#like i know it was kind of a bit but. for lucy. OH MY GOD
still thinking about when fabian summoned the rats of Rat World btw. the bad kids saying “for lucy” when she wasn’t in their party, they never even met her. she was a rat grinder and here are the bad kids doing more to honor her memory than her own party. who LITERALLY left her for dead. oh my god
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disenchantedif · 4 months
Oh my god, what if MC has issues regarding V-day because they and Luci used to do something really sappy and cute for it? So now seeing all the happy couples just makes them really upset/angry?
You sigh, tossing your bag on the counter. Theo is still in class until this evening, so you have until then to stew. It’s stupid to hate Valentine’s Day so much, but you can’t help it. It a reminder of everything you once had, the life you lived before it all went to shit.
The last time you spent this day with anyone was Lucien. Lucien, who you had made homemade pizzas with and sat out on the balcony, watching the stars with only your shared body heat to keep you warm.
After you became Unchosen, after Lucien had left you, maybe you became a bit jaded toward the holiday. You once looked forward to it with sappy naïveté, and now you dreaded the memories it would dredge up.
Even now, with you and Lucien almost fully made up, you couldn’t stand seeing all the happy couples and hearts and love bullshit everywhere. It just…hurt. It hurt, and that made you angry.
Leaning on the counter, you contemplate ordering take out and just going straight to bed when there’s a knock on your door. It’s soft, hesitant, almost like the person on the other side kind of hopes you won’t come to the door.
You do, though. You pull it open and there stands the object of both your ire and yearning.
“Hey,” He says, sheepish, his wings twitching with his anxiety, “I wasn’t sure if I should come over…”
“You can come over whenever,” You say, your voice gentle despite your foul mood for the day.
After everything the both of you have been through, you don’t have it in yourself to cruel to him. Not even today, when the wound in your heart is raw and bleeding. You both have been hurt far too much, by one another and Lucien’s parents and far too many others to list.
You don’t want him to hurt anymore, not after you’ve seen the disastrous results. Besides, hurting him would only wound you more in the end. You learned that lesson a long time ago.
“I just…” Lucien shifts on his feet, pulling something out of his bag, “I know this is all still new, and I wasn’t sure if it would even be appreciated, but…here.”
It’s a canvas, you realize. He flips it over as he hands it to you, revealing a portrait of yourself done in watercolor. You’re smiling, a light flush of pink highlighting your cheeks, a golden yellow wash surrounding you as if he’d pictured you bathed in sunlight.
You take the painting with trembling hands, your wide eyes finding his.
“It’s not a lot,” He say softly, “But I…it’s my favorite painting I’ve done in a long time.”
It is a lot, though. It’s everything. You take a step inside to set the painting down gently on the counter before turning back to him. You take his hand and lead him inside, enthralled with the way he looks at you like you hung the stars in tonight’s sky.
“We can order pizza,” You suggest, closing the door behind him, “Watch a movie. I’ll probably fall asleep.”
“I don’t care if you use me as a pillow,” He says softly.
Four Valentine’s Days apart, wasted, and you probably should be angry about it. You were just moments ago. As you sit beside him on the couch, his curls tickling your neck as he rests his head atop yours, you find it hard to hold on to that anger. Perhaps you’d be happier if you let it go.
Dark brown eyes glance down at you, warm and utterly taken, and you decide that you’ll move on. For yourself, and for Lucien. It’s what the both of you deserve after so many years of suffering.
You sigh, tossing your bag on the counter. Theo is still in class until this evening, so you have until then to stew. It's stupid to hate Valentine's Day so much, but you can't help it. It a reminder of everything you once had, the life you lived before it all went to shit.
The last time you spent this day with anyone was Lucia. Lucia, who you had made homemade pizzas with and sat out on the balcony, watching the stars with only your shared body heat to keep you warm.
After you became Unchosen, after Lucia had left you, maybe you became a bit jaded toward the holiday. You once looked forward to it with sappy naïveté, and now you dreaded the memories it would dredge up.
Even now, with you and Lucia almost fully made up, you couldn't stand seeing all the happy couples and hearts and love bullshit everywhere.
It just...hurt. It hurt, and that made you angry.
Leaning on the counter, you contemplate ordering take out and just going straight to bed when there's a knock on your door. It's soft, hesitant, almost like the person on the other side kind of hopes you won't come to the door.
You do, though. You pull it open and there stands the object of both your ire and yearning.
“Hey,” She says, sheepish, her wings twitching with her anxiety, “I wasn't sure if I should come over.”
“You can come over whenever,” You say, your voice gentle despite your foul mood for the day.
After everything the both of you have been through, you don't have it in yourself to cruel to her. Not even today, when the wound in your heart is raw and bleeding. You both have been hurt far too much, by one another and Lucia’s parents and far too many others to list.
You don't want her to hurt anymore, not after you've seen the disastrous results. Besides, hurting her would only wound you more in the end. You learned that lesson a long time ago.
“I just…” Lucia shifts on her feet, pulling something out of her bag, “I know this is all still new, and I wasn't sure if it would even be appreciated, but…here.”
It's a canvas, you realize. She flips it over as she hands it to you, revealing a portrait of yourself done in watercolor. You're smiling, a light flush of pink highlighting your cheeks, a golden yellow wash surrounding you as if she'd pictured you bathed in sunlight.
You take the painting with trembling hands, your wide eyes finding hers.
“It's not a lot,” She say softly, “But I...it's my favorite painting l've done in a long time.”
It is a lot, though. It's everything. You take a step inside to set the painting down gently on the counter before turning back to her. You take her hand and lead her inside, enthralled with the way she looks at you like you hung the stars in tonight's sky.
“We can order pizza" You suggest, closing the door behind her, "Watch a movie. l'll probably fall asleep.”
“| don't care if you use me as a pillow,” She says softly.
Four Valentine's Days apart, wasted, and you probably should be angry about it. You were just moments ago. As you sit beside her on the couch, her curls tickling your neck as she rests her head atop yours, you find it hard to hold on to that anger. Perhaps you'd be happier if you let it go.
Dark brown eyes glance down at you, warm and utterly taken, and you decide that you'll move on. For yourself, and for Lucia. It's what the both of you deserve after so many years of suffering.
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hi, you may have seen my username recently in your notifications, i have gotten reobsessed with the arcana and i love your work.
may i request; the main six with a gn!partner who forgets/puts off taking care of themselves (eating, hygiene, etc.) unless theyre practically dragged off to do it? thank you!!
(A/n: I have and I appreciate all the support!❤)
Word Count: 1,944
Summary: If you won't take care of yourself, your partner will
Warnings: Various forms of self-neglect, Mention of injury/blood in Portia's, Reader's hair is long enough to put into a bun in Julian's
Age Rating: None
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The Main 6 x Self Negligent! Reader
"Who's a good boy?~"
Melchior flops over for belly rubs as you continue to coo at him, his female counter part having gone to lay down in the shade a bit ago.
"You are, you're such a good, handsome boy, aren't cha? Yes, you are! Yes, you are~"
You're in the garden playing with Mercedes and Melchior as you had been most of the day. Opting to enjoy your rare day of relaxation.
After a few more scratches to his kick spot, Melchior abruptly sits up before bolting behind you. Turning, you're met with the one and only, Count Lucio. You knew he'd show up eventually. He always does. Whether it's to bother you, escape the courtiers, or to genuinely spend time with you, the count always has a bit of time with you each day.
"Y/n." Never learned to properly greet, huh?
He strides over to the tree sheltering Mercedes from the blistering sun, plopping down uncountly to lean against it as well.
"Hey, Luci," You're lucky you're his partner or you'd never get away with calling him as such. "What's it today? Come to pester me about distracting the dogs? Or has Valerius been getting on your case again?"
He places a hand dramatically against his chest as he feigns innocence.
"What? I can't just visit you out of the kindness of my heart? I'm wounded, truly, I am."
"Har har. It was Volta, then?-"
"OH! I just can't stand it! How does she put so much away?? And the chewing noises-" He cuts himself off with a shiver. "Ughack."
There it is.
You can't help but laugh. "She really can out eat the best of them, huh?"
"Speaking of- Have you eaten today, darling?"
Uh oh.
"Yeah, totally!" You lie.
"That's good. The chef really knows his way around a duck," Lucio's hand fall to scratch between Merchior's ear as he rests his head in his lap.
You nod in agreement. "He really does," you hum.
"You know what's funny?"
He spares a glance your way before returning his attention to the dogs.
"Lunch was veal, not duck..."
There's a silence before you rush to explain yourself.
"To be fair, I-"
"Uh uh, no excuses." Lucio stands, brushing the dirt off his trousers before offering you a hand up. "Let's go get some food in you, sweet."
There's no arguing with him, so you let out a sigh and let him hoist you up.
"Let's go, then..."
"Hey, Y/n? Have you seen- Oh my god!"
Portia drops the basket she's carrying as she catches sight of your arm.
She rushes to you as you stand frozen in shock. Her outburst and sprint towards you happening a bit fast to process.
You're snapped out of it when she grabs your arm, gently guiding you to a wicker chair.
"What happened?" Her fingers lightly graze over the cut on your arm.
"I, uh, had a slip up with one of the garden tools."
She looks up at you as she asks, "When did it happen? Some of the blood's dry..."
"I don't know..." You look at you lap, "Maybe 1 or 2 hours ago?"
Her grip tightens. "Why haven't you bandaged it up?? I swear, you remind me too much of Ilya sometimes."
"I had a lot to do, so I figured it could wait." The branches above cast Portia's face in a scary light as she glares at you.
"You put off fixing your sliced open arm because you had work to do!?" Well, when she puts it like that...
"I'm sorry," you whisper, gaze still on your lap.
Her look softens. "Sweetie... I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just-"
She lets out a breath, "I know you forget to take care of yourself and I worry that one day, you'll get seriously ill or hurt and I won't be there to-" She cuts herself off and you don't say anything.
"C'mon," Portia pulls you up with her. "Let's get you patch up, hmm?"
As if she can sense your oncoming argument, she says, "You can finish your work after."
You wince as your hair is tugged once more.
"Sorry! Sorry, love. I can't seem to get this hair tie out; it's got some hair tangled around it..." Julian says as he tries to pry the band out.
"It's fine. You don't have to do this you know. I should have stayed on top of it and not just thrown it into a bun."
"I know I don't HAVE to but I WANT to. I like taking care of you, which helps since someone-" he reaches around to bop your nose, "-forgets to do it themself."
"Got it!" With one final tug, the hair tie comes free of your tangled strands. "Do you still have the brush?"
You pass it back to him and make yourself comfortable against his legs. You already know it's going to take a while to get all the knots out.
Julain takes the brush in one hand and the best version of a section that he could separate and gets to work. A calm silence settles over the both of you as he works. He starts from the bottom, lightly dragging the brush through the tangles, his movements rhythmic as he moves the brush up bit by bit.
Once the section is done, he runs the brush from root to tip to ensure it's done.
Section through section, Julian combs through your hair, successfully detangling the week's worth of knots. By the time he's finished, you're practically asleep against him.
Brushing through your whole head once more, he finally speaks.
"We're finished, dear," He gently sits you up, laughing when you groan in protest.
"What do you mean they haven't eaten in two days!?"
Oh no. Here it comes.
You know she's not going to accept your reasoning, but you really wanted to get this done. So what if you were a bit hungry, you were on a roll and would lose your creativity if you stopped now. You're almost done anyway.
The door to your room opens and Nadia comes storming in.
"Mind explaining to me why the kitchen staff just told me you haven't even touched the food they've been bringing you the last two days?" She stands with her hands on her hips as she waits for your response.
"Um..." You know she knows. she just wants you to say it out loud.
Yielding, you finally say it. "I was working on something... It's for your birthday so I wanted to get it done."
She pinches the bridge of her nose. "As much as that is incredibly endearing, you shouldn't put yourself in dangerous situations for a gift."
You balk. "It's not a dangerous situation though. If I keep working, I'll have it done by tonight!"
"That would make it three days with no food, and I'm guessing no water if we stay on theme." You don't like how she read you so well...
Before you can't respond, Nadia continues. "What if it didn't get done today, or tomorrow, or the next day? How far would you push yourself to get this done? I know how passionate you get about things and that's why I'm so stern about it. You're willing to go 36 hours without food or water for a present; what if it was something bigger? You could, in all honestly, die because of your passion."
She's right. You hate that she's right, but she is nonetheless.
"That's not happening on my watch, petal. Let's get some food in you and then you can go back to work."
Yes! You thought she was going to ban you for the rest of the day.
"Only until dinner, then you're done for the day."
Damn it.
"I'm going to start a bath, would you like to join me, Y/n?" Asra calls from the other side of the door.
You had been working on perfecting a spell for the last few days. You locked yourself in your old room-turned-study just in case something went wrong; only opening the door to grab the tray of food the magician would set out for you or to use the bathroom.
Unintentionally, you'd put off cleaning yourself, which is probably why Asra was asking.
A bath honestly sounded like pure heaven, but you were so close to getting the spell right.
Another knock sounds out and you sigh. You really should take them up on their offer, but what if you forget how you did it last time?
'That's why you've been logging every attempt,' you remind yourself.
'But what if-' 'No, you need to bathe.' You quickly scan your notes to make sure everything's in order.
Once you've concluded that every thing is as it should be, you call out a 'Coming' to your partner. You know he's still outside the door so you quickly put your things back in place and head to the door.
"Fucking hell..." You sigh as you sink into the hot water, leaning back to rest against Asra. The heat doing wonders for your sore back.
"Spending days hunched over a desk doesn't do much good for you, huh?" They tease you.
You simply hum in response as he grabs your favorite soap, lathering it up before massaging it into your tense shoulders.
"Relax, I've got you..." They rub over a particular spot that causes you to go lax. "Would you like me to help with your spell? I think I have some ingredients that might make it easier for it to do what you need."
"At this point, that's all I want," you chuckle.
"Thank you." you turn your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
"Anything for you, love."
"Y/n?" Muriel asks as he enters your shared room.
"Yeah?" You respond.
Have you ate or drank anything today? I don't think I've you leave the room today..."
"I haven't, but I'm plan to in a bit, I just want to finish this book first."
"Oh, okay." He turns to leave but pauses, turning back to you. "How much is left?"
"Uh..." you flip to the last chapter to do the math.
"Like, 16? Maybe 18. Why?"
Muriel stares at you for a moment before striding towards you. Once by your side, he gently grabs your book, marking your page and setting it to the side.
"Hey- What are you doing?"
He takes your hands as he answers, hauling you to your feet. "It's getting late, you need to get something into your system."
You're slightly taken aback, you have to admit. Muriel is rarely assertive; always mumbling or trailing off his sentences and just generally lacking confidence in himself. So for him to take the initiative to pull you from your reading with out so much as a stutter is a bit shocking.
"I know, but I already said that I'll do it once I finish my book." You lightly protest as you follow him through the hut.
"...You're not- You're not going to be able to finish it today, though..." Just like that any assertiveness is gone.
It makes you break, allowing him to sit you down and place a bowl of soup and a roll in front of you.
"Eat with me?" you request, taking a bite of the roll.
God, this man can cook. You don't know where he learned it, but he makes some of the best bread you've ever had -it practically melts in your mouth.
He nods, moving to grab his own food, sitting down across from you as you both talk about anything that comes to mind.
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fastlikealambo · 7 months
just got out of the hunger games
this movie worked my pussy out
when I tell you every person from the extras to the tributes with five minutes of screen time went to set to slay and THEY DID THAT
rachel zegler was treated like shit for months over absolutely nothing and she is fucking phenomenal, just fucking magnetic on screen my god her voice??? I can't wait to listen to the soundtrack. Lucy gray had my heart every minute, and you root for her every minute god Rachel was just so FUCKING GREAT
tom blyth was incredible and you can see the hints of the president snow we all know and loathe from the very beginning of his performance. I kinda almost wish they had split into 2 films because the rise and fall and rise again of coryo was a treat to watch
viola davis needs to play a bond villian YESTERDAY, I don't think she's done a role quite like this before so let viola davis be unhinged in front of a camera more often
hunter schafer has such an old hollywood face, tigris snow is such a kind and loving character in the book and while they cut her role down a bit too much in the movie, hunter devoured and I wanted all of her outfits
what's crazy is that the hunger games has such tight world building so you know what's going on but the universe is still so unexplored that I can't help but want more movies or books because I think there are more pre katniss stories to be told, god this was so damn good
oh and (spoilers below)
I'm sorry, you can't make me believe that Lucy Gray died, I think he might have clipped her but she didn't die just hid out in the north being hot and playing guitar
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
invisible string II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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a/n: based off this request.
"Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?"
~ Taylor Swift, invisible string
barcelona women masterlist I word count: 3264
North Carolina, 2009
To be honest the first time Lucy Bronze stepped into your life was not ideal. For countless reasons. One of them was how you two met back in 2009 in North Carolina. Both of you were foreign students playing for the University’s soccer team. So naturally the changing room was the place of your first meeting.
As the captain of the team, you asked every teammate to introduce themselves at the start of the fresh semester: “And you’re?”  “Lucy. Lucy Bronze.”, the dark-haired woman replied while eating. In slight disgust you wrinkled your nose. To yourself you thought who talks when there’s still food in their mouth you asked yourself, but you chose to say out loud:” Pleasure.” “Want a piece?”, the English defender asked with a smile which usually won everyone over even the toughest opponents. Slowly you shook your head:“ No, thanks, training is about to start.”
The truth was you lost your appetite since your girlfriend broke up with you over your phone a few days ago. To be fair Spain and North Carolina was far apart from each other, but you had hoped your love was strong enough to handle this. It turned out you were very wrong about that. Meanwhile Lucy shrugged her shoulders nonchalant:” Fine then.”
In the evening you tried to cook for yourself while equally trying not to cry into your dinner. Someone was standing right behind you, so you turned around to see who it was: “Oh hello Lucia.” “Pretty sure I introduced myself as Lucy. Not Lucia.”, the English woman frowned. Confused you gave her a closer look: “Yes but why don’t you use your Portuguese name then it’s on the squad list?” “Mierda!”,you cursed as you realized you burnt your food while talking to the defender. Worried Lucy asked: “Because I’m English. Do you need help?” “No, maybe I do need a little bit of help. Sorry, I’m not in a good mood lately. My girlfriend back at home in Spain said she could not do this long distance thing but it’s only a year. Nevermind. God, I’m a mess.”, you opened up, not knowing exactly why you did it in front of someone who was still almost a stranger. Maybe that made it easier to talk about it.
The brunette smiled empathetically:” So heartbroken, huh?” “Yes.”, you nodded. With a grin the taller woman demanded in a bossy tone:” I know what helps with that. Move over. I’ll make you some food.”“That’s thank you.”, she took you by surprise with that small act of kindness. “Don’t worry about it.”
Curiously you asked:“ Do you like North Carolina so far?” “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”, she responded to with a grin while staying equally focused on the cooking part. You couldn’t help but to gush about your surroundings:” I agree. It’s crazy that women’s football here is more popular than men’s football, right? Feels like there’s still so much to do back home in Europe.” “Yes, you’re probably right about that.”, Lucy agreed while she secretly found your passion for change inspiring as she too felt like it was about damn time.
Suddenly you changed the topic, wanting to know more about the English woman in front of you: “Can I ask you something? What made you choose defending?” “I just love stopping people from scoring. Always did. When I played with boys, they always underestimated me. They thought I wouldn’t tackle them.”, the brunette replied, visibly amused by that memory of her childhood. “But you proved them wrong.”, you concluded. The defender laughed while she was reminiscing on her past: “I did. I made a few of them cry.”  “Oh, really?”, you giggled. The English woman could still see your red eyes from the crying a few minutes ago:”Yeah, but they did cry a lot uglier than you.” “I thought pretty crying doesn’t exist.” “Apparently it does. Here, eat that.”, Lucy demanded.
As you took the first bite you closed your eyes because it tasted simply delicious:” Oh my god, this is really good. Where did you learn to cook like that?” “My mum taught me.”, the dark-haired woman answered proudly. Still with your eyes shut you remarked: “She taught you well.” “Took a long time until I perfected cooking like her.”, the defender confessed with a smile.
Now you opened your eyes again and gave her an sincere look:“Thanks though for the cooking and the talking Lucy. I really needed this tonight.”  “No, worries. I had to cook anyway.”, your teammate shrugged it off.  
Lucy did enjoy cooking for you although she did not think any further on that because you were clearly in an heartbroken state and she was just happy to focus on football for now and the possible friendship that would evolve from here.
Lyon 2017/18
When you joined Olympique Lyon a year ago, you immediately felt like home in this team. Today, the new signings were supposed to be introduced to the squad and you were determined to make them feel the same way.
You ran into Wendie Renard on your way to the pitch who looked down at you with a smirk; “The newest signing says she knows you, so I thought maybe you could show her around.“ “What? Who is it?“, you asked confused. But the tall defender did not even need to answer. Over her shoulder you could see a familiar face walking towards you. “Lucy? How long has it been? Seven years since North Carolina?“ Without thinking you threw yourself into the arms of your former best friend. Lucy hugged you tight and smiled; “Surprise.“ Slowly, you let go and shook your head in disbelief; “Oh wow. You’re here. I can’t believe it. But can you even speak french?“ Lucy grimaced as if you had personally offended her with that question; “Of course I speak french. I’m well prepared.“ “Really?“. You raised an eyebrow at her which Lucy only answered with a tired smile; “Don’t underestimate me.“ “We’ll see how well you do in training. They refuse to speak english.“, you kept teasing, your arms folded across your chest. But Lucy remained confident; “Not a problem for me.“ “If you say so. Come on, I’ll give you the tour.“, you decided and took a few steps away from Lucy.
The English defender immediately kept up with you; “Alright, I’ll follow you.“ As you walked side by side across the training grounds, you could not stop yourself from looking at Lucys face. It’s been a long time since you have last seen her and those seven years have done something to her. Or has she always looked that good and you just never noticed it? But that smile was definitely still the same.
As you two stepped into the empty gym, you opened your arms in a welcoming gesture; “Welcome to the best club in Europe.“ “It will be even better now.“, Lucy replied self-assured, letting her gaze wander around the room. You acknowledged her answer with an eye roll; “You did not change at all.“
“But you did?”, the defender mocked you. “Yes.” She took a long look at you before saying: “I don’t believe that.” “I’m not the sad, heartbroken young adult anymore.”, you told her. Amused your new old teammate began: “But apart from that.” In her eyes you’ve always been beautiful, and this has not changed over the years you’ve spent apart. Her gaze became a bit too intense for your liking, so you tried to get back into swing with your tour:” So these are the changing rooms.” “They’re quite nice.”, the brunette admitted while taking the view in. Smiling you promised her: ”Wait until you see the other rooms, they are way more exciting.” “Oh yeah?”, Lucy smirked and led you back to the changing room. Dazzled you looked at her:” Yes but Luce that’s not the way!” “Oh yes, it’s. Close your eyes.”, the English woman commanded. Still confused you ask her: ”Why?” “Just do it.”, the defender replied, her voice slightly impatient. A sigh escaped your lips while you closed your eyes in anticipation of what you did not know exactly:“ Okay Fine.” “Good, don’t’ move.”, the brunette said, sounding quite satisfied now. Her tone made you laugh and question what she was doing behind your closed eyes: “I promise I won’t.” “Okay, open them again.”
“What did you do?”, you stared at her slowly realizing what she has been up to. Your teammate couldn’t help but grin cheekily: “I stole your locker.”  “Rude, I’ll change that back.”, you scoffed.  Laughing Lucy hold you from doing what you announced: “Stop, it’s mine now.” “No, I’ve been here longer than you.”, you started pouting. She threw an innocent look at you: “I thought the newest singing gets to pick.” “You’ll regret that, Bronzy.”, you jokingly warned her before continuing showing her around.
It was matchday and Ada Hegerberg who became one of your closest friends in the team whistled at the sight of you sitting on Lucy’s lap:” Oh look we’ve two new lovebirds.” “What? No, I’m just sitting on my usual place.”, you corrected her and yet your cheeks still turned red at the Norwegian’s comment.
With a smug smile, Lucy tilted her head up at you; “Actually, your place is over there. This is mine now.“ “No, it’s always been hers.“, Ada sided with you. You held up your head in Adas direction; “See!“ But Lucy shook her head vehemently; “Nope. I picked it when I came here.“ You gasped about the fact that she would consider stealing your locker as picking one. “I won’t move.“, you declared stubbornly. The English defender shrugged; “Then we will sit here for a long time.“ Wendie was already impatiently bouncing on her feet, waiting for the game to start; “Come on, you silly girls.“ Seeing your captain ready and focused made you finally give in. Slowly you stood up from Lucys lap; “Coming.“ “Yeah, let’s kick some asses.“, she laughed as she followed you outside.
This game was important and everyone on the field knew it. You played in the midfield, Lucy behind you to your right. Immediately, it felt like back in the US. You knew exactly where Lucy was moving without seeing her and she could read your body language so well that every pass to you was timed perfectly. It still was a hard-fought game, but Ada managed to put the ball behind the keeper, scoring the only goal of the night and winning you the game.
As you walked around the pitch, high-fiving your team mates after the final whistle, Ada stopped you. Her gaze wandered from you to Lucy who stood close by, joking with Wendie; “Your connection is remarkable… It feels like you’re connected by some invisible string. Are you two…?“ Before she could even finish her question, you burst into laughter; „Lucy and me? Oh no.“ “Oh, you’re not?“ “No. We just know each other for a long time.“, you explained, feeling your cheeks flush. Gratefully, you noticed Wendie walking towards you and nudging Ada; „Leave the children alone, Ada.“ Rolling your eyes, you reminded her; “We’re not children anymore.“ “We’re even older than Ada.“, Lucy chimed in. “Exactly.“ Your captain shook her head with a long sigh; “Still children if you two don’t see what’s in front of you.“ “I See a successful season in front of us.“, Lucy replied, gracefully ignoring what Wendie had hinted at. “Oh yes. It will be golden.“, you smiled. The English defender grinned back at you; “With many trophies.“
It turned out that she was right with her prophecy after all. You did win the league but even more importantly you did become the winner of the women’s champions league. What a glorious night in Kiev. Olympique Lyon won 4:1 against Vfl Wolfsburg.  
As the referee ended the game you beamingly jumped into Lucy’s arms: “We’re the champions of Europe, Lucy!” “I told you.”, the brunette shouted back equally happy. On your team’s side it was pure happiness, on the other side the german team was devastated. Ecstatically you whispered into your friend’s ear: “We won.” “Yeah, we’re the best.”, the defender nodded proudly.
In that special moment under the night sky, you suddenly felt brave enough to do something which you normally would not have done, because you’d have feared the possible consequences afterwards: “Close your eyes. How does that win feel?” “Amazing. For a lack of better words.”, she told you, still with a huge grin on her face which encompassed all the feelings for which the English woman did not find the words yet. Before you could overthink anymore of it you kissed her while Lucys eyes were still shut down. Surprised the brunette replied to the kiss, first cautiously than more passionately. But Ada interrupted the two of you as she called your name. Your cheeks still red from what just happened you told the blonde: “I’m on my way, Ada!” “Wait..what?”, the defender found her voice again and looked dazzled at you. Shyness overcame you: “I’m sorry, I don’t know how-“ “Oh. It’s fine. Happens to the best of us, right.”, Lucy tried to shrug it off. Nervously you agreed: “Right.” Meanwhile Ada took your hand to lead you to your celebrating teammates.
Wendie who watched you two from afar asked the confused English woman: “Lucy, what was that?” “Why are you asking me? She did that.”, Lucy countered. The French woman glanced at her curiously: “And how did it made you feel?” “It just happened in the excitement. It’s fine.”, Lucy answered. Although her heart felt heavy saying these words. A small smile appeared on Wendie’s lips as she observed: “You look disappointed though.” “I’m not.”, her teammate grumbled. Trying it with a more cheerful tone she added: “Let’s go celebrate with the other ones.”
After a few glasses of champagne, you noticed that Lucy was sitting alone: “Lucy? Why did you stop celebrating?” “Huh? Oh. Just wanted a break.”, the brunette explained. Hurt you commented:” You’re trying to avoid me, right.” “No, I don’t.”, she said stubbornly. “Lucy.”  “It’s fine. Really.”, the defender told you. The silence between you two became unbearable so you offered her:“I can leave if you prefer that.”
“No.“, Lucy answered curtly. Confused, you repeated; “No?“ “No, stay.“, she clarified, still not looking at you. You sat down next to her with a sigh; “If you want that.“ “I do.“ As the silence threatened to get too big once again, you gathered your courage and steered the conversation to the obvious topic; “The kiss…“ But Lucy interrupted you before you could finish; “I know. It was an accident. Don’t worry about it.“ She was finally looking at you. Your breath hitched involuntarily. As you spoke, you could feel your jaw tense: “No, it was not an accident. I was just a coward.“ “What do you mean?“, Lucy frowned, equally surprised about the confidence in your voice. “I wanted to kiss you since the start of the season but it always felt like the wrong time… at least that’s what I told myself.“, you admitted.
You had no idea how Lucy would react, but did not expect her features softening as she asked; “Wait. You did?“ “Yeah.“, you confirmed, looking down at the ground. Upon Lucys quiet laugh, you immediately had to look up again. “Shit. You should have done that much earlier then.“ Lightly, you tilted your head; “But what if you didn’t feel the same way and I’d have ruined everything?“ “But I do. So you missed your chance to do it earlier.“, Lucy grinned. “So…?“, you struggled to put your thoughts into words. Amused, Lucy repeated; “So?“ “Was it too late to tell you that?“, you asked carefully. Gently, Lucy slipped her hand into yours; “No, it was the absolute perfect time.“ “Would you give us a try then?“ The defender nodded; “I’d want nothing more.“
There were so many emotions that you could not process at this moment. But there was one thing, you knew you wanted to do; “Can I kiss you again? This time with open eyes?“ “You can kiss me all you want.“, Lucy laughed, tilting her head towards you and waited. You leaned forward, pressing your lips on hers. Her hand rested on your thigh as she deepened the kiss. When you broke apart, she grinned; “I could get used to that.“ “Me too.“, you agreed before Lucy pulled you back into another, longer kiss.
Barcelona 2023
“Hello Aitana and Lucy.”, Sarina Wiegmant greeted the two Barcelona players with a big smile. Only a couple of minutes earlier she has been in a deep talk with their club head coach. Surprised the defender looked at the Dutch woman: ”Coach?” “Oh I was watching you and Keira tonight.”, for a moment the England coach stopped in astonishment than she added, Wait, who’s that?” “Lucy’s wife.”, Aitana answered grinning. Amused Lucy took your hand in hers:” Thanks, Aitana. Yes, that’s my wife.” “I did not knew you had one!”, Sarina gazed startled at the two of you. The defender laughed: “Surprise. I do.” “Why was not she at the World Cup?”, the blonde asked noisily. Her player replied winking: “She’s Spanish.” “That was one reason, the other one is still carried around by Mapi.”, you added grinning. Playfully your wife gasped out loud:” Oh no, don’t tell her!” “No, tell me.”, the Dutch woman demanded. With a sigh Lucy turned to one of your closest friends since childhood:” Wait. Mapi!” “Oh do you want your little girl back?”, the Spanish defender asked smiling innocently, while holding your baby in her arms.
As Mapi mentioned the news, Sarina’s mouth went wide open:“Little girl?” “Yes, she needs to get to know Sarina.”, your wife nodded. Eyerolling the Spanish defender gave the brunette her daughter back:“Fine but she won’t play for England when her time comes the Spanish federation might have changed for the better.” “You don’t actually believe that, do you? She’ll play for England.”, the English woman decided. “Okay but let her at least play for Barcelona.” “We’ll see about that.”, your wife answered.
Meanwhile Sarina cooed over your little girl:” Hello little one, nice to meet you. Don’t listen to those adults talking about your future.” “We’re just making sure, she’ll have a good career.”, Lucy defended her position.  Softly her coach looked from your daughter to her: “I know but let her be a child first.” “Don’t worry, we’re just joking. No one’s pushing her into something she doesn’t want to.”, the brunette reassured the Dutch woman. “True, we’re making sure of that.”, you continued. “Very well. So where did you two met?”, Sarina changed the topic. A dreamy look appeared on the defenders face:“A long time ago. We were both playing in the US for North Carolina.” “Really? I played there too. A long time ago.”, the blonde replied amused by that coincidence. “There’s no way, Sarina.”, Lucy chuckled.  “But it was a long time before you. I think we might have had the same coach though.” A sound of disbelief came from your lips:” Did you had Dorrance too.” “I did.”, Sarina told you.  Almost admiring the defender concluded:“So did Lotte and Alessia, that man taught football generations after generations.” “Who would have thought that.”, you said. “Not me but it’s kinda cool.”, Lucy admitted.
You looked at her and Sarina as you remarked: “It’s like we’re all connected through invisible strings. Somehow we all ended up together at some point in time and place.”
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bluewasthecolor · 11 months
How You Get the Girl
Word Count: 3117
Warnings: None
A/N: Getting back into my writing era, I guess. This is for @lana-del-reys-gf because apparently this is something she wanted me to write and I (being the unbelievably kind and generous human that I am) happily obliged. Obviously, it's also for anyone else who wants to read it. As always, let me know if you like it and what other requests you have!
“G, wait.” You grab your best friend’s hand, stopping her before she can drag you into the bar. Georgia looks back at you with knit eyebrows. “I’m not sure about this. I don’t want them to think I’m trying to ruin your team bonding time.”
“Oh my god, Y/N.” She groans, tugging on your hand. You refuse to budge. “I already cleared it with the girls, they’re happy to have you. Who wouldn’t be excited to spend an evening with the Y/N Y/L/N, after all? Come on, idiot.”
With that, you allow her to lead you inside and to a booth filled with her Bayern teammates. They greet you, introducing themselves one by one (although you already know all of their names from playing against them at both the club and international levels for so long), and then settle into easy conversation. You observe, still not wanting to intrude on their time together despite Georgia’s insistence that you wouldn’t be. It’s nice to be on the outside for once, actually. You’ve been with Barcelona for so long that it’s impossible for you to feel like a stranger with those girls and while that’s usually a nice feeling it can get a bit overwhelming. They all know you so well that it’s impossible for you to be on the outside. Seeing a different team dynamic than the one you’re used to is unfamiliar but refreshing. 
“Hey, Y/N, wanna help me grab another round of drinks?” Sydney interrupts your train of thought, extending her hand to you. You allow yourself to be pulled to your feet and accompany her to the bar. 
“I noticed you getting a little quiet there and wanted a chance to get to know you on my own.” She explains as you walk side by side. You’re not complaining–Sydney’s gorgeous and you’ve been sneaking glances at her all night. 
“Ask me anything, I’m an open book.” You smile at your feet, appreciating the German’s genuine tone. 
“How did you and Georgia meet, exactly? You’re American and play for Barcelona, so I’m not exactly seeing the connection there.” She asks after you place your orders. 
“I actually played for City a ways back. We met there and something just clicked–she’s been my best friend ever since. I wanted her to come to Barca with Lucy and Keira last year but that clearly didn’t work out.” 
“I mean, it worked out for us.” Sydney jokes, nudging you. “G’s been a beast here. You should think about making a move - Munich’s a pretty cool city. Would you ever consider that? Leaving Barcelona, I mean?”
“Maybe someday, but not now. The team chemistry is unbelievable, you know? It feels like home and that’s a hard thing to find.” You surprise yourself with your honesty. Something about Sydney just makes you feel instantly at ease. “But tell me something about you. I feel like I’m doing all the talking here.”
“What do you wanna know? I’ll give you three questions.”
“What’s your favorite place in the world?”
“That’s too easy, even you should know that and we just met tonight. Munich. It’s my home.”
“Fair, fair.” You nod to yourself. “A harder question this time, then. What would be your perfect date?”
“I’m easy to please, honestly. Dinner, a walk, something with time for plenty of conversation. Last question.”
“Can I have your number?” The German woman is clearly surprised by this, but she smiles and gestures to your phone. You hand it to her and she puts her number in. 
“I’ll be expecting a text.” She winks at you and turns to head back to the booth, drinks in hand. You trail behind her, unsure of how a night out with Georgia and her teammates led to you getting Sydney Lohmann’s number. This was not at all how you’d expected the evening to go, but you weren’t exactly complaining. 
One Week Later
“Y/N! Get off your phone and join the fun!” Mapi teases from her spot on the couch, lunging to grab your phone from your hand. You dodge her, but in the process find yourself rolling onto the floor.
“You have been on that phone a lot lately, Y/N.” Keira chimes in. “Who are you talking to on that thing?”
“As in the one that plays for Bayern?” This is Mapi again, her voice incredulous. You nod, blushing. “Y/N, I can’t believe you! I thought you were just visiting Georgia when you went to Munich but you were getting yourself a girl. And here I thought I was the slut of Barca.”
Mapi’s final comment earns her a shove, but in reality, her comments don’t bother you all that much. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but you’ve found yourself falling for Sydney quicker than you thought possible. She’s witty and kind and if you could talk to her 24 hours a day you would. Just as you’re thinking this, your phone buzzes.
Syd: Y/N? Still there?
Syd: You’ve gone dark on me
Y/N: Sorry, got pulled away there. 
Syd: All good. I had an idea while you were gone, though.
Y/N: Care to share?
Syd: Well, I’ve got some time off coming up…
Y/N: …?
Syd: And I was thinking that maybe I could come visit you
Syd: Only if you’re up for it, of course
Y/N: Are you serious?
Y/N: I would love that.
You can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face as you continue to text Sydney about her upcoming visit. The noise of your teammates fades into the background and she is all you can focus on. The fact that she’s so willing to come see you after only one in-person conversation adds a level of attractiveness to her persona that is new to you. You’re not used to women being so invested in spending time with you but it’s a welcome unfamiliarity. 
“Y/N, we’re going to get gelato, let’s go!” Ingrid’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and you look up to see your friends gathered at the door, looking at you expectantly. You scramble to join them, pulling your shoes and jacket on haphazardly. You slip your phone into your pocket, wanting to focus wholly on your team for the remainder of the night, but Sydney doesn’t leave your mind once.
Three Weeks Later
You shift nervously at the kitchen counter, trying not to let your anxiety get the best of you. Your eyes are locked on the door and you can’t seem to do anything other than wait. She’ll be here any minute and all of your attempts at distraction have failed. You’re not even sure why you’re so nervous–it’s not like this is your first time meeting and the two of you text practically nonstop. Still, though, this will be your first date (and, in true sapphic fashion, it will extend through the weekend as you insisted she stay with you instead of at a hotel). At this point, Sydney knows you better than most but you can’t shake your worries that when she arrives she’ll regret everything. 
All of this goes out the window when the door to your flat opens, however. You’ve intentionally left it unlocked and instructed her to let herself in, wanting to avoid the awkwardness of having to greet her at the door. Sydney walks in looking as though she’s just come from a spa rather than the airport, skin glowing and not a hair out of place. She stops in front of you and you have to remind yourself how to speak.
“You’re here.” Is all you can manage to say, a smile spreading across your face. She smiles back at you and nods, stepping closer to you. 
“I’m here.” She murmurs, grabbing your hands and pressing her forehead to yours. The sudden contact makes you inconceivably nervous, causing you to squirm out of her grasp.
“So!” Your voice is overly loud, compensating for the nerves you’re feeling. “I guess I should give you a tour of the place. This is the kitchen, obviously, and that’s the living room,” You make an awkward sweeping gesture in that direction. “I set up the sofa bed for you–it’s actually pretty comfortable. The bathroom’s over there and if you need anything else just let me know.” You begin to back slowly towards your room. “I’m gonna, um, go get ready now. Bye”
“Y/N?” Sydney stops you before you can shut your door. You look at her slowly, praying you haven’t somehow already messed this up, but a smirk is playing at her lips. “Pick you up at 6.”
Six o’clock comes much quicker than you anticipated and, before you know it, Sydney is knocking on your bedroom door. You swing it open to find her looking even more radiant than earlier in the day if that’s possible. Her brown hair is loose around her shoulders and she’s dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. The simplicity suits her and will be perfect for your evening plans.
“I wasn’t sure what to wear since you refused to tell me where we’re going, so I had to guess.” She grumbles as you drag her out the door, grabbing the bag you had packed earlier. 
“You look perfect.” You reassure her, still not giving up any details about the date you have planned. Since the city is yours, it only seemed natural that you take the reins on planning your date, although Sydney had attempted to make an argument that she could show you parts of the city you’d never seen before (you were doubtful). The result of your careful planning means that much of your anxiety has dissipated. For the most part, you know what to expect for the rest of the evening and that fact alone brings you relief.  
After walking a ways, you arrive at a small park with a view overlooking the city. You lead Sydney to an empty spot in the grass and spread out the picnic blanket you’d stashed in the bag. She sits, pulling you down along with her. You immediately busy yourself with unpacking the meal you’d brought, not wanting to ruin the moment, but as it turns out you don’t have to worry. The silence is broken by Sydney’s laugh. You look at her, confused.
“Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.” She explains. “You just—you brought all my favorite snacks. I wasn’t sure what to say.”
“You sound surprised.” You say, raising your eyebrows. “You don’t think I pay attention to what you tell me?”
“No, it’s not that! I’ve just never had anyone plan such a specific date for me and I was…nervous I think? Not because of you! I mean, yes because of you, but, like, in a good way.” Sydney’s rambling proves to you that her nerves are just as high as yours and this makes you feel infinitely better–and instills you with a new sense of confidence. 
You lean forward, pulling the German in for a kiss and effectively shutting her up. It’s the first hat you share and it’s everything you’ve been waiting for. The second that your lips meet you know that it will be the first of many, not only tonight but for many months–years, even–going forward.
Later, when you return to your apartment, you linger in the doorway to your bedroom watching Sydney bustle about. She’s unpacking and getting water and somehow it’s all just so perfect. You’d set up the sofa bed for her, not wanting to be presumptuous, but all of your worries have gone out the window. Now all you want is for her to be the one sleeping next to you.
“Syd.” Your voice startles her and she looks up at you. “Do you wanna–you don’t have to–but would you want to sleep in my room, um, with me?”
“In your room.” A smirk is slowly spreading across Sydney’s face as she walks towards you. “With you. In your bed? I thought you’d never ask. I thought I was going to be banished to the sofa forever.”
“Shut up,” You can’t help the smile that creeps into your voice as you take her hand and lead her into your room. This is certainly going to be a very good night. 
Three Months Later
“I can’t just up and leave, Sydney! I have people here–a home here. I would never ask you to leave Munich for me.” You resist the urge to throw yourself face down onto the sofa as you pace, in the midst of a heated argument with your girlfriend.
“I don’t understand though, it’s not like I’m asking you to give everything up. Bayern made an offer, I’m just saying it would make a lot of sense. G is here and your family is back in the States anyways, so it’s not like you’d be losing much by moving.” You can hear Sydney sigh through the phone. “I want to be with you but this whole long-distance thing is hard, Y/N.”
This argument has been going on for the past week, ever since you were approached about a possible transfer to Bayern. You didn’t really even consider the offer but when you told Sydney she seemed to think that you should accept it. You can’t see yourself leaving Barcelona anytime in the near future, long-distance or not. 
“I know it’s hard, Syd. I know that. I miss you like crazy but I can’t leave my home.”
“So what do you suggest? We just keep doing long distance forever?” The bite in Sydney’s voice is unmissable and you wince slightly.
“I don’t know–I mean, no. Not forever. We’ll figure something out but I can’t leave right now. I’m not sure how else to explain it to you.”
“Let me know when you have a plan.” 
It’s clear that the German woman has become checked out of your relationship all in a matter of seconds and you know it will be easier for both of you if you don’t prolong the inevitable any further. 
“I think…” You pause, willing yourself to think of another solution. “I think we both need some space. Maybe this is it for us.”
“Yeah. Maybe it is.” Sydney’s voice has turned cold and there’s a distinct lack of emotions behind her words. “I guess this is goodbye.”
And with that, after the three blissful months you’d spent together, Sydney hangs up the phone, taking your heart along with her. In a rush of emotion, the tears you’d been holding in since your argument started begin to flow. You weren’t together for all that long, but even in the short months of your relationship, it became glaringly obvious that Sydney knows you better than anyone else–better, even, than Georgia. She listened and asked questions and was so unbelievably genuine that you often found yourself in disbelief that someone this perfect wanted you. You had just lost all of that. Everything you’d built, everything you had yet to build, was crumbling around you in a matter of moments.
One Week Later
A sudden knock on your door wakes you from your nap and you roll over to look at the clock, confused about who could be trying to visit you right now. It’s your one day off and you’re fairly certain that you’ve made it clear to Mapi that if she even thinks about dragging you to some coffee shop you’ll kill her. It’s been a week since the breakup but your schedule has been so busy that you really haven’t had time to wallow–today is the day you’d set aside for that. Somebody, however, seems to have different plans. Groggily you stumble to the front door and open it–the person on your doorstep isn’t Mapi or Keira or any other of your Barcelona teammates, but someone much more shocking. 
“Can I come in?” Sydney is soaked from the downpour outside and looks as frazzled as you feel. You stand to the side, letting her walk into your apartment. She sees herself over to the couch and sits down. You opt to stand in the kitchen, wary of why she’s here (both in your apartment and in Barcelona in general). 
“What are you doing here, Sydney?” You ask, arms folded against your chest. “You couldn’t have given me a little warning?”
“I’m sorry, I just–I had to see you.” The midfielder’s voice is shaky and as you look at her longer you can see just how red and puffy her eyes are. She’s been crying. “The way things ended between us, I just couldn’t bear it. I don’t want us to be over.”
“Well, me neither, but you made it pretty clear that if I don’t move to Munich we’re doomed.” As you speak, you move to sit next to her on the couch. “Unless that’s changed?”
“I still think living in different countries isn’t ideal–” Sydney starts, and with her words, your hopes deflate.
“So nothing’s changed then.” You cut her off, voice flat.
“You didn’t let me finish. I do think it would be easier if we were in the same place.” She takes your hand as she says this, and you don’t pull away. “But if I have to choose between what’s easy and what I want, I’m choosing what I want every time. Especially if what I want is you.”
“Okay, but Syd, you were right before. This whole long-distance thing is really really hard. There has to be something to make it easier, right?” You look at her almost pleadingly, hoping she’s come up with some sort of solution.
“I mean, I do have an idea.” Your ears perk up at Sydney’s words, “It’s not perfect but it might work. In the off-season, we find a place together–I don’t care where but I think for both of our sakes it might be best if it’s not Munich or Barcelona. Or we both evenly split time between the two cities? Either way, we’re always together. During our seasons we see each other every chance we can. It will still be hard but I think we can do it. What do you think?”
Instead of answering, you pull Sydney into you as a response. As her lips meet yours you are reminded of your first kiss, all those months ago on your first date. This kiss is different–you’re much more familiar with one another now, for one–but you get that same feeling as you did on that night. This kiss is indicative of much more than what is right in front of you. It’s indicative of everything to come.
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narryffdreaming · 1 month
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Summary: Aurora and Harry used to be friends, but life happened and they grew apart. Now, 6 years later, they meet again.
Rating: +18
WARNINGS: The story contains explicit language and mentions a past abusive relationship (mostly the consequences of psychological/emotional abuse). Some chapters also contain explicit sexual content.
PART FOUR: 21,8k words (I) - 11,2k words (II) - 9,8k words
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"Oh my God! Guys!" Lucy yells from the top of the yacht. "They're here!" 
"Oh my God!"
Their friends cheer and whistle at their arrival, and Aurora can't get rid of the smile on her face as half of the group screams her name at the same time the other half screams Harry's. There's music playing, each one of them holds some kind of drink, and the whole thing seems like a very intimate, messy, and fun summer party. 
"Just jump in and wait for me, okay?!" Lucy adds, already stepping out of sight. "I'm coming!"
"Okay…" Aurora murmurs and chuckles, although it's mostly out of nervousness, since Lucy obviously can't hear her. 
And, to be honest, she is too hypnotized to react in any other way. She has barely recovered from Harry's interaction, and now this gigantic, massive yacht in front of her isn't actually making things any less overwhelming. 
"Auri?" Harry calls.
She blinks and looks at him, then at his waiting hand. He's already inside the yacht, carrying their bags while he stretches out his arm to offer his help. 
Reality barely sinks in, but she shakes her head and walks forward, anyway. 
"Right, sorry."
She holds his palm and takes a leap, squeezing him as her feet touch the lowest deck of the yacht and her legs tremble onto the new ground.
And just like that, she goes back to staring at what will practically be her house — their house — for the next two days.
She counts three floors, and whilst she still can't see the ones from above, the one they just jumped into is enough to speak for the entire yacht. There is a pool with an infinity edge right by her feet, and on each side of it two steps that lead into a huge outdoor lounge area. Between a couple of sun loungers there's a massive white couch, and behind said couch more steps, leading to the insides of the yacht. 
"Fuck me," she murmurs, then bites her lip and shakes her head. She admires some more and, after a moment, she adds, "I need someone to pinch me right now." 
Next to her, Harry snorts, and Aurora turns her head to face him. 
He's already watching her, attentively and keenly. His stare never hesitating, never faltering. 
"It's not a dream," he murmurs back. "Trust me, I've been pinching myself for hours now." 
There's definitely something about the way he looks at her. Something that causes a little bit of everything to run through her body. 
It is good. Kind of exciting. But also overwhelming, and certainly unexpected. It makes her stomach flutter, but it also squeezes her chest. Almost as if suffocating her. 
So Aurora looks down, and tries to make sense of her thoughts. 
Although only then she notices she's still holding his hand, just like Harry's still holding hers. And then the feeling inside her only grows. The rush, the tingling, the trembling. The burning, the pounding, and the quivering. And she doesn't know what to do about it. She doesn't know how to make it stop. And she most certainly doesn't know what it means. 
Is she even supposed to do something about it? Is it even supposed to mean anything? Does she really need to make it stop? 
Aurora jolts, and she drops Harry's hand. 
Lucy's high-pitched voice echoes from her ear to her brain just as a body crashes against hers, two arms circling her neck. Aurora stumbles and laughs, and Harry's hand quickly lands on her lower back, keeping her in place. She glances at him over her friend's shoulder, finding him by their side with a genuine smile and affectionate gaze. 
"Hi, Lu…" She smiles, straight into his eyes.
"You're here!" Lucy says, pulling back and putting her hands on Aurora's shoulders. Forcing Aurora to look at her and finally getting full attention. Lucy's grin is contagious and sincere, and happiness seems to exhale through every cell of her skin. "I was panicking when Niall said your flight got delayed, but now you're here. You're actually here."
Aurora chuckles, grateful for such a heartfelt reaction, but also aware of the turmoil that's still happening inside her. "I am, yes. Well… We are."
She glances at Harry, and Lucy widens her eyes. 
"Oh my God, yes! Harry!" She turns to him, and a soft giggle falls through her lips. "Hiii! I'm sorry, I just got too excited seeing Rory." 
Harry laughs and embraces Lucy into a hug, holding the bags in place with one hand while circling her shoulders with the other. "It's okay. I know the feeling." 
The short interaction plus the hot weather are enough to burst Aurora's body into flames. She feels the sweat in the back of her neck, but mostly the warmth spreading through her cheeks, so she tilts her chin up and searches for their friends, desperate to find a distraction. 
Thankfully, Niall and Theo are leaning over the glass railing. Despite being up high and distant, their smiles are easy to see. Just like the sunglasses on their faces and the bottles in their hands. 
"Moonshine!" Niall shouts, waving towards himself. "Get your arse up here, c'mon!"
Aurora smiles. She raises her arm to wave at them, then uses her hand to block the sun from her eyes. "Hey guys! You look fancy up there." 
"I know!" Niall laughs. "And we'd look even fancier if we left the port, so c'mon!" 
Before she can come up with something to say, Lucy comes to a stop next to her, sighing before murmuring, "Oh my God he's insufferable." 
They both chuckle, and then Lucy places one hand by her mouth and shouts, "My engagement, my rules, Horan! So no leaving the port 'till I say so!" 
Niall gives her a thumbs up, then leans to say something to Theo — which none of them can hear, of course. Aurora shakes her head and lowers her eyes, glancing at Harry one more time. 
Unlike Lucy and Aurora, he isn't watching the boys, too focused on the view around them instead. With his head tilted up, he unintentionally gives her access to see his perfect jawline, the facial hair under his chin, and the way his muscles tense when he gulps down. A stunning sight, if one would ask her.
"Okay, so…" Lucy sighs and steps forward, and both Harry and Aurora look at her. She turns to them, she grinning from ear to ear and placing her hands on her hips. "Are you guys hungry? Did you get to eat something?"
"Oh my God, no," Aurora breathes out. "Please. I'm starving." 
"Good, 'cause so are we." Lucy giggles. "Is it okay if we grab something to eat before I show you around, then?"
"Of course." Harry nods.
"Yay!" She claps and twirls on her feet, leading the way as her hair moves along with the wind and her one shoulder floral dress. "To be honest, I really wanted to wait for you guys and do a tour for everyone at the same time, but, y'know, I couldn't hold myself… So we already did that… But we have plenty of time so it's okay… Also, apparently there are fancy names for every place, but I can't be bothered with any of that, so I'm in charge of the informal tour. If you want, Theo can take over and tell you a kitchen it's actually called a galley, or gallery, or whatever…"
Aurora blinks, processing her friends' rambling, and Harry chuckles. 
"You look really happy, Lu," he points out, beaming at their friend as they go up the steps. "More than usual, I mean."
"You think?" Lucy asks, looking over her shoulder and flickering her eyes between them two. 
Aurora smiles, and nods.
Harry's right. She's noticed that about Lucy, too. She can see the way her friend smiles, the way her eyes shine and her entire body trembles with joy. 
It isn't something rare to see, because Lucy has always naturally been a very bubbly, cheerful and energetic person. Always the mother of the group, and at the same time the little sister they all want to protect. Her movements always carried a sense of tenderness, of home and family, and at the same time her personality always exhaled sunshine, expensive champagne, and tight-dresses with high-heels. 
So, yes, Lucy's always been exactly like that. 
And yet, there's something different about her this time. 
If Aurora had to guess, she'd probably say it has something to do with the fact that she's about to spend the entire weekend with her friends, celebrating her own engagement to the love of her life.
"Thank you," Lucy says. "I think this is the happiest I've ever been, yeah."
Aurora follows them around the couch and up the steps, trying to remember if her own engagement ever made her feel this happy. Or if getting married to Zack ever made her shine like Lucy's shining right now. 
Did loving Zack ever made her feel the happiest she's ever been? 
And did Zack's love for her ever made her feel the happiest she could ever be?
She shakes her head, slightly fearing the answers to those questions. 
Besides, it doesn't matter, anyway. Not anymore. 
Lucy takes them through what she says it's the main living room, where Harry drops their bags on another fancy, white couch, and then through a dining room. All the furniture they walk past looks expensive and extravagant, yet minimalistic and simple at the same time. Once they get through a hallway, Lucy points to a staircase to her side and explains that all bedrooms are downstairs, except for hers and Theo's — of course, since they're taking the biggest suite. Then she points to the bathroom right across from the stairs, and finally takes them through a glass door that leads to the side of the boat. 
That's when Harry steps aside, raising one arm and encouraging Aurora to go first. She smiles and thanks him, following Lucy through the first flight of stairs, and through the second one. Watching and listening as her friend looks over her shoulder every two steps just to chat and giggle about the multiple areas of the yacht and how they could all hide from each other in different rooms if they wanted to. Or how they don't need to worry about anything the entire weekend because there's a crew ready to make them food and drinks, and also to help them with whatever they need.
Once they reach the highest part of the yacht, Lucy steps aside and demands everyone's attention, then everyone just focuses on them. 
Aurora's still overwhelmed by all the information, but Theo is already there, by the last step, ready to greet her and looking just as excited as Lucy. He pulls her into a hug and thanks her presence, then asks about the flight, and about Noah. She smiles and answers all of his questions, albeit shortly, and then he hugs her again and steps aside, quickly moving on. He turns to Harry, then, excessively shouting about how long it's been since they last saw each other and what the fuck happened to your head.
She laughs, because she figures it's the same kind of excitement she feels with the girls, and then she walks forward, finding Maddie and Ava next to a jacuzzi. 
"Oh my God?" she whispers, widening her eyes at Maddie and pointing to the bubbling water.
"I know!" Maddie mouths, chuckling and opening her arms to welcome her. "Welcome to heaven!" 
Aurora laughs, and hugs her. "I don't think I'll get used to this place."
"Me neither. I'm so happy you're here tho!"
Maddie squeezes her, and then they spend at least five minutes like that, just hugging and squealing about being together again. Which, considering she was at Aurora's place just days ago, quickly turns into jokes about how dramatic they are and oh my God get away from me now.
Next, her embrace with Ava also lasts another five minutes. However, they truly haven't been in the same room for a long time now, so it's also filled with remarks about how good it is to meet again and how excited they are for that weekend. Also, how they should do more things together and see each other more often.  
Jayden steps in next, and as he pulls her into a hug, he also jokes about how they need to think about some new reason to meet, because so far they've been only meeting at wedding ceremonies — first at her and Zack's wedding, then his and Ava's, and now Lucy and Theo's. 
That's when he puts Niall and Megan on the spot, throwing at them the responsibility to organize the next meeting — or, in Jayden's own words, the next wedding. 
Niall laughs and flips him off, pointing out that as far as he knows that's only Lucy and Theo's engagement party, so they still have the actual wedding to look forward to. 
They bicker for a while, and Aurora takes the opportunity to greet Daniel — Jayden's cousin and Niall's old roommate. He's standing by a large table (that is apparently being set up with food) along with Niall and Megan, and he smiles as soon as she gets closer. 
"Hey there," he says, placing one arm over her shoulders and giving her a polite, short squeeze into his side. 
She's a little bit more awkward with him, and even a little shy. Not really knowing what to say after hello and how are you and nice to see you. They aren't really close, and they probably wouldn't even see each other again if it weren't for the others, but she appreciates him deeply for being the string that tied all of them together in the first place. After all, if it weren't for Daniel, Aurora wouldn't have met Niall. And if she had never met Niall, she also wouldn't have met Harry. 
So, in the end, it would've really sucked.
"Ok c'mon," Niall says, tapping his hand on the side of his own leg. "'S my turn. C'mon. C'mon." 
She steps away from Daniel's polite half-hug and rolls her eyes, but her mouth is already curving into this excited and big grin. 
"Would you calm down for a minute?" she jokes.
"'Course not! Look who's here, huh?" Niall cheers, throwing one arm around her shoulders and pulling her to his side. "Ma moonshine!"
She chuckles, turning towards him and circling her arms around his waist. It's been a while since she's been longing for a proper Niall-bear-hug, so she makes sure to enjoy it the most she possibly can. 
"Hi Ni," she whispers, resting her chin on his shoulder and letting a long exhale out of her nose. It's like her entire body loosens up, and she doesn't make any effort to hide it. "I've missed you." 
His childish playfulness fades away, and he passes his cold beer to someone behind her before crossing both of his arms around her shoulders and locking her in.
Finally hugging her properly. 
Finally hugging her tightly. 
"I missed ya too, moonshine," he replies just as softly, rubbing one hand up and down her shoulder blades. "It's been a while, huh?"
She closes her eyes, and nods. "Mhmm." 
It's not like they haven't seen each other at all, but they definitely haven't seen each other as much as they could. Or as much as she would've liked to. And she knows she is the only one to blame for that. She knows that Niall tried his best along the years, but she also knows that, unfortunately, Zack didn't seem to understand why she needed to maintain friendships with the opposite sex, so unless Maddie and Lucy were involved, she ended up not meeting with him that much anymore. 
Things changed after the break up, though. Niall was one of the only five people — outside from her family — she reached out to. They started meeting up for coffees, and sometimes he and Megan would tag along with her and Noah to the park. So it got better, for sure. Still, it hurts to know she had put so much distance between them, just like it hurts she still struggles so much to let him back into her life.
"Sorry for not answering your calls the past few weeks," she says.
"'S okay… At least you texted, yeah? Would've knocked on your door if not."
She chuckles and pulls away, blinking to look at him. 
The knot she improvised earlier on the back of her head doesn't exist anymore, and the light breeze seems to take advantage of that. 
"Noah's been asking about you," she says, putting her hair behind her ear.
The way he beams at the mention of her son's name warms Aurora's heart, and she nods, smiling even wider at him. "Yeah… He says uncle Ni promised to teach him how to play guitar, so… When is he going to come over?"
"Ha!" Niall laughs, dropping his head back for a moment before looking into Aurora's eyes again. His cheeks are pink, and his eyes are glowing. "I did say that, yeah! Said I was gonna buy one for him. We'll arrange one afternoon for me to take him, yeah?" 
"Really? You'd do that?"
"Course! Are you kidding? Me and Harry will take him, make it a lads afternoon."
"Oh." Aurora nods, and swallows. "Right."
She looks around, then. Only half aware that the mere mention of his name has her already searching for him. 
Harry is by the jacuzzi, chatting with Theo, Ava, and Jayden, moving his hands while sharing some story with them. He looks excited, and happy. He also looks like someone who's been sitting on a plane and inside of a car for too long. Someone who hasn't tamed his hair in a while. Someone who hasn't shaved in three or four days. And someone who clearly doesn't depend on any of that to still look freaking good. 
Daniel approaches them and interrupts him, and whatever he says it's enough to completely crack Harry up, because he bends his knees and drops his head back, laughing loudly while raking his fingers through his curls. And the sound coming out of him is so enthusiastic and charged that it almost makes Aurora laugh, too. 
Almost, though. 
Because, looking at him, she actually doesn't feel like laughing. 
She actually doesn't feel like laughing at all.
Can it be possible for her to already miss those moments between them two? Just by themselves? Or is she so needy and lonely that she has irresponsibly already gotten too attached to him? 
Harry stretches his body and shakes his head, the smile still huge on his face, then turns his head to where she is.
His eyes meet hers, and Aurora looks away.
She blinks and focuses on Niall — again. 
"So…" Niall says, putting his hands inside the pockets of his shorts. There is a new look on his face. A look she can't understand, but also a look she doesn't have time to question, because he quickly speaks again. "Talked to him this morning." 
"Yeah." Aurora nods. "I know." 
She doesn't have to ask who he's talking about, because she already knows. For some very weird and strange reason, she knows. Not because Harry mentioned something about it earlier, but because she just… Knows. 
Harry's never been that person she doesn't have to name in a conversation. He's never been the implied subject, he's never even been someone she had something to discuss about. And yet there she is right now, after one failed marriage and a four-year-old waiting for her at home, trying to figure out how the hell Harry suddenly became all she can think about. 
"'S it ok that I told him about… Y'know."
"Yes. Don't worry about it."
"'Kay. Did you two have a good flight, then?"
"Mhm. I slept most of the time so… Yes." She nods and peeks over Niall's shoulder, then waves at the girl quietly standing behind him. Almost hiding. "Heyy Megan!"
"Oh, hi." She smiles and gets closer, then embraces her into a quick hug. When they're facing each other again, she asks, "How are you?"
"I'm good, tha—"
"Did Aurora tell you she goes by Mrs. Styles now?"
Aurora widens her eyes, and then turns around.
He's standing next to Niall now, smirking while holding a bottle of beer. And then their eyes meet and he shrugs. As nonchalant and unworried as he could be. 
"What? They're our friends, they deserve to know."
"Know what?" Ava asks, approaching the table along with Jayden and Maddie.
"Nothing," Aurora says. 
Harry gasps, and places his hand on his chest. "Ouch. So our marriage means nothing to you?" 
Aurora rolls her eyes. 
So freaking dramatic.
"Wait, what?" Ava looks at her, then at Harry, then at her again. 
Maddie chuckles. "I'm confused."
"I'd say that was fast, but… Y'know," Jayden mumbles. 
And then Niall snorts, grabbing Megan by her waist and pulling her closer to him. "Took him fifty years, that's all."
Aurora is only half-listening to what they're saying, because, honestly? She just couldn't care less. She glares at Harry with a frown on her face, instead. Pursing her lips and biting her cheek to make sure her mouth won't turn into a grin. 
"Oops," he mouths, then tilts his head to take a sip of beer. Eyes never slipping away from hers.
She shakes her head and crosses her arms. Feeling a buzz of joy spread from her chest to all over her body. 
Harry's silly. He really is. Acting like a teenage-boy and making jokes that aren't even funny just to get a reaction out of her. Part of her doesn't understand him and doesn't see the point, but some other part — one that's deep inside and kind of forgotten — feels completely the opposite. Like she doesn't want him to stop being like that. Like she doesn't want him to stop making her happy, making her laugh. Going out of his way just to interact with her. Just to put a smile on her face. 
Even if it's just for a day. Even if it's just for this weekend. Even if it's just to make her feel the happiest she can be for the next two days. Before everything goes back to normal again. 
"I'm gonna kill you," she mouths back. 
Harry smirks, has another sip of beer, and winks. "I know you will."
And Aurora has no idea what he means by that, but she's pretty convinced it's the hottest thing she's seen so far.
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It's official now: the crew is back together. 
Or that's what Daniel says, then minutes later Aurora catches herself thinking again as she looks around the table and smiles at her friends. 
Lucy, Theo, Maddie, Niall, Megan, Ava, Jayden, Daniel, and Harry. 
They're all there. 
Even she is there. 
And she's just so… Happy. 
To see everyone after so long feels amazing. It's like they have a lot to catch up on, but also like they can just pick up things exactly where they left them. No need for questions. No need for explanations. No need for apologies. Right now and right there, they all seem to have silently agreed there would be only room for excitement and celebration.
They are all eating and chatting, throwing questions around and making sure they know what's going on in everyone's lives. And they're all so mindful and careful of Aurora's feelings, leaving her out of certain topics and allowing her to stay in silence as much as she wants to. 
It's just… Perfect. It really is. She's happy, and she's carefree, and she's just so… Relaxed. 
And then Lucy, who's sitting right in front of her, gasps and calls Harry's name, as if she just remembered this huge thing she wanted to ask him about. 
Harry hums, acknowledging he's the new topic of the interrogation while chewing his food. 
"How's your dad doing?" she asks.
"Oh." He nods and gulps down, then takes a sip of water before answering her. "He's good, yeah. Not used to having the entire house to himself, but, y'know…" He shrugs. "He's alright." 
And that's when Aurora frowns, and when she finally feels the need to chime in.
"Wait, what?" She shuffles on her seat and leans in, trying to get a glimpse of Harry over Maddie, Megan and Niall's seats. "Why did your mum move out? Did your parents get divorce?" 
Now, if there's one thing that's already been established, it's that Aurora doesn't need any reminders of what a shitty friend she's been. By now, everyone already knows that it's something that constantly haunts her mind and that she's working as much as she can to fix.
Still, she doesn't think there was ever a moment when the truth hit her as loudly and painfully as right then and there. 
Because they all go silent. Awkwardly, uncomfortably, and painfully silent. It's like her questions reverberate through everyone around the table only to bounce back to her. 
Aurora falls back into her chair, hunching down as she feels her body shrink. 
"What?" she whispers, darting her eyes over the faces of those she can see. They avoid her just as much as she tries to reach them, though, and her heart speeds up. "What did I say, guys? What did I do?"
"Auri," Harry calls. 
"Babe," and Maddie whispers at the same time, placing her hand over her knee and leaning closer to her ear. "Harry's mum passed away." 
Aurora widens her eyes. "W-what? I—When? I didn't—" 
"I know." Maddie nods. "It was a few months ago."
Niall speaks next — Aurora knows because she recognizes his voice, but she doesn't catch what he says. And when everyone starts talking again, Aurora just tunes them out. 
"Oh my God," she breathes out. "Maddie… I just… I had no idea."
"I know. We all know. It's okay."
It isn't, though. 
"When was this? What… I mean… Did you all know about it?"
"I think so, yeah."
"And why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, it's just… It was around the time you were getting your divorce, y'know? And we just… I think we figured you had a lot going on already." 
"Well, yeah… But his mum passed away, Maddie. His mum." 
Aurora rubs her forehead.
God, it just… It just breaks her heart, to be honest. She knows how close they were, how highly he always spoke of her, so she knows it must've been a really tough time for him. Especially if he was living on the other side of the world and away from everyone. Away from his family, and away from his friends. 
Did he even have anyone in the US to help him get through that?
Was his ex there for him when it happened?
Aurora hopes she wasn't.
No! Wait—What?
No, that's not true. 
Of course not.
Hopefully he was still dating when it happened.
Hopefully he had someone by his side.
Hopefully his break up didn't happen around that same time. 
Is that the reason why he doesn't want to talk about relationships?
Is that the reason why he said he isn't in the mood for relationships? 
Holy shit. 
Why is she even thinking about this right now?!
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"A little heads up would've been nice, that's all," Aurora says, shrugging while staring at the horizon. 
It's a little after four when the girls finally get a moment just for themselves. They're still on what Theo said it's called the sun deck — although Aurora still considers it to be just the top floor of the boat — sitting around the table whilst the boys have moved their conversation somewhere downstairs. 
"God, I know!" Maddie says, now sitting across from her. "I'm sorry. I literally only remembered once it was already happening."
"I'm sorry, too," Lucy says. "I kinda went into panic mode because I'm the one who brought it up."
"It's not a big deal, tho'." Ava shrugs, and smiles softly at her. As if she's trying to reassure her and apologize at the same time. "I mean, it's not like you just decided to ignore the information or forgot about it. You genuinely didn't know."
"Yeah." Maddie nods. "And he knows that."
"Besides," Ava adds, "it's Harry, so… You two will be fine, Rory." 
Aurora nods, and grabs her necklace between her fingers. She knows they'll be fine. And she knows Harry isn't mad at her. She also knows it wasn't the girls' fault, so she isn't mad at them. She isn't even mad, to begin with. She's just… Disappointed. And sad. 
She's disappointed in herself. And she's really sad that she wasn't there for Harry. But she's mostly sad that he spent all that time at the airport listening to her while she cried over her marriage, but didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her about his own mother passing away. Not even when he brought her up in the car. 
"Rory?" Maddie calls.
Aurora blinks, and turns her head. 
The girls are all watching her. Studying her with that same worried, careful, and wary look they've been sharing around her since she made a fool of herself. 
"It's fine," she says, pulling her mouth into a smile and fidgeting with the pendant of her necklace. "Can we just, y'know, change the subject now?"
Lucy and Maddie share a look, and then they share a look with Ava. Meanwhile Megan bites her nail and shifts her eyes between everyone.
Aurora sighs, and rolls her eyes. They're all just trying to protect her. She knows that. But they're trying so hard right now that she's starting to wonder if, perhaps, it's having the opposite effect, instead. 
"Guys, c'mon," Aurora says. "Look, it was awkward, okay? And embarrassing. So of course I'm feeling weird right now. But can we please move on? Like, I just… I just need things to be normal."
"We're just worried about you," Lucy murmurs next to her.��
"I know." Aurora nods. "And I know I gave you reasons to be worried, so I really appreciate that. But I… I don't know. This is the first time I'm hanging out with everyone in years, y'know? So I'm pretty sure there'll be more awkward moments 'till Sunday and I just… I don't know. I need things to be normal."
Aurora shrugs, unable to finish the reasoning inside her mind. She wants her friends to make things less awkward, that's all. Maybe it's selfish of her to ask that of them, but… It is what she wants. 
Ava clears her throat, and shifts on her chair. "Yeah. I get it. Let's not make a big deal out of it. I'm sure you'll feel better once you talk to him."
Aurora sighs and nods, brushing her thumb over the pendant of her necklace. "Exactly." 
Something she doesn't want to do in front of everyone, but she will do. She's just waiting for the right moment to approach him. That's all. 
"Great," Ava says, facing forwards and staring at Lucy, who's right across from her. "So, I have a question, what the bloody hell are we supposed to do with this much space, huh?" 
"Oh my God, I know!" Lucy squeals and giggles, and Aurora feels herself smiling again, too. 
Changing the subject is good, and exactly what she needs. Although it doesn't erase the fact that she still needs to talk to him, of course. Because she still needs to apologize. She wants to apologize. 
At first, she thought she'd get to do it right after lunch, but then Theo announced they were about to leave the port and Aurora didn't miss a beat before running downstairs to grab her phone. 
Eight hours had gone by and she still hadn't heard a word from Zack. A tiny part of her inevitably wondered if everything was okay, but to be honest the majority of her just hated him. She ended up, then, writing another message, this time with clenched teeth and rushed fingers. Letting him know she'd be probably out of reach from then on, but that she'd still try to call and say goodnight to Noah. Adding, at the end, if i call, please pick up. 
After that, when she met everyone again, they all got together to take pictures of the moment they left the city behind. And then Lucy opened a bottle of champagne, and they all shared a toast to their soon to be married friends. 
Amidst the happy emotions, one thing led to another, and before she got the chance to reach out to Harry and ask for a private minute of his time, he was already out of her sight and gone with the rest of the boys — which she didn't think it would be fair to interrupt. 
"This is actually Theo's grandparents gift, so we're still getting used to it," Lucy says, and for some reason it just brings Aurora back to the conversation.
"What?!" She lets go of her necklace, widening her eyes and sitting upright while turning to her side. "They gave you this yacht?!"
They all look at her, and Lucy laughs. 
"Wha—No! Not the entire thing, silly! Just a week on this yacht."
"Ohhh!" Aurora exhales through her mouth, then relaxes on the chair. She chuckles lightly, waving her own question off. "Okay, yeah, that makes sense now."
"To be fair," Megan says, so timidly and softly Aurora almost doesn't hear her, "from the little I've seen, coming from those two it wouldn't actually surprise me at all."
Lucy snorts. "Right?"
They all look at Megan and nod, a clear attempt of making her feel welcome in the conversation. 
It is nice to see her spontaneously joining in. She's been dating Niall for a little less than a year now, and even though she's previously met or at least talked to everyone so far, this is the first time she's actually hanging out with all of them at once. So she's still getting comfortable around them. And Aurora relates to that, even if for different reasons. 
"You still don't get along with them?" Ava asks.
"God, no." Lucy shakes her head, then takes a sip of her margarita. "So obnoxious. Hate them."
There's a beat of silence, until Maddie stretches her arms over her head and sighs loudly. 
"Well," she says, "for what it's worth, I'm really glad they spent all this money on you guys."
"Me too!"
"Ugh, yes!" Lucy says. "I'm so happy we are all here." 
"It doesn't feel real, to be honest," Aurora says, drifting her eyes around them. 
They didn't actually leave Amalfi, but they sailed enough to anchor where they'd be fully surrounded by crystal-clear waters and have a breathtaking view of the deep blue sea meeting the bright blue sky. 
There's no music playing anymore, the boys are laughing somewhere, and the sun shines brightly and warmly above them. Sometimes, a soft breeze surprises them, but Aurora always catches herself smiling at it. And sometimes even giggling at the shivering that runs through her arms. Because it's refreshing, and reassuring. And she can't remember a single moment in her life when she's felt like that. 
Like there's nothing but peacefulness surrounding them. 
Aurora throws her head back and closes her eyes, giving more room for the sun to warm up her skin. Her face, her chest, her neck. 
So relaxing.
"Girls," Ava murmurs, almost whispering.
"Hm?" someone says.
Aurora blinks, looking at her friend while trying to adjust her blurry sight. Maddie, Megan and Lucy are all looking at her, too.
So Ava leans into the table, and shares with them what feels like the biggest revelation. A secret that's only for them to hear, and only for them to know. "You know I'm banging my husband here tonight, right?" 
There's only a second of dead silence, and then they all burst into laughter. 
Aurora laughs, too, but she also rolls her eyes and looks away — not surprised at all with the revelation, but also not really sharing the sentiment. Or excited about it. 
It's been too long since she's had sex for the last time, and no matter how much she misses it, it's not something that's crossing her mind right now. Not when she knows it's so out of her reach. Not when she knows it won't happen anytime soon anyway.
"C'mon," Ava says, still whispering. "I can't be the only one thinking about it… Megan?"
"I mean…" Megan murmurs, and Aurora peeks to look at her. She's sitting next to Ava, looking down at the table almost as if she doesn't want to think about it. But then she shrugs, trying her best to keep a smile out of her face, and reveals quite the opposite. "Our suite is pretty tempting, so… There might've been some talking about it already."
"Yes!" Ava cheers. "I knew it!"
"Ohh I love this." Lucy giggles, drumming her hands on the table. "And you totally should go for it. We've been doing it for days now and it's just… Ugh."  
She rolls her eyes and drops her head back, causing Aurora to shake her head and laugh again. 
That's why she's so happy, then.  
"Speaking of which…" Ava turns to her side and points at Maddie. "Are you still going out with that girl from the gym?"
Maddie shakes her head, then grabs a grape from the table and throws it into her mouth. 
Aurora already knows the story, so although she keeps paying attention to the conversation, she closes her eyes and drops her head back. Once again comfortably enjoying the sun. 
"She ghosted me like… Two weeks ago," Maddie says.
"What?" Lucy gasps. "No! C'mon, I was rooting for her!" 
"It's fine." Maddie waves her off, then grabs another grape. "I'm too old for this, anyway. If she ghosted me then she's not good enough for me."
Ava whistles, and even with her eyes closed, Aurora smiles and nods. Maddie tends to suffer more than she lets people know, but her confidence and willingness to try again, and again, is something Aurora really admires from her.
"Damn," Lucy says, standing from her chair. "If you'll excuse me, I'll toast to that. Who wants another margarita?"
"I do," Megan says. "Please."
"Ava? Maddie?"
"I'll have a martini," Maddie says, batting her eyelashes. "Please."
"'Kay. Rory?"
"I'm good, thanks," Aurora blindly says, aware she didn't even finish the first one yet.
"Be back in a minute, then." 
"What about you, huh?" Ava asks. "Have you met anyone?"
There's silence around them. Only the sounds coming from the water and the boys talking and laughing somehow reach Aurora's ears. She tries to make out Harry's voice, but it's too muffled for her to point it out. 
Aurora opens her eyes, and blinks. 
Ava, Maddie and Megan are all looking at her. Lucy isn't there anymore. 
"Wait, you're asking me that question?"
"Well, yes."
She lifts her eyebrows, and shifts on her seat. 
"Me. You are asking me if I've met anyone?"
"Yes," Ava chuckles. "I'm asking you, Aurora Fletcher."
"Actually," Maddie says, placing a hand on Ava's shoulder. "I heard it's Mrs. Sty—"
"Don't." Aurora jolts, pointing a finger at her. "Don't even say it."
Maddie chuckles, then raises her palms and leans back against her chair. "Ooookay then."
Aurora drops her hand to the table and shakes her head, unable to hide the smile. 
She's going to kill Harry for spreading that bullshit to everyone. 
"So," Ava insists. "Did you or did you not?"
"Ava, c'mon. Of course not."
"And do you want to meet anyone?"
"Not right now, no."
"Why not?"
"Plenty of reasons."
"Name one," Maddie says, and Aurora sighs.
She's already had that exact same conversation with Maddie days ago, so she knows where she's trying to get at — she wants Aurora to admit she's ready to date people. 
Which, of course, she isn't. 
"C'mon, I just got divorced."
Ava furrows her brows, then turns to Maddie. "Didn't she divorce like… Four months ago?"
"Six, actually," Maddie says. "But they broke up months before that."
"Hmm…" She turns back to Aurora, then. "And how long are you supposed to wait 'till the memory of your shitty husband releases you from its chains?"
Aurora gasps, and so do Maddie and Megan. 
And then they all laugh. 
"Oh I love you, Av," Maddie murmurs, grabbing another grape and shaking her head.
Ava shrugs. "I mean, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna pretend I don't want you to put that asshole behind you, y'know."
Aurora rolls her eyes, then looks away. "Still, It's not just that." 
"What is it, then?"
"I have to focus on Noah right now."
"You can focus on Noah and still meet someone, tho," Megan says. 
Aurora turns to look at her, and so do Ava and Maddie.
"Oh my God." Megan widens her eyes, clearly speaking her mind when she didn't intend to. "Rory, I'm so sorry. I—"
"Don't apologize," Maddie says. "I told her the exact same thing the other day."
"Yeah, and it's exactly what I was thinking," Ava backs her up, too. 
Aurora laughs, and groans. "Girls, c'mon. Where am I even supposed to meet people? I don't… I never even leave the house."
"You left the house this weekend, didn't you?" Ava shrugs. 
"Well, yeah, but…" Aurora rolls her eyes. "Y'know." 
"But what?"
"But we are on a yacht?"
"Oh c'mon!" She laughs. "I'm here with you guys. Unless you want me to, I don't know, meet the captain or something, I don't know who I'm supposed to meet this weekend."
"Mhmm… Ok then." Ava nods, and purses her lips. "So there's absolutely no-one, I mean no-one on this boat, that you could see yourself with?"
"What?" Aurora chuckles, drifting her eyes between her friends. "Of course not!"
Ava raises her eyebrows. "You sure?"
"Ava! Yes, I'm sure! What are you even—" 
"I'm back!" Lucy shouts, and Aurora shuts her mouth. 
All four of them turn to look at the stairs, waiting for their friend to come into sight. 
It takes Lucy a few seconds, but eventually she reaches the last step. Grinning, beaming, while holding a new glass in her hand. 
"Well, actually we are back." She giggles, walking past the jacuzzi and towards the table. "'Cause, y'know, I couldn't bring everything by myself so…"
And then, Harry comes into view, too.
He's holding a tray with four other glasses, biting his bottom lip while focusing on not spilling or dropping anything. Everything about him looks casual, and distracted. But apparently it is more than enough for Aurora's heart to stop for a second, and then speed up.
"Some might say it's a coincidence," Maddie whispers, and although she's looking at Ava, she's loud enough for Aurora to listen as well. "Others might say it's fate." 
"I know!" Ava gasps and chuckles, then shifts on her chair and straightens her back. She looks at Maddie over her shoulder, then at Aurora, then back at Maddie. "I say it's fate, by the way."
Aurora narrows her eyes. "What are you to—" 
"Harry, hi!" Ava says with a smile, intentionally cutting Aurora off while she faces him. The tone of her voice already suggests she's up to something (and that she isn't being subtle about it), but then she also crosses her arms on the table and leans into them, which seems to make it even worse. "How are you?"
Harry peeks at her, then furrows his brows. "Uhm… Good?"
Lucy takes her seat once again, then leans closer to Aurora and whispers, "I know you said no, but there's one for you anyway."
Aurora licks her lips. "Oh, okay. Thank—" 
"You're single, aren't you?"
Aurora shuts her mouth and looks at Ava, a slight sense of panic invading her soul. 
What is she doing?
Ava is still looking at Harry, though, so Aurora looks at him, too.
"What?" he asks, placing the tray on the table and narrowing his eyes. He shifts his gaze to Ava, then to Megan, and then across from them, to Lucy.
"Oh don't look at me," she says with a shrug. "I have no idea."
"It's just a question," Ava says, and shrugs. "Are you single or not?"
Harry looks back to Ava, then. 
"Yes. Why?"
"Mhmm…" Ava nods. "Interesting. And are you looking to meet anyone, or…?" 
Aurora's belly swirls. 
Fucking hell. She's going to kill Ava. 
Harry shifts on his feet, watching Ava with a look that's hard to understand, and then he darts his eyes straight into Aurora's gaze. 
And Aurora holds her breath. 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Holy shit.
It's been only an hour or so since she got to stare into the green of his eyes, but it's like she's been missing it, because she doesn't want to let go of it. And she should let go of it. 
A moment of silence goes by, and Aurora's heart thumps loudly inside her chest. 
"Why?" he asks, right into her eyes. "Do you know someone?" 
Oh God. Why can't she let go of it?!
"Maybe…" Ava says, the hint of a hidden message loud and clear in her voice. 
And Aurora feels the shift in the air. How everything gets heavier somehow. How her ribcage gets smaller and her heart doesn't have enough space to beat as widely as it needs. 
So she looks down to her hands, not really wanting to be a part of that conversation anymore. Or not really knowing how to be a part of that conversation anymore. Because, honestly, what is going on?! 
Are her friends trying to set her up with Harry?
"Right." Harry clears his throat, then chuckles. "Well, let me know if that ever changes to a yes, then."
There's a beat of silence, but Aurora is too stunned to check what's happening.
"Oh we will," Maddie eventually says. "Don't worry."
Ava clears her throat. "Yes. But I think you'll know, tho."
Oh God…
Aurora's nauseous. And overheated. And breathless. Plus, she's pretty sure her heart is having an arrhythmia right now. 
She can't take her eyes off her hands, but she absorbs the seconds of silence as he seems to walk away, and also drinks in from his voice when he speaks again. 
"Oh, by the way, you're being summoned downstairs for a jump in the water." 
"Oh, yes! That's right!" Lucy says. "We'll be there in a minute."
That's the last thing she hears from him, and then all the girls just stay in silence. As if watching him walk away. 
A few painful moments go by, until they all erupt into giggles and squeals — all but Aurora, of course. 
"Oh my God!" Ava breathes out. "What was that? The tension? You guys left me speechless! Me!"
"Rory, I'm begging you, please," Lucy says, grabbing her arm. "Please tell me you saw the way he looked at you." 
"I—What—" Aurora blinks. And shakes her head. And laughs. And mumbles. All at once. All at the same time. Confused. Dazzled. Puzzled. "Who—I mean, what?!"
"Oh my God!" Lucy squeals, and giggles. "Look at you! You're blushing!"
Aurora shakes her head, then covers her cheeks with her hands. "No I'm not!" 
"Girls," Maddie chuckles. "
She was looking right back at him
"And of course she saw the way he looked at her," Megan chuckles. "C'mon, she was looking right back at him!"
"What? No I wasn't." 
"Yes, oh my God! You totally were!" 
"What happened in that plane, huh?"
"Did you join the mile high club?"
"Oh my goodness, did you really?"
"Did your flight really get delayed?" 
"Because it's totally okay if it didn't!" 
"Totally, yes!"
"Oh my God! Girls!" 
"It's that why he's been calling you Mrs. Styles?"
Aurora laughs, rubs her forehead, and stands from her seat. "I—I can't… I need to—"
"This's so cute!"
Aurora shakes her head, walking towards the stairs. "I'm not doing this."
"Roryyy, come here!"
"Nope," she says, reaching the stairs. 
"Oh, c'mon!"
"I just… I need to use the bathroom."
"Bathroom. Mhmm…" Maddie shouts, her voice filled with teasingness and playfulness. "You go, babes. And say hello to Harry from me!" 
Aurora rolls her eyes and flips them off, then follows the same path Harry went through just minutes ago. And although she tries to keep a serious expression on her face, the truth is that she can't — she just can't — get rid of that foolish, silly, and incredibly stupidly huge smile that's creeping on her mouth. She just can't. 
So she doesn't.
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The moment Aurora leaves the bathroom is the exact same moment Harry reaches the last step of the stairs, and they both bump into each other.
He places his hands on her shoulders, as if keeping her in place, but also maybe just holding himself. 
Aurora chuckles, and Harry chuckles. 
He slides his hands off her shoulders, and she takes a step back, looking him up and down. And she doesn't mean to do that — she swears she doesn't mean to do it — but Harry changed his clothes and she just can't help herself. Because instead of being black with flamingos on it, his shirt is beige now. And instead of pants, now he's wearing black swimming shorts. And instead of those cute yellow shoes, now he's wearing white flip flops. And there's just so… 
Aurora swallows.
There's just so much new skin suddenly exposed. So much tanned skin. Inked skin. And also perfectly carved abs. And manly, dark body hair.
She licks her lips. 
He's just so… 
You know…
She closes her eyes. 
Fucking shit, he is just so fucking hot.
Harry clears his throat, and Aurora blinks.
The smirk is blatantly obvious on his face, and a wave of heat spreads from Aurora's chest to the back of her neck, and all over her cheeks. 
Thankfully, he doesn't say anything about the fact that she's been openly staring at his body. And that he clearly noticed it. Instead, he tilts his head towards the stairs, motioning to the floor — deck — where he was coming from when they bumped into each other.
"I left your bag in your bedroom," he says. "I hope that's okay."
"Oh, mhm, of course." She nods. "Thank you."
"Of course." 
He nods, too, then settles comfortably inside her eyes. 
Green irises holding her captive yet all over again. 
There's a beat of silence, and the distant voices of their friends are the only reminder she has that they aren't alone anymore. 
"I don't really know where my bedroom is, tho."
Harry chuckles. 
A beautiful sight that has her smiling, too.
"It's right next to mine," he says. "Theo said you're sharing with Maddie?"
"Oh." She nods. "Right."
She didn't know that, but it makes sense. Since they're the only two girls who don't have a boyfriend or husband to share a bed with. And all that. 
"Want me to take you there?"
"To my bedroom?"
"I mean, yes. To show you where it is."
"Oh…" Aurora bites the insides of her bottom lip, and nods. 
Does she want Harry to take her downstairs and show her the bedroom while all of their friends are upstairs? Ye— No!
Aurora shakes her head. Vehemently. "I mean, no. Thanks. It's fine. I mean, I'm sure Lucy wants to show me around. Stuff like that. Y'know." 
"Right, yeah. That's true."
Another beat of silence. 
And another one.
"Are you girls coming outside with us?"
"Mhm…" Aurora nods. "We'll… Y'know… We'll probably have to change first, but… Yeah. Mhm. Change our clothes. Then we'll go."
Oh my God? Why the fuck is she suddenly acting like this? What's wrong with her?
"Oh, of course." 
Harry clears his throat and looks down at his feet, then another beat of silence echoes between them. 
A long one, by the way. 
"So…" He speaks again, and moves back into her eyes. "How are you doing? Everything good so far?"
"Mhm, thanks!" Aurora smiles, trying her best to keep herself together. "I'm having a really good time. Yeah."
Harry smiles, too. "Good. Glad to hear that."
Another beat of silence.
And another one.
And another one.
Harry lifts his arm, and points behind him. 
"Well, I should probably—"
Harry drops his arm back to his side, and tilts his head. "Yeah?" 
"I'm just…" Aurora closes her hands into fists, and presses her lips together for a moment. Making sure her voice is softer and calmer when she speaks next. And that her words will, at least, make sense. "I'm sorry… About your mum."
Harry blinks, then curves his mouth into a gentle and caring smile. "I know. Thank you, Auri."
Her heart skips a beat. She'd no idea she would suddenly miss a nickname that no-one but him ever used. A nickname that up until that morning she didn't even remember existed in the first place. 
"I'm also really sorry for not knowing, and for not being there for you when it happened."
Harry sighs. "I don't want you to apologize for that. I mean, I realized you didn't know when you asked about her in the car, so… It's fine. Really. I don't want you to stress over this."
"Okay… But I just…" She shakes her head. "Look, I just want to make sure you know I'm sorry, okay? Because I care about you and I don't want you to think I don't. So, I don't know, can you please just… Maybe just say okay? And thank you? And then we leave it at that?" 
The look on his face and the soft, timid smile reveal more than she needs to know, but it gets even better when he chuckles, and then when he still reassures her with his words. "Thank you Auri." 
"Good. Thank you." She smiles, too. "Now, can I just… I mean… Can I at least give you a hug? I know it's a late hug but, y'know…" 
She shrugs, and Harry grins at her. 
"You really think you need my permission to hug me?"
"I don't—I don't know!" Aurora chuckles. "What if I just go for it and you don't… Y'know. Don't want to, or… I don't know."
He rolls his eyes and steps closer, already reaching for her waist. 
"Just shut up and c'mere," he says, sliding his hands and arms around her back, then pulling her into his chest. 
Aurora smiles and stands on her tiptoes, circling his neck with both arms while resting her chin on his shoulder. 
And then, she sighs. Because that feels really nice. And really good. 
Harry squeezes her, gently but tightly, then pulls his head back slightly, just to be able to press a kiss to her cheek.
It's wet, and it's loud. And her skin tickles. 
She bites her lip, and he moves his mouth closer to her ear. Curls and stubble brushing over her.
"Thank you," he murmurs, slightly digging his fingertips into her back — almost, almost, pushing her closer to him. "Just so y'know tho, you should always go for it. And I always want to."
Her belly flutters, and she closes her eyes. 
He just keeps doing those things… Saying those things… You know? And it's just… It's just so… Confusing? Because, honestly, 'I always want to'? What does he even mean by that? Who says something like that? 
"Yesss!" Ava shouts, and it doesn't take a second for Aurora to pull away from their embrace. 
Blinking. Suddenly flushed. Suddenly dizzy. Suddenly out of breath. Suddenly feeling her heart thump so loudly inside her that she's convinced it'll burst out of her chest. 
"She's here!"
Harry's eyes are soft on her, though. Calm. As if he's completely unaware of what he's doing to her. Or maybe as if he's aware of it, but completely satisfied with her reaction. 
Either way, it's like he is… Reassuring her. Like he's trying to let her know that it's not a big deal. And that it's okay. Because it's him, y'know? And it's always been okay with him. So why wouldn't it also be okay now? Confusing, but still okay.
Maybe it's none of that. Maybe she is just projecting, because maybe she is the one trying to reassure herself. 
Who knows. 
Either way, it somehow works. Because she takes a deep breath in, and her heartbeat slows down. 
"Yes, he's here too!" Ava shouts again. "You owe me five bucks!"
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Aurora and Maddie's room it's simple, minimalistic and fancy — pretty much like the entire yacht. 
Her duffel bag is on top of the queen size bed she'll be sharing with Maddie, and there's a window allowing the daylight to brighten up the space. There are also two bedside tables, a wardrobe, and a tv. Plus enough room for all of them to comfortably hang out together while she rummages through her things to find a change of clothes. 
Ava, Lucy and Megan are comfortable on the bed, Maddie stands around the wardrobe while she puts her own stuff away, and Aurora sits on the floor, right by her bedside table. 
"Can you hand me my bag, please?" she asks.
"Sure." Megan grabs it from her feet and brings it closer to her reach.
"I'll just ask one last question," Lucy says, sitting against the headboard and next to Megan. "And then I promise we won't touch the subject again, ok?"
Aurora drops her bag by her side, between her thigh and the bedside table, then nods. 
"'Kay," she says, bending her legs by the knees and looking at her. "One last question, then."
"How are things with Zack? Is he treating you better?"
She purses her lips and scratches her nose, mulling over the words to make sure she gives them the most honest answer she's able to. 
After Ava found her and Harry sharing a hug, the girls spent as much time as they could teasing the hell out of her — no matter how many times she told them it wasn't like that and it didn't mean anything more than a hug between two friends. 
The jokes only stopped when each moved to their own bedroom to change into swimsuits. Minutes later, when they met again in Aurora and Maddie's room, they kept laughing about the most random and insignificant things, not really putting her on the spot anymore. 
So it kind of felt natural that the conversation eventually ended up shifting back to Aurora's life, mostly because it was clear her friends still had questions to discuss. 
Which doesn't surprise her, but it also doesn't thrill her. 
"Sometimes, yes," Aurora says. "We still fight a lot over Noah, tho. Like, he doesn't like the fact that I signed him up for preschool, so he keeps messing up his routine, and then I'm the one who has to deal with Noah's tantrums. So, y'know, sometimes it's just really exhausting, but—" 
"Wait," Ava says, laying on her stomach and resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "He doesn't want Noah to go to preschool? Why?" 
Aurora shrugs — although she knows the answer pretty well. 
"Because I did it so I could go back to work, and Zack doesn't want me to."
"Sorry," Megan says. "He doesn't want you to work?"
Aurora shakes her head. "Nope. I mean, it's not going to stop me from doing it" — not anymore, at least — "but he definitely never planned for me to go back."
Ava shakes her head. "That's really fucked up."
"God I hate him so much," Maddie mumbles, her face hidden inside the wardrobe. 
"I know…" Aurora sighs, and shrugs. "And guys, I love Noah, ok? I really love him. It's not like I want to work because I don't want to take care of him. I swear. I just—"
"Rory, stop," Lucy says, pulling her hair into a bun on the top of her head. "We all know that." 
"Yeah," Ava says, sitting up in bed. "That's not something you need to clarify. Nobody would ever doubt how much you love Noah."
"You're such a great mum," Megan says. 
"Damn you are," Maddie says. She takes a step back from the wardrobe and turns around, holding a pair of earrings and white sunglasses. "Zack never did half of what you do, he never stopped one minute of his day to take care of Noah, or to be a decent husband to you, but he still expects your entire life to stop? C'mon!" 
The girls agree, murmuring yeah, and exactly, or nodding along. 
"The only reason why he thinks he's allowed to be a dick to you," Maddie adds, "it's 'cause he has one." 
"Totally, yeah," Ava says. "He doesn't even deserve to have a dick, in the first place." 
"Who's got a dick?" Niall asks, popping his head into the room and smirking at them. 
"Maddie," Ava jokes, sitting on the mattress and crossing her legs. 
Niall walks in and hums, tapping Aurora's head before sitting on the bed, next to his girlfriend. He kisses Megan's cheek and smiles, then turns to look at the girls and places his hand on Megan's thigh. Just like Zack used to do. 
Aurora looks away, then turns and kneels in front of her bag, facing all the clothes she doesn't feel comfortable enough to wear.
It's hard to stop the memories from taking over her mind, though. 
And she knows it's a really small gesture, but it's also one that Zack used to do to her a lot — albeit in a different way, or for different reasons. It happened usually at Zack's business dinners and under the tables, but sometimes he would do it when they were around family and friends, too. He never explained the code to her, but somehow Aurora still learned it — Zack would put his hand on her thigh and squeeze twice, and she would know it was time for her to shut up and stop embarrassing him. 
"Sometimes I wish I had," Maddie says, and Aurora scratches her nose. Then her temple. Then her forehead. Almost as if pushing her thoughts away. Pushing her memories away. "But right now we're actually talking about Zack's dick."
"Oh…" Niall clears out his throat, then chuckles. Sounding as awkward and uncomfortable as Aurora feels. "Right… Maybe we should keep his name out of this trip, yeah? Or at least his dick."
Aurora twists her fingers around the fabric of her swimsuit, listening to the conversation but not really engaging with it. 
She's the only one who isn't ready yet. The only one who still hasn't changed her clothes. The only one who still isn't comfortable enough to show off her body to all of her friends. 
"We were just saying having a dick doesn't allow him to question Aurora's decisions, babe," Megan says. 
"Ohhh," Niall said. 
"Especially as a mother," Ava added.
"Moonshine," Niall calls. He touches her shoulder, and Aurora peeks at him through the corner of her eyes. "Y'know I'll gladly cut his dick off, right? Anytime. Just gotta say the word."
Aurora laughs and shifts around, sitting on her heels as she looks at her friends taking over her bed — plus Maddie, now standing by the window on the opposite side. 
"Thanks guys. But I think—" She shakes her head. "No, I know I'm gonna be okay. So I agree with Ni, I think we should keep his name out of the conversation." 
"And his dick," Niall points out, raising a finger. 
Aurora chuckles. 
"Especially his dick. I mean, it wasn't even a good dick anyway."
She shrugs, but the loud laughter that erupts from everyone ends up making her grin, too. 
And just like that, as everyone tries to catch their breaths again and engage into different conversations, Aurora feels light and breeze again. So she pulls her swimsuit from her bag and gets up, finally getting enough courage to take the next step.
She turns around, then, and falls straight into Harry's eyes. 
He's standing by the door, leaning on his shoulder and smirking at her. Watching her. Holding an expression she hasn't seen so far. It isn't an affectionate smile, it also isn't a sweet or careful smirk. And his gaze is so intense that she feels her body warming up — that she feels herself blushing. 
It seems as if he is holding himself from saying something cheeky. Or as if he's keeping a secret. As if he knows something that she doesn't, and as if he's enjoying it.
She breathes in, then holds the fabric tightly with both hands and steps forward.
"What?" she murmurs, getting closer to him and trying to keep their friends out of the conversation.
"Nothing." He shrugs, stepping aside to let her get through the door. "Just listening, that's all." 
Aurora nods. "Mhm. Okay, then."
When she walks past him, she notices how he follows the movement of her body and turns around. And also how he crosses his arms on his chest and leans his back against the narrow wall that separates their bedroom doors. 
Once again, a fluttery feeling settles in her belly. And as she moves towards the bathroom, she does her best to avoid it. And also to ignore the way his eyes keep burning into her. 
She can't, though. So when she grabs the doorknob of the bathroom door, she holds herself tightly, and turns her head as much as she can, watching him over her shoulder. 
He's still watching her, carefully, although now his sight seems to be too low to meet her eyes. 
Harry drifts his eyes up, meeting her stare. 
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He shrugs. "Just… Watching. That's all."
She lifts her eyebrows. "Mhm. What were you just watching, then?"
He shrugs again, but he also smirks — and he smirks in such a way that, even before he opens his mouth, she knows he's about to lie.
"The back of your head?"
Aurora stares at him blankly for a second, and then she snorts. And laughs. She doesn't know what to say, though, so she faces forward and opens the door. As if she doesn't know Harry was just checking her out. And as if he didn't just playfully admit he was. Or as if she doesn't care about any of that.
And yet, as she steps forward and feels he's still watching, she maybe slows down a little. And maybe she makes sure to sway her hips. Maybe, though. And also just a little. Just in case. 
Because maybe, maybe, if Harry's watching, Aurora wants to make sure he's taking a good look. And maybe, she wants him to enjoy the view. And maybe she wants him to like what he sees when he looks at her.
Maybe, though.
Of course.
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Hi! If you've made it here, thank you for reading. You have absolutely no idea how much it means to me.
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wellgoslowly · 10 months
Lockwood and Co. How do I begin to talk about this insane universe that has literally changed my life in so many ways in such a small amount of time?
I think it was probably January 27th that I actually got the notification for the trailer for the show from Netflix’s Youtube. I don’t know exactly what it was that made me interested in the trailer in the first place and set it apart from the hundreds of trailers that netflix has posted that I’ve ignored, but there was just something about it that made me think “oh, this looks interesting, let me take a look at the trailer.” Thank god I did.
If I were to go back in time to that version of linnie and tell them that their life was about to be changed, I think they would’ve laughed. At that period of time I’d had a 2 year long hyperfixation on the grishaverse and I couldn’t think of anything that would’ve possibly broken me out of that long ass period of chaos. And then I watched Lockwood and Co and I immediately fell in love with an entirely new world.
Lockwood and co means so much to me for so many reasons. One of them is that I’ve never seen myself more reflected in a character than I see myself in Lucy Carlyle- hence the name Linnie. I didn’t even realize it until Aaron ( @queer-and-nerdy ) pointed it out (after I pointed out how much of a George kinnie they are) and then everything made sense in a way? Like Lucy Carlyle is the truest form of a comfort character for me because we are basically the same person and I never realized how special a character could be until I met Lucy Joan Carlyle.
Another reason why I love this universe so much is because I love found family, and I love the found family that Jonathan Stroud has written. The Iron Trio will always be so special to me because of how often it is shown and how deeply it is known that they love each other unconditionally, Even George and Lucy, who have their differences when they first meet, grow to love each other in their own way and I genuinely believe that the family found within the Iron Trio is one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve ever read or seen portrayed on screen.
I also just truly love the worldbuilding. The world that Jonathan Stroud has created has such an amazing homely feel to it that I will never tire of. I love literally everything about it- the lore, the execution, the way that he was able to make ghosts even more terrifying for such a young audience.
Lastly, I love the fandom. I’ve talked a little bit about how much a kind and welcoming fan space like the l&co tumblr means to me and how I have had rocky situations in a fandom in the past, but I truly cannot even begin to talk about how much this online space has truly changed me in so many ways. I feel like I can have open, honest, and constructive opinions on here without being scared to speak my mind or fear the repercussions of not being 100% happy all the time. This fandom is the most accepting and loving fandom I have ever known, and I’d like to tag a few of the people who have made this place so loving and enjoyable to partake in. Shout out to @ikeasupremacy @oblivious-idiot @losticaruss @youmanynotrestnow @neewtmas @thisgameissonintendo @readyafterthesunrise @waitingforthesunrise @yveni @uku-lelevillain @impossibleclair @donutcats @jesslockwood @kazbrekkerfast @krash-and-co @carlyleandco @biscuitrule @maraschinomerry @lockwood-lover @lvockwoods @givemea-dam-break @someonetooksendnoodles @nomolosk @thedonutdeliverygirl @neverendinglabyrinth @tangledinlove - I defo missed a lot of people but these are just the few that I could remember right off the top of my head <33
All in all, I love this show and these books and this world more than I could ever possibly express. Happy 10th Birthday to The Screaming Staircase, and a very Happy Lockwood & Co Day to all whom I have the honor of celebrating with. I love you all very dearly, and remember: “just reckless enough”.
linnie <3
181 notes · View notes
projectbluearcadia · 2 months
Just Luci Brainrot :)
Just imagining you (MC) sitting on Lucifer's desk in beautiful lingerie as an "apology" after you make him do something stupid with your pact, and Lucifer flat-out ignores you. Or, I should say, he pretends to ignore you, and he does a good job doing it.
Internally, however, the sight of you in that skimpy underwear that highlights every lovely part of you is driving him to borderline madness. Man is edging himself just to keep up the appearance that he's annoyed. Really, he wants to take off that underwear in his teeth, take those luscious thighs in his hands and make you scream your pretty little head off.
And yet, all he does is take a paper out from under your ass and starts working like his brain isn't conjuring all kinds of things he could do to you right in that second.
Of course, you're annoyed that he doesn't even seem to care that you've gone to such a length to say you're sorry for embarrassing him, so you decide to slide down onto his lap instead.
"Lucifer," you say. "I'm rea---"
"Do you mind?" Lucifer cuts you off sharply, giving you his most irritated glare. You're really testing his self-control now. God, how he wants to just take two handfuls of that barely-clothed ass and sit you on top of the friend that was currently struggling to not make itself known. "I have a lot of work to do."
You pout.
"Can't you put me on your to-do list? I said I was sorry earlier, Luci."
"Don't call me that," he retorts. "You can wait."
You might have been able to, but he certainly can't, as much as he's denying that fact.
Which is why, when you rub against him a little bit, you're already roughly bent over his desk, his fingers teasing underneath the pathetic fabric on your hips.
"You... really love testing my patience, don't you?" Lucifer growls, and you gasp. What a lovely sound. He'll be getting plenty more of those out of you. "You should know that an apology isn't anywhere near enough to make me feel better... I need to know you won't do it again."
Lucifer's gloved hands sink into your thighs as he squeezes, clearly admiring the view he has of you. The view of your dripping sex destroying your underwear, twitching at the thought of what he'll do. And, oh, he's been thinking long and hard about it since he caught sight of your lewd form.
You hear the click of his belt, the rustle of his pants as they drop off his hips. In another moment, the bottom half of your ruined underwear is ripped to shreds, and his throbbing cock is deep inside you. He takes the time to lean his body over yours, lightly pulling your hair at the root, forcing you to arch your back a little as he whispers against your ear:
"I'm not letting you off easy this time."
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queseraone · 3 days
I got asked this question and loved it so much, I wanted to open it up to the group.
If you could choose 5 Chenford scenes to rewrite, which would you choose, and how would you rewrite them?
Oooh, thanks for the ask Becca! I had a similar one from an anon, so consider this the answer to that one too 😘
Okay, so I'm going to preface this by saying... as much as I love this ship and this show, I could probably give you an endless list of things I wish they had done differently/better. Particularly in the more recent seasons, a lot of the storylines have felt... rushed?
And in a lot of ways, it feels like once they pulled the trigger for Chenford, they hit the gas so hard that they blew past a lot of story. (Okay, that's two unrelated metaphors in there, but I hope you get my point.) I know Chenford isn't the main focus of the show, but it is a huge lure, and it feels like a waste to not lean a little harder into some of those moments. A lot of the time it feels like they're giving quantity over quality for Chenford scenes, like they're trying to meet some unspoken quota for moments, but aren't putting much care into what those moments actually are.
Oh god, that all sounds sooooo negative. I swear I love Chenford and the show, no matter how much I may criticize it 😅
I desperately wish things had gone differently in 5x05. Tim should absolutely have broken up with Ashley, not the other way around. They still could have played it similarly, but instead have it be Tim getting that reality check. Nothing quite like your entire future being in jeopardy to make you take a good hard look at your life and who you're spending it with.
A lot of 4x08, but particularly their last scene of the episode and the way Lucy is written as more 'Team Genny' than 'Team Tim'. It's wildly out of character for her to not be able to recognize that Tim isn't just being stubborn, but rather he's having a very valid response to trauma.
It seems like perhaps there was a scene missing somewhere along the way leading up to that conversation at the end of 5x08. It has always felt like a bit of a leap between their conversations in the shop and that closing scene. They're clearly on the same page at the end, but they didn't quite succeed at showing how they landed there.
Look, as much as I adore the group scenes at Nolan's in 5x13, it will forever bother me that we didn't get a relationship reveal. What's the point of touting a 'secret relationship' and not bother bringing it out into the open? For a show that absolutely leans lighter than any other cop show I've seen (save for Brooklyn 99), the sheer comedy potential is a loss I will be mourning forever. I think it especially bothers me because we were kind of left in limbo between 5x12 and 5x16. We know they were still hiding it in 5x12, but then by 5x16 they were comfortable with people gossiping about their Valentine's Day plans? Make it make sense.
This can be related to several different scenes (5x12, 5x21, etc...), but for the love of god, stop telling us that Tim and Lucy are horny for each other and show us for once! They can tout this as "a family show" all they want, but as far as I'm concerned, this is a show for adults. And if a person is old enough to watch the host of other mature things they do show (physical assault, a man on fire, someone being blown up, shootings, etc.), they can fucking handle a non-HBO level sex scene.
I'm adding this as a bonus answer, because I can't necessarily pinpoint a specific scene to change here. As a general season 6 rewrite, I really wish they'd focused more on the UC conflict with Chenford. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the exploration of Tim's military past and the demons he has from that time, but it just felt... forced? Certainly a byproduct of the shortened season, but I wish they'd woven that in more organically, and not all but forgotten the UC issue after it was so prevalent in 6x01 and 6x02. There's just so much more to unpack than what we saw in their conversations in those episodes.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 13 days
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"Holy crap, you're even more beautiful in person," Richard told his Tinder date, Michelle.
She shot him a humored smirk. "Thanks.... um, not sure how to say this, I'm flattered, but....... uh..."
"I swear I'm not even trying to be corny, you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. It never ceases to amaze me as a doctor the results trans girls like you get when you go on blockers and start high doses of hormones in your teens. You look phenomenal."
Michelle blushed. "Dr. Klein......."
"Please, just call me Richard. We're here to have fun, not be professional. And you look like a girl who knows how to have fun. Those breasts are just divine! And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see that pathetic little one-inch cock of yours. When I saw those pictures on your profile, it looked so feminine and cute. Sorry to gush like this, I just--"
Michelle giggled, suddenly pulling down her pants, shifting her legs, showing she had a thick, ten-inch erection. "I'm sorry I forgot to delete my Tinder. Ummmm, soooo....... I stopped estrogen like four months ago......"
"Oh.... my. Look at that growth. Why did you stop, darling?"
She bit her lip sexily, eyeing him confidently. "I'm detransitioning."
"What!? But why? You're so gorgeous, Michelle."
"It's Michael now," he lowered his voice, which began to crack and drop shortly after stopping estrogen. "What? Surprised? My profile had no updates for like six months, dude."
"Oh, shit. I didn't notice. I was so enamored by the videos of you flaunting those breasts, stroking your tiny cock, and talking about your transition and how happy you were to be a girl."
Michael stroked his growing cock, looking around to make sure nobody was looking. "Shhhh, yeah, I'm lazy, I really need to update that. I hope you aren't too disappointed."
"Not at all, you'll make a very handsome guy, that's for sure. What made you change your mind? You seemed so proud to be female."
"Well, I've always been a guy," he curled his voice naughtily. "I dunno..... one of my trans friends, a fakegirl named Lucy, just as hot as me, breasts almost as big, too. She detransitioned out of the blue and loved being a man. He started having sex with all these cute girls, going to parties, topping soooo many hot college girls. I got mad jealous. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I stopped my hormones. Male puberty happened in, like, the blink of an eye! I have a full beard now and everything, wanna see?"
"Sure. Might as well, darling."
Michael let go of his cock, which remained rock hard out in front of him as he very femininely took a makeup wipe from his bag and removed the foundation and concealer on his chin and neck. "Tada! See? Pretty cool, huh? My mustache is coming in, too. Wish it'd grow faster but oh well."
"I still can't believe my eyes.... What a shame, you were so gorgeous!"
Michael shrugged. "It's not a big deal. Anyway, I've done voice training," he said, back in his girl voice. "So I can sound like a girl if you really want..... And I still have these oversized boy boobs for another few days."
"You're getting top surgery?"
"Uh.... duh! Why would I keep them? I'm trying to see what it's like to be a guy, plus detransing is just so much fun I can't help myself! My cock is legit hard 24/7! See?" He stroked it a few more times, softly moaning in his girl voice for him. "I can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. When I cum I feel like I'm gonna pass out it's so intense! I don't care how much I pass or how pretty I am, as soon as I saw Lucy get such a big cock, get all muscular and hairy and, well..... so manly out of the blue! God.... it's all I can think of, giving up on being some pretty little fake girl and becoming a man!"
"Well, you certainly seem to have your mind made up. Would you do me a kindness?"
"Sure, sorry I didn't delete the app and dragged you out here. I'm happy to be a girl for you, if only for the day!" Michael playfully tugged on his cock, giggling in a perfect girl voice.
"Good boy, but let's have some more fun than that."
"OK....? What do you wanna do?"
"All day, I want you to pretend to be my trans daughter, who I'm forcing to detransition."
Michael blushed hot red. "Ummmmmm, er...... wow! I....."
"Flustered? Poor boy. I want to introduce you to as many affluent, wealthy men here as possible. I'll tell them you transitioned in college, and now you've come home, and I'm forcing you to take testosterone and become a guy. Of course, I'll fuck your ass in front of them, telling them what a pathetic sissy I have for a son, showing off those flabby breasts, telling everyone I'm forcing you to have them chopped off this week. And you'll serve all these men, and ask to be treated like a naughty femboy who needs to be punished for pretending to be a girl. How's that sound?"
"Richard...... I mean Daddy, just one question."
"Yes, my confused little angel?"
"Can we make it the whole weekend instead of just today? And..... maybe we can do this again after my boobs get removed?"
"Of course, darling. Now let's find some wealthy men to flaunt that big fat fakegirl cock in front of."
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deadsnothere · 1 year
"I'm sleeping with your sister"
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Synopsis - While alias and lockwood are on a date Alias's brother Quill Kipps find his sister and his enemy enjoying a "conversation and a cup of tea." (warning: it gets a bit spicy at the end no actual smut but hints at it!!)
Request - Nope but they are open, pls request stuff guys i'm begging!!!
Word count - 1.7k
Speak Ali! - PLEASE REQUEST!! I will not use y/n but i will use Alias, and you can request things like "george's sister" or "the best listener" Alias is just the base name i'll use 😭 SO PLEASE REQUEST <3
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Alias didn't mind when Kipps was a dick.
Except for when he was a dick to Lockwood and Co. Alias joined Lockwood and Co a good while ago, Quill always thought it was a waste of her talent. Thought that instead of agency work she should’ve gone into making flare’s and engineering since she was so good with that field of work. He even got Fittis to offer her a job as a mechanic after a mission went wrong as an agent. But she declined and told him she already got another job and left it at that. Alias and Quill were never that close, They had almost exactly opposite personalities, Alias was kind and sweet, sarcastically caring and the biggest drama queen in residence of 35 Portland row, and loves Anthony lockwood. While Quill was- Well Quill and despises Anthony lockwood.
“Well..if it isn't Andrew.” I immediately felt my eyes roll. When I looked up there was my dear brother himself. Quill Kipps! He looked over to me smiling, Ethan, one of Quill's agents, who stood closest to me, doing the same. Quill was acting nicer now then when he first learned that I’d joined Lockwood and Co as an Agent/Mechanic, he wasn't exactly happy. I was rendezvousing with the ‘enemy’. Little does he know I'm doing much more than that.
Me and Anthony were just trying to enjoy a date- A simple date at a small cafe before we went out with Lucy and Norrie, Can't even get that in this family! “What do you want, Kipps? Can you not see I'm trying to enjoy a cup of tea and a conversation?” Lockwood looked pissed. I'm pretty sure he was more pissed about Ethan being here than anything. If it was just Quill I'm sure he would be a little less angry but he always said he hated the way Ethan looked at me.
And so did I honestly but mainly because it was creepy- Even now in the middle of a cafe he was staring at me through the corner of his eye, acting like we definitely could not tell what or who he was looking at. “I'm sure now that Quill got his tea he can leave us alone Anthony, don't worry.” I spoke calmly trying to keep the little peace there was.
Quill snapped his head over to look at me. I’m not even kidding, I think I actually heard a crack- “Anthony!? Since when did you call him Anthony, Alias?” I raised an eyebrow, faking a confused face and biting down on my tongue, to keep my nerves down. “Since, I joined the agency…Me and Anthony have become very close friends, I’ll have you know.” Anthony snorted out a laugh from across the table, looking out the window to the side. I kicked his shin lightly, giving him the best ‘I will kick you in the balls’ glare I could muster.
Quill looked over to him, aggravated. “You have something to say, Tony?” Lockwood looked back to Quill acting like he didn't just laugh at me calling us ‘friends’. “Hm? Oh no-” Anthony turned his head to me next, making eye contact. He tilted his head up slightly, his fingers played with his chapped lips. Gods that made me think of last night, my lipstick marks was all over his face, it was so cute he looked so done with me but continued to let me kiss all over his face nonetheless. I looked away from him this time trying to keep the redness in my face down. Gods, this man is infuriating. I just want to kiss him till he can’t breath-
“No I just think it's funny is all.” “What's so funny?” Ethan responded next, even surprising Quill. “That you're both so caught up in Alias’s business. She's more mature than the both of you combined and yet you cling to her like she needs to be protected from everything.” He looked away from me to the other two to the right of him, taking a sip of his earl gray.
What a fucking hypocrite. He acts like he doesn't do the same shit! ‘Oh Alias you can’t do that! It’ll explode’ Or ‘Oh Alias Let me test that very new flare design instead of you even though you're the one who made it’ and ‘I'll protect you darling, even though I have a broken arm and I've been stabbed 14 times in the ribs!’ Ok maybe that last one was a bit dramatic but sometimes I think he would…
“How dare you! I'm their older brother- I have full right to be worried over their safety at your shady agency, Lockwood.” “I've known them both my entire life, it's just being a gentleman!” Lockwood scoffed back at both of their words. Although he seemed more offended at the thought that I wouldn't be safe at Lockwood and Co.
“If there's one thing I'm sure of Kipps, is that Alias’s safety is prioritized at our agency. More than you can say after your last mission together.” After a mission as an agent at fitties went south, Quill became a lot more protective over me. It was bothersome the majority of the time but there were very rare moments it was useful. “Don't you dare bring that up! You have no right to say that about me- You don't even know what happened other than what was put on the papers and that's barely true.” Anthony nodded along with Quill, a knowing look on his face. “But Ali told me everything. What you did..what you didn't.”
Quill looked so pissed, but immediately tried to ignore the comment about me telling him everything from that night. “Ali?! You let him call you Ali! You hate that nickname, you’ve always hated that nickname-” Ant looked so proud of himself, Laughing dryly. Interrupting my own response. “She's let me do a lot more than that Kipps, A lot more.” Three head’s shot over to him. Me kicking him in the shin, harder than the first time to hopefully get a point across. Ethan looked less than happy, with his pitiful little stare. And Quill looked as if he wasn't sure what he was going to do first, torture or kill him.
“He started to call me by the nickname on his own! I just didn't stop him..” I put my hands up in defense. “He’s a stubborn man ok? and plus it's..kinda sweet.” I put my hands back down, taking a sip of my hot chocolate, avoiding eye contact from my poor brother. It didn't take much to know Lockwood was enjoying this, just the annoying smirk when I called him sweet, and when Quill’s face turned red from anger.
“Sweet? Him sweet! He's a prick! an arsehole- The biggest dick I've met since trevor.” Trevor was a mutual friend we had, let's just say it didn't end well. “She certainly thinks I do.” I choked on my hot chocolate about dying as I tried to regain my composure. Quill’s face went dead serious. “She what.” I have a feeling this is going to end as badly as trevor. “I’m sleeping with your sister Kipps. We’ve been dating for almost a year.” Ethan’s face dropped, jaw opened, while Quill just looked at me, his eyes almost pleading for it not to be true. “Surprise?” I said in an uncertain tone, slowly moving my hands up to do jazz hands. Yeah just keep doing Jazz hands they make everything better-
It's not completely unprompted that we tell my brother, I mean we've had conversations about it in the past, we just never really got to it! “Alias Kipps when I told you don't rendezvous with the enemy I meant it!” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “He's your enemy not mine!-” Quill looked almost offended. “You used to hate him too!” “Well He's obviously far from my enemy now!” “We bonded over hating him!” “Well now we can bond over making out with him!”
Lockwood was watching this conversation like a tennis game. A smirk on his face the entire time, until my head snapped to him. “And you, don't think you're free, and don't think I don't know of your little jealousy game. I have half a mind to kick your ass right now.” Quill’s face now held a smirk. I was looking back and forth between the boys, about ready to murder, and it showed on my face. “Now Quill, Ethan please walk away and if you’ll excuse me and my boyfriend. We are going to continue our date. bye bye” If it weren't for the fact that I looked ready to kill, they probably wouldn't have left, but after being my sibling for so long I think Quill learned what I could and couldn't do. They both reluctantly walked away keeping his stare on me and Anthony until he was out of the cafe.
I'm not sure which feeling was stronger, lust or anger. but i'm pretty sure it's both. I mean what an ass! Who does anthony think he is! He didn't even ask if it was ok to tell him. God he made my blood boil, but by the way he was sitting there with his legs man spread looking so proud of himself gods, I just want to absolutely ruin his perfect face. Force him to whine and whimper for my touch. Gods he'd look so perfect...
This was going to be a long date.
“Anthony.” I took in a deep breath trying to relax my head, at this point I couldn't tell what was anger and what was lust. He smiled at me with his ‘please forgive me’ smile. “Yes darling?” I stood up and took two steps to stand beside him, whispering in his ear. “When we get home, I expect to find you on your bed ready for me, got it?” I put my hand on his thigh and set my other hand on his shoulder. He nodded as a yes but that isn't exactly what I was expecting, he knows exactly what I'm expecting. The hand on his thigh trailed up just a bit higher, “Excuse me?” “Yes ma'am.” I nodded in satisfaction, patting his shoulder and moving both of my hands away. Picking up my to-go cup of hot chocolate, which was still hot, thank gods.
“Come on, Ant! We have places to be don't we? Promised Lucy and Norrie that double date.” I kissed his cheek and patted the other with my hand. “But I'll uh- give you a minute, I'll be outside getting a cab.” Even as I was walking away I could feel him staring at me. This time his stare was almost pleading for me to come back, desperate for attention.
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part 2?
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whiskeyswifty · 1 month
What’s your favorite thing about folklore?
oh my god what a question. I'm just gonna riff off the dome here because if i try to go at this in any kind of organized way, i'll write a deranged thesis paper. (this is about the album proper, sorry to the lakes. too bad she never released it and we'll never know what it sounded like)
Gut reaction to this question is just how complete it is. It's an idea and concept, a writing prompt if you will, compiled neatly and cohesively in a way that's the perfect digestible length for it's form (music/an album) and also all killer, no filler. All the vignettes are not a "story" (save for the love triangle which i largely ignore because it's shoehorned) but come off like an anthology; that is to say that they're a series of emotional vignettes across a range of life experiences, but explored through the motifs and styles of one writer. I cannot jump around with folklore, i must press play on the 1, which has never happened before with a taylor album. It has no skips, every single one flowing smoothly but efficiently with the ebb and flow pacing of a babbling brook. (i do skip mad woman occasionally cuz its not what i wanna hear at the moment or epiphany cuz it's too heavy and too soon to go back to that mental place, but they're both excellent and fit perfectly within the album when i'm casually listening)
The sound is also just so perfectly aligned with my tastes. I contain multitudes, but unfortunately one of those is being a sad indie white girl lol. I love soft rubber bridge guitars, and whining violins and piano and minimal but expertly layered textures. atmospheric ones that carry the mood and the fill the space like fog but let you feel close to the artist, as i've said once before, as if she were sitting next to you and talking directly to you. There's a lushness to live instruments played softly and as pieces of a whole, and it makes any additions from a moog softened and supplementary. It just, for me anyway, really helps to hear the tactile nature of the instruments and mistakes and the breaths and the pedals on the piano and all the rest. it's the perfect mix of what i love musically from that genre, akin to Sujfan or Lucy/Phoebe or imogen heap or the xx or lana at times. even as way back and like dashboard, which shows my age a bit. you know the vibes. And i love how jack leaned into his more orchestral side, which he doesn't often do with taylor, still to this day. august in particular is just outstanding and he's great at stuff like that and i wish they would do more like that together!
I think its the PERFECT use of her voice. it's not blasphemous to say of all her artistic talents, she does not have a voice that can stack up against her peers vocally. But, as i've also said a million times before so sorry to bring it up again, she has a very emotive voice when it comes to the tiniest and most nuanced of emotions. maybe because she's less focused on vocal runs or hitting notes, but this album has her voice really shine. it's textured and rough and soft and smooth at the same time, fully bringing you whatever raw emotion is on the page. its the voice of a scribbled journal entry if that makes sense, off the cuff, unpracticed (even though i'm sure it is), and so intimate. you can hear her smile and hear when her throat is thick, it's just a showcase of her voice like nothing else. the pared down sound really lets all those tiny moments rise to the surface.
visually, i mean what can i say. her second best album cover ever. Fully removing herself from the center of it, diminishing herself with the trees for scale. Trees that have existed before her and will outlive her, as if to say this, the act of making art and ultimately the art itself, is so much bigger than me. my life and my problems. but everything is bigger than me, and it's important to not lose sight of that. which, if you were an adult at that time, particularly of a similar age to her at least, you commiserate with that sentiment. the black and white isn't actually black, but more of a warm gray, which i also love. i also know it was mainly out of necessity, but embracing how dressed down and simple her styling was. wrinkled dresses and limp, unruly hair. really suited the look of someone who's going to spin you a tale. NO TEXT TOO LIKE YEAHHHHHHHH god it's perfect and so well designed.
rapid fire now, lets see. i love that peace was done in one take, and you can tell, in a good way! and it's her HEARTBEAT???? i'm a sucker for that, no matter how played out that trick is, and imo it's justified because they disguise it with a dissonant tone of sorts. i love the PERFECT knee jerk answer opening of "i'm doing good" and then proceeding to delve into some of her darkest emotions she'd explored thus far (and in some ways since). i love that illicit affairs is missing it's final chorus, a song that is structurally unfinished and just peters out, the way doomed affairs always do. the way she never mentions the location or even the event, but the soundscape and the lyrics of my tears ricochet paint a perfectly clear church and funeral in your mind!! i love the word ricochet and i love how easy it is to spew it with vitriol. as corny as it is in the context of the rest of this more subtle album lyrically, i love the swiftian turn in the bridge of tlgad like.... damnit it's always so delicious. that harmonica in betty is just like a glass of sweet tea on a muggy summer night, it's SO bright and fun and puts a smile on my face every time!
But all that to say I think my favorite thing is seven. seven is a perfect song. her best song. the best version of a taylor swift song. a song so emotionally poignant and transcendent it wins over, however begrudgingly, even the biggest haters of her and indie music as it pokes at that one spot that will always be soft, and it's blank space's spiritual successor and therefore foil in that way. incredible feat to use the motif of your childhood self and not come off trite, like most other attempts by other artists can be. the most opaque she's ever been lyrically, which is a huge risk to take. small in scale but massive in it's implications and intentions. a song where the meaning and gravity exist in your reaction to it and not the song itself. perfect art. an opus of a song on an opus of an album.
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
Thanks for writing my Ava prompt, asking for a sibling. Perfect 🥰 part 2 if you're inspired ✨️ 💖
This is them finding about Daisy!
But I've found 'em a better kind of crazy Now that I've got babies
Lucy makes an appointment at the doctor’s to confirm she is indeed pregnant. It does feel a little weird doing it without Tim. Especially since she found out she was pregnant with Ava alone. But she wants to surprise Tim and Ava. She is told she is around 6 weeks along and then given some images. She has a plan all in motion and she can’t wait to see it play out.
She orders a Big Sister shirt for Ava from Amazon and sneaks it in so Tim doesn’t see.
She has the day off but Tim doesn’t. He rolls over and kisses her on the shoulder, whispering I love you into her skin. He leaves the room as quietly as possible and she knows his next stop is Ava’s room. She sits up and looks at the baby monitor and watches as Tim lifts Ava out of her crib, and sits down in the rocking chair. Ava rests her head on his shoulder as he rocks back and forth it. Her hand goes to her stomach where their second baby grows, she can’t wait to see Tim with their second baby. He loves Ava so much and she knows both their hearts will only grow bigger with a second child.
She watches as Tim kisses the top of Ava’s head and then he stands up with her and leaves her room, seconds later he’s back in their bedroom. Ava’s head is still on Tim’s shoulder. He brings her over and hands her to Lucy. Ava instantly lays down on Lucy’s chest much like she did when she was a baby.
Tim kisses her again and then he’s walking out the door once again.
Lucy smiles as she rubs Ava’s back, her daughter makes a soft noise and curls more into her chest. She kisses the top of her head, and Ava sleeps not knowing that her life is about to change for the better.
Lucy lets Ava sleep for a little bit longer and then she’s gently shaking her awake. Ava looks up at her blearily. “Hey baby do you want to surprise daddy at work today?” She asks. Ava perks up immediately.
“Yes!” She squeals and Lucy laughs as she lowers her to the ground.
“Okay let’s go get ready then!” She says and Ava is running out of the room. Lucy smiles as they go to her room to change out of her pajamas. She pulls out the big sister shirt and slips it on Ava with little leggings to match. And then puts her hair into pigtails.
“All right Aves.” She says. “Let’s go eat.” She leads Ava downstairs and sets her I. Her chair and gets her some cereal.
Her plan is to bring Tim some lunch and surprise him with Ava in the big sister shirt. She just hopes he’s actually at the station. After Ava is done eating she gives her the tablet and turns on Bluey for her. And then she anxiously cleans up the kitchen and the house. She bounces around Ava who is watching the show intently not even glancing up at Lucy.
Finally it’s close enough to lunch time and Lucy grabs Ava and they go to Tim’s favorite taco food truck and order lunch. Once Lucy has the food in her hands, they make their way to the station. Ava runs of course to Angela who spots her shirt immediately but Lucy cuts off before she can say anything.
“It’s a surprise.” She says. Ava looks at Lucy curiously, her blue eyes wide as she looks up at Lucy who has to bite her tongue from blurting it out.
“Surprise?” She asks. Angela swoops down to pick her up and Ava giggles as she hugs her godmother.
Angela puts Ava down and Lucy grabs her hand pulling her with her to Tim’s office. She bites her lips hoping that he is here. Lucy knocks and Tim’s voice rings out immediately. Lucy opens the door and Ava runs in before Lucy can stop her.
“Daddy!” She squeals launching herself into his arms. Tim stands up and catches her and then looks down at her shirt and freezes.
“Luce.” He says his voice a little unsteady. “Is this—?” Lucy nods and heads over to him and Ava.
Tim’s face shows a hundred different emotions as he stares at Ava’s shirt. “Oh my god.” He whispers. Ava looks between them the curious look back on her face.
“What daddy?” She asks. Tim hugs her closer and nods at Lucy.
“Hey Aves remember how you said you wanted a baby brother or sister?” Lucy asks.
Ava nods her head, her pigtails bouncing. “Well you are going to be a big sister Ava. Mommy has a baby growing in her belly.”
Ava’s eyes widen and she looks between her parents before she squeals and claps her hands. “Baby! Baby!” She says excitedly kicking her feet. Lucy laughs and Tim reaches for her so they are all in a huddle.
“We are having another baby!” Says Tim and Lucy kisses his cheek gently and then kisses Ava’s. She remembers vividly when she told Tim about Ava and how it was the three of them.
And now
It was the four of them.
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canirove · 3 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 16
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"Oh... My... God!"
"Jesus Christ, Lucy. You scared the hell out of me."
"Please tell me this is real. That you are indeed leaving Rúben's place, and wearing yesterday's clothes."
"I’m not wearing yesterday's clothes" I said with a nervous laugh.
"Yes, you are. We left the house together, remember? You are even carrying your bag!"
"I... I... You also are wearing yesterday's clothes."
"I know. Because I had a date with the guy I'm seeing and I spent the night with him. What I did was kind of expected. What you did..."
"I did nothing."
"Oh, you did. Your face is so red right now!" she said with a teasing smile. "C'mon, let's go inside. We have so much catching up to do!"
"I just can't believe it finally happened! I am so happy for you and Rúben!" Lucy said, hugging me for the millionth time since we sat down to talk. "It was bound to happen, tho. He is your one."
"My what?"
"Your one. The one you are destined to be with. When you meet that person, it feels different to all the other people you've met before. It's like something clicks. I call it the one feeling."
"Well, I don't have much to compare it to."
"I know. But who did you call when you were trapped on the lift and Roger wasn’t answering? Rúben. You didn't call the police or anything like that. Your mind thought of him because you knew you would be safe with him. Because he makes you feel safe. And what did he do? Run here to rescue you, opening the lift with his bare hands! He is like Captain Portugal" Lucy chuckled. "Wait, is that why we watched all those Chris Evans' movies? Because he reminds you of Rúben?"
"Maybe" I shrugged. "But now that you know everything that happened between us, it's time for you to tell me about this secret guy you are seeing. Who is he? Is he the one?" 
"I think he might be..."
"Lucy!" I said, hitting her with a pillow. "You've met someone special and you haven't told me?"
"I know, I know. But it's because... Because he is one of Rúben's teammates and I didn't want to make it awkward until you two fixed things."
"Please tell me he is one of the nice ones. If you tell me that Grealish is your one..."
"Eww, no" Lucy said with a disgusted look, trying not to laugh. "It's Rodri."
"Rodri? That name sounds very familiar..."
"He also is from Spain. We met on the lift when he was going to one of the parties."
"Who wants a dating app when you have that lift, uh? But details, give me details" I said, trying to sound like her. 
"He was coming in and I ran behind him while talking on the phone with my mum. He heard us, asked if I was from Spain, and that started a conversation. We stayed talking for a bit up here, neither of us going where we were supposed to, and then he asked me if I wanted to get a drink, that he wasn't in the mood for partying. I said yes, then we exchanged numbers, and..."
"And when was this?"
"When the parties started. February."
"So you've been seeing him for three months and haven't said a single word?" I said, hitting her again.
"I was doing it for you!" she replied, hitting me back with another pillow. "And you knew that I was seeing someone."
"Ok, fine. That’s true. And I'm sure you've been dying to tell me about it since day one."
"I have, yes" she said with a big smile. "I like him a lot, you know? He is so different from all the other guys I've met... At first he looks a bit boring, but once you start talking with him, you can see that he is funny, intelligent, sweet... He didn't make a weird face when I told him about Julia, which already is huge. And he is hot, like a Spanish version of Rúben. Less muscle, but kind of the same vibes."
"You should see your face right now." 
"I'm smiling like an idiot, am I not?" Lucy said, hiding her face behind her hands.
"You are, yes. It’s cute."
"Well, now you know how you look when you talk about Rúben or when he is around" she laughed. "They seem to be very close friends. Maybe now we can start going on double dates!"
"Step by step, Lucy."
"Oh, c'mon. You just had sex for the first time with Rúben and I know how important that was for you. This is serious!"
"I just... All this is too new for me. And a bit scary, to be honest. I don't want to rush it."
"Have you told him that?"
"I have, yes."
"Good. Communication is key. But having dinner the four of us one day could be nice. As friends who happen to be intimate between them" she said with a cheeky smile.
"I'll think about it."
"Great!" Lucy said, giving me another hug.
“Wouldn’t it be too much? It is silk. Like, real silk.”
“It is your mother’s 50th birthday and you haven’t seen her in ages. It isn’t too much.”
“I guess…” I said, resting my head on Rúben’s shoulder. Or bicep if we are being accurate. 
“Thank you for helping me pick it, tho. I’m the worst with gifts and all that.”
“You’re welcome” he said, walking out of the lift. “But does this mean that I must get ready to receive the shittiest gifts ever?”
“It’s very likely, yes” I replied with a big smile.
“Then I’ll make you a list with everything I like and want so it is easier” he said, stopping in front of his apartment door and hugging me by the waist.
“So nice of you… Thank you very much” I said, putting my arms around his neck.
“You know me. I am a very nice guy” Rúben said, pulling me closer to him.
“Very, very nice…”
“Mami! They are kissing!” Julia screamed.
“Fucking hell” I said to Rúben’s chest.
“Mami, they were kissing!” Julia repeated, this time a bit lower. “Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“I don’t know. You ask them” Lucy said from our apartment’s door.
“Are you boyfriend and girlfriend? Like Anna and Kristoff?”
“We...” I muttered.
“We are. Just like Anna and Kristoff” Rúben said.
“Yay!” Julia screamed, coming to hug us both.
“Are we?” I whispered so she wouldn’t hear us.
“I want you to be my girlfriend. I expected to ask you on a more romantic way but…”
“Yes to being my girlfriend?” Rúben asked with a big smile, Julia still hugging our legs.
“Yes to being your girlfriend” I replied with a matching smile.
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vickyvicarious · 9 months
"if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable." good for the Bilders!
the polite, casually musing, "did I tell you to go to hell?" is so funny
Bilder hating Dracula on sight <3
ahhh it's good to hear Dracula's voice again. I mean I hate him, but, you know.
"I have made pets of several." Dracula making his little jokes again...
"he said, with a suspicious sort of modesty" hahaha, the delivery of this line was so funny
the Bilders laughing and literally going like "hohohohooo" is so funny. they're just 'gotcha!!!!!!' it's great
they are so playful. good for them
I love the long talk about how this wolf isn't clever or dangerous or anything... ending with "well, and I guess he could eat a baby" haha
Correspondent not liking that door being opened
it IS a shame that people are allowed to top their walls with broken bottles, I agree. I love how soft his voice gets on "come along, Berserker."
"the only exclusive information" hahaha yes, kudos to you, Correspondent
I like the doorbell noise quite a lot.
And the saw noise!
I never noticed them going round to the back of the house, but um. Probably a good choice before breaking in!
Ooh, the way Jack's voice falters on "but there was no sound... that we could hear"
I LOVE the music as they open the door and see Mrs. Westenra and Lucy
my immediate reaction was DO NOT BRING BRANDY
I do love that Jack tested it to make sure it wasn't poisoned though
"there was a gentleman who had come with a message from Mr. Holmwood." HERE HE ISSSS
god, that van Helsing doesn't have any hope for Lucy to survive this anymore. his only goal is to save her from vampirism
also the way Jack says "Quincey Morris" he is in love
oh god Art's voiiiiice
"Her struggle back into life was something frightful to see and hear." oh god
I love Jack's uncertainty upon reading Lucy's memorandum. The vulnerability in his voice as he asks van Helsing what it means, and if Lucy is mad.
Quincey's voice is so soft and sweet when he asks to have a talk with Jack.
Man, Jack really is running around all over the place isn't he.
"I don't want to shove myself in anywhere where I've no right to be;" this is why Quincey has been gone from the book for so long.
the music while Quincey describes the vampire bat
love the "royal lot of [manhood]" line, but also the whole bit before it, with Jack being so soft and full of sympathy for Quincey, more so than himself
"What took it out?" Quincey asking the real questions
Lucy's sobbing aches to listen to
"Some may not think it so sad for us," oof, she sounds kinda bitter. perhaps insinuations have already been made? not necessarily that they killed him but that this is mighty lucky for them isn't it/that they deliberately got close to him when he was dying in order to inherit
"my belief in him helps him to have a belief in himself." YES. YES.
Mina reaching out to Lucy for comfort and support... unaware that Lucy too is plunged into a nightmare
oh she sounds so agonized when she says the letter was unopened. oh ouch.
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