#like sir Shut the Fuck Up
georgierre · 2 years
yeah helmut marko's statements are actually racist flatout
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inkskinned · 2 years
it takes a really long time to unlearn but there's no such thing as "cheating" or "half-assing" being a person. if you need to leave the cabinet doors open, leave them open. microwave your tea. sit down in the shower. buy the eggmaker. use your phone to calculate tip.
it's mostly fake posterity rules. who cares if you microwave your dinners. who cares if you use instant coffee. who cares if you stop watching the show that got boring. we all have a different set of skills and a different life and taking care of yourself is fucking hard.
at the end of your life there will be no final scoreboard. nobody is going to judge you because you brushed your teeth in the shower. there will be no final count of the number of times you had the same meal five nights in a row. there will be no fanfare or party because you won at being a person - and no one will be disappointed that you never understood the point of using paper towels to dry your hands off after washing them.
yeah, in this world, people will put up a fuss. i've noticed some of the biggest fusses are over what you'll put in/on your body. the fact that i will regularly eat deli meat straight out of the bag makes a lot of people genuinely concerned for me. but here's the thing: sometimes that's the only way i'm getting any protein. my doctor says i am doing fine. i'm sticking to my weird snacks and calling it deconstructed charcuterie.
they'll say they're horrified because you take a shortcut. that's fine. it's just that it looks like a shortcut to them because they're on a different life path. these kinds of things stand out to them as important. that's fine too. but for you? you've got other things that already make you pretty hard working. and these tiny things - well, they're just clutter on your journey.
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grandwretch · 1 year
been thinking a lot about those hcs about steve bullying eddie and i'm pretty sure the math just does not check out on any level
like okay so first of all, steve absolutely would not be bullying someone older than him in his freshman and sophomore years, especially because in the way puberty hits teen boys, there is no way eddie wasn't probably taller and bigger than him in those years.
and like, yeah, he was more of an asshole in his junior year, but he was only a junior for four months before the demogorgon. so that means that everything you want steve to be responsible for vis a vis eddie's trauma has to be within that four months.
it's especially egregious when the only person we actually see steve bully is jonathan, who is a sophomore at the time. a sophomore who kicked steve's ass, btw. which probably means steve wasn't physically bullying seniors and escaping unscathed.
also it seems to be an equally popular trope that steve bullied gareth and gareth hates steve the most out of all eddie's friends, which is like... okay, gareth is, i think, a junior at the time of s4? which means he would have been a freshman in steve's junior year. which, yeah, sets him in steve's prime bullying demographic, but can i just remind everyone that steve wasn't even with that crowd for his entire first semester of junior year?
it seems incredibly unlikely that gareth got bullied by steve personally in fall '83 and then held on to that grudge for the rest of high school, especially after seeing firsthand steve's fall from popularity and then spending almost a whole year in school without him.
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torifuckingspring · 27 days
i think tagging your own posts #funny is the equivalent of telling yourself bless you after you sneeze. btw
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jtownraindancer · 5 months
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oh damn ok
Burn Gorman starring as Richard Carter in Ransomed, 2023.
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
Also I’m so sorry but I had to pause and read the lore notes when they flashed on screen and Wilbur’s of the 16th...
“However, he [c!wilbur] feels he is not without sin.”
Like stop, you’re telling me the main reason he didn’t just accept the fact they’d won was because he thought he didn’t deserve that happy ending? I mean, like, it was implied but still c!Wilbur you will never not be sad I love him sm
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daincrediblegg · 11 months
I really don’t think we talk enough about how much Sir John by virtue of being the symbol of (british) empire, intrudes and encroaches on everybody so much. Literally takes me aback every single time I watch the Terror.
He always treats Francis as a subordinate, even on his own ship. He takes the head of the table (when it should be Francis’), he leads every interaction with Francis with superiority- always subordinates him even when he’s trying (so SO fucking poorly) to apologize for them getting iced in. He dictates the menu. He poaches even from JFJ for his journal. He just takes and takes and takes- and is it any wonder Francis resented him so much considering how much of it is absolutely related to the fact that he’s Irish? To the very thing that likely has put him in a subordinate position with most of the navy for most of his life? Something that shouldn’t continue considering his accomplishments and tenure as a captain? It’s absolutely vile. 
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thetriggeredhappy · 2 months
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sovonight · 4 months
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i've now signed myself up for seven pages but it'll all be worth it when i can add them neatly to the xadri masterpost
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biblionerd07 · 2 months
“Jesse deserved what happened with Jack’s gang and should’ve died in the end because he was a pussy bitch and a rat and snitching is NEVER forgivable.” —Some business major named Brayden who wears boat shoes and calls the cops if he sees a homeless person existing in public
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jkapocalypse · 5 days
starting a new podcast bc i'm bored and i've been getting some stuff about Malevolent in my feed so i'm listening to that and i'm like 3 minutes in and whoever the second guy is (not Arthur) is so like??? I don't know how to explain it??
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ronnyraygun · 2 years
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He has very large…assets…
[Credit and Original Under Cut]
Original by: @sibi2028
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lilyharvord · 8 months
I need people to understand that my hyperfixation ships are limited to one thing: a man who is usually in full control of himself meeting 1 woman and losing complete and utter control over absolutely everything he does.
I just like to watch when they go full feral for a woman who could literally chew them up and spit them out, but choses to let them stick around because I don't know, it's nice to have someone carrying their bag or whatever.
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hptx7777 · 7 months
“Yellow rubbish…”
“Whiny blue fuck…”
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I like to imagine these two having a hate-love relationship, ship or not, like one day they’d be arguing and cussing the livid hell out of each other and the next they’ll be complaining about everything together
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catboy-syrup · 9 months
Obey Me: "This is literally INCEST: THE GAME. Asmo wants to fuck his brothers so bad, all the time. Belphie is the biggest siscon in media history. We have official card art in the game with the brothers acting like boyfriends have you SEEN that one Beel/Belphie Memory SSR? Satan and Lucifer have an insane psychosexual oedipeus complex thing going on. We're not even gonna talk about Mammon (the confirmed masochist) getting tied up and whipped as punishment by his older brother (the confirmed sadist) like holy fuck were you even paying attention to the obvious BDSM allegories? The player is the direct descendant of their sister. Lucifer is hung tf up on Lilith and is also obsessed with MC, her great great etc grandchild. Oh also we have a shota"
no fr like, the fact that Asmo wants to bang his brothers is the first thing I noticed, not to mention the actual 300+ year old angel who looks 10 years old. not to mention when I first heard that the MC was the decendant of the brother's dead sister I was like "Ayo that sounds like incest with extra steps if you asked me (the way I've seen anti's say its not problematic is that the mc with the decendant of Liliths human reincarnation, but its literally played off as MC being the direct decendant.)
But nooo *I'm* the weird one cause I posted one piece of fanart that featured fanart of Luke kissing Lucifer on the cheek (Which wouldn't have even been seen as romantic if I didn't tag it as ship.)
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jtownraindancer · 24 days
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missing my second favourite revolutionary spy played by burn gorman tonight 🇬🇧
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