’s where I got the biggest laugh of the day. There were three guys working out there, one was absolutely ripped and doing chin-ups and some other impressive feats on horizontal bars directly in front of us, another was doing push ups, all the while giving the third guy tips on capoeira moves. If you are unaware of what capoeira is, it’s a Brazilian martial art that combines acrobatics, dancing, and complex moves involving hand plants, kicks, and flips (that link is a video that will give you a decent idea). The only problem was that the guy trying to do it wasn’t particularly good at capoeira so I found myself sitting there with a bunch of confused older people who were innocently trying to figure out why a muscly dude was doing cartwheels in the sand in front of several other muscly guys. It was a hot day, a dry heat compared to the insane humidity of Singapore, but I had no cash for a drink so I had a sip out of the drinking fountain where people also washed the sand off their feet, and walked for forty minutes back to the hotel, passing a cheese shop that you could smell before you could see, despite it being closed, along the way. Once back I killed two birds with one stone, grabbing a bottle of sparkling water from the minibar and making an instant coffee in the room, which turned into mud when I added water, but it still gave me the caffeine fix I had been lacking. I also managed to get cash out of an ATM next our hotel and Anna was still going to be a while so I planted myself in a bar back in Sarona for a few hours until she was done.
My kosher Shabbat breakfast with very weak coffee
Walking into town
At the beach
Looking down the boardwalk and across the road
Some huts near the ocean
Now walking down the promenade
Was Banksy in town?
More art, this time honouring the older community
Israeli folk-dancing
Beanbags on the beach
One of many cafes along the promenade
Coming over a little cloudy
That’s better
Waves crashing along the pier
A lighthouse at the end
I’m still trying to figure out if this building had caught fire or was just art-deco
The cheese shop on the way home. I wish it was open
The bottom of my instant mud coffee
Anna was soon back from her teaching and we had a dinner that night with everyone else involved in the course. This meant taking a minibus with the International Retinal Panel crew back to a restaurant at the beach, Anna’s first venture into that area of Tel Aviv, so we had a look around the boardwalk and took a few photos first. It was nice to hang out with everyone while we were feeling 100%, they were really cool people and an interesting mix of nationalities, some local, others coming from Columbia, Italy, India, France, Argentina, China, and a multitude of other other countries. The restaurant we went to looked good, but the entire group, myself included, consisted of about 30 people, taking up two massive tables, and the platters we received, two per table, were to be shared. The problem with this system was that Anna, myself, and a few others were tucked away in a corner on the back table and our food and drinks kept failing to appear. Everyone else received a meze platter except us, we waited about 20 minutes and then had to ask for it, as well as remind the staff that we had also ordered drinks. When it finally arrived, the other areas of both tables were receiving a grilled fish that looked delicious, but when we finished our platter the fish never arrived, nor did the second drink I ordered. We asked about the fish and when it finally came ours was just what seemed like fish offcuts including several heads, all of which was deep-fried to the point that it was so crunchy it was pretty much inedible. We didn’t bother eating much of it, that second beer never came, and everyone that was there for the course had homework to do so we got back in the bus, the interior blue light making my Rick and Morty “Pickle Rick” shirt appear as if it were covered in turds, and we went back to the hotel, them to do group work and me to have a couple of drinks at the hotel bar until it closed.
Anna’s first stroll along this area of the beach
The boardwalk at night
All of the people involved in Anna’s course
A merry-go-round
Some of the food has arrived, but it also looks like others are asking for stuff that hasn’t
If our fish were pork, it would’ve been the parts that go into a sausage roll
Definitely looks like faeces
Tel Aviv is such a cool city and nothing like we expected, yet a completely hidden gem when it comes to traveling, but this was just the beginning! Stay tuned for the next instalment when we do all the cool stuff you would expect one to do while in Israel that in no way would fit into this post, like visiting Jerusalem and floating in the Dead Sea.
The first two days of our four-night trip to Israel We recently stayed in Tel Aviv, Israel for four days so Anna could attend a teaching seminar for the International Retinal Panel.
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97sunsh1ne · 5 years
train ride (one shot)
➳ graffitiartist!bangchan x student!reader (gender neutral) 
➳ mild fluff & flirting
➳ wc: 2k
➳ inspired by one of @/cloudchans captions on ig, she said something about graffiti chan and i couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
It was rare for you to take the train home after class, and tonight, for some reason, you couldn’t remember why. 
The seats were wider than on the bus, it was cheaper than taking an uber, and it sure as hell beat walking home from your 7:30pm Figure Study 200 class. The streetlights flew past, flickering like lightning bugs. You clicked the home button on your phone, skipped to the next song, then checked the time: 9:45pm. 
Your stop slowly rolled up, and you politely excused yourself past the teenager with his legs crossed in the isle. You stepped off the platform, and onto the sidewalk, suddenly realizing that this stop- recommended by Google Maps- was still a 20 minute walk away from your apartment. But, you swallowed a breath, and grabbed your backpack straps. The air wasn’t too cool, and you were wearing your old sneakers; you could handle this. You queued a few songs, and started on your trek. 
After a few blocks, the street lights got a little dimmer, and the people became much less friendly- but, you shrugged it off, and kept walking, maybe a little quicker. 
However, when you came upon a construction sign blocking the only through street, you realized that the only way to keep going was to walk down a very appealing dark, ominous ally. And you remembered, this is why you didn’t take the train. 
Walking down the ally, you saw a shadowy figure looming near a very fun looking brick wall. Your body was screaming to turn back, but the adrenaline pushed you forward. You moved closer, and you picked out a boy in some ripped jeans, and a baggy sweatshirt with the sleeves rolled up, spray painting the side of the building. You pulled out your earbuds, and approached with caution, staying in the shadow of the opposite building. Although you were pretty close, he appeared not to notice. His brow was furrowed, and his arms moved with such vigor as he sprayed the wall. You inched closer still, until you could see just what he was painting. 
You let out a gasp. It was a city skyline, with the setting sun in the background, and black buildings dotted with lights in the foreground. The contrast danced in front of your eyes- the pitch black skyscrapers and bright, white lights, with the sunset, splashed and writhing with colors: yellow to orange, red, pink, then to purples and violets all across the wall. Below the building, there was large, bubbled letters, classic graffiti style, but they were unfinished. You hadn’t been expecting his painting to be so- captivating. So intriguing, that it caught your breath in your throat. 
He turned quickly- you swallowed and felt the sweat on your palms as you saw his sharp jaw, and defined forearms that were sprinkled with tattoos, but you could see more crawling down from his biceps. 
“Shit- uh, I’m sorry, I was just going-” you fumbled out. He raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head upward. Son of a bitch. He’s hot. 
“But, I- erm, really like your painting.” You could hear the blood rushing in your ears. What am I thinking? Jesus, this guy could have a gun- oh my god, he’s gonna shoot me. I’m gonna die and my last words are going to be “i uH rEaLLy LiKE yoUr PaiNtiNG.” 
However, he chuckled. 
“I like the lights, on the buildings. Oh- and the colors, the way you blended the orange and pink here is really pretty- and the hint of the sun there, it’s like it’s glowing.” As you spoke, you stepped forward, into the minimal light there was. You got a better look at him, he had a fluffy platinum mop, and his hands were covered in paint. 
His eyebrow was still cocked as he spoke, 
“Thank you, but what the hell is someone like you doing around here, especially now?” He gestured to your clean yellow sweater and white tennis shoes. 
“Oh- I’m uh- walking home from class. I took the train, and the next street over was blocked.” You nervously fidgeted with the strap of your backpack.
“Ah, I see. You should probably get going then. Unless, you wanna call the cops on me.” His voice had an edge, like he was daring you to tell on him.
You felt your cheeks flush, and sensed your bravery boiling dangerously in the pit of your stomach. 
“No, actually, I think I’ll stay. I want to see how it looks finished.” 
This time, his cheeks flushed in the moonlight, and he looked taken aback. You realized- he couldn’t be much older than you. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The letters. You haven’t finished them.” 
He glanced back to the wall, and his face softened.  
“Oh- that. That’s like my signature, I guess.” 
You moved closer to see, but still keeping your distance. You asked, 
“What does it say?” 
“CB97. My nickname.” 
As he said that, a small smile appeared on his lips. With a blush, you saw how pretty they were- full and pink in the low light. And with a boom in your chest, you saw the dimple in his cheek. All at once, you felt both embarrassed and bold.
“What does it mean? If- if you don’t mind me asking.” What the hell has gotten into me?
He looked at you sideways, as if he was deciding if he could trust you. Apparently, he deemed you trustworthy. 
“It’s my initials- my name’s Chris Bang, and the ‘97′ that- that’s the year I was born.” Was he nervous?
“I like it. My name’s Y/N.” You chuckled, and he smiled- bigger than last time. You tried not to gasp. 
“Aren’t you going to finish it?” 
He looked down, and squinted at the bottom of the mural. 
“Yeah. What color should it be?” His voice dipped so sweetly as he spoke, and you felt your palms begin to sweat- again. 
“Yellow, and then fade it into orange at the top. To- uh, match the sunset kinda.” 
He bent over, and dug through his duffel bag, then pulled out two cans of paint. 
“Cover your mouth, you’re downwind.” He flashed his dimple. Your chest tightened. 
He worked, and you were captivated all over again. The way his face pulled together, and how he bit his bottom lip in concentration. How his hands worked swiftly and silently, the only sound the mist from the paint. Most of all, how the moonlight cascaded across his blonde curls, down onto his moving forearms, and landed gently onto the blending colors. With all the spray from the paint clouding around his hands and being caught by the light, it almost looked like he was doing magic. 
He pulled back, and wiped his hand over his brow. 
“How is it?” 
“Beautiful.” You were in awe, your face in total amazement. 
He was admiring the look on your face. And he enjoyed knowing that he had helped to put it there. 
He liked working at night, because nobody was around to bother him.
He loved the sound the cans made, and how the paint splayed onto the building. When Chris had first started, it was him and a few of his friends. Back in high school, they would sneak out at night, and run around the streets of their neighborhood, smacking their nicknames everywhere they could find to put them. The cops would chase after them, sure, but they always got away. They were kids, but they knew these streets better than anybody. 
Until one night, when his friends got away a little too fast. Instead of taking him in, the officer said, 
“I see your name everywhere. I’ll tell you, kid, you’ve got some real talent. These other jackasses, they just scribble their name and bounce. But you? I can aways tell it’s you- ‘cause it’s always different. You do all kinds of fonts, and colors- last week you even did a background of flames, and, hell. It looked damn good, kid. I won’t bust you, as long as you promise me this. Do somethin’ nice, okay? This area isn’t the prettiest, we both know that. And I can bet that your house ain’t exactly the kind of place that fosters fine art. Give these people somethin’ to look at. Somethin’ they’ll be happy to have on their wall. If you’re gonna come and write your name out here, make sure it’s somethin’ you’d be proud to have your name on.” 
Now, for the most part, he painted alone. 
Sometimes, his friends would come with him, if he had a big mural planned, and needed help. But he did like the feeling of being alone- just him and his paint. 
“I’m glad you like it.” He shot a toothy grin at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
“Oh, here. You have some paint on your forehead- let me get that for you.” You pulled the sleeve of your sweater, and before you could stop yourself, you were right next to him. You had to stand on your tippy toes, and you reached up to wipe his brow. 
His face went slack, and you thought that maybe you had gone too far, but he swallowed, and leaned his head down for you. You rubbed the paint off, and you could feel his breath on your nose. 
“There, got it.” 
Your breath hitched as you slowly lowered your hand, your faces inches away, neither of you moving. 
His eyes were brown. Gentle, sweet, mocha brown. And, god, you could’ve sworn they were sparkling. 
You looked down, and turned away. He swallowed, and cleared his throat. 
“Um- is this it? Like- is this the only thing you’re gonna paint here?” You asked. 
“Oh, no, actually. I wanted to add some more pieces around it, and eventually connect them- like one big mural, you know? There’s so much wall space here, and the brick works really well- I like the texture. The colors blend really well.” 
The way his face lit up when he talked, you thought your chest would burst. 
“And, there’s not really many people who walk down this way often-” he laughed, 
“Well- ah, except for you.” 
You giggled. That same courage you had been filled with since you got here came rushing. 
“When are you gonna work on another piece? My next night class is Friday, maybe I could come see you work?” 
He smiled. God, his dimples. 
“Yeah, I’ll be here Friday. What’s your, uh, class?” He stuttered. 
“Figure Studies 200. I’m an art student, but I’ve never painted like this.” 
“Maybe I could show you how...?” He mumbled, looking down, and running his hand through his blonde locks. 
“Only if you want to, y’know? It’s kinda dangerous, all the fumes and stuff- uh, I bring a mask sometimes for bigger pieces, but for smaller ones like this I just kinda deal. But- I could bring an extra one, y’know, and uh- maybe you could help me, with uh, y’know, figures?” He rambled, and you thought you might start floating. 
“Yeah. I’ll be there. I’d- uh, better get going, it’s kinda late.” You checked the time on your phone, and looked back up at him, smiling. 
“Oh- yeah. Be careful, at the end of this ally. If you can, you should go right three blocks and then take a left, it’ll take you right back to the main street. More lights.” He pointed, giving you directions. 
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.” You smiled up at him, and then started walking. 
When you were almost at the end of the ally, he shouted,
“Hey! Thanks for the colors, you were right- with the orange and yellow, I really like it.” if you had taken a picture of his face right then, you doubted you’d ever need a flashlight again, how bright he was beaming.
You looked over your shoulder, and shot him a generous grin. 
As you took the directions he had given you, and made your way back to your apartment, one thought lingered in your mind: 
You were so glad you took the train. 
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pillowfluffs · 6 years
Soulmate!Wonho // Chapter 8
Pairing: Wonho X Reader (female)
Genre: Soulmate!AU, College!AU, fluff, slight angst, mystery? 
Author’s Note: I am so sorry for the long wait, but it’s back! I developed writer’s block whilst writing this chapter so I feel that this isn’t my best chapter and I’m very sorry.. You may think otherwise but this is just from my point of view. I am of course past this block and am working diligently on the future chapters and other works coming soon! I really can’t imagine what my other series’ will be like after? Like this story means so much to me and I love it so much and I’m so happy so many of you enjoy it too! This series only gets juicer from here ;)) So I hope you enjoy chapter 8! And as always, I will be posting a new chapter on Saturday’s 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time (U.S. Time) ((4:00pm Central Time // 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time)) Feedback is greatly appreciated and please look forward to more future works ;) 
Chapter 9 is coming out September 15! I’m SO sorry for the long wait ;(( I’m just very busy, but I will NEVER drop this series! 
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The bright morning sun peeked through the leaves, but the dense amount of trees still made it dark. You were calm as you walked through, the sounds of small twigs snapping below your feet as well as the rustling of the leaves as the wind brushed through singing its song. the cool breeze blew through your hair as you walked through the familiar yet somewhat changed place; new trees had begun growing, some were fallen over which created a new path. You didn’t have a set place in mind, just wandering and wondering what would happen when night fell. “Am I going to die again tonight?” The corners of your lips pointed downwards as your pace slowed down just from this thought. So far, you were trying your best to not think about what just happened with your parents; you knew you would cry from it but you would have to confront it either sooner or later.
Changkyun and Wonho left the Arcrani, each with a bubble milk tea in hand after enjoying their dinner beginning to head back to the academy. He knew Changkyun was right but he couldn’t help the uneasy feeling within beginning to eat at him for not finding you. A silent atmosphere surrounded them as they walked down the sidewalk, more people in the streets and less cars. People were out, going to nearby bars, restaurants, other places due to the fairly warm weather for the first time in forever.
“So do you want to stay at my dorm until the harvest moon? I have a couch in my room so you don’t have to go back and forth.” Wonho offered. The two hadn’t shared a room since they were in elementary school together. Their parents moved houses before middle school and high school but the house they currently lived in now was a final home since their children were now going to go to the same college.
“Are you sure? Don’t you have a roommate?” Changkyun didn’t want to intrude on his brother’s nor his possible roommate, but Wonho did make a good point. “And either way, I’m not a student, would that be okay? Won’t security, like, not even let me in?” He felt weary at his brother’s idea, as well as ill at ease, feeling like he would be intruding on his brother’s privacy considering they hadn’t shared a room in many years.
“No one has roommates in Mapnerry; everyone is fortunately able to have their own dorm but we have a shared bathroom between each dorm though.” Wonho nudged his brother, taking a sip of his drink. “Plus, security won’t mind. The only thing they’ll stop you from is if you didn’t have a student ID and you were trying to get into the school, but I do and they’ll allow me a guest.”
Changkyun contemplated, worried about security. “Alright then, if you say so then yeah, thanks. Plus it would be nice to have some company than me going home and being alone since mom and dad are out in a mission.” The two continued walking, almost near the school.
Time had passed since and Changkyun glanced at his brother as he was a step behind him as they walked next to each other. He had never seen his brother so down and gloomy; his head was down as he walked with one hand in his pocket and a clear pout on his face. He wanted his brother to be happy again but he wouldn’t be without you; you were the solution and he didn’t realize this thought until he began thinking about what Wonho and the headmaster said about you. “Wait a minute,” his voice was clear, his eyes looked straight ahead as he processed the next words.
Wonho looked up to his brother. “What?” his voice was monotonous as he looked up. A small spark of hope ignited within him.
“If the headmaster is experiencing energy surges like us and Y/N has the same power as him, then she must be experiencing these surges too right?” Changkyun’s eyes were wide, feeling great.
Wonho’s eyes grew wide from a realization and his mouth created an “o” shape. “That means we, well the professor can locate her with her energy since it’ll be overflowing,” Wonho’s voice was filled with excitement, he was filled with hope but deep down he knew he couldn’t let his hope get too high unless the professor was unable to.
The two now walked faster up towards the open school gates, seeing some students entering and leaving. The path up was illuminated by torches, held by gargoyles whose horns pointed up as they were in a kneeling position, their horns prominent as their face looked down and their arms held out the torch. They approached the gate; Wonho walked through with ease but Changkyun was stopped at the barrier, unable to enter. The security turned towards Changkyun and approached him to turn him away. “He’s my guest, please allow him entry and exit for the week,” a low voice caught the security guards’ attention. They stepped away and went back to how they were before. “Changkyun you may enter.” The headmaster stood next to Wonho. Changkyun attempted to step through, sticking his hand or as well, now able to step through.
“Thank you, professor,” Changkyun nodded his head. “We also have something we wanted to ask you.” he glanced to Wonho into the campus talking. “It’s about Y/N..”
You wandered aimlessly through the woods, a feeling of familiarity mixed with distance filled you. Nature thrives all around you; bird chirping, singing their morning song, small critters scurried about chasing each other over the fallen leaves. A sudden low growl filled your ears, startling you at first until you realized where the sound came from; your stomach. You began feeling hungry as well as a thirst you weren’t going to be able to satisfy, remarking his words. Hopefully these wouldn’t be too big of obstacles on this journey you finally decided, to the school. If anything, you hoped Wonho would remember you, your own soulmate but you didn’t let your hope grow too high so it wouldn’t hurt too much if he didn’t. “This is going to take awhile..” you thought to yourself as you just walked through, hoping not to encounter another beast as you walked through. “Are my abilities really useless in this world?” You thought to yourself as you slowed down your pace, holding one of your hands up, focusing on the energy you could feel within you, but unable to release it. You could feel the energy inside you that you would usually use for your abilities were full, but no matter how hard you tried, even using different techniques of releasing it, it didn’t work. 
He sat before you, his chin perched upon your knee in the cold atmospheric bubble, simply enjoying being in your presence whether you knew it or not. The sound of cars were quite a distance away, only the sound of honking cars and sirens of emergency vehicles whizzing past the abandoned road hidden by the tall trees which led to where the two of you were. Crickets from the nature outside filled the silence. His body was relaxed as his back rise and fell as he breathed, his eyes upon your resting face with his mind clear and body feeling nothing as if he was a blank piece of paper. He suddenly stood up and moved his way towards the door that lead back to his dorm and quickly returned with a pencil and a small black moleskine notebook in hand. He pulled up an old chair but stable enough to hold his weight and opened the small book, flipping through the multiple pages of his drawings of many miscellaneous things, no particular theme until he reached a blank page filled with the natural creme color. “I guess..” He broke the silence with his own voice, although he was unsure himself if you could hear him at all or not, but continued anyways as he slowly began drawing the shape of your head, continuously glancing back and forth. “I never told you my past which was the main reason why I took you..” His voice was a bit soft with the smallest hint of pain, his pronunciation of every word clear as if he was talking to you awake, the sound of his pencil against the paper making short light strokes.
“To start, I-” He struggled to push out the next words mentioning his amazing parents who he loved to the end of earth but he couldn’t causing a searing pain to bloom in his head and his tongue felt as if he couldn’t. Confusion filled him until a numbing feeling fell over him, causing him to stare into space, seeing and hearing nothing, unable to do anything until everything came rushing back to him. “I’m a broken one.. “ It pained him to think back to the fateful day when he lost her two years ago when he was a first year. “It’s cause of me..” He could remember the day vividly, feel the way your tangled hair would get caught in his fingers when he brushed them through it, scolding you in a loving way when you would complain about it hurting but it was your fault for not brushing your hair well enough.
He was awoken from his nap after taking his midterm from the chiming of his phone, ringing with his soulmate’s name and picture on it. He tiredly fumbled out of bed wearing a shirt and jeans, not bothering to change when he returned from the building where the exam had taken place. Someone had attempted to cheat on the exam foolishly which resulted them in being kicked out of the room and most likely sent to the headmaster’s office and having their test terminated which made the test proctors hold everyone there, literally blocking any way out or way in with obice generationem mages to make sure everyone else’s tests were all fair. They were special security called in for special events such as testing since they were very serious and strict about these things. He answered the phone after hearing the ringing for a bit, still groggy as he rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb, rubbing out the final bits of sleep.
“Hello?” His voice was a bit lower than normal, filled with sleep as he tried to suppress a yawn.
“Come to the cafe!” The energy filled voice of his soulmate woke him up entirely, no longer feeling. He was her sunshine though she was quite smaller than him, but to him, she was a perfect size to use her shoulder as a rest. “I finished my exam and so let’s celebrate!”
The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he listened intently. “I’ll leave right now~” his groggy low voice was replaced with a bright cheery one, happy to hear her voice after a few days without hearing it since she concentrated hard on studying. He hung up the phone and slipped on his shoes and his long black winter coat, leaving his dorm building and entering the cold white wonderland outside, feeling the frozen air lace against his warm skin. 
The sky was washed with gray, watery light illuminating thin patches over the campus in brilliance and seeing the normal grassy area covered in smooth, crip, untouched snow. Winter pine trees covered in snow, making their branches droop lower than normal, making the areas below them much darker. Snow began to fall once again, slowly as he made it to the main avenue, not as busy around this time and streets were empty since there hadn’t been any proper shoveling done by any frigokinesis mages who were able to manipulate snow. Winter trees lined the avenue, shivering lightly in the frosty breese; their denuded forms stood starkly against the snow, almost like charcoal outlines sketched by a passing artist. Along limbs that not long ago were adorned with the vibrant colors of Autumn lies an unblemished white layer. He could feel the tip of his nose and his cheeks were now a rosy pink from the coldness, even though he did his best to hide his face. His hands were tucked in his pockets, balled into fists to keep them warm as his lower half was surprisingly doing much better than his upper half. It wasn’t long until he could see the warm lights of the cafe down the block which fortunately, the sidewalk was much easier to walk through from the steps of other people who dampened the snow which was now melted down to slush. It wasn’t long before he reached the entrance of the cafe, pushing the door to enter to be greeted in the warmest way, literally feeling the warmth of the heat from inside wrap around his cold body, the strong smell of the hot coffee being brewed, trays of warm soup and sandwiches being consumed by the few customers inside.
He scanned through the first level to see her by the window, a book open in her hands but her eyes were glued to the snowy world beyond the glass. She wore a black skirt with black stockings and winter boots, and an oversized sweater with her short brown hair, reaching to the length of her shoulders in a half up.
“Even though you finished testing, here you are reading. Ugh, my soulmate is a bookworm.” His voice caught her attention making her bring her light brown eyes to his dark ones, pretending to be in distress, using his fingers to hold his nose bridge with one hand as the other unzipped the jacket. “What am I going to do with you?” He smiled, stepping next to her in her seat, his hand holding her face as she smiled and nestled her face against his touch. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against her forehead, peppering it after words when he felt one of her hands reached up and held the back of his hand.
“Hehe, I’m your bookworm though,” she had a light tone to her voice, always sounding joyful even when she was upset or tired or sick. She was right however, she was indeed his and he would have it no other way. “Sit, I ordered some drinks and food for us a few minutes ago.” She gestured to the open seat across from her with a kind smile upon her face.
The two sat there, talking about their exams and other things, consuming their meal nicely as they spoke and simply enjoyed each other’s company after what felt like a month of nothing between them. She was an excellent student, though it took her some time to read and absorb things compared to others; she would need absolute silence and focus on whatever she was reading or studying so she turned off her phone the moment she woke up and would study for hours, having no distractions from things like social media or anything. The only distraction for her was him, however. He would miss her and write on his skin, drawing cute small things such as bunnies and hamsters and small animals of the sort to which she would ask him to stop and let her study. As much as he disliked being away and disconnected from her, he stopped. The two were finishing up their warm meals when a white shimmering light had flashed them in the eyes.
“What was that?” He blinked, trying to orient his vision, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. “Did you see that?” He looked outside, thinking maybe it was a glare from the windshield of a car or something reflecting the sun, seeing the other customers undisturbed by it. 
“Yeah, that was weird.” Her eye were being rubbed by her palms as she blinked repeatedly, slowly looking up to focus her eyes on him as he did the same. Just as her vision cleared, the chime of the cafe door caught her attention, seeing two dark figures enter the cafe with what seemed to be ski masks on. “Look,” her voice was monotone, not moving her eyes from them as they slowly began walking toward them, staring into her eyes. Both men were dressed in heavy coats, with black gloves and clothes, though one was somewhat taller than the other. They both possessed broad bodies, seeming somewhat middle aged from their bellies which bumped out a bit.
He turned around, seeing what she was seeing and quickly stood to his feet, sticking one arm out to the side to protect his soulmate if these men were to try something. They seemed to be burglars, yet everyone else in the cafe continued on with their lives, clearly not seeing these men. He tried to call out to the workers as they were usy brewing drinks and making foods, but they didn’t even bat an eye, continuing. “What the… They can’t see them? Or hear me?” They stopped a few yards away from their table in the corner, trapped and afraid to make any run in case these mages were lethal or not.
She slowly stood from her seat, fear beginning to fill her when she saw the smaller man in the back slowly pull out a gun from his pocket, very slowly. She couldn’t let his soulmate die and take a bullet for her, knowing if he did and died, she would feel the pain of breaking everyday. It wasn’t fair to him to deal with it, but she hopes since she was jumping in front, it wouldn’t kill her immediately. 
“What do you want? Do you want money?” Her soulmate bravely stood up against the clearly heavily structured men, but blind to the man behind the first one. “Leave us alone!” A gunshot echoed through his ears, looking down to see where the bullet wound had hit, only to feel his heart dropping. He looked down to see her small body falling to the ground, beginning to feel a burning pain growing on his soul, growing hotter by the minutes, feeling his soul. “No, no, no, no, no, no, stay with me.” His eyes grew wide, with his eyebrows raised in shock. He pressed his hands over her wound, seeing her blood through her layers, frozen in the moment, unable to do anything. He looked back up to see the men gone, the door closing behind them. The shrilling sound of a woman’s scream filled his ears. He kept his eyes on her and hers on him, seeing droplets of water on her face, unknowing they were from him. “Stay with me.. Please..” His voice was breaking, his hands covered in her warm blood as her eyes, they began to blink ever so slowly.
The wound was small, yet a great amount of blood came from her. She began to feel weaker and weaker by the second, feeling more tired than pain oddly. It felt as if she had been shot by the sandman himself. Her vision began to slowly haze into blurs, unable to make clear of his facial distinctions she fell in love with. Even the sound of his voice was slowly beginning to blur, unable to hear much except for a constant high pitched ringing.
The two men approached the long black limo, entering it and removing their masks and gloves, touching them away into their pockets as they entered the limo, closing it and locking the doors behind them. “To Mapnerry, Wade, thank you.” The larger male tossed the gun to the side, beginning to pour himself a drink. “Would you like one, Larry?” He turned in his seat, holding up an old fashioned glass.
“No, thank you.” Both men’s voices were monotonous as they spoke, yet Larry felt uneasy. He had the ability to manipulate the senses allowing him to control what others saw or heard or felt, though he couldn’t control his own senses. “Are you sure the bullet didn’t kill her? There seemed to be quite a lot of blo-”
“Larry, I assure you.” He was cut off by his boss. “That bullet was made by me. You shot it in the place I told you. She will not die; she’ll simply be put to in a very very deep death like sleep where her pulse will be so slow, it would appear she died. Our main concern now is him. He will become a very useful piece on our chessboard, but of course, he doesn’t know, nor will he ever.” He poured the alcohol over the ice in his cup, eliciting the sound of cracking. He spoke as if he had done this before, but Larry knew he hadn’t, not for a long time.
“So what will happen to him now?” He sat forward, watching his boss as he sipped on his drink nonchalantly. “What if they find us?” He couldn’t help but worry considering he hadn’t done this in a few years, knowing that his record had just been cleared of any crime. They drove onto the main road, now out of the alleyway and stopped at a red light, waiting to go. It wasn’t long before the flashing red and white lights and the blaring sound of an ambulance were zooming past all traffic, driving straight towards the cafe.
“He will feel broken but won’t be one. The paramedics will take her to the hospital, he will most likely go with them and wait..” The limo began driving forward toward Mapnerry.
“But why are you starting this again? We escaped last time fortunately and now we have a good clean life with our new names and faces. Why?” He couldn’t help but ask, his curiosity getting the better of him.
“Bad habits die hard, and this habit is immortal. It will never die and I will never stop this. Consider me taking over Mapnerry as me scuba diving to catch fish. I’ll only catch the ones I want to eat, but save and raise the most precious fish as my own to sell later.” He laughed at his own simile as they drove into the gates of the school.
He couldn’t hear anything; it was as if everything moved in slow motion. He could feel the slowing of her heart rate through his hands as she continued to bleed out. It wasn’t long before the paramedics came through the doors, bringing a stretcher in with them as they approached the table. A telekinetic and healing mage acted swiftly, lifting her body with ease from the ground and placing her gently on the stretcher and the healing mage with a light orb forming around his hands, beginning to heal her. Other paramedic mages moved with them, placing a breathing mask over her face, her eyes now closed, pressing on the bag valve attached to the mask to ensure she got proper ventilation pressure due to her inadequate breaths. The next thing he knew, he was sitting in the ambulance as they attempted to stop the bleeding and keep her breathing.
“I understand and see your perspective on finding Y/N. While we were in my office earlier, I’m sorry to say, but I was scanning for her ability surges as well, unable to find her. Our best hope is to wait until the moon rises. Until then, I’m sorry boys, I can’t do much.” The headmaster walked into the building, heading towards his office.
The two of their hopes were diminished a bit, but they went after the headmaster. “Wait, Headmaster!” Changkyun called as they passed the entrance, catching up to the professor.
“Yes?” He turned around facing the two brothers whose faces were painted with slight disappointment but were trying to mask it. 
“Could we use your arena? Changkyun believes he could beat me.” Wonho rubbed the back of his neck, hoping at least the professor would say yes.
The headmaster’s eyes practically lit up at the idea. “Ooh, of course. I am curious as well.” He chuckled before he raised his hands, allowing the black smoke to envelop their bodies once again. The headmaster sat in the viewing booth, having a clear view of the soon to be the duel between them. The two opened their eyes, each standing on opposite sides of each other in the arena with a clear barrier between them. “Are you boys ready?”
“Ready? I’m not going to hold back anything, brother or not.” A smirk grew on Changkyun’s face as he took off his flannel, tossing it to the side. Bolts of lightning and volts of electricity began to form around his hands, his hair turning white instantaneously.
“Don’t hold back,” Wonho’s voice was serious, lower than normal as he stared into his brother’s eyes, able to feel his energy radiating from where he stood. His eyes, no longer the dark earthy brown it was, but a whiteness took over. Smoke radiating off his body from the heat of fire beginning to ignite below the shin of his arms and hands, a wind circling around him as the ground of the arena beginning to shake and rumble around them.
Everyone got off the ambulance, pushing her on the stretcher, entering the hospital at quick paces as he followed quickly behind, the stain of her blood on his hands. His hearing was in and out, hearing words of them losing her, how she was recovering, but her condition was back and forth.
“At that time, Y/N, I was feeling the utmost pain within me, burning me, breaking me and ripping me to shards on the inside, but I kept it all in. I didn’t let any sign of pain come out because I couldn’t even imagine the pain she was going through. The pain of being shot in the chest along with the pain I was feeling added. It felt as if I was dying inside, my own soul breaking was crushing me from the inside out, but I followed her quietly, until they wouldn’t let me in so I sat there for hours on hours, waiting for an update on her and her surgery, but no one would tell me anything.” He looked to your closed, sleeping eyes, continuing to sketch you easily, thinking back to the torment-filled day, feeling uneasy.
He sat in the hospital waiting room on the edge of his seat with his elbows on his knees, his hands were covered in her blood, feeling as if time was stopped all around him yet the bustling nurses and doctors walking by proved otherwise. He sat there for what felt like hours when only minutes had passed by. His mind buzzed with the what happened moments ago, how worthless he felt when he was already standing before her, protecting her and ready to take anything to protect her, to not let a single scratch be inflicted upon her, yet here she was behind double doors, getting surgery to remove the bullet. He didn’t even see her go in front of him since his eyes were locked on the men, and then thinking about it really made him curious, who had done it and why? After sitting there for a bit, authorities later on and questioned him, but unfortunately, with everything they learned from him, they were still led on to a dead end.
“Boys, you may begin.” The voice of the headmaster echoed within the spacious room as he raised the barrier between them with a switch as he sat back with ease. “Show me what you got, boys.” A smirk grew on his face.
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