#like i’ve really changed kitty’s whole thing to be more of a ‘i don’t hold a grudge because this is the fist person i’ve met in a decade who
ghoulhusband · 1 month
i’m obviously incredibly biased but i do think it’s kinda more interesting if the courier isn’t mad that benny shot them. for whatever reason! but especially if they come from similar backgrounds where it’s like “well it was respectful. he clearly didn’t want to kill me specifically it was business. and he basically threw me a funeral while i was still alive” and then their bigger issue is figuring out what to do now that they’re not dead. do they get revenge out of principle, do they try to solve the mystery of it all, do they hunt him down just to ask him to apologize, do they get roped into it by victor, or just general events? idk i obviously understand the revenge angle is very motivating, i just think a courier who doesn’t hate benny is really interesting and fun to play with. and not just because he’s my favorite guy and i could never hold it against him
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Kitty (part 13)
Parts 1-12 here. Rei x (afab) reader
You’re in Kyu’s car – the front passenger seat this time, your duffel bag in the trunk. You are a little worried you’re about to wake up though, find yourself in your bed at the refuge and it had all just been a taunting dream. You’d even pinched yourself just to make sure. You can’t help the smile on your face – so excited at the prospect of seeing them again, seeing Rei again…
“Kitty, I haven’t exactly been 100% honest, but you’ll understand why I couldn’t have been in front of Hikoti.” You’d gone up to your room to pack and say goodbye to the others whilst Hikoti and Kyu had gone over some of the finer details. Hikoti had seemed somewhat worried about this family connection coming so out of the blue, especially when Kyu said they were happy to take you in today, on New Year’s Eve. He blagged his way through. After all, he was your supposed social worker.
You look over at him. “W-what about?”
“Well, they don’t know that I was there...”
Your stomach tightens – what does that mean? Are you not going back? Was this a trick, was this a…? You force yourself to stop – a technique taught in one of the therapy sessions – catastrophizing.
“..but I am going to take you to them.” He continues, side-eyeing your expression. “A lot has happened. This was still the right choice in keeping you safe – I stand by that, and so should they - but the danger has passed and my conscience wouldn’t let me hold off any longer. It’s clear they all miss you and I know you miss them. From what Hikoti told me, it seemed they’d actually been quite beneficial to your recovery already… somehow.” He still doesn’t sound convinced.
“Y-you said all, s-s-so Miri’s with them t-too?”
He nods, his face settling into a more solemn expression. “I’m sorry to say this, but Misaki is dead.”
That catches you by surprise. “The c-c-cancer t-took her s-so soon?”
“No. Ogino did.” Kyu hesitates. “He’s… He’s the man who tried to visit you.”
You push that bit of knowledge to the back of your mind, your concern for the precious little girl far more important. “Is M-M-Miri hurt?”
“Miri’s fine – not a scratch on her. Happy to be back with her papas. I’m not sure they’ve told her about Misaki’s death yet. She didn’t witness it, thankfully – slept through the whole thing.”
If it weren’t such a somber topic, you would’ve smiled at that – Miri did sleep like a log – but you don’t really know what to say. It’s horrifying. You weren’t sure what you thought of Misaki, you’d only had the one interaction with her, really, but it was clear Miri adored her and it’s awful that she met such a horrendous end. And then this Ogino had come to the refuge… What was his plan if they’d let him in? What would he have done if they hadn’t called the police to get him to leave?
“Misaki’s murder obviously demonstrates how serious everything was.”
“Y-yes, of course. B-but…” you swallow, a little afraid of the answer. “..w-what’s changed?”
“Ogino is dead, for one.” Your body relaxes at that - that’s a relief. “Secondly, Rei and Kazuki have left the Organization for good. I’m not sure exactly how they pulled it off, but from my intel they made a clear enough statement that the Boss no longer holds an interest in them or their activities.”
You can tell he’s holding something back. “D-d-did they g-get h-hurt?”
“They were shot, yes. Kazuki in his shoulder and leg, but he’s doing really well as far as I’ve seen. Rei’s injury was… is”, he corrects, “a little more permanent.”
“He shot an important nerve in his right arm – he might not be able to use it again. He did it deliberately, to make himself worthless in his father’s eyes, apparently.”
He did it to himself? You can’t imagine the pain, the desperation… “P-p-poor Rei.”
“Kazuki said he doesn’t seem particularly fussed – happy it achieved his aim. Something else has been getting him down, though.”
He smirks. “You know.”
You feel the heat fill your cheeks.
You’re surprised when Kyu doesn’t take you to the riverside apartment, instead taking you to a café. He unlocks the front door and ushers you inside, encouraging you to take a seat at the counter as he goes round the other side, starting to make a coffee. He looks at your puzzled expression and then his watch, “Shouldn’t be much longer.”
The bell rings above the door as it swings open and the newcomer caught you off guard. Kazuki’s eyes are cast down, hands in the pockets of his long green coat as he enters.
“Hi, Kyu, what did…?” He trails off as he looks up and sees you sitting at the counter. The door closes gently behind him as he stares in disbelief. “Kitty?”
“H-hi, Zuki.” You smile, nervously. Your last interaction with Kazuki had been tense and now you know that Kyu hadn’t even involved them in his plan you’re a little wary of what his reaction is going to be.
You shouldn’t have worried. Kazuki strides over, wraps his arms around and crushes you into his chest into a hug. “I’m so sorry.” His voice is muffled into your hair as he holds you. You wrap your arms around him in return.
“It’s o-okay, I un-understand why…”
“No,” he pulls back a little, but still keeps you close. His voice is choked. “I didn’t handle that right at all. I was so intentionally cruel. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Y-you were u-upset. Kyu t-told me w-why, it’s okay. I p-promise.”
He squeezes you tight again, almost in disbelief, before looking at the man behind the counter. “What’s going on?”
“Kitty was doing so well there, they thought it was time she thought about coming home. So, I told them I found her family.” He replies, shrugging. “Which is true, right?”
“Yes, a proper family!” Kazuki beams, but then looks down at you hesitantly. “If you can forgive me, that is. I feel so awful.”
“Zuki…” You chide, “There’s n-nothing to apologise f-for. H-honestly.”
He squeezes you tight again, releasing a shuddering breath. “Thank you.”
“Where’s Rei and Miri?” Kyu interrupts – he’d asked all three of them to come.
“He said he’d rather stay home with Miri,” Kazuki sighs, finally releasing you. “You were rather coy what this was about, Kyu, I’m sure his answer would’ve been very different if he had known who was here.”
“Is h-he okay?”
Kazuki shakes his head. “He misses you – a lot. Pining, I’d say. He’s been sleeping with that lion he got you ever since.”
You smile at that, you’d been the same with his t-shirt ever since you’d found it in your bag.
“Can I s-see him?”
“Like I’d say no! We’re staying at a different place, though. We’re having a little party tonight – I was going to grab some bits and pieces for it after whatever Kyu wanted.” Kazuki thinks for a minute. “Kyu, do you think you could drop off Kitty later this afternoon? It gives me some time to prepare and I think you’d make an excellent New Year’s Eve gift for Rei and Miri...”
Rei’s been silent most of the afternoon since Kazuki returned. He’d asked what Kyu had wanted. The blonde had shrugged it off as another box of Miri’s things from Misaki’s apartment. He wonders briefly why Kyu requested they come pick it up – he’s been by the house often over the past week, keeping them supplied with heavy duty painkillers, acquiring a sling for his arm, but that’s about all that can be done for it. Miri has questions, obviously, about why her papas wince sometimes. He tells Miri he had an accident, explains why Papa Kazuki helps him put the dangling limb in and out of the sling every day, why he can’t play video games with her right now, but he’s been passing on his wisdom, trying to teach her where the shortcuts are. She finally got her Morio Kart 2nd Edition.
There are still guns in the house – of course there are – but being here allows them to relax a little. Miri is excited for tonight - he’s not convinced she’ll last until midnight, but the little girl is determined to try. From what Kazuki had also brought home from the city, it seems the blonde’s plan is to keep her plied with sugary snacks. He lamented not being able to bake a cake – his shoulder won’t allow him to mix as well as he’d like at the moment. Rei wonders if you’ll be having a party tonight.
Kazuki and Rei are sat either side of the sofa, Miri’s in a party hat, sat on the floor and on the last race of the championship. Kazuki’s phone buzzes - one new text from Kyu. It takes all that’s in him not to smile as he reads it. He doesn’t want to give the game away just yet.
Gift for you to ring in the New Year. Can’t stop – dropped it at the door.
Rei gives him a questioning look as the blonde gets to his feet, sliding his phone back in his pocket. Kazuki answers before he can ask. “Text from Kyu. He’s dropped us off something. I’m just gonna go grab it – probably food or something.”
He nods and turns his attention back to the screen, watching Miri finish the lap.
“Second! Good job, Miri,” Rei compliments as the overall results come up. She’s been practicing hard with his tips and tricks. The little girl turns to beam at him, but then she lets out her patented squeal of joy instead at something behind him. He looks over his shoulder, wondering what on earth Kyu has sent to elicit that reaction from Miri when his breath catches in his throat.
It’s you. Your face is a little flush from the cold, your hands clasped in front of you and there’s a nervous smile across your face as you see him, but it’s you. Kazuki’s standing behind you, clutching his sweater over his heart, obviously trying not to cry.
Rei blinks as he gets to his feet. He’s worried you might disappear, you’re a hallucination from the painkillers, surely… Miri beats him to the punch.
“Kitty!” She squeals again, throwing her arms around your legs. “You’re back!”
“Hi, M-Miri,” you bend down so you can properly embrace the little girl. You’d missed her so much, glad for her enthusiasm and warm welcome in that moment.
“Are you feeling better?”
You nod. “L-lots better.”
“Good! And you won’t leave again, right?” She tilts her head, questioningly. “Papa Rei’s been so gloomy!”
You look up to Rei at that point – he still looks stunned. “Well, w-we can’t have a g-gloomy Papa Rei.”
Miri bounces on her heels. “But you’re staying?”
“She sure is, Miri,” Kazuki ruffles her hair before crouching down. “Say, I think Papa Rei has some things he’d like to talk to Kitty about – boring grown-up talk. How about you and I make some cookies to add to the spread for later, hm?”
“Yay!” Miri yells, tugging at his sleeve in excitement. She’s been wanting to bake all week but Kazuki had to keep putting it off because of his shoulder. He’s happy to be a little stiff in the morning to give Rei this moment though.
“You can thank me later, Rei…” Kazuki calls in a sing-song tone of voice as he and Miri leave the room, leaving the two of you alone.
Rei still hasn’t said anything, he’s just staring at you in disbelief and you’re feeling a little nervous. It’s silly how much you’ve dreamt of this moment, thought of what you’d say when seeing his face again, but now your mind is blank of anything.
“H-h-hi.” Start off simple. Even though Kyu and Kazuki had warned you of Rei’s injury, it hurts to see the limb strapped up in an immobilizing sling, holding it in place against his chest. You can’t even begin to imagine the pain he’s gone through.
You swallow. “Are y-you okay?” You regret it as soon as you say it – of course he’s not okay. “I m-mean…”
“I’m sorry.” Rei steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you at last. You think he’s going to wrap you into a hug but he drops to his knees, bowing his head so low his forehead is touching the ground. “I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me.”
“No, n-no,” you kneel down in front of him, your stomach sinking as you understand his intention. You place your hand on his shoulder, “Get up, please.” You’ve seen this act before – whenever the men at the house had disappointed him they often begged for forgiveness in the very same position. He’d loved every second of it, cackling as they mumbled apologies into the floor, deciding what their punishment might be. “S-sit up, Rei.” The demand feels a little foreign coming out of your mouth, but it works. He pushes himself back up onto his knees but keeps his head cast down. “Can you ever forgive me?”
You reach your left hand forward, placing it gently on the side of his face and tilt it up with the heel of your hand, hoping that’ll he meet your gaze. He has tears in his eyes – you can tell he’s trying his best to hold them in – keeping his eyes cast to the side. “There’s n-nothing to forgive. P-please don’t cry over me.”
“The last thing I ever wanted to do is hurt you, Kitty, I swear it.”
 “Rei,” you lean forward, placing your right hand on his face too so he finally meets your eyes. You want him to see you’re sincere. “It’s a-all right. I understand.”
“No,” he lifts up his left hand and pulls down your right hand in a light grip down onto his lap, squeezing it desperately. “I promised you that you could trust me. I just… I couldn’t see another way out. My father, he…”
“Kyu ex-explained everything. I k-know you just w-wanted to protect me, protect all of us.” You interrupt. “Please, l-let’s get off the floor, o-okay?” You remove your left hand from his face to get up, but his hold on your right hand remains firm as he continues to explain.
“I thought if I cut my ties, you’d all be safe. That I could go back to the life I had before, not feeling or caring… but I failed. I’ve missed you so much.” His voice breaks as he says it, a tear rolling down his cheek. You can’t stand to see him hurting so much. You wrap your left arm around him, trying to coerce him into an embrace. He lets go of your hand and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in close to his chest. He smells so much better than you remembered – the scent of him had become faded on the t-shirt that you’d cuddled with those weeks apart - and his touch makes your heart beat faster. He leans his head on top of yours, savouring the feeling of having you in his arms again.
“I missed you t-too,” your face is pressed into his chest and you can feel his heart thudding. “But I understand w-why you did it. I’m n-not upset or mad, I p-promise.” You mumble.
“I will spend every minute of every day trying to make it up to you.”
“No,” you pull back slightly. “T-the only person who needs to f-forgive you is y-yourself. You were k-keeping me and Miri safe. Please.”
He stares at you for a moment, scrutinizing your face. “Was it awful?”
“No, it w-was helpful, actually. T-they were all r-really nice. It was good for me…” you smile, shyly, before continuing, “But you’re even b-better. You make me feel whole, Rei.”
 “I’ll never let you go again, as long as you’ll have me.”
You bury your head back into his chest again for a moment, savouring his touch. “Come on, l-let’s get off the f-floor.”
He nods, though he seems reluctant to let go of you altogether. Your limbs are untangled for just a moment as the two of you get to your feet before his arm is wrapped around your waist again.
“I don’t want to waste another second if I can help it, Kitty, but I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, so…” his cheeks flush slightly red as he meets your eyes, “may I kiss you?”
He leans forward and presses his lips against yours ever so gently, as if you might break at his touch. It’s a little clumsy, the both of you nervous, but perfect all at the same time. It starts off slow, the two of you trying to feel each out a little as he pulls back slightly before kissing you again. Your head is tingling with each of his soft kisses and you’re not sure when it happened, but your right hand is flat against his chest, your left hand tangled in his hair, trying to deepen the kiss. His tongue brushes up against your lips, parting them open a little more…
“Hey!” Your heart stops at Miri’s indignant shout and you pull apart, though Rei’s arm remains firmly around your waist as the two of you look towards the door. You can feel the heat in your face and your breath is caught in your throat, so you can’t imagine how you look. Miri has her hands on her hips and a pout on her face as Kazuki stands behind her, snickering. “Papa Kazuki said you kiss at midnight!”
“Well,” Rei smiles as he looks at you, adoration in his eyes, “we were practicing.”
Lips pressed gently against your forehead wake you up. “Mm.” You mumble, happily, feeling refreshed for once. Rei’s hair is loose, hanging down around his face as he leans over you.
“Morning,” he smiles back and leans down. “I love you,” he says, quietly, before kissing your lips. When he pulls away, he looks down at the cot at the end of your shared bed. “Somebody slept through the whole night.”
“Hm. She knows it’s an important day.”
Rei had been terrified as soon as you found out you were pregnant. It had been a surprise to the both of you. Your relationship had continued to develop slow and steady over the past ten years, each trying to heal through your own trauma. You’d slowly began to become more and more intimate over the years and though your period had returned, it was sporadic, never quite settling into a regular pattern. It was only after you’d thrown up four times in an hour one morning from the aroma of dishes they were cooking at the diner that Kazuki had gone out and came back with a box of pregnancy tests, sending you off to the bathroom.
Rei would never say it aloud, but it was clear he was worried what it would mean if the two of you were to have a boy. He still had nightmares about his own upbringing and his father, and though you had all moved away from the Organization and hadn’t heard anything in the last nine years, it still lurked at the back of their minds. Nightmares of his father coming to reclaim a Suwa heir – not that he’d let him get 100 yards within his family ever again. You’d gone for a scan to find out the sex as soon as you could, and he couldn’t hide his relief when the technician said it would be a little girl. You weren’t sure who was then more excited at the news, really – Kazuki, Miri or Rei.
“Miri, time to go!” You hear Kazuki call.
“Coming!” The teenager shouts back, before there’s the loud thumps of her descending the stairs.
“Well, Aiko,” you smile at the little girl, bashing some blocks together on the ground whilst you got ready for the day. After tying Rei’s hair up in a ponytail, he’d headed downstairs to start breakfast for Miri and help Kazuki prepare for the breakfast rush a little later on. “We better go and say goodbye to big sister, hm?” Aiko turned one last month and is an absolute joy. The happiest baby, full of smiles and a playful personality, a sweet face and her father’s black hair. You pick her up in your arms and carry her carefully down the stairs as she babbles away, walking into the tail-end of the conversation where Kazuki is…crying? Typical.
“I know you snuck out early yesterday to drink with the ladies,” Miri taunts.
You look over at Rei behind the counter, hoping for clarification but he offers back a half-shrug.
Miri spots the two of you and smiles. “Plus, Papa Kazuki, you still need to worry about Aiko here. She’s got a few years catching up to do on me.”
“I hadn’t even thought of that…!”
“Aiko, look,” you interrupt, trying to defuse whatever it is you’ve walked into, “Miri’s all ready for her first day of high school. Doesn’t she look so grown up?”
“Come here, baby sis!” Miri holds her arms out for a cuddle, but Aiko is already holding her hands out for someone else, squealing when she sees the object of her desire.
“Oh, she wants to see her Uncle Zuki, don’t you, sweetie?” The blonde takes her into his arms, bouncing her up and down, gently.
Miri frowns, placing her hands on her hips at her little sister’s betrayal.
“It’s the goatee.” You reassure the teenager.
“No, she just loves her Uncle Z… Ouch!” He winces, as her little hand grabs at his chin and tugs, forcefully.
“More she loves grabbing.” Miri laughs.
“She has her father’s strength.” Rei chimes in as he places a plate down on the counter with his specialty dish. “Come on, Miri, you need to eat anyway.”
“It’s great you have a special and all, man,” Kazuki walks around the counter with Aiko, wincing as her little hand is still entangled in his goatee, “but don’t you wanna expand the repertoire a bit?”
“You really are a one-trick pony.” Kazuki sighs. Aiko is reaching out for Rei now with one arm, her other still gripping onto Kazuki’s chin. Rei had been so scared to hold her at first, terrified of dropping her so much so that he’d only ever hold her if he was sitting or lying down. His arm was obviously irreparable – the way he had intended it to be to protect his family - and he’d gained back only a little strength and grip in it over the past ten years, but his confidence had developed and he always managed to wrangle her in place. After a little tussle, Aiko finally releases the blonde’s facial hair to settle in her father’s arms. Rei places a kiss on your daughter’s forehead and it makes your heart swell seeing the two of them together.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s great!” Miri squeals, the same way as she did when you first met her after taking a bite.
“I have to agree with them, Zuki. Everyone raves about it.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Miri drops her fork and runs towards the door.
“Little early for school, isn’t it?” Kazuki sounds puzzled.
“Follow me, please!”
Rei passes you Aiko as he follows Kazuki out behind the counter, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he does so. He still makes you blush after all these years. He slips an arm around your waist as you walk out the front of the diner and see Miri fiddling with her beloved selfie stick.
You stand in front of Rei, as usual, Miri in the middle and Kazuki to the side. Miri frowns at the image before looking at Rei and Kazuki. “Come on, we’re family, aren’t we?” Miri chastises. “Get closer, you two.”
“Huh?” Rei looks down at you but Kazuki clocks what Miri means.
“Oh, come here, you big lug!” The blonde loops an arm around Rei’s neck, bringing him in close. You’re standing in the middle of the two men now, holding Aiko tightly in front of you, Rei’s hand on the small of your back and Miri’s to the side.
“What’s a mouse’s favourite snack?”
“Kitty!” The camera clicks – the photo showing you, Rei, Kazuki and Miri all looking in surprise at Aiko and her first word.
Thought it was fitting to end this on part 13 as I think we all thought we were getting 13 episodes! Thank you so much for everyone's support during this series - I think this ended up being nearly 45,000 words! I'm open to dipping back into Rei and Kitty's relationship (I know a lot's happened to them between the end and the epilogue) so let me know if there's anything you'd particularly like me to write about <3 Thank you again for all the comments, reblogs and follows! Love Ghostdog x
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tophsazulas · 4 months
Ranking every episode for Jeia
1. Dirty Double Booker - They break my heart in this episode, but also have so many cute moments. Jay trading shifts at work, their kiss, how in the beginning of the ep they’re just holding hands, the bicep scene, Jay’s arm around Leia, Leia trying to make things work with both Jay AND Gwen. There should’ve been Jay/Leia/Gwen triangle srsly. Jay being so understanding about Leia making plans with Gwen. Like I said, the ending breaks my heart so badly.
2. Kids In America - Now THIS one gives me so many emotions. I loved their cute moments in the beginning of this. At first, even as a Jay/Jeia stan, they rubbed me the wrong way because I had this feeling Jay was stringing Leia along but now looking at it, it seems like he’s just cherishing those last few moments. Also Kitty making Jay realize he shouldn’t be scared, him wanting to make things work, the “I will spend every day making it up to you” scene. Like HOW are they not the endgame? Come on people! Also Leia’s face post kiss.
3. Boyfriend Day 1 - I LOVE how Jay stood up for Leia and was hellbent on not letting her take the blame. And that speech to Red 🥹. Giving E/D fr. Also them saying the same things at the same, the phone thing, and their hug: ADORABLE! And don’t even get me STARTED on the ‘bye babe! Aww!’ scene! Literally the cutest ever.
4. Summer Storm - It’s not really my fave, mostly because I’ve watched that episode several times haha. But they were cute here. It was nice seeing Leia wanting to take another step and going to Nikki for relationship advice. Also them dancing at the end 🥰. I wish there were more episodes in s1 so we could see them flourish.
5. The Birthday Girl - THE Jeia episode. Leia’s fantasy for them as Kelly and them going together, Jay coming back to wish her a happy birthday, their first kiss, them FINALLY getting together, and them leaving in the car was nice (before they were pulled over ovo). The one thing I didn’t like tho is how Leia was so willing to change herself just to get with Jay. I’ve explained my feelings on this here.
6. Lip Smackers - I’ve discussed my issues with Leia’s plot but I loved the Jeia here. It really solidified that Jay’s feelings for Leia ARE genuine. Before I just thought it was some comedic joke where it’s ‘haha Jay flirting with the New Girl’ (like what friends did with Rachel/Joey early on), but this episode solidified that it was genuine. And it seemed like this was where Leia started to feel the same way about Jay. Also the car scene is A+, like E/D much?
7. Free Leia - While I think it’s more a Geia episode than a Jeia one, I loved their little moments here.
8. That 90s Pilot - Same as Free Leia. I also loved seeing them walking out together and Red being like ‘WTF’. I can only IMAGINE what would’ve happened if E/D was there. J/L just gave such couple vibes in that scene.
9. The Rave - Also not my fave tbh. Like it was fun seeing them be all chaotic but I hate the end where Leia is ‘playing the player’ and ‘Kelso-ing the Kelso’. And how it’s literally applauded in the end?? Gwen herself said that she was just winging the ‘you’re a goddess, own your power’ and that Leia should go after what she wants. Yet Leia still does this?? I do cut her slack because she 14 and Jay is probably the first guy she likes.
10. Step By Step - I love the angst for them in this episode, but once again the whole ‘playing the player’ bullshit. And the way Leia and Gwen literally LAUGH and are PROUD of Leia basically giving Jay a mental breakdown is disgusting. Which is why I hated making gifs for Geia in that episode.
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revisitingglee · 2 years
S4 E5 - The Role You Were Born to Play
big episode for the white boys
- Finn looks Good in the first scene 
the rugged tire shop coveralls and stubble work for him
- it’s nice that Artie makes Finn direct the play with him
Finn needs someone to gently hold his hand and guide him through hard times like the small emotional stunted toddler that he is 
- not to talk more about Finn’s clothes but the i love that he still dresses like a teen boy that wears exclusively american eagle polos that his mom got on clearance
- Beiste’s football pep talk to Will and Emma is so funny
- “[singing] just felt awesome, like a really good poop”
i missed Finn’s himbo energy so much
- Figgins is a little confused but he’s got the spirit when it comes to Unique
- Finn standing up for Unique was really great 
- Finn is an ALLY
it was really great of him to not give in and give Unique the part. it was also great that he let her decide if she wanted to do it. he gave her agency and allowed her to decide if it was worth the hate. 
- Unique is really brave for doing the musical despite knowing that she is going to be a target for Sue and other conservatives
but she is absolutely right that dreams aren’t free. sometimes we have to look bigotry in the face and take opportunities despite knowing that they are going to be hard. 
- Finn being a teacher makes a lot of sense
i think he’ll do a way better job than Mr. Schue but that a really low bar
- i’m glad that we’ll be rid of Matthew Morrison for at least a few episodes 
- Will would interrupt Emma and not let her talk during couple’s therapy
he’s in his sexist manipulator era
(they do need therapy though (or just to breakup))
- Sue’s transphobic comments make sense for her character but it doesn’t hurt any less
maybe because it’s just too real and topical right now. her jokes about other marginalized identities are exaggerated and clearly jokes from the writers. (also a lot of them hurt too and i’ve talked about it at length) but the transphobic comments aren’t jokes, they are just current conservative talking points and things that are still being actively debated. Sue’s character is the person that hates everyone equally and i have problems with that idea, but what she says to unique is just plain transphobia. 
- I’m already tired of the Marley, Ryder, Jake, Kitty love triange (square??)
i have thoughts about who should end up with who but i’m going to save them for a little while 
- Kitty is straight up bullying Marley for no reason
she is truly just an awful mean spirited person
- Finn using the R word was unnecessary and wrong
in universe that was fucked up, but i also think it is fucked up for the writer’s to include that at all. it served no purpose and just undermined Finn standing up for Unique. i don’t understand why they did this even a little bit. wtf  
- Hopelessly Devoted to You (9/10)
Darren kills this number. if they have to do Grease at least their doing it well. this song fit perfectly with the storyline. Darren’s acting and singing is wonderful as always. he is so talented. i loved it!
- Blow Me (One Last Kiss) (10/10)
WOW!! they absolutely destroyed that number. the energy was incredible. Marley and Unique are both incredibly talented, but they don’t seem like they would work together well. they have very different vibes. but holy shit that was perfection. their voices blend so well. Marley soft sweet voice complements Unique’s high belting so well. the choreography was a little cheesy but it doesn’t really matter. this also felt very cathartic after Sue’s transphobia. 
- Juke Box Hero (10/10)
this was a really fun number!! Ryder is so cute and his plot line in this episode is adorable. i loved seeing him come alive when he sings and have this whole classic rock fantasy. i too am a classic rock guy as Finn said, so i relate. (also i talked some shit about Finn being nothing special but Cory does have a really great voice so maybe i was wrong about that but my main point stands)
- Everybody Talks (9/10)
i wanted to hate this number but honestly i can’t. it’s really tight. both of their voices are weird on their own but they work really well together for some reason. also the choreography also works really well. it’s a really technically solid number and keeps your attention really well.
- Born to Hand Jive (8/10)
this number was so chaotic. but in a good way maybe?? Marley was the star of the show. she was just having a blast out there. it was so great to see her just having the time of her life. Kitty on the other hand wtf is her problem. she is just so annoying. i have no patience for her stupid bullshit. she needs to Stop. Ryder and Jake are both good. Ryder is so sweet and pretty talented. Jake did the most when he removed Kitty from the situation. it was also great to have Mercedes’ voice and Mike Chang’s dance moves back. i was so distracted by the drama that i didn’t pay attention to the singing but the dancing was really fun. 
- if the writers weren’t cowards they would have cast Sam as Danny Zuko and Blaine as Sandy in a queer reimagining of Grease
(or maybe i’m just writing a Blam fanfiction in my head) (also when did I start shipping them this hard) (i’m a bi Sam truther)
- Blaine going through it after his breakup makes sense but is really annoying to me for some reason
it makes sense because high schoolers are Like That when they go through their first breakup and Kurt and Blaine were in a very intense relationship. but i just can’t get over how he’s acting like this for Kurt. Kurt is the literal worst and Blaine can do so much better. no need for the dramatics, bestie. you’re better off without him. 
- Finn’s character is so interesting in this season
he’s this white guy who has nothing particularly special about him and no direction. and everyone’s like you’re so great and special, you can do anything. but like the only reason they’re saying that is because he is put on this white guy pedestal and treated like the best thing in the world. he’s starting to realize that he is not all that and that he probably is only qualified to work at Burt’s tire shop or maybe teach. and honestly he’s right. 
- Finn and Sue’s argument in Figgins’ office is a rich text that i feel i need to unpack a little
first, i don’t understand Sue’s motivations at all in this scene. in the past she has only really been bigoted as a tool to get what she wants. i never thought she believed anything she said that bigoted, she just didn’t really care and was willing to use bigotry to get what she wants or have power over people. (not that it’s not bigotry and it’s still wrong). however, in this scene, she has no motivation for not wanting Unique as Rizzo other that blatant transphobia. it’s not consistent with her character and feels really gross, because even though Sue is the villain we are still supposed to like her and she was kind of getting redeemed. but this is straight up inexcusable. 
second, her argument that it they are actually in the wrong because causing a stir in conservative spaces would put the child in danger is so weird. like she has a point and it feels weird to subject Unique to that but also how are marginalized children supposed to do anything if nobody stands up for them and gives them opportunities. in my opinion, it is up to the adults to protect the child and allow them the opportunity anyway. 
third, Finn handles the situation incredibly well. like a model of how he should handle it and then blows it by using an ableist slur. if they’re going to have a violently transphobic character, they need to have someone to counter balance and fight back, so why did they have to make him also in the wrong. it makes the ending feel weird. 
It feels like they were trying to both sides this issue when it’s not something that can be debated.Trans people exist whether Sue Sylvester and the conservatives want them to or not and they deserve the same rights and opportunities that cis people are afforded. this is not a both sides issue. the transphobes are in the wrong. this scene would have worked so much better if they had just let Finn win and be completely right, but instead they had him be ableist and undermine his correct viewpoint. it’s fucked up. the whole scene left a bad taste in my mouth. 
also will schuester is a coward and using Finn being the director is such a copout. stand up for your trans student and support the person the you appointed as director for the play 
0 notes
stray-kids-react · 3 years
Spring Showers & Autumn Breezes
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Pairing - Felix x Noona Reader (By a year)
Genre - Fluff, Smut, Friends to lovers.
Warnings - Suggestive Dialogue, Virgin reader, Slight spit kink, Mostly vanilla, Female receiving oral, Soft Dom Lix, I got hella carried away.
6 months ago
You were always a perfect student who never had time to focus on making friends or hanging out with people after school. You always had your nose in a book thanks to the constant orders to only focus on studying by your parents.
You graduated early and inherited your father's business, becoming one of the youngest business owners in Korea. This intimidated many people, some of your customers and employers not even being able to look you in the eyes.
But one day when you took over as cash due to an emergency a pregnant employee had. The song God's menu played across the speakers in your store, you enjoyed Stray Kids' music it made you feel free and not have to build up any walls.
You were bouncing along to the Chorus in your 6 inch heels, restocking the bottles of perfume behind the counter.
"Excuse me?" A familiar deep voice called, the freckled idol smiled at you once you turned around.
It was Lee Felix from Stray Kids, holding two of your personal favorite colognes in his hands. They were your favorite ever since your father first let you sample them when you were thirteen. They weren't strong and one smelled like a cool autumn breeze while the other smelled like spring showers.
"Just the two?" You asked, bagging them gently in a paper bag.
You hoped that the idol didn't notice your awkward and stiff dancing as you stocked the shelf behind you. But the soft smile that stayed on his lips said otherwise.
"Aren't you the owner of this business?" He asked, looking at your name tag which was the only one with a last name...the same last name that matched the businesses.
"Yeah, I inherited it from my father. I'm covering for a cashier at the moment. But I don't mind, it's rarely ever busy in here." You answered, adjusting the already tight ponytail you've kept up for the whole day.
"This store is actually one of my favorites. I love the plushie selection here, they are all relatively cheap." Felix
You softly chuckled at his love for the child like items, secretly knowing that he had a love for plushies. Felix was your bias, his sunshine like and free spirit personality always caught your attention. You knew it was due to the fact that you were the complete opposite of him.
"My personal favorite is the No Face plush we have on the top shelf." You reveal, catching his bright gaze.
He shyly grinned at your gaze, almost as if he was waiting for you to finally open up a bit and relax. Felix has visited the store many times, only seeing you come out of your office once or twice... And each time you had a cold expression and had this unapproachable wall built around you.
"Would you like your receipt with it?" You asked, slowly beginning to crawl back into your shell.
"No, but I would like to see you more often." Felix murmured, sliding you a piece of paper with his number scribbled on with a pink pen.
Before you could even reply, the bright younger idol already had a foot out of the door. You had just gotten your biases number... What the hell were you going to do or say if you even called or texted him.
Two months ago
"Lee Felix, is that my coat?" You question, a serious gaze in your eyes as you crossed your arms.
"I'm sorry Noona... It's just so comfy." He whines, tucking his cold hands into the pockets of your VERY expensive coat.
Ever since Felix has been beginning to visit you, he always seems to either steal your clothes or your snacks. You weren't too fond of his new habits and wanted your clothes returned since you barely had any left in your closet.
"Okay okay okay... You can have the coat but you must return my Hello Kitty hoodie tomorrow." You demanded, ruffling his chocolate brown locks.
He rested his head on your lap as you sat down next to him, his arms latched around your waist as he snuggled in closer. You weren't used to affection at all, the closest thing you got to it throughout your life was a pat on the back and a high five.
"You're such a pain sometimes." You sigh, cautiously raking through his hair which caused him to smile.
"Two things, you wouldn't invite me over if I was such a pain. And how am I a pain if I just cuddle you the whole time and chat." He countered, a sly glimmer brushing over his tapioca pearl eyes.
"You steal my stuff all the time." You explain, pointing at your coat which he was currently wrapped in.
"I don't steal everything."
"Name five things."
"Fine, your cat."
"You have joked about stealing him."
"Your food."
"You do all the time Lix."
"....... Oh! I've got one! Ha!"
"Fine, tell me then... I'm sure you're wrong."
"Your sex toys."
You gasped out loud, slapping his arms countless times as he laughed by how red your face turned. He never told you knowing you'd get embarrassed, but he found your bucket of toys last time he visited when he was searching for your extra fluffy blanket to take a cat nap in.
"How many did you see?" You asked, your tone much softer and bordering on shy sounding.
"Enough to know that you're a sub who has a lot of kinks." He teased, winking playfully as he was adoring you bashful state.
Felix found himself admiring your bashful state a bit too much, almost finding it cute by how blushy you were from the topic. He felt an urge to kiss your flaming cheeks, but held back not knowing if you'd take his feelings too well.
"I'll let you keep the Hello Kitty sweater if you never mention my sex toys again." You reason, slightly taken aback when you realize how long he's been staring at you.
Felix nodded, feeling slightly bad for making you so shy. But he made up for his teasing with a soft yet tight hug, still smelling of the cologne he bought when you first met. This time it was just the autumn breeze, which brought you a wave of comfort you weren't used to and never felt before.
1 week ago
You've found yourself admiring everything Felix did, to the way he pouted playfully when you rejected a hug or to the way his tone changed when you were feeling down. Everything about this man made your heart go into a frenzy, and you had no idea anyone was capable of doing this.
You've grown attached to Felix and feel lonely when he isn't with you, you've even considered asking him to move in with you.
"Hello? Earth to y/n." Felix commented, breaking you out of your lovesick gaze.
"Sorry, I'm just really tired from work." You half ways lied, truthfully tired but secretly just admiring the natural beauty of your close friend.
He smiled softly, brushing away some of the loose strands of hair that covered your face. His hands were always so warm and gentle, acting as if your were made of glass that could shatter at any moment. Any time he touched you it either warmed your heart or created a small pool in your panties.
"Why don't I tuck you into bed, and we can watch something till you fall asleep." Felix reassured, a hushed voice but the deepness still present during certain words.
You were in an oversized shirt with small lacy panties, Felix admired your beauty but didn't see it as sexual tension or sexual period. He just found you gorgeous no matter what you did or what you wore. And has even felt sexual tension with you more than once, but that was a different time and place than it was at the moment.
You didn't need to watch anything to fall asleep with Felix wrapped behind you. His voice alone was enough for you to completely destress and feel the hard work you've been doing finally catch up to you.
You were passed out asleep so you didn't notice Felix placing fluttering kisses all over your cheeks before he fell asleep wrapped around you. His head completely nuzzle into the crook of your neck, every hot breath he let out fanned onto your skin.
You woke up the next morning cold, not realizing you were missing a warm presence you never knew was even there. The moment you opened your eyes you were met with a warm dish of pancakes and a small note
'I had to leave for work but I didn't have the heart to wake you up. Enjoy the food - Felix.'
You giggled into the pillow next to you, fully aware that you were head over heels for the younger Aussie. You never thought you'd be attracted to someone younger until you met him, but you didn't mind since it was only by a year. You smushed your blushing face into his pillow, taking in the scent of the spring breeze cologne.
It was hot outside, so much so that you thought you were going to melt into the couch. You didn't think Felix would be home until tomorrow when it was supposed to be cooler outside, so you stayed in your underwear and bra while sitting in front of the fan. Your hair and body were soaked from the cold shower you just took, and you knew if he walked in it would look rather... Sensual.
"Y/n, I know I'm home early but I brought cak-" Felix exclaimed, stopping mid sentence once he saw you and nearly dropped the cake.
You would've covered yourself with a blanket if it weren't for the fact that all of them were in a basket in your room since it was so warm out. You weren't in any lingerie or anything fancy, just a pink bra and cute heart panties. Which somehow made it worse for Felix.
"Why do you always do this?" Felix sighed rushing to the kitchen to place the cake in the fridge.
You were confused as to what you did, knowing you rarely ever show skin on purpose unless it comes to a situation like this where you would pass out from the heat if you wore something too thick. So you followed Felix to the kitchen, not really caring that you still had bare minimum on.
"What do I do?" You ask, your tone was serious but on the inside you were worried you annoyed the man you secretly adored.
"You tease me." He retorted, still confusing you since you again... Never purposely do.
"What do yo-"
"Y/n, you're in your underwear with wet hair and still slightly wet skin while sitting on the couch squirming in front of the fan. And yesterday you bent over me so your chest was literally in my face when you were reaching for a book you wanted to read. I like you a lot... And it takes every ounce of sanity in me to not take you right then and there. And when you cuddle into me during movie nights, or call me Lixie, or laugh at the lamest joke that no else is laughing at, or the way you scrunch your nose when you are annoyed... It makes me want to call you mine and I just want to kiss every inch of you and dose you in love. And it's hard when I truly don't know if you feel the same. "
"Lix I-"
"And you are so damn hard to read, one day you're all over me and the next you barely even give me a glance. And plus you probably don't want to date someone who's younger than you, your friends have even told me that and listed the men you have been with... Which have all been older than you. "
"But it's hard to stay silent and act like I don't see you as a goddess who I want to be with and be called her boyfriend. Especially when you always wear strawberry chapstick and apply it to your already soft lips. And when you let out a sigh and completely let go whenever I hug you. Or how you can never sleep without holding onto something so you've gotten used to holding me, Instead of your stuffed No Face plushie that I bought you the day after I first met you.
"Goddammit I love you, I love you so much and if I'm being honest I don't know if I can keep pretending like I'm alright just being you're friend or-"
Before he passes out from ranting so much you shut him up in a very satisfying way. You kissed the lips you've been craving for the past six months, and they felt better meshing with yours than you ever imagined. His hands were shaking for all of the built up emotions he just let out seconds ago, but you didn't stop kissing him until he got to calm down and realize you loved him too.
"Lixie, I love you too. And I would love to be your girlfriend." You murmured in a hushed tone, only inches away from his face as you both were still holding onto each other.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, a small playful glint sparkling in them when they reconnected once more. But a new wave a confidence was in this kiss, he cornered you against the counter as he began to nibble on your lip.
You've been with many guys before, but none of them have ever seen you naked or had sex with you. The farthest you have gone with someone was with your ex boyfriend Jaebum, who was your first makeout session and taught you how to use your tongue like a professional porn star.
Felix began leaving open mouthed kisses along your jaw line and neck, only stopping to suck and bite on sensitive spots of your flesh. Painting purple and red marks along your neck and collarbone. Just as his lips were diving into the valley of your breasts, he stopped himself and looked up at you.
"Are you okay with this. Because we can stop at anytime." He reassured, brushing away the wet pieces of hair that stuck to your face.
Everything felt fast and many people would think it was too soon, but you felt so comfortable with Felix and have had feelings for him since you first met. So it felt right, and your heart didn't feel any bit of anxiety when it came to letting Felix take you.
"I'm alright with it, but can we go to the bedroom?" You teased, not wanting your first time to be a serious fifty shades esc time.
He beamed you a kind smiles, lacing his hands with yours as he guided you to your bedroom. Which was lightly messy but still comfortable and tidy enough to not be considered gross. Felix detached from your grip to shut the dark curtains and close the door behind you.
"B-before we continue... Can I tell you something if you promise not to tease me?" You ask, a bit ashamed that your a virgin even though it wasn't uncommon for someone your age who is still considered quite young.
Felix nodded gently, his hands stroking up and down your arms as he waited for you to confess what you were hesitant on telling him.
"I'm a virgin... I haven't even been eaten out before." You sigh, not looking up at his eyes even though he didn't find it lame in the slightest.
"Don't be ashamed of it y/n, it just means I'll have to make it more special." He whispered, his lips pressing soft fluttering kisses to your cheeks as his hands roamed your back.
With that knowledge in mind, Felix rushed to the bathroom to steal the candles and rose petals you always store for your saturday bubble bath routine. He lit two on each bedside table and sprinkled a few rose petals across the bed and pillows.
Felix took your hand as he sat on the edge of the bed, guiding you onto his lap as he grinned at your softly. His tongue peeked out of his lips to wet them, before he pressed them against your once more. This time it still had the same confidence but it was much softer and slower. As if he wanted to take his time with you and make it memorable.
You bit his bottom lips lightly testing the waters to see if you were allowed permission, he groaned as your hips grinded against his growing erection. You didn't even realize what you were doing to him until he pushed your core closer to his clothed cock. The bulge in his jeans grinding against your clothed clit deliciously.
Your tongues were clashing in each other's mouth messily, you would suck on his tongue briefly as his licked striped on the roof of your mouth. You were whispering in the kiss, beginning to rut against him to enhance the euphoric feeling that made your clit begin to throb.
"Do want to feel something even better sweetheart?" He teased, bucking his hips into yours making you fall into him.
Felix flipped you over, stripping away his shirt and jeans. You've never seen him shirtless before, and truly was a heavenly sight with his gorgeous slim yet very toned body and matched with strong dancer thighs. Before he could ask for permission, you sat up slightly, unbuckling your bra and throwing it onto the floor. You both went in for a feverish kiss, both of you groaning and whimpering as you rutted against each other like bitches in heat.
He began to kiss down your neck, reaching the valley of your breasts until his lips hovered over your right nipple. He spit a small drop of saliva onto the erupt bud, before he engulfed it with his lips. Swirling it in circles it his tongue before letting go of it completely with a small pop.
You could feel the wetness in your core begin stain your panties. You moaned airily, running your fingers through his hair as he payed the same attention to your left nipple. He softly grazed his teeth across the very tip of the erect bud only to chuckle softly as let out a desperate moan that went straight to his throbbing bulge.
Felix began kissing his way down your tummy, sometimes switching between giving small kitty licks as he reached closer to where you needed him most. His fingers hooked under the fabric of your panties, pulling them down your legs until you were completely nude in front of him.
Your heart pounded in your chest as the realization that you were about to be eaten out hammered itself in your brain. So many worries slipped into your brain, did you shave enough? What if you smelled? What if you tasted bad? But all of it left when hit tongue first flicked against your clit. All you could see was stars as he sent you into euphoria.
You've never felt such pleasure before, it was almost intimidating by how good it felt. You were on the brink of screaming when he began to sickle on your clit and dark his tongue harsher into it. Small shrieks left your mouth as he lapped your pussy, switching his attention between your leaking hole and throbbing clit. When you were beginning to murmur how close you were, he decided to take the next step and stiff your hole with his fingers. He let them scissor you so that you would eventually get used to the stretch, he sucked on your clit harsher to try and distract you from the stretch of his two fingers.
You got use to his fingers and your loud shrieks of pleasure returned as they began to slowly dark in and out of your leaking hole. The sinful noises of slurping and squelching only making you come closer and closer to your orgasm.
"I-I'm cumm-" You couldn't even finish your seltence before he drove his fingers in and out of you sending you into an intense haze of pure pleasure.
Your legs shook as you came down from your high, Felix pulling you closer to his body as he calmed you down from your first actual orgasm.
"Do you want to stop here?" Felix whispered, stroking his fingers through your hair completely ready to ignore his needs and take care of you.
You shook your head softly, knowing you could take at least one more orgasm before calling the quits. Plus you truly wanted to see the man you've fallen in love with naked, but you would be very bashful if you admitted to it.
"I want to go the full way." You whispered, playing with his boxers causing him to moan rather loudly. Surprising both of you when it it happened.
This just proved how hard he truly was and how thoughtful and gentle he was with you, completely subsiding his own aching needs just to make sure you were okay and got what you wanted.
You pushed him to the bed, smirking confidently as you shimmed his boxers out from under him and threw them to god knows where in the room. Felix was about to protest on you riding him, wanting to take control and make sure your needs are met. But it was too late, since you were already sinking onto him.
The stretch was bearable, it was definitely a feeling that took time to get used to. So you sat there on his lap completely filled to the brim with his dick, Felix sat up wrapping his arms around you and letting you you slump into his body. After a couple of minutes he began to guide you up and down his length slowly.
The pain was beginning to mix with pleasure, before the pleasure completely took over. You began bouncing up and down his shaft with a faster pace, Felix now beginning to fall into your body as the pleasure was catching up to him.
You were so tight and so warm, it was nearly impossible to keep his composure when you felt so good. You were both holding onto each other as you both chased your highs, your hips experimenting by grinding down fully till you were full and swirling them around softly.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he mumbled absolute nonsense. His hand went back to your overstimulated clit, drawing rough circles, making you scream in pleasure as tears brimmed your eyes. Your clenching became tighter and more frequent, you increased the pace until you had to stop from the intense pleasure you were feeling. The the tight clench around him made his chase his high only seconds after.
Felix pulled out before spaying white ribbons onto your thighs. Both of you shaking and sticking together from the sweat you have both created due to the body heat.
Felix laid you back down onto the bed, grabbing a tissue from your nightstand as he ruffled rose petals out of his hair and swiping some off of his shoulder. He softly wiped his mess off of your thighs, and took a different tissue to wipe the rest of the remaining cum that was pooled in your core. He rubbed your legs reassuringly when you twitched at the sudden constant, too stimulated and finding it a bit much.
"Are you tired?" Felix asked, noticing the way you cuddled into your pillow.
You nodded without saying a word, but yet still smiling like an idiot. The thoughts of finally losing your virginity, and losing it to a complete angel of a man who you've been doting on for months. It was all so exciting and you couldn't stop the smile on your face even if it began to hurt your cheeks a tiny bit.
He pulled on a fresh pair of boxers before pulling you up to lift his shirt onto you, his lips leaving a small kiss to the tip of your nose by how cute you looked in his clothes. He cuddled behind you, rubbing shaped onto your tummy as he pressed kisses to your neck, jaw, and cheeks. All of the energy that was drained from you along with the calming presence of your new boyfriend made you fall asleep in an instant.
Felix looked at you one last time before he fell asleep, smiling to himself knowing that you were so special and were going to be the one for him.
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capesandshapes · 3 years
All You Had to Do Was Stay (Post Reveal/ Pre Relationship) (1/4)
Thanks to LNC for the title!
Three years ago, Marinette revealed her identity to him. Three years ago, he promised to wait in a hotel room for her. Three years ago, she opened the door to find it empty.
Now she's expected to play nice with him, since she's the maid of honor and he's unfortunately the best man. But old habits die hard, and old feelings die harder.
"This is a wedding, not a death march, Marinette."
Things that need to be done before Alya Cesaire could marry Nino Lahiffe:
1. Designs combining both Martinique culture and Réunion style needed to be made for the whole wedding party. Everyone should get to have a say in what they wear.
2. The video of Alya dancing overenthusiastically to the cupid shuffle needed to be removed from Lila Rossi’s Instagram, lest Nino’s nana see and wonder what type of woman he’s marrying.
3. The cake tasting needed to be had. Marinette needed to make sure that her parents didn’t go overboard and keep the couple for the whole night. Even if Alya was practically their daughter. Even if they begged. Even if papa cried.
4. A totally unique and unreplicable combination Bachelor and Bachelorette party needed to be planned.
And, lastly… The most difficult of all:
5. Marinette somehow needed to be able to stand in a room with Nino’s best man, Adrien, and hold a conversation for more than five minutes. Even if, three years ago, he found out her identity, left Paris, and broke her heart.
“Easy,” Marinette groaned, sinking further into her barstool as she closed her notes app, her head touching the counter of the bar. She’d already crossed off the top two of the list items, and yet…
“I’m not asking for a miracle,” Alya began, obviously knowing what she was thinking about. She was the one to ask Marinette out that night, wanting to find out her progress… and also to check in on her wellbeing. It was obvious that she felt bad, she knew how things went between the two and how Marinette originally thought they would go. But she couldn’t just ask Nino not to have Adrien be his best man. “Five minutes, that’s all I’m asking. Just five minutes in a room together. You quickly plan the bachelorette party, since we know that you’re far too organized not to, give him the run down, and then leave. Back to your life, back to doing whatever it is you do now.”
“Sit at home. Alone,” Marinette supplied.
Alya grimaced. “It’s for the best that Luka got married, Marinette. You couldn’t keep playing that game. All that kiss and tell was gonna kill you some day.”
Marinette groaned, somehow sinking further into the wood of the bar. Anymore and she’d become part of the grain.
“Plus, Juleka’s in a better mood with you now,” Alya said, obviously looking at the other young woman as she undoubtedly danced on the floor with Rose. Marinette’s habit of coming back to Paris and making out with her brother had obviously put a strain on their relationship, even if Luka insisted that things weren’t committal and he was totally fine with only seeing her twice a year. “Who knows, maybe Nino will have a handsome cousin and you’ll fall madly in love.”
Marinette raised the side of her head to cast Alya a glare from one eye.
Alya didn’t falter. “So, he’s back. After spending three years in New York, Milan, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. I get it, it’s life changing, it’s world ending, it’s all the things you don’t want and more—especially after how things ended,” Marinette groaned, Alya carried on, “but, you know who else is back? Max, Rose, unfortunately Lila, and Kim. Good old Kim. All your friends, everyone who you’ve known for years, everyone who has missed you as you flitted in and out of Paris! Sure, you found out that Adrien was Chat Noir, went to his hotel room, thought you were finally going to get together, and then opened the door to find it empty—but you know, life happens! And when you least expect it, it keeps going on and on and on and on!”
Marinette turned her face back to the wood.
“I really did try to get Nino to change his mind,” Alya said flatly. “I begged.” Marinette doubted it, but…
“Why couldn’t he just stay in New York?” Marinette mumbled.
“Because Nino is his best friend.”
“Why couldn’t Nino go to New York,” Marinette said, “or Adrien done a zoom call for the wedding.”
Alya snorted. “Okay, that’s it,” she said, grabbing Marinette’s arm. “Adrien’s landing today, nothing’s going to stop it, you just have to clear your head and power on.” She leaned into Marinette’s view as her friend finally turned her head, insistently stating, “you were Ladybug for god’s sake. Even if no one else knows it, you do. I do. You gotta suit up, lovebug, and face the day, lest another evil butterfly come flying by.” Never mind the fact that there hadn’t been an Akuma in years.
Not since Gabriel Agreste was arrested.
Marinette rolled her eyes, finally lifting herself off the bar.
“There’s my girl,” Alya said. “Now, finish your dirty shirley, order another drink, and come do karaoke with me. I’m a hundred percent certain that I saw Say You’ll Be There on the song list, and you know that I’ve been singing Spice Girls since I was in diapers.”
Marinette stumbled into her apartment at one am. Not drunk, she didn’t get drunk, not out in public at bars. In friends’ apartments, maybe. She was still a bit tipsy which was, in its own way, dangerous. But she could fight through it, maybe.
Kicking off her heels, she looked at it, the studio she called home and had once been so proud of a few years back, the same studio she’d lived in ever since she was a fashion design student. The same one in which she’d left Chat knocking on her balcony door when she struggled to stay asleep, and eventually relented to let him in time and time again before he knew who she was.
“Someday, I’m going to move,” she grumbled, beginning to pull the bobby pins from her hair. She wouldn’t, of course, not for a long time. Rent-controlled apartments were rare, and while she pretended that the history that practically stained her hardwood floors was something she would rather forget, she was a nostalgic young woman. She’d be there for at least another five years, or until she was finally well and truly over Chat.
Five years would probably come first.
She passed by the photos washi taped to her walls, the ones where fourteen-year-old kids gave toothy smiles and eighteen-year-old young women gave winks while leaning into blond young men. If she was so concerned about history, she’d have to get rid of those first.
She sighed, finally removing the last bobby pin from her hair and letting it fall down her back, placing the black pin in one of the many bowls around her apartment placed for that very reason. Adrien would be in Paris by then, she was sure. He was probably sound asleep in the Agreste mansion.
“Welcome home, kitty,” she said sarcastically, beginning to climb the steps to her lofted bedroom, a space that was not unlike her childhood room.
This wasn’t how she expected things to be.
Of course, this wasn’t how anyone expected things to be. If you asked anyone, they told you how the story ended. Ladybug and Chat Noir finally got together, they were hiding in Paris somewhere, they were in love. They probably had kids, a dog, a hamster—normal jobs and normal lives. That was what the people of Paris wanted. She thought that that was the ending they would get.
She thought that when she went to the hotel room that night, he would be there. She thought that he was happy to know who she was. She thought that he loved her.
She thought wrong.
Marinette always thought wrong.
She thought she could get over him. She thought making out with Luka was a solution, one that she could keep trying every time she went to Paris. She thought that she would miss Adrien more than Chat, the promise of love more than sitting in her bed and watching subtitled anime while he mouthed the English translations.
By now, she thought she’d be waking up to someone else. That maybe she’d have a steady life, someone to wrap their arms around her in the morning.
Adulthood hits hard.
“Adrien Agreste,” she said, flopping back in her bed and pulling open her phone. She wasn’t above social media stalking.
There he was. Gold hair, tanned skin, too many muscles to know what to do with. Landed in Paris four hours ago, his Instagram posted a picture of him with his arm around Nino. His eyes were still kind, his smile still flawless. Her heart still pounded.
“Jerk,” she muttered, letting her phone fall down beside her. “I didn’t need you anyway,” except for all those times she did. Like when she put the earrings back in the box and said goodbye to one of her closest friends. She could have used him then.
She could have used him a lot of times.
Her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, her chest rising and falling with every breath. There was no sound, no doting kwami, no laughter from her parents, and no Alya playing with her hair. Just her.
“Now I’m going to see you and fall in love with you all over again,” she said, wishing she could steel herself against the inevitable.
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unpretty · 3 years
~astielle askdump with spoilers up to chapter 24 starts here~
anonymous asked:
"then once you get to the faewild you have to not piss off the fairy king, and instead convince him to give you a shot. sometimes there are intermediate steps here where you have to prove you got gud, because he doesn’t bother booting up the goddess gacha for scrublords."... so Vaelon skipped like an entire chapter/quest with a single charisma check?
it turns out in this universe if you put everything you have into charisma at the expense of all else you become comically overpowered and only clinical depression can nerf you
@driftward asked:
I think I see the spirits of the originals in their descendents; Karzarul, of course, who has not changed as much as they would like to think they have, and perhaps with enough denial they can be loved after all. Lynette in Leonas, the part where if he cannot have it on his own terms he does not want it at all. And Vaelon in Minnow, who shows her love for all things through collections and wanderings, but does not want the responsibility that often comes with attachments
anonymous asked:
"Stay with me? No war, no fighting. Let the world think you’re asleep a little longer. Until I pick one of every flower and eat every edible thing, take a feather from every kind of bird, map the whole world and catch a thousand fallen stars." You make me think that maybe I could love the world, reading stories until I hold the heart of every little thing in my memories
@eriquin asked:
Lynette: No matter how hot I find the monster I will not fuck the monster because he is a monster. .... hmmmm wonder how that's related to Ari's kinks. Nope, can't mean anything.
every single trio encountering each other for more than five minutes: i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me
@ivylaughed asked:
After reading the most recent Astielle chapters and then doing yet another reread, I'm thinking Leonas's threatening speech about Toast in Chapter 8 was reassuring to Karzarul, whether consciously or subconsciously. "Oh good, this one knows how to deal with loss. She knows how to live and keep on living."
@ivylaughed asked:
Sorry not sorry for two Astielle asks in one day, this story has eaten my brain and I think I've reread it three times in the past week. BUT. Leonas coughing up flowers and dandelion fluff is totally deliberately isn't it? He's got it bad.
he's got a terminal case of shoujo aesthetics for sure
just look at how often minnow notes the length of his fingers
anonymous asked:
......that shit hurted and now I'm all in my Karzarul feels again. how could you do this to me
anonymous asked:
Karzarul can eat my problems if you know what I mean (sorry)
if we've learned anything it's that you could probably just ask apropos of nothing and that would work out
anonymous asked:
Ohhhh. I've been wondering where the terms and conditions were.
only one man can be trusted to keep them safe and he probably drinks tadpoles through a boba straw
anonymous asked:
Well that answers Leonas' question about how he got so good at dreams.
karzarul making a dream flower: what, like it's hard?
karzarul trying to make a new form: WHERE DID THESE ARMS COME FROM
@onwardmotley asked:
I know Ari is probably right about Malgath and Kelruil but I actually have been in fandoms where fully-consensual vivisection is on the table as a fun romantic thing between two mad scientists, including holding someone's heart in your hands, so like. Maybe Karzarul just shouldn't kinkshame people idk.
canonically it is open to interpretation but in my head while they had a very unhealthy relationship karzarul really did just kinkshame that man to death
@onwardmotley asked:
Also a very heartfelt RIP to all the heroes and heirs who came all prepped to avenge their fallen partners and spouses and got thirsty Karzarul. "I'm not so terrible as my reputation would have you believe" "You never take me dancing anymore" good lord.
the fact that karzarul doesn't understand why violet is Like That gets funnier all the time
@windmillcrusader asked:
delighted to learn that karzarul has a multi phase boss fight. it’s what he deserves
@phasestab asked:
There is something intensely erotic about a man who knows how to structure himself a good boss fight.
despite what SOME COMICS would have you believe he is NOT easy!! he doesn't show off his final form in the first fight!!! he's gonna make sure you can last until PHASE FOUR!!! ... unless you use the glitch where if you use the kiss emoji he goes into final form immediately. but that's cheating.
(i like to imagine that if the starlight heroes games were real they would be old-school nintendo hard and the majority of the fandom would tell you that you don't need to beat the final boss battle to be a true fan because almost no one gets past phase two, at least not in the ORIGINALS, these new games are TOO EASY and also they didn't remember the sprites having so much hip action)
@asimovsideburns asked:
god I’m also just. SO head in hands about the fact that there’s a whole legend about how the three are fated to kill each other by the will of the gods and it’s just. WRONG. just completely wrong!! and like I’m going to have to reread but I remember Minnow early on being like “I won’t kill you” and Ari being like “we have to kill each other” and Minnow being like “well then I’ll kill you later, and the gods won’t take vengeance on us for not fighting because we’re just putting it off for a bit” and I’m like. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
"the reason we're always killing each other is because it's fate and can't be helped because the goddesses hate me and don't want me to be happy and thinking i could be happy actually just makes it worse so it's better to just really lean into it" - a reliable source
@flyingseacow asked:
Don't mind me, just rereading the whole story after chapter 23/24 giving so much new context:- Chapter 3 = “He is not your prince,” Ari said. “Astielle is not your kingdom. The Hero need be loyal to no one.” - AHHHH- "it felt offensive to treat a Tauril as a collection of other animal parts, rather than a whole monster with all his own parts - HAH! - “She should be mine, if she’s anyone’s.”“You’re not the first Heir to think so,” - Uuugh, and this was just chapter 3, rereading this might hurt
minnow's trying not to commit a microaggression while karzarul's out here hot-gluing regular sized bat wings onto a bear
anonymous asked:
Oh no. He's why she can't sing in front of others, why she panics when asked to sing. And poor Leonas, no wonder his memories are all of blood and death, when Flynn was the longest they'd ever spoken (lol) after he killed Lynette. "In the earliest reincarnation cycles, I. Made a lot of mistakes." Karzarul, King of All Monsters and also King of Understatements.
has finally met his match in "he has a lot of problems" minnow
@ultragenta asked:
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maybe she just has regular stage fright! we'll never know!! and neither will karzarul!!!
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twstarchives · 3 years
Let Me Go!!
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Card: Dorm Uniform - SSR Characters: Epel, Rook, Vil, Idia
Chapter 1
Epel: Um... This is where the film studies club meets, right?
Epel: Excuse me...
Rook: Hello, Epel-kun! I see Vil asked you to lend a hand here.
Epel: I’d say it’s more like I was forced... Did he ask you too?
Rook: I’m helping on my own accord. The pleasure is all mine if I’m able to be with Vil.
(Clap, clap!)
Vil: Film studies club! Everyone gather around.
I’m going to discuss the details for when we begin our next student-produced film.
I’ll hand out the script first. Everyone, take one each.
Epel: Whoa, this script is so thick. They must really go all out with their activities here...
Vil: The next film we’re producing will be about time travel.
It’s set in the present day. The students of Night Raven College use a time machine...
And travel to the era of the Great Seven’s Fairest Queen of All.
Rook: The era of the Fairest Queen of All... How très bien!
What a fascinating idea, don’t you think, Epel-kun?
Epel: Hah... I guess.
Vil: The leading role is still undecided. I’ll let you know once I’ve chosen them.
Now, the time machine is the key item in this story... Epel!
Epel: ! Yes?!
Vil: I’m putting you in charge of designing it.
Epel: What?! I-I’m just the help. Why am I in charge of something so important...?
Vil: I’ve deemed you the most suitable for this.
Epel: (What gave him that idea?! I’ve never designed anything in my life. I want to say no...)
Vil: The time machine will use a magical wheel as a base. You’ll be customizing the exterior.
This way, we can shoot driving scenes.
Epel: You said magical wheel...?!
Vil: Yes. I’ve already arranged for one to use in our shooting.
I’ve asked Ignihyde’s dorm leader, Idia, to modify it, so you will work with him to complete it.
Epel: Got it!
Vil: ...You sounded very genuine there. Well, if you’re feeling motivated now, then that’s fine.
The theme of the time machine’s design should be “something beautiful and fitting for the setting.”
Your deadline is in three days at noon. Is that clear?
Epel: Yes, Vil-san!
(I was so reluctant about having to help out the film studies club... but I didn’t expect there to be a magical wheel involved!)
(That feeling of the passenger becoming one with the vehicle as they ride on... Just watchin’ it gets me all excited.)
(Maybe if I made a design that makes Vil-san’s jaw drop, he’d even let me take it for a test run.)
(Okay, I’m gonna do my best!!)
Epel: I’m Epel, a first-year from Pomefiore. You’re Idia-san, right? Let’s work hard together.
Idia: Ugh... The glittery Pomefioran is here, hurray...
O-Oh, um... Vil-shi explained everything to me. We’ll use this lounge to work...
Epel: Okay, thank you.
Oh, that’s the magical wheel we’re going to modify there next to you, right? It’s so cool...!!
Idia: Hah... I only agreed to this ‘cause Vil-shi said he’d compensate me...
But working with other people... really makes me irritated by the second.
I need to finish this and go back to my room ASAP before my sanity gauge runs out.
Epel: (I know Vil-san’s taste pretty well since he’s been training me for months ever since I enrolled here.)
(I need to aim for a fancy design that goes with the setting and also satisfies Vil-san.)
Idia-san. Let’s do our best designing this magical wheel...!
Idia: Yeah. Let’s get this done as fast as we can...
Chapter 2
Epel: It took all night... but it’s done! Idia-san, the coloring for the magical wheel is all finished.
Idia: Congrats on getting it done. You told Vil-shi you’d show it to him once it was finished, right? Shouldn’t you call him?
And end this so I can be alone.
Epel: Yes, I’ll go do that!
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Epel: Here’s the magical wheel, painted to look like a time machine.
The design was inspired by the peacock engraved into the Fairest Queen of All’s favorite chair.
Vil: ......
Epel: Um... Vil-san?
Vil: Epel. Are you satisfied with this design?
Epel: What do you mean, am I satisfied...?
Vil: I ordered you to design something “beautiful and fitting for the setting.”
However, this piece conveys nothing from the creator’s heart.
You wouldn’t consider this design “beautiful,” would you?
Epel: ...! Well, I...
Vil: To me, this looks like you only tried to match the setting.
Redo it, Epel. And don’t think about coming back to the dorm until it’s finished.
Epel: What?! Vil-san, wait a seco— ...He’s gone.
...Dammit! How can he be angry that I made it exactly as he said...?!
But I get to work with a magical wheel, which I love so much. No way am I giving up after failing once!
I need to make something that I think is beautiful, that matches the setting,
And something that would make Vil-san satisfied, right?
I’m gonna do it!!
...... But what would that be...?
Idia: Hehee! I got that kitty accessory I wanted! It’s a rare strength item that boosts my speed by 100!
Hehehe, now, the boss from this ultra-hard quest... You should tremble in fear of my dodging power.
(Running footsteps!)
        (Epel barges in)
Epel: Idia-san!
Idia: Eee! E-E-E-E-Epel-shi! It’s rude to come into someone’s room without knocking!
Epel: Oh... S-Sorry.
It’s just, we have to redo the time machine...
Idia: Hah? He rejected that flashy design?
Epel: Yeah... So please help me make it over again!
Idia: (I can’t believe Vil-shi. He should’ve done this himself if he was going for something specific. Why’d he leave it to someone else?)
(I can’t stand them taking away my gaming time anymore. I gotta get this done now and chase out Epel-shi...)
H-Hey, Epel-shi. Do you have anything you’re good at?
Epel: Huh? Why are you asking?
Idia: ‘Cause wouldn’t this get done faster if Vil-shi just made it himself instead of having you make it over again?
But he still put you up to it... So shouldn’t you consider that maybe you’ve got some kind of secret talent?
In online games, leveling up skills you’re good at makes getting through the game easier.
Epel: But I’m just good at things like carving apples. I can’t really use that in desig——
(...Hm? Apples...?)
I figured it out!!
Idia: Ee! I-I-It scares me when you yell out of nowhere! Wh-What did you figure out?
Epel: I figured out what I can make that’s as beautiful and fitting for the setting as I can!
Idia: I-I’m glad to see you came up with an idea. Well, let’s get on with it then.
Epel: Huh? But you stayed up all night last night. Are you sure you shouldn’t rest a little...?
Idia: Heh, staying up all night is nothing to me. I stan a group of idols who look elderly but with hearts eternally 17...
And even Moirai on the Edge can do live performances for 72 hours straight.
We’ll prevail over this ultra-hard quest!
Epel: M-Moi...rai? I-I don’t know what that means, but let’s work hard!
(This time, we’ll make a design that Vil-sanーno, that anyone would approve of!)
Chapter 3
ーーThe day the time machine is due.
???: ...el... Epel!
Epel: *Yawns*...?
Huh? Ahh! When did I go to sleep?! And Vil-san, what’re you doin’ here?
Vil: Your deadline is today at noon, so I came to check up on how you were doing. Honestly, I cannot believe you were sprawled out asleep on the floor.
So? Have you finished the time machine?
Epel: Oh... I did. Take a look at this!
There’s a story where the Fairest Queen of All made a poisoned apple, right?
So this time, I used that as my inspiration.
The color of the whole body represents a ripe, red, shining apple.
Like one you reach out to take without even realizing it... Anyway, I made sure it looked delicious!
Vil: Hmm... Go on.
Epel: Right. The other thing I worked especially hard on was this design that’s hidden when the machine is stopped, and only gets revealed when it starts up.
I’ll turn it on to let you see.
Vil: ! You painted the tire kept inside... Is that a skull?
Epel: Yes! One of the stories mentioned that a skull rose up before the poisoned apple the Queen made turned red...
So I added a symbol that can’t be seen from the outside unless you start it up.
This time machine is as “beautiful and fitting for the setting” as I can make it right now!
Vil: ...Allow me to ask you one thing. Why did you change to a poisoned apple?
Epel: Um... When I tried to use a peacock in my design, I honestly couldn’t tell if it was good or bad...
But then I thought, no one would be able to resist a design that makes apples look appealin’...!!
Vil: ......
...Heh. You finally came up with a design that reflects you.
Epel: ...! Yeah!
Vil: Now, I will leave you with the keys to this magical wheel.
Epel: Huh? Why me?
Vil: I’m heading back to our set. You’ll deliver the machine to the film studies club yourself.
You have until noon to bring it, just as we discussed. Don’t be late. Understood?
        (Vil leaves)
Epel: ...If he was in such a rush, he could’ve just taken it himself... Wait, hold on?!
Does this mean I can ride it back to the set... maybe?
Idia: Ugh... Epel-shi, you’re too loud... Your voice is ringing through my sleep-deprived head...
Epel: Oh! S-Sorry, Idia-san.
I’ve always wanted a magical wheel... And I get to ride one I designed myself. I just can’t believe it...
Alright, let’s get to the school building!
Film Studies Student A: Hm...? What’s that? There’s something coming towards us from the front gate.
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Rook: That is a magical wheel. And the one driving it is... Monsieur Cherry Apple, Epel-kun.
Film Studies Student A: It’s so glossy, like a real apple... And his Pomefiore uniform looks so nice. It’s beautiful!
Film Studies Student B: Driving that machine, Epel-kun’s got a radiance that’s different from his usual frail beauty.
Film Studies Student C: Yeah. That piercing cold look and his unconsciously curled-up lips... I’m so drawn to it; I can’t look away.
Rook: Did you hear that, Vil? Everyone is praising Epel-kun!
Vil: Hehe, these potatoes’ reactions are perfect.
Epel: Oh... There he is! Vil-san! Just as promised, I’m here to deliver this.
Let me stop the machine... Okay. Well, I’ll get going now.
Vil: Hold it, Epel. Stay right there.
Film studies club, your attention! I have an announcement to make regarding our next film.
For our undecided leading role... I’ve decided to cast Epel right here.
Epel: Wh... What?!
Vil: You all saw how he looked riding that time machine, yes?
I believe there’s no better person out there more suited for this role. Are there any objections?
Rook: It’s true, the sight of him riding that time machine up here almost felt like a scene from a movie.
Film Studies Student B: Yeah! Hats off to you for how dashing you looked. I’ll let you have my seat today.
Epel: W-Wait a second. I thought I was just helping with the design——
Vil: I’ve already made up my mind. I’ll thoroughly train you to be an actor, so do prepare yourself.
Now, you must do a costume fitting. Costume committee, take Epel to our club room.
Costume Committee: Okay!
Epel: I-I still haven’t said anything about doing th—let me go!!
Vil: ...I see now how drastically the sparkle in his eyes changes depending on whether he’s interested or not. Honestly. He’s a difficult apple to deal with.
Rook: Epel-kun was shining like a completely different person than he was yesterday, yes...
But perhaps were you anticipating this finale from the start?
Vil: Well, now. Who’s to say?
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rreyie · 3 years
𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨- 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: after three years of not seeing eren due to his buisness in marley, you reunite with him only to find he isn’t the same person anymore, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is his desire for you.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: smut! hair pulling, spanking, hate (?) sex, eren being an asshole, MAJOR season four/manga spoilers, vaginal, orgasm denial, overstimulation, fingering, oral (male receiving), f! anatomy reader, dom! eren, sub! reader
𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: smut/ nsfw
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨: eren yeager, reader insert
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: i really struggled with what to name this, but i still think it turned out fine. this may be the dirtiest thing i’ve written so far but anyways, eren stans come get y’all juice
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it had been three whole years since you had last seen eren. as much as you missed those emerald green eyes giving you a playful glare from across the room, you certainly did not miss his careless demeanor.
it had happened after the girl shot sasha, your best friend. as you laid there sobbing on the floor, all eren did was laugh. no comfort. no “i’m sorry.” just a half hearted chuckle from that asshole of a man.
as you put her body in a different room, you walked out of the dimly lit airship to see eren sitting on some sort of box. through that mane of chocolate brown hair, you saw those emerald eyes again, only this time, they weren’t as youthful as they once were. they were tired. drained. dull. you didn’t know how else to describe that look.
“whatcha starin at?” he asked. his voice was barely audible.
your cheeks still red and eyes puffy from crying, you sniffle and manage to speak some words. “i’m looking at the jackass who was laughing at my best friend dead on the floor.”
eren chuckles. “i see nothings changed over the last three years, huh?”
you look away from him. you couldn’t bare to look eyes with him, especially now. he touches your arm. “come on now, look at me. i missed you.”
you swat his arm away. “shut the fuck up. why did you laugh? in a time that i needed you most you just sat there and laughed?”
eren laughs again. “haven’t you forgot, dear? i can see everything. i knew sasha was going to die before it happened.” you couldn’t stand his shit anymore. you jerk your body to face him, and raise your arm, looking directly into his eyes. you throw a punch at him, aiming directly for his skull, but his calloused hand stops you, making you look weak.
“heh, let’s not get too hasty here, dear-“
“quit calling me that damned nickname!” you shout at him. “i can’t talk to you right now. i’m going to bed.” his arm releases it’s grip on yours, and you angrily storm off into your resting place in the airship.
another few days passed, and you were coming back from the memorial service held for sasha. as you took off your army great coat, darker spots staining it from the rain pattering outside, a figure towers over you.
you look up and make contact with the entity, now figuring out that it was no other than yours truly, eren.
“well, want to talk now?” he asks. his voice was monotone, like nothing happened at all. you throw your coat onto a nearby chair, and storm upstairs to your room.
you eneter the room, which was pitch black, your tear-ridden eyes not processing anything you see. only a blurry mess of shadows and highlights. you throw yourself onto your bed and curl into a fetal position.
you wanted to throw up. first your best friend dies, and then your relationship was going down the drain... on top of that a world war was happening right before your very eyes.
a cold hand is pressed onto your back. you jolt at the contact, and see erens face looking down at you. you hadn’t taken the time to notice that he had cleaned up nicely, hair in a bun and cleanly shaved.
as your head tilts upwards, he presses his lips to yours, the unfamiliar sensation making your lips tingle. you let out a small moan and feel erens mouth curl upwards.
“well, i can tell even if you didn’t miss me, you sure missed my cock.” eren says. this statement caught you off guard, and your cheeks flushed red. eren snickered, and continued to kiss you. eren inserted his slick tongue into your mouth, pushing and pulling your tongue in all different directions, mixing your saliva with his.
erens hand moved south, his finger just grazing upon your clothed womanhood. though your area was covered, you could still feel the friction of his finger and the fabric. he began to slide his hand inside the flimsy waistband of your pants and cupped your delicate womanhood.
letting out a soft moan at the contact, he began to grope and squeeze you in all the right places, and ran his index finger along your wet folds, already soaked with your slick.
“wet for me already, ain’t’cha princess?” he growls into your ear, warm breath sliding upon the exposed flesh of your neck. he moves his lips to your neck, and begins to gently suck, eager to mark you, similar to how an animal marked its territory. the gentle suction made you like putty in his arms, and you leaned into his chest. his heartbeat was beating right into your ear, giving you a sense of security.
unexpectedly, a finger slips into your walls. an “a-ah~” elicits through your lips. you shifted your hips to desperately try and feel full, even though only one narrow finger was inside you.
“only good girls get two fingers”, eren says. “are you gonna be a good girl for me? hm?” eren pushes his finger inside you more, hitting the plush sweet spot that was nestled inside you. you let out a pathetic little whimper as eren stretched you a little further.
“y-yes...” you stammer. eren began to pump his two fingers into your tight hole, as he felt his own arousal course through his veins, the fiery sensation talking over him and pulsating though him, going straight to his dick.
your thighs began to tremble as you were about to feel your orgasm, but then, right when you were on the cusp of reaching bliss, he carefully but slowly took his fingers out, his coated in your juices. he sneered at you, as your let out another whimper.
“h-hey...” you say, barely able to make words after your spoiled orgasm. “what w-was that for?”
“because you’ve been fucking around with me all week”, he responds, starting to unbuckle his leather belt. “all i’ve wanted this whole week was for your pretty little pussy to bounce on my cock, but you’ve been so stubborn that you wouldn’t even look my way. this is my payback. i’m going to absolutely fuck your brains out tonight.”
your spine shivered at the thought of you being here all night being used as erens own personal pocket pussy. you didn’t want to know how many rounds you were in for tonight, since eren never stops until he’s tired.
before you knew it, erens belt was off, and you were sitting on the bed watching him did himself of his shirt. his perfectly toned abs were semi-visible in the moonlight, the ripples of skin or bones creating a masterpiece. his hair was nearly free of the bun at this point, but you wouldn’t dare notify him of this.
eren folds the belt and gives it a little whack upon the bed, giving a crack.
“strip”, he commands. “now.”
you obey his words, and pull of your shirt without hesitation, followed by your cargo pants, leaving you in your bra and panties only.
erens gaze turns predatory as if he was a lion and you were the antelope. he flips you over almost effortlessly, and grabs your ass.
“dear god, i missed this...” he groans. “your ass is gonna be all red after i’m done with you.”
you clench your eyes, bracing for impact. you knew exactly how this was going to go down. eren cracks the belt down onto your left ass cheek, and you yelped at the impact. he did it again, the pain soon quickly melting into pleasure with each snap.
sure, eren could be a bit rough in the bedroom sometimes- no, scratch that. he could be super rough. but he always knew where the line was to be drawn. or at least he used to know. you only knew that this man had been deprived of sex for the time he was in marley, so he was likely craving some sort of intimacy. and now that he had you, he wasn’t going soft this time.
as soon as the last crack of the belt had ceased, he threw the belt down and kneeled over you.
“suck me off”, he demanded.
you flipped yourself over this time, and got level with erens member. erens black boxers had a throbbing bulge in the center. as you pulled his boxers down, his cock immediately sprang up, and slapped against his stomach.
boy, eren always had a nice dick. it was pale, but a vein ran through the side, and connected to the red tip of it. he hasn’t shaved down there in a while, so the seemingly primal hair that laid at his base was expected.
you grasped his cock that was eagerly waiting for attention, and moved your tongue along the shaft, placing kitty licks on the tip. you felt eren twitching under your touch. you wanted to tease him to compensate for your lost orgasm, to feel him writhe and beg to cum.
eren grew impatient with the kitty licks and tongue work that he grabbed a fistful of your hair and jammed your mouth onto him. you gagged at the sudden movement, the tip touching the back of your throat. he moved your head back and forth, using your spit to guide you along.
you took in his whole length. it was painful, but totally worth it to see his expression on his face. cupping his balls, you played with them, moving around the sensitive skin with your hands.
“i-m gonna c-cum...” eren warns you. you try and pull off so he wouldn’t make you choke. eren resists, only pulling you closer. his cock spasms, and releases a load of cum into your mouth. you were nearly choking on cock, the salty taste reaching every corner in your mouth.
you swallow it all. eren pulls out his cock, still hard even though he just came. he takes hold of your shoulders and pins you down on your bed.
“don’t worry princess, i’ll compensate for that lost orgasm this time.” he said, an evil smirk on his face. yup. you were in for it.
he quickly takes your bra and panties off before starting, and takes note of the giant spot of arousal in the bottom of your panties before he slides them off. he unclasps your bra and gives your breasts a quick little squeeze before pumping his cock a few times and lining it up at your entrance.
“p-please, be gentle...” you whisper.
eren laughs. “not a chance.”
he thrusts into you, his whole length unexpectedly filling you to the brim. letting out a groan, he thrusts into you again. it felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. you grip the sheets beside you.
“i missed the feeling of your little pussy...” eren growls. he continues to thrust, smashing his hips into yours as he fucked you with no mercy at all.
lewd sounds of skin slapping a guttural wet sounds filled the room as you squirmed beneath him, moving your hips so he could get a good angle. his dick begins to touch on your sweet spot, hitting it repeatedly. the pressure on your spongy seeet spot was enough to make a loud moan escape from your mouth.
“m-more!” you yelp. eren heeds your command as you felt his balls slapping against your ass ruthlessly. “oh god, please, eren! please!” erens pace quickens a little bit more as you feel the burning sensation of your orgasm about to take over. you cum right on his dick, the creamy liquid spilling out of you and coating him so he could glide into you with ease. eren still has a bit to go, and while making an effort to cum, he only thrusts harder, causing you to cum yet again, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“ngh- oh fuck...” eren stammers, as he bottoms out into you, shooting thick ropes of cum into your hole.
you lay there panting, eyes almost shutting. but eren isn’t anywhere near done yet. his dick gardens yet again, and he continues to thrust.
“e-eren... please no more...” you gasp, trying to contain yourself as eren slammed into you again and again.
“no”, he says raspily. “you’ve been teasing me all fuckin’ week. you need to be punished for this.” his tip kisses your cervix, causing you to grimace. “turn over.”
you tried to move, but your legs were like jelly, unable to move after all the previous sensations you were feeling.
“dumb slut. let me help you.” eren places you on your tummy and re-aligns himself at your entrance, and jams his throbbing dick into you. your ribbed walls were clenching around him tightly, which only made him encouraged and want to go harder, deeper, if that was even possible.
your vision turned foggy upon your third orgasm, toes curling and all.
“ngh- aah!~” you whimper, feeling numb and helpless. something about eren using you as his own personal fuck toy made you seem to cum a little bit quicker than the last times you’ve had sex. maybe it was the control he had over you, the domination.
“oh, did my little whore cum for me again?” eren groans. “louder. i want this entire hallway to know exactly what we are doing in here. let them know how good i’m fucking you.”
eren gives a tug at your hair, making your head turn around and look him directly in the eye. he had a wicked sneer painted across his face. he purposely hits your sweet spot again, making a string of high pitched moans and whimpers fill the room, maybe even the whole hallway as eren instructed you to do.
your noises were the final straw that eren had. he quickly pulled out and flipped you over before jacking himself a few more times, and letting his cum splatter across your face and chest. your vision was so foggy at this point that everything was just a big cloud of white. as you regain your vision, you see eren laying over you, his brown hair messy and eyes filled with love.
“you’re not gonna just leave me like the others, right?” he questions you as he kisses your naked collarbone. you’re completely out of breath at this point, and all you can do is nod.
“good.” he grabs a towel that was sitting on your nightstand. “i hope you never leave me, to be honest.” he cleans up his release combined with sweat that was puddled on your body.
“n-never.” you stammer.
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rayofsunas · 4 years
kenma finding out his wife is pregnant.
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A/n: thank you to the anon who requested this! i had so much fun writing it! <3 this isn’t really what you requested? more so what the readers thinking oops, I hope you enjoy though!
Summary: kenma finding out his wife is pregnant.
Pairings: Kenma Kozume/Fem!Reader
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff/domestic, abortion mentioned
Word count: 915
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- the idea of children was never really talked about, you had mentioned it once or twice over the span of your two year marriage
- and although kenma didn’t voice his agreement, he also didn’t mention if he wanted a child or two
- kenma is a busy man, he has many different jobs (ceo, youtuber, stock trader, pro gamer) so you always figured he was too busy to entertain the idea of a child
- he was also a quiet guy and seemed more than content with his immediate family just being you
- so it wasn’t much of a surprise that when you found out you were pregnant, you were beyond terrified
- you had known him ever since middle school, so you knew his personality really well
- he wouldn’t throw you out, he wouldn't entertain the idea of a divorce, he would never say anything ill about his unborn child or even mention an abortion (not if you didn’t say anything about it first), he wasn't that type of guy
- he’d most likely stay quiet for a while, trying to process everything, but his silence worried you
- his silence always worried you when it came to certain topics
- it was impossible to know his exact thoughts, you weren't superhuman
- you just hoped he would be happy about the news, or at least somewhere far away from being angry
- kenma would never suspect a thing, probably wouldn’t notice the morning sickness or extra weight gained, so he wouldn’t know you were pregnant
- he'd probably assume it was just that time of the month or you were just going through life changes (if he did notice)
- you would have to tell him flat out tbh
“so I have something very important to tell you, I’m hoping you'll be happy...”
you were eating dinner when you brought it up. he didn’t speak, but his eyes did meet yours, letting you know he was listening to hear what you had to say next.
“okay... so i’ve known for a while, maybe a week. but- i’m pregnant?”
he was confused, and you thought he would ask something along the lines of “weren’t we careful?” or “weren't you on the pill?” but instead-
“why did that come out as a question?” he asked, glancing nonchalantly down at his dinner, picking at the vegetables distastefully pushed to the side.
“are you or not?” he asked, still poking at the veggies.  
“i am.” you whispered. he nodded to himself, keeping quiet.
- you were shocked. sure he was always quiet and this wasn’t out of the ordinary, BUT, you thought he would have more to say, maybe his opinion even...
“you don't sound too phased?” he finally met your eyes. “you don’t sound so confident. why’re you questioning everything?”
you admitted with wide eyes, “i’m nervous...” “don’t be.” he mumbled. so, he wasn’t upset? he wasn’t bothered at all?
“so you’re not mad?”
“no...babies are cute, I guess.”
a loud squeal came from you, causing kenma to jump in his seat across from you. you were sure the whole neighborhood could hear you, but you didn't care, you were filled with joy.
“aww kenmaaa, I didn’t know you were a secret baby lover!”
“don’t worry, I wont tell anyone! it’ll be our secret.”
- the entire dinner consisted of you nitpicking about kenma's eating habits (you told him to think of it as setting a very very early good example for your child and being healthy at the same time)
- after dinner kenma may have cracked the tiniest smile uwu
- you think it may have slipped out on accident, but when his eyes met yours and the tiny smile didn't disolve, you knew it was meant for you to see
- he was happy about the pregnancy
- you went to bed stress free that night about what he thought, because he seemed fine about the whole idea of a child
- he even asked how far along you were when you thought he was asleep
- you told him you weren’t sure, your guess two months or so
- in the months leading up to the birth, he was surprisingly more vocal than he’d been in your entire time of knowing him, which was a huge plus and warmed your heart greatly
- you were five months along when kenma really seemed like he was finally getting excited about the baby
“how about this for a coming home outfit?” you turned to face your husband, to see him holding up a tiny orange kitty onesie and a soft white knitted blanket in his other hand
- lets just say you began crying in the middle of the store, sobbing loudly all the while kenma uncomfortably stared at you with pink tinted cheeks
“the kenma kozume interested in other things that aren’t video games or apple pie? never thought i’d see the day!" his eyebrow lifted at your still sobbing form.
“well our baby needs clothes right?” was all he said carefully placing the items in the basket he was holding. “yes, he does.”
- lets just say kenma was shook to death
- you had accidentally let it slip you were having boy... you hadn’t told him yet, well until now, oops-
his eyes widened. “it’s a boy?”
“...yeah. I know you said you didn't mind which gender we got, but I hope you’re happy it’s a boy. you may have more things to bond over in the future!”
- after a long extended silence...
“do you think he’ll like video games?” “kozume is that ALL you’re worried about?!”
he just flashed you a cheeky smile.  
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10.22.20, rayofsunas
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lavender-scent · 3 years
BBRae Week Day Five - Sunny Days
AO3 - FF.net
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I Know My Heart Can Be So Cold, But I'm Sweet For You.
It was a beautiful sunny day in Jump City. The Titans agreed to seize the opportunity and go out since the city’s villains seemed to want to enjoy a day off as well.
Except for one person.
“What do you mean you’re not going?”
“You heard me Beast Boy,” she sighed, “I’d like to spend the day at home. Why is that so hard to understand?”
“But everyone is going!”
“And I’m not.” Raven gave him her back declaring the end of their discussion.
He wanted to try to convince her more but he heard his communicator vibrating. “Beast Boy, are you coming?”
He brought it closer to his mouth to speak, “On my way, Cy.”
It had been going like this for a while now: Raven constantly refusing every invite from the team and spending more and more time alone. Beast Boy and the others had tried to convince her to go out with them multiple times only to be rejected at every turn.
The whole team gave up eventually except for Beast Boy. It had taken her long enough to open up to them all, especially him, the first time and he didn't mind getting her to do it again even if it took a while.
Their friends believed it was just a phase but he didn’t want to risk it. He was not letting her shut herself in and isolate herself that easily.
“I’m going now but if you change your mind give me a call, okay?”
“Okay,” she said, still giving him her back.
He sighed but transformed into a hawk and flew through her window down to where his friends were waiting.
“What did friend Raven say?” Starfire asked once he got into the car.
“The usual. I want some quiet time by myself, blah blah blah. You should try it, Beast Boy, blah blah blah.” He tried his best impression of her with a frown.
“We’ll give her space. Maybe she’ll come around.” That was Robin’s answer every time.
'Next time there won’t be any “space”', Beast Boy thought to himself. He would get her out of that room. Not today, though. Raven really hated the sun and it was an exceptionally bright day out.
As they got to the park and started unpacking their stuff, Beast Boy realized he forgot something. “My umbrella! I forgot it at home.”
“B, for the last time, it’s not going to rain.”
“But the weather lady said there’s a 60% chance it would.”
“But the sun is bright and shiny today,” Starfire pointed out, “it does not seem that it will be the raining today, friend Beast Boy.”
“You know I hate the rain! Better safe than sorry.”
“What’s wrong, is the little kitty afraid to get wet?” Cyborg teased.
Beast Boy ignored him and transformed into a hawk for the second time. It would only take him a few minutes to grab his umbrella from the tower and be back. Once he got back to the tower he transformed back into his human form.
The tower smelled different than when he left it, felt different. Was Raven performing some sort of a spell? No, he knew when she was practicing spells. The scent always included herbs and old books. This scent smelled… sweet?
“Stop!” he heard a familiar voice.
He ran to the source of the sound only to realize there was more than just her pleading voice. It made him run faster.
“Don’t touch her!” Beast Boy yelled when he reached Cyborg’s lab.
What Beast Boy saw was the furthest thing from what he expected. He had had all the worst scenarios prepared in his head, only to find Raven holding what looked like a five year old boy in one arm and a girl that seemed just a little bit older on the other.
“What the-“ before he got to finish his sentence he was cut off with screams.
“BEAST BOY!” the boy and the girl both jumped from Raven’s arms into Beast Boy's.
Beast Boy looked down at the two kids hugging his legs and back to his teammate. She looked like she was barely breathing.
“Raven, you brought Beast Boy!” the girl spoke first.
“It seems like I did.” She said nervously. She walked to Beast Boy and held his wrist, “Can I have a word?”
“Of course.” He followed her to the hallway leaving the two kids alone in the lab.
“What are you doing here?”
“I forgot my umbrella.”
“You do know that it’s not going to rain.”
“But the weather lady said-“
“Enough with the weather lady!” she threw her hands in the air in frustration. “Take your umbrella and just leave.”
“Okay, fine!” After a second thought, he asked, “Wait, who are those kids?”
“They’re my… cousins.” Raven said after she realized there was no way she could hide it any more.
It was obvious she didn’t want him there but he was still confused. Why did she hide that from the team?
“I didn’t know you had cousins?”
“I’ve reconnected with my aunt on Earth a few weeks ago. She had some work here in the city and I offered to take the kids for the day.” Raven answered hoping the investigation would be over soon. “Any more questions?”
“You have an aunt and you didn’t tell us?” Beast Boy paused. “Is that why you haven’t been spending as much time with us lately?”
“I.. I wanted-“ Raven was cut off by a loud noise.
They went back to the lab to find the boy climbing Cyborg computer set.
“James, get down! Raven is going to be mad at us!” his sister – Beast Boy assumed – tried to reach him using a chair but he was far above her.
“James, get down!” Raven ordered.
“I can’t!” James cried. “I don’t know how!”
Beast Boy decided to step in transforming into a moose, holding the little boy with one antler and putting him back down.
“That was awesome!” the boy yelled once the changeling went back to his human body. “Do it again!”
“Yes, Beast Boy do it again!” the girl joined.
“Erica, I believe Beast Boy has somewhere to be.” Raven gave him a glare.
“Right!” Beast Boy found himself forgetting about the picnic. The truth was he wanted to stay with Raven. “Are you sure you don’t need my help?”
Both Beast Boy and Raven tuned at the sound of something breaking.
“Sorry,” James said, putting back a remote that was now in half.
Raven sighed. “Why did I think bringing them here was a good idea.”
“We still haven’t seen the training room!” Erica reminded her.
“I…” Raven was trying to think of a way to get out of this seeing how James causing chaos in the lab just confirmed that he shouldn’t be anywhere near all those weapons. Before she got to say anything, Beast Boy spoke up. “Who wants to go to the fair?”
“Me! Me! Me!” Both kids held their hands up high.
Beast Boy turned to his teammate. “You think you can give us a ride?”
Raven was caught by surprise. “Uhm, yeah I think I can. But only once.”
She held the changeling's hand with one and Erica’s with the other asking her to hold her brother’s hand as well.
When they got to the fair the kids immediately let her hand go and ran to see all the games they could play.
“That was a close one,” Beast Boy chuckled.
Raven didn’t laugh. “What are you still doing here?”
“Helping you?”
“I didn’t ask for help. I have everything under control. You can leave.”
“Everything under control? Okay then, where are the kids right now?”
“They are right ther-“ Raven looked around to find neither of them within her sight.
“They’re by the big wheel. You’re welcome.”
“I knew that.”
“No you didn’t. Now can you let go of my hand so I can get them some tickets.”
Raven looked down to find that she was indeed still holding his hand. She removed her hand from his and hoped that the hood of her cloak was hiding her blush as he left to go get the tickets.
“Can we please get ice cream?” James asked, running to her.
“And I want to get on the big wheel!”
“Whatever you want.”
“Is Beast Boy your boyfriend?”
“No,” she answered without thinking. “Wait, what?”
“I saw you guys holding hands,” explained the little boy.
“No, we’re just teammates.” Raven blushed. Why would the kids ask her such a question? Weren't they too young to know about this stuff?
“My friend Lily thinks you guys look great together,” Erica said after she joined them. “She has all these drawings of you.”
“Drawings? Of us?”
“Yeah, kissing.”
Raven tried to change the subject when she saw her teammate coming with the tickets. “Oh look! Beast Boy brought the tickets. Go stand in line for your turn.”
They ran to Beast Boy to get their tickets and went back waiting at the big wheel.
“At least now we don’t have to worry about them getting hurt or killed by Cy.” Beast Boy said cheerfully.
“Yeah, great," Raven replied harshly.
Beast Boy turned to look at her. “Are you mad at me?”
She ignored him.
Beast Boy knew she trying to push him away again. Too bad it wouldn’t work.
“Why didn’t you tell us about your aunt and cousins?”
“It’s stupid.”
“I like stupid.”
“You wouldn’t understand. None of you would.”
“Try me.”
Raven exhaled a long breath. She had a feeling Beast Boy wouldn't be giving up soon. He never knew when to stop.
“I didn’t tell you about my cousins because I didn’t want them to meet you.”
“Are you embarrassed by us??”
“No... the opposite.”
“You’re… proud of us?”
“No! That’s not what I meant. I mean I am proud of you. I just didn’t want them to meet you because I know they would love you more.”
Beast Boy had never been more confused in his life. “People are usually happy by that.”
“I want them to love you. I just don’t want them to love you more than…. More than me.” Her insecurity finally broke through and she looked almost ashamed despite her defiance.
“Rae, I’m sure the kids love you. You’re an amazing person.”
“Yeah That’s how it felt before you came.” Raven knew she was being immature about this but she couldn’t help it. “I know I say I don’t care about fans but it’s always the same. Kids usually like you, guys like Cyborg, girls like Robin and boys like Starfire. No one likes me.”
“That’s not true!”
“Yeah right. How could I forget? Only creeps like the creep.”
Beast Boy gave her a sad look. He hated when she thought of herself that way. That was not who she was.
“Anyway,” Raven continued, “it felt nice to find my cousins and for them to see me as their favorite hero.”
She waited for him to tell her how childish and petty that was, how selfish she was to be hiding her whole family for the sake of being a kid’s favorite. But she heard none of that.
“Then I have to tell them about all the times you saved our asses.”
“What?” Raven gave him a confused look.
“Come on.” He took her hand and went to the kids as they just left the big wheel a little dizzy. “Who wants ice cream?” he asked.
Once they got their ice cream –strawberry for Beast Boy and Erica, chocolate for James and blueberry for Raven – Beast Boy proceeded to tell the kids every time Raven saved the team. He started to sound like a bigger fan than the kids were.
Every time he finished one the kids would turned amazed at Raven and ask to confirm Beast Boy’s story.
They seemed to forget all about the games they were first excited about. Her aunt called to check on them and agreed to pick them up at the fair later on.
Erica noticed a costumes tent that offered face painting as well and asked if they could get one.
“What costume do you want?” Raven asked.
“Yours! ” cheered Erica.
“Me too!” followed James.
Raven was shocked. She thought at least James would want to dress as the changeling or maybe Robin.
Both of them ran to the tent to look for costumes their sizes.
“I’m gonna go pay for them,” said Beast Boy as he walked after them.
She waited for them until they came out wearing blue cloaks and running around her. “Look Raven, now I’m Raven!”
She smiled at them and then looked up to see Beast Boy grinning at her.
They met her aunt not so long after. “I left one Raven only to come back to find two more!”
The kids ran to hug their mother. “We’re helping Raven save the city!”
“Hey, I’m Beast Boy.” The changeling offered his hand.
“Hi, I’m Selena, Raven’s aunt, ” Her aunt replied as she shook his hand. “Raven talks a lot about you!”
“Really?” Beast Boy glanced at Raven to find her face flushed.
“Aunt Selena, aren’t you late for your subway?” Raven reminded her.
“Right, right, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Thanks for watching the kids! And it nice to meet you, Beast Boy.”
Beast Boy couldn’t miss the opportunity to tease her once her aunt left. “You told your aunt about me?”
“You’re a superhero. She already knows about you.”
“Yeah but it’s not the same as from you.”
She tried to stop herself from hitting him because of the stupid grin he was giving her but he was making it very hard.
Suddenly, Raven felt something funny on her nose. She touched it to find her nose a little wet. Then again on her cheek. She looked up to realize it was raining.
She expected Beast Boy to complain, or say he was right. Instead he said, “Want to go on the big wheel? I saved us tickets.”
“You don’t want to go home? It’s raining.”
“No, I don’t mind.”
The ride was quiet at first but then Raven spoke. “Thank you, for today. I admit, I wouldn’t have made it without you. It was... Fun.”
Beast Boy only smiled.
On their wedding night, during one of the many danced they shared as husband and wife, Beast Boy reminded her of the day they spent with her cousins who were now older but still as excited to see their older cousin married. "When we went to get the costumes they asked me to marry you and I promised them, I would.” Beast Boy told her.
“I guess we make great part-rents together.” He moved his hand closer to hers, gently squeezing it, hoping she wouldn’t take it away. She didn’t.
“So you’re saying you’re with me only because you promised my cousins you would marry me?”
She laughed at his attempt at mashing partners and parents together. Then with a thought to his second statement she replied softly, “I guess we do.”
Beast Boy leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead as they swayed to the soft music. “I always knew I’d be with you. After that day I only wanted you more.”
nb: if you liked this check my poolside fic for day 2
also my friend's fic for into the woods for day 3
(@bbraeweek21 )
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
The Long Game
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Request by Anon:  Nestor Oceteva with the fluff sections prompts 30: I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, 40: Why are you so scared of loving and 49: You’re the only thing that matters?
Warnings: language, fluff so sweet it’ll make your teeth hurt
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: So to balance out the angsty request, we have a nice fluffy one too. I had a lot of fun writing this. I just really like the idea of super sweet Nestor
General Mayans Taglist: @mayans-sauce ​ @thesandbeneathmytoes ​ @paintballkid711 ​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl ​ @queenbeered ​ @sillygoose6969 ​ @sesamepancakes ​ @yourwonkywriter ​ @chibsytelford ​ @gemini0410 ​ @multiyfandomgirl40 ​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead ​ @plentyoffandoms ​ @georgiaaintnopeach ​ @twistnet ​ @garbinge ​ @amandinesblogofstuff ​ @bucky-iss-bae ​
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Nestor loomed over your shoulder, watching as you folded ingredients together in a giant mixing bowl. You bit back a laugh as he watched you intently. You hadn’t been expecting him to stop in, not that you minded. But the unannounced visit meant that he was going to have to deal with the fact that you were wrapped up in other things before he arrived. He didn’t seem to mind, though, as he wandered around your kitchen with you.
“Who are you making all of these for?” he asked with a slightly confused look on his face.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. I’ll bring some to work. You can take some home with you if you want,” you laughed when you turned to look at him, “I just felt like baking this weekend.”
“Can I help?”
You shook your head, “No way.”
He looked a little offended but you could see that he was trying not to smile, “Why not? I’m a good cook.”
You nodded, “I know you are. But you’re a terrible baker. Remember when you tried to help me with the pie for my sister?”
He laughed, and you tried to pretend that it didn’t make your heart jump inside your chest, “But these are cookies. Totally different, right?”
You smiled, shaking your head slightly, “You can help by being my taste-tester when the first batch is done. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like you’re trying not to be patronizing but you still are,” he chuckled.
You laughed and handed him the spatula that you had been using, “You can lick this clean while you sulk about it.”
Something flashed across his face for a moment that you couldn’t quite read. But before you could think about it too much, he snatched the spatula from you with a small smile, “Fine. But it won’t stop me from bothering you.”
You didn’t expect that it would. And, realistically, the last thing you would ever consider Nestor to be was a bother. You liked when he stopped in, even though as you both grew up and got wrapped up in your own lives it happened less and less frequently. He’d been your best friend for as long as you could remember, and the two of you had always balanced each other out. Nestor had always been a little quieter, keeping a lot of his thoughts and feelings to himself most of the time. You were good for him in that way, being open and honest enough to draw things out of him. He was good for you, too. Everything about Nestor made you feel safe. That sense of safety happened long before he became the man that was in your apartment that day—even as children you knew that he had your back and that hadn’t changed.
And as you both got older and he got involved with Galindo and everything that that entailed, you’d remained a safe place to go and rest. Your apartment was a place where he could recharge and he just got to be Nestor, and not the head of security for a cartel leader. You didn’t talk about work unless he brought it up, and he didn’t bring it up often. Despite the fact that his life had continued to get more dangerous, you never felt like it would ever get back to you. Something about the way he spoke and carried himself assured you of that despite the fact that he never verbally said it. You trusted that if things were too dicey, he wouldn’t bring it to your front door.
So, the two of you maneuvered around your tiny kitchen together. He was leaning against the counter, watching as you flitted around, spatula still between his fingers. He’d set the timer for you but other than that he let you do whatever it was you had to do to keep the kitchen from burning down. Every now and then your shoulder would brush and push against his and you pretended that you didn’t notice, that it didn’t make your face feel hot for a few moments each time.
The timer went off and you grabbed a pair of oven mitts. You carefully pulled the tray out of the oven, allowing Nestor to shut it for you as you carried the hot tray over to the table to cool.
“Can you put that tray in for me and start the timer again?”
He nodded, tossing the spatula into the sink before doing what you asked, “So I do get to help.”
You chuckled as you walked back over, “Baby steps. I might make a baker out of you yet.”
All that was left to do was wait. You were waiting for one tray to cool so you could empty it just to fill it up again, and you were waiting for the timer to go off for the tray that was currently in the oven. You and Nestor were each leaning on a separate stretch of counter, kitty-corner to each other. You wiped your hands off on your jeans, pretending not to notice the way that he was staring at you as you did.
“So is this how you spend your weekends now?” he asked with a quiet chuckle.
You smiled, “It’s been a while. Listen, I know it’s not quite as exciting as whatever you spend all your time doing, but it suits me just fine.”
“I’m not making fun of you,” he saw the disbelieving look on your face and he laughed, nudging your foot lightly with his own, “I swear! This is nice.”
“Mhm,” you smiled at him, leaving it at that.
You walked over to the table and started carefully scooping cookies off of the tray and onto a plate so they could completely finish cooling. When the tray was empty, you looked up and saw Nestor watching you, a calm radiating from his facial expression and body language.
“Wanna try one?” you asked.
He nodded, walking over. You smiled as you held one out for him. You expected him to take it from your hand into his own, but instead he just leaned and bit into while you were still holding it. You laughed, smile stretching from ear to ear as butterflies erupted in your stomach.
He gave a nod of approval, “Those are good.”
“Well here,” you fed him the rest of the cookie, “you gotta finish it now.”
You both laughed and without thinking you reached up and brushed the crumbs clinging to the stubble on his face. It didn’t hit you until it was too late how close you were standing, the weight of the gentle gesture clearly not lost on either of you as you took in the look in Nestor’s eyes. Before you could make it any worse you cleared your throat, scooping up the now-empty tray and heading back over to the counter to put more dough onto it.
Nestor materialized behind you, and you were hyper-aware of how close he was standing to you. “Can I help with this part?” there was a lightness to his voice that you found reassuring.
You let out an exaggerated sigh, “I suppose,” it got him to laugh and he playfully nudged your shoulder. You smiled, “They all gotta be the same size though, alright?”
He nodded, a small smirk tugging at his lips, “I think I can handle that.”
You hopped up onto the counter so you could watch him. You swung your legs as you watched the concentration on his face and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. He was so methodical, clearly taking his baking lesson very seriously.
You bit back a laugh, “Domesticity doesn’t look half bad on you, Nes.”
He flicked his eyes up to you for a moment, a smile passing over his face for a brief moment before returning to the task at hand, “Oh really?”
You nod, “Really. One of these days, when you find someone who makes you wanna settle down, you’ll be able to do it. I can tell.”
“Just from watching me scoop cookie dough?” he laughed but didn’t lift his eyes from the tray in front of him.
“Just from knowing you for so long. I can’t believe you haven’t put a ring on some girl yet anyway.”
He smiled at you, setting his tray off to the side, “And I can’t believe you haven’t domesticated some guy yet.”
You laughed, “What do you think I’ve been doing with you this whole time?”
You said it as a joke, but there was a lot of truth to it. Not that you were trying to change Nestor into someone that he wasn’t, but that there was a part of you that was always holding out. There was something in the back of your mind that was always waiting for it to be you and Nestor in the end. It was a long shot—you knew his life and that he might never be able to settle down, but you still hoped. You tried not to put your life on hold for it, but days like this made you realize that there wasn’t another person you wanted to spend this kind of time with. You didn’t know if there ever would be.
He chuckled, “Really playing the long game, huh?”
You nudged his leg with your foot, “Is it not working? You think that a couple years ago you would’ve spent one of your very few days off in some girl’s apartment watching her bake cookies?”
He smiled, but you could see that there was something else lingering in his expression, “Maybe not.”
“See? I’ve got you ready for whatever girl reels you in,” your tone was light but you didn’t really want to think about him being with someone else.
“You’ve got some high hopes for me,” his smile was soft.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He laughed, but there was a touch of hollowness to it, “You know me better than anyone—you know exactly why you shouldn’t have such high hopes for me.”
You shook your head, “Stop, don’t be like that,” you knew it was a bit of a touchy topic for him, but what was the point in being someone’s best friend if you weren’t going to call them out on their shit, “Why do you always sell yourself so short, hm? Why are you so scared of loving?”
“I’m not scared, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes, “Right. Because Big Bad Nestor Oceteva isn’t scared of anything,” it broke the tension and got you both to laugh, “But I mean it, you know—don’t sell yourself short. You’re gonna make some girl real happy one day.”
He started to say something else when the sound of the timer cut through your conversation. He pressed his lips together, stepping out of your way so you could take the tray out. Your back was to him but you could hear him setting the next tray into the oven and starting the time over again.
When you turned around to walk back into the kitchen, you nearly bumped into Nestor who was already right behind you. You laughed, ignoring the heat taking over your cheeks, “Sneaky.”
He chuckled, “It’s a job requirement,” he paused, eyes desperately searching yours as he tried to piece together his next sentence, “You really think that I could have this with someone?” he gestured around your apartment.
You nodded as you made your way back to the kitchen, Nestor close behind, “Why wouldn’t you?”
“You know my life. It just feels stupid to even think about all of that when I do what I do for a living.”
You gently rested your hand against his chest, “It’s not stupid. You’re going to find someone who understands and accepts all of that. Someone who is…you know…patient,” you smiled.
“Someone like you?”
You didn’t think that three words could knock the wind out of you so effectively, but they did. You laughed, unable to meet his eyes, “Nes, c’mon, don’t joke—”
“I’m not joking,” he stepped closer, looking down at you intently. Every word you wanted to say got caught in your throat, so Nestor continued, “You’re my best friend. And, you’re right, I am scared. Or at least, I usually am. But when I’m here, with you, I’m not. Being here with you is like stepping into an entirely different world, one where you’re the only thing that matters. I love it, and I miss it the second I leave.”
It was everything you wanted to hear and yet you had a hard time believing it, “Where is all of this coming from?”
“Because, as usual, you’re right,” he smiled as he reached forward, wiping a small streak of flour off your forehead, “a few years ago I wouldn’t be doing any of this. And, honestly, if it wasn’t you, I still wouldn’t be doing it. But it is you,” his hand rested lightly on your cheek, “and you feel like home. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, and it feels like a waste of time to keep pretending like I haven’t been.”
There were so many things that you wanted to say, but you couldn’t force yourself to speak. All the words were caught in a lump at the back of your throat. You could feel happy tears starting to gather in your eyes as you rested your hand over his. Knowing that there were no words you could think of that would accurately explain how you felt, you pulled him down into a kiss.
You could feel that it caught him by surprise, but he quickly recovered and leaned down into you. Both his hands rested on the back of your neck, pulling you up into him. You smiled into your kiss, arms easily wrapping around him as you soaked up every moment of his lips being pressed against yours.
The moment wasn’t long enough, cut short by the sound of the timer buzzing on the counter. You pulled away slightly, unable to stop the quiet laugh from escaping past your lips as Nestor rested his forehead against yours.
“Dammit,” you finally were able to make yourself speak, a tinge of humor in your voice.
Nestor chuckled as he reached over and turned the timer off, “Timing is everything, huh?”
You laughed, but the intensity of everything that had just happened didn’t slip from your mind. You looked over at him, “I love you.”
His eyes widened at hearing you say it like that for the first time. A small smile crossed his face, “I love you too,” he pressed a quick, soft kiss to your lips, “Don’t let the cookies burn.”
“Shit, right, right,” you laughed as you shook your head, trying to get all of your thoughts back in order.
You felt his eyes on you as you shuffled around the kitchen, thankful that everything was second nature for you at this point because there were a million thoughts running through your head and none of them had to do with the task at hand. You heard his light footsteps as he walked up behind you, and the wave of warmth that washed over you as he lightly draped his arms around your waist was unlike anything else you’d ever felt. He rested his chin down onto your shoulder, watching you get everything in order.
“Better take notes,” you said with a laugh, “Now you’re definitely going to have to help next time.”
He laughed, pressing a light kiss into your shoulder, “Oh, so this is what it took?”
You smile, nodding, “You’re leveling up now, Nestor. You think you’re ready?”
He smiled, “I guess we’ll find out.”
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hnderyx · 3 years
Uh may i request YangYang and thigh riding n pet play?
Kitten - Yangyang (Smut)
Yangyang x fem!reader
Includes: thigh riding, pet play, oral on both male and female, typical smut things y'know. Nothing scary.
Please don't read if you're under 18! 🚫 I'm not tryna get sued.
I hope this is alright for you, anon. I tried my best & it's my first smut I've ever posted! Please enjoy.
Yangyang had invited you over for some time together. What you had expected and what you were currently doing were two totally different things.
Sitting and watching your boyfriend game with the other NCT members was not something you really wanted to do on a Friday night. Yet here you were, scrolling through Tumblr and reading smuts about the man in front of you, in hopes that it’d soothe your feeling of neglect. Of course, it only added to the want to have your lover between your legs. The dull ache was proving to be quite the annoyance.
“Yangyang, did you really invite me over just to have me watch you play Overwatch? I thought we were going to cuddle and watch Netflix or something.” His eyes continued to be glued to the screen. You could hear the muffled voices of his group members from the headphones over his ears. “Yangyang..?” You kicked the arm rest of his computer chair. He glanced at you momentarily before muting his mic and removing one of the cups over his ear.
“You alright, y/n?”
“I’d be more alright if you’d pay attention to me. I’ve been here for two hours and you’ve had your eyes focused on your monitor for the whole time. I even brought a gift for you, baby~”
“Just let me do a few more games, y/n. I need to get to Master rank. I’m so close, please.” He turned back to the game and put his headphone cup back over his ear again before clicking the back of it, unmuting the microphone. A sigh fell from your lips as you got off his bed, nearly fuming.
You were going to get the attention you craved, and you’d use your gift to him to do it, too.
Shuffling through the backpack you had placed next to his bed hours before, you pulled out the gift you had mentioned to Yangyang moments before.
After changing and admiring yourself in the dorm’s bathroom mirror, you snuck back into Yangyang’s room carefully to not have any of the other sets of eyeballs lay on you that may be around the dorm.
When you find yourself back in your boyfriend’s room, you make your way to his bed. The springs squeak as you get on all four. You make your way to the middle of the bed and sit on your heels, pressing your breasts together as you call Yangyang’s name. His eyes go from his monitor, to you. His eyes explore your body. From the white fluffy cat ears sat upon your head, down to the lace collar tied around your neck with a golden bell, and finally down to the pastel purple lace lingerie. He gulps and turns his attention back to the monitor, covering his mic before he speaks,
“You know if you just give me half an hour I’ll be finished here, right? Just half an hour...”
“You know that I can’t wait that long, Master. I need you now. Right now.” You mewled.
A moment of silence passes in the room, the only sound being the clicking of Yangyang’s mechanical keyboard as he manoeuvres his character to complete the objective.
“Alright, Kitten. If you’re this needy, then come ride my thigh as I finish this round. After this, I’ll be all yours. I promise” he says as he pushes himself away from his desk, holding his arms open. You nod and find your way to his lap, positioning yourself upon his thigh. You begin your gentle motions, rocking your hips. Soft sighs of contempt fall past your lips, the feeling of some type of stimulation lighting up your senses.
“Yangyang hyung, what’s that jingling noise?” Jisung’s voice echoes out of his headset and he halts. You smirk to him as you continue your movements against his thigh.
“It’s just.. The cats! Yeah, we got the cats new collars the other day and they have a bell on them! Louis is all over me right now. He’s so fucking needy for attention..”
The chat goes silent before Lucas speaks up.
“We never got the cats new collars. What are you even talking about, Yang?”
“Yes we did, you moron. We got them off Amazon. You just haven’t seen them yet” Ten’s voice booms through the headphones.
Ah, so someone did catch on.
As soon as the winning banner flashes across the screen, Yangyang exits the game and the Discord call. He takes off his headphones, setting them on his desk before grabbing your ass and guiding your hips at a better pace.
“Look at you, Kitten... You’re so desperate for Master aren’t you? You couldn’t even wait a bit for him to finish his game properly.” He growled, landing a firm smack to your ass. You let out a soft moan.
“I couldn’t wait.. I was reading naughty stories about Master and it got me excited for him..” You rested your head against his shoulder, face flush from embarrassment. “I was fantasizing about him and I feeling good together...”
“Hm, tell me what you read, Kitten. Tell me what you thought about” You sat upright, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He reached up and played with the golden bell that hung off your collar, scanning your facial features. “Well, go on. Tell Master.”
“I read something about having sex with you while the members were home... they could hear how good you made me feel.” He hummed and gently grabbed your chin with his thumb and forefinger, guiding his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. He forced his tongue into your mouth, licking along your tongue. He tasted like mint. His spit was sweet, his tongue warm. Coupled with the movements of your hips against his thigh, you felt the dull burning feeling blossom in your lower stomach. Your mind grew to only focus on that feeling getting stronger and stronger. The kiss grew hungrier, sounds of wet kisses echoing throughout the room. Eventually, your orgasm snapped and you moaned into Yangyang’s lips as you came undone, clenching around nothing. He helped ride you through your orgasm, rocking your hips against his thigh gently.
He pulled back and lifted you by your thighs, plopping you down onto his bed. The springs groaned as he placed himself between your legs, supporting himself by placing his hands on either side of your head. Locking his lips yours again, he softly ground his hips down against your core. A moan erupted from your lips, but it was muffled as his tongue found its way around your mouth. Slipping his right hand down to your thigh, he gives it a squeeze before looping his index finger around the waistband of your panties. You lift your ass off the bed as he pulls them down your legs, leaving your core exposed to him.
“We’re leaving that on.. It looks beautiful.” He points to the bra that accentuated your breasts before leaning down and kissing along the ridge of one of the cups. He carefully moves the padded material aside and takes your nipple into his mouth, sweeping his velvety tongue over the erect nub, sending shivers down your spine. He nibbled your nipple softly before pulling back with a lewd ‘pop’. The way his eyes seemed to explore your hot and bothered form reduced you to jelly.
Yangyang lifted his hoodie over his head, exposing his lean but nicely built body. A small grin made its way to his mouth as he rubbed the outline of his dick through his skinny jeans.
“Don’t you think you should pay Master back for distracting him from his game? You made him disrespect his members, Kitten..” He unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans, along with his boxers, down his legs. He took his length into his hands, pumping it a few times.
“Take Master’s dick down your throat, Kitten.” You positioned yourself, your head dangling off the edge of the bed as he aligned the tip of his dick with your mouth. “Tap my thigh three times if it’s too much. I’ll stop immediately, alright?” You nodded, mumbling a soft ‘yes’.
He pushed his dick into your mouth, slowly. You gagged as he pushed himself in to the hilt, before pulling back and repeating the movement. He started to pick up speed, your attempts at moans only urging him to fuck your mouth faster. Thick spit from the back of your throat coated his length and made its way to your lips, some dripping down your cheeks. Your hand snaked down your body and made its way to your clit, rubbing gentle circles into it. Every thrust that he did into your mouth and every gag you produced just aroused you further, the lewd sounds filled the room.
Yangyang’s thrusts became faster, more inconsistent. You knew he was getting close, and you were preparing yourself to take everything that his dick offered you until he pulled out of your mouth. Chest heaving, you looked up at him with hooded eyes.
“I don’t want to finish yet. Get on the bed properly and spread your legs for me, Kitten” You did as you were told as he positioned himself between your legs, face centimetres away from your heat. He moved his hips, grinding into the bed as he spread you open for him. He licked a stripe up your heat before returning his tongue to your entrance and tracing a circle around it, he let out of a soft groan. It wasn’t new to you that your taste sent Yangyang’s taste buds to heaven. He busied himself with his face buried into your pussy, switching between quick licks at your clit with his fingers stimulating your g-spot and tongue fucking you as his fingers swiped over your clit. Loud and desperate moans left your mouth as you knotted your fingers into his hair. He knew your body like the back of his hand, and it was painfully obvious. Looking down at the erotic sight of him pleasuring you, you felt that familiar dull feeling building in your lower stomach and tightened your grip on his midnight locks.
“Master, I’m gonna cum.. Please make me cum.” You whispered, his eyes flicked to meet yours as his tongue slipped out of your heat.
“Cum for me, pretty Kitty” he purred before slipping his long digits into you again, massaging your sensitive walls. His mouth pressed itself around your clit, tongue licking painfully pleasurable circles around your bundle of nerves. Throwing your head back, you let out a nearly painfully loud moan, your contractions squeezing his fingers in a pattern that Yangyang adored feeling. He helped you through your orgasm, manoeuvring his fingers in and out of your heat.
“What a good girl... Cumming hard on Master’s fingers. You’re absolutely precious.” He removed the fingers that were coated in your juices and brought them up to his lips, licking the fluids off of them. Colour found its way to your cheeks. As much as you’ve seen this sight, it still renders you a blushing mess. “Now, it’s time to breed my Kitten, isn’t it? She wants me to cum in her tight pussy, doesn’t she?” You nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.
He lined himself up with your soaking entrance, pressing a kiss onto your lips as he pushed himself into you. A pathetic moan fell from your lips, only to be eaten up by his mouth A few moments passed as he slid his tongue into your mouth, tasting yours in a kiss that made both your bodies yearn for more. He began to rock his hips against yours, biting onto your lip. You both groan into each other’s mouths as the pleasure sparks through your bodies. The pace of Yangyang’s movements start out slow. His speed picks up as you let out soft meows in place of moans. His hips begin to snap against yours at a rough, erratic pace. Yangyang pulls back from your lips and grabs your legs, placing them over his shoulders to reach places inside you that has your vision hazy. His name flies out of your mouth repeatedly, in a near scream.
His eyes seem to devour your form in front of him. The way your bra pushes your breasts together, the way your face twists in pleasure with every thrust, how your plush lips move whenever you moan his name, all the way down to how nice your beautiful pussy takes his dick. You were truly beautiful. As his thrusts continued, he felt his orgasm building up.
He moulded his lips against yours before mumbling against them, “Master’s going to cum, Kitten. He’s going to fill you up so nicely..”
“P-Please, cum inside me, Master. I need it...” You whisper, reaching for Yangyang’s hand. He threaded his fingers with yours, giving your palm a soft squeeze. His thrusts become messy and uneven as he moans your name, hips thrusting shallowly against yours as he empties himself into you. You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his muscles tensing and releasing. Gentle ‘I love you’s are exchanged as he pulls himself out of you. You gasp as you feel his seed run out of you and onto his bedsheets. It’s pleasurably warm and sends goosebumps all over your body. He reaches for his discarded t-shirt and cleans you up, before handing you an oversized sweater and a pair of basketball shorts from his wardrobe. You unclip your bra and remove the cat ears, placing them in your bag before slipping into the clothing that Yangyang had handed you. He slips on his jeans again, buckling his belt. “You thirsty?” He ask as he grabs a shirt from his wardrobe, pulling it on.
“Yeah, just a little..” You reach for his hand as he guides you out of his room and into the shared kitchen of the dorm. Eyes from the living room and some sitting around the dining table all look at you two, before someone speaks up.
“I didn’t know we had three cats” Ten chuckles, taking a sip of his Americano. Both Yangyang and your faces light a deep shade of red. “You may want to take that off, by the way, y/n..” he motions to something around his neck, It finally clicks to you and your hands fly up around your neck to feel the lace collar still decorating it. You quickly untie it before shoving it into the kangaroo pouch of your hoodie.
“We have three cats? Since when?” Asks Lucas, oblivious to what the sentence really meant.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Sugar and Spice [Max Lord x F!Reader] — Chapter 12
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo… a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter: food mention, tooth rotting fluff. Our story comes full circle.
Author’s note: Here it is. The final chapter of Sugar and Spice. The Epilogue should be coming soon. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did, and I'd like to thank you all for supporting me and my writing. This was my first ever series and the love I got for it was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I love you all so much. (PS— i’m still sick with COVID so I am really really sorry if this is a poor chapter. I tried my hardest. Happy valentines day.)
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The second Maxwell engulfed himself amongst the soft satin blankets of his bed, he knew he was glad to be home. You climbed in beside him, and his eyes raked your body as he took in the sight of your baby pink slip on silk nightgown that you were wearing. He swallowed, and reached over to grab your waist and pull you on top of him. So there you were, straddling your sugar daddy after not seeing him for over a month. You pressed your palms against his bare chest and looked him in the eyes.
"There's something I need to tell you." Maxwell announced, knowing it had to be now or never. He couldn't keep hiding it. After the month in London and Alistair being brought back into his life, a lot had changed for him. He wasn't the same man he was back in December.
"About Ali?" you asked, tracing circles into his skin.
"Well, yeah. But— something else." Maxwell replied, shuffling around slightly. You sensed it was serious due to his tone of voice and your movements paused as you stared dead into his eyes.
"You don't have another secret child, do you?" you deadpanned.
"No!" Maxwell said defensively and you smiled softly. "It's about us."
You braced yourself. He'd been gone for a month, come back with a kid, and you were certain he was going to break the arrangement off with you. You pulled your hands off him and went to crawl off his lap, but his large hands landed on your thighs to hold you down.
"That night after the annual Black Gold Christmas gala… I saw you with Bruce and I got drunk and— my mom— and… I told you… I told you everything. About my father and having absent parents and. I said— I said— I said I was in love with you," Maxwell gulped and it took him every ounce of strength to not break his eye contact with you. He wanted to remain strong. You remembered the night like it was yesterday; clear as day. Of course, how could you forget the moment he said those words? And he hadn't spoken of it since, until now. Between you being held hostage by Tristan and Maxwell being whisked away to London, there'd hardly been an appropriate time to bring it up. "I swore that once I returned from the UK we would talk about this. So, Y/N, I have to tell you that my feelings haven't changed. It's been months, we've been together and apart. We've argued and fought but we've laughed and made love too. We've had distance— hell, I've been on the other side of the world for the past month but not a second has gone by where I haven't thought about you. About loving you, and kissing you, and even if you don't feel the same way, I hope you can forgive me."
"Forgive you?" You asked after a brief silence. You'd been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to hear these words, and yet you were struggling to comprehend them. It didn't feel real.
"For not doing anything or saying anything sooner. I should've said something sooner. I wish I had. I wish… I wish…" Maxwell rambled but you placed a finger to his lips, silencing him.
"No," you told him sternly. "No wishing. You don't need to make a wish because— everything is fine just the way it is," Maxwell's heart sank at your words and you watched as his chest deflated. "No!" you cried before trying to clarify. You didn't want him to get the wrong idea. "You have a successful business, and a son, and Max, you have me. You'll always have me. Because I love you too. I'm in love with you Maxwell Lord."
Max's chocolate coloured eyes widened at your confession as disbelief bolted through his body. Never in a million years would Maxwell expect that you would truly love him back. How could he expect anyone to love a man like him? Kitty hadn't. His mother hadn't. But you…
"I love you so much Max," you sighed before pressing a kiss into his lips. You caught a tear slip down his cheek and you quickly wiped it away. "Don't ever apologise for being you. Our story has been a whirlwind so far but it's not over. It's not over Max. I love you."
"I love you too." he whispered, wrapping his arms tight around your body when you kissed him again.
By the time Valentines Day rolled around, you swore it was like Maxwell and Alistair had never spent any time apart. The six year old boy was the spitting double of his father— personality and all.
He dived into your bed and jumped up and down.
"I got a card! Look daddy! I got a card!" Alistair beamed. Maxwell groaned and rolled over, holding a pillow over his head. You smiled tiredly and pulled the little boy into your arms.
"Good morning Ali, where did you get that?" you asked.
"It was on the kitchen table! Look mama, it's for me!" He squealed, pointing at the name that was inked in perfect calligraphy. Your perfect calligraphy. Your heart melted slightly at the little name he'd given you. "Mama". You figured it was something Maxwell had pushed, but he swore he hadn't, and that Alistair had decided that you'd be his mama from now on anyway. Kitty was out of the picture for good now, and you were nicer to him in the past two weeks than Kitty had been to him his whole life. That was the sad truth.
"Oh, so it is." you giggled, pressing a kiss into Alistair's forehead. You rolled over slightly and pat the middle of the bed, gesturing for Alistair to come and lay down in between you and his father.
"I only ever get cards like this on my birthday and Christmas. And today is neither of those days." Alistair pondered out loud, tapping his index finger against his chin as he thought. Just like his daddy.
"Do you know what day it is, Ali?" you beckoned.
You realised Maxwell must've finally woken himself up when his hand reached over to hold yours, his thumb circling your skin. You glanced over to him and saw that his big brown eyes were watching his son.
"It's the only day of the year where I can do this," Maxwell interrupted, pressing his lips against yours and kissing you. His sudden action was enough to take your breath away and Alistair went to make a noise of disgust. But Maxwell pulled away from your lips and placed a hand over his son's mouth. "And you, mister, can't do that!" he chastised, wiggling his finger with a chuckle.
"But daddy, kissing is yucky!" Alistair frowned, sticking his tongue out in dismay. You rolled your eyes, pulled the little boy on top of you and pressed another kiss into his forehead. Since you had a hold of him, Maxwell took the opportunity to tickle Alistair, erupting a scream of laughter. "Dad-daddy! Aaah daddy please!" Alistair laughed, kicking his legs and flailing his arms around.
"Have you worked out what day it is yet?" you asked the little boy once he'd settled back down. A small blush crept upon his cheeks.
"Va-valentines day?" Alistair asked, his voice timid.
"Are you telling me that my son Alistair has a valentine?" Maxwell gasped jokingly and Alistair's grin only grew wider with excitement.
"Can I open it?" Alistair giggled happily.
"Go on!" you laughed, giving him a small nudge.
You and Max both watched intently as Alistair opened the card. Of course, you had purchased the card and wrote it out. But seeing the excitement on Alistair's face when he read ‘love from your secret admirer’ was undefeatable. It was magical, and it filled your heart with so much love and joy. Alistair was new to your life, just as new as he was to Maxwell's, but if one thing was for sure, it was that you loved him just as much as you'd love your own child. And that wasn't lost on Maxwell.
He honestly expected you might have left him. Or grown distant upon learning that he had a son. But once again, you had proven Maxwell Lord IV wrong. You were unlike any other woman he'd ever met, and now that he had the two most important people in his life, he felt like he could accomplish anything. Nothing else mattered anymore. Just you and Alistair.
"My son, only six years old and already has a secret admirer!" Maxwell chuckled, shaking his head and wrapping his arms around Alistair. "But you'll always be my boy, won't you Ali?"
"Yes daddy." Alistair smiled a toothy grin.
"Us Lord men… we always get the ladies." Maxwell told his son, causing you to belly laugh. Maxwell shot you a joking glare and you tried to stifle any more of your giggles.
"On that note," you rolled your eyes and slid out of bed. "How does pancakes for breakfast sound?"
Both Maxwell and his son cheered with joy at the thought of pancakes. You remembered you even had some strawberries and cream left over from the night before which would go well with it. You pulled your silk robe over you and padded to the kitchen.
"Do you remember the plan?" Maxwell whispered quietly once you'd left the room, cradling his son.
"I do." Alistair beamed snuggling into his father's chest. Maxwell smiled a little.
"Tonight, yeah? After dinner." Maxwell reminded his son.
"Do you love her?" Alistair quizzed further, and Max's smile grew even more.
"I do," Max confessed. "More than anything."
"I think she loves you too." Alistair said softly.
"I see the way she looks at you," Alistair mumbled. "Like how Ariel looks at Prince Eric."
"Wh-who?" Max furrowed his eyebrows together and Alistair's jaw dropped slightly.
"Okay daddy. We're all watching The Little Mermaid after dinner." Alistair decided in that moment, his tone of voice leaving no room for question.
Maxwell quirked an eyebrow. "Really? And who put you in charge?"
"I'm a Lord," Alistair said proudly. "Besides, someone has to watch over you two lovebirds. Make sure you don't get yourself in trouble."
Maxwell couldn't believe the six year old boy. Alistair was definitely Maxwell's son, that's for sure.
Just as you were finishing up frying the last pancake, the kitchen phone began to ring. You answered it, surprised to hear the voice of your lawyer— or more accurately, Maxwell's lawyer. You had been using him to defend yourself on the case between you and Tristan. He had told you that Tristan was going to be locked away for a very long time, and that you'd won the case. A wash of relief flooded over you, and finally, things were beginning to look up for you and your little family.
You called down Alistair and Maxwell once breakfast was ready, and you served the heart shaped pancakes at the table. Maxwell came down a few minutes later than Alistair and he was holding on envelope. When he sat down opposite you, he passed you the envelope with a smug grin on his face.
"What's this?" you asked curiously, and Maxwell shrugged his shoulders casually as he sipped on his black coffee. He hadn't stopped smirking though. "Maxie, we agreed on no gifts this year?" you sighed, already feeling bad for not getting him anything.
"Baby, it's not exactly a gift. I mean, it's something for both of us. Something that's important to you and well… just open it, please." he urged.
You hesitated, exchanging a glance between Max and Alistair (who was already neck deep in pancakes), before sighing and opening the envelope. Inside was a letter from a retail agent? As you read the letter, your heart began to slam against your chest. No way.
"Max… you bought my old apartment building? The whole building?" you gasped, slamming your hand over your mouth in disbelief. "You bought it in both of our names?"
"Because I knew how much it meant to you. And how much your neighbours meant to you. They were all mistreated by Tristan, and that isn't okay. I bought the property from the council so we're the rightful owners now. And we won't overcharge rent like Tristan did. We don't need to. We'll refurbish the whole place. We'll give the families who live there a safe place that they can call home, and they won't have to worry about any abuse from Tristan, or their utilities falling apart, or bills… it'll be wonderful."
"Maxwell I- I don't know what to say I…" you were utterly speechless, tears filling your eyes. Obviously this was going to cost him a lot of money and a lot to upkeep, but for the first time, it felt like it wasn't even about money. It was a grand gesture, sure, but it was also the most thoughtful and unexpected thing he'd ever done for you.
"I love you." Max revelled and you smiled.
"I love you too." you replied, leaning over the table and pressing a kiss into his lips. You glanced back down at the letter, admiring the way your surname and Max's surname looked together on the sheet of paper.
At the start of December you didn't even own a car. You couldn't even pay rent. Now you were living in a suburban manor with your perfect little family. Amongst a little bit of sugar and a little bit of spice, you had found love, meaning and purpose. You'd found your soulmate.
Just as you thought your life was good and couldn't get any better, you didn't realise what Maxwell Lord had in store for you this evening. Your whole world was about to change.
Sugar and Spice taglist: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-wayson @this-cat-is-dea @blonde2bomshell @maiyaaaa0130 @autumnleaves1991-blog @justanotherblonde23 @softly-sad @laaadygisbooornex3 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @drinkingwhileblogging @kesskirata @honestlystop ​ @promiscuoussatan
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @martellthemandalor
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kittyprincessofcats · 3 years
She-Ra S5 E08 - Shot in the Dark
There might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post!
I absolutely LOVE this episode, and at first, I couldn’t really put my finger on why I liked it that much. And then Noelle tweeted this:
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And yeah, that’s what it boils down to. This is the first *happy* Catra episode since... basically since “Once Upon a Time in the Waste” - and back then, the happiness didn’t last long.
(I also just think that story of AJ being so worried about Catra and Noelle reassuring her with every script is so adorable. I love to see how much they all care about these characters.)
Now let’s get into the episode!
- “Why does space hate me so much?” Yeah Glimmer, as I’ve said before, your powers don’t work in space because otherwise things would be way too easy and this show would be over way too quickly.
- “So, your plan is to, what? Ram through an armada of ships?” “No! ...Maybe!” 😂 I love Adora.
- The way Catra’s hands are shaking when she tells Adora they’re going to get caught... oh, baby 😢. And how Adora suddenly looks so worried... gosh, these two.
- Catra and Adora playfully arguing over whether or not Catra ‘defeated’ them in the past is so cute. I love this kind of ‘former enemies’ bickering and it’s why I was so glad they didn’t wait until the very end of the show to redeem Catra.
Bow: “Adora, Catra’s right.”
[Everyone’s eyes go wide.]
Bow: ... “That felt weird to say.”
😂 Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Bring on all the ‘former enemies’ bickering, please!
- So, is this just because Wrong Hordak’s “brains were scrambled”, as Bow put it, or do all the clones randomly blurt out that Horde Prime has a weakness whenever they hear someone ask about it? I’m going to assume it’s the former. Also, the way he keeps blurting out more and then denying that Krytis exists is super funny.
- I like how they set Krytis up before with Catra having visions of it back in Taking Control - still pretty convenient that just hearing the name lets her make the connection, but I’ll take it. (Is it meant to be some lingering effect of being connected to the hivemind that she’s having visions of it again now, or is it just her remembering what she saw before?)
- I love the detail that Darla’s information on Krytis is locked and they need administrator clearance to access it. Shows again that the First Ones aren’t that different from Horde Prime - they were also ashamed of their failure to conquer Krytis and tried to hide the information on it.
- “In- In- In- Incorrect. It is located nowhere, because it does not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed it.” I honestly think this line should be a meme. When you want to hide something from someone (but you know it does exist), just quote that exact line (kind of like “There is no war in Ba Sing Se”). I once said it to my sisters when they asked about certain fanfics I wrote as a teenager. (“Nope, they are located nowhere, because they do not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed them.”)
- Changes in the opening: Micah, Spinnerella, Scorpia and Mermista are now standing mind-controlled around the Heart of Etheria in the villains’ shot. They’re also all missing from the final heroes’ card. In that final shot, Perfuma and Sea-Hawk both look sad now, and Netossa looks angry.
- Catra touching her neck when she sees the spire on Krytis... 😢. I’m here for the angst, but I also just need Catra to get lots of love and comfort after everything she’s been through.
- Can we talk about how absolutely ADORABLE her space suit is, though? Bow is absolutely right to coo over those ears. And when she tries to take it off with her foot? And Adora laughs about it? And Catra smiles when she sees her laugh? ❤️❤️❤️
- Wrong Hordak still denying that Krytis exists while currently being on Krytis is absolutely hilarious to me. It reminds me of flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers, or people who try to deny Covid exists (while others are currently dying from Covid) - not that any of those are funny, of course. I just mean that wrong Hordak nicely demonstrates how ridiculous they can sound.
- Catra calling out the Best Friend Squad on how dumb their plan is and then reacting with “Honestly, what did I expect?” is absolutely iconic. They really were missing her as the team’s braincell all along.
- Bow and Glimmer teasing Catra about her “first mission”, Catra grumbling that she’s going to kill Adora’s friends, Adora responding with a really calm “Please don’t” - everything about this is perfect. 🤣
- Also, small detail, but I love how Catra has a hard time walking in her spacesuit because she’s not used to wearing shoes.
- The remaining rebels looking around the destroyed camp is really sad. Frosta immediately trapping Castaspella in ice and checking her neck is great, though. That’s what they should have been doing all along. Why didn’t they also check Shadow Weaver’s neck, though? I know she’s intimidating and all, but there was no way of knowing if she’s chipped.
- “How did the rebellion lose so many of our finest members and yet we’re still stuck with you?” Castaspella’s asking the real questions! I like how literally no one in the rebellion likes Shadow Weaver. (Though honestly, I’m also glad she’s not chipped. Imagine how hard fighting a chipped Shadow Weaver would have been.)
- “But if you try anything, I won’t hesitate to strike you down.” Castaspella said ‘I won’t hesitate, b*tch!’
- Every single part of Wrong Hordak’s existential crisis (and Entrapta’s handling of it) is absolutely hilarious. I’m not going to quote all of it here, but pretty much every line of it is comedy gold. My favourite moment is probably “It seems Wrong Hordak has begun to question the meaning of life” (and everyone’s annoyed expressions at his crying) 😂😂. (On a more serious note, though: As much as it’s played for laughs, Wrong Hordak turning his entire worldview around in such a short amount of time is also pretty epic.)
- Catra just cutting through that door - damn, she’s strong! And I love Adora’s blush! (Yeah, the door was probably just an illusion, but my point still stands. She’s at least strong enough that it doesn’t seem completely weird that she'd be able to just cut through a door like that.)
- “You have an arrow that turns into a magnifying glass? I can’t believe we were losing to you guys.” 🤣🤣 Catra realizing the people she was fighting are actually idiots will never not be funny.
- It goes hand in hand with Bow realizing Catra is actually a cute kitty with an adorable sneeze. Good stuff. And the way her tail gets fluffy when she insists she’s not cute? D’awww. (Bow saying “The angrier you get, the cuter you are” reminded me of that scene in Steven Universe where Peridot loses her limb-enhances at the beginning of her redemption arc and Steven calls her cute and “an angry little slice of pie”.)
- Castaspella’s cape getting stuck in tree branches and the like is pretty funny, ngl. This is why Edna Mode said “No capes”.
- Shadow Weaver saying that her gifts are “far subtler” than mind-control is very fitting. Her thing is manipulation, after all. She doesn’t need to control people’s minds when she can just manipulate them and raise them in a way that’ll make them do what she wants. It’s scarier than mind-control in a way because it’s far more realistic. Mind-control doesn’t exist in real life, but manipulative parents (or just manipulative people) who will mess someone up emotionally? Very realistic.
- I like that you can tell that something’s off about Entrapta’s voice this time if you pay attention to it.
- “Seriously? How have you guys stayed alive this long?” Yup, the people you were fighting are idiots and you’re the braincell of the team now, Catra.
- I love the creepy music when Entrapta tells them it’s the first time they’ve talked since the last floor.
- Also, I love how Catra’s first instinct is to just launch herself at Melog, even though you could tell she was terrified just a moment earlier.
- I really like the moment where Glimmer realizes there’s magic on Krytis, especially since she doesn’t have her other powers right now.
- Melog bonds with Catra because they have the same sneeze ❤️❤️
- “Are you... are you petting the thing that’s been trying to kill us?” I love this whole moment 😹. I also love how Adora is so protective of Catra and immediately yells “Get away from her!” when Melog seems to get angry.
Catra: “I’m sorry. I got angry. It’s something I’m working on.”
Adora [with sparkling eyes]: “Aww, you are?”
Catra: “Yes! Now can you please...” [deep breath] “Yes. I am.”
I love everything about this. Catra genuinely working on her anger issues, Adora being so touched about it (remember back in Taking Control where she wished that Catra would ‘at least try’?), Catra having to hold back her anger because she realized Melog responds to emotions - perfect. ❤️😂👍
- Catra is so sweet when she calms Melog down. And the moment where they form their bond is really nice.
- So, can Catra understand Melog because of their bond, or because they’re both cats? I’m assuming it’s because of their bond?
- Melog’s backstory is really sad. But Adora offering to take them to Etheria is a really sweet scene.
- I like the parallel between the Best Friend Squad realizing that magic is Horde Prime’s weakness (and that the only planet he ever failed to conquer had wild magic) and Shadow Weaver telling Castaspella that the First Ones weakened Etheria’s magic and they have to set it free.
- “Stop me if I try to take the power for myself.” I’m not sure how I feel about that line. I like how SPOP has very much written Shadow Weaver as ambiguous so far. She’s not a good or nice person by any means, but is she at least on the side of the good guys and really trying to help now or is she still only after her own selfish goals? I very much did not want Shadow Weaver to get any sort of redemption or forgiveness, and I’ve always interpreted her as still being power-hungry. So, I have mixed feelings about this line. I like that it canonically acknowledges that Shadow Weaver is still tempted by power and might actually try to take the magic for herself, but asking Castaspella to stop her if she tries makes her look more selfless and like she’s taking precautions against it. (But then again, could Castaspella even stop her if she tried? I’m pretty sure Shadow Weaver is the stronger one of the two. So, you could still read this as Shadow Weaver being a master manipulator and only saying this so Castaspella will feel more inclined to trust her and go along with her plan - while knowing full-well that she could easily defeat Castaspella if it ever actually came down to it.)
Glimmer: “So, just to make sure I get it - We’re going to go running through a Horde blockade while relying on the magic of a creature we just met?”
Catra: “That about sums it up, yes.”
You know what this means - Catra’s a part of the Squad now!
- “Punch it, Darla!” I still love that the ship’s name is Darla. Also, all of their expressions when they fly through the blockade should be a “draw the squad” meme.
- Catra holding Adora’s hand and getting embarassed about it ❤️❤️ (while Adora is dumb and doesn’t even notice).
- I did not expect us to get a Glitra cheek kiss this season, but I’m not complaining! Also, Catra complaining while Glimmer and Bow are hugging her is such a cat thing; I love it.
- “We made it. We’re home.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is actually the first episode this season that ends on a happy / hopeful note and not on some kind of cliffhanger. And I really like that. This is where the “space arc” of season 5 offically comes to and end and I’m glad it has its own little happy ending. (And as much as I like the final episodes of the season, the space arc is still probably my favourite half of it.)
I love this episode, mainly because of what it means for Catra. She’s finally happy, she saved the day, she’s bonding with Bow and Glimmer and constantly flirting with Adora, and she has an amazing therapy cat now! I loved all the bickering between her and the others and how she’s starting to open up to them. Also, Wrong Hordak was absolutely hilarious in this episode and I commend Entrapta for having the patience to deal with his existential crisis. This was a really nice way to wrap the space arc up and bring the Squad back to Etheria.
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Perfectly His
Yandere! Pro Hero! Shinsou Hitoshi x Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you’re not 18, leave.
Warnings: Implied kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, really soft and sensual??, D/S dynamic, use of Sir and Kitty/Kitten, the sex itself is pretty vanilla, a little bit of unhealthy co-dependency maybe?
Also, there’s *looks side to side nervously* hand holding *GASP* like...HAND HOLDING? IN THIS HOUSE? I’ll allow it just this once...maybe...
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Hey! I’m alive!! So...I had a wierd ass dream, you know the ones that constantly change scenery and make absolutely no sense? Yeah. And in part of said dream I was on the floor, needy as all hell, looking up at someone (I can’t remember the face lmaooo) and my exact words were “Please fuck me, Daddy”. Yeah, I know. How horny can I get right? Not much context, but I know I felt neglected and forgotten and desperate which is where I got the inspo for this :D I woke up horny as all hell and emotionally distraught. 
The whole Yandere concept gets a bit muddled and lost ‘cause reader’s got an extreme case of stockholm, but whatever, if you don’t like it go cry about it idgaf.
This is kind of  a part 2 to Perfectly Fine
 Anywho, Enjoy~
Hitoshi knew two things this very moment. One, you were absolutely perfect for him since the beginning. Two, he had no doubt in his mind he’d trained you well. 
He’d opened the door to a beautiful sight. There you were on the floor, on your knees, hands on your lap and palms up, displaying a fine crafted deep purple leather collar with a little silver bell on the front. And you were in his favorite piece. A lacy lavender set that hugged every curve perfectly, a frame to hold the jewel that is you. Your eyes were half lidded as you looked up at him, lashes nearly flooded and chest heaving with every breath you took. You looked so wrecked, so needy. All for him.
When he first brought you here, brought you home, you were a shy, timid thing. He could still remember the first time you crawled out of that room, searching for the comfort of his warmth. You were so shy, but so bold. You knew how to ask for what you wanted, for what you needed. After that, it wasn’t hard to tame you, since you were never really wild in the first place. And he liked that. 
He didn’t like easy, no, but you weren’t really quite easy either. You were simple, compliant, but he had to earn your trust. You didn’t just blindly follow his lead, but looked before you leapt. You were cautious, but you weren’t a brat about it. He never had to punish you for anything, nor did he ever want to. You’re perfect to him, and have been from the start. And now, look at you, waiting ever so patiently. You hadn’t spoken, barely even moved for the minute he spent staring down at you after he’d closed and locked the door. 
Finally, he moved, only taking a couple long strides before he was mere inches from you and you strained to look straight up at him. His large palm moved to cup the side of your face, and you nuzzled into it, relishing in the small sweet gesture. You missed this. Missed him. He could feel it, see it in the way you moved, the way you closed your eyes and leaned into him without a sound other than your contented sighs. 
“What is it, Kitten? What do you need?” Your body visibly shuddered at the sound of his voice, a little sigh escaping your lips before you let your eyes flutter open and look at him again. He could see the way your pupils dilated when you peered up at him. “Please, Sir. Fuck me.” He felt his cock jump in his pants. Perfect. Just like he’d trained you, tell him what you need, no beating around the bush, no shying away. 
He knelt down in front of you, his hand still caressing your cheek. You were so needy right now, so raw and vulnerable. He realizes why. He’d been so busy with hero work he hadn’t even touched you in over a month. Whenever he managed to get home you seemed to always be asleep even if it were the middle of the day. Now he knows it’s because you’d try to wait for him, hoping he’d come back sooner, finishing all your duties around the house as you did so.
“I’m sorry, Kitten. I’ve neglected you haven’t I.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, he knew he had. But he’d gotten off early tonight, meaning you were up waiting for him and he finally came home early. You nuzzled into his palm with a small nod and a whimper, the tears you’ve held back beginning to fall. Normally you wouldn’t be so emotional when it came to sex. But you weren’t only sexually frustrated, you were emotionally exhausted as well. 
He hadn’t been home to hold you, to cuddle you or kiss you like he used to. He didn’t come up behind you while you were cooking to pepper kisses down your neck and squeeze your waist. You didn’t get to play with his hair when you were on your back, his arms around your waist and head on your chest as you watched some random movie. You hadn’t been able to touch him in so long, and he could tell you needed him now, for more than just sex.
He grabbed the collar and slipped it around your neck, the gentle graze of his fingers on your skin enough to send fire through your veins. As it clasped he leaned in, slotting his lips against yours softly, sweetly. He could feel your lips quivering, the emotions you’ve been feeling all coming out at once. He broke the kiss all too quickly for your liking, but you held yourself still as he stood, then suddenly scooped you up off the floor. You managed to loop your arms around his neck before he started walking, and only a few paces later you were being set down on the bed.
Wordlessly, Hitoshi stripped you naked, tossing the lacy garments away as he eyed your body up and down. His hands trailed up your skin, squeezing and pinching anything he could grasp. You were a gasping, squirming mess, and even though you kept yourself quiet, he knew how much you needed him. He slipped a finger down between your legs and the mess you’d already made there made him groan. You were dripping for him, when he’d barely even touched you. So perfect.
It wasn’t long before he’d stripped as well, kneeling between your legs and sliding his pretty cock between your slick folds. He’s so pretty, all lean muscle and pale skin. You could stare at him all day, drown in his voice and let yourself live in the ecstasy that is Hitoshi Shinsou. 
With little warning or prep he pushes himself into you, his thick head slipping past your tight ring of muscle easily due to your wetness. Even just that feels like heaven, your body shivering at the contact. He leans over and grabs both your hands, pinning them by the side of your head and lacing his fingers through yours, before kissing you deeply as he pushed into you. The moment was so intimate, so close and so euphoric, your cunt fluttered and squeezed around him as you came hard, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he bottomed out and stilled inside you.
You both had to catch your breath, and he leaned his forehead on yours as he spoke softly. “You’re such a good kitty, so good for me. I’m sorry I left you all alone baby.” You hiccupped as you cried more, your legs clamping around his waist to hold him there like he’d disappear if you didn’t. “I know you didn’t mean it. B-but I missed you s-so much.” He shushed you and kissed you again, squeezing your hands. “I know Kitten, I know. You did so good for me, waiting for me, telling me what you need. I’ve got you now, sweet thing. Let me take care of you.” 
With that, he pulled his hips back and pushed forward, taking slow, deep strokes, making sure you felt every inch of him. He reached so deep, pulled beautiful sounds from your throat, your nails biting into the backs of his hands but he couldn’t care less. Not when you were begging him to love you, begging him for more. So he obliged, slamming his hips against yours as you cried out, shoving his tongue deep into your mouth as the sound of wet skin slapping skin filled the room, mingled with muffled whimpers and moans.
You didn’t even need to rub that little clit of yours to cum a second time, your legs locking up and shaking around his waist, pleasure crashing over your body in powerful tidal waves, the air knocked from your lungs as the muscles in your stomach tensed and your cunt clenched tight around Hitoshi’s cock like a vice. He gave a couple more deep thrusts before he released inside you, warmth flooding your belly as you both came down from your highs. 
He finally released your hands and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. He rolled the both of you over and looped his arms around your waist, holding you tight to him as tears fell once again. He decided he’d never neglect you again, never make you so desperate for his touch that you were so distraught. As much as he loved seeing you so wrecked for him, he never wanted to see you so lost, so longing for anything he could give you. No, he’d spoil you always. 
Because you were perfectly his.
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