#like showing the same moments twice but with different acting from the actors to show how the different characters percieved what happened
lyxchen · 27 days
Something I love about Heartbreak High is how when we first see Amerie's perspective of what happened at the festival everything is good and Harper is happy and jokes around with her but then when we see Harpers perspective you suddenly notice how unsure and uncomfortable she actually is. Like she doesn't smile as much and it's a little more fake and she's being much more serious, for example with the "I think my house is haunted" moment and also when her dad texts her. But Amerie didn't notice. Which is why she didn't realize something was going on with Harper and why she couldn't imagine that anything had happened that day. In her memory everything was great and perfect when it in fact wasn't. And I think that's a really cool way of showing both their perspectives because while overall they both remember the same things, their perception of How it happened is different
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ride-thedragon · 10 months
The Lack of Nuance with House Velayron.
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I want to establish that the strange relationship to blackness in the show is confusing.
The show runners didn't write black characters. The Velaryons are Valyrian.
The cast is filled with black actors who draw parallels in their interviews to their blackness and this house. Without correction.
In a similar vain to how house Targaryen, house Hightower and house Lannister are all played by white people the Velaryons look black but are not written o be perceived as black in the narrative.
It's not inherently colorblind casting because the intent was to differentiate the Velaryons and Targaryens and to show how obvious Rhaenyra’s adultery is. It does, however, act in the same way. Their blackness isn't supposed to impact the narrative past that extent. Unfortunately, that's not how race works in media. Look at Bridgerton. For example, they knew they wanted to include racial elements to justify their alternate history while imploring colorblind casting and building these characters around their actors.
The biggest issue that comes from this understanding is that because they didn't write the script with black people in mind and just wrote it thematically to reach up to the dance, they end up sidelining and putting black characters into a lot of reductive stereotypes and fulfilling harmful tropes that contribute to the oppression of real world black people.
Laena is the second choice bride for Daemon, a white prince. He spends their marriage, making it known that he'd prefer to be with his other niece while not discounting the fact that they are happy enough for their circumstance.
Laena is a black girl who is passed over twice in the narrative for white women for different reasons. Her husband can't truly love her or their black children to the full extent he would her white counterpart.
Laenor is a gay man who can not do his duty to the realm and, as a result, does not sleep with his wife, causing her to look for a man who will essentially making his successor not from his blood.
Laenor is a black gay man explicitly traumatized during a wedding, not being able to fulfill his duty. His wife finds someone willing to do it during this time and he agrees to take the blame. The kid doesn't look like him. This pattern and behaviour continues because it can cost these kids their life. Rhaenyra actively contributes to the erasure of black succession for this house, choosing instead to sleep with and have kids by a white man.
Certain things work with this change. Corlys saying 'history does not remember blood it remembers names' gives 'I'm not black I'm OJ'.
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The perception of success defines him more than the inherent loss of blackness he's pandering, too.
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That wasn't the show's intention, though. None of my reading was intended to be placed on the story.
They made Laena into a sapphire who ended her life brutally after thinking it would be lost to childbirth.
The statistical and historical relationship to black women and childbirth was a burden the show runners did not consider.
It gets worse when the writers call it a 'dragon riders death' because it's so much more brutal than the death she endures in the book. A black woman chooses a brutal death as opposed to being helpless in childbirth. That's not imagery that was utilized well.
Laenor rededicating his life to his family after his sisters death only to be replaced by a white man and killed off violently (not really though, he just abandoned his family).
They also casually make him and his dad absent fathers.
With Corlys, they unknowingly employ Uncle Tom tropes with him while making him absent from his family, and next season, a cheater with an outside family.
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Vaemond is a black man being gaslit all around him, and when he stands up for what is a real concern to have in his shoes, in a moment where he chooses to be unapologetic and angry he's brutally killed by a white protagonist. They punish the black character who didn't want to assimilate.
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Again, this wasn't the writers intention because they are not writing black character. With someone like Nettles, this relationship to the narrative will be clearer. The racism and prejudice she faces in the story are different from the Velaryons because she's perceived as other or black in this world. Like Missandei and Grey Worm, she's a black character in the universe.
However, the imagery that these things invoke can not be avoided just because you don't focus on them. That's even more reckless because you get the diversity points, claim there is a reason behind their blackness, and then utilize reductive tropes and stereotypes.
I truly think they should've utilized the Bridgerton method and attributed the difference to dragonriding and the fact that a lesser dragon riding family would still be better than a rich non dragon riding family and that their ability to have dragon riders now should evaluate their status even though, through the show we see it not shifting their dynamic.
Racism and the stereotypes that come from it aren't based on anything tangible. White hair dragon riders through marriage and people with white hair who inherently can claim a dragon by blood alone is the same nonsense racism is based on. It's not really an important distinction but a necessary one to perpetuate and hold power. It could simply be a prejudice that the Velaryons acknowledged is there and are trying to break through.
This is a good show. It was beautifully done with the source material they had, but consciousness when it comes to perception and duality are so important when it comes to media, especially when writing for marginalized groups.
I would've loved to see Laenor and Rhaenyra have a discussion along the lines of her icing him out of their family unit, replacing him during a hard time. Or him actively acknowledging the burden of his position as heir with Luke and relating to his inability to do his duty and Luke's burden of perceived bastardy.
I'd love to see a Corlys and Vaemond Arguemnt of Corlys' assimilation to the politics of Westeros and the identity of house Velayron being lost as a result.
Laena could've acknowledged her worth to their marriage, calling Daemon out on his complacency to their collective happiness and expecting him to be better would've ate, cleared and devoured.
Imagine that last scene coupled with book Laena's death. I would've secured the Emmy for Nanna.
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Not only does this add to the world building, but it sets up future (technically past) relationships between the Velaryons and someone like Nettles. Between them and Targaryens.
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I need a cold cigarette. I will end this by saying the framework should they decide to establish this better is already there. It's just unfortunate that we lost three cool people before the nuance would hit.
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oddbunny · 2 months
Found this Gael interview from 2006 in the comments section on another interview. Accidental rabbit hole.
2006 New York Post interview:
It's not for nothing that Gael Garcia Bernal was twice cast as revolutionary Che Guavara. The Mexican actor is as charismatic as he is outspoken - especially when it comes to issues concerning his native country.
He's also responsible for some serious box-office magic back home: 2001's "Y Tu Mama Tambien" was the biggest opening weekend ever for a Mexican film, and 2002's "The Crime of Father Amaro" was the most successful Mexican film in history (and possibly the most controversial - he played a secretly non-celibate Catholic priest).
Bernal is currently starring in director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's "Babel," alongside Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, and was recently seen riding a stop-motion stuffed horse in Michel Gondry's fantastical film "The Science of Sleep."
Q: Mexican directors are hot right now. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu made waves with "Amores Perros" and "21 Grams." Alfonso Cuaron did it with "Y Tu Mama Tambien." Is Mexico becoming a center for film?
A: There's definitely a worldwide sense that Mexican cinema is pretty big, or a bit "in fashion," right now. Latin cinema as a whole, really. There's this rebirth feeling. But this is nothing, for what the country deserves - Mexico is a country of 100 million people. The year "Amores Perros" was made, there were only six films made there! And this year, it's 65. So there's been a big increase.
But unfortunately, in Mexico, it's harder to make a movie, to even contemplate the idea of directing a film - not many people have the opportunity. I'm sure people from the mountains in Oaxaca find it so far away [from their reality] to do a film. And at the same time, it's exactly those kinds of voices that you want to hear.
If I had to stick with one reason why films matter, it's that: getting to know the "other," and finding that the other is not so different than you are. That's what I think of when I feel like I don't want to make movies anymore.
Q: You have moments when you want to get out of movies?
A: Yeah, I mean, sometimes you feel unprepared, you feel untalented, like you're doing something you don't like, or that you're just doing it terribly. Or you don't like the industrial side. But at the end of the day, there is always that thing. I want to do films because I am an audience first, and films have made me know more about the other - and that the other doesn't exist, really.
Q: Which is one of the points of "Babel." But some people, like the busload of U.S. and British tourists, come across worse than others, don't they?
A: Well, there's two points of view about this movie - you can see that, OK, the people from the U.S. are portrayed as scared people, really worried about health and dirt. But you can also see the other side: Why are the ones that die always from poor countries? We are always the ones that die.
Q: Your character in "Babel" makes pretty bad decisions after he's stopped by an aggressive cop at the U.S.-Mexican border. Have you, or someone you know, ever experienced anything like that?
A: My character makes a bad mistake in a drunken state. But yeah, when you're Mexican, it's a bit of a situation. You have to apply three months before, and it costs $80 for the visa. Sometimes you have to show bank statements to show you're earning money, you're not coming to the U.S. to work. It's kind of stupid - as if money was a sign of honesty, or goodwill. It's a rite of humiliation. They act as if you are coming here to steal.
Q: Is it easier for you to avoid this than most, though?
A: No, no - the last time I crossed the border, walking, I was asked, "Where do you come from?" And I'm like, "Well, I'm from Mexico." And they say, "No, where do you come from?" And I say, "I come from Mexico." I mean, what am I supposed to explain? And they say, "What were you doing in Mexico?" And I say, "Well, I live there." And they say, "No, but what were you doing right before you came here?"
I'm not gonna answer that. Because - you know, what do you care? We're radicalizing the process of integration, and that's terrible. Because it's going backward in time. But it's not just the U.S.'s fault - Mexico is shamefully not providing a place for people to work and live properly. It's everyone's fault.
Q: Did that experience make you want to avoid the U.S.?
A: No. I mean, we share the same territory! But Bush just signed off on the law to start building a wall. It's the second biggest wall that's ever going to be built, it's going to rival the Great Wall of China. And it costs so much money, and so much human resources. Maybe I'm stating the obvious here, but it's kind of ridiculous to build a wall. Walls are always destroyed eventually.
Q: Aside from acting, your production company organizes a worldwide traveling documentary film festival, Ambulante. Are you planning the 2007 festival yet?
A: Yeah, it's happening in 18 cities, on commercial screens, with a big chain - for half-price! Very cheap, it's like $2. And we're going to get together some 15-20 films, divided into three sections. One section we're calling "Dictator's Cut," which is about censorship. For one of those, we're showing both the "official" version and the real one; the rest are already restored, but some of them were completely not shown. It's very exciting.
Q: Your role in Michel Gondry's "The Science of Sleep" was one of your least political roles - was it fun to cut loose and just be weird?
A: It was great, it was a joy to act in. I had a lot of fun doing it. I think not many people have seen it here. Maybe because it was done in France? I mean, it's got good numbers, but still, I wish it would be much more.
There is still this myth - like, for example, I saw the trailer for [Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro's upcoming film] "Pan's Labyrinth," and they don't show you it's in Spanish. You never see a character speaking. I just think that's cheating, you know?
If they actually tell me that there's this weird Iranian love story - I want to see it, because it's in Iran. If it's about a love story in Florida, well, I've seen that before. I'm interested in the further-away, the more surprising.
Q: Do you ever worry that people will take you less seriously because of your looks?
A: [Laughs] No - there are prettier boys than me.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I didn't think about him being a knight and having endangered himself before, you're right!
I was mostly thinking along the lines of one of the kids being directly attacked and him probably not jumping at the opportunity to get between that (I feel like he would/could but he'd probably think about whether it's the smartest decision/in favour of his goals whereas Aemond would act rather rash).
Maybe he would protect Alicent without further thought tho (but I am not knowledgeable, I just base my opinions on vibes).
What do you think?
Hi there!
I think Otto gets a little bit of a bad rep in general. He doesn't talk the talk without walking the walk, if you think about it. As I've said, he has already put himself twice in harms' way on the same bridge on Dragonstone - once against Daemon, once against Daemon & Rhaenyra, both times facing dragons, both times ready to throw hands if necessary. He's not hiding somewhere in the background, he's the first to fall if things go awry. Tywin Lannister, another Hand of the King, would have simply sent an envoy, for example, and it's not for lack of courage, as he fights in battle himself to save his family from Stannis.
Which is why I think it's the more notable that Otto went himself, on behalf of the Crown. If he is willing to do that for the institution, to perform what essentially is a ceremonial, albeit (unnecessarily, for him) dangerous act, why wouldn't he protect Alicent and his grandchildren if they were in the way of direct harm?
It's also important to note that he never intentionally placed his daughter in harm's way. In his mind, Viserys is a good man who would never mistreat her (in a way he understands as being significant).
Similarly, I think a lot of this confusion stems from the political climate not being relayed properly to the viewers. Otto fully expects Viserys to change his heir once he has a son. Fandom likes to believe this is evil machination from his part, plotting Rhaenyra's murder years in advance, but most other noble lords think the same thing. Does anyone think Corlys and Rhaenys were trying to get Laena and her future children killed by putting her forward as a potential bride? Does anyone think Rhaenys was secretly plotting to defenestrate Rhaenyra while they were sassing off on that balcony? Jason Lannister shows up from way out west and fully expects Aegon to be named heir as well. People are very confused when Viserys doesn't budge.
Otto is not so unfeeling as to reduce his daughter and grandchildren to canon fodder for his personal ambition. He wasn't expecting this problem in the first place. He is taken aback and has to recalculate and re-calibrate his strategy. That is why he starts insisting to Alicent in private that she also join him in pushing for Aegon as heir. That is why he suggests betrothing Rhaenyra to Aegon. That is why he tells Alicent her children will be in danger if Viserys doesn't switch. He wasn't tricking or trapping her in a future bloody war over succession when he sent her to comfort/distract the king. Viserys is the rogue element here, someone that we in the field of international relations would say is not behaving like a rational actor.
Which is what I think Otto was doing in the eye-gouging trial as well. Taking in information and making a cost-benefit analysis. Aemond's eye was already lost by that point and perhaps he thought there was nothing to be gained politically by further antagonizing Rhaenyra. Alicent was also the one with the knife; she had the upper hand in that moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Otto is flawless here - he is not Westeros' no 1 hugger and comforter. For example, he could have interjected himself in support of his daughter, instead of her slowly losing her mind. To further the Tywin comparison, for all his faults, he would have been raging there at the King alongside Cersei. Otto has a different personality - he works more behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I don't think he would have stood idly by if Viserys suddenly decided to start removing the tongues of his family members.
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rietveldz · 1 year
i want to talk about this single frame lol 
(i’ll call it FRAEME 1.0 lolz):
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which comes immediately after the shot of jace and helaena dancing:
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and before that, there’s this look between the aegon and aemond:
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the purpose of FRAEME 1.0 is to clear any doubts about what the shared look between aegon and aemond means, which is to differentiate the brothers’ true reactions. sure, they are both affronted by jace asking their sister/wife to dance, but this frame shows that, moments later, aegon’s already got his back turned away from the scene, barely caring, if at all, while aemond very much still does to the point where he's turned his chair to watch them closely, virtually unmoving, probably seething (in fact, what ultimately pulls his attention away from the scene is luke’s snickers but only after a few seconds of letting it pass). 
this whole sequence is very shot-heavy, as group/family meal scenes typically are. a significant chunk of the shots are medium closeups that editors can easily cut to for individual character reactions. and mediums like that are relatively easier in production too because they can just call in the specific actors they need, and just have stand-ins they can act/react to. so when shots include multiple actors like this one (rhaena, daemon, and rhaenyra are in the foreground; luke’s and baela’s hands are seen briefly), and it made the final cut, then the filmmakers thought it significant enough to include. therefore, the inclusion of FRAEME 1.0 is deliberate. however, it’s interesting to note that this was the only one instance this shot was used.
there’s one slightly different angle of this shot, however (FRAEME 2.0):
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my educated guess for this slightly different angle is to obscure daemon’s reaction to build up his intervention of the ensuing fight. but functionally, they are the same: to juxtapose aegon and aemond. and the fact that they’re in agreement here (the only ones in the table raising their cups, in fact) just emphasizes their difference in FRAEME 1.0: aegon and aemond agree when it comes to taunting the strong boys, but it’s only aemond who cares to watch (and seethe) when helaena is in the picture. 
one can argue that aemond has more reason to disdain the strong boys because he blames them (luke especially) for his lost eye, and they’d be right. but much like the scene where aegon and aemond talk about performing their duty, which aegon balks at while aemond declares he would do so, why was the framing of these issues around helaena? it can be about anything else -- aemond has an interest in studying and fighting and cares more about the family and their position, which already contrasts him to aegon. so why did the show creators make helaena and their regard for her (or lack thereof in aegon’s case) be central to illustrate the difference between them? not once but twice.
and why would the answer to those questions anything other than helaemond trutherism? idk, man.
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months
I just saw you reblog a post about Misha and Jared being overlooked for good acting vs Jensen. And I agreed with OP and your tags about Jared and Misha.
I think Misha had his areas of strength, but Casifer was more of a caricature or copy-cat of Mark P Lucifer, rather than Lucifer in Jimmy’s body (or Cass’ vessel). For example, Jared made Lucifer his own but there was still a tie to Mark’s version with his menace and condescension. I believe Misha can act, and there is one episode where I think he played lucifer well, but stopped really trying because Apocalypse Cass and The Empty Cass are frankly embarrassing.
Another point that was brought up is that some people overlook that Jared is good because they hate Sam or hate Jared, which I think is true but those peoples opinions aren’t valid because they have an agenda. But I also think it’s that Jensen/Dean are scene stealers and are often more animated, so the casual enjoyer is likely going to be drawn to him. Then he pulls out the emotion and it catches you because he’s usually fun. On the other hand Jared/Sam are more of a steady presence on SPN, most of the time, so it can be easier to not focus on him.
But what I’ve found on rewatches is that, while I initially was drawn to Dean and his expressive eyes, I’m now drawn more often to Sam and the nuances of what he’s doing, especially when he’s playing Not!Sam or Sick!Sam, but I still mostly love their scenes together most.
Though I think both actors have their strengths, I think Jared is truly stronger at physically embodying different characters, and Jensen often gets a stronger emotional response but I’d add a caveat to that because I’ve also noticed a difference in the quality of writing for emotional Sam lines vs emotional Dean lines at times, especially early seasons vs late seasons dialogue.
Anyway, sorry this got so long. I’m not even sure if you usually do asks. But I just had to comment because I find it so frustrating how a loud group praises Jensen skill and dumps on Jared when the truth is they and their characters are doing different things for different purposes, but both are good actors, and both have also had flat moments or over the top moments that have taken me out of the show once or twice.
The thing with Misha is he's pretty decent at getting into character with a gimmick.
Castiel is well known for his gravelly voice, because Misha thought about what would happen to a human vessel containing an angel, and then he stuck to the bit.
He is great at caricaturing Mark P's Lucifer, because he has some distinct facial expressions and line delivery. But, like I said in those tags, that wasn't the actual assignment. 🙃 And a big part of this is on Misha, because he could've given more thought to it; but it's also on the directors that allowed it. And I think a huge part of that might be how Mark P's face is a shorthand for Lucifer, and perhaps people forget that's just a vessel. So you end up with a Jimmy Novak vessel, comically contorting his face into Nick's features.🤨 I can't take it seriously; it's so uncomfortable to watch.
Apocalypse World Castiel is maybe even WORSE to me, because
1) how and why does he sound like that? Is Jimmy Novak German over there?? Or is that what CASTIEL sounds like, since our Castiel also doesn't sound like Jimmy Novak?
2) why would castiel even have the same vessel? I can give this a pass for the sake of the mind trip of seeing evil cas with the same face, but that brings up:
3) the FUCKING ACCENT is an honestly lazy shorthand for evil. Because he's not just doing a German accent, he's doing a Nazi Villain Accent like from a movie, complete with facial ticks. Someone else has a more in depth post on why it's Not Great to use German accents and Nazi caricature as a shorthand for evil, but I can't find it to link right now.
It bothers me so much.
The Empty doesn't bother me as much, except for the fact that once again Misha made a character choice that no one else depicting The Empty did. However, I'll give him a pass on it since his was the first.
Conversely, Jared puts a lot more thought into character motivation to create a nuanced PERSONA. He's not just "how can i make this one quirky in a new way?" He's getting into the character's head, and often switching between them. The way they carry themselves, the tone of voice while still being Sam/Jared's voice, the way he had Gadreel speak in iambic pentameter! The way you can see the difference when you pay attention.
And maybe I didn't appreciate it as much the first time, because I binged it ravenously rather than taking the time to think about any of the acting. So perhaps, like you said, Jensen/Dean's stronger emotional acting took the spotlight.
But with rewatching, I notice so much more about how Jared portrays different characters and learned so much about the care he puts into figuring out every character, I'm just constantly in awe.
I don't think Jensen's Michael was that bad, but it also didn't feel like Jared's Lucifer. Maybe part of that is that Jensen hadn't had to act anyone other than Dean as often as Jared had to act Not Sams.
J2 definitely each have different acting styles and strengths, and sure it's maybe not always perfect, but I love both. Though, I do have to admit, most of my reblogs and posts on the subject are just about Jared...lol. He's just amazing to me, maybe especially because Sam does get shafted to the background a lot, but when I look for him Jared is putting his all into Sam. If acting was still one of my personal interests, he would be a role model to me.
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arthursknight · 2 years
i just booked my flight for london, and i booked my hotel room. it's real, and it's happening. after 8 years of being away from the only place that's ever felt like home, i am coming back.
but the best part is--
the hotel i am staying at is a literal block away from my flat i had when i lived there. i just went on google maps and dropped the little pin on my street, for old times' sake. my pub that i frequented at least three times a week and drunkenly recited shakespeare at is still there (albeit with a slightly different name). my flat looks the same as it did 8 years ago. i could trace back where i would walk, every day, nearly two miles through regent's park to camden and back, even when i drank 10 plastic cups' worth of free prosecco on thanksgiving and had to stumble my way back in heels.
and i have booked shows to see. one by a favourite company of mine (remind me to tell you the story of why later); one at the globe, because how could i not, over 8 years since i last saw midsummer there (the infamous one where oberon and puck kissed, no less!); and one which features an actor i not only watched a heart wrenching performance from the last time i was in london, but who also taught a masterclass at my conservatory (and subsequently, very excitedly, told me that i did one of the most lovely executions of portia from merchant he had ever seen).
my time in london was far from perfect, though nostalgia and longing paints it with a far better tint. i was in the eye of the storm that was one of the worst moments of my father's abuse; the night before he left me there remains one of my most traumatic memories. it was in that same flat that i got the call that he was in rehab for the first time in my adult life. i fell in and out of love in London, twice, each time with gross ramifications. i was young and bold and reckless and stupid.
and i left london in one of the worst mental health crises i have ever had in my life, one that would take years of continual therapy and trauma work to parse through. i still am barely out the other end of it.
but london was-- is-- everything to me.
and now, i get to go back. i get to walk the same streets, the same path through regent's park (because i am, inevitably, always going to make my way back to camden. i did, after all, see jude law outside of that Starbucks one time). i get to go to that same silly pub that now has whiskey flights, for some pretentious reason. i will probably no longer get carded at waitrose, but you never know. i will see my old acting teachers, and my friend who now lives there, and i will find new places and old ones and everything in between.
this time, though. this time, i will be healed in ways i couldn't have been back then.
and this time, when i leave, i will know for a fact that it will only be a matter of time before i return for good.
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rndyounghowze · 1 year
Theatre Is The Only Artform That Fundamentally Changes The Minute It Is Filmed
By RnD
During the first two years of reviewing digital theatre during the pandemic we got in a lot of bitter arguments with who we’ll politely call “theatre purists” who just seemed to hate the entire movement. With the haze of the moment passed we admit that people were depressed. Theatre practitioners were rightfully sad and there was so much uncertainty in those two years. Then there were purists who were stuck in their ways and kept pushing back at everything we said. They were adamant that anytime theatre was filmed it somehow became a different artform whatsoever. The minute that theatre was filmed it automatically became a movie. This is what prompted Dana to create this phrase that shook up everything we ever assumed about theatre: Theatre is the only artform that fundamentally changes the minute that it is filmed.
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During this time we had reviewed dancers, burlesque performers, clowns, and acrobats. When a clown performs in person they are a clown, when you put them in front of a camera they are still a clown. This is the same for dancers, musicians, sword swallowers, and escape artists. Whether they are in front of a camera or onstage their art barely changes. A stage actor suddenly becomes a film actor. A stage director suddenly becomes a film director. Everything about the show becomes different when you have put it on the camera. Or does it? Does this little camera lens have this ability to completely change the DNA of an entire artform?
We have said this before and we will say this again until the heat death of the universe: The camera doesn’t make something a film, all the artists USING the camera make it a film. The director making the story boards, the director of photography lining up the shots, the gaffers lighting the scene, the production designer building the sets, all the way to the editor cutting shots together. These artists have come together and taken a script from pre-production all the way to the final product intending it to be a film! Saying that the camera makes theatre a film is really insulting to the whole of film artists AND to theatre artists too!
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When you say something like this about theatre you are making theatre something fragile, something worthless. You are not respecting yourselves or your fellow artists. Theatre is an act of consecration. Theatre artists enter a space and make a pact they will create a show for an audience that will enter this space. They perform this show for this audience and go home. The space, the people, and the show will never quite be the same. That’s what is special about the theatre. Theatre is not the space or the stage, it’s the ephemeral show that will never be the same way twice.
The great thing about digital theatre is that it is where theatre and film shake hands. We bring skills from theatre, film, live-streaming, social media, etc to consecrate a virtual playing space for a community across the globe that will never be the same again. It doesn’t even exist in the same world! Theatre is this magical ephemeral medium where people connect and see themselves. Using this virtual medium we’re making connections and stories that we couldn’t even dream of years ago. This is what makes digital theatre special. So have some respect for yourself and respect these mediums that we have worked so hard in. You deserve it.
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xx-narcissa · 2 months
i haven’t done one of these in a while but this movie was so bad i have to talk about it. inserting a cut cus i already know im about to rant out my ass and this might get long as hell but i’ll try my best to get to the point
first off, nobody in this movie could act. yes, including halle berry. half the time it felt like all the actors were acting as if they were in completely different movies from one another even when they were both in the same scene.
second off, the movie was incredibly rushed despite it being OVER TWO HOURS. it was rushed but at the same time felt incredibly slow at times. we were only twenty minutes in and i swear i thought we were already over halfway through. the pacing was terrible.
like 3 minutes in you’ve already been thrown into it with a TEN YEAR TIME JUMP. we get no backstory or exposition or anything at all. we don’t actually get to SEE anything. everything that previously happened is just told to us through dialogue. and isn’t that like the number one rule of storytelling is show don’t tell???????
and thirdly, the characters aren’t fleshed out in the slightest. like i said, everything is told to us and nothing is shown. every conflict or emotional moment between characters feels forced and i couldn’t bring myself to have any type of sympathy for any of them because not only could none of them act but because we are given absolutely no reason to care about any of these characters. if anything, these scenes just felt like filler bc they added little to nothing to the plot and afterwards we would go right back to the high intensity action packed rushed mess that is the majority of the movie.
nothing that the characters did made sense either. it would have been neat to see other countries governments reactions to the situation bc realistically if the moon is fucking falling the united states is not gonna just be calling all the shots. and realistically what the fuck is NUKING THE FUCKING MOON going to do????? deadass the best thing to do in that situation is just hope and pray.
and if i had a nickel for every time elon musk was mentioned id only have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
also i bet this was sponsored by lexus because what the hell massive ass product placement.
so overall i would give this pile of dog shit a 2/10 because it is definitely a cool ass concept for a movie but it was just executed so so so so poorly. and it wasn’t even bad in like a fun camp way but it was just bad in a bad way. everyone associated with this movie should be fired and receive 20 lashings. yes even halle berry.
unless you’re on a mission to watch every movie ever made, i would not suggest watching this. maybe if it was shorter it could just be something to watch but it’s honestly just a waste of 2 hours. only paid like 3.99 to rent it but honestly i want that back 😭😭
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missmarrypotter · 8 months
Sooooo .. after denying it does even exist in the first place - i'm currently rewatching OnePieceLA.
So here is my conclusion.
OPLA spoilers ahead - don't read if you didn't had the chance to watch it yet ❤️
first things first - i know and love the anime .. well the manga more than the anime but i think the point is clear, i was very biased and had little to no hope.
🩵 i recognized everyone! no second thoughts needed. The details put in the designes of the characters is insane. Those outfits are so accurate!! (like honestly that's what i expected from Winx saga but oh boy ..)
🩵 yes the outfits beeing that great helped with feeling like it's not just a poor excuse of an adaption but also the cast!! Amazing. i don't agree with every single one but it would be a miracle if that was the case so - i'm rather celebrating the ones i love than cry about like 3 characters i disagree with.!
🩵 realistic representation of the characters bodys and age.! One Piece for many people is just known for Big Boody girls and Beefcake Daddy's but - 1. the characters did not always look like that and .. 2. ... how were they supposed to put that into LA?. I mean they can't just cast The Rock and Emily Ratajkowski to body double everyone.
Tbh i also thought when i saw smokers back : omg he is way too slim, he needs to be twice as broad but that's just not very realistic 😅😅
The man are realistcally fit in my opinion and the girls also have very realistic body types, thanks for that!!
and the honestly best thing is that Mihawk is just like the most flawless Person on earth and Shanks looks like the Dude from next Door, cause that's what is the thing about shanks! He is one of the strongest People in OP but he does not act or look like it 🤣
🩵 the story line. No. it's not exactly the same but it is works!! they changed things and speed up things but in good way! and the easter eggs are so lovable!!!!
🩵 the accents. Well .. tbh i first watched it in german dub and they used the same voice actors as in the anime so everyone felt sooo familiar and i was so happy 🥰 but i also switched to hear what the actors voices sound like and .. i'm very fine with them. And i don't mind the accents either but i understand that it could be a no for some people.. but i'm that kind of person that finds everything in a thick british or scottish accent better soo ..
🩵 the overall OP world. They nailed it. The cast and the outfits would have not been enough to make it feel lile one piece if everything around would've looked like it was our world. But they put so much efford into every single location 😭😭😭😭😭 The ships!! .. i cried first time i saw the flying Lamp because (going Merry) .. she is perfect! my Baby is made with so much love it's unreal .. oh and every other ship too 🤣
🩵 the acting - is so on point. nothing more to say.
🩵 the. thing. with. the. bounties.!! whoever had that idea - give him a raise!
🩵 CGI. So good. is it flawless? no. But it's really good .. which i was a little afraid of because it obviously is needed very much in a show like that and if something important like that sucks - it kinda pulls everything down with it.
🩵 there is much more to ramble about but that's the last one - they made character alterations but in a good way. Buggy is kinda funny and laughable in the anime at least in the beginning and yeah - he had funny moments in OPLA as well but they gave him a much darker abroach here and ... woah. It's amazing!!!! the acting .. is so phenomenal. and he has so Gorgeous eyes ..
Sanji was never my fave in the anime - too pervy and simpy. The thing i liked was the bantering between him and Zorro though. In the LA he is different. He is very kind and gentlemanlike with a hint of womanizer underneath but not in a cringe way. Don't like the hair though.
And Helmeppo .. didn't really like him in the anime even after his "glow up" .. but now the glow up happens in a short amount of time and i looove it. And he is good for a laugh, in the anime he was just good for eyerolls for me 🤷‍♀️
it's not flawless but still fucking amazing!
i will gladly continue to watch even though i feel like it will get much harder to represent the following stations of their journey as good as they did till now. But i'm curious about how they will handle it :)))
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zalrb · 2 years
It was definitely weird seeing how Jeremy was crushing on Bonnie so much and then completely forgetting when Anna came back. However, I kind of felt Beremy were rushed too. I don't remember much, but in season 2 they started hanging out due to keeping Elena safe from Klaus and then they just kissed one day. So maybe that was the angst they needed to move on from, like how the vampirism ended Mattoline. Plus, dude lost 2 gfs prior to Bonnie so he was in the wrong place mentally.
I have two thoughts about this response.
1. I think the fact that Beremy happened as quickly as it did because Steve decided that Jeremy had a crush on Bonnie and Kat went with it should be taken into account 
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I can be a hundred percent honest - when [McQueen and Graham] made the choice to put their arms around each other at the end of that scenes, even I, watching it, was like ‘Hey, wait a minute! What’d I miss?’” Plec laughs. “I think what it was, was that he was stepping in and intervening and rescuing her from a complicated situation. We thought about cutting it, because it seems like they’re together, but it was this big beautiful wide shot of the whole town, and there was no way to get out of the scene without showing it, so we said alright, whatever.
"Beremy" apparently heated up much faster than originally planned, thanks to a little improv. McQueen recalls, "I talked to Kat [Graham] before we shot the scene, and I was like, 'You know what? This would be a really cool moment just to kiss you.' And she was like, 'All right, let's try it! 'Should we tell the writers?' And I was like, 'No, they're going to tell us not to. Let's just do it.' So we ended up doing it, and they liked it, so they kept it. It was a cool moment as an actor to take a risk and have it pay off like that."
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but I only take it into account to some degree because the show went with it and dealt with it 
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 2x07 when Jeremy just suddenly has a thing for Bonnie, that was the only time that was like, oh since when? OK sure ... 
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but after that, they build it up with the touches 
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and the stares that hold longer than they would if it was just platonic 
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so you see them vibe 
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and Bonnie ends up being vulnerable with Jeremy, admitting things she doesn’t feel like she can admit to anyone else
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and they spend more time together, they’re basically in all of each other’s scenes from 2x07 on 
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they get together outside of taking down Klaus -- although plot interferes there (i.e. Luka)
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(also I love how even in season 2, TVD was recycling things, there are things OTHER than pool). The funniest thing is that the below scene and the above scene are from two different episodes and Jeremy is essentially wearing the same shirt.
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we see Jeremy’s jealousy at least twice
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(i mean, you left her at a table by herself so you could play pool, Jeremy)
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so it’s not like they were simply working on how to take Klaus down and suddenly they were kissing even if the kiss happened sooner than expected. And the dialogue actually pretty effectively deals with how awkward the development for them would feel like 
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2. This part:
So maybe that was the angst they needed to move on from, like how the vampirism ended Mattoline. 
I have trouble with because that's you, as a viewer, going oh, it makes sense that Jeremy acted this way with Bonnie because the buildup was too rushed 
same thing with this 
Plus, dude lost 2 gfs prior to Bonnie so he was in the wrong place mentally.
We don't actually see either of these things in the narrative. Vicki and Anna effectively have no bearing on him in season 2, they’re not mentioned, he doesn’t pine for either of them, he isn’t in a volatile or emotionally wrecked mindset, it’s not like, for instance, when Bonnie dies and Jeremy keeps listening to her voicemail over and over.
If we DO see the effect of Vicki and Anna’s deaths on Jeremy in season 2, it’s in how much he wants to keep Bonnie safe, it’s still very Bonnie-centric, he has feelings for her and he refuses to lose her 
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Which is why I can only take the cheating sl to a point where it’s like, OK he’s suddenly seeing Anna again and it’s bringing back all of these mixed feelings so when she’s “alive” he kisses her, I can get on board with that but  the whole “I’ve always loved her” “I’m always thinking about you even when I’m not thinking about you” when there was literally nothing to suggest that beforehand? No. 
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jjheejz · 3 years
What is Fate?
[Part 2/5] During filming
*I'm sure much crucial events happened here, they practically started online interactions within the first month of filming. But I don't have much resources/info for this period, so there's more inferences on fate here. I mean until YouKu decides to release all the BTS scenes, this is all I know.
- Since nobody cared much about WOH during filming, not a lot of photographers went to take their photos/videos. But beside them, was a more anticipated and hot drama in filming (HYX). Because it was so popular, tonnes of photographers were there, and the reason why there are generous amount of photos and videos of WOH BTS despite that was because there were so many next door, some of them just decided to come over to WOH as passer-by photographers.
= Some sweet moments of them got captured. You practically have solid evidence of their cute interactions taken because chance happened.
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- Not much expectation from the audience sometimes means less stress for the crew, more fun and exploration in filming. Aka, the freedom for the crew to blatantly tell GJ "Your wife is outside." Aka, this is just the tippest tip of the iceberg. Aka, I would say, a support for them to accept their characters are lovers (and in turn on to themselves).
- If "your wife (your lao po)" was thrown around like a name by the crew, then "husband" is definitely hurled around like circus balls. The fact that Gong Jun's surname, Gong, is pronounced almost the same as husband (lao gong), is just...yea, coincidence.
= Fate is already written in his name
- Add on to point above, ZZH and GJ were pushed to warm up to each other because of their tight filming schedule and the drama's theme. The atrociousness of the words the crew threw around and even what these 2 used is beyond what we currently see and know, it's just pure crazy atrocity. (Calling GJ 宝-babe, is just the tippest tip of the iceberg, imagine that). The term used among Chinese CPfans for this period is "WenZhou accelerating temperature (温周急速升温)" (as in rapidly warm up to each other).
= This is like fate being impatient, right in front of our salad
- Summer filming: Share umbrella, WKX fanning and blocking the sun for ZZS, summer but wearing winter clothes together, hide in the same caravan alone cooking for each other/hide from the rain etc. [Umbrella saga], [Rainy night in a caravan saga], [GJ's vlog cooking saga], [Cook for each other saga]
= Small shared moments that leads to big feelings.
-  [ZZH’s Weibo rebellion saga] = This saga relates to Part 3
- It was Covid period, both actors didn't have other schedules (GJ probably only had 1, out of the 4 months there). Stuck together = Bond together.
- Music also bonds people together. Especially when both of them likes the same group of singers (when I mean 'group' I mean the era of famous singers at that point) eg. Jay Chou, JJ Lin, Wang Li Hom, Li Rong Hao etc. The way ZZS falls for WKX is probably paralleled to ZZH falling for GJ's singing.
- An experienced actor (ZZH) and a high willingness to learn actor (GJ). One is willing to teach, one is open to learn. Both are main characters, both have a lot of scenes together (aka, time spent together exploring their character and practicing with each other increased).
- Let's dedicate to the fated crew members: Producer Ma, Directors and Assistant Directors, Costume Designer, Script writer, Guo Lao Shi (Actor of Duan Peng Ju) for recommending ZZH as ZZS, the entire production team, the entire cracky supporting cast. For something to be successful, it takes a full team's healthy mindset and attitude, and most importantly, the correct people for each role.
- For both GJ and ZZH, this script was the best they ever had. It was the first time they had a very good script. So they poured a lot of effort into ZZS and WKX.
= Looking at GJ's past works, they were mostly around the same theme, but still pretty decent works (still, praise the fact that he has variety in style: cross-dressed twice, a cool & calm senior - cutest character, a naive and innocent prince, a loving husband, uke - yes, I knew him from this show etc).
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= Looking at ZZH's past work, all I can say is that his style was almost always the same (I looked at the spread and question if these are really not a compilation from one drama). Character wise, it's just like he said during WOH Concert's interview. He knows he has the potential to act a more diverse role, but the scripts just doesn't accept him. Because his portfolio is stuck with that manly image/style the agency had built for him, until ZZS happened. But his past works are generally quite good overall compared to GJ's, character style variety is limited.
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The contrast above also shows the difference between an independent studio vs being signed under an agency.
🌻To returning readers: Updated info are in purple for your easy references!
🌸Part 1 - Before filming here
🌸Part 3 - After filming, before broadcast here
🌸Part 4 - Broadcast/Promotion period here
🌸Part 5 - WOH concert and after here
🌻[Ongoing updates] Will add if I remember or found new ones
🌻For long posts like this, I tend to look back for grammar and phrasing mistakes (sometimes info updates), so when you reblog for future references, do keep in mind that there may be updates in the original post! :)
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anischa22 · 3 years
Meet the Prince! Luke Randolph 🐻
After Jin, here's the next route :
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The 8th Prince of Rhodolite Kingdom, yes he's the youngest and just joined the royal family
Arm of Coat : Bear
First impression of him : a lazy one? ... Hmm let's see, can i like him? Thought he's kinda cute (his bear charm i mean lol)
His voice actor is Shion Yoshitaka
He has given you the aura of a lazy man, but his smile is the sweetest smile you can get, together with Leon UwU Even though his the youngest, his body is bigger than the other princes. Really makes him look more like a bear. Even Yves is just like a doll when compared to Luke 😂 But with an appearance like that one might think Luke is one of the court guards lol
Luke had just become a prince, 2 or 3 months before the MC's arrival. Because he lived in the city, Luke became good friends with the MC because only with him, MC could communicate normally. Or Luke considers MC as his younger sister, even though MC is actually older than him.
Actually Luke isn't officially a prince yet, so before the official ceremony he has to learn court etiquette and adapt to his new life, but Luke doesn't want to do it at all. He's just lazing around, escaped from Sariel and then fell asleep in the garden. He also refuses all social activities even though the faction Luke belongs to is the faction that is required to socialize more. Not completely lazy though, sometimes he does what Chevalier ask like buy books in town, it's just as long as you give him honey. Yes, honey is only his motivation. Then when Mc asks "if you don't want to do all this (not interested in the throne), why are you still here?", Luke's expression darkens.
Maybe he looks like he doesn't care about anything, but he's actually a kind and caring person. Especially toward MC. On the other hand, he's quite mysterious. No one knows, Luke holds a huge grudge against the royal family, so big that taking revenge was the only reason Luke survived until now. This reason really just got discovered on his route. Honestly, I already anticipating what drama might happen on his route, but it still surprises me. Bc on the other route, Luke is really acting normal! I get scared thinking about the possibility that the kindness Luke showed in front of the other princes was just an act Ó╭╮Ò
Sooooo the interesting part of this route, as usual, is how MC can change Luke? For some people, forgiving someone you hate because that person has snatched someone you love is not an easy matter. Moreover, you live only for revenge. I really like the drama in Luke's route bc i can understand his feeling, it feels more realistic. At least, his problem is not a light problem. I'd say Luke's story is more darker, but Idk with Clavis, Sariel or Rio later
For reading Luke's route, you should probably read Jin's route first because their stories are very related. I was just thinking, that Jin and Luke, which has a resemblance from childhood and some things, have a big difference in seeing what has happened to them. If Jin can forgive, then Luke can't. Jin focused to the future, but Luke trapped in past, will do anything to get his revenge. But that's makes Jin is the most suitable person to be close with Luke. He can guide and help him in many ways. Btw Luke's story is the first story which gives clues about new characters and more detailed about 'traitor in court' which is often mentioned in previous routes.
Luke is not recommended to anyone who doesn't like lazy guy. Well sometimes i like this type, but I'm thinking twice about Luke. He's nice guy and his laziness has a reason, but his reluctance in carrying out the duties of a prince is quite annoying to me😅. There's a moment that's make me .... Umm like "wwwhhhyyyy?? Don't do that!". But yeah back to the first, i understand that Luke doesn't want to be a prince, i'm just disappointed a little bit ಠ,_」ಠ
Honey, is something Luke loves more than anything. Where there is honey, there is Luke! Just imagine, you put honey as a trap, then soon a 'bear' named Luke appears 😂 and Jin often uses that to lure his younger bro. Plus he can cook any honey themed food. Honestly, Luke is very talented and smart, proof that he is indeed the son of the king. He just went a little bit wrong using that ability😅
One proof of his ability is the bear charm that he often carries, bc he made it himself!
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Can I get one too, sir? (つ✧ω✧)つ
Bonus! In his route we often meet Jin ... And Clavis! Surely, Clavis has been an important character lately lol. With personality like that he really can't be ignored 😂
Bonus! We already know Luke close with Jin. Is there anyone else close to him? Yes, it's Rio. They're partner in crime commoner buddies, thought I see LukexJin more often than LukexRio. They happen to both like sweet food, both are young, come from the city, quite mysterious especially their fighting skills (has 2 sides which may be surprising) and both really pay attention to MC.
The other princes? Well, he get along well with other prince in Leonist faction. In his own faction, they are not close and very rarely gather in office or be at the same event. Just imagining them getting together is already giving you a weird feeling. 2 prince will bullying teasing you, will the youngest trying to protect and the oldest just silence, lucky if the Cheva doesn't speak sharply to you! (Eh but his silence is already intimidating😅). This faction is very ... Unique ... Ah, I'm just remembered! Have you ever wondered why Luke joined this faction and why Chevalier kept this lazy man in the faction?😉
That's quite long! Next, will be the chaos lover-prince, Clavis!
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Just like 1940*
A blurb in which Harry comes back from filming Dunkirk only to find that his girlfriend thinks he's a soldier coming back from war and wants to reward him.
Warning: This is pure smut. Main kinks: role-playing and even some choking and bondage.
I had this idea back in 2017 when Dunkirk had come out. However, I did not write then so now that videos of Harry training for Dunkirk has resurfaced, it has come back to me again. I will not let this opportunity go this time.
Word count: 5.6K
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Harry sighed and rolled his shoulders in order to get rid of the soreness that lingered after his long day at the set. His hours at work – quite different than the work he had been already used to – consisted mostly of hard training. That is how it was nowadays being part of a film and a war film nonetheless, so he and all the cast members had to always stay in their best shape and having to withgo heavy hours of training. From weightlifting and boxing to exercising in the wet sand while they were left to the brutality of the cold wind in addition to the sea that chilled him down to his bones and made the minutes feel like hours. Moreover, they had diving lessons in wet suits that barely even sheltered him from the freezing waters as well as wardrobe training to learn how to swim while wearing the heavy army boots and all the uniform equipment.
Harry searched his back pockets for his hotel room keys and even let a small groan as he reached towards the hole only for the joints of his elbow to crack in protest. Even though this day was not a training day, but rather a filming day, it had hardly given him any comfort for it still requested high physical skills and willpower and he could also feel the consequences of yesterday’s gym training. His thighs had been the ultimate victim as he dragged them around today, the muscles harder and more prominent from the excessive use, along with his torso that suffered the results of continuous core exercises, which also restricted him from laughing too much on set today since every deep breath was like a small pang to the stomach.
The boy felt his uniform stick to his skin with sweat and the smell of saltiness clung to him after being exposed to the sea air for a long period of time. He made a mental check to wash it tomorrow. That was the only problem of taking your work clothes with you – even if it saved you time in the morning for getting ready on set, you had to wash it yourself and that was not something the other actors warned him about when they advised him of it.
As Harry entered his room, the smell of vanilla and jasmine invaded his nose and he remembered to step lighter on his army boots and close the door with a soft thud as to not disturb the other person that was probably in his room so late at night. What gave him a bit of peace – and mostly his body – was the fact that he had tomorrow off to rest and more importantly to spend some time with his girl. Y/N was visiting him after being away from each other for the last three months and she had been very excited the first day he had taken her to the set and her eyes turned twice their normal size as they stared at every piece of the setting as well as behind it with all of the crew members. Y/N had been giddy when she met his co-workers who she charmed with her smiles and blushes (and also the fact that she was cutely wrapped up in bundles of clothes as to not catch a cold that only her face was visible, the skin of her cheeks and nose tinted red from the brutal winds as few strands of hair tickled her face that she couldn’t really push away since her hands were restricted by her thick gloves) and Harry had felt so proud to call her his as he showed her around with his arm over her shoulder as she leaned into him for some extra heat.
Y/N had looked especially proud when she was witnessing him act with her hands clasped close to her chest as she had stared in awe at the way her boyfriend looked. It gave him that extra boost of confidence as he noticed the way her eyes trailed from his short hair to his stained face to shamelessly gawk at the way his green uniform clung to his body especially when water was soaking it, leaving the skin underneath a bit more visible. Y/N would bite her lower lip but would not say anything until he finished filming for the day and then she would drag him immediately to their room, her hands never leaving his body until he was burning up from her touch, melting from her close proximity as she made him moan and call out her name in the darkness of the room over and over again while trembling under her warm body.
His blood rushed as he even thought of the day when he was being pulled inside a forgotten closet by his lover who, without wasting any time, attached her lips to the sensitive skin of his neck and collarbones pushing the fabric off his shoulder to give Y/N more space to invade. Harry had become dizzy at her assault but it had only lasted a few seconds, long enough to guide his hand down the front of her legging, where he realised how drenched and needy she was for him, but before he could curl his fingers in the way that had her begging, Y/N pulled his hand away with a deep sigh like it hurt her to do so, kissed his pink coloured lips for a second and then push him back out of the room before anyone could notice his absence.
Y/N, left in the closet with her own thoughts, had giggled at the stunned expression on Harry’s face and how she had picked her own battle carefully in order to await retaliation from him. And it really was more than she could handle. Harry had had on his scary calm face, the one that made her eyes widen in innocence because perhaps she had bit more than she could chew. After having her hands restrained to the bed frame, unable to move, Harry had granted her what she wanted, but with a twist. That night Y/N got his ring clad fingers time after time until she was sore and raw and made a wet mess of the bed, until she was begging for Harry to stop as he stared at her with a smirk on his clean shaved face, fake sympathy written all over it.
“But we have only just began,” was all that he had said and pulled her until she stranded his lap, a tight hold on her trembling thighs while her hands had fought her restrains.
Almost painfully slow, he slid inside of her, with absolutely no resistance as her mouth choked a small whine. As he had fucked her raw against the bedframe, his lips and teeth leaving marks on any part of soft skin he could reach, Y/N had thought to herself that maybe she had won the battle, but she had definitely lost the war. However, she was not giving up until she finally got what she wanted.
Walking now further into the room, Harry heard a soft humming and was surprised to see that Y/N was still awake and had lit a few jasmine scented candles that gave the whole room a golden feeling.
“Y/N?” he called out carefully.
Harry heard an elongated gasp and soft feet padding quickly to where he was.
“You are finally home!” she exclaimed coming into view and throwing her arms around his broad shoulders squeezing tightly as her feet left the floor.
Although confused at her affection he hugged her back because in the end, he had actually missed her on the set today. With his arms around her waist, he buried his head in the crook of her neck taking in the sweet smell of vanilla that always followed her. After a few moments, Y/N pulled back and smiled brightly at him and only then did he notice her attire. She was wearing a baby blue button-down dress that reached her knees. It had a sweetheart neckline and was tight around her chest and waist before it flowed out with enough fabric to hide her bare feet from view. The dress looked from a different era entirely and Harry was certain that she had bought it from a second-hand vintage shop. However, what caught his attention was the fact that the fabric was so thin that he could actually see her nipples protruding, hard from the chilly air of the room or even her lustful stare at him, because while he was staring her down, Y/N was also doing the same, with her lip caught in her teeth as she saw the camouflage apparel he had on, a few of his jacket’s buttons undone to see the green shirt underneath. A thick black belt kept his army trousers carefully in place and she never hated anything that much before.
“I can’t believe that you are back to me!” Y/N said eagerly, the tone in her voice cheery mixed with surprise.
“What–“ Harry was beyond confused looking at his girlfriend in front of him.
“You have been away from me for so long, I thought I would never see you again,” she cried out and he was so bewildered that he let her lead him to the bedroom and pushing him gently on a chair.
She went down on her knees in front of him and started unlacing his boots. The frown on Harry’s face was still prominent as he thought “what the fuck”.
“Baby, are you okay?” he asked softly and reached over to her forehead, thinking that maybe she had gone out without her protections against the cold and had caught a fever.
Y/N simply gave him her sweetest smile that melted his heart and replied; “I am more than okay now that I have you here again my love,”
“I don’t understa-“
“I am so happy that you have come back home to me from the terrors of the world, my brave, brave soldier,” Y/N looked up at him with adoration in her eyes as well as plenty of mischief as she finally stood up, her fingers reaching towards the stray curls that had fallen in his eyes.
“Soldier?” was all that Harry could say dumbly and he seriously felt that he was missing something, but it wasn’t likely that Y/N would simply reveal it and he was all alone trying to understand.
“Yes, soldier. For have you not been fighting restlessly against our country’s enemy while I am sat here at home praying for your well-being, hoping that you will return to me?” she asked pursuing her lips like he was the mad one here.
This time Harry stayed silent trying to understand and looked in her eyes, filled with challenge as she cocked her eyebrow at him, running her hands down her skirt and raising it just enough to reveal the creamy skin of her thighs as placed each of them in either side of his until she was stranding him, and his hands ended up automatically on the small of her back as Y/N stared down at Harry with a theatrical sigh.
“Oh, how I missed you,” she dropped her head to his neck and puckered her lips to litter soft kisses around the are that slowly turned more opened mouthed as she reach the underside of his jaw, while her thighs squeezed his, trapping him under her.
He saw it now.
His palms ran down to her ass and he pushed Y/N with force until her chest was against his, feeling her gasp and breathe heavily through the thin fabric of her dress. A wild sensation came over him as he realised the game that his girl wanted to play and fuck, would he grant her anything she asked for, so with a deep breath, he ran his hands all over her like he didn’t know where to begin touching her, in the desperate manner that he usually possessed after not seeing her for months on end.
Y/N released a small moan as Harry’s hands finally reached her hair and gathered it in one handful, pulling it lightly so that her throat and cleavage was exposed to him. She closed her eyes at the sensation of his lips on her skin that was starting to be set on fire, especially as his tongue poked through to savour the taste of her. His other hand rested on her hip that had already started grinding on him.
Harry growled and the sound travelled deep inside her all the way through her veins and his presence was heavy all around her. She almost couldn’t believe that she had convinced him to roleplay with her, a fantasy born since the first time she had seen him in that army uniform. During the last few second with his lips carving bright red marks on her skin and then licking over them, Y/N had become very desperate and that was not part of her acting.
“I missed you too,” Harry replied almost in agony, for if she wanted him to play desperate, he would gladly do so.
Y/N, now that she was not the one teasing, pulled against Harry’s hold on her hair and clasped his face in her palms and leaned in until she found his mouth. She hummed in appreciation as she tasted his lips that were just as hungry as hers.  One taste and that was enough for Harry to want to rip every single item of clothing that she was wearing, but he managed to restrain himself because he knew that destroying that dress would displease her very much. Instead, he opted for carelessly undoing the buttons in the front and slowly every sliver of her bare skin was revealed to him. He knew that she was not wearing a bra but he was surprised to see that she had no other barrier between them after the dress was only hanging from her shoulders. Harry broke from the kiss and stared shamelessly at her exposed body on top of him as Y/N slowly stood up and let the dress become a pool of blue at the bottom of their feet.
She looked at him bashfully and once again went down on her knees for him. She was still almost close to eye level with him as she ran her hands along his hard chest and undid the buttons of his jacket, which Harry quickly discarded it somewhere in the room. Y/N stared at the light green vest that he wore and how it made his arm muscles protrude in the most delicious way as the shapes of his tattoos appeared even darker under candlelight. She decided to keep it on for now.
Next target was the big belt around his waist that she wasted no time unbuckling and pulling it down along his trousers. She stretched out to give one last kiss to his lips before settling further down on her knees, lifting his vest to reveal the valley of his stomach and the muscles defining it. Y/N marked her way south switching between feather soft kisses and hungry bites of skin while her eyes stayed entirely on his face that looked at her expectantly.
“Let me reward you for what you do for all of us,” Y/N said in a small but steady voice. Her hands ran up his firm thighs and over the prominent bulge that had formed in his black underwear. At first contact, Harry released a hiss and immediately closed his eyes.
“Please,” he exhaled.
Kissing the inside of his thighs, Y/N pulled down his boxers and freed him. Her hands were on his cock, feeling how hard he was in anticipation to her moves. The skin was silky as she gave it a testing pump. Harry’s head fell backward at the feeling and Y/N, very satisfied with his reaction, spit on the head and spread the wetness with her thumb so that her hand could slid easier over him.
“Fuck, such dirty actions from such an innocent young woman,” Harry rasped, his voice laced with lust as he looked down at her.
Y/N said nothing, but in retaliation she bit the inside of his thigh before moving up his spread legs to put him in her mouth. She hollowed her cheeks as she twirled her tongue around him, capturing the pre-cum and tasting him while giving an appreciative hum. She lowered herself on him until he hit the back of her throat while her hand slid up his thigh to connect with his balls, massaging lightly and coaxing a deep moan from Harry who felt his pleasure build at the bottom of his stomach. Y/N released him with a pop and breathed in some well-needed oxygen before wrapping her mouth back around his dick, bobbing her head in a slow tempo. She felt her eyes fill with tears at the big size of him and the fact that Harry without knowing was slowly lifting his hips to meet her every thrust making her choke around him. Harry realising her efforts to breathe stopped his movement and pulled out of her warm mouth even though he wanted to stay buried in her for hours.
However, Y/N did not mind it at all, especially if Harry continued to reward her with the deep throaty moans he released. Eager to put him back in her mouth she went to lunge forward but was stopped when Harry’s hand in her hair pulled her backwards making her let out a pathetic whimper. She looked up at him begging with her doe like eyes to use her throat as he pleased, but she stopped trying to reach him when he gave her a warning glare, which stilled her in place. Instead, Harry tapped her cheek and she dropped her mouth open and poked her tongue out. The look in his eyes was that he was trying to be careful with her and she almost scowled at it. If she had wanted careful, she would not have orchestrated all of this plot. So, when Harry placed his thumb on her awaiting tongue, she immediately closed her lips around it and sucked on it harshly.
Harry was displeased and quickly pulled his hand back leaving her pleading again. He clicked his tongue and tapped her cheek again and this time he gave a warning pull to her hair for her to obey his orders – a small reminder of who was really in charge and he felt a satisfied thrum at the fact that she obeyed him so easily. When Y/N’s tongue came into view again, Harry ran his cock over the outline of her plush lips and she summoned all the willpower she could master to stay put while her eyes silently begged him to do something. Finally, Harry placed the head of his cock on her tongue and he moaned when he saw that Y/N eyes flattered at the action.
“Such a needy lady,” he mused.
“Please,” she begged him.
“What is it baby,” he cooed and urged her to speak but he had already sank his cock deeper in her mouth feeling out the shape of it, watching in fascination the bulge forming in her cheeks. But he knew what she was pleading for, he knew her well enough to understand her looks and her moods and her stares and he knew from the endless hunger rooted in her eyes that she did not want soft, she wanted to please him.
Again he granted her wish to be desperate and without warning he slid deeper until he felt her nose graze his stomach and held her in that position for a moment – only long enough so that he could wrap a hand around her neck and feel himself fill her up to her limit. Harry pulled back and kept her in that position as he fucked her mouth slow but firmly and he almost felt himself combust from the way that Y/N’s eyes focused on him the entire time.
Y/N felt warm all over and she could feel more wetness pooling between her thighs as she got drunk at the view of him over her using her mouth to get lost in his pleasure. After another pause for her to breathe, Harry without hesitation, placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her like she weighed nothing carrying her to the bed and he really thanked his training for it. Although the muscles all over his body hurt, he managed to push the pain to the back of his head, his mind too preoccupied with the vixen wrapped around him. He laid her on the bed, but she did not stay where he left her. Y/N got up, pushing Harry’s shoulders so that he was the one falling on the bed and she crawled to him. In two quick moves he discarded the vest leaving them both completely naked under the candlelight.
“I thought about you every day, even more at night, and even more when I was alone,” Y/N continued her little game.
Harry raised his brows, because he understood the meaning behind her words and imagined her all day in their bed waiting for him while he was on set, with her greedy hands between her thighs and thinking about him. This hunger she was feeling was only a result of her being left alone in her very dirty thoughts that no amount of cold showers would cool her down and her own fingers couldn’t bring the pleasure he could.
“You have been such a good girl for me, welcoming me back home –“ he urged her to him and deliberately placing her on top of him with one leg between her thighs. She was so focused on the praise given to her that she did not notice that his thigh was right under where she needed him the most. “But how about you? Let me greet you properly.”
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat as she soon realised their position.
“Come on baby, use me,” was all he said as he stretched his arms out to prove that he would not interfere with whatever she wanted to do.
However, the position Harry had placed her in could only amount to one thing, something that she wanted to try long ago, but had been too shy to even mention it. Y/N’s cheeks heated up as she noticed his thigh muscles tensing up giving her a better area. She bit her lip and thrusted her hips forward at an angle that his skin grazed her clit, most of her wetness coming off on him.
Harry looked more than satisfied as he heard her first moan of appreciation that was followed by many more as she used his thigh to receive pleasure. Soon Y/N got lost at the warm feeling that travelled through her veins as goosebumps scattered over her skin, she threw her head back and felt her wetness slide down Harry’s thigh and on the duvet under them, but she did not seem to care about anything apart from what his warm skin was doing to her. She jolted me she felt his hands land on her chest, firm as the fingers ran over her nipple making her shudder a bit. Y/N opened her eyes to see that Harry was already watching her, his lip between his teeth and the deep green of his eyes almost non-existent. Like he was not able to control himself he reached forwards and attached his big hands on her hips and made her movements harsher to the point where Y/N almost collapsed on him from the pleasure and gasped as she leaned in to capture Harry’s lips midway, letting his tongue enter her mouth and taste her own as she clenched her thighs.
“I am going to cum,” she warned and braced herself for the rows of pleasure that would most definitely take her breath away.
However, Harry had other plans, as he lifted her off him and smirked when he heard her whimper and tremble at the incompletion. He laid her on the bed and this time she had no energy to object. He took her right leg in his hand and placed it over his shoulder and turned his head so that he could kiss her calf. When she squirmed until one warning slap was given to the inside of her thigh, so close to her soaked centre, she stayed still.
Harry’s left fingers dragged down his left thigh and over the tiger tattoo, the place where Y/N had used him and collected the wetness she had left behind. She moaned so loud when she saw that he had popped his fingers in his mouth and sucked them dry. Then he grabbed his throbbing cock in his hand, sliding it a couple times over her folds and slowly he eased himself in her wet tight hole.
Both of them exhaled in relief at the feeling of becoming one as Harry leaned in to kiss her opened mouth.
“Harry, please,” Y/N cried out although she didn’t know what she was begging for. But Harry nevertheless seemed to give it to her.
With a hard thrust that left them both in scrambles, he picked up the rhythm, hitting that one spot inside her that had his name bouncing off her lips. Y/N arched her back as Harry’s mouth attached to her nipple, his teeth softly grazing them. The deep moans that she released were like they had awoken something feral inside him, as he straitened his back grabbing the leg on his shoulder with both hands, fingers digging into the plush skin of her thigh and she almost felt a pang when she realised that he was not wearing any rings. That did not last long, for Harry started pounding into her with a force so brutal that had her moaning under him, her body acting without her command as her other leg hit the mattress in order to buck her hips.
Harry tatted amused before he took both her legs and placed them over his hips while he was still on his knees and Y/N lifted her gaze to see the fern tattoos poking between her thighs. When he took the first thrust in that position, the angle it gave multiplied their pleasure by far and she was in awe at the deep throaty moan that he released. Harry’s hands gripped her hips so hard that she knew that in the morning she would find bruises in the shape of his fingers.
Harry felt like his hands couldn’t get enough of her and they flattered every time they stayed in one part of her body for too long. He couldn’t stop the feeling of wanting to explore her whole body in just one night. Complying to his wish, Harry ran his hands up to her sides, her breasts until they reached her open neck, begging for a hand around it. With his left hand around the delicate skin of her throat and his right hand playing with her nipple, he stared at the girl underneath him with awe in his eyes. His stare scanned her pleasure-ridden face, they way her own eyes were screwed shut, brows furrowing, but her hands blindly searched for him, wanting to be in contact with him as one of them dug in the skin of his shoulder while the other gripped the wrist around her neck and pushing it further.
“Open your eyes for me baby, let me see those eyes that I missed,” Harry commanded desperate to catch her gaze.
Her hairline had gathered bids of sweat and she whined at his words, but in the end, although with difficulty, Y/N managed to open her eyes meeting his intense stare. Her mouth let airy moans free every time that his hips rolled forwards to meet her own.
“You feel so fucking amazing love,” he moaned in the space between them and raised her body so that she was stranding his lap. Y/N cried out at the prospect of being separated from him even for a second, but Harry managed to remain inside her, his pride swelling at the reaction of his lover.
“You love it when I am this deep in you,” he continued and Y/N felt like she had lost the ability to talk.
“It’s okay sweetheart because you know I love it too,” Harry soothed her back as she set a rhythm riding him.
“I can always feel you so deep Harry, so deep, all the way to my tummy,” she managed to croak out and dragged his hand to the place she felt him the most. Harry groaned at her filthy words, barely holding it together as he buried his face in her neck, biting where her pulse beat like a hummingbird.
“It doesn’t matter how much time has passed since I last fucked you, I can always remember how you feel, baby,” his voice was like velvet in her ears and she found herself going fasted at his words.
“I can always feel you for days when you are like this,” Y/N whispered in his ear, a few curls tickling her face.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” Harry bragged and she swore that she could almost hear the smirk on his lips they way she heard the wet noises their skin made when it collided as it bounced off the walls along with the groans he released because of her. For a few moments she focused solely on that and how dirty and raw and passionate it felt, and it was enough to drive her out of her mind.
“Harry,” Y/N warned the pressure in her lower stomach like a knot begging for release.
“I know,” he replied, letting his hand down to where they were connected and rubbed small circles on the small bundle of nerves.
Her thrusts were becoming sloppy and it took all of Harry’s concentration or at least what was left of it since he could feel her clenching around him, to keep them up. He latched his mouth on her nipple, the other hand around her waist to guide himself harder into her as she finally found her high with a gasp, almost like she couldn’t believe the power of it. After a few seconds, she was trembling in his arms and tried to shut her legs further to get Harry’s hand of her overstimulated part. Harry ignored her and continued stroking her, prying those thighs apart as he watched himself get lost into her. Y/N cried out and off her tongue rolled Harry’s name time and time again.
So close to his own high, Harry got lost in her moans and became more aware of her presence on him. The way her hands pulled on the strands of his hair hard like they were the anchor that kept her from falling to pieces and the way her shallow breaths hit his face as she calmed down from her orgasm while also being aware of him pounding into her still, the way she clenched her legs around him and she opened her eyes again, begging could be seen in them but this time it was not for her own finish but for his. Harry felt overwhelmed from all the senses and was so close it was painful.
“Please cum for me baby, please cum inside me,” Y/N whimpered in her soft voice and that was all he needed before he spilled in her, short desperate thrusts as he rested his head on her collarbone, taking in her vanilla perfume and felt her arms wrapping around his neck holding him impossibly close while ripple after ripple of pleasure took over his body. His thrusting stopped and Harry felt spent as he tried to regulate his breathing back to normal.
Harry gathered Y/N in his arms and laid her carefully on the bed after removing himself from inside her even though she whimpered due to sensitivity and he took the place right next to her. They faced each other, their breaths mixing together as they relaxed in each other’s presence. Harry raised a hand to push away the hairs getting in Y/N’s face and she hummed in appreciation.
“God, I barely remember what year we have,” she frowned and opened her eyes at the sound of his laughter.
“I do believe that it is 1940,” he mused and her face regained a rosy colour at the game long forgotten.
“I… You don’t have to pretend anymore,” she whispered trying to avoid his gaze.
Harry head turned in question. “Pretend what? I am only a soldier coming back from the battlefield to make love to the woman I love.”
Y/N blushed.
“Because it seems she holds a deep fascination for men in army apparel,” Harry continued and smirked when she mumbled something under her breath.
“What was that sweetheart?” he asked and when he received no answer he dipped his hand between her thighs hissing at the wetness of her mixing with his release as he plunged two fingers in her.
Y/N yelped, “Not every man, just you,” she confessed and Harry satisfied moved his fingers lazily.
“Although I appreciate the welcome home, you have not offered me anything to eat,” he frowned and he knew that if it wasn’t for his fingers pinning her down she would have leaped up to order him something to eat.
“What would you like?” Y/N asked with difficulty because of the sensation he caused her.
“Well I see that you have a whole feast here already waiting for me,” he retorted and pulled his fingers away.
At her confused gaze, Harry whispered hotly in her ear, “Although I could never forget how tight you feel around me love, nothing really reminds me of the way your pussy taste under me,”
And with that, he pushed her legs open and dived between then before she could even atter a word of surprise.  
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
No character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has the staying power of Loki. Portrayed with just the right amount of smarm and charm by Tom Hiddleston, the impish trickster with the ability to shapeshift and cast illusions is a favorite among fans despite the fact he's betrayed friends and family multiple times since debuting opposite Chris Hemsworth in 2011's "Thor." The most predictable thing about him might be his unpredictability. And yet no one thought the character would return to the MCU after being killed by the all-mighty Thanos (Josh Brolin) in the opening scene of 2018's "Avengers: Infinity War." However, we're now on the cusp of the character leading his very own show.
Debuting Wednesday, June 9 on Disney+, the six-episode "Loki" follows a past version of the character, though it's not a prequel. This Loki is the man who successfully stole the Tesseract, aka the Space Stone, when the Avengers traveled to the past in 2019's "Avengers: Endgame." His actions that day ultimately created a branched reality — the very thing the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) warned the Avengers about when they attempted to gather the stones in the past. So when the show picks up, Loki will find himself being forced to work with the Time Variance Authority, an organization dedicated to protecting the proper flow of time, to help restore the main timeline he broke when he fled with the Tesseract in 2012.
It remains to be seen whether or not the series is one of the shows Marvel's Kevin Feige said was developed with additional seasons in mind. But with this particular setup — and assuming the show operates independently of the main overarching narrative of the MCU — this is the type of series that could easily run for multiple seasons should the people involved desire it. And given his comments over the years, Hiddleston definitely seems game to portray Loki until he's too old to do so.
But what is it about the character, a Frost Giant who was adopted by Odin (Anthony Hopkins) as a baby and raised as an Asgardian, that has allowed him to persevere – especially when Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) and even Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) have not? What gives Loki, a character who has been both villain and antihero, such longevity in the MCU? Is it Hiddleston himself? Is he nurturing goodwill with his enchanting performance? Is it the character's unpredictability keeping things fresh? Or is it the potential of a flawed man still searching for an identity and purpose?
Over the last decade, Hiddleston — whose name was once bandied about as a possible James Bond candidate after a stellar turn in "The Night Manager" — has won favor with Marvel and its fans thanks to his continued dedication to the role of Loki and his support of the extended universe. Some actors have been happy to say goodbye after fulfilling their contracts, but you'd be hard-pressed to find an actor who loves his job with Marvel more than Hiddleston. (Never forget the time he dressed up in character and took over Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con in 2013.) But in addition to his acting chops and commitment to the role of Loki, Hiddleston is also just an effortlessly charming individual, and some of that natural charisma bleeds into his performance, making the character a richer and more complex character as a result. And it's a good thing too because a character like Loki — someone ruled by his emotions, whose only allegiance is to himself, and who wouldn't think twice before double-crossing his own brother — runs the risk of becoming either very annoying or quite tired rather quickly. Luckily, Loki is neither.
After learning the truth of his origins in the first Thor film, Loki's anger toward his family and the betrayal he felt put him on a path to finding his purpose, which resulted in him becoming the mouthy and manipulative, power-hungry antagonist of the first Avengers movie. At the time, no one outside of Feige and other decision-making executives likely knew what was in store for the future of the MCU.
But now we can look back and see Hiddleston's captivating turn in "The Avengers," in which he attempts to take control of Earth using an army of Chitauri forces, was more than just the catalyst for the various heroes recruited by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to finally team up. It was also the beginning of what might be the best character arc in the entire MCU. No one save perhaps Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier, has had a more complicated or effective emotional personal journey throughout the entirety of the Infinity Saga (and beyond). Perhaps that is why when Loki was eventually killed several films later in the middle of his redemption arc during the opening scene of "Infinity War," the heartbreak seemed to extend beyond the edges of the frame and into the real world.
The exceptionally fun 2017 film "Thor: Ragnarok," which immediately preceded "Infinity War," saw Loki forced to confront his past and make a decision regarding his future. The death of his father and the return of Hela (Cate Blanchett), the Goddess of Death and the sister neither Loki nor Thor knew existed, ultimately meant the end of life as he knew it. But rather than fleeing at the first chance like everyone assumed he would, Loki accepted his place in his family and returned to his brother's side after the destruction of Asgard. Of course, he also pocketed the Tesseract before the planet was destroyed, a seemingly innocuous decision that would unfortunately lead Thanos right to him. But learning to care about something more than his own immediate wants was a redeeming moment for Loki, as was his attempt to save Thor from Thanos, so his death was both an effectively heartbreaking moment that resonated with fans while serving as a harbinger of what was to come.
It also felt like closure, so when a past version of Loki popped up in "Avengers: Endgame" when Tony, Cap, and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) traveled to 2012, it was a pleasant surprise. That the new series "Loki" follows this branched-reality version of the character and won't erase the character's original narrative arc is what makes the show such an intriguing new chapter. When the show premieres, Loki hasn't gone through any sort of character evolution. He is still the angry man who tried to force all of humanity to kneel before him in a desperate attempt to find his place in the world. He has yet to go through the events of his mother's death or the destruction of Asgard. He's a man out of time, a man without a home. And it's the chaotic, still-in-progress nature of Loki and the inability to guess what he might do when an organization like the Time Variance Authority, which is dedicated to order, tries to force him to do what they say that makes this new chapter so exciting.
Each episode of the show, which also stars Owen Wilson as Mobius M. Mobius and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Judge Ravonna Lexus Renslayer, will see the character travel through time and space on a mission to restore order to the timeline. But will this Loki follow the same path as the man we know and love? Or will this version make different choices without Thor by his side? More importantly, will he find what he's looking for?
Loki is a man driven by insecurity and an ongoing struggle with his identity, though he deftly covers up his deficiencies with a devious wit and charm. The constantly shifting logo in the show's trailer represents both the character's shapeshifting ability as much as the idea that he doesn't know where he belongs or who he is yet. And although the beats of such a character arc are hardly new territory for Hollywood — you could argue they've even been done to death at this point — the potential for greatness still exists as Loki remains pleasantly unpredictable. It means anything can happen, and with Hiddleston promising a show that is unlike anything Marvel has ever done, there's no reason to believe Loki the man and "Loki" the show won't continue to endure and evolve even beyond this first season. After all, he certainly has the staying power.
"Loki" premieres Wednesday, June 9 on Disney+.
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twices-pup · 3 years
Tattoos Together
title : tattoos together ( son chaeyoung x gn reader )
word count : 1,682 words
genre : fluff
warnings : mentions of needles
synopsis : [ requested ] you face a fear to remind your girlfriend, chaeyoung, that you love her for all that she is, including her tattoos.
side note : my first request finally done! i really hope the anon who requested and anyone else who reads this likes it! the request was a little vague so i had trouble making this fic long enough, and had to rewrite it a few times but since today is chaeyoung's birthday i was determined to finally get this out! happy strawberry princess day, everyone!! also, the title is definitely inspired by the song tattoos together by lauv because i suck at coming up with titles.
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You were never one to be fond of the idea of getting a tattoo. It most probably stemmed from the fear of needles that you've had since you were a child and never quite grew out of. The mere thought of your skin being pierced and inked was enough to send a chill down your spine, which was why you vowed to yourself to never so much as step foot into a tattoo parlor.
Your girlfriend, on the other hand, loved getting tattoos. Her skin was like a canvas, and the tattoos she had gotten over the past couple of years were the works of art. You weren't surprised, Chaeyoung herself was nothing short of an artist, after all—if you handed her a pen and a piece of paper, she'd be able to conjure up a masterpiece out of thin air. Although you were still very much against getting a tattoo yourself, you've learned to love each and every one of the tattoos adorning her skin just as much as you loved the person herself.
Chaeyoung told you her intentions to get a couple more new tattoos shortly before TWICE began filming for the music video of their then newest title track, More & More, for the mini album of the same name. She was over at your place for a visit and the two of you were lazing on your couch together, television turned on and your eyes on the screen but neither of you really focusing on the program playing. You had an arm around her shoulders while she rested her head in the crook of your neck, the room pretty dark save for the light flashing from the TV screen and some sunlight that filtered in through your drawn-in curtains. "I've already looked up some designs I like," she had said. "I'll only pick one or two to get tattooed."
You didn't think much of it at first, the only thing that crossed your mind was "Ah, my girlfriend is getting another tattoo, cool." However, that was until you made an off-handed comment, with your eyes still glued on the TV. "You really like getting tattoos, huh? You have so many already, but you still want to get more."
Upon hearing your words, Chaeyoung suddenly became aware that you were subconsciously rubbing her upper arm gently, your fingers brushing right over the cherry tomatoes tattoo she had there. She didn't say anything at first, your living room back to being quiet other than the voices of the actors coming from the TV speaker. "Yeah, I really do," she suddenly answered you after you thought that the topic had been dropped. "I hope you don't have a problem with that."
Although she had muttered the last part under her breath, you were able to hear it clearly. You turned away from the TV to look at her, with a tiny crease between your eyebrows that were furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Why would I have a problem with it?" you asked her softly.
Chaeyoung met your eyes and sighed. "Not everyone is a fan of girls with tattoos, you know?" she said, her gaze dropping from you to her lap. "So as the person I'm dating, I hope you're not one of those people. Those people who hold prejudice against tattoos or something like that."
Throughout the duration you had known Chaeyoung, you had always viewed her as someone who's free-spirited and jaunty, who doesn't let what other, insignificant people think of her get to her head, as long as she's able to do what she wants to do and be who she wants to be. So seeing her suddenly be so self-conscious about her tattoos, about something she'd usually feel so natural about, caught you by surprise. You realized that, perhaps, as her significant other, your opinion of her meant more to her than that of others did, and you immediately regretted letting your guard down and making such a careless remark.
"Hey," you called out softly, reaching for one of her hands to hold it in yours. "I do not and will never have any kind of problems with your tattoos. I know you love them, and that's completely okay," you assured her, offering her a gentle smile when she looked up at you. Her eyes searched your face for a moment, before she started chuckling.
"Thank you, y/n. Wow, that conversation got so serious all of a sudden. I feel a little embarrassed now, let's talk about something else."
You obliged with a nod, letting Chaeyoung shift the conversation to a different topic as you didn't want her to feel awkward or uncomfortable. Though you did make a mental note to remind her more frequently that you loved her, every single part of her.
On the day of her appointment at her regular tattoo parlor, you gave her a call. "Hey, y/n," she greeted you when she answered her phone. "What's up? I was just about to head to the tattoo place."
"Yeah, that's what I called you for," you said on your end of the call, feeling a little nervous but refusing to turn back on your decision. "Would it be okay if I tagged along with you?"
Your question was met with a moment of silence as Chaeyoung fully took in what you were asking her. "You want to come with me...to a tattoo parlor?" she asked for confirmation, and you nodded, although you were well aware that she wasn't able to see you. "Yes," you verbally answered. "I wanna accompany you as you get your new tattoos."
Knowing you, Chaeyoung surely hadn't expected you to willingly want to watch her get tattooed, in fact it came as a pretty big surprise to her, but if that was what you truly wanted then she had no reason to refuse. She texted you the address of the tattoo parlor and you met up with her there roughly half an hour later, swallowing down your nerves and telling yourself that you were doing it for you girlfriend all throughout your journey.
As the two of you entered the establishment, Chaeyoung noticed your shifty eyes looking all around the tattoo studio, and saw that you seemed more unsure of your decision to come by the passing second. "If you're having any regrets, you can leave at any time," she told you.
Despite the slight uneasiness you were feeling, you quickly shook your head. "It's okay, Chaengie. Like I said, I'm gonna be here for you."
"But why? y/n, you and I both know you're scared of needles, including tattoo needles."
"Because I know how much you love your tattoos. And I love you, so I wanna give you my support."
Your response was enough to put a wide smile on Chaeyoung's face, and seeing her smile was enough to make you smile too, in spite of your jitters. Chaeyoung's hand found yours and held it tightly as she led you deeper into the tattoo parlor. "Thank you," you heard her whisper. "I love you too."
The tattoo parlor was brighter than you had imagined it to be, but frankly that was because you had pictured the place to resemble a dark, soul-sucking torture chamber. Although the sufficient lighting managed to calm your nerves down a bit, the many scary-looking tattoo designs—skulls, snakes, demonic faces—hung up on the walls as decorations weren't helping. As you sat next to Chaeyoung at one of the tattooing stations, you did your best to not look at anything that, to you, were frightening, especially the tattoo machines.
You stayed quiet and only watched as Chaeyoung showed the tattoo artist the designs that she had chosen and told him where she wanted the tattoos to be. Your body tensed up and your breath hitched in your throat when the man took out a tattoo machine and started preparing to tattoo your girlfriend. Chaeyoung, noticing that you were as stiff as a board, gave you a reassuring smile. As much as you appreciated the gesture, you weren't able to smile back.
When the man finally started, you immediately diverted your eyes from your girlfriend to stare down at the floor. However, that did little to nothing to block out the whirring sound of the machine as it did its job. You gripped Chaeyoung's hand, the side that wasn't being tattooed, claiming that you were comforting her, though she had a feeling that it was the other way around instead.
"You're acting like you're the one getting a tattoo," she couldn't help but tease you.
When he was done with her tattoos after what felt like an eternity to you, you let out a heavy sigh of relief. You were finally able to turn back to Chaeyoung as she showed you her two new tattoos, one of a plant on her upper right arm and another of a butterfly by her right wrist.
"Woah, they look great," you complimented, genuinely impressed by the artist's handiwork. "I can't believe I made it through that, I guess watching people get tattooed isn't so bad after all."
Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at you, amusement evident in her smile. "It isn't, but saying you watched me get tattooed is a bit of a stretch," she opined, and you pouted. "I was still here nonetheless," you argued.
"Alright, alright. Fair enough." Your girlfriend chuckled. "Then maybe next time you can take it a step further and get a tattoo yourself."
You playfully scrunched up your nose at her words and were about to oppose, until she continued. "Maybe we can even get matching ones!" she proposed, her eyes bright with excitement over the idea. Your expression softened in an instant, a wide smile making its way onto your face. Whenever she looked at you like that, with such innocent joy, it was near impossible for you to ever say no.
"Well, maybe one day," you told her, as you helped her up from her seat.
"Maybe one day, we can get tattoos together."
. . .
please do not repost my work, whether on tumblr or on any other site.
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