#girl is reaching despair point! smiles
chimerahyperfix · 1 month
Being frozen in time definitely does something to you. Physically it cages you. Mentally it throws you into the longest dream you could ever have. It's not comfortable-- far from it in fact-- but you've grown to look forwards to it, when you loose. It's better than being mashed to dark paste at least.
You're frozen right now, in fact. Waiting in silence for time to loop back. Stuck with your thoughts and a vauge feeling of a dream. The house is around you and you're moving through it. Empty rooms and endless hallways, curling and twisting in ways that make them feel alive despite the lack of any living thing that isn't you. No sad monsters, no frozen bodies, no dark stains. There doesn't seem to be an exit.
The dreams you have when frozen seem to correlate to how you're doing emotionally. Most of them have been lost to time, like most things in your life now. Dreams, wounds, emotional bonds; everything is turning back with you, and that’s started to do something to you, because now you can predict the actions of those around you with quite a bit of accuracy. You can recall little bits of things, but the further back you go is just static. There was a bunch of dumb things that you can’t piece back together anymore, there were times with those you love, there was endless rage flowing through your very being, and there was this. The desperation. The empty halls of the very House you’ve worked so hard to protect.
You want out.
You've kept count of how many times you've been frozen. How many times you've died. How many loops. 61 is the counter and it's far, far too many times to relive the same day over again. You grew tired of the monotony by the tenth go around. Twenty five felt like a stab wound. Forty, like you were being split in two. Big 6-0 felt like drowning. You don't feel real anymore.
But that's fine! You can still see the good in this, if you stretch your imagination like taffy, as far as it'll go. It's better to be just you, just one person, than everyone else! You can live with the weight of the country on your shoulders for a bit longer, if only to keep it off of Euphrasie's. You’re doing this for her! For everyone. You can do it for a bit longer. You just need to find the King’s weakness, or something. Make a more powerful potion, or scrap together the materials to make a second craft bomb, or, or something! You’ll find it soon enough. You’re smart! You can do this!
You have to.
You turn down the hallway. Find yourself on an entirely different floor. Just as much of a ghost town. Just ice and cold and tiredness, your breath forming clouds in the air. That’s fine. This is just a dream or something, anyway. You’ll wake back up at your desk any time, with the looming vials of all sorts of toxic stuff you keep drinking that you crabbing neglected to put away because you didn’t think time would crabbing loop, because realistically, WHY would you assume that would happen? Preposterous! Ignore the burning feeling in your throat and the smell of sugar and push on. Wait for it to start all over again.
Because it has to be you, doesn’t it? You wished for this, or something. You don’t remember. It was a long time ago. It has to be you, because only you have the power. It HAS to be you, because who else would it be? Euphie? She’s already got enough on her hands. Mirabelle? You’d rather die. It’s better you do this than the ones you love.
It has to be you.
it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be you it has to be
It's sucks, having to be the one to do it. Your limit was a long time ago.
You can't do this forever.
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vanteguccir · 3 months
Opposite | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N and Matt are polar opposites.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, by @lightsgore
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: This accidentally took a turn for a kind of "grumpy x sunshine", but I hope you like it either way!
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Matt was not an extroverted person. Unsurprisingly, he was a quieter, more reserved guy who liked to have his own space and took his own time to say what he wanted if he was asked to do so. His mood would change drastically if he was forced to talk when or with whoever he didn't want to.
Y/N, on the other hand, looked like a little ball of light that wouldn't stay still. She had a habit of talking a lot in a short space of time, uttering words until she was out of breath. In addition to always seeming to be in a good mood, a smile decorating her face like a permanent tattoo. Energetic was the word that defined her.
Therefore, when she and Matt revealed their relationship to the public, many fans didn't understand the origin of their love, as they were very different, literally polar opposites.
"... Stop! Stop protecting your insecurities because you know you have an ass haircut, so you're projecting what could possibly happen to me! At least I'm willing to take that change." Nick screamed next to Y/N, moving his arms comically in exaggerated despair.
Chris laughed loudly at his speech, leaning his back against the car door from the passenger seat so that he could have a better view of the back. Matt smiled as he shook his head, watching them in the rearview mirror.
Y/N quickly nodded her head, her eyes wide as she raised her hands, showing that she wanted to initiate her own opinion on the matter.
"Exactly! You only try to diminish others because you are insecure about yourself. It's impossible to be friends with people like that. They are always trying to diminish someone, saying absurd things that cause so much discomfort." She spoke quickly, gesturing with her hands as her eyes darted between Nick and the rearview mirror, or rather, Matt's blue eyes.
Matt watched her with eyes full of love and affection, nodding his head in agreement to what she was saying.
"They're always talking bad about someone, have you noticed?" Y/N turned to face the blonde next to her, pointing her right index finger towards him, who hummed.
"Yes, exactly!" Nick shouted, slamming his hands against the back of Chris's seat, earning an angry shout from the boy.
"People can only give what they have inside themselves." Y/N finished her train of thought, shrugging as she licked her lips, wetting them.
Matt quickly reached for the bottle of his own tea in the cup holder between the front seats, opening the lid and turning his upper body towards the back, silently offering the drink to his girlfriend. She smiled big, sending a wink as a "thank you" before taking the bottle.
"It's good to have Y/N in a video with us. She speaks for both of them." Chris commented briefly, pointing to Y/N and Matt, letting out a hysterical laugh when he saw Matt rolling his eyes - but still not denying anything.
Matt was fast asleep. His head buried in the white pillow, and his body curled up like a burrito around the fluffy duvet. His mouth was half open, low snores escaping from between his lips. His eyelids trembled slightly, showing that his mind was sailing through dream land.
Y/N slowly opened the door with her elbow, her hands occupied by a wooden tray that held a simple but nutritious breakfast for two. The girl had a big smile decorating her face as she walked with light steps towards the bed.
She placed the tray on the closest bedside table in one quick movement before going to the windows, opening the black-out curtains, allowing the sunlight to illuminate the room completely.
A grumbling sound was heard from the bed, Matt lifting the duvet to the top of his head, still half asleep. Y/N smiled at his reaction, quickly walking to the bed, kneeling on the mattress and pulling the blanket off the boy, laying her chest on her boyfriend's bare one, bringing her face closer to his.
"Good morning, my love." She murmured against his cheek, sealing her lips over his skin repeatedly.
Matt grumbled again, his brow furrowing in false anger but pushing his face against hers lightly, enjoying the feeling of being showered in affection by his girlfriend.
"Come on baby, wake up!" Y/N asked a few seconds later - after seeing his eyes closing again -, her fingers pulling Matt's eyebrows up slightly, watching him forcefully open his blue orbs.
Her laughter echoed through the room as the boy pretended to go bite her, a smile spreading across his face instantly.
"It's such a beautiful day outside. I thought we'd have a picnic. Or we could go to that golf park. Oh oh oh, or we could cook that blackberry pie you wanted. We could also-" Her words came quickly, excitement evident in her voice.
Matt's sleepy brain took a few minutes to process what his girlfriend was saying, his head just nodding in agreement without even knowing what he was agreeing to.
"Can we?" Y/N's question caught his attention. Matt only opened his right eye, looking at her for a few seconds, trying to search in his mind what she was asking him to do without achieving any results.
Matt didn't understand how Y/N woke up with so much energy, while he needed at least 20 minutes to really feel alive.
"Yeah, sure." The brunette mentally shrugged his shoulders. She wouldn't have asked him to do something risky to their lives, so it was okay for him to accept it without knowing what it was. Right?
Y/N knocked twice on the door of her shared room with Matt, the sound almost imperceptible. She turned the handle and opened it, entering the room slowly.
The sound of loud music escaped the brunette's headphones, which rested against his ears. The boy was sitting in his gaming chair, and his upper body bent slightly forward as his hands worked on the keyboard, probably answering emails sent to the Sturniolo Triplets inbox.
The girl walked with light and quick steps towards her boyfriend, a small smile on her face in excitement. She gently touched his right shoulder, alerting him to her presence.
Matt looked up, his eyes instantly brightening as he noticed Y/N there. His hands pushed the headphone back - leaving it hanging around his neck - while his feet moved on the floor, turning the chair so that he was facing her.
"Babe, it's raining." Y/N quickly said, without even waiting for him to talk.
Matt frowned, his hands moving up to her hips, lightly squeezing the covered area.
"Yeah, I know, honey." He nodded, confused as to why she would be telling him the obvious, the sound of heavy raindrops hitting the windows from outside filled the room.
"Can we dance in the rain? Please, please, please?" Y/N clasped her hands in front of her body in a sign of prayer, pleading with her eyes.
Matt raised his eyebrows, the thought of getting completely wet with the freezing rain made him shiver, his mind already imagining his clothes sticking to his skin.
He sighed, closing his eyes momentarily.
"What I wouldn't do for you?"
"What do you guys want?" Madi asked as she stood up from her seat at the table on the fast food restaurant, ready to place the triplets' and Y/N's orders besides her own.
Nick quickly said what he wanted without taking his eyes off his phone, choosing the photos that he would put in that Friday's photo dump. Chris mumbled his order, resting his left cheek on his hand - which was supported on the table by his elbow -, his eyes focused on the digital menu on his own phone.
Madi nodded to the two before turning to Matt and Y/N, waiting for them to say what they wanted.
"For me, it's just going to be a cheeseburger and a Diet Coke. And Matt's going to have a double cheeseburger and a root beer." Y/N counted on her fingers as she said each food, watching Madi nod when she finished. "Thank you, Madi." She blew the brunette an air kiss.
Matt pressed his lips to the top of Y/N's head lightly before pulling her to rest the back of her shoulder against his chest.
"No, Chris, I don't want a blueberry donut." Matt rolled his eyes, huffing as he leaned his hips against the table, his arms crossed.
"You're hungry, and it's the only thing we have right now, Matt." Chris rolled his eyes back, exchanging looks with Nate, who smiled, amused by his reaction.
"What happened to you today? Did you wake up with the wrong foot?" Nick asked, his tone full of annoyance, wrinkling his nose.
"Why don't you shut-" Matt's sentence was interrupted by Y/N entering the kitchen, humming a Taylor Swift song under her breath.
"Oh, hi guys! Good morning." Y/N smiled brightly at the four of them, her eyes shining as she met Matt's, approaching him with quick steps - throwing smiles towards Chris, Nick, and Nate as she passed them. "Hi baby." She rose on her tiptoes, sealing his lips in a quick kiss.
A smile automatically grew on Matt's face, his eyes taking on a lovestruck look, all the anger he felt vanishing.
"Did you eat? I didn't see you eating breakfast earlier. You must be hungry." She asked, still facing him, her brow furrowed in concern as her right hand rested lightly on Matt's stomach, stroking the covered skin.
"No, baby. There's nothing interesting here." The boy sighed dramatically, ignoring his brothers' murmurs of disgust.
"We still have blueberry donuts, honey. There are some left over from the video you three made yesterday." Y/N pointed to the counter, where the box of donuts sat next to the stove. "You liked them, right?" She moved slightly away from Matt, reaching out and taking one before handing it to the boy.
Matt instantly smiled, taking the sweet from Y/N's hands with his right one and bringing it to his mouth, biting off a small piece. His left hand rested on Y/N's hip, caressing the area.
"It doesn't even look like he just-" Nick began his sentence, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Thank you, my love." Matt cut Nick off, sending a glare in his direction over Y/N's right shoulder before opening a big smile to her, biting off another piece.
"Hi, good afternoon! How are you?" Y/N greeted the McDonald's attendant, a big smile lighting up her face, as her eyes went to the board where the menu was displayed, mentally confirming what she was going to order.
The attendant smiled back quickly, her heart warming at finally being able to have a kind costumer who wasn't in a bad mood.
"Good afternoon! I'm great, thank you." She nodded momentarily, placing her fingers on the computer screen, ready to select the order. "What can I do for you today?" Her eyes went from Y/N to Matt, who was standing behind the girl.
His hands rested in the front pocket of the hoodie that covered his upper body, while an awkward smile spread across his face, nodding briefly.
Y/N started ordering calmly, including Chris and Nick's orders that she had already memorized - even though they both said they didn't want anything, she knew that Nick would end up biting a peace of her burger and Chris would steal Matt's fries -, giving the attendant time to select everything without rushing.
"Is that all for today?"
"Yes, that's all." Y/N confirmed, taking Matt's wallet out of her purse and taking out her card, quickly paying for the order. "Thank you so much. Have a nice day!"
Matt quickly mumbled a "thank you" before intertwining his fingers with Y/N's, allowing her to pull him toward a table.
Yes, they were polar opposites, but Matt and Y/N showed every day that opposites really do attract each other.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @rootbeerworshiper
(If you want to be added to the taglist, please comment here)
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
have been helping a bit to look after a little girl who is almost three, about six months older than my nephew, but who unfortunately hasn't been looked after as well as my nephew has.
had her in the kind of baby swing that you buckle a baby into, and she was being very very quiet and meditative. not smiling or engaging with me at all as I chatted away at her, or even looking at me. which is fine of course
but after awhile I said "are you all done swinging?" and she didn't answer or look at me. I said "are you still having fun in the swing?" and she didn't answer. I said, "do you want to keep swinging?" and she didn't answer. I said "are you hungry? ready for a snack?" and she didn't answer
I knelt down in front of her and said "let's unbuckle you and we can go get a snack, ok?" and she just stared at me. but when I reached for the buckles she whimpered and sobbed and tried to push my hands away from them
so of course I was like "oh! you do want to keep swinging!" and she didn't answer, but when I pulled the swing back to get her swinging again she smiled really widely
and it got me thinking about how sometimes, especially if it doesn't seem like anybody ever listens to you, or cares what you think or feel, it's hard to think of language-- including the language of gesture-- as a tool to communicate. because even when she started to cry and pushed at my hands it wasn't really like she was trying to tell me something, or even ask for something. she can talk, I've heard her say a three word sentence, and her speech and articulation are probably better on a purely technical level than my nephew's. but why should she? grown-ups do whatever they want. she didn't communicate her wishes to me, not because she wasn't able, because why bother? she cried because she was sad and frustrated, not because she thought I wanted to know what she wanted. she smiled because she was happy, not because she wanted me to know she was happy.
and I get it, you know? sometimes you have a breakdown because it's easier to get to the point when things are so bad or upsetting that you just have to cry out in protest, in organic despair that just overcomes you, because it's too hard / it seems too hopeless to choose to ask for something before it gets to that point. even if people are actively asking how they can help. because how do you know they mean it? what if you choose the wrong answer? better not to imagine you get to choose.
wish she'd yell "no snack!!!! more swing!!!" like my nephew. who knows I'm listening
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cherry-leclerc · 8 months
the red high heels ☆ cs55
genre: humor, secret relationship, leclerc!twins
word count: 1.9k
It's 2am and Charles is desperate to find you. Who better to help look for you than his teammate?
req... guys, i literally wrote different versions of this request at least 5 times...anyways, hope you enjoy a quick one :)
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Groaning, Carlos stands up from his bed, making his way to the door. It’s 2 am and he was far too comfortable until he was rudely interrupted. Opening the door, he sees a despaired Charles, dark under eyes evident. “Charles? Are you okay, man?” His voice is raw and croaky almost. His teammate shakes his head, then nods.
“Fuck, it’s just that…my sister. Mate, I don’t know where she is.” Hearing this, the Spaniard narrows his eyes, all of a sudden awake. 
“What do you mean you don’t know?” 
“Well, I checked her room, I called her and nothing. We’re supposed to be leaving for the airport in an hour!” 
Carlos stays still for a moment. “Okay, I’ll help you look for her, she can’t be too far out. She’s not like that.” The Monegasque nods slowly before beginning to slump his way into the room. Carlos sprints after him.
“Oh! Um…How about you wait outside? It’s just that the room is so messy.” Turning his gaze, he points to the spotless room. Charles frowns. 
“Carlos, this has got to be the cleanest room I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” He scrunches his nose before waving his hands in his teammates direction. “Hurry and put on a shirt so we can leave.” With tight lips, he nods. He’s slow about it too, the way he makes his way to his suitcase. Opening it, it’s empty. He slightly curses himself for being too much of a neat freak that he just had to organize his clothes into the small closet. “Some girl kept your shirt?” Charles' smile is teasing as he sends over a playful wink. Carlos winces.
“Of course not! Just have to…” He points over to the closet that is on the other side of the room. He pats his face. “You know what? I think I’m going to put my shoes on first! I’ll be quick, if you want we can meet outside.” 
“It’s no big deal. I can wait. I mean you are helping me after all.” The brown eyed man wants to yell when a kind smile tugs at Charles’ lips. Get out, get out, get outttt. 
“Of course.” Leaning down to grab his Golden Goose under the bed he takes a deep breath. His heart is beating so fast, he thinks it might leap out of his chest. Charles is talking, but all is unclear as Carlos reaches down. He quickly relaxes when he finds his shoes. He lets out a shaky breath.
“Oh no. Is your age getting the best out of you?” Charles snickers as Carlos grunts before sitting beside him, slipping on his shoes ever so slowly. Charles is growing impatient, he could tell. This was good.
“So, um, where do you think she is?” Carlos questions as he unties his other shoe. Charles hums.
“You know what? I have a feeling she’s not that far…Twin telepathy.” The broody man rolls his eyes as Charles shares a thoughtful glance. He laughs. “Call it what you want, but that shit exists.” 
“I bet.”
The green eyed boy furrows his brows at Carlos’ clumsy fingers playing with his laces. He desperately huffs. “Do you need help or something?”
“Almost got it…” The white strings become undone for what seems the millionth time before he finally gets the grips of it. Bravo, Charles mutters. 
“Coming back to what you were saying, what do you mean by twin telepathy?” Carlos stands up making his way to his empty suitcase again but Charles doesn’t even seem to notice as he becomes entertained by his bracelets. 
“Oh, well, it’s real. I feel like she can’t be that far. How else do you think I would win at tag when we were younger?” He raises an eyebrow over his teammate. He continues with a now moody face. “Though, something else tells me she’s with someone, y’know?” Carlos chokes as he turns to face Charles. I don’t, he squeaks out. “It’s just that I’ve had this feeling that she might be seeing someone from the grid. I told her not to and she said she would never, but I don’t know why I could never really believe her. Plus, she’s oddly been attached to her phone a tad bit too much.”
Just then Carlos’ phone rings. They both shoot their eyes to the bright light that shines in the middle of the messy bed sheets. Reaching out, Charles grabs it before handing it over. You should probably answer. Hastily, he takes it. 
Get. Him. Out.
He coughs as he slips his phone into his back pocket. “Hey, why don’t you start looking for her without me? I swear I’ll be out in a minute.”
“I don’t know where else to look, I’ve tried everywhere! Just hurry so we can brainstorm ideas. I swear to God when I find her-” A light thud echoes the small room as he cocks his head to the side in attentiveness. He raises his hand to his ear. “Did you hear that?”
The Spaniard immediately goes to rub his elbow. “I just hit my arm, that’s all.” 
“Be careful, mate.” He stands up. “Okay grab your shirt.”
“Mierda. I can’t find it.” But that's a lie because just a couple of feet behind Charles, it lies. Right next to a pair of red heels. Charles' eyes roam the room with a slightly annoyed expression before spotting it. Picking it up, he pauses. When he turns around he wears a toothy grin.
“Oh shit! You have a girl over! That’s why you went all shy!” He picks up the heel. “That’s crazy. Looks just like my sisters. Girls just have the same taste these days…”
Carlos quickly grabs the shirt from him before snatching the heel back too. “I-I didn’t–I mean I did, but she left! She must have forgotten her sh–” The words tumble past his lips so fast that he doesn’t notice how Charles’ expression has dropped.
The red high heel could have been anyones, true, but not everyone had your initials at the bottom. He knows since he was the one who had gifted them to you as a birthday present. You had begged for months.
“Hope you shut up now that you have them,” he says as you smile down at the designer heels. You nod happily. 
“I promise I’ll take care of them, Charlie! So sweet, I mean, you even added a nice detail!”
He’s fuming, but he’s also confused. “You motherfucker–”
“It’s just a shoe, mate!” Carlos' voice cracks in nervousness as his teammate strolls his way over. The Monegasque quickly grabs Carlos’ collared shirt as he pushes him against the closet. His body thuds as he groans. 
“Where’s my sister?” His harsh glare doesn’t equal his tone and that scares Carlos just a tiny…lot. 
“I don’t know! Let’s go look for her!” He tries to pry Charles’ hands off, but this only makes him push him back against the wood, harder. He cringes.
“Stop lying.” When Carlos looks down and doesn’t respond, he doesn’t think twice as he starts to bang his body against the brown doors. It shakes so much that the closet starts to get slightly unbalanced. And then…
It tips over.
Reacting quickly, Charles swiftly pulls Carlos away as they both fall onto the floor. The closet falls with a loud thud as they both gasp. But Carlos is quick to try to lift it up. “Calm down, it’s just a closet-”
“Fuck you, your sister is inside!”
Charles’ eyes go wide as he runs over to help his teammate. Finally, once it’s stood up correctly, they open the doors in a hurry. You moan as you rub your head.
“You both are so fucking innsufferable.” Your eyes are screwed shut when you reach your arm out for help. Your boyfriend is about to help you but your brother beats him to it. He leads you to the bed as you curl into a ball. “Oh God, I think I have a concussion.”
“We should take her to the hospital,” Carlos says as Charles bites down onto his nails. He agrees. They care, of course they do, but they’re not smooth about it.
“You grab her head and I’ll grab her legs.” Charles instructs as Carlos nods. 
“No!” You sit up straight as you crawl further away from them. “I’m fine.” 
“Amor, you should get checked out-”
“I don’t like that nickname. Stop it.” Charles mutters as he crosses his arms. You ignore him.
“Seriously, I’m fine. All your clothes saved me.” He lets out a sarcastic laugh as you giggle. Charles can’t help but glare at both of you.
“Okay, since you’re feeling well, then we should leave. Now.” 
His gaze sharpens as you cuddle your legs to your chest. “Stop being a brat. Let’s go.” He reaches out for you but you only kick his arms away. I’ll leave with Carlos, you bicker back. “Just shut up. Let’s. Go.” He reaches out to grab your legs as he starts to drag you towards him, but you’re kicking and screaming so loud that he lets go to cover his ears. He almost loses it when you run over to Carlos as you hug him like your favorite teddy bear.
“You can go. I want to leave with Carlos.”
He clicks his tongue as he places his hands on his hips. He taps his shoe. “Listen, say goodbye or whatever you want, but you are not going anywhere with him.” You shake your head. Carlos sighs as he places a kiss to the top of your head.
“I think he’s right.” 
I don’t need your help controlling my sister, Charles wants to warn him but he doesn’t when he notices you deflate, furthermore. “No, I want to stay with you. I can deal with him later.” The Spaniard unties your hands from his waist before he leans down to place a kiss on your cheek.
“No, you should listen to your brother.” You know he isn’t breaking up with you, but perhaps a bang to the head has you slightly sensitive. Tears slowly fill up your eyes.
“Do you not want me anymore?” Your voice is small and he wants to punch himself for causing so much confusion. He’s about to say, you know I always do, but decides not to answer when he looks up at Charles, who stands by quietly.
Charles awkwardly clears his throat as he twists his heel. You muster up the dirtiest stare possible as you say, “What do you want now?” He winces at your tone as he exhales in defeat.
“You can stay.” You narrow your eyes as you let out a wobbly smile. Are you serious? He nods as Carlos smiles at him in thankfulness. “But we spoke about this so many times, didn’t we? I always warned you that relationships like this take lots of taking care of, that's the main reason why I was always so against it, never because I didn’t want to see you happy.” His eyes flicker to Carlos, who’s attention remains on you. 
“I know that, but I don’t care. I’m willing to learn.”
“I know you are. And you.” He points sharply at the Spaniard. “I can’t believe you went behind my back! That’s my sister!” Calm down, you plead. “You know what, we’re twins, so I hope you think of me when you kiss her-”
The room goes silent as you stare back with wide eyes. Once a single giggle is let out, a string only follows as you hurl over laughing. “That’s so wrong!” Charles blushes.
“Forget I said anything, just…Be careful and treat her right.”
Carlos bobs his head as he hugs you from behind and you lean into his touch with a glow Charles has never seen on you. 
“I swear to God I will always do that.”
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pupyuj · 8 months
→ “temporary fix.” || yoon seeun x reader fic.
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— being friends with yoon seeun means doing whatever it takes to help her forget that the fact that her ex has become significantly happier without her, so you give her exactly what she needs...
word count: 3.5k.
dynamic: dom!bottom!yoon seeun x sub!top!virgin!reader.
content warnings: smut, fingering, nipple play, a bit of hair pulling, this is surprisingly very tame despite the image i had for it initially oh—
requested? : nope.
a/n: my first stayc fic <3 i enjoyed making this, and i hope you guys like it! sorry if there are major errors!! i was really hoping i finished this way earlier but alas... life 🥲 anyway this is just one of my many gifts for you for getting this blog to reach 1k!! you're all amazing n i love you and i'll see you guys in the next fics and the [REDACTED] hehehe 👀
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“she has to be doing this on purpose at this point.”
you say, as your best friend seeun stares bitterly at her ex-girlfriend from far away. chaeyoung sat on the poolside with her ankles in the water and she was laughing loudly at whatever the hell her other friends were doing in the pool. there was some kind of longing in seeun’s eyes and you knew what it meant, it was easy to figure out after all. seeun missed chaeyoung, and deeply regrets leaving her for a reason she has yet to disclose with you still. even after two years of the break-up in question.
“i mean, come on! this is the fourth party where she was ‘coincidentally’ invited to along with her ex—you.” 
you do try to desperately cheer seeun up. you have never once liked seeing her in despair. but something about seeing chaeyoung smiling that widely, shining that brightly, and laughing that loudly does something to seeun’s brain. and it was always nothing good. either this night will end with seeun crying in your arms about how heartbroken she is for hurting chaeyoung the way she did, or neither of you will speak about the event and just sit solemnly on her bed eating pizza and drinking homemade smoothies while a movie plays in the background.
you hope that it will be something different tonight. maybe seeun will be smiling for once! you wanted her and chaeyoung to completely end things on good terms. you knew seeun wasn’t in love with chaeyoung because she had said so many times before, but before they were girlfriends, they were friends. and you knew that it was that them not being able to rekindle their friendship after their break-up was the real reason why seeun always gets so upset whenever she sees chaeyoung.
jayoon, one of chaeyoung’s friends, looks across the pool and meets gazes with seeun, who visibly freezes up. jayoon grins and waves at seeun excitedly, making the other girls as well as chaeyoung turn their heads in curiosity. sumin and yeeun wave at seeun as well, while sieun was rather surprised to see seeun being in the same place as chaeyoung. speaking of which, chaeyoung herself stared at seeun. the latter was convinced that her ex was going to look away, or look at her in disgust or something along those emotions but… chaeyoung smiled softly at her.
kind as ever. and fuck, seeun wanted to cry.
“(y/n)... can we leave?”
you looked at chaeyoung and your best friend back and forth, unsure of what to do.
“are you sure…? what if yujinnie looks for you—”
“i need to go, (y/n),” seeun pries her gaze away from chaeyoung. her eyes were brimming with tears and she grabbed your wrist tightly. “please. i can’t be in here.” seeun puts her head on your shoulder as her tears fall and conveniently, a crowd forms in front of the two of you, effectively hiding her from chaeyoung’s view.
“okay… let’s go.”
seeun wipes her tears away with the back of her hand and smiles at some passing stranger briefly before pulling you towards the front door. she bids goodbye to everybody like normal, expressing faux regrets and even using you ‘not feeling well enough to stay’ as an excuse. you play along of course, you would gladly drop anything for your best friend. yujin was pretty sad that her favorite people had to leave, but she was pretty pre-occupied with stopping a drunken jiwon and gaeul from doing keg stands to really care so she merely waved goodbye before the two of you disappeared behind the front door.
seeun wordlessly climbs into your passenger seat, strapping on the seatbelt and leaning back. you couldn’t read her expression, and it was scary. you decided not to ask about it, however, and pulled out of yujin’s driveway before driving away. seeun had your denim jacket covering her thighs from the chill, and she was looking out the window—no doubt there were a million thoughts going through her head at the moment. thoughts you hoped she would find to share with you so you could take care of her.
like the good best friend that you were, and always have been.
“where are we going, (y/n)?” seeun asks eventually, now looking a bit annoyed as she scans the houses outside.
“huh? i’m taking you to your house.”
seeun looks at you like you’ve lost your mind, “what? no. i want to go to your place tonight.”
“oh… okay.”
you drove past seeun’s house and at the same time, seeun decided to pull out her phone. most likely to text one of her parents that she wasn’t going to come home. it was a normal occurrence, anyway. seeun’s parents originally didn’t like sending their kid off to sleep at another person’s place—a stranger at that!—but you gained their trust eventually… and soon enough, a young yoon seeun found herself staying over your place twice every week.
nowadays, seeun doesn’t even have to tell her parents anything. they know she is always under your care.
“did you want to eat anything?” you asked as the two of you entered your house. it was dark and quiet, but not the kind that scared you. seeun shook her head as she slipped out of her sneakers, then she stood properly, staring as you placed your car and house keys on the key hooks by the door.
“what?” you said. seeun looked at you with wonder in her eyes, then she merely smiles at you before making her way towards your room. the final glance she sends you before she completely disppeared behind a corner made your heart skip a beat, as much as you didn’t want it to.
you followed seeun to your bedroom, where was already digging through her own drawer for some fresh set of clothes. you decided to collapse on your bean bag chair, sighing blissfully at the feeling of being in the comfort of your own bedroom. seeun goes to your bathroom with some clothes in hand, barely closing the door behind her. sure, seeun said she didn’t want anything to eat when you asked her earlier, but you knew she would be grumbling about being hungry after about thirty minutes of laying silently on the bed with you, so you decided to go on your phone to browse some good food to order.
“are we watching a movie tonight, seeun?” you asked as you scrolled through your phone.
“up to you.” seeun replied.
you sighed, looking at your black tv screen. “i do not want to…” you muttered, now finding it too much of a hassle to look for food to eat and a movie to watch. you decided to melt further in your bean bag chair, blinking away your fatigue until seeun came back out of the bathroom, ruffling her soft hair as she held her neatly folded party clothes in her arms.
“freshen up, sleepyhead.” seeun took your hand and pulled you up with much difficulty. seeun didn’t really think about how close the two of you would be, physically of course, before she pulled you up to your feet. right now, she could feel your breath on her face and your warmth on her skin—it all gave her goosebumps. seeun raises a hand and brushes a few stray hairs away from your face and… is she blushing?
“g-give me a minute.” you slipped past your best friend, grabbed a random combination of your usual sleepwear and disappeared insde the bathroom. your cheeks felt so hot, and your heart was beating erratically. what the fuck. you were afraid this would happen tonight. again.
truth to be told, lately you have been feeling a few things towards your very own best friend. you tsrtaed to find her prettier than normal, and sometimes you can’t even look or speak to her without your brain screaming at you like crazy. but you didn’t want to acknowledge it. you managed to convince yourself that you were just so terribly lonely that your heart has decided to ‘settle’ for your best friend. first of all, that was unacceptable considering seeun was hurting because of her ex-girlfriend! second, you knew seeun wouldn’t see you in that way, so why would you even bother?
and third, perhaps most importantly, one does not try to get into a romantic relationship with their best friend unless they want their heart to suffer the most gut-wrenching heartbreak ever. you cherished your heart too much to let yourself be hurt like that, so seeun? absolutely off limits!!
“i thought you said you didn’t wanna watch anything?” you teased as you walked out of the bathroom in some shorts and one of your big shirts. seeun was sitting on your bed, eyes glued to your tv screen as ‘clueless’ played.
“i had to find something to entertain me while you were taking your sweet time in there.” seeun pats the big empty space on your bed, beckoning you over. you settled beside her, relishing in the mingling feeling of your cold bed and your best friend’s warmth. seeun was closer to you than usual, or maybe you were overexaggerating… but then seeun hugs your arm, putting her chin on your shoulder… and with her lips so close to your skin, you couldn’t help but shiver.
“sorry i ruined your night. i know you wanted to be in that party,” seeun fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. “because of wonyoung, right? you guys have something, don’t you?” your best friend asked. she didn’t have to, though. she watched you develop this big stupid crush on the campus princess over the past few months, and she knew that she was the reason you were holding yourself back from fully committing all of your attention to the other girl.
seeun needed you, her best friend, especially at this time of her life.
“no, don’t worry about it. i’d rather be here, honestly. my head was starting to hurt.” you smiled at your best friend, surprising yourself by the close proximity. the tip of seeun’s nose nearly touched yours, making your breath hitch. it didn’t go unnoticed by seeun, of course, and her eyes flicker down to your lips.
your heart was hammering in your chest—this was really going to happen, isn’t it?
“thank you for being so willing to get me out of there. away from chaeyoung,” seeun whispered. a cold hand slips underneath your shirt, resting on your waist, and your best friend presses herseld up against you even more. an overly-sweet side hug, you were convinced.
that was until seeun climbed onto your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you even closer as if that was possible.
“you’ll help me heal from her, right, (y/n)? even just for one night?” seeun asked. of course you weren’t stupid, you knew what she was implying.
a part of you wanted to resist. seeun was your best friend. surely everything will change if the two of you were to go through with this, right? and you didn’t want anything like that to happen between the two of you. but how could you resist? especially when seeun brushes your hair back, cradles your face in her hands, and runs her thumb across your lips so gently? and how could you even think of pushing her away when she leans down and kisses you?
how could you stop yourself from melting? warmth bloomed across your chest the longer seeun’s lips were on yours. kissing her was like biting into a cotton candy—it was sweet, so sweet, and you could never get enough. and so you ask for more, and more you do get.
eventually, seeun was laying down on the bed with you on top of her. she was touching and groping as her lips moved expertly in sync with yours. you didn’t know what to do. as much as you liked what you were doing with seeun, you had no idea how to move further from this. so, you pulled back, but not too far as seeun stopped you from doing so by clutching your shirt, trying desperately to pull you back in. “s-seeun… wait, how do i… what do i do?” you were embarrassed to be asking that kind of question in the middle of the act, and even more embarrassed seeing your best friend laugh at you. 
seeun was sweet about it, however. “i’ll help you, don’t worry.”
seeun kisses you again—one hand cupping your cheek and the other softly holding your wrist, guiding your hand all the way down her thighs, sneaking them in between and making you feel her cunt through her shorts. “touch me, (y/n). go on.” seeun whispers against your lips. and so you do—unzipping her jean shorts and slowly slipping your hand inside. you couldn’t believe you were touching your very own best friend’s pussy, and you couldn’t believe she was letting you! christ, she wasn’t just letting you, she was telling you to!
feeling her folds through the fabric of her panties, witnessing the slightest changes on seeun’s features as you did so. “come on… you can do better than that.” seeun said as she slightly bucked her hips into your hands. she was so desperate for your touch that she didn’t care that she looked ridiculous. she could never look like that to you though.
“a-are you sure…?” you just had to ask. seeun smiles softly at you, appreciating your intent but goddamn, she was so impatient that she didn't even reply. merely lifting her hips up and removing her shorts on her own, seeing that you weren’t going to do that anytime soon. you stared at your best friend incredulously as she threw her shorts to the side, all while smirking at your expression.
“still doubting what i want, (y/n)?” this time, seeun pulls off her shirt. she doesn’t let you ogle at her perfect body for too long before she takes your face in her hands and kisses you again. thankfully this time, you knew what to do with yourself, albeit barely. reaching behind seeun’s back and pulling off her bra, letting it fall off to the side on top of her discarded shorts. she tugs on the collar of your shirt, and immediately you took it off, also desperate to feel your best friend’s skin against yours.
“i always thought you were pretty, (y/n).” seeun says, her hands gliding along your back.
“i could say the same thing to you.” you said. you leaned back down, smiling briefly at your best friend before putting your lips on her neck, earning a soft moan. “is this okay?” you whispered against her skin. you only felt seeun nod before she leaned closer, clearly wanting you to continue, and so you do. you nipped and ran your tongue all over her neck until little red spots were blooming. perhaps you went overboard, but hearing seeun moan and softly call out your name as you did it just flipped a switch to your brain.
you couldn’t wait to touch her. to help her. to kiss her. tonight, she was yours. not to the little parts of chaeyoung that remained in her heart, but yours.
and you were going to make every single second of this worth it. for the both of you.
your lips trailed further down seeun’s body, quickly reaching her chest. you looked up at your best friend, searching for any sign of discomfort or uncertainty. there was none, so you proceeded with taking one of seeun’s boobs into your hand, gently squeezing it before wrapping your lips around the hard bud. while swirling your tongue around her nipple, your other hand slowly trailed down her stomach until you reached her panties, pulling it off without a problem and immediately cupping her dripping cunt.
“good job, (y/n)—ah…!” seeun buries her hands in your hair as you move on to her other nipple, giving it the same kind of care and attention as the other one. simultaneously, you pressed your fingers against seeun’s clit, circling it as well as teasing her entrance. “y-you’re not actually completely clueless, are you, baby?” seeun asks, her fingers threading your hair as you continue to pleasure her nipple. you opened your eyes, immediately meeting seeun’s very own soft ones. while you flicked her nipple with your tongue, you slowly inserted two fingers inside her, watching as she threw her head back in pleasure.
“g-good… good..!” seeun’s hold on your hair tightens, and it hurt a bit but you didn’t mind. you feel wrap one leg around your thighs, afraid that if she doesn’t lock you in, you would leave. but there was no way that was going to happen now—especially after you’ve felt just how warm she was inside. you pushed your fingers deeper inside her, rubbing her clit with your thumb in an attempt to soothe her but you didn’t know that it only sent her mind reeling.
you tilted her head, worry settling on your stomach when seeun clutches onto your shoulder a bit too tightly. “seeun?” you stopped your movements, pulling your fingers out and putting your hand on her abdomen to soothe her.
seeun glares at you, “don’t stop, (y/n).”
“i-i just thought—”
“fuck me. don’t think of anything else.”
seeun yanks on your hair and pulls your face up to hers, kissing you roughly. you kissed her back, your hand once again making its way down to her pussy. this time, you didn’t allow yourself to listen to the small voices in your mind that told you that something about all of this was so wrong. your best friend, seeun, was in a vulnerable place and even though she let you, you were taking advantage of it to satisfy your personal interests.
something was telling you to stop. to get yourself in the right state of mind. to tell your best friend that all the things she was doing to forget about chaeyoung, especially this, was wrong. but instead, you plunged your two fingers deep inside seeun, thrusting into her in a pace that made her swear, and moan so loud, and sob into your shoulder.
“ff-fuck…! fuck, (y/n)—more…” seeun wrapped her arms around your neck, completely burying her head hidden from view. you kissed her cheek before doing what she asked, increasing your speed even further and doing your hardest to hit all the right spots. every thrust, every lingering sensations on her clit, and every kiss filled seeun’s mind with only you. as much as it started to hurt now, seeun could only take what you were giving her—just so every remaining image of her ex-girlfriend completely disappears from her mind.
and perhaps that’s exactly what happened when you finally curled your fingers inside her and made her come all over your hand. you were pretty sure that you had multiple bleeding wounds on your back from the way seeun scratched you as she came undone, moaning your name and all.
you stared at seeun—she looked so fucking pretty all fucked out and sweaty. her chest heaved up and down, and she blinked the fatigue away because she knew that from the way you licked your fingers hungrily that you weren’t done with her. but that was all she wanted right now.
“all night, seeun,” you promised her. “if that’s what it’ll take you.”
and indeed, you fucked your best friend all night. seeun never once begged for you to stop. after every orgasm she had, she only asked for more until you knew she couldn’t come anymore. you were pretty sure that the sun had started rising up by the time seeun finally allowed herself to get some rest. you laid yourself down beside her, fixing up her hair as she slowly succumbed into sleep.
you talked yourself through your own worries since seeun wasn’t there to do so. consoling your own heart because you were so fucking terrified that everything wouldn’t be the same after all of this—after everything the two of you did this night.
you were prepared to face the worst when you woke up alone hours later. you expected to be cold, to feel empty inside but it was the exact opposite. when you opened your eyes, you felt warm and your heart was full.
maybe it was because of the fact that your blanket was placed carefully and perfectly so that it would cover your entire body from the cold. maybe it was because your room was illuminated by the beautiful sunlight streaming through your curtains.
or maybe because the first thing you saw after opening your eyes was seeun drying her hair with a towel after exiting your bathroom, looking at you and smiling and saying, “hey, sleepyhead.” ensuring you of the fact that absolutely nothing has changed, and will ever change between the two of you. 
you have never been more happy to willingly ‘make a mistake’.
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ohtobeleah · 4 months
Secret Sacrifices // Jake Seresin
Prologue: [BrainBox]
Summary: Managing the Hard Deck isn’t always easy, especially when a certain Naval Aviator is always just one step away.
Warnings: Illusion of family loss. Jake Seresin X F!reader. Witness Protection Reader. Situationship. 18+ Content.
Word Count: 1.6k
Author Note: I’m getting back into writing after a few weeks hiatus, any feedback, comments and concepts will be greatly appreciated.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The human brain can be seen in scientific communities as the most mysterious organ in the human body. The human mind can generate up to seventy thousand thoughts a day, which means there are around two thousand nine hundred thoughts created every hour. 
The human brain can store around about two point five terabytes of information at any one time. That capacity of storage is equivalent to about three million hours of television reruns or one million high-quality photos. Take your pick. 
“Come on—wake up! WAKE UP PATRICK!” 
The human brain can generate an electric current of about twenty-three watts. That’s enough to light up a round bulb. And although the human brain only accounts for two percent of your total body weight, it consumes more than twenty percent of the human body's total energy. 
“Please don’t leave me, not now—oh god please don’t leave me.” 
The length of all blood vessels in the brain, if combined, would reach a maximum length of about one hundred and sixty thousand kilometres. That’s enough distance to wrap about the earth’s circumference four times over. 
“Mommy I’m scared!” 
Each nerve neuron in the human brain has up to ten thousand connections with other neurons, not only that, but there are upwards of one hundred billion neurons in the brain. Which means there are more than one thousand trillion neuron connections formed in the human brain. 
“We just have to keep running baby.”
The amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for coordinating emotions, has an information processing speed of upwards of twenty ms. This speed is even faster than the speed at which humans can perceive something. 
All of these facts lean towards the idea of the human brain being some sort of supercomputer that we have been given. Programmed into our very existence by evolutionary biology. 
“No baby girl you stay with Mommy, it’s okay—don’t you close your eyes again okay?”
And yet? Despite all the wonders and capabilities that the human brain can accomplish—Your brain keeps you stuck in a time loop of unimaginable grief and despair. 
“Brewer?” The world around you had seemingly stopped for a few moments. The regular Friday night hustle of the Hard Deck had all but dissipated into silence when the overwhelming haunting noises of your own personal hell had become too loud to drown out. “Hello? Earth to Brewer?” 
“What?” You frowned as you shook yourself back into existence. What you found, or more accurately, who you found standing before you across the bar made your heart skip a panicked beat. “Jesus Seresin, you scared the hell out of me.” You sighed as you felt your heart beating rapidly inside your chest. The same heart that had loved and lost so much. The very heart that right now was plagued with the dilemma of falling for the sandy blonde who stood before you with eyes that could rival the Emerald City itself. 
“How?” Jake questioned as a confused frown took over his face soon after the words left his mouth. “I’ve been standing here for like two minutes just watching you zone out like some space cadet.” The chuckle that escaped Jake's slightly parted mouth soothed your beating heart into a steady rhythm. 
Oh. How long had you been zoned out for?
“What can I get ya?” You decided to let it go as you shot Jake a short but harmless smile. There was no need to ask or spend too much time focusing on how long you’d been stuck standing still cleaning the same spot on the bar over and over while your thoughts consumed you. Besides, you didn't really want to know how long Jake had been standing there looking at you like a moth drawn to a flame. 
“The usual, times four thanks barkeep—“ Jake replied as he reached into his back pocket, finishing out his wallet. A simple brown leather moment that always made you feel like your past was trailing right behind you. “Plus a lemonade with lime for the underage Back Seater.” There it was, that signature Seresin smirk accompanied with that wink. Insufferable. Cocksure. Endearing. 
“Four Budweisers and a lemonade coming right up.” You smiled once again as you threw your bar towel over your shoulder and got to work. Jake took the time to perch himself on one of the empty bar stools that littered the outskirt of the bar. Patrons buzzed around the Hard Deck like there wasn’t a care in the world to be had on a Friday night. “And lay off Bob, he gets your drunken ass home more often than not so you should be more thankful for his intolerance to alcoholic beverages.” 
Jake beamed at your lighthearted remark, they came few and far between. Whenever he was graced with the pure nature of your smile or your dry sense of humour, Jake reveled in it. So much so the crush he harboured had become common knowledge to half of Miramar. Yourself included. He wasn't a shy man, far from it. Jake knew what he wanted and, usually, he got it. 
But you? You had been playing hard to get and hard to crack ever since you showed up to the Hard Deck around six months prior. From the first moment Jake saw you he’d been caught hook, line, and sinker. Six months of chasing the same girl round in circles. 
“What had you lost, Brewer? Daydreaming on the clock isn’t usually your thing?” Jake asked as he got comfortable, leaning forward on his elbow as he watched you grab four Budweisers from the cooler fridge beneath the bar. He didn't miss the look on your face, the one that would occasionally replace the mild-maned stare you'd give off to slightly agitating customers. It was a look Jake couldn't really read–one that he wasn't sure if he would ever get to the bottom of, but he let it go, didn't press.  
“Just got caught up thinking about how I'm gonna spend my Sunday off.” Of all the lies you could’ve made up that seemed to be the most believable. 
“What are we doing on Sunday, Brewer?” Jake teased as you placed the still-capped amber bottles on the bar before him. The smirk he wore said it all, he was waiting for you to bite. And bite you did. 
“God, you've got tickets to your own show don't you, Seresin?” You shook your head with a laugh as you popped the caps on the beers you'd collected. “I– am planning a reset, just have a lot of housework to get done, laundry, meal prepping, self-care.” You teased the meaning behind self-care as you reached for the soda gun. “Which reminds me I need new batteries.” 
Jake caught the look in your eyes as you filled the glass to the brim with ice with your free hand and let the liquid drain from the gun. “Kinky girl, you sure we aren't hanging out on Sunday?” The smile, that damn infection smile that could light up the darkest of rooms made your head spin. But you couldn't go there. Harmless flirting was one thing, but crossing that line could cost Jake everything. 
He wasn't even aware of how close he was tempting death. How close he was standing to fire. How close he was standing to a woman who had lost everything in the name of being a good person. 
Unlike Jake, you had already lost everything. 
“In your dreams, Bagman.” You chuckled lightly, Jake's order was all but done. “Cash, Card or on Bradshaw's Tab?” The question remained unanswered for a few moments as Jake just sat there taking in the sight of the bartender who had him wrapped around her finger with ease. A spot he wouldn't mind staying forever if you'd let him. But for now? He knew he had to play the long game: Catch me if you can! you had forced him to play. 
“You tempt me, but card it is.” Jake confirmed as he fished his card from his wallet. “Someone has to keep Rooster from going into financial ruin.” It only took a few seconds for you to place all of Jake's drinks, the four beers and one lemonade with lime, onto a carry tray. “I think Payback’s been piggybacking on his bar tab too.” Jake smirked as he gave you an all-knowing look. You had been caught red-handed, but it was all circumstantial evidence at best. 
“Never took you as a softy.” Bradley Bradshaw still owed you an apology for his drunk and disorderly behaviour a few weeks ago. Behaviour that saw him hurling abuse your way when you cut him off. The guy was going through a breakup of sorts, of course you felt bad. But until he said he was sorry? His tab was racking up a pretty penny of top-shelf liquors and extra beer orders from the boys. “But fine, tap your card whenever you’re ready.” 
“This place is starting to charge a premium price for cheap booze ever since they hired a new manager.” Jake let out a sigh laced in banter as he paid for his order, the tip he left never went unnoticed either. Jake was good like that, he always tipped with a smile and a few extra bucks to make his almost cheesy pickup lines and banter worth your while. “And there's a lot of things you don't know about me Brewer.” With one final wink and signature smile, he was off. 
“Funny.” You mumbled to yourself as you watched Jake walk away back towards the same booth the boys all lingered around whenever they weren't hogging the pool table. The same booth you frequented the most. The same booth you gave a little more attention to–because Jake Seresin, despite all your might, had a hold on you that you couldn't seem to get out of. 
“I guess I could say the same damn thing.”
Tags: 🏷️ @a-reader-and-a-writer @xoxabs88xox @hiireadstuff @buckysteveloki-me @athenabarnes @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @na-ta-sh-aa @kmc1989 @sunlightmurdock @mamachasesmayhem @jaxfart @lauenderhaze @sugarcoated-lame @maisie-rebloging-blog @captainmoonknight @seitmai @shanimallina87
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joelalorian · 19 days
Petals of Affection - Part III
A floral mystery in three parts, featuring Jackson!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: A secret admirer gifts you a different flower and a riddle ten times before you put the clues together and discover that he's been right in front of your face the whole time.
Written for @morallyinept's Flora & Fauna challenge. Please check out all the wonderful works created in Jett's honor!
Word count: 3,049
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, kissing, f!oral, unprotected p in v (it's 20 years into the fucking apocalypse), it's not stated, but I envision Joel having been snipped pre-outbreak, terms of endearment. POV flops around like petals in the wind. Reader has no established age or physical description aside from having hair that gets frizzy with humidity and often dirt-covered hands, because greenhouses, ya know? No use of y/n, none whatsoever.
Dividers courtesy of the wonderful @saradika-graphics. Gif chosen because of the wonderful floral wallpaper ;)
And this sweet little love story has come to an end. Thank you all for coming along for the ride! Your comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated more than I could ever say.
Part I | Part II | Masterlist
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Jasmine Orchid Eustoma Lavender Magnolia Iris Lily Lilac Eucalyptus Rose
Joyful moments shared; the answer lies in the air.
Overwhelmed by your grace, the answer hides in this place.
Endless thoughts of you, the answer is in the view.
Lost in your scent, the answer is present.
Moments with you, the answer rings true.
In your eyes, the answer lies.
Lost in your beauty, the answer is a duty.
Longing for your touch, the answer means so much.
Evergreen thoughts of you, the answer is in the dew.
Remember my love for you, the answer is in you.
Maria’s eyes roved over your scribbled notes, a broad smile slowly spreading across her face at the underline beneath Joel’s name. “Took you long enough. I was beginning to question your intelligence, girl!”
Heat warmed your cheeks as you laughed, though you weren’t sure if it was due to embarrassment or the wine. “The answer was right in front of my face this whole time, I just couldn’t see it.”
Flopping back on the couch, you felt a bit overwhelmed. Ducking your head between your knees as you leant forward, you sucked in a few deep breaths before baring your soul to your best friend. “I wanted it to be him. I longed for it to be him. But I didn’t dare to hope that it would be him. Do you know what I mean?”
“I do.” Maria’s voice held nothing but understanding. “Hope could lead to despair if not met.”
“Exactly!” you exclaimed, poking your head up to meet her dark eyes. “I couldn’t handle the despair, so I couldn’t dare to hope.”
Maria settled onto the soft cushion next to you, one arm reaching out to rub your back soothingly. “You have nothing to fear now. Joel did all this, for you.” Her free hand gestured at the flowers and notes scattered across the table. “His feelings for you are so deep, so true, that he came up with this elaborate plan to show you instead of just telling you, like any normal person would.”
Pausing, Maria waited until you met her gaze again with a watery smile, wanting to make sure you understood the point she was making. Her eyes earnest and smile broad, she added, “He was afraid to hope, too. But he did and look what has come of it.”
Tears built up, threatening to spill over as you absorbed everything. Joel loved you, just as you loved him, his grand gesture proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt. He dared to hope when you didn’t and thank goodness he did. You two would still be dancing around each other for who the fuck knows how long otherwise.
You stood suddenly, feeling revived and eager to see Joel at once. “I need to see Joel. I need to tell him I feel the same way.”
“Well let’s go then! He’s probably at my house with Tommy.” Maria led the way out of your house after you both scrambled to put shoes on, marching with purpose down the quiet road under the cover of a clear, starry sky.
Despite the late hour, you needed to see Joel, to return his declaration of love now that he bared his heart and soul to you in such a clever, romantic way. Crisp air filling your lungs as you walked, you felt the effects of the wine wear off. You never felt so clear-headed, so full of promise, so full of love.
“Do you know what you’re going to say to him?” Maria asked as you neared her house. Bright lights shining through the curtains showcased the shadowy movements inside of the two men inside.
“Not a clue,” you admitted, suddenly nervous. “My brain hasn’t gotten that far yet. Fuck! What am I gonna say?”
“Well, you could always just walk in and kiss him. Just lay a big wet one right on his lips,” Maria suggested, the nearly full moon reflecting mischievously in her dark brown eyes. As your mouth dropped open, she added, “Yes! That’s exactly what you should do!”
“Well, in the absence of anything better…”
Laughter still bubbled from your bellies as you followed Maria up the front steps and into her home. Nearing sensory overload, every cell of your body vibrated with the burning need to lay eyes, hands, lips on Joel.
“Is that you, honey?” Tommy called from the living room. The two of you turned the corner into the room, and Maria made a beeline right to her husband.
Ignoring the married couple, your attention focused on the other occupant of the room. Joel sat on the couch, leant back in a relaxed pose, one arm slung across the back cushions. His thick thighs spread wide, just begging for you to step between them.
Wide and unblinking, his burnt umber eyes watched as you stepped further into the room. Head tilting quizzically, he licked his lips as you approached with an impossible slowness. Neither of you could look anywhere else, gazes locked, bodies pulling together like magnets.
Joel’s pouty lips parted in surprise when you didn’t seat yourself next to him, electing instead to climb onto his lap. He blinked owlishly at you as your face moved closer, centimeter by centimeter, until your lips met his in a delicate first kiss. However brief, that initial press of your lips against his ignited an inferno within you both. You mouths came together urgently the second time, as lips, teeth, and tongues clashed. Your fingers carded through his silky soft, thick curls, nails tenderly scratching itches on his scalp he didn’t even know he had. He preened under your touch.
So absorbed in each other after months and months of longing and pining, dancing around feelings you hid for each other, the rest of the room blurred to nonexistence. Your ears picked up soft murmuring from Maria and Tommy, but you ignored it. Your world revolved around Joel, and Joel only, at that moment. You shifted, trying in vain to bury beneath every layer of his skin, until you straddled his lap.
At long last, you pulled back as the need for oxygen became unbearable. You and Joel had been pressed so close together, noses smushed as you kissed, that neither of you could even breathe.
“I take it you figured it out.” Joel’s eyes searched your face, voice rumbling from deep in his chest, the sound like velvety chocolate to your ears.
You nodded, lost for words at first and his lips slowly tilted upwards at the corners until his smile reached its limit and the precious dimple in his cheek poked through. “The flowers and notes were so beautiful, Joel. I’m sorry I didn’t figure it out sooner, your riddles were just too good,” you grinned. Tears pricked at the back of your eyes at the look of complete adoration on his handsome face. Sincere happiness welled within you. “The notes, each one more beautiful than the last, I read them over and over. I feel all of that, too.”
Joel’s eyes took on a different shine at your confession, the fire from the hearth glinted in the sudden wetness glazing over them.
“Can I take you home?” he asked gruffly, the need evident in his glossy gaze.
“Fuck yes,” you breathed, giggling as he shifted you both to your feet and practically dragged you from his brother’s house. Neither of you had the wherewithal to say goodbye to Tommy and Maria. They watched the two of you leave with matching satisfied grins before locking up behind you.
“Yours or mine?” Joel questioned urgently as his large hand grasped yours.
“I don’t care,” you replied breathlessly, “whichever is closer.”
“Yours then.” His long legs led you down the deserted street, boots crunching on the hard ground, stopping only once you reached your front porch. He stared into your wide eyes, taking in the vision of your blown pupils and pursed lips. “Are you sure about this?”
“Joel,” you drew his name out in a long sigh, one hand caressing the scruff on his cheek. “I have never been surer of anything in my entire life. Take me inside and make love to me. Please.”
The pitch of your plea shot straight to his cock as he once again nearly dragged you behind him. Grateful that you forgot to lock the front door, there were no impediments to your journey into the house and straight up the stairs to your bedroom.
The urgency slowed once the both of you reached the center of your bedroom. Facing each other as you stood next to the large bed, Joel’s gaze tangibly seared your skin with the absolute heat of it.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, one thick fingertip tracing the ridge of your brow and down the slope of your nose. His bedroom eyes captivating as he pulled at your plump bottom lip with his thumb, lips twitching when your tongue darted out to taste the salt on his skin. “I think I fell in love with you the day we met.”
“Me, too.” Mesmerized by Joel’s touch and thoughtful words, you leant forward, slanting your mouth against his. The kiss tender yet scalding hot as your hands began to slowly undress one another. Part of you could not believe this was happening, while another part of you kept repeating fucking finally.
Once you were both fully stripped of clothing, Joel eased you back onto the bed. The broadness of him hovered over you, legs entangled, and he caressed your skin with one large hand. There was no piece of you he left untouched. Your own hands were drawn to his luscious curls, fingers threading through the locks and massaging his scalp.
Joel soon replaced his hands with his mouth, placing soft, open-mouthed kisses down your body. He paid special attention to your breasts, pausing to lave and nip at the hardened peaks of your nipples. A surprised gasp flew from your mouth when he settled his face between your legs, darting his tongue out to taste your sweetness.
He feasted on you like a starving man, tongue laving at your clit before dipping inside to slurp at your juices. You were so wet for him. Only him. His mouth a form of heaven you didn’t know existed, you mewled and squirmed, muscles twitching as he drew you closer and closer to the cliff’s edge.
“Fuck, you are so good at this, Joel.” The half-moaned words fell from your lips when he slipped a thick finger inside you, quickly followed by another. His mouth continued to work at your clit, licking and sucking as you writhed beneath his ministrations.
A man possessed; Joel drew two orgasms from you before letting up. Easing back, he grinned at you, his facial hair glossy with your juices. “You taste fucking delicious. I could stay down here all night.”
A dewy sheen of sweat covered your entire body from being worked over so well. “Any other time, I wouldn’t stop you. But I want your cock inside me, right now.”
“Is that so?” Joel smirked at you, climbing up your body to settle his hips between your legs. Of their own accord, your hands soothed over the warm skin of his back and down to his ass, where you grabbed handfuls of the meaty flesh.
“Fuck, yes. Please, I need you.”
His eyes sparkled at your plea, but he didn’t move an inch. Your right hand reached between the two of you, grasping hold of his cock and gasping at the sheer size of him. Long and thick in your hand, your mouth watered at the thought of tasting him sometime. Joel grinned again, his expression quickly going slack as you tugged once, twice at his hardened length, running the head between your folds before lining him up with your entrance.
Dark eyes hooded with lust; Joel met your gaze. “You want this?” he questioned one last time, needing confirmation of your consent. The last thing he’d ever want to do is push you too far, too fast. He wanted this to last forever.
“Joel, I promise. I have never wanted someone more than I want you, and only you, right now.” You poured every emotion, every feeling for Joel through your eyes as you pulled him impossibly closer. Angling your hips up, he finally started feeding you his cock, inch by delectable inch. Your mouth dropped open at the stretch when he bottomed out.
“You’re taking me so well, pretty girl.” Joel began to move his hips in a slow, steady rhythm, his arms bracketing your head.
“Ahhh, I’ve never felt so full before. Please don’t stop.”
Soon enough, the only sounds in the room were the gentle slap of skin against skin, your breathy moans, and Joel’s rumbling grunts. Joel kissed you passionately as he fucked into you with deep thrusts, his eyes remaining locked on yours.
Your orgasm built as his cock grazed that perfect spot inside you with each thrust, and the words you’d been too afraid to admit to finally fell from your lips. “I love you, Joel. I love every single piece of the puzzle that you are.”
“And I love you, my angel,” Joel replied, voice gravelly. His hips snapped harder, throwing you both over the cliff. His deep moans were music to your ears as you pulsed around him, drawing every drop of cum from him until he settled heavily half atop you, breathless and sated.
“I can’t wait to do that again,” you blurted, chest heaving, drawing a chuckle from Joel.
“Imma need some time before I can do that again, angel. I’m not a young stud anymore.”
For the first time in many months, you fell asleep in your bed, the vastness of it decreased by Joel’s warm body cuddled up against you.
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“You have everything you need, brother?” Tommy asked, helping Joel load up the saddlebags. “Maria tucked a bottle of wine and some glasses in here for you.”
Doublechecking the supplies, Joel nodded. “I think that’s all of it. Thank your wife for me. None of this would be happening right now without you, Maria, and Ellie.”
Tommy patted his older brother on the shoulder. “Being in love has really softened your edges. I actually like this version of you.”
Joel scowled back at Tommy’s teasing for a moment before his face transformed into a glowing, warm smile at the sight of you. Backpack slung over one shoulder, you wore fitted jeans, a tee shirt, and boots with Joel’s green flannel tied around your waist. To Joel, you’d never looked sexier.
“Hi boys,” you greeted, eyes lingering on the older Miller brother as he winked at you. Turning to Tommy, you batted your eye lashes. “Any chance you’ll tell me where he’s taking me?”
Tommy guffawed. “Not a chance in hell, doll. I don’t wanna get my ass kicked by this lug.”
Oh well, you had to try. Shrugging your shoulders, you climbed up into the saddle of a light brown colored horse. “Fine then. You better make sure my greenhouses are still in one piece when we get back.”
“Yeah, yeah. Off you go lovebirds.” Tommy patted your horse’s hind quarter once Joel mounted his horse and led the way through the town gate.
The horses settled into a canter, covering the landscape at a good clip. “It’s a couple hours ride, but I promise you’ll love it, angel.”
“I trust you, Joel,” you replied, lips pressed into a small smile. “I’m just happy to spend time with you.”
The pair of you chatted about anything and everything as you rode, sharing stories about your pre-outbreak past and the struggles faced since. You already knew about Sarah and how hard Joel took the loss of his beloved baby girl, but Joel felt comfortable sharing more stories of her with you. The conversations were interspersed with occasional comfortable silences as you took in the landscape and kept an eye out for trouble. The hours and miles passed in no time and Joel led you to a stop in front of a rusted-over fence. Dismounting the horse, you swiped a hand over a warped sign which indicated the property was a botanical garden in its former life.
“Joel,” you breathed, touched that he thought of taking you to such a place for your first official date. You had no idea it even existed.
“It’s rundown, obviously, but nature has completely taken over in a way that I think you’ll love. There were flowers everywhere when I first discovered the place. This is where I found some of the ones I gave you,” he explained. Pulling a section of fence open, he led you and the horses onto the property before closing it behind you.
“Tommy and I cleared the placed a while ago, but there may still be some cordyceps lingering around. Keep an eye out.” Joel handed you a pistol, checking first to make sure it was locked and loaded, and swung the rifle from his shoulder.
The grounds were quiet except for birdsong and the rustle of leaves in the breeze. Plentiful flora grew in every direction you turned, overtaking dilapidated benches and buildings alike. The grounds were a vibrant sea of colorful flowers and plants, and a mix of floral fragrances nearly overwhelmed your senses. Joel led the horses into a small area cordoned off on three sides, leaving them to graze while the two of you explored.
Joel reached for your hand, entwining your fingers as you walked the grounds. Even overgrown and unkempt as it was, the garden left you in awe. You strolled, recounting information about every flower you recognized. Joel listened, enraptured, as you spoke about their meanings, falling in love with you even more with every brilliant word that came out of your mouth.
He surprised you with a late lunch in a field of wildflowers on the way back to Jackson, gathering a small bouquet in his hands while you ate. Joel tucked a bright yellow flower with long, thin petals into your hair before handing over the bouquet.
“When you’re ready, I’m going to ask you to marry me, my beautiful wildflower.”
114 notes · View notes
stnexus · 5 months
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(not so) lyrical genius…!
band members au
yuki tsukumo x black!fem!reader x choso kamo
summary: every artist faces writers block at some point, but you and yuki are there to ensure choso gets just enough inspiration.
cw: nsfw, smut, 18+, use of pet names, poly!couple, established relationship, explicit language, threesome, (1) creampie, oral (m + f receiving), fingering, blowjob, swallowing partner’s release, light dom!yuki, little bit of switch!reader, sub!choso, face riding, cowgirl, praise, good deal of kissing in here
names used(?): baby boy, baby, pretty girl, ma’am, mommy (like twice), pretty boy, good boy
wc. 4.4K+
tags + note: @chososluv @shemaycry @uc1wa when i say it’s actually comical that i got writer’s block while writing a story about writer’s block. something like that would only happen to me i swear. but ahhh band mates choso and yuki, i hope you all enjoy! comments, reblogs, and tags are always welcomed.
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a guitar amp sat on the hardwood flooring near the end of the bed. black cords and cables decorated the floor and trailed upwards onto the bed. mindless riffs and melodies were pushed through the amp, sounding around the occupied room. yuki’s fingers lightly strummed over the guitar strings as her blonde hair framed her face, her bangs slightly covering her eyes as she peered down at her guitar.
“this is useless,” choso huffed from the upper part of the bed, interrupting yuki’s actions as the sounds emitted from the amp halted. his legs were stretched out as his sock-covered feet almost grazed yuki’s criss-crossed legs. in his sudden little outburst, choso dropped a notebook and pencil onto the black-silk bed sheets, right between yourself and him. your two barbie ponytails swayed a bit as you looked between your two lovers, peering over your phone.
“there’s gotta be something, cho,” yuki almost groaned. the three rings on her right hand sending out a ‘ping!’ sound around the room as she accidentally tapped the neck of her guitar. “you don’t usually get so…” yuki seemed to search for her words.
“stuck. i feel fucking stuck,” choso interjected, finishing yuki’s sentence. another stress-filled huff flowing past his lips as his fingers pinched at his nose bridge. the solid black tattoo that adorned it was manipulated by his actions.
“well, i don’t think beating yourself up about it is going to help.” you joined the conversation, dropping your phone into your lap. reaching over to run a hand through choso’s hair, loose from the confines of his usual two high ponytails, your nails running over his scalp. “when’s the next gig?”
“in three weeks,” yuki announced, fiddling with the tuning pegs on her guitar. “the band has got everything done. but we’re lacking in the lyrics department, as we can see,” yuki tried to joke with a little smile. though the joke seemed to push choso further into despair as he groaned and leaned into your touch.
“at least you’ve got time.” you tried to be positive as well, letting your hand slip from choso’s hair when he began to move away.
“that’s the thing; we had two months.” his already deep voice deepened a bit more as he spoke. rubbing a hand over his face quickly.
being in a relationship with two artists almost felt unreal at times. but as you all sat in bed, pajamas on, and somewhat relaxed — the moment was as real as ever. it had been almost two hours that you all sat, choso trying to write lyrics onto the notepad he had just recently thrown aside.
complaints about how time was running out were thrown around between the two at random times. the two members of a completely independent band were left stumped. yuki was just unsure of how to help her boyfriend at the moment. knowing they had the idea of producing a new single before their next show, the chances of that idea taking place were becoming slim.
setting her guitar on the bed, right below choso’s feet, yuki wrapped a hand around one of your ankles to grab your attention. rubbing at your soft brown skin with a soft — almost apologetic — smile for choso’s down in the dumps attitude.
“baby boy, it’s just writer's block. how do you usually deal with it?” yuki questioned, still sending a soothing touch over your ankle.
if choso could throw a full-on tantrum, you doubt he would hold back. his brain seemed to taunt him with a lack of creativity, blanking out completely when his notebook was in front of him. the lack of inspiration boiled into frustration, and that, in turn, pissed him off even more.
“it’s been a minute since i’ve had a block this bad,” choso confessed. watching as yuki tugged at you, beckoning you towards her for a gentle kiss. his eyes trailed over the matching pajama sets you both wore. a plaid black and red pattern decorating the bottoms and a simple black fitted baby-doll tee complementing you both beautifully. 
in the quick moment, his constant feelings of luck set in. he always felt lucky to have you two, and he knew that would never change. he was simply weak for the both of you; hell, sometimes he could rarely fathom that you two interacted with him.
“is there something missing?” yuki questioned as she pulled away from your lips, dragging you into her lap. facing choso. her hand resting on your thigh as you placed your head against her shoulder. the sensation of her cool rings could be felt slightly through your pants. “we need to know where your head is in order to help.”
“we’re not mind readers ya’ know…” you jokingly poked fun at your other partner. inhaling yuki’s scent as it surrounds you. feeling choso eye the two of you for a moment, he searched his mind for the right words. a small frown playing at his lips but his eyes were a bit hooded as they flickered over both you and yuki. a look that your girlfriend did not miss when it took place.
“inspiration. i’m lacking inspiration right now,” choso admitted while sighing. dropping his hands to smooth over his heather-gray sweatpants, his fingers brushing over the hem of his white baggy tee in the process.
“that should be easy to fix, right?” you attempted to help again. “i mean, cho, i’ve seen you take inspiration from the smallest of things.”
“she’s right, ya’ know.” yuki agreed as her fingers played at the end of one of your ponytails. with a slightly raised brow, she tilted her head to the side, taking in the man before you two. his frustration had begun to teeter along the edges of something else and she knew just what it was. 
“i don’t know where to even start,” choso confessed once again. mind drawing a blank for what seemed like the thousandth time. though, that left him clear to take on another range of emotions with the way he started to grow a bit warm with you two in front of him. 
“you can find inspiration in anything— i mean not to judge, but have you heard some of the songs these other bands are making?” yuki said, a small laugh leaving her lips in her slight show of cockiness. but they died down as an idea flickered through her mind. if a cartoonish light bulb could appear over her head, it would shine as brightly as it possibly could. especially when her lips dropped to your ear, whispering words that choso couldn’t hear.
it was evident that the words made you a bit flustered as you let out a giggle, squeezing at yuki’s arm lightly. until a hum of agreement was pushed from you during her low-spoken words.
“you’re right. but that still leaves me with nothing.” choso nodded. brows furrowing a bit as he watches you two converse. yuki planting a kiss on your cheek as you let out a hum in place of a reply. 
“well you’ve gotta start somewhere. what vibe are you going for?” you spoke up, feeling your girlfriend’s hand gently move from your thigh to your waist. tucking underneath your shirt to soothe you a bit, just as she had done earlier. though this time, a small hiss left your lips when her cool rings kissed at your warmed skin. “your rings…they’re cold.” you laughed a bit at the sensation.
“oh, i’m sorry, baby.” yuki apologized but her hand stayed exactly where it was. 
“something…sensual…maybe?” choso spoke like he was questioning you two instead. “we have a number of upbeat songs. we need something…different.”
“look at it this way,” yuki started with choso again, “our biggest inspiration is right in our faces at this moment.”
a look of confusion overtook the man for just a moment as he let out an inquisitive hum. though he watched as yuki’s gaze flickered from his face to your own in a sort of silent reply. though her words caught up to her soon after.
“our pretty girl,” yuki said in a sure tone. “i mean look at her; she’s gotta be the best inspiration—”
“both of you are. you are both part of my inspiration.” choso rushed out. watching as yuki’s hand trailed a bit further into your shirt. no doubt — her fingers grabbing at you from what he could see.
“mmm, you want us to give you a little more inspiration? huh, cho?” yuki questioned as she locked eyes with him. nimble fingers grabbing at one of your nipples as a gasp was pushed from your lips.
“y—yes,” the man stuttered out a bit flustered.
“yes, what?” yuki demanded as she planted a kiss on your neck, her eyes never letting up on choso. 
“yes ma’am,” choso corrected himself, a slight blush of pink presenting itself along his cheeks. to which yuki gained a lazy smirk before speaking.
“why don’t you go give our pretty boy a kiss, sweetheart?” yuki persuaded you as she pulled her hand from beneath your shirt. helping you off of her lap, yuki watched as you maneuvered yourself over to choso. his arm wrapping around you as he pulls you sideways into his lap. wasting no time in pushing his lips up against yours.
the kiss was heated, full of hunger on choso’s end. as if he had been waiting to get close enough to one of you. your pace mirrored his own in an attempt to bring balance.
“softer.” yuki ordered as she stood from the bed, tucking her guitar and amp away into a corner of the room. grabbing a hair tie from somewhere in the room to tie her hair into a ponytail — her bangs still hanging freely. then pulled her rings off one by one, setting them down somewhere she knew she’d be able to find them later.
on her cue, choso slowed his movements. there was no room for being indifferent today. he knew the best way to get anything he wanted was to comply. so his lips were soft against your glossed ones; the flavor of your lipgloss danced across his tongue. small moans of want meeting between the two of you.
“that’s it, good boy,” yuki cooed as she knelt onto the bed. pushing herself into the bit of open space between you two as she placed a kiss on your cheek, then choso’s cheek. ultimately ending with the three of you kissing at once. a mixture of sounds flooding the room. 
your eyes closed as you felt choso’s hand snake up your torso, palming at your clothed tits. pinching at your pert nipples through your shirt at random. the kiss glided into just him and yuki as you worked to pull your shirt off, welcoming the air around the room to cool your warm body. hardening your brown nipples even more.
“fuck…” choso stated almost breathlessly as he and yuki separated, his eyes landing on you. which only earned a laugh from yuki as she tugged her own shirt off.
“we are about to fuck, choso.” she jokes sarcastically. letting the woman’s joke enter one ear and go through the other, his heavy hands grabbed at you. furthering the actions he had begun earlier, tweaking and pulling at your nipples at random. soon lowering his head to wrap his lips around one. groaning around you as yuki came into view, allowing him to grab at her with his free hand. her pert — almost pinkish colored — nipples being manipulated by his movements.
with her legs tucked below her, yuki pushed herself forward to reach for the waistband of your pajama pants. tucking her hand below the material as her fingers pushed against your panties. the fabric pressed into you underneath her fingers as a wet spot had begun to form. an almost whimper was pushed from your lips at the feeling of both of them.
“that feels good, yuki,” you assured as her fingers worked over your clothed clit in slow and light circles. the way your hips move and chased after yuki’s touch was enough to keep choso pliant as he removed his mouth from you. his cock hardening even more with each movement you made.
“i bet it does,” yuki almost whispered next to your ear. her fingers pushed your panties aside, two fingers swiping at the wetness between your legs. dragging her fingers heavily from your hole to rub at your clit momentarily. the little bud throbbing under her fingertips.
only a whine of disapproval left your lips as she pulled her hand from below your waistband. fingers glistening under the warm light of the bedroom.
“hush, shouldn’t we give choso a taste? we are trying to be inspirational, right, honey?” yuki asked, while your hips continued to grind over choso. in search of his hardness to help the ache that began to grow between your legs.
“yes, mommy.” you complied fully. watching as she pressed her soaked fingers against choso’s lips, and allowed him to wrap his lips around them. a grumble of delight muffled around them as he worked his tongue over her fingers. moving his hips so you could push up against him.
“ ‘taste so good, baby.” choso compliments as he looks at you as yuki slips her fingers out from between his lips. a mewl of thank you brushing past your lips in gratitude for the words and the help he provided you with.
as you felt your clit bump against choso repeatedly, yuki took her time ridding herself of her pajama pants. her black hipster-cut panties being the only things left when she got herself back onto the bed. moving to kiss as choso’s neck. allowing you time to do just as she did and remove your bottoms. 
“would you look at that,” yuki giggled just a bit. “she’s so wet, she left a wet spot…through her pants.”
the mere sight almost made choso cum. a little wet spot sat perfectly over his bulge, and it sent a shiver through him as yuki palmed at him over the stain. his hands grabbed at her wrist to pull her into a straddling position.
yuki’s comment turned you bashful, as you were made completely aware of your wetness seeping through as you pulled your bottoms off. thighs a bit sticky from the mess as you left your underwear on, getting onto the bed again. 
slipping her hand under the band of choso’s sweats and briefs simultaneously, yuki gripped at his length. slightly hovering over him instead of sitting firmly in his lap — leaving room to stroke him slowly.
“shit, yuki—” choso hissed out as he tried to focus on thumbing over her underwear, her clit attentive under his finger. your lips met his again as his groans began to accumulate, your hand caressing his jaw.
“you both,” he started in between kissing you, “oh fuck— are going to be the death of me.”
you and yuki let your laughter envelop the room. giving him a momentary break to help him remove his shirt and sweats. throwing in haphazardly around the room.
both leaning down to plant a kiss on his clothed cock, a small stain of presumably precum could be slightly seen and felt against the black material.
“can we take them off him now, yuki?” you nearly whisper. your words match exactly what choso had been thinking. knowing better than to ask and possibly receive longer teasing from yuki. your eyes locked in on yuki as she laid the palm of her hand on one of your cheeks, one of your ponytails brushing against her hand.
“yes, baby,” she agreed with a smile. “we’re just here for inspiration today, so i don’t think we need to prolong the teasing. unless he wants us to be mean…” yuki’s words trailed off. both of you look to choso for an answer to yuki’s words.
 “nono, ‘just want you two,” he spoke flustered. his own hands trying to maneuver to push the briefs down. only for you and yuki to push his hands back.
“nah, we’ve got it baby.” you replied sweetly. helping yuki to pull them off him, only needing him to lift his hips. his cock springing free from its confines, slapping against his lower stomach. choso was once a bit reserved about showing himself off, shy at the thought of what his two pretty girls thought of him. but over time, you and yuki made him well aware that with his girth and length, there was absolutely nothing to be shy about.
the normally pale tip was a blushy pink color, mirroring his cheeks as he looked at the two of you. spitting into your hand, you wrapped it around his base as yuki took a lick at the precum threatening to dribble from his tip. you followed suit, as well as working towards stroking him.
watching as you both licked up the side of his shaft, only to meet at his tip — choso swore his eyes could have rolled out of his head from his reaction.
“holy shit—” choso stifled a moan as both your tongues ran repeatedly over his tip. like you two were kissing, and he just so happened to have been placed there.
placing a chaste kiss on his tip, you moved back. allowing yuki the room to wrap her lips around him completely. bobbing her head as she worked towards pleasing him. your hand worked in unison with her, stroking him, especially in areas she couldn’t fully take in. your free hand playing with his balls. 
“they’re trynna fuckin’ kill me…” choso moaned to himself in disbelief. hips rutting up a bit, mindlessly. switching places with yuki, she sent choso a cheeky smile. lips riddled with spit and precum.
“inspiration, baby. we’re trying to inspire you not kill you,” the blonde woman teased.
with your lips around him, tongue working against his length, a hum of agreement was emitted from you. heightening his sensitivity to you and yuki’s actions. his hips jutted upwards — pulling a gagging sound from you in the moment as he quickly moved to pull his hips back.
“shit, baby, ‘m sorry,” he whined out, placing a hand lightly on your head in a soothing manner.
“ ‘m okay,” you confirmed as you let him slip from your lips. your voice a bit raspy from the way he had fucked up into your throat. your ponytails swayed as you and yuki went back to simultaneously licking at his tip. drawing sounds from him every second it seemed. 
feeling him twitch below your tongue, you and yuki continued. the verbal warning and begging of i’m gonna cum, please don’t fucking stop falling from choso’s lips.
one final lick from the both of you, paired with stroking him, led him to his peak. cum spurting from his tip in thick ropes over the tongues of both his beautiful girlfriends. repeated swears said by him floated around the room as you both swallowed the milky white substance he had given the two of you. his hands weaved through his own hair for just a moment.
“such a mess, huh?” yuki questioned you as you both looked at the man. she almost laughed at his current state.
“mhm, and he tastes good too.” you nodded.
“well…i guess i’ll let you choose today, d’you want his tongue or do you want to ride him?” yuki asked casually, as if he weren’t sitting there panting. but at her words choso felt his abdomen clench, a feeling of warmth flooding his face once again as he began to harden.
it wasn’t long before you let yuki know you wanted to ride him. leading the both of you to ask him to lay in the very middle of the bed. his body surrounded by the silky sheets on the bed. straddling him, you slid your panties to the side for just a bit, a string of arousal clinging to them as you lowered yourself to grind against choso. your slick hugging into his cock.
with a sensitive grunt, his hands found your waist, helping you move your hips. yuki took the time to remove her underwear and kneel over him, drooling cunt hovering just above him as his anticipation began to grow. a giggle leaving her lips as she leaned forward to kiss you.
“take them off, pretty girl.” to which you complied once again with no indifference as you pulled off your underwear. throwing them off the side of the bed yuki leaned forward as she pushed herself onto choso’s tongue, the warm and wet muscle immediately seeking out her attentive little bud. which drew a gasp from her. yet and still — her hand wrapped around his cock as she helped push his cock into you.
your walls fluttered at the feeling, welcoming him with a sticky coating of your arousal as you took him inch by inch. feeling utterly done for when you felt the head of his cock beginning to push past your most sensitive spot. only to have him nestled right up to your cervix once completely in.
in your process of taking him, it was almost like you had droned out yuki in front of you. until she grabbed at your hands, intertwining your fingers with her own. 
she had begun to look dazed with the way choso’s tongue lapped at her wetness. the sound was nasty and vulgar, causing a knot to form in your lower belly. circling your hips, you could hear choso groan beneath yuki as he began to grip at her thighs.
eventually you worked up the nerve to begin bouncing on his cock. a sheen of your slick wrapping around him as you did so. letting out a dragged-out whine, you looked at yuki in front of you, her hands still holding on to yours as she pulled you into kiss her. the moans falling from you two were like music to choso’s ears. like the lyrics he couldn’t seem to find.
you clench stupidly when your bouncing leads to angling your hips just right. allowing choso’s tip to abuse your sweet spot over and over again. your grip going slack on one of yuki’s hands as you freed yourself to plant a stabilizing hand against choso’s abdomen.
“his tongue is so fucking good, he’s so good.” yuki began to mewl against your lips. her brows furrowing each time choso’s lips latched around her puffy clit, sucking for a split second.
“he feels so good too…” you reply weakly. your search to motivate him had begun to crumble into fucking yourselves silly with the use of your boyfriend’s compliance. the praises you both sung went straight to his head, his mind fuzzing up below the two of you. though it pushed him to lend a helping hand even more.
one of his hands climbed up between yuki’s thighs, fingers finding purpose right up against her entrance. barely hesitating before pushing one finger in, the second finger being pushed into her not long after.
“fuuuck,” yuki almost whined into your mouth as she felt his fingers dragging along her walls — his tongue still working against her cunt. her kisses began to slow when choso worked towards picking up his pace. her breathing becoming ragged and her hand squeezing at your own. “you’re gonna make me cum, keep going cho.” yuki announced as she leaned away from your lips, voice shaky as she held onto every bit of dominance that she could.
as your bouncing continued almost mind numbing sounds of you and your lovers exclamations and skin slapping against skin ensued. a sharp gasp escaped yuki’s lips as her cunt tightened around choso’s fingers, gushing around them due to the fact that he’d started bullying her most sensitive spot. her rushed announcement of her peak mimicked the way choso had sounded not long ago.
her eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as she freed her other hand to make herself stable just as you had done. her breathing harsh as she drifted back to her senses.
“you gonna cum for him, baby?” yuki questioned slowly, her blonde bangs shielding her eyes as she leaned forward again. this time dipping lower. “you gonna cum for our pretty boy?”
“yes— yes mommy,” you replied, feeling choso shift under you. his feet were planted into the soft bed below him. careful to secure his footing over the silk sheets as he began fucking up into you. feeling yuki press kisses onto your chest, she continued to do so all the way downwards. stopping only when her face was level with your cunt. watching how choso disappeared into and reappeared.
“taking him so good. poor clit looks lonely though.” yuki almost teased as she pushed herself back to eye level with you. a hand gripping dangerously close at the junction of your thigh. 
“please touch her, ‘wanna make her feel real good.” choso pleaded from under yuki. her spent cunt still hovering over him.
“mmm. he’s such a giver,” yuki smiled as she pushed the pad of her thumb against your clit. rubbing the pleasure spot in heavy, lazy circles. placing loving kisses on your cheeks as choso bounced you up and down. “even when we’re supposed to be helping him, he’s a giver, choso’s such a good boy.”
“yeah, yeah…he’s a good boy,” you spoke with a heavy tongue. shaking a bit as yuki quickened her fingers against you.
“you gonna let him cum in you? come on pretty, give him something to write about.” yuki spoke lowly and persuasively into your ear as you nodded. one more roll of her thumb over your attentive clit and you were pushed over the edge. your stomach tightened then relaxed as it felt like a cord snapped. creaming around choso as he pushed up into you for the final time.
“cum in her, baby. give it to her…” yuki spoke to choso softly as she moved away from him. sitting next to you both, a bit winded as she watched him empty himself into you. praising him as he grunted out, grabbing your hips to keep you upright.
“you should have inspiration for days at this point,” you giggled breathlessly as you calmed down, shuddering as choso pulled out of you. the mixture of the two of you sticky between your legs, dripping from your cunt, and his face glistening with yuki’s slick. both of you supplying him with soft kisses pressed into his lips.
“might’ve been a little too much inspiration,” yuki chuckled as you both took in choso’s reddened face. his hair sticking to his face a bit.
“writing…” he spoke softly, “should be a breeze.”
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kjhbsies · 5 months
PT II: Flowers of Despair
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Ellie Williams x fem!reader (wc: 3, 248)
Synopsis: Will a love bloom even if your marriage is not real? Will Ellie Williams find a way to open her heart again?
Warnings: part II of the Waiting Room fan fiction. ellie is an asshole. major angst??? mixed signals??? not proofread and may have grammar errors. there will be a last part of this fic. happy reading!
pt. i pt. iii
In the first week you two moved into your dream house, you were beyond nervous. You did not expect for this to happen so quickly. Your father insisted that Ellie and you should get together for the meantime, while preparing for the wedding. Ellie agreed, saying that there was no problem, so who you are to decline such a wonderful offer.
This was your dream home; it was perfect. It was a fairly huge house with big doors and a great garden. You specifically bought this months before, and was staying here every now and then. It was near the farm, so it was serene and beautiful. You loved the landscapes here since you liked to paint everywhere. 
But now, you aren’t sure how to feel.
“This is my room.” You said, pointing out the bedroom on your right as the both of you ascended through the second floor. “I’m sorry if it’s somehow messy, I just did not have the time to fix it up.” You smiled. “Your bags are already in there, but the maids will arrange it in the closet for you when they’re finished cleaning up the living room.”
“We’re not sleeping in different bedrooms?” Ellie scanned the whole area. “Or you insisted that we’ll get to share the same bed?” She looked at you with her stoic face.
Ellie watched as the color of your face drained out. You became pale when you heard her say that. Ellie has no problem sharing a room with you. Hell, she can’t even remember how many girls she has on her bed every night. But, the problem is, Ellie just wanted to taunt you because, well, she can be an asshole sometimes.
“Oh! I-I did not- I thought that’s what married couples do, you know, share the same bed.” You rambled, heart beating fast. 
This is so humiliating, you thought.
Ellie chuckled. Heart warming up as she looked at you. You were so fucking…
“But, we’re not supposed to be like those normal married couples, aren’t we? I thought we had an agreement, babe. Don’t fall in love with me.” 
“Then don’t call me babe.” Your face scrunched up at her. “You don’t have to remind me every single day about our arrangement, you know? I’m not an idiot. I can hear you loud and clear.” You gulped. Ellie’s jaw tightened.
Am I an asshole? You looked sad, and something inside me hated it. She thought.
You looked up at her with soft eyes. “Well, it’s been a stressful evening. Let’s just rest. I’ll call one of the maids so they can bring your clothes to your room. You can just pick any bedroom you’d like.” You said before quickly going inside.
You hated it. 
You hated how she’s just in front of you, but you can’t even touch her.
You hated how she’s just within your reach but you can’t get her. You will not get her.
One month.
One month is all it would take until you and Ellie will be married. And then, you can get your inheritance. Ellie would still endure a few weeks with you. After she gets the money, you and her can get a divorce, and if it’s possible, Ellie will get Dina again, and the three of them can live as a happy family.
But what about you?
Nah, it’s fine. Ellie doesn’t really care.
“You can cook?” Ellie asked surprisingly when she saw you in the kitchen. She is walking straight beside you. She ignored how you looked great in your sundress and floral apron. There it goes again, the bows in your hair look adorable. She shut down her eyes, mentally scolding herself when she caught herself looking like a fucking creep.
You glanced back at her. Your heart skipped a beat when she settled beside you, leaning her back at the counter while her tattooed arms were folded in her chest. She’s just wearing a plain slim fit shirt and a pair of black trousers. Her auburn hair was tied in a bun and her freckles looked really good in the sunlight. “Yeah. I make really good pastas. Guess you can say that it was my specialty.”
“I thought rich girls can’t cook.” 
“And I thought we shouldn’t bother each other. So, why are you here?” You quipped back.
Ellie looked at you in amusement. Good catch. Damn. “I was… bored.” Even she was not convinced with her statement. To be honest, Ellie doesn’t even know why she went up to talk to you. She’s just intrigued when she smelt the aroma of the food and was surprised when you were the one making it.
When she first tasted the pasta, you were looking straight at her, waiting for Ellie’s comments. And it made her uneasy. To say, your gaze made her nervous. So, she’s slowly devouring the food in front of her, chewing it gently. And damn, you really are a great chef.
“Was it good?” You asked, curiously.
“Yeah. Fuck, I was surprised that you can cook because, you know, you’re a ric-”
You shook your head, looking at her unamused. “Please don’t say rich girl.” 
Ellie laughed. 
Ellie fucking laughed for the first time. 
Oh, this arrangement will fuck you up so bad.
On a Sunday afternoon, Ellie found herself in the garden, sitting in the grass, while holding her guitar. You, however, would usually be at the same spot while painting. When you found Ellie there, you decided to quickly walk away from her.
“You can sit with me, you know.” Ellie said when she sensed you around. 
“Uh…” You hesitated, the grip on your easel and canvas became strong. “Sure.” You gave in immediately.
You settled beside her as you began setting your art materials up. You looked at Ellie while trying to strum her guitar. Well, you’ve known that she has the skills because you’ve always seen her playing that. And it shocked you to the core, but Ellie has a beautiful voice.
“This is the first time that I picked this thing up.” Ellie blurted. “I swore that I wouldn’t play guitar again since…” She stopped talking. And you have an idea of what she might've been talking about.
“Do you still like her?” You asked, gripping on the paint brush as tight as you can, fingernails digging through your palms. 
Ellie’s mood turned sour. “That’s none of your fucking business, princess.” 
“I was just asking.”
“Well, you shouldn't. Don’t ever bring her up again. As a matter of fact, we shouldn’t even talk with each other.” Ellie said before standing up while grabbing her guitar. 
Your eyes drop as you can feel lumps in your throat when you’re holding your tears back. 
Ellie did not know why she became so defensive. When anyone brings up Dina, her mind automatically flashes back to everything they’ve done. And as much as she tries to conceal or hide it at the back of her mind, Ellie can’t seem to get away from it. 
She looked back and found you staring down at your lap when guilt started flooding her brain. Ellie wanted to apologize then and there but her pride made her walk away. 
The argument happened three days ago. You never talked to Ellie since the incident, and she didn’t even try to spare a glance at you either. The house has been eerily quiet and cold since that happened. Martha, your maid seemed to sense the tension between you two. 
Every day, you’re always the one who wakes up earlier to make and eat breakfast for the two of you. You did not want to eat three times a day with her, and Ellie also felt the same way. 
Did she?
I mean, to Ellie’s surprise, she’d wake up with food on the table everyday. And even though she tried to deny it, she’s always fascinated with how you cook and how delicious those meals are. It is obvious that you try to avoid her every day. And Ellie did not know whether she would be grateful or annoyed. Well, why would she even get annoyed, right? She asked for it. And now that you’re giving it to her, why is she always catching herself trying to find you every day?
To make it short, she’s an idiot. 
Now, both of you were at Jackson to try wedding dresses. Your mother insisted that she knows the best tailor in town and that’s where the both of you were. 
“Ok, twirl.” Your mom said when you stepped out of the changing room.
“I don’t like how it fits me. I can’t breathe.” You said while looking at your figure in the mirror.
“Try another one, mija. We have so many dresses here.” The old lady smiled at you and you nodded. Going back to the same changing room to try the dress that captured your eye.
Ellie passed by and your mom called her. “Ellie! How’d the fitting go?”
“It went well and faster than I expected.” Ellie chuckled.
“Well. Sit here and watch your future wife. I think she’ll like the last dress.” Your mom patted the seat beside her and Ellie hesitated for a second before she nodded and sat down.
You walked out of the changing room while wearing the first wedding dress that caught your eye. It fits you like a glove, and it is really flattering. Your steps halted when you saw Ellie staring right at you.
“Do you like it?” The owner asked happily. “It really brings out your beauty.”
Ellie silently agreed. She can’t keep her eyes away from you and how stunning you looked. Her mouth gapes, trying to find a word that best describes you at the moment but how her heart fluttered made her weak. Both of you are staring at each other’s eyes and you can’t seem to look away.
“Doesn’t she look great, Ellie?” Your mom asked Ellie.
She wasn’t even supposed to talk to you. Both of you shouldn’t even interact, let alone stare at each other like this. But there’s no choice. 
“Yes.” Ellie gulped. “You look… great.” She cursed at herself. Great? Idiot, she’s more than that.
You try to fight off a huge smile so you look down, afraid that you just look like a stupid highschool girl at the moment. You turned your back at her immediately before nodding to the tailor.
“Yes I’ll get it since my wife likes it too.” 
God, both of you were supposed to be mad at each other, right?
Throughout the preparation for the wedding, both you and Ellie were always at Jackson. Your morning routine consisted of you waking up at 7:00 in the morning to cook and eat breakfast, and read a book for an hour before Ellie woke up. And when the clock strikes at 9:00 AM, it is your time to stand up to go into your room, take a long bath and get ready.
Ellie will meet you outside, in the car, to go to Jackson. And it is awkwardly silent and painful. Jackson is a 30 minute drive and the two of you weren’t even letting out even a small quip, nor glance at each other as the two of you agreed. 
Well, you wanted to apologize to Ellie for bringing Dina up in that conversation, three weeks ago. But you can’t seem to find the courage to talk to her. You did not know how much Dina really meant to Ellie up until now that even though it’s you that she shares the same house with, she can’t seem to forget her. This thought haunted you every night, but you can’t really blame Ellie. Dina is her soulmate, and you’re just a huge hindrance. 
Besides, both of you almost never agree on anything. You loved the shades of pink and blue for your wedding, and Ellie will say that it is such the corniest color. While trying to make the perfect wedding invitation, Ellie would go up beside you to propose something really annoying. Ellie loved carrot cake but you hated the hell out of it that almost caused a huge fight in the shop. When things get heated between you two, you will just shut up because you can’t create a huge scene, especially that both of your parents are around.
Today is your break from her since after the wedding tomorrow, you would be tied to her. Not forever, but maybe months, or years, even. Ellie and you decided to have a girl’s and guy’s day before the wedding. You two would stay here at Jackson for the night – in her old house. 
“We’re here.” Ellie said. You nodded and opened the door and she waited for you to get out before stepping outside. Ellie smiled widely as she saw her friends. Everyone of them started hugging and clapping each other’s back.
“Yo, man! I never thought you would be married.” Jesse said happily.
“Was that an insult?” She asked before playfully smacking him.
“Oh, hey, Y/N, if Ellie did something really shitty, you can just go at me. I’m really good at comforting pretty girls.” The masculine girl went up at you, grinning, while holding out her hand. “I’m Julie, by the way.”
“Uh…” You hesitated before looking at Ellie who didn't really look pleased. And seconds later, she is hitting Julie’s head hard. 
“That’s my wife, you shit.” 
Jesse and Julie shared the most obnoxious laugh. 
“Okay, guys, I’ll just leave you all.” You smiled. “Ellie, I’ll just meet up with the girls. I’ll see you at your house later.” You said, waving at them.
“Wait, wait, where’s Ellie’s kiss?” Jesse asked.
“Dude shut up.” Ellie immediately answered.
“Come on, guys. You don’t kiss?” He asked again. “Ellie, what happened to your game, dude?” He taunted.
“It’s fine.” You looked at Ellie reassuringly before tip-toeing to kiss her in the lips. It was sudden, and it was just a quick peck but your heart hammered and you felt like it would come right out of your throat. “Bye.” You whispered softly before turning away.
Ellie felt frozen at the moment. Shit, she can still feel your lips at her. The scent of your lip gloss lingered at her and it’s all that she could smell right now. What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing to her?
Ellie watched your figure as you were walking through your friends. She was so glad that you quickly went away without looking at her, or else Ellie would be caught dead right there and then.
You’re so fucking confusing. 
Ellie hated it.
Ellie hated you.
You were staring at Ellie’s bedroom, scanning every little thing in here. Joel said that this has been her bed since she was nine years old. An old guitar was sitting near her windows, as well as a pile of books about spaces, science, dinosaurs, as well as a couple of ‘No Pun Intended’ books in different volumes. 
You were shocked that she knows how to sketch when you found some sketchbooks on her desk. Some were filled up until the last page, but there are some who weren’t even touched. When you opened one, you saw that her sketches mainly consisted of horses, Joel, and Dina. She draws her beautifully, making her a goddess, just like what she sees in her eyes. Dina is her muse, and both of them can create a masterpiece. Somewhere in your heart was pierced as you were thinking about it. Ellie probably stopped sketching when she left, and has never touched a pencil ever since. 
The door opened. And it showed a drunk Ellie. You sat up, quickly walking away at her desk and releasing the grip on one of her sketches.
“The fuck are you doing?” Ellie immediately walked up to hide her arts.
“I’m sorry. I just got carried away looking at-”
“Why are you here, anyway?” She looked at you angrily.
You sighed heavily. You did not want another fight with her. “Where am I supposed to be?”
“At your friends or something?”
You laughed sarcastically. “You really do hate me that much, huh?” Slowly, you were walking towards her.
She grinned. “Yeah. I guess you can say that you’re not my favorite person.” 
“But you’re marrying me. Tomorrow.”
She stepped forward, looking down at you with a taunting gaze. “Guess I would just deal with it.” Ellie started grabbing something on her dresser. “I’m sleeping on the floor. You can have my bed.”
You stood there, feeling ridiculous. “This is what you called ‘dealing with it?’ We’re about to get married tomorrow, and you are still a coward.”
Ellie laughed loudly. She can feel her drunkenness start to wash away from her veins as you keep on talking. Yes, both of you shouldn’t even be arguing and she could just be the bigger person and ignore you but she just physically, and mentally can’t.
“What did you just call me?” She said, looking at you with squinted eyes.
“You’re a coward. I thought you brought a lot of girls here before, so why can’t you stand sharing a bed with me?” You asked, challenging her. 
Ellie’s jaw tightened while she’s looking at you. Fuck, she can’t even say something back at you because you are making a lot of sense. 
You rolled your eyes at her when she just stood there, frozen. Slowly, you went to her bed and covered yourself under the blanket. 
There’s a nightstand beside you. In this, there’s a small lamp, a lot of toy figurines, coins, and a portrait of Ellie. She’s smiling at the camera, her auburn hair is tied in a bun and she’s wearing a tank top – revealing her muscles. You figured out that it was when she’s 19 – where she’s still a handsome girl you first admired. If you told your 16 years old self that you are marrying Ellie Williams, she would be beyond happy. She might faint, really. But right now, Ellie isn’t the girl you thought she’d be. 
Everyone was right. She’s an asshole. 
You sighed heavily as you felt the mattress beside you moved. Ellie lifted the blanket and settled herself under it. You and Ellie were sleeping both at your backs to avoid facing each other.
Why are you still wasting your time with her? Ellie wouldn’t love you no matter how hard you try. Maybe it is the time to accept the fact that she wouldn’t be yours here, or maybe in another lifetime. 
She wants Dina.
And you’re not her.
“Is this a good idea?” You asked her suddenly. “We always fight and I hate it because I’m not made for it.” You shut your eyes tightly as tears started streaming down, wetting the bed underneath. “I just want to love you.” You whispered, confessing your feelings for her. 
Ellie gulped, trying to remove the lump on her throat. “I told you not to fall in love with me.” She said, softly. She can feel a familiar ache in her heart. Like the same thing when her mom left her, when Shimmer died, and when Dina left. She tried so hard to avoid those, protecting her feelings so hard that she even forgot that she still had a heart.
Until you came. 
You smiled sadly. “Too late, Ellie. I have loved you since we were sixteen.”
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klaustozier · 1 year
toys and games ; chishiya
this story happens before the second season, while they are still at the beach
this is smut, please be aware of what you read
warnings: degradation kink, choking, slapping, arisu catches you, big cock!chishiya because i wanted and i could, petnames
dont forget to like it and even leave a little comment <3
english is not my first language so i'm sorry if i made any mistakes
world count: 2k
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"Stupid jerk", you cursed, making Chishiya smirk.
"Shut up, you know you like it", he whispered before kissing you.
It was always like this, he would make plans to a game and get one more card, but before, he would look for you around the mansion on the beach, wave to you with that motherfucker smile of his and take you to one of the rooms.
You loved to hate him, loved to cuss him out, and he loved that you did all that.
The blonde had placed you on the table in the random office he had chosen and was kissing you with such hatred, his hands squeezing your breasts through the bikini you were wearing.
"Fuck, you're so hot", he whispered, kissing your neck, his fingers moving the bikini to the side, pinching your nipple making you throw your head back, giving him more space to have fun with your skin, biting and sucking.
"You're going to make me purple", you purred, feeling his kisses move up to your jaw until he gave you a peck.
"And why do I care?", he asked, smiling, making you roll your eyes.
And he kissed you again, there was so much hate in that kiss and so much lust, and a lot of things weren't exactly said and wouldn't be if it was up to the two of you.
The blonde buried his face between your breasts, kissing them and pressing them against his face. His tongue licked the delicate skin until he reached one of your nipple, licking and sucking gently.b His expert tongue circled the delicate spot before plunging it back into his mouth.
Shuntaro was an extremely calm, a unbothered guy, but at one of the parties the two started talking, literally talking about anime and when you both noticed, you were on all fours in the blonde's bed, being fucked as if the world was going to end the next morning (which maybe it was).
He purred as he squeezed and sucked your breasts, drooling on the skin thoroughly, sliding his fingers over your nipples.
"Chishiya", you moaned softly.
The man smirked, his hand went up your neck, squeezing the sides, making you pant heavily, looking into his eyes, "Keep moaning my name like that and I will fall in love, baby girl."
"Go fuck yourself", you cursed, receiving a harsh slap on the face.
"Shhh", he shushed, his hand gripping your face, letting spit run down his tongue to yours, making you moan softly while you swallowed all his spit.
You wore a white skirt leaving one of your legs out, which made an easy access point to him and that was how he liked it.
Chishiya used hus free hand to push the skirt away from its place and looked at her colorful bikini and sighed, pulling to the side enough to be able to look at you for a moment.
He sighed, "You're all fucking wet already", he growled, kneeling on the floor.
The blonde spread your legs, kissing your thighs before biting lightly, making you moan softly, he knew you were sensitive in that area so he liked to tease. His tongue glided over the soft skin until he reached your wet pussy.
The man pushed your bikini bottom out of the way and dipped his tongue through the wet lips, licking up and down. He took his time, he didn't need to run, it was his time to calm down, even more so that he liked to hear you in despair.
The smooth tongue moved up to your clit and focused on it, giving it all the attention in the world. His blond hair was grabbed and you groaned forcing his head against your pussy, moaning for more.
And that's when your thighs were embraced and Chishiya finally did what you wanted, he was getting impatient too, that taste was so good on his tongue and that clit was so delicate and needy pulsing on his tongue begged him to go faster, to make a mess.
You let herself moan a little louder, that motherfucker knew what he was doing, he knew the rhythm you liked. Your fingers caressed his blonde hair, your face contorted as his delicate lips kissed and suckled the turgid muscle.
"I want to fucking break you in half", Chishiya whispered putting two fingers inside you, going fast, no need for ceremonies anymore, since his cock was tight in his shorts taking any rationality out of him.
His free hand squeezed your breast, pinching the nipple as his mouth and fingers tended to your pussy.
And moaning slyly, calling for Shuntaro, you heard the door open and your eyes met Arisu's frightened eyes, wide and guilty.
"I'm sorry!", he exclaimed, closing the door with all the speed in the world, making a resounding noise.
Chishiya, with the greatest peace in the universe, turned towards the door before looking back at you, smirking, his pretty lips glistening with your pleasure, "Poor Arisu", he said, looking at you as his fingers continued to thrust inside you, his thumb pressing down on your clit in the middle of the back-and-forth, "If he'd given me a moment to explain myself, I'd have invited him to participate."
You whimpered, "Participate?"
Shuntaro smirked and slid his teeth along your thigh, "I know you would like it. Have you ever thought about how beautiful you would look lying on the table with me fucking your little asshole while Arisu fucks your mouth?"
"Chishiya", you purred, rolling your hips against the man's skillful fingers, "Fucking shit… don't talk like that…"
"Don't you like to think about how he'd like to use that cute body?"
"He's so adorable, he wouldn't dare to do anything."
The blonde stood up, his fingers still inside you, just caressing the insides of your pussy, smirking as you moaned softly, "You don't know… just because he looks nice doesn't mean he is."
"You look like a fucking asshole and you are a complete asshole, your theory doesn't work", you teased, making him laugh.
His free hand finally let go of your breast so he could smack you in the face again, "Shut up, slut."
"Does the truth bother you, Chishiya?"
You said his name so slyly that it made him even more horny, "It bothers me that you won't shut up."
Shuntaro took his fingers out of you only to sink them into your mouth. You moaned, licking them, your tongue curling around the soft fingers sucking them while he was busy opening his white shorts and taking his cock out of the garment.
You moaned, still enjoying his index and middle fingers, feeling his thick cock slide through your wet pussy, just teasing, making your legs tremble with anticipation.
"Please", you whispered, your voice muffled by his fingers.
"What, little princess?", he said, smirking, taking his fingers out of your mouth, "What do you want?"
"Please", you repeated, your neck being squeezed by his strong hand, "Fuck me, please."
He just continued to rub his cock in your pussy, being gentle, sliding in with ease since you were so wet, "Wanna get fucked, baby girl?"
"Yeah, stop being a smartass and just get it over with, fucking asshole."
He smirked, "Being as polite as that, of course I do."
Chishiya positioned his cock at your entrance and began to sink slowly, taking it easy, but you weren't in the mood for his patience, so you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close, your head falling against his shoulder, groaning, finally having him completely inside you.
"No matter how much I fuck you, your pussy is still tight", he whispered, pushing his hips away, almost pulling out of you completely only to thrust with all his might, eliciting a whimper from you, "Could it be that if Arisu and I fucked at the same time would it make you a little looser?"
"Chishiya", you purred, hugging his neck, watching him, having your neck released, his hand sliding to the nape of your neck, curling his fingers in your hair.
"Little slut", he whispered, pulling you into a kiss.
The man dominated your mouth, kissing you as he wanted, having fun with your tongue and lips, thrusting without any mercy, swallowing your moans so eager and pleading.
You felt like a toy, like Shuntaro Chishiya's little toy, which he used so he could relax and play the games with a cool head. And you loved that role, you loved being used by him, you loved hearing him moan, you loved having that thick cock ripping into you day after day. Sometimes, when he was bored, he would chase you around the mansion, whispering things in your ear like he was whispering now.
"Later, I'm going to have you sitting on my legs, with that fucking ass in my face just so I can fuck your ass with my fingers while I slap you", he whispered biting your earlobe, "I love watching you walking with a limp because I fucked you so many times that your body can't take it anymore... it's so cute..."
"I want to cum", you whispered, your mind blank without any logical reasoning other than him.
"And if I say no?", he laughed, kissing your neck, "What would you do? Would you cry?"
"I'm going after Arisu to finish the job", you provoked, smiling ironically when the other looked at you with anger in his eyes, giving you another slap on the face.
"And I'm the asshole, huh?", he asked, smiling.
"And a motherfucker…"
The fucking asshole smirked, biting his lower lip, "Stupid slut."
His right hand went to your pussy and began stroking your clit rapidly while his hips kept thrusting. Your nails ripped into his shoulders, your mouth being attacked again to shush your moans, you usually didn't make such a fuss, but, with Chishiya, things got out of control.
Your body spasmed, your toes curling with your legs still gripping his waist, pulling him close, wanting him deep inside you as you came on his cock.
"On your knees on the floor", he ordered, pulling out. You obeyed quickly, kneeling in front of his legs, your tongue sticking out, your hands on your thighs just waiting, "Slut", he smiled sliding his thumb over your tongue, pulling your chin down, opening your mouth even wider, to sink his cock inside without any mercy causing you to gag, your eyes quickly watering, "Fuck", he growled, thrusting his hips into your mouth.
You moaned and purred, feeling the soft cock rubbing against your tongue, heavy and throbbing, your jaw burning, eyes rolling, hearing him moan as he enjoyed himself with you, one of your hands on his balls, gently massaging.
His hands were buried in your hair, squeezing the strands as he fucked your mouth. It didn't take long for his moans to grow quieter and darker, his cum falling onto your tongue, and you were busy sucking on it, cleaning up every last measly drop.
"Open your mouth for me", he ordered looking at you, smiling when he saw your tongue covered in cum, just waiting for the command, "Swallow", he smiled and stroked your hair, "Good girl."
You smiled as he cupped your face, his thumbs sliding over your cheeks as he kissed you one more time that afternoon, ending the kiss with a peck.
The two left the office pretending that nothing had happened, completely calm, especially Chishiya, with his hands inside the pockets of his white long-sleeved blouse.
In the pool, he approached Arisu, you a few steps away from both of them, close enough for you to see and hear them.
"Hey, Arisu", said Shuntaro, making the brunette look at him with wide-eyes, his cheeks blushing at the same instant, "next time, wait for a bit, you can join us, ok?", and he winked, moving away from Arisu, leaving the poor boy shocked and embarrassed.
Your eyes met Chishiya's, looking irritated, as he smirked at you like a complete asshole and, before disappearing amongst the people in the pool, he waved at you and winked.
"Asshole," you whispered.
if this gets a little attention, i'll make an arisu x chishiya x fem!reader oneshot ;)
♣️ part 2
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kissitbttr · 5 months
love frat Miguel!! I was reading your fics and it came into my mind reader and Miguel being both drunk at a party. Miguel being so clingy and horny, while reader just wants to dance her ass off
yall love killing me with clingy miguel HUH
miguel has never been the one who’s irresponsible when it comes to drinking. he knows his limits and prefers to stay sober during parties because his frat brothers are usually the ones who always take it to the next level. he hates to admit it but he’s the babysitter.
however, tonight seems to be different.
it’s pretty rare to see him let loose. that’s what glen says to you and it makes you almost want to laugh at how adorable he is,
“miggy come ‘ere” you reach up to cup his cheeks, getting him to look at you. his eyes finding yours with a drunken smile and dilated eyes. hands on your elbows. “are you okay?”
he nods, pulling you close. “mhmm never better” he then leans a bit more to nose the curve of your neck. “look so pretty tonight, baby—me estás volviendo loco”
in the midst of people dancing and drinking, miguel doesn’t even try to keep his hands off of you. always wandering down to your hips and the curves of your ass, while trailing wet kisses on your neck with his mouth. ,
you giggle at his neediness, interlocking your hands in his to keep them off you. “impatient aren’t we?”
“always for you, muñeca “ he responds, giving you a cute pout. “come on.. i need you so bad, mi amor.. i missed you”
“was the 78 hours sleep over at your place wasn’t enough, hm?” you tease, watching him groans like a kid. “plus this is my jam! I can’t believe you put my favorites on the playlist”
“you got me hooked with it… i had to” he shrugs, “sooo—“
“no. nuh uh!” gloria’s voice come to intervene, making you both turn. “she promised a dance with me! go hang with the boys miguel, she’s mine for tonight”
“when did i agree to that?! she’s my girl, gloria! you go get your own!”
“you have her almost every day. she’s my best friend too, you know!”
“shouldn’t you be with beck?” miguel questions while tightening his grip around you
“he’s with the guys. which you should be as well!” gloria rolls her eyes before pulling you off of him making miguel whine. “go!”
“no!” miguel protests. “baby, are you really going to let her take you away from me?!”
you smile at him, looking in despair. “i’ll be back in twenty, miggy— go catch up with the rest” with a small kiss on his lips, he feels himself smile in quite satisfaction.
“okay, fine… and gloria” he points a finger at the dark haired girl. “take care of her and do not let any guy near her or else i’ll—“
“pull their spines off their bodies. yes, yes! i got it! come on, gorgeous” she tugs you away from him as he waves a goodbye to you,
“he’s acting like i will steal you away from him. so dramatic” gloria smiles at you as the song bongos by cardi b and megan thee stallion blasting through the speakers,
“oh hush” you shove her shoulder a bit, “he’s just in love with me”
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taeghi · 2 years
change up! || (m)
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— change up! (HIS PROFILE)
➤ summary : you haven't hung out with your childhood friend jake in a while, thankfully your parents feel the same and invite his family over for dinner. you two will just stick to the same pg activities when you bring him up to your bedroom, unless...
➤ jake+reader | smut, angst, fluff, PWP | includes : degradation, dirty talk, teasing
➤ word count : 8.1k :)
part of the bets are meant to be won series
minors dni!!!!!
waking up in an empty bed after you had just hooked up with sunghoon park made your heart swoop to the bottom of your stomach. pure despair flushed over your skin and your mind was full of thoughts of how all the rumours about sunghoon park were true. he was a mean boy who only cared about sex.
the rumours that haewon and you had overheard and talked about so many times. you don’t want to see haewon’s face when she hears you didn’t just have sex with jay park but with one of his best friends, sunghoon park as well.
haewon had obviously not taken the first part of that well, storming out of the cafeteria in the middle of lunch when you had told her. so this time, she might rip her hair out, and then maybe yours. but hey, you could get some common sense and leave the school trio alone and out of your bed.
monday morning, you wished you could’ve just forgotten about sunghoon park and his idiotic friends because you couldn’t bear to see them at school. haewon hadn’t returned any of your texts and you were starting to lose hope that she would ever talk to you again. it wasn’t until the end of the day when you had finished speaking to your teacher about an upcoming assignment that sunghoon park dragged you into an empty hallway by your upper arm.
“jesus, you scared me,” you speak first when you realize who had suddenly dragged you away.
sunghoon’s chuckle is quiet before he apologizes.” Still, i just wanted to catch you before you ran off to study somewhere.” you roll your eyes at him, “i just wanted to say that i’m also sorry for leaving you the other morning, i had the practice to get to and i didn’t want to wake you up.”
“well, a simple text would’ve sufficed, no?”
sunghoon grimaces at his mistakes, “yeah, i’m sorry, i should’ve.”
you sigh but consider that at least he’s apologizing to you at all, unlike jay park, “it’s alright,”
sunghoon’s hand reaches forward at your hips to grab hold of your hand, his fingers gently playing with the finger pads of your own, “you sure?”
“yes, i’m sure sunghoon,” you catch the way he pouts but don’t comment on it, “anyways, i gotta go study so i’ll see you around.”
as the words leave your mouth sunghoon redraws his hand, sticking it to his side and he feels like he’s almost afraid to move from the coldness in your tone, “right, great, i’ll see ya.”
you force yourself to give him a tightlipped smile before you turn and start your way through the school, wanting to get out of his suffocating building as soon as possible and hopefully not run into anyone else you’d dread to see.
sunghoon watches you leave and he can’t help but compare the way he’s feeling now to how all the girls he’s left are similarly to the way you had just left him. he figures if he had cared about any of the past girls he’s hooked up he’d feel more apologetic and maybe sought them out to apologize. Still, he decides what’s done is done and he’s feeling too hurt to talk to more hurt people anyway.
the truth is, sunghoon hasn't been able to stop thinking about you since he left your warm bed, with your sleeping figure so peaceful in it. he wanted to stay in bed longer with you, but his teammates had already started blowing up his phone for him to get his co-captain ass to practice.
“what the fuck was that about?” an arm swung itself around his shoulders at the same time the voice came. sunghoon jolted in the presence of the unknown person until he met eyes with his annoying, nosy best friend, who was competing in a bet. a stupid bet at this point.
sunghoon shrugs jake’s arm off of him, “it was nothing,”
jake scoffs, “nothing? looks like y/n just blew you off which means you blew your chance at winning the bet.”
sunghoon rolls his eyes, “i already hooked up with her.”
“i hooked up with her on friday night.”
“jesus christ,” sunghoon turns and tries to walk away, not willing to have this conversation with him while his feelings are tangled up with the thoughts of you running through his mind. It made him feel like he couldn’t think straight because not a single idea went through his mind that he couldn’t connect to you. like his mom was drinking her stupid vanilla chai drink this morning, sunghoon couldn’t help but think how you smell like vanilla.
“no, wait,” jake clung onto sunghoon’s broad shoulder and turned him to look at him, “why didn’t you tell us you had sex with y/n?”
“i didn’t have sex with her.” sunghoon exaggerates the word sex.
“what? so you haven’t even completed your part of the bet?”
sunghoon shrugs again, “still know what she tastes like, though.”
“ha ha ha,” the best friends burst out laughing in the emptying hallways of the school. though they don’t say it, they both think that it’s not as funny as it would have been if it was about any other girl than y/n.
“i’ll see you at practice, bro.” jake pats sunghoon on the back, both of them dapping each other up before sunghoon makes his escape and leaves jake in the hallway alone.
jake’s smile immediately drops when his co-captain is gone. he knew that starting and agreeing to this bet with his best friends wouldn’t end the way he wanted, but he had to act like the whole thing didn’t bother him. because that was just how jake seemed to be.
he was chill, easygoing, and always kept calm.
and a part of jake hoped that this side of him would be able to stay together while this bet was going on. but now that the reality that both of his best friends had touched you in some way or another, made his stomach turn upside down. he knew that they were his best friends and would never intentionally try to hurt him, but it felt wrong knowing that they had been the ones to touch you.
jake had always thought of you as sweet and innocent, which is the reason why he wanted to keep you out of the popularity scene. he knew that the people he hung out with now would’ve torn you apart, pressured you and changed you in ways that he knew you wouldn’t have wanted. it was always evident to jake that he was much more extroverted and outgoing than you, but he never minded it since you were his best friend since you came out of your mother’s womb. but once high school started, he figured he couldn’t keep up with it and protect you at the same time.
it hurt jake that he had to slowly push you away as he accepted his fate in the popular crowd, but he couldn’t show it. he could never show anyone he was hurting or upset or any other emotions besides being easygoing and chill. he couldn’t even show jay and sunghoon that side of him.
somehow during the trio’s friendship, jake had become the group's glue. whenever sunghoon’s anger issues acted up, or jay got too into his head about school and his dad, jake was the one that would calm them down and get them to focus on reality again. jake was the one that either of them could come to if they had a problem or were upset. so, it never allowed Jake to let him share his feelings.
sometimes he thinks it’s because he’s the one that introduced jay and sunghoon to each other in freshman year. other times he thinks it's because jay and sunghoon look up to him in a way that they don’t to each other. and sometimes jake amuses himself with the idea that it's because he’s the middle child of them both and that they rely on whoever is in the middle.
though jake loves his best friends now, he knows he’ll forever love his first best friend forever more.
jake wonders if you ever call him your first best friend, if you ever think about him outside of your parents mentioning him or his family. he wonders if you’ve shared a memory with him with someone else and if and how you describe him to that person.
though jake never shows it, he thinks about you consecutively. he’s never talked about your guys’ past friendship to jay and sunghoon, nor his parents when they ask how you are and if he’s spoken to you recently. but he notices when you change your hair, when you’re stressing about something by picking your nails and when you’re laughing with haewon in the halls.
and jake’s not blind.
he’s not sure exactly when he realized that you’re a girl, not just his gross best friend. Still, he thinks it was maybe around grade eight when you were both fourteen, and you started accentuating curves that he’s only ever noticed on other girls. but he knows and sees that you’re pretty.
he’s heard the guys on the rugby team mention you, the ‘bright, goody two shoes that is just so irresistible, and since all of them are always too caught him the conversation of what they’d do to you if they got a chance, they never notice the way jake’s jaw clenches and ticks as he’s forcing himself to not bite something snarky at them to shut the hell up.
because jake has thought about marrying you. he thinks it’s only natural that he has since you guys have grown up together. it’s the most cliche ending to the story you guys had started with. but he thinks that maybe it’s made him somehow possessive over you in a way he’s sure you don’t reciprocate since he’s hurt you. and he knows it’s wrong, selfish and stupid to think. Still, he’s glad you’ve never had a boyfriend because he’s unsure if he could’ve controlled himself seeing you together at your family’s get-to-gethers.
jake’s also always been aware that during freshman year, sunghoon had a crush on you. he knew sunghoon was a shy and awkward kid growing up, and that being around a girl the same age was probably hard on his social anxiety. Still, jake didn’t know that sunghoon had a crush on you until he let it slip the summer going into sophomore year. jake remembers sunghoon begging him not to tell you and to not be mad at him, which jake couldn’t figure out at the time why sunghoon would be worried he’d be mad at him. but now that he’s older, he figures it was because it was obvious to everyone except for you and him that you guys liked each other.
jake had thought that since sunghoon had grown and changed through high school and popularity, sunghoon didn’t have a crush on you anymore. but ever since the three of them made this stupid bet, jake couldn’t get out of his mind that sunghoon’s crush on you had never faded, and now, jay has apparently liked you, too. it was driving jake crazy that he had been so oblivious to not notice his best friends drooling over his own best friend.
and now since sunghoon and jay have both been with you, jake only hopes that his chance isn’t ruined.
by the time jake realizes that he’s almost late to practice, he’s somehow already got his backpack from his locker strung over his shoulder and making his way through the school's front doors.
and it’s like the universe was playing with him today because as he was leaving, you just so happen to be walking back into the school, your eyes linear to your phone that makes you look so busy that jake thinks you aren’t going to notice him.
but you look up, and he sees those sweet, pretty eyes of yours meet his and has to swallow because he seemingly forgot to.
before he can get a stupid word out, you’re walking past him, and the school’s front doors are closing after you, letting jake only see you walk away through the small rectangular window of the door.
and it's never been clearer to jake until then that he hates this stupid bet.
but he’ll do anything to make sure he wins.
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ever since you saw jake earlier when you were heading to the library, all you could think about was how much jake probably hates you for hooking up with both of his best friends. you don't want to imagine all the awful things he's probably thinking or saying about you. part of you tries to rationalize it as you were getting back at him for ditching you, for acting like he has no idea who you are.
it might be awkward now since your families are still close, but it's been uncomfortable at family get-togethers ever since he ditched you. everytime your parents would ask what happened between you and jake you didn't know what to tell them. you would always shrug and play it off like some dumb high school drifting thing. but you know what happened between you two was done by jake intentionally.
"do you not like dinner, honey?" your mother's voice distracts you from your thoughts. you look at her and then back at your plate of food that you've just been pushing back and forth, thoughts too overwhelming to try to eat anything right now.
"it's good, i'm just not really hungry."
"do you want to go back to study?" you father asks with a sincere smile, "graduation is right around the corner!- don't want your grades to drop now."
"yeah, i guess i will study." you agree and stand up with your plate in your hand to bring to the kitchen.
"oh, and honey, that reminds me," your mother calls out to you before you disappear into the kitchen, "jinyoung, ashley and jake are going to come over on friday for dinner for a graduation dinner! so please hurry home from school so we can prepare the meal on time."
"this friday?" you ask, your back tensing up at the thought of having to sit across from jake for hours after just hooking up with sunghoon in this house.
"yes," your mother nods with a confused expression, "is that alright?"
"no it's fine, it's fine," you nod, "i'll be here on time then."
your parents and you share a final smile before tossing your leftovers and hurrying up to your bedroom. you told yourself to study to distract yourself from the thought of how bad you've messed up your relationship with jake, and how your best friend has been ignoring you for two weeks.
you really wish you had haewon right now. she would calm you down and walk you through what to do. maybe if she was still around you wouldn't have hooked up with sunghoon. However, she was still talking to you when you decided to hook up with jay, so maybe it wouldn't have prevented too much. except for the internal stress you were dealing with, having no one to vent to. you felt as if your emotions were piling up and drowning you from the inside out.
so you made the plan to talk to haewon tomorrow, you really needed your best friend and you would do anything to get her to speak to you again.
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haewon had started avoiding all the places the two of you liked to spend time together. she never sat on the bench outside the school, on the floor by her locker and not at the back table of the cafeteria. so it was pretty hard to find her. luckily, you remember she used to stand in the back outside corner of the school before you became friends with her. so, you made your way there.
Fortunately, haewon was standing there, her head tilted down to look at her phone as she listened to music with her headphones on her head.
“hae,” you call her name, grabbing her attention as she takes off her headphones. when she doesn’t go to respond, you continue, “hae, i really, really miss you and-” haewon’s scoff cuts you off.
“you miss me?”
“well, yeah, you’re my best friend, hae and i’m sorry for upsetting you i-.”
“you didn’t just upset me y/n, i feel betrayed by you.”
“betrayed?” you repeat the words, taken aback, “i’m sorry hae, you’re my best friend pleas-”
“well you should’ve thought about your best friend before you fucked the guy she liked.” haewon replies snarky, an intense scowl on her face as she puts her headphones back on her head and turns to leave, leaving you alone in the back of the school.
you remain standing there for a while, your jaw dropped as you continue to stare at the spot where haewon once stood. so many signs and memories are running through your mind as you think about haewon and jay. it was always evident that she didn’t like any of the trio at your school, but it never occurred to you that she may have a history with any of them.
instant guilt fills your body as you think about how haewon must be feeling before your realization that your best friend must hate you takes over. you feel the urge to start crying then and there, your arms creeping up to wrap around yourself as you walk back into the school, dreading to go to biology, where jay park himself is.
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like you had told your mother earlier in the week, after school on friday, you went straight home to help her set up for your apparent graduation dinner. probably the most awkward dinner you will have in your entire life because there was just no way that jake didn’t know you hooked up with jay and sunghoon.
you just hoped to god that he wouldn’t bring it up.
if your mother noticed that you were being extra quiet as you helped her around the kitchen, she didn’t verbally say anything. your parents were used to your relatively quiet nature, but you're sure that people who didn’t even know you could tell that something was bothering you. it was one of your weaknesses; not being able to cover how you genuinely feel.
besides your extra quiet behaviour, everything else went as your mother had planned. dinner was in the oven on time, your father was home from work at a decent time and you were standing at the front door with her when jake’s family arrived. you smiled politely like you usually did when you saw his parent’s happy faces enter your home.
“y/n!” jake’s mother ashley bends down to hug you, pressing a warm kiss into your cheek, “it’s been so long my dear!”
you laugh in response, “it’s only been since like christmas, ash,”
ashley nudges your shoulder playfully, “yeah and that feels like forever! remember when you used to come over all the time! i miss hearing you and jake laughing about the house together.”
at the mention of his name you look past his mother and father and make direct eye contact with him. he has a content smile on his face as your mother pulls him into a hug, repeating the words his mother had just said to you. though, your mother doesn’t have to bend down to hug him; instead he’s towering over her and she goes on a tangent about how small and cute he used to be when he was a baby.
your parents usher jake’s family and you into the dining room, telling them to sit wherever they like. However, you all had designated seats from when you all had a meal together. your fathers were seated at the ends of the table facing each other, your mothers were both to your left and you jake were right in the middle of the table, practically being forced to look at each other.
when you glance at Jake, there seems to be no anger or annoyance on his face, just his usual polite expression as he talks with your dad about the football team. you’re trying hard to decipher if jake really knows about what you did with his friends because jake doesn’t seem to understand. but maybe he does know, and he didn’t care. jake’s eyes quickly glancing over to you made you look down at your plate, pretending that your mom’s bland cooking was more interesting than anything else.
when you look up again, jake is still looking at you, a curious smirk on his face as he watches you try to eat. you don’t understand why he’s smirking at you. you can’t tell if it’s because he’s teasing you for hooking up with his friends or if he’s being his usual self and trying to annoy your timid self.
jake’s dad asking about your plans after graduation thankfully pulls your attention from the playful look in jake’s eyes and lets you distract yourself from his dominating presence. all your parents’ attention is on you as you converse with his dad about your future. You’re so pulled into the conversation that you don’t feel jake’s foot start to creep its way up your leg until right at the bottom hem of your skirt. it makes your body jerk back into the chair, and a choked gasp comes from your mouth.
“y/n, are you okay?” your mother asks from your left, a look of concern on her face as she reaches for a napkin for you.
“y-yeah, food just went down the wrong tube,” you force a smile at her and everyone else, “i’m good.” when everyone sees you complete a drink of water and look over your apparent refined composure, their conversation picks up again without you. your eyes harden as you look at the boy across from you, trying to hide his smirk by drinking his water.
you continue through dinner, trying to keep up with your parent’s conversations and eating your dinner as jake continues to play with your feet under the table. he let his food drift up your leg again, going straight to the hem of your skirt so he could push it up, but you caught him in time and pulled your skirt down over your knees. if your parents noticed your constant glaring at the seemingly happy boy, they didn’t say anything and thought that you two were being your usual selves, not like the boy was teasing your legs and trying to get under your skirt.
“so, how does everyone feel about dessert?” your mother asks as she stands to clear some dirty dishes off the table. everyone agreed that it sounded like a good plan but,
“actually, mom i’m not feeling too well,” you tell your mom, lying to get out of being so close to jake.
“oh no, really honey?” your mother frowns and places her hand on your head to feel your temperature, “well you can go up to your room, but if you’re awake later on i want you to come down and say goodbye at least.”
you smile up at your mom in a grateful manner, “of course.” you start to stand and push in your chair, saying your apologies to jake’s worried family.
“are you sure you’re going to want dessert jake? you barely even ate your dinner.” jake’s mother said to him.
“yeah, i’m not really hungry tonight, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to eat dessert.” jake agrees with his mom, feigning a look of sadness on his face as he glances at your mom.
“that’s okay sweetie; how about you go upstairs with y/n then?” your mom comforts jake. he glances at you over your mom’s shoulder and almost laughs when he sees your hardened eyes still looking at him with pure annoyance.
“sounds good,” jake smiles, “i haven’t been in y/n’s room for a long time, i wanna see what god-awful boy bands she’s into now.” his comment makes everyone except you laugh as you turn on your heel and start to head upstairs. you can hear jake coming behind you, practically feel his warmth with how close he is to you.
when you get to the top of the stairs you turn and glare at jake. both of you are facing each other with very different expressions. It's almost funny to you, “what the hell is your problem?”
“what do you mean?” jake tilts his head in confusion.
you sigh and cross your arms over your chest, “you know what you were doing under the table.”
jake lets out a quiet laugh so your parents don’t hear you, “oh right, that.” jake glances up at your annoyed expression, urging him to continue, “i was just playing around with you.”
“playing around?” you ask him to which he nods in response, “and what would’ve happened if our parents happened to look under the table and see your foot up my skirt?” jake can’t help but laugh, covering his mouth to try to muffle the sounds, “yeah, it’s really funny jake.”
jake stops laughing when he sees how genuinely annoyed you are at him, “i’m sorry y/n, i was just playing around, you know, like we used to. but maybe this time would’ve been a little more funny if our parents saw how flustered you got by just my foot.” you roll your eyes and turn to go to your bedroom. Still, jake’s hand catches your upper arm and stops you, “y/n, okay.” jake’s voice is in a serious tone now, “i’m sorry, it wasn’t cool to do that.” jake steps closer to you now in the hallway so your chests are almost touching. his voice is quieter as it is serious and you’re both looking each other in the eyes, “i just wanted to have some fun with you.”
your eyes are scanning his face, trying to not meet his eyes that hold such seriousness that it almost scares you. you can smell his cologne ten folds now from how close you are to each other and the noise from your parents downstairs has faded out so it seems like it’s only you and jake at this moment. it feels like you’re both leaning into each other and you can’t stop it.
“now,” jake’s voice suddenly says. It makes you jerk out of whatever trance you were in with him, “are you going to show me your favourite harry styles posters or what?” he asks with a cheery voice, turning and heading to your bedroom as if he owned the place.
you stood in the hallway for a second, your breath twisted in your chest as you tried to process what had just happened as jake entered your bedroom without you. his face was so close to yours that it practically left you breathless. you don’t know what jake’s intentions are for tonight, and part of you hopes that they aren’t the best.
jake’s sitting on your bed, awfully similar to the position sunghoon was in the week prior, when you enter your room. his head is on a swivel as he scans your room, trying to locate any one direction posters. the sight of him on your bed made your stomach swoon, but at the same time, it twisted in guilt.
“where’s harry? i didn’t expect you to change up your bedroom so much.” jake asks with a devious grin on his face.
you roll your eyes as you speak, “i don’t have any posters of one direction anymore, jake!”
“oh c’mon, y/n, i know how obsessed you were when we were younger.”
“yeah, exactly,” you point out, “when we were younger.”
jake scoffs, “y/n, where are the posters?”
the look that jake gave you told you that he was onto you, and knew you were lying. he could always tell when you were lying, making you hate him more. there was never anything that you could keep from jake.
you sigh and walk over to your closed closet door, leaning on your hip as it swings open and reveals a 2014 one direction poster taped on the wall.
jake automatically bursts out laughing. a laugh takes over his whole body as he can’t keep his eyes open to see the poster. “i knew it! i fucking it!”
“jake,” you whine out his name in annoyance and embarrassment. jake tries to silence his laugh as he stands up, wiping under his eyes for fallen tears. he walks over to you, standing in front of you who’s leaning against the wall. one of his hands reaches out, gliding down across the one direction poster as he struggles to hold back a smile. “jake,” you whine again.
“what?” jake chuckles, “it’s cute.” you repeat his name again, this time adding a light shove on his chest. “you’re cute.”
your face falls into profound shock at his words as you try to lean further into the wall, creating as much distance as possible.
“what?” jake tilts his head, no sign of amusement on his face anymore, “can i not call my best friend cute?”
you scoff at the term ‘best friend’ “i didn’t think you thought sunghoon and jay were cute.” you tell him as you push past him and sit on your bed. jake chuckles dryly as he turns to face you.
“right,” he drags out the word, “like you do?”
your mouth became dry at his words, “what?” you hear jake chuckle quietly again as he makes his way over to you as you sit on your bed. he places his hands on the mattress beside your hips and lends down, caging you in as he still stands.
“c’mon y/n, you know.” his voice is deeper and quieter as he speaks.
“know what?” you try to make your voice sound strong as you feel smaller by the second. his presence of dominating as it took over your room, wanting to take over you next.
jake’s chuckle is deep now as he leans his head into your shoulder; you can feel his nose brush against the skin of your neck as he speaks, “you really don’t think i know what my friends have been up to?”
you turn your head so you can look at him, your eyes wide as they meet his relaxed one. there’s something playful swarming his eyes as he looks at you with a smile.
“i don’t care, though,” he shrugs, the smile becoming more sincere.
“you don’t?” you ask him, your heart unsure what to do. jake shakes his head no in response. “why?”
a smirk grows on jake’s face then, “because now i can show you that i’m the best.”
“wha-?” you want to ask him more questions. Still, he’s pushing your body down so you’re laying flat on your back. “jake!” his lips are meshing into yours, it's a rough sloppy kiss and before you can even kiss back he’s pulling away.
jake’s hand runs up and brushes your hair off your forehead, revealing your face for him to see. his touch is gentler than his kiss.
“what are you doing, jake?”
his voice is soft as he speaks, “i want to show you how good i am; that i’m the best.”
your hand reaches out and pushes his fallen hair behind his ear, “why?”
jake doesn’t know what to say or to do. he knows he wants to take his time with you, and show you how passionate he is with you. show you that he truly loves and cares about you. but he also knows that he’s a part of a bet.
a bet that could go horribly wrong if you ever found out about it and he’s sure that you’d hate him if he told you he loved you before you found out.
so, he kisses you.
it’s a soft kiss, no tongue involved, and just pure affection. you kiss him back not a second later, and jake hates knowing that he’s got you- that you won’t ask more questions and blow his cover about the actual drive of why he’s here right now.
jake has always wanted to be intimate with you, kiss you and show love and his adoration of you. he’s imagined your first kiss together one million times, and he wishes it was something more like the second kiss instead of his egotistical meathead side-kissing you. his hips lean into yours and you’re both aware now how hard he is.
“our parents are downstairs, jake.” you tell him, your voice quiet. jake could tell that you were worried about them, but also worked up from the thought of what could happen between you two.
your thighs were wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer to you. you could feel your hard nipples under your bra, wanting this so bad.
jake’s voice is sweet again, in a way that he’s not even forcing it to sound, “angel,” he whines into your neck, “we can be quiet, right? i want you so bad- i’ve missed you.”
the last three words make your heart clench as they’re the ones you’ve always pondered about. if jake misses you, your friendship, your bond. it washes something over you and your hips are grinding into his now, no longer being able to hold back.
“what if i’m loud?” you ask him, a slight pout on your lips.
jake smirks at you, running his thumb over your bottom lip, “i’m sure i can put your mouth to work, then.” jake’s always thought about how good your lips would feel wrapped around his dick- probably an unhealthy amount of time actually. “you gonna let me make you feel good, y/n?”
you wanted to think about the possible consequences more. Still, your ex-best friend was hovering over you right now, grinding his hard dick into you which definitely distracted your mind, “yes, please.”
jake wanted to start with his dick in his mouth, but he didn’t want to waste potential time making you feel good.
“lay on your stomach for me, angel.” the familiar nickname he used with you made your ears ring.
you did as he asked, your face laying sideways on your pillow as you lift your hips up for him. jake pushed your skirt up so your panty-clad ass was shown. your skin was as soft as he remembered as he ran his hands up and down your thighs, circling your ass. his grip on your thighs tightened suddenly as he leaned down to press a kiss to your panty clad pussy. he could feel how damp your panties were and it made him wonder for a second if you got wetter for him or his best friends.
jake pushes your panties to the side so he can start to suckle on your clit, his tongue spreading over it quickly. your hands were gripping the sheet, your nails digging into your palms through them, reminding yourself that you need to keep quiet as jake eats you out. his mouth on your pussy is already noisy, that if your moans were to become loud, your parents would surely hear.
jake’s eyes are interchanging from being shut to being open. he wants to enjoy himself and try to remember what you taste like in case this is the last time he ever gets to. but jake wants to focus on making you feel good too, wants to see all your reactions as his tongue starts to lick up your wet slit. he easily slips his tongue into your core, licking and sucking it.
your face is pushed into your pillows now, trying to keep yourself quiet as jake’s pace doesn’t falter. you can feel your bed shaking gently from your hips bucking and jake’s hips grinding into your bed. it turns you on more to think that you were able to turn jake sim on, that you got him so desperate to grind his hips into your bed for any source of pleasure.
“fuck, jake,” you gasp out quietly into your bedroom, his mouth sucking your hard clit into his mouth again, “m-might cum, jake, please.”
the grip on your thighs tightens more as jake focuses on getting you to come undone on his tongue. he can feel you start to get wetter on his tongue the closer you get to your climax.
the tip of his pretty noise is pressing into your clit as he focuses his tongue to reach deep inside your walls, “please, cum, y/n, wanna taste you- always wanted to taste you.”
it’s his confession that makes you finally reach your high. you’re pushing your head further into your pillow, barely being able to breathe to keep your voice low as you cum. all that goes through your mind is jake, and you so badly want to scream his name so he knows just how good he’s made you feel.
when your body stills again, jake pulls away with a shiny mouth. you turn to look at him and his heart clenches at how pretty you look fucked out. your hair is messy and your cheeks are red from trying to be quiet. jake lets out a little chuckle at your appearance, he presses a kiss to the top of your thigh.
“will you fuck me now, jake? i’ll be quiet,” you ask him, and jake thinks he must be dreaming now.
“fuck, okay, yeah,” Jake whispers, moving you so you’re laying on your back, head in your pillows. your lips meet, rougher again as jake’s hands start to trail underneath your shirt until the fabric is bunched at your arms. you pull away so he can slip the shirt off of your core. you arch your back so you can unclip your bra, letting it loose on your arms which jake then helps slide off completely. “just as pretty as I imagine,” jake says, making your neck flush from realizing that jake thinks of you like this.
his lips quickly meet your neck, pressing soft kisses into your skin. his body feels heavy and warm on top of you. his mouth trails down to your nipples, his tongue peeking out and circling them.
“jake,” you let out softly, his eyes meeting yours as his mouth is still latched onto your nipple. he catches the way your cheeks flush red then, your eyes avoiding his.
“what is it, angel?” your hands leave his shoulders and cover your face, “why are you being shy? don’t want me to fuck you?” jake’s hands trail down to the top of your skirt, playing with the fabric.
“i do,” you state, your hands gripping his shirt, “want it so bad.”
jake smirks, “then let me take off your skirt,” you nod and lift your hips, letting jake slip off your skirt and panties simultaneously. he tosses your clothes to the side before dipping his head to kiss down your chest to your hips.
your hands start to tug on his shirt, “want you naked, too.”
jake laughs into your skin at your request, “okay, baby.” he presses a final kiss between your breasts before he pulls away and takes his shirt and hoodie off. his skin looks soft and tan, his abs from working out visible to you now. “turn around, ‘m gonna fill you up so good.” you do as he says again, not even thinking about it, jutting your hips out for him to grab. jake kneels on the bed behind you, his hands trailing down your bare back to rest on your hips.
jake’s fingers spread open your pussy, feeling how wet you are. he could see and you could feel the mess between your legs, how ready you are for him. “so wet, angel, wish we could’ve done this sooner.”
“me, too.”
“yeah?” jake asks, his fingers circling your clit, “how long have you thought about this?” jake groans as he rests his cock on your ass, his precum dripping out slowly as he jerks it with his free hand.
“for years,”
jake lets out another groan that mixes with yours when he starts slowly sinking into you. his pace starts out slow, preparing you for his size. jake also didn’t want your headboard to hit the wall too loudly.
“remember to be quiet for me, angel.” jake reminds you as his thrusts start to deepen. his hips start moving in and out of you quicker. his hands on your waist digging in to help him find a steady pace. “feels so good, y/n- just so fucking wet.” jake liked watching his dick disappear into your pussy, his dick getting wetter everytime he pulled out.
you were rolling your eyes everytime jake pounded his hips into you. in the moment, neither of you understood why you didn’t do this earlier if you both apparently wanted it. it felt so good for him to be inside of you. his cock wrapped snugly in your walls, being so close together.
“does it feel good, angel? feel full with my dick inside of you?” jake asks, not stopping from fucking his dick inside of you.
“yes, jake d-don’t stop,” you tell him, biting down on your bottom lip when his cock hits your g spot.
“give me your hands, y/n,”
you put your arms on your back so jake can take hold of your wrists. the position lets him hit your gspot clearer, his tip hitting it everytime he fucks into you.
“fuck, that feels am-azing, jake,” you moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“i know, angel- you’re so good- so hot.” his pace was becoming faster with every second, jake’s eyes fighting the urge to close as the pleasure was taking him over. it seemed like he was hitting all the right places, making your walls clench around him tighter and tighter.
“jake- want you closer,” you tell him, needing a sort of intimacy in the moment you’ve always craved from your ex-best friend. jake’s grip on your wrist tightened as he pulled you up from your lying position so now you were on your knees, your back pushed into his chest as his hands wrapped around your waist. his arms were pulling you into him, his jaw nestled in your neck as he starts to fuck up into you now.
“is that better, angel? my needy girl.”
“yes- oh god,” you throw your head back onto his shoulder, letting him pamper wet kisses into your jaw as he doesn’t stop. one of his hands reaches down past your front so rub at your clit, the slickness from your juices allowing him to easily rub circles into it. “y-yes, just like that, please,”
“fuck, you’re so pretty, angel- wish you could be mine forever,” jake confesses, his mind too enthralled with pleasure to think about the consequences of his words. a loud moan escaped your lips, making jake quickly rush to put his hand over your mouth, “shh, y/n, you don’t want our parents to hear, right?” you shake your head no as his hand doesn’t leave your mouth. he continues to pound faster into you, your breathing erratic through your nose as he blocks part of your airway. it ultimately brings more pleasure to your head as the oxygen level decreases.
“don’t want our parents to come up and see how good i’m making you feel? see their good girl y/n getting fucked like the dirty whore she is?” you moan against jake’s mouth, eyes closing from his words. the degradation going straight to your pussy as you’re being taken over by jake completely. “because that’s what you are right y/n? a dirty whore that gets fucked by my friends and me?”
jake removes his hand so you can answer, biting down on your neck to keep himself quiet, “f-fuck, ‘m only one for you, jake.”
jake hums into your ear, his hand trailing down to your drenched clit, “you gonna cum for me too, angel? wanna feel you soak my cock more, can feel you already getting wetter.” you can only nod your head yes, too consumed from the pleasure and then suddenly you’re cumming.
your mind goes blank as the hard orgasm takes over your body. jake has thankfully brought his hand to cover your mouth again, masking your moans as your body weakens from the pleasure.
it doesn’t take long for jake to cum then, his warm cum filling your hole. you’ve never felt someone cum in you before, but you knew it was something that you wanted to feel again- mainly jake’s cum. you could feel it start to seep out of your hole as jake’s pace starts to slow- letting both of you catch your breaths.
jake lets go of you, letting your body collapse onto your bed. he slowly eases out of you, leaving your hole gaping from the stretch of his dick. he gives himself a second to take in the image, your pussy red and swollen, and his white cum dripping out of it. it makes him wonder if you let jay fuck you raw.
with that, jake’s standing and grabbing the towel hanging on the back of your door. he’s wiping up his cum as your back is still heaving to catch your breath. your hair is messy and your lips are swollen from biting down on them to keep quiet.
“you okay?” jake asks softly as he cleans up between your legs. you hum a yes in response, your eyes remaining closed. jake continues to clean you up, pressing kisses into your back with praises. “did so good for me, angel.”
you hear jake stand and start to dress himself. you turn and watch him shimmy on his clothes, taking in the red marks on his neck and messy hair. he bends down again when he’s dressed, picking up a pair of your sweatpants and tossing them on the bed before turning and going to your drawers, picking out a loose shirt.
“here, y/n.” he passes you the shirt. you smile gratefully at him as you slip it on over your head. he’s turning and looking over the books and papers on your desk as you dress. there’s a pit feeling in your stomach now, and you wish your orgasmic haze didn’t fade so quickly for you to feel like this.
there’s nothing really to say between you guys now. and just when something crosses jake’s mind and opens his mouth, his parents call him from downstairs, telling him they’re ready to go.
jake gives you a sympathetic smile as he’s helping you stand from your bed, which you gladly take as you feel like your legs are still jelly. you follow him downstairs, standing on the last stair as his family says goodbye to you and your parents.
“ready to go?” jake’s mom asks him, which he nods to.
“bye, y/n.” jake turns and gives you a tight lipped smile and a small wave.
“bye.” you answer, returning the same smile as he closes the door after his parents.
your parents didn’t say anything but a quick goodnight when you told them you still weren’t feeling well, leaving you to stay in your room for the rest of the weekend, dreading going to school on monday. there were no texts from anyone, even though you wished there would be.
you were painfully aware that your friendship with jake would be changed now, all because you changed up what you guys usually did when he came over.
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@csesamis@laffatae@theskzvibe@jjhmk@stunninj4y@hyuckscore@lizdevorak@clcudi@arizejkt19@wwjlln7@thisisnotjacinta@sheishiding2-o@immelissaaa@nctseventeensworld@luvdokja@vatterie@shootforthemoonyun@nikirikii@artgukk@ily-bin@sunwooes-k@dasa3040@02zluvbot@jizzdrunk@ivoirepearl@filthxyy@ddreast@lovelivevi@purplepuppychild@loves0ft@foxdaisy @cosmiczen @66cupid @neo-weareone @theskzvibe  @sd211 @lilactangerine @kaislinging-slasher01
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@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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justplainwhump · 1 day
In a moment of despair, Bea finds herself.
[Pet Safety Masterlist]
Content: BBU, BBU recovery, recapture(-ish) - but really, mostly recovery.
Bea. Bea.
She'd said the new name to herself in the mirror, every time she looked at one; sometimes out loud when she was home alone; just a soft mumble at other times. "Good morning, Bea", she would say, or "Good evening, Bea", and the one-eyed woman in the mirror would smile a beautiful smile, and the pet who wasn't really a pet any longer would smile back.
She held on to her old name, too, deep inside, the old name and its old life, its flickers of memory, vague faces, echoes of touches.
Bea, however, was now. A new life, a new name, even a new face. Maybe less regular than the old one, less perfect. But beautiful. Happy.
And she owed it all to Adrian Delgado, the man who was cowering next to her on the street right now, his hands on the shoulders of a skinny, shaking runaway pet.
"We'll get you out of here," Adrian mumbled into the runaway's hair.
They'd found him huddled up in a narrow alleyway on their walk home from dinner, feverish and injured. Adrian hadn't hesitated. With practised routine, one hand had dialed Marta's number, the other wrapped a scarf around his face, before he'd sank to his knees to check the pet's health. He wasn't good. Bea knew. She'd seen similar injuries. She'd suffered them, too. And she'd barely survived.
"Please," the pet whimpered now. "Please don't make me go back, please."
"You won't. My friend will be here soon," Adrian said, holding his hand. "She'll help you."
"Negative." Marta's voice through the phone was pressed, sharp. "A, B, you need to bail, right now, we have a WRU re-ac team coming in."
"Please," the pet whispered again and grabbed Adrian's other hand, too. "Please. Not back to my owner."
The phone cracked. "Are you leaving? Fuck. You're not leaving, A, I'd hear that. Fucking run, or you bring him in to WRU yourself, you hear me? Don't blow your cover."
The pet sobbed.
Bea reached for the phone and got to her feet. There wasn't a mirror here, only Bea's dull reflection in a dirty storefront window, her face half shadowed in the streetlight. Hi Bea, she thought. Hi, girl. You're good. You've got this.
"Bea," Adrian called. "What are you doing?" He shook off the pet's hand.
Bea held his gaze. "Get A and the pet," Bea said into the phone, carefully avoiding their names just as Marta did. "I'll handle the team."
She shoved up her sleeves, turned her wrist in the streetlight, so the black lines of her bar code shone. "They return runaways to their owners," she said. "Let them return me, not him."
"No," Adrian rose as well, the pet mindlessly sobbing at his feet. "You can't go back to Ja-"
"Jack's not my owner," she reminded him softly. "You are." She smiled. "Tell them I ran, after dinner. I am a good liar, Sir. So are you."
"Do it, B," Marta called via phone. "Now!"
Bea tossed the phone back to Adrian and pointed to her feet. "You told me to run. I have good shoes."
From the main street, the brakes of a heavy car echoed into the alley. Adrian deftly grabbed the pet, pressed a hand on his mouth. Already running towards the corner, Bea knew they were getting cover.
Just in time.
A man and a woman in WRU black stepped out of a van, just as Bea cut around the corner. "Hey," the woman called, hand on her shock baton. "You! Stop!"
Bea stopped, slowly lifted her hands, making sure they could see the bar code.
It was some meters. It was fine. She just needed to get them away from Adrian Delgado and the injured pet. She took some measured steps backwards, keeping her distance. "Please," she cried, just as the runaway had. "Please. I can't go back!"
"Respect," the man boomed, his own baton already in hand.
Bea's knees trembled, but didn't waver. Broken, they'd called her in WRU refurb. Messed up. Stupid. Dysfunctional. Problematic. Because she'd obeyed, done her best to appease them, to survive. But she'd stopped believing. In the handlers, in the truth of the rules, in the power of their orders.
"No," she whispered. Because she could. "Never."
"Stubborn, little shit." The man reached for his taser.
Bea spun on her heel and ran.
"Fuck," the man yelled. "After her. Go! Go!"
She heard footsteps behind her, the screeching tires of the van as it turned on the street, and she knew she wouldn't be able to escape them.
But she didn't need to. She just needed to make it around a corner or two, just clear the path to the alley with Adrian and the runway.
And she knew she could do that.
Good job, Bea, she thought.
Running away from a WRU reacquisition team, her good shoes carrying her, wind in her face, raindrops on her skin, Bea felt herself smile.
She still did, two corners later, when the van drove on the sidewalk in front of her, when a baton crashed into her ribs and she was thrown over the van's hood. When a scanner beeped over her wrist, when the man mumbled number and designation.
For the first time, it didn't feel like hers.
She wasn't a number. She was Bea. And finally, she knew, who Bea was meant be.
pet safety tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue @theelvishcowgirl @light-me-on-pyre @whumps-and-bumps
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 3 months
Easy killin’
Red sniper x blu reader.
C/N - class name
You were in the midst of a battle. You gaze fixed on the man coming right at you. You gripped your knife so tightly your knuckles turned white as you gritted your teeth. Swiftly swinging it and slicing the opposing-teams-spy’s through wide open. You ran towards the control point until you noticed a red beam show up on your right side. You panicked and began to run, he took the shot and it rendered you immobilized from the pain. “Damnit-“ you hissed out and gripped the wound before running back up the stairs to the point. You gripped your gun and stood on it while waiting for it to turn blue. A voice came over the intercoms
“Alert, the control point is being contested.”
Sniper grinned as he gripped his gun and aimed for your head. You looked away and didn’t notice the red beam pointing to your temple. He took the shot. He watched as your face contorted in discomfort and despair. A sick smile formed across his face as he watched you fall.
You felt the bullet piercing your skull as you fell down. Blood pooling from the wound and down your neck. A thick ringing made your mind ache (if the bullet didn’t already.) you gripped the ground as your felt yourself begin to retreat to the respawn machine. After five minutes you were fit to run back onto the field.
You left the respawn area and ran towards your opposing team, guns ablaze. A man came up behind you. Knife to your neck and the other hand across your mouth as he whispered something “Don’t move, Sheila. Got that?” You nodded and bit back your cry for help. The blade gently pressed against your throat. A slight cut forming as he pressed harder “I watch ya’ a lot.” Your eyes widened. Dear god he sounded absolutely psychotic. “I see you running around, you look good.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. You clenched your legs together and squirmed against his grip. He chuckled lowly at your movements “be a good girl for me and help me with a problem I got, okay?” You nodded and your eyes widened as you felt him pull you back and lead you behind a building. He had you facing the wall, his grip still tight on you as he pushed himself closer to your smaller form. Grinding into your backside. Your face was burning. His scent was thick around you, the knife was pressing just enough to scare you, and his low grunts were sending you rearing. He let go of your mouth and reached for your pants, sliding them off with your panties in one sweep. Then reached for his zipper, undoing his pants slightly and pulling his cock out. He slid the head of his cock up and down your pussy before slipping in. “You’re soaked, you liking this mate?”
You nodded vigorously and bit your lip. He chuckled “your gonna have to stay quiet alright? Wouldn’t want the administrator finding out, we’d both lose our jobs.” He said and snapped his hips forward causing you to jump up slightly and gasped. Your neck pressed harder against the knife, drawing blood out of a small wound. “Careful now. I don’t like easy kills.” You nodded “I know..”
he gripped both of your wrists with his free hand and began vigorously fucking into you. You didn’t have a lot of time and you both knew that. He leaned over you and bit your neck, leaving small hickeys and bites all over your shoulders and neck. “I bet that sniper on your team never could fuck you like this, huh?” You shook your head. After all you didn’t want him to slice your throat open so.. you went along with it. Your moans began to flood freely Your orgasm fast approaching as he pounded into you.
He moaned as he fucked into soaked cunt.
“God. C/N.. you feel so good, mate. I’m close” it sent a shiver down your spine “me too.” You bit your lip in anticipation as he chased his orgasm. Your legs shook. You clenched around him as you came around his cock with a strings of curses leaving your lips. When you clenched around his cock he rammed into you, pressing against your cervix as he came deep inside of you. Your body used and somewhat bloody, laid against the wall as he slid out of you. He quickly got himself back in order and wiped his knife off. “See ya in five minutes” he took his smg and shot a round into the back of your head. You fell limp against the wall. He still admired how your body looked. Cum seeping out of you. He lifted your pants and panties up to at least give you some dignity before he ran off and began his spree all over again
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lacyscabinet · 3 months
Willow Waly
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A/N: okay so I'm not dead (to the people who asked me that in my inbox, I see you) 🙌🏻🤗 but I have no inspiration to write requests, I'm in deep emotional despair and I don't want this blog to slowly die soooooo enjoy this nat x ghost reader fic 🤍 the song I quote in the fic is "Willow Waly" if you don't know the song then you probably haven't seen the hunting of Bly manor (would recommend!!)👀👀👀 written in about 15 minutes while I was bawling my eyes out 🎀
Summary: reader is a ghost that hunts an old mansion in Wiskayok and Nat is dumb enough to break in and face her destiny :) also special thank you to Shauna for being an amazing narrative expedient :))))) (people with cars are cool @pinkmoonzzz)
Special thanks to @jollyreginaldrancher my favorite typo spotter 🤍🤍🤍
WARNINGS: death!, reader is dead, Natalie dies.
Enjoy 🤍🤍
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"Isn't it violation of..."
"Shauna" Natalie said with a stone cold gaze, fiddling with the straps of her backpack while sitting in Shauna's passenger seat "That house is empty from like...a decade"
Parking her car at the side of the road, Shauna's head tilted and looked directly at Natalie "Yeah because of that story old people tell kids to scare them away" she chuckled "Scary ghosts"
Natalie's brows furrowed, she didn't know what Shauna was talking about at all "What?" she asked in confusion, causing Shauna to let out a big sigh "Guess I'll have to tell you the whole story then" she spoke with a fake mysterious tone, causing Nat to roll her eyes.
"A family moved there in the 70s, mother, father and daughter, I'm talking about rich ass people that ended up gambling all their money way, and, one night, the daughter was killed, they found out the parents did it, apparently she was dating someone and her parents didn't approve their relationship" she took a deep breath. "The legend says that the girl's ghost is still there attempting to kill everyone who gets inside the house to find herself a new lover" she finished off with a dramatic voice
"Damn" Nat exclaimed "Wiskayok has lore, who would've imagined" she said giggling before going back to her usual cold stare "I'm not scared, and it's a free place for me to stay, my father was a real asshole today" Natalie said as she opened the door and got up from her seat, turning on the torchlight and pointing it in the mansion's direction.
"I told you you could stay at my place" Shauna scoffed.
Natalie just shook her head, it didn't matter how much her friend insisted, she couldn't help but feel like her presence would intrude. So she just plastered a small smile on her lips and a wave of hand before closing the door "Thanks for the ride Shauna"
And now that Shauna was driving away, she was alone.
Walking towards the ruined wooden door, she could hear the porch cracking under her feet, screeching and almost crumbling under her weight.
Once the door was reached, she opened it with ease, multiple years of sneaking into places led her to mastering her bobby pin tecniques.
And the second the door was halfway open, she immediately realized that she was wrong, the house wasn't empty at all, several pieces of furniture and decorations still adorned the inside, covered in dust and cobwebs, carrying signs of the time passing while everything remained still and frozen in time, untouched.
That's when the unsettling feeling kicked in.
Taking a last look outside, she started to think that maybe it wasn't a good idea, but what was left for her outside? a bridge? a street? the trailer?
The allegedly haunted house seemed more welcoming than any of the above.
So she closed the door behind her.
Deciding to explore the remains of the house, she felt like she was transported back in time, the calendar dated back to 1975, and after entering the huge kitchen, she didn't fail to notice the old toaster and other visibly dated furniture.
Until her eyes landed on something. Something she wished she never saw.
"Holy shit" she whispered, looking at the knife holder, noticing one single big kitchen knife missing.
It sent chills down her spine, especially after what Shauna told her, so she backed up and decided to go upstairs and find a place to get some rest, trying to ignore it, it's not real anyways, or at least that's what her mind kept telling her.
Turning around, she noticed a big fancy wooden staircase that headed upstairs, old and dirty blue carpet guiding her way up as she cautiously walked up the stairs, noticing the little intricate details.
And then.
Big stains of blood caught her attention as she reached the second floor, her breathing grew heavier as she thought about whatever it could be, some animal hunting a prey and leving traces behind?...in Natalie's mind it made sense. After all it was just a legend. Right?
But as her eyes shifted she started noticing that the blood trailed from the top of the stairs to a closed rusty door.
She was already inside the house, curiosity taking over, the urge to explore was too much, she didn't believe in ghosts anyways, but the thought of exploring a crime scene was thrilling enough to convince her to go further.
So she took a couple of steps foreward and opened the door. Instantly regretting it, eyes meeting an unmade and messy bed on the wall right opposite to her, her eyes immediately landing on the sheets, they were almost completely covered in blood.
Natalie gasped in horror, torch falling on the ground and her trembling hands reaching up to cover her mouth, wide eyes darting away from to obscene sight and a grimaced expression written all over her face.
And then she heard it, a soft mumble, a hum, a weak broken whisper echoing both in the room and in her terrified mind, it took her a while to realize that it came from upstairs.
The attic
She didn't understand why, almost as her feet started moving on their own, she found herself climbing up the tiny ladder at the end of the corridor, pushing open the small door on the ceiling and finally reaching the attic.
Now she could hear it vividly, someone was singing, but even there, she couldn't see who it was, some old boxes blocking her view.
" We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow, but now alone I lie and weep beside the tree..."
The stranger's voice trembling and on the verge of tears, almost sobbing.
"Singing oh willow waly by the tree that weeps with me, singing oh willow waly till my lover return to me..."
Nat's hands trembled, curiosity replaced by fear and fear replaced by terror in a matter of seconds.
"We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow, a broken heart I have, oh willow I die, oh willow I die"
The stranger kept singing. Louder.
Taking a deep breath Natalie quickly got back to the second floor, not even hesitating for a second and immediately sprinting out and running for the door, the creature's chants echoed throughout the whole house, making Nat's head spin as panic filled her whole body, almost making her legs give out as she ran down the stairs.
"Singing oh willow waly by the tree that weeps with me, singing oh willow waly till my lover return to me..."
Finally she could see the door, finally grasping onto some hope, but of course it didn't last long. Because as soon as she tried to open it just like she perviously did to get in, she relized that it wouldn't budge. It was locked.
Curses left her mouth as she kicked and threw fists at the door, her only result a bruise on her knuckles.
Tears of frustration streaming down her face as she started to feel a presence getting closer and closer to her, hunting her down and refusing to let her go.
Then, all of a sudden all the rage, the panic, the desperation and the misery she felt were replaced by a feeling of extreme emptiness and coldness, she felt lighter as if her body was slowly detaching from her soul, even though she swore she didn't take acids that night.
And then she heard it. Closer then before.
"We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow, a broken heart I have, oh willow I die, oh willow I die."
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
Everything We Know About Mai Akasaki + So Many Theories
AKA, me going insane over a character with exactly nine seconds of main series screen time so far. I checked.
At this point, it's probably fair to say that Mai Akasaki is by far the most mysterious aspect of DRDT. A character we only learn about in short, cryptic bouts of information, yet one which seems intrinsically linked with the series' plot and characters. We know extremely little about her, and what we do know, it's usually speculative.
However, it's still really interesting to talk about this funky little woman, and try to figure out what exactly her deal is. Join me in insanity land, as I compile everything I could find about her, and speculate on her story! I can practically guarantee that you'll learn something new.
WARNING: Insanely long post. I reached the 30 image limit, to give you an idea of how crazy this is.
Wait, Who?
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Her! <3
(A lot of what I'm about to say come from this post by despairing-disaster and this one by akemiai, huge shout out to them!)
For the uninitiated, Mai Akasaki is the secret seventeenth student of the DRDT cast, hidden somehwere in this school wait no that's Mukuro. Her name can be found in the hidden quote in MonoTV's character profile, which itself is found by doing "inspect element" on said page.
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Her name is Mai Akasaki
(I am such a hacker)
Typing in https://danganronpadespairtime.tumblr.com/maiakasaki (or clicking there) takes you to a pretty empty page, with this text:
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All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I'll give it to you. Ask for my life, and I'll give it to you as well. Don't apologize for asking, I'll give you my forgiveness too.
As you'll see later, this quote is probably something Mai would say.
And this hidden quote:
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"Are you still searching for a secret? For some explanation that will satisfy you? There's no answer I can give you that will make you happy. Maybe I should have lied instead. I'm sorry."
Note the quotes, which as far as I can tell, aren't in any of the other hidden phrases. That said, spoilers, I don’t have any idea what this means.
You may aso have noticed some highlighted letters in that first quote. Typing those in, https://danganronpadespairtime.tumblr.com/aoaviepkro, takes you to the most important page for our purposes:
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(Also, you can just look it up on google nowadays)
Mai Akasaki's character profile. And yes, it's the girl Teruko remembers after being stabbed by Xander, in episode 6 of chapter 1. After that memory, Teruko thinks:
It's strange I would remember her now, of all times. What was her name again? It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember. Xander always reminded me of that girl. Perhaps that's why I'm thinking about her now. They looked similar, with that same red hair and smile. And... they both wanted to help, didn't they?
Teruko and her clearly have something going on, but we'll get to it later (take a shot every time I say something like that). For now, we have to dive into the profile.
Profile of Someone Dearly Loved
Basic Info
She's listed as the "Ultimate ???", likes phone charms and dislikes silence. She's 5'8'' tall, weighing 124 lbs and with a chest sie of 30 in. I doubt anyone cares about the latter. Her birthday is February first, which you may want to keep in mind for later.
The Subtitle Quote
As every character does, Mai has a quote right under her name. In her case, "There's a way for you to be happy". Keep in mind these quotes are usually things the characters would say, and as you'll see in a moment, that fits.
However, what's interesting is that this quote was not the one originally there when Mai's page was first found. It changed. It used to be, apparently, "Anything, anything at all..."
What I don't know is when it changed, or why. The earliest reference I can find to the change is this post by stfu-sage, the 20th of March, 2023. This is just three days after the release of Ch 2 Ep 8, but that feels like quite a strange time for it to change, especially since we don’t know how many days passed without anyone checking the profile. I feel it makes more sense if it had changed either with the release of Ch 2 or with the BDA on chapter 7. Regardless, the exact time doesn’t matter much.
What do these lines mean, though? Well, starting with “Anything, anything at all”, I believe it’s related to line from the Mai Akasaki URL. You know, “All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I’ll give it to you…”, that one. When you read them together, it makes sense:
All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I'll give it to you. Ask for my life, and I’ll give it to you as well. […] [You can ask for] Anything, anything at all.
Considering the code for Mai’s profile is in the “ask for my hand” line, I think it makes sense.
Then, the changed quote, “There’s a way for you to be happy”. Considering the general time for the change, is it possible this is something Mai said to Arei, during their time at Hope's Peak? It's the best I have for now, but I feel we may need more context to know what this is about.
In any case, I can't gather much more from the subtitle quote. Although I do feel like pointing out, Mai’s quote is somewhat unique in that none of the words are highlighted. All the other characters have one or a few words highlighted (eg: Arei - secret, Teruko - no matter what), except MonoTV and Mai. Don’t think it means anything, but it’s there.
Hidden Quotes
And here we have it. The most important part of Mai theorizing. Whenever you refresh the page, a new body of text appears, which is related to a specific character via the code of the website. You can see in the screenshot I took, it says “A girl with many friends”. But here’s a full list of all the possibilities:
Teruko: Some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘Teruko Tawaki.’ Charles: A girl who loves her family. Rose: She remembers everything that is important to others. Arturo: A girl who sees the beauty in everyone. Levi: A girl with a floral tattoo on her arm. Whit: A girl with many friends. Eden: She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up. J: She kept it a secret, and told no one. Hu: A girl who wanted to keep everyone safe. Nico: Everyone confided in her. Ace: A girl who had a bright future. Arei: She doesn’t like it when her friends fight. Min: An average girl with nothing special at all about her. Xander: She couldn’t stand to do nothing. Veronika: A girl who didn’t foresee the consequences. David: She forgives everyone. MonoTV: It’s all your fault.
You may notice the order is somewhat peculiar, and it's for a good reason. It's the order the "bios" (name of the variable in the source code... I think that's how that works) are laid out in the source code of Mai's page.
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... I know you can barely see and not all of them are on frame, but just trust me. If you want to check for yourself, you can go to the profile's source code (Ctrl U), and either scroll to almost the bottom, or just search (Ctrl F) for a word like "average" or "confided" which only shows up in the "bios". There's probably easier ways to go about it, but this is how I got there. I'm telling you this because it took me like an hour to find out where the hell the order came from. I am not good at computers.
However, for now, let's just ignore the order (and the tenses of the sentences, I swear I'll get there) and focus on the main points for now.
+Mai is extremely well-liked by the other members of the cast. In particular, some of the quotes compliment her based on faults the character attached to them has.
>Arturo is extremely judgemental based on ugliness, but Mai "sees the beauty in everyone".
>Charles forgot his dead brother, but Mai "loves her family".
>Rose is absentminded and often forgets things if she doesn't see them, but Mai "remembers everything that is important to others".
>The hidden quote on Ace's page has him saying "I don't know what to do with myself anymore", suggesting a lack of control over his future, but Mai "had a bright future".
>Arei constantly causes altercations between the cast, but Mai "doesn't like it when her friends fight".
However, plenty of quotes are simply good qualities, such as Hu's "A girl who wanted to keep everyone safe". The point is, everyone seemingly adored this girl.
+Mai is good at keeping secrets, as implied by J's and Nico's quotes ("She kept it a secret, and told no one" and "Everyone confided in her", respectively). Those same quotes actually seem to imply Mai likely knew those two's secrets, and possibly a lot of the others.
+Among other things, Mai is compassionate, forgiving, friendly, and generally a positive presence.
+Mai and Teruko have a particularly strange relationship. We'll come back to this.
+Mai seemingly did... something, and it brought consequences. This is implied by the quotes of Xander ("she couldn't stand to do nothing") and Veronika ("A girl who didn't foresee the consequences"). But, what was it? Well, to get a better idea, we need to take a look at... the Bonus Episodes.
A Not-So-Unnamed-Classmate
Technically-a-Theory: Mai is the Unnamed Classmate
I say "technically" because I'm pretty sure no one actually disagrees with this. Yes, technically it's never been confirmed, but it seems likely Mai is the Unnamed Classmate who shows up in both of the Bonus Episodes we have so far. The PoV character in both of those episodes has the same voice, which sounds like a girl's, and their personality seems to fit with the very little we know of Mai.
Additionally, as you’ll see, the text boxes in the Bonus Episodes are surrounded by flowers which look very similar to the ones in Mai’s tattoo, further connecting them.
It's not much, but since we don't know anyone else who could be Unnamed Classmate, they and Mai are likely the same person.
With this clarified, let's talk about Unnamed Classmate.
Bonus Episode #1
This episode is mostly focused on Min and the history of Hope's Peak, but we can still start to grasp a bit of Mai's personality. She seems generally upbeat and somewhat bubbly, and we can see glimpses of her kind and caring qualities when she comforts Min near the end of the episode.
There's also a few lines which actually tell us a few more concrete things about her, though. I won't post them in chronological order, btw.
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Min: Hey! Put your textbook away! Don’t cheat!
Seemingly an insignificant joke, but it does help establish Mai as slightly mischievous/cheeky, which will be expanded upon later. Other indications of this cheekiness include Mai comlimenting Min and trying to distract her by talking about the sky and her backstory, presumably to procrastinate. I may be reading too much into it, but I really don't think Mai is as easily distracted as she makes herself out to be.
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Mai: Auughh, the test is too soon, there’s no way I’ll have enough time! I’m totally going to fail!
Mai: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you to help me study--
Mai: I see. That's how you got your talent. I'm ashamed that I'm only now learning something so important. I'm sorry.
(Yes, I had to bunch a few of these images together because I ran into the Tumblr 30 image limit)
A few lines which seem innocuous at first, but when paired together, they hint at something. Essentially, I believe this implies Mai doubts her abilities and actions, and may even have a self-deprecating streak. She's at the very least much harsher on herself than she is on others. It sounds like a stretch, but I swear it's not as farfetched as it seems.
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Mai: You're somebody who buys fish-shaped pastries and saves the chocolate-filled ones for me, because you know that those are my favorite.
Mai likes chocolate-filled pastries. Hey, when I said “everything we know about Mai”, I meant everything (that I could find).
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Min: I suppose for someone like you who doesn't care too much about Hope's Peak and who, no offense, would never be eligible for the [Ultimate Contest for Eminent Students] with such average grades...
Min: You might not do very well in school, but you're quite sharp.
Put simply, Mai has average grades, but is still considered smart by Min. Her intelligence is visible throughout the episodes, mainly in the form of emotional intelligence and a hint of deception (that's where the mischieviousness comes in).
However, perhaps it’s the first phrase which is most interesting. Mai “doesn’t care too much about Hope’s Peak”. Which is only reiterated by the following lines.
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Min: Maybe someone like you who never cared about Hope’s Peak Academy wouldn’t understand. But it’s everyone else’s dream to be an Ultimate.
Mai: Ultimates aren’t everything. As if I’m only friends with you because of your talent. There’s more to you than that.
Mai seems to have a much more laissez-faire approach to the concept of Hope’s Peak and Ultimates than what Min considers normal. By itself, this isn’t too strange, as we know there’s other people not too attached to their status as Ultimates. However, this actually may have something to do with the incident implied in Xander’s and Veronika’s quotes. I’ll get to it later (overused phrase of the day), but for now, keep this in mind.
Nevertheless, there is one more theory affected by this nonchalance towards Hope’s Peak. Except, it’s a theory I believe is actually harmed by this attitude.
Good Theory I Don’t Believe: Mai is a Reserve Course Student
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool theory! I just don’t think it works all the way.
Essentially, this theory is what it says in the tin. Mai is the Ultimate ??? because she’s actually a Reserve Course student, a la Hajime Hinata. There are many good posts on this theory, like this one by delightfullydiscordant, and I recommend you read them since they’re well put together! Some of the main points of this theory include:
>Min’s quote for Mai is “An average girl with nothing special at all about her.”, which could imply she doesn’t have a talent. However, there are other interpretations for this line, so it’s far from conclusive.
>Mai seems to be wearing a Japanese Hope’s Peak uniform (check out this post by laly-481), but the jacket around Mai’s waist is darker than the one worn by Ultimates in DR 3. Instead, it seems closer to a Reserve Course jacket. The issue I have with this is that… well, we know very little about what the Japanese Hope’s Peak in the DRDT universe looks like, so this feels a bit vague.
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Mai: You’re not nobody. Even if I pretend that you’re not an Ultimate and that we’re not both students in Hope’s Peak Academy, you’re still somebody to me.
I’ll ask you to ignore the lesbians for a moment and focus on the beginning of the quote. If you look at it closely, it seems to imply both Mai and Min are Hope’s Peak alumni, but they’re not both Ultimates. Thereby, Mai must be a Reserve Course student.
However, I actually have a different interpretation of that quote, one which, you guessed it, I’ll get to later. But for now, if we’re going to get involved in semantics, we also have to look at this line:
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Mai: The US Hope's Peak Academy takes in college-age students, and there's two of them, and we have this really weird curriculum, and there's a bunch of other things, and...
Min: Remember that we’re East Class 27, so that means that Hope’s Peak is how many years old?
Min: Look at what our classmates are doing now. They're Ultimates too. They're all doing things relevant to their career, if not actually out working.
Min saying “we're class 27" could be interpreted as her simply referring to herself and the other Ultimates, but even then, referring to "our classmates" while talking to Mai implies they're in the same class. Also, Mai saying "we have" a weird curriculum feels odd unless both she and Min have the same curriculum, meaning both of them likely attend the same classes, thus again, both are Ultimates.
But that’s only a minor problem. In truth, there are other reasons I believe Mai has a talent, and I even have a guess of what that talent may be. But the main one is what we just established: Mai never really cared about Hope’s Peak.
I admittedly may be missing some context, since I’ve never watched DR 3, but from what I know, Reserve Course students are usually characterized as people who desperately want to be Ultimates and are obsessed with Hope’s Peak, which doesn’t fit Mai at all. You could argue maybe she went to Hope's Peak to search for Teruko as Teruko's quote implies, but the problem with that is that Teruko remembers Mai, at least a little bit (see: dream sequence), which means they should have reunited before Hope's Peak, since the last thing Teruko remembers before the "amnesia zone" is going to Hope's Peak's entrance ceremony.
Not to mention, we… can’t even be sure the Reserve Course exists. For as much info as we got from the Bonus Episode #1, that course was never even mentioned. And seeing this is a post-Tragedy world, the Reserve Course may not even exist. Especially when Min also says that actually being an Ultimate is considered more important than going to Hope’s Peak in the US.
So, final verdict on this theory? While it’s quite interesting and I definitely think it’s more plausible than many of the other things I’ll bring up, I don’t find it to be the most likely, again because Mai’s disinterest in Hope’s Peak pushes her away from the standard Reserve Course student, and because I prefer a different theory about her talent.
And with that, we’re done with the first Bonus Episode for now! Let’s see what the second one brings.
Bonus Episode #2
This one, surprisingly, has fewer lines which gives us info about Mai. However, what it does give us is arguably some of the most important intel we have so far.
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Mai: No, it’s fine. Don’t think you’re making me come with you. I'm here because I want to be here.
Mai: [Xander reimbursing her for the trip]'s silly. I can pay for it myself. Besides, you're letting me stay at your place for a week, so if anything, you're doing me a favor.
The first just reiterates that Mai is compassionate and wants to help whenever she can. As for the second, it seems to imply Mai doesn't struggle too much with money, which is info I guess. However, she also says Xander is doing her a favor by letting her stay over. I think that just means the expenses of living wherever she's living for a week exceed the expenses of the trips? I don't see any other reason that would be considered a favor in that aspect. I considered maybe Mai could have a bad home life, but in the secret quotes:
Charles: A girl who loves her family
So, I don't think that's the case. I think it really is just a money thing, and we don't have to overthink it too much.
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Mai: 'Oh, speaking of Hope's Peak. I need to ask Xander if he found that document I asked him to look for.'
Mai: 'I didn't want to unload the work on him, but he's much better at digging up stuff than I am.'
Mai: 'But it's definitely not something I should bring up in a public place. I'll remember to ask him later'.
And here we are. The single biggest Mai-related reveal in the Bonus Episodes. Her and Xander were involved in some sort of secretive operation related to Hope's Peak. In particular, seemingly during their trip to visit the graves of Xander's family, Mai asked Xander to retrieve a document related to the Academy, a document they shouldn't discuss in public. In fact, right after this, Mai changes the subject to Xander's eyes so as to not talk about it, again showing she can be somewhat deceptive when she needs to.
This might be related to Teruko's claim that "[Xander and Mai] both wanted to help", but it seems impossible for her to remember anything which happened during HPA (Hope's Peak Academy, got tired of writing it out) time, so I still don't know what she actually meant by that.
Nevertheless, it's pretty obvious that whatever this is, it would be bad news for HPA. I mean, if Xander's involved, there's no way it's good for an institution. But it also ties back to Mai's critical view of HPA and the Ultimate title.
However, messing with something as powerful as HPA could be pretty dangerous. Thus, I believe this little operation is likely what's being referred to in Xander's and Veronika's quotes.
Xander: She couldn’t stand to do nothing. Veronika: A girl who didn’t foresee the consequences.
(By the way, Xander's quote in particular is why I don't quite believe the theory that the document mentioned here is only to get Teruko into HPA somehow. It's a cool theory, but Xander's quote feels a bit too dramatic for that to be the end goal of Mai's plans)
I mean, for one, it's Xander saying Mai did something, and messing with HPA could have quite drastic consequences, from what we know. Thus, from now on, I will henceforth call this vague action against HPA "the HPA Operation", because saying "that thing Mai did which Xander's and Veronika's quotes allude to" is gonna get tiring.
What exactly the HP Operation was, I obviously don't know, we're on chapter 2 of the series and this is quite clearly a mystery which may last until chapter 6 (assuming a standard DR formula).
However, I can tell you one thing. It may not fully be Mai's idea.
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Mai: If you set out to do something, then never give up on that, no matter what obstacles may stand in your way. Even if it's risky or against the rules, as long as it's for a good cause...
Mai: I'll trust that you know to do the right thing.
Xander: Yeah, of course (NOT PICTURED)
Xander: That's why I've come to Hope's Peak, isn't it?
The lines about the HPA document appear right after this, although Mai does seem confused at first by Xander's claim that "that's why [he's come] to Hope's Peak". So although Mai is the one who asked Xander to find the document, it's possible the basic idea to go against HPA came from Xander. After all, remember. Mai never cared much about HPA, so it seems unlikely she paid enough attention to it to notice its flaws as quickly as Xander would. Ultimate Rebel, and all that.
However, even if Xander was the one who planted the idea of revolution in Mai's head, she's clearly invested in it. She tells Xander to never give up on anything he sets out to do, even if it's risky or against the rules.
So, there it is. So far, what we know about the HPA Operation is:
>Mai and Xander were heavily involved.
>It may have originally been Xander's idea, but Mai seems to have taken the role of tactician at some point.
>HPA likely wasn't too happy with it.
>It likely had horrible consequences for Mai.
And that's all we had for a while, as Chapter 2 Part 1 didn't add anything to the conversation. Well, except maybe a thought Teruko has when Arei starts crying after her breakdown in the playground:
That pitiful crying... It reminds me of... Of...
That could be about Mai, but I really don't know what it could mean, so I'm sorta ignoring it for now.
So, yeah. Nothing new.
Until it came out.
Going (Literature Girl) Insane
Yeah, the David MV. Mai is listed in the cast list as a secondary character, though her name is crossed out. This likely refers to the portrait of her seen in the background.
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The portrait of Mai is labeled "portrait of someone dearly loved", while Teruko's is labeled "portrait of someone dearly unloved", the words flipped. This is one of many things which seem to imply Teruko and Mai are meant to be opposites of each other.
There is also that one image of a girl whose identity is unclear.
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It doesn't look like Mai, but maybe that's my prosopagnosiac ass assuming different hair = different person. Generally, people assume this is "Diana Chiem", if she even exists, though I somewhat lean on it possibly being the mysterious name out of frame in the cast list. You know, the name which vaguely looks like "Ms Naegi". However, I'm showing you the image to get a second opinion on something.
You see the hand Mystery Girl is holding? Doesn't it look like it's wearing a glove? Because of the white line in the wrist. Maybe I'm going insane, that could just be a bend of the wrist, but... I kinda don't see it? It makes a bit more sense to me as a glove. And since it doesn't seem to be cut off at the fingers like Xander's, it would have to be Mai's. Other characters also wear this type of glove, but they’re not on the cast list.
The counterpoint is that it looks like you can see the nail of the PoV person's thumb, but I'm not sure that's the case? That part of the sprite is really strange and seems to be different in all three of the Mystery Girl images, so I can't tell. Anywyas, if any of you have ideas, tell me. Again, it's most likely I'm overthinking and that's just a bend of the wrist.
Anyways, enough dillydally, let's get to the big stuff.
The Roman numeral
As you may or may not know, during the MV we’re shown a crossword puzzle which is solved with the characters’ names, and this assigns each character with a different Roman numeral. This numeral later shows up attached to some kind of phrase, which in turn relates that character back to the phrase. I made a post talking about all of them, but I'll go more in detail about Mai's in this post than I did in that post.
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Solution by raspbeyes
In the crosswords, Mai intersects Arei and Levi. I don't think this means much by itself, since the way the names intersect doesn't seem to be too important in general. Like, yes, if you squint you can see things like Whit only intersecting Charles, but there's also things like Min only intersecting Arei, Eden only intersecting Rose, Veronika intersecting everyone and their morther... My point is, the exact position in the crosswords doesn't tend to matter much.
What's more important are the numerals. Mai's is XI (11), a number which, from my research, is related to leadership and bringing out the best in others, as well as nobility or higher conciousness and spirituality and knowledge and new beginnings- Okay, the point is, I found mostly inconclusive stuff, but a lot of this sort of relates back to Mai, so we take it.
And the phrase itself:
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XI. God is dead
What could this mean? Well, in philosophy, the phrase "God is dead" refers to the breakdown of ethical and sociocultural structures as christianity and religion in general became less universal. So, loss in faith in an institution leads to changes in the status quo. One way to interpret this in the context of this numeral is that Hope's Peak is the "God", and Mai's actions involved a loss on faith on HPA, and everything which comes with it. This could even be related to the phrase which directly follows this numeral in the song, "become brainwashed: go do it!". If HPA's propaganda which makes everyone love Ultimates can be considered brainwashing, anyways.
But that's not what any of us first thought when we read that, is it?
Is Mai Dead?
Yeah, we gotta talk about the elephant in the room.
You'll have noticed, lots of the hidden quotes on Mai's profile speak about her in the past tense. This already had people thinking she was dead since it was first found, but the MV really drove the point home. Considering how the characters think about Mai, it's not impossible to imagine Mai is the "God" here, and "God is dead" has a far more literal meaning.
But, let's hold our horses here, no need to kill her so quickly. There is a chance she's alive.
Coping With the Quotes
Like I said, some of these quotes speak about her as if she's dead, but some of them actually talk about Mai in the present tense. Here, I sorted them out.
Referring to a past event:
Teruko: Some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘Teruko Tawaki.’ Eden: She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up. J: She kept it a secret, and told no one. Xander: She couldn’t stand to do nothing. Veronika: A girl who didn’t foresee the consequences.
These are phrases which can't be used to determine Mai's status, since they talk about a specific thing which she did. Even if she's alive, these would still be in the past tense. Teruko's is explicitly talking about years ago; J and Eden are talking about things Mai probably did during her time at HP; and Xander's and Veronika's talk about the HPA Operation. These are inconclusive.
Miscellaneously inconclusive
Whit: A girl with many friends. MonoTV: It’s all your fault.
MonoTV's line doesn't refer to Mai at all, so it's not useful here. And I put Whit here because... frankly, I wouldn't trust him to tell us even if Mai really is dead. "[His] mother is dead, [he] omit[s] this truth", and all that. Though his quote does seem to imply she's alive, for what it's worth.
Present Tense
Charles: A girl who loves her family. Rose: She remembers everything that is important to others. Arturo: A girl who sees the beauty in everyone. Levi: A girl with a floral tattoo on her arm. Arei: She doesn’t like it when her friends fight. Min: An average girl with nothing special at all about her. David: She forgives everyone.
Admittedly, some of these don't actually have verbs, so putting them in "present tense" is a bit of a misnomer. Still, all of these seem to imply Mai's alive. Notably, David's line is right after Xander's and Veronika's in the code, so he might be saying this after the HPA Operation fell through? Take that as you will.
Past Tense
Hu: A girl who wanted to keep everyone safe. Nico: Everyone confided in her. Ace: A girl who had a bright future.
I was surprised by how few of these lines actually speak of Mai strictly as if she's died. They are all together, too, and separated from Xander's and Veronika's by Arei's and Min's in the code. But what's even more important is that these are still inconclusive.
When Hu says Mai "wanted to keep everyone safe", she could be talking specifically about the HPA Operation, and the phrase would be in the past tense even if Mai survived that.
When Nico says "everyone confided in her", that could mean everyone at one point or another told her their secrets, and again, it would be in the past tense even if Mai is alive.
And although Ace says Mai "had a bright future", we don't know why she no longer has one. It's possible the consequences Veronika speaks of only ruined Mai's future, but didn't get her killed.
With all this in mind, it actually seems like the quotes lean on the side of Mai being alive! That's still inconclusive, and MonoTV's quote is a bit too ominous for me to say they definitively confirm her status.
Especially because... well, the quotes aren't the only part of this discussion.
The MV Killed the Hope's Peak Star
Let's start with the biggest issue, the flowers of an unknown species.
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As pointed out by delightfullydiscordant in this post, those flowers appear to be the same ones on Mai’s tattoo and Unnamed Classmate’s text boxes. And as the comments point out, they seem to be camellias.
The issue is that the MV confirms they’re white. And white camellias, in Japan, are popular funeral flowers and are associated with death. Yeah.
Now, let’s not bury the girl yet. White camellias also represent adoration and respect in a more platonic way than, say, red camellias, for example. They can also represent purity, beauty, and even hope. Yeah, we’re dropping the H word.
I also tried looking for literary references with white camellias, in the spirit of the MV. However, the only thing I found was that they show up in “To Kill A Mockingbird”, a book which if I recall correctly is never mentioned in the MV. And it’s a good thing, too, since they apparently represent racism in that book. I don’t think that’s related to Mai, frankly.
So, good news! It’s still not conclusive! Well, but there’s more. In particular, take a look at footnote 20.
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This shows up directly after Mai's numeral and the brainwashed phrase I mentioned earlier. It’s a definition of the model of the five stages of grief, with the footnote itself simply claiming it is considered by many to be outdated. Also, there’s an emoticon of someone sticking out their tongue. Don’t know what else that would be, and I don’t know what to make of it.
But the fact it’s a model of how people deal with grief, usually related to death, and that it shows up directly after Mai’s numeral, seems to imply Mai’s dead.
And then there’s the problem of her numeral! Mai has one of the only ones numerals which is colored, in this case gray. The others are mostly just white, with the only other exceptions being Xander's (translucid, "(the world of abnormal sentiment dances)") and Min's (pink, stylised as the X of a death portrait, "democratic-ly" and the rules of class trials). It doesn't bode too well for Mai to have something in common with 2/3 of all confirmed dead people, I have to say.
However, it being gray specifically could be a direct reference to her death as well. Color theory (don’t question it for now) connects gray with the depressed persona of David, though, so this isn’t very conclusive.
And finally, edging into more “confirmation bias-y” territory, you remember how I said the position in the crosswords doesn’t really matter? Well, yeah, but. Mai’s name, as it goes over the A in Arei, also happens to cross the Roman numeral IV (4), a number related to death as per footnote four. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s why Arei has it. You know, the third dead person. Nevertheless, again, crosswords positioning is usually not important, so take that with a massive grain of salt.
So, what’s the conclusion? I think it’s still up for debate, but I lean more on the idea of Mai being dead. The flowers and the model of stages of grief are pretty damning, and I don’t think most of the quotes being in present tense can really be trusted.
Anyways, let me continue a bit with the idea of her being dead.
Sub-Theory: Shot Through the Heart, Xander’s to Blame
You remember how the MV claims there’s six bullets around? But it also tells you it’s impossible to find them all? I made a post about it, where I found the five bullets which I think are the only ones which i can be found.
My conclusion in that post, which I sort of stand by, is that if there’s six bullets, but only five are visible, the last one is likely loaded in the gun. It’s labeled “(not) a prop gun”, so it’s apparently real, but still connected to Xander.
The issue? That gun is sorta pointed directly at Mai’s portrait.
This kinda fits with the pieces I’ve been putting together. Mai (possibly) died because of the HPA Operation, but Xander may have been the one who originally planted that idea in her head. Or at least enabled her plans by finding documents. In that sense, one could argue it’s Xander’s fault Mai died. So, it kinda fits! I’m going with that.
The question now would be who blames Xander for Mai’s death. After all, I sorta doubt he’s the one who actually killed her. My original instinct was David, since that’s the guy the MV is about, but that doesn’t quite fit. David idolizes Xander a fair bit, so it feels odd to think he’d blame him for this.
Instead, if this theory is true, I think it makes more sense for Xander to blame himself for Mai’s death. Survivor’s guilt is a huge part of his character (see: the Bonus Episode and the quote on his page), so if he survived the fallout of the HPA Operation when Mai didn’t, he’d be quite heartbroken by it. And thus, he may end up blaming himself for dragging her into the whole mess.
So, that's about it for what we know about Mai's status. But would you believe it if I told you we're not done with the MV yet?
Color Theory
Color theory in the context of the MV refers to this post and reblog by accirax, where she went over every colored lyric in the MV and assigned each color a character based on the characters' color scheme and the lines themselves. I recommend checking out her whole post, it's really good and I won't talk about everything she brought up.
For our purposes, the important color is Mai's. And I agree with accirax that Mai is likely black (the color, not the skin tone). Although the color doesn't show up much in her color scheme, she's a generally cryptic character with a generally cryptic color. But the lines work with Mai better than practically anyone else:
>"You" x3: As pointed out by accirax, everyone is obssessed with Mai, so it sorta fits.
>"The track to the ideal country ->" The arrow points to a passage from "Utopia", btw. This makes sense with the HPA Operation. It's a vaguely revolutionary operation which seeks to improve the world, so you could consider that "the track to the ideal country."
However, we have to talk about the elephant in the room. Her color scheme would still set her up to be red. Maybe yellow if you count her eyes, but red is an important color for her. It wouldn't be unheard of for an important character to have two colors, since David has two. But red is a special color for color theory... because it's completely nonsensical.
Red is by far the most overrepresented color in the MV, having practically double the amount of lines any other colors do. And considering the color, you'd imagine it would either go to Mai, Xander or Veronika. However, no character fits all the lines that well, as explained by accirax in her posts. I explained in this reblog what I believe about this in detail, but essentially, I believe red is intentionally ambiguos, and any given red line can belong to any of the three characters I mentioned.
I'll quickly go over the way I would assign the red lines, but I'll only explain the Mai lines, since I already went into detail on the other ones in that reblog I linked to before. Keep in mind some may apply to multiple characters.
Unassignable: Aa, ah, isn't it?!
Veronika: whatever; go mad x3; broken; go insane?; won't change; original; you've killed so many; medicine; self-denial confessions; self-delusion.
Xander: are all just idiots (final verdict); Bye x2; Goodbye; escape!; together; are all just idiots!; ignorant; great applause!!!; won't change; original; and disappear!; 1; medicine; revolutionary; idiot; self-delusion
Mai: Bye x2; Goodbye; broken; God; and disappear!; medicine; revolutionary, self-denial confessions
I will mention, you can also give her all the "idiot" lines Xander has, as well as "won't change; self-delusion" and all that, since David (the guy presumably "singing") may be somewhat skeptical about Mai and her revolutionary ideas.
>Bye x2, Goodbye, broken, and disappear!: She's probably dead, so. I also inexplicably think "broken" works with her death, but not Xander's. I have no idea why.
>God: The biggest reason why Mai has to be included, the others just aren't as God-ish as Mai (hey, it's like that song!). Not much to say; it's connected to Mai via numeral XI, and I already explained why she could be "God" here.
>Medicine; revolutionary: She's a revolutionary thanks to the HPA Operation, and you could argue that means she's the "medicine" of society.
>Self-denial confessions: Mai works better with this line's original context (revolutionaries being coerced into going back on their ideals) than Veronika, but it still leaves behind the question of what exactly she's denying. Maybe denying the ideals of Ultimates, when she herself is (probably) an Ultimate? Something like that. I guess that could also work with Xander in hindsight.
So, there we go! Full interpretation of Color Theory as it relates to Mai. Wow, that was a lot for very little new info!
We're almost done with the MV, but first, we have to talk about the man himself.
David's Relation to Mai, and his Potential Involvement in the HPA Operation
But first, a side note.
Does David remember Mai?
There's a theory floating around that David might remember parts of his time at HPA, including Mai's existence. Check out this post by anderscim and reblog by xmicrophonyx if you want a full explanation, but I'll cover the main points here. It's a really good theory, and it's not any less plausible than some of the other theories I'll mention later in the post, but I don't quite believe it.
See, the main evidence for this theory is that the Literature Girl MV includes Mai's face in the portrait and an image of Xander with two eyes, as well as things like the morse code and possibly tally 5 which seem to reference David and Xander's relationship during HPA time. And that's my first issue with the theory, I just don't think the MV can be used for this.
Of course, it comes down to interpretation, but the way I see the MV is as an abstract form of storytelling, not a completely 1:1 view of David’s mind. Essentially, while a lot of it is spoken from the perspective of David, it’s not actually a reflection of his real mental state, but rather a representation for us the audience. It’s hard to describe :v
The main thing that I want to bring up in support of my interpretation is the youtube comments scene, I hope you know what I’m talking about. There’s no way David would be aware of these comments, such as the one referencing the J and Arei swap theory. In particular, the comment talking about (presumably, the names aren’t explicitly written) Teruko as a protagonist is impossible for David to conceive, since there’s no way he would know we see her as the protag; and the ones that namedrop Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi are practically impossible as well, as Veronika has claimed not to remember any other killing games before the one in DRDT. Kokichi in particular would be problematic depending on your interpretation of V3.
What does this mean? This means that the MV isn’t beyond showing us the audience things outside of David’s own mind, for the sake of storytelling. It’s not hard to imagine, then, that the scene with Xander having two eyes is meant to show us that they had a good relationship in HPA, even if David doesn’t remember it. Same with calling Mai “someone dearly loved.”
There’s also a few things about other characters which don’t quite match what David would know about them in the killing game. For example, Rose’s numeral: II. Ego cogito ergo (turbatus) sum. (I think therefore I am disturbed). This only really makes sense in the context of Rose’s conversation with Teruko and Nico, where she admits to having trouble separating reality from her memory and her dreams. But David wasn’t there for that. Another example is Teruko’s: XIII. or not to be? Which seems to reference her suicidal tendencies, implied in that one thing she said to Arei. Again, that’s not something David would be aware of during the killing game. 
Either David remembers way more about HPA than implied in the theory, or those are also examples of the MV going beyond David’s mind to continue telling us things about the story.
In xmicrophonyx’s reblog, she also brings up the pre-chapter dialogue as possibly being David’s. I… don’t see it, frankly. The pre-chapter 1 dialogue seems to fit Teruko more, imo.
“Half-remembering is worse than forgetting. Her name, his face…”
We know Teruko doesn’t remember Mai’s name based on the CH 1 EP 6 dream sequence from before, and the “he” could be her brother. Prosopagnosia, and all that. 
And while the chapter 2 dialogue could fit David and his feelings towards Xander  better, there’s nothing which explicitly implies he remembers anything about HPA before the killing game.
I still miss you. I miss you so much that I wish you had never been part of my life. The worst part is, even though you left me like this, there’s nothing I can blame you for.
Also I think that’s Eden but that’s besides the point.
And finally, now that you understand why I don’t think the evidence for isn’t very good, we have to address the evidence against. Mainly, the fact that David doesn’t seem to recognize Xander during his introduction. At all. He even explicitly says, “... I don’t believe we’ve met before”, and calls Xander “sir”. There was no indication at that point that they’d be missing memories, so David has no reason to pretend he doesn’t know who Xander is. In fact, I imagine that if he did remember Xander as having two eyes, and he sees him with an eyepatch, he would react to it in some way, right?
In conclusion, although I like the theory, I don’t think it’s very likely that David’s kept any memories from HPA time.
Anyways, back to my speculation. There is relatively little reference to Mai in the MV, so it's not like we can get much here, but there is still one thing I want to talk about. And that's the morse code at the end of the MV. As translated by dav-suburbiia:
Now, most people assume this is about Xander, which is perfectly understandable seeing the context of the MV. However, I think there's an argument to be made that this is actually about Mai.
The main thing here is the apparent contradiction which rises if we assume this is about Xander. The "you" in this code knows what David "has done", but they also seemingly aren't around anymore. If we assume the first is referring to David's "manipulation" thing, then this would have to be about HPA Xanvid, since we've never heard of David confessing his issues to killing game Xander. However, if the "you" really isn't around anymore, this would have to be for killing game Xanvid, since Xander only died in the killing game. Am I making sense?
This isn't conclusive, mind you. You could say the code never explicitly says the "you" is actually gone, just that David can't be someone without them. Or, alternatively, that David did reveal "everything [he's] done" during the killing gmae. But it's still an odd way to phrase all this.
So, is there any evidence this is actually about Mai instead? Well, if you squint. The code is directly followed by footnote 22: "The rest is silence". Silence is the dislike stated in Mai's profile. Word association coming in clutch.
But perhaps more interesting is the phrase "You still believed in me despite everything I've done", combined with:
David: She forgives everyone.
The "you" in the code forgave David, and Mai evidently forgave him as well. It's not conclusive either, but it could be a connection.
Under the interpretation that this is about Mai, it would be related to HPA time. Mai still believed in David, or at least, at one point David believed Mai believed in him, and apparently gave him a purpose in life.
The worrying part about this code is actually the middle. "But that's just fantasy, isn't it? I simply chose to believe that you did". Apparently, it's possible Mai never actually trusted or forgave David, another reason I believe it's possible this isn't actually talking about Xander. As established, Mai can be deceptive when she wants, so it could work. We're missing a lot of information, so what exactly this all would mean is up in the air.
But in any case, it's possible that if David was given purpose by Mai or Xander, he would be involved in the HPA Operation, though how exactly is obviously impossible to know. I know this is really weak, but...
Okay, can we talk about Tally 5 yet? I kinda have to talk about Tally 5. Don't worry, I won't actually post the image.
If you've been living under a rock under the past month or so, Tally 5 refers to an image you get to by solving a code related to the "correct/incorrect" code in the David MV and inputting it into a webpage accessed via the QR Code in the MV's books. I won't talk about the puzzle itself here, so if you want to solve it, maybe go do that or just scroll past this part of the post.
Anyways, as I imagine you know by now, Tally 5 shows David holding Xander's jacket with the following quotes under it:
I became a villain in pursuit of your dream.
I threw away my humanity for an ideal that I couldn't understand.
But I don't regret it. To "regret" is to imply that I could have done anything else.
I never told you, but the truth is, I wasn't capable of ever becoming human in the first place.
So in the end, you're always-
Listen, I'm not gonna pretend I have some sort of infallible exaplanation of what this means. I have several theories about it, and to give you an idea of how insane it is, one of my theories involves quote 3, the one about regret, being said by MonoTV. Don't ask. I might have to do a completely different post about all this, but I'm sorta waiting until I can read some other peoples' thoughts about it.
But for the purposes of this post, this, to me, heavily implies David was involved in the HPA Operation. He's probably talking about Xander here, and Xander's dream would be the HPA Operation, since as I said, it may have been his idea in the first place. That's the ideal David can't understand: an ideal to change a world David sees as immutable.
Now, the lone jacket would imply this isn't the case. It would seem David is saying this in the killing game, after Xander's death, as holding his jacket seems to imply he's gone. However, I don't know what the dream would be in that case. Killing Teruko? It's possible, but I find that unlikely.
So, yeah. Combined with the morse code, here's a full interpretation of what this could mean in relation to Mai:
Mai or Xander somehow learnt of David's true feelings and the way he sees his own actions. She/he forgave him, or at least pretended to forgive him, and this gave David hope. Mai/Xander then introduced David to the HPA Operation, and asked him to do something which would turn him into a villain, asking him to throw away his humanity for an ideal he couldn't understand. What exactly that would be is obviously impossible to know. David accepts, and even when the plan fell through, he doesn't regret doing what he did, because he feels he couldn't have done anything else.
Am I confident in this interpretation? Not really, but it's a plausible interpretation which is related to Mai and the HPA Operation, so I wanted to bring it up. There's a lot there which is probably wrong, but it's what I have for now.
And with that, we’re officially done with the MV! I mean, I may reference it later, but now the bulk of it is gone. Surely this means we can get to some lighter theorizing and-
Teruko Tawaki
Yeah, we gotta talk about the other elephant in the room. Mai and Teruko are clearly connected in an important way.
The first thing to note with them is that they’re generally set up as opposites. Of course, the most straightforward thing is the “dearly loved/dearly unloved” portraits in the MV, but it goes much deeper. Also in the MV, Teruko’s numeral appears right after Mai’s, if that counts for anything.
Another thing is their color scheme. Teruko is mainly associated with green, while Mai is mainly associated with red. And these colors are complimentary; they’re opposite in the color wheel. Not to mention, taking Teruko’s redesign into account, one could associate her with black and Mai, thanks to her uniform and the white camellias, to white. In particular, it’s notable white camellias actually have a white flower, but a black stem. They’re even the same height, at 5’8”! It’s so they can kiss each other in the lips more easily
Additionally, their attitudes from what we’re seeing are also opposite. Mai “forgives everyone”, which means she’s really trusting, while Teruko is (for now) very distrustful. That one’s a bit looser, but eh. May I even go so far, as to say that right now, Teruko represents despair while Mai represents hope? Alright, now I’m reaching, but it fits. Teruko is someone resigned to her horrible fate (luck), while Mai constantly fought for a better world. In fact, Xander, someone Teruko associates with Mai, calls our protag out on her hopeless view of fate… right before stabbing her.
Hell, practically all good things said about Mai? Not true of Teruko (at the moment).
Charles: A girl who loves her family.
Teruko’s an orphan, and doesn’t remember her brother.
Rose: She remembers everything that is important to others.
Well, you could consider people’s faces something important to them, but Teruko has prosopagnosia.
Arturo: A girl who sees the beauty in everyone.
If you watched chapter 2, you know this isn’t true of Teruko.
Honestly, I could keep going like this, but I feel you get the point. There’s no reason for me to dwell on this further when you can just read the quotes and figure out how Teruko isn’t described by most of them.
Well, one possible exception is Levi.
Levi: A girl with a floral tattoo on her arm.
Yeah, time to talk about this theory.
Theory I Absolutely Believe: Teruko and Mai are Tattoo ‘Bud’dies
(Get it? Because flowers and buds- Yeah, no)
So shoutout to cider-est for first pointing this out in this post, but it’s true. Teruko’s left arm is always fully covered, either by bandages or by her jacket sleeve. Which is especially odd, considering her right jacket sleeve is always rolled up.
And it’s especially odd, because her left arm is covered even in the jacket-off reference picture.
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And yes, there is a suspicious question mark next to Teruko’s left arm. It ain’t even subtle.
But if there’s still any doubt left in your mind, let skulemojee dispel it in this post, where they point out this image from Ch 2 Ep 2:
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Yep, you’re seeing that right. Those black lines on Teruko’s left arm look a suspicious lot like the stems of Mai’s tattoo. It's not perfect, since we can't see any flowers and that may just be scars, but we never get a good enough look at the back of Mai's left arm to know if the flowers are tattooed on the forearm, or if only the stems reach that far.
(Also, Teruko in this scene says she doesn’t remember that scar in her back. Part of me thinks it’s related to Mai and the time of the missing memories, but the more rational side of me tells me I need to chill and stop seeing Mai everywhere)
It's also worth noting this would explain the choice of camellias for the tattoo. Remember, although they represent death in Japan, they mainly represent platonic adoration and respect. A very pretty thing to get matching tattoos with your bestie. But since they're not colored they could be interpreted as red and thus romantic for the shippers
So, yeah. I believe they share a tattoo. Which gives a whole lot of context to the quote.
Teruko: Some years ago, she was looking for someone named 'Teruko Tawaki'
In case it wasn’t clear before with the way Mai smiled at Teruko in that dream sequence, or the way Teruko associated Xander with Mai before she got stabbed by him, the fact they possibly share a tattoo implies they knew each other for a while and had a good relationship with each other. Another indication is that Teruko's favorite color, in the latest Q&A, is stated to be red by association. Sorry Xanruko shippers, that's clearly about Mai, since Teruko associates Xander with Mai in the first place.
What exactly the timeline of this mess is, is... complicated if the tattoo thing is true. Because that would require Teruko and Mai to have gotten the tattoo when at least Teruko was 18, both in Japan and the US. In some states of the US, she would be able to get it at a younger age if she got parental consent, but... what parents? She's an orphan.
In fact, when does that dream sequence take place? Is it Hope's Peak time? Can't be, because Teruko wouldn't remember it. Actually, why doesn't Teruko remember Mai's name is Mai had been searching for her for a while?
Yeah, I can't pin down anything specific about their relationship. Obviously I can't, this is a big mystery and we're only in Chapter 2. The best I can give you is that their relationship was clearly very positive, even before HPA.
Which is what makes this line so weird.
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Mai: Hang on, "real Ultimate talent?" You're the Ultimate Student! I mean, it's not like you're a "Lucky Student" who was picked by lottery.
This line is really odd, isn't it? It seems uncharacteristically mean for Mai, to dismiss someone else's talent so readily. And Teruko's in particular, when again, they clearly liked each other well enough before HPA. This almost reads more like something Mai would say about herself rather than someone else...
Theory: Mai, the Second Ultimate Lucky Student
As established before, Mai has a slight self-depricative streak, where she says things about herself she would never say about one of her friends. So, the fact she's so quick to dismiss the Ultimate Lucky Student as a concept could imply she is the Ultimate Lucky Student. (ULS)
Of course, the first question is how this would work with Teruko. A HPA class only has one ULS, and Teruko's there. I've seen others suggest perhaps Mai was the ULS at Japan's HPA, which is apparently still a high school, so it's possible for her to go there and then go to US HPA, which is more like college.
However, I actually think there's an easier explanation. Mai and Teruko both went to US' HPA at the same time. They just went to different ones.
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Mai: The US Hope's Peak Academy takes in college-age students, and there's two of them, and we have this really weird curriculum, and there's a bunch of other things, and...
Yeah! Did you forget there's two HPAs in the US?! Because I sure did! I swear, I rewatched that Bonus Episode like 5 times before I caught that. How does this thing keep spawning in information?
I believe this is why Min specifically calls their class East Class 27. Seeing as this is in the US, I imagine there's likely an East Coast HPA and a West Coast HPA. But what would be the point of splitting the school like this? There's no reason the dev couldn't just keep them as just one HPA... unless there's a reason.
Because with two classes of the same age, there has to be two ULS of the same age.
Now, of course, it's possible West Class 27 is completely irrelevant to the story, but if you assume Mai is East Class 27's ULS and Teruko went to west coast HPA, a lot of things start to make sense. Have you ever wondered how Mai could have been in the same class as everyone else, when HPA usually only have 16 students? Well, it's because one (or more, possibly) just went to another class.
This also explains why we have to get this particular detail from a Bonus Episode. Although all the characters have talked about going to HPA, no one ever mentions which HPA they were invited to. It seems like a weirdly specific detail to omit, unless there’s a reason for it. Because if most of them were part of East Coast HPA, and one of them wasn’t, it would immediately stand out as strange to the cast.
And Mai does have some connections to luck. I mean, of course she does, her story is closelly intertwined with Teruko. For example, remember her birthday? February 1st? I told it'd be relevant, right? Well, as pointed out by fuji-iri in this post, on that day, there's 333 days left of the year. 3 is a number associated with bad luck, but there's also associations to "parting ways" and the three stages of life (birth-marriage apparently-death), again explained in the post I linked. That works with Mai and Teruko splitting up... whenever that happened, as well as Mai possbly dying, but the luck thing in particular is notable.
Now, the main reason I believed this before was just that "it's not like you're a 'Lucky Student' line", but as I researched this, I may have found something else? Except, it may just be me being horrible at code and getting really confused. If anyone can confirm or deny this, it'd be great.
Here's what happened. I noticed that when you look up Mai's name in Google, the text under the link to her page had Teruko's hidden quote: "It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all." So I went into the code again.
First, I right-clicked on the title (Mai's name) and clicked "inspect". I expanded the "<head>" section (God I'm bad at this), and found this under <meta name>.
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meta name="descripttion" content="Mai Akasaki Ultimate ??? "There's a way for you to be happy." It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all. The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of "Lucky..."
Now, at first, I assumed this was just a coding quirk where for some reason, I was seeing the text of the next character or something.
But, I checked some the other characters, and none of the ones I checked have the same style of text. Look, I'll transcribe some.
meta name="descripttion" content="Teruko Tawaki Ultimate Lucky Student “I will survive this, no matter what!” The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of “Lucky Student,” it seems like the only luck Teruko has is bad luck..."
meta name="descripttion" content="Xander Matthews Ultimate Rebel “Screw the rules!” Loud in both voice and personality, Alexander “Xander” Matthews earned the title of Ultimate Rebel through his consistent tendency to go against the..."
meta name="descripttion" content="MonoTV “Ultimate TV Show Host” “I’m the most beloved character in the cast!” A strange robot with a television for a head. MonoTV claims to be the “Ultimate TV Show Host” who is in charge of an..."
I also checked Veronika, Whit and Nico, but didn't check any more since the pattern's easy to see.
As you can see, usually this section of the code just has the name, the subtitle quote, and part of the body text. None of them have the secret quote, unlike Mai's, which has the quote which is supposed to be Teruko's. But Teruko's name or subtitle quote is never brought up in Mai's "meta name" thing.
Again, maybe I'm missing something, but it really looks like that is meant to be some kind of description of Mai.
It sort of fits. Teruko's quote about trust can fit Mai, hell, is completed by Mai. Teruko usually shows the failing of trusting no one, but Mai may be meant to show the failing of trusting everybody. Mai is also important enough that calling her "the protagonist" is fitting enough.
And, if that really is about Mai, then the final portion is confirmation. "Despite having the Ultimate title of "Lucky..." If this is about Mai, then Mai is unequivocally an ULS.
Again, I don't consider this conclusive because I am an idiot and could very easily be wrong. The wording is exactly the same's as Teruko's, so again, it may be a coding oddity. But with all the other stuff I mentioned, I can at least say this is the theory for Mai's talent I believe the most: She's East Class 27's ULS, while Teruko went to West Coast HPA as their ULS.
Anyways, anything else about Teruko? Oh, yeah, a final sub-theory on her.
Sub-Theory: Shot Through the Heart, Teruko's to Blame
Take a look at the 2nd Anniversary picture.
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[The three frames of the 2 year anniversary "video"]
Okay, I know you can't see shit here, but I'm running out of the 30 image limit. Check out lacunasweven's post where she discovered this (to my knowledge), and stfu-sage's reblog where he solved the code.
When solved, that code translates to “It’s all your fault”, which you may remember as MonoTV’s line about Mai.
So, Teruko reaches out for Mai, then “it’s all your fault” appears for a frame or two, and then suddenly Mai’s gone. It’s not exactly hard to imagine that this means Teruko is at fault for Mai’s death, or at least whatever consequences the HPA Operation had. How exactly is impossible to know, because again, it’s a mystery we’re not meant to solve yet. I have a gut feeling it’s probably related to Teruko’s luck, but that’s all it is, a gut feeling.
This doesn’t conflict the “Xander’s at fault” idea, if you’re curious. It’s possible for multiple people to consider themselves at fault for Mai’s death. Xander for bringing her into the HPA Operation, Teruko for her luck or whatever else happened.
Although… yeah, we gotta talk about that right? The scene before the prologue.
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I can’t say anything definitive, because again, not something we’re meant to figure out at the moment. But I can tell you what I think.
First, the PoV character is probably Xander. There’s a bloody fork there, and while I’m not the one who came up with the idea, (see: anderscim's post about this) that’s likely the weapon which was used to take out his eye. His wounds do look suspiciously fork-like, though I struggle to explain it without images, and I’m already stretching thin to make the image limit. I’ll have to ask you to look it up yourself.
Anyways, that may be Xander, and this may be the incident where Xander lost his eye. The reason I’m bringing it up is that, since Xander is involved, there’s a chance this is somehow related to the HPA Operation. Here’s a full transcript of what’s said:
... Fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, this really hurts... Ouch... I really wasn't expecting her to attack me like that. I made a massive mistake to trust them. I can't rely on anyone. All by myself... I have to end the killing game. And even if I can't do that... I have to kill Teruko Tawaki. No matter what.
So, a woman attacked Xander unexpectedly, managed to overpower him and stab his eyes out with a fork, then presumably ran away. And this all seemingly happened in some form of killing game. And Xander already wanted to kill Teruko.
I doubt Teruko was the one who attacked Xander. Because Xander calls her out by name at the end, and also because, how would Teruko be able to overpower Xander? Unless you “divine luck” your way into an explanation, I just don’t see it. In any case, it’s probably a different woman. Without knowing anything about the previous killing game, we can’t know much about this situation.
However, the fact that Xander already wanted to kill Teruko here is notable because it seems to imply this killing game happened after Mai's death. After all, Mai and Teruko had a good relationship, right? So Xander wouldn't have a grudge against her until after the HPA Operation fell through. The final conclusion here is that Teruko somehow caused Mai's death, which somehow led to the pre-series killing game. I think? Obviously, it's impossible to say anything conclusive here, and I don't even know what exactly the connection would be between Mai's death and the previous killing game.
And with that, we finish discussion of Teruko.
Quick Side Note: The Mai-stermind Theory
I’m not funny.
So, in case it isn’t clear yet by the fact I keep assuming she's dead, I don’t think Mai is the mastermind of the killing game. I’m aware it’s a possibility, seeing as she’s very mysterious and all that, but frankly, I just have never seen anyone seriously bring up this possibility, since there’s essentially no evidence. It’s also important to note, even if she is a mastermind, she can’t be the only mastermind, since we know one of the participants of the killing game is a mastermind as well.
To be fair, I did notice some connections to MonoTV while researching. Like I mentioned at one point, they’re the only characters without any highlighted words in their subtitle quotes. And the secret quote in MonoTV’s page is “Her name is Mai Akasaki”, but frankly that feels a bit too… unsubtle. Also... no, actually that’s kinda it.
I’ve also seen some people attribute the “teacher” speech to Mai, but I really don’t think that’s her. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the text in the code of the About page for DRDT on Tumblr. Here’s a post about it by delightfullydiscordant. I won't go into their theory on it, since it's unrelated to Mai. As you'll see, there’s nothing intrinsically relating the speech to our girl, and nothing in the text suggest she’s the one speaking, so I don’t think it’s related.
With what we know of Mai, I don’t think it makes sense to call her the mastermind. I’m only bringing it up now to be thorough, and because I didn’t know where else to put it :v
Other Characters, Miscellaneous Connections
Essentially just me talking about all the characters I haven’t covered yet, to see if any of them could have a connection to Mai or the HPA Operation than what may seem at first.
Already talked about: Xander, Teruko, David
No Evidence of Connection Beyond ‘Classmates’: Rose, Arturo, Levi, Hu, Nico, Ace, Arei, Min
What this means is that while it’s technically possible these characters are related to Mai and the HPA Operation, right now we don’t have any indication of it. Sorry. That doesn’t mean I don’t have things to say about them.
Arturo is usually so mean that, honestly, the fact he says anything positive about Mai at all makes me wonder if he may actually be related. Reminds me a bit of David’s quote, I guess. But maybe I’m just biased because I want this guy to be plot-relevant.
I guess Levi mentioning the tattoo in his line could be important, but unless he has the tattoo too (which is possible I guess, but I don’t quite see it), I don’t know what it could mean.
I could actually see Hu’s and Ace’s lines implying a connection to the HPA Operation, honestly. Seeing as they’re some of the only people who actually talk about her in the past tense, I think it’s possible they were involved. Hu would want to help Mai if she felt she “wanted to keep everyone safe”, for what it’s worth. I sorta hope Hu is plot-relevant too.
Even if Mai is talking to Arei in her current subtitle quote, I don’t see much evidence Arei would be involved in the HPA Operation.
You may be wondering about my old theory about the Sleepy MV and how it could tie back to Mai, and while I still think it's a possibility, I frankly don't believe it anymore. It requires a very specific reading of the song which I don't think is entirely accurate, and there isn't actually much connecting the MV to Mai. I still think Min's line being so overly insistent on Mai being "an average girl with nothing special at all about her" could imply their relationship may have broken down because of the HPA Operation, which makes sense. If Xander engineered the plan, obviously Min will dislike it on principle. But that's probably me trying to make Min more plot relevant than she actually is.
Only Connected via “Original Killing Game” Theory: Charles, J, possibly Ace and Arei
What the hell am I talking about? In the Color Theory reblog I mentioned earlier, I described a wild theory that quite a few of the characters we know were actually involved in that pre-prologue killing game, and we can learn who those characters are thanks to the word "original". Sound insane? It is. I won't go over the reasoning here, I'll ask you check the reblog I linked.
This is the "Original Killing Game" Theory, and it's one of the most far-fetched theories I've ever enginereed. But since it's sorta connected, I thought I'd mention it. The characters involved are Charles, Veronika or Ace, David, Teruko, J/Arei, Xander, MonoTV, Whit. I’ve already talked about some of these, and don’t think MonoTV is worth talking about, frankly.
So, why am I only bringing up Charles and J for now, as well as potentially Ace and Arei since they could actually be part of the theory depending on how you interpret the colors? Well, these are the only ones in the “original killing game” theory who I don’t think have any evidence of being connected with Mai any further. Since that theory is already insane to start with, and it’s possible Mai was already dead when that killing game started, I don’t think it tells us anything.
Although sometimes I wonder if J’s quote is talking about something other than Mariabella, but at the moment, I have no clue what that would be. So that’s still the likeliest possibility.
Eden: Eden
Eden, huh? In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been sorta dancing around Eden’s line a bit, because… like, what in the actual fuck does it mean.
Eden: She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up.
It’s such an odd line. It’s nothing like the other ones, which you’d think would make it significant, but it’s just… cryptic. I’m sorry, but while I think this probably means something, I don’t have a good answer of what it could be.
… Well, there is the one thing.
Crack Theory: Mai the Girl Kisser
This theory states that Mai is the girl mentioned in Eden’s secret, the one the Clockmaker kissed.
See? Theorizing’s easy! Just grab a random character we don’t know anything about, and slap Mai on top of it like a bandaid!
I’m aware the dev has sorta poked fun at people like me who see an unknown face and instantly jump on Mai, but at least this one has a bit more reasoning. Mainly, that I just don’t know what else Eden’s quote could be referring to.
Consider this concept: Eden and Mai kiss at some indeterminate point before HP, and Eden freaks out. She gets extremely worried about how Mai’s going to react, and she runs away. Mai tries to contact her afterwards, but Eden was avoiding her. Still, “[Mai] kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up”.
Is this essentially just fanfiction at this point? Practically, yeah, but I have nothing else.
On the insane off-chance this is true, it would come with certain implications. It would mean Eden and Mai had met before going to HPA, which is… uh, something. If it helps, that would mean their relationship would have a “new beginning” at HPA, and Eden’s character has some themes of new beginnings. Her birthday is on December 31st, so New Years, and her favorite color is daffodil yellow, when daffodils represent new beginnings. It’s small, but it’s there.
(And if you know who I am, you know I believe Eden killed Arei to reunite with the girl of her secret (long story). Mai helps here because of course she would have enough rizz to make a good girl go bad, have you seen how everyone talks about her? She would get all the bitches!)
Anyways, again, this is extremely silly, but it’s sort of the only thing I can think of for Eden’s line, so for now, have it. If anyone’s got better ideas, I’m more than open to hear them.
A Connection is More Plausible: Veronika, Whit
In no particular order, these are the characters, apart from Xander and Teruko and David, which I think have an actual chance of being involved with Mai and the HPA based on what we know so far. Let’s go a bit more in depth.
Veronika’s Peculiar Problem of Popping Up Fucking Everywhere
It is insane how many times I’ve brought up Veronika in this post without being able to pinpoint why exactly she keeps appearing. She shares the color red with Xander and Mai in my version of Color Theory, though admittedly that may just be her hair. She’s in the “original killing game” under that theory. Hell, she’ll show up again when I talk about Whit.
But by far, the most concerning thing about her is her line in the Mai page.
Veronika: A girl who didn’t foresee the consequences.
I’ve mentioned this line before, of course, because it’s clearly related to the HPA Operation’s fallout. In fact, it’s the only line apart from Xander’s and MonoTV’s which explicitly reference it. This could easily imply she was involved somehow, either as someone helping Mai and Xander, or actually going against them in some way. Whatever is more entertaining for her, I imagine.
There are two issues with this. One, I cannot discount the possibility that Veronika got that creepy and ominous line because she’s the creepy and ominous character, and it doesn’t actually mean anything for Veronika herself. It’s a very real possibility.
Two, even if she is involved, there’s nothing we have which could help narrow down what she did. Again, she’s too unpredictable.
In other words, while I’m putting Veronika here with the vague idea that she could be connected to it all, I don’t have any concrete theories.
Though maybe I should address the one Veronika-Mai theory which exists, for the sake of completion.
Crack Theory: Veronika Is Mai
To be clear, I don’t believe this. It’s pretty clear to me that Veronika is her own character with her own backstory. But I still want to point out some connections to show you how insane I’m going writing this.
+They’re both the same height (5’8”) and have long red hair. This is enough for my prosopagnosic ass to confuse them if they change hairstyle. Their weights and birthdays are different, but weight can change and birthdays can be lied about. Their chest sizes are different, though, so I’m pretty sure that rules out this theory already.
+Speaking of birthdays, August 7th, Veronika’s birthday, happens to be 7 months away from Teruko’s birthday on January 7th. 7? Lucky number. Lucky Student. Word association -> Mai.
+Veronika covers both her arms, so no tattoo would be visible.
+Veronika asks Teruko if she would recognize her were she to wear contacts, a wig and different clothes. This could imply she is, and would therefore be Mai.
+Her pose in the character profiles is vaguely similar to Mai’s, but flipped. This is interesting because no other character’s pose is even close.
+She wears a small earring given to her by someone named “Alyssa Belyaeva”. This by itself means nothing, but the earring is a small green triangle she considers a good luck charm. Luck?! And triangles have three sides. 3?! That number we said was unlucky and related to Mai before? And green. Green?! Teruko! Auasfruryg- <- short-circuiting from thinking too much.
+Veronika has plain brown eyes. Come on, have you seen this cast’s eyes? Those are absolutely contacts.
+Her hidden quote about people being broken could refer to the hopeful Mai being broken into Veronika as a result of the HPA Operation’s consequences.
Yeah, most of this is pretty silly, but again, I don’t think this theory is very likely, so I’m just poking fun at how suspicious Veronika can be at times.
Whit and Tetraphobia
At first, it doesn't really seem like Whit is too involved in this. I mean, his quote is pretty inoffensive:
Whit: A girl with many friends.
And sure, he is the Original Killing Game Theory, but even if that's somehow true, it's no guarantee he's involved in the HPA Operation or anything. Nothing really seems to connect him to Mai...
Except the one thing.
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XV. Remaining ignorant, isn't that "happiness"¹⁵?
XV is Whit's Roman numeral, and again it isn't too strange on its own. Other than being the only numeral to ever show up alongside another numeral, in this case Veronika's because of course it's Veronika's.
The issue is the background text. It's hard to see, but there's faint pink text saying "subtract 4, due to tetraphobia⁴". Footnote 4 simply defines tetraphobia, which is the practice of avoiding the number 4, as it's considered a number related to death, and is seen as unlucky. Of course, the fours themselves are colored green for Teruko, presumably.
But the important part is, what does this mean? The most straightforward idea is to subtract four from the numerals on screen, or perhaps the footnote?
For the footnote: Subtracting 15 - 4 = 11, quick math, and that's the footnote which talks about being an only child and that (presumably) Diana Chiem never existed. I... don't think that makes too much sense for this scene, frankly.
For Veronika's numeral, subtracting XIV (14) - 4 = 10. That's Min's numeral, which shows up in the part of the MV most directly tied to class trials. This could simply imply she enjoys the trials and the bloodshed, and it also looks somewhat mastermind-y, but that's not really new for Veronika. You could also do this one more literally, taking out 4 from 14 and ending up with 1, connecting her to Xander, and at this point I'm not surprised.
But, of course. The tetraphobia line only shows up when Whit's numeral does, and it's colored in the pink associated to him via Color Theory, though of course, being background text, the tetraphobia line isn't actually included in that theory. That would seem to imply it's about him, right?
Well, in the same vein as before, if you subtract XV (15) - 4 = 11 (XI). And... that's Mai's numeral, attached to the line "God is dead". So, uh-
Sub-Theory: Shot Through the Heart, Whit's to Blame
The idea that maybe Whit was somehow involved in Mai's death. By the end of the series, I'm gonna end up blaming half the cast for this, apparently.
So, the tetraphobia thing is the most straightforward piece of evidence towards this possibility, but there's a bit more. For one, in the recent Q&A, it was stated that Whit's least favorite color is gray because it's boring, and that's the color of Mai's numeral. Remember how I pointed out it's actually one of the only numerals to be colored? Yeah.
Furthermore, Whit's numeral appears right before Mai's, but that may just be the way the song works out, since LGI wasn't made for DRDT. However, remember that "become brainwashed: go do it!" line I said was directly after Mai's numeral? Yeah, the word brainwashed is color coded pink, connecting it to Whit via Color Theory. And, if that wasn't enough, in the section for footnote five, the one with the Japanese characters? The word blood shows up, in pink, as the song speaks about revolutionaries. Yes, DR blood is pink usually, but there is red blood in the MV (near the snake), and the characters canonically see it as dark red (since that's the stated reason why dark red is Xander's and Charles' least favorite color). My point is, the dev could have made the blood red there, and/or just written the symbol for blood in red, but since it's pink, Color Theory ends up connecting it to Whit.
All of this could point to Whit as another culprit of Mai's death, but don't jump to conclusions. For one, since we have no clue about the circumstances, perhaps he only accidentally caused the death. We've seen that Teruko is also likely to blame in some way, probably in a similar fashion. And because it may have been accidental, this also doesn't mean Whit has to be the mastermind. It makes him look oddly suspicious, sure, but nothing too damning.
And of course, there's a huge chance I'm reading too much into things. There are other explanations for brainwashed and blood, and it's still totally possible that the tetraphobia thing refers to Veronika or even the footnote.
A Summary of Her Story, So Far
To end things off, I'll go over everything I've concluded with what we know so far, though of course I know we're missing a lot, and that a ton of this is also probably wrong. Here's how this is going to work.
Regular text means this is something we pretty much know for sure.
Italics means it's a theory I'm quite convinced of.
[Brackets mean I'm relatively unsure about something]
*Asterisks mean the theory is insanely unlikely, and it can probably just be assumed false*
{Braces are for flavor text, you can ignore this for theorizing purposes}
Closing Argument
>Mai was born February 1st, 20--, to a nice family she loved. We know little about her childhood, but [it's possible she was friends with or somehow got interested in a girl named Teruko Tawaki. However, fate kept them apart for years]. But Mai was not easily deterred, she would search for and find Teruko, no matter what.
>*As she searched for Teruko Tawaki, she met a girl named Eden Tobisa. They kissed, but Eden freaked out and ran away. Mai tried contacting her, she kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up.*
>At some point before Hope's Peak, her and Teruko reunited. *Even when Teruko couldn't recognize her and even struggled to remember her name*, Mai still remembered everything that was important for Teruko, as she always did.
>Mai and Teruko, loving each other so much, decided to get matching floral tattos on their arms. White camellias, a symbol of adoration and respect.
>{But fate really didn't like to see them together.} Soon, Teruko received a letter, teling her she was chosen as the Ultimate Lucky Student of Hope's Peak's [West Class 27]. This was uncharacteristically good luck for Teruko, who before had to hop around schools, always stealing uniforms, just to get an education.
>{The problem?} At the same time, Mai received a letter that she was invited to join Hope's Peak's East Class 27 as their Ultimate Lucky Student, on the other side of the country. Mai never really cared much about Ultimates or Hope's Peak, {but Teruko insisted it was too good of an opportunity for either of them to pass up. They decided to keep in contact,} as Mai headed to East Coast Hope's Peak.
>Alexander Matthews is scouted as the Ultimate Rebel. David Chiem is scouted as the Ultimate Inspirational Speaker.
>At Hope's Peak, despite being an average girl with nothing special at all about her, she quickly became a girl with many friends. She saw the beauty in everyone, and everyone agreed she had a bright future. Everyone confided in her, J even telling her about her mother, something which Mai kept secret, and told no one.
(Okay, maybe fitting in all the quotes isn't as easy as I hoped it'd be)
>*She even reunited with Eden, and they decided their relationship would have a new beginning*.
>However, she also met a very interesting boy: Xander Matthews. He had gone to Hope's Peak with one goal in mind: revolution. He confided in her, as they all did, his issues with Hope's Peak and the system it was built upon. Mai was revolted by the truth, and asked what she could do to help. She couldn't stand to do nothing. She wanted to keep everyone safe.
>With that, the HPA Operation started.
>They started small; stealing a few documents here and there. [But their plans grew bolder over time.]
>[Along the way, they discovered something shocking]. David, who always spoke of change and hope, was hiding his true feelings. He didn't see himself as human, not being able to relate to his peers as the others did. He saw himself as a manipulative bastard for lying to all the people he gave speeches to. He hated himself, and expected Mai and Xander to hate him, too.
>[But they didn't. Xander still saw the best in him, and Mai? Well, Mai forgives everyone. And to make him see the good in himself, they asked him to help in the HPA Operation]
>He didn't understand it, not really. The world wouldn't change, no matter what Mai and Xander told him. But even though he didn't understand, he still wanted to help them.
>As the popular Ultimate Inspirational Speaker, David had more connections and influence than a simple Rebel or Lucky Student. That meant he could offer things to the Operation the other two couldn't, even if it was through... less than moral means. But to David, that was no object. He would become a villain in pursuit of their dream, throw away his humanity for this ideal. It's not like he could have ever been human, anyways.
>*Not everyone was as receptive, though. Min in particular, after finding out about the plan somehow, got quite angry with Xander and Mai. It wasn't unusual for the Student and the Rebel to disagree, but Mai still didn't like it when her friends fought*
>Mai knew it was risky, she really did. But nothing could prepare her for what was about to happen. She didn't foresee the consequences.
>[When Teruko was visiting], the HPA Operation faced a huge issue. A plan gone wrong, a variable miscalculated. And, with Teruko to blame, [and possibly Whit] *and Veronika, who got dragged into this mess at some point*, Mai died.
>{Chaos ensued. Mai's death broke the class, reverberating through the students like the rumbling of a fallen god's corpse. "It's all your fault!" Xander screamed at Teruko,} hiding that he felt responsible for her death as well. After all, he was the one who had dragged her along. And now, he was once again left alive to mourn a death he himself narrowly avoided. Talk about survivor's guilt.
>[One thing led to another, and a killing game was set up]. Xander and Teruko got stuck in it, with Xander losing his eye as he tried everything he could to end the game, or at least kill Teruko. *Charles, Veronika/Ace, David, J/Arei and Whit might have also present in this killing game, ran by MonoTV.*
>More stuff happened, and finally, the students all lost their memories and wound up in the killing game we follow throuhout the series.
>A shattered dream, a tragic fate, a broken hope. Though mystery continues to shroud her existence and her role in the story, for now, this is my final conclusion on the story of: Mai Akasaki, the Ultimate ???
Holy hell this was pain to write. I don't want to make another post this complicated for a while. Jesus. This broke my soul.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my insane ramblings, if you really were strong enough to put up with my madness for this long. I still want to hear any thoughts you may have, since this character is really interesting and cool and fun to theorize about.
But for now, I leave. Thanks for reading! If you made it this far, then just know, Mai would be proud of you! And you should know, because you should practically be a scholar on her by now. Take care!
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