#like someone pls warn her before she goes round there or she's fucked
nightingaletrash · 30 days
new way to piss off Amicia: call her restaurant 'The L'Étoile Rouge'
because L'Étoile Rouge means The Red Star, adding 'the' in front of it is redundant, and saying it is a way to immediately earn yourself a spot on her list of people she wants to kill.
Sullivan and Evie do it on purpose.
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divinegrey · 2 years
Can I make a request of the Val ladies seeing their S/O getting hurt on mission and how they’d react pls, it could be a bad injury or not, whatever you’re comfortable with!! Love ur writing!!
sure thing! also, i'm trying out a new method of answering the prompts directly for headcanons, lemme know if you guys like this way better! i appreciate any and all feedback!
agents listed: astra, fade, jett, killjoy, neon, raze, reyna, sage, skye, and viper words: 2448 warnings: blood, violence, cursing
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Upon seeing you get hurt, Astra goes cosmic.
Wherever you are on the map, she’ll throw out a cosmic divide to break you apart from the enemy team before finding you. 
“C’mon, chale, the fight's not over yet!”  
Astra is exceedingly levelheaded when it comes to gunfights for good reason, but when it comes to you, Astra will bend the laws of space and time to keep you safe. You fell in love with her for that reason and seeing her rush to help you only reminds you of that. 
She’ll take you somewhere safe and provide cover until the round is over or until Skye can get you back on your feet. 
When you’re healed, she’ll wrap her arm around you tightly, whispering how much she loves you and how glad she is that you’re okay. But also to remind you that you’re not immortal and that she doesn’t want to see you killed. 
You’ll simply give her a kiss in return, appreciative of her help. 
She sees you get hit with an op bullet in the shoulder. To anyone, that would be an instant kill, but she knows you better. You’ll keep fighting, tooth and nail, even with a sniper rifle bullet lodged into your shoulder. 
But you’re not invulnerable. Fade knows this, and god, she worries for you. You were the first Agent at the Protocol to treat her kindly, and she’s not about to let you get downed on a mission. Not if she can do something about it. 
Fade summons all of the nightmares at her disposal, hurling them forward like inky tar from her fingers. It serves as a good enough distraction to force the enemy team to cover while she gets to you. 
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit! Sage, we need heals! Now!” Fade shouts into the earpiece, having reached you in time to catch you from stumbling forward. 
“Used your nightmares to save me, did you?” You reply with a toothy yet pained grin, and Fade just shakes her head. 
Fade holds the back of your head with her hand, kissing your forehead. “Keep your jokes for when you’re stabilized, aşkım.” 
Jett, as a duelist, knows how it feels to get shot. She goes through it a lot. 
But when you get struck by some bullets in the midst of planting the spike, Jett goes sicko mode. Summons all of her knives and if she sees an enemy, they get a quick knife to the head and that’s the end of that. 
She’s relentless, moving faster than a tornado to clear the area. It’s an intense battle focus that doesn't end until Jett is sure that the other team is fully dead. 
And when the area is cleared, she’s the first one back to help you up, pressing her hand over the bleeding areas. 
“You should’ve let me clear the area! You could’ve gotten killed! Or worse!” Jett would complain as you two walk back to the Vulture to get carried back to base. 
“Well, if someone had done their job of being the first entry, I wouldn’t have gotten shot!” 
More often than not, you bicker about it, but really, it’s Jett’s way of showing how much she cares for you and how important you are to her. Jett can handle the pain, but she would rather stick a knife into her hand than see you get hurt. 
The entire ride back to base is spent with Jett holding your hand and resting her head on your shoulder while you’re patched up by a medic on standby. She doesn’t let you go for the duration. 
Killjoy isn’t a woman who’s on the frontlines. Her job is to stand back and keep surveillance with her alarm bots and grenades. 
You, however, have a penchant for danger. 
“Ow, fuck!” 
Killjoy hears your cry of pain over the intercoms in the mission, followed by Raze chattering something about the other team having an entire lineup of sniper rifles. 
Fuck, this isn’t good. 
Killjoy heads straight for your location, moving fast on her feet. She activates her detainment, throwing out her turrets and swarm grenades to keep the enemies busy. 
“Fight them, Raze! I’ll take care of them!” Killjoy switches places with Raze, who immediately goes to no doubt blow the other team to hell and back with her rocket launcher. None of it matters to KJ— she needs to keep you safe from further damage. 
She doesn’t even notice that her hands are shaking until you’re grabbing them and giving her a reassuring smile despite the pain lancing through your body. 
“It’s fine, KJ, just a bullet to the thigh. I’ve had worse,” you say, and Killjoy just nods. 
“I hate seeing you hurt,” Killjoy whispers, and you smile. 
“I’ll be fine. Give Sage a minute to clear the fuckers and I’ll be back on my feet.” 
Killjoy stays by your side the entire time, unwilling to leave until you’re safe. 
You and Neon travel together in a pair— you reveal information for her, and Neon slices through with her speed to get the advantage of surprise. 
But one mission, you get separated by an enemy Viper’s poison orb, forcing you two apart. 
Neon’s heart is hammering in her chest as she thinks of another way through, and it only gets worse when there’s a gunshot paired with a shout that she knows is yours. 
“Ow, motherfucker! Eat shit!” 
Neon doesn’t wait. 
She sprints through the poison orb, choking on the fumes until she breaks through to the other side. Electricity sparks from her fingertips and before the enemy Viper has a chance to gun you down, Neon is frying her alive. 
“Huwag mo silang hawakan!” 
You’re collapsed on the ground, your gun held out in front of you with a look of pure surprise on your face. Neon’s hair is glowing brighter than you’ve ever seen and there’s pure fury and rage in her eyes. 
“Neon, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m okay!” You say, trying to break her out of her anger. The enemy Viper is long since dead and it’s almost a little too brutal. 
Only when you talk does Neon realize what she’s doing, and snapped out of her rage. Immediately, she comes to your side, hefting you off of the ground and pulling you back toward the spawn site. 
“I love you, I’m so sorry, I should’ve protected you,” Neon says, and the way her voice cracks makes your heart ache. 
“I know, I know, you did such a good job. Thank you, Tala.” 
You give her a kiss, and that’s the end of that. 
Raze hardly gives a shit about herself, but when it comes to you?
Oh, motherfuckers will die if someone hurts you. 
Case in point— the enemy Yoru getting a lucky shot on you. 
“Not on my watch!” 
The other team hardly has a chance to recover between the number of grenades and bombs Raze is throwing at them while Skye heals you. It’s over the top in the best kind of way. 
She ends up killing all of them when she rocket blasts herself into the air and throws grenades at them like it’s a firework show. 
By the time Raze comes back to spawn point, you’re back on your feet and she’s covered in soot from explosives. She doesn’t seem to give a shit about it, instead throwing her arms around you and muttering threats about blowing the other team to smithereens if they try to pull that shit again. 
Knowing your girlfriend, you just hug her back and kiss her on the forehead, and then offer to buy her some more explosives. 
There’s no doubt about it— Reyna is extremely protective over you. 
So the moment you’re hit by a stray bullet, Empress mode is activated. Her anger at the enemy team for hurting you becomes the fuel and she’s ruthless. 
Gun in hand and murder on her mind, Reyna cuts through the enemy team like it’s nothing. The entire time this happens, you’re watching her, wondering how bad it would be for the enemy team if you’d gotten seriously injured. Like, this is hardly a scratch for you!
Well, you got shot in the arm and you can’t feel your fingers, but it’s fine, right?
Reyna doesn’t come back for a while, but the sound of gunshots from afar keeps you worried for her. 
Only when you hear her voice on the intercoms do you relax: “Enemy team destroyed. They won’t hurt you again, cariño.” 
“Good, thank you love, but can you please come back to the spike? I could really use a pick me up and the missions over.” 
Reyna returns, covered in a little too much blood for your liking, but you don’t protest when she comes and lifts you up into a bridal carry. After being in Empress mode, you know she needs the physical contact more than anything. 
So, you lean into it, telling her how much you love her by whispering into her ear, loud enough only for her to hear. Telling her how thankful you are to have her as your partner. 
Needless to say, anyone who fucks with you gets the wrath of the Empress, and it is not a pretty sight. You think you saw Sova vomit into a nearby bush, but that could be for any other reason, right?
Oh, gentle Sage. 
Anyone should fear the anger of a patient woman scorned. 
“They’re on A! Shit, they’re on A!” Your voice crackles through the intercom into Sage’s ear, and her heart drops straight through her chest. “Fuck, they have an Op! I repeat, they have an Op!” 
She’s running to you. If she doesn’t get there fast, then you’re as good as dead, and that only makes Sage run harder and faster, doling out commands. 
“Cypher, trip the flanks! Sova, I need you to reveal the area and find out who’s shooting us down! Omen, go through the back and take them out!” 
She’s fearsome when it comes to her presence on the battlefield. 
You’ve managed to corral yourself into a corner, a trail of your blood smeared on the ground. When you see Sage, your girlfriend, the love of your life, you smile at her. 
“About time you showed up,” you say, watching Sage wall off a portion of the field so she can get to you. Sage skids to her knees by your side, retrieving a healing orb. 
“I’m here, my love, I’m here,” she says, pressing the orb into your stomach. You groan at the feeling, the bullet being pushed out by the magic blossoming through your body. When she sees it, Sage pulls out the offending bullet and your skin closes over just in the nick of time. 
Sage holds you tightly, unwilling to let you go until the entire field is clear.
Unfortunately, the enemy team is smart, which leaves you and Sage alone with the others down. 
Come hell or high water, the bastion of China will never break. 
Sage razes down the enemy team with her gun, landing headshot after headshot. 
“Goddamn, Sage. Maybe I should get injured more often. That was kinda hot.” “Enough talking, my love, you need to rest.” 
When you get hurt, Skye is already on the move. 
The Australian knows you by heart, she knows how you’ll hide the pain if it means helping your team. Not on her watch, however. 
You’re in the bathrooms on Bind, watching the door with a bullet wound on your stomach. You’re determined to clear these fuckers out, even if it means hurting yourself in the process. 
All of a sudden, a green hawk soars past you. You duck and cover your eyes just in time for the flash to go off, stunning the three agents coming in to swarm you. 
Then Skye arrives with a goddamn machine gun in her hands. 
She blows the enemy team apart in a vicious spray of bullets. There’s a wave of anger on her face you haven’t seen before, and you wonder if someone shat in her coffee this morning. 
No, it’s just how concerned she is over you. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you shouldn’t have been watching this on your own! You coulda gotten killed!” Skye would tend to your injuries immediately, focusing on the blood coming from your armor. 
You put your hands on her face to pull her gaze to you. “I’m okay, Skye. Thank you for coming to my rescue. I needed that.” 
Any anger dissipates, and you wipe away the beginnings of tears under her eyes before pulling her into a tight hug. Skye is a strong woman, there’s no doubt about that, but she loves you so, so much that she can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. It’s incredibly difficult for her, so you remind her how much you love her and how thankful you are to have her in your life. 
Truly, hell comes in the form of Viper when her lover is hurt amidst battle. 
When she sees you go down, collapsing onto a wall and screaming in pain, Viper becomes angry. 
And people should know better than to fuck with a snake when it's angry. 
Her poison cloud goes up instantly. It’s bigger and stronger than you’ve ever seen before. The fumes are targeted only to the enemies, and to you, it leaves you in a murky green cloud with limited sight. 
But you hear the sound of bullets. Methodically, one after the other. Thumps of bodies dropping. Your heart is pounding because no one is talking on the fucking intercoms and you have zero clue what's happening. You clutch your gun to your chest, biting down on your cheek to subdue any noises from your mouth. 
To your luck, the enemy Sova finds you. 
“There you are, little rat,” Sova mutters, raising his gun. 
You watch as his face is blown clean off. Sova stumbles back, only to receive more bullets that slice through his armor. To your left, Viper walks past you, a Sheriff in her hand. She empties the chamber into him before reloading and firing again. 
The poison cloud falls, finally leaving you with clear vision. 
And holy shit, the enemy Sova is definitely dead. 
“Bean?” You call out to the woman standing a few paces in front of you. “Sabine, can you look at me, please?” 
Slowly, Viper turns back to you, her full face mask falling back into her suit of armor. Blood is smeared across her torso like she ripped everyone else apart herself. 
“No one will ever hurt you, my love,” Viper says. “Ever.” 
A/N: hope you liked this! it was fun to write. some of the agents i haven't written yet so they might feel a little ooc, sorry!
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smutsonian · 3 years
Hello love 😺 umm can u pls please please write dark!steve x reader, where he bully and verbally harrases the reader but somehow kind of love her but just treat her bad and degrade her but when someone else tryna make her fun of her then he shows who she belongs to kinda stuff (pls if u gonna write pls make it so it so dark🥺🥺)...... Feel free to ignore tho cause i'm sorry this seems so long 😬😬🧡
2/2 Hey it's me again 👋👋😬who just send u a request of a long one shot of dark steve rogers x reader where he bullys her but i just forget to tell u that can u pls make that a Highschool AU pls , i really forget to tell u 😬😬
steve rogers x reader
summary: Steve bullies you after you rejected him and he soon regrets it.
warnings: dark, non-con, violence, bullying, blood, self hatred, insecurities, psychological trauma, they are of age, please don’t read if you’re not comfortable with any of these. Not proofread.
word count: 1.7k
a/n: just wanted to post something so this may or may not suck
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Steve wasn’t always a bully.
It’ll probably be because you hurt his ego.
Maybe he asked you out one time but you were new in school and wary of people so you politely declined his offer.
For Steve, he saw that as you humiliating him in front of the school. The new girl just rejected the Steve Rogers. 
Steve would be like ‘who do you think you are?’ and the cheeky flirty guy he was before becomes someone else.
He started spitting insults here and there, never missing a day to make you feel weird about yourself. 
The soft and beautiful blue eyes from before turned dark and hostile towards you.
Sweet words turned harsh.
Flaws that you didn’t see before started surfacing.
Suddenly your hair is too messy and all over the place. Your skin is too dead and it makes you look creepy. Your eyes are too dull and sad that you don’t seem friendly anymore. Your nose is weird, and so on. The list never ended and you started to change from the person you are before.
Steve made sure to make you feel the way you made him feel.
You suddenly became closed off and did everything to be unnoticed. It’s better to be a nobody than be the center of everyone’s torment.
Steve is a popular guy and it didn’t take long for everyone to follow his lead.
You’re just trying to finish your last year and finally leave the hell you created for yourself but Steve swore to make your life a living hell.
“If it isn’t my favorite dead girl!” Steve’s voice booms through the hallway, the chatters immediately stopped to witness the popular guy, and now, the loser of the whole school interact.
“Got somewhere else to be?” His voice was sweet as well as his eyes but you know, everyone knows that his intentions are far from being sweet.
“What? Your tongue isn’t working anymore? Bet it rot with your dead body and now everything is decaying with you, is that it?” He raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for his friends to back him up which they did. Steve smirked as the hallway started being filled with thunderous laughter and they’re all directed at you.
You did nothing but bite your lip in hopes of stopping yourself from crying in front of everyone. You can’t afford another round of teasing.
You fake a laugh before turning away from him and started heading to your last class.
Steve hated the way your eyes looked at his with nothing but sadness.
Your sadness wasn’t even directed at him but at yourself.
He just wanted to make you feel the way you made him feel so you can understand that the both of you belong to each other.
You’re fucking perfect and Steve is far from that. He might be the most popular guy in school but you were way out of his league so he had to bring you down just a little bit.
But it got out of hand.
He had no idea how to stop what he started but then something happened.
He was just on his way out of detention, the hallways are now empty, everyone has already gone home and Steve was used to that. What he wasn’t used to is the sound of whimpering. More importantly, it’s the sound of you whimpering.
He wasted no time and ran towards the direction of your voice and as he turned the corner, his blood turned red hot in seconds. He’s seeing nothing but red at the sight in front of him.
Mrs. Roberts asked you to come to her office before going home to discuss something and you didn’t know whether to cry because of sadness or cry because someone actually cares for you.
Mrs. Roberts shared her worries with you because your once impressive grades started pummeling down to the point where it can cause problems with your chances of graduating.
Mrs. Roberts gave you special assignments to do so you can pass her subject and you thanked her for that. You even hugged her so tightly and dwelled on the affection for too long which worried her.
“Is there something wrong, dear?” She asked, eyes glossing over yours with worry.
You decided against telling her and just shook your head at her. “Do you think I’m failing my other subjects? What if I don’t graduate in time?”
Mrs. Roberts was quick to calm you down, telling you how the meeting with the teachers went and even joked about you purposely failing only her subject which you laughed at.
You left her office with a smile, chuckling at the memories of her jokes when you suddenly felt an impact on your left side and then your right side when you hit the lockers with a loud bang, making you whimper in pain.
“The fuck are you laughing at, dead girl?” An unfamiliar voice says above you.
You look up to see a boy a year younger than you but before you could reply, his foot started meeting your abdomen, your sides, or whatever part of you that he could kick. At some point, he was able to kick your face which made your ears ring in pain so you decided to shield your head with your arms to block his kicks.
“I don’t know why Steve never did this before but I am doing it for him. He’ll be so proud of me! I can take over his place after he graduates.”
You didn’t even realize that you weren’t receiving his kicks anymore but the sound of kicks can still be heard.
You peak out of your arms to see the young boy’s body across from you on the floor, receiving hits from a large man above him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, punk?!” Steve’s voice growls in anger and you didn’t know if you were thankful that you weren’t on the receiving end of his growl but it still terrified you.
“M-making you proud! I’m doing the thing you can’t seem to do!” The younger boy spits out red liquid before scrambling away after Steve pulls him up by his collar.
“If I fucking see you touch her again, you’ll never be able to see a day again, you understand?” Steve pushes the boy away before looking back at you, all the anger on his face turns into something softer.
He scrambles towards you, kneeling before you and helping you so gently until your leaning on the lockers, heaving at the pain that the boy caused you.
Steve continued to stare at you, eyes observing you before his hands gently prodded your face.
“You’re bleeding…” He murmurs before pulling out a cloth and dabbing it softly on the wound, apologizing when you flinched at his touch which surprised you.
“W-what are you doing?” Your voice trembles and Steve only sighed in response, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Why did you have to reject me?” He asked, carefully putting a band-aid over the scar and kissing it so gently with his pink lips. You stared at him in shock and confusion.
“Wh-What the f-fuck?!” You try to push him off but he only gripped both of your wrists with one hand while the other caress your face.
“We would’ve been so happy together. You would’ve had a great experience but you always manage to put yourself in danger… Why didn’t you just let me in?” The hand on your face goes to the back of your neck and your struggles were no use when he easily pulled you into a kiss, his tongue easily forcing itself into your mouth and coating and mixing your saliva with his.
“I should’ve not given up but you… you hurt me, ya know?” He pulls away before admiring your face.
“I lied though. You’ve always been so beautiful. I just wanted you to give me a chance but then you started avoiding me more.” His jaw clenches before his grip on your wrists tighten.
His other hand goes under your shirt before fondling your breasts through your bra. He leans in towards your neck before sniffing and moaning as he continues to massage your breasts while his hips started to grind against yours in need.
He growls against your neck as his grind started to get violently fast.
“Ahh fuck!” His hips stopped before he’s shaking against your body.
Your eyes widened at him as you looked down at the front of his pants which now had a stain on the crotch area.
“D-did you just—”
“See what you do to me?” He laughs before kissing your lips once more, the hand on your breasts trailing down before he forces it down your pants and under your panties to feel your core with his big hands.
His fingers make a quick swipe up your slit making you shiver at the feeling of him on your sensitive area.
“And I see what I do to you…” He inserts one finger, groaning at the way your walls are tightening around just one finger.
Steve swore he could cum again at the thought of his cock entering your very tight pussy.
“We didn’t start strong but we have all the time in the world now…” He places a kiss wet on your lips, continuing his assault on your core while his thumb finds its way to your clit.
Steve enjoys the way your hips jolted at the feeling and he smiled.
“I will help you graduate with honors and then after that,” he pulls back from the kiss before smiling at you.
“We’ll start over. I’m never leaving you again. I’m never going to give up on you. We’ll finally have what we both deserved.” He feels your walls fluttering around his one finger so he added another, thumb flicking your nub harder, forcing you to release.
“Mmm!” You bit your bottom lip as an orgasm was forced out of you, pleasure showering you as your eyes shut tightly.
“So fucking beautiful…” Steve pulls his hand out of your jeans before quickly placing his fingers inside his mouth to taste you.
“So fucking delicious as well.” He helps you up carefully before guiding you out of the school and into his car.
“I’ll drive you to school and from school from now on. There won’t be a time when I’m not watching over you. I’ll protect you from now on. I’m going to right every wrong thing I did to you, baby…” He leans down to kiss your lips then your head before fixing your seatbelt for you and starting the car.
“Everything will be better now.”
a/n: been trying to write but it’s just not working rn but im trying to come thru hehe
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
Marvel: @jemzeraion
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nillabeam · 4 years
hiii!! can i request bakugou x reader pls!! one-shot where in mina announces to class 1a that she knows who the reader likes, n everyone takes there guesses. then someone jokingly says bakugou n thats when she out of character gets flustered n runs away, thanks!!
pairings: bakugoxf!reader
warnings: fluff!!!! PURE WHOLESOME SAP!!! also language
a/n: @number1bakuhoe this one’s for you! thank you for the super cute request!! this was so wholesome!! hopefully you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it!! 
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You’re cool and well liked, reliable, level headed, your grades are good, you have a strong quirk, oh and you’re also beautiful.
You’re damn near perfect, except for one little thing: your secret crush on Bakugo Katsuki. 
Before class Mina gathers everyone’s attention, it doesn’t work so she stands on her desk, yelling at everyone until they finally shut up and pay attention.
Mina locks eyes with you, and announces she knows your crush.
She’s bullshitting of course, but you couldn’t help the little bit of panic you felt, maybe she did know?
Had you said anything you shouldn’t have?
Did you let your gaze linger too long?
Maybe you talked about him in your sleep?? 
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you tell us then?” You call her bluff, convincing yourself she’s just trying to torment you like always.
Mina pauses a moment since she wasn’t expecting you to actually call her out, now she’s standing on her desk, everyone’s attention on her, expecting her to reveal some juicy gossip.
She’s got nothing.
She looks around the room her eyes searching for a possible crush candidate.
“Mmm Deku—“ she replies, her tone lacks confidence and she looks unsure.
Deku turns to face the class his face red and eyes wide “w-w-w-w-what???” He buries his face in his hands and you smile at how easily flustered he is.
“He’s adorable but no.” You respond and Deku looks a little relieved while you’re pretty sure Uraraka is shooting you the dirtiest look she could manage with that round little face of hers.
“Sero—“ she tries again
“No.” you have your face cupped in your hands and you’re looking at Mina expectantly.
“Someone else guess i got nothing.” Mina hops down from her desk and shrugs.
Sero chimes in, “Kirishima?”
You watch as Kirishima rubs the nape of his neck nervously before you answer. “No.” You offer an apologetic smile and he blushes a little.
“What about Aoyama?” Krishima tries, desperate to get the attention off of himself.
“No.” You try not to laugh at that one.
“Me.” Kaminari adds and everyone laughs at that one.
Mintea rolls his eyes, his arms crossed, for once he looks serious, “It’s obvious it’s Todoroki—every girl has the hots for him.”
You shake your head, “No—listen you’ll never guess it because I don’t have a crush-” You start.
“What about Bakugo?” Todoroki says innocently, and you tense up involuntary.
“Pftt—yeah like Y/N would ever like Baku-“ Kaminari starts but your expression makes him redirect his train of thought.
“Bakugo??? Seriously?” He asks, leaning forward in his seat
“N-No.” you mumble under your breath.
“I don’t know Y/N, you don’t seem very confident in that answer.” Sero notes, now wearing a smug smirk. 
Mina hops from her desk cooly and walks over to you, she pauses before slamming her palms down onto your desk. 
“It’s so obvious! Good girl falls for the bad boy!” Mina says matter of factly, Kaminari crosses his arms and kicks his feet onto his desk
“It’s a classic trope, one of us should have noticed by now-” He lets out a long sigh.
You can’t speak, you open your mouth but nothing comes out, instead you bury yourself in the crooks of your elbows, trying to drown out the elevating voices of your over excited peers, and also to hide the deep red blush covering your cheeks. 
A soft hand rests on your shoulder, Momo’s voice is soothing compared to the rest, “Leave Y/N alone, if she says she it’s not him then take her word for it.” You glance up at her hopefully.
“Besides, Y/N is so nice and Bakugo is...well..” Momo adds, and you can tell she’s trying to understand the situation, but she’s only making it worse. 
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Bakugo’s voice calls from the other side of the room and Momo jumps. 
Uraraka chimes in now, “She has a point Bakugo, Y/N doesn't really seem like she’d go for your type. It makes more sense for her to be with someone nice, like Kirishima.” 
Kirishima puts his hands up in defense, “What do you mean?? Bakugo’s great, a little rough around the edges but it’s not that weird for Y/N to like him.” He replies, his loyalty to his friend on full display. 
You had to get out. 
It was too much. 
Your entire class was now arguing about your love life, who you should like, and who you shouldn’t like, and exactly why you should or shouldn’t and you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
You stand up, head down, determined to leave, when Mina grabs your wrist. 
“Hey! You haven’t told us if you like him or not!” 
“Don’t touch me!” You tear your wrist from her grip, and the room goes silent. 
All eyes are on you now. 
You feel hot and think for a second your knees might buckle, when they don't you take the opportunity to run out of the classroom. 
Iida stands up, “I hope you’re all happy with yourselves, you’ve embarrassed the poor girl half to death!” He presses his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. 
“Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this mess.” He says looking disappointedly at Mina. 
Who shifts her attention to Bakugo, and of course the rest of the class does the same. 
“What the fuck? ME?” Bakugo snaps, but the class doesn’t budge. 
You ran until you found a nice empty spot on a stairwell. 
You take a few deep breaths to collect yourself before you sit down, burying your face in your arms again. 
Maybe you could transfer to a different school where you didn’t like a boy and your class didn’t make a fool of you and you didn't just run out of the room like the main character of a shojo manga. 
“You better not be crying.” Bakugo’s voice carries in the empty stairwell and you jump, you didn't even know he was there. 
He leans cooly against the wall adjacent from you. Vermillion eyes as intense as ever, and they were looking right into yours. 
“I’m not crying-” You snap, toying with your skirt, “I was just..overwhelmed.” You admit, shifting your gaze to the floor. 
“I needed a second to think, to breathe.” You add and he shifts his weight to bury his hands in his pockets.  
“Why didn’t you just answer?” He asks flatly and you’re a little surprised. 
“You’re telling me you would have just answered a question like that no problem?” You ask, unconvinced. 
He shrugs a bit, “Yeah, it’s not shameful to like someone. It is pretty damn cowardly to hide it from everyone though.” He adds and you can feel your cheeks heat up, annoyed at how coy he was acting. 
“Then you answer it if it’s so easy. Who do you like?” 
A hint of blush tints his porcelain skin, he rolls his eyes. “Tch, don’t make this about me because you’re too goddamn scared of what everyone thinks to admit you like me.” His tone is laced with irritation but also something else. It’s gruff but softer than usual. 
“S-Scared? I’m not scared to admit anything!” You snap.
“So you’re ashamed then?” He snaps back.
“N-No!” You’re standing now, fists balled at your sides. 
“I like you! I have for a long time and it’s a little scary to admit it right to your face but i’m not ashamed of anything.” You feel heat rise into your ears and they start to ring a little. 
“You’re mean and cold and sometimes you act like an asshole, but you’re also loyal and honest and you’re going to be a great hero someday and-” You realize you’re starting to ramble and you look up expecting Bakugo to be annoyed but he just looks..surprised. 
“N-Now it’s your turn! Do you have a crush on anyone?” You’re suddenly filled with a rush of confidence from finally getting the confession off of your chest. 
“I guess you could call it that-” He mumbles, and you jab a finger in his face. 
“Who is it?” You ask, gaze intense. 
“Answer it.”
There’s a brief pause as you process the information. 
Bakugo shifts his weight, clearly starting to get uncomfortable. 
“Well aren’t you going to say something-��� He starts but he’s cut off by your lips against his own. He falters for a minute, his cheeks stained red, he fumbles a little in an attempt to pull you near him, his arms feel so large when they finally wrap around you. 
Your chest is burning and you can feel your heartbeat ring in your ears. 
The kiss is a little clumsy, you can tell he doesn’t have much experience, but there’s chemistry and he’ll just have to practice. With you. A lot. 
You pull away, and you can tell he’s reluctant. The way he bites his lower lip almost makes you steal him away to the empty dorms but you know you have a class to face. 
“Aren’t you going to say something?” You mock, and he pinches your sides. “Shut up.” You start to laugh, and he covers his smile with his knuckles. “Let’s head back.” 
The two of you walk back to class, neither of you say anything but you don't have to. He says it in the way he lets his shoulder brush up against yours from walking too close to you. And you say it with the smile you’ve been trying to fight the entire walk back. 
You both pause at the door and Bakugo offers one of his signature smirks. “Mina is going to shit herself.” 
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bouncyballcitadel · 3 years
Ari - A Short Snippet
Based on the commission, “DAX hurt/comfort or fluff pls.” 
Enjoy below the cut (warnings for strong language)!
I’m not what most people call a perceptive person. Like, I can pick up on things—don’t get me wrong. When someone’s interested in me. When my parents’ are about to cut me down. But, to be honest, most of the time, I don’t really care about all that shit. Diana finds it fascinating, all the little tells that people have, but me? I just want to mind my own fucking business.
Unfortunately, my fucking business at the moment is the fact that Ari is trying to outdrink me—and by me, I mean the me back in college, the shit-faced, black-out, vomiting-all-over-your-shirt me. 
Before me or Di can stop him, Ari slams back another tequila shot and motions to the bartender for more. The bartender shoots us a look, and Di makes a quick motion with her hand—we’re done here. He shrugs and slips to the other end of the counter, while Ari grabs my hand.
“Come on, Xiao,” Ari slurs. His eyes are glassy bright, and it’s like looking into a very unpleasant mirror. God knows how many times I’ve looked like that, so I know exactly what he’s after. To be so gloriously drunk that the colors start smearing around you—so you can forget what came before, and pray that the after will be better.
“She’s such a—such a—wet napkin.” Ari draws me close to him, so close I can smell the harsh whiff of alcohol of his breath. “But you, you’ll take another shot with me, right? You’ve been drinking beer all night.”
“I took one with you when we came in,” I say. It’s way too hot in the bar, and I’m way too sober to be dealing with this. Why can’t Diana deal with this? She’s at the end of the counter, paying our tab. I could be doing that, instead of half-supporting Ari as he slumps against me, his grip on my jacket tight—unyielding. 
Here’s a secret that’s not a fucking secret: I suck at comforting people. Especially when I have no fucking idea what’s wrong. 
It’s Friday night, and Ari suggests we all go drinking. Which, hey—it’s been a hard week, I get that. But, then we walk into the bar, and Ari doesn’t start off with beers, he goes straight for the shit that burns your throat on the way down. And, I can tell something is off, the way he single-mindedly downs round after round, while me and Di watch him, my mouth almost open in shock, her lips pursed. Ari’s a fucking lightweight—it’s a well-known fact. 
And…by the way his face looks now, he might just throw up on me before we get home. 
We stumble out of the bar, Di behind us. The cold air feels amazing; the half-headlock Ari has me in does not. It’s only a ten-minute walk back to the apartments, but it’s a fucking ordeal when one person isn’t doing much walking. 
I’m not a patient person. So Di doesn’t even bat an eye when I dump Ari on a nearby bench so my neck can catch a fucking break. 
“Why’d we leave?” Ari moans. “I was just getting started.”
“Do you want your stomach pumped?” I hiss, the same time as Diana takes a seat beside Ari, positions him so that he’s more or less up upright. “Because I’ve been there, and it’s not something you want to experience.”
“Xiao’s worried,” Diana says, giving me a sharp look. Okay, I get it—be nicer. Be less…me. “And so am I. What’s got you like this?”
Ari laughs suddenly, and it’s so bitter, so unlike him, that I flinch. He has a mean look on his face, and it’s disturbing, seeing him like this. I want Ari back, my Ari back—the one who smiles at me in the morning when I wake up, who nuzzles against me when I’m studying on the couch, who—somehow—when I’m in one of my moods looks at me, really looks at me, as if that’s the only thing that matters. 
I squat down and, without thinking about it, take his face in my hands. It takes him a second, but I can see him relax—and his face crumple in on itself. Diana wraps her arm around him, and suddenly he’s crying into my hands, and I don’t know what to do because nothing in life really prepares you for this, but I do know that I won’t let him go, not right now, because—well.
“I just wanted them to know,” Ari whispers between sobs. “I wanted them to know how important you are to me.”
Diana meets my eyes, and we don’t have to say anything to each other to confirm. Ari’s parents. 
Fuck them.
“I thought—I just thought—for once in my fucking life, they’d be happy for me.” Ari leans forward, presses his face against my chest. “And they call me fucking greedy. Fucking selfish.”
I don’t know how long we stay there, Diana and I holding Ari. His sobs turn to shudders turn to silence. I have so much I want to say to him, and I know Diana does, too. 
You’re not greedy. You’re not selfish. You love us, and we love you—and just because your parents can’t see that, can’t respect that, can’t love that, doesn’t mean shit. 
Instead, what comes out of my mouth is just his name. And, he looks up at me, then—his eyes wet. And, I think he understands. My fingers carding through his hair. Diana holding him up. We pull him up from the bench, and he lets us sling his arms over our shoulders, so we can make the walk home. 
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whereisten · 4 years
Valentine Boy
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2 | Part 3.3 | more coming soon
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Special Cover Art by @nakayutasama ❤️
You’ve been dating College Student!Jaehyun for a few months now. He’s unbelievably sweet, smart, oh..and very handsome. Best of all, he gives you the best love you’ve ever had. He’s the love of your life and you can’t see anything going wrong as your relationship sails smoothly..that is..until you discover his biggest secret. He’s been hiding the fact that he’s a camboy and you start to wonder..Is Jaehyun as sweet and honest as you think he is?
Pairing: female reader X college student and camboy!Jaehyun
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: cursing, cheating, cam boy (video-recorded sex with online audience), deception, manipulation, blackmail, alcohol use, descriptive smut (fingering, overstimulation, face riding, dirty talk, BDSM themes (handcuff usage, spanking), drunk sex, oral sex (m&f receiving), some masturbation, rough sex, vaginal penetration, breast fondling, dry humping, semi-public sex).
(A/N): I received a message saying that Part 3 was difficult to read on mobile, the app would glitch and eventually close (because we love tumblr for being efficient). So I am splitting part 3 into 3 equal parts of about 7K words each for easier reading. Thank you all again for supporting this fic!!!!🥺❤️
[The Night before Spring Break]
“Do we have enough content for a week or so? I’ll be gone with my girl to Bali. I trust that you’ll upload everything on time.” Jaehyun fixes his shirt over his head while his back is faced to Reina. He doesn’t see her eyes roll in annoyance.
They’ve just recorded new clips to post during spring break for when Jaehyun goes on vacation with you.
“Yes, I will take care of it…but I have a surprise for you..” She fixes her smudged lipstick.
Jaehyun turns to her carefully, his hand already on his backpack. “You know I don’t like surprises.” He says lowly.
“Oh, Valentine Boy, don’t look at me like that..especially not while I clean your cum from my legs.”
Jaehyun glares then gets up from the couch and heads for the door.
“Anyway..I’ll be seeing you in Bali.”
He freezes in his tracks. “What did you just say?”
She gets up and walks over to him, a sly smile creeping across her face as she swings her hips.
“I thought I deserved a break too. I should treat myself to a fun vacation, right? And what better place to visit than Bali!” Her eyes open wide.
Jaehyun drops his bag and grabs her wrist, he spins her around so her back hits the door.
He towers over her with dark eyes and a menacing look. He looked as if he would tear her apart in three seconds if she were to utter one more word. But Reina is only turned on by his swift movements and harsh grip.
“Ah!” She hisses. “I love it when you’re rough with me..but are you sure you can go another round?”
“You’d be crazy to come to Bali! But if you do, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear you, I don’t even want to smell your cheap perfume anywhere near me and my girl!”
Jaehyun says through gritted teeth.
“Oh, Jaehyun..a few minutes ago, you were dying to be in me..”
“It’s called acting!”
Reina chuckles, then leans in close to whisper in his ear.. “I can control my desires…can you? Will she be good enough? Can she satisfy your hunger?”
Jaehyun steps back, his mouth falling open into a gasp. “She’s more than enough..don’t you ever talk about her like that. You’re letting this gig get into your head if you think you could ever replace her. Move.”
Reina only grins and steps to the side. “I’ll see you in Bali, Valentine Boy.”
“For your sake, I hope we don’t run into each other. Don’t forget who I really love, Reina. You’re just my..Hmm how do you say it? Coworker.”
He brushes past her and opens the door to let himself out.
[The First Day in Bali]
“Oh my God! Look at this room!!” You say with excitement. Your eyes widen at the sight of the gorgeous room overlooking the beach in Bali. There’s a main living room with a U-Shaped white couch and a huge TV Screen.
The kitchen was big also, filled with brand new and stainless steel appliances.
“Oooo!! This is so cool!” You drop your bags and run off to the bedroom.
Jaehyun laughs as he follows in behind you and watches you prance around.
You push onto the wooden sliding doors, they open to reveal a California king sized bed. It looked like a heavenly cloud and you couldn’t wait to be in it with the one you loved the most.
The best part about it all was you had the entire villa to yourselves. You could go out onto the patio and enjoy the serene environment that surrounded you. You could just imagine the wonderful moments you’d have with Jaehyun during the sunsets. The sun shining onto his peachy skin and bringing out his more handsome features like his eyes and soft lips.
You gasp, then turn to him. “This..this is beautiful Jaehyun. It must’ve cost a fortune.”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “Remember what I told you..no talk about expenses, okay?”
He stands over you, wrapping his arms around your body to pull you into him more. He looks down into your wide eyes, brimming with tears.
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you think I’m worth all this, Jaehyun? I don’t know…you work so hard..and to spend it all on me.. I just.” You shake your head and break the intense eye contact he held.
Money was something you always struggled with. Your mom did the best she could to provide for you since you were young, so you always tried to spend wisely and appreciate every dollar. Your family never had disposable income to take trips around the world or even to Disneyland. You’re only able to attend college because of scholarships and loans.
So for someone to spend money on you just to give you a vacation to enjoy, you found it difficult to accept. It was all so new to you.
“Hey.” Jaehyun takes your chin in his hand and tilts your head back to face him.
“You’re worth all this and more. I love you..so much. Please never doubt that.”
He leans down to place a delicate kiss on your lips. Your arms circle around his waist as you hug him and tip toe to get another kiss.
“Thank you.” You whisper.
He kisses you deeper now, taking your tongue into his mouth as his head turns. Your eyes close as you enjoy this moment with Jaehyun. The two of you standing at the foot of the large bed in the wonderful room. Your hair swaying gently with the breeze coming through the open doors leading to the patio and pool.
When you pull away to breathe, you open your eyes and look into Jaehyun’s before biting your lips.
“What time is dinner?” You ask quietly.
Jaehyun smirks. He already knows what you’re up to from your lustful tone. “Well…we have reservations for 6…which is 45 minutes from now..”
You run your fingers up the back of his neck slowly then massage his scalp. “Hmmm..the sun’s getting real low..Can you…push it to 7? That way..we can enjoy the sunset.”
Jaehyun bites his lips. “It’s really difficult to get reservations at this restaurant, babe.”
Your other hand traces over his bulge and palms it as you still look into his eyes.
Jaehyun clears his throat. “But I’m sure I can pull some strings.”
You wink. “Good.”
You take his hand and lead him to the patio where there are several lounge chairs. You then push his chest lightly, making him fall into one.
You crawl over him and lean over his lap. He watches you below him while getting turned on by the lustful look in your eyes.
He takes in a sharp breath, watching as you take the waistband of his sweatpants in your teeth and drag it down slowly, his somewhat-hard cock springing up.
You lick over it slowly from the base to the tip, your eyes locked with his as the taste of his salt skin awakens your senses.
Your tongue dips in between the small slit at the top, collecting a tiny bit of precum in the process. Jaehyun watches your beautiful lips on him as your ass sticks up in the air. The breeze from the ocean feels harsh now that you are outside. It blows so hard that your dress flips up and exposes your ass cheeks, only your opening is covered by a g-string.
You continue to lay light, teasing kitten licks along his length while cupping your hand around the base and moving it up and down steadily.
“I’ve wanted to do this since we got on the plane, babe.” You say before running your tongue up his shaft.
Jaehyun is fully hard now, his lips red from him biting them as he watches you work.
“Fuck, baby, I wanted to take you in the bathroom, too. But this is so much better.”
You smile then sit up straight.
Jaehyun frowns and reaches out for you. “No..keep going..pl-“
“Don’t worry, baby, I just want to get this out of the way.” You zip your dress down and throw it to the side. You lean down to Jaehyun again but he stops you.
“But baby, that bra must be so uncomfortable..” He smirks.
You chuckle then take your bra off as well. Now you leaned over Jaehyun in just your thin underwear.
Jaehyun is even more turned on now that he’s seen your entire body dazzling in the rusty sunlight, your hair blowing in the wind and your body above his as your chest heaves.
You take his length into your mouth completely. Hollowing your cheeks so that he feels the soft surface of your mouth.
Jaehyun groans and leans his head back. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
You roll your tongue across every vein as your hand strokes the base that you can’t reach with your mouth. You enjoy the sounds he makes but you want more.
You take your mouth off of him, letting a stream of spit fall from it.
Jaehyun looks down and grunts.
You wipe your chin. “Shouldn’t you be making a call?”
Jaehyun tilts his head questioningly.
You raise an eyebrow.
A short moment passes but then Jaehyun falls out of his dazed feeling and remembers. “I’ll call them right now!”
He reaches over for his phone on a glass coffee table beside the chair and dials the restaurant. But you resume what you were doing, this time, taking in his entire length and gagging.
Jaehyun flinches at the sudden feeling. “Oh fuuuuu— HELLO! Yes.. I’m-I’m Jaehyun.. and..”
He struggles to speak while he watches you suck and feels your tongue across his aching cock.
You can feel your sensitive area become wet as your legs shake. You then take his other ball into your mouth and cover it in spit.
“Sir?” The person on the other line speaks.
Jaehyun holds back a groan. “Ah! Yes! I’m so sorry, I uh, I have a reservation for two and I want to change it to 7 instead. C-can you do that for me?”
“Do what, daddy?” You mouth.
He smiles and bites his bottom lip to hold back another grunt as he thrusts into your mouth.
You hold his hip down and shake your head as you stroke his cock. You then lick his neglected balls slowly before taking one into your mouth completely.
“Oh sh-“ He closes his eyes tightly, leaning back into the chair as he holds himself back.
“Sir..we usually don’t make last minute changes, but fortunately we do have a spot open for 7.”
The person awaits his response, but Jaehyun is too captivated by your mouth. Your tongue is working magic on him as you swallow him completely and gag.
You suck harder and move faster, releasing your hold on his hip so he can fuck into your mouth now. He whimpers quietly while moving the phone away from his ear with his other hand. You breathe through your nostrils as you feel him hit the back of your throat.
He’s about to cum but..
“Sir?!” The person tries to get his attention again.
You chuckle, sending vibrations through his sensitive member.
“Yes! Ah! God, yes!” He yells into the phone as he releases into your mouth, coating the back of your throat with strings of cum.
“…We’ll see you then.” The person states then hangs up.
Jaehyun drops his phone, not caring where it falls, but moaning loudly now that he can be as vocal as he wants.
He runs his hand through your scalp as he thrusts into you slowly to get every bit out and into you. “Fuck..you naughty girl.”
When his grip loosens, you lift your head and let his essence cover your chin. “What did I do?” You ask innocently while wiping your mouth. You then shrug your shoulders.
He chuckles. “You’re gonna regret that, sweetheart, come here.” He makes a motion with his finger. He looks dangerously handsome, a strand of his hair falling into his forehead after he climaxed.
You crawl over him, but stop. “Where do you want me, baby?”
He wipes your chin for you and smiles widely. “I know you’re dripping…should I help you out with that, sweetheart?”
Your legs tighten just from the sound of his gravelly voice calling you ‘sweetheart’. You nod.
“Stand up for me, baby.”
You do as he says and watch as he slides down so that his body now rests at one level rather than being lifted at the neck up.
“Sit on my face, right now..I can’t wait to taste you.”
Your eyes widen. “A-Are you sure?”
Jaehyun smiles and licks his lips. “Get on me..now.” He says with a deeper voice.
You quickly stand over him and lower yourself slowly, kneeling into the chair.. Jaehyun takes the waistband of your underwear in his hands and rips it off of you.
“Hey!” You let out but he slaps your ass.
“It was in the way.” He gives a sly smile.
With a reassuring nod from him, you rest your bare pussy onto his open mouth, but not without flinching from the feeling of something being against it finally.
“Mmmmm..” Jaehyun hums then licks up and down your opening.
You move back and forth, slowly grinding against his soft lips and flattened tongue. Your breathing becomes shallow as he passes it over in between your folds slowly, pressing against your sweet spot gently.
You naturally raise your hands up to your breasts and massage them as you watch Jaehyun below you. You moan as a shaky breath leaves your wet lips.
He just has to touch you so he places his hands on your waist. He pulls you down onto him more while flicking the tip of his tongue onto your bud.
You let out a whimper, moving faster as Jaehyun pushes into your opening with his tongue. He pushes in as deep as he can while watching you move above him. He enjoys watching you like this with the sky above the both of you, painted in colors of blue, orange and pink.
It didn’t feel real, it felt like he was looking at a painting. Your perfect breasts move while you grasp them harder and let your fingers rub against the hard nipples.
Your hair is still blowing in the wind and your mouth opens while your moans get louder.
You grind onto him harder. “Are you sure you’re okay? Fuck..this feels so good.”
Jaehyun nods.
His hands lower from your waist down to your ass cheeks. He spreads them apart so his tongue can explore every inch of you, sticking the tip of his tongue on your slit before flicking it from side to side. He buries his nose onto your clit to provide the perfect stimulation.
“Jaehyun!” You cry out and move your hips faster.
He feels himself become hard again as he feels your round ass in his hands and listens to your wonderful sounds.
“I’m-.” You convulse over him and shake.
Jaehyun watches as you writhe, your entire body becoming covered in goose pimples and your jaw clenching as your head falls back.
He continues to massage your clit with his unforgiving tongue. Your eyes shut tightly while you orgasm for what feels like a century.
When you finally start to come down, Jaehyun releases his hold and takes your waist in his hands again. He quickly flips you over so that you’re on your back now. He throws his shirt off and kneels over you as your legs fall over his shoulders.
“I love you..” He says before pushing into you slowly.
You take his head in your hands and kiss him, licking off your essence from his mouth as he enters you completely.
He pushes deep inside you, running against your wet and sensitive walls as you whimper into his mouth.
One hand massages his scalp again while the other presses onto his back.
Jaehyun kisses you harder and harder each time, he takes your bottom lip into his mouth before licking over it.
“I love you too, baby.” You whisper once you pull away to breathe.
His chest presses against your breasts. Your heartbeats run at the same pace, his breath dances on your chin as his speed increases.
He glides in and out easily, your bud being stimulated easily by his quick movements. But he goes so deep, you begin to widen your legs more for comfort.
He pushes into you harder, pressing you into the chair and you’re sure there will be a lasting impression of your body based on how hard he’s pushing.
“Baby, you’re so wet.” He leans into your ear and whispers while gripping the crook of your knees. He watches you below him, your brows furrow and your lips red from you biting them. Your eyes are wide and brimming with tears as he fucks into you deep and keeps your legs by your head.
You look down to see his hips slap against your ass cheeks rapidly. His abs and biceps flex with every movement. And you think to yourself, how hot he is.
“Shit.” You orgasm again just from the sight of the beautiful man above you.
Jaehyun’s movement stutters. His cock being greeted by your convulsing wet pussy is enough to make him cum, but he pulls out quickly.
“Open, sweetheart.”
You open your mouth and look up with low eyes as he releases onto your tongue and chin.
“F-fuck.” He curses from the sight of your position, your legs by your head and your chest rising up and down as you catch your breath.
You lick all of it up and swallow.
“Oh, you nasty girl. Let’s get cleaned up.” He picks you up from the couch and holds you in his arms bridal style.
[Third Day In Bali]
After snorkeling a few times and enjoying a walk through multicolored flower fields, you and Jaehyun decide to take a cooking class together. You both needed to work on your skills, so what better way to learn than to learn from each other’s mistakes.
“Hello! Welcome to Laplapan Village! Today, we will be making Sambal. We will start off by taking a walk through the market behind us and buying the spices necessary for our dish!” Your tour guide states enthusiastically to your group of about 10 couples.
Jaehyun turns to you and gives you a wide smile. “Are you ready?” His eyes shine brightly in the sun, his skin shimmering with small balls of sweat. He smells like fresh sea and sage, but he looked like a prince. He had already gained a slight tan during your stay. Your eyes travel down his thick neck and to his exposed collar bone. Luckily, all the places you marked the night before were still being covered by his linen button up.
You nod and smile back. “Of course.”
He takes your hand and leads you in front of him. The two of you walk through the market and gaze at the vibrant colors, the smell of unique spices fill your noses. Everything is so bright and beautiful. People smile as you pass by their stores.
The tour guide had given you a list of spices to buy, so now it was up to the two of you to find them. Sounds easy right? Well, with no comprehension of the language and no cell phone service to simply Google the names, you were left to ask the owners of various shops if they had certain spices. Some gave you weird faces while some were very helpful.
Jaehyun laughs at your awkwardness. You hit him lightly on the arm and roll your eyes.
As you walk in front of him, he watches the way your body sways in your sundress, your curves perfectly accentuated yet the flowiness of the dress left much to the imagination…that is, to everyone but him. He knows exactly how your body looks underneath, he knows that your thighs and gorgeous skin were littered with his love bites, and that your waist has small bruises left from his fingertips.
He bites his lips as he thinks about the night before as well. But then he smells your hair, it is a refreshing scent. He loves to bury his face in it just to smell that scent. He loved placing his chin on your head as you laid on his chest and fell asleep. But most of all, he loved moments like this: you holding his hand as you guide him through crowds, you turning to him with the prettiest smile on your face and your beautiful, captivating eyes.
“Ah! Here it is, Jae!” You squeeze his hand gently once you find the right peppers.
“Ooo!! Yup those look spicy as f-“ Jaehyun’s face twists as he lifts it to his nose.
“We’ll take it, thank you!” You speak over Jaehyun before he continues and hands the store owner the money to pay.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, you enjoyed cooking together. Luckily, you had aprons for when things got messy. The two of you were probably the most childish during the lesson. You laughed at everything and stared at each other.
Jaehyun tried to blame you for making the dish too spicy.
“Maybe if you weren’t busy staring at my ass in this dress, you would’ve measured the peppers correctly.” You whisper into his ear as the two of you eat with the other couples.
Jaehyun only smirks and turns to you slightly. A twinkle in his eye catches your attention.
He places his large hand on your thighs and squeezes them. You flinch and almost hit your knee against the table.
Jaehyun stuffs his mouth, chewing as he turns back to watch you.
You lick your lips as he pushes his fingers up towards the apex of your legs slowly. You gulp and look down as his long fingers caress your thigh and send goosebumps up your neck.
Jaehyun chuckles quietly then leans closer to your ear. “Be careful, sweetheart.. I’ve been dying to rip that dress off of you all day.”
You look around at the other couples. None of them seemed to notice that he was carefully pushing his fingers against your dress, pressing ever so lightly to apply pressure to your sensitive area.
You try to scoot away from him, but he grabs your thigh and pulls you back to where you were.
“Hmm now why would you do that? Are you running away from me? Your boyfriend? Tsk tsk..”
He pushes two fingers against you again but with more force this time while he takes a scoop of rice up and holds it in front of your face.
“Open for daddy.”
You open your mouth. Jaehyun places the fork in your mouth and drags it out slowly.
He watches as you struggle to chew while he runs circles onto your aching slits.
“Open….” he whispers huskily. Your mouth falls open as you give him a questioning look.
“Jae..we can’t..”
Jaehyun smirks then leans into your ear again. “Open your legs or I’ll fuck you right here and show them how much of a slut you are..no one knows you’re not wearing underwear right now. Do you want them to find out?”
You gulp. Your eyes widen at Jaehyun’s sudden shift. He very rarely spoke dirty to you, but you had to admit you liked it. You are thankful to be sitting, your legs becoming weak as a growing and unignorable wetness starts to build below you.
You do as he says while moving down more so your lap is completely under the table.
He continues to tap your slit and move his harsh fingertips up and down slowly, teasingly.
“What are you..doing?” You ask through a shaky breath.
Jaehyun smiles. “I’m playing with my food.”
“Jaehyun..that isn’t fair..” Your stomach starts to feel uneasy. You can feel that need for release growing.
“I’m so hard right now..just thinking about slamming you down onto this table. Fucking you from behind while all these people watch. It’s been a while since I’ve been rough with you, hasn’t it?” He takes a deep breath. “I miss watching you cry when I choke you.”
You open your legs a little more and place your fork down. You shift in your seat slightly, grinding onto his fingers now to feel more, more friction, more of him, more of anything that will just get you to cum.
But he pulls his fingers away and places his hand on the table.
“Do you miss it, baby? You have to show me you deserve it.”
You pout. “Of course, I love it! Please..just touch me again.”
“At the dinner table? Oh naughty girl, that’s just not right. Who would do such a thing?” He winks then takes another bite of his food.
You curse quietly and shake your head, glancing away from his beautiful fingers that were bringing you to paradise just moments ago.
That night, you and Jaehyun went to see a movie on the beach. You cuddled up to each other and enjoyed your warmth. He would look over at your cute face every now and then and grin to himself. He knew he was lucky to have you.
But when you got back to the villa, Jaehyun didn’t pick up where he left off. No matter how much you begged.
“Please!! Jaehyun…I want you so badly.” You practically cling onto his arm as he changed into his night clothes.
“Hmmm I’d say we’ve been fucking a lot..almost too much on this trip.. can’t you last just one night without it?”  
You look up at him with big eyes as he brushes his teeth. “But you got me so wound up at dinner. Ugh!”
Jaehyun only laughs as he watches you through the bathroom mirror. You stomp off to the room and take your dress off.
“Why would you start something you’re not gonna finish?! Ughhh! You’re so unfair! I’m never sucking your dick again for this!”
Approaching you, Jaehyun laughs so hard he nearly chokes on his spit. “I love when you’re bratty.”
“Pleaseee Jae….” You crawl over him and onto the bed while begging one final time.
He suddenly brings you to his chest and holds you tight in a comfortable bear hug.
“Yes, just like this, baby..this is how I want us to be tonight..” He hums in your ear.
“I love you..”
Your heart rate speeds up as you rest on him. “I love you too….but I mean it when I say I’m never sucking your dick again.”
Jaehyun chuckles. “Sure..whatever you say, sweetheart.”
[Fifth Day in Bali]
The fourth day was filled with many more adventures with Jaehyun. You had your bratty moments but he would smirk and say that he liked it. Perhaps because he knew what he would do to you during your last night in Bali.
Tonight was your final night so you decided to go to a popular nightclub after having a romantic dinner on the beach.
You wore a black lingerie set Jaehyun had bought you. It had a gorgeous lace bra and garter belt with a lace thong accented by red beads attached. Once again, you felt beyond delicious and ready for Jaehyun. But unlike Valentine’s Day, you’d been together all day, there’s no way he’d be late for anything.
Your black leather dress was tight and accentuated your boobs while minimizing your waistline with a chain belt. The dress stopped a little higher than mid thigh but had straps which connected to your stocking heels.
If sexy was a person, you were sure you were it for the night.
You did your hair and makeup nicer than usual. You even wore Jaehyun’s favorite lipstick, a blush pink color that you wore with a lip liner so it would complement your skin color perfectly.
“Wow..” Jaehyun gasps when you walk out of the bedroom.
He was waiting for you on the couch. He stands up and walks over to you, a smile crossing his face before he licks his lips. “You know what? I’m not really feeling the club anymore..why don’t we just stay inside and..”
“Nope! We are not staying in on our last night! Let’s go!” You shimmy away from him and head for the door.
The club was large and lavish. Stunning women and men danced to bass boosted music while under the colorful stage lights. You and Jaehyun were still feeling the effects of the red wine you had at dinner. But you decided to have a few shots so you’d really be engaged and as carefree as the other club attendees.
Bodies swayed easily, bodies were on top of bodies as they grinded and made out.
They all looked so sexy, you wanted to feel what they felt, to be as they were with the ones you hoped they loved too.
Jaehyun wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. He slants over and kisses your ear. “You look amazing, my love.” His voice is raspy and low, the alcohol clearly having an affect on him.
The music is loud but you can still hear him. But more importantly, you can feel him. The way his arm holds you. The way his heart beats against your back. Your butt presses against his pelvis. You grind onto him along to the music. Your bodies move together as you blend into the crowd of other lustful dancers.
Jaehyun pants into the crook of your neck while your hand goes to his head and your fingers intertwine with his hair. He moans quietly as you massage his scalp and press onto his growing erection.
“Fuck baby, I love you.” He whispers again.
He grips your hip with one hand so the two of you stay in sync. His other hand snakes up your abdomen and to your chest. He cups your breast through your dress as you let out a quiet mewl.
Your butt moves in circles on his lap, making his head spin. He moves his hand from your breast and then to your neck. He squeezes gently. “Show me how badly you want it, sweetheart.”
You grind onto him harder. You’re both tipsy and everything seems a bit hazy. A machine releases smoke which makes the two of you even more dazed. All you feel is a longing for each other being boosted by the heavy bass.
Jaehyun is about to whisper again when he feels someone pull him away.
The person grabs his hand.
“Hey!” He calls out.
He’s too drunk to stop walking, they easily overpower him and ignore his calls.
You, on the other hand, feel his absence only for a brief moment before he is replaced by someone else.
You close your eyes and dance with the person, being too drunk to realize that they’re not Jaehyun.
Jaehyun is shoved into a wall, before someone places a hand on his chest.
“Well, hello, Jaehyun.” Reina says sneakily.
“What the f-“
Jaehyun is interrupted by a rough kiss. Reina holds his face in her hands, pulling him close so her chest rests against his.
Jaehyun doesn’t protest at first, instead he wraps his arms around her, pulling her onto him even more while overtaking her tongue with his.
You also enjoy intimacy with someone else. Their hands roaming across your body as your back presses into their broad chest.
“You’re beautiful.” The person leans down and whispers in your ear. His voice is low and sexy, sending butterflies through your entire body. In a drunken haze, you let out a laugh and close your eyes while grinding your butt onto him. It had to be Jaehyun, right? Only Jaehyun could feel this good.
But Jaehyun is making out in the corner with Reina. He spins around and pushes Reina into the wall, his lips still latched to hers. Reina moans quietly as she runs her hands up and down Jaehyun’s biceps.
She bites her lips when he pulls away to look at her, his forehead sweaty and his mouth open as staggered breaths leave it.
“You look great in this shirt, Jaehyun..” She unbuttons two more buttons to reveal his chest and runs her fingers down the bare skin slowly.
“Have you missed my touch?” She asks.
And that’s when Jaehyun shifts back to reality.
It wasn’t her touch that he missed, it was yours. Jaehyun wipes his mouth and looks at the red lipstick smudge on it in confusion.
“I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you here.” He growls out.
He begins to grow angry at himself for being so ‘easy.’ Reina caught up to him and now you were alone somewhere on the dance floor. You could see them together at any moment.
“Ahhhh..Jaehyun, baby, you know I couldn’t resist.” Reina smirks.
Jaehyun shakes his head and starts to walk away, but Reina tugs his hand. “Just touch me..daddy, feel how wet I am for you already.”
She tries to pull Jaehyun back onto her but he shakes his hand out of her grip.
“Reina..I am too upset for words right now. You have the audacity to show up at the same place me and my girlfriend are at just so you can lure me here. I may be drunk but I’m not stupid. I don’t want you.”
Reina’s smile turns to a frown quickly as she watches Jaehyun walk away from her. It feels bad to be let down after being wound up by his wild kiss, but it feels even worse to know that he wants you more than he wants her.
Meanwhile, the man behind you moves his hand from your waist to your hips. You swing slowly onto him to feel him.
He takes your movement as a sign to touch you more, placing his round lips onto your jawline and soon your neck. You place your hands behind you, throwing your head back as you arch into him. His touch feels amazing, sparks of electricity running across your skin as you dance to the intoxicating rhythm. Everything is blurry and all you can think about is the yearning in between your legs. The yearning that can only be satisfied by him, by J-
You hear a loud, hoarse voice over the music.
Your eyes snap open as you are taken out of your trance. You turn around to see Jaehyun looking angrily at the man you were dancing with.
“Shit. Jae—I’m so sorry. I-I thought..”
He turns to you, steam practically escaping his ears. You shudder from the look on his face.
“Y/n..what the fuck!”
The dark-haired man chuckles. “Hey, we were just having fun..”
He turns back to the man. “Hey dickhead, can’t you see she’s taken?! Fuck off!”
Jaehyun got so upset so fast, you didn’t understand. Was it the alcohol that made him this angry?
“Jaehyun!” You try to pull him away as the man steps closer to him, but Jaehyun doesn’t budge.
“Like I said..we were just having fun..but I can see why she wanted to get away from you.” The man snickers as Jaehyun’s head looks as if it’s about to blow.
Jaehyun’s eyes widen. “This fucking asshole..”
“Hey! That’s not true!” You put your hand up to the man. “Just leave us alone.”
“Pretty boy started this…I want to see what he’s all about.” He crosses his arms.
Jaehyun balls his hands into fists. You turn back to him and place yourself in between them. “Jaehyun..don’t do this, let’s go home. The last thing we want is for you to be arrested in a foreign country. It’s not worth it.” You place your hand on his.
Jaehyun huffs and turns away from you, speeding to the door. You struggle to push through the crowd to follow him out.
“Jaehyun..baby, wait.” You finally caught up to him outside, but he held his head down and stared at the ground.
“I’m so sorry, I was drunk, I’m still a little drunk, I didn’t..I swear I didn’t know you weren’t behind me.” You beg while panting.
Jaehyun purses his lips. “I don’t want to talk about it..” He raises his hand and calls for a taxi.
He opens the door for you. “Get in.”
You hurry inside the taxi and fix your dress. Jaehyun joins you and closes the door. He shows the driver the address, but then the two of you sit in silence.
You stare at the side of his face, waiting for him to turn to you and see your face of regret and eyes filled with tears. His jaw is clenched, his eyes are focused on the dark road and street lights outside.
About 10 minutes later, you finally break the silence. You place your hand on his thigh. “Jaehyun, I would never cheat on you, you know that..I love you, and I’m so sorry.”
But he still stared out the window. “How could you not feel the difference, y/n?”
“I-I don’t know, I was drunk. Please, believe me.”
“I don’t know..maybe you just wanted someone else, someone other than me? Is that it?”
“Jaehyun, no, that’s not true at all..I just-“
“Then why did you dance with him?! I’m your boyfriend right?” Jaehyun finally turns to you, his voice rising as the two of you sit in the backseat of the taxi.
“Yes! You are! And I love you so much, please believe me.” A tear runs down your cheek.
Things went south so fast. One moment you were dancing together, the next you were arguing and on the brink of a breakup. But you couldn’t understand why Jaehyun would’ve been this upset. A part of you felt it was unnecessary given the fact that you were inebriated at the time.
Jaehyun turns to the window as you approach your villa after a long and tense ride.
You can’t help but wonder why Jaehyun had let go of you in the first place.
“Where were you, Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened slightly. He was thankful that you hadn’t seen him with Reina, but how could he explain his absence?
“What?” He turns to you.
“Where were you? Why did you leave me alone on that crowded dance floor?”
“Are you seriously trying to turn this on me right now?” His eyes narrow and you never felt so small. But you remained firm, your concern was valid after all.
“I’m just asking-“
“No, dont..you’re just trying to come up with an excuse for your…slutting around..”
“What? ‘Slutting around’?”
“I went to the bathroom and I came back to you dancing with another man.”
“Jaehyun, I’m not stupid, you were gone for longer than a bathroom break.”
He rubs his temple. “The place was crowded as fuck, y/n! It was difficult to get to you! Wait, you know what, I’m not doing this. You’re making me feel like the bad guy.” He slams the door and heads inside.
You thank the driver before leaving through the other door.
“How am I making you feel like the bad guy when you’re the one that left me in the middle of a nightclub in a country that neither of us are familiar with?!”
Jaehyun takes his shoes off and places them on the floor.
“I drank too, y/n, and I messed up by leaving you. But you know what? At least, I don’t become a fucking slut like you when I’m drunk.”
You scoff. “Wow..Jaehyun, just wow.”
You drop your purse and kick off your heels before rushing into the bathroom to cry.
Jaehyun breaks at the sound of you crying in the bathroom. He sighs and closes his eyes. “Shit.”
You sob uncontrollably while sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
Jaehyun knocks on the locked door. “Hey…listen..I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
Jaehyun knew his outburst had more to do with Reina than it did with you. He was upset that she actually showed up, he was upset that your relationship was at risk because she was there. Things weren’t going as planned, and he didn’t like that.
But unfortunately, he couldn’t control his anger and took it out on you instead.
“Y/n..baby..I know you made a mistake, okay? I’m sorry, I just got upset.”
You sniffle and wipe your eyes.
“Talk to me, please?” Jaehyun leans on the wall beside the door. “I don’t like hearing you cry, baby..”
You roll your eyes and think of how ironic all of this was. One moment he was calling you a slut, the next moment he was begging for forgiveness like you were.
You wash your face and breathe heavily into the towel.
“Y/n…don’t go to sleep angry at me, you know I don’t like when you go to sleep after we argue,” He says.
A moment later you open the door and brush past him while looking at the floor.
He takes your hand and brings you back to him, pressing you into the wall while towering over you.
“Look at me. We’re both upset, right? Let’s just forget about everything…it’s just me and you right now..no more crowded clubs, no more weird guys. I don’t want to regret this vacation, I just want to be with you, okay?”
You look up at him slowly. His eyes are brimming with tears as well. He’s so handsome as a strand of his dark hair hangs in his forehead, his lips are pouted. His cologne fills your nose, he smells so good, you just want to rest on his chest and breathe him in.
You place your lips onto his. He steps forward, making your head fall back into the wall. He takes your head in his hands and presses onto your lips harder.
Your tongue crosses over his bottom lip slowly, teasingly while he turns his head.
Jaehyun then grips your chin in his hand and kisses your lips harder. His kiss is filled with fury, anger, longing. He bites your bottom lip as your eyes close and your back leans even more. When he pulls away to breathe, he looks at you through low eyes while still holding your chin.
His gaze sends chills through your body. It’s a dark gaze that you can’t read. He looks as if he wants to destroy you, make you remember why you’re his.
You breathe heavily, your chest rising and falling as you stare at his lips, wishing they were back on yours.
But instead he rubs his thumb along your bottom lip.
“You love me…right?” He tilts his head, his eyes still narrowing in on your open mouth.
“Of course I do, Jaehyun.” You say breathily.
“Show me then…” he steps back while taking his belt off.
PART 3.1 | PART 3.2 | PART 3.3
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madams-fics · 4 years
Fuselage returns
MONDAY guys!
Get hyped.
I feel like I should share something with you.
Ohhh. Ohohoho. 
I know
Grinding, finger sucking, hand job, anal play, public place, dirty talk, cheating implied, unedited, editing cues included (any other warnings needed let me know) below cut
“Fuck.” Katsuki resorted back to Japanese, voice echoing in the empty diner restroom. “These bathrooms are huge!”
Eijirou laughed, his hand slapping against his hip, reflected five times in the mirrors lined up against the opposite wall. “Everything in America is… larger.”
“Hmm.” Katsuki hummed, poking a finger through the gap in the stall door. “Why are the spaces here so wide?” His face crinkled further in disdain.
“Oh my God.” Eijirou switched back to English, banging a door open with one hand, responding to his buzzing phone with the other, “just take a fucking piss, Kat.”
“Excuse me?” Katsuki whipped around, eyes sharp and narrow as he stalked towards Eijirou.
Immediately Eijirou pocketed his phone, hands up. “I-I mean… I-” He swallowed, face flushed as he retreated. “Kat, pl-please.”
“Please?” Katsuki sneered, smile kicked up as Eiijirou cowered further into the stall. “Please, what, Kirishima?”
“C’mon man.” Eijirou swallowed hard as the stall door slammed shut.
The lock clicked into place.
“You know.” Katsuki towered over Eijirou, leaning into his space, fingers carding through black faded hair, pinching red tips. “I miss the red.” Fist clasped, tugged.
Eijirou's eyes fluttered closed, Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped before he suddenly remembered what he was doing with who and bolted up. Too close. Chests rubbed, faces skimmed. Katsuki laughed at Eijirou’s crazy blush as he turned to the stall door, hands over his face.
“Please, Kat.” His voice was quiet, a whisper. “God please don’t tease me.” He swallowed hard.
“I like your American voice.” Katsuki turned to the massive back now facing him. Hiding.
Katsuki tsked as he reached towards Eijirou. Always hiding now, running away. He stepped forward. “Say something else.”
“I-I-” Eijirou gasped as Katsuki’s hand slipped under his t-shirt, trailed up his spine to reveal skin to the cool bathroom air. “Kat- I can’t-”
“Say something, Kirishima.” Katsuki demanded, planting his lips gently on Eijirou’s back.
First on one mole, then another.
“Say,” Katsuki licked a trail, delicate, just the tip of his tongue, between freckles, “something.” He demanded as Eijirou shuddered, hands grasped on the edges of the stall door, back arching into Katsuki’s mouth.
“I-” His head ducked, hair falling down around his face. “I want more.”
Katsuki pulled back, flushed. “No.” He tsked. “No. Say it in English.” Hands trailed around to fall over clenching abs and skin rolls.
Fingertips dipped over hair and obliques.
“Touch me, Katsuki.” Eijirou rocked back against him, grinding, gaze craned over his shoulder in time to see Katsuki clench his jaw, for his grip to tighten on Eijirou’s hips.
“Fuck, Kirishima.” Katsuki hissed, grinned up through pale lashes. “You sure?” The smile faded. “We’re in a bathroom.” Despite his words his fingers trickled along Eijirou’s waistband. “Pony is still waiting for us in the booth.” His tongue laved and teeth scraped at skin as he pulled Eijirou back against his growing erection. “It’s a public space.” Hands dipped below the jeans button. “It’s your first time-”
“We’ve done this before.” Eijirou argued, hands falling down to grabbed Katsuki’s ass, pressing him closer. “And I don’t care.”
“Fuck.” Katsuki shuddered as Eijirou pressed into him, against him. “Fuck, fuck. Fuck.”
Hands struggled to unbutton jeans, hungrily pulled down the tight fabric. Eijirou helped with his boxers.
“God damn.” Katsuki groaned, calloused hands hungrily devouring silky soft skin. “Fuck I want you in my mouth.”
“W-what…” Eijirou jumped, hands moving to cover himself.
“If you dare.” Katsuki growled, wrapping his hand around Eijirou’s erection, “I swear to God I’ll fuck you raw right fucking here.”
“Y-you wouldn’t…” 
But Eijirou wasn’t sure and Katsuki banked on that as he thumbed over the head of Eijirou's penis, using precum to lubricate his hand. Slow strokes made Eijirou flush violently, breath shuddering as he looked away from the hand pumping him leisurely.
“God you’re so good, Kirishima.” Katsuki praised as Eijirou bucked into Katsuki’s hand in time. “Are you okay trying something new, baby?”
Eijirou blushed, ducked his head, moved his arms to brace himself against the stall. "Like this isn't new." Eijirou laughed, breathy. "Y-you never touched me bef-Fuck!" He gasped, licked his lips. "Before."
Still he nodded.
“So fucking sexy.” Katsuki grinned, moving his free hand up to Eijirou’s mouth, “Suck on my fingers, Kirishima. C’mon baby. Please. Fuck, please. You’ve got me so fucking hard.”
Hesitantly Eijirou opened his mouth.
“Good.” Katsuki poked a finger in Eijirou’s mouth, “Lick my fingers, get me as wet as possible.”
Eijirou glanced back for a second, then sucked. Katsuki hissed, bucked- his hand jerking Eijirou off stilled.
“Fuck.” Katsuki blinked, dazed. “Shit.”
It was all Eijirou needed to start rolling his tongue over Katsuki’s fingers. In turn Katsuki doubled his efforts to jerk Eijirou off.
“So fucking hot.” Katsuki huffed. “Fuck I wanna be balls deep in you right now.”
Eijirou moaned, the sound echoing off the walls. Katsuki chuckled low as Eijirou stopped everything, mortified.
“That was the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard.” Katsuki whispered. “But unless you want someone to find us, keep it down, Kirishima.”
“C-can’t help it.” Eijirou groaned as Katsuki twisted his palm.
“You’re so slick.” Katsuki teased. “Now, spread your legs sweetheart. I’m going to show you something new.”
“N-new?” Eijirou obeyed anyway, feet widening as much as his jeans would allow him.
“Good job.” Katsuki praised. “Fuck you’re so sexy.” His hand stroked along Eijirou’s back in praise. “It’s going to burn a little. Relax the best you can, okay?”
“R-r-” Eijirou tensed immediately. “Wait, Kat. No.”
“I said relax.” Katsuki tightened his grip on Eijirou’s dick, pumping hard once. Twice.
Eijirou groaned through his bit lip, melting down further than before.
“Fuck, Kirishima.” Katsuki lined his finger up. “What I wouldn’t give to be plowing you right now.” He circled Eijirou, paying attention to the way the larger man twisted his head, the way his back muscles were twitching, the way he panted. “Does it hurt, are you okay?”
“It-It feels… weird?” Eijirou shuddered as Katsuki pushed his finger deeper. “Burns.” Eijirou gasped.
“I know baby.” Katsuki kissed along Eijirou’s back where he could reach, ignoring the pain in his wrist from the awkward position as he stretched Eijirou out. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry it burns.”
“I… I feel weird.” Eijirou moaned. “Like I- I wanna cum but I can’t?” He moaned. “Fuck-”
“You gunna cry?” Katsuki pulled back, pushing his finger in further, ignoring the pulsing of his own erection.
“I’m just so-” Eijirou thrust into Katsuki’s palm. “So frustrated?”
“I know.” Katsuki stopped. “We can…” He bit his lip.
What the fuck am I doing? Eijirou’s phone buzzed beside Katsuki’s thigh from a crumpled pocket. What the fuck am I doing?!
“Fuck. Kirishima.” Slowly, painfully slow, he pulled his finger out groaning from the loss of Eijirou around him. “I-”
A whimper from his partner stopped his apology.
“Did…” Katsuki had to bury his face in Eijirou, just above his tailbone. “Did you just whine for me?”
[minutes later in the diner]
"I can't believe you offered to pay for this." Pony hissed, not unkind but obviously stressed. "We don't have the money!" Something sharp slaps the counter-top.
"Stop!" Eijirou growled, louder. "He's my friend. He traveled all the way over here-"
"Funny." Booth plastic squeaks but Katsuki dares not look. "You never mentioned a friend visiting. You never mentioned anyone you were close to." Something metal clinks.
Silverware? Still Katsuki stays hidden.
"I told you-" Eijirou sounds strained. "I didn't know Tetsu would be bringing anyone with him." A heavy sigh. "Why Kat, of all people-"
"What's that mean?" Pony's voice sharpens.
"They-" Eijirou's voice goes deep. [Suspicious, jealous - later takes it out on Katsuki]
Katsuki laments not finishing himself off in the bathroom as his eyes close, as molten heat runs through his core as Kirishima’s deep laugh reverberates maliciously through the small space.
"They do not get along." A heavy pause. "Or, they didn't." Pony scoffs. "I wonder… if-"
Katsuki rounds the corner, pushing a hand through his hair to see Eijirou half off his seat. Pony glares, blinking rapidly, her frown morphing to the masked smile.
"Sorry for being so long." Katsuki slides in beside Pony, ignoring Kirishima's violently widened eyes. "I'll pay for dinner." Katsuki sits back, throwing his arm over the back of the booth. "The gaps in the stall here-"
"Yes." Pony snapped from behind her thinning grin. "Yes," she amended, softer. "Eiji told me. You freaked out." A genuine giggle escaped her. "Oh!" Wide worried eyes accompanied a sweet blush dusting cheeks. "I-I'm not laughing at you."
"It's fine." Katsuki leaned forward.
My finger was in your boyfriend's asshole, bitch. His eyes moved to Kirishima, eating the red covering ear tips. Katsuki licked his lips. Laugh at me all you want.
"Culture shock has me a little disoriented." Katsuki leaned away again. "Anyway, after fixing that…" He frowned, looking at his hands, realizing he was playing with his pinky. "That… kuso!" Red eyes rose to a bewildered Kirishima. Katsuki wiggled his pinky, blushing pretty. "Hikoki?"
Kirishima choked, looking away. "Airplane, Kat. Fucking Christ."
"Ah, yeah." Katsuki lowered his hand. "Airplane. I got the meal."
"O-oh…" Pony frowned. "But you're-"
"It's okay." Kirishima interrupted, still looking out to the restaurant, red as the tips of his hair. "Let him. He's got the money, trust me."
"Did something…?"
"Inside joke." Katsuki smirked, falling back in the booth. "Don't worry about it too much."
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velveteencurtains · 4 years
folklore first impressions!
the 1 — don’t hate me for this but. HAYLOR RIGHTS. anyway so so fucking CUTE i’m gonna cry. “the greatest loves are over now” WAHHH IM GONNA CRY
cardigan — taylor if i ever meet you i’m getting you to write “stars around my scars” for a tattoo. watched the music video before i listened to the full album and i’m so glad i did. cinematic masterpiece. this song is so fucking good you guys holy shit. just the sentiment of the lyric “when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite”. anyway YOU DREW STARS AROUND MY SCARS BUT NOW I’M BLEEDING. guys. TYE PETER PAN REFERENCE IM. WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG THEY ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHINNG GNGNGNNG.
the last great american dynasty — WHO IS REBEKAH. these lyrics are so good holy shit. DID SHE JUST USE GAUCHE IN THIS SONG????? the layered harmonies on the chorus oh my god. “THERE GOES THE MADDEST WOMAN THIS TOWN HAS EVER SEEN” okay i havent listened to mad woman yet but if this is a parallel i’ll die. DID SHE JUST SAY BITCH??? i’m putting “she had a marvelous time ruining everything” on my gravestone. taylor please give us a music video. please. please. STOP HER VOCALS ON “I HAD A MARVELOUS TIME RUINING EVERYTHING”
exile — okay confession time i’ve never heard a bon iver song before and i thought he was a woman so his voice actually scared me. “you’re not my homeland anymore, so what am i defending now?” REAL SHIT???????? wait wait WAIT “I hit the Sunday matinée/You know the greatest films of all time were never made” and “I think I’ve seen this film before” IS THAT A PARALLEL???? the duet section “you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs” Taylor I’m crying and it’s your fault. NOT “we always walked a very thin line” THE PARALLEL TO HAUNTED I’M CRYINGG
my tears ricochet — okay I already posted about how this is gonna kill me the title the fact it’s track 5 the fact it’s self written i’m ready. HER VOCALS AT THE BEGINNING. “IF I’M ON FIRE YOU’LL BE MADE OF ASHES TOO” REAL FUCKING SHIT TAYLOR???????? “IF I’M DEAD TO YOU WHY ARE YOU AT THE WAKE” IM CONVULSING MY HEART IS LITERALLY RACING ARE YOU SHITTING ME “YOU KNOW I DIDNT WANT TO HAVE TO HAUNT YOU, BUT WHAT A GHOSTLY SCENE” the way i’m literally losing my mind right now. this is the best song i’ve ever heard. real shit. real fucking shit. “and I can go anywhere I want, just not home” IM FUCKING FERAL TAYLOR. THE VOCALS IN THE BRIDGEEEEEEE. this is her best track 5 I dont care. “Written by: Taylor Swift” THE POWER THAT HOLDS
mirrorball — when i first saw this name i thought of the fushigi not gonna lie. NOT THE ECHOEY VOCALS PLEASE. “i can change everything about me just to fit in” oh wow. oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow. i’m crying right now. someone much more eloquent than i will write a thinkpiece about this and put it excellently but the notion of never showing your true self ‪and constantly changing to fit in and being a reflection of what other people want you to be....no i’m not okay‬
seven — oh shit we get right into this whatttttt okay. the vocals, I’ve already said i’m dead like 100 times in this but who cares i’m DEAD. no one is gonna get this but this song reminds me of spring awakening the musical. like seriously this is ilse singing to moritz. if you don’t know what that means go listen to the musical and then you will. the outro is so gorgeous oh my god
august — am i stupid or does this song remind me of danny and sandy from grease. like this is from sandy’s perspective. ignore me i will make connections to musical theatre even if it isn’t there. SO MUCH FOR SUMMER LOVE BABEYYYYY. HER VOCALS ON “YOU WERENT MINE TO LOSE” ARE YOU JOKING???? for the hope of it all. this is fifteen’s older sister don’t @ me. STOP WHEN IT GETS QUIET AND THEN THE MUSIC COMES BACK YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT MY EYES JUST BULGED OUT OF MY HEAD. yeah okay I’ll talk a lot about her lyricism in this but this song really made me wanna appreciate the instrumentals?? holy shit they’re so good. insanely good. what the hell taylor. oh my god
this is me trying — once again a round of applause to the instrumentals this intro is sick!! this feels like the last time’s optimistic sister. i hate it when people say that but like...it’s true. “so i got wasted, like all my potential” oh my GODDDDDDD. the vocals on “at least i’m trying” exCUSE ME?? okay going back to the grease thing this is danny’s perspective. period. jack antonoff and taylor swift is a duo that will go down in history.
illicit affairs — i have no words. no words. my favorite song on the album. holy shit. holy SHIT
invisible string — what’s so interesting about these songs is that they’re so intricate and complex and tell their own little stories that i barely wanna do this bc i don’t wanna focus on anything else than listening to the lyrics and making little music videos in my head. taylor has always been amazing at storytelling but this is next level. “a string that pulled me out of the wrong arms into that dive bar” with “dive bar on the east side where you at?” And “one single thread of gold tied me to you” with “deep blue, but you painted me golden”. wow. WOW. her little vocalizations at the end. i love her. so much
mad woman — THE SONG I WAS MOST EXCITED ABOUT WHEN I SAW THE TRACKLIST. DID SHE JUST SAW FUCK TAYLOR JUST SAID FUCK. taylor please give us a music video set in witch trial salem PLEASEEEE I HAVE ONE (1) REQUEST. “it’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII my heart is pounding so hard right now. what a TUNE WHAT A TUNE TAYLOR SWIFT DID THAT
epiphany — she sounds like an angel. yes i’m crying. is it stupid to say this makes me think of like a medic on the frontlines dealing with the traumas of war? probably. this is so gorgeous. the drums at the end that feel like a heartbeat. wow. wow. wow.
betty — TAYLOR SAID FUCK AGAIN i need to stop she’s a grown woman i can’t freak out when she curses. taylor make a music video for this but make the love interests two girls pls. nevermind just heard the james lyric. the key change?????? yeah i showed up at your party!!!!! will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?? STANDING IN YOUR CARDIGAN. william bowery whoever you may be (👀👀👀) thank you for this and god bless taylor swift
peace — so simple. so beautiful. yes i’m still crying. i love this song so much. wowowow
hoax — yeah the latter half of the album is just pure tears for me. “don’t want no other shade of blue but you?” Jesus Christ. Oh my god. “you knew the hero died, so what’s the movie for?” wow. wow. thank you Taylor. i love you so much
overall: yeah judging by the tears down my face it’s pretty aight. kidding this is a full blown masterpiece. literally album of the year. decade. millenium. my only critique is that there isn’t music videos for every song. everything is so intricate and poetic yet the entire album is so sonically cohesive and fluid i’m literally in awe. illicit affairs left me SPEECHLESS. holy fuck. i need a minute.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
More of You to Love
Fandom: Marvel (Mechanic AU/Model AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
As requested by anonymous:  YAY! OPEN REQUESTS ! Could you do a chubby!Bucky where his girlfriend is like a model and she introduces him to her male model friends and when Bucky goes to the bathroom or something, her friend asks her Why him? and how she deserves so much better (angsty pls with fluff in the end 💓
Warning: some fat shaming ahead...
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Bucky always woke up early in the morning. It was a hard habit for him to break ever since he left the army. So it was no surprise for you to see him up and dressed for the day in your kitchen, munching on waffles with a side of fruit, 
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, your hands resting on his rounded stomach as you leaned in and pecked his cheek, “Morning handsome.”
He smiled wild, mouth full of waffles. He looked like an adorable chipmunk, “Mo’nin!” he quickly swallowed his food and repeated, “Morning, sweet cheeks!”
You grabbed the plate that Bucky had set aside for you and joined him at the table, “You workin’ today?”
He shook his head, “Nope. I’m off. Steve has Thor and Scott for back up. So the shop should be fine without me.”
You nodded as you bit into a berry, “Well I have a shoot today. Wanna tag along?”
He smirked as he leaned in asking, “Is it for playboy?”
You rolled your eyes and threw a blueberry at him, which he caught in his mouth, “No, you perv. It’s just for Nat’s fashion company. So I’ll be modeling some of her new Spring line.”
He shrugged, “Sure. We can spend the rest of the day in the city together afterwards.”
“Sounds like a date!” you moved towards him, leaning in and meeting his lips halfway, “Love you, big guy.”
“Love you too, sweet cheeks.”
Bucky’s arm was around your shoulder as you both walked into the studio for the photoshoot. There was a crash and a loud burst of cursing in English and Russian. 
You and Bucky both stopped and looked at each other, then giggled. You continued your way further into the studio to see Nat picking up set pieces. 
“It’s not even noon yet and you’re already throwing a tantrum?” you asked playfully.
She shot up and glared at you, “The set isn’t agreeing with me!” she saw Bucky next to you and nodded towards him, “Hey, Barnes.”
He nodded back, “Hey, Nat.”
Nat sighed, blowing a strand of her firey red hair out of her face, “The rest of the group are dressing up. Barnes, wanna help me fix the set while Y/N dresses up.”
Bucky shrugged, “Sure,” and kissed your head before helping Nat.
As you entered the makeshift women’s dressing room, you squealed to see Brunnhilde, Shuri, and Wanda there as well, “I haven’t seen you guys in forever!!” You hugged each of them individually, “How are you?!”
“We’re all good!” Shuri said with a smile, “I’ve made a lot of progress with my own Wakandan line. Brunnhilde said she walked fashion week and Wanda, well...”
You looked to Wanda and she held up her left hand, a yellow diamond on her ring finger, “I’M ENGAGED!” she squealed.
You hugged her again, “I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!” You pulled away and moved towards the clothes rack that had your name labelled on it. You dressed in the outfit that was numbered 1 and continued to converse with the girls as you got ready.
When the four of you walked onto set, 1) it didn’t look like a disaster anymore and 2) four other guys were waiting for you all. All of which you knew: Peter Quill, Loki Odinson, Grant Ward, and Brock Rumlow. The first two were guys you’ve hung out with before. The other two...well...
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here.” You refrained from scrunching your face up in disgust as Grant and Brock approached you.
Grant wrapped an arm around you, “How are you, beautiful?”
You immediately slapped his arm off you, “Fine. Ward.”
Brock leaned into you, “Kitty got her claws out today, huh?” 
You pushed him back, “Ever heard of personal space? Or do you not think with your brain anymore?” you glared at him.
Bucky slipped an arm around you, glaring at the two men, “Everything okay here?”
You leaned into his touch, “Babe, this is Loki and Peter. Friends of mine. And these two pricks are Grant and Brock.”
Grant and Brock not so subtly looked Bucky up and down, “You’re dating Y/N?”
Bucky clenched his jaw, “Yeah. And?”
Brock shrugged, “Nothin’,” but his face definitely looked like he wanted to say something.
You ignored them and turned to Bucky, “What’s up?”
His eyes softened, “Just wanted to let you know I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Don’t want you wonderin’ where I went to.”
You nodded, “Okay,” and you kissed his lips, “There’s also a snack table over there in case you get hungry. I don’t know how long this’ll take.”
“Got it,” he said with a smile.
“Leave some for us though, alright, big guy!” Grant hollered with a smirk you just wanted to punch off his face.
Bucky walked away, his shoulders sagging and tense. You immediately turned to the two pricks you, unfortunately, had to work with today, “What the Hell was that?!”
Brock snickered, “Y/N, you can’t honestly be dating a guy like him!”
“What’s wrong with Bucky?” you asked defensively.
Grant chuckled, “Don’t play dumb, sweetheart. You seriously can’t be dating a chubby fuck like him, can you? Why’re you with him? It’s clearly not the looks. What? Is he your sugar daddy or something?” he and Brock began to snicker like insolent children.
Peter shook his head, “Dude, that’s not cool.”
Brocked rolled his eyes, “C’mon, Quill. You and Odinson are thinking the same thing! How does someone as beautiful and sexy as Y/N get with the guy who looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy? Honestly, sweetheart, you deserve so much better.”
You stood there seething. Your jaw was clenched, fists balled up tight, and you looked like you were ready to explode. Shuri, Wanda, and Brunnhilde, aware of how protective you were of Bucky, stood back while the entire interaction took place. Peter and Loki took note of this and stepped back, not wanting to be in your line of fire.
“Bucky is 100 times the man you two will ever be! Sure, he doesn’t look like an adonis, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find him attractive! He’s sweet and funny and he loves me! And I love him! I’m not shallow pricks like you two are! I care about what’s on the inside! Not the outside!”
You felt an arm wrap around your hip again, “Everything okay?” Bucky asked concerningly. 
You relaxed in his hold, “Yeah. Just putting these two assholes in their place.” You dragged Bucky away, towards the snack table. You needed some comfort food after your outburst.
You began to pick up some fruit and set it into your bowl, “Did you hear any of that?” you mumbled.
Bucky just stood there and nodded, “Yeah. I mean...they’re not wrong.”
You set your bowl down and turned to Bucky, “Buck-”
“Every day when I wake up and I see you, a goddess, sleeping beside me, I always ask ‘How did I manage to win the heart of someone as beautiful as her?’ ‘Cause I don’t deserve you. You’re a model and...I’m just some...dough boy mechanic.”
You cupped Bucky’s face in your hands, “More for me to love. And they’re wrong. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are, inside and out, Bucky. Yes, you don’t look like them, but that’s what I love about you. Who needs a hard chest to lay on when I got my own personal pillow?” you nuzzle your face into his neck, “I love you, Bucky Barnes. No matter how you look.”
You hear someone clear their throat and you step back to see Natasha, “Not that I love that whole outburst, but we got a shoot to do.”
You cleared your throat and nodded, “Right. Be right there, Nat.” She gave you a curt nod and went back to set. You linked your fingers with Bucky, “I’m always gonna fight for you, Bucky. For us.” with another kiss you went back to set. 
Bucky let out a deep sigh, a small smile on his face. Ever since Bucky’s put on weight, his self-esteem hasn’t been the best. But he’s just happy that you’re there to help him through it. 
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so-langdon · 5 years
Cracks - Duncan Shepherd x Fem! Reader
Summary: After finding out the news of being adopted, Duncan goes to Y/N for comfort.
Warnings: Third person POV, fluff, angst, sad! Duncan, some swearing
A/N: I’ve never been interested in watching House of Cards, but I just watched season six, purely for Duncan, and even then I skimmed through and only watched the Duncan scenes loll. So if anything seems off from the actual story, pls forgive
Also will post the next chapter of Innocence Meets Corruption sometime next week hopefully!! :))
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“You know, she told me to ask you something,” Duncan spoke towards his mother. “She told me to ask you where I came from,” he adds, an expression of hesitation and potential betrayal registering on his face.
The look on Annette’s face was all it took for Duncan to realize the reality. The confirmation of what Claire's questions meant when telling Duncan to ask Annette of where he came from; asking him of the first memory he had of his mother. 
He knew now. Especially as Annette stalked back down the hall into the other room, demanding Seth to put out the headline of Claire's abortion of sixteen weeks, completely ignoring Duncan’s questioning.
Duncan was as put together as he looked. He was confident, composed and self-assured. He was handsome, intelligent, smooth and charismatic. He knew how to do his job and he knew how to do it well. He knew all of this about himself. He might come off as arrogant to some, but he was just self-aware, humbly enlightened of his wealth, power and position.
But one seemingly little mistake, and it was desolation for him and his so called family.
Just before questioning Annette of where he came from, his “uncle” Bill was throwing a tantrum of sorts. Duncan was being insulted, not just of his intelligence and choices, but whole being it seemed. It wasn’t like Duncan to get caught up in the emotions. But he couldn’t help that his uncle’s prior words of saying, “This towel is smarter than you,” “Seth is smarter than you,” “The sweat on my brow is smarter than you, Duncan,” seemed to hurt him in a way that normally wouldn’t have.
And now to add to that was his family was not even his actual family. Not really, not anymore, it seemed.
It was taking a difficult toll on him. His “uncle’s” words, plus finding out this family secret within such a short about of time was upsetting him more than he liked to admit. He wasn’t sure how to handle or react to any of it.
The only thing that came to mind regarding all this was he wanted to talk to a friend of his. Sort of a friend. The only person he could think of wanting to confide to that could be of any help or comfort was Y/N. 
He’d met her a few years ago when out with a mutual group of friends for the evening. The friend group had planned on going out for a good time, wanting to get some drinks, relax and have fun. Y/N shared the same friends Duncan had, though the two had never personally met before until then.
Once out that night with their group of mutual friends and meeting each other, they hadn’t exactly clicked as everyone might have hoped. Duncan and Y/N were sarcastic and feisty towards each other, firing comebacks constantly back and forth, seeming to argue on everything: Which restaurant to attend, which bars to hop, what round of shots to order. 
Their bickering was endless, but it somehow worked. Their constant back and forth was amusing, obvious teasing, though you’d never catch them sitting side by side or having just a friendly chat. Not when there was always something for them to argue about. You could say they were “frenemies,” having a love/hate relationship.
Nonetheless, no matter the amount they argued, there were times they could be civil and tolerate each other. Duncan also knew how kind and compassionate Y/N was. And this is what made him want to reach out to her in this distressing time of his life.
Taking a drive over to Y/N’s apartment once Duncan left the presence of his “mother” and “uncle”, he realized an impatience growing in him. He hurried, wanting to arrive to her doorstep as soon as he could, wanting to speak with her quickly. He felt himself deteriorating mentally over all that had happened to him within the last few hours and felt Y/N was his only outlet. 
Duncan found himself knocking on her door quite frantically as he arrived, recognizing he needed to try and contain his composure before being greeted by the girl. He didn’t need to hear any teasing or bickering about his desperate knocking. Any teasing for that matter was the last thing he needed at this moment. But it was a risk he was willing for to see Y/N.
Duncan held his breath when hearing the locks of the door being unlocked. Whatever breath he held escaped his body when she answered the door. Though she narrowed her eyes at his presence, obviously confused, he couldn’t help but find her so gorgeous where she stood. Wearing a black over-sized band tee and black leggings, she looked adorably comfy and alluring all at once. It wasn’t unusual that he found himself drawn and attracted to her, but he always had to keep himself contained considering the type of relationship they had.
“Duncan Shepherd,” she spoke, almost sarcastically. “To what do I owe this,” she looked him up and down. “Pleasure?”
It’s caught her off guard with seeing Duncan, standing with his obvious fit and tall frame, broad shoulders, and brunette hair pushed back in a way that always had her trying not to stare for too long. She usually liked a clean shaven face, but the stubble on Duncan’s face always had her stomach flipping, and she dreaded the day he would shave it off, if ever. The way he carried himself, with such a dominant confidence, she often found herself trying not to blush over his handsome looks. Not to mention his gorgeous blue piercing eyes that always took her breath away.
“Thought we could have a bit of a chat,” Duncan spoke collectedly. “A chat, really,” she starts, not believing him. He stared back at her casually.  “I know you better than that,” she crosses her arms. “I know there has to be some ulterior motive.” Duncan shakes his head nonchalantly.  “What is it? Need extra people to attend some charity ball your family is holding? Or need more support for a Shepherd’s Foundation project? Because if so, I’m not interes--” “No, no, it’s nothing like that,” Duncan waves off. “I, I know this is.. out of the ordinary, but I thought we could.. hang out?” Duncan says laid-back. Y/N narrows her eyes. “Hang out,” she repeats confused. Duncan nodded. “Uh.. Are you sure there isn’t some other reason?” “Why? Is it so hard to believe I’d want to hang out with you?” Duncan asks questioningly. She laughs a bit, “You’re kidding, right? You know how we are with each other.” Duncan doesn’t say anything. “Uhm,” she looks behind her as if she were to be looking at someone. “Am I interrupting anything,” Duncan asks, pushing sudden disappointment and even slight jealousy down his throat. Looking back at Duncan, she shakes her head. “No, no. I was just, um,” she pauses. She sighs. “Okay. Don’t laugh, but.. I was watching Twilight,” she drops her arms. “Twilight,” Duncan actually laughs genuinely. “It’s my guilty pleasure, alright,” she defends. “I always liked the movies when I was younger. Everyone hated on it to just be ‘cool,’ and I don’t know, the story isn’t that bad.” Duncan raises his eyes like he’s calling bullshit. “Shut up,” she glares. “I said don’t judge me.” “I would never,” Duncan says teasingly. “Whatever,” she waves him off. “You want to come in then, or not?” She stands back, gesturing inside for him. Duncan gladly steps in, Y/N closing the door behind as he enters.  “I’ll turn the movie off now, for your sake. But I hope you realize you’re cutting into my ‘me time.’ So you owe me,” she points, walking off into her living room and turning the movie off. “I’m so flattered,” Duncan retorts sarcastically as he follows her. “You should be. Of all the people to show to my doorstep, and it’s you,” she adds, shaking her head as she walks again towards her kitchen. “Oh come on, Y/N. You know you like me,” Duncan teases as he continues to follow her. Y/N walks around to the far side of her kitchen, rolling her eyes. “You are my least favorite human on the planet, Duncan.” “Then why are you allowing me into your home and letting me disturb your beloved Twilight time?” He asks as he stands at the door frame of the room. “Because I’m a nice fucking person, Shepherd,” she fires back.
Duncan grins, their banter and disputing always border-lining playfulness, therefore he knows that if he annoys her profusely, she still doesn’t hate him, even if she says she does.
“Anything you’d like to drink,” Y/N asks, reaching for her cabinets and opening them to grab some glasses. “Whatever you’re having,” Duncan says as he steps further into the kitchen and pulls a chair out at the counter bar in the middle of the room.  “How about a shot of Whiskey,” Y/N offers as she places the glasses on the counter in front of him. “I’ll definitely have a glass,” Duncan explains, sighing out discreetly.
Biting her tongue, she can see that there’s something bothering Duncan. She heard it in his tone. She curiously wonders to herself what it could be, wondering if that’s why he’s actually come over to see her, maybe to talk to her about it. It would make more sense somehow compared to Duncan just wanting to “hang out” so suddenly.
Pouring Duncan a shot of whiskey and sliding the glass over to him, he gladly takes the cup, downing the drink in one swallow. She pours herself a glass too, and takes a seat beside Duncan at the counter where he sits. She refills Duncan’s glass again but tells him to slow down with a soft laugh.
“So what’s bugging you,” she asks, holding the glass in her hand but not drinking as she looks over at him beside her. Looking at her with a narrowed expression, he shakes his head a bit. “Bugging me? Nothing’s bugging me,” he lies. “Oh please,” she rolls her eyes. “Yes there is. I can read it on your face.” Duncan looks over at her with an impassive expression. “Don’t try and hide it now. I know something is bothering you,” she points out.
Duncan came over here in the first place wanting to confide and vent to Y/N, knowing she’s a good listener and nonjudgmental. But as he sits with her now in her kitchen, he can’t bring himself to utter the words he wants to. So he pushes it all down, trying to drown out the day’s events instead.
“Nope,��� Duncan says as he downs the second shot of whiskey, letting out a deep sigh afterwards. “Just, coming to hang out.” “Seriously,” Y/N mutters, not believing him. “Yep.” Y/N sighs, “Alright. Whatever you say, Duncan. Cheers then,” she raises her glass and brings it to her lips, drinking down her whiskey shot. “I thought you didn’t like whiskey?” He questions as he watches her drink.
Y/N hated whiskey, actually. The smell, the taste, the burn afterwards. It disgusted her. It didn’t make her feel good or give her any way of relaxing. She despised the liquor. But she always had a bottle around now because she knew Duncan liked it, and when their friends would come over to hang out for whatever reason, she wanted to have the bottle just in case Duncan showed too, like last time.
She wasn’t going to admit this to him though.
“It’s alright sometimes,” Y/N grits, trying to hold back on giving a disgusted face over the taste and burn of the whiskey. She looks over at him. “It’s an acquired taste that not everyone appreciates.” “Didn’t I tell you that after you had a sip of my drink once and threw up over it?” Duncan asks, smirking lightly. “Don’t be so dramatic,” she scoffs. “I didn’t throw up.” “You were practically dry heaving,” Duncan rolls his eyes. “You’re exaggerating. I had never tried it before, I just needed to get used to it.” “Mhm,” Duncan smiles. “Whatever you say, Y/N.” “Bite me, Duncan,” she rolls her eyes again, looking away.
Duncan doesn’t say anything as he grins and looks her up and down in her seat, taking in her outward appearance. Finding her as a mix of adorable and sexy, and loving how sassy and full spirited she could be with him, yet there was a sweetness to her too.
Looking back at Duncan, she asks, “So what actually brought you over here?”
Duncan’s grin fades, looking down at the empty glass of whiskey in front of him. He had almost forgot what was bothering him. 
Pushing the glass away, he sighs, and pushes a hand through his brunette locks. He wanted to speak to Y/N so badly of the day’s events, but something in him had him refraining because he didn’t want to seem weak, or even unlovable, with telling her about the news. He wouldn’t want Y/N to think of him in those ways as it would potentially ruin any positivity she had for him, if there was any at all.
He shrugs, “I told you. Just wanted to hang out.” “Don’t give me that. We’re not exactly two peas in a pod,” she says. “Out of all the friends we have, and you decide to show up to my doorstep? To hang out?” Duncan brings a hand to his mouth, wiping away as if something were there. He looks away, trying to think of an excuse he can come up with that isn’t the truth. “Duncan,” Y/N says, bringing his focus back to her as he looks back at her. “What’s going on?” “I hadn’t seen you in awhile,” he tries to play off. She sighs out again. “Fine. Okay, I won’t pry. You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you, why you showed up,” she starts. “But you can talk to me, about whatever, if you need, you know,” she adds, tone softening.
He knew he could talk to her, which was the whole point of why he showed up. But he became more fearful in telling her what was going on the longer he sat there in front of her. Part of him desperately wanted to vent to her, to let out everything, but the other part kept him on lock down, refusing to let him speak.
His mind seemed to be racing with conflicting choices, adding to his distress of the day’s earlier events. “I think I need another shot,” he laughs lightly without humor, reaching over for the bottle of whiskey on the counter in front of them.
“Dude,” Y/N says, stopping his hand and pushing the bottle further away from him. “No, chill. Take it easy. Let me get you some water. I don’t need you to be the one dry-heaving after too many glasses.” Duncan can’t help but smile a bit over her words as she in-directs about her first experience with the drink. 
After getting him a glass of water, Duncan thanks her, appreciating the refreshing drink and taking a long sip of the cool beverage, breathing out after.  “What’s going on in that head of yours? I can see how whatever it is that’s bothering you is getting at you more and more the longer you’re here,” Y/N points out, trying to coax it out of him.
Duncan holds his breath for a moment. He did come all the way over here to vent to her, but should he really open to her, he wonders to himself. He knows he has nothing to be apprehensive about, but he can’t help but worry about what she will ultimately think. Yet, he knows he can trust her.
He sighs out after a quiet moment. He looks over at her, his eyes looking clouded and somewhat dispirited.
“Duncan,” she speaks softly, narrowing her eyes with sorrow, seeing a transition in his eyes. Usually his eyes are so lively, enticing, and ready to fire back with a comeback to match hers, but they’re dismal now. She reaches a hand over, covering his as it rests on the counter. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” She asks, her tone genuine and gentle. He glances at her hand on his before he shakes his head. Her touch is warm and caring, and it causes a stir in his chest. He looks back at Y/N, half-shrugging, “No, not really.” “What’s wrong,” she turns to him in her seat, facing him. “What happened?” He sighs out. “You can talk to me,” Y/N assures. “I know. I know I can,” Duncan begins. “It’s.. why I came over here,” he admits. Y/N nods a bit. She’s upset Duncan is obviously upset and has something bothering him. But she can’t ignore the fact that it makes her happy that Duncan chose her to trust with confiding to.  “For some reason,” a reason Duncan wasn’t ready to admit, “I knew out of everyone in my life, you would be the most trustworthy and honest, actually,” he shakes his head again, looking away. Y/N thinks over his chosen words. “Did someone you trust betray you,” she asks. “’Betray,’” he laughs. “That’s a word for it.” “What is it? What is it that happened? Did someone do something?” “It’s what they didn’t do,” he looks back at her, scrunching his nose as he sniffs.  Y/N looks at him, keeping quiet, but her expression encouraging him to talk. “I, um,” Duncan starts. She raises her eyes, her expression tender as she waits for Duncan to continue speaking. Duncan bites his tongue, but then sighs out. “I found out I.. I’m adopted,” he states sorrowful.  Y/N’s eyes widen a bit, taking in the sudden words from Duncan. “Oh, wow. Um,” she trails off, trying to figure out the proper response to give. “It’s not that. Not completely,” Duncan leans back in his chair. “It’s the fact that my own ‘mother’ didn’t have the audacity to tell me herself, and that when I did find out, she didn’t bother explaining or, or... or to even console me about it,” he looks at her despairingly, “like it meant nothing,” Duncan breathes out. “What do you mean,” she narrows her eyes, trying to make sense of his words. “Fuck,” Duncan mumbles, closing his eyes for a second. He hates how vulnerable he is now in front of her. Looking away, he stands up. “I shouldn’t have come here. I shouldn’t have shown up, told you anything. I’m sorry, I’ll go,” he says, walking out of her kitchen without another look. “Duncan, wait,” Y/N stands up too, following after him. “Hold on Duncan,” she calls.  Rushing after him, she grabs his shoulder before he reaches the door, turning him back to her. He looks away like he couldn’t care less. “Give me a minute, give me a second to listen to you, okay? I’m not judging you, I’m not gonna tell anyone anything about your business. You know that.” “That’s not my concern,” he looks at her. “I just know it, it’ll give you more of a reason to hate me probably. I mean, my own ‘family’ doesn’t care about me apparently, so why would you?” “Duncan, of course they care, they,” she trails off, stopping, trying to find the right words to say. “I, I can’t understand what you’re talking about unless you tell me everything that happened.” “I don’t want to talk about everything that happened. I’m trying to block it out of my mind, Y/N,” Duncan exclaims. Y/N nods, “Right, okay, you’re right, I’m sorry. I know. I should know that. I just, I don’t know how to help without knowing the full story.” “You don’t have to fucking know everything,” he calls, gesturing a hand out. “Maybe just, I don’t know, just,” he trails off, shaking his head. He just wanted to be told he was worth an explanation, told it would be okay, to just be held, to have someone to hold onto. Releasing a deep breath, he brings his hands to his face, trying to hide the fact that his eyes are beginning to water. “Duncan, hey, it’s okay,” she speaks softly, stepping over. She reaches up to grab his wrists, pulling gently on them until he drops them with hers to expose his sorrowful face. “It’s okay. I’m sorry, we don’t need to talk about it. I’m here. I’m here for you, whatever you need. I’m here.”
With her hold still on Duncan’s wrists, she brings them to wrap around her shoulders as she closes the space between them and wraps her arms around his torso.
She hugs him, her hold tight but not constricting, her hands trailing gently along his back soothingly. Her hold comforting, and safe, giving Duncan a sense of security he didn’t realize he had been craving.
He begins to wonder if this is how all her hugs felt. The two always greeted with a snarky hello or teasing wave. They were never close enough to be personal with each other, much less to even hug. It’s why this whole situation was confusing and a bit difficult, to be unguarded like this.
Tightening his own hold around Y/N, he nuzzles his face into her hair and the crook of her neck, as if he’s trying to hide away from the world. He sighs into her hold, taking in her embrace, feeling a solace in Y/N that he had never felt before with anyone. Not with any of his “family,” past relationships, other friends, no one. It confused him, adding to the bewilderment of why something in him wanted to reach out to her in the first place. But ultimately, Duncan was more than thankful to his own self for making the decision to come see her.
Duncan was still perplexed at how Y/N had managed to calm him down. He seemed to be breaking down earlier when starting to shout at her a bit. The day’s events were starting to overcome him. But once he had her hold around him, it was like a release, a breath of fresh air for him. He could breathe again, think clearly, felt he was alright and cared for.
Y/N lured him to the couch, causing him to sit beside her while she tucked her feet underneath her. She let Duncan take his time with opening up to her. 
As he gradually began to open up, he felt more of a relief flooding him, finally letting out everything that had happened. He told her how once actually asking his “mother” where he was from, he knew it was true he was adopted from the way she reacted. It hurt him to know that he had been lied to, but it hurt more when Annette didn’t bother to talk to him. 
“She didn’t even fucking say anything to me. She just stormed off to Seth and yelled about wanting to put out the headline of Claire’s fucking abortion. It was like she didn’t even care how it was impacting me, just wanted to get her stupid revenge, or whatever,” Duncan glared, fighting back tears for a minute as he recalled the earlier events of the day.  “You deserve better,” she tells him. “You deserved more respect, and reasoning, more than what you got,” Y/N explains, holding his hand in her lap. 
The comforting touch of her hand with his had him hesitating on what to say next. She rubbed soft circles against his skin, her warm-hearted spirit coursing through his mind as he imagined his next move.
Glancing from their hands to her face, he studied her eyes, desperately wanting to know what was going through her mind as all of this unfolded. Her eyes were pure, showcasing an emotion he didn’t know how to interpret.
Even as his eyes flickered around her face, glancing over her lips on more than one occasion, he didn’t know how to read her expression. But he started reading more into his own feelings instead, figuring he should discover what he’s feeling instead of trying to figure her out first.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, in this way,” Y/N added apologetically. “If there’s anything more I can do, let me know. I’ll listen to you all night if I need to.”
Duncan’s eyes glance over her face again for a moment before he forces himself to look away. The kindness in her voice, the beauty she radiated, he had to look away from her in order to not lean over and kiss her. The crave he felt in him, of wanting his lips against hers, it was an unending greediness he realized he had always felt for her but was too afraid to think upon.
“Does this mean I can start campaigning for you to be more liberal now,” Y/N says teasingly.  Duncan laughs a bit, smiling as he looks back at her. “Really? That’s your concern now?” Y/N grins a bit, “No. I just wanted to make you smile.” Duncan rolls his eyes, still smiling. “See, it worked though,” she points, laughing a bit as she looks over at him with a look of fondness. “You have a great smile. It lights up any room,” she breathes out sheepishly.  Duncan’s smile fades a bit, only because her words catch him off guard. The compliment causes his heart to beat faster inside of his chest. “You’re one to talk. Your smile is beautiful, really it’s my favorite thing about you.” Y/N raises her eyes. “Well. One of my favorite things about you,” he adds. Y/N flushes a bit, biting on her lip as she fights her own urge to lean over and kiss him, too.  “I should probably get going,” Duncan says flatly. “I don’t want to take up too much of your night,” he stands, knowing he needs to leave before he does something stupid, like kiss her, considering he really wants to. Y/N stands up too. “It’s not really a big deal. You’re always welcomed over here,” she explains with a casual tone. She didn’t want Duncan to leave. But she couldn’t show any disappointment or honesty about it. She didn’t know Duncan didn’t want to leave her either.
As Y/N walks him to her door, she crosses her arms as Duncan opens it, but turns back to her.
“Thanks for tonight. I.. really appreciated it,” Duncan tells her sincerely. Y/N nods, “Of course. I’m here for you, whenever. About whatever.” Duncan nods too. He looks over her frame, wishing he could stay longer, wishing she’d ask him to stay, wishing he would just admit the feelings he has for her as he’s starting to accept them as the seconds pass. As his eyes look over her face, an unintentional smile grows on his face. “What,” Y/N asks, raising her eyes. Duncan hesitates, shaking his head. “Nothing. Just.. You’re really great,” he says, looking at her adoringly. Y/N smiles. “Get home safely. Call me if you need anything.” Duncan gives a nod. “I will.” “Good night,” she adds.
Duncan takes a step away, Y/N stepping forward to close the door after she sees him off. But as she looks up at him as he steps back over to her she looks at him confused. Duncan leans over, and smoothly presses his lips to her cheek sweetly. 
The simple, innocent touch of his lips against her skin, the feel of his stubble along her, has her heart fluttering in a way she never figured possible.  “Good night, Y/N,” Duncan smiles as he pulls away, a hint of a smirk residing on his face. He steps away, heading for his car, leaving Y/N with prominent rosy cheeks that were impossible to miss, even in the nightfall. 
Watching Duncan leave, she knew deep down that the feelings she had for him were far more than just friendly or playful. It worried her as she felt Duncan wouldn’t ever return the same feelings.
But she still couldn’t help but wonder that maybe if she filled the cracks in his heart, he would fill the same cracks in hers too someday. 
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synthsoup · 5 years
my girl (john shelby x reader)
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Request : Can I get a John Shelby imagine where the reader works at the Garrison and he sees someone flirting with her, sorta like your protective/ jealous Colin and Stefan imagines!!
Warnings : noo
Words : 930
A/N : im sorry for me its really late like 3am, this may or may not suck, but thanks for all the john shelby requests i’m sobbing i love him pls enjoy
Working at the Garrison was your day -sometimes night job, but being John Shelby’s girl was a whole other job on it’s own. Though you were a tough girl, you could certainly hold your own, John was still always very protective of you. It never really bothered you because being level headed yourself, you had managed to stop anything before it escalated too far. Tonight was quite a different matter however.
Based on the crowd that had squeezed drunkenly into the Garrison, you were already cautious. You didn’t recognize a few of the men, and that was very odd considering you’d worked there for around two years at this point, and you knew all of the regulars. You were suddenly distracted from your thoughts when the doors burst open, and in walked the Shelby’s themselves. Everyone went silent for a few beats before slowly returning to their previous activities.
You saw Johns eyes move intently across the bar until he found what he was looking for, meeting your gaze and giving you a cheesy grin. You raise an eyebrow and smile back, tilting your head slightly as you watch the group leave to the back room. You figured John would come to see you when he was done with business.
“Oi, get me another whiskey” one of the men says, not looking at you as he flops down on the bar in front of you. Looking down at him in distaste, you hesitantly turn to grab the bottle when he speaks up again.
“I haven’t seen you round before. How’d I miss a pretty little thing like you?” he says while eyeing you up and down. Now you don’t like this one bit, and you know John wouldn’t like it either. You decide to serve him quickly as possible, hoping if you pretended to ignore him he would leave you alone. Sliding him his drink, he stands up abruptly.
“Aw, don’t ignore me love.” He says leaning closer to you. Your eyes widen and you step back quickly, but not before he grabs your wrist. A few people had seen what was happening now, and they looked very alarmed. Nobody ever messed with Johns girl, this guy seemed to be in for it.
“That’s a Shelby girl mate, I wouldn’t-”
Harry speaks up from across the bar, but his words fall on deaf ears as the man twists your wrist and pulls you closer. You feel his hand graze over your body, and you struggle to get out of his grip as best you can.
“I don’t care who’s girl she is, it doesn-” the disgusting smug look on his face is replaced by alarm in a split second as he’s violently yanked away from you and shoved to the ground. You look nearly paralyzed, hand curled in a fist. You were nearly about to beat the man yourself.
“Who the fuck are you?” John had a look of pure rage carved into his face, and anger shone in his eyes. “You think you can touch her? Don’t even look at her you bastard.” he says in a dangerously low voice. You watched as he beat the mans face in, kicking him in the ribs all the while until your muscles relaxed and you came to your senses.
“John, stop it!” you yell, rushing towards him. You feel the breeze of his arm swinging in the air, before you grab it. When you grab him he automatically relaxes as he feels your smaller hands on his bicep. With one last kick, he looks at you, your begging eyes telling him to stop before he goes to far.
“It’s okay John. I’m okay.” You look up at him watching him soften at the sight of you. He looks back down at the man in anger and spits next to his face before storming out of the Garrison.
It’s completely silent, and after a moment of hesitation the Garrison is quickly returned to its previous state. You dash out after him. He’s walking a bit ahead of you, digging through his pocket for something, most likely a cigarette.
“John!” you call after him. He stops and fidgets a bit, still not turning around.
“Please talk to me.” you say in a pleading voice. This breaks him, and he immediately turns around and rushes toward you, engulfing you in his arms. As you wrap your arms around him, he kisses you hard. You sigh at the intensity of the kiss and he clutches your waist tighter pulling you into him. When you pull apart you’re both catching your breath.
“I’m- i’m sorry I-” before you can get anything else out he cuts you off.
“Don’t you dare apologize Y/N. It’s not your fault that fucker decided to to mess with you.” he says sternly, cheeks still flushed. You kiss his lips quickly again, and smile faintly at the crease on his brow.
“I would never let anything happen to you Y/N. I’m serious, if anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way from now on i’ll bloody kill them.” he says firmly.
“As much as I appreciate that, please don’t kill anyone for me.” you say and he smirks down at you.
“Can’t make any promises darlin’.” he says, and you shake your head with a smile.
You run your fingers along the nape of his neck and he closes his eyes.
“I love you Y/N L/N”
You look up at him, certain you both look a bit crazy, flushed cheeks standing in the middle of the street.
“And I love you.”
requests are open!
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rawmerobotman · 5 years
separate pls but can I have nsfw and fluff HCs of nautica, whirl and nickel?
Has a hard time going to sleep, mostly because she’ll stay up late scrolling through a data pad, but the best spot to do so is curled up in your arms and the more snug you hold her the more liable she is to fall asleep.
Though she loves being held, she also likes to spoon you. Depending on your size there’ll be mornings where you’ll wake to find her attached to your butt.
It is a requirement that the two of you spend lunch together. She will go absolutely feral if someone tries to get between you and your short break together.
She sends at least one long text message to you each day, telling how you much she loves you and that she can’t comprehend how lucky she is to have found you when she’s missing you at work.
She’s lowkey looking for potential places to take vacations with you in her spare time. It’s not that she’s tired of medical work, but she wants to take time to get away with you where it’s just the two of you spending time together and relaxing. She’s the type of person who’ll spend their free time planning and back logging multiple files filled with different locations and events to consider attending.
She has a particular love for couples activities! Always on the look out for things the two of you can do together, whether it’s hands on learning or something more trivial. If there’s ever a trivia night on the Lost Light, you can expect her to mop the floor with everyone else while also crediting you when it’s mostly her factual knowledge winning you the rounds.
She’ll sit in your lap over an actual seat any day if you let her. 
Since she doesn’t necessarily enjoy parties and club scenes, spending the night with you is all she needs to be happy. She’ll love it when you plan quiet outings, even if it’s simply just finding a new location to sit and talk about your interests together. 
Whenever the Lost Light goes planet side she’ll always want to be partnered with you if shore leave isn’t necessarily a given. She’ll turn a reconnaissance mission into a romantic outing and get lost in the woods if only to spend more time with you exploring the wilderness. 
Will attempt to steal any and all moments she can with you if the two of you are on shift. She can make a convincing excuse so that she can sneak out to visit you. Your coworkers will jokingly call her out if they see her in their division and ask when she’s going to officially be transferred. Meanwhile, Rodimus and Megatron actually believe that’s where she’s stationed, and you certainly don’t help the matter either when you make up an excuse as to why she isn’t there at the moment. 
You are always at risk when roaming the ship. The two of you could be minding your business, going about your own days, but the moment this man sees you down the hall it’s over. Especially if your work schedules don’t line up and he hasn’t seen you all day, this man is dropping whatever he’s doing the moment he sees you to just run at you. The only warning you might get is the broken off cries of those caught in his path before you’re tangled in limbs and bearing the full brunt of his weight as he tries to wrap himself around you. 
He’s not afraid to just drape himself all over you. You’ll find yourself trap underneath his cockpit while he holds you and attempts to haul you around with him. He’ll be able to get away with it because people will simply think he’s trying to annoy you when in reality he definitely just wants to hold you and keep you tucked close.
If he knows that you’ll be stuck doing menial and mundane work he’ll call just to distract you and keep you company. He’s also known for dropping by your workplace unannounced, whether to bring lunch or just to see how you’re doing. 
He’s definitely the type of person who’ll wait up for you. Whether you’re working late or just out with friends, you can expect him to still be up waiting for you to return to your habsuite. Does not like going to bed without knowing you’ve made it home first.
He’s a constant companion wherever you go. Pretends that he’s something of a bodyguard looking out for you, but he certainly doesn’t trust easy knowing just how much peril is stored in the Lost Light. Hairpin trigger- if he sees even the slightest threat to your being he’s going to destroy it with extreme prejudice. 
She is guilty of eating you out and than immediately wanting to make out with you, with a heavy amount of tongue.
On a similar note, nothing gets her engine revving like watching you suck on her fingers after she’s done fingering you. 
An oral (and cum) fixation in general because she honestly can’t get enough of you or your mouth.
If she’s particularly cross, whether it’s from a meaningless argument or her simply noticing some unwanted advances someone’s made towards you, she’ll wrap her arms tight around you to keep you seated in her lap while she fucks you from below. She’ll hold you close to her chest and mutter darkly in your ear.
On more than one occasion you’ll have to come up with an adequate excuse to explain away the black marks on your face. If you offer to have her sit on your face there is the always the possibility that her wheels will spin in her excitement and you’ll receive tire marks along your cheeks. Though this is the cause of some embarrassment on her part, she is not apologetic in the slightest.
You’ll earn her undying love and affection if you’re able to get both her valve and spike off simultaneously. Though considerably more difficult, it’s easily accomplished with patience and dedication, and the reaction you’ll receive is well worth it: she’ll be near incomprehensible with her vocal delight, servos holding you fast against her. You might be able to parse the occasional cuss or declaration of love, but she is especially noisy and jovial when she overloads like this. 
Doesn’t typically like making a mess when she cums. There’s only two places it belongs, and both of them are inside you ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)
On that note: Cream pies *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *・゚
Under no circumstance can she handle dirty talk. Sure she’ll be able to be sultry, but if you’re going to vividly describe something to her thinking it’s going to help get her in the mood you’ll be sorrily mistaken. If it’s super raunchy, she’ll just burst out laughing and than you’ll have to deal with her while she’s almost in tears. It’s one of the easiest ways to get her to laugh. She would rather you just be upfront and genuine with her about your needs instead because this is ridiculous. 
Call her naughty and she will straight up bite you.
Speaking of which, she loves being able to laugh during interface!
Loves nothing better than being able to truly relax around another person and not have to adhere to a strict and serious view towards sex. Back in the sororities on Caminus, there was a lot of judgement passed on her because of her values that lead to a few unnecessary expectations, so most of her experiences were stiff and guarded. Just being able to laugh freely during sex without the other person taking offence is a weight off her shoulders.
If she’s bored she’s going to blow up your phone until you go back to your habsuite and fuck her. 
Real into the idea of turning off the gravity in your room to fool around. Put the lights down low and throw on a glittery lava lamp for that starry effect and she’ll spend the entire evening wrapped around you, holding you close. On more than one occasion you’ve both been frantically trying to catch a string of transfluid before it hits something it’s not supposed to. It’s probably the funniest problem she’s ever had to deal with.
Enjoys the feeling of claws/nails dragging across her frame. Particularly fond of desperate clawing down her abdominal platting as she straddles you, though scratches along her back are just as nice. She’ll want your hands on her frame at all times.
When nobody’s looking, she’ll have her hands on you. Will try and get away with giving you a handy/finger you in public if you let her.
If you’re a study bot get ready because this man is just going to hop into your lap whenever he pleases. Actually, he’ll just launch himself full tilt at you if he’s in the mood. He won’t care if you’re ready to catch him- it’s honestly part of the charm of jumping you when you least expect it. If you topple over, he wins, but if you catch him than you get to top.
Once he’s been seated in your lap there’s no removing him. He’s an aggressive rider and you’re dick is going to be sore by the time he’s finished. The same thing goes for your pussy; he’s absolutely insatiable when it’s comes to pussy grinding and frankly, it’s one of his favourite things.
As previously stated if he sees you wandering around by yourself he is coming for you. However, when he’s horny as hell and in need of a good smash? It’s an absolute scramble and you may or may not be hunted through the halls of the Lost Light until you concede to him.
Enjoys having his legs thrown over your shoulders. He’s actually pretty flexible, so he likes having his legs bent back and stretched as far as they can go. 
It shouldn’t turn him on as much as it does, but having his claws clamped and being restrained is pretty high on the list of things that can get him going real quick. He’s certainly into the idea of you doing whatever you’d like to him and there not being a single thing he can do to stop you.
Oddly enough, he has an interest in the old plug and play technique. Though it’s become something of an obsolete form of intimacy, he loves nothing better than being hooked up and spending the night grinding against you. He won’t bring it up until later into your relationship when he’s comfortable and knows he can trust you.
Is actually quite partial to being stuffed with vibrators and simply having you hold him while he gets worked up. Doesn’t necessarily care if he gets off, but reclining against you might just be his favourite place.
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Gotham s5ep9 “The Trial of Jim Gordon” Personal Review
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“Well, I did not see that coming”    Warning NO spoilers below, why am I so late with this ..
 “Gotham has a chance to be born anew. To return to what it was before people ripped down the trees and paved over the earth. He's trying to reunify with the mainland to save all these people. A return to filth.  Pollution. He's fighting for death, while I promise life in its purest form.” “The plants will adapt; they always do.” So IVY PEPPER is the big bad in this episode she wants to get rid of Gotham people and one of the first steps is getting rid of Jim Gordon. But in the end she´s gone and forgotten about, you´d think there would at least be some tiny reference.   Honestly I think I could really dig misanthropic Ivy (is there some plant based black metal .. hmmm ) but I don´t think they built this up well enough, that they just give her these ridiculous powers and send her out to try to kill a lot of people and now all people, and then just have that fade into nothing basically doesn´t help the case. Ugh. Also Ivy leaves Selina with that gang guy she already fought against and they repeatedly mention their history despite the guy being also under the influence of Ivy. Which is odd because .. first of all, if the history with Selina is important he should be there without being drugged. Also if his history with Selina is not important she could have just picked anyone else and probably would have had a better chance because as we all know SELINA KYLE already had a field trip with him. So why would he be a threat now? (I mean unless you count some the presence of my dame made me win the jousting effect, which is a thing but not in gotham)  Well the whole plot is Ivy gets Jim shot by Zsasz. Okay so this is stressing me out, I thought I came here for a crazy dream trip but Lee´s voice is haunting me. Can just everyone be alive n happy, pls.  Hm I don´t quite know what to make of this trial, probably because there really isn´t anything about it .. and I think most meta in this fandom did a better job plenty times already.  Nevertheless, he´s his own prosecution and nice, also is this his theatre stage voice? Before Ivy´s interruption the whole think started with JIM GORDON lamenting how the gangs get more aggressive and that they need at least a temporary CEASE FIRE to get their reunification and save lives. Oswald Cobblepot provided the venue for this and Barbara was present as well. But that does not matter too much.  Big theme this week: RESPONSIBILITY And for fucks sake, the JIM GORDON trial just beats the same crap again that I´ve been annoyed with for forever. “I did my best. Your best never seems good enough.”   “Therefore we pose one simple question: Are the people in Jim Gordon's life better off with him alive or dead?”  I mean Jim did Lee dirty that’s a valid point but she´s not the only one and most of the trial bulk is about Jim just not being able to save people. People being mad they trusted him looking for safety. And I´m gonna try to just sum up the whole rant in short: If some pyromaniac sets a fire and the firefighters can´t extinguish it quickly enough it´s still not the firefighters to blame I´m so tired of this nonsense. Also we have a hint of the same nonsense with BRUCE WAYNE: He´s thinking that he is responsible for Ra´s and Galavan but again, see above. Or in other words: What Selina Kyle said. She hit the nail on the head with: “Jeremiah blew up your house”.  There really isn´t anything to add.  “And I know that a lot of people lost a lot more, but part of me wonders if it wasn't fate.” “It wasn't. It was Jeremiah blowing up your house.” Maybe it's time to move on. (…) And how many terrible things have happened to it because of me? Galavan.  Ra's al Ghul. If this city really is my home, then maybe the best thing I can do for it is leave.”  VICTOR ZSASZ oh Victor ..  Victor in love is a delight, Victor in anything is a delight  * So first of all he gets rough with ALFRED again, okay the other way round but, idc, it was too short * Also they just like repeating things .. I´m here for Gordon only Gordon we´ve had this but tbh I´ll take it again and again.  “Okey-dokey.  Time to boogie. Hey! I'm only here for Gordon. So all of you stay down. 'Cause I see anyone and, you know bang.” “Oi, oi! Now, I heard you were looking for Jim Gordon.” “Uh-huh.”  * So technically, with Bruce doing “IvyLingo” the William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet quote could have been just Ivy´s influence but Zsasz reading Shakespeare is just right as roses as well, //gotham language//  “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. You know, I'm really taking the time to stop and smell the roses these days.” * More is this IvyInfluence of is this something coming out of the drugged person. The name thing was such a childish take on being in love and I feel like there´s meta in this about IVY PEPPER and her age ups, or maybe not fully age ups (but I´d still like to believe it wasn´t just body age ups but brain chemistry n stuff too but still experience is another factor) but, buut instead of thinking about any implications of that I´m just gonna find Zsasz adorable  “Uh, I'm technically not allowed to say it. Her name.  Which is such a bummer, because it's the most beautiful name in the world.” “You watch him.” I could say it all day.  Hey, I will say it all day. Ivy. Ivy Pepper. Mrs. Ivy Pepper Zsasz. Oh, that sounds good.”  * “Don't worry, though. I'm just a distraction so she can finish off Jim once and for all. You know, that's how great couples work. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that. Oh, well.” Okay so Zsasz ~is~ a damn chatterbox and can´t keep his mouth shut. // On a side note. I think I went into this a bit in a fanfic and this is imho such unused potential even with Ivy 2.0. Zsasz conditioned Butch to follow orders, Ivy just does it with a little whiff of a scent. I believe Zsasz would be SO intrigued by this, like not only for doing good work professional reasons but how fascinating would this be, he´d sure want know its limits, he´d certainly would want to know how far this perfume actually could push a person, skin themselves alive? //  // On another side note: Zsasz was so close to spilling the name and he sure spilled the distraction plan which is so totally unbelievable dumb, which is why I´m wondering if 1.) Ivy would have needed to give better instructions 2.) Zsasz got some slight resistance gene to the perfume or 2.) if InLoveZsasz is just such a tremendous idiot .. //  * “Alvarez makes a hell of a Mai Thai. I can barely feel my face.” Oh I want one of those, wait no make that two. Also someone make two or more fics involving Zsasz, Alvarez and cocktails. Please.  * “I can tell you one thing. I am sick and tired of getting shot at in my own precinct.” It was about time someone said it, thanks Harvey Bullock. * “I'm sorry. Did you just say "People. Ugh"? “Lucius, what if I were to tell you I have in my possession the most intoxicating perfume you'll ever smell?” “I would tell you that's an abrupt change of topic. Can we go back to the part where you said "People. Ugh"? “ Okay that´s the only sensible and appropriate reaction anyone in this city ever had. LUCIUS FOX is the real freak on this show, cause he got his shit together. And his Ivy love grin is adorable.    * “We're perfectly bonded, like carbon and oxygen or hydrogen and oxygen “ “We do not have time for this.”  Lucius Fox and Selina Kyle being awesome. * SELINA KYLE and BRUCE WAYN being on the same “maybe” page was sweet. Also her being mindful of her claws and not touching his cheek during the kiss. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a date.” “Maybe it is.” “That okay with you?” “Maybe.”  * Another repeat thing and another piece on the BARBARA KEAN turning into OSWALD COBBLEPOT list is her poisoning the gang leaders with alcohol. Oswald did it with Cannoli and well he killed them for good but it counts.  *  Also if the show had just put them side to side earlier, it could have been so good, soo good. * Also HA! I knew it. I mean my first impulse was to be like, wtf, why is everyone and their aunt trying to get on such good graces with Jim suddenly, why is Jim Gordon the key to survival now? Oswald and Barbara sure both did their fare share of courting Jim. And I did use this word on purpose because as Oswald later calls it, Barbara´s motive was not just strategical and political it was also motivated by her love for Jim Gordon.  Which clearly and totally also means: Gobblepot.  It´s just a logical extension if you follow the parallels. Oswald´s actions too were about liking Jim. And if that doesn´t convince you enough he has had that quip about Barbara knowing all about keeping Gordon happy. He sure would do the same, if Jim let him. That was all jealousy talking.  * “If we're really going to leave Gotham, we need to keep Gordon happy. You know all about that, don't you?” *  “What exactly are you doing? I'm trying to keep this city from ripping itself apart.” “So this has nothing to do with your feelings for Jim?” “What if Ed fails, and we are stuck here? This will put us in Gordon's good graces. Consider it a backup plan.” * “Controlling the gangs was not a backup plan. You saw a chance to convince James Gordon that you had changed. But he will never see you as anything but a dangerous woman keeping his child from him.”  * “Ms. Kean, this may come as a surprise, but building a submarine from scratch by yourself takes time.” Didn´t I say so .. this still stresses me out though, building a whole submarine from scratch, how even  * “I don't know what's going on inside that man's head sometimes.” “I think you'll find that he needs you a lot more than he's letting on.” Well, I need to hear it from him.”   Well and there she goes, hearing it right after Jim woke up. LESLIE THOMKINS  stays at home while Jim goes out and hunts. She´s not happy at first but then comes to terms with it I guess, Jim has this line about what else should he do not being him anymore. Well idk. Leslie doesn´t seem to be quite herself either. She went out as well, ran a fight club n stuff ..  * “I never thought that this was how my life was going to be. I have no interest in being a father myself. I always presumed that I was unfit to be one.”  Well, honestly I don´t think ALFRES PENNYWORTH can be considered fit to raise a child. What was nice this week was that he talked to Lee and offered his own insight about parenting without being a blood relative. That was a kind and considerate touch.  * I have to look up which episode it was where Jim Gordon woke up to Edward Nymga and Oswald Cobblepot singing because wow that must have left a lasting impression if this visual turns up again  * Edit: I didn’t really notice until I made gifs but Barbara´s “See, those drinks I just gave you they're poisoned. And you had two shots before everyone got here. So that should be taking effect around PAUSE now the rest of you have 48 hours before you'll need the antidote”  line was so well structured. Like the now doubles as a 1) you´ll die like now and as a 2) so ~now~ that we got that out of the way let´s get to the real business .. and I love it //Gotham language //
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gotatext · 5 years
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yo, im not gonna lie guys, im super drunk, so this bio is like.... completely ocpy and pasted but;.... pls plot with me..... im so excited to bring this baby here.... i feel it is the perfect place to write her and i hven’t had the chance to in so long ..... love me..... and greta........ please im so excited this is back, last time i played jack..... n willow??? i think....... maybe archie too...... dont even remember...... who i fuckin played..... but i was here...... and queer..... loud..... and proud..... god this dumb bitch needs to sleep.....
20. born in marfa, texas. luvs wearing gingham print dresses and cowboy boots. vert into art and pornography, and particularly the combination of the two. wants to do a PHD on gender studies and female autonomy in porn.
( kristine froseth | she / her | cisfemale ) hey, you hear ( young lady, you’re scaring me by ron gallo ) playing over on the ( rv lot ) ? that’s where ( greta o'driscoll ) lives! i heard they moved in from ( marfa, texas ) exactly ( four months ) ago. they’re very ( zealous ) but also pretty ( erratic ). maybe that’s why davie keeps calling them the ( libertine ). starlit is full of people, but this ( 20 ) year old is really going to liven things up around here! ( nora | 23 | she / her | gmt )
personality: easy-going, deceptive, manipulative, self-reliant, profound, amiable, nihilistic, self-serving, laid back, independent unmotivated, self-corrupting, charming, lazy, impulsive, alluring.
likes: art, music, philosophy, DC comics, arcade games, candyfloss, fish and chips on the beach, deep red lipstick, marijuana, dogs, Kate Moss, late-night strolls, chemistry, suspenders, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, cold coffee, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, DJ sets, magnolias.
dislikes: bananas, coffee, mental mathematics, children, misogyny, the imaginary future, literature, Wes Anderson films
muse tag
aesthetics: a bubble of pink gum on chapped lips, mom jeans, a beaten up pair of adidas, strawberry laces, knee-highs, chapped lips, split knuckles, bruises you try to cover with concealer, stick and poke tattoos, sleep caught in your eyes on a lazy afternoon, alien conspiracy theories and sci-fi paperbacks, doc martens with fraying laces, the red string of a thong peaking out purposely from jeans, a rucksack permanently packed for the move, a streak of red across your lips, roller blades, cut knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, feet pounding the earth until your soles bleed crimson, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
cliffsnotes on biography
 - she’s called greta (under witness protection), and she’s a serial dater. she’s incredibly restless and doesn’t settle. before she came to seattle, she’d lived in 8 different cities in 3 years. born into a single-parent house with two older sisters so always surrounded by women and as a teenager she often let boys walk all over her bc she just craved male attention  -   every place she goes, she becomes a new character, someone who’s a figment of her imagination, as if each city is repertory theatre and she’s a character actress, so as a result everyone from her past views her as a completely different person depending on when she met them.   -   she’s been involved in a series of destructive relationships because when people discover she’s not who she pretends to be she often gets explosive and defensive.  -   (tw gun) she’s now under witness protection and moved to connecticut because she shot a previous boyfriend in self-defence and his family are trying to have her done for murder, but she got tired of being moitored so is now even on the run from the police / her faked identity.  - easy to get along with (provided you don’t anger, provoke or question her too much) because she WANTS your character to be entralled by her and will do whatever it takes to win them over. she wants everyone to love her   -  big into sports. big into gender politics. big into art. does a lot of art installation pieces to do with female and queer bodies. massive feminist. low key quite scared of powerful men bcos of her ex. wants to start a female only lesbian commune. big fan of the honey bee.
full biography
trigger warnings: drugs, domestic abuse, gun.
you never meant for it to happen. you’d heard the stories, of girls who let their man walk all over them, and thought to yourself “i’ll never be one of those girls…” the kind that eat low-fat yoghurt and drink slim fast to shred a few extra pounds because he said she was getting round in the tummy, or the ones who spent their evenings tied to a kitchen sink drinking wine while him and the boys played poker, wishing god, if only I could get out of here. not you, not you raised by strong women, four bright shining beacons. single mother with her hard-as-nails attitude and her stony glares, elder sisters (twins) one ginger, one blonde, one doctor, one lawyer, both determined to take a bullet to the brain and a hammer to the patriarchy before they let a man touch them without asking. you were always so inferior, so insecure and small, like a bird (like a sparrow) with blonde plaits down your back sucking tropicana whilst your bosom buds sucked dick, their lips permanently ripe with stories of their sexual exploits, fake tan and glittered nails whilst you sat in the unbroken egg of virginity wondering what it was like to be loved. one day you found out. 
lily milligan’s parents gone and a free house for the night, bottles of ouzo and tequila swiped from your mother’s liquor cabinet thinking she wouldn’t know (she always knew) your legs, hardened from pep squad, slut dropping on a kitchen table because the boys thought it would be fun to get the quiet girl drunk. you’d never had a sip before that night. band t-shirts, denim shorts and the split soles of rotten converse that you refuse to let go of, you still clutched with both hands to your youth, but in a tube top now (borrowed from alice carmichael who had a sister in college) and a short tennis skirt, your feet not in trainers but in thigh-high boots. uncomfy as hell but lily said you needed to look sexy. you didn’t know if you wanted to be sexy. you didn’t know what kind of girl you were, if you were even a girl at all. but robbie looked at you like he knew exactly who you were, like he knew you better than you knew yourself, and his lips had the pink cupid’s bow of a movie star, and his hair was dark locks, curling like a mane. his hands were soft, and suddenly on your waist, and after three more shots his lips were on yours and his name was the only sound in your head and on your lips as you lost it in lily’s college sister’s bedroom beneath the glare of a T-Pain poster. you bled for what seemed like hours, his hand still in yours, kissing on the sofa as truth tellers and daredevils continued to spin a bottle of unprecedented youth. you thought it was love. robbie was the one. he loved you, you knew it, how else could someone be so soft? but soon he grew bored, scrunched up your paper heart and set it alight. then came the tears, the hatred, the ‘fuck robbie, in fact, fuck all boys.’ and that you did.
you were known for being easy. any boy could be yours for a night, as long as he promised to love you for those few short breaths and pants before you cried yourself to sleep. you felt poisoned, but poisonous as well, as if by ensnaring these young boys you were gaining power over them, and not the other way around. soon it started to work. they’d want more, but you’d deny them it, sick of sucking off silly schoolboys, they’d call you a tease, a vixen. maybe you were, but you couldn’t help but want older men. you got the history teacher first time, him bending you over his desk to sneak a hand up your tennis skirt as the after-school clubs carried on next door, unawares. love didn’t exist, not for you. it was nothing but a game for pretty young girls to play, bubble gum in their canines and a hand tugging at the hem of their cheer skirt.
there was so much anger inside of your small body, ‘beware of boys and their hook-like words’. hockey helped. there was something formidable about the feeling of a stick like a weapon in your hands and the thwack it made against thighs in the heat of a scrum - “slipped, sorry!” - you’d utter with a snakeskin smile, millicent quinn knowing that you’d hit her on purpose because she shagged robbie at that party last week. she couldn’t prove it, cobbled acne on her forehead turning green with disgust. ben came into your life like a car crash. two years your senior, with a baseball jacket and shoulders like a god. he became your personal hero. on the pitch, he was lethal. together, you could bring anyone to their ruin. each day after last period he’d be waiting in his car. you’d leap into his arms like a girl-half starved, love me, love me, love me, your heated kisses the envy of every junior girl. he was yours for three blissful years, utterly yours, and you were his, his star-spangled girl, and he was your knight - you were both the same, playing games, always difficult to predict. it was a shock to all when he proposed, high-school sweethearts find love in south dakota.
the engagement was a bittersweet affair; three months – you barely out of your gingham print skirts and into a graduation gown, him, a surly quarterback towering above your sisters, cigarette at his lips and a scowl like a fart in a lift. they hated him. so did you. but you were eighteen and in love, and he fitted the cookie cutter mould. everyone wanted him, and you had him. you had him and you were happy, happy, happy, and he loved you. he said he’d give you the world, anything you wanted hand-picked and given to you. instead, he gave you a jack russell terrier and a flat you couldn’t swing a cat in, wallpaper peeling like the rotten bits inside of you, the bits that only he knew. and you got tireder and tireder of the sad excuse of a life he’d picked out for you, him out doing god knows what to pay the bills, and you dancing on tables to pave your way to stardom, and this was love, this was real, until the shine wore off and your fresh-faced, dimple-cheeked cheerleader facade faded and the ugliness started to reveal itself, the whining, the petulance, the sharp-tempered cruelty, the mind games, the need to always win, win, win. he was dull, he was boring, he was nothing like the boy the girls had said he was and no chiselled six-pack could hide his lack of anything remotely interesting, your patience wearing thin until it snapped like rubber, a rucksack on your back, running shoes on your feet and the joint bank account emptied into your eighth grade birthday wallet.
you built your small fortunes working the casinos of sioux falls, a crimson dress and an attitude to match. bookish archie with his little dipper freckles was fun for a month before he became just as dull and dreary as the rest. a three-hour bus and you were in minneapolis, bright eyed and bushy tailed, fresh meat ready for the pickings. a hostel here, a friendly co-worker’s sofa there as you made what you could by taking off your clothes and shaking your ass like you were back in pep squad, doing what you did best. you met your fair share of creeps, and soon it was back on the road to escape a wide-eyed stalker and a restless itch for more. milwaukee, chicago, you made the roads your own. log cabins and lodgings, and the occasional motel, a beaten up pick up truck purchased at a scrap merchants – you got a few miles out of it before it bit the dust, and when you finally set it alight after nights spent lounging across the driver’s seat, a parka tucked over you as a duvet, you were sad to see it go. you’re nomadic by fault, never attaching to place, people or things, creating a new personality in every place you go like a character actress; each town is a different repertory theatre, and you’re the star. a compulsive liar, you even fib about your own name, to some you’re ellen, nineteen, bookish, a law student who likes smoking and cosmos. to someone else you’re rita, you’re twenty-five and look young for your age, like smoking, comics and fucking in public places.
in the bright lights of michigan, you found charlie, sweet charlie, too good for you, though you let him spoil you while he thought you were the small town girl of his dreams. next came abigail, who was fun until the jealously kicked in, and then luke, gorgeous luke, dangerous, exciting, who despite his temper, despite the fights, despite bruises down your spine and your teeth marks on his arms, loved you with the strength of a wildfire. there was destruction in your wishbones, a savageness from the field, from the pitch and now somehow in his arms, you were godly. he was cruel, he was careless, and he refused to fall at your feet like so many other boys had, which only you made you want him all the more. you were rage incarnate. you hated him so fiercely you thought you might kill him, so he played the only card you wouldn’t predict; proposed.
the house you shared was a backstreet flat in detroit, you make your name as a downtown singer while he foots the bill with pills. they have a drug for anything these days, to dull the senses, to pick them up, to drive you to insanity or pull you out of the madness hole. the two of you live like criminals on the run (you never told him that you were, living out your days as the enigma he wanted you to be), you with your voice like caramel and fishnet legs. you were his and his alone until his hand was at your throat and the gun was in your hands screaming at him to stop, stop, stop, until a bullet stoppered his brain, crimson staining linoleum as you cast yourself out like lucifer. self-defence was decreed the moment they saw your violet neck, black tears and headlight eyes and mind screaming red, red, red like the pom-poms you shook so willingly in school and the insides of his skull. you were gone, and “you” was born, renamed “greta”, boxed, shipped-out, and next-day delivered to vegas where under witness protection you were a student, blank slate, fresh-faced in a place where no one knew your name, doing what you always did and starting again.
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Pt. 2
WARNINGS: SPOILERS (obvs); not a Khaliiiisi fan; Jonsa shipper so I might talk about it.
4.- Euron Sparrow (I feel like I should add Captain somewhere) makes his heroic entrance in KL, and I find this kinda intresting, Hot Pie told Arya it was Cersei the one who blew the Great Sept of Baelor like it was common knowledge, but like how do people in Westeros know this stuff? news travel by ravens, and merchants and soldiers perharps but common people don’t know the High Lords and Ladies motivations and information has a way to get twisted (the best example I can think of is Season 5’ s troupe from Braavos, they told the story of Joffrey’s ascention and his death in a very pro-Lannister light) so I’m really interested in knowing just what did Cersei said about the whole affair. I mean people’s reaction to Ellaria and co. is pure entreteinment for them, they have no real beef with them but still interested in all this stuff.
We have Cersei herself sitting on the fugliest chair of the 7 realms (aka the IT) while Euron gallops into the throne room (like Euron can you be a lil’ less extra??) and presents her with her gift while shading the fuck outta Jaime, anyway Euron wants to put a date to their wedding but Cersei is having none of that until the war is over.
Euron still is looking for a fight with Jaime, and says he hopes the can have a bro talk about just how kinky is Cersei in bed (LMAO Euron is awful but he makes me laugh a lot).
Now we have Cersei in the dungeons with a very bright pink lipstick on (where do you even get that stuff???) and talks about Oberyn vs. The Mountain, she is just taunting Ellaria and has a very emotional moment while talking about Myrcella (Lena Headley is a hell of an actress, as much as I hate Cersei I don’t want her to die if only to keep enjoying her brilliant performance)
Then she kisses Tyene and reveals Qyburn managed to find out the poison Ellaria used with her daughter and her revenge would be forcing her to see Tyene die, and then wipes away the poison-pink lipstick and drinks the antidote like a total badass (RIP bad pussy).
So getting revenge turns her on and she goes to kiss Jaime and gives him head (like wow there has been a lot of oral this season), they end up on bed, and one of Cersei’s maids knocks, Jaime is like oh no, nobody must know!! And she’s like I’m queen so I can do whatever the fuck I want (no, that’s not how it works, that’s what got your monster of a son killed dumbass) anyway it seems short hair is lit now (cool cuz I got short hair too) and doesn’t say anything about literal incest in front of her (very wise dear).
Now apparently Cersei has a visitor from the Iron Bank (remember they are hella broke thanks to Robert?) and she has to deal with it, to be fair Cersei is a hell of a negociator, she manages to convince the emmisary to give her 15 days to pay her debts and trash talks D once again (the fuck bitch me too).
(round here I get confused about the order of the scenes but I’ll try)
5.- So Theon is found by a surviving ship and the Captain treats him like dirt for not fighting for Yara, and pls leave my son alone.
I have nothing much to add really was a pretty short scene and I hope to see more of Theon next episode.
6.- Back in Dragon Stone we have Jon talking with Tyrion, he says he was wrong to have come and wants to go back home (OMG my poor baby) cuz it’s clear D has no intention to help him, Tyrion tells him to cut her some slack (I mean I kinda agree it’s not easy to believe and fight with a dude you just met but then again she was very rude and antagonistic) and goes around telling him about all the good stuff D has done (k I get his point, but were you there to see the conquest of Meeren and Astapor Tyrion?? No, you got there when shit hit the fan due to Danisss incompetence as a ruler, so I fail to see how someone as clever and analytical would make such blind statements unless that someone is in love) Jon agrees reluctantly.
7.- Winterfell!!! At last!!! So we see Sansa talking with Lord Royce, LF and the Maester about the resources they have for Winter, and she is Walking around the castle looking over the preparations and making questions and very good suggestions every now and then.
Seeing this scene struck me this is the first time we see someone actually ruling, allow me to explain: the first 2 shots we get of D and Cersei are of them sitting on their thrones but doing nothing but serve themselves (D with trying to force Jon to bend the knee and Cersei with her revenge) now of course they’re preparing for war against each other, who gives a fuck about food or warm clothes in winter amirite Ladies? Well, A GOOD RULER that’s who, Sansa is still Lady Sansa she does not parade titles around nor she sits her ass on the court room and calls it a day or calls herself Queen, yet she is the only one who acts like one. If she doesn’t know something she immediatly asks, she seeks solutions and acts quickly, that suggestion about adding leather to the armors was a little detail but so huge because she doesn’t only care about the armor being strong but also that it keeps her people as warm and comfortable as possible, and Imma cry because it’s such a huge difference from other selfish rulers we’ve seen in the series.
Anyway, LF starts by saying ruling suites her well (dammit the first time he and I agree with something) but says she is too focused on the WW thing, she answers that they should (thank god at least someone believes in Jon) he warns about Cersei and honestly is hillarious because she knows bih!!! And she tells him as much, honestly Sansa is getting more savage in her responses to Baeless what a time to be alive!!!! Littlecreeper then proceeds to talk like a fortune-cookie, I tried to make sense of it, but still confused he tells her not to fight battles anywhere but her mind ( k I think he means being analytical and politicaly savvy, not rushing into conflicts everywhere) also that her friends are enemies and enemies are friends (bottomline I think it’s trust no one cuz alliances shift a lot in time of war, or at least that’s what I think it means) and that she will she things she has seen before (ummm so like people are predictable and she only has to observe and she’ll realize she knows what kind of people they are and thus predict/guess what they’ll do because she has already dealt with that, or is he talking about parallels or what??? Idk why is he so cryptic now???) it mattered not cuz Sansa gets called to the gate, and…
Bran!!! He is back!! And Oh my god Sophie Turner’s performance is A+ her expressions are beautiful and really made me cry, Bran is very changed tho, and I see he is getting a lot of hate but why? He is clearly dealing with a lot of difficult stuff, he IS the Three Eyed Raven now, seeing past/present/future must be hard on his psyche and the threat of the WW is overwhealming so stop pls.
They are under the weirdwood tree, Sansa looks adorable sitting in the snow and hugging her knees to her chest, and she just about kills me when she says “I wish Jon was here’ now of course I know she says so because she wishes Jon could share the hapiness and relief of having their little brother back but still (my shipper heart) and immediatly says WF is his (honestly Imma say this now, fuck the people who called her a power hungry bitch, you don’t like her or find her boring? Fine we all are allowed to have characters we like and dislike, but the blantant misogynistic hate Sansa’s been getting since day one has been overwhelming, fans of her get called delusional and anti-feminists for supporting an embodiment of the patriarchy and other willful misinterpretations of her character and I’m glad D&D have shown she is not what the fandom’s been acussing her of) putting the final nail on the Starkbowl coffin. Bran reject his title as Lord because he is the TER, and Sansa, the girl whose only contact with magic/supernatural stuff has been through what Jon told her, immediatly belives what her little brother says and not only that she asks him to explain what does it means because she wants to understand him (and OMG what a concept actually listening to people!!!) now I understand why every actor on the Stark fam wanted Sansa on the IT or Winterfell, she is an amazing ruler.
Bran triggers her ptsd talking about what Ramsey did to her, and she very graciously excuses herself, while Bran stays back to get some work on the NK business. I think this was a way to make her stop asking questions and kind of showing what his powers are about? But I’m not sure.
Again too long, so a part 3 is necessary for the final parts of the ep.
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