#like i wrote most of it yesterday and that part is ok
justmeinadaze · 5 months
Little Girl Gone (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This is the story I mentioned yesterday! Trying something new for me but I hope y'all enjoy it. I've always found Mafia Eddie incredible sexy <3. This is an AU with a mixture of Stranger Things you will definitely recognize :). I wrote with the idea that Hawkins is a big city so keep that in mind lol
Warnings: Mafia Gangster Eddie/ Officer (slightly mean) Steve Harrington/ Doctor Fem Reader, SMUT, use of the color system, degrading if you squint, spanking, dirty talk, etc.
ANGST, Obviously (and not just because I am me lol), Eddie runs a rival gang in Hawkins and is in love with Steve (Romeo and Juliet style), Steve mentions being jumped and Eddie retaliates getting hurt in the process, mentions of murders by Eddie, Reader takes care of them both performing surgery on the gangster, guns are pulled and our boys are threatened, cliff hanger ending because I can.
Word Count: 8284
"Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster Run little girl, run little girl, bang, ha."
“Officer Steve Harrington.”, you read from his chart as you enter the exam room before flashing him a big smile. “I’m Dr. Y/L/N. How can I help you today?”
“My, uh, Captain said I needed to come get a checkup. I was wounded in the line of duty a few days ago.”
“Oh no. I’m really sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened?”
“Does that matter?”, he snapped.
You dealt with sassy patients on the regular. It came with the territory especially in the area your office was located in. In this part of the city, your clinic usually catered to people who didn’t want to check in at a regular hospital because their name could get dinged for other offenses. You always felt like everyone deserved care so when you opened your clinic, you made sure to do what you could within the means and resources you had available. 
Officers normally never entered your building but within these past few months you had seen them more and more frequently. You had heard rumors of a new gang in the area trying to make things more…democratic…so there was less chaos in the streets but in turn that brought more of a police presence because most of the people around here hated being threatened into submission reacting violently if need be. 
Thankfully, you weren’t easily shaken so this admittedly good-looking man of the law raising his voice didn’t frighten you one bit. 
“It does if you want me to assess you properly.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I like to be polite at first. Now, are you going to tell me what happened or should I mark in your file here that you refused to answer so your Captain can deal with you?”
Steve’s amber eyes scanned you over briefly before a small smirk painted his beautiful lips. 
“I got jumped by one of the rival gangs in the area. Beat me up pretty good.” 
Sitting in your wheely chair, you slid toward him and carefully lifted off his shirt, his face wincing as he lifted his arms. Large purple bruises were splattered along his ribs and around to his back. Just from the wounds alone, you could tell he was kicked and punched repeatedly. His face had some scratches and swelling but it looked like nothing compared to his upper torso. 
“Oh wow. I’m so sorry. Did you go to the hospital?”
“I did. They did some X-rays and shit. Thankfully nothing was broken but, obviously, moving around has been hard.”
“Beside the bruising, have you experienced any other pain? Like a sharp stabbing pain in your side or anything like that?”
“Uh, no. Just emotional pain.”, he chuckles as his eyes look past you into a memory. 
“Ok, I’ll get you some medicine I think will help as well as some cream to sooth the pain of those bruises and swelling. I’ll be right back.”
You weren’t gone long but as you were returning you could vaguely hear his voice through the door between you both. 
“Naw, she said she’s going to get me some meds and shit…Baby! Seriously, you worry too much. I’m fine… No, NO. Don’t you dare go over there or I swear God—” Hastily, he hung up his phone when he heard you knock and reenter the room he was in. “Sorry. That was my, um, my boss checking in. Just reiterated what you told me.”
“Good. Now this will help with the pain…”, you instruct as you hand him some medication before flashing him the cream. “…and this will help with the swelling. Just put this on your bruises every six hours and you’ll be good to go in no time.”
Opening the bottle, you squeeze some of the medicine in your hand, and gently rub it along his admittedly muscular abs. 
“You’re, um, going to feel it tingle a bit and feel warm but after a few moments it will cool down.”
That smirk you saw previously appeared on his lips again when he caught you staring as your hands slowly rubbed along his skin. 
“That feels really good actually. Your hands not the cream.”
“Hm. I’m sure your girlfriend touches you enough.” Steve raises an eyebrow at your insinuation. “I mean unless you call your captain ‘baby’.”
A slightly nervous sigh leaves you as the officer’s grin grows and his eyes meet yours. 
“Hm. Bad girl listening in on my phone calls. Do you always misbehave like that?”
“This is my clinic, Officer Harrington. I can do whatever I want especially when I have signs everywhere that say, ‘No Cell Phones in the Exam Room.’”
His palm abruptly takes hold of your wrist, pulling you closer to him till your nose was just above his own.
“This may be your clinic, honey, but these are my streets. I keep order here.”
“I think the gangs here would disagree.”
“Pfft, like you know anything about what goes on out there.”, he spits as he lets you go.
After throwing a scowl his way, you pretend to be preoccupied with washing your hands.
“I know that when I first moved here, the fatality rate in this area was extremely high until that new gang leader took over the Munson crew. I believe, if the rumors are correct, the new boss is actually the son of the old leader Al Munson. Since the son has taken over, oddly enough, the streets have become safer. More kids come out to play and I’ve seen less addicts in the last couple of months.”
As you dry your hands and turn to face him, you notice the hardened look on the officer’s face as he listens to you speak.
“I also know there have been more of a police presence on this side of town as well. I’ve seen a lot of innocent civilians put in ambulances or worse due to the push back of change. Tell me, Officer Harrington, which side are you on? Which gang did that to you? The Munson’s or The Carver’s?”
“I’m on the side of peace. That’s my job.”, he seethes through gritted teeth.  
“Yeah… you’re good to go, officer. Have a nice day.”, you growl in annoyance as you leave the room without waiting for him to retort.
Today had been an incredibly long day. After your appointment with Officer Harrington, you had back-to-back visits from so many clients just needing a little bit of help. Your mind was racing as you and your staff did what you could but the truth was you desperately needed more funding. You were running low on supplies and the equipment you had wasn’t the best. It killed you to see your patient’s sad faces when you strongly recommended they head to the nearest hospital for certain tests that you just couldn’t provide at that time. 
Your mind was still racing as you began to gather your things to head out for the evening which is most likely why you didn’t even hear him till you exited your office and were met with a gun pointed at your face. 
“Don’t be scared. I’m not…I’m not here to hurt you. We need help.”, Steve panted with a heavy breath as the weapon shook in his hand. He was still dressed in the uniform he was wearing when you last saw him but now it was stained in blood and sweat.
Roughly, he took hold of your bicep and dragged you to your waiting room where another man was sitting with his head leaning against the wall. You knew he wasn’t a cop because he wasn’t dressed like the man beside you but instead in an expensive looking black suit with the white button up shirt underneath his jacket now stained with red. You noticed immediately his palm was holding his side and that area of his clothing was a darker shade than all the rest. 
“I can’t help with a wound like that. He needs a hospital.”
“Oh you don’t say?”, he snarled as he tugged you to his chest. “If I could have taken him to a fucking hospital I would have! But I brought him to you, now HELP HIM!”
“Steven!”, the long-haired man grumbled as he looked your way. “Be nice. She’s just being…honest. Right, sweetheart?” He sighs when you nod and tries to get to his feet but the officer is quicker, running to his side to help him stand. “See, the thing is, princess, if I go to a hospital I’ll die anyway…because they will put me…in jail especially after they find out…what-what I did tonight.”
“What did you do?”
“That doesn’t fucking matter right now. He’s losing blood and fast!”
Swallowing nervously, you step forward to unbutton his shirt and examine the cut you found. He needed stitches as soon as possible and most likely a blood transfusion unless someone got to his wound fast enough. Gesturing them both to follow you, you power walk to an exam room and begin searching for supplies as Steve carefully places the man on the table. While he removes the bloody clothes from his top half, you prep a syringe.
“Is he allergic to anything?”
“No. What is that, that you’re giving him?”
“It’s a pain killer. It won’t be as strong as ones at a hospital but…”
As you stick the needle into his stomach just above his cut, he flinches causing Steve’s expression to flood with worry as he moves the man’s hair out of his face. After quickly cleaning the area, you let out a long sigh as you glance their way. 
“Even with the shot, this is going to hurt a lot I’m afraid. I’ll try to go as fast as I can but, officer, if you can distract him that may help.”
The man on the table chuckles as he turns his head towards his friend. 
“She keeps calling you ‘officer’. Did… you not tell her your name? Or did you… scare her too much to use it?” He cringes as he hisses once you begin sewing in his stitches. “You like to…pretend to be so badass…but we both know you’re a…sweetheart.”
“Pretend to be a badass, huh? You’re one to talk.”, Steve scolds in a light sounding tone as he softly places his forehead against his own. “Eddie, I told you not to go over there.”
“They tried to hurt what was mine…”, he growled low in his throat even making you pause for a moment before focusing again on your task. “They wanted to send a message, well, message received.”
“I could have handled it.”
Grabbing Steve’s cheeks roughly, he brings his lips to his own. 
“No one takes my things and NO ONE hurts what’s mine. You belong to me, baby, and I promised I’d keep you safe.”
Finishing his sutures, you bandage him up and wrap some gauze around his lower waist. 
“Thank you.”, he whispers exhaustedly as he extends his shaky hand towards you. “What’s your name, pretty girl?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You’re safe and I promise neither of us are going to hurt you. I’m Edward Munson but you can call me Eddie.” Your eyes widen as you slowly back away from them causing Steve to rise to his feet. “Ah. I see you’ve heard of me. Then you know you can trust me.”
Eddie tries to stand as well but sways before Steve steadies him. 
“You…you should be in a hospital. That wound needs to be looked after and you need to rest.”
“I can take care of him.”
“No. No you can’t. That’s why you brought him to me.”, you sass in frustration as you try to display an air of confidence. Both men scan you over as they try to get a read on you as you continue. “If you refuse to go to a hospital, then give me your address and I can come—”
“No. No addresses. We can’t have you giving it to the police.”
“Oh you mean you?!”
You and Steve square off, tightening your stances as you glare at each other until Eddie laughed beside you both. 
“Brave girl with attitude. I like it.”
“I don’t. Little girl needs to be put in her place.”
“I highly doubt you’re the man to do that.”, you sass.
“Yeah well good thing there’s two of us, honey, and trust me, whatever I start Eddie can definitely finish.”
Sighing, you fold your arms as you argue with the internal dialogue inside your head. 
“You can come to my apartment but I have one condition. After he heals, I never want to see either of you again.”
Their eyes meet for a moment before Eddie finally nods. 
“You have a deal, princess.”
“Um, I don’t have a spare room or anything but the couch is comfortable. Just make sure to stay on your back if you can.” Eddie nods as Steve places him down and hastily begins removing the gear attached to him. “Let me grab some blankets and pillows.”
Disappearing into your bedroom, you grab any extra bedding you had and began to head their way but paused when you heard them talking. 
“Why are you being mean to her? I thought you said she took care of you.”
“She did. I just… I was worried about you. It’s my job to take care of you to, honey.”
“And snapping at the woman who’s trying to help will do what exactly?” Steve laughs through his teeth at Eddie question. “I think it’s because you like her.”
“Pfft what?”
“Oh, look at Officer Harrington blushing.”, the long-haired man teases as he reaches out to touch the boy’s face. “I know I just met her and she was busy saving my life but I can see why…”, he chuckles before wincing as he grabs his side. 
“Are you alright?”, you ask as you come back to the living room and kneel down on your knees in front of him. 
“Yeah, I’m alright. I’ve been through way worse than this.”
You take quick note of his wound before handing Steve the things you found, watching with fascination as he tosses the things for him to the side before placing the pillow on his lap and guiding the man back to lay down. 
“If, um, if you notice it bleeding through or he starts getting a fever, come and get me immediately.” 
The officer nods as he throws the blanket over Eddie and comfortingly rests his hand on his chest, his thumb gently running along the man’s tattooed skin. 
Your alarm goes at 4am that morning, startling you as you shoot up right. Groggily, you shuffled to your bathroom and grabbed the items Eddie would need so you could change his bandages. Both men were fast asleep when you entered the living room, Steve still clinging to him with his other hand very close to where his gun was resting on the little table you had beside your couch. 
“Mr. Munson?”, you whisper as you sit on the coffee table across from them. When he didn’t stir you couldn’t help but take the opportunity to visually take in one of the most notorious gangsters in the city. You had never seen a picture of him and he definitely wasn’t what you pictured when you heard the rumors from people in the clinic. 
He did have an air of control surrounding him but his voice and face were incredibly soft especially when it came to Steve. You heard him get upset though so you imagined that amplified out in the streets and you hoped you never met that version of him. He had a lot of tattoos painting his upper torso that seemed completely random except for the symbol of his gang that was tattooed on many other men and women you had seen previously minus the tiny initials “S.H.” inscribed within the design. 
Eddie was fairly muscular appearing more toned in his abs and upper arms. Slightly blocking your view was Steve’s massive palm over his chest, almost as if that was his way to make sure the man was still breathing. He had been exceptionally rude with you but with the gangster, he transformed before your eyes, becoming softer and listening to everything the other man said without question. They both obviously seemed to care strongly about each other which you found slightly amusing given their slight Romeo and Juliet story; one being a cop and the other a criminal. 
“Mr. Munson.”
Extending your hand, you tried gently shaking his upper shoulder and in one swift motion, he grabbed your wrist and held you tightly as he raised his fist in the air prepared to defend himself. Swallowing nervously, you froze as his intense eyes scanned your own. 
“Fuck. Fuck, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t…” Eddie promptly let you go and winced as he sat up in front of you. 
“No, no. It’s ok. After what happened, I completely understand. I just need to check you out and rewrap your wound.”
“Would it be easier for you if we went to the table?”
“Oh, no, this is ok but I do have to turn on the light.”
Eddie follows your eyes as you glance towards Steve. 
“Trust me, it won’t bother him one bit. I don’t think he’s had a consistent night’s sleep since he was hurt.”
“How long have you two been involved?”, you ask as you begin the task in front of you hoping to distract him as well from the pain. 
“In my business or each other?”, he smirks when you breathily laugh. “Both answers are more or less the same. He had the balls to arrest me on a charge we both knew wouldn’t stick. I knew he was different when he tried to get me to flip sides and sell out my friends. Usually, cops knew better than to do that especially with me.”
The gangster paused when you tried to clean his cut, flinching as he gritted his teeth. 
“What happened? Did he take you in?”
“No, I did when I let him fuck me handcuffed in the back of his cruiser.”, he chuckled, slightly surprised when you did as well. “We’ve been watching out for each other ever since. He’s actually not as big of an asshole as he seems. Steve just has a big heart and wants to take care of everything himself. He likes to be the big, strong man, you know? That’s why he’s been so short lately.”
“What happened there? He didn’t tell me; just said he was jumped.”
“I don’t think that’s something you should know. The less we tell you the better.”
“Mr. Munson, you, a well-known Mafia style gang leader, showed up at my clinic after hours with a police officer bleeding out. I think that line has been crossed.”, you grin up at him finding his eyes watching you again. “I assume it was someone from Carver’s side. You told Steve something about them sending a message.”
“Yeah… Jason Carver isn’t exactly a fan of mine even more so since I took over. My dad was always a…shoot first ask questions later which is why he’s in jail right now. He was sloppy and greedy like Jason. I don’t want to hurt people I don’t have to.” Leaning forward, you start wrapping the gauze around him but you can’t help to inhale the strong scent of cigarettes and cologne. You don’t see it but his own head tilts slightly, inhaling your shampoo from the night before when you finally had time for a shower and the regular smells of your office that attached to your skin. 
Eddie’s lips ever so slightly grazed your shoulder that was exposed due to the tank top you were currently wearing causing you to shutter softly as you pulled back to cut the bandage. 
“Are you afraid of me, Y/N?”, he asked in a low tone that had you exhaling as you tried to maintain your composure. 
“Mr. Munson, I work in a city filled with crime and scared citizens. I don’t really have the luxury of being afraid.”
“That’s not what I asked you.” Calloused fingers reached out to grip the bottom of your chin and forced your eyes to meet his. “Even though I take no pleasure in it, I have hurt and killed people. I killed two people just last night. Carver got the idea in his head that roughing up the man I love would have me submitting to him and his whims. I’m not the submissive type and I made sure he knew that by slitting the throats of the two men that put hands on him. I don’t regret it and I’d do it again.”
“How did you get hurt then?”
“Unfortunately, Carver isn’t an idiot. He had more men appear and try to take us out. Steve showed up and someone pulled a knife… Let’s just say that someone got in a good attempt before I snapped his neck.”
The way he spoke about such violent things was so even, almost as if he could be reading from a grocery list. This was his every day and you could tell by his tone he knew it would continue to be. But there was something about him… something that made you feel safe. 
“No, I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Munson.”
“I think under the circumstances, you can call me Eddie.”
A cell phone ringing pulled you both apart but didn’t stir the man it belonged to as he continued to snore with his head leaning over the back of the couch. 
“Steve. Steven.”, the man called as he shook his arm rousing him from his deep sleep. “Your phone is ringing.”
Without opening his eyes, the officer reached into his pocket, producing his device, and placing it to his ear as he answered with gravelly “yeahs” and “mhmms”. 
“I have to go in. Someone called in about the shooting on the eastside and they found Carver’s guys.” Rubbing his eyes and as if he forgot you were there, Steve tenderly kissed Eddie’s lips before rising to his feet and putting on all of his gear once more. “Please keep an eye on him and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“I have to go to work.” Pausing, he exhaled heavily as he turned and flashed you an annoyed look. “I have to. It would look weird if I didn’t. I’ve never missed a day but if we leave early enough…I can bring him with me and keep him in my office.”
“Is it ok to move him that much?”
As if to prove a point, Eddie rose to his feet. 
“I’ll be ok. I’m a quick healer. Don’t worry about us.”
Thankfully, you didn’t have too many patients today so you were able to keep yourself locked in your office with the gangster you were attempting to hide. As soon as you brought him in, he fell asleep on your office couch, allowing you to leave him be so you could do what you needed. 
As you were reading a chart however you heard giggling in the exam room beside your office and quickly went to investigate, finding Eddie sitting next to a child on the exam table making her laugh. 
“Look, princess, you can’t trick me like that.”
“It’s thumb war! You have to be stronger.”
“Ok, best two out of three.”
“Kylie, sweetheart, what are you doing here?”, you beam trying not to startle either of them. 
“Hey Dr. Y/L/N! My mom told me to come down to see if you had any more samples of my inhaler.”
“Oh, honey. I don’t. I’m so sorry. I usually try and save one for you but I had another patient who had an emergency so I had to give it to him.”
“Why do you need an inhaler? Is it for the other people whose breath you take away because you’re so adorable?”
Kylie giggles as she turns towards Eddie and blushes. 
“No! I have asthma. My mommy brings me here to get my medicine because we can’t afford the stores.”, she sighs as her head hangs.
The man’s eyes meet your sympathetic ones before softly smiling and giving the little girl his attention again. 
“Hey. Can you keep a secret?” The small child nods in earnest making his smile widen. “Have you heard of a little convenience store called Cunningham’s Corner? It’s about a 5-minute walk from here. Go to that store and ask for Chrissy. Tell her Eddie sent you and you need an inhaler. She’ll give it to you for free.”
Kylie’s eyes widen as if this man just told her a fairytale.
“Mhmm. But you can’t tell anyone! Because then other people will take advantage.”
After giving him a hug, she jumps down from the table and starts to head for the door. 
“Hey! Here. Give Miss Cunningham this paper when you tell her what you need, ok?”, you instruct as you hand her a prescription with the name of what she needs. 
“Ok. Thank you, Dr. Y/L/N!”
“Thank you. That was really nice of you.”
Rising from his seat, he waddles with you back to your office. 
“It’s not a problem. I heard her coughing and crying so I wanted to make sure she was alright. Is she a regular?”
“Yeah and, unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for her to come by herself. Her mom is a single mother who works 60hrs a week trying to make ends meet. They came to me when she started having her symptoms but there’s only so much I can do here with my resources.”
“Are you underfunded?”
“Yeah. I do what I can but because of where I’m located…”
“Why don’t you move to a better location?”
“I can’t do that. I can’t leave these people. They need someone to help them since a regular clinic would immediately turn them away since a lot of them have no money or no insurance.”
“You’re a very kind woman, Y/N.”
Flashing him a smile, a knock makes you jump as you quickly get up to see who it is. 
“It’s Hawkins PD Detective Jim Hopper. I’d like to have word with you for a moment.”
Right as you scan your room, Eddie hides himself in front of you against the wall so he wouldn’t be seen when you finally open the door between you and the gentleman.
“May, uh, my we come in?”
“We?”, you ask as your eyes flick to the wide, stern eyes of Steve behind him. “What’s this about, detective?”
“I don’t know if you heard but we had a gang related fight in the area and we got some intel that Edward Munson may have been severally wounded.”
“Ok? And what does that have to do with me?”
“It wasn’t far from your clinic so we thought, maybe, you heard something or saw something?”
“What time was this?”
“Around 7-8pm.”
“My clinic closes at 6 so—”
“I mean, as a doctor though I’m sure you work late hours—”
“Not last night.” Out of the corner of your eye you see Eddie mime with his hand for you to calm down a bit and you close your eyes as you sigh before responding again. “I’m sorry, Officers. It’s just been a rough week. I left early last night to come in early this morning and do some work. I haven’t heard or seen anything but I can be on the lookout.”
Hopper nods, tilting his hat as he begins to walk away. 
“I’m just going to give her some details and information so she knows what to be on the lookout for exactly.”, Steve informs his colleague who confirms before disappearing to lean against the waiting room desk. 
Pulling out his notepad, he steps closer to you pretending to write things down. 
“Where is he?”, Steve whispers, smirking when your eyes flick to the side. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“You like it.”, Eddie murmurs. “Should we be worried?”
“No, a few of Carver’s guys are in the morgue.” 
You had seen many people come and go during your time as a physician so when the officer shook his head looking away down the hallway, you could tell he was lying. 
“What aren’t you telling him?”
Steve’s angry, amber eyes met yours as an annoyed grunt left his lips. 
“Nothing. Stay in your lane, doctor.”
“Hey.”, Eddie growled low beside you. “Watch your tone. You wouldn’t keep anything from me would you, Steven?”
“I was questioned this morning seeing as how I was jumped and then suddenly men from Carver’s gang show up dead.”, the cop sighs. “I told you not to go over there.”
You could feel the tension rising between them but you were still being watched and couldn’t risk the gangster being seen. Eddie was slipping to far in his own frustration to think that far as he began pushing off the wall to scold his partner but you quickly placed your hand on his chest lightly pushing him back down. 
“Did you get in trouble?”
“No.”, he responds to your question. “But I am being watched a lot closer hence the detective.”
“And your bruises?”
“You were hurt to. Is the medicine helping at all?”
Steve’s eyes take in your face clocking in your genuine concern. 
“It is actually. Thank you.” When you smile back at his answer a tooth filled grin paints his features. “I, um, I should be done here by about 7 or so. I’ll head to your place, come get him, and then…we’ll be out of your hair.”
“Ok, so, make sure to keep this clean and if you find yourself in any excruciating pain or like I told Steve if you get a fever come back to me so I can take a look.”
“Hm. I thought you never wanted to see us again.”, Eddie teased as he carefully put back on the shirt you gave him. 
“I don’t but that doesn’t mean I want you to get sick or die or whatever.”
The gangster’s smile grew as he watched you blush. 
“How come you don’t have a boyfriend or husband or whatever?”
“What makes you think I don’t?”
“Because if you were our girl, there’s no way I would have gone two days without calling or checking in and I’d definitely have something to say if I found two men sleeping here.”
“Our girl?”
“Oh, sweetheart. Any woman I date is with Steve as well and most can barely handle my attitude and temper let alone both of ours.”
“You seem nice enough to me.”
“I can be mean when I want to be.”
“I’m always busy…to answer your question. A lot of relationships I’ve had can’t handle my schedule.”
“Hm, I understand that. Steve and I have conflicting schedules all the time.” Eddie’s eyes watch you as you gather the trash from cleaning his cut and head towards the trashcan to avoid his gaze. “But we make time for each other. That’s what you do when you care about someone.”
“Yeah, well, I guess no one really cares about me.”, you sassily smirk as you sigh and wash your hands in the sink. 
Feeling the energy shift, you turn coming chest to chest with the man himself.
“I care about you. Steve cares about you.”
“I’m pretty sure Officer Harrington hates me.”, you giggle but it tapers off when his face remains stoic.
“He doesn’t. He wouldn’t have brought me to you if he didn’t trust you.”
“You don’t know me, Eddie.”
“I know enough.” 
Shaking your head, you laugh again trying to lighten the intense atmosphere as you begin to walk back towards the living room but his hand promptly grabs your bicep and moves you till your standing in front of him once more. 
“You saved me and helped him. I just watched you all day take care of people who can’t normally afford care. You have a kind heart and you’re extremely beautiful. Do you know that? Do you know how beautiful you are?”
A knock on your door startled you but not him as he continued to stare down at you waiting for an answer. Silently, you allowed Steve entry who immediately took in your rattled appearance. 
“Everything ok?”
“Mhmm. I was just asking Y/N if she knew how beautiful she was.”
His gorgeous, honey hues widen slightly as if he was surprised before turning his attention back to you. 
“You know you are, right?”
“I-I think you both should leave.”, you whisper with little to no confidence in what you were saying. 
“Is that what you want?”, he mused as he strolled further into your apartment. “Because we can leave right now and like you asked, disappear from your life forever. Or, maybe, you can let us thank you properly.”
“I thought you didn’t like me…said you wanted to put me in my place.”
They both chuckle making your face turn a deep crimson in embarrassment.
“Baby, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you. It just means that I think I’d have a lot of fun playing with you.”
“Playing with me?”
Steve subtly nods his head as Eddie slowly moves closer to the living room where you two were standing. 
“Teasing you, kissing you, taking care of you…taking control of you and your gorgeous body till you’re begging me to let you cum.” Tilting his head, his eyes meet yours as his fingers caress your face. “When’s the last time you had someone take care of you?”
The other man comes up behind you, sandwiching you between them as he gently places his palm on your stomach under your blouse. 
“I asked you something, honey.”
“It’s been a while.”, you jest making Steve smirk as Eddie stepped closer to you till your back was to his chest. His hand continued to run along your skin with his fingers just barely floating under the waistband of your pants before coming back up to rub your stomach. “I’m scared.”
Everyone freezes in place at your words but as the gangster tries to drop his hand, you quickly catch it and hold it in place back on your tummy. 
“Of us?”, he asks.
“I don’t want to get in trouble.”
Resting his head on your shoulder, his palm wonders again this time going further as you feel him slide into your underwear and cup his hand around your heat. 
“You won’t, sweetheart. I promise, you’re safe with us. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
“And neither will I. I can protect you from getting in any kind of trouble with the law or anything like that. You have two men here who control both sides of the coin…” As Steve’s voice dropped into a more and more seductive register, Eddie’s lips gently pecked your shoulder and up to your neck as his finger graze your clit while gliding them through your folds.
“You just need to let go and let us control you.”
“Fuck.”, you groaned as he slid two of his digits into your core.
“Is that a yes?”, Steve chuckles sassily as he watches your eyes close as you lean your head against his boyfriend.
“I think so, Harrington, because pretty girl here is just dripping all over my hand.”
“Yeah? We need to hear her say it though. Do you want us to take care of you tonight, honey?”
“H-He—mmm—Eddie can’t with his…with his cut.”
“Oh trust me, Y/N, that won’t be an issue. Now answer my question, please.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I want you to take care of me.”
As if they could read each other’s minds, Eddie’s hand slipped out of your pants and Steve picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and carried you to your bedroom. 
“Ow! Something in your vest is stabbing me, Officer Harrington.”, you giggle before he tosses you onto your mattress. 
“Sorry. I forgot to take this stuff off. I was blindsided by a stupid question when I came in.”, he grinned as he began removing his equipment and placed them on your bedside table. 
Eddie carefully climbed in and you hastily set up pillows so he could lean back comfortable against your headboard. 
“Thank you. I don’t think that question was ever answered. DO you know how beautiful you are?”
“Sometimes I need reminding.”, you sigh as your nervous eyes meet his soft ones. 
“We can do that, sweetheart.”
Taking hold of your cheeks, he brought your lips to his and your body ignited with an electricity you had never felt before as his lips carefully but firmly mingled with yours. Steve’s laugh echoed through your room as he looped his arm around your waist and pulled you away from the gangster to bring you in front of him at the edge of the bed. 
He had taken off his shirt and out of habit as a doctor you scanned his bruises to make sure he was ok. Clocking your care once again, his fingers gripped your chin and brought your mouth to his own.
“It’s ok. I’m still a bit sore but you helped me a lot.”
As he continued to kiss your lips, you allowed him to undress you making him pause when you were fully naked in front of them. 
“Jesus Christ.”
“I told you, princess…beautiful.���, Eddie grinned.
Smiling widely at their compliments, your hands roamed Steve’s chest, kissing a trail along the way till you reached his belt and fumbled with the barrier before fully pushing down his pants. You gasped when his cock sprang free causing them both the chuckle again as you practically gapped at the size. 
“I know. It was a shock to me to.”, the gangster teased as the officer stuck out his tongue playfully. 
“You liked it. And I promise, honey, you’ll like it to.”
Gripping the base, he held his mushroom tip towards your lips and moaned when your tongue darted out to lick the small beads of precum that had begun to leak. Steve pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could watch as you slowly wrapped your mouth around him and gradually began bobbing your head.
 “Shit. Atta girl. Flatten that tongue. J-Just like that.”
Another set of hands softly ran down you back and over your ass before the cool sting of metal hit your behind. 
“Did you like that, pretty girl? Did you like Eddie spanking you?”, the officer asked when you moaned loudly. 
Fingers glided ever so slightly through your pussy lips and even you couldn’t deny hearing the squishy sound of your slick that obscenely filled your bedroom. 
“Oh Stevie. She definitely enjoyed that.”
“Yeah? You like it a bit rough, little girl?”
Eddie guided his middle and ring fingers inside of you eliciting a mewl from your throat that had the man inside of your mouth grunting with pleasure. 
“Fuck. I think…I think you can take me a bit deeper.”
Thrusting his hips a bit, you gag around him spilling drool and spit down his length as you mentally take note of the fact that that wasn’t all of him you choked on. 
“Come on, honey, take more. I know you can, baby.”
Tears stream down your face as you try but barely take more of him in. Gripping your jaw, he pulls out of your mouth and leans his face in front of yours as his eyes search yours. 
“Green, good. Yellow, slow down. Red, stop. What color are you at, Y/N?”
“Fuck… green.”
“Ok, then why are you crying? We haven’t even fucked you yet.”
“I-I-I wanna take more. I want to make you feel good to.”
You heard your tone as it came out of your mouth but you barely recognized it. You sounded like a child who was told she couldn’t play outside because it was raining. What was it about these men that transformed you in this way? In relationships or even one-night stands, you never cared about this kind of thing. Usually, men never complained and you were never fully satisfied after they left resorting to your vibrator to get you the rest of the way. 
But for whatever reason, you wanted to impress them. You desperately wanted them to feel good because some part of you had a feeling that they were going to do the same for you. 
Steve’s eyes softened as Eddie’s fingers slowed inside of you. 
“Be nice to her, babe. She’s got a good heart and she did take care of us.”
“Can you keep your mouth open for me, pretty girl?” He grins when you nod your head, wiping your tears with his thumb before kissing your cheek. “And you are making me feel good. Your mouth feels fucking amazing.”
You beam with pride as you do what he asked, whimpering when Eddie began building you up again. 
Holding your head still, Steve guided his cock back between your lips, doing the slow thrusts he was doing before as you kept your mouth closed around him. Your eyes squeezed shut as his pace began to quicken, his tip occasionally hitting the back of your throat. 
“There you go, baby. T-That’s it. See? Doing—fuck—doing so well. Now, stay still.”
As he began fucking your face, the gangster matched his pace making you groan as obscenities flowed from the officer’s mouth.  
“Shit. Take it, little girl. That’s right. You love the taste of my cock in your throat, don’t you?” Reaching over you, his hand calm down hard on your ass and your palm pushed at his legs signaling you needed air. “Are you gonna cum? Ask him, Y/N. Ask Eddie if it’s ok.”, he commanded as he forced your head towards the other man. 
“Eddie, please. Please… can I…”
“Yeah, princess. Cum on my fingers.”
You collapsed as you came, moaning loudly into the mattress as you tried to catch your breath. You weren’t given much time however as Steve manhandled you till you up on your hands and knees again with your face hovering over the bulge in the other man’s pants. 
After unbuckling his belt, he pushed them down just enough to free his own cock from his denim confinement and you didn’t hesitate as you wrapped your tiny hands around his thick girth. Hands clung tightly to your waist and you braced yourself when you felt Steve collect some of your arousal with his length before gradually pushing into your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck me.”
“How does she feel, Harrington?”
Your eyes fluttered closed as you tried to focus on the man in front of you, letting a long glob of spit land on his tip as you stroked it with your hand. 
“S-So…So fucking tight.” His palm came down on your ass and you groaned as he continued to push further inside of you. 
“I like my view here. Make—mmm—make sure you fuck her nice and deep. Beautiful girl deserves it after everything she’s been through.”
“Oh, don’t worry, honey. I plan on ruining this little pussy.”
Eddie chuckles as he watches Steve lick his lips as your cunt tightens around him at his words. 
“What about you, princess?”, he murmurs as he tenderly pets your head.
“He’s…so BIG.”
“Yeah, he is. Does he feel good?” You nod as your head hangs and he promptly grabs your jaw forcing you to look his way. “Say it.”
“Fuck, Steve, you feel so fucking good!”
“That’s a good girl.”
You mewled when you felt him bottom out, his hips connecting with yours, allowing you to feel every inch before he pulled back and slammed back into you. Eddie’s mouth fell open as you bobbed your head on his cock. While he wasn’t as big as his boyfriend, he was definitely thicker and you felt like your mouth was full of him. 
He was much gentler with you, continuing to play with your hair and mutter praises as Steve pounded into you, rocking you further down the gangster’s length as you choked and spit around him. 
“God, honey, this pussy is too…fucking…good.”, Steve grunted, smacking his lower half into yours between each word. Leaning over you, he rolled his hips, pushing him impossibly deeper into your cunt as your eyes rolled back. “His dick tastes amazing, doesn’t it? Mmm—fucking love when he shoves it down my throat.”
Moving out of his way, Steve envelopes Eddie into his mouth making the gangster moan as he extends his hand to tangle in his hair. As his boyfriend continued to fuck you, your own groans vibrated against the long haired boy’s balls driving him crazy as he growled through his clenched teeth. 
“Fuck! You’re both so fucking sexy. That’s it, baby boy, take my cock.”
After pumping his hips a few times, Eddie let him go and Steve pushed up onto his knees pounding into you till you were seeing stars. Taking the man’s length in your mouth again, you mimicked the other boy’s movements trying to keep a steady pace as you hurdled towards the edge. 
“A-Are you about to cum? Fuck, Y/N, you better fucking ask one of us, little girl, if you want to fucking cum!”
Your glassy, needy eyes met the chocolate ones of the man in front of you, pleading as you began to shake.
“Ask, Y/N.”
“Please, Eddie! Please, I need to cum!”
Taking a hold of your hair, he firmly tugged you till your face was fully visible. A small smile flickered across his lips, watching you struggle till he finally nodded granting you permission. 
Steve reached around and took hold of your throat, lifting you till you were pressed against him, squeezing you tightly as he fucked you through the most intense orgasm you had ever had. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. Are you on the pill?”, Steve roughly growled in your ear, his rhythm and intensity increasing when you said yes. “Good because I’m going to fill up this pussy and you’re going to take it like a good little girl. You’re going to take everything I give you and be fucking thankful.”
He grunted in your ear as he held your lower half against him as he rolled his hips aggressively, pumping his release into your cunt.
“Steve.”, Eddie called in a firm tone you barely heard through your haze.
“Excuse me, honey.”
Carefully, he pulled his softening cock out of your aching hole and gently laid you on your side before crawling up the gangster’s legs and taking him into his mouth. You watched with hooded eyes as his boyfriend took him all the way down his shaft, massaging his balls with his palm, as Eddie groaned.
“That’s my good boy. You wanna swallow my cum?”
Steve nodded as his eyes met his own and with a few thrusts of Eddie’s hips, his head fell back as he released his spend down the man’s throat. After sharing a soft but passionate kiss, they turned their attention to you.
“Are you ok, babe? Do you need anything? Water?”
“Will you lay with me?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, of course.”
You didn’t even hesitate when you scoot to Eddie’s side and wrapped your arms around your stomach, placing your head on his chest. The last thing you remember is feeling warmth behind you and the sound of Steve’s steady breathing on your skin before you fell asleep.
Your head shot up when you heard shouting in your living room. Eddie and Steve were missing but the voice you heard definitely wasn’t theirs. Quickly throwing on the officer’s shirt you listened as the voice continued.
“Did you really think you could come on to our territory, break into one of our stash houses, and kill a bunch of our guys?”
“I think the real question you should be asking is how easy it was for me and my guys to break in.”, Eddie responded angrily. 
“Shut the fuck up, trailer trash! You think because you moved out here and took over Al’s business, you’re different but you aren’t. You’re still that garbage that he left behind with his brother before you suddenly decided you wanted in. Ah ah ah! Don’t make me shoot you, Steve. I have no problem killing a law man.”
“If you’re not here to kill us, Andrew, then what do you want?”, Steve spat.
Glancing quickly around the room, you realize his gun was still in its holster near your nightstand and as quietly as you could pulled it from its home. Tip toeing out into the hallway, you held it in front of you as you peaked around the corner. 
The person you didn’t recognize had his back to you as he pointed his own pistol at Eddie and Steve who both had their hands raised where he could see them. 
“Jason just wants Edward so we can make an example of him and what happens when you cross the Carvers.”
“I think you underestimate the Munsons, Andy.” Slowly, you creeped up behind him, praying he wouldn’t turn around. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not going anywhere. I hope Jason understands that this wasn’t a good move.”
“Yeah well, you can tell him yourself. Now come on or I will shoot him.”, Andrew threatens as he points his weapon Steve.
“Not if we shoot you first.”
At Eddie’s words, you cock the gun and pull the trigger.
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rebeccccccaaa · 18 days
 My Part of Town
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
:: After what seems to be a rather confusing and tough case, Hotch finds himself in a dark corner of a club watching the girl he interrogated just days ago captivate him in a way he hasn’t been in years. ::
warnings:: talks about violence (canon type cm kind); reader is described to have tattoos, alt styled extras (not goth specified), etc; age gap (reader is in her mid to late 20s), also slight power imbalance? Idk i tried to write it in way that didn’t make it seem like reader fucked her way into the BAU by making hotch a tiny bit subby/pathetic but idk i put the warning anyway sorryyyyyy, no mentions of y/n, sober reader slay, no contraceptives mentioned so stay safe babies, body positivity, mentioned jack at the end for plot lol but he’s not present in the story, not sure what else i should tag
author’s notes:: i originally wrote this with the intention of a certain type of person in mind (me lol) with the tattoos and stuff, i know not all you readers have such but i thought i’d keep the second pov for fun and interactiveness, so i hope that’s ok with y’all, enjoy!!
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Hotch stood at the bar, a drink sweating in his hand. He hardly drank anything, in fact he just wanted to go home at this point. The room smelt of body odor, cheap perfume, and smoke. He didn’t understand how his coworkers could love going out to such a place like this. It was definitely not his scene anymore, but with much begging from the girls and Morgan, they were able to successfully convince him and also Rossi to go and celebrate the success of this last case. He was surprised to even see Reid enjoying himself. 
He never thought in a million years he'd be back in a place like this. He looked around seeing the girls in a small circle laughing and jumping around, Rossi sat at the end of the bar talking to a girl, who was way too young for him, trying to get her away from hims, and Spencer and Derek were standing at the edge of the dance floor wondering who their next flattery target was going to be. Darting his eyes around, they caught a particularly familiar set of eyes that Hotch couldn’t seem to shake until he walked into the overstimulating room of noise and colors, at least until this very moment.
You grinned at him, facing completely towards him now. You dressed in all black, platformed shoes making you much taller than when Hotch had met you for the first time. The silver and gold reflecting the bright lights that scattered over the crowd from your fingers. Your skin covered ink that surprised him just as much as it did the first time he’d seen your decorated skin. And although you dressed in all black, you seemed to stand out more than anyone else in the sea of bodies. 
Hotch tightened his jaw upon meeting your eyes. Your hips swayed effortlessly to the music that boomed through the room. It was like you were dancing just for him. Teasing him, like you did in the interrogation room where you had first met. You were an enigma to the case. You had come from nowhere, had nothing to do with the unsub or the victims, and yet had almost all the answers the BAU had questions for before they could even begin a profile. 
Hotch began to fidget in a panic when you began walking towards him.
Hotch walked in the interrogation room. File in hand. They were in New York City. The infamous concrete jungle. The case involved a long line of girls in their 20’s; their stomachs gutted and filled with dirt, a small white rose planted in place. They hadn’t a long list of suspects but when a security guard mentioned to Hotchner of a strange girl lurking at the scene of the most recent crime they brought her in as suspect or at the very least, a witness. Walking in the room, a girl sat rapping her ring stacked knuckles against the table.
“What the hell am I doing here?”
“Where were you yesterday afternoon?” Hotch asked.
You stayed silent. You knew the position you were in. You were studying behavioral analysis and criminal justice yourself. 
You were at the crime scene yesterday, you asked questions to the security guard who ratted you out. It would be a waste of time and effort, and especially money, to know that after all those hours of studying, your skills would be useless when it comes to navigating a real case. You needed to see for yourself. So you asked some questions, awkwardly and suspiciously at best, and now you found yourself sitting in an interrogation room for a crime you actually have nothing to do with. 
“Why were you asking questions to a security guard about the victim? You asked, if anything had changed? You indicated that you have seen the previous victims’ bodies.”
“I have,” you said. 
“Why’s that? Was there something in particular you saw that made you ask those kinds of questions?”
“Am I being questioned as a witness? Or a suspect?”
“Why do you feel like you are being questioned as a suspect?” he asked, making you go silent. Hotch took his sign to leave, leaving you to continue tapping your decorated fingers against the table like before. 
“She’s not really saying anything. Her demeanor tells me that she’s keeping something from us but her body language also is calm and collected. She may not have anything to do with the crime but she knows something, and she is not telling us,” Hotch said to Rossi and Spencer who stood watching the interrogation. 
“I called Garcia to look into her background a bit. She’s also a student at the same college all three of our victims attended. So I asked her to cross-check each of their schedules with hers for any overlap and she came up empty. They don’t even study the same major,” Spencer explained.
‘What does she study?” Hotch asked.
“Get this, Behavior Analysis,” Rossi said. 
“Hey! If you’re still lingering behind the window, I got something to say. But send the grumpy one in,” you shouted. 
“She beckens for you, Agent Hotchner,” Rossi teased. 
Hotch walked back into the room. You sat properly in your chair again with your hands folded politely, completely contrasting the way he left you. You had discarded your jacket too.  Hotch couldn’t help his eyes drifting across your decorated skin. It tells him that you were most likely extroverted, confident. Though the psychology behind tattoos can be varied so his interest peaked briefly. 
“What would you like to share?” Hotch sat across from you.
“Have you built a profile yet?” you asked. 
“We have some working theories,” he responded. 
“So do I,” you smirked.
“Agent Hotchner,” you strolled up to him, “What the hell are you doing in my part of town?”
“Your part?” he joked with you.
“Did you finish the case?” you asked.
“Yes, much help from you. Thank you,” he replied.
“What?” you yelled over the music.
“I said ‘Thank you,’” he responded loudly as you did.
“I’m just kidding, I heard you. I just wanted to hear you thank me again,” you smirked, before leaning over the counter to call the bartender. He may have been right about your tattoos making you a confident persona.
“So, what are you drinking tonight, Agent Hotchner?” you asked him.
“It’s just Hotch, and um, I’m not too sure. My coworker ordered me this drink. But I've hardly drunk it.” he complained. 
“Yeah the drinks here are like gasoline, but at least you’re paying for what you get,” you laughed. 
“What about you? What’s your poison tonight?” he asked you, he could feel his shoulders start to relax a bit.
“Coke,” you winked before grabbing. 
“Really?” he asked with curiosity, he figured a girl your age would be drinking the night away while you were still young.
“I’m sober,” you told him. 
“Good for you,” he told you, a smile creeping unsuspectingly on his face. 
“Not all that crazy, I’m starting my thirties soon and graduating next semester so I have to start taking life super seriously since it won’t for me,” you said.
“What makes you say that?” he questioned. 
“Seriously?” you joked, “Look, I knew my appearance was eventually going to affect my career down the line but I believed life is too short to not celebrate your body and decorate it the way you want. The body is a temple, and what’s a temple without art?”
“I think your tattoos are lovely,” he complimented. 
“I think so too,” you grinned, making him chuckle. You liked amusing him. 
“What do you mean by affecting your career? I understand not everyone likes tattoos in the workplace but you can easily cover them up with the right attire, can’t you?” he asked.
“Of course, but why would I want to burn up wearing a turtle-neck shirt in the middle of summer just to please some old fucks who don’t even work personally on the cases we would be working on?” 
“I understand you,” he debuted.
“I can help with that,” he told you, after a small pause between you two.
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
“Well, I can talk to my boss about opening an internship position with the BAU. That way right before you graduate you can have a good reference and experience on your resume for when you start looking for a permanent position,” he explained. 
“Are you serious?” you beamed.
“Yes, you were excellent with my team and incredibly effective. And I think it would be good for you to continue exploring that part of the job, if that’s what you want to do after you graduate,” he told you. 
“Uh, yes! Oh my goodness, if I wasn’t sober I’d take a shot with you right now,” you laughed putting your hand on his chest. 
Hotch could feel the warmth blooming from your hand into his system. His breath became slightly heavier than it was. He doesn’t know what compelled him to do this but he knows you could be very valuable to the team, and working with the BAU would set you up for success after you graduate. Those were the only reasons, right? 
You and Hotch stayed a while at the bar talking and laughing most of the night. You told him stories about your tattoos and he told you stories from past cases. Derek and Spencer had left by then, Rossi was making his way out and the girls were still dancing and laughing as they had been the whole night. Occasionally they would point at him talking to you, they giggle at how unexpected and incredible it was for Hotch to be talking to a girl like you. What felt like minutes was actually hours and you were itching to get back on the dance floor again. 
“Let’s go dance,” you tugged at his arm.
“Oh, no. That's not my thing,” he protested.
“Well, pretend it’s your thing tonight! Come on, I want to dance with you,” you begged. 
“Eh,” he whined.
“Come on, come on,” you dragged him by the arm; it worked since he set his drink down and dragged his feet across the dance floor to bring his body against yours. 
His hands hesitantly went to your hips while your arms instinctively wrapped around the back of his neck. Your chests were pressed against each other and if Hotch focused hard enough he could probably feel your heart beating against his. Maybe you could feel his picking up. Your eyes were closed, like you were trying to focus on only the music but unbeknownst to him you were focusing on his touch. 
Finding confidence, Hotch moved his hands up and down your back. His leg moved in between yours and your hips moved together in sync. Hotch had never danced like this before with anyone. He felt a little lost but you were guiding him well and he was feeling more bold than before. Your fingers started raking through his hair and Hotch couldn’t help but sigh with his eyes fluttering close. It had been a long time since someone had been with him, had touched him in any way that wasn’t a professional handshake or a platonic hug. He had been always busy with work and if not work then taking care of Jack. Haley had been gone for a long time, it almost felt unnatural to feel this way again but Hotch was remembering how good it felt and how much he missed it. 
He let his face bury into the side of your neck and you continued scratching his head, pulling your nails down the back of his neck making him breathe out shakily. You had this man suddenly wrapped around your finger. Hotch became as bold as one could get in the darkness of the club, letting his hands completely cup your behind and pulling your hips impossibly close to his. You pulled slightly away from him before resting your forehead against his. His eyes were only focused on your lips. You turned yourself around, hearing the sigh escape from Hotch when you did, but you made for it pressing your hips against his. 
The girls had taken a break chatting and giggling at the bar. They couldn’t believe the sight before them. Hotch, a widower and single dad grinding up against a woman dressed in black and chains with tattoos up and down her arms and legs in a suit and tie he refused to change out of when he agreed to tonight's outing. 
“I cannot believe what I’m seeing,” Penelope gasped.
“I think I’ve drank too much; I’m hallucinating Hotch having a better time than us,” JJ joked. 
“Oh come on, girls. Leave the man alone,” Emily said before downing the rest of her drink. 
“I would’ve been less surprised if Reid pulled a girl like that,” Penelope jokes.
“Yeah, it’s not so much the situation but rather who. I’ve never seen Hotch like this,” JJ said. 
“You know I can’t deny that,” Emily rang. 
“I think I’m gonna go now, seeing Hotch like this is making me feel things I’ve never wanted to feel from my boss,’ Penelope grumbled. 
“You guys are so dramatic,” Emily laughed. 
“I think I’m actually gonna go,” JJ chimed, “I shouldn’t leave my boys alone all night.” 
“Ok, then let’s all just get out of here,” Penelope chirped, “We should leave Hotch to whatever he plans on doing.”
“I think you mean whoever,” Emily said, as she snapped a picture of you two dancing like there was nobody else there with you. 
“Did you take a picture?” JJ gasped. 
“Oh! He’s gonna kill you!” Penelope laughed out loud.
“Let’s go before he finds out then,” Emily chuckled. 
You and Hotch danced like if the other let go you would disappear never to be seen again. You milked the time you had together in these final hours of the night before the sun set in reality. You could feel Hotch’s lips pressing against your hot skin below your ear. Your chest fluttered and your stomach flipped at the feeling. You were so enthralled in the feeling, you didn’t hear him whispering in your ear. The small puffs of air pulled you from this trance and you quickly turned around to better hear him. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he whined.
“Lead the way,” you teased, pulling gently at his tie.
His fingers entwined between yours pulling out of the disco. You nearly tripped over your platforms trying your best to keep up with the man taking you to his home. He opened the door for you and you practically jumped in the car without hesitation. You couldn’t help the giggles coming from you as you heard the quick steps from Aaron rounding the car. 
The drive to his place was quick, or maybe it was long and you were just distracted. He looked so stoic and determined behind the wheel. Not even your light touches along his thigh, or the unbuckling of his belt would shake the fire behind his eyes. His skin was burning up and his knuckles were white against the steering wheel. Once he got home he was quick to open the door, quick to rid his tie, quick to show exactly where he intended on fucking you tonight.  So quick, he hadn’t bothered turning any lights on. Not that it mattered too much.
You laid roughly on the bed watching Hotch undress above you. You couldn’t help but notice the scars across his stomach, that’s when you noticed the scars along his knuckles; even with how dark the room was. You told yourself you’d ask about it another time. You didn’t want to ruin the moment over something he probably doesn’t want to talk about anyway. You started picking at your rings, twisting and pulling hard and fast to take them off; sometimes they were a bit distracting when you were having sex. 
“No, leave those on,” Hotch gowled, before reaching to you to disrobe your outfit from tonight. 
As he reached for those eye-catching platforms that made you stand out from most of the people dancing in the room, you couldn’t help yourself making a bit of a snarky remark. 
“You want to keep those on too?” you flashed a smile. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he remarked, before his hands left your ankles to flip you over, leaving the shoes on for both your pleasures. 
He peeled your underwear down your legs. His lips kissing the backs of your thighs softly; if you hadn’t been so overly focused on his every touch you wouldn’t have felt them. He stood tall over you, towering like a stoic statue. His hands roughly ran along your spine making you arch your back deliciously, basking in the fiery feeling. Hips pushing backwards to feel every inch of lust from the man behind you . 
You dropped to your elbows, arching your back even more as you anticipated a craving you’ve wanted since he walked into that interrogation just days ago. If someone had told you then that that man would rutting his hips into from behind like he’d never fucked before, you’d had laughed in their face. But you couldn’t be more satisfied with the outcome of it anyway. 
“Oh, Hotch,” you called out breathlessly. 
He grunted behind you as he slowly inserted himself into you, pressure building like a souffle in the pit of your belly. He grunted again, words incoherent, before you realized he was speaking to you. You hummed in confusion, asking to repeat what he said louder, when his hands threaded your hair and pulled you back on your knees effortlessly against his body.
“Aaron,” he growled in your ear. 
Your hands instinctively went up and behind, holding his face close to your neck and he bit and kissed the soft flesh sensually, goosebumps erupting along your arms. You whispered his name in the darkness that blanketed over, your sense of sound and touch becoming overstimulating. Hotch’s hands roamed your body like you were a delicate glass sculpture, contrasting the momentum of his hips that bruised your skin. 
You could feel the intensity building, and your body beginning to buzz when Hotch suddenly pulled out from you to flip you over violently. You smacked down on the bed again like you had before, a playfully shocked giggle erupted from your belly. Your feet felt heavy over the edge of the mattress from the shoes you still had on. Hotch leaned down, stroking his rough hands along your legs from your ankle to your hips before dragging your hips even closer to the edge. He brought his hand to the back of your knee, bending it before he once again entered you with a delicious burn. 
Your hands reached up cupping the back of your neck to pull him closer to you, his damp forehead resting against yours. Your rings felt ice cold against his burning skin. You could see, barely in the blue black darkness, his chest beginning to become red. His hands, although rough, were beginning to feel clammy but you hadn’t minded not one bit; completely enthralled and aroused in his touch. 
You could feel the sweat building between the valley of your breasts. Your back is heating up from the thickness of the sheets that you laid upon. Even more so obvious when you felt the contrasting cold air that swept between when you arched you back in pleasure. 
“Aaron,” you whispered.
“What do you need?” he asked you.
“Kiss me, Aaron,” you begged.
Without hesitation, his lips found yours in a feverous kiss. Your noses bumping against one another blocking your abilities to breath; but with the heightened passion shared between, breathing seemed impractical in a moment like this. Your breasts grazed softly against his chest, your nipples hardening with the friction as he moved swiftly and roughly above you. 
You moaned in the kiss as did he. Your center pulsing, practically sucking him in with each thrust of his hips. The sounds of sex bounced off the walls. The bed squeaked beneath you; Hotch’s hips rutted into you with no particular rhythm. You hand came down from his neck to grip the sheets and you moaned and whined louder and louder as you inched closer and closer to your climax. Hotch breathed heavily above you before dipping head to your neck. Suddenly, without any warning, his hands roughly grab your wrists pinning your arms above your head. 
“Keep them here, sweetheart,” he groaned, before standing straight up again to roughly grab your hips. His fingers dug into your soft skin, bound to bruise the next morning. His hips snapped in and out, in and out, harder and faster than anyone has ever fucked you before. You squealed and whimpered in ecstasy, pleasure. Your thighs squeezing tightly around his hips desperately holding back to climax. 
“Fuck!” His voice was low and guttural. 
“I can’t hold it anymore; can I come, please?” he begged, he reached for your calf pulling your leg over his shoulder. His mouth instantly kissed and bit like he was a rutting animal. 
“Shit! Yes, yes!” you egged him on. Your climax spilling over, waiting for that little drop of water that would break the dam of pleasure. And once you both reach the highest point, your hands grab at each other desperately searching for some stability of any kind to guide through the crashing waves of bliss. His body slumped forward damn near crushing you beneath his strong body. 
“Holy shit,” you sighed, laughter escaping your lips as you felt your entire body and mind buzz with nirvana. No man had ever fucked you that good and you were a little upset that it was over. Unbeknownst to you, Hotch didn’t have any plans of ending your pleasure; at least for tonight. With heavy eyes and a devilish smile, Hotch slid down your body, placing both of your legs over his shoulders with every intention of wearing you out tonight. 
You stood in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror with a drunken smile you hadn’t seen in years. You were completely naked. Your makeup ran down your face and your hair was practically a bird’s nest, and yet you stared at yourself with admiration. Hours had passed, every inch of clothing ripped or discarded on the bedroom floor of this man. Your shoes were long gone by this point and you felt your face becoming warm knowing you’d never wear those shoes again without thinking about tonight. 
You had taken a quick shower, since Hotch had let you. He left you with a couple of garments he put aside for you to make sure you felt comfortable. You walked under the shower, letting the hot water engulf you and clean you. You looked around for the first and noticed the small toys in the corner of the bath. You stepped out and saw the small green and blue toothbrush beside another larger toothbrush that was also green and blue. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself. 
You walked back to the bedroom quickly seeing Hotch sitting peacefully on the bed typing away on his phone in the soft warm light beside him. The small puddle of light allows you to better look at him. He looked so handsome and calm, so different from the harsh fluorescent lights of that interrogation room and the blinding colored LEDs from tonight. He looked up at you smiling when his eyes met yours. He chuckled seeing how different you looked now than when you had when he first saw you days ago; hours ago. You climbed into the bed, instantly snuggling into his side like a cat. Your lips kissing and biting playfully along his jawline.
“How old is your son?” you asked quietly. Hotch raised an eyebrow to look at you, he usually kept Jack’s room closed and his toys put neatly away.
“You’re going to be an excellent profiler,” he commented. 
“You're not wrong but also you have matching toothbrushes in the bathroom and rubber duckies in the corner of the tub,” you remarked, giggling.
“Right. That would be the obvious answer,” he chuckled. 
“He’s 10; I’m going to pick him up from his aunt’s place tomorrow afternoon,” he told you. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair by then,” you told him, sinking lower beneath the sheets ready to sleep.
“Don’t worry, I don’t mind it all. You can stay as long as you like,” he whispered. He craved those little domestic moments again that he had been missing for years. He knew he was crazy for thinking about moments like that, moments of you meeting Jack and whatnot despite only knowing you for such a little time, but he was starving for that kind of intimacy again. He will start thinking rationally again when he wakes tomorrow. 
“I think you ought to take me to dinner first before I meet your kid,” you joked.
“I can do that,” he said seriously.
“Really?” you challenged. 
“Yes, let me take you out to dinner next Friday,” he offered. 
“And if you’re working? If you have to leave?” you questioned. 
“Well, you’ll be coming with us, won’t you?” he grinned.
“Oh, right. Ok, then it’s a date, SSA Hotchner,” you smiled widely before pulling him in a kiss. 
“You’re the only one who can call me, Aaron.”
“You swear?” you laughed.
“I swear.” 
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violettduchess · 6 days
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A/N: I was a wee bit annoyed yesterday at the anon that seemed to be lamenting writers "suddenly" having OCs. So I wrote a short fic with mine because a) IT'S FUN and b) I felt like it. OCs are awesome and we should celebrate the creativity they represent!
My OC Leyla Quinn x Silvio, established relationship
One shot: Silvio and his fiancée on a rainy night in Rhodolite
WC: 1k
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The ornate door to one of the royal suites inside the elegant Rhodolite palace swings open, bringing with it the scent of orange blossoms that always precedes Silvio’s fiancée. Leyla herself follows a moment later, shaking the rainwater out of her hair and kicking the door shut behind her. She had already removed her muddy boots before setting foot back inside the grand palace, walking barefoot through the palace and back to the suite, much to the servants' astonishment. Most people would not have been that thoughtful.
“God damn, who knew you’d get rain like this so far away from the sea?” Water drops fall from her like tiny pearls, littering the rich carpet with little dark spots.
The newspaper Silvio has been attempting to read is thrown aside as he shoots to his feet, annoyance written in every line of his face.
“Where the hell have you been?” His tone is sharp with displeasure, loud with irritation. It would have sent many others a step backwards in surprise, flinching with unease.
Leyla doesn’t even look away from wringing out her long, dark hair.
“Down, boy. Watch who you’re barking at.” She straightens up, but doesn’t stop moving, unbuttoning the front of her damp navy blue overcoat with quick, practiced fingers.
“Woman, you said you would be back before dark and that was an hour ago.” He’s watching her with narrowed eyes as she peels off her coat, then turns, walking into the bathroom, but not before revealing a quick glimpse of a white blouse now covered in tantalizing, transparent patches.
He breathes out, collecting his thoughts. Don't get distracted, Silvio. She had him fucking worried. He's pissed. She's gotta know that he was sitting here, watching the storm through the windows, wondering if she was ok. So yeah, stay focused. Focused.
When she returns, she’s hung all of her wet clothing over the rim of the large porcelain bathtub and is now wrapped in a fluffy white oversized bathrobe with a charming red Rhodolitian rose embroidered above her heart. Her hair is still damp with rainwater, a curtain of dark waves that smells like springtime and daydreams, spilling over her shoulders and down her back. 
His breath catches in his chest. She's so damn beautiful.
“I lost track of the hour as I was visiting Oliver in his lab and he was telling me about his latest-”
Fuck staying focused.
“Don’t care.”
Silvio crosses the room in just two long strides, wrapping an arm around Leyla’s waist and pulls her to him, overcome with the desperate need to feel her against him. He ducks his head, closing his eyes as he breathes in deeply, orange blossoms and rainwater, desire and love.
Feeling the way his strong hands hold her close brings a smile to her face. With Silvio, it never feels like he’s trapped her. It’s possessiveness, yes, but never a cage. It’s protection and want. It’s security and comfort. It’s a promise to never let go.
His mouth eagerly travels the line of her neck, brushing aside her hair for better access. Hunger spreads like wildfire through her veins but his kisses also carry something else, something more delicate, something vulnerable and silken within their heated depths.
Leyla grins slowly. “Missed me that much, did you?” 
His “Shuddup” is muffled as he kisses his way up towards her mouth and she starts to laugh. Even now, after all they have been through together, he still gets flustered, reluctant to reveal that tender part of him that she knows is there, the one that belongs to her and only her. 
“Aw, pup, were you pining for me? Counting down the minutes until I returned, each one an eternity as you ached with–Ahh!”
Her teasing is cut off as he swiftly hoists her up and over his shoulder, turning and stalking towards the canopied bed with its red and gold bed covers and gold satin pillows.
“That’s enough out of you, wench,” he grunts as he tosses her down, the sound of her delighted laugh filling the room and warming him more than any fire ever could.
He wraps his long fingers around her wrists, pinning them up by her head. She looks up at him, sky-blue eyes flashing with something just as bright and brilliant as the lightning outside, the echo of her laughter lingering as a smile.
“Hey Silvio?”
He doesn’t know where to settle his gaze. Her hair is a pool of ebony waves around her, her luxurious robe has slipped off of one shoulder to reveal an enticing amount of skin, and there’s still that smile on those lips….
“Yeah?” The word is a rasp from the back of his throat.
“Guess who loves you.”
His cheeks flush and he looks away, his chest rising and falling with every quick breath he takes.
“Goddamnit, sea witch, why–”
“No really, can you guess anyone? Cause I certainly can’t. For a prince, you’re rather annoying and loud and–”
She’s cut off as he lowers his mouth to hers with a growl, stopping her teasing words. More laughter bubbles within her chest as she hooks one leg around his and kisses him back with all her might. She can get away with teasing him like this because they both know the truth: they were two souls adrift in an endless sea of doubt who, despite the odds, have found safe harbor in each other’s arms. The journey may have been long, but now that they have conquered the darkness and the hidden perils of a dark ocean of uncertainty, she knows their hearts are so entwined, there is no untangling them.
He releases her wrists, intending to make quick work of her robe when she catches his face in her hands, holding him still. Her thumbs lighty stroke over his cheekbone as she searches his gaze.
“Hey.” One little word, soft and sincere, perhaps odd to any outsider but to them, it carries a weight far beyond its three letters. It’s the softest part of her heart reaching out to him, saying hello love of my life. Hello.
And he’s lost in the light of her eyes, the dulcet sound of her voice, the velvet of her touch. 
“Hey,” he murmurs quietly in return. I hear you, the word answers. And I love you too.
She smiles and closes her eyes as he leans down, pressing his lips to hers. An unspoken promise renewed on this rainy, Rhodolite night.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
@redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey
@mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight
@ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics
@justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating
@portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing
@nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss
@keithsandwich @ikeprinces-stuff @bestbryn
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all-things-jily · 3 months
Ok but we get harassed for tagging ships that are in the post too just because there’s other ones mentioned
The fandom is supposed to be fun! You guys support harassment and bullying over fiction! The problem that needs addressing is the people who harass not the people who tag! There’s a way to get people not to tag btw it’s tell them nicely! Not act horribly! Jily fans been sending jegulus writers hate & writing “if you wrote jily maybe you’d get treated better” the problem lies with the way jily fans act & people will start biting back because people can only take so much.
OK so I was looking at this for some minutes, truly dumbfounded. Because it's like no matter what we say we're not being heard.
Rant below for those who want to avoid it lol
"You guys support harassment and bullying over fiction!"
I'm ?????? Where in the world have either of us who have spoken up done that? When have we ever said anything other than "tag your posts properly"? Don't these two sentences have completely different meaning? Who are these people that are harassing? Because harassment is never ok and we have not encouraged that. But if you think that simply telling a person who used incorrect tags to remove the extra ones is harassment, I'll have to tell you that no, it is not, it is a very normal thing to do actually.
Yesterday there were a few posts about asking people to tag properly and in response we got that "Jily fans are horrible and inhumane, they harass and bully, they're the worst people ever" and actually got harassed in response. Do you think there's anything normal and fitting in what happened and in that reaction?
"Jily fans been sending jegulus writers hate & writing “if you wrote jily maybe you’d get treated better” this is actually wild because NONE OF US in our community have done that or WANT that, we want to stay as far away from all of that as possible. If you have some anon trolls going around in the community, that has nothing to do with us, most of us are grown people who have been fans since books came out and ain't nobody got time for that, I'm sure most of us don't even know who your writers are or their accounts. In fact, you can tell just by wording of that message that it's clearly a troublemaking troll and not a serious fan, no normal human talks like that.
As for fandom being fun, YES, it's supposed to be fun! But this is where my words about it not being a group project come in, because what's fun for you is not fun for us! In fact, it's the opposite of fun, we dislike it immensely, it upsets us and puts us in a bad mood and it doesn't even belong in our tag. So why should we be upset every single day, going into our tag that's supposed to be a place of comfort and fun, seeing things that are not supposed to be there, when people can simply --- tag properly according to Tumblr guidelines? And this is not new, we've been put through this for years now, and we've been asking politely over and over and over and nobody is listening, and now that we've gotten louder - in our own tag - suddenly we're the bad guys and harassers. When should it be enough? So this part of the ask "people will start biting back because people can only take so much" was incredibly ironic, because we've been taking it for YEARS and now we aren't even biting back, we're simply asking to tag and posting silly memes in our own space but are still getting vilified.
I will also address the first point because I think it causes a lot of general confusion about tagging:
"tagging ships that are in the post too just because there’s other ones mentioned"
A ship tag is for posts that have positive mentions of that ship. If a post mentions multiple ships and is "X is great, Y is good, Jily is bad, I don't like it anymore" - this is not for Jily tag; If a post has "Jily were together for 2 minutes, broke up and then *insert 3 paragraphs gushing over another ship that were true loves*" - this is not for Jily tag; If a post has a poly ship that includes James and Lily - this is another ship, not Jily; If a post is a huge fanfic dedicated to another ship with James or Lily and then has the last sentence about Jily basically settling together - this is not for Jily tag, though I see how there could be arguments about it; There are many other instances too that I can't think of right away at this moment, but basically there's nuance here and just because Jily is brought up in a post doesn't make a post about Jily and the tag is for people who love the ship and want to celebrate their love, and the last thing they want to see there is completely unrelated posts with random Jily cameo in them that do not even portray them in a good way. This last topic is a bit of a complicated one with slippery edges, but I hope it was still comprehensible.
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aninspiringwriter · 6 months
"Proper Date" Gn!Reader x Raiden (2/5)
Summery: Y/n and Raiden have a date at the Sun Do festival, and maybe makes it official.
A/N: I cannot wait for yall to read what I worked 1 whole week on.
Part 1: "Injured and Grief"
Word count: 1.2k
Mentions: Kenshi, Johnny cage, Kung Lao
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It's been a week since you have gotten injured, luckily Raiden has been by your side since you got hurt.
To ever think about 1 week ago you were in the medical ward with an absolutely horrifying, gaping wound. Raiden's crying and panicking and overall guilt. But now he does seem better, but also so many people have visited you in that 1 week before you can get out the ward, mostly Raiden but also Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and even Kenshi visited you once. All wishing for your quick recovery and to keep your spirits high… One day, actually, 2 days before you're supposed to leave the medical ward Raiden came to visit, like he usually does.
"Hello Raiden! How lovely to see you again." You say cheerfully, he visited only yesterday yet the nice butterflies in your stomach makes you so happy.
Raiden smiles like he always does, small light pink blush is on his face. "Hello Y/n, how are you today?" Raiden asks, he is hiding something behind his hand, which makes you curious but Raiden pulls your head in for a forehead kiss, he keeps doing it after you accidentally confessed to him while injured and in the ward.
"What are you hiding Raiden?" You ask him, your head and eyes try to look behind Raiden. Raiden chuckles then shows you, it's a long, small box with a note on it. You smile as you stare at Raiden's beautiful smile, his radiant smile makes the butterflies in you flutter more. "It's a present for you, Y/n." Raiden says, sitting down at the edge of the bed as you read the note Raiden wrote by hand.
"Y/n, I hope you heal fast so you can wear this for the festival." 
You look at Raiden before opening the box, it's a beautiful necklace with gems in it. The necklace had your favorite gems, jade, amethyst, and topaz in it, the jade in the middle in a star shape, the amethyst and topaz are in circles and alternating on both sides. You feel happy tears in your eyes, you chuckle as tears fall out of your eyes. "Y/n, are you ok? Is the gift not enough?" Raiden asks you in concern, you close the box and hug him. "The gift is perfect, thank you so much" you start to say, wiping away the happy tears from your eyes. "this must've cost you a fortune to buy!" You say, opening the box to see the beautiful gems on the necklace. Raiden chuckles before pulling you in for a small kiss. You close the box again and leaves it by your side, now the days seem faster. You and Raiden talk about the Sun Do festival. You have never had the time to even go to the festival, but now you can and you and Raiden will be able to have a… a lovely date.
You were finally able to leave the medical ward, and lucky you, carrying the box you see Kung Lao. You and Kung Lao have been friends for a long time, he is one of your most trusted friends.
"Ah Y/n! How are you? I heard you have healed almost fully, and that you are going to the Sun Do festival!" Kung Lao says, his voice very happy that you are doing well. "Hello Kung Lao, I am doing well and… How did you know I am going to the Sun Do festival?" You ask, Kung Lao and you walk around the Wu Shi Academy to your chambers. Along the around 20 minute walk to your chambers, Kung Lao starts a new convo mere minutes after ending one.
"So… You and Raiden, never expected you to fall in love with Raiden." Kung Lao says, chuckling in surprise. "Wha- How do you know?" You asks shocked, your face starts to get hotter as the blush fills your face. "I heard Raiden in his chamber, talking to himself about a date with you, plans for a date, you know? The usual fresh love stuff?" Kung Lao confesses, you are just outside your chamber now and inside. "Bye Kung Lao." You say bluntly before shutting the door to your chamber. Hours pass and you finally find the outfit to match the necklace Raiden got you, and you found the perfect combo, a yellow hairpin to hold some of your hair up and then a yellow fabric belt to hold up the other parts of the outfit. A beautifully made purple shirt, the right side has no sleeve and the left is of a rainbow, beautiful long sleeve. The pants are the same, long, flowy purple pants, the left side a rainbow of patterns and beautiful colors.
You hear a knock at your door, you know the Sun Do festival will be soon so it may be Raiden, all you need to do is put on the necklace and shoes. "In a minute!" You yell to the person outside your door, as you quickly put on your jade color slippers and opens the door to see Raiden there. He is wearing the clothes he usually would wear but… they were fancier and in a nice light blue color, he wasn't wearing his hat like he was hours before and his hair is combed unusually better than usual.
"Wow… you look stunning Y/n." Raiden says, looking at your outfit combo. His face seems to be getting redder, but you drag him into your chamber. "Good, I need help putting on the necklace you bought me, I will be honest with you my love. I cannot get my fingers to keep the necklace on." You say, not even realizing you gave Raiden the nickname 'My Love', but Raiden decides to help out his date. Who wouldn't help out their date? Raiden takes the necklace he bought you and puts it on your neck which perfectly matches your outfit. Raiden then looked at the outfit more and couldn't help himself from kissing your neck… Man his love is severely tender. But then you and Raiden realize the festival is gonna start soon. You kiss and Raiden rush out of your chambers to the festival, and wow have you been missing out on it all your life, you hold Raiden's hand as you and him walk through the festival, and it is truly magical. You and Raiden have delicious food, talk a lot, and walk around. It must have been at least 1 hour until Raiden pulls you close.
"I know somewhere to watch the fireworks." Raiden whispers in your ear, you follow him as you and him just run across a bridge and to a beautiful lake, it's still close to the Sun Do festival but it is still a perfect spot for the firework show. 
You and Raiden sit on the edge of the clear lake and look up at the sky as the fireworks start. "Thank you for this date Raiden." You say as Raiden's hand hugs your side, his hand rubbing your hip. "No problem… it's the least I could do for you…" Raiden says to you in a loving voice, but before he could speak again you interrupted him. "I wanted to ask you something… Something important." You say, your tone makes Raiden nervous. He maybe wasn't prepared for what you are about to say.
"Do you want to… Be my boyfriend?" You say, that small hesitation was of the small chance Raiden maybe didn't want to officially start dating. "Yes…" Raiden says hastily, pulling you in for a kiss. After that sweet kiss you chuckle and touch Raiden's forehead with yours. It was the start of a long and wishful relationship between you and Raiden.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
hi lovely how r u?👋🏽
ok so im very new here but i did binge a good chunk of the separated au tag yesterday soooo needless to say it's been on my mind all day (plus that oneshot that someone wrote of donnie's pov and meeting mikey and raph did NOT help) but all this to say..
i don't remember the exact wording so apologies if im mis-paraphrasing but i believe in one post u said that au!donnie is a lot more uhhh "affection seeking" than canon donnie?
do u possibly hav sketches of what that would look like? is he less touch averse than canon donnie or does he just perceive, receive and search for "affection" in a different way? cuz if he is more physically affection i will in fact pass away😭. and as an avid disaster twins enjoying i am more curious in this aspect of him i regards to au!leo specifically🙏 (ig this is just me requesting said sketches if not. BUT OFC U DONT HAV TO IM JUST CURIOUS) anywyas i love ur brain this au is everything🥹🤝🏽
Hello I’m doing very well! 👋🏻
He still very much has canon!Donnie’s texture hangups and he’s often uncomfortable when things get “real”, but here he is very very very affectionate with his family. (I know I’ve said this before, but I don’t 100% buy that canon Donnie is as touch averse as the movie made him, since in the show he initiates hugs and often leans into group hugs. I think he believes he’s got to grumble to keep up his bad boy image, but for the most part he secretly loves getting hugs from his family but that’s just me. I could totally be wrong in that assessment. Anyways! Back to Sep!Donnie)
At first his displays of affection are very much over the top and performative because he doesn’t really know how positive touch works, but this boy craves any kind of hugs, head pats, and turtle piles he can get. Plus, here he has no bad boy image to maintain so he has no problem seeking out any and all forms of affection from his fam.
I’m kind of realizing I’ve sorta swapped him and Leo’s personalities to a degree lol. Sep!Leo is kind of the aloof-thinks-they’re-the-bad-boy, but awkward with displays of affection one, while Sep!Donnie is the one craving validation and attention 🤣
I don’t have any disaster twins sketches atm but I promise you won’t be wanting for that type of scenario very often as I tend to do more fluffy ideas in between the angst of comic updates (Feral Leo AU not withstanding lol 😝) -❤️
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lostmykiliel · 1 month
Hi Marie :) forgive me if you’ve already made a post about this at some point but I’m fairly new here. Due to recent events (aka insta posts and comments) I’m wondering do you know and can perhaps explain to me what the significance of all the sunset/sun/moon/sky pictures is? If there is one at all? Whenever I see them doing this I’m kind of like *cardi b voice* „That’s suspicious. That’s weird.“
Hi nonnie.
First of all welcome! 🫶
And I'll try my best to answer this, but a little disclaimer I am no lore expert so I may not know/forgot something.
That being said, let's start with some background info:
Mile and Apo chose and performed two very interesting songs on stage as Kinn and Porsche for the Kinnporsche World Tour 2022/2023.
First: 'Fly me to the moon'
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Second: 'The moon represents my heart'
Both iconic queer songs about the moon.
And additionally in some Asian countries the phrase "Isn't the moon beautiful?" is another way to say I love you.
Ok back to Mile & Apo themselves:
There is reason to believe the sky/moon has a special meaning to them personally as well.
The most famous story: When both of them were in different parts of Thailand in December 2022, Apo even wrote poetry about it:
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However it wasn't the first time, while Mile was in Kalasin in April 2022 Apo posted this:
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Other times when they were separated (and this are just the most recent ones):
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Though Apo (and Mile) like sky pictures in general, we see those sunset/night sky/moon pictures mostly when they are in different parts of the country/world.
If I remember correctly those were posted on the same day in October 2023 and it's from the same building (where their vocal coach lives):
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On that day they were attacked by haters once again and people thought that was why they were in this mood.
And one time were both of them were in BKK and nothing extraordinary happened*:
[*At least as far as we know.]
Last but not least many fans compare Mile & Apo to the moon & sun, because of their different personalities that are very harmonious. They themselves compared each other to Yin and Yang many times already.
I guess you asked because of the one sky picture Apo posted yesterday on IG:
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Hope this helps!
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o-uncle-newt · 6 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 12: Limerick
OK so full disclosure, I wrote this yesterday. The two reasons are a) I knew I'd be busy today with no time to do it and b) after Kuala Lumpur I needed to get in a listen of my third favorite Cabin Pressure episode to remind myself what I love so much about this show. It was a Good Decision.
I mean, what is there to say that hasn't already been said by so many? It's hilariously funny, beautifully constructed, full of great character moments, and gives us a game of 20 Questions to play alongside of. (Though I WILL admit, the visual of a game of charades to try to convey/guess what's in the box... does definitely tickle me lol.) There are so many different moving pieces and they all slot in together SO WELL.
I said in a previous post that Limerick is the episode I listen to when I'm feeling lonely. (Incidentally, it's also probably the episode I've listened to the most, period. I wish there was a way to figure out how many times, because I wouldn't be surprised if it's 100+.) I decided that while listening this time I'd try to bear that in mind, and see what it is about the episode that just works for those moments. And I think that there are a bunch of different things that all work together-
For one thing, and this almost doesn't need to be said, but it's just... really funny! And listening to funny things is just generally a great way to feel better about things. Pretty self-explanatory.
It's also the episode that, more than any other, is us basically eavesdropping on a bunch of people talking to each other and hanging out. It's in real time, as though we're just listening in on the satcom or whatever, and there's something nice, when you're alone, about listening in on others, especially others who you've come to love, having a nice time.
More than that, loneliness is a bit of a theme in this episode. Martin and Carolyn admit that they're lonely in their personal lives, and Douglas, after initially lying through his teeth about it, admits that he's newly alone as well, after being betrayed by a wife who he loved (I'm still not over the brown sauce thing). For one thing, when you're lonely, hearing other people say they're lonely is always nice; for another, knowing that Martin and Carolyn, at least, will end up meeting people who make them happy is a nice booster.
And for a third thing... well, it plays into what I've been saying about how so much of what I love about this show is how characters become closer through showing vulnerability. Feeling alone can be (almost tautologically) isolating, and admitting it to other people can take a lot of courage, especially when it's tied up in other related insecurities. Martin's loneliness is tied in, in his mind at least, with his not being a "real" paid airline pilot; Carolyn's is admitted to despite her wanting to project that feeling of control and fulfillment that running her own business gives her; and Douglas's... well, it's basically a semi-deconstruction of a mythos. Being left is bad enough, but being cheated on... especially for someone who said back in Fitton that he and Helena were united by a shared belief that he is terrific, this is a pretty big sea change to admit to having happened. And it's a big thing for him to admit he's upset about, and to accept condolences about from Martin; he moves past that part pretty quickly by making jokes about tai chi, but he's much less bitter than he was back in Gdansk, when it was a lot fresher and he felt a lot more unbalanced. An episode where Douglas is vulnerable will always be an interesting episode- and one that really symbolizes that they're becoming inextricably connected.
(I'll also add parenthetically that the flight being one that carries horse sperm from one end of the world to the other is an interesting symbolism for loneliness and lack of connection... and leave it there because, like Arthur, thinking about it too long mildly grosses me out lol.)
Anyway, so much else to say about it but I won't belabor the point- just to say.... this episode, like Gdansk, has been so incredibly important to me for so long that it's almost hard to even try to break it down into elements. And I'll take this moment to thank John Finnemore for having written it.
Tomorrow (so to speak)... Molokai!
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donnerpartyofone · 6 months
Yesterday we went out to suburban New Jersey to celebrate my father-in-law's 85th birthday. The whole block turned up on the lawn to sing him happy birthday, they brought him a cake and a card and some giant balloons. He has been taking a writing class at the senior center and the results are genuinely amazing; he read the group a monologue he wrote from the point of view of his neighbor's trash can. Then we went out to dinner, and I figured this was a pretty good time to confess that I have been going to church for most of this year; they're conservative and very religious and I knew they would be pretty excited, but I had hesitated to tell them because they would find my real reasons for going pretty confusing, it's hard to even explain to myself. But to prove whatever form of sincerity I have, I talked about how they have a couple of priests there who are really brilliant and compelling, and the example I chose to illustrate this was a homily about like, OK: So you think of yourself as an individual, a sovereign "me", but you're really made up of nested layers of other individual organs and organelles and microflora and -fauna, each of which may feel experience itself as distinct, but which are really essential parts of a cooperating whole. You experience yourself as an individual, but you are part of a family, a neighborhood, a city, a nationality, an ethnicity, a gender, and so on, and all of this makes up the Human Being. We're all together the body of the Human Being, and the soul of the Human Being is God. And my poor in-laws were just looking at me like oh my god, what the fuck is going on right now. Of course they were just so happy to get to talk to me about church that there were other things to say, but in the immediate aftermath I remembered, oh yeah that's right, I'm insane.
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thefinalcinderella · 11 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 3 - The Song of Naru (Part 1)
Things that happened in this chapter
- Yotube drama
- Mustaches
Watch Ooku guys!
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. Nakiryuu means “crying dragon” and it’s a common motif in Buddhist temples 
2. I don’t know what this means. I think it’s some kind of Japanese wordplay that flew over my head
3. Oogiri is “a form of comedy that focuses on improvisation by providing a funny answer on the spot for a question or thematic topic”
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Haneina High School’s Asahina was eating an onigiri.
He had spread out a picnic blanket in the courtyard during the bright afternoon and was eating lunch. Next to him, Eddie was stuffing his cheeks with triangular onigiris. Before studying abroad, he had learned of the existence of onigiri after watching a Japanese historical drama, and now he was captivated by them. Every day he thought about what to use for the filling, and today’s filling was kiwi fruit.
When Asahina was on a school trip in elementary school, he saw that only his onigiris were cylindrical while everyone else’s were triangle-shaped and thought, Huh? Why am I the only one who’s different? He asked his mother about it after he returned home, and she told him that she was from Kansai and that onigiri had always been made like this back home. Apparently, it was easier to pack in a lunch box.
There was an unpleasant scraping sound, and Asahina stopped eating.
“Ow, I bit the inside of my mouth.”
“If you bite the inside of your mouth, that is your body’s way of informing you that you are eating too much and it doesn’t wish to eat anymore.”
A quick internet search revealed that when the body was in poor condition, such as fatigue or poor physical condition, it was difficult to control jaw movement well. It said to get plenty of rest and get in shape. It had a point. Last night, he had been too focused on video editing and didn’t get enough sleep. Eating too much—he did have second helpings of Wan-Nyan cheese curry at the place he visited yesterday.
The Haneina second-year Asahina You and American exchange student Eddie Fox were Yotubers who ran the channel “Yumihiki Douji” together, and they were well-received. The standard orange kyudo uniform was Haneina’s color. They also had customized orange bows and arrows, all of which were uniquely theirs.
Anyways, it was “aesthetic.” Rather than kyudo that emphasizes spirituality, they aimed for kyudo that people could enjoy watching.
On today’s practice, Asahina wore a pongee kimono as he drew his bow. When he learned that the kyudo wear he usually wore was training wear and that people wore kimono in formal occasions, he started to collect kimonos. It was said that patterns weren’t allowed and solid colors were OK, but finding those were difficult. Kimonos were expensive, so most of them were recycled items, and washable polyester materials were tried as well.
Their videos were almost completely ignored as soon as they were uploaded, and after a while they were filled with comments like “their shooting form is terrible,” “they’re so bad,” “that hairstyle is so ugly,” and “you’re disrespecting kyudo.” But since it was for class, they updated every week, and positive comments like “I look forward to it every week” and “Same same. I learned so much from them.” As they took in the opinions and feedback of the viewers, their archery skills also improved. Recently, their collaboration project with a channel about Japan became trending.
One day, someone wrote in the comment section, “I started kyudo because I admired Zen in the Art of Archery. Can everyone in Japan do what Awa-sensei did?” It was a request from a foreign viewer.
Shooting a target in the dark.
Two arrows were shot in the dark. The first one pierced the center of the target, and the second one split the first one down the middle, the shaft halved in order to reach the center. This was a superhuman feat. Asahina had also heard this story from his grandfather when he was young, and it remained somewhere in the back of his mind. He would love to attempt it. Even if he didn’t hit the center, he would probably hit the target at least.
The results were terrible. He couldn’t see the target at all after turning off the lights in the target area. They tried lighting mosquito repelling incense, but they only produced faint white trails of smoke and he couldn’t find his aim. When they went to pick up the arrows, they found that the arrows had avoided the targets and pierced the azuchi at an angle, or landed right in front of them. It looked like a battlefield. Now he knew how much he usually relied on his eyesight.
He had considered trying again during daytime, but it was no use in the first place. If you could aim and hit, then you’d already hit. The shape of the bow, which had existed since the beginning of time, had changed, and despite the difference in materials, it had reached a point where it couldn’t be changed anymore. And now it had reached the present. The Japanese bow, which had been imbued with the lives of generations of bow makers, was a tool that even the wisdom of mankind couldn’t yet control.
That was why the bow chose the wielder. What should one do to be chosen?
Asahina gave a big stretch.
“Haa, ‘don’t do today what you can do tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is fine, so let’s think about it tomorrow.”
“’Tis a Turkish proverb. This humble one takes it to mean, ‘Do it today because you may not be able to do it tomorrow,’” Eddie said.
Can’t be helped. They were going to stay at the kyudojo until nighttime today as well.
He heard the gathering bell. He listened to the nostalgic sound that tinted the sky an azure color.
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He heard the gathering bell. He listened to the nostalgic sound that tinted the sky an azure color.
On that day, Asahina and Eddie were at the temple gate.
The two walked along the cobblestone path to the main hall. Two dragons were painted on the ceiling of this temple, and when they clapped their hands in prayer right below them, there was an echo like the roaring of dragons. They were called nakiryuu. (1) In fact, the two of them met in this nakiryuu room, and moreover, it was in a dream.  Their conversation went something like, “It’s been a while. When was it, a few hundred years ago?” “Well then, shall we go all out?” When they actually met each other at school, they were both silent, wondering if this was a continuation of the dream.
There was a fellow second-year of the Haneina kyudo club standing in the temple.
“You guys really like the nakiryuu room, don’t you,” the fierce-looking Matsuda said.
“I guess so,” Asahina answered.
“I don’t really know what the dragon’s expression is like, but the resonating sound when you clap your hands together feels good.”
Matsuda was poor-sighted. He couldn’t see the outlines of things very well, but he had a great ability to sense the presence and feelings of people. He could tell that Asahina and Eddie had an unusual relationship, but he thought that it was something that must not be mentioned. He liked watching their red and gold hair sway, so he quietly stayed by their side. The three of them chatted with each other a lot, and right now Matsuda was putting his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. He felt an unfounded sense of security that these two sun-colored people would never treat him like a freak or exclude him.
On the other hand, the fourth member of Haneina’s kyudo club, Kanuma, was a man who went at his own pace and didn’t care about anything. He was obsessed with haikus, and when he started thinking about them, he often got lost in his own world and froze in the middle of conversations. Incidentally, his haiku skills were mediocre.
Even right now, he was muttering to the temple wall.
“Maybe a line about dragons? It’s even more difficult if the motif is mundane.”
“Kanuma, have you composed a poem? I’d like to collaborate with you on a haiku and kyudo project for the next Yumihiki Douji video,” Asahina asked. “Yeah,” Kanuma answered.
“Kanuma, I want to ride the dragon on the ceiling. Can you help me?” Matsuda asked, and was answered with “Yeah.” No matter what was said to him, he only answered, “Yeah.” Eddie threw in the towel. “This is hopeless.”
There was another person glued to the wall. More precisely, a boy was staring at the patterns on the wall.
Igarashi had a nickname: the Gardening Prince. He grew various plants, took precious care of them, and drew them. His bows and arrows were decorated with a profusion of flower drawings, and at competitions, the people of other schools let out gasps of admiration when they saw his bow and arrows.
After imprinting the pattern on the wall into his eyes, he looked at Asahina.
“I saw the last Yumihiki Douji. There was another comment from ‘that guy.’ Is everything alright?”
“Oh, you’re talking about ‘Tetsi’ right?”
“They write complaints in other people’s comment section every time. Isn’t that like going into other people’s houses and renting a room?”
As their views increased, someone calling themselves “Seigi no Tetsui” would write things like, “Kyudo is a traditional Japanese martial art” and “What kind of kyudoka would have red or blond hair? If you’re Japanese, dye your hair black like a Japanese.”
Eddie waved his own blond ponytail at Matsuda.
“My blond hair is my natural hair, and I am not Japanese, but American, so how about that?”
“It’s an old trick to throw in mistakes on purpose to get people to bite, isn’t it? Don’t get lured in.”
“As you say. I shall ignore it.”
Kanuma, who they thought wasn’t listening, turned around, gave a thumbs-up and grinned.
The Yotube channel “Yumihiki Douji” was Asahina and Eddie’s channel, but it was actually run by the six of them: Matsuda, Kanuma, Igarashi, and Coach Tsuchiya.  
When the five exited the temple gate, they heard the laughter of elementary schoolers on their way home from school.
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It happened at the end of the holidays.
A protest was posted on several channels set up by Haneina students with the title “Attention Haneina High School.” The writer was Tetsi, or “Seigi no Tetsui.”
Your school is making students selfish and egotistical in the name of freedom. Since children are immature beings, adults should firmly admonish them to follow the rules of the world. Someone who isn’t disciplined in that way would commit foolish acts later in life. The behavior of the kyudo club is especially unbearable to watch. Kyudo uniforms are white. This should be stopped immediately. They are a disgrace to kyudoka—.
Because the school was named, a staff meeting was held.
The principal said, “Our school’s educational philosophy is to ‘cultivate people with reading comprehension and communication skills.’ Listen carefully, think for yourself, and share your opinions. Communicate calmly with people who have different opinions. Videos are the place to practice these things. First, Tsuchiya-sensei will show the students an example. I shall take responsibility. Do it to the best of your ability.”
The next day, Coach Tsuchiya stood in front of a camera.
“To everyone who watches this channel, thank you for your continued support. My name is Tsuchiya Ena, a teacher at Haneina High School, as well as the coach for the kyudo club. Recently, we received the following comment. As a faculty member, I sincerely apologize for my poor choice of words. From now on, I would like to choose my words more carefully. Regarding kyudo uniforms, in accordance with competition rules, we wear white during tournaments and only colored clothing during practice. We appreciate your understanding.”
The next day, a new video channel was opened. The owner was Tetsi. There was a black sheet covering their entire body, and they were wearing a Noh mask. Their voice was also modified.
“It’s one thing if you’re university students, but it’s deplorable for high school students to wear orange. It’s a lax mindset. There’s something you should do before worrying about your clothes. You should study harder. Are you going to destroy the traditions that kyudoka have cultivated over centuries?”
After this, Yumihiki Douji and Tetsi continued to post responses to each other’s videos.
――There is no basis for claiming that the students in our club aren’t diligent in their studies. The school will not publish data that only extracts the grades of some students. That is your delusion. Also, there is no reason why this is acceptable for university students but not for high school students. The white kyudo wear we wear for competitions is practice wear, and kimono is worn on formal occasions. By wearing kimono on a daily basis, the students are trained to avoid careless blunders in formal situations.
――Who does this young woman think she is? What kind of university did you go to? Don’t tell me you’re from an F-ranked school. A school that would hire such a bottom-of-the-barrel girl is clearly not worth anything. What a stupid school. There’s no point in talking to you. Get me the principal.
――The university you graduated from has nothing to do with your kyudo ability. In the past, there apparently used to be a section on the examination form where you must fill in your last place of education, but this has already been eliminated. The precept of our school is “learning from the past.” We visit the old to learn the new. You can’t break the mold if you don’t know it. We respect the teachings of our predecessors.
――Where’s the respect? You should respect your elders. I’m senior to you.
――I said the old, but predecessors aren’t necessarily older people, and just because someone is older does not mean they are superior. It’s just a way to honor a person’s achievements.
The videos were clipped and spread widely, and a controversy arose as to what color kyudo gi should be.
“It should be white.” “No, green should be OK as well.” “White, black, and navy blue are fine, but fluorescents are going too far, aren’t they? It’s too bright for the eyes.” “What color should I buy if it’s not white? Can I dye it lavender or something?” “Who’s this Tsucchi? Can the coach be my girlfriend?” “At my school, if you buy a different color, you’ll have to buy a new one, but I don’t have the money.” “I’m in the table tennis club, but I get more motivated when I chose a gi that stood out.” “The length of the sleeves is just right for kyudo gi, aren’t they?” “Tsucchi and Tetsi together make Tsutecchi.” “My dad’s Chicchi.” “The bow’s micchi is kewacchi.” (2)
It was a flood of words that was pretty much just an oogiri. (3)
Asahina raised his hands.
“Hey, Tsucchi, let’s stop responding to Tetsi, okay? This is taking over the channel. Our channel name is Yumihiki Douji, right? The adults are butting in too much.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I just got so mad when my adorable students got criticized.”
One day, Tetsi’s disguise got peeled off.
They wrote, “You guys should just shoot your bows quietly.”
Their comment section became a huge mess.
“It’s not ‘shooting a bow,’ it’s ‘drawing a bow.’ Saying you’re shooting a bow means you’re making a bow. If you’re an archer, that should have been the first thing they taught you.” “You’ve never referred to their shooting forms at all, have you? Maybe you don’t know the Eight Stages of Shooting at all? You’re not an archer at all, are you, Tetsi?”
The identification people showed up and very easily found Tetsi’s identity. Tetsi was a female office worker, a classmate of Tsucchi’s from the same university, and had zero kyudo experience. An hour later, all her videos were deleted, and Tetsi’s account was gone.
She was just an outsider who was stirring things up by using words she heard somewhere to provoke them. The flood that had been blocked by the dam continued to flow, and all the talk about what the color of kyudo gi should be got lost somewhere in the middle. Just what was all that fuss about?
The pair returned to normal operations.
“Hello, this is Asahina of ‘Yumihiki Douji.’”
“This humble one is called Eddie.”
“She, or rather, Coach Tsuchiya is working hard as a teacher, her main job. It’s encouraging, so if you like, please give her a high rating.”
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The Kazemai High School kyudo club was continuing to work hard at practice today.
After the training camp, when everyone put on their hakama, there was a feeling of “this is what an archer is,” and they felt somewhat proud.
Tommy-sensei was holding a box. He pulled out small kasumi-mato from within. They were handmade by him, and the frame was made from the cores of duct tape.
“Now then, everyone, let’s use these mini targets today. For those who hit the target, I will give them a present along with this mini target.”
Tommy-sensei pointed to Masa-san, who was wearing a silver mustache. He was holding five “fake mustaches” in different colors.
Masa-san stroked the ends of his outward-curling mustache.
“If you put this on, you’ll become an archer like Tommy-sensei.”
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo clasped their fingers in a prayer-like pose.
“I would just love to have the pink mustache. I shall do my best.”
“I guess I’d go for the light blue.”
“Black is classic. No, white might be fine too.”
The girls were excited for some reason and were choosing the color of their mustaches.
The mini targets really did look small once they were placed on the azuchi and the archers stood at the shooting line. They were smaller than the kinmato used for celebrations.
The first-years were standing in front of the targets. Nanao quickly put on his headband and was ready to go.
“I have to give it a try, don’t I? I’ll shoot through your heart!”
Several girls fainted in the stands.
While they were waiting for their turn, Keyaki and Kanbayashi were chatting. It was about the recent video incident.
“I’m glad that Asahina and Eddie from ‘Yumihiki Douji’ have recovered from this. I was thinking of unsubscribing if it became a channel for watching Tsucchi,” Keyaki said.
“If someone asked me what color I want my gi to be next time, I’ll go with white if possible. White is safe and effortless,” Kanbayashi said.
“I heard that most of the girls in the Kirisaki kyudo club were navy blue hakama in the summer. I thought that they were required to wear navy blue gi, but I was told that they run on a merit system and have no specific rules on what to wear.”
“I don’t think people who want to stand out in the first place would choose kyudo as their club activity. Archers gravitate towards the world of wabi-sabi and mania than dazzling luxury… It’s more that we prefer the austere and understated.”
While they were talking, arrows were being shot one after another, but without success. They were allowed to shoot the mini targets as many times as they wanted to within the time they were given, so everyone was going through their arrows.
In the fourth round, a beginner first-year successfully hit the target. Cheers erupted, and when the round was finished, everyone rushed forwards. They took back the mini target with the arrow in it and handed it to the person who shot it. They were moved to tears.
Time was up when each person had finished shooting up to four arrows.
In the end, only the first-year, Ryouhei, and Shiragiku were able to successfully hit the mini targets, while all the others were disappointed.
Kaito silently pulled out his arrows. His two arrows had pierced the azuchi around the mini target, as though avoiding it.
“If it had been the usual target, I would have landed all my arrows. To think I didn’t land a single hit…my training’s not enough.”
After returning from retrieving his arrows, Nanao took off his headband.
“Even when everyone didn’t hit the mini target, they’re closer to the center than usual. It’s strange.”
“So does that mean it’s possible to hit an arrow in the center if you’re conscious of it?”
Next to him, Seiya smiled daringly.
“But you’ll never become a master if you keep aiming and hitting at the target. You haven’t trained enough, have you.”
“Gaah, this is just full of contradictions.”
Minato was looking at the upper right, as though he was thinking about something.
“It’s like you’re looking, but you aren’t looking, and it’s like you’re not looking, but you are in fact looking. In kyudo and zazen, you don’t stare at a single point, but vaguely look with half-open eyes.”
Hearing that, Ryouhei approached Minato and Seiya from behind.
“I learned that in kendo. If you don’t focus on a single point and vaguely look at the whole body, you can quickly sense your opponent’s movements before anyone else. Basically, they’re telling you to not get caught up in the information coming in through your eyes.”
Masa-san was standing behind all of them.
“You guys noticed something important. Kendo and kyudo are both martial arts, so they have a lot in common. Takuan Osho left behind the phrase ‘kenzen ichinyo,’ where ichinyo means the state of being one. In English, it’s explained as ‘The sword and zen are one.’”
Keyakia and Kanbayashi had both stopped cleaning and were leaning forward to listening. Himuro was of course unmoving.
“First of all, you have to get used to it. As you gain experience, you accumulate data, and your body learns trends and countermoves. The ultimate goal is to be able to draw a bow in the same way no matter when, where, or under what circumstances. Well, I also had a tough time getting there as well.”
Keyaki became at a loss upon hearing that.
“If even Masa-san says it’s difficult, I wonder when I’ll be able to do it.”
“Don’t rush, don’t rush. Miyamoto Musashi also wrote in the Book of Five Rings, ‘See to it that you temper yourself with one thousand days of practice, and refine yourself with ten thousand days of training.’ Have you learned the essence of ‘No-Look Shooting’ of the Kazemai-ryuu? Now, take these as a souvenir.”
Tommy-sensei prepared slightly smaller mustaches as participation prizes. They were handed out when practice was over, and everyone wore them on the way home.
The next day, people started calling the kyudo club, the “Mustache Club.”
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Tsucchi, a.k.a. Haneina High School faculty member Tsuchiya Ena, was being followed by a suspicious person.
The suspicious person was dressed in baggy clothing, and wearing a mask and a hat pulled deeply over their face. She had been followed by people in the past, but this one seemed particularly persistent. They followed her to work and back home every day.
“Tsucchi, shouldn’t you tell the police about this soon?” Asahina said.
“It is as Asahina said,” Eddie said.
“Mm, thank you. But some people get mad when you involve the police, so I’ll observe the situation for a few more days. Maybe they’ll get tired of it soon.”
“We understand, but if anything should happen, please notify us immediately.”
It happened on her day off.
When she finished shopping and passed through the crowd, she sensed someone following her. When she increased her speed, they got even closer and she could hear their heavy breathing behind her. It made her feel so sick that she finally couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Hey, who are you? Are you Tetsi? Stop this. If you have something to say, show your face!”
Suddenly, the suspicious person attacked her. She quickly got onto the defensive and dodged, but since she was wearing heels that day, her feet got caught on the unevenness of the ground, causing her to stumble.
Crap, she thought, covering her face, but no impact came. When she slowly opened one eye, she saw a man catching the fist of her attacker.
The tall man spoke.
“I know you’re following this person. I’m willing to go to the police with this.”
The wrist he grabbed was thin—the suspicious person was a young woman.
The woman threw out her back and prostrated herself on the ground.
She was screaming.
“I’ve cancelled my phone, but I’ve still been getting a lot of phone calls at work, and the girls I used to be friendly with won’t even talk to me anymore, so there’s no place for me anymore! My life is all messed up because of that woman!”
“This is called reaping what you sow, and in Buddhism, it’s called karmic justice. However, the reaction to a single karma is only once, and it isn’t a chain reaction.”
Tetsi slammed her hat and mask to the ground. She looked just like an ordinary woman, so she didn’t look like the type to write such coarse words. Her hands tore at her hair.
“But, isn’t it unfair!? In university, I tried to talk to Tsucchi, but I got ignored, you know!? She was active in kyudo, everyone makes a fuss over her on Yotube for being a beautiful woman, and she can say whatever she wants to say! Even though we’re the same age, she’s the only one who ever got help, and I got left alone because I’m not cute! After rewriting it over and over and sending it to the planning committee, they rejected it, saying that it was ‘a proposal that was too womanly. Do it again.’ Does that mean I can’t be trusted without a title!?”
She started talking to herself.
Aah, this is such a pain. I don’t remember being approached by her. I worked hard at kyudo, and I have nothing to do with her not doing well at work. Either get back at your boss or quit. Just as Tsucchi was thinking that, the man bent down.
“I don’t know about other men, but all women look beautiful to me. Please raise your head.”
Tetsi looked up as instructed. The man continued.
“You don’t need to change your appearance or title. Just stop belittling yourself. You don’t have to beat anyone to live.”
“…Are you a Buddhist priest? Your head isn’t shaved, so maybe you’re wearing a wig? Ah, I’m so sorry!”
“…How about using that imagination to change jobs to become a screenwriter?”
What’s with this skit?
Don’t tell me that this is some kind of hidden camera prank?
While Tsucchi was thinking this, the man picked up the fallen bag and hat and handed them to Tetsi. He looked as though he was about withdraw at any moment.
“Please wait! Just who are you?”
The man turned around. “I’m just a Shinto priest passing by. You’re Ena-senpai, huh. It’s a good name. I’m rooting for you.”
That was all he said before he quickly left.
Tetsi also said “I’m sorry” and left, leaving Tsucchi all alone.
Oi oi, isn’t he too much of a smooth talker?
Not a Buddhist priest, but Shinto? How incredibly shady.
She could still understand where Tetsi was coming from. That was because Tsucchi also had similar experiences, such as being made fun of because “she’s just a woman,” being sexually harassed and groped on the train. She had the appearance of a woman but was a middle-aged man on the inside, so she just beat them all up. In addition, she was called “Ena-senpai.” Not many people called her that.
She searched her past memories and came across a person with a similar face.
When she was a third year in high school, the start of the awards ceremony was delayed. It was said that the name of the archer who won the kyudo boys’ competition, the one who hit with all his arrows, was different. Because he had used his old name when he entered, so he took part in the tournament under that name. It was dealt with without issue, although it appeared to have been pointed out from within.
She remembered that remarkable ochi. In another tournament, when Tsucchi was about to have her arm grabbed by her male junior, the taller boy made a loud sound that scared off the younger boy.
After that, she thought that the reason why she couldn’t find his name in the student tournaments was because his last name had changed, but she never saw his face at the venues. The remarkable ochi had disappeared.
If she remembered correctly, his name was difficult to read.
His name was—.
As Tsucchi picked up her phone, thunder sounded in the distance.
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dystopiandramaqueen · 4 months
I think I’m healing.
Two specific moments.
I was teaching adult sex Ed at church yesterday. “Our whole lives.” Talking about consent and discussing what you want w your partner etc. the important shit.
One of my teaching partners whom I adore says he just finished reading the Handmaid’s Tale.
I responded surprisingly coherently. I lean over and say- I’ll share that I’ve written. ALOT of fan fiction for that story. Bc - the show fucked it up.
He’s like how? It’s a happy ending! Nick gets her out of the house!
I’m like yea. Yea. So imagine if seasons 2 and 3 are her back in the house? Being raped and tortured?
He’s like … what?
And it was so validating. Like yea. Someone bought rights to a SACRED romantic feminist warning tale. And MADE IT INTO MISOGYNY PORN. Bc rape wins EMMYS!
Someone brings up the testaments.
I’m like yup. Atwood saw where they were going. And wrote the ending. Which is love and hope. And she ensured nick couldn’t be killed.
The original author wrote more. To save her narrative.
That’s what fic is. The reclaiming of narratives. By the people most effected by the stories.
Then I quietly, casually mention. That if (if) he watches the show, which I don’t recommend beyond S1- IF he does. IF he gets to the S4 finale. To remind me to send him my 2 fics I wrote in 2018 that, combined, are the ending. Six feet deep and Ride or Die. I don’t know if the writers read fic. Or if we had parallel identical visions for what a happy ending looks like in Gilead- but either way- it makes me feel - like all the time I spent in that world meant something. Like it was valid and real and important. To me and others. Like I was on the right wavelength. My guess was close to the final answer.
Anyway be proud someone mentioned Nick Blaine in a social setting and I didn’t black out. I like- communicated all of that in 3 sentences. Yea. That’s one of my favorite stories. I’ve written a lot for them. Lmk if you get more into it. DONE! Like a normal person!!!
K so - then tonight my new friend (yes I have healed enough to make a new friend. I survived.) loves smut. Loves it. Seeks it out. Someone left a new comment on an old story tonight and it made my whole night. And my friend goes- send me a link! And I did! Bc I’m like- fully healed and ok with integrating the parts of myself? I don’t have to be high or drunk to be my sexual self. I’m not ashamed of that part of me? It’s not gross or bad. Like - this friend was AT THE ADULT SEX ED CLASS I TAUGHT! We are literally on the same page! She likes smut! I write smut! It’s ok!
Anyway. Big developments.
And, most ✨magickal ✨of all, I’m finally working on my original story.
2 chapters down.
It’s for all of you tumblr ppl. The way THT fic was for and about fandom ppl. HOS is about us. Filthy tumblr smut folk. Cannot wait to share it. Prob need about a year.
I’m glad I’m still alive.
I did not think healing was possible.
How fucking cool.
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biancadjarin · 2 years
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Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
Chapter 3 : In the Romance Aisle
previous part here
EM x Popular Cheerleader
self insert (Y/N) - 18+ !!! Slow burn, leading to smut but I’m kinda enjoying writing them getting to know each other🤭
The next morning, Eddie’s late to his first period, having overslept. The only thing that even got him out of bed was the promise of seeing you and the fact that it was Friday, Hellfire day. When he gets to school, everyone is already in class, the halls an empty wasteland. He uses this opportunity to slip the note he wrote you into the slat in your locker. He starts to walk towards his class but then thinks fuck it. I’m already late. Might as well skip and go smoke in the woods. So he spent the next 45 minutes at his usual picnic table surrounded by trees, the smoke from his joint floating up as he rehearses the campaign he has planned for this afternoon.
You on the other hand woke up extra early today, hardly able to sleep after yesterday. You spent a little extra time getting ready this morning, shaving your legs and making sure every inch of your body was smooth and smelling sweet. Just in case you think. Today was game day so you had to wear your uniform. You’d went to sleep with your hair in a few big rollers to give it some loose flowy curls. You carefully apply your mascara and lipgloss, making sure everything was just right. The rising sunlight through your window catches something metallic out of the corner of your eye. Eddie’s rings. You’d laid them in your tiny white porcelain tray on your nightstand that you keep your earrings in last night before you went to sleep, having washed the blood off them. You’d tried them on your own fingers but they were all too big, even for your thumb. You find a small iridescent tulle bag to drop them in, pulling the ribbon tight to close it, you slip it into the pocket of your monogrammed sweater that matches your uniform and grab your bag as you run out the door, heading for the bus stop.
Sitting on the bus, you remember most clubs meet on Fridays after school. Including Eddie’s club. You weren’t too sure what they do in Hellfire but some of the teachers seemed to think it had something to do with worshipping the devil. That’s silly. you think. Eddie wouldn’t hurt a fly. Unless that fly was a basketball player with a big mouth. So you weren’t sure when you’d see him today but you hoped you’d get an opportunity to talk.
The morning went by as it usually did. First period was full of nervous chatter about tonight’s game, the Tiger’s undefeated record hanging by a thread now that they were about to play the other best school in town. You don’t really care if the team won or lost, you just like cheering next to all your friends. The bell rang and you’re released into the hall with everyone, spilling out of the doors like a dam burst. You scan the crowd inconspicuously for the tall, long haired metal head but there’s no sign of him. You stop at your locker, letting out a disappointed sigh. Your pink manicured fingers spin your combination in, setting down the book from your first class. A folded piece of paper topples out. You catch it before it falls to the floor and unfold it:
meet me in the east library after first period.
my booboo needs another kiss.
You smile at the note as you reread the words. A wave of warmth washes over you, feeling a sudden burst of adrenaline and excitement. But something else too. You’re nervous. You hadn’t been sure yesterday if Eddie had been feeling anything during your hour together but now this proves that he did. The thought made those pesky butterflies reappear in your tummy, along with a tingly feeling in your palms. The bell rings and shakes you out of your trance. You look up from the note, peeking around your locker and see a near empty hallway, everyone racing to class. You’ll probably be late to second period but it should be ok, talking to teachers is a specialty of yours. Refolding the note and stuffing it into the pocket of your sweater, you walk toward the far side of the school, to the library that’s least visited.
Opening the heavy door to the library, you step in and feel the cold air prick at your bare legs. The East library is farther than the one in the main building so it’s usually empty. The tall wooden bookshelves line the walls of the large room, arranged in a U shape around a few rows of tables and chairs for studying. You scan the tables in the middle of the room and don’t see anyone. Just the elderly librarian at her desk in the corner, her nose glued to a thick book. You begin walking past the end of the aisles, eyes scanning down them for Eddie. You pass fiction, non-fiction, political, self-help. You don’t see him. You’re almost to the back of the room, nerves being replaced by worry that you had somehow misinterpreted the note.
You stop at the end of the last row of books, turning to face the open section of the room once again, eyebrows knit with confusion. You feel a hand wrap around your wrist and pull you back into the shadows. Your heart jumps to your throat when you see Eddie smiling at you. “You came.” He says, sounding genuinely surprised. You nod “I got your note.” He’s wearing his Hellfire shirt, black jeans and white reeboks, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket. He can’t be any cuter. He laughs “sorry I made you walk all the way over here”, his eyes rolling and smile growing bigger as he emphasized the words. “I just wanted to talk somewhere…” his eyes darted up trying to find the word. “Quiet.” He smiles, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“S’okay Eddie” you say sweetly. He hums happily as he takes a step closer to you, the smell of his body wash and something skunky filling your nostrils. “You look extra pretty today princess” he says, looking down at your skirt and pinching the hem of it between two fingers. Your entire body feels like it’s filled with warm honey as your legs get covered in goosebumps. “Extra?” You ask hoping for clarification. He chuckles. “Well you’re gorgeous everyday.” His voice lowering to a whisper before he says “But especially today.” You’re sure your face is burning red so you change the subject to the first thing that pops in your head. “I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble yesterday.” You say with a worried look. His eyes soften, touched by your concern. He sucks his teeth, taking in a deep breath of air, his hellfire shirt stretching deliciously over his chest. “Nah, Higgins is a total butthead.” He says with an exhale.
You laugh, his puppy dog eyes watching your face until a distant “shhhh” causes him to whip his head to look toward the open end of your aisle, his hair uncovering the side of his eye revealing a bruise from yesterday. “Oh you poor baby” your hand reaching up to gently trace your fingers along the dark purple skin. “Ah I’m fine.” He says softly, leaning into your touch. He reaches up to your hand and brings it down, running his thumb over your knuckles and looking down, his hair falling into his eyes. His gaze travels down your entire frame and then back up, pausing to look at your lips. He smiles with a little exhale and softly takes both your wrists and pulls you closer to him, setting your hands on his leather covered chest.
He’s studying your face, eyes whispering a silent “is this ok?” and you begin to run your hands up and twirl some strands of his hair around your fingers. The butterflies in your stomach are on overdrive, your mind goes blank looking into his big chocolate eyes. He smiles “are you nervous princess?” he asks in a teasing tone. Such a bastard. He knows you are. You huff out an exhale and shake your head, determined to remain in control even though it feels like you’re standing in quicksand. Sinking further and further until you feel yourself falling. He brings a finger up to rest under your chin, every so lightly tilting it up, his thumb ghosting over your bottom lip. His eyes don’t leave your mouth as he leans close to you, seemingly in slow motion, to press his plush lips to yours.
You melt into his kiss, finally getting what you’ve been thinking about for so long, not realizing it would be this good. You never knew what you were missing and God had you been missing a lot. He brings his hands up to rest on either side of your jaw, his skilled tongue dipping into your mouth and massaging yours. He tastes like the herby weed you’ve heard he sells (not that you’ve ever smoked any) and juicy fruit gum. He begins to walk you backward into where the bookshelves become a corner. He places a hand behind your head as he pushes you into the wood and then trails it down your soft hair and lets his fingers run through and get lost in it. His other hand resting on your hip, fingers playing with the ruffles on your skirt, your arms outstretched over his shoulders, fingers lost in his frizzy curls. He lets out a breath that’s hiding a soft moan as he looks down at his hand dropping to the hem of your skirt. Your eyes flutter close as you pull him closer, wrists locking behind his neck, kissing him deeper. Both his hands slowly travel up the back of your thighs, stopping at the crease underneath your ass, letting his forefingers nuzzle there. His fingers begin to massage the bottom of your cheeks that are sticking out under your soffe shorts.
He moans louder this time, squeezing your ass as he leans into you, your back pressing against the old wooden shelves. His lips leave yours as they dip down to kiss behind your ear, you lift your neck to give him more room. He chuckles lowly against your skin, “you like when I kiss you there angel?” the breath from his whisper making a chill on the wet spot his kiss left behind. You nod once with a pout, staring into his eyes. His tongue darts out the side of his mouth as he leans back a bit, eyebrows raising as he leans his head the other way, picking a different spot to kiss next. “How about when I kiss here?” He asks as he gives a feather soft kiss on your neck. “Mhmm” you moan weakly as he begins to suck on that spot. If your brain wasn’t a bowl of marshmallow fluff you might stop him and tell him you can’t have a hickie especially before a big game but the signals from your brain to your mouth left the room a long time ago. His hands are fully exploring your ass now, your skirt flipped up and laying over the back of his hands. “Eddie” you whispered, not quite sure if it was the beginning of a statement or a question.
The sound of the half period bell vibrates above you and your eyes shoot open, wrist leaning back over Eddie’s shoulder to look at your watch. “Oh god, we’re so so late. If we leave now we might not get detention.” He snort laughs, “you’re not going anywhere y/n.” He says pulling you closer to nuzzle into where your neck meets your shoulder. The feeling of your name inside his voice making your head spin. “And hey maybe we can get detention together. Wouldn’t that be cool?” He says pulling away to look at you. Your eyes widen. You? Detention?? But looking at his puppy dog eyes growing sad at the possibility of you leaving made your heart ache. You shake your head and smile softly. “You’re going to be a bad influence on me aren’t you Eddie Munson?”
Hope you enjoyed! Please leave feedback 💕
eddie note image credit : @eddienbird
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gtunesmiff · 8 months
4 Common Problems with the Creativity Process in Songwriting
(Edited from an e-mail...)
Impostor Syndrome
The problem: Living in constant fear of being found out, for someone to point at you and say "this person is an impostor! I bet he doesn't even know what notes an Ebmin∆7(#9#11) is made up of!"
The underlying mindset: Thinking that making songs is a skill that you either have or don't have, and that there will be a clear point in your life where you'll suddenly be able to do it.
What you need to realize: This moment where you suddenly feel confident in your work doesn't exist. Learning a creative skill is a continuous journey.
What to do: At any given point, do the best you can, and learn as much as you can. That's all you can do.
Writer's Block
The problem: You have stopped writing regularly, out of fear that nothing good will come out.
The underlying mindset: Thinking that creativity is "god-given", an external source that you have no control over. And when it doesn't come, all you can do is wait.
What you need to realize: Creativity is driven by you. See it like a working relationship you have with your muse: the more work you do, the more your muse will feel obliged to chip in. But your muse is lazy: If you work for a few hours in a row, she'll ignore that. Do it every day, and she won't be able to ignore you.
What to do: Write with the sole purpose of activating your muse. The goal is not to write something good, it's to communicate to your brain that you are in creative mode.
The problem: You're writing a song, and you're not making progress.
The Underlying mindset: If I get stuck, I must not have the talent, or I'm doing something wrong.
What you need to realize: You are stuck for a very simple reason: You have encountered a specific problem you’ve never dealt with before, and you don’t know how to solve it.
What to do: Figure out exactly what the problem is and brainstorm solutions. It’s ok to go for the obvious solution if you can only think of one (“but that would be such a cliche!”), it's more important to get unstuck than to be brilliant. You can always rewrite later.
The problem: Not finishing your songs because you're "fixing" and rewriting your music over and over again.
The underlying mindset: I can't release anything less than perfect or people might think I'm lazy or dumb. But what I liked last week seems obvious or uninspired now.
What you need to realize: As long as you keep pushing yourself, you will always be better tomorrow. But that doesn't mean yesterday's songs aren't worth releasing! Songs are time stamps. See them as diary entries: This is what you believed or thought when you wrote that song. It's not your job to rewrite every song until you love it, it's your job to write the best song!
What to do: Jump into the mind of your past self. Figure out what you actually wanted to say or do with your song when you wrote it, and then make that as clear as possible.
An Observation
Something interesting happened after my last mail. I asked you where you struggle the most with your process, but most of the emails I got concerned skills: how do I write melodies to lyrics, how do I write better melodies or chords, etc.
None of these are about process.
That's not to say that you didn't listen, rather it seemed to me as though most of you don't even know what process means and why it's so important.
In other words, the problem is you don't even know why you struggle.
You think you need to learn how to write chords or better melodies, or produce better.
But the truth is that if you don't have a process, none of these will get you anywhere, except stranded in a pile of unfinished songs. 
All creative work consists of two big parts:
Skill: how good you are at writing melodies, producing music, ear training, coming up with engaging lyrics, etc. This is the stuff we mostly teach at Holistic Songwriting Academy, and it involves both study and practice. Very important, but useless without:
Process: how you actually write songs. Which instrument do you start with? How do you make sure you don't get stuck and what do you do if you do get stuck? How do you make sure your songs get finished, and that they're as best as they can be? How can you enjoy the creative process, and write more songs quicker? How do you make sure you don't drive yourself crazy? How do you deal with your ego, your perfectionism? How do you deal with tight deadlines?
~ Friedemann Findeisen || Holistic Songwriting
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pridepurgatorium · 11 months
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— It’s a horror movie!?!
@ombrotherlylove2023 , Levithan and Mammon
Day 3: Movie watching & hugs
Mention of Asmo having sex, very brief I would still consider it teen but if there is an issue I can easily change the line. I would like to note that I’m aware the story behind Mammon was traumatizing, as such consider this an AU where that didn’t happen, Levi did not make his brother watch a horror movie knowing what happened to him. The scene that triggers him is similar to his trauma and that's just because I'm uncreative.
Here, I made up for yesterday not being centered around Mammon. This one gave me the most trouble, I believe it was the 2nd to last one I wrote? You’ll see tomorrow’s work also features Levi and that’s because I originally wrote that for him… so…
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Horror anime. Horror manga. Slasher gore-fests. You name it and there was probably something in Levi’s collection to suit your fancy. He’s read it all from the deceptively pink magical girl ones to Junji Ito himself; he thoroughly enjoys the genre (not all the time though, he has to be in the mood for it). 
One of his favorites, The Author Of My Favorite Book Asked For My Help To Write Her Next Hit But Anything I Write Turns Into Prophecies And So When I Plagiarized Chainsaw Man The Devils Started Attacking, recently got greenlight for a film that Levi patiently waited for (it’s been a decade! he deserves to complain!) and finally it’s here.
This one is…
Scary. It’s terrifying. He can barely watch the anime with breaks in between so he’s sure he needs one of his brothers to watch it with him.
The question is who? Who will be his willing participant? Lucifer is a no. Satan might’ve said yes but aforementioned Lucifer has pissed him off bad recently and Levi would rather not deal with that. He can hear the fuckfest Asmo is having through the walls (why didn’t he cast a noise canceling spell???) and Beel and Belphie are for once, actually out of the house (Belphie is the surprising one), so that leaves him with one unfortunate brother.
Well Mammon would have to agree, after all how could you say no to Levi’s puppy eyes (and a couple thousand grim)? 
So just like that, it was movie night! Popcorn in hand, blankets grabbed, (one of his) DVD(s) popped in, and an already nervous Mammon on his couch, they were ready to go!
The movie started and for the most part Mammon was ok, maybe a shout here and there but other than that he was doing exceptionally well for his track record!… until he wasn’t…
There was a part in the movie where a ghost took control of one of the MC’s bodies and this shook Mammon to his core.
“Mammon? Are you ok?” Levi asked, starting to get genuinely worried when Mammon didn’t even yelp at that scene.
“I uhm- Yeah could we just take a break please?” Mammon asked after a little bit of working up the courage to ask.
Was it really scaring him that much? Levi was having conflicting feelings but of course he would pause it.
After a little while Mammon still didn’t look any better and that’s when it happened. In typical “just watched a horror movie” fashion, there was a loud noise from somewhere and Mammon screamed. 
Levi couldn’t think of anything better to do so he did the only thing he could think of and grabbed his headphones, put them on Mammon's head and hugged him as hard as he could, hoping to ground him like his older brother would often do for him. 
The noise was of course nothing, and they were some of the most powerful demons in the Devildom so logically, nothing could’ve harmed them.
But fear isn’t logical. 
But nobody is stronger than Mammon.
If anyone can work through his fears and better himself, it’s Mammon.
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I keep changing my formatting I’m so sorry lmao. I’m not sure if I’m happy with this but it’s ok. Also I keep telling myself I like all horror but I cannot watch horror movies they scare me too much, I like psychological horror (spare reccs?) and I read some horror manga here and there but I don’t like it as much as I think I do lol.
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thiirsdaygirl · 1 month
mira goes investigating
okay this is not about zukka… or atla..
thats ur warning
SO BASICALLY AT MY SCHOOL i have english second period on days 1 and 2. on a day 1 i saw in the desk in front of me (desk 3) someone wrote free palestine in sharpie 💕!! so then i was HOOKED INTO FINDING OUT WHO IT WAS. i am not joking i am litterally like hyperfixated on this. its giving quinni from heartbreak high.
ok so the first person i dmed was this girl jana, i knew she had my teacher and shes very pro palestine, so in my mind she was the most likely. plus she had english the period before me. she said it wasnt her and she didnt know who sat there. so i asked my (kinda) friend bella and she said that she thought yuzuki sat there. now bella had english in d block on the day before i found the writing, so the timing would make sense, but yuzuki is not the kinda girl to be not ignorant.
i dmed her anyways and asked her like the basic questions, do u have this class, do u sit here, she said yeah, and so i asked was this writing on the desk when u were there yesterday? (with the picture i took of the desk) and she said no. a not important fact was that she took foreverrrr to respond to the last question which was infuriating!!
so i had narrowed it down to 1st period the same day, to last period the day before. pretty close to solving if u had asked me 😼 but anyways… i asked jana to send me her class list from google classroom, and it had two people i was familiar with, taj and sofie. first i dmed taj bc hes super nice, he responded like right away and now one of my friends thinks he has a crush on me- NOT IMPORTANT. anyways he said he barely knows the people in his class, i said its ok ty and moved on.
next i dmed sofie, no joke it took her a day to respond. so i went to work and made like $15 of tips for a birthday party i worked at, and then i got home and FINALLLYYY i got a text back. she said yeah she had the class blah blah blah, and that isabelle sat there, so i asked her who sat next to isabelle (because isabelle is NOT the kinda girl to write free palestine on a desk) and she said she did. PERFECT. so i asked her, was there any writing on the desk? she said YEAH ACTUALLY I THINK THERE WAS. thats when i had my detective moment…
so i knew it had to be last period. but yayyy!! i had no CLUE what class that was. i did the sane thing and emailed my ugly rat ass english teacher man, he has STILL not emailed back. i basically asked him what class he had e block on day 3.
like a while ago i forgot my ipad charger in english class, and while i was in french i went to pick it up. i saw this person alfie, and this person marcy who used to be friends w me. i talked to my rat english teacher ab how someone took the charger, and i left.
so that was d block, and i have french on day 2 and day 3, so i thought that there was a good chance that that class would also happen in e block (last period) on a day 3. i checked saturn, and found alfie and saw, sure enough, (my teacher) e block creative writing. i also checked who else was in the class, one other person, maddie.
maddie is in cheer with my friend… madi 😭 LOLL. but i had her added on insta so i dmed her and asked her the basics, she said yeah. so i asked her who sat in desk 3?? ALFIE. now here comes the part of my little detective journey where i am STUMPED. BECAUSE ITS OBVIOUSLY THEM. but i checked their saturn which had their socials linked and dmed them on insta, they had 2 followers, and 1 followed. it was pretty obvious they do not use instagram. but i dmed anyways and i asked 3 questions. are u alfie? do u have this class? who sits in desk 3? (this was before i texted maddie)
now i am DESPERATE. i KNOWWWWW it was them i know it in my heart. and i added them on snap they havent added me back. i know where they work but i am NOT CRAZY. just saying……….. I JUST WANT CONFIRMATION!!!!!!!!!!
i think if they dont add me back on snap, ill email them 🎀
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cutelittleriot · 5 months
Chapter 3
Tw for dissassociation episode (I think idk if I wrote it right)
Trolls have fur in this it's just very very short almost a fuzz. Unless your a techno troll. You can see the fuzz on Barbs hands when she plays a guitar solo
The first thing that he is aware of when he wakes up is that he itches......EVERYWHERE!
Bolting up Branch begins to scratch everywhere at his fur. It feels like his skin is buzzing like crazy and like his body has been doused in itching powder and no matter how hard he scratches it won't go away whatsoever. He knows that stupid fruit caused this itchiness. He knows that he should be glad that he isn't sick or you know dead but this could just possibly be a series of stages before he neets his inevitable demise.
Getting up he rushes to take a shower to hopefully somehow relieve himself of this itchiness or at least make it more tolerable but it doesn't for some reason it feels somewhat uncomfortable when the water hits his fur like it's weighing him down. Deciding that this isn't helping one bit he gets dressed and heads out to see if Poppy is going through this as well, all the while still scratching at himself like crazy and trolls who were up and about stare at him in confusion at his weird behavior before moving on with their lives.
He reaches Poppy's pod and frantically knocks at the door. "Who is it?" Poppy asks loudly. "Its Branch!" He yells his arms are getting tired from scratching so much already but he can't stop he needs this itchiness to go away ne needs to scratch as it seems to help only a tiny bit.
"Just give me a minute I'm doing my hair real quick!" She yells probably from her bathroom. So Baranch stands outside just continuing to scratch himself. As he is scratching he notices that his itchiness seems to be especially bad around his head,sure it's bad everywhere on his body but it's especially bad on his head.
After what seems like the longest minute Poppy opens up her pod and.....she isn't scratching herself?! WHAT KIND OF FAVORTISM IS THIS?! "Woah Branch are you ok?! Your scratching yourself like crazy!" She exclaims concerned grabbing his hands to stop himself but he moves his hands away from her "Oh I don't know maybe it's because I'm itching everywhere and it's all because of that fruit you gave me?!" He exclaims sarcastically.
"But if that fruit caused this than why aren't I itchy" She ponders as she looks herself over. "I don't know but I'm having a feeling if it was sentient that the fruit is picking favorites!" Branch says angry. "Hey don't worry my dad is up at around this time so there no need to worry I bet he has some answers let's go find him" She says trying to be optimistic of the situation and Branch is not having it and just gives her the most deadpan expression he can give her while he still scratching.
The two make their way to king Peppys pod and soon reach it "Uhm dad we need help" Poppy says entering the pod seeing her dad looking at some scrapbooks of what seems to be wildlife. "Yes what is it Poppy? Is someone hurt or -oh sweet everything why are you scratching yourself so much Branch?!" King peppy exclaims shocked at seeing this odd behavior from the former grey troll.
"Well you see dad-" Poppy begins to explain yesterday's events to him and he nods along as he listens. "Wait Poppy could you describe that fruit again?" He asks his back straightening suddenly as if alarmed. "Uh it was about this big" She gestures with her hands. "It was bright pink with a green stem and parts of it were different colors sort of like a rainbow and it was covered in glitter" She says describing the fruit.
"And just how much of the fruit did you eat" King Peppy says suddenly sounding worried and grabs poppys shoulders and Branch's anxiety is not liking the worried tone the king is using right now. "Uhm I only had 3 small pieces while Branch ate the rest. Why what's wrong is Branch in danger?!" Poppy exclaims worried that she might just have sentenced her boyfriend to die by complete accident.
King Peppy sighs suddenly looking much older than he already is. "No he isn't in any danger he won't die as that fruit isn't poisonous in any way" he says and the couple let out a sigh of relief. "But that doesn't mean that something isn't happening to him" he says looking at Branch with a solem expression. Branch can feel his anxiety take a whole new level now. Just what was happening to him? Was this just a allergic reaction? A side effect?
"What you ate is something some thought to be a myth due to how rare it is. The last time this fruit was even seen was before I was even hatched from my egg that's how rare this fruit is" King Peppy explains. "Come take a seat you two I think it's time I tell you about what this fruit truly is and what our ancestors were like a long time ago" he gestures to 2 chairs and they each take a seat and Branch is still scratching himself alebit not as hard.
"In order to understand what this fruit does first you need to learn about our ancestors. We pop trolls didn't always look the way we do now. We weren't as social or friendly as we are now. We often stayed alone, we didn't live in villages we often lived by ourselves unless we were with our mate and or with our trollings,but other than that we were very solitary." He explains to the two.
"Oh wow I can't ever imagine being all alone like that, that sounds horrible" Poppy exclaims. "So not much different than how I used to be" Branch deadpans. "Yes we also looked much different, we had thicker fur,our colors weren't nearly as bright or colorful. We also had fangs and claws for protection from predators" King Peppy explains some more. "I'm not seeing how this has anything to do with the fruit dad?" Poppy says confused.
King Peppy takes a long sad look at Branch before he sighs "Overtime our ancestors began to look and act like the trolls of today friendly,cuddly,social creatures. Due to this those traits that our ancestors had before went away with time until we lost them entirely as we didn't need them anymore. That fruit that you ate it....it transforms a troll back into what our ancestors looked like" King peppy says sadly.
Branch swore he thought he heard a record scratch at what he was hearing "It WHAT?!" Branch yells both shocked and petrified he didn't want to become what sounded like a monster with the way King Peppy was describing them. "Yes as of right now your body is transforming itself back to what our ancestors looked like." He says giving Branch a onceover with a bit of a confused expression "Oh yeah? Than why isn't Poppy affected by this?!" Branch really wants to know the answer to this.
"Its due to the amount of the fruit you ate you have to eat a certain amount in order for the transformation to take place. Branch you ate almost half of it while Poppy sheonly ate 3 small bites so it wasn't enough for the transformation to take place unlike with you. Normally a troll would eat the whole fruit and it would happen all at once and usually would be complete the next day but it seems with you it's more slow and gradual." King peppy explains as he takes a closer look.
"See? Take a look Branch your fur is currently growing as we speak its why you are so itchy" King peppy explains as he grabs a hand mirror and low and behold he is right. On certain parts of his face you could see bits of fur sticking up. Branch holds the mirror with a angry expression as he glares at his reflection.
"Well this is just fantastic. How do I reverse this? Becuase if it gets worse than this itchiness I'm gonna go ballistic" He says as he grits his teeth and scratches his head with a new vigor.
"I wish there was a better way to say this Branch but I'm sorry to say that this transformation is permanent it can't be reversed" the old king explains.
The two look at Branch probably expecting yelling or screaming but he just stares ahead with a blank expression as he drops the mirror thankfully not shattering and he stops scratching entirely as his arms hang limp at his sides. "Branch?" Poppy asks concerned for her boyfriend at the way he is taking this news.
That word is the only thing he can hear right now and is currently registering
The word keep repeating over over in his head
Can't be reversed
I can't go back to normal
He ignores everything around him. He can't hear anything else he is just focusing on that one word.
The sound of his girfriends voice snaps him out of whatever was going on with him. He looks up and she is gripping his shoulders and shaking him and he can tell she is trying very hard not to cry right now. Oh and was it him or was he having a bit of trouble breathing at the moment?
"Huh what happened?" He asks confused. "You jsut zoned out! Nothing we were doing was getting your attention! You were just staring at nothing and you were starting to hyperventilate!" She says as she gives him a tight hug that seems to ground him as he can focus more now and is more aware.
"Branch if it's any consultation the transformation is only physical there aren't any mental changes well maybe other than some new instincts but I assure you they are harmless!" He says putting his hands up.
Well he guesses that's one good thing out of this whole nightmare he wouldn't be a mindless feral monster he don't know what he would do if that were the case. Probably just isolate himself far away from the village as to not hurt anyone.
"I-i just want to go home right now" He stutters out as he stands up as Poppy releases her grip on him. She nods and gets ready to follow him "No Poppy i- I need to be alone right now ok?" We can talk tomorrow I just need to process this" He says as he leaves leaving both the king and queen who watch on in sadness.
He has never run so fast before back to his bunker. He quickly makes his way down and just crawls into bed hugs himself and begins to sob at his new chapter in life until he cries himself to sleep.
The origin fruit
A fruit that isn't created via a normal way its completely random when one is made. It can happen to any fruit but it often happens with rock troll fruit and pop troll fruit. A random fruit will mutate into a origin fruit and will not spoil or rot even if cut open.
It has no seeds and can't be planted as nothing will grow
Any troll that eats this will physically revery to what their ancestors looked like. The effects differ for each type of troll
(I went sort of a devil fruit route with the mutation)
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