#like my work has me at my comp all day
obsob · 2 years
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im like tamftgebka (thinking about maia from ‘the goblin emperor’ by katherine addison)
#mine#original#the goblin emperor#maia i would die for u i would kill for u#u would not BELIEVE this problems this drawing gave me. outstanding#i actually did a whole other drawing. maia and th little people are taken from that drawing i had to frankenstein them#the like. idea is the same kinda but the other comp was bad. like if i draw and i dont have a colour palette in mind i just draw for that#comp to work in black and white. and then if i try to put colour on top it like always looks awful. why do i do that.#anyway. here he is. im pretty happy w it th colours arent exactly what i wanted but thats fine svbkdbgvd#my mum is away this week im playing house and having a good time#i got!!!! more isopods!!! ik i said i would post pics n of my magic potions and didnt but thats bc theyre very small and shy rn skjlf  bless#i got more armadillium vulgare but a gem mix theyre so pretty!!! n one of them is like absolutely huge. enormous.#however th seller was very stupid th packaging for their postage was rlly bad n th ventilation holes were too big n they didnt pack th#tupperware tight enough so loads of babies fell out n died :(((((((((( i sent her a message like. maybe dont do this n she was like oh sorry#n was like this has never happened before but im like. ur stupid. why did u use such a big box all u had 2 do was put more moss in.#they were rlly dry as well theyve spent all day hanging out in th damp moss. poor babies. theyre absolutely destroying some cuttlefish rn#so i think theyre fine <3
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avatardoggo · 3 months
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#sooo it’s past my birthday now and FG didn’t get me anything besides a real alt sweet card and a heart shaped box of chocolates which was#nice but he kept insisting that he wasn’t finished making my present just yet so i was like ok cool whatever and i would ask him every once#and a while bc i really thought he was making me like lego flowers bc he likes that type of thing (which is so cute omgoodness idky i love#that sm about him like he likes to build legos 😆😆 so cute!!!) aannnywayyssss he came over the other day to drop off my present so expecting#some box or whatever and he just pulls up with his backpacks but i’m like ok that’s fine it has to be Somewhere right??? and then he pulls#out is laptop and i’m like ookkkaaayy idk where this is going and the. he pulls up the page aND ITS A WEBSITE FOR MY CROCHET BUSINESS AND 🥹🥹#HE MADE IT FROM SCRATCH WITH CODING AND EVERYTHING BC DUH HES A COMP SCIENTIST AND!!!!!!!#he was like i wanted to make you something that’ll you’ll need and would want as well and i was so shOOketh i was using my soft girl voice#and i was looking at him like 🥺🥺🥺 the whole evening bECAUSE!!!! SIR 😭 YOU HAVE SET THE BAR SKY HIGH and he was all shy (so friggin cute)#“do you like it 👉🏾👈🏾🥺 and i was just looking at him like ☹️😣🥺😧 I LOVE IT!!!#he hasn’t finished it bc he needs my input on some stuff before he continues but it should be done by the summer and he’s like maybe we can#work on it together LIKE BABE SWEETHEART DARLING OFC WE CAN DUUUHHHH#i’m honestly so in awe of this man i can’t even#Friendly Giant ™️#FG#mutuals my beloved <3#vk overshares in the tags
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seimei-chsq · 2 years
…sorry i’m going to be a bitch for a second
#if you read this… ty for hearing me out and also i’m sorry#okay first off. i try to like… exercise some maturity when it comes to being a sports fan. i try not to be petty and childish.#but i’m in a petty mood today so! i apologize in advance lmao#anyways… i really think i’m going to have to filter * content from my dash. watching him land the 4A makes me feel… idk.#i’m not ~upset~ but i am… ugh. like obviously no one has exclusive rights to a jump and he hasn’t landed it in comp yet and also#it LITERALLY doesn’t matter if he lands it first or not. but in further reflection i don’t think that’s the reason i’m feeling :/ about it?#like. it’s not about who lands it first or whatever. it’s about seeing someone achieve something RELATIVELY ‘effortlessly’#while we have to watch yz try and fail and try again and fail but fail better… it’s the nature of sports i know#and i’m so proud of yz and his determination and his hard work. i’m not discounting that!!#but afagajsksls Maybe this is just trauma from my ~gifted kid~ days when i would give something 110% and then have to watch#as my classmates achieved more than i did with half of the effort i put into it#like it’s probably that. it’s me projecting.#… idk where i’m was going with this.#yz’s 4A matters to me because when he lands it in a masterfully crafted program (and he will!!)#it will be the final jewel in the crown of his career. the 4A is just another jump to * and that’s why i don’t care about him landing it#i PROMISE i don’t harbour any ill will towards * — i wish him all the best in his career!#but i’m still going to root for my faves to come out on top yknow?#anyways! this isn’t meant to be a serious post lol. just a little venting (and if you like * that’s cool! more power to you)#okay now back to our regularly schedule programming <3
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moongreenlight · 9 months
“Realistic Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley headcanons” and then it’s just the fun police.
Mdni. Nsfw below cut.
- It makes me want to scoop my fucking brain out with a spoon when people say that Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley is some shy, anxious soft boy. I really do not believe he’d need to be coddled after a nightmare or babied when he’s feeling angsty. He is fine, y’all. Please don’t call paw patrol.
He is a soldier. He’s a war criminal. He is traumatized to the point of numbness. He is fucked up and weird and insane and honestly I think that we should all let everybody have their thing.
I cannot fix him. I do not want to fix him. I can only make him worse.
- Sorry but I just cannot write him having any kind of romantic feelings toward Soap. I like writing their dynamic more brotherly.
Furthest they’ve gone is ‘locker room gay.’
Like Johnny sends him dick pics on occasion because he thinks it’s funny and it pisses Ghost off.
That being said, I do read the occasional Ghoap fic. I’m not a perfect person. Sometimes it’s just yummy delicious.
- Feel like he’s the kind of freak to intentionally go to the gym without headphones. Something about discipline. Opting to just stare at the wall in front of him while he’s doing cardio or counting repetitions of exercises.
But on the rare occasion that he does indulge himself, he has a playlist of like 5-6 songs he likes and when it ends he just goes back to silence. Divorced dad rock. Chorded headphones only.
- Doesn’t have the debilitating commitment issues as people paint him out to have. Just commitment-phobic. Obviously stems from his past. He’s got that sexy deep rooted fear of abandonment or something horrible happening to people he actually lets close to him. But he’s not completely turned off by the idea of romantic attachments or close friends, just a little hesitant to open himself up to that kind of opportunity.
Probably very cagey about romantic partners. Doesn’t want the guys to know about you. Doesn’t keep pictures of you around his bunk or anything like that. He’s worried it’ll somehow compromise your safety. Worried about you getting swept up in his work.
- Women’s rights? Or Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley? I really do think he’d love to have a partner who lets him provide *everything* for them. He just wants to serve and protect. Wants his bird to be in a gilded cage all nice and safe and reliant on him for survival.
Doesn’t even really like the idea of you going to the grocery store by yourself. Would prefer if you just stayed put and tended his home and cooked him meals and let him dote on you and provide everything you could ever need.
- Has a really strange understanding of technology. He’s fine with the newer military stuff. That’s his element. He can do electrical wiring, set up a TV, install security cameras. That’s all whatever. But a cell phone? He doesn’t give a shit enough to keep up with the new updates and all the new things you have to learn when you get a smartphone. Wishes he would have kept a flip phone.
Texts like this: [OK. See youtonight.]
MAYBE has a private Facebook with no profile picture where the only things on his wall are Price wishing him a happy birthday every year.
His camera roll is like; 97 accidental screenshots of his Lock Screen, a few pictures of him and the task force boys, the inside of his pocket (another accident), a sunrise, a few cool things he found on missions, 34 pictures of Soap and Gaz when they took his phone.
- Insufferable in the early stages of trying to date him. Little to no communication other than basically demanding you meet him somewhere. Texting or talking on the phone? Like pulling fucking teeth. You think he’d rather be dead.
It was a headache getting him to go out in the first place. Maybe you worked at a bar where the guys would come to have a drink after a long day. He’s a little stand-offish but he’s handsome and he knows how to banter well enough for you to be persuaded by a coworker to slip him your number after you complained one too many times about a shit hookup or yet another terrible first date. It takes him nearly two weeks to phone you.
“Didn’t think you’d call.”
“Didn’t think I would either.”
He takes you out once, you think he seems sort-of interested, then he doesn’t phone or text you back for three days. You get over it. A few more dates in. You can tell he’s a bit more relaxed. A bit more open. You’re less worried that you’re a terrible conversationalist. Then he goes on a month long deployment without saying anything in advance. Radio fucking silent yet again. You want to tear your hair out. When he finally gets back, he’ll text you something like [Atthat pub you like. Drinks ?] completely out of the blue. You think you may actually go insane.
- Once he’s gotten used to you, it’s like the sole purpose of his life is to be your protector even if you’ve only recently convinced yourself he may want something casual. You’re small and grab-able. He knows how nasty people can be and what think when they see you. He needs to know that you’re taken care of, kept safe from such a scary world.
So he’ll just linger around you. All the time. Standing behind you when you’re at the till at the store, staring down the cashier who was only trying to be friendly when they asked if you had any fun plans for the rest of the day. Big arms folded over his chest. Looming so largely he threatens to eclipse you without taking a single step forward. Eyes burning a hole into the poor person who hastily finishes the transaction without another word.
Walking silently next to you in the evenings after you’re both off work; close enough to brush shoulders, but that’s about it. Listening to you chirp on about your day. Occasionally offering a small grunt of acknowledgement or a few words of interjection. Always walks on the side of the path that he thinks could pose you the most immediate danger. Shielding you from what may lurk in a darkened alley or a hedge or a small thicket of trees.
Scary dog privilege, but like… for when you go to fill your car up with gas in broad daylight in a good part of town and he insists on standing out there with you. ‘Just in case’ If he even lets you out of the car in the first place.
- AND OFF THAT POINT. I think once he’s decided that he’s actually fond of you, it goes from zero to a hundred so fast it makes your head spin.
Like the last time you spoke, it was still unclear on if you were keeping things casual or not and now you’re at dinner and the waiter just asked him if the two of you wanted dessert and Simon just grunts “dunno. Ask the missus.” ??? He sucks so bad I NEED him.
- As much as I love an overly possessive and jealous Simon, I saw this tweet that said “My girlfriend can wear what she wants because she’s a hoe and I knew that before we started dating” and it changed my life.
He’s secure enough not to need to cause a scene if someone makes a pass on you in public. He understands that you’re attractive and that other people are bound to find you attractive too. (Not that he doesn’t still want to pull their fingernails out one by one, threatening them and everything they love for daring to exist near you. He’s just got better control over himself than that. King.)
He knows he’s better than any of your other options. Nobody else could keep you as safe as he could. They don’t know the world like he does. They don’t know how breakable you are. How sweet and naive you can be.
Not to say he isn’t overly jealous and possessive, he just won’t pitch a fit in public.
LIKE dragging him to the bar with your friends and he sits at the table with all of your drinks. Him watching you dancing out of the corner of his eye, seeing some prat come up and grab your ass in passing. Or a group of guys dancing with your friends getting a little *too* close to you for his liking. He doesn’t do anything while the two of you are out- not wanting to ruin your fun. But that night after you’ve gotten back to his flat (He insisted. Closer to the bar. Uber was cheaper.) and he’s tearing your miniskirt off like it’s personally offended him. He’ll be a little rougher. A little more liberal with the marks his mouth leaves on your collarbones and inner thighs. His strong hands will grab at the fat of your hips a little harder than he should- leaving bruises where his fingers dug in. He’ll lean over you while you’re split open with his length, snarling down at you. “Had everyone’s attention tonight, didn’t you, pet?“ “You like havin’ eyes on you?” “Greedy fuckin’ slag.” “Can’t appreciate what you have.” “Need a reminder of who you’ve got to impress.” Maybe he’ll take you in front of a mirror, massive hand fixed on your jaw. Jerking your face up so you have to look at yourself being ruined by him. How pretty and slutty you look when your makeup is ruined by the tears he’s fucking out of you.
- He calls you ‘bird’ or ‘pet’ more often than anything else. A little on the nose for how he treats you. Like you’re some small, frail thing that can’t go a day without him. Stripped of your natural survival instincts and instead leaning on him for support and comfort and food and shelter. Just how he likes it.
GOD he’s a fucking freak. Gross and mean and fucked in the head. Makes my stomach hurt. I hate him. I wish I was schizophrenic so I could vividly hallucinate him.
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mikeystrawberry · 5 months
Today is Dungeons & Daddies’s 5th Anniversary!
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I haven’t been listening for nearly that long but the podcast and all its characters means a lot to me. Happy Anniversary!!!
Throwing the cropped sections under the cut because there’s a lot of stuff going on and I know Tumblr likes to throw half the pixel quality out the window. And also so I can ramble a bit about this piece!!!
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This piece has been months in the making, possibly an entire year. And by that I mean I’ve had a sketch of the comp scribbled on my whiteboard for ages because I wanted to save this specifically for 5th anni art. Now onto design stuff!
(First off a random thought: I really love how the garlic knot came out, I kind of want it as an enamel pin.)
I knew I wanted to make this a stained glass piece since the beginning, but I was also going to add flowers at one point but quickly dropped the idea. It felt like too much and I also didn’t want to fuss over flower language assignments for everyone. I was also going to add Doodler tentacles, but also dropped that idea pretty early. Kind of on accident, right at the end, I figured out how to make it even more stained glass-like but taking a duplicated lineart underneath the regular layer and turning the brightness all the way down, then setting it to overlay and adding a guassian blur. It’s very subtle but it adds that tiny bit of depth that makes it look more real. As for shading on the lineart/gold, I tried adding more highlight on the characters who died but once I evened everything out it wasn’t as noticeable anymore so I’m throwing that thought here so the attempt at least known lol.
The order of characters only changed a little bit from my original comp, I flipped the Wilsons and the Oaks so the rainbow could work. As for the anchors, specifically in season 2, I lined them up to the teens since the season 1 anchors lined up with each dad:
Tony —> Scary: his death was the beginning of Scary’s betrayal arc and also Willy killed him.
Guitar Pick —> Taylor: it’s not really aligned with Taylor at all, but the anchor was with Glenn so I put it next to his blunt.
Scroll —> Normal: was only because it was the last left to give him, but there’s the whole scene of him and Hermie in the Green Room so it still works!
Garlic Knot —> Link: one of two that he broke, but the more significant of the two with him telling Grant he never wants to see him again.
Small notes on the season 1 anchors: I put the layer of mold in the overnight oats but you can’t really tell with the overlay. And to make the supper bowl more interesting I added the fantasy sodas mix they dumped into it. The lure of actually drawn before so I just traced my own art lol.
As for the other smaller triangles, it took me a bit to figure out what I wanted to put there. I didn’t even think of adding the vehicles until two days ago but I’m so glad I did. I don’t really have my own take on the mascot version of the Doodler (yet?) so I borrowed the design from one of the stickers in their merch shop. Teeny was terrifying as just a front facing head so I made him cute again.
In the outer circles, I put what I felt was the most significant quotes for each family. I really wanted to use “It’s okay to be angry, it’s not okay to be cruel” but it was just a little too long.
That’s all I can think of! If you read all the way through, thank you for indulging me in my excitement to gush over this piece.
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It's Valentine day, and some fan service when Crewel daughter lost a bet and wearing a bunny outfit that hugs her curvs bit too well ( think of Jessica Rabbit level of sexy ) and all confident of her body as she sings on stage for them
All the boys reaction seeing both display and the show
I'm not doing all of them
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Valentines Performance | Yandere TWST x Crewel Daughter Reader
First and foremost Crewel’s daughter never loses a bet
But charity does look good on her record so she’d do it
Heck you might even suggest it
“What? I know from my head to my toes that I’m practically irresistible. Of course you’d want me to be the main performance.”
You wouldn’t do it for just some boys wishing to ogle you for their own desires
That would be of no benefit to you
In fact, you’d force Crowley to pay
Who in turn forces your admirers to cough up a significant amount
But if you’re going to go through the trouble of dressing up and performing it will be for a good cause and for a good paycheck
So many lonely, sad people on such a day is something a princess shouldn’t ignore
If you have curves than great but even without you’re just as alluring 
But like everything you do it has the boys drooling:
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Azul Ashengrotto
He was proud to be apart of the latest cashgrab charity that the school was fundraising
And he was even happier to call upon you under that pretense
Its been years since he’s heard you sing
He can only imagine what its like now 
And with the excuse of being practice he’ll hear the chords you so casually ring out as the charity dinner is mapped out
But only when you’re fully made up and singing does he feel like his investment was truly worth it
“A-a-ah (Y/n) that was–”
“Amazing, I know. I can tell you’re excited but don’t go inking all over the floor before the finale.”
He really does have to stop himself 
He’s just so enamored 
One day he’ll have to ask trick you into singing a serenade to him
“A mate’s song needs to be, at the very least, decent enough to attract. Naturally, (Y/n) would exceed that, she truly is a prime mate and the only one I’d ever bother chasing after.”
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Kalim Al Asim
He loves that you’re scheduled to perform
Money isn’t an object anyway so he’s happy to pad your paycheck and donation
He just loves loves loves anything you do 
You could go outside in a chicken wunzie and sing horribly he’d still fling his money in your direction
But as he watches you appear on stage make up done, dress hugging tight something burns
His cheeks get warm and suddenly his clothes feel too hot to wear
A yearning that Kalim barely acknowledges to dangerous takes over and he’s in a daze for the entirety of the night
Don’t interrupt the performance 
Don’t bother him while he’s watching you sing in that sultry tone
Or you can see what its like when Jamil’s happy to follow Kalim’s orders+
“(Y/n) you should sing more often! Your voice is so beautiful!” 
“Thank you, Kalim.”
“Will you be doing another set? I’d love to play along side you!”
He’ll be replaying your performance in his head for years to come
Always letting a smile come to his face
“Wow I can’t get her voice out of my head! Maybe I should ask her to sing to me everynight!”
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Vil Schoenheit
If he isn’t hired himself to join you he’ll donate his talent with a small fee
But to be seen by millions as the most beautiful dream couple 
Neige could never
But ego aside he loves nothing more than performing with you side by side
Brought back to the days you two would make little plays and shows for your fathers to watch 
Now this was just fate in work, wasn’t it
That you two would be preparing a duet that’d have the world talking for weeks 
“Are you ready to delivery our harmony of ecstasy?”
“You know I am. I like your trim by the way.”
“And I yours. Though we both know anything you wear is better than couture.”
For this moment and this moment only will he encourage the hunter to share his recordings
He won’t be able to hear your voice out in the crowd
But it couldn’t compare to the sound of being beside you
As it was always meant to be
“Becoming a duo? Who’s to say? We both have big plans for the future but naturally we’ll be together asitsalwaysbeen.”
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fuck-customers · 7 days
I have been following you guys for awhile and have had so many fuck customers moments but last week I had the one that takes the cake because I thought I was about to die. I figured it was worth submitting.
For some backstory, I'm a graphic designer at a signs & awards shop. We do A LOT of different stuff for A LOT of different people/companies. (Including vehicle wraps, this is important for later.) I had been working with a set of customers (3 guys, also important) with a design for a while and they were being difficult. Nitpicking everything, wanting me to use copyrighted images, not understanding that I am not a magician and cant just poof exactly what they want into existence. I need TIME to do things and they aren't my only customers. They also don't have emails so all proofs were done by them coming into the shop.
So last Thursday I woke up with a terrible sore throat after going to bed feeling like garbage the night before. I'm super prone to strep throats so I scheduled an appointment at 8:30 am to get a test done. I could have scheduled earlier but I knew the customers were coming by at 8:00 am to see the designs and I wanted to be there.
I clock in at 7:45 am and have everything ready for them. By 8:20 am they have still not shown up and I can't wait any longer to head to my appointment. Thankfully I tested negative and when I got back to work by boss told me they were in at 9:30 and wanted to talk to me about the design and would come back by at 3:00 pm. I said cool and went about my day.
At 2:00 pm I get a call from my husband saying he was injured at work. He is a PE teacher at a school for kids with behavior issues so it's not unusual that he has an injury however this was a head injury and the on site nurse is going to take a look and make sure it doesn't need stitches and stops bleeding. Cause you know head wounds.
At 3:15 pm, my guys still haven't shown up. My husband is cleared as not needing anything immediately but is calling the company's workman's comp to get stuff sorted. He can't drive so he has a coworker drop him off at my job. He's chilling with me while I keep working and he takes care of the calls. Around 3:45 he realizes the head wound is still bleeding some and he needs to go to the walk in. I head out at 4:00 pm and my boss says he will take care of the guys if they bother to show up. My husband ended up needing two staples and is doing fine.
The next morning, I get to work around 7:45 am. There is a white truck, our company truck and a couple of my coworkers cars in the parking lot. Because we do a lot of vehicle wraps its not unusual for there to be vehicles dropped off overnight so I think nothing of the white truck. But as I am approaching the door and pulling my keys out I hear some doors slam and a male voice say "Not getting away from us this time!"
Guys, I thought I was about to die! Who says that to a woman alone in a parking lot? I spin around prepared to chuck my coffee and run when I realize it's the customers. I glare at them before turning back around and heading in the door. After I clocked in I had my boss wait on them. I also handed the order off to one of my male coworkers because I am not messing with them anymore. You can't blame me for not being there when you consistently miss appointments and then scare the shit out of me before I am even clocked in.
Posted by admin Rodney
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dnfao3tags · 3 months
Monthly Fic Roundup - February 2024
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haven't been too active this month but here's your monthly recs!
as always, make sure to leave some love :]
— Turning Right on Red by jestbee (expl. | comp. | 4k) ; established relationship + car sex
George's stream has consequences.
— Drumroll, Please by starsgaze (snowdreamr) (gen | comp. | 5k) ; bed sharing + relationship study
Everything it is, and everything it isn’t. A proposal, of sorts. A half confession. Over all, the weight of wanting and the agony of bearing with it. Dream and George, deprived of meaning.
— GeorgeNotFound OnlyFans by Simplysmitten (expl. | comp. | 37k) ; sex work + secret identity
Fresh out of university and struggling to land a job in his field, George finds himself desperate for a way to make ends meet. While his friends have big dreams of blowing up on YouTube, George decides to make an OnlyFans profile. Shockingly, George goes viral on both platforms, making his money troubles a thing of the past, but maintaining his anonymity a constant worry. How funny is it that he manages to make a friend named Clay on both platforms?
— don't know how long it's going to take to feel okay (i had the best day with you today) by brokenlikeastitch (teen | comp. | 7k) ; dream's mom + established relationship
Three times George needed a mom and Dream's mom was there for him.
— what i wanted to hear by alisonsomething, dizzy (expl. | comp. | 3k) ; phone sex
George is in Los Angeles and Dream is in Florida. It’s not the first time they’ve been thousands of miles apart, and Dream can’t stop thinking about one very memorable conversation they had shortly before George’s visa was approved.
— Suction by tsundanire (expl. | comp. | 1k) ; nipple play
George trusts Dream completely. Trusts him enough with his most sensitive bits.
— wish that i could step into yours instead by Kore_Writes (teen | comp. | 12k) ; canon compliant + character study
A series of moments in Dream's life that George had always been there for him.
— he loves him more than anyone ever has in the history of man by brokenlikeastitch (teen | comp. | 14k) ; pov outsider
dream and george over the years through the perspectives of their friends
— the end of all things by womanhunt (teen | comp. | 9k) ; marriage (eloping)
“We should get married.” The words make Dream choke on the scrambled eggs in his mouth, and George just stares at him blankly as he coughs and takes a drink of his water. And, before he can overthink it, Dream gives in. “Ok, yeah. We should get married,” he nods to himself, reaching out to pull George’s hands apart and link their fingers together. “Did you mean, like, soon? Or?” “I mean, like, today.” George murmurs, eyes still not meeting Dream’s.
— my love by cqfnce (teen | comp. | 8k) ; patches the good cat
dream and george go last-minute shopping for patches' birthday
— daisies, daisies by snowdreamr (expl. | comp. | 15k) ; mpreg + future fic
On secrecy and patience. On learning how to embrace the unexpected.
— this is me trying by dizzy (teen | comp. | 5k) ; mental health issues + hopeful ending
Is this a cage? George's guts rebel against that, too. He fought to be here. This is the freedom from years of locking himself inside. He has no regrets. He doesn’t want anything to be different, except maybe that he could walk into a room without Dream or Sapnap looking at him like he’s not who they thought he was.
— Circling Back by Scoops (consciousness_streaming) (expl. | comp. | 15k) ; identity porn + coworkers
As a remote worker, George's only real friend at Pog Industries is Clay, the marketing genius who skyrocketed up the corporate ladder. Sure, maybe his work bestie is old and really bad at Fortnite, and they've never actually met, but they have each other's backs. And that's what's important. When a position on the Board opens up for George, it's Clay going to their CEO, Badboy Halo, to get him hired in the position. To George's amazement, it works. Now, he's moving to America the night before the infamous Pog Industries Christmas Party, and he's ready to put some names to faces.
— make a home on the cracks by lodestones (teen | comp. | 2k) ; baby fever + developing relationship
He’d be a good dad, Dream thinks—people are always telling him he’ll be good at it. It’s not anything all-consuming, but it’s a fantasy he still returns to every once in a while, dancing in the back of his mind whenever little kids approach him and ask for a picture. He catches himself daydreaming about it at least a thousand times more often after the first time he watches George interact with younger fans.
— George Not Found Is Stupid and Hides His Pregnancy From Dream For Two Whole Months by mario anon and apple anon (teen | comp. | 4k) ; mpreg
Hes pregnant it is all i know how to write
— executive session by dizzy (expl. | comp. | 1.7k) ; exhibitionism
Dream is a senate intern, and George is the guy he's about to fuck on the senate floor.
note: i've been fucking WAITING for someone to write a fic on this
— no thing's so sure that i can't learn to doubt it by brokenlikeastitch (teen | comp. | 11k) ; professors au
The closer he gets to George’s door, the louder the crying gets, and when he finally reaches the open doorway, he glances in to see a girl sitting across the desk from George, practically hyperventilating. In all of his years of teaching, with all of the students he’s had upset with him, Dream is pretty sure he’s never had a student this upset with him. He wonders if George is, like, torturing his students.
— The need to know by tsundanire (expl. | comp. | 5k) ; dick measuring
— dear future husband by dizzy (expl. | comp. | 3k) ; breeding and housewife kink
Dream tells George that since he isn't paying rent he should at least be putting dinner on the table... and George decides to prove him right.
— it is not about me being gay with george by alisonsomething (teen | comp. | 2k) ; insecurity + miscommunication
Dream’s latest TikTok makes George angry enough to confront him about it.
— Honeysuckle Jam by gottagetshiver (expl. | comp. | 71k) ; omegaverse
George has terrible heats, he always has. He'd thought that after years of peace on suppressants, he's be done with them forever. It works, until it doesn't. The doctor says his best chance at fixing his terrible heats is having an alpha with him, and it just so happens that Dream is an alpha. It'll be easy, right? Dream will help him through his heat, and he'll be fixed. The fact that George is madly in love with Dream won't complicate matters at all, right? It won't upend their lives and throw them into chaos, right?
note: published last month but finished this month so im including it
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yangkitties · 1 year
Sleepy Hearts ✩ s.cb
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pairing: seo changbin x gn!reader [established relationship] || word count: 0.3k genre: fluff || warnings: proof read but its been a while since i wrote this so it might be a shitty read 😔, you might end up needing to hug changbin real bad by the end of this btw 😁 synopsis: Tossing and turning in bed, Changbin tries to find a comfortable position to hopefully fall asleep in. Unsuccessful in his endeavours, he accidentally succeeds in waking you up. note: school has started for me and the anxiety of it all has been making me want to write a lot more but bc im an all science student im swamped with work even though it has only been 3 days :( so i will make do with posting an older piece of writing :] anyways, as always, i hope you enjoy reading it and ofc, my ask box is always open 🫶
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Changbin hadn’t been sleeping very well. He had a bunch of deadlines comping up but he’d been going through a bit of a writer’s block lately, and the stress was getting to him.
And today wasn’t any different. Changbin laid there, covered in a warm duvet, sinking into a pile of pillows, staring at the ceiling listening to your shallow breaths and soft snores. He tried to focus on your breathing, to calm his mind so he could hopefully get some sleep. 
But to no avail, Changbin was left sleepless for a while longer. Growing impatient, Changbin wiggled under the blankets, trying to get into a comfortable position to sleep in. But all he did was wake you up. 
‘Bin.. baby? Are you still awake?’ You slurred, blinking your eyes and turning towards him. 
He pushed himself closer to you, guilty he woke you up, but happy you were here now. ‘Yeah.. ‘m sorry I woke you up..’ he said slowly, eyes shining up at you. You dragged him closer, his buff body making it harder to complete the task. 
‘S okay love.. is there anything wrong?’ You wrapped a leg around his waist, only to pull him impossibly close to you so that he was tucked into the frame of your body.  ‘Just have a lot on my mind.. I’m worried I’ll disappoint Chan hyung if I can’t submit these songs on time,’ whispering sadly, he cuddled up to you. ‘Oh baby. You know Chan’s never going to be disappointed in you for something you can’t control right? It’s absolutely okay to go through slumps my little beloved..’ you spoke into his hair, pressing careless kisses into his soft curls. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp. ‘You’re doing so well, and everyone is so proud of you. As long as you’re trying your best baby, no one is ever going to be disappointed in you.’ Changbin smiled, grateful to have you by his side. 
‘Y/N.. what can I ever do to tell you how much I love you.. thank you.’ He nuzzled into your neck, giving you a bunch of little kisses. ‘Well why don’t you try sleeping then?’ 
Changbin just giggled, managing to cuddle into you more. And just like that, to the sound of your heartbeat, Changbin falls asleep.
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©️ yangkitties 2023 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost 
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ninjaneonleon · 4 months
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(last seen at the tmnt au comp u _ u )
Mikey almost fell over backwards when the frantic looking Leo counterpart appeared in his vision. Casey, of course, was no help. She just laughed as he stumbled over his own feet and tried not to fall. In the end he just floated back to his feet properly with a small pout.
“Oh, sorry,” the Leo (Leon? Yeah, that worked for now) said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I just really need to find my Donnie, he’s, uh, not very stable with others.” He held up the photo he was brandishing a little more for emphasis.
The photo in question showed a version of Donnie that was very different to the brother Mikey knew and loved. Not only was he notably paler, his usual jade colouring going almost pastel, he was softer somehow. Rounder. He was also wearing a beautiful feathered tutu, had small white wings and was en pointe. That Donnie looked like he was all set to dance in Swan Lake, maybe even as Odette considering the feathered crown he had in place of a headpiece.
“No, I haven’t seen him. Hey, why do you say he’s unstable?” Casey asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Eugh boy, if Casey got it in her head that she wanted to try sparring with this unstable ballerina Donnie, there would be very little Mikey could do besides try to hold her back. Maybe if he got the Donnie back with his Leo, he’d be calm enough to not take Casey up on her obvious excitement.
“He’s, uh, well he’s very much got a swan brain?” Leon offered with a sheepish laugh. “Half the time he’s fine, the other half…”
“Oh, he gets violent and territorial?” Mikey had a few encounters with swans in the past. They were dangerous bastards who can and will mess you up. “Eugh boy, that’s definitely not someone who you want to leave alone. Leave it to me, I can help you find him.”
“Wait, you can?” Leon lit up with a relived grin. “How?”
“Like this.” Mikey held his hand out towards the photo and got a feel for Swanatello’s (heh, Swannie, that was a perfect name for him) energy. Once he as sure, Mikey plucked that very unique feeling chain from the air. He studied it curiously. “Huh. This is a very old feeling connected to him. Well, anyway, I can track him for you. Just follow me, we’ll get your Donnie back,” he promised, not letting go of the chain.
“Thank you so much,” Leon said enthusiastically. I’m worried he’s either gonna freak himself out or hurt someone.”
“Has he got memory problems or something?”Casey asked, following after Leon and Mikey. “Our Donnie can be violent but he’s very good at directing that away from people. Most of the time.” She shuddered, probably remembering the sago pudding incident. Mikey didn’t want to dwell on that.
“Yeah, he’s sort of been claimed by this mystic lake to be its guardian?” Leon offered with a shrug. “It means that he barely remembers anything before, and on his bad days, he doesn’t recognise us at all. He might look small but he’s just as strong as ever.” Based on the way Leon rubbed his arm, he clearly knew just how strong Swannie was.
“Claimed by a mystic lake? I might be able to help keep him calm for a while, if you wanted,” Mikey offered. If he could make sure Swannie could still sense the lake, he might stay calm enough to not hurt anyone during this whole thing.
“Anything would be helpful, thank you Mikey.”
They walked together for a little while, following the pale coloured chain, until Mikey spotted Swannie. He was looking around frantically, his feathers all puffed up from how worked up he was getting. Okay, Mikey totally had this.
“Casey, wait here. Leon, you too. Let me see if I can calm him down.” As he spoke, Mikey let a wave of magic wash over him. When it cleared, he was in his own tutu (orange, of course) and had his pointe shoes on. Oh yeah, that was awesome, he totally nailed the dramatics there. It might have been a while since Mikey had done any serious dancing but luckily, his body remembered exactly what to do.
He called for Swannie’s attention by putting a spotlight on himself and on Swannie, one only they (and Casey and Leon) could see. Then he let some music start to drift around, again, done so it didn’t bother anyone who was want involved.
Swannie looked over immediately, but when he heard the music, he seemed to relax. Perfect. Mikey made his way over, travelling in time to the music and throwing in some of his own choreography, warming himself up slowly. He and Swannie met in the middle and for a moment, they danced together.
It was simple enough to weave in some magic to their dance. A nudge to the mystic hold on Swannie’s soul, finding the link back to the lake, a touch of mental magic in the form of white smoke gathering around them to make sure he could feel the lake and feel it was safe, and tada! One fully conscious and aware Swannatello.
“Mikey?” He asked slowly as Mikey let the illusions die down.
“Not quite. I’m a different Mikey, buuut your Leo is right over there.” Mikey gestured over his shoulder to where Casey and Leon were waiting.
“Leo!” Like a bullet out a gun, Swannie shot over to Leo and clung to him, getting an awed hug in return. Oh yeah, Mikey was good.
“Nice going, Mikey,” Casey said with a grin. She clapped Mikey on the shoulder. “Wanna stick around with these two for a bit?”
“Yeah, if they’ll have us,” Mikey said, watching the twins get quite emotional as they hugged. “I think they could use some familiarity here, and besides, I wanna dance more with Swannie.”
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spadesolace · 9 months
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drag me down: fool for you
synopsis: you've seen it all, from family problems to being accused of cheating, and bullying... what more can you handle when the girl you love hates your guts?
warning/s: bullying, parental absence, honestly just full on perspective of y/n.
words: 1.8k
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You’ve seen it all.
The fact that your own distant relatives fight for the claims of your family’s hard work, the way your parents are always gone and going on business trips, or the very fact that the girl you like hates your guts.
Your parents decided that it would be safe never to expose you and your sister to the public unless you choose to partake in the family business. That conversation has not seen the light of day, and you choose to keep it that way. The other reason is that your very own relatives try to drag your name down. Jealousy, hunger for power, and mostly greed, was the driving factor.  
Although given the circumstances, all you could do is understand your parents. The rare occurrences that they’re at home, giving you gifts from their travels ranging from books to puzzles, up until when you hit highschool they settled on giving you practical gifts, one that is the best of the best. That doesn’t mean your request for books regarding the business and law of each country they visit is looked upon. Somehow those interests made your parents provide even more than what you requested, a few lego sets so as to not make it feel as if you’re slowly becoming an adult.
It was compensation for missing your childhood years, holidays spent alone in the gigantic mansion you call home, watching home alone and wishing to do the same thing as Kevin. The definition of family is blurry when you never felt it with your own, yet you’re glad Jihyo’s family came through. All of the relatives residing within the village have collectively helped to raise you, from playing games, experiencing grazing your knee on the floor from playing chase with your cousins, and opening gifts on christmas day. Forever grateful for your relatives that wishes you nothing but peace and safety.
At the age of 10, it was as if your prayers were heard, your mother was pregnant with Hyejoo. For two years, the Parks were complete, business trips were handled by their right hand man, home cooked meals when you come home from school, and them actually helping you with your homeworks. It was bliss, you felt it being a true family, even being scolded made it feel like the real deal. Around the same time, a girl in your class had become your friend.
With the absence of your parents, it was a common topic going around that you were abandoned, an orphan, which led to bullies. Some days, it was just a few words thrown at you, but it was the first that you were cornered, the mischievous look, the scissors in their hands. Who knew grade schoolers could be dangerous. That was until a girl around your age alerted the closest teacher there was seeing the scenario slowly unfold. Luckily there was no harm done to you or else your parents would have sued the group of kids’ parents. The girl in front of you offered her hand, a soft smile yet worry was evident in her face.
“Hi. I’m Seol Yoona. What’s your name?” It was the first time you’ve heard her speak, despite sitting next to each other for days.
“Uh… my name is Park YN.” Sullyoon, your best friend, the first person you knew you could trust with your life. For years, you were together, she was keeping you safe as you provided the extra protection that is your bodyguard.
High school started, things turned for the worst, Hyejoo grew up with no parental figure, Sullyoon transferred schools, and you’re back to being alone. Weird part of it all, that was when you started showing interest in business, specifically in cafes. First year of high school consisted of doing extracurriculars, such as debate club, soccer; and going to Blueming cafe to work on brewing, baking, and the business aspect of it all. It was peace, Hyejoo kept you company at home, letting your inner child out as you took care of her.
There was something missing, a conversation you had with Jihyo. Sullyoon wasn’t there to keep you company, even if she had free time, she would stay at your place and play with Hyejoo, updating you on life. Jihyo cared for you so deeply that she was willing to help you with your dilemma without you knowing how it happened.
You never knew how Jihyo managed to convince your parents to let you transfer schools, but clearly she was doing some investigation on the students in your batch. In your second year of high school, you met Chaewon on your first day. She was older than you, a bit feisty, but she was fun to be with as you conversed about your experience in your old school. Slowly, you met Yunjin, Chaewon’s best friend and partner in mischief, the first friend you met who can speak english. Lastly was Kazuha and Eunchae, you were invited to lunch by Yunji. You were glad that orientation gave you a chance to spend your first week with the four.
Although you sometimes visited cafe to hone your brewing and latte art skills, that was where you met Sakura. Aside from Sullyoon, she was the second person who knew of your family, it’s the least she could do while studying and doing part-time in a foreign country. That was how your small circle came to be, Sullyoon was your classmate again, gained new friends you could trust without it being a connection from your parents.
Once the actual classes started for your new school, your eyes laid upon the most beautiful girl you’ve seen aside from your friends, she had your attention.
Pham Hanni, a pretty name for a pretty girl.
Luckily for you, Park and Pham weren’t that far off. Despite introducing yourself already in front of the class, you still did it. They did say first impressions leave an impact.
“Hi, I’m Park Y/N.”
“Pham Hanni.”
You believed that things could get better, that Pham Hanni could be your friend and someone you could trust. She’s pretty, smart, and immediately caught your heart. Messing with her was fun, from lowkey trying to one up her, joining her extracurriculars just to be close to her, and always sitting next to her despite it having no seating arrangements. For you, it was all fun and games with a hint of flirtatious banter because Pham Hanni has you wrapped around her finger. 
Things couldn’t get any better but all hopes and dreams were shattered from a single rumour, a single accusation, all of it coming from her mouth.
“Just admit it, Y/N! YOU CHEATED!” Does she hate you that much to accuse you of such things? It’s not in your character to cheat or anything that would possibly bring your name down, despite the absence of your parents, you had a good upbringing. But this accusation was a bit too much for you.
Weeks of multiple discussions with the Prefect of Discipline and the Principal. Only led to one conclusion, you were innocent as to who planted the information, it was still left for discussion. From there on, you avoided her at all cost, sure sitting next to her isn’t completely avoiding her but you had no other choice. If it weren’t for the rumours you heard of people planning on bullying Hanni or the fact someone had already done it, you would have continued to ignore her.
Hanni never knew what could have happened if you didn’t talk to her.
Hanni never knew of your feelings since your first meeting.
Hanni never knew that you’ve fallen for her.
Even when she clearly showed her distaste for you, or how little she cares, somehow you still managed to stay and celebrate every time you two would hit a milestone. In every card you had given her, each states your appreciation for the girl, and hints of your feelings. There were no clear signs that she had read it but it was better to assume she hadn't.
So, you were out of it when Hanni showed signs of possibly reciprocating your feelings. The sudden call at 3 in the morning to tell Sullyoon everything, asking her to come over (to which she agreed only if you were going to pick her up). One of the little things you’re grateful for is that your parents had put you to driving school as soon as possible.
“You seriously better have a good explanation as to why we’re going out this late.” Sullyoon will always be your best friend, the only person you trust the most. Taking a sip of your hot chocolate as the climate slowly becomes colder as the year comes to an end, you could only look at Sullyoon with sadness in your eyes.
“I like Hanni.”
“Ok, this is indeed a good explanation. What happened? Are you ok?”
Clearly, you weren’t. Pham Hanni occupied your mind and heart and it's getting concerning to the point where you do feel the pain whenever she talks to Jungwon. The jealousy and knowing damn well that you don’t have the right to feel that way. So, no, you’re not ok.
Sullyoon listened to your rant, to how you’ve liked Hanni since sophomore year, so stopping a possible bullying from happening, to giving her letters in your anniversaries, and from the pain of seeing her with Jungwon. By the time you’re done, there are tears in your eyes as your hot chocolate is forgotten and you’re shivering from the cold.
“All this time, you never hated her?” You shook your head, not a single ounce of grudge or hatred for Hanni was in your blood.
“Even after being accused of cheating?”
“Sunoo already got his punishment for that, he was just intimidated by me taking his spot.”
Your best friend was aware of the rumours but you confirmed everything to her. Spilling your guts as if you have no other choice, growing tired of lying and keeping those feelings to yourself. She could only understand the situation; Sunoo had planted the idea that maybe the reason you transferred was because you cheated on your exams and got caught to the point supervision was needed. It pained Sullyoon to hear that, to be blamed for something she knows you would never do.
“Hanni almost got bullied because of that, if she got hurt then… there’s no one else to blame but myself.”
Years of bottled up emotions are finally out in the open, a conversation with your best friend and the moon. And maybe you were indeed a fool, falling for someone who showed little to no interest until the night before…
You were really out of it as Hanni continued to fill your thoughts and heart.
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piningpercussionist · 6 months
Howdy, Pine! Can we get three headcanons for all your favorite Scott Pilgrim characters? :-)
Oh absolutely!!!! Lemme think for a minute...
Okay I had a whole thing here, but we're gonna try this again but slightly more Hinged-- forcing myself to format so things don't get out of hand again. I will HAPPILY elaborate, though!!
((Whoop this is future me. This post is going to be so long if I dont do this, so I'm going to put this all under the cut! I'll try to remember to come back up here with the characters I talk about- alternative, should I not do that, maybe check the tags! I'll try to only tag the people I'm directly talking about))
sexuality: very likely canonically Bi, I am a very big fan of her being a comp. het. lesbian, though (I get this both from my read of the comics/her character and just me Injecting myself into my favorite characters ✌️)
pronouns: she/her usually, but I think she'd be very open and vibe with they/them (me injecting myself again, but also she's just chill like that. I think she prefers if strangers use they/them for her, and her friends or partners use she/her. I'm undecided if she prefers her partners call her their girlfriend or their partner, though.)
Characters I think she has feelings for: RAMONA FLOWERS, Lisa Miller, (MAYBE Scott Pilgrim, still)
Elaboration on that:
I honestly think I can just. Point at some comic panels for Ramona. And the goat thing again. They make me Unhinged that's how canon that is.
Lisa!!! My beloved!!! I think she had a tiny crush on her in high school and had no idea that it was a crush until way later in life- maybe shortly after seeing her again, actually. But like. She's so obviously smiley and happy when she's around, I really can't help but read it that way! She, at the very least, gets an extreme mood boost in her presence, so she really likes having her around.
Scott Pilgrim.... *scrubbing at my face* okay. Okay. So, I have a couple different reads on her feelings for Scott, they're kind of complicated for me to dismantle. Especially since I haven't started my reread of book 6 (I've been giving my thumbs a break, which I am currently prolonging but I have been DYING for someone to ask me to talk about this series.) I'm going to go with my more canon read and leave it at that I think, because it's already becoming this text wall.
Scott was really important to her, I think. She's this aloof, sullen, bitchy girl and she knows it- and then this dorky idiot walks into her life and they really hit it off! They date, they have really sweet, private moments together- it's everything to her. It's someone loving her in spite of the hard shell she initially puts out, and managing to reach her soft, easily bruised heart in ways no one had before. But then he left so abruptly, and that heart was crushed under the weight of her own ribcage. I think she carried that hurt with her every day from that point- I don't imagine her having a particularly roaring love life after that. I think she kept that hurt bottled, and it made any relationships she DID attempt fall apart. It's a wound she's been nursing for way, way too long, and I think she knows that- that's why she wants so badly to forget about it. But then she goes to Toronto and runs into Scott again at the lowest point in his life, and she can't get herself to step away, because this is the only person who ever claimed to love her in a way she felt. I think her decision to stay was sort of... detrimental to her moving on. If she'd detatched herself and stepped back, maybe she could have moved on eventually- she could have worked on herself, or maybe lucked out and found someone who could get through those walls without a sledgehammer, and she would have been better for it. But that's not what happens. She stayed, and I think the longer she stayed the harder it became to keep herself completely shielding from him, because he's still that same goofy guy at his core- he's just a bit worse than she remembered him being. But damn near everything he does throughout the comics just continues to crush her until she HAS to leave- he can apologize, and she can accept it for the version of him she loved, but he's not enough to convince her to stay anymore. I'm going to cut my canon analysis there until I reread their next scene, rather than just continuing incase my thoughts have slightly changed, but like... man... they hurt me in a very unique way. If it was anyone other than Scott, it'd be tragic. (Maybe it still is, maybe that's the Kim Bitterness talking)
For a brief touch on my less canon take, with Kim being a lesbian: I think Scott would have been better placed in her life as a best friend than a partner, but when you're young, and honestly even when you're not all that young, emotional distinction like that can be so, so confusing. So all of the hurt remains very genuine, because she does love him, just not the way she thought she did.
((Because I do love the trans!fem Scott HC as well, I will say. I feel like it would be really, really funny for Kim to realize she's into women and be like "wow sure dodged round two of the Scott Pilgrim bullet" and then one day Scott shows up having started her transition and is like "Oh hey Kimmy!! I'm a lesbian AND a girl, like you now!!!" And Kim just. Crushes her drink or something in her hand like "oh no... oh no she's attractive again... FUCK FUCK FUCK." Obviously a lot more nuanced than that, though. I should probably clarify that I started answering this ask almost IMMEDIATELY after waking up and also BEFORE I've taken more pain meds. If this post has been or starts to become very scattered again, that's why lol.))
Bonus consideration: Hollie. I can dig her having a crush on Hollie, but I feel like it faded a little living with her, and then shattered entirely after the Jason Kim situation. Even an overwhelming attraction to women ain't savin that one, chief. That's just too severe a betrayal.
The Knives Situation: Oh Boy. So in the original answer for this I had a whole thing done up, lemme try to condense it. Basically, I think Kim woke up the next morning HORRIFIED by what she'd done. Like, dry heaving in the bathroom horrified. And this likely really hurt Knives's feelings, should she see! Which Kim would feel horrible about. I'm undecided on if she just runs from the situation before Knives can wake up, or if they have a sort of agrument/one-sided rant on Kim's part afterward where she just really tries to hammer home for Knives how not okay it was for them to do that- for HER to do that, given their ages and inherent power imbalance. In the event that this discussion happens, Knives absorbed none of it, and probably leaves that conversation a little wounded. I think it would proceed to play back in her mind when she and Stephen are talking at one of Julie's parties later on, though, and she'd probably approach Kim after that to thank her for being a reasonable adult about that, unlike how some of her friends had been. Once that understanding is reached, I think they could be good friends, although Kim probably teases her for how she started to dress like her after they first met.
Silly little things: If anyone's familiar with Night in the Woods, do you know the part where Mae's like "that's not drums... that's a computer..."? I feel like that has Kim energy. To me.
Also I think Kim sucks at Rockband- I know that releases like, way afterward or something so far as comic timeline goes, but bare with me, okay? It's my silly little headcanons! Anyway, she'd suck really, really bad on the drums, since so far as I can recall, they don't REALLY correspond with the music. If her friends force her to play, she demands either the mic or the bass, because "fuck you Scott, you try playing their stupid fucking drums." He proceeds to play flawlessly, much to her chagrin. She fairs better on the bass, but only a bit better than the drums, since her fingers aren't quite used to the movements.
Kim didn't think she liked cats for a while, mostly because she was only ever around them fleetingly, and generally in the homes of people who should have been cleaning their litter boxes more regularly. After hanging around Ramona's house more, though, she discovers she really love them! She feels a sort of kinship watching how they actually behave, and I think Gideon ends up warming to Kim very quickly, which probably helps with the very quick turnaround on her opinion. I think it'd be funny if sometimes, when Kim's over, Scott will try to beckon Gideon over to him for cuddles or affection, and the cat will just. Stare at him entirely unimpressed before jumping up into Kim's lap with exaggerated purring and chin rubbing before curling up for a "nap." Kim was in awe the first time this happened, and Ramona finds it ceaselessly amusing every time it happens. ((Funny additonal scenario: once after this happened Scott was whining to Ramona, who was coming to join them on the couch, looking generally very sad/cute/pathetic, and overcome with a sort of playful evil, Ramona proceeded to sit by and cuddle up to Kim as well. Kim immediately froze up and went bright red and wide eyed, Scott's jaw probably dropped before he dove into a theatrical, exaggerated spewl about the betrayal of it all, and Ramona just got to blissfully enjoy Kim cuddles while giggling at both of their reactions and petting Gideon.))
Conversely, I don't know how Kim feels about dogs. Like, I don't think she hates them or anything like that, but maybe they fill her with a sense of pity, for their associations with unwavering loyalty. Something about that specifically runs too close to things she considers about herself, at times, maybe. Idk, just kinda spit ballin here.
I think she does like rats! And mice. Idk. They're cute little guys and I like them, let me have this--
Oh man... just Kim's section is so long. And I have other characters to get to,,, buckle up I guess--- I mean, I did start with My Girl, so maybe the others will be shorter?
((This is future future me again... this is where I actually went back and processed the ask properly :') I have no words to describe my current emotional state beyond that I am trying really hard not to burst into a little fit of laughter at myself and wake my roommate--))
Three! Three headcanons!! I can do this (restraintrestraintrestraint)
Okay! Let's try being Normal About Media- and just as a note, they aren't really in any particular order, beyond Kim being the first because she IS legitimately my favorite, I think. Idk she's very Me.
Ramona Flowers
1. She doesn't really do labels, for things like her idenity; she does think pride flags are pretty, though. Scott got her a bi flag once and she decided to keep it and hang it in her room for this exact reason, though she did explain to him that she doesn't really consider herself anything but herself- Ramona Flowers. He's very understanding about that, although a little confused in the typical Scott manner! They eventually come around to just considering it being his flag, when he comes to terms with himself (yeah, spoilers, I HC him as bi)
2. Her hair actually does have magic properties to it that prevent it from getting absolutely butchered by all the bleaching she does- she doesn't know how or why, though. Maybe it's less magic and more to do with the supplies themselves? Unlike Scott, she's not as meticulous when it comes to reading the status effect labels on things she uses or consumes.
3. Of her former partners, I think she does have genuine lingering feelings for Roxie. So far as the comics/movie go, she simply repressed the hell out of them and plays the Deny Deny Deny! game, but so far as the show goes, I think she's come to terms with the fact that she still loves her, but horrifically fumbled her- she doesn't want to hurt Roxie like that again, so she's unlikely to ever try things again between them, I think. Not unless Roxie was the initiator, and even then, it'd take some coaxing.
Bonus 4. She absolutely has feelings for Kim. I feel like maybe further into their relationship she'd 100% ask Scott like "hey... you know your really hot friend Kim?" and proceed to discuss with him if being in a polyamorous relationship is something he could get behind. Maybe it'd happen after a period of time with Kim living with them too, or something.
Roxie Richter
1. She gets ALL the girls- all of them. She's an unholy TERROR for men where she lives, because she is notorious for giving women the night of their lives and making them never look back so far as dating men goes. Now, I don't think she deliberately breaks up people or goes after "straight" girls or anything, but it's probably something that's happened on accident before, so she's A Menace. I will say that she might deliberately swoop in and woo a girl she knows is taken if it's extremely clear that their relationship is just Not Right- like if she's seeing clear signs of abuse, or something. She isn't intending to get with these girls when she does this, but she is fully intending to get them out of shitty situations. She's even turned girls down after their (ex) boyfriends have stormed off in a huff, simply out of respect for them- she'll try to give them advice, and if they're adamant in trying New Venues, she might play matchmaker where she can, but she isn't really comfortable sleeping with them after doing stuff like that- to her, it feels gross, maybe even exploitative.
2. I actually don't know if this is meant to be canon or not, because it's noted alongside some of her sketches, but she's german/japanese in my eyes- but raised in the states. She knows English the best, and some German, but she doesn't really know much Japanese, much to her own agitation- she just struggles with it a lot, for whatever reason. She can kind of read some things, but if she tries to speak it she runs the risk of butchering the words. I personally further HC her dad as German and her mom as Japanese- dad by process of elimination, mom based loosely on how I read some of her and Ramona's conversations in the comics.
3. She is in fact whistling the tune in the show intending it to be from the Robin Hood movie- in fact, I think I'm going to HC it as one of her favorite animated films from childhood. (... do I HC her as a furry now?)
Lisa Miller
1. Disaster Bi! She's a bit of a Menace and she knows it; she likes to rile people up, but she can't really take what she dishes out. Like, if she'd done the kind of seductive teasing she does to Scott to Kim and received any sort of flirting back, her brain would shut down and she'd need to reboot. She doesn't know how to handle when someone else takes the reigns, which is why it was so easy and fun to play with Scott- he was too stunned/shy to play back, which she enjoys. Not to imply she doesn't enjoy having her brain melted a little, of course.
2. I think she makes it big after she heads to America! Or at least, bigger than she was. She sends her friends back in Toronto signed copies of movie posters and CDs and things when she can- she doesn't expect them to keep them, although she loves it when they do, but at least in Scott's case it's sort of a "incase of emergency, please sell" sort of situation. He does not, obviously. (Ramona probably does, though, both from admittedly petty lingering jealousy and because they just don't have room for all of it; Scott rarely seems to notice anyhow, and the money usually goes towards rent or random gifts for him anyhow)
3. I forget if everyone's sudden absence is noticed when they Poof briefly during the finalt episode of the show, but if it is I feel like Lisa starts to talk to Kyle, since he's in front of her, like "hey, what exactly happened there-" before looking out over everyone else who reappeared in their seats and noticing Scott is actually up there with them. She spends the rest of that night chatting up him and the league, and maybe even scores an in with Matthew for getting a foothold in her acting career!
Matthew Patel
1 . He absolutely has a dedicated cult following for his theatrical works, and it's warranted! He's genuinely good at what he does, and his passion is clear as day; any production is lucky to have him, and he knows it, which can kind of lead to butting heads behind the scenes. I feel like he might come across to his fellow performers as full of himself, especially given his proficiency with one man performances, but he truly is just deeply, deeply passionate about his work, and he wants to feel that passion with anyone he works with, too. He NEEDS his energy matched to feel like it's going to be a grand performance, and he simply doesn't notice how off-putting this can be for his coworkers as a result.
2. The demon hipster chicks have always been the visual age they are now, even when Matthew was a kid; he viewed them as older sisters growing up, and they're very protective of him perhaps as a result. At his current age, they're his best friends and personal body guards- they'll descend like rabid dogs on anyone that steps out of line around him, if he doesn't call them off. Sometimes it's a bit much for him, but they're usually pretty good about understanding when they do and don't need to interfere on his behalf.
3. Ya know I'm not sure if it's a HC I've seen at all but I could really vibe with trans!masc Matthew. I would love that for him, truly.
Scott Pilgrim
1. Look... I really love any trans!Scott headcanons. Like, any direction, I've said before; I genuinely have such a problem figuring out which version I enjoy best: he's trans!masc and has been all along, or trans!fem and Ramona eventually helps to crack that egg. But also, while I'm saying this, he is. So stupid. Not like maliciously stupid in this sense, absolutely not, but I feel like he's the kind of person to like. Run into someone from his past post their transition, with THEM coming up to HIM to be like "oh long time no see, Pilgrim," and then he would say something to the affect of "oh, you have the same last name as (DN)!!! Are you related? Kim, Kim!! Do you know if (DN) had any siblings?" while Kim and the other person just stare at him deadpan for a bit before bursting into laughter at his expense. He would then proceed to be really confused and just not get it, either until they explain it to him or like, he'd just suddenly sit up in a cold sweat later that night realizing what he did like "oh my GOD that WAS them, I said their dead name at them like seven times!! I am Going To Hell!!!" (And Ramona would just kind of blindly, lightly slap around in his general direction, like "honey you're not going to hell for basically affirming the effectiveness of their transition, go the fuck to sleep. They would've said something if it was a problem." Idk, that's just how he feels to me.)
2. When he has his own money for things, and space living with Ramona, he spends it on video games or video game related merch- it's probably a lot of patches and t-shirts, but I can see him starting to collect plushies, too! Like some of the really old kinda silly looking Sonic plushies, for example? If I had my Knuckles one on hand I'd use him as an example, but I think he's in storage somewhere :(
3. Gets into really heated arguments about video game mechanics and stat stuff where applicable; like, Ramona has to drag him away or else he will actively start fighting people kind of heated. He can hold chill conversations, but if he feels like he's being talked down to about a game that he's REALLY into, like Sonic Adventure (he has the director's cut!)
Wallace Wells
1. MENACE TO SOCIETY. He's comparable to Roxie in this way except he is so much worse (I say this affectionately <3) because he does just straight up, in canon, do things like steal Stacey's boyfriends! And that's his friend that he's doing that to! So I cannot IMAGINE what mischief he gets up to when he goes out drinking. He's probably ruined so many lives, naybe even marriages. What am I saying, maybe? Definitely. And he feels no remorse about this! In his eyes either your man was already gay or you needed to treat him better, sweetie; he HAS been rejected before, so clearly his charms can't ruin what ain't already broken.
2. While he does have feeling for Scott, which is basically canon I don't even want to hear it, he KNOWS better. Like, he'd been living with Scott for a while, so he knows if they were legitimately dating he probably would be even more sick of him than he already is. When they were still living together, though, there were times where he couldn't help but wonder if it would really be all that bad... right before Scott comes in and does or says something that just highlights for Wallace that he's making the Sane choice. Besides, Wallace is (and i hate using these terms but I straight up don't know what other words I could possibly use) a sugar baby; he can't keep up being both a sugar baby and Scott's effective sugar daddy (HATEHATEHATE THAT WORD) while ALSO paying rent. It doesn't really work out that well, especially with him having, at the time, such a shitty apartment to begin with.
3. I feel like Wallace really enjoys his nightlife and getting to sleep around, so I'm unsure if this is something still in play while he's with Mobile, or if he respects Mobile enough to do away with that entirely. Like, different situations work for different relationships, so if Mobile is fine with it then maybe it's something that continues! But taking into account the sparks from the show, maybe he'd actually be really fine being exclusive with Mobile. Especially given how well their future selves seem to be doing. Idk! Basically the sum of this one is just that, if Wallace is exclusive with Mobile, he misses be a bit of a whore, but he's very happy where, and with who he is, now.
Envy Adams
1. She gives me vibes.. queer vibes... in some sort of direction.... idk if I'm fully behind her also being a comp. het lesbian or just labeling her a disaster bi, but I also get a vague sense of gender fuckery. It's entirely her name thing, probably, but I can see Envy being genderqueer.
2. She probably hunted Lynette down after that show- an arm was likely Not Enough to quite satisfy that rage. Especially since she didn't get the satisfaction of beating Todd more thoroughly herself, since Scott stepped in. Conversely, for the show canon, Wallace has a target on his back for the rest of her life, as far as she's concerned, even in a world where her feelings for Todd were just misunderstood- she considered him her best friend, and you don't get away with hurting her friends like that unless you're her.
3. I think I'd like to HC that some part of her regrets booting Scott from the band the way she did back in college? Maybe not immediately, or even soon, but I feel like sometimes she would think about him and their relationship as a whole and just feel bad, Idk. Like, she doesn't want to get back with him at all, but I could maybe see her offering to promote Shatterband (or Sex Bob-Omb, in the show,) or even play with him as a genuine apology instead of a coy trap somewhere down the line.
Knives Chau
1. Look... look I know I'm about to sound like a broken record... comp. het. lesbian or bi. HEAR ME OUT: her puppy dog love for Scott is really just that- something cute and innocent, but very intense, especially once he cuts her off in that honestly really brutal manner. Teenage heartbreak is messy- even if you feel like it was real, true love you had, you can often realize later in life that what you felt was just admiration, or something else innocuous like that. I think she reaffirms it to herself as a deep and true love because of how intense the pain of that breakup was, paired with everything that comes after, and I think the show really highlights that for me? Because in the show, with Scott out of the picture entirely, she's just a lot less intense about it. I think after playing music and hanging around his friends, she realizes she didn't really love him all that much, just thought he was a cool older guy and liked that he took an interest in her, even if she recognizes how wrong that was now. ((I probably have more articulate thoughts on this but I am really starting to feel the lack of pain meds so I need to get through this--))
2. Knives is really good at rhythm games and things like DDR or, when it's eventually released, Just Dance. Like, freakishly good. She picks them up just as well and just as quickly as she did her instruments.
3. With how quickly she picked up her instruments, she kinda gives me honor student vibes? Idk. I feel like it'd be a little stressful for her later on, because I do think her passionate drive for music makes her grades take a slight spin, but she just gives off that energy for me. Knives is a lot smarter than people give her credit for, I think, Idk.
... yes, I am very normal about media... spending 3 hours on 1 ask that offered me a lot more simplicity than I can apparently manage...
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paytato435 · 3 months
Snapper and Stinkpot Character Ref: Bad Future Donatello
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Donatello Hamato - 33-39, he/him
A lot has changed since Donatello’s brother accidentally caused the apocalypse. He can’t drink coffee, he’s carrying the research and development team of the resistance on his back, and he rarely ever gets a day of peace and quiet… until he suddenly find himself with far too much quiet.
After coming up with a proposal that could help save hundreds of human lives from the looming Krang menace, Donatello suddenly finds himself estranged and alienated from the family he would do anything to protect. Maybe they just can’t understand his vision?
My design for future Donatello comes from his ever growing feeling of loneliness and overwhelming drive to fix things. Passionately trying to make up for his missteps, Donatello throws himself into his work and art 24/7. Does it work? We may never know. I love the idea that Donatello finds meaning in life through the things he can make and design for others- it’s all he knows how to do. He won’t admit it, but he’s a huge people pleaser and he needs to help them in order to feel loved. This Donatello is broken; his drive to help others has backfired and hurt the people closest to him, and Casey Junior is especially reluctant to forget it.
In lighter news, Donatello’s outfit on the far right is inspired in part by Casey Junior’s outfit in the movie. My thought while looking at him was: “where did that fur come from?” I’d like to think that while Donatello did design his clothes, Casey refused to let the fashionista anywhere near his ensemble. Simply put, Donatello wears it all much better.
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Really kid, please take better care of your clothes. Wear colors that don’t make me think of barf. 🤢
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(PNG version)
Also, consider this propaganda for the @obscure-au-comp ! Votes for Snapper and Stinkpot are votes for more comics made around/ of my fanfic!
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pseudowho · 14 days
hiya 🙂 i love your nanamin fics and i followed you for them way back when you wrote the pregnant reader one (and I still think about it). thought id ask you cos you seem to answer questions like this pretty wisely 🥲
i started writing fics for a pretty niche character in a fandom (not jjk) a while back and a friend/moot started then too. this character doesnt have lots of readers and thats fine im just here for the writing.
but since then ive noticed my friend has stopped reblogging my fics even tho they did before and even tho they obvs read and reblog everyone elses fics for this character (there really arent many of us).
they also seem upset about notes/likes a lot of the time. but I know they read my fics because I see lots of the same word choices and styles show up in their fics the next time they post.
its upsetting me lot tbh. i still read, like/comment/rb fics i like and its starting to feel like they do it because they think i have more readers than they do and mb theyre jealous.
anyway i dunno if you think i should raise it with them or just leave it?? they dont talk to me much anymore either after I didnt rb one of their fics i didnt really love.
First of all, well done for starting to write, and writing for an 'unpopular' character too, it looks like it's hard having a niche audience in the Tumblr-sphere. I'm always really grateful when someone writes for a niche character I love, every fic is like finding a diamond!
Second of all: I'm really really sorry this is happening to you. It has happened and still happens to me, too.
Thirdly: While I'll give my thoughts on it straight after this, one truth is that the other person maybe simply doesn't like your writing, and there's nothing mean-spirited about it at all.
Saying this, in your case, there seem to be too many little factors that actually makes me think... 👇
I have Thoughts™️💬 about Toxic Tumblr Reblog Culture...
There is a little phenomenon I've noticed with a lot of fic writers, where they seem to stop reblogging the fics of others who they view as competition. Even if they often read and reblogged another writer's fics before they themselves started writing.
They seem to think that if they reblog the work of you, their "competitor", then your work will get more attention than theirs. It gets even worse the more 'popular' you get, sadly.
I understand, because it's hard to see someone reblog most other peoples' fics about a character, and then pointedly ignore yours. You're not mad for feeling targeted. It can feel this way.
Equally, there can be a cherry-picking of moots' work, and a high school clique attitude to reblogging. Do two or three people band together and constantly reblog each others' work, making a huge fuss whatever it is, but leave you out even though you've historically been part of the circle before? Again, it's not as uncommon as you think.
A real "if we become moots, that means I reblog all your stuff, and you reblog all my stuff" as an unspoken rule. While that might work nicely for some people, it can also foster an air of pressure or entitlement, or of reblogging things even if you didn't really like them, because they're your friend. While fostering growth and circulation in the art community should be celebrated, I'd hate to think someone reblogged my work out of obligation, as opposed to passion.
I've had followers who loved my stuff, always commented and reblogged etc, but when they started writing for the same characters themselves, just stopped. I've also noticed a lot of the things you mention (them using similar word choices, stylistic choices etc to mine, in their new fics).
So, you know they're there reading in the background, and it doesn't make sense that they liked your writing one day, then just stopped liking it overnight, right?
I don't often muse aloud about "controversial" subjects on Tumblr, but this one really gets me. It turns writing, an already isolating art, into an even more isolating "competition".
It's sad, really.
Saying that, I still read, comment, reblog all the work of theirs that I read and love! It feels petty and ridiculous, but try to be the person that you want to see in the community. They'd probably notice they still get just as many readers as before, and actually, will be forced to address that their writing may be less popular for another reason.
I have wonderful friends here who read and reblog any of my stuff they like, just as I do theirs. I made a post a little while back, r.e. always reblogging stuff just because you're moots, and I'm glad to say I don't have this strange entitled relationship with these friends. It's low pressure and really fun.
Reblog in the best spirit; reblog stuff you love, that you think is great, etc etc. Don't fall into bad intentions! It's meant to be fun. It's not high-stakes. What are people competing about? I feel really bad for you, OP, and I know what it feels like.
Jealousy in the Tumblr fic writer community is strong!
Hang in there baby. You're doing great.
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-- Haitch xxx
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
LA!Series Part One: Relax - Manny x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @darqchilddaydreamz @theesirenteller @wnbweasley @bonni-98 @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @yezzyyae @jeybae @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis
Part One: Black Bear Lodge - Your life changes when you meet Manny at Black Bear Lodge.
Part Two: Something Special (NSFW) - Manny gives you a night like no other.
Part Three: Goodbye - You and Manny say goodbye after spending the weekend together.
Postcards: Manny recieves a surprise in the mail.
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It’s over a four-hour ride to L.A. Manny’s arranged to stay a couple of days with you before he needs to be in Santo Padre to discuss the pipeline deal with Bishop. It’s become clearer over the past few weeks that Canche has been subsidising his income with club funds. They’re missing a massive portion of cash and that means they can’t buy into the pipeline.
On the drive up he starts to think of it as a blessing in disguise because it allows him to think outside the box, to consider other options. He wants more for Yuma, he wants better, safer options for his brothers, ones that won’t result in prison or a bullet. Santo Padre has been heading that way for a while, they have links to the community, they work with legitimate businesses, their income is clean and constant. Manny wants to emulate that.
He’s exhausted by the time he makes it to your suite; he uses the key you’ve left for him down at reception. It’s a little past ten pm and the day has taken its toll on him. He’s been up since six getting Melina ready for school and dealing with club business, all he wants is to sooth his aching muscles in a red-hot bath.
The lights are dimmed when he steps inside. He removes his boots by the door before padding quietly into the bedroom. They’ve gone all out this time; he thinks as he pauses for a second surveying the view from the window. In the distance he can see the San Gabriel Mountains silhouetted against the night sky.
Everything about this room screams indulgence, the well-made luxury furniture, the dark wood floors, the gourmet snacks in the minibar. It piques his curiosity because he knows you’re getting by on a freelancer’s wage, and he can’t imagine that any magazine would put you up in a place like this, no matter how good your work is.
He finds you in the bathroom, soaking in a tub that large enough to fit another two people inside. You have a glass of whiskey in your hand, classical music serenading you from the Bluetooth speaker in the mirror. You watch as he undresses, his dark eyes fastening on yours as his clothes fall into an untidy pile at his feet. You shift forward and he slips in behind you, the water raising over his weary bones. He exhales at the sensation, sinking low. You lean back against this chest, placing the whisky glass in his hand and he sighs because as relaxed as he is right now, he can’t shake that niggling feeling that this is all to good to be true. He lips brush over your temple, his cheek coming to rest upon your hair as he says.
“I need you to tell me why we’re here tonight because I know that neither of us can afford a suite with a mountain view.”
“It’s comped.” You tell him, tilting your head up so you can meet his gaze.
“Not by your magazine.” He murmurs, his thumb ghosting along the line of your jaw. “These rooms cost nearly two grand a night.”
“No.” You whisper as his lips brush over yours. “A private collector wants to buy my photographs, they’re exhibiting at the Hive Gallery tomorrow, this trip is his way of wooing me.”
“Will you sell?” Manny asks and he feels you smile against his mouth.
“I’m donating them to Arts+Practice, they have a lot of great art programmes for kids in the foster system.” You tell him as he graces your skin with a featherlight kiss. “He thinks he has four days to chance my mind.”
He grins because you, you are just full of surprises.
“I’m sleeping with a hustler.” He murmurs before he kisses you properly.
There’s a softness in it, a tenderness that he reserves only for you. You sigh at the sensation and it’s a noise of contentment, one that he feels in the very depths of his soul because now he knows the truth he can actually relax. He tips his head back and closes his eyes, the water washing over him as the fatigue overtakes him.
“I’m tired tonight.” He tells you, his voice drowsy as your head comes to rest in the crook of his neck.
“Me too.” You mumble. “All that travelling is starting to catch up with me.”
It changes things. If this was supposed to be about sex you would have kicked him out by now or at least made a move, but you haven’t. It means you’re as comfortable with this shift as he is. This thing between you it was always more, this is just your way of acknowledging it. He knows guys who would drive almost three hundred miles for pussy but there’s not many who would do it just to spend the night sleeping next to their lover.  
That’s how the evening ends, you and him curled up in a bed that costs more than your annual salary, his face buried in the curve of your throat as he holds you close.
It’s the best night’s sleep he’s had in a long time.
Love Manny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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shuyamino · 2 years
pairing(s) : ✒ ،، mysta rias x reader | ike eveland x reader | vox akuma x reader | luca kaneshiro x reader | shu yamino x reader
content : ✒ ،، SFW | college au | fluff | headcanons + blurb | gender neutral pronouns | meet cutes, for the most part
summary : ✒ ،، You're attending Nijisanji University and meet a couple of interesting characters ...
note : ✒ ،، my 100th post, ayoooo!! some of the details here are from my own experience in uni, which hopefully adds more realism to it :3 i'm currently working on 3 longer wips, so ive been a bit slow with writing. i hope this makes up for it <3!!!
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SHU is works at your campus' Genius Center — which is just a fancy way of saying the college IT workers. From what you remembered, they help out with various of tech-related services. Which is perfect for you, after your laptop suddenly died one night.
You basically ran into the campus support center the following morning and thrusted your laptop into the nearest Tech Support you can spot — this essay was due that evening! You knew you shouldn't have procrastinated, but you did anyways.
Shu wasn't too shocked about your actions — by now, it was fairly normal to have various college students panicking in the lobby. He holds your laptop, voice calm as he asks you what the problem is.
You're rambling a bit too much. Jumping around topics and making a flurry of hand movements. But he's nodding along, lips still curved to a comforting smile as he leads you towards one of the desks in the small building.
Once you finish your explanation, he has your laptop open and clicking away at the keyboard.
"Um — s-so, can you fix it?" You ask quietly, peeking over his shoulder to look at your laptop screen.
"Well, it looks like you have a... couple of viruses." He answers, craning his neck just to look at you from over his shoulder. "You said you had an essay due soon?" You nod, lips pursed.
"Well… I can help fix up your laptop but if you had your essay saved in a Drive, you can borrow a laptop here and finish it up." You thank him as he heads to the back to get you a campus-issued laptop.
For a good chunk of that day, the two of you sat in this corner — him, trying to fix your laptop and you, trying to finish the rest of your essay.
SHU abruptly stops to stretch his arms up above his head, groaning slightly as he fixed his posture. You'd gotten more than half of your essay finished — thankfully you had the foresight to save all of your online references in a separate outlined document. Since you ran to the tech support building the moment you woke up, you didn't have time to eat breakfast. It wasn't long until your stomach began to protest that mistake. Your cheeks burn red as your stomach groaned — just loud enough to catch Shu's attention. His eyes glance over yours, lips slowly curving to a warm smile. "I...was thinking of taking a coffee break, do you want to come grab something with me?"
It isn't until much later after he helped fix your laptop that you find out that the campus tech support doesn't help students with their personal laptops.
Nor do they take them out for coffee.
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MYSTA is a student that you thought was failing your shared course — he was fairly late the first day and looked like he rolled out of bed before running to the lecture hall.
He sat beside you at the back corner of the lecture hall after being sternly reprimanded by your professor. He didn't seem to be bothered by it, if anything, it looked like the scolding went in one ear and out the other.
The rest of the semester continues like this. Since it's a general edu class, you're not quite sure what his major is. There were some days when it looked like he was doing comp sci work. Another day when he was reading an online textbook about primates (Anthropology, maybe?). And there were even some slower days when he would just sit and watch anime with a pair of discrete Airpods.
There were some days when he'd notice you staring and he'd turn on subtitles and tilt his laptop towards your direction. Other than this, the two of you rarely spoke to each other. Just small talk at most — it was easy to joke with him, at least, but other than that, you didn't really see him outside of this lecture hall.
Least to say, you've grown morbidly curious about him as the semester progressed. There were a few things that you knew about him — he seemed to like the color orange, if his clothes were anything to go by, and he liked anime. In addition to these facts, you were fairly certain that he was failing this class.
So, imagine your shock after receiving the results of your first exam and you spot a clear 100% on Mysta's paper compared to your 69%.
MYSTA must have noticed you staring because his head snapped up from his exam paper directly to you. You jump slightly, startled at getting caught staring. His eyes trail down to your paper, lips curving slightly at the red mark on your paper. Just as you're about to accusatorially ask him what he was grinning at, he points at the number with a laugh. "You got a 69!" Your jaw slacks because it wasn't exactly what you'd expected to come from his mouth, all the while he keeps laughing about the funny number. You're sat there with an absolute deadpan expression all the while the oh-so mysterious classmate laughs at your score. Not because of how badly you'd done — no, he's laughing because it's a sixty-nine. "Aw, don't pout." Mysta says, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. His voice lowered, edging slightly towards a mockingly condescending tone. "I can help you study for the next test, if you want~"
The "study session" actually just consisted of watching more anime and eating.
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IKE works in the campus library!
He's known for being very friendly and approachable. Any and all anxiety disappears the moment you see him. He just has a really comforting vibe! Students that tour first years around campus make sure to tell them about Ike Eveland. ("If you ever need help around the library, find Ike!")
Ike often works behind the counter on the first floor, but there are moments in which he's putting books back where they belong in the other floors of the library.
You frequented the library — mostly taking advantage of the air conditioning, the tables and comfy chairs, and the quiet floor to take naps in during your free time.
When you weren't studying or finishing up course work, you were usually just sitting around the quiet room to take a nap or just have some downtime from your hectic classes and loud campus.
Despite this, you haven't really spoken to Ike. You never had to, anyway. But you have heard of him — more often than not, you hear people around the other floors whispering and giggling about the cute librarian on the first floor. It doesn't take a genius to know who they were talking about.
The first time you meet him was by pure coincidence.
"Stupid book…" You muttered, already standing on your toes as you stretch your arm up above your head. It wasn't even placed on the highest shelf — just a shelf above your reach. None of the step stools were around either, leaving you to fight this alone. Just as your fingertips managed to reach the book's spine, another hand came into view and easily pulled the book out from the shelf. Your head turns, ready to thank your savior, before you realize you're basically face-to-face with the one and only — "Y-You...!" You stammer before you can help it. IKE tilts is head slightly, seemingly unaffected by the distance between the two of you, or the lack there of. His torso is brushing against your back and you're basically caged between his body and the bookshelf. Your heart thrums against your chest — the loud drumming filling your ears as your cheeks fill with heat. "Sorry, it looked like you needed help." He explains, as he holds the book out for you. You close your mouth, hoping that he didn't notice the way your jaw slackened at the sight of him as you wordlessly take the book from his hand. You're fixing your hair before you can help it — a nervous habit at most. The others weren't exaggerating at all, you think, as you sneak another glance at Ike. He is just as pretty as most people say — kind eyes with long, pretty lashes and a kind smile. Is it a little weird to note that he smells like vanilla too? "I'm still around here for a bit, if you need any more help you can come ask me, okay?"
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VOX recently graduated from grad school and is starting his first year as a professor in Nijisanji University! You're lucky enough to be able to attend his first ever class in your last year as an undergrad.
He's teaching English Literature and even while most students are taking this class to fill in for their general education, he expected the lot of you to still take his class seriously.
It's an hour and thirty minute long class and he spends the first few minutes just talking to the class and reading a short poem every Friday.
Even though it's his first time teaching, he's really good at explaining concepts and various analysis. In addition to this, he's very attentive to what the class (and individual) needs.
It's hard to think that it was his first time teaching, not gonna lie.
On top of his attentiveness, Professor Vox was both pleasing to the eyes and ears. It wouldn't be an over-exaggeration to say that he became a fairly popular professor to the entire student body.
As easy as this class was for the most part, you were still struggling with being able to analyze and connect some literary devices.
So, seeing the bright red C- and a 'Please see me after class', in your latest exam wasn't much of a shock
Professor VOX didn't seem disappointed when you approached him at the end of class — if anything, he seemed concerned. You tried to ignore the wary looks your classmates gave you when you approached him though. It was already embarrassing to get such an awful grade, even weirder knowing that your classmates are imagining some weird porn scenario in their head right about now. He greets you kindly despite your grade and is already packing his things up for the next class. You're nervously fidgeting with your thumbs — you've always hated having to talk to professors about your grade. No matter how kind they were. "I'm really sorry," You start, before he can start his 'I'm-not-disappointed' speech. Vox's eyebrows quirk, before his lips curl to a comforting smile. "I just…I kind of understand everything — " "There's nothing to apologize for," He cuts you off with a small wave of his hand. "If anything, I want to be the one to apologize. I should have noticed one of my students struggling." Your heart skips a beat. It's unfair for him to be handsome, attentive, and kind. Your cheeks flush before you can help it — a deep flush that makes you sweat a little under his gaze. "I-I think it's just hard to connect these kinds of things for me." You explain, hoping that your voice doesn't come out too high pitched. "It really isn't your fault." Vox seems to mull it over. "Well, I won't force your hand on the matter, but if you'd prefer, I am open for one-on-one tutoring sessions."
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The dorms were co-ed, though the male and female rooms were separated in different wings. When you first started college, you were required to live in the dorms.
Bumping into the opposite gender wasn't anything odd, though you'd be a liar to say that you didn't have moments of confusion upon seeing some rando standing about by your dorm room.
You meet LUCA on your way to one evening class — an unavoidable class, unfortunately, if you want to stay on track for your 4-year graduation. You bump into him past the common room, where he's making a sandwich.
You don't recognize him right away, but he does you.
"Oh hey!" He calls out, holding a sandwich in his hand. "I remember you from orientation. Where are you going?"
He seemed friendly enough, so you explain to him where you were heading. It wasn't until a few seconds into the conversation that you realize that he was in your orientation group. His name was at the tip of your tongue — Leo? Luke? — Oh, right! Luca.
LUCA blinks, looking confused when you explained to him where you were heading — almost like it didn't even cross his mind that people would take classes this late in the evening. You stare back, more or less confused about his reaction than anything else. He reminds you of the typical frat boy — wouldn't be too surprised if he did end up joining a fraternity after living in the dorms. Broad shoulders and a big build. And his thin white shirt isn't doing much to hide the dark tattoos on his chest. His medium length blonde hair is messily tied up too, like he'd done it in a hurry to make his sandwich. He is cute though. "Well, I should go." You say, pointing towards the elevator. It was the first day — or, evening, you guess — and you really didn't want to be late, even if it meant being able to talk to someone like Luca. "Oh, wait! I actually have somewhere to go right now. Is it cool if I walk with you?" Luca asks, still smiling brightly with his sandwich. You can't help but squint at him. It was clear that he wasn't planning on going out anywhere. He must have noticed your suspicion because he quickly adds, "It's late, you know. We can keep each other safe!" You realize then what he was hoping to do. You couldn't help but beam at him; your lips curling to a wide smile. You agree to his offer, deciding to play along with his excuse. Just this once. His own face lights up at your response. His response reminds you of a giant giant golden retriever. "Pog! Lemme jus' grab my jacket."
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