#like genuinely I’m on fire this is like? over 1000 words in the last week with this au? shit
chimerahyperfix · 1 month
Being frozen in time definitely does something to you. Physically it cages you. Mentally it throws you into the longest dream you could ever have. It's not comfortable-- far from it in fact-- but you've grown to look forwards to it, when you loose. It's better than being mashed to dark paste at least.
You're frozen right now, in fact. Waiting in silence for time to loop back. Stuck with your thoughts and a vauge feeling of a dream. The house is around you and you're moving through it. Empty rooms and endless hallways, curling and twisting in ways that make them feel alive despite the lack of any living thing that isn't you. No sad monsters, no frozen bodies, no dark stains. There doesn't seem to be an exit.
The dreams you have when frozen seem to correlate to how you're doing emotionally. Most of them have been lost to time, like most things in your life now. Dreams, wounds, emotional bonds; everything is turning back with you, and that’s started to do something to you, because now you can predict the actions of those around you with quite a bit of accuracy. You can recall little bits of things, but the further back you go is just static. There was a bunch of dumb things that you can’t piece back together anymore, there were times with those you love, there was endless rage flowing through your very being, and there was this. The desperation. The empty halls of the very House you’ve worked so hard to protect.
You want out.
You've kept count of how many times you've been frozen. How many times you've died. How many loops. 61 is the counter and it's far, far too many times to relive the same day over again. You grew tired of the monotony by the tenth go around. Twenty five felt like a stab wound. Forty, like you were being split in two. Big 6-0 felt like drowning. You don't feel real anymore.
But that's fine! You can still see the good in this, if you stretch your imagination like taffy, as far as it'll go. It's better to be just you, just one person, than everyone else! You can live with the weight of the country on your shoulders for a bit longer, if only to keep it off of Euphrasie's. You’re doing this for her! For everyone. You can do it for a bit longer. You just need to find the King’s weakness, or something. Make a more powerful potion, or scrap together the materials to make a second craft bomb, or, or something! You’ll find it soon enough. You’re smart! You can do this!
You have to.
You turn down the hallway. Find yourself on an entirely different floor. Just as much of a ghost town. Just ice and cold and tiredness, your breath forming clouds in the air. That’s fine. This is just a dream or something, anyway. You’ll wake back up at your desk any time, with the looming vials of all sorts of toxic stuff you keep drinking that you crabbing neglected to put away because you didn’t think time would crabbing loop, because realistically, WHY would you assume that would happen? Preposterous! Ignore the burning feeling in your throat and the smell of sugar and push on. Wait for it to start all over again.
Because it has to be you, doesn’t it? You wished for this, or something. You don’t remember. It was a long time ago. It has to be you, because only you have the power. It HAS to be you, because who else would it be? Euphie? She’s already got enough on her hands. Mirabelle? You’d rather die. It’s better you do this than the ones you love.
It has to be you.
it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be
It's sucks, having to be the one to do it. Your limit was a long time ago.
You can't do this forever.
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow
So after you lovely people were so kind to my previous fics and I gained a 1000 followers !!!! (still not believing it tbh) I wanted to give you a little something something. This idea has been in my head for a week now but it’s gonna be looooong so prepare yourself for a series! I love you all and thank you so much xoxo
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: A little bit smutty but just really intense passion!!
Word count: 1,226 words
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career. 
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Your whole body felt like it was on fire and drowning in ice-cold water like-wise. You couldn’t remember the last time somebody made you feel like that. The thought that this wasn’t actually real was pressed to the very corners of your mind as you stared into Rudy’s eyes, his shirtless form hovering above you. God, he was gorgeous. When he looked at you like that and touched your bare skin with his slightly calloused warm hands, it was too easy to forget all the cameras and people around you. But all this was just in your head and you were playing your part just as he did. How you wished in that moment it would be true.
When you got the call that you got the role for JJ’s love interest in the second season of Outer Banks you were ecstatic. You had watched the first season in a couple of days and already fell in love in it and when your agent had mentioned that you might be considered for a part in the next season you couldn’t contain your joy. A couple weeks later you were on set and met the rest of the cast. They were all lovely and welcoming to you but you couldn’t help but feel like a bit of an outsider since they had already grown close to a real family in the first season. But you made the best of the situation and couldn’t be happier to be surrounded by all these amazing human beings. You shared an apartment with the Maddies in Charleston and you girls had the most of fun after shooting was over. The boys were just as lovely and sweet and you couldn’t believe how you got so lucky.
And then there was Rudy. Already during your chemistry read, the tension could be grasped all through the room. It was clear to all the casting directors that you would be a perfect fit. Rudy and you hadn’t spend a lot of time together outside of shooting except when the others were around too. You got along great though, a bit too great. 
Every time the two of you ended up alone you couldn’t help but feel nervous and your heart was beating three times as fast. You told yourself that it was just a crush, seeing that he was ridiculously handsome. You both were professionals after all. 
When you started filming romantic scenes however the feelings got worse, way more intense. You were sure he felt it just as much as you did. After every screamed ‘cut’ you couldn’t even look at each other because the tension was running too high.
You knew he was just playing JJ and you were playing Y/C/N but it all felt way too real when he stared deep into your eyes with his baby blues. 
You kept it friendly and platonic all through shooting but today would be yet another challenge. Today would be the first kiss scene that would quickly lead to a more intimate scene in the bedroom. You tried to not let it bother you too much but your nerves were running high nonetheless.
“Okay Y/N, Rudy! You just had an emotional fight, your feelings are simmering right underneath the surface, you’re screaming at each other and then…” Valerie Weiss made a dramatic pause, “JJ kisses Y/C/N passionately!” She grinned at the both of you.
You took a deep breath and gave Rudy a hesitant smile when the two of you got into position.
“You okay?” He inquired kindly and squeezed one of your hands softly.
“Yeah…” You sighed and smiled genuinely, “We’ll rock this, right?” 
“Oh absolutely,” He grinned and winked at you playfully. This didn’t really help the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
You nodded and waited for the ‘action’ and acted out your scene flawlessly.
“I’m just trying to understand, JJ! Why do you always push me away?” You screamed at Rudy, or JJ in this case, and tried to convey as much desperation as you could. 
“It is none of your business Y/C/N, that’s why. You can’t fix everybody, you know? Especially not me!” Rudy screamed right back at you, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes and you had to admire his acting skills.
“I don’t want to fix anything. When are you gonna get it into your thick stubborn head that I care about you?” You were moving close to him, hands fisted in his shirt as you tried to get him to look at you. One hand went up to his cheek, “JJ, look at me,” You whispered softly and could feel your own tears rolling down your cheeks.
Rudy’s eyes met yours, the colour of the ocean looking back at you with such intensity that your breath caught. It felt like time stood still as you stared into each others eyes, like you were the only two people in the universe. Damned be all the cameras around you and people on set. 
He nodded once, as if preparing himself for what came next. Faster than you could process his hands were on your cheeks and he pulled you close to him.
Lips crashed on lips and you could feel the sparks literally igniting between the two of you. Your mouths moved desperately, always trying to get closer and closer. Your hands wandered around his neck, into his hair and pulled slightly. His mouth opened and his tongue slipped out to caress your bottom lip to silently demand entrance which you granted. 
Kissing Rudy was like feeling fireworks in the place where your heart should be. He tasted of sweet lemonade and mint gum that the both of you had chewed before the scene, joking about it. But this, this was no joking matter anymore. This was a feeling you had longed for all your life and you couldn’t believe you had finally found it. Kissing Rudy was pure ecstasy.
“Guys! Guys, I said cut!” The director’s voice roped you back into reality and the two of you finally broke apart, catching your breath.
You were still entangled in each other, hands everywhere they should not be in this second, and breathed heavily as your foreheads rested against each other, eyes locked.
Rudy’s pupils were blown, darkening his usually so bright eyes into dark dangerous hues, and his cheeks were flushed a beautiful rosy red. You were certain you must’ve looked quite similar.
“Well, if that wasn’t a kiss!” You heard Chase celebrating from the side and the both of you finally broke apart. 
Too late you realised that you hadn’t even heard Valerie when she screamed ‘cut’ the first time. The embarrassment of the situation slowly crept up on you. But this time you didn’t look away from Rudy, quite the opposite. And he was staring right back at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. 
“That was sheer perfection! I think we actually already got it!” Jonas stated after a discussion on the scene.
You weren’t sure if you were happy about nailing it on the first try or sad because that meant no more kisses for now. All you knew was that you craved Rudy’s hands back on you and his lips locked to yours. By now you realised that you were entering dangerous waters.
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fromiftowhen · 3 years
The Rookie 3x06 Revelations Thoughts
THIS. EPISODE. I yelled a lot about it on Twitter already, but it was getting a bit much, so this is easier. I need to watch again for more coherent thoughts, but here we go. I'm going to try to go through the plot lines in the order that I cared about them, ranging from literally not at all (Nolan) to literally every fiber of my soul being on fire (Harper and Lucy and June.)
This got VERY long, so it’s behind a cut to save your dash. 
 First, to get the boring stuff out of the way. NOLAN. I AM SORRY. I get that this show wants me to care about its main character. And in the ways that he relates to Lucy and Jackson and Harper, I do. But I'm just entirely past the point of needing Nolan in separate plot lines. This episode, in particular, I could have done without his arc. Any time he interacts with Harper or Tim, I'm good. But that's because of Harper and Tim. This week he took time away from storylines I was MUCH more interested in, and I honestly didn't care. I know they use him to check in on current actual world events, but this show did that SO well with Jackson's story last week/etc. that this stuff with Nolan wasn't necessary this week.
 JACKSON AND HIS NEW LOVE INTEREST. As soon as they panned up to OFFICER ISAAC "A cop on a horse, yeah" YOUNG, I was like OH HELL, this is ON. I forgot about Sterling and then was like, "wait, he has a boyf.... wait, I DO NOT CARE" -- "You must've been looking in the wrong direction"/"Yeah, well, I am not now." And the scene at the end with the bikes! YES. Here for this. They IMMEDIATELY had more chemistry than Jackson and Sterling ever did, sorry. I hope he sticks around. Jackson finally getting a love interest who will (hopefully, presumably!) understand him as a cop and a person of color? NEED. IT.
 TIM BRADFORD AND BILLY RIGGINS MACK DANIELS. "YOU GET PRETTIER WITH AGE." (I am here for ALL references to this show understanding how beautiful Eric Winter is. ALL. OF. THEM.) Derek Phillips is a longstanding love of mine, and he just plays every minor role he's in so well. This storyline was heartbreaking and gave me SO many Tim (and Isabel!) feels. For some reason, even though I thought about this episode a million times over the last week, it NEVER occurred to me to think about Tim's reaction to the UC stuff as an extension of the Isabel storyline, which just... what in the world, self. That is clearly, if you've read my fic, one of my favorite of MANY aspects of Tim's character, and it just never occurred to me that it would play into this episode. So when he said Isabel's name, I had to compose myself. And how it played out, the multi-layered way it gave us a glimpse into Tim now and tied into his clear feelings about Lucy going UC, THIS is what this show does best. 
 When he administered the Narcan to Mack and did CPR, god, I HURT for him (and for Mack and his family) -- but TIM. He's been there. He's watched it tear his entire world apart, and the guilt he clearly still carries from that is just. Heart-wrenching. The scene at the end with Mack's wife and the scene with Sgt. Grey... so painfully good. The guilt. The honesty. Eric Winter is just knocking it 1000% out of the park every week this season. Honestly, I've loved many television characters with my whole heart, but maybe none more than I do Tim Bradford.
(Please know the restraint I’m showing by not writing one million words about Tim’s solo storyline and the Chenford of it all here. Trust me when I say I could have. But this episode ended up being SO MUCH MORE to me than what I thought it would be. I went in for WORRIED TIM and I got that! But in different ways than I thought, and SO MUCH BETTER.)
 TIM "GET CHANGED" BRADFORD PUT LUCY "YES, SIR" CHEN IN HANDCUFFS. WHILE ASKING IF SHE WAS OKAY. AND THEN HE TOLD HER SHE DID GOOD. "I kind of hoped that he would be proud of me... wow, that sounds stupid when I say it out loud." "I know she can. I trained her." Her little smile as he closed the shop door and the way he sort of hesitated before saying anything. It wasn't as much as I wanted it to be (but then again, will anything with these two EVER BE genuinely enough for me? Signs point to no), but it was still EVERYTHING.
 BE SCARED. BE WILD. BE UNPREDICTABLE. There are no words for how much the girl power part of this episode worked for me. From Tamara or asking Lucy for the interview to Lucy sneaking a peek in on Harper's presentation, the clear history that Harper and June have (which I want to know EVERYTHING about), to the end scene, which is one of my favorite things this show has EVER done.
 It ALL worked. I can't adequately express how much this Lucy storyline means to me. I could ramble for a thousand words about it, but to keep it somewhat coherent, I'm going to bullet point all of the moments that gave me every feeling. 
Harper’s look when she realized Lucy was listening. She wasn’t shocked at all. That was pride. 
June’s little glance at Harper as she told Lucy that if she wasn’t nervous, she wasn’t human. There are so many sides to Nyla Harper, and I think the soft,  caring side is one she hasn’t let everyone see. She shows it to Lucy (and Nolan) when needed, but I don’t know if June had seen it before that moment. And it was a lovely moment of all of them acknowledging in a safe way that what they do, what they were about to do, is dangerous, and nerves are natural, even if you’re badass and can push through them. 
“Nope. I just have a flair for the dramatic.” MY GIRL.
Harper’s WINK. I yell a LOT about how much I love Tim Bradford, but I could just as easily yell about Nyla Harper too. 
“Actually, my body does have magical powers, but.” YASSS, Harper. Queen. 
“I think fitting in is a trap.” This one sentence explains SO MUCH of who Lucy Chen is as a person, not just as a cop. “... as though empathy is somehow a liability.” 
“And there sure as hell isn’t anyone tougher.” Basically, every word of that last scene was pitch-perfect, Melissa’s delivery was flawless, and it gave me every feeling possible. 
 This show does a LOT of things right. This episode was so, so strong. I missed Lopez and Wesley because I love them, but I didn’t MISS them in terms of the storylines we got. A storyline for them would have been one too many for this week, and in a season that’s already felt overpacked, random storyline wise, it wasn’t needed. I would have loved to see Angela on the couch with everyone at the end, but it was perfect as it was. 
 I sincerely hope this show has started to realize what its strengths are --  bold, badass women (honestly, they’re ALL fantastic - Luna Grey, Isabel, Rosalind, Julie, Tamara -- and obviously all of the regulars) who CARE and who know that isn’t a weakness, Tim Bradford and his mile-long guilt complex and his relationship with all the other officers (especially Lucy and Harper, and now Jackson), Jackson’s ability to fit into whatever role they put him in (Titus is SO good), and multi-layered episodes like this. We don’t need wild, dramatic bombs or random meth lab explosions that don’t fit into an episode’s overall theme. We don’t need hours devoted to telling us that Nolan is the Good Guy. We just do not. This show has come so much further than that, and I know it can continue to be JUST as good if it focuses on everything it already does so, so well. 
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paper-chain-queen · 4 years
Sweet ‘N Spicy Boy
A slight continuation to the Sweet ‘N Spicy Goodness, I hope ya’ll enjoy
Bakugou X SenpaiReader
Rating: Teen... Bakugou swears, that’s just the way it is :P
Words: 2,500+
Summary: Bakugou wants to ask the reader out but he can’t seem to say the right words so he gets a little advice
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Striking red eyes watched as you walked with your friends in the cafeteria before sitting at a table. It was weird; before their interaction last week, he never saw you around U.A, and now you were everywhere.
"Dude, you're starting to look a little creepy." Kaminari pointed out as he safely sat at the far end, away from Bakugou.
" SHUT IT! I am not." He denied, immediately returning to his food that had now gone cold.
"Well, if your gonna make a move... you better do it, dude, I hear some 3rd year is planning on confessing... Maybe your too chicken." Kaminari decided to poke the bear, as he was not in the blasting radius.
At that, the explosive boy immediately stood up and made his way over to your table. Fully prepared to do what he had to do.
"Just ask her out. She'll say yes, obviously." He thought to himself, trying to pump himself up. He was Bakugou Katsuki, he was amazing. He could conquer anything.
Bakugou Katsuki was the best at everything. Bakugou Katsuki was-
"Hello, Bakugou-Kun."
Your big eyes were looking up at him as he stood in front of your table, all the others at the table were watching with anticipation, but he didn't notice them. All he saw was you. Smiling at him.
He felt the sweat build upon his body as his nerves set in, but he carried on.
"You!" Bakugou pointed the finger at you, and you just raised an eyebrow at the action.
"Yes?" You asked, trying to figure out what he wanted as you pointed a finger at yourself.
" You and me!" The boy yelled, and he could hear his friends laughing at their lunch table.
"Yes?" You asked, a small smile gracing your face and Bakugou didn’t think it was fair for you to look so adorable.
"......" You were waiting, and the boy's face was close to matching his red-eyes. It was adorable.
" You're training with me after school! 4 o'clock! Don't be late!" He yelled as tiny sparks began erupting from his palms.
"Okay, sounds fun." You simply responded, giving him a full smile, radiating excitement.
"It won't be fun! It'll be serious training!" He argued, mad at himself for messing this up. Why was this so hard?
"Ah, yes, of course." All your friends were giggling over the scene. Bakugou couldn't even go back to his own table as they too were all still laughing at him, and he just stomped out of the cafeteria.
"You've got some interesting taste... I'll give you that (y/n)." Your friend from the support course teased, and you stuck your tongue out at her.
You couldn’t deny you were a little disappointed how that had gone, you had hoped that the handsome boy with the explosive personality was going to ask you out, but at least you could spend some time together, and he respected you enough to do some training.
It should be fun.
Bakugou learned that your nature quirk was more than it seemed, he thought he would have the upper-hand with his explosions, but your strong roots and resilient vines proved him wrong and left Bakugou trapped every time.
It was infuriating yet challenging.
He couldn’t even be mad because you always looked so genuinely happy every time you two got together and trained. Even covered in sweat and dirt, you were beautiful.
And every time he wanted to tell you that, but the words would get caught in his throat, and he stomped off before saying anything. It had been a week since you two started training together, and even his friends were starting to pity him, which only made him angrier.
“C’mon bro, today’s another day, you’re gonna ask her out.” Kirishima tried to encourage his friend, even Mina was offering up ideas, but Bakugou told them both to 'fuck off.'
They were on their way to Gym Gamma for combat training, Aizawa hadn’t told them what was happening but had ordered them to behave which meant they most likely had a special guest today.
"Welcome 1-A! we're doing something different today! 2-A say, hello to your under-classmen.” Midnight stood in her hero costume with a group of students behind her.
“Hello!” The class of 2-A greeted the 1st years as they bowed, and Aizawa had 1-A do the same. Bakugou looked over and spotted you, and you were whispering to a classmate of yours.
Bakugou gritted his teeth, pissed that you hadn’t even noticed him, and Kirishima shook his head, telling him to chill out.
The teachers stood in front of two bowls, one labelled 1-A and the other 2-A.
“We’ll be pairing you off by random, listen for your name and find your partner, then find a space on the gym floor for sparring.” Midnight explained as she tossed her whip around, getting excited to watch the training session, she knew her class was top-notch and couldn’t wait for them to show their stuff.
"Yes, Kayama-Sensei!" Everyone shouted and waited to be paired up.
“(L/n)-Chan and Todoroki-Kun!” Announced Midnight as Aizawa had already returned to his yellow sleeping bag, giving his fellow teacher complete control over the exercise.
Bakugou watched as you put up your hand to show who you were, and Todoroki walked over to meet you. You felt his eyes burning into your figure and looked over, and you gave the boy with an explosive quirk a wave and a smile causing him to huff and turned around.
Kirishima couldn’t help but notice the interaction and caught the slightly disheartened look on your face at Bakugou’s attitude but shook it off as you introduced yourself to Todoroki and you two of them went to a far corner of the gym to spar.
The ash-blonde boy was so caught up in his fuming he didn't hear his name being called, and the 2-A student had to snap his fingers in front of the boy's face to get his attention. This only put Bakugou in a worse mood, and he was ready for a fight.
The poor boy in 2-A was lucky he had a defensive quirk. And also fortunate that Bakugou kept leaving openings since he kept looking over at you who was easily holding your own against Todoroki’s fire and ice quirk.
Their fight had even caught the attention of a few other students, and finally, you ended it by causing a tree to sprout upright through the concrete of the gym and entrapped the dual-haired boy so he couldn't move a muscle.
“Alright! We're changing up partners, listen for your name!" Midnight yelled out, and Bakugou hoped that this time he would get you.
“ (Random 2-A student) and Bakugou-Kun!" She called out, and the explosive boy spat out a curse and then righter after, your name was called and paired with Kirishima.
“ Hey! (y/n)-Senpai! Looking forward to working with you!” Kirishima jogged up and smiled a 1000 watt smile at the girl.
“Kirishima-Kun, let’s give it our all!” You cheered, stretching yourself out to get ready to spar with the red-haired boy.
After a few quick spars, you took a quick water break, and the 1st year boy decided to ask a simple question and hopefully help his best bro. You were just no lovely and sweet, and he thought you were suitable for Bakugou. Kirishima also figured it took a particular person to catch Bakugou’s eye, which typically was so concentrated on himself.
“Soooo, what do you think of Bakugou?” Kirishima wasn’t the best at being subtle.
“Oh.. um, he certainly likes to train a lot." You answered, creating a pink carnation out of nowhere and playing with the petals.
“What do you mean?” Kirishima asked while tilting his head, he knew his friend was serious about working out but didn't know how you would know that already.
“This is kind of embarrassing…” You awkwardly laughed, feeling a bit like a fool.
“ I keep thinking he’s gonna like… ask me out or something, but I must have read the signs wrong. Every time he comes up to me, he asks to train, so I guess I'm a good training partner." You had a disappointed look in your eyes as you continued to fiddle with the soft petals.
It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy sparring with Bakugou. He was talented, driven, and fighting him made you stronger. And the boy looked good in a black tank, like, really good.
Kirishima had to stop himself from hitting his face with his palm out of frustration but let out a loud sigh. I mean, you were a good sparring partner, but Kirishima knew that wasn’t what Bakugou was meaning to ask you.
"But oh well, It's my own fault. Hey, let's switch it up and try close combat without quirks." You suggested, really not wanting to talk about your pathetic crush with someone you barely knew.
Kirishima was tough and strong, but you were quick and flexible. It made for a good fight, but you eventually took a hit to the face and went flying back.
“Ah! (y/n)-Senpai! I’m sorry! Are you alright!” Kirishima panicked as your back hit the hard ground.
“I’m fine, nice shot-“ You tried to say but were cut off by a loud boom and an ever more booming voice.
“SHITTY HAIR!!!!” Bakugou seemed to fly down and hit Kirishima like an angry asteroid, slamming the red-haired boy’s body into the ground while you watched in shock.
The two began fighting, and the students stood around and watched while a friend helped you up and checked your cheek.
The battle didn't go on for long as the homeroom teachers quickly intervened, and that was the end of the 1-A, 2-A combat training.
You tried to say goodbye to Kirishima and Bakugou as they were escorted to the nurse's office, but he didn't answer you and glared at the ground, and you were a bit sad, but you couldn't help but think he looked cute as he pouted.
“Okay, Bro. You gotta ask her out already.” Kirishima groaned as the school nurse patched him up.
“I’ve been fuckin’ trying!” Bakugou growled.
“Lady problems?” The school nurse simply asked after laying a smooch to Kirishima.
“Stay out of it!! Old Hag!”
“Tut tut. Listen to your elders' young man." The old superhero used her cane to hit the boy's shin.
"What do you think, Recovery Girl?" Kirishima asked, hoping the elder could give some good advice.
"Well, my dear husband was so shy, but he used baking to get into my heart." She revealed, day-dreaming about her youthful days.
“Pfft, as if I’d something so pathetic….” Bakugou grimaced, like hell, he was gonna bake for anybody.
He told himself that for the rest of the day, all up until they returned to the dorms and he was demanding access to Sato’s inventory of baking goods.
Once Bakugou had what he needed from the baker and kicked everyone out of the kitchen.
The future heroes of 2-A were all hanging out in the living room area, relaxing after a satisfying dinner and all talking about their exciting combat training earlier that day.
“(Y/N)!!! I’m so jealous, you gotta be with Todoroki! He is so handsome!!” One of the girls in class gushed to you as she pulled on your sweater sleeve.
“ He’s okay." You told her, and she started scolding you for saying so.
“ Oh.. Todoroki’s not her type…” Your friend teased.
“Hmmm does our cute (y/n)-chan have a crush?" The girl asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you, and you covered your face as you blushed.
“OMG!! Tell me!” The girl began shaking your body vigorously, trying to shake an answer out of you.
“Its-“ Before your friend could reveal your little secret, you threw a couch pillow at her, which incited a pillow fight between the three of you.
“Hey! (Y/N)-San, you’ve got a visitor!” Your class-president announced to the room.
“Who?” The three of you asked in unison, all still holding a pillow up in the air.
"I don't know, but they asked for 'flower girl'"
You only knew one boy who called you that, and you felt butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I’ll be right there.” You dropped the pillow on the couch and ignored the girl’s teasing behind you.
And there, standing on the porch outside the front door was Bakugou Katsuki in a black winter jacket to protect him from the chilly evening.
You slipped on some shoes and stepped outside, wrapping your arms around you.
“Bakugou, Hi.” He met your eyes and then quickly looked away, but even in the low-light, you were able to see a light dusting of red on his cheeks. But maybe it was from the cold.
He then nodded to a bench that was a bit away from the porch, but you followed him and sat down while he paced in front of you.
“Umm… is everything alright?”
“NO! I don’t- Look... I – Just… FUCK, why is this so god damn difficult!" He cursed but must have noticed you’re slight shivering and slipped off his jacket and forced it around your shoulders. Cloaking you in its warmth and the faint smell of caramel.
The handsome boy started pacing around, speaking under this breath rapidly.
Bakugou then pointed to you, as he does every other time he's 'spoken to you.' He took a deep breath and-.
“I’m gonna take you out!! ” He yelled, his entire face was red, and his crimson eyes were locked onto yours.
You were so sore from training today, you even had a bandage on your cheek from Kirishima. You liked the practice, but it was literally the last thing you wanted to do right now.
"I'm sorry, Bakugou…. I really don’t feel like sparring tonight.. maybe tomorrow?” You offered.
“GRAH! No! I mean…. A date…tomorrow… after school…. you damn flower girl…" He said softly under his breath, and you felt your heart nearly leap out of your chest and words left your mouth before you could even think.
“I’d love to.” You told him as you gave him a smile so bright that Bakugou wished he hadn't been such a coward because he would have seen that smile a lot earlier.
You tried to offer the coat back, but he told me to keep it even though he had a lot further to walk than you. As he started to walk away, you stuffed your hands into the jacket and felt a bag.
You lifted it out and realized it was a bag of cookies, you thought it was kind of an odd thing for the boy to carry around.
“Um, Bakugou! You forgot your cookies!" You called out, waving the bag in your hands, and he marched back as he had only made it a few steps away.
The boy cursed himself for being too caught up in your beautiful eyes and smile, he had wholly forgotton to give the gift.
“There for you…”  He shrugged, trying to play it off.
“You made me cookies?” You asked, slightly astonished, and your heart was beating so fast as you felt you could walk on air.
“ They’re the best damn cookies you’ll ever have okay! So you better appreciate them!!” He proclaimed. You never expected the boy to bake for anybody. It turns out he was full of surprises.
“And it’s not gonna happen again! And don't tell anybody." You were already planning on snap-chatting your friend in the support course. As soon as you went back inside.
"Thank you, Bakugou-Kun.” You told him, genuinely honoured that he had baked something for you.
“Katsuki… call me, Katsuki.” He said as he crossed his arms and smirked at you, obviously feeling a little confident.  You giggled and stepped closer.
“Thank you, Katsuki." You said softly, and his cheeks went red while he muttered a 'whatever' as he turned away from you, but you weren't done. You just couldn't resist, he was so handsome, and he was so sweet underneath his spicy attitude.
You leaned in and laid a chaste kiss to the boy’s cheek, hoping he didn’t mind a little cherry chapstick on his face.
Bakugou’s jaw dropped open, and he slowly turned his face towards you, his bashfulness had seemed to return, and you heard a sparking sound.
Before you could blink, there was a blast of an explosion and the boy shot up into the sky, and you could only hope that he made a good landing because he had shot off out of sight. You giggled and held the coat tighter to you, taking in a soft caramel smell around the collar.
Yes, this spicy n’ sweet boy was defiantly your type.
You walked back to your dorm with a slight skip in your step, leaning against the door as you closed it behind you and holding the bag of cookies close to your chest.
Opening the bag you were hit the smell of cinnamon-sugar, you reached in to taste cookie and savoured the taste, it was delicious. A perfectly cooked and the right amount of spice from the cinnamon and sweetness from the brown sugar.
Picturing him in the kitchen, baking cinnamon-sugar cookies was somehow.. perfect, and you were on cloud nine.
Bakugou Katsuki was the right amount of sweet and spicy, all packaged up in one cute boy.
You were still wrapped up in the handsome boy’s coat, relaxing into the burnt caramel smell, and you couldn't help but wonder as you chewed on the cinnamon-sugar cookies. What did Katsuki's lips taste like?
Hahaha what am I doing with my life, I dunno :P
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@mrsreina​ @cynthianokamaria​ ( wasn’t sure if you wanted to be tagged or not, forgive me if you didn’t)
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
ok so for the match up thing!! name is loren, im 20, a 5'2 tiny goth kiddo who looks always grumpy and has a dark sense of humor i guess. i study philosophy and i write for a theatre company because i don't have the guts to act!! im,,, a shy mess. never dated before although i had some casual sex but really it felt so empty that i choice not to have it anymore unless im in love honestly. i own a typewriter! and im always dancing in my room because it feels good and it helps me when im manic!
also I have BPD and I cling too much to people, like really depending by em if they’re my fave at the moment and im very jealous and have anger issues but I try my best to be nice or polite at least!! i love cats, snakes and ravens. i love cozy days when you do nothing at all except for laying under a blanket and watch the rain or little things like this! i like to cook and being Italian, i can cook very well. i have glasses but i hate how I do look with em so I don’t ever wear em.
i love arthur fleck so fucking much i literally would die for him because he needs to be spoiled and cuddled and just thinking about him makes me cry so loud- but i love the joker as well, of course, being the smug bastard he is!! and daydreaming about him helps me going through the day which it’s not always so easy because sometimes it’s just too much, you know
ohhhh I forgot I wear a shit load of make up like literally I look like Robert Smith most of the time and I don’t give a fuck about people opinions ai literally go to lessons dressed like a gothic doll most of the time
i’m also a night owl
Arthur Fleck (I know he’s angry in this GIF but fuck he’s hot)
word count: 1, 131
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We don’t know Arthur’s real age, but Joaquin (the gorgeous man that he is) is 44, so let’s assume the same for Arthur for a touch of realism, shall we? That being said, this means that Arthur would be so hesitant to even talk to you because of your age. You see him staring, though, you see him following you sometimes wearing that thin yellow hoodie he seems to love, and so you decide to approach him. He’s instantly smitten.
You have a dark sense of humour and so does Arthur, so this is perfect for his ego. His comedy is a sore spot, it always has been, because no one supports this precious boi in anything he does and it’s really fucking sad. When he cracks a really dry, deadpan and dark joke and you burst out laughing, love just blooms in his chest and he falls in love with you a little more. How are you real? He’s convinced you’re a delusion he’s concocted sometimes, but he dares not question it. Anything is better than the truth. Anything.
You study philosophy, so your intellect is definitely above Arthur’s. His handwriting is really bad (in the cutest way? Imagine handwritten letters from him that are filled with smiley faces and words scribbled out like 1000000 times because he can’t spell it right until he gives up and uses a word he does know how to spell) and because of how impoverished he is, that suggests that he’s uneducated. As such, when you write an essay or an assignment or you complete some other work, he’d want to read it but he wouldn’t really understand some of the more technical stuff. He’s not at all stupid, he’s very clever, and I think sometimes he’d ask you a question late at night about the thing you’re studying just so he can go to sleep to the sound of your voice. With his weary head cushioned on your chest, your heartbeat in his ear, your voice and your hands in his hair, he’d be asleep in no time.
I feel like Arthur would really love the fact that you’re shy because that means it’s easier for him to assume the protective role? So, like, he’d find your shyness frankly adorable and if you ever got shy over him then it just becomes a circle of shyness before Arthur bursts out into uncontrollable laughter and you have to comfort him through a fit. Just squeeze his hand, patiently wait it out, and reap the rewards when he can breathe again and his lips are on yours as a thank you.
You love to dance and this… Oh, this is a quintessential part of your whole relationship. When it’s late at night and Arthur is listening to music on the radio, he’d approach you, his body already swaying to the beat, and his hands would find your hips and he’d dance with you, doing that really fucking attractive shoulder thing he does. It ends up with the two of you in the bedroom doing a different kind of dance, if you get my meaning ;) Arthur understands how simple things can help you when you’re feeling a certain way, so when you’re feeling manic it’s almost 1000% guaranteed that he’ll just start dancing with you until you’re so tired you don’t want to do anything anymore.
You have BPD and you cling to people, which would actually really reassure our boi. He would need near constant reassurance that you’re real, that you love him, that he’s not hallucinating your entire fucking existence, that you’re not going to leave etc, etc. In return for all the coddling you (gladly) give him, he would do anything for you. And I mean anything ;) he would let you cling to him in any meaning - physically, mentally, emotionally. Anything. “You’re my Loren, it’s my job to take care of you.” and he’d do it so well you’d be ruined for anyone else in your life. Ever. He’s a jealous boi and though he’d take you at your word, if someone wasn’t getting the memo he’d have to step in. 
You both adore and live for cozy days inside his apartment. He has a special blanket that he likes to curl up under with you. It smells like the two of you and when either of you are missing the other because of work, studying or whatever else, then you huddle under it until the other returns. You can cook well, which is perfect because the best Arthur can do is really cheap microwave meals. He’s worryingly thin, not only because of the seven medicines he’s on but also because he just can’t afford to eat. It’d be really hard for him to even put any weight on, but at least you keep him regularly fed.
When you told Arthur that you would actually die for him and that you love him so much it just makes you cry sometimes, he’d be astounded. He’d just sit there, blinking for a few tense seconds before his throat rips with loud, intrusive laughter which is so hard and so uncontrollable that he can taste blood in the back of his throat. You’d hold him, love him, support him and cherish him and that right there means that he’s never going to leave you. Not ever. Sex with him reflects this. He’s so gentle, so tender and so loving that it makes your heart bleed. It’s not uncommon for one or both of you to actually cry during sex because you’re just so, so in love with each other that it hurts in the sweetest, most precious way.
You know who you are and you know what you want and you don’t give a fuck what people think about you. You wear what you want when you want and that’s such a fucking mood and Arthur would be so proud of you and he’d totally offer to do your makeup for you using his own work supplies! He’d be so careful and he’d giggle against the way your nose wrinkles when he’s a bit too careful with his brush and he’d want to kiss you again and again, ruining your makeup purposefully so he can stay closer to you for just a little longer and…. oh, I’m actually gonna cry writing this wow… (spoiler: I did.)
In the grand conclusion because wow I’ve rambled: you and Arthur have the sweetest, most precious relationship. It’s full of love. There are definite challenges, there are some arguments because things just get too much for the both of you sometimes and sometimes there’s more taking than giving on either side because that’s how it can be, but you never leave each other. Never, never, never.
Joker (fun fact when this part showed in the cinema I was with my mum and i legit went “Oh, fuck me” as in I properly moaned AND SHE HEARD ME. two weeks later and she still hasn’t said anything but I know she heard me)
word count: 1, 522
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Whereas Arthur struggled to even think of talking to you because of the huge age gap, Joker really isn’t all that bothered. You’re a fully consenting adult who knows her own mind, so what’s the harm, right? So long as you’re both happy and comfortable with each other, he couldn’t care less. That being said, you’re 5′2 and Joker is 5′8 so there’d be some height teasing going on. He would put things up on a higher shelf in the kitchen just so he can come up behind you and ‘accidentally’ (on purpose) press his crotch up and into your bottom as he retrieves the item you’re after with a cocky grin on his face and fire in his eyes. Sexual teasing is a very normal part of your relationship and it’s a serious warning sign that he is not okay if he doesn’t do anything like that towards you all day. 
You have a dark sense of humour and you look grumpy a lot of the time, which means that, often, Joker will practically bounce up to you and use his index fingers to make you smile. It wouldn’t take long for you to actually smile from his actions, though, and that’s exactly why he does everything that he does; because he knows you can’t resist him, the smug bastard. Oh, but you love him, and he know the depth of your love for him. He’s so very honoured by it, though his way of showing it is sometimes to murder someone who irritated you last Thursday and not ever telling you about it. He’s a strange one, but he’s so free that you find yourself not minding. Just so long as he’s happy; when Joker is down, it means that something is hugely wrong and it reminds you so badly of Arthur that it hurts and you might have to crack out some of his own jokes just to cheer him up. For example, if you handed him an actual human heart and said, “I love you, Joker”, he’d burst out into loud and genuine laughter and would end up smudging his makeup from kissing you so soundly. Isn’t he gorgeous?
Joker isn’t political, religious, or anything of the sort. He tells you and others that he doesn’t believe in anything. But there’s one thing he believes in. Just one. It’s the love you have for each other that he vehemently believes in. if anyone even dared to suggest that your love isn’t as strong as you say - she’s just scared of being killed, that’s why she’s with him, or what a freak! How can she stand to kiss him? - then he’d go fucking apeshit. The last person he overheard doubting your love for him ended up swallowing several bullets in quick succession. Overkill? Perhaps, but he doesn’t care. No one gets to doubt your love for each other, not even yourselves. He’d be very supportive of your studies and I have no doubt that, if you ever got a shaky grade, it’d be changed very quickly by a shaking tutor who can’t quite look you in the eye. The smiley face on the whiteboard which looks like a child did it clues you in hugely, though. His actions are wrong but it comes from a very heavily guarded heart of gold.
Where Arthur finds your shyness cute and he would immediately adopt Protective Mode™, Joker would just relentlessly tease you just to see how deep your blush goes. “That’s an interesting shade of red, Loren. Where have I seen it before? Ah, yes…” *Twirls and fingers the hem of his red tuxedo* Be warned, though… Only Joker gets to tease you about being shy. If anyone else dared to tease you for being shy or for stuttering or for tripping over your words and oh god shut up, he’d rip them a new one. Only he gets to tease you. He does, sometimes, wind you up on purpose, just to see how far he can push you before you snap and want to punch something. He finds it incredibly amusing. Deep down, though, he’d be just as protective as Arthur and would find himself doing things for you that you’re too shy to do; in whatever means you need! ;)
You dance because it helps you when you’re manic but also because you enjoy it. Just like with Arthur, this is absolutely essential in your relationship with Joker. A lot of the time when you’re dancing, he’d step in flawlessly and you’d start dancing together like Fred and Ginger, with him dipping you, spinning you around, lifting you up with surprising strength, and it’s one of his favourite ways (other than makeup sex) to apologise to you. “Dance with me.” Immediately would his hands grab you, spinning you, his intense green eyes never leaving yours, that damned smirk on his lips as he sees that blush rising on your face… Again, like with Arthur, you do several modes of dancing together; some are more preferable to others!
When you’re out and about together in public, you’re basically glued together. Your hands are held so tightly by the other that you’re not sure whose hands is whose and, are your fingers getting a bit numb? Both of you have jealousy and anger issues for slightly different reasons; Joker because it’s borne from a place of deeply set abuse and abandonment issues, and you have your own reasons that he may or may not know about. He finds it baffling that you get jealous over him, though. So many of Arthur’s neuroses still live on in Joker, despite his bravado. You try to be polite, but Joker makes no such efforts; he will destroy someone for even glancing at you in the street. 
You both live for cosy days. These are the days during which Joker will relax his persona. He will cuddle with you, watching shows on TV, his fingers grazing along the underside of your breasts or even dipping under your underwear. You can arch your hips into his touch all you want, he’s not gonna give you what you want unless you’re patient. He loves foreplay more than the act itself; to him, anticipation heightens everything deliciously. You cook very well, and Joker would love to watch you cook. He enjoys the heat you summon into the bedroom, and he loves bending you over the counter, sweeping the dirty plates into the sink with a noisy crash (and you have to buy new plates at least once a week), and fucking you until you’re only upright  because of his arm wound tightly around your waist.
You once told Joker that you often think of him when you’re not with him, just because he offers you comfort and support from wherever he is. Just knowing he’s somewhere in Gotham wreaking havoc or even waiting for you to get home makes you feel like you can conquer the fucking world, and he was flattered. He did get a little upset, though, when you confessed that you would actually die for him if you had to. He kills for you, and sometimes because of you without a thought, but turning that idea around onto you makes him feel hot in all the wrong ways. I actually think Joker would crawl into your arms that night, needing to feel that you were there, and real, and even now he’s wondering how you could possibly love him knowing all that he has done and will continue to do. He would make you promise to never keep your word on this topic, because no one is gonna be dying in this relationship. You and him are forever a ride or die. For better or for worse.
You stand together at the bathroom sink putting your faces on. Your shoulders are touching, which means sometimes your elbows bump into each other and one of you makes a mistake with the makeup. “Oh, would you look at that? My makeup’s ruined,” Joker would hum, “what are you going to do about it, darling?” There’s only one answer to this, and it’s the two of you kissing each other so passionately that you have to wash your faces off and start again. Who knows, maybe you don’t get to leave the bathroom that day. Makeup is one of the biggest expenditures in your small household, even with Joker knowing where to go to get the good stuff.
In conclusion: dating Joker would be so very different to dating Arthur, but there is love, compassion, trust, adoration, so much sex you’re surprised you can still walk most mornings (he can and will go multiple rounds with you in a day; he’s a horny fucker, is our Joker), and there are definitely more emotional challenges than there are any other, but you’ve learned to stick it out with him over the years, You’d never leave him for any reason, even if he murdered everyone in Gotham (and a lot of the time he’s sorely tempted to burn the city to the ground and start all over again).
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coneygoil · 4 years
Walking Wounded, part 3
Caryl AU. The waitress at a diner Daryl decides to start frequenting catches his eye, but things are complicated. Now, Daryl is the only thing standing between her and her abusive husband.
Part 1 | Part 2
A pot of grits and some links of deer sausage awaited Carol and her daughter as they emerged from the bedroom the next morning. Daryl gestured to the small, round kitchen table for them to sit and he served them breakfast. Carol sat planted there, wringing her hands in her lap and not knowing how to act. She’d never – not once – had been served breakfast by Ed. Not even on Mother’s Day or her birthday. It felt all kinds of wrong to be the one being served, and she almost couldn’t bare to watch.
“Ran out for a little while to pick up some milk from the Dollar General,” he told her as he pulled out the mix-matched chair across from her. “And some other things you and Sophia may need.” He gestured to the yellow bags on the kitchen counter. “Damn DGs are everywhere these days. Surprised there ain’t one in every yard.”
“Thank you,” Carol gazed at the food like she didn’t know what to do with it, “You didn’t have to. I mean, I don’t have any money to pay you back. Ed never lets me—”
Daryl held up a hand to stop her. “Don’t worry about it. I got enough cash squirreled away to spare some. You and your little girl need things and I’m gonna make sure you have them.”
Daryl switched his attention to Sophia sitting next to him. She hadn’t uttered a word in his presence. Not at the diner nor this morning. She watched him cautiously when he wasn’t looking, but as soon as Daryl turned his attention to her, she’d stiffen and avert her eyes to whatever was below her. Even at 5 years old, she’d learned to not make eye contact with her father, and in doing so, learned to not make contact with any man either. Ed would take it the wrong way – like he thought she was ignoring him -- and whip his belt out. Said she had to learn early how to act properly. All it was doing was training her to be a good whipping post for a man just like her daddy.
“How you this morning, Sophia?” Daryl tried. He was just as gentle with her as he was with Carol. “You sleep good?” When she didn’t respond or look at him, he nodded his head. “It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk. I ain’t gonna make you.” He pointed to the deer sausage on her plate. “You need to eat. That some good deer. I shot it a couple weeks back. Helps keep my belly full every morning.”
“You said your brother lives here too?” Carol asked. Daryl hummed in reply as he chewed up a piece of sausage. “What’s his name? I can’t remember it.”
“Merle,” Daryl sat back, hoping his brother’s sabbatical would be longer than usual. Merle was going to give him hell for bringing a married woman and her kid into their Dixon boys’ abode. “He’s my older brother. 8 years older. We’ve lived on and off with each other our whole lives. He’s really all I got.”
“He won’t mind us being here?” Carol’s concern was written all over her face. She’d met Merle three or four times, but judging by how he talked, Merle didn’t seem like the most pleasant person to be around.
“Whether he minds or not, he’s not gonna have a say. He’s the one always gone off doing his own thing while I’m here. I think I have more a say so than him. You and your little girl need a place to stay more than he does anyways.”
Carol bristled. “I don’t want to cause trouble.”
“You’re not. Don’t think you are.”
All the reassurance Daryl had given her in the last several hours hadn’t soaked in. Carol had been conditioned to think herself a burden and his words weren’t penetrating that steel wall. She still felt like bolting right out the door.
Sophia had finally begun to move in her spot. She sipped at her glass of milk before taking a merger spoonful of grits. Carol worried most for her daughter. The child had witnessed more violence in her short 5 years than one person did in a lifetime. Their sudden departure was only going to fuel Ed’s anger like gasoline on fire. How would they survive this?
After breakfast, Daryl drove them to pick up Carol’s car to bring back to the trailer. Carol was close to spilling tears when she heard her car had been towed away by Ed. He was a lazy son of gun, but when it came to spite, he had all the energy in the world. The loss of Carol’s car was a huge blow. As they made their way back to the trailer, Daryl could tell she was trying to hold back tears as she squashed Sophia to her side.
She didn’t have a vehicle. Not even a car seat for Sophia. No clothes. Possessions. Money. Nothing. It visibly crushed her like a 1000-pound weight.
When they arrived back at the trailer, Daryl quietly asked Carol to talk with him in the bedroom while Sophia watched tv in the living room. Sophia’s eyes widen as big as saucers in alarm, but Carol assured her that Daryl wasn’t like her daddy. Mommy is safe with him. Daryl had to take a deep breath at the very thought that this poor girl had to be told that.
Carol followed him into his bedroom after getting Sophia settled. Her skittishness had come back tenfold as he shut the door behind them.
“Have you thought about going to a women’s shelter?” Daryl regretted the question the moment the words tumbled from his mouth.
A deep frown line creased Carol’s brow. “I did. Several months back. They couldn’t do much more than give me housing. A few necessary items. Ed found us.” Her voice cracked, and Daryl could see a slew of memories playing out behind her eyes. “He caught us on the street. He brought us back home. He did this to me.” Carol pulled up her sleeve to reveal a burn mark just below the back of her left shoulder. “Made me swear I’d never leave like that again. I was his and had no right to go. I swore, because if I didn’t, I knew he would go after Sophia. He never threatened to, but I knew he would.”
Daryl’s chest tightened like a bow sting with every new horrifying reality that she shared. Behind his own eyes, memories of childhood played out. He shook himself free before he could dive too deep within them. This wasn’t about his past life. This was about the gentle, soft-spoken woman standing in front of him that didn’t have a damn person on her side in the entire world.
If he thought about it – really made himself think – he didn’t have anyone either. Merle was all he had, and Daryl didn’t even have him more than half the time. Carol and her daughter needed somebody on their side. Who the hell cared if he would make it his mission to save her? Maybe in the process, she’d somehow save him too. But, that wasn’t anything to think about right now. She was still married to a bastard that needed to be eliminated from her life.
“Then, it’s settled.” Daryl nodded his point. “You and Sophia are staying here.”
“Daryl—” she wanted to protest again. Claim she was a burden. He didn’t want to hear that bull from her.
“You’re staying and I’m gonna take care of you.”
Crossing arms across her chest like a shield, Carol could only nod in agreement. Daryl’s fight depleted somewhat at the sight of her, realizing what he may sound like to her, no matter how softly he spoke his words.
“But,” he feared for what his next statement would bring, “if you want to go, you can go. Not gonna keep you here.” Daryl’s eyes fixed upon hers. He shook his head. “Not like him.”
Carol offered him a small but genuine smile. “I know.”
There was a war raging in Carol’s head. Part of it was trying desperately to convince her to return to Ed. She’d take the beating he’d dish out. She’d end up with a busted face and a broken bone or two. Maybe another burn mark to decorate her shoulder. She’d promise to never leave him again. She’d sob and paw at his legs like the pathetic creature he claimed she was. If she begged enough, threw herself at his mercy, maybe he wouldn’t lay a hand on Sophia.
The other part of her was screaming to keep as far away as possible. Daryl was only a customer at a greasy spoon of a diner she worked at. To most, he was plainly a redneck with not much education behind him. Carol saw that he was remarkably so much more than his outward appearance. Every visit to the diner, he’d treated her with the utmost respect and kindness. He proved to her that there were good men out there. She craved more of that goodness.
When he told Carol she could go if she wanted to – back to Ed in her mind-- she fought with the overwhelming need of what she’d been conditioned to do for the last 10 years of her life. She kept her gaze steady on Daryl, fought the secret battle, and won. She would stay with him. She would accept the protection of his wings and care that he generously gave.
They spent most of the day in the trailer. Sophia seemed content to watch tv and color in her coloring book when she was tired of the screen. Carol couldn’t sit still for long. She felt awkward cleaning up another person’s home, but she had to do something to keep her hands busy and her mind off things. While Daryl was out on the small front porch smoking, she dove into cleaning the kitchen. She paused when he walked back in and questioned silently if it was okay when she made eye contact with him. Daryl shrugged a shoulder giving the okay and sat down at the kitchen table.
“I don’t think it’d be smart to stop by your old man’s house for your things right now,” Daryl voiced his concern.
Carol felt absolutely gross in the clothes she’d worn for 24 hours. She needed a good showering and fresh clothing. Thankfully, she had been able to wipe off the night before. Sophia needed to be clean as well. The girl would develop a yeast infection if she didn’t change her underwear soon.
“We can go to the thrift store up on Pearl St. Been there before. They got decent stuff. Nothin’ stained or torn. Stop by the DG on the way back. Get you and Sophia some underclothes.”
Carol paused from wiping the counter. She’d already scrubbed the stove, wiped down the outside of the refrigerator, and washed and tucked away the dishes and pots from breakfast and lunch. Daryl hadn’t commented about her tidying up his home. She had his unspoken blessing to do what she wanted to do, she guessed.
“Daryl—” She had to question it again. She had to hear his explanation once more to convince her. “Why are you doing this for us? Why do you care so much? I mean, you don’t even know me.”
Daryl fixed her with his narrow gaze. “I know you’re someone that needs help. Let me ask you this, Carol—”
A flutter climbed in her chest at the sound of her name across his lips.
“Has anybody helped you before? Has anybody bothered to ask you if you were okay when there was a shiner blinding like the sun on your face?”
She averted her eyes to the floor and swallowed before answering. “No.”
He pushed off the chair and stepped up to her. “That’s why I’m helping you.” He swallowed loudly, running a hand over the stubble on his chin. “That’s why I care. It’s up to you what you do with it. Take it or leave it.”
Carol mulled over his words. It was nearly impossible to believe someone could possibly care for her. She had to chip away the wall Ed erected so strongly inside her head. She had to start today if her and Sophia were to ever have a future. She drew in a deep breath and laid the dishrag over the sink to dry, hoping her words would be answer enough. “Whenever you’re ready to go to the thrift store.”
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somestorywriter · 5 years
FrUk Week 2019 - Day 1: Magic
@frukweek, Day 1: Magic
Rating: T
Words: 1000
Read on AO3
Read on FF.net
Arthur gathered the last of his spell books and put them back in the bookcase. His round of cleaning would be going a lot faster if he didn’t have such an incompetent assistant.
“Arthur, you have to throw this one out!” Francis called.
“What now?” If it was up to Francis, he’d throw out half of his clothes and furniture. He went to see what the fuss was about this time.
“Look at this thing.” Francis held up one of Arthur’s cloaks. “It’s all worn and full of holes!”
“Oh, that, um...”
“You have to throw it out.”
“I can still wear it. Tea?” He went to the kitchen and put the kettle on.
“Why would you wear something like this? It’ll just get in your way.”
“It’s… to keep my clothes clean.”
“That’s what aprons are for. This won’t do anything.” Francis inspected a torn seam. “It’s also way too warm when you’re standing next to a fire. Tomato red doesn’t suit your face.”
“The cloak keeps me from burning my arms.”
“Not if you keep rolling up your sleeves.”
“That’s just because it’s warm—Oh, forget it.”
“That’s it, it’s going in the trash bin.”
Arthur huffed and poured the tea. “...It looks cool.”
“What was that?”
“The cloak. It looks cool. It sweeps and casts shadows...”
“Oh… Well, then you must definitely keep it!” Francis folded it carefully and placed it on the table. “What’s this?”
“What now...”
“Aphrodisiac… How very interesting.”
“...Are you touching my potions?” Arthur hurried out of the kitchen.
“Does this stuff really work?”
“Yes, and it’s very powerful, so put it down.”
“I see...”
“Careful or I’ll turn you into a frog again.”
“Ah, but you had to kiss me to turn me back.”
“We’d agreed not to talk about that part.”  
 Francis hadn’t known it would turn him into a frog. When he asked Arthur about the mysterious flask, the latter had said it was a potion to turn people “extremely French”. Francis hadn’t been able to resist.
 Arthur sat down on the couch. “Oh, wait, the tea...”
“I’ll get it.” Francis disappeared into the kitchen and Arthur stretched out his limbs. He’d done enough cleaning for today. Francis came back in with the tea. “Here you go.”
Arthur picked up a cup from the tray and ignored how close Francis decided to sit next to him. “It’s not like I’m attached to that cape or anything.”
“Of course not.”
“It would just be a waste to throw it away, that’s all.”
“You don’t have to explain it. Just drink your tea.”
Arthur took a few sips. “I think we’ve done enough for today.”
“I couldn’t agree more. I’ll make dinner.”
“I’ll help.”
“Don’t you dare. The kitchen is one place where my magic is stronger than yours.”
Arthur huffed and drank his tea. It tasted different. Sweeter.
Francis put on his apron. He too looked different, Arthur thought. “Did you get a haircut?”
“I did, actually.” Francis touched his wavy hair. “Do you like it?”
“Well, yes...”
Francis chuckled and went to the kitchen.
Arthur looked around. Why did Francis have to reopen a box? He groaned and put all the potions back inside. But wait… one of them was missing…
The aphrodisiac.
Arthur glanced at his tea. Francis wouldn’t… But then again…
He went to the kitchen. “Francis?”
“Yes?” Arthur tried to determine whether he’d truly drank aphrodisiac and if it was taking effect already. Now that he paid attention, he did notice a certain attraction to his assistant…
“Mon ami, what’s the matter?”
That accent was so stupid, and yet this frog managed to make it work for him somehow. Just like that apron, which looked almost elegant on him. Yes, he had definitely been fed aphrodisiac.
“You’re looking kind of pale.” Francis came closer. “Are you feeling alright?” He tilted Arthur’s chin up with his finger. The touch had the Brit’s eyes cloud over.
The effects of the potion couldn’t be stopped. Resisting would only cause agony. It was best to just give in and wait for the magic to wear off.
“Arthur, dear?”
Arthur leaned forward and pressed his lips against Francis’. The latter seemed surprised but didn’t move away. Instead, he pulled Arthur closer against him. “My, my,” he mused when they parted for air. “And here I was thinking I’d have to turn into a frog again before getting a kiss from you.”
“Well, don’t expect me to kiss you without magic forcing me to.”
“Magic? What magic?”
Arthur studied his face, but the question seemed genuine. “Francis, have you not been paying attention at all? Potions need magic to work. You can throw ingredients together, but without magic, it’s just another soup or tea.”
“Is this about the frog potion? Because I’m not drinking that again.” 
“I’m not talking about the frog potion. The aphrodisiac, which you put in my tea.”
Francis looked at him dumbfoundedly. “The sugar I put in your tea because you were looking so sour?”
“No, not sugar, the aphrodisiac!”
“The… aphrodisiac?”
“Yes, the one you were holding in your hands!”
“I left that one on the bookshelf. It seemed too dangerous to bring it near food.”
“But...” Arthur’s cheeks turned red as the realization dawned on him. He tried to move away, but Francis held him in place.
“Non, non, non. No turning back now. You kissed me without anything forcing you to.”
“I… I was confused.”
“By l’amour?”
“No!” But the more he struggled, the tighter Francis held him, and the more he thought about giving up the fight.
“Come on, Arthur. No one will know. And if anyone does find out, we’ll tell them I made you drink a whole bottle of aphrodisiac.”
Well, it was a solid plan. “...Just this once.”
“Of course.”
And with that, Arthur pulled Francis against him and kissed him.
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angelicspaceprince · 6 years
Author: Anna
Title: Catching
Character/s: Balthazar, Gabriel, Sam, Dean, Cas
Pairing: Balthazar/Reader
Word Count: 1, 767 words
Warnings/Tags: Pranks, upset Balthazar, established relationship (married), no smut but if you want me to write it in, lemme know and I'll make a part two with the missing scene
Summary: Balthazar can't get that fucking tune that you've been humming for days on end out of his head. And when he figures out what the song is, he's definitely less than impressed. - Based on the Disney Quote (#5) - 'If you start singing, I'm gonna throw up', Moana, 2016.
Notes: This is for thewhiterabbit42's Disney Challenge to celebrate 1000 followers and you guys should totally check them out because their stuff is amazing! The song that the Reader is humming is this, which I've been listening to non-stop all day because I love it, and it's the only version of that damned song that I'll listen to.
Tags: @thewhiterabbit42, @elyshakate, @oddone92, @bethisaghost
Buy Me a Coffee
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You and Balthazar has been married for two years, something that everyone you met believed to be quite a feat. You were the first to admit, if someone said to you three years ago that the arrogant tosser of an angel would eventually be your husband, you would have laughed until you passed out.
But, it worked out. And the both of you were happy.
Don’t get me wrong, Balthazar was still a massive dick and looked out for himself above everyone else (except maybe you), but you usually ended up not being in the line of fire. Which meant you could get away with so much more than the average human.
So, when you found a certain video on YouTube, you and Gabriel hatched a plan to see how long it would take for your beloved to crack.
You started simple, humming the tune of the song in question whilst cooking, reading, researching, cleaning and even, as you had reliably informed, in your sleep when you took an impromptu nap in the library. Gabriel was, of course, helping you from the get go, humming around the Bunker and even programming the boys alarms and ringtones with the tune.
Sam was the first to catch the song, and he soon was humming along with you under his breath. He didn’t even seem to notice he was doing it, when you pulled him up on it he just looked at you like you had grown a second head. So you left it.
Dean quickly followed, humming the Postmodern Jukebox song wherever he went, replacing his usual Metallica and Led Zepplin when he drove. He, too didn’t realise what he was doing, which was mildly amusing to you.
Even Cas eventually cracked, and watching the usually serious angel humming as he worked was something that caused Gabriel to zap the two of you out of the room to hide the laughter that followed.
It took six weeks of dedication, but the one person you wanted to crack finally did.
Balthazar was, of course, the last to crack. He was already suspicious of the amount of time that you and Gabriel had been spending together, and one of your more explosive arguments – mind you, they were all explosive – was about that fact, and that he had basically said you were cheating on him so that gave him the right to find someone else to fuck. It was two weeks and a weekend of non-stop, uh, exercise, before you were back on good terms, but even Balthazar could tell you were still hurt by his comments.
But eventually, he did start to hum and even whistle along to the tune you had started humming six weeks prior. When he caught himself humming it, the look on his face was hilarious when he couldn’t place the tune, and then hysterical when you could see him trying to figure out where the hell he’d picked it up.
Then, the race was on.
You had informed the boys of your and Gabriel’s plans, and bets had been placed.
You: Two weeks
Cas: Three months
Sam: Three days
Dean: Never (which you all laughed at because he would eventually crack, but you could all hear the ‘I really could care less’ accent in his voice)
Gabriel: A month
All of you started watching him like hawks, all getting ready whenever to open his mouth to declare themselves the winner, but the sentence that you all wanted him to say never seemed to appear. You all continued to hum the song to keep it stuck in his head.
Sam was miserable when four days passed and nothing happened, he was sure Balthazar wouldn’t last. But you knew your husband well.
Day fourteen started and, just like you predicted, Balthazar snapped.
“That fucking song! What is it?” He cornered the five of you in the library, all of you looking up from your books to look at the pissed angel, each one with various levels of amusement.
“Whatever do you mean, B?” You ask sweetly.
“The song you’ve been singing for two months that you’ve gotten into my bloody head!” You bite your lip to try and stop the snickering as the boys pull out their wallets and start getting the money out to pay you.
“It’s a remix of possibly the most catching song of all time.”
“What? No?”
“Shake It Off?”
“Oh, fuck no.”
“Hotline Bling?” You simply raise an eyebrow.
“I’ll play it for you, hang on.” You pull out your phone and start the catchy music.
It takes him until the third line when he realises what song it is, and you smirk when realisation strikes, accepting the money pushed over to you.
“Y/N.” Balthazar states simply. “Seriously?” You shrug.
“Well, I don’t know, its my new favourite song.” You send him a smile with your lips still held between your teeth. “And, it’s not as annoying as the original?”
“It’s still a bloody horrible song!” He protests.
“You didn’t think that when you were humming along to it.” You retort. “It’s really catchy don’t you think?” Balthazar glares at you before flying off. You roll your eyes and look back down at your book.
“Well, that went better than I thought.” Dean chimes in after a few seconds of silence.
“He’s still recovering from our last fight. Trust me, it’ll be brought up again.” You smile over to him before all of you return to your research, your pocket now $200 heavier.
Balthazar was clearly less than impressed about the fact you had tricked him, and spent the majority of the next few weeks sulking, avoiding you at all costs. You were slowly beginning to feel bad. So, you tried to romance him up, especially with the news you had to share with him.
Wine, food, sex. Those three generally speaking worked. And you were hoping you didn’t fuck it up so badly this time for it not to work.
Convincing him to go out was the first challenge, you practically had to drag him out the door. When you told him where you were going, he seemed to perk up. The small, intimate restaurant where the two of you met during a case for the Winchesters had become his favourite. He always claimed it was due to the fact that he met you there, but you knew it was also because they stocked his favourite wine.
So, he was already warming up to you, even more so when you told him you were paying.
He ordered the same thing he has ordered for the past three years whenever you went there, and you ordered something you knew he would never eat with the intent to snatch some of his and him not be interested in yours.
Conversation flows easy, as it always does, and snark and sass takes over the majority of the conversation, as it always does. You made a point of only drinking soft drink, wanting to make sure you were more or less sober for the rest of the night. Balthazar, however, was already on his second bottle of wine. Damn him and his inability to get drunk. The bastard.
By the time you two had left, you were humming the same song that had tormented him for weeks.
“Seriously?” He asks you in disbelief. You shrug.
“I genuinely like it, B.” You apologise. “Sorry, I’ll try to keep it for when you aren’t around.”
He huffs. “Just make sure you don’t start singing. If you start singing, I’m gonna throw up.” You snort.
“Of course, dear.” You bump into him. “Remember our first date?” You ask with a small smirk.
“How could I forget?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Remember what we did after we left the restaurant?” He smirks back down at you.
“I’m not sure I do, care to rejog my memory?”
You roll off Balthazar with a thud, your hair messy, body sweaty and your chest rising and falling harshly as you pant loudly, B clearly pleased with himself as he pulls you close. “Enjoyed yourself?” He asks, cocky with his ability. You hum.
“Not really, I mean, it was basically thirty minutes of you trying and failing to work me up. Need to get some sex tips.” You can practically hear him rolling his eyes. “Yes, I enjoyed it you twit.”
He kisses the top of your head softly, keeping his head there as you shift. “Next time though, you are the one being tied up.”
“Want me to call you mistress too?”
“Queen of Everything Past, Present and Future would be more adequate.” You correct him causing him to snort.
“Sure thing, your majesty.” A comfortable silence falls over you before you clear your throat.
“B, I have some news for you.” You start carefully.
“You did cheat on me with Gabriel.” He says with conviction. “It’s okay, love, I get it. Clearly, you got bored with my skills and wanted something diff-” You manage to knock the wind out of him when you hit him in the stomach.
“No, you asshole.” You respond. “Don’t be a twat, I wouldn’t change our relationship for the world, and I definitely wouldn’t cheat, so get it out of your head.”
“Yes ma’am.” The small kiss he presses against your lips works as an apology as his hands move to rub the sides of your arms. “What did you have to tell me?”
“I’m pregnant.” You look up at him, gauging his reaction. His face freezes. “I’m twelve weeks, I found out on Tuesday.” You explain gently as the news sinks in. “B? You’re scaring me? You okay, beloved?”
Finally, he nods and swallows. “I’m going to be a father.” You nod. “What if I fuck up?”
“You won’t. And even if you do, it won’t be so bad. It’s not like babies are born with a manual.” Worry seeps in. “Are you…are you okay with this?” His eyes lock onto yours.
“Okay? Okay? I’m overjoyed!” Finally, the excitement sets in. “I can teach them to prank the hell out of their uncles and share all my seducing techniques and-”
“Seducing techniques? Like they exist.” You interrupt his rant, causing him to look down at you with a small smirk.
“They seemed to work on you.”
“I just joined on for the sex, if I’m honest.” You tease before giggling as he rolls over to straddle you, purring his next sentence before moving to initiate possible the most heated kiss either of you had ever shared.
“Well then, allow me to seduce you again.”
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kyluxtrashbin · 7 years
Kylux Fic Rec List! (Part 3/?) XL Edition!
I meant to do this like...4 months ago. I’m awful. Sorry. Here’s a bunch of things I loved reading. As always, mind the tags.
A Lover’s Token | @vadianna Rated: E / 6200 words Kylo gets off on physical evidence of his trysts with Hux. So he gets Hux to regularly rub him off through his leggings. He doesn't wash them. More or less.
Pretty Little Thing | @kyluxicle Rated: E / 8500 words Being a General is stressful, and when the stress becomes too much Hux goes to Kylo Ren to decompress. Sometimes decompressing means being dressed up and fucked like a whore.
The Mountebank | @kdazrael Rated: E / 15200 words For the Kylux Hard Kinks prompt: 'Broke student Kylo answers a call for medical research subjects that he finds online- $150 per visit. It takes several trips to Dr Hux's office and an inordinate number of things up his ass before he realises it might not have been a genuine advert.'
My Skin Is Theirs | @claricechiarasorcha Rated: E / 10800 words Apparently, Lieutenant Mitaka has quite the collection of saucy softcore Cadet Hux pictures. Apparently, Kylo Ren thinks this is entirely inappropriate in men of their standing. Apparently, General Hux has an idea.
Delineation | @vadianna Rated: E / 7000 words Kylo is always astonished by his visits to the specialty club in Hutt Space, even after so many trips. This time, Hux runs into an old kitonak acquaintance.Or: They have sex with an anonymous alien as a third partner.
The Immaterial Stardust of His Being | @saltandlimes Rated: E / 5200 words After a Resistance attack, Finalizer's main reactor is only hours from total collapse. Hux tries to hold his ship and crew together, while planetside, miles below him, Kylo Ren races the clock to bring back parts for the reactor and save them.
Nudge | @obsessions-and-dreams Rated: T / 2050 words Ren would nuzzle softly against Hux's throat or jaw or cheek and every time, without fail, Hux smiled or laughed. For some reason Ren liked that, and so he kept doing it. And Hux kept letting him.
The Walkout Bout | @nerdherderette Rated: M / 3300 words "No, don't want that shit." Ben doesn't want it, or need it. His years of training and a lifetime of name calling have taught him to deal with pain, especially when it came to matters regarding his face. He lays back as Hux begins cleaning the wound, the sting of the antiseptic replaced by the prick of the surgical needle entering his skin.He breathes, feeling the pull of the fast gut drawing the ragged edges of flesh closed as Hux's fingers flew. It never fails to surprise him that Hux would choose to slum away several days a week fixing up amateur boxers in a fight factory. It's nearly as surprising as the idea that someone as beautiful and talented as Hux could be interested in someone like Ben.
New Soul, Strange World | @hollyhark Rated: T / 4900 words Ren senses Hux in extreme distress and rushes to his aid, thereby discovering that Hux has a phobia of basic medical procedures due to childhood trauma. Ren deals with it, reluctantly but in a way that would make his mother proud (which he resents).
Fools of Us Both | @theearlgreyalpha Rated: E / 3750 words Somehow, Kylo had convinced them both that he was far more experienced than he was. His infatuation with Hux proved to be his downfall, running his mouth to boast about a sexual prowess he simply didn't have, and when the time came to prove it...he failed. Miserably.
Friends With Renefits | @moonwalkingcrab Rated: E / 37400 The Rules: 1. Just sex, no feelings 2. The arrangement lasts as long as is beneficial 3. Either party can choose to end the arrangement, no questions asked 4. No kissing
All The Way To Your Door | @kyluxtrashcompactor Rated: E / 44550 words Six months ago, Hux lied to his father. He said the man in the picture he pulled up on his phone was his fiancé. Hux never anticipated telling his roommate, Ben, that he had been cast as Hux's lover, but when Hux's father dies unexpectedly, he is forced to tell Ben the truth, and ask him to play the role at Brendol Hux's wake.
strange phenomenon | @brawlite & @kyluxtrashcompactor Rated: E / 65750 words Kylo Ren is haunted by recent tragedy. He answers an ad posted by one Armitage Hux for a roommate, and he thinks a fresh start will help him begin to heal. He brings next to nothing with him from the past when he moves in.Or so he thinks.
Uniform Code be Damned | @pangolinpirate Rated: E / 3700 words How long had it been since he’d been touched this way? The bitter answer that floated to his mind was ‘too long.’ Hux sighed and leaned into the knight’s touch, stretching his neck toward Ren’s lips and capturing them with his own.
Accidentally on Purpose | @onewhositswithturtles Rated: E / 3800 words Kylo has been harboring feelings for his uptight boss, Hux, over the last year but said nothing for fear of getting fired. Unfortunately one night Kylo's friends get him drunk and Kylo decides Hux should see what he's missing, and texts Hux a dick pic. The next morning when Hux tells Kylo to come to his office after work, Kylo has no idea what to expect.
Noise Resolution | @gefionne Rated: E / 5450 words Hux's neighbor Kylo Ren is infamous for having loud sex with a new guy every couple of days. When Hux gets fed up and files a noise complaint, an enraged Kylo confronts Hux about the report. Hux tries to protest at first but soon ends up in bed with Kylo, screaming just as loud as the boys previously.
Leverage | ballvvasher Rated: E / 6250 words Written for Kylux Hard Kinks prompt: "Hux, tense one evening, coms for a massage droid but accidentally sends it to Kylo instead."
Pleated Skirts and Perverts | @maps-to-nowhere Rated: E / 1000 words Ren has a talented mouth, and Hux appreciates it maybe too much.
Incense and Cinnamon | @mothdustmouth Rated: E / 49000 words Kylo fights with a broadsword at ren faires after becoming disfigured as a teenager. He's able to hide his face and stay in his comfort zone until a troupe of actors, along with one very slender Armitage Hux, start to preform at the same festival. or: Kylo is a knight and Hux is an elf.
Mr. June | @nerdherderette Rated: E / 4300 A simple loincloth barely covers the outline of his mouth-watering length, his stomach ripples with muscles Hux never knew even existed, and his chest and biceps are deliciously thick.  His hands are enormous and strong—meat hooks that look like they could span Hux’s waist.  A simple gold collar encircles the man’s neck, connected to a thin, gold chain. In short, Mr. June looks like someone who had stepped out of a holoporn, and into Hux’s wet dream.
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Safe and Sound (Episode 13)
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"Do you think the we could relax the rules a little bit while we are on Winter Break" Tess pleads with our jailers, Don and Mum
"We may be willing to negotiate" Don offers, "What do you suggest?"
Tess and I exchange looks, we didn't even think they would consider an offer so we need to come up with something that makes us look like we are still going to take the time seriously but also need time to have fun.
"Would you be willing to allow us the last half of Wednesday, after gym time and all of Thursday off?" Tess strikes the deal. Mum and Don look at each other, Mum nods.
"Sounds reasonable" Don say but then adds "But if we see that it's having a negative effect then the offer will be revoked"
"Don't fuck it up Zoey" Tess warns me
"Tess, language" Mum scolds her and I laugh. 3 weeks of freedom from school, away from the pressure and the bullshit speeches and the bullshit people who push me down.
It was Friday afternoon, the temperature had dropped to below zero, big, heavy coats and scarves weather and the snow was starting to fall when we boarded the train to San Myshuno, we took our usual seats at the back of the carriage. It was the last day of term and the four of us were abuzz about being on holidays for the next 3 weeks.
"Mrs Plumbob was our sub for Maths last period, she let us play hangman for the whole 40 minutes because she didn't have a lesson plan" Cassie tells us
"I wish we played hangman, but no, Mr Price had to make us do advanced Trig" I groan to our group just as my phone starts buzzing in my pocket, I check the caller ID but I haven't got the number saved in my phone, ugh probably just a telemarketer who will try and sell me carpet so I decline the call but the number calls me again straight away, I answer it against my better judgement.
"Zoey did you reject my call?" says Angus on the other end
"I didn't have this number saved" at this point just realising He's calling me from the landline at the gym.
"Feeling the love baby" he laughs, "I'm calling to tell you to tell the others not to come in today, this storm is picking up and they may not be able to get home. I'll meet you at the station, I'm closing up. Tell the others we will do an extra hour on Monday"
I got off the phone and broke the news to the group who were more excited about getting out of training now than starting holidays
"Come back to my house, we've got a booze and movies" Tess asks Cassie and Declan. I hug them goodbye at the next station and travel the rest of the train ride alone, in silence.
Angus was waiting for me on the platform when I arrived, dressed in a long sleeve T-shirt, leather jacket and black pants, blonde hair hanging just above his eyes, he beams when he sees me, I run towards him and he pulls me in for a tight hug.
"Hey Princess, I missed you" He tells me and kisses my forehead
"You saw me on Wednesday afternoon" I remind him but truthfully I missed him too
"I saw you for an hour on Wednesday, with Your Sister, Her boyfriend and Your best friend, I'd hardly call that quality time together" He protests
"Well I am on holidays from today for 3 weeks and the parentals have given Tess and I extra free time during the week" I tell him
"How much extra time?"He enquires
"Wednesday after 4pm until Sunday morning" I reply
"Interesting" He says, raising his eyebrows and smiling
"You're planing something aren't you?" I ask
"I may have had word with Don today" He teases
"What about? About me? What did you talk to him about?" My curiosity peaks, I can't believe  he called Don and talked about me.
"It's a surprise for the second week and only if you work on your assignments, do you have many?" He asks
"I have two, a 1000 word essay for Simlish and another for History, I've already started my Simlish one though" I tell him, "See I'm all over it"
"Thats my smart girl" he praises me as we climb in his car and drive to the apartment.
"Can I cook tonight?" I ask him, when your step father owns one of the fanciest restaurants around you pick up a few cooking skills.
"What do you have in mind?" He asks suspicious
"A roast?" I reply
"With vegetables?"He asks
"Yes" I tell him, smiling
"Not just potatoes either? Something green?" He is onto my game plan
"Yes Angus, I'll cook you broccoli and beans too" I say, rolling my eyes at him
"Can I help?" He asks and I think he genuinely wants to learn
"Yep, I'll teach you" I tell him, kissing him on the cheek
After dinner we lay on the couch together and watch the storm picking up outside, thats the great thing about the penthouse, theres windows everywhere and seeing the city covered in a blanket of snow is amazing.
"I got you a bottle of vodka and we can watch movie, it's tradition remember?" He offers
"What movies do you have?" I ask, impressed that he remembers the tradition I have with Tess, I feel a little guilty about leaving her tonight
"Honestly I don't think you'd like anything from my collection but we can look through Immie's, she's got heaps" He tells me
"How about we drink and I don't force you to watch some romantic movie that would most likely bore you" I suggest and he laughs, grabs the vodka, 2 glasses and pineapple juice, pours our drinks and we sit in front of the fire, me nestled between his legs, one of his arms wrapped around me.
"It wouldn't bore me Zoey" he tells me after a moment of silence, "I actually like romantic movies believe it or not"
"I just assumed that when you said I wouldn't like your movie collection it was just full of Actions and Thrillers and Horrors" I explain
"Well it is, you're right about that but..." He trails off
"But?" I press him and he looks at me embarrassed.
"I like reading Jane Austen novels and I then like to watch movies based on the books" He tells me ashamed, I turn my body around to face him, wrapping my legs around his waist
"Thats bit sexy Theodore" I kiss him, "So you could write my Simlish essay then?" I joke with him and he laughs
"What's the topic?" He asks, considering it
"Critical study of Literature, we read Pride and Prejudice this term so they ask you to respond to a quotation from the text and ask how it is reflected in the novel"I explain while I busy myself kissing his neck
"I can help you if you want, I did Advanced Simlish for year 12" He tells me as I feel his hand slip under my dress and he sits it inside of my panties, his palm cradles my bottom
"You studied Advanced Simlish?" I ask surprised as I let my hands go on an exploration mission under his t-shirt
"Yeah, Advanced Simlish, Advanced Maths, Physical Education and Health, Physics, Business Studies and Design and Technology" he tells me proudly as he lifts me up onto my knees and slides my panties down my thighs, "Is this ok Zoey?" He asks my permission
"Yes" I tell him, anticipating the touch of his thumb on my clitoris, he starts working in a soft, circular motion, it feels electric, "Why didn't you go to Uni?" I ask him
"I love that you're always ready for it baby" He tells me, ignoring my question and then whispers "Take off your dress and remove your bra". I do as he orders and I see him reach into his pants pocket and pull out two items; a condom and the silver vibrator we bought on Saturday. He turns it on and it makes a low buzzing noise. He's looking at me as I'm studying the new, foreign object, he's reading my face and knows exactly what I'm thinking.
"I won't hurt you baby, you'll like it, I promise" he assures me and I believe him. He slowly slides the vibrator inside me and I feel it's magic straight away, my whole body working in time with every slow thrust Angus gives. Involuntary moans escape my mouth
"Do you like it?" He is curiously studying me, I nod yes, unable to give audible response as I'm concentrating on the building pleasure inside me, this feels different than the other times, better. I'm so close to that finish line, as much as I don't want this to end and I hear him whisper in my ear "cum for me baby", it sends me over the edge and I feel my whole body shutter as I collapse onto his chest.
"Thank you" I say, appreciating what he's just done for me on so many levels
"You're welcome baby but we're not done yet, catch your breath and we'll start the main round" He smiles that cheeky smile at me and I melt, "Zoey?"
"Yes?" I ask, lifting my head to look at him
"I'm still wearing clothes" He tells me as if I hadn't noticed
"Well you made me undress myself, so I thought it was only fair to return the favour" I remind him, laughing
"I was a bit busy at the time though" He counteracts as he removes his T-shirt and I smile at him innocently
"Excuses won't get you naked Theodore" I laugh but I help him with removing his pants
"Fuck you're cheeky" He smiles at me as he kicks off his boxers, reaches over and grabs the condom he threw on the floor earlier, tears the package open with his teeth and sits it on the tip of his member as he takes my hand and guides it to the condom
"Roll it down" He instructs me
"What if I do it wrong and it comes off or breaks?" I panic
"It won't, I promise" He tells me and I do as he asks, he's so hard. He has me knee above him as he guides himself into me, I feel every muscle tighten as he enters me, "Relax baby, just think of it like our silver friend you enjoyed" he reassures me and I ease into it, coming down to wrap my legs around his waist again. We start off slow, me moving in time with him as he gets in deeper and deeper
"You feel amazing" He tells me as he picks up the pace and I match him, this feels unbelievable, nothing like last week.
"Fuck" escapes my mouth and he smiles at me
"Are we enjoying this princess?" He asks me
"Mmm yes" is all I can manage to reply
"Do you wanna go faster?" He asks and I can only nod my head yes. He pulls me in closer to him and I feel him penetrate me deeper with every thrust, he has one hand on my bottom, pushing me forward and I feel his other hand moving up my thigh, he places his thumb back where it was in round one, he starts the same circular motion and don't know how much longer I can hold back, I can hear him moaning near my ear, his own breathing is short and sharp
"Cum with me" He orders me and I let go in an explosion of built up pleasure
"I love you"I tell him breathlessly
"I love you too Zo, Fuck that was good" He says, also trying to catch him breath. He slides himself out of me and pulls the condom off, "I'm so proud of you baby" He praises me
"Why?" I ask confused
"I thought you may of been scared off after the first time" He explains
"I kind of hoped it got easier after the first time, considering how many people rave about it" I tell him laughing and he kisses me softly
"Shower?" he asks and I nod, jumping to my feet and suddenly becoming more aware of how many windows there are upstairs and they all face other apartment blocks, I grab my dress and throw it back on.
"Angus can the people in the other apartments see us right now?" I ask panicked
"Possibly can" He says laughing as he stands in full view of the window and that's when I noticed he has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade of 3 birds flying, I reach out to touch it, "She sees me naked three times and tonight is the first time you find the tattoo" He laughs to himself
"I like it, when did you get it?" I ask him
"2 years ago, they represent freedom from being caged" He explains
"Is that how you felt, with Steph, like you were caged?" I ask him concerned
"I felt like I couldn't do anything right, my past was always being thrown back in my face. I felt trapped, she controlled everything I did, who I could talk to, where I could go. Steph cheating on me didn't break me, it set me free" He opens up to me and I worry that we will end up the same way, "You're not like that Zoey" He tells me, reading my face, "And I'm not that guy anymore either, I put you first, I learnt that and I am always going to be honest with you, an open book, oh and by the way the windows are tinted, no one can see in, I was playing with you, I'd never do that to you baby" He reassures me and I laugh
After our shower I suggest we watch a movie, knowing now he can watch a RomCom with me without being bored.
"Can I pick?" he asks, smiling
"Yes but nothing scary coz I won't sleep if I think theres a ghost or monster in the room" I plead with him. He goes to his collection and comes back with 'Bridget Jones' Diary', my favourite movie and I'm surprised he has it.
"It's an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and a favourite of mine" He informs me
"It's my favourite too" I exclaim, I love this guy, he just keeps surprising me
"I got you a present too" He tells me
"You really didn't have to get me anything" I exclaim, I feel bad when anyone buys me anything
"I wanted to, I want you to feel at home here Zoey, you can leave clothes here too if you want to, saves you having to drag an overnight bag around every Friday" He offers and I kiss him as thanks, "Do you want your present?" He asks me
"Yes please" I reply
He takes me back to the kitchen, opens up a cupboard and presents me with a new popcorn machine.
"Thank you so much" I throw my arms around him
"Wow, imagine your reaction when I buy you a car" He says, laughing. I pull back and look him in the eye.
"You can't buy me a car Angus, thats just way too much" I explain
"Hush Zoey, make your popcorn and we will watch the movie"He replies
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every teardrop is a waterfall - peter parker x reader
fandom: the avengers/spiderman
word count: 1278
character pairing: tom holland’s spiderman x reader
warnings: cussing (barely), some creepy dudes, angst (???it gets better at the end) 
prompt: “did i do something wrong?” 
"i'm not blind. i can see the way you look at them." (from this prompt list)
notes: AGAIN IDK WHAT THIS IS IT WAS ORIGINALLY TWO PARTS BUT i live in a constant state of dissatisfaction so have this super long imagine instead LOL also i take requests now i guess 
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"did i do something wrong?"
"i'm not blind. i can see the way you look at them."
things had been different with peter.
distance was never something that had been an issue between the two of you, but lately, it had been making an appearance much more frequently in your relationship. and quite frankly, it had been concerning you.
it was friday night, and you were on your way to peter's with a box of cupcakes from that sore 79th street that the two of you loved. you had just finished tutoring, and you and peter made it a tradition to spend friday's together. after your long day, all you wanted was to flop down on peter's bed, and sleep for ages.
except, things didn't go exactly as planned.
you knocked on peter's apartment door, expecting your boyfriend but being face-to-face with an exhausted looking aunt may. she let out a relieved sigh when she saw you, immediately pulling you inside.
"what's going on?" you asked, and she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the counter. "you look like you need a shot, or two." aunt may rolled her eyes and beckoned her head towards peter's room.
"he's being hostile," she said quietly. "we got into a fight- he hasn't come out of his room since. maybe you can talk to him?" it was then you noticed the plate of untouched dinner on the kitchen table.
you were confused. peter and aunt may never fought; peter was way too respectful of his aunt for any of that. this confirmed your suspicions- something was up with peter, and you intended to get to the bottom of it.
quietly, you made your way to peter's bedroom, knocking respectfully before entering, holding up the box of cupcakes you'd bought for him. "hey, pete." he didn't look up from his desk, and you sighed, closing the door behind you. "c'mon, don't make me eat these all by myself. i'm lactose intolerant, and this could end very badly." still, he showed no signs that he acknowledged your presence whatsoever.
you walked closer, placing the box of cupcakes on his desk. "peter, baby, what's wrong?" you lowered your voice as you took a seat on the edge of his neatly made bed. "you can talk to me, you know. with whatever's bothering you."
"can i really, though?"
your eyes widened as his voice broke it's silent streak. he still didn't look up at you. what the hell was that supposed to mean?
"what are you talking about, peter?" you asked, your voice taking on a nervous edge, your anxiety spiking, igniting a forest fire in your ribs. "did i do something wrong?" you expected peter to stay silent, expected to beg for his attention. but you didn't have to.
he turned his chair to face you, leaning back in it with his arms crossed over his chest. his expression made you feel like curling up and crying. what in god's name could you've done to make him this angry?
"i'm not blind," he stated, and you could hear the ice in his voice. "i see the way you look at him, Y/N." your jaw dropped, the anxious fire in your body turning into an angry blaze that climbed up your throat, keeping you from lashing out. there was no way peter thought you were cheating on him. "i see the way you look at flash. the way you laugh with him, the way he makes you smile. i see it."
"flash? flash thompson? the kid i tutor?" you asked in disbelief, standing to your feet in a second. "are you fucking kidding me, peter?" he stared at you timidly, not saying a word. "i love you, peter. not- not anyone else. how could- how could you accuse me of cheating on you, when all i've ever done was give you everything i had?" you couldn't stop your voice from cracking, biting your lip to keep the tears in. you could see the regret in his eyes, but you couldn't care less; you grabbed your bag of cupcakes, and left without another word, ignoring aunt may's calls as you ran out of the apartment complex.
it had been a week since the whole altercation with peter had gone down, and you hadn't spoken to him since.
you'd ignored his attempts at conversation whenever you saw him at school, and went straight home at the end of the day to avoid speaking to him. you couldn't lie; you missed him more than anything, but you still couldn't shake off the betrayal you felt. what aspect of your relationship made peter think you didn't love him anymore?
today was different. you'd just finished another tutoring session with flash, declining his offer of a ride home. you only lived about three blocks away, in the busy city. you could take care of yourself, you thought. it looks like you've overestimated the safety of new york city at night.
you were surrounded before you realized what was happening, immediately pulling your school bag close to your chest, as if it could offer you any protection. the fourn created a barrier around you, leaving no area for escape.
"g-get back!" you stuttered, spinning around in a slow 360, your chest feeling like someone let loose 1000 wasps in it. "get back, or i swear i'll-!"
"you'll what, sugar?" a voice behind you spoke, and you spun quickly to face them, hands gripping your bag incredibly tight. you saw no way possible to get out of this situation, except to fight your way out. which probably wasn't the greatest idea in the grand scheme of things. "you'll need a miracle to get you out of here alive." you were shaking at this point, eyes shutting as you saw him take a step forward, reaching out for you-
and then you heard a thump and a groan, peeking open an eye to see the man lying on his face in front of you, the three other men staring above them in shock. you followed their line of sight, only to see none other than-
"pe- spiderman?"
and then the attention was on you again, and peter noticed immediately as you dodged one man’s grasping hands, ducking to avoid another’s. he was down there in a second, wrapping an arm around your waist and waiting a moment as two men opposite of each other charged at you. and then the two of you were on a roof top, watching the last man standing take off. 
“i should probably go after him,” peter murmured, muffled through the mask. “or hope that he learned from his mistakes.” you didn’t say anything, the only noise coming from you was your heavy breathing, the shock and adrenaline shooting through your veins like liquid fire. “hey, you okay?” 
you clung to peter as you swooned slightly, feeling extremely light-headed as he sat you down, kneeling in front of you. he grabbed your chin gently, making you look him in the eyes. he lifted his mask, and tossed it into your lap, so that you could see the genuine concern in his eyes. god, you hadn’t seen him in weeks. you missed him.
“Y/N, baby, c’mon, say something,” peter pleaded, “say anything. talk to me.” 
you let out a shaky breath. “i’ve missed you.” peter’s shoulders drooped in relief as he leaned forward, resting his forehead against your shoulder. 
“i’ve missed you, Y/N, so much," he whispered, sighing softly when you reached up to run your fingers through his hair. “listen, i’m so sorry about accusing you. it was stupid, i’m stupid-”
“you’re forgiven,” you whispered back, bringing your arms up to hug him closer, tucking your face into his neck. “i hope you haven’t been giving aunt may too much hell.” 
“god, that woman deserves an award for putting up with me.”
“hell yeah she does.” 
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Unlock and also uncover loads of lovely globes & over 2,600 difficult degrees. Panda Pop, the sequel to among SGN's largest Panda Jam confusing hit, has actually made its method from the globe of social media to iphone gadgets. - Video game are created everybody, all age, girl or young boy, children or adult, women or guys, under or over 18 age. I located my orbs changing in the incorrect direction, set colors transforming out of series, as well as development levels requiring cash in order to advancement. This functions 100% because it has accessibility to the server side of the game. The bubble that the mom panda is holding needs to connect with matching tinted bubbles above her. I don't want to uninstall and also reinstall and shed my levels. While Panda Pop is free to play and take pleasure in, some in-game items as well as features can be can be acquired genuine cash. There's lots of range to keep players returning for even more, with dynamic difficulty as well as adeptly created levels, filled with barriers as well as difficult handicaps to make winning a lot more tough. speaking of If you see a chance to separate an area with the bubble in the basket, merely touch the throw counter to switch the basket bubble with the bubble in Mom Panda's hands. If you've downloaded this for your cellphone or tablet, you can perfectly sync Panda Pop on PC with simply your Google account. Now you could play Panda Pop on COMPUTER, similar to Panda Pop for PC variation. Also it starts cold up concerning level 12 and occasionally it just stops running as well as takes itself out of the memory of the computer system and I have to run it once again.
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move-along · 7 years
Recompense (Pietro x Reader)
Character: Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Prompt: Just a passing thought :P
Warnings: Some swearing, mentions of drugs (Phenazapam), French lingerie.
Length: 1697 words
It was official. Exactly six months ago you and Pietro had become 'official'. You rolled your eyes at the thought. It had been the happiest and fullest months of your life. If it hadn't taken the fastest man in the world so much time to hype up the courage to ask you out, you probably would be married by now. It had started a few years ago with some overt flirting on missions. Followed closely by lots of gym sessions and movie nights. And then there was the incident with the whipped cream which really set things in motion.
You stretched and rolled over in your bed with a smile. You'd been having the most lovely dream. Pietro had been murmuring words of his native tongue into your ear making your heart race. You sighed. Your searching hands reached out in hopes of finding the warm body that was normally enthusiastic about morning cuddles. However his side was empty. You rubbed your eyes and peered around the room.
There were two half empty red wine glasses sitting on your dresser accompanied by a few empty bottles. Unconsciously you smirked. The night before had been quite an adventure. Lots of wine. Lots of laughter. Lots of Pietro.
That's when you noticed your pounding head.
You grabbed your phone and read through the notifications. That was strange. There were twenty messages. One or two worryingly asking where you were from your parents. A few from missed meetings and appointments.
What was going on?
Unconsciously you glanced at the date. Thursday the 22nd of June. Huh?
But yesterday was Tuesday. How the hell had you missed an entire day?
Stumbling towards the bathroom, you grabbed the painkillers from the shelf and bumped a small bottle into the sink. Holding it up to the light and squinting you caught the word.
You knew exactly what that drug could do. You'd been knocked unconcious. You'd been drugged! What the hell? You had missed your morning appointment at the dentist. A quick coffee date with your mother. And the mission...
The mission!
You threw clothes on as fast as possible and raced upstairs to the penthouse of Avengers Tower. The elevator couldn't go fast enough for your liking.
"Friday! What the hell is going on?"
"Miss (Y/L/N), the team left for the mission yesterday. Mr Maximoff informed your teammates that you were unwell and unable to make the mission."
"Unwell?" you shouted, storming from the elevator as the doors opened. "Unwell? I've been training for this for the last week. Pietro bloody well drugged me!"
This mission had been priority. The military had briefed the Avengers on a developing situation. Mercenaries were holding US troops hostage in the Middle East. It sounded straightforward. That was until you heard who was behind it.
Your brother.
If only you could speak to him. Reason with him. Apologise. Maybe he would come home and let go of this ridiculous vendetta that was costing so many lives.
The military were bound by peace-keeping treaties and unable to deploy further forces to rescue the soldiers. It was top secret. It would be straight in and straight out.
Of course, at the time of the briefing, you hadn't understood Pietro's hesitance. He had been quiet. As soon as you left the situation room he had barely said a word.
"Piet, is something wrong?" you'd asked quietly as you had both arrived downstairs at your shared suite.
"It's nothing. I'm just tired," he had purred, wrapping his arms around you waist with more speed than you could comprehend.
Little to say, you had forgotten the subject even quicker.
"The team are inbound. ETA is 3 minutes. Mission successful," reported Friday, breaking you from your thoughts.
You could see the Quinjet in the distance. Cross-armed you stood on the landing pad and waited.
The jet touched roughly onto the tarmac before tucking its wings in. The cargo door lowered. Obviously the team had guessed your absence wasn't your own choice. Tony's eyes were alight with excitement as he met yours with a grin.
"Sonic," he called behind him, "I don't think she's pleased."
That's when you saw him. He looked sheepish. With a small gust of wind, he was standing a few metres in front of you with his hands surrendered in the air.
"I don't want to hear it, Pietro! You drugged me!" you shouted shrilly.
You could see Tony snickering in the background and Steve trying to drag him away.
"Love, please. It was for your own safety. I couldn't risk..."
"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, Maximoff. I don't need you making my decisions for me!" you spat, shooting fire daggers with your eyes.
"It wasn't that..."
"Then what was it, Pietro? Because I'm struggling to see why you needed to intervene."
"Your brother," he murmured in his accented drawl. His eyes dropped to the floor. "He...he...sent me a message."
"A message," you asked, anger falling away as surprise took over.
"Just before the briefing. He said he would release the two hundred hostages if I handed you over," his words were barely audible, "He made it very clear that two hundred lives would be spared for just one death. Yours."
The room was dead silent now. Steve had managed to corral every one from the room.
A tear fell from your eyes.
"He wants me dead?"
"Darling, please understand. I wanted to spare you the pain of all this. I didn't want you anywhere near him. But I knew you would fight me. I...I just...I couldn't risk losing you."
In an instant he was pressed against you. He held you tightly in his arms as you let grief overcome you. You considered fighting him off but that was more energy than you had. You thought your brother had forgiven you over the horrid incident in Nigeria that had gifted you both with powers.
"Promise me you'll never do that again," you demanded, meeting his eyes after a few minutes.
"I swear upon my soul, from this day forward, to never make a decision for you," he was so solemn that you couldn't help but forgive him. He knew he was in the wrong and he was genuinely remorseful.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
It was his first time saying those words. In those few seconds you went from valley low to mountain high.
"I love you too, Pietro. But don't think you get off that easy."
He snickered and pulled you gently towards he door to attend the team debriefing.
The mission had been successful to some extent. You learned the soldiers had been evacuated. The downside was that Natasha had suffered an extremely deep gash to her thigh, which Bruce had stitched on the return flight, and Bucky had dislocated his good arm.
While debrief was always essential, the Tower was always filled with happiness and relief after a successful mission. It normally meant a day off and a lot of drinking. Though today, the team opted for a simple feast. Each member ordered as much food as possible from their favourite restaurant and pooled the goods to share on the kitchen bench.
$1000 of takeaway food. What could be better?
While the merriment took place you let your mind slip to what kind of torture Pietro could expect.
Wanda caught your eye and came and sat with you on the couch.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). If anyone knows how testing Pietro is, it is me,' she sighed with a smile on her face, "He's an idiot but a lovable idiot."
You nodded and watched Pietro talking intently with Clint.
"I've forgiven him," you smiled, "But I'm not going to let him off that easy."
Wanda paused in thought.
"Pietro doesn't respond to threats yet when he isn't allowed something he acts like a child."
Hmmm. That had given you an idea.
Later that night back in the comfort of your shared suite, Pietro was doing his best to unwind by watching TV. You would have joined him but he was watching on fast forward.
You slipped into your bedroom and riffled through your walk in robe. Shifting through a drawer of scarves, you found the box you had been saving for Pietro's birthday.
Nat had dragged you shopping last month and insisted on this purchase.
You laughed quietly to yourself as you opened the lid and ran your fingers over the French lace lingerie. This was going to be good.
After much fiddling and messing of hair up to add to the effect, you glanced in the mirror. The black lingerie was skimpy at best. You adjusted one suspender strapped stocking and then treaded softly to the lounge room.
"Piet," you cooed, "I'm going to bed. I'm still feeling a little groggy."
His eyes didn't leave the TV screen.
"Mmmm, love I'll be in soon."
"Uhhh no. I think it's best you sleep on the lounge tonight," you purred, "Just to make sure the lesson sinks in."
Pietro's eyes instantly shot to you.
His jaw dropped audibly as his eyes traced over your body. Before you could process what had happened, you were pressed against the wall behind you, gasping for air from being winded.
"No...no...no...," you hummed when you'd caught your breath. "Not tonight. The drugs have left me with a headache."
You caught his eye and smirked.
"I know exactly what you're doing, (Y/N)," Pietro growled. "Is this my punishment?"
His lips found the sweet spot on your neck that he knew you couldn't resist. He placed feather kisses along the skin. But you stayed strong.
"I'm just innocently going to bed," you said, struggling to keep the laugh from your voice, "I don't know what you're talking about."
His warm hands ran over your hips as he kept you pressed against the wall.
"You temptress. You minx. Are you trying to send me insane?" he laughed.
"Maybe," you murmured and with that you shoved him off and swayed towards your bedroom door, "Maybe next time you'll think twice before you mess with your girlfriend."
You snapped the door locked with a click and laughed to yourself.
"Recompense is a bitch, hey?"
More at https://www.wattpad.com/user/escapeartist101
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