#like most people are cool don't get me wrong. very friendly. but the fear doesn't go away.
sparkedupsilver · 1 year
Ngl I'm not having a great time being the only Visibly Queer person in these seminars. Not enjoying turning up wondering if I'm gonna have to debate my right to existence on the daily.
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looniecartooni · 10 months
Been way too long since I made a DGM post. Anyways...
As an Autistic person, I've always had my suspicions that Kanda could technically be classified as Autistic. Why? Well...
He literally eats the same food every meal of everyday- soba. Now you can do a lot with soba and I'm sure Jery does, but chances are that Kanda won't eat it unless it is soba. He had it once and that's his go to meal. Many Autistic people have a limited pallet and have go to meals they like to eat often.
He has trouble expressing his emotions (other than seemingly anger). He was "born" a very angry boy. Now granted- he went through a lot of trauma and was well... someone else at one point- but even so he rarely emotes despite feeling strong emotions. This could be because he holds a lot in to seem like he's okay with the environment he's in or to seem chill. You'd be lucky to get a smirk or a "tch" out of him. In Autistic/neurodivergent terms, this is very similar too if not exactly what masking is. Also, sometimes some autistic people just don't always emote their feelings as much as other people which leads people to think that they are stoic or lack emotions when they do indeed have stronger or deeper emotions than most people. Sound familiar?
He has trouble understanding other people's emotions or why they do things. Not all the time, but enough to where the DGM community has made a couple jokes about it. He also doesn't always understand correct behavior which could be a product of his past and some of the toxic mentalities of the Order. When Allen meets him a second time, he demeans a Finder for being lesser than he is (as Exorcists are often put on a pedestal) and believes he's just fodder. Kanda may not have actually meant that, but it's most likely he said that since that is what someone such as Lvellier promotes and the best way Kanda knows how to get people to leave him alone is by behaving either standoffish or violently towards them.
He likes to be alone. Again- one could attribute this to his trauma, but even when we see his "birth", he behaved violently towards Alma because he was being "too friendly". The two eventually became close (as do most of Kanda's friends and associates), but Kanda still acts mostly standoffish. He doesn't always hate the people he's with (such as Lenalee, Tiedoll, and Marie who are kind of like family to him), he just wants time to meditate or garden or eat in peace. Autistic people often feel this way too- they need space and time to decompress and especially after trauma, it can be hard to learn how to socialize properly. Sometimes even scary in fear of losing someone they were close to (much like Kanda). People who know him know that even though he's a grouch, he still appreciates them and shows them care usually by insulting them or acting slightly less bitter at them. We also see a bit more of Kanda opening up his compassion and reducing his bitterness after the Alma Karma arc and overcoming some of his trauma.
He can be blatantly honest. He isn't afraid to admit he hates you or that your appearance is terrible. This is a typical Autistic trait that is definitely a "quirky Kanda trait" people in DGM poke fun at him for. He will even nickname people after traits he's associated them with, especially when he's mad at them.
I'm sure we could include his stubbornness, but that sort of just ties into everything already sort of discussed (including the trauma part). Kanda is still an awesome character who is quite a quick-tempered hot head, but nonetheless, he could easily be seen as a bit of Autistic rep even unintentionally. One could argue that because technically he's a 9-10 year old in a 18 year old's body he has a lot of "childish" traits (which he does- don't get me wrong), but these in particular have just always felt more like Autistic traits.
In the end- Kanda is Kanda and we love Kanda for just being Kanda. And I wouldn't mind headcannoning him Autistic because that just makes for cool Autism rep.
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"Is something wrong with this time of year? I thought March was pretty cool... are there creepy creatures of the dark that come out at this time or something? It seems like switching sleeping spots is freaking you out..."
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"I don't think he'll mind. He doesn't usually hang out with people anyway."
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... (Oh crap he's sad, think of something...)
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"I make jokes! Like that 'poem' I just made up! Laughing at the things that make you worried softens them up quite a bit. It truly is the best medicine. That's what works for me, anyway. Yeah."
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"I can cut travel time by running. At my fastest, I would say I could go at around 60-70 mph. I could carry you, if you'd like, but I'll have to stop quite a few times in order to rest. I am also ok with just walking, but I still felt like presenting that alternate idea. As for where we go, after looking at the map, I think we can go clockwise toward sky land, counter-clockwise, or make a full circle and end at sky land (if we would like to visit all of the lands). I would like to see the other lands, but I think it would be fair to let you decide which lands we visit. You know this place much better than I do."
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"That's the name my siblings call me sometimes! The one I just told you about! Wow. How can I be 'Rango', when 'Rango' is standing in front of me?"
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"It's cozy and wormy and warm!"
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Topper: "Oh golly... I don't know what to do... And I don't want Rango to be annoyed at me for continuing to beg him to stay... I-I guess I'll have to try sleeping without him for a change..."
"Um... Oh yeah, no, it has nothing to with animals coming out at night... (That happens at all times of the year-) It's... About my old job... When the nights get warmer, the Koopa Troop starts expanding their reach a bit... Some guards will stay by the castle, and others will go out into the northern areas of Sea, Grass, and... Forest Land. To make sure no threat gets even close to the castle while everyone's asleep. And... I fear that if I sleep outside while some of the guards are in this territory... They'll find me, and... Make me go back... Or they might even do stuff to me right then and there... I'm not exactly supposed to be here, you see... I didn't "quit" my job... I ran away..."
"... DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THESE SCARS? I'll give you a hint. They're from my war days! But I didn't get them from a war. ... That's as much as I'll tell you... Not even Rango has gotten to know any details! I just really hate talking about it..."
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Rango: "And, y'know, Emar... I am honored to be an alternate version of you... You're just so nice!!!"
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Spewart: "Anyway- Snow Land is really cold. But they have lots of cabins and buildings for us to go into if we plan to stay for a bit. It'd be a great place for us to take our first break. They have "Public Napping Benches" all over the place, because the local species sleep literally all the time. Also, every creature there is super tiny, fluffy, and incredibly friendly! Buuut, if cute, fluffy, tiny things aren't your cup of tea, then we can skip it... There isn't exactly a lot to do and see... At least, not for US, anyway."
"Grass is kinda boring. They do have the carnival as their main attraction, but I assume you wouldn't want to go there... Plus, Rango would be pissed if we went there without him. Grass Land's main thing is agriculture, so they got tons of fresh crops and really good food... But again, if you don't give a shit about that, we can skip it. It does happen to be our parents' burial ground...... So, I'd prefer not to stay..."
"Sea Land is a beach. It looks so small on the map, because most of it is... Sea. I've been told the underwater area is huge... It resembles something another dimension refers to as "The Lost City of Atlantis." We can't go down there, though... The diving suit rentals are hella expensive and the locals down there speak Greek. The ground area is available, however. It is, like I said, a beach. Very nice."
"And then, my second favorite territory: Mountain Land. There's the mountain ranges above, and the cave system down below. It's like two territories stacked on top of each other! I mainly want to head to the caves, because they have the best taverns in the kingdom... (And the ONLY taverns, to my knowledge!) I always go down there when I'm feeling down on my luck to drink my troubles away~! You can skip all the other places if you want, but we WILL be going there!!! I've been craving liquor for the past three hours thanks to you-know-who."
"After that, we should arrive in Sky Land... I already told you a bit about it, so you'll just have to wait to see it in person. To get up there, though, we have to walk up the famous Rainbow Bridge, which is always... LOADED with tourists!!!"
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anulithots · 4 months
Have some random worldbuilding rambles.
(and I also really really like writing with art mixed in, I think that's a good final form for the land of the fallen fairies )
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ID: Kamari and ANkh fun facts - (a drawing of Kamari and Ankh is also here. ANkh carries flowers and looks off to the side, Kamari has a friendly expression looking towards ANkh)
Kamari has shiny object syndrome. Fae likes hoarding things that sound nice and decorating everything.
ANkh never lies. Fae just tells half-truths when needed
Sitara and ANkh were very close
Kamari is very good at manipulating and deceiving (when fae tries) but it doesn't come natural to faer (except for.... a certain situation involving a certain tree-less fairy... )
Ankh was originally created just to be an antagoinst force to Anuli
ANkh doesn't know if fae's grieving right for Sitara. Fae tells faerself grieving won't accomplish anything
ANkh being a comforter instead of a healer wasn't originally faer choice
Kamari never saw Sitara until faer BAttle of the fates. AMbassadors watched the condemned Sitara.
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ID: Height bars. Kamari is taller than Ankh by a little bit. A drawing next to the height bars is half thier size. This is ANuli. ANother drawing of ANuli is looking towards the side with a worried expression. ANuli is thinking about a lot of random scribbles
Technically Kamari being taller doesn't match with thier trees but... it's fine.
Teeth? (sharp teeth drawing beside it) Anuli is not a carnivore whatsoever though?
Anuli is very small (hence why I can't make dolls for the other characters, the ANuli doll is to scale.)
All roots and leaves on dryads are semi-functional
Sun time and watering/protecting roots are very important
Neither Kamari nor Anuli know this
water rations. SOme fairies have thier trees set up to harvest water. Usually they put extra ingredients that fat around. ANuli won't drink that.
Kamari has a separate little bowl where fae filters water for ANuli
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ID: Drawings of Kamari. FIrst one is simple, somwhat lanky. Second is another Kamari when fae's older. Fae is bulkier and has extra leaves, longer roots in ties. Third is Kamari face when fae's older. Longer roots, more leaves on faer face
Kamari's roots are wavy
younger fairies tend to be lanky and can let their shorter roots hang loose without much protection
Kamari has short roots on one side because fae grows next to a wanderer's nest (a house)
Kamari if fae gets older. Depends on the type of tree, but a lot of dryads get bulkier and stronger, with a lot more leaves. They have to wear protective styles for their roots
Kamari can beat you up. Faer walking stick get a upgrade. Has a lot more roots gathered behind
SOme drayds become more stationary, intertwining thier roots with thier loved ones. Others are more active then where they were young. Everyone's different and there's nothing wrong with getting older.
(In fact, most of the elders aren't the oldest in the Unseen. A lot of older dryads disapprove of the elders.
I don't like the idea of generational separation of ideals when a different of age should promote conversation, so I'm not having that here.)
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And what of wanderers? (humans)
Dryads are gigantic, what are the repercussions?
.... Who cares?
Not me.
BUt it would be cool I guess.
a corresponding taxology thing for dryads
debates on whether they count as animals (dryad testing is a thing)
NO forests near residentail areas unless you're 'that person'
some more protected forests
Redwoods are extinct
houseplants are bred to be small
dryads do not taste good
large dryads are feared... ilike elephants. Some people ride on them
people go missing from tree damage
killing dryads is a sport (typically in the lumber forests)
indeginous peoples had methods where both dryads and wood were used a-okay. (Dying dryads or smth)
(ANkh has a butterfly on faer face that reminds faer of Kamari. Anuli has one on faer ear and doesn't notice. Yes ANkh and ANuli do interact one day. )
ANuli is saying that wanderers are villains only in their effects. Pests. That's what they are. Nuisances that make annoying thing everywhere, but don't have much presence other than that
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*click for better quality*
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg @sleepy-vix
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aio-rya · 3 years
Theory — Are we going to cause Malleus Overblot?
Lately, I've been thinking about the upcoming chapters of the main story of the game, which we know are Ignihyde and Diasomnia. I wrote two theories about what may happen in Chapter 6, but have you wondered what may happen on Chapter 7? I have some theory that may hurt us but may be probable as well.
We know enough of Malleus personality, he's a calm man, respectful and a good friend for Yuu, who even knowing now his true name, is comfortable and has this strong friendship feeling towards Malleus, he is too one of the greatest magicians in the world and a wise person since he has lived too many human lifes. He always keeps his cool, even with problems like being feared —so, here's the main question: How is Malleus going to Overblot? Why?
We have already seen which is his reaction to the Overblot in both chapters, Savanaclaw and Pomefiore; he can feel the atmosphere left behind the blots and the tiny trace of that now "harmless" dark magic.
At the end of Pomefiore's chapter, we're wounded by Grimm who has lost the completely consciousness on his actions guided by the greed of eating those dark stones. We're left behind, probably unconscious, on the Colisseum.
Here is where Chapter 6 might start. But, we have this sort of side story about our relationship with Tsunotaro which has been developing all along the main story. He's used to seeing us at Ramshackle, some nights when he is lurking around on his loneliness but he has never refused to any sort of contact we have had with him. Even when we almost lost the dorm against Azul, he was concerned —mostly about the gargoyles but... About us too, you know.
One of his Level Up phrases is "You do not fear me. But to lose someone like you is pretty scary for me." We have grown fond of him and he has of us too.
Here is where things get difficult. We must asume we'll be meeting him more often, the issue here is that we'll be trying to solve another problem so we'll be running from one place to another, we'll be avoiding distractions, which means that if in any case we ran into him and we're on some emergency, we must avoid losing time. We must avoid people —that includes Malleus.
And, unfortunately, we already know his real name. What happens to anyone who knows who he is? They fear, everyone of them fear him but us.
It is not on purpose, but we will avoid him more and more, even at night when he's lurking around Ramshackle. Furthermore, if we don't tell him some details like Grimm's attack or, if it happens, Idia's life debt, he could even think we're lying or hiding something from him.
That will hurt Malleus: we're the first human who doesn't fear him, who has this friendly love to him. And this wil release his Overblot.
He will start thinking we fear him now that we know his identity and we're lying to him because of that fear. When everything on Idia's chapter is over, we will receive some advice from Lilia and we'll try talking to Malleus. But something will happen and we couldn't, we will try and try but even if he's not avoiding us, it will be impossible. There, something else develops though Diasomnia's Chapter and those two things together break him definitely.
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Also, I don't really like making theories based on the opening 'cause most of them are wrong (I've seen too many about past chapters and... I have my arguments) nevertheless, in this scene, Silver and Sebek are chasing Malleus but there's something different: Lilia is there. Of course, his duty is to protect the Prince at all costs, more because Malleus is like his very own son, and I'd dare to say more than Silver. Even so, he has never ran behind him.
Silver and Sebek do that because they are his guards, but Lilia? The man who has spent more than a hundred years by his side, running concerned towards him? Something is happening there and if it's real, well...
Maybe this is the exact moment before tragedy. The point is... How do we got there? And why?
And here takes part another theory I will explain later.
Hope you like it!
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years
okay bc im SO invested in sylawen and her parents because 1. sylawen is so adorable and i think that a kiddie necromancer is an absolutely GENIUS idea 2. damn i wish my parents had loriel and caldemil's vibe so for the oc asks: 7, 8, 21, 29 for caldemil - 7, 8, 24, 39 for loriel - and 1, 5, 48, 49 for sylawen !! im sorry if the formatting is off idk why but <3 from @qah-naarin
Ahh, thank you so much!!! This was so much fun and such a good exercise for character building cause these guys are still so fresh and new to me.
1. What is your character's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting their jumper caught on a door handle? Sylawen would take personal offense, glare at the doorknob, then contemplate setting it aflame. If it ripped her jumper, then you would probably hear a lot of screaming and some vile curses scattered within. If, however, she was around other people, she would play it cool, do a little *teehee* clumsy me and smile.
2. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or other? Tea in the morning, hot chocolate at night. Syla shares her mother's sweet tooth.
7. Are they a naturally assertive person or are they painfully shy? I would say Caldemil isn't shy as much as he is unbothered. He's more the type to keep their head down and avoid speaking up even when things get uncomfortable. I think if he went to a restaurant and they gave him the wrong order, he would probably eat it and not even care lol
Loriel is much more assertive, especially in her work as an archaeologist. She's typically a very demure and soft-spoken woman but will not bat an eye to correct you or call you out if she feels she is being slighted. Her mother was a bit of an eccentric academic herself and so she learned from a very young age to speak with conviction
8. Do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof? Caldemil is straight up a golden retriever in Altmer form. He lives for love and is soooo happy to make friends. Loriel is a bit more reserved, and though she might come across as aloof on first impression, she's very willing to talk and she loves having people over for tea :)
21. What would be one item that they would hate to lose most?Oooh, this was a tricky one! I haven't thought too much about his personal possessions, but I feel like there must be some familial heirloom that was passed down to him through the generations. Maybe like a decorative sword that he hangs above the mantle (I don't imagine he could even wield it properly haha), or like a pocket watch.
24. What are your character's special skills? Loriel is a highly skilled baker! She makes the cakes and desserts for all her family functions and she tried to teach Syla when she's younger, but she just ate all the batter off the spoon and got sick all the time, so eventually Loriel gave up.
29. Are they an organised person? Or more laissez-faire? Caldemil is organized but only in the context of his work. He is an accountant for a big trading company in Cyrodiil, and all of his records are meticulously kept. Everything outside of his study/library is a disaster though. He doesn't ever fold his clothes and it drives Loriel insane because every time he shows up to a party, there's a wrinkle in his shirt. The horror!
39. What's your character's guilty pleasure Loriel loves a solitary wine night and a box of rich, dark chocolate. She'll curl up in her study and read in solitude for hours before forgetting she's the head of a household and is supposed to be watching her kids 😭
48. Is your character easy to make cry? Or angry? Or annoyed? Crying in front of others is a big no-no to Syl. She will avoid it anyway she can. She finds people boring more often than she does annoying, and if they annoy her, she will probably just walk away midway through the conversation before it can even get to anger.
49. What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational? Another tough one 😭 I would say it's failing to meet her own expectations. She has a very rigid set of standards for herself that has been honed by how she thinks the world perceives her (which is largely with repulsion and scorn the moment they learn she is a necromancer). It's a very sore spot for her, though she denies it. She tries extra hard to look appealing and make herself easier to swallow, but lacks the social grace to understand why she makes people so uncomfortable. Instead, she crafts this idea of what "the perfect image" is and thinks, "if I meet that, everything will be okay."
Wooo, all done! Again, this was great fun. Thank you for asking. These are my little gems 🥰
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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This is mainly for Until Dawn Fans, it's a small analysis of characters, their tropes and everything around them, together with typing their MBTI (Myers Briggs)
I think we should we should start with the so-called protagonist, final girl
1. Samantha Giddings (ISFP)
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When I ask people, who is their favorite character from Until Dawn, this lovely lady is the most popular answer. The question is why? Sam is very likable character, her personality is very suitable to the setting as she's the calm, kind girl, who supports everyone around her, calms down all arguments and doesn't start any. She's able to truly empathize with everyone and by the status bars in main menu, she's the only character who has good relationship with all other characters.
Obviously as a person, I think she's a very lovable girl, but as a character she's my least favorite. Why? Because she seems very bland in comparison with other characters. There is something I adore about Until Dawn- all the characters are made from popular horror tropes, but they have this special, realistic depth to them. And Sam doesn't. She's just the perfect final girl, the strong virgin protagonist, but that's it. I was analyzing her, all the dialogues, scenes with her, but I just don't see it.
It would probably be fair to say that she's a Mary Sue- everyone likes her(no one loves her), she's good at almost everything, smart, calm, kind, agreeable, but where are the flaws? We need flaws to make character 3-dimensional and relatable.
2. Joshua Washington (ENFJ)
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Josh is the tragic antihero of this interactive story-game. He lost two of the closest people in his life at the same time. In the beginning we are introduced to him as to "complex, thoughtful and loving". These three traits are a great summary of his whole persona. We can play with these traits to fully describe and analyze him. Josh sure is very loving individual and before the death of his sisters, he was probably a great person to hang out with.
After the tragedy, all of these seemingly positive traits(complex is neutral) are turned to negative ones. The loss of his sisters, which causes his mental issues, makes him do very questionable things, just in the name of revenge. The therapies and medicine seem to help just for a very short time, while he carefully plans the whole "trip", together with all the traps and everything. It's very interesting that he is able to work under this mental state and turn his anger and misery to productive work.
3. Jessica Riley (ESFP)
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Jessica is supposed to portrait the "dumb blonde" trope. I have to say that this is in my opinion one of the best written characters in the game. She perfectly suits the trope, but she's much more than that. Yes, I'm also talking about the dialogue when she reveals that she's actually deeply insecure person and tries to hide it with huge confidence, but that's not all of it.
The year, when Hannah and Beth Washington go missing, we can see her as the first character. She's the one who came up with the whole idea of pranking the two because she wanted to protect her best friend's(Emily) relationship with her boyfriend(Mike). But the next year we can see that she's dating Mike. What happened during that time? Why did Mike break up with Emily and all from sudden started dating Jessica? Don't take me wrong, I don't really care about morality of the situation, but why would she sacrifice her friendship with Emily to start dating her boyfriend? And she did not only sacrifice their friendship, they became something like enemies, as we could see and hear their argument.
4. Michael Monroe (ESTP)
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There we have another trope, the "Casanova". The charming, handsome, confident and humorous guy. I'd call him "The heart of the prank" while Jessica was probably "The brain of whole operation". We can't forget, that the whole prank happened because of Hannah's interest in Mike. It's quite ironic, that the whole point of the prank was to save his relationship with Emily, but he left her anyway for someone different. Later on (if Matt insists on Emily, while she's hanging of the tower) we find out, that he cheated on Jessica with Emily.
Pardon me, but I'll use the quote "With great power comes great responsibility". Mike has the great power of charming anyone he wants, but he seems to be unable to keep this under control. And the worst part of it, is that he doesn't suffer from any consequences. Emily and Jessica end their friendship, become enemies, blame each other, but nothing goes on Mike. Emily seems to be very friendly with him, maybe too friendly, Jessica is dating him. And his "invincibleness" is making his ego grow bigger and bigger.
Another thing- Mike's development throughout the game was literally going from a popular teenager to Nathan Drake.
5. Emily Davis (ESTJ)
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Emily is another character, who perfectly fits her trope- "The bitch". Again, when I ask people what do they think of her, the answer is always an extreme- they adore or despise her. I belong to the first category, as she is my favorite character, but I won't be biased.
Her personality traits are "resourceful, intelligent and persuasive" from which she has two in common with Mike(intelligent and persuasive). These three traits combined with low self-esteem don't go very well together. As we all know, most over-confident people are actually insecure and from sittings with Dr. Hill we know that she has a fear of failure, which just proves it.
She's very manipulative as we can see in her scenes with Matt, therefore she probably wants to have control over everything and everyone. We didn't get to see much of her and Mike, but these two must've had way better dynamic than her and Matt. Both are rather dominant, but Emily is less flexible and it's probably harder for to admit her faults. Another thing we know about her is that she's academic, since her GPA score is 4.0.
6. Matthew Taylor (ISFJ)
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Matt is not the typical jock he was written as. He's portraited as submissive, kind-hearted, caring and sometimes even witty. I have to say, that he was very likable character, but he wasn't as complex and deep as other characters. He didn't get much of screentime, as well as Jessica didn't, but he was way more bland than her. It could be because of his sweet personality and everyone mostly remember someone who is sassy and loud than someone who doesn't really stand out in any way.
Another thing is, that it's very hard to keep him alive. Yes, there are people who didn't give a damn about Emily, so they saved Matt. But also the whole passage with him and Jessica (determinant) escaping from Wendigo can be tricky.
7. Christopher Hartley (INTP)
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Chris is a nice bliss in all the darkness of Until Dawn. He's character is enlightening, humorous, smart and tries to keep his head cool. He's supposed to portrait "The Nerd". I appreciate that the writers for not showing him as some robot spitting out facts and dates, because no person talks like that, just nerds in badly written movies and series.
Big part of his character arc is his friendship with Josh and Ashley. He has nice and natural chemistry with both of them and it makes him show his caring side. I'm not really sure who he'd choose to save during the first decision making, but it probably would be Ashley, since he's very protective about her and during the second decision making, he would 80% save Ash (my subjective calculations) and sacrifice himself.
8. Ashley Brown (ISTJ)
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I wanted to leave her for the end, because she's, at least for me, the most complex character in Until Dawn. Lot of people hate her because of her hysterical reaction, but she probably had the most realistic reactions and emotions from all eight characters.
Another reason why she's hated, is her choice of letting Chris die if he chooses to "shoot" her. Honestly, I think that this reaction and action of not opening the door for one of her best friends and letting Wendigo to tear his head from the rest if his body was spontaneous. She didn't want him to die, but felt a great resentment towards him and this held her from opening the door. But right the moment when the Wendigo got him, her expression clearly showed regret, because she didn't mean to hurt him.
Obviously, this is no excuse, only an explanation, which may lead us to forgiveness.
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tamiddyinyourcity · 4 years
Bitch what the actual fuck.
Tuesday, April 14th of 2020.
Agh. For fucks sake, I wasn't ending our entire friendship, just trying to say that I needed time for things to blow off before fully being chill yet again.
Since it's kinda hard to go from "fuck yeah Tamia lets go half and half on one of those cool continential vibrators", (its dope as fuck, i cant wait till it comes, then i cant wait till i come, ha-haaaaaaa, yes,) to yknow, not being flirty or sexual anymore like two days later.
It's not like I'm mad at him. That's not remotely the truth.
I guess, all the factors are:
Mild romantic affection that has potential to go overboard. I get too attached super ea
He doesn't want a relationship, or feel stable enough for one. That's fine, I wouldn't pressure him into one. I'm not even in the mood to slightly nudge them into the idea. A person needs to heal first before they get involved with someone. Just like how I don't want to project my past onto him, or whatever, I wouldn't want that the other way around either.
Long distance - I mean.... I'm personally okay with long distance. Modern technology makes it easier, from Discord, to online gaming, screenshare technology, sexting, AAAAAAND THE AMAZING INVENTIONS OF VIBRATORS THAT CONNECT TO THE WI-FI, TO MAKE A GIRL CUM EVEN FROM OVERSEAAAAAAS. And I'm pretty much a Yes Girl when it comes to most things, so oh, pen pal? Dope. Sending gifts in my mail? My speed, I've done it before and absolutely loved it. Straight up visiting? Sure, what's gonna stop me from getting dick and affection from someone I adore? Not shit, thats what. But, he's understandably not into it. Not everyone has good experiences, I get it.... And, well, I may be the one to fly overseas for the chance to make out with a chubby cheeked cute motherfucker with a big schlong and a nice accent, buuuuuuut I'm not very good at....
Platonic dynamics with people I used to fuck with sexually or romantically. Hell, why do you think me and my ex ended up fucking in February as "friends"? Or the ex before him, where I told him we should just stay friends, and oh look, we sure had some very friendly fuck sessions in his bed every possible moment. Even Marco, a complete cunt who I still despise to this day, "we are friends right?"-ed his way into some pussy, on several occasions. And the ones that I didn't start seeing again, still wanted it. (Like Adrian, who I didn't believe wanted to be just friends from the start... He almost convinced me that night we had hung out eating skittles late at night, but overall he was just hoping to 'idk im just up suuuuuper late lol how r u what porn do u like haha im just wondering' his way into cheating on his freaking girlfriend.) Even goddamned Matty tried, and he LEFT ME FOR ANOTHER BITCH, so long story short, I've grown to not be as trusting of male/female close friendships....... Even when I tried to get over my fear with my last relationship by meeting that one stank hoe, she refused, then got cursed out.... Imma take a shot of wine and move on from this topic really soon.
So if it were platonic, either I'd be kinda salty over that, or staying for the wrong reasons, versus we would just end up sexting anyway. (Kinda a shame that we both reached the conclusion of "sex is a bad idea, itll get us emotionally attached when neither is fully ready to try committing" just two days after deciding to adopt a vibrator together.)
Plus I'm not a fan of jealousy. I've had minor moments, and some big ones. (Mostly minor ones, like going a bit too quiet when my ex Patrick #1 straight up bearhugged from random chick he knew years before without introducing me, or my most recent ex and that time he talked about a girl at work he saw with a "J-Lo sized booty", (hes such an idiot for thinking I would want to hear that,) or how he gave some random girl a ride home from work.... Aside from the butt incident, I rarely act out when jealous, I just like, get super curious and may mentally detach from someone if not confirmed that my thoughts are not real.)
All in all, sure, the other night I was all gungho about not talking. Buuut frankly, then once it was like almost 4pm and I was worried he wouldn't respond to my message, he did, and we had clicked to normal.
I guess its just a risky transition that may be too soon to ask for as a normal route, you know? If he wants to be friends without sex or flirting, then yeah, but like, id probably still need some time to distance......
Or like, realistically, kinda hard to go from "random flirt friend", to "cool he showed me his dick entirely unprovoked, what the hell..... but it's nice", to talking every day from the moment I wake up to when I pass out with bits of flirting or sexting, to.... the friendship wthout the flirting and sexting there.
Kinda unexpected.... and also pretty upsetting, for many reasons.
Sucks to get a crush on a dude, and kinda spend a fat wad of cash specifically to nut for them during an online movie night or something, just for them to not want to do that anymore.... Since they'd end up catching feelings for me that way.
Kinda hard not to cry, knowing a dude is openly gonna avoid doing something because he knows it would make him like you?
That's a lot to unpack there........
I just don't think I can make that transition without a bit of friction. It just seems like my fears are coming true, and I'm gonna be the friend on standby that won't actually get cuffed, but can be around, as the person she likes proudly gushes to her about the new local girl in his own town that he decided he adores.
Especially when its like, "That could've been me yknow".... Just, no one wants to see someone else in the situation they would want for themselves. Like if a kid on Christmas got promised a bike, settled for a hula hoop, but saw their own parents give their cousin a bike instead, or something. (I can't tell if that metaphor makes sense without sounding like I'm an entitled asshole who's mad about the fictional "friendzone", but its midnight, hoe, nothing makes sense at midnight.)
I guess if I'm already tense enough at seeing his pervy flirt tweets when we aren't even a thing like that, I can't imagine how salty I may be, if it ended up being like "Yoooo Tamia how are you? I just met this fine ass girl, she's got the wagon AND the horses, shes so sweet and funny and i genuinely really adore her!"
That already happened once and resulted in a block, an apology, and a mildly unnecessary "but if not for distance, i would totally love to see what is possibly there between us"....
Which, sure, gave me a nice self esteem boost, but ironically did not deny nor confirm that he would like me enough to ever consider something like that.
All he did tonight was repeat what he said the few days before. Not having the cahones to go "I'm never going to date you", or full on saying "dating will not be something I'd try with you."
And I almost was okay with that. Screw it, I can still use my vibrator and chat with my friend.
But...... its....
Hard to write right now..... I'm very emotional rn.
Maybe our friendship is one sided and thats why im hesitant? Or is it the way they didnt tell me for so long that sexting was a bad idea, or about his fear of catching feelings for me and being depressed about not seeing me if we dated long distance?
Fucks sake.
And, I stubbed my toe, so its an extra not cool mood tonight......
Long story short, if not for distance, god knows that I'd swallow his kids and have his family in my lower intestine, or that I'd let him fuck me so hard that whatever surface, whether cement or steel, would demolish underneath us, since hes fucking hot.
(I think quarantine makes me a lot more creative sexually, lmfao.)
And I guess its embarrassing, being the one out here blushing at the idea of somebody, or slightly crushing on them, and it not being reciprocated. (And if reciprocated, then willfully and purposefully not acted on, since dating me is perceived as a burden without even trying.... Even if not the truth, well, its the image that would stick in my mind...)
And yeah, no girl wants to be the "i hope I can visit him someday" to a man's "i cant date her and we realistically wouldn't work out" sorta thing, you know?
Plus, the girl I was worried about just dumped her boyfriend. Kinda betting he's gonna take that opportunity, which furthers my point about how i hate jealousy, and yes, I don't want to even think about him deciding I was better for venting or conversation, but willfully sexting someone else.....
I'm just.... very stressed, and he stopped answering and replying to my messages.
It's genuinely upsetting me to the point of tears. I feel like a bad person? But I know I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I wanted to do what I felt would work best for us, just like him. Since I can't just dive out of feelings for someone instantly, a girl needs space yknow?
So whoohoo, no sexual validation or friendly flirting. Not sure if thats what i wanted the night before or not, but.... i dont know what i want or feel whatsoever, at this point.
And he kinda made me feel bad about it. "i do view somebody who i feel comfortable being a friend with without anything else. and i understand if you can’t see that and that’s not what u signed up for".
I don't want to give the "if i cant have u as a sex object then fuck friendship entirely with you" vibe, i wanted to give the "nigga i literally was crushing on you so hard that i stayed up till 2am trying to find that one nut video you sent me, since nothing else makes me aroused, and im clearly highly infatuated with you to an almost creepy extent and i need to distance myself so i do not sabotage the friendship, that i do love, but it was inherently sexual from the jump and gave me the vibe that you liked me back to bother sticking around, and now im shocked and sad and hurt, but just need to find a healthy balance of supporting your life, while still having one of my own, to avoid escalating things in a way you wouldn't be comfortable with", vibe.
I hope my vibrators come soon. I kinda cried a lot on my body pillow, and it was a rough night due to a failed hair wash and the way he dipped out of conversation so bluntly without allowing me to explain that i wasnt ending oue friendship entirely.....
12:36am. Gonna let some more tears out and probably go masturbate, or watch Diesel Patches or some shit. Peace out.
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kannra21 · 5 years
Monoma loving hours and I'm actually very tired by now
*I know many of you have already discussed similar things so I decided to add my own opinion as well. Hope you enjoy!*
Still announcing my general disappointed with ch215. Whatever, I'm glad to know Monoma's Quirk better and that the clocks he's working with are more than just some accessories on his belt.
I think they're really cool and help him overcome his small disadvantages a whole lots *well, not in the circumstances he was currently in but I'd like to see him more in action and actually using them*.
So basically he snaches them from his belt. Destroys them and-
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Voilà, the Quirk is out.🎊
5min limit doesn't mean anything to him if he can use 4 different Quirks in 20min. However, he needs to use them very wisely because every Quirk doesn't work the same way and they also have to be suitable for the problem he's facing at that moment. That's where his ability to adapt and manage new situations comes in.
I don't want to exaggerate or anything but I think in terms of intelligence, he comes right after Yaoyoroz because damn, you need to have a top-notch brain for such tricky things.
Too sad that strength plays the leading role in their hero world. If you have power, it doesn't matter how or why you're doing the things you do. As long as you can destroy everything that comes in your way, there's nothing that can stop you from getting what you want which sounds... kinda villainous in a way, don't you think?
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Shigaraki is right. The main difference between a hero and a villain is that heroes are fighting for the good and villains for the evil. But the main question remains- are the heroes really good and are the villains really evil? First of all, heroes and villains both came from the same type of society- people, normal civilians.
Becoming a hero or a villain is a choice, not a lifestyle. Heroes are there to protect people and villains are there to harm them. Why? Heroes want to make them feel happy and safe while villains want the opposite. What's the matter with the villains? This-
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People are constantly judging and not thinking about the consequences they're causing to others. They always ended up comparing themselves to those who are much more superior and successful, making them building a sense of insecurity and fear.
They were forced to push themselves beyond their limits in order to prove themselves and show how far they can possibly go. They had to let them know that their criticism didn't reach them as they were facing their challenges with anticipation.
They could easily turn villainous but no, they choose to protect those same judging idiots who repeatedly let them down/hurt them/accused them/ignored their efforts, all for the sake of becoming their better selves. By choosing the right path, they already confirmed how strong and capable they are and they'll make exceptional heroes one day. In conclusion, there is no way Monoma will become a villain because he already reached this far and gained other's trust. He made friends who are looking after him. He's already a part of something big which he can't abandon this easily.
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This is the ultimate proof that Monoma isn't entirely obsessed with class a as many think he is. He's simply mad at anyone who's trying to show off class b by stealing their spotlight. His class is the best, try to prove him wrong and he won't give you any piece of mind.
He's so dedicated to his rambling that he doesn't mind Kirishima's friendly exchange with Tetsutetsu in the background. It's clear that the hatred he feels is directed towards Bakugou for obvious reasons. While Monoma is the group's person, Bakugou does everything on his own and hates when someone interfers with his business to the point where he becomes arrogant and rude. I can't recall Monoma being any of it because he only uses people's failures as an example to make them feel bad about themselves and we all know that the truth hurts the most.
I'm not defending him or anything, what he does is certainly not nice, but I want to say that his way of expressing bitterness is much more effective than Bakugou's because he makes sense at some point. Bakugou just acts like a thug.
And while he certainly does behave like an absolute madman, I'll still love Bakugou and Monoma equally because there's that one thing Monoma doesn't really understand about Bakugou's personality and that's his undying wish of becoming no.1 world's greatest hero. It's his ambition from an young age which pushed him further into accomplishing his goals. Yes it sounds selfish and yes it seems like he doesn't give a damn about others, but that's his lifelong dream which he can't give up to a friend just for the sake of being nice to each other.
From the flashbacks of the kindergarten we could see how many expectations and how much pressure people were putting on him because of his talent. His mom accused him of being weak and causing trouble for the entire U. A. when in fact, the school was guilty of his kidnapping and took responsibility for it's mistakes. He was raised to solve his problems through violence, he doesn't know for any other way. So it's not arrogance, he's just ambitious but shows it in a rearher inappropriate manner.
Monoma doesn't like that and I can understand why. Unlike Bakugou, Monoma is an underdog. No one ever cheered for him or supported his goals. When he saw Bakugou and his indifference or rather ignorance towards his audience, he thought he was acting ungrateful and that pissed him off. Especially because Monoma is the most grateful out of all the characters.
He wants to be recognized among the crowd and accepted by his peers by means of finding a place where he truly belongs, something he couldn't achieve when he was little. Bakugou doesn't yearn for fame or money. He wants to prove himself and push his limits because winning is what heroes do. Their life goals are different but their ways of dealing with things are surprisingly similar. They're throwing shade wherever they go and they're incredibly noisy, with Bakugou spreading insults and Monoma mocking every living soul but that's the way they are and people grew accustomed to it.
I mean look at this-
In conclusion:
They share the same level of bitterness + their friends(Tetsu and Kiri) are also very good friends which indicates their similar tastes in people they appreciate.
Also something from Noragami:
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Tbh if bnha was all about class 1b, Monoma would be, in fact, favorable because everyone would have a bad impression of class 1a for being rude and arrogant thanks to Bakugo since we'd only see 1b's side of the story. And although everyone made friends with each other and now are staying on good terms, they're still having this sort of rivalry between them which is completely normal considering the fact that 1a still precedes in particular aspects.
Despite this friendship, Monoma does not believe them in a slightest. He looks at their relationship in a way that class 1a uses their friendship to distract them from trying to be better than them. If you are in good relations with someone, it is natural that you will go easy on them because of the empathy we feel towards others. He thinks they're playing them in order to get what they want. It affects their reputation as a hero and class 1a represents their concurrency so it isn't all about some friendship between kids, it's their future and their careers that get affected as well.
But then again, Monoma isn't fighting for his own selfish purposes, he's doing it for his class. He loves his class from the bottom of his heart and he wants them to succeed, that's why he's so annoying. Class 1a represents their concurrency, they're taking away their spotlight. They're limiting their chances of becoming pro heroes while class 1b is so much better than them and that's what actually bugs Monoma.
They’ve worked just as hard as class 1a, they’ve overcome all the same scholastic obstacles and yet it’s always 1a on the news, 1a in the papers, 1a surviving yet another dramatic and utterly glamorous supervillain encounter. See, 1a gets all the luck.
If he was selfish, narcissistic and egoistic, he'd constantly complain about deserving his place among the best in class 1a but no, he's proud to be with his friends because b class is all about solidarity and teamwork. His class loves him and he's getting along with everyone just fine. His cooperation stats are 4/5, he's a very friendly person.
His intelligence and tactics stats are 5/5, he's a smart person and he obviously doesn't do shit without a reason. His power and speed stats are 1/5, he's weak and very insecure in himself. Naturally he would develop a inferiority complex to protect himself but at the same time trash talks himself to talk up his class which I find very funny and kinda sympathetic in a way.
I bet everyone's just seeing this annoying side of him but there's so much more to his character and Kendou understands that all too well. That's why they're never arguing or fighting for their own beliefs because she knows how much he's hurting. And it's not just him, most of his classmates are also having a sort of rivalry with class 1a but they're being less obvious about it.
Seing this side of him made me start to really like him. He's a sad character with a great desire to belong somewhere and that's probably the reason why I can't possibly hate him. That's just my opinion but I hope others can relate as well. ❤️❤️❤️
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So, I don't usually do these, because I always felt that shipping oc's with characters from other fan works was socially frowned upon, but since I've been seeing a few of these around, I'll give it a shot. My OC shipped with Auron.
Auron x Texas.
Yes, Auron's current partner in crime, rather he'd liked to admit it or not. Their meeting was rather... comedic. Auron didn't really notice his co worker until he accidentally rested the elbow of his sheifed arm on her head. She was very short, Her height being 4'8. He looked down to find a short, albino girl with wolf ears, and a tail. The whole package. Everything else looked human, she just had a few furry parts to her. Another key thing about her is that she always came off as the, "edgy" type, for her preference in black lipstick, and eyeliner. When he did get to know her, Auron has always found her annoyingly chipper, and overly friendly. The two attended a funeral together once, and she wouldn't stop smiling. Seriously. How does someone smile that much at a funeral??? Auron asked her about it.
Her response: Usually when people die, they don't want people to mourn over them, there for I choose not to mourn.
She wasn't entirely wrong, speaking from his own experiences, however it wasn't exactly the majority opinion, as Auron had to keep the wife of the dead man from trying to punch Tex in the face. Tex was almost always very clingy in the irritating and physical sense. She liked hugging a lot. She would hug Auron everytime she'd see him, and it usually would last 5 minutes before he would have to eventually pull her off. As time went on, and they grew closer, Auron started to notice that something was very wrong with Texas. Her extremely chipper personality was used to hide some dark, twisted thoughts, feelings, and even experiences. He came to this realization when he went to visit her one night, and she didn't answer her door. She lived in a dormitory like area, where there was the bedroom, and then a small room next to it that was a kitchen, and the bathroom being against the the smaller side of the rectangular kitchen. It was a nice little place for someone who likes living alone, but it had its downsides, like paper thin walls. You could hear the inhabitants, and they most likely can hear you as well. After a minute or two of waiting, just as he turned to leave, Auron was startled by the sound of soft, female sobbing, coming from Tex's dorm. He knew for a fact that if Tex was crying, which he had never actually seen her do, something was horribly wrong. He immediately opened the door to find a mess waiting for him. Texas sat their curled up in a ball, hands grabbing at her hair and pulling, make up smeared, wrists bleeding from self inflicted bites. Scattered around her were drawings of morbid, violent, and just horrid depictions, along with words scribbled over them along the lines of, "Worthless", "Dead", "No Future", "I'm nothing." A common sign of depression. If there was one thing Auron always knew about Tex is that she had a talent for art. She did this thing that she called a web comic. Auron, not really being kept up in technology, never really knowing what it was, let alone reading it, thought nothing of it, but he had seen her art, and it was phenomenal. It really opened his eyes to what she truly was when he saw that beauty and talent turned into something so ugly and self degrading. When Tex finally noticed him, her reaction was just to try to hide herself in the comfort of her knees. Auron began snooping around, and grabbing rags, then pried Tex's hands from her head, and wrapped her wrist.
Auron: Moron. What were you thinking???
Texas: ...
Auron pulled her into an embrace, still holding the rags to her wrist.
Auron: Would you like to talk about why you bit yourself up like this? Or the sketches for that matter?
Texas: I-I don't know what to do! My art! My comic! I- the deadline to get chapter 9 out is tomorrow, and I thought I could just push through it in a day with enough effort, but I don't even have content! I don't have a script! I have no story, no art for chapter 9! I'm a fuck up! I'm stupid! I'm nothing! I-... I'm so sorry... you shouldn't have had to see me like this...
Auron: It's fine. You're human after all. I expect you to have emotions, breaking points. As for your problems. Tex, the comic is just a for fun thing, right?
Texas: Yeah...
Auron: Great. Take some time off until you get over your writer's block. The timely fashion of updates doesn't matter, the quality does. If you can't produce anything good, then step back and take a break. It's obvious that it's affecting your mental health. This will make you hate what you do, so step back from it. Take a break.
Texas: You're right, I've just... meh.
Auron: Don't be afraid to show your emotions around me. It shows me that you are human.
That night, Auron didn't leave Tex's side, mainly out of fear for what she might do when she's alone. This opened a pathway for future sleep overs. Auron didn't share his bed with many, but with Tex, it had become routine, and he didn't mind. He actually liked the cuddles. A few months later, he receives a message from Tex. That night, she wasn't with him, she decided to stay at her place to do some cleaning.
Message received at 1:23 am:
Texas: Hey. Are you awake?
Auron: I wasn't until you woke me. -_-
Texas: Oh sorry. I forgot that your ringtone is up all the way usually... I'm sorry. XD
Auron: This better be important if it warrants you texting me at one in the morning...
Auron: It's not that important, is it?
Texas: ... No comment...
Auron: Tex...
Texas: I'll leave you alone then.
Auron: Why do you do this!? Spit it out! I'm already awake!
Texas: Are you sure? It can wait until tomorrow.
Auron: Tex. Spit. It. Out...
Texas: I can't! You're making me nervous!XI
Auron: Why would you be nervous?
Texas: Because it's kinda personal...
Auron: Okay. Pretend I'm not here. Say what you have to say.
Texas: ... that is so unaffective when I'm staring directly at that message...
Auron: Point taken. Just tell me.
Texas: Okaaaaay! ...
The icon at the bottom that says that Tex is typing stays that way for 5 minutes.
Auron: So?
Texas: Okay. Here goes nothing. And when I say that, I mean here goes everything I could possibly hold dear in my life. XD
Auron: Are you going to say what I think you're going to say?
Texas: I would really really really REALLY like to punch you in the face!
Auron: Okay, that's not where I thought you were going with this.
Texas: With my face, gently... I Love you! You are amazing, and wise, and sweet, even when you hide it under your protective layers! I simply love you. End of story. And I was wondering if you would allow me to take you out to dinner! I'm going to go cry now, because I feel like I'm dying XD
Auron: I stand corrected...
Auron: O//_//O...
Auron: No.
Texas: No?
Auron: No.
Texas: Okay then... What? No reason why? Like I'm cool with it, if you don't like me like that, but still. At least give me a reason...
Auron: Okay. I'll tell you exactly why. Yeah. I like you. I think you're cute. However, I don't appreciate you waking me up at 1 in the morning to text me with a confession. You want a relationship? Fine, but take initiative and tell me to my face. Quit being a coward. -_-
Texas: Ouch. My feel goods. Anyways, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow man. Sorry about this...
Auron: It's fine :) Sleep well, Tex.
Texas: You too bro <3
After Auron and Tex finish messaging each other, Auron goes back to sleep. The next day is pretty amusing. Auron waits for his partner. Half expecting she hopes to forget about the previous night. Auron hears running behind him, and turns to find Tex in a suit and tie running up to hi., screaming, "I love you, you sexy, sexy son of a gun!" She knocks his feet out from under him, and steals a very, very passionate kiss, but soon afterwards, causing Auron and Tex both to fall over to the ground. Because her tiny frame is too much for his bigger, heavier frame. Luckily Texas's arm was under Auron's head when they fell, so no brain damage was caused to the older male. Texas turns to Auron, half expected to be heated, and she wasn't wrong, just heated in a different sense. Auron's face was bright red, slight tears to his eyes, he bursts out laughing, black lipstick smeared on his lips.
Texas: What? You told me to take initiative!
His laughter fades to a light chuckle, and then he stops.
Auron: Wow. That was... cheesy.
Texas: Also clearly failed...
Auron: (Still catching his breath.) No it didn't.
Texas: So it actually worked!?!? YAY!
Auron: Just don't do that again. You took us both out in the process.
Auron pulls Tex into his lap, and the two share a proper kiss.
Auron: See. That in of it's self is enough for me.
Texas: Yeah, but it wouldn't be a confession from me if it wasn't stupidly cheesy and didn't make you smile.
Auron: It's missing something though.
Texas: And that is?
Auron: The amazing pick up line from last night.
Texas: Ah yes, you have good taste, my kind, gentle sir. I would really.
Auron: Yes?
Texas: Really.
Auron: Go on.
Texas: Really.
Texas: Really!
Auron: Hopefully this is the last, "Really."
Texas: Like to punch you in the face. With my face gently, romantically, and in other places besides your face.
Auron: Okay. Okay. Calm down. We haven't even had dinner yet...
Texas: Exactly. Dinner.
Auron is very flustered at his now girlfriend's sense of humor. Safe to say, they had a very romantic evening together. ;3
This is my contribution to OC x Fan work Characters. Hope you enjoyed!
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An amazing fan tribute to Weiki. Unique facts compilation 👌🎃
I've just found the post on DeviantArt. As great Weiki fan also, I can confirm that he's really that marvelous just as the author describes him. This will make you feel warm and will set smile on your face as well as you will check Helloween vids/lives while exploring this facts. So, here we go.
Further credits : SamWeiki
100 Reasons I love Michael Weikath
Possible – scratch that, definite – Fangirling ahead (I tried to keep it to a minimum and I probably failed)
1. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes. [right off, I told you – Fangirling]
2. The songs he writes are so unique and AMAZING. Most of them mean quite a lot to me, as well. I’ve always been drawn to them. They just have a certain special quality to them that I love.
3. He wrote “Keeper of the Seven Keys” for cryin’ out loud!
4. His “thanks” section in the Unarmed booklet.
5. He’d pick Judas Priest over Iron Maiden in an instant.
6. The way he sometimes answers questions. For instance, he was asked about what fans could expect from The Dark Ride and his response was: “Well....hmmmm you can expect that it will be standing in stores and it’s very likely you can buy it when you find it there! hahahahahaha apart from that I don’t know if it’s going to say anything but you can go there and buy it, listen to it, and use it, because it’s a CD and it usually makes a lot of sound if you put it into a CD player......but probably doesn't work if you put it into a toaster.....hahahahahaha.”
7. If he wasn’t a musician, he says his life would be dedicated to cartoons.
8. He dedicated the Hammond version of “Burning Sun” to the great Jon Lord.
9. He’s an artist. His little skull and pumpkin drawing is beautiful.
10. He makes the best faces in concerts.
11. I love watching him in the High Live video, especially during “Steel Tormentor”. [I did not just say that]
12. He made the frog noises at the end of “Nothing to Say”.
13. So many people have blamed him for things over the years, when he did nothing wrong, just because they feel it's easier to blame him. I experience that quite a lot and have for several years, so I understand what it's like but he seems a lot stronger than me about it, as it's very hard for me to get over a lot of that stuff. He's sort of my hero about that because it seems like he hasn't let that really stop him.
14. How he totally told off that Phantom guy. His responses were awesome.
15. A part of “Do You Know What You Are Fighting For” is Deep Purple’s “Stormbringer” backwards. There’s actually a lot of Deep Purple in that song. Makes me love it even more – both songs.
16. He played on Uli Kusch’s cover of “Eyes of the World” from the Rainbow tribute album and he played all the guitar on that song. “Yeah I played on Eyes Of The World. So I did all of the guitar work on it. Uli told me that he did not expect me to have the guitar work as close to the original song as I had it.”
17. The seven pronged star on the cover of 7 Sinners was his idea. And what a damn fine idea it was because it makes a freaking sweet album cover! It was a lot of fun for me to draw, as well.
18. When writing “LAVDATE DOMINVM”, he called upon his old Latin lessons from school and actually got to work with his old Latin teacher on the lyrics. Weiki hadn’t worked with Latin for a bit, so he had to relearn a few things and he even managed to correct something his teacher had written.
19. His response to what animal he would be: “A lion, 'cause I could be lyin' round lazy and have my food brought to me by other people.”
20. Helloween would not be Helloween without him, plus Markus and Andi wouldn’t let him quit in 2000/2001.
21. He drew the logo and original pumpkin.
22. How beautiful the lyrics to “Windmill” are. Example:
"Don't feel alone and depressed
Someone will come, at last
To soothe your storming mind
To keep it away from the evil storms."
23. You can clearly hear the man singing in “White Christmas” and he’s the most fun to listen to.
24. “Introduction” never fails to make me laugh very loudly, especially the lyrics to “Rock n’ Roll All Day”.
25. He likes Spinal Tap.
26. The way he sang “Gorgar will eat you” in the Keeper Legacy interviews.
27. He was asked what his motto in life was and his response was: Be as friendly as it comes; have fun, make money and spend it on charity to help people. ~Sei so freundlich wie es geht; Spaß haben, viel Geld verdienen und es für wohltätige Zwecke ausgeben, um Leuten zu helfen~ (it was originally in German)
28. His black and white outfits in the ‘80s and ‘90s, especially those awesome star-printed pants.
29. The entire story of the Keeper of the Seven Keys and Master of the Rings.
30. The Jacuzzi scene in the Keeper Legacy Road movie.
31. He likes Aphrodite’s Child, Nektar, and Camel. He’s cool.
32. I really don’t think I’ve heard him say anything bad about anyone.
33. The moment when he switched his guitar off and “played” a solo after he was introduced in The Legacy concert.
34. “All right… That’s enough! Now, I want to hear Dani’s drum solo!” *rapid fire – BLAMBLAMBLAM!* The first time I watched the “Smoke On the Water” bit from Hellish Rock, I nearly fell to the floor laughing.
35. About the time Pink Bubbles Go Ape came out, in an interview, Michael Kiske said something about they weren’t Metal, they didn’t do that “Heavy Metal” thing and Weiki says, “I thought we were Heavy Metal”. And Michi completely just stopped talking for a second.
36. The way Weiki messed around with Michi and Roland during the interview mentioned above.
37. How much fun he looked like he was having in the “Kids of the Century” video.
38. Every time he dances around on stage.
39. His love for Gibson Les Pauls.
40. He was reading “A Hat Full of Sky” and even recommended it.
41. He says that his writing “Keeper of the Seven Keys” kept him alive and he considers it a major turning point in his life to have come up with the idea for it.
42. The hairspray scene in the Hellish Rock road movie.
43. He actually got involved with the DJ game when they were in Japan (Keeper Legacy road movie) – the whole arcade scene was great.
44. The way he just looks at a camera sometimes and doesn’t say a word – he just starts making faces and looking off in different directions. He can be funny without saying a single word.
45. His guitar solo in “Back On the Ground”.
46. He played most of the guitar on the Better Than Raw album.
47. Weikath Syndrome is the coolest thing to catch.
48. During the German Top 6 video (1993), he was drinking a Capri Sun. I think it may have even been Wild Cherry.
49. A Gibson Les Paul looks absolutely perfect on him. I also love the way he holds the guitar.
50. How his hair has always been shoulder length (at least) since the late ‘80s (and beautiful).
51. He thinks of the younger viewers/fans.
52. All the love for him in the Hellbook.
53. I don’t how much of the lyrics to “Dreambound” he wrote, but he has a credit on that song and OH MY GOD, is it flipping incredible! I must make special mention to how amazing “the Saints” is, too.
54. He wanted to talk to Michael Kiske when they met at a festival in 2012/2013, so they could try and work things out a little.
55. He wanted “Livin’ Ain’t No Crime” to be a single.
56. His song “Number One” and how uplifting and positive the lyrics are, especially the chorus.
57. When they were on the Ferris wheel, they didn’t start REALLY laughing until Weiki did.
58. How he introduces himself as “de Michael Weikath of Helloween” and he even got Dani to do it with him.
59. He contributed a guitar solo to the German Rock Project’s “Let Love Conquer the World” (the long Metal version) but went all incognito with it and is credited as “a member of the Seventh Key”.
60. The fact that he wanted a flute in “Raise the Noise” and it sounds totally awesome!
61. The sexy witch on the cover of Better Than Raw was Weiki’s idea.
62. His makeshift rocking chair.
63. His spoken part of the Dezperadoz song “First Blood” (and “Echoes of Eternity”, too).
64. How funny was in the two Nuremberg interviews from the ‘80s that are on YouTube.
1987 – He lights a cigarette, he passes it Ingo, Ingo passes it back, and Weiki passes it back to him. Ingo then proceeds to throw it on the ground and Weiki attempts to lightly hit him but only manages to hit his hair. xD
1988 – The FUNNY one! He was so frickin’ funny in that one. I won’t give away the end of it if you’ve never seen it, but it involves a balloon and a cigarette. (by the way, Michael Weikath takes his sunglasses off and puts them back on 13 times, 10 of which are in the first three minutes).
65. After an interviewer thanks him for being there, “Ja, that’s not so much I can do about it, because somebody put me on this Earth and I went out of my mother and suddenly I was there and now I have to deal with this crap.”
66. During the Indianapolis Hell On Wheels concert, during “Halloween”, Michi passes the mic over to Weiki and Weiki does the “I’ll show you power and glory” part. Michi then makes a disgruntled face at him and rubs the mic with his shirt, causing Weiki to make a face back at him!
67. Also from the same Hell On Wheels concert, during “A Tale That Wasn’t Right”, he was stepping on the skeleton and making Ingo laugh.
68. Speaking of “A Tale That Wasn’t Right”, that song is incredible and very powerful.
69. He let the other members of the band help out on “Mission Motherland”. That song is very quickly becoming my favorite song of theirs.
70. His backing vocals in the “Sea of Fears” demo.
71. All of his little pins that he wears: the pumpkin, the W, the stars…
72. This comment he made about the Hellbook: “With the hardcover you can better smash your naughty brother... and you can with the regular as well, just maybe not as effective.” I have actually made that joke to my brother before. xD
73. Someone at a meet-n-greet in 2008 showed the band an old picture of the guys, which they all signed. It was an old picture. Kai was stunned, Markus laughed his ass off, and Michael actually said he remembered where it was taken and when. The picture was taken in 1986, so that is kind of impressive.
74. He helped me become a big fan of Deep Purple. Yes, I will admit to only becoming a major Deep Purple fan after becoming a Helloween fan - and it was all because of Weiki. And now I'm really happy because I never realized how awesome Deep Purple is. Same thing with Wishbone Ash.
75. He’s given me several phrases to use whenever applicable.
- “Impressive, isn’t it?”
- “You have to listen with your ears.”
- “It’s nice, cold, windy, sunny weather.” (which pretty much describes Florida in the winter sometimes)
76. He can still sing with a cigarette in his mouth and not drop the cigarette.
77. The intro to “Halloween”. I’m not sure if he played it on the original recording, but when he plays it live… OH MY GOD.
78. His guitar solo in “First Time”.
79. He’s fun to watch in the “When the Sinner” video when he’s shown, especially when he’s playing those power chords in the beginning (even though he played no guitar on the song) and the part in the saloon.
80. How amazing “Les Hambourgeois Walkways” is.
81. He’s written a couple songs that he has dedicated to groups of fans ~ “LAVDATE DOMINVM” for the Latin speaking fans, and “Born on Judgment Day” for the people of Brazil.
82. How he’s so easily able to make Sascha laugh behind the camera.
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